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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14005 A theological discourse of the gracious and blessed coniunction of Christ and a sincere Christian. By Tho: Tuke Preacher of Gods word. The blessed virgin Mary brought foorth Christ, and the Catholique Church brings foorth all true Christians Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. 1617 (1617) STC 24315; ESTC S101279 63,242 166

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it were by lime pins nayles and sawder through the holy Ghost who heweth frameth and setteth euery stone in order in Christ In whom all the Building fitly framed together groweth vnto an holy Temple to the Lord. This is a rare and singular house for they that are heereof are Stones and Kings and Priests So then the Church is a liuing Temple a spirituall House and a Royall Priesthood a kingdome of Priests and a Priestlie kingdome And no maruell it is if Christians be stones seeing Christ Iesus out of whom they are cut and grow bee a Rocke or though they haue a certaine Kingdome and Priesthood seeing they be members of him who is a King and Priest They are Christians it is enough they are annoiuted with the oyle of gladnesse that they may be able to ouercome the Deuiil the World and the Flesh as Kings that raigne by Christ and may also haue grace like Priests to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God by Christ with whose holy oyle they are annointed For as the precious oyntment that was powred vpon Aarons head ranne downe vpon his beard and went down on the border of his garments So the holy oyle the most sweete and sauing oyle which was powred vpon our head Christ Iesus hath runne downe ouer all his body into all his members and be-deawes them all as the deaw of Hermon which falleth vpon the mountaines of Zion And which is no small fauour this precious and holy oyntment tarrieth on vs and dwelleth in vs as St. Iohn doth assure vs. In a word this Temple this House hath a priuiledge aboue all the temples and houses in the world For no winde can driue it downe no water can wash it downe no fire can burne it downe no canon can beat it downe no weight can weigh it downe no might can cast it downe no witchcraft can worke it downe no vnderminer can vndermine it downe no thunder or lightning can teare or fire it downe neither men nor Diuels haue power ouer it For Christ vpholds it against all assaults of enemies whatsoeuer It is built by Christ vpon himselfe who hath also sayd that the gates of hell shall not ouercome it Christ hath spoken this concerning no house that is materiall and earthly but onely of this his owne spirituall Temple and beeing Truth it selfe we may well beleeue him Whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence and reioycing of hope to the end as the Apostle speakes vnto the Hebrewes Thus haue we seene our Coniunction with Christ who is in vs and wee in him He is in vs as a cause in the effect wee are in him as the effect is in the cause He is in vs as a worke-man is in his worke we are in him as a worke is in the worke-man We are in him as Eue was in Adam he is in vs as Adams rib and nature was in Eue. Hee is in vs as the Sunne is in the aire or house to illuminate and warme it we are in him as the aire or an house is in the Sunne which is lightned and warmed of it He is in vs as a kernell or seede and the earth it growes in is in the plant we are in him as the plant is in the kernel or seede of which it comes and in the ground in which it is set and by which it is fed He is in vs and we in him as Adam is in his children and his children in him or as the fountaine is in the riuer and the riuer in it or as a roote is in the boughes and they in the root But who is able sufficiently to expresse these things who can declare how hee is fashioned in his mothers wombe or tell how his soule and body are knit together This is a great mystery saith Saint Paul but I speake concerning Christ and the Church I doubt not but that many a poore soule is the Spouse of Christ and one of his true members tho hee be not able to say much about his vnion and incorporation which is by the Spirit of Christ And though a man sayd neuer so much hereof and could speake of heauen as if hee had beene there yet all were but dreames vnlesse hee bee ioyned to Christ and haue his spirit really to possesse and leade him That which quickneth vs is the spirit of Christ and his flesh that wherewith he quickneth vs. That which sanctified our nature in Christ that which made it a sacrifice of reconciliation is the same which quickneth it raised it from the graue and exalted it to glory And therefore if a man haue not the Spirit or God-head of Christ and be partaker of his flesh hee is but a dead man a miserable man a man vnmortified vnsanctified and without hope of glory I am the liuing bread saith Christ which came downe from heauen If any man eat of this bread hee shall liue for euer and the bread that I will giue is my flesh which I will giue for the life of the world Except yee eat the flesh of the Son of man and drinke his blood yee haue no life in you But how can a man eat bread if hee haue it not How can wee eat his flesh and drinke his blood vnlesse wee haue it The truth is hee that giues vs this meat to eat must also giue vs hands to take it and mouthes to taste and eat it and a stomacke to craue and holde it We must needes therefore be vnited to Christ and be truely possessed of him and of his grace or else we cannot liue by him And because no man eats him but by grace and for that no grace is but by the holy Ghost who diuideth to euery man seuerally as he will and seeing by this eating of Christ hee is not turned into vs as bodily food but wee receiue nurriture and confirmation from him and are transmuted into him and grow vp in him and he in vs which neither can bee wrought but by the Holy Ghost it is of absolute necessity that we bee partakers of the holy Ghost and haue him dwelling in vs. So then whatsoeuer men talke of the Spirit all is nothing they doe but beat the aire and make a dinne they are most miserable wretches viler then the dust on their shooe-soles vnlesse they be endued with him Hee it is which annoynted the blessed soule of our Sauiour Iesus Christ and which doth fashion vnite animate and actuate all that spring from him in all the ages and places of the world as if both he and they together were so many members or parts compacted into one body being all possessed and indued with one and the selfe samesoule This Coniunction is most sweet and comfortable and indeed that wherein our blessednesse consisteth whiles we liue on earth and giues vs right vnto the perfect blessednesse of the life to come We count it a
may bee a separation made of soule and body yet there shall bee no totall separation of the soule from God Friends may dye must die They are but men and men must die Dust we are and to dust we must returne Wee and our friendships too must perish We are seene a while and after a while wee are seene no more but fall like drops of raine into the sea and are knowne no more And oftentimes friends fall flat out and end their friendshippes before they end themselues But Christ and his faithfull friends doe neuer part the graue cannot part them neither can any such vnkindnesse happen betweene them but that they may and shall bee reconciled And whereas many men will shake of their friends and acquaintance if they grow poore and needy the Lord Iesus tho now at the right hand of the Father farre aboue all Powers and Maiesties doth take great delight in all those whom he hath vnited to him how poore or meane soeuer and is a Cherisher of them in all their wants yes is troubled with them in all their troubles afflicted in all their afflictions and accounts himselfe the receiuer when any of his poore friends are relieued entertained honored But I passe on further The Soule and body of a man are ioyned together to make a true and perfit man For neither the soule alone nor the body alone but the soule and body together doe make a perfit man as neither the King alone by himselfe nor the people alone by themselues doe make the Kingdome but the King and the people ioyntly together But the coniunction of Christ and of Christians is not of the same kinde For the vnion of soule and body is naturall but our vnion with Christ is supernaturall The soule is not giuen a man in the very act or instant of generation but afterwards when there is some organ or organs fitted for it but Christ is giuen a man in the very act and article of regeneration The soule is created by God in the body and to euery particular body there is a particular soule For though all mens soules are one in kinde yet they are not one in number but haue their numericall and particular differences But there are not so many Christs as men There is but one Christ in all belieuers And although Christ may truely in the Apostles sense be said to be formed in vs which is when we are reformed and made conformable to him yet we must beware we do not thinke him to be formed in vs as the soule is which is formed wholy at once and not by degrees and is so formed in vs as that it is not out of vs nor in any other body and did not subsist out of vs before it was created in vs. The soule now framed and being by nature immortal is vnited to a fraile and corruptible body and enters vppon it with condition to depart againe and leaue it when God shall please but Christ comes not into vs vpon the same tearmes but taries with vs and abides in vs for euer Hee takes the soule into an heauenly mansion where it forsakes her earthly Tabernacle and forgets not our dust our lesse then dust which we leaue behinde vs but sees it alwaies is mindfull of it and can distinguish it from the dust of beasts of Reprobates and will againe one day blow vpon it and make it liue againe And whereas the soule and body being knit together make one and the selfe same person so that the soule is not one person and the body another person For in a man there is aliud aliud but not alius alius diuersitie of natures but no distinction or diuision of person Our Lord Christ Iesus is a distinct compleat and absolute person subsisting by himselfe and there are as many distinct and particular persons of Christians as there are Christians euery man being a distinct and perfit person by himselfe as Christ is by himselfe Indeed he and they altogether make but one entire mysticall bodie and wheras euery man susteines himselfe I confesse that Christ doth vp-beare vs all with his grace power as a goodly Oake or Cedar doth her branches or as a foundation and pillars do the building of stones timber and other materialls that are laide vpon them Christ as the Apostles S. Paul and S. Iohn doe teach vs is very God God ouer all blessed for ever Now to Christ as God the great Creator and Vpholder of all things by whom all things were made who vpholdeth all things with the word of his power All things created are vnited vnione depēdantia with the vnion of dependance without the which nothing that is created can last a moment But as the light depends vpon the Sunne and is after a sort ioyned to it so that if any thing should come betweene the light and the Sunne which is the fountaine of light the light would instantly vanish and there would bee nothing but very darkenesse and as in this Microcosme of man the liuer is the source of bloud and the spring by which it is disfused by veines throughout the body and the heart is the fountaine of the vitall spirits which are thence by arteries carried into the body as neede requireth or as the head is the originall of the nerues or sinewes by the which motion is caused so that if any thing should come betweene the liuer and the veines the heart and the arteries the head and the sinewes that they should bee parted of necessitie bloud spirits motion and life it selfe must presently decay and faile euen so all creatures in the world depend on Christ as God and are so vnited to him that they cannot be without him so that if any thing could come betwixt him and them which might hinder their dependance on him and coherence with him they could not but vanish as light and bee brought to nothing The very dust of dead men would not be dust but would presently perish were it not vpheld by the power of his word But the godly are vnited to Christ more blessedly then thus only For euen beasts yea and the Diuels themselues and all damned soules are thus coupled with him and depend vpon him Without this kinde of vnion they were not able to subsist the twinckling of an eye but must needes perish vanish and come to nothing This therefore is not the vnion wee treat of which makes a man that is to be well it presupposes being but causes blessednesse it findes nature but giues grace it meets with a man but it makes a Saint it finds him on earth but brings him to heauen it findes him poore naked wounded sicke and succourlesse but it giues him riches garments soundnesse health and comfort which shall not bee taken away from him whether hee will or no as his body goods good name life liberty and such transitory and glassie things ouer which fire water earth ayre beasts men and