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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A55337 The Famous epistles of Saint Polycarp and Saint Ignatius, disciples to the holy Evangelist and Apostle Saint John with the epistle of St. Barnabas and some remarks upon their lives and deaths / translated according to the best copies out of the original Greek into English by Thomas Elborowe. Elborow, Thomas.; Ignatius, Saint, Bishop of Antioch, d. ca. 110.; Barnabas, Apostle, Saint.; Polycarp, Saint, Bishop of Smyrna. 1668 (1668) Wing P2790A 57,030 136

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Christ doth not cultivate for they are not the Plantation of the Father Not that I have found any Division amongst you but a Refining us from the Dreggs So many as are of God and of Jesus Christ are with the Bishop and so many Penitents as come over into the Unitie of the Church shall be of God that they may live according to Jesus Christ My brethren be not deceived If any man follows him who is the maker of Schism he is no inheritour of the Kingdom of God If any man walks about in a strange opinion he is not conformable to the Passion Let it be your endeavour therefore to use one Eucharist for there is One flesh o● our Lord Jesus Christ and one Cup for th● Unitie of his bloud One Altar as One Bisho● with the Presbyterie and Deacons my fello● servants that whatever ye do ye may do according to God My brethren I am ver● much poured out in Love towards you an● exceedingly rejoycing strengthen you ye● not I but Jesus Christ for whom I am i● bonds and therefore am the more affraid because I am not yet taken out of the world But your Prayer to God will perfect me that I may obtain that Lot to which I wa● chosen flying to the Gospel as to the flesh o● Jesus and to the Apostles as to the Presbyteri● of the Church We love also the Prophets because they preached the Gospel and di● hope in him and expect him in whom also believing they were saved in the Unitie of Jesus Christ being holy men worthy to be beloved and most worthy of admiration born witness of by Jesus Christ being his Martyrs and numbred up together in the Gospel of the common hope But if any man preach Judaism to you hear him not For it is better to hear Christianism from one circumcised than Judaism from one uncircumcised But if both of them speak not of Jesus Christ they are to me as Pillars and Monuments of dead men whereon the names of men onely are written Flie therefore evil arts and the frauds of the prince of this world lest being troubled with his opinion ye be weakned in charitie Be all of you made up into one with an undivided heart I thank my God that I have a good Conscience as concerning you and that no man hath wherof to glory either privately or publikely that I have been burdensom to any either in little or much And I beseech all to whom I have spoken that they possess not this as a Testimonie And although some would seduce me according to the flesh yet my spirit ●hich is from God is not seduced He knows ●hence it comes and whither it goes and is a reproover of secrets I have cried in the midst of you I have spoken it with a loftie voice Attend unto the Bishop and the Presbyterie and the Deacons And though some have suspected me to have spoken these things as foreknowing the Division of some yet he is my witness for whom I am a Prisoner that I have not been taught it by man but the Spirit preached it saying these things Do nothing without the Bishop Keep your flesh as the Temple of God Love Vnitie Flie divisions Be ye followers of Jesus Christ as he himself is of the Father Therefore I did what was proper for me as a man perfected unto Unitie But where there is division and wrath God dwelleth not Therefore the Lord pardons all Penitents if they shall return by Repentance to the Vnitie of God and the Council of the Bishop I believe the Grace of Jesus Christ who will loose every bond from you And I exhort you to do nothing with contention but according to the Discipline of Christ For I have heard some speaking in this wise That if I find it not amongst the Antients I do not believe the Gospel And when I replied to them That it is written They answered me It lies before us But Jesus Christ is to me Antiquitie and the Records not to be touched are his Cross and his Death and his Resurrection and the Faith which is by him in which things I would be justified through your Prayers Honourable are the Priests but more honourable the High-priest to whom are committed the Holies of Holies and with whom alone are deposited the h●dden things of God He is the Door of the Father by whom Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and the Prophets and Apostles and Church of God have entered All these things are for the Unitie of God But the Gospel hath something in it chiefly valueable and that is The Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ his Passion and Resurrection For the beloved Prophets preached of him but the Gospel is the Perfection of incorruption All things together are excellent if ye believe in Love But seeing that through your Prayers according to the bowels which ye have in Christ Jesus the Church which is at Antioch of Syria as is told to me is at peace it becomes you as the Church of God to ordain a Minister to go thither as an Embassadour upon the Embasie of God to joy together with them that they are made one and to glorifie his Name Blessed in Jesus Christ shall that man be who shall be accounted worthy of such a Ministery and ye your selves shall be glorified This is not impossible for the Name of God if ye have but a will to it as some neighbour Churches also have sent Bishops others Presbyters and Deacons As for Philo the Deacon of Cilicia he is a man that hath given a good Testimonie and now ministers to me in the Word of God together with Rheus Agathopus a choyce man who accompanies me from Syria having renounced this life these also bear testimonie to you and I give thanks to God for you because ye have received them as the Lord you But they who have dishonoured them may obtain Redemption by the Grace of Jesus Christ The Love of the Brethren who are at Troas saluteth you whence also I write unto you by Burrus who was sent along with me from the Ephesians and the Smyrneans for the Word of honour The Lord Jesus Christ will honour them in whom they hope in flesh soul faith love and unanimitie Farewel in Christ Jesus our common Hope Ignatius to the Philadelphians To the Trallians Ignatius who is also Theophorus to the holy Church beloved of God the Father of Jesus Christ which is in Trallis of Asia elect and divine having obtained peace in the flesh and bloud by the Passion of Jesus Christ our hope and the Resurrection grounded upon him which I salute in fulness in an Apostolical Style wishing much joy I Have known you to have a blameless understanding not to be severed in Patience and that not by use but by nature as Polybius your Bishop hath manifested to me who by the will of God and of Jesus Christ was at Smyrna and did so congratulate me a Prisoner for Jesus Christ that I
Rubus the berries of which we usually eat if finding them in the field For the fruits of this thorn onely are pleasant But what is the meaning of this Observe One goat was for the Altar the other for an execration and the goat for execration was crowned Why because they shall see him in that day having his flesh cloathed in scarlet and th● shall say ●s not this he whom we have crucifi●● setting him at nought piercing and mocki● him Truly this was he who then sai● That he was the Son of God and he w●● used in like manner as those fair goats whic● were alike So that when they saw hi● they mourned over him who was to com● under the figure of a goat See therefor● the Type of Jesus who was to suffer But wh● did they put the wooll into the midst of thorns This is a Type of Jesus appointed to the Church He who would take away the scarlet wooll must needs suffer many things for the thor● is terrible and he who would rule over it must endure affliction so saith he they who would see me and approach my kingdom ought to receive me through tribulations and sufferings But see what figure this was when it was given in command to Israel That man in whom sins were completed should offer an Heifer and killing it should burn it and then servants should take up the ashes and put them into earthen vessels and then the servants should take scarlet wooll and hyssop and so sprinkle the people one by one that they might be purged from their sins Understand in what simplicity it speaks unto us This Heifer is Jesus Christ the men offering it are those sinners who brought him to the slaughter for they seemed partly men and partly sinners But the servants sprinkling were they who preached unto us remission of sins and puritie of heart To whom he gave the power of the Gospel they were Twelve in testimonie of the Tribes for they were the Twelve Tribes of Israel which they were to preach it to But why were there three servants sprinkling These were in testimonie of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob who were honourable with God But why was the wooll put upon wood Because the kingdom of Jesus was from the wood and they therefore who hope in him shall live for ever But why was there wooll and hyssop together Because in his kingdom shall be evil and gloomie days wherein we shall be saved For he who is wounded in the flesh is healed by hyssop cleansing away the filth And for this cause are these things which are made thus manifest to us obscure to them because they hearkned not unto the voyce of the Lord. Again the Lord saith by the Prophet something of the ears teaching us thereby how we should circumcise our heart saying By the hearing of the ear hath he heard me And again he saith They who are afar off shall hear with the hearing what I have done and shall know me And ye shall circumcise your hearts saith the Lord. And again he saith Hear O Israel for the Lord thy God speaketh these things unto thee And again the Spirit of the Lord prophesieth Who is he that would live for ever let him hear with the ear the voice of my servant And again he saith Hear O heaven and give ear O earth for the Lord hath spoken these things for a Testimony And again he saith Hear the word of the Lord ye rulers of this people And again he saith Hear O children the voice of one crying in the wilderness Therefore he circumcised our ears that hearing we may believe the word For the Circumcision of which they were perswaded is abolished For he said There should be a circumcision not made upon the flesh But they have transgressed because a wicked Angel hath taught them He saith again unto them These things saith the Lord your God Here I find a commandment Sow not among thorns but be circumcised to your Lord. And what saith he further And circumcise your hard heart and do not harden your neck And again Behold the Lord saith All nations are uncircumcised having on the foreskin but this people is uncircumcised in heart But thou wilt say The people hath received circumcision as a seal But so every Syrian and Arabs and all the idolatrous priests and the Egyptians have received circumcision therefore are they also within the Covenants Learn therefore Children abundantly concerning all nations That Abraham who first gave circumcision in the spirit did see so far as to the Son for receiving the definitions of three letters he gave circumcision For he saith That Abraham circumcised the males of his house which were ten and eight and three hundred Therefore what knowledge was given to him Learn there were first ten and eight 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then three hundred the Ten note 1. the Eight note n there ye have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And the Cross which should have the grace was noted in the three hundred for the numeral of that is ● Therefore it is manifest that Jesus was figured in two letters and the Cross in one Abraham knew the implanted gift of his doctrine and gave it for a sign to us No one hath learned a more genuine word from me onely I know that ye are worthy But whereas Moses hath said Ye shall not eat swines flesh nor the eagle nor the hawk nor the crow nor any fish which hath not scales upon it undoubtedly he received in his understanding three Constitutions Afterwards he saith to them in Deuteronomie I will give to this people my judgements Undoubtedly therefore the command of God was not that they should not eat but Moses spake in the spirit When he spake of not eating swines flesh he spake it to this effect Thou shalt not saith he be joyned to such men who are like unto swine who when they are fed and wanton forget their Lord but when they are in wants acknowledge him For the swine when he hath eaten knows not his Lord but when he is hungry he cryes when he is filled again is still and holds his peace Neither shalt thou eat saith he the eagle nor the hawk nor the kite nor the crow In this he saith Thou shalt not associate thy self with such men who do not make provisions for themselves by labour and sweat but live by rapine and injurious taking from others and however they appear to walk in simplicity yet they observe what things may be offered to them without any labour these they diligently prie out and being idle themselves and very pernicious creatures by reason of their wickedness they devour and feed upon the flesh of others He saith Thou shalt not eat the Lampry nor the Polypus nor the Cuttle-fish That is he saith Thou shalt not be joyned to nor like unto those men who are ungodly to the end and condemned to death for these fishes alone being accursed swim onely in the
life God speaks again unto them as concerning these things saying Wherefore do ye fast Isai 58. to me that your voice may be heard on high as this day I have not chosen such a fast nor a day for a man to afflict his soul neither shalt thou bow down thy neck like a bulrush nor spread sackcloth and ashes under thee nor shall ye call this an acceptable fast But to us he saith thus When ye shall fast Loose every bond of iniquitie dissolve the obligations of violent contracts set the oppressed at libertie make void every injurious obligation break thy bread to the hungry bring the poor that are without shelter into thine house when thou seest the naked clothe him and hide not thy self from thine own flesh then thy light shall break forth as the Morning and thine health shall spring forth speedily and thy righteousness shall go before thee the glorie of the Lord shall be thy rereward Then shall thou call and the Lord shall answer thou shall cry and he shall say Here I am if thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke the putting forth of the finger and speaking Vanity and shall give thy bread to the hungry with all thy soul Therefore in this brethren God is provident and merciful in regard the people whom he hath acquired to his beloved should believe in simplicity and he hath shewn to all us that we should not run as Proselytes over to their Law And it concerns us to write much of the things in hand which cannot heal Let us flie every work of iniquitie and hate the errour of this time and love things future Let us not give libertie to our soul nor suffer it to wander with most lewd men and sinners For the trial is consummate as it is written as Daniel saith it is at hand For this cause doth the Lord divide times and days that his beloved may hasten to his inheritance So saith the Prophet Ten kingdoms shall reign upon the earth Dan. 7. and a little king shall arise who shall depose three into one Concerning the kingdoms and this very thing Daniel saith again I saw a fourth beast dreadful and terrible and exceeding strong having ten horns and another little horn grew up in the midst of them before whom there were three of the first horns pluckt up by the roots Therefore we ought to understand and I intreat you again as one of you loving you above mine own life that ye would take heed unto your selves and that ye would not be like unto those who heap up their sins and say That their Testament is also ours But ours it is for they have for ever destroyed that which Moses received For the Scripture saith And Moses was in the mount fasting fourty days and fourty nights and he received the testament from the Lord the tables of stone written with the hand of God But they being turned unto idols destroyed that for the Lord saith to Moses Go down quickly for thy people which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt hath transgressed And Moses cast the tables of stone out of his hands and their Testament was broken that the love of Jesus might be signed upon your hearts unto the hope of the faith of him Therefore let us give heed unto the last days for all the time of our life and faith shall profit us nothing if we do not endure unjust things and future temptations as the Son of God saith Let us resist all iniquitie and hate it Consider therefore the works of an evil life Ye ought not to separate your selves as being justified but meeting together in one to enquire what may be in common profitable and convenient for the beloved For the Scripture saith Wo to those who are wise in Isai 5. their own eyes and prudent in their own sight Let us being spiritual be made a perfect Temple to God as much as in us lies Let us meditate upon the fear of God and endeavour to keep his Commandements that we may rejoyce in his judgements The Lord accepting no mans person judgeth the world every man shall receive according to his deeds If he be good his goodness goes before him if wicked the ways of his wickedness follows after him Take heed lest at any time being called and at ease we do not fall asleep in our sins and the wicked one getting power over us do not awake us out of our sleep and exclude us from the Kingdom of the Lord. Understand a little more Having seen the great signs and wonders among the people of the Jews and that the Lord doth so leave them therefore let us take heed lest happily we be found as it is written Many called few Matt. 22. chosen For this cause the Lord endured to deliver up his body to death that we might be sanctified by remission of sins that is through the sprinkling of his bloud For it is written of him to the Jews and to us in this manner He was wounded for our transgressions Isai 53. bruised for our iniquities by his stripes we were healed He was led as a sheep to the slaughter and as a lamb before the shearer dumb so opened he not his mouth Therefore we ought exceedingly to rejoyce in the Lord because he hath shown unto us things past and hath made us wise neither are we without understanding of things to come But he saith The net surely is spread in vain in the sight of any bird This he saith in regard that that man shall justly perish who hath knowledge of the way of truth and yet will not refrain himself from the dark way Moreover the Lord endured to suffer for us and yet he is the Lord of the world to whom he said upon the day before the world was consummate Let us make man Gen. 1. according to our image and similitude Learn therefore how much he endured who would suffer this from men The Prophets having the gift from him prophesied of him and he that he might abolish death and make manifest the Resurrection from the dead endured because it was necessary for him to appear in the flesh that he might make good the Promise to the Parents And preparing a new people by his being upon the earth he declared by making a Resurrection the judgement and in the end by teaching and doing great signs and wonders he preached to Israel and dearly loved him Then he chose proper Apostles who should preach his Gospel who were sinners above all sin that he might shew that he came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Then he manifested himself to be the Son of God For had he not come in the flesh how could men looking on him have been saved For the Sun which is the work of his hands men cannot look directly upon with their eyes intent upon the beams of it Therefore the Son of God came in the flesh that he might