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A14468 A verie familiare [and] fruiteful exposition of the .xii. articles of the christian faieth conteined in the co[m]mune crede, called the Apostles Crede made in dialoges, wherein thou maiste learne al thinges necessarie to be beleued. Compiled bi Peter viret a frenche man [and] translated in to englishe; Exposition familiere sur le Symbole des Apostres. English Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571. 1548 (1548) STC 24784; ESTC S119203 113,474 234

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kyngdome seynge we be so pore and miserable Phylype We be kynges in asmuch as we be fre by Iesu Christ the which hath made vs fre deliuered vs from al our enemies the whych he hath made subiecte vn Iohn viii to vs and hath made vs Lordes of the heauen and earth for to raygne wyth hym receiuing vs as hys brethren into the communiō of his Ephe. i. inheritaunce and of hys kyngdome Natha Howe hath he made all subiecte vnto vs seynge we be yet subiecte vnto synne and haue so muche vnhappynes and haue yet so manye enemies that we can not enioye that whych God hath gyuen vs. Phy. Notwithstandynge that synne and the deuell do make vs war that it doeth vnto vs that we haue neede of many thynges yet neuertheles ther is nothynge neyther in heauen nor in earth that may anoye or damne vs nor there is nothynge whyche shall not be subiecte vnto vs to serue vnto oure saluation and be turned to oure benifite for all thynges be ours and we be Christes and Christe is Goddes and all thynges happen and be turned to the profitte of the elected Natha I vnderstand now this point expounde vnto me nowe howe we be prophetes and priestes Phy. In asmuche as he hath geuen vnto vs hys holy spirite for to leade vs into the know How christiā men be prophetes Iohn xiiii xi● xvi ledge of all trueth and hath opened vnto vs by the same the wyl of God his father there is no doubte but we be all prophetes that the leste of the fayethfull may not speake and open more clearelye and hyghlye the misteries of Iesus Christe and declare more largly his death resurrectiō thē the greatest prophet which was before his comming in the whych is well fulfilled accomplished that whyche Ioel. ii Act. ii S. Peter alledgeth of Ioel sayinge I shal shede forthe my spirite vpon you and your sonnes and daughters shal prophecie but yet not wythstandynge that all be prophetes as conceruynge the knowledge of God yet neuertheles it doeth not followe that it is or shoulde be laweful to al or euery man to take the office of a prophet in the churche and christian assembles but onely for them whych be called of God and chosen and elected by his churche vnto that office for to opē and declare hys worde and minister hys sacramentes albeit that it is euerye one of oure offices to do the office of a prephet in our houses towards oure families and also our neighboures whē occasion is gyuen vnto vs but that muste be so done and in such sorte that the ordre which God hath put in hys churche be not violated nor conuerted or cōfounded Natha There resteth now no more but of our priesthod Phy. We be priestes and true sacrificers in Christian priesthod Rom. xii asmuche as by the spirite of Iesus Christ we offre oure bodies hertes soules vnto God as a quicke liuely holy spiritual and acceptable sacrifice wyth all that we haue to serue vnto hys honour and glory Natha By that thou haste expounded vnto me of the kyngdome of Iesus Christe of hys propheticall office and sacerdorall dignitie I vnderstande not onelye what prophet kyng and prieste he hath bene and what is the vertue and excellentie of hys sacrifice but also howe that al hys offices and titles doeth apperteyne vnto vs and yet neuertheles there abideth in me a certayne scrupulositie Philip. Towchyuge what Nathana Towchyngethe sacrifice of Iesus Christe for thou doest saye that by hys sacrifice he hath fulfilled that whyche all the Leuites coulde neuer do and if it so be that the sacrifice of Iesus Christe onely be perfecte we muste then haue non other but holde our selues vnto the same Phy. Euē so ought we to vnderstand it Nata Haue the christiās thē no mo sacrifices Phy. Not materiall and visible but onelye those of the whyche we haue spoken and the sacrifices of prayses whyche be the prayers of the fayethfull and the almes of the faieth full whyche be the offerynges a●ceptable vnto God and all good workes done vnto his prayse but for the redemption of soules remission of sinnes there is none but that of Iesus Christe Nathanaell Then they whyche offer and synge for the redemption of the soules as well of lyuyng as of the deade and whyche doo offre for the redemption and remissiō of theyr synnes be no christ ●●us nor do not beleue Iesus to be Christe thoughe they confesse hym wyth the mouthe Phy. They be christians as the Iewes whyche dyd persecute Rom. ii ix Christe be true Israelites and chyldrē of Abraham by name onelye for if Iesus be that Christe he is the true sacrificator if he be the true sacrificator whyche saueth the synners it muste needes be that hys sacrifice be perfecte for otherwyse he shoulde nothynge differ frome the sacrificatours of the Leuites whyche were synners nor yet hys sacrifice frome the calues shepe and rammes offered in the olde testament so should he not be the Christ Natha It semeth vnto me that which thou sayest is not out of reason Phy. By this we maye well Iudge that the greateste parte of christians do not vnderstād what is signified by the name whyche they beare nor yet what they cōfesse whē they saye they beleue in Iesus christe for if they vnderstode that they should be deliuered from manie errours superstitions Idolatries and blasphemies which they cōmit nor they shoulde not dispend somuche monye to cause masses to be song for the deade nor should not make so greate expences aboute the outwarde and material sacrifices nor shoulde not be in such dissention as they be for the masse and for the ceremonies and traditions of men Nathanaell Wherefore sayest thou that Phylype Bycause they shoulde be all contēted with the sacrifice of Iesus Christe and of the saluation whyche they haue receyued by hym and shoulde offre vnto the poore that wepe that whych they offre vnto the priestes that synge and vnto the quicke and liuely Images of God that whyche they offre vnto dombe and deade Idols and shoulde succure the lyuynge wyth the goodes they spende aboute the dead Nathanaell Howe vnderstandeste thou that Phy. Thou wylte not denye me but that the Hebr. ix i. sacrifice of Iesus Christe is perfecte seynge saynt Paule doeth wytnes it Nathana God forbyde Phy. If it be perfecte it is then sufficiente we must make no mo nor take awai nor put to anye other wyth hym for God hath no neade of anye humaine healpe neadeth not that man should put to his hande after him in that which he hath fully made and cōsumate Natha I do confesse it Phy. And if thou wouldest not confesse that that of Iesus Christe were perfecte and sufficiente for to gyue place vnto them whyche be made by men I wyll reproue by the same all the other sacrificies that euer myght be made for whych of thē myght we
is no doubte as all the spirituall goodes whyche be in Iesus Christe the husbande be commune vnto the churche hys spowse and also vnto al the membres of the same whyche is hys mistical body and haue all hys gyftes and graces in commune one with an other But if thou meane of the earthlye goodes that is an other matter for seyng that the churche is the kyngedome of Iesus Christe and hys kyngedome is not of thys worlde wee muste not therefore seeke in hys churche a carnall communion but a spirituall for as the spirituall kyngedome of Iesus Christ doth not aboleyshe nor take away the ciuile pollytie but doeth approue confyrme it euen so the spirituall communion of saintes doeth not aboleyshe the diuision of the earthlye goodes that is amonge menne but that it is lawefull for euerye one to possesse that whych is assigned hym accordyng to the humaine lawes Natha Thou wylte then saye that thys cōmuniō ought not to be vnderstand but of the spirituall goodes Phylyp I denye not but there is also a communion of the corporall and earthlye goodes amonge the fayethfull not that it is lawefull for euerye man to laye hys handes vpon the goodes of his neyghbour as it were his own so to make it his of his own authorite for if it were so it shoulde not bee a communion of Saintes but of robberye and a comminaltie of beastes and Dogges and not of christiās for so all ryghtes boeth diuine and humayne shoulde be violated and the commaundemētes Cōmuniō of beastes of God shoulde haue no place amonge menne for then thefte should be no more theft if it were lawefull for euerye manne to laye hys handes and take where soeuer he myght fynde and adultrie shoulde be no more adultrie if it were admitted that euery one might abuse the doughter and wyfe of hys neyghboure after the maner of the bruite beastes whyche haue no maner of reuerēce nother vnto cōsanguinitie nor matrimonie Natha I am of thine opinion for Iesu Christ is not come to make of menne beastes but to make of beastes menne and of men Goddes for the man that knoweth not Iesu Christe is worsse then a beaste but howe vnderstandest thou this communion of the earthly goodes Phyl. The practise of the primatiue church declareth inoughe vnto vs for that same charitie dyd make theyr goddes all commune amonge Act. ii iiii v. the fayethfull and yet for all that dyd euerye man possesse hys owne goodes and enheritaunce the whyche wyth out constraynte of theyr owne liberalitie they them selues dyd bringe vnto the Apostles to be distributed vnto the power neady brethren but it was not laweful for other to take it at their pleasure but as it was distributed vnto them by them vnto whome it dyd appertaygne as it doeth well appeare by the wordes whyche saint Petre had vnto Ananias Saphira Act● v. Natha I vnderstande wel nowe what cōmuniō this ought to be for the gospel doth leaue vnto euery one that whych appertayneth vnto hym but the charitie whyche the Gospell aboue all thynges doeth sette forthe vnto vs doth teach vs how we ought to vse and how we ought to communicate the goods that we haue receyued of God vnto the poore membres of Iesus Christ but tell me nowe which be the sayntes amonge the whyche thys communion is Phi. Vnderstandeste thou not by that I haue answered to the before that they be the faithfull christiens Natha I vnderstande that well but bycause we do commonlye call them Sayntes which be in heauen and that thei whych be in thys worlde be all poore synners I haue here a litle Who be saintes doubte for I vnderstande not well howe we maye call synfull men Sayntes whyche be yet enuironed wyth thys fleshe of synne nor knoweth not whether we ought to vnderstand thys communion of Sayntes of them onely which be alreadie in heauē or onlye of thē which be yet in this world or of both togither Phy. As to the first I knowe wel whē we speake cōmonly of saintes the pore simple people vnderstande no othere thynge but of them that be departed and that they hold for saued but that cometh of ignoraunce and for lacke of vnderstandynge of the Apostolike doctrine which doth customably cal the faith ful christien saintes there is no incōuenience to call them saintes notwithstanding they be synners for as the churche is called holy euē so be the fayethfull called Sayntes of the whych she is cōposed bycause that God hath iustified pourged made cleane and sanctified them whyche he hathe elected for to serue vnto al holines and innocencie and for to make shyne in vs the Image of hys glorye therfore the church is called the spowse of Iesus Christ gloryousse wythout spotte or wryncle notwythstandynge that all we the membres of the same praye euerye daye vnto God and he pardoneth our synnes Natha It foloweth then that all the true christians be Saintes synners all togyther but Math. vi Luc. ii howe maye these thinges agre beynge so repugnaunte Phy. They be not repugnaunte if they be well vnderstande for ech man if we Eph. ii Rom. iii. Gal. ii i. Co. i. considre hym in hym selfe and in hys nature is the child of ire naturalli a sinner execrable worthi of death eternal dānatiō but if we cōsidre hym in Iesu Christ he is holy for by the fayth which he hath in him he is iustified and sanctified not that he is altogither wythout synne but bycause that Iesus Christe doeth make hym partaker of hys ryghtuousnesse satisfaction after suche sorte that notwythstādynge he be a pore synner yet is it not imputed Psal v. Rom. iiii vnto him but is couered and defaced and he reputed iuste before God by the meane of Iesus Christe nother more nor lesse then if he had not sinned at all Nathanaell Thys holines of the churche is not yet then perfecte Phi. No not tyl it be altogither deliuered frō thys worlde and perfectly conioyned vnite wyth hyr head Iesus Christe for duryng the tyme she shall be in thys worlde she shall haue alwayes battell agaynste the fleshe and synne and shall neuer be fullye and deliuered frome the spottes and imperfections of the same vnto the daye of hyr redemptiō whē Iesus Christe shall appeare in glorye therfore sayed Iesus Christe that he that is cleane and washede hath yet nede to washe his fete and therefore saye wee after thys article that we beleue the remission of synnes Nathanael Before we come vnto that article thou must first declare vnto me the pointes I haue demanded of the vpon thys the whyche we haue alreadye treated on Phy. Towchyng that thou haste demaunded me of the Sayntes wee maye vnderstande thys communion generallye of al the elected that euer hathe bene be or shal be but there is some difference as touching the practise Tru it is that all the goodes of Iesus Christe bycause they
Stephā which did expoūde this place to the Iewes did shew thē how it did agre belōge to Iesu Christ Iesu christ him selfe in the sinagog of Nazareth shewed bi workes bi wordes by the testimonie of the Prophet Esai howe that he was anoynted wyth the holye Gooste to open preache the Luke iiii Esai i. Math. xi gospell vnto the pore deliueraunce vnto the prisoners and the yere of grace Natha It is then good reason to attribute vnto hym the office of a prophete seynge he is not onelye a prophet but a prynce of the prophetes Phy. There is yet wel other causes He hath The differēce betwen christ and the prophetes not onelye exercised the office of predication as Moyses and the other prophetes but hath consummate all prophecie fulfylled al that the prophetes had before spokē therfore saied he that the lawe and the prophetes dyd laste vnto the commynge of Iohn baptiste and that more is he hathe not onelye opened and Math. xi pronounced vnto men the lawe and wyll of god as the other prophetes but hath Imprinted it in the hertes and gyuen the holy Goste Ieremi xxxi Hebre. viiii Iohn xiiii xv xvi Math. iii. and bi the same the vertue and efficatie both to vnderstande and to perfourme wythout the which the ministratiō or misterie of al the other cā be but the dead letter Nata And what profit cometh vnto me to know thys Phy. Fyrst thou arte assured of the wyll of God and knowest which is the assured certayne doctrine of saluatiō vnto the whiche thou oughteste to holde the and after thou mayst learne by this what thou oughtest to iudg of al doctrine howe thou maist oughtest to reiecte the traditions of men For if Iesus Christ be the true prophete the whych onely the father wil to be herde it doeth folowe then that he hath Deut. xviii Math xvii taughte vs all that is necessarie vnto saluation and that we haue no neade of anye other doctrine but of hys and that we neade not to loke nor abyde for any other prophecie nor reuelation but that whyche by hym vnto vs is reueyled opened but ought to hold Iudge all other doctrines beynge contrarie to be deuellishe doctrines Natha Seynge it is so it doeth seme vnto me that we maye well conclude that they be not true christianes nor do not beleue that Iesus Christe is that greate and soueraygue true prophete whyche do saye that he nor hys Apostles haue not spoken taught that whych is necessarie for the doctrine of the church but that we muste haue recourse vnto councelles tradions and humayne doctrines Phy. There is nothynge more certayne and I am verye glade that thou vnderstandeste the matter so well for suche people denye Iesus to be Christe seynge they robbe or take from hym the offices for the whiche he is called Christe though with theyr mouthes they confesse hym to be Christe and euen as they do hym iniuey in takynge from him hys propheticall office euen so do they vnto hym as towchynge hys kyngdome hys priesthode whyche be the other two offices whych be also cōprised signified in the name of Christe Natha In asmuche then as we haue spoken of the fyrste let vs come vnto the other what sayest thou of hys kyngdome Phy. That it is not carnal ●or of this worlde Christes kingdome Iohn xviii as he did wytnes before Pilate that is to saye a caducte tra●nsitorie and mortall ministerie after the maner of terrenall kyngdomes as the Iewes 〈◊〉 for and thought but spirituall eternall and immortall as the Angell declaryn●e hys conception hadde before sayed wherefore he administreth ●aygneth and gouerneth by hys holy spirite and the cepter of Luke i. hys worde Natha Wee muste not then vnderstande to raygne here in thys lowe earth in voluptuousnes and carnal trihumph●s as the Iewes dyd vnderstande seynge that the kyngdome of Christe is spiritual Phy. It is conueniente and necessarie that the citizens and subiectes of thys kyngdome be as the kynge fightinge with a spiritual armonie against the flesh the Iohn xvi world synne death Sathā hel ●he which he alreadye hathe vayuquished ouercome Nathana Wherfore is it that by the vnction hys kyngedome and hys propheticall and A●●●●tynge of Christe priestlye office be Signified Phylype For to declare that he is the true kynge prophete and the Soueraygne sacrifice maker whyche was figured by the kynges and prophetes of Israell and by the sacrificers of the Leuites whyche hath perfourmed and accommpleshed that whyche they neuer could do Nata What was that whych they coulde not do Phy. The kynges beynge mortall and synners as wel as theyr subiectes coulde not deliuer theyr people from the tyranye and violence of synne Death Sathan and hell nor lykewyse the priestes by all theyr sacrificies as Iesus onelie hath done by hys and by his vertue and power Natha Our Lorde Iesus Christe hath he bene anoynted as the kinges prophetes and aunciente Sacrificers as Dauid by Samnell and Aaron and hys chyldrē by Mo●ses Phy. Those were anointed with oyle mynglyd wyth diuers precious odours swete thinges for to declare that it was thei which God had elected ordemed vnto that office but Iesus was anointed wyth the holie gost which was figured by the same vnctiō as doth appeare by Esai the testimonie of S. Iohn for he hathe the spirite wythout measure Natha If Iesus christ be god as I Esai lx i. Iohn iii. do beleue it how hath he giuē vnto him the holy gost seing that he doeth promise and gyue it to other Phylype Accordynge to hys diuine nature he doeth not receyue it for it is in hys almyghty power but in asmuch as he hathe bene made man he hathe receyued thys vnction to the ende that in him we myght be all partakers of that vnction for the whyche The name of Christians we be called christians Natha It is not thē bicause of the creme that is giuen vnto vs in oure baptisme that we be called christians or for the oyle that the prestes do brynge vnto the sycke in their extreme vnction Phy. The christiās do know neither creme nor Iewishe oyntmente materiall and corruptible for theyr saluation but that only of the holye Goste of the whyche we muste all by Iesus Christe be anoynted and baptised as Saynt Iohn doeth wytnes Nathana Seynge we be partakers of the vnction of Christe of the whych we beare the name we Math. iii. be then kynges prophetes and offerers of sacrifices as he is Phy. So doeth Saynte Peter call vs and geueth that honoure vnto all true christians I Petre. ii woulde if it were Goddes wyll that we vnderstode well all that whyche is signified by the name whyche we beare the whych in Antioche was gyuen vnto the disciples of Iesus Act. xiii Christ Nata In what maner be we kings what is oure
excommunication should gyue the vnderstādyng inough for excommunication signifieth none othere thynge but to be cast out of a communaltye Nathanaell It is then as muche to be excommmnicate out of the church as to be banished frome some certayne places Phylype It is almooste lyke for as a towne Cōparison of the churche hath hys ciuell policye and hys magistrates the whyche do conduce and gouerne it accordynge to the lawes and ordinaunces conueniente with the common wealthe for it euen so hathe the churche hys spirituall policie and ecclesiasticall discipline and hys pastures ministers and senatoures to entertayne and gouerne hyr accordyng to the lawes and ordinaunces that she hathe receyued of Iesus christe Euen so then as in the ciuell cōmune wealthe that whyche is done by theim whyche haue the charge beynge lawefullye thereunto elected and go not out of the limites of theyr offices and of the lawes and ordinaunces by the whyche the towne oughte to be ruled and gouerned is approued cōfirmed of al men Euen so in the churche of Iesus Christe all that is done accordynge to hys worde by thē vnto whom she is committed is ratified not Math. xvi Iohn xx onelye by all the churche but also by Iesus Christe in the name and vertue of whom the thynge is done And if a manne for his euyle behauour or demeanoure be lawfully banished frō a towne he is depriued of the cōmunaltye of the same is no lenger pertaker of the liberties fraunchises and priuileges nor of the commune goodes no more then a straunger which hath there nothynge to do Euē so is it of him that is excommunicate by the church Nathanaell And who hath the power to excommunicate Phy. Iesu Christe hathe gyuen that power to al hys church vnto the whych he hath cōmitted The ecclesiacal power the keyes of hys kyngdome by the which this excōmunication is exercised Natha Is it then required that when a man shal be excommunicate to assemble the whole churche and that euerye one shoulde saye hys opinion gyue his sentence M● semeth that were verye harde should engendre a greate confusion Phy. Oure Lorde Iesus Christe hathe well prouided for he teacheth vs the meane way Math. xviii that we oughte to hold and by what degrees we muste procede he teacheth vs fyrste howe we ought to admonish the offendre aparte how we should cal him before witnesses if he wyll not heare those and receiue theyr brotherly admonission and correction and be cōuerted and chastice hym self and if hys offēce do so deserue thē to report it vnto the church and congregation whych is the laste remedy we muste come vnto yet it is not necessarie to assemble all the churche for thys but suffiseth to haue the ecclesiastical councell whych haue the charge of the ecclesiasticall dicipli●e Natha What vnderstandeste thou by thys eccesiastical councell Phy. I vnderstand the priestes and ministers of the church wyth other good honest persons of the people whyche be lawfullye elected chosē for to wache ouer the maners and sclaunders of the churche and for the vpholdynge of discipline in the same euē as the coūcelers and magistrates be elected and chosē for the conseruation maintenaunce of iustice in the commune wealth and for the enterteynynge of peace and vnite amonge the Cytyzens and these be they whyche the scripture calleth priestes whyche sygnifieth as muche Priestes as elders and senatoures bycause they haue lyke office in the church as the senatours haue in the cōmōe welth saying ther is a grat difference in the administratiō for the one is ciuile temporal hath the materiall swerde for to vphold mainteigne defēde hyr the other is Difference of the ciuill ecclesiastical Rule Rom. xiii Ephe. vi ecclesiasticall spirituall and hath the swerd of the spirite whyche is the worde of God to conserue hyr Natha By all that I can cōprehēd by thy wordes thou wilt saie that as in a towne we do say that the towne hathe done that which hath be done by the councel magistrate of the same Euē so in the church we ought to vndrestand that that whych is done by them that haue charge of the same and vnto the which Iesus Christe and she also haue giuen the power and the administratiō of the keys is done by the churche Phy. So vnderstand I it For those be but seruauntes ministers of the churche by whō she doeth exercise the power that Iesus Christe hath gyuen hir and doeth declare the authoritie of the key● whyche she hathe receyued of hym Natha What nede is there of excommunication seynge ther is a magistrate in the church for the punishment of the offenders Phy. What nede is there of any euangelical pastour when ther is a magistrate or of preachynge when there is ciuell iustice wherfore doeth not the magistrate boeth the one the other Natha Bicause the matters be diuers and is necessarie that the offices shoulde be distincte seperated in the commune wealth or otherwise ther should be cōfusion to mingle the tēporal thinges spiritual togither and is not possible that those self persōs myght well exercises both to acquite them selues wel but in takyng vpon them to do both should do nother but marre al. Phi. Thou saiest wel And therfor as it is requisit that the ciuil tēporal administratiō should be seperated frōe the ecclesiasticall and the temporall frome the spiritual Euē so likewise must the correctiōs of the one the other after a sorte be seperated for otherwyse the churche should not haue hir whole ryghte nor spirituall iurisdiction the whyche is gyuen vnto hyr of our Lord Iesus Christe the whyche the cyuylle magistrate cannot take frome hyr wythout doynge hyr greate wronge and Iniurye nor wythout doynge greate dishonoure vnto Iesus Christ hyr head whyche hath gyuen her that authorite for the magistrate is not ordeined of god for to vsurpe by power or tyrannye ouer the churche of oure Lorde Iesus Christe as the papisticall churche and the Antechrist hir head hathe vsurped ouer the maiestrate and ouer the temporall sworde but it is ordeyned of God for to vphold the churche to healpe to conserue hyr and to mayntaygne hir rightes Therefore sayeth the prophete that the kynges and quenes shal be hir nourishers Esai xxvi Natha But when the magistate hathe chasticed punished the traunsgressours oughte it not to suffice the churche Phylip. Thou oughteste to vnderstande that ther be diuers faultes which be sclanders vnto the churche of whyche the ciuyll lawes do not greatlye force for they haue not so muche respecte vnto conscience as to the outwarde Correction bi the church peace and tranquilitie but the churche hathe hir respecte to edify the conscience and to reconcile the manne vnto God and further albeit that a manne haue bene punished corporallye and hathe made satisfaction vnto the lawe yet hathe he not for
for we can nother call thē fathers nor monor we be not b●etherne by the reason of thē nor vnite and conioyned by theyr spirites but if they haue bene true and fayethfull they be oure bretherne and haue beene lede wyth oneselfe spirite And lykewyse maye we also saye of all the monasticall sectes and diuersitie of religions For if Saynt Paule haue called the Corinthyans S●smatikes whyche sayed I am of Paule and I of Cephas and I of Appollo what title or name shall I gyue them whyche saye I am of the religion of Saynte Fraunces and I of Saynte Dominike and I of S Benet other suche like which be in greater numbre amonge the christians then euer they were amonge the panims maye we not well saye vnto them wyth the Apostle is Christe deuided hathe Frauncys or Dominike dyed for you or are ye baptised in theyr names In as muche then as wee are baptised in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holye Goste what haue we neede of anye other religion but of that in the whyche thys holye spirite doth raygne which doeth learne vs to make innocatiō vnto the fathers in the name of Iesus Christ hys sonne whych hath taken vs all into theyr sauegarde and protection what haue we nede of anye othere rule but of that the whyche Iesus Christe hathe The Rule of the Religion of Ch●ist Gal. vi broughte vs from heauen Of the whych the Apostle doeth speake in thys maner all they whyche walke after thys rule peace and mercye be vpon them and vpon Israel of God Natha I haue learned manye goodlye poyntes by the occasion of thys cōmunion of saintes for thou haste not onelye taught me what it is but also what is the true excommunication religion and christian brotherheade and what is the honour dene vnto Sayntes therfore nowe expounde vnto me the reste Phy. Because we haue abyden solonge vpon these two articles of the church the communion of Sayntes wee maye here deuide oure matter and kepe the reste tyll an other tyme the which shal be shortly done Natha At thyne own pleasure be it ❧ In this laste dialogue shall be spokē of the remissiō of synnes of the keyes of the kyngedome of heauen of the resurrection and immortall lyfe Nathanaell VVe haue done so muche by our Iorneis that we be al moste come to the ende of the crede seyng therfore we be arriued thus farre fourth our hertes must not faile vs for the litle waye we haue to go Phy. I haue better courage then euer I had tell me therefore what foloweth Natha The remission of synnes what is the vnderstandynge of thys article Phy. I cōfesse by these wordes that I beleue that as there is one churche assemble and vnite by the holye spirite in the same o●e cōmunion of all goodes that the synnes lykewyse and the faultes be pardoned vnto the fayethfull by the grace goodnes and mercye of God whyche doeth quitte theim all theyr dettes to the ende they should not be rekened vnto theim at hys Iudgemente nor that they should not beare the payne whych they haue merited and deserued Humayn Satisfacion merets Nathan Seynge there is remission and forgiuenes it doth appeare folowe that ther is nothynge of our satisfaction for wher ther is pardone there can be nothyng of our merites Phylype There is nothynge more certayne for the dete is not forgiuen to hym that satisfieth and payeth wherfore it doeth folowe in as muche as there is remission and forgyuenes for vs that the satisfactiō is of sum other then of oure selues and that we can pres●t no other recōpence vnto god but the satisfaction of his sonne Iesus Christe for whose loue we obteine of the father pardon of al our sinnes Natha And this pardon and remission cā we not obteygne but in the churche Phy. No for as at the time of the floude none coulde be saued whyche were wythout the shipe or arke of Noe so none can auoyde the Gen. viii P●●●r iii. No s●luacion ou● of the church iudgement of God and obteygne grace and pardon of hys misdedes excepte he be a true membre of the church incorporated in the bodye of Iesus Christe persenerynge wyth the people of God in the vnitie of the fayeth Natha It foloweth then that all cismatykes heritikes infidels excommunicate and al authors of sectes whych be deuided and seperated frome the churche can haue no pardon of theyr synnes but abyde in death and damnation vnto suche tyme they be recouciled wyth hyr Phy. It is euen so Nathana Tell me then by what meanes we obteyne pardon in the churche Is it necessarie to confesse oure synnes vnto the priestes and to haue theyr absolution for to obteyne this remission Phy. It is verye requisite that if we will that God pardon vs that we reknoweledge oure faultes but not to the priestes for it is not agaynste thē that we haue synned but againste God whyche onelye as mooste soueraygne kynge maye gyue vs gr●ce and pardon and th●refore as we haue synned agaynste hym euen so muste we conteste vnto hym our synnes and aske of him pardon accordyng to the example of Dauid of Daniell and of othere holye prophetes seruauntes of God For as Saynce Iohn sayeth if we confesse oure sinnes he is faithfull and wyll heare vs. Natha I vnderstande well we must confesse oure selues vnto God fyrste but is it not re-requisite that we confesse our selues vnto mē Phy. We maie confesse vs vnto menne in diuers sortes as fyrst If we haue offēded anye we oughte to reknoweledge oure faultes towardes hym and aske hym pardon and enforce oure selues to returne into fauour wyth hym for we can not obteygne pardon of god so long as the iniury we haue done vnto one neyghboure doeth accuse vs before hym askynge vengeaunce agaynste vs excepte wee studie to reconcile our selues vn●o him whō we haue offended and thys confession maye be called brotherlye recōsiliation the whyche Iesus Christe doth greatlie recommend vnto vs. Ther is yet another maner of recōsiliatiō towardes men the whych may be boeth publyke and particuler for when we haue beene Open cōfes●●on in errour and abused in Idolatrie and superstition and haue offēded God we ought not to be ashamed to reknoweledge our faultes opēlie and to gyue thankes vnto God as did i timo i. Math. i. Act. ii iii. saint Paul writinge vnto Timothe and they whyche dyd come vnto the baptisme of Iohn Baptiste and they whych were conuerted by the p●eachynge of Saynte Petre and also of the Ephesians whyche dyd burne the bokes of sorcerie euen so thē as I may reknowledg and confesse my faultes openlye in thys maner ●efore the church of God euen so may I do in perticuler or secret vnto my neyghbour for to haue councell and consolation of him or for to reconcile my selfe vnto him if I haue Perticuler cōfession offended hym or to the ende he praye