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A04542 A treatise of the ministery of the Church of England Wherein is handled this question, whether it be to be separated from, or joyned vnto. Which is discussed in two letters, the one written for it, the other against it. Wherevnto is annexed, after the preface, A brief declaration of the ordinary officers of the Church of Christ. And, a few positions. Also in the end of the treatise, some notes touching the Lordes prayer. Seuen questions. A table of some principal thinges conteyned in this treatise. Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618.; Hildersam, Arthur, 1563-1632. aut 1595 (1595) STC 14663.5; ESTC S117234 146,027 152

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communicated onely to such as far as men can ●udge by theyr outward profession to whom Christ himself belongeth among vs the holy Sacraments are communicated with the Papists the holy mysteryes of God profaned the Gentiles enter into the Temple of God the holy things are indifferētly communicated with cleane ād vncleane circumcised and vncircvmcised And as another among them sticketh not to affirme and mainteyne that now the Church is full of drunkerds whooremougers Idolaters superstitious persons papists Atheists and such like This is theyr own confession besides theyr estate concerning the first Towching the second that is Christs Intercession with the father they profane it likewise two wayes first by retaining a priesthood as an office of ministery to offer by theyr publick prayers and other service vnto God which now can be nothing els but eyther a continuing of the Iewish priesthood abolished by Christ who enduring for ever 〈◊〉 a priesthood that can not passe from one to another or els a retayning of the popish priesthood devised by Antichrist Of which sort indeed it is as hereafter will appeare ād as thēselves have heretofore writtē ād acknowleged Neyther will it any white make for them that now all the faithfull are by Christ made Priests to offer vp spirituall sacrifices vnto God For evē by this it appeareth that now the ministery ād priesthood differ betweē themselves the one to witt the priesthood being commō to all the faithfull the other that is the ministery being proper to such as are according to the word of God sett apart therevnto The second way whereby they profane Christ his Intercession is by offring vp in Christs name ād mediatiō their devised stinted popish worship ād ministratiō Which being never appoynted by Christ but devised by man is abominatiō vnto God whereas on the contrary Iesus Christ that everlasting Priest maketh his people an holy pr●esthood to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable vnto God through himself This also have the forward preachers and people among them heretofore avowched affirming to the Parliament that their book of Common prayer wherein theyr publik worship ād ministration is set down is culled ād picked out of that popish dunghill the masse book full of abominations Yet do they still offer it vp to God in the mediation of Christ as is manifest both by the book it self and in theyr continuall practise And thus have we seen with what i●piety they carry themselves also towching the Priesthood of Iesus Christ. Lasily concerning his kingdome howsoever they speak of the guydance of his Spirit yet in deed and in truth they refuse to be subiect to him as Lord and King of his Church And this they manifest to all men in that they refuse to submite to the offices lawes and order of government which he as Lord and king of his Church hath appoy●ted therevnto and not that onely but do also subiect themselves to the ministery disorder and constitutions which Antichrist that sonne of perdition hath invented and brought into the false Church The proof hereof is evident first in theyr constitutions and practise then by theyr own confession and writings Concerning both which first I refer you to that which was said before towching Christs Pr●phery as also to that which is spoken of this matter every where throughout this trea●ise And then I pray you consider both the Scriptures quoted in the margent and these sayings of theyrs in theyr own writings which directly concerne the poynt we have in hand and see if they witnes not as much themselves as they are charged withall by vs. On the one hand thus they write that they must eyther confesse that Christ hath left vs an order to live by or els spoyle him of his Kingly office That Christ the King and governour of his Church must rule it by his o●n offices and by his own lawes till his comming at the last day That Christ is a king who hath prescribed lawes vnto his Church for the government of the same and will have them tyed to no other neyther to disobey them which he hath sett down Yet on the other hand as towching theyr 〈◊〉 estate they write thus of themselves That theyr wor●● and works are divorced That they do not in deed obey his precepts and lawes whom in words they acknowledg to be theyr King That they do not onely want the offices appoynted by Christ to witt Pastors Teachers Elders Deacons Attenders vpon the poore but also remayne in and vnder the confusions and Antichristian offices of Archbishops Bishops D●anes Archdeacons Deacons Chauncelours Commissaryes Officials vvhich be rather members and parts of the whore and strumpett of Rome then of the pure virgin and spouse of the immaculate Lamb That the government of theyr Church is not taken out of Gods word but out of the Canon lavves and decrees of Popes Finally that they reiect Christs yoke and retayne that popish hierarchy first coyned in the midst of the mystery of iniquity and that filthy sinke of the Canon law vvhich vvas invented and patched together for the confirming and increasing of the kingdome of Antichrist Wherein as great indignity is offred vnto Iesus Christ in committing his Church vnto the government of the same as cā be by meane vnderlings vnto a king in committing his beloved spouse vnto the direction of the Mistres of the Stevves and enforcing her to live after the orders of a brothel hovvse These are their own sayings And therefore even by theyr own confession it is to true among them in this respect which one of themselves said that turning out the orders vvhich Christ hath prescribed in his vvord for the ruling of his Church they give him the title of a King but deny him the authority belonging to the same and so in truth make him an Idoll making him to carry a shovv of that he is not and vvith the crucifyers of him putting a reed in his hand in stead of his yron rod and crovvning him vvith thorne● in stead of the crovvn of greatest glory Thus have we showed that in theyr constitution of Christ ministery worship and government they do not receyv and ●bey Iesus Christ in his own ordinance as theyr Prophet Priest and king And therefore as they say of the papists so let them look it be not verifyed of themselves in this respect that howsoever in words generally they professe yet in deed and verity they do not acknowledg Iesus Christ come in the flesh that Prophet Priest and king of the Church and consequently by the rule and judgment of the Apostle sett down in the Scriptures here alledged by ●r H. are in this behalf not of God but of Antichrist The next Scripture Mr H. citeth is from the book of Rebelatiō The words be these speaking of the beast here described There was given vnto him a mouth speaking great things and
his high court of prerogative or grave fatherly faculties these together or the worst of them as some of them be to bad may not be broken or offended against but with more daunger then to offend against the Bible To these subscribing and subscribing again and the third subscribing are required for these preachers and others are indited are fined are prisoned are excommunicated are banished and haue worse things threatned them And the Bible that must haue no further scope then by these it is assigned Is this to professe Gods word Is this a reformation He that could not abide straunge fyer in the old law but burnt them that used it what vvill he do to us in the nevv lavv that erect a nevv and straunge course or vvord to rule his Church by What did the Pope but so He did suffer Gods vvord to haue a course as far as it pleased him so that he might haue the vvhole authority aboue it So did the popish Church But vve say the vvord is aboue the Church Then suerly it is about the English Church and aboue all these books afore rehearsed If it be so vvhy are not they ouer-ruled by it and not it by them These are theyr own words and that in an admonition to the high court of parliament So as we holding our peace you may by this perceiue in what estate they stand by the lawes and present constitution of theyr Church But Mr. H. addeth moreover that they all professe Christ to be the onely lavv giver vnto the conscience Is this so in deed How is it then that Mathew Sutcliffe Deane of Exce●er a chief officer in theyr Church is not afrayd nor ashamed to publish in print that it soundeth harsh in Christian ea●es to call Christ a Lavvgiuer But to let him alone with his blasphemous contradiction to the Scriptures and Spirit of God let us consider a litle the prof●ssion they make herein And first I aske what if the Papists professe as much Will such profession in word help any thing when in deed by theyr works they deny it Secondly let Mr H. remember that some of themselues affirme vvhiles they professe Christ to be a king and per submitt not to the lavves he hath prescribed in his vvord they make him an Idoll and putt a scepter of reed in his hand Thirdly do not they fynd fault with the Papists ād prove them to bend true Church though they professe in word that Christ is the king of his Church becouse in deed they obey not his lawes but have invented and use theyr own canons and constitutions for government of the Church Mark well theyr own words in a treatise lately published wherein they prove the Church of ●ome not to be the true Church by this reason following The Papists in vvord vvill not deny but Christ is a king vvhich hath all povver in heaven and in earth But in deed it appeareth they do exile and banish him out of his kingdome or at least leav him but a small portion or rather none at all For in respect that he is a spirituall king and the king of his Church he is also as Iames speaketh the onely lavvgi●er thereunto and therefore by his lavves onely the Church is to be governed Which they cannot abide For they adde their popish Canous constitutions and customes vvhereby they vvill haue the Church governed Yea they vvill haue these take place though they utterly displace the vvord of God for the maintenance of them These are theyr own words in that treatise Thus they reason against the Papists And is not this reason I pray you as strong against themselues and against theyr own Church Prelates and Clergy Yea are not theyr ecclesiasticall assemblyes daughters of the Church of ●ome in this behalf Or have the● more priviledge by theyr verball profession to be ex●mpt from the obedience of Christ and his lawes then the Papists hav● Lastly seing Mr H. saith they professe Christ to be the onely lawgiver to the conscience Let him in syncerity of heart as before God aunswer vs these few questions 1 Whether then obedience be not to be given to the Lord Iesus in whatsoever he hath commaunded and all his lawes and ordinances to be observed though all the Princes on earth should forbid it 2 Why then they abstayne from the observation of those Lawes and ordinances which themselves have taught and written to be appoynted by Iesus Christ to be kept vnblameable and without spott vntill his appearing yea though it be with the losse of wealth honour liberty and life it self 3 Whether the Lord Iesus the lawgiver of his Church have not set in his Church to continew to the end of the world the offices of Pastours Teachers Elders Deacons and Helpers together with theyr entrance works and maintenance for the administration of his holy things 4 Whether the Offices of Archbishops Lord bisshops priests deacons vicars and the rest now had in England theyr maner of entrance into them theyr administration of them by theyr popish canons and book of common prayer theyr maintenance in them by tithes Lordships Chrismes offrings ād such like be appoynted by Christ that onely Lawgiver to his Church and in what places of his Testament 5 Whether being not prescribed by Christ but derived from and belonging to Antichrist any can eyther administer or joyne vnto them in that estate and yet in truth acknowledg Christ to be the onely lawgiver to the conscience 6 Fynally whether they which abyde one with the world and false Church not separating themselves from them according to the commaundement of Christ which administer or receyv the word or Sacraments in or from a false ministery which how down vnto traditions and false worship devised and imposed by man which stand subiect to be silenced and excommunicated by the Prelates theyr Chauncelours and Archdeacons whether these I say can be said in truth to hold Christ to be the onely lawgiver to the conscience Or whether they receyv not the mark of the Beast and as yet stand subjects of his kingdome submitting to his Antichristian lawes and constitutions In the last place Mr. H. addeth that nothing among them is vrged to be done vpon payne of damnation but onely the word and law of God To which I aunswer first that if this were true yet it is not to the purpose seing many things among them contrary to the word of God are vrged to be done vpon payne of imprisonment confiscation of Goods and lands banishment death and such like Secondly I aunswer that they do require men to be subiect to theyr excommunication vpon payne of damnation as theyr own words in theyr writs of excommunication do show Now it is evident and confessed by the best of themselves that they have not Christs power to excommunicate but execute it contrary to the word of God by an Archdeacon or Lordly Prelate according to theyr
capable of this povver and authority to ordeyn Ministers vvhich is committed vnto them by Act of Parliament Yet notwithstanding here he saith that in regard of the Lavv and Christian Magistrate he may more boldly come to the Prelates for it As if the authority of Man could make that lawfull which God hath made vnlawfull What els is this but to advaunce Mans Law above Gods and to exalt flesh and blood above the Lord himself who is God over al blessed for ever Amen Straunge doubtles is that Ministery and fearfull is that standing which cannot otherwise be vpholden then by making God by whom Princes raigne to stoupe vnto Man whose breath is in his nostrils The Prophets Apostles and Christ himself have taught vs otherwise that all flesh even Kings and Princes as well as others ought to feare and tremble before the great God of heave and earth that all they are cursed which do erre from his ●ommaundements and that the nation and Kingdome which will not serve him shall perish and be vtterly destroyed Therefore should Mr H. eyther have showed this Law and ordinance of the Magistrates to be agreable to the Law and commaundement of God which he doth not or finding it otherwise as himself confesseth it to be he should with the Apostles have said and showed in his practise that vve ought rather to obey God then men Otherwise if we were to receyve whatsoever religion or whatsoever thing in religion is ordeyned by the Law and Magistrate what were this els but to make thery State and kingdome such an Idoll as was Nebuchadnezars golden image ād to exalt earthly princes above the heavenly King and to annihilate the Testamēt of Iesus Christ confirmed in that this precious blood If he except and 〈◊〉 to help himself by this that he speaheth here of Christian Magistrates onely and not of Magistrates in generall he is deceyved For the povver and nature of Magistracy in whomsoever it be whether Christian or Heathen is one and the same even the ordinance of God appoynted for the punishing of them that do evill and for the defence and comfort of them that do well So that although a Christian do and cannot but differ from an Heathē as towthing the faith and religion they professe yet as towching the nature and authority of Magistracy they differ not Neyther hath the one of them any more power then the other in religion to erect any other faith Ministery worship or constitution of a Church then God himself who is King of Kings hath ordeyned Or if they do we are not bound to obey eyther of them thereyn but alwayes to remember that we must yeeld obedience to Magistrates whether Christian or Heathen onely in the Lord. and never against the LOrd Constantine the Emperour had no greater nor other power and authority of Magistracy when he became a Christian then he had before when he was an Heathen Neyther might he now any more thē before adde to diminish or alter the Lawes and ordinances of IEsus Christ. The same may be said of all others likewise For the receyving and profession of the faith of Christ giveth not to Princes and Rulers any power to refuse chaunge or break his Lawes and ordinances which he as Lord and head of his Church hath commaunded to be receyved therein but it rather byndeth them so much the more both themselves in theyr own persons to obey and by theyr authority to commaund and draw theyr subiects also to yeeld obedience to the Lord Iesus in his own ordinance and no other Read the historyes of the Kings of Iudah professing the faith of God and see if theyr authority of Magistracy gave them power any way to chaunge the religion and worship of God appoynted by him for his Church at that tyme And whether both they and theyr people were not bound to submit vnto it and no other Insomuch as when any of them attempted or did otherwise they were sharply reproved and grievously punished from the Lord. And contrarily when they obeyed the voyce of the Lord and followed his Lawes and commaundements given by Moses then did they and theyr kingdomes prosper through the blessing of God The same is to be brought and said of Christian Princes and Magistrates at this day Yea rather more of these then of the other inasmuch as Christ IEsus the Apostle and high Priest of our profession hath ben faithfull to him that appoynted him even as was Moses in all his house and being the Sonne is covnted worthy of more honour the Moses the servant Neyther is it or can be any disparagement hindrance or dishonour to Princes and Potentates for themselves and theyr people to be subiect to the Sonne of God and his ordinances who is King of kings and Lord of Lords set at the right hād of God the Father having all power given him in heavē and in earth But it is and will be theyr greatest honour and benefit both in this life and in that which is to come even as theyr disobedience is and will be the cōtrary as it is writtē And now ô Kings be vvise receyv instruction ye Iudges of the earth Serve the Lord in feare and reioyce in trembling Kisse the Sonne least he be angry and ye perish in the vvay vvhen his vvrath shall burne but a litle Blessed are all that trust in him Thus have we seen the weaknes likewise of this last reason alledged by Mr H. for defence of his seeking and taking ordination at the Prelates hāds By discussing whereof appeareth also that who so wil minister in the Church the holy things of GOD must be carefull to have such entrance and calling thereto as he hath appoynted in his word And that otherwise to do though it were vpon the commaundement and appoyntment of all the Princes of the earth cannot but be sinne against the Lord who hath said Whatsoever I commaund you take heed you do it thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought therefrom And contrary to that strait charge of the Apostle to Timothy and all Ministers of the Gospell towthing the Lawes ād ordināces given by Christ to his Church saying I charge thee in the sight of God vvho quickneth all things and before Iesus Christ vvhich vnder Pontius Pilate vvitnessed a good confession that thou keep this commaundement vvithout spot and vnblameable vntill the appearing of our Lord IEsus Christ Which in due tyme he vvill shovv that is blessed and Prince onely the King of Kings and Lord of Lords And here now would we end this writing but that it is needfull in a word to poynt at some other particulars mentioned by Mr H. in this last reason 1 One is that speaking of the ordination he took from the Prelates he saith here he looked not so much vnto the Man as to the Lavv And yet in his second reason before would have vs beleev he looked to the Man
18. 18. 19. and Act. 3. 22. 23. 24. 〈◊〉 Hebr. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mat. 17. 5 and Ioh. 15. 15. Math. 28. 〈◊〉 Ephes. 4. 11 12. 13. Rom. 12. 7. 8. 1. Cor. 4. 17. and 9. 14. and 1● 5. 18. ●8 and 14. 33. 37. and 16. 1. 2. 1. Tim. 3. 14. 15. and 4. 13. 14. and 5. 3. 9. 10. 17. 19. 21. 22. Tit. 1. 5. Act. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. and 14. 23. and 20. 17. 28. 2. Cor. 6. 17. 18 Rev. 18. 4. and 14. 12. with 1 Tim. 6. 13. 14. But it will be sayd here that some among them are otherwise mynded hereyn and have published that Christ is that Prophet like vnto Moses vvho hath plainely and perfitly declared vnto us from God as all other things vvhich belong vnto our dutyes so also vvhatsoeuer is needfull for the government of the Church vvhom vve ought to heare and obey And that if they should not acknovvledg thus they should ●ob him of some part of his propheticall office or prefer a servant before the onely begotten Sonne Which they do vvho think that Moses left all things perfitt but Christ eyther began them not or did not finish that he began Thus I graunt some others of the better sort among them have written aud published But these theyr books and writings are not allowed among them but cald in and repressed by publik authority And that which is more in this case such ●●●fession and writing doth not onely affoord them no help in ●heyr estate but doth rather make theyr sinne the more grie●ous inasmuch as professing they know these things they re●use nothwithstāding to walk accordingly whereas the Lord Iesus that Prophet is not onely in word to be acknowledged 〈◊〉 have left a perfitt order vnto his Church but is also in deed 〈◊〉 be hearkned vnto and obeyed thereyn and in no other For a spake the Lord vnto Moses concerning Iesus Christ ●ying I vvill rayse them vp a Prophett from among theyr bre●ten like vnto thee and vvill put my vvords in his mouth and 〈◊〉 shall speak vnto them all that I shall commaund him And ●●hosoeuer vvill not hearken vnto my vvords vvhich he shall ●eak in my Name I vvill requier it of him Iohn Baptist li●●wise testifyed concerning Christ thus He that beleeveth 〈◊〉 the sonne bath everlasting life and he that obeyeth not the ●onne shall not see life but the vvrath of God abideth on him ●here is to be observed how the Spirit of God describeth sa●●ng faith by the obedience of Christ teaching us that they ●hich obey not the Sonne in deed whatsoever profession they ●ake of him in word cannot assure themselues they beleev in 〈◊〉 to eternall life The same is taught in the Epistle to the ●●●ewes Where it is sayd of Christ the Sonne that being ●●secrate he vvas made author of eternall salvation to all that 〈◊〉 him To which purpose we may also observ in the Scriptures the often joyning of these two together faith and the obedience of faith But this being noted by the way concerning that testimony of Iohn I proceed yet further to show that Christ that Prophet requireth not onely acknowledgment in word but obedience indeed to all his ordināces given to his Church This we learne both of Christ himself and of his Apostles Of Christ himself in his last and great commission given to his Apostles when he sent them into the world to publish his faith and plant his Churches therein In which he straitly charged them to teach all his people baptized in his name not to acknowledg onely but to keep and observ vvhatsoever he had commaunded them and that even to the end of the vvorld not making any exception of Christian or heathen Magistrates of theyr allowance or disallowance or of any other worldly respects whatsoever The Apostles also as they were commaunded so they performed both plāting the Churches in that faith ād order which Christ prescribed them ād requiring of the Churches so planted and of all other after them to the end of the world to keep that faith and order wherein they were sett and to admitt of no other whatsoever but to keep that vvithout spot ād vnrebukeable vntill the appearing of ovvr Lord Iesus Christ. And thus much concerning this matter Onely I will now adde the confession and testimony of these men themselues concerning this poynt in hand This have they written and published From that forme of governing the Church vvhich together vvith the offices that are to execute the same the vvord of God perfitly descubeth vnto vs no Christian Church ought to svvarue Now herewith compare their estate and practise and you shall fynd that they do not onely swarue from that forme of government appoynted by Christ to his Church and so hearken not vnto him as their Prophet but do also receyv and submitt vnto another even a false one derived from Antichrist as themselves have taught and therefore have sued to the Parliament to have it removed Thus we see how theyr sinne is made far the greater and more fearfull whiles contrary to theyr knowled● they wittingly persist in disobedience against Iesus Christ that Prophet of his Church as if he were not come in the flesh or as if not he but man yea the man of sinne we●● to be hearkned vnto And hitherto concerning Christ● Prophecy Next for his Priesthood that towching it they do likewise will thus appeare The office of the Priesthood of Christ consisteth in two things first the Redemption he hath made for the world in the blood of his crosse appearing once to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himself secondly the Intercession he maketh with the father being entred int● heaven to appeare now before the face of God for vs. Now towching the first that is the work of Redemption as if they counted the blood of the Testa●ent an vnholy thing they profane ●●in administring and receyving the word ād Sacramēts of that reconcilation in and from an Antichristian ministery and more particularly in the Sacraments they prostitute that precious blood of the crosse of Christ even of that Lamb vndefiled vnto Atheists Idolaters persecuters whoremongers drunkards sorterers witches and the most profane of the land and theyr seed That it is thus with them may be seen not onely in theyr vngodly continuall practise but even by theyr own confession and writings Towching theyr ministery thus they write We have an Antichristianhierarchy and a popish ordering of ministers straunge from the word of God never heard of in the Primitive Churches but taken out of the Popes shop to the destruction of Gods kingdome Yet in and from this ministery they minister and receyv the word and Sacraments Towching the other also thus they write of themselves and theyr estate whereas in the holy Communion of the Lords supper Christ the true Paschall lambe ought to be
blasphemyes and power was given vnto him to do two and fourty moneths And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy against God to blaspheme his Name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven Rev. 13. 5. 6. This book of the Revelation whosoever readeth over with a single heart and compareth with it the event of things partly come to passe already partly morefully yet to be accomplished considering on the one hand that the whore of Babilon hath made all nations of the earth drunk with the cup of her fornications that she hath already begun to fall and daily more and more inclyneth to her full desolation and destruction which yet can never wholy be accomplished so long as the Babylonish offices of Archbis●hops Lordbishops Archdeacons and the rest with theyr courts canons worship and procedings do continew And on the other hand that the Lord Iesus will by the light ād power of his gospell condemne and abolish that Babilo●ish whore with all her false offices and constitutions and will also raigne in his Church by his own offices and lawes with his crown of glory vpon his head ād his scepter of righteousnes in his hād vntill he give vp the kingdome to God even the Father that God may be all in all Who so I say readeth this book and considereth these and such like prophecyes therein cōteyned in part already fulfilled and yet morefully to be effected shall playnely see that this book of all other most playnely deciph●reth and condemneth the Babylonish Antichristian estate and constitution of these assemblyes as they now stand vnder this Prela●y and other false ministery of the land Now in particular for the place of this book here alledged that it likewise is verisfyd of theyr ecclesi●sticall estate ād dealings at this day as heretofore it hath bē in the Romane Empire and Apostasy elswhere may sufficiently be seen by that which hath before ben said towching Daniels like prophetyes where you may perceyv by the sp●rialtyes there expressed how these men in theyr estate at this day have a mouth that speaketh great things and blasphemyes against God to blaspheme his name in speaking yll of his truth and ordinances and his Tabernacle that is his Church which is the house of the living God ād Tabernacle wherein he dwelleth among the sonnes of men on earth and them that dvvell in heaven that is the Lords secret ones whose conversation is in heaven whiles they live here on earth keeping the ●●mmaundements of God and having the testimony of Iesus Christ whom they look for from the heavēs for theyr full redemptiō But these things being before in the handling of Daniels prophery declared in many particulars it shall not be needfull here agayn to repeat them Onely in this place it shall be good to note this moreover that in this chapter and book Mr. H. might have sett down many other places describing the propertyes of Antichrist and that not onely in regard of his doctrine and deceit thereof but also in respect of his tolourable pretence to be of Christ and for him yet forcing all people to stand subiect to his own adulterate discipline ordinances and jurisdiction To which end it is to be observed that Antichrist is here described to have two hornes like the lambe pretending his ministery and authority to be of Christ ●nd for him but yet shall speak like the dragon in his false doctrines imposed traditions blaspheming the truth reviling the witnesses thereof and advauncing himself and his own inventions above God and his commaundemēts Moreover that he shall make all both small and great rich and poore bond and free to take his mark in theyr forehead ād hād and so to submitt to his ministery leiturgy courts excommunitations and the rest of the actions of his vsurped authority Or els killeth banisheth ād imprisoneth all such as refuse so to do not suffring them eyther to enioy any liberty o●priviledg in the world or to performe any worship to God but according to his own in ventions ād apostasy Which h●w true they ar● of the Prelacy and other Clergy of these assenblpes let theyr estate and daily actions be witnesses Hitherto also might be referred other scriptures of this book verifyed in them likewise for example that as the 〈◊〉 spoken of in the ninth of this book were like vnto horses prepared to battayle having on theyr heads crownes like vnto gold and faces like men and haire as womē and teeth as lyons ād habergions of yron and tayles as scorpions with stings in them having power to hurt for a season so the Prelates ād other Clergy of Antichrist are f●erce as horses to fight against the truth and people of God having rule and dominion with Lordly titles and princely dignities in outward face ād show pretending to be the Ministers of Christ and his Church but in deed being deceitfull entising and lascivious as harlots and ravenous cruell poysonfull and singing as Lyons and scorpions having powr to hurt and deceyue for a season albeyt their 〈◊〉 ād malice be limited ād repressed by the providence and power of the most High Agayne that as those locusts with mens faces were all of them vnder Abaddō their King the Angel of the bottomles pitt so the Prelates and other Clergy of Antichrist howsoever they pretend to be the Ministers of righteousnes are in deed the subjects of Sathan the Prince of dar●nes who yet transformeth himself into an Angell of light Moreover that they as well as other people and nations of the earth haue committed fornication vvith that vvhore of Babylon spoken of in this book and haue receyued of her names of blasphemy such as be the names of Archbishops and Lord bisshops and Priests when it is ascribed to an office of Ministery of the Gospell and haue drunk of her golden cupfull of abominations whence haue proceeded theyr Ministery book of common prayer book of ordering Priests and consecrating Archbishops and Bishops excommunications by Archdeacons and Lordbishops theyr courts of facultyes Commissary courts and such like among them and fina●● have ben made drunken vvith the blood of the Saints and vvith the blood of the Martyrs of Iesus So as these assemblyes in theyr ecclesiasticall constitutiō and procedings have showed themselves to be the naturall daughters of Babylon that mother of vvhoredomes and abominations of the earth howsoever as a Mystery it ly much hid and is not easily espyed vnle● Christ Iesus annoynt ovvreyes vvith ey salue that we may perceyv it and carry us forth as it vvere into the vvildernes in the Spirit to take a view of it by the light of his word ād not as it maketh show ād is esteemed among men in the world And thus much of this place ād book of the Revelatiō here alledge● Now before Mr. H. cometh to any other Scriptures 〈◊〉 this conclusion of the former that
out of the Revelatiō Which because they are of one sort towching the question in hand therefore will I speak of them together The words be these first in the epistle to the Corinthians where the Apostle reproving theyr abuses about the Lords supper saith thus vnto them Every one when they should eat taketh his ovvn supper afore and one is hungry and another drunken Have ye not houses to eat and drink in despi●e ye the Church of God and shame them that have not What shall I say to you shall I prayse you in this I prayse not 1 Cor. 11. 21. 22. And agayne to the ●orinthians among whom some denyed the resurrection of the body thinking that the soule onely should live for ever in the world to come the Apostle writeth thus concerning that matter in the place alledged If Christ be preached that he is risen from the dead hovv say some among you that there is not a resurrection of the dead 1. Cor. 15. 12. And in the second of the Revelation first to the Angell of the Church of Pergainus Christ thus writeth I have against thee a fevv things because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam vvhich taught Balac to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel that they should eat of the things sacrificed to Idols and commit fornication So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans vvhich thing I hare Rev. 2. 14. 15. Then to the Angell of the Church of Thyatira thus he saith I have against thee a fevv things that thou suffrest the vvoman Iezabel vvhich calleth herself a Propheresse to teach and to deceyve my servants that they should committ fornication and eat of the things sacrificed to Idols And I gave her tyme that she should repent of her fornication but she repented not Rev. 2. 20. 21. These Scriptures show errors and corruptions in such Churches as were planted in the faith and order of Christ. Which nothing helpeth to mainteyne the Antichristian ●state of these ●ssemblyes as is before declared at large in the generall aunswer concerning all these testimonyes We neuer doubted but the best Churches on earth have fallen and still are subiect to fall into corruptions and transgressions of the Law of God And how can it be otherwise when as they consist of sinfull and mortall men who both know but in part and in the knowledg we have walk with much weaknes ād imperfection But what is this to iustify Antichrists apostasy or to encourage any to partake in his sinnes We must alway remember that as it is one thing when a true Christian is overtaken with a sinne and another when such as pretend to be Christians live as the heathen and sell themselves to work wickednes so also towching a Church it is one thing whē a people are setled in the order of Christ but through weaknes fall into divers enormityes and another when a people stand in the defection of Antichrist ād receyve the print of his ordinances in theyr hands and foreheads Eyther therefore must they prove the constitution of theyr Church to be of Christ and not Antichristian or els these examples in theyr estate will give them no succour at all For it will nothing avayle Babylō or such as comm●● fornicatiō with her to show that Zion hath her breaches or her children theyr infirmityes Secōdly in these Scriptures is to be mynded that but some of the Corinthians and some of them of Pergamus and Thyatira were infected with the errors and corruptions here recorded and not the whole Churches generally And this is the lot and tryall of the Church of God in all ages that unto it do creep men of corrupt mynds who vnder a show of holynes often breed schismes and errors in the Church and in theyr lives tur●●e the grace of God into wātonnes through hypocrisy Thus it pleaseth God to try and exercise his Church from tyme to tyme that they which are approved might be knowen Henre it is that in the Church of Corinth spring vp schismes and heresyes that in the Church of Ephesus arise men speaking perverse things to draw disciples after them that in the Churches of Pergamus and Thyatira be found such as hold the doctrine of Balaam and of the Nicoiaitans teaching the people to eat things sacrificed to Idols and to committ fornication And such also in these dayes have crept in among vs vnder pretence of godlynes who after a while vpon one occasion or other have manifested theyr vngodly contentious and fantasticall spirits and that commonly with great trouble of the Church being authors of grievous schismes and other impietyes for which the truth and Church have ben and still are evill spokē of But these being but the personal sinnes of some particular men not the publik estate and constitution of the whole Churches what comparison is there between them and these assemblyes whose very constitution is Antichristian and out of which God hath absolutely commaunded all that will be saved to depart Whereas from the other separation may not be made but first redresse is duly to be sought that such old leaven being purged out they may still be a new lampe vnto the Lord. Thirdly here is to be observed that it is said these Churches suffred such amōg them Which as it manifesteth what was theyr sinne so it showeth also they had power ād should vse it for the reclayming or casting out of such from among them Whereas these assemblyes have not power to redresse any abominations or to excommunicate any persons though never so wicked but the whole ecclesiasticall power and iurisdiction among them is committed onely to the Ordinary that is to an Antichristian Prelate and to his Chauncelour and Archdeacon So as by this also appeareth there is no comparison between them Fynally it is to be remembred that even in these and the like Churches where they do not repent and amend but continew in corruption and iniquity Christ hath threatned to remove his cādelstick ād to take his kingdome from among them And if God thus deale with his own Churches stablished in his faith and order when they come obstinately to persist in sinne ād impiety what shall be the end of the Synagognes of Antichrist which stād in emnity against Iesus Christ and in apostasy from his truth and will not be reclaymed If God will not spare but come against Corinth Pergamus ād Thyatira will he let Babylon that mother of whoredomes or any of her daughters escape If Ierusalem for her sinne be made to drink the cup of Gods wrath shall Edom Moa● or Ammon go free They shall not saith the Lord of hostes Iere. 25. 15. 18. 21. 29. And thus much to M r. H. his second exception Now followeth his third in these words M r. H. his letter Section 5. THirdly if it be a sinne for an vvhole Church to account any private
third exception then was in the former I might proceed to that which followeth in his letter save that a few things which he hath here inserted by the way seem needfull first to be to wched As first where speaking of vs he termeth a Church sett in the order of Christ to be private members Towching which this I thought to note that a company of faithfull people though considered apart by themselves they be private men yet being gathered together in the Name of Christ and joyned together in fellowship of his Gospell they are a publik body a Church a citty a kingdome and that of Iesus Christ who is present among them to guyde blesse and confirme what they do on earth in his Name and by his power So that like as in a Citty the citizens considered apart are commonly private members yet ioyntly together are the corporation and publik body of that town so is it also in the Church of Christ whether it consist of mo or of fewer yea though they be but two or three so as they be joyned together in communion of the Gospell and gathered together in the Name of Iesus Christ as before is said Secondly where he accounteth themselves a true Church having many famous assemblyes and to be proceeded against by the rule of Christ Mat. 18. I have already aunswered and showed that first he must prove theyr assemblyes to be sett in the way of Christ afore these sayings can be verifyed of them or applyed to them Many there are in deed amōg them famous for theyr gifts learning wisdome sobriery etc. but they also stand subject to the same Antichristian disorder and confusion that the rest do Neyther doubt I but in the most popish assemblyes there be also many famous for theyr gifts and otherwise which yet can no way justify theyr Antichristian estate The Lord in mercy graunt that such as belong to him may bring themselves and theyr gifts vnto Zion for the help and beauty thereof and no more employ them as they have done to the adorning of Babel that whoore and strumpett appoynted to destruction with all her ordinances and constitutions wheresoever Thirdly where he saith there be many of the Ministers in England that are not yet in theyr judgment perswaded of the discipline I aske whether he think not also there be many of the Ministers in Rome Spayne and els where that likewise are not in theyr judgmēt perswaded of sundry other most excellent doctrines of the Gospell And whether therefore all other that see them must stay from acknowledging and observing them vntill such also be perswaded of them If Iohn wickleff William Swinderby Walter Brute Iohn Claydon Martin Luther Iohn Hus Ierome of Prage William Tyndall Iohn Frith Robert Barnes Iohn Rogers Hugh Latymer Iohn Bradford Rowland Taylour Iohn Philpott and other the faithfull servants and Martyrs of Iesus Christ should in theyr severall ages have stayed from obeying the Gospell so far as God revealed vnto them out of his word vpon this and such like pretences of the ignorance and error of others I would know whether in so doing they had ben faithfull to God as they ought But besides these I would also aske whether it might not with as great colour if not greater in some respect have ben said to the Apostles and Primitive Churches that the Priests and Levites of the Iewes were not perswaded in iudgment that Iesus was the Christ To conclude is it not straunge that in so great alight they should still labour with such figge tree leaves to cover the nakednes of theyr filthy abominations The next exception he taketh when he saith that other of theyr ministers do yeeld vnto the discipline in iudgment and desier hartely the establishment of it and the removall of all corruptions yet cannot see how they may with a good conscience forsake the callings and roomes they occupy for the want of the discipline This exception I say which also might be alledged for the papists is of like nature with the former or rather much worse inasmuch as he graunteth they yeeld to the truth in iudgment and deny it in practise They know by his graunt that Christ hath appoynted an order of Ministery and government to his Church for the administration of his holy things and for keping his people in the obedience of faith with commaundment to observe it to the end of the world for this they do and must vnderstand by the discipline Yet in theyr practise they yeeld not vnto it for himself saith here they want it And not that onely but they submitt also to another ministery worship and government here called theyr corruptions Which seing it cā not be Christs which they want whose can it be but the Romish Antichrists with whose cup of abominations this land as the other nations of the earth hath ben made drunck God give them in tyme to make conscience of retayning such Antichristian callings and roomes that they may cast of theyr rough garments and false offices wherein they have so long tyme deceyved the people and may throughly see and consider in theyr hearts how wittingly they stand in disobedience against Christ whiles he graunteth they vvant that holy order of ministery and government here called the discipline which Christ hath straitly charged to be kept inviolable vntill his appearing and whilest they think there shalbe taken from Babel a stone for a corner or for a foundation in Zion Whether this now be a sinne of ignorance in them let themselves examine Yet if it were they must remember that even that servant that knoweth not his masters will and yet committeth things worthy of stripes shalbe beat though in deed with fewer ●●●pes then he which knoweth it and prepareth not himself neyther doth according therevnto Let them therefore look to it and take heed they neyther refuse knowledge nor forgett with knowledg to ioyne obedience least in the end they feel that which is written that God will render vengeaunce both to them that knovv him not and to such as obey not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ. Fourthly where he excepteth that they havve not ben censured by other Churches and therefore are not thus to be refused besides that which hath ben aunswered before towching their Antichristian estate in respect whereof they are to be departed from without any other censuring Besides this I say I would know by what Churches the assemblyes in Rome Germany Fraunce and England were censured when Arnoldus de villa nova Ierome of Prage Martin Luther Iohn Calvin William Tyndall the Baldenses and the Bohemians with many other the servants of God in former ages left and forsook them Or whether they should still have remayned in Babylon till by some Churches she had ben censured Yea and how there could ever be a true visible Church agayne vpon the earth after the generall apostasy wherein all nations were made drunken
it brought before the whole Church whose voyce if he despise he is cast out from among them least by q retayning of such a litle leaven should leaven the whole lumpeeven them that are within least also the name of God which is called vpon vs should be blasphemed among them that are without ād to the ●nd that the sinners themselves which are thus cast out of the Church should be ashamed ād repent Which ● if they do thē is the Church agayne ready to receyv them and to confirme theyr love to them as before in the Lord o 1 Thes 5. 11. Iude ver 20. 21. 22. 23. p Mat. 18. 15. 16. 17. Lev. 19. 17. 2 Cor. 13. 1 2. Gal. 5. 12. and 6. 1. 1 Cor. 5. 4. 5. q 1 Cor. 5. 5. 6. Rom. 2. 24. 2 Thes. 3. 14. 1 Tim. 1. 20. r 2 Cor 2. 7. 8. Mat. 18. 18. 19. And this is that order wherein by the mercy of God we have receyved to walk though we do it with much weaknes through owr own coruption that hangeth so fast vpon vs. Now if Mr H. or any other will needs account this to be confusion yet may not we therefore be likewise mynded any more then Shadrach Meshach and Abedneg● were when then were charged with disorder because they kept the way of God and would not fall down before the Idoll of Nebuchadnezar but we must rather with the Apostle reioyce beholding such an order and stedfast faith in Christ. Yet do I not deny but there have ben and still may be among vs many hypocrites vngodly men creping in vnder pretence of religion This hath ben the lott and estate of the Church of God in all ages as vpon other occasion hath ben declared before And if it were not so what vse should there be of that power and of those rules which Christ hath giuen to his Church for the casting out of such from among them when they burst out into manifest vngodlynes Therefore are we not to look that the Church shall wholy be free from such whiles it is vpon earth Onely this howsoever with glosing words and showes such hide themselves from the knowledg of men yet God knoweth theyr hearts and wayes and in his day will cast them all out of his kingdome In the meane tyme Whensoever the impiety of any such is discover●d and certainely knowen the Church hath power and is to vse it for the purging of such leaven from among them that they may be an holy people to the Lord. And this still is order not confusion in the Church Now here on the other side might I put Mr. H. in mynd of the extreem confusion which is to be seen in theyr assemblyes in theyr constrayning of all though never so wicked together with theyr seed to stand members of theyr Church in theyr false Antichristian ministery of Archbishops Lordbishops Archdeacons Priests Parsons Uicars and the rest of that crew in theyr stinted popish Leyturgy according to which they offer vp theyr prayers administer theyr Sacraments vi●it the sick bury the dead marry etc. in theyr ordering also and making of priests and deacons together with theyr degradations suspensions excommunications absolutions dispensations licences to marry without the parents consent and all these by the Prelates according to theyr popish canons and pontificall with infinite other such like confusions But it may be with the Papists out of whose cup these were drawen they take them to be an heavēly order Yet the Scripture witnesseth they are no other but the abominations of Babel that is of confusion And so the Church of Geneva professeth that they detest the whole order of papistry called the Hierarchy as a divelish confusion These things whensoever Mr. H. shall duly consider and examine by the Scriptures he shall fynd true among themselves that which vntruly he obiecteth against vs that extream confusion is to be seen in theyr best reformed assemblyes His third and mayne proof whereby he would show that nothing is practised among them so contrary to the discipline as there is amongst vs he saith is that vvhich hath ben already mentioned and of this he saith also it may suffice thinking belike that it is a very sound proof Which whether it be so I leave to every indifferent reader to iudge by that which hath ben already aunswered to whatsoever he hath before mentioned And of Mr. H. himself I desier eyther yeelding to the truth or sounder proof of the accusations he chargeth vs withall After this he laboreth to prove that we should account them brethren and a true Church by the example of Peter vvho called those levves that had crucifyed Christ brethren Act. ● 29 and 3. 17. and of Paul vvho accounted the Galatians a true Church vvhen the errors they vvere fallen into vvere in matters fundamentall Gal. 1. 2. and 5. 2. But Mr. H. should have considered for the first that Peter might call the levves his brethren as Paul doth for that they were his kinsmen according to the flesh Rom. 9. 3. and children of the generation of Abraham Act. 13. 26. Secondly because the Iewes were the Church and people of God vnto whom the covenāts and promises belonged who also were sett in that order of ministery worship and ministration which God prescribed In respect whereof Peter was to account them as brethren till they had wilfully reiected the Gospell of Christ whom through ignorance they put to death But what is this to prove that Christians should account such for brethrē as stād in apostasy from the way of Iesus Christ and in respect thereof be children of the fornications of Babylon Or wh● should not Iohn Wickleff Martin Luther and the rest in former ages by this reason have accounted the Papists as brethren till they had ben convinced and reiected by the iudgment of the Church For the second that is Pauls accounting of the Galatians to be a true Church notvvithstanding some of them erred in matters that vvere fundamentall Mr H. should also have remembred first that it was but some of them that did so erre and not the whole Church secondly that they were a Church established in the order of Christ howsoever walking therein some of them declyned and fell into heynous errors So as now in regard of the ordinance of Christ wherein they stood they were to be accounted a true Church and first to be admonished and convinced before they could be reiected as already hath ben showed at large But how doth this prove the assemblyes which stand in Antichristian defection should likewise be accounted true Churches and admonished and cēsured by others afore any may forsake them Is there not a divers account to be made and a divers maner of cariage and proceding to be vsed toward the Churches of Christ falling into corruptions ād toward the assemblyes of Antichrist standing in defection from the way of Christ Because the Churches of
read that Moses ●ezekiah Nehemiah Annah and others have so prayed and ben accepted of God 13. Christ hath given an expresse commaundement VVhen ye pray say Our father c. wherevpon I reason thus The commaundements of Christ are to be kept otherwise it is sinne therefore if Christ have here commaunded to vse these words in that number and order then whosoever pray at any tyme and vse not these words they sinne But already we have seen that the Apostles prayed and vsed not these words and yet sinned not And so no doubt do other the servants of God daily according to theyr divers occasions and conditions Not to speak here of the prayers which the preachers vse before and after theyr sermons neyther of theyr collects and other prayers besides this prescribed in theyr books Otherwise also every man that blesseth his table or sayth to another God be with you God blesse you God recover you good morrow good night or the like should sinne in this because he prayeth and yet saith not Our father etc. 14. Yet I doubt not but we may vse any of these aswell as other words applying them to our speciall case and necessity As we see that Christ prayed saying Father glorify thy Name And agayn O my Father if this cup can not passe from me but that I must drink it thy vvill be done Where we may learne by Christ who gave the rule how to vse it to witt not in a superstitious saying over these words but in praying according to this rule as our special necessities shall be whether we vse any of these words or other or pray with sighs that cannot be expressed 15. Finally therefore all such as have framed or receyved any other forme of Prayer but this onely which Christ hath taught offend against this rule and commaundement of Christ. And thus not we but they who have devised and follow other formes and books of prayer are those which deny and as much as lyeth in them disanull the Lords prayer ●EVEN QVESTIONS which have ben propounded to divers of the M●inisters of these assemblyes with request that they would aunswer them directly and s●ncerely from the Scriptures Which also still is desired at theyr hands ● WHether the Lord Iesus Christ have by his last Testament given vnto and set in his Church sufficient ordinary offices with theyr calling vvorks and maintenance for the administration of his ●oly things and for the sufficient ordinary ins●ruction guydance and service of his Ch●rch to the end of the world or no 2. Whether the offices of Pastors Teachers Elders Deacons and Helpers be those offices appoynted by Christ in his Testament as aforesaid Or whether the present ecclesiasticall offices of Archbishops Lordbishops Su●●raganes Deanes Subdeanes Prebendaryes Channcelors Priests Deacons or half Priests Archdeacons Subdeacons Commissa●yes Officials Doctors Pro●tors ●egisters Scribes Apparitors Parsons Vicars Curates Stipendaryes Dagrant preachers Chapleynes or howse priests Canons Petticanons Gospellers Epistlers Chaunters Virgerers Queristers Organ-players Churchwardens Sidemen Collectors Clerks Sertans and the rest now had in these Cathedrall and parishionall assemblyes be those offices appoynted by Christ in his Testament as is aforesayd or no 3. Whether the calling and entrance into these ecclesiasticall offices last aforesayd theyr administration and maintenance now had and reteyned in England be the maner of calling administration and maintenance which Christ hath appoynted for the offices of his Church aboue named or no 4. Whethere very true visible Church be not a company of people called and separated out from the world and the false worship and wayes thereof by the word of God and ioyned together in fellowship of the Gospell by voluntary profession of the faith and obedience of Christ And whether the ecclesiasticall assemblyes of this land be such or no 5. Whether the Sacraments being seales of rightuoesnes which is by faith may be administred to any other then the faithfull and theyr seed or in any other Ministery and maner thē is prescribed by Iesus Christ the Apos●le and high Priest of our profession And whether they be not otherwise administred in the Cathedrall and parishionall assemblyes of England at this day 6. Whether the book of common prayer with the feasts fasts holy dayes 〈◊〉 prayers and leiturgy prescribed therein and vsed in these assemblyes be the true worship of God commaunded in his word or the devise and in●ention of Man for Gods worship and service 7 Whether all Churches and people without exception be not bound in religion onely to receyv ād submit vnto that 〈◊〉 vvorship and order which Christ as Lord and King hath given ād appoynted to his Church Or whether any man receyv and joyne vnto another devised by man for the service of God And consequently whether they which ioyne to the present ecclesiasticall Ministery vvorship and order of these Cathedrall and parshionall assemblyes can be assured by the word of God they ioyne to the forme● ordeyned by Christ and not to the latter 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 for the 〈◊〉 and service of God ¶ Let him that readeth consider A table of some principall things conteyned in this treatise THe written word of GOD onely is to be the rule of our life and ●●●gion pag. 1. 4. How God accounteth the mixture of mans inventions with his ordinances in his worship pag. 115. The ordinances of Christ are to be kept notwithstanding the prohibition of Princes or any persecution to the contrary pag. 32. 71. 133. 136. Magistrates are to be obeyed in the lord not against the Lord. pag. 49. 71. 133. 136. Of the Christian Magistrates allowance or prohibition inreligion p. 1● 133. No Prince Church or Nation can make that lawfull which Gods word maketh vnlawfull pag. 126. 133. Princes ought to abolish all false worship and ministeryes pag. 25. 105. 134. The worship Prela●● and other ministery of the Church of England is against the Prphecy Priesthood and Kingdome of Christ. p. 30 34. Christs person and office p. 28. 42. Whether the Church of Engl. in theyr constitution held Christ the onel● lawgiver to the conscience p. 15. False doctrines taught and allowed in the Church of Engl. p. 10. 11. 12. 13. Of the profession of the Church of Engl. p. 19. Antichristian corruptio●s yet remayning in the Church of Engl. p. 19. 75. Antichrists religion a mystery of iniquity p. 7. 19. 37. 115. The description of Antichrist out of 2 Thes. 2. p. ● and out of 1 Ioh. 4. 3. p. 28 35. Of Archbishops Lordbishops Archdeacons etc. p. 10. 52. 68. 75. 86. 88. 100. 108. 113. 117. 130 131. 136. 141. Of the Priests office in the Church of Eng. Sect. 7. 8. and p. 11. 33. 87. 105. The maner of entrance into it Sect. 9. and pag. 10. 100. 109. 119. Of the name Priests pag. 81. 94 99. The Priesthood of England compared with the popish and both of them with the Pastors office p. 98 105. The Deacons office in the Church of Engl.