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A11863 Honor military, and ciuill contained in foure bookes. Viz. 1. Iustice, and iurisdiction military. 2. Knighthood in generall, and particular. 3. Combats for life, and triumph. 4. Precedencie of great estates, and others. Segar, William, Sir, d. 1633.; Rogers, William, b. ca. 1545, engraver. 1602 (1602) STC 22164; ESTC S116891 203,415 258

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Hall in their Liueries which number amounted to sixe hundred All the streets where the King passed were hanged with cloth of golde siluer or rich Arras That day and the next all the conduits were full of wine some Claret and some White The night before the Coronation the King washed his body and the next morning prayed in the presence of three Prelats The next morning the Clergie in great numbers attended the King to the Temple of Westminster and from thence all the Lords and Knights of the Order in their robes awaited vpon his Maiestie to the Pallace who all that way marched vnder the Canopy of State On either hand of the King a sword was caried the one represented the Ecclesiasticall the other Politicall iurisdiction The Ecclesiasticall sword was borne by the Prince of Wales the Kings sonne the sword of Iustice Henry Percie Earle of Northumberland and Constable of England did beare which office was lately taken from the Earle of Rutland and giuen to him The scepter was caried by the Earle of Westmerland Marshall of England In this order and thus accompanied the King came into the Church where he found a place of State prepared in the mids there he set himselfe downe being furnished with all his rich and royall ornaments the crowne excepted The Archbishop of Canterbury preached and shewed the Kings person vnto the people saying Behold him here that is to raigne ouer you for so God hath ordained Will you quoth hee consent he shall be crowned your King whereunto they answered Yea and holding vp their hands offered to be sworne Then the King went downe from his seate and kneeled before the high Altar where two Archbishops and ten Bishops did take off his royall garments and annoynt him in the presence of all the multitude viz. on the crowne of his head on the breast on the shoulders on the palmes of his hands which done they set his cap vpon his head Then the King put vpon him a garment like vnto a Deacon and girt the same as Prelates vse to doe Then they buckled vpon one of his feete a Spurre and drew forth the sword of Iustice which they deliuered into the Kings hand and he put it vp into the sheath when it was put vp the Archbishop of Canterbury girt it vnto his side Then was the Crowne of S. Edward brought thither and by that Archbishop set vpon the Kings head All these ceremonies and Diuine Seruice finished the King with the same pompe he came to the Church returned to the Pallace in the mids whereof was a fountaine which flowed with wine white and red At dinner the King did sit at the first table at the second sate the fiue chiefe Peeres of the kingdome at the third the Mayor and Aldermen at the fourth the nine new made Knights at the fifh the Knights Gentlemen of the Kings house So long as the King did sit the Prince of Wales stood on his right hand holding the Ecclesiasticall sword and on the left hand stood the Constable of England shaking the sword of Iustice vnder them stood the Marshall holding the Scepter At the Kings table besides the King two Archbishops and three other Bishops did sit In the dinner time a Knight well mounted armed at all peeces came into the Hall and before him rode an other horseman that caried his Launce his name was Dymmock This Champion hauing his sword drawen and a Mace also ready deliuered vnto the king a scroule of paper wherein was contained that if any Gentleman would denie that Henry there present were not the lawfull King of England he was ready by Armes to maintaine it where and when the King should command This Cartell was deliuered to a King of Armes and by the Kings commandement proclaimed in the palace and in sixe places of the Citie but no man found to say the contrary and so the ceremonie of this Coronation ended CHAP. 46. The Inauguration of Charles the French King at Rhemes 1380. THis Charles the 6. King of France of that name being twelue yeeres olde was crowned in the presence of the Dukes of Anioy Auuernia Burgundy Burbon Brabant Berry and Lorayn the Earle of Piedmont the Earle of Marcury the Earle Eu and William Lord of Namur beeing present the Earle of Flanders and Bloys sent their deputies The King entred the citie of Rhemes with a marueilous troupe of Lords and Gentlemen hauing before them thirty trumpets sounding His Maiestie alighted at our Lady Church and thither resorted vnto him his cosins of Albert Nauarre Barry Harecourt and other yong Princes and Lords of the blood whom the next day he dubbed Knights On Sonday after the King went vnto the Church which was most sumptuously prepared There the Bishop crowned his Maiestie and anointed him with that oyle wherewith Saint Remigius had anointed Clodoueus the first Christian King of France That Oyle was miraculously as is reported sent from heauen by an Angel purposely to anoint Clodoueus And being preserued euer since a glasse although all the kings haue bene therwith anointed yet is the quantity thereof no whit decreased The King being come before the high Altar did honour all the yong men aforesayd with Knighthood and that done hee kneeled vpon rich foote Carpets that were there spred at his feete the yong Princes newly made Knights did sit and Oliuer Clisson newly also aduanced to be Constable of the kingdome performed his office and there amids the nobility with all pomp possible the King was crowned Then to the end that all men might haue cause to reioice the King was pleased to remit and forgiue all taxations subsidies and impositions by what name soeuer lately inuented The Coronation finished his Maiestie returned to the palace where his table was prepared and hereat besides the King did sit the Dukes his vncles viz. the Duke of Brabant Anioy Auuernia Burgundy and Burbon and on his right hand sate the Archbishop of Rhemes with other Lords of the Spiritualty Touching meaner Lords of the kingdome they shifted for place where it could be found The Admirals Coucy Clisson and Tremoly had their tables equally couered with Carpets of Tissue The next day the King dined according to ancient vse and the charge of the Inauguration was defrayd by the Citizens of Rhemes These ceremonies being consummate with great pomp triumph and ioy he returned to Paris CHAP. 47. At the Inauguration of King Henry the third French King three notable things obserued FIrst when he should haue bene anointed with the holy oile there was none found in the ceremonious Horne which for many yeeres had bene preserued by miracle as a relike sent from heauen Secondly when in the royall seate the Crowne was set vpon his head by certaine Bishops as is accustomed he cried out twise Oh it hurts me Thirdly when he kneeled before the Altar during Masse the Crowne fell from his head all which seemed ominous to the beholders and so it prooued both to himselfe
the more rich they were the more they were esteemed Among the Grecians there was not anciently any meane to be aduanced but only by the Emperours seruice wherein whosoeuer did continue any time were he neuer so basely borne should notwithstanding be made a Gentleman The Egyptians and Affyrians would not admit any man to haue the title of a Gentleman vnlesse he were a souldier and skilfull in Militarie affaires The rest of the people liued as slaues without reputation The Tartarians and Muscouites doe holde no man worthy the name of a Gentleman vnlesse he be a man of Armes a Captaine or at the least a souldier of extraordinary account For learning is there of no price CHAP. 19. Of Kingdomes and how Kings are to precede according to the Councell of Constance in the time of King Henry the fift WE reade that anciently the greatest and most noble Kings of the world were these viz. The King of Sycionia the King Egypt and the King of Assyria but of them that of Assyria of greatest power For Ninus the sonne of Belus had conquered and brought to his obedience all the people of Asia India excepted Others affirme hee commaunded the one halfe of the world and some say he was King of a third part So writeth S. Augustine li. 17. cap. 17. de ci Dei It is likewise by other writers said that in ancient time were foure mighty Kingdomes by Daniel compared to foure mettals viz That of Assyrians in the East was likened vnto gold that of the Persians and Medians to siluer that of the North Regions to brasse that of the Romans in the West to yron But the kingdomes of the East were most honourable though at length it pleased God that the Empire of Rome resembled to yron both in longitude and latitude exceeded all others For as yron doth cut and decrease all other mettals so the dominion and power of Romanes abased and eclipsed all other Regall puissance Howsoeuer that were the glory and greatnesse of the Romane force in tract of time did also become of small force weake and feeble according to the prophesie of Daniel ca. 2. But leauing to speake more of times so ancient we say that in Asia the chiefe Kingdomes are Catai Tharses Turnester Corasina India Persia Media Georgia Syria Cappadocia Ethinia c. In Affrica is Ethiopia Libya Arabia Iudea Cilicia Mauritania Numidia and others In Europe are likewise many kingdomes but of them these are most potent viz. England France Scotland Spaine Portugal Denmark Moscouia Sweden Poland c. Now touching the Precedence of these Princes in Europe by diuers writers it is affirmed that the King of France may iustly claime the chiefe place First for that it pleased God to send from heauen vnto Clodoueus the first Christian King of that Nation three Lilies as a Diuine fauour to be from thenceforth borne in the Armes of that kingdome before which time the Kings Armes was three Toades Secondly they alleage that France is the most ancient kingdome of Europe and that Suardus was King of that Nation in the raigne of Alexander Thirdly because the King of France is anointed which indeed seemeth a marke of much preeminence Fourthly for that the French King beareth the title of Most Christian. Lastly because it hath been in sundry papall Consistories decreed that the Ambassadours of France should precede the Ambassadors of Spaine Others hold that Precedencie appertaineth to the King of Spaine First for that he is entituled The most Catholique King Secondly because he is King of many kingdomes and consequently of most honour according to the prouerbe of Sal. In mulitudine populi dignitas regis which reason Salust seemeth also to confirme saying Maxima gloria in maximo Imperio But we say the chiefe place of honour and Precedencie in Europe appertaineth to the King of England First in respect of ancienty For albeit Alexander first King of the Grecians and of Persia called himselfe King of the world euen at that time Brutus was King of England and as some haue sayd Suardus was then King of France But Gaquinus in his Chronicle of France maketh no mention thereof not recordeth his name among the number of French Kings Secondly the king of England is anointed and so is no other king but the French King the King of Sicil and the King of Ierusalem Thirdly the King of England is crowned which honour the King of Spaine Portugal Aragon Nauarra and many other Princes haue not Fourthly the King of England is a Prince most absolute as from whom is no appellation either in iurisdiction Ecclesiastical or Ciuil And albeit Enqueranus Monstellet writeth that in the yeere 1420. at the Interuiew of the Kings of England and France making their entrie into the Citie of Paris the French King did ride on the right hand and kissed the Relikes of Saints first Yet is that no proofe of his right in precedence for Quilibet rex seu Princeps in suo regno in culmine sedere debet so saith Corsetus de potestate Regia And admit that in time more ancient the Kings of France had precedence before England yet since the Conquest famous victories of Henry the fift and Coronation of Henry the sixt in Paris the Kings of England may iustly take place neither is the title of most Christian any proofe of ancienty being only an honour giuen for certein seruices done by King Pepin and Charlemaine to the Church of Rome As for the allegation of Spaine affirming that the King Catholike is owner of many kingdomes and therefore of most honor that reason is of no consequence For so is also the King of England whose only kingdome of England is by nature inexpugnable and so plentifully peopled as sufficeth not onely to defend it selfe against all other Nations but also to inuade and conquer as both Spaine and France hath made experience But the last and most effectuall reason in fauour of England is that the King and people thereof receiued the Gospell and faith Christian before France or Spaine Also the Bishops with the Ambassadours English had precedence in the greatest general Councels of Christendome as particularly appeared at the Councell of Constance where the Bishops of England were present and honoured accordingly At which time it was doubted whether Spaine should be admitted a nation but in the end the Spaniards were allowed for the fift and last nation And al the people there assembled were diuided into fiue classes or rankes viz. Germanes French English Italians and Spaniards The Germane ranke contained themselues Bohemia Hungaria Polonia Dalmatia Graecia and Croatia The French had place alone as a nation absolute To the English Nation Scotland Norway Denmark Sweden and Cyprus were adioyned The Italians had all the Kingdomes subiect to Rome Sicily Naples and Argier With the Spaniards were the Ambassadors and Bishops of Castilia Arragon Maiorca Nauarra Portugall and Granado This assembly contained the Legates and Ambassadors of 83. Kings Besides
and rest ignominious but the sentence of his discharge must be particularly expressed After the iudgement of Ignominie he that is discharged shall not be capable of any office or dignitie Traianus accounted no idle person or other man noted of ignominie worthy to enter his court The Germanes will not permit such a one to repaire vnto diuine seruice to take any pay to enioy priuiledge or haue ought to doe with the sword or other weapon and neither they nor their sonnes to haue any immunitie Likewise a souldier that killeth or woundeth himselfe shal be guiltie of ignominie Iulius Caesar cassed Caius Amenus a Tribune of souldiers in the tenth Legion for inciting the Romane souldiers to mutiny and spoile a part of Italy iudging him to be ignominious and worthy to be banished In ages more ancient persons condemned for infamie were also let blood nomine poenae CHAP. 26. ¶ Of Iustice appertaining vnto warre offensiue MOst sure and certein it seemeth that for diuision of people establishment of kingdomes distinction of Signiories limitation of lands and building of houses the wars were first deuised yet is no warre iust vnlesse the same be maintained by reason for before Armes are taken in hand it behooueth to prooue all other meanes by curtesie and humanitie to compasse that which is desired But because it falleth out more then often that the enemie cannot be perswaded by reason nor acknowledge to haue done wrong and most seldome to make voluntary restitution no other hope of helpe resteth then to force and constraine him For two wayes there be wherby we are to defend our selues the one by reason which is proper to men the other by force which is common to bruit beasts So as the first not preuailing it behooueth to vse the other And because man is so farre in loue with his owne affections as commonly he layeth hold of shadowes in stead of substance inclining to that which appeareth in lieu of that is perfect and preferreth passion before iudgement he thereby becommeth blind as well in determining publike as priuate affaires Either else through a violent selfeloue or a certaine insatiable desire to possesse more then commeth to his share he easily inclineth to iniurie others whensoeuer he may be Iudge in his owne cause So hard a thing is it for a man to determine between himselfe and others as though he were forced either to doe iniustice or suffer it Here of it commeth that as the fire doth naturally come forth of flints being beaten one against another so the discord of mens affaires encountring doth occasion so great troubles as would vtterly ruine all if by vertue of curtesie and moderation the sharpnesse of reason were not reabated Whereunto may be added that the successe of warres is euer doubtfull notwithstanding the greatest aduantages and that warre may be begun how and when we will yet can it not be ended when and how the vanquisher pleaseth So seemeth it in all respects a great simplicity or rather plaine folly to exchange tranquilitie for trouble being thereunto perswaded by couetous desire or hopes vncertaine Concluding therefore I say that no warre offensiue ought be enterprised without mature consideration and for causes iust not onely in our owne conceit but also irreprehensible in the conscience of the enemy And so shal euer be if we do as we would be done vnto entring into warre for occasions ordinary accustomed and receiued of all nations viz. To recouer those things which are vniustly deteined and to force the authors of iniury to be deliuered if the same were not done by publike counsell and consent or for reuenge of iniuries enterprised against vs without cause and publikely or for recouery of passage into forraine countreys paying al duties for by law of Nations passages ought be open to all men so long as the same may be without preiudice or probable suspition CHAP. 27. ¶ Of Iustice appertayning towarre defensiue NO warre can be properly called defensiue but that onely which is made for defence of our selues and to resist forain inuasions thereby also to assure not onely vs and ours but also to protect Allies and neighbours vniustly oppressed whensoeuer they desire aide against those that wrongfully and without cause will oppresse them In all which cases this kind of warre is iustifiable because the same is warranted not onely by law of Nations but also by Iustice naturall seeing nothing can be more reasonable and lawfull then to repulse force with force For apparant it is that euery creature vntaught and without instruction before it hath power to doe any thing will endeuour in some sort to repulse iniurie and violence and consequently saue it selfe And very naturall it is in all men to be displeased when they are of others vnworthily vnreasonably oppressed which is the cause that lawes doe permit that men in their owne defence may kill those that shall assault them so as the same be done with moderation aud that our perill cannot otherwise be eschewed But here may be noted the difference betweene defence and offence For those whom we haue slaine in the field and without intermission of time are properly said to be slaine in our defence and is a thing allowable but they that after the conflict are killed cannot be iudged slaine in our defence because that warre or violence is deemed offensiue and therefore absolutely forbidden in euery particular person and the reuenge thereof appertaineth vnto authoritie publique which mooued Cicero to say Iustum bellum est quibus necessarium pia arma quibus nulla nisi in armis spes relinquitur Nowe it resteth to tell what warre is truely called iust and necessary We say therefore that warre to be necessarie when our enemy endeuoureth to take from vs those things without which we cannot liue or when they assaile vs with daily and dangerous incursions Secondly when they take from vs those things without the which we cannot take comfort in our liues as religion libertie and iustice Thirdly when they take from vs those things wherein we haue our only delight as our children our kinsfolke our friends our familiars and such commodities as we haue long enioyed and without which our breath and being must needes be displeasing In all which cases it is more then necessary for Princes to defend their subiects and giue vnto al others their friends and Allies aide and protection CHAP. 28. ¶ Of peace IN diuers countreys and amongst diuers people the ceremonies and rites in confirming and establishing of peace truce and leagues haue bene diuersly vsed We reade that the Grecians after the death of Cyrus the yonger concluding a peace with Arieno a Commander of certaine barbarous people vsed these ceremonies First they caused a Bull a Boare a Wolfe and a ramme to be slaine and laid them vpon a shield into the blood of those beasts the Grecians did dip their swords and then the Barbarians did put into the same blood their launces either
vanquished the enemie The other of Papirius the Dictator who for the like offence was punished by Fabius Rutilius General of the horsemen in the Romane Armie Sixtly hee ought hee vigilant and patient for in the one consisteth the execution of warlike Actions by the other all trauailes paines and misfortunes are endured Seuenthly he must be faithfull and loyall which qualitie is required in all sorts of subiects but chiefly in souldiers for thereupon dependeth his Princes securitie and State also which moued Vegetius to say That the safety of a Prince consisteth in the well chusing his souldiers This is the cause that men professing Armes doe commonly sweare by the faith of a Souldier The French man a foy de Soldat The Italian a fe di Soldato c. Yea the Kings of France doe commonly vse this phrase a foy de gentil homme a foy du cheualier Eightly he ought be constant and resolute because resolution maketh all difficulties easie and constancie or perseuerance bringeth perfection in that he professeth Ninthly that he should be charitable because warres are not taken in hand for the destruction of Countries and towns but the defence of lawes and people Lastly he should bee fortunate sith Fortune is the Ladie of Armes and sheweth her power in nothing more then in the aduentures of warre CHAP. 1. Of Knighthood WHo so desireth to knowe the originall name and dignitie of Knighthood it behooueth him to be enformed that the Romanes among whom Martiall discipline was first esteemed and titles giuen to men for valorous merit diuided their people into Patritij and Plebaei After that time another diuision was made as Senatores Equites and Plebs as the French haue at this day Les Nobles la populaire or Gentils hommes villains And we in England doe diuide our men into fiue sorts Gentlemen Citizens Yeomen Artificers and Labourers Of Gentlemen the first and principal is the King Prince Dukes Marquesses Earls Vicounts and Barons These are the Nobilitie and be called Lords or Noblemen Next to these be Knights Esquiers and simple Gentlemen which last number may be called Nobilitas minor for they in Parliament haue no place among the Lords therefore the Barons or degree of Lords doe resemble the dignity of Senatores in Rome and the title of our Nobilitie is like vnto Patritij when the Patritij did signifie Senatores aut Senatorum filij But that degree which we doe now call Knighthood is most like vnto the title in Rome named Equestris ordo Yet other opinions there are both of the beginning and name of Knight as well among the Italians as the Spaniards But howsoeuer it was most certaine it seemeth that vntill Equestris ordo was erected in Rome there was no such degree of men as we call Knights neither was that name giuen with such ceremony and shewe of dignitie as since it hath beene vsed Yet some there are that faile not to affirme that Knighthood had the originall from Romulus in this sort That King hauing set led his gouernment in Rome partly for security and partly for magnificence erected three bands of horsemen the first called Romence after his owne name the next Titience after Titus Tacius and the third Luceria whereof only I thinke Liuie maketh mention Hereupon they will inferre that Knighthood begun vnder Romulus The Spaniards doe hold opinion that when faith and plaine dealing decayed those men that made profession of warre euery thousand did chuse one man whom they thought to be of greatest wisdome courage and curtesie among the rest That being done they made choise of such an horse as was reputed to excell the rest for beautie force and other perfections and forthwith gaue that beast vnto that man whome they had chosen as though their intention were to conioyne that singular beast vnto that notable man naming him Caualiero which signifieth Horseman though we improperly English it Knight Thus much is said in generall concerning gentlemen that make profession of Armes whom the Romanes as it seemeth sometimes called Milites and some other times Equites the Italians and Spaniards Caualieri the French Cheualiers but in our language as is now vsed none are called Knights but only they that haue that title giuen by the Prince or his Lieutenant with a ceremony thereunto belonging And of Knights made according to the vse of England are diuers degrees as shall hereafter bee declared CHAP. 2. ¶ The originall of Knighthood giuen as a Dignity and what Princes haue authoritie to make Knights IT is affirmed by some writers that Alexander the Great with the aduise of his learned tutor Aristotle resolued to bestow vpon such persons as performed any notable seruice in the warre certaine honours and aduancements in token of their extraordinary vertue and notable merit and therefore he gaue vnto some badges to some chaines to some immunities or some such other demonstration of fauour and honour The Romane Emperours in like manner sometimes before the beginning of a seruice and sometimes after bestowed not only commendation but also dignity on those whose vertue they thought so worthy as crowns of Bayes of Golde of Myrtle or some other gift thought fit by the giuer They gaue also horses swords armour arming coats and such like they that receiued them as a token of honour kept them carefully in perpetuall memory of their valour and the honour of the Prince that gaue them By this meane also they became much admired and esteemed of other souldiers Afterwards for more encouragement of vertuous minds other Princes thought good that the memorable acts of soldiers should be in perpetuall memory written and such priuiledges as were giuen them to be recorded calling them in those writings Valiant men Companions in Arms Victorious souldiers and Knights Which maner of proceeding did encourage the men of warre no lesse then the great pou●traitures which the most ancient Romanes made for those that had performed actes egregious Touching the making of Knights we say That euery Prince souereigne hath power to giue that dignitie to what person it pleaseth him as well in time of peace as warre But here is to be noted that the Knights made are of more or lesse reputation according to the qualitie of that Prince that made them For he that is made knight by a King shall be preferred before a knight made by a Prince of meaner title To conclude therefore we say that all Emperours Kings Dukes and other Princes acknowledging no Superiour may make Knights and so may common-weales as the State of Venice and Genoa The Popes doe also sometimes make Knights for money calling them commonly after their owne names Caualieri di San Pietro San Paulo Guiliani Pij c. CHAP. 3. The maner of making Knights about the yeere of Christ 500. neere which time King Arthur reigned in England IN that age a Prince determining to make a Knight did command a Scaffold or Stage to be builded in some Cathedrall Church
of his kingdome or other spacious place neere vnto it Thither the Gentleman was brought to receiue that honour and being come was forthwith placed in a chaire of siluer adorned with greene silke Then was demaunded of him if he were healthy of bodie and able to endure the trauell required in a souldier also whether he were a man of honest conuersation and what witnesses worthy credit he could produce so to affirme That being done the Bishop or chiefe Prelate of the Church tooke the Bible and holding it open before the Knight in presence of the King and all others spake these words Sir you that desire to receiue the order of Knighthood sweare before God and by this holy booke that ye shal not fight against this mightie and excellent Prince that now bestoweth the order of Knighthood vpon you vnlesse you shall be commanded so to do in the seruice of your owne King and naturall Prince for in that case hauing first yeelded vp the coller deuice and other ensignes of honour now receiued it shall be lawfull for you to serue against him without reproch or offence to all other companions in Armes but otherwise doing ye shall incurre infamy and being taken in warre shall be subiect to the paines of death Ye shall also sweare with all your force and power to maintaine and defend all Ladies Gentlewomen Orphans Widdowes women distressed and abandoned The like must ye doe for wiues being desired and shun no aduenture of your person in euery good warre wherein ye happen to be This oath taken two of the chiefe Lords led him vnto the King who presently drew foorth his sword and layd the same vpon the Gentlemans head and said God and Saint George or what other Saint the King pleased to name make thee a good Knight Then came vnto the Knight seuen noble Ladies attired in white and girt a sword vnto his side That done foure Knights of the most honourable in that presence put on his spurs These Ceremonies past the Queene tooke him by the right arme and a Dutchesse by the left and led him vnto a rich seat made on high and thereupon set him the King sitting downe on the right hande and the Queene on the other After the King and Queene were thus set and the new Knight between them al the rest of the Lords and Ladies sate downe also vpon other seats prepared for them three descents vnder the kings seat Euery Lord and Lady being thus placed thither was brought a solemn collation or banquet of delicate meates whereof the Knight the King the Queene and whole company did eate And so the ceremony ended CHAP. 4. The degradation of Knights in those daies IF any Knight at that time had bene corrupted with money by his Princes enemy or committed any other notable fact against loyaltie and honour the other Knights forthwith made humble suite vnto the king that he might be punished Which request being granted they apprehended the offendour and caused him to be armed from head to foot and in such sort as if he were going to the field Then they led him vp to an high stage made in a Church for that purpose where thirtie Priests soung such Psalmes as are vsed at burials as though the Knight had lien dead at their feete At the end of euery Psalme they tooke from him one piece of armour First they tooke off his Helmet as that which de●ended his traiterous eyes then his gauntlet on the right side as that which couered a corrupt hand then his gauntlet on the left side as from a member consenting and by peecemeale dispoiled him of all his Armes as well offensiue as defensiue which one after another were thrown to the ground and at the instant when any peece of armour was cast downe the King of Armes first and after him all other Heralds cryed aloud saying this is the head-peece of a disloyall and miscreant Knight Then was brought thither a basen of golde or siluer full of warme water which being holden vp the Heralds with a loud voice saide What is the Knights name The Purseuants answered that which in trueth was his name Then the chiefe King of Armes said That is not true for he is a miscreant and false traitour and hath transgressed the ordinances of Knighthood Thereunto answered the Chaplains Let vs giue him his right name Then spake the Trumpets What shall be done with him To which wordes the King answered Let him with dishonour and shame be banished my kingdome as a vile and infamous man that hath offended the honour of Knighthood So soone as the King had so said the King of Armes and other Heralds cast the warme water vpon the disgraded Knights face as though he were new baptized saying Henceforth thou shalt be called by thy right name Traitour Then the King with twelue other Knights put vpon them mourning garments declaring sorow and comming vnto the Knight disgraded put him downe the Stage not by the stayers hee mounted vp when he was made Knight but threwe him downe tyed vnto a rope Then with great ignominy hee was brought vnto the Altar and there layd groueling on the ground and ouer him was read a Psalme full of curses CHAP. 5. ¶ Of Knights of the Round Table ABout the yeere of Christ 490. there raigned in England then called Britaine a King named Arthur whose valour was so great and admirable as many men now liuing doe hold the same rather fabulous then credible Yet whoso shall consider enterprises of later time atchieued by priuate persons may be easily induced to thinke that a great part of praise written of that mighty Monarche may reasonably receiue beleefe But omitting to speake of his prowesse percase already by others ouerlargely discoursed I say that this most famous King hauing expulsed out of England the Saxons conquered Norway Scotland and the most part of France was crowned in the Citie of Paris From whence returned he erected a certaine Association or brotherhood of Knights who vowed to obserue these Articles following First that euery Knight should be well armed and furnished to vndertake any enterprise wherein he was employed by Sea or land on horsebacke or foot That he should be euer prest to assaile all Tyrants and oppressours of people That he should protect widowes●and maidens restore children to their right repossesse such persons as were without iust cause exiled and withall his force maintaine the Christian faith That he should be a Champion for the weale publique and as a Lion repulse the enemies of his countrey That he should aduance the reputation of honour and suppresse al vice releeue people afflicted by aduerse fortune giue aide to holy Church and protect pilgrimes That he should bury Souldiers that wanted sepulture deliuer prisoners ransome captiues and cure men hurt in seruice of their countrey That he should in all honourable actions aduenture his person yet with respect to iustice and trueth and in all enterprises proceed sincerely neuer