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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07407 The iustification of man by faith only: made and vvritten by Phylyp Melanchton. and translated out of the Latyn in to this oure mother tonge by Nicholas Lesse of London An apologie or defence of the worde of God, declaringe what a necessary thynge it is, to be in all mennes handes, the want wher of is the only cause of al vngodlienes committed thorowe the whole earth, made by the sayde Nicholas Lesse Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Lesse, Nicholas. Apologie or defence of the worde of God. aut 1548 (1548) STC 17792; ESTC S104245 86,618 204

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haue shutte vp this worde frome the pore and handye craftꝭ men as though they had no souls permitting it to ryche and great landed men wherin is a great point and pece of theyr leger demayne and craftye iuggeling to be noted They do shut and locke it vp frome the pore bicause they be alway most redy to receiue it they do giue and grant it to the rych nat that it shuld be set forth the more fruitfully by them but for .ii. other causes whiche they do kepe close within theyr owne bosomes to them selfe that one is knowing that the most part of the ryche sort ar so choked vppe with this worlde and the care therof that they passe nat for it which maketh well for theyr purpose that other cause is if any of the ryche do receyue the word thankfully knowleging the benefites of God yet they wyl be afrayed to professe it openly for daunger they shulde be entrapped with the losse both of theyr bodies and goodes ¶ These be the practices of the prelates of Antechrist hꝭ church to suppresse and put downe the worde of God that Sathan his kingdome myght florishe God therfore declaringe his manifolde benefytes and vnspeakable loue toward this realme in the stede place of that noble kyng deceased nowe restynge in the bosom of Abraham hath sent downe to vs a lytle Dauyd to breake greate Golyath his heade with the stone of the worde of God to ouerthrow on the heades of the inhabyters hygh and proude Babilon nat leauing one stone or stycke standing but to burne it al to pouder with brymstone and wyld fyer And in the stede therof to buylde vp a newe the temple of God to sette forthe the righte honor and glory of God that we appere nat vnthākfull to him for the preseruation of thys our yonge vyrgyn kyng from the handes of his mortall enemyes which lokinge and gaping for a day which shulde haue ben to vs blacker then any pytche more bytter then any gall were most luckely we may say deceyued made frustrate of theyr hope ¶ We nede make none other rekenynge but that his grace was deliuered plucked out by the myghty and strong hand of God forthe from betwene the iawes and sharpe tethe of the Lyon at the houre when his cruel enemies were taken and dystroyed beinge as greate a myracle wrought by God in his grace as was the deliuerance of the chyldren of Israel in the reade Sea from the tyranny of Pharao The lorde requyreth againe for his manifolde kyndnes no golde nor siluer nor any other kynde of wordly treasure but a thankful hert a knowledge of hys godly wyl open confessinge of his benefytes before al the worlde ☞ The lorde rebuked the chyldren of Israel for theyr vnkīdnes in forgetting and nat hauinge in mynde theyr deliuerance from the captiuitie in Egypt and from the tyranny of Pharao ¶ Your good lordship can do no better seruice to the lorde than to se his moste blessed worde Truste nat ●●togyther ●o the Byshoppes most purely with al sinceritie sette forthe in his owne nature and kynde It is youre grace his offyce and duety to se that it be done in dede for as muche as it hath pleased God to cal you to so hyghe administration and gouernance This is one of the tytles perteyninge to the crowne of England the defence of our fayth whiche consysteth in seynge the worde of God ryghtly ministred and truly broken vnto al the kyng his grace his highnes most louing subiectes as your grace alway hathe declared your selfe most earnestly affectioned thereunto and so to procede to the honor and glory of God Then shal Sathā be banyshed with his adherentes and cōmissioners forth of this realme ¶ Then shal the worde of God florishe and bryng forth goodly fruyt that is to say the ryghte knowledge of god and of his benefytes a perfect loue and feare to offende his heuenly maiestie with godly liuing accordyng to his wyl and pleasure Then wyll he lette his worde be amonge vs to the comfort of our soules and honeste conuersation of oure lyfe This worde is the way the truthe and the lyfe who that doth nat go this way goeth forth of the way and is deceyued Who that teacheth any other doctryne teacheth nat the truth but false doctrin and lies who that seketh any other life can nat mysse but fynde most terryble death Let vs therfore kepe this truthe and we shall nat erre in opinions lette vs kepe this waye and we shall nat be deceyued of oure iurney Let vs seke after this lyfe and we shall nat fayle but fynde it to the only honor and glory of the lorde who be praysed for euer worlde without ende AMEN Domine saluum fac Regem ❧ Imprinted at London in Flete strete at the Signe of the George next to Saynt Dunstones church by VVilliam Powell In the yere of of our Lorde God M. CCCCC XLVIII the XI daye of October ¶ Cum priuilegio ad imprimen dum solum
against our conscience which we do cōmyt for the nones wyllyngly And Paull sayeth The workes of the fleshe are manifest that is when a man againste hys conscience willingly doth breake the cōmaundementes of God nat resistinge temptation but flatteringe with his owne vices and noughty desyres Pryuely as Saull hatinge Dauid or elles opēly and outwardly in outward actes and deds As Dauid in taking away the wife of an other man They whiche offende on this maner do lese Grace they shake of the holy Ghost from thē They do cast away theyr Fayth from them in so muche that without they do repente turninge againe to Faythe departinge forth of this lyfe beinge in that miserable case they shal perishe for euer ¶ VVE nede nat in this place reason and dispute of predestination We wyll iudge and pronounce of our dedes and of the wyl and iudgement of God as the worde of God expressely doth teache If Dauyd had nat repented he had ben cast into euerlastinge tormente as Saull Mannes mynde is so ydle and negligent that it regardeth passeth for nothing Wherfore we must take good hede that we do nat flatter with that euyl which may be couered with many colours and clokes to make it appere to be good honest and vertuouse Let vs set before our eyes the word of God as he saieth The lanterne to my fete is the word of God The which word beareth wytnes that for such sinne committed grace is gone away and the holye Ghost cast of as to the Romaynes viii If ye lyue after the flesshe ye shall dye Example we haue in Mathewe .xii. The Deuyll returnynge backe agayne to them frome whom he was caste out doeth bringe .vii. spirites with him of a more mischeuous nature then himself and so entring in causeth the later parte of theyr lyfe to be muche worse than that which was past Mathewe also in the .xiii. chap. speaking of the sede which was suffocated and strangled with the enticementes of the world and Paul the fyrst Epistle and .vi. chap. to the Corinthians Go nat out of the way for whormongers Idolaters Theues c. shall nat possesse the kyngdom of God Where he wytnesseth that he precheth to them which before hadde receyued the benefites of Christe Than he warneth nat to lese those benefytes Also the fyrst Epistle to the Corinthiās x. chapiter Be you nat ydolaters let nat vs be whormongers as some of them were and perysshed in one day .xxiii. thousand men And the .v. cap. to the Galathians They which so do shal nat attayne to the kingdom of God It foloweth He that soweth in flesshe shall repe distruction he that soweth in spirite shal repe euerlasting lyfe And the fyrste Epystle to Timothe .v. cap. He that taketh no care and charge for his owne familie doth deny hys fayth and is worse than an infydel To the Hebrewes .xiii Aduouterous persons and whoremongers the lorde shal iudge and the second Epystle of Peter and seconde chapiter If when they haue receyued the knowledge of God and of theyr sauiour Iesu Christ they haue ones escaped fledde from the fylthynes of this world and afterwarde agayne do suffer them selfe with the same vices to be entangled and ouercome theyr latter tyme is made much worse than the fyrst Mathewe .x. He that denieth me before men I wyll denye him before my father in Heauen Mathewe .xxiiii. He that continueth til the ende shal be saued Mathew .xxv. Go you from me ye cursed into fyer euerlastinge I hungred and you gaue me no meat c. and .i. Corinth xiii And I had al Fayth and nat Loue I were nothing Although that for our own vertues and workes we are nat iust that is to say accepted before God yet must we haue a newe obedience in vs though it be nat perfect as men which be ruled and led with the spirite of God as the sonnes and chyldren of God As the fyrst epistle of Iohn .iii. cap. In this are knowen the sonnes of God and the sonnes of the Deuyl He that doth nat iust is nat of God He that loueth nat his brother abideth in death My litle babes let no man deceyue you He that doth iustly is iuste be that worketh sinne is of the Deuyll The nature of man is so weake and redy to euyl that it doth alway extenuate and make smal the greatnes of theyr offences makinge them eyther to be none as they do flatter with them selfes or els if they be offences to be very small But marke what bytter threateninges these be What might be sayde more sore more terrible than these wordꝭ He that worketh sinne is of the Deuyll that is to say he is bonde to the Deuil he is led and gouerned by the Deuyl being forsaken of the holy Ghost and out cast from God as the ende of him doth testyfy ¶ VVHAT a great heape of sinnes calamities and miseries did the on fall of Dauyd cause After that the noughty desyre and fylthy luste hadde ones got the vpper hande in him thē he toke an other mannes wife He commaunded her husbande to by kylled and with him many Citezins good godly and vertuouse mē were also destroyed The name of God susteynynge and sufferynge great blasphemy Then nat longe after the son moueth sedition agaynst his father He taketh vseth his fathers wyfe in whordome so consequently folowing a most lamentable and pyteous distruction of many thousandes of the Citezins To be short sedition is the mother of many euyls The ydolatry of Salomon By the ydolatry of Salomon what mischefe did insue and ryse ¶ THE kingdom of Israel was torne a sonder The fall of Adam they continued in perpetuall ydolatry and deadly warres The fal of Adam did it nat bringe great and many euyls into this worlde ¶ THIS is the mynde of the Deuyl to worke suche craftes for vs when he perceiueth that we make light of sinne flattering our owne affections giuinge to them the brydle and reyne at large wherby Fayth is extinguished For Faythe which asketh remission of sinne can nat be in them whiche haue theyr delyte in sinne nat being sory nor repenting thē selfes as witnesseth this saying Where shal God dwel In a contrite hert which fearethe my wordes They wyl nat be deliuered from sinne which wyllyngly delyteth therin The teachinge of Iohn warneth vs from whens sinne commeth howe great an enmy we haue declaring what is the entente and purpose of oure aduersary that we may learne to practice Fayth and that Christe in vs maye ouercome this great and cruel enmy ¶ Hytherto haue I declared to you the whole summe of the teachinges of the prophetes and the doctryne of the Gospell concerning iustification or Grace concerning our reconciliation concerning Faith and good Workes Wherfore for as much as this is playne and open hauing no darknes or perplexitie without Sophistical cauilations when it speaketh of the motions and stirringes which be knowen to vertuouse mindes in the church