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A51323 The wise Gospel-preacher his praise and practice, duty and dignity, opened in a sermon on Eccles. 12. 9. By S.M. minister of the Gospel More, Stephen. 1650 (1650) Wing M2687; ESTC R213884 133,568 256

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good will and wisdome of the Lord Jesus 3. In what sense I intend they are freely given 4. and lastly why I say freely given for the good of his Church and People First Let me speak to the first By Ministers I mean all and only all such persons as are in the Church of Christ admitted into Ministry or Office in the Church and so are disterenced and distinguished from the Memoral part thereof or such who are only Members therein I speak not here of Ministers or Officers Civil or belonging to the Commonwealth nor of Antichristian or National Ministers but only of such as are or pretend to be Christ's Ministers I say all these must spring from him Whom God hath made both Lord and Christ and holdeth the seven stars in his right hand Act. 2.36 with Revel 2.1 By Ministries I mean not Officers but Offices or those Institutions and Appointments for making of Ministers Secondly These also spring from the Headship Authority Will and Wisdom of the Lord Jesus only It is not allowable in any Kingdom Free-State or Common-Wealth that any but the Head and Supream Power thereof should assume the appointing or making Offices or Ministries therein Even so none save the Lord Jesus is allowed to institute and appoint what Offices and Ministries shall be in the Church that is in his Church and Kingdom For although the Father hath given all Authority and Power to the Son to appoint Ministries for his Church yet hath not the Son given or committed any such power as to institute or appoint any Office or Ministry in the Church to any sort of Persons under the Sun but hath written Thou shalt not make Exod. 20. And this was the great sin of Jeroboam that he made Priests 1 Kings 12.31 But Thirdly Let me open what I mean or intend by a Ministration or by Ministrations to wit such Acts or Works as Persons made Officers over the Church of God are to perform in and for the Church of God Now I say that as none can appoint Christ a Minister or determine by what Ministry he shall be served but himself no more can or ought any but the Lord from Heaven heavenly to appoint what Work or Ministration these shall perform to Christ but the true Alpha and Omega the beginning and end of all things Rev. 22.13 But as all Ministries come from him even so from him must proceed all Gospel-Ministration or Performances But again when I say in the Doctrine that they spring from the alone good Will and Wisdom of the Lord Jesus I intend not to exclude God considered as the Father who is God over all blessed for ever-more but onely I would exclude all the Children of men from having any part or portion in the begetting or giving beeing to any Gospel Ministry or Ministration This under the Father proceeds from the Lord Jesus Christ who when he ascended up on high gave Gifts unto Men for the Work of the Ministry Ephes 4. 'T was good Will none could have constrained him so to have done and 't was his own Wisdom without the wisdom of the flesh contrived and concluded the mode and manner of his own Service Mat. 28.18 19 20. with Acts the first abundantly declare And further when I say Ministers Ministries and Ministrations are freely given I intend that as the Church had never been purchased by Christ but that he freely gave himself for it so no more had the Church ever attained or enjoyed any Ministry or Institution and Appointment about Gospel-Ministers and Gospel-Ministrations but onely through the good Will and good Pleasure of him that dwelt in the Bush for indeed all Institutions spring onely from the Will and Pleasure of the Institutor as not being moral but instituted Beeings Further I mean no man can come to be one of Christ's Ministers but by the free will of Christ He can neither attain Grace or Gifts to qualifie and fit him nor choice into any Ministry under Christ but by the free-will and good-pleasure of Christ as Paul acknowledgeth saying Whereof I was made a Minister according to the Gift of the Grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power Ephes 3.7 8. And as to Choice Solomon tells us The Lot is cast into the Lap but the whole disposition thereof is of the Lord Prov. 16.33 But further I mean by this Expression freely of the Lord that when such a People attain such a Ministry and such a Minister such a Congregation this is or ought to be of the Lord. And Lastly When I tie up all Ministries Ministrations or Ministers onely to the Church and People of God as given and provided for them I mean exclusively They are neither instituted nor appointed for the use and service of the World but of the Church and Elect of God further then accidentally and by way of redundancy as Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 14.24 25. I say further then accidentally 'T is Childrens Bread and ought not to be given to Dogs Mat. 15.26 Thus much for Explication Let me now confirm this by Argument or Reason to wit that all Ministers Ministries and Ministrations meet to be owned for Christ's or Evangelical do all spring from the alone Will and Authority of the Lord Jesus and are freely given for the service of himself and People Reason 1. First This must needs be thus because it is said of Christ That God hath highly exalted him and given him a Name which is above every Name That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in Heaven and things in Earth and things under the Earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the Father Phil. 2.9 10 11. But this could not be affirmed of Christ if he had not this Priviledge and Prerogative which Princes on Earth are not denyed even to give a beeing to his own Ministers and their Ministrations That this Priviledge earthly Powers have assumed and been allowed witness Pharaoh Gen. 41.38 39 40 41. The like we read done by Solomon 1 Kings 2.35 Thus did Ahasuerus Hester 10.2 3. And the like did Darius Dan. 6.1 2. with many others that might be produced And shall not the King of Kings and Lord of Lords be allowed the same priviledge which other subordinate and inferior Princes are allowed even to institute nominate and appoint his own Servants or Ministers and their Ministrations Yes doubtless for as the Text alledged tells us He is exalted to a Name above every Name and David speaking of the Lord Christ tells us This must be his priviledge That God the Father will make him his first born higher than the Kings of the earth Psal 89.27 Therefore this Prerogative must needs be allowed him Reason 2. Secondly I conclude this must be the Prerogative of Christ to give the Rise and Beeing to his own Ministers and their Ministrations because none of the Children of men are wise
enough for so great and glorious an undertaking Paul speaking but of the accomplishment of the Work of one of Christ's Ministers saith and who is sufficient for these things Then surely much less sufficient to institute a Frame Constitution for Ministers and Ministrations which requires a greater capacity or sufficiency then the former wherefore John tells us No man in Heaven nor in Earth neither under the Earth was able to open this Book neither to look thereon Rev. 5.3 4. Wherefore this concern must be let alone to him to whom of right it doth appertain even to the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah our Lord Jesus for he onely is worthy and capable thereof as we read vers 5. compared with vers 9. But to proceed Reason 3. Thirdly This must needs be the peculiar Prerogative of Christ to appoint his own Ministers and Worship or Service because 't is his own 't is for himself 't is for his own Church and Kingdom and who shall appoint him Servants or impose Servants and Services upon him It stands not with his honour or faithfulness to admit it But again Reason 4. Lastly Ministries and Ministrations Spiritual Ecclesiastical appertaining to the Kingdom of Christ must spring from the Free-will and Royal-Pleasure of the Lord Christ because that as it stands not with his Honour Greatness Wisdom and Goodness to commit this concern into the hands of Angels or Men being below true fitness or capacity for the work so neither can any created Power snatch Authority or exercise Power of imposing Ministers and Ministrations upon him against his Royal Will and Pleasure and if they but attempt to do it let them look to it for he will one day dash them in pieces like a Potters Vessel Ps 2. And however the Sons of men may attempt to incroach this Power and Priviledge of the Lord Jesus into their hands yet let me say to these as the Prophet in a like case did What is the Chaff to the Wheat saith the Lord Jer. 23.28 Even so what is the Will or Power of Man to the Will and Power of the Lord Jesus that he should oppose him or impose upon him 'T is truth Man may impose upon the Son of Man but who can impose upon the Son of God Sampson and Peter were both imposed upon and carried whither they would not but none can impose any thing upon Christ against his will for he will and can refuse to drink such Gall and Vinegar however they be that offer it to him Therefore it remains most clear and visible from all that hath been offered That this is the alone Glory and Prerogative of the Lord Jesus to be the Spring and Fountaneous cause of all Ministries Ministers and Ministrations belonging to his own Church upon whom he freely bestowed them Thus much for the confirming and clearing of the Doctrine I come now to the Application of this great Point Use of Information First This serves for Information in two or three Particulars First It informs us how much such are mistaken that conceive and affirm that it is left free and arbitrary to States and Princes to judge and conclude what Ministry and Ministration the People of God should injoy in their Dominions whereas in truth it nothing at all appertains to them but only to the Lord Jesus to appoint and determine what kind of Ministers and Ministrations his People shall fall under as the Arguments before alleadged do manifest Men have liberty and freedom to judge and determine for themselves but no power to impose or determine for others as Paul saith Who art thou O man that judgest another Man's Servant to his own Master he standeth or falleth yea he shall be holden up for God is able to make him to stand Rom. 14.4 But again to proceed Secondly This informs us how far that assertion is from being a Scripture-Truth which maintains That Ministries and Ministrations depend upon the Christian Magistrate for confirmation whereas indeed it depends upon the good will and pleasure of none of the Sons of Men but onely upon the Son of God who is Lord of all things I suppose in this case I may say with truth what Korah and his Complices said with falshood Ye take too much upon you who-ever you are that thus affirm and practise Numb 16.3 Thirdly This acquaints us that such Ministers and Ministries and Ministrations that spring not from the Will Wisdom and Authority of the Lord Jesus are none of his Ministers Ministries or Ministrations but Man's either their own or other mens creation or creating Let them be dignified or distinguished by what Names or Titles soever even from the Pope to the Parator and if such will not be called Antichristian Ministers yet must they suffer me to call them Man's Minister● and let all such Ministers of Man and of the Will of Man hear their doom Mine hand shall be upon the Prophets that see vanity and divine lies they shall not be in the Assembly of my People neither shall they be written in the House of Israel neither shall they enter into the Land of Israel and ye shall know that I am the Lord God Zech. 13.9 Further this informs us That all such Ministrations as spring not from the Lord Jesus neither are instituted by him nor found in the Writings of the New Testament are none of Christ's Ordinances but mens sinful inventions and superstition concerning which our Lord long time since gave his Judgment saying But in vain do they worship me teaching for Doctrine the Commandments of men Mat. 15.9 Fourthly and Lastly This acquaints us That the Innovation or bringing into the Church of God such Ministers and Ministrations as our Lord Jesus Christ never instituted neither spring from nor depend upon him is no small but a magnified Transgression If it be Treason against a King for any in his Dominion to introduce Offices Officers Laws and Ordinances without his consent O! what high Treason is it against our Sovereign Lord King Jesus the King or Prince of the Kings of the Earth Rev. 1.5 I say What Treason is it for any man or number of men to make and appoint Ministers and Ordinances in his Church and Kingdom without him Let all such Traytors against the Lord Jesus think seriously on two or three Texts of Scripture I shall commend unto them one is that of Isaiah Wherefore the Lord said Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouths and with their lips do honour me but have removed their hearts far from me and their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of men Therefore behold I will proceed to do a marvellous work amongst this people even a marvellous work and a wonder for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid Chap. 29.13 14. Again think on that passage of Ezekiel And he said to me Son of man the place of my Throne and the place
Prophets then certainly this must not be 〈◊〉 Preaching excellency and qualification of which they have no share nor can pass any competent judgment but they must try them as you have it 1 Thess 5.21 Prove all things hold fast that which is good compared with 1 Joh. 4.1 Beloved believe not every Spirit but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the World Therefore this Learning cannot be the Preaching qualification Arg. 9. And lastly What need of these Arts Logick Grammar or Rhetorick for opening of Moses and the Prophets or proving that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh Oh! bring better proof for Universities and Colledges or else never plead for these impure puddles and streams of impure waters for Preaching the Gospel But since this Truth and Argument lies so cross to some mens Interest and other mens Understanding I shall willingly consider of such Objections as I have met with and indeavour to try their strength and try whether their strength or the power of this Doctrine will prevail and be pleased to excuse me if I enlarge upon this Head since this Doctrine is so hotly yea so seemingly Scripturally opposed Therefore I shall take the more pains to clear to your Understandings and Consciences that the Learning and Wisdom which a Gospel-preacher needs for Gospel-preaching is not acquired humane Learning or Wisdom but is Spiritual and Divine for a man without Spiritual Wisdom though a Scholar and furnished with all Arts and Sciences is but like a Crow made outwardly gay with other Birds Feathers yet underneath he is a Crow still for all his outward bravery Therefore be pleased to consider of a few Scriptures and weigh the scope and tendency of them as that first when the Lord promiseth to do grea● things for the conversion of sinners and lifting 〈◊〉 of the Kingdom where he tells us who shall b● the Ambassadors and Preachers in that Work Not the Wise with this beggarly wisdom of th● flesh but a quite contrary Generation to wit the foolish and the simple even Babes and Suckling Isa 29.9 to 21. where we have these things offered first That in the dayes of the Gospel-e●altation when Lebanon the true Church shall be come a real fruitful Field and the false Church 〈◊〉 Lebanon of foolish Virgins or Professors shall 〈◊〉 turned into a Forrest then shall this be fulfilled God's Book shall not be read to the People by the● learned Ones for they shall say and confess 〈◊〉 well as the unlearned I cannot read no more th●● the unconverted People or Multitude and th● shall not be the care of idle Ones or by accident but by the great design of God to glorifie himself another way as he saith I will do a marvellou● work and a wonder for I will turn the wisdom 〈◊〉 your prudent men backwards and the meek in the Earth shall increase their joy or divine knowledge and have my Vision opened to them and by them vers 18 19. therefore humane Wisdom an● Knowledge is not a Tool fit for this Work Object 1. But it is Objected This was spoken of the Jews and Priests of that time and concer● not us To which I Answer Grant that it were spoken of that Age first yet not of them only for it appears to the Spiritual Wise and truly Learned to be spoken of the way of God's dealing under the Man of Sin in the end of his dayes as appears vers 20 21. when the Lord saith The terrible one is brought to nought and the scorner is consumed and all that watch for iniquity are cut off c. That make a man an offender for a word and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate and turn aside the just for a thing of nought How truly these things are accomplished by the Man of Sin is most evident therefore you may see how clearly the former words concern his learned Clergy will e're long be manifest and it is most clear these Words or Prophesies are to be accomplished in that day when the Church shall be most fruitful but that is not in the day of the Jews apostacy or defection but this Glory is a reserved Glory for that day when the Kingdoms of this World shall become the Kingdoms of our Lord and he shall reign for ever-more even that good Day which is coming upon us But again let any one shew me that the way of the Lord here spoken of is changed and that now our Lord Jesus Christ hath sanctified Wisdom and Learning for Preaching-work and is become reconciled to it then they will say something to the Point that they contend for But the Scriptures of the New Testament know no such reconciliation as appears Matth. 11.25 I thank thee O Father thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to Babes Luk. 10.21 compared with 1 Cor. 1.20 21. Where is the Wise where is the Scribe where is the Disputer of this World Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this World For after that in the wisdom of God the World by wisdom knew not Go● it pleased God by the foolishness of Preaching 〈◊〉 save them that believe and vers 19. it is written I will destroy the wisdom of the Wise and will bri●● to nothing the understanding of the prudent wi●● chap. 2.1 And I Brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the Testimony of God Whe● we have Paul answerably practising and vindication his so doing wherefore if by any other groun● more helpful to them than what they have offered they be able to prove that the Lord Christ ha●● taken their blunt Tools into favour I desire the to declare it But again consider that passage of Zachari● 13. concerning this learned Generation of th● Man of Sin 's Clergy-men it is said In that 〈◊〉 they shall voluntarily be ashamed every one of 〈◊〉 Vision I hope not of Christ's or the Gospe● Vision but of the learned Vision Education and Trade of Preaching which is most clear both with reference to the rise of this way of Preaching and also the matter of this Preaching and lastly the end of it All that is there said relate to the Preaching or Prophesying of our Times and not of the Jews Time they having no such Trade in fashion as an Artificial-Clergy they having only the Tribe of Levi Prophets and Nazarites Neither would Tongues Languages Arts or Sciences help to Preach in that day when onely or primarily Prophesie and Ceremony were to be Preached Therefore this Prophesie relates principally to our Time as a Prophesie of the Prophets or Clergy-men of the Man of Sin and I shall pray Come Lord Jesus and make haste to shame these Prophets But again I pray consider when Paul directs to the choice of Ministers I mean Preaching-Ministers he doth not once name or remember this great Diana I mean
of the soles of my feet I will dwell in the midst of the Children of Israel for ever and my holy Name shall the Children of Israel no more defile neither they nor their Kings in their high places in their setting of their Thresholds by my Thresholds and their Posts by my Posts and the Wall between me and them they have even defiled my holy Name by their abominations they have committed wherefore I have consumed them in my anger Chap. 43.7 8. So much for this first Use or for Information The second Vse is Vindication or Justification A second Use of this Point may be for Vindication or Justification of all such Gospel-Ministers and Ministrations as proceed from the Will and Authority of our Lord Jesus Christ manifest by his Word to be Divine and Warrantable notwithstanding they are unapproved by humane Authority nay though they should be by them forbidden my Reason is this If such Ministries Ministers and Ministrations be given and allowed by the Lord Jesus whom alone God the Father hath intrusted with these Affairs then they have Allowance and Approbation from him whose Allowance and Approbation is only essential and sufficient for their Encouragement and Vindication and it very little matters as to their Justification whether such persons which are unconcerned in this Affair do approve or disapprove while the Lord though not man hath approved them This the Lord told Ezekiel Chap. 2. And he said unto me Son of man I send thee to the Children of Israel to a rebellious Nation that hath rebelled against me and their Fathers have transgressed against me unto this very day For they are impudent Children and stiff-hearted I do send thee unto them and thou shalt speak my words unto them whether they will hear or whether they will forbear Vers 2 3 with 5 7. To the Vindication of a Minister in his Work it little matters whether men of what rank or degree soever they be do allow permit or discourage him whilst his Lord and Master hath but sent and commissionated him he need not much be troubled with the prohibitions and oppositions of his fellow Servants Nay if he will not be rebellious like them he must go on his Errand and neither fear them or be prohibited by them but remember what is further added in that passage of Ezekiel But thou Son of Man hear what I say unto thee Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house open thy mouth and eat that I give thee vers 8. And therefore Christ's Gospel-Ministers may warrantably answer any that inquire by what Authority do you thus Administer Be it known unto you that by the alone Name and Authority of the Lord Jesus we thus administer and if any of their Mothers Children should be angry with them and threaten them with their thorney Arguments of persecution and affliction they may as others have done before them say O Nebuchadnezzar We are not careful to answer thee in this matter Dan. 3.16 with Acts 4. Query But some may say How shall a State or People know who are such Ministers and what are such Ministrations as are truly Christ's and arise from him minister to him and depend upon him Answer I Answer By doing that which God enjoyned all the Kings of Israel to do in Deut. 17. And it shall be when he sitteth upon the Throne of his Kingdom that he shall write him a Copy of the Law in a Book out of that which is before the Priests the Levites And it shall be with him and he shall read therein all the dayes of his life that he may learn to fear the Lord his God to keep all the words of this Law and these Statutes to do them vers 18 19. By thus doing by Reading and Learning what God hath written in his Book of the Scriptures may they come to know who are the true Spiritual Gospel-Ministers of the Lord Jesus Thus did that great Reformer Nehemiah when he would know who were the Lord 's true Priests and Ministers He searched into the Register and such of the Priests as could not produce and shew their Genealogy he put as polluted from the Priesthood Chap. 7.64 65. Therefore if any profess themselves Ministers of the Lord Jesus and you would know whether they be Christ's or Antichrist's Ministers ask for their Genealogy and let them shew their Line from Judah not from Levi I mean from Christ and not from Men whether Pope or Presbyter for our Lord took care of this Concern when he spent forty dayes with his Disciples in setling the Things of his Kingdom Acts 1.3 And before he ascended upon High he gave Gifts unto Men for the Work of the Ministry some Apostles some Prophets some Evangelists some Pastors some Teachers Ephes 4.8 11. But we read not of any Pope or Vicar-General no Cardinals Arch-Bishops Lord-Bishops Fryers Monks Deans Doctors Batchellors Parsons Curates or the residue of these Locusts these never came into the World by Christ's Charter or Deed of Gift made over to the Church before his Ascention No no these came in the back way through the opening of the bottomless Pit Rev. 9.1 2 3. That wisdom of the Father even our Lord Jesus who builed his House killed his Fatlings also provided his own Maidens or Virgin-Servants which are but few yet not too few to do all his Work As his House stands upon seven Pillers even so he provided but seven sorts of Ministers or Ministries besides the Widdows those helps to Government as the New Testament testifies and an Old Testament Inistitution can give no beeing to a New Testament Ministration and in all the Records of Christ's Acts and Institutions we read not of any other Ministry ordained for the Church than the Ministry of Apostles Evangelists Prophets which three were extraordinary and temporary and are ceased and there remains only now to be enjoyed the Ministry of Pastor Teacher Elder and Deacon with the fore-named helps to Government as sufficient to all Ends and Purposes in Christ's Kingdom and of these we read Rom. 12. Having then Gifts differing according to the Grace given to us whether Prophesie let us prophesie according to the proportion of Faith or Ministry Let us wait on our Ministry he that teacheth on Teaching he that exhorteth on Exhortation he that giveth let him do it with simplicity he that ruleth with diligence Vers 6 7 8. Now such who have neither Name nor Nature of these Ministries can be none of Christ's but Man's or Antichrist's But again ask all such who pretend to be Ministers of Christ by what Door or Way they came into the Ministry For they who ever they be that come not in by Christ's Door into his Sheepfold are Theeves and Robbers John 10.1 Now Christ's way for men to become his Ministers is by first joyning and accompanying themselves with the Church or Congregation whose Ministers they are to be as appears by Acts 1.21 where we read Peter tells the Church