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A08483 An exposition of the Symbole of the Apostles, or rather of the articles of faith In which the chiefe points of the euerlasting and free couenant betweene God and the faithfull is briefly and plainly handled. Gathered out of the catechising sermons of Gasper Oleuvian Treuir, and now translated out of the Latine tongue into the English for the benefite of Christ his Church. By Iohn Fielde. Olevian, Caspar, 1536-1587.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1581 (1581) STC 18807; ESTC S113494 126,658 260

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I haue also oftentimes thought of that same saying of Daniel that the reward of Christ his seruantes are laide vp for them in the heauens The teachers saith he shall shine as the brightnes of the firmament and they that haue brought others vnto righteousnes shall shine as the starres in euerlasting times Let vs therefore content our selues in our calling with meane things and resigne ouer our selues to our heauenly father to be fed through Christ at his hands we our wiues and our children for he is the true father and will neuer be vnmindefull of compassion a fatherly care ouer vs and so much the lesse he will be vnmindefull by how much we shall be more mindefull of our calling We may therefore safely committe our selues and ours to his prouidence which ought to suffice for the ouercomming of all hinderaunces letts specially to them to whom God is all in all Farewell ¶ An Exposition of the Apostles Creede or rather of the articles of the Christian faith That the kingdome of Christ is offered vnto vs in the Articles of our faith and that the faithfull are partakers of it whilest they liue here IT is certaine that there are two spirituall kingdomes euen in this worlde to wit the kingdome of darkenes and the kingdome of light it must needes be that euery man be of one of these whilest he liueth here For so Christ the king himselfe speaketh to his elect vessell Acts. 26. For this cause haue I appeared vnto thee that I might appoynt thee a minister and witnes of those things which thou hast seene And a little afterwards That thou mightest open their eyes that they might be turned from darknes to light and from the power of Sathan to God and might receaue remission of sinnes a lotte amongest the sanctified through the faith which is in mee So to the Colossians the first Giuing thankes vnto God the father who hath made vs fitte to be partakers of the lotte of the Saintes in the light who hath deliuered vs from the power of darknes and translated vs into the kingdome of his dearely beloued sonne Hereby it is cleare that there are two spirituall kingdomes euen in this world the kingdome of Christ in which in very deede are all they that truely repent beleeue in Christ and are also baptized into his name as also their children vnlesse when they shal be growen and come to age through vnbeliefe they reiect the benifite offred But the other the kingdome of Sathan and darkenes in which all they are which doe not repent and beleeue not in Christ these partly are not baptized but open contemners of baptisme as the Turkes and Iewes and partly againe are baptized but yet are impenitēt vnbeleeuers these albeit they be baptized and ioyne themselues to the visible Church remaine notwithstanding in very deede so long in the kingdom and power of darkenes vntill they be conuerted and beleeue Mat. 28.1 Cor. 6 vers 8.9.10 12. and 2. Cor. 12. vers 21. Now forasmuch as the Articles of the fayth containe the summe of that doctrine deliuered by Christ the king to his Apostles it is certaine that in them the kingdome of Christ and all the priuiledges thereof are offred and exhibited to all them that repent and beleeue againe that we are taught by this confession whence we may assure our selues that we are true Citizens of the kingdome of Christ yea and that in this life that we haue a partaking with Christ the king himselfe with all his benifites to witte if we beleeue with our heart and confesse with our mouth For that saying of the Apostle is sure in the 10. to the Romanes The worde is neare thee in thy mouth and in thy heart This is that worde of faith which we preach to witte that if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt beleeue in thy heart that God hath raised him vp from the dead thou shalt be saued For with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation For the scripture saith whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be ashamed What the kingdome of Christ is and that the newe couenaunt is administred therein LEt vs then see what the kingdome of Christ is which beginneth in the faithful in this worlde which also in the same sense is named the kingdome of God and the kingdome of heauen Mat 3. vers 2. Luk. 4. vers 43. and Chapiter 7. vers 28. The kingdome of Christ in this worlde is the administration of saluation whereby Iesus Christ the king himselfe outwardly gathereth to himselfe through the Gospell and sacrament of baptisme a people or visible Church in which many hypocrites are mingled and calleth them to saluation and administreth and giueth himselfe the same saluation to which he calleth them in those whō he accounteth for his elect in this congregatiō whilest that he maketh this outward vocation effectuall that is to say calleth them to repentance and faith by which they aunswere to him that calleth and whom he thus calleth those also he iustifieth not imputing their sinnes vnto them whom he iustifieth those also he glorifieth purging them daily more and more from their sinnes and so instructing framing and perfecting them to all godlinesse righteousnesse and that to life euerlasting that the glory of Christ their king may shine in them vsing to that purpose the dispensation of his worde and sacraments by meete ministers and that both publique domesticall and priuate and therewithall also the diligent administration of his discipline aswell of repentance and ceremonies as of mans whole life The vniuersall administration of this kingdome of Christ is that same newe couenant that God hath promised in the last times to make with vs by Ieremy the Prophet not according to that same couenant he made with our fathers when he brought them out of the lande of Aegypt because they had made that couenant voide but that this should be the couenaunt that he would giue his lawe in the middest of vs and that he would write it in our hearts and that he would be our God and we should be his people and that we should knowe him because he would be mercifull vnto our iniquity and would not remember our sinnes any more Ierem. 31. And by Hoseas the Prophet Cap. 2. I will marry thee in faith and thou shalt knowe the Lord. This couenant Christ the king and priest of his Church hath ratified for euer by his merite betweene God and vs and euery day worketh in vs through his efficacie Daniel the 9. Verily by his merite seeing that Christ by his priesthoode that is by his intercession and sacrifice laying an euerlasting foundation vnto his kingdome hath satisfied the righteousnesse of God and so deliuereth vs from sinne and the cursse of the lawe and from the kingdome and power of the deuill and obtaineth the spirite of sanctification through which he may raigne in
religiō depēdeth not vpō any man or mans authority but vpō the vndoubted scriptures If they can shew better warrant for that they holde let vs heare their euidence but if their stoare be so beggerly that the richest of them and he that comes so appointed to challendge all in the name of al the rest writing which is with greater aduice than any sodain speaking can be be faine to limpe sinke in his entry what shal we thinke wil be done ere the battell be fought Surely if we came with carnall weapons it is like he would ouermatch vs hauing mans wisedome the world and the diuell on his side But thankes be to God we come appointed with spirituall weapons we come in the name of the Lord armed with the mightie word of God against all counterfait catholiques and heretiques And if God blesse her Maiesties gouernment so that the Gospell may proceede in a ful ministerie that the youth may be catechised seasoned with such sound instructions as this booke yeeldeth those that are ancient may be confirmed and the froward by an holy discipline ordered our youth our aged our common people of al sorts shal be able to vāquish put to flight all such emptie vaine boasters And this is the thing that I sought for in trāslating this excellent sound worke Which I hope your honor will accept according to that humble dutie and seruice wherewith I haue euermore helde my selfe specially bounde to your good Lordship as my singular patrone as a principall member in the church of God The Lorde Iesus establish your honors heart giue you a setled persuasion in that euerlasting trueth that euermore you may feele the cōfort assurance of that blessed kingdome which he so freely hath purchased for you Amen Your good Lordships faithfull seruant euer to commaund IOHN FIELDE To the most mighty and noble Prince and Lord Friderike Countie Palatine by the Rhene Duke of either Bauaria Elector of the sacred Romane Empire his most gratious Prince and Lorde Gasper Oleuian Treuir wisheth from his heart grace and peace from our Lorde Iesus Christ. THere are two special cause● most noble Prince Elector and my verie good Lorde which haue moued me to the publishing of this little booke One that I might profite the studious youth by this easie plaine doctrine to wit to the end that by the taste thereof they may be stirred vp and prouoked to the ministerie of the worde of God For verily they chiefly serue the Church of Christ who allured by the sweetnes of the heauenly doctrine because they haue tasted how good the Lorde is and being stirred vp with a care of promoting his glory offer vp to the faithful people yea rather to Christ himselfe their diligence yea and in a sorte themselues also And truely it is a great matter euē frō the tender yeres to haue deeply tasted Christ in his heauēly doctrine for frō thence doth necessarily flow as Peter calleth it that same desire of the syncere milke of his worde 1. Pet. 2.2 and that same feruent desire of communicating of it vnto others Many good and learned men here know that this was the best and principal cause of the publishing hereof vnto whō I cōmunicated some yeares past those things which now I set forth and also declared the purpose of the publishing therof But hitherto I haue deferred the same because I feared least this simplicitie of teaching and writing not so filed and laboured should not satisfie many wherwith I endeuoured not so much to feede their eares as their mindes An other cause was that it might be a testimonie of doctrine against that same tempest which in many places is stirred vp against this Church Against this I would set this bulwarke of sande if peraduenture God who is mightie in the weake would vouchsafe to appease the same in the mindes of certaine more moderate than the rest also asswage it a litle in others For I haue thought of that same greate power of God whereby he hath set vnto the sea her boūds which whē it woulde seeme with his hugenes to ouerwhelme the whole earth by the commaundement of God all his force is broken against the softe sand I haue trusted therefore that through this simple and plaine declaration of the groundes of our religion which hitherto we haue vsed that the Lord would bring some good thinge to passe for the appeasing of certaine mens mindes vnto whom peraduenture our innocencie hithervnto hath beene lesse knowne Many keepe a great stirre as though horrible doctrine sounded in the congregation of this Church and such rumors are scattered abrode farre and wide Some may say that euen a sea of sclaunderous reproches is vomited out against vs wherewith we might be drowned But whie rage you ô good sirs for let it be free for me by your highnes leaue euen to compell them consider all the articles of our Christian faith will you finde in any one any such matter of raging Be not all thinges exacted to the rule of God his word and are they not directed to edification in true and sound godlines If you your selues doe not feele that same consolation in your consciences of this doctrine I will freely graunt that iustlie you rise vp against vs But take heed I beseech you that you rise not vp against your owne conscience against God himselfe who in the conscience hath erected his high seate For certeinly nothing hath bin done of vs in corners We haue manie yea innumerable witnesses of the exposition of this christan doctrine yea your highnes it selfe who shal reade the selfesame thinges here which publiquely you heaue now hard these fiften yeres past in which it hath pleased the Lord that I should deliuer here vnto his Church these principall grounds of the christian faith You haue now most noble prince Elector the causes of the publishing hereof which as I know to be true so I doubted not to lay them open to your highnes Now as touching that which may priuately concerne your highnes this shorte treatise lately drawne out of those catechising sermons of the former yeares shal be at the least wise some signification of a thankefull minde for a speciall benifite for that your highnes hath giuen enterteinment to that same heauenly doctrine the vndoubted word of the prophets and Apostles reueiled vnto men and also hath procured to many of the children of God being gathered together vnder the winges of your highnes with more than a fatherly clemencie the pure doctrine of saluation administred altogether with an heroical and principall spirite and altogether through the grace of God with a chearfull minde Now if againe in this your highnes age which the Lord vouchsafe to renue as the age of the Egle your highnes by the reading of the doctrine of God his prouidence of the power of Christ his resurrection of the euerlasting righteousnes now brought into light and of
AN EXPOSITION of the Symbole of the Apostles or rather of the Articles of Faith In which the chiefe points of the euerlasting and free couenant betweene God and the faithfull is briefly and plainly handled GATHERED OVT OF THE catechising Sermons of GASPER OLEVIAN TREVIR And now translated out of the Latine tongue into the English for the benifite of Christ his Church By IOHN FIELDE AT LONDON Printed by H. Middleton for Thomas Man and Tobie Smith ANNO. 1581. To the right honorable and my very good Lord Ambrose Earle of Warwicke Master of the Queenes Maiesties Ordinance Knight of the noble order of the Garter one of her Maiesties most honorable priuie counsell I. Fielde his faithfull seruant wisheth with his heart grace from God the Father by Iesus Christ and constancie in the trueth of the Gospell to the ende Amen OF all the faultes that we fall into in these dayes of our vanity right honorable my very good Lord I know none that deserue greater blame than to be vnthankfull where we haue receaued benefites And this is the cause that I hauing takē some paines in this profitable worke which I am bolde vnder your honours name to offer to the whole Church of God I thought good to leaue it in lieu of thankefulnesse as a testimony both of your honours loue towards the truth of God and of my humble duety againe towards your honor and the whole Church of God to all posteritie for who am I that I should not whiles life lasteth liue to the profite of the Church and who are you with all your honour auctority wealth and libertie all the gifts which God in mercie hath bestowed vpon you that you should not employ all to the maintenance of the truth and defence of the Church vnder her Maiestie wherein both high and lowe receaue the assuraunce of spirituall blessings sealed in the hope of an euerlasting kingdome And as the glory of God is shewed most herein that he defendeth his spowse hath bewtified her with giftes from aboue that she might be a pure and vndefiled spowse chast and holy vnto him selfe so this is our greatest glory of what state or condition so euer we be to be members of this Church by the Communion whereof we are his members For he is the onely head of his Church to giue it gifts to gouerne it to lead it to that great and euerlasting saluation There is no life but from this head nor any saluation but in this Church wherein as syncere doctrine is professed and out of his worde shineth and dwelleth so that holy obedience of children towards their father and of seruauntes towards their Lord framed and conformed to his will alwayes appeareth and sheweth it selfe And therefore it is called his howse because he is the husband of it the housholder and master that ruleth in it setting down his owne orders to his children and familie wherein it is intollerable presumption if not blasphemie for any man to dare to alter or chaunge the least iote against his will He is the Kinge and Pastor of it Luke 12.4 and his friendes stande and heare him Io. 10.4.5 his sheepe followe his voice and will not goe after a straunger They loue him that keepe his wordes and he beautifieth them not onely as guestes strangers but as Citizens and Saintes Ephes 2.19 and such as are of his owne housholde These are they that flie as the cloudes such is the multitude of them dispersed vpon the face of the earth and they mounte vp as Doues to his windowe Esay 60.8 And this is both called is the Church of the liuing God 1. Timot. 3.15 the foundation and piller of truth the body of Christ the house of the highest the keeper teacher of the Gospell the mother of the faithfull clensed of Christ and pretious vnto him This is no particular synagogue whorish and disobedient impure and filthy full of rebellion and falsehood as is that synagogue of Rome which hath departed from her first faith and loue which although the Papists would aduāce aboue the skies alwaies like Cuckowes singing one the same songe and shamelesly begging that which they shoulde chiefly proue yet they shall neuer be able though they burst their harts for it to proue it to be either the Catholique Church of Iesus Christ or a member of it For they maintaine another head besides Christ another worde besides the worde of Christ vnwritten verities or rather absurde vntruthes preferring the commaundements of a sinnefull man before the vnchaungeable and euerlasting trueth of God And truely I do not a little wonder what madnesse is entred into their braines that with such Owles faces they dare in the open lighte of the Gospell schritch forth their olde absurdities as though now after the great instruction of the truth they were able to thrust forth vnto vs as in times past when they lead vs in the darke their counterfaite ware to deceaue vs and so turne vs away from the glorious lighte of our saluation We had thought they had receiued their aunswere long agoe would neuer haue durste to looke the trueth in the face againe but nowe as they are continually instructed from that same enemy of truth so they bring forth their olde rotten stuffe and their new Iesuites haue furbushed ouer their olde arguments of their blinde predecessors as if they were spicke spanne newe they offer them vnto vs. But we finde them all of one metall This onely is the difference that whereas they were wont to speake in their owne language and like themselues nowe they speake in an other dissembling voyce and being in case to couch for feare of the whippe they haue turned their rustie roughnes into some smoothnes and like Angels of lighte that they may haue some entertainment amongest vs and to the end they may infect the lande againe with their idolatries and turne vpside downe the quiet peace the blessing of the Gospell hath brought vs and drinke vp our bloud as together with Antichrist their head they haue done in times past and in the countries where they haue had entertainment rounde about vs with strong flatterie they prepare euen to creepe into our bosomes And hēce are those speaches vsed by Parsons Howlet in that fraudulent and doubling Epistle that he of late hath presumed to whoope in the eares of her Soueraigne Highnes wherewith because I haue dealt more fully in another place now I do but touch it But as there is greatest daunger when foes beginne to faigne so haue we greatest cause to distrust these enemies of God and of the common weale when they haue made their tongues most glyb and smoothe to deceaue withall August in Psal 9. that as one saith verie well they may binde mēs soules in their sinnes For a sinner delighteth to doe those things wherein not onely the reprouer is feared but also the praiser is heard There are
vs and through his efficacie or operation whereby as the king of his Church he first bringeth our heartes to the knowledge of their euill and to the consideration of the diuine righteousnesse and createth in them the studie of reconciling themselues to God and conuerting them to his wil. Now afterwards things thus set in order he offreth the worde of reconciliation and engendreth faith in them through which he communicateth himselfe after whom they thirst vnto them to this ende that hauing obtained through his merite iustification they may vse it to the euerlasting peace of their conscience and may dayly also through his spirit be restored and builded vp Lastly he exhorteth those that are reconciled and thus endowed with his spirit to bring forth workes worthy those that repent to the ende that the glory of their king may shine in them Rom. 8. ver 29 30. These degrees in the administration of the kingdome of Christ and of his new couenaunt the Lord comprehendeth in that same speach to Paule when he saith that thou mayst open their eyes that is done when through the working of that king Christ their conscience is illuminated through the holy Ghost For it is he that maketh his ministerie effectuall so as they knowe both themselues and their sinnes and againe God his holynesse and righteousnesse to which they must be conformable that through faith turning vnto him they may receaue in Christ a double benefite forgiuenes of their sinnes a lot amongest the sanctified who daily studie Christ exhorting them to bring forth the worthy fruites of repentance For whom he hath chosen those also hath he called whom he hath called those also hath he iustified whom he hath iustified those also he hath glorified First therefore let vs see how Christ our king by calling into his kingdome doth engender in men a desire of being reconciled to God then how he offreth vnto them the forgiuenes of their sinnes or rather the free grace of reconciliation and iustification and therewithall how he beginneth their restoring to euerlasting life and glory how daily he setteth it forward and at length in the worlde to come doth fully finish the same How Christ the King engendreth in his elect the studie of reconciling themselues to God and howe he preserueth and encreaseth in them which are reconciled the studie of holding that reconciliation CHrist the King doth engender in his elect the studie of reconciling them selues to God first of all by shewinge that all men are vnder sinne and in the kingdome of darkenes especially because that when all men haue the knowledge of God naturally engraffed in them and the worke of the lawe by nature written in their heartes and by the thinges created are constreined to knowe God notwithstanding doe not glorifie him but doe sinne contrarie to the lawe of nature Rom. 1. The which thing they witnes in their deedes and their owne conscience doth conuince their thoughtes either accusing or excusing them Againe by vncouering all and euerie of their wickednesses and in accusing them by the lawe written and by the threatninges which are manifest euerie where throughout the whole prophetes many wickednesses also being heaped together as plainely may be seene in the Epistle to the Romaines Chap 3. vers 9 10 11 12 13 14. And also by shewing that this is the vnchangeable will of God whereby he will not onely that all men be conformed to the lawe of nature but also to the lawe written otherwise that he will so long accounte them for sinners and enemies til they be conuerted and through faith be reconciled vnto God Iohn 3 vers 36. Rom. 5. vers 10 11. Secondly by shewing what a great euil sin is Such and so great an euil sin is that it deserueth the euerlasting destruction of mā yea verily so great an euil that it cannot by the euerlasting destruction of man be cleansed Wherevppon it foloweth that sinne is a greater euill then mans euerlasting damnation seeinge that the damned cannot by euerlasting paines cleanse or ouercome so greate an euill To conclude it is so greate an euill to haue offended the maiestie of God but with one sinne that the destruction of all creatures were a lesse euill For certainly neither the destruction of all creatures yea if they shoulde be brought to nothing were a sufficient price for the cleansing of one onely sinne which could not otherwise be cleansed but by the death of the sonne of God Thirdly by shewing that the nature of God is righteous and therefore that it doth accurse all sinners to wit as well theire bodies as soules as well in this worlde as in the world to come Deut. 28. vnlesse reconciliation be made For so immutable is this righteousnes of God and will to iudge sinnes that not so much as one sinne amongst so many thowsandes which dayly are committed shall escape vnpunished For either it is punished in vs or els in Christ in Christ it is once perfectly punished so that we repent and amende and beleeue in him in our selues it shal be punished if we haue an vnbeleeuing hearte and such a a one as cannot repent as Christ saith verily I say vnto you that men shall make accounte for euerie idle word in the day of iudgement Also if this be done in the green wood what shal be done in the dry 1. Peter 4. verse 17 18. To be short god is so righteous and so great an euil is sin that euen when he doth forgiue sinnes he doth not yet alowe them and that he may shew this thing he doth chastise them in those that are conuerted yea after the forgiuenes thereof with most sharpe scourges as in Dauid yea after God had spoken vnto him by Nathan the Prophet The lord hath taken from thee thy sins We see by how sharpe whips he declared that he did not allow the sin of Dauid 2. Sam. 12. ver 11.12.13 also 2. Sam. cap. 24 vers 10.12 Fourthly by setting forth the execution of the righteousnes iudgment of God against the impenitent vnbeleeuing First in the examples which he hath exercised dayly doth exercise aswel in the wringing terrors of cōscience wherwith the vnrepētant are afflicted as also in those same temporal punishments which although they be great yet are the onely signes of the wrath of God to come farre greater yea most great For like as the patience gentlenes of God is greater then the gentlenes of al creatures so also his wrath doth exceede the wrath of al creatures Secondly by setting before their eyes the day of this wrath or the euerlasting iudgement as the scripture doth often times set the same aswel before the eyes of the faithful as of the vnfaithful By these the like reasons meanes taken out of the word of god Christ the king doth engēder in the ministerie of the word through his spirite in thē whō he hath first called that same study of recōciling themselues vnto God
dead and buried he descended into hell the third day he rose againe from the dead he ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty from thence he shall come to iudge the quick and the dead I beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholique Church the Communion of Saintes the forgiuenes of sinnes the resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting What faith is SEing therefore Christ the king himselfe in the articles of the Christian faith which containe the summe of the Gospell offreth that same kingdome of his vnto vs and through faith by the vertue of his spirit doth effectually confederate himselfe vnto vs to the end he may raigne in vs goe to let vs briefly shewe what faith is Faith is to assent vnto God his will being knowen in euery worde of his as to the onely true omnipotent God and so to giue glory to God and not to consider any thing either in our selues or in any other of his creatures that seemeth to be against him and in this worde to behold as the speciall marke the promise of the Gospel for that the father truely offreth himselfe vnto vs in Christ and through his holy spirit freely iustifieth vs that are engrafted in Christ and more and more sanctifieth vs and preserueth vs by the same power through which Christ was raised from the dead whereby he hath all things subiect to himselfe that the hope of euerlasting life being founded in this truth and power it may be most certaine This description of faith first comprehendeth the whole life of man whose singular actions and moments must needes leane and rest vpon faith For surely that which is said to the Hebrues Without faith it is impossible to please God is most true in all and singular matters that are to be taken in hand Rom. 14. ver 23. Then after that it setteth forth that peculiar grace of iustification offred in Christ and that restoring to euerlasting life as the foundation of all beleeuers Now this same description of faith is specially taken out of the fourth Chap. to the Romanes from the sixtenth verse and out of the first Chapiter of the Ephesians from the 17. verse to the ende of both the Chapiters That which is put in the description of the will of God knowen is therefore done because Sathan is oftentimes woont to faigne another meaning of the worde of God besides the will of God Least therefore that faith should stray from the will of God we must indeuer that as the Apostle commandeth in the 12. to the Romanes all prophesying or interpretation of the scripture be according to the analogie or rule of faith least the interpretation fight with the foundation or with any article of faith We will shewe it also more familiarly after this manner this is faith to acknowledge that this is the vnchangeable will of God and to rest in it that freely he will giue vs that promised saluation by the Prophets and that through Christ the same is giuen in deede as the Articles of our faith witnesse that is to acknowledge that these things which are contained in them are freely giuen vnto vs of God according to the testimony of all the Prophets which were from the beginning of the worlde yea and of Christ himselfe and to rest in this constant will of God and giue this glory to God that hath now already shewed his omnipotent power in performing these promises fulfilling in deede the most part of the Articles of our faith and also as yet doth still exercise the same in the applying of those benefites and will certainly shewe it in those that remaine yet to be fulfilled in the Articles neither to consider any thing either in vs or yet without vs in any creature that seemeth contrary to that same grace and diuine truth promised vnto vs and already offred in Christ and at length fully to be accomplished The partition or diuision of the Creede THere are foure principall parts of the Creede The first containeth what we beleeue of God the father who as he hath chosen vs of his meere mercy in Christ before the foundations of the worlde were laide Ephe. 1. so there is set forth in the first part of the Creede the first fountaine of the couenant or reconciliation and therewithall is also taught what we must beleeue of the creation of all things The second what we must beleeue of Iesus Christ the sonne of God in which part is comprehended the whole summe of the couenant of our reconciliatiō The third what of the holy Ghost who by engrafting vs through faith in Christ maketh vs confederates with God applying vnto vs the mercy of the father and the redemption of the sonne The fourth part is concerning the people or of the Church with whom God had stricken his couenant which part containeth the effectes of all the former and the fruite of our faith aswell which we enioye in this life as also which we shall enioy euerlastingly being fully knitte both body and soule with Iesus Christ our heade Rules which shall helpe both our vnderstanding and faith in euery article of faith THe rules which we ought alwayes to haue before our eies aswel in the expoūding as also in the meditating of the Creede are these First that a mans minde knowe in euery of the articles not only the history which knowledge alone is not to saluation forasmuch as the deuills haue that and doe tremble Iames. 2. but also that the heart it selfe embrace through true faith the promise of God and the performance of the promise in Christ and for Christ which lyeth hidde in euery of the articles Acts. 13. vers 32. and the 39. Resolue therefore all the articles into the promises or into the performance of them so thou shalt haue in the articles of faith all the kindes of that wonderfull vnion that we haue with the father with the sonne Iesus Christ and with the holy Ghost which throughout all the Gospell is promised and giuen to the beleeuer 1. Iohn 14. and the 15. The second rule In the applying of the promise looke vpon the counsell of God to witte that to the sonne of God a body soule was so fashioned and fitted that those thinges that were done in them were done in the name of all beleeuers so done in deede that the obedience which was offred vp to the father in his person by the counsell and gift of the father are as truely thine as if they had bene offred vp in thy soule body and that by the same efficacie wherethrough that euerlasting word quickened from death that whole masse and glorified it shall also quicken and glorifie thee For this is the counsell of God this is his vnchangeable will wherevpon we may safely leane now it is made manifest in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles to the Hebr Cap. 10. out of the 40. Psalme Wherefore entring into
hated iniquitie therefore hath God euen thy God anointed thee with the oile of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes Dan. 9. The holy of holy shal be anointed Afterwardes he saith The Messias shall be cut of and then the people shall destroye the Citie and the Sanctuary with that Captaine that shall come The Angel witnessed the fulfilling of this anointing Hierusalem yet standing Luke 2. Behold I bring you glad tidinges of great ioye that shal be to al the people that a Sauiour is this day borne vnto you in the citie of Dauid which is Christ the Lord. The whole multitude of the heauenlie hostes witnesseth the same thing praising God and saying glorie to God in the highest heauens and in earth peace and towardes men a good will Mat. 2. The starre and the wise men witnesse Christ or the anointed of the Lorde to be sent and in the second of Luke Symeon and Anna the prophetesse from the 25. verse to the 41. where also the prophesie of Esaias is sene fulfilled Ca. 8. ver 14. A notable prophesie of Isaias in the 61. Cap. is fulfilled Luke 4. Iesus came to Nazareth where he had ben brought vp and entred as he was wont vpon the sabboth day into the synagogue and rose vp that he might reade Then was giuen vnto him the Booke of the Prophet Esaie and when he had opened the booke he found a place in whiche it was written The spirite of the Lorde is vpon me because that he annointed me that I should preach gladde tidinges he sent me to heale the broken in heart that I should preach deliuerance to captiues and recouerie of sight to the blinde that I should se● them at libertie that are distressed And that I should preach the acceptable yeare of the Lorde And when he had restored the booke closed vnto the minister he sate downe and the eies of all that were in the synagogue were fastened on him Then he began to say vnto them This day is the scripture fulfilled in your eares Also Acts the 10 vers 38. The vniforme praier of the Apostles witnesseth the prophesie in the 2. Psalme to be fulfilled in our Lorde Iesus For so also Luke writeth in the 4. of the Actes The man was aboue fortie yeare olde on whom this miracle of healing was shewed Nowe being let goe they came to their companie and shewed what the cheefe of the priestes and the Elders had saide vnto them And when they heard it they lift vp their voices with one accorde to God and saide O Lord thou art the God which hast made heauen and earth the sea and all thinges that are in them Who hast saide by the mouth of thy seruant Dauid Whie did the Gentiles rage and the people imagine vaine thinges The kinges of the earth stoode vp and the princes were gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ For they were gathered together in deede against thy holie sonne Jesus whom thou hast annointed both Herode Pontius Pilate with the nations and peoples of Israel that they might do whatsoeuer thine hand and thy counsel had determined before to be done These are the testimonies out of the Prophets and Apostles that Iesus is the Christ or the annointed Messias What we are taught by the name of Christ or anointed BY the terme of Christ or anointed is taught that this person came with the commandement of the father and that the same was ordained of him that he shold erect that Priestly kingdom by the scepter of his word power of his spirite in this life and should finishe it in the life euerlasting For like as anointing wherby at Gods commandement Kinges Priestes and prophets were appointed amongst his people with an outwarde and visible oyle was a publike testimonie that God would gouerne efend his people by this person also kepe vpholde his diuine worshippe and likewise teach his people and this person had commandement of this thing that they might suffer themselues to be gouerned clensed and taught so the sonne of God manifested in the fleshe concerning his manhoode is anointed with the holy Ghoste without measure which is the truth of that outward anointing and so is ordained and giuen of the father to be the king priest and prophet of his Church First of all therefore the name Messias or Christ serueth for a notable confirmation of our faith to witte whilest we vnderstand by anointing that the sonne of God hath commandement in the very same that he is Christ or anointed by his kinglie power to keepe vs by his euerlasting sacrifice to reconcile vs to the Father and to open vnto vs al the will of the father to be short not to rest vntil he haue beautified his Church with glorie and euerlasting life Ioh. 6. verse 27. cap. 10.18 Psalme 43.6.7 to the Heb. 2. ver 8.9 Also cap. 5. ver 4.5 Heb. 1. ver 9. And forasmuch as the sonne of God that same annointed of the Lord hath his solemne commandement it is certaine that he wil execute it most faithfully Of the frute or consolation which the faithful receaue thereby THe first fruite is that our faith hath a certaine obiect or matter to respecte to wit this same certaine person sent and appointed from the Father with commandement which now beginneth in vs that same spiritual and euerlasting kingdome which is righteousnes peace and ioie in the holie Ghost in the sted of sinne euerlasting heauines and death and shal finish it afterwardes and seeing that he holdeth vnder his gouernement and iron scepter al thinges created both his and our enemies that is both wicked men and diuels that they hurt not either his glorie or our saluation but rather that euen against their willes they aduance both Hence peace and ioye arise in the heartes of beleeuers who are citizens of this kingdome For as it must needes bee that al they be made sadde that doubt vnder what Lorde they are in this life whether vnder Christe or Satan so on the contrarie it can not be but all they must be filled with ioye who by the inwarde testimonie of the anointing of faith and by the outwarde of holie baptisme are assured that they are vnder Christe the King of righteousnes and are translated out of the kingdome of darkenesse into the kingdome of Christ Coloss 1. and haue the kingdome of the sonne of GOD euen begone in them as Christ saith the kingdome of God is in you or amongst you The Angel exhorteth vs to this ioye in the verie manifestation of this king Luk. 2. verse 10.11 Be not afraide For beholde I bring you glad tydinges of great ioye that shal be to all the people to wit that this daie a Sauiour is borne vnto you in the citie of Dauid which is Christ the Lorde Hence is the same peace and good will in the heartes of beleeuers of which afterwardes that same multitude of heauenly hostes doe mention in their songe Glorie in the highest heauens
to God peace to the earth A good wil in men Like as therefore in times past when Salomon by the commaundement of God was annoynted there was publike ioye amongest the people of God because they knewe that God woulde doe them good and defend them by the hande of a king so also we when wee heare out of the worde of God that our Lorde Iesus is Christ that is that same annoynted of the lorde we ought together with the Angels to be filled with an exceeding ioye of minde being surely persuaded that euen in this verie thing that the heauenly father hath appointed and in verie deede giuen his owne sonne Christ that is annointed to be our king that he doeth openly from heauen declare that hee by this sonne will become the euerlasting restorer and defender of his Church Why Christ was annointed not onelie to be king but also Priest IT followeth that we declare whie he was not onely annointed to bee a king but also a Priest The reason is because the kingdome of Christ was so to bee established that he must satisfie for euer the righteousnes of God and so this begonne peace promised grace might staie vppon a sure and sound foundation Now the foundation is the euerlasting priesthood of Christ that is that same gift which not onely by commaundement but also by solemne oth in a wonderful wisedome and mercie is from the father laide vpon this certaine person whereof these are partes First the prayer of so great a person most pure and most holy together with a sacrifice matchable with the sinnes and wickednesses of all beleeuers Io. 17. Heb. 7. the other the shewing of himselfe before the face of the father in the heauens after this sacrifice is offered vp Hebr. 9 vers 24. Because it was ordained of God by an oath and by an vnchangeable decree of God which we may surely trust to that Christ should shewe himselfe to witte his owne bodie and soule taken into the vnitie of his person in which all our sinnes were punished without ceasing before the face of the father that alwayes the efficacie of that Sacrifice once offered vp might florish and be of force before the father Of the profite that we take by this that Christ was anointed to be a priest THe chiefe profite is that I haue a certaine person which hath sacrificed for mee and continually maketh intercessiō for me that the force of his intercessiō made sacrifice offred vp in earth might alwaies be of force in the sight of God as it is saide in the Psalme 110. The Lorde hath sworne and will not repent him Thou art a Priest for euer Nowe an euerlasting priest is not without an euerlasting vse and fruite of his priesthoode towarde his faithfull But wee will speake more aswell of the kingdome as of the Priesthoode in the article of sitting at the right hand of God Why also was he annointed to be a Prophet THe reason why hee was annointed to bee a Prophet is because that same priestly kingdome in which euerlasting righteousnes and peace should florish was to bee established by the scepter of his worde that is by the preaching of the Gospell and in the power of the spirite whereby he was annointed And truelie so was it foretold by Esay The spirit of the Lord is vpon me because he hath annointed me that I should preach glade tydinges vnto the power he hath sent me that I shoulde heale the contrite in heart as our Lorde affirmeth in the 4. of Luke that it was fulfilled in him Therefore hee saith vnto Pilate that his kingdome was not of this worlde that he came into the worlde that he might giue testimonie vnto the truth I vnderstande Christ therefore so to be annointed a Prophet that hee being sent out of the bosome of his heauenly father in mans nature was annointed with the fulnes of the holy Ghost that being ful of grace and trueth hee might cleerly and manifestly set forth vnto vs that same mysterie hidde from the beginning the euerlasting will and counsell of God concerning the redemption of mankinde Iohn 1. The onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath shewed it vnto vs. Furthermore also that the same Christ may effectuallie teach vs to the end of the worlde For which cause hee also hath promised his presence by the office of teaching Beholde I am alwayes with you euen to the end of the worlde Of the fruite of Christes propheticall office THe Lorde Iesus is anointed with the spirite of prophesie to this end that we should by no meanes doubt of the vnchangeable wil of the father towarde vs. Heb. 1. God in times past at sundrie times and in diuerse maners spake vnto our fathers by the Prophetes but in these last times he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne Further who dareth to say howe shall I knowe the will of God towardes beleeuers seeing the sonne him selfe to whome the minde and will of the father is throughly knowen hath opened the will and promise of the father in the Gospell The other fruite is nowe declared for that it teacheth vs effectuallie to the end of the worlde and transformeth vs into that which we are taught of him 2. to the Corinth 2. vers 17.18 Howe far forth those things which are spoken concerning the office of Christ or of the priestly prophetical kingdome of Christ agree with the doctrine of the free couenaunt BVt same man will say that same priestly kingdome that thou hast said to be established by that same Messias or annointed of the Lord by the scepter of the word and power of the spirite is it not that same euerlasting couenaunt or worke of saluation that standeth in the free forgiuenesse of sinnes and vndeserued gift of the holy Ghost and euerlasting life Yes verilie For that same couenant of saluation made with Abraham was renewed with Dauid and to him was promised out of his seede an euerlasting king who shoulde be the mediator of this couenaunt Psalme 89. And in the first of Luke the Angel saith to Marie This shall be great and he shal he called the sonne of the most high and the Lorde God shall giue vnto him the seate of Dauid his father and he shall raigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and there shall bee no end of his kingdome And a little after Zacharie the father of Iohn Baptiste being full of the holy Ghost prophecied saying Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel because he hath visited and redeemed his people and hath lifted vp an horne of saluation vnto vs in the house of Dauid his seruaunt as he hath spoken by the mouth of his holy Prophets which were since the world began that it should come to passe that he would saue vs from our enemies and out of the hande of all that hate vs that he shoulde shewe mercie towardes our fathers and be mindfull of his holy couenaunt of the oath
a most wise and mightie heade Christ and a defence against the enemies This kingdome when it was in this worlde beganne in humilitie as he saith repent amend for the kingdome of God is at hand The exaltation therefore in this kingdome is that same placing in highest degree of honour to the end the sonne may shew himself openly before the Angels blessed men in great light to be the king and heade of all the elect and by shedding his power euen vnto vs with a greater efficacie then when he was in his body in the earth he may restore and repare life and saluation by the worde and spirit in his electe and may defend thē against al enemies Eph. 1.21.22 The father hath placed Christ at his right hand in the heauens far aboue all power principality might and dominion euery name that is named not in this worlde onely but in that which is to come and he hath made all thinges subiect vnder his feet and hath appoynted him to be heade ouer all thinges to the Church which is his bodie and the fulnesse of him which fulfilleth al in al things Ioh. 16.7 I speak the truth vnto you it is expedient for you that I goe away for vnlesse I goe that comforter shall not come vnto you but if I depart I will sende him vnto you And this was because it was so appointed by God his decree that Christ being exalted in his kingdome should sende him What fruits we are partakers of by the exaltation of Christ in his kingdome LIke as Christ was borne and died for vs so also he sitteth at the right hande of God for vs. Nowe the first fruite is that onely Christians doe rightly knowe God call vppon him and praise him For therefore the father placed Christ at his right hande that hee might be acknowledged worshipped and praised both of Angels and men as their onely God and Lorde And contrariwise God doeth abhorre all other worshippes which are not directed vnto Christ in whome onely hee will bee acknowledged called vppon and praysed Peter inferreth Acts 2. of the sending of the holy Ghost out of the testimony of Dauid concerning the sitting of the Messias at the right hand of God Therefore let all the house of Israel knowe for a suretie that God hath made him both Lorde and Christ this Iesus I say whome ye haue crucified And Phil. Wherefore God hath also highlie exalted him and giuen him a name aboue euerie name that at the name of Iesus shoulde euery knee bow both of thinges in heauen and thinges in earth and thinges vnder the earth and that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lorde vnto the glorie of God the father And Psa 97. ver 7. Apo. 5. ver 1. Cor. 1. ver 2. Act. 7. ver 59. cap. 9. ver 14. The second and the third fruite THE other fruits are knowen by their ends For therefore Christ is exalted in his kingdome that inwardly hee maye enrich his Church and without he may defend it against enimies yea and also may bridle those that are deadly and inwarde enemies the seconde fruite therefore is that the father for and by this Christ doeth assuredly giue the holy ghost to them that aske it doeth gouerne and quicken the faithful by the ministerie of the Gospel both beautifieth the whole Church with diuerse gifts and also giueth to euery mēber so much giftes as are sufficient for the glorie of the head for the edificacion of the whole body and the saluation of that same member but hee leaueth none of them without necessarie gifts or letteth them to be emptie Actes 2.33 Christ exalted to the right hand of God and hauing obtained of his father the promise of the holy Ghost hath shed forth this which ye nowe see and heare And to the Eph. 4.7 To euery one of vs grace is giuen according to the measure of the gift of Christ. And a litle after He therefore gaue some to be Apostles and some Prophets and some Euangelists and some pastors and teachers for the repairing of the Saintes for the worke of the ministery and for the edification I say of the body of Christe till wee all meete together in the vnitie of faith and that acknoweledging of the Sonne of GOD vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ Also Let vs altogether growe vp in him which is the heade to wit Christ by whome all the bodie fitly knitte and compact together by all the ioynts for the furniture thereof according to the effectuall power which is in the measure of euerie part the whole receaueth increase of the bodie vnto the edifying of it selfe in loue Christ therefore raigneth vnto vs at the right hande of the father that powring out the holy Ghost vpon vs he might be effectual by the ministerie and through the spirite might make vs his mēbers and might aduaunce his spirituall kingdome day by day in vs vntill he might fully ioyne vs vnto himselfe being perfectly regenerate and washed againe from sinne and corruption and so he might be God all in all 1. Corinthians 15. The thirde fruite THE thirde fruit is the defense of the Church against all our enemies sinne the flesh the worlde tyrantes diuels all which our heauenly father calleth the enemies of Christ and in verie deede he sheweth dayly examples of his power in ouerthrowing them Psal 110. The Lorde hath said to my Lord sit at my right hande vntill I make thine enimies a footestoole vnto thy feete Iehoua shall sende the scepter of thy strength out of Sion rule in the middest of thine enimies Surely a wonderful consolation that we are his brethrē yea his members to whome all power is giuen in heauen and in earth without whose will power neither the Turkes nor antichrist can deuise any thing against the Church no nor conclude or moue so much as a finger for the executing of their counsailes so that Christe raigneth in such sort in the middest of his enemies that he will not be shut out no not out of their most secrete counsailes Yea we are the brethren and members of that Christ by whose most present diuine power all men are gouerned and all creatures in heauen and in earth so that wee may saye with full securitie of minde with the Apostle Romanes 8. Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation shall anguish shall persecution shall hunger shal nakednes shall danger shall the sword as it is written For thy sake are we killed all the day long we are counted as sheepe appointed to the slaughter yea but in al these thinges we are more then conquerours through him that hath loued vs. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor hight nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separat vs
contemners of so great long suffering patience and so shal drowne sathan as Pharaoh with all his armie in euerlasting destructiō but he shal bring in his confiderats fully deliuered from al tyrannie of the wicked into that same true heauenly inheritance as into the lande of promise to which Paul would haue vs to loke whē he saith as often as ye shall eat of this bread drinke of this cup ye shal shew forth the Lords death vntil his comming againe Why the comming of Christ is not so feareful vnto the faithful FIrst the cause doth cōfort the faithful for which he shal come to iudge Now the chiefe end of the cōming againe of Christ to iudgement is the glorifying of the Church that is to say that sinne and death being fully ouercome and the enemies of the kingdome being adiudged by the iust iudgemēt of Christ to euerlasting paine and so all offences and impediments remoued which did let the glory of the sons of God God might appeare without any let fully perfectly glorious in his saints Eph. 5.1 Cor. 15. Christ setteth this same cause or rather ende scope before our eyes whilest he calleth that day the day of redemption Secondly the very person of the iudge doth take frō vs al feare For euen for this cause the father hath deliuered al iudgmēt to the son as he is the sonne of man that he might make our consciences quiet take from vs all terror of condemnation Ioh. 5.22.27 Both because that now we beleeue that he shall be iudge and also because we shal behold him with our eyes in whose body our sinnes are cleansed and all the curse taken away Heb. 9.28 Tit. 2.13.14 Last of al the commandement promise of Christ doth free deliuer vs frō al feare The cōmandement is plaine in Luk. 21. Whē ye shal see these thinges come to passe be of good comfort lift vp your heades Math. 24. It shall come to passe that yee shall heare of wars and rumors of warre but see that yee he not troubled for these things must be The promise is plaine in third of Ioh. He that beleeueth in the son is not iudged or cōdēned And cap. 5.24 1. Thes 4.14.17 cap. 5 ver 9.10 Ioh. 17. ver 22.24 yea let that promise be cōsidered which is in 1. Cor. 6. doe yee not knowe that the sainctes shall iudge the worlde And a little after bee yee ignorant that it shall come to passe that wee shall iudge the Angels And surely seeing all the Articles of the faithe are deliuered for our consolation it must needes be that this article also of iudgement is deliuered not to shake but to confirme and establishe our faith Howe we ought to make our selues readie to iudgement WE must prepare our selues to the iudgement of Christ by faith and a good conscience that is to say by a faith which leaneth vppon a fast and sure foundation and by the fruites of faith which doe beare witnesse of it and with which it is exercised Nowe the foundation of faith is not our merite neither in whole nor in part but of Christ alone who deliuereth vs from the wrath to come 1. Thess 1. For no man can lay any other foundation then that which is laide alreadie to wit Iesus Christ 1. Cor. 3. The which also is manifestly vnderstood by the wordes of the iudge himselfe For first he saith Come ye blessed of my heauenly father Nowe wee are not blessed by or in our selues but by Christ by whome we are both deliuered from the cursse and also adopted to be sonnes of the meere good will and free purpose of God Galat. 3. Ephesi 1.2 The iudge further addeth Possesse for an inheritance the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde If an inheritance then no merite If prepared from the beginning of the worlde then not gotten by vs which yet were not And these things concerning the foundation wherevppon our faith leaneth Nowe after that I am assured through faith that I am one of the sheepe of Christ which he hath redeemed not with golde and siluer but with his owne blood I must endeuour that I may haue those same markes where with by his spirite hee is wont to marke his sheepe to wit fruits worthie repentance which are that I feede Christ being hungrie and giue drinke vnto him being thirstie in his mēbers that I receiue Christ by hospitalitie in strangers c. But the faithfull rest not vppon these workes of thankefulnesse like as also they shall say in the iudgement Lord when saw we thee hungrie and thirstie and gaue meate drinke vnto thee But they shall onely reste vppon Christ who is made vnto them of God wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 1. To these fruites and exercises of faith belong sobrietie calling vpon the name of God and watchfulnesse For it is a precious deceit of sathan whilest he persuadeth men that that same iudgement is yet farre off or that there is no neede euerie houre or moment to looke for it when as notwithstanding the comaundement of Christe and the doctrine of the Apostles require speciall watchfulnesse Luke 21. Matth. 24. verse 44.45 1. Thessa 4. vers 15.17 and chapter 5. verse 1.2 1. Pet. 3. Besides these the looking for iudgement doeth admonish the faithful that aboue all thinges they take heede vnto themselues least they defile their bodies or their soules with the idolatrie of Antichrist or with the like that they vnderprop their mindes with patience concerning which matter there are extant graue admonitions Mat. 24. ver 24.25 Apo. 14. ver chap. 18. ver 4. To conclude wee must keepe a good conscience in al things euen vntil the Lord shal come who shall make manifest the secretes of darkenes shal lay open the coūsels of the hart 1. Cor. 4.5 So Paul saith Act. 24. In this therefore I exercise my selfe that alwayes I may haue a conscience without offence before God and men THE THIRDE part of the Creede I beleeue in the holy Ghost Testimonies out of the Prophets and Apostles Ioel 2.28 And it shall come to passe afterward I will power out my spirit vpon all flesh your sonnes your daughters shal prophecie your olde men shall dreame dreames and your yong men shal see visions yea and vppon the seruants and maidens in those days I will powre out my spirit and I will shewe wonders in the heauen in the earth blood fire pillers of smoke the sonne it selfe shal be turned into darkenes the moone into blood before the great terrible day of the Lord come And further it shal come to passe that whosoeuer shall cal vpon the name of Iehovah shall be saued for in Mount Syon and Ierusalem shall be deliuerance as the Lorde hath saide and in the remnant whome the Lorde shall call Actes 2.16.17 But this is that which was spoken by the Prophet