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A08304 A progresse of pietie. Or the harbour of heauenly harts ease to recreate the afflicted soules of all such as are shut vp in anye inward or outward affliction. By Iohn Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1596 (1596) STC 18633; ESTC S103531 73,609 218

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they persecute his children It appeared as soone as the maister was taken away the seruantes were despised when the shepheard was gone the sheepe wandred abroad and all the children of God were tryed some by mockings and scornings som by bondes and imprisonment some were ●ewne in peces some stoned some slaine with the sword some wandred vp and downe in sheepe skinnes destitute of comfort afflicted and tormented some wandred in the mountains and in the wildernes hiding themselues in caues and dennes of the earth and none escaped the hand of the enemie yet they were such as the world was not worthy of Paul the Apostle was mightily persecuted of the Iewes after hee became a member of this Church Peter Iohn were also bitterly persecuted Stephen most miserably handled and at last stoned Al the Apostles and Disciples of Christ were persecuted and hauock was made of the Church of God in so much as all such as tooke on them the profession of Christ or had but the name of Christians were forced to taste of the cup whereof their master tasted And we that followe them in prof●ssion must be contented to follow them in troubles to take vp the crosse and to beare what the world will lay vpon vs. There is no way to the kingdom of heauen but by Christ and there is no way to Christ but by tribulation The wicked do continually seek to oppresse such as are true of hart they make sharp their swords they bend their bowes and dispose their arrowes in the stringes coueting to shoote at those that feare God The Kinges of the earth band thēselues the Princes of the world assemble themselues together against God and his church England since it hath come to the tast of true religion hath tasted how true it is that is said that they that will liue vprightlie shall haue many that will rise vp against them How hath the rage of Sathan appeared against vs with bitter threats frō Spaine with excommunications and condemnations from Rome how haue we bin labored to haue bene seduced by Priests and Seminaries from our bounden loue and dutie not onely towards her Maiestie but towards our God if cursings if blessings if disswasions or perswasions if threats of hell if promises of heauen if throwing downe or exalting high if feare of fire and sword could haue preuailed we had falne and forsaken God ere this day how haue they sought the death and destruction of our gratious Queene and graue Counsellors by inchantments by magick by murther and by all deuilish practises Haue we not bine enuironed by Fleetes of foes at sea by armies of rebels by land and endaungered by hidden Traytors at home hath there ye● any of their conspiracies preuayled hath not God stood our defence hath not our Christ the head of our Church stood in the gap against these trecheries and tumultes and doeth there not herby appeare a Church militant a Church still driuen to defende it selfe and a Church malignant a Church fraught with malice against the truth a Church offended and a Church offending a Church suffering and a Church persecuting And who doth not see how manifestly it appeareth that our Church is that Church which resembleth our head Christ Jesus in suffering and the other to be the Church resembling their father the Deuill by massacring and killing who seeing his kingdome to bee nee●e at an ende and noting how his Church and the reprobates companie diminisheth beginneth to enkindle the coales of dissention betweene kings and kingdomes and stirreth vp traitors vnder collour of teachers murtherers in the name of catholiques and deuils vnder the habit of a religion by whome the whole worlde is at this day set all in a flame and they labour by all means to peruert with the venom in their tayles the consciences of al true Christians and where they see they cannot preuaile by the trueth they seeke it by tyrannie in the place and steede of mercie they vse massacres in steed of peace which the truth imbraceth they stirre vp warres and in steede of loue the badge of Christians they execute all hatred euen to bloud If we looke into late yeares wee shall finde in Fraunce how thousands of the Church of God haue bene murthered some in their beds some in the streetes some in the temple some preaching some praying and whosoeuer was noted to serue god aright was swallowed vp in this deuilish furie and for that the more they striued to suppresse the truth the more seeing it to preuaile they by the instigation of the adulterer of Rome proceed on to new deuises sparing neither old nor yong great nor small but take all by the throat euen their Kinges and with butcherly hands defile their pallaces with most cruel murther killing euerie innocent euen such as can but name the Lord Christ and him serue as their onely redeemer in the lowest measure doe they most cruelly cut off with vntimely death Is it not therfore high time for the poore Church of God in regard of this bloody worke of the Deuill to poure foorth continuall ardent prayers vnto our God for his present helpe in this trouble And howsoeuer we rest in great measure freed from massacres and open murthers heere in England through the louing hande of our good God yet are we not without continuall occasions to moue vs to godly supplications that God in his mercies will cōtinue our fauourable God for euer and that he will be still mindfull of vs that wee fall not into our enemies hands who as we see practise by all kindes of pollicies to presse in vpon vs to deale with vs as they haue dealt with other nations nay to make vs to be no more a people The remembrance of our little persecution in the time of Queene Marie may moue vs to due obedience vnto our God who did speedilie deliuer vs by the gracious hand of our most sacred Queen Elizabeth in whome vnder our good God we haue bene this 39 yeares almost compleat so happily defended that wee haue had free scope to serue our God in truth whereas wee see other nations to bee so suppressed by the heauie hande of the wicked man that none dare stand vp to professe God but with present torture Oh let vs therfore be thankfull to our mighty God for his help in all former dangers and pray that we may shew our selues as wise as Serpents as innocent as doues that we may stand sound and vnblameable in our professions in faith strong in loue vnfayned and constantly perseuering in this inuiolable truth that the gates of hell nor the tyrannie of the euill man preuaile not against vs that the fond and idle furie of that Romish Idol terrifie vs not whome together with his worshippers our alsufficient God laugheth to scorne who as we see and haue tasted hath by his prouidence turned their practises to
shall not be destroid in the perillous time For thou Lord hast promised to stand in the defence of thine owne people Thou hast saued vs from our aduersaries and hast put them to confusion that hate thy people Up Lord and beholde how yet the enemie seeketh to destroye vs O hide not thy face forget not our miserie and affliction thou God art the king of all the earth thou raignest and rulest ouer the heathen therefore will we not feare The Lorde of hostes is with vs the God of Jacob is our refuge yea this God is our God for euer and euer hee is the guide of his Church and he it is that wil come and will not keepe silence a fire shall deuoure before thee so that thine enemies shall not bee able to stand in thy presence they shall be scattered abroad come to shame suddainely Thou God hast giuen a banner to them that feare thee that it may bee displaide in testimonie of thy truth That thy beloued euen thy spouse may bee deliuered ● that euery member of thy church may dwell in thy tabernacle for euer and may rest vnder the couering of thy wings when the wicked shal fal and be vtterly discomforted Oh ●ow terrible art thou in thy works through the greatnesse of thy power shall thine enemies bee subiect vnto thee And although thou sufferedst the wicked to ride euen ouer our heades although we haue bin forced to passe through fire and water yet hast thou deliuered vs and brought vs into a wealthie place where thy word and Gospell euen the truth of our saluation is freely deliuered Wherefore O God arise let thine enemies bee scattered Let them that hate thee flie before thee as the smoke vanisheth so let thine enemies be driuen backe let them not come neere thy sanctuarie As waxe melteth before the fire so let the enemies of thy Church perish at thy presence and let thy people be glad let thy congregations sing and reioyce let thy beloued leape for ioy O send downe thy gracious raine vpon thine inheritance refresh the weary members of thy Church such as haue felt the woe of thine enemies Let them bee recomforted Let the solitarie poore man that thirsteth for thy sauing health be filled with the hid treasures of thy loue Deliuer the unprisoned and let the children now in captiuitie be set free Wound the heads of the obstinate and stiffe-necked aduersaries of thy church and bruse the hairye scalps of such as seeke to destroy thy people Destroy the companie of the spearemen the multitude of the proud whose hearts are lifted vp against thy people Scatter those idle and euill affected ones whose delight is in warre so shall all kingdomes of the earth seeke thee and the nations dispersed shall attend vnto thy voice all such as know thee shall sing foorth thy praises yea they shal sing vnto him that rideth vpon the high heauens ascribe al power vnto thee our great God our mighty king our husband and head O God of hostes cause thy face to shine vpon vs and we shall be saued O Lord increase our faith A Praise of Gods fauour in protecting his Church comfortable to the faithfull Sing faithfully vnto God our strength sing aloud vnto the God of Iacob Psal. 81. 1. OVr God is good why shuld we thē so long neglect his praise His help doth passe the helpe of mē whose lawes and loue decaies But lo the loue of God endures from day to day it stands His spouse to loue liue he lures and breaks her cruel bands He sends his word and giues her light his gospell feedes his flocke His people onely take their flight to him their liuely rocke On him they stay on him they stād band and he extends his aid He breaks with truth the dolefull whereat his Church dismaid No pompous Pope no Spaniard proud no direfull drum of foe No shaft no shot no rainles cloude can daunt his spouse with wo What though the peeuish mā of sin his bloudy badge display What if he vainly vaunt to win be still he shall decay The proudest of our foes shall fall their stoutest strength shall rue The stately strumpet fraught with gall shall faint and all her crue Iehouah yet his Church shall saue and with his hand defend Who then will rest a popish slaue and not our Englands frend Breath out thy word O God our guide let it be publisht so That it may stand and still abide and teach thy Church to grow Let truth preuaile let faith abound let all reforme their waies Our Queen preserue her foes confound send peace in al her daies A Prayer for the Church of Christ. MOst gracious God and louing Father in Jesus Christ look in fauour vppon the estate of thy Church generally dispersed through the whole world and whome by the mal●ice of Sathan and tyrannie of Antichrist thou seest continually assayled with many dangers Be thou therefore a castle and defence a buckler and rocke strong and forceable to withstand the furie and force of all aduersaries for the better comfort endue it continually with faith vnfayned wherein it and euerie member thereof may safely runne and repayre vnder the shadowe of thy winges whensoeuer perill appeareth Graciously guide and gouerne it be present with it and take the defence thereof into thine owne hands to whome it specially and alone belongeth and let it hold on the true course of professing and practising thy true Religion that the aduersaries maye haue no cause to condemne it through sinne which howsoeuer it may seeme to dwell in the most godly while wee liue here yet let vs alwaies haue an eye and diligent watch ouer our thoughtes words and actions that our light may shine to thy glorie our good and example of other in peace and warre in comfort and calamitie and not bee dismaid at the noyes and report of the greatest daunger Amen O Lord increase our faith ¶ A motion to a Prayer wherein the soule must arme it selfe against daungers of the time in regarde of false doctrine CHrist forseeing in the daies of his flesh that after his departure his Children shoulde be in danger to be seduced from his sincere truth by the ministers of Sathan false Prophets and lying teachers hath very graciously giuen vs a forewarning to take heede of such as enter in amongst vs in sheeps clothing who are inwardly rauening wolues who should priuilie bring in damnable heresies euen denying the Lord who hath brought them and who bring vpon themselues swift damnation yet many shall follow their destructions by whome the way of truth is euill spoken of It was prophecied long agoe that in the latter dayes euen in the dayes wherein wee liue should rise vp very dangerous doctrines Sathan should transforme himselfe into an Angell of light and false Apostles hauing put on the person as it were of Christ himselfe and of his Apostles should creep into the hearts of Gods
And heerein it is required that we be poore in spirit to hunger thirst for righteousnes to be meke to be mercifull to be pure in hart and gladly Suffer persecution for righteousnes sake We must be louing liberall pittifull patient in troubles and in all thinges wee must frame and conforme our wordes workes and thoughts to doe the will of our heauenly father To him we must fall downe to be strengthened in faith without which we cannot reteine this kingdome the liuely and effectuall word which that it may bee purely preached without fraud deliue●● without vaine glory receiued and practised without faltring or fear we must pray vnto our God who hath promised and will perfourme to send vs his ayde to keepe vs vpright in this glorious path to eternall life And wee must pray vnto him that hee will make our vnderstandinges capable of the trueth of his will and what hee requireth at our handes in seekinge of this hys kingdome That he wil frame our liues in all simplicity of faith submitting our selues wholy vnto his word casting downe our own imaginations and euerie proude conceit of our selues that through meekenesse in true knowledge and obedience we may be made meete partakers of the euerlasting kingdome of God Hauing obtained this spirituall feeling of the will of God in his word and being sealed vp through faith in a longing desire for al spirituall perfection let vs proceede to the execution of our callinges which may aunsweare the commaundement of God heerein Let vs continually seeke new and dayly meanes by hearing the woorde preached by stirring vp one of an other and by giuing sacred examples of vertue and godlynesse that our callings may bee made sure to be founded and established in this kingdome Then may wee freely approach vnto our God and he will receiue vs we may cal on him and he wil heare vs we may beg of him and he wil giue vs al things necessary for body and soule Hee is our almighty king and he will defende vs he is our mercifull God and he will relieue vs and hee is our mercifull father and he will feede vs cloath vs and teach vs. And at last he wil crowne vs with the glorie of his sonne hee will make vs as the saintes in heauen and we shall receiue the inheritance of euerlasting blisse And therefore let vs seeke and praie vnto him that wee may obtaine this principall and chiefe foundation of all true comfortes in this life the kingdome of his Sonne Christ Jesus The prayer for the kingdome of God O Most gracious God and louing father it hath pleased thee to commaund vs first before all things to seeke thy kingdome and the riches righteousnes thereof with promise that then al things necessary for body and soule shal be giuen vs wherfore good father sith that our vnablenes is such that we cannot attaine vnto this high matter of our selues vouchsafe to prepare our heartes that at this time and alwaies wee may aboue all things hunger and thirst for this righteousnesse the absolute meane of our true comfort without which all our comfort is but care our wisdome but foolishnes our glory but shame our riches but pouertie our godlines impietie and all our praiers sin Wherefore good father I humbly praye thee in the behalfe of all thy children that thou wilt poure into our hearts a godly consideration of our imperfections not being endued with this absolute integrity that we may see our pouerty nakednes not being enriched cloathed with this riches weedes of sanctitie that wee may feele how ready we are to pine for want of this foode of our soules thy sacred woord the glorious Gospell of Christ wherein consisteth this heauenly kingdome which kingdome O Lord teach vs to find Endue vs with thy holy spirit poure into our harts that sacred gift which thou hast left for our comfort to leade vs to this kingdome that may direct vs in all truth that may manifest in vs the knowledge and exercise of thy word wherein resteth that spirituall happinesse which heere by faith we see as a shadow farre off which one day shall be manifest to our absolute ioy and saluation In the meane time good Father sanctifie our hearts with heauenly contemplations and sanctified meditations that our ioye which now is but in part may be dayly enlarged through the diuine fruites of loue to thy law faith in thy promises and of hope that our ioy shall be full at the appearinge of thy sonne So shall the kingdome of thy sonne appeare in vs and wee which wander in the darknesse of this polluted worlde shall appeare manifestly to bee the heires of thy kingdome through faith testified by the fruites of a sanctified life And to the end good father that thy kingdome may dayly more and more appeare and increase graunt free and comfortable passage to thy word and Gospell of Christ that it may be plainely purely and plentifully preached And vouchsafe to increase the number of the laborers in this worke who may faithfully and diligently worke therein That through the same thy people which now sit in darknes may be enlightened that such as are farre off may come neere and they that are without at thy good pleasure may be brought into this kingdome ●hat wee may all put on that sanctif●ed garment of a new life and sincere conuersation which may approoue vs to bee thy children and Citizens of thy kingdome and that as bec●mmeth thy sonnes we may be reformed in our liues Giue vs thine holy Spirite that wee may beleeue thy worde and therby so direct our liues that we in all vertuousnes godlines of conuersation may finish our course vpon earth And afterward liue with thy Sonne in eternall blisse And seeing thy kingdome is not meat and drink neither consisteth in ceremonies and traditions deuised by man neither commeth it with obseruations neither is it in word but in righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost and in power Graunt that wee all may bee truely regenerate and borne new by the holy spirite and may no longer spend the dayes of our liues in the lusts of the flesh in the vanities of the mind and in pride of life But may eleuate and raise vpwarde all our affections euen vnto thy holy hill from whence commeth the life wherein we liue the helpe whereby wee stand and the power wherby we are defended And be thou present good Father in al readines to support vs being weak to releeue vs being poore and to traine vs vp in all heauenly knowledge being altogether ignorant And let euerie of thy children that thirst after that righteousnes bee filled with all good thinges within and without that wee may goe forwarde in dayly exercise of pietie and godlines in knowledge in faith in loue in hope and in true zeale that we may liue within the compasse of thy fatherly protection die in thy loue