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A14450 A learned and excellent treatise containing all the principall grounds of Christian religion Set downe by way of conference in a most plaine and familiar manner. Written first in French by maister Mathew Virell, after translated into Latine: and now turned into English for the vse of our country-men.; Religion chrestienne declarée par dialogue. English Virel, Matthieu.; Egerton, Stephen, 1555?-1621? 1594 (1594) STC 24768; ESTC S119631 209,162 292

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know that in true prayer we are onely the instruments of God who alone in that as in other good workes worketh the things that concerne our saluation But that is to be vnderstood of all the persons according to the distinct proprietie of euery of them For the holy Ghost prayeth in vs as appeareth by the saying of the Apostle The spitit maketh request Rom. 8. 27. for the Saints according to the will of God The Sonne offereth our prayer to the Father This prayer the father receiueth and louingly heareth Therefore lawfull and true prayer is that which is made from the heart the holy Ghost stirring vs vp which also is directed to the Father in the name of Iesus Christ his Sonne Indeede we haue an example in the holie Scriptures of a certaine prayer made to the Sonne in the which this distinction of the persons is not obserued namely in that which Steuen made while hee was stoned Lord Iesus receiue my spirite Howbeit Actes 7. 59 this example and if there be any such other is not contrarie to the rule of right praying But because we haue begun the exposition of the Lordes prayer wee are to returne to the issue of the speech wee haue in hand and it is this that in this place we be taught that our prayers must be directed to the father which Paule testifieth that himselfe did in these wordes I bow Ephes 3. 14. my knees to the father of our Lord Iesus Christ We may also pray vnto Christ not onely as he is God but also as he is the Mediator that is as he is one person consisting of two natures yet so as the deity be the obiect or the thing which we set before our eyes in praying Likewise also we may pray to the holy Ghost distinguished frō the other persons who with the Father the Sonne is very God And indeede the godly that exercise thēselues in such prayers do a thing profitable worthy to be done so as they be not distracted with the deepe meditation of the distinction of the three persons but alwayes haue their minds fixed setled vpon the vnitie of the essence This also is to be obserued that the name of God is not seldome in the Scripture referred to the whole Godhead And let these things bee spoken by the way For it is not my purpose at this time to declare all things particularly that appertaine vnto this place Theoph. But why doeth Christ commaund vs that comming to his Father we should cal him by the name of our owne Father Matth. Not onely that we should gather seeing hee is the father of Christ that he is also our father but especially for three causes 1 First that we may call vpon him with true faith that is that we may beleeue that he which is our father will not deny vnto vs the thinges which we shall aske of him according to that saying of Christ What Mat. 79. 10. 11. man is there of you who if his sonne shall aske bread of him will giue him a stone and if he shall aske fish will he giue him a serpent 2 Another cause is that wee might vnderstand which hath beene alreadie saide of vs that we ought not to draw near vnto God but in the name of his naturall sonne Iesus Christ For in him alone wee are adopted and made his children 3 The third when we are commanded to call him our father in common rather then particularly properly my father wee be taught that true charitie and brotherly loue towardes our neighbours is required of vs in praier for as much as wee be all the children of the same father heires of one and the selfe same inheritance Whosoeuer therefore make not their prayers to God in the name of Iesus Christ or doe carry priuy hatred or enmitie against their brethren cannot pray to God with this forme of praier Theoph. Why hath Christ added these words which art in heauen Mat. Not to signifie that his Maiesty is shut vp within heauen which indeede as it is infinite the whole world containeth not But 1 That he may bee distinguished from our earthly fathers and that together wee might vnderstand how much better he is then they and more able to help vs. Therefore Christ said to his Disciples If you therefore Mat. 7. 11. which are euill can giue good giftes to your children how much more wil your father that is in heauen giue good things to them that aske them of him 2 Secondly those wordes were added that comming to God wee should lift vp our mindes aboue all earthly and fraile things how beautifull or goodly soeuer 3 Finally that we might earnestly and indeed acknowledge the incomprehensible greatnesse the maruailous wisedome and infinite power of him whom we pray vnto which verily doe farre more clearly shine in the heauens then in the earth to the end we might worship him with the more reuerence and rest vppon him with greater trust and assurance The first petition Hallowed be thy name Theoph. Let vs come to the three petitions that respect the glory of God Which is the first of them Matth. It is contained in these wordes Hallowed be thy name Theoph. What is the meaning of it Mat. The exposition of the first petition We desire of God that the knowledge of him may bee spread abroad throughout the whole world that his name may be sanctified that is that all men may giue him his due honor Theoph. Wherefore makest thou mention of the knowledge of God which Christ mentioneth not in this petition Mat. Because God cannot be truely hallowed and worshipped except his knowledge go before For we cannot worship nor praise him of whom we be ignorant and whose excellency and power is vnknowen to vs. Hence is that saying of the Prophet According to Psal 48. 10 thy name O God so is thy praise vnto the worlds end Theoph. Is not this hallowing of the name of God the same with that whereof thou spakest in the exposition of the third commandement Matth. The very same and therefore the exposition of that commandement may be in stead of an exposition to this petition and shew how the name of God is to be hallowed The second petition Thy kingdome come Theoph. Let vs passe ouer to the second petition Matth. The exposition of the 2. petition It is this Thy kingdome come Now in it wee desire of God that the knowledge of his Maiestie being giuen vnto men he will cause all to be gathered in the Church For in it hee raigneth by the scepter of his word and by the power of his spirite Theoph. That I may the more easily come to the true meaning of this petition I doe first demaund of thee wherefore that rule and dominion which God exerciseth ouer his Church is called his kingdome after I will aske thee concerning the word Come Mat. That rule is called by the name of kingdome for
the likenesse it hath with earthly kingdomes Theoph. Of the kingdome of God Wherein standeth that likenesse Mat. In foure heads or principall pointes namelie because in the Church there be 1 One king 2 Subiects 3 Lawes 4 Gouernors who as in earthly kingdomes haue the charge to see to the keeping of those lawes For in the Church there is one king namelie Iesus Christ which of his father is appointed the Lord in it to rule and gouern it which is confirmed by the words of the Angell to Marie The Lord God will giue vnto him the Luc. 1. 32. seat of his father Dauid he shal reign ouer the house of Iacob for euer there shal be none end of his kingdome Therfore the kingdome of God the kingdome of Christ is one and the selfe same The faithfull be the people of this kingdome whom Christ hath redeemed with his death set free frō the tyranny of the deuill that hee might deliuer them vp to his own kingdome to become his subiects The lawes of it are the word of God wherein all things be commanded and declared that appertaine both to the humble seruice and obedience of that King and to the concord of the Citizens or subiects The officers which are specially occupied about this kingdome are the ministers of the word or pastors vpon whom this charge is laide that they preach the word and see to the keeping of those lawes Who also as the Apostle speaketh 2. Cor. 10. 6. haue in readinesse vengeance against all disobedience Theoph. I haue heard the agreement of the kingdom of God with the kingdome of men but I desire to vnderstand the difference betweene them Matth. 1 First all things in the kingdome of God are spirituall namely the King himselfe his glory power subiects lawes reward punishments of the rebels Hereupon Christ saide vnto Pilate My kingdome Ioh. 18. 36. is not of this world 2 Secondly Christ requireth no such thing of his subiects as earthlie Kings are wont to aske but contrariwise doth continually enrich them with his owne gifts and spirituall riches 3 Thirdly he maketh them all partakers of his kingly dignitie which earthly kings cannot do 4 Fourthly he doth not only command as other kings do but giueth vs his owne spirite which putteth power into vs whereby we are made able to yeeld our hūble dutiful obedience vnto his commandements Finally all other kingdomes be subiect vnto alteration and change but this kingdome is inuincible and shall endure vntill the last comming of Christ Such is the kingdome of God and of Christ which indeede as hath bene said is not to be referred but to the rule which he exercise ouer his beloued children and those that be receiued into the Church Theoph. Who therefore hath the rule ouer the vnbeleeuers and wicked Matth. The Deuill and for that cause he is called the Prince of this world The kingdome of Sathan yet notwithstanding the Lord hath the chief power both ouer the vnbeleuers and ouer their Captaine which by his just iudgement hath made them subiects to that vnbeleeuing tyrant to the end they may bee vexed and tormented of him according to their deserts for as much as they haue refused to obey Christ that is a most louing and mercifull king Moreouer that kingdome of Sathan hath immortall hatred against the kingdome of Christ the head I say of that kingdome namely Sathan and his souldiers whom he stirreth vp to make outward war against the kingdome of Christ while he in the meane time assaulteth it within For both of them labour and striue with all their might to spoile and sacke that kingdome of Christ But they do it in vaine for how much the more furiously they seeke to ouerthrow it so much the more do they helpe it forward at length pull vpon themselues extreme destruction Theoph. We haue beene long inough in the exposition of the kingdome of God let vs go forward to the other member What meaneth that word Let it come or let it approch Matt. How the kingdome of God cōmeth The office of a good king standeth in two speciall things 1 First to rule his subiects namely such as yeeld him fidelitie and obedience to keepe in peace defend handle mercifully and louingly and redeeme them if they be taken captiues 2 Secondly to punish the rebels and to destroy throw down the enemies of his kingdom When therfore wee desire of God that his kingdome may come we do as if we prayed that he would encrease the nūber of beleeuers enlarge his Church euerie day more and more heape vppon it his giftes and settle it with right order And contrariwise that he would cut off all the enemies of it ouerthrow their counsels destroy their purposes that the defēding of the Church may beeuery day encreased til at lēgth it come to the highest perfection Howbeit that shal not be before the day of iudgement at what time al his enemies being ouercome he shal make them his foote stoole And then as the Apostle saith hee shall deliuer vp the kingdome to God the father that is he shall reigne quietly without 1. Cor. 15. 24. any rebelliō and resistance we shal liue peaceably in him being deliuered frō al feare trouble of enemies The third petition Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Theoph. Let vs come to the third petition being the last of them that respect the glorie of God Matth. It is this Thy will bee done in earth as it is in heauen Wherein indeede wee do not simply desire of God that his will may be done the fulfilling whereof there is verely nothing that can let but that he will so guide vs with his spirite that we may be ready to do his will reuealed vnto vs in his word and that with no lesse desire then the heauenly Angels do But concerning his secret will we desire that if when it is done any aduersities befall vs namelie losse of goods hinderance afflictions whether they concerne the soule or the bodie we may beare them all patiently as sent frō his hand and so obey his will that ours may whollie and altogether giue place vnto it Theoph. Indeed he were happie that after this manner should conforme himselfe to the will of God Mat. Yea surely because he might worthily glorie in this that God did nothing but that which hee willed seeing that he willed no other thing but that which was acceptable and pleasing vnto God And assuredlie there be many things that call vs vnto that For if God our heauenly Father be wiser then we which all men do confesse it is not to bee doubted but hee knoweth what we haue neede of better then our selues and that therefore by good right wee ought to preferre his holy and good will before our owne which is wicked and corrupt yea rather often like vnto children wee know not what we would haue For many
times wee change our purposes and forthwith or a little after we disalow that which a little before was very greatly alowed of vs. For this cause the Lord without any respect of our will or intents as a good father sendeth those things which he knoweth to be necessarie for vs both for his owne glorie and for our profite and saluation which indeede are to be receiued with a quiet and thankfull Of Christian patience minde as from his hand vnlesse we meane to be miserable for euer which we shall neuer escape so long as we cleaue to our owne will Theoph. I haue long since laboured to performe this but as yet I haue not attained it but especially I finde by experience that the vse of this doctrine is most hard when any great trouble commeth whether it be of bodie or minde Matth. It is not only hard but verily cannot be generally brought to practise especially if respect be had of our owne flesh which maruelously pleaseth it selfe in the owne will and affections and seeketh for nothing else but delights and pleasures For this cause in this place Christ teacheth vs to desire it of his Father but Iames assureth Iam. 1. 5. that wee shall receiue it so as wee aske it in faith If any of you lacke wisedome let him aske it of God which giueth it liberally vnto all and casteth no man in the teeth and it shall be giuen vnto him But let him aske in faith not doubting Theoph. In that place Iames speaketh of wisedome but we speake of patience Mat. There is no doubt but by the word wisdome he vnderstandeth patience wherevnto he had exhorted the faithfull in the former verse in these wordes Let patience haue the perfect worke that you may be perfect and intire so as nothing be wanting But because we cannot doe it of our selues here he sheweth by what meanes wee may haue it from God when he saith if any man lacke wisdome let him aske it of God which giueth it to all men liberally Theoph. But what is the cause that hee calleth patience by the name of wisedome Matth. To the end wee might vnderstand that a mans chief wisedome standeth therein that in his aduersities troubles he patiently submit himselfe to the will of God but on the contrary side that it is the extreamest foolishnesse and madnes if any dare resist set himselfe against it For what good doth he by it Can he change the will of God No verily Nay rather hee maketh his own case worse as well with inward griefe that tormenteth him as also because hee pulleth the wrath of God vpon himselfe For by our stubburnnesse he is compelled to lay more grieuous punishments vpon vs. On the other side by our patience he is mooued vnto pitie so as he turneth our afflictiōs into kindnesse and doing vs good euen as good parents are wont when they perceiue that their children bee brought into good order by their corrections Theoph. I see it is a thing profitable and necessarie howbeit I thinke that the meditation of the things which thou declaredst when wee spake of afflictions do make not a little for this purpose Matth. Thou iudgest rightly For in that place many things were deliuered of vs which may worke comfort and that not common in the heartes of the faithfull Neuerthelesse I will adde vnto them two other besides as an ouerplus 1 First when we be ouerladen with troubles the euils which we suffer are not so much to be cōsidered as those which wee haue deserued and yet notwithstanding be not laide vpon vs. Furthermore wee must thinke vppon the good things wherewith the Lord ladeth vs on the other side and so indeed we shall find that God dealeth most mercifully euen in the middest of our troubles if they bee examined according to the greatnesse of our sinnes 2 Secondly that wee are not to looke vpon them onely which in outward shew be a little happier then wee and whom we see to be exempted from the troubles wherewith we are grieued but vpon infinite and innumerable others which are in farre greater miseries then are those that we suffer whose sins notwithstanding are not so great as ours Theoph. I do very much reioyce that I haue heard these two things for I will daily make vse of them as occasion shall serue Matth. Thou speakest wisely when thou addest the word daily For the Lord our master that we should not forget this doctrine so profitable is wont oftentimes to beat it into our heads by sending of troubles wherein we might practise it And verily we ought to be well acquainted with it seeing we are so often exercised in it Theoph. But I for my part do find it true by daily experience that I am very little exercised in it Neuerthelesse I hope that by the grace of God I shall profit better in it thē heretofore I haue done especially seeing now I know the way how I may doe it namely to craue it of God by daily prayers and continually to haue in mind the things which thou hast sayd But now for as much as I haue heard the meaning of this third petition which is the last of those that concerne the glorie of God let vs go forward to the rest But before I come to the three following which intreate of our own profit and saluation I would haue thee to declare the order of these petions and with it how fitly they be ioyned together Matth. The coherence sum of the three former peritions of the Lordes prayer These former agree together most excellently for as much as they be of the same kind For after that we are made partakers of the knowledge of God by the which wee are moued to enter into his kingdome that is into his Church it is meete and conuenient that this should be desired of vs that wee may bee informed and taught the obedience of his will whereunto the ministerie of the Church calleth vs daily Finally in these three petitions we desire of God to giue men such knowledge of his Maiestie as they may willingly submit themselues to his kingdome and rule and from their hearts obey his pleasure and so be glorified of them and in them The fourth petition Giue vs this day our daily bread Theoph. We are to come to the three last petitions of the Lordes prayer wherein we sayd those things were The summe of the last three petitions contained which concerne both our soule and body Mat. True For the first of them comprehendeth the things that be necessarie to the passing through or finishing of this life but the other two those that appertaine to our saluation Theoph. Recite therefore the first Matth. Giue vs this day our daily bread Theoph. What is the meaning of it Matth. To the end we may serue God according to our calling in this petition we desire of him to giue vs our daily bread that is that euery day he would