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kingdom_n church_n jesus_n king_n 2,057 5 3.6809 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B08235 The ymage of both pastoures sette forth by that mooste famouse clerck, Huldrych zwinglius ; [and] now tra[n]slated out of Latin into Englishe, By John Veron Sinonoys. A most fruitefull [and] necessary boke, to be had [and] redde in all churches, ther wyth to enarme all symple [and] ignorant folkes, agaynst the raueninge wolues and false prophetes.; Von dem predig ampt. English Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531.; VĂ©ron, John, d. 1563. 1550 (1550) STC 26143; ESTC S111785 87,055 198

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haue noo vnderstandinge but euery man turneth hys owne way euery man after hys owne coueteousnesse wyth al hys power How I beseche you can the people hauyng such blynde bousardes too theyr guydes pastoures get anye vnderstandynge or knowledge How shall they dyscerne the false prophetes from the true pastoures and faythfull minysters They trulye as yonge innocente babes wyl embrace poysone for wholesome meate and take vppe a scorpyon for all egge But nowe whome shall wee blame mooste chyefelye for thys Thee Bysshoppes thee Kynge and hys honourable Counsaile Marke waygh the se thinges o ye Princes of thee world and hygh prelates of churches lette thē not be forgotten forsothe yf there were anye suspycyon that anye forenne prynce or nacyon wolde invade thys Realme by and by shulde in all thee haste and wythe all dylygence watche meane bee sette oute in all thee portes and vttermooste places of thee countreye too espye out the commynge of thee enemyes and to geue warnynge thereof And why so A praye you because that the louyng Subiectes of thys Realme shuld by theyr sodayne comyng arryuing take no maner of harme in theyr goodes bodies How moch more then syth that so many cruell and myghty enemyes do alwayes wythout ceassing and intermission be set vs rounde about endeuourīg thē self both night day with all their myghte and power to spoyle vs of that moste precyous Iewell that christe hym self the onely begotten sōne of the father We ar alwayes in peryl ieopardye to be spoyled by our ghosteli enemyes of that precious iewel that christ hath purchased vnto vs. hath wyth the shedynge of hys dere bloude purchased vnto vs and so to murther most myserablye both our bodyes and soules hauynge besides that theyr espyes euery where here amonge vs so masked and disguysed in shepes clothynge and skynnes that they can scarsely be knowen from oure frendes and wel wyllers oughte true and faythful watche men to be sent out into al corners to bee apoynted and set in al places O preposterous peruerse and ouerthwarte iudgement In thynges that are transitory and fade away lyke the grasse that is to say in thynges that belong to our corruptyble bodyes and thee preseruatyon or sauegarde of the same wee are most diligēt careful but in thynges that belonge vnto thee soules whyche are immortall and neuer dye but after thee deathe of thee bodyes bee alwayes eyther in excedynge greate ioye or elles in paynes and tormentes vnspeakeable yea the bodyes at the daye of iudgemente being vnyted and ioyned agayne vnto theyr soules shall be partakers of eyther of theym it is impossible to tell howe carelesse negligente we are Whych thinge besydes all other argumentes maye bee proued by thys In all thee townes of warre of thys Realme stronge garrisons as it is moste conueniente and mete are sette noble and valiant Captaynes and faythfull or trustye watch men are appoynted nothinge is lefte vncared for that maye be for the sauegarde of those fortes and townes But nowe home many paryshe churches in England Churches are the watchinge or espyinge towres of the kingdō of Christe whych Churches by ryghte maye be called the watchinge or espyinge towres of the euerlastinge Kyngdom of oure heauenly Kyng and sauiour Iesus Christ are prouided of true and faythfull watche men Not scarcely one amonge .xl. hathe a true pastoure or minister The c●use why parysshe Churches are not prouyded of true and faythful ministers and why Thys is one of the causes why Lordes and gentilmē haue all most all the lyuinges of Churches in theyr handes And as longe as they maye gette syr Iohn lacke latyn to serue theyr cure vnder them for a lyttle or nothinge that is to saye for .vi. or viii li a yeare where as they theyr selfe receaue and take yearely vpon it some lx some some more some lesse it wyll neuer be that they shal set godlye learned men in them O mercyful god what meane the heade rulers and gouernoures of thys worlde here I do vnderstand Kinges Emperours hyghe Prelates and Bysshoppes whome the scryptures and woorde of god do call pastoures and shepeherdes of thee people What aunswere shall they make vnto hym that is thee pastoure of all when he shall requyre oute of theyr handes thee bloude of hys dere boughte shepe that dyd perysshe and daylye doo perysshe thoroughe theyr neglygence and fawlte My mynde abhorrethe too remember howe horryble and greuous punysshementes are prepared for theym God of hys mercyfull bountuousnesse graunte that oure noble and soueraigne Lorde thee kynge and all hys honourable counsayle for thee dyscharge of theyr conscyences maye shortelye see an order in it that all thee parysshes thoroughe oute all Englande and other of thee kynges dominyons maye bee prouyded of true pastoures and mynysters In the meane season that thys shal bee a doynge too fence and arme thee louynge subiectes of thys Realme against those rauenynge wolues that come to them in shepes skinnes I haue here accordyng to the lytle that I can doo translated out of latyn into Englysh a boke whyche maye ryght wel be called Thee ymage of bothe pastoures sette forthe by that most famous clerke Huldryche zwinglius Bysshop of Tigure and called by hym Pastoure It is a verye profytable and necessarye booke and moste worthye not onelye to bee translated into all tongues but also to bee hadde and reade in all thee Churches of Christendome The dyuision of the whole worcke For there fyrste and formoste the congregacyon shall see thee true and faythfull pastoure mooste lyuelye depycted What is contayned in the first parte and sette oute in hys owne coloures whyche are taken oute none other where than oute of thee chestes and coffers of thee holye and sacred scryptures Whereby anye man shall learne howe farre from all voluptyes and pleasures of thee flesshe thys offyce and vocatyon is For who so euer taketh thys mynysterye and functyon in hande muste continually with out ceassing intermissiō warre stryue and fyght agaynst all fleshe and al the power and strength of it agaynste his owne patentes kynsefolkes brethren and systers yea against his own selfe and al the concupyscences and lustes of hys owne flesshe agaynste all pompe and pryde of thys worlde and all the myghtye Prynces of it Fynallye what soeuer is in anye maner of thynge repugnaunte vnto god he shal professe and declare hym selfe an open enemye agaynste it Thee consyderatyon of whyche thynges Yf a man doth admynister sufficiently the office of a Pastour it is the very worcke of god and not of mā doeth playnelye teache vs that too administer thys greate and peryllous offyce worthelye and suffycyentelye is thee verye worcke of God and not of mannes strengthe To doo it I saye trulye and syncerely it commethe not of manne but onelye of God whych geuethe vs strengthe too beare so heauy a burden In thee seconde parte What is contayned in the