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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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bee thoughte of all the successoures of Gregorye in the sea of Rome which haue not onely take vpon them that name to the derogacion of all other bishops as Gregory complaineth but also to bee called the heade of the vniuersall church christes vicar in earth with other names and cities of blaspgemy to the great dishonour of god callengyng also vsurping vnder this pretence a full iurisdiction auctoritee not onely ouer the whole clergy but also ouer emperours kinges and princes of the worlde alteringe and disposing their realms and kingdomes at their own pleasure by ree●ing of moste deadlye warres to the vtter disturbance of all Christendome Yea and that is moste vntollerable auauntinge theym selfe in their decrees to haue auctoritee aboue the woorde of god and that the interpretacion therof was onely in theyr handes because as they saye they could not erre yet by their errours and diuelishe ordinances haue brought into the churche all naughty doctrine supersticion and deprauing of goddes woord whe rby they haue wel nere vtterly banished true religion and shewed them selfe to be the chiefe head and membre of Antechrist The yere of the worlde 4573 The yere of Christ 612 Prasini and Ueneti people of Asia Anni regum britannie 24 with mutual warres pursued eche other very cruelly The Hunnes called Auares or Bauares inuaded the prouince of Forumiulii ouercame the Lumbardes in battaile slewe theyr capitaine Gysulphus whose wyfe Romilda being enamoured vpon the beauty and comely personage of Cacannus kinge of Hunnes betraied to him the citee of Forumiulii on this condicion that he should take her to his wife Who vsed her as wife onely one night and than commaunded her with mooste greuous tourmentes to be put to death taking of her woorthye punishement for her treason and vncleanesse Forumiulii was wasted and spoyled The Sclauines perced Histria and Dalmatia subdued to theim all that countrey CAdwane duke of Northewales Anni regum britannie 1 was made soueraigne of the Britaines The yere of the worlde 4574 The yere of Christ 613 who comming out of wales gaue stronge battayle to Ethelfride kinge of Northumberlande theyr most deadly enemye and in diuers encountres so discomfited the sayd Ethelfride that he was forced to entreate for peace After whyche concord made betwene these two princes they continued all theyr life time as two speciall and louing friendes Cosdroas king of Persians inuaded the landes of the empyre and tooke from the Romaines many citees and countreyes at whiche time the empyre beganne fyrst to decaie in the east partes There was at the same time a commocion in Afrike by the treason of the lieutenaunt Heraclianus father to Heraclius which after was emperour Phocas the emperour was slaine by Heraclianus Heraclius by meanes of his father was aduaunced to the empyre and crowned with the imperiall diademe by Sergius patriarke of Constantinople Anni regum britannie 2 The yere of the worlde 4575 The yere of Christ 614 He reygned .31 yeres In hys tyme fell muche aduersitee the Romayne empyre in the east Anni regum britannie 3 Theodobert and Theodorich The yere of the worlde 4576 The yere of Christ 615 kinges of Austracie and Burgoyne by the counsaile of Bennichild theyr graund mother made warre vpon Lothayre their cosin and king of Soysons In whiche warre was so greate slaughter that the course of the riuer Arunne was stopped with the multitude of dead corses whiche were cast therein But the more parte fell of the souldiours of Lothayre Richaredus kyng of Spayne reigned one yere Eleutherius was ordeined the .7 lieuetenant of Italy The Persians toke the citee of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 4577 The yere of Christ 616 wherein they slew of the Christian men .9 thousande Anni regum britannie 4 and toke the holy crosse with theim into Persia. Anni regum britannie 5 Eleutherius toke the cytee of Naples and ouercame ●amp●inus capitain of the Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4578 The yere of Christ 617 and made peace with theim for .x. yeres An other battayle was foughten betweene Lothayre and his kinsman Theodobert kyng of Austracie in whiche Lothayre was discomfyted and with greate losse of his men fled to Paris Deusdidit the .66 byshop of Rome .iii. yeres Suittilla the soonne of Richaredus kyng of Spayne reigned .x. yeres He made hys sonne Rachimir felowe with him in the kyngdome Anni regum britannie 6 Kingilffus and Quincellinus The yere of the worlde 4579 The yere of Christ 618 after the death of Colwolphus ruled ioinctly the principalitee of weast Saxones in Britaine whiche in the beginning fought against the Britains at Ampton beside Oxenforde and wanne of them the towne with other holdes The Persians toke Alexandria in Aegyp and after the death of Heraclianus the emperours father Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4580 The yere of Christ 619 subdued to them Carthage and and all Afrike The emperour desyred peace of the Persians whiche he could in no wyse obteyne Anni regum britannie 8 Heraclius proclaymed Costantine hys sonne partaker The yere of the worlde 4581 The yere of Christ 620 of the Empyre Heraclius the emperour went foorthe in his vyage against the Persians whom in dyuers great battayles he vanquished and slew of theim many thousandes This warre continued .vi. yeres Boniface after Deusdedit was made byshop of Rome He fyrst ordeined ▪ that they whiche fledde into churches should not be taken thens by violence Eleutherius the Emperours lieuetenant traiterously named him selfe kyng of Italye For whiche treason he was slaine of the other capitaines and his head sente to Constantinople After whom Isaac was lieuetenant of Italye Adoaldus succeded his father Agilulphus and gouerned the kyngdome of the Lumbardes The yere of Christ 621 Deadlye malyce was kendled betwene Theodorich kyng of Burgoyne The yere of the worlde 4582 and his brother Theodobert Anni regum britannie 9 Ferquharde the eldest sonne of Eugenius was king of Scottes .xii. yeres In the tyme of this mans reigne by his neglygence was greate diuision and debate amonge the nobles of the realme Warre betwene Theodorich and Theodoberte Anni regum britannie 10 in the whiche Theodobert and his host was discomfited at Toull The yere of the worlde 4583 The yere of Christ 622 and fled thens to Coleine where by treason he was slaine and his head conueyghed to hys brother Theodorich being enamoured vpō his brothers daughter woulde haue taken hir to wyfe had not hys graund ▪ mother Brunichilde withstode his pourpose because she was so nere of his bloudde wherwith Theodorich was sore dyspleased and threatened to slea hys graundmother ▪ because she before tyme hadde entised hym to make warre vpō his brother Theodobert vnder this pretence that he was not his owne brother but the sonne of a gardiner Brunichilde fearing his manasinges found meanes that he was shortely after poysoned and than dyd Elotdayre rule Fraunce alone which a good season was diuided
be shewed him as at Bononia Ferr●ria Florētia or other where but by the aduertisement of the emperour he grāted it to procede at Basile but there present he wold not be for any thynge The yere of the worlde 5397 The yere of Christ 1436 Charles of France recouered by treason the citee of Paris Anni regum Angli 14 and wanne by force the towne of Harflew and of S. Denis expellinge and murderinge the Englishemen in great nombre Lewys the Dolphine sonne of Charles tooke to wyfe Margaret the doughter of the kinge of Scottes The duke of Burgoyne besieged the towne of Cales but when he hard of the comming of the duke of Gloucester protector of England he fled in al hast leuing much of his ordinaunce behind him to his great dishonor whō the duke of Gloucester pursued a .xi. dayes bournynge destroying the countrey as he wēt euen to S. Omers The sectes of the Bohemes called Orphanes and Thabor●tes were vanquyshed in battaile by the barones and noble men of the countrey after the discomfiture many thousandes of them burnt and destroyed with fire in the common barnes into the whiche they were gotten and inclosed by a trayne and deceyt inuented by the nobles ▪ After which time the countrey of Boheme became subiect to the emperour acknowlaginge him for theyr king 〈◊〉 continued al his life tyme. The kinge of Scottes was trayterously slaine of his owne men Anni regum Angli 15 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ which were after taken and put to most peinful death All the Lions died in the tower of London which had liued there a long time Sigismunde the emperour departed out of this life Albert duke of Austrich kynge of Boheme and Hungary was made emperour He was a religious and deuout prince for his liberalitie iustice and manl●nesse in armes greatly renowmed He subdued the Bohemes brought in subiection the people of Morauia and Marmacia and prepared a great power agaynst the turke About this time the turkes being vanquyshed and ouerthrowen in a great battaile by the Hungarians desired a truce for .x yeres The cardinal of the holy crosse by the appoyn●tmente of Eugenius bishop of Rome beganne the counsaile of Ferraria to the whiche came Iohn Paleologus emperour of Constantinople with the patriarke and diuers other noble men of Grece to the entent to treat a vnitee betwene the Latines and the Grekes whiche was there concluded and one churche made of them both The warre was renued betwene Philip of Millayne and the Uenecians to the great murder and desolaciō of both partes Eugenius by the auctoritee of the coūsaile of Basyle was deposed and Amodius duke of Sauoy in Fraunce chosen in his place but Eugenius notwithstandynge continued still as bishop and would not resigne Anni regum Angli 6 U●lla which restored againe the puritee of the Latyne tongue ▪ Trapezuntius Blondus The yere of the worlde 1499 The yere of Christ Iohannes de●mmola a lawier Guanerius and Hugo Senensis phisityōs Gazulus Rhagusinus and Iohannes Gnaundensis astronomers flourished About this time were sene in Italy .ii. great swarmes of Pissemers coming out of a peare tre which fought so fiercely eche with other that many were slaine on bothe partes and not long before in France a flock of crowes and another of Gossehaukes met in the ayre foughte so longe that the bloudde and feathers appered after in great plenty Zensa king of Persie he was a famous philosopher The counsa●le of Ferra●e by reason of a great pestylēce was transferred to Florence The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1439 Anni regum Angli 17 where the christians at Armenie and Indie consented to the Romaine church and the Greekes agreed that the holy ghost proceded frō the father and the sonne that there was a purgatorye that the sacrament ought to be celebrated onely with vnleauen bread made of wheate and that the bishop of Rome was Peters lawfull successour and christes glorius vicar in earth to whom all the world oughte to obey whiche they neuer consented to before this time neyther at this time did long continue in that belyefe So great a dearth in England and Fraunce that the poore people made theim bread of fetches pesin beanes and fearne rootes Nicolaus Pice●nius capitaine of the Myllanours besieged Briria and by treason toke the citee Uerona whiche Frauncisce Sfortia leader of the Ueneci●ns armie within .iiii. dayes recouered and brought in subiection Friderike the .iii Duke of Austrich after the deathe of Alberte The yere of the worlde 5401 The yere of Christ 1440 was ordeyned emperour of Rome Anni regum Angli 18 and reigned 15 yeres The warre continued betwene Englād and Fraunce and diuers townes and castels were wonne on both partes which were eftsoones recouered but the more losse tourned ●uer to the englyshemen A priest was bourned in London which of the common people was counted so holy a man that they made theyr prayers to him and had him in wonderfull great reuerence vntil a commaundement was geuen by the king to the contrary Albert kinge of Hungarie departing out of thys lyfe lette his wife Elizabeth great with childe whiche shortely after was delyuered of a son called Ladislaus whom immediatly she and certayne other proclaymed king of Hungary and Boheme and commited him to the tuicion of Friderich the emperour But diuers of the nobles chose for their kinges Uladislaus the kynges brother of Polonie by whiche meanes was deadly warre betwene the queene Elysabeth and the Polonians for the crown of Hungary and the realme of Hūgary diuided among theim selfe The Bohemes also profered their kyngdome to Albert Duke of Bauarye whiche refused it with great modesty In England Dame Elenour Cobham wife to the lord proctour Anni regum Angli 91 and certaine other persons were accused The yere of the worlde 5402 The yere of Christ 1441 that by sorcery and inchantmentes practised by an image of waxe they endeuoured to bring out of lyfe by littell and littell the kynges person In this yeere after some Amadeus Duke of Sauoye was chosen b●shop of Rome for Eugenius Anni regum Angli 20 The towne of Depe was besieged by the lord Talbote The yere of the worlde 5403 The yere of Christ 1442 and rescued againe by the Frenchemen Peace was concluded betwene Myllayne and Uenice after the warre had continued fiercely the space of .iii yeres Sfortia the Uenecians capitain toke to wife Blanch Duke Phillips daughter of Myllaine and hadde for hir dower Cremona and Pontremulin Anni regum Angli 21 The steple of S. Paules churche in London was sette on fyre with lightning The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and lastly quenched by great diligence and labour of many men Alphons king of Arragon after longe warre conquered the citie of Naples and expellyng Rhenatus Duke of Angeow obteined the kyngdome of Puell Eugenius the byshop retourned from the counsalle of Florence of
foorth an other he subdued kynges He put to deathe Farnus the king of Media with his wife and seuen children He droue Sabatius out of Scithia into Italy and vanquished those fiers and wild people and deliuered Asia from theyr subiection Than Asia beinge subdued ▪ he ordeyned a Monarchie and buylded Niniue his regall citee translating his empire from Babilon to Assiria He first dedicated temples to Iupiter Belus and Iuno his parentes Of his lignage and yeares this epitaph he did write Iupiter Belus is my father saturne of Babilon is my grandfather Chus the Aethiope saturne my great grandfather saturne of Aegipt my great grandfathers father coelus called also Phoenix Ogyges vvas my great grandfathers grandfather From Ogyges to my grandfather the sunne 131. times compassed about his sercle frō my grādfather to my father .65 times from my father to mē .52 tymes Finally when he had reigned .lii. yeares by the stroke of an arowe he finished all his labours and warres with his life After whom succeded his wife Semiramis ¶ Thuyscon the fyrst prince of the Germaines instytuted lawes for his people The yere of the worlde 1909 The yere before Christe 2054 Lykewyse did Iuball amonge the Spaniardes ▪ and Sam●thes among his Galles But contrary dyd Cham the Aegiptian Saturne for he endeuoured him to corrupt the Italians with his wickednes In Libia began strife betwene Rhea and Hammō for the adulterie cōmitted with Amalthea and Rhea sought for Dionisius that she might destroye him Ianus made his last voiage into Italy The yere of the worlde 1924 The yere before Christe where he foūd Cham the corrupter of mankinde whome thre yeare he suffered then appoyntinge to him certaine people commaunded hym to depart thense to whome came Rhea and wedded her selfe to him then they bothe warred vppon Hammon and expelled him his royalme whyles C ham reigned in Libya he begat on his syster Rhea Osyris whom he named Iupiter Europs the second king of Sycionia reygned .xlii. yeres Ianus made his habitacion in Ianiculum a towne of Tuscain which he builded The yere of the worlde 1927 The yere before Christe 2036 where he ordeined his sonne Cranus the gouernour of his cōmune weale whom the Romaines called Quirites Dyonisius the sonne of Hammon with great power expelled Cham and Rhea out of his fathers royalme and reteined with him Osyris whom he adopted to his sonne calling him by the name of his father Iupiter Hammon and gaue vnto him the hole realme of Aegipt At the same time was Pallas a maidē cast out by the lake Triton who of the same Dionisius was adopted to his doughter She first taught the Libians all the feates perteining to warre Thare in the .70 yeare of his life begat Abraham but he had before by an other wife Nachor and Aram. The yere of the worlde 1949 The yere before Christe 2014 Aram begot Loth Melcha and Abraham Iescha The end of the first parte ❧ Prologue to the second part HItherto extendeth the firste age wherin is comprehended all suche thinges as chaunced betwene the tymes of Adam and Abraham For these be the fyrst two thousand yeares during which time the world stoode without any prescript administracion or certaine lawe by the woorde of god The second age beginneth here at the byrth of Abraham and continueth to the coming of Christ albeit as touching the iust number of the yeres this worlde is not complete because as we haue warned afore god hasteth to the consummacion thereof Yet this is the verie and propre age of the world in which circuncision and the lawe were geuen with certaine policies and the true veneracion of god also instituted Wherin also the mightye kyngdomes and Monarchies succeded one an other For the worlde neuer declared at any tyme his myght and power as he dyd in this age At this place Eusebius began his chronicles who folowing the veritee of the hebrues might greatlye haue profited his posteritee but because he ensued the greeke exemplars he greatly erreth in computacion of yeares The second parte TO THE ende that ye shal know in what place the word and church of God was we will shewe somewhat of the spiritual kingdome Abraham the prince of fayth was borne in Ur a towne of Chaldey the 292. yere after the vniuersal floud the 44. yere of the reigne of Ninus the 1262. yere before the building of Rome whē the true honor worde of god begā to ceasse in the royalme of Chaldea Thare went frō thens to Mesopotamia with his sonne Abraham because he wold not be defiled with the wicked supersticions and idolatrie of the Babyloniās The scripture calleth this idolatrie Vr chaldeorunt that is the fyre of Chaldeie For when in the sacrifices of the godly the fyre falling from heauen burned theyr sacrifyces the vngodly folowinge the example of theym kyndled theyr fire and so instituted a new honouring of god wythout the knowlage of the comming of Christ. This fire is called Ori masda that is to say the holy fier whyche kynges commanded to be borne before them vpon horses For the first occasion of idolatry by this fier began amonge men before that images were in vse Therfore Abraham the mighty and renoumed father of the elect nation lefte his countrey and kynsfolkes by the commaundement of god and takyng with hym Lot wente to soiourne in the lande of Canaan From whens shortely after thorough greate famine he was constreigned to go into Aegypte where he fearyng the foule lustes of the Aegypcians woulde not be knowen of Sara to be his wyfe for to aduoide the danger that myght chaunce through the beautee of hir He there as Iosephus writeth declared god to be the creator of all thinges teachyng them the sciences of Arithmetike and Astrologie Finally he retourned into Cananee where he deuided the countreie Lot choosyng Sodome and Abraham Hebrō After this Lot was taken whom Abraham deliuered and rescued the spoyles which the princis of Assyria had taken and receiued with blessynge of Melchisedech kyng of Salem and high priest of almighty god called also Sem the son of Noe bread and wine to whom Abraham gaue the tenth of his praye The apostle sayeth that this Melchisedech was without genealogie because his progenie is not rehersed in the scripture Than Abraham begat on Agar his maid Ismael of whom cam the Ismaelites afterwardes called Sarracenes Finally in the .99 yere of his age beyng thryse blessed of God and hys name increased the promise of the euerlastyng testamente by the circunsion of the fleshe confirmed he accordyng to the commandement of god begate on the olde and barayne Sara hys worthy wife the gentil Isaac beyng bothe promised and blessed of god whom he circumcised and woulde haue offered in sacrifice had not god seyng his prompt obedience letted hym At the laste whan this moste holye patriarche had geuen Rebecca the daughter of Nathor to Isaac to bee his wife he died beyng a .175 yeres of age whose
cause poetes feined that he and his wyfe repaired mankynde being vtterly destroied with water ¶ In this tyme the worlde was also tourmented with a plague of heate whyche vaynelye they attributed vnto the fables of Phaēton Chencres reigned in Egypte .xvi. yeres Than Israel cryed vnto the lorde ¶ Ascatades the .xviii. emperour of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2445 The yere before Christe 1518 rayned 41. yeares whyche vtterly broughte all Syria to hys subiection ¶ Of Helene the son of Deucaliō and Pyrrha the Grecians were called Hellenes The yere of the worlde 2448 The yere before Christe Chorinthus builded which before was called Ephyrus The yere of the worlde 2452 The yere before Christe 1511 ¶ Romanessus the son of Roma reigned amonge the Aborigines He had first the name of Saturne consecrated to hym From this Saturne Eutropius began his historie of the Romanes Echireus the .xv. kynge of Peloponessus reigned .55 yeres Whan that kyng Pharao without all measure vexed the children of Israel The yere of the worlde 2454 The yere before Christe 1509 god sente Moyses to delyuer hys people out of Aegipte who after diuers miracles by him done in the sight of Pharao for confirmacion of his auctoritee lead theim towarde the lande of promission but then Pharao changing his minde pursued the Israelites with moste e●gre crueltee entending to haue vtterlye distroyed theim for so muche as they had at that tyme noo place of refuge or succour For on the one side they were inclosed with hilles on the other with the sea he their most infest enemie folowed at their backes But here god declared that whan extreme necessitee happeneth and al mans helpe faileth he is readye and heareth the voice of his people For at the prayer of Moyses and wailinge of the Israelites the water of the sea contrarye to the natural course therof went backe and by the space of certain miles gaue way to the people to passe without daunger whyche thing whan Pharao and his hoste assaied to folowe and were in the deepest the sea kepyng againe his former course swalowed him with al his power Where god shewed a newe example that he woulde be reuenged of stubborne impious and cruell tirannes whiche vexe and persecute his people ¶ The fifty daye after that the Israelites were thus departed out of Egipt were come to the mount of Sinai the lawe of the ten commandementes was to them geuē by almighty god with a great and terrible magnificēce At whiche time also god gaue to them a certaine politike gouernaunce and a speciall kyngdom in which nothing wanted that apperteined to the true worshipping of god priesthode and ciuile iustice to the intent that a certayne people shuld be notably knowē among whom the word of god remained and of whome chryste in time to come should be borne So that among this people alwaye remained the church the kingdome and the true worde of god vntyll after Chryste had suffred Whereby all men maye knowe that the church hath alway bene and that god from the beginning of the worlde both reueled and preserued his worde among his people Lusus in Spaine and Allobror in Fraunce reigned Acherres kinge of Egipt reygned .viii. yeres Hercules surnamed Desinas flourished in Phenicia Aaron was consecrated high pryest The yere of the worlde 2455 The yere before Christe Amalek subdued by the Hebrues The temple of Apollo at Delos was builded by Eris●stones sonne of Cecrops Dardanus slewe his brother Iasius by disceite The yere of the worlde 2457 The yere before Christe wherfore he fled into Samothracia where he lurked long Coribanthus succeded his father Iasius Crothopus the .viii. kīg of Argiues reigned .xxi. yeres Cranaus the second king of Athenes The yere of the worlde 2458 The yere before Christe reigned .ix. yeres In Candy then reygned Apteras Cherres king of Egipt reigned .xv. yeres The yere of the worlde 2461 The yere before Christe Amphitriō the third king of Athenes reigned .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 2467 The yere before Christe 1496 Epaphus the sonne of Io and Iupiter The yere of the worlde 2471 The yere before Christe 1492 buylded Memphis in Aegipte A●●●us called also Danaus The yere of the worlde 2476 The yere before Christe 1487 reygned fiue yeres king of Egipt Erich●●●nius the .iii. king of Athenes reygned .50 yeres The yere of the worlde 2477 The yere before Christe 1486 He founde out the vse of siluer Lacedemon the citie was buylded by Lacecedemon the sonne of Semeles S●elenus the .ix. kinge of Argiues reigned .11 yeres The yere of the worlde 2479 The yere before Christe 1484 Ramesses surnamed Egiptus The yere of the worlde 2481 The yere before Christe 1482 of whom it was called Egipte which before was named Aeria droue his brother Danaus out of his realme and ruled the fame .68 yeres At this Ramesses Manetho the Egipcian pryeste began his chronicle And the kinges of Egipt for honor were called Pharaones Arras the son of Iupiter and Calistho subduing the Pelasgians named theyr countreye Arcadia In the .31 yeare of the Dukedome of Moyses Atho prince of Meonia The yere of the worlde 2484 The yere before Christe 1479 gaue vnto Dardanus part of his land who incontinent left al his right in Italy and went vnto his new possession where he builded a citee whiche after his owne name he called Dardania that after was called Troy Unto this place Berosus continued his historye and finished it The yere of the worlde 2485 The yere before Christe 1478 Here beginneth the kyngdome of the Troians where Dardanus fyrste reigned .64 yeres Amyntas the .xix. emperour of Assyria reigned .45 yeres The yere of the worlde 2490 The yere before Christe 1473 Danaus the .x. kyng of Argiues expulsing Stelenus reigned ouer them .50 yeres Orosius writeth that betwene the childrē of Danaus and Aegiptus in one night was committed .50 murders After whiche Danaus the aucthor of al this mischiefe was driuen oute of hys royalme and fled to the Argiues Where he perswaded theim to this leudnes that by their helpe he expelled Stelenus that receiued him voide of al helpe and reigned there Orithya was rauished of Boriatrax The yere of the worlde 2491 The yere before Christe 1472 Aaron deceassed Eleasar was constituted high prieste The yere of the worlde 2492 The yere before Christe 1471 Moyses ouercame the kinges of Amorrea the Moabites he deuided their land and died in the mount Nebo being of age .120 yeres Whose eyes were neuer dimme nor teeth lose he was buried by angelles and hys sepulchre was yet neuer knowen vnto man Triptolemus sailed to Eleusin and there taught them the vse of corne The yere of the worlde 2493 The yere before Christe 1470 ¶ After the death of Moyses the Israelites had princis and gouernours whiche were created partly by the auctoritee of wyse men partly set vp by the speciall callynge of god by whiche princis many noble and famous thinges were
aduaunced William the sonne of Robert Curthoyse to the sayd Erldome of Flaunders on whom immediatly Theodorich Erle of Alsacia made mortall warre and was of him vanquished and forced to flee to Alustum where continuinge the siege Willyam was wounded to death with a darte that was caste from the walles And after this decesse Theodorich his enemye possessed the Erledome of Flaunders Anni regum Angli 25 Balach king of the Parthes toke Baldwine king of Ierusalem and slew many of the Christian capitaines The yere of the worlde 5086 The yere of Christ 1125 and souldiours of Asia Honorius the .ii. bishop of Rome .v. yeres ¶ Dauie succeded Alexander in the kingdome of Scotland He buylded so many abbeis and gaue muche landes to the churche that his successours were scantly able to maintein their estate He diminished the reuenues of the crowne .60 thousande pounde He had no warres all the time of Henry Beuclerke Anni regum Angli 27 Lothayre Duke of Saxonie after the death of Henry by consent of the electours was chosen emperour The yere of the worlde 5088 The yere of Christ 1127 This man is not onely commended for his martial knighthod and noble prowes but also for the worthi fauour he bare towarde religion and honest lawes By his procuremēt the ciuile lawes which of longe time were hid in duste in all liberaries and cleane out of vse among men were againe restored to the worlde and commaunded to be vsed in all countreis The graie friers came first into Englande Maude the doughter of kinge Henrie after the death of her husband the emperour came into England to her father The order of S. Iohns hospitalles templares Anni regum Angli and other lyke beganne first at this time The yere of the worlde 5089 The yere of Christ 1128 ¶ Geffrei Plantagenct erle of Angeow maried Maud the empresse doughter of king Henrie of which two descended Henrie the .ii. which reigned after Stephene The yere of the worlde 5091 The yere of Christ 1130 Innocent●us Anni regum Angli 30 the .ii. beinge ordeyned bishop of Rome went immediatlie with a stronge armye againnt Roger Erle of Sicilie at whiche time he toke by violence the towne of ● Germanye and besieged Roger in the castell Gelucium But William Duke of Calabre deliuered his father and toke the bishop prisoner with certaine of his cardinalles whom he shortly after sette at libertee In the meane time the people of Rome named one Peter to be bishop which was the son of a citesin called ▪ Peter Leo Wherfore Innocent durst not returne ▪ to Rome but fled straight into Fraunce This man first ordeined that he which st roke a priest should be excommunicate Balde quinus king of Damascus was vanquished of Baldwine king of Ierusalem The yere of Christ 1131 Fulco erle of Angeow Anni regum Angli 31 was ordeined the fourth king of Ierusalem The yere of the worlde 5902 About this time Philip the eldest sonne of Lewys king of France by misfortune was slaine with an horse in Paris Lewis the younger by consent of his father was annoincted king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5903 The yere of Christ 1132 Henrie king of Englande Anni regum Angli 32 bicause he had none other issue male ordeyned that his doughter Maude whyche had bene empresse should suceede him in the kingdome Fulco king of Ierusalē slew a great noumbre of the Turkes and builded the castell or sort called Ibelli●um The yere of the worlde 5094 The yere of Christ 1133 Lothayre the emperour restored Innocentius to the bishoprike of Rome and recouered of him the imperiall Diademe Anni regum Angli 33 Bela the sonne of Almus whom Calomannus had bereft of his sight was ordeyned kynge of Hungarye and reygned .x. yeres He punisshed theim extremelye whiche caused that crueltee to be shewed toward his father and vanquisshed in battayle one Borichus the bastarde sonne of Calomannus ▪ whiche by ayde of the Pelonians and Rutenes affected the kyngdome and toke to wyfe Helena the daughter of the king of Seruia Lewys the yong king of France maried Alenour The yere of the worlde 5096 whithe was right heyre to the prouince of Aqullaine The yere of Christ 1135 Kyng Henry of Englande being in Normandye with a fal of his horse toke his death STephene Erle of Boloyne the soonne of the Erle of Bloyes Anni regum Angli 1 and Adela Wylliam cōquerours daughter The yere of the worlde 5097 The yere of Christ 1136 and nephew to Henry the firste toke on hym the gouernance of this realme of Englande This was a noble man and hardye of passyng comely fauoure and personage In all princely vertue he excelled as in marciall pollicie affabilitee gentilnesse and bountefull lyberalytee towarde all men and especially in the beginnyng for although he had continuall warre yet dyd he neuer burdein ▪ his commons with exactions sauing only certaine bishops which flowyng in riches builded dyuers castels that tourned the kyng after to greate trouble Onelye in this he s●●ied blame worthie that contrarye to hys othe made to Maude the daughter of Henrie he was thought vniustly to take on him the crowne For which cause he was vexed with warees all the tyme of his reigne Great trouble and discencion in England for so much as dyuers of the nobles fauoured Maude the empresse againe Stephene which was in possession of the crowne Warre betwene kinge Stephene and Dauid of Scotlande because he refused to doe to hym hys homage for Northumberlande and Hunting ton ▪ wh●che he helde by his wyfe ▪ In this warre the Scottisshe historye sayeth the Duke of Gloucester was taken Steph●ne made peace and agreed with Dauid kynge of Scottes and receiued of hym homage after he hadde wonne from hym certaine townes and castels and gaue to Henry the son of Dauid the Erldome of Huntington ¶ Lewys the eight surnamed the yonger after the death of his father was ordeyned kyng of Fraunce In the beginnynge of hys reigne died Ioannes de temporibus whiche as witnesseth the Frence cronicle was a squyer in the tyme of Charles the great and liued ouer .300 yeres Lothayre the emperour went to Rome the second tyme against Roger The yere of the worlde 5098 The yere of Christ 1137 whiche named hym selfe kynge of Italy Anni regum Angli 2 But Roger hearyng of the emperours comyng towarde hym sled into Sicilie Than the byshop of Rome gaue the Duchie of Puell to Raynon a knyghte of the emperours whom also he ordeined gouernour of Italie A vaine rumour was spredde in England of the death of kynge Stephene whiche was cause of muche trouble and businesse in the realme For dyuers of the lordes got theim to theyr holdes whiche after myght scantlye with great labour be quieted and appeased After whiche time Stephene passed into Normandye against Geffrey Erle of Angeow the husbande of Maude the empresse whiche was right heyre to the crowne and whan he had quieted