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B20727 The keyes of the kingdom of heaven and power thereof according to the word of God / by Mr. Iohn Cotton ... Cotton, John, 1584-1652. 1644 (1644) Wing C6437 60,953 71

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circumstances thereof yea and in these cases of the ordinary conversation of the person offending We need not inlarge in the application of this Although a greater Assembly of Elders are to be reverenced as more wise and able than a few Elders with their single Congregations and accordingly may have an higher doctrinall power a power properly and peculiarly suited to their Abilities in cases of difficulty to determine and direct Congregations in their way yet Christ hath not betrusted them with that power Hee hath done the Congregations because they are abstracted from the people And so one Tribe of men concerned in all the forementioned respects is wanting which Christ would have personally concurring not by delegation or representation alone not to the execution only but even to the legall sentence also of cutting men off as in the former paralell and instance may bee observed Yea and the higher and the greater the association of the Presbyteries are the further are they removed from the people and although you might have thereby a greater helpe in that Juridicall knowledge of the Rule to be proceeded by yet they are in a further distance and disinabled therby from that Precise practique knowledge of the Fact and frame of spirit in the person transgressing And Cases may be as truely difficult and hard to bee decided from obscuritie and want of light into the Circumstantiation of the Fact and person in which it was committed and by him obstinately persisted in as of the Law it self Other considerations of like weight might here be added if not for the proofe which we do not here intend yet the clearing of this particular As also to demonstrate that that other way of proceeding by withdrawing communion is most sutable to the relation that by Christs endowment all Churches stand in one towards another yea and wherein the least being a body to Christ doth stand unto all But we should too much exceed the bounds of an Epistle and too long detayne the Reader from the fruitfull and pregnant labours of the worthy Authour The God of peace and truth sanctifie all the truths in it to all those holy ends and through his grace much more which the holy and peaceable spirit of the Author did intend THO GOODVVIN PHILIP NYE Of the Keys of the Kingdome of HEAVEN and the Power thereof according to the WORD of GOD c. CHAP. I. What the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven be and what their Power THe Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven are promised by the Lord Jesus the head and King of his Church unto Peter Mat. 16.19 To thee saith Christ will I give the keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatsoever thou shalt binde on earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven The words being Allegoricall are therfore somewhat obscure and holding forth honor power in the Church are therefore controversall Prov. 15.1 For where there is no honour nor pride to pursue it there is no contention It will not therefore be amisse for opening of the Doctrine of the Power of the keyes somewhat to open the words of this Text whereon that power is built Five words require a little clearing 1. What is here meant by the Kingdome of Heaven 2. What are the keys of this kingdom and the giving of them 3. What are the acts of these Keyes which are said to be binding and loosing 4. What is the object of these acts to be bound or loosed here put under a generall name Whatsoever 5. Who is the subject recipient of this power or to whom is this power given To thee will I give the Keyes c. 1. For the first By the Kingdome of Heaven is here meant both the Kingdome of Grace which is the Church and the Kingdome of Glory which is in the highest heavens For Christ giving to Peter the keys of the kingdome of Heaven conveyeth therewith not only this power to binde on earth that is in the Church on earth for he gave him no power at all to binde in the world The kingdome of Christ is not of this world but he gives him also this priviledge That what he bound on earth should be bound in heaven And heaven being distinguished from the Church on earth must needs be meant the kingdome of Glory 2. For the second What the keys of the kingdom of heaven be The keys of the kingdom are the Ordinances which Christ hath instituted to be administred in his Church as the preaching of the Word which is the opening and applying of it also the administring of the Seals and censures For by the opening and applying of these both the gates of the Church here and of heaven hereafter are opened or shut to the sons of men And the giving of these keyes implyeth that Christ investeth those to whom he giveth them with a power to open and shut the gates of both And this power lyeth partly in their spirituall calling whether it be their office or their place and order in the Church and partly in the concurse and co-operation of the Spirit of Christ accompanying the right dispensation of these keyes that is of these Ordinances according to his will Moreover these keys are neither Sword nor Scepter No Sword for they convey not civill power of bodily life and death nor Scepter for they convey not Soveraigne or Legislative power over the Church but stewardly and ministeriall As the key of the House of David was given to Hilkiah Isa 22.22 who succeeded Shebna in his office and his office was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 over the house v. 15. and the same word over the house is translated steward in the house Gen. 43.19 3. Touching the third thing what are the acts of these keys The acts of these keys are said here to be binding and loosing which are not the proper acts of materiall keys for their acts be opening and shutting which argueth the keys here spoken of be not materiall keys but metaphoricall and y t being keys they have a power also of opening and shutting for Christ who hath the soveraigne power of these keys hee is said to have the key of David to open and no man to shut to shut and no man to open Rev. 3.7 which implyeth that these keys of Christs Kingdome have such a power of opening and shutting as that they do thereby binde and loose retain and remit in opening they loose and remit in shutting they binde and retain which will more appeare in opening the fourth point 4. The fourth point then is What is the subject to be bound and loosed The Text in Mat. 16.9 saith whatsoever which reacheth not so far as the Papists would stretch it to whatsoever oathes or covenants or contracts or counsels or lawes as if whatsoever oathes of allegiance covenants of lease or marriage c. the Pope ratifieth or dissolveth on earth should be ratified or dissolved in heaven No this
be also betrusted by the civill State with the preservation and protection of the Lawes and Liberties peace and safety of the same state and shall meet together in a publike civill assembly whether in Councell or Camp they may there provide by civill power according to the wholsome lawes and liberties of the countrey Ne quid Ecclesia ne quid Respublica detrimenti capiat If King Saul swear to put Ionathan to death the Leaders of the people may by strong hands rescue him from his fathers unjust and illegall fury 1 Sam. 14.44 45. But if Saul persecute David though as unjustly as Ionathan yet if the Princes and Leaders of the people will not rescue him from the wrath of the King David a private man will not draw out his sword in his own defence so much as to touch the Lords anoynted 1 Sam. 24.4 to 7. To conclude this Corollary touching the subjection of churches to the civill State in matters which concern the civill peace this may not be omitted that as the Church is subject to the sword of the Magistrate in things which concern the civill peace so the Magistrate if Christian is subject to the keys of the Church in matters which concern the peace of his conscience and the kingdome of heaven Hence it is prophesied by Isaiah that Kings and Queens who are nursing fathers and mothers to the church shall bow down to the Church with their faces to the earth Isai 49.23 that is they shall walk in professed subjection to the Ordinances of Christ in his Church Hence also it is that David prophesieth of a two-edged sword that is the sword of the Spirit the word of Christ put into the hands of the Saints who are by calling the Members of the Church as to subdue the nations by the ministery of the Word to the obedience of the Gospel Psal 149.6 7. so to binde their Kings with chains and their Nobles with fetters of iron to execute upon them the judgement written that is written in the Word Psal 149. v. 8 9. 3. A third Corollary touching the independency of churches is this That a church of a particular Congregation consisting of Elders and Brethren and walking in the truth and peace of the Gospel as it is the First subject of all Church-power needfull to be exercised within it selfe so it is independent upon any other Church or Synod for the exercise of the same That such a Church is the first subject of all church-power hath been cleered above in the opening the third Proposition of the first subject of the power of the keys And such a church being the first subject of church-power is unavoidably independent upon any other church or body for the exercise therof for as hath been said afore the first subject of any Accident or Adjunct is independent upon any other either for the injoying or for the imploying the having or the using of the same 4. A fourth Corollary touching the independency of churches is That a Church fallen into any offence whether it be the whole church or a strong party in it is not independent in the exercise of church-power but is subject both to the admonition of any other church and to the determination and judiciall sentence of a Synod for direction into a way of truth and peace And this also ariseth from the former discourse For if clavis errans non ligat Ecclesia litigans non ligat that is if Christ hath not given to a particular church a promise to binde and loose in heaven what they binde and loose on earth unlesse they agree together and agree in his name then such a church is not independent in their proceedings as do fail in either For all the independency that can be claimed is founded upon that promise What yee binde on earth shall be bound in heaven what yee loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven Matth. 18.18 On that promise is founded both the independency and security and parity also of all churches But if that promise be cut off from them they are like Samson when his haire was cut off weak and subject to fall under other men and yet they fall softer then hee did hee fell into the hands of his enemies but they fall under the censure of their friends As the false Prophet recanting his error did acknowledge so may they Thus was I wounded in the house of my friends Zach. 13.6 In the house of a neighbour-church or two I was friendly smitten with a brotherly admonition which like a precious oyle did not break mine head and in the house of a Synod of churches I was friendly yea brotherly censured and healed 5. A fifth and last Corollary arising from the former discourse touching the independency of churches may be this Though the church of a particular Congregation consisting of Elders and Brethren and walking with a right foot in the truth and peace of the Gospel be the first subject of all church-power needfull to be exercised within it selfe and consequently be independent from any other church or Synod in the use of it yet it is a safe and whole some and holy Ordinance of Christ for such particular churches to joyn together in holy Covenant or Communion and consolation amongst themselves to administer all their church affairs which are of weighty and difficult and common concernment not without common consultation and consent of other churches about them Now church-affaires of weighty and difficult and common concernment wee account to be the election and ordination of Elders excommunication of an Elder or any person of publick note and employment the translation of an Elder from one Church to another or the like In which case we conceive it safe and wholsome and an holy ordinance to proceed with common consultation and consent Safe for in multitude of counsellers there is safetie as in civill so in Church affairs Prov. 11.14 And though this or that Church may be of a good and strong constitution and walk with a right foot in the truth and peace of the Gospel yet all Churches are not in a like athletick plight and they will be Ioath to call in or look out for help as much or more then others though they have more need then others yea and the best Churches may soon degenerate and stand in as much need of help as others and for want of it may sink and fall into deep Apostasie which other Churches might have prevented had they discerned it at first It is also wholsome as tending to maintain brotherly love and soundnesse of doctrine in Churches and to prevent many offences which may grow up in this or that particular Church when it transacteth all such things within it self without consent It is likewise an holy ordinance of Christ as having just warrant from a like precedent The Apostles were as much independent from one another and stood in as little need of one anothers help as Churches do one of
Protestants and Papists yet wee crave leave to expresse what in it doth not fully satisfie us Foure things in it seeme defective to us 1. That any key of the kingdome of heaven should be left without power For here in this distribution the key of knowledge is contradistinguished from a key of power 2. There is a reall defect in omitting an integrall part of the keys which is that key of power or liberty which belongeth to the Church it self But no marvell though the Popish Clergie omitted it who have oppressed all Church-libertie and Protestant Churches having recovered the libertie of preaching the Gospel and ministery of the Sacraments have been well satisfied therewith so as some of them have looked no farther nor so much as discerned their defect of Church-power or liberty due unto them in point of discipline and others finding themselves wronged in withholding a key or power which belongs to them have wrested to themselves an undue power which belongs not to them the key of authority 3. There is another defect in the Distribution in dividing the key of order from the key of Jurisdiction of purpose to make way for the power of Chancellours and Commissaries in foro exteriori who though they want the key of order having never entred into holy orders as they are called or at most into the order of Deacons onely whereof our Lord spake nothing touching Jurisdiction yet they have been invested with Jurisdiction yea and more then ministeriall authoritie even above those Elders who labour in word and doctrine By this sacrilegious breach of order which hath been as it were the breaking of the Files and Ranks in an Armie Satan hath routed and ruined a great part of the libertie and puritie of Churches and of all the Ordinances of Christ in them 4. A fourth defect but yet the least which we observe in this distribution is that order is appropriated to the Officers of the Church onely For though wee be far from allowing that sacrilegious usurpation of the Ministers office which we heare of to our griefe to be practised in some places that private Christians ordinarily take upon them to preach the Gospel publickly and to minister Sacraments Yet we put a difference between Office and Order Office we looke at as peculiar to those who are set apart for some peculiar function in the Church who are either Elders or Deacons But order speaking of Church-order properly taken is common to all the members of the Church whether Officers or private brethren There is an order as well in them that are subject as in them that rule There is a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as well 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The maid in Athenaeus is said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as well as her Mistresse Yet if any man be willing to make office and order aequipollent we will not contend about words so there be no erroneous apprehension wrapt into the matter To come therefore to such a distribution of the keyes as is more suitable to Scripture phrase For it becomes true Israelites rather to speak the language of Canaan then the language of Ashdod When Paul beheld and rejoyced to behold how the Church of Colosse had received the Lord Iesus and walked in him he summeth up all their Church estate to wit their beautie and power in these two Faith and order Col. 2.5 6. There is therefore a key of Faith and a key of Order The key of Faith is the same which the Lord Iesus calleth the key of knowledge Luke 11.52 and which he complaineth the Lawyers had taken away Now that key of knowledge Christ speaketh of was such that if it had not been taken away they that had it had power by it to enter into the kingdom of heaven themselves and it may be to open the doore to others to enter also Now such a knowledge whereby a man hath power to enter into heaven is onely faith which is often therefore called knowledge as Isa 53.11 By the knowledge of him shall my righteous servant justifie many that is by the faith of Christ And Ioh. 17.3 This is eternall life to know thee that is to beleeve on thee This key therefore the key of knowledge saving knowledge or which is all one the key of faith is common to all beleevers A faithfull soul knowing the Scriptures and Christ in them receiveth Christ and entreth through him into the kingdom of heaven both here and hereafter Here he entreth into a state of grace through faith * Heb. 4.3 and by the profession of his faith he entreth also into the fellowship of the Church which is the kingdom of heaven upon earth and by the same faith as he beleeveth to justification so he maketh confession to salvation which is perfected in the kingdom of glory Rom. 10.10 The key of Order is the power whereby every member of the Church walketh orderly himself according to his place in the Church and helpeth his brethren to walk orderly also It was that which the Apostles and Elders called upon Paul so to carrie himself before the Jews in the Temple that he might make it appear to all men that he walked orderly Act. 21.18.24 Orderly to wit according to the orders of the Iewish Church with whom he then conversed And it was the commandment which Paul gave to the whole Church of Thessalonica and to all the members of it to withdraw themselves from every brother that walketh disorderly 2 Thes 3.6 This their withdrawing from him that walked disorderly was the exercise of their key of order And it was a like exercise of the same key of order when he requireth the Brethren to warne the unruly which is in the originall the same word to admonish the disorderly 1 Thes 5.14 And this key of order to wit order understood in this sense is common to all the members of the Church whether Elders or brethren Furthermore of Order there be two keyes a key of power or interest And the key of Authority or Rule The first of these is termed in the Scriptures Liberty So distinguishing it from that part of Rule and Authority in the officers of the Church We speak not here of that spirituall liberty whether of impunitie whereby the children of God are set free by the blood of Christ from Satan hell bondage of sin curse of the Morall Law and service of the Ceremoniall Law nor of immunitie whereby we have power to be called the sons of God to come boldly unto the throne of grace in prayer and as heirs of glory to look for our inheritance in light but of that externall libertie or interest which Christ also hath purchased for his people as libertie to enter into the fellowship of his Church libertie to chuse and call well gifted men to office in that his Church libertie to partake in Sacraments or seals of the Covenant of the Churchs libertie and interest to joyn with
officers in the due censure of offenders and the like This libertie and the acts thereof are often exemplified in the Acts of the Apostles and the Apostle Paul calleth it expresly by the name of libertie Brethren saith he you have been called unto LIBERTY onely use not your liberty as an occasion to the flesh but by love serve one another Galath 5.13 that the Apostle by that libertie meaneth Church libertie or power in ordering Church affaires will evidently appeare if we consult with the context rather then with Commenters For the Apostle having spent the former part of the Epistle partly in the confirmation of his calling partly in disputation against justification by the works of the Law to the end of v. 8. of Chap. 5. in the ninth Verse he descendeth not to exhort unto bonos more 's in generall as usually Commenters take it but to instruct in Church Discipline in which he giveth three or foure directions to the tenth v. of Chap. 6. 1 Touching the censure of those corrupt Teachers who had perverted and troubled them with that corrupt Doctrine of justification by works Chap. 5. ver 9. to the end of the Chapter 2. Touching the gentle admonition and restoring of a brother fallen by infirmitie Chap. 6. ver 1. to 5. 3. Touching the maintenance of their Ministers ver 6 7 8. and beneficence to others ver 9 10. Touching the first the censure of their corrupt teachers 1 He layeth for the ground of it that which himself gave for the ground of the excommunication of the incestuous Corinth 1 Cor. 5.6 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump vers 9. 2 He presumeth the Church will be of the same mind with him and concur in the censure of him that troubled them with corrupt doctrine v. 10. from fellowship with which corrupt doctrine he cleareth himself v. 11. 3 He proceedeth to declare what censure he wisheth might be dispensed against him and the rest of those corrupt teachers I would saith he they were even cut off that trouble you cut off to wit by excommunication ver 12. Now lest it should be objected by the brethren of the Church But what power have we to cut them off The Apostle answereth they have a power and libertie to wit to joyn with the sounder part of the Presbyterie in casting them out or cutting them off For brethren saith he you are called unto liberty If it should be further objected Yea but give the people this power and libertie in some cases either to cast off their teachers or to cut them off the people will soon take advantage to abuse this libertie unto much carnall licentiousnesse The Apostle preventeth that with a word of wholsome counsell Brethren saith he you have been called unto libertie onely use not your libertie as an occasion to the flesh but by love serve one another v. 13. and thereupon seasonably pursueth this counsell with a caveat to beware of abusing this liberty to carnall contention an usuall disease of popular liberty and withall dehorteth them from all other fruits of the flesh to the end of the Chapter Evident therefore it is that there is a key of power or libertie given to the Church to the Brethren with the Elders as to open a doore of entrance to the Ministers calling so to shut the doore of entrance against them in some cases as when through corrupt and pernicious doctrine they turn from Shepherds to become ravenous wolves Having spoken then of that first key of order namely the key of power in a more large sense or liberty in the Church there remaineth the other key of order which is the key of Authority or of Rule in a more strict sense which is in the Elders of the Church Authoritie is a morall power in a superiour order or state binding or releasing an inferious in point of subjection This key when it was promised to Peter Matth. 16.19 and given to him with the rest of the Apostles Ioh. 20.23 they thereby had power to bind and loose and it is the same Authority which is given to their successours the Elders whereby they are called to feed and rule the Church of God as the Apostles had done before them Act. 20.28 And indeed by opening and applying the Law the spirit of bondage accompanying the same they bind sinners under the curse and their consciences under guilt of sin and fear of wrath and shut the kingdom of heaven against them And by opening and applying the Gospel the Spirit of Adoption accompanying the same they remit sin and loose the consciences of beleeving repenting souls from guilt of sin and open to them the doores of heaven By vertue of this key as they preach with all authoritie not onely the doctrine of the Law but also the Covenant of the Gospel so they administer the seals thereof Baptisme and the Lords Supper By virtue also of this key they with the Church do bind an obstinate offender under excommunication Matth. 18.17 18. and release and forgive him upon his repentance 2 Cor. 2.7 This Distribution of the keyes and so of spirituall power in the things of Christs kingdom we have received from the Scripture But if any men out of love to Antiquitie do rather affect to keep to the terms of the former more ancient Distribution as there be who are as loath to change Antiquos terminos verborum as agrorum we would not stick upon the words rightly explained out of desire both to judge and speak the same things with fellow-brethren Onely then let them allow some spirituall power to the key of knowledge though not Church-power And in Church power let them put in as well a key of liberty that is a power and priviledge of interest as a key of Authoritie And by their key of order as they do understand the key of office so let them not divide from it the key of jurisdiction for Christ hath given no jurisdiction but to whom he hath given office and so we willingly consent with them CHAP. III. Of the subject of the power of the keyes to whom they are committed and first of the key of knowledge and Order AS the keyes of the kingdom of heaven be divers so are the subjects to whom they are committed divers as in the naturall body diversitie of functions belongeth to diversity of members 1. The key of knowledge or which is all one the key of Faith belongeth to all the faithfull whether joyned to any particular Church or no. As in the primitive times men of grown yeers were first called and converted to the faith before they were received into the Church And even now an Indian or Pagan may not be received into the Church till he have first received the faith and have made profession of it before the Lord and the Church which argueth that the key of knowledge is given not onely to the Church but to some before they enter into the Church And yet to Christians for
withdraw from them For so Paul instructeth and beseecheth the Church of Rome whom the holy Ghost foresaw would most stand in need of this counsell to make use of this libertie I beseech you saith he mark such as cause divisions and offences contrary to the DOCTRINE you have received 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 WITHDRAW from them So then by the agitation of this objection there appeare two liberties of the Church more to be added to the former One is this which is the fifth libertie in members the Church hath libertie in case of dissension amongst themselves to resort to a Synod Act. 15.1 2. Where also it appeareth the Brethren enjoyed this libertie to dispute their doubts till they were satisfied ver 7.12 to joyne with the Apostles and Elders in the definitive sentence and in the promulgation of the same ver 22 23. The sixt Libertie of the Church is To withdraw from the communion of those whom they want authoritie to excommunicate For as they set up the Presbytery by professing their subjection to them in the Lord so they avoyd them by professed withdrawing their subjection from them according to God A seventh and last libertie of the Church is Libertie of communion with other Churches Communion we say for it is a great Libertie that no particular Church standeth in subjection to another particular Church no not to a Cathedrall Church but that all the Churches enjoy mutuall brotherly communion amongst themselves which communion is mutually exercised amongst them seven waies which for brevitie and memory sake we summe up in seven words 1. By way of Participation 2. Of Recommendation 3. Of Consultation 4. Of Congregation into a Synod 5. Of Contribution 6. Of Admonition 7. Of Propagation or Multiplication of Churches 1. By way of Participation the members of one Church occasionally comming to another Church where the Lords Supper commeth to be administred are willingly admitted to partake with them at the Lords Supper in case that neither themselves nor the Churches from whence they came doe lie under any publique offence For wee receive the Lords Supper not onely as a Seale of our communion with the Lord Jesus and with his members in our owne Church but also in all the Churches of the Saints 2. By way of Recommendation Letters are sent from one Church to another recommending to their watchfulnesse and communion any of their members who by occasion of businesse are for a time to reside amongst them As Paul sent Letters of Recommendation to the Church of Rome in the behalfe of Phoebe a Deaconesse of the Church at Cenchrea Rom. 16.1 2. And of these kind of Letters he speaketh to the Church of Coriuth also though not as needfull to himselfe who was well known to them yet for others 2 Cor. 3.1 But if a member of one Church have just occasion to remove himselfe and his family to take up his setled habitation in another Church then the Letters written by the Church in his behalfe doe recommend him to their perpetuall watchfulnesse and communion And if the other church have no just cause to refuse him they of his own church do by those letters wholly dismisse him from themselves whereupon the letters for distinction sake are called letters of dismission which indeed do not differ from the other but in the durance of the recommendation the one recommending him for a time the other for ever 3. By way of consultation one Church hath liberty of communicating with another to require their judgement and counsell touching any persons or cause wherewith they may be better acquainted then themselves Thus the Church of Antioch by their messengers consulted with the Church at Jerusalem touching the necessity of circumcision Act. 15.3 although the consultation brought forth a further effect of communion with Churches to wit their Congregation into a Synod Which is the fourth way of communion of Churches All of the Churches have the like liberty of sending their messengers to debate and determine in a Synod such matters as do concern them all As the Church of Antioch sent messengers to Jerusalem for resolution and satisfaction in a doubt that troubled them the like liberty by proportion might any other Church have taken yea many Churches together yea all the Churches in the world in any case that might concern them all What authority these Synods have received and may put forth will come to be considered in the sequele A fifth way of communion of Churches is the liberty of giving and receiving mutuall supplies and succours one from another The Church of Jerusalem communicated to the Churches of the Gentiles their spirituall treasures of gifts of Grace and the Churches of the Gentiles ministred back again to them liberall oblations of outward beneficence Rom. 15.26 27. Act. 11.29 30. When the Church of Antioch aboundeth with more variety of spirituall gifted men then the state of their own Church stood in need of they fasted and prayed as for other ends so for the inlargement of Christs Kingdome in the improvement of them And the Holy Ghost opened them a dore for the succour of many countries about them by the sending forth of some of them Act. 13.1 2 3. A sixth way of communion of Churches is by way of mutuall admonition when a publike offence is found amongst any of them For as Paul had liberty to admonish Peter before the whole Church at Antioch when hee saw him walke not with a right foot and yet Paul had no authority over Peter but onely both of them had equall mutuall interest one in another Gal. 2.11 to 14. So by the same proportion one Church hath liberty to admonish another though they be both of them of equall authority seeing one Church hath as much interest in another as one Apostle in another And if by the royall law of love one Brother hath liberty to admonish his brother in the same Church Mat. 18.15 16. then by the same rule of brotherly love and mutuall watchfulness one Church hath power to admonish another in faithfulnesse to the Lord and unto them The Church in the Canticles took care not only for her own members but for her little sister which she thought had no breast yea and consulteth with other churches what to do for her Cant. 8.8 And would she not then have taken like care in case their little sister having breasts her breasts had been distempered and given corrupt matter in stead of milke A seventh way of communion of churches may be by way of propagation and multiplication of churches As when a particular Church of Christ shall grow so full of members as all of them cannot heare the voyce of their Ministers then as an Hive full of Bees swarmeth forth so is the church occasioned to send forth a sufficient number of her members fit to enter into a church-state and to carrry along church-work amongst themselves And for that end they either send forth some one or other of their
Elders with them or direct them where to procure such to come unto them The like course is wont to be taken when sundry Christians coming over from one countrey to another such as are come over first and are themselves full of company direct those that come after them and assist them in like sort in the combination of themselves into Church order according to the rule of the Gospel Though the Apostles be dead whose office it was to plant gather and multiply Churches yet the work is not dead but the same power of the keyes is left with the Churches in common and with each particular church for her part according to their measure to propagate and inlarge the kingdome of Christ as God shall give opportunity throughout all generations CHAP. V. Of the subject to whom the key of Authority is committed THe key of Authoritie or Rule is committed to the Elders of the Church and so the act of Rule is made the proper act of their office The Elders that rule well c. 1 Tim. 5.17 Heb. 13.7.17 The speciall acts of this rule are many The first and principall is that which the Elders who labour in the Word and Doctrine are chiefly to attend unto that is the preaching of the Word with all Authoritie and that which is annexed thereto the administration of the Sacraments or seals Speak rebuke and exhort saith Paul to Titus with all authoritie Tit. 2.15 And that the administration of the seals is annexed thereto is plain from Matth. 28.19 20. Go saith Christ to the Apostles make Disciples and baptize them c. If it be objected private members may all of them prophecie publiquely 1 Cor. 14 31. and therefore also baptize and so this act of Authority is not peculiar to preaching Elders Ans 1. The place in the Corinths doth not speak of ordinarie private members but of men furnished with extraordinary gifts Kings at the time of their first Coronation give many extraordinary large gifts which they do not daily poure out in like sort in their ordinary government Christ soon after his ascenfion poured out a larger measure of his spirit then in times succeeding The members of the Church of Corinth as of many other in those primitive times were inriched with all knowledge and in all utterance I Cor. 1.5 And the same persons that had the gift of prophesie in the Church of Corinth had also the gift of tongues which put upon the Apostle a necessitie to take them off from their frequent speaking with tongues by preferring prophesie before it 1 Cor. 14.2 to 24. So that though all they might prophesie as having extraordinary gifts for it yet the like libertie is not allowed to them that want the like gifts In the Church of Israel none besides the Priests and Levites did ordinarily prophesie either in the Temple or in the Synagogues unlesse they were either furnished with extraordinatie gifts of prophesie as the Prophets of Israel or were set apart and trained up to prepare for such a calling as the sons of the Prophets When Amos was forbidden by the high Priest of Bethel to prophesie at Bethel Amos doth not alledge nor plead the libertie of any Israelite to prophesie in the holy Assemblies but alledgeth onely his extraordinarie calling Amos 7.14 15. It appeareth also that the sons of the Prophets that is men set apart and trained up to prepare for that calling were allowed the like libertie 1 Sam. 19.20 Answ 2. But neither the sons of the Prophets nor the Prophets themselves were wont to offer sacrifices in Israel except Samuel and Eliah by speciall direction nor did the extraordinarie Prophets in Corinth take upon them to administer Sacraments If any reply That if the Prophets in the Church at Corinth had been endued with extraordinarie gists of prophefie they had not been subject to the judgement of the Prophets which these are directed to be 1 Cor. 14.22 Ans It followeth not For the people of God were to examine all prophesies by the Law and testimonie and not to receive them but according to that rule Psal 8.20 Yea and Paul himself referreth all his Doctrine to the Law and Prophets Act. 26.22 And the Bereans are commended for examining Pauls doctrine according to the Scriptures Act. 17.11 12. 2. A second act of Authoritie common to the Elders is they have power as any weighty occasion shall require to call the Church together as the Apostles called the Church together for the election of Deacons Act. 6.2 And in like sort are the Priests of the old Testament stirred up to call a solemne Assembly to gather the Elders and all the inhabitants of the land to sanctifie a Fast Joel 1.13 14. 3. It is an act of their power to examine if Apostles then any others whether officers or members before they be received of the Church Rev. 2.2 A fourth act of their rule is the Ordination of officers whom the people have chosen whether Elders or Deacons 1 Tim. 4.14 Act. 6.6 5. It is an act of the key of Authoritie that the Elders open the doores of speech and silence in the Assembly They were the Rulers of the Synagogue who sent to Paul and Barnabas to open their mouthes in a word of exhortation Act. 13.15 and it is the same power which calleth men to speak to put men to silence when they speak amisse And yet when the Elders themselves do lie under offence or under suspition of it the Brethren have liberty to require satisfaction in a modest manner concerning any publick breach of rule as hath been mentioned above out of Act. 11.2 3 c. 6. It belongeth to the Elders to prepare matters beforehand which are to be transacted by themselves or others in the face of the Congregation as the Apostles and Elders being met at the house of Iames gave direction to Paul how to carry himself that he might prevent the offence of the Church when he should appear before them Act. 21.18 Hence when the offence of a brother is according to the rule in Matth. 18.17 to be brought to the Church they are beforehand to consider and enquire whether the offence be really given or no whether duely proved and orderly proceeded in by the Brethren according to rule and not duly satisfied by the offender lest themselves and the Church be openly cumbred with unnecessary and tedious agitations but that all things transacted before the Church be carried along with most expedition and best edification In which respect they have power to reject causlesse and disorderly complaints as well as to propound and handle just complaints before the Congregation 7. In the handling of an offence before the Church the Elders have authoritie both Jus dicere and Sententiam serre When the offence appeareth truly scandalous the Elders have power from God to informe the Church what the Law or Rule and will of Christ is for the censure of such an offence And when the
power of the sword in matters which concern the civill peace The matters which concern the civill peace wherein Church-subjection is chiefly attended are of foure sorts 1. The first sort be civill matters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the things of this life as is the disposing of mens goods or lands lives or liberties tributes customes worldly honours and inheritances In these the Church submitteth and referreth it self to the civill State Christ as minister of the circumcision refused to take upon him the dividing of Inheritances amongst Brethren as impertinent to his calling Luk. 12.13 14. His kingdome he acknowledgeth is not of this world Joh. 18.36 Himself payed tribute to Cesar Matth. 17.27 for himself and his disciples 2. The second sort of things which concern civill peace is the establishment of pure Religion in doctrine worship and government according to the word of God as also the reformation of all corruptions in any of these On this ground the good Kings of Iudah commanded Iudah to seek the Lord God of their fathers and to worship him according to his own statutes and commandments and the contrary corruptions of strange gods high places Images and Groves they removed and are commended of God and obeyed by the Priests and people in so doing 2 Chron. 14.3 4 5. 2 Chron. 15.8 to 16. 2 Chron. 17.6 to 9. 2 Chron. 19.3 4. 2 Chron. 24.4 5 6. 8 9 10. 2 Chron. 29.3 to 35. 2 Chron. 30.1 to 12. 2 Chron. 34.3 to 33. The establishment of pure Religion and the reformation of corruptions in Religion do much concerne the civill peace If Religion be corrupted there will be warre in the gates Iudg. 5.8 and no peace to him that cometh in or goeth out 2 Chron. 15.3 5 6. But where Religion rejoyceth the civill State flourisheth Hagg. 2.15 to 19. It is true the establishment of pure Religion and reformation of corruptions pertain also to the Churches and Synodicall Assemblies But they go about it onely with spirituall weapons ministery of the Word and Church-censures upon such as are under Church-power But Magistrates addresse themselves thereto partly by commanding and stirring up the Churches and Ministers thereof to go about it in their spirituall way partly also by civill punishments upon the wilfull opposers and disturbers of the same As Iehosaphat sent Priests and Levites and them accompanied and countenanced with Princes and Nobles to preach and teach in the Cities of Iudah 2 Chron. 17.7 8 9. So Iosiah put to death the idolatrous Priests of the high places 2 King 22.20 Nor was that a peculiar duty or priviledge of the Kings of Iudah but attended to also by heathen Princes and that to prevent the wrath of God against the Realme of the King and his sons Ezra 7.23 yea and of the times of the New Testament it is prophesied that in some cases capitall punishment shall proceed against false Prophets and that by the procurement of their neerest kindred Zach. 13.3 And the execution thereof is described Revel 16.4 to 7. where the rivers and fountains of waters that is the Priests and Iesuites that conveigh the Religion of the Sea of Rome throughout the countreys are turned to blood that is have blood given them to drink by the civill Magistrate Neverthelesse though we willingly acknowledge a power in the Civill Magistrate to establish and reform Religion according to the Word of God yet we would not be so understood as if we judged it to belong to the civill power to compell all men to come and sit down at the Lords table or to enter into the communion of the Church before they be in some measure prepared of God for such fellowship For this is not a Reformation but a Deformation of the Church and is not according to the Word of God but against it as we shall show God willing in the sequell when we come to speak of the disposition or qualification of Church-members 3. There is a third sort of things which concern the civill peace wherein the Church is not to refuse subjection to the Civill Magistrate in the exercise of some publick spirituall administrations which may advance and help forward the publick good of Civill State according to God In time of warre or pestilence or any publick calamitie or danger lying upon a Common-wealth the Magistrate may lawfully proclaime a Fast as Iehosaphat did 2 Chron. 20.3 and the Churches ought not to neglect such an administration upon such a just occasion Neither doth it impeach the power of the Church to call a Fast when themselves see God calling them to publick humiliation For as Iehosaphat called a Fast so the Prophet Joel stirreth up the Priests to call a Fast in time of a famine threatning the want of holy Sacrifices Ioel 1.13 14. It may fall out also that in undertaking a warre or in making a league with a forraine State there may arise such cases of conscience as may require the consultation of a Synod In which case or the like if the Magistrate call for a Synod the Churches are to yeeld him ready subjection herein in the Lord. Jehosaphat though he was out of his place when he was in Samaria visiting an idolatrous King yet he was not out of his way when in case of undertaking the war against Syria he called for counsell from the mouth of the Lord by a Councell or Synod of Priests and Prophets 1 King 22.5 6 7. 4. A fourth sort of thinge wherein the church is not to refuse subjection to the Civill Magistrate is in patient suffering their unjust persecutions without hostile or rebellious resistance For though persecution of the churches and servants of Christ will not advance the civill peace but overthrow it yet for the church to take up the sword in her own defence is not a lawfull means of preserving the church peace but a disturbance of it rather In this case when Peter drew his sword in defence of his Master the Lord Iesus against an attachment served upon him by the Officers of the high Priests and Elders of the people our Saviour bade him put up his sword into his sheath again for saith he all they that take the sword shall perish by the sword Mat. 27.50 51 52. where he speaketh of Peter either as a private Disciple or a church-officer to whom though the power of the keys was committed yet the power of the sword was not committed And for such to take up the sword though in the cause of Christ it is forbidden by Christ and such is the case of any particular church or of a Synod of churches As they have received the power of the keys not of the sword to the power of the keys they may and ought to administer but not of the sword Wherein neverthelesse we speak of churches and Synods as such that is as church-members or church-assemblies acting in a church-way by the power of the keys received from Christ But if some of the same persons