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A27602 An exposition of the divinely prophetick Song of Songs which is Solomons beginning with the reign of David and Solomon, ending in the glorious kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ / adjusted to the expositor's line of time, and illustrating it, and composed into verse by T. Beverley. Beverley, Thomas. 1687 (1687) Wing B2143; ESTC R10740 98,849 88

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make a due Inquiry and then to adjoin themselves to greatest Evidences of Reason Together with which he may as he pleases extraordinarily awaken inject infuse into their Minds but so that the whole Assurance they have depends upon Evidence and all they claim to of Assent is upon the same Evidence where this then fails Mistake ensues and Assent is not due From hence it follows As they may mistake so they may differ and One be in the right upon better Evidence where another is in the wrong upon no Evidence or insufficient Evidence Or Both may be Right or in an Errour on the same accounts and yet Both these may be in great Things eminent Ministers of the Truth of God to his Church and agree therein being excited and conducted beyond the ordinary level of Men to attain Evidences true and firm in such Points where the generality yea where very few enter at all And therefore those Mistakes and Differences shall not in the least invalidate the great Truths wherein they have Evidence and wherein they Agree For all is to be valued by Evidence And Ignorance Inapprehensiveness Want of Diligence in others in Trying and Judging these Evidences to distinguish between Mistake and Truth and their Rejection of all for want of such Infallibility and Agreement makes no alterations in things themselves which neither will deceive nor can be deceived And withal observe here are no more Grains of Allowance required in this Case than in all kinds of Learning Knowledge Science and Arts in the World which do not proceed upon Infallibility nor determine in any greater Universality of Consent No not Theology it self beyond the very express Assertions of Scripture If Men have a greater Antipathy and Aversion to make out after to try or to receive Prophetical Knowledge and to think it Reason enough to do so because Men mistake and differ which same thing they do in all things and though their Agreements in grand Points as in all other Cases is so valueable It cannot be helped till a better State of the World cure this so general Malady But to return from this long but most necessary Digression upon this Occasion Although I do with all Thankfulness acknowledge the Helps I have received yet I humbly avow with lowliest Thanksgivings to God I have proceeded upon these peculiar Grounds deriv'd from his Word alone I find no way of Interpretation so like to Circumscribe and Define the Sacred Sense of this Song as a Prophetical Course of Time which the Church passing through under the various Elevations and Depressions of the Kingdom of Christ it becomes capable of these so various Pictures And as in the Course of Time God requires and calls back what is past into wonderful Agreements with what is present and to come upon which Solomon says There is no new thing under the Sun So in this Song supposing it such a Table of Time the Figures and Allegories in which those past things are pourtray'd may be requir'd and repeated For the States come to be repeated in their likenesses also and so the old Emblems are often recall'd and no new ones chosen for them 1. This then laid in the Foundation I farther observe From the very Beginning to the End of this Song there are under the Emblems of Spices of sweetest Smell and richest Perfume couch'd a preparation to a Royal Annointing in agreement with the Great Title of Christ Messiab or Annointed and also in allusion to Paradise the Palace Royal of his Kingdom in all these there is a Designation of his Kingdom who is the Bridegroom and the Beloved of his Church His Spouse and Bride which makes this Song Panegyrical or Inaugurative 2. Again therefore I observe There is from the Beginning to the End of this Song a constant Design of drawing all the Preparations to a Marriage and Nuptial Solemnity by the holiest purest and most ardent Affections and all kind of Ceremonies and Retinue and Courtship for Espousals and for the Glories and solemnization that agree to the Nuptial Love and Honour Christ is pleas'd to put upon his Spouse and Bride the Church And that as Marriage which is a great Mystery as the Apostle says speaking concerning Christ and his Church was instituted in Paradise and there had its Beginning So in the Paradise of God it hath its Complement and Perfection Now hereunto agree the so often mention of Flowers Gardens Virgins a Bed Espousals and innumerable the like by which this Song looks so like an Epithalamium or Marriage-Song between Christ and his Church Revel c. 19. c. 21. 3. Further Because as the Grandeur of a Kingdom was by the Ancients addulced and sweetned with the Emblems of the Tenderness Care and Propriety of a Shepherd in his Flock and that the Entertainments of Love and Amorous Contemplations were agreeable to the Shepherd's Life Therefore in this Song there is so often mention of Kids Sheep Goats Roes and Hinds Lyons Leopards Roes and Hinds of the Field of a wilder Race of Shepherds and the Mountains They and their Flocks walk upon whereby this Song hath so much of a Pastoral in it 4. And lastly Because Enemies are oft to be overcome before Kingdoms can be enjoyed in Peace and Lustre there is therefore so often mention of Valiant Men Arms Armory and Armies by which this Song becomes Heroic and Triumphal And all these things are drawn into Song according to the general Usage in ancient Times to Compose into Poesy both their Wars the Glory of their Kings and also their Amours and Pastoral Divertisements From these Considerations then we may have a general prospect and view upon the Frame and Model of this Song and so as to fix it and not leave it to the Pleasure of every Mercurial Phantasie 5. Seeing every Course of Time that is to be limited and circumscribed and pourtrayed as in a Model and Table must have a Point when it begins and when it ends and a medium or middle Line in which it runs along I observe there are great Inducements as possibly we can desire to begin the Song in David who was the first Royal Ancestor of Jesus Christ the King of his Church and the most Eminent Typical Messiah or Annointed of the Lord Annointed with holy Oyl A King raised from a Shepherd to be so wherein he was as it were by Education fitted to a Pastoral Government and prepared to become the sweet Singer of Israel in agreement so far with this Song and a most renowned Warrior who Atchieved by Conquest his Kingdom and was therein eminently a Prophet and a King and not without some providential Resemblance of a Priest in being girded with the Priestly Ephod before the Lord Thus every way in so Eminent a Personage this Song was to begin who was so great a Type and also in his Psalms so great a Prophet of Christs Kingdom as therein to give the Kisses of Christs mouth as he in his several Annointings
in the Red Horse of War in the Apocalypse and given in Daniel but in the way of Appendage to the Cutting off the Messiah But most fully given Ezek. c. 16. c. 23. To Conclude as I humbly Beg the Prayers of All who have Favour for Endeavours in the Clearing of Prophecy So I most Humbly and Ardently Pray for Blessing from Above upon what is here Presented that we may Read and Understand this Prophecy and may wait and come to the End of the 1335 Days For the Time is at Hand A TABLE OF THE GRAND EVENTS Relating to the Kingdom of Christ and the States of his Church from the Kingdom of David begun to his own Glorious Appearance in his Kingdom given in this Song AFTER the general Argument Solomons Preface and the Expositors Preface p. 1. p. 2. Years of the World 2949 Davids Reign began and with Solomons Reign made eighty years p. 3. p. 4 5. Years of the World 3029 Jeroboams Reign and the parting of the Kingdoms p. 6 7. Rehoboams Reign p. 8. Asaes and Jehosaphats Reign p. 9. The Reign of Ahaziah Joash Amaziah omitted in the Genealogy of Christ compar'd to a bundle of Myrrh in the Night p. 10. Abiiam Joram Ahaz Manasseh before Repentance Amon those worst Kings bundled with Uzziah and Jotham and Manasseh after Repentance as Camphire or Cypress giving some sweetness p. 11. Hezekiahs and Josiahs Reign p. 11. The Reigns of Jehoahaz Jehoiakim Jeconiah Zedekiah p. 12 13. Years of the World 3389 The Captivity of the seventy years beginning in Jehoiakims sixth and seventh years p. 13 14. The return of the Captivity p. 15 16 17. Years of the World 3459 The setled State of the Church under Ezra and Nehemiah p. 17 18. The division of Time by the Mountains of Bether before and after the Captivity p. 19 20. Antiochus Epiphanes making the Sanctuary desolate according to Daniels Prophesie and the History of the Maccabees p. 21. The Recovery of the Temple-Worship and Christ in it till the Incarnation p. 22. Years of the World 3987 The Incarnation of Christ p. 24. Years of the World 4020 The Death and Resurrection of Christ p. 25. Year of Christ 33. 34. A Description of the Apostolick Church p. 26 27. The Ascension of Christ p. 28 29. The sending down of the Holy Spirit p. 29 30. The Gentiles call'd and becomming a Sister Church p. 31. The Gentile Church becoming as the only Church and the Jews under silence with the Scripture Admonitions in that case p. 32. The sealed Time entring wherein the Kingdom of Christ is stay'd and the State of the Churches under the Apocalyptick Symbols of Ephesus and of Smyrna under the Heathen and under the Christian Emperours p. 33 34 35 36. Of the World 4424 Year of Christ 437 The Apostacy of the Christian Church under the Church of Pergamus symboliz'd in the Revelation p. 37 38 39 40. The distribution of the 1260 Days of the Witnesses Sackcloth the Woman in the Wilderness under the Gentiles 42 months and the Beasts 42 months knitting one into another and becoming equal with the 1260 dayes p. 41 42. Year of Christ about 1400. The Description of the Churches true Beloved in the Church of Thyatira in opposition to Antichrist p. 43 44 45 46. Year of Christ 1527 and forward The Churches of the Reformation Thyatyra Sardis and Philadelphia searching for the Beloved and call'd Protestants p. 47 48. World 5684 Christ 1597 The State of the Philadelphian Churches Interval or the last 75 years of the 2300 p. 49 50 51. The calling of the Jews of the two Tribes p. 56. The Spouse praises the Jewish Body coming into Vnion with it p. 58 59 60 61 62. The Jews return thus distinctly plac'd the Song returns to the one Spouse so grac'd who now speaks p. 63 64. The earnest desire of the Church for the Personal Appearance and Reign of Christ in Humane Nature p. 64 65. The Appearance of the Ten Tribes as on the sudden p. 65 66. The Spouse concerning those Ten Tribes newly return'd and the Answer of the Ten Tribes p. 67 68. Year of the World 5759 Year of Christ 1772 A Description of the supreme Kingdom of Christ under the Parable of Solomons Royal Vineyard with a Conclusion comprizing Christs Incitation of his Church to desire his Appearance and the Churches Prayers for it like the end of the Revelation p. 69 70. Cant. 8. 13 14. Revel 22 17 20. compar'd Cause me to hear the Companions Hearkning to thy Voice Make haste my Beloved and be thou like a young Roe on the Mountain of Spices The Spirit and the Bride say Come Let him that heareth or hearkneth to this Voice say Come ALL SAID Come Lord Jesus come quickly The Argument AN Exposition of the Divinely Prophetick Song of Songs which is Solomons The Epoch or Beginning of which is to be Fixed at David's Unction Year of the World about 2950. or Annointing into the Kingdom of Judah and Israel who was the Grand Typical Messiah The Period of this Song is in The Glorious Kingdom of Jesus Christ the True Solomon King of Peace King of Glory the Son of David the Only True Messiah In a Prayer for this Kingdom This Song of Solomon Jedidiah the Beloved of the Lord Ends Thus Make haste my Beloved And be Thou as a Roe or a young Hart on the Mountain of Spices chap. 8. ult Even as the Beloved Daniel Ends in the Blessedness of that End of Dayes Dan. 12. ult And the Beloved Disciple John in that Prayer Even so come Lord Jesus shuts up his Revelation The Exposition is compos'd into Verse in Imitation of the Divinely Inspired Poesie in which the Holy Spirit Dictated it to Solomon The Persons speaking are The Spouse of the King The True Church The King himself Jesus Christ God-Man The Chorus or Quire The Saints of every Age. The Sacred Text with the Times of each Stanza or Canticle of this Song Adjusted to the Expositor's Line of Time and Illustrating it is given with short Marginal Notes for the Explication of any Difficulties in Words or Sense Solomon 's Preface Chap. 1 ver 1 The Song of Songs which is Solomons THis Divine Song of Songs To Solomon belongs The Type to Solomon The Life to Christ alone The Preface of the Expositor MAy th' Holy Breath now fill my humble Sails That swell'd King Schelom's Thoughts with first born Gales While Sp'rite Divine did th' Royal Phant'sy steer He sung the Song the World of Songs can't Peer A Song that Sacred Senses Enterweaves With Prophecies so high that Sybils leaves So fam'd to Ballads dwindle in Compare Or silenc'd Oracles This does declare That Princely Stem whom David's Kingly Root From Low Beginnings did in Schelom shoot 'Bove Earthly Kings and still in David's Son And Lord much higher lifts true Solomon Till Heaven opens and on Skies he rides Triumphant and all
Power Endless guides Fix then the Foot of Schelom's Inspir'd Layes In Regnant David's first Annointed Dayes And there of Right For there the Olive thriv'd Into a Scepter and its Oyl deriv'd From hence those Holy Concerts are display'd Which 'twixt True Schelom and his Church are laid Wherein its Hieroglyphicks are carv'd out Through every Stage of Time and which Redoubt Its State not such oft-times as Poets paint Their Beauties in not in the vulgar Quaint Of Phancy but in Images low plain Divinely sensy solid free from vain And yet so High no mortal Quill can touch Nor Mysteries in humble Phrase so couch This Song is enterchang'd 'twixt th' Spouse and King Who turn it round as 't were in Holy Ring The Choir of Saints informes censures approves Condoles conjoyes as each occasion moves The Spouse David 's Reign of forty Years LET thirsty me now drink the Christal Breath That from his Word like Kisses followeth While Israels sweetest Singer with Harp skims The tuned melting Air The Nectar swims Around my Lips with Raptures all Divine More Rich more Vivid than the flavour'd Wine While Truth in Streams it self thus Disembogues As chastest Kisses Loves sweet Dialogues I own them and from Him whom my Soul loves Who all His Favours into Life improves Oh thou the True Annoint'd Messiah hight Thy God-like Oyntments give thy Name the Right Thy fragrant Atomes draw the Virgin Souls Seiz'd with thy Holy Flames they meet in Sholes Within thy pure Embrace piercing the Type Of thy Grand Sire and by that Conduit Pipe Arrive to thee Great Saviour whose large Wing Shaded thy Father who of Thee did sing With highest Pleasure and with strongest Trust thou 'dst raise His Scepter with himself from Dust Solomon's Reign 36 years from the Temple begun 40 in the whole But though thy fragrant Oyntments Virgins win To thee the bloody Fields and Camps within Yet more them move The Rooms of Love and State Chambers in Schelom's Temple Emblemate Where greater Freedoms of Thy Love Thy Grace May former Scenes of Misery efface The Goblets crowned with the lusty Wine Did not at th' Dedication so Refine Our drooping Spirits as Thy nobler Love The Characters of which what can remove Not Schelom's After-fall no tempting Feasts On Idol Sacrifices Our warm Quests Still Thee alone pursue no foolish Fire Of Ast'roth Milchom Chemosh us inspire The Upright love Thee and recall Thy Love However Schelom with his Pleasures move Chorus But even He repenting to this Point Thy Self return'd Ecclesiast Anoinct And so Atton'd this Song of Songs He sings As Royal Prophet mount'd on Heavenly Wings Leading thy Spouse through all its Shades and Vales Till in thy lasting Arms He it Empales On Mount of Spices where this Song is drown'd Rather with lasting Hallelujahs Crown'd Thus happy were the Davidean Days Thus happy Schelom's till His Fall deep lays The Ground of future Woe the lasting Schisme Of Tribes united in the Holy Chrisme The Church is still but One for Truth for God Are only one Churches under one Rod Are therefore gather'd One However styl'd By th' differing Names of People where they 're Fil'd Thus does the Church in Jeroboams share Of th' Ten Trib'd Kingdom celebrate its Care To be reputed Those whose Lips whose Knees Ne'r kiss'd ne'r bow'd to Calvish Deities Thus does the Spouse in those unspotted Souls With Reason mourn The Spouse Jeroboam 's Reign While I in sable Stoles Look black Through coursest shades my Beauty shines My graceful Meine the thickest Clouds Refines While Tyranny secludes me from my Love Shrin'd in his Temple Grant I seem to move Like Kedars Tents yet whil'st my Worship 's Pure Still Scheloms Curtains as my Guard ensure My Chast Embraces Let no scornful Eye Dwell on my tawn'd discolour'd Physnomy To Salem's Daughters do I now appeal That they all rigid Censures would repeal ' Cause near Baal-Sun I 'me plac'd Too close his Beams Have plaid upon me in his scorching Gleams Th' angry Tribes have set me t' enforce my Care Of Vineyards Churches wild and strange I dare Not own But Guardian of my onely Own Idolatry encircul'd with a Crown Forbids me Oh may this deep'●st Claim To latest Ages sound and Purge my Name Tell me my Love Thou deep Love of my Soul From thy own Lips I 'de hear 't No feign'd Escroul Shall me seduce when superstitious Rage Pursues like Noon-tide Beams and would engage All to it self My Love where is it then thou d'st have thy Flock to Feed and Rest For when I would not lewdly stray and Prostitute What 's Sacred to thy self at the false Suit Of those would be thy Rivals I 'm in fear How to secure my Faith and Love and where I ought to wait thy Presence Tell me now What I my Love from Thee alone would know The King Notes explaining the Senſe. r The Answer of Direction is To do all they can to keep close to the Church of God and the Temple at Jerusalem being so fix'd by God as to be the onely place of true Publick Worship and it shews That where Worship can be true and pure the most Publick and United is best This is signified by the Foot-steps of the Flock and the shepherds Tents or the Priests Residences in the Temple at Jerusalem in Attendance upon which they were to bring up their Children Oh fairest Beauty of the Female Race Thy Chastness not thy Ignorance I Grace If thou know not O thou fairest among women For since thy Faith thy Love led by my word Is true to me thy Saviour Husband Lord If thou know'st not what eas'ly may be known As where my Word is there 's my Flock alone So where thou find'st my Flock to numbers swell And where my Shepherds in their fix'd Tents dwell Go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock and feed thy sheep besides the shepherds tents There do I choose my Rest with two or three Where with my Word more cannot yet I 'll Be Thou knowest Salem hath my Temple now Its Chambers as with Tents my Priests endow My Flock is folded there whose frequent Print Guides thee the Shepherds Tents thy motions stint Where as by Natures instinct thy soft Kids May learn to Feed as Holy Order bids Chorus Notes explaining the Senſe. s The ten Tribes have only this short Description of their state being by degrees loft from the true Church till they are Restored as those ten Tribes at the approach of Christs glorious Kingdom wherein they are described chap. 8. 5. and Ezek. 37. This is the Image of the Ten-Trib'd state Till it 's so long Assyrian Notes explaining Words. 1 It s banishment from its own Land
ever since the Assyrian Captivity 2 Kings 17. exulate But as to Judah's Scepter-bearing Tribe And to the Church in that thus does describe This Holy Song What th' Sovereign Powers are As such it does bespeak the Church with Care It 's Beauty's yet secur'd And the Kings Love It still is duely styl'd Nothing does move That Character A Priestly Kingdom it Is Notes explaining the Senſe. t This Song therefore wholly exercis'd upon the two Tribes and Levites with them among which the Spouse and Church of Christ is described according to each King of Davids House and his Religious or Corrupt Reign But when they are Bad their Corruptions are as much hid as may be to preserve the Grace of this Song of Love made by Christ so must its Beauty sit To such Portraictures as its Princes Reigns Deserve while richer Blood yet fills its Veins Then by its Counterfeits is seen when ill To give them yet with Grace approves the skill To these plain shades the King too 's pleas'd to stoop Himself that under them his Spouse may'nt droop Distinct the Kings are set who 're th' Spouses joy Whose Notes explaining Words. 1 As currant Coin so were the pure Reigns sterling Reigns are all of pure alloy These in their Order but those rank'd between Who were the Bad that th' Good may be their screen Wrapt up in short to heal the Churches wrong This Be the Key to th' Ciphers of this Song But Notes explaining the Senſe. u The Spouse in Rehoboams time is uncouthly to the Grace of such a Song compar'd to a company of horses in Pharaohs chariot and yet with great Grace to Rehoboam's Reign as a new source Of Time to fix and guide the certain course Must have its single shade and though not fine Bless'd Spouse to sort the Beauty that is Thine Yet by its service it must Recompence Its Uncouth disagreement to Loves sense The King Rehoboam's Reign I have compar'd thee O my Love to a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots Oh how am I my Love surpriz'd to see Thy Notes explaining Words. 2 The two Tribes of Judah and Benjamin united under Davids Family Two-trib'd Judah's low Notes explaining Words. 3 Shishaks Servants 2 Chro. 12. 8. servility As if in Triumph Pharaoh-Shishak's state Were Chariotted by thy Notes explaining Words. 4 A Power of any two united Duumvirate Of Tribes as lofty Steeds are curb'd and bowd To serve such proud Grandezza this black Cloud Encloses thee my Spouse and dwells upon Thy Glory under Schelom's Less-wise Notes explaining Words. 1 Rohoboam Son Notes explaining the Senſe. a The rest of the Kings Reigns and their Symbols here are so plain that the Compare of their History and the Expressions of the Song are as an Exposition upon them Asa's Reign But I my Love am Ravish'd with the change That Asa's brighter Days bring on The Range Thy Cheeks are comely with Rowes of Jewels Thy Neck with Chains of Gold Of Grace and Beauty on thy Cheeks like rows Of Jewels from whence Notes explaining Words. 2 Jewels bearing the likeness of Turtles 2 Chron. 15. chastest Lustre grows The Wreaths of th' Holy League like Golden chains Twine round thy Neck guarding thy Azure Veins His Reformation purged off the Soil That had so deep Attaint'd the Sacred Oyl Divine Favours shall soon Remark Thy Zeal Of Purity Victory and Publick Weal Shall be like Golden Borders whose grave scite We will make Thee Borders of Gold with Studs of Silver Enliv'd with Silver Stars shall sparkle Light The Medal of thy Well-mix'd Reformation Is Peace and Glory's Concert through thy Nation The Spouse Notes explaining Words. 3 2 Chron. 17. c. 19. c. Jehoshaphat's Reign To Thee my Princely Love I thus rej'yne Bless'd be thy Favour bless'd thy Grace Divine For while thy Table condescends so low My Spicknard feels the Vertue and doth flow While the King sitteth at his Table My Spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof In Streams so free that Judah's utmost Bounds Find the Attractive Eccho back the sounds Of Truth while the Notes explaining Words. 4 A costly Oyntment sending out its smell resembling pure Religion Spikenard's Effluxes fly And make returns to Thee by Notes explaining Words. 5 The desire of things to their own kind Sympathy Chorus This is the state of Things while Asa's Son The Good Jehoshaphat ascends the Throne The Spouse But now my highest Love a blacker frame Of things I sing under thy Royal Name While wicked Ahab's Notes explaining Words. 1 Ahazia Joash Amazia Line create a Night Of Notes explaining Words. 2 Their Reign omitted in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ Matt 1. 8. Inter-reign in Sacred Rolls Delight In thy Pure self becomes my onely stay Without the Kingly Types to underlay My Thoughts Lodg'd 'twixt my Breasts like rich Perfume A Bundle of Myrrh is my well-beloved to me He shall lye all Night betwixt my breasts Of Myrrh shall lye thy Oyl till Thou resume My Kings into thy Notes explaining Words. 3 Omitted As if there had been no Kings betwixt Jehoram and Vzziah Genealogy Of Myrrh I say Notes explaining Words. 4 Thy Discipline and Correction of thy Pedagogy Fit Emblem whose wise Rod chastises Sin With Mercy thus Myrrhs sweetest Odours win The intic'd Smell while bitter Notes explaining Words. 5 Relishes Gustoes chide The too bold Taste and Appetite deride The Spouse goes on As I my Love have modestly convey'd In least offensive terms what would upbreid My Love is to me as a bundle of Camphire Cypress in the Vineyards of Hen-gedi Our Pleasure in those three Attainted Kings With Awes so of my Love my Sorrow sings Their Reigns Notes explaining Words. 6 Abijam Joram Abaz Manasseh before repentance Amon their worst Reigns Whose Character is much too foul For Holy Love in Chrystal Airs t' Enroul Except Attoned in their worst Ferment By those of Notes explaining Words. 7 Vzziah Jotham Amaziah their better Reigns some though not the richest scent Whose Notes explaining Words. * A Shrub of some though not of so precious Scent growing in Judaea Cypress is the Nobler cause it grows And with Notes explaining Words. † A place of choicest Vineyards Hen-Gedies Vines its Odor flowes For the rich Soil of th' Holy Land doth raise The Vertue of its Shrubs if any Praise Of true Religion shall in them be found Though not with David's Purity they 'r Crown'd The King Hezekiah's Reign But now the Scene is chang'd my Love 's all Fair And onely Fair no Clouds near to Impair Behold thou art fair my Love Behold thou art fair Thou hast Doves Eyes Thy Beauty But thy Eyes are Chaste and Clear As Doves No Idols Notes explaining Words. 1 Antick look Grimace dares appear Thus Hezekiah's well Reformed State Thy Beauties Fame to Ages doth dilate The Spouse Josiah's Reign My best Belov'd the Praise of all is Thine Thine is the Glory while the Comfort 's mine Behold thou art fair my Beloved Also our Bed is Green All Beauty I can own is Thine reflex'd As the Worlds Light is Heavens Ray's Notes explaining Words. 2 As an Arch of Light convex'd Thou dart'st those purest Splendors from thy Face Josiah's
the Heavens back again I bow In a serene and perfect Cloudless Day All shadows gone and darkness flown away Chorus The King Himself this brightest Morning Star By his own glorious Presence brings from far The Day so long Exil'd When He all Crowns Shall in his Kingdom swallow when the Frowns Of his bright Face as Thunder shafts shall send The Dark Kings with their Night to their black End So He ascends this Kingdom to receive And to return at time of Sacred Breve This in Parenthesis is interpos'd Amidst the Churches Praises and dispos'd On purpose so that thus the time made plain From Christs Ascension to 's Return again The flowing Cantoes might with Time keep touch And th' Churches various States fit Emblems couch First as its Spotless Apostolick state It self to Salvage Gentiles did dilate Of which how high the Sequent Emblems play Their Airs to listen is our next Essay The King goes on The sending down of the Holy Spirit Now when my Love my Hand hath form'd thee true To my own Image and I Thee endue By th' Holy * Paraclete sent down from Me As my Triumphant Bounty Ample Free With Gifts and Graces Oh Thy Fairest hue Thou Beauties highest point in this Review Dost spotless touch 'T is now thy Beauties clear Without a Blemish now Thou dost appear Like the first Church in Paradise compriz'd Which by the Serpent Fell Thou art repriz'd From th' Serpents Hand To stand see that thou choose Lest thy first Candlestick its Place should loose And now my Song of Love doth thee Enroll Into the state of Spouse Thy Nuptial stole My Gospel Graces are The Gentile wolds Come we 'll survey now which the Devil holds As Dens of Lyons and the Leopards mounts Although my Kingdom 's right by holy Counts From Canaans Mountains let us give them view Which lye within the Holy Lands purliew From Liban come my Spouse come thou with me From Liban come from Aman's Top look thee From Shenir's and from Herman's Brows with Eye Of Grace le ts look where Lyons Leopards lye The Chorus The Gentiles Call'd and becoming a Sister Church with the Jews First and after some Ages the only Church in view till the Jews Conversion Upon this Gracious prospect from the Hills The Sister-Church the following Cantoes fills The King goes on How soon I see a Sister Spouse arise So fruitful is the Favour of my Eyes How soon the Gentile Church that Sister-Spouse One Body with the Jews in my Love grows Thou art Adopted now one of the Eyes That does complete the Beauty its surprize My Heart transports as does that lovely Chain Which to the Head unite does thee retain In whole as by one Neck and still recalls Thy Name my Sister-Spouse which thee installs In Nuptial Rights so that thy Love enshrines Thy Beauty in my Heart 'bove richest Wines Which Sacrifices grac'd now out of date In this new Spoused Jew and Gentile State The Odours of thy Oyntments much excell The Spices that in Typic Unguents smell For Gifts and Graces are my Spirits Oyl To which most Fragrant Matter 's but a Foil The combed Cells which sweetest Honies fill Drop not the Pleasures Spouse thy Lips distill The staple Dainties of the Promis'd Land Honey and Milk are in thy Tongues Command The potent Flavors of Thy Vests confine Those fainter of the Mount Liban Chorus Thus Divine Influxes make the barren Wilds out-do An earthly Canaan and its Types out-go Its Doctrines Sufferings Graces all combine As sweetest Odours and the richest Wine For now the Jewish Spouse in silent shade Vales off this Song Ensuing Emblems laid Are in the Sister-Spouse Till all the Tribes First Two then Ten returning It describes So now the Gentile Church Great Israels Name Inherits as the onely Spouses claim But Fear Ingrafted Israel the fate Of native Branches Dread t' usurp the State Of Church so Catholick as if the Root Thou Bor'st from whence the Branches shoot And not the Root Bare thee a Branch at will Standing by Faith but pruned off if Ill. Or as without the Nat'ral Israel Thou Couldst be the Perfect Spouse Proud Fancies glow Thus in the Roman Breast Conceits its own Are Canoniz'd for Wise But Gents alone No more than Jews this Catholick can be Jews first split on this Rock and now Fear Thee Besides 't is now the Gentiles Times run deep While Jewish Church and State thus lye asleep Then in the Gentiles Times a Gentile Pest Will likely Rise a Gentile Church t' infest Of these Adopted Jews some false Christs Preach And Antichrists Supplants True Christ impeach The King Thou Gentile Church Thou Sister in a Spouse Thy whole Time in a Glance my Fore-sight showes A Garden Barr'd a Spring shut up a Fount That 's Seal'd throughout Thy Emblems I recount For when Seals open All my Kingdom strait Will open with Them But I patient wait Even till that Israel of which I come Joyning with Thee make up my Israels Sum That Time my Father set Successive seals Still therefore stay my Kingdoms just Appeals Each sealed Time I 'll Character to Thee Successions each in Order thou shalt see First Ephesus the Seat of Truth reveal'd Each Plant an Orchard of Pomegranates seal'd With Heavens Impress I depaint Chorus Then Truth did flow As if each Plant a Paradise would grow The King goes on Next Thee a Spicy Region I describe Where thrive where smell Spices of ev'ry Tribe Those of the Royalty those Popular All justly mix'd each in their Order are The Camphire meets the Spike Spike Saffron meets The Aromatic Reed with Odours greets The Fragrant Bark Sweet Frankincense indents With Myrrh the flavor'd Aloes joyns scents Chorus Thus Spices of Afflictions bitter Taste Bruis'd by the pondrous Pestel while they waste Into Perfumes give Smyrna's suffring Days Which lasted till the Christian Empire sways The King goes on 'T is then as if unseal'd I do allow Thy Gardens to stream out Thy Springs to flow As if a Fount of Gardens Thou A Mount of Wells That roll down with sweet streams of Liban's Smells The Winds that Fan thy Redolent Perfumes With Gales so brisk each point my Care Assumes First the stern North and then the softer South That all thy Spicy Atoms as from Mouth Of Arab's Gummy Land may blow I Joy In publick'st Graces when of pure Alloy All Virtues from thee I let out but In To Thee shut out the subtle streams of Sin Now cause That Man of Sin hath his sworn Time Before my Kingdom To turn back that slime Foul as the Serpents see thy Springs new barr'd Thy Fountain seal'd under Hermetic Guard Now Satan's Synagogue is creeping out Thy
But Heath and Sands Impov'rish'd Soil barren and thirsty Lands That barren Womb o' th' seven Headed mount Describe streaming with Fire as Etna's Fount His Legs supporting all with Marble rise Firm Certain Stable Steddy Pillar wise Fix'd on their Feet as stalls of Gold not Clay On which the Gentile-Image had its stay The very Papal Feet false to the weight They 're trusted with false to Proud Babel's height Thus Truth and pow'r Divine must needs endure Whose Ground-work as the Top is rich is sure Whereas when ever stuck those Feet of Clay Their Head of Gold to Ruine must betray His Port His Air His meen Majestick great As Liban's Cedars and their lofty Seat Such is the Grandez such the Reason sense Of all that 's from the Eternal Sapience When Papal Faith and Rites become the scoff Of Divine Wisdom and like Chaff huff'd off As sweetest Ambrose so His Mouth doth flow With Truth Heavens Eloquence His Praises grow Upon me quick so to a point I draw His Loveliness to Beauty's self gives Law This Salem's Daughters is my Love here end If you but lovely know you know my Friend But oh the Counter-Christ hath Dragons Jaws Who Poyson Vomits in his Feral Laws The Salvagest of Beasts his Form display Sin makes the Man in Him if Him you 'd say He 's one Deformity if that you know It 's He 'mong Thousands He himself doth show The Churches of the Reformation Thyatyra Sardis Philadelphia displayed according to this Earnest Search after the Beloved With what stupendious Art is here now drawn The Churches Reformation from its dawn Till the Twelve Hundred Sixty Days shall end On which th' Apostasy's permitted to extend It self Wherein the Church doth search about All Places Forms to find Her Loved out The Church indeed is One yet into Three Must from its various scites distinguish'd be I' th' midst of Antichristian Bowels Thyatyre Lyes paled round with Vive Comburian Fire That heats that Furnace where the Sovereign feels What in his lowest Members burns who steels Their Constancy even when They 're pil'd in Flames For Flames he to a Bed of Roses tames Hungary France others Thyatyra 's Rest Do now the cruel Ravages Attest Where Papal Rage may farther come He knows Who trys the deepest Reins of Things and shows The Blessed End but still conceal'd What may fall out e'er th' Morning Star reveal'd For at that Summons the whole Church shall fly To higher Things than now it can descry Sardis ascends to Splendor and would bear As high as if the Spouses Love were there It s undefiled Names does yet dissent Lest Acquiescing in what 's now prevent Those splendid Robes assur'd them when in white Heavens Armies shall attend the Bride Grooms Light Now Philadelph with smallest Humane strength Of Laws or Power supports the Restant length Of Time upon the Name the Faith the Word The Patience of her single loved Lord While Satan's Smyrna-Synagogue reviv'd Appears as 't were Antiquity retriv'd And fain would Bolt this Churches Open Door As if not Ancient and as if too Poor In Ceremonious Pomp in Mitred Names In Feasts in Fasts its simple Order blames With rigid Censure But Davidean Key That binds and looses Bars the lofty Plea Of Jurisdiction till Salem's state Approach so near as to compose the Bate Even Satan's Synagogue shall then sit low At Feet of Philadelph and Pray to know Whither the Churches Love is gone and all Unite to seek Him with Uncloven Call For though His peerless Person was agreed No Pontiffs claim allow'd yet how with speed To find This Synagogue from Sardis teem'd Disputed hard For in their Dream they deem'd Their Golden Dream that He already here As much as th' Spouse could hope did now appear To wait Him farther Factious discontent Gainst present Things did future Represent To hot Schismatick Brains But what follows now Shews This all Salem's Daughters disavow With whom the Synagogue submits to Philadelph For to the Spouse by Her Christ show'd himself And now the Philadelphian Intervall Enters Voices on High all Kingdoms call To Christ Dates of Apostate Times expire In one the Churches their True Prince enquire CHAP. VI. The State of the Church in the Philadelphian Interval or the Last Seventy Five Years of the Two Thousand Three Hundred THou Fairest of the Female Beautious Name We now our slumbring Sentiments disclaim And fain would know from thee whither is gone And whither is Retreat Thy Loved ONE Thou that so long thy searches hast maintain'd Canst guide us best for sleepy we restrain'd Our Home pursuits and our remainders marr'd O' th' present over-fond futures we barr'd Now we would seek with Thee with Thee be ONE In the Research where Thy Belov'd is gone Not Gones now my Belov'd as in my swoon When I had lost him so But He 's gone down Just now gone down into that Garden He Had left so long to the Apostasie The Spicy Beds He now returns to Left As cover'd wish Black Vapours and bereft Of their True Odour Now a new Repast He takes of Fruits after so long a Fast He now his Lillies gathers a new spring Of Graces Worship Truth in return bring Th' Approaches of his Kingdom so long veil'd By Antichrist and close his Servants seal'd His sealed now on Sion's Mount stand clear And with his Fathers written Name appear On open Fore-head Now I Him enjoy As singly with his Faith of pure Alloy And while His love in me is pleas'd to Rest He with himself as mine does me Invest Then He along the Beds of Lillies Feeds As of the Future Paradise the Seeds Chorus From Schelom Born now Hundreds Ten and Six A Nine of Tens and unites Seven Fix Our Philadelphs Beginning Interval Till the Worlds Kingdoms to the best King fall As in just Homage first proclaim'd his own At last together Build his Royal Throne And as while Salem's Ruines were restor'd From Babel's spoil Years Sev'nty Five were scor'd Of Old so many now exact do Flow To Salem New from Babel's Overthrow Babel the Mystic To Salem's Throne Seven Voices and as many Vials Grone In earnest Motion Those two Royal Towns Salem and Tirzah seat the many Crowns As the Metropoles and show unite In Schelom Twelve Tribes so long Bipartite Which now returning Philadelph adorne And match'd with it are in its Scutcheon borne So in this Landscaph the stream'd Banners play Before his Hosts Terrours with them Array Themselves Jehovah's Mighty Ones come down To Armageddons Plains and them Renown With Victory All these are so display'd That to the Apostolick First state layd And yet distinguish'd They may both ascend And Salem's Glory
upright Servants of God keeping close to him Notes explaining Words. 4 Great Companies 5 Thy Great Father David The Virgins love Thee Draw me We willrun after Thee The King hath brought me into his Chambers Notes explaining Words. 6 The Camp typ'd Christ in his Judgments as in David a Warrier Notes explaining Words. 7 Christs gracious Communion typ'd by Solomon's Temple as Chambers Notes explaining Words. 8 Wars full of Horrour We will rejoyce in thee we will remember thy Love more than Wine Notes explaining Words. 9 The Feast at Solomon's Temple Dedicated 1 Kin. 8. 65. Notes explaining Words. 10 1 Kings 11. 5. We will remember Notes explaining Words. 11 Searches with Sorrow Notes explaining the Senſe. m From this Fall Solomon rose by Repentance testified by his Book of Ecclesiastes or of the Royal Preacher and this his Prophetical Song of Christ's Kingdom Notes explaining Words. 12 King and Preacher Eccles 11. Notes explaining Words. 13 Chap. 8. 14. with Revel 19. 3 4. Notes explaining Words. 14 Days of David Notes explaining Words. 15 Division of the Two and Ten Tribes Notes explaining Words. 16 Or Anointing of David and Solomon Types of Christ Notes explaining Words. 17 Here begins the first of Ezekiels 390 Days lying on his side Ezek. 4. 5. Year of the World about 3030. Notes explaining the Senſe. n Here the Prophetical Cypher of Time or of a Day for a Year begins or of Ezekiels 390 days and so go on to the 40 and joyn to the 2300 Even and Morn and so reach the very Kingdom of Christ Notes explaining Words. 18 Garments I am black but comely As the Tents of Kedar Notes explaining the Senſe. o The Tents of Kedar and the Curtains of Solomon were the fittest Representation that could be chosen to set out the divided state of the ten Tribes from the Two For while there was a true Church among them they were as the Curtains of Solomon they had Communion with the Temple and yet they were also as Kedars Tents by their distance from it and its Worship As the Curtains of Solomon Notes explaining Words. 1 Kedars Tents a likeness of Heathenish Worship Ye Daughters of Jerusalem look not on me because I am black because the Sun hath look'd upon me Notes explaining Words. 2 Solomons Curtains of true Worship Notes explaining Words. 3 Complexion Notes explaining Words. 4 Jerusalem Notes explaining Words. 5 All Idolatry look'd that way to the Sun My Mothers Daughters were angry with me They made me the keeper of the Vineyards my own vineyard I have not kept Notes explaining the Senſe. p The Sun looking upon c. is a very lively Emblem of an endeavour to seduce to Idolatry and when it was done by the Tribes under the same Covenant of Religion it is most fitly expressed by Angry Daughters of the same Mother setting the true Church among them to keep other Vineyards to neglect its own Vineyard that is its state in the true Church and to be of a false Church Notes explaining Words. 6 Jeroboam and his ten Tribes Tell me O Thou whom my Soul loveth Notes explaining the Senſe. q The Spouse the true Servants of God among the Tribes desire to know whether they should set up a Church state among themselves in that division of the Kingdom to worship God in Where thou feedest where thou makest thy stock to rest at noon Notes explaining Words. 7 Any loose Writing like Tradition compar'd with the written Word For why should I be as one that turneth aside by the Flocks of thy Companions false shepherds * For why should I be as one that turneth aside c. The sense is what the holy Souls among the ten Tribes should do when Jeroboam forbad them the Temple Notes explaining Words. 4 2 Chro. 34. 8. Notes explaining Words. 4 The time of their most p●tent Kings not subject to Heathen Princes Notes explaining Words. 5 The similitude taken from Ezek. 19. 10. Notes explaining Words. 6 2 Kings c. 23. 31. c. 24. c. 25. Notes explaining the Senſe. a After Josiah the Kingdom of Judah was held in Fealty of the Heathen Princes of Egypt and Babylon Notes explaining Words. 1 Ezek. 21. 26. 27. Notes explaining Words. 2 The tottering State Notes explaining the Senſe. a That Great Prophecy of Ezekiel began to be fulfill'd in Zedekiah and was perfected at the comming of Shiloh or soon after in the destruction of all shew of Sovereignty by the Romans And so it will continue till Christs Glorious Coming when among his many Crowns He shall have this on his Head as highest of all Notes explaining the Senſe. b The Rose of Scharon and the Lilly of the Valleys are very significant Resemblances of the Church in perpetual danger to be seized by Heathen Princes as those Flowers in a Field are by Beasts yet the Rose having some better Defence than the Lilly shews the still decaying state of Power Notes explaining Words. 3 A fruitful Pasture in Bashan I am the Rose of Scharon the Lilly of the Valleys As the Lilly among the Thorns Notes explaining Words. 4 The Heathen Nations compar'd to Beasts Notes explaining the Senſe. c The Lilly surrounded with Thorns shews the Defence that Heathen Princes gave the Church one against another as by balance of Power as even to this day we see in the World weak States are in the way of Emulation of stronger Princes one against another secured This was an admirable Method of Providence over the Church Notes explaining Words. 1 Defended as Breast-works in a Fortification by sharp Stakes So is my Love among the Daughters Notes explaining Words. 2 The Wise Order As the Apple Tree among the Trees of the Wood Notes explaining Words. 3 The Apple Tree Notes explaining the Senſe. a It is most plain the Apple Tree is a most pregnant Emblem of a low yet pleasant Government even as the Cedars are of a High Supreme Royal Government Notes explaining Words. 4 Popular Government Notes explaining Words. 5 Kingly Government Notes explaining Words. 6 The Babylonish Army Notes explaining Words. 7 From Kings to Rulers Zerobbabel Nehemiah c. Notes explaining Words. 8 The Government of the People So is my beloved among the Sons Notes explaining Words. 9 Gods Supreme Decree Notes explaining Words. 10 Their Confession in the midst of the Heathen Nations Notes explaining Words. 11 Ezek. 1. 1. Notes explaining the Senſe. b The presence of Christ in his Church is Elegantly described by Entertainment in a low Vault and Cellars of Wine while it was in Captivity Notes explaining Words. 1 The Wine Cellar Notes explaining Words. 2 Or to Rest His Banner over me was Love Notes explaining Words. 3 As Scarlet Streamers From Cyrus the most Eminent Type of Christ and the onely of any Heathen Prince call'd Messiah till the very Glorious Appearance of Christ the Churches Condition is full of Varieties and continual Changes of better and worse Condition Stay me with Flagons Comfort me with Apples For I am sick of Love His left Hand is under my Head His right Hand doth Embrace me Notes explaining Words. 4 My Fainting Swooning state Notes explaining Words. 5 The Roes and Hinds meaning the Pagan Powers ready to be Cruel and Savage I charge you oh ye Daughters of Jerusalem by the Roes and by the Hinds of the Field that ye stir not up nor awake my Love till he please Notes explaining Words. 6 Place of Retirement Notes explaining Words. 7 Cyrus was called Messiah or Gods Anointed Notes explaining the Senſe. a In the very lowest of the Captivity there were notable Tokens of Gods Presence as of Wine though in a deep Cellar or Vault such was Ezekiel's Prophecy Daniel's Prophecy and Exaltation Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and Exaltation of God Notes explaining the Senſe. b There was great Reason of fearing to offend in this Time seeing his Goodness turn'd those Lyons Tygers and Wolves into any degrees of mildness of Roes
Meanness in which Christ was born and liv'd Notes explaining Words. 3 Triumphant Pillars of Divine Knowledge Power Grace but cover'd with the Smoke of outward Poverty and the malicious slanders of the Pharisees Like pillars of Smoke Perfum'd with Myrrh and Frankincense Notes explaining Words. 4 Richly yet perfum'd with all Heavenly Graces Notes explaining Words. 5 His very Infancy was Homag'd by the three Magi or Wise Men from far with Gold Myrrh and Frankincense as an Emblem hereof but the Glory of his own Divinity far excell'd With all the Powders of the Merchant Behold His Bed which is Solowons Notes explaining Words. 6 The humane Nature may be compar'd to a Bed where the Divinity lodg'd as in a Temple Notes explaining Words. 7 Angels continually attended upon Christ as his constant Guard when He bringeth his first Begotten into the World He said Let all the Angels of God Worship Him Threescorevaliant Men are about it Every Man hath his Sword on his Thigh because of Fear in the Night King Solomon made himself a Chariot of the Wood of Lebanon he made the Pillars thereof of Silver the bottom thereof of Gold the covering of it of Purple the midst thereof being pav'd with Love for the Daughters of Jerusalem Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 Solomon's Royal Chariot is described with all its rich and costly Materials from top to bottom Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 Solomon's Chariot was adorn'd with the most beautiful pictures of the Daughters of Zion to express his Love to them Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 This was a faint Image of the Excellent Humane Nature of Christ in which even to the Death of the Cross He bare the Names of the People on his Heart and offered himself a whole Burnt-offering for them through the greatness of his Love Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 The Crown of Christ is that which he receiv'd at his Resurrection when he was Annointed with the oyl of Joy above his Fellows as Solomon was Crown'd with highest Joy a Pledge of his Eternal Kingdom and Espousal to his Church Revel 19. 1. Go forth oh ye Daughters of Zion Behold King Solomon with the Crown Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 As Bathsheba receiv'd the Crown from David for Solomon so God made good his Promise to Eve the Seed of the Woman c. by this Crown of Christs Resurrection and Kingdom Wherewith His Mother Crown'd Him in the Day of his Espousals and in the Day of the Gladness of his Heart Notes explaining the Senſe. a How admirably does this Description fit the Apostolick Church which had excellency of Beauty sufficiency of Spiritual Food signified by Teeth of purest Cleanness and Unity as wash'd and even shorn Durable clothing Garments of Justification and Sanctification numerous Off-spring in the multitude of the Converts Notes explaining Words. 1 To express singular Fairness the Word is doubled Behold thou art Fair my Love behold thou art Fair Thou hast Doves Eyes Thy Hair is a Flock of Goats that appear fron Mount Gilead Notes explaining Words. 2 The Apostolick Purity without outward Pomp or Splendor was cover'd like the Ark with Goats Hair despised by Jews as not having the Signs of a present Kingdom by the Gentiles as Foolishness but was indeed Expression of the Wisdom and Power of God Thy Teeth are as a Flock which come up from the Washing Notes explaining Words. 3 The Rumination or Chewing the Food of Life to prepare it for others by Expounding the Old Testament and farther Revealing the New was the Excellency of the Apostolick Church Notes explaining Words. 4 Pure in all Holiness of Doctrine Worship and Life and even without Ambition or loving Preheminence Bless'd with abundant Power of Converting Grace Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. a How far are all things in the Gospel from such a forg'd Supremacy of the Apostle Peter observe his Fall his being Reprov'd Gal. 2. his humble Style Compresbyter or equal Elder 1 Christs Blood in the Gospel Ministry is as Rahabs Scarlet Line twin'd within it as a Pledge of Redemption from Wrath. Thy Lips are like a thread of Scarlet Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 I desire to know nothing but Christ and him Crucified Not the Wisdom of this World but the Wisdom which God ordain'd before the World to our Glory Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 The many Seeds of the Pomegranate the Emblem of Wisdom yield a most pleasant Juice And thy Speech is comely Thy Temples are like a piece of Pomegranate within thy Locks Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 The strict and holy Order of the Apostolick Church that as the best state of the Church of Ephesus the Type of that Church Apostolick tried those that said they were Apostles and were not but found them Lyars and that could not bear them that were Evil were like Locks gracing and guarding the Temples Thy Neck is as the Tower of David Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 Those thousand Shields and Bucklers most fitly resemble the mighty Power of Miracles Gifts of Tongues and that severe Apostolical Rod which the Apostle Peter shew'd in the Death of Ananias and Sapphira and the Apostle Paul's delivery to Satan intimates all which bore up the majesty of that Church Builded for an Armory all Shields of mighty Men Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 6 The Primitive Christians were resolved either to defend Christianity by these powers of Truth and Miracles or as Martyrs to dye in defence of it and so they were the Shields of mighty Men. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 The full Effect of the Apostolick Ministry and Miracles will not be seen till the New Jerusalem * c. 6. 10. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 The Doctrine of Christianity in the Apostolick Ministry was like two full Breasts deriving their Lillies Milk from the two Testaments in which as in Fields of Lillies they Feed as two young Roes According to which all the Apostlick Motions and the Churches settled by them were govern'd now these two Breasts as a double Sluce or out-let of Water send out their Streams Thy two Breasts are like two Roes that feed among the Lillies Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Atmosphere is the foggy black Air arising from Earths black Steams like Night which flying away Emblems this dark State removing and Christs Kingdom who is the bright Morning Star appearing Vntill the Day break and the Shadows fly away I ll get me to the Hill of Myrrh and the Mountains of Frankincense Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 Just as Christ was seen by his Disciples in the Air Ascending upon their very earnest gazing so shall he be seen in his Return which is to be fix'd in the very point of time and of space in the Heavens or upper Regions where the Cloud received him For so the Angels Speech Implies This same Jesus taken into Heaven shall so return as ye have seen him go or going into Heaven upon that very point I say it is to be fix d and is Expounded by the Apostle of Christ Descending not upon the Earth but into the Air whither the Saints are caught up to meet Him and so to be ever with Him 1 Thes 4. 17. Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 1 Exil'd ever since the Fall of Man and the loss of the Sabbatism of Creation Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 2 According to Revel 19. 15. c. Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 3 The Decree of God in whose Power the time especially of this Kingdom is Reserv'd
The False Prophet so intimate to and united with the Beast speaks as a Dragon Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 Those three Churches make the Order of the Reformed Churches Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 It is not possible the state of the Reformation could be more notably described than by this Portraicture of Christ and the Churches harkning to it and seeking after Him This State shall last till the Year 1697 as is made out by the Line of Time Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The one Church of the Reformation is Represented by three in regard of different Circumstances and especially different intervals of Time in which first Thyatyra then Sardis then Philadelphia have the ascendency successively and all with a Continuance near to the Glorious Kingdom of Jesus Christ Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The Reformation of the Church of Thyatyra Rev. 2. 18. attended with Burnings alive Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 The Protestants of Hungary France and in other Popish Countries are the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the remaining sufferers till the Kingdom of Christ in every Eye to this Day * Revel 3. 24. Notes explaining the Senſe. 6 How far those Sufferings may spread over other Protestant Countries is known to God who knows the Secrets of all future Events Notes explaining the Senſe. 7 A certain Blessed End we know but what may fall out before is as to particulars concealed though we certainly know Then shall be a Church of Thyatyra of Sardis till the approach of Christs Kingdom Notes explaining the Senſe. 8 How much clearer and brighter shall Christianity and the knowledge of the Churches be when that Morning Star appears Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 Sardis is the state of the Protestant Churches where they are protected by States and Laws and so is ready to believe there is not to be a higher and a more glorious State of the Church in the World except its undefiled Names who look principally to the Appearance of Christ and bewail the Low State of the Church till then Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Philadelphia rises out of the Suffering Saints in Thyatyra and those undefiled Names in Sardis who cannot be satisfied in any present state of the Church but wait for Christs coming It is settled upon the pure Laws and Ordinances of Christ resting upon the consent of Christians in that and in his Power and Favour working this brotherly Love of Christianity however it come to have the Favour of Princes and States also after it comes to its Interval Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The Synagogue of Satan is that which rises out of the worst part of Sardis that contend hard for the old Antiquity not resting wholly on Gods Word and finding fault for want of Fasts Feasts Episcopal Power c. which is especially while the Church of Philadelphia is low and is not come to its proper Interval Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The great Dispute hath been about Jurisdiction or the Power of the Keys Christ will resolve that by shewing this supreme Key of David 5 Philadelphia being as was said a Church that lyes scattered in the suffering Protestants of Thyatyra and the undefiled Names of Sardis its Door is endeavoured to be shut and not to be acknowledged by the Synagogue of Satan they are zealous for the Rites and Customs of the Primitive Church for the four first Centuries and would reduce all under pain of Excommunication and all severe Penalties to that Time not considering the Apostasie rose gradually from thence 6 But when Philadelphia comes to its proper Time Christ shows David's Key His Key of Supreme Jurisdiction and that Synagogue sits low and learns of Phidelph And All of the Reformed Churches seek Christ together Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 All Protestants agree concerning Christ the only Head and Supreme of his Church against Papal Tyranny but they differ'd where he was to be found whether in the present Order and Government of the Church or in a greater Glory of his Kingdom Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 It hath been look'd upon hitherto by too many as Faction and Schism to desire a greater Reformation of the Church than we see yet Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 When the Kingdom of Christ comes to be Proclaimed at 1697 it shall then be agreed by all the Reformed Churches to seek Him and wait for his coming in greater Glory Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 With how great Elegancy is Satan's Synagogue which gave the Elevation of the Apostasie in Smyrna again parallelled to that Over-zealous Contention to bring things in the Reformed Churches to that state again as the most perfect state whereas the Apostasie rose out of it but to show Christs Favour to all of the Reformation He brings these to acknowledge their Errour and to acknowledge also Christs Love to a Church settled by his Word and not by Antiquity which is here by this Song given in the Daughters of Jerusalem waiting so long to hear the Description of Christ's Person e'er they all agreed to seek him with the Philadelphian Church as we shall find they did agree in the following Chapter The Chorus by Salem's Daughters Whither is thy Beloved gone Oh thou Fairest among Women Whither is thy Beloved turned aside Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 Here is the very Worshipping of the sleepy Sardians even superstitiously fond of Antiquity at the Feet of Philadelphia express'd by owning her the Fairest of Women by seeking Christ with her as the True Spouse That we may seek Him with Thee Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Revel 3. 2. the Things that remain are properly Express'd by Remainders in order to the Kingdom of Christ which were to be strengthned in Sardis as ready to dye My Beloved is gone down into his Garden Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 It cannot but be observed by every Thoughtful Reader that the Account the Spouse gives of Christ Return'd is just opposite to the State of the Apostasie before Chap. 5. to v. 9. To the Beds of Spices Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 Before Christ had come into his Garden as a Time past and then could not be found To Feed in the Gardens and to gather Lillies Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 He had Eaten and gathered c. and left all to other Beloveds Now He is again returned to the Beds of Spices and to gather Lillies I am my Beloveds Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 Before the Church had put off its Coat and wash'd its Feet and could not open to Christ now it saith I am my Beloveds This is in Revel c. 14. 1. the Servants of God having his Name on their Fore-head Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 Before the Church could not find Christ now Christ is the Churches 2 It is very observable ch 2. v. 16. These Words are us'd but in another Order then it is first said My Beloved is mine For in the Captivity the Church was under Judgment not under Apostasie So the first Remarkable was Christ Return'd to his Church in Mercy which thereupon cried out My Beloved is Mine Here the Church having been under Apostasie Expresses first its own Loyal Return to Christ I am my Beloveds And as that was the Triumphal Note of the Return from Litteral Babylon so now with this Remarkable Alteration it is taken up again as the Motto of its Return from Spiritual Babylon And He is mine Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The constant Allusion of this
Song to the most Excellent Plants Spices and Trees water'd by the Purest streams is most agreeable to the Paradise of God with its Tree of Life bearing twelve sorts of Fruit and the River of Life running through the Streets of the New Jerusalem Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 Christ the True Schelom or Solomon Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 I account the proper Time or Interval of Philadelphia the last of the Six Churches that draw so many spaces of Time from the Resurrection to the New Jerusalem to begin 1697. * Mother Cities Notes explaining the Senſe. 6 It comprehends so many Years betwixt the Fall of the Tenth Part or decem Principality of the Great City as were between the Fall of Litteral Babylon and that completing Decree Ezra the 7 th when the Word for restoring Jerusalem was Perfect Notes explaining the Senſe. 7 It comprehends also the Seven Voices and the Seven Vials Notes explaining the Senſe. 8 As it were to declare the Conversion of both the House of Judah and of the House of Israel with Philadelphia's Interval the Church is compar'd to Jerusalem the Metropolis or chief City of Judah's Kingdom and to Tirzah the Metropolis or chief City of Israel's Kingdom both which unite in Christ's Kingdom * Mother Cities Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The Banner'd Armies are those Armies of Heaven that come down to Armageddon in this Churches Time Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 There is both an agreement in the Description of the first Apostolick Church and of the Church in this State to show one lyes at the Foundation the other is placed at the very Top and Heights of the Church in the New Jerusalem Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 Tirzah the Beautiful City where Jeroboam settled his Kingdom over the Ten Tribes represents the Ten Tribes 1 Kings 14. 17. Jerusalem eminently the City of Two Tribes these united as the two Sticks Ezeck 37. Thou art Beautiful Oh my Love as Tirzah Comely as Jerusalem Terrible as an Army with Banners Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 As between a furnish'd Armory and a Banner'd Army betwixt the State of the Church in the Apostles days and the State of it in this Approach of Christs Kingdom In the First There was a Visible Preparation to a Kingdom and Victory Here all things are ready for Execution according to that Preparation Turn away thy Eyes from for they have overcome me Thy Hair is as a Flock of Goats that appear from Gilead Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 The Goats-Hair shading as Hair the overcoming Eyes speaks an admirable Glory as of the Tabernacle and yet cover'd with Goats-Hair till the very Temple Built and the Voice from the Throne It is Done Revel 27. 6. Thy Teeth are as a Flock of Sheep that go up from the Washing Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 Then are the very same Expressions us'd to set out the Fruitfulness of this Time in the abundance of Converts to God and Christ that were us'd in the very Apostles Days when the Holy Spirit came down from Heaven as Fire in the form of Cloven Tongues and the Seeds of Life which the Pomegranates Import Whereof every one beareth Twins and there is none Barren among them As a piece of Pomegranate are thy Temples within thy Locks Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 The distribution of those who are gathered to the Church of Christ as in the Philadelphian State and Interval and preserving that in a single and singular Consideration One and the onely One of her Mother is most natural and agreeable Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 First Reformed Churches justly deserve the Honourable Names of Queens because Reformed These gather to it from Thyatyra and Sardis There are Threescore Queens Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 Concubines may be understood very Elegantly such as pretend a right to Christ by the Profession of his Name and of his Religion and yet are not in such a holy State through the Corruption of that Profession as not to be esteemed in the Rank of Conjugal Honour being Apostatiz'd Fourscore Concubines Virgins without number My Dove my Vnfiled is but one She is the only One of her that bare her The Daughters saw her and Blessed her The Queens and Concubines and they Praised her Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The Converts from Paganism are also most Elegantly represented by Virgins who had not before professed Christ but are now Espoused to Him The Reason of each Number is after to be given Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 The Philadelphian most pure and perfect state of the Church is the only One of her Mother that is That only pure Church in whose state the great Promise to Christ the great Seed of the Woman shall be fulfilled This Emblem is most aptly taken from Solomon's many Wives and Concubines with a preference to Pharaoh's Daughter even as to Philadelphia the most Excellent state of the Gentile Church Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 All these do not Envy but Praise and Bless this Church as happy in it themselves * Eve the Mother of all Living Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 This must needs be evident to every one that compares the Symbols of the Apostacy and the Reformation as Solomon hath here describ'd them Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 Solomon in this Song and the Apostle John in the Revelation do Admirably agree Notes explaining the Senſe. 6 There will be found an Admirable Agreement betwixt the Apostolick Church and the Church of Philadelphia Notes explaining the Senſe. 6 There will be found an Admirable Agreement betwixt the Apostolick Church and the Church of Philadelphia Notes explaining the Senſe. 7 That Song Revel 14. 3. c. is the same Song of Redemption sung by the Apostolick Church Revel 4. ult Revel 5. 9. which is sung again as new but not new Revel 14. 3. Notes explaining the Senſe. 8 There cannot be another Gospel Gal. 1. v. 7. But the Gospel cover'd with the Apostasie is as new in the Glory of the Church Appearing 9 It is therefore Remarkable the Twelve Names of the Apostles of the Lamb are in the Foundations of the Wall of the New Jerusalem Revel 21. 14. Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 This both Agreement and yet variation of the Types in this Song show the oneness and yet the difference of the Church in the Foundation and in the highest of its States Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Nothing can now be added nor taken from the Scripture seal'd up Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 Yet the Apostolick Time was an Armory for after Use This as an Army in making that Use to Victory * Revel 14. 6. Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 It is one great Objection of the Atheist that the Christian Religion possesses the least part of the World and of the Romanist that the Reform'd Religion holds such a small part of the Christian World in Union with it in comparison of the Roman Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 To this there cannot be a greater Answer than that Prophecy of Scripture hath told us both before as Christ says Lo I have told you before Notes explaining the Senſe. 6 There is no end of the number of Convert Heathens the Heathen World being so numerous before Conversion Notes explaining the Senſe. 7 The Truth of Prophecy assuring the Conversion of the Fulness of the Gentiles shall not be resisted in its own Time in the mean none ought to be affrighted with the Ghost of this Objection * Bugbears Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The Popish World compar'd with the Protestant is here given as Eight to Six till the
Great Conversion of the Reformation in the Philadelphian Church which takes away that Objection also Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Now follows the Call and Conversion of the Jews within the time of this Philadelphian Church as before Explained First The Two Tribes then the Ten. Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 Solomon was the great peacable Prince of both the Ten and Two throughout his Reign which none before him nor after of the Kings was Herein Solomon was an Eminent Type of Christ in whose Kingdom both shall Unite The Spouse or Christian Church to the Jews or Two Tribes coming into Vnion with it Who is this that looketh forth as the Morning Fair as the Moon Clear as the Sun Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The compare of the Jewish Church to the Beauty of the Moon and then of the Sun is most significant of its Exaltation from those Types and Feasts so dependent on the Moon to the Clearness of a Gospel state and the looking forth as the Morning speaks the Dawn of the Kingdom of Christ near Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 The Calling of the Jews was as dreadful as an Army with Banners for immediately upon the Kings of the East having their way made the Spirits went out to congregate the whole World to the Battel Revel 16. 12. Terrible as an Army with Banners I went down into the Garden of Nuts to see the Fruits of the Vallies and to see whether the Vine flourished and the Pomegranates Budded Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The Prophecies of Scripture are fitly compar'd to a Garden of Nuts because of Divine Truth wrapped up in Parables and Riddles especially in Ezekiel and Daniel's Prophecy Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Many Excellent and Spiritual yet very plain Doctrines among those Prophecies are as the Fruits that are not lock'd up in Shells but of an inviting Beauty and Pleasantness and which shall be in an exceeding Flourish at this time of the Church These Truths and Prophecies inlightning one another there arise at the same time most earnest Desires and Prayers for the Return of the Jews as of the Princely People or Kings of the East Or ever I was aware my Soul made me as the the Chariots of Ammi-nadib Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 Shulamite or Salemite is a Distinction of the Converted Jews from all the Members of the True Church which are called Daughters of Jerusalem Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 They are re-ingraffed into their own Olive whom they pierc'd by Crucifying Him for which they were cut off by God and became a Taunt and Proverb to the whole World What would ye see in the Shulamite Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 Seeing these Salemites are those that have been so long under the Curse and Wrath of God the Reproach and Proverb of the Nations a People of no Reputation but for Traffick and getting Riches by Usury what would you now see in them This is a Question made on purpose to draw out this Answer Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The Answer is 'T is not for themselves but for those Eminent Appearances from Heaven that shall be at the time of their Conversion which shall be the Riches of the World and as Life from the Dead and like Jacob's Vision of Angels when He call'd the Place Gen. 32. 2. Mahanaim And it seems to relate to that Battel at Armageddon immediately on the Calling of the Jews even as Jacob's Vision of Angels was his defence against Esau's Hoasts As it were the company of two Armies or Mahanaim How Beautiful are thy Feet with Shooes oh Princes Daughter Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Bare Feet are in Scripture Language an Emblem of Captivity even as shod are of Liberty Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The Joynts of the Thighs like Jewels fram'd by so cunning a Work-man denote a princely Gate and Motion and speak the Dignity put upon the Jews at their Conversion The Joynts of thy Thighs are like Jewels the work of the Hands of a cunning Work-man Thy Navel is like a round Goblet that wanteth not Liquor Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The Belly as a Hill of Wheat and the Navel as a Goblet full of Liquor speak the Abundance of Truth and Spiritual Plenty that shall be at that Time the Riches of the World Thy Belly is like a heap of Wheat Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The unveiling the Types and Prophecies of the Old Testament will be as a heap of Wheat set about with Lillies and a Goblet wanting no Liquor Highest Nourishment with greatest Delight to Souls as the other is to Bodies Set about with Lillies * Rayl'd about with Ornament a term in Heraldry Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Upon which the two Testaments the New receiv'd with the Old become as two Breasts that are Twins of these new Converts and disperse Truth every way Thy two Breasts are two young Roes that are Twins Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 So Jerusalem's Gates and Walls have the Names of the Twelve Tribes and Twelve Apostles Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The Neck Eyes Nose and Head the most conspicuous parts in Nature are here Character'd by some most Remarkable Points in Judaea to ascertain the Calling of the Jews is here meant * Carriages Rom. 11 12. 15. Thy Neck is as the Tower of Ivory Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 King Solomon's Ivory Throne describ'd 2 Chron. 9. 17. is here made the Emblem of the Royal Enthronization of Christ at the New Jerusalem state much exalted by the Jews Conversion Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Christ sitting on this Exalted Throne Judges the World with Equity and the whole Creation Bejoyces according to Psal 96 97 98. Rom. 8. 22 23. * Exalted to the Highest * The highest Note in Musick Thy Eyes are like the Fish-pools of Heshbon by the Gate of Bath-rabbim Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 Heshbon the Royal Seat of the Amorites Num. 21. 26. is call'd the Gate of Bath-Rabbim which signifies both Multitude and the Gate of the Wise Judges and Learned Masters in Knowledge and may fitly Type the Knowledge of the Lord Abounding as the Sea or Ezekiel's Holy Waters in which all things Live Ezek. 47. 9. Thy Nose is like the Tower of Lebanon that looketh toward Damascus Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The Tower of Libanus in allusion to Solomon's House of the Forest 1 Kings 7. 2. takes in the Cedar Perfumes and both Beautifies all within its prospect even to Damascus and by Repercussion sends back those sweet Airs So the Jews Converted as they receive the Gospel themselves so shall Minister to the abundant Propagation of it to the World about Typ'd here by Damascus Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The Head that had Hair as of a Flock of Goats from Mount Gilead is now as cover'd with Scarlet or Crimson as Carmel signifies and Purple shewing the Exaltation of the meanness of the Gospels out-side to Princely Greatness at the Jews Conversion signified by these Royal Colours Thy Head upon Thee is like Carmel or Crimson The Hair of thy Head is as Purple * Rooms of state have Ante-rooms before them The King is held in the Galleries This Thy stature is like the Palm-Tree Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 I do not understand here by Love as in this Song in other Places Christ the Beloved of the Spouse but Love in the Abstract plac'd and seated in the Delights of a great Condition suitable to
the Approaching bless'd Estate And thy Breasts to Clusters of Grapes Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The Palm-Tree I account the Emblem of the High Victorious State of Christ and his Gospel agreeable to Revel 7. 9. when the Jews and the Gentiles shall be united Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The so often Mention of Breasts and Clusters speaks the Admirable Fruitfulness of the Gospel-Light and Grace as well as Height of Condition Behold I will go up to the Palm-Tree I will take hold of the Boughs thereof Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 By the Height of the Jewish Palm-tree is not to be understood any Dominion of the Jews alone but the state of most Excellent Grace and Glory accruing to all the Saints from Christs Exalted Kingdom at their Conversion in which the Jews may be first but yet no more than equal with all Saints Now also thy Breast shall be as Clusters of the Vines And the smell of thy Nose like Apples Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Mention of Apples and all Fruits as was said allude to the Paradise of God And the Roof of thy Mouth like the best Wine causing the Lips of those that were asleep to speak Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The Blood of Christ and the Doctrine and Sacrament of it are fitly express'd by Wine as the Scripture Witnesses * As we say to Rights Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The Order God hath set betwixt the Jews and Gentiles in the Communications of his Mercy is very Admirable according to Rom. 11. the Jews Falling of necessity God must have a People Christ a Church The Gentiles then are called to supply their Vacancy So the Jews Fall is the Riches of the World * Supplied Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The Gentile Church hath yielded that Army of Martyrs first under Heathen then under Popish Powers These must be Recompenc'd in Christ's Kingdom Christ's Kingdom cannot be without the Conversion of the Jews whose are the Promises and of whom Christ Blessed for ever came So then because the Gentile Martyrs must be Crown'd through Mercy the Mercy promis'd to them assures and hastens Mercy to the Jews in its time that so the Kingdom of Christ the Riches of the World and Life from the Dead may come in at the Fulness of the Jews Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Rom. 11. Vlt. My Beloved is mine Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The Royal State of Christ figur'd by the Jews Return as the Kings of the East being given the Church as one Spouse anew entitles it self to Christ And his desire is towards me Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 This particular Visitation of all parts and of the Fruits appearing relate to the Kingdom of Christ and shew the near Approach of it when all things were thus prepared Come my Beloved let us go forth Into the Field Let us Lodge in the Villages Let us get up early to the Vineyards Let us see if the Vine flourish whether the tender Grapes appear and the Pomegranate bud forth There will I give thee my Loves Or I will yield up my self to my Beloved Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The Words Translated My Loves I rather render by an Elegant Abundance I will give my self to my Beloved to Thee signifying the Spouses State even prepar'd as a Bride adorn'd for the Bridegroom by the universal Readiness of all things for the Kingdom of Christ On which follows a Representation of a Feastival Abundance waiting at the Gates as for the Marriage Supper in the next Canticle The Mandrakes or lovely Fruits give a smell And at our gates are all manner of pleasant Fruits new and old Which I have laid up for thee O my Beloved O that thou wert or one would give thee as my Brother Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 After the Account of this complete Preparation to a Nuptial Banquet as it were in Paradise the Spouse desires the Appearance of Christ in the Glory of His Humane Nature or as the Great Son of Man under the Modesty of desiring Him to be given as her Brother of the same Nature with her self That sucked the Breasts of my Mother I would Kiss thee when I should find thee without yet I should not be despised Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 To which also relates the bringing him into the House of her Mother as the Incarnation was before Express'd Chap. 3 4. Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 The spiced Wine and Juice of the Pomegranate is that first great Promise of Life and of the Kingdom to the Seed of the Woman c. in which the Spouse would be visibly and experimentally Instructed by Christ Appearing I would lead thee and bring thee into my Mothers House who would instruct me I would cause thee to drink of the spiced Wine of the Juice of the Pomegranate Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 This and the next Expression are us'd just at the Deliverance from Literal Babel and so here from Spiritual of which That was a great Type as appears by Ezekiel's Temple His left Hand should be under my Head His right Hand should embrace me I charge you oh ye Daughters of Jerusalem Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 This Adjuring the Daughters of Salem is us'd three Times in this Song 1. Before Christ Appearing in Liberty by Cyrus that so Eminent Type of him Chap. 2. 7. 2. Before the Incarnation Chap. 3. 5. and 3. here before his Appearance to his Glorious Kingdom and here it is very Remarkable it is without that Intimation of Terrour by the Roes and Hinds of the Field now brought in subjection to Christ Thus in Prophetical Scripture it is a Rule Likeness of Expression signifies some especial Resemblance of Times and States That ye stir not up nor awake my Love till he please Who is this that cometh up from the Wilderness leaning on her Beloved Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 The Desart and coming up the from Wilderness leaning on the Everlasting Arms of her Beloved as Israel of Old Deut. 33. 27. is a High Expression of this long Exil'd State of the Ten Tribes and Deliverance from it I raised Thee up under the Apple-Tree Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The Apple-Tree calls to mind the Promise by which the Church was first Conceived after Paradise Lost and fitly here Remembred There thy Mother brought thee forth There she brought Thee forth that bare Thee The Spouse as in the Ten Tribes Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 This was the universal Temper and earnest Desire of the Spouse in all parts of it to be in the most immediate Enjoyment of Christ personally Appearing Set me as a Seal on thy As a Seal on thy Arm Thy Love is strong as death Jealousie is cruel as the Grave Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 All these passionate Expressions signifie a jealousie of any Absence of Christ Vehement as Fire and Cruel as the Grave The Coals therof are as Coals of Fire which hath a most vehement Flame Many Waters cannot quench Love nor the Floods drown it Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 It hath been too shamefully the Sin of Christian Churches especially the Grand Apostate the Roman Church to take worldly Glory for Christ's Kingdom even as a Desire of a Carnal Pompous Messiah was the Sin of the Jews not understanding this Exalted Kingdom of Christ our Saviour in its Spiritual yet Visible Glory If a Man would give all the Substance of his
AN EXPOSITION OF THE Divinely Prophetick SONG OF SONGS WHICH IS SOLOMONS Beginning with the Reign of David and Solomon Ending in the Glorious Kingdom of our Lord JESUS CHRIST Adjusted to the Expositor's Line of Time and Illustrating it And Composed into VERSE By T Beverley London Printed for the Author 1687. THE PREFACE TO THE Exposition of Solomon's Song by way of Justificacation that the Exposition ought to be Prophetical THAT This Book of Holy Scripture hath been under a high Character of Honour in the Church of God and hath Imprinted an Awe and Veneration of it self upon the Minds of Wise and Holy Men is out of doubt both among Jews and Christians It is enough known that the Jews prohibit any to read it till the Sacerdotal or Thirtieth Year of Age Now though this may savor of an over Fear which in Religious Matters dwells at the next door to Superstition Yet still it shews of how sublime a Majesty and Estimation this Song appear'd to them And with the same profound Reverence all Christians approach it who have any serious Sense of the Dread due to Sacred Oracles This Thing therefore is not of any doubt But it is a Question of much greater Intricacy and Perplexity what the drift scope and design of so uncontestably a Divine and Spiritual Song is The generality of Interpreters look upon it as a Catholick seat or Universe of Allegories representing the Mystical Communion betwixt Christ and his Spouse the Church and every Believing Soul in it Now although I defer as much as Any of the most Devoted to such Holy Spiritual and Heavenly Meditations as are deriv'd with Advantages of Piety and Prudence from this stupendious Allegory Yet I cannot for this very great Reason Rest in that Expository Sentiment that makes it the grand scope of the Holy Spirit to give Rist to such Meditations And this is my Reason All parts of Scripture have some so limited determinate defined scope and end that they cannot be misled from it by any Interpretation But it cannot be imagin'd or with any semblance suppos'd that from this Song there can be drawn a Frame or Platform either of the state of the Church or of particular Souls in Relation to their Communion with Christ or of Religious Discipline or Rules of Life that should traverse and cut with variety of Motions backward and forward that so Indefinite variety that these so manifold both new and repeated Emblematisms require If then there be not a Frame and Model to stint and confine Interpretation this Song must be left to the differing Phantasies of all its Interpreters how many soever and nothing left to controll or correct them who do but keep to the general Analogy of pious Sense and natural Knowledge For when the whole Universe serves the Images of thi● Sacred Poesie and that every Sprig may some way resemble God It may consequently be made serviceable to some spiritual Meditation and moral Document and so proportionably seeing the Communion betwixt Christ and his Church is of the same Divine Spiritual and Holy Nature every Particle of Nature used in this Song shall be subject to as many Descants upon it as there are Ingenies to extract them agreeably to that foresaid Analogy of Faith and common Philosophy And so the Song and the several parts of it unstable as Water having no consistent Figure of their own shall receive s●ape from every Vessel the Interpreter brings to it But it surpasses my Understanding or Belief that so infinitely Wise and divinely Prudent an Author as the Holy Spirit should write in such a Laxity as this Known to whom are all his Works of Scripture from the beginning to the end and all the various Censures and Senses each Iota of them shall undergo and hath supreme and determinate Counsels of his own which shall Over-rule them all And so in this Song And indeed if this Liberty and Largeness of Interpretation were allowed It would yet be never possible to give any decent and congruous Agreement betwixt the Spouse of Christ and a Company of Horses in Pharaohs Chariot Teeth like a Flock of Sheep bearing Twins Eyes as Fish pools Locks bushy and black as a Raven that should express the Communion betwixt Christ and his Church without some other Key of Interpretation that keeps the whole Tight to such a Frame and Model of things as was before desir'd There are some Interpreters therefore though so very few as hardly to escape the Note of singularity and of very Venerable Name who have understood by it a portraicture of the various States through which the Kingdom of Christ hath pass'd in relation to his Church and so reciprocally of his Church in relation to his Kingdom And from these I confess I receiv'd the first Thoughts that such a Table is most agreeable to this Divine Composure And herein I am not asham'd to acknowledgde I have borrowed most light from that very Admirable Man Mr. Brightman with whom Mr. Cotton that great Light of the Church of God in New England Symbolises And yet I have retired from them in a careful Avoidance to press these Divine Figures too hard lest wringing them should bring forth Blood or to make the pursuit too far lest the Exposition should be too curious and minute For in all Prophetical Expositions I think there is most safety of Truth in resting upon the Bulk and Body of Scripture Prophecy and of History when only Humane History leads the Application but when Sacred History conducts it One may be much more bold or where the Instance is singular and notorious as in Antiochus Epiphanes And as I have retired in these particularities of Interpretation from those two by me so honoured Expositors of this Song so I have as freely dissented from them wheresoever I see Reason And upon this occasion I take liberty to make this Digression and to observe It is a very frivolous Undertaking to attempt to bl●st the Interpretation of Prophetical Interpreters as of Mr Mede Mr. Brightman and that to me above all others most Indear'd Name of the most Learned Pious and Honoured Dr. More on Daniel and the Apocalypse and Others Because either Events have not answered their Calculations or because they differ among themselves For herein is the great Mistake Men are angry These Prophetical Expositors do not as inspired Writers give Oracles Whereas God may wonderfully and beyond the ordinary standard assist his Servants in some grand Points to bring Light into the World and to make great Efforts into the retired parts of Scripture viz. the Prophecies and yet leave them in many Particulars to the Fallibility of their own Minds and so to Mistakes For this is the Distinction betwixt the immediate Assistances of God vouchsafed to the Sacred Pen-men and Those whom he leads by the Mediation of their own Learning Search and Judgment To the one He dictates wholly from himself To the other by an Excitation of their Faculties to
diffus'd the savour of Christs Oyntments and drew the Virgins after him In Union with David Solomon his Son is to be joyn'd who enjoyed in Splendor Peace and Magnificence the Kingdom that was the Acquest of David's Wars whose many Wives and Concubines like the sixty Queens the eighty Concubines and Virgins without number c. 6. 8. which make the Spouse of Christ and especially his Marriage of Pharaoh 's Daughter with Royal Estate are greatly serviceable to this Song and to the Representations it gives of the Spouse of Christ and of his Marriage to it For that most Illustrious and Celebrated Queen Pharaohs Daughter undoubtedly a Convert to the God of Israel was not only a Type of the Gentile Church in general but particularly of its State in the Philadelphian Interval so highly Honoured Revel 3. And for her as a Type of the Church in that state that Divinely Prophetick Fourty fifth Psalm was composed in so much Agreement with this Song a Song of Loves set to a Musical Instrument or Tune called Shoshannim or the Lillies among which this Song Represents so often Christ and his Church Feeding an Emblem of Purity at last set in Glory and Lustre Now the Principal Intention of that Psalm is under the Type of Solomon and Pharaoh's Daughter to Represent Christ Annointed as on the Mount of Spices for his Appearance on his Royal Throne and taking his Church in the Philadelphian state to Himself as his Bride agreeable with the close of this Song agreeable with the Promises to the Philadelphian Church agreeable with Revel 19. and c. 21. And the very silence of Solomon's Israelitish Wives seems not to be without a Mystery but to express that long Desolate state of the whole Seed of Israel under the Gospel and yet there is a Revival at last in the Shulamite as Solomon had undoubtedly Israelitish Wives and in his Repentance Return'd to them c. 6. 12 13. And even in those Wives of the Idolatrous Nations Solomon took who Turn'd away his Heart from God He may be thus far a Type of the Love of Christ to the Heathen Idolatrous World and also of that great Scandal This hath against him the True Messiah given so long to the Jews from which yet Christ shall be vindicated at the Conversion of ALL as Solomon is by this Song together with the Book of Ecclesiastes Vindicated from the Infamy of his Idolatry It being so Royal a Monument of his Repentance This Solomon was also He who Built the Temple of God and his own House of State that serve also in this song as Types who lastly was a great Prince in Wisdom and the Largeness of his Mind This so great a Type yea so great a Prophecy of Christ in his own Person and Reign and Marriages is commission'd as the most Elect Person to sing this song this Prophetical song of the Kingdom of Christ as David did in so many Psalms And such a Song was to be expected from so great a Prince and such a Son of Wisdom whose Wisdom had not been perfect in Honour without such a Prophecy of the Kingdom of Christ Seeing Prophecy and Prophecy of Christ was the highest point of Wisdom And it stands with Ecclesiastes as a Monument of the Repentance of this Great King after his Fall Let then the Epoch of this Song be David's and Solomon's Reign in Conjunction and the beginning of the Course of Time to Christs Kingdom in this Song fix'd here And immediately after Solomon's death begins not a new Course but a new Character of this Course of Time carried on from Time to Time in the most Known Remarkable and Chronicular Events of greatest Renown in Scripture-History or Prophecy or Both or Scripture Prophecy and Humane History that cannot be denyed nor to have been such noble Events Now then if in the very same order these Events keep with the Course of Time They have also such fit Emblems and Resemblances of them in this Song and in the same order that They have all along to this very Day in the Course of Time I cannot account this less than great Evidence This Song is such a Frame or Table of Time as I assert it And that these may stand Fair Visible and Together I have Calendar'd them in the Annexed Table and Referr'd them to each part of this Song together with their References to each Page of the Book and also according to their Scituation and Place in the Course of Time and according to that Settlement I have endeavour'd to vindicate to them that in Course of Time by My Line of Time Now I cannot but add as a farther Evidence of the Epoch of this Song and that it designs a Course of Time of which I gave Intimation just now viz. That after the Reign of David and Solomon In the Division of the Ten and the Two Tribes making a House of Judah and a House of Israel Ezekiel's Days for Years Began as an Introduction of Prophetical Time and as shall be declared a Medium or Mediation betwixt Historical and Prophetical Time and on which the whole Course of Prophetical Time Runs Upon this very point of Time This Song gives those two Remarks 1. Of that Division by the Tents of Kedar and the Curtains of Solomon And then of Rehoboam's Servitude under Shishak King of Aegypt where to distinguish or rather to make most notorious that Time There is a more Uncouth Resemblance than is to be found in the whole Song beside viz. I have compared Thee O my Love to a Company of Horses in Pharaoh 's Chariot c. 1. 5. 9. as is Declared in the Exposition A Second Thing I cannot but add in Confirmation of the Cou rse of Time is That forasmuch as it was Fore-seen there would not be after the History of the Acts of the Apostles Scripture History to bear up the Prophecy of Daniel looking beyond that Time nor of the Apocalypse Given after that Time We have therefore before the Apostolical Time a Precedent of depending upon the most undoubted Humane History for one of the most Remarkable Prophecies in the Judgment of all Expositors and in which some would fain Absolve all Daniel's Prophecy viz. the Tyranny of Antiochus Taking away the Daily Sacrifice as great a Tyranny and Desolation of their Worship for the short time it lasted or greater than any the Jewish Church suffered till their Final Desolation And This though so solemnly prophecied of by Daniel we have only the History of the Maccabees and of Josephus to depend upon for the Exposition of it And it is counted so enough that no Interpreter doubts it Why then should we not be as well satisfied in undoubted Humane History concerning the Roman Antichrist the Antitype to Antiochus that he is that Man of Sin in 2 Thessal 2. and the Beast Rev. c. 13. c. 17. And it is very remarkable how much in the same Emblems This Song may be fairly suppos'd to Descant on Both
as it were the Type and the Antitype The Type c. 3. before the Incarnation The Antitype c. 6. before the preparation of All Things and their running on to the Glory of Christs Kingdom in c. 7. c. 8. And while there is an Agreement the due Distances are also maintain'd Thus the Epoch and so much of the Running on of the Course being Remonstrated upon let us consider the Period and Conclusion and see if the Song does not draw all things to their Consummation in the Glory of Christ's Kingdom as into the Time of the Fullest Confluence of all to the True Church of Christ as one Gentile Church viz. the Fulness of the Gentiles The Antichristian Converts and the Reformed Churches Then the Jews or two Tribes Congregated to it as the Princes of the East looking out as the Morning and at last the Ten Tribes And then the whole Mountain of Spices flows into an Everlasting Unction of Christ into his Kingdom who is then Annointed with the Oyl of Joy above his Fellows A Kingdom above all Kingdoms and beyond which There is nothing but Eternity And Concurrent with this End is the Highest Purity the most Ardent Love betwixt Christ and his Church the fullest Enjoyment as in not only a Supreme but an only Kingdom and as in the Paradise of God as is so Remarkable that it cannot be miss'd in the latter part or the three last Chapters of the Song What then can if This does not deserve to be the Period and Point of the Course of Time and of this Song Commensurate to it and so Adequate to Daniel's last Words of Prophecy and the drawing up all to an End in the Revelation Upon the whole then There cannot be a greater proof of a Frame system or Model in any Writing that doth not openly declare it self to be so than to find out a just Order and Series and due Connexion in the Parts Nor in a Mystical Frame than that the Parts do fairly Express and Expose the Things that in such a Frame They are supposed to Expose And if it be accounted in Philosophy a good Discharge to give an Hypothesis or Scheme of Nature agreeable and to keep All Appearances safe in Relation one to another I hope it will be Esteemed a good Acquittal of my Undertaking not only to Project a Frame or System of this but to find that Frame laid in Scripture-History and Prophecy or in Scripture-Prophecy and Uncontestable Humane History as of Antiochus his Tyranny just now to this purpose Instanc'd and to find the Images of Prophetick Song all along Agreeing And I hope it will be no more disallowed to Expound this Song into a continued Parable without dowright Demonstration than it is to Expound the Parts of this Song in several and particular Parables with as little Demonstration as General Interpreters do In fine that the whole Song so laid into a Parable may be Accepted as well as any other Theological Parable of which there are Examples seeing all the Parts and Lines on which it is grounded are undoubtedly Divine and the Exposition so fairly put for to be Justified as Divine also For I acknowledge That which enabled me to bring this Song into the Contexture wherein it is now Presented and that which gave me also the occasion and the Engagement to do it is The Scripture-Line of Time I lately Published To which I have in the Title declared It is Adjusted and which I have pursued along in the Exposition of the Song both in the Signification of the Emblems and in the Notes of Time And it is upon This Hope that These two may give Light and Strength one to another For the same Things variously Represented make them clearer and easier to general Apprehension Some Things being plainer to some in one Dress to some in another and each gives Light to the other when They are Compar'd And in this Song and its Exposition Things lye much nearer and closer one to another They are more suddenly seen and Apprehended more easily Grasp'd and more easily Remembred And what requires either fuller Discourse or Proof may be sought in those larger Prophetical Discussions of the Line of Time But above All The Compare of these Three Great Prophets besides others viz. Solomon Daniel John the Three Beloveds does exceedingly inlighten and strengthen my Prophetical Scheme For when the Three Frames differ in Circumstances and yet agree in Essentials There can be no greater Conviction of a Design'd Scheme of Prophecy nor happier Conduct into it than their compare one with another And such a three-fold Cord is not easily broken And in the Mouth of not Two but Three Witnesses every word is Established I have chosen to Present this Song in Verse in Conformity to the Divine Poesy not pretending to Excel herein much less to come within any distance of the Original but to come something nearer the High Spirit and Lofty Air of this Song than plain Exposition in Prose could do I am also in Hope that the Diversion and Acceptableness of Words in number and measure may Invite to the Consideration of the Matter so convey'd and that while the Poetry is Censur'd and Condemn'd yet the Sense may slide in and lay hold of the Judgment And lest any Difficulty in such a stinted Form of Words should occur I have by brief Notes Explaining Words and sense endeavoured to Illustrate such Difficulties And as I desire This Poem should look backward to the Line of Time I have already or shall with this offer to any Hand so I desire It should look forward to a second Part now in the Press and wherein I Beg the assistance of all who shall be induc'd to favour the Undertaking To conclude That all Things may be made most plain I have plac'd this Table as in Entrance to the Exposition of this Song That every one may run and Read those great Heads of Prophecy in their order and in the Series of Time wherein they are set the Events themselves none can deny to be the greatest that can be found in Scripture-History or suppos'd in Scripture-prophecy nor call in question their successive Order in Time So that every one may compare the Images which are undoubtedly Divine and then set them close to the Exposition which is in the Line of Time endeavour'd to be prov'd Divine also by immediate Scripture Consequence and when their place in Time cannot be contested what can be doubted There is but one grand Event which I can think of which can in this Song be suppos'd to be omitted And that is the Desolation of the Jews by the Romans But that asunfit for a Song of Loves is glided over and rather suppos'd by the Gentile Church entring into the whole play of the Song then describ'd even as Gods Casting the Ten Tribes out of his sight is silently made known by the Songs Reference to the House of Judah only And observe those Jewish Desolations are shaded over
if You displease These Roes and Hinds as Wolves and Tygers seize You as their Prey Oh then let no Offence Till my Love please Him waken and Incense Let no false Sects presume to Antedate My True Love 's coming and awake Debate 'Twixt Him and Salem's Daughters till He come An humble Shepherd to his Flock and bring them Home The Incarnation of Jesus Christ set out by the Chorus of Saints While seven Decads of Prophetick Weeks Had almost run their Course what all Time seeks Some noble Product that may guild its Sphere Doth here Ennoble it One 'gins to appear No Age can second Wonder Fear Desire Are each its Harbingers Natures dull Fire Can no such Birth Calcine Incarnation Empales this Mysterious Generation All vulgar Style 's too low Schelom Wise King Inspir'd Divinely does this Secret sing By us who with profoundest Reverence Of Love and Wonder thus Caroll our Sence Who 's this that comes as from a Wilderness Unknown and unattended who 'll confess To Glorys hid'd Pillars indeed arise With him but still of Smoke which does disguise The flame of Ether oyl'd yet with Perfumes Of Myrrh of Incense Frank of all the Gumms And Powders that from far the Merchants bring Three Sages Homag'd thus the Infant King Far Richer yet in s native Glory He The Treasures of his own Divinity Thus rose the Miracles of his whole Life Where Cloud and Lustre still maintain'd a strife The out-side Meanness and the in-side Glory Enrich the whole most mysterious story Consider well the Bed where the Word lay 'T was Schelom's humane Nature which had stay Truely Divine Angelic Guards attend Who can this Sacred Bed safer defend Then Schelom's threescore Valiant Israelites Whom Skill and Valour shield ' gainst all affrights While they arm'd at all points defie the Dread Wherewith the Night can threat the Royal Bed This Schelom God with us His Body fram'd So rich with all the Graces that are nam'd That Schelom's Chariot of sweet Lebans Wood Which on its Silver Pillars firmly stood Founded in Gold and with the Purple crown'd Is Emblem faint this Myst'ry to expound But yet which all Types still excels in Grace While Schelom Salem's Daughters did enchase In beauteous Images throughout this State That thus Triumphing He might celebrate His love to them Great Schelom was inspir'd With hotter Flames which his whole Body fir'd In●● Sacrifice to Justice while He bore These Salems Daughters on his Heart and wore Their Names wrought into his with Love so high No parallel can e'er be found to Vye And in this Chariot thus inflam'd He rode In Triumph over Hell it captive show'd And as the Royal * Bathsheba receiv'd The Crown from David's Mouth that Schelom wreath'd With which to Salem's Daughter He espous'd Himself and swelling Bowls of joy Carous'd Thus Zion's Daughters Holy Souls come forth From meaner Thoughts to those of higher Worth Behold King Schelom risen from the Dead A Crown of Majesty Empales his Head His Mother Crown'd Him For to th' Womans Seed By promise of the Father 't was decree'd And yet his greatest Joy is to Espouse His Church till He his Crowned Glory shows In Seal of which this Eulogy of praise That follows next is like a Crown of Raies Set on his Spouses Head by his own Hand Whose Act no Gate of Hell can countermand CHAP. IV. The King A Description of the Apostolick Church in its Primitive Excellency and in the Calling of the Gentiles BEhold thy self my Love the Fair the Fair Alone my Blood my Spirit give the Air Of thy great Beauty while thy Doctine pure Thy Worship Chast a holy Life assure So that thy Eyes the Chrystal do excell Of the unspotted Doves and glistring swell From out thy Locks whose modest shade does Grace In mean Attire the Beauties of thy Face That while no Art does Curl in form thy Hair Of Pomp or Ceremony 'T is like the Glare Of Gilead's Goats The too Censorious Eye Of Jew and Gentile scorns thy Polity But I that value by their in side Things Can see thy Graces through those Coverings Thus clouded were the Glories of the Ark When the same Goats hair look'd so rude so dark The fruitful Mastication of my Word Is like the gainful Flock that serves its Lord With double Off spring and the lusty Fleece That falls so white so even in a Piece And when so even shorn when wash'd so white The Flock appears one entire sheet of Light The Chorus Now This whole Flock of Teeth so white so shorn Speaks Apostolick Pow'r in equal borne And does expose the falshood of the Dream That Peter in that Order was Supream By all with Peace and Parile order fenc'd The Food of Life was equally dispenc'd And equal was the Fruit For barren none Was found with all so great a Glory shone The King goes on My expiating Blood so soundly Taught Within thy Lips like Scarlet Thread is wrought My Cross those Graces gives thy Speech That Sense That shrinks the Pagan Wisdom's Eloquence To empty sounds Thy Temples are the seat Of soundest Judgment which prepares the Meat During to life like Food of Pomegranate In which Seeds as of Life accumulate Those enterweaves of Holy Order like The well-curl'd Locks all falshood that Repique Secures thy Temples Graces and thy Neck Which thousand Shields and Bucklers round bedeck Rising as David's Tow'r Bears up thy Head Chorus This is Truth seal'd with Miracles that shed It self into the Christian Church and arm'd It ' gainst its Foes and its Believers charm'd Into its Services All as Men of might To do or dye in defence of its Right But yet these Arms are Magazin'd not us'd As to their utmost Service but diffus'd Defence as yet not perfect Victory Still They 're design'd within this Armory And for the Banner'd Armies They 're prepar'd Then to each Use their Service shall be shar'd The King goes on The milky streams of Thy two Breasts as Roes Flow to all Parts and plenteously dispose To Jew and Gentile that so vital Juice Pure as the Lillies through that double Sluce Of the Two Testaments where as in Fields Thou feedest and that Truth thy motion weilds The King goes on The Ascension of Christ after he had by His Ministry His Death His Resurrection His Fourty Days giving Commandments to His Disciples prepar'd this so Praised Apostolick Church Now till Nights shades Shades of the Atmosphere Are flown and the bright Morning Star appear Breaking to Day I 'll hye me to the Hill Where Myrrh and Incense the whole Monntain fill The Heavens shall contain me till as now ● mount
noble Seeds to taint 't is now about Thy spring to Poyson and thy streams to stain My early Care starts up to curb the Main Of that bad Torrent And I 'll now immure Thy Garden Spring and Fount to keep them pure Chorus Thus for some time Truths Flood-gates open stood But oh how soon Apostasie a Flood Became which quick does shift the Holy Scenes Iniquities Mysterious Womb by means Most unespy'd pregnant became And as in lowest Parts submiss and tame Work'd on yet For while Ephesus deriv'd Its Springs of Wells and Gardens Smyrna striv'd By Cruel Princes pounded to diffuse Its Myrrhine Odours And those strokes did bruise Its Spices with a Northern Fury till Controlls of Christian Princes did it still And with Their Southern Breath perswaded out Those Fragrant Graces as from Springs to spout But even in Suffering Times bad Vapours crept Into the better Odours where they slept Till best and worst fly out while South-winds Blow And Christian Fervors lost the worst o'er-flow Thus by degrees the Fragrant Spices dye Into a Languid Sensuality For why'll best Odours try to Meliorate The Pagan steams they soon Incorporate And as the Sympathetic Atoms fly Back to their native Bed so these Scents hye To their own Sourse larded with the Attaint Of Superstition that would hence write Saint While Vizord-Christians Pagans meet half way Truth Christian and chast Worship fly away So that when now the Spouse her Prince Invites To Banquet with Her He her offer slights The Spouse Let now with Pleasure to his Garden come He my Beloved and His Palate some Choose of my New-ripe Fruits which I call His Now let him Eat what for Him sweetned is Chorus This very Call assures He was withdrawn Whose Love to 's Spouse had ever the first dawn Both Fruits and Church are new It hath not known The Blessed Jesus always with his own His Answer to this Call assures us more He was disgusted For He prais'd before And there He staid as One no farther pleas'd For what he lik'd he had already seiz'd Now from the Sev'nty Weeks fore-nam'd runn out Four hundred Years had turn'd their course about The seven Seals their Cargo had discharg'd And for the following Trumpets Time enlarg'd E'er which all Emblems of Time sealed new Th' Apocalyps doth give that it might shew The Kingdom just look'd out and then withdrew CHAP. V. The King The Apostasie of the Christian Church WHY dost Thou call Spouse-Sister why so fast To do what 's done and now the Seasons past My Garden I have view'd my Myrrh my Spice I have secur'd Have Eaten once and twice My Honey with its Comb My Milk with Wine Have drunk There 's nothing that is mine But I enjoy'd my self This latter Spring Is nothing to me To my Rivals bring All this new store You new Loves Eat and Drink Let all that 's new into your Banquet sink What 's from my Word deriv'd on that I Feast Let those upstart Beloved's take the rest And now you your selves glut you Loves of sense I give you Freedom though at my Expence The Spouse I find my Senses ty'd my Parts benumm'd That outward lye The dull Narcotick stumm Of my new mingled Wines the Mushrom Fruits To which my Love I call'd which He Refutes In claiming to be his Oppress my Sense Yet still my Heart resists the Violence And wakes ' midst of these Charms Better I know Better I love while these Fumes over-flow My free'r Mind my Love 's so fast Ally That He 'll reprize it from the Sorcery That would Enchant it Hark it is his Voice That now does Call He Knocks now I rejoyce While yet I fear for thus He me Essays As in that nobler Heart that ne'r betrays Its Faith The King My Love my Dove my Undefil'd Open right now to me who am beguil'd Of my due Residence Who in this Night Under the Moons moist Empire am bedight My Head and Locks with Drops that on them light As counterfeited Jewels of the Dark Exhal'd but not Concoc't they bear the mark Of the half-virtu'd Beams that from the Moon Fall Chill and Pale whose Influences soon Are lost and can to no Perfection mount Of all that 's True my higher Light 's the Fount The Spouse Answers That plainer Coat of Holiness and Zeal Of Truth that did at first the Gospel Seal I have put off with that simplicity Now in a Bed of Ease and State I lye Bedeck'd with Ceremonious Gayeties shew How can I then that Former state renew The soyl of Gospel Travels rough and poor I have washd from my Feet Not from my Door I move now but in Equipage To tread the Ground With new Defilement but to Think does wound My Sense so delicate I paint the Dream That Fascinates my Foreign Members still the stream Of a much higher Soul to thee doth run Though under Ground impurer Veins to shun But at thy Summons it starts out for when my love His Fragrant Fingers in the Lock did move This reach'd my Heart Eftsoons my Bowels turn'd As by elastic Force to Him My Passions burn'd And sparkled to a Flame strait to the Door I poast t'unseal the Lock No soyling Floor Now frights my Feet and when I touch'd the Lock The smelling Myrrh as Waters from a Rock The smelling Myrrhs gush'd from the Lock The Oyls Around my Hands my Fingers swim this boyls My Heart with Passions fresh in haste I ope To my Belov'd mov'd with a joyful Hope To find Him there But then I soon descry'd Withdrawn from me he far himself did hide Not from my Soul to him indear'd but from that load Of outward Parts my new encumbring mode His Spirit moves that very Soul the swoon Goes off all ways I fly to find him soon Repeated Calls I send no Answer greets From Him my thirsty Ear Nor in the Streets My close Researches gain the hop'd success That should my wearied steps with my Love bless The City Watch of Prophets that espy All passes Jealous spy'd me sayling by These Prophets in disguise my Soul disdain'd I ask'd them nothing ' cause I knew them wain'd From my best Love to their Beloved's new So at my search for onely mine they grew To heights of Rage They smite they deeply wound As with a Past'ral Staff Curses they sound And loud Anathema's The Guards o' th' Walls The higher Pontiffes leave their Rev'rend Stalls And as the Sons of Belial force my Veil Of my inviolable Faith the Seal As Excommunicate They strip the Name Of Spouse from me my modesty defame My Veil rend from me as upbreiding them Now prostitute to a false spurious Stem Of Baal's as Husbands
which Bless'd state the weary Creatures Grone For Life 't is from the Dead to us fore-told By Prophecies Both Testaments Enroll'd CHAP. VII The Spouse Praises the Jewish Body Coming into Union with it HOW Beautious are the princely Feet now shod With Liberty that captiv'd naked trod On Earth's hard Pavements and the Royal Thighs Whose motion was distorted and the Guise Of th' Princes Daughter so deform'd with Chains Are joynted now with Pearl that state maintains To all her Motion Which the Artists Hand With deepest cunning Fram'd so to command The noblest Goings Princess Thy Navel's Twirl'd So close with Truth that like a Goblet Curl'd Into a Circle fast must hold the Juice Entrusted to it and preserve to use The Vital Liquor while a fruitful Hill Of Wheat thy Belly rises that doth fill Each gracious Appetite with Food so pure That Lillies with their Milk-white Guard secure It all about For Thy great Types unveil'd Thy Prophecies unlock'd are Truth engrail'd With highest Pleasures which as finest Wheat And noblest Moystures Bodies Spirits treat Thy Testaments entwist't with so great Light Of Exposition offer'd to all sight At this great Revolution shall like Breasts Dispose their Milk abroad As Roes whose rests Are Rists to Motions fresh and new so Truth From thy Returns its leaps and bounds renew'th And never flags As Fountains press'd by Art Mount High so Thy two Breasts shall shoot and dart On every side their Milky way when thou United to me shalt to my Love bow And though those Testaments are ne're new giv'n By thy Conversion They divinely thriv'n Swell like young Breasts when soon the Twelve of Tribes Shall joyn Apostles Twelve which thing describes Salem's Gates and Walls when each these Twelves By Names engraven deep Record themselves Now that I may define Thee with just Art Distinguish'd from the Nations thus each Part Of the Superiour Order I descry By Figures of thy own Lands Royalty These as the noblest Vehicles of Life Life from the Dead without intestine strife To the whole World convey and as the Rest Of universal Riches East and West Send it abroad Thy Neck 's that Eburn Throne King Schelom mounted to a Towers Cone On which Great Schelom Zenith'd sits in Reign When equal Judgment to Earth's Globe He 'll deign And Trees in crouds of Woods shall clap their hands For Joy Then swelling Floods forsake their Sands In Thunders Elah to mount Praise And Grones Of the Creation melt into sweet Tones Clear as the Heshbon Fish-pools are thy Eyes Those Pools that by Bath-Rabbims Gate do rise Where Multitudes do flock to hear the Wise Ezekiel's Landscaph of the Blessed state Of Life by Waters that as Seas dilate Agrees For as the Scaled Habitants Swim in unnumber'd sholes and find no wants Of room for Life in the vast Ocean so Men as the Fishes shall these Waters Row And as successive Billows Life shall rise On all that moves Here nothing moves and dyes What 's Dead or Dyes into a Sea of Salt Is cast like Sodom's Lake the Dead-Seas Vault Thy Nose like Liban's Towre Liban's Perfumes Drinks and as the blissful Odours it assumes It thence diffuses while Damascus Types The World around thee Thus thy Nose as Pipes Conveys Lifes Savor it had drunk Thy Eyes As Princes Bless what in their prospect lyes Thus thou this Royal Tower by thy Nose Draw'st in and dost again dispose The Royal Savors sending out those Breaths That thou didst first exhale Thus Incense wreaths In sweetest Circles Thus whatever lyes Within thy point is Bless'd For from thee hyes The Incense down that first to thee did rise Now in this lofty Temple State and Air Serene grows useless the Goats Hair Thy Carmel Head Blazons an high Estate Bound with the Crimson and the purpurate Bless'd Sch●●m's high Estate in Colours Plait Of Royalty within thy Locks for lo The King not in the presence but so As in his Palaces chief Ante-rooms He in the Galleries is held He comes From thence in State My Ravish'd Thoughts rush on In foretasts of the Pleasures we 'r upon How great 's the Beauty and the Pleasure high When Love set free from all Adversity Baths in the Liquid streams of pure Delight What Inspir'd Pen can to this Love do right But I return to Thee whose statures flown To th' Palm-Trees Height and near its Top is grown Mean whilst as gen'rous Clusters on the Vine That twists about that Height swell out of Line So don't Thy Breasts their Fruitfulness forget Whilst thou in Heights so near the Clouds are set I said with Thee I will unite and climb Thy Highest Boughs Thy Top that 's so sublime I 'll reach with great Delights For in thy H'ight All Saints are equally advanc'd Of Right Thy Palms so high are grown For they are due To each of my Love's Victors at that view Triumphant In due time thy Palm-Tree stands With Branches to adorn the Conqu'rers Hands While Thou so graceful art and while so High With both Thy Fruitfulness at once doth vie I joy thy Clusters to Repeat again Those pleasing fertile Smells Thy Nose amain Breaths out while as from Apples Atoms fly With loud Reports that Paradise is nigh And thy Mouths Roof such Doctrines doth send down Of th' Sacrifice that 's my Beloveds own Of greater Worth then blood of choicest Vines Which into Consciences by such strait Lines Go down that sleepy Lips awaken'd Praise Heavens Bounty that doth such Redemption raise Chorus Thus does the Jew and Gentile Church unite While yet the Jew doth Elder Sister write But so that Mercies each Reciprocate One to another in this proper state For first the blinded Isra'ls lowest Fall Was Surrogated by the Gentiles Call And so did Mercy reach to th' Pagan wild Much more their Fulness is by Mercy Fil'd For when this People's whose the Promise Call'd Christ in his Glory then shall be Install'd And Gentiles Churches perfect Now to repay This Mercy to the Jews In full display Wisdom Contrives For 't was the Gentile Spouse That bore the Dragons and the Beast's Carouse Of Blood so long upon THIS Kingdoms Hope Which cannot fail THIS Kingdom then must Cope These Martyrs with Reward So Jews obtain Mercy through Gentiles Mercy Thus remain Both under Mercy Oh the Waters deep In which this Wisdom Sovereign doth steep Its Foot-steps But from Him 's the Sourse of all Then to His Glory All things justly fall The Jews Conversion thus distinctly plac'd the Song Returns to the One Spouse thus Grac'd who now Speaks In this new Royal State through th' Kings of th' East With me the Gentile Church Now One I vest My onely Loved in my self To Him
Grace I stood so Fair That as a Princely Spouse with Royal Air Surround'd I Favour found And His Delight Is now to Honour me with Spousal Right Chorus A Description of the Supreme Kingdom of Christ under the Parable of Solomon's Royal Vineyard King Schelom had a Royal Vineyard plac'd So that Hamon's Name its Grandeur grac'd Princely Abundance that Great Name Imports This Schelom could not Grasp within the Efforts Of his own Eye though Greatest Wisest King With Caution therefore that each Farmer bring A thousand Silverings He Lets it out Thus to his State the Circle runs about The Fruits in Silver thus return'd supply By Right th' Expence of Schelom's Dignity The King While This some shade to th' Royal Vineyard gives That I call Mine as Paint gives to what Lives How Dark yet and how Dead are still the Lines How short of the Great Life For my True Vines With their whole Plat are always in my Eye Each Keeper that I place I will stand by And by my Eye Guide All No Errour shall So much as in a Point this State Appall For as my Saints alike my Vineyard keep So I Them All whose Eye 's ne're chain'd by sleep Chorus The Thousand then whole Glories perfect Sum To Thee the Great the Schelom True must Come Two Hundred without hazard Run Reward Those Thou acceptest as thy Vineyards Guard Now as the Parrity Aggrands the Rate So that no Loss can be Blesses the State How Royal is't that the chief Shepherds Ten Two as reward Communicates For when Old Salem's Priest-hood Decimate but one In Ten to a Community the Tone Of Bless'd Salem's Priests is stretch'd alike And to each Saint twice one in ten doth strike For when Ten Hundred to the King doth Rise Two Hundred to each Saint He doth demise For ev'ry Saint's a Priest and keeps the Vine Himself The Vineyard by an equall Line Rises from every Vine So the Reward Runs Equal to this Equal Priestly Guard This is Essential Glory yet Degrees May vary as in Light the Stars One sees The King Oh Thou that in the Gardens yet dost Dwell Which to Mount Paradise of God shall swell In Beauty and in Fruits Now Now that All Is thus prepar'd My Spouse I 'de hear thy Call Ecchoed by every Saint in Harmonie And then I Come I quickly Come to Thee The Spouse My Voice Lord Jesus Thou shalt hear thy Bride One Spirit Tunes to say with Holy Pride At such a Day Approaching Come yea Come As youthful Harts and Roes on Hills do Roame With Bounds so Quick that ev'ry where They'reseen Thou on the Spicy Mount without all screen Of shade be seen let no Dark Spot appear Unguilded by thy Lightning Quick each where So let the Redolency of thy Air Perfume each Point and no Ill Blast empair Those sweetest Breaths Now be there no Delay Haste thee Lord Jesus Come yea Come Away Thee to Annoint the Mount of Spices Grows And to an Endless Royal UNGUENT Flows THE EXPOSITOR'S CONCLUSION THough not in Babel's Land but Babel's Times This Sion's Song I sing As its sweet Chimes I Skill not to Tune High So the Repike Of untun'd Ears its True sounds back do strike With Disacceptance But One Decad more Of Years to Light springs Prophecies deep store Then will a New Composure soon Enflame Each Salem's Daughter to Rechant the same Then I Great Schelom's Humble Poet whom Contempt now Locks into a silent Tomb Shall by the Comment of those Brighter Days Rise better Understood and Crown'd with Bays This in Diviner Warmths I dare Predict And if before that Time My Soul 's Relic't Lye down On it This Epitaph let Sit IN PROPHECY ON SONG OF SONGS HE WRITT To Him be Glory by Jesus Christ for Ever Amen FINIS The end of the 70 years * At Cyrus his first year the same 3459 when began Daniels 2300 Even Morn and after 75 years of the words going forth the 70 weeks of years The same 33. and 34 years The beginning of the 1260 Days It is done It is done Christ says The Answer of all Notes explaining the Senſe. a Christ is plainly the Truth of what Solomon was the Shadow or Image And his Wives both Jewish and of the Gentiles most especially Pharaohs Daughter are fit Emblems of the Church Notes explaining the Senſe. b A Prayer for the Assistance of the Divine Spirit in so mystical a Book Notes explaining Words. 1 Solomon from the Hebrew Schelomoh Notes explaining the Senſe. c Allow this a Prophecy as undoubtedly it must as hath been set out in the Preface and it must be above all the Names of Prophecy in the world Notes explaining Words. 2 The great Pagan Prophetess suppos'd yet to foretell Christ Notes explaining Words. 3 Heathen Oracles struck dumb by Christ the Great Pan or Shepherd as Plutarch witnesseth Rev. 19. 9. Notes explaining the Senſe. d It runs from David to Christs Supreme Kingdom Notes explaining Words. 1 Holy Veils or Likenesses in Parables Notes explaining Words. 2 Make famous Notes explaining the Senſe. e The Song hath great Sense even where the Types are lowest and plainest Notes explaining Words. 3 Full of Sense Notes explaining the Senſe. f There is by the several words used My Love or Beloved by the Spouse my Love or Companion Spouse Sister Spouse by Christ and Persons of a Third or middle betwixt both and calling Christ the King a plain distinction of the Persons viz. The Spouse of the King the King the Chorus or Quire of Saints g The kisses of Christ's Lips are a most proper Emblem of David's time because David was so eminent a Prophet and King and the Pen-man of so excellent a Book of Scripture so full of Divine Truth as the Book of Psalms wherein are also so great discoveries of Christ's Kingdom Notes explaining Words. 4 or Quire Notes explaining Words. 5 Grieves with Notes explaining Words. 6 Rejoyces with Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth Notes explaining Words. 7 A rich Drink Notes explaining Words. 8 Flowes out Thy Love is better than Wine Notes explaining Words. 9 Mutual Discourses Because of the Savour of thy Good Oyntments Notes explaining Words. 1 Christ Dan. 9. 25. Notes explaining Words. 2 nam'd Notes explaining the Senſe. h This Symbol also of Oyntments is most proper to David God's Annointed whose Anointing with holy Oyl and to an Everlasting Kingdom is so often mention'd in Scripture from which Annointing Saul was rejected Now all this referrs to Christ the true Prince David or Messiah whom David though his Son in spirit calls Lord. Thy Name is as Oyntment poured out Notes explaining Words. 3 Small Motes flying from Bodies Notes explaining the Senſe. i An Emblem of which were those Songs of the Women Saul hath kill'd his thousands and David his ten thousands 1 Sam. 18. 7. k Solomon a Prince of Peace had this the great Glory of his Reign That he built the Temple elegantly here call'd Chambers viz. of Love and State l Wine is an Empharical Symbol or Representation of the Dedication of the Temple with those magnificent Feasts The remembring of the Love of Christ more than Wine implies Solomon's Fall into Idolatry and yet the sincere
and Hinds of the Field The Awes therefore of their Salvageness was to keep them from Murmuring and Repining at Gods Hand in their Captivity and to wait his appointed time And this is thus Poetically Express'd I Charge you c. Notes explaining Words. 1 The Captivity yet allow'd Peace and Quiet The Voice of my Beloved Notes explaining Words. 2 The Cell and the Mountains are oppos'd one signifying Captivity the other Liberty Behold he cometh leaping upon the Mountains skipping upon the Hills Notes explaining Words. 3 The Earth it self seems to fly in the Airy leaps of those Creatures Notes explaining Words. 4 The Churches moves upon the Mountains in return from Babel are set out by the Motions of her Beloved even as Christ is Resembled with the Churches Condition My Beloved is like a Roe or a young Hart Behold he standeth behind our Wall He looketh forth at the Windows shewing himself through the Lattise Notes explaining the Senſe. a There Cannot be a more exact Description of the state of the Church when Cyrus Proclaimed its Liberty Ezr. 1. And the Adversaries of Judah hinder'd the Progress of Things till Darius Ezr. 1. And Darius Retriv'd all Ezr. 5. and Artaxerxes fully settled them in their former state Ezr. 7. and throughout his and Nehemiah's History Notes explaining the Senſe. b It seems on all accounts of Scripture and History most probable Artaxerxes called Longimanus was by Esther the Son of Xerxes Ahasuerus spoken of Esth 1. c. Notes explaining the Senſe. c The Word here fully went forth according to Ezr. 6. 14. compared with Dan. 9. 23. 25. Notes explaining Words. 1 Artaxerxes last Decree Ezr. 7. My Beloved spake and said unto me Rise up my Love and Fair one come away Notes explaining Words. 2 All the Tokens of the Spring are made use of to set out this Liberty For lo the Winter is past the Rain is over and gone The Flowers appear on the Earth The time of the Singing of Birds is come and the Voice of the Turtle is heard in our Land Notes explaining Words. 3 The Summer is like the setting out of a Royal Navy The Fig-tree putteth forth her green Figs and the Vine with the tender Grapes give a good smell Arise my Love my fair One and come away O my Dove that art in the clefts of the Rock in the secret place of the Stairs Notes explaining Words. 4 The delay of the Jews returns is most Elegantly set out by Clefts of Rocks and secret Stairs and by Haggai and Zechariah were given out and by Ezra and Nehemiah the continued Calls of Christ to come away Let me hear thy Voice Notes explaining Words. 5 By the Churches Voice and Countenance we may understand the Order of the Temple Worship so taken care of by Artaxerxes and Ezra commissioned by him Notes explaining the Senſe. l There cannot be a clearer Explanation of this part of the Song than the compare of it with the History of Ezra and Nehemiah Let me see thy Countenance for sweet is thy Voice and thy Countenance is comely Notes explaining Words. 1 Sanballat Tobiah c. Nehem. 6. Take us the Foxes the little Foxes for our Vines have tender Grapes Notes explaining Words. 2 Ezra the ready Scribe in the Law of God Ezr. 7. 6. Notes explaining Words. 3 Nehemiah the Tirshatha Nehem. 7. 65. Who were Rais'd up by God under the fore-nam'd King ●rtaxerxes called Longimanus to restore the Temple and the whole Order of the Jewish Law Notes explaining Words. 4 While the fore-said Sanballat and Tobiah by a Fox-like Cunning pretended to Build with them as is to be seen in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah Notes explaining Words. 5 This is the Circle He is mine I am His. My Beloved is mine and I am His He feeds among the Lillies Notes explaining Words. 1 Feeding among the Lillies represents the Churches pure state in Faith Worship and Life wherein Christ delights Notes explaining the Senſe. a When Nehemiah had settled the Jewish State according the Law of God then was this mutual Affiance betwixt Christ and the Church Vntill the Day break and the shadows fly away Notes explaining the Senſe. b The Church prays for the speedy returns of Christ foreseeing times of his Absence as Daniel calls them Troublous Times which as Christ and his Apostles especially the Revelation assure us are to continue till his Coming Turn my Beloved And be thou like a Roe or a young Hart on the Mountains of Bether or Division Notes explaining Words. 2 As the Equinoctial-Line divides the Year into its two halves of Summer and Winter before each of which the Sun comes upon that Line so the two halves of the Worlds time are in Cyrus divided into the times of old and the latter times Notes explaining the Senſe. c There could not be a more Elegant Description of the last half of time then by the Mountains of Bether and of the state of that Time as a time with Troubles then by such a desire of Christs sudden Visits after some short Absences nor of the end of it then by Christs Glorious Appearance then by Shades flying away and the bright Morning Star appearing and shaded no longer by such wav'd Dicisions of Absence and Presence or of Eves and Morns Notes explaining Words. 3 The last half is fitly signified by the Mountains of Bether or of Division and Dissection viz. of time parted and cut asunder from its self and also divided betwixt Christs Absence and Presence as Eves and Morns Notes explaining Words. 4 The end of this last half of time is that all shades fly away and the Day of the Glorious Kingdom of Christ appears Notes explaining Words. 5 Whole Time being compar'd to a Globe the two halves may be compared to two Hemispheres or half Globes while Eternity as before and after Time flows round the whole Globe of Time Esay 45. 1. Notes explaining Words. 1 Among all the Heathen Kings named in Scripture Cyrus alone is called Gods Annointed Notes explaining the Senſe. a The Years from the Creation when the Womb of Eternity brought forth Time computed first by the Patriarchs Lives to the Flood thence to Abraham's Sojourning at Terah's Death thence to the going out of Aegypt thence to Solomon beginning the Temple thence to Solomon's Death thence to Cyrus by Ezekiel's 390 and 40 Prophetick Years arise just to 3459 years as will appear on Tryal Notes explaining Words. 2 Numbred Numbers are Numbers plainly set down in the Scripture Calendar or Account of Time Notes explaining the Senſe. b Ezekiel's 390 Years accounted by the Reigns of the Kings of Israel till their Captivity as they ought to be because this Sin of Israel was born in them then by the Kings of Judah till the City Smitten then by the 14 years after the City Smitten rise exactly so many at the Vision of the New Jerusalem which Vision accomplished they shall be Restored and their Sin no longer borne The 40 Years of Judah being the remainder of the 70 Years Captivity from that Vision run to their Redemption by Cyrus when their Sin no longer borne and so ought to be joyn'd to the 390 as is said in the Verses Ezek. 4 5 6. Ezek. 41. 1. c. Notes explaining the Senſe. c Daniel's 2300 Even Morn and the thousand Years make the other half of Time together with the little Time after Satan loosed at the end of the thousand Years Notes explaining the Senſe. d The thousand Years are an entire
Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 4 With how great Skill is this Parenthesis or Description of Christs Ascension and Return with his Kingdom here brought in to settle Time Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 5 And how Admirable the Churches most spotless State when the Holy Spirit was given and the Gentiles Call'd subjoyn'd to it as we shall next see Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 6 The Church form'd as Man by the Image of God at first so now by the Image of Christ is pronounced perfectly Fair and without spot John c. 14. c. 15. c. 16. Translated the Comforter Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 7 The giving of the Holy Spirit call'd by Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the Paraclete was like breathing into Adam the Breath of Life Thou art all Fair my Love Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 Now the Church is pronounced Pure as Adam was made Upright There is no spot in thee Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 Ephesus the Type of this Church as leaving its first Love lost its Birth-right and the first Place of its Candlestick Translated to Philadelph upon which the New Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Christ are settled till when the Apostolick Glory does not Return My Spouse Come with me from Lebanon with me from Lebanon Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Here in this Gospel state the Church is call'd Spouse the first Time For though it was so before yet to distinguish Times the Title is reserv'd till now and this State is most suitable to such an Honour Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 Wolds are wild and desert Places where wild Beasts inhabit Look from the Top of Amana from the Top of Shenir and Hermon from the Lyons Dens and from the Mountains of the Leopards Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 What more graceful Description of the Heathen World in order to their Conversion going out from the Land of Canaan then the view of the Mountain of Leopards and the Dens of Lyons from the Mountains of Judaea next the Gentiles or more orderly Succession in course of Time or how could there be a fitter Figure of the Wicked Heathen World than by wild Beasts so Dan. c. 7. c. 8. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 6 Or within the Lines of its Borders My Sister-Spouse Thou hast ravished or taken my Heart with one of Thy Eyes With one chain of thy Neck How fair is thy Love my Sister my Spouse How much better is thy Love than Wine And the smell of thy Oyntments than of all Spices Thy Lips oh my Spouse drop as the Honey Comb Honey and Milk are under thy Tongue And the smell of thy Garments is as the smell of Lebanon Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 What can come more just with the Time as we have settled it then this very Word Sister-Spouse when the Gentiles came in to be one Body with the Jews 2 The Gentile Church as another Eye was so unexpected to the very Apostles that Christ is pleas'd to express himself as taken by the very Heart as the Hebrew word signifies Such is the importance of one Chain of the Neck 3 There is a very plain preferring the state of the Jew and Gentile Church united above the single state of the Jewish Church So the rich Wines of the Sacrifice the Perfumes us'd in the Kingly Priestly and Temple Oyntment the Honey Milk and Cedars of the Promis'd Land and the state of this Church common by them and preferr'd before them Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 The Spirit poured from on High the Church compos'd of Jews and Gentiles wild by Nature much excells the Jewish Church alone and as in its earthly Canaan Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 After the Gentile Church came in the Israelitish Church was still declining till all mention of it was lost and so this Song especially minds the Gentile Church as the Israel of God Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 By what follows it will appear the Gentile Church was in a decayed State Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 The Apostles Caution to the Romans ch 11. 17. c. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 For any Church or Churches of what Name soever to look upon themselves as in the perfect state of the Evangelick Church much more as the Catholick Church before the Jews converted is to be onely Wise in our own conceits Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 6 The Roman Name of a Church hath certainly dash'd on that Rock of assuming to it self as the Jews dash'd against To be the Root and to be the Catholick Church * Gentiles The Chorus goes on The Chorus goes on Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 The whole Time of the Gentile Church till the Kingdoms of this World become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ is in the Revelation given undér several Sealings First of seven Seals open'd then of the 144000 Sealed and the Temple measur'd and shut then of the seven Thunders Sealed c. A Garden inclosed is my Sister my Spouse A Spring shut up A Fountain sealed Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 The Kingdom of Christ proclam'd The Gentiles come in in Fulness The Natural Israel Call'd and so the whole Israel sum'd up The Kingdom of Christ Appears Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Ephesus as the Apostolick Primitive Church may be most fidy compared to a Paradise of Truth Thy Plants are an Orchard of Pomegranates with pleasant Fruits Camphire with Spikenard Spikenard and Saffron with all Trees of Frankincense Myrrh and Aloes with all chief Spices Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 The Church of Smyrna in its Sufferings is fitly compar'd to a Region of Spices which by pounding send out their Smells Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 From the Reign of Constantine during the time of the Christian Emperours all Apostolical Truth flowed out as a Fountain of Gardens c. A Fountain of Gardens a Well of Living Waters streaming from Lebanon Awake oh South-Wind Blow O South-Wind upon my Garden that the Spices may flow out Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Christ was pleas'd to use the North-wind First of Persecution then the gentle South-wind that the Odours of Christianity might flow How Elegant is this Hieroglyphic how agreeable with the Time Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 The Time Times Half Time sworn by Christ Dan. 12. 7. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 The securest way of Sealing us'd by Chymists Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 6 In the Revelation Cap. 7. Immediately after the Ruine of Heatheanism by the Christian Empire follow'd a second Sealing with Agreeable Symbols importing the delay of Christs Kingdom and the securing his Servants for it from Corruption * Shut up close within Walls Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 The Mystery of Iniquity began in low degrees in the Apostolick Times and in Ephesus forsaking its First Love and grew up to a Synagogue of Satan under Smyrna's Suffering Martyrs From whom it took occasion to exalt it self Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 Yet Christ accounted the Church it self Pure and made use of the South-wind of Prosperity under the Christian Emperours to draw out its Graces Although by Accident Corruptions shewed themselves also Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Superstition and worldly Riches and Pleasure grew up together 4 The great Pretence for the first bringing in Superstition into the Christian Church was as it were to Christianize Heathenish Customs But as Atoms sent out by Bodies into a Contagious Air return to those Bodies that sent them out with Infection so the Christians sending out their Principals as it were to better Heathenish Customs
They return to them as it were larded with Heatheanism so that they became Pagan Christians Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 It is Evident Christ is first in showing love to his Church in coming to it in resting with it so that this very calling to Christ to come shews a-new but a corrupted State of the Church Let my Beloved come into his Garden and Eat his pleasant Fruits Chorus goes on Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 That Christ said he had Eaten shews he liked to Eat no farther but disliked the Churches present State The Weeks ended An. M. 4024. An. Chr. 37. The Time of the seven Seals ended and of the Trumpets began An. M. 4424. An. Chr. 437. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 All the Time of the seven Seals and of the Churches pure State was run out Because therefore through the Corruptions of the Christian World notwithstanding the Christian Empire Then is a new Sealing The Temple is Measur'd The outward Court cast out to the Gentiles The Holy Worshippers immur'd in the Temple The Witnesses in Sackcloth and the Church in the Wilderness all Emblems of the Churches Fountain and Garden Sealed and of the Kingdom of Christ stay'd from its Appearance * Charge Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 This Invitation of Christ to come shews the earnestness of the Apostasie to entitle Christ to this False Christianity and Christs refusal upon the account that he had Eaten shews the time of the Churches purity past I am come into my Garden my Sister-Spouse I have gathered my Spice with my Myrrh I have eaten my Honey Comb with my Honey I have drunk my Wine with my Milk Eat O Friends drink abundantly O Beloveds Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 What could be more plainly significant of the Churches having embrac'd other Lovers than Christ than refusing himself and throwing those Provisions upon them by a Sarcastical Excitation of them to Eat and Drink abundantly Like Solomon Ecceles Rejoyce Oh young Men c. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 It was at Christs Expence He being Robb'd of that was indeed due to him and though as corrupted He would not accept it yet it was in pretension of Service and Devotion to Him as all Superstitions Honours of Saints Images Days the Hoast c. are Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 These Superstitions are like Vapours of stumm'd Wine that benum and stupifie the Soul in True Religion I Sleep Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 Mushrom Fruits like the Gods new come up Deuteron 32. But my Heart waketh Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 6 There was in the worst of the Times of the Apostles a number of the Elect that like a waking Heart heard Christ's Voice rose to seek Him And this was the True Church before Luther It is the Voice of my Beloved that knocketh Open to me my Sister my Love my undefiled Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 It is most carefully to be heeded before the True Church came to separate from the False and to Renounce it It is spoken to as having them that hold the Doctrine of Balam Revel 2. as the Church of Pergamus is addressed Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 Christ could not reside in his Church as a Church but makes a private Visit to his Witnesses and Servants and complains as one thrust out in the dark and moisture of the Night For my Head is wet with Dew and my Locks with the Drops of the Night Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 The False Honour put upon Christ by Superstitious Devotions may well be compared to the Drops and Dew of the Night as its counterfeit Jewels And so this Night and the Months under the Moon and Empress of the Night twice mention'd in the Revelation Agree Revel 11. Revel 13. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 The Coat put off was that simplicity of the Gospel The Bed a Bed of Ease Sensuality Pomp and State of a Ceremonious Religion and full of Spiritual Fornication and Adultery as it after grew I have put off my Coat how shall I put it on I have wash'd my Feet how shall I defile them again Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 The true Mortification Travel and Sufferings of Religion were laid a side like the washing the Feet and must be no more defiled with the former Poverty and Hardships Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 6 This the True Servants of God spoke as having the False Christianity encumbring them My Beloved put his Hand in by the hole of the Lock Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 This very gracious Approach of Christ to his sealed Servants preserved a True Church of Pergamus under the Name of the Apostasie even where the Throne of Satan was Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 In this Church those Servants of God were the waking Heart And my Bowels were moved for Him I rose up to open to my Beloved Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 There were such gracious Intimations of Christ from himself that were fitly express'd by such Emblems as we here find viz. Christ Knocking Speaking putting his Odoriferous Hands into the holes of the Locks My Hands dropped with Myrrh my Fingers with the sweet smelling Myrrh I opened to my Beloved Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 All which prevail'd to this that Christ should be sought after in another way than the general state of the Apostasie allow'd and gave Countenance to But my Beloved had withdrawn himself My Soul failed when He spoke I sought Him but I could not find Him Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 For the Servants of God seeking him in that Publick and General Apostasie call'd a Church could not find Him I call'd Him but he gave me no Answer The Watch-men that went about the City found me Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 Of the publick Preachers or Prophets compar'd to Watch-men the Servants of God knew it was in vain to ask They smote me They wounded me The Keepers of the Wall took away my Veil from me Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 The Church Rulers and all that Authority smote the Church with all kind of Spiritual Punishments and gave them up also to the Secular Power * High-Priests Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Excommunication cannot be more emphatically described than by taking away the Churches Veil the Emblem of its True Faith and Holy Worship wherein the Chastity of a Church consists I charge you oh ye Daughters of Jerusalem if ye find my Beloved that ye tell Him I am sick of Love * Balaam signifies too lofty Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 The Apostate part of the Church were as Men in in a Spiritual Lethargy by the Fumes of the Doctrine of Balaam Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 1 The True Church were in the mean time earnest for a purer Enjoyment of Christ * Antipapal Revel 2. 12. c. c. 11. 3. Revel 12. 17. 19. Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 2 The Servants of God who kept the Commandments of God and held the Testimony of Jesus were true Witnesses however in Sackcloth and made up the true Church however in a Wilderness Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 3 The time of the Witnesses killing of Antipas or the Antipapal Witnesses being slain was the very Time that the Watchmen and Keepers of the Walls wounded the Spouse and took away her Veil The Apostacy as appears by the Line of Time began in the Vulgar Year 437 and the Beast came to his Power of Fourty Two Months at the Vulgar Year 475 when the Western Empire ceas'd Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 4 Revel 17. 11. He is the