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A89056 A further discovery of the mystery of the last times; as an addition to a little book, called Some discoveries of the mystery of the last times, bordering upon the coming of the Lord Jesus. Set forth for the good of all men; but especially of those who in these dissenting times (wherein Ephraim envieth Juda, and Juda vexeth Ephraim) know not where to settle themselves, or to what society of Christians to joyn themselves: wherein is (as simply and plainly, as the author was able to open those mysterious scriptures quoted in this following treatise) shewed the cause of all our divisions and contentions about matters pertaining to form and order in the church of Jesus Christ; and wherein is moderately proved from those scriptures these particulars. 1. The flourishing and building condition of the church of Jesus Christ in the time of the gospel. ... 7. Lastly, that the Lord Jesus will by himself destroy all those enemies, and deliver his people, when the restoration of all things shall be. Mercer, Richard, fl. 1649-1651.; Mercer, Richard, fl. 1649-1651. Some discoveries of the mystery of the last times, bordering upon the coming of the Lord Jesus]. 1651 (1651) Wing M1732; Thomason E637_16; ESTC R206616 80,538 60

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was in the first Gospel times the servants now have been asleepe and the Church hath lost her power the number of tares are above the number of the wheat besides the servants have lost that spirit of discerning as they had in the first times the Sun now is darkned and the powers of the heaven shaken that is removed and there is not that spirit of infallibility as was in the first Gospel times wherein the spirit or pure Anointing was able to try who were tares and who were good seed as is clear by our Saviour's words in verse 29. where he saith Nay least while yee gather up the tares yee root up the wheat also with them Secondly The Lord Jesus doth now expound the world to be his kingdome whereas before it was the Church which was particularly Christ's kingdome for in the same Chapter where this parable is set forth in verse the 38. he saith The field is the world and then in the 41 verse it is said And they shall gather out of his kingdome all things that offend and them that doe iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire This is also confirmed in the same Chapter in the parable of the draw-net which is cast into the sea which when it is full men draw to land and gather the good into vessels and cast the bad away Even so shall it be in the end of the world the Angels shall come forth and sever the bad from among the just It is further objected that whereas the Lord Jesus saith that he will gather out of his kingdome all things that offend and them that do iniquity this kingdome say they is that kingdom which the Lord Jesus will purge in the new world wherein there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord. To which I answer that although Antichrist hath gotten possession and doth Rule and Raigne in the Church yet the Lord doth call it his Church which I prove from these Scriptures Isaiah 27. 10 where he saith yet the defenced Citie shall be desolate and the habitation forsaken and left like a wildernesse there shall the calfe feed and there shall he lie down and consume the branches therof and 33. 14. where he saith The sinners in Zion are afraid fearfulnesse hath surprised the hypocrites who among us shall dwell with devouring fire which thews that there was sinners in Zion and hypocrites in them that walked in outward order for he saith who amongst us shall dwell in devouring fire who amongst us shall dwell with everlasting burnings he doth not say he that goeth out of this Sion in this or that order but he that walketh uprightly and speaketh righteously he that despiseth the gain of oppression that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes that stoppeth his eares from hearing of bloud that shutteth his eyes from seeing of evill where note here is no difference between the people of God and the sinners and hypocrites in Zion but Righteousnesse and yet Zion the like Isaiah chap. 49. 17. speaking of the Restoring of the Church he saith Thy children shall make hast thy destroyers and they that made thee wast shall go forth of thee which thews plainly that the enemies of the Church were possessed of her and did destroy her and make her wast The like you have Eezekiel 9. when the Lord sends to mark his people and to destroy those that had polluted his worship in an extraordinary measure which will bear a Type of the last times which I suppose cannot be denied where he saith unto them in the sixth verse which had the charge to destroy the city slay utterly old and young both maids and little children and women but come not near any man upon whom is the mark which shaweth they were mingled one amongst the other and begin at my Sanctuary where note notwithstanding this people had so much polluted his worship as is fully set forth in the foregoing chapter yet the Lord is pleased to call it his sanctuary and beside we read of no other sanctuary of the Lords at that time and therefore the enemies of the Lord were possessed of his Church and sanctuary the like you have in express termes the 2 Thessalonians 2. 4. where it is said speaking of the man of sin who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God shewing himself that he is God Now what can be plainer spoken that notwithstanding antichrist had gotten possession in the Church of God and ruled as God therein yet the Apostle cals it the temple of God Another objection is made touching the Virgins for say some men it is said in the text Then shall the kingdome of heaven be likened to ten Virgins which tooke their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom so say these men this going forth is as we do now out of Babylon by the ordinances of the Gospel as baptizing laying on of hands and all those ordinances which the Lord Jesus hath commanded his people to walk in untill his second coming To which I answer that I do believe that the going forth of the Virgins was out from the world to professe the name of Christ and not going out from Babylon which I shall further cleer but pray mark it is said while the bridgroom tarried all slumbred and slept so that here was a slumbring and sleepy condition between the going forth and the bridegroom 's coming which as I conceive is that slumbring and sleepy condition which I have proved from Scripture Secondly it is said and at midnight there was a cry made Behold the bridegroom cometh go ye forth to meet him where pray mark here is a midnight spoken of and I thinke there is no man will say that this midnight was either friday or saturday night that is one of these naturall nights wherein we take our rest but I conceive it is that midnight or darknesse which lies upon the Church of Jesus Christ immediately before the Lords bright appearing Thirdly it is said Goe yee forth to meet him I suppose no man will affirm it is meant going forth out of a mans house but it is that going forth out of Babylon or the Antichristian state by the beleeving Gentiles which lay in captivity among the Antichristian state and that going forth of the whole Israel of God after the flesh from among the nations in which they lay scattered so many ages to meet the Lord in Zion at the voyce of the great trumpet when he shall gather together his Elect from the foure windes of the heaven Isaiah 11. 12. and 27. 13. Mat. 24 31. and that voice of the second Angel mentioned Rev. 14. 18. and 18. 4. where it is said come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues It is further objected that in all ages there have been such
in the Church of God as have been but outward professors and therefore this makes not but that there may be a Church of Jesus Christ distinct from the world or that of antichrist and so his people may be in a Church order notwithstanding those proofes you have brought to the contrary To which I answer that there was as many foolish as wise but marke the posture they where in during this time which was that while the Bridegroome tarried all slumbred and slept Now if it be said they were asleep in spirit that is in such graces of the Spirit as love to the Lord Jesus as faith hope humility selse-deniall and all the graces of the Spirit wherein they were inwardly alive unto God in this sleepy condition if so then sure there was no difference between the wise and the foolish and then the wise must be in the number of those upon whom the day of the Lord did come and find them sleeping that is unprepared which sense being granted will overthrow the text it self for it is said that their lamps were not out whereas it was otherwise with the foolish for it is said that their lamps were out so that it must needs follow that the true sense of the place must be this That both wise and foolish were asleep in respect of outward order according to the first Gospel times or pattern and so lay together mingled under the bondage of Antichrist and so in that sense the wise were asleep as well as the foolish ut in respect of those inward graces of the Spirit as faith hope love selfe-deniall humility meekness and all those graces of the Spirit they were before the foolish virgins and this exposition is made good from Canticles 5. 2. where the Church professeth that she is asleep but her heart waketh And thus much to this objection Another objection is made against the abomination of desolation spoken of Mat. 24. 15. for say some men that the abomination spoken of in that place is the destruction of Jerusalem which fell out some forty years after our Saviours ascension for say they it is an answer to his Disciples which made the question touching the temple and besides it is said Luke 21. 20. when you shall see Jerusalem compassed about with armies then know that the desolation thereof is neer To which I answer and say that this objection seemeth to have some weight for I do believe that the destruction of the City and temple is there meant but that there is another thing meant I do also affirm which I shall thus prove Therefore pray mind in the beginning of the same chapter there are three questions demanded by the disciples one of the destruction of Jerusalem and temple a second of the signes of the Lords coming and a third of the end of the world and in the same chapter there is an answer given to either of them but in Luke the 21. there is but one question demanded by the Disciples touching the destruction of the City and temple and an answer given unto it by our Saviour and some little hint of the signes going before the Lords second coming And then look into the 17. of Luke and 20 and you shal find a question propounded by the Pharisees and an answer given unto them that is That the Kingdome of God is within you and that the kingdome of God cometh not with observation neither shall they say lo here and lo there for behold the kingdome of God is within you As much as if he should have said unto them think not that the kingdome of God cometh with the vain pompe of the world or with the observation of the Sacrifices of the Temple or the Ceremonies thereof which are now ended but saith he the Kingdome of God is within you when you do justice and love mercy and walk humbly with your God and when you fulfill that great commandment which is to love God above all and your neighbour as your self as it is cleer from all the Prophers which call upon them to do Justice and to love mercy Psalm 51. 16 17. Isaiah 33. 15. and 66. 2. Micah 6. 8. Zechariah 8. 16. 17. And likewise ver 23. there are instructions given unto his Disciples how they should behave themselves unto his second coming when once the abomination was set up for he saith The dayes will come when you shall desire to see one of the dayes of the son of man and you shall not see it Implying thus much You shall desire to return unto the wayes of the Lord Jesus but you shall not for they are polluted And you shall have such as shall say unto you see here and see there but he gives the warning saying Go not after them nor follow them for as the lightning that lightneth out of one part of heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven so shall the son of man be in his day which compared with Mat. 24. 24 25 26 27. veries fully agree together So that to me it seems cleer that there is some other thing meant besides pray look in my booke called Some Discoveries of the mysteries of the last times and you shall find five Reasons given why the polluting of the ordinances is there meant It may be further objected that in regard the Lord Jesus gives warning when his Disciples shall see the abomination set up that they should flee to the mountains how I can give it a mysticall meaning seeing the words are plaine compared with Luke 21. that it is the besieging and destruction of the Temple and City For answer unto which that there is a mystery in the words I have partly declared already and shall further cleer it as first I desire it may be considered that the Gospel as touching the believing part is altogether in a mysterie secondly consider that all the Prophesies and predictions of the Gospel are mysteries and not to be fulfilled in the letter which is cleer from those places in the same chapter as verses 26 27 28 29. with the whole following chapter Thirdly consider it had been to little purpose for our Savionr to have exhorted his Disciples and the Jews to have fled into the mountains of the Earth for they must then have perished for want of subsistence or else have fell into their Enemies hands for the Romans would not suffer the Jews to inhabit any part of Judea until they had submitted themselves un to them for Josephus Of the Wars of the Jews makes mention of a part of the Jews which were fled into a wood for succour and the Romans made warr against them and destroyed almost all of them as may be seen in the history of their Wars which place having not the book in my hands I cannot direct the Reader unto therfore it must necessarily follow that it was to the mountains of the nations unto which they were exhorted to flee It may yet further be objected how I can
shepherd to rule over them which should destroy them and of evill shepherds you may read fully in Jerem. the 23. and Ezek. the 34. I shall in the fifth place come to prove the people of Gods posture to be watching and prayer without the benefit of ordinances in their purity during the dead condition from the Churches owne confession walking in outward order which I prove from Isaiah 26. 19. where it is said we have been with child we have been in paine wee have as it were brought forth wind we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen as much as if the Church should have said we have strived to deliver our selves out of our captivity by walking in that order which we have set up but we have brought forth nothing but wind neither have we wrought any deliverance in the earth neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen we have desired to destroy Babylon and to deliver our selves but it comes to nothing and to no effect And then in the next verse The Lord Jesus as I conceive answereth her saying Thy dead men shall live together with my dead bodie shall they arise Awake and sing ye that dwell in the dust as much as if he should have said although that you now seem dead and lie in the dust in respect of outward order according to the first Gospel times yet when my dead body that is the Church shall arise why then awake and sing Now if any should ask any of our professours if they did not travell to bring forth our Lord Jesus and to destroy antichrist by their walking in those professions doubtlesse they would answer yea for it is the principle of every profession Sixthly I shall prove the people of Gods posture to be watching and prayer during the dead condition from the condition the people of God shall be in when he appears and destroyes all their enemies and restores them they being like a wildernesse and all false waies in a flourishing condition this is proved from Isaiah 29 19. where it is said Is it not yet a very little while and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitfull field and the fruitfull field shall be counted as a forrest compared with Revelation the 12. 14. and Isaiah the 32. 15. where it is said Vntill the spirit be poured out upon us from above and the wilderness be a fruitfull field and the fruitfull field be counted as a forrest now what can be more cleerly spoken then this touching this thing for it is the principle of every profession at this day for they say that the waies we now practise are the waies by which the Lord Jesus will more and more draw out his people into Gospel order untill he have fully brought them out of Babell and prepared them to meet him in Sion and this is the saying and tenent of every profession whereas contrariwise he saith by his Prophet that at the time when the spirit is poured out from on high his people shall be like a wildernesse and the false worships be counted as a fruitfull field and then is that great change wrought But it may be objected that before we tooke upon us the profession of the Gospel we were like a wildernesse but since we came into Gospel order we have been like a fruitfull field and this change is now a working To which I answer that this change shall not be wrought untill the Lord destroyes Babylon or the antichristian state and this is cleer by Isaiah the 35. and the first and so forth for in the foregoing chapter being the 34. the Lord sets before us the destruction of all nations but especially of Idumea which I conceive in the mystery to be antichrist or false brethren as Edom was to Israel and in the 14. verse he comes to say as it were that now the people of God are delivered out of her The wild beasts of the desart shall also meet with the wild beasts of the islands and the satyr shall cry to his fellow which compared with Revelations the 18. 2. doth fully agree now mark what followes in the 35. chapter where it is said The wilderness and the solitary place shall he glad for them that is for their destruction and the desart shall rejoyce and blossom as a rose So that I conclude from this text if there were no more that before the Lord destroys antichrist with the spirit of his mouth and the brightnesse of his coming the people of the Lord Jesus shall be in respect of outward order and discipline like a wildernesse and desart and Babylon and all false waies shall be in a flourishing condition like a fruitfull field And thus much to this proofe While my cogitations were exercised about this Treatise there came to my hand a little book written by Thomas Vane Doctor of Divinity and sometime Chaplain to the late King of England intituled A lost sheep returned home or the Motives of the Conversion to the Catholich Faith of Thomas Vane penned in Paris in the yeer 1648. Which book having read and diligently considered I found that he did propound to consideration severall marks of the true Church where in the 17 and 18 chapters he makes conversion of Kingdoms and Monarchs and sanctity of doctrine and life to be marks of the true Church and applyes it to the Church of Rome which having diligently considered I was at a pause but weighing well what this sanctity of doctrine and life was I found it was chiefly in instructing her children in not onely confessing themselves to God but also confessing to the priests not onely sorrow for sin but also doing penance for the same and such as the Church injoyneth obliging to set times of fasting and prayer and magnifying the merit of good works commending the sublime acts of voluntary poverty chastity and obedience and the exercising of other great acts of austerity for to subdue sin in the sleth and to professe our love to Christ in these things which having diligently considered mee thought he had almost forgot the true duties of christian Religion mentioned in those two places Isai. 58. 6 7. and James 1. 27. where the Prophet saith thus Is not this the fast that I have chosen to loose the bands of wickedness to undoe the heavie burdens and to let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoak Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry and that thou bring the poor that is cast out to thy house when thou seest the naked that thou cover him and that thou hide not thy self from thine own flesh Where note one of the duties of Christianity is to do good to our own flesh which cannot well be done by afflicting our bodies by unnecessary fastings and great austerity And the Apostle St. James saith Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this to visit the fatherlesse and widows in their affliction
he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth and if we in outward carriage towards men do watch over our own corruptions and order our lives and conversations aright and in our worship towards God use prayer and praises from a pure heart which is the only sacrifice he accepts we have his promise which cannot ly that unto such he will shew the salvation of God Psalm the 50. 23. And so much for this sleepy and dead condition of the people of the Lord Jesus Christ. It hath been a question put by some to me how I proved the four beasts which did give glory to God upon which I grounded my book called Some Discoveries of the mysteries of the last times to be four dispensations of the people of God under which they ly in severall shapes or conditions which to satisfie all men that doubt of the truth of that exposition I desire such men to look Revelation the 5. 8 9 10 verses where it is said And when he had taken the book the four beasts and the four and twenty Elders fell down before the Lamb having harpes and golden viols full of odours which are she prayers of the Saints and they sung a new song saying Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seales thereof for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests and we shall reign on the Earth which proof through a mistake was left out which now I have inserted to satisfie all men which doubt the truth of it I shall now in the fourth place speak of the fourth particular in order That the Lord Jesus will appear most gloriously to deliver his people by himself And this all the prophets bear witness unto As first the prophet David in the 50. Psalm and 2. verse where speaking of the Lords glorious appearing saith Out of Sion the perfection of beauty hath God shined Our God shall come and shall not keep silence a fire shall devour before him and it shall be very tempestuous round about him The like in Psalm 45. 3. he saith Gird thy sword upon thy thigh ô thou most mighty withthy glory and majesty and in thy majesty ride on prosperously The like he saith in Psalm 72. speaking of the peace and righteousness which should flourish in Christs kingdome in the type of Solomon the 9. verse And blessed be his glorious name for ever and ever and let the whole Earth be filled with his glory amen amen So in the 97. Psalm the prophet saith speaking of the glory and majesty of Christs Kingdome The Lord raigneth let the earth rejoyce let the multitude of the Isles be glad thereof clouds and darkness are round about him righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne a fire goeth before him and burneth up all his enemies his lightnings lightned the world the earth saw and trembled The like Isaiah speaking of the glory of Christs kingdome in chapter 4. 2. and 22. 22 23. and 63. 1 2 3. in all which places of the same prophet mention is made of abundance of glory at the Lords appearing to deliver his people So likewise Ezekiel chapter 43. 2. and Daniel chapter 7 14. Hosea 6. 3. Micah 4. 1 2 3. Nahum the first and 3. Habakuk 3. 2 3. in all which places there is mention made that when the Lord appears and restores his people there will be abundance of glory Secondly I shall proceed to speak of that glory that is set forth in the new Testament as Matthew 17. 1. Mark 9. 2. Luke 17. 24. Matthew 24. 27. 2 Thessalonians 2. 8. Rev. 14. 15. and 14. 1. and 18. 1. and 19. 11 12 13. In all which places there is mention made of that glorious appearing of the Lord Jesus when he comes to deliver his people Now it being so that the next appearing of the Lord Jesus will be with abundance of glory according to his own speech unto his disciples Matthew the 16. 28. which was performed unto Peter James and John in Matthew 17. 2. and according as those texts before mentioned do abundantly prove It will be therefore necessary to see and consider whether there be any glory at present any way answerable to these texts of Scripture above quoted or any way coming neer unto it among the severall professions of this age as for those single congregations which go under the name of Independent or Baptist or any other which profess to walk in the way of the Gospel no nor yet the Seekers they ascribe unto themselves no such thing But for those men which go under the vulgar name of Ranters they do ascribe unto themselves a great perfection namely that they are come to Sion and enjoy God perfectly and that God is all in all unto them and that the Son in them hath delivered up the kingdom unto God the Father as may be seen in their books therfore let us examine what sign of glory is so excellent amongst them As first to begin with their persons as they are men I am not able to discern as yet but that they are men subject to the like passions as other men and therefore in that respect no such glory as for those miseries which are incident unto mans life as hunger thirst cold heat sicknesse and diseases which are common to men they have their part as other men for ought I can yet see and therefore no such glory As for those gifts and graces of the spirit as faith hope love self-deniall meeknesse temperance patience I see no greater measure in them then in other Christians and therefore no such glory As for perfection and a life free from sin and uncleannesse I see no such excellency in them more then in other sorts of Christians as it were boasting that they can do such and such things which are in themselves wicked and yet unto them without sin therefore in that respect no such glory As for any spirit of infallibility in them speaking as the oracles of God more in them then in other Christians I see no difference nay what prophesies of theirs are come to passe therefore no such glory in the least degree Therefore I conceive I may conclude with this argument against them that the first appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ both in himselfe and in his Apostles was glorious witnesse the spirit descending like a dove upon him and also upon his Apostles there did appeal unto them cloven tongues like unto fire and sat upon them and they were filled with the holy Ghost Acts 2. 3 4. But the second appearance of Jesus Christ will be with much more glory as may be seen Mathew 17. 2. But that perfection and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ in those men as they pretend comes short of the glory of the first times as experience witnesseth therefore I conceive I may safely conclude