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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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foorth an other he subdued kynges He put to deathe Farnus the king of Media with his wife and seuen children He droue Sabatius out of Scithia into Italy and vanquished those fiers and wild people and deliuered Asia from theyr subiection Than Asia beinge subdued ▪ he ordeyned a Monarchie and buylded Niniue his regall citee translating his empire from Babilon to Assiria He first dedicated temples to Iupiter Belus and Iuno his parentes Of his lignage and yeares this epitaph he did write Iupiter Belus is my father saturne of Babilon is my grandfather Chus the Aethiope saturne my great grandfather saturne of Aegipt my great grandfathers father coelus called also Phoenix Ogyges vvas my great grandfathers grandfather From Ogyges to my grandfather the sunne 131. times compassed about his sercle frō my grādfather to my father .65 times from my father to mē .52 tymes Finally when he had reigned .lii. yeares by the stroke of an arowe he finished all his labours and warres with his life After whom succeded his wife Semiramis ¶ Thuyscon the fyrst prince of the Germaines instytuted lawes for his people The yere of the worlde 1909 The yere before Christe 2054 Lykewyse did Iuball amonge the Spaniardes ▪ and Sam●thes among his Galles But contrary dyd Cham the Aegiptian Saturne for he endeuoured him to corrupt the Italians with his wickednes In Libia began strife betwene Rhea and Hammō for the adulterie cōmitted with Amalthea and Rhea sought for Dionisius that she might destroye him Ianus made his last voiage into Italy The yere of the worlde 1924 The yere before Christe where he foūd Cham the corrupter of mankinde whome thre yeare he suffered then appoyntinge to him certaine people commaunded hym to depart thense to whome came Rhea and wedded her selfe to him then they bothe warred vppon Hammon and expelled him his royalme whyles C ham reigned in Libya he begat on his syster Rhea Osyris whom he named Iupiter Europs the second king of Sycionia reygned .xlii. yeres Ianus made his habitacion in Ianiculum a towne of Tuscain which he builded The yere of the worlde 1927 The yere before Christe 2036 where he ordeined his sonne Cranus the gouernour of his cōmune weale whom the Romaines called Quirites Dyonisius the sonne of Hammon with great power expelled Cham and Rhea out of his fathers royalme and reteined with him Osyris whom he adopted to his sonne calling him by the name of his father Iupiter Hammon and gaue vnto him the hole realme of Aegipt At the same time was Pallas a maidē cast out by the lake Triton who of the same Dionisius was adopted to his doughter She first taught the Libians all the feates perteining to warre Thare in the .70 yeare of his life begat Abraham but he had before by an other wife Nachor and Aram. The yere of the worlde 1949 The yere before Christe 2014 Aram begot Loth Melcha and Abraham Iescha The end of the first parte ❧ Prologue to the second part HItherto extendeth the firste age wherin is comprehended all suche thinges as chaunced betwene the tymes of Adam and Abraham For these be the fyrst two thousand yeares during which time the world stoode without any prescript administracion or certaine lawe by the woorde of god The second age beginneth here at the byrth of Abraham and continueth to the coming of Christ albeit as touching the iust number of the yeres this worlde is not complete because as we haue warned afore god hasteth to the consummacion thereof Yet this is the verie and propre age of the world in which circuncision and the lawe were geuen with certaine policies and the true veneracion of god also instituted Wherin also the mightye kyngdomes and Monarchies succeded one an other For the worlde neuer declared at any tyme his myght and power as he dyd in this age At this place Eusebius began his chronicles who folowing the veritee of the hebrues might greatlye haue profited his posteritee but because he ensued the greeke exemplars he greatly erreth in computacion of yeares The second parte TO THE ende that ye shal know in what place the word and church of God was we will shewe somewhat of the spiritual kingdome Abraham the prince of fayth was borne in Ur a towne of Chaldey the 292. yere after the vniuersal floud the 44. yere of the reigne of Ninus the 1262. yere before the building of Rome whē the true honor worde of god begā to ceasse in the royalme of Chaldea Thare went frō thens to Mesopotamia with his sonne Abraham because he wold not be defiled with the wicked supersticions and idolatrie of the Babyloniās The scripture calleth this idolatrie Vr chaldeorunt that is the fyre of Chaldeie For when in the sacrifices of the godly the fyre falling from heauen burned theyr sacrifyces the vngodly folowinge the example of theym kyndled theyr fire and so instituted a new honouring of god wythout the knowlage of the comming of Christ. This fire is called Ori masda that is to say the holy fier whyche kynges commanded to be borne before them vpon horses For the first occasion of idolatry by this fier began amonge men before that images were in vse Therfore Abraham the mighty and renoumed father of the elect nation lefte his countrey and kynsfolkes by the commaundement of god and takyng with hym Lot wente to soiourne in the lande of Canaan From whens shortely after thorough greate famine he was constreigned to go into Aegypte where he fearyng the foule lustes of the Aegypcians woulde not be knowen of Sara to be his wyfe for to aduoide the danger that myght chaunce through the beautee of hir He there as Iosephus writeth declared god to be the creator of all thinges teachyng them the sciences of Arithmetike and Astrologie Finally he retourned into Cananee where he deuided the countreie Lot choosyng Sodome and Abraham Hebrō After this Lot was taken whom Abraham deliuered and rescued the spoyles which the princis of Assyria had taken and receiued with blessynge of Melchisedech kyng of Salem and high priest of almighty god called also Sem the son of Noe bread and wine to whom Abraham gaue the tenth of his praye The apostle sayeth that this Melchisedech was without genealogie because his progenie is not rehersed in the scripture Than Abraham begat on Agar his maid Ismael of whom cam the Ismaelites afterwardes called Sarracenes Finally in the .99 yere of his age beyng thryse blessed of God and hys name increased the promise of the euerlastyng testamente by the circunsion of the fleshe confirmed he accordyng to the commandement of god begate on the olde and barayne Sara hys worthy wife the gentil Isaac beyng bothe promised and blessed of god whom he circumcised and woulde haue offered in sacrifice had not god seyng his prompt obedience letted hym At the laste whan this moste holye patriarche had geuen Rebecca the daughter of Nathor to Isaac to bee his wife he died beyng a .175 yeres of age whose
cause poetes feined that he and his wyfe repaired mankynde being vtterly destroied with water ¶ In this tyme the worlde was also tourmented with a plague of heate whyche vaynelye they attributed vnto the fables of Phaēton Chencres reigned in Egypte .xvi. yeres Than Israel cryed vnto the lorde ¶ Ascatades the .xviii. emperour of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2445 The yere before Christe 1518 rayned 41. yeares whyche vtterly broughte all Syria to hys subiection ¶ Of Helene the son of Deucaliō and Pyrrha the Grecians were called Hellenes The yere of the worlde 2448 The yere before Christe Chorinthus builded which before was called Ephyrus The yere of the worlde 2452 The yere before Christe 1511 ¶ Romanessus the son of Roma reigned amonge the Aborigines He had first the name of Saturne consecrated to hym From this Saturne Eutropius began his historie of the Romanes Echireus the .xv. kynge of Peloponessus reigned .55 yeres Whan that kyng Pharao without all measure vexed the children of Israel The yere of the worlde 2454 The yere before Christe 1509 god sente Moyses to delyuer hys people out of Aegipte who after diuers miracles by him done in the sight of Pharao for confirmacion of his auctoritee lead theim towarde the lande of promission but then Pharao changing his minde pursued the Israelites with moste e●gre crueltee entending to haue vtterlye distroyed theim for so muche as they had at that tyme noo place of refuge or succour For on the one side they were inclosed with hilles on the other with the sea he their most infest enemie folowed at their backes But here god declared that whan extreme necessitee happeneth and al mans helpe faileth he is readye and heareth the voice of his people For at the prayer of Moyses and wailinge of the Israelites the water of the sea contrarye to the natural course therof went backe and by the space of certain miles gaue way to the people to passe without daunger whyche thing whan Pharao and his hoste assaied to folowe and were in the deepest the sea kepyng againe his former course swalowed him with al his power Where god shewed a newe example that he woulde be reuenged of stubborne impious and cruell tirannes whiche vexe and persecute his people ¶ The fifty daye after that the Israelites were thus departed out of Egipt were come to the mount of Sinai the lawe of the ten commandementes was to them geuē by almighty god with a great and terrible magnificēce At whiche time also god gaue to them a certaine politike gouernaunce and a speciall kyngdom in which nothing wanted that apperteined to the true worshipping of god priesthode and ciuile iustice to the intent that a certayne people shuld be notably knowē among whom the word of god remained and of whome chryste in time to come should be borne So that among this people alwaye remained the church the kingdome and the true worde of god vntyll after Chryste had suffred Whereby all men maye knowe that the church hath alway bene and that god from the beginning of the worlde both reueled and preserued his worde among his people Lusus in Spaine and Allobror in Fraunce reigned Acherres kinge of Egipt reygned .viii. yeres Hercules surnamed Desinas flourished in Phenicia Aaron was consecrated high pryest The yere of the worlde 2455 The yere before Christe Amalek subdued by the Hebrues The temple of Apollo at Delos was builded by Eris●stones sonne of Cecrops Dardanus slewe his brother Iasius by disceite The yere of the worlde 2457 The yere before Christe wherfore he fled into Samothracia where he lurked long Coribanthus succeded his father Iasius Crothopus the .viii. kīg of Argiues reigned .xxi. yeres Cranaus the second king of Athenes The yere of the worlde 2458 The yere before Christe reigned .ix. yeres In Candy then reygned Apteras Cherres king of Egipt reigned .xv. yeres The yere of the worlde 2461 The yere before Christe Amphitriō the third king of Athenes reigned .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 2467 The yere before Christe 1496 Epaphus the sonne of Io and Iupiter The yere of the worlde 2471 The yere before Christe 1492 buylded Memphis in Aegipte A●●●us called also Danaus The yere of the worlde 2476 The yere before Christe 1487 reygned fiue yeres king of Egipt Erich●●●nius the .iii. king of Athenes reygned .50 yeres The yere of the worlde 2477 The yere before Christe 1486 He founde out the vse of siluer Lacedemon the citie was buylded by Lacecedemon the sonne of Semeles S●elenus the .ix. kinge of Argiues reigned .11 yeres The yere of the worlde 2479 The yere before Christe 1484 Ramesses surnamed Egiptus The yere of the worlde 2481 The yere before Christe 1482 of whom it was called Egipte which before was named Aeria droue his brother Danaus out of his realme and ruled the fame .68 yeres At this Ramesses Manetho the Egipcian pryeste began his chronicle And the kinges of Egipt for honor were called Pharaones Arras the son of Iupiter and Calistho subduing the Pelasgians named theyr countreye Arcadia In the .31 yeare of the Dukedome of Moyses Atho prince of Meonia The yere of the worlde 2484 The yere before Christe 1479 gaue vnto Dardanus part of his land who incontinent left al his right in Italy and went vnto his new possession where he builded a citee whiche after his owne name he called Dardania that after was called Troy Unto this place Berosus continued his historye and finished it The yere of the worlde 2485 The yere before Christe 1478 Here beginneth the kyngdome of the Troians where Dardanus fyrste reigned .64 yeres Amyntas the .xix. emperour of Assyria reigned .45 yeres The yere of the worlde 2490 The yere before Christe 1473 Danaus the .x. kyng of Argiues expulsing Stelenus reigned ouer them .50 yeres Orosius writeth that betwene the childrē of Danaus and Aegiptus in one night was committed .50 murders After whiche Danaus the aucthor of al this mischiefe was driuen oute of hys royalme and fled to the Argiues Where he perswaded theim to this leudnes that by their helpe he expelled Stelenus that receiued him voide of al helpe and reigned there Orithya was rauished of Boriatrax The yere of the worlde 2491 The yere before Christe 1472 Aaron deceassed Eleasar was constituted high prieste The yere of the worlde 2492 The yere before Christe 1471 Moyses ouercame the kinges of Amorrea the Moabites he deuided their land and died in the mount Nebo being of age .120 yeres Whose eyes were neuer dimme nor teeth lose he was buried by angelles and hys sepulchre was yet neuer knowen vnto man Triptolemus sailed to Eleusin and there taught them the vse of corne The yere of the worlde 2493 The yere before Christe 1470 ¶ After the death of Moyses the Israelites had princis and gouernours whiche were created partly by the auctoritee of wyse men partly set vp by the speciall callynge of god by whiche princis many noble and famous thinges were
of Christ 863 and other prouinces of Englande He was a man framed of nature as wel to peace as warre Amonge his subiectes he was milde gentell louing and pleasaunt against his aduersaries seuere fierce valiant and hardy He lyued in continuall warre with the Danes which all the time of his reigne vexed the land with moste deadly warres A company of Danes landed in Northumberland and after many skyrmishes and battailes to them geuen by strength they possessed and held that countrey the space of .60 yeres and toke also the citee of Yorke An other company entred in the prouince of Mertia and tooke the towne of Notingham from whens thei were shortly expelled by Etheldrede and his knightes Nicolas the first pope decreed that nosecular prince or emperour shoulde be at the counsayle of the clergye The yere of the worlde 4826 The yere of Christ 865 Anni regum Angli 3 The yere of the worlde 4828 The Sarasens breakinge into Italy destroyed the citee called Beneuente The yere of Christ 867 Anni regum Angli 5 Against whom the emperour Lewys fought prosperouslye wyth the ayde of his brother Lothayre The Normans inuaded diuers prouinces of Fraunce whom Charles was fayne for that time to please wyth riche giftes and treasure The Bulgares which to this daye dissented from the churche of Rome The yere of the worlde 4829 The yere of Christ 868 agreed with them in all thynges Anni regum Angli 6 At whiche tyme theyr kinge forsaking his regally became a monke Sueropilus kinge of Dalmacie with his people the Sclauines receyued firste the religion of Christe The kingedome of Dalmacie was diuided into .iiii. partes the names wherof remaine at this daye A counsaile was holde at Constantinople Anni regum Angli 7 where after many wordes had for the vnitee and concorde of the Latines and Gretians The yere of the worlde 4830 The yere of Christ 869 it chaunced that the olde variaunce toke place and was againe renewed A company of the Danes entred the countrey of Northff where they slew the holy kinge Edmunde which gouerned the prouince of Northfolke because he would not for sake the faith of Christ. The yere of the worlde 4831 The yere of Christ 870 Basilius by treason murdered Michaell Anni regum Angli 8 and possessed the empyre of the east .xvii. yeres Lothayre king of Loraine ended his life at Placence of whose landes Charles king of Fraunce by strengthe toke possession For whiche cause was great debate betwene him and his elder brother Lewys of Germanye The coūtrey of Lorayn was deuided betwene Charles and Lewys wherewith Lewys the emperour was sore greeued and sent a sharpe message to them that neither the tone Anni regum Angli 9 nor the tother The yere of the worlde 4832 The yere of Christ 871 shoulde intermitte with the landes of Lothayre to the which he had most rightful titel The Danes which afore hadde perced the countrei of Northff landed againe in Southerie and continued till they came to Reading and toke the towne and castel at whiche time while Ethelrede was busied against them he had woorde of the landinge of Ofrike kinge of Denmarke as saye the english croniclers with an other company to whom the kinge gaue many stronge battayles but in the ende he was put to the Corse and receyued a wounde wherof he died ALurede the .iii. sonne of Ethelwolphus The yere of Christ 872 beganne his reigne ouer the more part of Englande Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4833 This man was of faire stature comely personage no lesse renoumed in marciall pollicie than in ciuile gouernance of his commen weale He was wise discrete and learned and fauoured good letters excellently well In youth somwhat he was disposed to the vyce of the fleshe and therfore besought god to chastice him by some continuall sickenesse whereby he myght serue god the better and yet not be made vnapt to worldly busynesse Wherfore by the ordinaunce of godde he was taken with the euyl called Ficus ▪ and was therof sick a longe space Alurede in the first yere of his reigne in sundrye places fought .vi. times with the Danes bi meanes wherof his people were so weakened that he was gladde to make peace with his enemies Anni regum Angli 3 A wonderful multitude of the flyes called Locustes The yere of the worlde 4835 The yere of Christ 874 vexed wel nere all the countreys of France This flye burneth the corne with touching and deuoureth the residue Wherof ensued a great scarcite dearth in Frāce About this time as sayeth the Scottishe historie Hungar and Hubba the bretherneof Cadaaus kinge of Denmarke with a great company of Danes inuaded Scotlande with whom theyr kinge Constantine met at the first encountre put theym to the worse but after by the negligence of his souldiours he was vanquished taken and slaine with .10666 Scottes when he had reygned xiii yeres Solomon king of Normains died after whom a cyuile warre was reysed betwene Pasquitanus and Uurfandus for succession in the kingdome wherby many of the Normains were slaine Belles were first vsed in Grece The Danes brake the league made with Alurede Wherfore in as secrete maner as he might The yere of the worlde 4737 The yere of Christ 876 Anni regum Angli 5 he assembled a chosen company and set vppon them sodeynlye And after the firste discomfiture helde them so shorte that he constreigned them to geue hostages for suerty of peace Ethus reigned in Scotland .ii. yeres He was so swifte that in rēning he could ouertake a great hert or greihoūd Charles surnamed the Balde Anni regum Angli 6 king of France obteined by great giftes of Iohn pope The yere of the worlde 4838 The yere of Christ 877 to be admitted to the imperiall auctoritee Wherwith Lewys king of Germanye his elder brother was much displeased But this Lewis before he could reuenge his quareli ended his life Than Charles of Fraunce ceassed vpon the lande and prouince of Lorayne For whiche iniury and also to recouer the empyre to the Germaines Lewys the sonne of the forenamed Lewis of Germany with his brethern Charles and Charlemaine gathering to them great power sette vpon his vncle Charles of Fraunce and him vanquished put to flight and chased and after that diuided the landes of his father betweene him and hys bretherne Gregour reygned in Scotland .xviii. yeres This was a sage wise and puissant prince and a man of great prowes He recouered Fiffe and Louthian the countreys that were taken frō the Scottes by the Danes or other enemies He droue the Danes out of Northumberlande as affirmeth the Scottishe historie and made that prouince tributary to him he toke from the Britains Cumber and Westmerland and vāquished and subdued the Irishemen The yere of the worlde 4839 The yere of Christ 878 Charles the emperour sickned at Mantua Anni regum Angli 7 and there was poysoned by one
busynes and trouble the worlde remayneth the worlde and lyke vnto it selfe Therfore most truly Thucydides who was a man excellente in the knowledge of warrefare and also wrate the greatte and longe warre and other sundrye thyges whiche chanced among the Grekes sayth Hystoryes be a treasure whiche ought neuer to be out of our handes that therby beynge ayded we maye the more commodiously handle suche busynesse and like chaunces in the commune weale for as much as the causes often tymes chaunce almoste lyke ¶ Furthermore there be axaumples founde in hystoryes conuenient for euery man priuately in his degree as magistrates ought to be obeyede and that they neuer escaped vnpunished whiche haue rebelled against theym euen as Dathan Absalom Catiline Brutus Cassus and suche lyke for their sedicion haue ben worthily punished Of the fidelitie of frendes as Ionathas saued the lyfe of kynge Dauyd Of the punyshment for homicide adulterye and suche lyke offences as it appereth by the example of Dauid But what shal nede many wordes Euen as in euery arte paternes be geuen to folowe lykewyse in hystoryes be peinted before our eyes examples of all kyndes of vertues But yet in examples and deedes it is more euydently perceyued what the dignytye of vertue and agayne what the bacenesse of dyshonestee and vyces bee than in bare preceptes because that examples set as images before vs do not onely openly teache but also bothe warne and stirre our myndes so that therby wyth a certayne delite and desyre they be kyndled towardes vertue and honestie For who in hert can be so stubborne and hard that will not be moued if he rede anye thynge notable that is either worthy prayse or els exāples vtterly to be abhorryd I haue shewed briefely how in readyng of hystoryes examples of politicall vertues and ciuyle affayres ought to bee obserued Nowe it perteyneth to a true christen man who aboue all thynges oughte to esteeme godlynesse to knowe that he maye gather also out of hysteryes examples of faythe and feare of god For these be the specyall vertues of good men which in the syghte of god be moste auailable Al be it that the hystoryes of the gentyles doo not teache that god careth or hath oughte to do wyth vs yet a godly mynde neuerthelesse shall consyder that the publyke weales in the worlde be conserued by the power of god and that is the worke of god to punyshe and reuenge all oppressyon and vyolence ye and that vnto the heathen God gyueth excellent qualities For princes can not preserue their empyers agaynst the assaultes of Sathan wythout the syngular benefyt of god and the ayde of theyr owne vertue and wisedome And so by thys maner a good man maye well suppose that these actes and punishmentes be the w●rkes of god and therby may lern the feare of god As that tyrannes haue been greuousely punyshed accordynge to thys sentence He that taketh the sworde that is whyche wythout auctorytye vsurpeth the ryght of reuengyng he shall peryshe by the sworde Contrarywyse it is euydent that good prynces bee preserued and defended by god and that also the Ethnykes did well perceyue in that theyr princes had great affiaunce in the helpe of theyr goddes For Homere the poete sayth God casteth his sh●elde in the batayle to defende the prynces He feigneth also euery prynce to be vnder the protectyon of his god as it appereth by the goddesse Pallas whyche alw●yes was presente wyth Achilles But this thynge is more playnely expressed in the hystoryes of the holy scrypture as in Noe Abraham Moses Dauyd Ezechias and the other princes and kinges whom god alwayes preserued And their examples be set before the eies of all other princes that they maye certaynly know that in lyke maner god wyll defende all good kinges For thys difference is betwene the holy and prophane hystoryes that in them be shewed the testymonies of the workes of god and the whiche do not onely entreate of cyuile matters but chiefly doo represente vnto vs the kyngdome of god that god geueth his word that of his mercy he wyll saue vs wher in the hystoryes of the gentiles be ignorant Therfore principally the hystoryes of the holy scripture ought to be knowen to all chrysten men that therby they maye learne the doctryne and stablishement of faithe ¶ Fyrst how all thynges were created of god what was the originall of synne that agaynst synne Christe instituted his kyngdome gaue hys woorde and that he shoulde come to take away sinne and saue vs. Also how god whā he had gyuen his worde preserued alwayes the reygne of Chryst and that the reigne of Christe that is the true beleuers from the begynnynge of the worlde walked vnder the crosse and neuerthelesse were pre serued That Sathā wyth all the power of the worlde assaulted the worde of god Moreouer that God meruaylously perfourmed hys promyse aboue the opinyon and capacitie of mans wytte Also that examples bothe of horyble vengeance and also of grace and forgyuenes be shewed to vs of God So vnto kyng Dauid and other chanced remission of syns that by theyr examples we myghte bee comforted and beleue that god wyll forgyue Neyther thys is to be neglected that for the confyrmacion of our myndes God hath geuen vs all sortes of prophecies of externall kyngdomes that by the fulfillying of them we maye haue a testimony that our woorde is of god neyther that any other faythe than ours is true And that we maye bee admonyshed by them whan Christ ought to come and whan the consummacion of the worlde shall be Finally for the ryghte vnderstandyng the prophecyes it shall be very expedyent to knowe the successe and alteracion of the monarchies and kyngdomes wyth the computacyon and noumber of the yeres whyche be in the hystoryes of the Gentiles exactly set foorth●● the knowledge wherof euen for thys cause is necessarie for chrystians that they maie the better vnderstande the prophecyes and of th●y● the more certaynely iudge Certes euery man maye by these thynges esteme what pleasure and profyte is gathered in readynge of hystoryes and the fruitefull commoditye therof ought worthily to stire and compell euery man to knowe them ¶ Of the origynall begynnynge of man after the false opynion of the Ethnike philosophier THe phisosophyer of auncyent tyme who wythout knowledge of the verye true godhead many hundred yeres gone haue sette oute historyes in writynge were of diuers opynions concernyng the originall begynnyng of man Forsome of them beleued the worlde to haue been a thynge vncreated that is to saye without begynnyng and incorruptible that is neuer to haue ende and lykewyse mankynde to haue been of eternall continuance Other some of theim were of opynion that the worlde was created and corruptyble and auouched that man toke the begynnyng of generacion by succession of tyme. For their imagynacion was that at the fyrst begynnyng of thynges ▪ bothe the skye and the earthe bad one sole sourme and shape the nature
bee thoughte of all the successoures of Gregorye in the sea of Rome which haue not onely take vpon them that name to the derogacion of all other bishops as Gregory complaineth but also to bee called the heade of the vniuersall church christes vicar in earth with other names and cities of blaspgemy to the great dishonour of god callengyng also vsurping vnder this pretence a full iurisdiction auctoritee not onely ouer the whole clergy but also ouer emperours kinges and princes of the worlde alteringe and disposing their realms and kingdomes at their own pleasure by ree●ing of moste deadlye warres to the vtter disturbance of all Christendome Yea and that is moste vntollerable auauntinge theym selfe in their decrees to haue auctoritee aboue the woorde of god and that the interpretacion therof was onely in theyr handes because as they saye they could not erre yet by their errours and diuelishe ordinances haue brought into the churche all naughty doctrine supersticion and deprauing of goddes woord whe rby they haue wel nere vtterly banished true religion and shewed them selfe to be the chiefe head and membre of Antechrist The yere of the worlde 4573 The yere of Christ 612 Prasini and Ueneti people of Asia Anni regum britannie 24 with mutual warres pursued eche other very cruelly The Hunnes called Auares or Bauares inuaded the prouince of Forumiulii ouercame the Lumbardes in battaile slewe theyr capitaine Gysulphus whose wyfe Romilda being enamoured vpon the beauty and comely personage of Cacannus kinge of Hunnes betraied to him the citee of Forumiulii on this condicion that he should take her to his wife Who vsed her as wife onely one night and than commaunded her with mooste greuous tourmentes to be put to death taking of her woorthye punishement for her treason and vncleanesse Forumiulii was wasted and spoyled The Sclauines perced Histria and Dalmatia subdued to theim all that countrey CAdwane duke of Northewales Anni regum britannie 1 was made soueraigne of the Britaines The yere of the worlde 4574 The yere of Christ 613 who comming out of wales gaue stronge battayle to Ethelfride kinge of Northumberlande theyr most deadly enemye and in diuers encountres so discomfited the sayd Ethelfride that he was forced to entreate for peace After whyche concord made betwene these two princes they continued all theyr life time as two speciall and louing friendes Cosdroas king of Persians inuaded the landes of the empyre and tooke from the Romaines many citees and countreyes at whiche time the empyre beganne fyrst to decaie in the east partes There was at the same time a commocion in Afrike by the treason of the lieutenaunt Heraclianus father to Heraclius which after was emperour Phocas the emperour was slaine by Heraclianus Heraclius by meanes of his father was aduaunced to the empyre and crowned with the imperiall diademe by Sergius patriarke of Constantinople Anni regum britannie 2 The yere of the worlde 4575 The yere of Christ 614 He reygned .31 yeres In hys tyme fell muche aduersitee the Romayne empyre in the east Anni regum britannie 3 Theodobert and Theodorich The yere of the worlde 4576 The yere of Christ 615 kinges of Austracie and Burgoyne by the counsaile of Bennichild theyr graund mother made warre vpon Lothayre their cosin and king of Soysons In whiche warre was so greate slaughter that the course of the riuer Arunne was stopped with the multitude of dead corses whiche were cast therein But the more parte fell of the souldiours of Lothayre Richaredus kyng of Spayne reigned one yere Eleutherius was ordeined the .7 lieuetenant of Italy The Persians toke the citee of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 4577 The yere of Christ 616 wherein they slew of the Christian men .9 thousande Anni regum britannie 4 and toke the holy crosse with theim into Persia. Anni regum britannie 5 Eleutherius toke the cytee of Naples and ouercame ●amp●inus capitain of the Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4578 The yere of Christ 617 and made peace with theim for .x. yeres An other battayle was foughten betweene Lothayre and his kinsman Theodobert kyng of Austracie in whiche Lothayre was discomfyted and with greate losse of his men fled to Paris Deusdidit the .66 byshop of Rome .iii. yeres Suittilla the soonne of Richaredus kyng of Spayne reigned .x. yeres He made hys sonne Rachimir felowe with him in the kyngdome Anni regum britannie 6 Kingilffus and Quincellinus The yere of the worlde 4579 The yere of Christ 618 after the death of Colwolphus ruled ioinctly the principalitee of weast Saxones in Britaine whiche in the beginning fought against the Britains at Ampton beside Oxenforde and wanne of them the towne with other holdes The Persians toke Alexandria in Aegyp and after the death of Heraclianus the emperours father Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4580 The yere of Christ 619 subdued to them Carthage and and all Afrike The emperour desyred peace of the Persians whiche he could in no wyse obteyne Anni regum britannie 8 Heraclius proclaymed Costantine hys sonne partaker The yere of the worlde 4581 The yere of Christ 620 of the Empyre Heraclius the emperour went foorthe in his vyage against the Persians whom in dyuers great battayles he vanquished and slew of theim many thousandes This warre continued .vi. yeres Boniface after Deusdedit was made byshop of Rome He fyrst ordeined ▪ that they whiche fledde into churches should not be taken thens by violence Eleutherius the Emperours lieuetenant traiterously named him selfe kyng of Italye For whiche treason he was slaine of the other capitaines and his head sente to Constantinople After whom Isaac was lieuetenant of Italye Adoaldus succeded his father Agilulphus and gouerned the kyngdome of the Lumbardes The yere of Christ 621 Deadlye malyce was kendled betwene Theodorich kyng of Burgoyne The yere of the worlde 4582 and his brother Theodobert Anni regum britannie 9 Ferquharde the eldest sonne of Eugenius was king of Scottes .xii. yeres In the tyme of this mans reigne by his neglygence was greate diuision and debate amonge the nobles of the realme Warre betwene Theodorich and Theodoberte Anni regum britannie 10 in the whiche Theodobert and his host was discomfited at Toull The yere of the worlde 4583 The yere of Christ 622 and fled thens to Coleine where by treason he was slaine and his head conueyghed to hys brother Theodorich being enamoured vpō his brothers daughter woulde haue taken hir to wyfe had not hys graund ▪ mother Brunichilde withstode his pourpose because she was so nere of his bloudde wherwith Theodorich was sore dyspleased and threatened to slea hys graundmother ▪ because she before tyme hadde entised hym to make warre vpō his brother Theodobert vnder this pretence that he was not his owne brother but the sonne of a gardiner Brunichilde fearing his manasinges found meanes that he was shortely after poysoned and than dyd Elotdayre rule Fraunce alone which a good season was diuided
the foresaide conspiracie at whyche time Leo was purged of al crime because he sware that he was not giltye of suche thinges as were laid against him For it was not meete saied the people and the priestes that any man should iudge the Apostolike pope but that he should be his owne iudge Wherefore by his owne othe he was quited his aduersaries condemned The yere of Christ 802 Leo for this benifite Anni regum saxo 7 caused Charles to be proclaymed emperour of Rome The yere of the worlde 4762 and crowned him with the imperial Diademe in the citee after the ancient custome of the Romains This hapned .468 yeres after that Constantine the great transfarred the imperiall sea from Rome to Constantinople and .330 yeres after Rome hadde bene without the name of an emperour This Charles by consent of all writers was fayre and semely of personage The yere of Christ Anni regum saxo 8 and of lusty and valiaunt courage Of his strengthe wonders are tolde Hys guyse was to eat at one meale a whole hare or two hennes or a whole gose or like quantitie of other meat and drinke therto a litle wine mengled with water For his noble prowes and victories he was named Charles the great And notwithstandinge his great might and honour yet was he meke and lowly in hert and milde and gracious to the poore He sette his sonnes to learne as well good letters as marciall feates and his daughters to spynning of wolle woorke He was experte in all speaches and neded no interpretor At meale he vsed to haue some notable thinge redde and specially of S. Augustine De ciui dei Finallye in him was nothing to be discommended but that he kepte his daughters to longe vnmarrided Aaron king of Persie sent great giftes to Charles desiringe him of amit●e and aliaunce In like maner dyd Irenes the empresse of Constantinople Charles transferred all the Saxones dwelling beyond the riuer Albia in Boheme into the countrey of France of whiche people came the Brabantes Flemminges Anni regum saxo 9 The yere of the worlde 4764 The yere of Christ 803 Nichephorus a senatour of Constantinople deposed Hirene sente hir into banishement and reigned .viii. yeres after her He made league with Charles and was at agrement for the boundes of bothe their empires Charles beganne his warre against the Hunnes which continued .viii. yeeres The yere of the worlde 4766 The yere of Christ 805 and then he vtterlye vanquished theyr whole power Anni regum saxo 11 and brought them in subiection At whiche time all the glorye of the Hunnes decayed all their nobilitee perished and the great riches that they of longe time had gathered was taken from theym and spoyled Charles the younger vanquished the Bohemes Anni regum saxo 12 The Danes with a great hoste entred this lande of Britaine the seconde time Anni regum saxo 14 The yere of the worlde 4767 The yere of Christ 806 The yere of the worlde 4769 The yere of Christ 808 and spoyled the yle of Shepei in Kent Against whom Egbert the kinge spedde him with his power whome the Danes compelled to forsake the fielde After whiche time some of the Danes continually abode in one place or other of this lande The Sarasens wasted the ylandes of Sardinia and Corsiea Lewys the sonne of Charles went with an armye against the Sarasens whiche inuaded Spaine Nicephorus emperour of Constantinople toke Populonium a citee of Hetruria and cast it to the earth Pipine kinge of Italye warred vppon the Uenetians because they fauoured more the part of Nicephorus The yere of the worlde 4770 The yere of Christ 809 Anni regum saxo 15 thē of Charles his father and the Frenchemen Ater whyche warre they were made friendes and the Uenetians suffered to vse their ancient libertees Pipine died at Millaine The Danes ouercame the landes of Charles in Germanie Charles made peace with Nicephorus emperour of Constantinople The yere of the worlde 4771 The yere of Christ 810 and with Abulazar king of Spaine Anni regum saxo 16 This yere was a double eclipse bothe of the sonne and of the moone The yere of the worlde 4772 The yere of Christ 811 Anni regum saxo 17 Nicephorus emperour of Constantinople Anni regum saxo 18 whiche in diuers encounters had vanquished the Bulgares The yere of the worlde 4773 The yere of Christ 812 was lastlye slaine of Chrummus theyr kinge After whom Stauratius his son obteined the empyre and before he had reigned fully one yeere was murdered by his kynsman Michaell who vsurped the imperiall crowne .ii. yeres Hemingus kinge of Danes after Godfrey made league with Charles and recompensed him for the iniuries dooen by his predecessour Godfrey Abumalach king of Sarasens in Spaine made league with Charles The yere of Christ 813 Anni regum saxo 19 The yere of the worlde 4774 Lewys was made felowe in the empire with his father Charles and Bernharde son of Pipine king of Italy After the death of Hemingus kinge of Danes ciuile warre was arrered betweene Sigefrede and A●●lo for the succession at whiche time was slaine ●940 of Danes and then was Herolde and Reginfride ordeyned kinges The yere of Christ 814 Michaell emperour of Constantinople Anni regum saxo 20 afterdyuers victories obteyned on the Bulgares The yere of the worlde 4775 was at the length by them chased and fledde to Constantinople where he gaue vp the imperiall auctoritee and ledde a priuate life In his place was chosen a noble man called Leo who foorthwith vanquished and droue backe the Bulgares whiche with their army hadde besieged the citee of Constantinople Charles the great ended his life and was entred at Aquisgrane Lewys the sonne of Charles succeded his father as wel in the gouernance of the empire Anni regum saxo 21 The yere of the worlde 4776 The yere of Christ 815 as in the kingdom of Fraunce whiche he ruled .xxv. yeres well and nobly For his gentilnesse he was surnamed Lewys the milde He made his sonne Lothayre partaker of the empyre Anni regum saxo 22 Lewys vanquished the Danes The yere of the worlde 4777 The yere of Christ 816 and restored Harold to his kingdome whom they before had expelled Anni regum saxo 23 Pascall The yere of the worlde 4778 being made pope without the consent of Lewys somwhat to the discontentinge of his minde The yere of Christ 817 in all hast excused him selfe by letters fearing greatly the emperours displeasure The Gascoynes whiche rebelled agaynst the French men were vanquished and brought in subiection Anni regum saxo 24 Great discorde was amonge the Sarasens The yere of the worlde 4779 The yere of Christ 818 in so much that theyr kingdome was deuided into iiii partes .ii. ruled in Spaine one in Egipt and Afrike an ot her in Surie and Arabi● Woorde was brought to Lewys the emperour that Bernarde his kinsman and ruler of Italye Anni regum saxo 25 The yere of the
be shewed him as at Bononia Ferr●ria Florētia or other where but by the aduertisement of the emperour he grāted it to procede at Basile but there present he wold not be for any thynge The yere of the worlde 5397 The yere of Christ 1436 Charles of France recouered by treason the citee of Paris Anni regum Angli 14 and wanne by force the towne of Harflew and of S. Denis expellinge and murderinge the Englishemen in great nombre Lewys the Dolphine sonne of Charles tooke to wyfe Margaret the doughter of the kinge of Scottes The duke of Burgoyne besieged the towne of Cales but when he hard of the comming of the duke of Gloucester protector of England he fled in al hast leuing much of his ordinaunce behind him to his great dishonor whō the duke of Gloucester pursued a .xi. dayes bournynge destroying the countrey as he wēt euen to S. Omers The sectes of the Bohemes called Orphanes and Thabor●tes were vanquyshed in battaile by the barones and noble men of the countrey after the discomfiture many thousandes of them burnt and destroyed with fire in the common barnes into the whiche they were gotten and inclosed by a trayne and deceyt inuented by the nobles ▪ After which time the countrey of Boheme became subiect to the emperour acknowlaginge him for theyr king 〈◊〉 continued al his life tyme. The kinge of Scottes was trayterously slaine of his owne men Anni regum Angli 15 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ which were after taken and put to most peinful death All the Lions died in the tower of London which had liued there a long time Sigismunde the emperour departed out of this life Albert duke of Austrich kynge of Boheme and Hungary was made emperour He was a religious and deuout prince for his liberalitie iustice and manl●nesse in armes greatly renowmed He subdued the Bohemes brought in subiection the people of Morauia and Marmacia and prepared a great power agaynst the turke About this time the turkes being vanquyshed and ouerthrowen in a great battaile by the Hungarians desired a truce for .x yeres The cardinal of the holy crosse by the appoyn●tmente of Eugenius bishop of Rome beganne the counsaile of Ferraria to the whiche came Iohn Paleologus emperour of Constantinople with the patriarke and diuers other noble men of Grece to the entent to treat a vnitee betwene the Latines and the Grekes whiche was there concluded and one churche made of them both The warre was renued betwene Philip of Millayne and the Uenecians to the great murder and desolaciō of both partes Eugenius by the auctoritee of the coūsaile of Basyle was deposed and Amodius duke of Sauoy in Fraunce chosen in his place but Eugenius notwithstandynge continued still as bishop and would not resigne Anni regum Angli 6 U●lla which restored againe the puritee of the Latyne tongue ▪ Trapezuntius Blondus The yere of the worlde 1499 The yere of Christ Iohannes de●mmola a lawier Guanerius and Hugo Senensis phisityōs Gazulus Rhagusinus and Iohannes Gnaundensis astronomers flourished About this time were sene in Italy .ii. great swarmes of Pissemers coming out of a peare tre which fought so fiercely eche with other that many were slaine on bothe partes and not long before in France a flock of crowes and another of Gossehaukes met in the ayre foughte so longe that the bloudde and feathers appered after in great plenty Zensa king of Persie he was a famous philosopher The counsa●le of Ferra●e by reason of a great pestylēce was transferred to Florence The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1439 Anni regum Angli 17 where the christians at Armenie and Indie consented to the Romaine church and the Greekes agreed that the holy ghost proceded frō the father and the sonne that there was a purgatorye that the sacrament ought to be celebrated onely with vnleauen bread made of wheate and that the bishop of Rome was Peters lawfull successour and christes glorius vicar in earth to whom all the world oughte to obey whiche they neuer consented to before this time neyther at this time did long continue in that belyefe So great a dearth in England and Fraunce that the poore people made theim bread of fetches pesin beanes and fearne rootes Nicolaus Pice●nius capitaine of the Myllanours besieged Briria and by treason toke the citee Uerona whiche Frauncisce Sfortia leader of the Ueneci●ns armie within .iiii. dayes recouered and brought in subiection Friderike the .iii Duke of Austrich after the deathe of Alberte The yere of the worlde 5401 The yere of Christ 1440 was ordeyned emperour of Rome Anni regum Angli 18 and reigned 15 yeres The warre continued betwene Englād and Fraunce and diuers townes and castels were wonne on both partes which were eftsoones recouered but the more losse tourned ●uer to the englyshemen A priest was bourned in London which of the common people was counted so holy a man that they made theyr prayers to him and had him in wonderfull great reuerence vntil a commaundement was geuen by the king to the contrary Albert kinge of Hungarie departing out of thys lyfe lette his wife Elizabeth great with childe whiche shortely after was delyuered of a son called Ladislaus whom immediatly she and certayne other proclaymed king of Hungary and Boheme and commited him to the tuicion of Friderich the emperour But diuers of the nobles chose for their kinges Uladislaus the kynges brother of Polonie by whiche meanes was deadly warre betwene the queene Elysabeth and the Polonians for the crown of Hungary and the realme of Hūgary diuided among theim selfe The Bohemes also profered their kyngdome to Albert Duke of Bauarye whiche refused it with great modesty In England Dame Elenour Cobham wife to the lord proctour Anni regum Angli 91 and certaine other persons were accused The yere of the worlde 5402 The yere of Christ 1441 that by sorcery and inchantmentes practised by an image of waxe they endeuoured to bring out of lyfe by littell and littell the kynges person In this yeere after some Amadeus Duke of Sauoye was chosen b●shop of Rome for Eugenius Anni regum Angli 20 The towne of Depe was besieged by the lord Talbote The yere of the worlde 5403 The yere of Christ 1442 and rescued againe by the Frenchemen Peace was concluded betwene Myllayne and Uenice after the warre had continued fiercely the space of .iii yeres Sfortia the Uenecians capitain toke to wife Blanch Duke Phillips daughter of Myllaine and hadde for hir dower Cremona and Pontremulin Anni regum Angli 21 The steple of S. Paules churche in London was sette on fyre with lightning The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and lastly quenched by great diligence and labour of many men Alphons king of Arragon after longe warre conquered the citie of Naples and expellyng Rhenatus Duke of Angeow obteined the kyngdome of Puell Eugenius the byshop retourned from the counsalle of Florence of
yere before Christe 2206 For Nemroth after he had by force broughte his borderers vnder subiection exhorted to his enterprise Iectan comen of the stocke of Sem and Suphue one of the chyldren of Iaphet For by these thre princes gouernance and fortune the hole posteritee of Noe was ruled Nemroth was a man veray bold and eloquent in tunge and sayed That the felicitee of man ought not to be ascribed vnto god but that rather euerye man obteineth it by his owne industrie For which cause he perswaded the people to builde an high towre ouer the whiche the water shuld not arise and that the top thereof should reache euen to the heauens The multitude were ready to fulill the commaundementes of Nemroth esteming the obeysaunce of god to be a greuous bondage and builded the towre But as soone as they began God foorthwith as the holye scripture testifieth by this meane dashed the pride of the buylders That where so many nacions gathered together which in number were .lxx. vsed but one language or speche god so confused theyr tongues that euery one of theim spake in sundry speches that the one might not vnderstand the other wherby of necessitee the woorke was lefte vnfinished and they scattered abrode through al the world ¶ After this varietee of tungues chaunced dyuers kyndes of monstruous people were brought forth in sundry places S. Augustine in his booke intituled the citee of god writeth in this maner God knowing in what similitude or diuersitiee of the membres of mans body the beaultie therof is comprehended wold also bryng into the worlde many monstruous people that therby the pryde of man might be abated Therefore what so euer maner men be borne in any place so that they be creatures reasonable mortal and begotten of man ought not to be doubted albeit thei be deformed and contrary to our nature The first Monarchie IT is to be vnderstand that those thinges which be done of magistrates and rulers ought to be taken and honoured as the worke of god We haue warned afore ī our preface that god wold the world to be gouerned by .iiii. monarchies the policie iustice correctiō might be kept amōg mē therfore many thinges be spoken of them in scripture God did set forth these monarchies or empires to Daniel by two facions The first vnder the similitude of a man whose head was of golde his breast of siluer his bealy of brasse hys legges of yron his fete parte of yron parte of earth and howe christ the stone brake the feete that the man should fal and so the world to ende Daniel interpreted this vision to signify the .iiii. monarchies For sayeth he the golden head signifieth the first monarchie which was of the Assyrians the siluer breast the kingdome of the Persiās the brasen bealy the reygne of the Macedons the yron legges the empire of the Romains the earthen and yron feete do betokē this present state of the empire of Rome because that at this season it is of lesse power and reputacion than it hath bene ¶ The foure beastes that were shewed vnto Daniel signified the figure of these monarches The Lion declared the strength of the Assyryans the beare the power of the Persians the leopard the valyant courage of Alexander the fourth beast the puissaunce of the Romaines ¶ There is more ouer that other cruel kingdomes shuld rise whiche should ordeine harde and straight lawes against the religion of Christe by whome is vnderstande the reygne of Mahomettes and Turkes at thse dayes So faithfully God remembreth vs that the histories of the world knowen we maye consider the ende therof to be at hande and that by this meanes we may establishe our fayth It appereth in the Bible that the first kyngdome was begun by Nemroth amonge the Babyloniās whom the scripture calleth a stronge hunter before the lorde that is a mightye prince who by force brought people to his subiection In that he was called a hunter is signified that he was a deceiuer of soules an oppresser of men and for that he withdrewe men from the true religion of God he was so called ¶ This Nemroth called also Nimrod and Babylonicall Saturne The yere of the worlde 1788 The yere before Christe 1175 was the sonne of Chus who was the son of Cham. He began the first empire and reigned .56 yeres He builded the towre Babell whyche he lefte vnfynished and finally for his wickednes was of the infernal spirites rapte in to hell Frome Nemroth Berosus the Chaldey and Metastenes the Persian began their chronicles ¶ The firste Monarchy began among the Chaldeis as Xenophon testifieth and the posteritee of Cham reigned firste of whome Nemeroth had his beginnynge All be 〈◊〉 that Cham was cursed yet god wōderfully deferred both the punishement and promyse Notwithstandyng the impyre dydde not continue in the handes of the posteritee of Nemroth For among the Assyrians rose vp a new kingdome by Assur of whom Niniue was builded who subdued the citee of Babylon whyche Diodorus Siculus doeth wryte and by this occasyon the Monarchy was changed from the Chaldeis to the Assyrians Strabo and diuers other make mencion of the citee of Niniue that standeth in Assyria wherby it maye bee easily gathered that Babylon and Niniue were two sundrye cities and not one citee called by diuers names The yere of the worlde 1797 The yere before Christe 2166 ¶ Comerus Gallus in the .33 yere after the fyrst arriual of Ianus in Italy and the .1414 yere before the buildyng of Rome brought inhabitantes into the royalme called after Italy and was made the fyrst kynge thereof He named the coūtrey after his owne name and taught theim bothe lawes and iustice The yere of the worlde 1799 The yere before Christe 2164 ¶ Iubal in the .142 yere after the Deluge receiuynge Spain for his porcion builded a famous citee of his own name in that parte whiche is nowe called Granado ¶ In the same tyme the prudente Samothes came into Fraunce and there first reygned ¶ Occeanus the son of Cham first reygned in Aegipte He by his sister Thetis had many chyldren Then came vppon him the corrupter of mankinde C ham his father The yere of the worlde 1802 The yere before Christe 2161 the Aegiptian Saturne who for the corruption of hys maners was surnamed Chamesenuus where he taught magike and was had in great renoume ¶ Gog with his father Sabus possessed Arabia The yere of the worlde 1805 The yere before Christe Triton Libia Chus Aethiopia and Getulus Getulia ¶ Thuyscon one of the sonnes of Noe The yere of the worlde 1812 The yere before Christe 2151 borne after the floud with the children of Istus and Mesa enhabited all the countreis from the mountain Adula to Ponthus and from the great riuer Tanais to the Ryne He was the founder of the Sarmatians and Germanes two mighty nacions and gaue vnto theym lawe After he had reygned .150 yeares he dyed being of his people estemed to
be a god ¶ Reu in the .32 yeare of his lyfe begat Saruch The yere of the worlde 1820 The yere before Christe ¶ Ianus in this time brought inhabitantes into Hyrcania and Mesopotamia The yere of the worlde 1825 The yere before Christe 2138 ¶ Ganges The yere of the worlde 1828 The yere before Christe 2135 of his owne name founded him an habitacion in India And certaine people came out of Italy from Comerus who inhabited Bactria ¶ Nemroth the Babilonical Saturne The yere of the worlde 1833 The yere before Christe 2130 sent foorth these princes with inhabitantes Assyrius Medus Moscus and Magog who inhabyted the roialme of Assyria Media Moscouia and Scithia ¶ Nowe that we be come to the habitacion of Scithia we shal briefly declare theyr historyes The nacyon of the Scithians bothe in theyr originall beginninges and empires were no lesse renoumed by theyr women than by theyr men They thrise obtained the empyre of Asia whiche they kept tributarie vnto them vntyl the time of Nynus they them selfes remaining cōtinually witho ut the subiection of other princis They put to shamefull flight Darius king of Persia thei ouerthrew Zopyrona the capitaine of Alexander with his armye in like maner they slew Cyrus with all his power They rather heard of the Romans than felt them Of theym arose the nacions of the Parthians people veraie laborious and hardye in warres Among theim no crime is so greuous as thefte for they hauyng their substance and cattell without houses or other defence might haue nothyng in sauegard yf theft were not sharpely punished As for gold and syluer thei dispise as muche as other nacions desire it This cōtinence hath taught theim rightuousnesse that they neuer desyre other mens goodes For the desyre of riches is there where the vse of it is Whiche moderacion and absteinyng from other mens good I wishe vnto all men for than truely so great warres shoulde not so longe nor among so many bee continued neither shulde the sword destroye more men than the natural course of doth shuld take away Certes this semeth wonderfull that nature shuld geue vnto theim that which the Christians by the godly wisedome of Christe by the long preceptes and instructions of holy men can not attein vnto Muche more preuaileth in theim the ignoraunce of vices than in vs the knowlage of vertnes Finally from theim hath come people fearefull and vengeable to all the worlde as the Alanes ▪ Hunnes Gothes Bulgarois Slauanois Turkes and Tartarians ▪ Moreouer the women of that nacion at the riuer Thermodoon reuenged the deathe of their husbandes with the slaughter of theyr ennemies and lest that some shoulde seme more happier than other some they slue all the men that remained and forthwith abhorred the desyre of matrimonie calling it rather bondage than mariage Neuerthelesse whan that by warre they had obteined peace and by theyr valiaunt prowesse had conquered a great part both of Asia and Europe stablishyng theim a kyngedome by the name of Amazons Than leste their nacion should decaye through lacke of men they vsed the company of theyr borderers If men children were borne thei were either slain or sent to their fathers the women thei preserued exercisyng theim not in sowyng spinnyng or idelnesse but in feates of armes ridyng and huntyng The right pappes of theyr children thei feared of that it shoulde be no lette to theim in shootynge For whych cause they were called Amazons that is hauynge but one pappe By this maner exercise thei became so strong and hardy that they feared not to fight hand to hand with the most valiant princes Hercules Thesius Achilles and the great Alexander But howe long time these women continued or when they ceassed we can not certainly finde yet we rede that Minothea one of theyr quenes for the desyre too haue issue by the great Alexander came with .30000 women .25 dayes iourney to him and after thirtye dayes returned beynge conceiued with childe Iupiter Belus the sonne of Saturne The yere of the worlde 1844 The yere before Christe 2119 the seconde emperour of Babilon reigned .62 yeares He founded and edified Babylon more like a towne then a citee and continued ī peace vntil it was toward the end of his reigne Comerus after the maner of the Scithians The yere of the worlde 1846 The yere before Christe 2117 frome whens he cam taught his Italyans to make townes with chariottes and wagons Therfore in the Scithians tung they be called v●ii because they cal cartes veias For long after the Scithians vsed cartes and chariottes in stede of houses vnder which they made theyr stables and aboue theyr lodginges ▪ Tyrus after he had founded Tyrum with the chief of his people toke the sea and inhabited Thracia Arcadius then possessed Arcady and Aemathius Macedonye ¶ Saruch in the .xxx. yere of his life begatte Naphor The yere of the worlde 1850 The yere before Christe 2113 which was the .xviii. in discent from Adam In this season begā the kingdome of the Sicyonians The yere of the worlde 1875 The yere before Christe 2088 nowe called Morea where Aegialeus firste reygned .52 yeres and called 〈◊〉 Aegiale● Nachor when he was .29 yeres of age begat Thare The yere of the worlde 1879 The yere before Christe 2084 who was the .xix. in discent from Adam This Thare in his youth begat Aram and Nachor but after by an other wife he had Abram The childrē of Aram were Lot Sara and Melcha Ianus brought inhabitauntes into the fertil Arabia The yere of the worlde 1888 The yere before Christe 2075 who of his name were called Ianuteans C ham came into Italy and there The yere of the worlde 1898 The yere before Christe 2065 〈◊〉 ●●n●ing Camerus beganne to rule the people ▪ and with his wickednes and vices corrupted them Ianus leauing inhabytauntes in Arabia departed from thens and came into Aphrike to Triton Triton lefte Hammon his sonne king of Libya The yere of the worlde 1903 The yere before Christe 2860 who toke to wife Rhea his sister but neuertheles vnknowing to Rhea he begat Dionisius on Amalthea a young woman whome he sente to be nourished into Nysa a towne of Arabie Belus began to be inflamed with the desyres of war but being preuented by death he committed to his sonne Ninus the charge to dilate his empire Hytherto extendeth the golden worlde The yere of the worlde 1906 The yere before Christe 2057 Ninus the third emperour of Babylon reygned .52 yeres He was the sonne of Iupiter Belus who first of al changed the goldē world of Saturn into the yron world violating the law of nature wherby euery royalme was rather defended than enlarged by theyr priuate princis whose iudgement and wyll was in steede of lawes and were therto not chosen by ambicion but by vertue and wisedome But Ninus moued with a new desire of augmenting his empire dyd first sette vppon his borderers rude and ignorant in warres than one victory bringing
the stocke of my sonne Iuda shal be borne a virgyn of whom the lambe immaculate shal be borne which is the lambe of god that by grace shall saue all men whose kingdome shal be euerlastinge and neuer corrupted Therfore the great lord shal appeare in earth as a man and shall take vpon him a mortall bodye and shall eate as a man His sterre shal arise in heuen and he shall shyne in the earth as the sonne The heauens shall open ouer him and out of the temple no lyttel sanctificacion of glory shall come to him He shall poure out the spirite of grace vppon vs and you shall be his chyldren in the truth He shal be from Leui a priest and from Iuda a kyng he shal be bothe god and man medyator betwene god and man and shal take awaye all darkenesse whiche is vnder the heauen and there shal be peace through the vniuersall worlde The voyce of the yll doers shall be agaynst him not knowing his resurrection But the bloud of his innocēcie you shal receiue on your hedes And in his passion the stones shal cleaue a sunder the sonne shal be darkened and all other thinges shal be troubled the inuisible spirites shal tremble and helle shal be spoyled he shall open the gates of paradyse and shal make the thretnynge swoorde agaynst Adam to stande and shal geue vnto his saynctes to eate of the wood of lyfe Belial shall be bound by him Then shal ye se Enoch Noe Sem Abraham Isaac and me your father rising in ioye from the ryght hande of god and shal geue power to his chyldren to ouercome pernycious spirites and as many as beleue in him on the erth shal also reioyce Then shal all men rise agayne the godly to glory and ioye the vngodly to shame and perpetuall damnacion and most specyally he shal iudge Israel whiche would not beleue in him c. Tagus surnamed Orma reigned ouer the Spaniardes The yere of the worlde 2114 The yere before Christe 1849 by whom the countrey was called Taga At the same time beganne Marsus his reigne ouer the Germaynes Abraham the most holy patriarch in this tyme finished his last daye The yere of the worlde 2124 The yere before Christe 1839 After whose decesse there arose a great famine in the land of Canaan for whyche Isaac wente to soiourne with Abimelech king of Palestine Apis was the fyrst that was supposed to bee a god in Aegypt The yere of the worlde 2128 The yere before Christe 1835 whom some cal Serapin Armatrites the ninth emperour of Assyria reygned .38 yeares who beynge wholly giuen to voluptee and delycacies dyd bothe inuent and amplifie those thinges whiche apperteined to pleasures The yere of the worlde 2138 The yere before Christe 1825 ¶ Sicanus the sonne of Malot Tages The yere of the worlde 2141 The yere before Christe 1822 begā to reigne ouer the Italians of whom the coūtrey Uetulonia was named Sicania In this time Longho reigned amonge the Gaules The yere of the worlde 2143 The yere before Christe 1820 Betus began his reigne ouer the Spaniardes of whom the realme was called Betica Leucippus the eyghte kynge of Peloponessus The yere of the worlde 2145 The yere before Christe 1818 reigned 53. yeares In this season arose the ragious flod of Achaia The yere of the worlde 2151 The yere before Christe 1812 wherby the hole prouince was almost destroyed Osyris in Tracia distroied the giant Licurgus Phoroneus the son of Inachus the second kinge of Argiues reigned .60 yeres The yere of the worlde 2158 The yere before Christe 1805 He fyrste gaue lawes and iudgementes vnto the Grecians Not longe after the begynninge of his reigne Telchises and Carpathius kepte greuous warre againste him with doubtfull hope of victorie But they beinge vanquisshed by him in battayle were driuen out of their countrey and ignoraunt of al thinges supposynge them selues to haue ben vtterly excluded from all mēs company toke for a sure possession the yle of Rhodes before that tyme called Ophiussa Thessalus the sonne of Grecus The yere of the worlde 2166 The yere before Christe 1797 fyrste reigned in Thessalia whiche before was called as Plinye testifyeth Emonia Deabus amonge the Spanyardes vsurped tirannously the kyngedome he was so called for the golde mynes and ryches which he inuented got oppressyng his subiectes Bardus the yonger reigned amonge the Gaules The yere of the worlde 2171 The yere before Christe 1792 Belochus the tenthe Emperoure of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2176 The yere before Christe 1787 reigned .35 yeres He had that name bycause that with the rule of his Empire he exercised the offyce of the highe prieste of Iupiter Belus and alwayes was occupied aboute diuinacions and prophesyes Gambriuius a valiant man in armes reigned ouer the Germans and as their histories witnesse was the fyrste that woore a crowne ▪ He inuented the makinge of beere and taught his people to brewe it ¶ In Aemathia nowe called Macedonia Macedon the son of Osyris began to reigne of whome the prouince receiued that name The yere of the worlde 2117 The yere before Christe 1786 And aboute this time Osyris suppressed giantes whiche began to vse tyrannie The yere of the worlde 2180 The yere before Christe 1783 ¶ Iacob fled from his brother Esau and wente to his vncle Laban where after seuen yeares he maryed Lya and Rachell and by theim and theyr handemaydes had the .12 Patriarches The yere of the worlde 2198 The yere before Christe 1765 ¶ Messapius the .ix. kynge of Peloponessus reigned .47 yeares The yere of the worlde 2200 The yere before Christe 1763 ¶ Ioseph the sonne of Iacob and Rachaell a man mooste chaste and vertuous was in this time borne He in his youthe by his excellente fauoure vertue and wysedome excelled all his brethren and was of his father aboue all the other beloued for whiche cause and for his dreames he was of his brethren had in great despite and by theym sold into Aegipt where after long imprysonement in the 30. yeare of his age he expounded the dreames of Pharao by whome he was made presidente of Aegypte and called the sauyour of the worlde For God woulde that by thys meruellous occasyon he shoulde come into Aegipte that his power might be there knowen and that helpe myght be ministred to Iacob and his familye in the tyme of famine This Ioseph taught the Aegyptians bothe relygyon and ciuill policies whiche is moste worthye to bee obserued that a man inspired with the holy ghoste shuld institute so harde and seuere maner of administracion and to drawe togither the hole royalme of Aegypte a countrey so large and wyde as it were the membres of one body Wherby we may learne that seuerite is moste meete to keepe people in obedyence and that it is of god approued For gentilnes corrupteth the common people But to returne to our purpose After Ioseph had gouerned the royalme of Aegypte by the space of .80 yeares
Cecrops the seconde of that name kinge of Athenes reigned .xl. yeres Pelops tooke to wife Hypodamia Mars Italus surnamed the yōger Ianus reigned amongest the Aborigines Ueivenus of the family of Uetulonia ruled the Thuschanes The yere of the worlde 2621 The yere before Christe 1342 Acrisius kyng of Argiues reigned .31 yeres The yere of the worlde 2623 The yere before Christe 1340 Rhomus gouerned the Spaniardes Ion a valiant man after his name called the Atheniens Iones Dionysius called also Liber Pater The yere of the worlde 2632 The yere before Christe 1331 warred againste the Indians where he builded the citee Nysa vppon the great riuer Indus Amphion reigned at Thebes who as it is sayde with the excellēt harmony of his harpe euē moued the stones The yere of the worlde 2636 The yere before Christe 1327 Lampares the .xxiiii. emperoure of Assyria reigned 30. yeres The yere of the worlde 2637 The yere before Christe 1326 Pelops reigninge in Peloponessus and ī Olimpus assembled his power against Troy The yere of the worlde 2642 The yere before Christe 1321 and was vanquysshed by Dardanus Rauses kyng of Egypt reigned .lxvi. yeres The yere of the worlde 2644 The yere before Christe 1319 Here ended the kyngdome of the Argiues from whēs it was translated to the Micenes The yere of the worlde 2652 The yere before Christe 1311 A moste cruell warre was betweene the Cretenses and Atheniens The yere of the worlde 2653 The yere before Christe 1310 to the destruction of them bothe but the Cretenses being conquerours vsed their victorie extremely for they decreed that all the noble mens children of Athenes shoulde be deuoured by the Minotaure Palatuus reigned in Spayne and Galatas the yonger in Fraunce The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1307 who subdued the Sarmatians and builded Galata where he also reigned Ilus reigned in Troy who buylded Ilium Midas also in Phrigia The yere of the worlde 2657 The yere before Christe 1306 Polybus kyng of Peloponessus reigned .25 yeres Pandion in Athenes reigned .25 yeres Perseus vnwillyngly sleyng Acrisius went to Argos and there reigned Euristeus the first king of Micenas reiged .45 yeres Samgar The yere of the worlde 2658 The yere before Christe 1305 the .iii. iudge of Israell with an oxe gad slue 600. Philistines and deliuered Israell he reigned but one yere The yere of the worlde 2659 The yere before Christe 1304 Debora a woman the .iiii. iudge iudged Israell ▪ 40. yeres She with Barak the capitaine of hir army ouerthrue Iabin king of Cananees who had oppressed Israel 20. yeres Iahell also the wife of Aber killed Sisara Duke of the hoste of Iabin fleyng from the battaile The yere of the worlde 2666 The yere before Christe 1297 Coeculus surnamed the yonger Saturnus reigned amonge the Aborigines in Italy The yere of the worlde 2667 The yere before Christe 1296 Pannias the .25 emperor of Assyria reigned .45 yeres The yere of the worlde 2669 The yere before Christe 1294 Oscus gouerned the Thuschanes whose armes was a serpente Cadmus toke to wife Harmonia the sister of Iasius Olbius that time reigned in France Aegeus the son of Pandion the .ix. kynge of Athenes reigned .48 yeres The yere of the worlde 2671 The yere before Christe 1292 Atreus and Thyestes after the death of Pelops The yere of the worlde 2632 The yere before Christe 1281 diuided the royalme of Peloponessus The yere of the worlde 2685 The yere before Christe 1278 Picus the yōger was made kīg ouer the Aborigines Entropius from Saturn to this Picus did digresse The yere of the worlde 2690 The yere before Christe 1273 Miletus builded Tarcon the .ii. reigned among the Thuschanes The yere of the worlde 2694 The yere before Christe 1269 The nauigacion of the Argonautes began Inachus the .xxi. kyng of Sicyonia reigned .42 yeres The yere of the worlde 2697 The yere before Christe 1266 Orpheus the Thracian in this tyme flourished whose scholar was Museus Gedeon called also Ierobaal The yere of the worlde 2699 The yere before Christe 1264 the .v. iudge ruled Israel 40. yeres He deliuered them from the power of the Madianites vnder whom thei were .vii. yeres sleyng Oreb Zeb Zalmona theyr princis with .120000 of the Madianites and Arabies Whan he deceassed he lefte .lxx. sonnes behynde hym Atreus and Thyestes reigned togither ouer the Mycenes .65 yeres The yere of the worlde 2703 The yere before Christe 1260 Nanges reigned in France The yere of the worlde 2709 The yere before Christe 1254 Amenophis the .ii. kyng of Aegipt reigned .40 yeres The yere of the worlde 2710 The yere before Christe 1253 Laomedon reigned in Troye Minos obteined the seas and scoured them from Pyrates He was the firste lorde of the Isles Cyclades and inhabited theim with people Sosarmus the .xxvi. emperour of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2712 The yere before Christe reigned .19 yeres About this time Hercules perfourmed his great enterprises and for his heroicall and princelye vertues was greatly commended he was the sonne of Amphitrio and Alemena His father Amphitrio for as muche as he had for certaine displeasure slaine his owne brother fled from Tyrintho his naturall citee vnto Thebes where it fortuned Hercules to be borne and there shewed the first proffe of his vertue strengthe and noblenesse For whan that Minya which were at that time of great power beseged the citee of Thebes Hercules repelling their enemies defended the citee and toke the towne Orchomenon This victorie wanne to hym great renoume In soo muche that afterwarde other princes of Greece resorted to hym gladly among the whiche he shewed him self alwaye a maynteyner and defēder of peace and iustice and helped such princis as were suppressed with iniuries and chastised the vniust deedes of other and towarde theim whiche he dyd helpe vsed great gentylnesse leying vpon theim no greatter bourdeyns than they were able to susteyne These wer the vertues for the whiche he obteined so greate renoume as neuer prince had dooen before his tyme. Furthermore he deliuered the sea about Italy and Spayne from pyrates and robbers and for a perpetuall memorie therof cōmaunded two great rockes to be sette vp in the vttermoste corners of Spaine and Affrike whiche at this daye are called the columnes of Hercules Cacus in Spayne flourished The Lapithians and Thessalians contended togyther with famous conflictes The yere of the worlde 2722 The yere before Christe 1241 The Thessalians were called Centaures of the Lapithiās because that their horsmen rounnyng in the battayle semed to haue but one bodye bothe of a horse and man Faunus the yonger reigned amonge the Aborigines his mother Nicostrata is thought firste to haue inuēted the latine letters The yere of the worlde 2733 The yere before Christe 1240 ¶ Euander with hys nauy came into Italy .60 yeres before the busynesse of Troye where beynge receiued of Faunus and landes geuen vnto hym he chose the hylle that nowe is in the myddes of
the citee of Rome wherevpon he builded a castell and named it Palantium The yere before Christe 1238 ¶ Hercules passing into Asia ouercame and slewe Laomedon the kyng of Troye The yere of the worlde 2725 but yet in this victorie he vsed a varaie noble and princely moderacion for he saued the kyngdome and would not destroy it and deliuered the possession therof to Priamus as to the true inheritour Thescus the tenth king of Athenes reigned .xxx. yeres After the death of Aegeus The yere of the worlde 2730 The yere before Christe 1233 he gathered togither all them that dwelled in Artica and brought them into a citee and one people that before dwelled scattered ī diuers places he coyned money and strake therin an oxe Many other woorthy actes he dyd and was compaygnion with ▪ Hercules in all his noble actes and deedes Mitreus the .27 emperor of Assyria reigned .xvii. yeres Uesores proclaymed warre agaynst the Scithians The yere of the worlde 2731 The yere before Christe 1232 of whom he was vanquished and put to flyght The Scithians by theyr captayne Taunases made Asia tributarie to them Hercules returned from Spaine into Italy and in the 55. yere before the comming of Aeneas he slew Cacus gaue lawes to the Itilians Taunases made Sornus the king of Medea tributary The yere of the worlde 2734 The yere before Christe 1229 At this place Iornandes began his historie of the Getes Of the Gothes the Parthians toke theyr ▪ beginning They driue the original of the Amazons vnto this age Lampeto and Merpesia queenes of Amazonia Tiberinus of the house of U●a ruled the Thuscanes The yere of the worlde 2738 The yere before Christe 1225 Abimelech sonne of Gedeon the .vi. iudge The yere of the worlde 2739 The yere before Christe 1224 tyrannously occupied that rome thre yeres he slue his .70 brethern the sonnes of Gedeon and at the last was hym selfe miseserably slaine of a woman castinge downe a piece of a mylstone on his head Phestus king of Sicyonia reigned .8 yeres Thola the .vii. iudge iudged Israel quietly .23 yeres The yere of the worlde 2742 The yere before Christe 1221 Carthago was builded by Zano and Carthago Tyriās The yere of the worlde 2745 The yere before Christe 1218 Theseus when he was fity yeres of age rauished Helena And was cōmitted to pryson by Aidoneus bycause he with Perithous wold also haue rauished hys doughter Proserpina Adrastus king of Si●yonia reigned .4 yeres Ammenophos king of Egipt reigned .xxvi. yeres The yere of the worlde 2747 The yere before Christe 1216 Polyphides in Sicyonia and Atreus in Argos reygned The yere of the worlde 2750 The yere before Christe 1213 Hercules ordained the plaies and games of Olimpus The yere of the worlde 2752 wherof cam the Olympiades the computacion therof The yere before Christe 1211 Remus reigned among th e Celtes And Erythreus in Spain About this time Telephus the sonne of Hercules by Auges the sister of Priamus reigned ouer the Gothes in Moesia he warred vppon the Greekes theyr capitaine Thessandrus he slue and vanquished Aiax and Achilles driuing the grekes out of his borders but he was wounded with a darte by Achilles Lycomedes king of Sycia reygned Cantanes the .xxviii. emperour of Assyria reigned .32 yeres The yere of the worlde 2758 The yere before Christe 1205 he subdued the Aethiopes The yere of the worlde 2760 The yere before Christe 1203 Theseus leauing Athenes wandred abrode After whom reygned Muestheus .24 yeres of him Plutarche maketh mencion in the life of Theseus But Iustine sayeth that Demephoon succeded Theseus who ayded the Greekes agaynst the Troianes wherby he obtayned the kingdome ¶ Minos gathering his power in Sicilie against Dedalus The yere of the worlde 2764 The yere before Christe 1199 was slaine of the daughters of Cotalus The yere of the worlde 2765 The yere before Christe 1198 Latinus of whom the Latines tooke theyr name ruled the Aborigenes Iair the .viii. iudge of Israell ruled them .22 yeres A man in all thinges prosperous he had .30 sonnes who were the princes of .xxx. cityes which were called the tounes of Iair Paris Alexander rauished Helena the doughter of Tyndarus The yere of the worlde 2768 The yere before Christe 1195 The Egiptians called her Uenus guest to whom they dedicated a temple at Memphis Agamemnon reigned ouer the Micenes .xviii. yeares he was soueraigne capitaine of the Greekes in the warres of Troye Penthiselea quene of Amazones flourished The yere of the worlde 2773 The yere before Christe 1190 Mezentius reigned among the Thuscanes The yere of the worlde 2774 The yere before Christe 1189 ¶ The great warres of Troye began for the rauishment of Helena the wife of Menelaus whom Paris tooke away with him into Phrigea for whiche acte the pryncis and citees of Grece were so fore displeased that by an vniuersall consent they went vnto Troie where ten yeres they consumed in most cruell warres and at the last wonne the citee whiche they cleane destroyed wyth the kyngdome therof Thuoris king of Egipte reygned .vii. yeares The yere of the worlde 2776 The yere before Christe 1187 Euripilus king of Gothes the sonne of Telephus for the loue of Cassandra came to the ayde of the Troyanes where he was slaine Memnon also and the Amazons broughte succoures to king Priamus Mopsus reygned in Cilicia The Egipcians were nowe gouerned by a certayne power called Dynastia Dyapolitana whiche continued 177. yeres The yere of the worlde 2783 The yere before Christe 1180 In the first yere of this Dynastia Troia was taken as Manetho sayth Latinus then reigned among the Latines who corected the latine tungue and of his owne name called theym Latines .428 yeres before the buylding of Rome In these warres flourished many noble and valiant men as Priamus Hector Paris Troilus Agamemnon Achilles Ulisses Aiax Nestor Dares Patroclus and the yl fauoured Thersites Pelasgus king of Sicyonia reigned .xx. yeres ¶ Gargoris called also Mellicola by reason he was counning in making of hony begā to reigne in Spayne Then the royalme of Spayne was gouerned by sundrye princis by the space of .1071 yeres vntil the empire of the Carthaginenses which after .xxxv. yeres was vnder the dominion of the Romaines vntil the later reygne of the Gothes ¶ Demophon the sonne of Thescus reygned in Athenes .xxxiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 1784 The yere before Christe 1179 Aegistus also in Mycoenas was king ¶ Aeneas with .xx. shippes came into Italy to Latinus and Euander he vanquished Turnus The yere of the worlde 1786 The yere before Christe 1177 and wedded his wife Lauinia he also buylded Lauinium ¶ Iepte the ninthe iudge iudged the Israelites .vi. yeres he deliuered them from the Philistines whome for the synne of ydolatrie they serued .xviii. yeares he by an aduised vowe sacrificed his owne doughter Ascanius reygned ouer the Latines .xxxviii. yeres The yere of the worlde 2789 The yere before Christe 1174 From his son Iulius
descended the house or family of Iulius Orestes after the death of Egysthus ruled the Micenes Tanteus the .29 emperor of Assyria reigned .xl. yeares The yere of the worlde 2790 The yere before Christe 1173 Coleyne vppon the Rine and Lisbone in Portugall were builded Mesentius king of Etruscians in this time liued ¶ After Iepte Abessan the tenth iudge The yere of the worlde 2793 The yere before Christe 1170 ruled the Israelites seuen yeres ¶ Francus the sonne of Hector was receyued of the Frenchemen for theyr lord From this place vnto the tyme of C. Cesar euery sort of people of this nacion had theyr priuate princes The yere of the worlde 2800 The yere before Christe 1163 Aelon or Ahialon the .xi. iudge of Israell gouerned them ten yeres The yere of the worlde 2802 The yere before Christe 1161 The children of Hector toke againe Ilium or Troye expelling the posteritee of Anthenor Rhampsinitus the sonne of Proteus toke vpon hym the gouernance of Egipt The yere of the worlde 2803 The yere before Christe 1160 Zeusippus king of Sicyonia reigned .32 yeres Pyrrhus was slayne by Orestes in the temple of Apollo at Delphos Tissamenus the son of Orestes reigned in Mycoenas ▪ Ascanius The yere of the worlde 2809 The yere before Christe 1154 leauing his kingedome to his stepmother builded Alba longa and vertuously brought vp his brother Siluiꝰ Posthumus the sonne of Aeneas Lauinia Abdon the .xii. iudge gouerned the iewes .viii. yeres The yere of the worlde 2810 The yere before Christe 1153 Alba was builded .xxx. yeres after Lauinium The yere of the worlde 2814 The yere before Christe 1149 Oxyntes in Athenes reigned .12 yeres The yere of the worlde 2817 The yere before Christe 1146 Samson the .13 iudge was the son of Manne of the tribe of Dan. The yere of the worlde 2818 The yere before Christe 1145 He ruled the israelites .20 yeres ▪ deliuered thē from the subiection of the Philistines vnto whome they payed tribute .40 yeres he was a man most strong whyche with his hand strangled a lion and with the cheeke bone of an asse slue .1000 Philistines puttinge the resydue to flight Finallye by the fraude of Dalila beinge deceiued he was taken of his enemies blynded and playing before the princes of Palistine toke in his armes the pillers whereon the buildinge stoode he ouerthrewe the house wherein were destroyed .iii. M. Philistines Amazons burned the temple of Diana in Ephesus The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1139 Syluius Posthumus the thyrd king of the Latines reigned .xxix. yeres The yere of the worlde 2827 The yere before Christe 1136 he was called Syluius because he was brought vp in the coūtrey and Posthumus because he was borne after the death of his father of him all the kinges of the Albanes were called Siluii Ocnus ruled the Thuscanes .xlvi. yeres Aphidas in Athenes reigned one yere after whom succeded Timoētes .viii. yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1134 The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1133 Thineus the .xxx. emperor of Assyria reigned .30 yeres Here ended the kyngdome of the Sicyonians In the time of Syluius Homere the poete flourished as Cassiodorus witnesseth Hytherto the house of Ericteus reygned in Athenes which beyng destroied Melanthus succeded in the kingdome and reigned .xxxvii. yeres Hely the high priest and .xiiii. Iudge of Israell reigned .xl. yeres The yere of the worlde 2838 The yere before Christe 1125 after whome the holy arke was possessed of straungers The Boeotiās being driuen out of Arna by the Thessalians inhabited the land The yere of the worlde 2842 The yere before Christe 1121 whiche nowe is called Boestia before named Cadmeia Samuel was aboute this tyme borne ¶ The begynnyng of Britayn and the fyrst kyng thereof ALBEIT THAT this roialme of Englande maye easily contend with any other nacion for the antiquitee therof as being cōtinually inhabited with people from that tyme that all other countreys receiued inhabitantes yet forasmuche as by the often ciuil warres and inuasions of outwarde ennemies the monumētes and remembraunces of the hystories passed beyng destroied it hath caused no litell ambiguitee and darknesse to the certayne knowlage of the originall begynnynge therof Wherfore by this occasion compelled I wil brefly ouerrunne the actes and yeres of those kynges which reigned vnto the tyme that this lande was knowē vnto the Romaynes The historie of which tyme is full of errours and hath in it no manifest apparance of truth as beyng written neither of no ancient tyme nor yet by no● credible hystorian For if there had remained any veritable monument of these tymes surely the worshipful Beda and Gildas our countreie men yea and Cesar the cōquerour therof wolde nothaue omitted them Neuer the lesse I wil not discent from the cōmon opiniō therof but wyl also folow it as nere as I may obseruing the iust computacion of the yeres and the conferment of histories BRVTE after the vulgar opinion sonne of Siluius Posthumius in this time arriued in this Ilande wherin he begā the first to reigne The yere of the worlde 2855 The yere before Christe 1108 and named it Britaine Before Britayne knovven 1058 whiche before was called Albion and therin foūded the noble citee of London whā he had reigned .xxiiii. yeres he diuided this wholle empire among his thre sonnes vnto Locrine he gaue the middel part of Britayne ▪ nowe called Englande with the superioritee of all this I le vnto Cambre he gaue Wales and to Albanact Scotlande After whiche particion he deceassed The yere of the worlde 2856 The yere before Christe 1107 Aeneas Syluius the fourthe kyng of Latines reigned xxxi yeres Before Britayne knovven 1057 The yere of the worlde 2860 The yere before Christe 1103 Dercylus the .xxxi. emperor of Assyria reigned .xl. yeres The yere of the worlde 2863 The yere before Christe 1100 ¶ The kyngdome of the Lacedemons and Corinthians began Before Britayne knovven 1053 Eurysteus the fyrst king of the Lacedemons reigned .xlii. yeres Athletes likewise fyrst kīg of Corinth reigned .35 yeres Pypinus gouerned the Thuscanes Codrus kynge of Athenes reigned .xxi. yeres He in the Peloponesian warres The yere of the worlde 2875 The yere before Christe 1088 Before Britayne knovven for the saluegard of his countrey in a poore weede wylfully gaue hym self into the handes of his ennemies to bee slayne whereby those warres were fynyshed The yere of the worlde 2878 The yere before Christe 1086 ¶ The arke of god was taken by the Philistines in whiche warre perisshed the two sonnes of Hely Before Britayne knovven 1036 with ●000 hebrues and Hely hym self brake his necke Six mōthes was the arke among the Philistines and than sēt to the house of Aminadab where it continued .xx. yeres ¶ Samuel the .xv. iudge Before Britayne knovven and high priest of the Israelites The yere of the worlde 2878 The yere before Christe 1085 gouerned thē a leuē yeres according to
the hebrues which we do folow All be it Iosephus saith that he reigned .12 yeres and with Saul 17. yea and Eusebius doth affirme that Samuel and Saul reigned .xl. yeres LOcrine the sonne of Brute reygned .xx. yeres he was slayn by his wyfe Guendoleyn The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe Before Britayne knovven 1034 for so much as for the loue of an harlot he had forsaken hir The yere of the worlde 2880 The yere before Christe 1083 The Peloponenses warred agaynst the Athenians Before Britayne knovven 1033 Latinus Syluiꝰ The yere of the worlde 2887 The yere before Christe 1076 the fift king of Latins reigned .l. yeres Before Britayne knovven 1026 ¶ The Iudges or dukes of Israel were not by herytage or naturall succession And therfore the souerāine gouernance among theim was vncertaine sauyng onely in the roume of the his priestes But God added to theim for helpe often times certaine wise princis whiche he chose now in one place now in an other Wherfore the Israelites tindyng them selfe greued with his vncertayne gouernance desired of Samuel their high priest to haue a kyng to rule them as other countreis had Samuel wold not doe any thyng vnaduisedly in so great a matter And therfore asked counsayle of God Who shewed him selfe to be greatly displeased with the vnlefull request of hys people and thretned that they shuld be therfore greuously punished How be it he graunted their request and ordeined Saul to be their kyng Here the power of kinges and gouernaunce of kyngdomes was ordeined and established by God Wherfore it is to be marked that god was not therfore angry because he disalowed the power and auctoritee of kynges but because he was displeased with the vnconstant mynd and affection of the people in chaungyng that kynde of gouernaunce in the commune weale that was by hym ordeined ¶ Saul the fyrst kyng of the Hebreues reigned ● yeres The yere of the worlde 2889 The yere before Christe 1074 He from an asseherde was brought to the maiestee of a king Before Britayne knovven 1024 and whiles he folowed the admonicions of Samuel he prospered and slue of the Ammonites and Palestines .60000 But therwith beyng elated neglectynge the prophete counsailynge with Phytones sleyng the priestes and contemnyng God he was both of god and man forsaken wherby he was ouercome with al his house of the Palestines and willingly killyng him selfe was vnto his enemies a laughyng stocke ¶ The holy man Dauid by the commandement of God was anoynted kyng of Israell of the prophete Samuel Whom Saul after the spirite of god had forsaken hym partly forenuy that Dauid was so highly praised of the Israelites and partly fearyng that he wold defeate him of his kyngdome vexed with continuall persecucion duryng which tyme Dauid shewed many exaumples both of godly pacience and also of loyal obedience toward his prince In so muche that whan Saul by the prouidence of god fell in his handes he onely cut a peece of the hem of his garment in token that if he had listed at that present he might haue slayne hym and for that dede afterward greatly repented that he had ben so bold as to cut the hemme of the garment of Saul his soueraigne lorde and kynge notwithstandyng that he was his moste greuous enemy and euery houre sought his death The yere of the worlde 2891 The yere before Christe 1072 ¶ Dauid the sonne of Iesse Before Britayne knovven 1022 both kynge and prophete of almyghty god after the death of Saul reigned .vii. yeares ouer the tribe of Iuda and than was admitted kyng of all Israell He dyd that was good and ryght in the syght of god and put his trust and confidence in the lord god of Israell so that before nor after hym was not his lyke amonge the kynges of Iuda he cleaued to the lorde and went not from his steppes he dyd the cōmandementes that the lord had geuen by Moses Wherfore of hym god bare witnesse that he was a man accordynge to his hert and desire and to hym renewed his promises of the helth and saluacion that was to be loked for in Christe ▪ so that for the certayntee therof Christe of the prophetes is called the soonne of Dauid And furthermore Dauid him selfe by the inspiracion of God in his hymnes and Psalmes most manifestly prophecieth of the conceptiō byrth lyfe death resurrection ascencion and heauenlye kyngdome of our sauiour Christ. Wherfore among the prophetes and other holy men his writynges were had in great estimacion and of lyke auctoritee as were the writynges of Moyses Isboseth the son of Saul was made king ouer Israel ¶ Codrus in the Peloponessian warres The yere of the worlde 2895 The yere before Christe 1068 Before Britayne knovven 3018 for the welth of his countrey gaue hym selfe to the death After whome the Athenians had no more kynges but magistrates by whom they were ruled Of whom Modon the sonne of Codrus was fyrst who gouerned them .xx. yeres Abiathar consecrated high priest of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 2898 The yere before Christe 1065 ¶ Dauid was chosen and anointed king ouer al Israe and reigned .33 yeres He expulsed the Iebuseis Before Britayne knovven 1015 made Hierusalem his citee he vanquished the Philistines ▪ and brought the arke from the house of Aminadab to Hierusalem Ixion reigned in Corinth xxxvii yeres Before Britayne knovven 1014 GUendoleyn the wife of Locryne gouerned this roialme of Britayn .xv. yeres The yere of the worlde 2899 The yere before Christe 1064 durynge the nonage of hir sonne Madan Before Britayne knovven 1013 Eupa●es the .3 ▪ emperour of Assyria reigned .38 yeres ¶ Dauid commited homicide and adulterie Before Britayne knovven The yere of the worlde 2900 The yere before Christe 1063 for whyche he was greuously punished After this The yere of the worlde 2901 The yere before Christe 2062 Salomon was borne vnto hym he made all his borderers tributaries accordyng to the diuine promission from Euphrates and the great sea to Egypt than beyng in peace he made the psalmes Before Britayne knovven 1008 ¶ Argis gouerned the Lacedemōs one yere The yere of the worlde 2905 The yere before Christe 1058 after whom succeded Archestratus he reigned .35 yeres Before Britayne knovven 1003 Nycius Fesulanus ruled the Thuscanes The yere of the worlde 2910 The yere before Christe 1053 Micena now called Cuma was builded in Italy MAdan sonne of Locrine and Guendoleyn toke on hym the gouernance of Britayn which quietly he ruled In the .xl. yere of his reygne he finished hys life leuyng after him two sons Menpricius Manlius Before Britayne knovven 997 Agastus gouerned the Athenians .xxxvi. yeres The yere of the worlde 2916 The yere before Christe 1047 ¶ Carthage as many do write was in this time builded by Carcedo a Tyrian other say it was builded by Dido Absalon Amnon Adonias with the other children of Dauid Nathan Gad and Asaph prophetes in this tyme flourished Before Britayne knovven
983 ¶ Dauid in the .xl. yere of his reygne assigned Salomon to bee kynge The yere of the worlde 2930 The yere before Christe 1033 and gaue vnto hym the description of the temple Before Britayne knovven 982 ¶ Salomon sonne of Dauid and Bethsaba The yere of the worlde 3931 The yere before Christe 1032 the thyrde kyng of the Israelites a man aboue all other moste wyse and ryche reygned .xi. yeres and at length by women was seduced to ydolatry Before Britayne knovven 979 ¶ In the fourth yere of his reigne he began to builde the temple of the lorde and finished it in the leuenth yere The yere of the worlde 2934 The yere before Christe 1029 Agyalaus in Corinth reigned .xxxvii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 976 Alba Syluius the .vi. kyng of Latins reigned .39 yeres The yere of the worlde 2937 The yere before Christe 1026 Before Britayne knovven 975 Laosthenes the .xxxiii. emperour of Assyria reigned .xlv. The yere of the worlde 2938 The yere before Christe 1025 yeres Labotes in Lacedemonia ruled .xxxvii. yeres Piseus Thuscus in Italy reigned .lii. yeres Arxippus gouerned the Atheniens .xix. yeres MEmpricius the sonne of Madan reygned here in The yere of the worlde 2950 The yere before Christe 1013 Britayne .xx. yeres Before Britayne knovven 963 Betwene him and his brother Mantius was great strife for the soueraine dominion The yere of the worlde 2952 The yere before Christe Before Britayne knovven 961 But finally Mempricius slue his brother by treason The yere of the worlde 2954 The yere before Christe 1009 Before Britayne knovven 959 and after he had cōtinued his reigne in tiranny and al vnleful lustes the space of .xx. yeres he was in hunting by wild beastes deuoured Salomon walled Ierusalem and builded many citees in Iury. The yere of the worlde 2960 The yere before Christe 1003 The Thracians obteyned the soueraintee of the sea ¶ In the .xxi. Dynasti of Egipt Smendis Before Britayne knovven 953 called also Sesach reigned therin .xxvi. yeres vnto him Ieroboam fled and there continued vntil the death of Salomon ¶ Salomon in his latter age deceyued with the loue of straunge women worshipped theyr ydols wherfore the kingdome of ten tribus was taken from his posteritee and Adad king of Syria warred vpon him The yere of the worlde 2971 The yere before Christe 992 ¶ Roboam the sonne of Salomon Before Britayne knovven 942 fourth kinge of Iuda reigned .xvii. yeres he neclectynge the counsayle of wise men in releasing the greuous burthens of his subiectes but rather thretning more harder caused tenne tribus to forsake him and none folowed the house of Dauid but onely Iuda For Beniamin was geuē vnto Nathan the brother of Salomon but neuertheles thei faithfully ayded Iuda as often as they neded In this yere also began Hieroboam his dominion ouer Israel and reigned .22 yeres he made Israell to sinne in worshipping golden calues Thersippus the fourth prynce of Athenes gouerned them .xli. yeres The yere of the worlde 2972 The yere before Christe 991 Pryminas in Corinth reygned .35 yeres Before Britayne knovven 941 The yere of the worlde 2974 The yere before Christe 989 EBranke the sonne of Mempricius Before Britayne knovven 939 reygned amonge the Britons .60 yeres he builded the citee of Yorke and the castels of Dunbar and Edinbrough The yere of the worlde 2975 The yere before Christe 984 ¶ Sesach the king of Egipt inuaded Iudea Before Britayne knovven 937 tooke Ierusalem and spoyled the temple Egiptus Syluius the sonne of Alba Before Britayne knovven 937 the .vii. kinge of Latines The yere of the worlde 2976 The yere before Christe 987 reigned .xxxiiii. yeres Doristus in Lacedemonia reigned .xxix. yeres Samos buylded and Smyrna enlarged in the maner of a citie Before Britayne knovven 935 Pyriciades called also Pyrithidias The yere of the worlde 2978 The yere before Christe 985 the .xxxiiii. emperour of Assyria Before Britayne knovven 930 reigned .30 yeres he with sundry ineursions inuaded Hyrcania The yere of the worlde 2988 The yere before Christe 980 Ahinas hie priest in Iudea Schemaia and Iddo prophetes and also Rameus and Iadan Before Britayne knovven 927 The Thracians possessed Bithinia The yere of the worlde 2989 The yere before Christe 977 Pseusenses king of Egipt reigned .41 yeres Before Britayne knovven 965 Abias the fourth king of the Iewes reigned .3 yeres The yere of the worlde 2988 The yere before Christe 675 he ouercame Hieroboam in battayle Before Britayne knovven 923 Asa his sonne succeded him in the kingdome of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 2990 The yere before Christe 973 and reigned .41 yeres he was a iust man he pulled downe ydolatrie and ten yeres had peace Before Britayne knovven 921 Nadab the seconde kinge of the Israelites The yere of the worlde 2992 The yere before Christe 971 reygned not a yere Baasa the thirde kyng of the Israelites reygned .24 yeres A wicked prince who distroyed all the house of Hieroboam Before Britayne knovven 913 Capys Siluius the .vii. king of Latines The yere of the worlde 3000 The yere before Christe 963 was kynge 28. yeres he buylded Capua in Campayne Thuscus the yonger then ruling the Aborigines About this tyme according to the prophecie of Hely halfe the yeres of the world were fulfylled Zaruch king of Ethiope with a mighty power inuading Iudea was by Asa-ouerthrowē Afterwardes Asa ronfederated him selfe with Benadad king of Syria Before Britayne knovven 907 In the .36 yere after the diuision of the kingdome of the Iewes Baasa ascended into Iuda The yere of the worlde 3006 The yere before Christe 957 but by the Syrians he was driuen backe Before Britayne knovven 906 Agesilaus surnamed the great the sixte kinge of the Lacedemones The yere of the worlde 3007 The yere before Christe 956 reigned .44 yeres of whose excellēt wisdome prowes remaineth yet many remembraunces Bacis in Corinth was king .35 yeres Before Britayne knovven 901 Phorbas gouerned the Atheniens .31 yeres The yere of the worlde 3012 The yere before Christe Before Britayne knovven 900 Ophrateus the .xxxv. Emperour of Assyria The yere of the worlde 3013 The yere before Christe 950 reigned 20. yeres Iehoram Azariahu the sonne of Odad Hananan Iehu prophetes Iehu was slaine of Ela. Hela succeded his father ouer the Israelites In the second yere of his reigne he was slaine by Sāri his seruāt Samri destroied al the lignage of Baasa Before Britayne knovven 898 and reigned but seuen dayes The yere of the worlde 3015 The yere before Christe 948 Before Britayne knovven 879 The yere of the worlde 3016 The yere before Christe 947 Amri the sixt king of the Israelites reigned .12 yeares syxe in Thersa and sixe in Samaria whiche he buylded and ordeined the see of his kingdome Achab Before Britayne knovven 886 the .vii. kinge of the Israelites reigned .22 yeres The yere of the worlde 3027 The yere before Christe 936 he passed all his auncestours in wyckednesse and toke to wife Iezabel In his tyme
the prophete Helias flourished Nepher Cheres in Egipt reigned foure yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 935 Capetus Syluius the brother of Capis Before Britayne knovven 885 was king ouer the Latines .13 yeres A famin in this time began which endured .iii. yeares Iosaphat The yere of the worlde 3031 The yere before Christe 932 the .vii. king of the Iewes reygned .25 yeares Before Britayne knovven 882 a prince both iust and vertuous he ordeyned iudges in euery citee of Iuda and commaunded the Leuites to read the law vnto the people that they might therby learne to feare god Ammenophis king of Egipt reigned ● yeres Ophraganeus the .xxxvi. emperour of Assyria Before Britayne knovven reygned 50. yeres The yere of the worlde 3033 The yere before Christe 930 BRute surnamed Greneshield Before Britayne knovven 879 as the vulgar historye calleth him The yere of the worlde 3034 The yere before Christe 929 reigned here in Britaine .xii. yeres By the commaundement of Helias the prophete all the priestes and prophetes of Baal were slayne Amnus in Corinth ruled .25 yeres The yere of the worlde 3038 The yere before Christe 925 Ioahas was high priest of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 857 Iehu Obadia Micha Iehiel and Eleazar prophetes flourished The yere of the worlde 3040 The yere before Christe 923 Osochor in Egipt reigned .6 yeres The yere of the worlde 3041 The yere before Christe 922 Tiberinus Syluius the .x. king of the Latines Before Britayne knovven 873 reigned .9 yeres Of him the riuer of Taber was named Before Britayne knovven 872 whiche before was called Albula because he was drowned therin The yere before Christe 921 Agelas in Corinth reigned .30 yeres The yere of the worlde 3042 Mecades gouerned the Atheniens .30 yeres Before Britayne knovven 871 Achab ouercame Benadab king of Syria twise In The yere of the worlde 3043 The yere before Christe 920 the second conflicte he slue of the Syriens 100000. Before Britayne knovven 870 LEyl the sonne of Brute succeded his father in this royalme of Britaine He builded the citee of Caerleil and reigned .25 yeres Before Britayne knovven 867 Spinaces kyng of Aegypt reigned .9 yeres The yere of the worlde 3046 The yere before Christe 917 Achab in the last bataile against Benedab was slayn After whom succeded his sonne Ochozias Before Britayne knovven 865 an ydolater The yere of the worlde 3048 The yere before Christe 915 who reigned two yeres Ioram the .ix. kynge of the Israelites brother to Ochozias Before Britayne knovven 863 reigned .xii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3050 The yere before Christe 913 He was slayne by hys seruant that succeded hym Agrippa Syluius the .xi. kynge of the Latines reigned .40 yeres In this tyme the prophete Heliseus and Homere the poete flourished Before Britayne knovven 862 Archelaus the .vii. kyng of Lacedemonia The yere of the worlde 3051 The yere before Christe 912 ruled theim 60. yeres continually The mightie armie of Moab and Ammon which rose agaynst Iosaphat god brought to nought Helias the mighty prophete after many miracles by hym dooen at length in a fyrie chariot was rapt into Paradise Before Britayne knovven 860 ¶ Iehoram by his father Iosaphat was assygned to bee kyng ouer Iuda ▪ he reigned .8 yeres The yere of the worlde 3053 The yere before Christe 910 and after he was stablished in his kyngdome slew all his bretherne and made the people to synne Before Britayne knovven 853 Persusennes kyng of Aegypt ▪ reigned .35 yeres Before Britayne knovven 853 Ochozias called also Ahazias The yere of the worlde 3055 The yere before Christe 908 the ninth king of Iuda reigned one yere who also for his ydolatry was slayne The yere of the worlde 3060 The yere before Christe Ioiada was high priest amonge the Iewes who lyued 130. yeres Before Britayne knovven 852 Iehu the .x. kynge of Israelites reigned .28 ▪ yeres he beyng of Heliseus anoynted kynge The yere of the worlde 3061 The yere before Christe destroyed cleane the house of Achab ▪ slew Ioram brake the necke of Iezabel kylled the priest of Baall and bourned the temple of ydolles Achalia widow of Iehoram after the deathe of his sonne Ochozias clene extermined all the lignage of Salomon sauyng Ioas a yonge babe who by Ioiada ▪ the hygh priest was saued and whan she had tirannously reigned .7 yeares was by the commaundemente of the high priest slain Felsinus gouerned the Thuschans .33 yeres Ioas the .xi. kynge of the Iewes and first of the house of Nathan The yere of the worlde 3065 The yere before Christe 398 reigned .40 yeres Before Britayne knovven 848 In the seuenth yere of his age he was proclaimed and anoynted kynge The yere of the worlde 3067 The yere before Christe 396 Before Britayne knovven 846 and Athalia was slain As longe as he folowed the good admonicion of Ioiada he prospered but after fallynge in to idolatry and other wickednes he slue Zacharias the prophete betwene the temple and the aulter for which dede god punished hym by the Syrians and after was slayne in his bed by his owne seruantes LUd Hurdibras or Rathudibras sonne of Leyl Before Britayne knovven 842 began to reygne in Britayne The yere of the worlde 3071 The yere before Christe 892 he buylyed the citees of Canterbury and Winchester the towne of Shastisbury whan he had reygned .29 yeres he deceassed The yere of the worlde 3072 The yere before Christe 891 Eudemus in Corinth reigned .25 yeres Dioginetus the .vii. prince of Athenes Before Britayne knovven 841 gouerned thē xxviii yeres The yere of the worlde 3073 The yere before Christe 990 Before Britayne knovven 840 Ascrazapes the .xxxvii. emperour of Assyria Before Britayne knovven 831 reigned 41. yeres The yere of the worlde 3082 The yere before Christe 881 Azahel kynge of Syria Before Britayne knovven 823 brought his army against Israell The yere of the worlde 3085 The yere before Christe 878 and wasted al the countrey ouer Iordan Bonanis ruled the Thuscanes .28 yeres Ioas repayred the temple The yere of the worlde 3086 The yere before Christe 874 Iehoiachas the sonne of Iehu the .xi. kynge of the Israelites reigned .xvii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 824 Aremulus Syluius the .xii. kyng of Latines reigned xix yeres The yere of the worlde 3090 The yere before Christe 873 Before Britayne knovven 823 He ordeyned the garrison of the Albanes vpon those mountaines where Rome is now and for his wickednes was slayne with lightnyng Lycurgus the law maker of the Lacedemones ī this time flourished He was a man so moderate and iust that when he might haue reigned after his brother Poludecta wold not take it vpon hym but gouerned the royalme to the vse of his yong Nephue Cabrilaus to whom beyng of age he restored the kyngdom and in the meane time garnished the citee with most honest lawes The seruātes amōg the Tyrians slue al their masters except one Strato who at length was made their kynge Senscoris
kynge of Aegypt beganne to reigne in the twentye Dynasty After the deathe of Ioiada the highe priest kynge Ioas falling in to idolatrie cōmanded the prophet Zachary Before Britayne knovven 820 the son of Ioiada to be stoned to deathe The yere of the worlde 3093 The yere before Christe 970 Before Britayne knovven 816 Aristemedes in Corinth reigned .35 yeres BLadud the son of Lud ruled Britain .20 yeres The yere of the worlde 3097 The yere before Christe 866 He as oure late histories witnes builded the citee of Bathe Before Britayne knovven 813 and made therein the hote bathes The yere of the worlde 3100 The yere before Christe 863 and also by the vain trust of the arte of Nychromancy wherin he was very studious toke vpon him to fly ī the aer where he fel downe and brake his necke Before Britayne knovven 812 Pheredus prince of Athenes ruled theim .19 yeres The yere of the worlde 3101 The yere before Christe 862 Azahel kyng of Iurie spoiled Iudea Before Britayne knovven 808 Ioas of Israelites the .xi. kynge reigned .16 yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 858 Before Britayne knovven 807 The other Ioas king of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 3106 The yere before Christe 857 was of his owne seruantes slain in his bed After whom succeded Amasia the .xii. kyng of the Iewes who reigned .29 yeres Auentinus Syluius the .xiii. king of Latines reigned 37. yeres Before Britayne knovven 804 He by his buriall in the hill The yere of the worlde 3109 The yere before Christe 854 whyche nowe is part of the citee of Rome ▪ gaue the name vnto it for euer Heliseus the prophette about this time deceassed who beyng dead raised a dead man Before Britayne knovven 802 Amos and Amazia prophetes flourished Osorthon kyng of Aegypte reigned .xv. yeres Thelechus also in Lacedemonia reigned .xl. yeres The yere of the worlde 3111 The yere before Christe 852 Amasia vainquished the Amalechites Idumeis and Gabaonites in the bataile sleing .10000 of them and also takynge as many whereby beynge elated he adored straunge goddes and at length prouokyng Ioas king of Israel to the warres was of him taken Tharsus and Anchiale citees of Cilicia were builded in one daye Hesiocus a poete and priest of the Muses flouryshed in Helicon LEire succeded his father Bladud and reigned .xl. yeres Before Britayne knovven 794 He builded Leicester The yere of the worlde 3119 The yere before Christe 844 and lefte after him thre daughters of the whiche the yongeste for hir wisedome was chosen to be gouernour Ariphron ruled the Atheniens .xx. yeres Before Britayne knovven 793 Ioas toke Amazias king of Iuda The yere of the worlde 3120 The yere before Christe 843 and beat downe the walles of Ierusalem In his place was Ozias his sonne constituted kyng by the people who reygned .xi. yeres in the lyfe of his father and .xii. yere after he presumynge contrary to the ordinance of god to minister sacrifices in the temple was therfore striken with lepre Hieroboam the .ii. and .xii. kynge of the Israelites reigned .xli. yeres The yere of the worlde 3123 The yere before Christe 840 ¶ Tonos concoleros called also Sardanapaius the .38 and laste emperour of Assyria reigned .xv. yeres Before Britayne knovven 790 a man more corrupt and effeminate than any woman Ionas the prophete about this time was cast out of the whales bealye The yere of the worlde 3126 The yere before Christe 837 Tachelotis gouerned Aegypt .xiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 787 The yere of the worlde 3129 The yere before Christe 834 Hieroboam ouerthrue the Syrians and recouered the citees Before Britayne knovven 784 which they had taken Egemnon in Corinth reigned .xvi. yeres Before Britayne knovven 781 The yere of the worlde 3132 The yere before Christe 831 Phulbelochus capitayn of the Babylonicall warres and Arbaces president of Media disdeignynge to be subiect vnder hym who had rather be a woman than a man conspired togither for the diuision of the empire and by force of armes droue Sardanapalus to that poynte that he bourned hym selfe with all his delicacies whiche he estemed more than all his empire in a great fyre onely in that shewing him selfe to be a man Wherby the monarchie was deuided Phulbelochus reignyng in Babylon and Arbaces in Media The yere of the worlde 3138 The yere before Christe 825 Arbaces began the empire amōg the Medes Before Britayne knovven 775 where he reigned .28 yeres Phulbelochus also reigned in Babylon .48 yeres He made Manahen kyng of Israel tributarie Petubastis was kyng of Aegypt .xxv. yeres Before Britayne knovven 774 The yere of the worlde 3139 The yere before Christe 824 Tespieus prince of Athenes gouerned thē xxvii yeres Before Britayne knovven 773 The yere of the worlde 3140 The yere before Christe 823 Mar●ius reigned amōge the Thuscanes .xviii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 770 The yere of the worlde 3143 The yere before Christe 820 Procas Syluius the .xiiii. kynge of Latines Before Britayne knovven 767 reygned xxiii yeres The yere of the worlde 3146 The yere before Christe 817 Alexander ruled the Corinthians .xxv. yeres Before Britayne knovven 765 The yere of the worlde 3148 The yere before Christe 815 Ozias in the beginnyng of his reigne beyng iust Before Britayne knovven 764 subdued the Philistians The yere of the worlde 3149 The yere before Christe 814 Arabies and Ammonites made them tributaries and repaired the citee of Hierusalem Finally by great abundance of welth and prosperitee falling in to pride and willing also to minister sacrifice vppon the golden altare was striken with lepre and by the priestes driuen also out of the holy place That time in Iudea chanced a great earthquake wherby the mountayne Eroge was clouen in sunder Before Britayne knovven 762 Caranus otherwise Gramaus first king of Macedon reigned .28 yeres The yere of the worlde 3151 The yere before Christe 812 This Caranus with a multitude of grekes folowed a flocke of gotes toke Edissa where he began the first fundemēt of the kingdome of Macedone Alcanes in Lacedemon ruled .37 yeres COrdeilla the yongest doughter of Leir The yere of the worlde 3158 The yere before Christe 805 ruled Britayne fiue yeares Before Britayne knovven 755 She by the rebellion of hir two nephues Morgan and Cunedagius was takē and cast in prison where for sorowe she killed her selfe Phydon an Argiue first found out the vse of weightes and measures Before Britayne knovven 752 Zacharia the .xii. king of Israelites The yere of the worlde 3161 The yere before Christe 802 reigned sixe monethes and was slaine by Sallum who also continued not a moneth but was by Manahen besieged destroied Manahen the .xiii. king of Israelites reigned .10 yeares who tirannously possessed the kingdome and gaue vnto Phulbelochus great tresure to breake vp his warres Etalus gouerned the Thuscanes .30 yeres CUnedagius and Morgā iointly succeded Cordeilla Before Britayne knovven 751 but they continued not long togither The yere of the
worlde 3162 The yere before Christe 801 but there began strife for the souerain dominion in whyche Morgan was slaine in a countye of Wales called now Giaumorgan After whiche victory Cunedagius gloryously ruled the hole yle .xxxiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 749 Osorthon was king of Egipt .ix. yeres The yere of the worlde 3164 The yere before Christe 799 the Egipcians called him Hercules Azarias high priest Before Britayne knovven 747 Sosarmus the second emperoure of Media reygned xxx yeres Metasthenes erreth muche The yere of the worlde 3166 The yere before Christe 797 in that he writeth Mandanes to be second king Before Britayne knovven 746 Agamnestor ruled the Athenians .xx. yeres The yere of the worlde 3167 The yere before Christe 796 Procas king of Latins diyng bequethed vnto Amulius his roialme and to Numitor his treasure Before Britayne knovven 744 Amulius Syluius the .xv. kinge of Latines The yere of the worlde 3169 The yere before Christe 794 reygned xliii yeres Phacea the firste sonne of Manahen and .xv. kinge of the Israelites reigned two yeres and was traiterously slain by Phacea Before Britayne knovven 740 The yere of the worlde 3173 The yere before Christe 790 Psammus reygned in Egipt .10 yeres Phelesteus was the leauenth king of Corinth he reygned .12 yeres Phacea sonne of Ramalia .xvi. kinge of Israel reygned 20. yeres The yere of the worlde 3175 The yere before Christe 788 Before Britayne knovven 738 ¶ Numitor the elder sonne of king Procas beynge expelled from his kingdome by his brother Amulius liued on his owne lande his doughter because she should haue no child was made a vyrgin Uestale Notwithstanding in the seuēth yere of her vncles reigne she brought forth two children Remus and Romulus at one byrth wherfore according to the lawe she was buried quyck but the yong babes beynge caste foorth by the bankes of Tiber were founde by Faustulus the kynges shepeherde who broughte theym to his wife Acca Laurentia whiche for hir rapacitie was called of her neyghbours a wolfe The children when they waxed towarde men gatheringe a bande of shepeherdes and theeues slewe Amulius at Alba and restored theyr graundfather Numitor to his kingdome The yere of the worlde 3176 The yere before Christe 787 Iotham the .xiiii. king of the Iewes reigned .16 yeres Before Britayne knovven 737 a prince vertuous and inuincible he subdued the Ammonites and buylded the sumptuous gate of the temple Coenus king of Macedon reigned .12 yeres Before Britayne knovven 734 The yere of the worlde 3179 The yere before Christe 784 Bochorus reigned in Egipt .44 yeres and gaue vnto them lawes The yere of the worlde 3183 The yere before Christe 780 in his time a lambe spake in Egipt Before Britayne knovven 730 The Amazons and Cymmerians made many sodeine incursions into Asia where they longe time made great waste and slaughter The mighty warres of the Peloponenses and Atheniens with all theyr power and force was kepte wherein by mutuall slaughter they were compelled as vāquished to depart one from an other and to forsake the warres Naum and Micheus prophecied among the hebrues Antomenes The yere of the worlde 3185 The yere before Christe 778 the last king of Corinth reigned one yere Before Britayne knovven 728 After whom they had no more kinges but yerelye magistrates were chosen The kingdome of the Lydians in this time began where Ardisus first reigned .36 yeres Phulassar the second king of Babylon reigned .15 yeares Before Britayne knovven 727 he was called also Teglatphulassar The yere of the worlde 3186 The yere before Christe 777 he wasted and toke al the region Galatides Here beginneth the supputacion of the Olympiades The yere of the worlde 3187 The yere before Christe 776 the most sure kalender of the Grekes Before Britayne knovven 726 For the games were celebrated and kept at the mount Olympus euery fifty yere in the kalendes of Maye so that euerye Olympiade conteined foure yeres Aescylus gouerned the Atheniens .xxiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 725 Here fayled the kingdome of the Lacedemones Before Britayne knovven 722 Tyrimas in Macedonia reigned .xxxviii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3188 The yere before Christe 775 Before Britayne knovven 721 Achas the .xv. king of Iuda reigned .xvi. yeres The yere of the worlde 3191 The yere before Christe 772 a wicked prince The yere of the worlde 3192 The yere before Christe 771 who wilfullye made him selfe subiecte to the king of Babylon Before Britayne knovven 720 The Lacedemons warred agaynst the Messenes .xx. yeares cruellye The yere of the worlde 3193 The yere before Christe 770 for the violacion of theyr virgines in the solemne sacrifices of the Messenes Celius in Thuscain reigned .xxi. yeres Phacea and Rasim king of Surie befyeged Achas the king of Iuda Before Britayne knovven 718 Hosea deceitfully slewe Phacea and was the last king that reigned ouer Israel .xix. yeres The yere of the worlde 3195 The yere before Christe 768 Tyrteus a poete of Athenes was capitayne of the Lacedemones Pericles and Sophocles writer of tragedies were constituted capitains of the Atheniens Hitherto Manetho continued his cronicle Medidus the king of Media reigned .xl. yeres The yere of the worlde 3196 The yere before Christe 767 Before Britayne knovven 717 RIuallo succeded Cunedagius The yere of the worlde 3197 The yere before Christe 766 a prince pecible and fortunate Before Britayne knovven 716 he reigned .46 yeres In his time as our chronicles say it rayned bloud wherof ensued great mortalitee of people Uria high priest Oseas Esaias Amos Micheas and Adad prophetes flourished Before Britayne knovven 712 Salmanasar the third king of Babylon reigned .17 yeres he toke Osea kinge of Israel The yere of the worlde 3201 The yere before Christe 762 and destroyed theyr kingdome leadinge theym captiue into Assyria by the vengeance of god who suffered long theyr wickednes In Lacedemonia Ephorus was constituted theyr firste magistrate Osea rebelled deniyng to paye tribute to the Assyrians The yere of the worlde 3204 The yere before Christe 859 Hosea of Israell desired aide of Sua king of Egipt ageinst the Assirians The yere of the worlde 3205 The yere before Christe 758 Before Britayne knovven Before Britayne knovven 708 The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 755 Ezechias the .xvi. kinge of Iuda reigned .29 yeres Before Britayne knovven 705 a prince iuste vertuous and religious who clensed his countreye from ydolatry and brake the brasē serpent he brought agayne the true honouring of god and restored to the priestes their tenthes Alcamenon gouerned the Atheniens two yeares The yere of the worlde 3210 The yere before Christe 753 In the yere .1554 after the vniuersall floude Before Britayne knovven 703 and after Comerus the first king of Italy .1414 After the distruction of Troy .432 And after Brute arriued in England 356. Rome was builded in Itali by Remus Romulus The yere of the worlde 3211 The yere before Christe 752 Before Britayne knovven 702 Romulus the firste kinge
o wne inuencion The yere of the worlde 3311 The yere before Christe 652 Before Britayne knovven 602 The yere of the worlde 3318 The yere before Christe 645 Philippus the .vi. king of Macedon reigned .38 yeres Before Britayne knovven 595 Tullus kept fiue yeres warres with the Latines Lamsacus Abdera Selinis and P●●isthenes noble cities in this time were builded The yere of the worlde 3323 The yere before Christe Grece in this season first enterprised to vse the oracles of Apollo at Dodoneus Before Britayne knovven 590 Damasia ruled the Atheniens The yere of the worlde 3324 The yere before Christe 639 Ancus martius fourth kyng of Romanes reigned .24 yeres He was nephieu to Numa by his daughter Before Britayne knovven 589 He kept warres with the Latines toke Politoriū the second tyme beat it downe to the grounde broughte the people to Rome encreased the citye adding therunto the mount Auentine and Ianiculum he made the bridge Sublitius vppon Tiber and builded the citee Hostia ▪ the hauen or port of Rome In this same time L. Tarquinius Pryscus tam to Rome with his wife Tanaquil The yere of the worlde 3325 The yere before Christe 633 Phaortes Before Britayne knovven 588 in a conflicte made against the Assryians peryshed After whom succeded Cyaraxes the .vii. kynge of Media 4● yeres Psammitichus the king of Egipte ioyninge wyth the Syrians in battayle obteyned the victory Helchias bigh priest Hieremias Sophonias Baruch and Olda prophetes flourished among the Iewes Iosias prouoking the king of Egipt to battayle was therin wounded and died Of whose deathe Heremy the prophet made his lamentacions Ioachas the .xx. king of Iewes Before Britayne knovven 587 reigned three monethes The yere of the worlde 3326 The yere before Christe 937 and was taken and brought captiue into Egipt In whose place his brother Ioachim was constitute the .xxi. kyng of Iewes and was king ouer thē .xi. yeares An insolent prince who not regardinge the prophecies of Hierentie but burning the bokes therof was finally slayn and left vnburyed like a beaste I Ago called also Lago gouerned this roialme of Britayne .xxv. yeres Missena fel from the Lacedemons Before Britayne knovven 586 Nabuchodonosor the great the .ix. king of Babylon The yere of the worlde 3327 The yere before Christe called of the Iewes Nabucadnezer Before Britayne knovven 584 reigned .xliiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3329 The yere before Christe 634 He subdued the Syrians Egypcians Lybians Hiberians and brought the Iewes into captiuitee Finally he rebelling as it were against almightye god by the companye of beastes with whome by the stroke of god he was compelled to liue was made humble and acknowlaged the godhead to whom he gaue prayse glorye as al whose waies be iudgementes and workes righteous who also can humble the proud and giue and take kingdomes as pleaseth him The Scithians entred as farre as Palestine possessed al Asia and molested Egipt with warres Ioachim burned the booke of Hieremies prophecie After which dede Nabuchodonosor made him tributarye Before Britayne knovven 577 Hierusalem was taken the king slayne and cast out of the citee vnburied The yere of the worlde 3336 The yere before Christe 627 accordīg to the prophecy of Hieremy Before Britayne knovven 576 ¶ Ioachin called also Iechonias the .xxii. king of Iewes reigned thre monethes and .x. dayes The yere of the worlde 3337 The yere before Christe 626 he yelded him selfe willingly vnto Nabuchodonosor by the counsayle of Hieremie who sente him to Babilon with all the noble men and ornamentes and iewels amōg whom also was the prophet Ezechiel In his stede Nabuchodonoser constituted Mathanias the fourth sonne of Iosias whom he caused to sweare by the name of the lord that faithfullye he shoulde serue the Chaldeis in token wherof he named him Sedechias the xxiii and last king of the Iewes who was king .xi. yeres he finally for his arrogancye and vntruth both to god man was taken blinded imprysoned and miserablye finished his life Before Britayne knovven 575 Periander the tyran of Corinth in this time liued The yere of the worlde 3338 The yere before Christe Sadyates was king of Lydia .xv. yeres Perusina Mantua and Dirachium buylded Before Britayne knovven 574 The game of Chesse about this season was deuised by wise men The yere of the worlde 3339 The yere before Christe 624 to mitigate the mindes or hertes of tyrans Susanna the most chast matron of the hebrues by two false priestes was accused of adultery but by the policy of yong Daniel she was purged and the prestes committed to the fier Nechac called also Nechepsos kinge of Egipte Before Britayne knovven 571 reygned .vi. yeres The yere of the worlde 3342 The yere before Christe 621 Abacuk and Ezechiel beganne to prophecy among the Hebrues Draco the lawe geuer of the Atheniens wrote his lawes with bloude Sedechias brake his amitee with the kinge of Babylon The yere of the worlde 3344 The yere before Christe 619 and entered in league with the Egipcians Before Britayne knovven 569 For whiche cause Nabuchodonoser retourned and besieged Hierusalem whiche he continued one yere six monethes and fiue dayes Before Britayne knovven 566 After which the holy citye with the most sacred temple misarably with pestilence famine sword and fyre was destroyed The yere of the worlde 3347 The yere before Christe 616 The king him selfe with all his nobilitee taken his chyldren slayne before his face hys eyes pulled out and sent in captiuitie to Babylon Thus was the whole nacion of Iewes without respecte of age or kind eyther slayne or brought into Babilons bondage for theyr obstinacye against god his prophetes and for the sinne and preuaricacion of theyr kinges priestes and all the people the yeare after the vniuersall floude 169● after the arriuall of Brute .492 after the beginninge of the kingedome of the Iewes .458 after the buyldyng of the temple .414 and after the buyldinge of Rome .137 ¶ Tarquinius Priscus the .v. kinge of Romans Before Britayne knovven 565 reigned 37 yeres The yere of the worlde 3348 The yere before Christe he doubled the numbre of Senatoures buylded the circuite wherin the playes and pastimes were kepte ouercame the Sabines encreased the bādes of horsmen subdued the olde Latines fyrste entred Rome wyth tryumph made the walles and synkes to conueye the fylthe of the city and began the capitoll Finally he was slayne by the sonnes of Ancus Mattius whome he succeded Panetius first tyrannised Sixilye KInimacus succeded Iago in this royalme of Brytayne The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 612 wherin he reigned .54 yeres Before Britayne knovven 562 Eniochida a capitaine of the Atheniens Stesichorus an exceltent poet in this time flourished Aliactes reigned in Lydia .49 yeres Arion the excellent harper by a Dolphin as it is writen was borne through the sea Before Britayne knovven 560 Daniel the most notable prophet florished in Babilō The yere of the worlde 3353 The yere before Christe 610 he
in his youthe by his wysedome deliuered the innocent Susanna from death expounded the dreames of Nabuchodonoser and fynally cast into a denne among hungry lyons was by the power of God preserued from harme Afterwarde he prophecied bothe of the comyng of Christ and also of the empires of Babylon Media Persia Grecia and the Romanes Nabuchodonoser erected a golden stature or ydoll whiche he commaunded to be adored by whiche occasion the holye men Ananias azarias and Misael tryumphed in-the fyer After this he sawe the vision of the fallynge tree wherby he was warned of his falle For shortlye after he was tourned into a beastly fury liuing in the woodes as a beast seuen yeres Finally he was restored agayn to his helth and kingdome Europs king of Macedon reigned .xxvi. yeres Before Britayne knovven 557 Pittacus Miteleneus The yere of the worlde 3356 The yere before Christe one of the seuen wyse menne of Grece in this time excelled bothe in learninge and marcial feates Uaphres was king of Egipt .xxx. yeres Before Britayne knovven 553 Cyaraxes ouercam the Scithians The yere of the worlde 3360 The yere before Christe 603 and recouered Asia Before Britayne knovven 552 Sappho a poetesse and prophetesse The yere of the worlde 3361 The yere before Christe in this season was greatly renoumed Adrican kinge of Penians yelded him selfe and his to Aprius Before Britayne knovven 549 who brought his army into Cireneica The yere of the worlde 3364 The yere before Christe 599 where by them at Isara his armye was ouerthrowen put to flight and slayne excepte a fewe who by slyght saued theim selues Before Britayne knovven Astyages the .viii. and last kynge of Medes reigned 38. yeres The yere of the worlde 3365 The yere before Christe 598 He gaue his onely daughter Mandanes in maryage to Cambises a persiā of whom Cyrus was born whiche Cambyses at length was taken by his nephieu Cyrus and deposed from his empire Marsiles a citee and fayre hauen of Fraunce in this tyme was builded vpon the Lumbarde sea The yere of the worlde 3369 The yere before Christe 594 Before Britayne knovven 544 Solon who for his wisedom is called one of the seuen wyse men of Grece gaue lawes to the Atheniens emong the which this is one that euery man yerely shuld shew to the magistrates his substance and kynde of occupacion wherby he honestly lyued And that suche children as were not by their parentes instructed in some honeste facultee shulde not bee bound in tyme of nede to find them necessaries He ordeined also sharpe punishment for sclanderers and theim whiche spake yll of dead men and abolished the cruel and blouddie lawes of Draco whyche were tempered with noo equytee but commaunded all transgressions egally lyke to be punished with death The yere of the worlde 3373 The yere before Christe 590 Amilinus Euilmerodach the tenth kinge of Babilon Before Britayne knovven 540 reigned .31 yeres he in the beginnyng of his reigne toke out of prison Ioachin kyng of Iewes honoured hym aboue all the princis of Babylon and his sonne Asir Iechonias was also deliuered who begat Salathiel the father of Zorobabel The eclips of the sonne which Thales dyd pronostique chanced nowe The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 585 Cyrus among the shepardes chyldren in their playes was called theyr kyng Before Britayne knovven 535 Astyages to be reuenged on Harpagus for the sauing of Cyrus gaue him his owne sonne to eate The Hetruscians adorned Tarquinius with a golden crowne a scepter an yuory seate and a purple vesture The yere before Christe 584 The fiue yeres warre betweene the Sabines and Romaynes began The yere of the worlde 3379 Before Britayne knovven 534 Astyages warred agaynst the Lydians The yere of the worlde 3381 The yere before Christe 582 Astybarus with his sonne Apanda reigned in Media x● yeres ▪ as Metasthenes writ th Before Britayne knovven The plaies of Apollo called Ist●●ia and Pythia were in this tyme fyrst kepte Alcetas was kyng of Macedon .xxix. yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 581 The Scottes as their chronycles shewe Before Britayne knovven 531 in this tyme began to inhabit Scotlande The yere of the worlde 3383 The yere before Christe 580 where they liued long time vnder sundry capitaynes as they called theim Before Britayne knovven 530 vntil the tyme of Fergus sonne of Ferquard kynge of Irelande who ayded the Scottes agaynste the Pichtes and was the first kyng of Scottes as they saye The Sabines yelded them to the Romanes Anaximander a renoumed philosopher and phisicien in this time florished He taught the course of the celestial bodies and first made the Horoscopy or ascendent and also discriued the circuite of the land and sea Archestratides was king of Athenes Before Britayne knovven 527 Seruius Tullius the sixt kynge of Romanes The yere of the worlde 3386 The yere before Christe 577 reigned 44. yeres He ouercam the Ueientes and Hetruscians subdued the Sabines added the three hilles Quirinalis Fiminales and Aesquilinus to the citee he dydde ●●ste a dyche about the walles and firste of all ordeined the valuacion and numbryng of the people whiche yet to al the worlde was knowen Under whō Rome beyng brought to a valuacion had .84 thousand heades of citisens Finally he was slayn by L. Tarquinius the proude who Seruius yet liuynge affected the kyngdome by the entisement of his wyfe Tulla the daughter of Seruius Claudia a virgin vestale accused of incest for hir purgacion went to the shalowes of Tiber where fastenyng hir gyrdle to a shyp there stickynge spake these wordes If I be a virgin folow me Incontinent she drewe the shyp out of the shalowes to Rome Before Britayne knovven 523 Anamasis kyng of Aegypt reigned .42 yeres The playes exercised naked were kept at Athenes The yere of the worlde 3390 The yere before Christe 373 Aesopus a Phrigian by fortune bonde but in wyt free and excellent in this tyme florished by feignyng his pleasaunt fables Before Britayne knovven 521 Croesus the last king of Lydio reigned .xiiii. yeres In the beginning of his reigne fortune fauoured him The yere of the worlde 3402 The yere before Christe 562 wherby he gathered excedynge richesse by whiche he was so elated that he enterprised warres agaynst Cyrus kynge of Persia by whom he was taken and set vpon a greate pile of wood to be burned Than Croesus remembrynge the wordes of Solon who had tolde hym before That no man coulde be counted blessed or on all partes happy before the last day of his life with a great exclamaciō cried oute Solon Solon Solon Whyche wordes Cyrus hearinge caused of hym to be demanded what he was whom he called vpon than Croesus declared the whole circumstance of the matter whiche thyng Cyrus perceiuing acknowlaged hym selfe to be also a man and sore repented that he went about to burne hym who was equal to hym in honour and riches and hastily commanded hym to be deliuered from the fier
whom alwaies after he had in great honour and vsed much his counsaile Herodotus at this Croesus began to write his historie Cyrus by the counsaile of Harpagus brought his army agaynst Astyages and ouercame him in battaile Here the historians do somwhat vary for Metasthenes writeth that Cyrus and Darius togither vainguished Apanda whom I suppose to be Astyages ▪ and that they reigned also togither But I wil folowe the certaine computacion and agrement of most histories CYrus Before Britayne knovven 510 the first emperour of Persia reigned 30. yeres The yere of the worlde 3403 The yere before Christe 560 he ouercame the Medes Chaldeis and reunited the monarchy bringing it into Persia when the strong citee of Babylon subdued all Asia toke Cresus kinge of Lydia prisoner deliuered the Iewes frō the captiuitee of Babylon Finally by the ouermuche desyre of dominion warringe in Scithia was by Thomiris quene thereof whose sonne and armye he had ouerthrowen slayne and with him .20000 Persians whose head she caused to be cut of and put into a vessel of bloud as a meete tombe for it with these woordes Satysfye thy selfe vvith bloud vvhych thou hast alvvay thyrsted He excelled all men in his time in goodly personage wisdom prowesse and specially in memorie which was so excellent that he knewe all the men in his army and called theym by theyr sundry names when they came to him he also gloryed in the gardeins and orchardes whiche wyth his owne handes he made and the comely order of the trees that he had planted Chilon and Anaximines phylosophyers in thys tyme flourished COrbodug succeded his father Kinimacus in thys royaulme of Britayne The yere of the worlde 3404 The yere before Christe 550 as our Chronicles wryte .lxiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 509 Regassar the .xi. king of Babilon reigned .iii. yeres Seruius kept warres with the Hetruscians .20 yeres after whiche they yelded Before Britayne knovven 507 Pisistratus the tyran of Athenes The yere of the worlde 3406 The yere before Christe ouercominge the Megarenses Before Britayne knovven 506 by craft possessed theyr empire .xxxiiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3407 The yere before Christe 556 Labas Ardach the .12 king of Babilō reigned .6 yeres Atis the sonne of Cresus in hunting by chaunce was slayne with a darte notwithstanding the great prouysyon and carefulnesse of his father which before time dreamed that his sonne should perishe with yron Xenophanes Colophonius a philosopher in this tyme lyued Before Britayne knovven 502 Amintas king of Macedon reigned .50 yeres The yere of the worlde 3411 The yere before Christe 552 Cresus raised warre against Cyrus Before Britayne knovven 500 ¶ Balthasar laste kinge of Babilon reigned .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 3413 The yere before Christe 550 A prince geuen to voluptee who abusinge the holye vessels of the Iewes in his vicious bankettes was for that cause slayne by Cyrus and Darius in the taking of Babylon After this the hole monarchi was reduced to the persiās Daniell sawe the mistery of the foure empyres of the Chaldeis Persians Greekes and Romains Cresus king of Lydia was taken by Cyrus in battaile The yere of the worlde 3415 The yere before Christe 548 Before Britayne knovven 498 Cyrus and Darius according to the prophecy of Daniel Before Britayne knovven 496 tooke Babylon and slewe kinge Balthasar The yere of the worlde 3417 The yere before Christe 546 Daniel by the enuy of the princes was chast into a den of lions where by the power of god he remained vnhurt ¶ The same time perceyuing the ende of the captiuytye to drawe nere he prayed god in fasting sacke clothe and ashes to witsafe to bring his people to theyr lande whose prayer was herde Barathias called also zorobabel The yere of the worlde 3418 nephieu to Ioachim and Iesus the highe priest Before Britayne knovven 495 with .45370 The yere before Christe 545 Iewes were deliuered free from Babylon by Cyrus and retourned into theyr owne lande where they repayred agayne theyr cytee caste the foundacion of the temple renewed theyr lawes and sacrifices albeit they were sometime letted by theyr borderers Before Britayne knovven 492 Pisistratus the second time reygned in Athenes The yere of the worlde 3421 The yere before Christe 542 Before Britayne knovven 489 Policrates the fortunate tyran of Samos The yere of the worlde 3424 The yere before Christe 539 ouercame the Lesbians and entred inleague with Amasis at the last by a trayne be was hanged by Ozetes Malachias Aggeus and Zacharias prophetes liued L. Tarquinius the proude the .vii. king of Romaines reigned .25 yeres The yere of the worlde 3430 The yere before Christe 533 Before Britayne knovven 483 he first brought into the citee the vse of bondes whippes staues dongeōs prisons fetters chaines banishementes and other punishementes he ouercame the Uolscians and Gabians he subdued Suessa and Pometia he made peace with the Thuscanes and buylded a temple to Iupiter in the capitoll Fynallye besiegynge Ardea he lost his kingedome For when hys eldest sonne Sex Tarquinius had rauished the noble and chast matrone Lucrece wife of Collatine and she complayning this iniurie to her husbande father and other frendes in all theyr syghtes with a knife had finished hir life Then Brutus and Collatinus takinge therof occasion moued the people to a more libertee ' and so expelled Tarquine frome his kingedome he forsaken also of his armye came vnto Rome where the gates were closed agaynst hym Cyrus in Scithia warringe agaynst Thomiris Before Britayne knovven 481 the quene of Massagetes The yere of the worlde 3432 The yere before Christe 531 with .200000 Persiās was slayne Cambyses his sonne the .xi. emperour of Persia Before Britayne knovven 480 reigned .7 yeres .v. monethes The yere of the worlde 3433 The yere before Christe 530 He added to his monarchye Egipt ouercomming Psammenitus the king therof he subdued the Aethiopians He was a prince cruell and ebreous he slewe his brother and sister Among other his cruell deedes as it was seuere so was it righteous for he caused a fals iudge to be flayne quyck whose skin he hāged ouer the iudgement seat to be had alwayes in remēbraunce of those that possessed that place He prohibited the Iewes from buyldinge theyr citye pulled downe the temples of the Aegipcians goddis where with a tempest in the sandes he was destroied receiuing for his wickednes condigne punishment The Samyans buylded Cydonia in Candy Psammenitus the last kinge of Aegipt Before Britayne knovven 479 reigned one yere The yere of the worlde 3434 The yere before Christe 529 and was slayne by Cambyses after whom the royalme of Aegipt was brought vnder the monarchy of the Persians Pythagoras the famous philosopher in this time florished whose schole was not occupied in naturalles and astronomye as other but in arithmetike geometrye and musike whiche he reduced first into sciences and albeit that in his time none was comparable to him in wisdō yet would he
before Christe 362 and brother of Manasses was high priest of the Iewes A pestilence in Rome Camillus the second Romulus and father to his vnkinde citee finished his last daye Before Britayne knovven 311 Perdiccas foughte with the Illerians The yere of the worlde 3602 The yere before Christe 361 he was taken and brought to extreme myserie Artaxerxes of Persie foughte vnfortunately agaynst the Egipcians and loste many of his men Before Britayne knovven 310 Philippus father to great Alexander The yere of the worlde 3603 The yere before Christe 360 obteyned the kingdome of Macedon Pausanias and Argeus making also title to it he subdued Pmphibolis warred with the Atheniens and toke Bardillus king of Illyria Callimedes capitaine of Atheniens Before Britayne knovven 309 In Rome The yere of the worlde 3642 The yere before Christe 359 by an erthquake in the marketplace the earth opened whiche made an horrible gulfe or pit out of whiche issued such a vapour that it infected all the citye with pestilence The diuinours declared that this hole coulde not be closed til some noble man would cast him selfe into it ¶ Than Marcus Curtius a worthy knight of Rome for the saluegarde of the people armed at all pieces ridinge on a great courser richelie trapped ▪ lepte into the gulfe and incontinente the earthe closed The place was after called Curtius lake When L. Manlius was accused of Pompeius the Tribune for banishinge of his owne naturall sonne T. Manlius withoute gilte or trespasse and was therefore likely to be condemned ▪ the yonge man him selfe whose banishemente was obiected agaynste his father founde meanes to come into the chambre of the Tribune and with his swoorde drawne forced him to sweare that he wold not continue in the accusation of his father Wherby he deliuered him out of daunger In Grece the warre called Sociall beganne Before Britayne knovven 308 among the cities The yere of the worlde 3605 The yere before Christe 358 In the frenche warres T. Manlius vainquished and ouerthrue a frenche man of exceding greatnes and toke from him a chiene of golde for whiche he and all his lignage were surnamed Torquati The yere of the worlde 3606 The yere before Christe 357 Dion obteined Syracusas and ouercame Dionisius Before Britayne knovven 307 The Romaines fought with the Tiburtines and Gaules in whiche they triumphed double GUinthelinus after the deathe of his father was crowned king of Britain The yere of the worlde 3607 The yere before Christe 356 Before Britayne knovven 306 A prince sober and quiet who had to wife a noble woman named Marcia of excellent learninge and knowledge She deuised certain lawes whiche longe time among the Britons were greatly estemed and named Marcians lawes Finallye when this vertuous prince had reigned .26 yeres he died The Phenices and Cyprians forsoke the empire of the Persians Dion ouercame the Dionysians whyche possessed Syracusa and deliuered his countrey he was elected theyr capitaine The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 355 Archidamus kinge of Sparta Before Britayne knovven 305 Philomelus capitain of the Phocenses got the temple of Delphos The Tarquinians vanquished Fabius vnaduisedly fightinge and sacrifised 307. Romanes Before Britayne knovven 304 Spartacus king of Bosphorus The yere of the worlde 3609 The yere before Christe 354 In Sicily Dion was slain by his hyred souldiours Calippus who was the causer of it toke on him the administration of the ysle Philip besieged and destroyed the city Methenes The Locrenses meting in battayle with Philomelus were ouercome taken and slayne Upon this began a sedicion through all Grece Before Britayne knovven Artemisia quene of Caria The yere of the worlde 3610 The yere before Christe 353 Hipparinus son of Dion expulsing Calippus recouered his fathers royalme The warres of the Argiues and Lacedemones Philip beyng ayded with a bande of Thessalians ouercame the Phocenses subdued Lyeophrones and hanged Onomarchus Fabius vanquished the Tarquiniens and Falliscians Phaylus Before Britayne knovven 302 The yere of the worlde 3611 The yere before Christe 352 capitain of the Phocences recoueringe a new power went into Beotla where fighting he was againe ouerthrowen and put to flight The warres of the Lacedemons and Megapolitaynes in whiche the Lacedemons obteined the victory by their capitaine Archidamus Contenciō in Rome for the election of consuls in whiche the Senatours obteyned Before Britayne knovven 301 Artaxerxes with great industry recouered Egipt Phinicia and Cipers he toke Sidona by treason The yere of the worlde 3612 The yere before Christe 351 and caused Temnes the kinge who betrayed the citye to be slayne Arymbas king of Molossa The Romanes fought prosperously with the Tyburtyans and Tarquiniensis but to cruelly they raged on thē for scourging .348 of the chiefest they also tyrannouslye put them to death Before Britayne knovven 300 Protagoras kinge of Salamine The yere of the worlde 3613 The yere before Christe 350 submitted him to the Persians Artaxerxes subdued Egipte and droue Nectanebus into Aethiope Mentor the president of the sea coste of Asia by craft and force gotte al the cities and regiōs theraboutes vnder the dominion of Artarerxes The yere of the worlde 3614 The yere before Christe 349 Spartacus king of Pontus dyed in whose place his brother Parisades was chosen who reigned .38 yeres Before Britayne knovven 299 Philip inuaded the Chalcidenses by assault toke the castell Gera compelled certayne townes to be vnder his obeisaunce and expelled Pitholaus out of Thessaly The yere of the worlde 3615 The yere before Christe 348 Peace giuen to the Tarquiniāses other for .xl. yeres Before Britayne knovven 298 The yere of the worlde 3616 The yere before Christe 347 The temple of Apollo at Delphos Before Britayne knovven 297 with them that fled thither were al bourned Popilius triumphed ouer the Galles the pristinat possession of the consulships was restored to the fathers The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 346 The Phocenses submitted them to Philip Before Britayne knovven 296 for his benefycence of al Grece he was called emperour The warres of Fraunce renued M. Ualerius by the helpe of a crow did vainquishe and kil a mighty frenche man For which cause he and his posteritie were called Coruini The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 345 Timoleon a Corinthean sayled into Sicilye he arriued at Tauromenium and got Syracusa Before Britayne knovven 295 A pestilence in Rome the Carthaginenses made league with the Romains The yere of the worlde 3619 The yere before Christe 344 Philip with fyre and sworde wasted Illyria Before Britayne knovven 294 delyuered Thessalye from tyrannes with his benificence wan the citees of Grecia with whom they tourned into amitee Dionysius yelded him to Timoleon The yere of the worlde 3620 The yere before Christe 343 Before Britayne knovven 293 he forsaketh Sicily sayleth into Corinthe and miserably led a priuat life Timoleon restored the Syracusanes to theyr lybertye Cersopleptus king of Thracia Coruinus warred vpon the Uolscians vanquished
among theym .231 yeares And thus was the empire brought out of asia into Europe amōg the grekes vntil the time that the Romans reduced it vnto them Alexander subdued Hyrcania and fell into the riot of the persians with drūkennes and fury wherby he slue diuers of his frendes He toke Cedrosios and Euergetas and subdued Arachosia Alexander king of Epirus ouercame the Samnites and Lucanes in Italy A muster in Rome and new citezens ordeyned The Thracians by theyr capitaine Memnon fel from Alexander agaynste whom went Antipater who ouer came them setteled the matters and estate of Thracia In the meane time also the Lacedemons with an host foughte for theyr libertee but they were vanquished by Antipater and theyr kinge Agis slayne The yere of the worlde 3634 The yere before Christe 329 In Rome .170 women were apprehended and condēned Before Britayne knovven 279 bycause they had prepared poyson to destroye theyr neyghbours which were cōstrayned to drinke that they had prepared for the destruction of others The yere of the worlde 3635 The yere before Christe 328 Alexander obteined Paropamissa Before Britayne knovven 278 he buylded an other Alexandria vpon the mountayne Caucasus Mophis a king of India did submit him selfe to Alexander The Lucanes yelded theim to the Romaines The yere of the worlde 3636 The yere before Christe 327 Alexander warred in India fought with Corus king therof Before Britayne knovven 277 who came with .60 princes and .400 Elephātes with toures and yet was he taken by Alexander and restored againe to his royalme Alexander buylded Nicea and Bucephala in memory of his good horse and tooke by assault Agalassis Arimbas king of Epirus Before Britayne knovven 276 The yere of the worlde 3637 The yere before Christe 326 The warres in Grece began wherin Leoschenes the Athenien was capitayne Alexander subdued the Cosseans The yere of the worlde 3638 The yere before Christe 325 Zopirion by the commaundement of Alexander warred in Scithia where he with .3000 was slayne Before Britayne knovven 275 The yere of the worlde 3636 The yere before Christe 324 Thalestris quene of Amazons for the desyre to haue issue by Alexander Before Britayne knovven 274 came .35 dayes iourneys to him and after retourned being conceyued with childe When Alexander in thre yeres both to the greate perill of his and destruction of many nacions had gotten an empire scarse sufficient for being vnuanquished of the east in his mind also he had vāquished the west through whiche being blowen vp with pride he caused him selfe to be named and honored for king of al landes and lord of the whole world and sente foorthe his nauye into the east occean to serche if there were anye other worlde to conquere But in his returne homewarde beyng in his moste glory at the citee of Babylon abiding for the ambassadours of all nacions was there poysoned by hys owne men whom for his outragious crueltee and drūkennesse they began to detest And thus Alexander with an inuincible courage ended his life and by Ptholomeus was buried in his citie Alexandria where the space of seuen foote of grounde helde him to whom before the whole worlde was to lyttel The Lucanes and Apulians cam into the societee of the people of Rome A lawe stablished in Rome that no man for debte shuld weare yrons Before Britayne knovven 273 KImarus succeded Cecilius The yere of the worlde 3640 and reigned .iii. yeres in Britaine The yere before Christe 323 After the death of Alexander as the empyre was soone gotten so likewise was it quickly deuided among his capitanes euen as a pray ouerthrowen by the great lyon is gredely deuoured by the yong whelpes and they also fell together by the eares in parting of it Antipater for his part had Macedonye and Grece Ptholomeus Egipte Aphrica and parte of Arabye Laomedon Syria Philotas with his sonne Cilicia and Illyria Agr●patos the greater Media Antigonus Phrig●● Learch●s Litia and Pamphilia Cassander Caria Menander Lydia Lysymacus Thracia and Pontus Eumenes obteyned Cappadocia Paphlagonia These princes for the soueraine dominiō warred one on the other til thei wer almost destroyed Ptholomeus sonne of Lagus was king of Egipt .xl. yeares he was fyrste by horsemen and after with the common assent chosen kinge Phillip called Arideus brother to Alexander reygned vii yeres in Macedone Warre indicted to the vestines whō Iunius Brutus vanquished The Samnites warre wherein there were 20000. slayne and the Romayns triumphed Before Britayne knovven 172 Eumenes slue Neopt●lemus The yere of the worlde 3641 The yere before Christe 322 Perdicas brought an armi into egipt agaīst Ptholome The warres betwene the Atheniās Aeolians begā Onias son of Iaddus was high priest amōg the iewes The yere of the worlde 3642 The yere before Christe 321 ELanius called also Danius Before Britayne knovven 271 was king of Britaine nyne yeres Claudius Pontius captain of the Sānites Before Britayne knovven 270 ouer thrue and vanquished the Romans The yere of the worlde 3643 The yere before Christe 310 to their gret shame Papyrius Cursor ouercame the Ferētanes The yere of the worlde 3644 The yere before Christe 319 Before Britayne knovven 269 beat down the Samnites tooke Lucerias with .7000 Samnites whom he brought in bondage The kyngdome of Asia began Before Britayne knovven 268 where Antigonꝰ reigned first .18 yeres The yere of the worlde 3645 The yere before Christe 318 who caused Eumenes taken and betrayed by Alexanders souldiours to be cast in prison Olympias mother of Alexander caused Euridices Before Britayne knovven 267 and Arideus the king to be slayne The yere of the worlde 3646 The yere before Christe 317 Al Syria in this time was much vexed by Ptholome who toke Ierusalē also by fraude on the Sabbot daye and led away captiue a great numbre of Iewes Cassander obteined the roialme of Macedony Before Britayne knovven 266 and reigned .xix. yeres The yere of the worlde 3647 The yere before Christe 316 he commanded the quene Olympias to be put to deathe ▪ who with a stoute mynde not fearyng death offered her head to the hangman and in the very yange of death mynded hir honestee for with hir handes she kept down her clothes that no parte of hir body should be sene Peace was made through all Apulia the Romans gaue lawes vnto their alies The yere of the worlde 3648 The yere before Christe 315 Glautias king of Illyria Before Britayne knovven 265 brought vp Pyrrhus .xii. yeres and than restored him to his fathers kingedome ¶ The warres of the Samnites were renued and they put to flyght in reuengement wherof they besieged postia and plistia citees confederate with Rome The yere of the worlde 3649 The yere before Christe 314 Satricula was taken and Aurelius master of the Romayne horsemen slayne Before Britayne knovven 264 The yere of the worlde 3650 The yere before Christe 333 Cassander assigned landes to the Abderites in the extreme partes of Macedony Before Britayne knovven 264 The yere
of the worlde 3652 The yere before Christe 311 MOrindus a cruell prince Before Britayne knovven 261 began to reigne in Briteine he as oure cronicles saye foughte veyth a kyng who came out of Germany arriued here slue him with al his power Moreouer as they write oute of Irishe seas came foorthe a wonderfull monster whiche destroyed much people wherof the king hearing would of his valyaunte courage nedes fight with it by whom he was cleane deuoured When he had reygned viii yeres Here beginneth the kingdome of Syria wher Seleucus Nicanor first reigned .32 yeres Pestilence inuaded Rome Nola with other cityes was taken In this place the Scottes began theyr chronycles at Fergus son of Farquahard kinge of Irelande who as they write came with a great power out of Irelande to theyr ayd in the dissencion betwene them and the pitchtes where by hys wisedome and prowes be so behaued him selfe that he agreed those people and obteined suche fauour that they elected him to be theyr king he reigned among them .25 yeres and finally in passinge the seas betwene Irelande and Scotland he was drowned These histories of the Scottes asthey set them forth be full of errours and agre with no other historiens for they saye that Fergus slue Coil king of Britain when there was no suche of that name nor manye yeres after as it may in this boke playnly appeare But I will take the yeres of the reignes of theyr kinges as they write them whiche were from this time vnto the cominge of Cesar .260 yeres for whiche cause I haue here for the better agremente of the history and computacion of the yeres begun to write of them Before Britayne knovven 260 Lysimachia in Thracia builded The yere of the worlde 3653 The yere before Christe 310 Before Britayne knovven 256 Cassander caused Arsines The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 309 the wife of great Alexander with her son Hercules to be put to death Ptholome inuaded Ciprus In Rome the tribunes of the souldiours that shoulde gouerne the Legions were ordeyned with the two admirals of theyr nauy Ptholome and Cassander The yere of the worlde 3655 The yere before Christe 308 cōfederates with Lysimachus and Seleucus ▪ Before Britayne knovven warred against Antigonus whose son Demetrius fought with theym and was ouercome by Ptholome Fabius Rutilanus vanquished the Hetruscians and gaue theym peace for .30 yeres The Romaynes tryumphed bothe of the Samnites and Hetruscians Demetrius Phalereus obteyned of Ptholome that the Atheniens might be restored to their popular gouernāce Antigonus The yere of the worlde 3656 The yere before Christe 307 and all the other princis Before Britayne knovven 257 Before Britayne knovven 256 named theym selues kinges The yere of the worlde 3657 The yere before Christe 306 Demetrius the sonne of Antigonus delyuered Grece from tyrāny and ouercame and put to flight Ptholome in a battayle on the sea Fabius made proconsul ouercame brought in subiection the Samnites and sold .4000 of theyr complices The yere of the worlde 3658 The yere before Christe 305 The Romaines triumphed againe ouer the Sānites they renued their league with the Carthaginenses Before Britayne knovven 255 The yere of the worlde 3659 The yere before Christe 304 Seleucus buylded diuers cities in Syria The yere of the worlde 3660 The yere before Christe 303 GOrbomannus eldest sonne of Morindus Before Britayne knovven 254 reigned xi yeres A prince iuste religious Before Britayne knovven 253 he renued the temples of his goddes and gouerned his people in peace and wealthe Symon sonne of Onias surnamed the iust was hygh priest of the Iewes The auncient league was geuen to the Samnites the xxxi townes of the Equians were taken the Marrucines with other confederated them with the Romayns In a certayne caue in Umbria .2000 armed mē were destroyed with smoke and fyre The yere of the worlde 3661 The yere before Christe 302 Before Britayne knovven 252 Seleucus obteyned Babilon and buylded Antioche Ptholome The yere of the worlde 3662 The yere before Christe 301 Cassander Lysimachus Before Britayne knovven 251 and Seleucus ouer came and slue in battaile Antigonus king of Asia Cleominus a Lacedemon with a nauy of Grekes arriued on the costes of Italy Demetrius sonne of Antigonus Before Britayne knovven 250 succeded in the kingdome of Asia The yere of the worlde 3663 The yere before Christe 300 and reigned xvii yeres About this time the Romans began to vse barbours for before they neuer shaued theyr beardes The lawes Ualeria and Portia were made and the bishops and diuinours were consecrated The yere of the worlde 3665 The yere before Christe 298 A great famine in Athenes Before Britayne knovven 248 The yere of the worlde 3666 The yere before Christe 297 Antipater and Alexander sonnes of Cassander Before Britayne knovven 247 reygned in Macedone .iiii. yeres But Iustine writet h that Philip succeded Alexander The Samnites being driuen backe by Decius entred into Hetruria where they toke Ferentinum and other townes but by the consuls they were slayne and taken Before Britayne knovven 246 Fabyus Rutilanus triumphed vpon the Hetruscians and Gaules The yere of the worlde 3667 The yere before Christe 296 Before Britayne knovven 245 The yere of the worlde 3668 The yere before Christe 295 P. Decius auowed him selfe to die for the Romains There were slaine of the Hetruscians Gaules 24000 and of the Samnites by Uolumnius .16300 Before Britayne knovven 244 Attilius Regulus subdued the Sabines The yere of the worlde 3669 The yere before Christe 294 Posthumius the Hetruscians peace was giuen to the Uolscians and other for .xl. yeres Demetrius king of Asia The yere of the worlde 3670 The yere before Christe 293 obteined the roialme of Macedon Before Britayne knovven 243 whiche .6 yeres he kept Antipater sonne of Cassander slue his mother Demetriꝰ by fraud put to deth Alexander and Philip wherby he possessed the royalme of Macedon The Samnites and Hetruscians wer vanquished by the Romaines ARchigallo brother to Gorbamānꝰ The yere of the worlde 3671 The yere before Christe 292 was crouned king of Britain Before Britayne knovven 242 he was in cōdiciōs vnlike to his brother for he deposed the noble mē exalted the vnnoble he extorted frome men their goodes to enrich his treasury for whiche cause by the astates of the royalme he was depriued of his roial dignite whan he had reigned .v. yeres Nagid called also Nage succeded his father in the principalitee of the Iewes .x. yeres The Boeotians forsoke Demetrius whō he subdued and toke Thebes A pestilence for which cause the ymage Aesculapius was brought from Epidaurus to Rome ¶ Fabius ouercome of the Samnites was rescued by his father he triumphed ouer them and put their capitain Pontius to death Pyrrhus vainquished Pantauchus The yere of the worlde 3673 The yere before Christe 290 Before Britayne knovven 240 This Pyrrhus kyng of Epyre was a valiāt and fierse warriour sterne of countinaūce and
terrible to behold and semed to be framed of nature to martiall prowesse By a doubtfull aunswere of Apollo he was enduced to ayde the Tarentines againste the Romaines whom he ouerthrue in .ii. great batailes but with such losse of his owne capitaines frendes and souldiours that he saide if we ouercome the Romaines ones againe we shal be vtterly vndone Wherfore marueilynge at the māhode and vertue of the Romains he sayde with a lowd voice to his frendes Oh howe easie were it for me to subdue thehole world either to my self by the aide of Romaine souldiours or to the Romaines if I were theyr kinge Samnium was cleane destroied by the Romanes and the warres whiche endured .49 yeres betwene theym was finished and all Italy pacifyed and subdued vnto the Romanes The yere of the worlde 3675 The yere before Christe 288 Ptolomeus Seleucus Lysimachus and pyrrhus king of Epirus warred againste Demetrius Before Britayne knovven 238 whom they ouercame pyrrhus possessed the royalme of Macedony ¶ The citie Lysimachia wyth an erthquake was ouer throwen ELidurus the thirde sonne of Morindus brother to Archigallo The yere of the worlde 3676 The yere before Christe 287 was elected kyng of Britain Before Britayne knovven 247 A vertuous and gentill prince who gouerned his people iustly Whan he had reigned .v. yeres as he was in hūtyng in a forest by chaunce he met with his brother Archigallo whom moste louyngly he imbraced and foūde the meanes to reconcile him to his lordes and than resigned to him his royall dignitee The Macedons receiued pyrrhus for their kyng .7 monethes Lysimachus by fraude kylled Antipater his sonne in lawe and possessed the kyngdome of Macedō vii yeres The yere of the worlde 3677 The yere before Christe 286 Demetrius in Cilicia vanquished Seleucus Before Britayne knovven 236 The yere of the worlde 3678 The yere before Christe 285 Ferithias brother to Fergus Before Britayne knovven 235 was chosen kynge of Scottes duryng the nonage of his brothers children who bi Ferlegꝰ his neuew for the desire to reigne was slaine whā he had reigned .xv. yeres and Ferlegus for that act fled Scotlande Demetrius submitted him to Seleucus The yere of the worlde 3679 The yere before Christe 284 Ptholomeus philadelphus kynge of Egipt Before Britayne knovven 234 reigned xxxviii yeres The yere of the worlde 3680 The yere before Christe 283 Before Britayne knovven 233 A prince aboue al other geuē to study and learnynge he made a librarie in Alexandria whiche he furnyshed with innumerable bokes of al sciences among whiche as chiefe was the volume of Moyses lawe For the king hearing of that diuine lawe was in Hierusalem being veraie desirous to haue it translated first discharged out of his bondage al the iewes in his realme who were aboue .100000 Then sit he Demetrius Aristeus to Eleazer the high priest with great giftes to the temple of god desiring that the lawe might be sent with lerned men to translate it into Greke Incontinente Eleazar sent .72 interpretours who commenly be called Septuaginta interpretes These the kinge honourably receyued and sent them to Demetrius clerke of his librarye in Alexandrye who prouided a place for them where they assembled daily to interprete the holy scripture and in .72 daies finished it Which being done the king with great giftes dimissed them home The Lucanes Brutians Samnites Hetruscians being confederate with the Galles made a vtage towardes Rome But by Dolobella they were driuen backe The Galles slue the Romaine ambassadours Cecilius the pretour and .13000 souldiours Before Britayne knovven 232 ARchigallo thus restored to his royall estate The yere of the worlde 3681 The yere before Christe 282 ruled the people quietly and iustelye .x. yeres and then changed his life with death Aggal Esly receyued the principaliter of the Iewes ▪ gouerned them .8 yeres Before Britayne knovven 331 The Tarentines spoyled the Romaine nauy The yere of the worlde 3682 The yere before Christe 281 wold not receyue the ambassadours of Rome Before Britayne knovven 230 Ptolomeus Ceraunus reigned one yere in Macedon The yere of the worlde 3683 The yere before Christe 280 and was vanquished by the Galles Lysimacus being ouercome in battaile of Seleucus died Seuen monethes after Seleucus by the falshode of Ptolome lost his life The warres of the Grekes against the Aetolians Warre indicted to the Tarentins they sent to Pyrrhus for ayde he cometh and with the helpe of his Elephantes ouercometh Leuinus the cōsul Pyrrhus wondring at the continency of Fabritius in refusing his riche gettes which he sent to him didde send Cynea to Rome for peace blynde Appius Claudius persuaded theym to the contrary Before Britayne knovven 229 Antiochus Soter the second kinge of Asia and Syria The yere of the worlde 3684 The yere before Christe 279 reigned .xix. yeres About these daies bloude was sene to springe out of a well and milke to fall from the cloudes Meleagrus was king of Macedon .2 monethes After whom Antipater reigned .45 dayes Softenes reigned in Macedone .ii. yeres he ouercame the Galles in Macedon Pyrrhus was vanquished by the consules by flight he saued him selfe and returned to Tarentum The Scicilians after the death of Agathocles Before Britayne knovven 228 because they were continually vexed with the warres of the Carthaginenses sent for Pyrrhus The yere of the worlde 3685 The yere before Christe 278 and gaue vnto him the dominion of the whole islee An other Brennus capitayn of the Galles which inuaded Grece after many spoyles there done robbed the temple of Appollo at Delphos and to excuse his sacrilege sayed that the goddes neded nothing but they beynge riche ought to parte theyr goodes to poore men but he being ouerthrowen by the power of god for peyne killed him selfe his armye beyng destitute of a capitaine wyth lightning hayle hunger and pestilence was vexed and for desperation killed theyr wiues and children and so were scattered through Asia and grece But at laste they gathered agayne together and aydinge Nicomedes the king of Bithinia when they had gotten the victory deuided the countreye with him whiche was called after Gallogrecia The yere of the worlde 3686 The yere before Christe 277 Antigonus Gonates reigned in Macedon .xxxvi. yeres he ouercame the Galles Before Britayne knovven 227 The yere of the worlde 3688 The yere before Christe 275 Polybius the historiographer flourished Before Britayne knovven 225 Hiero king of Sicily reygned Pyrrhus expulsing Antigonus possessed Macedony The Tarentines called Pyrrhus out of Sicily to helpe them whom Curius the consul vaynquished he triumphed at which time in Rome the elephāts wer first sene Pyrrhus lefte Italy and Sicilye Maslot Nahum prince of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 224 succeded his father and reigned 7 ▪ yeres The yere of the worlde 3689 The yere before Christe 274 The Peloponēses by tresō were deliuered to Antigonꝰ The warres of Pyrrhus against the Lacedemones After many greuous battayles by him fought in Grece at the assault of
yere before Christe 214 Antiochus indicted warre to Acheus Before Britayne knovven 164 Philip kinge of Macedonye tooke Thebes and entered in league with Anniball Posthumius by the deceit of the frenchemen was slayn Marcellus ouercame Annibal and the Scipions vanquished Asdrubal in Spayne Fabius Maximus was created Dictator of Rome ¶ This man in his youth exercised bothe eloquence and prowesse and therfore after became as well in armes as counsaile a captaine most excellent and subduyng many countreis to the Romains triumphed fiue times At this time beyng made Dictatour against Anniball he so tempered prudence with manhode that by detracting of batail and training Annibal from place to place and at sundrye aduantages skyrmisshynge with him he minished his puisance and preserued the publike weale of his coūtrey In so muche that Annibal whan he had o●erthrowe Minutius the Cōsull and was constreigned by Fabius whiche came to the rescue to retyre with losse of his men said Dyd not I tell you that this clowde wold at the last bryng vs a storme Calling Fabius a clowde because he houered vpon the hylles Before Britayne knovven 163 ¶ Nathak brother of Doruidilla The yere of the worlde 3750 The yere before Christe was made kynge of Scottes who for his tyranny in the seconde yere of his reigne was slaine by his owne lordes The poenians were ouerthrowen by Fabius at Benenentum Before Britayne knovven 162 ¶ Pleuratus kynge of Thracia The yere of the worlde 3751 The yere before Christe 212 Scerdiletus kinge of Illyria Hitherto writeth Polibius Syphax kinge of Numidia entred in amitee with the Romaines Before Britayne knovven 161 Re●thar son of Doruidilla a yong childe The yere of the worlde 3752 The yere before Christe 211 contrary to the lawes of Scotland was made kynge for which cause Scotlande was vexed with ciuill warres in maner to the desolacion thereof and the Britons entred and subdued it whiche they kepte as the Scottes write .xii. yeres vnder their subiection their kinge Reuthar beyng expelled out of his royalme and lyuing in Irelande but afterward by entreatee vpon certain conditions he was againe restored to his kingdome and reigned in all .26 yeres ¶ Anniball tooke Tarentum and the Scipiones were slayne in Spaine Before Britayne knovven 160 The Romaines were in such feare The yere of the worlde 3753 The yere before Christe 210 by the comming of Anniball towardes Rome that thei determined to haue forsaken the citie and to fle in to Greece But by the prowes and wisdome of the yong Scipio they were persuaded to the defence of their countrey who whan all other feared to be capitaines in so daungerous warres tooke vpon him to deliuer Italy from the power of Anniball beinge but .22 yeres of age for which cause he was fyrst sent into Spayne with an army * This Scipio was of wonderful towardnesse euen frō his childhode for beyng but .xvii. yeres olde in a greate battayle by Pauia in Lumbardy he rescued hys father whan he was enuyronned with ennemies and in daunger to be slayne After he had prosperousely finisshed the warres that he had taken in hand he was so greatly renoumed that men came out of all countreys onely to see and honour him And as he was famous in marcial prowesse so was he excellently well learned and fauoured learned men excedingly in so much as he refused to here the ambassadours of Carthage makynge entreatee for peace vntyll thei had brought to hym Terence the latin poet in whom he after so greatly delited that it is sayde he holpe hym to make his comedies At●alus of Asia Pleuratus of Thracia Scerdiletus of Illyria were kynges The yere of the worlde 3854 The yere before Christe 209 Before Britayne knovven 159 The Aetolians confederated theim selues with the Romaynes and indicted warre to Philyp Scipio toke newe Carthage in Spaine and sent Mago prisoner to Rome Fuluius the consull recouered T●●ētum Scipio ouer came and vanquished Hasdruball The yere of the worlde 3755 The yere before Christe 208 Before Britayne knovven 158 RImo gouerned this roialme of Britayn .xvi. yeres The yere of the worlde 3756 The yere before Christe 207 Philyp kynge of Macedon Before Britayne knovven 157 fought prosperouslye agaynst the Aetolians Nere vnto Lacinius Annibal ouerthrue the Romains in whiche conflict Marcellus the consull was slayne Ualerius wasted Aprica and vanquisshed the Carthaginenses on the sea In Spayne Hanno was takē and the Carthaginenses that were with him The yere of the worlde 3757 The yere before Christe 206 slayne Before Britayne knovven 156 P. Sulpitius Proconsull of Grece Hostil●us put Anniball to flyght At Sena Asdruball with his army was ouerthrowen and vāquisshed by the cōsuls whose head Nero caused to be cast into the campe of Anniball Before Britayne knovven 155 Spaine was subdued to the Romains Before Britayne knovven 154 The warre betwene Syphax and Masinissa began The yere of the worlde 3758 The yere before Christe 205 in whiche Syphax droue Masinissa out of his roialme The yere of the worlde 3759 The yere before Christe 204 Before Britayne knovven 153 Scipio vanquished the Poenians and Sempronius ouercame Anniball The yere of the worlde 3760 The yere before Christe 203 Before Britayne knovven 152 Ptolomeus Epiphanes the .v. kyng of Egypt reigned 24. yeres he passed not the age of foure yeares The yere of the worlde 3761 The yere before Christe 202 whan his father dyed Wherfore he was committed to the gouernance of the Romains whiche was the occasion of great warres betwene Antiochus and the Romaines Scipis destroyed the campe of Syphax and Asdruball Syphaax was taken by Lelius and brought to Rome Annibal was cōpelled to retourne to Carthage to the defence therof the .xvii. yere after he first entred into Italy Before Britayne knovven 151 Scipio and Anniball met togither in battayl The yere of the worlde 3762 The yere before Christe 120 in which Anniball was put to flight The Carthaginenses desired peace whiche was graunted to them but .500 of theyr shippes were drouned in the sight of the citee Here endeth the second warres of Carthage Before Britayne knovven 150 Peace was giuen to Carthage The yere of the worlde 3763 The yere before Christe 200 Masinissa was also restored to his royalme Scipio retourned to Rome with great triumph after whose chariot Terence the comical poete folowed as prisoner Before Britayne knovven 149 The warres of Macedon began because that Philip sent succours to the Carthaginenses The yere of the worlde 3764 The yere before Christe 199 Ser. Sulpitius went into Macedon where he toke many townes The french warres arose in which Furius triumphed Bebius Pamphilus The yere of the worlde 3765 The yere before Christe 198 entring into the landes of the Millaners Before Britayne knovven 148 with all his army was enclosed Quintius the consul ouerthrue kynge Philip. The yere of the worlde 3766 The yere before Christe 197 The Atheians stablished peace with the Romaines Before Britayne knovven 147 A rebellion of seruantes in Rome
of the worlde 3790 CAtellus reigned here in Brytayne .x. yeres The yere before Christe 173 Claudius ouercame the Celtiberians Before Britayne knovven 123 and vtterly vāquished them after which time they obeyed vnto the empire The yere of the worlde 3791 The yere before Christe 172 Popilius the consul receyued to hys rule and gouernaunce the Ligurians Before Britayne knovven 122 The yere of the worlde 3792 The yere before Christe 171 The seconde warres of Macedon began Before Britayne knovven 121 Ar●aratres kynge of Thracia desired amitee with the Romaines which was graunted to him ¶ Perseus kyng of Macedone ouercame the Romans at Sycurium Before Britayne knovven 120 The yere of the worlde 3793 The yere before Christe 170 Ap. Claudius sent into Illyria with an armie was beaken backe and put to flight at Uscana ¶ Thereus the son of Reuther kinge of Scottes The yere of the worlde 3795 The yere before Christe 168 reigned .xii. yeares Before Britayne knovven 118 he for his tyrrany and vicious liuing by his lordes was depriued of his kyngedome and exiled out of his royalme Antiochus toke Hierusalem spoyled the temple forced the Iewes to forsake theyr lawes defiled the temple with an ydol He also ouercame Ptolome at Pelusium and besieged Alexandria Eleazar a Iew of .90 yeres of age was slain because he would not contrary to his lawes eate swines fleshe At the same time seuen yong men with their mother were put to terrible death because they wold not offend their lawe Matathias with his fine sonnes defended the cause of the Iewes and slue Apollonius Perseus toke many cities of Illyria and Martius the consul prosperously entred into Macedō with his army Matathias died by an othe be bound his sonnes to preferre the lawes and wealthe of their countreys before their lyues Before Britayne knovven 117 The yere of the worlde 3796 The yere before Christe 168 Iudas Machabeus gouerned the Iewes .xii. yeres In shorte tyme he delyuered them from their enemies and restored the lawes sacrifices againe He obteined the amite of the Romans wherby the Iewes preserued their libertee Then for the defence of his countrey with praiyng and fighting he slue .35000 of his ennemyes with Nicanor the capitain of Demetrius whose head he did set vpon the castell of Ierusalem his thretnyng hāde he hanged against the temple and his blasphemous tonge he gaue vnto byrdes to be deuoured Finally after many batails prosperously by him fought he was slaine by Bacchides a capitaine of Demetrius C. Popilius and C. Decimius ambassadours of the Romaines restored Egypte vnto Ptolome Antiochus at their commaundement returned into his roialme L. Anicius subdued Illyria and Gentius kinge therof submitted him to the Romaines Aemilius Paulus the consulle vanquished Perseus conquered al Maccdone C● Octauius arriued at Samothracia whither Perseus was fled who being destitute of any succour yelded him selfe The yere of the worlde 3797 The yere before Christe 166 Here endeth the kingdome of the Macedones Before Britayne knovven 116 The mooste pompous and royall triumph of Aemilius was shewed in Rome The yere of the worlde 3795 The yere before Christe 165 Iudas purified the temple from Idols Before Britayne knovven 115 and dedicated a temple vnto the lorde Prusias king of Bithinia commended his son Nicomedes to the tuition of the Romains Marcellus subdued the Galles of the mountaines Sulpitius the Ligurians Antiochus hearinge of the prosperous successe of the Iewes in a fury purposed to destroye theym all but god the beholder of all thinges strake him with suche an incurable disease that wourmes issued out of his body whiche so putrified the fleshe that the sauour thereof no man might abide and so most miserably died The yere before Christe 163 COilus succeded Catellus in the realme of Britain who quietly reigned .xx. yeres The yere of the worlde 3800 Before Britayne knovven 113 Antiochus Eupater the .ix. king of Siria reigned .ii. yeares he besieged toke and destroied Bethsura made peace with Iudas and after brake his promise and spoiled the temple The yere of the worlde 3801 The yere before Christe 162 Alchimus by Lysias was constituted highe pryeste of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 112 Antiochus slew Philip whom his father had left to be gouernour of his roialme Demetrius Soter brother to Antiochus Epiphanes Before Britayne knovven 111 was the .x. kinge of Siria The yere of the worlde 3802 The yere before Christe 161 and reigned .xi. yeares he lying in hostage at Rome fled from thens and slue bothe Antyochus and Lysias but Alexander the sonne of Eupator fled away The yere before Christe 158 Iudas metinge in battaile with Betheron slewe him and ouerthrue al his army The yere of the worlde 3805 Before Britayne knovven 108 Iudas by the people was apointed to the office of high priest he also entered in league with the Romanes Iosine brother to Thereus was made king of Scottes a prince geuen to peace and quiet he reigned .24 yeres Iudas committing battayle with Bachides at Barzi●on was slayne Before Britayne knovven 106 The yere of the worlde 3807 The yere before Christe Before Britayne knovven 105 Ionathas the .xi. capitaine of the Iewes The yere before Christe 155 brother vnto Iudas gouerned them .xv. yeres The yere of the worlde 3808 He vanquished Bachides at the riuer Iordan and finally was slayne with a .1000 of his men at Ptolomais by the craft of Triphō Before Britayne knovven 104 Nasica vanquished the Dalmatians The yere of the worlde 3809 The yere before Christe Before Britayne knovven 103 Alexander the son of Antiochus tooke Ptolomais The yere before Christe 153 Before Britayne knovven 101 Alexander entered in amitee with Ionathas The yere of the worlde 3810 The yere of the worlde 3812 The yere before Christe 151 Demetriꝰ ioyning battail with Alexander was slain Before Britayne knovven 100 Alexander called also Bala●s the .xi. kinge of Syria The yere before Christe 150 reygned .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 3813 He maried the doughter of Ptolome kinge of Egipt The warre beganne betwene the Carthaginenses and Masimi●sa king of Numidia Scipio called after Aphricanus of his owne good wil toke vpon him the warres of Spain in which he fought prosperously agaynst them Corn. Nasica prohibited the buylding of the Theater as a thing vnprofitable and hurteful to good maners Before Britayne knovven 99 The yere of the worlde 3814 The yere before Christe 149 Ionathas vanquished Appolonius surnamed Titus toke Azotum Before Britayne knovven 98 subdued Ascalon The yere of the worlde 3815 The yere before Christe 148 and with great victorye retourned to Ierusalem Ptolomeus for treasō wrought against him forsoke the alyaunce of Alexander and gaue his doughter Cleopatra vnto Demetrius ▪ The third warres of Carthage began in which they chose the two Asdruballes capitaines of their footmen and Phan●as capitaine of theyr horsemen Cato persuaded the Romans vtterlye to destroy Carthage consydering as he sayd the Romaines to degenerate lytell and lytel
lastely by the treason of his sonne in lawe was slayne Q. Pompeius subdued the Termesti●s but by the Numantians he was vanquished and forced to make an vnprofitable peace Uir●arus was slaine by his owne men CHirimus kinge of Britaine The yere of the worlde 3825 The yere before Christe 138 through his drunkennes as our chroniclers write Before Britayne knovven 88 reigned but one yere Triphon murdering his prīce Antiochus inuaded the kingdome of Syria Before Britayne knovven 87 FUlgen son to Chrrimus The yere of the worlde 3826 The yere before Christe 137 reigned .2 yere in Britain Triphon called also Diodotus the .14 king of ●●ria reigned .iii. yeres Simon confirmed his league with the Romains Before Britayne knovven 86 Mancinus beinge ouerthrowen of the Numanti●es The yere of the worlde 3827 The yere before Christe 136 and driuen out of his campe was forced to conclude a peace greatly to his dishonour ELdred reigned in Britaine one yere The yere of the worlde 3828 The yere before Christe 135 Before Britayne knovven 85 Antiochus Sedetes the .xv king of Syria reigned ix yeres He was inuited bothe to the mariage and kyngedome by Cleopatra and after by the helpe of Simon he slue Triphon ▪ ¶ In Rome a childe was borne with foure feete foure handes foure eies as many eares and hauinge both natures In the lande of Bonony corne grue out of trees ANdrogius likewise reigned one yere in Britaine The yere of the worlde 3829 The yere before Christe 134 Before Britayne knovven 84 In Sicily a rebellion of .70000 seruauntes began which moued a cruel Tedicion VRianus the son of Androgius suceeded his father in the realme of Britain Before Britayne knovven 83 and reigned .iii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3830 The yere before Christe 133 he wholy gaue him selfe to the desyres of the fleshe N●mantia a noble citye of Spayne by the assaulte of Scipio was destroyed This citee by the space of .14 yeares with .4000 of theyr owne souldiours not onelye withstode .40000 Romaines but also vainquished thē oftentimes For whiche cause Scipio the yonger who destroyed Carthage was sent thyther He enclosed the citie about with a great trenche Whā the Numātines by long siege were sore famished they determined to finishe their misery with death thā with a sodaine erupcion they brake forth vpon their enemies And if Scipio had not ben there present the Romaines had fled away so egerly they assayled them but by the gret multitude of the romaynes they were driuen backe and many of them slayne than the residue in good order retyred into the town and closed their gates where with the sword poison and fier they consumed them selfes their goods and their citee leuyng neither mā nor goods for a spoil to the romaynes Finnane the son of Iosine Before Britayne knovven 82 was made king of Scottes a iust and vertuous prince The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 132 as they write which gouerned them .30 yeres The sect or religion of the priestes Druides in this time was instituted in the isle of Man Simon walkyng through the citees of Iudea wente to Hiericho with his two sonnes Iudas Mathathias where by ptolome his son in lawe they were traiterously slayne Hitherto extendeth the boke of Machabeis Hirc●nus called also Ioannes son of Symon .iiii. capitaine of the Iues gouerned them .26 yeres Antiochus in the feast of tabernacles besieged Hierusalem by gentlenes he subdued the Iewes graunted them to lyue accordyng to theyr fathers lawes Not longe after that Carthage and Numantia were thus destroied the Romans fel at dissencion For Gracchus protectour of the comminaltee beynge displeased with the nobilitee because they noted hym to bee an authour of the Numantine league made by Mane●nus to wyn the fauoure of the people decreed to diuide certein landes among them For whiche cause the Senat was incensed to anger and the people to pride Wherevpon a day of session was appointed wherat the cōmons beyng also gathered by the senat they were dryuen away and Gracchus with .200 slayne Attalus kynge of Asia by his testament bequethed his royalme to the people of Rome Before Britayne knovven 81 ELiud kyng of Britaine reigned .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 3832 The yere before Christe 121 Before Britayne knovven 80 Aristonicus the son of Attalus inuaded Asia The yere of the worlde 3833 The yere before Christe 130 and slue Licinius Crassus with all his army Before Britayne knovven 79 Nicomedes of Bithinia Mithridates of Pontus The yere of the worlde 3834 The yere before Christe 129 Ariarates of Cappadocie Pylemenes of Paphlagonie kinges aided the Romaynes agaynst Aristonicus Mar. Perpenna consull sent agaynst Aristonicus euer came and tooke hym Metellus made a lawe in Rome that all men shulde be forced to be maried Before Britayne knovven 78 Scipio Aphricanus the yōger The yere of the worlde 3835 The yere before Christe 128 who destroied Carthage and Numantia beyng accused of his enemies made answere therof and in the mornyng after was founde dead in his bed strangled as som affirmed by his wyfe Sempronia who was of the house of Gracchus Before Britayne knovven 77 Hireanus did fyrst among the Iewes nourishe strāgers Antiochus encoūtryng with Arsaces kynge of Parthia in batayle was slayne The yere of the worlde 3836 The yere before Christe 127 Before Britayne knovven 76 Demetrius the .xvi. kyng of Syria The yere of the worlde 3837 The yere before Christe 126 brother vnto Antiochus reigned .iiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 75 Dedancius kyng of Britayne reigned here .v. yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 125 Before Britayne knovven 74 In Aphrike there swarmed suche huge multitudes of locustes that thei deuoured not onely all the fruites The yere of the worlde 3839 The yere before Christe 124 herbes and rotes but also dyd gnawe euen the bitter barkes whiche after with a sodeyn wynde being dryuen togyther on heapes were long tossed in the ayre fell at the laste into the Aphrican sea and by violence of the water were cast here and there on land whervpon insued such infection of the ayre and pestilente sauour that it caused great murrayn of bestes and byrdes the putrifaction of whose carcases did also the more augment the foresayde plague through whiche there died in Numedye .80000 men and about the partes of Carthage and Urica dyed also aboue .ii. hundred thousand L. Opimius first of all other by warre subdued the Ligurians on the further side of the mountaynes Before Britayne knovven 72 Alexander Zebenna the .xvii king of Syria The yere of the worlde 3841 The yere before Christe 122 vanquished Demetrius and reigned .ii. yeres The Romaines repayred agayne Carthage and stored it with newe inhabytauntes Seleueus brother to Demetrius was put to death because he without the consent of his mother tooke vppon him the crowne The yere of the worlde 3843 The yere before Christe 120 De●onus reigned in Britaine .ii. yeres Before Britayne knovven
49 Metellus The yere of the worlde 3865 The yere before Christe 98 by the consente of all the people was reuoked from exyle Before Britayne knovven 48 Ptolomeus called also Alexander the .ix. kynge of Egypt Before Britayne knovven 47 reygned .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 3866 The yere before Christe 97 his brother Phiscon beyng expelled out of his roialme Philippus the laste kyng of Syria reygned .ii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3867 The yere before Christe 96 After his raygne the kingdome of the Syrians felle into the handes of the Romaines Before Britayne knovven 46 ARchemalus was kinge of Britaine two yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 94 Before Britayne knovven 44 Ewyn the first Durstus brother sonne The yere of the worlde 3870 The yere before Christe 93 was chosen kyng of Scottes Before Britayne knovven 43 he buylded the castel of Donstafage and in a battayle made on the parte of the Picthes againste the Britons he was put to flighte he was the firste that caused his subiectes to bee sworne and ruled theim .xix. yeres ELdolus raygned kyng of Britayne foure yeres Before Britayne knovven 42 In this time diuers prodigies were seen The yere of the worlde 3871 The yere before Christe 92 as globes of fyre burstinge out of the ayre with great noyse Among the Aretines also at a feast bloude distilled oute of breade as oute of a wounde It hayled continuallye stones seuen dayes In the partes of Samnia oute of a great rift of the erth issued flammes of fyre whiche semed to touche the heauens Than also al kyndes of tame beastes left their stables and pastures and with impiteous roring and crying fled vnto the woddes and mountaynes yea and dogges whiche can not liue without 〈◊〉 company of man wandred about houlyng after the maner of wolues Not longe after these wonderfull tokens thus seene folowed the ciuile warres betwene ●●●ius and Sylla in whiche perished .150000 citesens .2600 of knightes .90 senatours and .15 consules Drusus raised the people of Italy against the Romaynes promisynge them the citie but he was slaine in the meane time The yere of the worlde 3872 The yere before Christe 91 The sociall warres of Italy began Before Britayne knovven 41 in whiche the Picentes The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 90 Uestines Marsians Pelignians Marrucines Before Britayne knovven 40 Samnites Lucanes who many yeres had bene vnder the Romaines fell from them Q. Seruilius was slaine in A●eulo and Seruilius Galba beynge taken by the Lu●a●es escaped by the helpe of a woman The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 89 Nola was taken by the Samnites Before Britayne knovven 39 Posthumius the Pretor with Rutilius the cōsul wer both slain in batail Marius ouerthrue the Marsians Iul. Cesar vanquysshed the Samnites and Cecilius ouercam the Saluiās ROdianus was king of Britain .ii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 38 The yere of the worlde 3875 The yere before Christe 88 Nicomedes and Ariobarzanes were restored to their roialmes of Bythinia and Cappadocia Pompeius Strabo brought in subiection the Picentes Uestines and Marsians Sylla ouercame the Samnites and subdued the Hirpines Cato vanquisshed the Marsians and in winnyng their campe was slayne The yere of the worlde Arethas after Antiochus was king of the lower Siria Before Britayne knovven 37 The yere before Christe 87 Ptolomeus Sother the tenth kyng of Egypte reigned viii yeres Ariobarzanes and Nicomedes were driuen out of their realmes by Mithridates kyng of Pontus The sociall warres of Italy beynge scarcely pacified incontinent there began two warres more daungerouse and cruell For whan Sylla was elected capitayn of the warre againste Mithridates who inuaded Asia and Achaia Marius was greuousely displeased that Sylla a yonge man should be preferred before him Wherfore he brought to passe by the healpe of the Tribunes that Sylla shuld be called home again and he to be chosen capitayne of that warre As soone as Sylla had knowlege therof he came with his army before the citee and there slue the ambassadour of Marius and incontinent after brake into the towne where fyghtinge againste Marius and Sulpitius he put Marius to flighte and slue Sulpitius and so appointyng C● Octauius and Corn. Curna to be consuls he departed to Asia REdargius reigned king of Britaine .iii. yeres Sylla vanquished Archelaus toke Athens and put Mithridates with his army to flight Before Britayne knovven 36 The yere of the worlde 3877 The yere before Christe 86 Mithridates inuaded Asia and by an open proclamacion commaunded al the Romaines that were in Asia in one daye to be slayne whiche were aboue the noumbre of .lxxx. M. Cinna deinge expelled out of the citee by Octauius ioyned him self with Marius they entred the citye slue Octauius and many other outlawed diuers of the citizens and destroyed the house of Sylla whose frendes that remayned fled into Grece to him Before Britayne knovven 35 Marius being the seuenth time made consull dyed in the first moneth of his consulship The yere of the worlde 3878 The yere before Christe 85 whose sonne called also Marius continued the ciuil warres Before Britayne knovven 34 Warre was prepared against Silla he made a league with Mithridates The yere of the worlde 3879 The yere before Christe 84 and committed all his affayres there to Lucullus Before Britayne knovven 33 SAmulius reigned in Britayne .ii. yeres Sylla by the senate was called home The yere of the worlde 3880 The yere before Christe 83 and Cinna was slayne of his owne army At this place Suetonius began his history of the Cesars Before Britayne knovven 32 Sylla entered Italy ouercame Norbanus Scipio yelded him selfe and Pompeius tooke part of Sylla The yere of the worlde 3881 The yere before Christe 82 Before Britayne knovven 31 PEnisellus was made king of Britaine who gouerned it .iii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3882 The yere before Christe 81 Sylla fought many batails against Mariusand at the last slue him Pompeius when he had slayn Carbo recouered Sicily subdued Aphrike and destroyed Domitius and Hiarbas king of Mauritane he tryumphed beynge but of the age of .24 yeres Before Britayne knovven 30 The Gothes with theyr kinge Sithlacus wasted the landes of the Germaines The yere of the worlde 3883 The yere before Christe 80 Sylla was made continuall dictatour who as soone as he entered the citee contrary to his promise caused .3000 men to be slayne he proscribed or put out of hys protection many citezens and exercised great tyranny to whom Q. Catulus sayde With whom shal we lyue if in warre we kyl the armed and in peace the vnarmed Ptolomeus Dionisius the .xi. king of Egypte reygned 3● yeres The yere of the worlde 3884 The yere before Christe 79 PYrrhus ruled Britaine .ii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 29 The yere of the worlde 3885 The yere before Christe 78 Alexandria called also Salina Before Britayne knovven 28 wedowe of Alexander Ianneus gouerned the Iewes .9 yeres She had by her
Herode and streight depriued The yere of the worlde 3928 The yere before Christe 35 Hircanus beyng deliuered out of prison Anni regum britannie 8 came to Hierusalem to Herode The yere of the worlde 3929 The yere before Christe 34 Herode slue Aristobulus the high prieste Anni regum britannie 9 and restored Ananelus againe to that office Pompeius brake the peace made with Cesar Anni regum britannie 10 he was driuen out of Sicily The yere of the worlde 3930 The yere before Christe 33 and fleyng towardes Asia was slaine Hitherto extendeth the historie of Appianus of the ciuil warres of Rome Antonius by reason toke Arrabanes king of Armeny whom he bounde in siluer chaines to make him to confesse Anni regum britannie 11 where his treasure laye whiche whan he had got The yere of the worlde 3931 The yere before Christe 32 was therwith elated and moued warre against Octauianus and put awaie his wife Octauia the sister of Octauian and maried Cleopatra the quene of Aegypte Octauianus Cesar subdued the Iapides Dalmacians and Hungarians Anni regum britannie 12 About this time on the further side of Tiber in a common tauerne The yere of the worlde 3932 The yere before Christe 31 ther sprang forth a fountaine of oyle out of the grounde whiche for the space of a day ran abundantly abrode Anni regum britannie 13 The warres betwene Cesar and Antony began in whiche Antony was ouercome and put to flight The yere of the worlde 3933 The yere before Christe 30 They mette again at Pharus vppon the sea where betwene them was fought a cruell and doubtfull battaile Anni regum britannie 14 The yere of the worlde 3934 The yere before Christe 29 tyll Cleopatra with .xl. shippes fled after whom folowed Antony wherby his men were discomfite and he for sorowe thruste him selfe through with a sworde and halfe alyue was brought to the tombe which Cleopatra made for her selfe Cleopatra perceyuing that she was kept for the triumphe of Cesar escaped frome hir keepers to the tombe wher Antony laie and there araied in gorgious apparell settinge to hir breastes twoo adders dyed in that maner Cesar in the remembraunce of his victorye builded the citee Nicopolis at Accium An erthquake in Iury wherby .xxx. M. people perished Herode toke parte with Cesar and discomfited the Arabikes Iesus the son of Sabetes was hygh priest of the Iues. ¶ Here ended the kyngdome of the Egypcians whiche after this time was gouerned by a presidente of the Romaynes Anni regum britannie 15 Cesar returned from the orient The yere of the worlde and entred Rome with thre triumphes and in token of peace The yere before Christe 82 shut vp the temple of Ianus whiche in .200 yeres before was neuer shutte In his honour by the consente of the senate and people the name of Augustus was geuen to him the moneth Sextilis in the remembraunce of his birth and victories was called August Herode put to deathe his wyfe Mariamnes Anni regum britannie 16 and other his nere frendes The yere of the worlde 3936 The yere before Christe 27 Corn. Gallus president of Aegypt Cesar opened the temple of Ianus and made warre against the Cantabrians and Asturians two mischeuous people of Spaine whom he vainquished Thither came vnto him the ambassadours of India and Scithia desyring the amitee of the Romaines M. Crassus subdued the Thracians and Corn Gallus Anni regum britannie 18 president of Aegypte The yere of the worlde 3938 The yere before Christe 25 kylled him selfe in whose rome succeded Sempronius The yere before Christe 23 All Spayne by Cesar was subdued Anni regum britannie 20 and the temple of Ianus shut The yere of the worlde 3940 but it was opened againe through the commocions of the Germaines and other nacions Herode deposed Iesu the hyghe prieste and constituted Simon whose daughter he maried In this time Grece by Tiberius Drusus was subdued The yere of the worlde 3941 The yere before Christe 22 Drusus the son in lawe of Augustus Anni regum britannie 21 broughte in subiection the Germanes with other people bordring about them Cossus in affrike ouercom the Mosulanes and Getulanes and Piso subdued the Uindelicos Peace was made with the Parthians who restored to the Romaines their baners taken from Crassus and Antonius Cesar added to the dominyon of Herode Samaria Gaza and diuers other regions Uergil and Horace most famous poetes in thys tyme flourished The yere before Christe 20 Cesar sayled into Syria he graunted to Herode the prouince Auramitides The yere of the worlde 3943 Anni regum britannie 23 and wrate hym amonge the noumbre of his frendes CYmbelinus the sonne of Theomantius reygned king of Britayn .xxxv yeres The yere of the worlde 3944 The yere before Christe 19 Anni regum britannie 1 Of him there is no no table thinge wrytten but that in his reygne oure sauiour Iesu Christe the veraie light of the worlde was borne of the virgin Mary Herode pulled cleane downe the temple builded by Zorobabell and Es●a after the captiuitee of Babylon and with moste sumptuous buyldinge reedefied an other according to the figure of Salomons Ewin the thirde sonne of Edeir succeded his father in the roialme of Scotland Anni regum britannie 3 reigned .7 yeres The yere of the worlde 3946 The yere before Christe 17 A prince giuen al to vice lechery for beinge not contente as they write with a 100. concubines with whome he myghte fulfyll his luste but he made lawes that it shuld be lauful for his subiectes to haue as many wiues as they myghte kepe that the wife 's of the commons should be commune to the nobles and that the lorde should haue the mayden head of al virgines dwellinge in his lordeshippe whiche last lawe endured vntill the time of Malcolm Cammorre and from thens vntill this time they pay a fine for the redempcion of theyr maydenhead When he hadde thus continued .7 yeres in exercising his tirannye and fylthy lust he fell in hatred of his lordes and by theym was deposed and slayne in prison Anni regum britannie 5 The most blessed and pure virgin sainct Mary The yere of the worlde 3948 The yere before Christe 15 mother of our saluiour Iesu Christ was borne of the holye matrone sainct Anna. Anni regum britannie 8 Herode finished the temple The yere of the worlde 3951 The yere before Christe 12 the people with great ioy did celebrate a feast Herode gaue wiues vnto his sonnes The yere of the worlde 3952 The yere before Christe 11 for he maryed Aristobulus vnto Beronices Anni regum britannie 9 the daughter of his sister Salome and Alexander to Glafira the daughter of Archelaus king of Cappadocia Anni regum britannie 10 Metellane nepheu to Edeir The yere of the worlde 3953 The yere before Christe 10 was chosen king of Scottes a vertuous and quyet prynce who peaciblye reygned 39. yeres M. Agrippa subdued Bosphorus
the children within Bethlem and the borders beinge vnder the age of two yeres to be slayne whyche slaughter done he woulde haue killed him selfe but beyng let by his seruaunnt he died within fiue dayes when he had reigned .37 yeres Archelaus the .13 kynge of Iewes reigned .ix. yeres and finally was banished into Fraunce In the first yere of his reigne a sedicion was moued againste him Anni regum britannie 21 The yere of the worlde 3964 The yere of Christ 3 in whiche .3000 were put to death Anni regum britannie 23 ¶ An other sediciō began firste by Iudas Galileus and after by Simon the seruant of Herode The yere of the worlde 3966 The yere of Christ 5 who taking vpon him a crowne was vainquisshed and slaine by Gratus The last was raysed by Athonges a shepeherd For whyche there were hanged by Uarus .2000 men Anni regum britannie 26 A greate famine inuaded Rome The yere of the worlde 3969 so that Augustus expelled all straungers out of the citee The yere of Christ and a great number of seruauntes The cause Orosus doeth ascribe that Cesar praised his nephieu Caius in dispisinge to woorshyp the god of heauen whan he was thereto warned by the priestes at Hierusalē at what time he passed into Syria Anni regum britannie 27 Tiberius in .3 yere subdued al Illyria The yere of the worlde 3970 which lieth with in Italy Noricum Thrace Macedony The yere of Christ 9 the riuer of Donow and the Adriaticall sea This warre next vnto the warres of Carthage was most greuous Anni regum britannie Quintilianus Uarus with thre legions The yere of the worlde 3972 The yere of Christ 11 was slain by the Germains whose ouerthrow was as greuous to the Romans as was the viage of the Cimbrians into Italy Archelaus toke the wyfe Glafira his brother Alexanders wydowe contrary to the lawe And after throughe his insolency he was by Augustus vanisshed to Uienna in Fraunce Anni regum britannie 30 Here ended the kyngdome of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 3973 The yere of Christ 12 and Iurye after thys tyme was redacted into the forme of a prouince and ioyned to Syria Iudas Gaulonites associatynge to him Sadducus a Pharisei and the chiefe of the sect of the Esseans moued a sedicion for paiyng of tribute whervpon ensued much thefte ▪ slaughter and burninge of the temple Tiberius with an army passed the Ryne to warre vppon the Germaynes Anni regum britannie 31 Iesu Christ our lorde beyng but .xii. yeres of age The yere of Christ 13 and thre monethes was founde at the feaste of Easter The yere of the worlde 3974 disputynge with the doctours in the temple and was brought home by hys parentes to Nazareth ▪ what other thinge he dyd vnto the .xxx. yere of his lyfe the Euangelistes make no mencion Augustus Tiberius mustering the people of Rome founde .9370000 men ¶ Germany beynge subdued Anni regum britannie 32 Tiberius triumphed ouer the Illyrians The yere of the worlde 3975 The yere of Christ 14 ¶ Augustus Cesar finished his lyfe at Nol● Anni regum britannie 33 and was buried at Rome in the fyeld Martius The yere of the worlde 3976 The yere of Christ 15 whose death the senat so lamented that they saide that they woulde eyther he had not ben born or els being born that he had not died Tiberius priuily caused Agrippa to be slaine The yere of the worlde 3977 ¶ Claudius Tiberius Nero Cesar Anni regum britannie 34 the .iii. emperour of Rome The yere of Christ 16 son bothe by mariage and adoption to Augustus reigned .23 yeres he was metely politike and fortunat in warre well learned and endued with muche eloquence but with a veraie mischeuous cruel couetous and disceitfull wit feygning to do that thing whiche he wolde not and not to do that whiche he would In sodeine answers he was better than in those whiche he studied for At the firste he feygned that vnwillingly he toke vpon him the greuous and troublous charge of the empyre And wheras certain of his counsail moued him to leauy exactions of the people he answered that it was the office of a good shepherde to shere his shepe and not to pyll theim It is written that he put to deathe a smith who had inuented to make a glasse flexible laiyng to his charge that if he should lyue and teache other that golde and siluer should nothinge bee estemed He suppressed the Getulians and craftily circumuented Marobodus the kinge of the Sueuians he poisoned also Drusus and Germanicus the sonnes of his brother Drusus ¶ The printer ¶ Hitherto the said yong man Thomas Lanquet continued this history called the Epitome of Cronicles was than attached with a greuous sicknesse whereof he dyed ▪ whan he was of age .xxiiii. yeres on whose soule god haue mercy and the same folowed and finished by Thomas Couper who after instāt request to him made was at length content to take vpon him the peine for he well considered what labour and trauaill it was accordinge to the first inuencion to searche and reade ouer so many and diuers histories and cronicles to accomplishe the saide purpose ¶ An epistle to the reader FRom the beginninge of the worlde to thys tyme of the byrth of our sauiour Christ the studious younge man Thomas Lanquet not without great laboure and diligence broughte hys Chronicle Whose enterprise and the honest affection that he therein declared towarde his countrey I thinke worthye memorye For if he might haue gon through as he begō and wel brought forwarde the same vndoubtedly it woulde greatly haue delighted theim that take pleasure to reade the notable and famous thinges done longe before our tyme. For he hathe briefely set foorthe the gestes and actes of forayne and straunge countreis and therwith iuigned the hystorie of this realme of Englande after the opinion of most writers euen from the firste arriuing of Brutus in such wyse that a diligent reader maye gather the variable state and condicion of all countreis and nacions at all tymes But deathe whiche spareth no man ne can bee eschewed brake his course and as it were trypped hym in the myddes of hys rase that he coulde not atteyne to the marke wherat he ranne Wherfore lest they that desyre the profitable knowlege of histories should be destituted of so great a commoditee and lest the fruites of so diligent a labour shoulde lye hydde and tourne to the profyte of no man At the instance of certaine of my nyghest frendes whose requestes the matter so standing I could not well denie I haue taken vpon me to fynishe this cronicle although in dede I greatly dispaired that I shulde be able to accomplishe the same But when I considered firste though it were an harde matter yet might it be ouercomen with labour than howe profitable the exercise should bee for me to reade and peruse so many good auctours as were necessary for the performaunce of the same
Thirdly howe honeste a labour it was so to employ the vacant time that I had from other necessary businesses I sho●e from me vnprofitable bashefulnesse and haue enterprised not onely to finishe this warke but also after the ouersight and correction of other men haue suffered the same to be published Wherfore you gentyll reader shall take well in worthe this my boldenesse and perswade youre selfe as the trouthe is that I was moued to this excercise rather of good wille ▪ to profytte my natural countrey and to do pleasure to other men than for any fame or aduauncemēt that I hoped might come to me therby And if I se ye take it well in gree vndoughtedly you shal encourage me hereafter to goo in hande with some exercise that shal perchaunce tourne to more profytte and pleasure of theim whiche be desirous of honest knowlege Vale. AFter the deathe of Octauius Augustus the second Cesar that thinges happened in Rome that somtime doeth in all commen weales at the decesse of great princes and rulers that is sediciō vnquietnesse and trouble For the souldiours being as than in Pannonie raised a greate sedicion in their rage beatte murdered diuers of their tribunes other officers which cōmocion after much peines was lastly quyeted by Drusus the sonne of Tiberius In like maner for like causes was great trouble vnquietnes in the hoste that lay in Germanie At which time whan Germanicus their captaine exhorteth them to quietnes the souldiours obstinately refused the empire of Tiberius profered to make him their emperour but Germanicus wolde rather haue slaine him selfe with hys owne weapen thē by such vnlawful meanes to obteine the imperiall auctoritee And moreouer the commons of the citee of Rome diuers of the nobles also hauing in their hertes as it were a naturall hatred towarde the Monarchy or highe power of Cesars diuised and imagined with theim selfes diuerslye howe to extinguishe the imperial auctoritee bring the citee to her pristinate for me and gouernaunce of consulles which thing they more ernestlye desired for so muche as they had as yet freshe inmemorie the swetenes of theyr ancient libertees and the fame of man●e noble men whiche by Iulius and Augustus had bene outlawed and put to deathe And also because they feared the proude and cruell nature of Tiberius who was named to succede Augustus in the empire But al this notwithstanding Tyberius wyth suche craft and dissimulacion handeled the matter that he not onely obteyned the imperiall auctoritee but also seemed to take it vpon him against his will There was at this time no notable warre sauinge that the Romaines made fierce warre vpon the Germaines rather to reuenge the infamy that Q. Uarus had receyued at theyr handes than to enlarge theyr empyre which at this time had spred it selfe well ner ouer all the world In Iudea Herode and Philyp buylded and repayred certaine cities and townes in the honour of Cesar which made theym rulers Herode whiche was also called Antipas walled the citee called Sephoris and named it Anthoccadorida in like maner the citee Bethaurata whiche he called Iulia. Philip buylded Paniada aboute the well of Iordaine and named it Cesaria He erected also Bethsayda nye to the riuer Genasar gaue it to name Iulia Omonima Germanicus Cesar the Romaine capitaine nye to the wood Cesia vainquished and slue the Germaines called Marsi Iuba a man of excellent learninge kinge of the Moores Abagarus of Mesopotamia and Bardascanes of Babylon Anni regum britannie 1 GUiderius the first sonnne of Cimbaline The yere of Christ 17 began his reigne ouer the Britons reigned about The yere of the worlde 3978 28. yeres This mā was valiant hardy welthy trusted muche in his strength And for he thought the Romains had theyr tribute wrongfully he therfore of great courage denied to paie tribute for whiche cause ▪ Claudius the .v. emperor came into Britain with a great power to claim againe the payment therof as shall after be shewed Ualerius Gratus was president of Iudea he fyrste began to sel the roome and office of the high priest whyche example other being after in his auctoritee folowed Busines beganne among the Parthians through the death of theyr kinge Phraates whiche was murdered of his bastard son by the coūsail of his own cōcubine Thermusa to the entent that hir son might succede in the kingdome But the parthians deposed the bastarde and obteined of the Romains Uonones the legitimate sonne of Phraates and made him theyr king whom shortly after vnconstantly they agayne deposed Germanicus nie vnto the riuer Gisurgis ouercame and put to flight the Germains called Cherusci The riuer Tiberis ouerflowed the citee of Rome wherof great ruine and decay of buyldinge and mortalitee of people ensued A lawe was published wherby all inchaunters southsayers and they whiche had knowlage in mathematicall and magical sciences were banished out of Italy And also that the Romaines at theyr table shoulde not be serued with so riche and sumptuous plate Cecinna an vnder capitatne of the Romaines ouerthrue the Germains with theyr two capitains Armenius and Inquionierus A great commocion was like to haue bene in Italye throughe the insolente boldnesse of one Element the seruant of Agrippa whiche Agrippa was priuelye putte to death by Tyberius For this seruant a good space after his maisters death came abrode and named him selfe Agrippa to whom bothe in age and person he was not muche vnlike by whiche meanes he gathered to him great cōpanies and cam toward Rome but shortly after his cōpanies were disparkeled and he taken and put to deathe by Tyberius Germanicus Cesar triumphed for his great vyctoryes in Germany The yere of the worlde 3979 The yere of Christ 17 Anni regum britannie 2 In the whiche he semed to bring againe the glorie and renoume that Q. Uarus lost before for so muche as he brought in his triumph the same insignes and standerdes which were taken in the scomfiture of Uarus Tyberius for enuy condemned Archelaus king of Cappadocia and made his kingdome a prouince In Asia .xii. cities were ouerthrowē with an erthquake U●lerius made Ismaell the sonne of Iabus hic prieste in Iudea and deposed Amianus Anni regum britannie 3 Rebellion and warre began in Affrike The yere of the worlde 3980 The yere of Christ 19 by one Tacfarinas whiche was vanquished and chased by Furius Camillus proconsull of Affrike but not soo that he ceassed to rebelle Piso was made president of Surry Germanicus beinge enuied of Tyberius the emperor for the prosperous successe of his warres in Germanie Anni regum britannie The yere of the worlde 3981 The yere of Christ was remoued from that prouince and sent into Armenia where he ordeyned Zenon king of Armenians and made peace with Artabanus and the Partheans And shortely after through the counsail of Tyberius he was poysoned by Pyso and his wife Placine whose death brought gret sorowe and heauines to the
hole citee for so much as they loued him entierly for his swete and gentille behauour In so muche that oftentimes when he came to Rome he was in great danger to be smothered with the thrange of people that preced about onely to behold him A lawe publyshed that no woman whose grandfather father or husband had bene a gentleman of Rome shuld openly gaine by the filthy misusing of hir body whyche thing was before time permitted so that the woman dyd professe and aknowlage the matter before the officers called Ediles ¶ Eleazarus sonne of Anna was made byshoppe of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 5 Piso after his returne from Asia The yere of the worlde 3982 The yere of Christ 21 beinge app●ched of certaine Romaines for poysoninge of Germanicus fearing to be condemned murdered him selfe Tacfarinas renewing war in Affrike was ouerthrowen the second time by Decius the Romaine capitaine Fonteius Capito proconsul of Asia Simon the sonne of Camithus was ordeyned high priest in Iudea by U●lerius Lu ▪ Apronius pretour of Affrike Certaine citees rebelled in Fraunce by the intisemente of Sacrouir Anni regum britannie 6 and Florus Florus The yere of the worlde 3983 The yere of Christ 22 lest he should be taken of the souldiours of his aduersaries slue him selfe Ioseph called also Caiphas succceded Simon in the byshoprike of Rome There reigned so great flatterye in Rome that Tyberius going out of the senate vsed to saye O men ready to seruitude and bondage ¶ By the occasion of many sainctuaries was muche sedicion in the citees of Grece The yere of the worlde 3984 The yere of Christ 23 For so much as theeues Anni regum britannie 7 dettours bondmen and all suspecte and misrulye personnes gathred thither as to a sure defēce and garison For whiche cause the senat of Rome ordeined fewer sainctuaries and a meane to be set in the libertees of theym whiche remained that the largenes of theyr priuileges mighte not thens forth be cause of so great businesse Artabanus king of Parthia Tacfarinas was ones againe discomfited by Iunius Blesus proconsul of Affrike Seianus Anni regum britannie 8 whom Tiberius had aduanced to hie dignytee in the citee of Rome The yere of the worlde 3985 The yere of Christ 24 by auoutry corrupted Iunia the wife of Drusus Tyberius sonne and caused her to poyson hir husbande hopinge by that meanes at lengthe to obteyne the imperial auctoritee to the which the said Drusus was nexte and rightefull heire But this Seianus beyng cast out of the emperours fauour for sorowe thereof slewe him selfe Stage players were banished out of Italy Tacfarinas king of Numidie Anni regum britannie 9 whiche oftentimes had rebelled in Affrike The yere of the worlde 3986 The yere of Christ 25 was vtterlye subdued and slayne by Dolobella Q. Ubius Serenus was appeched of treason in Rome by his owne sonne and for the same banished Pilate beinge ordeyned president of Iudea Anni regum britannie 11 at his first entre to flatter Tiberius The yere of the worlde 3988 The yere of Christ 27 caused the images of Cesar to be brought into the temple of Hierusalem whereby rose a great sedicion For so muche as the Iewes beinge therwith greuously offended offered theym selfe rather to the death then they wold suffre any images in theyr temple Pilate in lyke maner vsed the treasure called Corbona contrary to the custome and lawe of the Iewes and by cause diuers of the Iewes shewed them selfe greued therwith he beat and slewe a great numbre of theim Corillus king of Gothes Mundus a yong gentilman of Rome rauished the chast matrone named Paulina whom for so much as he cold not corrupt by none other meanes he brought his vngracious purpose to passe by the false trecherie vntruth of the priestes of Isis whiche feigned that they were monished by an horacle that Anubius the god of Aegypte wold haue the company of the sayd Paulina To whom the chast woman gaue light credence bicause it was thā counted a great renoume to haue to do with the goddes And by this meane was Paulina in the night season abused by Mundus in the temple of Isis vnder the name of Anubius whiche thinge beyng after disclosed by Mundus him selfe the priestes were put to deathe the temple beaten downe to the ground the image of Isis throwen in to Tyberis and the yong man banished Poppeus Sabinus subdued the Thracians ¶ In Rome .50 thousande men were hurte and slaine with the fal of a theatour as they were beholding the games of the sworde players For whiche misfortune Attilius whiche set forthe those plaies was banished There were in the citee of Rome .4 Iewes which had conuerted to their religion Anni regum britannie 13 The yere of the worlde 3590 The yere of Christ 29 a noble woman named Fuluia and hir intised to geue purple and other riche treasure to the temple of Hierusalem whiche they vsed onely to the maintenance of their owne pleasure wherof when the senat had knowlage thei sharply punished the doers and for that cause expelled all the other Iewes oute of Rome ¶ Certaine of the Germaines called Friscii rebelled by meane of a great fowage or exaction that was of them leuied for paiment wherof they were first constreigned to sell their cattell than their goodes and landes and lastly their wyfe and chyldren In this rebellion they putte the Romaines to the worse wherby the name of the Friscians was famous in Germanie Tyberius Cesar waxeth so negligente that he permitted the prouinces of Spaine and Surye to be without legates and gouernours and suffered Armenia to be possessed of the Parthiens and Mesia to bee inuaded of the Danes andSarmacians and France of the Germains by meane wherof the power of the empire somewhat decased The yere of Christ 30 The holy man Iohn the Baptist beyng sent of god as a messanger or tydynges bringer of our heith and saluacion The yere of the worlde 3991 began to prepare the wai against the coming of Christ. Anni regum britannie 14 Our sauiour and redeemer Iesus Christ after he was baptised of Iohn began to preache and syrede abrode the kyngdome of god Caratak king of Scottes reigned .xxi. yeres a prince more valiaunt than fortunate and gaue his holle minde and courage to defende his realme and subiectes frome the seruage of the Romains with whome he kepte longe warre and aydeth the north Brytaines The yere of the worlde 3992 Tyberius Cesar vnto this tyme dissimulyng his cruel and naughtye nature The yere of Christ 31 Anni regum britannie 15 declared him selfe openlye to the worlde falling to pleasure and fylthy lyuing in so much that he vsed to banket two holle daies and a nighte together wherfore of his owne souldiours for Claudius Tyberius Nero he was called Caldius Biberius Mero Sainct Iohn because he iustly rebuked Herode for kepyng of his brothers wyfe The yere of the worlde 3993 The yere of Christ 32 was cast
kinge ouer that parte of Iudea that Phylyp gouerned before time And not longe after added ther to the dominion of Herod and condemned Herode to perpetual banishement where he died miserably In Iudea Uitellius deposed Caiphas oute of the high priestes roume and ordeyned an other in his place called Ionathan the sonne of Anna. Caligula commaunded diuine honoures to be geuen to him Anni regum britannie 14 and temples to bee erected in his name The yere of the worlde 4001 The yere of Christ 40 Also that his Images should bee sette vp in all temples within the empire whiche caused great dissencion in Alexandria a citee of Aegipte for so muche as the Iewes there beinge would not consent in any wise to the worshippinge of the Images of Cesar. Anni regum britannie 25 Caligula retourning out of Germanie where he had atchiued nothing worthye memorye The yere of the worlde 4002 The yere of Christ caused his armye to be sette in good ordre vpon the sea bankes and his springalles and other abilementes and engines of warre to be disposed against the Occian sea as though he would comquere the sea and then commanded his souldiours to gather Muscle shelles saying that they were the spoyle of the sea which for his conquest and victory was due to the temple of Iupiter Petronius the president of Surrie was commaunded by Caligula to enforce and compelle the Iewes to suffer his images in theyr temple of Hierusalem whiche thyng the Iewes very ernestly withstode and desired Petronius that be woulde put theym all to present deathe rather then they shuld liue to see theyr lawe broken Great persecucion of the Iues in Babylon and also in a city of grece named Seleucia the causes wherof Iosephus writeth aboundantly in his last booke of the antyquities of the Iues. The ninthe day of the Kalendes of February Caligula was slaine by Chereas the tribune other gentlemē of Rome The yere of the worlde 4003 The yere of Christ 42 after whose death was founde in his closette Anni regum britannie 26 two litle bookes one called a sworde an other a dagger In them bothe were intiteled the names of those senatoures and noble men of Rome whyche he purposed to put to deathe There was founde also a coffer wherein were diuers kindes of poyson wyth the which he entended to destroy a wonderful multitude of people About this time Aegiptus was kinge of the Aethyopes Suirtingus of the Saxones Lodrike of the Pectes Anni regum britannie 27 Claudius vncle to Caligula was made emperour by the foolishe rashenes of the souldiours The yere of the worlde 4004 The yere of Christ 43 contrarye to the will of the Senate and reigned .13 yeres He was in hys youth so sore bruised with peinful sickenes that both his body and witte was dulled and thereby made vnmete to all affayres as well politike as martiall In soo muche that his mother Antonia perceyuing his vntowardnes sayd that he was a mōstre of vnperfite worke of nature And if she did note any mā of extreme folishens she wold say that he was more foole then her son Claudius Of nature he was angry feareful suspicious and somwhat inclined to crueltee in eating and drinking very vntemperate more giuen to dice plaie than was comely of the which as some write he made a boke He was also veraie forgetfull in so muche that when he had geuen sentence of condemnacion vppon certain persons Anni regum britannie 4 and commaunded them to be put to death the nexte daye folowyng he would aske for the same men to playe with him at dice and because they came not in season called them shuggardes at his firste entre he wan the fauour of the people but after he fel into so great contēpt that a grecian sayd to him openly in Greke thou art an aged man and a foole he was poysoned of his wife Agripina to the entent her son Nero might succede in the empire Scribonianus capitaine of the Romains in Delmitia rebelled and named him selfe emperour At whych time the host which fauoured Scribonianꝰ could not by any meanes spreade the baners nor remoue the standerdes out of their places with whiche miracle the souldiours being meued slewe Scribonianus Betus the sonne of Simon bishop of Hierusalem Claudius the emperour confirmed the kingdome of Agrippa added therto the hole dominion of Iudea and Samaria as Herode his graundfather had before him by whiche occasion Iudea was againe holye subiect to one kinge Iames the brother of Iohan The yere of the worlde 4005 The yere of Christ 44 was put to death by this Agrippa Anni regum britannie whiche had also to name Herode Claudius the emperour led an armie into Britaine to claime againe the tribute that was denied by king Guiderius whiche he recouered without greatte warre or bloudeshede as saye the latine cronicles but the english histories assirmen that he had geuen to him strong battail ▪ In the whiche a Romayne capitaine named H●n●o changed his shelde armur and put on him the armur of a Britō and so mengled with the Britōs entred there as the king was and slewe him at whiche time Aruiragus the kinges brother seing that sodeine mischeue armed him with the cognisaunce of the kinge and soo for king continued the fighte with suche manhode that the Romaines at that time were put to the worse ARuiragus the yongest sonne of Cymbeline and brother of Guyderius was ordeined king of Britain Claudius the emperor after diuers happes of battail The yere of the worlde 4006 The yere of Christ 45 toke kinge Aruiragus to his grace Anni regum britannie 1 and for so much as he perceiued him to be a valiant prince in tokē of frendshippe as the englishe croniclers testify gaue to him his daughter in mariage named Genissa Claudius retourninge frome Britaine subdued to the empire the Ilandes called Orcades Marsus succeded Petronius in the prouince of Surry who for enuy of Agrippa deposed Mathias and made Eleon●us high priest in his roome The yere of the worlde 4007 The yere of Christ 46 Agrippa who was also called Herode Anni regum britannie 2 as he was celebrating a solemne feast in honour of Cesar for the plesantnesse of his speche was named of the cōmon people a god And for so muche as he did not refuse the name of god and diuine honours geuen to him he was immediately striken with the wormy sickenesse wherof he died miserably within the space of .v. dayes paying woorthy punishment for depriuing god of his honour and persecuting christ in his apostles A great dearth and famine in Iudea which was greatlye holpen by the liberalitee of the queene of the Adhiabens Sainct Paule also gathered amonge the gentiles whiche were conuerted to the faith for the reliefe of the christians being in Hierusalem The Britons because theyr kinge Aruiragus as sayeth the Scottishe historie had repudiated his wife Uaoda to marie the Romaine lady Genissa
hauing ayde of hir brother Caratake kinge of Scottes rebelled as well against him as against the Romaines and were brought in subiection by Uespatian the Romaine capitaine Herode brother to the forenamed Agrippa kinge of Chalcis The yere of the worlde 4080 The yere of Christ 47 Anni regum britannie 5 obteyned of Claudius the ordinance of the temple and hie priestes of Hierusalem Ioseph son of Canus was made hie priest by Herode The yere of Christ 48 Warre began in Parthia Anni regum britannie 4 betwene Artabanus theyr king and Gotarzis his brother The yere of the worlde 4009 during which warre Artabanus was chased out of his kingdom and restored againe by Izaites king of Adhiabens Mithridates king of Armenie Certaine frenchemen named Hedui were admitted to beare office and dignitee in the citee of Rome Anni regum britannie 5 Messalina the wife of Claudius the emperour The yere of the worlde 4010 The yere of Christ 49 a woman of so notable incontinence that she would contend with the cōmon harlotes in f●lthi pleasure was enamoured vpon a fayre yonge gentleman in Rome called Silius and for to obtene more cōmodiusly her vnlawful lust she caused his wife Sillana to be deuorced and shortely after notwithstandinge she was wife to the emperoure Claudius than liuing she was openli maried to the said gentleman Silius and vsed him as hir husbande for whiche cause after great complainte made to the emperoure by the nobles she was putte to deathe At whyche time excepte the officers had hastened hir execution the emperour Claudius throughe his forgetfulnesse would haue graunted hir pardon Caius Cassius president of Surrei Mehardates kinge of the Assiriens Abarus kynge of the Arrabies Anni regum britannie 6 About this time Theodas and Iudas of Gallilei were famous whiche seduced the people saying The yere of the worlde 4011 The yere of Christ 50 that thei wer great prophetes sent of god In like maner Simon Magus was of so gret estimaciō in Rome ▪ that Images were erected to him as to a god But he was confounded by certaine of the apostles whiche at that time by the prouidence of god were presente in Some Herode king of Chaleis ended his life whose kingdome Claudius gaue to the yonger Agrippa son of Herode agrippa whom we spake of a litell before The Parthians being wery of the cruel dominion of Gota●●ts which had by force tyranny aduaunced him selfe to that kingdome desired of the Romaines to haue Mahardates the son of Uonones to be theyr kinge who not long after was ouercome in battaile of the said Gotarzis with great reproch driuen out of his kingdome Uologeses emperour of the Parthes Claudius after the death of his wife Messalina maried Agrippina throughe whome beganne muche busynesse and trouble in Rome for she endeuoured to marye hir sonne Nero to Octauia daughter of Claudius and sought diuers occasions to cast Britannicus the emperours sonne out of fauour to the intent that Nero her son might succede in the empire which thing she brought to passe The yere of the worlde 4012 The great and wise philosophier Seneca flourished Anni regum britannie Cumanꝰ was made prouost of Iudea The yere of Christ 51 In his time was a sedicion betwene the Iewes and the Romaines in Hierusalem so that .20 thousand Iues were murdered onely by prease and thrustīg at gates and narow streightes as they fled from the Romane souldiours The people of Britaine called Sylures which vnder the leadinge of the kinge Caratacus hadde made sharpe warre vpon the Romaines the space of .ix. yeres wer vanquished by P. Ostorius and Caraticus with his wife children sēt to Rome as prisoners where for his manly courage and noblenesse he was gentily intertained of the emperour Claudius toke by adoption Domitius Nero the sonne of Agrippina to be his heire The people called Catti inuading and spoilinge the vpper Germany wer driuen backe by L. Pomponius Claudius expelled the Iewes out of Rome The yere of the worlde 4013 The yere of Christ 52 T. Uinidius Quadratus president of Surie Rhadamistus son of Pharasmanis Anni regum britannie 7 king of Hiberiās inuaded Armenie and expelled his vncle Mithridates frome his kingdome Whom Artabanus at that time king of Parthians by force of armes chased out of the countrey of Armenie and aduanced his brother Tyridates to that kingedome After the decease of Caratake his yonger brother Corbreid was ordeined king of Scottes and reigned .18 yeres He was of fierce and valiant courage and being cōfederate with the Pictes made often times war against the Romaines in Britaine So great dearth in Rome that they were not prouided of vitailes necessarie for the citee for longer space than fiue daies The yere of the worlde 4014 The yere of Christ 53 A sedicion betweene the Iewes and Samiritanes Anni regum britannie 8 in the whiche that one spoyled and robbed that other with great crueltee vntil the prouoste of Surrei punished put to death the auctours of that commocion The Pictes rebelled against the Romaines in Britaine and made warre vpon their lieutenant Ostorius The Cilicians began to make warre to their borderers they were quieted by the helpe of Curtiꝰ a Roman whiche was sent with ayde out of Surie Claudius the emperour by the excitinge of his wife Agrippina Anni regum britannie 9 vsed much crueltee in Rome The yere of the worlde 4015 The yere of Christ 54 Nero maried Octauia the daughter of Claudius his father in lawe Claudiꝰ toke from the yonger Agrippa the kingdome of Chalcis and gaue to him a greater dominion that is the rule of Bethania Tro●ronites Gaulonites with a part of Galilee Felix president of Iudea by vnlauful meanes toke to his wife Drusilla the sister of Agripa whiche before was maried to Aziazus king of Amasius A certain Aegipcian naming him selfe to be a prophet desturbed the people aboute Hierusalem excited theym against the Romaines but his companie was scattered and many of them taken and slain by Felix the presidēt of Iudea S. Paule was taken and imprisoned by the Iewes at Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 10 The yere of the worlde 4016 The yere of Christ 55 Polemon king of Licia Agrippina when she had poysoned Claudius hir husbande kept his deathe secrete vntill that hir sonne Nero was confirmed in the empire by the souldiours and thē caused it to be published Nero the son of Domitius being adopted to be emperoure by Claudius Anni regum britannie 11 which maried his mother The yere of the worlde 4017 The yere of Christ 56 reigned 14. yeres This man although he were brought vp by the reuerent and wise Seneca yet by the ineuitable corrupcion of his nature becam horrible in al kind of mis●ining and so detestable in dissolute wantonnes prodigalitee monstruous lecheries beastli crueltee and couetousnes that he seemed to be borne to the destruction of the hole worlde he was so greately delited in singinge and playing
name and by his magicall artes wroughte wonderfull straunge thinges In the same time was Cherinthus an other heretike who taught that Chryste shoulde come and reygne in the worlde the space of a thousande yeres after the resurreccion and then should ascend into heauen with his people where they should liue alwais in pleasures of gluttonye and lecherie A kinde of heretikes called Ehionites affirmed that Christ was only man begotten of man and woman and not god they receiued onely the gospel of sainct Mathewe and taught that all partes of the olde lawe oughte to bee kepte with the newe At the same time sprang the heresies of the Nicolaites whiche beleued that euery man might lefully vse euerye woman that he lusted whiche heresie was immediatlye condemned but god graunte that it be not rysen agayne in these our dayes The holye man Ignatius gouerned the congregation of christians at Antioche About this time the power of the Romaynes beganne to decaie in Britaine for theyr capitaine Trebellius lost all the countreis that Agricola had conquered and by Galdus kinge of Scottes with the ayde of the Pictes as theyr chroniclers write was chased out of the boundes of Scotlande and glad to desire peace of kinge Galdus Policarpe ruled the churche at Smirna and Papias at Hieropolis Domician the emperour outraging in pride Anni regum britannie 20 gaue commaundement The yere of the worlde 4053 The yere of Christ 92 that he would be called lorde and god Domician triumphed for his victory ouer the Danes and Germains The yere of the worlde 4054 The yere of Christ 93 Anni regum britannie 21 Clement succeded Anacletus in the bishoprike of Rome and liued .ix. yeres Abia king of Arabia Helge of Norwaye Ingellus of the Danes The yere of the worlde 4055 The yere of Christ 94 Themperour perceiuing to be plenty of wine Anni regum britannie 22 and veray great scarscitee and dearth of corne and other graine thought that by ouermuche diligence giuen to the vineyardes men didde neglecte the tyllage of the earthe and therfore commaunded that in Italy no man should sette newe vines and in other prouinces that the one halfe of theyr vines shulde be cut downe to the ground Domician folowinge the example of Nero as well in crueltee as other vices The yere of the worlde 4057 The yere of Christ 96 Anni regum britannie 24 reised the seconde persecution againste the Christianes at whiche time S. Iohn the Apostle was banished into Pathmos he put to deathe also the nephues of Iuda called frater domini as well for that they were of the linage of Christ as because they discended from the house of king Dauid The yere of the worlde 4058 The yere of Christ 97 Simeon bishoppe of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 25 after dyuerse other tourmentes was crucified to deathe whome one named Iustus did succede in that bishoprike Domician expelled out of Italy philosophiers and men hauinge knowledge of the mathematicall sciences Domician for his crueltee beinge odible to all men was by a conspiracy murdered in his chambre his owne wife consenting therto Hitherto Suetonius continued his history The yere of the worlde 4059 The yere of Christ Nerua Anni regum britannie 26 an aged and wise Senatour folowed Domician in the empyre and reigned one yere .ii. monethes and viii dayes He caused by decree of the Senate that what soeuer was enacted by Domician shuld be of none efect and gaue a generall commaundement that al exiled persons shoulde returne home wherefore S. Iohn returned from Pathnios to the Ephesians where he wrate hys gospel Nerua commaunded that all chyldren whose parentes were nedye shuld be founde of the common cost Traiane a Spaniarde borne The yere of the worlde 4060 after Nerua was admitted to the imperyall auctoritee Anni regum britannie 27 and reigned .19 yeres The yere of Christ 99 This man if you consider in hym the profyte of the Romayne empyre whiche he greately enlarged or polytike and ciuile gouernance vndoubtedly he was a right good and commendable prynce but towarde Christian religiō impious and cruell For he caused the thyrd persecution of the churche Whan he was by certayne of his counsail reprehended for ouer much familiaritee with infericurs he aunswered that a ruler ought to be of such behauoure towarde his subiectes as he wold haue the prynce to him if he were priuate when he ordeinev any pretour giuing to him the sword he wold say in this wyse vse the sword against my ennemies in iuste causes and if I my selfe do otherwyse than Iustice vse thy power vpon me also Gerdon was ordeined the thirde bishop of Alexandria The yere of the worlde 4062 The yere of Christ 101 Anni regum britannie 29 Zacharias the fourth bishop of Hierusalem From the deathe of Simeon to the reigne of Adrian we reade of no sure succession of the bisshops of Hierusalem ▪ for by the crueltee of the Emperours and their subiectes they were put to deathe well nere as faste as they were ordeyned Anni regum britannie 30 Euaristus the fourth byshop of Rome .viii. yeres Traiane ouercame the Danes The yere of the worlde 4063 The yere of Christ 102 and made leage with their kyng Decebalus he triumphed for his victory ouer the Danes and Scithians Anni regum britannie 31 Traiane subdued dyuers nations to the Romaine empire as the Hyberians Sauromatans The yere of the worlde 4064 The yere of Christ 103 and the people of Arabie and Cholchis He broughte vnder hys possessyon many citees as Sileucia Babylon Ctesiphon he made a brydge also ouer the ryuer of Danubie whiche had .20 arches of square stone euerye arche .150 fote in heyght in breadthe 60. fote and betwene euerye arche .170 fote the bridge was in length .9 hundred paces and one Decebalus kyng of the Danes brake hys leage was again vanquished by Traiane and hys kyngdome made a prouynce Tobias the .v. bishop of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 32 The yere of the worlde 4065 The yere of Christ 104 Traiane set a nauye of shyppes in the redde sea to the entent to inuade the borders of India In Scotlande after the death of Galdus succeded hys son Lugtak an odious and myscheuous tyran and was as muche hated of the Scottes for hys vice as hys father was loued for his vertue He slewe many of the rich men onelye to confiscate their goods and commytted the gouernaunce of the realme to most vniust and couetous persons and with their companye was moste delited He deflowred hys owne auntes susters and daughters and scorned hys wyfe and graue counsaylours callyng them olde dotyng fooles wherefore in the .iii. yere of his reigne he was slayne or his nobles Beniamin the .vi. bishop of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 4066 The yere of Christ 105 The sumptuous house that Nero builded in Rome called the golden house was sodeinly destroied with fyre Anni regum britannie 33 Fower citees in Asia ouerthrowen with an earthquake
of Rome was sente to subdue Carassus Anni regum britannie 1 whiche vnl●●ully vsurped regallye in Britain to which Alectus fortune was so fauourable that he chased Carassus and lastlye slue him whan he had reigne d .8 yeres Alexander the emperour forbade that great officers should haue substitutes or vicegerentes and commaunded euery man to do his owne office diligently Anni regum britannie 2 Artaxarces the persian The yere of the worlde 4188 The yere of Christ 227 slewe Artabanus kinge of the Parthians and restored that kingedome to his signorie of Persee chalenging also of the Romaines al Asia and a part of Europe as due to his dominion Theodorus called also Gregorye and Anthenodorus disciples of Origene Anni regum britannie 4 and bishoppes of Ponte The yere of the worlde 4190 The yere of Christ 229 were famous Aphricanus a man excellent in the knowlage of diuine scriptures flourished Alectus the Romaine whiche gouerned the Britons after he had subdued the lande againe to the Romaines vsed amonge them muche crueltee and tyrannie Wherfore they entending vtterly to expelle the Romains meued a noble mā called Ascleopidatus to take on him the kingedome who gathered a greatte power and made sharpe warre vpon the Romains and chased them from countrey to countrey vntil at length Alectus kepte him at London for his most suertye whither Ascleopidatus pursued him and nere to that citee gaue to him battaile in whiche Alectus was slaine whan he had gouerned Britaine .6 yeres AScleopidatus after Alectus was thus slaine The yere of the worlde 4193 The yere of Christ 232 girt the citee of London with a strong siege Anni regum britannie 1 and therin Liuius Gallus the Romaine capitain and ere it were long by knightly force and vyolence entred the citee and slew the forenamed Gallus nere vnto a broke there at that day renninge into whiche broke he threwe him by reason wherof it was called Gallus or Wallus broke and at this daye the streate where somtime that broke ranne is called Walbroke After whiche victorye Ascleopidatus gouerned Britaine .30 yeres Firmilianus bishop of the citee of Cesoria in Capadocia Alexander the emperour as sayeth Lampridius ouercame the Persians But Herodian affirmeth that partly through his owne slacknesse partly by the great multitude of the Persians he was put to the worse The Romaine capitaine F. Celsus had prosperous successe in the warres in Mauritania likewise Uarus Macrinus in Iliria and Iulius Palmatus in Armenia ¶ Origene fled to Cesaria leuinge Haraclas in his roome at Alexandria The yere of the worlde 4194 The yere of Christ 233 Anni regum britannie 2 Pontianus the .17 pope .vi. yeres The yere of the worlde 4196 The yere of Christ 235 About this time the emperour Alexander Anni regum britannie 4 by the counsaile of hip mother Mammea sent for Origene to Rome being meued with the fame of his excellēt learning and godly lyfe The yere of the worlde 4197 The yere of Christ 236 At Mense in Germanie Anni regum britannie 5 Alexander with his mother Mammea was slayne by Maximinus whom he of a mulettouor had aduaunced t rhighe dignitees Dometr●us bishop of Alexandria died when he had bene bishop .43 yeres after whom folowed Heraclias The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 237 Maximinus was emperour after Alexander Anni regum britannie 6 and reygned .3 yeres This man in his youthe was a mulettour in Thracia After he came to Rome and there practised feates of armes wherin for the wonderfull bignesse and strength of his bodie whiche he had ioyned with excellent boldnes of minde he so profited that in chiualrye he passed all men of his time Wherfore he was set vp of the souldiours agaynst Alex ander After whose deathe he exercised great tyranny towarde his frendes Of him it is written that he did eate euerye daye .40 pounde of fleshe and dranke .v. galones of wine Maximinius vanquished the Germains and in his retourne shewed great crueltee to the Romains Dionisius the disciple of Origene succeded Heracla● in the schole at Alexandria Maximinus persecuted the Christians The yere of the worlde 4200 The yere of Christ 239 Berillus bishop of a towne in Arabia Anni regum britannie 8 named Bosterna taught that Christ neither was before his carnal natiuitee nor had any propre diuinitee but onely the deite of god the father dwelling in him whom Origene confused and brought againe to the vnitee of the churche The people of Afrike not susteining the crueltee of Maximinus chose Gordian an auncient Senatour to be emperour whereof the people of Rome were veraye glad But Cap●llianus prouoste of Mauritania for dyspleasure that he bare towarde Gordian went agaynste hym with a strong army and in battail slue his son and discomfited his hoste Wherefore Gordian fearinge to come into his enemies handes hanged him selfe Antherus pope one moneth and after hym Fa●ian .xii yeres Anni regum britannie 9 Maximus Balbinus and Gordian a chylde were named emperours of the senate against Maximinus The yere of the worlde 4201 The yere of Christ 240 who not longe after was slaine at Aquileia of his souldiours Babilas beshoppe of Antioch Atherco after the slaughter of Ethodius his father was chosen kinge of Scottes and reigned .xii. yerres At the beginninge he shewed some token of honest towardnes but after he was so inuolued in all vncleane vice effeminate luste that he was not ashamed to goo in the sighte of the people playinge vpon a flute and reioysed more to be a fidlar than a prince finally beinge pursued for rauishinge the doughters of Nathalas a noble man of Arg●le he slewe him selfe Marimus and Balbinus for that they were not fauorable to the souldiours Anni regum britannie 10 were slayne at Rome The yere of the worlde 4202 by whyche occasion Gordian the childe reigned alone The yere of Christ 241 This Gordian accustomed to say that he was a wretched prince frō whom by flatterie the truth of matters is hid Sapores kinge of Persians .31 yeres Sabinianus reised a sedicion in Afrike agaynste Gordian whiche was quieted by the prouost of Mauritania Anni regum britannie 11 Gordian toke to wife the daughter of a wyse and wel learned man called Misitheus The yere of the worlde 4203 The yere of Christ 242 by whose counsayle also he gouerned the empire wyth the greatte fauour of the senate and people of Rome Porphir●us the disciple of Piotine and deadly enemye of christian religion flourished in Rome Theopompus the philosopher at Cherona Nicanor the sophister at Athenes Affricanus also a man of excellent learning whiche wrote to Origene were famous Anni regum britannie 12 Gordian went into the east against the Persians In his iourney he vanquished his enemies in Thracia The yere of the worlde 4204 The yere of Christ 243 In Surie by the counsaile of Pisitheus he ouercame Saxor king of Perse and by force droue him out of Surie ▪ He recouered
emperour in Pannonie Anni regum britannie 29 Odenatus a valiaunte capitayne of the Romayns The yere of Christ 260 and chiefe ruler of the countrey of Surie called Polmirena The yere of the worlde 4221 takyng on hym the name of an emperoure by force of armes recouered to the Romaynes the cytee Nisibis all Mesopotamia and entred with hys host into Ctesiphon he ouerthrew Sapores in battayle and put him to flight The emperour Galienus vanquyshed and slew Ingenius whiche rebelled in Pannonie and vsed extreme crueltee towarde the souldiours and other inhabitauntes Regilleanus was chosen Emperoure in Mesia neere to Pont. This mā after he had ouercome the Sarmarians was slayne of the people called Roxolani In Illiria nowe called Sclauonie Aureolus obteyned the imperial dignitiee Galienus quieted the persecucion that was meued agaynst the Christians Anni regum britannie 30 The yere of the worlde 4222 The yere of Christ 261 Anni regum britannie 1 AT this tyme hapned a great discencion in Britayn betwene Asclepiodatus their kynge The yere of the worlde 4223 The yere of Christ 262 and one Coil Duke of Coilchester whereby was arrered a greuous warre in whiche Asclepiodatus was slayne Coil toke on hym the kingdome of Britaine and gouerned the royalme the space of .27 yeres of hym is no notable thing in wrytyng Aemilianus affectyng the Empire in Aegypte was taken by Theodotus whom Galienus sente agaynst hym The Almaynes spoyled Fraunce Macrianus being chosen emperour in Sclauonie was slayne of Aureolus who before hadde obteyned the Empire in those partes A certayne bishoppe of Aegypte called Nepos taughte that the kyngdome of Christe shuld be a .1000 yeres here in earth Anni regum britannie 2 The yere of the worlde 4224 The yere of Christ 263 where the electe shuld reigne in al voluptee and pleasure Findok the eldest sonne of Athirco was made kynge of Scottes he kept peace with the Romayns and Britones and quieted the rebellion of Donalde a noble man of the Iles by whose counsayle throughe the contente of hys owne brother Carance he was afterwarde slayne when he had reigned .x. yeres Grece Macedonie Ponte and Asia were vexed and spoyled by often inuasions of the S●ithes and Gothes The yere of the worlde 4226 The yere of Christ Meruailous earthquakes in Asia and Italie A greate darkenes of the ayre contynued manye daies together A great pestilence also reigned in diuers countreis Odenatus hauing prosperous successe against the Persians o●teyned the empire of all the easte partes Anni regum britannie 4 This Odenatus profyted so muche the Empire that yf he had not ruled in the East the power of the Romayns hadde greatlye decayed and the Empire had bene subdued by foreyn enemies beinge it was deuided into so many partes within it selfe Galienus proclaimed Odenatus to be partaker of the empire and callynge hym Augustus coyned money in hys name The yere of the worlde 4227 The yere of Christ Odenatus with hys son Herode Anni regum britannie 5 was slayne of Meoneus his cosē germaine who called him selfe emperour Posthumius was slaine in Fraunce by the treason of Lol●ianus which reigned after him The yere of the worlde 4228 The yere of Christ Paulus Samosatenus an horrible heritike taughte Anni regum britannie 6 that Christe toke his beginninge of ourladye and was a man only of our comon nature Which heresy was condemned by a generall counsaile and Paulus excommunicated Zebenna wyfe of Odenatus a woman of lustie courage and of great policie in warre with her .ii. yong lonnes Herennianus and Timolaus in despyte of Galienus who consumed hys lyfe in lechery and banketryng toke on her the gouernaunce of the easte and was called Empresse The yere of the worlde 4229 The yere of Christ 268 Uictorinus Anni regum britannie 7 whiche ruled in Fraunce with Posthumius slue Lollianus and reteined the dominion of France alone But for hys hordome and auoutrie he was slayne of the people Then Marcus reigned there only .3 dayes and after him Tetricus The yere of the worlde 4230 The yere of Christ Tetricus was vainquisshed of Aurolus emperoure of Anni regum britannie 8 Sclauonie whiche ayded Galienus in dyuers batailles against them whiche rebelled in Fraunce Not long after ▪ varyance happened betwene Galienus and Aureolus for the imperial aucthritie so that deadly warre was arreared in the ende whereof Aureolus slue Galienus and his brother Ualerian nere to M●llaine Anni regum britannie 9 Claudius obteined the empire of Rome and was named of the souldiours The yere of the worlde 4231 The yere of Christ 270 chosen and confirmed of the Senate and reigned one yere and 9. monethes for his valiante prowes excellent and princely vertues he deserued greate prayse of the Romaynes For he restored the empire whiche by diuers commocions was greuously shaken in the reigne of Galienus The emperour Claudius ouercame Aureolus which in the countreye of Pannonie had vsurped the empire a longe space he vainquished also the terrible hostes of the Scithes and Gothes In which .320000 of dyuers countreis of the Barbarous people had taken armes against the Romaines and had also on the sea .2000 shyppes of whiche armye a wonderfull multitude were taken and slayne by Claudius and his capitaynes bothe on the water and on the lande Anni regum britannie 10 Claudius subdued the Sarmatians and Germaynes The people of Surie named Palmirens The yere of the worlde 4232 The yere of Christ 271 warred vpon the Aegyptians but Claudius recouered Aegypte to the empire and shortely there vpon finyshed his lyfe Quintil●us a noble yonge man and brother of Claudius reigned onely .17 daies and was slaine of the souldiours at Aquileia Aurelianus for his valiante prowes and expertnes in marciall policie Anni regum britannie 11 was made emperour The yere of the worlde 4233 The yere of Christ 272 He of nature was seuere and rigorous but a dilygēt and sharpe correctour of dissolute maners The people sayd that he was a good phisicion sauing that he gaue to bitter medicins This man being sicke neuer sent for phisicion but cured him selfe with abstinence he ouercame the Sarmaciās and the people of Germanie called Marcomanni which spoiled the citee of Millaine Anni regum britannie 12 In Thratia and Illaria the emperour vainquisshed the Gothes and slue theyr Duke Cannabam The yere of the worlde 4234 The yere of Christ 273 He conquered Bithinia and recouered Theana nere to Emessa he ouer came Zebennia or Zenobia whiche named her selfe empresse of the easte and besiegynge the citee Palmirena toke and brought hir prisoner in triumphe to Rome Donalde king of Scottes one yere he was taken in battaile by Donalde of the Isles and shortly after dyed Ualerius subdued a Romā Duke called Firmius Anni regum britannie 13 whiche by treason affected the empire in Aegypte The yere of the worlde 4235 The yere of Christ 274 After the deathe of kynge Donalde greate trouble was in Scotlande For Donalde of the Isles
of Alexandria and put manye of the noble men to death Anni regum britannie 10 Nar●es king of Perse The yere of Christ 298 troubled the countreyes of Armon●e and Mesopotamia with de●dly warre The yere of the worlde 4259 Thys N●rses had a sonne so beastlye cruell that when his father gaue vnto him a pauilion of camelles skinnes sumptuously wrought betwene with golde and demaunded whether it pleased him he aunswered that it woulde please him muche better if he mighte be kinge that he myghte make a more gorgious pauilion of mens skinnes Constantius in France proued Fortune in one day to be bothe frow●ed and f●u●urable For at the fyrste he was chased and so egrelye pursued of the Almaynes that vneth he hym selfe might be drawen by a corde ouer the walles of the citee L●ng●●● And within lesse than .v houres hir hoste was augmented and he slewe of the Almaines wel● nere .40 thousande whereby theyr power was greatly decayed and Fraunce in more quiete Anni regum britannie 11 Galerius whiche was sent agaynst the Persians The yere of the worlde 4260 The yere of Christ 299 beyng ●anquished in battayle fled to Dioclecian of whom he was so vngently receyued that when he mette him in his iourney the space of a mile that he ranne by his chariote he had not of him a woorde But Galerius beynge nothing therwith discomforted repaired his armye and in Armenia the greater ouerthrue the Persians conquered all Assyria broughte in subiection fiue prouinces beyonde the riuer Tigris and retourned to the emperoure with great spoyle Anni regum britannie Dioclecian and Maximinian triumphed for theyr greate victories ▪ The yere of the worlde 4264 The yere of Christ 309 after whiche triumphe Dioclecian gaue commandement that he would be worshipped as a god saying that he was brother to the sonne and the moone and adourning his showe● with golde and precious stoones commaunded the people to kisse his feete The yere of the worlde 4265 The yere of Christ 204 By the iust iudgement of god Anni regum britannie 16 for certaine enormityes vsed in the churche the greatest and moste greuouse persecution of the Chrystianes was moued by Dioclesian who in the moneth of Marche whan the feaste of Easter was nighe at hand commaunded all the churches of the Christians to be spoyled and cast to the earth and the bokes of holy scripture to be burned and that all Christian men that were of any auctoritee shuld be as it were disgraded and remaine as persons infamous And furthermore that no seruant remaining in the fayth shuld be made free that all prelates and chiefe ministers of the churche shoulde be with al tourmentes constreigned to worship Idoles This persecution continued .10 yeares Dioclecian and by his counsayle Maximinian gaue vppe the imperial auctoritee The yere of the worlde 4268 The yere of Christ 207 Anni regum britannie 19 and led the residue of theyr life as priuate persons Constantius and Galerius which before were named Cesars The yere of the worlde 4269 The yere of Christ 208 succeded in the empire Anni regum britannie 20 betwene whome the gouernance therof was thus deuided that Galerius shuld rule in Illiria Asia and all the east partes and Constantius in Italye Spayne Fraunce Britaine and Affryke But he was a moderate and wise prince refused Affrike and Italye and reteyned onely Spayne Fraunce and Britayne This Constantius was a man of great affabilitee clemency and gentylnesse and there with very lyberall indeuoiringe alwaye to enriche his subiectes lytle regarding his owne treasure thinking that to be his that the commons had Wherefore he sayde that it was better that priuate persons had the commen treasure to the vse of the weale publike than to be locked vp in princes coffers In festiuall dayes ▪ when he had his nobles to any banket he borowed plate of his frendes to furnish his cubbourdes Galerius the other emperour was of maners ryght commendable sauing that he was cruell towarde chrystian people For whiche cause he was striken of God with extreme and vile sickenesse as after shall appeare Galerius chose by adopcion .ii. noble men of whiche Maximinian he made gouernour of the east and Seuerus of Ital●e and Afrike Anni regum britannie 21 While this Seuerus was absent from Rome The yere of the worlde 4270 The yere of Christ 309 the souldiours chose one Maxentius the sonne of Maximinian to be emperour Against whō whā Seuerus came with an armie ▪ beyng forsaken of his own souldiours he was constreigned to flee and nere to Rauenna was takē and slaine This Maxentius was a cruell tyranne Of hys incontinence and other vices be many examples in the historie named Tripartita COnstantius died in Yorke after whom Constantine succeded Anni regum britannie 1 as wel in the kingdome of Britain The yere of the worlde 4271 The yere of Christ 310 as in the gouernance of other realmes ▪ that were subiecte before to his father This Constantine was a right noble valiant prince son of Helena woman of greate sanctimonie and borne in Britayne He was so mightie in marciall prowes that he was surnamed the great Constantine And had the faithe of Christ in suche reuerence that alwaie most studiously he endeuoired to augment the same In wytnesse of his belife he caused a booke of the gospels to be caried before him And made the byble to be copied oute and sent into all partes of the empyre Of this man the kinges of Britaine had firste the priuilege to weare close crownes or Dyademes Galerius emperour of the east whan he harde of the death of his captaine Seuerus made Licinius partaker of the empyre This Licinius in feates of armes was experte and cunninge but he hated learning so extremely that he saied it was a pestilence and poyson in the common weale Finc●rmake after the death of his cosin Cairthquint was ordeined kinge of Scottes and reigned seuen and fortie yeres Anni regum britannie 2 Maximinian Herculius The yere of the worlde 4272 desiringe to be emperour againe came to Rome The yere of Christ 311 and by priuy meanes endeuoured to defeite his owne sonne Maxentius of the empire But he was reiected of the souldiours driuen from Rome Wherefore he fled into Fraunce to Constantine his son in law whom also to slea he laide in waight traiterously opening ▪ his pretended malice to Fausta his daughter the wife of Constantine But she abhorringe the impious minde of her father disclosed the matter to hir husbande who commaunded Herculius to be taken and slayne The yere of the worlde 4274 The yere of Christ 312 In the .x. yere of the persecucion Anni regum britannie 4 Galerius the chiefe minister therof fell into a wonderfull sicknesse hauinge a sore risen in the nether parte of his bealy whiche consumed his priuie membres from whens swarmed great plentie of wourmes whiche were ingendred of the putrifaction This disease coulde not be holpen with any surgerie or phisike
Wherefore he confessed that it hapned for his crueltee towarde the Christians and called in his proclamacions whiche he had published against them But notwithstandinge he dyed miserably and as some write not susteininge the stenche of his owne sore slewe him selfe Maximinus whyche a litle before had taken on hym the name of an emperour in the east kept secret the commaundementes of Galerius wherein he forbade the persecucion of the Christians and after his death most cruelly tourmented them in euerye place And to the intent to corrupte the youthe ▪ he feygned actes of Pylate and Christe which he caused to be openly read to children in their scholes Ormisda the sonne of Narses king of Persians kepte warre with his brother for the kingdome and beyng put to the worse fled to the Romains Constantine came with a parte of hys armye against Marentius The yere of the worlde 4276 The yere of Christ 315 Anni regum britannie 6 whiche vexed the Romains with greeuous exaction and tribute Whan he was in his iourney by a vision in the night he sawe the sygne of the crosse in the element shyning like fyre and an angell thereby saiyng in this w●se Constantine in this signe thou shal●e ouercome Wherewith he beynge greatly comforted shortly after vanquis●hed the armie of Marenti●s who fleeyng out of the battaile was drowned in Tyber Maximinus whiche did persecute the Christians in the east parties warred against Licin●us of whom he was ouerthrowen and as he was preparing for an other battayle ended his lyfe miserablye of a paine in the guttes whereby the empyre was onelye vnder the dominion of Constantine and Licin●us which was before diuided in iiii partes Licinius obteyninge the dominion of Asia restored the Christians from banishement Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4277 The yere of Christ 316 Dioclecian finished his last daie nere to Solonae before his death whan he was entised by Herculius to take on him againe the imperiall auctoritee he answered in this wyse if you dyd see the herbes whiche I haue planted and sette here with my owne handes you would neuer desyre to be emperour againe Crispus and Constantius The yere of the worlde 4278 The yere of Christ 317 the sonnes of Constantine and Licinius his nephew Anni regum britannie 8 were made Caesars Lactantius was famous and wrate his woorke The yere of the worlde 4279 The yere of Christ 318 De diuinis institutionibus Anni regum britannie 9 to Constantine the emperour Constantine forbade all persecution of the Christians The yere of the worlde 4280 The yere of Christ 319 Anni regum britannie 10 Licinius emperour of the east The yere of the worlde 4281 The yere of Christ 320 persecuted the Christians Anni regum britannie 11 and expelled theim oute of his palaice pretendynge this cause that they praied more for the prosperous succeasse of Constantine than for him Ba●ilius byshop of Amasia in Ponte was martyred The yere of the worlde 4282 The yere of Christ 321 Anni regum britannie 12 Constantine ordeined the sondaie to be kepte holy The yere of the worlde 4283 The yere of Christ 322 and that men vacant from other occupacions Anni regum britannie 13 shuld employ them selfe onely to praier Eustathius byshop of Antioch The yere of the worlde 4284 The yere of Christ 323 Anni regum britannie 14 Arrius priest in the churche of Alexandria began first this heresie that the sonne in deitee was not equall with the father nor of the same substaunce but onely a mere creature Unto this errour he induced a greate parte of the worlde beynge than chrystened and many famous clerkes and great learned men Arrius was excommunicated by Alexandre whyche was than bysshop of Alexandria A noble man called Alexander in a commocion at Carthage was named emperour and shortly after was subdued by a company of a souldiours that Cōstantine sent againste him Anni regum britannie 16 Ciuile warre betwene the emperours Constantine and Licinius ▪ The firste battaile was fought in Hungarie The yere of the worlde 4286 The yere of Christ 325 where Licinius was ouerthrowen than he fled into Macedonie and repairing his armye was againe disco●mfited Finally beyng vanquished both by sea and lande he lastlye at Nicomedia yelded him selfe to Constantine and was commaunded to liue a priuate life in Thessaly where he was slaine of the souldiours Helena the mother of Constantine at Hierusalem founde the crosse on the which Christ suffered his passion and the .iii. nayles wherewith his feete and handes were perced The yere of the worlde 4288 At Nicena was called a generall counsaile Anni regum britannie 18 in the whyche the emperour Constantine was present The yere of Christ 327 with .318 by shops by whome was determined against Arrius that the sonne was equall with the father whiche decre was confirmed by the emperour and Arrius with .vi. other byshoppes banisshed In this counsaile whan certaine byshops woulde haue ordeyned that priestes should not thens foorth companye with their owne wifes Paphnucius a man of greate vertue and learninge vehemently withstode their myndes saiynge that it woulde be cause of howredome and aduoutrie Octauius Duke of Iesses or weast Saxones whom Constantine made lieu●tenant in Britaine rebelled and endeuoured to expell the Romains out of the land wherof whan Constantine had knowlege he set against him a Duke named Traherne with certaine legions of souldiours after whose arriuall in Britaine was foughte a fierce battaile nere to Winchester in which Traherne was put to the worse and constreigned to flee towarde Scotlande whom Octamus folowed ▪ and in Westmer lande gaue to him the seconde battaile in whiche Octauius was chased and Traherne was victour who pursued him so egrely that Octauius forsoke the lande and sailed to Norwaie OCtauius repairinge his armie Anni regum britannie 1 came againe into Britaine but in the meanetyme an Erle whiche fauoured his partie The yere of the worlde 4290 The yere of Christ 329 by treason murdered the fore named Traherne and than Octauius called in the englis●he cronicles Octauian reigned in this lande at the least .54 yeres In whiche tyme as saithe the Scottishe historie he was troubled with often warres by the Romaines Polidore sayeth that this realme was in good quiete al the time of Constantine and his successours vntill the .v. yere of Gracian and maketh no mencion of this Octauius whiche thing I speake not for anye reproche to Polidore whome I knowe right well to haue folowed most certaine and commendable auctours but onely to shewe to the reader the diuersitee of histories Crispus the sonne of Constantine and the yonger Licinius his nephew with manye other noble men by the enuious suggestion of Fausta the emperours wife wer vniustly put to death Constantine according to the custome of the Romās solemnised the twenteth yeare of his reigne with great bankettes and feastes at the which were all the byshops and priestes that assembled in the counsayle of
was put to flyghte and constreigned to make a dyshonourable peace with losse of many great citees as Singara Bizadda Amida and Nicibis Constans geuyng hym to voluptie and pleasure Anni regum britannie 24 was slayne in a citee named Helena The yere of the worlde 4313 The yere of Christ 352 of his owne Duke Magnentius whiche after toke on hym imperyall auctoritee at Augusta in Fraunce Constancius in the east hearyng of the death of his brother prepared for warre againste Magnentius and ordeyned Calius hys kynsman lieuetenant in the east partes where he practised great crueltee The yere of the worlde 4314 The yere of Christ 353 Constancius yet ones againe by the excityng of the Arrians dydde persecute Athanasius Anni regum britannie 25 and droue hym from Alexandria Britannion an auncient capitaine was named emperour in a commocion of the people of Iliria In lyke maner Neopocianus was chosen emperour at Rome in a sedicious conspiracie of the souldyours and was slayne by the treason of Heraclides who fauoured Magnentius whiche vsurped imperiall auctorytee in Fraunce Bretannion leuynge of his purple and other imperial insignes submitted him selfe to Constancius the emperour and desyred paroon whiche he easely obteined and was receiued with great fauour and gentilnesse Anni regum britannie 26 The yere of the worlde 4315 The yere of Christ 354 Magnentius goyng with an army against Constancyus committed the tuicion of Fraunce to his brother Decentius and at Mursa was vanquished and put to flight In that batayle were slayne .54000 fyghtynge men wherby the puissaunce of the Romayne empyre was sore appaired Anni regum britannie 27 Magnentius was dyscomfyted and ouerthrowen the second tyme The yere of the worlde 4316 The yere of Christ 355 and therfore in a furious rage or madnesse wounded his brother Desiderius slewe manye of hys friendes and lastlye killed him selfe with his owne weapon His other brother Derentius did hauge hym selfe at Senone Photinus denied the diuinitee of Christe and taught that he was not before the carnall concepciō of our lady A counsaile was assembled at Sirmium wher the said heresie of Photine was condemned Gallus The yere of the worlde 4317 The yere of Christ 356 with great tyrannie oppressed the Iewes and slew of theim many thousandes Anni regum britannie 28 He burned also Diocesaria Tiberiadis and Diospolis with dyuers other townes Wherfore Constancius the emperour depriued hym of all auctoritee and after he hadde vanisshed hym commaunded his head to be striken of Cond●nnous and U●demacus kynges of Almayne wasted the borders of Fraunce The Romaynes made peace with the Almains Anni regum britannie 29 S●por kynge of Persee calenged Armonie The yere of the worlde 4318 The yere of Christ and besieged the citee Nicibis Constancius toke Iulianus by adopcion and gaue his syster to hym in mariage he made him Cesar and committed to his tuicion the countrey of Fraunce Chondomarius Uestralpos Urius U●sicinus Serapeon and Oratorius kinges of Almaine Anni regum britannie 30 Siluanus beyng made Cesar in Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4319 The yere of Christ 358 by a rebellion of the souldiours was slayne before he had reigned iii. monethes Actiu● a sophister endeuoured by sophisticall Syllogismes to proue and confyrme the Arrians doctrine After the death of Fincormake kynge of Scottes because hys heyres were but childrene fierce warre was reared betweene two noble men called Angustiane and Romak for the gouernaunce of the realme Whereof ensued much trouble and rufflyng in the realme of Scotlande And great displeasure thereby was engendred betwene the Scottes and Pictes For so muche as Romak by theyr ayde toke on him the kyngdome and vsed great crueltee .iii. yeres Iulian ouercame the Almaynes in Fraunce and by knyghtly force droue theim beyonde the Rhine The yere of the worlde 4320 The yere of Christ 359 Anni regum britannie 31 He recouered Agrippina and delyuered .1100 Romains whiche by lawe of armes serued the Almaynes Nere to Argentine he vtterlye vanquysshed the whole power of the Almaynes and after that greate victory was of the souldiours called emperour and Augustus wherwith Constācius was greuously dyspleased and commaunded him by ambassadours to refuse those names whiche were profered to hym by the souldiours Uictorinus the Rhetorician and Donatus the Grammarian were famous Throughe oute Asia and Pont was a greate and continuall earthquake The yere of the worlde 4321 The yere of Christ 360 Anni regum britannie 32 The emperour vanquisshed the Sarmacians and the people called Quadi The yere of the worlde 4322 The yere of Christ 361 A counsayle was assembled at Arminium in the which 200. byshops of the weast establyshed the counsaile of Nicene But the Arrians woulde not agree thereto Anni regum britannie 33 The byshops of the east by the commaundemente of Constancius held a counsaile at Nicomedia and from thens were transferred to Seleucia and there endeuoured to confirme the heresie of the Arrians Sapor kyng of the Persians with a great armie besieged and toke Amida and slew many of the Romains Iulianus the Cesar ledde an arm y against the Almaines whiche by force had taken and possessed certaine citiees wherin he had reserued corne and vitailes and chased theim in suche wyse that their kynges were fayne to desyre peace which after entreatee was to them granted The emperour ouercame the Sarmacians yet ones agayne rebellyng Singara and Bambyca noble and greate citees were taken and certayne legions of the Romayne souldyours slayne Anni regum britannie 34 by Sapor kyng of the Persians The yere of the worlde 4323 The yere of Christ Whan the nobles of Scotlande had slayne the tyranne Romak Angusiane was ordeined kyng betwene whome and the Pictes was great warre for the death of Romak in the ende wherof bothe Angusiane and Nectanus king of Pictes were slayne Than was Fethelmak crowned kyng whiche vanquished the Pictes and was after slain in hys bedde by .ii. Pictes whiche were his seruantes ▪ Macedon byshoppe of Constantinople practised extreme crueltiee in the churche constreignyng the Christian men to receiue the communion with the Arrians in such wyse that if women or chyldren refused to dooe the same he did either cut of theyr pappes or by suche other cruell tourmentes force theim thereto He caused muche tumultee and busines in the churche Iulian beyng constreigned of the souldiours at Paris in Fraunce toke on hym the name of Augustus and imperiall auctorytee Anni regum britannie 35 Constancius departed out of this lyfe in a citee called Mopsocris Anni regum britannie 36 betwene Cilicia and Cappadocia The yere of the worlde 4324 The yere of Christ Iulian succeded Constancius in the empyre The yere of the worlde 4325 The yere of Christ 364 and reygned .ii. yeares he was but of small stature of witte apt to learnyng eloquence and knowlage of sciences In many poynctes he was estemed lyke to Titus in successe of warre and marcial prowes he was compared to Traiane in
in banishement Castinus pardoned Aetius a noble man for by his meanes he quieted the Hunnes whyche had armed theim againste the Romains Ualentinian by the ordinaunce of Theodotius was proclaimed Augustus The yere of the worlde 4388 The yere of Christ 427 emperour of the weast partes Nere about this time the Britains were inuaded again by the Pictes and Scottes which notwithstanding the foresaied walle that was made by the Romaines spoyled the countrey verie sore So that they were driuen to seke for newe healpe of the Romains who sent to them a company of souldiours which againe chased the Pictes and made a walle of stone of the thickenesse of .viii. foote and in heyght .xii. foote Whiche thing whan they had done comforting the Britains and admonishinge them hereafter to trust to their owne manhode and strengthe they retourned againe to Rome Bonifacius before mencioned was famous in great auctoritee in Afrike The yere of the worlde 4390 The yere of Christ 429 so that his power was suspected of Ualentinian the emperour Who therfore sent against him two Romaine capitaines Manortius and Galvi● whiche bothe were of Bonifacius vanquisshed Than was that warre committed to a Duke named Sigisuldus whiche somewhat preuailed and abated the power of Boniface who mistrusting his owne strength entised the Uandales out of Spaine into Afrike which at theyr cōming spoyled the countrey of Mauritania and Afrike with great crueltee of whiche tyranny sainct Augustine complaineth Nestorius byshoppe of Constantinople endeuoured to bringe into the churche a newe heresie The yere of the worlde 4391 The yere of Christ 430 teaching that the onely manhode of Christ was borne of the virgine and his deitee geuen to him after for his merite Aetius the Romaine recouered the parte of Gallia liyng about the riuer Rhine The frenchemen subdued Orliaunce and Paris with muche of the countrey annexed therto The yere of the worlde 4392 The yere of Christ 431 Clodius the sonne of Pharamunde was made kinge of France which was also named Crinitus This man to enlarge his kingedome made warre vpon the Turinges and Germaines inhabitinge the countrey beyonde Rhine theim subdued Whan he had ruled the frenche men .xix. yeres after many victorious deedes he dyed Gensericus king of the Ale●es and Uandales in Afrike besieged the cite Hippone where sainct Augustine being bishoppe in the thirde moneth of that siege ended his life The Scottes and Pictes yet ones agayn entred the lād of Britaine and spoiled the countrey and chased the cōmons so cruelly that they were altogether comfortlesse and brought to suche misery that eche robbed and spoyled other and ouer this the ground was vntilled wherof ensued great scarcitee and hungre and after hungre death In this necessitee they sent for ayde to Aetius the Romaine capitaine being then occupied in warres in a part of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4394 The yere of Christ 433 But they had no comfort at his hande And therfore were forced to sende ambassade to Aldroenus king of litle Britaine to desyre ayde and comforte which they obteynēd on condicion that if they atchieued the victorie Constantine his brother should be ordeyned kinge of great Britaine for to that day they had no gouernour Which thing of the ambasadours being granted the sayd Constantine gathered a company of ouldiours and went forth-with theym whan he had manfully vanquished their enemies and obteyned the victorye according to promise made he was ordeyned theyr king and guided this land .x. yeres with suche manhode and policie ▪ that he kepte it in quyetenes and from daunger of straunge enemies ¶ Here endeth finally the dominion and tribute of the Romaines ouer this lande of Britaine whiche had continued the space of .483 yeres from that time that Brutus began to rule this lande .1541 and after the citee of Rome was buylded a thousand fiue hundred eyghtie and fiue ¶ The ende of the first boke ¶ The prologue to the seconde boke HItherto we haue compediouslye noted the gestes and actes of Britons and theyr princes while the lande was subiecte and tributarie to the Romans For the more credite annexing alwayes the histories of the Romains and other externall realmes in which was done anye thinge woorthy memorie Menglinge also the most notable thinges perteining to christes church and our faith In whiche as nere as my simple witte and learning could compasse I haue diligently obserued the continuall course and ordre of the histories of euery countrey whose actes be in this woorke touched that according to my first promise the diligent reader may be hold as in a mirrour or glasse the state and condicion at all times not onely of Englande but also of Italy Fraunce Spaine other partes of the world After whiche sorte god willing I purpose to go foreward in the part folowing concerning this realme of England is chiefelye to be marked how the Saxones after they first entred this land by craftie meanes augmented theyr rule and dominion vntil at lēgth they chased the Britons and by force of armes droue theim all together out of theyr countrey and for that they were named Angli called this Iland after them Anglia whiche was deuided a certaine of time into .7 kingdomes after reduced to one monarchye by Aluredus king of west Saxones here also ye may note the increase of the kingdom of France the great ruine decay of that most flourishinge victoryous empyre of Rome Whiche in puisaunce so farre surmounted all other monarchies and kingdomes as the fierce Lyon in might and courage dooeth passe the other common beastes whiche notwithstandinge was so ouer ronne of the barbarous people in those later daies that the citee of Rome which .700 yeeres had continued as lady and empresse of the worlde within the space of .100 yeare was foure times taken and most cruelly spoyled with all the countree of Italy to the manifest example that nothing in this world is of suche strength and power that it may alway continue and endure But let vs retourne to our purpose ¶ The seconde boke THEN IT FOLOVVETH The yere of the worlde 4394 The yere of Christ 433 whan Constantine Anni regum britannie 1 brother of Aldroenus had chased and ouercome the Pictes Scottes as is before sayde he was crowned kinge of great Britaine ● guided the lande the space of .x. yeres in quietnes In the time of this Constantine of Britaine reigned among Scottes one of the same name whiche was a wicked prince geuēwholy to filthy lust and pleasure and without all vertue of policie or noblenesse Wherefore in the and he was slayne for rauishing a noble mans doughter A synode of .200 byshops was assembled at Ephesus in the which Nestorius and Pelagian were condemned Anni regum britannie Bonifacius retourninge from Afrike to Rome The yere of the worlde 4395 The yere of Christ 434 ouercame Aetius in battayle and war aduaunced to be mayster of the chiualry Within short space
after he died and Aetius was then restored to his former estate and dignitee by the helpe of the people called Hunni The dominion of the frenchmē was encreased so muche The yere of the worlde 4398 The yere of Christ 437 that the Romaine had no more of the lande of Gallia is theyr rule then that which lyeth from the riuer of Leyr vnto Rhine whyche is called Gallia Lugdunensis theyr kinge also ouercame the Turinges and the Germaynes The Uandales were made friendes with the Romaynes and had inhabitaunce geuen to them in Affrike Aetius the Romaine ouercame Gundicarus kinge of Burgoyne and at his instant praier made peace Anni regum britannie 6 The Gothes brake theyr league with the Romains spoyled certaine townes in Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4399 The yere of Christ 438 and vesieged the cite a Narbonense which was delyuered from theyr assautes by Litorius a Romaine capitaine Anni regum britannie 7 Ualentinian went toward Constantinople The yere of the worlde 4400 to the entent to take in mariage Eudocia The yere of Christ the daughter of Theodotius Gensericus king of the Uandales and Aleines endeuoiring to sowe the heresie of Atrius in Afrike did persecute the catholike bishops and most cruelly put many of them to death The yere of the worlde 4401 The yere of Christ 440 Certayne pyrates with great tyranny robbed and spoyled the ile of Sicilie Anni regum britannie 8 The Romaines by the helpe of the Hunnes foughte luckyly against the Gothes in Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4402 The yere of Christ 441 Litorius the Romaine Anni regum britannie 9 trusting to witchcraft and answeres of idoles fought a battayle with the Gothes and was of them with great disworshyppe put to flighte After which time peace was taken betwene the Romaines and the Gothes Gensericus king of the Uandales by deceyt toke and spoyled Carthage and subdued it to his domynion .585 yeres after it was conquered of the Romaines made a parte or prouince of the empire And thus began Afrike to be sub●ect to the Uandales The yere of the worlde 4403 The yere of Christ 442 The same Gensericus warred cruelly on the yle of Sic●●a Anni regum britannie 10 For whiche cause Sebastianus a Romayne comming out of Spayne inuaded Afrike and caused Gensericus to retourne and leaue Sicilia In the courte of Constantine king of Britaine was a certayne Picte in so great fauoure and auctoritee with the king that he might at al times come to his presence who watching his time by secrete meane traiterouslye slewe the kinge in his chambre THan Constantius his eldest sonne whyche for his dulle and simple witte The yere of the worlde 4404 The yere of Christ 443 Anni regum britannie 1 was made monke in Winchester by the meanes of Uortiger duke of Cornewalle was taken out of the cloyster and made kinge vnder whose name the foresayd Uortiger ruled all the land and vsed great tyranny Peace was made betwene the Uandales in Afrike the Romaines and certayne limittes and boundes prescribed for the marches of bothe theyr lordshippes The Hunnes falling at distance with the Romaines spoyled and ouerrunne Thracia Illiria and by force subdued all the countreys euen to the mountaines of Grece called Thermopile Attila kinge of the Hunnes slewe his brother Bletas and inforced the people to be subiect vnto hym whereby he obteyned the kingedome alone that before was deuided into two partes Anni regum britannie 4 The yere of the worlde 4407 The yere of Christ 449 This Attila was a cruell and fierce tyranne and at this time terryble to the whole worlde For within fewe daies he had subdued to his lordship all the Barbarous people of Scithia and the north partes as the Ostrogothes Sueues Marcomannis Herulis Turcilingis Turinges Ruges and other Congalius the sonne of kinge Dongarde was ordeined king of Scotland after the death of Constantine He was geuen to peace quietnes and iustice was a good and moderate prince Anni regum britannie 5 Eutices the heretike The yere of the worlde 4408 The yere of Christ 747 and Abbote of a monastarie in Constantinople was famous Constans king of Britaine was slaine of certaine Pictes or Scottes whom Uortiger had ordeined for a gard to the kinges body Whereof whan Uortiger had knowlage he wept and made semblat of great sorow and heauinesse and caused the saied Scottes or Pictes to be put to deathe thoughe he in deede was the chiefe causer of their treason and murder Aurelius and Uter the kinges yonger bretherne fled into litle Britaine Anni regum britannie VOrtiger was by force ordeined kyng of Britaine The yere of the worlde 4409 The yere of Christ 448 and gouerned the realme .xvi. yeres not withoute trouble For the nobles of Britaine suspected ▪ that Constans was not murdered withoute his consent and therfore alienated their mindes from him Anni regum britannie 2 In Britaine was so greate plentie of corne and fruite that the like had not bene sene in many yeres before The yere of the worlde 4410 The yere of Christ 449 whyche plentie was cause of idlenesse glotonie lecher●e and other vices so that throughe their incontinent and ryotous lyuinge ensued so great pestilence and mortalitee that the liuinge scantly sufficed to burie the dead Anni regum britannie 3 The Pictes and Scortes also hauing knowlege of the death of their knightes whiche were slaine by Uortiger The yere of the worlde 4411 The yere of Christ 450 for murderinge of the kinge inuaded and in most cruell wyse spoyled the lande of Britaine Than Uortigier beyng sore abasshed for so much as he knew the mindes of his people to be alienated from him after some mens opinion sente for the Saxones named Angli whiche hadde no place to dwell in and gaue to them inhabitance in Kent By their healp and manhod in many battailes he vanquished and droue back the Pictes and other enemies and therefore had theim euer after in great loue and fauour Meroneus was ordeined kinge of Fraunce the which was stronge and marciall in al his deedes and there vnto right profitable to the realme He was present in the battaile againste Attila the Hunne where he wyth hys knightes rought manfully Of this Mereoneus descended all the kynges of the frenchemen til the tyme of Pypyn father vnto Charles the great In his tyme Gallia was firste called Fraunce The Synode Chalcedonense was assembled where were present .vi. hundred byshoppes whiche condemned Eutices and Dyoscorus notable and famous heretikes The yere of the worlde 4413 The yere of Christ 452 Theodotius the emperour departed out of this lyfe at Constantinople Anni regum britannie 5 in whose place Martianus was made emperour of the east and reygned .vii. yeres This man loued so much quietenesse that he was wont to saie that a prince ought not to arme hym if he could by any meanes obteyne peace In his time was the terrible viage of Attila
was ordeined king of Fraunce This man for his lechery and voluptuous liuing The yere of the worlde 4421 The yere of Christ 460 became odible to his subiectes and therfore soone after was faine to void his realme and went to the king of turinges in whose place the frenchemen chose Aegius to theyr king The Saxones couenaunted with the Britains that thei shoulde attende to theyr worldlye businesse and the saxones as theyr souldiours should defende the lande from the incursions of all enemies For the whiche seruice the Britaynes should geue to them competent meat and wages And vnder this pretence caused more Saxones to be sent for entendinge at conuenient time by force to haue the land in theyr subiection The yere of the worlde 4422 The yere of Christ 461 Saint Germaine came into Britaine to reduce them from the heresy of Pelagian to the faith of christ Anni regum britannie 14 The yere of the worlde 4424 The yere of Christ 463 Maiorian emperour of Rome Anni regum britannie 16 was murdered of certaine traitours nye to the riuer Hyria The Britaines considering the daylye repaire of the Saxones into this realme shewed to theyr king the ieopardie that might thereof ensue and aduertised hym to auoyde the daunger and expel them out of the realme But al was in vayn For Uertiger by reason of his wife bore such fauour towarde the Saxones that he woulde in no wise heare the counsayl of his subiectes Wherfore they with one wil and mynde depriued him of his roial dignitee The yere of the worlde 4425 The yere of Christ 464 Anni regum britannie 1 and ordeyned to theyr king his eldest son Uortimerus when Uortiger had reigned .xvi. yeres Seuerus by confederacie of certaine Romaines was aduanced to the imperial auctoritee in place of Maiorianus and reigned .iiii. yeres This Uortimer as before is sayd being made kynge in a ll hast he pursued the Saxones The yere of the worlde 4426 The yere of Christ 455 Anni regum britannie 2 and by his marciall knighthode vanquished theym in .iiii. great battayles beside conflictes and skyrmishes vntyl at length he was poysoned by meane of Rowen his stepmother after he had regned .vii yeres The yere of Christ 466 Byogor king of Aleines comminge into Italye Anni regum britannie 3 was vanquished and slayne of a Romaine senatour called Richomir The yere of the worlde 4427 The yere of Christ 467 There hapned a fyre in Constantinople by the whiche a great part of the citee was destroyed The yere of the worlde 4428 Anni regum britannie 4 The yere of Christ Athemius was sent into Italy of Leo Anni regum britannie 6 emperour of the east The yere of the worlde 4430 to take on him the imperial auctoritee at Rome and gouernaunce of the west betwene this Anthemius and a noble man of his affinitee called Riohomir was great strife and variance for whiche the sayd Anthemius was after deposed The yere of the worlde 4431 The yere of Christ 470 Seruandus liuetenant of Gallia Anni regum britannie 7 naminge him selfe emperour was banished by Anthemius Childericus was againe restored to his regalitee in France and soone after subdued a Saxon prince named Onager and conquered the cite of Orliance and passing ouer the ryuer of Leyr subdued to his signorie the countrey of Angeo and Maine VOrtigier obteyned againe the kyngedome of great Britaine Anni regum britannie 1 and reigned after this time .ix. yeres The yere of the worlde 4432 The yere of Christ 471 but shortelye after Hengistus whiche was chased of Uortimer in to the I le of Thanet perced the land wyth a numbre of Saxones but whan he herde of the greate assemble that the Britains made againste him he treated for peace whiche in fyne was concluded Anni regum britannie 2 Romanus a senatour of Rome The yere of the worlde 4433 The yere of Christ 472 affected by priuy meanes the empyre and was therfore beheaded Asper likewise at Constantinople laied priuy waite to slea the emperour Leo and named his sonne Cesar whyche treason beyng detected he and his sonne were put to death Gensericus kynge of the Uandales endeuoured ones againe to inuade Italy but he was driuen backe of Basilicus a Romaine capitaine and constreigned with dis●woorship to retourne to Afrike whens he came Ualamir and Theodomir The yere of the worlde 4434 kinges of the Ostrogothes breaking into Illiria Anni regum britannie 3 and wasting that countrey The yere of Christ 473 ceased not vntyll the emperour Leo had granted to theim Hungarie and Mesia to inhabite and toke of theim Theodoricus the younge sonne of Theodomir for ostage Leo sent Olymbrias to depose Anthemius emperour of Rome for discorde that had been of longe time betwene him and his kinsman Richomir Anni regum britannie 4 Richomir slewe Anthemius in Rome after whom Olymbrias gouerned the empyre .vii. monethes The yere of the worlde 4435 The yere of Christ 474 Anni regum britannie 5 At Rauenna The yere of the worlde 4439 the souldiours named Clicerius to be emperour of Rome The yere of Christ 475 The Saxones in Britaine by priuie gyle and treason got the kinge Uortigier into their handes and kept him as prisoner and by that meanes constreigned the king to grant vnto theim thre countreis in the lande of Britaine that is to saie Kent Sussex Suff. North. Than Hengist began his lordeship ouer Kent and sendyng for m●e Saxones to bewelde the other prouinces shortely after made warre vpō the Britains and so chased theim that he kept his kyngdome of Kent in peace and warre .24 yeeres Uortiger fled into Wales and there builded a castel of whiche buildyng and impediment of the same and of his prophet Marlyne the common voyce of the people speaketh many thynges Con●annus for so muche as the children of his brother Congallus were but yonge was ordeined king of Scottes and guided them in good peace and quietenes a lōg space but at the laste he was slayne for extorcion that Tomset his chauncellour vsed in his name The yere of the worlde 4437 The yere of Christ 476 Nepos a senatour Anni regum britannie 6 deposed Clicerius from the imperiall auctoritee and causyng him to be ordeined bishop of Solonae a citee of Dalmacie by force was made emperour of Rome to the great vnquietnesse of Italie Leo emperour of Cōstantinople departed out this lyfe After whom Zenon was aduaūced to thegouernance of the weast empyre This Zenon was a man of vnknowē byrth no lesse il fauoured and defourmed in maners thā in v●sage and countinaunce He reigned .xiii. yeares not as an emperour but lyke a cruell tyranne Perosas king of Persians was vanquisshed in battaile and chased of certaine of the Hunnes whiche were sparkeled into those partes The yere of the worlde 4438 The yere of Christ 477 Whyle Zenon was absent from Constantinople Anni regum britannie 7 Uerrina his wyfes mother aduaūced Basilicus his brother to the imperiall
dignitee wherof whan Zenon had wittyng he fledde into his countrey Isauria purposinge to leade there a priuate life But shortly after beynge restored to the empyre he exiled Basilicus with his sonne to Lemnis where they bothe were famished to death Nepos emperour of Rome sent a capitaine named Orestes to defende the partes of Gallia from the incursions of the wisigothes who commynge to Rauenna by treason aduaunced his sonne Augustulus to the imperiall crowne wherof whan Nepos had knowlage he fled to Dalmotia Than Orestes with his son Augustulus made league and bonde of friendship with the Uandales whyche ruled Afrike thynkyng that if they were his friendes he shoulde possesse the empyre in quiete But while he feared the south a greater storme and tempest came frome the north For the Barbarous people called Heruli and the Turinges Anni regum britannie 8 with theyr capitaine Odoacer The yere of the worlde 4439 The yere of Christ 478 breakyng into Italy slew the said Orestes and wasted the countrei more cruelly than any had doen before this time And at the citee of Rome this Odoacer toke on hym the imperiall crowne and reigned as emperour of Italy .xv. yeres Than had the Barbarous people the dominion almost of al the empyre The wisigothes ruled in Spaine the Aleines in Guian and Gascoin the Frenchemē in the residue of Fraunce in Afrike the Uandales the Saxones in Britayne the Ostrogothes in Mise and Hungarie in Italy and in the citee of Rome He rules and Turinges only the name of the empyre remained with Zenon in the east The Lombardes with theyr king Andoyn The yere of the worlde 4440 The yere of Christ 479 began first to inhabite the coūtrey nere to the ryuer Dunake or Danube Anni regum britannie 9 Aurely surnamed Ambrose and Uter the bretherne of Constant kyng of Britaine whiche was slayne by the treason of Uortiger landed with a maner of shippes at To●nes and by the healpe of Britaines whyche gathered to theim in all hast made warre vpon Uortiger and burned hym in his castel in wales where he kepte hym for his most sure defence Anni regum britannie AUrelius Ambrose was ordeined kīg of Britains whiche immediatly spedde him with an armie towarde Yorke against Oeia sonne of Hēgist The yere of the worlde 4442 The yere of Christ 481 whiche with his Saxones kepte that citee where he discomfyted and toke prisoner the sayd Octa. The historie of Scotlande saieth that the Pictes and Scottes were alied with this Ambrose and made theim partakers and chiefe doers in all the victories that the Britaine 's atchiued against the Saxones Anni regum britannie 2 A Saxon named Hella with his three sons The yere of the worlde 4443 The yere of Christ 482 and a company The yere of the worlde 4002 of Saxones landed in the south parte of Britaine slewe the Britains and chased many of theim into desertes and wood●es and subdued the countreis of Southeraie Somerset Deuonshire Cornwaile and was called the kingedome of South Saxones Zeno made league with the Uandales withoute prescript of tyme which continued to the reigne of Iustine Clodoueus was made king of France after his father Childrike The yere of the worlde 4445 The yere of Christ 484 and reigned .xxx. yeres Anni regum britannie 4 In hys tyme he made war againste the Almaines and Burgonions and ouer came theim in battaile He was the first Christened king of Fraunce and was also called Clodoueus Lowys Theodoricus kinge of the Ostrogothes beynge entierly loued ofZenon the emperour was made cōsul of Rome The yere of the worlde 4447 The yere of Christ 486 Honoricus kinge of the Uandales in Afrike Anni regum britannie 6 beyng infected with the heresie of Arrius did persecute the Christian people and banisshed .334 catholike byshops The yere of the worlde 4450 The yere of Christ 489 Theodoricus king of the Ostrogothes Anni regum britannie 9 obteined of Zenon the dominion of Italy And therfore sped hym wyth all hast against Odoacer and his people whiche by force dyd withholde that countrey from the empyre By the waie he vanquisshed Strapula kinge of Gepydes and other enemies that made warre vpon him in his iourney The yere of the worlde 4451 The yere of Christ 490 Nere to the riuer Soncius the said Theodorich put to flyghte and chased Odoacer and his host Anni regum britannie 10 and lykewyse againe in another battaile at Uerona The yere of the worlde 4452 The yere of Christ 491 Cabades kinge of the Persians publisshed a law Anni regum britannie 11 that women shoulde be common to all men whiche to their pleasure woulde abuse them For the which law he was deposed of his owne people not susteignyng the impietie therof and cast in prison in whose place Zambases was chosen to be kinge Odoacer beyng ouercome in battaile of Theodorike fled to Rome and founde the gates shutte against hym wherwith he beyng sore greeued spoyled wyth swoorde and fyre as muche of the countrey li●nge aboute as he myghte come to Thens he fledde to Rauenna where he was besieged of Theodorike the space of .iii. yeres In the meane tyme Gundabalde kynge of Burgoyne Anni regum britannie 12 entred into Italy The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 492 and cruelly robbyng and destroiynge many ryche citees retourned home with great spoyle and ledde with him a great numbre of prisoners Clodoueus kynge of Fraunce toke in mariage Crothilde a mayden of excellent fauour and beautie whiche was right inheritour to a great parte of Burgoyne and neece to Gundabalde than kinge which Gundabalde by treason had murdered his owne brother the father of the forenamed Crothilde For whiche cause was after arrered deadlye warre betweene Clodouey and the kinge of Burgoyne The kingdome of East Saxones beganne in Britaine vnder a Duke named Uffa the kingdome whereof conteined Nortff and Suff. the kinges of that lordshyp were called Uffynes Greate murder and vexacion of the Britaine 's was at the entringe of these Saxones Odoacer whiche was besieged at Rauenna beinge constreigned with great scarcitee and hūger yelded to Theodorich Anni regum britannie 13 The yere of the worlde 4454 The yere of Christ 493 by whom bothe he and his sonne was after put to death Theodorich when he had vanquished Odacer was receyued into Rome of all the Senate and people wyth much myrth and gladnesse and reigned as lorde of Italy 3● yeres he was veray desirous of peace and quietenesse and so profitable to all Italye and therewith so benigne gentill and moderate a prince that Rome had neuer a better gouernour chosen among the auncient senatours then was this barbarous kinge hauing his progenye of the rude people of the Gothes he gaue muche to the churche and large stipendes to preachers and teachers of the worde of god But yet he fauoured the heresye of Arrius as al other Gothes did Zenon ended both his life and reigne at Constantinople after whō
he had reigned .xxviii. yeres The yere of Christ 521 Iustinus by gile and crafty means obteyned the imperiall auctoritee The yere of the worlde 4482 Anni regum britannie 5 For with the money that was geuen to him to purchase the good will of the souldiours that Theocritianus might be emperor he bought the fauour of the souldiours for him selfe and of theym was made emperour without resistence This man in hys youthe was a swine herde and after geuinge him selfe to warfare for his towardnes therin within few yeres waxed so expert cūning in feates of armes that he was aduāced to high dignitees lastly obteined the empire whiche he gouerned with great policie and wisedome .ix. yeres Iustine banished all the bishops of the Arrians Maniche● and other heretikes and endeuoured to restore agayne the pure and sincere christian fayth Anni regum britannie 6 The .iiii. kingdome of the west Saxones The yere of Christ 522 beganne in Britaine vnder a Saxon called Cerdicus The yere of the worlde 4483 they landed first at an hauē in Northff called Yormouth With this Saxon Cerdicus and his people Arthur had much trouble and warre This lordeshippe conteined the west part of Englande as Wilshire Somersetshire Berk. Dors. and other Anni regum britannie 7 Theodorich king of the Ostrogothes The yere of the worlde 4484 The yere of Christ 523 whyche had the gouernance of Italy fauouring the sect of the Arrians and hauing knowledge howe that Iustinus did banishe theim from their churches sent ambasades to the sayde Iustine willing him to cal home againe the Arrians or els he would spoyle Italye and Rome with swoorde and fire Iustine fearinge the power of Theodorich permitted the Arrians to retourne to theyr churches Iohn 1. Pope ii yeeres .ix. monethes .xvi. dayes Anni regum britannie 9 Ilderichus was made king of the Uendales in Afrike The yere of the worlde 4486 He fauoured the true fayth of Chryste The yere of Christ 525 and called from banishement the byshops whiche by his predecessoures had bene of long time exyled Theodorich banished pope Iohn whiche was famished to death Theodorich put to death Simma●hus and Boetius .2 noble men of Rome for that he falsely suspected them of treason Procopius writeth that Theodorich as he was at supper serued with a fishes head ymagined that he sawe in that fishes head the vysage of Symachus bytinge hys nether lyppe and beholdinge hym with a fyerce and terrible countinaunce Wyth whiche ymaginacion he conceyued such terrour and feare by the remorse of his conscience that he neuer after prospered but pining awaye ended his life Anni regum britannie 10 Gurgenes kinge of Iberia The yere of the worlde 4487 fledde to the Romains because that Cabades king of Persia The yere of Christ 526 would by force haue constreigned him to forsake the fayth of Christ. Felix .52 Pope .4 yeres .ii. monethes After the death of Theodorich Amalasiuntha his daughter with her yong son Athalaricus obteyned the gouernance of Italy and Rome The yere of the worlde 4488 The yere of Christ 527 Anni regum britannie This woman was of so great vertue and towardenesse and in al her behauoir had such a princely maiestie that neuer man did behold her without great reuerēce She was a woman of wonderful silence although she were both in Greke and latine excellentlye learned and had skill in the languages of all nacions whiche had to doe with the Romaine empire She hadde I thinke that sentence of Sophocles printed in her minde The ornament of a vvoman is sylence In all thinges perteyning to common weale she behaued hir selfe with suche wysedome and iustice that no man was with her offended Iustinian was made emperour of Constantinople Anni regum britannie 14 He came but of a poore kinred The yere of the worlde 4491 The yere of Christ 530 for his mothers brother Iustinus emperour before him was but a swyne hierde He suc●eded his vncle and gouerned the empire noblye the space of .39 yeres and augmented it honourablye and caused the lawes ciuile which were dispercled in infinite volumes to be reduced into fiftie bokes called the digestes and caused to be made .iiii. bookes of Institutes and likewise the Code conteyning the decrees of emperoures although he him selfe knewe no letters He was an excellēt prince if he had not ben corrupted with the heresie of Eutices I thinke this man in nothing more happie than in that he had in his time .ii. noble and valiaunt capitains that is Bellizarus and Narses by whose vertue and marcial knighthode he vtterly extinguished the power of the Gothes and other barbarous people whiche of longe tyme possessed the landes of the empire Of the noble actes of these .ii. capitaines and howe vnthankefullye they were rewarded somewhat hereafter shall appeare Bellizarius was made soue raigne capitaine of the emperours army and had committed to him the tuicion of the east partes In Mesopitamia he discomfited and slewe the Persians and again nere to a place called Satala he vanquished them and slewe their capitaine Memor●e Boniface .53 Pope .ii. yeres 26. dayes Dorotheus president of Armonie Hellisteus king of Aethiopes Esimipheus kinge of Homecites Anni regum britannie 16 Mercurius called also Iohn The yere of the worlde 4493 The yere of Christ 532 the .54 Pope .ii. yeres .iiii. monethes Theudis kinge of the wisigothes in Spaine Cosroes was ordeyned kinge of the Persians Anni regum britannie 18 The yere of the worlde 4495 The yere of Christ 534 and reigned .48 yeres he made peace with the Romaines for an ●10 yeres There hapned a sedicion in Byzance where Hyppatius by treason was named emperour in the whiche sedycion were slaine .30000 men Hyppatius the chiefe capitaine with other auctours of that commocion were takē and beheaded Agapitus .55 Pope .11 monethes .18 doyes The silke wormes about this time were first brought out of India into Europe Eugenius the sonne of Congallus was made king of Scotland after Conrannus and reigned .34 yeres the Scottishe historie affirmeth that he wyth hys Scottes was presēt in the battailes that Mordred fought against Arthur Anni regum britannie 19 Amalasiuntha quene of the Ostrogothes and gouernour of Italy The yere of the worlde 4496 The yere of Christ 535 after the deathe of hir sonne Athalaricus chose hir kinsman Theodotus to be with her partaker of the kingdome This Theodotus was a man of lytle towardnesse hauynge a frowarde and vngracious minde verie vnmete eyther for marciall or ciuyle affayres And yet was he bothe in Greeke and latine excedinglye well learned and folowed Platos discipline He wrate an historie of the notable actes of his time Theodotus king of the Ostrogothes by the counsayle of Amalasiuntha fought prosperously against the Burgonions and almaines which were sent to Theodobert kinge of Austracie to spoyle Lyguria Aemilia and the countrey of Uenece The Uandales ordeined Gilimer theyr kinge and cast Ilderich Ameres and E●agenes in prison
of his father in battayl and burned with his wife and children Narses a noble and valiant knight was ordeyned capitaine of the warres in Italy The yere of the worlde 4516 The yere of Christ 555 Anni regum britannie 4 This man was no lesse renoumed for his pietee and godlinesse thā for his warly policie and marciall knighthode and therwith of nature was gentil and liberall Under him fortune smyled againe vppon the empire and the power of the Gothes decayed The Gothes spoyled robbed the countreyes of Grece called Corcira ▪ Ehiru● Acarnania Aetolya and also greatly troubled the seas Nere to the citee Ancon the Romaine capitatnes in a battaile on the sea vanquished and slewe the Gothes and destroyed many of their shippes and after that setting on land chased them with great slaughter of men Pelagius .58 pope .11 yeres The great benificence gentilnesse and liberalitee of Iustinian meued many straunge princes to strength ayde him in the warres against the Gothes in Italy Anni regum britannie 5 Narses with a puissant and mighty army ▪ The yere of the worlde 4517 The yere of Christ 556 entred Italie At Tagina by the healpe of the Lumbardes the Gothes were put to flight and theyr kinge Totilas slayne with .vi. thousande of his soulidiours Narses sped him in all haste towarde Rome Gobazer was kinge of the Lazes sometime called Cholci Mermoroer capitaine of the Persians in the east recouered Petra ouercame the Romaines for which cause Bessa the Romaine capitaine was disgraded and dyscharged of his army Te●as a valiaunt knight was ordeined king of the Gothes Anni regum britannie 6 The yere of the worlde 4518 The yere of Christ 557 who foorth●with made league with Amingo and Lothayre the kynges of Burgoyne and Fraunce and of them receyued great ayde against Narses Narses recouered the citee of Rome at Tarentum the Gothes were discomfited Sysu●ldus kinge of the Brentes or Herules whiche hitherto toke part with the emperour forsooke Narses and alied him with the frēchmen and Lumbardes and together with theym ouer ronne the countrey of Italye bothe against the Gothes and also the Romaines Italy on all partes was assayled with moste cruell warres For Narses diuidinge his pussiancie ▪ in dyuers partes sette vpon the Gothes and the citees with them confederate And in like maner Teias seperatinge his Gothes in sundrye costes warred vpon the friendes of the empyre The Persians about Onagaris with great reproch chased and slewe the Romayns Agila kinge of Spaine was murdered of his owne people Anni regum britannie 7 Narses vanquished and vtterly subdued the Gothes in a battaile nere to Niceria The yere of the worlde 4519 The yere of Christ 559 in the whiche Teias was slaine with a hundred thousande souldiours After whiche victory bothe the kingdome and name of the Ostrogothes decayed in Italy This happened .64 yeres after the gothes first possessed Italy vnder theyr kinge Theodorich Athanagildus was after Agila king of the Gothes in Spaine he reigned .14 yeres The yere of the worlde 4520 The yere of Christ 559 Narses remained as gouernour of Italy .xvi. yeres Anni regum britannie 8 The yere of the worlde 4521 The yere of Christ 560 Martinus and Iustinus Anni regum britannie 9 the emperours capitaines in in the easte partes ouercame the Persians and slewe of them .xii. thousande Zates was ordeined kinge of the Lazer by the emperour The yere of Christ 561 Narses after the death of Teias Anni regum britannie 10 granted peace to the Ostrogothes The yere of the worlde 4522 and receiued by dedicion all the citees of Tuscia The Gothes conspired with the frenchemen and Burgonions whiche feared the prosperous successe of Narses and inuaded the partes of Italy nere to Fraunce But thea in two battayles were vanquished by Dagiste us the Romaine Uuidis capitaine of the Gothes was taken and sent to Constantinople Amingo Duke of the burgonions was slaine Lothayre kinge of Fraunce escaped by flight Iustinus was made prouost of Armenia and Cholcis Anni regum britannie 11 The yere of the worlde 4523 The yere of Christ 562 Cosroes kinge of Persians made peace with the emperour A great earthquake wherwith the citee Berincho was ouerthrowen and the iles called Coi greuously shaken Lothayre kinge of Fraunce dyed and lefte after him iiii sonnes whiche were all of peruerse and frowarde disposicion and speciallye Arithbertus the elder who in filthie pleasure was more corrupte than any woman and ended his life in the embrasing of harlottes Chilberich reigned in France with his bretherne and after theyr discease .24 yeres He was wrapped in mortall warre and trouble of the worlde sometime by right sometime by wronge For betwene these bretherne hapned often debate and strife He toke to wife Golsanda the king of Spaines daughter whom he dyd after repudiat casting vnlauful loue to one of hir maydens called Fredegunda For whose sake he put from him also his seconde wife An●ouera a woman of great byrthe and made the sayd Fredegunda queene Anni regum britannie 15 In the latter dayes of Iustinian the Hunnes wasted the countrey of Thracia and Grece The yere of the worlde 4527 The yere of Christ 566 and were vanquished and slaine by the noble capitaine Bellizarius whose end I thinke worthy of memorye that we may thereby consider the ingratitude of men towarde those persones at whose hand the common weale hath receiued most high benefites This noble man by whose policie and knighthode the Persians were vanquished the Uandales subdued Afrike recouered againe to the empire many triumphant victories atchieued on the Gothes in his later daies was constreigned to begge his bread from dore to dore and lastli as a miserable begger ended his life For Iustinian the emperor for a light cause and smal trifle bereft him of his sight and sent him in exyle Germanus a Romaine capitaine in a battayle on the sea vanquished a great multitude of the Hunnes and againe on the land vtterly subdued the remnant Iohn the .59 Pope .12 yeres .11 monethes Anni regum britannie 17 Iustinus the seconde The yere of the worlde 4529 The yere of Christ 568 after the death of Iustinian ob●teined the imperiall crowne A man surprised with pride contempning pouertee and most cruelly murdered the nobilitee In auarice his desire was so vnsaciate that he caused yron chestes to be prepared in the whiche he might locke vp that treasure that by vniust exactions he had extorted of the people He fell also into the heresye of Pelagian and not long after was bereft of his wittes and so ended his life when he hadde reigned .xi. yeres Sigibert duke of Austracie hauinge ayde of his brother Chilberich warred vpon the Suitzers and theym vanquished Conwall was ordeyned kinge of Scottes and reigned x. yeres He was a man of great deuocion and gaue muche to churches He made many lawes concerninge the libertee of priestes In his time S. Colme of Irelande and Mungo
the holy bishop of Blasquew were in Scotlande The yere of Christ 571 Narses by whose knighthode and wisedome the Gothes were expelled out of Italy The yere of the worlde 4532 Anni regum britannie 20 by the enuious cōplaint of certaine noble men and the malicious suggestion of Sophia the empresse was sent for by letters from Italy and because he was an Eunuke with wordes of reproche commanded to retourn to Constantinople to destribute flaxe and yarne to the emp●resse hādmaidens with whiche wordes he being greatly mened wrate again in this wise That for theyr vnkindenesse he would begyn to spinne suche a threde that the empresse with all hir power should neuer be able to make an end therof And forthwith departed from Rome to Naples where he remaining intised the Lumbardes to warre vpon Italy Childerich sonne of Soysons in Fraunce repudyate his second wife Golsand toke Fredegunda a woman of exellent beautie whom before time he had vsed as his wife The yere of Christ 572 Longinus was sent of the emperour to succede Garses in the gouernance of Italy The yere of the worlde 4533 Anni regum britannie 21 who ordeyned and brought to new maiestrates in Rome called exarchi and chaunged much the ancient fourme of gouernance of Italye Athanagildus kinge of Spaine dyed at Tolet. After him succeded Limba who after .iii. yeres gaue the principate to his brother Leonogildus Narses by the counsayle of Iohn the Pope Anni regum britannie 22 was called againe to Rome The yere of Christ 573 and made consul vnwitting to the emperour The yere of the worlde 4534 Narses ended hir life in Rome Anni regum britannie 23 after whiche time the Lumbardes inuaded Italy The yere of the worlde 4535 The yere of Christ 574 leuing the countrey of Panonie to the Hunnes of whom it was after called Hungarie The Lumbardes partly by force partly by dedicion receyued Uincentia Uerona Millain and diuers other citees of Italy The yere of Christ 575 It was not longe from this time that warre was arrered The yere of the worlde 3536 betwene Chilperich of France and his mother Segibert Anni regum britannie 24 for certayne lande that he claymed of his brother Chilperich at first had somewhat the fordele but ī fine peace was concluded Leonogilduswas ordeined kinge of the wisigothes in Spaine and reigned .xviii. yeres He chased the Suytzers out of Spaine and slewe theyr king And●ca 17● yeres after they hadde first setled their kingedome in that countrey Anni regum britannie 25 Chilperich brake the league made with his brother Sigibert The yere of the worlde 4537 The yere of Christ 576 and sent his sonne Clodouey to warre vppon the towne called Burdeaux in the prouince of Neustria Alboynus kinge of Lumbardes Anni regum britannie 26 conquered Pauie The yere of the worlde 4538 and possessed all Gallia Cisalpina nowe called Lumbardye and a great part of Italye lyinge next to the Alpes The yere of Christ 577 Entreatie of peace was made betwene Chilperich and Sigibert who being accorded fell at agrement to make warre vpon theyr thirde brother Gunthranus Anni regum britannie 27 Alboynus kinge of Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4539 The yere of Christ 578 at a banket drinkinge in a masarre being made of the scul of Commundꝰ his wifes father wyth woordes of reproch minded his wife of her fathers death Wherewith she beynge greued and entending to reuenge hir fathers quarel fyrst committed aduoutrie with a noble yonge man called Helmelchildis and after entised him to slea hir husbande whiche thinge done they fought fearinge the crueltie of the Lumbardes fled to Longinup lieuetenant of Italy taking with them great treasure and riches Ethelbert king of the Saxones in Kent gaue battayle to Ceawlmus kinge of the west Saxones in whyche fight were slayne .ii. Dukes of Ethelbert and him selfe with his people chased This was the fyrste warre betweene the Saxones after they had lande and dwelling within the countrey of Britaine Kinnatil brother of Conwallus reigned in Scotlande iiii monethes and after him Aidane .27 yeares In his time variance hapned betwene the Pictes and Scottes because that Lerudeus king of Pictes wold not restore to Aidane certaine traitours whiche fled out of his land Iustine the emperour dyed after whom Tyberius chiefe gouernour vnder him Anni regum britannie 28 The yere of the worlde 4540 The yere of Christ 579 and by adopcion his sonne obteyned the empire This man was wise valiant iust merciful liberall toward the pore and in religion a true Christian. He on a tyme seing in the floore of his palaice the signe of the crosse vpon a great marble stone meued with religion commaunded the stone to be taken vp vnder the whiche he founde an other like vnto the same vnder that the .iii. and the fourth whyche all beynge remeued he founde in the same place vnestimable riches of money And moreouer the treasure also that Narses had hydde in the grounde was to hym disclosed whiche war almost innumerable And the great riches that Rosimunde brought into Italie to Longine the lieuetenāt he also receiued Thus god prouideth for liberal princes that be good to the poore Rosimunde by the counsaile of Longinus lieuetenant of Italie gaue poyson to hir new husbande Holmelchildis who immediatly perceiuyng the strength of the poyson by him receiued inforced hir to drinke the remnant And so they bothe endynge their iiues with one poyson were woorthily rewarded for the aduoutrie and murder by theim before committed Cutwalphus the sonne of Cerdicus king of the weast Saxones fought valiauntly against the Britaines and berafte theim of .iiii. great townes Clephis a fierce and outragious tyranne was chosen kyng of Lumbardes which subdued to his lordship dyuers citees of Italie and not longe after for hys crueltee was slayne of his owne people Sigibert making sharpe warre vpon his brother Childerich The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 580 besieged him in the citee of Turney Anni regum britannie 29 was there slain by the deceite of Fredegūde the wifeof Chilperich After the death of Cutwalphus before named his brother Ceawlmus desirous of honor made sharpe warre vpon the Britains and toke frō theim the famous citees of Gloucester Worcester and Bath The Lumbardes after the death of Clephis chose vnto them .30 Dukes or capitaines The yere of the worlde 4542 The yere of Christ 581 by whose giding Anni regum britannie 13 with in the space of one yere thei subdued Urbina Umbria Picena Pelignia Marsie Samnites Campania and dyuers other countreis of Italie towarde the whyche they vsed most extreme crueltee Pelagius the 61.x yeares .xi. monethes Ceawlmus kyng of weast Saxones made new warre against Malgo and the Brytains and after longe warre obteined of them the victory Tyberius the emperour chased the persians The yere of the worlde 4545 The yere of Christ 584 and droue them out of the boundes of the Empyre Anni regum britannie 33
The yere of the worlde 4546 The yere of Christ 585 He recouered againe Mesopotamia Anni regum britannie 34 and retourned with great praie and yrches The Lumbardes perceiuynge the Romaynes to bee greatly ayded of the Frenchemen puisantlye inuaded the countrey of Fraunce called Narbone where they chased the Burgonions and slewe Ama●us the Emperours deputye with a great noumber of souldyours Anni regum britannie 1 CAreticus beganne to rule the Britayns This man as witnesseth all writers loued ciuile warre The yere of the worlde 4547 The yere of Christ 586 and was so odible both to god and also to his subiectes that they excited the Saxones to warre vpon him which toke from him a great part of his lande Mauritius after the death of Tyberius the .ii. was ordeyned emperour at Constantinople and reigned .21 yeres This man sent a greate summe of money to Chil●erich one of the kynges of fraunce to the entent he should make warre vpon the Lumbardes The Romaine capytayne Mummolus by the healpe of the frenchemen Anni regum britannie 2 put to flyght the Lumbardes in the borders of Fraunce The Saxones whiche accompanyed the Lumbardes whan they fyrste inuaded Italy forsoke them The yere of the worlde 4548 The yere of Christ 587 and made alyance with Sigibert kyng of Austracie and shortly after retourned toward their owne countrey The Saxones in theyr retourne were discomfited and slayne of the people called Sueui Anni regum britannie 3 The yere of the worlde 4549 The yere of Christ 588 whiche sens that tyme helde the countrey that is now called Suauia or Suaue Laudrie one of the Dukes of Soysons in fraunce fearyng that his aduoutrie committed with the quene Fredegunde shoulde be disclosed by hir counsaile slew Chilperich the kynge Chilperich leste after hym one younge sonne named Clothayre whom his mother Fredegunde committed to the tuicion of Gunthranus his vncle and than kynge of Orliaunce The Saxones hearyng of the discencion betwene Caretius and his Britains accompaniyng them with Gurmundus kynge of Irelande made warre vpon hym in suche wyse that it was fayne to take the towne of Sycester where they assauted hym so sore that he with hys men fled from thens into Wales by whiche meanes he lost a great part of his dominion ▪ and shortly after ended his lyfe THe Britayns whiche were chased of their enemies into Wales as I before sayed helde theim in that partes The yere of the worlde 4550 The yere of Christ 589 Anni regum britannie 1 and assauted the Saxones somwhyle in one coste and somewhyle in an other vnder sundry Dukes and so continued the space of .24 yeres Gregory was sent to the emperour to excuse Pelagius for that he was chosen and admytted byshoppe of Rome without his consent A noble man of Constantinople named Smaragdus ▪ Anni regum britannie 2 was ordeyned lieuetenant of Italy The yere of the worlde 4551 The yere of Christ 590 and sent of the emperour with an armie to deliuer Italy from the Lumbardes Who at his comminge toke the towne called Classense discomfited the Lumbardes and slewe theyr capytaine Feroaldus with many of his souldiours The Lumbardes whiche had been the s●are of .x. yeres without a kyng The yere of the worlde 4552 The yere of Christ 591 vnder the gouernaunce of Dukes Anni regum britannie 3 ordeyned to theyr kynge a valiant younge man called Antharis the sonne of Clephis Leon●gil●us kynge of Spayne slewe his owne sonne Hermengilde because he woulde not consent to the heresie of Arrius In Britaine Ethelfr●dus gouerned the north Saxones who made suche continual warre vpō the Britains The yere of the worlde 4553 The yere of Christ Anni regum britannie 4 and chased them so sore that it is thought he slew mo of them than all the other Saxon kynges By hys crueltie the faieth of Christ was almost vtterly extinguisshed among the Britaines which had continued sens the time of Lu●ie about .400 yeres and manye of the Britaynes were chased of the lande An●haris kyng of Lumbardes inuaded ●ystria and spoyled the countrey with sworde and fyre The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 593 Anni regum britannie 5 He dyscomfyted Fransilyo the president of Gallia Cisalpina and toke the citee Cumus By ouermuche raine hapned a great floude in al the countrey of Italie so that the riuers ouerflowed manye citees and townes to the great damage of the inhabytauntes by whych vnseasonable weather rose also great dearth pestilence and famine by occasion wherof Gregorie ordayned first the latinie to be songe in 7. partes Richaredus was ordeined king of Spaine This man calling a counsayle at Tolet condēned the heresy of Arrius and caused the catholike fayth to be receiued of his people Anni regum britannie 6 Childebert one of the kinges of Fraunce gaue his sister in mariage to Richaredus of Spayne The yere of the worlde 4555 The yere of Christ 594 reiecting the affinitee of Anthar●s the Lumbarde who also desyred his sister to wife Antharis maried Teudelina the doughter of the king of Bauarie Chidebert king of Fraunce making warre vpon the Bauarians chased theyr kinge Gariabalde out of this countrey and possessed his lordship of Bauarie Teudelina with her brother Gondoald fled into Italie to Anthaxis Childebert besieged the citee of Trent in Italye and spoyled the countrey there about wyth muche crueltee wherby he put the Lumbardes in great dread caused theim to feare muche his power Luiba the sonne of Richaredus was king of Spaine ii yeres v ▪ monethes He was slayne by the treason of Uictec●s Agi●u●phus succeded Antharis in the kyngdome of Lumbardie Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4556 The yere of Christ 595 who foorthwith made peace with the frenche men Gunthranus king of Orliaunce made Childebert his heyre Aldaine king of Scottes being confederate with the Britaines about this time warred fiercely agaynst Ethelfride king of Northumberlande and the Picces and ouerthrew them in .ii. great battailes Gregory the first surnamed the great was ordeyned bishop of Rome This man because that Italy had bene of long time disturbed with continuall warres and therfore all thinges out of honest orber entendinge to reduce the church to some good and commendable fourme of religion ordeyned diuers new ceremonies whyche in processe of time by his folowers broughte into the churche diuers abuses wel nere vntollerable The yere of Christ 596 Romanus beinge ordayned lieutenant in Italy Anni regum britannie 8 recouered many townes The yere of the worlde 4557 citees and castels to the dominion of the emperour The Britaines being chased out of their countrey into Wales the Saxones o●teyned the whole dominion of this ilande sauing a part of Scotland which was subiect to the Pictes and Scottes Uictericus king of Spaine He was slaine of his people The yere of the worlde 4558 The yere of Christ 597 whan he had reygned .vii. yeres Anni regum britannie 9 Gregory sent Augustine
into thre lordshippes The yere of Christ 624 Edwine the sonne of Ella Anni regum britannie 12 whiche was persecuted of Ethelrede kyng of Northumberlande The yere of the worlde 4585 made sore warre vpon the said Ethelrede and slew him in plaine battaile and then ceased into his possession the kingdome of Northumberlande This Edwine was the firste christian king of that countrey The three sonnes of Ethelbert fled into litle Britaine Siroe the eldest sonne of Coscoas of Persia for enuy that his father preferred his yonger brother in the kingdome Anni regum britannie by a conspiracie imprisoned his owne father The yere of the worlde 4586 The yere of Christ 625 his yonger brother with their wifes and children and commanded them to be put to death And then made league with the emperour on condicion that all the landes that the Persians had wonne by force of armes should be againe restored to the empire and the holy crosse withall Heraclius recouered Afrike and Aegipte to the empire of Rome MAhomet of Arabia whyle there was great confusion of thinges both in the east and west beganne his errour He came but of a base stocke and being fatherlesse one abd●m●naples a man of the house of Ismaell bought him for his slaue and loued him greatly for his fauoure and witte For whiche cause he made him a ruler ouer his marchaundise and other businesse Then one Serg●us a monke which for heresie fled into Arabia instructed him in the heresy of Nestorius In the meane season his maister died without children leuinge behinde him muche riches and his wife a widow 〈◊〉 .50 yeres of age whom Mahomet maried and when she died was made heire and greatlye encreased in ryches And for his magicall artes was had also in great honour of the foolishe people Wherfore by the counsail of Sergius he called him selfe the great prophet of god and shortly after when his name was publyshed and of great auctoritye he deuised a lawe or kinde of religion called Alcaron in the whiche he toke some part wel nere of all the heresies that had bene before his time Wyth the Sabellians he deuided the trinit●e wyth the Manyches he affirmed to be but two persones in the deytee he denied the equalitee of the father and the son wyth Eunonius and sayde with Macedone the holy ghost was a creature and approued the multitude of wifes with the Nicolaytes he borowed of the Iewes circumcision and of the gentils muche supersticion and somwhat he toke of the christian veritee beside many diuelishe phantasies inuented of his owne braine Those that obeyed his law he called Sarasens When he had liued .40 yeres he died of the fallinge sickenesse whiche he had of longe time dissembled saying when he was taken therewith that the angel gabriell appered to him whose brightnes he coulde not beholde Honorius the .68 pope xii yeres .xi. monethes The yere of the worlde 4587 The yere of Christ 629 About this season beganne the kingdome of Mertia Anni regum britannie 14 or middle Englande vnder the stronge painim Saxone called Peuda Whiche lordship conteined Huntingtonshire Hereforde shire Gloucestershyre ▪ and other And was greatest of all the other kingedomes At that time reigned in diners partes of this land .7 kinges Sibertus amonge the east Saxones Redwoldus king of East angel now North. Suff. Ethelbert king of Kent Ethewolphus of Southser Kingilus and Quincellinus of weast Saxones Penda of Mertia Edwine of Northumberland The yere of the worlde 4588 Sir●e gouerned the Persians one yere And after him his sonne The yere of Christ 627 Adheser an other yere Anni regum britannie 15 and then was Hormisda their kinge Sisecundus expelled his owne brother obteined the kingdome of Spaine and reigned .vii. yeres Quincellinus kinge of west Saxones for a certayne grudge and displeasure sent a sword man by priuy me●nes to slea and murdre Edwine of Northumberland for whiche cruell intencion beynge shortly after espyed Edwine made fierce warre vpon Quincellinus and hym vanquished in battaile and slew a great noumbre of his souldiours Brunichild a woman of peruerse and euyll disposicion maligned alway against Clothayre king of France hir nephewe ▪ and therfore excited one Sigisberde to claime the lande of Austracie But in the ende this Sigiderd was taken and slaine and Brunichild for hir manifold mischieue put to most vile and shamefull deathe which in her time had bene occasion of the deathe of .x. princes beside other Edwine king of Northumberlande was baptised of the holy bishop Paulinus and after him manye of his people Clothayre released to the Lumbardes the tribute of .12 thousande poundes that was sette vppon them by Gunthranus his vncle Edwine kinge of Northumberlande for the refreshinge of waifaring men ordeyned certaine cuppes and dishes of yron to be fastened by suche clere welles and fountaines as did renne by the waye side Orpewaldus king of Eastangles tourned to the faithe of christ Kinge Ferquarde of Scotlande for his crueltee and negligence in the affaires of the cōmon weale was of hys lordes disgraded and cast in prison for sorow wherof he slew him selfe Anni regum britannie 19 Dagohert was ordeyned king of fraunce after Clothayre The yere of the worlde 4592 The yere of Christ 631 In the firste beginninge of his reigne one Heibert his halfe brother claymed a parte of the kingedome and for the same made some stering But the matter by wise counsayle was quieted and Heibert cōtented with a porcion of land assigned to him in G●ian Donewalde the thirde sonne of Eugenius was ordeyned kinge of Scottes and gouerned the realme vertuously and wisely .xv. yeres A noble man of the Lumbardes named Ari●aldus deposing Adiold obteined that kingdome and made peace with the Romaines Penda kinge of Mertia The yere of the worlde 4594 The yere of Christ 633 and Cadwaue of Britaine enuiyng the prosperitee and quietenesse of Edwine of Northumberland made on him deadly warre Anni regum britannie 21 in the whiche Edwine was slaine after whom Eaulfricus the eldeste sonne of Ethelfride and his vncles son Ofri●us gouerned ioynctly the kingdome of Northumberland Which bothe being miscreantes tourned the people againe frō the faith of Christ. Anni regum britannie 22 The forenamed kinges of Northumberlande were both slaine in battaile of Cadwa●e Penda kynges of Britaine and of Mertia The yere of the worlde 4595 The yere of Christ 634 Than did Oswalde the seconde sonne of Ethelfrine take vpon him the kingdome against whom Cadwane king of Britaines made fierce warre and was of him vanquished and slaine Suintilla the seconde of that name king of Spaine .iiii yeres The emperour Heractius being greatly delited with the dilusions and enchauntmentes of witches and south saiers was monished that a greuous storme shoulde come to the empire by the circumsised people Wherfore interpreting it to be spoken of the Iewes he inforced all that were vnder his dominion vnwyllynglye to professe the fayth of christe but
this thinge was mente of the Sarasens whiche after that inuaded the empire with greatte crueltee The yere of the worlde 4596 The yere of Christ 635 CAdwalline the son of Cadwane Anni regum britannie 1 began his reigne ouer the Britaines He was valiant and mightye and warred strūglye vpon the Saxones and made Penda king of Mertia to him tributarie Kingilphus kinge of weast Saxones was tourned to the right belife The yere of the worlde 4597 The yere of Christ 636 by a holy man called Berinus Anni regum britannie 2 Sigeberte kinge of Eastangles or Northfolke ordeyned good letters to be learned and exected scholes in dyuers partes of his dominion as he somtime had sene in Fraunce By him was the first cōmon schole founded at Cambridge Dagobert king of Fraunce whiche before had lyued as a moderate and good prince The yere of the worlde 4598 The yere of Christ 637 Anni regum britannie 3 waxed nowe a cruell tyranne and with exactions pilled his people and beside his crueltee he was geuen to al sensual lust of the body He most cruelly destroyed the countrey of Poeters and ●ared the stretes of their citee and sowed therin sault in token of vtter destruction He subdued the also the Scla●ines Gascosnes shewed toward thē great crueltee Heraclius the emperour fell into the heresie of the Monothelites whiche beleued that there was but one will in christ The yere of the worlde 4599 Seuerinus the 6● pope one yere .ii. monethes Anni regum britannie 4 The yere of Christ 638 Tulga king of the Gothes in Spaine reigned .2 yeres The Arabians theyr name being chaunged and called Srrasens by the leading of Mahomet inuaded Persia and ouercame their king Ormisda by which meane Persia was subdued to Mahamet and his law Anni regum britannie 5 The yere of the worlde 4600 The yere of Christ 639 Iohn the .iiii. of that name pope one yere .ix. monethes Anni regum britannie 7 In Kent there reigned a Saxone named Ercombert whiche helde that principate .xx. yeres noblye The yere of the worlde 4602 The yere of Christ 641 He reuyued againe the Chistian faithe whiche was greatlye minished in diuers places of his kingedome He destroyed the temples of the Gods and ordeined Lent to be fasted Cindasuindus reigned amonge the Gothes in Spaine x. yeres Theodorus whiche was sonne of a bishop in Grece was made pope and liued .vi. yeeres .v. monethes The Sarasens forsoke the obedience of the emperour for so muche as thei were dimissed out of wages Anni regum britannie 8 The yere of the worlde 4603 The yere of Christ 642 where beforee they were as hyred souldiours vnder the emperours capitaines They cōquered Damascus toke Phenicia spoiled Antioch beseged Hierusalem and subdued to their signorie all Aegipt It is vneth credible howe muche the power of this kingedome encreased within shorte space Rotharis kinge of Lumbardes beinge infected with the heresie of Arrius ordeined that in euery citee should be .ii. bishops a catholike and an Arrian Heraclius the emperour after the deth of his wife ioigned to him in mariage his owne naturall daughter by his first wife and not longe after died of a straunge disease Kenwalchus king of west Saxones in Britaine was driuen out of his kingedome by Penda Anni regum britannie 9 The yere of the worlde 4604 The yere of Christ 643 and kept from thens by force the space of yeres Constantine the sonne of Heraclius succeded his father in the empire ▪ When he had reigned .iiii. monethes he was slaine by the treason of his stepmother Martina In his time Theodorus was made lieutenant of Italy Heraclianus was made emperour by his mother Martina and reigned notfull .ii. yeres Penda kinge of Mertia warred vpon Oswald the good and holy king of Northumberland and slew him in battaile with many of his knightes The yere of the worlde 4605 The yere of Christ 644 Mertina the emperours mother Anni regum britannie 10 for the murder that she had before committed by the iudgement of the senat had her tongue cut out and was also banished with her sonne the emperour whiche had his nose cut of in token of reproche For that he was consentinge to that cruell deede Constans was made emperour This man fauoured the heresie of the Monotholites and was therewithall verie couetous For whiche causes he became odious to his subiectes and was slayne when he had reigned .27 yeres The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 645 Clodonei the yonger sonne of Dagobert Anni regum britannie 11 beganne his reigne ouer the middle part of France and his elder brother Sigibert was made kinge of Austratie or Loraine This Clodouei was also called Lowes The yere of the worlde 4607 The yere of Christ 646 Oswie the brother of Oswalde Anni regum britannie 12 obteined the kingdome of Northūberland in Britaine Who slewe Oswine his brothers sonne and made Odilwaldus partaker of hys kingdome Ferquharde the son of the late kinge Ferquharde was made king of Scottes and reigned .xviii. yeeres Thys man in his priuate life was liberal aboue his power but when he was auctorised kinge he became a cruell couetous and gloutenous tyranne wherfore he was striken of god with a vile and peinfull sickenesse wherof he died The yere of the worlde 4608 The yere of Christ 647 Kenwalcus kinge of weast Saxones Anni regum britannie 13 was restored to his kingdome by the helpe of Anna king of Eastangles Martine was ordeined the .71 pope The yere of Christ 649 In Fraunce was suche dearth and scarcitee Anni regum britannie 15 that a quarter of wheate was solde for .v. nobles The yere of the worlde 4610 Wherfore kinge Clodouei to succour the poore people caused the church of S. Menies that his father had couered wyth syluer plates to be rased vp and couered againe with lead and that siluer to be distributed amonge the nedy folkes The yere of Christ 650 Martine pope assembled a counsaile of .105 bishops In the whyche Corus byshoppe of Alexandria The yere of the worlde 4611 Anni regum britannie 16 and Seruius Pyrrhus and Paulus whyche successiuely hadde bene bishoppes of Constantinople were condemned for heresie Recisuindus was ordeined kinge of the wisigothes in Spaine and reigned .18 yeres .11 monethes By the exhortacion of Martine pope Theodorus the lieuetenant of Italy Anni regum britannie 17 The yere of the worlde 4612 The yere of Christ gaue battaile to Rocharis the Lumbarde nere to the riuer Scultenna wher he was vanquished and beaten with the losse of .vii. thousande souldiours Wherof Rotharis beinge very proude annexed to his kingdome all the countrey of Ligurie Kenwalcus builded the bishops sea of Winchester in Britaine Anni regum britannie 20 The yere of the worlde 4615 The yere of Christ 654 Anni regum britannie 22 Penda king of middle Englande made warre vpon Anna kinge of Eastangles The yere of the worlde 4617 The yere of Christ 656 and slew
him in open fielde With whiche victory Penda being elated in pride sent his defiance to Oswie of Northūbarland who hearing of the comminge of that tyran proferred to him greate giftes and fayre condicions of peace But Penda obstinately refused all entreatie of concorde And therefore shortly after he was slayne in battaile with .xxx. of his most noble capitaines although he had thrise the noumbre of people that Oswie had And thus this heaten and blouddye Pagane ended his crueltee whiche with dyuers warres a longe season had tourmented the land of Britaine Martine pope was banished by Constantine the emperour After whiche time the sea of Rome was voide .xiii monethes A great famine and dearth through which manye died for lacke of sustinance Bennet the monke and maister of the reuerent Beda was famous in Britaine This Bennet broughte firste the crafte of glasinge into this lande Anni regum britannie 23 The Sarasens whiche with great crueltie and contynuall warres hadde spoyled Asia and Afrike The yere of the worlde 4618 The yere of Christ 657 perced Europe They subdued the Rhoodes wasted and pilled Sicilie and with vnspeakable tyranny afflicted the ylandes called Ciclades Eugenius the .73 pope .iii. yeres Anni regum britannie 24 Olympius lieuetenant of Italy The yere of the worlde 4619 The yere of Christ 658 with muche laboure and great losse of men expelled the Sarasēs out of Sicilie and by our great trauaile fell into a mortall disease of the whiche he dyed After him was Theodorus lieuetenant of Italy Uitaltanus pope .xiiii yeres Rodoaldus king of Lumbardes ▪ beynge taken in aduoutrie with a noble woman was slaine of hir husband The yere of the worlde 4623 The yere of Christ 662 Arithbert obteined that kingdome who shortely after was murdered by a conspiracie of traitours Anni regum britannie 18 and left after him .ii. sonnes Pertheres and Gundebert whyche were driuen out of theyr kingedome by Grimoald duke of Boneuent who vsurped kinglye auctoritee amonge the Lumbardes Clodouei of Fraunce comminge into Italye to ayde the two bretherne was driuen backe by Grimoalde Uitalianus pope ordeined organes first to be vsed in the churche The yere of the worlde 4625 The yere of Christ 664 Constance the emperour made his son felowe with him in the empire Anni regum britannie 23 and then led a puissant armye into Italye pretending to deliuer that countre from the seruage of the Lumbardes but he as a cruell prince vsed all extremitee towarde the citees whiche he subdued and was vanquished of the Lumbardes Whē he came to Rome all the aunciente ornamentes of the citee which hys predicessours had geuē to the furniture therof he toke with him and departed from Italy towarde Constantinople more like a rubber than a healper Theodorus Calliopa the .xi. lieuetenant of Italy Nere about this time the element semed to bourne like fire the space of tenne dayes A blasing starre appered ii monthes Wonderfull stormes of raine fell continually from aboue and so great plentye of thundre lightning that the like therof had not bene sene The yere of Christ 665 Great mortalitee and sickenesse in Britaine Anni regum britannie 21 which continued and encreased more and more during the time of this Cadwalline The yere of worlde and his successour Cissa builded the abbey of Abbington in Britaine In these dayes monkes were in great estimacion the sectes of religion begā to swarme throughout the worlde Maldwine the son of Dowalde was auctorised kinge of Scottes and reigned .xx. yeres He made peace with the Pictes and Saxones and at the last was murdered of his wife for suspection of aduoutrie Anni regum britannie 22 Clothayre king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4627 The yere of Christ 666 after his brother Clodouei Anni regum britannie 25 Dicsorde amonge the Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4630 The yere of Christ 669 where one Lupus Duke of Form●●l●i affecting the kingedome made warre vpon Grimoalde in the end wherof after diuers battailes sore foughten to the great losse of bothe parties Grimoalde obteined the victorie by the aide and manhode of the Bauariās and Lupus was slain in the fielde and the citee of Formiulii greuouslye spoyled by the sayd Bauarians The Sclauines endeuoured to restore Arnefride the son of Lupus to his fathers Duchie but they were dryuen back with great domage and losse by one U●ctari● gouernour of the citee Uincentia Bamba was ordeined kinge of Spaine and reigned .9 yeeres Constance the emperour was slaine of his people after whom Missessus toke on him the imperiall crowne Anni regum britannie 26 The yere of the worlde 4631 The yere of Christ 670 whiche shortlye after was murdered of the souldiours and Constantine the son of Constance aduaunced to the empyre This man had prosperous sucesse in his warres against the Sarasens Adeodatus the .75 pope .iiii. yeres .ii. monethes Theodorich king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4632 The yere of Christ 671 gaue him to pleasure and idlenesse and neuer would shewe him selfe to his people but ones in the yeare Anni regum britannie 27 that is in the Kalendes of Maye Under him Eborine maister of his palace gouerned the realme and vsed muche crueltee For the whiche bothe he and Eborine became odious to the people Wherfore the nobles inclosed them bothe in a monastarie made Childerich their kinge Wherof they shortly repented so muche as Childerich was a mā of light maners and in his liuing dissolute and dishonest Bamba king of Spaine discomfited and ouerthrewe the Mores which perced his land with a nauye of .270 shippes Anni regum britannie 28 The yere of the worlde 4633 The yere of Christ 672 Anni regum britannie 31 The Sarasens spoyled and wasted the iland of Sicily The yere of the worlde 4638 The yere of Christ 677 toke the citee Syracusae and in most cruel wise slew the citisins and retturned to Alexandria with greate praye and riches Baldal● king of Sarasens Bamba kinge of Spaine forsoke his regalitee and became a monke The yere of the worlde 4639 The yere of Christ 678 after whom succeded Gringius Anni regum britannie 34 and reygned .vii. yeres Childerich of France caused a noble man of his realme named Bolyde without gilte or trespasse to be bounden to a stake and there beaten euen to the death For which crueltee his lordes and commons being greuously offended conspired together and slew him with his wife as they were in hunting Theodorich was againe made king of France by consent of the nobles Edfryde king of Northumberlande claimed the lande of Etheldred king of Mertia for the whiche was greate warre betwene those two princes Constantine the emperour vanquished the Sarasens and made them tributarie to him The yere of the worlde 4640 The yere of Christ 679 Anni regum britannie 35 At whiche time fell of the Sarasens .xxx. thousande by meane whereof their power was greatly appaired and a certaine space after in more
quiete Agatho the .77 Pope .ii. yeares v● monethes Theodorus bishoppe of Rauenna submitted him self and his church to the sea of Rome whose auctorite was before time equall with the Romaine bishop The yere of the worlde 4641 The yere of Christ 680 The Bulgares inuaded the countrey of Thracia Anni regum britannie 36 and after made league with the emperour and had geuen to them to inhabite the fertyll and plentiful countrey nere to the riuer Dunaw or Danubie The yere of the worlde 4642 The .vi. synode was holden at Constantinople of .289 bishops The yere of Christ 681 where was condemned the heresie of the Monotholites Anni regum britannie 37 In this sinode it was permitted to the priestes of Grece to haue wyues but not to the Latines Kenewynus king of weast Saxones vanqyisshed and chased the Britains Leo the seconde was Pope .x. monethes Edfryde kinge of Northumberland warred vpon the Scottes and Pictes and of them was discomfited and slaine Eboryne breaking out of the abbey The yere of Christ 68 wher he was encluded Anni regum britannie 38 by force constreigned Theodorich The yere of the worlde 4643 the kinge of Fraunce to obey to his pleasure in al poinctes make him maister of the palaice deposynge and puttinge to death Lyndesyle whiche was in possession of that office Bennet the .ii. was Pope .x. monethes In hys time Constantine the emperour published a law that al men should beleue that man to be the true vicar of Christe whiche the clergie the people of Rome the souldiours shoulde chose to be Pope without any taryinge for any auctoritee of the emperour of Constantinople or the deputie of Italy as the custome and faciō was euer before that daye Here the Pope wreasted his necke from the emperours subiection A blasing sterre appeared in Italy both day and night from Christmas day to Tweluetyde Tunipert succeded his father Grimoalde in the kingdome of Lumbardie Anni regum britannie 2 CAdwallader was ordeined king of Britaines and ruled onely .iii. yeares The yere of the worlde 4644 The yere of Christ 683 He vanquisshed and slewe Lothayre kinge of Kent and Athelwold kinge of south Saxones Within the space of .vii. yeres had been in Rome .vi. Popes that 〈…〉 Leo Bennet Iohn Cono ▪ The yere of the worlde 4646 The yere of Christ 685 and 〈◊〉 Serg●●● Anni regum britannie 3 at whose election was greate stryfe and variaunce 〈…〉 the people for so much as a priest named Pascali● the Popes treasourer hadde with riche giftes corrupted Iohn the depu●●e of Italy that by force he m●ght be aduanced to the bishoprike by which meane the people were so deuided that the matter was lyke to haue bene dicided by den● of sword in the middes of the citee Aegip●a reigned amonge the Gothes in Spaine .viii. yeres He slew a Duke named Fauilla to the entent he might haue his wyfe Eugenius the .v. of that name was kinge of Scottes and reigned .iiii. yeres In his tyme as sayeth the historie of Scotlande he warred vpon Edfrede kinge of Northumberland and flewe him in battaile Cadwallader kinge of Britaine forsoke his kingelye auctoritee and became a religious mā He was the last kinge of Britaine And this lande after his time was called Angtia and the inhabitātes therof Angles or Englishe men and the Britaine 's were called welshemen which name they toke of a duke called Wallus This happened 17●2 yeeres or as saythe Fabian .1822 after that Brutus first arriued in this ilād after the conquest of Cesar .735 yeres from the entring of the Saxones vnder their leaders Hengist and Horsus in the time of Uortiger .236 or nere there about The yere of the worlde 4647 The yere of Christ 686 THe first yere of the Saxones reigne after the Britains were vtterly expelled Anni regum saxo 1 and theyr kingedome finished whose power was deuided into .vii. kingdomes as is before mencioned Martine and Pipine brotherne noble men of France made warre against Eborine maister of the kinges palaice and were of him put to the worse and cōstreigned to flie the one to the citee of Laon the other to Anstracie Constātine the emperour ended his last day at which time the Sarasens inuade and wonne by force of armes the countrey of Afrike and Lybia The yere of the worlde 4748 The yere of Christ 687 In Britaine amonge the west Saxones Anni regum saxo 2 reygned a noble man called Iewe of great power and wisedome and therwith valiant and hardy and in feates of armes very expert He mainteined suche warre against the 〈◊〉 Saxones that he constreigned them to seke and intreat menes of peace geuing to him for the same great giftes This man builded first the colledge of Welles and the abbey of Glastenbury He payed the Pete r pence ftrst to the pope Iustinian sonne of Constantine succeded in the imperiall aactoritee He vanquished the Sarasens and inforced them to be with him at leagu by condicions wherof he receiued agine Afrike and Lybia and had of theym for the space of .x yeres in waye oftribute euery daye a thousand nobles of golde one great horse and a seruaunt Cunibert king of Lumbardes died and left after him Lenthbrande his son and heyre in the tuicion of a noble man called Asprande Ragimbertus a duke of the Lumbardes findinge him selfe greeued Anni regum saxo 3 The yere of the worlde 4649 The yere of Christ 688 that Asprande was made protectour and preferred before him assēbled his power gaue sharpe battaile to Asprande nere to Honoria in whiche fighte he obteined the victorie and shortlye thereupon ended his life Eugedius the vi of that name reigned .x. yere Scotlande He made peace with the Northumbers and hated extremely the Pictes Iustinian the emperour contrarye to the league which was made by his father warred vpō the Bulgares and cruelly spoyled theyr countrey with sworde and fire at whiche time the Bulgares caused the streightes and narow places by the whiche he must nedes retourne to be well fenced with strength of men and so at length inclosed the emperour that he was faine to intreate meanes of peace and retourned to Constantinople with smalle woorship Pipine made warre vpon Theodorich The yere of the worlde 4951 The yere of Christ 690 king of France by force obteined to be maister of the palaice Anni regum saxo 5 after he had slaine Barthaire whiche was chosen to that office after the death of Eborine Arithbertus toke on him the kingdome of Lumbardye vanquished Asprande and toke the younge king Leuthprande Anni regum saxo 6 A duke of the Lumbardes named Rotharis The yere of the worlde 4652 The yere of Christ 691 made him selfe kinge against whom Arithbert went withall spede and at the citee Burgomum toke Rotharis and him comaunded to be put to death Clodouei the sonne of Theodorich beganne his domynion ouer the realme of Fraunce Of him writers lefte no maner of memorie sounding to good
or euil but that Pipine cōtinued as maister of the palace and gouerned the realme vnder him Uireza the sonne of Aegipsa reigned amonge the Gothes in Spaine .ix. yeres He was a man of euyll and naughtie disposicion For he cruellye put out the eies of Theodobert the son of Recensuindus which was right heyre to the crowne and sent him in exyle but he by the prouidence of god maried a wyfe on the whiche he begotte Roderike whiche afterwarde by the healpe of Pelagius banisshed this Uitiza and succeded in the kyngedome Uitiza kinge of Spaine Anni regum saxo 11 a man outragiously geuen to filthie pleasures The yere of Christ 696 publisshed that it should be lawfull to all priestes to kepe as many concubines as they listed The yere of the worlde 4657 Iustinian the emperour for certayne displeasure sent Zacharias maister of his chiualry to bring to him Sergius the Romaine byshop But the souldiours being as than at Rauenna withstode the emperours commaundement and defended the bishop Leo a senatour of Constantinople by the endeuour of Gallinicus the patriarke The yere of the worlde 4658 The yere of Christ 697 deposed Iustinian Anni regum saxo 12 cuttinge of his nose sente him in exile to Chersona This Leon reigned .iii. yeres Abdimelech king of Sarasenes yet ones againe inuaded Afrike Anni regum saxo 13 and was driuen backe by Iohn maister of the emperours chiualry The yere of the worlde 4659 The yere of Christ 698 Amberkeleth a cruel tyranne reigned in Scotland .ii yeres and was slaine by one of his seruaūtes as he was going with an army against the Pictes The souldiours beynge in Afrike through the great slouth and negligēce of Leo The yere of the worlde 4661 The yere of Christ 7000 Anni regum saxo 15 aduaunced one Ab●●●arus to the empyre● who spedde him in all hast to Constantinople against Leo whom he toke cutting of his nose caste him in prison and reygned after him in Constantinople Eugenius the .vii. was king of Scottes ●8 yeres He was myghtye of bodye and honeste maners he made peace with the Pictes and caused the actes of his auncestours to be put in writing commaunded historiographers to be founde of the common cost Theophilact was ordeined the .xiii. lieuetenaunt of Italy At whose cōming the people more ●nclined to the gouernaunce of the bishop of Rome than of the emperour In so much that the souldiours would haue slaine their depu●tee had not meanes of quietnesse bene intreated For what cause this hapned I cannot say except it were for the cowardise and great negligence of the emperour of Constantinople whiche semed in maner to neglecte the gouernaunce of Italy Iohn the .vi. of that name and a Greke borne pope .iii. yeres Anni regum saxo 16 The Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4662 The yere of Christ 701 perceiuing to be discorde betwene the Italians and theyr lieutenant inuaded Campaine and toke certaine citees But by the intercession and rich giftes of Iohn the .vi. pope he was quieted and restored againe the captiues at whiche tyme the pope began first to wreast to them the gouernaunce of Italy Costa the brother of Roderike was kinge of Spaine .v. yeres .vii monethes Anni regum saxo 17 Iustinian fledde from Chersona where he was in banishement to the kinge of Bauarie The yere of the worlde 4663 The yere of Christ 702 of whom he was gentily receiued at his comming but after beinge corrupted with money he woulde haue betrayed him to Absimarus the emperour Wherof when Iustinian hadde knowlage he fled to the king of Bulgares ▪ called Trebellio Anni regum saxo 19 The Aegipcians about this time forsoke the empyre of the Grecians The yere of the worlde 4665 The yere of Christ 704 and chose to theym a kinge of their owne whiche was called Caliph Arithbert kinge of Lumbardes gaue a great parte of the Alpes to Iohn the pope in the name of sainct Peter wherof beganne first the great possession of the pope Sisimus pope onely .20 daies and after him Constantinus .vii. yeres Pipine maister of the palaice The yere of the worlde 4667 The yere of Christ 720 vnder Childebert kynge of Fraunce Anni regum saxo 21 atchieued many noble victories against the Germaines dwellinge beyonde the riuer Rhine Iustinian by the healpe of the Bulgares was restored againe to his empire after whiche time he shewed wonderfull extreme crueltee towarde his aduersaries and their alies for so often as he meued his hand to wipe of the filthe from his nose whiche was cut of he commanded one of his enemies to be put to death Roderike reigned .iii. yeres in Spaine whose naughtie and vncleane life was cause that the Sarasens brake into Spaine and expelled out the Gothes For Iustinian because Rodarike had rauished his daughter priuily entised the Sarasens to come out of Afrike into Spayne of whom Roderike was slaine in battaile Colrodus kinge of middle Englande Anni regum saxo 24 warred againste Iew king of west Saxones The yere of the worlde 4670 The yere of Christ 709 in whiche warre thei spedde so vnhappely that it was harde to know whether of both had more domage or hurt Pipine of Fraunce departed out of this life and lefte for his heyre Charles surnamed Martellus begotten of his concubine Alpayde The yere of the worlde 4671 The yere of Christ 710 Asprande the Lumbarde Anni regum saxo 25 whiche was ouercomen in battayle of Arithbert trusting to the ayde of the Bauares entred Italye and mette with Arithbert and hys armie nie to Ticinum where he hadde of him the vpper hande Arithbert in the flighte was drowned in a ryuer After whom Asprand by the whole consent of the Lumbardes was made king and the third moneth after died leuing for his heyre his sonne Leuthprande which after his father gouerned the Lumbardes The Sarasens dwelling in Libya obteined the possession of all Afrike and from thens by the intisement of Iustinian sayled Sintopain from whens thei expelled the Gothes slew their kinge and subdued to them well nere all that countrey at whiche time Spaine first obeied to the Sarasens whiche they deuided into diuers kingdomes the first at Corduba an other at Hispalis and the thirde at newe Carthage After whiche forme thei helde that countreyvntill the time of Ferdinande the .iii. why the droue theim out of a great parte of theyr dominion The christians that remained gathering together in As●ucia and Bis●ay chose one called Pelagius to theyr king whiche reigned amonge them .xx. yeres makyng often warre vpon the Sarasens He was no more called kinge of Gothes but king of Castise and Legio Iohn of Beuerley died in britaine Anni regum saxo 26 The yere of the worlde 4672 The yere of Christ 711 Iustinian the emperour Anni regum saxo 27 goinge about to subuerte and destroye the cite of Pont ▪ called Chersona The yere of the worlde 4673 The yere of Christ 712 was vanquished in battail and
slain by one Philippicus whom not longe before he had banished to the same citee Ioannes surnamed Tizocapos the .14 lieuetenant in Italy Anni regum saxo 28 Philippicus toke on him the imperiall crowne The yere of the worlde 4674 The yere of Christ 713 and reigned .ii. yeres This man at the beginninge was by the pope pronounced a Scismatick and his name defended to be mencioned in anye diuine seruice or common prayers because he commanded images to be taken out of churches for auoyding of Idolatrie Stephene the seconde or after some Gregory the .ii. was pope .17 yeres Anthemius deposed Philippicus and after he had berefte him of his sight Anni regum saxo 30 cast hym into pryson The yere of the worlde 4676 The yere of Christ 715 This Anthemius helde the imperiall auctoritee .iii. yeres Dagobert the yonge kinge of Fraunce was left vnder the tuicion and gouernance of Pectrude the wife of Pipine and Theodowald maister of the palaice this Theodowalde exercised such tyrannies and set vppon the people suche exaccions tallages that great discenscion and variance hapned therfore betwene him the other nobles of France In so much that lastlye he was of thē slain and one Ragafrede ordeined maister of the palaice in his place Plectrude stepmother of Charles Martellus helde him in prison at Coleine so longe vntill that the king of Fraunce and Ragafrede had token robbed and spoiled a great part of his heritage of the countrey of Austracie But not longe after Charles by fauoure of his kepers brake prison and was at his libertee About this time the Germaines receyued the fayth of christe Anni regum saxo 31 The yere of the worlde 4677 The yere of Christ 716 Mordake was kinge of Scotlande and reigned .xvi. yeres In his time the foure diuers people as Albion had peace betwene them selfe that is the Britaines the Angles the Scottes and the Pictes Anthemius the emperour sent forth an armye againste the Sarasens Anni regum saxo The yere of the worlde 4679 The yere of Christ 718 Which went not forwarde on their iourney but amonge thē selfe chose one Theodosius to their emperour he immediatlye tourned his whole power against Anthemius and by strength depriued him of the empire and made him a monke The Moores within the space of .20 yeres had amonge them no lesse than .xv. kinges For when that one gouernour could not please all the people eyther by some treason he was of them murdered or els for feare he left his regalitee and became priuate Whiche stubbourne frowardenes of the people when Acabath a noble man perceiued he toke on him the gouernance of the realme and forthwith put to death the noumbre of .300 of the chyefe capitaines of that sedicious people and after reigned a good season in quietnesse After the death of Dagobert one Daniell a priest for his wisedome and experience in ciuile policie was by cōsent of the nobles made kinge of Fraunce Charles Anni regum saxo 34 desirous to reuenge the iniury done to him by his stepmother Plectrude The yere of the worlde 4680 The yere of Christ 719 and her alies gathered a great company of souldiours and nere to Mense fought a stronge battaile with Rangafrede maister of the palaice in the whiche he was put to the worse But shortely he recouered his hooste whiche was disperkeled and fought eftsones at a place called Albane where he obteined the victorie Then thirdely those two hostes encountred in a fielde called winefielde where was present Daniell the king and Eudon duke of Gascoyne at whyche time was foughten a sore battaile where Charles was victour and chased the kinge and his other enemies to Gascoyne For whiche victorie he triumphed and aduāced one Clothaire to the kingdome who shortelye after died In this pastime Leo deposed Theodosius the emperour when he had not reigned fully one yere The yere of the worlde 4681 The yere of Christ 720 Zulemon capitaine of the Sarasens in Asia Anni regum saxo 35 inuaded Thracia with a great power of the whiche parte besyeged Constantinople part spoiled the countrey of Bulgarie with whom the Bulgarians met and slew of them xxii thousande Charles was made friende with Daniell and restored him to the kingedome of France The yere of the worlde 4683 The yere of Christ 722 Anni regum saxo 37 and pardoned also Eudon duke of Gascoyne The Sarasens the seconde yere that they besieged Constantinople being constreigned bothe with famine and pestilence gaue vp the siege and departed thens to Asia Charles of Fraunce vanquished the Saxones Whan Iewe had gouerned the weast Saxones in Britaine the space of .37 yeeres Anni regum saxo 38 The yere of the worlde 4684 The yere of Christ 723 by the assiduate laboure of his wife gaue vp his regall power and became a poore man and went to Rome in pilgremage Anni regum saxo 39 After him Ethelardewas kinge of west Saxones The yere of the worlde 4685 The yere of Christ 724 in whose time the reuerent Beda was famous and wrate his booke called Anglica historia to Offrike king of Northumberland About this time was a clipse of the moone whiche from the first rising to midnight appered redde as bloud In like maner appered two blasing sterres of the whyche one preuented the sonne rising the other folowed his going downe Leuthbrande the Lumbarde toke Clusium and besieged Rauenna whiche he toke and was after restored by ayde of the Uenetians Anni regum saxo 40 Charlesof Fraunce subdued the Bauarians Leo the emperour commaunded Paulus his deputie to leuie a new taxe in Italy The yere of the worlde 4686 The yere of Christ 725 but he was prohibited by Gregorie pope who hauing ayd of the Lumbardes by force of armes withstode the emperours deputie Leo gaue commaundement The yere of the worlde 4687 The yere of Christ 726 that al that were vnder the empire Anni regum saxo 41 shoulde take awaye the ymages and pictures of saintes out of churches for auoyding of Idolatry But the pope did resist the emperour and wrate into al partes of the world that neither for feare nor intreatie they shoulde obey the emperours commaundemente in this be halfe and with so vehement perswasions withdrewe the people of Italye from the obedience of theyr emperour Leo that they would haue chosen them a new emperour The citees of Italy refusing the office of the lieuetenant shippe chose to theim ●che citee his propre gouernour whom they called dukes Pelagius kinge of Castile by the helpe of god reduced his borderers to the faith of Christ. At Rauenna the people takinge partes some with the emperour some with the pope reised a great sedicion in the whiche Paule the emperoures deputie and his sonne was slaine The yere of the worlde 4988 The yere of Christ 727 Anni regum saxo 43 Theodorich beganne his reigne ouer the Frenchemen He was from his yong and tendre age nourished in the house of nonnes in womans
nauye sailed forth against the Sarasens in Egipte Anni regum saxo 60 The yere of the worlde 4705 The yere of Christ 744 in whiche meane time one Arthaustus bi trait●rous meanes inuaded the imperiall crowne and was confirmed of the people Wherof when Constātine had knowlage he retourned with his armie and besieged the citee of Constantinople and tooke the sayd Arthaustus whom he berefte of hys sight and condemned to banishement with other of hys conspiratours Griffon the yongest son of Charles a man of a fierce and wilde nature being miscontent with suche bequest as his father to him had geuen arrered warre vpon his other bretherne who behaued them so wisely that with out notable battail they toke theyr brother and kept him in warde Anni regum saxo 61 Sigibert was auctorised king of weast Saxones in Britain He was cruel The yere of the worlde 4076 The yere of Christ 745 and tyrannous towarde his subiectes and tourned the aunciēt lawes and customes after his owne will and pleasure And because a certayne noble mā some deale sharpely aduertised him to change his maners he maliciously caused the same person to be put cruelly to death And forsomuche as he continued in his malice and would not amende he was depriued of all kinglye auctorite and lastelye as a persone dessolate and forlorne wandring alone in a wodde was slayne of a swine hearde whose lorde and maister he being king had wrongfully put to death Charlemaine being of great power in France became a man of religion and yode to Rome Anni regum saxo 64 Kenulphus of the linage and bloud of Cer●icus The yere of the worlde 4709 The yere of Christ first king of weast Saxones reigned in that kingdome .31 yeres The vertue of this man farre passed his fame At the beginning he appesed certain murmours and grudges that were among the people for the deposing of his predicessour Sygebert Griffon the youngest sonne of Charles whych in thys passe time had ones or twise vexed his brother Pipine disturbed also Tassilo Duke of Bauary disseased him of his lordship for which cause Pipine went against his brother and restored the sayd Tassilo to his possessions After whiche time Griffon fledde to the duke of Guyan named Gayfer The yere of the worlde 4710 Racharis king of Lumbardie brake the league whyche he had made with the Romaines for the space of .xx. yeres The yere of Christ and wasted the countrey about Rauenna Anni regum saxo 65 and besieged Perusia To whom went Zacharie the pope and in such wise enchaunted him with his exhortaciōs that he did not onely leaue the siege but also renounsing his regall power became a religious monke The yere of the worlde 4711 The yere of Christ 750 Pipine gouernour of Fraunce vnder Childerich Anni regum saxo 66 entending to defeat his lorde and soueraigne of that kyngedome and to obteine the same by his ambassadours demaunded of Zacharie pope his bounden friende thys questiō whether he were more worthy to be king which was kinge onely by name and natural succession or els he whiche bare the bourden of the kingdome alone and yet lacked the dignitie of a kinge meanynge hym selfe To whom the pope aunswered that it was more ryghtfull that he which toke the charge of all thinges should be called king On whose iugement Pipine presuming deposed Childerich and made him selfe king In whom beginneth a newe progenie of the kinges of Fraunce For this Childerich was the laste kinge of the stocke of Meroneu● the firste christian kinge of fraunce Aistulphus was made king of Lumbardie The yere of the worlde 4712 The yere of Christ 751 Zacharie pope assoyled Pipine and the other frenchmē of their othe of allegiaunce and fealtye Anni regum saxo 67 that they hadde made to Childerich and confirmed Pipine in the kingedome of Fraunce Phroilla reigned in Spaine .13 yeres He vanquished the Sarasens whiche troubled the C●laces and slew of them .50000 Anni regum saxo 68 Griffon endeuouring to steere the people of Guian against his brother pipine The yere of the worlde 4713 The yere of Christ 752 was of theym slaine for auoyding of further daunger Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardes sette a tribute vpon the Romains whiche because they would not paie Stephene at that time Pope went into Fraunce to desyre ayde of Pipine against the tyrannie of the Lumbardes Who mete with the pope in the waye as sayth Platine and kissing his feete went on fote by hir horse the space of iii. miles Anni regum saxo 69 Pipine entring Italye with a great power The yere of the worlde 4714 beclipped the citee of Pau●e with a stronge siege The yere of Christ 753 and inforced Aistulphus to intreat meanes of peace which was to him graunted on condicion he woulde restore to the pope all that belonged to the churche of Rome The Turkes brake firste out of the mountaynes called Hyperborei Anni regum saxo 71 and inuaded Asia The yere of the worlde 4716 The yere of Christ 755 The cause whereof was that the Persians beyng ouerset with warre of the Sarasens desired ayde of the Turkes whiche beinge redye at theyr request entered Asia and firste ouer ran the Halianes after the people of Cholcis Arm●nie and the les Asia and lastly vanquished the Sarasens betwene whō peace was made on this cōdiciō that the Turkes shuld reigne in Persia and be called Sarasens Aistulphus of Lumbardie brake the league with the Romaines and besieged theyr citee .iii. monethes whereof whan Pipine had knowledge at the desire of pope Stephene he perced Italye besieged Aistulphus in Pauie and constreigned him to yeld to his mercy Pipine gaue the gouernance of Italy to the pope nothing regarding the auctoritee or desire of the emperour of Constantinople which willed him to the contrarie at which time the lieutenauntes ended their power in Italy Here maye a man perceiue how vaine it is that the fautours of the pope saye that Italye was geuen to him by great Constantine Anni regum saxo 72 Offa a noble man The yere of the worlde 4717 The yere of Christ 756 reigned in Mertia or middle Englande He made warre with the Northumbers and them for the time subdued He warred also against Etheldred king of Eastangles and vanquished and toke prysoner Egbert king of Kent Constantine the emperour did persecute theim which worshipped ymages Tassilo king of Bauarie submitted him to Pipine The yere of the worlde 4718 The yere of Christ 757 Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardie Anni regum saxo 73 dy●d as he was in huntinge after whom Desiderius by force obteyned the kingdome and was confirmed of Paule being thē pope to whom he fled for succour when he was ouerset in battaile of Rachisius the brother of Aistulphus The Saxons called Soisons disturbed the French men The yere of the worlde 4719 The yere of Christ 758 and were forced of Pipine to aske peace Anni regum saxo 74 vpon condicion that yerely after thei should
yelde to the Frenche kinge .300 good horses in waye of tribute Offa kinge of Mertia in Britaine buylded the churche of Wichcom The yere of the worlde 721 The yere of Christ 760 and the abbey of S. Albones Anni regum saxo 76 He chased also the Britaines or Welshemen into wales and made a famous Dike betweene wales the vtter boundes of Mertia whiche is nowe called Offedike The yere of Christ 761 Pipine made warre against Gayfer duke of Guyan because he required a tribute of the priestes or spirituall l andes within his Duchie The yere of the worlde 4722 The yere of Christ 77 This warre was troublous to Pipine and continued longe Eugenius the .viii. was kinge of Scottes and was slaine of his lordes for his auarice filthy luste and crueltee when he had reigned .iii. yeres Thelesius kinge of Bulgary inuading Thracia was put to flight of the emperour The yere of the worlde 4724 The yere of Christ 763 Anni regum saxo 79 and chaset into his countrey where for that misfortune he was slaine of his own people Sabinus was king of Bulgarie who agreed to the emperour in abrogacion of the images For which cause he was shortly after depriued of all kinglye dignitee of hys subiectes and fledde to Constantinople And after him was Paganus made king of Bulgarie Aurelius by treason murdered his brother Phroill Anni regum saxo 80 and obteined the kingedome of Spaine The yere of the worlde 4725 The yere of Christ 764 and reigned syxe yeres To the entent he might shewe the indignacion of the people he toke for his heire by adopcion the sonne of his brother named Ueremunde Fergus the .iii. was made kinge of Scotlande and reigned .iii. yeeres He was a foule dronken glutton and so outragiouslye geuen to harlottes that he neglected his owne wife and brought her to such penuri ▪ that she was faine to serue other noble women for hir liuinge Wherfore she murdered him in his bedde and after slewe her selfe also Anni regum saxo 83 Great discencion and tumultie was in Rome The yere of the worlde 4728 The yere of Christ 767 for the election of theyr pope For a noble man of the Lumbardes had by force aduanced his brother Constātine to the bishoprike being but a laye persone and not within orders whom the Romains after deposed and disanulled whatsoeuer was by him decreed Guian after longe warre was subdued to the signory of Fraunce by Pipine which shortly after ended his life Carolomanus and Charles surnamed the great begā theyr dominion ioinctly ouer the Frenchemen Anni regum saxo 84 The yere of the worlde 4729 The yere of Christ 768 Charlemaine had to his porcion middle Fraunce and Charles possessed Austracie with the other deale of Fraunce Solnathius reigned in Scotlande .xx. yeres and than died of the goute In his time rebelled B●nus of the yle of Tyre and Gillowham of Gallowaie whiche were brought to due obeisaunce Anni regum saxo 85 Desyderius king of Lumbardi The yere of the worlde 4730 The yere of Christ 769 cōminge to Rome vnder pretence of religion priuily rebuked one Paulus the emperours chamberlaine which abode as then in Rome for that he did not punishe the rebellious people nor endeuour to bring againe the gouernance of Italye frō the pope to the empire By whose woordes Paulus beinge stered put to death and cast in prison diuers whiche fauoured the partes of the Frenchemen and the pope and beganne to take vpon him in the emperours behalfe To quiete this trouble Stephene the thirde sente for ayde to Charles of Fraunce For the popes of Rome when any thinge was done contrary to their minde which they coulde not amend with theyr manasinges vsed to complaine to the French kinges desire succour of them by whose power maintenance thei in processe wer made lordes of the world and subdued to theyr beckes al other princes Hunildis whom Pipine had made ruler of Guyan rebelled against kinge Charles whom Charles subdued and vpon faithful promise of his good abbering restored him to the gouernaunce of Guyan Sillo driuing awaye Ueremunde possessed the kingdome of Spaine .vi. yeres He toke to wife Egimanda the widow of Aurelius Charlemaine the brother Charles dyed whose wyfe Bercha with her sonnes The yere of the worlde 4732 The yere of Christ 771 Anni regum saxo 87 fledde to Desiderius the Lumbarde Charles beganne his warres against the Saxones whiche continued the space of .xxx. yeres The yere of the worlde 4733 The yere of Christ 772 Anni regum saxo 88 Constantine the emperour setting forthe an nauye of ii thousande shippes against the Bulgares by a wonderful tempest lost a great part of them Desiderius king of Lumbardes besieged Rauenna and with sword and fire wasted the countrei about And when he had taken diuers citees and townes belōginge to the pope he toke his iourney towarde Rome When Adrian pope perceiued that his threatning of excommunicacion coulde not stoppe the rage of Desiderius The yere of the worlde 4734 The yere of Christ 773 he desyred helpe of Charles Anni regum saxo 89 whose comming into Italy feared so muche the Lumbardes that Spoletium and diuers other citees by meane of ambassade yelded and swore to be true to pope Adrian Charles after he had discomfited the Lumbardes in diuers battailes entred Rome where he was receiued with great pompe and made perpetuall league with the pope confirminge the giftes that his father Pipine had graunted and restored what so euer was taken awaye by the Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4735 Charles when he had conquered Pauie and Millaine did sette frenchemen to be rulers therein The yere of Christ 774 Anni regum saxo 90 and banished Desiderius with his wife Lyones Here endeth the kingdome of the Lumbardes and Italy in the popes dominion The Saxones inuaded the Frenchmen Charles vanquished chased and slew the Saxons in diuers conflictes and stronge battailes Anni regum saxo 91 Charles ones againe ouercame the Saxones The yere of the worlde 4736 The yere of Christ 775 and toke them to mercie Anni regum saxo 92 The yere of the worlde 4737 The yere of Christ 776 To subdue certaine rebelles Charles retourned into Italy toke the citee Foriulium obteined Taruisium beheaded Rotgandus Constantine the emperour going against the Bulgares forced them to aske peace whiche when they shortly after brake and rebelled he manfullye vanquished and subdued them and retourninge to Constantinople tryumphed Mauregatus the sonne of Alphons Catholicus by his concubine after the death of Sillo by the ayd of the Moores obteined the kingdome of Spaine and reigned .iii. yeres Anni regum saxo 93 The Sarasens inbabiting the boundes of Aquitaine desyred ayde of Charles against theyr owne kinge The yere of the worlde 4738 The yere of Christ 777 At that time reigned in Spaine .iii. kinges of the Sarasens Charles gathering a great power went toward Spain where he toke and destroied the cites
worlde 4780 The yere of Christ 819 by the counsaile of certaine bishops gathered to him a great power and endeuoired to withhold from his dominiō the countrey of Italye whom he subdued and put to deathe and of his alies parte he banished parte he inclosed in monosteries as the bishop of Millaine the byshoppe of Cremona the bishop of Orlyaunce with others The countrey of litle Britaine rebelling was brought againe in subiection Conwallus succeded Achaius in the kingdome of Scotland and reigned .v. yeres Lewys the emperour made Lothayre his eldest sonne partaker of the empire Anni regum saxo 27 The yere of the worlde 4782 The yere of Christ 822 his secōd son Pipine he ordeined king of Guyan and his yongest called Lewys of Bayon or Bauarie Michael surnamed Balbas after he had traiterously murdered Leo by force obteined the empire of the easte and reigned .ix. yeres Ralmiris the sonne of Uaramunde reygned in Spaine vi ▪ yeres Lothayre the eldest sonne of Lewes Anni regum saxo 29 being sent of his father in Italye The yere of the worlde 4784 The yere of Christ 823 was there anointed kinge by the pope and named Augustus But because certaine of the Romaines refuced to dooe him due obeysaunce he retourned to his father to Pauie desiring of himayde to subdue his rebelles At this time saieth Fabian the Danes entred the seconde time into this lande of Britaine Lewes with the sworde spoyled the countrey of lyttle Britaine The yere of the worlde 4785 The yere of Christ 824 whiche refuced to obey him Anni regum saxo 30 Dongallus reigned in Scotland .vi. yeres and as he was going with an army against the Pictes in the quarell of Alpine a Scotte whiche claymed the crowne of Pictes was drowned in a riuer Aydo whom Lewis had made prouost of Guyan rebelled trusting to the ayde of the Sarasens in Spayne and by crafty meanes toke and spoyled the citee Ansonia Many citees in the hither Spaine yelded and became subiect to the Sarasens The Sarasens inuaded Crete and subdued the same well nere wholy to theyr dominion They vāquished the Greekes in two great battailes The yere of the worlde 4788 The yere of Christ 827 A great sedicion in the citee of Uenice Anni regum saxo 31 by meane of obelericus whiche was not longe after slaine by Particiacus then chiefe gouernour of Uenice The Sarasens in diuers quarters wasted most cruelly the landes of christendome The Sarasens of Spayne ouerranne the countreyes lyinge betweene Spaine and France They which were in Afrike spoyled and brente Sicilie and the Sarasens of Asia inuaded Crete Lewis the emperour ordeyned that the ministers of the churche and worde of god shoulde not be subiecte to anye humaine seruage and appoincted to them certaine liuinges wherby they shoulde not be constriegned by pouertee to forsake theyr duetie and office of preachinge Iudith the wife of Lewis whom he loued entierly and had receyued by her a sonne called Charles was against his wil from him deuorced by auctoritee of the pope and suite of his owne children Anni regum saxo 32 The yere of the worlde 4789 The yere of Christ 828 Boniface erle of Corsica with a strong nauye perced Afrike and robbed and spoiled the countrey betwene Utica and Carthage in suche wise that he caused the Sarasens to leaue Sicilie and returne to the defence of their owne countrey Ordinius reigned in Spaine .x. yeres Anni regum saxo 33 Lewis the emperour by strength recouered his wife Iudith to his company maugre all his enemies The yere of the worlde 4790 The yere of Christ 829 For whyche deede ●othaire his sonne with other Barones of France assembled theyr power and entended to haue depriued Lewis of all imperiall and kinglye dignitee Alpine the sonne of Achaius was made kinge of Scott●s he pursued the warre againste the Pictes and slewe theyr king Feredech but not long after he was vanquished and slaine by Brudus king of Pictes whan he had reigned .iiii. yeres Anni regum saxo 35 Theophilus was ordeyned emperour of Constantinople The yere of the worlde 4762 The yere of Christ 831 Anni regum saxo 1 EThelwolphus The yere of the worlde 4793 The yere of Christ 832 the sonne of Egbert began his reygne ouer the more parte of Englande This man in his youth was willing to haue bene a prieste and entered the ordre of subdeacone howe be it after he maried a wife of whome he receyued .iiii. sonnes whiche reigned after him successiuely The .iii. sonnes of Lewys deposed their father The yere of the worlde 4794 The yere of Christ 833 and kept him in prison Anni regum saxo 2 diuiding betwene them his empyre and other possessions Anni regum saxo 3 Lewis by the diligent meanes and labour of Guillian stuwarde of his landes and certaine other nobles The yere of the worlde 4795 The yere of Christ 834 was againe restored to his imperiall auctoritee and gentlye pardoned the obstinacie of his chrildren Theophilus emperour of Constantinople The yere of the worlde 4796 twise encountred the Sarasens Anni regum saxo 4 whiche spoyled Asia The yere of Christ 835 and was twise vanquished and put to flight The citee Amorium was taken and beaten to the ground by the Sarasens Kenneth reigned in Scotlande .xx. yeres He maynteyned the warre against the Pictes so fiercely that he vanquished them in diuers great battailes slew their king and lastly chased thē vtterly out of the boundes of Scotlande a thousande .151 yeres as sayeth the Scottishe historie after they began to haue dominion in that countrei fro the coming of Scottes into Albion after their opinion .1421 yeres Lewis taking againe to him his wife Iudith was againe vexed with warre by his sonne Lothayre whiche shortly after mistrusting his strength submitted him to his fathers mercie which gently forgaue him About this time Gregorie the .iiii. ordeyned firste the feast of all sainctes The Sarasens Anni regum saxo 6 with a greater power than euer thei had done before The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 837 inuaded Italy besieged the citee of Rome and in most cruel wise destroyed the suburbes and countrey there about The Normains infested the Frenchmen Pipine sonne of Lewys the emperour dyed whiche often times had bene vnfaithful to his father Alphons the thirde surnamed the great reigned in Spaine .40 yeres The yere of the worlde 4800 The yere of Christ 839 Lewys made his younger sonne Charles king of Neustria or Normandy Anni regum saxo 7 The yere of the worlde 4801 The yere of Christ 840 Lewys when he hadde disposed his empyre and kingedome to his children ended his life Anni regum saxo 8 with mooste gentyll hert forgeuinge the vnkinde trespasse of his son Lewys whiche thrise hadde vexed him with deadlye warres At whiche time remembring the vnnaturall mindes of his owne children for sorowe he fel in suche lamentable weping that he could not speake a good space after He was
Sedechias a Iewe whom he vsed for his physicion Carsius the sonne of Alphons kinge of Spaine .iii. yeres Charles surnamed the .iii. spedde him towarde Italy to clayme the imperial crowne Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 4840 The yere of Christ 879 but Iohn the pope not willinge to make him emperour but woulde the imperiall auctoritee shoulde remaine with the Frenchemen fled into Fraunce and auctorised king Lewys the stammarer and sonne of Charles the balde But after .ii. yeres he retourned to Rome and annointed Charles the thirde Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 4842 The yere of Christ 881 and crowned him with the imperial Diademe by which meanes the empire came again to the Germaines This Charles defended Italy from the inuasion of the Sarasens Lewys and Charlemaine the sons of Lewys the stammarer were proclaymed kinges of Fraunce Betwene whom and Lewis of Germanie fel strife and debate by the meane of two Frenche gentilmen called Gossellne and Conrade whiche excyted Lewys the Germaine to warre vpon the .ii. yonge kinges Ordinius succeded his brother Garsius in the kingedome of Spayne and reigned .viii. yeres The Normains or Danes inuaded robbed and pylled the countreys of Fraunce about the riuer Maze Ordonius kinge of Spayne The yere of the worlde 4843 The yere of Christ 882 by the vntrouth deceyued and put to death the .iiii. Erles of Galyce Anni regum Angli 11 For whyche deede the prouince of Gallice forsoke his dominion and ordeyned to them certaine iudges to whom they cōmitted the gouernance of theyr realme The Normains continually robbed Fraunce and possessed many partes therof as Campaine and the countrey about the riuer Lyger Martine the .ii. was pope one yere Lewys kinge of Germanie died wherefore Charles the emperour departed from Italye to take possession of his brothers landes The Danes conquered brent and cast to the grounde Treuersand vanquished the Frenchmen Anni regum Angli 13 Lewys kinge of Fraunce ended his life The yere of the worlde after whom Charles or Charlemaine his brother The yere of Christ 884 fel at communicacion of peace with the Danes And finallye concluded that Godfrey their kinge to confesse the faythe of christ and to be christened shoulde enioye the whole prouince of Frise. After this time the space of .60 yeeres the empyre of Rome was vexed with ciuile warres and al kinde of misery in so muche that by the iniurie of these times honest●e greatly decayed and the name of learning and good letters was almoste forgotten Alurede of Englande was sore ouerset with newe companies of the Danes But at lengthe takinge to hym a valyant courage he enterprised to espy the maner of his enemies in this wise He did on him the habite of a mynstrel and with his instrument of musike entered the tentes of the Danes and in shewing them pastime and sōg he espied all theyr flouth and idlenesse and harde muche of theyr counsayle Than priuily retourninge to his army with a chosen companye fell vpon the Danes in the night and slew of them a great noumber and lastly concluded a peace on condicion that as many of theym as woulde be christened shoulde inhabite the prouinces of Eastangles and Northumberlande the other to depart into Fraunce Adrian pope one yere He obteyned that the emperours auctoritee shoulde not be loked for in the creacion of the pope The yere of the worlde 4847 The yere of Christ 886 Charles the emperour Anni regum Angli 15 after the death of his kinsman was made kinge of France By the counsayle of Notus Alurede king of England ordeyned the first grammarschole in Oxenford fraūchesed that towne with manye great libertees The Normains besieged the citee of Paris and afier yode to Soysons The yere of the worlde 4847 The yere of Christ 887 destroying the countrey before them Anni regum Angli 16 Leo the sonne of Basile emperour of Grece The Hunnes a people of Scithia breaking out of their owne countrey inuadde Pannonie expelling the Gepides and Auares and ioygned them with theyr kynsmen the Hungares Phroilla expelling his brothers children Anni regum Angli 18 toke on him the kingdome of Spaine The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and when he had reygned one yere died being taken with the leaprie Certaine of the Danes retourned againe into France into Englande and besieged the towne of Rochester and were driuen backe by kinge Alurede Anni regum Angli 20 Charles the emperour for his negligence The yere of the worlde 4852 The yere of Christ 891 was deposed by Arnolphus his nephew chosē emperour in his place who reigned .xii. yeres Eudo sonne of Robert Duke of Ang●●w was made king of France and protectour of the yong prince Charles the simple The Lumbardes partly desyringe to renew their kingdome partly contemning the feblenesse of the Romans ordeyned Beringarius to be emperour an other company dissenting from theim made Uuido kinge of Italye whiche was before Duke of Spoletum betwene which two noble men was arrered deadly warre Alphons the .iiii. reigned .v. yeres Leo the emperour by ayde of the Turkes at the first encounter vanquished the Bulgares But afterwarde trusting to their false pretended peace he was putte by theim to great domage Anni regum Angli 21 The Danes with most egre crueltee entred .iiii. partes of this lande together The yere of the worlde 4853 The yere of Christ 892 and when they were expelled frō one parte foorthwith they passed to an other Yet that notwithstanding the good and valiaunt kinge Alurede behaued him so wisely that by the redy assistence of his people he had of them alwaye the vpper hande Uuido king of Italye chased Beringarius out of his countrey to Arnulph the emperour whiche as then was occupied in the warres against the Normains whō he subdued At election of Formosus popewas great strife and variance but in the ende he by Mars and money obteined the bishoprike Arnolph entred Italy against Uuido The yere of the worlde 4855 The yere of Christ 894 and tooke Bergamum and honge theyr erle Ambrose vpon a gibbette Anni regum Angli 23 Zuuentebaldus Duke of Morauia rebelled agaynst Arnolph whiche had committed to him the Dukedome of Boheme whome for so muche as he could not bringe in subiection by his owne power he desyred helpe of the Hungares by whose assistence he brought the Duke to due obeysance Donalde the .vi. reigned in Scotlande .xi. yeres He made a law that all men that did forswere them selfe or speake of the diuell should be burned in the lyppes with a hote yron The Normains besieged Paris the second time Englande was vexed with .iii. maner scourges warre of the Danes The yere of the worlde 4856 The yere of Christ 895 great mortalitee of men Anni regum Angli 24 and moreine of beastes Arnolph went into Italye the seconde time and by force entred the citee of Rome The yere of the worlde 4857 The
yere of Christ 896 Anni regum Angli 25 and was crowned with the imperiall Dyademe by Formosus the pope Raimitis kinge of Spaine .xix. yeres He caste his brother Alphons in prison and berefte him of his sight because he denied the faith of christ The yere of the worlde 4858 Stephene the .vi. was ordeined pope Anni regum Angli 26 which so enuied the name of his predicessour Formosus The yere of Christ 897 that he abrogated and dissolued his decrees and taking vppe his bodye after it was buried cutte of his head and fingers of his right hand and commaūded them to be cast into Tyber and then buried his body in a priuate sepulchre Which cruell dede some attributed to Sergius that laboured for the bishoprike together with Formosus In Rome were .v. popes within the space of .iii. yeres that is Boniface the .vi. Stephene the .vi. Romanus Theodorus the seconde Iohn the .ix. who reigned .ii. yeres and then suceded Bennet the .iiii. Charles being of iust age Anni regum Angli 27 toke on him the kingdome of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4861 The yere of Christ 900 who for his modestee sinceritee and innocencie of life was surnamed simple and was nothinge framed of nature for worldlye businesse and troubles of warre and therfore he ceassed alwaye frome warrefare and gaue him to quietnesse EDwarde the elder sonne of Alurede Anni regum Angli 1 beganne his reigne ouer the more part of England gouerned this lande well and nobly .xxiiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 4892 The yere of Christ 901 In knowlage of good letters he was not to be compared to his father But in honour worship and marciall prowes nothinge inferiour And was also veraye profitable to the common weale in buildyng and repairyng many castles townes and cyties whiche were rased and broken by the Danes He in his time adiuigned to his lordeshyp all thys iland sauynge onely Northumberlande whiche was possessed of the Danes Uuido the Lumbarde ended his lyfe after whom Beringarius obteyned the kingdome of Italy But the Lumbardes not beynge content wyth one ordeyned for theyr kyng a valiaunt and merciall yonge man named La●thbert the soonne of Uuido Arnolph emperour of Germanye died of the lousie euyl Anni regum Angli 2 Edwarde of England made warre against Constantine kinge of Scottes and forced him to desyre peace The yere of the worlde 4863 The yere of Christ Shortly after he quieted the Welsshemen Anni regum Angli 3 Lewys the sonne of Arnolph The yere of the worlde 4864 The yere of Christ 803 was chosen emperour of Germanye He was neuer crowned wyth the imperyall Diademe at Rome For Beringarius the Lumbarde held from him by force the dominion of Italy Constantine the thyrde of that name was ordeined king of Scottes and reigned .xl. yeres Anni regum Angli 5 Alexander The yere of the worlde 4866 The yere of Christ a man wholy addicte to all filthye liuynge was made emperoure of Constantinople Lanthberte the sonne of Uuido was sla●ne by treason as he was in huntinge After whom the Italyans chose Lewys the sonne of Boson to theyr kyng Adeluoldus the brother of kyng Edward of Englande beynge excited of the Danes of Northumberlande made warre vpon his brother whom Edwarde vanquysshed and so egrely pursued that he constreygned hym wyth manye of the Danes to forsake the lande and flye to Fraunce Sergius a man rude vnlearned verye proude and cruell Anni regum Angli was ordeyned byshop of Rome The yere of the worlde 4867 The yere of Christ He commaunded the bodye of Formosus to bee taken out of the sepulchre and cast into Tyber In this tyme wythin the space of .ix. yeeres hadde been in Rome .ix. byshops of the whyche Bennet the .iiii. re●gned .iii. yeres And none of any estimacion or learnynge but all cruell malicious and proude At whyche tyme the byshops of Rome settynge a syde all honestye beganne to be openlye naughte as Platyne that wryteth theyr lyues dooeth greatly complayne Constantine a man of good dysposicion was auctorysed emperour of Constantynople who by treason was immediatly deposed Romaines soueraygne captayne of hys armye vsurped the imperiall auctoritye .39 yeres Adeuoldus the brother of kynge Edwarde wyth a company of Danes landed agayne in Englande where after sore fyghte in the whyche Adelwalde was slayne peace was concluded betwene Edwarde and the Danes Rollo the Dane made sure the prouynce of Normandye that was geuen to him by the Frenche kynge and renued the league whiche euer after he kepte fyrmely The Hunnes or Hungares molested all partes of Europe with most cruell warres The yere of the worlde 4868 The yere of Christ 907 Anni regum Angli 7 The Bauares encountrynge wyth the Hunnes were chased and slayne with their capitayne Luithbalde The Hunnes subdued the Bulgares and made theym tributarye The yere of the worlde 4869 The yere of Christ 908 Anni regum Angli 8 The Hungares brake into Almayne wher they spoyled the lande The yere of the worlde 4870 The yere of Christ 909 and put to flyght Lewys the emperoure Anni regum Angli 9 Not longe after they perced Italy and ouerrennynge the countrey fylled euerye place wyth murder bothe of man woman and chylde wyth whom Beryngaryus mette in the fielde and was put to flight Edwarde of Englande vanquished Ericius chyefe lorde of the Danes The yere of the worlde 4871 The yere of Christ 910 Anni regum Angli 10 whyche possessed Northff and Southff and subdued that prouince to his signorye The yere of the worlde 4872 The yere of Christ 911 In thys tyme a noble woman named Elfleda syster to kynge Edwarde Anni regum Angli 11 gouerned the prouynce of myddle Englande The woman whan she had ones assayed the paynes that women suffer in trauailyng with childe euer after hated the embrasynges of hir husbande saiynge that it was not semely for any noble woman to vse suche fleshely lykyng wherof shulde ensue so great sorow and payne A great noumbre of Danes whyche in tyme of Alurede were dryuen out of thys lande retourned into the weaste countrey of Englande whiche hauynge worde of the kynges comyng against theim after certayne robberyes fled into Irelande Chunrade nephewe to Lewys the .iii. and Duke of east Fraunce was by the counsaile of Otto Duke of Saxone made emperour and was the laste emperour of the stocke of the great Charles Anni regum Angli 12 After whom The yere of the worlde 4873 The yere of Christ 912 the empyre was transferred to the Saxones Anni regum Angli 13 Arnolde Duke of Bauarye The yere of the worlde 4874 The yere of Christ 913 Burchard Duke of Swaue Euerharde Duke of East Fraunce and Gis●berte of Loraine rebelled against Chunrade the emperoure whom by his wysedome and policye he broughte to dewe obeysaunce Beringarius of Italye toke prysoner Lewys The yere of the worlde 4875 The yere of Christ 914 whyche was set vp as kynge agaynste
hym by the Italians Anni regum Angli 14 and depriued him as well of his regallye as of his syght Charles kinge of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4976 The yere of Christ 915 by the manhod of his knightes recouered to the lordshyp the prouince of Lorayne Anni regum Angli 15 The hungares wasted the countrey of Almaine Ordonius reigned in Spayne .v. yeres Anni regum Angli 17 Elfleda pryncesse of Mertya The yere of the worlde 4878 The yere of Christ 917 whyche hadde tamed the Welsshemen and in dyuers battayles chased the Danes ended hir lyfe After whose deathe Edwarde helde that prouince in his owne hande The Hungares leuynge Almayne came into Lorayne The yere of Christ 918 and the countrey annexed therunto Anni regum Angli 18 The yere of the worlde 4879 whyche they spoyled without mercye At Nottyngham two kynges that is to saye The yere of the worlde 4880 The yere of Christ 919 of Scotlande and of Wales Anni regum Angli 19 yelded theym to kynge Edwarde of Englande and chose hym for theyr chyefe lorde and soueraygne Chunrade the emperoure gaue place to nature and by his brother Euerharde sent the imperiall insygnes to Henrye Duke of Saxone ▪ and hym appoincted to be emperour Anni regum Angli 20 Henrye the fyrste was proclamed emperour The yere of the worlde 4881 The yere of Christ 920 Thys man was of greate vertue wysedome and sobrenesse and for hys woorthynesse in armes marueylously praysed at his election repined Arnolde Duke of Bauarye whom with wise counsayle and gentyll exhortacion he appeased This Henrye was the fyrste emperour of the Saxones and was neuer crowned of the Romaine byshoppe neither had the dominion of Italye Anni regum Angli 11 In Spayne Santius surnamed the grosse The yere of the worlde 4882 The yere of Christ was kynge xi yeeres He was so wonderfull fatte of bodye that he was neuer in healthe Wherfore to healpe he yode to Abdemarus kynge of Sarasens whyche in the science of phisike was verye expert In the meane season Ordonius by treason vsurped the crowne But Santius by h●alp of the Sarasens recouered hys kyngdome and punisshed the rebelles The yere of the worlde 4883 The yere of Christ 922 Roberte Duke of Guyan Anni regum Angli 22 and brother of E●do laste king of France contrarye his trouth and allegiance ceased certayne cities and holdes of the inherytance of kynge Charles and was by him vanquyshed and slayne Henry emperour of Germaine ouercame the Hungares The yere of the worlde 4884 The yere of Christ 923 The Sarasens of Afryke inuaded and robbed the countrey of Calabre and Poyle Anni regum Angli 23 possessed dyuers cyties of the Romayns and the prouince of Boneuente and consulted betwene theim selfe of the vtter destruction and deuastacion of Rome whom Iohn the .x. beynge than byshoppe by the healpe of Romanus the emperoure of Grece and Laudolphe Duke of Boneuent as witnesseth Lyuthbert put to flyghte and slewe of theim a great noumbre But Blondus referreth the occasyon of thys inuasyon of the Sarasens to Romanus and the Duke of Boneuent and affirmeth thys victorye to be atchyued by Albericus Erle of Hetruria After the death of Rollo Duke of Normandye succeded hys sonne William whiche was of great auctorytye amonge the Frenchemen The yere of the worlde 4885 The yere of Christ 924 Charles kyng of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 24 retournynge from the victorye which he had obteined against Robert Duke of Guyan by treason was taken cast in prison and lately slaine by Heberte Erle of Uermend●ys and brother in lawe to the sayed Duke of Guyan Henrye emperour of Germanye made league wyth the Hungares and shortly after recouered from the Frenche men the prouince of Loraine Rodolphe Duke of Burgoyne prouoked of the Italyans entred Italy and ouercame Beringarius whom he depriued of all kingly auctoritye and reygned as kyng of Italie .iii. yeres ADelstane after the death of Edwarde hys father beganne his reigne in Englande He was a prince of woorthie memorye valiant and wyse in all hys actes Anni regum Angli 1 and broughte thys lande to one Monarchie The yere of the worlde 4886 The yere of Christ 925 For he expelled vtterly the Danes subdued the Scottes and quieted the Welsshemen Flaunders by treason murdered Beringarius of Italy For whyche cause the .iii. daye after he was slayne of a souldiour of Beringarius named Milo Anni regum Angli 2 Symeon kynge of Burgares wyth dyuers inuasaons The yere of the worlde 4886 The yere of Christ 926 vexed sore the Grecyans whose furye to appeare Romanus the emperoure gaue the doughter of his son Christofer in maryage to Peter the son of Symeon and by the aliance was with him at peace Salarde Duke of the Hungares brake into Italy and destroied with fyre the cytie Pau●e Burcharde Duke of Swa●e whiche came to ayde Raulffe kyng of Italye was slaine at Millaine For whyche cause Raulffe left Italye and retourned into France After whom Hugo Duke of Dorleance was proclaymed kinge of Italye Constantine kinge of Scottes rebelled and disquieted with often inuasions the costes of England and beynge ouercomen and made subiecte to Abelstane swore to be his lege man Whyche thynge dyuers kynges of Scotlande after hym in lyke maner perfourmed But of thys homage dooynge the Scottyshe cronicle maketh no mencion Algina wyfe of Charles the symple hearynge of the murder of hir housbande and mistrustynge the Frenchemen fled secretely wyth hir sonne Lewys into England to hir brother Adelstane Raulffe Duke of Burgoyne after the departynge of Algina and hir son Anni regum Angli 3 by agreement of the lordes of France The yere of the worlde 4888 The yere of Christ 927 was ordeyned kyng and reygned after some writers .xii. yeres but more verely .ii. yeres Uuido Marqueo of Tuschia imprysoned Iohn byshop of Rome Anni regum Angli 4 and commaunded him to be beheaded The yere of the worlde 4889 The yere of Christ Henrye emperour of Germanye subdued the Sclau●●es and toke the cytye Brenneburgh He made tributarie to hym the people of Dalmacye and vanquysshed the Bohemes Ethylstane or Athelstane kynge of Englande after the death of Sytheryus kinge of the Danes in Northumberlande ceased that prouynce into hys owne handes and put out of possessyon his sonne whyche fledde to Constantyne kynge of Scottes The yere of Christ 929 Lewys ▪ the sonne of Charles the simple Anni regum Angli 5 after the deathe of Raulffe The yere of the worlde 4890 was desyred of the nobles to retourne out of Englande with his mother Elgina and toke possession of the kingedome of Fraunce wherin he reygned .27 yeares Ethylstane of Englande gaue hys daughter Edyth to Otho soonne of Henrye whyche Otho was afterwarde emperour Leo the .vi. byshoppe of Rome .vii. monethes And after hym Stephene the seconde .ii yeres The yere of Christ 931 The people called Redarii rebelled and refused the dominion of Henrye the
emperour The yere of the worlde 4892 whom Bernarde Anni regum Angli 7 and Thiatmarus his capitaines subdued and slewe and toke prisoners to the numbre of .220 thousande In Fraunce fell so great a dearth and scarcitye that a quarter of wheate was woorthe .xx. poundes of that money which is in value after sterlyng money .50 shillinges The yere of Christ 932 Arnolde Duke of Bauayer ledde an armye into Italye against Hugh the kyng The yere of the worlde 4893 Anni regum Angli 8 where he was receyued of the cytye Uerona and ioygnynge in battayle with Hughe was chased and with great losse of his men retourned into his countrey At the citye of Gean flowed a well of bloudde Iohn the ●i was byshop of Rome .v. yeres Wyllyam the .ii. Duke of Normandye sonne of Rollo was slaine by treason of Arnolde Erle of Flaunders He lefte after hym a soonne that was to younge to rule that Duchie whiche thynge caused great troubled betwene the Normains and Lewys kyng of France who endeuoyred to bringe that countrey againe to his dominion and toke of him the tuicion of the younge Duke named Rycharde R●imirus the .iii. beyng but a childe obteyned the kyngdome of Spaine and reigned .25 yeres The yere of the worlde 4895 The yere of Christ 934 The Hungares exacted trybute of the Saxones Anni regum Angli 10 and with a puissant army inuaded the Turinges whom Henry the emperour ouerthrewe The Sarasens landed on the sea coste of Galyce and were dryuen backe by the Erle of Gundesalue at Santium Anni regum Angli 11 The Sarasens of Afrike The yere of the worlde 4896 The yere of Christ 935 with a mighty company entred Italye and spoylinge the sea costes of Hetrucia toke G●ane and most cruelly intreated man womā chylde sparing no kinde condycion or age An other company perced the countrey of Germany euen to Aquisgrane where encountringe with the inhabytantes Sagitus theyr capitayne was slayne Henrye emperour of Almayne ouercame the Danes that warred on the Fresones and made them tributarye He caused also Nuba their king to receiue baptisme Inger king of the Northmains whiche be called Russi Anni regum Angli 12 came to Constantinople with a nauye of .1000 shippes The yere of the worlde 4897 The yere of Christ 936 where Romanus the emperour mette with them with a smalle numbre of gallies and casting fyre into theyr shippes destroyed theyr nauye and toke of theym many prisoners Leo the .vii. was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres The sonne of Sithericus the Dane that fledde into Scotland beinge alyed ▪ with Constantine the kinge and by him ayded retourned into Englande and warred uppon Ethilstane of whom they were vanquished slayne with many of their souldiours Ethylstane subdued also the Britaynes that dwelled at Herforde and made them tributary Anni regum Angli 14 The Hungares wasted wyth fire The yere of the worlde 4899 the countreys of Germanie Fraunce and Italy The yere of Christ 938 Otho the sonne of Henry was ordeyned emperoure after his fathers discease and reygned nobly .36 yeres This man was excellent as well in the gyftes of nature as of wytte and fortune whose fierce and valiant courage was so tempered with gentylnesse that he is worthilye noumbred among the most noble prynces For he did not onely profyte his realme in subduinge forayne enemyes but also in appeasinge the malicious furie of certaine rebellious traitours amonge the whiche were Euerharde Erle Palatine and Gisibert duke of Lorayne whiche set vp against him Henrye his elder brother with whom he fought diuers battayles and lastlye finished his warre that had continued .vi. yeres The Saxones put the Hungares to great domage and losse of men by meane wherof they were in more quyet a good space after FDmunde the brother of Ethilstane toke on hym the gouernance of this realme of England The yere of the worlde 4910 The yere of Christ 940 Anni regum Angli 1 whose shorte reigne toke frome him the renowne of moste hyghe prayses that should haue redounded to his posteritee for he was a man dysposed of nature to noblenes and iustice The Danes remayninge in Northumberlande with other that came out of Irelande and the ayde of straunge nacions inuaded this realme of Englande and by Edmunde were driuen backe and slayne Beringarius the .iii. whych before hadde entred Italye agaynst kinge Hugh perceiuinge the great preparacion that Hug he made to withstande hym fled to Harmanne Duke of Swaue Hugh king of Italy besieged Fraxinetum and by the helpe of Romanus the emperoure The yere of the worlde 4902 The yere of Christ 941 Anni regum Angli 2 burned and destroyed the nauy of the Sarasens Otho emperour of almaine began his warre agaynst Boizlaus of Boheme which trayterously murdered hys naturall brother Uinceslauo a man of great religion and iustice which warre continued to the .xv. yere of Otho Lewys king of Fraunce inuaded Lorayne and by Eberharde and Giselbert his capitaynes toke the cite Brisacum Stephene the .viii. bishop of Rome .iii. yeres At Andermake by the souldiours of Ottho The yere of the worlde 4903 Anni regum Angli 3 Eberharde the treitour was slayne The yere of Christ 942 and Giselbert in the flighte was drowned in the riuer of Rhine Whereof whan Lewys had witting he fled into Fraunce and Ottho recouered Brisacum The yere of Christ 934 Lewys kinge of Fraunce warred vpon the nobles of Normandy The yere of the worlde 4904 for the recouery of Richard the yong Duke Anni regum Angli 4 whyche was priuilye conueyed from his court to the erle Barnarde The Normains beynge ouerset submytted theim to the kyng and restored the childe Martine the seconde was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres Anni regum Angli 5 Alberike kyng of Rome The yere of the worlde 4905 The yere of Christ 944 Aboaram kynge of the Sarasens in Spaine was vanequished in battaile of Rada●yre the most Christiā kyng of Galyce Malcolme the sonne of Constantine reyned in Scotlād .xv. yeres and at the laste was slayne by conspiracie of certaine traitours Stephene and constantine the sonnes of Romanus emperour of Constantinople depriued theyr father of al imperial auctorytee and sente hym in exile And whiles they attempted to worke the same treason toward Constātine Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 4906 the soonne of Leo The yere of Christ 945 they were bothe taken and caste into a monasterye as into a perpetuall bondage after whyche tyme Constantine reigned in the east .xvi. yeres A blasing sterre appeared in Italie EDmunde kynge of Englande ended hys lyfe after whome succeded hys brother Eldred Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4907 The yere of Christ 946 For Edwyne and Edgare hys sonnes were thoughte to younge to take on theim so greate a charge This Eldrede had the earnest fauoure of his commons because he was a greate maynteinour of all honestye and moste infest enemye to naughtye
and vnrulye persons For his expertnesse in feates of armes he was muche commended wherby he quieted and kepte in dewe obeysaunce the Northumbers and Scortes and exyled the Danes Agapitus the second bishop of Rome .ix. yeres Henry the brother of Otho the emperoure beynge besieged at Mersburge submitted him selfe to his brother· of whome he was pardoned and after the deathe of Berthold duke of Bayon was aduāced to the sayde Duchie Henry duke ofBayon or Bauarye The yere of the worlde 4908 The yere of Christ 947 looke the citee Aquileia at Iustinoples chased and slewe the Hungares Anni regum Angli 2 Beringarius which aforetime fledde into Swaue retourned with an armye into Italye at which time the Italyans forsoke their king Hugh and by communication concluded that Lothayre the sonne of Hughe shoulde be named king with Beringarius But the chiefe auctoritee remained with Beringarius whiche ruled with greate auarice and tyrannye Taxis kynge of the Hungares entred Italie pretendyng great crueltee The yere of the worlde 4909 The yere of Christ 948 Anni regum Angli 3 but by the praiers and riche gyftes of Beringarius he returned into his countrey withoute doyng any further harme Harolde kyng of Denmarke beyng expelled his kyngdome by his sonne Swenon The yere of the worlde 4910 The yere of Christ 1949 Anni regum Angli 4 was excited of hys kinsmen the Normains to set vppon the countrey of Fraunce and so toke Lewys the kynge prisoner whom afterwarde he restored to the Frenchemen and set Rycharde in possession of his fathers Duch●e of Normandie which was nowe of age to take charge thereof and maried the doughter of Hugh Legraunte Erle of Paris whiche mariage was cause of more trouble betweene the Normains and kynge Lewys whome Otho also the Emperoure ayded in hys warres But yet notwithstandynge the Normains had alway the vpper hande Otho ledde an armie against Boizlai king of Bohome Anni regum Angli 5 and hym besieged in Newe citee The yere of the worlde 4911 The yere of Christ 950 where Boizlai not able to susteyne the power of Otho yelded and beynge reconsiled to the emperoure continued his true subiecte The yere of Christ Otho after the death of hys fyrste wyfe Anni regum Angli 6 at Pauie in Italie toke in mariage a noble woman The yere of the worlde 4912 called Adhelhayde late wyfe of Lothayre the sonne of Hugh and kynge of Italie whiche woman was suppressed with shamefull iniuryes by Beringarius who with all tyranny greued the Lumbardes and other Italians Beringarius fearing the mighte and puisance of Otho submitted hym with all his power became hys subiecte Lyndolphus the sonne of Otho Anni regum Angli 7 findynge hym selfe greued with the foresaied mariages The yere of the worlde 4913 The yere of Christ 952 gathered to him a greate power agaynste hys father so that eche of them greued other with cruell warre vntyll at length Lyndolphus was reconsyled to hys father notwithstandynge he had at dyuers metynges shewed hym selfe veraye dysobedient and stubburne The Hungares wasted the countrei of France and Uormana The yere of the worlde 4915 The yere of Christ 954 with swoorde and fyre Anni regum Angli 9 EDwine succeded his vncle Eldrede in the kyngdome of Englande of whome is lefte no honest memorye for one heinous acte by hym committed in the beginnyng of his reigne Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4916 The yere of Christ 955 In the selfe daye of his coronacion he sodeinly withdrewe hym selfe from hys lordes and in the sight of certaine persons rauyshed his owne kinswoman the wyfe of a noble man of hys realme and afterwarde slew hir husbande that he myght haue the vnlawfull vse of hir beautye for whiche acte and banisshynge of Dunstone he became odyble to hys subiectes and of the Northumbers and people of middle Englād that rose agaynst hym was depryued of his regallie whan he had reigned iiii yeres Otho Emperoure of Almayne nere to the ryuer called Lech with greate power and manhode put to flyghte the Hungares And shortly after vanquisshed the Sclaumes Anni regum Angli 2 Lothayre the sonne of Lewys begotten on Goberga the emperours syster The yere of the worlde 4917 The yere of Christ succeded his father in the kingdome of France reigned .30 yeres This Lothayre had muche trouble with the Normayns a longe season because he endeuoured by false vnfaithfull meanes to betraie Duke Richarde But he by the healpe of the Danes in such wise compassed his mattiers and so muche endamaged the lād of Fraunce that Lothayre was glad to be reconsiled and make recompence for all iniuryes by hym doen to the said Rycharde Iohn the .xii. was bishop of Rome .ix. yeres Anni regum Angli 3 Ueremunde was proclaimed kinge of Spaine and reigned .vii. yeares he by the healpe of Ferdinande The yere of the worlde 4918 The yere of Christ 957 Erle of Castile warred against Almanzor kyng of Sarasens and at the fyrst encounter obteyned of hym the victorre But after the Sarasen repayrynge hys armye chased Ueremunde scatered hys hoste and destroyed the churche of Compostella In the thirde battayle Ueremunde vanquyshed the Sarasens and putte theim to greate domage and losse of men Anni regum Angli 4 At this tyme appeared the figure of crosses in the garmentes of dyuers men The yere of the worlde 4919 The yere of Christ 558 EDgare brother of Edwine begā hys reigne in Englande He was a prince of worthye memorye for his manifolde vertues greatly renowmed so excellent in iustice and sharpe correction of vyces The yere of the worlde 959 The yere of Christ 4920 Anni regum Angli 1 as well in hys magistrates as other subiectes that neuer before hys dayes was vsed lesse felonie by robbers or extorcion or bryberye by false officers He chastised also the greate negligence couetousnesse vicious liuyng of the clergie and brought theim to a better order Of stature he was litt●ll but of mynde valiant and hardye and verye experte in marcyall polycie He prepared a greate nauye of shyppes whiche he dysposed in .iii. partes of his Realme and had souldyours alwaye preste and redye against the incursions of forayne and straunge enemyes Ludwallus prynce of Wales paied to him yerelye in waye of tribute .300 woulffes By meane whereof within .iiii. yere in Englande and Wales myght scantlye befounde one woulffe This Edgare in hys flourisshynge youth was somedeale giuen to the lust of the flesshe whiche he afterwarde greuously repented Indulph reigned in Scotlande .ix. yeres He kept peace with the Englyshemen andvanqushysed the Danes that inuaded his realme The yere of Christ 4922 Nicephorus emperour of Constātinople Anni regum Angli 3 The yere of the worlde 961 Otho the younger was ordeined and anoyncted kyng of Wormacia A noble man called En●cus Erle of Bigorre deliuered the prouince of Spayne called Nauarre from the dominion of the Sarasens and was theriore named the
first kyng of Nauarre After whome reygned his sonne ●arsias which fought also prosperously against the Sarasēs and augmented his kyngdome Otho ▪ emperour of Almaine Anni regum Angli 4 spedde hym towarde Italy The yere of the worlde 962 The yere of Christ 4923 to quiete the furye of Beringarius and Iohn whiche in a sedicion was made bishoppe of Rome and whan he came into the citee was of all the people saluted by the name of Augustus and by the whole consente of the Italians proclaimed emperour The yere of the worlde 963 The yere of Christ 4924 The emperour depriued Beringarins Anni regum Angli 5 and Adelbert his sonne of the kyngedome of Lumbardye and condemned theim to banishmente the tone to Austriche the tother to Constantinople Otho aduertised Iohn the byshop of Rome to refourme his noughty lyfe and forsake the concubines whyche he nourished openlye but all was in vayne Wherefore Otho called a counsayle by aucthority whereof Iohn was condemned and fearing his punishment fled into desert and one Leo was chosen bishop The Romaynes beinge the kinsmen of Iohn deposed Leo Anni regum Angli 6 and set Iohn agayne in the bishoprike The yere of the worlde 4925 The yere of Christ 954 Which with in short space was taken in aduoutrye and slayne After that the people contrary to the minde of Otho chose Bennet But he forced theim to adm●●te Leo and depose the foresayd Bennet At whiche tyme the electyon of the b●shoppe was transferred frome the people and ●largys of Rome to the emperours Bennet the .v. was byshop of Rome .vi. monethes and after him Leo the eight one yere Alphons the .v. kynge of Spayne reigned 37. ye ares he profered his syster in mariage to a prynce of the Sarasens to the entent he shoulde ayde him agaynst the kinge of Cor●uba But the mayden would in no wyse be coupled with the Heathen Pagane Iohn the .xii. byshoppe of Rome .vii. yeres He was taken and caste in prison Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 4927 The yere of Christ 966 by Ioferde Erle of Campayne through the counsayle of Peter prouost of the citee King Duffus reygned among the S●cottes .iiii. yeares and was slayne by the treason of a noble mā called Danewalde After his death appeared no sonne moone nor sterre in the firmament the space of .vi. monethes Anni regum Angli 10 Otho the younger was sente for to Rome by his father and there crowned proclaimed partaker of the empyre The yere of the worlde 4929 The yere of Christ 968 Anni regum Angli 11 Otho expelled the Sarasens out of Italye whiche of longe time hadde holden by force the mounte Gargarus from whens as out of a castell they oftentymes inuaded Italy The yere of the worlde 4930 The yere of Christ 969 He subdued also the Grecians whiche inhabyted Calabre and made them tributary The people of Constantinople hearing the ouerthrowe and discomfiture of their Grekes in Italye leyde all the wighte of that domage to Nicephornus theyr emperour because he denyed to giue his doughter in maryage to the yonger Otho Wherfore by the consente and ayde of hys wife and sonne The yere of the worlde 4933 The yere of Christ 972 he was murdered in the night season Anni regum Angli 14 and Iohn his sonne chosen in his place to be emperour which reigned .vi. yeres A signe appeared in the element lyke fyre Iohn emperour of Constantinople gaue his syster in mariageto the younger brother Otho Cu●ine a vicious and wicked tyran reigned among the Scottes He defloured his owne systers and rauished other mens wifes and doughters wherfore he was slayne the .v. yere of his reygne Bennet the v● bishop of Rome was caste in prison by Cynthius a citisin The yere of the worlde 4934 The yere of Christ 973 that was at that time of great power in Rome Anni regum Angli 15 Edgare king of England tamed the Welshemen whiche re●elled and spoyled the countrey of Glamorgan Otho the emperour gaue place to nature after whom succeded his son named also Otho who reigned .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 4936 EDwarde the sonne of Edgare by his firste wife Anni regum Angli 1 beganne his reigne ouer this realme of England The yere of Christ 975 contrary the minde and pleasure of Elfride his stepmother and other of her aliance In all kindes of honest vertue this man mighte be well compared to his father and began his soueraigntee with such modestie myldenesse that he was worthilye fauoured of all men excepte onely Elfride which euer maligned agaynst hym for so much as the desire● to haue the gouernance of the realme for her owne son Egelrede All the time of this Edwarde was great discorde betwene the priestes and monkes of Englande Because Edgare in his time had expelled certayne seculer priestes out of their colleges and geuen the possession thereof to monkes In which controuersie throughe certaine counterfayte● miracles the monkes had the vpper hande The yere of the worlde 4937 Otho the emperour subdued Henry duke of Bauarye The yere of Christ 976 Iohn emperour of Constantinople Anni regum Angli 2 after he had expelled the Ro●olanes out of Bulgarye and annexed that prouince to his owne signorye and for his victorye triumphed was by treason of certain of his sabiectes poysoned· B●silius and Constantine the .ii. sonnes of Romanus were made emperoures of the easte Anni regum Angli 3 whiche inuaded and spoyled the countrey of Surie The yere of the worlde 4938 The yere of Christ 977 and expellinge the Sarasens recouered the yle of Crete Kenneth reigned in Scotlande .xxv yeares In his tyme he D●nes 〈◊〉 in ●ngus with a great company and wasted the countrey veraye sore with whom the Scottes mette and after sore fighte and great slaughter by the manhode of one Hay ▪ an v●landishe man and his .ii. sonnes obteyned the victorye Thys Kenneth was slayne by meane of a lady called Fenella because she had poysoned Malcolme prynce of Cumber The emperour of Germany vanquished the Bohemes and wasted their countrey Edwarde kinge of Englande while he was hunting in new forest by chaunce loste his company and rode alone to refreshe him at the castell of his stepmother Alphrede where he was by her counsayle trayterouslye murdered as he satte on his horse After his death god shewed for hī diuers myracles Wherfore he is noumbred amonge the saynctes and martyres Before the death of this Edward appeared in this lande a blasinge sterre of a marueylous greatnesse ▪ EGelrede or Etheldrede the sonne of kynge Edgare and Alfrede Anni regum Angli 1 was ordeyned kinge of Englande The yere of the worlde 4939 The yere of Christ 978 He was goodly of shape and visage but wholy geuen to idlenesse and abhorred all princelye exercises a louer of riote lecherie and dronkennesse ▪ and vsed extreme crueltee towarde his subiectes hauinge his eares open to all vniust complaintes In
yeres The yere of the worlde 4961 Alphons kyng of Spaine besiegeyng the citee Uese●m was wounded with an arrowe and thereof dyed after whom was chosen U●remunde that reigned .x. yeres Ege●rede ▪ kyng of Englande being greatly enhaunced in his owne minde for the mariage of the Dukes sister of Normandye sente sorthe into all partes of his realme secrete and streicte commissions chargyng the rulers that vpon a certaine daye and ho●re assigned the Danes whiche proudlye vsed great crueltee in the land should be sodeinely slaine And so was it dooen Whiche thinge was after cause of great misery Constantine reigned amonge the Scottes .iii. yeres by meane of hym and Malcolme the s●onne of Kenneth the realme of Scotlande was miserably tourmented with ci●ste warre Henry Duke of Burgoyne ended hys lyfe The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ who for so muche as he died without issue Anni regum Angli 25 by hys will ordeined Robert kyng of Fraunce to be hys heyre But the Burgoynes refusing to be vnder his dominion rebelled and were by hym vanquisshed and brought in due obeysaunce Sueno or Suayne kyng of Denmarke hearing of the murder of the Danes in England and beyng sore moued therwith landed with a strong armie in dyuers partes of this realme so cruelly withoute mercy and pitee spoyled the countrey and slewe the people ▪ that the Englysshemen were brought to most extreme and vnspeakeable miserye but yet after a certaine space a peace was entreated for whiche the Englisshmen payed .30000 poundes howbeit diuers princes of the Danes stil continued wastyng the land in dyuers places Grime reigned in Scotlande .ix. yeres agaynste hym Malcolme made fierce warre for the crowne whiche was appeased by the counsaile of a byshop called Fothadus Henrye Duke of Bauary The yere of the worlde by the consent of the princes electours of Germanye Anni regum Angli 26 was ordeyned emperour The yere of the worlde 4964 who was famous as well for hys godly wisedome as for his marcyall prowes and manye notable victoryes that he knyghtlye atchiued of his enemyes At his fyrste entre he subdued certayne rebelles as the Bohemes the Uandales and quieted Loraine and Flaunders Anni regum Angli 28 Godfrey succeded Otho in the Dukedome of Lorayne The yere of the worlde 4966 The yere of Christ 1005 Anni regum Angli 29 A great famine and pestilence afflicted almost the whole worlde The yere of the worlde 4967 The yere of Christ 1006 The Sarasens The yere of the worlde 4968 deuidynge theyr hostes in two sundrye partes Anni regum Angli landed in Italye toke Capua The yere of Christ 1007 and besyeged Barum Againste whome Urceolus Duke of Uenice and Gregory a capitaine of Constantinople ioygninge together theyr puisaunce went in all haste and obteyned of theim a noble victorye The Turkes toke the citee of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 4970 Anni regum Angli The citisins of Adria vexed the borders of Uenice The yere of Christ with robbing and pillyng the countrey whom Uiscolus with so great murder vanquished that neuer after they attempted to inuade thyr neyghbours The Scottes not susteigning the tiranny of theyr kyng Grime rose vp against him wherof ensued much trouble in Scoctlande Malcolme vanquished and slewe Grime toke on hym the kyngdome and reygned .xxxi. yeres to hym the lordes of Scotlande graunted fyrst the wardes and mariage of theyr heyres Henrie the emperour fyrste founded the byshopryke of Babenberge in Germayne The yere of the worlde 4972 The yere of Christ 1011 Anni regum Angli 34 Ferdinande the son of Sanctius Erle of Cast●le was made kynge of Spayne He maryed the daughter of Alphons kyng of Legio and syster of Ueremunde whereby he was king of ●egio in the ryght of his wife Sueno or Suaine kynge of Denmarke Anni regum Angli 35 repented hym of the former couenauntes made with the Englissheme●● and thinkyng to atteine the whole dominion of this land The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1012 with a stronge armie entred fyrst Northumberland than myddle Englande or Mertia and so wente forthe tyll he came to the citee of London whiche he besieged and destroyed the countrey of Kente At this tyme Egelrede the kyng despeiryng of all recouery not ones proferynge to resiste his enemies with hys wife and children fledde to Richarde Duke of Normandy And than possessed ●ueno the whole kyngdome of this realme About this tyme Olauus and Onetus .ii. capytayns of the Danes inuaded Scotlande vanquisshed kynge Malcolme and subdued Murraye but not longe after Malcolme repatred his armye discomfited the Danes slewe Onetus Henry the emperour of Germany yode toward Rome where he was annoyncted emperour 〈◊〉 the bishoppe The yere of the worlde 4974 The yere of Christ 1013 Anni regum Angli 36 and then takyng with hym the imperiall Diademe marched with his armie towarde C●pua He vanquysshed the Sarasens and forced theim to forsake Italye he pursued also with great wrath Bubaganus a capytain of the emperours of Constantinople whiche fauoured the Sarasens He wanne the citee Tro●● whiche the Grecians had builded where sometime Annibal pitched his campe Camus another capitaine of the Danes inuaded Scotlande and nere to Farre was disconfited and slayne the place at this day is called Camustand Canutus by commaundement of Sueno brake againe into Scotland The yere of the worlde 4975 The yere of Christ 1014 with whom the Scottes fought a terrible battayle Anni regum Angli 37 to the great domage of both patees after which battale a peace was agreed S●a●e the Dane after much scathe done to the realme of Englande ended his lyfe And then succeded Canutus his sonne but the Englishmen sent agayne for Etheldred out of Normandy who by the helpe of the Normaynes and present assistence of his commons expelled Canutus Canutus returned agayne into Englande where he spared nothinge Anni regum Angli 39 The yere of the worlde 4977 The yere of Christ 1016 that mighte be destroyed wyth swoorde and fire In this tyme kynge Etheldrede ended his life when he had reygned .38 yeres After whose death variaunce fell betwene the Englishemen for the election of their king for the citisyns of London wyth certayne other named Edmunde the sonne of Etheldrede ▪ a yonge man of lusty and valiant courage in marciall aduentures bothe hardie and wise and could very wel endure al prines Wherfore he was surnamed Ironside But the more parte fauoured Canutus the Dane By meanes wherof betwene this two martiall princes were foughten many great battayles in the which eyther parte spedde diuerslye to the great slaughter of them that toke theyr partes But lastly it was agreed that the two captaynes shuld trye theyr quarel betwene them selfe ▪ onely In w●●c●e 〈◊〉 although Edmund semed to haue the vpper hande yet he condescended to deuide the realme and make Canutus felow with him in the kingedome whiche agreement was at last concluded IN this time
was an englyshe earle called ●dr●cus which by his falshode had broughte suche hurt to his natural countrey Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4978 The yere of Christ 1017 and lastly was auctour of the deathe of the noble king Edmunde And therof him selfe brought fyrste knowledge vnto Canutus the Dane-saying in this wyse Thus haue I ●o●e Canutus for the loue I b●are towarde you To whom he aunswered seeinge for my loue thou haste murdered thyne owne soueraygne lorde whom I loued most entyrelye I shall in rewarde thereof exalte thy head aboue all the lordes of Englande And forthwith commaunded him to be beheaded and hys head to be set vpon a spere on the highest gate of London The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1018 VUhan Canutus was stablished in the kyngdome Anni regum Angli 1 he had knowledge howe Olauus kinge of Norway in his absence inuaded the countrei of Denmarke Wherfore in all haste he spedde hym thytherwarde and by the manhode of the Englyshe souldiours obteyned of theim a noble victory and recouered Norway to his sygnorye Wherefore when he retourned into Englande he demeaned him toward all men as a sage gentyll and moderate prynce and so continued .20 yeres The yere of Christ 1025 Chunrade was chosen emperour of Rome Anni regum Angli and reigned xxv yeres The yere of the worlde 4989 he caused his sonne Henry to be made Cesar at Aquisgrane The yere of Christ 1026 Canutus called a parliament at Oxenforde Anni regum Angli 9 where it was decreed that Englyshemen and Danes should holde the lawes of Edgare late kynge The yere of the worlde 4987 The yere of Christ 1027 Constantine after the death of his brother Anni regum Angli 10 gouerned the empyre of Constantinople .iii. yeres The yere of the worlde 4988 Robert was ordeyned Duke of Normandy which was the father of William conquerour Chunrade after he had quieted the Sweues yode to Rome there was crowned with the imperyall dyademe Henry the son of Robert was named king of Fraunce to whom his mother Constance was so vnkynde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1029 Anni regum Angli 12 that she would haue preferred her yonger sonne Wherfore Henry was forced for succour to resorte to Roberte Duke of Normandie of whom he was gently receyued and by his healpe restored to hys kyngedome and reconsyled to hys mother Romanus emperour of Constantinople reygned .v. yeres and .vi. monethes The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1030 Anni regum Angli 13 C●u●rade emperour of Rome went with an armye agaynste the Hungares and theim subdued A noble man of Spayne called Roderike expellyng the Sarasens toke the famous citee Ualentia The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Canutus yode in Pilgramage to Rome Anni regum Angli 15 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1033 The Bargonious submitted them to the obedience of Anni regum Angli 16 Chunrade the emperour by whyche meanes Burgoyne was d●uyded in two partes the tone bu●●●ng vppon Campayne was subiecte to the French kyng the tother next to Bizance obeyed to the emperour Henrye king of Fraunce warred vppon the Erles of Campayne and Flaunders and wan from them diuers castels and townes Canutus entred Scotlande wyth a stronge power and theim subdued whych at thys time refused his empyre Anni regum Angli 17 The yere of the worlde 4995 The yere of Christ 1034 Michaell surnamed Paphlagon when he had murdered Romanus Anni regum Angli 18 maryed his wife Zoen The yere of the worlde 4996 The yere of Christ 1035 and vsurped the imperyall crowne of Constantinople .vii. yeres and .viii. monethes Anni regum Angli 19 Henrye cesar the son of the emperour Chunrade The yere of the worlde 4997 toke to wife the doughter of Canutus king of Englande The yere of Christ 1036 Anni regum Angli 20 The Normains The yere of the worlde 4998 which a season had helde by force the countrey of P●el in Italye neare to the ryuer Aufidius The yere of Christ 1037 fought a stronge battayle with the Grekes for the possession of the same in whyche fighte the Grecians were chased and slayne W●llyam the sonne of Robert after his father departure towarde Hierusalem was proclaimed Duke of Normandy being yet ve ry yonge Canutus king of Englande dyed who for hys vertue and honest lyfe was worthy to liue perpetuallye He was a man of great magnificence and vsed suche iustice and temperaunce that in his dayes was no prynce of such renowme and notwithstandinge that he was so puissante a prynce yet towarde god he shewed him selfe humile and lowe as by an notable history appeareth which is wrytten of Polidore in the ende of his ▪ vii booke of the Englyshe history Anni regum Angli 1 HArolde the sonne of Canutus by his wife Elgina The yere of the worlde 4999 The yere of Christ 1038 for his swyftnesse surnamed harefoote began hys reigne ouer this realme of Englande In the beginninge he shewed some token of crueltee in that he banished his stepmother Emma and toke from her suche Iewelles and treasure as she had The Danes of Denmarke chose to their king Canutus the younger otherwise called Hardikinitus the sonne of the elder Canutus by Emma The Norwayes ordeyned king a noble man called Magnus and thus sodaynly was the noble principate of the Danes seuered in .iii. partes The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1309 Peter the seconde king of Hungary .ii yeres Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde 5002 The yere of Christ 1040 Henry the third of that name a man of noble courage Anni regum Angli 3 was chosen emperour of Rome and reygned .xviii. yeares At his first entringe he warred vppon Ulderike king of Boheme But he hauinge ayde of the Hungares putte him to the worse Dulcane was king of Scottes Maked●walde and certayne other vnruly persons rebelled In this tyme as sayeth the Scottyshe historye Sueno king of Norway inuaded Scotlande Which thinge by conference of hystopries shoulde seme to be somewhat before this tyme. Dulcane when he had reygned .vii. yeres was slayne by his brother germaine Makbeth The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1041 HArdikinutus Anni regum Angli 1 king of Denmarke after the deathe of Harolde was ordeyned kinge of Englande He for the iniurie done to his mother Emma caused the corps of Harolde to be taken out of the sepulcre and smyting of his head cast it into the riuer of Thames He burdened his subiectes with exactions and tribute and in meate and drinke was so prodigall that hys tables were spred .iiii. tyme in the daye and the people serued with great excesse When he had reygned .iii. yeares he dyed sodeinly nai without suspection of poysoning The yere of the worlde 5003 The yere of Christ 1042 In this yeare was an erle in Englande called Godwine a man of great
power and ruled muche this lande Anni regum Angli whiche vniustlye slewe Alfrede the sonne of Etheldrede and brother of Edwarde and vsed extreme crueltie toward the Normaines whiche accompanied the saide Alfrede when he came out of Normandye 〈◊〉 visite his mother Emma The emperour Henry ouercame the Bohemes made them tributary Peter kinge of Hungarie for his lecherie and crueltee was depriued of his royall aucthoritye of Aba and fledde for ayde to Henry emperour of Germany Humfrei the Norman and brother of Drogon succeded in the Erldome of Pu●l Hardikinitus ended his lyfe after whose death the Danes were beaten slaine and driuen oute of this lande into theyr owne countrey .28 yeres after Sueno began fyrste to reigne EDwarde the sonne of Egeldrede or Etheldrede The yere of the worlde 5004 The yere of Christ by the aduyse of Godwine and Leofricus Erle of Chester after the deathe of Hardikinitus was sente for out of Normandie Anni regum Angli 1 to take on hym the gouernance of this realme of England whiche he guided with muche wysedome and iustice .24 yeres From whom issued as oute of a fountayne verie godlynesse mercy pites and lyberalitee towarde the poore gentilnesse and iustice toward all men And in all honest life gaue most goodly example to his people He discharged the Englisshemen of the greate tribute called the Dane gelde whiche was often before tyme leuied to the impouerishyng of the people He subdued also the Welshemen whiche rebelled made warre vpon their borderers Peter kynge of Hungarye was agayne restored to his kyngdome and Aba or Alboyne by the healpe of the emperour Henrie expelled Magnus kynge of Norway hearynge of the deathe of Hardikinitus with a great puisance inuaded Denmarke and expelling Sueno the lieuetenante subdued the countrey to his signorie By which meane Denmarke became subiect to the Northgaynes Michaell Calaphates whiche was adopted by Zoe with great vnkyndnesse sent hir in banisshemente Wherfore he was bereft of his sight and put from the empyre After whome Constantine Monomathus was made emperour of Constantinople and maried Zoe the empresse He reigned .xii. yeres Anni regum Angli 2 The Romains depryned Bennet the .ix. of hys byshoprike and ordeined in hys place Siluester the iii. Bennet ▪ The yere of the worlde 5005 The yere of Christ within short space after beyng restored to his fee fearyng to be againe depryued sold hys roome to one Iohn an archedeacon who was called Gregory the .vi. Makbeth reigned among the Scottes .xvi yeres whiche at the beginnyng dyd many thinges to the profyte of the realme but after he became a cruell tyranne and was vanquisshed and slayne by Malcome by the ayde of the Englishemen The yere of the worlde 5008 The yere of Christ 1047 By the counsaile of Erle Godwine Anni regum Angli 5 and Robert byshop of Canturburye Emma the mother of kynge Edwarde of Englande for vniust accusacions was put to great iniuries and was deliuered by miracle passing ouer .ix. plough shares burnyng hote as fyre without hurt or domage Certaine pyrates of the Danes entred Englande at the hauen of Sandwiche whiche were chased and dryuen to their ships Henrye the emperour hauyng knowlage of the discorde betwene the bishops in Rome went thytherwarde with a stronge armye Where he assemblyng a synode condemned the .iii. troublous monsters Bennet Syluester and Gregorie and made Switgerus byshop whiche was named the .ii. Clemente of whome he receiued the imperyall Diademe and prohibited the Romaynes thensfoorthe to chose anybyshop Whiche thing was after cause of moste deadly warres Clement was byshop .ix. monethes and after hym Damasus 23. daies The yere of the worlde 5009 The yere of Christ and than ●eo the .ix. syxe yeres Nere about this tyme in Englande fill passyng greate snowe The yere of the worlde 5011 The yere of Christ 1050 after whiche ensued a greate morialyte● of men Anni regum Angli 8 mooreine of cattayle and by lyghtnynge the corne was wonderfully brent and wasted Sanctius the .ii. kyng of Castile not beynge contented with his owne kyngedome The yere of Christ 1051 inuaded Legio Anni regum Angli 9 and expelled his brother Alphons The yere of the worlde 5012 who fled to the Sarasens He subdued also Portugal and Galyce and chased Garsias Eustace Erle of Bolongne came into Englād through whom variance happened betwene kynge Edwarde and Erle Godwine The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1052 who perceiuyng Anni regum Angli 10 that he coulde not withstande the kynges malyce fled into Flaunders and was outlawed Edwarde repudiated hys wyfe the doughter of Erle Godwine Gysulphus Erle of Puel inuaded the citee Boneuent And by force toke and withhelde the tribute whiche the churche of Babenberge payeth yeerely to the Romayne bishop Leo bishoppe of Rome hauing ayde of the emperoure went with an armie against Gysulphus Anni regum Angli 11 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and at the fyrste encounter was of hym vanquyshed and taken prisoner But shortly after he was sent agayne sauefely to Rome William bastarde Duke of Normandye aboute this tyme came with a goodlye company into Englande and was honourably receiued to whom the kyng made great chere and at his retourne enriched him with great giftes and pleasures ▪ and as some write made promyse to hym ▪ that if he dyed withoute issue the same Willyam shoulde succede him in the kingdome of England Erle Godwine was reconsiled to kynge Edwarde and called from banisshmente Anni regum Angli 12 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and for hys trueth and good a bearynge gaue for pledges hys .ii. sonnes Byornon and Toston whiche were sent to the Duke of Normandye to be kept Anni regum Angli 13 The Scottes rebelled against kyng Edwarde Wherfore Edwarde Erle of Northumberlande assembled an hoste entred the lande subdued the Scottes The yere of the worlde 5016 The yere of Christ 1055 chased the kynge out of his realme and gaue the kyngdome to Malcolme or Malcoline sonne of the kynge of Cumbres whiche the Scottyishe historye setteth after this tyme in the yere of our lord .1061 As Erle Godwine sate at the table with kyng Edward it hapned one of the cuppe bearers to stumble recouer agayne so that he dyd sheade none of the drynke whereat Godwine lowgh and sayed Nowe that one brother hathe susteigned that other With whiche wordes the king calling to minde his brothers death that was slaine by Godwyne behelde the Erle saiynge so shoulde my brother Alphrede haue holpen me ne had Godwine ben Godwyne then fearing the kynges displeasure to be newly kendled after many wordes in excusing him selfe saied so mought I sauelye swallow this morsell of bread as I am giltlesse of the deede But as soone as he had receiued the breade forthwith he was choked Uictor bishop of Rome .ii. yeres Anni regum Angli 14 Algarus Erle of Oxenford The yere of the worlde 5017 The yere of
Christ through euil coūsaile was wythout gylte banyshed and fled into Wales and shortly after was reconsiled to the kyng Theodora gouerned the empyre of Constantinople .ii. yeares Henrie emperour of Germanie departyng out of this life committed his yonge son to the tuicion of Baldwine ▪ Erle of Flaunders Sewarde Erle of Northumberlande dyed of whom it is redde The yere of the worlde 5018 The yere of Christ 1057 that whan he sawe well he shoulde dye Anni regum Angli 15 he caused his armoure to be put on hym and so armed at all places sittynge in a cheire sayed that so it became a noble man to dye and not liyng as another meane person Henrye the .iiii. beyng yet a chylde was ordeyned emperour of Germanie and reigned .50 yeres In his tyme by meane of trouble sedicion and warre the Romayne empyre so greatly was appayred that neuer after it could be restored to the prystinate maiestye nor recouer againe the former might and puisaunce The causers whereof were the byshoppes of Rome whiche vexed well nere the whole worlde with moste cruell and deadly warres and specially Hildebrande called Gregory the .vii. The Saxones vnder the leadyng of Duke Otho rebelled The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1058 and by Ecbert the emperours capitayne Anni regum Angli 16 were vanquisshed and brought in subiection Michaell surnamed the elder emperoure of Constantinople one yere Great businesse and rufflynge in Rome for the election and deposicion of certayne byshops as Stephene the .ix. Bennet the .x. Nicolas the .iii. Andrew king of Hungary was vanquished of one Bela and depriued of his kingdome The emperours armie whiche came to rescue was ouerthrowen kyng Andrewe slayne and the Marques of Thurynge constreigned with hunger and famine to yelde hym selfe to hys enemyes Bela by force toke on hym the crowne and reigned .iii. yeares Isacius Murdered Michaell emperoure of Constantinople The yere of the worlde 5020 The yere of Christ 1059 and reigned in his place .iiii. yeres Anni regum Angli 17 Algarus Erle of Mertia whiche was before Erle of Oxenforde beyng maliciously accused was exiled oute of this lande by king Edwarde the seconde time and fledde againe to Griffine Duke of Wales Wherwith Edward was greuouslye displeased and sente Harolde the eldest sonne of Godwine which was than of great power to warre vppon the saide Griffine who spoyled the countrey of Wales expelled Griffyne out of his lordship and by his policie reconsiled erle Algarus to kynge Edwardes grace and fauour Anni regum Angli Philip the first of that name The yere of the worlde 5021 The yere of Christ was ordeined kynge of Fraunce He maried Bertha the wife of Baldwine erle of Holande and had by her certayne children whom after he had repudiate and coupled to him ●ertr●dam the wife of Fulco whome he affectioned that all thinges were done at her becke and commaundement and would not forsake her vntil he was constreigned by Urbane the bishop of Rome to take to him his firste wife Baldwine erle of Flaunders assembled an army and made towarde Spayne against the Sarasens and subdued Gascoyne to him and to the yonge emperour Godfrey erle of Puell in Italye in his deathe bedde neglecting his owne bretherne made Bagelarde his heir and successour which was immediately driuen out of his lordshippe by Robert Guiscarde Godfreis brother who after made him selfe erle of Calabre and Puell Otho duke of Bauarie Anni regum Angli 19 In this yeare of our lorde after the computacion of the Scottes Malcolme or Malcolme recouered the crowne of Scotlande and reigned .35 yeres The yere of the worlde 5022 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 20 Alexander the .ii. was ordeyned bishoppe of Rome at which time the bishoppes of Lumbardie woulde haue aduanced to that sea one Cabolus The yere of the worlde 5023 The yere of Christ by meanes wherof ciuile warre was arered and great armies gathered on bothe partes In fine after sore fighte and great murder the fautours of Cabolus were chased and he him selfe hardly escaped This ruffling continued a long space Otho bishop of Coleine by priuy meanes conueighed Henry the emperour from the ordring guydinge of his mother and set him in full power to rule after his owne mynde The empire at this time was chiefelye gouerned by bishops Otho Marques of Thurynge gaue firste title of hys possessions to the bishop of Mense Henry the emperour of Germanie reuored Salomon to his fathers kyngdome of Hungarye and gaue to him in maryage his owne syster After which tyme Salomon reygned .xiiii. yeres Harolde the sonne of Erle Godwyne went into Normandie The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1063 Anni regum Angli 21 where he made faythfull promyse to Duke William that after the death of Edwarde he woulde kepe the kingdome to his behalfe on whych condicion he brought with him at his retourne his brother Tasto Isacius emperour of Constantinople shoore hym selfe a monke after whom reygned Constantine .vii yeres Sanctius kinge of Spayne Anni regum Angli 22 was murdered by one of his housholde seruauntes The yere of the worlde 5025 The yere of Christ 1064 Wherefore Alphons the .vi. whom he had before expelled was agayne restored to his kyngdome Tosto enuiyng his brothers prosperity vsed muche vilany toward him and kinge Edwarde The yere of the worlde 5026 The yere of Christ 1065 Anni regum Angli 23 for the whiche he was forced to leaue the lande and flye into Flaunders The noble king Edwarde finished his last daye when he had reigned 23. yeres .vii. monethes and odde dayes He purged the olde and corrupte lawes and pi●ked out of them a certayne which were most profytable for the commons and therfore were they called the common lawes For restitution wherof hapned diuers commocions and insurrections in this lande HArolde the eldest sonne of Godwine Anni regum Angli 1 being of great power The yere of Christ 1066 in Englande and therwith valiant and hardie The yere of the worlde 5027 toke on him the gouernance of this lande nothing regarding the promise that be made to William of Normandye Wherfore when William sent to hym ambassades admonishing him of the couenauntes that were agreed betwene them Harolde would in no wyse surrendre to him the kingdome whyche wyllyam claymed not onely for the promise that was made to hym but also because he was next of king Edwardes bloud In this meane time Tosto which fledde out of the land stered agaynst his brother the king of Norway who entringe the Northe partes of Englande wyth a great puysaunce discomfited .ii. erles that gaue to him battayle ▪ But Harolde makinge haste to rescue his people slewe the kynge and his owne brother Tosto and chased the Norwayes with disworship to their shippes When Willyam Duke of Normandye perceyued that he could not by any meane bringe Harolde to fulfyl hys promyse nor by treaty to yeld to hym the kyngdome by force he
entred the lande To whom Harold gaue strong and sharpe battayle in the ende wherof William by pollicie obteyned the victory chased the Englyshmen slewe Harolde and toke on him the gouernaunce of this lande This happened .617 yeres after the fyrst arryual of the Saxones or Anglis in which space they reigned diuersly First beganne the kyngdome of Kente the yere of our lorde .475 vnder Engistus and after that .vi. other kyngdomes at sundrie tymes toke their beginning which al at the last were brought into one monarchie and subiect to the weast Saxones by king Adelstane the yeere of our lorde .ix. hundred thirtie and eight whiche monarchie continued .129 yeres debatinge of thē fiue and twenty yeres which space the Danes reigned in this land vnder Canutus and Harolde The ende of the seconde booke ¶ The thyrde booke Anni regum Angli 1 WYLLYAM DVKE OF Normandie surnamed conqueroure The yere of the worlde 5028 The yere of Christ 1067 bastard son of Roberte the .vi. duke of that duchy nephew vnto kinge Edward the confessour beganne his dominion ouer this realme of England the .xv. daye of October and reygned xxi yeres one moneth wyth great seueritee and cruelnesse towarde the Englishemen bourdeininge them alwayes with greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused diuers to flye out of the lande some to Scotlande some to Denmarke and other countreys And for so muche as he obteyned his kingdom by force and dente of sworde he changed the whole state of gouernaunce of this common weale and ordeined new lawes at his owne pleasure profitable to him selfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people This William was wise and gilefull riche and couetous and loued well to be magnified a fayre speker and great dissimuler a mā of comely stature but some deale fatte in the bealy stern of countenaunce and stronge in armes and great pleasure in hunting and making sumptuous feastes The towne of Exiter anr the Northumbers rebelled which both were subdued and greuously punished The yere of the worlde 5029 The yere of Christ 1068 Anni regum Angli 2 Kinge Willyam buylded .iiii. stronge castels twaine at Yorke one at Nottingham an other at Lincolne whiche garisons he furnished with Normains The yere of the worlde 5030 The yere of Christ 1069 Canutus king of Denmarke Anni regum Angli 3 being steered vp by certaine Englyshe outlawes inuaded the Northpartes of Englande and entred euen to Yorke From whens he was chased by Wyllyam forced to flie to his countrey Henry the emperour inuaded the countrey of Bauarie Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde 5031 The yere of Christ 1070 Otho duke of Bauarie vanquished the Thuringes vexed sore Saxonie with diuers inuasions Godfrey succeded his father in the kingdome of Lohayne The Scottes with theyr kynge Malcoline inuaded Northumberlande and robbed the countrey Endochia and her sonnes ruled Constantinople .vii. mone thes Romanus surnamed Diogines maryed Endochia possessed the empire The yere of the worlde 5032 The yere of Christ 1071 Anni regum Angli 5 Otho Duke of Bauarie whiche had often rebelled againste the emperoure Henrie submitted him selfe and obteyned pardon Willyam king of Englande made such warre vpon the Scottes The yere of the worlde 5033 The yere of Christ 1072 Anni regum Angli 6 that he forced Malcoline to sweare to hym both homage and fealty Willyam by the counsayle of the Erle of Herforde caused the money and riches of the abbeies to be brought into his treasourye He made also the newe forest in the countrey of Southampton which to bring about he cast downe dyuers townes and churches the space of .xxx. myles and replenisshed it with wylde beastes and made sharpelawes for the mayntenaunce and encrease of the same Great contencion was betwene Lanfranke byshop of Canturburye and Thomas of Yorke for the primacie whiche at lenghte was iudged to the Archebishopryke of Canterbury The Saxones for certayne iniuries to them done The yere of the worlde 5034 toke armes against the emperour Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of Christ 1073 Demetrius kynge of Ruscia expelled his brother oute of the kingdome desyred ayde of the emperour Henrie The Saxones were quyeted and reconsiled to the emperour Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 5035 The yere of Christ Gregorye the .vii. beyng made byshop of Rome ordeyned contrarye to the lawe that was made by Henrye the iii. that no emperour shoulde haue to dooe with the eleccyon or confyrmacion of the Romayne byshoppe and excommunicated all them that receiued any spyrituall promocions at the emperours hand and made other in their places where as before tyme the emperour had full power to ordeine such byshops as were within his dominion With these ordinaunces Henrie the iii● beyng than emperoure was greatlye dyspleased This Gregorye decreed also that priestes shoulde haue no more wyfes and that they whiche all readye had shoulde be diuorsed and that no man shuld thensforthe be admitted to priesthode but they vowed perpetuall chastitee Against this decree repugned the byshoppes and pryestes of Germanie and withstode it a good season Aboute this tyme the people of Galloway and shortlye after the Murrais and other rebelled in Scotlande and robbed the countreis which were brought to obedience Michael the sonne of Constantine Dukas The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ was ordeyned emperoure of Constantinople and reigned vi yeres Anni regum Angli 9 Salomon kyng of Hungarye vanquisshed and ouercame the Hunnes whiche with an huge great armye entred the boundes of Pannonie And after that inignyng battayle wyth the Greekes and Bulgares obteyned the victorye But at the laste fill greate debate betwene hym and a noble man of hys countrey called Ge●sa of whom after sore fyght he was vanquyshed and depryued of his kyngdome and than reigned Ge●sa .vi. yeres Henrie the emperour sped hym with an armye against the Saxones the secounde tyme which by the stee rynge of certayne Prynces refused his empyre whome he constreigned by force to submit theim selfe and sharpely punisshed the chiefe capitaines of that conspiracie The yere of Christ 1076 Gregory byshop of Rome excommunicated the emperour The yere of the worlde 5037 because he woulde not obey his ordinances Anni regum Angli and depryued hym of the imperyal title and assoyled the people of theyr othe of allegiaunce wyllynge also the princes of Germanie to chose a new empero ur By whiche meanes dyuers prynces rebelled and the countrey was wonderfully spoyled and vexed with ciuyle warres Dyuers byshoppes of Germanie calling a counsaile did excommunicate Gregorye as a cruell tyranne and misse liuer The cruell tyrannie outragious pride diuellisshe sorcery and detestable lyfe of this Gregory is sette foorthe at large by Beno the cardynal where ye maye see the very picture of his crueltye Roger Erle of Her tforde and another named Raulffe conspired against kyng Wylliam of Englād being then in Normandye whiche both were by him outlawed
vertues which might haue bene to him a goodly ornament ne had the vncleane vice of auarice defiled altogether For in martiall pollicie he was very expert and diligent in al matters that he went about stedfast and stable of his promise and maruellous paynful and laboreous But the forenamed vices ouerwhelmed the vertues and made him odible to his subiectes Robert the elder brother came with an army into Englande agaynst William wherof when he had knowlage he entreated meanes of peace The yere of Christ 1090 Odo bishop of Bayon Anni regum Angli 2 being alyed with the bishop of Durham The yere of the worlde 5051 the Erle of Northumberlande the erle of Shrewsburie and others conspired againste Wylly●m Rufus and assaulted diuers townes within Englande Thei erected also agaynst him Robert Curthoyse Duke of Normandie the seconde time But Willyam vanquished the traitours chased theym out of his realme and made peace with his brother Robert Roger erle of Puel toke Capus and then passing in to Sicilie subdued the citee Siracuse Alexius emperour of Constātinople erected a place for poore people and fatherlesse children He buylded also a college for scollers and gaue to them reuenues The yere of Christ 1091 The Scottes spoyled and toke praies in Northumber lande The yere of the worlde 5052 Anni regum Angli 3 Wherfore William Rufus prouided a nauy and sailed thither where after diuers conflictes and skirmisshes a yeace and vnitie was agreed The yere of the worlde 1092 The Welshemen rebelled The yere of Christ 5053 Great tempest fell in sundrie places of Englande Anni regum Angli 4 and specially at Winchcome where a part of the steple was ouerthrowen with thundre and lightninge and in Lōdō the wind ouertourned .vi. hundred houses The yere of Christ 1094 In Englande fell wonderful aboundaunce of rayne Anni regum Angli 6 and after ensued so great froste The yere of the worlde that horses and cartes passed commonly ouer the great riuers ▪ when it thawed the heauy cakes of yse brake downe many strōg bridges The Welshewen rebelled They were vanquished and their king or duke named Rees slaine in battayle At which time willyam caused muche of their wooddes to be cutte downe by meane wherof they were drawen by litle and litle to more quietnesse Urbane the .11 byshop of Rome helde a counsayle at Cleremount in France where amonge other thinges it was decreed that none of the clergie should take the inuesture to any benefice of a seculer prince The byshop also made an oracion to the lordes being there presence concerning the recouery of the holye lande from the power of the Sarasens After which oracion .300000 men takinge on theim the signe of the cresse for theyr cognysance made preparaciō for that viage whose soueraign capitaines were Gothirey Duke of Lorayne with his .ii bretherne Eustace and Baldwine the bishop of Podie Bohemund Duke of Puell and his nephew Tācretus Raymunde Earle of S. Aegius Robert Erle of Flaunders Hugh Legraunt Philip the french kinges brother with diuers other noble men and one Peter an hermite which was chiefe causer of that viage At this time many noble men layed their landes and lordships to morgage ▪ to prouide for the fornamed viage Amonge which was Robert Curthoyse Duke of Normandie he layed his Dukedome to wedde to his brother Willyam king of Englande for .10000 poundes Anni regum Angli 7 The Christians The yere of the worlde 5056 The yere of Christ 1095 which passed fyrste ouer Bospherus hauinge to their capitayne Peter the heremite a man perchance more deuout then expert to guide an army beyng trapped of their enemies were slain and murdered in great numbre nere to the towne called Cinitus Malcoline king of Scottes for displeasure taken with the v nkindenesse of Willyam Rufus inuaded the marches of Englande and in Northumberlande was slaine with the eldest sonne Edwarde by Roberte which was then Erle of that prouince Gothfrey Duke of Lorayne sold the Dukedome of Boloine to the bishoppe of Ebruone Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 5057 The yere of Christ 1096 for a great summe of money In these daies were sene many straunge sightes in the earth the sonne the moone and the sterres Englande and Normandie were greued with exactions and moreyne of men so sharpely that tyllage of the earth was put of for that yere wherby ensued great hunger and scarcitee the yere folowinge and many griesly and vncouthe sightes were sene as hostes of men fyghting in the skie fire leames and such other Calomanus the nephew of Ladislaus succeded his vncle in the kingdome of Hungarie He was first a bishop after the death of Ladislaus licensed by the bishop of Rome to marie his vncles widow He kept warre wyth the Rutenes and enlarged greatly his kingdome But with much crueltee he vereite his brother Almus of hys sight The Christians going to Ierusalem tooke the citees Nicea The yere of the worlde 5058 The yere of Christ 1097 Eracles Tarsis Anni regum Angli 9 and subdued the countrei of Cilicia appointing the possession therof to certaine of their capiteines Donald was king of Scottes after Malcolme betwene whom and Duncane was fier●e warre and great trouble for the crowne of Scotlande The yere of the worlde 5059 The yere of Christ Antioch was besteged Anni regum Angli in the .ix. moneth of the siege it was yelded to the Christians by one Pyrrhus in which pastime were fought manye stronge battayles to the great slaughter and desolacion of the Sarasens and not without losse of many Christian men The gouernance of this citee was committed to Bohemunde of Puell whose martiall knighthod was often proued in time of the siege therof Urbane bishop of Rome for feare of his enemies hid him selfe .ii. yeres in the house of Peter Leo and there dyed The yere of the worlde 5060 The yere of Christ 1099 Corbana maister of the Persians chiualrie Anni regum Angli 12 was vanquished and slayne with an hundred thousand infidels in whiche discomfiture were taken .15000 camelles Casslanus king of Antioch was slayne of the Armenians About this time William Rufus buylded Westminster halle Ierusalem the .39 daye of the siege was conquered by the chrystians Godfrey soueraigne capitaine of the christian armie was proclaymed the first king of Ierusalem At the takinge of this citee was such murder of men that bloud was congeled in the strete the thicknesse of a foote Duncane by force of armes toke on him the crowne of Scotland which he held a yeare and an halfe and then was slayne in his bedde after whom Donald was restored to the kingdome In Englande a towne called Finchauster in Barkeshyre a well cast out bloud as before it had dooen water and after by the space of .xv. dayes greate flames of fyre were seen in the element In this passe tyme the Uenecians vexed the Sarasens dwellynge on the sea costes of Licia Pamphilia Cilicia and
aduaunced William the sonne of Robert Curthoyse to the sayd Erldome of Flaunders on whom immediatly Theodorich Erle of Alsacia made mortall warre and was of him vanquished and forced to flee to Alustum where continuinge the siege Willyam was wounded to death with a darte that was caste from the walles And after this decesse Theodorich his enemye possessed the Erledome of Flaunders Anni regum Angli 25 Balach king of the Parthes toke Baldwine king of Ierusalem and slew many of the Christian capitaines The yere of the worlde 5086 The yere of Christ 1125 and souldiours of Asia Honorius the .ii. bishop of Rome .v. yeres ¶ Dauie succeded Alexander in the kingdome of Scotland He buylded so many abbeis and gaue muche landes to the churche that his successours were scantly able to maintein their estate He diminished the reuenues of the crowne .60 thousande pounde He had no warres all the time of Henry Beuclerke Anni regum Angli 27 Lothayre Duke of Saxonie after the death of Henry by consent of the electours was chosen emperour The yere of the worlde 5088 The yere of Christ 1127 This man is not onely commended for his martial knighthod and noble prowes but also for the worthi fauour he bare towarde religion and honest lawes By his procuremēt the ciuile lawes which of longe time were hid in duste in all liberaries and cleane out of vse among men were againe restored to the worlde and commaunded to be vsed in all countreis The graie friers came first into Englande Maude the doughter of kinge Henrie after the death of her husband the emperour came into England to her father The order of S. Iohns hospitalles templares Anni regum Angli and other lyke beganne first at this time The yere of the worlde 5089 The yere of Christ 1128 ¶ Geffrei Plantagenct erle of Angeow maried Maud the empresse doughter of king Henrie of which two descended Henrie the .ii. which reigned after Stephene The yere of the worlde 5091 The yere of Christ 1130 Innocent●us Anni regum Angli 30 the .ii. beinge ordeyned bishop of Rome went immediatlie with a stronge armye againnt Roger Erle of Sicilie at whiche time he toke by violence the towne of ● Germanye and besieged Roger in the castell Gelucium But William Duke of Calabre deliuered his father and toke the bishop prisoner with certaine of his cardinalles whom he shortly after sette at libertee In the meane time the people of Rome named one Peter to be bishop which was the son of a citesin called ▪ Peter Leo Wherfore Innocent durst not returne ▪ to Rome but fled straight into Fraunce This man first ordeined that he which st roke a priest should be excommunicate Balde quinus king of Damascus was vanquished of Baldwine king of Ierusalem The yere of Christ 1131 Fulco erle of Angeow Anni regum Angli 31 was ordeined the fourth king of Ierusalem The yere of the worlde 5902 About this time Philip the eldest sonne of Lewys king of France by misfortune was slaine with an horse in Paris Lewis the younger by consent of his father was annoincted king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5903 The yere of Christ 1132 Henrie king of Englande Anni regum Angli 32 bicause he had none other issue male ordeyned that his doughter Maude whyche had bene empresse should suceede him in the kingdome Fulco king of Ierusalē slew a great noumbre of the Turkes and builded the castell or sort called Ibelli●um The yere of the worlde 5094 The yere of Christ 1133 Lothayre the emperour restored Innocentius to the bishoprike of Rome and recouered of him the imperiall Diademe Anni regum Angli 33 Bela the sonne of Almus whom Calomannus had bereft of his sight was ordeyned kynge of Hungarye and reygned .x. yeres He punisshed theim extremelye whiche caused that crueltee to be shewed toward his father and vanquisshed in battayle one Borichus the bastarde sonne of Calomannus ▪ whiche by ayde of the Pelonians and Rutenes affected the kyngdome and toke to wyfe Helena the daughter of the king of Seruia Lewys the yong king of France maried Alenour The yere of the worlde 5096 whithe was right heyre to the prouince of Aqullaine The yere of Christ 1135 Kyng Henry of Englande being in Normandye with a fal of his horse toke his death STephene Erle of Boloyne the soonne of the Erle of Bloyes Anni regum Angli 1 and Adela Wylliam cōquerours daughter The yere of the worlde 5097 The yere of Christ 1136 and nephew to Henry the firste toke on hym the gouernance of this realme of Englande This was a noble man and hardye of passyng comely fauoure and personage In all princely vertue he excelled as in marciall pollicie affabilitee gentilnesse and bountefull lyberalytee towarde all men and especially in the beginnyng for although he had continuall warre yet dyd he neuer burdein ▪ his commons with exactions sauing only certaine bishops which flowyng in riches builded dyuers castels that tourned the kyng after to greate trouble Onelye in this he s●●ied blame worthie that contrarye to hys othe made to Maude the daughter of Henrie he was thought vniustly to take on him the crowne For which cause he was vexed with warees all the tyme of his reigne Great trouble and discencion in England for so much as dyuers of the nobles fauoured Maude the empresse againe Stephene which was in possession of the crowne Warre betwene kinge Stephene and Dauid of Scotlande because he refused to doe to hym hys homage for Northumberlande and Hunting ton ▪ wh●che he helde by his wyfe ▪ In this warre the Scottisshe historye sayeth the Duke of Gloucester was taken Steph●ne made peace and agreed with Dauid kynge of Scottes and receiued of hym homage after he hadde wonne from hym certaine townes and castels and gaue to Henry the son of Dauid the Erldome of Huntington ¶ Lewys the eight surnamed the yonger after the death of his father was ordeyned kyng of Fraunce In the beginnynge of hys reigne died Ioannes de temporibus whiche as witnesseth the Frence cronicle was a squyer in the tyme of Charles the great and liued ouer .300 yeres Lothayre the emperour went to Rome the second tyme against Roger The yere of the worlde 5098 The yere of Christ 1137 whiche named hym selfe kynge of Italy Anni regum Angli 2 But Roger hearyng of the emperours comyng towarde hym sled into Sicilie Than the byshop of Rome gaue the Duchie of Puell to Raynon a knyghte of the emperours whom also he ordeined gouernour of Italie A vaine rumour was spredde in England of the death of kynge Stephene whiche was cause of muche trouble and businesse in the realme For dyuers of the lordes got theim to theyr holdes whiche after myght scantlye with great labour be quieted and appeased After whiche time Stephene passed into Normandye against Geffrey Erle of Angeow the husbande of Maude the empresse whiche was right heyre to the crowne and whan he had quieted
of Christ 1158 About this time came into England certaine Germaines Anni regum Angli 4 to the number of .xxx. whiche taught the abrogacyon of the sacramentes of the aulter baptisme and wedlock Wylliam kyng of Sicilie the whole college of cardynalles and dyuers citees of Italie conspired against the emperour Friderich which was occupied in the warres against Myllaine gaue to the bishop of Romela greate summe of money to excommunicate the emperour About this tyme one Angus of Galloway rebelled in Scotland which was subdued by Gilchrist Erle of Angus Not long after the Murrasy rose against their king and were suppressed with great slaughter Adrian bishop of Rome dyed beyng choked with a flye in his drinke who a little before his death affyrmed that there was no kynde of lyfe more miserable than the Papacie Anni regum Angli 5 Alphons kyng of Castile died as he was coming from Hierusalem and left after him his sonne Sanctius The yere of the worlde 510 The yere of Christ who being slain in A●rabia his brother Ferdinande succeded in the kyngdome and reigned .31 yeres Great discorde and variaunce in Rome for the election of the bishop for some of the cardinalles chose one Octauyan but other some and the more parte named Alexander At whiche tyme the emperoure to whose iudgement the matter was referred whan that Alexander dysdeyned to abyde his arbiterment confyrmed Octauian Than old Alexander flee into Fraunce and there excommunicated out of the numbre of the faithfull bothe Friderich the emperour and Octauian the Antipape and in a counsayle at Claremounte disanulled the actes of the counsayle of Paule This schisme continued wel nere .xx. yeres The yere of the worlde 5121 The yere of Christ 1160 Anni regum Angli 6 Lewys kynge of Fraunce gaue his daughter Margarete in mariage to Hearle the sonne of the kyng of England by reasō wherof was appeaced the warre grudge betwene France England for the lādes of Poytow c Friderich the emperour came the fourth time into Italye Anni regum Angli 7 and wasted the citee of Terdona robbed Cremona The yere of the worlde 1122 The yere of Christ 1161 spoyled Myllaine whiche had bene cause of muche myschiefe and cast it to the earth For whiche cause the Ueronenses Patauines and Uincentines by the stering of the Uenecians coniured and made confederacie against the emperour At the subuercion of Millaine the women whiche hadde lybertie to departe with as muche as they coulde carie leuynge their riches and treasure toke with them their infantes and yonge children with whiche example of motherly charite the emperour beynge greatly delyted graunted to them al their whole substaunce and the sauegarde of their chyldren This yeare as saith Fabian kynge Henry of Englande went into Scotland and made so fierce warre vpon their kynge William that lastely he toke him caused him to make recompensacion in yelding to him the castel of Carlell the castel of Bamburgh with diuers other and receiued of hym feaulte and homage Uladislaus Anni regum Angli 8 for his valiant knighthode whiche he declared in the Syege and expungnacion of Myllaine The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1162 was by the emperour ordeined the .ii. kynge of Boheme and had geuen to him for his armes the red raunping Lion with the forked tayle The emperour Friderich sought diuers meanes of peace and agreement with Alexander bishop of Rome But he would not in any wyse agree The yere of Christ 1163 Almericus succeded his brother Baldwine in the kyngdome of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 5124 Anni regum Angli 9 he vanquisshed the Aegipcians and toke the citye Alexandria whiche he restored to the Soul done vppon promyse of a great summe of money for the same but whan promyse was not kept for the paiemente thereof Almericus besieged him in the towne called Cayrum or Cares Stephene the .iii. was ordeyned king of Hungarie and reigned .ix. yeares Guido bishop of Crema after the death of Octauian was made bishop of Rome by the emperoure The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1164 Anni regum Angli 10 at whiche tyme Alexander was still in Fraunce Thomas becker bishop of Caunterbury whiche sediciouselye vnder pretence of defendynge the lyberties of the churche as he sayd spake and dyd many thinges against the kinges prerogatiue royall and contrarye to all good ordre of ciuile gouernaunce was expelled out of the realme or more verely fled himselfe to Rome to complayne vpon the kynge to the byshop The welshemen rebelled and were brought againe in subiection Anni regum Angli 11 Byshop Alexandre returned out of Fraunce to Rome The yere of the worlde 5126 The yere of Christ 1165 and was receiued of the people contrarye to the Emperours mynde Anni regum Angli 12 The Romaines The yere of the worlde 5127 The yere of Christ 1166 for so muche as the Tusculanes refused to paye a fowage that was of theym exacted made fierce warre ▪ vpon theim and by the ayde of the Germaines were them selues vanquisshed and slayne in greate noumbre Frederich the emperour retournyng to Rome subdued a great parte of the borders of Hetrucia and beclipped the citye of Rome with a stronge syege at whiche tyme a great noumbre of his souldiours and many of the noble men perisshed with a sodeine pestilence Wylliam succeded his brother Malcolme and was ordeined kynge of Scottes Alexander the bishop wasagayne constraigned to flye in to Fraunce In this meane tyme the citie of Myllaine was repayred and newely builded The Uenecians expelled the Hung ares from Iadara The people of Dalmacie submitted theym to Emanuell the emperour of Grece A bitter commociō was kendled betwene the emperours of Grece and the Ueneciās whiche bereft him of diuers citees townes and ilandes After the desease of Malcolme William king of Scottes came into England and did to king Henry feaultee and homage as Malcolme had done before The citee of Alexandria in Italie was erected by the people of Millaine Placentia Anni regum Angli and Cremona The yere of the worlde 5129 The yere of Christ king Henrie of Englande caused Henrie his eldest son to be crowned king as he thought to the great quyetnesse as well of him selfe as of his realme but as it proued to the vtter disturbance of them both Anni regum Angli 15 Guydo the Antipape dyed The yere of the worlde 5130 The yere of Christ 1169 after whom succeded Ioannes which was the thirde bishop that was set vp by the emperour against Alexander The Romains vtterly destroyed Alba. Raynold Erle of Tusculane submitted hym selfe and his lordship to the Romaine bishop Siracinus or Xaracon the fyrst Souldaine of Aegypt after he had murdered Zuar the Catiph The yere of the worlde 5131 The yere of Christ 1170 Anni regum Angli 16 The yere of the worlde 5132 The yere of Christ 1171 Thomas Becket Anni regum Angli 17 by the mediacion of Alerāder byshop
of Rome and Lewys the Frenche kyng was restored to his bishoprike and not longe after by certaine gentilm● was slayne the faulte whereof was iniustly laied to the kynge Saladine kyng of the Turkes adnexed to his signory Aegypt and Sury The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1172 He was a man of great puisance Anni regum Angli 18 and a mightie and stronge warriour whiche wrought much cathe to the Christians ¶ Baldwine the .iiii. was the .vii. kyng of Hierusalem Kyng Henrie of England sent ambassade to Alexāder bishoppe of Rome ▪ to purge hym of the false accusaciō of the death of Thomas Becket Amonge other thinges it was enioigned him in his penaunce that it shuld be lawful to his subiectes as often as theim listed to appeale to the sea of Rome and that no man shuld be accounted as kyng vntil suche tyme as he were confyrmed by the Romayne bishop Wherby it manyfestly appeareth that the byshops of Rome in all theyr doynges endeuour only to haue princes and kingdomes subiecte to theyr becke but this his iniunction was at no tyme fulfilled of the kynge of England Bela the .iii. and sonne of Stephene kyng of Hungary reigned .xviii. yeres He beynge not troubled with externall hostilytee gaue hym selfe to peace quyetnesse and iustice Kyng Henrie subdued Irelande and adnexed the same to his kyngdome Peter a bishoppe of Lumbardie wrate the boke of the Sentences The yere of the worlde 5134 The yere of Christ 1173 Friderich the emperour entred into Italy with a huge host the .v. time Anni regum Angli 19 Lewys king of France sent an Erle of his in Asia with a great summe of money whiche he had leuied of the beneuolence of the people to susteine the Christians beyng in warre against the Turkes Thomas Becket was canonised by the bishop of Rome Baldwine king of Ierusalem nere to Ascalon vanquished Saladine the Turke and in like maner at the second encounter about Tiberiadi● Anni regum Angli 20 The yere of the worlde 5135 The yere of Christ 1174 Anni regum Angli 21 The people of Millaine with their confederates The yere of the worlde 5136 The yere of Christ 1175 encountring the emperour in Italy obteined of him a bluddie victorye Henrie the sonne of king Henrie of Englande was crowned the secounde time with his wife Margaret the French kinges doughter Ema●n ll emperour of Grece inuaded Silicia and wss ouerthrowen and chased of the Turkes King Henrie the sonne by the exciting of the kinge of Fraunce Alinour his mother and certaine other nobles toke armes and arrered deadly warre againste his naturall father Anni regum Angli 22 Diuers stronge battayles were foughten The yere of the worlde 5137 The yere of Christ 1176 as well in Englande by the deputies and friendes of bothe partes as also in Normandie Pottew Guyan and Britaine where they were corporallie present but the victorie enclined alwaye to the father There tooke parte against king Henrie the father Lewys king of Fraunce William kinge of Scotlande Henrie Geffrey Iohn his owne sonnes Robert erle of Leceister Hugh of Chester and other but in the ende the sonnes with their alies were constreined to bende to their fathers will and desire peace whiche he gentlye graunted and forgaue their trespasse Wylliam kyng of Scottes in this warre was taken and yelded for his ranesome the citee of Carlell the castell of Bamburgh the new castell vpon Tine ▪ and swore for euer to be true to the kinge And as wel he as his successours to do their homage as oftē as it shulde bee required The Scottishe historie reciteth an other cause of this warre of William agaynst Kinge Henrye and sayeth he was taken in the .1174 yere of our lord Friderich the emperour after the disc●mfiture taken at Comum made peace with his aduersaries and came to Uenice to the bishop of Rome where he so humiled hī selfe that he suffered the bishoppe to treade vpon him at which time was songe the verse of the hsalter super aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis ▪ conculcabis leonem et draconem And when Friderich sayed that he did not that obeysaunce to Alexander but to Peter he answerer bothe to me and peter Of this outragious pride what is to be iudged euery mā may esteme But this is vndoubted that he stered such mortall and cruell warres as we haue before shewed without anye iust cause onelye so his pryuate election and woulde obey neyther to counsayle nor auctoritee nor yet condescende to any attonement Yea and desides this with vnestimable pryde ●yo conculcate and treade vnder fete the highest power of prynces which god commaunded with great reuerence to be obeyed Bishop Alexander coming to Rome made peace with the citisins on this condicion that their consulles should not be admitted vntill they had sworne to be obediente to him and to enterprise nothing wherby the power of the Romaine bishop might be diminished The yere of the worlde 5139 The yere of Christ 1178 In Englande fell great weathering Anni regum Angli 24 tempest of thundre and lightning in midwinter in sommer folowinge fell hayle of such greatnesse that it slewe bothe man and beast Gilbert of Gallaway rebelled in Scotlande he was chased by Gilchrist and driuen into Irelande not longe after this Gilchrist was banished for killinge his wyfe the kinge s syster stealing after agayne into Scotland liued a poore life a longe tyme vntill by great chance he was receiued to the kinges mercie The yere of the worlde 5240 Philyp the sonne of Lewis king of Fraunce after the decease of his father The yere of Christ 1179 Anni regum Angli 25 toke on him the gouernaunce of the realme which he gouerned well and noblie .xliii. yeares At the beginning he expelled the Iewes out of his lande At this time were many Iewes in England which against the feast of Easter did vse to crucify yong children in despite of Christian religion The yere of the worlde 5241 The yere of Christ 1180 Alexius being but a very childe was ordeyned emperour of Constantinople after the death of his father by whom he was committed to the tuicion of a noble man called Andronicus who first vsed him selfe towarhe the yonge emperour as a good tutour after as a felow with him in the empyre and lastlye as a shamefull trayteur murdered him when he had reigned iii-yeares Lucius the .172 byshoppe of Rome .iiii. yeres who endeuouring to pull downe agayne the gouernaunce of the consulles was driuen out of the citee and fledde to Uerona Anni regum Angli 27 The yere of the worlde 5142 The yere of Christ 1181 Anni regum Angli 28 Henrie the eldest sonne of king Henrie of England The yere of the worlde 5143 The yere of Christ 1182 ended his life Shortlye after beganne the warre betwene king Henrie and Philip of Fraunce for homage that the Frenche king required to be done for the landes of Poytow and other and
for the castell of Gisours Kynge Philip of Fraunce warred vpon the Duke of Burgoyne Anni regum Angli 29 for the castell of Uerginde The yere of the worlde 5144 The yere of Christ 1183 Andronicus after he had murdered Alexiu● toke on him the imperiall crowne and reigned .ii. yeres Baldwine the v. being but a childe was proclaimed king of Hierusalem Saladine kinge of Turkes inuaded and spoyled the countrey about Ierusalem and broughte much trouble to the Christians William kinge of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5145 The yere of Christ 1184 for certane iniuries done to the Latines Anni regum Angli 30 ledde a huge armie both by water and by lande against the emperour of Constantinople and toke the citee Thessalonica of Macedone and subdued manye citees of Thrace and Grece to his obeisaunce Guydo toke on him the kingdome of Ierusalem ▪ for the which was great contencion betweene him and the Erle of Tripolis named Raimunde which discord gaue occasion to Saladine the Turke more cruelly to assaute the Christians in Asia Heraclius Patriarke of Ierusalem whiche had bene in diuers partes of Europe Anni regum Angli 31 came to king Henrie The yere of the worlde 5146 The yere of Christ 1185 desyring him of ayde against the Turkes Isacius vanquished put to death Andronicus emperour of Constantinople and reygned there .xvi. yeres Urbane the .iii. bishop of Rome .ii. yeres Friderich emperour of Germanie ordeined his sonne Henrie gouernour of the citees of Italie In England the Iewes crucified a childe in the towne of Burie Anni regum Angli The yere of the worlde 5147 The yere of Christ The Sarasens were chased and sleine at the citee An●●●e Saladine the Turke besieged Tiberiadis slewe the Christians toke prisoners king Guydo and the maysters of the templates He receyued by agreement the citee Ascalone and possessed Ladirea Then he wente to Ierusalem and conquered againe the citee .92 yeares after it was taken by the Christians In the meane time the people of Antioch chased slewe the Turkes in great numbre ¶ Here endeth the kingdome of Ierusalem The citee of Antioch was geuen vp to Saladine by the Patriarke for a great summe of money The yere of the worlde 5148 The yere of Christ 1187 Anni regum Angli 33 Gregorie the .viii. bishop of Rome .57 dayes and after him Clement the .iii. three yeres .v. monethes Richard erle of Poytow made warre againste kynge Henrie of Englande his father The yere of the worlde 5149 The yere of Christ 1188 Anni regum Angli 34 and takinge parte with the French king wanne from him diuers citees townes and castels and namely the citee of Ci●omanna For sorow wherof shortly king Henrie ended his life About this time the Uenecians bought the ile of Cret● or Cādy of one Boniface surnamed Monti Ferratensis The yere of Christ 1189 RYcharde the first of that name for his valiant and lustie courage The yere of the worlde 5150 Anni regum Angli 1 surnamed Cor de Lyon the second sonne of Henrie was crowned king of Englande and reigned xi yeares .ix. monethes .xx. dayes He was bigge of stature and hadde a merye countenaunce in the which appeared as wel a pleasaunte gentlenesse as a noble and princely maiestee to his souldiours he was fauourable bountifull to his friendes straungers a greuous enemie and harde to be pleased desirous of warre and abhorring idlenesse He inclined somewhat to pryde lecherie and auarice but mooste of all he is to be blamed because he semed to be impious toward his father The Londoners obteined .ii. officers to guyde theyr citee whiche were called bailiffes Great preparacion was made for the recouerie of Ierusalem and to ayde the christians in Asia by Friderich emperour of Almayne Rycharde kynge of Englande Philip of Fraunce Oddo Duke of Burgoyne the Uenecians Pisones William king of Sicilie and other The Frisones Danes and Flemminges with sword and fire destroied the sea costes of Afrike and Mauritania belonging to the Sarasens Friderich the emperoure after he had subdued the lesse Armonie and conquered diuers citees of Asia by misfortune was drowned in the riuer Selephius Phillip kyng of Fraunce and Richarde of Englande The yere of the worlde 5151 The yere of Christ 1190 went forwarde in theyr iourney toward Hierusalem Henrye the .vi. and sonne of Friderich was ordeyned emperour of Almayne Anni regum Angli 2 The bishop of Coloine and other bishops with the princes of Burgoyne rebelled Alphons the .viii. surnamed the good recouered hys fathers kyngdome of Spayne and reigned .53 yeres He take to wyfe Elenoure the daughter of kynge Henrye of England lately disceased Kynge Rycharde in his iourney towarde Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 5152 The yere of Christ subdued the Iland of Cipres Anni regum Angli 3 and than iuigning his puisaunce with the Frenche kyng in Asia conquered Acon where was kenled betwene kynge Rycharde and Philip kynge of France a greuous dyspleasure For whiche cause Phillip shortly after departed thens and comynge into Fraunce inuaded the countrey of Normandye and excited also Iohn the brother of kynge Rycharde to take on him the kingdome of Englād in his brothers absence Celestine the .iii of that name byshop of Rome .vi. yeres .viii. monethes The bishop of Rome gaue Constance the doughter of Wylliam kyng of Sicilie to Henrie the emperoure by whiche meanes Sicilye became subiecte to hym Aboute this tyme the emperour was occupied in warre in Puel Saphandinus expellyng his kinsmen was made soule daie of Aegypt Kynge Rycharde of Englande restored to the Christyans the citee of Ioppe and in manye battayles put the Turkes to great sorow Warre betwene the citees of Uenice and Pise Wylliam bishop of Elie to whom kyng Rychard had committed the gouernaunce of England The yere of the worlde 5153 The yere of Christ 1192 practised much crueltee and vsed to ryde with a thousande horses wherby he greeued the places 〈◊〉 the whiche he soiourned Kynge Rycharde exchanged Cypres with Guye of Lesingham for the kyngdome of Hierusalem Wherfore the kyng of Englande a longe tyme after was called kynge of Hierusalem Kyng Rycharde hauyng knowlage that Philip of Fraunce inuaded Normandye and that Iohn his brother by hys counsayle aspired to hys kyngdome made peace with the Turkes for .iii. yeares The yere of the worlde 5154 The yere of Christ 1193 Anni regum Angli 5 and with a smal company retournyng whomward by Thrace traiterouslye was taken prisoner by the Duke of Austrige and brought to Henry the emperour ther kept in streit pryson a yere and .v. monethes where it is sayed that he slew a lyon and toke out his hert Emericus kynge of Hungary reigned viii yeres The yere of the worlde 5155 The yere of Christ 1194 Kynge Rycharde paiynge hys raunsome of .100000 poundes was deliuered 〈◊〉 retournyng to hys countrey Anni regum Angli 6 made sharpe warre vppon the Frenche kinge and Iohn his brother at whiche time was
a charge but by the helpe of his mother Blaunch he quieted his enemies and reigned .xliii. yeres The abbot of Ursburge an historiographer Petrus de Uineis a lawier were famous Anni regum Angli 12 Friderich the emperour toke his vyage toward Asia The yere of the worlde 5190 The yere of Christ 1229 where he behaued him so knightly that he recouered Ierusalem and diuers other citees which he repaired and fortified and thā made peace with the Souldaine for .x yeres King Henrye of Englande sayled with an army into Britaine agaynst Lewis king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5191 The yere of Christ 1230 Anni regum Angli 13 where after spoyling of the countrey a peace was cōcluded betwene the two yonge princes The yere of the worlde 5192 The yere of Christ 1231 Notwithstanding the great vilanie that Gregory byshop of Rome had shewed to Friderich the emperour as well by inuadinge his landes while he was absent ▪ Anni regum Angli 14 and spreading a false rumour of his death in Asia as also in reiecting his louing letters and publishinge him to be an enemy of Christian religion an d no lesse to be hated than a Sarasen or Turke Yet ceassed not thys gentyll prince at his returne to entreat meanes of concord whiche he could not obteyne vntil he had payed to the bishop in the of penaunce .120000 ounces of golde and than was he agayn proclaimed emperour of Almayn king of Sicilie Blondus Platine Sabellicus and other Italian historiographers cast al the faut vpon the emperour and make him worst of all men But the abbot of Ursberge whiche was in those dayes sheweth the pride auarice and stubbourne frowardnesse of the Romayne bishop Uariaunce chanced betwene the studentes of Paris the citisins in so muche that the scholars were mynded to haue departed from the citee A great discencion and ruffling betwene the bishop of Rome and the citesins for their auncient liberties customes and gouernance of their citee wherof ye may read in Blondus De inclinatione Romani imperii the .vii. booke by what meanes the bishoppe extorted from theim their libertees The Welshemen aboute this time rebelled Great harme was done in the citee of London with fyre The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1232 Anni regum Angli 15 Uariance kendled betwene king Henry of Englande and his lordes The yere of the worlde 5194 The yere of Christ 1233 Anni regum Angli 16 because he put from his seruyce English men and trusted straungers as wel in his counsaile as other offices nere about him The citie Uerona came agayne to the obedyence of the emperour Theobalde of Campaine was kinge of Nauerre The emperour retourned the .iii. tyme into Germanie and warred in Austrich against the Hungares wher he toke Macheria Gaza and Uienna whiche he ordeyned to be the imperiall citie and there made his sonne Chunrade Cesar. Edwarde of Pountnay was ordeyned byshop of Canturbury Anni regum Angli 18 Kynge Henry beganne the foundacyon of S. Iohns hospytall in Oxenforde The yere of the worlde 5196 The yere of Christ 1235 In this yeere fell verye vnseasonable weather of thūder lightning ▪ and erthquakes wherof ensued a famine and pestilence Kyng Henry put from him the strāgers and receiued the Englysh men to their offices The Irishemen rebelled The Iewes dwelling in Norwych were accused for steling of a childe whom they purposed to crucifie Friderich the emperoure maried Isabell the syster of kinge Henrie of Englande King Henry toke to wyfe Elenour the doughter of the Erle of Prouince Anni regum Angli 19 The yere of the worlde 5197 The yere of Christ 1236 In Englande appeared as it were hostes of men fighting in the element The statute of Merton was first inacted ▪ or after some in the thyrteth yere of this kinge Henrie Anni regum Angli 20 The yere of the worlde 5198 The yere of Christ 1237 Theobalde king of Nauarre Almarith Erle of Moūtfort Henrie Erle of Campaine with a great multitude of souldiours went into Asia where at the beginnynge they wente forwarde prosperously and gathered muche prayse but in the end betwen Ptolomais and Gaza thei were vanquisshed of the Turkes and a great noumbre slaine Myllaine and certaine other famous cities of Italy rebelled againste the emperoure whiche he vanished and brought in due obeisaūce And therfore was againe cursed of Gregorye and proclaimed an heretike Whiche thyng caused great trouble in Italye Deadly warre betwene the citie of Gean and the Uenecians for the I le of Crete ¶ Bela the .iiii. succeded his father Andrew in the kyngdome of Hungary and reigned 3● yeres The Uenecians ouercame certaine Grecians whiche hadde beclipped the cytie of Constantinople with a hard siege The yere of the worlde 5199 The yere of Christ 1233 The Rhodes became subiect to Uenice Anni regum Angli 21 At the Uniuersitee of Parys it was concluded that no priest vnder payne of deadly synne coulde haue .ii. benefyces The yere of the worlde 5200 A clerke of Oxenforde or more verily a certaine souldiour feignynge him selfe mad The yere of Christ 1239 Anni regum Angli 22 enterprised to haue slaine king Henry of England but he was taken put to deth The yere of the worlde 5201 The yere of Christ 1240 Partes were taken in Italie for the emperour and the bishop of Rome they whiche fauoured the bishop Anni regum Angli 23 were called Guelphi the other Gibelini of whiche discencion rose most cruell and deadly warres For the byshop promyssed eternall lyfe to all theim that fought against the emperour and desyred healpe of the Englyshemen and Frenchemen He called also a generall counsaile ▪ wherin he depriued the emperour of his auctoritie and ordeyned Salue regina c. and that belles shoulde be ronge at the consecracion of the sacramēt and to the praise of our Ladie with suche other ioyly thinges The emperoure toke .ii. cardinalles and kepte theim in prison at Amalphia he subdued Rauenna and the Seneses came to his parte The yere of the worlde 5202 The yere of Christ 1241 After the death of Gregorye Colestinus was bishop of Rome .xviii. dayes Anni regum Angli 24 and than was the see of Rome voide xxi monethes The great Cahan prince of the Tartarians after he had wan from the Turkes much of the east landes with an arme of 500000. men inuaded Hungary with whō Be la their king encountring was vanquished and fled into Dalmacia Than the Tartarians conquered Uacia Uaradinum Stridoniam wyth other places so distroyed the countrey wyth sword and fyre that the inhabitauntes were constreigned for hunger to eate their owne children whiche crueltee contynued thre yeeres And at the last the heythen Pagaines being forced with ●emyne were faine to departe out of the countrey Iames kinge of Arragon Friderich the emperour subdued to him Fauercia Parma Bononia and transferred the studentes from Bononia to Padua Henrie king of Englande
subdued the Welshemen which oftentimes rebelled Baldwine emperour of Constantinople and Raimunde Erle of Tolows Anni regum Angli 29 coming into Italy The yere of the worlde 5203 The yere of Christ 1242 obteyned of Friderich that the .ii cardinals whych he kept in prison might be sette at libertee Aldermen first chosen in the citee of London Anni regum Angli Kinge Henrie of Englande The yere of the worlde 5204 The yere of Christ 1243 by the stering of a Frencheman named Erle of Marche sayled into Normandie with a fayre companye purposinge to recouer Poyters Fuyan and other countreys but after manye bakerynges somewhat to the losse of the Englishemen Henrye founde meanes of peace whiche was concluded for the space of v. yeres Innocent the .iiii. being ordeined bishop of Rome fled to Lyons in Fraunce for feare of Friderich emperoure where he called a counsayle This man gaue redde hattes first to the cardinalles Henrie the firste was kinge of Spayne .ii. yeres being but a childe He maried his kinswoman the kynges doughter of Portugall and died as he was playing with children by the falling of his throte Ferdinande the fourth a man of great noblenesse The yere of the worlde 5205 The yere of Christ 1244 was king of Spayne .xii. yeares Anni regum Angli He conquered well nere all Spayne from the dominion of the Sarasens Gino Can the .iii. emperour of the Tartarians vnder him Batho vanquisshinge the Scythes made his royall seate in Cathay Anni regum Angli 28 The Tartarians ouerran Asia called Georgiana and after that inuaded Armenia entred euen to Iconium The yere of the worlde 5206 The yere of Christ 1245 the royal palace of the king of Turkes An other company of the Tartarians vnder their leader Bato wyth most cruel inuasions wasted the countrey of Polonie Hungarie Russia Gasa and with great tirannie afflicted the same At Tollet in Spayne a Iew digging in the grounde to enlarge his vineyarde ▪ found a holow stone wherin was a boke of the bignesse of a psalter written in greke latine and hebrewe the mattier whereof was of .iii. worldes to come and declared the coming of Christ to be the beginning of the thirde which was expressed in this maner In the beginnynge of the thirde worlde the son of god shal be borne of a mayde By occasion of this booke the Iew was turned to the faith of Christ. The yere of the worlde 5207 The bishop of Rome assembling a counsayle at Lyons excommunicated Friderich the emperour The yere of Christ 1246 Anni regum Angli 29 and depriued him of al imperiall auctoritee commaundinge that he should no more be called Cesar. The emperour committed the gouernance of Italy and Lumbardie to his sonne Eu●ius king of Sardinia and then besieged Parma which he toke and destroyed and buylded a newe citee in the same place called Uictoria About this time was a terrible earthquake in Englande and in Fraunce Grossioni a people of Arabie by the steeringe of the Souldaine of Babylon The yere of the worlde 5208 The yere of Christ 1247 Anni regum Angli 30 cruellye afflicted the Chrystians in all Asia and vsed most spitefull vilanie towarde the sepulchre of Christ in Ierusalem The electours of Germanie hearing of the deposicion of Friderich ordeined the Lanthgraue of Thuring to be king of Romains who shortlie after disceassed and then they chose William erle of Hollande At this time were many preachers in Sueuia whych sharpelye rebuked the abuses of the bishop of Rome and his cardinalles namely his false vsurped Pardones The yere of the worlde 5209 The newe citee Uictoria was taken spoyled and destroyed by the friendes of the bishoppe of Rome The yere of Christ 1248 Anni regum Angli 31 and the emperour Friderich chased Lewis the Frenche kinge departed fro Paris in his iourney toward the holye land with many other nobles and bishops of Fraunce Shortlye after his arriuall he broug ht to his subiection the citee Damyet of Egipt Friderich notwithstandinge the bishop of Romes cursinge subdued well nere all Italye excepte a fewe cityes which fauoured his enemies Kinge Henrie of England seised the franchesses of the citee of London for a iudgment geuen against a widow named Margaret Uyell But shortelye after they were restored ¶ Alexander the thyrde .ix. yeares of age succeded hys father in the kyngedome of Scotlande and reigned 3● yeares He hadde perpetuall amytee with the kynges of England Anni regum Angli 33 Friderich ordeyned Manfrede his bastarde son The yere of the worlde 5211 The yere of Christ 1250 prince of Tarentum Ehunrade his sonne by his wyfe Iole he ordeyned his heyre and shortly ther●pon payed hys debte to nature in P●ell Some wryte that he was p●●soned and not vnlyke for the blessed fathers thought theim neuer in quiete vntil they had dyspatched that good emperour oute of lyfe After whiche tyme Italye was still dyuided into the faccions of the Guelphes and Gibelynes In Italie bloud issued out of bread as oute of woundes flesshely cut Anni regum Angli 34 and blouddy cloudes appeared The yere of the worlde 5212 The yere of Christ 1251 Lewys kynge of Fraunce ▪ entendyng to besiege Babilon by sickenesse and other maladies lost a great part of his armie and in the ende was hym selfe taken prysoner of the Souldaine with his .ii. bretherne Charles and Robert the Erle of Poyters the Erle of Angeow ▪ the Erle of Flaunders the Duke of Britain the Erle of Scisons which were al deliuered vpon a great raunsome In Fraunce a company of younge men namyng them selfes shepherdes vowed to restore their kyng to libertee but for the hooredome and robbynge that they vsed the people of the countrey about the dead se● set vpon them slewe theyr capitains disp●rced that simple felowshyp Chunrade the sōne of Friderich toke on him the kingdome of Puell He was cursed also by the byshoppe of Rome Iames kynge of Arragon by the ayde of Ferdinande kyng of Castile Anni regum Angli 35 subdued the iles called Beleares The yere of the worlde 5213 The yere of Christ Mango Can the fourth emperoure of the Tartarians Chuarade kyng of Puell was poysoned by his brother Manfrede who was suspected also for the death of hys father King Henry of Englande maried his daughter Mary to Alexander kinge of Scottes and receyued homage of the same Alexander for the realme of Scotlande The Augustine friers beganne to inhabite in Wales Aboute this tyme the Tartaryans vnder theyr kynge Mango or Metho receiued the fayth of Chryst and after made sharpe warre vpon the Turkes toke from theym many countreis Accursius that made gloses on the lawe Compostellanus and Ostiec●is that wrate on the decrees Bertrucius a physycyon Uincent an hystoryographer Alexander Gallus a grammaryan and Stanslay the holy byshoppe were famous Anni regum Angli 36 Lewis kynge of fraunce retourned out of Asia into his countrey The yere of the worlde 5214 The yere
kinge of Norway and Denmarke toke occasion to inuade the landes of Scotlande to the great terrour of the kinge and the whole realme but not longe after at Largis he was discomfited in a great battayle and loste xxv thousande of his men wyth all his shyppes sauinge foure Anni regum Angli 47 Fiue hundred Iewes were slayne by the citesins of London because one Iew would haue forced a christian man to paye more then two pense for the vsurie of .xx. s. for a weke The yere of the worlde 5225 The yere of Christ 1264 After the death of Acho Magnus reigned amonge the Danes Hugh Le Spenser with the citisins of London spo●led and burnt the manoures of Richarde the kinges brother whiche hither to had ben a great staye of the warre betwene the king and his nobles Nere to Lewis king Henrie and his Barones fought a cruell battaile in the whiche he him selfe with Richarde his brother kinge of Romaines sir Edwarde his sonne and other noble men to the noumbre of xxv were taken and of the commons were slaine aboue .20000 The king ▪ and his brother were deliuered vpon firme promise made to perfourme the actes of the forenamed m●dde parliament for suertie whereof prynce Edwarde remained as pledge Uenceslaus the fourth king of Boheme Clement bishop of Rome .iii. yeres ix monethes Debate and variance betwene Simon Mountforte Erle of Leicester The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1265 Anni regum Angli 48 and Gilbert de Clare erle of Gloucester the chiefe capitaines of the Barones whiche turned to their great euell For prince Edwarde being now set at libertee alied him with the Erle of Gloucester and gatheringe to him a great power warred so fiercelye vpon Simon of Leicester that in the end he and Hugh Spenser with many other of the nobles were slain in battaile And the same yere was holden a parliament at Winchester where all the statutes made before at Oxenforde were foredone and al writinges made for the confirmacion of the same cancelled and broken The citee of London was in great daunger to haue bene vtterly destroied by the king for great ●re and displeasure that he had kendled toward it because of the forenamed commocion This yere was such infinite noumbre of wormes in all partes of Scotlande that floures herbes leaues and fruites of trees were consumed therwith Manfrede in Italy was vanquyshed slayne by Charles the Frenche kynges brother who toke possessiō of the kyngdome of Sicilie and Boneaent and for the same became feudarie to the Romaine bishoppe and paied to him yerely tribute By daiely suite and labour of friendes to kyng Henrye for the Londoners The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1266 he lastly graunted his pardon Anni regum Angli 49 But so that thei shulde geue to hym for all transgressions and offences the summe of .20000 markes and than to receiue againe theyr libertees Kynge Henrie besieged the castell of Kenelworth whiche Henrie Hastinges defended agaynst hym the space of halfe a yere and than gaue it vp into his handes Chunradinus Duke of Suaue the sonne of Chunrade and nephew of Friderich and righte heue as wel to the imperiall cro wne as to the kingedome of Sicilie came with a huge armie into Italy to recouer his fathers kingdome of Sicilie which the Romaine bishop bad wrongfully geuen to Charles the Frencheman The olde franches and libertees of London with a new graunt for the shire of Midleser Anni regum Angli The yere of the worlde 5228 The yere of Christ 1267 were confirmed by a parliament at Northhampton where also many noble men that had taken part with the Barones were disherited of their landes and therfore fledde to Eli● Friderich the kinges brother of Spaine whiche was banished his coun●trey came out of Afrike with a great companye of Sarasens and arriued in the sea costes of Sicilye where in the quarel of Chunradine he subdued the whole ilande sauinge three citees called Panormus Siracuse and Messana Banducar or Bendago souldaine of Egipt ouercame the christians The Genowais spoiled wasted a citee of Crete called Canea The gentlemen of Englande which fled to Ely The yere of the worlde 5229 The yere of Christ robbed did much harme to the countrei next adioignynge Anni regum Angli 51 Chunrade the Duke of Sucuia which in the beginning of his warres had prosperous successe in Italie encountring with Charles was vanquished and taken toward whom the bishop of Rome vsed much espiteful villanye In him ceassed the Dukes of Sueuia Anni regum Angli 52 Gilbert de Clare Erle of Gloncester for vnknowen displeasure aliyng him selfe with the exiled gentilmen The yere of the worlde 5230 The yere of Christ 1269 other nobles of England rose against the kinge helde the citee of London but by the diligent labour of sir Rychard king of Romaines and the bishop of Reines an agremente was made betwene the king and him The bishops see of Rome by meane of a discencion betwene the cardinalles was voyde the space of .ii. yeres Uariaunce betweene the felowships of goldsmithes and tailours of London Anni regum Angli 53 caused great ruffling in the cite The yere of the worlde 5231 The yere of Christ 1270 and manye men to be slaine for which riotte .xiii. of the chiefe capitains were reigned cast and hanged Aleine S●uch was discharged of his mairaltee by the kinge and St●phene Edw●rth made constable of the tower and cu●tos of the citee The disherited gentlemen were reconsiled to the king Lewis king of Fraunce and his three sonnes Philip Iohn and Peter with a great nauie sailed into Afrike against the Sarasens where by his pollicie and manhode they toke the citee of Thunes but by reason of the vnholsome countrey a pestilence infected his host of the which the king him selfe died The riuer Thames was so hard frosen from the feast of S. Andrewe to Candelmas The yere of the worlde 5132 The yere of Christ 1271 Anni regum Angli 54 that men and beastes passed ouer on fote from Lambeth to Westminster The citee of Londō with the reuenues was geuen to prince Edwarde Gregorie the .x. was bishoppe of Rome .iii. yeres Warre betwene the Uenecians and people of Bononie Philip the sonne of S. Lewys kynge of Fraunce reygned .xv. yeres Othacarus the .v. king of Boheme he was a valiaunt prince a man of great prowes and d●syrous of warre whom neither counsayle sayled in daungerous enterprises nor courage in aduersitie and misfortune By his wife Margaret he was Duke of Austrich When the electours profered to make him emperour he refused it sayinge that it was a greatter thinge to be kinge of Boheme than emperour of Rome At his entre he warred vpon Bela king of Hungarie and him vanquyshed and wanne the prouince of Stiria The yere of the worlde 5233 The yere of Christ 1272 Prince Edward of England sailing into Asia against the Infideles by his
pollicye and manlye actes so demeaned him selfe Anni regum Angli 55 that oftentimes he put the Turkes to gret shame disworship for despite whereof they subourned a false Sarasen by whose treason he was putte in greate daunger as his life For he was wounded with a venemous darte and therof was sicke longe after Ephren a Greke of Constantinople and Ptolomois of Luke in Italie historiographers Stephene the .v. was king of Hungarie .ii. yeres He by the ayde of the Germaines ouercame Othacarus kinge of Boheme and subdued Buda to hys kingdome The Tartarians conquered and ouerrode all Persia. At Grenewich beside London was a lambe yened hauing two perfite bodies and but one head Anni regum Angli 56 The yere of the worlde 5234 The yere of Christ 1273 Richard kinge Henries brother and king of Romaynes finished his life and was buried at Hayles A counsayle called at Lions in Fraunce by Gregorie the Romaine bishop against the Grecians for the proceding of the holy ghost and for communication to be had for the recouerie of the holy land Michael emperour of Constantinople submitted hym to the church of Rome Hulderich king of Carinth solde his principate of Carinthia and the countreys of Carniola Marchia Sclauonie with other to Othacarus kinge of Boheme for which landes was after warre betwene Othacarus and the emperour Rodulph of ●abishburge was ordeined emperoure of Almayne This man neuer receyued the imperiall dya●eme nor entred into Italie For he vsed to recite to hys familiars the fable of the fo●● that sayde to the Lyon be was a ferde to enter into his denne because he perceiued the steppes of many beastes goinge inward but of none that retourned out agayne And so he sayed manye emperours haue entred Italie with great pompe and glory but by the meanes of the bishop they retourned euel handled with great iniuries At the citee of Form●ul●●●n Italie the Gibelines slewe wel nere .8000 of the Guelphes King Henrie of England departed out of this life Anni regum Angli 1 EDwarde the firste of that name after the conqueste surnamed Longeshanke The yere of the worlde 5235 The yere of Christ began his reigne ouer this realme of Englande and reigned xxxiiii yeeres He was muche troubled with the rebellion of the Welshemen ▪ and Scottes and also with warre in Fraunce Of stature he was taule and mightie of bodie but nothinge grosse His eyes were somewhat blacke and in tyme of anger semed fierye of so noble and valiant hart that his courage neuer fainted in most hard and daungerous enterprises of witte excellente of great towardnesse 〈◊〉 apte to euerye thinge that he him selfe applied He hated extremelye the insolent presumpcion of priestes whiche he thought onely to rise of aboundaunce of riches he was a su●e friende and at idle times muche geuen to huntinge He profited greatlye his realme with newe and holsome lawes to the redressing of many enormities and specially of the false dealing of bakers and millers Ladislaus the fourth was kinge of Hungarie syxtene yeeres Alexander kinge of Scottes did his homoge to Edward of England The yere of the worlde 5236 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 2 Innocent the .v. was bishop of Rome .vi. monethes Honorius the .iiii. fiftye dayes Iohn the one and twentieth .viii. monethes The bishoppes see was voyde .vi. monethes And then Nicholas the thirde made bishop He wreasted from the emperour of Almaine al the countrey of Bononie Flaminia in the emperoures name toke from Charles kinge of Sicilie the gouernaunce of H●truria Warre betwene the Uenecians and the citee Ancon The yere of the worlde 5237 The yere of Christ 1276 King Edward entred again into Wales against Lewline and forced hi m to desire mercie and grace Anni regum Angli 3 Ladislaus king of Hungarie made warre to the people called Comam and them vanquished He vsed hym vnhonestly toward his wife keping other strumpets at his pleasure The citee of Rome was werie of the dominion of their bishoppes The statute of Mortmane was first enacted by kinge Edwarde The yere of the worlde 5238 The yere of Christ 1277 Anni regum Angli 4 Michael Tonie was hanged drawen and quartered for treason Nicholas bishop of Rome endeuoured to erect .ii. newe kingdomes in Italie for his two nephewes He vsurped the power of a senatour in Rome and would suffer non other to be created Deadly warre was reased betwene Rodulph the emperour The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and Othacarus king of Boheme Anni regum Angli 5 whiche enc●untring in the fieldes of Austriche foughte a sore battayle wherein the emperour obteined the victorie and Othacarus was slain Whose sonne Albert the emperour gentilly entreated and made him Duke of Austriche Reformacion was made in Englande for clippinge of the kinges coyne Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5240 The yere of Christ for whiche offence .284 Iewes were put to execution Halfepense and farthinges were firste coyned in England ¶ Uenceslaus was the .vi. kinge of Boheme who for his holinesse is noumbred among the sainctes Discencion in Rome for the election of the bishop Anni regum Angli 8 Martine the fourth was bishop of Rome .iiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 5242 The yere of Christ In his firste yeere was borne a childe of a woman that was verie familiar with him all hear●e and armed with clawes lyke to a beare Wherof when the bishop had knowledge he caused all the images of beares in his palaice to be raised out for a manif●● profe that he was perswaded that such fauoures as the woman doth conceiue in time of her conception shal be represensed in the childe at hys byrthe Michael Paleologus emperour of Grece was excommunicated by the Romaine bishop for breaking certain promises that he made in the counsayle of Lyons The Sarasens vanquished the Scythes and Armenians nere to Ganal● and after great slaughter wanne the citee Peter king of Arragon sailed into Afrike with a great nauie and brought from them muche riches and praye He endeuoured also to recouer the kingdome of Sicilie ▪ wherto he made claim by the right of his wife Constāce the daughter of Manfrede Anni regum Angli 9 Dauid the brother of Lewline prince of Wales vnkindly and traiterously excited his brother agaynst king Edward of England The yere of the worlde 5243 The yere of Christ The citee of Pis● was destroyed by the Germaines Tongader the Tartarian first receiued the law of Mahumet He conquered Babilon by the helpe of the Armenians About this time Wilhelmus Placentinus and Taddeus phisicions were famous And likewise Guydo Bonatus an astronomer The people of Sicilie detesting the pride auarice effeminate wantonnesse of the Frenchmen by the counsaile of a noble mā called Iohn Piochi●●us in one night slew all them that were within the iland in like maner was it doone in the citee of Form●ul●● shortlye after whiche murder the king of Arragon entred
Sicilie and subdued to him a great part of that ilande The yere of the worlde 5244 King Edwarde sent a company of souldiours into Wales The yere of Christ 1283 Anni regum Angli 10 vnder the ga●ding of the erles of Northumberlande and Surrei of the which companye manye were slayne and sir Ro●er Clifford taken prisoner ▪ The Welshemen subdued certaine castelles and holdes Peter king of Arragon after he had conquered a great part of Sicilie toke on him the imperiall crowne therof and was for that cause cursed by the bishoppe of Rome his kingdome of Arragon proclaymed to be open to euery man that would inuade it Charles the younger was vanquished and taken in battayle on the sea Philip king of Fraunce ▪ in the quarell of his brother Charles king of Sicilie proclaymed warre agaynst Peter of Arragon Lewline prince of Wales Anni regum Angli 11 was slaine by Roger Mortimer The yere of the worlde 5245 The yere of Christ 1284 and his head set vpon the Tower of London Sanctius the .iiii. reigned in Spayne .xi. yeres Charles king of Sicilie ended his life William Marton chauncellour of England about this time buylded Marton colle●ge in the vniuersitee of Oxeforde Dauid the brother of Lewline prince of Wales was taken and beheaded The yere of the worlde 5246 The yere of Christ 1285 Anni regum Angli 12 and diuers boldes and castelles of the UUelshemen geuen to the Englishe lordes Prince Edward of Canaruan was borne in wales Laurence Duket a citisin of London was founde deade and hanged in the church of S. Marie Bowes Philip king of France fought a strong and cruel battaile with Peter king of Arragon nere to Gerunda in the whiche Peter receyued a wound wherof he died shortly after leauing two sonnes Friderich whom he ordeined king of Arragon and Iames to whom he gaue Sicilye These two brethren mainteyned their fathers warre agaynst the Frenchemen Philip king of Fraunce ended his lyfe Kinge Alexander of Scotlande brake his necke by falling of a horse Leauing no heyre male after hym The realme contynued without kinge vi yeres .ix. monethes Honorius the .v. was bishop of Rome .ii. yeres He endeuoured to toke the kingedome of Sicilie from the king of Arrogon The new woorke of the church of Westminster vnto the ende of the quiece Anni regum Angli 13 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1286 begon in the third yere of the third Henrie and continued in buyldinge .66 yeeres was fynished The Pisanes were vanquished by the Genowais and in a battayle on the sea loste .50 gallies and shippes and 12000. souldiours The order of the Carmelites beganne of Albert Patriarke of Hierusalem Philip for his beautie surnamed the fayre ▪ reigned in Fraunce .xxviii. yeres This man because of warre that he had with the Duke of Gelderlande and other reared great taxes and paimentes throughout his lande as well of the clergie as laitee Rodulph the emperour subdued to his obedience the Suitzers which before were subiecte to the Erle of Sauoy Pseudo vanquished Friderich tamed the Snaues This yere was enacted by king Edwarde the statutes called ▪ Anni regum Angli 14 Additamenta gloucestrie The yere of the worlde 1248 The yere of Christ 1287 In the countrey of Heluccia a woman was deliuered of a childe that hadde two perfite bodies from the nauill vpwarde and an other womanne bare a childe the fact wherof was like to a man and the bodie to a lion The bishoprike of Rome was voyde .x. monethes Anni regum Angli 15 King Edwarde of Englande sayled to Bordeux The yere of the worlde 1249 and from thens rode into Frāce The yere of Christ 5288 The summer this yere was so exceding hote that men died for extreme heat and yet was wheate so plenteous that it was sold at London for xl d. a quarter Nicolas the .iiii. was bishop of Rome ▪ iiii yeeres Great bayle fel in England after that ensued so continuall raine Anni regum Angli 16 that the yere folowinge The yere of the worlde 5250 wheate was solde for .xviii. d. a bushell and so encreased yerelye the reygne of this kinge and his sonne till it was lastlye solde for .xl shillinges a quarter Peace agreed betwene the Frenchmen and Arragons The Florentines with great slaughter vanquished the G●bell●es of Arentine in Italie The citee Triple was taken and destroied by the Souldaine of Egipte and the christyans slayne in most cruell wise Ries a Welsheman rebelling against Pain● Tiptost warden of that countrey The yere of the worlde 5251 The yere of Christ 1290 Anni regum Angli 17 was by the erle of Cornewall in the kinges absēce taken drawen hanged quartered About this time the Iewes were expelled wholy out of this realme Charles the yonger which was prisoner a longe time in Arragon receyued the kingedome of Sicilie and for the same was feudarie to the Romaine bishop The Souldaine of Babylon conquered the citee of Asia called Tite Sidon Barutum and raised them euen with the earth whiche were before inhabited with Chrystian people He besieged in like maner the citye of Pt●lom● is called also Acres or Acon and the same being forsaken of the christians with great cruelte burnt and destroied By this meanes were the christians vtterly chased out of Surie .190 yeres after they firste wonne Ierusalem vnder Godfrei of Bolo●ne Ladislaus king of Hungarie was slaine by the Comanes and then succeded Andrewe the thirde whiche reygned ●ii yeres Rodolph emperour of Almaine ouerthrew wel nere 60. castelles and holdes in the prouince of Thuring and by that meanes quieted the countrey of Germanie Andrewe king of Hungarie subdued Austrich Anni regum Angli 18 The yere of the worlde 5252 The yere of Christ 1291 Alexander kinge of Scotland as is before sayd dyed without issue male wherof ensued great discord among the Scottes whiche toke parte with Iohn Bailoll and Robert Bruce making claime to the crowne and shortly after deadlye warre folowed betwene the .ii. realmes of England and Scotland The election of the king of Scottes was committed to the iudgemente of kinge Edward of Englande The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1292 Anni regum Angli 19 who after sufficiēt profe made to the Scottes that he was chiefe head and soueraigne of the realme of Scotlande by all their consentes toke full possession of the same ●and then caused Iohn Bailol to be ordeyned kinge because he descended of the elder doughter of Erle Dauid kinge Wylliams brother A●oulphus was chosen emperour of Almaine and reigned .vii. yeres He was vnfortunate in all thinges that he went about therwith so nedye and poore that when he had receiued of king Edwarde of Englande .100000 markes to ayde him against the Frenche king he spente the money vpon his housholde and had not wherwith to fulfill his promisse when time required By discentio● of the cardinals the bishoprike of Rome was voyde .ii. yeres and
examples brefely in al princely vertues he was so excellēt that few noble men before his time can be to him compared At the beginninge he was chefely ordered by sir Roger Mortimer and his mother Isabell. Robert kinge of Scottes sent his defiaunce to yonge kinge Edwarde and inuaded the borders of England Kinge Edward made preparacion toward Scotland at which time fel great variance betwene the archers of Englande and the souldiours of sir Iohn of ●eynalde and shortly after the English army being in the borders was so sore distressed for lacke of forage and other necessaries that they were all in great daunger By the treason of sir Roger Mortimer the Scottes escaped without battaile wherby the kinge loste that vyage and all hys charges By the counsayle of sir Roger Mortimer and the olde queene king Edward made a dishonourable peace with the Scottes For he restored to theim all auncient wrytinges charters and patentes whereby the kynges of Scotland had obliged thē to be s●udaries to the crowne of Englande with other like vnprofitable conditions Lewys the emperour at the instance of many noble mē of Italye came to Millaine where he according to the ancient custome was crowned with a Diademe of yron Iohn the bishoppe of Rome excommunicated Lewys and disanulled his election because he vsed imperial diggnitee in Italy before he was auctorised by him Thys variance continued well nere .xx. yeares in whyche the emperour profered often times to make entreatie of concorde and peace but the stife necked tyranne of Rome wolde neuer bende The writinges of bothe partes concerning this controuersie remaine at these dayes in the which the byshop feareth not to make his auaunte that he had full power to create and depose kinges and emperours at his pleasure and at the same tyme were many learned men whiche did greatly disalowe the byshop of Romes doynges amonge the whiche was Occham a man in his dayes of great fame A boke also was made by a learned man and geuē to the emperour which was called defensor pacis that is the Defēdour of peace wherin this controuersy is disputed and the bishop of Romes vnlawfull tyran nie sette forth to the vttermost A great cause of this variance as some write was bicause one of the emperours secretaries vnknowing to the emperour in cerayne of his letters had called the bishop the beast risyng out of the sea alluding to the place of the Apocalips Castrucius gouernour of Luke and Accius of Millain iuignyng their puisaunce vanquished and slew the Florentines ¶ Lewys the emperour was receiued into Rome wyth great honour and crowned with the imperial Diademe of Stephene de Columna a cardynall Castrucius recouered the citie Pistorinall and shortly after ended his lyfe One Peter was made Antipape by the emperoure against Iohn whiche was all this tyme in Frāce Lewis retournyng to Germanie lefte byshop Peter at Luca. Charles the Frenche kinge dyed wythout issue after whom the kingdome of Fraunce by right of inheritage was due to kinge Edwarde of Englande for so much as he was the sonne of Isabell the syster of Charles But they defeited him of his righte saiynge that the crowne of France was neuer wont to come by successyon to the woman but to the issue male Dauid the yonge prince of Scotland maried Iane the suster of king Edwarde Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde 5289 The yere of Christ Dulcinus and Duuandus heretikes ¶ Phillip of Ualoyes by the counsaile of the .xx. pyeres and specially of Roberte of Artois was made kynge of Fraunce and reigned .xv. yeres He made warre vpon the Flemminges whiche rebelled against Lewys their Erle and them vanquished in a stronge battaile and restored Lewes to the possession of his landes after he had beaten downe and destroyed the towne of Cassell ¶ Orcanes the seconde kinge of Turkes reigned .xxii. yeres He wanne Brusis from the Grecians while Cantazuzenus and Paleologus contended for the empyre The yere of the worlde 5290 Edmund Erle of Kent The yere of Christ 1329 Anni regum Angli 3 vncle to king Edward of Englande beyng falsely accused of treasō was by sir Roger Mortimer put to death Prince Edwarde was borne at Woodstocke which in processe of tyme grewe to a noble and famous man and was in his days counted the flower of chiualry through out all the worlde ¶ After the death of Robert 〈◊〉 Bruze Dauid his sonne viii yeres of age succeded in the kingdome of Scotland and riegned xixix yeres Sir Roger Mortimer was accused for dyuers poinctes of treason The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1330 Anni regum Angli 4 and namely that he was ouer familiar wyth the olde quene Isabell the kinges mother for whiche accusacions he was shortly after beheaded Robert Erle of Artois a man of great power in Frāce was banished the realme for a certaine plea whiche as men thought he made by vnlawful meanes to the Erledome of Artois who not long after came into England and excited king Edward to claime the crown of Frāce The citisyns of Pise and Luca in Italye whych were brought in subiection to the emperour claymed againe their libert●e After the emperoure was departed from Italie Boniface Erle of Pise toke Peter the Antipape and presented him to Iohn of whom he was cast in pryson and shortly after dyed The Germaines solde the citie of Luca to a noble man of Gean The yere of the worlde 5292 Edwarde Bailoll the sonne of Iohn Bailol Anni regum Angli 5 late king of Scotlande The yere of Christ 1331 by lycenee before purchased of kinge Edwarde entred Scotlande claimynge the crowne by the ryghte of his father where he vanquysshed the Scottes and was crowned king at Sconoe Iohn king of Boheme entring Italy brought vnder his subiection Brixia Bergamum Luca Parma Rhegium and Mutina Anni regum Angli 6 Kynge Edward went into Scotland with a great power and as witnesseth the Englyshe histories at a place called Haldoune hill gaue to the Scottes batayle The yere of the worlde 1293 The yere of Christ wherin he obteined a triumphant victorye So that he slewe of theim .viii. Erles .900 knightes and Baronettes .400 Esquiers and .32000 common souldyours and of the Englyshmen were slaine onely .xv. persons at the same viage he wan the towne of Edenbourgh and Barwike with many other castelles and gaue the gouernaūce of Scotlande to Edwarde Ba●lol betwene whom and the Scottes were foughten many batayles with great dyuersitie and change of fortune The younge king Dauid fled into France After this time the Scottes so often rebelled that king Edwarde made .iii. vyages into that lande wythin the space of .iiii. yeares and with greate manhode alwaye vanquished his enemies Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of the worlde 5294 The yere of Christ 1333 and caused theim to sweare to him feaultie and homage In these battailes were slaine well nere all the nobilitye of Scotlande wyth infynyte numbre
Rome and ordeyned therein many deputees and rulers at his pleasure King Dauid of Scotland with muche cruelt●e diuers times vexed the englyshe borders and destroyed the towne of Durham wherfore kinge Edwarde sped hym thitherwarde in all haste but a peace was entreated for ●i yeres without any notable battaile Kinge Edwarde sente Robert Dartoys Erle of Rych●mount with the countesse of Britaine into her countrei who wasted and destroyed those partes veray sore and shortly after died of a wound that he receyued at the citee of Uannes Anni regum Angli 17 The yere of the worlde 5304 The yere of Christ 1343 Clement bishop of Rome toke vpō him to geue diuers bishoprikes and benefices which than fel voyde in Englande wherwith the king was greatly discontented In so much that he sent out commissions and streight commaundementes that no man should present or induct any suche person ▪ that so by the bishoppe was promoted without the agremente of the kinge because it touched his prerogatiue Whan Lewys the emperour at the instance of his nobles with great humilitee made diuers meanes for entreatie of concorde with Clement the bishop his outragious pride prescribed to him so shameful and vnworthye conditions as vneth the vilest slaue in the world would haue condescended vnto amonge the whiche were that he should openly acknowlage his errours and dysobedyence therwith to resigne the empire neuer to receyue it but at the bishops pleasure and moreouer to yeld him selfe his children with al his goodes into his handes Kinge Edward with a strong armye sayled into Britaine and besi eged the citee of Uannes Renes Nauntes toke the towne of Dynant By meane of two cardinalles peace was concluded for a certayne space Anni regum Angli 18 The order of the garter The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1344 first inuēted and ordeyned by king Edwarde The erle of Derby was sent by king Edwarde wyth a company of englishe souldiours to make warre in Gascoyne where he wanne the towne of Bargarath the rioll with many other townes and castelles before Anberoche the erle of Derbye by the pollicie of Walter of Manni ▪ with a thousande Englishemen disconfited and slew .x. thousand Frenchmen and Gascoynes and toke prisoner the erle of Lay their chiefe capitayne with dyuers other nobles and subdued the countrey Iohn duke of Normandy the sonne of king Philippe The yere of the worlde 5306 The yere of Christ 1345 Anni regum Angli 19 came with a great army into Gascoyne against the erle of Derby Godfrey of Anicourte was banished out of Fraunce and fled to king Edward whom he incensed and stered to inuade Normandie Iaques Dar●uell a great friende of kinge Edwarde was murdered at Gaunt in Flaunders G●ulter duke of Athenes vsurped tirannie at Florrence .x monethes whom Angelus Acciolus expelled and restored them to their libertee The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1346 The king of England with his son prince Edwarde sayled into Normandye and ouerrode spoyled Anni regum Angli 20 and destroyed the countrey before him euen to Parys and gathered wonderful riches of Pray whiche he sente into England Shortly after he encountred the french kinge me to the forest of Cress●e where he had not in his host the ryght man in comparison of the frenche armye and obteyned of them a noble and triumphant victorye by the manhode of his archers In that battell was slayne the floure of the chiualrie of Fraunce for there fell on that part the kinge of Boheme with ten other great princes foure score banners .1200 knights and mo than .30000 of the common souldiours after this victorye king Edwarde went toward Cales and besieged the towne the space of a leuen monethes Bishop Clemēt with most dispituous wordes enueyghed in a sermon against Lewis the emperour caused certaine of the electours to chose a newe emperour While king Edward besieged Calys Dauid of Scotland by exciting of the frenche kinge warred vpon the borders of England But the Quene assembled a strōg armie as well of the clergye and priestes as the other commons and nere to Durham toke in bataile the king of Scottes prisoner with many of his greatest lordes and erlee and slewe one and other 15000. souldyoures After this victorie the Englishemen tooke the castell of Rorhurgh subdued Anandale Galloway Mers Teuida Twedale and Ectrike forest The warre was quickened againe in Britaine and sir Charlos of Bloys taken prisoner by the Englyshemen but the warre continued fiercely The yere of the worlde 5302 The yere of Christ 1347 Anni regum Angli 21 betwene his wife and the forenamed Counteise of Mouuntforte Charles king of Boheme was chosē emperour while Lewys was yet a liue who not longe after dyed After the deathe of Robert kinge of Sicilie and Apulya his doughter Iohan toke to her husbande Andrew the sonne of Lewys kinge of Hungarye whom not longe after she murdered and maried Lewys Duke of Tarent Edwarde Bayloll and the Erle of Northumberlande spoyled Louthiall and Cliddisdale in Scotlande Lewis king of Hungarye came with a strong army in to Italye to reuenge his sonnes death where he chased the queene Iohan and obteined her kingdome of Apulia Diuers of the cities of Germany vehemētly withstode the tiranny of the Romaine byshop toward Lewis their emperour Nicolas a man of vnknowen byrthe takynge on hym great auctoritte in the cytie of Rome expelled the senatours and saied he woulde restore the citye to her pristynate libertie But shortly after he was taken of Charles the emperour and sent into Fraunce to the byshop About this tyme the emperour solde the Duchy of Orliance and Delphinoys to the French kynge Cales was yelded vp to kinge Edwarde of Englande Lewys whan he had subdued to him the kyngdome of Apulia Anni regum Angli 22 retourned to Hungary The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1348 ¶ Peter the first was ordeined kinge of Spaine He passed all his predicessours in crueltie manslaughter and other myschefe he put to death all the nobylitie and the chiefe of his affinitie and kynred Wylliam Douglas the sonne of Iames Douglas wan againe certayne landes in Scotlande that the Englysh men had subdued A great and wonderfull famyne and pestylence raged throughout all the worlde In Italye scante the .x. person of an hundred was left on liue In the city of Parys in Fraunce dyed .50 thousande In. S. Denys .1400 in one yere A treason was conspired by the capytaine of Cales to betraye it againe to the Frenchmen The hystory wherof declareth wonderfully the great manhode pollicy lyberalitie and gentylnesse of the noble kynge Edwarde reade Frosarde the .156 ca. c. of his first boke Certaine of the electours of Germanye agreed not to the election of Charles The yere of the worlde 5310 The yere of Christ 1349 Anni regum Angli 23 and therfore profered the empire to king Edwarde of England who refused it as
great nauie to the sea which entred in dyuers partes of this realme and dyd muche harme in the places where they landed By the entising of the Frenchmen the Scottes began to rebell and a squier of theyrs called Alexander Ramsei with .xl. other by stelth in a nighte toke the castell of Barwike which was rescued and recouered by the Erle of Northumberlande Warre renewed againe betwene the kinges of Frāce and of Nauarre The yere of the worlde 5339 The yere of Christ 1378 Anni regum Angli 2 who shortly after was alied with king Rycharde of Englande The Spaniardes of Castile warred vpon the kinge of Nauerre and besieged the citie Pampelon Charles emperour of almaine came into Frāce wher he beyng receiued with great honour and triumphe established with the kynge and his nobles perpetuall amitie and friendship All that the kynge of Nauerre had in Normandye became Frenche sauing one castell After Gregorye the leuenth a great schisme rose in the churche of Rome for the election of the byshop For the cardinalles of Italy chose an Italian byshop and named him Urbane the .vi. The cardinalles of Fraunce in the citie of Fondes electted Robert cardynal of Basyle and named him Clement the .vii. These two blessed bishops disalowed one the others election and cursed eche other with most cruel censures so that mortal warre betwene theim was arreared to the vtter disturbance of all Christendome Germanye Hungarye Englande Pannony and Italy fauored Urbane France Spaine Cateloine helde with Clement and thus beganne the schisme whiche continued .39 yere For neuer one of these holye byshops woulde geue ouer lest the tone shoulde seme more meke and lowly than the other The Germaines vexed theim selfes with moste cruell warres Pazaites king of Turkes desirous to reueng the death of his father made fierce warre vpon the Bulgares and vanquished their kynge Marcus in a great batayle and subdued to his s●ignorye a great parte of Bulgarie The lorde Neuell of England was sent with a company of souldiers to raise the siege before Mortaine in Po●ctou and to ayde the king of Nauerre agaynst the Spaniardes of Castile The yere of the worlde 5340 The yere of Christ 1379 Peace betwene the Spanyardes and the Naueroyes Anni regum Angli 3 shortlye theruppon died kinge Henrye Castile and his sonne Iohn succeded in the kingdome Fierce and deadly warre betwene the Genowayes and Uenecians wherby al the east part of Europe was fore disquieted the seas was greuously vexed and troubled The Genowayes vanquished the flote of the Ueneciās in the hauen of Pole Lewys king of Hungarie by the exciting of bishoppe Urbane led a puissant armye agaynste Iohan quene of Naples who fauoured the partye of Clement the Antipape and had geuen to him all her right and title to the kingedomes of Naples Apulia Sicilye Prouince and other countreys whiche he committed to the erle of Angeow Lewys at his first comming conquered the cite a retium which longe time had bene vexed by the faction of the Guelphes and Gibelines He receyued also by dedicion the citee of Naples Uinec●laus king of Boheme by the purchasinge and labouringe of his father was ordeyned emperour of Almaine He was farre vnlike his father in al princely vertues For he was cruell and outrageouslye desyroūs of pleasure and aschewed al labour and businesse more curious of wine and delicates than of the good orderynge and gouernance of the cōmon weale Wherfore he was slenderly beloued of the people of them ones or twyse cast in prison Pisanus capitaine of the Uenecians flote toke conquered and spoyled two citees called Catarum and Sibinicum belonging to the kinge of Hungarye Anni regum Angli 4 About this tune gunnes were first in vse The yere of Christ 1380 whych were inuented by one of Germany The yere of the worlde 5341 In Flanders through plentye and weith grew pride and enuye wherof not long after ensued a great rebell●ō and cruell warre betwene the commons of the towne of Gaunt and theyr erle This sedicion and warre contynued a long time to the great disturbaunce of the comtrey and ere it might be apesed it cost an hundred thousande mens liues The erle of Buckingham yongest sonne of kinge Edwarde the thirde passed by Cales throughout Fraunce into Britayne without battayle and euer destroyed the countrey as he went and skirmyshed with the frenchemen Warre betwene the king of Castile and of Portugal Charles the .vi. beinge .xii. yeres of age was ordeyned kinge of Fraunce vnder the gouernaunce of his vncles the Duke of Aniou the Duke of Berr●y the Duke of Burgoyne c. After longe and cruell warre bothe by sea and lande Anni regum Angli 5 peace was agreed betwene the genoways Ueneciās The yere of the worlde 5342 The yere of Christ 1381 The erle of Cambridge sayled into Portugall with a company of men to ayde the kinge agaynst the kinge of Castile By meanes of a payment that was set vpō the people of England the commons of the land and especially of Kent and Essex sodenlye rebelled and assembled together vpon blacke heathe to the nōbre of .60000 and aboue which had to their capitaynes Watte Tiler Iack Straw Iacke Sheaparde Tomme Myllar Hob Karter and other suche noble personages They caused muche trouble and businesse in the realme and chiefely about the citee of London where they practised much villanie in destroying many goodly places of the nobles as the Sauoy and other and being assembed in Smithfeld vsed them selfes very proudly and vnreuerently toward the kinge but by the manhode and wisedome of Willyam Waulworth mayre of London that rude companye was disceuered and fled as shepe to their owne houses Some write that these rebelles pretended cause of lybertee for that they were oppressed and vsed as slaues by the nobles of the realme Lewis duke of Angeow to whom ▪ bishoppe Clement had geuen the kingdome of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5343 The yere of Christ 5382 Naples Puell Anni regum Angli 6 and Calabre went with an army of .30000 men into Italy agaynst hys ennemy Charles de la Payes nephewe to the king of Hungarye who had cast the quene Iohan in prison and held by force muche of her landes and tooke part wyth the Urbanistes The rebellious flemminges of Gaunt after they had suffered great famine and pouerte ouercame their erle chased him so narowly that he was fayne to hide hym in the couche of a pore widowe in the towne of Bruges Charles the younge kinge of Fraunce perced the countrey of Flaunders with a puissant armie where he ●anquished the Gauntoys other Flemminges in a strong battayle and slewe of them wel nere .40000 A wonderful great earthquake in the realme of Englād the like wherof was neuer sene before that day nor sens Bishop Urbane published in England and other coūtreys Anni regum Angli 7 free remission A pena culpa to as many as wold eyther geue any thing
The yere of the worlde 5344 The yere of Christ 1383 or thē selfes take armes warre agaynst the Clemētines in like maner had Clemente done before to his adherentes agaynste the Urbanistes so that eyther of the partes reputed other as heretykes and miscreantes Henry Spenser bishop of Norwiche at the commandement of Urbane passed with great power of spirituall men and other into Fraunce and so into Flanders and cōquered the countrey before hym but by the great puissance of the frenche king they were constreigned to retourne without great worshyp and loste as muche as they had wonne Marie the king of Hungaries doughter guyded that kingdom after her father wel nere the space of .ii. yeres Lewys Duke of Angeow dyed in Italy and the Frenchemen retourned into theyr countrey Charles de La Payx conquered to his seignory the kingdome of naples About this time the Turkes wasted and burnt Bossina Croatia Anni regum Angli 8 and the farther partes of Illyria The yere of the worlde 5345 The yere of Christ 1384 The erle of Northumberlād with certayne other borderers made a viage into Scotlande and spoyled the countrey euen to Edenbourgh Kynge Richarde maryed a doughter of Uinceslaus emperour of Almayne After the death of Lewys erle of Flaunders the herytage thereof fel to the Duke of Burgoyne Anni regum Angli 9 The yere of the worlde 5346 The yere of Christ 1385 Warre in Portugall and Castile in Flaūders in Prouince in Fraunce in England in Scotlande and in Italy Iohn surnamed Galetius erle of Uerone toke Bernabos lorde of Millayne his vncle and kept him in prison all the dayes of his life se●singe to his owne vse the whole lordship and seignory of Lumbardy The nobles of Hungarye finding them greued that they were gouerned by a woman sent for Charles king of Naples and Sicilie and ordeyned him theyr king at the citee of Alba who by the treason of Mary the quene and her mother Elizabeth shortlyafter was murdered In reuenging wherof a noble man called Iohannes Banus of Horuach slewe the erle Palatine and one Blasyus that were the doers of that myschyefe and drowned Elizabeth the quenes mother in the riuer Dunaw kepīg Marie her daughter in prison vntill he harde of the coming of her husband Sigismunde brother to the kyng of Boheme and emperour of Rome An army of Frenchemen sayled into Scotland where thei acōpanied with the Scottes perced the borders of Englande and spoyled the countrey cruellye Agaynste whom kinge Richarde sped him with so great puisance that they were glad to geue backe into Scotlande and shortly after retourned into France wyth great disworshippe At this voyage the kyng of Englande burnte the towne of Edenbourgh and al the countre therabout King Iohn of Portugall disconfited the kinge of Castile in a great battail nere to Iuberoth In this conflict were slayne many noble men of Frauce and other coūtreys that came to ayde the Castilians The Sarasens about this time vexed the emperour of Constantinople other countreys of Grece The Turkes warred in Hungarye Where manye of them were slaine at the streycte entring into the countrey The k●ng of A●men●e was chased out of his countrey by the Sarasens The yere of the worlde 5347 The duke of Lancastre Anni regum Angli vncle to kinge Richarde of England The yere of Christ 1384 sailed with a cōpany of souldiers into Spaine to make claime to the realme of Castile for so much as he had taken to wife the eldest doughter of kinge Peter that was expelled his kingdome by Henry his basterde brother He conquered the countrei of Galice and made aliance with the kinge of Portugall But by great mortalitie whiche fell amonge hys people he was fayne to dimisse his armye and shortely after loste all that he had wonne The king and the lordes of France made wonderfull preparacion for the expedicion of a viage into Englande Ther was redye apparailed with great costes and charges in the hauen of Sluse and els where .1500 shyppes with so great plentie of prouision and all thinges necessary that the lyke therof was neuer sene in Fraūce But this vyage was stopped and broken by the meanes and counsaile of the Duke of Berrei Great fowages and tares were reised in France and lykewyse in Englande whiche was after cause of great myschiefe Marueilous discencion The yere of the worlde 5348 The yere of Christ 1387 and trouble in Englande betwene the kyng and his counsaile and other nobles and prelates of the realme Anni regum Angli 11 The commons by the ayde and comfort of the kinges vncles other lordes of the realm that is the Duke of Gloucester the Duke of Yorke the Erle of Darbie of Arundell and of Nottingham put to deth dyuers of of the kinges counsaile and chefe officers and chased the Duke of Irelande and other oute of the realme for that thei caused the king to burdeine his people with exactions and coulde make no iuste accompt of the same whan they were required Whyle Scalager of Neron and Frauncisce Carrary us of Padua kepte mortall warre in Lumbardy eche against other Galeatius of Myllaine wanne from them bothe their cities and adiuigned theim to his seignorye The Scottes inuaded the borders of Englande Sigismunde kynge of Hungarye .xii. yeares He subdued Bosna and Croatia A great breach betwene the French king and the Duke of Bretayne bycause that he for enuy toke prysoner and raunsomed the Constable of Fraunce by mene wherof an other viage was geuen vp that the French lordes had prepared in Englande The Scottes spoyled the towne of Calingfurd in Irelande The Duke of Britaine alie● with the Englyshmen The Scottes this yeere brake into the borders of Englande robbed Cumber and Northumberlande besieged New Castell The yere of the worlde 5346 The yere of Christ 1388 Anni regum Angli 12 and discomfited and toke prisoners the .ii. sonnes of the lorde Persie of Northumberlande A mariage entreated and finished betwene katharyne the Duke of Lancasters doughter and Henry the kinge of Castiles sonne his other daughter Philip was maried to the king of portugal wherby the warre in Spayne was finished The Duke of Britaine reconciled him selfe to the Frēche kinge and sware to be true vnto him A great iustes and feast was holden this yere in Englande The yere of the worlde 5350 The yere of Christ 1389 Anni regum Angli 13 Pazaites kynge of Turkes besieged Constantinople .8 yeeres After the death of Urbane Boniface the .ix. was ordeyned bishop of Rome in Italy the Antipape Clement continued still in Auinion in Fraunce Robert Erle of Fiffe and the second sonne of king Robert was made gouernour of Scotlande because his father was waxen olde and not able to gouern the realme This Robert inuaded Northumberland and spoiled the countrey The vniuersities of Coloyne and Erphurd about this tyme were firste founde A truce betwene England Fraunce and Scotland for iii. yeres The lordes of
after at the caste●l of Flynte they toke kinge Richarde and helde him as prysoner in the tower of Lōdon where he yelded vp and resigned to the sayd Henry Duke of Herforde all his power and kingly title to the crowne of England and Fraunce knowlaging that he was worthely deposed for his demerite● and misgouerning of the common weale Warre in Lumbardy betwene Galias duke of Myllayne and the citees of Florence and Mantua Boniface bishop of Rome went to Perusia to set agrement betwene the nobles and the commons of the cytee which were fallen at variance A great noumbre of people in Fraunce were vexed and dyed of the plague Ipedimic The yere of the worlde 5360 The yere of Christ 5399 A blasing sterre was sene at the same tyme wyth beames of most feruent fire HEnrye the .iiii. was ordeyned kynge of Englande more by force as it appeared Anni regum Angli 1 than by lawful in●cession or election which thing turned him to muche vnquietnesse caused often rebellion in this realme of courage he was noble and valiant and after the ciuil warres was appeased shewed him selfe very gentil and louinge to his subiectes Henrie his sonne was made prince of wales Galias duke of Myllayne bought the citee of Pyse of Robert the sonne of Iames Ap●●an He receyued also by composicion and fayre promyses the citee of Perusium whiche belonged to the bishoppe of Rome and not long after brought to his subiectiō Bononia and Luca wherby his seig nory was greatly augmented This yere a certayne priest arayed all in white came out of the alpes into Italie bringing with him a nombre of men in the same appara●le called the white sect or felowship which secte of white companions Bonyface the bishop of Rome disperc●ed and burnt the priest that was theyr head and mayster Bishop Boniface at the intercession of his people retourned to the citee of Rome which thing he refused to dooe vntil they had graūted to receyue a senatour or gouernour of their citee at his appointment that a stranger and none of the citee according to the decrees of his predecessours this senatoure wss called Malatesta beyng before of the citee Pizaurie Mahomet the Turke murdered Orchane his brother The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1400 Sir Iohn Hollande Duke of Exeter Anni regum Angli 2 brother to king Richarde and the dukes of Amnarke and of Surrey with the erles of Salesburye and of Gloucester other that fauoured Richard of Burdeur conspired agaynste king Henrie and appoyncted priuily to murder him at a feast and iustes whych should be holden at Oxenford or as some write at a mumming in the castel of Winsor But howe it was theyr treason was disclosed and they all for the same put to death with as many knightes squiers as were of that alyaunce and confederacy King Richarde was put to death in the tower of London and caried through the citee that men myght se him and so conueyghed to the abbey of Lāglei there buried A certayne priest was burned in Smithfielde Uariance in Scotland betwene the erle Douglas and the erle of March for which the erle of Marche fled into Englande and after wrought the Scottes much wo. Sigismunde kinge of Hungarye caused to be put to death .xxxii. of the noble men of his realme wherefore in his absence certayne of the people sent for Ladyslaus from Naples and made him theyr kynge shortlye after Sigismūd recouered agayne his kingdome by strength and force of armes but yet it was not longe ere that he was agayne taken of the nobles of his realme and cast in prison at the towne of Soclos and there kept a good space being put into the handes of a wydow whose husband he had putte to death whom he entreated with so fayre wordes and promisses that he was sette at his lybertee and recouering agayne his kingdome putte to death Stephen Uuayuoda In Englande sir Roger Clarin●on a knight The yere of the worlde 5362 The yere of Christ with his ii seruantes Anni regum Angli 3 the priour of La. and .viii. gray friers were hanged at Tyburne for making of tauntinge and scoffing rimes and verses agaynst the king King Henry went towarde Wales to quiete a rebellyous sedicion which was arrered among the Welshemen by one Owen of Gleandere Warre betwene Galias of Myllayne and the Florentines Uinceslaus the emperour for his cowardise and vnhonest life was deposed and Rubertus or Robertus duke of Bauarie aduanced to the imperial auctoritee by the electours of Germanye This emperour went into Italy agaynst Galiatius of Millain but he preuailed nothing The bishoppe of Rome published a law that no priest shuld be admitted to a benefice vntill he had payed the first fruytes of the same whereby he was made lorde of the worlde Ladislaus the sonne of Charles who was before kyng of Naples was restored ag ayne to his fathers kingdom About this time sir Henrye Persie Erle of Northumberlande The yere of the worlde 5363 The yere of Christ made a viage into Scotlande Anni regum Angli 4 in the quarel of Mumbray erle of March. Patrike Hepburne inuading the borders of England was discomfited and many of his men slaine and taken prisoners Sir Thomas Percy Erle of Worcester Hēry Percye sonne to the erle of Northumberlande rebelled and gathered a great power agaynst king Henry of Englād with whom they encountred nere to Shros●bury but to theyr owne confusion for in that conflict was slayne sir Henrye Spenser with diuers noble men on both partes and prince Hēry the kinges sonne wounded with an arrowe in the face Sir Thomas Percye was taken after beheaded his brother the Erle of Northumberland fled for feare into Scotlande Galiatius duke of Myllayne departed out of this life and gaue to Iohn his sonne the duchye of Millayne to Philipye the lordshippe of Pauie After his decease rose many tyrannes in Italy which vexed that coūtrey with most cruell sedicion and warre For the nombre of xxv citees forsoke the dominion of the lordes of Millayne and chose to them priuate gouernours Mahomet the Turke when he had slaine his brother obteined alone the kingdome who after the death of the Tartacian Tanberlanis recouering again his fathers dominiō vexed with extreme murder and slaughter the Bulgares and Walaches toke the citee Hadrianopolis which he made his seat royall The yere of the worlde 5364 The yere of Christ The emperour Robert came into England only to se the countrey and commodityes therof Anni regum Angli 5 wher he was receiued with great triumph Cambaleschia Nepta●um and Quins●li great cyties of Scythia vnder the dominion of the Tartarians were first founden Great discencion and variance in France betwene the Dukes of Burgoyne and Orliance Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5365 The yere of Christ in so much that mortall warre was arrered on bothe partes to the great dysturbance and vnquietnesse of
besi●ged the cytie of Orleance continuyng the time of which siege the noble and valyante knighte sir Thomas Mountague was slaine by a great mysfortune whose death was the beg●nnynge of al miserye to the Englyshmen For after this mishoppe thei lost by little and litell al their possession in Fraunce Alexander lorde of the ●les and shortly after Donalde his brother rose with a gret power against king Iames of Scotlande In these daies was in Fraunce a young woman about xx yeere of age Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5389 The yere of Christ 1428 whiche by sorcerie and diuilyshe wayes was in great estimacion with the Dolphine saiyng that she was a messāger sēt of god to reconquire for him his heritage from the Englyshmen This woman was armed and rode in mans apparayle in war farre the space of .ii. yeeres ▪ and dyd many wonderfull feates and gatte from the Englyshmen many townes and holdes Certaine theues and Robbers caused ●●fflyng and businesse in Scotlande Warre beganne betwene Luca and Florence in Italy Anni regum Angli 7 Charles the Dolphine was crowned king of Fraunce by his alies and confederates The yere of the worlde 5390 The yere of Christ Paulus Guinisius lorde of Luke in Italy was taken by the treason of his people and geuen into the handes of the Duke of Myllaine by whom he and his childrē were kept in prison The warre continued betwene the people of Boheme and the emperour The bishop of Winchester beyng ord●ined cardinale of Martine byshop of Rome ledde an army against the Bohemes Kinge Henry the .vi. beyng about the age of .viii. yeres was crowned at Westminster Anni regum Angli 8 One apreached of heresie was burnt in smithfield and not longe after an other at Towerhill The yere of the worlde 5391 The yere of Christ called Rycharde Hunden Iohan the holy woman of Fraunce in whom the Dolphine had putte all his truste was taken by one sir Iohn Luxenburge and adiudged to be brent At Abyngton beganne insurrection of certaine lyghte and vnrulie persons that entended to haue wrought much● sorow so the priestes which commocion was quieted by the lord protectour and the thiefe aucthour punished Henry the .vi. was crowned king of Fraunce at Paris The yere of the worlde 5362 The yere of Christ 1431 Philyp Duke of Myllayne was vanquyshed in a batta●le by the Uenecians and Florentines Anni regum Angli 9 in the hauen of Geane after whiche tyme cruell and fierce warre was contynued betwene theym to the greuous losse and domage of bothe partes Warre was reysed against the kinge of Hungarye by seruauntes and slaues Eugenius the .iiii. a man vtterly vnlearned veyng ordeined byshop of Rome demened him selfe so nicely that crueltie de bate and variance hapned betwene him the familie of the noble mē called Columni in so much that in the cytie was foughten a sore battaile wherin manye men were slaine and hurte Thomas Bargl●● pryest was accused of heresie and burned At Top●rium a towne nere to Pis● the Myllan●ur●s were vanquished taken and slaine of the Florentines The yere of the worlde 5393 The yere of Christ 1432 Anni regum Angli The Emperour came into Italye Iohan Queene of Naples ended her life Kynge Henry retourned out of Fraunce and was receiued at London with great preparacion of sightes and pageantes The Erle of Huntington was sent with a company of sonlotous into Fraunce Anni regum Angli 11 wh●re he atchiued many great feat●s of arm●s The yere of the worlde 5364 The yere of Christ Sigimunde the emperour was crowned with the imperiall Diademe of Eug●●us the byshop of Rome Peace betwene Philyp of Myllaine the Uenteyans Duke Philiyp of Myllayne tourned his whole power and strēgth against Eugenius the Romaine bishop in so muche that the byshop by his meanes was vexed with of cruell warre bothe at home of his citesins that he was expelled out of Rome also of forayne enemyes that al the lande belonging to the churche of Rome was at the handes of his ennemies In Naples after the decease of Iohan the old quene some of the nobilitee sent for Renatus the brother of Lewys duke of Angeow lately deceased whome Iohan by her last will and testament had left for her heyre willing to chuse him for theyr king and gouernour But diuers other sent for Alphons king of Arragone beinge asthan in Sicilie willing him by force ofarmes to reioyce the kingdome of Naples to his posteritee By whych menes cruell warre was arrered betwene the parties whyche contynued a longe season The lord Talbote with a goodly company The yere of the worlde 5395 The yere of Christ 1434 sailed into Fraunce Anni regum Angli 12 where he wrought much wo to the frenchmē but that notwithstandinge they wan alwayes vpon the Englyshemen both in Fraunce and in Normandye Iohannes Paleologus emperour of Constantinople The Genoways in a battaile on the sea nere to ●a●e●a vanquished and toke Alphons kinge of Arragone and his brother the king of Nauar with diuers other noble men whom they sent to the lord Philippe of Myllayne as prisoners who immediatly let them at libertee wyth out fine or raūsome wherwith the genowayes findinge them selfe sore greued forsoke the empyre and dominiō of Philip and claymed their auncient libertees Iohannes Uitellescus Patriarke of Alexandria and chiefe leader of the bishoppe of Romes army conquered the citee of Rome and all the landes belonging to the church by the ayde and helpe of a capitayne called ●●oria throughe whose prowes and successe in warre the bishop Eugenius became very ha●t and proud A great counsayle holden at Arras in Picardy for entreaty of peace betwene England and France but their mindes were so obstinately set on warre Anni regum Angli 13 The yere of the worlde 5396 The yere of Christ 1438 that nothynge might content them The duke of Burg oyne which to this time had m●ynteyned the english party through great giftes 〈◊〉 him with Charles kinge of Fraunce and became biter enemie to the kinge of Englande soone after died the noble prynce Iohn Duke of Bedforde after whose deathe all thinges went backward with the Englishmē in Frāce At this time was kept the counsaile of Basile without any profite to the church and to the great trouble and disquietnesse of the same For there was a long season horrible co●t●ncion amonge the prelates and bishops there assembled whether the auctorite of the Romaine bishop were of more power than a general counsaile or not In so much that of diuers learned bishops and other it was concluded that the bishop of Rome was an heretike and by theyr censures was deposed because he woulde not obey the auctoritee of the generall counsayle Eugenius the bishop perceyued that the counsaile entended diuers thynges contrary to his prerogatiue endeuoured by all meanes possible to delay the same counsayle or to transferre it to some other place where more fauour shuld
to London The yere of the worlde 5420 The yere of Christ 1459 Anni regum Angli 37 where because Andrew Trollop a capitayn of Cales the night before the battaile should haue bene fledde wyth a company of the best souldiours to the kinges parte the duke of Yorke the erles of March Sa●esbu●y and Warwike mistrusting them selfe to be to weake departed wyth a priuye companye and fledde the duke into Irelande the iii. Erles into Gernesey after to Calys without anye notable battaile The yere of the worlde 5421 The yere of Christ 1460 Th● .iii. Erles coming from Calis with a puissaunte armie Anni regum Angli 38 the .ix. day of Iuly me●●e kinge Henrye at Northampton and gaue to him a stronge battayle in the ende wherof the victory fell to the Erles and the kinges host sparcled chased and many slayn among the which was the duke of Buckingham the erle of Shreusburye the lorde Egremont with other and the kynge taken in the field● The duke of Yorke retourning into Englande made suche clayme to the crowne that by consent of a parlyament h● was proclaymed heyre aparant and al his progenie after him Margaret the quene in this meane time in all haste possible had gathered a companye of Northenmen and nere to a ●owne in the north called Wakefeld in a c●uel fight discomfited and slew the Duke of Yorke with his sonne the erle of Rutlande the ●rl● of Salesburye was taken prisoner with diue●s other noble men The quene with her retinew Anni regum Angli 39 nere to S. Albones dyscomfited the Erle of Warwike and the duke of Northefolke The yere of the worlde 5422 The yere of Christ 1461 and delyuered king Henry her h●usband Great distencyon and ciuile warre at Mens in Germany for election of their byshop Dietherus de Ess●nberge and Ad●lybus de Nassaw were bothe chosen the byshop of Rome fauoured more Adolphus because Dietherus was again him in dyuers thinges and woulde not condiscende to his mynde ¶ Edwarde Erle of Marche and eldest son to the Duke of Yorke came vppe to ●●onbon wyth a myght●e power of M●rchemen accompanyed wyth the Erle of Warwyke and by agrement of a co●nsaile was proclaymed kinge of Englande and called Edwarde the .iiii. Shortly thervpon he pursued king Henry toward Yorkewher he gaue a sore bataile to the king and his company Thys fight was s● cruell and fierce that in the fielde and chase were slaine .32 thousande of the commons bysyde men of name of the whiche were the Erles of Northumberlande Westmerland the lorde Clifford Andrew Trolley and other to the noumbre of a .xi. and kinge Henrye loste all and was fayne to flee the lande whan ●e hadde reigned .xxxviii. yeres .vi. monethes Quene Margaret with the younge prince fledde to her father the Duke of Angeo● EDward the .iiii. began his dominiō ouer the realme of Englande and reygned .xxii. yeeres He was a man of ●oble courage and gret wit Anni regum Angli 1 but in his time was muche trouble and 〈◊〉 in the realme About this time the nobles of Fraunce bycause theyr kinge Lewys refused the company of his lordes and vsed the counsaile of vi●laines rose against● him in great noumbre and met in plaine battaile at Charters where the king was ouercome his mē chased and he forced to flee for his sa●egarde to a castell named Mountcher but ●●ortly after an greement and concorde was made betw●ne theim which cōtinued but for a time for the ki●g re●ourned to his ●ide demeanour and oppressyon of hys subiectes Anni regum Angli 2 Mahomettes emperour of Tu●ky beside the empires of Constantinople and Trapezunce whyche he sub●erted The yere of the worlde 5424 The yere of Christ 1493 toke from the Christians .xii. kingedomes conquered 200. cyties He also by force of armes wrested from the Uenecians the sland of Calays and obteined Scobra by composicion he m●inteyned war on the sea many yeere against the Christian people he conquered Capha the citee of Ponte The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1464 Anni regum Angli 4 assailed the Rhodes and lastly after he had taken Hyorunte in●aded Italye The Turke conquered Poloponesus Pontus in winning wherof he greatly endomaged the Uenecians The lorde Mountague hauinge the rule of the North discomfited kinge Henry comyng out of Scotland wyth a great power to recouer the crowne thys is called the battaile of Exham in the whiche was taken the Duke of Somerset the lorde Hungerfourde the lorde Roos whiche were a●ter put to ●eathe with many other Kynge E●ward was secre●ly maried to Elisabeth late wyfe of sir Iohn Graye ▪ at whiche mariage was none present but the kinge his spouse the Duch●s of Bedford the priest two gentill women and a yong man to healpe the priest to masse for which mariage rose gret variance betwene the kinge and the Erle of Warwike his chiefe friende and mainteinour Paule the second● was made bishop of Rome He was couetous cruel iniurious rude and nether learned him selfe nor yet fauoured learned men He endeuoured to stee●e Christiā princes to warre agaynst the Turkes as dyuers of his predicessours hadde dooen to the intent he myght vnder that pretence gather money Friderich the emperour was besieged in the tower of Ui●●na by his owne citisins The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1465 Anni regum Angli 5 from whens he was deliuered by G●orge kinge of Boheme This yeere the coignes were altered and new made in England by Edwarde the fourth as the royall the halfe royall the angell the halfe angell and the ferthing the gr●●es were made of lesse value than they were by eight pence in an ounce Dyuers of the nobles of France forsoke the dominion o● L●wys and cleaue to his younger brother Charles whiche made claime to the crowne of France by the wil of his father ▪ but after they had taken the citye of Rho●● in Normandy and bene a good space before the citie of ●aris a peace was agreed vpon by condicion wherof the kinge granted to his brother the Duchy of No●m●ndy takynge 〈◊〉 th● principa●e of Burg●s 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of the Duke of Bargoine he gaue ●●rone Roya and the citi● Moncideriu●● with Guinary● th● E●ledome of Bolome for his perpetual possess●ō with other princ●s it was agreed as they desyred It was not longe after but that Charles the kynges brother was againe depri●ed of the Duchy● of Normandye Henrye the .iiii. kynge of Castile by●wene whom and his brother Alpho●s was arreysed warre for the kyngdome in the whiche the more parte of the nobilite fauoured the younger brother Anni regum Angli 6 Iohn Galea●ius after Frauncisce Sfortia was made Duke of Myllaine The yere of the worlde 5427 The yere of Christ The bishop of Rome condemned the kinge of Boheme for heresie and depriued him of his kyngdome The Turkes inuaded Stiria The yere of the worlde 5430 The yere of Christ 2469 and toke frō thens
great pillage and praye Anni regum Angli 9 Mathias kinge of Hungarye by the incensynge of the byshop of Rome made sharpe warre vpon George king of Boheme the space of .vii. yeere continually and added to his seignory a geat part of the kyngdome of Boheme Anni regum Angli 10 The grudge The yere of the worlde 5431 The yere of Christ whiche the Erle of Warwike had conceiued against king Edwarde for the foresaide mariage declared it selfe openly so that he al●ed him with the Duke of Clarence the kinges brother and by their meanes in ce●sed so the Northenmen that they dyuers tymes rebelled and tourned the kyng and the realme to muche trouble but shortly the kinge so demeaned hym selfe that the rebelles were suppressed Wherefore the Erle of Warwike perceiuyng his parte to be weakened fled with the Duke of Clarence and other into Fraunce Mahomet emperour of the Turkes inuaded the sle Enboea and destroied the great citie called Nigropony and not lōg after Isaac his capitaine entring Hungary and Croacia toke with theim a great noumber of prisoners The Duke of Clarence the Erles of Warwike Penbroke and Orforth landed at Dartmouth to whom by meanes of proclamacyons that were pub●ysshed in the name of kyng Henrye th● commons gathered in so gret companies that Edwarde fearyng his par●e fledde into Flanders to the Duke of Burgoyne Than was Henrye the .vi. set at large and agayne proclaymed kinge by m●n●s of the Erle of warwike with other and Edward proclaimed vsurper of thecrown ●ut that continued n●t longe The yere of the worlde 5432 The yere of Christ 1471 Kyng Edward retournyng out of Flaunders Anni regum Angli 11 arriu●d in the North part of Englande with a vera● small companye of souldyers but by meanes that he vsed and thorough his brother the Duke of Clarēce who turned now to his part he came so puisauntly to London that he entred the citie and toke kyng Henry in the byshoppes palaice and than w●̄t against the Erle of warwike whom he vanquished slew with his brother Marques Mountague nere Barnet .x. myles from London Shortly after at Tewkisbury he ouertherw queene Margaret the wyfe of Henrye In whiche battaile was taken the saied Margaret with Edward the ●rince h●r sonne the Duke of Sommerset and dyuers ●ther Kynge Edwarde rec●iued his regalitie and was againe taken for kinge Prince Edward the sonne of Henry was put to death A commocion steered by the bastarde Fancōbridg and the commons of kent and Essex Henrye the .vi. was putte to death in the Tower and buried at Ch●rtesie The king of Portugal passed the sea into Afrike where he subdued to him .ii. cityes of Mauritania called Tynga and Argilia Sixtus the .iiii. byshop of Rome .xiii. yer●s Mathias kinge of Hungary was chosen kinge of Boh●me The yere of the worlde 5433 The yere of Christ 1472 Anni regum Angli 12 The Uenecians with the ayde of the byshop of Rome Anni regum Angli 13 and the kynge of Napl●s made s●re and fyer●e warre vpon the Turkes The yere of the worlde 5473 The yere of Christ 1473 and put theim oftentymes to great domages on the s●a coastes of their dominion yet dyuers times the● were chased and ouerthrowen with g●●t losse of men Iames k●nge of Cipres departed out of this lyfe leauyng a●ter him a yong sonne begotten of his wyfe a Uenecian borne by whiche menes the Uenecians obteined the gouernaunce of his kingedome and not longe after when the childe died possessed the kingdome of Cipres About this time Cassanus kinge of Persie made sore warre vpon the Turk●s The yere of the worlde 5435 The yere of Christ 1474 whom they discomfited in two great battailes but in the ende Mahomets by po●lice o●te●ned the vpper hande and made league wyth them Uariaunce betwene Charles duke of Burgoyne and Lewys kinge of Fraunce The duke of Burgoyne besieged Nussia but when Friderich the emperour mette there with him hauing a great power after leage made he left the siege and departed Anni regum Angli 15 Kinge Edwarde of England went ouer the see with a great armye to ayde the duke of Burgoyne The yere of the worlde 5436 The yere of Christ but by the earnest suite of the frenche kyng a peace was concluded betwene England and fraunce for .vii. yeres For performance w●erof king Lewys gaue to Edward 7●000 crownes of golde and yerelye after for the space of .vii. yeres .50000 crownes In Spayne after the decease of Henry the .iiii. hapned great diuision and variaunce For Ferdinande the son of Iohn kinge of Arragone whiche had t●ken to wyfe the sister of Henrie the .iiii. and Alphons of Portugall maintening the quarell of Iohan the doughter of Henry deuided the kingdome betwene them At the citee Trident a childe named Simon was murdered of the Iewes of that citee in derision of the passyon of Christ. For which mudrer and vilanie the Iewes suffred great and worthy punishement Charles duke of Burgoyn inuaded the prouince of Lorayne with great power The Zubilei was ordeyned by the bishop of Rome to be euery xxv yere The turkes in the countree called Mundania or Walachie were vanquyshed and slayne and in lyke maner agayne in the lower Mi●ia ouerthrowen and chased About this time at Ingolstade and Tubing in Ge●manie were founded certayne scholes and colleges and a litle before at Basile and F●●burge Anni regum Angli Charles of Burgoyn● leading an armye agai●nst the Switzers at a place called Gr●nses The yere of the worlde 5437 The yere of Christ was by th●ym va●quished chased and lightned of his tents and other p●●uiance 〈◊〉 Murthen he was agayne ou●rthrowen and shortly thervpon at Nans●s by Renatus Duke of Loraine coming with a cōpany of Argentines and Switzers agaynst him was vtterly vanquished and slaine after whole death Lewis king of France recouered ●gain all that before time he had graunted to the sayde Duk● Charles by cōposicion or otherwise and endeuoured also to bring to his lordship Burgoyne and Flanders but that labour of his engendred great warres For the Burgonions forsoke the doughter of Charles Mathias of Hungary w●nne a strong forte from th● Turkes by the riuer Sane Iohannes de Monte regio the noble astromer was famous The yere of the worlde 5438 The yere of Christ 1477 Maximilian Duke of Austria Anni regum Angli 17 and sonne to Friderich the emperoure ledde a great army into Flaunders and coupled to him in mariage Mary the onlye doughter of Charles duke of Burgoyne lately deceased The bishop of Rome and king Ferdinande of Naples arrered warre agaynst the Florentines in Italy Cathub●ius the great souldaine of Egipte and Arabi● The yere of the worlde 5439 The yere of Christ 1478 George duke of Clarence Anni regum Angli 18 brother to kinge Edwarde of Englande was secretly put to death wa● drowned in a barell of Malmesey within the tower of London A death this yeare in the citre of London The
.iiii. by whiche meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster which had lōg caused great diuision was knitt● together in one About this tyme Francisce Louel and Humfrey Stafforde r●●elled in the North which commocion was quieted by the pollicie of the Duke of Bedforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Nicolas an heremite of Helu●ci● and Hiernomous S●nonarola that had the spirite of prophecie Anni regum Angli 4 were famous Ferdinand king of Spaine by knightly force and man ●o●e conquered againe the kingdome of Granade and chased from thens the Sarasens Warre betwene the Uenecyans Sigismund Duke of Austrich The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1447 A great businesse in England by meane of a priest called Rycharde Simon Anni regum Angli 5 whiche takyng with him a yonge childe called L●mbert fledde into Irelande ▪ and feigned to the nobles of that countree that he had brought wyth him the younge sonne of the Duke of Clarence nephew of king Edwarde the .iiii. lawefull heyre to the crowne ●f Englande wherwith the Irisshemen beyng excited alied with theim Margaret the syster of Edwarde an● dyuers noble men of England which gathering which theim a great power of Irishemen Englyshmen Germaines entred the lande and at Stoke mette with king He rye and his hoste and there fought a strong battail● in the whiche was slaine the Erle of Lincolne Francis Louell Thomas Broughton Thomas Gerardine of Irelande and Martine Swarte a Germaine which wer● chiefe capitaynes of the rebelles Rycharde the pryeste and Lambert the counterfeited king were taken in the fielde Fabian seemeth to auouch this to be dooen in the yere of our lorde 1487. Warre betwene Britaine and the Frenchemen Charles of Fraunce forsoke Marg●ret the daughter of M●ximilian whiche was to him f●aunced This yere was a fielde ●oughten in Flaunders by the lorde Daubene● in the quarel of Maximilian the emperours sonne and Erle of Flaunders In Englande was a taxe arrered of the tenth pen●e of mens landes and goodes by menes wherof the cōmons rose The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 5490 and slewe the Erle of Northumberlande Anni regum Angli 6 For whiche cause Chamberlaine their capytaine with dyuers other were after hanged at Yorke Maximilyan recouered the parte of his Duchie of Au●strich which Mathias kyng of Hungarye had with holden from him a good season Anni regum Angli 7 The kinge of Scotes was slaine in battayle by the nobles of his realme The yere of the worlde 5452 The yere of Christ 1491 and Iames his sonne ordeined kynge in his place Maximilian by his deputie as the maner is of greate princes maried Anne the daughter of Frances Duke of Britaine after the death of her ●ather but that mariage notwithstanding Charles of Fraunce found such meanes that he toke her to his wi●e in open mariage and by her obteined the dominiō of Britaine For whych cau●e was great grudge and malice betweene him and Maximilian and so much the more because Charles did repudiate Margaret his daughter whiche was to him f●aunced and betrothed Kinge Henry arriued in Fraunce with a great army The yere of the worlde 5453 The yere of Christ entēding to ayde the Britaines against the French king but Charles by entreatie concluded peace Anni regum Angli 8 the condicion wherof was that he shulde pa●e to kinge Henry foorthwith for his expenses and charges in the warre a greate summe of money and yerely after as a certayne tribute 25. thousande crownes after whiche agreement Henrye retourned into England The Turke with a great power bothe by sea and land inuaded the inhabytantes of the hilles in Greece called Ceraunil and theim subdued to the Turkishe empire Certaine new ilandes were found in the Oeceā se first by Amerin●s U●spucyu● after by Christophorus Columbanus Ther were driuen ou● of Spaine by commaundement of the kinge .125 familyes of the Iewes of the whyche 30 thousande dyed of the pestylence in their iourney as they were departyng Alexander the .vi. byshop of Rome .xl. yeares a blouddie and cruell tyranne ¶ Maximilian succeded his father Friderych in the empyre Anni regum Angli 9 and reigned ▪ 27. yeres The yere of the worlde 5454 The yere of Christ 1493 Charles o● Fraunce made clayme to the kyngdome of Naples and Sicilie Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 5455 The yere of Christ 1494 and for that cause went into Italye with a great army wher in short space he conquered Naples and compelled kinge Alphons to forsake the countrei and than retourned into France and in his iournye was encountred by the Ueneciās ▪ which endeuoured to stoppe his passage where after sore fyght to the losse of bothe partes he toke an other way About this tyme beganne the foule scabbe and horible sic●●nesse called the Frenche p●ckes The yere of the worlde 5456 The yere of Christ 1495 Anni regum Angli 11 Dyuers gentilmen in Englande appeached of treason and for fauouring the conspiracie of Perkin Warb●ck● of the whiche some were pardoned some put to death Perken Warbecke whiche by the coūsaile of Margaret of Burgoyne named him selfe Rychard● of Yorke kinge Edwardes seconde sonne arriued in ken●e wher● he was driuen backe by the vplandishmen and other inhabitauntes of the countrey with losse of dyuers of hys men Ferdinand the sonne of Alphons was restored againe to the kyngdome of Naples immediatly after the departure of the Frenchemen Sozimus and I●son lawiers Alexander Benedictus and Antonius Bemuenius phisicions Iohannes Nauclerus Raphael Uolateranus Robertus Gaguinus historiographers Rodulphus Agricolo a man of excellent learning Iohanes Iouinianus Pōtanus Petr●s Crinitus Stephanus Niger Ambrosius Calepinus Philippus B●r●oldus flourished Blanch Mary the princes daughter of Insubria was maried to Maximilian Uladisaus the kynge of Polonies sonne obtayned the kingdomes of Hugarye and Boheme He made league with Maximilian the emperour The Scottes brake into the North partes of Englande by the excityng of Perkin Warbeck The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1496 Anni regum Angli 12 dyd much harme to the borderers In Italy a stone of wonderful biggenesse fell out of the ayre whiche by the violence of the ●al as some say brake in .iii. great pieces the coloure of thys stone was ●s it had been burned with fyre In these dayes preached at Florentia in Italye a frier called Hierome Sauouarola whose sayengs were these that Italy should be purged with the scourges of God for the manyfolde off●nces of the princes as well of the clergie as the laitee and that ●ft●● the subuersion of the citees of Florence and Rome shuld folow a reformaciō and redresse in the church ▪ and moreouer that one shuld come ouer the Alpes like to Cyrus which shuld su●uert and destroy Italye Anni regum Angli While king Henrye of Englande made preparacion fo●warre into Scotland The yere of the worlde 5458 The yere of Christ 1467
by meanes of a paymente that was graunted to the kyng by act of parliament a new commocion was ar●ered by the commons of Cornewal whiche vnder the leadinge of the lorde Audley came to blacke heath where the kinge mette with them and discomfited the rebelles and toke their capitaynes whiche were shortly after hanged drawen and quartered King Henry sent an armye into Scotland vnder the guiding of the erle of Surre● and the lorde Neuell whyche made sharpe warre vpon the Scottes A mariage concluded betwene prince Arthur and lady Katherine the kinges doughter of Spayne Perkin Warbecke landed agayne in Cornwal and assayled the towne of Exciter and other places but finally he toke the sanctuarye of Beaudley and was after pardoned of his life Lewys the twelueth of that name duke of Orleaunce and U●l●yse was ordeyned king of Fraunce who after he had possession of his kingdome forsoke Iohā his first wife and maried the widowe of Charles his predicessour Maxim●●ian inuaded Burgoyne where after battayle to the losse of both partes a peace was concluded A peace proclaymed betwene the kinges of England and Scotlande Anni regum Angli for the terme of both theyr lyues The yere of the worlde 5459 The yere of Christ Perkin Warbecke endeuoured to steale away secr●tli out of the lande but he was taken ag●yne by his kepers and by the kinges commaundement cast in the tower of London The Turkes toke from the Uenecians Me●hon Naupactum and shortly after Dyrrhach●um with swo●de and fire spoyled the prouince of Foriulii The Switzers warred vppon their borderers of Austrich wherfore Maximilian the emperour came out of Eelderlande where he was occupied in warre to defend his subiectes but after diuers skirmyshes and smal battailes to the losse of both partes the warre was finished At S. Thomas Watring a strepeling was put to e●ecucion The yere of the worlde 5460 The yere of Christ 1499 Anni regum Angli 25 which by the entisement of a monke named Patricius called him selfe Edward Erle of Warwike and sonne of George Duke of Clarence whiche sens the beginning of king Hen●is reigne was kept secretly in the Tower Perkin Warb●cke was put to death sone after the Erle of Warwike because he demed to be consentinge to the treason of the sayd Warbecke Lewis kinge of Fraunce toke Millayne The newe bridge at Pa●ys with the housing thervpon fel downe This yere was a great pestilence in the citee of Londō by reason wherof the kinge and the quene sayled to Calis The yere of the worlde 5461 The yere of Christ 1450 Anni regum Angli 26 and at S. Peters they mette with the Duke of Burgoyne Sir Edmunde de la Poole duke of Suffolke departed secretly out of this land by meane of whō was lykely to haue bene a new insurrection King Henry of Englande fianced his doughter Margaret to Iames the kinge of Scottes and Ferdinand● king of Spayne maried his doughter Katherine to the noble prince Arthur who ended ●is life in easter weke folowing Sfortia recouered the citee of Millayne and expelled the Frenchemen whom while he pursued more fiercely than aduisedlye he fell into their handes vnwares and was taken of them and led into Fraunce The Frenchemen Anni regum Angli 17 by the counsayle of the bishoppe of Rome The yere of the worlde 5462 The yere of Christ 1501 ledde an army against the turkes and ioygnyng in battaile at Mitelene were ouerthrowen and taken The figure of crosses appered in the garments of dyuers persons of Germanye and droppes of bloudde fell from heauen The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1502 Elysabeth queene of Engl●nde dyed in the tower of Anni regum Angli 18 London as she lay in childe bedde and shortly after was dame Margaret the kinges doughter maried to the king of Scottes A great pestilence in the countre of Germanye The Frenchmen brought Naples vnder their dominiō Anni regum Angli 19 This yere was much hurt done by mischance of fyre in diuers places of London The yere of the worlde 5464 The yere of Christ Pr●sto Iohannes emperour and high byshop of Indie and Aethiope Ferdinand of Spayne sent a nauy of shippes into Italy where they vanquished chased and slew the Frenchmē and recouered the kingdome of Naples wyth all the dominion belonging to it Pius bishop of Rome onely .xxx. dayes after whome succeded Iulius a cruell and fierce tyranne geuen only to murder and warre Anni regum Angli 20 The warre of Bauarie beganne in whiche Cesar The yere of the worlde 5465 The yere of Christ 1504 Maximilian defended the princes of Bauarie agaynste Philyp erle Palatine of Rhine and his sonne Duke Robert who because he had maryed the doughter of Georg Duke of Bauarie latelye deceased made claime to that Duchye But continuing the time of this warre he ended his life and thē was a peace concluded betwene his father and the emperour Anni regum Angli 21 Philippe the Archduke of Burgoyne The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1505 the emperoure Maximilians son as he sailed into S●ayn to take possession of the kingdome of Castile that fell to hys wife and hym by the deathe of Elisabeth the wyfe of Ferdinande was driuen by force of ●empest to land in Englād wher he was honourablie receyued of king Henrye and then deparied on his iordey toward Spayne Elisabeth the quene of Polonie ended her life which was a woman of great noblenesse doughter to a kynge wife to a kinge and mother to diuers kynges Santes Pagninu a great Hebric●y Leonicenus Gattinaria ▪ Caballus and Optatus phisicions Niphus Iacobus Faber Stapulensis Pigius philosophers Petrus Bembus and diuers other lerned men were famous Al the inhabitantes of Granade were eyther forced to receyue thefayth of Christ or to forsake the land The Sophie of Persia vanquished chased and slewe the Turkes The yere of the worlde 5467 The yere of Christ 1506 The Genoways forsoke the dominion of Lewis king of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 22 Iulius bishop of Rome toke the citee Bononie A mariage concluded betwene Charles Archduke of Austriche prince of Castile and Marye the doughter of king Henry of England The famous clerke Reuchline restored again the knowla ge of the hebrew tongue The yere of the worlde 1468 The yere of Christ 1507 Philip king of Castile payed his debt to Nature Anni regum Angli Lewis king of Fraunce by agrement receyued again the citee of Geane Maximilian the emperour beganne the cru●l and long warre agaynste the Uenecians In time whereof were soughten many blouddy battailes and diuers great mutacions and chances hapned At the first Lewis kynge of France ayded the Uenecians but after he forsoke thē and went to Maximilian contrarye wise Iulian byshop of Rome first fauoured Maximilian and after tourned to the Uenecians By this warre the Ueneciās lost manye of their chiefe citees The yere of the worlde 1469 The yere of Christ 1508 The citee
clemencie and gentilnesse to Antonine in moderacion and temperate sobernesse to Aurelius and in studie of good letters euen to the chiefe phylosophiers Whan he was younge he so profyted in Christian learning that he read openlye holye scripture in Nicomedia But after by the counsayle and company of Libanius the Rhetorycian he fell agayne to the idolatrye of the Pagenes and is therefore called Apostara that is one that forsaketh his professyon He dyd not persecute the Christians with so open crueltee as other princes had dooen but absteined from bloudshed and endeuoured by craftye meanes to withdraw theim from their belife aduaunsynge theim to honour and dignitee whiche did forsake Christ and leanyng theim as vyle and abiect slaues that continued in theyr religion In his tyme were manye godly and well learned men whiche withstode bothe his crafty assautes and pein●ted philosophie amonge the whiche was Apollinaris that wrate a boke to Iulian. Iulian gaue commandement that Christiā men shuld not be traded and brought vppe in the knowlage of good letters saiynge ▪ that he and his adherentes philosophiers were wounded with their owne feathers He opened agayne the temples of idolles Athanasius whiche was retourned from banishemente to Alexandria by the intercession of southsaiers and Nicro nanciars was by Iulian expelled agayne from the citee Iulian and the Iewes endeuoured to builde agayne the temple of Hierusalem in dyspyte of the Christias but they were prohibited and letted of God with tempestes wyndes lyghtnynges and earthquakes by the whiche many of theim were slayne and theyr woorke destroied Iulian goyng agaynste the Persians spoiled Asstrie and conquered many townes and cytees And at length preasyng casshely into battaile among his enemies was slayne At whiche tyme as it is written whan he had receiued his deathes wounde he takinge his hande ful of bloude ▪ and castyng it into the ayer saied in this wyse Vicisti Galilee that is O thou man of Galilei thou hast the vpper hande meanyng of Christ whom he called alway Gallileus Iunian a godly man whiche had suffered great reproche for the faith of Christe in the time of Iulian was chosen emperour of the souldiours in their extreame necessitee The yere of the worlde 4327 The yere of Christ 366 who refused that auctoritee a good space saiyng Anni regum britannie 38 that he beyng a Christyan could not be gouernour of Paganes and Infidelles at which tyme the whole hostes with one dayce cr●●d we be Christiās and forsake vtterly oure idolatrye This Iuuian beyng put to the worse in a battaile or ●●●aine agaynste the Persyans of necessitye was constreigned to make a dishonorable peace for besyde the losse of .v. prouinces beyond the riuer Tygris he was bounden not to ayde the kynge of Armonye their sworne friende to whiche thinge the Romaynes were neuer constreigned before that daye Iuuian called from banishment the byshops whyche were exyled in the tyme of Constancius and Iulian and shortlye after finished his lyfe of an ague when he hed reygned .viii monethes About this time one Eugenius was made king of Scottes Here the Scottishe historye maketh a longe processe of the fyerce and cruel war that he kept agaynste Maxymus the Romayne capitayne and the Pictes and Britaines whiche I thinke to be of no more credyte then the residue of their history that they haue feigned from the beginning For vndoubtedlye if they had put the Romains to so much trouble as their cronicles shewe bothe in the tyme of the conquest and after Cesar Tacitus Ptolemei Plinie and other would haue made some mencyon of the Scottes as thei did of the Trinobantes Cenimagnes Segontiaces Bidrices Brigantes Silutes I●cenes and diuers other Ualentinian folowed in the empire and reygned .xx yeares Anni regum britannie 39 He was a veraie good emperour The yere of the worlde 4328 The yere of Christ 367 comely in visage and countenaunce of a goodli personage and had a sharpe and fine witte in maners most lyke to Aurelius of nature seuere and graue insest agaynst vice specyally couetousnes In his communicatyon he was cleane and peked and of custome spake but seldome In al hys actes he obserued oportunitye of time and place wyth great discretion and was verye cunninge in peynctyng caruinge and making images of waxe or claye He fauoured much Christian religion and was a great mainteyner therof He made his brother Ualens partaker of the empire and committed to him the east Procopius by treason vsurped imperiall auctoryty in Bythinia In Phrigia the souldiours of Procopius forsoke hym and went to Ualens Anni regum britannie 40 The yere of the worlde 4329 The yere of Christ 368 by which meanes Procopius was taken bounden delyuered to the emperoure and by his commmaundement beheaded Ualens was baptysed of Eudoxus a byshop of the Arrians which beinge in great fauour in the emperoures courte wrought muche trouble to the catholike bishops Ualens went with an army against the Gothes whyche passing the riuer Danuby ouerrode the countrey of Thrace Al Constantinople fell haylestones of wonderful bygnesse with which many men were slayne In Fraunce wull descended from the ayre myxed with rayne Ualentinian made Gratian his sonne Augustus The Frenchemen about this time first obteined their name of Ualentinian to be called Franci that is fierce and valiaunt bycause they chased the Ataines out of the marishes and fennes of Meotides and for that dede he forgaue them tenne yeres tribute They were called before Sicambri and had their beginning of the Troianes A very great earthquake in Bithinia whyche ouerthrew the citee Nicea The yere of the worlde 4331 The yere of Christ 270 Anni regum britannie 42 The doctrine of the heretikes named messaliani beganne The yere of the worlde 4332 The yere of Christ 371 whiche denyed the grace of Baptisme and sayed Anni regum britannie 43 the holy ghost came onely by prayer The folowers of this heresye gaue them to sleape and idlenesse and called their dreames prophesies Basilius was famous a man of incomparable vertue and learninge borne in Cappadocia He was taught of his father as well grammer as other learninges called Quadri●ialles Afterwarde he went to Athenes where whyles he exactlye studyed in philosophye Gregorius called Nazianzen being than wholye dedicate to the studie of scripture and louinge Basile entirelye came into the schole where he read in a chear and takinge him by the hand brought him to a monasterye where leyinge a parte all bookes of philosophye they onelye entended to readinge of scripture at lengthe diuidinge theym selues Basile went about Ponte teachinge the people the true faith and at this time was made bishop of Cesaria Ualentinian the emperour maryed an other wife Anni regum britannie 44 and therfore published a law The yere of the worlde 4333 The yere of Christ 372 that who so would might take ii wifes The kingdome of Spayne tooke his beginning of one Athanaricus Athanaricus otherwise called Alaricus kinge of Gothes persecuted the christians and with
extreme crueltee droue theym out of his realme to the Romaines Athanasius somewhat before this time The yere of the worlde 4334 The yere of Christ 333 fled from Alexandria Anni regum britannie 45 and ley hid .vi. yeres continually in a drye sesterne where he neuer sawe the sonne shine But than was he discouered by a mayden and fled eftsoones by the helpe of god and wandred abrode the worlde not withstandinge that princes the people and theyr hostes dyd persecute him bringing also a common harlot whych affirmed that he had accompanied with her but he susteyning all thinges with a wonderfull pacience about this time died after he had bene byshop at Alexandria .46 yeres Eunomius a great heretike of the sect of Arrius whereto he added also of his owne malice Anni regum britannie 48 The yere of the worlde 4337 The yere of Christ 334 that the sonne was in all poinctes vnlike godde the father and that the holye ghost had no medlinge with the father nor with the son Moreouer he affirmed that all they whyche kepte the faythe that he taught shoulde be faued had they committed neuer so great a sinne and continued therin Mania quene of the Sarracenes a woman of valyaunt courage whiche in diuers battayles hadde ouerthrowen the power of the Romaines in Palestine made peace with the emperours The Saxones and Burgonnions vexinge the people of France were chased and subdued of Ualentinian the emperour Ambrose bishoppe of Milleine was famous He was of suche holinesse suche gentilnesse Anni regum britannie 49 The yere of the worlde 4338 The yere of Christ 337 suche excellent wysedome that not onely in his life time but also after hys death he was had throughout the worlde in honour and reuerence He was a Romaine borne of a noble and auncient house and had bene consul there When he was on a time sente of Ualentinian to Milleyne to quiete a sedicion whiche was amonge the people for the election of a byshoppe after he hadde exhorted theym to concorde sodeynly they all with one voyce chose him to be theyr byshop me●ed with the voyce of an infante whyche cryed Ambrose is worthy to be byshop The frenchmen denied to paye any more tribute wherfore the emperour made fierce warre against them Ualentinian preparing warre agaynst the Sarmatians whiche brake into Hungarie ended his life wyth a sodeyne bleding at a towne called Brygon The yere of the worlde 4339 The yere of Christ 378 Ualens reigned after his brother .iii. yeres Anni regum britannie 50 He fauoured ouermuche the Arrians and therfore was cruell towarde the true christians He commaunded that monkes and solitorie persons whiche bothe for medytacyon and for feare of persecution had fled into wildernesse or other secrete places shuld be sent in warfare And theim which repined either he put to deathe or caused to be extremely punished The yere of the worlde 4340 The yere of Christ 379 Gratiā emperour of the east Anni regum britannie 51 made his yonger brother Ualentinian equall with him in the empire by whyche meanes there were together .iii. emperours Appollinaris of Laodicea taught that the diuini●●e and humanite of Christ were both of one nature The people called Hunni as it were steered out of their caues with outragious furie made warre vpon the Gothes and droue theym out of theyr countrey whiche fled to the emperour Ualens Who receyued them and gaue them licence to inhabite Pannonia Gratian ouercame the almaines and slewe of theym wel nere .30000 The Scottes saye that about this time after longe and cruell warre they were vtterly extermined and dreuen out of theyr realme into Ireland other countreys by Maximus the Romaine the Pictes and Britaines The Gothes desired Ualens to sende theym certayne learned men to instruct them in the religion of chryste who sent to them Arrians by whom al the Gothes were infected with that heresye in the whiche they continued a long time Theodosius father of that Theodosius Anni regum britannie 52 whiche was after aduaunced to the empyre The yere of the worlde 4341 The yere of Christ 380 beinge sent into Afrike with an army vanquished Thirmus who by treason aspyred to the imperiall crowne In rewarde wherof Ualens for enuy and fearing his successe commaūded him to be beheaded The Gothes whiche before fled to Ualens not susteigninge the auarice of a Romaine Duke named Maximus rebelled and slew a great numbre of men in Thracia and ouercame Ualens also in battayle who beynge chased fled into a cottage whiche the Gothes that pursued compased and set on fyre And there was Ualens burned of theim whom he caused to bee corrupted wyth the heresie of Arrius Anni regum britannie 53 Gratian and his brother Ualentinian reigned after Ualēs .vi. yeres The yere of the worlde 4342 The yere of Christ 381 he perceiuing the empyre to be in great danger of the Gothes and other barbarous people whiche than were in armes made Theodotius felowe with him in the empyre and committed to hys manhoode the ●ast partes This Gratian was indiferentlye well learned eloquent and muche practised in the arte of Rhetoryke He had a greate delyte to caste the darte In marciall and ciuile policie not so well instructed as becomed an emperour Theodotius vanquisshed the Gothes by force droue theym oute of Thracia and after made league wyth Athanaricus their kinge Anni regum britannie 54 The Lumbardes ouercame the people called Uandali Theodotius ordeined by open decree The yere of the worlde 4343 The yere of Christ 382 that the Christian faieth shoulde be purely taughte and that all Christian men shoulde beleeue that the diuinitee of god the father the sonne and the holy ghost was one contrarye to the opinion of Arrius and his adherentes MAximus sonne of Leonine and cosin Germaine to Constantine the great Anni regum britannie 1 The yere of the worlde 4344 The yere of Christ 383 was made king of Brytain This man was mighty of his hādes but for that he was cruell pursued somedeale the Christians he was called Maximus the tyran Betwene him one Conon Meriodok a Britaine was striefe and debate in whiche they both sped diuersly But at length they were made frendes A synode was assembled at Constantinople of .180 byshops against Macedoneus who denyed the holy ghoste to be god This synode ordeined firste Patriarkes The Arrians were constreigned to forsake the churches that they helde by force the space of 4● yeres Martine byshop of Turon was famous Theodotius beinge taken with a greuous sickenesse was baptised and shortly after recouered The yere of the worlde 4345 The yere of Christ 384 Athanaricus king of Gothes Anni regum britannie 2 came to Constantinople to visite Theodotius and within fewe daies dyed there and was buried honourably Maximus king of Britain made warre vpon the Galles and sailed into Amarica nowe called litle Britaine and subduinge that countrey to his lordeship gaue it to Conon Meriodok to hold