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A03903 Davids sling against great Goliah conteining diuers notable treatises, the [n]ames whereof follow next after the epistle to the reader / by E.H. Hutchins, Edward, 1558?-1629.; Hake, Edward, fl. 1560-1604. 1593 (1593) STC 14012; ESTC S4711 77,891 358

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deere father the crie of his bloudie sweat his long fasting his great patience his bodie racked and crucified all crie vnto thee for mercie for mercie father O father fauour and pardon him This is the trumpetor of ioy this is he that bloweth the blast of comfort and soules solace heare him heare O Lord attend not my life mark not my steps for my life is vnsauorie and my steps are crooked let the crie of thy bleeding babe mooue thee to mercie and put thee in minde of thy couenant that in him all the nations of the world shuld be blessed Blesse me O Lord better me with the dew of thy blessings and let the drops of thy sonnes bloud by a liuelye faith distill into my heart and fructifie it with workes woorthy repentance I beseech thee Amen A praier for all times against the power of Satan THe Diuel O Lord like a roring Lion runneth aboute in euerie corner hee lurketh and euer he gapeth to deuoure the lambes of thy pasture He is an enimie not onelie readie to deuoure vs but also able to catch vs in the snare of iniquitie against thy diuine maiestie For dailie do we eat the sower grape of nature and sauor of vnseasoned rotten Adam in whose sinfull act we are wrapped by desert in condemnation and become bond slaues of Satan vnlesse thou O Lord do season our harts with the oile of thy grace and wash vs in the water of thy mercie that being clensed from sinne and made as white as snowe with the merits of thy sonne the diuel may lose his title and forget his obligation that hee had against vs wee be quitted from his tyrannie We beseech thee therfore ô gratious father of Heauen with thy power to bridle satan and in thy mercie to beare with vs with thy might to maister him and in thy grace to graffe vs in Iesus the liuelie vine of mercie that growing in him no storme may be able to tosse and ouerturne vs we besech thee Amen Another DAielie O Lorde doo wee passe the limittes of thy wil we sinne at the least seuen times a day and pledge mother Eue in the dregs of nature This is the frailetie of the fleshe and this is the weakenes of al Adams issue a miserable case ô Lord vnlesse in thy mercie thou wilt wrap vs couer the nakednes of nature with the white raiment of grace that we being thine maye neuer despaire for any brunt of storming Satan be it neuer so perillous LORDE saue vs in thy mercie saue vs haue pittie and compassion vpon vs and marke not our steps which are crooked but cast the eie of thy fauour vpon thy sonne Christ who was content to suffer the bleeding paines of the crosse to satisfie thy wrath to deliuer vs from the stinge of an hellie conscience We beseech thee therefore O louing Lord not to obserue our iniquities but to wash vs from the guiltines of sinne in the flood of thy mercies and so to saue vs that being dead in iniquitie and yet saued of thine infinite pittie we may giue all glory vnto thee and sing with our mother the Church that saluation only belongeth to thee Amen A praier for al afflicted Christians GReat are the troubles of the righteous O Lorde and many they be that arise against thee and thine an nointed like wolues to teare them and butchering Herods to behead and dispatch them Euen for thy sake O Lord are thy children brought to the slaughterhouse for the testimonie of thy truthe are they tied in bands and beaten with wandes daielie Vp Lord arise and strike thine enimies vppon the cheeke bone lifte vp thy rod of iron and dashe the vnsauourie and sower vessels of iniquitie in peeces with thy sanne scatter the chaffe and gather thou thy corne into the garner of ioy Let it bee beaten but let it not bee broozed with the thresholde of this tyrannous Wolfe that beeing freed from the chaffe of Nature and seuered from the cocle of euill and wicked liuers it may be found with the lost groat and laide vppe in thy treasure of eternal pleasure for euer Doo thy good wil O gratious God beat them beate them and buffet vs sharpelie O Lorde so thou saue vs of thy mercie and plucke vs out of Daunger by the hande of thy mightie power proppe vs with thy power that wee maye magnifie thee of thy mercy Amen Another THE mountains of this wicked worlde are manye and mightie O Lorde and little is the flocke of thy sheepe The mountaines are euen partched with furie against thy congregation to presse with the weight of their tyrannie the babes of thy familie Awake vp therefore O Lorde sleepe not slumber not but awake and defeate their ima gined mischiefe as thou hast promised that they that trust in thee shal be as mount Sion which cānot be remooued Suffer them to beat vs y ● we might liue godlie in thee but so let them buffet vs that they neuer ouermaster vs that according to thy promise as mount Sion wee maie not be moued Giue vs grace to trust in thee whatsoeuer betide vs and neuer to start from thee whatsoeuer smart we suffer that continuing to the end wee may be blessed with thee for euer And for the mountains of this world either euen them with the vally and babes of thy familie or else pare and partch them with the beames of thy iudgement Thy wil bee don O Lord thy kingdome come and saue vs we beseech thee Amen A praier for the Queene O Louing God wee thanke thee for the great care which thouhast ouer thy Church She hath bene tossed with the waues of this worlde and the preaching of thy word did suffer shipwrack but now O Lord now of meere mercie thou hast repaired the broken hart of Ierusalem and gladdened our harts with the wine of comfort For thou haste appointed a mother ouer Sion to cherish and defend hir from al hir storming aduersaries so that by hir meanes we are freed from the slauerie of the Romish Pharao and salued from the sore of heresies wherewith thy deere espouse was most gree uouslie troubled O Lorde continue this weede-hooke in her hande that she may throughlie cleanse thy garden Let thy wil and gratious plesure be hir scepter and target against the frowning band of cloudie Saules Alwaies erect and pitch about her the tents of thy fauour that no euill betide hir or daunger annoy her Clippe her in thy sweete armes and kisse her in mercie be not thou angrie with hir but continue her a fauourable nursse to little Dauid that hee maye growe in all faith and holynesse vntill hee be a perfect manne in Christ Iesus Lorde saue her in thy mercie and deliuer her from al euil Amen A praier for all Magistrates CRooked is the way of al flesh O father of heauen and ouer plētious would the haruest of weedie nature be vnlesse it were lopped and minished by the weedhooke
of thy maiestrates whom thou hast appointed as gods vnder thee to keepe thy garden clene from all noisome and stinking hearbs Clense them O Lord and plant a new spirite within them that aboue all things fauouring thy Gospel they may bend al their endeuours to the d●erishing of thy holy Church and maintenance of the truth without the which no mā shal liue and see thee Giue them grace to labour diligentlye in thy vineyard to mowe downe the haruest of sinne nei 〈…〉 er for feare or flatterie to starte backe from their dutie but without all discouragement to vse thy will as an axe to cutte downe the roote that withereth and beareth nothing but a perished stocke and barrayn branches that the ded boughs of iniquitie beeing broken off the branches of thy sonne Iesus may without let or hinderance spread foorth the sweete leaues of thy sauourie grace and beare in hart the frutes of thankesgiuing which is pleasant acceptable in thy sight Amen A generall confession of sinnes FAther ADAM O Lorde gaue the first onset none of vs his children haue broken the arraie The serpent counselled Eue gaue the apple to Adam so both sinned against thy diuine maiestie As for vs the naturall branches of this rotten stocke one of the same stampe shall speak We are borne in sinne and conceiued in iniquitie so that wee be damned by merit before we be borne But yet ô Lorde wee con●e●●e it to our comfort and thy glorie that thou hast concluded all vnder sinne that thou mightest haue mercie on all and al glorie be giuen to thee We confes our selues lost wee are lost grotes and lost sheepe but this is the sole ioy of our hearts that thy sonne came to seeke to saue that was loste So that though we be lost in our selues yet we are founde in thy sonne who came into this worlde to s●ue sinners This is thy vnde● 〈…〉 ued goodnes O Lord to loue thine enimies to saue vs that haue euen from the womb rebelled againste thy diuine Maiestie euen before we were borne to saue vs by the death of thine onelie begotten son and to prepare a ioyous kingdome for vs before the beginning of y e world Therefore O Lorde what shall we crie but shame shame vpon vs an axe to the roote and an axe to vs all the withered branches of rotten Adam by desert For glorie and power dominion and Maiestie saluation and mercie is onelie thine and of thee of the which mercie saue vs we beseeth thee Amen Another WE are all publicans O Lorde open the eares of thy fauour vnto our crie and haue mercie vppon vs haue mercie vppon vs. We sinne dailie but yet saue vs of thy pittie saue vs oh saue vs and shewe thy compassion vppon vs. Let vs not die a Iudas death let vs neuer tune the doleful song of Cain but ingraue in our hart a full liuely faith in thee that neuer doubting of thy bountious mercie wee may with a free conscience set Satan at defiance and all his hellyshe bande Pittifull Iesu heare this our crie and fense vs with thy grace against the gaping deuil who roreth of crueltie and lurketh in euerye Corner of malicious subtiltie to trap and to snare to take and to teare vs with the Clawes of his furie and mercilesse enuie Fence vs with faith againste him O Lord laie the plaister of comfort to our wounded consciences couer vs with the wings of thy fauour that we may liue and die in thee and so be blessed Amen A praier for humi 〈…〉 ie IT is thine owne Leslon O Sauiour Iesus Be humble and meek as I am it is thy worde also My sheep heare my voice But Lorde what shall I doo the fleshe is proude I dailie rebell against thy holie wil I enuie my superiours I loue not mine equals I despise mine inferiours This is the frute of the flesh O Lord Death death but thou art loue and life O louing Iesus And therefore I beseech thee of thy tender loue to pitie me to indue me with the spirit of humblenes that being poore in spirit I may with the little ones of thy kingdome be blessed liue for euer O Lorde for the auoidance of pride giue mee thy grace to consider that by it an Angell became a diuel and man was excommunicate from the paradise of pleasure Desire of souereigntie begate the diuell sinne death damnation so that out of it as a moste filthie puddle issued a whole sea of mischeefe and miserie Of this cup of pride father Adam dranke when by his disobedience hee loste thy fauour and by the taste of an apple thought to bee thy comate in knowing of good and euill Giue me thy grace not onlie to consider this but also fully to digest it that detesting it as a venemous viper I may in humblenes of hart serue thee holilie and soundelie without hypocrisie who art a patterne of lowlines and a mirrour of humilitie continuallie to bee looked vpon and trulie to be followed O life and louer of soules giue mee grace alwaies to heare hearing thy words to follow thee Amen Another for charitie O Infinite charitie thou sonne of God to whom the father hath surrendred all power in heauen and earth I haue offended thee most greeuously indāgered my selfe desperatlie For charitie O charity thou shalt iudge the world in equitie I haue not charity biding within me I loue for gaine I hate mine enimies I pray not for thē that cursse and speake euil of me I haue enough of thy benefites and yet haue I spared nothing for Lazarus and therein I haue sinned against thee ô eternall charitie incurred the perill of thy iust iudgmentes Is there no remedy O charity but must iudgment be giuē against me is al thy bloud spent are al thy teares drie hast thou none to wash mee Correct me not O charitie in thy iudgment or furie neither chastise me in thine anger but deale with me acor ding to thy wonted mercie In charity in thy loue vnmerited O blessed Charity haue mercy vpon me quit me from a repliyng conscience the court of the Deuil For else ô charity wil mine own life reclaime against me craue damnation for mine vncharitable conuersation Piteous God therefore I beseech thee for thy bloudie sweat in thy bottomles pittie drown my transgressions adopt me thy brother giue me thy holie spirits testimonie as a gage and earnest of mine adoption that being freed from sinne I may serue thee with a free conscience in hope and an vnwauering faith in thy mercies Amen A praier for the mortification of the flesh O Lorde the kingdome of the flesh is verie strong so strong that I am not able to withstand it For in me that is in my fleshe dwelleth no good thing and so infectious is the palsie of the fraile flesh that vnlesse thou O Lord doe season it there is no waie but to incur
in the kingdome of glory Fourthly let all couetous persons looke vpon mee and amend their euill liues For as I came naked into this world so did they and as I carrye nothinge with mee but my winding sheete euen so shall they Their riches the pelfe of this world shall they leaue behind them which they haue gathered in paine and hourded vp with greedie minds Oh you hungrie lions you are alwaies gaping for y e prey you are euer hungrie and neuer satisfied get you neuer so much by hooke or by crook by violent iniurie or biting vsurie But looke you vpon me For an eln of earth now shall serue mee and so must it serue you whom nothing may suffice in this world Sorrowe therefore and amende in time For you were not borne to gather worldelye substance but to serue poore Iesus who of God made himselfe poore to enrich you You were not borne to continue in this world No you haue no continuing citie heere but you must looke for another euen Heauen whence you are nowe exiled and therefore you must seeke the things that be aboue Your conuersation must be in Heauen You must not tie your harts to the earth and hourd vp the pelfe of this world lest the verie moths and rust of your tresure cry for a plague vpon and against you in the daie of vengeance For die you muste one day and be as I am and so rest in the bellye of mother earth vntil the day of accoūts when God shal rewarde euerie man according to his deserts Fifthlie let all enuious persons and euil willers beholde my hart let all bloodshedders looke vpon my feete all backbiters slanderers and curssers marke my toong all robbers and Vsurers view my handes all couetous persons note my winding sheete all selfelouers and proud men gaze vpon my face and hollowe eies let all men looke vpon me amende their liues for as I am euen so shall they be Sixtly let al Christians look vpon me courtiers and countrey men highe and lowe rich and poore yoong and old noble and vnnoble all let them looke vpon mee and remember their end Die they shal al this 〈…〉 l remember that they may neuer sinne Let all swearing belly gods al selfelouers men or women that monstrously disguise chast nature and paint their bodies which are stinking toombes of their seelie soules with intollerable vanities let al that care for beawties hewe looke vpon mee and iudge of theyr owne vanitie and condemne themselues least they be iudged of the Lord. For their broydered hayre their faced and defaced apparell theyr superfluous lasings their sumptuous Veluetes and silks their golden caules their wrought clothes their ringed fingers and their costlie fare in this worlde which Lazarus wanteth they are all vanitie neither shal they redeem them but to earth they shall and vanish with the vapour They shal al sleepe with me and they shall be one daye no better than I am worms meat stinking carcases duste and ashes they shall be whatsoeuer they doo appeare to the foolish world Kinges and princes magistrates and subiects schollers and maisters rich and poore al may looke vpon me For I am able to teache them a lesson which they forget dailie That earth they are and vnto earth they must with mee one daie and noe man knoweth howe soone Disdaine not to learne this at me for I teach you the truth which one day you your selues shal approue to be very true Seuenthly let all mourning mothers sorrowing friends lette them giue ouer weeping and vnchrystian wailinge For that cannot helpe them because it grudgeth and complai neth againste the will of God but rather let them bee merrie and reioise For behold this life is a warfare euen a continual warfare as Iob calleth it and death is a sleepe a sweete sleepe so that by it I rest from my labours I am deliuered from daunger to safetye from labour to ioye from trauel to rest from paine to pleasure and lie in the earth as it were in a bed till I must rise to iudgement This is the lucky estate of them that are dead in the lord And therfore did father Simeon desire to departe in peace and Paule counted hymselfe a wretch because hee was not deliuered from this bodye of sinne So that you haue no cause to mourne for your friends whoe by deathe are passed beyonde death euen to life to liue with GOD and to see him face to face euen as hee is But rather you haue cause to reioyse because by death they are taken into ioye to be where Christe Iesus is The dead man is but a sleepe hee is not dead but for a time and at length he shall awake euen by the sounde of a trumpet and crie of an Archangell to see his redeemer in heauen where he with thee and thou with him and the Heauenlye armie of Angels saints mailiue for euer Looke vpon me and remember this al you that mourne for the death of your friendes For blessed am I and thrise blessed This worlde is an exile Heauen my naturall countrey and so by death I am deliuered frō exile and heerein I am verie happie This present worlde is euill in heauen are ioyes that passe sense and conceit And so by death in the Lorde I am freed from euil and placed in ioye and heerin I am happie This world is no continuing citie but another that is heauen which when I liued in faith I looked for so that by death I am set in a permanent place and heerein am I happy This life is a pilgrimage hea uen my home and so by death of a pilgrim I am made a citizen and heerein I am happy To conclude by death from earth to heauen from men to Angels from warre to peace from paine to pleasure from griefe to euerlasting gladnes from vanitie miserie to perpetuall felicitie I haue passed in peace herin I am happie So that death is not to bee feared nor yet to bee lamented but rather welcome in ioye of spirit whensoeuer it commeth And for this are al Christians bound to render hartie thanks vnto the Lorde that hath turned the cursse into a blessinge and by his pretious death vpon the crosse made death no deth but an entrie to life a passage to ioy a deliuery from miserie For this blessing blessed be the name of the Lorde and let al people say Amen Imprint these few lessons in your memoryes and engraue them in the tables of your harts And thus farwel A Lodge for Lazarus Wherein the poore and friendlesse are exceedinglie comforted in spirit against all kinde of calamities incident to this temporall and miserable life made by the sayd E. H. THere are two sorts of pilgrimes in the worlde some are rich and some are pore Though the earth be the Lordes and the riches thereof his owne possessions though al men be his subiects haue deserued the like condition of life yet to blase his
his outstretched arme to saue and defend vs from the myserable seruitude of so tyrannous a ruler Againe al the spirits in hell may cursse the filthie bondage of sinne by seruice whereof they are in torments and shall continue in paines vnspeakeable for euermore The saintes and holie ones of God are in blisse in ioy yea in such ioye as neyther eie hath seene nor eare heard nor hart euer conceiued And whie euen because they repented forsooke s 〈…〉 ne and did the will of God in heauen For they onlie haue entred and shall enter into the kingdome of heauen that doo the wil of our heauenly father Therefore sith his wil is our sanctification innocencie of life puritie in conuersation vprightnes of hart abstinence from the lustes of the fleshe if that wee hope to enioye the giue eare vnto his voice conforming of our selues vnto his steps as neere as we could Let not the loue of riches the desire of any worldly promotion or anye thinge vnder the sunne bee it neuer so glorious since the preacher cryeth out saith that al is vanitie blind the eies of your vnderstandings withdraw your affections or restraine and pul packe your harts from thinking vpon the torments in hell or the triumphes in heauen the one ap pointed as punishmente for wickednes and iniquitie the other assigned as rewardes for righteousnes and innocencie The Lord of his mercie so moisten our harts that al hardnes beeing taken awaie wee may with moste willinge consents ioyne handes with Iesus Christe our Capteine against Satan sinne the fleshe and the world which enimies doo bitterlie and also continuallye war against vs and far exceed our strength to resist them vnlesse that we forsake them and shrowd our selues vnder Iesus Christ to whom be al glorie both now and for euer Amen A praier vnto almightie God wherein we beseech his diuine maiestie so to blesse vs with his grace that the vse of the praiers conteined in this booke and the wholesome lessons comprised in the same may take Christian effect in vs to our great comfort euen at all assaies and esp●icially in time of necessitie Made by A. F. O Father of endles mercy the fountayne and welspring of all perfect happines the giuer of grace the bestower of true blessednes felicity heere vs ô heare vs for thy bottomlesse compassion sake and grant vnto vs we hum bly beseech thee whatsoeuer wanteth in vs towardes the acomplishment of our calling and duty And because thy holye word the trumpet of truth treasure of great riches hathe in expresse speeche threatened manye stripes to that negligent seruaunt whiche knoweth thy will and yet doth it not vouchsafe vs and as manye of vs as are instructed taught and thereby perceiue and vnderstand thy heauenlye pleasure endeuouringe to walke thereafter maye auoid that penalty of negligence which is denounced against the idle seruant thy grace preuenting vs in all our actions and intents We can not denie but that the sayeng of thy welbeloued son the substance of truth and liuelye image of thine owne maiestie is vndoubted certaine and infallible namely that not euerye one whyche crieth Lord Lord shal enter into the kingdome of heauen but he which fulfilleth thy wil forsaking the world and all worldly pompe betaketh himselfe wholy vnto the seruice of thee and submitteth himself a scholler in thy schoole where learning sounde substantial knowledge he may be the more in loue with the riches of thy kingedome and bid al earthlie vanityes auant Now most mercifull Father for that the helpes to holines of life are infinite some and those singular consisting in thy Gospell preached some and those notable in sinceritie of conuersation and examples of godlines expressed some and those speciall in exhortations tending vnto Christianitie declared some and those heauenlie in praiers and supplications conteyned maye it please thee of thine vnspeakable goodnes ô mercifull Father to gyue vs grace so to imprinte them in our memories and to haue them sealed in our heartes that the course of our whole life may testifie to the world that thy gifts in vs are not voyd and frustrate barren and fruiteles vaine and vnused Least being otherwise it chaunce vnto vs as vnto him that knitting vpp his talent in a napkin hiding the same in the ground had not onlye the same taken from him but was also cast into vtter darknesse for his ydle nes vnprofitable seruice Among al which helps ô eternal God and faithfull ouerseer of our soules for that this whych wee haue in hande is not of least account since thereout wee sucke the sweet sap of com forte the assistance of thy spirite beeyng present with vs wee beseech thee with al submission to direct our vnderstandings to increase our faith to confirme our hope to kindle our zeale to guide all our affections and to gouerne the whole course of our life that exercisinge our selues in this or anye other godlye volume published for the edification of thy Church wee may vse it and them with integritie vprightnes of iudgement with deuotion voyd of hypocrisie with faithfull inuocation with humilitie and submission that in●ring our selues to praier vnfainedlie wee may obteine that whiche we pray for effectualy and for the same ministred vnto vs in time of necessitye with hart and voice extoll thy most dreadful maiesty to whome bee all honour glorie power and dominion euerlastinglie To this let all people say Amen most ioyfullie Amen FINIS ¶ A Catalog conteyning the seueral titles of euery praier and treatise comprised in this booke easie to be found by the true number of the page 1 THe first Morning praier pag. 1 2 Second morning praier 3 3 Third morning praier 6 4 Fourth morning praier 8 5 First euening praier 10 6 Second euening praier 13 7 Third euening praier 15 8 Fourth euening praier 17 9 A praier for all times against the power of Satan 19 10 Another 21 11 A praier for all afflicted Christians 23 12 Another 25 13 A generall Confession of sinnes 31 14 Another 33 15 A praier for humilitie 35 16 Another for charitie 37 17 A praier for the mortification of the flesh 40 18 Another 42 19 A praier for the obteining of grace 44 20 Another 46 21 A praier for patience in affliction 48 22 Another 50 23 A praier in time of persecution 52 24 Another 55 25 A praier againste the enymies of the truth 57 26 Another 59 27 A praier for the sicke 61 28 Another 64 29 A Confession for the sicke pag. 66 30 Another 68 31 A praier against desperation 70 32 Another 75 33 Another 78 34 A Praier for the auoidance of Gods wrath 80 35 A praier for remission of sinnes 82 36 Another 85 37 Another 87 38 A praier for increase of faith 89 39 A praier to bee sayde at the houre of death 123 40 A prayer for the truth pag. 125 41 A praier for peace 131 42 A praier in time of warre pag. 133 43 A praier in time of dearth pag. 139 44 A praier againste the feare of death 141 45 Another 146 46 Another 147 47 Another in forme of a confession 149 Peculiar Praiers appliable to particular persons of sundrie states and degrees 1 A Praier for the Queene pag. 27 2 A praier for all Maiestrates pag. 29 3 A praier for preachers 94 4 A praier for the increase of preachers 96 5 A praier for the Schoolmaister 98 6 Another 101 7 A praier for Schollers 103 8 The mothers praier for the good education of her youth 105 9 The fathers praier 107 10 The childes praier 109 11 The Husbandmans praier pag. 111 12 The maydseruants praier pag. 113 13 A praier for a woman with child 116 14 A praier for a Woman in trauel 118 15 A praier for the Prysoners pag. 121 16 A praier for the Ploughman 127 17 A praier for the blessing of his labour 129 18 A praier for the Captaine pag. 135 19 A praier for the Souldiour pag. 137 20 A praier for the Rich man pag. 158 21 Another 160 22 The beggers praier 162 23 Another 164 24 The widowes praier 166 25 The Tenants praier 168 26 The fatherles childs praier pag. 170 ❧ Fiue notable treatises and one deuout praier orderlie placed as they follow in the leafe 1 A Sword against the feare of death deuided into three weapons 173 The first weapon ibid. The Second weapon ●84 The Third weapon 203 2 A battell betweene the Dyuell and the Conscience pag. 213 The cal of Conscience in conflict for succour againste present danger 223 3 The deade mans School 225 4 A lodge for Lazarus 243 5 A retrait from sinne 285 6 A praier vnto Almightie God that the vse of this booke may be for our edification made by A. F. pag. 329 Glorie to God AMEN FINIS 1593. Imprinted at London by Richard Yardley and Peter Short for the assignes of W. Seres Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis