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A13341 Of the markes of the children of God and of their comforts in afflictions. To the faithfull of the Low Countrie. By Iohn Taffin. Ouerseene againe and augmented by the author, and translated out of French by Anne Prowse.; Des marques des enfans de Dieu. English Taffin, Jean, 1529-1602.; Prowse, Anne. 1590 (1590) STC 23652; ESTC S118085 100,800 270

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OF The markes of the children of God and of their comforts in afflictions To the faithfull of the Low Countrie By Iohn Taffin Ouerseene againe and augmented by the Author and translated out of French by Anne Prowse Rom 8.16 The spirit beareth witnes to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God If we be sonnes then are we also heires the heires of God and ioynt heires with Christ so that we suffer together that we also may be glorified together AT LONDON Printed by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man 1590. To the right Honorable and vertuous Ladie The Countesse of War wicke FOrasmuch as it hath pleased almightie God of his infinite goodnesse to giue vnto the glorious Gospell of his eternall sonne so long prosperous successe in this our Countrie it is now time right Honorable and my verie good Ladie for euerie one that is a true professor of the same all carnall perswasions of humane reason deluding the soule being set aside to prepare our selues to the day of trial For although it pleaseth God sometimes for the gathering of his Church to giue vnto it as it were Halcyon daies yet common it is not that it should any long time continue in rest and pleasure Nay by the word of GOD wee know by experience sometimes of our selues her Maiesties royall person not excepted and now of our neighbours round about vs we see that the Church of God in this world as it euer hath bin so must it euer be vnder the crosse And therefore if wee will bee compted of the Church indeede and glorie in that excellent name of a Christian let vs knowe assuredlie that vnto vs euen vnto vs that haue so long liued in rest and pleasure if wee be the children of God in some sort and measure a triall must come For if God chastise euerie sonne whom he receiueth and euery member of Christes body must be fashioned like vnto the head if the afflictions of this world are manifest tokens to the children of God of his fauour and loue towards them and sure pledges of their adoptiō how can we looke or how can we desire to bee exempted from this common condition of God his owne children and household To this end therefore right Honorable Ladie I haue translated this little booke first to admonish some who for lacke of experience neuer feeling other daies than these full of peace and quietnes that they learne to applie vnto themselues whatsoeuer they heare or reade of the triall of GOD his children least falselie imagining it to appertaine either to the times that are past or to other Nations it fall sodainlie vpon them as a theefe in the night they be destitute of all hope and comfort Secondlie to awake others abounding both in knowledge and other graces whom notwithstanding satan by the deceaueable lusts vaine pleasures of this wicked world hath so rockt a sleepe that they seeme almost as they that are diseased with the Lethargie to haue forgottē both themselues their holie calling and profession Last of all to comfort an other sort whome it hath pleased GOD so to presse downe with sorrowes and to exercise with the continuall afflictions and calamities of this mortall life as no times seeming fauourable vnto thē they can scarse receiue the words of any comfort And because your Honor hath been of long time not onlie a professour but also a louer of the trueth whom the Lord exalting to an higher place of dignitie than many other hath set vp as it were a light vpō an high candlesticke to giue light vnto manie I haue especiallie dedicated vnto your Honour this my poore trauaile humblie beseeching the Lord to make it no lesse comfortable to your Honour and to those that shall reade it than it hath been vnto me who haue translated it Euerie one in his calling is bound to doo somewhat to the furtherance of the holie building but because great things by reason of my sex I may not doo and that which I may I ought to doo I haue according to my duetie brought my poore basket of stones to the strengthning of the walles of that Ierusalem whereof by grace wee are all both Citizens and members And now to returne to those whō experience hath not yet taught and whom prosperitie will not suffer to awake I earnestlie beseech them both in the Lord no longer to deceiue themselues with vaine imaginations neither to suffer their hearts so to be tied to earthlie vanities that they should despise or neglect those things that cā truely make them happie indeed When it shall please GOD to open their eyes to discerne betweene heauenlie and earthly betweene things transitorie and things euerlasting I know they will of themselues bee ashamed of this their negligence For what are all the pleasant things of this world which most bewitch the minds of men if they be compared with heauenlie and eternall things If statelie sumptuous buildings do delight what building is so statelie and glorious as newe Ierusalem If riches what so rich as that whose pauemēt is of pure gold whose foundations and walls of precious stones gates of orient pearles If friends kinsfolke and neighbours what Citie so replenished as this where God himselfe in his Maiestie Iesus Christ the head of the Church in his glorie all the holie Angels Patriarchs Prophets Apostles and Martirs do dwel together in happinesse for euer If honor what honor comparable to this to be the seruant and child of so mightie a King and heire of so glorious a kingdome where neither time doth consume nor enuie depriue of honour nor power of aduersarie spoyle of glorie that is endles incōprehensible If then there be no comparison betweene things heauenlie and things that are earthlie and no man can attaine to the things that are heauenlie but by the same way that Christ himselfe attained vnto them which was by the crosse why casting off all impediments that presseth downe doo we not runne on our course with cherefulnes and hope hauing Christ so mightie a King for our Captaine guide who as the Apostle saith for the glorie that was set before him indured the crosse and despising the shame sitteth now at the right hand of the throne of God How slowe and dull of heart are wee if as Esau who for a messe of pottage sold his birthright wee are contented for a small and short pleasure in this wicked world to leese that incomparable and euerlasting glorie which Christ the sonne of GOD with so great a price hath purchased for vs. The Lord giue vs wisedome to vnderstand grace to heare his voice while it is saide to day that when daies and nights times shall cease wee may without time enter into his ioye and rest which neuer shall haue end The Lord euer preserue your Honor and adde vnto a multitude of happie yeares spent in his feare a continuall increase of al spiritual graces to his glorie
whom by good right we should loue more than our selues See then more than a sea of ioy proceeding from the happines of the seruants of God Let vs now vnderstand the great deapth of ioy which we shall feele entering into the ioye of our Lord. The cause why wee should loue God saith Saint Bernard is God him selfe Bernard in tract de diligendo deo And the measure which wee ought to keepe in this loue is to loue him without measure and so infinitlie But according to that wee knowe him 1. Cor. 13.12 we loue him But now we knowe him but in part and as it were in darknes euen so very little and obscure is the loue which we beare him But when wee shall knowe him as he is wee shall loue him according as he is What shall our loue bee towards him then 1. Cor. 15.24 when Iesus Christ hauing giuen ouer his kingdome to God his Father God the Father the Sonne and the Holie ghost one onlie God 1. Cor. 15.28 shall bee all things in this man Iesus Christ and in vs and when wee shall knowe him as hee is beholding the brightnes of his face and his Godhead then raigning immediatly in vs filling vs with all happines Without doubt this contemplation of the glory of the diuine maiestie shal bring forth in vs an infinite loue towards God Now to returne to the meditation of Saint Augustine if according to that we loue each one wee should reioyce of his happines Then as in this blessed felicitie each one of vs shall loue God without comparison more than himselfe and more than all the Angels and elect with vs so shall we feele more ioy without comparison of the blessednes and glorie of God than of our owne or of al the Angels and the elect with vs. And if then wee shall loue God with all our heart with all our soule with all our vnderstanding yet so as al our hart al our vnderstanding and all our soule shall not be capable of the excellencie of this loue Surelie wee shall so feele ioy with all our heart with all our vnderstanding and with all our soule as yet all our heart al our vnderstanding and all our soule shall not bee able to comprehend the fulnes of this ioye Howsoeuer it bee then that this full ioy yea more than full through the greatnes of it whereof all our heart all our vnderstanding all our soule shall not be capable cannot enter into vs It shall remaine that we filled with the sea of ioye of the felicitie of the Angels and of all the elect shall enter into this great deapth of ioye proceeding from the contemplation of the glorie of our God And this shal be the ioy of the Lord Matth. 25.21 into which all his faithfull seruants shall enter Now when this felicitie so great and ioy incomprehensible shall indure so manie yeares as there bee drops of water in the sea Of the eternitie of the life to come or graines of sand in the whole earth yet should not this be a perfect happines For howsoeuer the continuance shall seeme to vs infinite yet the end will once come And indeed the drops of water and the graines of the sand are numbred before God But this our felicitie and ioy shal last without end Such shall bee the life euerlasting As also Saint John saith Apoc. 22.5 1. Tim. 1.17 we shall raigne in heauen world without end We shall bee the kingdome of that immortall king whom Esai calleth the father of eternitie Esai 9.6 who hath promised life and immortalitie to those that shall beleeue the Gospell 2. Tim. 1.10 Also death shall then bee swallowed vp into victorie The author and prince of life 1. Cor. 15.45 hauing vanquished the diuell Act. 3.15 who had the rule ouer death shall make vs partakers of the life that is euerlasting And as we shall be vnited to the fountaine of life Heb. 2.14 Apoc. 21.6 so shall it run in vs eternallie For as the fountain of this life which we shall inioy hath no beginning so the life that procedeth from it shall haue no end The mercie of GOD saith S. Bernard is from eternitie to eternitie vppon those that feare him from eternitie because of the predestination to eternitie because of the glorification The one hath no beginning the other hath no ending This therefore shall be a happines incomprehensible for the greatnes and infinite for the eternitie of it Behold also how we shall then inioy a ful and perfectioy Ioh. 16.22 which shal neuer be taken away from vs. Now this life is promised and assured to all the children of God in as much as they are heires of God the fountaine of life Rom. 8.17 Psal 36.10 Ioh. 14.6 Ioh. 3.15 coheires and members of Iesus Christ who is the way the trueth and the life who also hath so oftē protested that whosoeuer beleeueth in him he hath life euerlasting Ioh. 6. Let vs conclude then that the children of God are truelie and onlie blessed being assured to inioye this great and incomprehēsible happines of life euerlasting which is purchased promised and kept for them in Iesus Christ our Lord. How we shall knowe that we are the children of God CAP. 2. OF this conclusion it followeth that there is no greater ioy or contentmēt in this present life or any thing more sure or more necessarie for the happie ouercomming the difficulties of it thā to knowe and feele that wee are the children of God For this foundation being laid wee ought to bee assured that whatsoeuer shall happen vnto vs can bee none other than the blessing of a father and so consequentlie a meane aide and way disposed by his prouidence either to leade vs vnto life euerlasting or to increase our glorie in it True it is that GOD onelie knoweth his owne 2. Tim. 2.19 whom hee hath chosen before the foundation of the world to bee his children 2. markes of our adoption Yet there are two principall meanes by which he giueth vs to vnderstand who are his children the one is outward by markes visible vnto men the other is inward by testimonies which he that is the child of GOD feeleth in himselfe The outward marke lieth in this Of the outward mark that we be mēbers of the church of Christ Now wee call that the church of Christ in which the word of God is trulie preached the Sacramēts are purelie ministred and one onelie God is called vpon in the name of his onelie sonne Iesus Christ Matth. 13. First this Church is often called the kingdome of heauen because that by it wee enter in thether so that it is as it were the suburbs or the gate of it Whereof it followeth that being the true members of the Church we are in the way and forwardnes to enter make our abode in heauen Mat. 21.13 It is also
true It is verie true that in preaching the Gospell hee saith Ioh. 3.39 not I am come to saue Simon Peter Cornelius the Centurion Marie Magdalen and so of others He nameth no man by his name that was giuen him by men either at their circumcision or at their baptisme or otherwise for so might we yet doubt of our saluatiō thinking that it might be spokē not of vs but of some other that should haue the same name But when thou hearest that Iesus Christ is come to saue sinners either renounce the name of a sinner Matt. 9.13 1. Timo. 1.15 or confesse that hee speaketh to thee and that hee is come to saue thee Make then boldly this conclusion Iesus Christ is come to saue sinners I acknowledge my owne name for I am a sinner therefore he is come to saue me And also when he saith Come vnto men all ye that trauaile are heauilie laden Math. 11.28 and I will refresh you Thou must marke well these words all ye for seeing he saith all ye he speaketh to all those that trauaile and feele the heauy burthen of their sinnes Wherfore shouldest thou doubt then whether hee speake to thee Conclude rather on this manner seeing he saith all ye he speaketh then also to me promising to comfort me And to this purpose saith S. Paule that there is no differēce of men before GOD Rom. 10.12 but the same who is Lord ouer all is rich towards all those that call vppon him Haue thou then recourse vnto him and beleeue in him thou art assured that he will also be rich in mercie euen vnto thee If there were two or three hundred inhabitants of some towne banished for some offence and after a generall pardon should be published that all the banished of such a towne should haue free libertie to returne thether with all assurance to enter againe vppon all their goods and honors suppose that thou wert one of those banished and that he that hath giuen the pardon were a faithfull and true Prince wouldest not thou beleeue that thou wert comprehended in the pardon although thy name were no more expressed than the names of the other banished and that returning to the towne thou shouldest againe bee placed in thy goods Now Gen. 3.24 we haue bin banished from the kingdome of heauen by the transgression of Adam Iesus Christ dying for these banished persons causeth a generall pardon to bee published by the preaching of the Gospell with permission yea with commandement to returne into heauen He is a true King yea the trueth it selfe and the abolishing of this banishment the reentrie into heauē hath cost him verie deere 1. Pet. 1.19 euen the shedding of his most precious bloud What occasion then hast thou to doubt of thy pardon returne into heauen For although thy Christian name bee not expressed yet if thou be of the number of the banished he speaketh to thee behold thy name thou art there comprehended Beleeue that he speaketh in trueth and that his wil is such towards thee as he declareth to thee by his word But let vs passe further to the Sacraments which serue greatlie to resolue vs to beleeue that wee are the children of God The Sacraments are as it were a visible word August in Ioan. hom 19. representing the grace of the Gospel But more then that they are communicated to thee and thou receiuest thē Is not this to put thee as it were into reall possession of thine adoption and to giue thee assurance of euerlasting life The Pastour preacheth vnto all the grace of the Gospell in the name of Christ But in thy Baptisme he directeth his speach to thee by name to assure thee of the forgiuenes of thy sinnes and of thine adoption as S. Paule saith that those that are baptised haue put on Christ and that so they are the children of God Gal. 3.27.26 And it is as if a Prince hauing called backe againe all the banished amongst whō thou shouldest be one calling vnto thee by name amongst the other banished by a letter sealed of thy pardon and of reestablishing thee in thy goods Should not this be to assure thee As touching the holy supper Iesus Christ hauing published by his Minister that his flesh is meate indeed and his bloud drinke addeth that whosoeuer eateth his flesh and drinketh his bloud Ioh. 6.55.56 he hath life euerlasting He calleth thee among others to his table and giueth thee of the bread and wine namelie to assure thy person that he died for thee and that he giueth thee his bodie his bloud yea himselfe all whole and all his benefites that thou shouldest bee with him the child of God and an inheritour of life euerlasting If the diuell or thy conscience trouble thee to doubt of thine adoption assure thy soule against such a temptation by the communication of the holie supper Say boldlie Satan canst thou denie that I haue been at the holie supper that I haue receiued bread and wine I haue seen touched and tasted it thou canst not denie it Further canst thou denie that this bread and wine were giuen me for seales and sure pledges of my communicating with the body and bloud of Christ 1. Cor. 10.16 Saint Paule saith plainlie that the bread which I haue receiued is the communiō of the bodie of lesus Christ Seeing then thou canst not denie but that I haue receiued the bread and wine and that the bread and wine are the communion of the body of the bloud of Christ I haue then communion with the bodie and bloud of Iesus Christ thou canst not denie it True it is that there are some who being outward members of the church baptised in it hearing the word and communicating at the holie supper shewe themselues after hypocrites declaring that they were neuer indeede the children of God But wee cannot say therefore that the reuelation and testimonie of the will of God cōtained in his word and sealed by the Sacraments are doubtfull or vncertaine For GOD who offereth his grace in his word and hath sealed it by the Sacraments is faithful and speaketh truelie reuealing vnto vs and assuring vs that he will take vs for his welbeloued children in Iesus Christ And he can neither lie nor deceaue as is alreadie said But these are vnfaithfull men who reiecting the testimonies of the will of GOD towards them depriue themselues by their incredulitie of the grace which was offered vnto thē doing this dishonor to Christ to cōpt him a lier 1. Ioh. 5.10 As the Sunne then ceaseth not to giue light and brightnes although some man shutteth his eyes that he may not see it nor bee lightened and as meate ceaseth not to bee good and nourishing although it be receiued without profite of a stomack euill disposed So if manie vnwilling to beleeue that the will of GOD is such as he hath declared by his word reiecting
Iesus Christ Rom. 5.1 And this peace and beginning of life surmounteth al vnderstanding Philip. 4.7 as Saint Paule doth witnes God his children doo feele And indeed it is a thing rauishing our soules with ioye vnspeakable when GOD maketh the brightnes of his face to shine vpon vs As also Dauid sheweth Psalm 80. whē he asketh so oft of God this grace for a full measure of all felicitie As touching the bodie the first degree of life lieth in this that the afflictions of it be not onlie mitigated made light by this life of the soule reconciled to God and feeling ioye through the brightnes of his countenance Rom. 8.27 Heb. 12.6 but also are conuerted being the fruits of the loue of God towards vs into saluation and glorie The second degree of life may bee considered in the seperation of the soule and the bodie The second degree of life the which improperlie as touching the faithful is called death For euen as touching our bodies although they goe to rot in the earth yet being then deliuered and free from all sicknes from hunger thirst heate cold and from a thousand other torments which of their nature are a kind of death they goe to rest in their beds Esay 57.1 as Esai saith and being deliuered from their labours and trauailes Apoca. 14.13 they are blessed as Saint Iohn saith And this rest proceeding from the fauour of God cannot properlie be called death but is to them a kind of life But speciallie the soule thē entreth into the possession of the second degree of life For being deliuered from the bodie she is carried vp by the Angels into the bosome of Abraham Luk. 16.22 Luk. 23.43 and into Paradise with Iesus Christ exempted then from ignorance from incredulitie frō mistrust from couetousnes ambition enuie hatred feare terrour lustes and from all other passions vices and corruptions which are deadlie in thē which also bring forth the fruites of death And contrariwise is then fully sanctified victorious and assured against Satan Hell sinne and all other enemies waiting after that with great ioye for the accomplishment of her glorie in the resurrection of her bodie The third degre The third degree of life shall bee at the glorious comming of Iesus Christ when our bodies being awaked out of their sleepe they shall rise againe all renued bodies incorruptible 1. Cor. 15.42 spirituall and immortall Philip. 3.21 yea fashioned like to the image of the glorious bodie of Iesus Christ And so being ioyned together againe to their soules 1. Thess 4.17 they shall be together caught vp into the clowdes before our Lord Iesus Christ in the ayre Ephe. 4.10 Ioh. 14.2 Ioh. 17.24 and exalted aboue all the heauens into the house of God our father 1. Thess 4.17 Then also shall be the accomplishmēt of the life of our soules reunited to their bodies being together where Iesus Christ is and with him as members of his bodie his brethren and his spouse vnited to him by him to God the fountaine of life And by this vnion inioying a communitie in all his goods and of this incorruptible inheritance 1. Pet. 1.4 which can neither faile nor fade away referued for vs in heauen Then shall God wipe all teares from our eyes Reue. 21.4 death shall be no more neither shal there be any sorrow crie or trauaile any more All these old things shall be gone away God shall make all things new Then shall we be before the throne of God Reue. 7.14 and shall serue him night and day in his Temple and shall be led by the Lambe to the liuing fountaines of waters Reue. 19.7 Then shall be the day of our mariage with the Lambe when being clothed with pure bright raiments wee shall sit at his mariage banquet Then shal we be like vnto the Angels If our bodies shall shine then as the Sunne Matth. 22.30 what shall the brightnes of our soules be Matth. 13.43 Then our pilgrimage being finished we shall be indeed the citizens of this heauenlie and holie Ierusalem Bern. meditation 9. which shall bee all of pure gold like vnto the cleere glasse Reue 21.18 hauing the foundations of the wall garnished with pretious stones whereof also the twelue gates are twelue pearles which hath no need of the Sunne nor of the Moone to shine in it because the brightnes of God shall be the light of it and the Lambe him selfe shall be the candle of it O how happie shall the citizens be that shall liue in such a Citie See then what good things are signified by life euerlasting and the three degrees of it But Saint Paul lifteth vs vp yet higher into the contemplation of this life which wee shall inioy after the resurrection Then 1. Cor. 15.24 saith Saint Paule Iesus Christ shall giue vp his kingdome vnto God his father as if he should say Father behold those whom thou hast giuen to me before the foundation of the world they were lost thou diddest send me to saue them I haue redeemed them with my bloud thou hast appoynted me King ouer them they are my kingdome which I haue gotten and which I haue so guided and gouerned that hauing sanctified and deliuered them from all their enemies I haue brought giuen and presented thē vnto thee that hauing as touching my selfe accomplished the worke charge which thou haddest enioyned me frō this time forth thou maiest be king raigning immediatlie in them and filling them with all happines and glorie Then shall there be no creature either in heauen or in earth that shall haue any domination or Lordship There shall bee neither King nor Prince 1. Cor. 15.28 neither Master nor Lord. There shall bee neither father mother husband nor wife There shall be neither Prophet Doctor Minister nor Pastour There shall be neither riches nor estates All the enemies also of Iesus Christ shall bee destroyed for euermore death being swallowed vp into victorie and Satan with his angels and all the reprobate being cast into the bottomlesse pit Contrariwise the Elect being fullie sanctified shall bee lifted vp both in bodie soule aboue all the heauens The worke of Christ shall be finished And all being done Reue. 21.6 The verie same offices which Christ hath receiued shall exercise for the accomplishment of our saluation to be a King a Priest and a Prophet and to sit at the right hand of God shall cease but so as the fruites and the incomprehensible benefits gotten by thē vnto the church shal euer abide to his euerlasting glorie But what shall that be then God the Father the Sonne and the Holie ghost one onlie God shall be immediatlie all thinges both in this man Christ and in all vs the members of his bodie The Godhead I say shall be in the man Iesus Christ and in vs King Prince father riches life and
by their incredulitie the grace which GOD offereth them should their incredulitie make thee call in doubt the trueth of God and the testimonie of his good will towards thee If some few among these banished not trusting the pardon published by a true and faithfull Prince doo him this dishonor to compt him as a deceiuer or lier acknowledge thou that iustlie and by good right they remaine banished But thou seeing that faithfull Prince Iesus Christ hath sent to pronounce vnto thee a generall pardon and namelie hath giuen thee his letters sealed by the Sacraments commaunding thee to beleeue and promising thee that it shall bee vnto thee according to thy faith Assure thy selfe Matt. 9.29 that his will is that thou shouldest be his child and heire of euerlasting life See how euerie one should assure himselfe by the preaching of the Gospell and the vse of the Sacraments the true markes of the Church that being a member of it he is the child of God and consequentlie an inheritour of his euerlasting kingdome True it is that faith is the gift of GOD yea proceeding from the operation of the mightie power of his strength Phili. 1.29 Ephe. 1.19 as S. Paule speaketh And this is it which he maketh vs to feele in this difficultie of apprehēding by an assured faith so manie so cleare and so certaine testimonies of his good will towards vs touching our adoption It is therefore needfull that he worke farther with vs by his holie spirit which without ceasing asking of him in the name of Iesus Christ we are assured by his promise that he will giue vs and that so ioyning with the power and efficacie of his spirit the preaching of his Gospell and the vse of the Sacraments he will giue vs grace to applie vnto our selues by a true and liuelie faith the testimonies which he hath giuen vs of our adoption to our saluation and euerlasting life How although the markes of our adoption bee in vs but small and feeble yet wee ought and may assure our selues that we are the children of God CAP. 4. I See well will some say that I haue iust matter to beleeue it therefore am I the more sory that I feele not faith in my self to assure me without doubt that I am the child of GOD which thing troubleth mee greatly so as I feare least by this mine incredulitie I reiect the grace of God But vnderstand I pray thee for thy comfort that there is great difference betweene vnfaithfulnes and weaknes of faith The vnfaithfull man or infidell careth not for his saluation or The first temptation proceeding of the small feeling of our faith reiecting the saluation which is in Iesus Christ alone seeketh saluation other where Contrariwise the faithful desire saluation he knoweth that his saluation is in Iesus Christ alone he seeketh it in him and feeleth a desire to increase in assurance that he hath saluatiō in Iesus Christ though he doo not yet feele this peace ioy in the holie Ghost so manifestlie as faith bringeth it forth at the last Also it is not written he that feeleth but hee that beleeueth hath euerlasting life Iho. 3.36 Heb. 11.1 Rom. 8.23 And indeed as faith is of things that are not seene so the vnderstanding of it consisteth more in certaintie than in apprehensiō In this complaint of Dauid yea and of Christ himselfe My God my God why hast thou forsakē me Psal 22.1 Mat. 27.46 We heare the testimonie of faith by these wordes my God my God but without apprehēsion or feeling of fauour or ioy as this complaint why hast thou forsakē me sheweth Also our faith may bee so small and weake as it doth not yet bring forth fruites that may be liuelie felt of vs. But if such as feele themselues in such estate desire to haue these feelings if they aske them of God by praier This desire and praier are testimonies that the spirit of God is in them and that they haue faith alreadie For is such a desire a fruite of the flesh or of the spirit It is of the holie spirit who bringeth it forth onlie in such as he dwelleth in He dwelleth then in them In like manner is not this praier the worke of the holy ghost in thē For it is the holy ghost saith S. Paule which praieth for vs Rom. 8.25 and in vs with grones that cannot be expressed Againe none can come to God by praiers if he haue no trust in him Then these holie desires and praiers being the motions of the holie ghost in vs are testimonies of our faith although they seeme to vs small and weake As the woman that feeleth the mooning of a child in her wombe though verie weake beleeueth and assureth her selfe that she is with child and that she goeth with a liue child so if we haue these motiōs these holie affections and desires before mentioned let vs not doubt but that wee haue the holie ghost who is the author of them dwelling in vs and consequentlie that wee haue also faith And we must vnderstand that the faith of the children of God ceaseth not to bee a true faith although they feele doubts feares mistrusts For if they delight not in such infirmities Rom. 7. to nourish them but are sorrowfull and resist them with desire to feele their saluation in Iesus Christ behold a battaile in them and betweene whom Betweene the spirit and the flesh betweene faith and mistrust There is then in them faith assailed with doubts and the spirit fighting against mistrust and labouring to ouercome it These doubts mistrustings and incredulities are the fierie darts which Satan throweth against our faith the which bearing the blowes as a buckler as S. Paule saith thrusteth them back and quencheth them so as they pearce not to the heart Eph. 6.16 What deuises or assaults soeuer the diuel make against vs faith S. Augustine so he occupie not the place of the heart where faith dwelleth he is driuen backe Incredulitie then assaulteth vs without but woundeth vs not deadlie It troubleth onlie or so woundeth as the stroake is yet curable And such temptations and assaults are common to the most faithfull excellent seruants of God If wee consider the continuall course of the life of Dauid there is no mirrour of faith better to bee noted than in him And yet was not he assaulted with great feares and doubts What cōplaint maketh he in the 77. Psalm Hath the Lord forsaken for euer Psal 77.8 9 10 11 vers will he no more shewe me fauour Is his mercie cleane gone for euer Is his promise come to an ende for euermore Hath God forgotten to bee gracious Hath he shut vp his louing kindnes in displeasure And to conclude he holdeth such a course as a man desperate saying This is my death Where was then in Dauid the feeling of his faith For al this he had not lost it And indeed all these words were
outward before men they which haue the inward markes which consist in the testimonie of the holy Ghost in our hearts in the peace of our consciences and in the holy desire of our soules feele these graces which assureth them that they are the children of GOD chosen to eternal life yea more certainly than we are assured by the light of the Sunne that we see by the heat that we feele that the Sun shineth And in deed they haue the white stone whereof mention is made in the reuelation Reue. 2.17 in that stone a new name of the childe of god writtē which none can know but he that receiueth it The world saith Christ cānot receiue the spirit of truth because it hath not seen him neither hath known him Ioh. 14.17 but ye know him saith hee to his Apostles for hee abideth with you and shall be in you As touching the outwarde marke of beeing a member of the visible Church it is also verie certaine in respect of God inasmuch as speaking to vs and sealing his words by the sacraments he neither wil nor can deceiue or lie But if mē hearing his word cōmunicating at the Sacraments reiect in their hearts the spirituall graces which are offered vnto them and so abide vnfaithfull and wicked within when notwithstanding they are helde for faithfull and the childrē of god because of the outward profession it is no meruaile if God at the last do discouer them cast them off shewing therin that they wer neuer his And this is it that S. Iohn saith of such 1. Ioh. 2.19 They went out frō amongst vs but they were not of vs for if they had bin of vs they would haue tarried with vs. But this is that it might appeare that all are not of vs. They that are once grafted in Christ can not perish for the giftes of God are without repentance Ro. 11.29 But euerie plant Matt. 15.13 saith Iesus Christ which my father hath not planted shall bee pulled vp Matt. 13. The parable of the seede falling into diuers sortes of earth teacheth vs two points to this purpose First that manie shal heare the gospel but without frute Secondlie that it shall be their own falt For if entring into the Church they bring their cares and loue to the world without hauing will to forsake them so as it like thornes choake the good seede of the word 2. Tim. 2.19 And so hauing no moisture of the grace of God they wither at the first sunne of persecution a man may see the cause of their reuolte to wete because they were not the children of God Saint Paule hauing said that God knoweth who are his addeth and whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of Christ let him depart from all iniquitie shewing thereby that if there bee anie which ioyne themselues to the Church calling vpon the name of Christ and doo not depart frō iniquity they discouer thereby that God neuer tooke them for his Which thing is good to be noted For manie thinke that to be of our Church nedeth nothing but to chāge the masse to the preaching and to the communicating at the Lords supper And when they vnderstand that to be the childe of God is required to renoūce themselues to leaue couetousnes ambition drunkennesse the world and all pompes to be short that they must put off the olde man and be a new creature not beeing disposed to do this they leaue the preaching and returne to the Masse Now be these the children of God that reuolt that they should make those that are in deed and continue to doubt Nay rather they are the children of the world who hauing brought the world in with them haue also carried the world away with them They therefore that haue once beleeued who also beleeuing feele a desire to liue according vnto god are assured that they cannot perish He that beginneth this good work in them Phil. 1.6 wil accōplish it euen vnto the day of christ And to this purpose saith S. Augustine verie wel Aug. de cor rect gra ca. 12. to 7. He which made vs good maketh vs also to perseuer in goodnes but they that fal and perish were not of the number of the predestinate It remaineth that considering in the fall of hipocrites the double mercie of god toward vs. First that he hath receiued vs into the number of his children Secondly that he will continue this grace towards vs euen to the ende there remaineth I say that we feele our selues double bound to practise the exhortation of S. Paule beseeching vs by the mercies of God to offer our selues a liuing sacrifice holy pleasing to God Rom. 12.1 not to be fashioned like this wicked world but rather endeuouring to this that being tranfformed by the renuing of our vnderstanding we may approoue and follow the good and perfect will of God And let vs remember that which S. John saith 1. Iohn 3.3 That they that haue hope to liue with Iesus Christ and to see him as hee is do purifie themselues as he is pure That afflictions ought not to make vs to doubt of our adoption but rather confirme vs. CHAP. 6. LET vs now come to that stūbling blocke and trouble that proceedeth from our afflictions What apparaunce is there saieth the flesh that wee are the Children of GOD Our goods are violently taken from vs our possessions are confiscate and our Offices and Estates are taken away We are driuen out of our Countrey yea from Countrey to Countrey like vagabonds wee are hated of father and mother and of our other kinsfolk frends we are drawen and kept in prison wee are derided and brought into extreame calamities miscries we are as sheepe of the shambles apointed to the sword to the gallowes and to the fire To bee short wee see nothing but the signes of the wrath and the curse of God vpon vs. And that which more is the Church which wee haue said was the kingdome of Christ and the house of God how is it assailed by the mightie men of this world whome also we see to come to the end of their enterprises to oppresse tread vnder foote rent and scatter this Church exercising al crueltie against it as hūgrie wolues vpon a flock of sheep forsaken of their shepheard They triumph in their victories and wee hang down the head weep bowing down our necks vnder the yoke of afflictions They increase in riches we consume in pouertie they are aduaunced to honours and dignities and we are despised as rebels wicked and seditious people See what the flesh saith and yet these are but discourses and complaints of great ignoraunce or infirmitie For what is that which troubleth and offendeth vs in this condition and estate Euen that whereby wee ought rather to be confirmed in the assuraunce that wee are the children of GOD and indeede happie First if GOD had promised
appearing to Moses in the middest of a burning bush saying Exo. 3.2 I haue seene the affliction of my people They were not so soone in the way to depart out of Aegipt but they wer pursued by the Armie of Pharaoh Exod. 14.9 hauing the sea before them the mountaines on their sides and so seeing present death before their eyes Did they escape the hands of Pharaoh in passing ouer the sea on drie foote Then they entred into the horrible and fearefull Deferts and going three dayes through the Desertes they found no water the first that they founde was so bitter Exo. 15.22 that they coulde not drinke it They were assayled of enemies vexed with fierie Serpents and inflammations vnaccustomed and wandred vp and downe fortie yeares in those Deserts liuing by Manna and water Num. 21.6 In the time of the Iudges how ofte was the people of god broght vnder the cruell tyranie of diuers enemies Vnder the raigne of Manasses King of Iuda there was such persecution against the faithfull 2. King 21.16 that Ierusalem was filled with bloud from the one ende to the other But aboue all it was vnkindlie handled both before and during the Captiuitie of Babylon 2. King 25 Ier. 39. and 52. The Citie of Ierusalem was taken and sacked the Temple of God spoyled burnt and destroyed Hee that escaped the pestilence famine and the sword was transported into Babylon among the Idolatours their Enemies and plunged into all miseries and calamities and that by the space of three-score and tenne yeares Ier. 25.12 as it was foretolde The Prophet Esai doth sufficientlie set before vs their miserable estate calling the Iewes persons despised Esa 46.7 an abhominable people seruaunts to Lordes wormes of Iacob the dead men of Israel Esa 41.14 people afflicted ouerwhelmed with tempests Esa 54.11 without anie comfort Are they returned out of this captiuitie into Iudea There they were vext of their enemies aboue al how many horrible cruelties did thei indure by Antiochus Herod and other tyrants Let vs also see what complaints the people of God make of the calamities that befell them by the Assirians or as other thinke by this Antiochus saying O God the heathen haue entred into thine inheritance Psalm 79. they haue polluted thy holie temple and haue brought Ierusalē to a heape of stones They haue giuē the dead bodies of thy seruants for meat to the foules of the ayre and the flesh of thy Saints to the beastes of the earth they haue shed their bloud like water on euerie side of Ierusalem and there was none to burie them We haue been a reproach to our neighbours and a mockerie and a derision to those that are about vs. Againe Psalm 44. Thou hast put vs O Lord farre from thee as sheepe to be eaten and thou hast scattered vs among the heathen Thou hast sold thy people without gaine and doest not increase their price Thou hast smittē vs downe into the place of dragons hast couered vs with the shadowe of death Also comparing the church to a vine Psalm 80. wherefore saith he hast thou broken downe her hedges that all they that go by pluck of her grapes The boare out of the wood hath destroyed it the wild beasts of the field haue eaten it vp It is burnt with fire cut down To be short we may behold the estate of the Church in these words Let Israel now say Psal 129. They haue often times afflicted me from my youth they haue often times vexed me The plowers haue plowed vpon my backe made long furrowes In like manner after the ascension of Iesus Christ into heauen Examples of the afflictions of the Church since the time of the newe testament hath not the Church been and that continuallie persecuted and extreamelie afflicted as may appeare by the booke of the Acts of the Apostles and by the Ecclesiasticall histories in the verie which a man may note ten general persecutions which were kindled in al the quarters of the earth by the publike decrees of the Emperours besides those that were particular which were made in diuers places by the Gouernors or seditious of the people It is a horrible thing to thinke and almost incredible of the bloud which was then shed of the desolations of Cities yea and of some whole Prouinces For as the Church was then spred ouer all the world so in all the kingdomes of the earth this furie of persecution was kindled It was enough for any to confesse that they were Christians and they should be slaine by thousands Among other persecutions made by Hadrian Emperour of Rome in the 9. yeare of his Empire he caused ten thousand Christians to be crucified in Armenia Henrie of Erford Dioclesian and Maximinian hauing enterprised to constraine the Christians by al manner of torments and cruelties Oros lib. 7. chap. 25. Vrsperg to renounce their religion and to sacrifice to the Idols they forced them after a fashion so furious that in the space of 17. daies there were 30000. put to death and as manie or more chained and carried to the mettalls a torment resembling after a sort the punishment of the gallies at this day Vincent in his mirrour lib. 12. chap. In those daies such crueltie was exercised at Trenios vppon the riuer Mosel that the riuer was red with the bloud of the Christians beeing slaine The booke intituled Fasciculus temporum witnesseth that the Christians that were in England were all put to death Euse lib. 8. chap. 11. To bee short whole townes were burned with their inhabitants for the hatred of Christian religion As touching the varietie of the sorts of tormens and cruelties the diuell surmounted himselfe in deuising them Some were cut in peeces Some were tormēted with stripes of rods euen to the bones Some were cast to the Lions to the Beares and to the Tygers to bee deuoured Some were couered with beasts skins to be torne in peeces of wolues and doggs Some were burned quicke Some were broyled vpon gridirons Some were crucified Some had their bodies dropped on with burning pitch and boyling lead Some were drawne vpon the pauement of the streetes Some were dashed against the stones Some were tumbled downe headlong from high places into riuers Some they smothered with smoake proceeding from a small fire Some had their intrailes pearced with sharpe stakes Some were throwne into the Lime kils Some were slaine with the stripes of staues and lead Some had sharpe reedes thrust betweene their nailes and their flesh Some had red burning plates put vnder their armepits Some were scorched quicke and then sprinckled with vineger or powdred with salt Some were set vp quicke vppon forks and suffered to die of hunger or thirst And those that could escape into the deserts mountaines either they died of hunger or of thirst or of cold or they were deuoured of wild beasts
honor Act. 22.20 calling him the Martyr of Iesus Christ And S. Iohn maketh mention of Antipas Reu. 2.13 whome hee calleth a faithful Martyr of Christ And in the same booke of the Reuelation he saith that he saw the great whore drunk with the bloud of the Saints Reu. 17.6 with the bloud of the Martyrs of Iesus In like manner the apostle to the Hebrues hauing recited how many faithful had bin mocked scourged cut in peeces stoned Heb. 11. 12. otherwise persecuted he addeth that in them wee haue as it were a cloude of martyrs or witnesses cōpassing vs round about and exhorting vs to follow constantly their exāple The Apostles did well vnderstand and confesse this honor who after they had been publikelie whipped for the name of Iesus Christ Act. 5.40 they went before the councel reioycing that they had this honour to suffer reproach for his name And indeed when when we indure persecution to maintaine the glorie the authoritie and the truth of Christ against Antichrist and his supposts it is as if Iesus Christ shuld borrowe our goods our renowme our bloud our life to serue for autenticall seales most sure witnesses that cannot faile of the right and the glorie that appertaineth vnto him And what are we poore wormes of the earth that the eternall Sonne of GOD the King of Kings and Lord of Lords shall doo vs this honor to put his glorie as it were into our handes to bee the keepers and defenders of it against those that would spoile him of it And heere let vs consider the incomprehensible wisedome and goodnes of God towards vs. The most perfect offend God daylie and one onely sinne be it neuer so little to our iudgement deserueth death and euerlasting condemnation then it is yet more than the losse of our goods the corporall life Now in stead of exercising his iust iudgements vpon vs hee doth vs this honour that it which wee endure which is not the thousand part of that wee haue deserued chaungeth the nature and instead of beeing the punishment of sinne God imputeth it as a most excelent seruice for the maintenance of his glorie But yet there is more 2. Frute the glorie of God declaclaring and accomplishing his power in our infirmitie and shewing his goodnes and the trueth of his promises first toward euery faithfull For what are wee to suffer willinglie The loue of riches ambition the plesure of fleshly commodities the affectiō toward father mother wife children aboue al to this life is so strong and vehement in vs that in stead of renouncing them for Christ we renounce Christ and his Kingdome to entertaine vs. And experience sheweth this too much We are also so very impatient and daintie when there is any question of suffering that if we should but onely snuffe a candle with our fingers we wet them with our spittle that wee might not feele the fire of that small snuffe which yet we throw from our fingers in al haste and how then should we abandon our bodies to the death entring quicke into the fire to be there consumed if God did not strengthen vs supernaturally Howe shoulde wee maintaine his trueth against the supposts of Antichrist if the spirit of his father the which he promised vs Mat. 10.19 20 did not worke mightily in vs Then when we see these vessells so fraile and weake to surmount the threatnings of kings the apprehension of fire the assaults of Antichrists supposts and the temptations proceeding from father mother wife and children are not these so many testimonies of a wonderfull and mighty grace and power of God which fortifieth them and maketh them victorious against Sathan the worlde and the flesh I can doo all things sayth Saint Paule through Christ who strengtheneth me Phil. 4.13 2. Cor. 12 10 And in an other place I reioyce sayth he in infirmities in iniuries in necessities in persecutions in anguishes for christ For whē I am weake then am I strong euen thorough the might and power of Christ which shewed it selfe and was made perfect thorough his weaknesse as hee had saide before So then this constancie this faith this zeale other vertues which God communicateth by his free goodnes to his elect are manifest by persecutions which otherwise shoulde bee hid As in running the course the agility or swiftnes of the horse is known the strength of a mā in the combat the sauour of many drugges in rubbing or brusing of them or casting them into the fire as we see in the incense The Starres saith Saint Bernard which appeare not by day shine in the night Bernar. in Can. so the vertue that is hid in prosperitie sheweth it selfe in aduersitie Now 2. Toward the body of the church this which wee haue saide of the power of GOD shewing it selfe in the infirmitie of his children to his glorie is seene also in the bodie of the Church which ordinarily is so poore so weake so little holpen at the handes of men that if GOD did not sustaine it it shoulde quickly be swallowed vp Then when we see it so mightelie assailed by the potentates of this worlde conspiring her ruine by so many forces and slights and by so many heretiks doth not God in the guiding deliuering and preseruing of it shewe that it is hee himselfe and he alone which maintaineth and defendeth it And that his power and wisedome is woonderfull in preseruing it against so many enemies and that his truth is certaine in accōplishing that which he hath promised vs of being with his Church vntill the end of the world And that it is he which is the stone cut out without hand which hath broken Mat. 28.29 Dan. 2.34 and dooth still breake the great image representing the empires and kingdomes of the worlde Which to shew vnto vs more liuely oftentimes he so disposeth that leaning vpon the strength of men she hath beene throwen downe and being throwen downe God hath lift her vp againe without meanes and beyond all hope of man that all men may know that the preseruation of the Church is not the worke of Man but indeede the very worke of God Iudg. 7.2 As also the Lord declareth to Gedeon this his intent commaunding him to abate his army There is too many people with thee sayth the Lord that I shoulde giue Madian into their handes least peraduenture Israel would glory in themselues against mee saying 3. Fruit the aduāce ment of the church My hand hath deliuered me See also howe it commeth to passe that when the Deuill thinketh quite to ouerthrowe the Church by persecution God quite contrary hath aduanced and increased it Saint Luke hauing recited that the high Priestes and the chiefe rulers of the Temple Act. 4 the Sadduces laying hands vpon the Apostles put them into prison he addeth by and by that many of those that heard the word beleeued and the number was
aduauncement of his Church so mightelie assailed on all sides and particularlie to bee mindfull of mee in your prayers that it may please the Father of light from whence all good gifts doo come to continue his mercies towards mee and to guide mee alwaies with his holie spirit with the increase of his giftes and graces to accomplish the rest of my life seruing faithfull and holilie to his glorie the aduauncement of the Kingdome of our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Holie meditations and praiers CHAP. 13. O Lord God almightie al good and all wise we are confounded before thy holy maiestie not ô Lord for the troubles and extreame calamities wherewith we are oppressed in these daies full of tribulations anguishes and teares but forasmuch as we haue offended thee for asmuch as our sinnes our ingratitude rebelliōs haue kindled thi wrath against vs and chiefly forasmuch as the wicked and infidels take occasion by thy iust iudgemēts corrections to blaspheme thy holy name Alas Lord wee yeelde our selues guilty before thee confessing that we are inexcusable and vnworthie to be named thy children yea wee are worthie to bee reiected of thee wee are worthie of hel to be creatures accursed for euer For ô our good God whē we were the children of wrath thine enemies abādoned to all euil thou hadst pitie vppon vs poore and abhominable sinners Thou hast cast the eyes of thy fauour vppon vs. Thou hast giuen thy welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ to the shameful and cursed death of the crosse for vs. Thou hast giuen vs thy holy gospell that blessed and ioyfull tidings of our saluation Thou hast accompanied it with thy spirit to lighten vs to draw vs vnto thee to make vs partakers of the treasures of thy Kingdome of eternall life Thou hast stretched out thy hand from heauen to the depth of hell to pul vs backe and to make vs thy happie children Thou hast done according to the good pleasure of thy will inasmuch as thou shewest mercie on whom thou wilt shewe mercie Alas Lord ought not we to acknowledge the daye of thy visitation and the time of saluation Ought not we to feele the abundant riches of thy incomprehēsible grace towards vs to loue serue praise and adore thee to renounce our selues the world and the flesh and all that which is contrarie to thy glorie yea to abhorre all that doth displease thee to walke as the children of light and to consecrate our selues vnto thee to bring foorth fruites worthie of thy Gospell and becomming the Children of such a Father to be as bright lights in this darke world to giue light to the poore ignorāt ones to drawe thē with vs into the way of saluation But alas ô Lord our God we quite contrarie hauing brought into thy Church the world and the flesh haue kept in our selues these enemies of thy glory these plagues of our soules haue serued them Our infidelitie our flesh haue made vs loue the earth more than the heauen the world more than thy kingdome the filthines and dust of vaine riches more than the treasures of heauenlie and eternall good things the smoke of humane honors more thā the glorious estate to be thy childrē brethren of thy sonne Iesus Christ Couetousnes the roote of all euill hath hardened our harts to despise thy poore ones euen Iesus Christ in his members Wee haue slaundered thy holy Gospell by fraudes deceipts robbings occupying our traffique and doing our affaires as people hauing no knowledge of thee The aire in the Cities where thy word hath bin preached hath bin stinking infected with the whoredomes adulteries and other infamous acts that there haue bin committed Gluttonie drūkennes haue made brutish those that for thy blessings and bountie ought to haue praised thee Euerie man thinking onlie how to profit aduance himself in this world to the despising of thy holy seruice the building of thy Church The profession of thy holy religion hath serued many but for the cloke of their iniquities Wee haue put out trust in the arme of flesh in brokē reeds seeking cōfort for thy Church of the enemies of it in forsaking the fountaine of liuing waters and the almightie Crimes trespasses blasphemies and iniquities haue bin winked at supported in defiling the seate of thy iustice without punishmēt thy threatnings promises reiected as vanities the holy Ministerie of thy Word despised the chastisements which thou hast exercised on our brethren neglected without thinking what our selues haue deserued Wee haue not felt sorow for the afflictions of thy children to mourne with them and to feare thy iudgements And what shal we say more ô Lord Our iniquities are as mountaines our ingratitude and rebellions as the great deepe our whole life before thee being nothing else but a cōtinuall sinne and despising of thy holy Maiestie If they who neuer heard speak of thy sonne Iesus Christ and that haue not knowen thy will are iustly punished in thy wrath what iudgement what condemnation what hells and cursses haue we deserued hauing so villainously so long so obstinately despised thy holy instructions thy promises thy threatenings and the examples of thy iudgements which thou hast exercised before our eyes Also the voyce of our ingratitude is ascended before thee our iniquities haue and doo crie vengeance against vs. These are the procurers and aduocates of thy iustice soliciting these iudgements against vs. Our sinnes haue strengthned our enemies haue made them conquerours ouer vs. We haue sowen iniquitie and we haue reaped afflictions as thou seest ô Lord our God that thy children are banished spoyled and impourished that they are cruellie dealt withall trodden vnder foote and exposed to the laughter of thine enemies Our persecuters make a scorne of those ouer whō thy name is called on they make their boast of the euill that they doo They scatter thy flockes They throwe downe the scepter of thy sonne Iesus Christ They depriue thy children of the pasture of thy word Those temples O Lord those temples where not long since thy praises did sound in which thy holie Gospell was preached the Sacraments purelie ministred thy name religiouslie called on These temples O Lord are now defiled with Idols and idolatrie the abominable Masse is established againe false tales and lies are preached These temples where thy people assembled in so great number to praise thee and to behold thy louing countenance are now filled with people blaspheming thy holie name and treading vnder their feete the bloud and glorie of thy sonne Iesus Christ This youth of orphanes fondlings and others that went to schoole being brought vp in the knowledge of thee nourished in thy feare is now giuen vp to the enemies of thy trueth to be instructed in the damnable doctrine and seruice of Antichrist O good God our sunne is turned into darknes the Moone into bloud our health into sicknes our life into death And yet if thou shouldest