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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A28933 The history of the Vaudois. Wherein is shewn their original; how God has preserved the Christian religion among them in its purity, from the time of the Apostles to our days; the wonders he has done for their preservation, with the signal and miraculous victories that they have gained over their enemies; how they were dispersed, and their churches ruined; and how at last they were re-established, beyond the expectation and hope of all the world. / By Peter Boyer ... ; and newly translated out of French by a person of quality.; Abrégé de l'histoire des Vaudois. English Boyer, P. (Pierre), 1619-ca. 1700.; Boyer, Abel, 1667-1729.; Person of quality. 1692 (1692) Wing B3918A; ESTC R5697 97,378 276

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he marched before them and fought for them without which it had been impossible to have forced so many difficult Passes and gained such signal victories The King of England being informed of their design of returning unto their country blamed their enterprize as rash and ill grounded and looked upon those 900 Vaudois as lost men The States of Holland were of the same opinion and refused to assist them looking upon it as to no purpose but when they saw that contrary to the hopes of all the world that they subsisted in the Country last May 1690. they sent them Money and procured some of the French Protestants that were in Switzerland and the Elector of Brandenburgs Territories to go and assist them If the Vaudois had not been entred into their Country and had not generously defended themselves against their Enemies the D. of Savoy when he broke with France had not thought of setting at liberty those that were unjustly imprisoned nor of recalling those that were dispersed in Foreign Countries and the Allies would have contented themselves with the Dukes declaration for themselves and embracing their party without troubling their heads about establishing the Vaudois though driven out against all right and justice The conduct of God in the Re-establishment of the Vaudois is admirable and makes it evident that his divine providence has Judgment and ways incomprehensible surpassing all human understanding The King of France in the year 1686. pushed on the Duke of Savoy to compel the Vaudois to forsake their Religion and to take the same measures he had taken against the Protestants of France they joined their arms together to force them and to compass their design they violated not only the treaty made with the Predecessors of the Duke but likewise all Treaties Oaths and Promises made by their Generals took them Prisoners killed and massacred them violated their Wives and Daughters killed their little Children and made use of all sorts of Cruelty against these innocent people after they had laid down their arms and in the year 1690 God sent a Spirit of Division between the King of France and the Duke of Savoy insomuch that they strove who should first gain the Vaudois to their party and by this division the Duke of Savoy was forced to re-establish the Vaudois in their Rights and Priviledges and to set all at liberty that had been imprisoned and to recall all those that were dispersed in Foreign Countries And so the King of France who had been the principal cause of their ruine became against his will the cause of their Re-establishment by forcing the D. of Savoy by his Haughtiness to join with the Allies this shews that God mocks and derides the designs and councils of Princes when they are levelled against Jesus Christ and his Church and with the breath of his mouth makes all their enterprizes vanish in Smoak Oftentimes he makes use of the Enemies of his Church to protect and defend it Henry the 2d. King of France while he persecuted the Protestants of his own Kingdom succoured the Protestant Princes of Germany against the Emperor Charles the 5th Lewis the 13th did the same against the Emperor Ferdinand 2d. and Lewis the 14th while he did his best to ruine the Protestants in France succoured the Protestants of Hungary against the Emperor Leopold Henry the 3d. King of France when he was but Duke of Anjou gave advice in an Assembly that was held at St. Clou to commit the Massacre of St. Bartholomew and when he was King of France he emoloyed all his Forces to finish the destruction of those that remained after the Massacre but while he busied himself wholly and took the most probable measures to put in execution his wicked designs God stirred up the Duke of Guise against him who under the specious pretence of destroying the Protestants of France made a League against Henry and drove him out of Paris seized upon his Guards and constrained him to throw himself upon the Protestants and implore their aid and assistance without which he had been lost the Duke would have put him in a Cloister as Charles Martel did Chilperick the 3d. and seized upon his Crown Henry in acknowledgment of the Services that he had received of the Protestants began to be very favorable to them gave them places of security and many other Priviledges and appointed Henry de Borbon who was a Protestant his lawful Successor to the Crown And so God by a secret and unhop'd for way of a cruel and implacable Enemy of the Protestants made him against his will their Defender and Protector King Henry and the Duke of Guise were both in arms against the Protestants they jointly made war upon them and had equally sworn their ruin God permits they should be divided and by their division the one to destroy the other to deliver the Protestants who were sore oppressed and persecuted almost the same thing hapned in the delivery of the Vaudois God sent the Spirit of division between the King of France and the Duke of Savoy to punish them for the cruel persecution they had raised against the Protestants these two Princes were equally their Enemies and had resolved and vowed their destruction and when their malice was at the highest pitch against these poor innocent Creatures and all things seemed desperate God Almighty blasted their design and made them turn their arms the one against the other to destroy the one by the other as he destroyed the Duke of Guise by Henry whom he caused to be assassinated at Blois in the sight of all France assembled in the persons of those that composed the States general and after God had punished the Duke of Guise for the evils he had done to the Protestants he likewise punished Henry who was assassinated in the Castle of St. Cloy by a Fryer in the same Hall where the consult was held and the Massacre of St. Bartholomew was resolved on of which Henry and the Duke of Guise were the principal Counsellors and Ring-leaders of that horrible Butchery CHAP. XXVII Of the two Prophesies of the Scripture accomplished in the History of the Vaudois of Piemont the one contained in the 11th Chapter and the other in the 12th of the Revelation THE History of the Vaudois shews us clearly the accomplishment of two Prophesies of Scripture the one contained in the 11th and the other in the 12th Chapter of the Revelation of St. John We have made mention of the last when we shewed that the Churches of Piemont have conserved the Doctrine of the Apostles in its purity from the time of the Apostles even to our days and that the Roman Church was corrupted in adopting and receiving Pagan Doctrine and Ceremonies and communicated her Corruptions to the other Churches of the West only the Churches of Piemont were preserved pure and undefiled from whence it follows by a necessary consequence that these Mountains and Valleys were the places assigned by God Almighty
revoke his Edict though he was most earnestly sollicited to do it by the Protestant Princes retired out of the Marquisate with only what they could carry and went to dwell in Places where they might enjoy a free exercise of there Religion Victor Amadeus his Son and Successor did likewise make no open war upon the Vaudois of the Valleys he was hindered from it by the Wars he had with his Neighbouring Princes especially the Spaniard he notwithstanding permitted the Inquisitors of Rome and the Monks to persecute them under the colour and cloak of Justice and so many of them that fell into their hands either were put to Death or else condemned to the Galleys or perpetual Prison because they would not go to Mass and conform to the Romish Religion CHAP. X. Of the abominable methods that the Dutchess of Savoy and the Counsel of Propagation took to destroy the Vaudois of Piemont AFter the Death of Amadeus the Dutchess his Lady was left Regent of his Dominions because his Son Charles Emanuel II. was very young The Court of Rome having erected a Congregation as it was called for the Propagation of Faith and Extirpation of Heresy there were established such like Councils and Congregations in the Dominions of all Princes that professed the Roman Religion That of Turin was established in the Year 1650. and was divided into two Bodies the one was called the Council of men and the other the Council of women the Archbishop was President of the first and the Marchionesse de Pianesse of the second the women made great enquiry for all those that they called new Converts and made very much of them the men entertained Spies through all the Valleys to give them an account of the Vaudois that were poor or of those that had Suits at Law to the poor they offered exemption from Taxes and to free them from the quartering of Souldiers for many Years To those that had Suits at Law at Turin or other places they promised them good Success provided they would turn Roman Catholicks and by this traffick they gained several But the Council of the Propagation seeing that notwithstanding all the Care and Pains they and the religious Orders took for to convert the Vaudois to the Romish Religion that they could draw none but some poor or wicked people they bethought themselves of an abominable Stratagem to destroy them all at once and make their Throats be cut by the King of France's Army that was then in Italy and was commanded by the Marshal de St. Grance in the Year 1653. the King having assign'd for the winter-quarters of his Army the Provinces of Delphinate Province Languedoc and Burgundy these Provinces offered to the Marshal very considerable summs to exempt them from effectual quartering of Souldiers and he was the more contented with it because the Dutchess of Savoy proffered to quarter a part of the Army in Savoy for a share of the Money proffered The bargain being struck the Marshal marched his Army towards the Valleys which was the place that the Dutchess had assigned for their winter-quarters In the mean time although the Council of the propagation knew full well of the bargain made between the Dutchess and the Marshal they ordered the Capuchins and some Gentlemen of the Valleys and even some of the chief ministers of the Court to perswade the Vaudois and make them believe that it was not the intention of the Dutchess that those strangers should quarter there and by their artificial discourse full of malice and fraud they stirred up the Vaudois to take up Arms and oppose the Army of the King which was already entred into the Valley of Lucerne and in a condition to force these poor people to receive them threatning nothing but Fire and Sword and this had been done if a Minister of the Gospel had not gone and cast himself at the feet of the Marshal and discovered to him the diabolical malice of their Enemies and desired him to shew one billet for quartering and as soon as the billet of the Dutchess should be shown about he was certain that all the Inhabitents of the Valleys would submit without the least resistance To which proposition the Marshal accorded and at the same time sent to Turin to have the billet for quartering of Souldiers as the Minister desired and it coming in a short time the Vaudois submitted without the least difficulty We must consider that the Army of the King was very powerful and made up of expert Troops and that the Marshal was fully resolved to gain the great sum of Money that he was to draw from the foresaid Provinces and to have his bargain to the full of the Dutchess and that the Vaudois that were in arms had let his army enter into the Valley of Lucerne without any oppsition and that they were not prepared for a long defence neither had entrenched themselves in their usual Fastnesses and so it 's not to be doubted but that they must have been conquered by the French who being enraged at their Boldness and the at the Contempt of their great Army would have put all to the Sword without distinction of Sex or Age if God had not made use of the Zeal and Prudence of this Minister to frustrate the Designs and crafty Contrivances of those Enemies of God and his Church CHAP. XI Of another wicked Stratagem of the Dutchess of Savoy and her Son Charles Emanuel II. for the Destruction of the Vaudois of Piemont and establishing the Irish there that were driven out of their Country IN the year 1655. the Dutchess of Savoy and her Son the Duke being sollicited by the Court of Rome and the Council of Propagation to destroy the Protestants of the Valleys and to establish in their places the Irish who served the King of France in his Royal Army in Italy and were driven out of their Country by Cromwel these Irish were of the number of those that had plaid such pranks in Irelend against the poor Protestants in the year 1642. and the last that had laid down their Arms in that Kingdom after the Death of King Charles I. to give these Valleys to the Irish the Protestants who were the true and natural Inhabitants of these Valleys were all to be extirpated for so it was resolved in the Council of the Propagation and after in the Duke's which was for the greater part composed of the former To bring this wicked design to effect they must make use of some specious pretence they could not make their pretence to be the affair of the house of the Capuchins of Villar which some Protestants privately pushed on by their Enemies the Papists had burnt to the ground this affair had been accommodated many years and the Accomplices severely punished they took therefore another way they obtained from the Duke a Commission by Gastaldo his Counseller in his Chamber of accounts to drive out all the Protestants that were in the Valleys of Lucerne