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A09313 The letters patents of the presbyterie vvith the plea and fruits of the prelacie. Manifested out of the scriptures, fathers, ecclesiasticall histories, Papists, and sundrie other authors. By Iames Peregrin. [Peregin, James].; Partridge, James, attributed name. aut 1632 (1632) STC 19622B.5; ESTC S103890 43,655 62

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no others that he set to gouerne besides the Apostles and Euangelist but presbyters Hath God then set them for Gouernours in the church vvill men presume to supplant them and set others Dare men say that the gouernment by diocessan Bishops ordained by men is better then this of Elders ordained by God To vvhome indeede God must needes giue a better blessing as beeing his ovvne ordinance he hath set them in the church Neither doth that proue the contrarie because in Amsterdam and som other cities of Holland there are many Religions for neither Bishops if they had such nor Elders can hinder it if the pollicie suffer them But looke into the reformed churches there in France and elsvvhere and you shall finde them better gouerned and much better vvould be if som burgers to enritch themselues and get places of authority or a league trade vvith Spaine did not vvaxe negligent in religion and for such ends turne Arminians and nevvters If an Apostle vvere novv liuing and should vvrite an Epistle to Mr. Moulin pastor and Elder in Sedan Against an Elder receiue not an accusation vnder two or there vvitnesses that vvould not argue that he vvere ouer other Pastors and Elders in the prouince nor as a Lord in his ovvne congregation but rather vvhat vvere his duty yea the duty of all Elders assembled in such a case The Apostle recounting all the officers and Gouernours of the church Ephes 4. saith He gaue some Apostles and some Prophets and some Pastors and Teachers vvhere he neither names Bishops nor Elders much lesse both as tvvo distinct callings because the Pastor by his place vvas a Presbiter and so a Bishop properlie the deacons had the care of the Almes In such a church as that of Ephesus or Philippi there vvere diuers vvho vvere teachers and helpers but one vvho vvas somevvhat more properlie the Pastor and so the bishop of that flock therefore though the charge go to all the Elders Take beede to your selues Reuel 2. and to all the flocke c yet this is somvvhat more especiallie applied to him that is pastor and so the first Elder or bishop Vnto the Angel of the church of Ephesus vvrite that is to the pastor Euen as in the church of Paris at this day vvhich is one congregation of about six thousand communicants there are three preachers vvho are all Elders to feede the flock yet one of them is reckoned the pastor the other tvvo helpers the like in Diepe and diuers other cities vvhere they liue amōg persecuting Papists as the old Christians did among the heathen hauing but one congregation or flock in a citie In some lesser cities or vvhere there are fevver protestants there is only a pastor vvith lay Elders And thus out of all doubt Act. 14. Tit. 1.5 it vvas in the primatiue church till after the death of the Apostles vvho ordained Elders in euerie church and citie vvhere one vvas the pastor yet in matter of gouernment all the Elders of a church ruled together by commō consent euen in Ierusalem things were not done vvithout the Elders but the decrees vvent out in all their names VVhen Paul vvent last to Ierusalem there vvere diuers vvith him But saith Luke Act. 21.18 Paul vvent in vvith vs to Iames all the Elders vvere present The Apostle would doe nothing vvithout them Therefore Paul saith 1. Tim. 5.17 Let the Elders that rule vvell be counted vvorthy of double honour espectiallie they vvho labour in the vvord doctrine VVhence also som collect that there vvere som Elders that vvere not ministers but lay-men of the more vnderstāding best gouerned sort Hovvsoeuer ye see they had all share in the gouernment vvere it vvith Timothie Titus or vvhosoeuer For these vvere not greater then the Apostles vvhich vvas the highest calling in the church yet euen vvith them in Ierusalem there vvere Elders as it vvere in ioynt commission for matter of gouernment they themselues tooke on them this office disdained not to be reckoned vvith other presbiters Peter saith 1. Pet. 5.1 The * or Elders 2. Ioh. presbiters vvhich are among you I exhort vvho am also Sumpresbuteros a fellovv presbiter and Iohn that might haue said The Apostle chooseth rather to say The Elder to the elect ladie The * or Elder Presbiter to the vvelbeloued Gaius None of the Apostles are in the nevv Testament called bishops but presbiters because a presbiter vvas a bishop then a name of no lesse honour but rather of greater beeing Indeed one and the same pastorall office in euerie congregation it vvas the highest in the church next the Apostles Euangelists and pastors the Elders beeing the officers vvhich God had appointed to gouern his church to the vvorlds end The holy Ghost saith not Bishops least aftervvard it should haue bene takē for diocessan Bishops but Elders Neither doth Iohn set the Pope or any Bishop but Christ among them as their only head for chap. 5. Christ standeth in the midst of the throne and in the midst of the Elders to shevv they truly belong to his gouernment as diocessan Bishops so that of Antichrist It was stoutly defended in the councell of Trent Histor of the concell of Trent pag. 599. 613. Rom. 13.1 that they held of the Pope not immediately of God True not so rightly as the Elders doe nor yet in a manner so litle digressing as the first diocessan Bishops did as vve shall further see in the sequel therfore they are not so truly of Gods Kingdome but rather of a contrarie For indeede There is no power but of God The powers that be are ordained of God VVhence it follovves that all povvers much more those that gouerne the church must be ordained of God or else they be not lavvfull Novv this can not be said of the Pope and Cardinals nor of Diocessan Bishops for these vvere not ordained of God but of men Ergo c. They are indeede against Elders vvhich are the povvers ordained of God VVhosoeuer therefore resisteth these powers resisteth the ordinance of God One of the Elders speakes to Iohn concerning the Martirs Reuel 7. that suffered in the ten persecutions signified by those troubles that follovved the opening of the seauen seales then past gone And though vvhilst the vvoman the true Church fled and remained in the vvildernes from Antichristian titannie and superstition their gouernment must needes be hid and persecured vvith her yet vvhen the Gospell is restored the Temple of God opened diuers kingdoms of this vvorld became the kingdoms of our Lord Reuel 11. and of his Christ the Elders vvorship giue thanks as also vvhen Babilon is destroied herevpon it is said The Lord God omnipotent reighneth that is in his vvord and ordinances ●hap 194.5.6 Elders are then restored vvhereas before she her traditions hierarchie gouerned churches For in that they are euer thus about the
not to haue that blessed Truth vvith respect of persons but in a right receiuing of it Iam. 2.1 to Kisse the Sonne least he be angrie and euen to crie mightely to God Psa 2. to reforme that Church by whose power any part of his Testament lies darkened vnder a corrupt glosse or being cleered is forced to seeke corners And thus hopeing that God will raise vp many friends to his owne cause and giue them hearts to vse all ho●●st wisdom and dilligence in such a case I rest Thine in Christ Iesus Iames Peregrin THE LETTERS PATENTS OF THE PRESBYTERIE VVith the Plea and fruites of the Prelacie MAn fallen in Adam going after his ovvne vnderstanding in spirituall things vvalketh on in darknes and oft thinketh himselfe in the right vvay vvhen he erreth knovveth not vvhether he goeth vvherein vvho is many times mort blinde in som things then he that thinks himselfe perfit a Scribe and a messenger fit for the kingdome of God vvherefore our Sauiour thanketh his Father that he had hid these things from this vvise learned Mat. 11. 1. Cor. 1.20 reuealed them to babes And the Apostle saith vvhere is the vvise vvhere is the Scribe vvhere is the disputer of this vvorld Hath not God made foolish the vvisdom of this vvorld But least som man might here say If this be oft the case of Rabbins Doctours and Guides vvhat shall become of their poore Disciples If the Shepheards erre the sheepe must needes vvander and be in a vvorse estate the Lord in his greate mercie promised Ioel 2.28 Isa 44.3 Chap. 42.16 1. Cor. 1.27 that he vvould povvre out of his spirit vpon all flesh vpon theirs seede and ofspring and make the blinde to see VVhich he so fully performed as to choose to foolish things of the vvorld to confound the vvise And yet because many vvould pretend the Spirit that manifest litle but som fevv vvell knowne principles the visiō of their ovvne heart and that they vvrest the Scriptures to confirme it he bids his people trie the spirits and addeth these gracious promises fulfilled in the Gospell Ier. 31.34 They shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them 1. Cor. 2.16 The spirituall man discerneth all things Neuerthelēs to shevv they should come to it by a Rule he had said A law shall proceede from me Isa 51.4 I vvill make my iudgment to rest for a light of the people mine armes shall iudge the people chap. 2.3 The Iles shall vvaite upon me and on mine Arme shall they trust That is on my vvord For the Prophets had said Mich. 4.2 The Lavv shall goe forth of Sion and the vvord of the Lord out of Ierusalem And he shall iudge amonge the nations 2. Tim. 3.15.16 euen in this vvorld The reuealed vvord is sufficient in all matters of faith and saluation For doctrine reproofe and instruction that the man of God may be perfit The holy Ghost teacheth that vvhich Christ hath spoken Ioh. 16. and no other doctrine for saith our Lord He shall not speake of himselfe but vvhatsoeuer he shall heare that shall he speake and he vvill shew you things to come as the things in the Reuelation Reuel 4.1 that some shall depart from the faith the like He shall take of mine and shew unto you Ioh 15.15 For he had said All things that I haue heard of my Father I haue made knowne vnto you * Act. 20.27 therefore the holy Ghost brought all these to their remembrance and they haue declared to vs all that councell of God That vvhich is vvritten is that vvhich Christ hath spoken to them 1. Ioh. 1.3 as Iohn saith That vvhich vvee haue seene and heard declare vvee unto you that is to say in these our vvritings that ye also may haue fellovship vvith vs that is in the knovvledge of these things and truly our fellovvship is vvith the Father and vvith his Sonne Iesus Christ that is in knovving the * 1. Cor. 2.16 minde of God He excepteth nothing reuealed vvhether it be aboute the conuersion and perseuerance of the Saints or Predestination it selfe so far as it is reuealed in the Scripture This vvord is an * Cant. 3.4 Psa 45.1 ointment powred out It ministreth grace in them that art his Grace vvas powred into his lips and saith Iohn ye neede not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things 1. Ioh. 2.27 and is truth and is no lie VVhich I vvill no further vrge against the vnvvritten verities presumptions errours and blasphemies of the Church of Rome For he vvho is the vvord saith I am the light of the vvorld he that followeth me shall not vvalke in in darknesse but shall haue the light of life Ioh. 8.12 And this is not only meant of Apostles and Doctors but of euerie true beleeuer as he saith I am come a light into the vvorld chap. 12.46.40 that vvhosoeuer beleeueth on me should not abide in darknesse And to shevv vs that in all matters of faith vvee ought to be iudged by the reuealed vvord novv since vvee must vvhether vvee vvill or no be iudged by it at the last day he addeth He that reiecteth me and receiueth not my vvords hath one that iudgeth him the vvord that I haue spoken he shall iudge him in the last day Certaine it is that Christ as he is the eteernall vvord manifested and preached is the only Iudge and Gouernour of his church in matters of faith saluation therefore it is said to him Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies Psa 110. The kingdome Dan. 7.14 and dominion vnder the vvhole heauen is giuen to him vvho is the Arme of God that should rule for him God ruleth by his power for euer that is by his vvord Isa 40.10 of vvhome is saide I vvill giue thee for a couenant of the people Psa 66.2 for a light of the Gentiles I haue set my King upon my holy hill of Sion He shall reigne ouer the House of Iacob for euer Luk. 1.33 BVt because hereticks and prophane and vnruly persons vvould arise in the church there must needes be some orders officers in the church before vvhom such might be conuēted by whose paines in alleadging the scriptures they might be conuinced reformed ordered Act. 20. he ordained som to be ouerseers of the flock that should not be nouices but vvell gronded in the faith 1. Tim. 3.6 to hold fast the faithfull word as they haue bene taught Tit. 1.9 that they may be able by sound doctrin both to exhort and conuince the gainsayers VVhich vvhile they faithfully doe vvithout pressing for doctrines the commandements of men it is not so much they that rule as Christ the vvord that ruleth in them Isaie 9.6 chap. 11.4 therefore it is said The
THE LETTERS PATENTS OF THE PRESBYTERIE VVith THE PLEA AND FRVITS OF THE PRELACIE Manifested out of the Scriptures Fathers Ecclesiasticall Histories Papists and sundrie other Authors By Iames Peregrin LVK. 16.14.15 All these things also heard the Pharises vvho vvere coueteous and they derided him And he said vnto them ye are they vvhich iustifie your selues before men but God knoweth your hearts for that vvhich is highly esteemed amongst men is abomination in the sight of God Printed MDCXXXII To the sacred honour of the Lord God Creator of all things and Iudge of all men ALmightie and euerlasting God vvho hast set thy king vpon thy holy hill of Sion giuen him a kingdom that all nations and languages should serue him a kingdom that shall haue no ende giue vs vvee beseech thee to knovv vvhat it is to haue him for the Christ the only King and Lavvgiuer of his church the Anointing that thou hast giuen vs and to see that vvee haue no neede that any man teach vs but as the same anointing teacheth vs of all things by himselfe and by his Apostles and Prophets O teach vs at last to abide in him as he hath taught vs that vvhen he shall appeare vvee may not be ashamed before him at his comming Thou only O Lord canst best iudge vvhat are the things that truly belong to his kingdom and gouerument vvhat subordinate officers thou hast giuen to guide thy church and vvho are Intruders and vsurpers vvho serue aright to maintaine thy Truth and gouernment and vvho to obscure and oppresse the same vvho serue thy kingdom in a right vvay vvho only pretend it not seruing thee the Lord but theire owne bellies To vvhome then but to thee O dreadfull God should I thy poore seruant dedicate these his vveake labours For thou o Lord God best knowest the work that thou hast vvrought in thine thou art best able to trie and teach others to trie the Spirits vvhether they be of God or noe thou searehest the heart the reines the end and scoape of euery mans vndertakings vvho are led by thy Spirit into all Truth and vvho are only lifted vp in an opinion thereof vvho finding thy guidance in some things presume that thou teachest them all vvhich they beleeue or to vvhich they are conformable and doe not rather thinke it better to beleeue all that thou teachest to be conformed to that and be reformed by it vvho haue thy Truth in respect of the persons authoritie and benefits of men and vvho in respect of thee alone the only fountaine of Truth Thou o God the righteous Iudge seest vvhether I haue collected these proofes obseruations for the cause of Christ alone or for sinister respects thou best knovvest thy ovvne Truth and art best able to defend it and all them that seeke it Princes are men such as trust to much to theire iudgment and protection do oft finde themselues revvarded accordingly Thou hast the hearts of kings and all other men in thy hand thou canst turne them to see and acknovvledge thy truth Thou only that makest light to shine out of darknes canst shine in theire hearts to giue them true knovvledge and obedience Other Patrons can a litle countenance a booke vvith their greate names favours but thou o Kings of kings hast a name aboue all names thou only canst persvvade Iapheth to dvvell in the tents of Shem. Thou only canst informe and assure the heart in thy ovvne Truth VVho is able to hinder the light thereof vvhen thou vvilt haue it knovvne acknovvledged O therefore be mercifull vnto vs cause the light of thy countenance to shine vpon vs that thy vvay may be knovvne vpon earth thy sauing health vnto all nations that they may see the things that belong vnto their peace least haueing them hid from theire eies they groape at noone day straine at a gnat swallow a Camel Thou art the greate God that vvilt take account of euerie mans vvorkes and bring euerie secret vvorke and counseil vnto light It is thy grace and protection that I stand in neede of O be vvith me and forsake me not but shevv thy might in my vveakenes This g●ace vvhat else thou knovvest needefull for me the Reader or any of thy afflicted people grant vnto vs all for Iesus Christ his sake the Sonne of thy loue to vvhome vvith thee and thy holy Spirit three persons and one God be ascribed as due is all honour might maiestie and dominion novv and for euer To the Christian Reader IF a man Christian Reader liuing in Rome Spaine or any other kingdom where the truth is in any point oppressed should to conuince and conuert his nation be desirous to set out a booke on that subiect he would easely conceiue that by making himselfe publick he should nothing benefit the cause he might fall and perish in the inquisition before three men could come to reade it and that therefore it were better to liue obscurely and get it secretly printed and dispersed who could for this either blame him or vnder nice pretences reiect his proofes fairely deducted out of Gods word So if I considering that I haue liued an obscure life a● smale and of no reputation that in this case to make my self publick would doe no good but rather raise against me many mightie and vndeserued ennemies get my labour in Christs cause the sooner suppressed haue therfore tooke a like priuate course to the ende that Gods Truth might finde the more vnpreuentible passage thinke not that it will excuse any man to say of me he is a libeller or as the Pharises did of our Lord and Sauiour As for this fellow vvee knovv not vvhence he is Ioh. 9.29.33 But if God by so weake a meanes as I am open thine eyes in a point of any consequence say rather of the poore seruant as the man borne blinde of the Lord and maister If this man vvere not of God he could doe nothing Let me not be reckoned an * Gal. 4.16 enemie for manifesting Gods truth but remember that herein thou shewest thy * 1. Ioh. 5.3 loue to God if his doctrine his commandements be not grieuous vnto thee For his sake therefore reade this smale treatises and hereby thou maiest see a reason why many learned ministers do not or will not know or regard the truth in this point why the most in England are so vnwilling to know any thing thereof seast it should hinder them from subscribing and hauing of a good liuing or cause them to be put to silence if they should either preach write or speake against the gouernment of the Bishops If I haue proued that it makes greatly to the saluation of the Church and the preseruing of the faith it selfe in that puritie and simpliciue wherein it was left vnto vs by the Apostles and Prophets that the Truth of God be well knowne and manifested in this point remember it is thy duty
this place It vvilbe obiected that many learned English men hold better vvith the Episcopall gouernment I ansvvere the necessitie of conformitie imposed on them furnisheth them vvith arguments to that purpose They knovv the Bishops can not looke to all things necessarie in euerie parish But say they there are church vvardens side men They might adde vvhose office serues to litle but to looke to the obseruation of their traditions and ceremonies and therefore not for the kingdome of God but for the dominion of Bishops they are but a mockerie of the Eldership They knovv that if the parish be full of prophane Svvearers drunkards fornicators extortioners defrauders and the like all these in their turnes may come to be churchvvardens If they be but conformable to ceremonies and do but speake vvell of the booke of common praier though they haue no true loue to preaching and hearing of the vvord vvhereby knovvledge faith and other graces are vvrought in the soule but scorne and mocke them that haue they yet thinke themselues the better subiects the better Christians yea fitter to be churchvvardens then professors and the Bishops finding them to be a bridle to such religious spirits are vvell contented kow●ng such ignorant conformists are fittest for their turnes If the person or curate be also a Droane a non resident or a good fellovv there is a flock strangely gouerned such are not apt for the kingdome of God the blind can not leade the blind the drunkard reforme drunkards These vvill neuer informe the Bishop of corruption in manners much lesse in doctrine such as shames the Christian profession And if they did he is but one he can not looke to things in euerie flock to knovv euerie sheepe as Elders may in one congregation If men had not the ceremonies and seruice to serue them for an intire religion or a cloake of one they could not for shame but make some profession of loue to the vvord good conuersation If there vvere but three or fovver religious men in a parish to be the officers their example might moue the rest such could not be scorned as they are In the reformed churches men are ashamed to scorne professors if they did they should be reckoned prophane and soone be questioned it vvould not serue them to say they loue the common praiers they should soone be taught to knovv that He that turnes away his eare from hearing of the law his praier shal be abhominable Pro. 28.9 3. By all this vvee may see that those abuse the vvorld vvho for the authoritie of English Bishops and the Hierarchie there alledge the succession of lames at Ierusalem of Peter at Antioch of Marke at Alexandria of Timothie at Ephesus Titus in Creete For vvee see there vvere no such Lord Bishops Courts Chancellours and proceedings as are novv The Apostles oft staied in these places and looked to things as generall officers in all churches but vsed no such Ep●sc pall authoritie as ours doe vvho come not in by the word that is by Christ the Doore but clim vp another vvay by the traditions Ioh. 10. and corruptions of men like theeues that come to steale to fle●ce and not to feede the flock Ciuill gouernments may vpon good reasons be altered a nevv sor● of officers ordained But Christ that changeth not set officers in his kingdome to gouerne and therein the perfit forme of his kingdome the church is a kingdome vvhich can not be shaken Timothie vvas an Euangelist Heb. 12.28 but hath no successours in that office noe more can the Apostles in theirs they left to seuerall congregations the choice of Presbyters consuring of offendours and debating of matters as is alreadie proued Other successours they haue not * To gouerne Bellarm. de clericis l. 1. c. 14. as Papists are ans●vered for Peters being at Rome To as good purpose Bellarmin and others thinke to make men ●lee from this opinion as from a monster by s●ying it vvas the herisie of Aerius Medinae cited by Bellarmin affirmes that S. Hierom vvas herein vvholly of the opinion of the Aerians and that not only S. Hierom vvas in that heresie but also Ambrose Augustine Sedulius Primasius Chrysostom Theodoret Oecumemus and Theophilius And so saith Medina the opinion of those fathers otherwise verie holy and expert in the holy Scriptures vvas by the church first condemned in Aerius then in the VValdenses and lastly in Iohn vvicklife And againe Of old therefore this opinion vvas dissembled and tollerated in Hierom and those Greeke Fathers for their honour and reuerence contrariwise in the hereticks because they are also estranged from the church in other things it hath bene alwaies condemned as hereticall Bellarmine sticks not to say Medina wanted vvit Hist of the counc of Trent pag. 591. in being thus plaine knowing it had bene maintained in Trent that men vvould be ready to affirme if this be not heresie in Hierom and those other fathers neither can it be iustlie called so in Aerius vvho liued in the same times VVhich Kemnitius spares not to manifest Examen conc Trid. shevving that it vvas an ordinarie trick in those times vvhen they could not ansvvere a mans arguments to disgrace him vvith the name of heresie Bellarmin saith Vbi supra That all the fathers constantly taught that bishops suceede the Apostles Presbyters the 70. disciples I ansvvere 1. vvee haue proued the contrarie out of Hierom others 2. That Presbyters who are Bishops may succeede the Apostles Mat. 28.20 as they vvere Pastors and Elders of any church as Peter and Iohn call themselues and as Timothie and Titus vvere and so that may be vnderstood I am vvith you alvvaies to the end of the vvorld in their successours as they vvere Pastors Teachers and Elders but not as they vvere Apostles and so ouer Titus Timothie and all Elders For to be an Apostle is to be sent immediatly from God to haue an Embassage from him and as a maister builder to lay the foundation for others to build vpon 1. Cor. 3.10 Tit. 1.5 to ordaine and appoint things as Paul did This did the Apostles in their Gospels Epistles and Acts. But this can not Bishops do for they are not so sent immediatly from God hauing an immediate embassage they haue theirs from the Apostles and Prophets and so mediately Neither are they maister builders to lay a fondation for others to build vpon though they oft assume it in imposing their traditions and rites for lavves for other foundation can no man lay then that is laide vvhich is Iesus Christ. Therfore the Apostles can noe othervvise haue Successours then as they vvere Pastors and Elders that must be in teaching the same * Gal. 1.8 noe other doctrine Medina alledged by Bellarmin * Vbi supra saith The hereticks the vvaldenses vsed the testimonie of Hierom they therefore and Hierom vvere of one opinion that is that the church
vvere not then inuented much lesse proposed as lavves by the Episcopall povver 3. That it is no reasoning from the consent or continuance of the fathers if the institution be not vvarrantable by Gods vvord Neither they nor a generall Councell nor Emperours kings can make that to be ex iure diuine vvhich is not so by Gods Testament Men vvill not presume to make other Ouerseers to a mans Testament then he hath appointed to see it performed much lesse ought they to doe it to Gods as they haue in ordaining diocessan Bishops and suffering them to obscure and annihilate those places of scripture vvherein God giues the Ecclesiasticall gouernment to the Presbyters or sacrilegiously to vsurpe and applie them to any gouernment so contrarie to the Eldership as that of the Hierarchie is These passages of the nevv Testament are the letters Patents of the Presbyterie and yet diocessan Bishops doe not only vsurpe them as Papists doe some places for the Pope and make them serue to authorise a contrary gouernment most pernicious to the ordinance of God but quite exclude the Presbyters to vvhome they vvere granted from the gouernment and from that effectuall povver in Synods vvhich is due to them not to Bishops vvho could not vvell be opposed in the Nicene Councell because the hurt and vvrong that Bishops doe to Christ● kingdome could not be so manifest to Constantine and his ●onnes nor so euident in the time of Cyprian and Atha●asius as it vvas since or novv is Euen as the Lion or Leo●ard doth but litle harme vvhile it is but a litle vvhelpe For ●●deed they had not such dominion ouer Presbiters nor ●●ch courts Chancellours Officials Dea●es povver in pro●●ues of vvilles and Testaments much lesse in forbidding ●he defence of the truth against Pelagians nor such Rules ●nd ceremonies to suspend and silence about surplesses ceremonies c. Neither can the church giue it them much ●●sse some in Synods that beare the name of the church if ●he things giuen and commanded be against the kingdome ●nd ordinance of God or make religion rediculous and the word of none effect as may be said of the Hierarchie and ●ome ceremonies As namely that in baptising an Infant they should signe ●im vvith the signe of the crosse in token that he shall not be shamed to confesse the faith of Christ and manfully to fight ●nder his banner against sinne c. and yet vvhen he comes page he is prohibited to contend for that faith against Arminian and popish errours yea a minister is also forbidden ●o doe it though at his ordination he is made to promise to be ready vvith all diligence to banish See the ordering of Bishops Priests c. and driue away all ●rronious strange doctrines contrarie to Gods vvord VVhat ●●ockeries are these And novv in these daies of the churches ●rouble persecution haue the English that stand so much ●or these signes and ceremonies proued better souldiers of Christ in such cases as that of the Palatinate and the like ●hen they of other churches that haue them not or haue ●hey not rather proued vvorse Doe they more feare God ●re they more obedient to his ordinances and keepe the ●hurch more vncorrupt then those Protestants that vveare ●o surplesses bovv not to the Altar nor kneele not vvhen they receiue Surely not more but lesse Such a one as Doctor Lambe or other prophane men amidst all their knovvne abhominations may liue in more peace vvith them then one that vvithout iust cause they call a Puritain God is much better pleased vvhen churches and their learned defenders are more in deedes and lesse in such signes of humaine inuention as are but meere mockeries and burdens That ancient Bishops and Synods haue vsed and ordained these the like things is no warrant for them For you may see the case of the ancient Bishops in their successions by the English and their most learned defenders vvho as manie novv liuing haue seene because they receiued not the loue of the Truth 2. Thes 2. in matter of the Eldership traditions and ceremonies but their * Isa 29. feare toward God hath in these cases bene taught by the precepts of men therefore God hath giuen them ouer to beleeue some popish and Arminian lies and because they receiue not the loue of the truth in those matters of Arminianisme wherin also their feare toward God is taught by the precepts of men God must needes giue them ouer to stronger delusions to beleeue vvorse things the vvisdome of their vvise and learned men must needes be more and more hid and perishing and they must needes fall more and more into earthly polecies practises and factions to colour and maintaine vvhat they haue done amisse and to hold vp and increase their povver against parliaments and all their opposers vvhich is not to preserue order but to confound it nor to be true but false helpers to kings and States vvhereby Romish religion is more helped then the Protestant the House of Austria then the house of God the greate vvhore then the reformed churches and all true effectuall confederacie vvith those churches against the common enemie is hindred for indeed to desire Romes ouerthrovv vvere to seeke their ovvne in that vvhich is Romish they can not truly loue them that are gouerned by Presbiters 2. Cor. 6.10 for vvhat communion hath light vvith darknes Hence it is that forraigne Protestants vvho trusting to ●he helpe of the English haue suffered for it and in steade of helpe haue seene many dangerous diuisions in English par●iaments and counsailes vvhich could not haue bene so carried avvay but by the helpe and counenance of the Bishops ●ay that these euils in England and all others that by these meanes haue be allen the reformed churches haue sprung from the English prelacie Hierarchie vvhich bring forth ●uch Protestants Bishops vvhich maintaine a nevvtrall or mixed religion partly popish in the Hierarchie traditions and ceremonies maintained vvith most zeale partly of the reformed in points of faith lesse regarded and partly of Arminianisme lately receiued all vvhich makes them luke-vvarme Laodiceans or nevvters that as much helpe the one side as the other in treaties leagues succours c. And so the Prelates vvith their Hierarchie and traditions are like to the ●iuer Euphrates that ran betvveene Babylon her enemies vvatered both sides hindred the surprising of her as these must needes doe the sacking of Rome till their dominion ●iches that makes them thus corrupt be taken avvay their ●euenues turned to better vses And therefore their saying against vs that this is Cham like to discouer the nakenes of ones Father or mother 1. Sam. 6.16 2 Sam. 6. vvith the Bethshemites to prie into the Arke vvith Vzzah that offered to support it to meddle in things that belong not to vs but to the Bishops there must be such to preserue order and all the other parts
God as is proued in both For out of this opinion Antichrist arose to his greatnes and the church of Rome to her authoritie errour and tyrannie Luk. 16.15 and that vvhich is highly esteemed amongst men is oft times abhomination in the sight of God that punisheth mens inuentions and presumptions VVhich in this case vvere verie absurd For the church vvas much enlarged in the Apostles daies yet did they not appoint diocessan Bishops and Archbishops Act. 14.23 Tit. 1.5 but as churches vvere daily founded in any kingdome so they ordained them Elders and deacons in euery church or congregation hauing no other spirituall head then Christ nor no other meanes to repr●sse errour and Schisme then vvas in the Apostles time to vvit calling of Synods to reduce doctrine and discipline to that of the Apostles VVhich indeed should be furthered cherished and maintained by kings and Magistrates as by nursing fathers VVherein all should remember those things Remoue not the ancient bounds Pro. 22.28 Eccle. 10.8 vvhich thy Fathers haue set He that breaketh an hedge a Serpent shall bite him The Inuentours enlargers and maintaimers of Diocessan Episcopacie haue remoued and broken the bounds the Apostles set and haue planted Diocessan and Prouinciall Bishops trees that brought out fruits accordingly many biting errours haue bene propagated by the great names of Bishops and Popes such as Paulus Semosateneus Liberius Nestorius and many others after the bounds were brokē which should haue bin better obserued And if in any congregation by reason of the largenes of the parish or the many and rich people that dvvell in it some ministers come to better meanes then other happy man by his lot that is the greatest difference that ought to haue bene betvveene one Pastor an other The choice of ministers lying most in the parish and such ministers and Elders as dvvell neere about them And this vvay ministers and people should haue bene better prouided for then novv they are vvhen some haue double benefices Bishopvvricks Denaries comendaes and in a vvord some fevv haue all though they preach litle but the most haue litle or neuer a vvhit though they vvould preach and instruct Therefore vvhereas some say these places are better encouragments to make Schollars studdie then the paritie of the Puri●ains vve see here that they are rather nurseries of superstition briberie simonie non residencie idlenes ambition and errour and meere allurements to make men studdie to maintaine such traditions and ceremonies as make the vvord of none effect to get dominion ouer mens faith and euen to mold religion after the pleasure of such as can aduance them to those great places so exceedingly doe they corrupt the church And therfore that hath and vvill more fully be found of them vvhich Zanchie saith of the Hierarchie ordinances of the ancient fathers and councels * All things by succession of times vver● brought to an extreame tyrannie and ambition Zanch. sides de religio Christia cap. 25. See 12. vvhich is the reason vvhy by so much the neerer as men approach in these orders of ministers to the simplicitie of the Apostles by so much the more ought they to be approued by vs and vvee iudge th●● men ought to indeauour that things may euery where be brough● ●o that order All the Reformed Churches hold and follovv ●he proofes of this opinion Ioh. 3.20 Only the Prelates and Doctors of England account them verie strange and therefore hate ●he light in this point So that God may say of them as of ●phraim I haue vvriten to him the greate things of my law Hos 3.12 ●ut they vvere counted as a strang thing They haue a better ●pinion of their ovvne ordinances and are better acquainted ●vith them they suffer Princes and people to heare and ●novv them and all the reasons they haue for them but not ●he proofes that are for the Eldership though our Lord say He that is of God heareth Gods vvords Ioh. 8.47 yee therefore heare ●hem not because ye are not of God chap. 18.37 Euery one that is of the Truth heareth my voice VVherein they are not the more ●xcusable because these or the like things haue bene in some ●ort vsed by the ancient churches or are commanded by Kings States vvhen indeed it hath commonly bene at the ●nstance of the Bishops or their faction It is strang that men ●hat thus beare all the svvay in the church rule all things and ●uen giue lavves to others haue no other vvarrant for this ●heir office authority then custome Ecclesiastical constitu●●on vvherein themselues haue bene the Iudges or the con●ent and appointment of Kings For as to such custome and ●onstitution that which a learned Author saith in a like case ●s vvorthy obseruation Histor of the counc of Trent pag. 18. The impietie of Nestorius had diuided Christ making two sonnes and denying him to be God who was borne ●f the blessed virgin the church to inculcate the Catholike truth in the ●indes of the faithfull made often mencion of her in the churches as ●vell of the East as of the West with this title Marie the mother of God This being instituted only for th● honour of Christ was by litle and litle ●ommunicated also to the mother and finally applied to her alone and ●herefore when Images began to multiplie Christ was painted as a babe ●n his mothers armes to put vs in minde of the worship due vnto him ●uen in that age But in progresse of time it was turned into the worship ●f the mother without the sonne he remaining as an appendex in the ●icture The writers and Preachers especiallie those that were contem●latiue caried with the terrent of the vulgar which is able to doe much in these matters leauing to mencion Christ inuented with one accord new praises Epithites and religious seruices In so much that aboute the yeere 1050. a daily office was instituted to the blessed virgin distinguished by seuen Canonical howres in a former which anciently was euer vsed to the honour of the diuine maiestie and in the next hundred veers the worship so increased that it came to the height euen to attribute that vnto her which the Scriptures speake of the diuine wisdome And amongst these inuented nouities this was one her totall exemption from originall sinne Yet this remained only in the breasts of some few priuate men hauing no place in Ecclesiasticall ceremonies or amōgst the learned He shevveth hovv it vvas opposed and yet after came to be receiued by the industrie of Scotus and other Franciscans vvhich is a Storie too lōg for this place From this part of the narration wee see hovv many euils sprung from that ancient inuention of painting Christ as a babe in his mothers armes vvhich it may be did litle hurt at the first and vvas beheld as a thing indifferent vvith litle or no offence accounted tollerable if allovved by authoritie The inuentors might meane as