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A37496 A plain and necessary confutation of divers gross and antichristian errors, delivered to the vniversity congregation, the last commencement, anno 1653, by Mr. Sydrach Simpson, master of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge Dell, William, d. 1664. 1654 (1654) Wing D924; ESTC R207233 64,161 91

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they make sport with the Scriptures and cast lotts upon them as upon the Garments of Christ every one dividing to himself a share of them according to his own humane and Philosophical apprehension And he saith that the Doctors of these Universities are by the same providence called Doctores Scholastici i. e. Ludicri vel Illusorii School-Doctors that is mocking or May game Doctors Again he saith those most glorious Mothers of studies the Universities stink before God with most loathsome abomination These Universities are those Antichristian Souldiers who put a Reed into Christs right hand instead of a Scepter and this reed is Philosophy that vain deceit or as the Apostle else where terms it the Operation of Error by which Philosophy saith he the unhappy people of Christ began to be governed that is to be seduced and to be led away from the Gospel of God And this vain Reed they put into his right hand by preferring Learning before Godliness saying according to their usual manner of speaking he is a Learned and a godly man hereby making Learning to take place of Godliness And yet this Philosophy is nothing but a weak Reed which counterfeits a Scepter rather then represents it and so is nothing but vain deceit for there is nothing propounded in such Doctrine but vanity and lying though under the title of Knowledge and Religion In a word he calls them Antichristi Lupanaria the Stews of Antichrist Melancthon also terms the Universities Domos mendacii Houses of lyes and saith it is manifest that they are all heretical by their School Divinity which all the Schools in Europe have received from the University of Paris and are thereby infected with heresie and he saith the students in the Universities are not the people of the Gospel nor yet of the Law but are the people of Aristotles Morals And thus it is manifest that others have spoken freely and sharply against the Universities before now And therefore wise and Godly Christians will have no just cause to be offended at me who have spoken in like maner having the same cause Object Now if any shall Object that they all spake against Popish Universities and that our Universities are otherwise now then they were then and so there is not the same cause to speak against them now as there was heretofore Answ. To this I answer That though the outward form of gross Popery be taken away from them as also from the rest of the People of this Nation God having put it into the hearts of the Civil power to reject it after the light of the Gospel had begun to shine to them yet are the heart bowels bones marrow sinews and blood of the Universities the self-same now as heretofore and though the outside of it hath passed under a very little change yet the inner parts of it remain as before in the full strength of Antichrists Kingdom and that without any alteration at all For the self-same Statutes of the Universities and Colledges still remain with them in force which were at first given to them by their Popish Founders through the help of Antichrist and these Statutes are of such Authority with them that they depart from the Rule of Christs Gospel to walk by the rules of sinful men for worldly stipends and rewards Farther the same Philosophy or Heathenism and the same School-divinity or Antichristianism are yet instilled into the youth and students as were many hundred years ago in the darkest times of Popery and these things are all in all in the University Learning and Education insomuch that no man is of any esteem and reckoning with them know he the Gospel of Christ never so soundly and truly if he be not as they speak a good Philosopher and School-divine So that the University for its inside is the self-same now as it was in Wickliff Hus or Luthers time being informed and possessed with the same Heathenish and Antichristian Doctrine now as then Yea many of the self-same outward and Antichristian forms and follies still remain with them more then with any other people in the Nation again even to their Hoods Caps Scarlet Robes Doctoral Ring Kiss Gloves their Doctoral Dinner and Musique neither could they ever yet to this day find in their hearts to lay aside their very Praevaricator which is some notable Varlet picked out of the University and brought forth in the presence of all the Heads Students Schollars and all the great resort of Ministers and People at their publique Commencement to make shipwrack of Faith and a good conscience before them all and in open defiance of the Gospel which stands in faith and love to abuse and deride and jeer and reproach all sorts of persons of all ages sexes professions and this presently after their Divinity Acts which is a wickedness the very Heathen would be ashamed of and which plainly declares what kind of Divinity is taught and learned in the University which can endure allow countenance and be merry at that which so highly contradicts Gods Word and grieves his Spirit yet because it makes them merry after a full dinner and puts more joy into their hearts then the holy Scriptures they could hitherto dispense with all to this day And so however Religion for the outward form hath been much reformed in these Nations yet the Universities as the strongest Holds that Antichrist hath had amongst us have still remained much what the same not only as to the inward substance of all things to wit their Statutes Philosophy and Divinity but also in a great measure to their outward forms as they were in their first Antichristian Institution Wherefore it was necessary also that I should be plain and free for Christs sake and his Churches against these as Luther calls them stews of Antichrist and Dens of Thieves who have been and still are the constant and fruitfull seed of Antichrists Kingdom in the world out of which it might suddainly on all occasions and opportunities grow up afresh how greatly soever it had been before wasted and destroyed among the people by the clear word of God and his mighty Providences and Works accompanying it Now as it was necessary this work should be done so through the Grace of Christ was I made willing to do it seeing no body else more fit and able did appear And well knowing that he that provokes the Universities and Clergy against him provokes Principalities and Powers and the Rulers of the Darkness of this world against him as is evident in the example of Wickliff Hus Luther Tindal and others I have therefore according to Christs Counsel sate down and counted the cost of this undertaking and after all do say the Lord is on my side I will not fear what man can do unto me And so I commit thee Christian Reader to that Grace which is from God to keep thee in this new hour of Temptation if the Lord suffer it to come forth upon the earth 4.
Againe saith he Every Sect State and operation which Christ doth not approve in his Gospel is in reason to be rejected and therefore seeing Christ doth not approve but reprove the forenamed heathenish Mastership it is manifest that it is to be discharged and cast out of the Church Againe saith he Note that the name of an office doth much differ from the name of a Scholastical Graduation heathenishly brought in He saith also That Christ hath specially forbidden his Disciples heathenish or Scholastical Mastership and that Christ would have the name of Master or Doctor singularly reserved to himself seeing he by reason of his hypostatical union hath a certaine excellen●y which cannot agree to any other of mankind And concludes That seeing there is danger in attributing to men the Title of Master or Doctor in Divinity therefore in good reason those Titles are to be shunned in the Church of God John Hus also saith That they who take to themselves Academical Degrees and Titles answerable do go in the apparel and harness of the mystical body of Antichrist who is the King of all the children of pride to wit of the Masters and Doctors in Divinity Again in another place he speaks to this purpose Christ saith he saith Joh. 8. Neither came I of my self but the Father sent me so the Saints have come in the name of the Lord Jesus and in the name of Jesus they have performed their Priesthood and he is the Crown of their glory * and by this they are distinguished from certaine who are otherwise crowned as Masters and Doctors and Batchelors and from others of other kind of Titles according to the manifold wisdome of this world for these excelling others by their pains and through their own science and learning are notably beautified with their own titles and crowns and therefore do rather perform their office in their own name then in Christs Thus he Luther Speaks much to this purpose also but I shall have occasion to use him more largely Zuinglius on that Scripture Mat. 23. Be ye not called Doctor for one is your master Christ c. saith thus Thou hearest here that these titles of Masters and Doctors are not of God seeing Christ forbids them Conradus Pellican also a godly preacher having the sense of this on his death-bed desired his friends that he might by no means be buryed as the manner then was in the habit of a Doctor quia sperabat se resurrecturum ad judicium non ut Doctorem sed ut humilem Christianum because he hoped he should rise to judgement not as a Doctor but as a humble Christian Now me thinks the clear and precious word of Christ alone should take off the Universities and Clergy from giving and receiving these Degrees and titles if they do in good earnest profess themselves to be his Disciples but how much ought they to be ashamed and confounded when they see other believers for the love of Christ and his word utterly renouncing these things before their faces that they if they persist may be left wholly without excuse before Christ and his Church And now for the conclusion of this matter I shall hold forth to the Universities the true Degrees which Christ the Son of God did himself take in the Church of God and which all his Saints are to take after his example Jesus Christ the Son of the living God the first and chief Teacher of the new Testament did neither commence Batchelour nor Doctor in Divinity but he took five other Degrees wherein the University-Graduates are usually wanting Christs first Degree in the Church was this that He was the Son of God as the Lord said to him Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee and againe This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased And this is the first Degree that Christ himself took in the Church his Divine Sonship according to his Humane nature And this Degree all the faithful take with him for they all are begotten of God and born of the immortal seed of his word and their being the children of God through faith is the first Degree also that they take in the Church 2. Christs second Degree in the Church was his unction with the spirit for being the Son of God the spirit of God came and sate upon him in the forme of a Dove which was his New Testament-Baptisme and his first Degree was confirmed to him by the Father when he took this second for whilst the spirit rested on him a voice from heaven said Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased And this second Degree also all the faithful take with Christ for they all as his fellows are anointed together with him the chief among them they as members are anointed together with him the head with the same oile of gladness and being sons God sends the spirit of his Son into their hearts and the spirit of the Son in their hearts is a sure testimony they are sons and their second degree also confirmes their first to wit the Gift of the spirit their s●nship 3. Christs third degree was this that after he was anointed by the Spirit and declared to be the Son of God then for the proof of both He was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil fourty dayes and nights together and in all these temptations through his Sonship and unction he overcame the divel and came away Conqueror And this was his third degree in the Church of God that the anointed Son of God overcame the devil in all the greatest and most grievous temptations he could assault him with And this third degree also all the faithful take with Christ for when they are the anointed Sons of God Satan sets upon them with all sorts of Temptations and they are led by the Spirit of God to wrestle with principalities and powers and spiritual wickednesses set in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world and yet they in the strength of their Sonship and unction with Christ do also with him tread Satan under their feet and go away Conquerors through the Grace of God in them and this also is their third degree in the true Church 4 Christs fourth degree in the Chur●h was this that after his Sonship unction and victory over the devil in all Temptations he then went forth as a fit and able Minister to teach the Gospel of the Kingdome against all the enmity and opposition of the world Devil and false Church as is taught us Mat. 4. v. 11. 17. And this fourth degree also all the truely faithful take with Christ For after they through faith are the sons of God and through their Sonship are anointed and through their unction overcome the devil in all his Temptations then also they preach the Gospel of the kingdome being all of them a chosen Generation
their Ignorance is manifest to all and is judged of all and they through their rudeness can never long deceive the world but now when men are as destitute of the Spirit as they and yet have Humane Learning and the Letter of the word in a Philosophical sense to help them this is that that indangers and deceives the world the people supposing the doctrine of the Gospel according to Philosophical learning to be the Ministration of the spirit and to be sufficiently enough to instruct the Church And so Antichrists kingdome is set up with credit and renown by these whereas the Ignorant Teachers who are destitute of the Spirit are able to do him no considerable service But Christ will not have the Learned men to be Teachers in his Church through their Learning and as little will he have Ignorant men to teach in his Church because of their Ignorance but whether men be learned or ignorant according to the world it is no matter in Christs Church where each man is to speak in the Spirit of Christ which makes alike both the Ignorant and the Learned wise in Christ and so the Learned man becomes Ignorant in the Church to be Learned in Christ and the Ignorant man without worldly Learning forthwith becomes wise in Christ and the Learned and the Ignorant meet together onely in the wisdome of Christ which is the wisdome of God and swallows up at once all the Learning and Ignorance of the world alike and will have all wise alone in it self Wherefore all Universities being left and forsaken as to this matter let Learned and Ignorant men come alike to Christ to be made wise in him who is made unto us of God our only wisdome FINIS THE Right Reformation of Learning Schooles and Universities according to the State of the Gospel and the True Light that shines therein THough I do not pretend to that wisdome which might direct the world farther then the word of God is with me yet shall I be bold as one who desires to be faithful to Christ and profitable to his true Church to offer my apprehensions and advice to the Called Chosen and faithful Ones of Christ that either now are or hereafter may be in Authority in these Nations touching the instructing youth and ordering Schools 1. First therefore as to this matter I do judge there neither is nor can be any greater evil then to bring up children in ease and idleness and that they should have nothing to do but to do nothing and to live freely and without controule according to those natural lusts and corruptions which they bring along with them into the world which do soon wonderfully improve through such a careless and unnurtured life And such children and youth usually become an early prey to the devil who readily fills them with all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of the heathen 2. I conceive it meet that the Civil power or chief Magistrates should take great care of the education of youth as of one of the greatest works that concerns them and as one of the worthiest things they can do in the world inasmuch as what the youth now is the whole Commonwealth will shortly be 3. To this end it is meet that Schools if wanting be erected through the whole nation and that not onely in Cities and great Towns but also as much as may be in all lesser Villages And that the Authority of the Nation take great care that godly men especially have the charge of greater Schools and also that no women be permitted to teach little children in Villages but such as are the most sober and grave and that the Magistrate afford to this work all suitable incouragement and assistance 4. That in such Schools they first teach them to read their native tongues which they speak without teaching and then presently as they understand bring them to read the HOLY SCRIPTURES which though for the present they understand not yet may they through the blessing of God come to understand them afterwards 5. That in Cities and greater Towns where are the greater Schools and the greater opportunities to send children to them they teach them also the Latine and Greek tongues and the Hebrew also which is the easiest of them all and ought to be in great account with us for the Old Testaments sake And it is most heedfully to be regarded that in teaching youth the Tongues to wit the Greek and Latine such heathenish Authors be most carefully avoided be their Language never so good whose writings are full of the fables vanities filthiness lasciviousness idolatries and wickedness of the heathen Seeing usually whilest youth do learn the Language of the heathen they also learn their wickedness in that Language whereas it were far better for them to want their Language then to be possessed with their wickedness And what should Christian youth have to do with the heathenish Poets who were for the most part the Devils Prophets and delivered forth their writings in his spirit and who through the smoothness quaintness and sweetness of their language do insensibly instill the poison of lust and wickedness into the hearts of youth whereby their Education which ought to correct their natural corruption doth exceedingly increase and inflame it Wherefore my counsel is that they learn the Greek and Latine tongues especially from Christians and so without the lyes fables follies vanities whoredomes lust pride revenge c. of the heathens especially seeing neither their words nor their phrases are meet for Christians to take into their mouths and most necessary it is that Christians should forget the names of their Gods and Muses which were but Devils and damned Creatures and all their Muthology and fabulous inventions and let them all go to Satan from whence they came 6. It may be convenient also that there may be some Universities or Colledges for the instructing youth in the knowledge of the l●beral Arts beyond Grammer and Rhetorick as in Logick which as it is in Divinity as one calls it gladius Diaboli the Devils sword so in humane things if it may be of good use if Reason manage that Art of Reason but the Mathematicks especially are to be had in good esteem in Universities as Arithmet●ck Geometry Geography and the like which as they carry no wickedness in them so are they besides very useful to humane Society and the affaires of this present life There may be also in these Universities or Colledges allowed the studies of Physick and of the Law according to that Reformation which a wise and godly Authority will cause them to pass under both being now exceedingly corrupt and out of order both for practice and fees 7. But why these Universities or Colledges should be onely at Cambridge and Oxford I know no reason Nay if humane learning be so necessary to the knowledge and teaching of the Scriptures as the Universities pretend they surely are without love to their brethren who would have
Again if any shall Object in reading this Reply that I my self make use of Humane Learning whilst I speak against it I Answer what part of Philosophy is here made use of or who of the Heathens are here quoted I have chiefly made use of the Testimony of some faithfull Christians who have lived in several ages and yet have all witnessed by the same Spirit the same Truth And it is no more Humane Learning to quote Believers in the Church since Christ then to quote the Patriarks and Prophets before Christ or the Apostles and Evangelists which immediatly followed him 5. And last of all If any say I my self relate to the University why then do I speak against it thus I answer that I neither do nor will relate to the University as it is polluted with any of the Abominations herein mentioned But as by the Providence of God alone I have been brought to that Relation in which I now stand and continue in it against the wills and workings of many so through his good pleasure I will remain till he shall otherwise dispose of me and during my sojurning with them I will not fail to testifie against their evil and to endeavor to win all those whom God shall perswade to receive his Truth from Heathenism to the Gospel and from Antichrist to Christ Wherefore let none be offended that I am made willing to hazard and part with my worldly accommodations for Christs Names sake but let them rather praise the Grace of God which hath enabled me to witness a good confession what ever worldly disadvantage I might run into thereby Wherefore welcome the Kingdom Righteousness Power Wisdom Word of Christ though they swallow up all my earthly accommodations For such love hath the Lord put into my heart that I would not willingly conceal any thing of his most precious Truth either to gain or to preserve to my self the whole World And so righteous Father not my will be done nor theirs but Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven FINIS Isa. 62.1 For Sions sake I will not hold my peace and for Jerusalems sake I will not rest until the Righteousness thereof go forth as brightness and the Salvation thereof as a Lamp that burns MAster Sydrach Simpson the last Commencement preaching to the Vniversity Congregation in Cambridge and to many others especially Ministers there gathered together at that time from several parts of the Nation among other things he let fall in that discourse of his these gross and Antichristian Errors The Rehearsal of the Errors 1. He brought in that Scripture 2 Kings 6. v. 1 2. which was his Text the words whereof are these And the Sons of the Prophets said unto Elisha Behold now the place where we dwel with thee is too strait for us let us go we pray thee unto Jordan and take thence every man a beam and let us make us a place where we may dwel and he answered Go yee This Scripture he used to prove the Lawfulness and Religiousness of the present Vniversities and the usefulness and necessity of humane Learning to the Church and Ministery of the New Testament And what the Scripture speaks of those Schools he brought to countenance encourage and justifie these adding that if it were objected That that was the Old Testament He did answer That the old and the new were not distinct Testaments but Administrations thereby holding forth that the Vniversities now are answerable to the Schools of the Prophets that were then and that the Vniversities are as agreeable to the New Testament as the Schools of the Prophets to the Old 2. That they who have endeavoured to pull down Schools have alwaies been men who were found enemies to Religion So Julian the Apostate shut up the doors of the Schools because he would have all Religion to go down 3. That the knowledge of heavenly things cannot come to us but by things on earth and that all Divinity is swadled in Humane Learning 4. That Paul was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel and that God took him so fitted and made him an able Minister of his Church 5. That mens hatred to God doth as well appear in their hatred to Humane Learning as if they hated the Scriptures 6. That if the spirit teach without means men may as well be without the Ordinances as without the Vniversities and Humane Learning 7. That men now are not to receive the spirit in that immediate way to understand the Scriptures in which it was given to them who wrote the Scriptures 8. That men now are to get knowledge by studies and humane Learning and not by inspiration 9. That Humane Learning is as the outworks to the Fort of the Gospel and as the outer Court to the Temple of the Gospel and so if you will keep the Fort well you must keep the outworks strong and if you will preserve the inward you must look to the outward Court 10. But what is the bottom of all this to wit of some mens appearing against Humane Learning as the unction of the Ministerie and against the Vniversities as the Fountain of the Ministerie but this that some say They are one with Christ and as Christ hath the Divine nature in him so every believer hath and he that hath God in him need not go to any man to learn whereas John 17. Christ speaketh of believers as at an infinite distance from him And if believers be so united to Christ as they say they will follow that Christ should not be the only begotten of God and that Christ and we should be equal and be not our Lord c. 11. Arts and Tongues are the Cups in which God drinks to us 12. We shall never keep up Religion if we do not keep up Learning but when Learning goes down Religion goes down too 13. Seeing Religious Foundations are so Antient then keep them up Your Destruction will never be but from your selves These Notes were take from Mr. Simpsons mouth and delivered to me by an honest hand and affirmed to be true for the substance of them and I also heard several others who were hearers of that Sermon relating the same things Now because I find that this Doctrine hath not only grieved the hearts of the faithful but also strengthened the hands of the carnal and evil People The things which he then delivered being usually the thoughts of their hearts and words of their mouths I thought it my duty being set in my place for the defence of the Gospel to give a Publike Reply to such gross Errors so publikely delivered to the danger of so many and which one would never have thought should have proceeded from such a man especially after the day of the Gospel hath so far dawned and the Antichristian shadows are so far retreated and flowen away And so I shall begin with the first of these Errors and proceed in the Order in which they are set down 1.
them do now too shamelesly make broad their Phylacteries and inlarge the borders of their garments and love the chief chairs in the Schools and to be saluted in the Markets and to be called of men Doctor And by this they go in the apparrel and harness of the Mystical body of Antichrist because it is written that he is the King of all the children of Pride And the Crown of Pride of these children of Pride shall be troden down And thus as it is manifest what Religion founded the Vniversities so it is as manifest what Religion will in the appointed time destroy these Foundations if they be not truly and thoroughly Reformed For surely as they are if the work of Christ go forward in the world as it necessarily must do notwithstanding the present defection in the appointed time they can no more be held up then the house built on the sand in the time of Tempest For the true Spiritual Church is built on the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone and so it is firmly founded upon a Rock and can never fall But the Vniversities are built on the Philosophers and Heathen Plato and Aristotle being the chief corner stones and so they are built upon the sand and neither can their own hands uphold them nor the Secular Arm establish them in that day wherein the Lord alone shall be exalted But it is not men of moral and civil Religion and Righteousness who will do this work and execute this vengeance for the Inchauntments of the Vniversities are too strong and mighty for all Humane Spirits But the called chosen and faithfull Ones of Christ when he shall summon them and call them to his foot they shall not stand on-Complements Formalities and Niceties nor regard frindship or enmity but through the Power of Faith shall break through all that can be said and objected by the Wisdom Policy Prudence and Religion of man and shall execute the righteous Judgements of the Lord on these Mothers of Harlots and Fornications of the Nations And whereas he saith their Destruction will never be but of themselves I do verily believe that For seeing their Root is rottenness their Fruit must needs be Destruction Yea the Lord will raise up his word in the midst of them to destroy them For the more the word of the Lord shall blow upon the Vniversity the more shall this Grass wither and the flower thereof that is Humane Learning fade away till it be at last quite dryed up And this is the Burden of the Vniversity whose day is coming when iniquity shall have an end And thus have I done with these things There were many other things in that S●rmon as contrary to the Gospel which for brevities sake I have omitted Now what a sad thing is it that such poysonfull Doctrine should be poured forth into an Vniversity Congregation and that by the Ministry of such a man and if the Ceremonies of the Law were in use under the Gospel how ought we to rend our Garments at the bearing of these things And now blessed Lord Jesus who wast crucified dead and buried but art risen from the Dead by the Eternal Spirit and art ascended on high to fill all things have mercy on thy poor Church which is so grievously rent and torn this day by Wolves in Sheeps cloathing and is thus hurt and consumed by poysonable Doctrine of men who seek themselves and their own things to the harm and ruin of thy poor people O thou Son of the Living God who are the way the truth and the life how shall the Kingdom of Antichrist be brought down when the hands of such men who seem Pillars in the Church are stretched forth so strongly to hold it up And how shall the days of Antichrist be shortned when his Kingdom is coming forth again in the greatest deceivableness of unrighteousness that hath ever yet appeared in the World to delude the Nations O Lord remember all thy Promises and make haste to destroy Babylon the Great with all its Mysteries of Righteousness and Vnrighteousness and let it sink as a Milstone in the Sea without any hope or possibility of a Resurrection And seeing there is no hand of man stretched out for this work but all hands are against it do thou destroy it O Lord without hand even with the Spirit of thy mouth and brightness of thy coming according to the Truth of thy Promises and the unutterable sighs and groanes of thy Spirit occasioned thereby in the hearts of all thy faithfull and elect Even so Lord And let thy Kingdom come and make no long tarrying AMEN A TESTIMONY From the WORD Against DIVINITY-DEGRES IN THE University OR Any Academical Degrees made us● of for the Ministry of the GOSPEL THe Universities whose soul and life do lye in humane Learning and School-Divinity that they might gaine the greater profit to themselves and glory to their children have after the example of the heathen given their children Degrees in D●vinity as they in Art and the glorious Titles of Batchelors Masters and Doctors in Divinity as so many Crowns of Gold upon their heads to win them honour and reputation with all people who have been under the delusion of Antichrist And in the confirming of these Graduations or Degrees which also is done for a sum of money they give the Graduates license and power to preach and to expound the Scriptures and that by the sole Authority of the University For the Vice-chancelor admitting a Bachelour in Divinity to his Degree useth these words in the name of the University We admit you to declare all the Apostolical Epistles in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost And so the Batchelour in Divinity hath Power according to his Degree only to deal with the Apostolical Epistles but must go no farther And admitting a Doctor to his Degree the Vice-chancelor saith thus We admit you to interpret and profess all the holy Scriptures both of the old and new Testament in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost And thus doth the University through power received from Antichrist give men chiefly for money Divinity-Degrees and through those Degrees it gives Authority and priviledge to Batchelors in Divinity to expound part of the Scriptures and to Doctors to expound and profess all the Scriptures and they that gaine these Degrees to themselves are as there is good reason the great men in account with the University and also with the carnal people of Antichrist how destitute soever they be of the faith and spirit of the Gospel Wherefore I cannot chuse but give in my Testimony against this glorious and gainful priviledge of the Universities to wit their conferring upon their children Degrees in Divinity and creating them Masters in that Mystery which none can teach but God himself and which none can learn but true believers who are borne of God and are his true Disciples And
these studies thus confined to these places and do * swear men to read and teach them nowhere else certainly it is most manifest that these men love their own private gaine more then the common good of the people But now seeing by the hand of God a Kingdome is turned into a Commonwealth and Tyranny into freedome we judge it most prejudicial to the common good of a Commonwealth that these two Universities should make a Monopoly of Humane Learning to themselves especially as is said seeing they say no body can well understand or teach the Scriptures without it and so by reason of this their incroachment against the rule of love through the former Grants of Popes and King● all men should be necessitated to send their children hither from all parts of the Nation some scores or hundred mile● for liberal education to the great trouble and charge of Parents especially this considered that the Universities usually have been places of great licentiousness and profaness whereby it often comes to pass that Parents sending them children far from them young and hopeful have for all their care and cost after several yeers received them back againe with their tongues and Arts proud profane wicked ab●minable and incorrigible wretches Wherefore doubtless it would be more suitable to a Commonwealth if we become so indeed and not in word onely and more advantagious to the good of all the people to have Universities or Colledges one at least in every great town or City in the Nation as in London York Bristow Exceter Norwich and the like and for the State to allow to these Colledges an honest and competent maintenance for some godly and learned men to teach the Tongues and Arts under a due reformation And this the State may the better do by provision out of every County or otherwise as shall be judged best seeing there will be no need of indowment of Scholarships inasmuch as the people having Colledges in their own cities neer their own houses may maintain their children at home whilst they learn in the Schools which would be indeed the greatest advantage to learning that can be thought of 8. It would also be considered whether it be according to the word of God that youth should spend their time only in reading of books whilst they are well strong active and fit for business For commonly it so falls out that youth lose as much by idleness as they gain by study And they being only brought up to read books and such books as onely containe wrangling jangling foolish and unprofitable Philosophy when they have continued any long time in the University in these unwarranted courses by God they are commonly in the end fit for no worthy imployment either in the world or among the faithful To remedy which great evil Colledges being as hath been spoken dispersed through the great cities and towns of the Commonwealth it may be so ordered that the youth according to Luthers counsel may spend some part of the day in learning or study and the other part of the day in some lawful calling or one day in study and another in business as necessity or occasion shall require And thus shall youth be delivered from that ease and idleness which fills the hearts of University-Students with many corruptions and noisome lusts whilst they fill their heads only with empty knowledge and foolish notions whereby neither can God be glorified nor their neighbour profited 9. And if this course were taken in the d●sposing and ordering Colledges and studies it would come to pass that twenty would learn then where one learns now and also by degrees many men on whom God shall please to pour forth his Spirit may grow up to teach the people whilst yet they live in an honest calling and imployment as the Apostles did And this would give them great efficacy and power in teaching whilst they lived by faith through their honest labour and were delivered from the mischief of idleness But and if the faithful shall desire any one that is more apt to teach and hath received a greater measure of the anointing then his brethren to spend more of his time in the word and prayer then his calling will afford at such times they ought to supply him and the law of love in the hearts of the faithful will be law enough in this matter without calling in the aide of the Magistrate And by this means may the chargeable and burdensome maintenance of Ministers by degrees be taken away and the Church of Christ and the very nations themselves be supplyed with a more faithful Christian and spiritual Ministery then now it hath at a far less rate For God hath promised in the last dayes to pour out his Spirit on all flesh and the sons and daughters and servants and handmaids shall prophesie and then shall knowledge cover the earth as waters the seas Now for conclusion I do conceive that none of the faithful and wise ha●e any just cause to be offended for speaking for the use of humane learning in this reformed way which the Gospel will permit seeing by this means these two errors of Antichrist would be dissolved among us the one of making Un●versities the fountaine of the Ministery which one thing is and will be more and more as Christs Kingdome shall rise up and prevaile in the world a milstone about their necks and the other of making the Clergy a distinct Sect or Order or Tribe from other Christians contrary to the simplicity of the Gospel 2. Let the faithful consider that this reformed use of Tongues and Arts justly hath its place in the world For if all men cannot be Chr●stians as Paul saith all men have not faith yet let them be Men and improved in the use of reason and sober learning where by they may be serv●ceable to the Commonwealth in their age whilst the Church of Christ hath its own members and officers through the call of God and unction of his Spirit onely For * humane learning hath it's place and use among humane things but hath no place nor use in Christs Kingdome as hath been sufficiently proved And thus have I freely offered my advice for mending things that are amiss and making strait the things that are crooked in this matter FINIS Omnes Scholas esse hareticas vel Theologia Scholastica arguit Melanct. in Apol. pro Mart. Luther The Rehearsal of the Errors 1. Error Answer No Heathenish Learning was taught in the Church of God all the time of the Old-Testament Object Answ. Peter Steven Paul The Primitive Christians and Believers taught no Philosophy Justine Martyr forsook Philosophy and betook himself only to the Scriptures Non ad humana● cationes sed ad voluntatem Doctrinae Spiritu● interpretatio est accommodanda Justin. in Exposit. fidei Constantine the Emperor took care for the teaching the Scriptures to Christians E●s lib. 4. de vità Consta●ti● Berno Augiensis Abbas Se
ERROR He brought that Scripture 2 King 6.1.2 Touching the Sons of the Prophets asking leave of Elisha to go and build at Jordan to prove the Lawfulness and Religiousness of the Vniversities in their present Vse and Customs c. Answer To this I Reply that there is a vast difference between those Schools and these Vniversities as in many other things so chiefly in this That in those Schools of the Prophets named by him the holy men of God freely taught the Youth who came willingly to them to learn especially in the corrupt times of Israel and Judah I say they taught them only the Knowledge of the Books of Moses and of the other Prophets then extant and no Heathenish knowledge or Disciplines of the Gentiles at all And these kinde of Schools began early in the Church For the Fathers before the Flood and the Patriarks after all taught their Children and Families the Word of God And so each of their Families was such a School And that we may not be at uncertainties in this matter it is manifest what Doctrine they taught by that which God himself saith of Abraham Gen. 18.19 I know Abraham saith God that he will command his Children and Household after him that they keep the way of the Lord and to do Justice and Judgement This was the summe of Abrahams Doctrine to his Family And this is farther confirmed by that of Asaph Psal. Where he saith I will open my mouth in a Parable I will utter dark sayings of old which we have heard and known and our Fathers have told us We will not hide them from their Children shewing to the Generation to come the praises of the Lord and his strength and the wonderfull works that he hath done Where we plainly see what Doctrine the Children received from their Parents and the Parents taught their Children from one Generation to another to wit not vain Philosophy and the Disciplines of the Heathens but the praises of the Lord and his strength and wonderfull works This also is manifest by the practise of Jehosaphat King of Judah who sent his Princes with the Levites up and down throughout Judah and they onely took the Book of the Law of the Lord with them and no Heathnish Authors and taught the People 2 Chron. 17. And Ezra after the Prophets return from Babilon took onely the Book of the Law of Moses and read it to them and the Levites also read in the Book of the Law of God distinctly to the People and gave them the sense and caused them to understand it Nehem. 8. And this also James the Apostle witnesseth Acts 15.21 saying Moses of old time hath in every City them that Preach him being read in the Synagogues every Sabbath day So that the faithfull Prophets of the Lord during all the Old-Testament had the chief care in their Schools to keep the Word of the Lord among them in a right sense according to the mind of the Spirit For seeing the Lords People are his Portion they knew they were to be carefully Educated and Instructed in the right knowledge of the Scriptures to prepare them for the Lord and to make them meet for his Kingdom And the keeping of the Word and Doctrine of God pure is one of the greatest matters of all in the Church of God For as the Word is such is the VVorship such is the Faith such is the Conscience such is all Wherefore the Holy men of God would by no means bring in the Philosophy or Doctrine of the Heathens into their Schools to teach that to their Sons or Scholars but onely the true faithfull and unmixed word of God And if against this it be Objected That Moses was learned in all the Learning of the Egyptians To this I Reply But did Moses ever teach any of that Learning in the Church or publish any of the Doctrines of it or did he command or encourage any of the people of God to learn it Or did any other of the Prophets of the Lord many ages teach their Sons or Scholars any of the Egyptian Philosophy which was the Antientest or the Sinaradine Table of Hermes Trismegistus the pretended Scholar of Moses so much boasted of or any Heathnish Author whatsoever of which there were many then extant I say let them prove that but one Heathnish Author was read by any of the Prophets to their Scholars and then they will have some colour taught Jesus and the Resurrection from the dead Thus Peter first taught the Men of Judea and Inhabitants of Jerusalem That God had made Jesus whom they had crucified both Lord and Christ having raised him from the dead because it was not possible for him to be holden of death who was the Lord and Author of Life And Steven disputing with the Libertines Cirenians and Alexandrians and divers Philosophers of Cilicia and Asia did hold forth to them nothing but Christ and that He should put an end to the Temple and Law and should change all the Customs of Moses And they were not able to resist the wisdom and spirit by which he spake Act. 6. And Paul at the Vniversity of Athens reproved their Heathenism and taught nothing among the Epicureans and Stoicks and other sects of Philosophers but the Resurrection of Christ and his Kingdom and judgement Act. 17. He also disputed daily in the School of one Tyrannus and that for two years together and perswaded onely the things touching the Kingdom of God brought into the world by Jesus Christ Act. 19. And he so prevailed with his Doctrine that many which used curious Arts brought their books together and burnt them before all men and the prior of them was counted at fifty thousand pieces of silver So that as the Gospel pr●vailed and the Name of Christ was magnified so did people renounce Philosophy and burn their books of curious Arts For which Books our Vniversity would give as much mony if they could procure it from good Benefactors as they were valued at So that as they through the efficacy of the Gospel of Heathens became Christians and threw away all other Learning and burnt their Books of great value least they should infect others So on the contrary in our Vniversities of pretended Christians men usually become true Heathens never valuing the precious Gospel of God our Saviour as they do other Heathnish and Philosophical Books Farther the same Paul dwelt after at Rome two whole years in his own hired house and during all that time Preached onely the Kingdom of God and taught those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness But taught not one word of Philosophy He also at Corinth a great and famous City of Greece full of Philosophers and Orators taught nothing among them but Christ Crucified to the Jews a Stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness But to them that believe both of Jews and Greeks Christ the power of
this evil should arise but in the end of the world when the world through the prevailing of sin being loaden with the wrath of God should draw neer to hell and damnation For the miserable people must needs hear those things taught and delivered out of the Pulpits which those Molochites have learned in the Universities And they have learned nothing but the highest blasphemies of God Neither is it lawful to have anywhere any other Pastor then these In Jeremiah that valley is called Gehinnom from whence Christ took that word Gehenna which what it signifies I do not well know but it seems to me to come from Janah which signifies to eat up or to pill or waste as Tyrants or Usurers do pill and suck out the people so that Gehinnom is the valley of pilling or wasting the people for these being set over the people as shepherds ought to feed them with the word of life and they in stead thereof do insensibly waste and devour them in their body goods and soul with the pestilent Doctrines of Universit●es And such Teachers do the Univesities those S●nagogues of perdition give us Thus Luther These now are Luthers own words which I have made legible to English men Wherein it is manifest that he condemns the Universities in the very institution and constitution of them and chiefly in their chief studies Humane Learning and School-Divinity and also as to that gross popish Opinion that they are the Fountain and Nurseries of the Ministery and that none are fit to teach or so fit to teach as those that have been educated in them Yea though these be raw foolish ignorant fellows yet being University-Graduates must they be set over Towns and Parishes and the miserable people must not onely hear them and their doltish Doctrine brought from the Uni●ersities but also must be constrained by secular power and Laws to pay them well for such pains which tends onely to the ruine of their souls for ever and no hand is yet strongly and resolutely stretched out to deliver the people from this intolerable bondage For the necks of the people of the world have never endured so grievous a yoak from any Tyrants as from the Doctrine and Domination of the Clergy For worldly Tyrants have onely afflicted mens bodies and temporal estates which reached but to this short life but these spiritual Tyrants the Clergy or false Ministery when they have got countenance strength and ayd from the wordly Magistrates how have they with their Academical Philosophical Heathenish Divinity infected poysoned and destroyed the people to eternal death and no body durst shun them upon pain of temporal death or punishments But now through the great goodness of God and his mighty Providences and Works from heaven it is a more happy age and happy shall they be who being called forth shall do the work of God against all discouragements and difficulties and shall not with Ephraim being harnessed turn their backs in the day of battel And now to return to our business again touching the Universities let none object that Luther speaks against Popish Universities only for this is but a weak and simple Defence and altogether unable to ward off the mighty blow of Gods word from their heads and hearts For the things condemned in the foregoing Testimonies of Luther are the self same for the substance of them as do live prevaile and flourish in our present Universities as hath been before declared and I leave it to every faithful Christian to judge the truth in this matter But men would faine preserve their Titles Degrees Authority Dignity State Stipends and therefore for defence of these things they must needs say something though it be to never so little purpose but yet by such discourse they sufficiently declare how cool and icie they are for Christs interest and how zealous for their own But certaine it is that as the Universities were set up at first as nurseries for Antichrists kingdome men being therein so educated according to the undertaking of Charles the great in Philosophy and School-Divinity that it might be said to them Vos estis sal terrae lux mundi Ye are the salt of the earth and the light of the world which yet onely agrees to the faithful who are born of God so have they still remained the same hitherto in substance though not without some small change of outward form For first the Philosophy taught and studied in the University is the very same that it was at first and this Philosophy is nothing but the Religion of the heathen for what the Law was to the Jews and the Gospel is to the Christians Philosophy was and is to the heathen and in this study the poor lads wast the flower and cream of their lives to no purpose but to make them more heathenish corrupt and bold then they were by nature And 2. For their Divinity which they usually learn in the Universities out of the Fathers Schoolmen and Systems and in which they are trained up to dispute either for it or against it in the Schools it being in seriousnes● all one to them what they hold and maintaine in Religion seeing all is but opinion to them and which they after teach to the peole with special regard to their own profit and advantage this is not the true word and Ministery of the Gospel For the Gospel is the word of faith which word is the word in our hearts according to the tenor of the New Covenant wherein God saith I will write my law in their hearts and put it in their inward parts But now the University-Divines the Truth being indeed dead in their hearts and having no presence nor power there they take it up out of the books and writings of men wherein it hath been buryed and by this means bring forth a dead Doctrine to the world which other men have spoken but they have no experience of and not the word of life which hath quickened them but onely a dead Letter raised up like the l●ving Letter which they present to them as the W●t●h of Endor raised up a dead Samuel in the outward habit and appearance of the living Samuel and presented him to Saul so these University-Divines bring forth the outward garments and appearance of the Truth to the people when they do best but the substance soul and life of the truth they cannot bring forth because they have not the l●ving word of God in their hearts but have onely a dead word which they gather out of the books and writings of men And this is the University-D●vinity And Lastly The Preachers which the Universities send forth are usually in the greatest enmity to Christ and his Gospel of all other men whatsoever and do bring greatest prejudice to Christs Kingdom and advantage to Antichrists For when men without learning and yet without the Spirit of Christ will undertake to teach the people as many also now do