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B00718 A conference of the Catholike and Protestante doctrine with the expresse words of Holie Scripture. Which is the second parte of the prudentiall balance of religion. : VVherein is clearely shewed, that in more than 260 points of controuersie, Catholicks agree with the Holie Scripture, both in words and sense: and Protestants disagree in both, and depraue both the sayings, words, and sense of Scripture. / Written first in Latin, but now augmented and translated into English.; Collatio doctrinae Catholicorum ac Protestantium cum expressis S. Scripturae verbis. English. 1631 Smith, Richard, 1566-1655. 1631 (1631) STC 22810; ESTC S123294 532,875 801

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power did open the shut dores The dores were not shut in the very instant of his passing See more art 23. Scripture Hauing a great high preist that hath penetrated Christ penetrated the heauen Not penetrated them Christ praieth for vs. He praieth not for vs. the heauenes Iesus the Sonne of God Protestants Christ ascended without penetration of quantities VVe admit no penetration See art 14. Scripture I will aske the Father VVho also maketh intercession for vs. Protestants VVe may not imagin that Christ as a Suppliant praieth for vs. His death and resurrection are in steed of an eternall intercession See more art 25. CHAPTER IV. OF ANGELS AND SAINTES SCripture And the Angell of our Lord answered and saied O Angels pray for vs. Lord of Hostes how long will thou not haue mercie on Hierusalem Protestants The Scripture teacheth not that Angels pray They pray not We denie that the holie Angels do pray in particular for our necessities See art 4. Scripture And he preuailed against the Angel and was Angels to be praied vnto Not to be praied vnto strenghtned and he wept and besought him Protestants The inuocation of Saints and Angels is impious See art 8. Scripture Our lord opened the eyes of Balaam and he saw the Angels to be bowed vnto Angel standing in the way with a drawne sword and he adored him flat to the ground Protestants We must beware that we nether adore nor worship Not to be bowed vnto Angels He could not fall downe to the Angel without diminishing Gods honour See art 11. Scripture Nether take thou away thy mercie from vs for God to be praied by the names of Saintes Not so to be praied Abraham thy beloued and Isaac thy seruant and Israel the holie one Protestants In the Prophets there is not found anie such inuocation Heare me o God for Abraham God is not to be besought by the names of Saintes See more art 9. Scripture For your selues know how you ought to imitate vs. Saintes to be imitated Not to be imitated God protecteth vs for the Saintes sake Not for their sakes Some Saintes bad power to worke miracles None had such power Santes receaue men into eternall tabernacles They do not receaue Be ye followers of me Protestants These trifles ought not to be sung to the people that they should imitate the Saintes God requireth that we follow his scripture only and not the examples of Saintes See art 12. Scripture I will protect this cittie and saue it for my self and for Dauid my seruant Protestants It is not to be borne that they say through Gods liberalitie and Christs grace the merits of Saints do profit vs to protection See art 10. Scripture And he gaue them power to cure infirmities and to cast out Diuels Protestants God neuer gaue anie man power of working miracles ether mediatly or immediatly See art 16. Scripture Make vnto you freinds of the mammon of iniquitie that when you faile they may receaue you into the eternall tabernacles Protestants VVe must not vnderstand that men shall receaue vs into eternall tabernacles See art 13. Scripture They shal be priests of God and Christ and shall Saints reigne with him reigne with him Protestants The Saints do not reigne with Christ. See art They reigne not with him 16. Scripture And he that shall ouercome and keepe my workes Saintes rule nations vnto the end I will giue him power ouer the nations and he shall rule them with a rodde of yron Protestants It is an errour that Angels or the soules of the They rule them not blessed men are appointed of God to rule and gouerne vs. See art 16. cit CHAPTER V. OF THE SCRIPTVRE OR WORD OF GOD. SCripture Paule according to the wisdome giuen him hath Some things in Scripture are hard written as also in all Epistles speaking in them of these things in which are certaine hard to be vnderstood Protestants Peter saieth not that Paules Epistles are obscure No thing hard no nor that there are some obscure things in Paules Epistles No parte of the Scripture is obscure How can the Scripture be called obscure in anie parte See more art 1. Scripture Iesus began to preach and say Doe pennance for The Ghospel preacheth pennance It preacheth it not the kingdom of heaune is at hand Protestants The Ghospell properly is not a preaching of pennance The Ghospell preacheth not to vs that this or that is to be done or exacteth any thing of vs. See more art 4. Scripture If thou will enter into life keepe the commandments Promiseth life conditionally Protestants The Ghospell promiseth saluation euen to those Not conditionally that haue no good workes at all The Ghospel requireth not workes to saluation See more art 6. Ghospell not contrarie to the law Scripture Doe we then destroie the law by faith God forbid But we establish the law Protestants The Ghospell is truly opposite to the law The law It is contrarie to it aad the Ghospell of themselues wholy fight one with the other See more art 7. Scripture All things must needs be fulfilled which are written Moises law commandeth faith in Christ It commandeth it not Traditions to be kept Not to be kept in the law of Moises and the Prophets and the Psalmes of me Protestants Faith in Christ the law neuer knew The law of Moises commandeth not faith in Christ See more art 8. Scripture Hould the traditions which you haue learnt whether it be by word or by our epistle Protestants VVe care not for vnwritten traditions we acknowledge no word but that which is written See more art 9. CHAPTER VI. OF S. PETER AND THE APOSTLES SCripture Thou art Peter and vpon this rock will I build Church built vpon Peter my Church Protestants Peter is not rock because Christ did not build Not vpon Peter his Church vpon Peter See more art 2. Scripture And I say to thee Thou art Peter And to thee Keyos giuen to Peter I will giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen Protestants Christ called faith the rock to which rock not to Not giuen to him Peter be gaue these key●s See art 3. Scripture I haue praied for thee Peter that thy faith faile Peters faith failed not It failed not Protestants For a time surely Peters saith failed whiles he denied Christ It is a blasphemous speech that Peter denying Christ did not lese his faith See more art 4. Scripture And the wall of the cittie hauing twelue foundations The Apostles foundations and in them twelue names of the twelue Apostles of the lambe Protestants The Apostles were not the foundations See Not foundations more art 5. Scripture He that heareth you heareth me The Apostles simply to be heard Not simply to be heard Protestants The Apostles be not simply to be heard but to be examined according to the rule of Scripture S. Paules
Ghospell or the new testament must haue beene tried by the ould See more art 6. CHAPTER VII OF THE PASTOVRS OF THE CHVRCH SCripture If my couuenant with the day can be made voide Pastours alwaies c. also my couuenant may be made voide with Dauid my seruant that there be not of him a sonne to reigne in his throne and Leuits and Preists my ministers Not alwaies Protestants It is false that the externall ministerie must be perpetuall The Church hath osten no man Pastour Some short time the Church may be depriued of Pastours See more art 7. Scripture Thou art Peter c. And to thee I will giue the Authoritie in the Pastours keyes of the kingdome of heauen Protestants The authoritie is not in the Prelats but in the Not in them worde the Church hath nothing but mere ministerie See more art 2. Scripture Thou art Peter c. and whatsoeuer thou shalt One pastor cā excōmunicate bind on earth it shal be bound also in heauen Protestants VVe must remember that this power of excommunicating One cannot is giuen to no one man but to the whole companie of the Presbiterie See more art 3. Scripture And he Paul walked through Syria and Silicia Pastours can make lawes confirming the Churches and commanding them to keepe the precepts of the Apostles and the Auncients Protestants The Church hath no power to make lawes See They can not more art 4. Scripture The Holie Ghost hath placed you Bishops to rule Pastors rulers of the Church Not rulers the Church of God Protestants The true nature of a ruler of the Church is in no pure man one or manie See art 5. Scripture You shal be called the preistes of the lord Pasters to be called preists Not to be so called Protestants Who administer the word and Sacraments amongst the people nether may nor ought to be called preists See more art 7. Scripture But how shall they preach vnles they be sent No preaching without mission Without mission Protestants Euen they who are not lawfully called may preach the word fruitfully Euerie Christian man hath authoritie to preach Christ in what place soeuer where they are desirous to heare See more art 8. Scripture Moises and Aaron in his preists Moises a preist No preist Protestants Moises did not exercise at all the preisthood but was onely a Prophet See more art 10. CHAPTER VIII OF THE CHVRCHE SCripture There shal be made one fould and one pastor Church but one onely Not one onely Protestants We say that there are twoe societies of men that is twoe Churches to the one belong the predestinate to the other the reprobate Christ and the things themselues teach vs that there are twoe Churches See more art 1. Scripture VVe are one bodie all that participate of one All those one bodie who participate one Sacramēt bread Protestants The godlie are no more ioyned in one bodie with Not all those the wicked then light with darkenes Christ with Belial See more art 2. Scripture The gates of hell shall not preuaile against her of Church can not faile It can faile his kingdome there shal be no end Protestants It is no meruaile though the Church be cleane fallen downe long agoe Antichrist had rooted out the Church euen from the ground Christes kingdome was cast flat downe See more art 4. Scripture You are the light of the world A cittie can not be Church can not be hidde hidde situated vpon a mountaine Protestants Often times God will haue no visible Church It can be hidde on earth The whole visible Church may faile See more art 5. Scripture Which is the Church of the liuing God the pillar Church is infallible and strenght of trueth Protestants The vniuersall Church may erre The Church Not infallible may erre The Catholik Church may erre and that most greeuously See more art 6. Scripture If he will not heare the Church let him be to thee Church simply to be heard Not simply to be heard as the Heathen and the Publican Protestants VVe must not simply receaue whatsoeuer the Church teacheth See more art 7. CHAPTER IX OF TEMPLES OR MATERIAL CHVRCHES SCripture Who Anna departed not from the temple by Churches for priuate praier fasting and praiers seruing day and right Protestants Churches are for preaching onely It is no lawfull Not for priuat praier end of Churches that the faithfull may priuatly pray in them See more art 1. Scripture Twoe Cherubins also thou shalt make of beaten Images to be set in Churches Not to be set in Churches gold on both sides of the oracle Protestants The Iewes had no manner Image nether painted not grauen in their temple God abhorreth images We must not suffer that Images be in Churches See more art 3. Scripture reporteth these words of a Heathen This Heathens thought idols to be Gods They thought not so Paule saieth that they are no Gods which be made by hands Protestants It is a lie that the Heathens did beleiue the Images of their Gods to haue beene their Gods them selues See more art 4. CHAPTER X. OF BAPTISME SCripture Vnlesse a man be borne againe of water and the Water necessarie to baptisme Not necessarie Spirit he can not enter into the kingdome of God Protestants Though water be wanting yet if the baptisme of one cannot be differred with edification I would baptize as well with anie other liquour as with water See more art 1. Scripture Going teach ye all nations baptizing them Baptisme cōmanded of Christ Not cōmanded of him c. Protestants Baptisme is of lesse importance then that the lord should haue greatly cammanded anie thing about it See more art 3. Scripture Vnlesse one be borne of water and the Holie Baptisme necessarie to saluation Not necessarie Simon Magus was baptized He was not baptized Baptisme profiteth all Not all Ghost he cannot inter into the kingdome of God Protestants Children who die before they be christened are not shut out of the kingdome of God See art 4. Scripture Then Simon Magus also himself belieued and being baptized he cleaned to Philippe Protestants That Simon Peter and Simon Magus receaued the same whole baptisme is most false See more art 5. Scripture As manie of you as haue beene baptized in Christ haue put on Christ Protestants Baptisme bringeth no commoditie to those that are not elect See more art 6. Scripture Christ loued the Church cleansing it by the lauer Baptisme purgeth sinne It purgeth not sinne of water in the worde Protestants VVho will say that we are cleansed by this water Doest thou thinke that water is the lauer of the soule No. Baptisme cannot wash away the filth of sinnes See more art 7. Scripture Be baptized and wash away thy sinnes Sinnes washed away by baptisme Not by baptisme All borne in in state of dānation Not all Protestants Paule
Infants are saued by Gods election albeit they be taken out of this life not only without baptisme but also without faith See more art 15. Scripture What shall it profit if a man say he hath faith but hath not workes Shall his faith be able to saue him Protestants Faith iustifieth without good workes Faith void of good workes is imputed to iustice See more art 17. Scripture Whosoeuer beleiueth that Iesus is Christ is borne of God Abraham beleiued and it was imputed him to iustice Protestants Faith doth not iustifie vs by the worke beleife Not iustifieth See more art 18. Scripture To him that beleiueth in him who iustifieth the Faith reputed to iustice impious his faith is reputed to iustice Protestants The act of beleiuing is not our iustice Not the Not reputed act or worke of our faith that is our beleife iustifieth vs. See more art 19 Scripture Of the Princes also manie beleiued in him but for Certaine princes beleiued They beleiued not Manie beleiued They beleiued not Faith cause of Saluation Not cause thereof Simō Magus beleiued He beleiued not Faith by hearing Not by hearing the Pharises they did not confesse Protestants We do not graunt that thoses Princes had true faith We denie that they truely beleiued See more art 20. Scripture Ihon. 2. Manie beleiued in his name Protestants Their faith was not true but hypocrisie See art 20. cit Scripture Thy faith hath made thee safe Protestants Faith doth not worke cause or procure our Saluation See more art 16. Scripture Simon Magus also him selfe beleiued Protestants Some beleiue not at all as Simon Magus He was quite faithlesse indeed he beleiued not See more art 21. Scripture Faith is by hearing Protestants Faith cometh not by the labour of the preachers Faith riseth of the Scripture alone not of the authoritie of the Church Faith can not be gotten by words See more articul 22. Scripture For a time they beleiue and in time of temptation Faith some time lost they reuolt Protestants True faith can neuer be lost It cannot be by Neuer lost anie means that those who beleiue should leese their faith See more art 23. Scripture reporteth that Christ saied to Thomas Be S. Thomas faith not incredulous but faithfull And that Thomas saied Vnlesse I see c. I will not beleiue Protestants Faith was not vtterly extinct in Thomas Faith He lost it not lay in his hart See more art 23. cit Scripture He that beleiueth in the Sonne hath life euerlasting Faith rewarded Protestants There is noe reward to faith No reward can be Not rewarded rendred to faith See art 24. Scripture Reporteth that Christ saied to the woman The womans faith pure who touched the hem of his garment Thy faith hath made the safe Protestants It may be that some errour or vice was mingled Not pure with the womans faith Perhaps she slipt a litle out of the way See more art 25. CHAPTER XIV OF GOOD VVORKES IN GENERAL SCripture saieth to a sinner beleiuing that there is one Some workes of a sinner good God Thou doest well and Rahab the harlot was not she iustified by workes Protestants VVhat workes soeuer goe before iustification None good are euill What can sinners alienated from God doe but is execrable in his iudgment See more art 1. Scripture In all these things Iob sinned not with his lips The iust sinne not in euerie worke In euerie worke Good workes sweet before God Vnsweet Protestants The iust man sinneth in euerie good worke All saints in euerie good worke do sinne See more art 2. Scripture Noë offered holocaustes vpon the altar and our lord smelled a sweell sauour Protestants Our workes stincke before God if they be called to a strait account Whatsoeuer we can giue to God is stenchie See more art 3. Scripture Remember how I haue walked before thee in trueth Some workes perfect and in a perfect hart Protestants All our good workes are imperfect They are None perfect partely euill See more art 4. Scripture Phinees stood and pacified and the slaughter ceased Some workes iust before God None iust before hmi and it was reputed to him vnto iustice Protestants Who make their workes euen those which they imagin to doe by the grace of Christ iustice before God make idols of them See more art 5. Scripture What is our hope or ioye or crowne of glorie Are Glorie before God not you before our lord Iesus in his coming Protestants It can not be that anie haue glorie before God Not glorie before him See more art 9. Scripture He who ioyneth his virgin in matrimonie doth Some workes better then others None better then others Some workes counselled None counselled well and he who ioyneth not doth better Protestants Before God there is no worke better then other See more art 10. Scripture As concerning virgins a commandment of our Lord I haue not but counsell I giue Protestants There are not some precepts and others counsells See more art 11. Scripture If you will not forgiue men nether will your Father Some workes necessarie to forgiuenesse Not necessarie forgiue you your offenses Protestants The pardon which we aske to be giuen to vs dependeth not vpon that which we giue to others See more artic 12. Scripture Patience is necessarie for you that doing the will Some necessarie to saluauation Not necessarie Some profitable None profitable of God you may receaue the promise Protestants Good workes are not necessarie to saluation See more art 13. Scripture Pietie is profitable to all things hauing promise of the life that now is and of that to come Protestants To teach that workes are holesome and profitable is diuellish and apostaticall from faith workes are vnprofitable to Christian iustice and likewise to saluation See more art 14. Scripture Be ye in nothing terrified of the aduersaries which Affliction cause of saluation to them is cause of perdition but to you of saluation and this of God Protestants The Scripture no where teacheth that the afflictions Not cause of saluation which the Saints suffer of the wicked are cause of their saluation See more art 15. Scripture Possesse you the kingdome prepared for you For I Workes cause of enioying heauen Not cause was an hungred and you gaue me to eate Protestants None shal be saued for his workes The kingdome of heauen is not giuen for good workes The iust are not rewarded for the workes of iustice which they haue done See more art 15. cit Scripture Labour that by good workes you may make sure Workes make cer●aintie of saluation They make it not your vocation and election Protestants We are vtterly vndone if we be sent to our workes when we must seeke the certaintie of our saluation See more art 16. Workes cause that God loueth vs. Not cause Scripture The Father him selfe loueth you
title and power Againe Peter had no primacie amongst the Apostles CONFERENCE OF THE FORESAIED WORDS Scripture expressely saieth that S. Peter was the first of the Apostles Catholiks say the same Protestants expressely say that S. Peter had no primacie at all and suspect that the word First is added to the Scripture they say also that Saint Peter had nothing which was not common to the other Apostles that all the Apostles were equall in dignitie authotitie title and power that there was altogether equalitie amongst thē and none greater then an other that S. Paul was equall to S. Peter in all points nay greater then he by the testimonie of Christ ART II. WHETHER THE CHVRCH was built vpon S. Peter himselfe PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Math. 16. v. 18. And I say to thee That thou art Peter and vpon The Church built vpon S. Peter this rock will I build my Church And I will giue thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Promptuar Cath. in Festo Petri Pauli S. Chrisostome doth diligently teach that twoe things were here giuen to Peter The one the guift of the Father to wit the reuelalation of the word incarnate The other the proper guift of the Sonne to be the rock of the Church PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Controu 4. q. 2 c. 2. Peter is not the rock because Not vpon S. Peter Christ doth not build his Church vpon Peter Luther in Matth. 16. to 5. vpon this that is vpon me not vpō thee Item He cannot be vnderstood to build vpon Peter Zuinglius l. de vera falsa relig cap. de Clauibus I will build my Church vpon this rock not vpon thee for thou art not the rock Againe Onely Christ not Peter is the rock vpon the which the Church standeth Bucer in Matth. 16. Faith in Christ is that rock vpon which the Church is saied to be built not that man Peter Caluin in Math. 16. v. 19. He faigneth that Peter is called the foūdation of the Church But who seeth not that he giueth that to the person of a man vhich was spoaken of Peters faith Beza in Matth. 16. v. 18. But Mathew or whosoeuer was his interpretour seemeth by this difference of words to distinguish Peter from that rock on which the building relieth Zanchius l. de Eccles c. 9. The opposition of the Fathers is not admitted in this place vpon this rock that is vpon Peter Vorstius in Antibell p. 64. Our men vse to answere that by the name of Rock not the person but the faith or confession of Peter or Christ himselfe is to be vnderstood More of their like sayings may be seene in my Latin booke c. 5. art 2. THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that Christ speaking to Peter himselfe hath in the words which immediatly goe before that clause vpon this rock c as also in the which immediatly follow it and designing S. Peters person both by his Father and by his proper name Peter which he had giuen to him Which both in the Syriack tongue in which Christ spoake and in the Hebrew tongue in which Saint Mathew wrote his Ghospell is wholy one and the selfe same word that Rock is and also in the Greek language is equiualent or synonimall with it as Protestants confesse and finally designing him by that pronoune This saied vpon this Rock which is as much as is he had saied vpon this Peter I will build my Church The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that S. Peter is not the Rock of the Church not the foundation not he vpon whome the Church is built Which is so manifest a contradiction of Scripture as manie Protestants confesse it See libr. 2. cap. 30. ART III. WHETHER THE KEYES OF the kingdome of heauen were giuen to S. Peter himselfe SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Mathew 16. vers 18. 19. And I say to thee That thou The keyes giuen to S. Peter art Peter And I will giue to thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Prompt Cathol in Festo Petri Pauli The power of the keyes was promised by Christ to Peter alone and therefore it was truely giuen PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Controu 9. quaest 5. c. 3. Surely the keyes of the Not to any one men Church were not giuen to any one singular man but to the Church it selfe Bucher in Matth. 16. This power of the keyes is in the whole Church but the authoritie of administring it is in the Preists and Bishops as in ould time in Rome the power was in the people the authoritie in the Senate Articuli Smalcaldici We must needs confesse that the keyes belong not to the person of any one man hut to the Church Daneus Contr. 3. c. 10. p. 244. Christ called faith the rock Not to Saint Peter to which rock not to Peter he gaue these keyes and the strength against the power and gates of Hell THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that Christ promised and consequently gaue the keyes of Heauen vnto S. Peter The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely teach that the power of the keyes is not in the priests and Bishops that they were not giuen to Peter nor to any one singular man Which contradiction of the Scripture is so plaine as some Protestants acknowledge it See l. 2. c. 30 ART IV. WHETHER S. PETERS faith failed SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Luc. 22. v. 31. And our Lord saied Simon Simon behould Saint Peters faith failed not Sathan hath required to haue you for to sift as wheat But I haue praied for thee that thy faith faile not CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Lucae 22. v. 32. Christ doth in those words manifestly teach that S. Peters faith should not faile PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 4. q. 2. c. 2. Whē Bellarmin had saied Peter lost charitie but not faith when he denied Christ answereth It seemeth that a greater wound was giuen to his faith then to his Saints Peters faith failed charitie Againe That was surely a short apostasie Hutterus in Analysi Cōfess Augustan art 12. It is a blasphemous speech of Beza when he writeth That Peter denying Christ did not loose his faith Reineccius to 1. Armat c. 22. Peter retained not faith And to 3. c. 4. For a time Peters faith surely failed whiles he denyed Christ Daneus Contr. 3. c. 10. Bellarmin dreameth when he saieth that Peters faith could not faile For by the deniall which afterward he made it appeareth to be false which he impudently affirmeth of the indefectibilitie of Peters faith The same he hath ibid. lib. 4. cap. 3. Lambertus and Schusselb l. 1. Theol. Caluin art 14. saieth that Peter when he fell had not that true faith wherewith we trust in God alone and the infidelitie preuailed against Peter Iunius Contro 3. l. 1. c. 10. Certainly Peter erred from faith THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely
AFFIRME D. Stapleton Cont. 1. q. 2. art 1. The Catholik doctrine is that there is but one Church which we professe in our Creed and that she consisteth of the elect and reprobate PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 2. q. 1. c. 7. We say that the Church consisteth Reprobates not of the Church indeed not of reprobates but of onely predestinate Agayne A reprobate may seeme to be of the Church but he cannot be indeed of the Church And q. 5. c. 3. That is a false Church which consisteth of reprobates Rainalds in Apol. Thes p. 170. I determine that the elect alone are contained in the Church of the Creed M. Perkins de praedest tom 1. col 154. A reprobate is but in Onely in shew members of the Church shew onely a member of Christ Abbats in Diatribam Thomsoni c. 8. Reprobates are not reputed in the Church Caluin in 1. Ioan. 2. v. 19. Ihon plainly pronounceth that they Neuer members of the Church who falle away were neuer members of the Church Beza in Confes cap. 5. sect 8. As for the rest Beside the elect they are not be numbred among the members of the Church albeit they were Apostles Daneus Cont. 4. p. 689. The true Church of God containeth onely his elect Pareus Colloq Theol. 1. disput 12. The reprobate are not truely and indeed of the Church nor belonge vnto it before God Not truely of the Church Sadeel in Refutat Posnan c. 4. Reprobates pertaine not to the true Church And Musculus in the former article will not so much as the name of the Church to be bestowed vpon the reprobates THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that those who are to be be cast out and to be burnt with vnquenchable fire that is reprobates are in the kingdome of heauen and in the flore of God that is in his Church Catholiks say the same Protestants expressely teach that reprobates are not in the Church not in the true Church not in the Church of the Creed not indeed not before Good that the Church the true Church containeth onely the elect that the re-reprobates onely in shew and apparence can be of the Church that they deserue not the name of the Church that she is a false Church which consisteth of the reprobates ART IV. WHETHER THE CHVRCH continueth euer SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Mathew 16. vers 18. Thou art Peter and vpon this rock Church inuincible will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it Luke 1. v. 33. And he shall reigne in the house of Iacob for Shall haue no end euer and of his kingdome there shal be no end CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton Cont. 1. q. 3. art 2. The Church of Christ continueth to the end of the world PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Apologie of the Church of England Longe agoe hath The whole Church cleane fallen downe the Bishop of Rome willed to haue the whole Church depend vpō himselfe alone wherefore it is no meruaile though it be cleane fallen downe longe agoe Agayne When we likewise saw that all thinges were quite troden vnderfoote by these men and that nothing remained in the temple of God but pittifull spoiles and decaies we reckoned c. Cartwright in Whitgifts Defense p. 217. When Antichrist Rooted out from the ground had rooted out the Church euen from the ground c. Luther in c. 49. Genes tom 6 The Pope hath extinguished the Church Caluin cont Sadolet p. 132. The matter came to that passe that it was cleare and manifest both to the learned and vnlearned Christ kingdome flat downe that the true order of the Church thē perished Christs kingdome was cast flat downe when this principalitie of the Pope was erected Beza in Conf. c. 5. sect 29. But for that horrible tyranie of the Popedome which ouerthrew the whole Church and whicb almost alone doth stay her renewing we c. Daneus in l. Augustini de Haeres c. 95. About the yeare of our lord 574. arose this destruction plague and tyranie of the Rooted out from the foundation whole Church which after rooted out the kingdome of Christ from the foundation Chassanio l. 2. de Ecclesia p. 151. It is false That the Church shall neuer be broken of More of ther like sayings may be seene in my 2. booke of the Author of the Protestant religion c. 1. Where also c. 2. I haue refuted their euasions THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that the gates of hell shall not pre●aile against the Church that there shal be no end of the kingdome of Christ The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the whole Church was cleane fallen downe long agoe that nothing remained in the temple of God but pittifull spoiles decaies that the Church was rooted out from the ground the Church extinct the whole Church ouerthrowne the whole Church destroied that the kingdome of Christ was cast flat downe and rooted out from the foundation which are so contrarie to the Scripture as sometimes Protestants confesse no lesse See lib. 2. cap. 30. ART V. WHETHER THE CHVRCH BE alwaies visible SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Matth. 5. vers 15. Christ thus speaketh to his disciples or Church cannot be hiddē Church You are the light of the world A cittie cannot be hidde situated vpon a mountaine And c. 18. v. 17. And if he will not heare them tell the Church And if he will not heare the Church let him be to thee as the Heathen and the Publican Isaie 62. v. 6. Vpon thy walles Hierusalem I haue appointed Wacth mē for euer in the Church wachmen all the day and all the night for euer they shall not hould their peace CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton Cont. 1. q. 3. art 1. The Church which we are to beleiue must necessarily alwaies be visible There must alwaies be a visible Church PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 2. q. 2. c. 1. Their Papists opinion is that Militant Church inuisible the militant Church is alwaies visible But we teach that the whole Church that is the Catholik is inuisible not onely the triumphant parte but also the militant Et q. 4. c. 1. We confesse that there is alwaies on earth some number of them who piously worshippe Christ and hould the true faith and religion but we say that this member is not alwaies visible Their Papists opinion is that there is perpetually some visible Church on earth Caluin in Praefat. Instit Papists will haue the forme of the Church not apparent Church to be alwaies apparent and visible we on the contrarie affirme that the Church may consist of no apparent forme Et in Catechismo c. de fide She is not alwaies seene with eyes discerned by markes Daneus Cont. 4. l. 3. c. 12. Oftentimes God will haue some visible Oftentimes no visible Church Church on earth oftentimes none And l. 4. c. 8. The
grace into Infants Perkins Cathol reform Contr. 16. c. 1. pag. 271. Though a Desire to beleiue is sufficient desire to repent and to beleiue be not faith and repentance in nature yet in Gods acceptation it is God accepting the will for the deed p. 272. Now if any shall say that without a liuelie faith in Christ none can be saued I answere that God accepts the desire to beleiue for liuelie faith in the time of temptation and in the time of our first conuersion p. 273. Certaine it is that God in sundrie cases accepts of this desire to beleiue for true faith indeed See Rogers on the 25. Art p. 147. Zuinglius de Prouidentia to 1. fol. 370. It is not generall Faith not necessarie to saluation that who hath not faith is to be damned Againe As for the damnation of the incredulous they onely are vnderstood who heard and beleiued not of others we cannot iudge De Peccato orig to 2. f 118. That who beleiueth not shal be damned is not to be vnderstood absolutely but of thē who hauing heard the Ghospell would not beleiue Et in Exposit Fidei to 2. fol. 659. Heathens may be saued he saieth that in heauen we shall find Hercules Theseus Numa and such like Pagans and his opinion therein defend the Tigurins in their Confession of faith Bullinger in the Preface thereof Gualter in Praefat. operum Zuinglij in Apologia pro eodem And the same doctrine of the saluation of Pagans mantayne Erasmus Thommer Hardenberg Tossanus and other Protestants as Schlusselburg reporteth l. 3. Theol. Caluin art 7. Bucer in Math. 19. Furthermore out of that that Infants Infants saued without faith want faith nothing lesse is concluded then which some thinke that therefore they please not God nor are Saintes Musculus in locis tit de baptismo Infants are saued by Gods election albeit they be taken out of this life not onely without baptisme but also without faith Caluin in Math. 19. v. 14. That they auouch that we are no other waies reconciled to God and made heires of adoption then by faith that we confesse of such as are of discretion but for so much as pertaineth to infants this place conuinceth it to be false Et 4. Instit c. 16. § 29. 31. li. cont Seruet p. 647. he writeth that that sentence Euerie one that beleiueth not the Sōne of God abideth in death belongeth not to infants Beza in Colloq Montisbel p. 407. Albeit the children of Christans want faith yet is not baptisme vnprofitable to them Daneus Controuers de Baptismo c. 10. He asketh what No faith needfull to Infants faith it is which we require in the baptisme of Infants I answere None Peter Martyr in Schlusselburg l. 1. Theol. Caluin art 18. The children of faithfull parents are saintes by the mere mercie of God though they haue not true faith in Christ Hungari apud Grauer in Absurdis Caluin cap. 4. sect 25. The children of Christians cannot be properly saied to haue faith yet all that are predestinate amongst them are saued and obtaine the kingdome of heauen THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that who beleiueth not shal be condemned is already iudged shall not see life that the wrath of God abideth vpon him and that it is impossible to please God without faith The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that Christ dwelleth in Infants though they haue no faith that they please God are saued are Saintes without faith that the sentence of condemnation against incredulous belongeth nether to infants nor to such as haue not heard the Ghospell that a man may be saued with desire of faith though he haue no faith indeed that in diuers cases God accepteth the desire of faith for liuelie faith that diuers Pagās are saued Which are so contrarie to Scripture as diuers Protestants confesse it See lib. 2. c. 30. ART XVI WHETHER FAITH DO INdeed iustifie or be a true cause of iustification SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. The holie Scripture in the places cited before artic 14. Faith is a true cause of Iustification and Saluatiō saieth that we are iustified by faith receaue remission of sinnes by faith liue of faith are saued by faith CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Councel of Trent Sess 6. cap. 8. Faith is the beginning of mans saluation the foundation and roote of all iustification CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Confessio Belgica art 22. Properly speaking we meane not Faith it selfe doth not iustifie that faith it selfe by it selfe or of it selfe doth iustifie vs as which is onely as it were an instrument with which we apprehend Christ our iustice Whitaker ad Demonstrat 10. Sanderi Faith is not cause No cause of saluation of our saluation Perkins in Galat. 3. Faith doth not cause worke or procure Saluation dependeth not of faith our Saluation In Serie causarum cap. 57. Saluation dependeth not of our faith The same hath Sutclife cited art 14. Illyricus in Claue Scriptur part 2. tract 6. col 551. Faith the word and Sacraments are saied to saue vs whereas God alone doth such things col 552. It is often saied Thy faith hath made thee safe whereas the onely mercie of God and his omnipotencie apprehended by faith doth that Whereupon he addeth that Faith no true cause saluation in the Scripture Effects are often times attributed to not true or not to principall causes Zuinglius in Elencho to 2. f. 34. Here is a diffcultie Hou faith doth make blessed or iustifieth But whatsoeuer seemeth hard to loose flieth a sunder with a small stroke of the figure synechdoche For faith is taken for the election the predestination and vocation of God all which goe before faith Bucanus in Instit Theol. loco 31. Nether the worke nor act Faith doth not iustifie vs of faith doth iustifie vs but Christ himselfe whome we apprehend by faith Pareus l. 1. de Iustif c. 17. It cannot be saied with out plaine absurditie and falsitie that we are iustified by faith or out of faith as by an efficient or formall cause Againe By no means that efficiencie or vertue of iustifying can be ascribed to faith without absurditie and falsitie Tilenus in Syntagmate c. 41. This speech Faith doth iustifie vs is figuratiue and metonymicall and hath this sense God iustifieth the beleiuer for the merit of Christ which the beleiuer by onely faith apprehēdeth c. 56. Baptisme goeth before saluatiō but causeth it not which we giue not to faith properly but onely metaleptically THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainely saieth that Faith truely causeth iustification and saluation The same say Catholiks Protestants plainely say that faith is no cause of our saluation nether worketh not procureth our saluation that our saluation dependeth not vpon our faith that faith doth not iustifie vs that without absurditie and falsitie it cannot be saied faith is ether efficient or formall cause of iustification or hath vertue of iustifying ART XVII
because you haue loued me Protestants The obedience which the faithfull giue to him is not so much a cause why he continueth his loue towards them as an effect of his loue See art 17. Scripture When you shall haue done all things that are commanded We ought to doe good workes you say we are vnprofitable seruants we haue done that which we ought to doe Protestants Thou owest nothing to God but faith This phrase We ought not of the law A faithfull man ought to doe good workes belongeth not to Christians See more art 18. Scripture I haue inclined my hart to do thy iustification for We may doe good for reward We may not euer for reward Protestants If thou pray fast c. Beware thou doest it not for that end that thou maiest reape anie temporall or eternall profit See more art 19. CHAPTER XV. OF GOOD VVORKES IN PARTICVLER SCripture I say to the vnmaried and to widous It is good for It is good not to marrie them if they so abide Protestants It is not good for a man to be single for it is not It is not good pleasant not honest nor profitable See more art 1. Single life couns●lled No● counselled Scripture Art thou loose from a wife Seek not a wife Protestants Paule will haue vniuersally all to be married God pronounceth the sentence that he will haue none to be vnmarried See more art 4. Scripture He that ioyneth his virgin in matrimonie doth Virginitie is a vertue well and he that ioyneth not doth better Protestants Virginitie is no vertue but a thing indifferent Not a vertue We thinke that virginitie is nothing See more articul 2. Scripture He that ioyneth his virgin in matrimonie doth Virginitie better then marriage Not better well and he that ioyneth not doth better Protestants Single life in it selfe is much more baser then marriage To beget children is the cheefest worke after preaching See more art 3. Scripture Who departed not from the temple by fastings and Fasting seruice of God praiers seruing night and daye Protestants Fasting of it selfe is an indifferent thing It is a No seruice of God naughtie superstition to thinke that fasting is a parte of Gods seruice See more art 5. Scripture This kinde of Diuels is not cast out but by Fasting driveth away Diuels It driueth thē not praier and fasting Protestants The ridiculous Papists make fasting an antidote to driue away Diuels See art 6. Scripture I Daniell mourned the dayes of three weeks desiderable Choice of meats good bread I did not eate and flesh and wine entred not into my mouth Protestants We hould this distinction of meats to be foolish Not good and wicked Choice of meates vpon certaine dayes S. Paule attributeth to the doctrin of Diuels See more art 7. Scripture I desire that praiers be made for all men Praier to be made for all Not for all Protestants Nether must we pray for euerie one We must not make praiers for the sinnes of the reprobates See more artic 8. Scripture It is a holie cogitation to pray for the dead that Good to pray for the dead they my be loosed from sinnes Protestants We detest praiers for the dead That forme of Not good praier God giue the dead a happie resurrection is to be reiected Praier in an vnknowne language good See more art 9. Scripture saieth of one praying in the Church in an vnknowne tongue Indeed thou giuest thankes well Protestants We detest praiers in an vnknowne tongue It is Not good repugnant to Scripture and contrarie to sense of nature See more art 12. Scripture Vow ye and render to our Lord your God Vowes good Not good Protestants Vowes are against the ordinance of God vowes do not become Christians See more art 14. Scripture If thou will be perfect goe sell all thou hast Forsaking of riches counselled Not counselled and giue to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen Protestants The forsaking of goods hath no commandment nor counsell in Scripture See more art 16. Scripture Almes deliuereth from all sinne and from Almes deliuereth from death Not from death Penall workes a parte of pennance No parte of pennance death Protestants Almes deliuereth not from temporall death nor from eternall death See more art 15. Scripture If in Tyre and Sidon had beene wrought the miracles that haue bene wrought in you they had done pennance in hairecloth and ashes Protestants Ashes sackcloth was no parte of pennance Sackcloth and ashes are only an externall signe of pennance See more art 18. Scripture The child grew and was strengthned in spirit Eremiticall life good and was in the deserts vntill the daye of his manifestation in Israel Protestants Eremiticall life is clownish sauage and farre Not good from ciuilitie See more art 20. Scripture God saw their Niniuites workes that they were The Niniuites pēnance true Not true conuerted from their euill way c. Protestants The pennance of the Niniuites was not true pennance See more art 19. CHAPTER XVI OF SINNE SCripture He that committeth sinne is of the Diuell Great sinners are of the Diuell Not all Protestants Nether the faithfull who sinne by chance or of them selues by weaknes but such as giue them selues to sinne serue the Diuell and ought to be called Sonnes of the Diuell See more art Scripture You are euacuated from Christ that are iustified Sinne putteth out of grace in the law you are fallen from grace Protestants Not anie enormious sinne obscureth grace much It putteth not lesse extinguisheth it The faithfull sinne but fall not from grace See more art 6. No murderer hath life Some murderer hath Iustice standeth not with sinne It standeth with sinne Sinne to be redeemed with almes Not to be redeemed with almes Sin purged by workes Not purged by them Great sinne seperateth from God Seperateth not Sinne cause of damnatiō Scripture No murderer hath life euerlasting abiding in him selfe Protestants Dauid a murderer was not yet quite spoiled of spirituall life not yet depriued of iustification See more art 6. cit Scripture What participation hath iustice with iniquitie Protestants Sinne dwelleth together with iustice in vs. A worke is partly good partly euill See more art 7. Scripture Redeeme thou thy sinnes with almes Protestants Should not Christ haue died in vaine for sinnes if sinnes could be redeemed with almes See more art 8. Scripture By mercie and faith sinnes are purged Protestants If purging of sinnes be giuen to mens workes then is Christ dead in vaine See art 8. cit Scripture Nether fornicatours nor adulterers shall possesse the kingdome of God Protestants Sinne shall not drawe vs from Christ though we commit fornication or murder a thousand times a daye See more art 9. Scripture Departe from me ye accursed into euerlasting fire for I was an hungred and you gaue me not to eate Protestants Those
of faith in Christ of iustifying faith of faith of remission of sinnes The like hath Ambing apud Hospin in Concord discordi fol. 140. Beza de Praedest cont Caste l. vol. 1. p. 393. There is no mētion in the law of this benefit of free redemption by Christ For the declaratiō of this will belongeth to an other parte of Gods word which is called the Ghospell Apol. Cōf. Augustan c. de Iustific The Ghospell preacheth iustice of faith in Christ which the law doth not teach THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely saieth that Moises wrote in the law of Christ that Moises wrote things concerning Christ That Moise commanded the people to heare Christ in all things The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the law neuer knew faith in Christ that Moises cōmandeth not faith in Christ that the law knoweth nothing of faith in Christ that in the law there is no mention of free redemption in Christ that the law teacheth nothing of faith in Christ ART IX WHETHER ANY VNWRITTEN word or Traditions be to be kept SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. 2. Thessal 2. v. 15. Therefore brethren stand and hould the traditions Traditions not written to be helde which you haue learned whether it be by word or by our epistle CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Coūcell of Trent Sess 4. The holie Coūcell doth with equall pious affection reuerently receaue and honour traditions belonging to faith or manners as ether deliuered by Christs mouth or the holie Ghost and by continuall succession conserued in the Catholik Church PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 1. q. 3. cap. 10. We care not for vnwritten Not to be helde traditions And Contro 2. q. 5. c. 18. We acknowledge no other word then that which is written And what doctrine soeuer is not written we hould for bastard doctrine Perkins in Cathol ref Contr. 20. c. 2. We acknowledge the onely written word of God Luther Postil in ferias S. Stephani Nothing is to be affirmed Nothing but that which is expressed in Scripture which is not expressed in Scripture Iacobus Andreae l. cont Hosium p. 169. That faith is no faith but an vncertain opinion which is not grounded vpon an expresse testimonie of Scripture Wigand apud Scusselb to 7. Catal. Haeret. p. 681. Onely those doctrines whose very words or equiualent for sense are extant in the Scripture are to be tought and deliuered in the Church Caluin in Gratulat ad Praecentorem pag. 377. Nothing is to be beleiued which is not expressed in Scripture And cont versipellem pagin 353. There is no mention of vnwritten traditions Beza in Rom. 1. v. 17. Christians acknowledge no other object of this faith then the written word of God Etad Reprehens Castell p. 503. Whosoeuer beleiueth in doctrine of religion that which is not written I say he embraceth opinion for faith and an idol for God Vallada in Apol. cont Episc Luzon c. 13. In all the holie No speech of an vnwritten word Scripture there is no speech of an vnwritten word Daneus Controu 7. pag. 1350. The foundation of Christian faith is one onely to wit the word of God and that onely written Hospinian part 2. Histor Sacram. fol. 23. The Magistrates of Zurich commāded that hereafter nothing should be proposed or preached in their Church but the pure fined word of God contained in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that traditions as well they which are learned by word as they which are learned by writing are to be obserued Catholiks teach the same Protestants expressely teach that onely written doctrin is to be tought nothing to be beleiued but what is written onely the pure fined written word to be tought no obiect of faith but what is written nothing to be beleiued but what is expressed in Scripture and that in verie words or in equiualent sense that there is no mention of vnwritten traditions no speech of vnwritten word that they care not for vnwritten traditions A SVMME OF THIS CHAPTER OF THE WORD of God or Scripture What we haue rehearsed in this chapter doth clearly shew that Protestants do farre otherwise iudge of Scripture then the Scripture it selfe and Catholiks doe For the holie Scripture together with Catholiks teacheth that in it are some things hard to be vnderstood that it cannot be vnderstood without the light of the holie Ghost that the Ghospell is or containeth a law that it doth preach pennance and good workes reproueth sinne promiseth saluation vnder condition of good workes and is not contrarie vnto the law of God that the law of Moises commandeth faith in Christ and that vnwritten traditions are to be obserued And Protestants defend all the contrarie They shew also that Protestants steale from the Scripture Protestants steale from Scripture her excellencie wherewith she surpasseth the capacitie of mans wit and from the Ghospell that it containeth any law preacheth pennance or good workes reproueth sinne promiseth saluation vpon condition of well doing and agreement with Gods law whereby we see what a libertin Ghospell they bring in to wit such as containeth Libertin Ghospell of Protestants no law preacheth no pennance or good workes reproueth no sinne promiseth saluation without all condition of well doing and is quite contrarie to the law of God And that they steall from the law of Moises that it commandeth faith in Christ and finally they take away all the vnwritten word of God CHAPTER V. OF SAINT PETER AND THE APOSTLES ART I. WHETHER S. PETER WERE first of the Apostles SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. MATHEW 10. v. 2. And the names of the twelue S. Peter first of the Apostles Apostles be these The first Simon who is called Peter CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME C. Bellarm. l. 1. de Pontif. c. 18. Peter was put first by reason his dignitie PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Contr. 3. q. 5. c. 3. Wheresoeuer mention is made Not first of Peter if we looke well into the place we shall find that nothing is giuen to him which agreeth not to the other Apostles And Controu 4. quaest 2. c. Paul maketh himselfe equall to Peter in all points Tindal in Fox his Acts p. 1139. S. Paul is greater then Peter by the testimonie of Christ Articuli Smalcaldici pag. 345. We giue no prerogatiue to Peter Luther in Gal. 2. to 5. This place clearely sheweth that all the Apostles had equall vocation and commission There was altogether equalitie amongst them no Apostle was greater then an other Illyricus in Praefat. lib. de Sectis It appeareth that Christ gaue no primacie at all in his Church to any man Caluinus in Matth. 20. v. 25. Christ shewed that in his kingdome No primacie or firstnesse there was no primacie for which they contended Beza in Matth. 10. v. 2. What if this word First were added of some who would establish Peters primacie Festus Homius disput 12. All the Apostles were equall in dignitie authoritie
properly Bishops THE CONFERENCE The Scripture expressely saieth that Iudas had the office of a Bishop which an other Apostle tooke The same say Catholiks The Protestants say that Iudas was no Bishop THE SVMME OF THIS CHAPTER OF SAINT Peter and the Apostles Out of that which hath beene rehearsed in this chapter it clearly appeareth that the Protestāts in an other māner describe S. Peter and the Apostles thē the holie Scripture and Catholiks doe For the Scripture and Catholiks teach that S. Peter was first of the Apostles that he was the rock on which Christ built his Church that he had the keyes of the kingdome of heauen that his faith did not faile All which Protestants denie Besides the Scripture and Catholiks say that the Apostles were foundations of the Church were simply to heard without examining their doctrine were sufficient witnesses of trueth learnt diuers things of the holie Ghost All which are denied by Prorestants Moreouer the Scripture and Catholiks say that Iudas was truely a disciple and Apostle of Christ and also a Bishop which Protestants in like manner denie Wherefore Protestants steale from S. Peter his honour that he is the first of the Apostles his authoritie that he is the rock of the Church and his power of the keyes and stedfastnesse of faith And frō the rest of the Apostles they steale that they were foundations of the Church simply to be hearde sufficient witnesses of truth and that they learnt any thing of the holie Ghost CHAPTER VI. OF PASTORS OF THE CHVRCH ART I. WHETHER THERE BE ALwaies pastors of the Church SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. HIEREMIE 33. v. 21. Thus saieth the Lord If my Pastours alwaies couenant with the day can be made voide and my couenant with the night that there be no day and night in their time also my couenant may be made voide with Dauid my seruant that there be not of him a sonne to reigne in his throne and leuites and preists my ministers Ephes 4. v. 12. And he gaue Pastours and Doctours to the consummation of the saintes vnto the worke of the ministeric vnto the edifying of the bodie of Christ vntill we meete all into the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in 1. Cor. 15. v. 15. Impious Caluin doth bouldly and often times say that Pastours Doctours Prelats Bishops Maisters of Churches all vniuersally for manie ages haue wholy straied from the Christian trueth and beene seducers PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Luther in psal 129. to 3. The Church vnder Antichrist had no true ministerie Caluin de vera reform p. 322. Not without cause we auouch Not alwaies that for some ages the Church was so torne and scattered that it was destitute of true Pastours And p. 322. I graunt indeed that it can neuer come to passe that the Church perish but when they referre that to Pastours which is promised of the perpetuall continuance of the Church therein they are much deceaued Beza de notis Eccles vol. 3. Forsooth it fell out that the lawfull order was then wholy abolished in the Church as it is manifest that it hath beene now for some ages not so much being left as the smalleste shadow of the cheifest partes of ecclesiasticall vocation Sadeel ad Art abiurat pag. 533. It is false that the externall ministerie must be perpetuall Daneus Controu 3. p. 426. The Church eftsones hath no man Postour And Controu 4. p. 757. The true Church hath ofte wanted Prelats Lukbertus l. 5 de Eccles cap. 5. We say that for some short time the Church may be depriued of Pastours CONFERENCE OF THE FORESAIED WORDS Scripture expressely saieth that there shal be Pastours as long as there shal be day and night that Pastours are giuen vntill we meete all in one faith The same say Catholiks Protestants expressely say that the Church may be depriued of Pastours that Pastours may perish that the ministerie must not be perpetuall that the Church sometime had no true ministerie was for some ages destitute of true Pastors that lawfull order was for some ages quite abolished in the Church not so much as the slēderest shadow of the chiefest partes of ecclesiasticall vocation being left Which are so plaine against Scripture as sometimes Protestants confesse it See l. 2. c. 30. ART II. WHETHER AVTHORITIE of gouerning the Church be in the Pastours them selues SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Matth. 16. v. 18. seq Thou art Peter c. And to thee I will giue Pastours haue authoritie to gouerne the keyes of the kingdome of heauen Actes 20. v. 28. The Holie Ghost hath placed you Bishops to rule the Church of God 1. Cor. 4. v. 21. What will you In a rodde that I come to you or in charitie and the spirit of mildnesse 2. Cor. 13. v. 10. These things I write absente that being present I may not deale hardly according to the power which the Lord hath giuen me And c. 10. v. 6. Hauing in readinesse to reuenge all disobedience 2. Tim. 1. v. 11. I am appointed a preacher and Apostle and Maister of the Gentils Hebrews 13. vers 17. Obey your Prelats and be subiect to them CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton in Triplicat cont Whitaker c. 13. We see that Paul putteth the authoritie in the Prelats PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker l. 1. de Script c. 13. sect 12. The authoritie is not Authoritie is not in the Pastours in the Prelats but in the worde for whose administration the Prelats do serue Againe I acknowledge no ruling which the Church hath All the authoritie is in God and in his word the Church hath nothing but mere ministerie Spalatensis l. 5. de Repub c. 2. n. 40. Church gouernours are most like to Phisitiās The Phisitian appointeth holesome things and forbiddeth vnholesome prescribeth diete c. but hath no They haue no iurisdiction iurisdiction or cōmand ouer the sick As it is the Phisitians office to gouerne the sick that is without iurisdiction So it is the office of the ecclesiasticall rectors to gouerne the Church that is the faithfull Caluin 4. Instit c. 8. § 2. We must remember that what authoritie or dignitie the Holie Ghost in the Scripture doth giue to Preists or Prophets or Apostles or Successours of Apostles all that is giuen not properly to the men themselues but to the ministerie whereof they are officers or to speake brefly to the word whose ministerie is committed to them The same he hath in Ioan. 16. v. 8. in Math. 20. v. 25. and in Iacob 4. v. 12. Beza in Math. 20. v. 25. What then will you say Haue the No power at all ouer consciences Ministers of the word of God no power at all None truely they no not ouer cōsciences for instructiō whereof they are appointed But they are legats of Christ to say and doe in his name sacred not ciuill matters who alone hath all right of commanding and
doth not acknowledge twoe Churches the one visible in which euen the reprobate are an other inuisible in which onely those are who are predestinated of God to saluation he is much deceaued Vorstius in Antibellarm p. 124. One distinction separateth the true and internall Church of Christ which wholy consisteth of the elect and true beleiuers from the extern●ll companie of professors which often times hath manie reprobates albeit also it may be not without cause called the true Church of Christ by reason of professing true doctrine And seing all Protestants deuide the Church into visible and inuisible and do not onely professe that the inuisible Church is a true Church but also sometimes call the visible a true Church properly so termed and the sp●use and bodie of Christ as I shewed l. de Authore Protestant Eccles 2. cap. 6. they must needs confesse that they make Visible and inuisible Church distinct In partes twoe true Churches militant which in their opinion differ in partes or members in definition and in manie proprieties For according to them the partes or mēbers of the inuisible Church are onely iust and predestinate men partes or members of the visible Church are both iust and vniust predestinate and reprobate The definition of the inuisible Church is this A Societie in iustifying faith and predestination The definition of the visible this In Definitiō A Societie in profession of true faith and lawfull vse of Sacraments The inuisible is knowne onely to God The visible to God and mē also Against the inuisible the gates In Proprieties of hell cannot preuaile against the visible they may She cannot be led into error at lest not into fundamentall error This may She cannot wholy perish this may She is beleiued of Protestants in the Creed not this She hath no visible notes whereby she may be distinguished from other Societies this hath If therefore both these Societies be true Churches before God there must needs be twoe true militante Churches For one cannot differ from it selfe in partes definition and in so manie and so great proprieties THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainly saieth that Christs fould is one that Christians are one misticall bodie Catholiks say the same Protestants plainly say that there are twoe Churches a twoefould Church one of the wicked an other of good or one of the predestinate an other of the reprobate that there is this and that Church visible and inuisible ART VII WHETHER BAD MEN MAY be in the true Church SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. Math. 13. ver 47. The kingdome of heauen is like to a net cast B●d men in the Church into the sea and gathering together of all kinde of fishes Which when it was filled drawing it forth and sitting by the shore they chose out the good into vessels but the badde they cast out So shall it be in the consummation of the world Matth. 3. v. 12. Whose fanne is in his hand and he shall cleane Chaffe in Gods flore purge his flore and will gather his wheat into the barne but the chaffe he will burne with vnquenchable fire 1. Cor. 6. v. 15. Know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ Taking therefore the members of Christ shall I make them the mēbers of an harlot God forbidde c. 10. v. 17. For All Communicants one bodie being manie we are one bread one bodie all that participate of one bread The same is euident by what hath beene saied before of Iudas CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME D. Stapleton Controu 1. q. 2. art 5. The orthodoxall sentence is that the true Church which we beleiue in our Creed consisteth of good and badde PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Cont. 2. q. 1. cap. 7. The Church consisteth of the The bad no members of the Church good onely The bad are not members of the true Church c. 11. The godlie are no more ioyned in one bodie with the wicked then light with darknesse Christ with Belial c. 13. In the triumphāt Church are onely good so likewise in the militant Et q. 5. c. 3. The wicked Belonge to the Church belong not to the Church of God Rainalds thes 4. The wicked are no parte of the bodie of Christ therefore nether of the Church And in Apologia thes pag. 244. The Church proposed in the Creed containeth onely Saintes Apologia Conf. Augustan de Eccles The wicked cannot be the Church Luther in Psal 118. tom 7. Who hath not true faith is not a Pertaine not to the Church Saint and iust pertaineth not to the holie Church Caluin 4. Instit c. 1. § 7. None are admitted into that which is indeed the Church before God but they who by grace of adoption are the Sonnes of God Peter Martyr in locis clas 4. c. 1. § 1. We auouch that such Not partes of the Church men wicked are not indeed and before God partes of the Church In 1. Cor. 1. Onely Saintes are truely and before God of the Church the wicked in onely shew and not indeed belonge to the Church Daneus Cont. 4. p. 706. That which is the true Church consisteth of Saintes alone Volanus l. 3. cont Scargam Confesse that in name onely In name onely members of the Church and not indeed as thou falsely thinkest they are reputed amongst the members of the Church of God who being by nature goates are hidden vnder the name of Christs sheepe in his flock And he addeth that such are worthily iudged to couer themselues with the vaine and vnprofitable maske of the Church Musculus in locis tit de Eccles Not so much as the name of the Church is to be giuen to the wicked and reprobate THE CONFERENCE Scripture expressely teacheth that badde men are in the Church as badde fishes in the net and as chaffe in the flore that the bodies of those Christians who commit fornicatiō are members of Christ that all who eate of one Eucharisticall bread are one bodie Catholiks say the same Protestants expressely teach that badde mē are not members of the true Church pertaine not to the holie Church are not indeed before God partes of the Church onely in shew and not indeed belonge to the Church in name onely and not indeed are reputed among the members of the Church couer thēselues with the vaine maske of the Church deserue not so much as the name of the Church that they are not ioyned in one bodie with the godlie are no parte of the bodie of Christ That the Church the Church proposed in the Creed the Church indeed and before God the true Church consisteth onely of good men and Saints ART III. WHETHER REPROBATES may be in true Church SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. The parables cited in the former article of the net and Reprobates in Gods net in his flore and his disciples the flore and the example of Iudas shew manifestly that reprobates may be in the true Church CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY
here to wit so farre as that the spirit do struggle against sinne but not ouercome Of the same opinion are others who as before we saw do teach that we ought not to doe good workes For if we ought not doe good workes surely we ought not to ouercome sinne THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainely saieth that we ought to thinke our selues dead to sinne that sinne ought not to reigne in vs nor we ought to obey the concupiscences thereof The same say Catholiks Protestants plainely say that the spirit ought to struggle against sinne but not so as it ouercome it ART V. WHETHER ANIE THAT SERVE the flesh do also serue God SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY DENIETH. Rom. 8. v 13. If you liue according to the flesh you shall die Liuers according to the flesh shall die Please not God Are of the Diuel v. 8. They that are in the flesh cannot please God Math. 6. v. 24. No man can serue two Maisters 1. Ioan. 3. v. 8. He that committeth sinne is of the Diuel CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY DENIE D. Stapleton in Math. 6. v. 24. Who serue God can nether serue the Diuel nor the flesh PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Caluin in Math. 6. v. 24. It is surely true that the faithfull are neuer so wholy obedient vnto God but that now and then they are withdrawne by the vitious lusts of the flesh but because Some seruer● of the flesh are approued of God they mourne vnder this miserable slauerie and dislike themselues nor serue this flesh otherwise then against their will and striuing their desires and endeauours are approued of God euen as if they did afford him entire obedience In Rom. 8. v. 5. The Apostle testifieth that he accounteth not them carnall who do aspire to heauenlie iustice but who are wholy giuen to the world Beza in Praef. ad Pastores Basil vol. 1. pag. 427. To nill euill and yet to doe it is the parte of Saints who do wrastle Pareus l. 2. de Iustif c. 7. Sonnes of the Diuel are not simply Not all grieuous sinners Sonnes of the Diuel grieuous sinners but obstinat sinners l. 4. cap. 17. Nether the faithfull who sinne by chance or of themselues by weaknesse but such as of themselues giue themselues to sinne serue the Diuel and ought to be called sonnes of the Diuel Scarpe de Iustif Contr. 13. They onely are saied to serue the Diuel and to be his sonnes in whome sinne reigneth and who commit sinne with a full will but the faithfull do not so sinne See also what they say in the next article THE CONFERENCE Scripture plainely saieth that who serue the flesh shall die nor cāplease God that none can serue twoe maisters that whosoeuer committeth sinne is of the Diuel The same say Catholiks Protestants plainely say that euen the sonnes of God serue the flesh that the Apostle accounteth none carnall but such as wholy giue themselues to the world that onely obstinat sinners are sonnes of the Diuel that the the faithfull sinning ether of infirmitie or wilfully serue not the Diuel that to nill euill and yet do it is the parte of Saints that they onely serue the Diuel who with full will commit sinne ART VI. WHETHER BY GRIEVOVS sinnes the faithfull fall from grace SCRIPTVRE EXPRESSELY AFFIRMETH. 1. Ioan. 3. v. 8. He that committeth sinne is of the Diuel v. 15. No murderer hath life in him Sinne maketh to fall from grace You know that no murderer hath life euerlasting abiding in himselfe Gal. 5. v. 4. You are euacuated from Christ that are iustified in the law you are fallen from grace CATHOLIKS EXPRESSELY AFFIRME Councel of Trent Session 6. cap. 15. We must teach that grace of iustification once receaued is lost not onely by infidelitie but also with anie other mortall sinne though faith be not lost PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE Whitaker Contr. 4. q. 6. c. 2. But it is more absurd which he S. Peter did not leese grace saieth that Peter by denying Christ lost grace Et Concione vlt. p. 696. To goe from grace that is to obey the concupiscence of the flesh and to resist Gods motions and admonitions is farre from falling from grace Perkins de Baptismo to 1. col 819. This is most worthie of remembrance that the Apostle calleth the Galathians euen in that verie time when they erred in the foundation and euen were gone to an other Ghospell Sonnes of God saying you all are the sonnes of God For hereupon we may truely conclude that not No enormious sinne obscureth grace any enormious sinne nor euerie errour which is committed against the foundation obscurreth the grace and regeneration which maketh the Sonnes of God much lesse extinguish it In Serie Caufarum c. 42. By falls grace and faith are not taken Sinne taketh not away grace away but illustrated cap. 51. It shall appeare out of the word of God that it is farre otherwise thē that grace is extinguished by euerie mortall sinne And de Sermon Dom. tom 2. col 391. he saieth that Dauid and Peter euen when they sinned as they did were by regeneration the Sonnes of God and the grace of God remained in them Abbots in Diatribam Tomsoni c. 22. Dauid was not yet Dauid iust when he committed murder quite spoiled of spirituall life not yet depriued of iustification but worthie to be depriued Againe Guilt of sinne doth not take away iustification doth not extinguish the Holie Ghost doth not exclude the right of inheritance to the kingdome of God but onely the vse thereof The vniuersitie of Zurich apud Zanchium tom 7. col 74. Seing the strife of the spirit with the flesh is alwaies in Saints it followeth that the spirit doth alwaies remaine in them though sometimes they be ouercomen with the weight of the flesh Caluin in 2. Petri 2. v. 21. The faithfull also sinne but they Faithfull in grace euen when they sinne fall not from grace Beza in Colloq Montisbel p. 388. Whosoeuer is elect albeit Fall not from grace by sinne he sinne grieuously as is saied of Dauid yet he falleth not frō grace into which God once receaued him In Confess c. 4. sect 20. The Holie Ghost did testifie to their Dauid Peter spirit that they though they had most fouly fallen were not withstanstanding accounted in the number of the Sonnes of God And in Colloq cit When Smidelin had saied I aske whether Dauid Dauid adultering kept the holie Ghost committing adulterie lost the Holie Ghost or no Beza answered He lost him not but kept him Which p. 381. he expliteth by this exāple As druncknesse can for a time take away the vse of reason but yet not reason it selfe So sinne cā for a time take away from the elect the vse of the Holie Ghost and of grace but not grace and the Holie Ghost himselfe who abideth in them and departeth not from them as nether he departed from Dauid Et 2. part resp ad Acta Colloq Montisbel p. 71.
all men because it is saied 1. Tim. 2. v. 6. One Mediator of God and men the man Iesus Christ they limite this to the elect faithfull Beza Epist 28. It is false that Christ is mediator also of the infidels In like sorte Hunnius de Iustif pag. 179. restraineth that saying Hebr. 5. ver 9. He was made to all that obey him cause of eternall saluation to obedience in faith If we proue that vnwritten traditions of faith are to be Touching Traditions beleiued because S. Paul saieth without limitation 2. Thessal 2. ver 15. Stand and hould the traditions which you haue learned whether it be by word or by our epistle they limite this to onely traditions of rites or ceremonies Whitaker Contr. 1. q. 6. cap. 10. Other Protestantes thinke that Paul speaketh of certaine externall matters and rites of no great moment Academia Nemaus Resp ad Tournon pag. 554. By the word Tradition in the Apostles writings is meant ether the application and right handling of doctrine or the appointing of rites and discipline If we proue that Christ committed all his sheepe to S. Touching S. Peter Peter because without anie limitation he saieth to him Ioan. 21. v. 17. Feed my sheepe Whitaker Cont. 1. q. 5. cap. 5. answereth Christ doth not say to Peter Feed all my sheepe but speaketh indefinitely And Beza ib. in vers 15. Must Gods word be thus profaned Surely Christ did not adde All and the difference betwixt vniuersall and indefinite propositions is well knowne As if Protestants did not as well limitate vniuersall propositions as indefinite as appeared in the former chapter Besides Daneus Contr. 3. p. 127. faithfull An indefinite What Protest say of an indefinite proposition proposition is equiualent to an vniuersall And Caluin in 1. Ioan. 3. v. 3. An indefinite speach is as much as an vniu●●sall And 4. Instit c. 17. § 29. It is our parte whatsoeuer is absolutely spoake of Christ so to embrace as without exception that take place with vs which he would say If we proue that the Church is alwaies famous and visible Touching the Church because Isaie c. 2. v. 2. saieth without limitation of time And in the latter dayes the mountaine of the house of our Lord shall be prepared in the top of mountaines and shal be eleuated aboue the litle hilles and all nations shall flow vnto it Et c. 61. ver 9. And they shall know their seed in the Gentils and their budde in the middest of peoples And Miche 4. v. 8. And the remanent of Iacob shall be in the Gentils in the middest of manie peoples as a Lion amōg the beasts of the forest Whitaker Contr. 2. q. 2. c. 2. answereth The Prophets foretell that no kingdome shal be so glorious no cittie so ample no Empire so large as the Church shal be in the times of the Messias But we neuer read that the Lord hath promised that this maiestie and glorie of the Church shal be constant and perpetuall Et Morton in Apolog. part 1. l. 1. c. 13. The league is indeed perpetuall but this so admirable successe is not alwaies so vniuersall but in a manner peculiar to the age of the Apostles If we proue that the Pastors of the Church be alwaies visible because Christ saieth of them Math. 5. v. 15. A cittie cannot be hid situated vpon a mountaine Whitaker loc cit answereth Albeit Christ say that godlie Doctors and Pastors shall not be obscure nor escape the sight of men yet he saieth not that there shal be alwaies such Doctors which may be as visible as mountaines If we proue that the Church is the pillar of all trueth of faith because S. Paul 1. Timoth. 3. ver 15. without anie limitation calleth her the pillar and strength of trueth Whitake Contr. 2. q. 4. c. 2. answereth In this place is meant not simply all trueth but onely necessarie trueth And Vorstius in Antibel p. 143. The Apostle speaketh not of euerie trueth that howsoeuer pertaineth to religion but onely of holesome trueth or which is necessarie to saluation and that conditionally also to wit so long as she shall remayne the true Church of Christ If we proue that the Church is alwaies infallible in faith because without limitation to anie time she is called loc cit The pillar and strength of trueth P. Martyr in locis clas 4. c. 4. § 21. saieth I graunt She is indeed the pillar of trueth but not alwaies but when she relieth vpon the word of God Confessio Heluet. c. 17. She erreth not as long as she relieth vpon the rock Christ and the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Daneus Contr. 4. p. 717. The place of Paul speaketh of the visible Church which on earth is the keeper of heauenlie doctrine so long as she is true Bullinger Dec 4. Serm. 5. The Church erreth not so long as she heareth the voice of her Spouse and Pastor Herbrandus in Compend loc de Eccles She erreth not so long as she houldeth and followeth the word of God Of we proue that the Church is to be heard simply in all things because our Sauiour without anielimitation saieth Math. 18. v. 19. If he will not heare the Church let him be to thee as an Ethnik and Publican Whitaker lib. 1. de Scriptura c. 13. sect 1. answereth The Sonne of God himselfe commanded to heare the voice of the Church but not preaching anie thing but Scripture Herbrand loc cit saieth the Church is to be heard as long as she preacheth heauenlie and incorrupt doctrine Moulins in his Buckler p. 84. limitateth this speach of Christ to quarrels betwixt particular men and not to questions of religion The like saied Feild l. 4. de Eccles c. 4. and others If we proue that the Church in teaching cannot erre because Isaias saieth c. 59. v. 21. This is my couenant with them saieth our Lord My spirit is in thee and my words which I haue put in thy mouth shall not departe out of thy mouth and out of the mouth of thy seed and out of the mouth of thy seeds seed saieth our Lord from this present for euer Whitaker libr. 1. de Scriptura cap. 11. sect vlt. answereth This promise is not made to the teaching Church but to the whole Church that is to the elect If we proue that the militant Church is perpetuall because the Scripture saieth that Christs kingdome shal be perpetuall Daneus Contr. 4. p. 718. answereth All these places and the like properly pertaine to that Church which God shall gather in heauen not on earth If we proue that the visible Church is alwaies the true Church because she is called 1. Timoth 3. the pillar of trueth Daneus loc cit pag. 721. answereth Let him know that the visible Church then and so long is saied to be the true Church as long as the voice of heauenlie and Euangelicall trueth soundeth in her If we proue that the visible Church cannot