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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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daies was in auhoritie ouer al the world yea sitting aboue God in the consiences of men and nowe is become of no reputacion amonge men God openinge his mischiefes is euen the eyghte in number And yet neuertheles is one of the vii heades For both is he the beastly body it selfe comprehending in him the vniuersall abhominations of all the earthlye kyngdomes And in that poynt diuers from the seuen heades and so the .viii. in number 10 And also he is one of the .vii. heades and the seauenth in numbre in vsurpyng this proude worldly kyngdome thus after a vayne temporall sorte Ouer and besids all thys maye he also be called the eyght in the curssed remnant which after the peaceable silence of christen libertie sathan loosoned shall most cruelly persecute Christes congregation a freshe as in the xx chapter here following wil appeare 11 This beast with hys carriage the Antichrist with hys church or sathan wish his sinagog shal not onely go into destructiō here by the mighty breth of Gods mouth or the true preaching of hys Gospell but also into dampnation euerlastinge in the ende of the worlde with the deuill and hys Angelles THE TEXTE 1 And the ten hornes vvhich thou savvest are ten Kinges 2. VVhich haue not yet receiued the kingdome 3. But shall receiue povver 4. As Kings 5. At one houre vvith the Beast 6. These haue one minde 7. And shall geue their povver and strength vnto the beast 8. These shall fight vvith the lambe 9. And the Lambe shall ouercome them 10. For he is Lorde of all Lordes 11. And Kinge of all Kinges 12. And they that are on his side 13. Are called the chosen and faithfull The Paraphrase 1 And the ten hornes saith the Angell vnto Iohn which thou sawest here vp on the heades of this rose coloured beast are in signification x. Kinges Some hath taken these ten Kings for al those Emperours of the Latins since Charlemayn which haue sworn them selues obediente to the Byshoppe of Rome Some haue thought them to be those Princes which here in Europa haue aforetime bene subiecte to the Empyre of Rome As the Kinges of England Fraunce Spaine Portingale Castele Denmarke Scotlande Ungary Boheme and Naples But these consider not that they be yet more in number as Aragone Nauerre Cicile Cypres Sardine Swethē Pole and such other and are all included in the seauen heades as members of the afore rehersed Empires Neither marke they that they are aboue the heades as hornes and more in number then the heades betokening a rygorus authorytie and fierce power whiche they proudlye vsurpe ouer them euery where Afore they were but suggestions but héere are they earnest doers For in euerye region hath the beastly Antichriste of Rome his Metropolitanes Primats As in England are Caunterbury an● York in Fraunce Thuronensis and Remensis in Spaine Tholetanus Terraconensis in Portingale Hispalensis Bracarensis in Irelande Armachanus Dubliniensis in Denmarke Lundensis and Upsalensis in Germany Coloniensis Maguntinus in Hungary Strigoniensis and Colocensis in Italye Pisanus Rauennas in Sicyle Panormitanus Messanences with an infinite number of bishops prelates pristes religions besides the fighting orders of the Rhodes the Prussianes the Redemers of captiues the Aragondes the Georgianes caled de Alga the Monteseanes the Castilianes the Lusitaneanes the Calatraneanes S. Iames warriours 2 These had not yet at y● tyme receiued the diuillish kingdom of pestilnce vsurpacion ouer the soules of men For though in Iohns daies arose certaine Antichristes as Hebion Cerinthius Diotrephes Carpocras and such like yet were they nothinge to these 3 But now in déede they haue receyued the selfe same aucthoritie power with the beast that hée tooke afore of the Dragon in maner of kings to rule in the heartes and consciences of men to his behoue 4 For so much as theyr authoritie is not of God lyke as is the authoritie of Kings it is sayd here as kings or as men counterfeyting them in vsurping a gouernaunce not fréely giuen them of God but of the Diuill 5 All at one houre receyued they this aucthoritie with the beast And that I suppose was in the great general coūsayle of Laterane at Rome gathered vnder the title to recouer Hierusalem agayne Where as confession in the eare was cruelly extorted of christian people vnder the payne of death dampnation by the whole consent both of the princes bishops at the former suggestiō of Innocēt the third besides other wicked things As to heare latine seruice to go on processiō on sundayes to pray vnto dead saints to ●orship Images to buy masses for the dead to ●ast the fridays with purgatory pardōs merits friers orders In the sayd coūsail became the metropolitanes as kinges and by the authority threof apointed they their Stuards Baliues other officers as bishopes curates parish pristes to haue euer charge of soules and in the sayd eare cōfession to receiue their accountes 6 These counterfet kinges are al of on diuelish mind practise purpose against God and his veritye 7 And fully they are fixed to geue their whole power their study their strength vnto the behoofe of the beast Not acording to Gods mind wil they rule but al after his wil pleasur agreing alwaies vnto him as mēbers to their head to serue wickednesse after wickednes in Babilon His Popish decres wil they seke his diuelish decretales will they folow his ceremonials wil they obserue and nothing of the sacred scriptures What learnyng so euer they haue what giftes of nature fortune or grace al must be to the maintenāce of his fātastical fopperis To him ar they sworn to do him homage to obey his laws to kisse his féete for his glorious sake to persecute his gospell 8 And in so doing they shal fight with the lamb which is Iesus Christ. They shal impunge his truth whē they think to doe him seruice For that mischiefe they doe to one of his they doe to hys owne person 9 But be they neuer so dogged yet ●hal the Lambe ouercome them in his faithful members yea by pacient sufferaunce onely The victory saith S. Iohn which ouercōmeth the worlde is a sure christian fayth Upon theyr ●ide fighteth he which is most myghtie and strong yea the Lord that is valyaunt in battail And he shall first ouercome them in this lyfe with the mightie breath of his mouth scattering thē away as dust from the earth And after this shall hys tirrible iudgement for euer condempne them 10 For he is by the aucthoritie giuen him of his father the Lord of all Lords and by his own eternall Godhead the King of all Kings hauyng all power in heauen and in earth He is cōstitute Iudge of the quicke and the dead hauing alone the euerlastyng Em●yre with his father and the holye Ghost and of his kyngdome shall neuer bée an ende 11 By his permission doeth all kinges reigne he
there were of both sortes So well was he accepted that mortyfied the desires of the fleshe and offered himselfe a lyuinge sacryfyce vnto God as hée that gaue his life for the veritie 14 But the residue sayth saint Iohn or the other sort called the deade men for that they were not numbred with the ryghtuous neyther among them that sate vpon the seates nor yet amonge them that were slayne for the witnesse of Iesu lyued not agayne after they were once dead tyll the thousand yeres of their death was throughly fulfilled The time was whan they which wer dead through sin did heare the voyce of the sonne of God They fatihfuly beleued the word therof so it reuiued in him vnto the lyfe euerlasting which was both the life light of men Wher as the froward con●ēners of the lyuing word hauing their cōsciēces sealed with the beasts marke remained stil in their infidelitie which is the very death of the soule so were by the right iudgemēt of God lost for euer For the sin against the holy ghost which is a resistāce against the manifest truth shal neither be forgeuen in this worlde nor yet in the world to come 15 A time without end doth this word till cause this thousand here to be after the commō vsage of the scripture Noe sent forth a Rauen out of the arke whiche returned not agayne tyl the waters were dryed vp that is to say he neuer returned again Ioseph knew not Mary til she had brought forth hir first borne sonne That is to say he neuer bodely knew hir Thou shalte not out of prison till thou hast payde the vttermost mite .i. thou shalte neuer out With an hundreth of suche places in the Bible THE TEXT 1. This is that first resurrection 2. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection 3. For on suche shall the seconde death haue no povver 4. But they shall be the prists of God and of Christ. 5. And shal raign vvith him a thousand yeares The commentary 1 This is the first resurrection vnto lyfe to ryse from sin to repentaunce from ignoraunce to godly knowledge and from darknesse to faith Through the offence of one man entred sin into the world and through sin death Necessary it is therefore to dye vnto sin and to liue vnto rightuousnesse And so to rise togither with Christ séekyng the things which are aboue not vpō earth For neuer shal they come to the seconde resurrection which is vnto the lyfe euerlasting that will not ryse by repentaunce vnto a new lyfe in hym which is both resurrection and lyfe 2 Blessed is that man of the Lord yea holy iust and perfect may he be reported also of all men which hath porcion conuenient in the first resurrection with Dauid Magdalene Zacheus and Peter Happy are they which hearing the word of God retayneth it in theyr lyuing For they being renued with the glad tydinges of lyfe are depured by the spirite of Christ sanctified and so made the habitacles of the holy Ghost 3 Upon such Godly dysposed persons hath the seconde death of the soule which is eternal dampnatiō no maner of power nor effectual iurisdiction For no damnation can be vnto them which are in Christ Iesu not walking after the fleshe Though they haue bene great sinners yet shall not theyr sinnes be to them imputed but in the resurrectiō of the wrightuous shall they ryse to immortalyte and be as the very Angels in heauen He that hath taken frō thē the poore of death shall make thē sure of eternal inheretaūce with god 4 They shall surely bée the chosen priestes of God the euerlasting father and of his eternall sonne Iesus Christ whiche are of the firste resurrection Though they be here in the flesh yet fight they not after the flesh but they shall folow the gouernaunce of the spirit geue ouer their bodis for a liuing sacryfice holy and acceptable vnto God 5 And thus shall they reigne with christ their merciful sauiour redemer for the space of the thousād yeres afore named None other toke they all that longe seasō for theyr spiritual Messyas their eternall King their hygh Bishop for all their mayster their Lorde their gyde their lyght and the shepeherde of theyr soules None other wold they acknowledge but him for their mediatoure attonement maker neyther Moyses nor Samuell Noe Daniell nor Iob Iohan Baptist Mary nor Peter Hée onely was vnto them all wysedome ryghtuousnesse holynesse and redēption In none other name coulde they fynde health and saluation but alone in hys Nothing pertayneth this vnto the Popes masse sayers for they call vpon many names wyth Ora pro nobis and are of a far other priesthode as we haue declared afore In christes kyngdō is none outwarde Priesthode nor sacryfice to be made for sin For he hath with one oblaciō for all fully satysfied for the sins of his electe number for euer The office of a Christē man now is onely to offer vp himselfe by the deniall of himselfe and by the mortificatiō of his fleshe In the holy supper of the Lorde which is a mutuall participaciō of his bodi bloud is no new sacrifice to be made but onely a faithfull remembraūce to be taught of that full and perfect sacrifice that he made once for all vnlesse we will betray him and crucifie him againe The dutie of a minister in Christes cōgregation is with all study and diligence to labour in the holy worde of God be he bishop priest Chaplayne Pastour or preacher Hys ministration is great labour no dygnitie payne and not pryde or arrogancie And hauing his foode and rayment he ought to require no more THE TEXT 1 And vvhan the thousande yeares are expyred 2. Sathan shall be loosed out of prison 3. and shall go out 4. to diseeiue the people 5. vvhich ar in the foure quarters of the earth 6. Gog Magog 7. to gather them togither to battle 8 vvhose number is as the sande of the sea 9. And they vvent vpon the plaine of the earth 10. and compassed the tentes of the sayntes about 11. and the beloued Citie 12. And fyre came dovvne from God out of heauen 13. and deuoured them 14. And the Diuell that deceyued them 15. vvas cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone 26. vvhere the beast and the false Prophet vvere 17. and shall be tormented daye and nighte for euermore The Commentary 1 After the plentnous description of the true church of Christe which is vnknowen to the worlde for the glorious doughter of the eternall Kinge is from within sayth Dauid now foloweth in course the pernicious kingdome of Antechrist whan it was in the hyghest pryde so soone as the afore rehersed thousande yeares sayth saynt Iohn are fully accōplished or brought to an ende 2 Sathan the common aduersarie of man shal be loosed out of his darke pryson and so shal be set at large by the sufferance
from the vntowarde and wicked generation for their vnbeleuers sake yet will it be playn ynough to the faithfull beleuers instauntlye calling vpon him which hath the key of Dauid to open vnto them the dore of his infallible verities They shall be sure to finde there that shall richly delyght them and that will greatly replenishe the most wholesome desire of their ●oules concerning their necessary saluation in Christ. The more the figuratiue speech aboundeth heere the more let them conferre it with the other scriptures without all honyed colours of retoricke or of crafted philosophy specially with those which of their owne nature iointly agreeth to the same Nothing ought heere to be sought of curiositie but of loue towards God for defence of his most pure doctryne and for auoydance of the craftie snares of the viuel A perfect preparation is it to a cōstant soule when the battayle is seene afore the ende thereof knowne and the remedies learned Heere are we admonished afore hande of two most daungerous euils neyther to agree to those tyrantes which battayleth with the Lambe in his elect members nor yet to obey those deceiptful bishops that in hipocrisie vsurpeth the churches tytles Of suche tirryble plagues of vengeaunce as were comming towardes the Israelites the Lorde euer warned them afore by his Prophets And none was there that escaped them so cleerely as they dyd whiche regarded those warninges watching euermore the conclusions of them Much lesse harme felte they of Antiochus Epiphanes that had redde Daniels prophecy afore and marked it then they which knewe it not when the Tyraunte came vpon them Through dyligent expecration in the fayth of Gods promises receyued iust Symeon and Anna the sauiour of the world in hys tender infancie Mencion maketh the holy Ghost heere of Gog and of Magog two tirryble fierce enymies to Christes congregation and sheweth afore hande their purposed mischieues Let vs not suppose it to be a fable that he so earnestly telleth vs. Neyther let vs thinke but this warning is of loue if we liste so to take it and accept it for a trueth Immedyately after the Apostles preaching was this prophecie giuen to the Christian church which hath bene alwayes a smal congregation least they shoulde vnbewares at the subtile suggestions of these two enimyes throwe asyde the sinceritie of Christes Gospell So gloryous are the pretenses of the Romysh Pope and Mahomete that they seeme vnto them whyche regarde not these warnings the verye Angelles of lyghte and theyr churches most holy congregations being very diuels with their filthy dregges of darkenesse The Pope in his church hath ceremonyes without number None ende is there of their babling prayers their portases beads temples aulters songes houres belles Images Organes ornamēts Iewels lights oylings shauings religions disguisings dyuersitie of feasts cōstrained vowes fastings processions and pratlings that a man would think they wer proctours of Paradise On the other side Mahomet in his church is plentuous also in holy obseruations They washe them selues oft they frequent their temples they pray fiue tymes in the day they reuerently inclyne they lye prostrate vpon the grounde they feruently call to God they are temperate in feedyng not curious in theyr buyldynges they abstayne from wyne they abhorre Idolles they hate them that are proude and commende all sobernesse And these vertuys haue they to appeare most innocent liuers But vnto what ende thys holynesse leadeth the sequele heereof declareth Daniell ●aketh these two but one bycause they are both of one wicked spirite and reporteth his blasphemous mouthe to vtter presumptuous things Sainct Iohn sayeth also that the Dragon speaketh blasphemyes against God in them both Marke both their voyces and ye shall fynde these sayings most true The Pope maketh hys boast hee is the highe priest hee is of equall power with Peter he can not erre he is heade and spouse of the church and he is Christes immedyate vicar By this braulyng boaste hee maketh men to beleue he may constitute lawes kepe vnder the Gospell distribute kyngdoms sell promocions and benifices set vp a Purgatorie prouyde satisfactions make new bodyes to Christ redeme dead mens soules and remit sinne for money Mahomete braggeth also that he is the great prophet the promises Messias the Apostle of both testamēts abled both by the law the gospel that he hath his name frō the eternall throne of God He is well contented that Christ be an holy Prophet and a most worthie creature yea the word of God the soule of God and the spirit of God conceiued of the holy ghost and borne of Mary the virgin but he will in no case graunt hym to be the sonne of God nor that he dyed here for mans redemp●ion Both these two mayntayners of mischief alloweth Moyses lawe the Psalter the Prophets and the Gospell yea they commende them auaunce them sing them reade them honour them and reuerently vse them in all their doyngs Yet will they haue their owne filthy lawes preferred aboue them the Pope his execrable decrees Mahomete his wicked Alchorane els will they murther men without measure Thus though they outwardly appeare very vertuous yet are they the malignaunt ministers of Sathan denying the Lord which hath redenied them By these may wee measure their inferiour marchandies hauing their lyuery and marke Of these hath our louing Lord premonyshed vs in this heauenly worke of his and graciously called vs away from their abhominations least we shoulde bee partakers of theyr sinnes and so receyue of their plagues If we vnthankfully neglect it the more daūger is ours Let no man take the corrections of this booke to mallice But if hee chaunce in it as in a cleare glasse to perceiue him selfe spotted let him washe away the deformities for Gods worde spareth no mans iniquytie Read my whole Commentary els iudge me not In no wyse rebell I heere agaynst any princely power or aucthoritie giuen of God but agaynst Antichristes filthy tytles The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ bee euer more with thee good faythfull Reader and with all those good men that intierly hunger for his rightuousnesse Amen Thus endeth the Preface of the Image of both Churches out of Sainct Iohns Apocalips ¶ A briefe Paraphrase or compendious Elucidacion vpon the Apocalips or Reuelation of Sainct Iohn the Euangelist gathered out of the pure scriptures and sincere worde of God by Iohn Ba●e an e●yle also in this lyfe for the testimonye of Iesu. The first Chapter The Texte 1 The Reuelation of Iesus Christ 2 vvhich God gaue vnto him 3. for to shevve vnto his seruauntes the thinges vvhich must shortlye come to passe 4. And heuen● and shevved by his Angell vnto his seruaunt Iohn 5. vvhich bare recorde of the vvorde of God and of the testimony of Iesus Christ and of all thynges that he savve 6. Happy is he that
I haue chosen thée to eternall lyfe and promised thée inheritaunce thereof without thy deseruinges beware now least thou loose it by apostasie and least an other take it from thée by doing the fruites thereof 16 Desire my spirite to strengthen thée that thou mayest perseuere and stand fast For that faithful seruaunt and mightie souldier which continueth in that veritie to the ende will I set vp for a stronge pillar and sure butteras in the temple of my God which is the church or faithfull congregacion of my heauēly father prefigured by the temple of Salomon at Hierusalem 17 And so strongly will I buyld him vpon the harde rocke that hée shall stande alwayes and neuermore bée remoued No more shall hee be aforener nor a straunger but a cytizen with the saintes and of the houshold of God moste surely grounded vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes 18 And I shall wryte vpon him to his singular commoditie the name of my God and father almightie and the name of the beautiful citie of my God also called new Hierusalem renued in the spirit Euermore shal he be called a seruaunt of the Lord an Apostle or witnesse of God a lambe of Christes folde a shéepe of his pasture a braunch of his vyne a member of his church and impe of hys kingdome a citizen of heauen and an inheritour of euerlasting lyfe 19 And all this commeth not from beneth it riseth not of his good workes merites nor deseruings but it commeth out of heauē from my god It is only his goodnesse grace lyberalitie forgiuenesse pittie mercie 20 I will also garnish him beautifie him with my newe name Hée shall euermore for hys faythe 's sake be called the sonne of God and ryse at the latter day in full glorie incorruptible immortal and cleere in perpetuall peace and concord 21 He that hath by the gifte of God an eare let him consider wherefore he hath it and apply it to the right vse discréetly waying what the holye Ghosts mynde is to the christian congregations in these heauēly premonishments THE TEXT 1 And vnto the Angell of the congregation vvhich is in Laodicia vvrite 2. This saith Amen the faithful and true vvitnesse 3. the beginning of the creatures of God 4. I knovv thy vvorkes that thou art neyther cold nor hote 5. I vvould thou vvere colde or hote 6. But bicause thou arte betvveene both and neyther colde nor hote 7. I vvill spevve thee out of my mouthe 8. Bycause thou sayest thou arte rych and increased vvith goodes and hast neede of nothing and knovvest not hovv thou arte vvretched and myserable poore blynd and naked 10. I counsell thee to buye of mee gold tryed in the fyre 11. that thou mayst be rich and vvhyte raiment that thou maiest be clothed 12. that thy filthie nakednesse doe not appeare 13. Anoynt thine eyes vvith eye salue 14. that thou maist see THE PARAPHRASE 1 And now laste of all my deare friend Iohn sayeth the Lord Iesus forget not to admonish by the hande writing also the elder of the Christen congregation which is in Laodicia a notable Citie of the Asianes which pretendeth to be a iust people or a companie to whom fayth is rekened for righteousnesse and are nothing lesse In the sight of men they appeare good and their works séeme glorious yet are they before God no sincere Christians but dissemblyng hypocrites in déede 2 Cause them to knowe certainely that this is the charytable warnyng of him which coueteth all things to be well perfecte and good and is in verie déede a witnesse faithfull and true yea the eternaall veritie it self for that they shoulde giue the more creadite to his sayings 3 Moreouer hee is the oryginall beginning not only of the creatures for so much as hee was that worde by whome God created all thinges in the beginnyng but also of the creatures of God for so much as he becommyng fleshe in this latter age restored them agayne to the peace and fauour of God for y● they should euermore séeke vnto hym in theyr néede as to the verie fountayne or well spring of all goodnesse 4 Thy workes are euidently open before me sayth that Lorde and I know them in their kynd I sée thou arte neyther cold nor hote Thou art neyther a full infydell nor a full beléeuer neyther a perfecte pagane nor a perfect Christian. Thou arte neyther constant in the faith nor yet all without faith Outwardly thou arte hote but within thou arte colde as yse Inwardly thou abhorrest the word of God yet doest thou not outwardly condemne it 5 I would thou were eyther colde or hote eyther a Christian or none at all eyther a perfect louer of the veritie or els a full hater of it and not a dissembling hypocrite as thou arte iudging euill good and good euill calling darkenesse light and light darknesse making sower swéete swéete sower allowing fables and lyes and contempning the wisdome of God None is so farre from the kingdome of heauen as is a false Christian. Much sooner is he conuerted to the trueth that is all colde or all without fayth then he that vnder the colour and pretense of Gods lawes mayntayneth errours and lyes 6 For so much therefore as I fynd thée betwéene both and neyther of both halfe colde halfe hote and neyther fully cold nor hot neither faithfully giuen to Gods worde nor all whole without it but a false glosing hypocrite 7 I will begin to vomet thée as a morsell out of season and spewe thée out of my mouth as a thing out of kynde Thou shalte not be disgested Neyther shall my worde allow thée nor my promisse admitte thée to rest with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen But thou shalt be throwne foorth into exteriour darknesse where as shall be wéeping gnashing of téeth I will caste thée out detest thée and abhorre thée For much worse are they that abuse or dispyse the gift of God then they which neuer receyued it 8 Thou pratest very sore of thy ryches thy merytes good déedes and deseruings Thou boastest thy selfe much of thy increase in goodnesse by déeds of supererogation and workes more then néede Yea thou arte not ashamed to thinke thy selfe so greatly to abound in learnyng wisedome rightuousnesse and holinesse that all hath néede of thée and thou of none sellyng to the wretched Idiotes of the world thy masses thy dyryges thy fastings thy memories thy knéelings thy crouchings with other idle obseruations 9 But thou remembrest not that thou arte wretched of thy self wicked of thyne owne nature Thou considrest not y● thou art myserable and sinfull in thy lyfe poore without vnderstāding knowledge feeble without the strength of Gods spirit blynd without iudgement and fayth and naked without veritie and all good Christen workes 10 I charitably therfore admonish thée to remember thy selfe I counsel thée also
ascend in soule by the spirite and power of God and I will shewe vnto thée thinges wonderfull and such as must without fayle be fulfilled in euerie poynte hereafter by the vnuariable ordinaunce of God 4 And as it had bene in a thought I was sodenly by the Lordes power taken vp I was in the spirit in déed secluded frō all carnal imaginatiōs 5 And anon I was ware of a beautifull seat prepared in heauen which moued mee to consider that before the constitution of the world almightie God had appoynted by his spirite to raygne in his faithful church For I sawe that one sate vpon that seate as vpon the beautifull throne of his glorie No where els raigneth God but among his chosen people Hée dwelleth not in Temples made by hand he resteth not in houses of mās preparation Is the kingdom of God any where els thē within man Hath God any Temple that hee more fauoureth then mans faithfull harte 6 And he that gloriously sate vpon that comely seate was lyke by all similitude to a Iasper stone and resembled also a precious stone called a Sardine Betokening that his raign is durable strong his power firme and invariable his glorie cléere and precious and that he him selfe is as the red Iasper beautifull and orient and as the gréene Sardine freshe fayre and neuer fading that man shuld euer be desirous of him Whose will to consider is our felicitie and whose pleasure to folow is our perfectnesse 7 And there was a fayre raynbow about that glorious seate in sighte like a smaragde or an Amarald stone Which signifieth his perpetuall couenaunt of peace loue to all them that haue fayth which are so deare vnto him as is the apple of hys owne eye or as that thing which hee desyreth most And no lesse precious the sayde couenaunt is then the fresh Ameralde with his amorous hew and beautifull shewe of loue that wée should the rather couette it For nothing is more auydyously to be desyred then is the swéete peace of God 8 And about that excéedyng fayre seate or empyre of the Lorde were xxiiij other meane seates appointed which put me anon in remembraūce of charitie pacience stedfastnesse loue ioy peace temperance iustice knowledge of god méeknesse other fruites of fayth with innumerable giftes of the holie ghost wherein the seruauntes of God hath afore tyme and still doeth continually rest elders or notable auncient men sitting Which séemeth vnto me to be Abell and Noe Abraham Dauid Moyses and Helyas Ioseph Iohn Baptist the Prophets and Apostles the Preachers Martyrs with such other lyke To whom Christ promised in the regeneration to sitte with him vpon xij seates iudging the xij tribes of Israel These set numbers in the scripturs of xxiiij or of .xij. such lyke noteth certaintie in the promisse of God towards them which are in themselues without number 10 And the foresayd elders or men of rype discretion were cloathed in white rayment or apparell of innocencie according to the commaundement of the holye Ghost For their works were pure and cleane before God rysing only of fayth and were neuer defyled with the filthie traditions of men 11 They had also vpon their heads as myghtie rulers and gouernours crownes of fyne golde in token that they had héere the gouernance in his worde and shall hereafter be partakers with Christ in his heauēly kingdome and glorie 12 Great is the maiestie of the trone of God and the power muche For from his heauenly seate into the vniuersall world procéeded lightnings and thunderings and voyces which are the manyfolde and dyuers respectes of his worde For a fearfull lightenyng it is when it rebuketh throweth downe and condempneth the sinner It is a terrible thundering when it feareth threateneth and commaundeth thynges contrarie to the fleshe And it is a solacious voyce agayne when it rayseth reléeueth and quickeneth the desolace conscience with comfortable promises And full is all the scripture of these which commeth from Syon and the swéete worde of God whyche commeth from Hierusalem 13 And there were seuen lampes of flamyng fyre burnynge before the sayde trone of God which are the seuen spirites of God or the vniuersall giftes of the holie ghost prefigured in the scriptures by the seuen lightes of one Candelsticke the vij eyes of one stone and by vij hornes and eyes also of the lambe These shewe light euermore before Gods sight The church without them in no wyse can be the trone of God 14 And before the sayd seate there was as it had béene a sea of glasse a plentifull vnderstanding of the veritie fyrst giuen vnto Christ by the father and then vnto the church or cōgregation by the spirite of Christ. And this sea was lyke vnto a Christall cléere beautifull and pure without any corruption of humaine fantasies 15 In the middest of that heauenly seate in the circuite of the same were iiij beastes séene of diuers nature and shape not signifying the iiij greater Prophetes nor yet the iiij Euangelistes as no small number of doctors hath fantasied but rather the vniuersall number of all faithful beleeuers earnest setters foorth of the veritie in the foure quarters of the whole world And this may be gathered by the noyse of their wings in Ezechiel by their crying of sanctus sanctus sanctus by their shewing of mysteries of the opened seales of the booke as héereafter foloweth By whom are to be vnderstande the sincere openings of Gods word and the continuall praysing of his glorious name These beastes are in the middest of the seate or congregation of God when they teach them and exhorte them to persist in the trueth They are also in the circuite of the same when they diligently labour to defende them from the doctryne of diuils and errours of hypocrites 16 These beastes were full of faire eyes before and behinde Which is a cléere knowledge in the mysteryes of Gods word The sincere fauorers of Gods heauenly truth doth sée many wonderful things and know many secrete maruels not only concerning matters past but also of iudgements to come So many eyes haue they as they haue perceyued veryties For they once made spirituall by fayth discerne all things They are taught of God And the holy ghost doeth lead them into all trueth THE TEXT 1. And the first beast vvas lyke a Lyon 2. The second beast lyke a Calfe 3. and the third beast had a face lyke a man 4. and the fourth beast vvas lyke a flying Egle. 5. And the foure beasts had eche one of them sixe vvings 6. And round about vvithout and vvithin they vvere full of eyes 7. And they had no rest neyther day nor night saying Holy holy holy is the Lorde God almightie vvhich vvas and is is to come 8. And vvhen those beastes gaue glorye and honour and thankes to him that sate on
for newe promotions Euermore they compassed to augment their dignyties Continuall was their study to get preheminēce to win honour and to obtayne superiorytie not withoute the destruction of kingdomes the vtter decay of communalties and vnspeakeable murther of peoples Iohn the Archebyshoppe of Constantinople contended to be the vniue●sal Patriarke Boniface the thirde of that name Byshoppe of Rome tooke vpon hym to be the head Byshoppe of all the worlde and Gods onely Uicar in earth Mahomet boasted hym selfe to be the great Prophete and messenger of GOD. Thus was Christes coate withoute seame among them deuided and his church most rufully dispersed Thus out of the corrupted depraued scriptures tooke the Iewes their Talmud the Saracens their Alchorane and the Byshops their popish lawes and decrées Then folowed innumerable sectes of perdicion vnder the romishe pope in Europa vnder Mahomet the false Prophet in Afryca and vnder prester Iohn in Asia whiche with their execrable tradicions and rules banished Christ and his pure doctrin for euer Than set they vp songe in the church with Latine seruice bell ringing and Organ playinge Than builded they monasteries auaunced Images inuented purgatorye not without many strange reuelacions Than came in that ceremony that as sensing of Images Procession and holy water with candles ashes and palmes Than were shauen crownes commaunded holy ornaments deuised mariage and meates inhibited and hallowing of churches practised At the last crepte in the worshipping of reliques and shrines with holy oyle and creame with the paschall and paxe with feastes and dedications with latines masses dirges for the dead and many great miracles followed Thā were kings deposed and made Moonkes Emperours put downe and parrish priests set vp No gospell might then be taught but to maintaine this ware for aduantage Uniuersities were then builded and generall studies founded the worlde ouer with all kindes of crafty learning to vpholde this new Christen relygyon or prestish supersticion The Antichristes thus spred and theyr kyngdome well set forwarde the light was cléerely extincted and darknesse ouer wente the whole worlde 1 Much meruayled alwayes the poore chosen flock of christ and were greatlye troubled in their mindes to beholde this great confusion tyll the Lorde opened vnto them the fourth seale of his booke in the which all was written from the begining In that Seale openinge the Lorde shewed what the head rulers of his Church were euen very hypocrites rightly compared vnto a pale Horse For after their dissembling manner they shewed sad countinaunces outwardlye to appeare fastinge and babled very much to séeme deuonte men 2 And as the Lambe had opened the fowrth Seale sayeth Saincte Iohn I hard the voyce of the fowrth beast which séemed vnto me an Egle representing those godly beléeuers that are most highly desirous of the glorye of GOD. 3 Come hyther sayde that voice Note what thou shalt sée here enprent it well in thy minde 4 And sa I looked foorth I behelde a pale Horse whome I tooke for the vniuersall Synagoge of hypocrites or dissembling church of Antichriste pale as men without health bleyk as men without that freshe lyfe which is in Christ Iesu. 5 The name of hym which sate vpon this pale Horse was death for their doctrine is death and dampnation What bringeth hypocrisye with hym but destruction of health What carrieth dissimulation but the vtter decay of lyfe Are their last fruites any other then confusion and dyspayre 6 For why hell commeth after them to swallowe in those that are taught by them Eternall dampnation doth folow them to eate them vp for euer whome they shall deceiue Such is the finall rewarde of those cursed hypocrits that treadeth down Gods truth and destroyeth his word vnder a fayned pretence of the contrarye God graunt them therefore once to open their eyes and to consider it that they are the Horses of death least Hell héere after deuoure them 7 Unto these gaudish hypocrites and beastly Antichristes whith are the horse of death and carieth all to darknesse and dampnation power is geuen whiche is the sufferaunce of God vpon the fourth parte of the earth A great part of the world shall they destroy much people by thē shal perish and be lost 8 After diuers sortes shall they depriue them of the lyfe euerlastyng Some shal they slay with the sword of their false doctrine hauing a glorious shine of wisdome in supersticion and deuilishnesse Some shall they famishe for wante of GODS true worde whiche is the bread of Chyldren and the lyuinge foode of the soule 9 Some will they also poyson with the contagious leauen of their pestilent lawes and tradicions which are dayly ministred taught by the vile vermine of the earth their suffraganes Archedecons officials doctors ministers false preachers curates persons parrish priests and religions verye beastly both of lyfe and studye Lorde ones delyuer from these deceiptfull and rauenous wolues whiche are neuer satisfied thy poore seruants that confesse thy holy name Amen THE TEXT 1 And when he opened the fift seale 2 I saw vnder the aulter 3. The soules of them that were killed for the word of God and for the testimony which they had 4. And they cried with a loude voyce saying 5. How long taryest thou 6 Lord holy and true to iudge 7. And to auenge our bloude on them that dwell on the earth 8. And lōg white garments were geuen vnto euery one of thē 9. And it vvas saide vnto thē 10. That they shoulde rest for a litle season 11. vntill the number of their felowes and brethren 12. And of them that shoulde be killed as they were were fulfilled The Paraphrase 1 Euident it is by that hath ben séene and sayde afore in these fowre horses what the estate of the christen church was is now in these latter dayes Such horrible confusion hath the Antichristes made with their wicked lawes and decrées and with their deceiptfull doctrine of errours and lies to vpholde their filthy kingdome of pryde slouth hypocrisie and beastlynes that scarcely is any thing cleane pure and godly Now do they nothing but slea None other studye haue they in these dayes but to persecut emprison and famish to burn head and hang. Now haue they obtayned to enter the iudgement hall and to syt vpon lyfe death without defiling of thēselues Now may they both a accuse and iudge both indite and condempne yet not soyle their consecrate handes If any controle their customes or say against their witchcraftes they are ready to run ouer hym with death whom they carye to slea both soule and bodye 1 This hath the Lord shewed in mistery vnto Iohn in the fift seale openinge by whom are ment the true Christen beléeuers at this time so well as at al other times sence Christes assension 2 And when the Lambe opened the fift seale or declared in
shall vtterly distroye them So that nothing shall be séene of that they were afore Neyther cut shooe nor corde coule nor gray cote boote nor blacke hood rochet nor scapler myter nor crosier sandale nor frocke shauen crown nor anointing For all these are their enimies 3 Consumed are they to their saluation that with Mathewe become of Publicans true Apostles and with Paule of fierce persecutors charitable teachers Contrariwise are they consumed to their dampnatiō which being ouercome by the manifest veritie wilfully persist in their diuilish errours with Antiochus Pharao with the Scribes and Pharisies 4 For it foloweth And if any man will hurte them this wyse must hée be killed Eyther must he be mortifyed from the olde Adam and changed into a new man in Christ or els by the sayd worde must he both be iudged and condempned for the vtter aduersarie of God with Sathan hys auncient captayn So must he be killed And no death will be founde lyke vnto that death come they once to the féeling of it though they accompt it now verie light 5 For these witnesses haue power as had Helias to shut vp heauen that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophecying but yet none other wyse then by the aforesayd word For the word of God is the verie key of Dauid which openeth the kingdome of god to them that faithfully beléeueth and that speareth it vp also from thē which dwellith in vnfaithfulnes For it is said in the dayes of their prophecying This power therefore is of the word and not of the men The word speareth and openeth losoneth bindeth saueth and dampneth He that beléeueth sayth Christ shal be saued he that beleueth not is iudged alreadie No moysture of grace nor godly wisedō can light where sturdie frowardnesse is rooted The dayes of their prophesying in figure is non other thē the aforesaid tyme times and halfe tyme or the thrée yéeres and vj. monethes of Helias 6 In those dayes shall it not rayne vpon the wicked they shall haue no grace to receyue the veritie In parables and figures shal that be hidden from them that shall bée euydent inough vnto the faithful With eares shall they heare and not vnderstand with eyes shall they sée and not deserne So blynde will their harts be For such speake the Prophets in fygures Christ in parables and the Apostles in mysteries The open truth of this reuelation shall not the wicked perceyue till they tast the plages thereof Such is the nature of Gods wisedom that though it be not in glorious wordes fyne paynted termes nor in perswasible reasons of mans witte but in playne simple speaking yet can it not be knowē of the worldly wise The swéete dewe therof wil not be receiued of them in the aforesayde dayes of prophecie but hée that is blynde shall be blynde still 7 These witnesses haue also power ouer waters to turne thē into bloud When they interprete and sincerely declare the pure verities of God which are those holesome waters that restraineth the dampnable drynesse of the soule that refresheth the conscyence and clenseth the harte of the sinner they can not choose but earnestly condempne the peruerse iudgemēts the couetous lawes and hipocrityshe workes of the vngodly And then is all vncleane vnto them then is all bloudie The Gospell which was a stumbling stone to the Iewes made foolishnesse vnto the Gentiles is also now vnto them naughtie newe learning seditious doctrine and abhomynable heresie Yea they iudge them worthie to be burned that doth teach it Thus is it abhorred of them that shall perishe neuerthelesse to them that beléeue it is the power of God vnto saluation 8 Fynallie they haue power to smite the earthe with all maner of plagues as ofte as they will Uery earth are they that regard not Gods trueth as the Lord saide vnto Adam after his offence Earth thou art and vnto earth shalte thou returne Nothing they estéeme but that which is earthly Nothing they desire but that is carnal The froward creature will in no case knowe that is of the spirit The light is hatefull vnto sore eyes Uery painfull is bread to the mouth that is not whole A great mote was Christ to the Iewes as his true preachers are vnto the blynd world yet to this day For they smite the earth 9 They touch their liuing they rebuke their falshoode they condempne their wickednesse They reprooue thē of sinne of rightuousnesse of iudgement They force not to tell to him of theyr vnfaithfulnesse fraud and hipocrisiie of their Philosophers prelats religious No greater plague is it vnto the vngodly thē to hear of their euill dooings No greater paine nor yet greater punishment then to haue theyr faultes opened and theyr clonyng colours condempned That fretteth them at the verie heart Death must be sought out for such preachers No wōder is it though this be here written for this age of the churche For neuer were more earnest witnesses then are now more are lyke héereafter to follow till the man of sinne be fully knowne and his kingdome clearely ouerthrowen THE TEXT 1 And whan they haue fynished theyr testimonie 2. the beast that came out of the bottomlesse pitte 3. shal make war against them 4. and shall ouer come them 5. And theyr bodyes shall lye in the streetes of the great citie 6. which spiritually is called Sodome and Egypte 7. where our Lorde is crucified The Paraphrase 1 And when they haue once finished their testimonie sayeth the Lord the beast that came out of the bottomlesse pit shall make warre against them No sooner shall the witnesses of gods veritie in all ages be taken from the worlde then he hath prefixed After none other sorte shall they bée sent hence then he hath appoynted by hys eternall decrée Iohn Baptist was not imprisoned nor beheaded tyll hée had done his office Christ was not taken condempned and crucified tyll his houre was come Paule was not put vnto death til he had fulfilled his course 2 The beast of the bottomlesse pitte is the cruel craftie and curssed generation of Antichriste the Pope wyth his Bishoppes prelates priestes and religious in Europa Mahomite with his dotyng doucipers in Affrica and so foorth in Asia Iudia all beastly carnall and wicked in their dooings 3 These maketh war against Gods witnesses when they hate them cursse them blaspheme them persecute them When they withstande them with theyr craftes impugne them with their lyes and vexe them with their diuilishnesse as necessary it is they should doe For if they haue troubled the head they must vexe also the members If the housholder be called Belzebub the hosholde muste suffer the same No better is the seruaunt then his Lord nor the messenger then he that sent him 4 They shall also ouercome them not with the scriptures but with their beggerly customs cōstitutiōs lawes decrées and traditions They shall shall scourge them or disgarde them in their
then ryse disprophet then profite 9 For the tenth parte of the city fell to the grounde Their buildinge vpon sand will in no case endure That God hath not planted must vp by the rootes Their holy whoryshe church which is heere called Sodom and Egipt is ruinously decaied their monasteries of monkes their houses of friers their coleges of idle priests with theyr Nuns Chanons chantryes in many places are downe Tythes are not as they haue bene nor Trentals nor other deuocions Images are not sought nor pardons in confession The people inclineth to new learning and goeth from their olde beléeue of holy church They y● were mōks priests friers are now become gospell teachers Such as afore were dead standeth vp now against them boldely This fallen part is heare the tenth for it is the Lords by the law It is the same shéepe that afore was loste and nowe is brought to Christes folde These were called away from thence by the witnesses the other stande yet styll and are euery daye worse and worse 10 In the earthquake were slaine names of men to the number of seuē thousād An innumerable multitude hath ben sent out of the way by these Antichristes in their fury but yet nothinge haue they slayne but their names Onely haue they hurt their bodyes vpon their soules haue they had no power no more than had Sathan vpon the soule of Iob. Yet haue their not names perished befor god for of him are they writen in the booke of lyfe In no case are the wicked of the godly héere put to death though some do so vnderstand it but rather of the wicked the godlie For they neuer retaile their wronges but rather pray for their enimies 11 And the remnaunt or residue were feared saith saint Iohn and gaue glory to God of heauen Of such as were left in their earthquakes or terrible persecutions some remayned in pryson Some were beggered some were exiled some fled some lost their estimacion and friends and yet gaue prayse vnto God 12 In all their aduersities they gloryfied the name of their heauenly father and Lorde Thus haue we héere what is done already and what is it to come vnder this sixt trompet blowyng where vnder we are now which al belongeth to the second wo. 13 And these thinges once accomplished the second woe wyll be past And then looke by and by for the third woe for it wyll folow anone after without faile yea so soone as this second woe is done 14 In the later age of all shall this third woe raigne such time as Gog and Magog most extremly shall rage And the vninuersall iudgement shall finishe that woe as héere after more euidently wyll appeare But consider that these woes are to the infideles The faithfull feareth them not but receiuinge the worde in a pure hart they bringe forth fruite in pacient sufferaunce The xij Chapter NNw foloweth in order the seuēth trumpet blowinge or the pure declaration of Christes ioyfull tydynges for the laste age of the Church vnder the seuenth seale openynge with the wounders and maruayles that there after ensueth THE TEXT 1 And the seuenth Aungell blew 2. And there were made great voyces in heauen 3. Saying The kindomes of this worlde are our Lordes and his Christes 4. And he shall rayne for euermore 5. And the xxiiii elders vvhich sate before God on their seates 6. Fell vpon their faces and worshipped God saying 7. We geue thee thankes Lorde God almighty whiche art and waste and art to come 8. For thou hast receiued thy greate might and hast raigned 9. And the nation● were angry 10. And thy wrath is to come 11. And the time of the dead that they should be iudged 12. And that thou shouldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruantes the Prophets and sayntes 13. And to them that feare thy name small and great 14. And shouldest distroy them which destroye the earth The Paraphrase 1 And the seauenth Angel blewe sayeth Sainct Iohn The seuenth sort of sincere prechers shall vtter their message accordinge to the will of God they shall declare his pleasure as he hath appointed them For though it be spoken heare as past and done for the certentie of the thing yet is it not fulfilled in effecte The word of God was without beginning and his promyse euerlasting yet is it not all perfourmed in his creatures but many things are yet to come 2 After this blaste of the Angell were made great voyces in heauen Many the congregation or kingdom of God his Gospell once purely publyshed by the preachers shall speake godly thinges to the edification of other The simple poore weaklings idotes and infants shall vtter the hydden wisdome of god to the confusion of the great wise men and sage seniours of this world Yea the stones in the streat the outcastes of the world the forsaken people shall wonderfully prayse the Lord. 3 And these shal be their sayings when they shall sée the Antichristes cōfused and not able to speake again The kingdomes of this worlde that were somtime wicked cruel and vnfaithfull are now become the Lords and his Christes of his onely grace and goodnesse Now fall they to the worde that afore thought it foolishnesse Now cleaue they to the trueth that somtime did abhorre it Now haue they in hand the Gospel that afore dyd persecute it as sedicious learning and heresy 4 And in this congregation shal he raigne euermore Continually is he with them that in faith retaineth hys verytie All this shall they vtter with no small reioyce For doubtles after the seauenth seale opening and the gospell preaching then a peaceable time shall be and figured it is by the halfe houre spoken of afore For it shal not continue to the ende Long may not the church of Christ be vnpersecuted But yet this peace for the time shall ●ot onely be an inward peace in the conscience as is alwayes among the faithful but an outward quiet also or a season wtou● persecution abroade 5 And the xxiiij elders saith S. Iohn or the great number of saincts departed whiche sitteth before God on their seats or resteth in his swéet peace in such graces of the spirit as he gaue them by their lyfe time as charite stedfastnesse loue ioy peace méekenesse rightuousnesse and such other lyke fell downe flat vpon their faces 6 Most humblye haue they euer submitted themselues referryng vnto god the father the benfite of their creation and vnto Iesus Christ hys sonne the frée gyft of their redemption Yea sepcialli at this time being vnder the Antler of God knowyng by hys méere goodnesse the number of their brethē shortly to be fulfilled and them selues with thē to be at a gloryous liberty after their gostly sorte they laud hym saying 7 From the verye depth of our spirituall hartes we render vnto thée most hygh thankes Lorde god almighty eternall Father sonne and holy ghost which art one essenciall God and wast without beginninge and shalt be
but all other godly ministers of the word also which haue don the same euer since Onely reygneth the true Christian churche by the worde of God by the sincere scriptures by the doctrine of the Apostles and neyther supersticions nor ceremonies neither by councelles or customes by doctours nor fathers by miters nor rochetes by tippets nor hoods by shauē crownes nor side gowns by crosses nor copes by belles nor torches by shrines nor gilte Images nor yet by xij couples in a liuerie with golden chaines and garded coates Hir bewtie consisteth onely in faith and in the obseruation of Gods holy commaundements Hir true ministers or preachers as very chosen stars sheweth foorth his glorie to the edification of other and not their owne Pompe and magnificence 5 And shée was as is the woman with chylde Shée cryed traueyling in byrth and was payned as one readie to be deliuered With Christ is the church bigge whē hir members are in full faith In the harte is he euermore conceiued deliuered foorth suche time as he is declared vnto other For this cause Christ called them his mother which ha● faith and therevpon did the will of his father Of faith in the first promise that Christ should distroy the serpent was hée first conceiued in Adam and Eua and so grewe foorth in rightuous Abell in Seth Enos Enoche Noe Sem Thare Melchisedech Abraham and Loth. And as the promises waxed strōger as in Abraham Moyses Dauid and the Prophets and the people of God more in number so waxed the woman bigger bigger til the fulnesse of hir time was come that she shuld be deliuered Which was suche tyme as Christ appeared to the world taught and was cōuersaunt here among mē And this course hath shée kept euer since shall doe to the latter day in thē 〈◊〉 beléeue Thus hath shée had Christ in hir wombe since the beginning 6 And being full of hys heauenly spirit shée hath cryed in the Patriarks and Prophetes in the Apostles and faithfull ministers as one traueiling in byr●h Hyr crye was the mightie and stronge declaration of Christes doctrine the feruent zeale desire of the glorie of God of all mens health in Christ. Shée traueileth euer more a new lyke as did Paule tyll Christ be fashioned in hir christian mēbers With all hyr strength shée laboureth that the promised séede may encrease in the faith of all men 7 Fynally shée is payned with labours dolors blasphemies troubles and terrible persecutions and neuer is deliuered without them Neuer is Christ earnestly receyued til some of hir members doeth suffer The cōstant spirite inuincible standyng by the trueth in them hath conuerted many And lyke as the payned woman in all hir agonies is muche comforted by the hope of a childe so are Gods faithfull witnesses trustyng that by their pacient and glad sufferaunce Christ should bée receyued rightly fashioned in many Yea this causeth them to reioyce in all aduersitie and litle to estéeme their paines THE TEXT 1 And there appeared an other vvonder in heauen 2. for behold a greater red Dragon 3. hauyng seuen heades 4. and ten horns 5. and seuen crovvns vpon his head 6. and his tayle drue the third parte of the starres 7. and cast them to the earth The Paraphrase 1 After this sayeth Saint Iohn appeared in heauen an other token or meruaile all dyuers from the fyrst The true church which is gods kingdome was neuer yet without contradiction nor without the craftie assaultes of enimies Adam was not so soone created but he was immediately assaulted of Sathan Christ entered not so soone the worlde but hée was by and by persecuted The diuill goeth about lyke a roaring Lyon séeking whom he may deuoure 2 For behold there was séene a great red Dragon betokening the saide diuill with his whole retinue full of deceite crafte mallice poyson pryde and fiercenesse to enforce the poore weaklings to consent vnto his falsehood All red his bodie séemed in tokē that they which are of hym are all full of crueltie spight bloude sheading afflicting the constant beléeuers for withstanding hys assaultes Seldom is he out of the earth as winesseth Iob but commonly in the company of men impugnyng the faythfull And no power is able to matche him vnlesse it commeth from aboue 3 The sayd Dragon had vij heads signifying all the craftie wyles and subtile suggestions that he hath practised and vsed against Christ and hys word vnder all the vij seales opening and the vij trumpettes blowing Uerie easie it is to coniecture what maner of heades they were marking other places of the scripture A serpēts head should séeme to be the first considering that in the Serpent he deceyued our first parents with hys venymed craftes This head so maliciously poysoned man that God repented him of his creation and distroied hys whole kinde in the floud .viij. persōs only reserued After the floud had hée the head of a calfe for the seconde in signification of the shamefull Idolatrie and wicked worshippyng that then begon in Nemroth and so continued in the Heathen The third was the head of a Lyon full of pryde and oppression expressed first in the cruell reigne of the Assirians Caldeanes and after in the proude Bishoppes and priestes The fourth was a Beares head full of rauine and cruelnesse betokenig the fierce kingdom of Meades and Persianes Cōsequētly his fift head was lyke a Leopards head of many colours full of ficklenesse and chaungeablenesse And that was the vncōstant raign of the Greeks His sixt was the head of a beast farre vnlyke all other beastes which signifieth the kingdome of the Romans with their monstrous lawes more then néedeth The seuenth is not vnlyke to a mans heade including all carnall wisedome with all diuilyshe polices craftes this is the very papacie here in Europa which is the general Antichrist of all the whole world almost which hath alreadie subdued and distroyed the Empyre of Rome For he is called the Apostata man of sinne By this only head is the Dragon named the enuious mā The whole bodie foloweth the heads As the diuill is malicious wicked fierce cruel tyrannicall false execrable and deceitfull so are all his mēbers In the prudēce of the flesh after him they walk in Idolatrie hipocrisie all other filthinesse And like as afore Christes comming these heads were in the serpēt in the golden calues in the kingdome of Babilon in Nemroth in Pharao in Antiochus in the Pharisies scribes bishops Lawyers priestes so haue they bene since his time vnder the vij seales opening and the vij trumpets blowing after the same sort Under the first he had a serpēts head in the Iewes most maliciously and subtilly withstanding Christ his Apostles pretēding the zeale of God his lawes Under the second he had a calues head in the Idolators which slew the constant witnesses of Christes veritie Under the third the head of a proude Lyon in
the bloud of the Lambe 7 And by the worde of their testimonie 8. And they loued not their liues vnto the death 9 Therefore reioice ye heauens and ye that dvvell in them 10. Wo to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea 11. For the diuill is come dovvne vnto you 12. Whiche hath great vvrath 13. Because he knovveth that he hath but a short time The Paraphrase 1 And I hard a mighty great voice saith sainct Iohn which is the whole agremēt of all the sacred scriptures And the voice sayd thus vnto me 2 Now is there in heauen saluation in the church is the helth of soule now that the idolatry with other abhominatiōs is thrown forth and she cleane deliuered from their beggery Now appereth the power of the Lord that his Gospell is truely preached 3 Now is it become our Gods kingdome that theyr doctrine is not of men 4 Now hath it the whole strength of his anointed Al Christs labours merits and deseruinges his natiuitie passion resurrection and ascencion is now hir owne good Christes victory is theirs his crown his scepter his seate and kingdome is theirs Yea the possession of his fathers right hand is theirs 5 For the enimy of our brethren is throwne downe which cruelly accused them before god day and night The aduersarye Sathen which quarelled before the Lorde against pacient Iob and vexed hym sore in his substaunce and flesh neuer ceasinge to this day to trouble the rightuous with Antichristes and Tyrauntes is now ouercome by the victory of faith and his power greatly deminished in his members Now is the kingdome of God increased much people beīg vnfainedli cōuerted vnto christ 6 Conquered him they haue by no Power of theyr owne neyther merits nor works but through the inestimable strength whiche is in the bloud of the immaculate lamb Iesus Christ throgh the inuīcible word of his verity which they to the world haue testified 7 In the witnesse thereof haue they constantly suffered through faith in them haue they with him obtayned victorye ouer the worlde sinne hell death and the diuill Not theyr owne bodyes haue they spared to wyn thys conquest 8 But much more haue they loued Christ and his trueth than thēselues accounting it auantage to geue their liues for hym 9 Therefore reioyce ye heauens and al you that in them in doth dwel Ye Angels aboue ordeined for mans comforte ye sainctes departed from the miseries of this worlde ye faithfull beléeuers remanyng in this life and ye feruente fauourers of the Lordes verytie be glade that your brethren hath gotten the victory of the diuill and his Angels to the glory of Christ. 10 But wo vnto the wretched inhabitāts of the earth of the sea No small danger is towards thē that hath heard the voice of the Lord stil yet wil folow the course of this world no light peril hāgeth ouer their heads that are incōstāt fickle wauerin giuing back with euery blast for the pleasure of theyr flesh 11 Take héede of it therefore for vnto you that are suche the diuill is come downe with his subtil suggestions and craftes with his wyly cauteles and ingines Among you doeth he remayne watchyng to haue hys pray as he did among the children of Israell when they were become vnfaithfull 12 Tares will he sow to distroy the good séed for his wrath is great to sée him selfe thus deiected his hate is excéeding beholding his kingdom decayed Among you must he wreak his anger for he can not harme the faithfull Thorowe his enuye came death first into the world If ye will escape his snares looke ye giue no place vnto him but in fayth resist him manfully 13 He waxeth now mad fretteth with him selfe He myndeth to make hauoke and to doe much mischief bicause he knoweth that his tyme is short No longe season shall he haue from hencefoorth to deceiue The latter day he perceiueth not to be farre of wherin great torments abydeth both hym and his And that maketh him so woode That maketh hym so insaciably desirous to noye not caring what spyght he worketh against God And no wicked will leaueth he vnsought to perfourme his cruell intent Woe vnto them therefore that in these dayes taketh no héede Woe vnto them that stumbreth in wanton pleasures when most daunger is and the diuill moste busie not attending to the call warnyng of God THE TEXT 1 And when the Dragon saw that he was cast vnto the earth 2. hee pursued the woman which brought forth the man child 3. And to the woman were giuen ij winges of a great Egle 4. that shee might flye into the wildernesse 5. into hir place where shee is norished for a tyme tymes and halfe a time 6. from the presence of the Serpent 7. And the Dragon cast out of his mouth vvater after the vvoman as it had bene a ryuer 8. that he might cause hir to be caught of the flood 9. And the earth holpe the vvoman 10. and ●he earth opened hir mouth 11. and svvalovved vp the ryuer vvhich the dragon cast out of his mouth 12. And the dragō vvas vvroth vvith the vvoman 13. and vvent and made vvar vvith the remnaūt of hir seed 14. vvhich kepe the commaundements of God 15. and haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ 16. and he stoode on the sea sande The Paraphrase 1 And when the Dragon or most furious serpent the diuil the head maister of pride father of lyes saw that he was throwen downe vnto the earth by the valiaunt hoast of God Or such tyme as he perceyueth the Idolatrie superstition pompe hypocrisie and other abhominable filthinesse distroied by the word of God in his malignaūt Sinagoge of proud painted prelates 2 Then persecuteth he the poore woman which brought foorth the man chylde Then vexeth he the true congregation that teacheth none other but Christ and confesseth none other sauiour health and redéemer Them doeth he torment and punishe by hys mytred Mahounds and his shauē Sodomytes subduyng vnto them for that purpose the power of Kynges and might of magistrates Then sitteth Annas in consistorie Cayphas in sessions vpon lyfe and death Thē bringeth the woman hir childe foorth in payne By the martirdom or death of godly witnesses is Christ deliuered left here behind in the harts of many 3 And vnto the woman were giuen two winges of a great Egle or the two testaments of God contayning the Prophecie Gospel with the loue of God and our neighbour And these mightie winges were giuen hyr that shée might flye with them into the wildernesse Euermore whē daūgerous persecution is the mēbers of Christes congregation which are left here behynde hath aucthoritie of the old lawe to flée from it with Iacob Moyses Dauid and Helias of the new lawe also with Christ and his Apostles If they pursue you in one citie saith the Lord flée you into an other Not onely to saue your bodies but to fructifie
in him was the fulnesse of the veritie This beast hath but ii and yet they are but false coūterfet They seme to be Christs are not These are the corrupted letter of the ii testaments falsly interpreted and for a carnall purpose alleaged And therefore it is but apparent hipocritishe and deceitfull yea and cleane repugnant to the Lordes meaning not hauing the iudgment of his spirit This letter without the holy ghost is death nothing pertaineth vnto Christ. He is the verytie life this is but a fable or ficcion His word is spirit and life this is but a brasse pot sounding or a lattē cādelsticke tinkling fantastical faint sophisticall slaightye Though these séeme like Christs yet are they none of his but y● very horns of the beast For they vphold antichrists kingdom not his a worldly glory not his for his kīgdō is not of this world no lōger ar they his words his lawes nor his testimonies thā they maintaine his right honour No newly practised worshipinges aloweth he for his but vtterly abhorrith thē al as things rawe vnsauery 4 And therefore it folowith that this spake as did the dragon The doctrines and teachings of these false Apostles and deceitefull maisters are lyes in hipocrisye and the verye doctrine of deuils vnder title of the veriti repugnaunt to the same Not vnlyke to y● the serpent sayd vnto the woman ye shall not dye if you eate of the forbidden fruite but ye shall be surelye as Gods knowing both good and euyll They do as did sathan in the desar● Alwayes they perswade vs either of stones to make bread or els to throw our selues downward or els to worship the deuill That is to chaunge the good creatures of God from their right vse as trées into idoles silkes velvets cloth golde siluer into supersticious ornamēts chast mariage into stinking whoredome and sodomie with such lyke To decline from the duties cōmanded of God to their idle obseruaciōs so making his commaundements of none effect for the vaine traditions of men And finally to fall vnto forbidden worshippings or abhominatiōs of Idolatrie of whō they are full And for these they haue with Sathā also their mangled scriptures to lay for thē to proue that the help of dead saincts is necessary their masses merytes works more than néede expedient and the fyre of Purgatory a fearefull thing with the diuil all of such fantasies These are the prelates of Antichrists church the two horned mōsters or great bellyed Byshops rightly discribed here of the holy ghost in this two horned beast These beastly buszards ar not ashamed both to say write that in their miters they beare the figure of both Testaments whose veritie they impugne with tooth nayle Uery truly they say that they carrie the figure for in déede it is but a shadowe they beare Not to glorifie God but their owne beastly bodyes with gold pearl stone lyke Mahoūds in a playe for hys trueth they most cruelly persecute These are the verye false Prophets the instrumēts of sathā the deceiuers wolues wagelings Iudasses dremers liers Idols aduersaries adders whelps foxes distroying the Lords vineyard deceitful workmē desperate shephards blind watchmen dum dogs diuils incarnate wicked séede vnsaciate beasts whose God is their belly glory their confusiō To al these to many other such doth the holy ghost compare them for that they haue with their errors lyes turned the swéetnesse of the scriptures into bitternesse scarsly leauing one place therof vndefiled with their filthy dregs 5 This beast saith S. Iohn dyd all things that the first beast could doe euen before his own face The same lying power to deceyue in hypocrisie hath this beastly brood that the great Antichrist hath y● same wily craftes the same beastly kindes of idolatry so doeth vse them The same abhominations maintain they y● world ouer that the pope maintaineth at Rome Mahomet in Barbary of Turkye Yea the same superstitiōs sorceries the same execrable traditions and beggeries The same ceremonies haue they that hée hath the same vnctions the same orders the same masses The same idle obseruatiōs with vnknown cloyning clattering and wauling are still vsed in Englād like as they were vsed afore and with no lesse blasphemy vnto God 6 To doe suche things in the fyrst beasts presence is to do them where his power aucthoritie is raigning or where as is the seate of Sathan which is euery place that admitteth straunge worshipping 7 Both the earth them that dwell in the earth compell they to worship this first Beast Not only enforce they them to wicked Idolatry that neuer wold know the truth but also many of those which haue great knowledge in the same Oh how many are in Englād in other regiōs also that in these daies worketh against faith knowledge the holy Ghost admitting the priestes abhominations Rather had they to dwell still in the earthly beggerie with the blasphemie of God than either to be out of fauour or to loose their offices to haue their goods hindred or to hazarde their lyues so swéet ar these wātō worldly plesurs Rather had they to perishe with the sonnes of Hely Samuel for abusing the ordinances of the Lord with Core Dathā Abirō for rebelling against them to sinke vnto hel then with Christ to take paynes in pouertie But let not thē think to be worthy of Christ that better loue their owne carnall commoditie thā his heauēly veritie 8 Well the beast must they worship whose woūd is made whole His olde rustie rules newe burnished and his olde Romish ragges new patched by a newly confyrmed aucthoritie must they embrase in paine of death The Lambe shall not yet be suffred to appear Stil for a time must these terrible termagaunts haue more worship thā God their traditions preferred to his most pure worde And why shuld it not be so haue they not now a new refourmed church in whom the beasts woūded hed is newly restored So lōg as it is like the popes church it must folow his rules and cleaue to his ordinaūces It shall not folow Christ in ●aith in doctrine til it appear like the church which he left here behynd him whan he ascended And that is not lyke to be yet 9 First must there be wrought great wōders Fyre must be compelled to come downe from heauen in the sight of men by this two horned beast The disciples of Antichrist with their by furked ordinaries must violētly pluck from the true Christiā church whose reign is not of this world the eternal word of the Lord. 10 Then must they take from them the consuming fyre that Christ sent downe into the earth of mens harts to drye vp all mallice and sinne Yea they must depryue them of the clouē fierie tonges which the holy ghost poured vpon the Apostles to the cōfort of all the world The tresure that Christ hath left
wonder For they are so blinded with hyr foppryes tangled with hir toies that they iudge all that she doth holy religeous and perfect And al this suffereth God for their vnbeleues sake destroyinge neuerthelesse the wysdome of the wise and prudence of the prudent in his 13 Hir very name agréeing to hir fruites is this Great Babilō in mischiefe far aboue the citie of the Chaldeās and much more full of confusion For shée is the originall mother the cause the bginnyng the roote the spryng and the fountaine of all spirituall fornications and in a maner of all fleshly abhominations also done vpon the earth This is to the faithfull sort as a written name of hir euident cleare open and manifeste But to the vnfaithfull it is onely as a mistery hidden darke obscure and neclect For so are the secrets that God openeth to babes hydeth from the wise 14 And I saith Iohn perceiued it euidentlye in my fore vnderstandinge that this woman the very wife of the deuill and of his beastly body for the byssh●ps are the husbandes of theyr romyshe churches was all dronken in the bloudy slaughter of the Saincts or ernest christian beléeuers and in the excéedinge tyrannous murther of the faithfull witnesses of Iesu or sincere preachers of his word For neither of both she spareth Besides all Godlye wisdome is she and forgetfull of hyr selfe through this same blouddye dronknes so great exces hath she takē 15 And when I perceyued and sawe hir with all hir adders whelpes so beastyshe sayth saynt Iohn with exceading wonder I marueyled Not only that she was thus ouerset with bloud drinking or outragious murthering of inocentes but also of hyr excéeding great abhominacions 16 And most of all I wondered that the almighty God could with so much paci●nce suffer hir in such mischiefe The texte 1 And the Angell sayde vnto me 2. Wherefore merueilest thou 3. I wyll shew thee the misterye of the woman and of the beast that beareth hyr which hath seauen heades and ten hornes 4. The beast that thou seeste was 5. And is not 6. And shall ascende out of the bottomlesse pit 7. And shall goe into perdicion 8. And they that dvvel on the earth shal vvōder 9 whose names are not vvrittē in the booke of lyfe from the beginninge of the vvorld 10. vvhen they beholde the beaste that was and is not The Paraphrase 1 And as I was thus with my selfe marueilynge the Angell or afore named decrée of the Lord sayde vnto me these words 2 Wherfore doest thou thus maruel thou mortall man 3 For thy gentle and méeke expectation I shall shew vnto thée the mystery of this wretched woman and of the cruell beaste that beareth hir whiche hath seauen heades and ten hornes By this shalt thou know the true churche from the ●alse the iust preachers from the hipocrites the sincere doctrine from their subtile sophismes their lawful authority from their cruelly vsurped presumcions For that sheweth the Lord vnto his electes that he will not haue knowne of all men 4 The execrable beast or carnal kīgdom of Antichrist which thou hast sene here in mistery was as concerninng his beginning in Caine first of al so continue forth in the fleshly children of men in the chaplaines of Pharao Hieroboam Baal and Bel in the cruell bishopes pristes and lawiers with such other like til the death of Christ and so forth 5 And now the said beast is not in power and authority as he hath bene For in Iohns time certayn yeares before the writing of this reuelacion was the proud clergy of the Iewes vtterly destroyed by Titus and Uespasian in the terrible siege of Hierusalem Notwithstanding yet shal this beaste rise againe in the Romishe Pope and Mahomet and in their false prelates and doctours 6 He shal assend out of the bottomles pit from the stinking denne of sathan exalting him selfe in worship aboue al that is called God But in the conclsiuon he shall haue an end 7 Into perdicion shal he go without fail The Lorde shall firste vtter his wickednesse as now in this age and than with the spirit of his mouth consume him and destroy him So that his high climing vp shal at the laste be the chefe cause of his fal Yet shal his wicked rēnaūt once again set vp their Christes persecute a fresh but that shal be no full raise vnto hym 8 And the rable of reprobates which dwel on the earth or for earthly commodities contēneth Gods truth shall wonder once again not without much inward reioyce that their Churche riseth againe out of the olde hipocrisyes 9 Whose names are not registred in Christe which is the large booke of life and hath bene both the life the lyght of men since the first constitucion of the mouable world No they are not numbred amōg those rightuous that shall raigne with hym in glory 10 These aduersaries of God and his worde shall haue much gladnesse in their wicked hartes whan they beholde the beast thus comminge vp agayne that was of such magnificence and now is but a thinge of noughte that was estéemed aboue GOD and now is proued dampnacion So longe is this beastly Antichriste as he worketh the misterie of iniquitie in the reprobate vesselles and whan he leaueth that workinge than is he no longer Marke in this processe past the nature of GODS eternall decrée for this age of his Church Fyrst it sheweth and than it condempneth the curssed Sinagog of the diuel In signification whereof the true preachers of our time haue manife●●ly opened hir wickednesse vnto all the worlde wherevpon her vtter destruction must shortely follow Watch good Christian Reader and pray earnestly THE TEXT 1 And here is a minde that hath vvisdome 2. The seauen heades are seuen mountaines 3. Whereon the vvoman sitteth 4. They are also seuen kings 5 Fiue are fallen 6 And one is 7. And the other is not come 8. Whan he commeth he must continue a space 9. And the beast that vvas and is not is euen the eight 10. And is one of the seauen 11. And shall go into destruction The Paraphrase 1 Here is a meaning which comprehendeth wisdom A sincere vnderstanding shal herein be requisit Necessary it is therfore to take héed lest thou holde the harlot and beast for that they boast them selues to be to thy dampnacion 2 The seauen heades of the beast aforemencioned by the plaine diffinicion of the holy ghost are here to be taken for seuen mountaines or the vniuersall princly monarchies of the .vij. climates of the world 3 Upon these the woman that Babilonish harlot Rome from whom hathe issued all spirituall whordome in moste proud maner sitteth hauynge ouer them a vnyuersall domynyon For in Iohns time to Rome was all the worlde subiecte Onder whose cruell reigne was Christe done to death so hath his faythfull members bene euer since by a new raised kingdome in the same 4 These heads are also vii kynges or
abhominations of this whorish church till the words and promises of God by his Apostles and Prophets which can neuer fayle be wholly fulfilled in effecte and till his last iudgemēt doe finish all But thus doe not all they which haue done of the yoke of the Popes obedyence or blotted out his name For the greater number of them retaineth still the blasphemous obseruacions cerimonies of hys Romish relygyon some making new lawes of deth for the establishmēt of the same as is in England the acte of the .vj. Articles with diuers other more And for this remayneth here stil the beast as receiuing the rendred kingdome of the whore In whom is also comprehended the wicked remnant that shal worke the last mischiefe whom the Lorde shall ende with his saide iudgement This beast is not without his liuely Image still working the same féetes that him selfe wrought afore though his head be greuouslye wounded in diuers quarters of the world Neyther is he without craftye phisitions to minister life to the same Who euer forswore the Pope more ernestly than did Stokislye and Samson Gardyner and Tunstall Wylson and fryer Wattes with such other holy prelats yet labour they toth and nayle to haue Babilō stil Babilō Sodome Sodom and Egipt Egipt But maruail not of the ordinance of the Lord which all at on time prouyded Moyses to guide his people yet hardened Pharao against thē which sent his sonne Iesus Christ to saue them and yet suffered the pristes to murther him considering he is the potter which maketh both the vessels of honouer and dishonour 31 Brifly to conclud the whole of thys matter saith the angel the gorious aparreled woman or glittering church of Antichrist which thou sawest here of late in mistery is also in recēblance the great citty Babilō the mother of al the spiritual abhominacions Idolatries don vpon the earth For like as frō Sion hath the laue cōmen forth the word of god from Hieruselē so hath issw●d forth frō this Babilonish Rome such a false religiō into Emperours princes peoples as with filthy superstitions hath poysoned all the world 14 For a kingdō she hath ouer the kings or noble gouernours of the earth a false power a vsurped authority a seat of very pestelence Alas for pitty that so worthy potentates shoulde bée in subiection to so stinking an whore to so vyle an harlot being so the seruaunts of sinne and captiue slaues to all wickednesse from the whiche the Lorde once deliuer them Amen Thus endeth the second part The Contentes of the seconde parte THe xj Chap. beginneth wherin Iohn measureth the Temple the Aulter and them that worship therein The .ij. witnesses doe their appointed offices the beast making warre against them and sleying them A great Earthquake followeth and the second woe is past The xij Chapter beginneth wherin the seuenth Angell bloweth his trompet In heauē appeareth a woman all cloathed with the sun whom the Dragon diuersly vexeth Mychaell fighteth with the Dragon and ouercommeth him The woman flyeth into the wildernesse and there is preserued The xiij Chapter beginneth wherin a beast ryseth out of the sea with seuen heades and ten hornes receyuing authority of the Dragon One of his heades is wounded and healed agayne An other beast commeth out of the earth with .ii. hornes which deceiueth the earthly dwellers and raiseth vp an Image like vnto the beast In the ende is counted the number of the beast The .xiiij. Chapter beginneth wherin the Lambe standeth vpō the mount Sion and the vndefiled congregacion with him An Angell sheweth the euerlasting Gospel an other declareth the fal of the great whore An other is commaūded with his sikle to cut down the grapes of the vineyard The .xv. Chap. beginneth wherein Iohn séeth the seuen Angels hauing the seuen last plages of the wrath of God On the glassy sea standeth men hauing the harpes of God they sing the song of Moyses and the songe of the lambe The tabernacle of testymony is séene in heauen The .xvi. Chapter beginneth where in the seuen Angels power out theyr vials of gods wrath The first vpon the earth The secōd vpō the sea The third vpon the riuers The fourth vpon the sūn The fift vpon the seat of the beast The vj. vpon the great floud Euphrates And the seuenth into the ayre The xvij Chapter beginneth wherin an Angell sheweth vnto Iohn the iudgement of the great whore which sitteth vpon the beast Hée discrybeth both hir and the beast at large Finally he sheweth the meaning both of hys heades and hornes with other great mysteries more The poore persecuted church of christ or immaculate spouse of the Lambe Apoca. 12. The Dragō was wroth with the woman which fled into the wildernesse and went and made warre with the remnaunt of hir séede which kept the commaundement of god and haue the testimone of Iesus Christ. The proude painted Church of the Pope or sinfull Sinagoge of Sathan Apoca. 17. I sawe woman sitte vpon a Rose coloured beast full of names of blasphemye decked with golde precious stone and pearles with whom the Kinges of the earth committed whordome and the inhabiters of the earth are dronken with the wyne of hir fornication ¶ THE THIRDE parte of the Image of both churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly reuelation of saint Iehn the Euangelist c. Compiled by Iohn Bale Apoca 1. ¶ I Ihon your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdome of pacience which is in Christe Iesu was in the I le of Pathmos for the worde of God A small Preface vnto the Christen Reader FOr so muche as this Image of both churchs or exposition vpon S. Iohns Apocalipsis seemed vnto me as it came vnto the printing to be farre to much for one volume I thought to deuide it by equall porcions into three smal bookes as I haue now done in deede Of whom the firste contayneth x. Chapter the second vii the third v. onely which maketh out the whole number of the xxii Some peraduenture wil maruel that the smaller nūber of the chapters should comprehend so much of that commētarie as the greater number But if they marke in the text the aboundinge of misteries euermore as the matter thereof aboundeth they will soone leaue their marueiling The nature of this reuelation is the further it goeth the more wonders it sheweth openeth vnto hym that after praier shal in faith reade it and deserne it Neuer therin are the principles well perceiued till the conclusion thervpon folowinge doth playnely with the other scriptures conferred declare them In these v. last chapters are the two churches wherevpon resteth the whole argumēt of this booke fully by all dew circumstaunces described thē turned ouer into a moste fearefull and terrible destruction vnder title of the olde whorish Babilon the other obtayning a moste glorious rayse vnder the name of the holy new Hierusalem In the xvij● Chapter is that execrable churche of
antichrist with hyr filthye wares and occupings painted out hereof the holye Ghost with hir most horrible fal in the end hir worldly fauours shewing gret heanies and the seruants of God an excedyng reyse In the .xix. Chapter is that reyoice of elect number ouer the tirryble iudgments of that whore much more highly discribed the deth of Christes holy witnesses most plentyously reuenged and how the Angel in no case will of Iohn be worshiped In the .xx. Chapter is the dragon tied vp for a thousand years the chosen sort reigning with Christ. Gog and Magog gather thē to battayle and are ouercōmen The dead after that ariseth and receiueth iudgement In the xxi Chapter is the church of the chosen or the new Hierusalem prepared to to hir spouse That citie commeth downe from heauen and is of the holy ghoste here after most wonderfull circumstaunces in hir right proportion described In the xxii Chapter the riuer of lyuinge waters proceedeth from the throne of God Iohn sealeth vp the sayinges of this prophecy Christ concludeth what his kingdome is and who shall be therevnto receyued admonishyng that vnto his worde nothing be added of men in payne of dampnation Some hatefull and vngodly blasphemers there are and euer hath bene whiche wyll in no wise this Booke to be of equall authorytie with the other scriptures of christes testament But damnably wretched 〈◊〉 are they in the vaine imaginations of their sinful h●rts The most high Theologye and secret wisdome of God the eternall father is the blessed doctrine there of geuen vnto hys onely sonne in our humanytie and after that of him so cōmited vnto Iohn by the holy ghost to be distributed taught by hym to the vniuersal christen cōgregation which is a most sufficient argument of the authoritie therof what so euer mad Momus shall quarrell to the contrary Iames Faber Stapulensis in his preface prefixed to the woorkes of Dionise the Ariopagyt doubted neuer a deale to prefer this heauenly prophesie to all the other writings of the other Apostles confessing that in worthines it farre passed them all the due circumstances there of considered The more nigher saith he the light be to the sun the more strength it hath and the more clernesse it ministreth vnto men But Momus hath not yet done away the madde mistes of his monkery nor yet the darke dregges of his sophistry which both are great blemyshing vneo his eye sight The wisdom of Plato Homerus Cicero auaileth nothing in this Aristotle Uirgil if thei were aliue could herein do little or nothing In estimably more maketh the poore fishers learning to the vnderstanding of these misteryes thē the prowd painted eloquence or far set resōs of the philosophers The Lord geue vs grace from the barne of his most plentuous scriptures to fetche the fat feedyng of our feble hungry soules that we may by thē obtayne his strength into the lyfe euerlasting The third part of the Image of both chruches after the most wonderfull heauenly reuelacion of saint Iohn the Euangeliste Compiled by Ihhn Bale The xviij Chapter VNder the title of Babilon is here in this chapter folowing described the feareful iudgment of the malignant church with the ruinous fal of Antichrist and his kingdom prefigured afore in Esay and Hiremye THE TEXT 1 And after that I savve an other angell 2 Com dovvne frō heauen 3. hauing great povver 4. And the earth vvas lightned vvith his brightnes 5 And he cried mightely vvith a strong voyce saying 6. She is falen she is fallen 7 Euen greate Babilon 8. And is become the habitacion of Deuils 9. And the holde of al foule spirites 10. And a cage of all vnclene and hatefull birdes 11. For all nacions haue dronk of the vvine 12. of the vvrath of hyr vvhordom 13. And the kinges of the earthe haue commited fornicaciō vvith hyr 14. And hyr marchauntes are vvaxen ryche 15. of the abundance of hir pleasurs The Commentarie 1 After these manifolde visions sayeth S. Iohn was I yet ware of an other aungel or heauenly messenger of the Lord cōmyng downe from heauen whnch is the habitacle of God For from aboue al goodenesse cōmeth This Aungell betokeneth the faythfull preachers of our age and is all one wiih the Angel that had the seale of the liuing God in the vii Chapter wyth him that was clothed with a cloude in the x Chapter and with him thai procllamed the fal of Babylon in the .xiiii. chapter 2 In that he is sayd here to come downe from heauen is signified that they are sente 〈◊〉 God hauing great power with constaunt feruentnesse of spyrit strongelye to declare hys wil to the vtter destruction of the whore For like as the father hath lyf in hym selfe so hath his sonne Iesus and ●o hath in hym his Godlye ministers 3 His power is an euerlasting power retayninge both lyfe and death 4 With the brightnes not of this angell which was but a messēger but of the power that was geuen vnto him was the vniuersal earth abundantlye lightned Full is all the world of the glory of God where as his word 〈…〉 his verity is once spred by y● true Godly prechers 5 In this strong power cr●ed he might●ly in this clere light was his earnest voice herd vttering this sentence to the world 6 She is falen clean down that was so proud she is turned ouer that was so glorious an whore yea euen the great Babilō hyr self or blasphemous church of the Hipocrites 7 By the iudgement of God is ●he brought to vtter confusion Firste ha● she a ●al by the death of Christ when the prince of this world was throwē forth Mark the distruction of Hierusalem wher the church of the Iews dyd cease the material temple of Salamō and clearelye ouerthrowen not one stone vpon an other remayning Now shall she haue an other much worse by the playne ●●nifestation of hys word to the comfort of all his elects And both are of one certenty though the one he pa●te and the other yet to come Confer with this place the ouerthrowe of the monasteries in England Denmarke the free cities of Germany certaine other regions thinke that more sorowes are yet comming 8 These are the causes of hyr fall and occasions of hyr ruyne before the Lord. She is become the filthy habitacion of deuils much more than before hir first fa●l for now they enter in by heaps yea seuen for ●n afore 9 Now is she the stinking hold of all vnclene spirites For ther haue al the kinds of Idolatry their earnest maintenance by hir spiritual occupiers the bishops priestes and religious There regneth Simony Sacrilege Usury fraud ambition mallice glotony auaryce pryde filthynes all mischiefes beysde 10 Now is she the corrupt cage of all vnclene fowles and ●atefull byrdes For in hyr dwelleth the aduouterous Cardinals the buggery bishops the prostibulous prelates and pristes the Gomorreane monks chanons friers and nonnes an
vnto Idols THE TEXT 1 And I savv heauen open 2. And beholde a white horse 3. And he that sate vpon him 4. VVas called faithfull and true 5. And in rightuousnesse did he iudge 6. And make battell 7. His eyes vvere a flama of fyre 8. and on his head vvere many cro●vnes 9. And he had a name vvritten 10. That no man knevv but him selfe 11. And he vvas clothed vvith a vesture dipt in bloud 12. And his name is called the vvord of God The Commentarye 1 After this sayeth Saint Iohn I saw heauen open Uery euident were the misteries of the Lorde vnto me I perceiued that through fayth méeknesse great knowledge men might haue of the secrets of God Open is heauen euermore when gods word is fréely taught And closed vp it is again when that is layd aparte 2 And behold a pure white horse appeared in this misterye whiche betokneth the true ministers or perfecte preachers of the Apostles doctrine as is mencioned afore in the sixt chapter hereof the godly nature of these is as is specified in Paule to carry the gloryous veritie of the Lorde the worlde ouer and to publishe it before the gouernours and peoples of the nations 3 He that sate vpon this white horse or assisted these preachers by his spyrite was the eternall sonne of God whiche hath euermore bene called in the scriptures faithful of hys promise and true of his worde Rightuous is Lorde saith Dauid in all his waies sure of his sayings perfect in all his workes 4 None other thing could he teache but the veritie which was the veryty it selfe nor yet they whiche had hys godly spirit 5 Accordinge to true equitie hath he iudged in vtterly condemning by his word the proude sinagog of sathan in exalting againe his owne méeke spirited church 6 First in his owne person as a mightie warriour did he battayle with the Diuell and by his death o●ercame him Now by his faithfull preachers doth he rightuouslye ouerturne his kingdome by vertue of the same graciously sending them forth in this latter age vnder the ●ipe of this white horse For horses of lustty courage are his faithfull seruantes after Abacuk Yea and whiter are they then eyther snow or milk by theyr true beléefe after Ieremy I sayth the Lord which am the word of rightuousnesse do valianaly battaile to saue you For none other purpose fighteth he but to the intent to preserue his elects 7 The eyes of this horseman were as the pure flame of fire effectuall mighty and cleare And these are not onely his godly vnderstanding knowledge wherby he perceiueth decerneth and iudgeth clearly al thinges but also the vniuersal graces of the holy ghost Upon one sure stone saith Zachary whō Paule calleth Christ shall be seauen eyes which are the seauen spirits of god With these eyes lightneth he the herts of godly men and kindleth their mindes to the true loue of God Hys worde is a lanterne to their féete a light to their pathes Pure is his commandement geuing clearnesse to the sight Open thou mine eies lord saith Dauid then shal I wel perceiue the wonderfull misteries of thy doctrine 8 Upon his head saith S. Iohn were also many beautifull crownes like as were before in figure vpon the heade of Iosedech the high priest in token y● christ is the high king ouer al worlds regions and ages For he is the Lord of hostes the eternall king of glorye he was constitute a principall gouernour our Sion the holy hyl of the lord He geueth prosperitie to kings and hath their victori in his hands In him as in their head haue all his elect mēbers their crowns Both with mercy shal he crowne them and also with longe kindenesse For Peter hath he laid vp a crowne of incorruptible glorye for Iohn a crown of lif for Paul a crown of rightuousnes so forth For the whole conflict victori and triumphe of the saints is of him alone 9 He had a special name written or eternally of god his father appointed whose excellent maiestie no creature vnderstanding was able of his owne industry to comprehende Omnipotent was this name maruelous honorable holy and terrible Adonay Emanuel a name of saluation a name aboue al names Yea the Lord was his name or the Lord our rightuous maker 10 No man knoweth this name saue he him selfe onely and they to whom he hath shewed it Neyther fleshe nor blo●d gentill nor Iewe hipocryte nor false christian hath rightl● knowdn it No though they haue said lord lord For none cā say ioyntly that Iesus is the lord but in the holi ghost which openeth al godly veritie In this name is registred the elect number of gods adoptiue childrē whō the world doth not know for hys nor neuer wil do 11 And this lord was beutifully adorned with a vesture faire comely but it was al dipt in blood sō haue takē this garmēt for his rightuousnes wherin hath appeared all auengementes ouer his enimies Som haue supposed it to be his churche all bloudy in his martires and constant witnesses But vpon their side am I which haue takē it for his flesh for that did he on as a vesture So sore hath that vesture ben stryped and so gréeuo●slye-wounded that from the sole of the foote to the ouermost part of the head was no whole place in it This mighty capitayne is he which came from Edom and Bosra his clothes be sprinkled with red His apparell is all spotted much lyke vnto his raiment that treadeth in the wine presse For his mortall nature suffered most paynefull death Alone tr●de he downe the wine presse in th●se dayes had no mā to help him Alone was he wounded for our offences alone were our punishmentes laid vpō him with whose strips we ar now heled 12 And his name saith s. Iohn besids that is spoken afore is the eternal word of god He is called the word which was in the beginning which god which furnished the heuens aboue which ordered al thīgs beneth now last of al toke flesh restoring lightning quickning heling sauing all them that truly beleueth in him THE TEXT 1 And the warriours vvhich were in heauē 2. follovved him 3. vpon vvhyte horses 4. clothed vvith vvhite and pure silke 5. and out of his mouth vvent a sharpe svverd 6. that vvith it he should smite the Heathē 7. And he shal rule them vvith a rodde of yron 8. and hee trode the vvine fat of the fiercenesse 9. of the vvrath of almightie God 10. And hath on his vesture 11. and on his thigh a name vvritten 12. king of all kings 13. Lord of all Lords The commentary 1 The valiaunt warryours or constant ministers which were in heauen or in the holy housholde of faith dyd follow him in a comely order vpō faire white horses 2 Accordyng to his scriptures dyd they lead their conuersation After the rules of hys godly discipline dyd they liue
with Helias in the mount of Tarmo●us made an aulter in the Lords name The sure ground of these foundations was that Christ is the sone of the liuing God Upon this builded all they both in their preachyngs and writyngs All one with this was the faith of the Prophets which beléeued that he was the Lambe that shoulde take away the sinnes of the worlde For they inquired the way of saluation they serched for the sauinge health Wherin thy proue themselues the liuing stones of this spiritual building Thus vnto one sure grounde of faith extended the belues both of the Apostles and Prophetes Now are ye citizens with the saintes sayth Paule to the Ephesians builded vpō the sure founda●ion of y● Apostles prophetes Iesus Christ being the fast corner stone For this cause are the apostles put here before the prophets that we redīg thir profices shuld vnderstād thē after y● apostle doctrin so deduce thē both vnto christ And for this consideration are they here called the Lambes Apostles that they haue in all their instructions and writings vttered nothinge but that they haue receiued of his wonderfull rich and plentuous habundance Besids all this not only are these twelue héere named to be taken for the xii foundations and none other For than should Paule be excluded which laboured more then all the rest So shuld Barnabas Silas Lucas Agabus Iudas the rightuous Iohn that was called Marcus with many other But so many godly ministers are of the sorte besids them as hath bene of the same faith spirit and doctrine For ye must consider that twelue is here a vniuersall number as in other places and betokneth all the whole felowshipp they be holden for the principals for that they were present with Christe The Text. 1 And he that talked vvith me 2. Had a golden rede 3. To measure the Citie vvith all 4. And the gates there of 5. And the vvall therof 6. And the citie vvas built fouresquare 7. And the length vvas as large as the bredthe of it 8. And he measured the Citie vvith the reede xii thousād furlongs 9. And the length and the bredth 10. And the height of it vvere equall 11. And he measured the vvall therof an hundred and xliiii cubits 12. After the measure of man vvhich the Angell had The Commentary 1 And the Angell saieth sainte Iohn or set purpose of the Lord which commoned thus with mee in secrete mistery had a measure al of Golde in his hand in similitude of a Réede not all vnlyke vnto them that talked with Ezechiel and Zacharie in misterye also 2 And with this golden Réede which is the pure word of God dyd he take measure bothe of the Citie it selfe and of the twelue gates thereof and also of the great mightye wall of the same 3 The determinate purpose of the euerlastinge builder measureth all thinges concerning his church according to his vndefiled scriptures which are the right rule of faith and the rod of right order in his kingdome What so euer they be saieth both Paule and Dauid that liue according to this rule mercy and peace be vnto them as vpon the Israell of God Not onely is this measuring Réed precious in it selfe but also as golde in the furnace it is dayly tried a fresh through many troubelous aduersaries of them that hath vnfainedly set hands vpon it Diuersly measureth this Réede of the spirit in the citie in the gates in the wal For diuers are the gifts of the holy ghost in one congregation of the Lord vnto euery one is giuen a grace according to the mesure of faith Some hath he constitute apostles some prophets some euangelists some pastours teachers to the necessarye edification of Christes misticall body For here by the citie is ment the whole congregation of Gods elects perfectly ioyned together in one true beléeue 4 By the gates the godly preachers and counselers by whom Christ openeth vnto his kingdom 5 By the wall the mighty power which he hathe committed to the Angels or spirites of heauen to kepe thē to the godly princes and magistrates here to defend them and to other true ministers to hold them still in rightuousnesse All these must be measured They must be brought to the touchstone The scriptures must trye of what spirit they are If they agrée not to this measure they pertaine not to the citie of god But they are that salt vnsauery that is no better worth thā to be throwne forth of men and those vnprofitable seruauntes whome the Lord shal cast into exteriour darknes 6 And as concerninge the fashion of this citie builded all foure square all foure sides therof being of like length and bredth 7 No lenger nor broder was it vpō the east side than vpon the north syde nor vpon the south part than towards the west But equall it was euery way towards al quarters of the world And as it was in length bredth so was it in height Which signifieth not only the perpetual stabilitie or surenesse of the true christiā faith the Lord euermore preseruing it but also the faithful beleuers of on quarter of the world are so hyly accepted vnto hī as of another So largely doth he rewarde them of y● East that truly beléeueth in Christ as of any other quarters els and so highly doth he estéeme them So deere vnto him are those good Christians that dwell amonge the Sarizens Turkes and Iewes as are they which dwell in the middest of Christendome So precious that lie sick in the spittle house as they which pray in the temple Noe founde grace in the sight of God whan all the worlde els were wicked Loth was iudged rightuous in the midst of the filthy Sodomits And so are manye yet to this day among the Idolatrous and supersticyous papistes Still are there Lambes among wolues cleane wheat amonge tares and good fishes among euill Iob was a companion with the Dragons Estryches Esaye dwelt among il tonged people Ezechiell in the middest of a froward housholde Sayncte Paule commended the Philipyans in y● they shone among the peruerse generation as lights in the firmament Neuer is God any parciall accepter of persons but amonge all peoples he that in his feare worketh rightuousnesse is accepted vnto hym whatsoeuer he bée Thus are they in length bredth and heygth spirituall godly and heauenly through hys worde 8 Moreouer this Angell measured the cytie wyth the golden rode and it was in compasse .xii. thousande furlonges Which signifieth Christes kingdome to be so large euery way that it reacheth the whole earth ouer by his word and promis The sonde of the Apostels preachyng hath gone out into all landes and theyr doctryne into the endes of the world For .xii. euermore in the scriptures is an whole perfect number and a thousand a vniuersall summe as we haue here noted afore No mā ought in thys heauenly work● supersticiously to obserue the numbers but rather to séeke dilygently to