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A14184 A demonstration of the trueth of that discipline which Christe hath prescribed in his worde for the gouernment of his Church, in all times and places, vntill the ende of the worlde Wherein are gathered into a plaine forme of reasoning, the proofes thereof; out of the scriptures, the euidence of it by the light of reason rightly ruled, and the testimonies that haue beene giuen therevnto, by the course of the churche certaine hundredths of yeares after the Apostles time; and the generall consent of the Churches rightly reformed in these latter times: according as they are alleaged and maintained, in those seuerall bookes that haue bin written concerning the same. Udall, John, 1560?-1592. 1588 (1588) STC 24499; ESTC S103026 63,031 134

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worship with trembling and feare to kisse the sonne least he bee angry why did you not tell them that all states must be ruled by my worde not my word by them and their pollicies When these things shal be laid to your charge your consciences shal aunswere that if you had done so you should haue lost your dignityes whiche you loued and sought for especially then shall you wishe that the mountains would fall vpon you and the hills couer you from the presence of the lambe and from the presence of him that sitteth vppon the throne And I am perswaded that you are in league with hell and haue made a couenaunt with death yea you doe perswade your selues that there is no God neyther shall there be any such day of account or it were vnpossible that you should giue your eyes anye sleepe or take anye rest in your bedds vntill you had vnto the Lord by repentance and the Church by confession vnburdned your souls of these hellishe wayes wherein you haue so long walked Repent repent be not ashamed to amend though others haue founde you out the way iudge your selues whyle you haue time least you be made fyrebrandes of hell beyond all time Let our challenges that wee haue made in the name of the Lord be hearkened vnto Let vs bee disputed with before indifferent iudges let the holy word of God bee the touch-stone to trye our di●●ntations by and then shall it easily appeare who hath the Lord on his side and who not The trueth wil preuaile in spite of your teeth and al other aduersaries vnto it for God disdaineth to be crossed by dust and ashes Therefore be not obstinate so long as vntill you be found fighters with God but preuent his wrath lest it breake foorth against you like fyre that none can quench because of the wickednes of your inuentions Venture your byshopprickes vpon a disputation and wee will venture our liues take the challenge if you dare if the truth be on your side you may hereby be restored to your dignities and be no more troubled by vs but if the trueth be against you what shal it profit you to win the whole world and afterward loose your own souls If you refuse still our offer then must you needes be guiltie eyther of this that you know your cause will not abide the tryal or of this that you wil take no pains to confute vs that keep such a sturre in the Church do not think that because you haue humane authority on your side therfore you are safe for he whose authoritie is on our side is the greatest to whose voice all the deuils in hell shall stoup much more the sillie arme of sinfull fleshe We haue sought to aduaunce this cause of God by humble suit to the parliamente by supplication to your Conuocation house by writing in defence of it and by challenging to dispute for it seeing none of these means vsed by vs haue preuailed If it come in by that meanes which wil make all your heartes to ake blame your selues for it must preuail maugre the mallice of all that stande against it or such a iudgement must ouertake this lande as shall cause the cares that heare thereof to tingle make vs be a by-word to all that pas by vs. The Lord open your eyes that you may see the confusions whereof you are the cause and giue you true repentance or confounde you in all your purposes that bee against him and the regiment of his sonne Iesus Christ. The same Lord for the loue he beareth to his poore people open the eyes of her Maiestie and the Honorable Councellers that they may see your godlesse practises and in pitie to Gods people rid vs from you and turne awaye his iudgementes which the reiecting of his holy yoke hath deserued not punnishing them that mourne for the desolation of Sion with those that spoile and make hauock of the Lords inheritaunce Amen TO THE READER INfinite and vnspeakeable Christian Reader are the miseries frō whiche Iesus Christe our Sauiour hath freed vs and the benefites and blessings wherewith in this life he beginneth and for euer will continue to adorne vs. The consideration whereof if our ●●thankfulnes vnto his Maiesty were any way proporcionable to that which we endeuour vnto towards men shoulde make vs continually to deuise all the daies of our life to studie howe wee might shew our selues at least in some sort carefull to glorifie his blessed name aboue all thinges that we desire by how muche as his loue towardes vs excelleth whatsoeuer can else according to our wish befall vnto vs but if we do with equall ballance on the other side looke into the course of mans life howe well this dutie is performed we shal see that men declare themselues rather bent to spit in his face and to defie him then any way to honour him as their head and Soueraigne for to saye nothing of the prophane life and godlesse couersation wherewith the generall number that professeth Iesus Christ is wholy defiled wee see that many nations people and languages are very willing to receiue Iesus Christe as their priest to sacrifice for their sinnes but that he should become their king to prescribe lawes vnto them whereby they may bee ruled is of all other things the most vnsauory yea if it be offered the most grieuous tydinges and vnreasonable request wherein albeit manye nations that haue renounced that whore of Rome are heynously sinnefull against his glorious maiestie yet is there none in the whole worlde so far out of square as Englande in reteyning that popishe hierarchie firste coyned in the midst of the mistery of iniquitie and that filthie sinck of the Canon law which was inuented and patched together for the confirming and increasing of the kingdome of Antichrist Wherein as great indignitie is offered vnto Iesus Christ in cōmitting his Church vnto the gouernement of the same as can be by meane vnderlings vnto a king in committing his beloued spouse vnto the direction of the mistresse of the Stewes and enforcing hir to liue after the orders of a brothelhouse For the reformatiō wherof while some haue written and others according to their callinges carefully stoode howe heynously it hath beene taken howe hardly they haue bene vsed and what shamefull reproches haue beene offered euen vnto the course of the Gospell for spyte that hath beene borne vnto reformation almost by all estates and degrees lamentable experience hath taught many of vs but our posterity shall knowe it more particulerly and the Church thoroughout the world shall discerne and iudge of it more euidently when their bodies are rotten in the dust their soules if they repent not in eternall and intollerable torments who haue reiected a request so holy profitable and reasonable yea and handled the intreaters for the same so cruelly vnchristianly and vnlawfully but they would gladly perswade themselues if their conscience would let them that they
them Pro. 17. 5. 3 Obiection It ouerburdeneth the parrish to prouide for the norishment of so many church officers Ansvvere It is not necessary that they should prouide for any moe of them sauing those that are exercised in the ministery of the worde vn-vnlesse any of the rest may need the liberallity of the Church 4 Obiection It bringeth in a newe popedome and tyrannie into the Church Ansvvere It is blasphemie to tearme the gouernment of Christe so because we refuse the tyranny of the pope shall we therfore doe what we list and not yeelde obedience to the scepter of Christ. 5 Obiection It is a kind of Donatisme to challenge such authoritie ouer princes Ansvvere And it is flattery to suffer princes to doe what they liste this is the obiection of Gualter who is a professed enemy to discipline 6 Obiection It taketh away princes authoritie in causes Ecclesiasticall Ansvvere No more then it did from Dauid in his time nor so much as the Bb. do nowe for the prince requireth but this to see the church well ordered which the Eldership aloweth and craueth 7 Obiection It transformeth the state of the common wealth into a meere popularitie and will alter the gouernment thereof Ansvvere It neither transformeth nor altereth any thing in it for let it be shewed what damage would come by this discipline to any magistracie from the princes throne to the office of the headborow 8 Obiection It wil breed contention and partiallity in iudgement Ansvvere Where can be greater contention then the Bb. maintaine for their kingdome or greater partiallitie then in them to their kinsfolkes seruants Sycophants c. 9 Obiection It wil be contemned and so good order neglected Aunsvvere None euer deserued more contempt then the BB. and their officers doe for all their pompe but God whose ordinaunce it is will procure sufficient awe vnto it marke how these obiections stand together in the 4. it was tyrannie and here it is too contemptible these be contrary 10 Obiection All alterations be dangerous Ansvvere Neuer where we change from the obedience of Antichriste to the seruice of the liuing God was it euer dangerous to amende things amisse by that course which is described of God if it were let the perticular of it appear this might wel haue bin Steuen Gardiners reason for popery in the time of king H. the eight The Church must be gouerned onely by the rules of Gods word this is in effect the proposition of the first chap. wherevnto all those reasons there alleadged may be referred there is aduouched generally the certayne grounds of the whole discipline against the imagined libertie left to the Church here is affirmed the perticular direction of the Churche gouernement by the authoritie of the Eldershipp to proceed according to the rules of Gods reuealed will and not by that cursed and monstrous cannon law which is made manifest vnto vs by these reasons 1 All gouernours are to execute their authoritie by the same warrant from which they haue it But the gouernours of the Church of God haue their warrant to be gouernours only from the word 1. Cor. 12. 28. Therefore they must gouerne the Church onely by the word 2 The Churche is to be gouerned by that which the ministers may teach vnto the same for they are taught to the ende that they may obey and so be gouerned by the same But the ministers may teach nothing but the worde of God 1. Cor. 11. 23. Therefore the Church is to be gouerned onely by the word of God 3 That which maketh the Churche obedient vnto Christ must be the direction whereby it is to be gouerned Onely the worde of God maketh the church obedient vnto christ Therfore it is to be gouerned by the rules of Gods worde 4 Euery kingdome or houshold must be gouerned onely by the lawes of the king or orders of the housholder The Churche is the kingdome and house of God and his worde is the onely law that he hath giuen for the same Therefore it must bee gouerned onely by the worde of God 5 That which was ordayned to destroy the Churche of God cannot be a good rule to gouerne the same by But such is the cannon law for it was ordained to strengthen the kingdom of Antichrist Abstract Therefore it cannot be a good rule to direct the church by and consequently it must be gouerned by the worde for no other rule is offered vnto vs but the one of these twaine 6 That which was inuented by the dragon that persecuteth the woman and her childe that same cānot be good for the church which is that woman But such is the cannon law for it was inuented by Antichriste which is that dragon Therefore it cannot bee good for the ruling of the church and consequently c. 7 That which strengtheneth the power of darknes ignorance cannot be good to guide them that must walke in light and knowledge But the cannon lawe strengtheneth the power of darknes and ignorance for it increaseth popery as appeareth by this that there is scarce an officer towardes it in these dayes of knowledge but he is a papist Therfore it cannot be good to guide the church of God 8 That which destroieth the church of God cannot be good to rule the same But the cannon law destroieth it for it crosseth euery faithfull minister in the discharge of his dutie and euery good christian walking in the wayes of godlines and nippeth in the head euery good action as experience teacheth vs Therefore it cannot be a good rule to gouerne the churche by 9 That which hath bred moe trayterous papists in England then the Seminaries at Rome and Rhemes that same cannot be good to gouerne the church of God But such is the cannon lawe for it hath kept cut discipline nourished ignorance and fostered superstition popery in all estates of people that neuer came at those Seminaries Therefore it cannot be a good rule to gouerne the church of God by 10 That which nourisheth the hope of Antichriste to returne hither againe cannot bee good to direct in the gouerment of the church But such is the cannon lawe for it keepeth the cages for those vncleane byrds as Archb. and L. BB. seas arches cathedral churches c therfore it cannot be a good rule for the direction of the Church 11 That which all the Churches haue cast off as vnfit for the gouernment of the Church cannot be good for the same But all the churches that haue forsaken the pope yea they that haue not receiued the discipline of Christ wholy haue cast of the cannon lawe Therefore it cannot be good for the same 12 Yea we our selues mislike it as appereth by a statute made vnder Ed. 6. Therefore if gouernours are to rule by the same authoritie whereby they are gouernours if the Church must be gouerned by that which the ministers may teache if the worde of God onely make the Church obedient
vnto Christ if euery kingdome must be ruled by the lawes of their king and if the cannon lawe be ordained to destroy the Churche if it was inuented to persecute the churche if it strengthen the power of darkenesse and ignoraunce if it kill the Churche of God if it breede moe traiterous papistes then the Seminaries at Rome and Rhemes if it nowrishe the hope of Antichrists returne lastly if all the Churches that haue forsaken the pope haue cast it of also yea if we our selues do mislike it then must it needs follow that the Church ought to be gouerned onely by that golden rule of Gods word not by that leaden lump of the cannon law CHAP. 15. THe office of the Church gouernment is meere Ecclesiasticall and therefore the gouernors of the church may not meddle but onely in church-matters as for example vocation and abeycation deciding of controuersies in doctrine and manners so far as appertayneth to consience and the church censures T. C. booke 1. pag 206 Discipl Eccle. 126. but they thinke that church-gouernours may also meddle in ciuill causes VVhitgifte page 749 their practize that take vpon them to be Councellors of state to iudge ciuilly as punishe with imprisonment c. But this is disprooued and so the former prooued by these reasons 1 That which our sauiour Christ refused because it belonged not vnto him ruling teaching the church that same is not lawfull for any Ecclesiast person to do But christ refused to deuide the inheritance Luke 12. 14. onely because he came to buylde a spirituall kingdome for otherwise he being God had authoritye ouer all thinges Therefore it is not lawfull for Ecclesiasticall persons to bee iudges of ciuill causes 2 That which was forbidden the Apostles is vnlawfull for euery Ecclesiasticall officer for they were the chiefe vnder christ and had after a sort all offices in themselues vntil they could plant them in others But such dominion was forbidden them as the kinges of the nations other ciuill magistrates haue Luk. 22. 28. which is to rule ciuilly Therefore they may not exercise any ciuill authority 3 If necessary dueties are to be lefte rather then our duties to the Churche shoulde not be thorowly discharged then may not a churche officer deale in ciuill iurisdiction which is lesse necessary vnto him But the former is true as appeareth by the words of Christ to him that woulde haue buried his father Luke 6. 59. 60. Therefore they may not exercise any ciuil authority 4 If he that hath an office must attend vpon it then may he not meddle in another for hee cannot attend them both at once But the former is true Rom. 12. 7. Therfore may no church officer meddle with temporall iurisdiction 5 As the Souldiour is in his warfare so are church officers in the ruling of Gods church But the Soldior entangleth not himselfe in the things of this life because they are of another nature to his warfare which place Cyprian alleadgeth againste a minister that became an executour to his friendes will Therefore church-officers may not meddle with ciuill offices because they are of another nature then his calling 6 Those thinges that in themselues are of contrary quallitie cannot concurre in one subiect But the gouernments of the church and common wealth be such not onely in this that they are the next speciall members of one generall but also in that the one is spirituall and the other temporall the one respecteth the soule and the other the bodie Therefore they cannot bee in one man together and consequently c. 7 If the gouernment of the churche both in euery particular mans office and in the generall Eldership be a matter of great waight the ability of man very small in euery good action then may not a church-officer meddle in another calling whereby he is made lesse able to discharge his dutie But the former is true as all men may see that looke into the worde of God what is required of such men and knowe by the same worde the manifolde infirmities vntowardnes of man Therfore the latter must needs be true also 8 If the Apostles who were the most able of all others found themselues vnfitt for two offices which were both Ecclesiasticall then is the best church-gouernour vnfit for two which be of more difference one from another as be the gouernment of the church and commonwelth But the former is true as appeareth Actes 6. 2. Therefore the latter must needs be true also 9 That which we iustly reprooue in the papists must needs if we do like be founde more vnlawfull and intollerable in our selues But we iustly reprooue the papists for hauing in their hands both the swordes that is the Ecclesiasticall and ciuill iurisdiction Therefore it is more intollerable being found in any of vs. 10 If it be lawfull for an ecclesiasticall person to exercise the office of the ciuill magistrate then on the contrary it is lawfull for the ciuill magistrate to exercise the offices of Ecclesiasticall persons for there is as good reason for the one as the other But the latter is vnlawfull for who would like of any L. Mayor to step into the pulpit and preach c. Therefore the first is vnlawfull also 11 They may not intangle themselues with worldly offices but attende vpon their Ecclesiasticall affaires 12 None of the Clarkes or cleargie shall receiue any charge of those whiche are vnder age the cause of that decree is there said to be for that there were certain ministers that were stuards to noble men and in the 7. cannon that none of them shoulde receiue any secular honors 13 The BB. shall onely attende vnto prayer reading and preaching 14 He bringeth diuers reasons to prooue that BB. may neither vsurpe nor take being offered vnto them any ciuill office 15 He sheweth how the offices are to be distinguished and in what sort it is sayde that the fathers delt in the things of this life and howe the corporal punishments by the Apostles were perticular and extraordinary 16 When both the offices meet in one man the one hindereth the other so that he that exerciseth the one cannot minister the other 17 There is no man so wise and holy which is able to exercize both the ciuill and Ecclesiasticall power and therefore he that will exercize the one must leaue the other Therefore if Christ refused to iudge in temporall causes because it belonged not to his office if ciuill dominion was forbidden the Apostles if necessary duties are rather to be lefte vndone then our diligence in the matters of the Churche shoulde bee lessened if hee that hath an office must attende vppon it if wee may not be intangled with any hinderance if the ciuill Ecclesiasticall functions be of contrary natures if euery office in the Church be more then any one can perfectly discharge if the Apostles found themselues vnfit for two offices
reasons following 1 As Church officers were ordayned in the Apostles time so must they be continually for they did lay the plot according wherevnto the Churche must be built vnto the ende but they were ordayned in the Apostles time by the laying on of the hands of the Eldership Act. 6. 6. 13. 3. Therefore the Churche officers must be ordayned by laying on of the handes of the Eldership 2 Churche officers must bee ordayned by them that haue warrant from the worde to assure the parties ordayned that they are called of God Onely the Eldership hath suche a warrant 1. Tim. 4. 14. Therefore they ought to bee ordayned by the Eldership 3 Many of the sentences alleadged before out of Councells Emperors lawes histories sound writers both olde and newe for election not to be by one but by diuers speake also of ordination and so are forcible to this purpose 4 Euagrius came to the office of a Bishopp vnlawfully because onely Paulmus ordayned him contrary to the tenure of many Cannons which prouide that they should not be ordayned but by all the Bishops of the prouince or at the least by three 5 When a Bishop is to be ordayned c. one bishop shal pronounce the blessing and the rest of the bishops with the Elders present shall all lay on their hands 6 When a bishopp was to be ordayned the bishops adioyning did ordayne him Therefore if Church officers were ordained in the Apostles time not by one but by the Eldershipp consisting of many if they be to ordayne that haue warrant out of the worde to assure the parties ordayned that they are called of God if ordination by one bishop be vnlawfull and contrary to many canons of Councells if the bishops and Elders were to laye on their hands lastly if the bishops adioyning were to ordayne then must it needes followe that Church officers are not to be ordained by one man but by the laying on of the handes of the Eldership But they fight hard against this because it striketh at a maine pillar of their kingdome their chiefe grounds be these 1 Obiection Paule and Barnabas ordayned Elders where is no mention of any Eldership Ansvvere They are said to ordaine because they being the chiefe procured it so is Ioshua 5. 3. saide to circumcise which was the Leuites office so say we the Queene hath made a lawe and yet not she alone maketh any 2 Obiection Though it were so then yet is it not so required nowe no more then the communitie in the Apostles time Ansvvere There was no more communitie then for they that thinke otherwise are in that point Anabaptists then is to be required now so that instance maketh for vs. 3 Obiection Examples are no general rules to be followed Ansvvere Examples not contrarying anye rule or reason of the Scripture be to be followed as if they were commaundementes so that notwithstanding any thing aledged to the contrary it remaineth vpon the former groundes most stedfast that it belongeth to the Eldership to ordaine those Churche officers that are to be imployed in the publike seruice of God CHAP. 8. THe ordaining of Churche officers must be done with humble prayer of the Eldership and the congregation Discipl Ecclesiast fol 50. Their vnreuerent beginning proceedding therewith in a corner is contrary to this which is condemned by the proofe of our assertion by these reasons 1 We are to behaue our selues in these actions as they by whom we haue direction to doe them haue set vs an example But the Apostles and Elders when they ordayned Church officers did alwayes commende the action to God by prayer together with those congregations ouer which they placed them Act. 6. 6. 14. 23. Therefore the ordeyning of Churche officers must be done by humble prayer of the Eldership and congregation 2 The greater the action is that is in hand the more carefull must they be that haue it in hand to humble themselues by prayer for the Lords assistance therein But the ordeyning of Churche officers is an action of most weightie importance Therefore they that haue it in hand which be the Eldershipp to ordayne him congregation to receiue him ought to humble themselues in earnest prayer before hand 3 They that shall haue part in the comfort or discomfort of the action are to ioyne together in prayer vnto God for the better euent and against the worse But the Eldershipp and people shall both haue part in the euent of the action Therefore they are to ioyne together in humble prayer before hand c. CHAP. 9. CHurche officers must be ordayned by laying on of hands in this they agree with vs concerning the ceremonie it selfe albeit neyther in the parties by whome nor on whome it must be conferred The profit of this ceremonie appeareth in the reasons following 1 That which stirreth vp euerye partie to pray with more feruencie is profitable to be vsed But such is this ceremonie for it affecteth the ordeyners when they feele him for whom they pray and the ordeyned when he feeleth a calling and charge from God as it were sensiblie comming vpon him and the congregation when they see him seperated from the rest by whome they shall reape muche comfort or griefe Therefore the vse of it is very profitable 2 That which helpeth forward the party ordained in his care to walke with a good conscience in his calling is profitable to be vsed Such is the imposition of hands for both it declareth vnto him that he is separated of God for that purpose also giueth him hope that his hand who allotted him therevnto will alwayes assist him in the course of that calling Therefore it is of a profitable vse 3 That which worketh a more acknowledgment of Gods ordinance in the heartes of the people is profitable to be vsed Such is the laying on of handes for it declareth vnto them that the Lorde hath placed him in that calling ouer them Therefore it is profitable to bee vsed Therefore seeing the ceremonie of layinge on handes is forcible to increase the feruencie of euery partie when they pray seeing it assureth the calling to the partie ordayned and giueth him an argument of good hope for the blessing of God vppon him in the course of the same and seeing it procureth a more perswasion in the people that he is allotted vnto them from the Lord himselfe it is euident that it is not a vaine and idle ceremonie as manie do imagine but of good and profitable vse in al ordinations CHAP. 10. THe Lord hath ordayned that there should be one byshop or pastor at the least president ouer euery congregation who are of equall authoritie in their seuerall charges in the generall gouernement of the Churche T. C. 1. booke page 22. 2. booke 1. part page 515. They maintaine contrary vnto this these two 1 That one may haue two or mo chardges and be absent from them as their