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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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some for the soule 3 As in a banquet if any dish chance to be ouer saulted or otherwise it is not well dressed the same doth not so offend vs that therefore we can eate but litle of the rest that is well seasoned So likewise if in Sermons we heare any sentence or word not so fitly applied as it were to be wished we must not for that leaue to make our profite of the rest that is well and deuoutly spoken 1. Cor. 2.4 5. 4 Like as when a man filleth out but a litle wine into an excellent wrought and grauen Cup men regard more the Cup then the wine when contrariwise if most excellent wine be brought in a simple Cup they consider and commend the wine rather then the Cup Euen so is it with the treasure of the Gospell presented in a Cup either of earth or of gold bicause mans curiosity hath more respect to the pot the mouth or the eloquēce thē to the treasure 2. Cor. 4.7 5 As we see by experience that the sucking of the child bringeth in milke into the mothers brest Euen so such as shewe themselues desirous to heare the word of their Pastors are a great encouragement to them to proceed the more chearfully and do euen as it were bring words into their mouthes 6 As it is in vaine to call the Physition and to heare his counsell whē we list not to take the medicine that he doth prescribe So in like maner the people that heare the Sermons and do not put the words in practise in stead of reaping profit shall incurre the greater damnation 7 Euen as hee that hauing beene two or three yeares at schoole and hath not profited is worthy to be takē away So those Parishioners that haue bene many yeares in the schoole of Christ and heard his word yet do not amend neither increase in faith and loue do worthily deserue to be depriued of such a benefit of God and according to the threatning of Amos to endure such a famine not of bread but of the word that the strongest and most lustie seeking after it but not finding it may perish Amos. 8.11 8 As the Church is the house of God the kingdome of Christ So those Parishioners that bestow their goods vpon the maintenance of the holy ministerie without the which this house and kingdome cannot subsist doo offer a sacrifice of a most excellent sweet sauour in the presence of the Lord. 1. Cor. 9.7 c. Gal. 6.6 c. 9 As Christ commaundeth vs to pray to the Lord of the haruest to send workmen into his haruest So is it the Dutie of Parishioners when he hath giuen them faithfull Pastors to pray vnto him First to preserue them in health and long life for the good and edification of his Church Secondly by his holy spirit to guide them that they may faithfully and with fruite employ themselues in their ministerie Math. 9.38 Ephes 6.18 19. Col. 4.3 2. Thessa 3.1 Rom. 15.30 31 32. Men Distressed do seeke after God AS they which haue great neede of water doo make haste to come to the fountaine or well where water is to be had but hauing drawne the water and filled their vessels doo depart and turne their backes to the fountaine which hath supplied their want and satisfied their Desires So very many wheh they bee compassed round with perils and daungers and are beset on euery side with afflictions and troubles then they flie apace to the fountaine of grace and mercy but when they haue obtained the water of comfort then they doo despise that flowing spring of liuing water Iere. 2.13 Luk. 9.61 Psal 84.7 Students in Diuinitie LIke as he which would behold the light of the Sunne doth rubbe and purge his eyes that they may behold it the better So he which would attaine to the knowledge of Diuinitie must first wash his soule and his life that hee may the better vnderstand those things which God hath reuealed in the Scriptures Diuersitie of wills and opinions AS amongst many thousands of men there are not two faces alike nor one voice agreeable with the other So will euery man haue his owne minde vse his owne way wit and fashion Euill speakers AS slouching and cowardly dogges doo barke at all men whome they know not So the rude and barbarous people doo carpe and reproach what thing so euer they vnderstand not Examining of a mans owne selfe LIke as no man will euer seeke to the Physition except he know himselfe to be diseased or acknowledge the excellencie and necessitie of the Physition and how much he is bound vnto him except hee know his owne disease to bee pestilent and deadly Euen so no man acknowledgeth Iesus Christ to bee the onely Physition of our soules who died for our sinnes and rose againe for our Iustification except he first know his owne soule to be diseased Neither can hee perceiue the excellencie of Christ crucified nor how much hee is bound vnto him except he first enter into the consideration knowledge of his owne outragious sinnes and the incurable infirmitie which we haue receiued through the infection of our first parents Adam and Eue. Rom. 4.25 Election of God 1 LIke as if one to see the better should fixe his eyes vpon the Globe of the Sunne by the beholding of which light it is not to bee doubted but his eyes would wax dimme who if he looked vpon that light in the sunne beames might haue vse of it and see all things offered to his sight and how and what way to direct his steps Euen so likewise the eternall Election of God while it is considered in Christ in whom wee are chosen and we seeke for in ourselues the testimonie that the holy ●host yeeldeth vs by our effectuall calling then it affoordeth vs especiall comfort and assureth vs of our saluation otherwise it bringeth trouble of mind and vexation of conscience Ephe. 4.9 13 14. 2 Like as all men would account him a foole that should take vpon him to leade the Sea and because he is not able to doo it should say there is no water in it Or if he should say there is no world because a childe cannot measure it with his spanne Or that there were no light in the Sun because his bleared eyes cannot abide the light of it So when man with his short wit shall come to the deepenesse of Gods wisedome and Election and because he cannot with his little dish of wit take vp all and should say there is no Election or predestination at all he were greatly deceiued Rom. 9.12 c. 3 Euen as if a man haue two debters and he forgiueth the one and followes the Law in exacting his owne of the other he cannot truely be said to bee vniust or an acceptor of personnes So it is with God in Electing and calling some to saluation and in damning other some 4 As there is not a more euident testimonie and a surer argument that
present Knowledge of God in this life that which shall be in the life to come 1. Cor. 13.12 3 Like as when a man goeth to buy or borrowe some Candles and bringing them home being within night yet keepeth them vnlighted receiueth no comfort nor benefite by them Euen so if a man haue Knowledge in the word of God and yet his heart and mind is not enflamed and kindled with the loue of the truth his Knowledge will not profit him to saluation Knowledge of God 1 AS he that diggeth for treasure casteth the earth from him and maketh a deepe pit vntill hee finde that which he seeketh Euen so he that seeketh the Knowledge of God must castaway all earthly affections and wholly prie into heauenly affaires Prou. 1.4 5. 2 As great and rich Treasure is many times hid in an homely earthen vessell So it pleaseth God to put the precious Knowledge of himselfe and his truth into poore weake and fraile men 2. Cor. 4.7 Knowledge may be increased alwayes in the best LIke as he that vseth the hand and helpe of many Physitions though he be alwayes vnder the cure of some can neuer come to perfect health Euen so such as doo alwayes seeke and euer learne yet for all that they neuer come to the Knowledge of the truth 2. Timo. 3.6 7. Knowledge and beleefe in grosse 1 AS a man may carrie fire about him in a flint stone without heate and perfumes in a Pomander without smell except the one be beaten and the other chafed Euen so such men as Know and beleeue in grosse the misteries of our faith that there is a God which rewardeth good and euill that he is terrible in his counsels vpon the sonnes of men that there is a hell for sinners a heauen for good lyuers a most dreadfull day of iudgement to come a strait account to bee demaunded and the like All this they Know and beleeue in generall as marchandise wrapped vp together in a bundell but for ●hat they vnfold not these things nor rest vpon them in particular for that they let them not downe into their hearts nor doo ruminate on them with leysure attention for that they chew them not well in mind by deepe consideration nor doo digest them in heart by the heate of meditation they remaine with them as a sword in his scabard and do helpe them as little to reformation of life for which they were reuealed as a preseruatiue in their pocket neuer applied can helpe their health And thus they beare the general● Knowledge of these mysteries locked vp in their breasts as sealed bagges of treasure that bee neuer told nor opened and consequently they haue neither feeling sence nor motion thereby 2 Like as it may bee that one man may know an other man by sight whom yet in deed he knoweth not thorowly because he vnderstandeth not what affection hee beareth towards him So men Know naturally that there is a God but what his will is or what is not his will they doo not know Rom. 3.11 Iohn 1.18 A godly King 1 AS breath is necessarie for the body of man So also is a godly King to the people whome hee gouerneth Lam. 4.20 2 As the roaring of a Lyon is fearefull So the wrath of a King is terrible Prou. 19.12 3 As a theefe taken in stealing with the deed dooing is brought to open shame Euen so Kings and Princes and nations putting confidence in Idols and yet deceiued in finding no helpe in them in time of their distresse are put to manifest shame and confusion Iere. 2.26.27 Meanes of Knowledge AS light endureth not alwayes but darkenesse succeedeth So the times and meanes to get Knowledge endureth not alwayes but wee are to vse them whilst God doth giue them Iohn 12.35 The Kingdome of heauen 1 LIke as Marchants can be well content when they see Pearles of great price to bestow all their substance and wealth on them hoping to be great gayners thereby Euen so much more godly Christians ought not to spare any earthly treasure or to forbeare any cost for the attainment of that most precious pearle the Kingdome of heauen Math. 13.45 46. 2 As hee that findeth a Treasure in an other mans ground cannot iustly enioy the same except at his great charge he first straine himselfe to purchase the soyle Euen so the Kingdome of heauen the heauenly riches cannot be had but of them which if neede so require can bee content to forgoe all their worldly wealth for it Math. 13.44 3 As wee doo naturally loue the body more then the soule and the goods and commodities of this temproall life more then the treasures of spirituall riches So wee seeke first the things that concerne this present life and as for those that belong to the Kingdome of heauen wee seeke after them but seldome sleightly and as it were for a fashion Math. 6.36 4 As all they that are possessed with righteousnesse peace and ioy of the holy Ghost which Saint Paul calleth the Kingdome of God are certaine to enter into heauen So it is in vaine to pretend to enter into the Kingdome of God which is in heauen vnl●sse the Kingdome of heauen which is the gate bee first in vs that is to say if wee haue not the true knowledge of God and of his Sonne Iesus Christ a liu●ly faith a feruent charitie vnlesse we increase in sanctification of body of soule and of mind vnlesse in our selues we doo feele a good conscience conioyned with peace and ioy in the holy Ghost and vnlesse we bee regenerate in newnesse of life Rom. 14.17 Iohn 3.3 1. Cor. 6.9 5 As where there bee two gates to a Towne it is not enough that we enter the first vnlesse we also passe throgh the s●cond So is it not enough that we being members of the Church vsing the holy ministerie which is as the first gate to the Kingdome of heauen vnlesse we thence proceed to the second in liuing as true and liuely members of the Church declaring the effects of the holy Ministerie by the testimonies of our faith mortification of the old man newnesse of life in briefe by dayly amendment of life 6 As when winter is ouer the nearer that the Sunne draweth vnto vs the more doth the earth being warmed by the heate therof fructifie and the longer that the daies are the more worke may we doo Euen so the nearer that the kingdome of heauen doth draw vnto vs by the comming of Iesus Christ especially by his ascention into heauen the more should we be heate in the loue of God and charity to our neighbours to bring forth the more fruit of holinesse and be the more addicted to all good workes 7 Like as it is commonly said that the Cat would fish eate but she would not her feete weate Or as Balaam wished that hee might die the death of the righteous and that his end might be like theirs but yet he would not obey the will
exercised and our hope augmented 12 As the sauorie salt consumeth away the corruption from the vnsauorie meate Euen so affliction consumeth and purgeth away the corruption of Christians in seasoning their liues to all profitable vses for by it wee are knowne both within and without to our selues and to other men 13 Like as the Physition is necessary vnto the sicke or the biting corasiue vnto the festered sore or the sharpe lancere vnto the mollified matter So likewise without all cōparison the crosse and Affliction is more necessary vnto a Christian For by it the sickenesse of sinne is remoued the fleshly lustes cured and the superfluous humours of earthly pleasures are cut away 14 Euen as no man euer sawe the head go into a place one way and the members another way vnles they were diuided and cut off So in like manner Iesus Christ our head entered into the Kingdome of his father by ignominie reproofe shame slaunder rayling persecution Affliction and the Crosse and therefore we his members if we continue the members of his bodie must enter in by the same way and none other Matth. 10.24.25 Iohn 15 As the fiery bush that Moses saw in the mount Oreb Exo. 3.2 3. which bush for all that it was on a flaming fire yet did it not consume Or as the shining worme that beeing cast into the fire doth not perish nor consume but contrariwise is thereby purged from filth more beautifull then if it were washed with all the water of the world Euen so such Christians as are cast into the fire of Affliction are not consumed but purged tryed and purified 16 As the child is glad when the father smileth vpon him and speaketh comfortably vnto him although hee beats him So let vs be glad and reioyce when our heauenly Father doth smile vpon vs in giuing vs the assurance of his loue although he doth afflict vs. 17 As the Physition or Surgion bindeth him fast that is vexed with a frenzie stirs him vp that is troubled with the disease of Lytharge putteth them both to vexation and yet loueth them both being not onely desirous to restore health vnto them both but also applies very diligently his whole Arte and studie in curing of these thinges Euen so God although he be sometime sharpe and seuere in afflicting and punishing his yet doth hee most louingly by such meanes procure saluation vnto his elect Adulterie 1 LIke as Tumblers seates are called trickes but it may be by their sport as it sometimes falleth out they may breake their neckes Euen so Adultrie fornication and such filthinesse howsoeuer it be counted a tricke of youth yet it is such a tricke as they may thereby without repentance condemne themselues 2 As a man before God killeth his neighbour if hee hate him yea if he do not loue him and of loue keepe himselfe both from doing hurt and also bee ready and prepared to helpe his brother at his neede Euen so the consent of the heart with all other meanes that follow thereof be as well Adulterie before God as the deede it selfe Matth. 5.27 Adams fall came not to passe without the decree and ordinance of God 1 AS a man may giue a litle child some smal stripe with a rod without the parents appointment which notwithstanding they wold peraduenture dissemble winke at but none dare vndertake to cut him of the stone or to cut off any limbe without the fathers good will and authoritie Euen so the greater that the importance of Adams transgression was in that it tended to destroy and ouerthrow so excellent a worke of God namely man created to his image the more are we to beleeue that it was neuer done without his counsel or decree 1. Sam. 2.6 Amo. 3.6 Iere. Lam. 3.38 Psal 104. 105. 106. 107. 136. toto 2 As a Sparrow falleth not to the ground without the will of God Mat. 10.29 Euen so Adam being so excellent a creature created after the Image of God could not take so horrible a fall without his prouidence and decree Act. 4.27.28 2.23 Amendment of life necessarie 1 LIke as if a Marchant seemeth willing to trust an other that is readie to be banquerout with all his goods one warning will be inough to reclaime him ye shall not need to pray him to beware or to alleadge many reasons to withhold him the onely feare of apprehension of the losse of all his goods will be a reason and exhortation sufficient Euen so then when Iesus Christ saith Be ye better aduised that is amend and note that by offending God and so taking the way to hell we endaunger our selues yea wee doo euen assure our selues to loose both bodies and soules for euer It is therefore meere madnesse and vngratefull rage to continue and not to be wiser and better aduised that we may conuert to God and by amendment preserue our bodies and soules vnto life euerlasting Math. 3.2 4.7 2 As litle children are nursed vp to the end they may grow great and waxe strong and it were a wonder to see a childe continue as litle and weake as at the birth Euen so if we who being members of the Church of Christ and consequently entred into the path that leadeth to the Kingdome of heauen and daily do receiue the foode of Gods word and Sacraments should not encrease in faith working in loue and Amendment of life it were a great ingratitude and vnexcusable obstinacie which should not escape vnpunished to stand still in the way and not to go forward Aduersitie ought to make vs more faithfull and godly 1 LIke as the more one forceth to take away a staffe which I hold in my hand while I am awake so much more the faster I shut it in and hold it the harder that it may not bee taken away from mee Euen so the more the diuell endeuoureth to take faith from vs by tribulations so much the more do wee meditate on the promises of God to holde it fast and the more hee thrusteth at vs to ouercome vs so much the more strongly wee leane vpon the staffe of Faith to ouercome his assaults The Aduersitie of the faithfull is not aboue their patience that God giueth AS the Lord our most good and mercifull father doth according to his infinite wisedome and endlesse compassion prepare his people vnto himselfe trying what they will beare for his names sake Euen so hee doth not assay them aboue that he makes them able to beare but armes them beyond the thoughtes of the heart of man till he send them full deliueraunce of all euill and troubles Aduersitie bridleth our wicked appetites and maketh vs more obedient 1 AS wilde and fierce horses are woont to be broken with the hardnesse of the bridle and sharpnesse of the bit So our vntamed lusts and vnbridled appetites are hampered and brought within the compasse of reason with the bridle of Aduersitie troubles sorrowes and afflictions 2
the liquor So it is with the Creature when God doth appeare in perfect glory in regard wherof the Angels themselues are said to couer their faces least they should behold it how much more then hath man who is but dust and ashes and whose life is in his nosethrils iust cause of feare Esa 6.2 Psal 29.3 c. 2 As the Aduouterous Woman hath no more to doo with her husband nor with any thing of his for because of the transgression of this principall law and Couenant and the breach of the faith of Wedlocke Euen so they haue no more to do in the Couenant of God which by worship of other ●ods haue broken the chiefe point thereof and loosed the faith due vnto one God alone Deut. 5.6 7. 3 Like as if a man would take to his wife a common woman out of the open stewes and would first of all prescribe vnto her in this sort If thou wilt abide in this fellowship of our Wedlocke first it is necessarie that thou abstaine from all other men and keepe the faith and Couenant of marriage whole and vnbroken onely to mee else thou canst not bee my wife nor I thy husband if thou doo with mee take others and returne vnto thy accustomed filthinesse of whoredome So likewise the Lord dealt with the Israelites who were vsed before in Egypt to the worshipping of other Gods who charged them first to cast away the gods which their fathers serued in Mesopotamia and in Egypt and to serue and worship him onely otherwise he would be no God to them nor they a people for him Iosua 24.14 And so the case is now betwixt God and vs. Church 1 AS a Ship in the midest of the Sea goeth not toward the hauen vnlesse it haue a prosperous gale of winde Euen so the Church of God goeth not to his wished hauen to wit the Kingdome of heauen vnlesse it be blowne with the Spirit of God and directed and set on by the same spirit 2 As a woman that is barren yet after a long time childeth Euen so it is with the people of God though they be neuer so fewe and the Church neuer so small yet God will multiplie and increase it 3 As the flowers of water Betonye with the leaues and sprigs though they die often and yearely yet the roote is ay-lasting from which they come and to which they belong so though discipline and the outward bewtie of the Church change and often die yet the Church is lasting and of all continuance 4 As in the blew Lysimachus Cowe-wheate and winter Sauorie and likewise the Affodill the lower partes and braunches of them begin to flower So in many Churches and families the inferior persons begin to professe God first and shewe foorth themselues by an holy profession 5 As the hearbe Sophia groweth especially and best where as there hath bene in times hast any building now laide waste So many cannot grow well and waxe rich inough without the Church be laid waste many growe best where they haue pulled downe all but the Church groweth best where Poperie is vtterly defaced and pulled downe 6 As the flowers of Goates-beard and Sansprge do alwaies bend toward the Sunne So the Church bendeth alwaies to Christ 7 As by the description of the Facon and nature of the true Meum the common vsed is found counterfeit So by the description of the true Church the common reputed is found false 8 As the diseases of the body be of two sorts some cureable and some incureable which are to death So the Church though it be subiect to sundrie falles cannot erre in foundation to death for the errors of Gods children be cureable 9 As where the dead carkasse is thither resort the Eagles Euen so where are men that truly beleeue in Christ there is the Church 10 As false and counterfeit Coyners who would not haue men to know and discerne their money by the finenesse of Gold and Siluer and by the touchstone but by the waight by the sound by the stampe by the colour which they may easily falsifie Euen so our aduersaries the Papists would make vs beleeue that the true Church cannot be knowne by these two markes to wit the sincere preaching of the word and the administration of the Sacraments according to the institution of Christ but rather by certaine outward markes to wit by antiquitie multitude succession of places and persons by miracles and reuelations which markes in very deed are common both to the pure and sound Church and also to the impure and corrupt Church 11 Like as if one should tie or fasten to the body of a man some peece of flesh bone or sinew were it done neuer so cunningly yet that should not be counted or called any part or member of that body seeing it receiueth neither life nor motion from the soule thereof but doth wholly depend vpon the cunning and workemanship therof So we confesse that here vpon earth is a Church a fellowship and communion of Saincts that is to say the congregation of the faithfull not gathered together by the will of man humane reason or worldly inuension but thorow the holy Ghost not tied or limited to any one place but distributed according to Gods good will and pleasure to the which Church hypocrites and such like are ioyned and tyed but not vnited or participating like as members thereof Mat. 16.17 1. Cor. 12.3 12 As a heape of wheate though it haue chaffe in it is yet called wheate or as a tunne of Wine though it haue Lees in it is yet called wine or as a field wherein tares appeare with the wheate is a corne field Euen so the visible Church is the Church though it consisteth of good and bad and be mixed of the elect and reprobate yet are they called Gods Church for the elect sake and haue their denomination from the better not the bigger part Math. 25.32 3.12 13.47 2. Timo. 2.20 13 Like as a wife is a wife although shee obey not her husband as long as shee keepeth the faith shee plight in marriage and defileth not her selfe with an others bedde Euen so is it in the Church that although shee be manifoldly vndutifull towards her husband Christ Iesus eyther by Atheisme or by Idolatrie yet she remaineth still the wife of Christ 14 As a wife that hath broken her saith and promise made in Wedlocke is not forthwith out of the account of a wife vntill shee being conuicted thereof be for that cause diuorced from her husband Euen so the Church notwithstanding her spirituall adultries is not vnchurched nor ceaseth to be reputed a Church vntill such time as the Lord by taking away from her the ministerie of the word and the administration of the Sacraments hath as it were by bill of diuorse disauowed her by taking away from her all her Iewells and Ornaments wherewith hee bewtified her when first he contracted with her 15 Like as a Garden or Vine decayeth
with our much heate and drought except after the planting thereof it be by showers watered Euen so the Church with ouer much heate of afflictions withereth away except afterwardes it bee moystened by the water of the holy Ghost which is the sincere preaching of the Gospell 16 As there be three formes in one and the selfesame Schoole and be not all alike taught and yet make not sundrie schooles but containe sundrie schollers and learners in one selfesame schoole So likewise is the Church not made many neither by alteration of times neither by difference of places nor by chaunges of orders and dispensations 17 As there be in one Schoole diuers Vshers diuers teaching but yet all tending to one end to wit to attaine learning and so to come to the Vniuersitie Euen so the true Church of Christ before the Lawe and vnder the Lawe and since in the time of the Gospell haue beene diuers instructors as Prophets Apostles Pastors and teachers but yet all ayming at one marke and labouring to bring the people to the Kingdome of heauen 18 Like as it is not in the power of any man to dispense minister or distribute any parte of that nourishment which hee receiueth in at his mouth vnto any member which either is mortified and dead in his bodie or that is cut off from the same Euen so it is vndoubtedly to be beleeued that neither the death passion and bloud-shedding of our Sauior Christ nor his Sacraments nor any of the graces of the holy Ghost nor any good worke in the world doo or can any thing profit to remission and forgiuenesse of sinnes or saluation to any person which is out of the Catholique Church as long as he shall so stand and continue out of the same 19 Like as if a subiect knowing the Letters of his Prince and also his Seale should because that hee knoweth them wel and alloweth them to be his presume and take vpon him to counterfeit his Princes Letters or Seale he should be no true subiect but a Fellone and a Traytour Euen so if the Church because that shee knoweth the Scriptures of the olde and newe Testament to be the true and infallible word of her Lord and Sauiour and the Sacraments to be his Seales should presume or take vpon her to alter Gods word I meane the scriptures that be cōteined in the Canonical bookes of the old new Testament or to counterfeit the Sacraments that is to say to minister them otherwise then her Lord and maister hath instituted and appointed in his word she ought not to be called the true Church but the most trayterous harlot of Antichrist 20 As it is great folly for a man that hath a mote in his eye to growe into such a chafe or dislike with it that so he should bee vnthankfull for his eye Euen so it is much more follie for men to seperate themselues from our Church and wholely to condemne it by reason that there be some imperfections and wants in it which is a meanes to breede vnthankfulnesse by forgetting the manifold blessings which wee haue receiued and doo still enioy which is the readie way to prouoke God rather in his iustice to take away these good benefites that we enioy alreadie then in mercie to prouoke him to encrease them more 21 As the glory of God is shewed most herein that he defendeth his spouse and hath bewtified her with gifts frō aboue that she might be a pure and vndefiled spouse chaste and holy vnto himselfe Euen so this is our greatest glory of what state or condition so euer we be to be members of this Church by the Communion whereof wee are his members 22 As a man will not wittingly bestowe a Diamond vpon him that thinkes it to be but a peece of Glasse or a Pearle of him that esteemeth it to be but a graine of salte Euen so the Lord will not bestowe his blessings but vpon those that by his Spirit shall knowe and feele what they are for if they feele them not and know not what they are then they are not yet of Gods house or Church Heb. 3.6 23 As it is not inough to set or sowe a garden with good hearbes and seedes and then let it alone but there must be a Gardiner to ouersee it to dresse it and often to weede it Euen so it is not sufficient for a Church to haue the word planted and sowen in it but there must be diligent painfull Preachers Pastors continually to water and gouerne it or else it will growe barren and fruitlesse 24 Like as if the land be not often tilled but lie barren it will bring forth nothing but briars thistles and nettles Euen so if Churches be not continually laboured by Preaching and Catechising they will waxe secure and so bring forth nothing but ignorance Atheisme superstition idolatrie and all wickednesse of life 25 As the armie of heauen is innumerable and the sand of the sea vnmeasurable Euen so God will multiplie his Church Iere. 33.22 26 As the Bride pertaineth to none but to the Bridegroome So likewise the Church pertaineth to Christ alone Hose 2.19 2. Cor. 11.2 Iohn 3.29 27 As euerie true friend to the Bridegroome reioyceth to see the Bridegroomes voyce obeyed Euen so euery godly man is glad to see euery member of the Church to frame themselues to the obedience of the word of Christ 28 As a Giant is too strong for meane men of middle size and as his voyce and looke is fearefull to his enemies So likewise will God be to all such as rise vp against him and his Church Esa 42.13 29 As a waste grounde broken vp and rid of those things wherewith it was ouergrowne and the fruitfulnesse thereof hindered is by good husbandrie brought to flourish and to be fruitful euen so such is the state of the Church when after persecution it pleaseth God to send peace and prosperitie thereto Esay 33.1 2. 30 As men hedge their grounds round about to keepe them from being spoyled with cattell Euen so GOD dooth fence his Church and those which feare him round about that they may be defended against all euils 31 As the groundes are eaten wasted deuoured and rooted vp when the hedges and fences thereof are neglected and suffered to lie open Euen so it fareth with the Church and with them that professe the name of God when hee is prouoked with their sinnes in withdrawing his friendly defence and fatherly protection from them 32 As the Shipmaisters are such as haue cunning to guide the ship wherin both themselues and other men do saile So almightie God maketh choise of such to guide his Church as can gouern themselues and so many as are committed to their charge 33 As that bush which Moses saw was burning but not consumed Euen so the Church of God must be tried in the fire of affliction but not destroyed Exo. 3.2 34 As the Moone is sometimes eclipsed and sometimes in
the full So likewise the Church of GOD is subiect to darkenesse as in the time of Poperie and superstition 35 As the Moone dooth borrowe her light of the Sunne because of her selfe she hath litle or none at all Euen so the Church of God hauing no light of it selfe doth take her light from the Sonne of God Christ Iesus 36 As iealousie cannot abide that the wife should shew any signe of loue to an other man Euen so Almightie God cannot brooke that the Church his spouse should take the least part of of his glory from him and bestowe it vpon a strange God that is both hopelesse and helplesse Exo. 20.4 5. Deut. 6.13 Math. 4.10 37 As the Arke was long and broade So the Church and Kingdome of Christ is long and large Psal 71.8 Gene. 6.14 15. 38 As the Arke was great and large and yet small in comparison of the floud Euen so the Elect are many no doubt but fewe in respect of the reprobate Luk. 12.32 Math. 22.14 24.22 7.14 39 As the Arke was made of many peeces of wood and ioyned together in one So the Church consisteth of many members knit together in one faith For in Christ Iesus wee are all one without difference of man or woman 40 As the Arke was made of incorruptible wood Euen so the Church consisteth of immortall soules 41 As the Arke did float in the floud euen so the Church is in this world as in a sea of troubles Act. 14.22 42 As one Billow in the sea pusheth forward an other So likewise troubles doo come vpon the Church by troupes 43 As the Moone is not alwaies visible being in hir chāge So likewise the Church of God to the eye of man is not alwayes in a visible shewe as the proud Church of Rome is but hath sometime war and aduersitie sometime peace and prosperitie As a Ship vpon the seas is tossed with the winde and waues from one place to an other Euen so is the Church often tossed hither and thither in this sea of this world but yet neuer drowned because Iesus Christ is in it and holdeth the sterne with his hand 44 As the hand cut off from the body dieth and lacketh life Euen so it is in the mysticall body of the Church no life or saluatiō without the body of Christ Ezech. 13.9 Ioel. 2.32 Act. 2.47 45 As trees in winter which for that they are naked and voyde both of leaues and of fruite do seeme for the time litle to differ from dead and starued trees and yet haue secretly hid in them their Iuice which maketh thē spring againe and as it were reuiue againe in Sommer Euen so such is the state of the Church of God which though in bitter persecution seemeth to bee as it were quenched and extinguished yet when God giueth some peace and rest it flourisheth and springeth againe 46 As a Vine when the fences thereof are broken lieth open to the waste and is spoiled of euery beast of the field Euen so the Church and people of God when for their sinnes hee seemeth for a time to withdrawe his protection and defence is subiect to the iniuries and violence of all sorts of the wicked 47 As ground and soile that hath lyen long waste by good husbandrie is rid and often brought to flourish with corne or grasse Euen so the Church of God after long persecution is by the power and goodnesse of God brought againe to a flourishing estate 48 Like as if a man should haue both his hands and his armes cut off his eyes put out c yet as long as his head standeth and other vitall parts he is to be counted a man although a maymed man Euen so it is in the Church or assemblie as long as it holdeth the head how defectiue it is otherwise it hath the due and right of the Church of God 49 And although a man should haue six fingers on one hand and but three on the other and albeit they should stand where the mouth doth yet all this deformity should not hinder from being truly holden to be a man although it would be a great deformitie in him of the other part if he had no head at all or there were no naturall cōiunction of the parts one with the other but a whole through displacing of euery part from his proper seate then verily could he not be deemed to haue either the proportion of a man or his life So likewise if an assembly hold not the head which is Iesus Christ or be nothing else but a confused multitude without any part of the order which the sonne of God hath appointed the same is iustly crossed out of the account of Gods Church 50 As he that entereth into a faire and goodly goldsmithes shop richly furnished with precious Pearles and costly Iewels of all sorts ought not to mislike those excellent things and costly treasures because hee seeth among them a blacke fornace dustie coales and sundrie instruments of base mettall because these instruments coales and fornace must needs be had to make those Iewels as Chaines Earings and Bracelets of Gold withall So in the Church of God where are innumerable men some famous for their wisdome some renowned for their godlinesse some forward feruent in Christian loue charitie many excelling in all kind of vertues if a man see there some vnlearned some deceiuer● some wicked ones some tyrants and many vngodly ones he ought not therefore to picke a quarrell against the Church of Christ nor yet to thinke of the ruine and destruction of the same 51 As the Lawier who hath no further power but to expound the Lawe is vnder the Lawe So the Church which hath authoritie onely to publish and expound the Scriptures cannot authorize them vnto vs but must submit her selfe vnto them 52 As the Ocean sea which is but one is diuided into partes according to the regions and countries against which it lyeth as into the English Spanish Italian sea c Euen so the Church dispearsed ouer the face of the whole earth is diuided into other particular Churches according as the countries are seuerall in which it is seated as into the Church of England and Ireland the Church of France the Church of Germanie c. 53 As the superfluous humors in the vaines are no parts of the body Euen so the vngodly though they be in the Church yet indeed they are no parts of it Math. 13.25.47 54 As the Carkasse of a deade man that weareth a liuing mans garment is not a liuing man though hee looke neuer so like him Euen so the Church of Rome now at this day is of a spouse of Christ become an harlot and in very deede is no true Church of Christ 55 As in a familie children are for the most part one like an other and brought vp alike Euen so it is in Gods familie which is his Church the members thereof are all alike in heart and
affection and the reason is because they haue one spirit to guide them all Act. 4.32 Esay 11.6.7 56 Euen as in the field there groweth vp not onely sound corne but also tares cockell and darnell Or as in the Floore there is not onely pure Wheate but also Chaffe and as in the Nette there is not onely good things but bad as filth and such like So in the militant and visible Church the field floore and Nette of the Lord there are not onely sincere and faithfull but also hypocriticall and faithlesse worshippers of GOD not onely constant and vpright dooers of the word but also vaine and idle talkers of the same yea not onely such as with good consciences pure hearts and faith vnfained do serue the Lord and his Church but such also as be reprobate to euerie good worke whose ende is to bee cast eternally from the presence of God and to bee burned as chaffe in the fearefull furnace of Gods wrath and euerlasting indignation 57 As the appetite of a woman ought to be to her husband so the appetite of the Church ought to be to Christ Cant. 5.7 58 As the woman bringeth forth her children in sorow and paine Euen so the Church bringeth forth in griefe of member and losse of limmes 59 As a woman must be obedient to the voyce of her husband and learne of her husband at home euen so the Church that is good must be ruled by Christ and not rule Christ Christes scholler and not Christs schoolemaister 60 Euen as Iohn that bare witnesse of Christ did confesse that he was not worthy to loose Christes shoo-latchet Euen so the Church though it beare witnesse of Christ in respect of credit and authoritie is not worthy to loose Christes shoo-latchet 61 Like as when Christ put forth himselfe and began to be knowne to the people Iohn said It behoueth me to wax lesse and him to wax greater So when the Church hath giuen a man to vnderstand of Christ and that Christ beginneth to appeare vnto vs the Church decreaseth in authoritie and estimation like Iohn and Christ encreaseth and waxeth greater in authoritie and credit 62 As the light of the Sun auaileth not him that lieth in a darke and close dungeon where is alwayes night and neuer day Euen so the graces of God doo nothing helpe those that lie in darknesse and shadowe of death vntill they haue accesse into the Church of Christ and so to be of the number of the faithfull Ephe. 2.19 Rom. 5.10 63 As a builder or chiefe maister of any workes doth not offend in building but because it hapneth sometimes that being occupied with other thoughts and fantasies not pertaining to the building he doth sometimes slide and faile in his worke Euen so it cannot be gathered by the force of the promise made to the Church that all things alwayes are rightly defined in the Church for the greater part ouercommeth the lesser and the worst the better 64 Like as when Hester had procured safetie for the Iewes and libertie to reuenge themselues vpon their enemies it is said that many of the people of the Land became Iewes Hest. 8.17 Euen so considering Christ hath procured freedome from hell death and damnation for all that beleeue in him we should labour aboue all things to become new creatures ioyning our selues alwayes to the true Church of God 65 As the body is blinde that wanteth eyes to see withall and lame maymed or deformed whereof the shoulders armes hands or other principall parts are wanting or displaced and disordered So in like maner that body of a Church cannot be said to be perfect and entire wherein there are not Ministers of the word who by the light thereof may direct the people in the wayes of God or Elders that may discouer and descrie euery matter that may threaten any daunger to the body or Deacons who may distribute liberally according to that that is in their hands for the reliefe of the poore 66 As Christ himselfe when he was rayled vpon gaue no euill words againe Euen so the true Church of Christ is knowne in this that it suffereth persecution and doth not persecute againe 67 As wise King Salomon iudged her to be the true mother of the child which had such compassion on it that she had rather forgo the whole then haue it diuided and dismembred and the other to be the harlot that had ouer-laine her childe which had also consented to the death of the other childe Euen so in like maner we may discerne euidently the Romish Church of Antichrist by her bloodie persecutions from the true Church and spouse of Christ the one with sworde and fire seeketh alwaies to quench the truth the other through the spirit of lenitie to win men to the same the one by compulsion violent oppression the other by perswasion meeke intercessiō the one by the sword the other by the word the one goeth about to peruert and depraue the other seeketh all meanes to conuert and saue 68 As a King is stablished in his Kingdome when his godly Lawes are taught and kept and that Realme is strongly builded and blessed of God where good order is mainteined So is Gods Church and congregation well and surely builded where Gods word and Religion is purely taught sinne punished and vertue embraced 69 Like as whatsoeuer is in the body receiuing no life nor power from the body is not properly a part of the body howsoeuer it seeme to be ioyned to the body So the wicked although they be in the outward face of the Church yet because they are not partakers of the spiritual life thereof by Christ are not truly to be iudged members of it 70 As in euery well ordered Kingdome the whole Realme should be of more authoritie then the King So the Church ought to be of more authority then the Pope though he were Prince thereof 71 As the Arke was carried from place to place and neuer rested in one certaine place So likewise the millitant Church here on earth hath no certaine place but is posted from piller to post Iosu 3.14.17 1. Sam. 4.3.4 c. 72 As in the body of a man there is a full furniture of all members needfull to the discharge of their seuerall duties which are knowne both how many they are and what they are Euen so likewise is it in the Church 73 As the want of a member as one eye or a hand breedeth griefe So in like maner the want of a member in the Church as a faithfull Minister which is the eye or of a Deacon which is the hand must needes be greeuous 74 As the disorder of a member in the body as to haue an eye where a nose should be or a foot for the hand c. causeth both horror and griefe So the like disorder in the Church of God must needes be horrible and greeuous 75 Like as in the body of man euery member hath his seuerall function to
to such as can find him yet if we can by no meanes find him what shall the vnderstanding hereof profit vs nothing at all 1. Cor. 28.10 Esa 55.6 Christ to be found by hearing the word preached and read 1 LIke as if one haue a Moyne of Copper Tinne or Leade he vseth great paine and diligence to come by the same but if it proue a veine of Siluer or Gold then the owner thereof setteth Pyoners on worke who with great care courage and comfort labour night and day in hope to be greatly enriched thereby and albeit the veine sinke downe verie deepe and proue most hard and difficult to winne yet do they not cease or slacken their labor but rather adde so much the more diligence in hope that their gaines will double their paines when the Moyne is once wonne for this they holde as a rule infallible that the lower any mettal doth lie in the earth the better and more gainful it prooues in substance Euen so it is in the studie of the Scriptures and in hearing the same read and preached the more paines and diligence one vseth therin the more increase of sound knowledge wisedom comfort is gotten in the ende being that most rich and vnvaluable Moyne wherein all the treasures of wisedome and vnderstanding are to be found conteining and comprehending all the counsels and commaundements of the Lord c. 1. Chro. 28.10 Pro. 3.13 14 26. 8.18.19 Ioh. 30.31 Mat. 7.7 8. Children dying before they be baptized are not damned 1 AS by Circumcision which was a cutting off of the the fore-skin the Children of the Hebrewes were brought vnto God were sealed vp with the Seale of his Couenaunt and receiued into his Church to the great comfort and ioy of the Parents which were certified by the same that God was not only their God but also the God of their posteritie and seede and yet if any thing had happened vnto them afore they could bee circumsized they mistrusted not but that GOD would by the vertue of his Testament saue them So by Baptisme the Children of Christians are brought vnto Christ are sealed vp with the Seale of the people of God receiued into his Church as members of his sonne Iesus Christ and fellow-heires with him of his heauenly Kingdome which thing vnto the faithfull parents must be a heauenly comfort For by it they are certified and assured that their sinnes be not only washed away with the bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ but also the sinnes of their posteritie and Children But if it be not the pleasure of God that the fathers and mothers should see their Children aliue for to offer and present them vnto him by Baptisme yet there is no cause why they should thinke that they should be damned because the grace of is not bound to the Sacraments For if there were some good man among the Turkes or else among the Idolaters and Infidels which had the knowledge of the Gospell and a true faith in our Sauiour Christ and yet could by no maner of means come by the Sacrament of Baptisme or be baptized yet no man ought so much as to thinke that such a one for want of a little water should be damned seeing he hath the chiefe and principall that is to say a true iustifying faith else the water should haue more vertue and efficacie then the bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ or at least as much and the Minister that should minister the outward Baptisme should be of as much power as Iesus Christ himselfe 2 Like as the Water and Minister can do nothing without the spirit and bloud of our Sauior Christ So it should follow if Children be damned that die before they be baptized that Iesus Christ his spirit and bloud should be able to do nothing without the water and Minister And so by this means our Sauior Christ and his Spirit should be as subiect vnto the Minister and Water as the Water and Minister should be subiect vnto Christ and his holy spirit and so consequently his grace and mercie should be alligated and bound vnto corruptible elements and made subiect vnto men Whereby it should come to passe that Iesus Christ should be no more true God nor yet true Sauiour 3 As the fleshly Children of Abraham and such as came of his flesh which departed this life before the eight day of Circumcision were not damned but by the vertue of the promise and couenant of God were saued So also after the same maner the spirituall Children of Abraham that is to say the Infants of all the Christians are not condemned if they decease before Baptisme but are saued by the efficacie of the promise of God and by inuisible Baptisme wherewith our Sauiour Christ Baptizeth them who by his death and precious bloud hath redeemed them Cares of this world coole the loue and desire of heauenly things 1 AS the Sea that the winde hath laine sore vpon is yet tossed and troubled after the winde is laid and the tempest gone Euen so mans mans minde lately comne out of the businesse and Cares of the world still casteth and studieth the same things and panteth after them and cannot after this come straight to it selfe and so to meditate and exercise spirituall matters Math. 13.22 Luk. 8.14 2 Like as when a Riuer or Fountaine is troubled there can no water be taken or drawne out of them but such as is full of mudde Euen so when the minde is troubled and choked with the ouer carefull and vnquiet sauour of the mire and dyrt of this peeuish world there can neither holy prayers nor any godly exercises be found there The breach of Gods Commaundements 1 AS many worldly men deale with their Creditors who will hardly let slip one houre or day but will take the aduantage and forfeiture of their Bondes and Obligations without any more delay Euen so if our good God and mercifull Father should deale as precisely and stricktly with vs in taking aduantage of the Bonds forfeytures and penalties wherein wee daily fall into by breach of his Commandements many wayes then our estate should be most miserable Iob. 9.2 3. 2 As euill debters when their day of payment draweth neare and when their Creditors are at hand to demaund the same doo seeke to hide themselues and to shunne their Creditors presence So likewise the most part of the world bee so carelesse in keeping that couenant vowe and promise which they made to God at their Baptisme that euen wilfully they throw themselues indebted vnto GOD and thrall vnto Satan some by one sinne and some by an other through violating and breaking of Gods Commaundements that when by sicknesse or death they are summoned to render an account of their bayliwicke then they wish that the mountaines would fall vpon them to hide them from the presence of God but all in vaine Esa 2.19 Hose 10.8 Luk. 23.30 Reue. 6.16 Luk. 16.2 Christ is not a Redeemer but
were the deliuerance too late but wee meane that hee deliuered him that hee should not bee hanged So likewise when the Scripture saith that Christ dyed to deliuer vs out of hell because hee saueth and deliuereth vs that wee come not there which else should surely haue gone thither and haue beene damned perpetually except Christ by his death had deliuered and loosed vs. Christ reuiueth vs againe that were dead LIke as the Pellican which hauing brought foorth her young ones dead or beeing stung or killed by Serpents shee pecketh foorth her heart bloud to reuiue them Euen so wee beeing conceiued and borne in sinne and altogether dead in our trespasses and offences stung of that olde and fierie Serpent the diuell which first beguiled our Parents in Paradise and so hauing the reward of sinne which is death we in this case are reuiued and quickned againe by the bloud of the true Pellican Iesus Christ which he from his heart hath shead and powred out for vs. Col. 2.13 14. Christs person consisteth of two natures 1 LIke as there must be both these two natures true and sound the properties of either being kept in one person of Christ to reconcile man to God and to strike this couenant So also to keepe this couenant that according to the promise and oath of God it may be euerlasting both natures must remaine for euer sound with their properties vnlesse we will haue the couenant in the piller and foundation to be shaken 2 Like as when the roote of a tree is hurt the braunches also doo wither and there can be no fruite hoped for Euen so the Doctrine beeing corrupt concerning the person of Christ and the two natures in the same person together with their distinct properties the doctrine also of the Priestly and Kingly office of Christ remaineth corrupt which are as it were the fruites of the doctrine concerning his person Christ though amazed and confounded with sorrowes and feares yet remained still sinlesse LIke as if you set two glasses filled the one with muddy water and the other with cleare Christall water and first let them stand till all the muddinesse in one be setled at the bottome then shake both these glasses in the one the mudde ariseth straightway and defileth all the water there in the other although you shake it neuer so much yet the cleare water though troubled likewise remaineth still all cleare as Christall Euen so if any of vs bee shaken and disquieted with any trouble our muddy affections arising doo presently defile vs all ouer but Christ in whom was mans true nature but not any the least defilement of nature beeing likewise shaken he remained still cleare from any the least spot of sinne at all Christ neuer lost his confidence in God LIke as those men do neuer loose their confidence and trust in God who by some violence are stricken into astonishment or naturally fall on sleepe their faith patience loue obedience decreaseth not in them for all that Euen so neither in Christ his assurance in God could neuer decay albeit his sinlesse nature might and did feare the paine and beeing astonished with excessiue paine might and did suddenly desire ease Math. 27.46 Mar. 14.33 c. He that Speaketh in the Church LIke as if the Harpe make a confused noyse and giueth no distinct sound it delighteth not it recreateth not because no man can tell what it is that is plaide So he that Speaketh in the Church in a language which other men vnderstand not cannot edifie because men vnderstand not what he speaketh Confessing of secret faultes LIke as he is vnwise that openeth his disease and committeth himselfe vnto an vnskilfull Phisition that will rather make him worse then cure him Euen so as vnwise is he that reuealeth his secret falls scapes to them whose mouthes are readie with the Pharisies to say See thou to that or to blabbe abroad their brethrens infirmities so making the matter rather worse then better Christ after a sort present with vs in bodie 1 AS the sun which thogh it remain stil in the firmamēt and therefore in verie deed toucheth not the eye yet the bodie of the Sunne is present to the sight notwithstanding so great a distance betweene So likewise the bodie of Christ which by his ascending is taken vp from vs and hath left the world and is gone to his father is indeed absent from our senses yet our faith is conuersant in heauen and beholding that sonne of righteousnesse and is verily in presence with it there present like as our sight is present with the body of the Sunne in the firmament or as the Sunne is present with our sight in earth Ioh. 14.19 16.28 Act. 7.55 Col. 3.1 Hebr. 4.16 10.28 2 As the Sunne with his light is present to all things So is also Christ with his Godhead Spirit and power present to all and filleth all Ephe. 1.23 Col. 1.17 18. How Christ sitteth at the right hand of God 1 AS it is the vse and custome of Kings and Princes which haue their deputies substitutes to whom they freely giue all authoritie to rule and gouerne and do cause that man to sit by him and at his right hand whom he will giue most honor and vnto whom he wil giue most authoritie and power Euen so we vnderstand by these words He sitteth at the right hand of God that our Sauiour Christ is exalted aboue all creatures and that hee hath dominion or gouernance in heauen and in earth and that he raigneth with his Father hauing equal power with him 1. King 2.19 Psal 45.9 110.1 Mat. 20.21 Phil. 2.9 10 11. 1. Pet. 3.22 Ephe. 1.20 21. 4.15 2 As those on earth that are set at the right hand of Kings do execute iustice in courts or Assises for the maintenance of the state and peace of the Kingdome Euen so Christ Iesus sitting at the right hand of his Father that is being made soueraigne Lord of all things both in heauen and earth is to hold a Court or Assise in which he shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead Christ confounds his enemies AS Iosua dealt with the fiue Kings that were hid in the Caue he first makes a slaughter of their armes then he brings them foorth and makes the people to set their feete on their neckes and to hang them on fiue trees Euen so Christ deales with his enemies he treades them vnder his feete and makes a slaughter not so much of their bodies as of their soules And this the Church of God findes to bee true by experience as well as it findes the loue of Christ towardes it selfe Iosu 10.24 Luke 17.27 Psal 2.9 110.1 Corruption of truth by mans traditions AS sweete Dough is made sowre by a litle Leauen So is the sweetnesse and comfort of the doctrine of truth corrupted if it be neuer so litle entermedled with humane doctrine or mans traditions Mat. 13.33 16.6 The Creature
that they may immediately teach not seeking thereby to amend and make better themselues 2 As vessels that are to bee filled are bowed and made apt to receiue the liquor that is powred therein So ought a Learner to accommodate and applie himselfe that nothing of that which is profitably spoken doo scape him 3 Like as in meates one and the selfe same dish is diuersly set forth according to the inuention of the dresser and appetite of the eater Euen so in Learning one and the selfe same point is diuersly handled according to the discretion of the writer and capacitie of the reader 4 Like as choyse and good Wine looseth his verdure and strength if it bee put into a vile and vnpure vessell Right so a good word or sentence if it bee spoken of an euill man or Learning if it chaunce to a wicked man taketh none effect 5 As the Diamond enchased and set in Gold giueth a farre brighter glosse then if it were set in leade yron or other baser mettal Euen so the loue of godlinesse and vertue planted in a Learned mans breast bringeth forth farre greater and more excellent fruit then if an vnlearned man enioyed the same graces Lying of God and his truth most offensiue AS hee sinneth most grieuously which deceiueth trauelling men by shewing them a contrarie way Euen so much more hainously offendeth he that in matters of Religion doctrine and godlinesse doo bring men into errours through Lying because he doth therby as it were thrust them out of the kingdome of heauen Ezech. 13.6 8 10 19. Iere. 23.25 26 35. 14.14 Esay 9.15 16. 1. Cor. 15.15 Iam. 3.14 Lords Supper 1 LIke as in the person of Christ his manhood was seene on earth and his Godhead being not at all seene did notwithstanding great and wonderfull things without any chaunging or confounding of natures Euen so in the Lords supper we see the bread and Wine Christs body we see not which notwithstanding worketh in vs. 2 As the body of the Sunnes light aboue is in it selfe whole albeit it bee dispersed heare beneath So likewise Christ in heauen aboue is whole notwithstanding he suffereth vs in his supper each one to bee full partakers of his body and bloud when hee giueth himselfe vnto vs and yet without any diminition at all of himselfe when he offereth himselfe vnto vs which are weake without beeing inclosed in vs when he is receiued of vs and without any dishonour at all to his maiestie when he commeth into our small cottage and will haue our hearts to be his Temple and dwelling place 3 Like as the forbidden fruit which Adam and Eue did eate in the Garden of Eden by Sathans prouocation procured their death Euen so that heauenly Manna which Christ hath appointed for our spirituall foode in his supper dooth bring vnto the worthie receiuers thereof euerlasting life Gene. 2.17 4 As the sicke man the weaker hee knoweth himselfe to bee should so much the more earnestly desire meate both to receiue nourishment and to refresh his strength Euen so so farre off it ought to bee that our weaknesse should keepe vs from the receiuing the Lords supper that it ought rather to spurre vs forward to come vnto it that by it we might be strengthened in faith and repentance 5 As the word of God is all one whether it fall vppon the euill or vpon the good surely it is all one in the minds of the hearers So the Sacrament of the Lords body and bloud is all one whether it be receiued of the good or of the euill and as the Gospell in it selfe is the power of God to sauing it doth also saue but it is not al alike to the vnbeleeuing as it is to the beleeuing So the Sacrament is of it selfe the body of Christ but to the wicked which doo contemne it and to them which do receiue it vnworthily it is farre otherwise 6 As a mother hauing brought foorth her little one dooth not forsake it but nurseth and bringeth it vp So Christ hauing ordained Baptisme to bee as a seale and pledge of our spirituall new birth into his Church did institute the holy supper to the end that by participation in his body and bloud we might the more bee strengthned in this assurance that Christ is ours together with all his benefites and so feede our soules spiritually to life euerlasting 7 As a litle waxe powred vpon other waxe is made all one with it Euen so they that receiue the Sacrament of the Lords supper worthily abide in Christ and Christ in them 8 As the Child when he commeth to age is bound to honour his parents not onely for his begetting and bringing into this life but also because they haue fed and brought him vp and still do continue the same duties vnto him Euen so should it be with vs whome God hath as it were begotten into his Church through our Baptisme and to whome hee hath since in his holy supper ministred the foode of our soules in the Communion of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ for not onely our spirituall new birth by Baptisme but also the spirituall foode which that good Father giueth vnto vs in his holy supper doo binde vs to honour him yea and should thereto mightily induce vs considering that for foode of our soules hee hath deliuered his onely Sonne Iesus Christ to bee crucified for vs. 9 Like as if any man had a child so sicke that nothing coulde serue for his foode and recouerie but precious Pearles confected or preserued this child should be much bound to loue and honour his parents that for his reliefe had not grudged at such cost and expences Euen so wee shall deserue great reproofe of our heauenly Father who feedeth vs in his holy supper not with pearles but with the very flesh and bloud of his Sonne Iesus Christ in case wee should make no account to please him by amendment of life withall considering that as there is no comparison betweene pearles the body and bloud of Iesus Christ so the spirituall life of our soules is without comparison much more excellent then the life of our bodies 10 As meate and drinke ministred vnto the body doo maintaine the life motions and senses of the body So from the communion in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ which is the foode of the soule must proceed the spirituall and heauenly life cogitations affections words and deedes 11 As it were a straunge case if the body by eating and drinking should gather no sustenance and consequently want all motions sense and bodily operation So were it a monstrous matter that the soule communicating in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ should gather no spiritual foode that might bring foorth newnesse of life and holynesse in words and deeds 12 As the hololy supper is the table of Gods children the faithfull and members of the Church of Iesus Christ So the communicating thereat is a solemne protestation
doo the will of my Father saith Christ which is in heauen Euen so is it often said that a hood maketh not a Muncke neither rounding or powling neither yet a long Gowne or a square Cap or Tippet maketh a true Apostle or Minister but he is counted to bee the assured Minister of Christ which both is able and can by sound doctrine exhort and comfort the gaine-sayers thereof and also doth diligently goe before the people of God by good example of life and vertuous conuersation 48 As it is the dutie of Iudges which doo sit in iudgement as concerning matters of life and death to shut the one eare to the accuser and to reserue the other for him that is accused after the example of great Alexander So likewise it is the part of Ministers to be ready to make answere to euerie question of the Law of God for he that is ignorant in Gods Law he may assure himselfe that he can by no meanes be Gods Minister Mind 1 AS we vse not the troubled water vntill it bee cleared againe So must we not vse our Mind being moued and angrie but suffer it first to be pacified 2 As out of the vessell which is filled with liquor the ●yre is expelled So out of a Mind replenished with ver●ue and godlinesse all kind of vanities be voide Member of Christ falleth not finally AS a mans arme taken with the dead Palsie hangs by and receiues no heate life or sence from the rest of ●e Members or from the head yet for all this it remaines still vnited and coupled to the bodie ●nd may againe be recouered by plaisters and phisicke So after a greeuous fall the child of God that feeles no inward peace comfort but is smitten in conscience with the trembling of a spirituall Palsie for his offence neuerthelesse in deed remaines before God a member of Christ which shal be restored to his former estate after true and vnfained repentance Memorie AS the leaues of a booke which is sildom vsed wil cleaue fast together Euen so the Memorie waxeth dull if it be not oft quickned A Minde ruled by reason AS the ship which hath a strong ankor may safely stay in any hauen So likewise a man which hath his Mind ruled by reason will liue peaceably and quietly in any region of the world The Minde of man 1 AS Trees planted and set by the waters side seeme faire and pleasant adorned with store and varietie of fresh and greene leaues So likewise doth the Minde of man being garnished with godly knowledge moys●ned with the water of Gods diuine spirit flourish shine with the bright beames of vertue and spread abroad his boughes both of faith toward God and also yeeld foorth the fruite of Christian workes toward his neighbour Psal 1. 3. Esay 17.8 2 As the eye of the bodie although it behold all othe● things yet it cannot see either it selfe or some other part● of the bodie euen those which are nearest vnto it So it fareth with the Mind of man the eye of the soule it ranged ouer the whole worlde aboue the highest heauens an● beneath the bottom of the earth and yet it is a straunger 〈◊〉 home most ignorant of the owne estate 3 As we see in running Riuers that the force of the water is greatly diminished when as the currant thereof is turned into seuerall litle streames and that both the heate and light do loose much of their vertue when as they are dispearsed abroad into large and open places So likewise it happeneth to our Mindes when as they are applied vnto seuerall studies which sometimes are contrary one to the other so that we thinking through an ambitious desire to do many things in the end effect and bring to passe nothing as we should do 4 As Porke betokeneth vncleannesse from which we must abstaine and beasts did signifie that beastly affections should be killed So the Minde and will must be renued that it may allow chuse and do such things as please God 5 As the bodie being alwayes oppressed with labour looseth his strength and so perisheth So likewise doth the Minde of man oppressed with the cares and pleasures of this world loose all her force lust and desire that she had to the rest to come of eternall life and so dieth not onely the death of sinne but hasteth what she can to hate abhorre all vertue 6 As a ship hauing a sure Ankor may lye safe in any place So the Mind that is ruled by perfect reason is quiet euery where Merite or desert not to be looked for for well doing 1 LIke as if one say the Prince hath bestowed a great Office vpon such an honest man this betokeneth ●ot wherefore but vpon what maner of person the Prince ●estowed it Euen so in like maner if we say that God wil ●iue glory the kingdome of heauen and euerlasting life ●o them that walke vprightly this teacheth vs what maner of men the Lord will giue the inheritance vnto but not for what cause mouing him he will giue it vnto them Eze. 36.22 Math. 18.27 25.34 Luk. 17.7 9 10. Gal. 1.15 3.18 2 As he which is wicked and dooth wickedly hurteth himselfe and not God Or as hee that hath the health of his bodie and doth by good dyet keepe and preserue it dooth hee therefore deserue any reward at the Phisitions hands Verely no for he doth it not for the Phisitions profit but for his owne Euen so likewise he that by the gift of God hath obtained the health of his soule and by his grace doth the things that belong to the preseruation of the same shall we say that he dooth Merite or deserue any reward at Gods hand because that he is made such by his grace and gift and doth now through his helpe aide and assistance keepe the same grace for his onely profite and commoditie either by earnest beliefe or by vnfained loue or by assured hope or by well doing and patience in aduersitie and trouble c. 3 Like as if any man that hath a state or interest for terme of yeres and a taking of profit in a peece of ground by another mans liberall graunt doo also claime to himselfe the tytle of proprietie dooth hee not by such vnthankefulnesse deserue to loose the verie selfe possession which hee had Or like as if a bonde Slaue beeing made free of his Lorde doo hide the basenesse of the estate of a Libertine who is made free by maumission and not by byrth and boaste himselfe to bee a Free-man borne is hee not woorthie to bee brought backe into his former bondage Euen so althoug● good woorkes proceede from the grace of God ye● they doo please him and are not vnprofitable to the dooers of them but rather they receiue for rewarde the most large benefits of God not because they deserue but because the goodnesse of God hath of it selfe appointed this price vnto thē But what spitefulnesse is this
in holy things to sanctifie polluted things Or as the whole part of a mans body touching the soare part cannot heale it but rather is in danger to be infected by it Euen so it followeth necessarily that the best Works in man are wholly corrupted so that if the Lord should straightly examine them no man can answere for one of a thousand Agge 2.13 Iob. 9.2 3. Our Weaknesse to please God LIke as if a man beeing hyred to doo a dayes worke should deceitfully worke but with one hand and so disappoint his Maister of the Worke which should haue beene wrought with both hands Euen so whereas God craueth in euerie action all our wisedome wit will memorie vnderstanding and affection wholly to concurre together we scarcely giue him a part of all Wisedome and strength to be ioyned LIke as a Tree that the wind hath shaken loose at the roote the higher and greater that it is the sooner it is ouerthrowne Euen so a Souldier the stronger that he is wanting Wisdome the sooner he is ouerthrown for courage and strength without Wisdome is foolish rashnesse and Wisedome without courage and strength is fearefull cowardlinesse ioyne them together and they make a perfect Souldier The Will is in stead of the fact before God LIke as he is not to bee accounted healthfull which though hee doo appeare whole in the outward parts yet hath some euill disease with in his stomacke either in his Liuer or in his Lights or in some other place Euen so he cannot bee taken for a iust and righteous man if God be iudge which although he do not outwardly vse whordome steale nor kill yet dooth in his heart desire other mens wiues seruants c. or any other goods and wisheth that he were dead or hanged whō he hateth Exod. 20.17 Good Workes but yet failing in the manner of doing AS the Elders of the Iewes who comming to our Sauiour Christ in the behalfe of the Centurion for his sicke seruaunt besought him instantly as though they might not be denied and they tell him that the Centurion is worthie of so much fauor as that forsooth the Lord Iesus should come to him heale his seruant for proofe whereof they alleadge two strong reasons one is hee loueth our nation an other is he hath built vs a Synagogue Euen so plead the Papists we are worthie O Lord of thy fauour we haue deserued so much at thy hands Or such a one that is now dead hath deserued so much as that thou shouldest receiue his soule for he loued vs well while hee liued he was an honest man hee made vs good cheare he kept a good house he filled our bellies our purses too besides this he hath built vs a stately Synagogue goodly Churches and Chappels of ease hee mended our high-wayes hee erected such a Colledge such an Hospitall therefore Lord thou must of necessitie receiue his soule into thy kingdome or else thou doest him wrong Luk. 7.3 4 5. Math. 7.21 22. By the written Word of God things amisse are discerned LIke as a man that hath neuer so good eyes yet if hee bee in a deepe darknesse cannot for all the goodnesse of his eyes know and discerne his owne Father standing directly before him much lesse a beame or a mote in his eye vntill such time as he hath light to discerne him withall Euen so though we bee neuer so well and sharpe sighted are we able to discerne a beame or mote in the Churches eye without the helpe of the light of the Word Psal 119.105 Ephe. 5.13 Math. 7.3 4 5. 2. King 22.1 c. 29.1 2 c. Not two Wills in God AS the sight of the eyes when they are dazeled disturbed doo imagine and suppose that there bee two candles burning when ther is but one Euen so our mind when it looketh vppon the Will of God supposeth that there bee two Wills in God one secret and an other reuealed which is a thing farre disagreeing from the nature of God The Wisedome of God AS the Lord is Almightie and able to deliuer his children and Church from the wicked and willing to do it Euen so dooth hee know the wayes and meanes most perfectly readily how to doo it at al times according to to his will and pleasure 2. Pet. 2.9 Wrath of God 1 AS all good neighbours will hastely run to the quenching of a daungerous fire So likewise all Christians ought to make speed to pacifie the Wrath of God when they perceiue the same to wax hotte against them Psal 2.12 2 As the water of mightie flouds doo with great violence rage flow and cannot be stopped So the Wrath of God commeth vpon the wicked who peruert all lawes and all Religion Hose 5.10 The Workes of Gods ministerie ineuitable LIke as it is to no purpose to seeke to take by force a Citie so well fenced and manned as it may be So likwise vaine are the attempts of them that oppose themselues to Gods Ministers to hinder them from dooing that for which God hath sent them Iere. 1.18 19. Gods Word the salue for our soules AS those parts which are within vs haue most need of carefull keeping because the inward disease is most daungerous Euen so the holy Ghost hath allotted vnto our inward infection the most soueraigne and all sufficient salue his Word Psal 147.3 Math. 8.8 Mark 1.40 Will of God 1 AS the Potter in tempering his clay if he cannot make and frame it according to his mind at length he will dash it in peeces So God created man not that he should doo his owne Will but Gods Will and therefore whosoeuer he bee that followeth the lustes of his owne wicked heart and wil not be brought to be conformable to Gods Will but continues rebellious still the Lord in his wrath will confound them eternally 2 Like as if a man haue a trade and other men come into his shoppe and vse such instruments as bee there to a wrong ende though they were their owne yet it would grieue him to see it So God created all things for his own vse and for the accomplishing of his Will but rebellious man conformes himselfe to the Diuils Will and thereby no doubt he grieuously offendeth God Good Workes vncontrollable AS no man can accuse the Potter for making of the same lumpe of Clay a drinking Pot and a Chamber pot So likewise none ought to quarrell or find fault with their Creator whose Workmanship they are framed at his good pleasure and will Rom. 9.21 Mans Weaknesse to doo any thing for himselfe AS it is with young children who when they are first taught to goe can stand no longer then they are holden vp by the hand Or as it is with those that learne to swim who as soone as they are left to themselues sinke to the bottome Euen so likewise is it with vs when God taketh his helpe from vs and ceaseth to defend and relieue vs or else to take