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A01472 Great Brittans little calendar: or, Triple diarie, in remembrance of three daies Diuided into three treatises. 1. Britanniæ vota: or God saue the King: for the 24. day of March, the day of his Maiesties happy proclamation. 2. Cæsaris hostes: or, the tragedy of traytors: for the fift of August: the day of the bloudy Gowries treason, and of his Highnes blessed preseruation. 3. Amphitheatrum scelerum: or, the transcendent of treason: the day of a most admirable deliuerance of our King ... from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun-Powder Treason Nouemb. 5. Whereunto is annexed a short disswasiue from poperie. By Samuel Garey, preacher of Gods Word at Wynfarthing in Norff. Garey, Samuel, 1582 or 3-1646. 1618 (1618) STC 11597; ESTC S102859 234,099 298

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of the Land who are the eyes and eares of this politicke Body who well know Scita patrum leges iura fidemque deosque To you I may dedicate and appropriate these our labours whose places and paines serue to this purpose to serue the King and Countrey and to helpe to preserue the welfare of the King and Kingdome Your publike paines and priuate prayers speake to the World these words God saue the King You are sworne to this seruice and sweat in it neuer more Malefactors in this kind and as Paul tels Timothy In the last dayes shall come perillous times for men shall be Traytors heady high-minded c. You know the Nilus where these Crocodils are bred and fed vse all good diligence to catch them spread your nets not Vulpina retia Foxes nets but Regni retia The Lawes of the Land if you can take them you shall doe God and the King good seruices Spare none of this kind who dare lift vp their hand against the Lords Annointed for they are worthy to die Bonis nocet qui malis parcit He hurts the good which spares the bad yea in all your loyall and legall seruice let neither feare or fauour flattery or bribery blind your eyes or deafe your eares remembring that you exercise not the iudgement of man but of God and thinke vpon this verse in your Iudgement seate Hic locus odit amat punit conseruat honorat Nequitiam pacem crimina iura bonos Farre bee that leprosie from the Iudges of our Land which so corrupted them in Ciceros dayes that he could say His iudicijs quae nunc sunt pecuniosum hominem non posse damnari In these iudgements which are now a monied man cannot be condemned But bribery foules not your hands who to corrupting Simons say with Symon Peter Thy money perish with thee Neither let any of Agesilaus letters moue you who writ to a Iudge for his fauourite in this stile Si causa bona pro iustitia sin mala pro amicitia absolue If his cause be good dismisse him for Iustice sake if bad for friendship sake Let Iustice be vnpartially executed yet tempered with lawfull pitty thinke vpon that Christian caueat Duo sunt nomina peccator homo quod peccator corripe quod homo miserere These are two names an offender a man as an offender punish him as a man pitty him be not too seuere with Draco Ne superet medicina modum Least the medicine exceed the malady nor too remisse with lenity for that is a kind of cruelty Tam omnibus ignoscere crudelitas quam nulli saith Seneca To pardon all is cruelty as well as to pardon none But Sus mineruam You know best to keepe the meane and Medium tenuere beati So shall you performe laudable seruice to God King and Countrey if you execute Iustice punish disobedience which is the falling sicknesse of a corrupt Common-wealth Command all to giue * Caesar his due represse all his enemies by force of lawes and cut them off with the sword of Iustice that their exemplary punishments may terrifie all others from such attempts and bee like monitors and remembrancers to all people crying Discite iustitiam moniti non temnere diuos Virg. Let others harmes admonish thee and learn not to despise these supreame powers for which offence so many Traytors dies Seauenthly to the Common-wealth Last of all to you the inferior yet sound members of the supreame Head the natiue and nationall children of our common Mother whom I may fitly compare to the hands and legges of this politicke body to fight and stand strongly for the defence and welfare of our King and Kingdome To you I hope this little Booke will be welcome and therefore say to you as the Angell said to Iohn Take this little Booke and eate it and if you be good Subiects it will be sweet in your mouthes and not bitter in your bellies for you cannot be true Christians vnlesse you be true Caesarians there is no true Religion in that heart which entertaines a motion to rebellion it is a rotten member that will not be obedient to the regall Maiestie And consider with your selues the happy blessings you enioy by the mercifull prouidence of God in giuing to this Realme so godly and gracious a Soueraigne to reigne ouer you and it will make you cry forth with the Psalmist Saluation belongeth vnto the Lord and his blessing is vpon the people O Lord how fauourable hast thou beene vnto our Land in placing ouer vs so religious and renowned a King so absolute and compleate a Prince in wisdome learning and religion and it will stirre vp all thankefull hearts to say with the Psalmist Let the people praise thee O God yea let all the people praise thee Sing prayses to God sing prayses sing prayses vnto our King for hee hath chosen our inheritance for vs euen the glory of Iacob whom he loued If we be not truly thankefull for so great benefits it may be truly verified of vs which was said of Canaan Bona terra sed gens mala A good Land but in it there be bad people O vnthankefull and vngratefull Britaines if euer you forget so great blessings Vae vobis propter ingratitudinem Woe be vnto you for your ingratitude Ingrata patria Vngratefull Countrey it is an infamous name odious to nature and Nations Gratiarum actio est ad plus dandum inuitatio Giuing of God thankes for fauours receiued is a kind of supplication and inuitation to obtaine more The Anatomists tell vs that euery creature hath foure muscles about the eyes but a man fiue foure serue to turne about the eyes the fifth serues to lift vp the eye and looke vpward to Heauen Man should not with other brutish creatures looke altogether vpon the earth but lift vp his eyes hands and heart to Heauen to giue God due and true thankes for his daily and fatherly fauours and mercies bestowed vpon him The Oxe knowes his Owner and the Asse his Masters Crib yea the Riuers are tributary to the Sea from whence some say they first come and againe returne All Creatures seeme in their kind to be gratefull debtors to their curteous Benefactors except the Swine whose mast makes him forget the tree from whence the Acornes fall or the Moon which being at the full by interposition of the earth darkens the Sunne from whence yet shee borrowes all her light It was Israels sinne vnthankefulnesse I pray God it be not Englands sicknesse vngratefulnesse to God Woe vnto vs if we scant God of our fruits who hath not scanted vs of his fauours Bring presents to the King of glory giue vnto the Lord glory due vnto his Name worship the Lord in his glorious sanctuary Not vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy Name giue the glory for thy louing mercy and for
ouer the night So in the firmament of the vniuersall Church God hath set two great dignities the authority of the Pope and Emperor of the which two this our dignity is so much the weightier as that we must giue account to God for the Kings of the earth and for the Lawes of men Wherefore know ye Emperors that ye depend vpon the iudgement of vs and we must not be reduced to your will for looke what difference there is betweene the Sunne and the Moone so great is the power of the Pope ruling ouer the day that is ouer the spiritualty aboue Emperors and Kings ruling ouer the night that is ouer the Laity Now seeing then the Earth is seauen times bigger then the Moone and the Sunne eight times greater then the earth it followes that the Popes dignity many degrees doth surmount the estate of Emperors And although Constantine the great writing to a Pope alleadged the words of Peter 1 Pet. 2. 13. Submit your selues to euery humane creature as to Kings c. Yet in their Decretals they expound the minde of Peter to exhort all subiects and not his successors to be subiect proouing the Priesthood to be aboue Kings by the wordes of Ieremy Behold I haue set thee ouer Kings and Nations c. Neyther must Kings and Princes thinke it much to submit themselues to my iudgement for so did Valentinianus the Emperour and also Carolus For my power is not of man but of God who by his celestiall prouidence hath set me Master and gouernour ouer his vniuersall Church whereby all criminall causes as well of Kings as all other to be subiect to my censure For my Church of Rome is Prince and head of all nations the Mother of the Faith the foundation cardinall whereupon all Churches doe depend as the doore doth vpon the hinges The first of all other seates without spot or blemish Lady mistresse instructer of all Churches a glasse and spectacle to all men to be followed in all whatsoeuer she obserues Against which Church of Rome whosoeuer speakes any euill is forthwith an hereticke yea a very Pagan a witch an Idolater and Infidell hauing fulnesse of power onely in her owne hands in ruling deciding absoluing condemning casting out or receiuing in To which Church of Rome it is lawfull to appeale for remedy from all other Churches although it was decreed otherwise in the Councell of Carthage that no man should appeale ouer the Sea vnder paine of excommunication yet Gratians glosse can helpe that with a limitation Nisi forte Romanam sedem appellauerint Vnlesse they appeale to the Sea of Rome Of the which Church of Rome the Pope is Head the Vicar of St. Peter yea not the Vicar of St. Peter properly but the Vicar of Christ and successor of Peter Rector of the vniuersall Church and directer of the Lords vniuersall flocke chiefe Magistrate of the whole world Lex animata in terris A liuing Law in the earth hauing all Lawes in the chest of my breast Yea Nec Deus nec homo quasi neuter inter vtrūque Being neyther God nor man but the admiration of the world and a middle thing twixt both The Pope hath both swords in his power both of Temporall and spirituall iurisdiction able by his owne power alone without a Councell to depose the Emperor to transferre his kingdome and to giue a new election as hee did to Fredericke and diuers others to whom Emperors and Kings bee more inferior then lead is to gold for doe you not see the neckes of Kings and Princes bend vnder our knees yea and think themselues happy and well defenced if they may kisse our hands What doe wee talke of Kings The Pope is aboue Angels as his Clarke Antoninus writes That hee is greater then Angels in foure things 1 In iurisdiction 2 In administration of Sacraments 3 In knowledge 4 In reward And so in Bulla Clementis the Pope commands the Angels of Paradise to absolue the soule of man out of purgatory and to bring it into the glory of Paradise Who is able to comprehend the greatnes of my power and seate For by me onely generall Councels take their force and confirmation and the interpretation of the said Councels and of all other causes doubtfull must stand to my determination yea my Letters and Epistles Decretall are equiualent to Generall Councels and whereas God hath ordained all causes of men to be iudged by men he hath only reserued me that is the Pope of Rome without all question of men vnto his owne iudgement and whereas all other Creatures be vnder a Iudge onely I which am Iudge of all can be iudged of none neyther of Emperor nor the whole Cleargy nor of Kings nor yet of people For who hath power to iudge vpon his Iudge so that I differ in power and maiority and honor reuerentiall from all degrees of men For the better declaration of it the Canonists make three kindes of powers in earth 1. Immediata which is mine immediately from God 2. Deriuata which belongeth to other inferiour Prelates from mee 3. Ministralis belonging to Emperors and Princes to minister for me for the which cause the anointing of Princes and my consecration differ for they are annoynted in the arme or shoulders and I in the head This order of Priests Bishops Archbishops Patriarkes and Cardinals the Church of Rome hath instituted following the example of the Angelicall Army in heauen and the Apostles on earth For among them there was a distinction of power and authority albeit they were all Apostles yet it was granted to Peter they all agreeing to it that hee should haue superiority ouer them all and therefore had his name giuen him Cephas that is say they head or beginning of the Apostles whereupon the order of Priesthood first in the new Testament began in Peter to whom it was said Thou art Peter and vpon thee will I build my Church Math. 16. 18. And I will giue thee the keyes of the kingdome of Heauen Whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vpon earth c. v. 19. Seeing then such power is giuen to Peter and to the Pope in Peter as his successor who is then in all the world that ought not to be subiect to my Decrees which haue such power in heauen in hell in earth with the quicke also the dead whereupon Pope Clement in his Bull of lead sent to Vienna granted to all such as died in their peregrination to Rome that the paine of hell should not touch them And all such as tooke the holy Crosse vpon them should euery one at his request not onely be deliuered but also deliuer 3. or 4. soules out of Purgatory And againe Christ said to Peter I haue
Great Brittans little Calendar OR TRIPLE DIARIE In remembrance of three daies Diuided into three Treatises 1. Britanniae vota or God saue the King for the 24. day of March the day of his Maiesties happy proclamation 2. Caesaris Hostes or The Tragedy of Traytors for the fift of August the day of the bloudy Gowries Treason and of his Highnes blessed preseruation 3. Amphitheatram Scelerum or The Transcendent of Treason the day of a most admirable deliuerance of our King Queene Prince Royall Progeny the Spirituall and Temporall Peeres and Pillars of the Church and State together with the Honorable Assembly of the representatiue Body of the Kingdom in generall from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun Powder Treason Nouemb. 5. Whereunto is annexed a short disswasiue from Poperie By SAMVEL GAREY Preacher of Gods Word at Wynfarthing in Norff. LONDON Printed by Iohn Beale for Henry Fetherstone and Iohn Parker 1618. NOBILISSIMO ET Honoratissimo Domino GEORGIO Marchioni Buckingamiensi Baroni de Whaddon Regio Hipparcho praenobilis Equestris Orcinis periscelidis Sodali à Secretioribus Regijs Consiliario c. Pietate virtute clarissimo Bonarum Artium admiratori Patrono Domino mihi vnicê colendo INter praeclaros Dominos quos Anglia plaudit praecipuum retines ordine honore locum Nobilis es animo virtute notabilis omni dotibus excellens ingenij genij Omnibus heroûm Splendescis laudibus omnes admirantur amant magnificant que colunt Inter praecones quorum sacra buccina cantat laudes condignas infimus ipse sono Primus at in votis sipossim posse sed imus in votis primus voce sed imus ego Primus an imus ero placidâ cape mente laborum primitias humili dat mea musa manu Honori Tuo addictissimus obseruantissimusque Samuel Garey TO THE RIGHT Honorable George Lord Marquesse of Buckingham Maister of his Maiesties Horse Knight of the most Noble order of the Garter c. LYeurgus enioyned the people to offer little Sacrifices vnto their Gods for saith hee they respect more the inward affection then the outward Action So in a Dedicatory imitation I presume to present this little sacrifice of my future seruice oh were it worthy of your Honors acceptance vnto your Honorable selfe hoping your Honor will more regard the inward deuotion then the outward Oblation and happy is this little labour if it may merit the portion of your Noble protection much more of your Approbation that so being graced with the mild aspect of so propitious and Noble a starre of Honor it may be the more welcome to the world and others inuited to read it for your Honors sake though not for the worke sake And vnder whose Honorable shadow may this Treatise Britanniae vota or God saue the King more surely and safely shelter then vnder yours who night and day deuoutly say and pray God saue the King whose approoued fidelity in Kings-seruice hath mooued God and the King to promote you to great dignity which you grace with such Christian yet Courtly humility that both in Church Court and Country you are highly and worthily honored Heerein your Honor followes those Noble patternos Celarinus and Aurelius of whom S. Cyprian writes In quantum gloria sublimes in tantum vereoundia humiles dum nihil in honore sublimius nibil in humilitate submissius Proceede most Honorable with such pious Graces and Christian vertues to adorne your eternall minde Emeliore luto finxit praecordia Titan. Your excellent eminency in the endowments of Nature and Grace in whom vertue valour beauty and bounty Armes and Arts are conioyned hath made all men ioyfully congratulate the amplification of your deserued Honor whose merits march with your pursuits So that not onely genus but genius makes you Nobilem Notabilem Vndemagis magtsque viri nunc gloria claret The world bestowes vpon you that worthy not vndeserued Character of vertue free from the aspersion of Court staines that I may borrow the Poets verse to put you on in your vertuous progresse Quô tuate virtus ducit ipedefausto Grandia laturus meritorum praemia Accept into your Honorable Patronage according to your accustomed gentlenesse this weake Worke of your deuoted seruant who craues pardon for this ambition in desiring to obtaine your Noble fauour and protection imitating Aeschines to Socrates hauing no meete thing to gratifie your Honor withall I am willing to giue that I haue euen my selfe who will alwayes desire to be at your Honors seruice Donec haurietomnes Xanthi Phoebus aquas And euer will pray to God to giue you happy increase of fauour with God and men and that your Noble name and same may long flourish on earth and be eternally blessed in heauen Stet Domus hac donec fluctus formica marinos Ebibat totum Testudo perambulet orbem For which multiplication of grace in this life and consummation of glory in the other my humble prayers are and euer shall be powred forth to God for your good Honors great happinesse in either World At your Honors seruice and commandement I rest euer in all duty Samuel Garey TRI VNI DEO Votiua Britannica Tria QVod varijs Triplicem Regem Deus alme perîclis incolumem liberes in columen patriae Caelesti vt Regitriplices tria munera Reges Aurum Thus Myrrham Symbola sacra ferunt Sic ter-Magne Deus tua magna Britannia sacrat officio summo Trina sacrificia Aurum firma fides Thus est tibi victima laudis optima Myrrha tibi flere dolere mala Aurum Thus Myrrham Credendo precando dolendo Turba Britanna sonat credo precor doleo Credo precorque Deum gentis peccata dolenda condonare fides laus dolor ista Deo Samuel Garey 24 Martius 5 Augustus notusque 5 Nouember in annos omnibus Angligenis candida festa bonis Martius Augustus quintusque Nouembris ab Anglis sint semper precibus festa sacrata pijs S. G. To the Christian Reader sauing Grace READER accept this imperfect worke with as thankefull an hand as it is offered with afaithfull hart if any thing in it please thee giue God the praise let none of his glory cleaue to vs earthen Instruments Si quid in hoc Lector placet assignare memento Id Domino quicquid displicet hocce mihi I cannot expect or hope for in this criticall Age but that this Booke will fall into the hands of Carpus as Paul left his Cloake Bookes and Parchments with him at Troas 2 Tim. 4. 13. Yet against the scourge of maleuolent tongues I am armed with patience and doe put on the resolution of Epictetus Si recte facis quid eos vereris qui non recte reprehendunt If thou doest well what needest thou feare them who say ill and as Martiall said to Laelius Carpere vel noli nostra vel ede tua And there are many enuious drones who neither like to labour
Natious accept and approue Ius pendendi vectigalia apud omnes gentes fuit semper receptissimum saith the same Hiperius The Law and right of paying Tribute among all Nations hath euer beene accustomed for how could Kings maintaine their States defend their Countries reward their faithfull seruants vndergoe so manifold expences which belong to a regall reckoning vnlesse their Subiects with Tributes Taxes and Subsidies helpe to sustaine the common charge And therefore Caluin writes well that Tributes and Taxes are the lawfull reuenewes of Princes which serue to maintaine their royalty and the Common-wealths tranquility Tributa necessaria sunt reip sine eis nec quies nec arma haberi possunt saith Tacitus Tributes are so necessary for the Common-wealth that neither peace nor warre nor weapons can be without them for warre cannot be maintained without men nor men without money which is Neruus belli The sinew of warre Tributis vectigalibus nulla resp aut imperium nedum magnum carere potest saith the same Tacitus No Countrey or Kingdome be it neuer so great can lacke the payment of Tributes c. In regnis bene constitutis certum constitutum est Tributum saith Herodotus In wel gouerned Kingdomes there is certaine Tribute to be paid Augustus Caesar taxed all the World that is all the Regions and Prouinces then subiect to the Romaines as the learned interpret it and this was as Caluin notes Annuum Tributum sed non quotannis fiebat descriptio A yeerly Tribute though not euery yeere put in wrighting And the Iewes though at first they did aegre ferre mentionem discriptionis Hardly away with this yeerely taxing Non tamen reluctatos esse pertinaciter as Iosephus writes They did not obstinately resist it but by the perswasion of their High Priest they suffered themselues to be taxed Salomon could not haue beene so rich if his people had not payed him Tribute but the weight of gold they brought to Salomon in one yeere was sixe hundreth threescore and sixe Talents of Gold This duty of paying Tribute Subsidies and Taxes c by the subiects to the Soueraigne is by the law of God and lawes of men and common customes of most Nations commanded and approued and that for foure principall causes First to maintaine that royall estate which God hath giuen to Kings the glorious patternes of Kings magnificence may be fully seene in royall Salomon Looke but vpon his Throne 2 Chro. 9. 17 and you may iudge of all the rest of his royalty Secondly To defend the Common-wealth both in peace and in warre which requires a great Treasury A great Bird had need of a great neast That High Head which cares for all the politicke body and night and day studies to preserue their welfare must participate of their wealth without which the publike peace and security cannot be effected for it is Status insolidus qui earet solidis Thirdly To contestate and acknowledge their homage and subiection to their Soueraigne for Tributum dare est imperatori subiici signum seruitutis say the Canonists nonists to pay Tribute is to be subiect to the Emperour and a signe of seruitude confessing all duty and loyalty to be due to their annointed Soueraigne who hath power to command them their goods lands liues for the seruice of the Kings and Countries preseruation Looke vpon the Israelites when King Saul was dead comming to elect and annoynt Dauid in Hebron to be King ouer Israel Behold we are thy bones and thy flesh meaning as I take it that their liues and all were at his seruice and commandement for Tribute is not onely of money but Sudor sanguis populi The sweat and blood of the people if such need require to defend their King and Countrey is a Tribute due from them willing and ready to aduenture their liues and limbes to giue repulse and resistance to forraine or domesticall violence Fourthly To testifie their gratefull affections to their gracious Princes in thankefulnesse for the great benefits by their prudent prouident and politicke gouernement reaped and receiued So Dauid in lamenting Sauls death remembers the benefits his subiects receiued by him in his life time Ye Daughters of Israel weepe for Saul which cloathed you in scarlet with pleasures and hanged ornaments of gold vpon your apparell So Ieremy of the good King Iosiah lamenting his death The breath of our nostrels the Annoynted of the Lord was taken in their nets of whom we said Vnder his shadow we shall be preserued among the Heathen A good King brings many blessings benefits vnto his people and therefore when such as are in authority be righteous the people reioyce saith Salomon A King by iudgement maintaines the countrey By a man of vnderstanding and knowledge a Realme endureth long saith the same Salomon yea as wise Plato well said Beatas fore resp cum aut Philosophentur reges aut regnent Philosophi When as Kings were Philosophers or Philosophers Kings then such Common-wealths should be happy And indeed all earthly happinesse which is deriued to the members proceeds from the Head next vnder God the primary Author of all good things by whose direction discretion circumspection care counsell and continuall vigilancy they are preserued in peace and prosper in plenty for there are sixe externall earthly helpes necessary for the temporall prosperity of any Kingdome 1. A King to rule 2. A Law to iudge 3. Pollicy to guide 4. People to inhabite 5. Power to defend 6 Riches to maintaine it and which is the Alpha and Omega of all and aboue all and before all the Lord and King of all to prosper and preserue all without whose protection these must come to ruine all Except the Lord keepe the City the keeper watcheth but in vaine Except the Lord gouerne and guide the shippe of State it runnes vpon the rocke Therefore Prince and people ought duly to say with the Psalmist Thou art our King O God send helpe vnto Iacob Through thee haue wee thrust backe our enemies through thee haue wee trodden downe them that rose vp against vs c. Rise vp for our succour and redeeme vs for thy mercies sake Well Tributes Subsidies Taxes c are a good meanes to help to support the state of Kingdomes and as they bee the publike Tribute of the Common-wealths so should they bee imployed about the publike tranquility Let no Theudas herein deceiue you or any Iudas of Galile who in the dayes of the Tribute drew away much people as Gamaliel speakes delude you for he perished and all that obeyed him Si quis putat non esse vectigal soluendum aut tributum aut honorem exhibendum in magno errore labitur saith Austen If any one thinke Imposts Tribute and honour ought not to be paid to them he falles into a great errour Iure debemus nisi facimus
thy truths sake Be euer thankefull to God and then he will euer be mindfull of you to blesse you the Lord will increase his graces towards you euen toward you and your children therefore praise the Lord from henceforth and for euermore for he hath not dealt so with euery Nation and if our deseruing were put into the lottery of other people wee should bee rewarded with a blanke Gods loue and gracious fauour to vs is ignis accendens fire to set vs on fire Let our thankefulnesse to God be ignis accensus a fire flaming to God in all zeale loue duety thankes seruice and deuotion God hath set England as it were vpon an hill a spectacle to all Nations strengthened by sea and land ad miraculum vsque to the admiration of all people blessed it with an extraordinarie peace prosperity of long continuance we are the worlds enuie let vs not become their declamation Nothing but our vnthankefulnesse to God our licentiousnesse in life our disobedience to his Word our securitie in sin our contempt of good meanes and mercies offered can worke our ouerthrow and these if we doe not drowne them quickly in the riuers of repentance so one may breed and bring our wofull downefall The Lord hath blessed this land with great and gracious blessings in it the golden bels of Aaron are powerfully rung the word by faithfull teachers mouingly deliuered Oh let our perpetuall prayers praises and thanks ascend to heauen because Gods graces and mercies plentifully descend to earth Et si desint gratiae quia nos ingrati If any grace be wanting it is because we want grace to be thankefull for this our happy gouernment hauing a prosperous peace and that which is the procurer of peace with God and men that blessed passage of the Gospell Si totum me debeo pro me facto quid debeo pro me refecto saith a Father If wee owe God our selues for our creation what doe we owe vnto him for our regeneration preseruation and saluation We therefore that haue tasted of the great cup of Gods mercy let vs with Dauid take the cup of saluation giue thanks and praise the name of the Lord let vs praise God for these aboundant mercies and euer pray vnto him to preserue the happy instrument of manifold benefits and blessings to vs our most dread and deare Soueraigne duty bindeth vs to this taske our owne welfare mooues vs to this duety for his prosperity is our tranquillity his safety is our felicity the blessing redounds to vs and if he should miscarry which God forbid we should be partakers of his misfortunes Therefore be alwaies obedient and diligent to serue our royall Head golden in all vertues and princely perfections in all loyall and Christian dueties louing his Highnesse in our hearts which is the best earthly defence for a King Inexpugnabile munimentum est amor ciuium saith Seneca The loue of the people is an inuincible munition and as that great Rabbi of pollicie Machiauel hath set it downe for a sure rule Contra regem quem omnes magnifaciunt difficilis coniuratio oppugnatio irruptio Against that King whom all highly esteem and reuerence conspiracy or treachery is very difficult or if attempted seldome succeedes Let vs bee in pace Lepores but in praelio Leones in peace like Hares timerous to offend his Grace in any way of disobedience but like Lions fight for him against all his enemies with an vnwearied courage vndanted magnanimity ioyning with our fighting hands our feruent prayers to God like faithfull Israelites against all rebelling Amalekites Oratio coelos penetrat hostes in terravincit saith Origen Prayers pierce heauen and ouercome enemies on earth plus precando quam praeliando more by praying then by fighting Dauids encountring with Goliah in the name of the Lord was more powerfull then his fling and fiue stones Let vs make it one part of our daily praiers to God to keepe our King as the apple of his eye and hide him vnder the shadow of his wings to saue him from all enemies bodily or ghostly to consume them in his wrath consume them that they bee no more let them know that God ruleth in Iacob euen vnto the ends of the world beseeching God of his great mercie euer to prosper this most peaceable and puissant Monarchie of great Brittaine Arise vnto it as vnto thy resting place Turne not away thy face from thine Anointed who hath now happily to our immeasurable ioy worne the imperiall Diadem of great Brittaine these 15. * yeares Many more happie and prosperous yeares wee pray to be continued prolong his daies O Lord as the daies of heauen and grant that his Highnesse and his Princely posterity may in these kingdomes reigne so long as the world endureth Enlarge and enrich his royall heart with all Regall gifts and Diuine graces sutable for his high calling Saue and defend him from the tyranny or treachery of all forraine and Antichristian power and from the plots and proiects of domestical aduersaries Let them couer themselues with their confusion as with a cloake Blesse his most gracious spouse and bedfellow Queene Anne let thy Angels O Lord encampe about her to guide guard her in a safe protection and euer continue thy most heauenly hand of benediction vpon the high mighty Prince Charles the famous Prince of Wales the second ioy of great Britaine Lord looke vpon him from heauen Giue thy iudgements vnto the King and thy righteousnesse vnto the Kings Sonne Teach him O Lord in his tender yeares like a good Iosias to learne and loue thy true religion the way to winne the eternall Crowne of life Be gracious O Lord to the County Palatine of Rhene Fredericke Prince Elector and to his most vertuous and gracious wife Princesse Elizabeth with their Princely progenie O Lord preserue them with thy mightie and out-stretched arme giue them a most happy peace and prosperity in a Princely honor felicity all the daies of their liues O Lord scatter the deuices of the crafty that their hands may not accomplish any wicked thing they do enterprise Confound all them that haue ill will at Sion that repine at the peace of the Church the welfare of great Britaine the prosperity of his Maiesty his royall progenie that howsoeuer they haue shift of faces and maske vnknowne yet let vs pray that that stone which is cut without hands may breake the Images of such Traitors in peeces giuing him victory ouer all his enemies Cloath them all with shame but vpon him let his Crowne flourish and grant him an happy multiplication of many prosperous yeares to renew with many returnes these our cordiall and annuall Ioyes long to sit vpon his Throne and make his foes his footstoole And let high and low rich and poore young and old yea let Heauen and earth
if the Pope denounce them excommunicate and may driue cut hereticall Kings from their kingdomes as Wolfes saith Bellarmine or if they be not apparent but secret hereticks saith Symancha yea not them onely but their sonne and followers are to be rooted out as Creswell agrees with Symancha by any meanes whatsoeuer saith Saunders eyther by open force as Iezabel by Iehu or by craft as Holophernes by Iudith say Raynoldus and Bourchier or by knife and dagger whereby Henry the third Henry the fourth were murthered for fauouring them whom they terme hereticks Yea before any sētence denounced against them or by dagges and poyson as Queene Elizabeth assaulted as Walpoole and Comensus perswaded or by Gunpowder as lately appeared ratified by Iesuites and popish Priests Garnet Gerard Oldcorne Greenewell c. So that I may rightly say Iesuiticall Papisme is the Catechisme of Treason teaching Subiects that their Emperor or King may be depriued by the Pope and the right of their kingdome conueyed ouer to others and if they will not acknowledge it they must be constrained by Armes eyther of their owne Subiects or other Catholike Princes if the Pope will haue it so yea euen to part with their kingdome and life also saith Francis Bozius lib. 2. c. 14. Yea that the Pope is directly Lord of things temporal the Ruler and Monarke of the world saith the same Bozius and so consequently to haue power to depose Kings and dispose of kingdomes so that I may truely affirme that which once one of the kings of America said to a Spaniard telling him of the diuision and disposition of Pope Alexander the sixt concerning the new-found part of the world the King answered That the Pope was not the Vicar of a good God but of a Deuill who would giue that to others which did not belong vnto him and surely in nothing doth the Pope more liuely shew himselfe to be Sathans Vicar then in medling with the kingdomes of the world and the glory of them and arrogating the Deuils title All these will I giue thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship me yet Christ would not be a King or a diuider for his Kingdome was not of this world nor Peter would not cast Nero out of his throne by the Thunderbolt of excommunication or deposition nor any of the Apostles take from Caesar his Scepter or Subiects or Kingdome or life yet he that brags he succeedes Simon Peter Simon I grant but not Peter will by his excommunication binde Kings that they may not reigne and Subiects that they may not obey which is to vse Vrspergensis wordes a diuellish Art which hath brought in treachery vnder the cloake of religion dangerous to Kings and damnable to Subiects But it hath beene the Popes policie a long time to make discord among Kings and rebellion among Subiects for it is well obserued that foure things specially haue raised the Pope 1 The diuision of the Empire 2 The departure of the Emperor out of Italy 3 The dissention of Kings 4 The rebellions and treasons of people And the speciall motiue of this fourth Monster Rebellion hath beene the diab olicall doctrine of seditious and bloudy Romanists not Masse but Mars-Priests teaching and tempering with the people that all the dominion of the world both diuine and humane was in Christ as man and so now it is in the Pope the vicar of Christ as Carerius writes That Christ committed to Peter the key-keeper of eternall life the right of earthly and heauenly gouernment and that in his place the Pope is vniuersall Iudge the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as an other writes by vertue of this pretended claime of Peters successor and Peters primacy that they may doe any thing and as Platina writes in the life of Gregory that he accustomed to vse these words Nos nos imperia regna principatus quicquid mortales habere possunt auferre posse c. We are able to take away Empires Kingdomes Principalities or whasoeuer mortall men can haue for the Pope cries like Plintes frogge Mihi terra lacusque Both earth and Sea belong to his See nay Purgatory is part of his patrimonie And all this Pope like Maiesty is deriued from Peter yet he loaths his mantle and puts on Aarons miter Peter saith he was a Primate of all I succeede Peter therfore may excommunicate Kings and then depose them free Subiects from obedience vnto them and by vertue of the words in S. Peters vision Arise Peter kill and eat that is as Baronius doth fondly glosse it Goe Pope kill and confound the Venetians or as the same Cardinall to prouoke Paul the fifth against the Venetians saith Mee thinkes I see sitting in Peters chaire Gregory the seauenth and Alexander the third both issuing out of the City of Senes whence your Holines takes your beginning whereof the one did bring vnder Henry that obstinate Emperor the other Fredericke c You must take in hand the same quarrell Thus make they their Lord of the seauen hilled City a bloudy Bishop a striker and a fighter contrary to Pauls Canon a man of bloud and a warrier and all this must be cloaked vnder the colour of Peters chaire this holy-water sweetens the Harlots cuppe as if religion and rebellion sprung out of one blade as if faith had a knife to kill and to teach grace to destroy nature Thus these impostors not Pastors raise rebels and preach the murther of Gods Annointed inuenting opinions ' of excommunication of Kings deposition absolution of subiects from obedience which questions are all like spirits sooner raised then put downe beeing patronized by the deuoted Champions of the Popes chaire Bellarmine Allen Carerius Perron Symancha Suarez Philopater Saunders Creswell Reynolds Parsons Becanus c. laborious vassals to ambitious Popes whose publishing of these pernicious errors hath ouerthrowne many popish Families brought a torture to their Consciences punishment to their karcasses infamy to their progeny scandall to their religion for attempting treason vnder pretence of their Romish profession But let vs consider though by way of digression how and by what meanes this ambitious Antichrist hath aspired to this arrogant altitude to set his chaire aboue Kings thrones and to challenge a power to depriue Kings and to make or vnmake temporall Monarkes a matter which requires a large volume if we should fully describe their policy in rising and ruling but I will but epitomize it contracting it into a short Compendium it being by many learned Diuines in their seuerall workes more amply discouered CHAP. 7. THE exaltation of Popes aboue Emperors and Kings did first especially begin in Pope Boniface the third who obtained of Phocas that murdered his Master and Emperour Mauritius to be created the vniuersall Bishop So that the Pope is indebted to a King-killer for the glory of his kingdome and euer since he hath made much
the olde law who as they say by vertue of their Priesthood haue deposed and depriued Kings from their seates which power they labour to deriue and appropriate to the Popes office I will name but two of them in two examples 1 Cardinall Allen alleadgeth Azarias the high Priest who with ●o other Priests put downe Ozias smitten with leprosie by force out of the Temple and depriued him of his regall authority Ergo say they it is lawfull for the high Priest that is the Pope to driue hereticall Kings that is spirituall Leapers out of the Temple of Gods Church and Territories of their kingdome by excommunication which is a separation and then by deposition which is a finall depriuation of them and deputation of some other Regent as Azarias committed the kingdome to be then gouerned by Iotham his sonne Wee answere as some of our Church haue answered That Azarias did not depriue Ozias of his regall power for he held it to his dying day onely his sonne Iotham as a kinde of Viceroye was surrogated because the immediate hand of God had smitten him with leprosie for his leprosie he was punished to liue apart a priuate life not to be depriued of his inheritance Ambition couetousnesse yea all sinne is a leprosie hath not the Pope such a contagion why then he may as well be depriued of his Miter being a grand sinner and so a great leaper as any other Indeed Ozias or Vzziah greatly sinned in presuming to vsurpe the Priests office transgressing against the Lord in going into the Temple to burne incense vpon the Altar of incense and Azariah with the other Priests withstood Vzziah the King telling him it pertained not to him to burne incense but to the Priests the sonnes of Aaron consecrated to offer it and was smitten of the Lord for it with leprosie and so liued apart according to the Law yet still was King in esse though not in execution 2 Cardinall Bellarmine alleadgeth Iehoiada the High Priest who commanded Athalia the Queene to bee slaine and Ioash to succeed implying an inference that so it is lawfull for Popes to doe the like We answer that Athalia an vsurper and murderer killing all the royall seed excepting only the secretly preserued Ioash the vndoubted heyre of the Crowne beeing proclaimed and annointed King with a generall consent of all Iehoiada by the authority of the King and not as High Priest but rather tanquam regis patruus Protector as his Kinsman and Protector the King being in his minority seauen yeares olde and Iehoiada being his Allye hauing married the Kings An● and so bound by the Law of Nature and Nations to defend the Kings right and to reuenge the tyranny of a bloudy Queen against the Kings killed progeny and Iehoiadaes commandement was confirmed by the Kings authority and with the common consent and Counsell of the land not as being High Priest but as chiefe of his Tribe to reuenge the crying bloud of the royall offspring murthered by vsurping Athalia to depriue her of her vsurped regiment and life what is this to depose a lawfull King by the authority of the Pope Kings shall anguste sedere as Tully said to Caesar haue quaking Scepters vnquiet seates and narrow limits if the Pope haue power to depriue them of their power state But to passe ouer other the like examples alleadged by Romanists in this kinde I will touch those foure things which they obiect and say doe dissolue regall right and make Kings who are culpable of such faults to forfeit their Crownes 1. Tyranny 2. Infidelity 3. Heresie 4. Apostacy The Popish assertions heerein runne in the affirmatiue that all or any one is sufficient to depriue a King of his Crown The opinions of Protestants run in the negatiue that none of these are sufficient to make a King forfeit his dignity and Diademe To begin with the first Tyranny doth not cut off a King from his soueraignty Who a greater Tyrant then King Saul who hunted after Dauids soule to take it yet who was so faithfull among all his seruants as Dauid confessed by Sauls owne mouth To be more righteous then he for thou hast rendred mee good and I haue rendred thee euill yea this Saul such a tyrant that he commanded Doeg to fall vpon the Lords Priests and Doeg at his commandement flew sounescore and fiue persons that did weare a linnen Ephod and did smite Nob the Priests City with the edge of the sword both man and woman childe and suckling oxe and asse and sheepe with the sword Yet Dauid no priuate or plebe●an subiect but a man by Gods commandement designed for the Kingdome cheefe Captaine and Coronel of Sauls Army and heire apparent to the Crowne and hauing opportunity to depriue Saul of his life and importunity of his followers to doe the deed yet heare his voice The Lord keepe me from doing that thing vnto my Master the Lords Annointed to lay my hand vpon him for he is the Lords Annointed and the same Dauid to Abishai Destroy him not for who can lay his hand vpon the Lords Annointed and be guiltlesse O heauenly voice of holy Dauid how different are Popelings from Dauids resolution Occasionem victoria Dauid habebat in manibus incantum securum aduersarium sine labore poterat iugulare advictoriam opportunitas hortabatur sed obstabat Diuinorum memoria mandatorum non mittam manum in vnctum Domini repressit cum gladio manum dum timuit oleum seruauit inimicum As most elegantly and excellently writes Optatus Dauid had a present occasion of security of victory and might without any difficulty or danger haue killed his vnkind and vnconsiderate enemy opportunity might haue pressed him to it but the remembrance of Gods commandements stay his hand Touch not my Annointed This keepes backe the hand and sword and fearing the regall oyle fauours a dismall enemy Now Tyranny may be of two kinds either of vsurped regiment and dominion without any ciuill title and interest hauing no titular foundation but violent vsurpation and herein subiection is not necessary Quoad obedientiam if Quoad Sust●…ntiam Herein patience more requisite then obedience 2 Kind is when ordinary and lawfull power degenerates into tyranny and cruelty by abuse and herein Papists giue liberty Tyrannum occidere licet It is lawfull to kill a Tyrant contrary to Dauid God forbid that I should lay mine hand vpon the Lords Annointed 1 Sam. 26. 11. Meaning Saul a Tyrant by abuse but not by vsurpation but we haue handled this before and therefore leaue it 2. Infidelity doth not depriue a King of his regiment Oh but replies the Papist All title to Dominion hath foundation in the grace of Iustice Charity and Piety so that by impiety or infldelity they make forfeiture of their authority Answer It is prouidence not grace that disposeth ciuill titles grace not prouidence that makes them
Nazianzene Teares the onely medicine against his mischeefe teares were their Speares Orizons their weapons They knew that they that resisted power resisted the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receiue to themselues damnation These had not beene catechized in the Popes Schoole teaching Subiects that the Pope hath power to depriue Kings if they be defectiue in their regiment or not pliable to his commandement but were obedient as the Apostle exhorts Propter conscientiam for conscience sake Oh but will Master Parsons reply We hold this point that a Prince is to be obeyed Propter conscientiam for conscience sake but not Contrae conscientiam Against his conscience And he is so stiffe in this assertion that he saith If one authority example or testimony out of Scripture Fathers or Councels contradict it we then speake to purpose VVe answer Against Conscience rightly instructed and warranted by the word It is true but there is Asinina lupina or leprosa conscientia A foolish woluish or leprous conscience which vicious or erroneous conscience is not rightly called conscience but error and peruersenesse and therein it failes If a King command things expressely contrary to Gods word the Apostles rule then is plaine VVe must obey God rather then men yet not fall to violence or outward resistance in body but in spirit submitting our bodies to suffer with patience what shall bee inflicted like the three Children to Nabuchadnezar but in our soules to shew our selues more then Conquerors for our Conscience sake Thus doe we see that the foure forenamed crimes Tyranny Infidelity Heresie Apostacy yet great and greeuous sinnes are not sufficient to depriue a King of his regall Inheritance or to free his Subiects from their obedience CHAP. XI I VVil in the next place briefly consider the goodly Harmony of the holy Doctors of Rome in the managing and maintaining of this new Doctrine of deposition of Kings by making their Pope an absolute Lord of all Temporalties and of the Spiritualties by vertue of which vaste omnipotency of power as being the Supreme spirituall and temporall Prince of all and ouer all they ascribe vnto his Holinesse this plenitude of power to haue the iurisdiction of both swords and so may passe against Kings if they bee faulty by tyranny infidelity heresie or apostacy or not Roman Catholickes Sentences of Excommunication Breues of Interdiction Depriuation Buls of Absolution of Subiects from Alleagiance yea giue Licence and Indulgences of pardon to misereants to murder them and yet this is not to be counted King-killing for a King excommunicated or deposed is no King in Popery Let vs see the consent of these Doctors or rather heare the confusion of their tongues in building of this Babell Some of the cheefe pillars of Popery defend the direct ordinary and inherent authority of the Pope whereby as Lord of the whole VVorld in all temporall matters hee may at his pleasure depose Emperors and Princes The cheefe of these is Cardinall Baronius and to alleadge his reasons I omit his Bookes are common and extant in the world And this opinion that the Pope is Lord of all the Temporalties and that the supreame Iurisdiction both in temporall and spirituall matters belong to Peters Successors which was the brainelesse assertion of old blockish Canonists and exploded of all sober Papists is now renewed and passeth for Catholick Doctrine Your Francis Bozius defends it that the Pope is directly Lord of things temporall and is the Ruler and Monarke of the whole world So Rodericus Sancius a Bishop of theirs goes further It is to be holden according to the naturall morall and diuine Law wth the right Faith that the Lordship of the Roman Bishop is the true and onely immediate Lordship of all the world not as concerning spirituall things onely but also as concerning temporall things and that the imperiall Lordship of Kings dependeth vpon it and oweth seruice and attendance thereunto as a meanes minister and instrument and that by him it receiueth institution and ordination and at the commandement of the papall Lordship it may be remoued reuoked corrected and punished In the gouernement of the world the secular Lordship is not necessary either of pure or meere or expedient necessity but when the Church cannot Resoluing this Article therefore we say That in all the world there is but one Lordship and therefore there must be but one Vniuersall and Supreame Prince and Monarke who is Christs Vicar according to that of Daniel He gaue him dominion and honour and kingdome and all people and languages shall serue him In him therefore is the Fountaine and originall of all Lordship and from him the other Powers flow so farre goes this Popish Bishop And diuers others agree with him It is iudged that no Christian Monarke hath his Crowne wholly giuen him from Heauen vnlesse it receiue firmenesse and strength also from Christs Vicar the Pope so Possevine Christ committed to Peter the Key-keeper of eternall life the right of earthly and heauenly gouernement and that in his place the Pope is the vniuersall Iudge the King of Kings the Lord of Lords saith another yea the holy Writer in the old law made the Priesthood an adiectiue to the Kingdome but Saint Peter made the Kingdome an adiectiue to the Priesthood faith the same writer Carerius a Doctor of Padua in his Booke De potestate Romani Pontificis which he made specially to confute Bellarmine who denied the ordinary and direct power of the Pope in the Temporalties doth in many places and pages maintaine that all dominion as well in spirituall things as in temporall is fetcht by Christ and the same is committed to Saint Peter and his Successors that Christ was Lord of all these inferior things not onely as he was God but also as he was Man hauing at that time dominion in the Earth and therefore as the dominion of the world both diuine and humane was then in Christ as man so now it is in the Pope the vicar of Christ That Christ is directly the Lord of the world in temporall things and therefore the Pope Christs vicar is the like and this power giuen to Peter is set out by the sole comming of Peter to Christ vpon the water for vniuersall gouernement is signified by the Sea As God is the Supreme Monarke of the world productiuely and gubernatiuely although of himselfe he be neither of the world nor temporall so the Pope although originally and from himselfe he haue dominion ouer all things temporall yet he hath it not by any immediate execution and committeth that to the Emperor by an vniuersall iurisdiction It would weary a man to reade ouer this worke of Carerius wherein he sweates and toyles himselfe striuing with arguments and laying a curse vpon his aduersaries that shal gainsay him or denie the ordinary direct power of the Pope in the
voide of Diuinity and Logick which the learned hisse at which yet goes for currant arguments among ignorant Papists who in the Infancy of their knowledge haue no skill and iudgement to discerne these things yet are so ouercarried yea infatuated with a doting fancy to beleeue any thing which is cloaked with a pretence of Catholike Truth or Doctrine of the Church of Rome that with great applause they will accept of these or the like vnlearned follies being like vnto that Frenchman in Geneua of whom Zanchius speakes that he protested If Saint Paul and Caluin should preach at the same houre that he would leaue Paul and goe to Caluin So these will euen deny Scripture to beleeue and cleaue to their Doctors and they know how to seduce them well enough making them firmely beleeue that Peter was the Primate and Prince of all the Apostles and that the Pope succeeds him in all his prerogatiues and sits in Peters Chaire So that we may say with Simeones Who when he saw Arsacius an vnlearned and vnworthy man placed in Chrysostomes roome cried out in these words Prohpudor quis cui Oh shame who and whom So wee may censure the Popes sitting in Peters Chaire Oh shame who and whom Peter was carefull to teach preach but for the Popes many of them cannot and all will not preach the Gospell Their Bennet that was Pope when he was not ten yeeres old and Iohn not aboue sixteene as their deare Baronius sayes oh then how worthily was Peters place supplied how able they were to feed the vniuersall flocke and to be the Supreame Heads of the Christian World And many of their Popes haue beene condemned and conuicted hereticks by themselues as * Marcellinus for idolatry worshipping Pagan Gods Liberius for Arrianisme Honorius the first was a Monothelite hereticke condemned for it in three generall Councels Gregory the 12 and Bennet the 13 deposed for notorious heretickes and schismatickes and many others oh then how was Peters Chayre adorned his place supplied the vniuersall flocke gouerned the Supremacy managed the Church edified Pro●pudor quis cui How is Peters Chayre disparaged by a pretence of such vile Successors yea how opposite is the Pope to Peter or if you wil this Sir Peter or Pope-Peter to Saint Peter light and darkenesse are not more dislike Preaching Peter commanded all Feare God Honor the King Submit your selues c. Not onely to the good and curteous but to the froward for this is thanke worthy if a man for conscience sake toward God endure greefe suffering wrongfully But princely Pope-peter vnlooses men at his pleasure from their alleagiance and obedience to good and gracious Princes if they will not bow their Scepters to his Miter and will depriue them of their Crownes and if he can of their liues too being blasted by excommunication then proceed to deposition and to make it take better effect hee will authorize murder and rebellion yet all this vnder a faire vizard of spirituall good and for the saluation of soules but Quic quid id est timeo Danaos dona ferentes Beware of these same Pope-pilles sugred ouer yet full of deadly poyson Peter his precepts and patterne compared with the Popes practise argue a plaine separation or secession no succession Peter commanded and performed obedience to Princes excommunicated none deposed none depriued none freed no Subiects from alleagiance or excited them to any resistance but suffred if we may credit their Register to proue his being at Rome as a Martyr yet these Princes were no Catholickes yea Heathens Was it because hee wanted power as some haue dreamed why he had the power of Miracles hee could doe that which neuer any Pope did or shall doe Surge ambula Acts 3. 6 Arise and walke which had power to heale a creeple from his Mothers wombe He raised the dead to life yea sont the liuing to death could with his shadow heale the ●icke Wanted he power no rather he wanted this pride and impiety wherewith the Pope swels and abounds he knew that his Kingdome promised by Christ was not of this World here the Kings of the Gentiles should reigne ouer him and his fellow Disciples but hereafter in the heauenly Kingdome they should sit vpon seates and iudge the twelue Tribes of Israel But this Pope-Peter or prince-like Pope fearing his Kingdome is not of that world would faine erect vp his Monarchy in this world and would sit vpon his seate or chayre to iudge all the Tribes of the world and would faine be a Iudge ouer the Tribe of Iudah to make Kings be subiect to his Ferula and Rod of correction and so then surfet them with his cup of corruption and if they will not submit themselues to his domination hee will by censure and sentence of excommunication seeke to dethrone them and depose them free their subiects from the yoake of obedience and oath of alleagiance to them and arme and animate them to take vp armes against them and all this pestilent power he would deriue from Peters Chaire making it a Chaire of pestilence to arrogate such a pernicious supremacy by which meanes hee hath beene the primus motor the cheefe agent of all the mischeefes murders and massacres treasons and rebellions in these latter times So that I may conclude that papall excommunication of Kings and Doctrine of deposition of them haue beene the cheefe nurseries of most treasons and rebellions And this hath moued me to take a little suruey of it diuerting out of the intended Roade of my discourse for which former prolixity I will requite my Reader with following breuity CHAP. XII I Haue thus farre discoursed in generall now I will make our conclusion a connexion with some particular relation of the vnnaturall and bloody conspiracy of these Trayterous Gouries attempted against the Kings Maiesty August the fift Anno Dom. 1600 with the manner of his deliuery and happy preseruation as also the end and Tragedy of these Traytors receiuing in part a due doome for their Treason His Maiesty lying at Falkland and going out in the morning to recreate himselfe with his pleasure of Buck-hunting before he was on Horsebacke Alexander Ruthwen second brother to the late Earle of Gowry hasted to meet his Highnesse who after a low curtesie bowing his head vnder his Maiesties knee Beware of such Creepers drawing his Maiesty apart as Ioab tooke Abner aside in the gate to speake with him peaceably doth begin a strange discourse to the King Virg. lib. 2. Aen. Dixerat ille dolis instructus arte Pelasga How he chanced in the euening before walking alone without the Towne of Saint Iohnstoun where his brother dwelt recountred a suspicious fellow who vpon some conference became amazed and his tongue faultred and vncasing him wrapt vp in a cloake and finds a great wide pot vnder his arme full of coyned gold in
confessed his intimate conference with Iesuites men dangerous to Kings and States his plausibility with the people an harbinger of ambitious thoughts These with other practises hee vsed as being addicted to Magiche are like the bleating of sheepe in Samuels eares and may all say What meane these things wee may coniecture something yet determine nothing for this Traytor was a Politician who held this Maxime That he was not a wiseman who hauing intended the execution of an high and dangerous purpose did communicate the same to any but himselfe Thus we see how the Lord verifies Dauids words Hee forsaketh not his Saints they shall be preserued for euermore but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off Great deliuer ances giueth he vnto his King and sheweth mercy vnto his Annointed And if all antiquity should awake it could not relate a more Diuine deliuery in so dangerous and deadly extremity And it doth minister immortall and immatchable motiues of perpetuall praises and thankes giuing to God to sing with Dauid Great is the Lord and most worthy to be praised and his greatnesse is incomprehensible Generation shall praise thy workes vnto generation and declare thy power The Lord preserueth all them that loue him but he will destroy the wicked This day the fift of August the commemoration day of this Conspiracy and Deliuery commanded by regall authority to be religiously obserued wherein wee should doe that which the Lord spake to Moses after Israels victory ouer Amalek Write this for a remembrance in the booke and rehearse it to Ioshua for I will vtterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from vnder Heauen And Moses built an Altar and called the name of it Iehoua-Nissi that is the Lord my Bauner So the great King of Kings hauing giuen the King of our English Israel an happy victory ouer Amal●k put out the remembrance of them from vnder heauen All from the King in his Throne to the poorest member and Subiect of great Britanny should write in the tables of thankefull hearts the best booke of remembrance this most happy and heauenly deliuerance and goe to the publike Altar the house of prayer and offer vp a seruice and sacrifice of humble and hearty prayers and praises as sweet Incense vnto the Lord singing and saying Iehoua-Nissi the Lord is my Banner The Lord is our strength and praise and is become our saluation Thy right hand O Lord hath bruised the enemie Therefore will I praise thee O Lord among the Nations and will sing vnto thy name Hee is the Tower of saluation for his King and sheweth mercy to his Appointed euen to Dauid and to his seed for euer All glory honour thankes and praise bee giuen to God alone The Father Sonne and Holy ghost three seuerally in one Laus Deo Amphitheatrum Scelerum OR THE TRANSCENDENT OF TREASON For the fift of Nouember THE DAY OF A MOST Admirable Deliuerance of our King Queene Prince Royall Progeny the Spirituall and Temporall Peeres and Pillars of the Church and State together with the Honourable Assembly of the representatiue Body of the Kingdom in generall from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun-powder Treason PSAL. 11. 22. Forloe the wicked bend their bowe and make ready their arrowes vpon the string that they may secretly shoote at them which are vpright in heart For the foundations shall be cast downe and what hath the righteous done By SAMVEL GAREY Preacher of Gods Word LONDON Printed by IOHN BEALE for HENRY FETHERSTONE and IOHN PARKER 1618. TO THE ILLVSTRIOVS and Right Honourable Lords Spirituall and Temporall the renowned Peeres Prelates and Counsellors to the High and famous Court of Parliament SAMVEL GAREY an vnworthy Minister of IESVS CHRIST with his most deuoted obseruance humbly offereth this short Treatise in a perpetuall remembrance of all dutifull thankfulnesse to Almighty God for your Graces and Honours happy deliuerance from the intended Gun-powder Treason Nouember the fifth Anno Domini 1605. Most Reuerend Honorable and right Noble Lords MAy it please your Graces and Honors to behold the wofull picture and lamentable protect of your earthly Downefall intended the contemplation and cogitation whereof can neuer cause you to bury it in obliuion wherein the professed enemies to God King and Country endeauoured and attempted with one blow and blast to make your Mittimus and send you all to another world But Gods most admirable mercy disappointed their most abhominable mischiefe and doth moue your Graces and Honors to say thankfully with the Psalmist Thou hast saued vs from our aduersaries and hast put them to confusion that hate vs Therefore will we praise God continually and will confesse thy name for euer In which prodigious practise and mercilesse Massacre your Graces and Honors may behold your selues how you should haue Purgatory-Vulcans could bring one sparke to enkindle it still the Regall Sunne and Moone shines with a bright and beautifull lustre in the Royall firmament who by these foule monsters and fiery Meteors should haue beene finally eclipsed Charles-wayne is still in our Horizon and God grant it may be said of our King Iames as Iacob said of his Iuda Sceptrum non auferetur à Iuda Gen. 49. 10. Your Graces and Honors the fixed starres of Church and State still keepe your station and retaine your powerfull influences who by these Miscreants should haue bene sent from the stately Parliament to the starry firmament and though not then your mortall limbes yet your immortall soules should haue flowen higher But loe * The Lord was with you while you were with him and preserued you in safely as reserued instruments for his further seruice and glory to the vnspeakeable comfort of his Church and happy welfare of great Britanny Which incomparable worke of Gods infinite mercy in this most gracious and generall deliuerance as it can neuer beforgotten so it cannot be too ofr reuined which poore oblation a commemoration of your Graces and Honours preseruation as it is very seasonable for the time Nouember the 5. against which day it was and is prepared as a yearely present and poore Tribute of true thankefulnesse so I heartily wish it weresatable to merit your most honourable acceptance Yet Cum desint vires tamen est laudanda voluntas Your renowned worthinesse will I hope accept my willingnesse and protect this Treatise the Transcendent of Treason vnder the fauourable countenance of your most honourable patronages so shall it be safe from all backbiting vermine and vipers of our Church and Country And as some say The Sea-Vrchin armes himselfe with some stones against a tempest so I against all the windy tempests of ill tongued Iesuites and railing Popelings who take things with the left hand which are offered with the right as Ariston once said will I suppose contemne and condemne this worke wherein their treasonable practises and precepts are in part discouered yet being armed
horrible desolation had not Gods power and pitty preuented this their intention and inuention we will part it into three Heads all directly tending to ouerthrow 1. The Temporall estate 2. The Politicall estate 3. The Spirituall estate of our flourishing Church famous King and fortunate Kingdome O 〈◊〉 in terris anima caelestium inanes Oh crooked mindes voyd of celestiall grace Who with such ruine would our land deface I will beginne with the two first It would haue subuerted the Temporall and Politicall estate of the Kingdome The effects of this Powder treason would haue exceeded those mischiefes which Caesar reckons to be the fruits of Catilins conspiracie Rapiuntur virgines c. Virgins deflowred Matrons made the obiects of the victors lust children killed in their parents bosome houses burned men murthered all places full of weapons carcases blood and lamentation So who can tell what mischiefe what murther what rebellion what inuasion what rapine destruction and desolation would haue beene the fruits and effects of this barbarous Treason it would haue prooued carnificinaregni the very death and downfall of the Kingdome and therefore may be called officina scelerum the shop of all mischiefe the vault of all villanie Quid Rex quid Regina comes quid regia proles Quid proceres Sanctique patres populusque fidelis Quid tantum meruere mali committere tantum In vos quod potuere Scelus potuistis in vnam Funera tot cumulare struem tot corporalaetho Congerere tantum moliri caedis aceruum What hath our King his Queene and Princely sonne Our Peeres and Prelats and the people done To merite such a mischiefe what offence Against them iustly can you now commence Which might prouoke your malice to deuise To murther them as you did enterprize No age can produce a proiect proportionable to this immanity Tyrannorum carbones eculei rotae funes fustes cruces gladij c. nihil si ad haec comparentur The exquisite torments of Tyrants not comparable with the fury of this truculent Tragedy The destruction of Troy was lamentable by fire and sword in the night Virg. In●adunt vrbem somno vinoque sepultam They inuade the Citty buried in sleepe and wine and at vnawares set vpon them by a perfidious Treachery yet there they might fight for their liues and make resistance to reuenge themselues Idem Aut versare dolos aut certae occumbere morti But heerein these Trayterous Architects had so contriued their worke and world of woes that with one blast or blow all to be consumed and yet not to see who hurts them with a floude of fire to deuoure the choisest flowres of the world the Rose of the field and Lillies of the vallies the royall Rose with the rest of the regall stemme the noble Lillies of the land Flos delibatus populi Suadaeque medulla The flourishing Nobilitie most reuerend Cleargie prudent and politicke Gentry all to passe the fiery region of corporall combustion when as this fire should come out of the bramble to consume the Cedars of Lebanon So terrible a blow or blast it would haue beene to the Temporall welfare of the state of this Kingdome in generall to be depriued of the father chariots and horsemen of Israel rapt vp in a whirlewind of fire that it could leaue nothing but lamentations to posterity wish with weeping Ieremie for an head full of water and eyes fountaine of teares to weepe day and night for the slaine of them and none but monsters of men habituated in villany and radicated in cruelty would haue an hand in so heauy a calamity Then we all might alwayes meditate of mournefull Elegies and make large Commentaries vpon Ieremies Lamentations and cry with him How doth the Citty remaine solitary that was full of people she is a widowe she that was great among the nations Princesse among the Prouinces is made tributary she weepeth continually she dwelleth among the heathen and finds no rest her persecutors tooke her in the Straits The waies of Sion lament because no man commeth to the solemne feasts all her gates are desolate the Priests sigh her Virgines are discomfited and she is in heauinesse and might ingeminate a dolefull ecce Behold and see if there be any sorrow like vnto my sorrow which is done vnto me I cannot apprehend the hundred part of the miseries of this intended mischiefe for it would haue made our land in face though not in fashion like the land Iob speakes of Terram ten●brosam opertam mortis caligine terram miseria tenebranum vbi v●bra mortis nullus ordo A land of darkenesse and shadow of death a land of miscry where is no order but horror That day intended had beene to our land a day of darkenesse and of blacknesse a day of clouds and obscurity none like it from our beginning neither shall be any more as we hope vnto the yeares of any generations Our land had then beene like a ship forlorne her Pilot Maister and Mariners gone Her Top-gallant taken away and they who sate at the Sterne to guide drowned in the Ocean and then a tempest beating vpon the ship the wind and weather driuen her to the Rockes in what perill and perplexity are all her mournefull passengers and might particularly cry In medijs lacera puppe relinquor aquis We are left in a torne and tottering ship couered with waues of woe no earthly comfort comes only we pray to Christ Maister saue vs we perish This day intended would haue prooued a blacke and bloody day to the Common-wealth of England when as her principall pillars had beene perished The strong man and the man of warre the Iudge and the Prophet the Prudent and the aged they had layed their Axe to the roote of the Trees to hew downe and cast into their fire the chiefe Cedars to stretch ouer vs the line of Samaria and the plummet of the house of Ahab wiping England as the Lord doth threaten Ierusalem there as a man wipeth a dish which he wipeth and turneth vpside downe and so they would haue wiped or washed with blood our Ierusalem turning it vpside downe that there should haue beene a generall ruine of our flourishing Kingdome Neque rex nequelex neque religio resp Salua King Nobility Church Gouernement Commonwealth all perishing in this prodigious powder confusion First our King the breath of our nostrils the annointed of the Lord should haue beene taken in their nets of whom we sayd vnder his shadow we shall be preserued aliue among the heathen and then his most Princely Queene posterity-male the hopefull blessing of perpetuall peace the famous Peeres and Counsellors of state with all other most noble Lords Spirituall and Temporall the wife and worthy Iudges Knights Burgesses and whole body of the Parliament house the head heart eyes braines and vitall spirits of
complaint is verified vpon vs My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge the seeds-men of the worde sent from the blessed sower who broke vp our stony hearts and made them flexible and did labour to turne many to righteousnesse they are taken from vs and now Impius haec tam culta novalia miles habebit Barbarus has segetes Not Masse but Mars-Priests in the Churches field Possesse the fruits which others labours tilld These and more pittifull mones would haue beene fresh and frequent in this land crying with Ieremy The ioy of our heart is gone our dance is turned to mourning the Crowne of our head is fallen woe vnto vs that wee haue sinned our necks are vnder persecution wee are weary and haue no rest Our King a Nursing Father to the Church and Common-wealth Our Noble men of Sion comparable to fine Gold Our reuerend Prelates and Pastors the salt of the earth and light of the land the chiefe Iudges and choice Gentry of the Kingdom who were as eyes to the blinde and feete to the lame All the pillars of Church and Common-wealth maintainers of the Law and Gospell had perished in this intended Massacre So that the shepheard being smitten the sheepe will be scattered yea sheepe not hauing a shepheard will fall into the hands of wolfes who will deuoure their flesh and their fleeces And looke still further and behold these powder-traitors men nourished with Tygers milke who enterprised not onely to procure a temporall politicall and spirituall ouerthrow of Church and Common-wealth but also so farre as in their power they could seeked to procure the eternall death of body and soule vnawares by force of fire to part vnprepared soules and blow vp with a fiery Dimittis bodies and soules before they could haue time to say feelingly Inmanus tuas Domine O Lord into thy hands we commend our soules heerein shewing themselues desirous to be bloudy murtherers to murder the body with death temporall and also to make away the soule with death eternall which second death worse then millions of corporall deaths Continet Myriades mortis Prima mors animam dolentempellit de corpore secunda mors animā nolentem tenet in corpore as Austen The first death driues the pained soule out of the body the second death keepes the vnwilling soule in the body for then men shall seeke death and shall not finde it for in life there is some ease in death an end but in the second death neyther ease nor end Mors sine morte finis sine fine So that to draw all to a conclusion which should haue beene the conclusion yea confusion of vs all I may supply my defects in the description of this immatchable treason with the Poets excuse Non mihi si centum linguae sint oraque centum Ferreavox omnes scelerum cōprendere formas Omnia poenarum peccurrere nomina possem No tongue can tell no pen descry This Map of mischiefe the Powder-Tragedy The Lord of Hosts who neither slumbers nor sleepes who in pitty and prouidence prouides for the safety of his Church and Children beheld our English Israel and Popish Amaleck the members of the Church militant and malignant the one secretly plotting to blow vp the other but the Lord against whom no wisdome nor vnderstanding nor counsell can preuaile became an impenetrable shield suffered not one of his seruants haires to be burnt with fire but besotted these Traytors to communicate their counsels though darkly to others by which meanes they were discouered And we are perswaded and confirmed of the all-sauing protection of our good God towards his deare Seruant and our dread Soueraigne with the rest of the religious assembly congregated for the glory of his name and good of his Church in that Honourable House of Parliament that if the Lord had suffred them to haue made a further progresse to the instant of that disastrous and dismall action that hee would haue disabled the party who with his vnhappy hand should haue kindled that fatall fire as he did the hand of infamous Ieroboam in the very act of stretching it against the Prophet it withered or like the hand of Valens the Emperor when hee tooke his pen to confirme the sentence of Basils banishment strucken of God shooke and shrunke not able to hold the pen So surely the Lord would haue benummed that accursed hand which sought to ouerthrow Christs Church among vs for it is as easie to pull Christ from Heauen as to put his Church out of the Earth Christ cannot be a bodilesse Head nor the Church an headlesse body and though outward meanes of deliuerance to vs may seeme defectiue yet stand comforted and couragious for the gates of hell shall not preuaile against the Church It is a lame and halting confidence which cannot goe to God without the stilts and crutches of externall meanes for the Lord knoweth to deliuer the godly and in the very point and article of time will be a present helpe in trouble God came to Adam with a promise in the time of despaire to Abraham with supply in the time of sacrifice to Isaacke with reliefe in the time of famine and danger to Ioseph with honour in the time of exile to Elias with comfort in the time of persecution to Gideon with helpe in the time of battle to Daniel with safety in the Lyons denne to Ionas with release in the Whales belly to Susanna with life condemned to death to the three Children with a protecting Angell in the fiery Furnace yea to this Kingdome of England with a most mercifull preseruation neere the time of the appointed Powder-destruction to make all our English Israel alwayes in all distresses and dangers say with Moses Feare not stand still behold the deliuerance of the Lord which he shewed vnto you this day Dies Ista Salutis erat candore notabilis ipso The Lord would not haue this Powder-proiect to haue power to burne one haire of his seruants head or any smell of fire come vpon them yet caused some of these vault-pyoners to be wounded and disfigured with powder In quo peccarunt in eodem plectuntur Wherewith they sinned by the same they were also punished So that all these extraordinary mercies of Almighty God summed vp together should haue more then a Magneticall attraction to draw all Christian hearts euer to praise his infinite goodnesse and continually inuite and induce all to a serious consideration and conseruation of this admirable deliuery from this intended miserable calamity agnizing God the sole and supreme cause in preuenting of it and therefore ascribing all the glory to him who hath preserued still his Church in tranquility our King in glory the State in safety the Realme in prosperity Iutuere rupem erige ratem The snares of death and destruction prepared
heauen and seruing loyally the King on earth not to prefer earth before heauen to say with some Mart. lib. 9. Seeke others for to feast with Iupiter aboue I heere on earth my Iupiter will loue But first seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and this wil teach you to serue your King with faithfulnesse and to pray for his preseruation in all humble and harty diligence and obedience saying God saue the King Also to your Honors right noble Peeres this taske belongeth alwaies to pray God saue the King being noble by birth or place this will ennoble your persons more if you say faithfully as Iudith did to Bagoas concerning Holofernes feignedly Who am I that I should gaine say my Lord surely whatsoeuer pleaseth him I will doe speedily and it shall be my ioy vnto the day of my death then your names and fames shall euer stand registred in the Chronicle of honor free from the blacke Characters of disloyall infamie And though Fortunes image be made of glasse brittle and mutable yet your honourable memoriall shall neuer perish Death which is the true Herald of Armes blazoning mans pedegree to be but genus lutulentum a picture of dust be he a Prince in his pallace or a begger vnder a bush yet corruption is their Father and the wormes their mother and sister Their good workes following them but their pompe left behinde them onely their sanctitie to God and seruice to their King and Countrie shal make them glorious in heauen and famous on earth Posteritie will hold them worthy of honor and desire to reserue a Catalogue of their names and will say These were the Noble men that loued their God their King and Countrie Many haue done vertuously but these surmounted them all Archidamus told King Philip after his victory at Cheron that if he should measure his shadow he should not find it an haires breadth bigger or longer then before so let no vaine-glory fill you with empty wind it cannot make your shadowes bigger or longer glory more in your owne vertuous actions then in your renowned Ancestors for though some doe boast to be A loue tertius Aiax yet Quae non fecimus ipsi Vix ea nostra voca Ouid. It is the honour of a noble man when he doth excell in vertue his forepassed Ancestors when he is religious to feare God and to honour the King saying of his Soueraigne as Isaac said to Iacob Cursed be he that curseth thee and blessed be hee that blesseth thee and wishing with the Apostle would to God they were cut off which doe disquiet him alwayes loyall to his Soueraigne and louing to his Countrey willing to aduenture in their seruice his limbes or life euer wishing and praying God saue the King and Countrey Likewise to your Fatherhoods most right and reuerend Fathers the Heads and louing Brethren of the Tribe of Leui whose place and office bind you in all duty to be loyall to the royall Tribe of Iudah to you I may without offence proffer this poore present who spend your spirits at Gods Altar to offer a morning and an euening incense of seruent prayers for the preseruation of Gods Annointed exhorting with Paul that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giuing of thankes be made for Kings and for all that be in authority And indeed before all and aboue all we of the Church the vitall spirits of the politicke body haue manifold motiues to pray for our Soueraigne who vnto vs against the tempest of these times is a refuge an hiding place from the wind and as the shadow of a great rocke as it was said of King Ezechiah His Maiesty is a Defender of the Church as he is a Defender of the Faith and against the Atheists and Alexanders of these dayes that would doe vs much wrong he stands to pleade our cause to grace our calling that we may say with the Poet ●unen Sat. 6. Et spes ratio studiorum in Caesare tantum Solus enim tristes hac tēpestate camaen as respexit Though the Church be made blacke blacke by customary contempt and continuall oppression and persecution yet the King kisseth her with the kisses of his mouth and his loue is better then wine we will reioyce and be glad in thee we will remember thy loue more then wine the righteous doe loue thee And herein if we may boast in any thing we may boast in this That our Church was neuer the Author of Treason The Mother of Soules should not be the murderer of Kings members inclined to rebellion were neuer well possessed of Religion As we haue hitherto beene faithfull obedient and loyall so still euer be from the Church Sit procul omne nefas Let the mother of blood and treason still dwell vnder the roofe of Romish Babylon the mother of whoredomes and of these abhominations drunken with the blood of Saints and with the blood of the Martyrs of Iesus Christ which cloake these murders and massacres vnder the mantle of Religion like the Rulers of Ephesus distressed with a terrible battery in that Seige her Gouernours tied with ropes the wals and gates to Dianas Temple that so being consecrated to the Goddesse that enemy should assault them at his perill Euen so the Popish pollicy is to tie euery thing to the Temple Conspiracies Murders Treasons all tied to the Church cloaked vnder a colour of Religion that I may say with their owne Leo Ecclesiae nomine armantur contra ecclesiam dimieant They arme themselues with the name of the Church to fight against the Church and to destroy the pillars of the Church Hi Christum simulant sed Sathanalia vivunt Well let our preaching and praying tend to this end to giue Caesar obedience to feare God and to honour the King knowing that all must submit to the Higher Powers for conscience sake and for the Lords sake and they that will not doe it they are none of Gods Clergy none of the Heritage of the Lord They haue neither conscience nor calling like to certaine Bishops in Ambrose dayes of whom he writes Quod dedit cum episcopus ordinaretur aurum fuit quod perdidit anima fuit cum alium ordinaret pecunia fuit quod dedit lepra fuit That which he gaue when he was made a Bishop was gold what he lost was his soule when he made another it was for money what he gaue was a leprosie But these Bishops liue beyond the Alpes I hope there is none in Albion It is our comfort and our Crowne that our calling and conscience is such which burnes in zeale and duty to God and loyall obedience to our graciour Soueraigne Morning and euening at noone and at night at bed and boord praying God saue the Church God saue the King To you the wise and worthy Iudges