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B11837 A hundred sermons vpo[n] the Apocalips of Iesu Christe reueiled in dede by thangell of the Lorde: but seen or receyued and written by thapostle and Eua[n]gelist. S. Iohn: compiled by the famous and godly learned man, Henry Bullinger, chief pastor of the congregation of Zuryk. Newly set forth and allowed, according to the order appoynted in the Quenes maiesties, iniuntions. Thargument, wurthines, commoditie, and vse of this worke, thou shalt fynd in the preface: after which thou hast a most exact table to leade thee into all the princypall matters conteyned therin.; In Apocalypsim Jesu Christi. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Daus, John. 1561 (1561) STC 4061; ESTC S107053 618,678 759

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sayeth he beyng inflamed with a exceding great heate they were euen ragyng madde For we reade in stories that mē beyng afflicted with ouer much heate haue felte greuouse displeasures and tormentes bothe of body and minde Than he addeth that followeth of the fourmer membre the impatiēcie of the heate prouoked them to blaspheme God and euen him that had power ouer these plagues to witte for that hauyng full power so to do he will not deliuer them so vexed with burning heate Cōtrarywise the children of Israel in their tentes beyng stongen with serpentes inflamyng the whole body with the stinge Nume 22. did repente nother did they blaspheme God But comyng vnto Moses they sayed we haue sinned for we haue spokē against the Lord and agaynst thee Praye the lord that he will take awaie from vs these serpentes They blaspheme therfore the name of the lord so many as through vnpatientnes do murmure against the iudgementes of God nother wil acknowledge themselues to be rightly and iustely pūnished crauing perdon finally is added nother did they repente that they might geue glory to God c. For the lord plageth vs to the ende that beyng afflicted we should repente and geue God the glory confessing as I sayed before that we be punnished iustely Howe the godly vngodly behaue them selues in afflictiōs and ought with wepyng and waylyng to tourne to the lord strikyng vs. But these like Pharao nother acknoweledge theyr sinne nother praye vnto God nor yet are amended but many times ouercome thēselues in malliciousenes Hereof we learne the diuersitie betwixte the godly and vngodly and howe both vse themselues in afflictiōs For they geue glory vnto God and amende their life these geue not God the glory but become worse than themselues To geue God the glory is to geue place vnto God not to resiste but to acknoweledge their sinne and Gods rightuousenes and not this only but also the mercy of God and clemencie towardes the penitent and the same to require humbly The darknes of the romish see the .v. plague The fifte Aungell powreth his cuppe vpon the seate of the beaste That a seate or trone is vsed for a kingdome is more manifeste than that it nede to be proued by testimonies sins that S. Iohn himself doeth by by for a seate place a kingdome And also in times paste the maisters or rather ministers of churches taught sitting had their stoles chaires in holy assemblees That saiyng in the gospel is knowen In the chayre of Moses sitte the scribes and Phariseis c. It is knowē that in aūcient time ther were seates of Patriarches Hierusalem Antioche Rome Alexandria Constantinople and others and that the same are called Apostolicall seates forasmuch as the Apostles haue taught there And so is the Apostolicall seate vsed for the Apostolicall doctrine it selfe That seate erected and established at Rome by the Apostles and Apostolicke men the beast that is the Pope hath subuerted and in the place therof erected the seate of pestilēce which he dare neuerthelesse cal the seate of Christe Thapostolicall seate of Christ S. Peter and the seate of S. Peter Christe hath no more any seate in Earth saue that he dwelleth in the hartes of the faithfull church Otherwyse the trewe seate of Christ is the right hād of the father The trewe seate of Peter is heauen it selfe Rome is no longer his seate for the Apostolicall doctrine and Patriarchall chayre is destroyed and troden vnder fote in steade therof is an earthly Empire or kingedome set vp by the Pope Yea more he pourseweth the Apostolical seates by force of armes Nowe therefore God hauyng cōpassion vpon his poureth out his wrath and plague on the see of Rome illuminyng men with the light of the Gospel to the ende they might know and see the wickednes and abomination of the Romisshe See The which is a wonderfull benefite to them that be lighted and a greate griefe and tormente to the Romish sorte For theffecte of the plage followeth and his kyngdome was made darke This plague aunswereth to the .9 of Aegipte For like as thicke darkenes plaged the Aegyptians bright light reioyced the Israelites so were the Papistes tourmēted with shameful errours than shall it grieue them also to haue their errours detected and their glory obscured the faithful shall reioyce in the light of Christ For now beginneth and already hath begonne the maiestie of the seate and of him that sitteth therein to be obscured That which was ones called an holy seate is now of the godly learned called wicked Rome the whore of Babylon the mother of al fornications the denne of theues Sodome Aegipte the red harlot by reason of the pourple senate of Cardinalles which weare red and purple It is comonly sayed and truely the nerer Rome the further from Christe They call and that moste rightly the Cardinalles bishoppes and spiritual fathers the familie limmes of Antichrist men disceaued and disceauers with Symony and filthie lust moste corrupte Therfore the kingdome of the beast so he expoundeth the seate was made darke There is added furthermore howe the worshippers of the seate of the beaste haue and do behaue themselues Firste for payne and sorrowe indignation wrath and enuie they gnawe or bite their tunges which is the gesture of angry mē and that impotently angry I meane that burne infuriouse rage The furie of the papistes againste the gospellers It is a phrase of speach signifiyng howe they will rage with greate furie agaynst the trewth opened which they would haue vtterly hidde and oppressed Agayne they blaspheme the Lorde of heauen maker of al both for that he afflicteth them with botches and sondry plagues also for that he casteth a darknes vpon their kingdome For euen therfore the Romish cal the preachers of the gospel disceauers heretikes and the very doctrine of the gospel heresie But this reproche redoundeth to him which is authour of the same doctrine Finally thei do not repent them of their doynges of theyr Simony of their craftie iuggelyng sacrileges idolatrie and al vngodlines And the apostle sayeth howe euill men and disceauers will waxe worse and worse disceauing and beyng disceaued Therfore is it no maruel though you see the papistes at this daye with a stiffenecke to procede obstinately in their errours But the greatest plague is to be forsaken of God and stubbernely to mayneteyne their errours vngodlines and therin to perseuer The Lord deliuer vs from euill Amen ¶ The sixte Angell shedeth his vialle The .lxxj. Sermon ANd the sixte Angell powreth out his vialle vpon the great riuer of Euphrates and the water dried vp that the waye of these kynges of the Easte shoulde be prepared And I sawe three vncleane spretes like frogges come out of the mouthe of the Dragon and out of the mouth of the beaste and out of the mouthe of the false prophet For they are the spretes of the
Romanes into a reprobate minde to do those thinges which God alloweth not And so are the wordes of God prophecied by the Prophets and Apostles on this wise fulfilled Doubtlesse they be the wordes of God and not of men which are red of this matter in Daniell and in all this booke of reuelation The woman is the great citie Finally the Angell expoundeth what is signified by the woman sitting on the beast to wit that great citie of Rome the head and Lady maistresse of the worlde and the Romish church Popery and power stretching oute her selfe and her Kyngdome ouer the Kinges of the Earth Of whom already hath bene spoken enough To God be glorie ¶ He sheweth that Rome shall assuredly fall and addeth the causes of her fall The .lxxvij. Sermon The .18 chapter AND after that I sawe an Angell come down from Heauen hauing greate power and the Earth was lightned with his brightnes and he cryed mightelye with a stronge voyce sayeng she is fallen she is fallen euen great Babilon and is become the habitation of Deuilles and the holde of all vncleane spirites a cage of vncleane and hateful birds for all nations haue dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her whoredome And the kyngs of the earth haue cōmitted fornication with her and her marchauntes are waxed rych of the aboundaunce of her pleasures He pourseweth through out al the .18 chap. the destructiō of olde and new Rome also of Heithennes and Antichristianisme that with a maruelouse plentie euidence of speach euen so that ye would thinke that you sawe al thing presently And he vseth also a most godly order The some of the .18 chapter For first the Angell declareth the destruction of Rome with moste apte wordes Secondly coūsel is geuen to the godly how to behaue themselues in so great daungers Than is added the maner of the desolation that like as Rome hath gredely and cruelly spoyled and destroyed other nations euen so it shal chaunce vnto her also After this a lamentation is made wherein the Princes and marchaūts do mourne for the ruine of Rome where they also resyte the richesse and pleasures of Rome Finally the Apostles and Prophetes reioyce at the moste iust iudgement of God Agayne the Angell of the Lord cast a milstone into the bottome of the sea that so the most certaine vnrecouerable and moste weightie destruction of Rome mighte be signified Wherunto agayne are anexed the causes of so great euilles and the same finished with the prayse and gratulation of all the heauenly dwellers And most luckely doeth he imitate the holy Prophetes of God wherof two in a maner after the same forte S. Ihon imitateth the prophetes do describe the destruction of old Babilon Esaye in the .13.14 .21 chap. And Ieremy in the .50 and .51 And Ezechiell the ouerthrowe of Tirus in the .26.27 and .28 chapt For as the lot and end of all the vngodly is lyke so doeth the canonicall Scripture in painting out their destruction right well agree with it selfe The Apostles moreouer The maiestye of the holy tung although they spake and wrote to the gentyles in greke yet altered they nothing of their naturall phrase of speakyng and euen constrayned straunge tungues to serue the holy and not the Hebrew to serue vnto heathen langages For speakyng greke they obserued the naturall phrase of the Hebrew speach as first diuine and holy And where they coulde speake all langages yet ded they neuer speake and write any foreyne langage so but that in the same the Hebrew phrase might be perceyued The curiositie of the readers in the translations of the Bible Let some therfore beware at this daie that thei be not to deintie cared and followe the puretie of the latine speach so that in expressing the same they fal not in the meane whyle from the simplicitie of the holye tongue and lose not a fewe misteries They that be not froward had rather frame themselues to the holy langage and learne the phrases therof than to subdue the same againste the heare to straunge tongues and cōpell it to serue our delicate eares Moreouer we haue already admonished oftentimes what is the end vse of this treatise concerning the iudgemēts or pūnishments of God For the veritie and iustice of God is cōfirmed the afflicted receiue comfort and the wicked and all Gods enemies are made affrayde c. The vngodly deride the oracles of god But when S. Ihon published these thinges and prophesied of the destruction of Babilon which al men at that time by reason of the late subuersion of Ierusalem and most greuouse captiuitie of the Iewes which had lately chaunced vnder Vespasian ded clerely vnderstand to signifie Rome For right so had Babilon in times past vexed the holy Citie and natiō as nowe had Vespasian the Romane The godly in dede beleued thē to be true that they shulde vndoubtedly come to passe The vngodly as dotages laughed them to scorne The same had their elders done For when the Prophetes also prophesied the subuersion of Niniue Babilon and most mightie Monarchies they semed to them to be mad Notwithstāding euen as they had saied so came it to passe Therfore the faithfull beleue the Oracles of God howe long so euer they be differred which are prophesied to come how vnpossible so euer they appeare vnto the worlde For to God speakyng and willing nothing is harde The Authour of this oracle And going about to shewe the subuersion of Rome he prepareth his hearers and winneth credit to the prophesie whileste before all thinges he sheweth the authour of the Oracle or prophesie the very Angell of God And verely he cōmendeth highly the same Angel to vs to the end we shuld doubt nothinge of the veritie of those thinges which he speaketh For he sayeth howe he came from Heauen Wherupon we gather those things that he bringeth to be diuine and celestial the same is saied to haue great power lest verely we shuld thinke those thinges to be vnpossible which he sayeth shall come to passe For yf the Angel Gods minister be of so great power what may we thinke the Lorde to be which sente the Angel One Angell before the walles of Hierusalem killed an hondreth fourescore and fiue thousande menne of warre One Aungell in a night slewe all the firste borne of Aegipt Therfore seyng the most mightie Angel prophecieth the destruction of olde newe Rome we nede not to doubte but that it shall vtterly perisshe Moreouer the Earth was lightened with the glory that is to saye with the brightenes or light of this Aungell For this prophecie is nother darke nother will it be hidde but chiefly and most clerely preachrd through out the world Wherefore the same Aungell crieth with all his force We muste preach frely clerely agaynste Antichrist and that with a greate voyce For it behoueth these oracles of God wherein is treated of
vnderstand that is to saye al that same time that is rekened frō the fatall yeres .666 wherof is mentioned in the .13 chapt of thapocalipse vntil the last iudgemēt And whie I do expounde a certen time by an vncerten these be the causes First for asmuch as the same nombre of monethes is put here in the .13 chapt And is ascribed to the olde Romane Empire verely that in their tribulations the Sainctes might vnderstand comfort themselues that there is an ende appoincted to their tirāny which is knowen of God and that the Sainctes should no more be sorrowful than if they should be cōstreyned to abide their tiranny a fewe monethes only Otherwise if ye should accompte from the firste yere of Iulius Cesar and bring the course of time vntil that yere wherin Odacer at Rome al emperours of the weste beyng takē awaye was acknowledged for King you shal not finde only three yeres and an half but about fiue hondreth and .xvii. yeres Yf you shal bring the accompte from Iulius to the empire taken awaye and geuen to the pope you shal finde about .767 yeres The later cause for that Daniel the Lorde Christe and the Apostle S. Paule agreablely do saye that the persecution of Antichrist should last vnto the iudgemēt But who shal rekē vnto vs the yeres and dayes of the last iudgement And therefore must the nōbre certayne be expounded by the vncerten and must thinke that al thinges are nombred prefixed in the counsel of god which neuer neglecteth his faithfull To him be glory for euermore Amen ¶ Of the two prophetes fightyng manfully agaynst Antichrist and of their power The .xlvij. Sermon ANd I will geue power to my two witnesses thei shal prophecie a M. cc. and .lx. daies cloted in sacke cloth These are two oliue trees two cādelstickes stādyng before the God of the Earth And if any man wil hurt them fire shal come forth of their mouth deuour their enemies And if any man will hurt thē this wise must he be killed these haue power to shut heauē that it raigne not in the dayes of their propheciyng and haue power ouer waters to tourne them to bloud and to smite the earth with al maner plagues as oftē as they will These thinges apperteyne also to the consolation of the faithful Prophetes are promised For the lord promiseth that he wil sende prophetes that is preachers whiche shall mayneteyne and defende the veritie of the Gospel and glory of Christ assayle Antichrist and distroye his kingdome and auaunce the saluation of the faythfull In the fourmer chapt 8. and .9 was described the fight of Antichrist and heretikes agaynst God his Christ and against his church now at fewe wordes is set agaynst the same the cōtrary fight the army of Christ is munstred Two prophetes And he bringeth forth two Prophetes that is preachers not for that there shal be two only but for that he wil so signifie that the power of Christ in the worlde should be and seme to worldly men small as I shal tel you anone in the meane time he vnderstandeth al faithful preachers and pastours of al times whiche offer themselues to resiste Antichrist and heretikes There be that expounde these thinges of Enoch and Helie which shal come corporally before the iudgemēt Howbeit S. Hierome in the epistle to Marcella doeth referre that opinion to Iewish fables signifiyng that these thinges must de spiritually expounded of those prophetes as are also the most things of this boke And in maner al expositours with great concorde doe interprete all these thinges of these Prophetes spiritually and not corporally after the lettre I suppose that for two causes there be two Prophetes only here rehersed First for that he would allude to the olde Historie or prophecie of Zacharie which is in the .4 chapt It was thought than also to the people of Israel retourned from Babylon that the reparyng of the Tēple was vnpossible for that they had many and mightie aduersaries and they were weake and fewe and their gouernours Zorobabel and Iehosua contemned but through the mightie hande of God and his faithful ayde it came to passe that the power of their aduersaries vanisshed awaye as vayne and they indespite of hell gates buylded vp their Temple right so the Lorde sayeth it shal be in that later age that the ministers most contēptuous and very fewe in nombre shal buylde vp Christ his temple and repare it shake the most mighty power of Antichrist Herunto I suppose belongeth that saiyng of Daniel and when they shal fal they were holpen with smal ayde c. Secondely for this cause chiefly he accompteth only two witnesses for that it is red written in the Lawe in the mouth of two or three witnesses euery worde shal stande It is iudged therfore a full testimony whiche shall be confirmed with the agreable declaration of two Where therfore the lord sayeth that he wil geue two Prophetes it is asmuch to saye as that he wil geue so many ministers as shal suffice which shal both builde vp his church and also plucke downe and rēt a sonder the kingdome of Antichrist There be of the expositours which thinke that by two witnesses are vnderstande two testamētes Howbeit we see that the Lord speaketh here of witnesses not of the thing testified or to be witnessed which neuerthelesse we separate not from the witnesses The Apostles and Apostolicall men are called witnesses euery where in the Gospel and in the .1 Who be witnesses chapt of the Actes of Apostles Witnesses are ordeyned in iudgement that they should faithfully vtter that whiche they haue sene or hearde that they should forge nothing of themselues to the things that should be testified should nother adde or put any thing nor take awaye any thing So likewise are placed of God in the church of God the witnesses of God that is to saye ministers and of them is required that they Imagine nothing of their owne braine nother put to nor take away any thing from Gods worde but simply declare to the church of God the thinges they haue sene in the story of the Gospell and hearde of the prophetes and Apostles Therfore are thei false witnesses nother worthie to be called the witnesses of God and of Christ which bryng not the Gospell They be rather the Popes witnesses whose decrees decretalles they bring forth and beare witnes of them to the folish people Therefore shal those two prophetes be witnesses of Christ and shal bryng witnes for Christ out of the most trewe Scriptures And the beginnyng of them is here referred to God and to his Christ as the original of Antichrist is reduced to the deuil him self The original of prophetes I wil geue sayeth the lord to my two witnesses and they shal prophecie Christ sendeth preachers geueth to them also that they can preach The which is a wonderful comforte For like as
vpon the woman For God neuer fayled his afflicted churche In so much which a man may maruayle at that the earth opened her mouth and swallowed vp the floude powred oute of the serpents mouth This earth dranke vp in oulde time and couered the bloud of Abell And here is signified that the godly abyding persecution haue helpe from whence they loke not for as Dauid in times past is red to be deliuered by the help of the Palestines thinking nothing les than to delyuer Dauid oute of the handes of King Saule but yet whyleste they go aboute an other thing they bring to passe that which semed good to the Lorde which can turne the euil counselles of euil men to the profyte of the godlie And doubtles we see many tymes in the Actes of the Apostles that the earth hath swallowed vp a floude of euylles that is to say that earthly and worldly men doing in the meane tyme an other thing haue procured peace to the church So doeth that Towne clarke or recorder of Ephesus pacifie the multitude of the Ephesians which were all on a roare and worse than madde Lysias the head Captayne taketh away Paule out of the blouddy handes of the Iewes so doth the Centurian defend Paule that he shoulde not be slaine of the souldiours in the shipwreake The ciuile warres begonne immediatelie after the death of Nero gaue peace vnto the church vntyll the Empyre of Domitian But the oulde Serpent that can neuer reste attempteth newe warres For nowe beyng wood madde with the church he goeth to make warre against the remnaunt of the womans seede which verely is to be borne vntyll the iudgement of the church by the worde And so maketh way to the Romayne persecutions which folowed incontinentely after the tyme of Saincte Ihon in the Empyre of Rome and the Antichristiane persecutions reysed after the Empyre subuerted Whereof shall be spoken in the .13 chapt c. the church begetteth Galath 4. Neuerthelesse hereof it appeareth chiefely what Saincte Ihon vnderstandeth by the woman the same verely which engendreth the seede of God The church is called both the Mother and daughter The daughter because she is engendred by the worde preached in the church The mother for that by the worde she bryngeth soorth spirituall chyldren to Chryste For the seede of God and the seede of the woman be all those which kepe the commaundementes of God and haue the testimonie of Iesu Chryste They kepe the commaundementes of God which make much of Gods lawe and frame all parts of theyr lyfe according to the same They kepe not Goddes commaundements which sette nothyng by the lawe or worde of God nother frame theyr lyfe after the same Of this matter is spoken at large in the fourtenth The testimony of Iesu Christ is nothing els but the gospell of Iesu Christ preaching vnto vs the free remissiō of sinnes They haue this which possesse it by fayth And where he sayeth The dragō stādeth on the sea sand that the Dragon stode on the Sea sande it is a preparation to thinges that followe for by by he sayeth how the beast the principall instrument of the dragon came out of the Sea by the deuilles meanes And it hath a consolation that the dragon is sayed to stande on the sande and not on the rocke For it signifieth that the furies of Sathan shall not longe indure agaynst the church and that the kingedome of the Deuill shal be rumouse and fall to decaye whose foundations are layde vpon the sande ¶ He exhibiteth a noble instrumente of the Dragon to be sene the olde Romane Empire which describeth what maner a one it is c. The .lv. Sermon ANd I sawe a beast rise out of the see hauing seuen heades The .13 chapter and ten hornes and vpon his hornes ten crownes and vpon his head the names of blasphemie And the beaste whiche I sawe was like a Cat of the Mountane and his fete were as the fete of a beare and his mouth as a lion And the dragon gaue him his power his seate great authoritie I sawe one of his heades as it were wounded to death his deadly wounde was healed and al the world wōdered at the beast and they worshipped the Dragō which gaue power to the beaste Instrumēts by the whiche the deuil hath wrought worketh S. Iohn procedeth to describe by the reuelatiō of Iesus christ the notable instrumentes of the deuill wherby he hath afflicted the church of Christ with continual most greuouse persecution And he speaketh of the olde and the newe Romane Empire S. Iohn could not without excedyng great daūger vtter much lesse describe those thinges a man not furnished with any mans helpe and therto bannished and driuen into exile For the Romane Empire was takē for godly inuincible most sacred and euerlastyng Neuerthelesse the Apostle both speaketh and writeth hereof in such sorte that it semeth that he can not eschewe the title of a seditious person and offende against the holy maiestie both of the emperour and Empire But what I praye thee woldest thou do God cōmaunding thee so to speake and write The vnpatientnes boldenes of the world against the crewth Math. 21. The world also rageth at this daye when they heare realmes and policies chastised by Gods word for sinne and wickednes cōmitted and lordely enough some Princes set forth proclamations commaundyng that no such thing be hearde any more But the Lord sayeth in the gospell yf these holde their peace stones shall speake signifiyng vtterly that the trueth muste be preached nother that it can be oppressed or quenched with any decrees threatenynges force of Armes or punnishmentes Therfore if they should at this daye kepe silence vnto whom the office of preachyng is committed the lord wil stire vp other preachers which though al the world saye naye wil beare witnesse to the trueth Therfore I would counsell princes that thei vexe not themselues in vayne with those their sondry attēptes agaynst Gods trueth For they shal not preuaile The veritie shal vanquish For he that then furnisshed Iohn agaynste the Romane Empire that time most florisshyng and puissaunt the self same also at this daye reuealyng his trueth to the world nowe broken and waxen olde wil ouercome doubtles Wo to those stifnecked natures which loue to seduce Let al preachers learne by the exāple of the Apostle S. Iohn to vtter frely such things as they haue receiued in commaundement and to feare no man He is greater which is in vs as the same S. Iohn saied in the .1 Iohn 4. than he that is in the world The beast is the Rom. Empire And the beast he calleth the Romane Empire of great authoritie and as it were godly notwithout most weightie cōsiderations For the lorde kepeth still the phrase of the scripture imitatyng Daniel which in the .7 chapt attributeth the name of beaste to the Romane Empire And S. Hierome expoundynge the
emonges those ten hornes one other little horne should grow vp whiche shoulde strike of three and take their place and reigne wantonly crwelly and wickedly Wherefore the Popes Empire and those sondry kingdomes grewe vp in a maner aboute one and the same time The kings haue one minde He sheweth moreouer what maner of kingdomes those shal be and how they shal demeane thēselues towardes that latter beast namely towarde the church of Rome thei saieth he haue al 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one opinion they beleue al one thing be of the same religion He speaketh chiefly of the westerne kynges For they al receyue the decrees of the Bishoppe of Rome and honor them as most obedient childrē of the most sacred holy church of Rome They shal deliuer to the beaste 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their authoritie or kyngedome For they submitte themselues to the See of Rome Yf the church of Rome haue nede of an Armie or force of armes the kinges sende their power gladly to hym which the most noble kingdome of Boheme felte about an hondreth yeres sins though it were to no great commoditie and beautifull triumphes of the inuaders Yea morouer they acknowledge thēselues to owe homage and feaultie to the moste holy and supreme Bishop in al the world Hereunto chiesly apperteyneth that which Augustin Stewchus in his boke against Laurence valla concernyng the donation of Constantine in the .94 Section hath written on this wise Gregory the .7 vnto Geusa king of Hungarie we suppose it is not vnknowen to thee sayeth he that the kingdome of Hungarie like as other most noble realmes also ought to be in the state of his owne libertie nother that it ought to be subiecte to any kyng of an other realme saue to the holy and vniuersall mother church of Rome which hath her subiectes not as seruauntes but as children Hereunto addeth Steuchus thou hearest with what gouernement the church ruleth that she maye interteyne her subiectes not as seruauntes but as childrē She putteth not kinges out of their possession but permitteth them to reigne as her sonnes who reignyng she reigneth her selfe also Neuerthelesse she will be knowen for Quene and Lady Quene Lady Thou hearest how al the moste noble realmes be subiecte to the Apostolical See Euen there he sheweth that the moste noble kingdomes of Spaine Fraūce England Denmarke Russelande Croatie Dalmatia Arragonie Sardinia Portugalle Bohemia Sweuia and Norwaye be subiecte tributaries to the church of Rome In the Section .97 He addeth moreouer although the kinges reigned and continued in possession yet are they wonte to acknowledge her as Quene and trewe Lady and gyuer of their kingdomes And in the Sect. 105. The old monumentes of all Popes are full of highe authoritie A mouth verely speaking great thinges whereby they haue with their Empires gouerned the whole worlde hauing the rule and order of al landes which power and authoritie that impudente praiser of the Romishe See is not asshamed to call omnipotent or almightie And doubtles we see at this daye great Ambassades sent to Rome by the westerne kinges newely elected crowned to the intent to kisse the Popes fete or too of Antichrist and to offer dewe obedience as they cal it Therefore did he calle them before not kinges absolutely but as kinges For they acknowledge a superiour and be euen as it were seruauntes or wardes of the seruaunt of seruauntes Of whome he hath made proper verses The vulgare people brought from farre ende of the worlde The seruaunt of seruauntes O Rome is now thy Lorde Hereunto the Apostle addeth a thing yet more greuouse The fight with the lambe These Kinges I meane the confederates of the Pope and obedient children of the Church of Rome indewed with the spirite of the beaste shall fight with the Lambe Whereby is signified the tiranny which kinges and princes and certen other states of the Romane Empire do practise long haue practised agaynst Christ his gospel Concerning the lambe we haue already spokē enough before Iohn Baptist poinctyng with his fingar to Christ sayeth beholde the lambe of God which taketh awaye the sinnes of the world Therfore shal the Romish princes fight not agaynste Christ himselfe for they will be christians but agaynst the Lambe that is the sanctification iustification and satisfaction of Christ For yf any man saye at this daye that the sonne of God is most holy by whome alone sinnes are forgeuen and we are sanctified and saye not also that the Bisshop of Rome is moste holy also whiche purgeth by pardons graunted but shall saye rather that perdons are playne disceiptfulnes and the Pope most vncleane of all he shal doubtles nother be takē for right catholicke nother shal he be spared for confessyng the lambe of God Yf any man shal confesse that iustification is only in the sonne of God alone and that men are iustified by fayth only and not also by our workes and merites he shal be caried to death or to prison nother shal the confession of the lambe of God preuayle him any thing Yf any man shal say that he is fully purged through the only oblation of Christe on the crosse as of a lambe without spotte and sacrificed frō the beginnyng neyther that he nedeth any popish Masses wherby the shauelynges boaste that they make a dayly offering for the sinnes of the quicke and dead whiche in dede is both false and blasphemouse he is streight wayes hurried to prison and from thence drawen to the stake and brente We can not denye but that this is true seyng there be at this daie innumerable exāples of Romishe kinges and princes in this behalfe We shall not nede therefore to fetche our exposition farre of how these kinges which wholy depēde of the Pope shal fight with the lambe I speake here nothinge of others which cleaue whole vnto Christ And therefore for a comforte is consequently annexed and the Lambe shall ouer come them The lābe shall ouercome thē For albeit that Popish kinges and Princes seme to ouercome the Sainctes whom they burne murther and distroye yet Christ liueth for euer the redemption of Christe florissheth As moste godly that good poete hath songe Christ liueth yet and shal do still His trewth eke shall remayne Whilst al that doeth this world fulfill Shall perish and be vayne Kinges perish kingdomes perish or be chaunged but the trewth is neuer chaunged Christ perisheth neuer He adioyneth a most strong reason for he is Lord of Lordes and king of kinges Therfore shal they be made a fote stole for the fete of the Lambe as many as shall striue agaynst him You see agayne whie S. Iohn sayed before they receiue power as kinges For all kinges are vnder Christ whiche excelleth all lordes in the worlde For to him is geuen power in Heauen and in earth Let vs therfore be of bold courage For the lord is Emperour and our
cōmitted Italiā matters Totila therfore where themperour would not graūt his requestes determined to rase the citie of Rome The greatest parte of the walles in most places he made euen with the grounde setteth the Capitolle house on fire He commaundeth al Citizens with their wiues childrē to departe out of the citie The cōmons of Rome were dispersed in the townes of Campania The Senatours and nobilitie Totila kepte with him for pledges Than was fire put into euery house Thus Rome beyng fired in al places Totila lefte it vacant .13 dayes the fire brent clere The citie of Rome was .40 dayes in that solitarines that there was neyther mā nor woman in the same The citie ouerthrowē he remoued his campe towardes Lutania and Calabria Bellisarius came to the citie lefte vacant and soner than a man would haue thought fortifieth a parte of the citie with ditch walle rampare and turretes of wood For all coulde not be restored Totilas was with him but repulsed departed to Tibur Bellisarius is sent for into Grece by themperour Totila besegeth Rome and taketh it So in one yere Rome the head of the world the lady of al nations was taken thryse thus wryteth Auentinus Leonarde Aretine writing of the Italian war against the Gotthes in th ende of the 2. boke After this sayeth he Totila departing frō Rome with his whole armie lefte it vtterly desolate and vacant c. Who will saye nowe that S. Iohn hath not in fewe wordes comprehended the destructiō of olde Rome whiche the stories afterwarde haue plentifully described and finally howe after the same maner as it was prophecied it hath followed the prophecie after .451 yeres And that so euidētly to haue propounded in fewe wordes that you would thinke presently to beholde Rome both falling and burnyng New Rome also shall fall with her empire And like as in the storie of the gospel the lord intermireth a prophecie of the destruction of Ierusalem and of th ende of the world that euery mā might of this that he seeth the citie of Hierusalē right so as the lord had prophecied to haue perished nother that one stone hath remayned vpon an other gather by like trouth certentie that this world shal fall So maye we of this that we see tholde citie of Rome fallen so great an Empire which was thought shuld haue lasted for euer brought to naught gather also that new Rome with her shaddowe or image of thempire shal as sure as daye fall be brought to naught And firste in dede the Saracenes Turkes whiche ruled and yet raigne in the prouinces subiecte to the Romane Empire as in Asia Grece Aegypte Affricke Slauonie and base Hungarie and therfore be rightly accompted emonges the ten hornes doe hate worse than dogge or snake both Poperie it selfe and Rome and all that Imagerie Empire Yea stories also testifie that they haue oft times made inuasions and spoyled Rome it selfe What is done at this daye experience it self teacheth But whether the Turke or the christen Princes themselues conuerted to Christ by the Gospel shall spoyle this newe Rome destroye it vtterly and burne it with fire the Lord knoweth who semeth here to intimate some suche thing hereof This is certayne that Christ alone with his hand shal bring downe Antichrist and abolish him with his comming Certaine it is that the Earth and al the workes that be therin shal be brēt For thus is thapostolical doctrine and that al these things shal be in th ende of the world Reade Paule .2 to the Thess the .2 And Peter the .2 Epistle the .3 chap. Morouer there arrise in sondry kingdomes of the world learned men which ones being bounden to the See of Rome haue defended her her stinking idolle but after cōuerted to Christ beginne to hate both Rome the Romish churche which also they assaile burne with the fire of Gods word Therfore al the glorie dignitie and welth of the Pope poperie hath perished perisheth daily in the godly Al that be godly wise hate Rome romish wares Al crie out that this Sodome is worthie to be brente with fire fallyng from heauen Nother is ther any doubt but that a greuouse vengeaunce is prepared agaynst her And briefly is shewed a reason God hath put into the heartes of kyngs c. wherfore the Kings shuld rage so cruelly against the beaste and why these thinges are done in such sorte and maner as we haue hearde For God sayeth he hath geuē into the hartes of thē 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is that they should worke his will shuld do with one mynde and consent For where some referre 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his to the beaste that semeth to far of and straunge It is referred rather to the nexte to God I meane which put into the heartes of the kinges to do his wil I say of God For it is the mynde and will of God that the beast shulde perish that punnishment be taken of her for shedyng of innocent bloude The same God will procure that kinges shal not be at discord but at concord that being of one mynd and accorde they may execute Gods iudgemēt So we read in the Prophetes that God put in to the heartes of kynges Salmanaser Sinnacherib Nabuchodonoser Cyrus and others that they shuld do as they are red to haue done to wit in pūnishing the wicked and defending the godly And ther is also mention made in Histories howe Alaricke Kynge of the west Gothes was in dede disswaded by a seruaunt of God that he shuld not make such haste to distroy Rome but that he aunswered Ther is one that cōtinually troubleth me and sayeth go distroy Rome And he that put that mynde and wyll in to the hearte of Alarich Adolphe Genserych Odacer Theodoricke and Totila The same yf he wyll and when he wyll and in to what Princes he wyll shall put that they also shall doe their dewtie againste this newe Citie and churche of Rome The angel anexeth how God moreouer hath put into the harts of kings that they shuld geue their kingdom to the beast til the words of God be fulfilled The which the interpretours expound say howe God hath permitted that they shoulde cōceaue this coūsel in their mynds to deliuer the kingdome to the beast But I suppose it to be more playne yf we symplye confesse God to be authour of no sinne and that men sinne as compelled by no fatall necessitie but through their owne faulte and vice Therefore God woulde as by his woorde also he hath expressed and taught that kynges shulde deliuer their Kyngdomes to Christe the high Kyng which where it pleased them not but had rather for sondry causes of the flesh and the worlde delyuer their kyngdomes to the Pope and submitte themselues to the See as they call it Apostolicall God of his iuste iudgemente hath forsaken them and geuen them ouer as S. Paule wrote the
A HVNDRED Sermons vpō the Apocalips of Iesu Christe reueiled in dede by Thangell of the Lorde but seen or receyued and written by thapostle and Euāgelist S. Iohn Compiled by the famous and godly learned man Henry Bullinger chief Pastor of the Congregation of Zuryk ¶ Newly set forth and allowed according to the order appoynted in the Quenes maiesties Iniuntions ¶ Th argument wurthines commoditie and vse of this worke thou shalt fynd in the Preface After which thou hast a most exact Table to leade thee into all the princypall matters conteyned therin Math. 17. ☞ This is my welbeloued sun in whom I take pleasure heare hym Anno. 1561 TO THE RIGHT HOnorable Syr Thomas Wentworth knight Lorde VVentworth Lorde Lifetenaunt of the Quenes Maiesties Countie of Suffolk c. Hys singular good Lorde and Master Iohn Daus his obedient Seruaunt wissheth health and peace in the Lorde with thincrease of honor and dignitye IF we waigh and consider aswell this present pece of Scripture intitled the Reuelatiō as also the whole body of the same Ryghte honorable and my singular Lorde we shall fynde that the trewe Churche of Chryst hath ben euer from the first creation of the world is now and still shall be to the consumation therof subiecte to greate aduersities persecutions and troubles out of the which notwithstanding the Lord when he seeth it good deliuereth and preserueth the same and suffereth her not to perysh Wherupon the Romish haue a trew saying that Peters ship may with billowes and waues of tempestuous stormes be ouer whelmed but can neuer be drowned which saying is doubtlesse most true although thei thē selues sayle not therein but rather seke to dround the same by ouerfraighting her with the heauy burthen of mens traditions For certēly the Shippe of Peter whiche is the figure of Chrystes Churche is in dede ofte tossed and tourmoyled with outragious stormes and tempestes but can neuer be drenched or swallowed vp of the same For Christ bothe Master and owner therof can and wyll for his mercy truthes sake appeace all rages at his pleasure Herin both the Papistes and Gospellers do agree But whether of them are the trewe Church● thys matter is yet in controuersie hangeth before the Iudg which this present worke shall discerne and put out of all doubt And to enter a little into the matter as it were with a certen preamble the true Churche of Chryste is not called the stony temple wherin we assemble to heare Gods worde receyue the Sacramentes and to praye in for suche are builded with handes and with handes are destroyed a 〈…〉 nether yet is it called the congregation of certen Byshops of al nations assembled in a generall Counsell for they all though in the firste lawfull and godly counselles were many good men and excellent mēbers of Christes Church yet were they not the whole church which could not erre and the which had authoritie to make new Articles of the faith but the Church is called the whole societie of people that acknowledge the Gospell of Christe and beleue in him And this Churche not to be of one time only but of all tymes ages as Adam with Eue hys wife his sun Abel his familie was the church Noah with his familie was the churche Melchizedec with his familie was the Churche Abraham also with his familie Likewyse Isaac Iacob Dauid the Prophetes and Apostles with theyr Auditours that beleued in the Gospell of Christ were the churche and where soeuer at this daye the Gospel of Christ is receyued and beleued there is also the church of Christ which by a figuratiue speache may be aptly called the Ship of Peter or Arcke of Noe. Now let vs consider the state of the churche vnder Adam wherof the chiefest member was righteous Abel but him doth his brother Cain persecute for Religion and slayeth hym And this was the beginning of the tempest that arose a-against the Ship of Peter the beginning I meane of the persecution of the church which shal last to the worldes ende Lykewyse dyd the churche vnder Abraham suffer persecution by Ismaell vnder Isaac by Esau vnder Moses of Pharao vnder Eli the high Priest the Arke of the Lorde was taken by the Philistines and then it was thought that the church shulde haue quyte perished vnder Achab and wicked Iezabel the Churche was not onlye afflicted and sore oppressed but also in a maner extinguished where the Prophet Helias complayned that he was lefte alone Vnder Ieremie the Citie of Ierusalem was destroyed of the Babylonians and the churche was not lyke then to perish but rather vtterly lost already when Christ the head of the Churche was crutified it was iudged that the churche had then ben cleane destroied We had thought say they that he shoulde haue redemed Israell what tyme king Pharao with his host had inclosed the Israelites that is to witte the churche betwene the mountaines and the Red Sea it was lyke that the churche shulde haue perished but Moses prayed the Lorde miraculously deliuered them Againe the churche semed to be in extreme daunger when Sennacherib spoyled the kyngdome of Iuda and ment to destroy Ierusalem but througe the prayer of Ezechias the Kyng God sent his Angell and distroyed the host of the Assyrians The church semed to tende vnto ruine when Herod had killed Iames with the sweard and minded also Peter but the congregation contynewyng in prayer the Lorde sent his Angel to deliuer Peter And to be short in those ten greuous persecutions which followed immediatly after the Apostles time the church many times semed brought vnto vtter decay but alwayes when God saw it good it was reuiued and as it were refreshed agayne What shuld I recite the persecutions of the churche in the time of Athanasius wherin the Arrian Bishoppes so preuayled that the Emperour and his whole Armye so persecuted Athanasius that the good Bishop was fayne to lye hyd in an holle where he saw no sunne by the space of sixe yeares And who wold then haue thought that euer the trew churche of Christ shulde haue flourished agayne I nede not here to reherse the cruell persecutions of the church vnder the Romish antichrist which neuerthelesse haue ben and be yet styll most tyranicall and blouddye For that the same shall in this present worke more clerely appere then that I nede to make any discourse therof only I wolde shewe briefely as dothe my Author at large that Christes trewe churche is alwayes subiect to persecutions To thintent therfore to passe ouer many thynges vntouched and to come nerer our fathers memorye in the tyme of the Emperoure Sigismunde there was holden a counsell at Constaunce wherein the Bishops so conspired to extinguish Christes veritie that contrary to thauncient libertie of a free and general Counsel and cōtrary to the Emperours saufconduit they not only burned there Iohn Husse and Hierome of Prage professours of Chrystes Gospell but decreed also that the bones of
Iohn Wickleffe sumtime Person of Lutterworth here in Englande shuld be taken vp and brent whose bestiall crueltie of raging against dead men our popishe prelacie of late dayes rightly Imitatynge as the children of one father that was a murtherer frō the beginning practysed lyke tyranny with the bones of Martin Bucer and Paulus Fagius at Cambridge Such raging surges of late dayes did beate against the Ship of Peter Blessed be the Lorde Iesus that hath sent vs a goodly caulme accordyng to the saying of the Prophet Dauid The Iuste shall suffer muche tribulotion but the Lorde delyuereth them out of all And this is verely the argument sum of this boke that Chrystes churche shall suffer greuous persecution but shall neuer be left destitute For where the dragon fighteth on the sand the Lambe Chryst like a conquerour standeth on Mount Sion right hable to succour all his to the great comfort and consolation of his chosen whiche of necessitie muste suffer with Chryst yf with him we will be glorifyed And as Christ him selfe when he was rayled vpon gaue no euil words again So is the true church of Christ knowen in this that it suffereth persecution and doeth not persecute agayne Wherfore lyke as wise kinge Salomon iudged her to be the true mother of the childe which had suche compassion on it that she had rather forgo the whole then haue it diuided and dismembred the other to be the harlot that had ouerlayne her childe whiche had also consented to the death of thother Right so maye we discerne euidently the whorish churche of Antichrist by her bluddy persecutions from the true churche and spouse of Chryst the one with sweard and fyre seketh alwayes to quenche the treuth the other through the sperite of lenitie to winne men to the same the one by compulsion and violent oppression thother by perswasion and meke intercessiō the one by the sworde the other by the worde the one goeth aboute to peruert and depraue the other seketh all meanes to conuerte and saue But lest I shulde excede here the iuste measure of an Epistle and through prolexitie be to your honour tediouse which cā as the prouerbe sayeth discerne a Lion by his clawes I will breake of the thred of my discourse notwithstāding that the matter is so ample large that it wold require an other worke wherin it is harder to fynde an ende then it was a beginning contented by these fewe examples of sondry tymes to haue signified not to your Lordship which knowe them much better then I And haue red this present work in Latin as you do all others right diligently But through your ientil patience to the plaine English Reader that the true church of Chryst hath ben in all ages persecuted and that this present worke written vpon the Reuelation of S. Iohn into an hundred Sermons digested declareth no lesse and is as it were an Ecclesiastical History of the troubles and persecutions of the Churche especially from the Apostles tyme vntill the last day wherin Chryst the head of the same shall come a righteous Iudge to condemn Antichrist and all Antichristian hipocrites bluddy persecutours But to receyue his electe people and to crowne them with glory And shall deliuer vp his kingdome to his Father God shall be all in all Which worke vnderstanding right well that it shuld to your honour be acceptable I dedicate and consecrate to your name as you best haue deserued Which in this and other like enterprises haue ben to me a golden spurre that by you all others may receyue commoditie therof to the glory of God and saluation of theyr owne soules The Lorde Iesus with his principall spirite strengthen and confirme youre good Lordeshyp in all youre Godly desires From Ipsewich the kalendes of March Anno. Do 1561. A Sixain touching the contentes of thys booke WHo list to moue his lippes and hereon loke and rede In thys Apocalyppes these thynge shall fynde in dede What Antichrist first is who and where he doth dwell And that his comming is from the depe pitte of hell Then what is tholde Serpent the Dragon and the rest And also what is ment by the Image of the beest That Roome is Babylon the beastes with her heades all The whore sitting theron is Pope that downe shall fall The three foule sprets like frogs are Legates of the syde And shal haue parte with dogges though now Prelates of pride The Locustes to declare as flies in Summer ryfe The Popish clergie are a people full of stryfe Theyr songe is nothing els but alwayes coaxe coaxe Holy church holi masse holi bells holy bread holy oyle holy waxe By the marke of the Beest they may both by and sell And as they saye at least redeme soules out of hell Theyr wayres yet shall decaye and perishe in an houre All shall be take away their oyle wyne and fyne floure And Rome shall downe be cast and drowned in the depe 〈…〉 marchaunts then at last 〈…〉 ll wayle and wepe The Dragon and the beast Sathan that Serpent olde Antichrist and the rest in paynes shal aye ben holde All ye that Godly be from Rome quickly depart or els with her you see of plages ye must haue parte Thys booke shall eke declare of Sunne Mone and of starres Candelstickes what they are of battell and of warres Whiche Antichryst shall meue against Christes church to fight And those that will beleue in Christ to death will dight But Chryst on Sion Mounte the Lamb shall aye preuayle Of his maketh accompte and will them neuer fayle The sealed are the elect whom God hath chosen free All others are reiect and condemned shall be The Raynebow and white cloude and maruels many one Thaungels crie aloude blessed be God in trone Thangels and spretes holy thelders and Beastes foure Prayse God continually so shuld we euermore The elect with good intent praye come Lorde Iesu comes vnto the last Iudgement to iudge both all and summe They that dye in the Lorde streyght waye do passe to blysses This scripture doth recorde where ioye and glory is The troumps that Angels sound and vialles of Gods ire Declare God to confounde that withstande his desire The Haruest and vintage do playnely signifye That sinne is ripe of age and ought of right to die The woman clad with sunne with starres eke crowned bryght The church is and her sunne our Sauiour Christ a ryght The newe Ierusalem of Chryst the spouse so pure The churche of faithfull men in ioye shall styll indure In it no temple is no Sunne no mone at all for Chryste her glory is and God is all in all Then Reader by thys boke thou shalt thee not repent yf thou wilt heron loke nor mony better spent 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 THE PREFACE OF Henry Bullinger vpō the Apocalips of Iesu Christ setforth by the Apostle and Euangelist s Iohn vnto all thexiles for the name of Christ in Germany and Swyserland of
to the .xxi. Chapter and disputeth of the moste iust iudgement of God against Babylon the whore of Babylon and the Antichristians finally against all wycked and impenitent persones The seuenth and last vision propoundeth to the eyes of all the faythfull the glory and blysse euerlastyng● of Sainctes And verely thys diuision of the woorke hath a great grace and affinite with the rest of the thynges which in this boke are all in a maner treated by the seuenth nūbr● Let the reader followe whiche he wyll What profit is in the Apocalipse Nowe of these thynges euery man may perceyue the thys booke is altogether Apostolicall and exceadynge profitable to vs all especially whome the ende of the world● hath ouertaken And this booke shall bee easier for vs f● that all thynges nowe are in a maner accomplyshed Daniell was thought to haue tolde of starke dreame● when before the Monarchies he prophecied the Mona●chies But after those thynges were accomplished whic● he prophecied he semed vnto many to haue compiled an h●story The selfe same I am sure thou wylt iudge also thys same boke of Saint Iohn A fewe profittes only of m●ny we shall recite First we haue in this booke a moste full discription Christ reignyng in glory our kyng I saye and Byshop And howe he gouerneth the Churche and is the Sauio● of all faythfull We haue also a moste gallaunte descri●tion of Christes Churche and howe the same maye be bu●ded repared and maynteyned Than haue we a perf● description of Antichrist of his members and Synagog● of his counselles craftie deuises kyngdome crueltie a● destructions of the same From the whiche it byddeth 〈◊〉 beware Moreouer we haue an abrydgement of Histor● from Christes tyme vnto the worldes ende Finally an absolute and certayne prophecie of thyng● to come that we neede not to haue the prophecies of M●thodius Cyrill Merline Briget Nolhard certen triflers Furthermore we haue a great consolation and comfort of the churche in aduersitie whylest boeth we see th● Lambe to open the Seales and that all thynges are do● by Gods prouidence and that there is an ende of euylle● And that the churche shall bee euermore in dispitee of all th● Deuyls in hell Last we haue a moste plentifull and sure do●trine of the Iudge and last iudgement of paynes and of t●wardes All these thinges I say shal the treatise it selfe shewe plainly for our edefiyng through Iesus Christ our Lord. OF THE TITLE OF THE whole worke and exposition therof The second Sermon ☞ I said the whole boke was conteined in sixe partes Thre membres of the first part Now must we loke on the first part Which hath chiefly three members The title beginning and brief narration For this present we wyll only speake of the Title whiche is thus THe reuelatiō of Iesu Christ The first Chapter whiche God gaue vnto him for to shew vnto his seruauntes thinges whiche must shortly come to passe And he sent and shewed by his aungell vnto his seruaunt Iohn which bare recorde of the word af God and of the testimony of Iesus Christ and of all thinges that he sawe Happy is he that readeth and they that heare the wordes of the prophecie kepe those thinges which are written therin For the time is at hand This title is plentifull The title of the worke and vttereth all profitable circumstaunces that are to be declared in the beginnings of bokes First is set the Title or inscription of the whole worke that is the Apocalipse or reuelation of Iesus Christ whiche verely was opened or reuealed by Christ Iesus him selfe This title streightway proueth The reuelation of Iesu Christ that this worke is no mans inuention but a godly doctrine As that whiche was opened by our Lord kyng and priest Iesus Christ out of heauen from the right hand of the father executing there the office of the high Byshop as yet teaching vs profitable thinges and albeit it be called also the reuelatiō of Iohn yet is it chalenged to hym for none other cause than for that as scribe he wrote and set it forth Frō whēce is that reuelation Againe it is yet more playnly declared from whence this Reuelation is Euen of God hym selfe For he saieth which God namely the Father gaue vnto hym to wytte to Christ For in the holy and blessed Trinitie there is a distinction of persones And albeit that all thinges of the father be the sonnes also And all thynges of the sonne the fathers lykewyse Yet the scripture mentioneth the father to geue vnto the Sonne and the Sonne to receyue of the Father Whiche thynge all the auncient wryters haue full Godly expounded to be done by the mistery of dispensation For the Sonne receyued somewhat of the Father as man whiche otherwyse as the very Sonne of God sayeth Father Iohn 17 glorifie thou me with the glory which I had with thee before this worlde was Moreouer the Sonne is the wysdome word and mouth of the Father by whome God in tymes paste and nowe spake and speaketh to the Fathers Prophetes Apostles and to the vniuersall churche The Father by dispensation gaue to his Sonne this office that he should be Byshop For no man hath sene God at any tyme The only begotten whiche is in the bosome of the Father he hath reuealed vnto vs. Let vs knowe therfore this same to be a Reuelation Diuine whiche God the Father louynge mankynde hath reuealed by the only Byshop Christ vnto hys Churche And so it ioyneth together the Father and the Sonne that neuerthelesse the holy distinction of persones remayneth safe To what vse and to whom it is reuealed Nowe also is added to what ende God the Father hath reuealed or geuen the gyft of reuealing to wytte the office of priesthod to his Sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ to the intent verely that the same beyng reuealed he myght shewe it and as it were set it before the eyes of his seruauntes to wytte his worshippers and Christians which are called the seruauntes of God for theyr wyllyng obedience And as the seruaunt of a Lorde is a seruaunt and oweth to his Lord all that he hath or is worth So we owe vnto God our selues whole and all ours or els we be free and not bounde Here is also declared vnto whom this reuelation is opened Iohn 8 To all the seruauntes of God If therfore thou be glad to be called the seruaunt of God heare this boke and remember it And knowe that this boke is prepared for thee of God After he compryseth in fewe wordes What thinges are reuealed what Christe reuealed to Iohn thynges that must shortly come to passe The destenies therfore of the Churche are recited what good and euyll thynges shall happen to the Godly and lykewyse what punysshementes must be inflicted to the wicked And let no man gather of this woorde must necessitie as though God wrought not freely How good and euyll
chiefly of Christ secondly of our whole faith redemption The third Sermon IOhn to the seuen cōgregatiōs Asia Grace be with you pea● from him whiche is and whic● was whiche is to come and 〈◊〉 the seuen spirites which are pr●sent before his throne And frō Iesus Chri●● which is a faithful witnes and first begot● of the dead And Lord ouer the kinges of t● earth Vnto hym that loued vs and wassh● vs from sinnes in his own bloud And ma● vs kynges and priestes vnto God his fathe● be glory and dominion for euermore Ame● Behold he cometh with cloudes And al ey● shal se him And thei also which pearsed hi● al kinredes of the earth shal wayle ouer him Euen so Amē I am Alpha Omega the beginning thending saith the Lord almight● which is which was which is to come The beginning or preface of the w●rke Another pece of the first part of this boke conteineth t● beginning or preface wherin is the Apostles salutation 〈◊〉 the whiche he discribeth first the whole mistery of Christ ●●condly of our faith redemption For so were the Apostles wont in the beginning of their writinges to comprise a brief some of salutation Which thing in Paules Epistles is euery where to be sene By the same description he getteth the beneuolence and attentiuenes of al men The Apostles salutation or greting is nothing els What is the Apostles salutation but a blessing Blessing is an old accustomed order by the whiche the Patriarkes wished of God to their children al maner of good thinges both of body soul Which verely in Genesis is described at large And also the high priest had cōmaundement geuen to blesse the people As we reade in the sixt of Nūbres especially he commaundeth to put his name vpon the people Therfore it is a supersticion to say God verely from whome euery good gifte descendeth frō aboue blesseth that is geueth good thinges but ministers or men wishe only And the Lord in dede in the lawe promiseth that he will graūt those thinges to the people whiche the high priestes shoulde wishe them Therfore nother wordes nor shauen crownes but the truth power of God geue the giftes We ought not therfore to doubt but that God wil graūt to vs also thapostolical blessing that being reconciled accepted of God we might haue peace And first S. Ihō repeteth his name left we shuld any thing doubt of thautour Iohn interpretour of Christ towardes the congregations whō we see Christ to haue vsed as scribe interpretour vnto al cōgregatiōs But he repeteth not himself to be that seruaūt of god witnesse or Apostle of Iesu Christ It sufficed to haue heard that at the first beginnīg Therfore he teacheth thē modestie humilitie also which haue obteined great giftes Afterward he signifieth to whō he wryteth to whō this boke apperteineth to the seuen churches of Asia the names wherof he will vtter shortly after And Aretas bishop of Cesaria by the .vii. churches saith he by the .vii. nūbre he signified the multitude of churches that be in al places So also Primasius bish of Vtica in Affrick expoūdeth the .vii. nūber Therfor this salutatiō this boke the whole doctrine of Iesu Christ writtē by s Ihō To whom this booke apperteineth apperteineth to the whole vniuersal church of Christ throughout al the world in all times ages Wherupō it belōgeth to all vs also as many as be of vs in the church of Christ For albeit thepistles be intitled to the Romains Galath yet followeth it not therfore that they be not ours And he wryteth expressely to the churches of Asia not to t● churches of Hierusalem or Iewery that he might so shew● that the kingdome of Christ is comen also already to the g●tiles And as God from the beginning chose Israell in whi●he myght set forth a perfit example of the church and cōm●wealth so frō the beginning of the new Testamēt he chose thos● seuen churches of Asia which he might set forth to the wh●● Christen world But in case Rome had ben set in the first pla● amongest the churches as Ephesus is good God ho● much wold the Romish sort make of it for the estabishing● their supremacie The forme of the Apostles bessing And the maner of the Apostles saluting wysheth gran● peace Grace is the fauour of the deitie and the reconc●ment wherby God the father for Christ his sake is made● one with vs our sinnes pardoned we adopted for his chi●dren Therof arriseth the peace and tranquillitie of mynd● and the desire of concorde with all men And here he sheweth aboundantly who geueth the churc● his blessing that is to witte grace reconcilement pea● God and God thre in persons the father the sonne and th● holy ghost one God in essence But here he discerneth th● persones very well From him that is to witte the fathe● And from the seuē spirites that is from the holy ghost And fro● Iesu Christ this is the diuersitie of persons And the signification of the vnitie is when after the proprieties of persons d●clared The holy gost is placed in the middes he addeth I am Alpha omega c. And that the ho● ghost is set here in the middes it disordereth not the miste● of the Trinitie but appeareth to be an argument that he 〈◊〉 the spirite as well of the father as of the sonne and that h● procedeth from both As it is also proued by the wordes 〈◊〉 our lord the xiiii.xv and .xvi. of Iohn Here is also describe● the whole holsome mistery first of Christ than of the catholike faith and of our redemptiō so that herein you may find● the chiefest articles of the Apostles crede haue here a mos● goodly descriptiō of Christ our Lord. Hereof al mē shall iudg● how truly some men say The father whiche is which was c. that this boke contrary to the ●●stome of thapostles maketh litle mentiō of Christ of faith The father as fountain original of whom the son is ingendred is first described for that it is he whiche is which was and which is to come Those wordes toke Iohn out of Moyses in the .iii. and .xxxiiii. chap. of Exod. out of many testimonies of Esay And he saith nothing but that God the father is an eternall ensence which cōsisteth by and of it self and is and geueth life to all and in all preserueth the same And that this essence is suche that it hath bene always with out beginning For this is it that he ioyneth to being or existing was He addeth and he that shall come 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which shal be and shal remaine euen to the ende and to euerlastingnes without end The Grekes deriue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of running for that conning and running he medleth with all matters is euery where present bringing help to the godly or
the spirit we be the kingdō of God The which thing S. Paul handleth at large in the sixt chap. to the Romains Moreouer we be made kings that is free We be kinges by Christ that we should not serue the deuill th● flesh and the world according to that saying of Zacharie 〈◊〉 being deliuered from the handes of our enemies we migh● serue him without feare in holines and rightuousnes befo●● hym al the daies of our life We be priests And Christe hath consecrated v● priestes with his spirite and bloud that we should offer vp t● God spirituall sacrifices our selues pure prayers and pra●ses 1 Pet. 2 Ro. 12.15 Philip. 4. Hebr. 13 Exod. 19 and almosdedes For that these be spirituall oblation● Peter and Paul do testifie And these thinges toke S. Ioh● out of Exodus For we of the Gentils that haue beleue● haue succeded in the place of the people of Israell reiecti● Christ through incredulitie And these thinges geue a lyg●● to that article of the Crede I beleue the holy catholick church the communion of sainctes For we be as many of vs as b●leue the fellowship of Gods people sanctified through Chris● to the seruice of God Of whome be these thinges hitherto In the sixt place in the discriptiō of Christ he sheweth the glory and rule is dewe vnto God alone through Christ 〈◊〉 the churche for euermore The glory and kingdome is of God We geue glory vnto God wh●● we ascribe to his goodnes our saluation and all goodne● not to our own strength and merites We geue hym ru●● when we acknowledge hym to be Lord head in the churc● workyng by hym selfe not by the sainctes in heauen to wh● he hath graunted power Not by the Pope whom he ha●● constitute Vicar in earth The whole glory rule is Christs Seuenthly in the description followeth the commyng 〈◊〉 Christ vnto iudgemēt Christ will com to iudgement and the maner of his comming F● as a cloude toke him vp from the eyes of the Apostles e● so shall he come in cloudes to iudge the quicke and the dea● The scripture witnessing And he addeth that the eyes of a● men shal se the iudge Math. 24 Act. 1 1 Tessa 4. euen of those which haue peased hym Wherof we gather two thinges first that the iudgemēt sha●be vniuersall Wherin men arrising shall se Christ with th●● owne eies An other thing that Christ shall come to iudg●ment in the same fleshe Iob. 19 in the whiche he was wounded and sticked honge vpon the Crosse was buried and rose again This place is taken out of Zacharie and is cited also in S. Iohns Gospel zacha 13 Iohn 19 And it behoueth that his body be shewed to the whole world full of printes and markes that herof may be iudged the Godly and also the vngodly They that then haue beleued in such a redemer These that then haue reiected and contemned suche a one Of these we vnderstande that is added And they shall wayle for that in dede thei haue neglected their owne saluation Which the wise man discourseth at large Sap. 3.5 Moreouer lest any may should doubt of those thinges that are spoken of the iudgement and of the lamentation of the wycked as S. Peter said Thinges spoken of the iudgement are certain 2 Pet. 3 the contemners and mockers of the iudgement should be he addeth a kynde of a confirmation euen so Amen In them also is expoūded the article of the crede of Christ that shall iudge the quicke and the dead He concludeth this place with these wordes I am Alpha Omega that whiche followeth the beginning and end is omitted in some copies As though that interpretation of that same I am Alpha and Omega crept in out of the margent It is a prouerbe of S. Iohn the Apostle I am Alpha and Omega Heretickes as Basilides and Valentine were wonderfully delighted in letters But against those lettered Heretickes Iohn speaketh plainly by the mouth of Christ I am Alpha and Omega If any thing ought to be ascribed to letters I am al this whole that euerlasting vertue essence and eternitie For the sense is that God is the beginning and ende that is eternall vnspeakeable best and greatest Those things are repeted He that is which was c. Which were expoūded before There is added almightie For hereby is declared the vnitie and maiestie of God of whom the Trinitie was opened also before Hereby also the authoritie of this boke is confirmed the authour wherof is shewed to be that God eternal and almighty To whom be glory ¶ Of the Narration of this boke where also is discoursed of the place and tyme and of the authour of this Reuelation The fourth Sermon I Iohn your brother and companiō in tribulation and in the kingdō patiēce which is in Iesu Christ was in the I le of Pathmos for the word of God testimony of Ies● Christe I was in the spirite on the Sonday and heard behind me a great voice as it ha● bene of a trompe saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last That thou see● wryte in a boke and send it to the congregations whiche are in Asia vnto Ephesus an● vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos Thyatire and vnto Sardis and vnto Philade●phia and vnto Laodicia Narration The last place of the first sheweth vnto vs a brief narrati● wherin the Apostle S. Iohn declareth the tyme and place this Reuelation and by whose commaundement he wrou● sent the same to the seuen churches in Asia And againe now the third time is the name of Iohn rehea●sed He sawe vndoubtedly that there would be some which to the ende they might take away the vse and fruite of th● boke wold doubt of the authour Against whom he repet●● and reiterateth his name so oft leest we should doubt lac● the great commoditie of so worthy a boke S. Iohn is the brother of the faithful He addeth to his name certen thinges whiche instruct● touching the state of the Apostle and certen profitable ma●ters First he calleth him self a brother namely of those s●● churches and of al ours As where I haue admonished yo● that in the seuenth number are comprised all churches of 〈◊〉 times throughout the whole worlde We are all so many 〈◊〉 beleue the children of one heauenly father And therfore all spiritual brethren in Christ coinheriters with Christ heires of God Which thing S. Paul taught after Christ Rom. 8 Math. 23 And seing our dignitie is so great let vs ones be ashamed of our misdedes least our memory be put out of this moste noble and celestiall familie It is a shame the brother of Christ of S. Iohn all the Apostles should degenerate c. But why haue not they so instantly vrged this brotherhood as the Munkes haue beaten in their forged fraternities the Rosaries of the virgin Mary and of Sainctes Bycause that was fre
in thys worlde to be sene as is profitable 1 Iohn 2 and as our infirmitie may perceiue But this same is not litle or nothing but great and large and moste full of spirituall pleasure I meane if we beholde these misteries of God with a faithfull eye and mynde desyrous of Godly matters And doubtles they be thynges certayn and true that here are reuealed vnto vs. For they be reuealed by the very sonne of God Let vs not wysh than to se more or desyre greater thinges than these are But take pleasure in those which Christ hath graunted vs. And let vs knowe for certentie that a wonderful benefite of God is geuen vs in this vision For who would not couet to se Christ in glory sitting on the ryght hand of the father Who desyreth not to knowe what our Sauiour doth in heauen And home being in heauē is neuertheles present with his church in earth But this sacred and holy Image instructeth in all these poinctes all the faithfull of Christe moste fully Howebeit this Image of Christ is not to be set forth with colours synce that colours can not atteine to the maiestie therof but with the ecclesiasticall doctrine whiche hath the promesse of the spirite of Christe And is therfore more euident and only mete for the true expressing therof Let vs also prynt the same Image not vpon any dead table with colours that wyll peryshe and fade but in our hartes through the liuely spirite of God whiche may also kepe it in our myndes neuer to be ●wipt out And such thinges as are spoken in the seconde and third chap. Of this boke are deriued of this description● Christ that the maiestie of the thing might inuite vs to a s●●gular diligence The matter is very playne An aungell represēteth Christ First we are taught who it is whose Image is to vs ex●●bited Not the sonne of man him selfe in his own substaun●● but lyke the sonne of man The sonne of man after the phr● of the Gospell is called Christ hym selfe very God and m● Here he shewed not hym selfe to be sene of Iohn in his ou● substaunce but in the fourme of an Aungell that represent● Christ Whiche thyng is oftener then once founde in th● boke We shal therfore referre all these thinges vnto Chris● not to the Aungell whiche is the minister of Christ in th● mistery And we shall see Christ in his owne substaun●● what tyme our base body shall flitte from hence and bey● reysed from the dead shall be glorified In the meane ty● the soull from the death of the body tyll it ryse agayne sh● clearely haue the fruition of the sight of Christ Wherein 〈◊〉 I sayd before shall be the chief ioye and felicitie We sh● nowe therfore see Christ as it were in a glasse and so muc● as shall suffice vs. The Lorde open to vs the eyes of o●● mynde Where Christ is abiding He telleth moreouer where he sawe Christ in the midd● of seuen candelstickes By and by we shall perceiue that 〈◊〉 the candelstickes must be vnderstande the churches Chri●● is than in the middes of the churche He sitteth verely on● ryght hand of the father and after the proprietie of this ●●mane body he is but in one place and in no mo As S. A●gustin declareth aboundauntly in the .lvii. Epistle to Dor●nus Yet for as muche as he is also very God he is lykew●●● in the myddes of the churche as he promised in the Gosp●● Whersoeuer two or three be gathered in my name Mat. 18.28 the● am in the myddes of them And agayne behold I am w●●● you vnto the worldes ende Therfore by his power diui●● Christ remayneth and worketh in the churche present a● not absent Leaue therfore to inquire what Christ doth 〈◊〉 the ryght hand of his father whether he sitte continually And he is verely in the myddes of the churches fyxed to 〈◊〉 place but shewyng hym selfe indifferently to all egall as helpefull For he neyther accepteth persones nor slepe● He is not paynted he is not Idle nothyng regardyng matters of the churche But is chiefly and only attentiue to the saluation of the same Suche a one he promysed him selfe to be in the .14.15 and .16 of Iohn And seyng Christ is in the myddes of the churche what Vicar moreouer shall he haue Shall he haue that ennemy whiche is directly against hym Christ hath no vicar 2 Tessa 2. For a Vicar is in steade of one absent But Christ is in the middell of the churche present not absent In the text followyng Christ is described moste plentifully many thynges are ascribed vnto him And is declared in what sort Christ is in the mids of the church And first indede is shewed what garment he hath on To wit both priestly princely By the which thing is figured what maner of one Christ is in heauen in earth To wit bishop and king intercessour mediatour sacrifice a moste perfit sanctification iustification a redemer and deliuerer of the faithful to his father euermore working the saluation of his faithfull As S. Paul teacheth Roma 8. Hebr. 7. Poderes Poderes is found amōgst the apparell of Aaron and it is a priestly garment Whereof S. Hierome writeth to Fabiola of the priestly garmēt The second vesture of linnen is a coate downe to the fote of double launde Which Iosephus calleth Bissina And it is called in Hebrew ketheneth in Greke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This cleaueth iust to the body and is so narrowe and strayte sleued that there is no wryncle at al in the garment and came downe to the legges This was verely whyte and cleane Girdel or a belte For the Lorde Christ is an vndefiled Priest Hebre. 7. Neyther weareth he agayne a foule vesture as he did Zachar. 3. Nor a purple as in the .19 of Iohn But a bright one as he that hath obteyned a name aboue all names But his gyrdell or belte is worne of Souldiours and triumphaunt persones And it signifieth in Christ the dignitie roiall For Christ is king delyuerer and redemer of the faythfull His victory is ours He hath ouercome Sathan Helle synne and death But the belte or girdle of Christe is not set in the wonted place to wytte about the loynes For as Aretas hath also admonished ther ar no cōcupiscences to be restrained in Christ Therefore is he not gyrded after the maner of synners but about the pappes or brestes to thintent we should vnderstande by the girding that he is kyng of kynges voyd● of all affections Moste rightuous and holy in iudgements and gouernement But yet in the meane tyme furnyshed fo● the defence of his church as we haue red it written in the 9● Psalme The Lord hath put on strength girded hymself c. Christ might seme to haue girded him selfe not after the maner that priestes or kynges vse for that he hath obteyned 〈◊〉 more excellent priesthod and kyngdome induring for eue● To accomplishe
Iewishenesse to goe to the Christen religion Therefore if we couet or goe about to reteyne also in our Churches the pure worde of God Howe congregatiōs maye be kepte to receiue our enemies humble we shall not atteyne to these thinges by warres or wronges by raylyng and approbriouse wordes but by constaunte faith But if eyther we professe our faith not purely or beautifie not the same with vertues what maruell is it though enemies abide enemies still and continewe to hate vs euery daie more haynously than other and at length oppresse vs and extinguishe the lighte of God his worde with many let vs learne dere bretherne by godlynes constancie and holines to winne our bretherne The Lord Iesus graunt vs his grace to perfourme the same ¶ He exhorteth them to perseuer in the true fayth propoundyng most ample rewardes The .xviij. Sermon ANd they shall knowe that I haue loued thee because thou hast kept the wordes of my patience therefore will I kepe thee from the houre of temptacion whiche wil come vpon all the worlde to tempte them that dwell vpon the earthe beholde I come shortely Holde fast that thou hast that nomā take awaye thy crowne To kepe the worde of Christ An excellent vertue is commended in the congregation of Philadelphia that they haue kepte the worde of Christ not euery worde but the worde of Christe and haue not denied it And he hath begonne to rehearse moste large rewardes whiche bothe he hath geuen to this church and is also ready to geue to any other like in the zeale of godly religion For we are allured by rewardes Enemies are made frendes Firste I will conuerte sayeth he thine enemies that they may be made thy frendes bretherne that cōming into the congregation they maye worship Christ whome they haue blasphemed hitherto yea that they shal submit them selues hūbly lowely As we reade of S. Paull which in the 15. chapt of the 1. epistle to the Corinthians sayeth that he is vnworthie to be called an Apostle c. And this is a wonderfull benefite For God is glorified by such as are cōuerted the trueth is set forth liyng and superstition are confounded Wherof the Sainctes can not but be exceadingly glad The faythful also are deliuered out of the Deuils clawes and are saued The church of God beloued Than followeth an other benefite of God Thenemies of God shal know finde that the church and euery mēbre of the same be the wel beloued children of God Thenemies of the church suppose the faithful to be wicked gods enemies heretikes churchrobbers hated of god vnworthy to liue But they shal vnderstand that nothing is derer to God than the church as for the which he gaue his sonne which he chose also for his spouse and hath made pertaker of his kingdome Of the loue of god cum vertues But of this loue of God wherby he prouoked by no desertes of ours but of his only grace natiue goodnes hathe ioyned him selfe to the churche al vertues doe procede That chiefly which immediatly followeth that the church hath kept the worde of patiēce The same Iohn in his canonical epistle not that we sayeth he haue loued God but that he hath loued vs c. Therfore where the obseruation of the worde of patience is annexed as the cause of loue it muste be religiousely expoūded that the fauour of god al our giftes be verely of grace but yet that he of the same grace doeth as it were requite and rewarde vs for our paynes Wherof the Sainctes are not proude but humbly acknowledge and preache grace euery where and in al thinges Agayne he cōmendeth the perseueraunce of the faithfull in the true religion Thou hast kept sayeth he What is the worde of patience the worde of my patience The worde of patience is the Gospel of eternal saluation whiche is otherwise called of S. Paull the worde of the crosse and that for two considerations First for bicause he describeth the crosse and patience of Christe wherby we are saued And again he perswadeth vs also to beare the crosse and patiently to suffer with Christe Matth. 16.2 Timoth. 2. Neyther muste any man loke for any perseueraunce of him that is impatient The Lord sayeth in the 12. of Luke in your patience you shal possesse your soules Therfore hath eyther the pastour or the church of Philadelphia kept the worde of patience to witte in reteyning in their hartes the patience of Christ through fayth and in shewyng patience in wordes or saiynges and susteyning muche trauel in body Whiche in dede is the beste waye to kepe churches safe and sounde and euery one of the faythful Let them kepe I saye the worde of Christe his patience and the rest commit to the Lord. For it followeth And I will kepe thee agayne from the houre of temptation c. The houre of temptation The houre of temptation is expoūded two wayes For eyther he speaketh of heresies and of heretikes by whose talke and craftie iuggelynge leudenes and disceiptfulnes is tempted the faythe simplicitie and integritie of the faytheful Wherof the Lorde treateth muche in the 13. Chapter of Deuteronomie Or els he speaketh verely of the persecutions whiche the emperours of Rome haue inflicted emonges whome Traiane a most mightie Prince set forth sore proclamations agaynste the Christians Wherof Plinie also made mention in the 10. boke of Epistles the hōdreth and one But Christ preserued the churche of Philadelphia and kepeth also at this daye the faythfull by his worde and power in the perilles of heretickes and heresies and finally of persecutions also so that the faythfull maye stande sure in all controuersies and receyue nothing of heretikes that is straunge from gods worde and also geue no place in persecutions Christ causeth many times that the burthen of persecution presseth not so heauily Therfore let vs alwayes be constaunt in gods worde and permitte the defence to our Lorde God He wil not neglecte vs c. The Lord helpeth in time But for as muche as in temptations and afflictions the Lord semeth many times to our fleshe to tary ouerlong and in maner to neglect his for we saye the Lord preuenteth and addeth beholde I come shortly Shortly I say that is to say in time not to late nor to hastely The which we saie neither to soone nor to late but in dewe time and season If the lorde therfore shal seme to be ouer slowe dispaire not for he will come timely enough when he shal see it good Doe not thou prescribe vnto him the maner and meane of deliueraunce but abide the Lordes leasure Reade what goodly and holesome thinges S. Paull hath written concernyng this matter in the ende of the 10. chapter to the Hebrewes where a place also out of the 2. Chapt. of Abachuc is alledged Holde fast that thou haste And nowe he exhorteth in fewe but most euident wordes to perseueraunce in
pietie wherein they had excelled hitherto And he sayeth two thinges holde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 holde faste that thou hast They had the gospell of Christe and the worde of eternal life the true fayth and godly religion These thinges he commaundeth to holde faste and to persist in the religion ones receyued And whilest he commaunded them to kepe that they had he signifieth by the waie that no new or other doctrine is to be loked for but that this one 's receyued doeth suffice Let vs not thinke therefore in the gouernement of the church vpon other lawes vpon other traditions than of the Gospell of Iesu Christe This is sufficient for the churche After reasonynge as it were of the losse he sayeth Therfore must thou watche diligently and holde strongly the gospel for this beyng taken away thou arte spoyled of thy crowne The crowne is a token of vertue and victory We saye Conquerours and worthie of the Empire are crowned The virgin loseth her crowne that is defiled Therfore heretikes false prophetes and seducers take awaye the crowne what time they seduce and corrupte therefore sayeth the Lorde Thou haste gotten honour and glory see that no man take it from thee So we reade that S. Paull spake in the 2. to the Coloss Let no man take from you the victory In the 18. of Ezechiel the Lorde testifieth that he will not impute rightuousnes to the iuste in case he forsake and leaue his rightousenes let vs praye therefore that we maye euermore perseuer in the worde of the Lorde ¶ He procedeth in recityng moste great rewardes The .xix. Sermon HIm that ouercometh wil I make a piller in the temple of my God and he shall goe no more out And I will wryte vpon him the name of my God and the name of the citie of my God newe Ierusalē which commeth downe out of Heauen from my God and I will wryte vpon him my newe name Lette him that hathe eares heare what the spirite sayeth to the congregations Our Lorde procedeth in raccomptynge muche more ample rewardes whiche he woulde geue to them that ouercome And so he tempereth his wordes that we maye easely perceyue this promesse not onlye to apperteyne to the congregation of Philadelphia but to all the Churches in the whole worlde yea and to euerye of the faythefull And as we haue oftentymes repeted already for I am not asshamed to repete seynge that the Lorde him selfe so greately vrgeth the victorye agayne we saye that those thynges are promised not to suche as fighte lightly or negligently for diuerse fighte The warfare victorye of Christiās and by and by runne awaye but to those that ouercome and perseuer to the ende For our life is a warfare vpon earthe whiche Iob also hath confessed The soldiour hath a sure purpose to ouercome his enemies Our enemies are the deuil the world and the fleshe Against these we muste ernestly fight of none other intent but that we may ouercome The Apostle in the 6. to the Ephes described the armour of the faithful In victory the Sainctes consider sinceries and integritie that we lose nothyng of the veritie knowen but let vs reteyne the pure worde of God and sincere fayth and let vs kepe our bodies our soules cleane from all pollution and that to our liues ende He propoundeth moste ample rewardes by promesse The maner of erectīg pillers Wherby he alludeth to the maner of Grekes and Romanes who decreed Images to suche as deserued wel of the cōmon welthe in the whiche also they wrote theyr vertues for whose cause they were set vp eyther in the court or market place or els where They semed by this meane to deliuer to theyr posteritie as it were by hande the glory of their elders whiche they made also as it were euerlastyng Piller in that scriptures Otherwise the vse of this vocable Columne or piller is diuerse Ieremie is called of God a piller for his constancie The Apostles are called of S. Paull in the 2. to the Galath chiefe pillers for their excellencie and that the churches leaned vpon them for the preaching of the veritie The church it self also is called the piller base of veritie for asmuch as it is groūded vpon the sure rocke Christ In the Temple of Salomō stoode two columnes or pillers figures of the euerlasting kingdome of Christ ● Timo. 3. and of the holy churche In this place a piller is taken for a man in glory and beautie excellent For he sayeth not that he will erecte a piller for a godly man but I wil sayeth he make him a piller that is to saye I wil beautifie him with honours and glory euerlastyng But where shall this piller be set where shall the glory of Sainctes be famouse The piller is set in the Temple not in Courte or market place but in the Temple of my God And the Temple of God is heauen it selfe and in our worlde the holy Churche Gloriouse therfore shal he be in the churche of Sainctes aswel militaunt as triumphaunt Albeit therfore that the very godly heare euill in this worlde yet this worlde shall peryshe Christe shall reigne for euer and the Sainctes shall reigne with him Their glorye then shall remayne for euer and euer And where he sayeth of my God Aretas expoundeth and saieth This saiynge of my God taketh not awaye the diuine nature that is sene in Christ but establisheth as I may say the consubstantialitie For it declareth the vnion of two natures whiche are in the persone of our Lord Iesu to witte of his deitie and humanitie euen after vnderstanding yet not confusely to be indissobible For they aunswer mutualy one another because of the assumptiō of the humane nature the diuine to the humane and likewise the humane to the diuine proprieties c. Moreouer the perpetuitie and stablenes of the glory of the sainctes and faithful is signified where it is added Stable gl●ry and he shall go no more out For many times pillers are brokē and cast down and renowne ones gotten perisheth and fadeth away But Christ promiseth to them that ouercome that they shall neuer be cast out of the fellowship of Sainctes neyther that the glory of the faithfull should be obscured at any time And thus farre of the piller it selfe Here followeth of the inscription of the piller The inscription of the piller of what sort it shal be Thre thinges chiefly are wrytten in the Sainctes to witte the name of God the name also of the citie of God and the new name of God or of Christ Whiche we shal discusse in order First the name of God is ascribed to the godly that is they them selues are called by the name of God be the children and heires of God Whiche is discoursed at large in the first of Iohn and the .viii. to the Romains Ouercomers be the childrē of God And what can you deuise to be more honorable than to
And with many wordes and also moste dilligently and goodly is treated here of the openyng of the seales who verely might be thought worthie to open to the churche the secret iudgementes of God and to execute and minister his holy workes that is to saye to whome the kingdome is geuen and gouernement of the diuine prouidēce For an Aungell and that not of the cōmon sorte but a stronge and worthie one with a loude voice crieth to make vs all attentiue and that we shoulde note diligently who he is that shoulde both open the boke and vnloose or vndoe the seales And he holdeth longe in suspence the hearer beholder or reader before he will shewe him to the intent verely to cōmende him to vs exceadingly No man sayeth he in the whole vniuersal world neither emonges the Aungelles sainctes in heauen nor emongs earthly men and vnder the earth was founde whiche coulde eyther open or vnseale the boke To Christ alone belōgeth the kingdome and the power of gouernemēt is taken from others Let vs obserue that there is none that can open the boke and open the seales besides Christ alone Whie than is the administration of thinges attributed or communicated to sainctes none can open to vs the counselles and iudgements of God no man can gouerne those iudgements workes of God that he worketh in the world saue only Christ the lord whie than are so great benefites sought for of Sainctes and be imputed to them if eyther the sicke be restored to helthe or that a mortall man do receiue any other gifte or benefite ▪ many will saye I receyued this in dede of gods benefite but through the meditatiō and power and merite of this or that saincte vnto whome God graunted this that he should rule ouer suche a disease and might heale suche as calle vpon the name of the Saincte or the name of God by the Saincte These are here confuted now by the wordes of the Lord and S. Iohn saying that no man in heauen or in earth is founde whiche coulde open the boke Yet neuerthelesse aboute the Throne sate the xxiiii Elders representinge the Type of all Sainctes in glory not one of al thē was found which could open the boke Therfore be thei a great deale madder which do attribute the gouernement of things in the church to the Pope a most corrupte and filthie man Only Christ receiued al power in Heauen and in Earth as we shall incontinently more fully vnderstande S. Iohn wepeth The weping of S. Iohn for that he vnderstode a weightie matter to consiste in the openinge of this godly boke and yet sawe he no man at al which coulde eyther open or vnseale it Neyther did he as yet fully vnderstande the matter And he bare the figure of them which vnderstande not the iudgementes of God nor know not that al thinges are through God his prouidēce holyly gouerned by Christ For in them nothing els remaineth but mourning and heauines Certenly withoute Christ and his opening wherby he reuealeth to vs the diuine misteries and iudgements no man can rightly iudge of the same For vnlesse we vnderstand the seales to be opened by Christ and that al thinges are done by his order whiche loued vs and gaue him selfe for vs what thinge shall be lefte in vs but sighinge But he rehersed three thinges to open rede and loke vpō No man liuing openeth for that no man is mete for so great a charge saue only the sonne of God No manne readeth or vnderstandeth fully the iudgements of God but the sonne and to whom he hath reuealed so muche as any man hathe No man loketh on it that is to saye can beholde the workes and iudgementes of God but he shal be offended excepte he be indewed with the spirite purified with the same Therefore we must axe grace of him that we maye vnderstande so muche of Gods iudgementes as shal suffice and may iudge wel of the same Aretas Bishop of Cesaria an expositour of this boke neither any sayeth he of those that lacke fleshe nor any of them that are in the fleshe nor yet of suche as are deperted leauing their fleshe behinde them hath receiued a perfit knoweledge of godly matters And by and by after nother only is there any which could open it but also not so much as loke vpō it that is to saye coulde not loke attentiuely on the iudgments of God and so forth And the cōtexte of the whole place proueth sufficiently that S. Iohn speaketh here of the iudgmēts verely but chiefly of the gouernement of thinges The Lord Iesus be glorified for euer Amen ¶ Here is liuely described the Lambe in the throne of God receiuing the boke of the hand of him that sitteth and opening it The .xxvij. Sermon AND one of the Elders sayd vnto me wepe not Beholde the Lion whiche is of the tribe of Iuda the roote of Dauid hath obteyned to open the boke to lowse the seuen seales therof And I behelde and lo in the middes of the seate and of the foure beastes and in the middes of the Elders stode a lābe as though he had bene killed whiche had seuen hornes and seuen eies which are the seuen spirites of God sent into all the worlde and he came toke the boke out of the right hand of him that sate on the Throne By Christ all thinges are gouerned Forasmuch as Iohn had wept that no man was worthy so muche as to loke on the boke of him that sate on the seate muche lesse to open it One of the .xxiiii. Elders comforteth hym His name is not expressed wherfore it semeth to be required both vaynely and curiously Notwithstanding there be some of the expositours which suppose hym to be the patriarch Iacob Verely for that shortly after his oracle or prophecie is recited And so the authour descendeth in a moste goodly order vnto the description also of the sonne of God by whome the celestial father as al the scripture euery where approueth gouerneth al thinges Hitherto hath he described hym that sitteth on the seate and before that the holy ghoste Wherfore these are holsome and moste profitable doctrines for the churche wherby the true faith is confirmed The comfort of this elder and verely the heauenly most Godly doctrine tendeth to this ende that we should vnderstande that all the complaintes weping grudging and the sondry tourmoylinges of our minde can not be quenched appeased quieted vnlesse we see and beleue that to Christ as here is moste playnely and manifestly set forth is geuen of the father al power in heauen and in earthe and therfore to be constituted like as the only redemer so also the head Prince and gouernour of al whiche vnder the seale of fayth and veritie shoulde gouerne all thinges that are by God his prouidence ordeyned and euen now dispiseth them and reuealeth vnto vs so muche of God his iudgmentes as do suffice vs. This if we beleue with a
the maner of praising where he addeth he hath ordeyned them that they should indure for euer he gaue them an ordenaunce neither is it transgressed As if he should haue sayed Where they neglecte no parte of those things wherunto thei are made but are ready in their place order and time and do their duety exceadingly well do they not preache vnto men the wonderfull wisedome and power of God For in an other Psalme also dauid sayeth the heauens shewe forth the glory of God and the firmament declareth the workes of his handes c. Thus I saye the creatures with out life do praise and cōmende the name of God vnto men what time they are moued worke wonderfully and obediently do the thing were vnto they are appoincted The Hymne of al creatures like as that was of the beasts An Himne sayed vnto Christ of al creatures and Elders and Aungels is here also trimmely described although briefly But where it hath nothing that hath not bē declared before I wil not by oft repetyng and speakyng the same thinges molest and werie the gentle hearers Howbeit that one thing semeth chiefly to be obserued that they ioyne him that sitteth in the throne and the lambe together so acknowledging the sonne to be coequall with the father and they both to be worshipped with like honour and with like praises to be celebrated and cōmended They attribute peculiarly to the lambe Empire or kingdome for that he receiued the boke of the father as is declared before to wit al power and authoritie to gouerne al thinges The foure beastes singe to it Amen A cōs●nt is approued dissente is reproued eyther so confirmyng the Hymne of the creatures or thus declaryng their consent with them To the intent we should with one minde praye together and prayse God blessed for euermore With these are moreouer confuted the dessensions of men The Lord alloweth the concorde and agrement of menne and requireth vtterly especially in prayers and godly prayses For he cōmaundeth in the Gospell to laye downe thyne oblation whiche thou wouldest offer in case thou doest remēbre any discorde betwixt thee and thy brother to goe vnto him and to renewe amitie and than to retourne to thine offeringe which in the prophetes is called an abomination in case it be offered of myndes possessed with rancour and mallice c. Thelders worshippe agayne Finally the elders fal doune agayne and worshippe him that liueth for euer doubtles that by their ofte worshipping al we in earth might be moued vnto obedience For if these thinges be done in heauē of the blessed spirites what I praye you is mete for vs to do here in earth And marke that they are sayed to worship him that liueth for euer who neuerthelesse fell downe firste also before the lambe and before the Throne out of the which the spirite proceded and wherupō sate he that sitteth wherof we gather that the Father the sonne and the holy Ghost are in dede distincte in persones yet these three not to be three Gods but one God liuing for euer A medicine agaynst all heresies And verely this notable vision and treatise maye be in the steade of a moste effectuall remedy agaynst sondry poysons of heresies especially of the Arrians and Seruetanes or rather perdetanes moreouer agaynst diuerse and curiouse disputations and temptations touchyng the workes iudgmentes and prouidence of God Yf we be wise we will obediently submitte our selues to the liuing God with all the creatures and Sainctes of God worshipping him and with the Prophet criyng thou art iust Lord in al thy wayes and holy in al thy workes Thou hast created vs al thinges are thine Thou gouernest al thinges in best order Thou louest man Thou hast geuen vs thy sonne Thou by thy sonne our redemer gouernest al thinges vprightly We worship thee the father the sonne and the holy ghost one very god To thee is dewe the kingdom honour and glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ Two seales are opened and the directe course of Gods worde is and a cruel course of warres against the disobedient The .xxx. Sermon ANd I sawe when the lambe opened one of the seales The .6 chapter and I heard one of the foure beastes saye as it were the voice of thonder come and see And I sawe and beholde a white horse And he that sate on him had a bowe and a crowne was geuen vnto him And he went forth conquering and to ouercome And when he opened the seconde seale I hearde the seconde beast saye come and see And there went out an other horse that was red and power was geuen to him that sate there on to take peace from the earth that they should kill one an other And there was geuen vnto him a great sworde Hitherto hath thapostle prepared the auditours to heare with a quiet minde the iudgementes of God and fatal destenies of the church and patiently to beare all aduersitie and that we should worship him in al thinges and geue glory to his name consequently he expoundeth in a most goodly order the iudgementes of God and destenies of the Church shewyng how the sonne of God gouerneth the ordenaūces of God and his eternall prouidence And this is as it were a Prognostication for all times and Ages vnto the worldes ende A cōtinual prognostecatiō of al times frō the birth of Christ For we shal not thinke that here are rehersed only the actes of one age or two but of al. And first al thynges are generally described by partes afterwarde particularly when we come to the openyng of the seuēth seale The some is the lord sendeth forth the preaching of the trueth into the world which when men refuse and dispise they are distroyed with warres and other calamities innumerable Attentiuenes here is necessarie But before al thinges S. Iohn is excited and in him all we to be attentife And one that is to wit the first of the beastes doeth excite him One of the Sabbat is set for the firste daye in the weke that same is verely the sondaye The voice of the beast is like vnto thonder Wherby is signified that here is treated of greate most weighty matters For most great and terrible thinges followe whiche shake the whole world Therfore let vs not playe the slepy sluggardes let vs not be blinde and deafe Doubtles the sloughtfulnes of our time is such that we little consider the workes of God and what is done in our time The storkes swallowes Turtels and the rest of liuing thinges passe vs which ful wel obserue their time Therfore are we here wel stired vp that we shuld not be slouthful but should marke what thinges are declared and shewed vs of the Lord. The firste seale is opened And when S. Iohn had diligētly marked what was don he seeth the lambe Christ I meane our redemer open one seale that is to saye the first And streight wayes came forth a white
we reade in the .1 of Iob howe Sathan had power geuen him of God agaynst Iob. Vnto blouddy soldiours is geuen a great sword great power to hurte a wonderfull force of fighting As also Nahum expoundeth it Nother is it a rare thinge in the scriptures for Monarkes tirannes and mightie men of warre to be called a sworde For so Ezechiel called Nabuchodonosor and Esaye called Sinacherib king of Assyrians a whetstone And the chiefest rightuousenes is God is of good thī●s the deui●l authour of euill to geue euery man his owne Therfore this place doeth iustely ascribe that which is good vnto God and that whiche is euill to the Deuill But thou sayest if God permitte the same that he doeth not prohibite he doeth He prohibiteth not warre for because iustice wil not suffer him so to doe but he cōmaūdeth him by warre to punish the wicked and to trie the good but in permittyng warres God offendeth nothinge seyng that for moste iuste causes he permitteth the same For they would not imbrace peace offered them by the preachers of the Gospell therfore were they worthy to be intangled with warres The Iewes knew not the daye of Christes visitation therfore were they worthely visited of the Romanes and distroyed And this thing is in the world perpetuall that they that wil not obeye the Gospell muste obeye the Captayne of the warres they that wil not heare christ must heare Antichrist Thou mayest not contende with God whic he doeth this and permitteth that Worship God rather as thou hast ben taught in the .4 and .5 chapt Let vs peruse ouer stories and see and suche warres be not founde wherin men haue slaine themselues with mutuall woundes and haue killed one an other like beastes If you wil reade Herodiane Orosius and other good Historiographers you maye finde that the Romane Emperours haue ben troubled with moste greuouse warres for none other cause than that thei refused peace offered to them by the gospell For none other cause was Rome it selfe at the last taken by the Westgothians of the Eastgothians burnte and distroyed The lord had geuē them Christen Princes but they loued more Idols For Simmachus gouernour of the citie was so bolde to require a restitution of Idolatrie I speake nothing now of Athila nothing of the Persian and Affricane warres And what time there was a wonderful strife emōgs the Bisshoppes about the supremacie the Saracenes sprang vp and became mightie After the Thousande yere beganne the holy warre whiche as it was most bloudy so was it of longest continuance Neuer any suche warre was made in al the world Boniface the .8 instituted firste the yere of Iubiley a moste wicked manne who also did exhibite him selfe to be sene of the people both Pope Emperour But the same yere of a thousand and three hondreth wherin he did these thinges arrose vp in Asia the whippe or scourge of God Ottoman the original of themperours of Turkes which reigne at this daye For so when Salomon buylded places of Idolatrie his enemies sprang vp which wonderfully vexed and afflicted the kingdom of Salomon What warres are made now a dayes and what be the causes of warres al wise men do see We wil not receaue the peaceable gospel It is reason therfore that the Turkissh Armies should inuade vs that we maye both fele Antichrist to be a stoute warriour and maye al abhorre and deteste him But what other thing remayneth here than that beyng conuerted to God through Christ we maye serue the lord in syncere fayth and holy puretie for except we conuerte the are is layde at the tree roote c. ¶ Here is opened the .iii. and .iiii. Seale and is declared what the world shall suffer of honger and Pestilence The .xxxi. Sermon ANd when he opened the thirde Seale I hearde the thirde beaste saie come and see And I behelde and lo a black horse and he that sate on him had a paire of Balaunces in his hande And I hearde a voyce in the middes of the foure beastes say A measure of wheate for a penny and three measures of barley for a peny and oyle and wine see thou hurte not And when he opened the fourth Seale I hearde the voice of the fourth beast saye come and see And I loked and beholde a pale Horse and his name that sate on him was Death and Hell followed after him and power was geuen vnto them ouer the fourth parte of the Earth to kyll with sworde and with honger and with death of the beastes of the Earth Christ exalted aboue all thinges A repetitiō and Lord of all in heauen and in earth openeth the seales of the boke diuine that is to witte disposeth and gouerneth with great rightuousnes the ordenaunces and iudgementes of God and firste in dede he geueth a prosperouse course to the preaching of the gospell sendyng alwayes faythefull ministers preachyng the Gospel of the kyngdome of God peace and concorde But for asmuche as euyll men do contemne the Euangelical peace they are certenly worthy to be molested with cruell warres Therfore the lambe openeth the second seale and there rushe out cruel warres slaughters seditions and robberies Attention But before the thirde Seale is opened the thirde beast resemblyng the countenaunce of man exhorteth vs to take most diligent hede that when we see these thinges come to passe whiche are here spoken of before we shoulde consider from whence they come and for what causes they are sente and that they maye be tourned away by dewe repentaunce Certen referre these thinges absolutely to chaunce and fortune some agayne to the naturall causes of God and the diuine operation no respect had at al Where we knowe that God vseth natural causes after his good wil and pleasure Let vs watch therfore loke and consider and know that the rightuouse God worketh al thinges for the saluation of the chosen and the ouerthrowe of his enemies That blacke horse with his rider shewyng a balaunce in his hande signifieth the vnfortunate or sorrowfull time of scarsetie famine and penurie of al thinges The thirde seale is opened For it is a worthie and a cōdigne punishment that they that do nothing esteme the bread of life nor haue no consideration of the foode of soules but both reiect it themselues and by their tirannical proclamations bringe to passe that it is not receiued of others finally whiche for the bread of life do spoyle the godly of their goodes and most wickedly waste the same in all kinde of riot should be driuen to bie thinges necessary at excessiue prices yea and can not finde things necessarie but should pine for honger We know that the black colour is vsed in mourning and heuinesse The black horse and that when the fleshe and bloud are consumed for wante of meate the skinne groweth blacke and euill fauoured and therefore this horse is blacke The rider of this horse holdeth in his hande a balaunce 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
is restreined and the preaching of the Gospell obscured yet that the mindes of many shal so be furnisshed with gods worde and with godly inspiration which may so liue and be of such efficacitie in them that seducing can either haue no place in thē or if it haue any at al can not abide or perseuer to the ende There be also two other places of the scripture Howe the auncients in tymes past were Sealed testifiyng that signets were geuen to men wherwith they were sealed were exempte or deliuered from the present euil neyther be they repugnaūt to this our seale of the liuing god In Exod. 12. the postes or dore chekes of the Israelites were springled with the bloud of the lābe The signe of it selfe should haue preuailed nothing vnlesse the vertu of God instituting a cōsecrating the signe with his word had tourned away thaungel distroyer neither hath the signe waunted faith beyng vsed of the holy mē of god For the godly receiueth not the ordenaūces of god wtout faith Therfore the same power of Christ preserued the Israelites frō distructiō which now kepeth the faithful frō the infectiō of Antichrist Ezechiel .9 one sealeth the foreheades of that faithful hauing the tipe of a scribe priest Verely Christ hath at al times defended his And he sealeth by imprintyng or writing this marke or letter Tau That marke signifieth that is to say the Law or direction or Rule For in whom so euer is ingrauen the law of God the word of God euen the rule of faith in the very hart he is safe sure from al euil The auncients in olde time called the rule of faith direction the very articles of the christen faith I beleue in God c. Ye see therfore how al those signes come in dede all to one poincte For thei be safe and sure from euil whom the spirite of God hath inspired and illumined with faithe by the worde This much of the seale Who be sealed Now let vs also consider who they are that be sealed We reade in Ezechiel passe through the citie of Ierusalē marke Tau in the foreheades of mē mourning and lamenting for al thabominatiōs done in the middes therof And here it is saied til we seale the seruaūts of our God Therfore are the seruaūts of god and they that are sory for abominable wickednes are sealed The contemners of God hogs dogs are neglected It is shewed moreouer in what part of thē they be sealed In what part of them they be sealed In time paste the bloud of the lambe was annoincted on the dore postes In Ezechiel Tau is marked in their foreheades Here also is imprinted the seale of the liuing God in the forheades of the faithful And the forehead representeth a tipe of the minde the chiefest and most excellent parte in man The spirite and faith is put into the mindes of the faithful Neuerthelesse the marke is aptly fixed to the forehead not to the hinder part of the head backe or shoulders For they that be lighted with the worde spirite and haue faith do cōfesse the same dissemble nothing and much lesse are ashamed but desire that their glory that is their faith might be knowen of al men We cal most notable things written in our forhead that is most manifest things wherof we be not ashamed Examples of such as are sealed with the seal of the lyuing god Yf we now applie these things to such as were done in old time and now also at this daie they wil bring a great light to them There were founde good men faythfull and fearynge God mourning or sorrowing and seruauntes of God And there be foūde at this day also in the middes of Mahometrie and Papistrie which expressely condemne and haue cōdemned this kinde of life openly confessing that the same is not the trewe waye of life that there is no more wicked kinde of men liuyng than be their priestes that they would not committe themselues and their saluation to them but rather to cōsecrate themselues wholy to God his mercy And others whiche haue spent a great parte of their life of a good zeale doubtles but not accordyng to knowledge in those trifles and superstitions when they are comen to the ende of their life they dispise al together yea and freely professing the veritie they condemne al those trifles and committe thēselues wholy to the christian faith estemyng nothing more excellent or surer than the rule of fayth which also they couet to heare recited to them as a trewe confession die in the same Al these hath the mercy of God sealed with the seale of the liuing God and deliuereth from al spotte of Antichrist and sathan from corruption and distruction through Iesus Christ our Lord. But leest we should gather in euery age only here one and there one A great nūbre are saued euen in the kyngdome of Antichrist the lorde him selfe nowe maketh here a great accompte and firste of the Iewes by euery tribe he gathereth twelue thousande and after by multiplication an hondreth fourtie and foure thousande and of the gentiles a multitude innumerable Wherfore in euery time and age innumerable obteyne saluation how muche so euer errour seducyng and distruction reigne and rule in the world These thinges doe highly cōmende God his mercy and comfort vs excedingly And where certen gather herof that there shal be yet in this world before the iudgemēt a Saturnical or golden age wherin these thinges should be fulfilled and that all menne should come to the kingdome of God it alludeth ouer much to the grosse errour of the Millenaries which is already expulsed out of the churche of God These thinges were fulfilled in olde time and are at this daye and shal be fulfilled likewise so longe as the worlde shal indure The kingdome of Sathan and of Antichrist shall continewe alwayes to the last iudgemēt and shal stil impugne the kingdom of Christ and seme euen to oppresse the same much lesse ought they to promise vs so great securitie When the sonne of man shall come saieth the sonne of man him self in the Gospel thinke you shal he finde any fayth vpon earth And agayne it shal be as in the dayes of Noe and Loth the wordes of the gospel are knowē as be also those of the blessed Apostels Peter and Paule 2. Pet. 3. 1. Thess 4. By the waie is reasoned of the restoring of Israel But suche as like not this our exposition or minde vrge briefly that the promesses of the prophetes for the restoring of Israel are not yet fulfilled but that according to the veritie of the eternall God they muste be fulfilled They suppose therfore yea and contende also that thee must a certayne or prefixed time remaine wherin al these thinges may be accōplished Hereunto I aunswer plainely that we shal shamefully erre with Papias Iustine Ireney Tertull. and Lactance and with those that are called
this present smoke semeth to signifie hurteful and deuillish opiniōs Smoke hurteth the eyes and suffereth not clerely to see the trueth So doeth also peruerse doctrine it daseleth the eyes taketh away iudgement blindeth with errour And worthely do they suffer these thinges of the smoke of God his wrath of the lies of disceaueable men whiche haue forsaken the light of the Gospell and the grace and perspicuitie of Gods veritie Vnder the name of this smoke infernal are conteyned the opinions and abominable doctrine that the Bishop of Rome as he is the prelate of the chiefe churche and Sea Apostolicke so to be pastour vniuersal and Apostolical and morouer the head of the church militaunt the vicar of Christ in earth whose voyce muste be hearde aswel as Christes him self that he hath full power in the church the keyes of the kingdome of heauen c. And the reste of the like sorte That the same ordeyneth and geueth to al churches Bisshops or Pastours which should gouerne al other churches after the prescripte of the church of Rome c. But how great this smoke is and howe effectuall How great smoke of what effecte it is liuely expressed it ascendeth sayeth he as the smoke of a great fournace And signifieth that the popish opinions and doctrine are thicke or grosse manifolde and apparent where in dede they be nothing but smoke and vanitie puffed vp and vayne But it is of such a power that it darkeneth the sunne and the ayer I haue tolde you ofte times nowe that Christ is the sunne of rightuousenes And we cal the ayer the holesome doctrine wherwith the soules of the faithful are refresshed Therfore by the popishe doctrine the sunne the ayer that is Christ and the Gospell are obscured Christ is the pastour vniuersall the high and only Bisshop the head helth of the faithfull whiche freely forgeueth sinnes the whiche is preached by the Gospell This doctrine waxeth vile what time the Pope is admitted for head of the churche with the ful power of graunting indulgences for all sinnes Thus is the sunne darkened Howebeit the euil procedeth further and setteth vp it selfe in the churche a greate deale more effectuall Of the smoke arrise locustes For out of the smoke came forth Locustes vpon the Earth For what time through the false perswation of corrupt doctrine the eyes of al men were blinded and loked not rightly vpon Christ and his only gospell and all men reuerenced the Pope as the vicar of Christ the head of the church and a man Apostolicall and as it were the mouth of God and he nowe made Bisshoppes and priestes and nurrished auaunced and establisshed Monkes and Freres an infinite multitude of the clergie increased moste luckely I meane by a moste plentiful increase and numbre that coulde not be numbred For he him selfe immediately in the wordes that followe and with a fuller exposition declareth that he speaketh nothing of those little wormes the Locustes For he sayeth and it was commaunded them that they should not hurte the grasse or haye of the earth verely the clergie liueth not with haye nother any grene thing nor any tree but menne only As though he should saye I speake nothing of grassehoppers suche as in times past distroyed Aegipte but I speake of pestilent men affliccyng men with the poyson of doctrine But a little after they are so described in euery poincte that no man nede to doubte that the false clergie thereby is signified What are Locustes The whiche thing Primasius also sawe which in his commentaries vpon this boke sayed he putteth thauthours of euil doctrine For like as the Locuste hurteth with her mouth so do they teare with theyr preachinges as we reade gready Wolues not sparyng the flocke c. Thus sayeth he There be also other causes wherefore he likened the false clergie to Locustes Yf the locuste be alone he semeth to be moste contemptible so there is nothing more vile than a solitarie Monke or Frere priest or sophister but if they swarme together they be a terrour to men neither can they be driuē away with any force they eate distroye all When the prophet Ioel would shewe a great euil to come he saieth that the Locustes wil come In somer they singe leape lyue at ease and pleasure to the losse and hinderaunce of husbandmen The same thinges mayest thou see also in the clergie An excuse exceptiō I speake nothing here of holy priestes that is lawful ministers of the church of good men honest and learned I speake nothing of the auncient holy Monkes whiche were burthenouse or greuouse to no man and wer no preachers but very lay men getting their liuing with their handes in the churche subiecte with other faythful to the pastours of the churche c. I speake of the vnlawful sluggerds Idle bealies deuourers of vitaile but chiefly of false teachers And doubtles the Popes clergie is moste rightly cōpared to grassehoppers or catarpillers The clergy is innumerable For both they are innumerable and they occupie and cōsume al thinges In times past the ministers of the churches mighte be numbred For the nombre was but smal nother were vnprofitable or vnnecessarie persones nurrished of the church goodes There remaineth a constitution of themperour Iustinian where emongs other things we ordeyne that there be not at any time in the sacred great church aboue .lx. Priestes men Deacons an C. Subdeacons lxxxx and readers an hondreth and ten nor aboue .xxv. singers that the whole nūbre of the clergie of the greater churche maye consiste in ccccxxv persones and besides an C. dore kepers as they terme them Therefore in the moste holy great church of this our noble Citie of Constantinople and in those three churches to the same vnited to witte in the churche of our Ladie S. Theodore and S. Irenes let there be so great a multitude of the clergie This some of the ministers of this imperiall citie and moste large churche establisshed fiue hondreth and twentie and fiue persones But how many at this daye may you finde at Rome or in an other greate Citie Priestes Monkes Freres and Nunnes They excede this numbre foure times and more And to leaue out many thinges that mighte here be brought in Pope Pius Sabellicus sheweth in the .9 booke of Aeneidos the .7 Chapter That the secte of graye freres was so greately multiplied through out the worlde that than they helde and possessed .xl. prouinces and vnder euery one diuerse Cloysters and conuentes wardens they call the rulers and exceded the numbre of three score thousande men in so much that the master of the whole order whome they call general hath ben hearde many times to offer the pope preparing an Armye against the Turkes thirtie thousand fighting men of the order of S. Fraunces which should be well able to serue in the warres and yet be no hinderaunce or let to theyr religion or seruice And
For although the Turkes be victoriouse yet is their religion moste false most wicked and moste absurde And corporally how those thinges may be expoūded ther is no man that seeth not whiche knoweth the Turk●sh histories The Mahometanes burne with fire and brimstone for hardely is ther any other nation whiche hath so wasted the world with fire as this Which waie so euer thei tourne thē al thinges burne with a light fire all is full of smoke Their princes are lions their gouernement is like lions al things tirānical They cōmaunde cruel thinges nother cometh ther any other thinge out of their mouthe than that is blouddy Therfore haue many of them called themselues the wrath of God the whippe or scourge of god And verely this wrath of the lord followeth corrupte doctrine and swaruing frō the faith With these three plagues fire smoke and brimstone the third parte of the world is slayne and distroyed Morouer the Serpentes taile admonissheth chiefly The Serpētes taile with heades that they do hurte very much For in case the Mahometanes or Turkes haue any where entred in leage with christen Princes thei haue not done it without crafte and guile They that haue beleued theyr promesses and flattering wordes haue required and had ayde of them haue nurrished a Serpent in their bosome Herof remaine two notable examples The ayde and flatteringes of the turkes are pernicious A discorde arrising betwene the emperour of Constantinople and his Princes Whilest Marcus lorde of Bulgaria ioyned him selfe with the princes or lordes of Grece themperour was cōpelled to require aide of Amurathes the first of that name the .iii. turkish Emperour after Ottoman And he ayded themperour gētly For he sent into Grece .12000 chosen turkes with whome the emperour beyng ayded he discomfited and put to flight Marcus him self the rest of the rebelles But that same amitie was the beginning of the distruction of thempire of Constantinople of al the calamities of Grece For when Amurathes vnderstode by the soldiours whiche retourned home that Grece was both a most goodly coūtrie not strong by reason of the discorde dissention of Princes he determined to transporte thither immediately vnder pretense of persecuting thēperours enemies And so began to possesse Grece it self which both his sonnes nephewes with in an C. yeres brought wholy into their subiection In our time arrose a discorde for the realme of Hōgarie betwixt Ferdinando which nowe is Emperour and Iohn Vayuode Prince of Hongarie which beyng not able in strength to matche Ferdinando was driuen to craue ayde of Solyman Emperour of Turkes The Turke was by and by ready with great faithe and dilligence placing Iohn in his kingdome howbeit we see that immediately he beyng extincte the Turke inioyed the kingdome of Hongarie Would God therefore that Christen Princes would not trust the turkish nauie and warfare For whilest the Mahometane laugheth vpon the Christian with a frendely countenaunce he intendeth to put a Serpent into his bosome and to distroye him And we are also at this day in this sixte as also in the fifte fighte in the Papisticall and Mahometicall corruption wickednes and tirāny The lord Iesus deliuer vs from al these euilles by his gloriouse commyng vnto iudgement Amen Amen ¶ What should be done to the reside we of impenitentes in this meane while felyng none euill of the Locustes and Horses The .xlij. Sermon ANd the remnaunte of the menne which were not killed with these plagues repēted not of the dedes of theyr handes that they should not worship deuilles and images of golde and siluer and brasse and stone and of wood which nother can see nother heare nother goe Also they repented not of theyr murther and of theyr witchcrafte nother of theyr whoredome nother of theyr thefte The waūt must be fulfilled in the reason It is spoken aboūdantly how greate calamitie shal come vnto the world of the locustes and horses vnder the fifte and sixte trumpet where it is sufficiently knowē that al are not subiecte to the locustes and horses neyther to be punnisshed of them which neuerthelesse committe thinges also worthie of punnishment some man might maruel whether these beyng free and exempted from these plagues may safely leade an impenitent life he preuēteth and sayeth and the residewe of men which also committe shameful things against God and yet are not slayne with these plagues set forth maye not thinke to escape vnpunnished For euen they shal be punnisshed also of God most iust For the speache is defectiue and therfore to be made vp both by the tenure herof and also by the catholike sense of the whole Scripture which is that all impenitent persones are punnisshed of God that so much more greuousely the more carelessely that they haue abused gods longanimitie beyng nothing moued with any examples of Gods iudgemētes Yet sayeth he not this by expresse wordes It was enough for him to reherse the wickednes wherin they were drowned For herof maye euery man gather what is dewe to such offenders Aretas a Greke expositour expounding this place This speache saieth he sheweth an excellencie of insensibilitie that is of the wantonnes and lasciuiousenes of them which haue spent the time graunted them of God to repente in aboute vanity that euen for the worthines of their slougthfulnes they might receyue theyr rewarde yea euen before the eyes of the vngodly the very rewarde is put in effecte yet these men not only by the sight of these terrible thinges which they had present before theyr eyes were made neuer a whit better but also worse more and more wrapped in sinne haue fulfilled theyr course c. Thus farre he Hereof we maye gather that it is not sufficient to a godly and blessed life that a man be not a papiste What is requ●red of the very godly or a Mahometane but that of euery one of vs is required a trewe faith which maye make vs to walke in al the commaundementes of God and that we should know that al must be greuously punnisshed of God so many as transgresse the lawe of God of what religion condition age state or degree so euer they men be of For God most iuste hath no respecte of persons Who so euer haue sinned without a law sayeth the Apostle shal perishe with out lawe and who so euer haue sinned in the lawe by the law shall be iudged Certēly S. Iohn semeth here now to bring forth both the tables of the lawe therby to reproue the sinnes and wickednes of the vngodly men of who ●he will also that iudgemēt be gathered The first table setteth forth the seruice of God cōmaunding to worship one God not to worshippe Idolles c. The seconde geueth preceptes of liuing and teacheth the loue of our neighbour forbiddyng murther adulterie thefte and like mischiefes S. Iohn bringeth forth two sinnes done against the first table and three or foure cōmitted agaynst the seconde
to Baal In them hath he a moste strong and moste purified kingdome figured by the firie pillers Certes thapostle calleth the churche a piller and base of veritie .1 Timoth. 2. And Christ him self also sayeth that his kingdome in the world is vnmouable howe so euer it be assayled of Antichriste The gates of hel shal not preuaile agaynst it and his church And like as Antichrist coueteth to haue the boke of the gospel shutte and closed obscure and vnperfit The Angel holdeth in his hand a boke open so the lord Christ holdeth the boke open in his hande He openeth and no man shutteth You vnderstād therfore wherof it cometh that Antichrist although he be of moste great power can not at this day shut the gospel boke which he seketh with al his force to do Of christ his spirite we haue the word bright clere By the grace of Christ we haue the bright preaching of the gospel cōtrariwise a darke an intricate sophistrie of Antichrist of this boke shal follow herafter more plēti●ul thinges Herunto apperteineth the worthie inuention and godly benefite of Printing neuer cōmended enough This openeth bokes Printing and sendeth them abroade into the world in dispite of all the enemies of Gods veritie and scattereth them abroade in euery corner of the world So that they whiche can not heare preachers to them come godly bokes not without fruicte The sownde of Antichristes winges The Angel roareth like a lion is as the noise of charettes when many horses runne into battel therefore Christ also maketh a noise and crieth in dede with a lowde voice S. Iohn addeth a parable He roareth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he loweth which is asmuch as if he had sayed he roareth For Erasmus perauenture saieth he the Grekes kepe not the difference betwixt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the latines doe betwene Rugire and Mugire that is to roare to lowe as a Lion We haue hearde before how Christ is called a lion of the tribe of Iuda Therfore like as when a liō reareth as Amos noteth in the .3 chap. Al are affrayed of themselues so when the Lord Christ crieth by his word al the wicked are amased Wherby is signified that the gospell shal be preached agaynst Antichrist constantly and with Authoritie to the terrour of Gods enemies And doubtlesse although the princes aswel spirituall as temporall seme to contemne and vtterly to dispise the preaching of the Gospell yet is it certayne by many tokens and coniectures that they are excedingly fore affrayed of that preachyng whiche as vile they dispise For they indeuour with all force of minde and herunto applye all theyr counselles that thei might abolish that same preaching But in case thei suppose it to be of no force whie are they so affraied therof whie are they at so great charges whie can they neuer be at rest herunto apperteineth the common prophecie which telleth that whilest antichrist reigneth Helias shal come which with a sharpe liuely manly preaching shal confute the triflings of Antichrist Therefore the spirite of Helias and his ernest preachyng is that roarynge of the Lion whiche roareth out Christes veritie The voyces of the seuen thōders And as soone as that roaryng was hearde the seuē thonders vtter also theyr voyces By the which voyces are signified the sondry graces of the holy ghost and chiefly the terrible preachyng out of the veritie of the canonicall scriptures as appered in the .4 chapt of this boke For with the gospel in the latter ages shal be expounded agayne the Scripture of the prophetes whiche semeth as it were to thonder agaynst Antichrist agaynst sinnes and wicked people Verely Iames and Iohn bretherne and Apostles of Christ of the free plaine ernest preachyng of the trueth are called of the lorde Boanerges that is the sonnes of thonder thonderers that is to witte excellently sharpe in preaching and to be feared He is forboden to write the voices of thōders he is cōmaunded to seale them And S. Iohn would by and by haue written the voices o● preachyng of the thonders but he is forbidden so to do b●● is cōmaūded to seale them only For sins the holy scripture through the inspiration of the holy ghost was writtē and 〈◊〉 forth already by the seruauntes of God the Prophetes and Apostles what nede were it to wryte and set it forth againe Those thinges are sufficient for the godly that are written Therof maye the preachers take vnto thē agaynst Antichrist and al sectes thonderinges lightenings and thonderboltes And where he is cōmaunded to seale vp the thinges set forth already it alludeth to the laste chapt of Daniel and that sealyng is referred aswell to the godly as vngodly Sealed letters are doubtles of most authoritie S. Iohn therfore by his sealyng maketh not now the Scriptures authenticall but in sealyng them declareth that they are authenticall enough so to the full scriptures no godly man goeth about eyther to adde or diminish Thus I saye the Scriptures are sealed to the godly as to thē that are most perswaded that the scriptures are most perfit and Authentical which may most fully suffice in the church for trewe pietie against all vngodlynes Where the wicked will not see this seke not for al thinges of godly religion in the Scriptures nother care greatly for the scriptures what maruell is it though the Scriptures be sealed to them that is shutte vp whiche they neyther greatly care for nother vnderstand nor yet wil vnderstande And on this wise is Christ sette against Antichrist and recouereth agayne his church discomfiteth and subdeweth Antichrist to whom be malediction for euer ¶ The Lord Christ perfourmeth an othe and confirmeth his electe that they should not doubt of the fayth of Gods promesses c. The .xliiij. Sermon ANd the Angel which I sawe stāde vpon the sea and vpon the earth lift vp his hande to Heauen and swore by him that liueth for euer more whiche created heauen and the things which therin are and the sea and the thinges which are therin that there shal be no more time but in the daies of the voice of the seuenth Angell when he shal beginne to blowe euen the mistery of God shal be finisshed as he preached by his seruauntes the Prophetes But whilest the wicked triūphed and thenemies of God Antichrist Mahomet ouercame with most lucky successe whilest al good men were oppressed and disceipte and liyng reigned euery where many men will thinke that there shall neuer be an ende nother of these euilles nor yet of the world For the Apostle S. Peter knowe this sayeth he that in the latter dayes shal come mockers which wil walke after their owne concupiscences and wil saye where is the promesse of his cōming Of whom Malachias also reasoneth in the .3 and 4. chapt But to the intent the goodnes of God might heale the woūdes of the godly and might auaunce
world intollerable thei haue oppressed the godly bragged of their victories and haue boasted of theyr owne felicitie with full chekes and as we shall heare in the .18 chapt of this boke that beaste hath sayed I sitte as Quene am no widowe and shal neuer see any sorrow For voices are hearde from Rome al Empires are oures It is knowen what maner of thinges Augustinus Steuchus an Italian and chiefe champion of the Popes holines hath set forth in this cause against Laur●●ce Valla about the donation of Cōstantine And dayly are hearde the brags reioycings of the papistes of the euerlasting cōtinuaūce of the See of Rome of her victories oppression of the preachyng of the Gospell that the same hath her power stretched through out the world c. But in that day what time verely our lord Iesus Christ shal abolish al power rule authoritie shal haue made al his enemies his fote stoole accordyng to the scripture in the .110 Psalme And in the .1 to the Corinth the .15 Ther shal be hearde againe the voyces of the gladde and ioyeful singing trewe and eternal triumphing songes in heauen For Angelles and sainctes shal sing together wherfore the voices shal be greater more durable thā the voices of Christes enemies which last but a smal season The songe of the Elders Nowe also he rehearseth the songe or triumphaunt dittie and reioycyng the kingdomes of this worlde are made our lordes his Christes and he shal raigne for euer more Amē He sheweth two thinges that all kingedomes are made the fathers and the sonnes and that he shal raigne for euermore Al kingdomes were before also our lord Iesus Christes but the same appered not so plainely to al men what time the bisshop of Rome also vsurped the same to him selfe oppressed thē which did only celebrate the name of Christ But in that it shal truely appere and that to all fleshe that al kingdomes were euer and yet remayne of one the eternal God Christ therfore ouercometh the veritie ouercometh the gospel ouercometh the churche ouercometh they that are vanquished shal be led to hel Mahomet with his the Bishop of Rome with his There is added that Christ shal raigne for euer more Antichrist in dede hath raigned and the wicked haue reioyced in this worlde but a very shorte time but nowe shall the godly reigne with christ for euer more Nother doeth he now diuide the kingdome of the father the sonne but sheweth it to be comon where he sayeth that the kingdomes are made that is to saye it is openly declared that al kingedomes are of God the father and the sonne and that he shal reigne with his electe for euermore So you may see that the place of S. Paule maye not be expounded after the lettre which is writtē in the .1 to the Corinth the .15 chapt of that the son●● must be subiected shall deliuer the kingdome to his father For he shall deliuer the kingdome to witte the church that is to saye shal bring and present it to the father and in his membres shal be subiecte to the father with whom not withstanding he him selfe shal reigne for euer Thaffirmatiue vocable is annexed Amen Leeste any man should doubt one whitte of these celestial misteries Howbeit he doeth more playnely expounde afterwarde what those voices are that were spokē in Heauen whilest he annexeth the narration of the .xxiiii. Elders and of such thinges wherwith they praysed God And here the most goodly beautifull order of this boke semeth to me worthie to be obserued In the beginning of this visiō he brought in the same elders teaching vs by their exāple himnes what we should do the same therefore he bringeth againe also in the ende of this vision that we might be instructed againe by their wordes doynges not only concernyng the last iudgement of what sorte it shal be most rightouse doubtles as al his iudgementes are which the whole visiō approueth but that also we shuld vnderstād what becometh vs what we shuld do verely that we should worship god submit our selues whole vnto him beleue stedfastly that both the iudgement shal assuredly come that also it shal be most iuste A geuynge of thankes The himne or prayer which they offer vp vnto God is a kynde of prayse For it is a thankesgeuyng or reioysing for victory For in such sort they geue God thanks that neuerthelesse they celebrate god highly and reioyce to themselues and to al godly for their saluatiō For they geue god thanks for their saluation And cōmend his iustice and veritie which he sheweth in this his iudgement rewarding the good with good things and the euil with euil Therfore like as they rise out of their chayres and fal downe before almighty God euen so aught we also both nowe and euer to do Whereof is spoken more in the .4 chap. Here we should learne humilitie and that God alone is to be worshipped that to him alone al praiers or inuocatiōs or geuing of thāks must be offered the which thing is cleane repugnaūt to the popish doctryne We se now the very thankesgeuing than the which no better can be found They geue thankes vnto God Let vs therfore thanke him also And also cōmend exalte him whylest they call him the Lord and God almightie and also they celebrate his maiestie where they say which arte and which waste and which arte to come They allude to the wordes of God spoken in oulde tyme to Moses in the .3 of Exodus By the diuersitie of tymes the eternitie of God is fygured But of this kynd of speach I haue spoken more in the first chapt Christe in iudgement receyueth power and kingdome And nowe they declare wherefore they geue thankes for thou haste receiued thy great power and hast reigned God verely neuer laide asyde his power that he nedeth to receiue it agayne but what time he sheweth not the same and permittith very much to the vngodly that they by their power can infringe preuayl against gods word he semeth to haue layde it away Therfore now that he oppresseth the wicked and as a iudge auaūceth the godly maintayneth the veritie and destroyeth lying he is truly sayed to haue receyued his great power Lykewise now is he said to reigne not because he reigned not before but forasmoch as the lord hath reigned in the mids of his ennemies so that some time it was doubtfull and vncertayne whether Christe reigned or Antichriste yea that he hath had the vpper hand and Christ hath ben oppressed now that Christ hath broken al the power of his aduersaries he is said most truly to reigne And very wel Erasmus admonissheth in his annotations vpō the newe Testament that the translatour had tourned more aptely Ebacilensas yf he had sayed thou hast obteyned a kingdome For the latin men saye Regnauit He hath reigned whiche hath lefte reignyng
finished both of the Citie distroyed and the people of God ouercome There were caried aboute in the triumph the holy vessels of the Temple and euen the God of the Iewes as vanquished and bounden was sene led into the Capitoll house to make his supplication to their great God Iupiter as it pleased them Whereupon we vnderstande that the name of God was no whit lesse outrageously blasphemed at that tyme than it was in olde time of the Palestines or Philistians what tyme they set the Arcke in the temple of their God Dagon lykewyse of Rapsake and Synnacherib moreouer of Balthazar Kyng of Babylon in the .5 chapter of Daniel But the offendours are founde out at the laste Secondely the Romaines blasphemed the Tabernacle of God That same oulde Tabernacle of the people of Israell was not onelye the offyce or place of religion and worshyppyng but also a token of Gods presence For God is nowe presente in the myddes of his Churche a fygure of whome the Tabernacle of witnesse represented But the Romaynes called the Christen church wycked foolysh seditiouse whorysh and detestable whych they also moste greuouselie ded persecute and sought to destroy by al meanes hereunto also they bent their whole power Finally they blasphemed also the heauenly dwellers Gods Sainctes ouerwhelmed with reproches the happie and blessed soules of Sainctes Propheies and Apostles whom thei called wicked seducers peace breakers blasphemers heretikes and sinnefull persons For at this time whilest S. Iohn wrote these things diuerse Apostles vnder the Romane Empire had nowe ben executed and slayne as plagues of the worlde yea their memorial and doctrine condemned But hereof you perceyue how displeasauntly God taketh it if any man raile vpon godly preachers and holy ministers of churches For the Lord taketh the reproche spoken as it were agaynst him selfe There remayne yet at this daye certen blasphemies of this sorte with Cornel. Tacitus in the .21 booke of Augustallus written agaynste Moses and the people of God Morouer God permitteth the beast that he should warre vpon the Sainctes and ouercome them The beaste maketh war with the sainctes For the Romane Empire vnto the time of Constantine the greate stired vp ten most greuouse persecutions against the church Wherof you maye reade Eusebius bisshop of Cesaria and Orosius in the history which he wrote to S. Austen And this place chiefly apperteyneth to the instruction and comforte of the churche For the Lord also in the Gospell prophecieth of the destenies of the church to the consolation and information of the godly as appereth in the .15 and .16 chapt of S. Iohn And how the Sainctes be ouercome I declared in the .11 chapt The Lord Iesus preserue his church Amen ¶ Of the power of the Romane Empire and who worshippe the beast and of the destruction of Rome and the Romane Empire The .lvij. Sermon ANd power was geuen him ouer all kinrede tongue and nation and al that dwel vpon the Earth worshypte hym whose names are not wrytten in the Booke of life of the lambe whiche was killed from the beginnyng of the world Yf any mā haue an eare let him heare He that leadeth into captiuitie shall goe into captiuitie he that killeth with a sword must be killed with the sworde Here is the patience and the fayth of Sainctes Of the power of the Rom. Empire The Apostle by the reuelation of Christe speaketh also of the power maiestie of the Romane Empire The Romane Empire was in dede of greatest power in the time of Octauius Augustus also in the time of Domitian his empire and in the reigne of Traiane also vnder Hadrian Aureliane Diocletian and Constantine The greater parte of the worlde inhabited obeied therunto as al Europe in a maner Asia Africke as both latin and Greke histories do testifie Howbeit herof the lord warneth vs that we should not curiousely search the counselles of God beyng inquisitiue whie God gaue so great power to the Romanes whom he knewe would abuse the same to the oppression of Christes Church for where he saieth that the power was geuen to Rome he stilleth and appeaseth all murmuringes For Empires be of God But he is most wise rightuouse and holy Where therfore he made the kingdomes of the world subiecte to Rome he did it wisely iustely and holily In that the Romanes corrupte Gods ordenaunce and committe themselues to be gouerned of the Deuill it cometh of euill Let our disputations here cease for the wise man sayeth also that wicked men and hipochrites reigne for the sinnes of the people And that he reherseth kinreddes tōgues and nations he doeth after the imitation of the Prophet Daniel which by such a phrase of speach is wonte to signifie a moste large and puissaunt Empire But what apperteyneth this to vs or what profit sayest thou cometh to vs herby that the Romane Empire is so far extended through out the worlde This verely we see howe this prophecie hath hitte euery thing rightly that wente before therefore is there lefte no place to doubte of the thinges that followe Let vs consider moreouer that moste puissaunt kingdomes which seme to men inuincible maye of God be disolued without any difficultie lette vs therefore learne to feare God and to walke in his commaundementes and to dispise these earthly thinges Now also he declareth more expressely who shall worship the beast Who worshippe the beaste for he sayed that men in the world should be taken with admiration of the beaste and shal worship the beast he now declareth the same and so placeth the word of worshipping that he maye vnderstāde it as wel of those that are present as also to come For he speaketh not only of men of his time but of al which rauished with the admiration of thempire and maiestie thereof shal eyther denye or contemne the fayth of Christ And he sayeth that al shal worship the beaste that dwell vpon Earth and leeste any man should referre it absolutely vnto al as though non of the trewe worshippers of God shoulde be any he annexeth whose names are not written in the boke of life of the lābe to wit the reprobates not the chosen the vnbeleuers I say which cōtemne the word of the gospel disdaigne to heare it and be rebelles to Christ Aretas the expositour they dwell vpon the earth sayeth he which are moued with no care of heauenly things nor of the glory that there is or geue themselues to earthly habitation and applie themselues to a beastly life according to the same Thomas of Aquine bringeth also a testimony out of the .17 of Ieremie They that departe from me shall be written in the Earth For they haue forsaken the veyne of liuely waters euen the lord him selfe Of the boke of life I haue spoken in the .3 and .5 chapt and wil speake of the same in the .19 and 20. chapt of the Apocalipse Hereunto he annexeth a notable thing after the maner of Apostles which
aduoutries whoredomes to speake in the meane time of nothing els more filthie And where God forbiddeth lies and false witnes the Pope and his whole doctrine which he setteth forth besides the Scripture is sowed of lies and not only he dispenseth with false witnesses but permitteth also to breake safe conduites and publicke fayth geuen and yf he hate the Prince absolueth the subiectes from the othe of their fidelitie and obedience geueth libertie to al cōcupiscences and maketh lawes which nurrisshe the desires of the flesshe And whiche shall be the Dragons mouth yf this be not it Math. 4. The Dragon moreouer is red to haue spoken and sayed to the Lorde all these thinges will I geue thee for he shewed him the kingedomes of the worlde yf thou wilt falle downe and worshippe me What other thing speaketh the Pope doeth he not inriche his obedient children with the Riches of this worlde especially such as will fall downe and kisse his fete I suppose the Deuill would neuer be so shameles as to offer to the Lorde his fote to kisse but that beaste in the sighte of God and his Aungelles and of al the world dare put out his fote marked not with out a great mockery with the signe of the Crosse and profer it to be kissed of all the childrē of God I can not bring forth the horrible and innumerable blasphemies out of the decrees and decretalles For I am ashamed of such vngodlines Who therefore wil not acknowledge that Sathan him selfe doeth in this beaste reigne and rage God shortely confounde the same Amen Amen ¶ Agayne of the power of Antichrist and howe the fourmer beaste is worshipped The .lix. Sermon ANd he did all that the firste beaste coulde do in his presence And he causeth the yearth and them whiche dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly woūde was healed The secōd beaste executeth the power of the first Agayne he reasoneth of the power of the seconde beaste or Antichrist and of poperie He doeth or executeth sayeth he the power of the fourmer beaste that is to saye exerciseth the same authoritie that the old Romane Empire exercised Where he addeth in his presence Aretas expoundeth in followyng immediately after and euen in imitatyng the same But what power and authoritie they exercised I declared before in his place about the beginnyng of this chapt Therfore as the Romane Emperours supposed all kyngedomes and prouinces to be theirs and to appertayne vnto them so do the Bishops of Rome make their boaste that all realmes are theirs I geue nothing here to affection or hatred There came forth lately a boke printed at Liōs of Augustinus Steuchus keper of the Popes librarie in the which he reciteth out of the register of one Gregory I suppose the .7 all the kingdomes of Europe Spayne Englande Fraunce Denmarke Hongary c. The proprietie whereof apperteyneth to that seate of Rome the vse vnto the Princes Clientes of the same see Ful ofte haue the Popes assayed to bring into subiection to them and to their Sea the kingdomes of the Easte also and that vnder pretence of the holy warre and recoueryng the Lordes sepulchre And like as the olde Romanes vexed with continuall warre the nations that did not acknoweledge or obeye the olde Romane Egles so the See of Rome in our time and in the memory of our forefathers hath put to busines and trouble those kingedomes and nations and people that went aboute to reuolte and would not acknoweldge those double keyes that is to saye two hornes For who knoweth not with what cruel warres he vexed in times past the lande of Boheme who knoweth not what Germany and England hath suffered in fourmer yeres So verely the seconde beaste exerciseth gallauntly the Tiranny of the olde beast The olde beaste set forth proclamations concernyng religion and paiyng of tributes and customes and so impouerished in a maner all realmes their richesse beyng brought to Rome And what other thing doeth that seate at this daye what hath it done nowe to reken the leest these fiue hondreth yeres who therfore doeth not see that the seconde beaste exerciseth most aboūdantly the power of the first beaste A certen man made verses in Latin tauntyng the couetousenes and disceiptes of Rome and where Rome doeth magnifie her selfe to be head of the world which in Latin is Caput thus sayeth he If Caput come of Capio which signifieth to take Than maye Rome well be called so whiche doeth nothing forsake If you decline Capio Capis and to the groundes come Her nettes are large and can not misse to catch both al and some He addeth hereto an other thing Who worship the first beaste that this seconde beaste doeth procure that they that dwell vpon Earth should worshippe the first beaste Which doubtles we see fulfilled in the Popisshe kyngedome two wayes For firste the Papistes haue procured such authoritie and reuerence to the Romane Empire which they cal both sacred holy that as many as liue at this day whē they heare but the name of the Romane Empire spoken of doe Imagine a certen diuine thinge and brought vnto them from Heauen I graunt that there haue ben many right noble Princes godly and al praise worthie in that same Empire as was Constaunt Constantine wyth some of his sonnes Gratiane Valentinian Theodose and diuerse others I graunte that vnder these and such other like the Empire was holy and was in dede thempire of Christ For Christ was acknowledged with a trewe fayth and yet we see how the lord Iesus hath neuerthelesse as Daniel hath done also called that Empire a beaste doubtles figuratiuely and for the tirannes Therfore we must wisely and iustely attribute to euery one that is his and not without respecte to imbrace and reuerence that blouddy Empire for sacred and holy And we haue also declared before in what sorte kingedomes are of God and howe farre their workes are to be allowed that are in kingedomes And hereof shall be spoken a little after yet more plentifully Secondly the seconde beaste causeth men to worship the first herein chiefly Poperie hath reduced gentilisme that Papistrie hath brought agayne the heythennish maner the names only chaunged For I tolde you before that the firste beaste was worshipped in this that sely menne receyued the Romanes religion and worshipped Idolles The heythen did verely confesse the high God almightie but thei ioyned to him many Goddes vnto whom they submitted elementes diseases Artes countries cities the membres and partes of man and such other like things Aeolus was God of the windes and Neptune of the Sea Pluto ruled in Earth Mars was God of warre Minerua and Apollo of artes Aesculapius ouer diseases Hercules and many moe Venus was lady of Loue and the Goddesse Iuno of mariage Nother was there any membre in the body that had not his God so had all Countries and Cities theyr sauyng goddes and euery house their domestical Goddes
To them afterwarde they framed Idolles that is tokens and memorialles whiche might bryng those heauenly goddes into the memorie of the Earthly dwellers They builded for thē chapelles and churches they instituted priestes holy daies rites and Ceremonies These things are foūde in the bokes of the gentiles in our histories and also in their writinges which haue cōfuted the heythen Idolaters But in the popish kingdome at this day the names beyng only chaunged who can denie that the same culte the same religion naye very superstitiō is not renewed of these thinges I haue treated at large in my booke De origine erroris The Papistes teache that the Sainctes in heauen reigne with God and that to them are subiecte sickenesses artes limmes or membres cities and althinges and muste therfore be called vpon and worshipped Sainctes are expressed and represented by Images to these Images are erected Aultars and churches briefly it is done to them that was done to the Goddes and Idolles of the Heythen Who therefore vnderstandeth not nowe that Antichrist hath procured that the first beaste might be worshipped that is to witte mighte be of force agayne and that the olde Idolatrie and superstitiouse worshippyng might be renewed and frequented Who worship the first beaste vnder the seconde And as we haue red it to be sayed before and they worshipped him all that dwell in Earth whose names are not written in the booke of life of the Lābe so sayeth he also here plainely and he causeth the Earth and the inhabiters of the Earth that is they that seke regarde only earthly thinges to worshippe the firste beaste For all be not polluted with popish Idolatrie For hereunto apperteyneth the noble historie of Leo the thirde Emperour and Gregory the seconde and of other Popes through whose wickednes Idolatrie was agayne brought into the church which I wrote of long sins in my worke De origine erroris Nother with out a misterie is this hereunto annexed Whose deadly wounde is healed whose deadly plague was healed For he semeth to compare together the firste and seconde beaste and to shewe the lickenes of the same And I tolde you howe many menne at the firste were kepte still in the Romanes errours and Idolatrie for that the Goddes by Vespasians meanes were sayed to haue preserued the common welth whiche els with ciuile warres was as it were brought to ruine Finally we reade in stories that the Empire of Rome hath many times receiued deadly woundes but yet by and by through the wisedome and valeauntnes of some noble men the Goddes as they speake so willyng haue ben healed againe In that nōbre are rekened Lucius Septimius Seuerus Valerius Aurelianus C. Aurel. Val. Diocletian c. By whose lucky successe triumphes and victories to the Empire restored many haue ben moued to saye who seeth not that Rome shal be eternal and that the Romane religion is to the Goddes most acceptable and that the Emperours also and publicke weale is indued with a certen deitie and is to be honoured after the same sorte the kyngedome of the Pope or Antichrist hauing tried moste diuerse chaunces hath very ofte escaped out of desperate daungers Force and policie hath afflicted it and also the religion of Henry the .3 Emperour and of his sonne Henry the .4 Fridericke the first and second vexed the popes There were also other mightie Princes whiche inflicted mortall woundes to the See of Rome Agane there were Bishoppes of Rome which with singular craftes haue cured their woundes agayne The woūdes of Antichriste healed of the whiche sorte was Gregory the .7 Vrbane the .2 Paschalis the .2 Calixtus the .2 Alexander the .3 Innocentius the .3 Honorius the .3 Gregory the .9 Clement the .4 .5 Boniface the .8 Iohn the .22 and diuerse others But was not that feate in greatest perill in times paste when three Popes were created at ones whereof one was resident at Rome the seconde went to Auignon in Fraunce and the thirde liued in Spayne But all these three putte downe by the power diligence authoritie and policie of the Emperour Sigismunde and the counsel of Constaūce that deadly wounde was fayre healed in Martin the .5 And this felicitie and restoryng the Popish kingedome perswadeth many effectually that poperie is of God and the popishe religiō to be most certen and trewe as that which hath so ofte ben of mightie princes assayled might in dede be shaken but neuer yet ouerthrowen The acclamation of all the Romishe is knowen the shippe of S. Peter is tossed in dede with stormes but can neuer be drouned But Daniel him self also hath prophecied that this shuld so come to passe saiyng and he shall prosper and shal doe what he will and shall kill the strong and holy people at his pleasure and guyle shal be directed in his hande Whiche thinges they doe not marke whiche are at this daye so much offended with the felicitie of that chayre of pestilence and the beaste therof Therfore like as the dayes of mourning and soden destruction came vpon olde Rome and vtterly destroied both the citie and Empire euen so shal we heare in the .17 and .18 chapt That Babilon shal haue her fatall destenies The Lorde Iesus confirme vs in the faith of Iesus Christe and deliuer vs from the guiles lucky successe and felicitie of that Romish Antichrist Amen ¶ Of the signes of Antichrist and Image of the beaste of him reysed The .lx. Sermon ANd he did great wonders so that he made fyre come downe from heauē into the yearth in the sight of men and deceaued them that dwelt on the earth by the meanes of those signes whiche he had power to do in the sight of the beaste saiyng to them that dwelte on the Earth that they should make an Image vnto the beaste whiche had the wounde of a sworde and did liue And he had power to geue a sprite vnto the image of the beaste and that the image of the beast should speake And should cause that as many as would not worshippe the Image of the beast should be killed He procedeth moste dilligently to describe Antichrist and his kingdome which so greatly impugneth the faith of Christ and afflicteth his church to the intent he mighte be knowen and eschewed of al men He sayeth nowe he shall do great wonders Of trewe miracles by the whiche he vnderstandeth miracles Wherof some be true and some false I call those trewe miracles which are done in dede and are not by any craftie iuggelyng countrefeted and the which allure mē to the veritie and set forth the veritie Of the which sorte out of doubte were the miracles of the Prophetes and Apostles holy Martirs and chiefly of Moses and Christe These do good vnto men hurte not nor emptye pore mens purses yea more they glorifie God and make the treweth to be beleued in drawyng men only vnto God as to the fountayne of all goodnes So Iohn testifieth of the lordes
condemned exiled excomunicated shut vp in prisons vexed with sondrie tourments at the length also cruelly slayne whosoeuer shall refuse to worshippe both the beaste and his Image The Lorde Iesus the true Kyng and Byshoppe of his church succour vs and restrayne the crueltie of the vngraciouse beaste Amen ¶ Of the marke and numbre of the name of the beaste The .lxj. Sermon ANd he made all both smal and great rych and poore free and bonde to receyue a marke in their ryghte handes or in their foreheads And that no man might by or sell saue hee that hath the marke or the name of the beaste eyther the numbre of his name Here is wisdome Let him that hath witte count the numbre of the beaste For it is the nūbre of a man and his nūbre is sixe hondreth threscore and sixe He annexeth the rest wherby Antichrist may be knowen and shunned And verely he maie chiefly be knowen of these thinges that folowe And he speaketh of the subiectes of Antichriste The subiects of Antichriste and of this newe Kynge and Byshoppe He wyll procure to hymselfe saieth he an infinite multitude of al kynd of men of al states and degrees For his Kyngdome shall be ample and large Therfore doth the Lord resite here certeine kynds and states of men And vnder the same vnderstandeth whatsoeuer is of the same state in the whole world The Romish Antichrist brought vnder his subiection smal and great rich and poore free to witte nobles and bond For we see that Emperours Kynges Dukes Marquesses Earles and Baronnes Realmes Countries Cities Patriarches Archbishops and Byshops Prelates Doctours Clarks and Laie men obey him also men of greatest power riches wisedom together with the poore people There is none such a kingdome so diuersly cōpacte in the world no not emonges the Mahometistes And al these verely willingly are subiect to the seate yea thei haue perswaded with thēselues that thei cannot wel liue that they cannot be saued vnlesse they be subiecte to the See of Rome The marke of Antichr And lyke as Princes discerne their subiects seruauntes by culloures and cognisaunces and the common people also their cattell by seueral brands and marks wherby thei may be knowen whose they are or whom they serue For euery man hath his cullours he white and blacke he red blewe an other white red some blacke yelow which they geue their soldiours seruauntes to weare thei professe thereby to be reteined to him or him And as they marke their horses with their brand and set their marks vpon household vessel So shall Antichriste doubtles haue also his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to wit his marke whereby he may both bynde wen to him and so boūden shal marke that they may be discerned from others and by this meane maie weare the badge and as it were the cullours of their Lorde and Maister And he wyll geue his marke on the right hand or on their foreheades The mark in the right hand or foreheades Aretas and Primasius finally all expositours agreablie do expounde it the confession of the mouth and studie and operation of a good woorke We haue hearde verely howe Christe in the seuenth chapt ded imprinte on the foreheades of his seruaunts faith by effectual charitie And in very dede the signe of Gods children is fayth and loue that cometh of the same fayth So do the writings of the Euangelistes and Apostles testifie Neuerthelesse Christ hath also the externall marke of his seruauntes those holesome Sacramentes of the church Baptisme and the Lordes Supper Howebeit yf any be baptized at this day and be partaker of the Lords supper cal vpō God the father with the Lordes praier and vtter his faith by a sincere cōfession of thapostels Crede morouer confesse those to be good workes which are done in faith after the rule of the ten cōmaundementes and besides this doe shine in good workes shall he be taken for a true catholicke and right christen mā In olde fime doubtles al men would haue imbraced him for a Brother But what shuld he be at this daye in the Popes kingdome Thou shalt seme by al these things to haue confessed nothing at al of the true faith except thou plainely professe that thou beleuest after the faith tradition of the church of Rome that thou doest acknowledge those for good workes whiche the churche of Rome hath approued Vnlesse thou beleue professe on this wise in vaine shalt thou confesse al the fourmer matters No though thou saiest moreouer that thou beleuest the lawe the prophetes the gospel Apostles They will like thee a great deale better if thou sayest thou arte an obedient childe of the Apostolicall See and church of Rome than if thou shouldest saye that thou arte the childe of God a christen manne that thou puttest thy whole truste in the sonne of God whiche is the only saluation and rightuousenes Yea ye shall finde thē which wil by and by at these wordes crie out that they smell of heresie a minde infected with poyson I fayne nothing experience it selfe wil witnesse that I saye trewth And thus doeth the Pope marke his men both in the forehead righthande Thus are the Romishe whelpes discerned from other faythfull as it were by markes Besides this there is an other thing Al papist●s do plainely testifie that vnlesse a man be marked in the forehead with Chresme by the Bishoppes hande he is no christian how so euer he be baptised beleue in Christ Iesus Whereof it followeth that they attribute more to their confirmation annoincting of the Bishop than to the christen faith Reade the boke called Summa angelica in the title of confirmation This therefore is a sealyng of the Popisshe religion the Christen markes of Christ are sufficient The Pope also by an other waye imprinteth his marke in the righthande of mē by he●ting of vowes perfourming of othes as they terme it For they that make a vowe in entryng into any religion as they call it as it were by a stipulation made do binde themselues to the Pope and See of Rome Furthermore Antichrist the Pope by othes also to be perfourmed by the holdyng vp of the right hande doeth binde and bring in daunger to him Emperours Kinges Archbisshoppes Princes Bishoppes Doctours Vniuersities and all states They promesse that they will attempte nothing agaynst the church of Rome nor agaynst the high Bisshop thereof nor yet agaynst the priuileges and statutes of the See There remayne the maner of othes in the decrees and decretalles I touche these thinges briefly They see more that shutte not their eyes And al men beholde how the Pope hath set his marke on the righthand and forehead of men He forbiddeth that no man bée nor selle There followeth againe of the fierse crueltie and blouddy tiranny which Antichrist practiseth agaynst the Christians that is to saye agaynste them whiche will not receyue
I know rightwell that the proper names of great men haue ben sealed by prophecies and signified before as Iosias Cyrus Iesus But here thou canst gather no such thing but forceably and as it were agaynst the heere I vnderstande therefore by the nombre of the name of Antichrist or beaste the very accōpte wherby we come vnto his name And a name is a briefe definition or description of any thing whereby it is knowen of what sorte and maner it is Which thing in this our cause the nōbre supplieth whiche bringeth vs vnto those times which geue him his name whereof he taketh his name that is whiche times reueale vnto vs Antichrist spoken of before in the prophetes and shewe vs who and what he is or whō we should take for Antichrist euen him verely whiche hauing brought lowe three kinges he him selfe starteth vp of naught and to the distruction of the true religion beginneth to reigne And nowe he sheweth vs expressely this nombre nominall as I maye calle it The nōbre of .666 yeres is expounded and vocalle which maye leade vs vnto Antichriste that we maye knowe who it is and when we knowe him we maye beware of him and commaundeth vs to nombre the yeres sixe hondreth sixtie and sixe For so many importe these Greke letters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In expoundyng of the which nombre the expositours haue varied wonderfully I like best the exposition of the blessed Martir S. Ireney which perauenture an hondreth yeres after the setting forth of the Apocalipse wrote his boke against heresies saw some whiche hearde S. Iohn preach with S. Ireney maketh also Andreas the good bishop of Cesaria which with Aretas speaketh thus the perfit rekening iuste accompte of the nōbre as likewise other thinges which are written of the same Antichriste the oportunitie of time shall open Time shal reueale antichrist and very experience to suche as will watche dilligently For if it were necessary as some of the Doctours suppose that this name should be manifestly knowē he that sawe him would doubtles haue reuealed But the diuine grace allowed it not that the name of this pestiferous beaste should in this godly boke be rehersed Thus farre Andreas The exposition of Ireneus After the same sorte also the holy Martir of Christ Ireneus before Andreas lefte written in the .5 boke agaynst Heresies For aboute the ende of the booke it is surer sayeth he and with out daunger to abide and tary for the fulfillyng of the prophecie than to suspecte and gesse at euery name where as many names maye be founde hauing the foresayde nombre whereby notwithstanding the question is not aunswered Yet by and by he sayeth the name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 conteineth the nōbre of .666 And very like it is to be true For this vocable hath a very kingdome For thei be latines that now raigne This sayeth he Antichriste shal be a latine as also Sibilla prophecied And doubtles this good doctour erred not one whit indued with the holy spirite of God For we see that the church of Rome is called the latin churche and the Pope the high Bisshop of the latin church We see al seruice in churches sayde in the latin tongue In Courtes al iudgementes of Bisshoppes the latin tōgue only vsed Moreouer no man shall serue in this churche excepte he be a latiniste What wil you saie that these latinistes cal the Hebrewe that is to wit the holy tongue by an opprobriouse name Iewish the Grece Church tongue heretical The Bibles in Greke and Hebrewe be of them suspected For they will haue the latin Bibles only to be authenticall and to be red of all men as authenticall But these thinges are better knowen than that I nede to admonisshe and recite them here with many wordes Neuertheles this holy mā Ireneus doeth not wholy affirme this his coniecture as moste certayne whiche notwithstandyng he sayed yet was moste probable and like to be trewe For he addeth notwithstandyng we will not be in hazarde herein for he recited also the name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the royall or tirannicall name of Nimrod nother will we affirmatiuely pronounce that he shal haue this name knowing that in case it were requisite that his name shuld be manifestly preached at this present time it should doubtles haue ben vttered by him whiche had sene also the reuelation But this nombre of the name hath he shewed that we mighte beware of him when he cometh knowyng who he is And he concealed his name for that is not worthy to be preached of the holy ghost and so forth Neuerthelesse the same before this sheweth vs away A place of Daniel in the .7 chapt lighteth this place how to accompte those .666 yeres For thus he sayeth knowyng the sure nombre whiche is shewed vs of the Scripture that is to saye of .666 let the godly abide or loke for firste the diuisiō of the kingdome into ten afterwarde the same reigning and beginnyng to refourme their matters and to augment their kingedome he that cometh vpon the sodayne chalenge to him selfe a kingdome and shal put the foresayde kinges in feare hauyng a name conteyning the foresayde nombre to knowe him verely for the abomination of desolation This agayne sayeth he But who seeth not that the holy Martir sendeth vs to the prophecie of Daniel whiche in the .7 chapt sayeth howe the Romane Empire shall be diuided into many kingedomes how in the middes of those kinges shuld rise vp a litle horne whiche should ouerthrowe and abase three hornes and that the same shoulde beginne to reigne prowdely tirannically and wickedly agaynst bothe God and menne but chiefly to the faithfull intollerable Let vs see than how and when these thinges are fulfilled The Romane Empire falleth Where the Romane Empire had godly Emperours nother yet would wicked Rome bowe her styffe necke vnto Christ but alwaies most obstinately aspired to her olde and wonted Idolatrie which it coueted to haue restored and finally whē the fatal time was at hande wherin the lord most rightuouse thought to requite blouddy Rome he armed against her the Gothians Vandales and Germanes which subdued distroied the lady of the whole worlde and distroyed the whole Empire of the which matter seke more in the .57 Sermō and in the sermons followyng Many hornes or kinges arrise And it is euident by Histories that the Romane Empire the Gothians beginnyng to inuade it did slide prouinces reuolting in euery place and was seuered in many kingdome For to speake nothing of Asia and Affricke the Persians wasting that and this the Vandalles al Grece followed the Emperour of Constantinople and likewise other nations nere The Westegothes possessed all Spayne and the French mē of Franconie subdued Gaulles and Germany and the nations adioynyng to the same The Eastegothes and Lumbardes obteyned Italy Thus verely mere establisshed many kingdomes in steade of Rome reygned many
greued and oppressed the more feruently and lowder they crie and that also they be called clamorouse criers What the Aungell preacheth Moreouer he compriseth in a briefe some what thinges are to be set forth in the preaching of the gospel chiefly in the laste times First he sayeth feare God The feare of God is the beginning of wisedome therfore not to feare God is the beginnyng of foolishenes The feare of God of al errours The feare of God hath nothing comon with the feare of the world The godly man is not affrayed of God as a gilty seruaunt feareth his maister and that more punnisshment than his maister whō he hateth rather For the feare of God hath the reuerēce and loue of God It attributeth to God the supreme Maiestie imbraceth faith and hath a faithful care wherby it awayteth vpon God worshippeth prayseth and professeth the same Doubtles because we more feare men than God we feare more the Pope and the mallice and hatred of him and his therefore do we not execute iustice vprightly nor professe the trewth frankely nother yet set forth the gospel But the lord in the Gospel sayeth feare ye not them which maye kill the body haue no power ouer the soule rather feare ye him which condemneth both body soule to hell fire Certes the feare of God is not only the beginnyng but also the bonde of al vertue Hereafter we shall heare that the feareful shal be caste into hel with the beaste with the false prophet Therfore let God be our feare like as Esaye teacheth in the .8 cha Let vs feare God for our sinnes committed Here fewe are affraide but many are affraide to speake the trueth to mainteyne godlines and to rebuke wickednes Secondely the preachyng of the Gospell comprehendeth the honour of God For he sayeth and geue him honour the honour of God And thou doest not seperate the sonne from the father For he in the .5 of Iohn sayeth thus the father hath geuē al iudgement to the sonne that al shuld honour the sonne as thei honour the father He that honoureth not the sonne honoureth not the father which sent him And in very dede the father cā not be honoured but by the sonne For we honour him when we beleue him to be true receyue Christ the sonne of God as the only rightuousnes perfection of al faithful By faith therfore chiefly we honour God than reuerēcyng him only by faithful obedience walking in his commaundementes S. Iohn in his Canonic he that beleueth not the sonne sayeth he maketh God a liar see howe ye maye highly dishonour God which beleueth not the testimony which God hath testified of his sonne And this is the testimony that God hath geuē to vs eternal life this life is in his sonne He that hath the sonne hath life he that hath not the sonne hath not life We are therefore forbidden els where than in Christ alone to seke life al goodnes But the papistes honour the Pope and his cōstitutions his Sainctes also and honour not God alone They in graue in theyr cuppes Soli deo gloria to God alone be glory but yet in the meane season thei persecute thē whiche will not ascribe the glory dewe to God alone vnto their folish trifles But the Gospell wil crie out that to God alone al glory is dewe Hereunto is added a spurre The iudgemēt of the sonne of God whiche maye pricke them to feare glorifie God for the houre of his iudgement is come The Gospel therefore in the latter dayes shal beate into men the last iudgement This hath a wonderful effecte to obteine of men amendement of life And it is pourposely sayed it is come and not the houre of his iudgement shal come For so is the certentie of his iudgement expressed and we are warned to loke for that same daye euery moment The Apostle vsed the same argument in the .17 chapt of the Actes to them of Athens and to the Corinth the .2 Epist 5. chapt Lette vs remembre O bretherne that strayte iudgement let vs amende our faith and maners and al thinges that agree not with the gospell For certenly we shal die certenly we shal be iudged But then when we shal promise our selues peace shall come sodayne destruction Watche To worship God Finally the Gospell teacheth to worshippe God alone Than doe not the faithfull worshippe Idolles to whome so euer they be erected They worship not the Pope ouerwhelmed with wickednesse much lesse doe they kisse and by kissinge worshippe his vngraciouse and stinkyng fete They worshippe not the God Mauzim of the wafer makers Daniel 11. the God in the boxe which is worshipped in palaces churches as shutte vp in the pixe They worshippe not Sainctes but God alone Therefore lifte vp your hartes vnto heauen and worshippe We haue here in Earth wōderful workes which maie moue vs to worshippe this God alone He is maker of heauen and Earth and of the See Who is greater who is mightier Therefore worshippe him the trewe God Matth. 4. He annexeth here fountaynes of water for that the miracle and benefite of waters is greate For if we consider the originall sprynge substaunce pleasauntenes and commoditie of fountaynes we shal be compelled to wonder God be praysed ¶ An other Angell preacheth that Babilon shall fal and an other diswadeth all men from the felloweshippe of the religion of the beaste The .lxiiij. Sermon ANd there followed an other Aungel saiyng she is fallen she is fallen euen Babylon that greate Citie for she made all nations drinke of the wine of her whoredome And the thirde Angell followed them sayeng with a loude voyce yf any man worship the beast and his Image and receiue his marke in his forehead or on his hand the same shall drinke of the wyne of the wrath of God which is powred in the cup of his wrath And he shal be punished in fyre brimstone before the holy Angels and before the Lambe and the smoke of their tourmente ascendeth vp euermore And thei haue no rest day nor night which worship the beast and his Image and whosoeuer receyued the prynte of his name Here is the patience of Saincts Here ar thei that kepe the cōmaundements and the faith of Iesu For the comfort of the faithful flocke of Christ ❀ The Romysh Churche shall fal is brought forth an other Aungell a type of all godly preachers which preacheth with great constancie that the kyngdome of Anti-Christ shall fall howe soeuer it promiseth to it selfe euerlastingnesse And hereof the Sainctes gather that persecutions shall with all be finisshed with all other abominations through out the worlde For where for the continuall persecutions of the wicked all the Saincts cannot but be maruelouselye sadde They muste nedes verely hereof receyue no small ioye and comforte that they here howe they shall not indure alwayes and here it is sayed that Babilon shall fall
deuiles workyng miracles to goe out to the kynges of the earth of the whole worlde to gather them to the battell of the great daye of God almightie Beholde I come as a thefe Happy is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes leeste he be founde naked and men see his filthines And he gathered them together in a place called in the hebrewe tunge Armageddon The sixte Aungell powreth out his viall on the great riuer of Euphrates ●he drying vp of Euphrates y● sixte plage th ende of this sheding is that the waie might be opened for the kynges of the Easte that is that Babilon might be taken This plague chiefly apperteyneth to Rome and the Romish church The speach hath an allegorie or a secret comparison and allusion vnto olde Babilon We reade in the .5 chapt of Daniel that Babilon was taken the same night wherein Balthazar king thereof had prepared a sumptuouse banket and loked for nothing lesse than for destruction Herodotus and Xenophon reporte howe the kinges of the Easte Darius Priscus who is also called Medus and Cyrus of Persia besieged the citie rounde aboute but where there was no hope to winne it Cyrus let out Euphrates by ditches so that the Army might wade ouer the riuer and so was the citie layde open and taken on the same side where it was fensed with the riuer Euphrates therfore fortified Babilon and brought vnto it many other cōmodities and pleasures Here therefore are signified by Euphrates richesse munition pleasures cōmodities tributes and customes which the romisshe churches call sacred or of the holy church These commodities and pleasures I saye are dimished of the kinges of the Easte of trewe christians whom the scripture calleth the Kinges and Priestes and deriued and putte to an other vse Wherefore the power of the Romane churche beginneth to decaye to the intent that at the length it maye be taken and abolisshed of the Lorde Christ him selfe Doubtles the trewe Christians vnderstāde Howe Euphrates is dried vp beleue and professe that Christ alone is the Sauiour nother that there is saluation in any other And that this is geuen freely that they be madde and committe Simonye and sacriledge whiche in this case practise and make marchandise Reade the .55 chap. of Esaye and the 8. of the Actes finally the .1 and .2 chapt of S. Paule to the Coloss Wherin most dilligently is declared illumined and set forth that by Christ alone we are absolued and in him alone haue al fulnes And what time the common people do heare this to witte that by those romish trifles fayres of pardons and other craftie iuggelinges they are disceaued and robbed of their substaūce they shutte by and by and make faste their chestes their purses their cellars and garners And so drieth vp the riuer of welth and pleasure it drieth vp also when the godly denie to geue other customes as tenthes palles firste fruictes and suche other like thinges So I saye is the waye prepared for the kinges of the Easte so beginneth Rome the seconde Babilon to be taken and come to naught It followeth furthermore Howe Antichrist behaueth him for the preseruyng of euphrates how Antichrist wil fight against the faythfull and godly labouring to drie vp Euphrates for the mayneteynaunce and increase of his kingdome where he might briefly haue saide he shal sende forth ambassadours vnto al kinges and princes to stire them vp agaynst the gospellers for the defence of the priuileges rightes reuenewes of the See of Rome he had rather moste dilligently describe those Ambassadours and shewe their destruction It forceth very muche to haue knowen the Popes legates For they are maruelouse pestilent to the churche of God for we haue not only experience of it at this daye but also by the reading of all stories that great euilles The description of the popes ambassadours called legate a latere and all calamities in a maner haue ben brought into the church and are also at this daye through the instigations of those legates I touched a little before what mischiefe Cardinal Iulian Cesarine the legate of Pope Eugenius wrought in Germany Boheme Pole and Hungary What is done in our time and hath ben done in our fathers memorie it were to longe to reherse Yf our elders had by the doctrine of Iesu Christ reuealed to the church by S. Iohn vnderstande knowen the nature of the Popes legates they might easely haue eschewed wherewith they haue vndiscretely intangled themselues and suffered greate losse hinderaunce I speake nothing here of Ambassadours and ambassades of kinges and cōmon welthes vncorrupted First he sheweth dilligently the original of legates to the intent we might vnderstande Thoriginal of legates that they be led with a wicked sprete and that their vocation is not godly but deuillish He sheweth a threfolde originall where in very dede they maye al be reduced to one deuelish vnitie He saw sayeth Primasius expounding this place one spirite and for the nombre of the partes of one body he sayeth three that al the nombre of the wicked might be vttered to be led with one deuelishe sprete Therfore the first denne that the legates breake out of he calleth the dragons mouth Of the dragon is spoken in the .12 chap. nother is there any that vnderstādeth not that it signifieth the deuil him self They come forth therfore frō the deuil For al the affaires of their ambassade cōsisteth in lies craftes practises finally in corruptyng the veritie and sincerenes of the gospell and also in factions and dissentions in slaughter and bloud And the deuil was from the begynning a liar and murtherer as the lorde him selfe sayeth in the .8 of Iohn And hitherto they be of the Dragons mouthe The selfe same arrise also out of the mouth of the beaste For they come furnisshed with the Popes authoritie legates laterall with full power Of the beaste I haue spoken in the .13 chapt finally they come out of the mouth of the false prophete The trewe prophet and pastour high and only of the church vniuersal is Christ the sonne of God Antichrist is that false prophet chiefe seducer of the whole world as is sayed in the .13 cha Therfore come the legates sente from the Pope which hath put into their mouthes wordes or instructiōs or cōmissions that they should speake those thinges which are of false prophecie Three vncleane sprites Howbeit he expoundyng himselfe more playnely declareth of what sorte the legates shall be to witte three vncleane spretes An vncleane sprete is euery where in the scripture called the deuill or Sathan verely of naturr and effecte For as the spirite of God is called holy so this cōtrarywise vncleane For he him self is of nature or rather of his owne corruption and reuoltyng from God impure and authour to mē of all impuretie and vncleanes He signifieth therfore that those legates shal be men of a deuelish vncleanes And in dede if you laye
harlot and for that cause was called an harlot Furthermore olde Rome had power to do these thinges She s●teth vpō many wat●rs for she sate vpon many waters that is had dominion rule ouer many people and sondry nations Ye al●o the kinges of the Earth haue cōmitted whoredome with her wh● lest they haue submitted themselues to the Romanes bonden themselues in leage The princes ●●mi●te whoredom and receyued of them superstitions and Idolatrie For the children of Israell were also sayed to haue committed whoredome wyth the Aegiptians for that they had ioyned amitie with them and were become fellowes in prophane religions And so newe Rome the Popes kingdome stretcheth farre and wide and the Kinges and Princes of the Earth committe whoredome with her Therefore doeth the worde of the Lorde calle it filthye whoredome whiche the Romisshe name an holy bonde and obedience There is added and they that dwell vpon Earth are made dronkē For he signifieth that beyng infected with errours yea rather asotted cleane out of their wittes they haue ben madde in Idolatrie and yet rage in their superstitions like drōkardes and can not for furie receaue the preaching of the gospel Touchyng this wine of fornication and whoredome and of that dronkennes I haue spoken in the .14 chap. And it is aptly spoken that dwellers vpō Earth are made dronkē not so much for that menne dwellyng vpon Earth are made dronken as for that earthly mē and choked with earthly desires shall become faithfull worshippers of the Romish See Thirdely he expoundeth the maner of the vision The maner of the vision thus I was caried awaye in sprete Wherfore with his body remayning in Patmos in spirite he sawe a womā sittyng on a beast and distroyed with fire Such be many visiōs and sightes in the prophetes And he noteth also the place wherein he sawe the beaste not in heauen nother in the temple or tabernacle or in a fruictful place The beast in the wildernesse but in the wildernesse Esaye calleth the gentiles and heythenes wildernesse And verely tholde Romanes and newe with their superstitions haue had no place in the church but are without the church God forbidde thā that we should acknowledge the churche of Rome to be head of al faithful churches And at this daye many of them which are called most holy and most reuerent differ nothing from the gentiles their titles and hipocrisie only excepted Wherof is spoken before in the .11 chapt Fourthly and laste he exhibiteth this vision or tipe of olde and newe Rome and the ruine and destructiō of them both and with all describeth most dilligently the wickednes of eyther of them And first must the beaste be considered after the woman sittyng on the beaste The beaste representeth the figure of olde Rome the woman of the newe and of Poperie And the woman sitteth vpon the beast For the image of the beast hath succeded and hath placed her seate in olde Rome For Daniel also affirmeth that Antichrist shal pitche his seate or palace betwixte two Seas The beast is rose coloured to witte the Hadriatical Sea called commonly the goulfe of Venise and the Tyrrhene or Tuscane Sea And the beaste is rose coloured it is of a red and bright colour like Crimosine For Rome hath ben moste cruell and blouddy and swimmyng altogether in the bloud of al mē but especially of Christians How much bloud shed Marius Sylla Pompey Iulius and others after histories Plinie hath reported Rome hath with sworde fire distroyed the whole world The ten persecutions of Christians before the Empire of Constantine are most commonly knowen Howe the beaste was full of the names of blasphemie I shewed in the .13 chapt Rome abounded with chapelles and Idolles Dayly it blasphemed God Christe the gospell and rente the church a sonder Of the .7 heades and ten hornes is spoken also in the .13 chapt And certen thinges shall followe in this same chapter playne enough And thus muche hitherto of the olde beaste here followeth of the woman sittyng vpon the beast ¶ The same matter is yet still treated of and the vision is expounded The .lxxiiij. Sermon ANd the womā was arayed in purple and rose colour decked with gold preciouse stone and pearles and had a cup of golde in her hād ful of abominations and filthinesse of hyr whoredome And in hyr forehead was a name written a misterie great Babilon the mother of whoredome and abominations of the Earth And I sawe the woman dronken with the bloud of Sainctes with the bloud of the witnesses of Iesu And when I sawe her I maruailed with a greate wonder And the Angel sayde vnto me wherefore maruailest thou I wil shewe thee the misterie of the woman and of the beaste that beareth her whiche hath seuen heades and ten hornes The beast that thou seest was and is not and shall ascende out of the botomlesse pitte and shal go into perditiō and they that dwel on the earth shal wonder whose names are not written in the booke of life from the beginnyng of the worlde when they beholde the beast that was and is not And here is a minde that hath wisedome He describeth excedingly well and liuely and setteth forth to be sene of the eyes of all men that same woman before named the great whore About th ende of the chapter he expoūdeth himselfe sayeth and the woman which thou sawest is the great citie The womā is the greate citie lady of kinges great verely as she that beareth rule ouer the kinges of the Earth He meaneth therefore the very citie of Rome and euen the popish and Romish church and the pope himself with al his creatures and chapplaynes whiche make a great and strong citie rulyng ouer al kinges and princes of the Earth For who knoweth not that Rome the prelates of the church doe rule euen aboue magistrates and princes consider what is done in the courtes of kinges princes and by whose aduise and counselles the princes of the Earth are chiefly gouerned And in callyng papistrie a woman he alludeth to the .5 and .7 chapt of the Prouerbes of Salomon who also likeneth craftie disceiptful philosophie worldly wisedome to a faire woman full of sondry craftes and giles The apparell of the woman And now also he painteth out gallauntly and euidētly the apparell or clothing and very whorish behauiour of this woman She is furnisshed with no good qualities inwardely wherby she maye cōmende her selfe to the world to her louers therfore she excelleth in outwarde deckyng of herselfe where she is inwardely full of all abominations for all the world like vnto the Phariseis and hipocrites whom the lord saieth are without li●e shinyng tumbes of marble but within replenisshed with all corruption and filthines and euen stinkyng And hereby is signified chiefly that the church of Rome and kingdome of Antichrist setteth forth it self altogether with worldly furniture to witte
king almightie immortall and inuincible He wil come shortely in the clowdes of thayre to iudge the quicke and the dead c. Moreouer victory is promised assuredly to vs that be seruauntes of Christe Called chosen faythfull And they that be with him or on his side called chosen and faithful We be chosen in Christ before the foundations of the world were layde that we should beleue in him be saued the first to the Ephes Hereunto we be called by the preachyng of the gospel Reade the .2 to the Thess the .2 chapt And we ought to geue thankes vnto God for euer c Let vs holde faste these thinges be in the troubles of this world constant and without feare To God be glory ¶ Agayne this vision is more fully declared and the punnishment of the beast is shewed The .lxxvj. Sermon ANd he sayde vnto me the waters whiche thou sawest where the whore sitteth are people folke and natiōs and tunges And the tē hornes which thou sawest vpō the beast are they which shall hate the whore and shal make her desolate and naked shall eate her flesshe and burne her with fire For God hath put in their hartes to fulfill his will and to do with one consente for to geue her kingdome vnto the beast vntil the words of God be fulfilled And the woman whiche thou sawest is that great citie whiche reigneth ouer the kinges of the Earth The Angel sent of the lord Christ vttereth to Iohn and the whole world the misterie of the beast reuealed but especially her iudgement or punnishement for her heynouse crimes Which he wil pursewe also in the chapt followyng And nowe he expoundeth the signification of waters ouer the which the whore ruleth to witte the Romish power Waters signifie Waters vpon waters the whore sitteth kingdomes dispersed through out the world Which he expoundeth after his maner altogether propheticall as was also noted before by three vocables For in namyng people folke nations and tunges he comprehendeth as it were innumerable natiōs distincte with sondry langages and maners But where nothing is more mouable or vnconstaunt than waters and when they be ones stired vp more furiouse and outrageouse the cōmon folke or people are rightly compared to waters whiche are also for their vnstablenes called mouable or vnconstaunt and for their rage both furiouse and madde Cōmotiōs Therefore not without cause al wise men haue greuousely condemned seditions which we are wonte to calle tumultes or vprores as by the whiche are assembled many naughtie natures and occasion is geuen them to breake out at their luste and to hurte But seyng that so many natiōs were subiecte to the Romane Empire and haue erred neuerthelesse in the trewe fayth what shall it preuayle hereafter to reken vp many and sondry kingdomes which should consente in any religion as though the sincerenes veritie of religion should depende vpon a multitude of men agreyng in the same The iudgemente of God agaīst Rome Nowe followeth the iudgement of God agaynst blouddy Rome which is the chiefest thing in this vision the some of al is Rome shal be rent in pieces and burnt with fire as we hearde also in the .13 chapt like as she hath done to others so shal be done vnto her And these thinges are to be expoūded first of olde Rome and after of new and in the same must the wordes be firste considered than a conference of stories must be had out of the whiche the trewth of the prophecie maye appere Ten hornes signifie kynges which haue risen of the tearyng a sonder of the Romane Empire The hatred of ten hornes against the whore suche as were the kinges of Westgothes Eastgothes of Germaynes Frēchmen Lumbardes Hunnes Vandalles c. These nations serued ones the Romanes and toke their wages they fauoured them and to their owne losse brought their matters to passe no otherwise than as an erneste louer serueth some one harlot from whome he can by no meanes be withdrawen as whom he loueth moste feruently but at laste perceyuing her vntrewe dealyng he beginneth to hate the same most deadly So these nations and others beganne so to persecute the name of Romanes that they would haue no monumētes or fote steppes of them any where to abide or remayne All the prouinces of the Romanes were filled ful of Romane posies Images pillers tittles and writinges but in the same especially in Germany the borders therof how many I praye you of so great plentie remayne The cities wherein the Romanes had their garnisons ar vtterly destroied that scarsely there appere any fote steppes therof at this daye And like as an honeste man hauyng a whore to his wife a shameles strompet doeth not only hate but also forsaketh the same troubleth her tourneth her naked hauyng plucked from her al her wifely apparell and ornamentes Ezech. 16 Osee 2. for so God in his prophetes threateneth to doe vnto his people for their vnfaithfulnes so nations reuolted from the Romane Empire distroyed and impouerished the same spoyling the riches thereof which the Romanes had heaped together by the robberie of al nations They shal eate her flesh they spoyled euery where also the Romane prouinces And where it is sayed that those kinges shal deuoure the flesh of the beaste it is to be vnderstande of the maner of speakyng For so are we wonte to saye what time we signifie extreme crueltie and mallice without mercy therfore like as Rome hath ben moste cruell towardes all nations euen so shal al nations most cruelly teare her and finally shal burne her with fire Nowe let vs compare with these thinges the historie A story of the destruction burnyng of Rome and see how they were fulfilled in tholde Rome and maye be yet fulfilled in the newe And first we will speake of olde Rome after of newe And verely olde Rome grewe many yeres and practised robberies through out the whole worlde and distroyed the Sainctes of the most highest wherfore it was worthy that the punnishment thereof should extende and indure many yeres and so as it were by degrees to descende to the last burnyng and destruction thereof There be gathered the yeres of her punnishmentes about .136 in the whiche she beyng impenitent was vexed and tourmoyled with continual calamities slaughters and vexatiōs And herof I compiled an abridgement in the .57 Sermon of this worke the. 13. chapt And here I will repete a fewe thinges and will reherse certen other things more playnely and at large As the Lorde in punnishyng the Niniuites and Hierosolomitanes declared his longe sufferyng and clemēcie and also his streight iustice right so in procedyng slowely to distroye Rome he lefte them mercifully space to repente in which seyng thei refused to do he wasted and destroyed them terriblely as impenitent He gaue therfore to Rome excellent good Princes Constaunce Constantine Iouiane Valentinian Gratiane Theodose c. By whose
for of vnmeasurable mightie and vnsatiable luste were made riche For where as Rome abounded with spoiles which it had gredely taken of al nations and brought to Rome they were geuē to al kinde of riot wātones Therfore the maisters of voluptuousnes and diuisers of delicate pleasures and marchauntes of most preciouse wares reparyng thither founde euermore thē that would bie intertayne and set by thē and were so made riche of the voluptuouse and riotouse life of the Romanes Therefore the Apostle noteth an incredible studie of moste sumptuouse riot in meate drinke apparell buildyng in pampering and cherisshyng of the bodye The Romishe also of our time striken with the same rage both in Italy and without spēde excedyng muche richesse in liuyng riotousely This is sene chiefely in those spiritual fathers Bisshoppes and Abbottes and in the whole Romishe clergie But God neuer suffered riot and tiranny longe vnpunnished in any nation Therfore is Babilon fallen also therfore shal the church of Rome falle too Therefore let priuate men also loue temperancie and to absteyne from riot and pride To the lord be glory ¶ Counsell is geuen to the godly which are cōmaunded to go out of Babilon Enemies are stired vp against Babilon they are cōmaunded not to spare her The .lxxviij. Sermon ANd I hearde an other voyce frō Heauen saying come awaie from her my people the ye be not partakers of her sinnes leest ye receiue of her plages For her sinnes ar gone vp to heauē the lord hath remēbred her wickednes Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you geue her double according to her workes And poure in double to her in the same cup whiche she filled vnto you And asmuch as she glorified her self liued wantonly so much powre ye in for her of pūnishment and sorrow for she sayeth in her hart I sitte being a quene am no widowe shal see no sorrow Therfore shal her plages come at one day death sorrow and honger and she shal be brente with fire for stronge is the lord God which shal iudge her The seconde place of this chapt is the faithful coūsel of the lord geuen to the godly The counsel of God for the faithfull howe thei should vse themselues how they should demeane thēselues in the felicitie and destruction of the citie Rome hath in dede of long time ben lady of the world the richesse pleasures of the whole world haue bē sene at Rome Yf any at Rome or in the prouinces shewed himself tractable obedient to the Romanes loued much the Romishe religion made him conformable to the corrupt maners of the Romanes he was much made of might come as it were by degrees to high promotiō dignitie to the greatest richesse most chosen pleasures Yf any man would resist the Romish religiō and would not assente to the Romanes he was vexed with persecution he was spoiled driuen into exile or cast in prison or led to execution Therfore were the godly greuously tempted knew not whither to tourne them As we see the like done at this daye in newe Rome and popish kingdome through out the world Wherefore God which will not that man should perish but be saued geueth here the beste counsell of true felicitie and saluation which so many as obeye are blessed And streight wayes from the beginnyng he sheweth the authour of this coūsell to th ende he might get it authoritie that we might boldely receiue it I hearde saieth he an other voice from heauē from God therfore out of heauē procedeth this counsell which they that followe obeye God they that obeye it not contemne and dispise the counsell of God And what is this counsell Flee from Babilon is the coūsel of God briefe playne possible honeste holesome doubtles come awaye sayeth the Lorde from her to witte Babilon Rome both old and newe my people that is to saye you that will be called the people of God and be written in the nombre of the citizens of God This same is his counsell and none other The same counsell God by his prophetes gaue to his aunciēt people when they were in the captiuitie of Babilon For thus sayeth Esaye in the .48 and 52. chap. departe departe come ye awaye from thence touch no vncleane thing Come awaye frō her be ye made cleane which beare the vesselles of the Lord. And Ieremie in the .51 chapt flee from the middes of Babilon and let euery manne saue his soule that ye be not roted out in her wickednes For the time of Gods vengeaunce is at hande he will rewarde her The lorde therefore counselleth to flee and that so our soules shuld be saued For els vnlesse we flee we shall perish Howbeit the Prophetes taught not the Israelites to flee out of Babilon bodily by motion localle as they terme it For Ieremie in the .29 chapt exhorteth the people captiue to dwel in Babilon and to make their prouision there til the time of deliuerie come ¶ What flight is counselled For than must thei come out of Babilon In the meane season he would haue them departe not by bodily motion but by vnlikenes of maners For albeit they shall dwel in the middes of the superstitiouse vngodly and Idolaters yet would not the lord haue them made like vnto thē That fleyng therefore in this that they should absteyne and refrayne themselues from vngodlines idolatrie sinnes to witte bloud vsurie pride lecherie and other like vices but to perseuer in true godlines and innucencie In like maner now whiter so eu●r the godly shoulde haue fledde vnder the olde Romane Empire they shoulde euery where haue fallen agayne into the handes of the Romanes like as we also at this daye 1. Cor●n 5. although we chaunge our place yet haue we poperie eyther nere or iminente Therefore the Apostle sayeth well we muste get vs out of the worlde if we will not be conuersaunt with sinners This therefore is the trewe and godly flight if remaynyng in this world bodily in minde maners we departe furthermost out of the world so that we absteine from al idolatrie and prophane worshippyng if we allowe it not if it pleaseth vs not if we nother assent nor frame our selues to the maners of the vngodly yf we shall not betraye our religion eyther for menne or for worldely gaine So therefore the Christians which liued vnder the Romane Empire fled Rome so that they vtterly absteyned from worshippyng of idolles and the corrupte maners of the gentiles althoug they liued emongs the heythen For that the auncient churches in Asia were suche we haue hearde in the .2 and .3 chapt of this boke Albeit therfore that we also dwel vnder the Popish kingdome and in thempire that persecuteth the gospel yet must we flee papistrie that is to saye popish churches none of the godly ought for worshipping or obedience sake to enter in none to acknowledge allowe or vse