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A68449 A catholike and ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy Gospell after S. Iohn. Gathered out of all the singuler and approued deuines (which the Lorde hath giuen vnto his Church) by Augustine Marlorate. And translated out of Latin into Englishe by Thomas Timme minister. Seene and allovved according to the order appoynted; Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. English. Selections Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1575 (1575) STC 17406; ESTC S114256 780,235 632

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meanes to speake so sensiblye to our vnderstanding that wée might not fayle of his meaning in any poynte And it is a most auncient and approued kinde of teaching to instruct by a Dialogue whiche also the most auncient Philosophers haue vsed B. Therefore whereas our Sauiour Christ so louinglye and familiarlye applyeth this Doctrine to the Imbecilitye of Nicodemus and despised not the same Suche as are weake must bee borne with all we are taught howe to handle such as are weake and to reiect no man which séeketh after the trueth but with all gentlenesse and long suffering to teache and instruct such M. Nicodemus was to be blamed in this that he came not to our sauiour in the daye time but in the night For the which the Lorde might iustlye haue reprooued him But the most méeke and pacient Creatour of all fleshe obiected no suche thing vnto him He sayeth vnto him If so bée thou knowe that I am come a teacher from God and doest planelye perceyue the power of God by the signes which I do why then dost thou come vnto me secréetelye and not openlye in the daye time But hée thought it better a greate deale to open to this good man the verye well spring of euyll Hée perceyued that hée was as yet ignoraunt of the trueth and that he feared man more than God therefore he disputeth with him concerning the verye roote and originall of all wickednesse And whereas our Sauiour Christ twise repeateth this woorde Verylye hée doeth it to make him the more attentiue For hée intending to speake of a matter most waightye and graue of all others coulde not but make Nicodemus more attentiue who otherwise would haue verye slightlye or litle or nothing regarded this whole communication M. But howe doe these wordes of our sauiour Christ aunswere those thinges whereof Nicodemus spake Hee came to our sauiour with good intent and meaning but yet as a Doctour of the Lawe who thought to haue easylye attayned to the vnderstanding of the trueth at the mouth of Christ by his owne wisdome and learning But the Lord euen at the first putteth away this perswasion affirming the Doctrine of the Kingdome of GOD to be such that no mortal man howe worldlye wyse or learned in the Lawe soeuer he bée can vnderstand the same except he bée borne a newe C. Therefore howe farre fetcht or vnapte for the purpose these woordes of our sauiour séeme to bée yet notwithstanding most fetelye hée beginneth therwith For as the séede is cast in vaine vppon the vntilled grounde euen so the Doctrine of the Gospell is Preached in vaine except the hearers bée first framed to obedience and bée made apt to bée taught Therefore if wée will profite in the schoole of Christ wée must learne to beginne here Except a man be borne againe As if he shoulde saye So long as thou hast not that which is most principall in the kingdome of God I make small account of this that thou dost acknowledge me to be a teacher For this is the first steppe into the kingdome of God that thou become a newe man M. This aunswere of our Sauiour Christ ought diligently to bée considered For it comprehendeth twoo speciall thinges necessarye to bée knowne of these which are conuersant in reading of the scriptures One is that no man can knowe what thinges pertayne to the Kingdome of God and to our saluation The second is that the newe man is required to the knowledge of Gods kingdome Bv. Our Sauiour Christ sayth here No man shall see the Kingdome of God For No man shall enter into the kingdome of God C. as shall afterward appeare by the texte But they are deceyued which take the Kingdome of God for Heauen when as rather it signifieth a spirituall life which is begunne in this worlde by faith and doth growe daylye more and more according to the increase of faith Therefore the sence and meaning of this text is that no man can be truely gathered into the Church and be reckned among the Sonnes of GOD except he bée first renewed So that it is here briefelye shewed what is the beginning of Christianisme and hereby also wee are taught that we are borne exiles and banished men from the kingdome of GOD and are at perpetuall enmitie with him vntyll hée alter and chaunge vs by the second byrthe For it is a generall sentence which comprehendeth all mankinde B. At other times our sauiour Christ spake the verye same in other woordes namelye that no man can bée his Disciple except hée denye him selfe and take vp his Crosse and followe him Luke 14. Herevppon the Apostle Paul requireth the newe man and a newe creature in Christ which so soone as it is geuen vnto vs maketh vs to beléeue in his name and to bée the Sonnes of God but it is perfited daylye by the holye Ghost which frameth vs more and more according to the Image and likenesse of GOD. Of the which ye maye reade in all those places here coated in the Margent 2 Cor. 3.4 and .5 Gala. 3.6 Ephe 2.4 Collos 3 But what néede wee cyte the places of Saint Paul when he handeleth the same in no place as the principall poynte of Christes Doctrine C. To bée short by this woorde of the newe byrth hée meaneth not the correction of some one parte but the renouation or renewing of the whole man Wherevppon it followeth that there is nothing in vs but corruption Bv. For the first Byrthe comprehendeth all the strength of mankinde as Witte Reason Vnderstanding wyll and what soeuer wée haue else by nature R. Wherefore mannes frée wyll his merites and whatsoeuer else hée can imagine to bring righteousnesse to him selfe is quite ouerthrowne by this one sentence of our sauiour Christ Wée must therefore laye aside the wisedome of the fleshe and contempne all humane strength that the seconde byrth maye take place in vs. 4. Nicodemus sayth vnto him Howe can a man be borne when hee is oulde Can hee enter into his mothers wombe and be borne againe M. Nicodemus being as yet carnall and sauouring not of the Spirite carnallye vnderstoode those spirituall thinges which were spoken by Christ He knewe not the naturall corruption of the first Natiuitye for if he had hée would haue made another manner of answere C. And although the phrase of speache here vsed by our sauiour Christ was not expressed in the Lawe and the Prophetes yet notwithstanding séeing in some places of scripture Scribs ignoraunt of regeneration mencion is made of renouation or renuing and séeing it is one of the first principles of Faith it may appeare how vainelye the Scribes at that time had trauailed For truely this was not one mans fault to be ignoraunt of the grace of regeneration but euerye one of them occupying them selues about vaine iangeling and questions of no profite neglected the most principall part of Christian Doctrine The like also we maye beholde at this day in the
the séede of Abraham but yet frée that they might be reckoned the heires of lyfe whome hee sanctifieth with his holy Spirite M. But séeing the Fayth of Abraham is so greatly commended Question that it shoulde be as an example for all other beléeuers to followe why doth Christe rather propounde his workes then his fayth For he sayth not If ye weare the children of Abraham ye would haue the Fayth of Abraham but if ye were the Children of Abraham ye woulde doe the déedes of Abraham I aunswere Because Abrahams fayth was not deade and voyde Aunsvvere but liuely and effectuall the Lord speaketh not of the workes of Abraham which were done without faith but he maketh mencion of the workes of Abraham as of frutes witnesing and declaring his faith because he purposed by manifest Argument to prooue that his aduersaries were degenerate from the pietie of Abraham For if they had had the fayth of Abraham they would haue declared the same by such workes as differeth not from the pietie of Abraham A good trée is knowen by good frute 40. But nowe yee goe aboute to kill mee a man that hath toulde you the truth which I haue heard of God this did not Abraham C. By the effect he declareth that they are not the children of Abraham because they resiste God For what notable thing is commended in Abraham but the obedience of Fayth This therefore is noate of difference so often as wee must put a difference betwéene Straungers and the Sonnes of God For vain titelles howsoeuer the world do estéeme of them are of no estimation with God M. Christ might haue obiected many other workes to the Iewes which they had committed whereby they declared them selues to be degenerate and vnlaufull children For Abraham was liberall but they were couetouse Abraham was sounde and perfect but they were ypocrites Abraham worshipped God aright but they made the howse of the Lordes worshippe a denne of théeues they deuoured widdowes howses which Abraham neuer did Christ I saye might haue obiected some of these thinges but leauing all these thinges he only obiecteth this that they went aboute to kill him For this was such a haynouse dede that no other was comparable vnto the same Wherevpon also in the parable of the vinyarde which was let out vnto the husband man in the latter ende of the same it is sayde that they went about to kill the Sonne which the Father sent vnto them as the heire of the vinyarde Mat. 21.38 Furthermore we are taught by this place that the mynde and purpose to doe any worke is accounted for the worke it selfe yea if thou consyder well the intent to doe any euell thing is worse then the worke it selfe and the intent to doe any good worke is better then the worke it selfe Intent to kil is worse thē slauter it selfe Better is the desyer to doe good to those that are in misery then the almes dede it selfe and the Intent to kill is worse than the murder it selfe The Almes dede maye be so done that it maye displease God concerning the which reade the fyrst of Mathewe A murderouse déede maye be so done that it maye please God as may appeare in the Leuites in Phineis in Iehu and so refused that God maye be displeased for the not dooing of it as wee maye sée in Agag Amalech whome Saule kept aliue Exod. 32 29 Num. 25.7 4. Kin. 10. 1. Kin. 15 8. 3. King 20.42 in Benadab king of Asciria whome Achab sent a way aliue But the desire and intent to doe good cannot displease God euen as the desyer to kill cannot please him A man that hath tould you the truth This oure Sauioure Christe addeth to shewe the wicked Ingratitude of the Iewes and to make it openly knowen that they are the Children of the Deuell because they were such sworne and mortall enemies to true and wholesome doctrine This did not Abraham M. What Did not Abraham kill a man We reade that he slue fower kinges and deliuered his kinsman Lotte out of their handes But the simple mening of Christes wordes is that Abraham was not so cruell as to kill an Innocent man Gen. 14 15 and that he was not so vnthankful as to kill one which instructed him in the truth and so wicked as to kill the Ambassodoure of God as did his posteritie 41 Yee doe the dedes of your father Then sayde they to hym we be not borne of fornication wee haue on father euen God M. We maye behoulde here great moderation in our sauioure Christ As yet he spareth them not by and by openly affirming that the Deuill is their Father the whiche notwithstanding he afterwarde did when they did not onely malapertly saye that they were the sonnes of Abraham but also the children of God Let vs also immitate this modesty that so long as it maye be done with the glory of God we may spare the wicked and to take héede that we do not styrre and mooue them so much as wee maye But rather let vs with méekenesse instruct them yf at any time it may please God to geue vnto them repentaunce and grace to knowe and beeléeue the truth We bee not borne of fornication Bv. These men styll obstinately goe forewarde to mayntaine their nobillitye speciallye when they perceiued by the order of Christes woordes that hée assigned the Deuyll to bée theyr Father Therefore nowe on the contrarye parte they doe not onelye boast themselues to bée the children of Abraham but also the children of God C. Howbeit they accounted it all one thing to be the children of Abraham and the children of GOD. But in this they dyd greatlye erre that they imagined God to bée tyed and bound to the séede of Abraham For thus they reason God chose the séede of Abraham to him selfe therefore séeing wée come of the séede of Abraham we must néedes be the children of God Now we sée how they thought that they receyued holynesse euen from their Mothers wombe because they came of a holye stocke Moreouer they goe about to proue them selues to be the Church of God because they had their originall of the holy Fathers euen as at this daye the continuall succession from the Fathers doeth puffe vp the Papistes and make them too swelling prowd With suche delusions Sathan beguileth them that they might deuide GOD from his worde the Church from the Faith and the kingdom of Heauen from the spirite But if so be the aunswere of Christ were auailable to refell the Iewes it is of no lesse force to conuince them at this daye For Hipocrites wyll alwayes falsefye the name of God but they shall neuer bring to passe but that they shal be accounted lyers of suche as leane to the iudgement of Christ M. We sée here that the wycked aduersaryes of Christ knew well inough that the impietye of false worship was spirituall whoredome and that the same was filthye and to be detested of the
power of his resurrection whiche was moste principall Wherfore it is no maruell if suche grosse affections put a vayle before hir eyas 16. Iesus saythe vnto hir Mary She turneth hir self and said vnto him Rabbony whiche is to say Master C. In that Christe suffered Mary to erre for a shorte time it is profitable for vs to confirme our fayth but nowe wyth one worde he reuoketh hir from errour M. He sayth not I am he whom thou séekest for whose sake thou wepest so much but he calleth hir by hir proper name as one familiar friende speaketh to another and that with suche a voyce as was best knowen vnto the woman C. At the first he spake vnto hir as a stranger but now taking vpon him the person of a Master he speaketh vnto hir as to a Disciple euē as we heard before that a good shepheard calleth all the shepe of his flocke by name Iohn 10.3 The voice therfore of this shepeherd perceth into the mind of Mary openeth her eyes moueth al her sences affecteth her forthwith to geue her self vnto christ For She tourned hir selfe and said vnto him Rabboni M. The Euangelist in saying that Marie tourned hir selfe about againe meaneth that she tourned hir face again to the Sepulcher whither peraduenture hir heart was bent A. For she had a feruent vnspeakeable desyre to fynde the Lord but so soone as she heard and vnderstoode the voice of her Shepeheard she biandby cryed with great ioye and admiration Rabboni C. Thus in Mary we haue depainted to vs the Image of our calling For this is our only enteraunce into the true knowledge of Christ if so be he know vs fyrst and do familiarlye call vs vnto him not with that common voyce which generally soundeth in the eares of all men but by which he doth specially cal those shepe which are geuen vnto him of the father Hereuppon the Apostle Paule sayth Gal. 4.9 After that ye knew God yea rather wer known of God And the efficacie of the word appeareth hereby that Mary gaue biandby vnto Christ that honour which was due vnto him For the name of Rabboni is not only honorable but contayneth also the profession of obedience Therefore Marye declareth her self to be a disciple of christ and submitteth her selfe vnto him as to a maister This is a wonderfull and secret conuersion of mans mynde when God illuminating the same by his holye spirite maketh the same of blynde sodenly to sée perfectly The like example we haue almost in the two disciples which were going to Emaus A. For when as at the fyrst their eyes were held that they knew not Christ Luk. 24.30 at the length when he toke bread and blessed and brake the same their eies were opened and they knew him whom before they iudged to be a straunger C. Furthermore the example of Marye ought to be an exhortation vnto vs that so many as Christ calleth vnto him do answer him presently again without delay 17. Iesus sayth vnto her touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my father but goe to my brethren and saye vnto them I ascend vnto my father your father and to my god your God B. Mary wold haue imbrased Christ for the exceding loue ioy which she had because she saw Christ present again in the flesh But when the Lord sawe that she wondered at his carnall presence more than was mete seking to lift vp her mynde to heauenly thinges and to the imbracinges of faith forbad her to touch him saying Touch me not C. Notwithstanding this séemeth not to agree with the narration of Mathew Mat. 28.9 For he plainlye writeth that the women imbrased the féete of Christ And seeing afterward he would haue his disciples to handle and to feele him what cause was ther why he should forbid Mary to touch him Obiection M. For he said vnto Thomas brīg hither thy finger and see my hands and put thy finger into my syde and be not faithles but beleuing C. The solution hereof is very easy if so be we consider that the women were not prohibited the touching of Christ before such tyme as they were too busy and desirous to touche him Answere For no doubt he did not forbid thē to touch him so far forth as it was nedefull to take away all doubt but when he saw that they were to busye in impracing his féete hée moderated and corrected that rashe zeale For they depēded vppon his corporal presence neyther did they know anye other way to enioy him than if he dwelt among them vppon the earth M. Moreouer bicause his disciples doubted whether he were truly risen again or no and bicause the same which appeared vnto them was iudged of them to be but a vision Luk. 24.37 to the end they might beleeue the resurrection he sayd Feele and see for a spirite hath not flesh and bones as ye see me haue Also Thomas had sayde Except I see the print of his nailes in his handes and put my finger into the print of the nayles and my hande into his side I will not beleue Therfore Christ did very well in offering him selfe to be felte of him A. But in Marye there was no suche doubting that there should neede any further feeling but it was requisite that she shuld come to a further faith and to more plain vnderstanding of the kingdome of Christ least she should abase him in cogitation more than there was cause C. We must also note the reason which Christ addeth For I am not yet ascended to my Father For by these wordes he commaundeth the woman to suspend their affection vntill suche time as hee was ascended into the glory of his kingdome Furthermore he sheweth the fayth of his resurrection not such a faith as they imagined to them selues as that when he was risen againe he should raigne triumphe in the world but rather that by his ascension into heauen he shold take possession of that kingdome which was promised vnto him and sitting at the right hande of his Father might gouerne the Church by the power of his spirit Therfore the sence and meaning of his wordes is that the state of his resurrection is not full and perfecte vntill such time as he sit at the right hand of his Father in the kingdome of heauen As if he should say B. Think not bicause ye sée me presente in the flesh that ye haue obtayned the fruition of all good thinges I sayd before vnto my disciples that it was good for them that I should go vnto my Father to whom when I had ascended I would send my spirite the comforter and bring all things to passe for them These thinges ye ought to looke for and not to make such account of my corporall presence Abstaine therfore from this earnest touching lest ye be to much addicted to my carnal presence ye ought hereafter to imbrace me by faith raigning in heauē C. But this
sonne of God And truelye faith ought not to rest in the presence of Christ onlye but to haue also a respect to his power and office For it shall profite litle to knowe who Christ is except we know also howe he will behaue him selfe towarde vs and to what ende he was sent of the Father But séeing the kingdome of Christ is moste large Question Psal 2 Reuela 17 in so much that he is called the King of Kinges and Lorde of Lords why doeth Nathanael cal him onely the King of Israel Surelye he doeth it Aunsvver because his confession is limmitted to the measure of fayth For he had not profited so farre as yet that he knewe him to bee a King set ouer the whole worlde or rather that the Children of Abraham shoulde bée gathered from all places that the whole worlde might be the Israel of the Lorde Let vs now by the example of Nathanael exercise our faith in the hearing of the woorde and let vs confyrme the same by all meanes possible and let it not lye hid but let it burst foorth into the confession of Christ to the glorye of God 50. Iesus aunswered and saide vnto him because I sayd vnto thee I sawe thee vnder the Figge tree thou beleeuest thou shalt see greater thinges then these B. The Lorde Iesus going about to confyrme the Faith of Nathanael and the rest of the Disciples added these wordes C. He doeth not reprehend Nathanael as one to light of credite but rather allowing his fayth promiseth vnto him and to the rest greater argumentes of confirmation By the which woordes hée lifteth vp theyr hope for the beholding and knowing of farther matter As if he shoulde saye If of so small beginninges thou hast receyued fayth I byd thée be of good cheare and hope to sée greater matters in time to come It was but a meane token truely of the diuine power in that Christ sayd here to Nathanael I sawe thee vnder the Figge Tree For wée reade of many suche thinges to bée done by Heliseus as in the storye of Gihesi and Naaman the Sirian 4. King 5 and. 6 Iohn 4 Suche a Myracle was that whiche wée reade of concerning the vnlawfull Husbande of the woman of Samaria These and suche like are but meane and indifferent thinges if they bée compared to those Myracles which followe but such notwithstanding as haue brought great increase of Faith by litle and litle By these woordes also of Christ Because I sayde vnto thee I sawe thee vnder the Figge Tree thou beleeuest We learne that faith commeth by hearing Rom. 10 and hearing by the worde of Christ 51. And hee sayeth vnto him Veryly verylye I say vnto you hereafter shall ye see heauen open and the Angels of GOD ascending and descending vppon the sonne of man A. Touching the opening of the heauens it is already spoken of in the third Chapter of Saint Mathew In that Christ speaketh of the opening of the heauens and of the ascending and descending of the Angels vppon the Sonne of man many referre it to the resurrection of Christ to his ascention and to the sending of the holye Ghost C. But it rather signifieth a certaine continuance whiche shoulde alwayes bée extant in his kingdome It is most certayne that Angelles appeared sometimes vnto the Disciples whiche at this daye are not séene it is certaine also that there was another maner of reuelation of the heauenlye glory when Christ ascended into Heauen than we nowe sée But if we well waye and consyder of the matter wee shall finde that the same which was done then is abiding for euer For the kingdome of Heauen being shut vp against vs at the first Actes 7 Math. 17 Luke 24. was trulye opened againe in Christ Of this matter as well Stephen and thrée other Disciples in the Mounte had a visible sight as also other of the Apostles in the ascention of Christ But all the signes by the whiche the Lorde sheweth him selfe to bée present with vs do pertaine to the opening of Heauen specially where he doth communicate him selfe vnto vs to life The Angelles are sayd to ascende and descende as they are Ministers vnto vs of Gods wyl Therefore by these words the mutuall communication betwéene God and men is noted And we must be thankefull vnto Christ for this benefite because without him ther is rather mortal enmity betwéene the Angels and vs than a familiar care to helpe Therefore they are sayde to ascende and descende vppon him not that they doe onely minister vnto him but because in respect of him and for his honour they holde vp by theyr care the whole bodye of the Church Gene. 28 And there is no doubte but that hée hath some respect vnto the Ladder whiche was shewed to the Patriarke Iacob by a vision For the same which that vision shadowed is truelye declared and shewed in Christ To be shorte the summe of this place is that where as all mankinde was banished from the kingdome of God now the gate of the kingdome of Heauen is opened vnto vs that we maye bée Citizens with the Saintes and fellowes with the Angelles and they being ordained to be kéepers of our sauing health may come downe from theyr blessed rest to helpe our miseryes B. For the seruice of Angelles pertayneth to all those that trust in the Lorde as well as vnto Christ according to that which is written in the Psalme Psal 91. and 34 He hath geuen his Angelles charge ouer thee c. For they are all Ministering spirites sent to serue them which haue theyr inheritaunce in the kingdome of Heauen Heb. 1 M. So that nowe man with God and the earth with heauen are set at peace For so sayeth the Apostle It pleased the Father that in him all fulnesse shoulde dwell And by him to reconcile all thinges to him selfe Collos 1 and to set at peace through the blood of his crosse by him both the thinges in earth and thinges in heauen ❧ The second Chapter 1. And the thirde daye there was a Mariage in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Iesus was there HITHERTO the Euangelist hathe shewed howe and in what order the Reuelation of Christe began to bée manifested by the testimonies of Iohn and who they were which claue vnto him nowe consequentlye hée addeth howe by the light of Myracles he beganne partlye to confirme his Disciples whiche as yet were but weake and partlye to reueale his glorye to Israel C. For this storye doth contayne a declaration of the first Myracle that Christ wrought and for that cause it becommeth vs to bée the more diligent to consider of the same Howbeit as wée shall sée hereafter there are other causes which do commend the same vnto vs. M. Therefore the Euangelist going about to describe the beginning of the Miracles of Christ to the ende he might bring credite vnto the Historye putteth downe vnto vs both the time the place and
acceptable vnto God M. Here we sée that one and the selfe same preaching of the Gospell doth profite the simpler sort to instruction but to the other it geueth matter of contradiction In like manner the signes and miracles of oure sauioure Christe were sette before all mens eyes to be seene by the sight and diligent consideration whereof the elect beléeued on hym B. But the Reprobate coulde behoulde nothing in Christe but base and contemptible thinges whereat they were offended 32. The Pharise is heard that the people murmured suche thinges concerning him and the Phariseis and highe Priestes sent seruauntes to take him M. The more that the glory of christ did declare it selfe to the people the more the mallice the spight and furie of the Pharisées increased for the Phariseis were appoynted as Scoutes to seeke all occasion to suppresse Christe In the former place or roome the Euangelist nameth them aloane after hée ioyneth with them the high Priestes with whome also they tooke parte There is no doubte but that as these Phariseis were the most zelous obseruers of the Lawe so were they the most zelous enemies of al other vnto Christ but because they were not able aloane to oppresse Christe they referred the matter to the whole order of Priesthoode So that they which otherwise were enemies and at contention betwéene them selues doe nowe by the helpe of Sathan agrée together and conspire among themselues againste the Sonne of God A. Euen as we reade of Herode and Pilate when Christe was brought before them to bee Iudged Luk. 23.12 for then they were made friends betwéene whome before there was hartburning and grudge Bv. And it greatly gréeued the high Priestes that the people neglecting the Religion of the Phariseis and as it were despising those holy men followed Christe and his doctryne which was quight repugnaunt to the doctrine of the Phariseis Therefore the wicked Iewes mynding to stay this rumore concerning Christe suborned publique soldiers whiche might bring hym bounde M. In the whiche we maye noate the nature of wicked Hipocrites At the first when they sought to kyll Christ they pretended the breaking of the Sabboth when as notwithstanding the breaking of the Sabboth did not offende them but the obscuring of their owne name But so soone as they heare this rumoure of the people concerning Christ they were in such a rage that they went aboute openly to laye violent hand on hym So impietie somwhile seketh to shed innocent bloud priuily but when it hath not successe then it openly bursteth forth So Saule at the firste laye priuily in wayte to destroye Dauid 1. Kin. i8 i● but when his rage was more hoat he began with open warre and persecution to séeke his death Thus also are Hipocrites woont to behaue them selues who in the Churche séeke not Christe but eyther the estimation of their owne name eyther gayne eyther kingdome or else the impunitie of offences who at the firste pretended the zeale of God but are so mad at the laste that all men maye see what it is they looke for and what offendeth them C. Moreouer yf so be the Phariseis were so whoat so carefully diligent to defende the corrupt state of the Churche howmuche more vehement ought we to be in defending the kingdome of Christe For the madnesse of the Papistes is no lesse at this daye to extinguishe the gospell M. Last of all it appeareth how prepostourous the Iudgement and how peruerse the counsaile of the reprobate is The multitude murmure and Christ is commaunded to be taken Why doe they not rather instruct the murmuring multitude in the truth or reprehende them But this is the maner of the worlde being voyde of the spirite of God After this manner the vpper Captaine commaunded Paule to be caryed vp into the Castle and bade that he shoulde be scourged and examined that hée might know wherefore they cryed so on hym Act 22.24 whereas rather hée ought to haue stopt the mouthes of those impudent Dogges which continually barcked at the little flocke of Christ 33. Then sayde Iesus vnto them yet am I a little while with you and then go I vnto him that sent mee Bv. When Iesus knew what they priuilye went about he declared vnto them in certaine darcke sentences boath that their conspiracies shoulde be vayne and also that hée woulde in a shorte time of his owne frée will offer vp hys bodye to the death of the crosse for the redemption of the whole worlde and so vnder a sertaine hydden and darke speache hée declareth vnto them the mistery of the dispensation that hee should shortly dye after that ascende into heauen and so to come from thence to iudge hys enimies C. There are some which thinke these wordes to be spoken to the asassemblye of people which were present and other some to the seruauntes which were sent to take Christe But there is no doubt but that Christ properly speaketh to his enimies which sought hys destruction For hée derydeth theyr practises because in vaine they take them in hande vntill the time came which his Father had decréeed As if hée shoulde saye M. I séeme to you to be intollerable and therefore you seeke with all your might and mayne to destroye mée Be quiete a while for I meane not to be with you verye longe R. There is no cause why you shoulde be carefull so take awaye my lyfe least I shoulde escape your handes For séeing I am so welcome vnto you as smoake to your eyes and thornes to your féete I meane not to trouble you wyth my presence any long time M. Onely a lyttle while I will be troublesome vnto you R. For I will go vnto him that sent mée Bv. I will not flée from you but will willinglye offer my selfe to the death when the time shall come that by the crosse and death I shall enter into the glorye of the Father and shall possesse the kingdome ouer all creatures By these wordes hée declareth that neyther his lyfe nor his death was at their will but that there was a time appoynted to him of his father Luk. 13.3 ●i which must néedes be fulfilled A. Euen as hée made aunswere to certaine in another place Go yee and tell that Foxe Behould I cast out Deuilles and heale the people to daye and to morrowe and the thirde daye I shal bee perfected I go vnto him that sent mee C. By these wordes hée declareth that death cannot destroy him but rather that so soone as hée hath put of his mortal bodye hée will declare himselfe to be the sonne of God by the glorious triumphe of his resurrection Moreouer herevpon is to be gathered a generall admonicion For Christ is presentlye with vs so often as hée calleth vs by the preaching of the Gospel to the hope of saluation Ephe. 2.17 For the preaching of the Gospell is not in vaine called the discention of Christ vnto vs. If so be wée will take
heauenly Father C. Hereby it appeareth howe dull of vnderstanding they are whose myndes Sathan possesseth There coulde bée nothing more euident than for them to be cited before the Tribunall seate of GOD but they are starke blynde the which happeneth dayly to other enemyes of the Gospell M. It is no maruayle therefore if so bée the Ministers of the worde are not of many men easelye vnderstoode in matters of wayght seeing we see here that the same happened to Christ him selfe C. Neuerthelesse suche blindnesse in menne oughte to make vs afearde Bv. For suche is the dull vnderstanding of all those which bring not sincere myndes to the Preaching of the Gospell 28. Then sayd Iesus vnto them when ye haue lyft vp an high the Sonne of man then shall ye knowe that I am hee and that I doe nothing of my selfe but as my Father hath taught me euenso I speake these thinges When ye haue exalted M. The Lorde knewe that whatsoeuer hée spake or wrought dyd so lytle preuayle with the vnbeléeuing Iewes that they neyther beléeued nor knewe who hée was and that they sought onely to deliuer him vp to death as though by this detestable déede they should greatly helpe their Kingdome the which should bring vnto them vndoubted destruction and that then especially it should bée manifest that they had wickedlye behaued them selues toward the Sonne of God This thing the Lorde threatning sayth Then shall ye knowe C. As if yée shoulde saye All your sences are nowe as if they were bewitched and therefore ye vnderstande none of those thinges which I speake but the tyme shall one daye come when ye shall knowe that a Prophete of GOD was among you and spake with you M. Yee bende your selues whollye to kyll mee and ye thinke that all my Doctrine and my name also maye bée suppressed if I bée slaine but the contrarye shall appeare O miserable men Yee shall exalt and Crucifye mée but ye shall bée so farre from obtayning that which ye loke for that then ye shal know that I haue not lyed vnto you but that he is the very same whome a litle before ye could not abide to knowe And in this sence the woordes of Christ seame to containe a threatening eyther of those thinges whiche happened after hée was Crucifyed as when the Sunne was darkened the Rockes rente or else of those thinges which happened after his resurrection and the sending of the holye Ghost by the Preaching of the Apostles and the wonderfull workes of God whiche then were done For then they were cōstrayned whether they would or no to acknowledge the power of God so mightely shewing it selfe euen as we reade that they sayd VVhat shall we doe to these men for a manifest signe is done by thē Acts. 4.16 and is openly known to all those that dwell in Ierusalem and wee cannot denie it But that it bee noysed noe further among the people let vs threaten and charge them that they speake henceforth to no man in this name C. Or else this commination maye be extended further that by the same they might be precisely called of Christ to the Iudgement seate of the most high Iudg. For so must the wicked contemners of Gods worde be delt withall But this is to late and vntimely a knowledge of the which Christe here maketh mencion when the wicked béeing drawen to punishment doe acknoweledg God against their willes to be their Iudge whome quietly they ought to reuerence For hée doth not promise vnto them repentaunce but pronounceth that when they are stricken with a newe and vnwonted horror sodainelye of the wrath of GOD they shall be awaked out of the slouth and securytye in the whiche they now sléepe Gen. 3.7 So Adames eyes were opened insomuch that being ashamed he sought in vaine to hyde himselfe knowing that he was in the middest of destruction Howbeit that knowledge which Adam had being of it selfe vnprofitable by the grace of God tourned to his benifite But the reprobates being ouerwhelmed with desperation haue their eyes opened onlye to this ende that they may behoulde their owne destruction And GOD bringeth them to this kinde of knowledge by diuers meanes For oftentimes they being driuen thervnto with scourges doe learne that GOD is their enimie sometime vsing no torment hée vexeth them in minde and oftentimes hée suffereth them to sléepe vntill hée take them quight and cleane out of thys worlde By these wordes Lyft vp Christ noateth his death B. For the Iewes lifted vp the Lorde when they thought that they had giuen hym the greatest fall by the most shamefull deathe of the Crosse For by that deathe they ended his seruile and paynful office that so the father might exalt his abased Sonne to his right hande C. For thereby afterwarde it came to passe that Christ ascended out of the Sepulcher into the kingdome of heauen The which also we at this daye muste hope for For whatsoeuer the wicked take in hand to oppresse Christ in his doctrine and Church shal not only appeare in despight of their téeth but also he shall tourne their wicked practises to the greter furtheraunce of his Kingdome That I am hee This is not referred to the deuine essence of Christ but onely to his office the which also doeth more euidently appeare by the order of the texte where he denyeth hym selfe to doe any thinge without the commaundement of his father For this is as muche as if hee shoulde saye that he is sent of God and that hée doth faythfully discharge his office A. I doe nothing of my selfe Reade the ninetéene verse of the fifte Chapter going before 29. And hee that sent mee is with mee the father hath not left mee aloane for I doe alwayes those things that please him C. Agayne he boasteth of GOD by whose ayde and helpe he dyd all thinges and who neuer forsooke him least he shoulde labour in vayne and without profyte as if he had sayd that the power of the Spyrite of GOD was ioyned with his office It is meete that all Godlye teachers be endued with this trust and not to doubt but that the hande of God wyll be nere vnto them so that they with a pure conscience shewe them selues to bée suche Ministers as he woulde haue them to bée For GOD hath not appointed them by his worde to beate the Ayre but by the secreate efficacye of his spyrite hée geueth successe vnto his worde and also defendeth them with his power that theyr enemies being put to the foyle they maye bée able to stande against the whole worlde And if they consider themselues and theyr goodes they must needes fall euerye houre Therefore the onelye waye to stand is if they bée perswaded that they are holden vp by the hande of God For I doe alwayes those thinges M. These woordes haue a double vnderstanding eyther to bée vnderstoode that hée sayde ▪ that therefore the Father hath not left him aloane because hée alwayes dyd those
be encouraged reuerently to worship Christ by these voyces sounding from heauen Psal 2.12 Psal 96.8 Phil. 2.10 Math. 17.5 Gen. 49.10 Kisse the sonne Let all the Angelles worship him Let euery knee bow to him Heare him The people shall be gaehered vnto him 55. And yet ye haue not knowne him but I know him and if I say I know him not I shall be a lyer lyke vnto you but I know him and kepe him saying M. Because he knew that his aduersaries boasted and bragged of the knoweledge of God whenas notwithstanding they were voyde of the same C. Hée wresteth from them the false pretence of the name of God Bv. As if he shoulde saye As by false Religion ye worship God so ye falsly chalenge to your selues the knowledge of him He is spirituall but ye sauoure nothing but that whiche is carnall C. By this place we learne what is the lawfull profession of faith namely that which procéedeth from true knoweledge and wherof commeth that knowledge but of the word Therefore whosoeuer bosteth of the name of God without the worde of God they doe nothing else but lye But I knowe him Christ opposeth or setteth the truste of his conscience against the peruerse péeuishnesse of his aduersaries And thus ought all the seruauntes of God to bee minded and to houlde them selues contented with this that they haue God on their syde yea though the whoale world ryse vp against them Thus Inuincible stoode all the Prophetes and Apostles a gainste the Terrible assaultes of the worlde But where the perfecte knowledge of God is wanting nothing maye staye and vphoulde vs. And if I saye J knowe him not Bv. As if he shoulde say I am constrayned to speake these things with so great an oath C For the necessitie of my office forceth mée to speake because silence is a false betraying of the trueth A notable place by which we are taught that God doeth reueale hym selfe vnto vs to this ende that wée might professe the fayth of the harte with the mouth so often as néede requireth And this ought not a litle to terrifie vs that they which dissemble to please men and doe eyther deny Gods trueth or doe counterfeyte the same with wicked deuises are not lightly reprehended but are sent to the Children of the Deuell 56 Youre Father Abraham was glad to see my daye and sawe it and reioyced C. Nowe He maketh aunswere to that which they had obiected concerning Abraham and he graunteth to them in worde only that which before he had denyed namely that Abraham was theyr Father shewing that Abraham was saued by fayth Bv As If he shoulde saye Ye thinke that your Father Abraham is dead And I séeme vnto you to speake that which is wicked in affirming that they which kéepe my worde shall liue for euer and neuer dye but I saye truely that Abraham lyueth and that all his lyfe tyme he desireth nothing more then to se my kingdome florishe he desyered me béeing absent and ye despise me beeing present C. That which Christ speaketh heare of Abraham aloane belongeth to al the Saintes But yet this Doctrine hath more wayght and force in the Person of Abraham because he is the Father of the whoale Church This worde Daye in this place signifieth the time of Chistes kingdome from the which Christ hauing taken vpon him our fleshe appeared vnto the worlde to fulfill the office of a redéemer Some will haue it to signifie eternitie and othersome the Crosse of Christ And this place nothing disagréeeth with that where it is sayde Many Kings and prophetes desiered to see those daies which ye see and haue not seene them because Luk. 10.24 séeing faith in the behoulding of Christ hath his degréese it came to passe that the oulde Prophetes behoulde Christ a farre of euen as he was promised vnto them yet notwithstanding he might not bée seene present as hée reuealed hymselfe familiarly to men when he descended from heauen Let all the godly learne heare by the example of Abraham to staye them selues vppon Christ aloane and alwayes to haue respect vnto him that they maye haue continuall occasion of reioysing with a godly Father 57. Then sayde the Iewes thou art not yet fiftie yeres oulde and haste thou seene Abraham M. The promises of God séeme foolishe to humayne reason The Iewes againe according to their wonted mallice make no aunswere to those thinges which concerning them selues but are so geuen to cauill that they take hould only of those thinges out of the wordes of Christ which might haue any shewe to serue their tourne to cauill C. They go aboute to confute the saying of Christ by an Impossibilitie because hee made him selfe equal in age to Abraham which was dead many yeres before and he him selfe not yet fiftie yeres of age For although Christ was not as yet fowre and thirtie yeres oulde yet notwithstanding they graunt vnto him mo yeres lest they might séeme to deale with him to exactly and precisely As yf they shoulde saye Thou verely canst not make thy selfe so oulde that thou canste Boaste thy selfe to be fiftie Bv. Behould therefore thy great impudencie in lying séeing all men knowe howe that Abraham dyed many yeres agoe 58. Iesus sayde vnto them verely verely I saye vnto you before Abraham was I am M. That which the Iewes did falsely discredite as vnreasonable and as a monsterouse lye Christ himselfe constantly mayntayneth C. And because the vnbéeleuing and Carnall Iudged after the aspect and apperaunce only Hée putteth them here in mynde that he hath somewhat greater and higher than humayne shewe and reason the whiche being hidden from the vnderstanding of the fleshe is beheld with the eyes of Faith only Therefore by these wordes Christ exempteth hym selfe from the common sorte of men and chalengeth to him selfe a deuine and heauenly power the sence and féeling whereof hath béene shedde forth vppon all ages euen from the béeginning of the worlde Also this place agréeeth with that saying of the Apostle Christ yesterdaye to daye and for euer Heb. 13.8 For he was knowen to be a mediatoure from the beginning in whome God the father should be pleased In that notwithstanding the grace of the mediator hath béene shewed forth in all ages this dependeth vpon his eternall diuinitie So that this saying of Christ containing a notable commendation of the deuine essence CHR. And the verbe of the present tence or time maketh it of the more wayght For it signifieth that the same state was equall alike from the beginning to the ende B Therfore that which hée saieth here signifieth the same Iohn 1.1 that this place doth In the beginning was the word 59. Then tooke they vp stoanes to cast at him but Iesus hyd him selfe and went out of the Tempell M. They perceiued that the Lorde spake that of him selfe which as it was not humayne so it sette forth the glory of his diuinity And therefore to make him to
alwayes then haue a consideration of the cause and there is no true consolation any where else in the testimony of a good conscience Bv. For it is a glorious thing for Christes sake and the profession of the trueth to bée in perrill to bée hated of menne and to suffer persecution Againe it is a fowle thing to bée afflicted for euyll doing For therefore sayeth the Apostle Peter See that none of you bee punished as a murderer or as a Theefe or an euyll doer or as a busye bodye in other mennes matters Yf any man suffer as a Christian man let him not bee ashamed but let him glorifye God on this behalfe For herevppon wée ought to bée moued to geue GOD thankes because when the worlde perrisheth in his owne blindnesse GOD geueth his lyghte vnto the Faythfull euen as the palpable darkenesse compassed the Aegiptians rounde aboute when the Children of Israell were in the manifest lyght Also wée must noate that the hatred of Christ commeth for want of vnderstanding when GOD is not knowne For vnbeléefe is alwaye blynde Not that the wicked vnderstande nor knowe nothing but because all theyr knowledge is confounded and sodainlye vanisheth awaye For my names sake M. Here let vs consider what difference there is betwéene God and the world Before God those thinges which the Apostles aske in the name of Christ they receiue before the world the name of Christ is the cause why the Apostles are hated Both these the Apostle felt and after them the true Ministers of the Gospell Because they haue not known him that sent me CYR. By this word sent is mente the whoa● mistery of the Incarnation Bv. And it must néedes be that boath the Father and the Mistery of the Incarnation be vnknowen when his name is odiouse by whome the Father is knowen and the causes of the sendinge vnderstoode M. But who sent Christ God the Father Therefore the high Preistes Scribes and Phariseis knewe not God They could not knowe the Father béecause they knewe not the sonne whome he had sent R. They bragged of God and bosted that they were the true worshippers of God but they knewe not God For he whiche will knowe God must knowe him by his word and not by hys owne Immaginations and dreames i. Iohn 3.1 M. Euen so before he sayde vnto them Yee neyther know me nor my Father if ye had knowne me ye would haue knowen my Father also Séeing therefore the world is ignoraunt of God it oughte not to séeme straunge if so be the name of Christ bee odiouse vnto the childeren of this world and if for his sake the Faithfull are made a mocking stock But let this saying of saynt Iohn comfort them Beehold what loue the father hath bestowed on vs that we should be called the sonnes of God For this cause the world knoweth vs not because it knoweth not him What is Christ I praye you in the eyes of the world without the knoweledge of God the Father but meere blasphemy And what are the faythfull seruauntes of Christ but a superstitiouse people For the which cause the vnbeleuers and wise men of this world haue made them alway a iesting stocke But concerninge the ignoraunce of God in the Iewes read in the seuenth chapter going before and the twenty eyght verse 22. Yf I hadde not come and spoken vnto them they should haue hadde no sinne but nowe haue they nothinge to cloake theire synne withall M. He séemed to excuse the vnbeléefe of the Iewes and also their hatered which they bare agaynst him and his disciples by this that hée sayde But al these thinges shal they doe vnto you for my names sake bicause they haue not known him who hath sent mee as though they had not done all thinges of mallice but of Ignoraunce For this cause hee added these wordes C. leste any man shoulde think that this serued to excuse theire falte and hee sheweth that they were maliciouslye blind euenas yf a man should shutte his eyes that he myght nott bée constrayned to sée the lyghte For otherwise it might haue béene obiected vnto Christ yf so bée they knowe not thy father howe commeth it to passe th●t thou doest not remedye their erroure Why dyddest thou not prooue whether they weare vnapte to bee taughte yee or noe Hee Aunswereth that hee hath done the duty of a good and faythfull teacher but without profite because mallice woulde not suffer them to come vnto a sounde minde Bv. As yf hee shoulde saye If I had not come and had so expresselye and plainlye opened vnto them the misteryes of the kingdome of GOD and the counsayle and loue of my Father they should haue had no sinne but nowe seeing I the sonne of God haue descended from heauen and haue expounded all the misteries of Gods kingdome and they them selues haue hearde and vnderstoode all thinges and yet would neyther knowe nor vnderstande them it cannot seeme ignoraunce which is maliciouse obstinacy and moste wicked contempt of the knowen trueth C. In these words also Chrrst séemeth to affirme that only vnbeleefe is sinne And there are some which so think For because Faith remitteth and wypeth awaye all synnes they saye that there is but one sinne of vnbeléefe which damneth This is truely spoken because vnbeléefe doth not only kéepe men from being deliuered from the desert of condemnation but also is the well spring and cause of all euels But all that disputation appertaineth nothing at all to this present place For the name of synne is not taken generally but for the circomstaunce of the cause in hand as if Christ should haue sayd that their ignoraunce was inexcusable because they had maliciously reiected God in his person euenas yf we should cal him giltlesse iust and pure whom we would absolue from one only fault of the which he was guilty Therefore this absolution of Christ is restrayned to one kinde of synne because he taketh from the Iewes the pretence of ignoraunce in the contempt and hatered of the Gospell Notwithstanding there aryseth yet a newe question as thus Was not the vnbeléefe which was before the comming of Christ sufficient to condemne men And they are madde men which gather amis of this place that whosoeuer dyed before the comming of Christ without fayth were in a doubtfull case vntill such tyme as Christ manifested him selfe vnto them As though there were not many places of Scripture which testify that the only testimony of conscience was sufficiente for them to condemnation Rom. 5 14 Death sayeth Saint Paul rayned in the world vntill Moyses Rom. 2 12 And in another place hee sayeth that they shall peryshe withoute Lawe which haue synned without the Lawe What then is the meaning of Christ There is in these wordes a concession or graunting because he meaneth that the Iewes haue now nothing any more to excuse their fault withal seing that wittingly willingly they had reiected the life offered vnto them And
haste loued me For there is but one only Christ which can be sayd to be welbeloued Furthermore the heauenly father loueth all the members with the same loue with the whiche he hath loued the Churche that he maye loue no man but in Christ But for this reade more in the .3.14 and .16 chapters before 24. Father I will that they which thou hast giuen me be with me where I am that they may se my glory which for thou haste gyuen me thou louedst mee before the foundation of the worlde M. Whereas Christe sayth heere to his Father I will it is not spoken commaundingly but in the way of petition C. For I wil in this place is as much to say as I desire Notwithstanding there maye bee double vnderstanding in the same eyther that he woulde haue his disciples to enioye his externall presence or els that God woulde bring them at the laste into his heauenly kingdome whyther he wente before Thus to see the glorye some expound to haue the participatiō of that glory which Christ hath other some to feele with the sence of faith what Christ is how great his maiestie is also But all things well wayed considered we must beleeue that Christe speaketh of the perfecte blessednes of the Godly As if he shuld say that his prayer and peticion was not graunted vntill suche tyme as they were receiued vp into heauen vnto him Thus we muste vnderstand the sighte of his glory They then sawe the glory of Christe when he was presente with them euen as if men should see a small lighte shining through the narrow chinks or crakes of a ●oore or walle when they are shutte into a darke place Now Christ wishet that they might profite so long vntill they enioyed the perfecte lighte in the kingdome of heauen In effecte he prayeth that the Father woulde bring them forward more more vntill such time as hee brought them vnto the full sight of his glory M. By thys place wee see what manner of prayer it was which Christe made namely no vncertayne or doubtfull prayer but an assured and faythfull prayer too obtayne that which he asketh C. When he addeth For thou louedst me befor the beeginning It doth far better agree with the person of the mediator than with the bare deuinitie of Christ A. By this place we gather that the faithfull are oute of perill seeing they are partakers of the same glory with the which Christ is endued of the Father for the head is not seperated from the mēbers R. Therefore whether the faythfull are in death or in life they ar with Christ Whereupon the Prophet sayth if I walke in the middest of the shadowe of deathe I will feare none ill bicause thou art with me 25. O righteous Father the worlde also hath not knowen thee but I haue knowen thee and these haue knovven that thou haste sente me M. Againe he commēdeth in his disciples the knowledge of god the father the which he manifested vnto them Of this he spake before And here he repeateth the same againe discerning his disciples from thys world and accusing the world in this that the same knoweth not God the Father C. Therefore of ryghte Christe of a singuler affection commendeth his disciples whom the vnbeleefe of the worlde did not hinder from the knowledge of god M. The lyke sentence almost thou haste before in these words And ye haue not knowē him but I haue knowen him Also it agréeth with the .8 verse of this chapter C. In calling the Father righteous he condemneth the world and the wickednes of the same As if he shoulde saye Although the worlde do proudly despise and reiecte God yet not withstanding he looseth nothing therebye but remayneth still as glorious a God and a righteous as he was before By whiche wordes he teacheth that the fayth of the Godly ought to be so founded in God that thoughe the whole worlde shoulde falle yet the same shoulde neuer shake Also we muste note the order of faith which is here described The sonne onely whiche came foorth of the bosome of the Father dothe properly knowe the Father Therefore al they which desire to come vnto God must of necessitie receiue Christ which cōmeth to meete them and muste wholy addicte them selues vnto hym And he when he is knowen wil at the last bring his disciples to God the Father 26. And I haue declared vnto them thy name and wil declare it that the loue wherewith thou haste loued me may be in them and I in them M. By this place it dothe appeare that the knowledge of gods name is not seperated from the knowledge of the dispensation and mediation of Christe by whiche hee is knowen to be the Mediator sent into thys world C. When he saith that he hath manifested vnto them hys fathers name hée meaneth that hee hath done the office of a teacher but yet that hee vsed not onelye the sounde of a voice but also the secret reuelation of the spirite to manifest the father And bicause the faith of the disciples was as yet but weake hee promiseth with al increace of this knowledge B. For we must here continually increase in the knowledge of god C. And thus he prepareth thē to hope for more large knowledge and grace of the spirite Also although hee speaketh of the Apostles yet wee may gather thereby a generall exhortation that we may studie dayly to profite and not to thinke that wee haue run so wel but that there remayneth yet a greate deale of our race so longe as we are in this fleshe M. Wherfore let vs seeke for the increase of this knowledge of God at the handes of Christ the perfection wherof we shal haue at the last in the life to come That the loue wherewith thou hast loued me C. That is to say that thou mayst loue thē in me Or els That the loue wherewith thou hast loued me may also extend it self vnto them For the loue wherewith God loued vs too speake properly is euen the very same with the whiche hee loued hys Sonne from the beeginning that in hym he might make vs acceptable to hym selfe And verely in respecte of oure selues wee are odious vnto God without Christe but thē he beginneth to loue vs whē we begin to growe into the bodye of his welbeeloued sonne This is an vnspeakeable priuiledge when we knowe that Chryste was beloued of his Father for our sakes that wee might bee for euer pertakers of the same loue M. We muste note also that the knowledge of God doth bring vs into this wonderfull fellowship of Gods loue C. But wee muste note these wordes And I in them By whiche wee are taught that wee are no otherwise comprehended in that loue of the whiche hee speaketh than if Christe doo dwell in vs. For as the Father can not beholde the Sonne but hee muste haue before hys eyes his whole body euen so if we will haue him to beholde vs
errours Hee maketh him the Sonne of Ioseph and also a Nazarite by birth both which are very false and yet notwithstanding bycause hée sincerelye desired to profite his brother and to reueale Christ this his dilligence is accepted of GOD and hée hath also prosperous successe For truelie euery man must endeuour himselfe soberly to abide within his bounds And wée must not thinke that the Euangelist maketh mention of this thing as though it were worthy of prayse in Phillip that twise he enformeth and falselye reporteth of Christ but his doctrine is commended of him to be profitable howe corrupt and erronious soeuer it was because it tended to this ende to reueale Christ Foolishly hée calleth Iesus the sonne of Ioseph and ignorauntly hée maketh him a Nazarite notwithstanding hée applyeth this to no other than to the sonne of God which was borne at Bethlehem neyther doth hée make a counterfayte Christ but woulde onely haue him knowen to be such a one as Moyses and the Prophets had foreshewed We do sée therfore that this is the speciall poynt in doctrine namely that by all meanes they which heare vs maye come vnto Christ This place also teacheth vs not disdainfully to reiect that which simple and vnlearned men bring vnto vs concerning Christ though it be not so aptly alleaged if so be they direct vs vnto Christ But least we be drawen away by the false imaginations of men from Christ we haue alwayes this remedie at hande that is to saye to séeke for the pure knoledge of the trueth out of the Lawe and the Prophetes B. And in that that Philip sayde vnto Nathanael VVee haue founde him of whom Moyses the Law and the Prophets did write we may coniecture that Nathanael was studious in the Scriptures and had dilligently searched in them for the comming and kingdome of Christ 46. And Nathanael saide vnto him Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth Philip saith vnto him Come and see Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth R. Nathanael is offended at the basenes of the place according to the manner of fleshe and blood which is alwaies offended at abiect thinges because it alwaies aspireth to high and great thinges but God hideth his excellent workes vnder a base forme and showe that he might be wonderfull in his workes C. This godlye man is at the first offended with the vnaduised and rash talke of Phillip for that which he foolishly thought this man certainly beleeueth beside this by the hatred and contempte of the place he had conceiued a wrong Iudgement In like manner except we take héede diligently we shall not be without the same danger For trulye Satan dayly goeth about to staie vs with the like lettes from comming to christ For he seketh diligently to haue many lies spread abroad which may make vs either hate the Gospell or suspect the same that we may feare to taste thereof There is yet another stumbling blocke which he laith in our waie and that is to make Christ séeme contemptible vnto vs. For we doe see what a great offence to many the basenes of the Crosse is the which appeared as well in Christ the head as also in his members M. Nathanael therefore hauing regard to the wordes of the Prophete whiche foreshewed that Christ shoulde bée borne in Bethleem and not in Nazareth demaundeth whether any good thing can come out of Nazareth Mich. 5 So some in the company of the Pharisées sayde Shall Christ come foorth of Galilee Doeth not the Scripture saye that hée shall come of the séede of Dauid and out of the Citye of Bethlehem Come and see B. Iohn 7 When Philip was not able to resolue this doubt hée biddeth him come and sée M. For hée aunswereth nothing to the demaunde of Nathanael but that hée should goe with him to Christ and sée The which notable counsayle Andrewe also vsed before when he brought his brother Simon to Iesus For these twoo Andrew and Philip had so great experiēce in the force vertue of the Diuine power of Christ that with good and assured trust they desired nothing else but that hée should be heard of men being certified that it woulde come to passe that if any heard him they should haue so great experience of the light of the truth that afterwarde they shoulde féele no doubting in them B. Therefore Nathanael had so great a desire to the trueth that out of hand he followed Philippe to Iesus although it séemed to bée contrarye to the Scriptures whiche Philip had shewed And hereby hée got straight waye the knowledge of the Lorde C. For hée suffered his double errour by this inuitacion of Philippe to bee corrected Euen so by his example let vs shewe our selues tractable and readye to bée taught let vs not also refuse to inquyre and searche séeing Christ is alwayes ready to ease vs of those doubtes that trouble vs. And if at any time our obiections can not bée satisfied let vs not yet condemne that whiche is offered vnto vs and seasse to séeke any farther for the trueth 47. Iesus saw Nathanael comming to him and sayth of him behoulde a right Israelite in whome is no guile M. Nathanael was not of theyr crewe which condemned the Doctrine of the trueth before they heard or knew the same and by obstinate impietie could not abide to heare the same Such were the Scribes and Pharisées of the Iewes and that contrary to the Lawe of God as Nicodemus noteth Doeth our Lawe sayeth he iudge any man before it heare him Iohn 7 and know what he hath done Such are the Iudges and Byshops at this day of the Popish Church which very rashely reiect the Doctrine of the gospell condemne and persecute the same And sayeth of him beholde a right C. In that Christ prayseth Nathanael hée doth it not for his sake but vnder his person he propoundeth a common doctrine For séeing there are many which boast them selues to be faythfull which are nothing lesse it is méete that the true and good be discerned from the false and counterfayt by some note or marke Wée know how greatly the Iewes boasted in their Father Abraham when they boasted of the holinesse of their ofspring notwithstanding scarce one of them among an hundred was founde which was not a Bastard and a Stranger from the fayth of his fathers Therefore Christe to the ende hée might take away the cloake from the Hipocrites hée briefely defineth a true Israelite and doth therewith also take away the offence which afterward should arise vppon the wicked contumacie of that Nation For they which woulde be counted the Children of Abraham and the holye people of God became afterwarde mortall and sworne enimies of the Gospell Least therfore the common impietie almost of all estates should discourage or trouble anye man hée admonisheth before hande and in dewe time that among many which pretende the name of true Israelites few are true in déede R. But
sayeth that hée was endued with zeale but there is no doubte but that hee speaketh those thinges in his owne personne which did properlye belong to the Messias Bv. This therefore is applied vnto Christ the Lorde by a Tipe which with his whole minde sought the reformation of the Church C. Therefore the Euangelist sayeth that this was one of the notes by which Iesus was known of his Disciples to be a repayrer of Gods kingdome M. And here we haue to note that whatsoeuer things are written they are writtē for our learning that through patience and consolation of the Scriptures wée might haue hope C. Wée must also note that no man shall knowe what Christ is or to what ende all that he did and suffered pertayneth but by the instruction of Scripture Wherefore as euerye one of vs shall desire to profite in the knowledge of Christ so wée must bestowe continuall diligence and meditacion in the Scriptures But let vs returne to the déede of Christ R. Christ him selfe sayeth in another place Learne of me Math. 11. for I am meeke and lowlye in heart In that therefore he séemeth in this place to bée cruell contrarye to his wonted maner it is neyther filthye desire Enuye nor rashnesse but deuine zeale and iust anger C. It resteth therefore nowe that euerye man followe the example of Christ séeing in the head a generall example is propounded in the whole bodye According to that which Paul hath in his Epistle to the Romanes Rom. 15. Let vs not suffer so muche as in vs lyeth the holye Temple of GOD to bee defiled by any meanes And this zeale ought chiefelye to bée in the heades of the Churche M. With howe greate ardent zeale were the holye men of GOD in time past indued Exod. 32. Num. 25. 1. King 17. 3. King 18. Actes 7. Actes 13. As Moises Phinees Dauid Elias Stephen Paul and the rest of the Apostles C. Notwithstanding we must take héede least any man passe the bonds of his calling R. For a true zeale pertayneth not to euery spirite wherefore let no man vsurpe the same vnto him selfe of his owne aucthoritye least in stéede of zeale he haue rashnesse and alwayes take héede that thy zeale bée according to knowledge Rom. 10. For the Iewes persecuted Christ vpon zeale but not according to knowledge 18. Then aunswered the Iewes and sayde vnto him What token shewest thou vnto vs seeing that thou doest these thinges M. It is verye like that those Iewes which were in daunger of loosing theyr gaine set vppon Christ with this question But they defende not theyr déede as though they were without iust cause caste out of the Temple For they could not denye but that they had made of the house of God a house of marchandise What then doe they demaunde Surely they demaund by what aucthority with suche seueritye he casteth out the Byers and sellers For by séeking to blame Christ they goe about to excuse theyr owne faulte For hée had sayd Make not the house of my Father a house of Marchandise And therefore the Euangelist sayeth that the Iewes answered Christ namelye to that which hée spake concerning his Fathers house They sought no signe with theyr whole heart but sought only to condempne him of rashnesse and sedicion because he being neither endewed with diuine nor humane aucthoritye tooke the gouernment of the Temple and worshippe of God to him selfe Hereby therefore we sée the disposition of those which sinne in the Temple and worship of GOD for gaines sake who when they can neyther denye theyr faulte nor defende the same than they reprooue those of whome they are corrected of rashnesse and sedition so farre they are from amending that whiche they doe amisse B. Therefore because Moyses confyrmed his Embassage with signes these also require a signe that they might knowe that aucthoritye which the Lorde doth arrogate vnto him selfe to bée committed vnto him of God whereas those miserable wretches might euen than haue séene a Myracle had they not béene amazed and blinded C. For in that no man in so great a company layd handes on Christ as the Byers and Sellers that were there it is a manifest signe that they were all stricken by the power of God that they might stande as men amazed Wherfore except they had béene starke blinde this miracle was euident enough to be séene that one shoulde bée so bolde to stand against so many that one which was a naked man shoulde not let to incounter with the valiaunt that one base in the sight of men should contend with Princes For why did they not withstād him since they did farre excell him in power but only because theyr force was restrayned But the Iewes did erre in this thing that they woulde not allowe the vocation of Christ except it were confyrmed by a myracle For this was not séene in the Prophetes and other Ministers of God that they should alwayes shewe Myracles Neyther hath God tyed him selfe to this necessitye But this was theyr corrupt custome and euill disposition Math. 12. the which Christ him selfe noteth saying This Adulterous and wicked generation requireth a signe c. Not to the ende they might knowe the trueth but rather to the ende they might thereby take some occasion to cauill Suche are they which at this daye not being content at the first with the truth of the Euangelicall Doctrine desire to haue signes geuen vnto them 19. Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto them Destroy this Temple and in three dayes I will reare it vp C. This is an allegoricall kinde of speache and somewhat harde to be vnderstande the which Christ vsed because hée iudged them vnworthy of a manifest aunswere M. Hée could haue shewed vnto them by and by an argument of his Diuine aucthoritye if Diuine signes might haue serued to ostentacion which were ordained for the health of mankind But because they demaunded this question of a malicious minde and not to learne but to cauill hée doth not aunswere vnto theyr question plainlye but obscurelye and he offereth vnto them a verye great signe and the most certaine of all other but knowne onelye to the faithfull Rom. 1 that is to saye the resurrection by the which he was declared to bée the sonne of God The which signe as yet not come was not knowne to the vnbeléeuing Iewes C. This is that therfore which he saith in another place that hée speaketh in parables vnto them which can not comprehende the secréete misteries of the kingdome of heauen Math. 13 First of all therefore hée denyeth to geue vnto them a signe which they required eyther because it shoulde haue béene vnprofitable or else because he knewe the due time was not yet come Neuerthelesse he affirmeth that his power shall be ratified and confirmed by no smal signe least they should therevpon take some colloure of excuse R. Euen as in another place he gaue vnto them the signe of the Prophete Ionas
one that is borne of the spirite The winde bloweth B This is an explanation of those things which went before But there are some which vnderstande these thinges not of the winde but of the holy Ghost because the Hebrue word Ruah signifieth eyther of them CHR. Other some a grat deal better vnderstand the same which say that the similitude is taken of the wind doe thus apply it to this present place The force of this winde is felt but the originall and cause thereof is not knowne C. But howsoeuer we wrest the scence of Christ let vs holde fast this that Christ borroweth this similitude of the order of nature Nicodemus thought that incredible which hée had hearde of regeneration and of a newe life because his capacitie coulde not reache vnto the same Christ to take from him this scruple or doubt teacheth that the wonderful power of God is to be séene in the corporal life the reason wherof is hid For al men drawe the vitall spirite out of the ayre Euen so the agitation or moouing of the ayre is felt notwithstanding from whence it commeth or whyther it goeth wée know not Yf in this frayle and momentanye lyfe God dealeth so mightelye that wée are constrayned to woonder at his power what an absurde thing is it in the celestiall and supernaturall lyfe to measure his secret worke by the apprehension and capacitie of our mind insomuch that wée will beléeue no more than appeareth Euen so Paule when hée inueyeth against those which therefore reiect the doctrine of the resurrection because it seemeth impossible that the bodye which is now subiect to putrifaction shoulde be blessed with immortality when it is brought to nothing and consumed to dust reprooueth their dulnesse because they consider not the like power of God in the séede Wheate ●or 15 Psal 104 For the séede doth not growe vntill it hath suffred putrifaction This is euen the same wonderful wisdome of God of the which the Prophet Dauid cryeth out in his Psalme Therefore they are to grosse and dull whiche being taught by the common order of Nature haue no farther respect to know that the power of God in the spiritual kingdome of Christ is far more mighty and woonderfull He sayth It bloweth whyther it listeth not because the winde hath properlye a will but bicause the agitation and whirling thereof is frée and diuers For the ayre is one while caried this waye another while that waye M. And this is no vnwoonted phrase of speache by which humaine scence séemeth to be giuen to thinges without lyfe So is euery one that is borne of the spirite C. Hereby our Sauiour Christ declareth that the mocion of the holye Ghost and the power of the same maye be as well discerned in the renouation and regeneration of man as wée may perceyue and féele the motion of the ayre and winde in this terrestrial and externall life but yet that the maner howe is hidden from vs and therefore that wée are ingratefull and too to wicked if wée doe not adore and magnifie the incomprehensible power of God in the heauenly life of the which hée hath in this worlde sette before vs so liuelye a vewe and also if wée attribute lesse vnto him in restoring to vs our soules health than in defending the state of our corporall lyfe The application shall be more plaine and manifest if wée thus resolue the wordes of our Sauiour Suche is the power and efficacie of the holy Ghost in a man regenerate PAR. For the spirite of God transformeth and chaungeth mens mindes by secret inspirations The power and effect thereof is felte woonderfull and yet notwithstanding the action of the same is not discerned with the eyes And they which are thus regenerate are not now led with the humaine or fleshly spirite but with the spirite of God which quickeneth and ordereth all thinges Bv. Insomuch that the Apostle feeling the force therof sayth Galat. 2.20 I liue yet nowe not I but Christ liueth in mee And although the inwarde grace of the spirite haue the preheminence in regeneration yet notwithstanding let no good man reiect the preaching of Gods worde by which fayth is planted For it is that immortal incorruptible séede by which men are borne againe to lyfe nor the prayer of the faythfull by which the saintes desire to haue fayth giuen and increased nor baptisme by which wée are sayde to be purged and washed from our sinnes 9. Nicodemus aunswered and sayde vnto him How can these thinges bee B. The houre was not yet fully come in the which Nicodemus shoulde be fully taught all thinges concerning the holye Ghost At the first when he thought that Christ spake of a carnall regeneration hée obiected the impossibility of the same After that when hée vnderstoode that hée spake of another manner of Natiuitie than of that which is carnall as of the Natiuitie by water and the spirite the which was declared vnto him by a similitude hée woondereth as one amazed demaundeth howe these thinges can bée C. Wée sée therefore what specially let hindered Nicodemus Whatsoeuer hée heareth he counteth woonderfull because hée is not able to comprehende it Euen so there is no greater hinderaunce vnto vs than our owne arrogancie because in déede wée alwayes seeke to bée more wise than néedeth and therevpon thorow a diuilish disdaine wée reiect all that our reason cannot comprehende As though it were méete that the vnspeakeable and incomprehensible power of God ought to be restrayned to so straite a measure Wée may after a sorte enquire of the order and maner of Gods workes so that it be done soberlye and reuerentlye But Nicodemus by this demaunde reiecteth that which hée béeléeueth to be impossible as a fable M. And it is not without cause that the Euangelist so dilligentlye putteth downe vnto vs the dulnesse and scencelesnesse of Nicodemus in matters deuine and appertayning to saluation For wée haue in this man some proofe of that which Christ spake before set before vs namelye that it is impossible for anye man to sée the kingdome of God except hée be borne againe Bv. For Nicodemus being so notable a Clarke béeing blinde and ignoraunt after so great light because he was not borne againe sayth How can these thinges bee Whereby it appéereth that he was so amazed at the doctrine of the kingdome of Christ that hée was not onelye ignoraunte of the matter it selfe but also was not able to comprehende the declaration of the same as it was propounded by christ in plaine wordes Euen so at this daye wée sée learned and wise men to be quite sencelesse and foolishe when they come to comprehend the doctrine of Christes kingdome It is no meruaile therfore if they which are the Ministers of the truth doe not by and by perswade euerye one to whome they preache when as Christ with his woordes coulde not at the first perswade Nicodemus But the faulte was not in Christ the teacher but
which he sawe to bée wrought by Christ for he saw him to be suche a one as healed all men that were sicke but in that hée prayeth him to goe downe to Capernaum it belongeth to imbecillity a Childishe faith as though Christ coulde not restore to health by his worde onelye or by the breath of his mouth Such weakenesse of fayth wée maye beholde in another place in the Disciples of Christ For when the Shippe was ouerwhelmed with Waues they beléeued that Christ was able to saue them but not except hée were awake for hée slepte and they awooke him Math. 8. saying Lorde saue vs wee perishe C. This man therefore had conceyued no other thing than that hée was a Prophete sent of GOD with this commaundement and commission that hée should proue and declare him selfe to bée the seruaunt of GOD by shewing myracles M. Hee requesteth that Christ would goe downe with him and heale his Sonne 2. King 5.11 So Naaman the Syrian trusted that Elyzeus woulde haue come downe to him and haue touched the place of the Leprosie with his hande and standing woulde haue called on the name of his GOD Christ imagined of the people to be but a Prophete Math. 16.14 Math. 22.46 and so haue healed him And this Fayth whiche imagined Christ to bée a certayne Prophete in the beginning was in many men as maye appeare by the aunswere whiche Peter made vnto Christ This also was the first opinion that the Woman of Samaria had conceyued of Christ the which notwithstanding the Lord contempned not but so increased the same that not onely shée but also many of her Cityzens knewe him to bée Christ the Sauiour of the world Euen so here hée whiche doeth not quenche the smoking Flaxe Esai 42.3 Mat. 12.20 enlargeth and helpeth the Rulers faith 48. Then sayd Iesus vnto him Except ye see sygnes and wonders ye wyll not beleeue M. In that the Lorde here vseth the plurall number saying Except ye see signes and wonders ye wyll not beleeue C. hée séemeth generallye to reprehend all the Iewes because they were to desirous of Myracles M. As if hée should saye Howe long are ye so harde harted to beleeue the trueth and by a true faith to embrace the kingdome of GOD which is Preached vnto you that yée wyll not beleeue at all except ye bée constrayned thereunto by signes and wonders Theyr fayth and trust is acceptaple vnto mee which beleeue my bare worde confirmed by no Myracles you beleeue not mée except ye sée signes and wonders M. All they haue this disease of distrust whiche followe the iudgement and wisedome of humane reason rather than the Oracles of God For such is humane reason that except it bée conuinced by euident signes and perswaded by vndoubted argumentes it wyll not beléeue And this is the very same which Paul sayeth The thinges that belong vnto God i. Cor. 2.14 seeme foolishe to worldlye wisedome and are not vnderstoode Wherevppon the Apostle exhorteth vs to become fooles that is to saye beléeuers to vnderstande them For except they bée beléeued they shall not bée vnderstoode But with this disease were both Iewes and Gentiles infected Concerning the Iewes this place speaketh and also the thyrtye and nine verse of the twelfth of Mathew Concerning both Iewes and Gentiles the Apostle sayth The Iewes require signes and the Greekes wisedome i. Cor. 1.21 that is to saye both are distrustfull and beléeue not the woord of GOD in the cause of the kingdome of GOD where fayth is requyred requyring certayne perswations of signes and argumentes C. But howe commeth it to passe that Christe is so sharpe nowe who was wonte gentlye to receyue others which desyred Myracles as wée maye reade here and there of diuers blinde and lame personnes Hée had then verylye some certaine reason which is hydde from vs why he dealt more seuerelye with this man than he was wont to doe with others And peraduenture hée had not so muche respect vnto this man as hée had to the whole Nation He sawe that his Doctrine was litle estéemed and not onely neglected but vtterlye despised all men depending vpon Myracles and being rather amased than wondering at them Incredulitye a detestable vice Therefore that wicked contempte of Gods worde which commonly raigned in them caused him to make this complaint M. For moste detestable is this vice incredulitye by which men refuse to beléeue the worde of God except they bée dryuen therevnto by signes Verye true it is that some of the Fathers in old tyme haue wished a confyrmation by signes least they shoulde doubte of the trueth of the promises we sée also that GOD was not offended with theyr desyres as we maye reade of Gedeon Iudg. 6.7 Esa 38.22 of Ezechias and of others C. But Christ noteth here a farre greater wickednesse For so the Iewes depended vpon Myracles that they had no regarde vnto the worde of God So that all theyr Religion all theyr knowledge of God and all theyr Godlinesse was in myracles R. But that is no true fayth which is conceyued eyther of myracles of signes or wonders For myracles are onely seales and witnesses Therefore they doe not make him which is vnbeléeuing a true beléeuer but they doe confyrme him which is fyrst a beléeuer in his fayth C. They therefore at this daye greatlye offend which crye saying Let vs first sée miracles and then wée wyll geue eare to this Doctrine as though the truth of Christ ought to bée so base in our eyes vnlesse it haue some other stay But although god should heape vppon them an innumerable sort of myracles yet notwithstanding they lye when they saye they wyll beleeue Exod. 5. Ioh. 12.37 There woulde aryse a certaine externall admiration but there woulde followe neuer a whit the more attencion to Doctrine The which wée may plainely behold in Pharao and in the Iewes For the woorde of the Lorde abydeth for euer If they wyll not heare Moyses and the Prophetes Luk. 16.31 neyther wyll they beleeue though one should ryse againe from the dead It is no maruayle therefore if the Lorde doe first of all séeke to cure the diseased Father with distrust before hée restore his Sonne to health For they are more daungerous sicke which are sicke in mynde and ought rather to bée healed then they which are sicke in bodye A. Christ therefore doeth the office in déede of a Byshop of a Pastor and of the Sheepheard of our Soules 49. The Ruler sayeth vnto him Syr come downe or euer that my Sonne dye Because this Ruler was whollye occupyed in minde to delyuer his Sonne from perryll of death hée aunswereth nothing but rather vrgeth the Lorde to make haste before his Sonne geue vp his soule Fatherlye care and affection M. We sée therefore in him first an Image of the affection of Fathers towarde theyr Children by which euerye Father naturallye desyreth the sauing health of his Children the
Lorde declareth that it is no straunge thinge to hym that the Capernaites séeing did not sée and beléeue in him He came for no other cause into this worlde than for their sakes whome the Father had ordained to euerlasting lyfe and had deliuered to him to be saued and he is most sertainly sure of this that they shall come to him and that he will reiect none of them but will willinglye imbrace euerye on of them but as for other he will not regarde them And thus he sheweth the cause why the Capernaites did not beléeue in hym namely because they were not geuen to hym of the Father C. Therefore lest theyr vnbeléefe shoulde derogate any thing from his doctrine he sayth that the cause of so greate obstinacie is for that they are reprobates and none of the flocke of Christ For this purpose therfore he putteth a difference betwene the elect and the reprobate that the aucthoritie of his Doctrine might stande neuerthelesse although many beleued not the same For the wicked do detracte from the worde of God and doe esteeme the same as nothing because they are not touched with the reuerence thereof and a great many weake and ignoraunt men doe doubte whether that be the word of God or noe which is reiected of the most parte of the worlde For this stumbling blocke Christ prouideth when he denyeth those to be his which beleue not If to suche the trueth of God be vnsauory it is no marueyle but all the children of God imbrace the same First of all we gather oute of thys place that the benefite of faith commeth of the free gift of God the Father not of humaine strengthe Whomesoeuer the father hath geuen to the sonne come to the Sonne C. Therefore faith is not in the wil of men that this or that man may beléeue without exception Fayth is the gift of God as it were by chaunce but God choseth them whom he delyuereth to the Sonne as it were from hand to hande For when he saith All that is geuen we maye gather that all are not geuen Moreouer we gather that GOD doeth worke in his elect with so greate efficacy of the Spirite that none of them do fall awaye from him For this worde of geuing is as muche as if Christe had sayde those whome the Father hath chosen he doth regenerate and addicteth them to me in the obedience of the Gospell Bv. They therefore which beleeue beleeue through the grace of God but they which beleeue not haue to accuse their owne wickednesse and not to finde fault with God Saluation commeth through grace Those whome the father will haue saued he geueth to the Sonne and the Sonne receiueth them And the father geueth when he driueth frameth the wills and affections of men and geueth them power and strength to beleue the word and miracles of the lord Christ The sonne receiueth when he frendly entertayneth all those that come to him and ioyneth them to him selfe And this is the meaning of the Apostle when he sayeth Rom. 8.30 Those whome he hath predestinate he hath called and whome he hath called he hath iustified and whome he hath iustified he hath also glorified M. Furthermore we must noat that Christ speaketh heare not according to that dyuine maiestie and excelency of the eternall worde to the whiche nothinge can be geuen that it hath not but accordinge to the dispensation of the mediation reconcilliation and humayne redemtion whiche he had taken in hande For the Father hath geuen to his Sonne as to a mediator Reconcilor Redéemer out of that sinfull multitude of mortall men those to be sauid whome he hath chosen to lyfe from euerlasting A Wee haue already shewed what it is to come vnto Christ M. For we must not vnderstand that whiche he here speaketh of euery one which commeth vnto hym for the vnbeléeuing Capernaites came vnto him whome notwitstandinge the Father had not geuen to him otherwise they had beleued in him but he speaketh of those which come to him as to the breade of lyfe and to the knowne Sauioure reuealed by the Father Concerning those I saye he saith And him that cometh to me J cast not awaye C. The whiche also partayneth to the consolation of the Godly that they maye be sure that they haue free accesse vnto Christ and shall be gently receyued so soone as they commit them selues to his faith and charge Wherevpon it foloweth that the doctrine of the Gospell shal be helthfull to those that are the children of God because no man offereth him selfe to be a disciple vnto Christe but he whiche feeleth hym and hath experience that hée is a faithfull teacher A. This place therefore agreeth with that whiche wée shall see hereafter Ioh. 18.47 He whiche is of God heareth Gods worde therefore ye do not heare because ye are not of god Agayne Ioh. 10.26 My sheepe heare my voyce and followe me therefore ye doe not beleeue Acte 13.48 because ye are none of my sheepe M. For we reade that they beleeued the word so many as were ordayned to euerlasting lyfe B. They therefore whiche are abiectes to the worlde and are despised as duste maye be of good courage For Christe will louingly receiue them if so be they come to him in faith For he casteth none awaye that come to him in faith he preserueth his to the ende Ioh. 10.18 they shall neuer perish M. For they are Citizens with the Saintes and of the housholde of God wherfore they can neuer be excluded out of the kingdom of God But seing it is knowen to God alone who they are that are geuen to Christe to be sauid and who not Ephe. 2 for the Lorde knoweth who are his yet notwitstanding no man canne be ignoraunt whether he commeth vnto Christe by fayeth and with a desier of heauenly grace 2. Tim. 2.19 or not For what can be more euident and manifest to our harte than that whiche oure harte most of all desiereth 2. Cor. 13.5 Whervpon the Apostle saith Trye and proue youre selues whether ye be in the Faith or no. Do ye not knowe youre selues whether Christe Iesus be in you So that we are made sure by that which is manifest concerning those things which are hidden from vs as whether the father hath geuen vs to the sonne and whether the sonne will cast vs away or no. If wée come to Chist no doubt we are geuen to him of the Father and we shall neuer be cast awaye B. But seeing none can be perswaded of these thinges but the electe that is to say such as are indewed with Gods Spirite and are regenerate who are so farre from being brought to security and slouth by the preaching of these thinges that nothing can so muche styrre them vp to the loue of God and to euery good worke it is playne ynough that they know not what they saye which affirme that these thinges ought not to
vnknowne to others was manifest to our Sauiour Christ The which the Euangelist noteth not so much because of Christ as for our sakes that wée might learne not to iudge but in such matters as are well knowne to vs For this which Christ is here sayde to knowe from the beginning is proper to his diuinitye Moreouer hée noateth it for our sakes Rash iudgement forbydde that wée which haue not the knowledge of mennes heartes might learne to suspende our iudgement vntyll suche tyme as impietye shall bewraye it selfe by externall signes and so the Trée may bee knowne by his fruite R. By this verse also hée doth fortifye the imbecillity of the Apostles against the offence which was to come by the treason of Iudas For it is a great offence and stumbling blocke to the weake when they which seeme to bee gods elect and chosen doe betraye Christ Wherefore doth he Prophesie long before that Iudas should fall awaye that they might confirme theyr Fayth and that they might not suspect the doctrine of Christ for the fall of some M. Therefore the Euangelist meant in this matter to wynne great estimation vnto Christ least hée might bée thought to bée ignoraunt of this wickednesse of him which shoulde betray him R. This place also teacheth the feare of GOD. For if the Lorde spared not the naturall braunches take héede that it come not to passe that hée doe not spare thée also M. Last of all Rom. 11.21 it is here to bée noated that there are certayne degrées of vnbeléefe and that one man in whome there wanteth Fayth maye bée more wicked than another Hée knewe sayeth the Euangelist who were not beleeuing and who it was that shoulde betraye him Hée maketh speciall mencion of the Traytour as of a man of most monstrous wickednesse Hée also was vnbeléeuing but his vnbeléefe was not without notable mallice Euenso at this daye there are many vnbeléeuers in the Churche but so that one of them doe farre excell another in examples of vnbeléefe Some of these vnbeléeuers are supersticious some Epicures othersome are notable Traytours insomuche that for gaines sake they are ready vnder the coolour of familliarity to betraye the Lordes truth the Church it selfe and all godlynesse 65. And he sayd Therfore sayde I vnto you that no man can come to me except it were geuen to him of my Father Bv. Againe hée repeateth the cause of Faith and of vnbeléefe They whiche are drawne of the Father beléeue but they which are not drawne of the Father beléeue not M. This hée sayde before to the multitude of the Iewes but here hée teacheth that his Doctrine is generall and appertayning to all those which are voyde of fayth and come not to the Sauiour These Disciples came vnto Christ corporallye and corporally followed him and for this corporal cleauing vnto him were counted for his Disciples and they agayne for theyr partes woulde séeme to bée his Disciples But howe they dyd followe him and cleaue vnto him in spirite whiche belongeth to all true Disciples it is already declared C. Hée sheweth therefore that Fayth is a verye rare and singular gyft of the spyrite of GOD least wée shoulde maruayle that the Gospell is not generally receyued of all men for the most part For wée haue the lesse estimation of the Gospell because all the worlde obeyeth not the same for it commeth into our mynde howe it can come to passe that the greatest part of the world should wyllinglye reiect theyr owne saluation Christ therefore sheweth the cause why the number of the Faithfull is so fewe namelye because no man of him selfe commeth to the Father for all men are blynde vntyll they are illuminated by Gods holy Spyrite they therefore are partakers of so great a benefite vppon whome the Father bestoweth the participation of his spyrite For if all men had this grace the making mencion of the same in this place should be out of tyme and farre from the purpose For wée must noate the purpose of Christ which is to shewe howe that many beléeue not the Gospell because fayth groweth not but by the séecréete reuelacion of the spirite A. But this verse is more at large expounded before C. But hée vseth here this woorde Geuen for Drawne to declare that there is nothing to moue God to drawe vs vnto him but his frée grace and mercye For that which wee haue by the gift and grace of God commeth not by our owne industrye 66. From that tyme many of his Disciples vvent backe and walked no more with him Bv. Nowe are ioyned to the former disputacion notable examples of suche as eate the fleshe and drinke the bloode of Christ and of suche as eate it not For those which are starters awaye from Christ do neyther eate nor drinke Christ because they want faith but the eleuen Disciples doe truelye eate and drinke For they doe beléeue in the Lord Iesus whome they doe confesse with a strong and liuelye faith M. Therefore wée sée no straunge or vnwonted thing come to passe when many doe fall awaye from the kingdome of Christ séeing that here it is sayde that many Disciples forsooke Christe him selfe Mat. 13.20 A lyuelye discription of this matter is set before vs in the Parrable of the séede which fell vpon stony ground R. Mannes nature followeth Christ so long as hée hath any hope to bée rewarded but his hope being once frustrate hée goeth awaye and forsaketh Christ C. But this is a horrible monster that so gentle louing inuitacion coulde withdrawe the mindes of so many speciallye of such as had before geuen theyr names vnto him and were his familliar Disciples But this example is set before vs as it were in stéede of a glasse in the which wée maye beholde howe great the wickednesse and ingratitude of the worlde is whiche taketh occasion to stumble euen in the very fayre and plaine way that it might not come vnto Christ That therefore which was foreshewed concerning Christ Esai 8.14 ought then to haue béene considered in his doctrine and now also hée must bée dayly a stoane of offence For here could neuer bée such dilligent taking héede but that the Doctrine of Christ must néedes bée to many an occasion of offence because the reprobats being ordayned to destruction do sucke poyson out of most wholsome meate and gaule out of Hony The Sonne of GOD truelye obserued that which was profitable and yet notwithstanding we sée that hée offended many of his Disciples Therfore howe muche so euer many doe abhorre the pure doctrine yet neuerthelesse they maye not suppresse the same onelye let the teachers of the Churche remember the admonicion of Saincte Paule 2. Tim. 2.15 that the worde of GOD is rightly an offence and they shall ouer stride all stumblyng blockes voyde of feare M. Moreouer Saint Iohn sayth in his Epistle They went out from vs but they were none of vs ● Ioh. 2 i9 For if they had been
holde of his hande when hée reacheth the same vnto vs hée will leade vs vnto his Father and so long as wée shall bée Pilgrimes in this worlde hée will not onely shewe himselfe to bee nere vnto vs but will also for euer dwell within vs. But if wée neglect his presence hée looseth nothing thereby but wée loase his presence whereby wée shall be left without God and lyfe 34. Yee shall seeke mee and shall not finde mee and where I am thither can yee not come C. This is a gréeuous threatning against the mockers and contemners of hys trueth They sought to kill Christ but Christ here in an ambiguous and darcke signification of the word derideth them because shortelye it woulde come to passe that they should séeke him after another manner namelye to finde some helpe and comfort in theyr miserye and destruction As if hée shoulde saye Yée cannot suffer and abide my presence for a little time but it will shortelye come to passe that yée shall séeke mée in vaine because I being farre from you not onelye in bodye but also in power will looke for your destruction from heauen R. For there are greate calamities hanging ouer your heades yée shall perish boath in body and in soule Then in desire of the Messias yée shall lift vp your handes vnto heauen then you shall crye vnto God and hée shall not heare you C. For here the sorrowfull sig● of the wicked are noated when as they béeing constrayned by necessitye flée vnto God But then also séeking they doe not séeke for their vnbeléefe and hardenesse of heart doth driue them from God They would desire God to bée theyr deliuerer but by theyr impenitencie and hardenesse of hearte they kéepe backe theyr deliueraunce Example hereof wée haue in Esau Gen. 27. ● who for the losse of his birthright was not onelye sorrowfull but also outragious angerye but in the meane time hée was so farre from the right waye of séeking benediction that the same offended him and vexed hym much more Thus God is woont to take vengeaunce one the reprobate fer their contempt of hys grace that eyther they being afflicted with sharpe punishments or helde with the féeling of theyr miserye or being driuen into some straightes complaine crye and howle but without profite because they being alwayes lyke vnto themselues retayne theyr former wickednesse and therefore doe not truelye séeke God Therefore the wicked shall at the length know Christ Vengeance for the contempt of Christ and wishe for saluation of him but in vaine euen then when deserued vengeaunce lighteth vppon him This vengeaunce the Iewes felt often but especially when they were destroyed by Titus then they woulde haue séene but one daye of the Sonne of man and woulde willinglye haue imbraced his worde but all to late C. Hereby wée learne that Christ must be receyued in time when hée standeth before vs as present lest wée loase the occasion to enioye him because the gate being once shut Mat. 25.10 wée shall séeke to enter in vaine And the Prophet sayth seeke the Lorde while hee maye be founde Esay 55.6 call vppon him while hee is nigh Therefore wée must runne to GOD wyth spéede while it is his good pleasure Esay 49.8 as sayth the same Prophet because wée knowe not how long the Lorde wyll suffer our sluggishnesse 35. Then sayde the Iewes among them selues whither will he goe that wee shall not fynde him will he goe vnto the dispersed among the Gretians and teache the Gentilles Bv. The grosse Iewes not vnderstanding those greeuouse threatninges of the Lorde construe his wordes I cannot tell howe C. For this the Euaungeliste addeth to shewe howe great the dulnesse of the people was Euenso the wicked are not only deafe to heare the worde of God but also make a ieste and scorne of horrible thretninges euen as yf they heard a tale or some vayne thing Christ had very expresly spoken of the Father by name but they staye them selues and haue only respect to the earth neyther doe they thinke that he spake of any thing else than of his going into a straunge countrie Will he go vnto the dispersed among the Greekes R. By the dispersed here among the Grecians maye bée meant the Israelites C. that we maye vnderstande that Christ came not to the vncircumcised but to the Iewes whiche were dispersed through diuers partes of the worlde For this worde dispersed will not aptly agrée and appertayne to those that were borne and doe inhabite their natiue countrie but it doth very well appertayne to the Iewes whiche are ronagates and banished men So Peter writeth his firste Epistle to those that were despersed throughout Pontus Galacia Cappadocia Asia and Bithinia And Iames saluteth the twelue tribes which were dispersed The which manner of speach was taken out of Moyses and the prophetes Therefore the sence and meaning of these wordes is this R. Will he goe to those other Iewes which dwell not in this Region but in Gréece Will he goe ouer the Sea to the Iewes whiche dwell we wote not where It maye be that they went aboute to vexe our sauiour Christ with this mock If this be messias will he establishe the seate of his kingdome in Gréece when as the Lord hath assigned the Lande of Canaan for the same But howesoeuer they meane we sée that they are nothing mooued with the seuere threatning of Christe Moreouer concerning these dispersed Iewes the Euaungelist hath spoken in hys twelueth Chapter the twentie verse The exposition of the thirtie sixe verse following is included in this thirtie fiue verse 37. In the laste daye that greate daye of the feaste Iesus stode and cryed saying If any man thirste let him come vnto mee and drinke B. This last daye was the eyght daye of the feaste of Tabernacles which was the Principall daye on the which it is lykely that the greater nomber of people did assemble them selues together and came into the temple where Iesus taught C. Let vs noate that Christe was not so terrefyed by any of the conspiracies of the Iewes that he forsooke his office but as his perilles increased so did his fortitude and courage encrease that he might still more bouldly go forwarde This thing boath the circumstaunce of the tyme and the assemblie of people and the bouldnesse in crying doe testifie For it is lykelye that then the seruantes and souldiers which were sent forth to take him were ready to laye handes on hym Bv. Therefore in the greatest assemblies and in the moste daungerouse perilles Iesus commeth fourth in the middest and with a constant mynde geueth Testimony to the trueth teaching by his example what is the office of the seruauntes of Christe and of the ministers of Churches C. Furthermore we must noate that he withstoode their violent rage which were of greate force by the mightie power and defence of God only Bv. He stoode constantly to defende a seriouse and moste graue matter appertayning
hath opened and reuealed to vs the hydden treasures of God They are worthy therefore to perishe miserablye who being called gently and louingly of Christ wander else where Out of his bellye shall flowe Riuers Bv. By this hée meaneth the plenty and abundaunce of al giftes and good works C. For in him he teacheth is stoare and sufficient to fyll vs. The Metaphor in shewe séemeth harde when hée sayth that Ryuers of water of lyfe shal flowe out of the bellye of the faithfull notwithstanding the scence and meaning is plaine inough that the beléeuing shall neuer want any spyrituall goodnesse Hée calleth that the water of lyfe which in springing shal neuer decrease or waxe drye as is sayde before The bellye of the inwarde man is the conscience of the heart And by floodes hée meaneth the manifolde Graces of the Spyrite which are necessary to the spyrituall life of the Soule To bée short here is promised vnto vs as well the perpetuity of the giftes of the spyrite as the plentye of the same 39. But this spake he of the Spyrite which they that beleeue on him should receyue for the holye Ghost was not yet there because Iesus was not yet glorifyed But this spake hee M. Because the woordes of Christ were to the ignoraunt obscure and darke as Parabolicall therefore it séemed necessarye to the Euangelist to expound the same C. The name of water is sometyme geuen to the Spirite because of cleanesse because it belongeth vnto him to purge our fylthinesse but in this place and in such lyke there is not al one manner of speache and that because we are voide of all humour moystnesse of life vntil such time as the spirite of god doth water vs with his spiritual and heauenlye dewe And here is a figure called Synecdoche because all the partes of life are comprehended vnder this one worde of water whereby also wée gather that whosoeuer are not regenerate by the spirite of Christ are to bée counted for dead men although they séeme to them selues to haue lyfe For the holye Ghost was not yet M. These wordes shewe the cause wherefore it was sayde VVhich they should receyue and not rather VVhich they that beleeue haue receyued Because sayeth hée The holye Ghost was not as yet Bv. Hée speaketh not here of the essence of the holye Ghost which is coequall and coeternall with the Father and the Sonne M. For it is written By the worde of the Lorde the Heauens were made and all the powers of them Psal 33.6 by the breath of his mouth And the whole Scripture of the olde Testament doeth testifye no lesse of him than of Christ the worde of God Neyther doth hée speake simplye concerning his working and giftes in the faithfull as though before Christ was gloryfied the holye Ghost dyd not worke in the mindes of the Godlye as well in the tyme of the olde Testament as of the Newe when as he manifestlye declared himselfe in the Prophetes in the Patriarkes in the Godlye Kinges and in all those godlye men which began to cleaue vnto Christ whether they were Apostles or others that many wayes C. But the Euangelist doeth deny that the same grace of the spirite which after the resurrection of Christ was shed out vppon 〈◊〉 was openlye geuen so long as Christ was in this worlde vnder the hum●●● base forme of a seruaunt And hys forsaketh comparatiuelye as when the new Testament is set against the olde God promiseth his spirite to the faythfull as if hée had neuer geuen the same to the Fathers Then verilye the Disciples receiued the first fruites of the spirite for whereof came Fayth but of the Spirite R. And dyd not the Apostles cast out Deuelles by the power of the holye Ghost and confesse Christ to bée the Sonne of GOD before the Crosse And the confession of Fayth is a worke of the holye Ghost and not of fleshe C. Therefore the Euangelist doeth not deny but that the grace of the Spyrite was geuen before the death of Christ to the Children of God but hee affirmeth that the same was not yet so manifest and euident as it should bée afterwarde For this is the principall ornament and bewtye of the kingdome of Christ that hée gouerneth his Church by his holye spyrite But hée tooke then the iust and solemne possession of his kingdome when hee was exalted to the right hande of his Father It is no maruayle therefore if hée deferred the full exhibition of his Spirite vntyll that time Regeneration the feuite of the spirite But it may bée demaunded here whether hée meane the visible graces of the Spyrite or regeneration whiche is the fruicte of Adoption I aunswere The holye Ghost appeared which was promised at the comming of Christ in those visible gyftes as in a glasse notwithstanding properlye hée speaketh here of the power of the holy Ghost by which wée are borne againe in Christ and are made newe creatures 40. Many of the people therefore when they hearde this saying sayde Of● trueth this is the ●●●phete Bv. Here is repeate●● 〈◊〉 the truth of the Gospell is receyue●● the world For those thinges which hée had spoken euidentlye and plainlye made the multitude diuerslye affected in the which were both good and simple and also wicked and peruerse hearers C. Wherevpon some thinking one thing and some another there roase contencion among the people And there are reckened vp thrée sortes of hearers of Christ Thre sorts of hearers of Christ The first sort confessed Iesus to bée a true Prophete whereby wée gather that they dyd not abhorre his doctrine but howe light and friuolous this confession was it appeareth thereby that they alowing the teacher neyther vnderstoode nor felt what hée meant or spake For they could not trulye imbrace Christ as a Prophete but they must also acknowledge him to bée the Sonne of God and the aucthour of theyr saluation notwithstanding in this they doe well that they thinke some diuine power to bée in Christ which causeth them to reuerence him For being thus apte to bée taught they might easely haue attayned to Faith as is sayde in another place 41. But other sayde this is christ But some sayde shall christ come out of Galilee But other sayde C These dyd better which plainlye confessed Christ M. For they séeme to profite better in the doctrine of Christ than others and to bée better instructed and learned in the holye Scriptures than others Bv. For they acknowledge him to bée the true Messias promised before in the Lawe and the Prophetes which was a true confession For it comprehendeth the whole sum of al the Christian fayth and the Reuelacion thereof is sayde to depende not of fleshe and blood Mat. 16.17 but of the spyrite of God But some sayde shall Christ C. The thirde sorte resist being euyl and vnbeléeuing and corrupted with the Leuen of the Pharisees which do not onely thinke and speake otherwise than dyd the
C. Nowe followeth the ende and issue of all this platforme If anye man consider with himselfe what the kingdome of the Priesthood was at that time how great their madnesse and also how great their preperation and on the other part how naked bare vnprouided and destitude of all mans help Christ was there is nothing to be seene but destruction M. The Pharises and hye Prists conspired tegether consulted gaue commaundementes sent foorth Souldiers and yet for all that did not onely bringe nothinge to passe but also retourned home more troubled then before C. Therfore in that so stronge a conspiracy of it selfe came to nothinge and all they as waues of the Sea brake them selues with their owne violence and force who seeth not that they were scattered by the mighty hand of God Bv. For there is no counsaile against the Lorde Pro. 2● M. And this is a lyuely Image of those counsailes and assembles which are not gathered together in the Lorde Esa 4● A. For onely the counsell of the Lorde shall stande and his wyl shal be doone C. For the Lorde is neuer changed but is alway lyke hymselfe So that so often as he wyl he shall frustrate the deuises of his enemies who although they haue all thinges at hand are redy to bring their purpose to passe yet notwithstandinge shall departe with losse of their labour And we haue often times sene that whatsoeuer the enimies haue practized to destroye the Gospell hath bene by the wonderful grace of God by and by made frustrate and voyde M. And the knowledg of Christ more famouse and manifest to all men ❧ The eyght Chapter 1. JESVS went vnto mount Oliuet R THIS HISTOry concerning the adulterous woman contained betwen this and the twelue verse C. was not knowne to the Gréeks whervppon many thinke that it was borrowed from some other place and here inserted But because it hath bene alwayes receaued of the Lattine Churches and is found in the most auncient bookes of the Greeks and containeth nothing vnworthy of the Apostolicall spirite B. the same also maye be reade with great fruite R. Eusebius in his Ecclesiasticall Historye in the laste chapter of his thirde booke saith that the same is wrighten after the Hebrues But whatsoeuer he was that wright this story it was worthye to be kept from perishinge For it teacheth very notably that al men how righteous so euer they seeme to be in outward shewe are equalye and as much before the Iudgment of God vngodly and subiect to sinne as the manifest wicked Vnto mount Oliuet B. The Lorde being in Ierusalem often times went aside into this mountayne to praye and that moste commonly in the night for in the daye tyme he taught in the temple preaching vnto the people the grace of his heauenly Father Luk. 21.37 For there was no other thinge that became him better or was more profitable for men seeing the knowledge of the father and of him is euerlasting life Iohn 17.3 Concerning prayer and his going aside to praye reade the sixst verse of the sixst chapter of Mathewe 2. And early in the Morning he came againe into the temple and all the people came to hym and he sate downe and taught them And early in the morning M. The Euaungelist here commendeth vnto vs boath the diligence of the Lorde and of the people He sayth not simply he came agayne into the Temple but he sayth Early in the morning hee came againe into the Temple And hée noateth the dilligence of the people when he sayth And all the people came to him The Euaungelist Luke more plainly sayeth And all the people came to him into the Temple Luk. 21.38 to heare him Bv. Therfore let slouthful and ydell men be ashamed of their negligence to whome it is swéete and plesaunt to sléepe in the manifest daylight and doe seldome or neuer enter into the Church or Congregation of the Godly Let boath the teacher and the Disciple learne that the morning tyde is the moste apte and conuenient tyme to atchiue great matters and to laboure in deuine and holy thinges M. The Popishe Canons and monkes doe rushe early into their Temples but not with that minde to that end that Christ did Christ went to sée those Shéepe which he had begon to féede early in the morning but what these men séeke in theyr Temples the whole world knoweth And he sate downe and taught them Bv. He sheweth that the Churche hath not a more excelent Treasure than the doctrine of Godlynesse and that there is no Ministery or seruice in the Churche more acceptable than teaching Teaching most acceptable seruic to God In that Christe taught sytting the maiestie of his doctrine is expressed Howbeit wée reade not that he alwayes taught sitting as wée sawe in the seauenth Chapter going before the seauen and thirtie verse A. But it maketh no matter whether hée that teacheth sitte or stande so that hée bouldely preache vnto the people of God wholesome doctrine 3. And the Scribes and Pharisees brought vnto him a woman taken in adulterye and when they had set hir in the midest C. The Euaungelist meaneth that this matter was deuised among the Scribes and Pharises of set purpose to intrap and snare our sauiour Christ B They saw that the Lorde was wonderful pittifull gentle toward sinners and therefore they hoped that he woulde set this adulterouse woman at lybertye contrary to the Law of Moyses and so to geue vnto them occasion to be reuenged on hym as a breaker of Gods lawe C. Hée meaneth the Pharisées because they were principall in the order of the Scribes M But what was the cause why they brought the Adulterouse Woman aloane and not the Adulteror Leni 20.10 Deut. 22.22 séeing the Lawe was made as well for adulterouse men as for adulterous women that boath might be put to death It is not sertaine whether they tooke the man with the woman or no and if they did take them boath together why did they not aswel bring him as her but onely because they brought the woman aloane to the Lord for some euell purpose But if we behoulde the corruption of this present age we shall finde it moste euident that at this day whoremongars and adulterouse men escape frée for the moste parte and the women only are punished specially if the men be of anye countenaunce substaunce or greate parentage So that the weaker vessell is ponished and the strongar goeth frée Adultery ponished with death in the oulde Lawe This inequalitie the Lawe of God doeth not approue which appoynteth as well the man as the woman taken in adultery to be punished by death 4. They sayde vnto him Mayster this woman was taken in adultery euen as the deede was doing B. They salute hym by the name of mayster but with the same affection mind that they had Mat. 22.16 when they demaunded of him the question concerning tribute
pleased him and the wyll of his Father not because eyther Caiphas or Pilate constrained him Wherevpon it is sayd The Kinges of the earth stoode vppe and the Rulers came togeather against the Lorde and against his Christ And of a truth against thy holye Childe Iesus whome thou hast annoynted boath Herode and also Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles Acts. 4.27 and the people of Israell gathered them selues togeather for to doe whatsoeuer thy hande and thy counsayle determined before to bee done So all the Godlye are afflicted not because theyr aduersaryes can doe any thing by their owne power againste Godlye who are vnder the hande and most mightye protection of GOD but because so it pleaseth the wyll of theyr Father whiche is in Heauen the which wyll is executed by the wicked to theyr extreame destruction but to the greate profite of the Godly This commaundement haue I receyued M. Hée nowe openeth the well spring of his power namelye his Fathers commaundement And by this commaundement hée vnderstandeth that wyll of God and that eternall counsaile by which hée had determined to sende his Sonne into this worlde and to geue him to death for the redemption of mankind C. Of the which counsayle of the Father hée therefore putteth vs in minde that wée might knowe that hée hath so greate care of our saluation that hée hath geuen to vs his onelye begotten Sonne so deare and precious vnto him And Christe him selfe whiche came into the worlde to shewe him selfe obedient to his Father confyrmeth this that hée hath no other respect in all thinges than to doe vs good M. Therefore Christ in all thinges shewed him selfe obedient to his Father Herevppon it is sayde It is written in the volume of thy booke concerning mee that I shoulde doe thy wyll Psa 40.8 O my GOD I am content to doe it A. And hereafter hée sayth The Prince of this world commeth and findeth nothing in mee but that the world maye knowe that I loue the Father Iohn i4 i3 and as the Father commaunded me so I doe M. This is true obedience whiche dependeth not onelye of the déede but also of the diuine wyll 19. There was a discention therefore againe amonge the Iewes for these sayinges B. The more that Christ bewrayed his diuinitye the more euidentlye appeared the difference betwéene the electe and the Reprobate Bv. And as trueth and pietye is alwaye lyke it selfe so falsehood and impietye differeth not a strawe breadth from it selfe C. This was the fruite of the Sermon of Christ that he alwayes wonne some Disciples or other to him selfe but because his doctrine had many aduersaryes thereof came the contencion that they whiche at the first were as it were one bodye of the Churche might bée deuided among them selues For with one consent all menne professed that they worshipped the GOD of Abraham and that they followed the Lawe of Moyses Christ the hande of vnitie but now when Christ came among them they began to disagrée for his sake If so be that profession had béene true Christ which is the most excellent bond of Charitye and whose office it is to gather the dispersed togeather woulde not haue dissolued and broken theyr consent and agréement but by the lyght of his Gospel he bewrayed the hipocrisy of many who hauing onelye a false and counterfaite shewe boasted them selues to bée the people of God Contencions come by wicked men Thus also the wickednesse of many men in these daies bringeth to passe that the Church is troubled with dissentions and that contencions are so feruent in the meane tyme they which trouble the peace lay the blame vpon the professors of the Gospell calling them Scismatiks For for this cause speciallye the Godlye are offended at the Papistes because their doctrine hath shaken the quiete state of the Churche But if so bée they woulde peaceablye submitte them selues vnto Christ and would subscribe vtno the trueth all contencions troubles would strayte waye be appeased But seeing they frete and fume against Christ and wyll not suffer the Godlye witnesses of Christ to bée at reste except the trueth of God maye lye hyd and Christ maye be banished from his kingdome they falselye obiect the faulte of Scisme which all menne sée ought rather to be imputed vnto them Therefore we must alwayes consider and sée in Scismatikes who they he which depart from GOD and his pure doctrine M. And the Euangelist in saying that there arose a contencion again sendeth the readers to those things which he hath declared in the Chapters going before as in the seuenth and ninth Chapters Ioh. 7.43 Iohn 9.16 Bv. For there these verye same Iewes withstanding the manifest trueth doe cause no small troubles 20. And many of them sayde Hee hath the Deuell and is mad why heare ye him M. This Cauill also the aduersaryes of Christ vsed before C. They doe defame Christ with the most odious reproche that they can deuise that all menne might abhorre to heare him M. For they coulde not abyde that people should heare him with delyte and admiration for the whiche cause they went about to turne awaye the mindes of the simple from him that they might not heare him any more afterward C. So the wicked least they should bée constrained to geue place vnto GOD doe furiouslye contemne him and doe styrre vp others also to the lyke madnesse least that the wordes of Christ at any time shoulde bée hearde with silence and quietnesse But the doctrine of Christ is able sufficientlye to defende it selfe against all Cauilles M. These wicked ones are verye like vnto them which doe priuitye sclaunder the ministers of Christ least they should bée hearde 21. Other sayde These are not the woordes of him that hath the Deuell Can the Deuell open the eyes of the blinde Bv. They which loue the trueth constantlye defende the same M. and do defende Christ against the sclaunder of the wicked by twoo argumentes the first is by his founde and vnblameable doctrine the other is taken of the present power of his miracles For he which hath a Deuell can not hyde his madnesse but bewrayeth the same both by wordes and déedes For a man which is possessed with a Deuell can neyther speake nor doe those thinges which one that hath his wittes can doe C. That therefore which these good men saye is as muche as if they should require that iudgement might bée geuen according to the matter it selfe For trueth as we sayde before doeth alwaye sufficientlye defende it selfe And this is the onelye buckeler of our Fayth that the wicked can neuer bring to passe but that the power and wisedome of God shall shine in the Gospell R. Also this varietye of iudgementes concerning Christ is written for our learning that wée might learne the nature of this worlde For the world must bée iudged of Christ but beholde nowe it vsurpeth aucthority vnto it selfe to iudge Christ Howe greate therefore
had foreséene appointed But wée must noate that the simple and bare forknewledge of God was not the cause of these thinges howbeit here we must not haue so much consideracion of the foreknowledge of God as of iudgement and vengeaunce Neyther dyd God looke downe cōsider from heauen what men woulde doe but he pronounceth what he him selfe woulde doe namelye that he woulde stryke the wicked with blindnesse giddines that he might take vengeance vpon their wickednesse For here the inferiour cause is noated why God woulde haue his word which by nature is whoalsome to bée perillous and deadlye to the Iewes namelye for that they had so deserued by their wickednesse It was impossible for them to shonne this punishment when God had once determined to caste them into a reprobate scence and to turne the light of his worde into darkenesse For this latter Prophesye is vnlyke to the first in this because there the Prophete affirmeth that no other do beléeue than those whome God doeth illuminate according to his good pleasure the cause whereof doeth not appeare For séeing of right and equity all men are lost and dampned God maye according to his goodnesse saue whome he wyll from among the rest But here hée maketh mencion of the obduration by whiche GOD taketh vengeaunce vppon the wickednesse of an vnthankfull people Who so doe not obserue and consider these degrées doe confounde amisse dyuers places of the Scripture But we haue expounded this place of Esaias in our exposition vppon the thirtéene Chapter of Mathewe beginning at the fowretéene verse 41. Suche thinges sayde Esaias when hee sawe his glory and spake of him M. This the Euangelist addeth least any man shoulde saye To what purpose doest thou alleadge this place The Prophete spake of the men in his time and therefore they serue nothing to this purpose C. This cogitacion Iohn preuenteth plainly shewing that the Prophet was sent to bée a teacher not for one age but rather that the glorye of Christe was shewed vnto him that he might bée a witnesse of those thinges which shoulde come to passe vnder his raigne and kingdome For to what ende dyd the Propheticall Reuelations serue but onelye to delyuer as it were from hande to hand to others that which they had receyued from God And the Euangelist taketh this as graunted vnto him that Esaias sawe the glorye of Christ Wherevppon hee gathereth that hée applyed his Doctrine to the state of his kingdome whiche was to come A. As touching the time in the which the Prophete saw the glorye of Christ some referre it to that tyme in the which Vzias the King dyed Esay 6.1 For then the Prophete sawe the Lorde sitting vppon a high throane and the skyrtes of his cloathing filling the Temple the Seraphins standing vpon it euerye one hauing sixe winges with twayne hée couered his face and with twaine he couered his féete and with twaine he dyd flée And one cryed to another and sayde Holy Holy Holy is the Lorde of Hoastes the whoale worlde is full of his glorye By this vision the purpose of the Prophete was to shewe a vewe of the kingdome of Christ M. But this also maye be referred to that which is contained in the thrée and fiftye Chapter of Esai For then the Prophete sawe the glorye of Christ in the spirite when hée spake of the arme of the Lorde 42. Neuertheles among the chiefe Rulers also many beleued on him but because of the Pharisees they did not confesse him leaste they shoulde be excomunicate B. Because the Euangelist had spoken of the obstinacy of the Iewes because they could not beléeue on the Lorde hee doth very well ad this by which he doth shewe that all were not so reiected but that many of the Rulers also beléeued one the Lorde how be it they were but weake as yet and louers of the glory of this worlde C. A worthie example verely of the grace of God for impietie hauing once gotten the vpper hand is a certaine generall plague which by the contagion therof infecteth al the partes of the body Therefore it is the singuler gyfte of God when some remaine syncere amonge a corrupt people Howbeit the same grace of God is to be seene at this daye in the world For although impietie and the contempte of God doe abounde and although a great nomber goe about to banishe awaye quite the doctrine of the Gospell notwithstanding it shall finde some sanctuaries and receiuers And so it cometh to passe that Faith hath certaine resting places leste it should be quite driuen out of the worlde Faith cannot be bani●●● oute of 〈◊〉 worlde M. So in the time of Elias there semed to be almost none which worshipped the true God so that Elias was thoughte to remaine aloane when as notwithstanding there were seuen thousand men in Israell which had not bowed theire knee before Baall 1. King 19. C. This word Also betokeneth an Emphasys and vehemencye For Princes and Rulers for the moste part weare such deadly enemies and haters of the Gospel that it was incredible that some one among them should haue bene found faithfull The more wonderfull therefore is the power of the spirite of God who pearced in thether whether nothing else coulde come Howbeit this was not the wickednesse of one age onelye that the rulars were obstinate and rebellious against Christ For honour Ritches and dignitye haue alwayes Pride theyr handmayde Wherefore it is a harde matter to bring them to bee humble and lowlye in theyr owne eyes who being puffed vp with Pride and arrogancye scarcelye knowe them selues to bée men Whatsoeuer he bée that excelleth others in this worlde wyll not if he bée wyse trust vnto his mightinesse least the same be a let vnto him A. Iam. 1.10 Let him that is Ritche sayth Saynt Iames reioyce that he is brought lowe for hee shall passe awaye as a flowre of the fielde When he sayeth that there were many we must not so vnderstand the same as though the one halfe or the greater part of the Rulers beléeued for they being compared to others of whome there was a great multitude they were but a fewe but those same were a great many if they were considered in them selues But because of the Phariseis This the Euaungelist misliketh in them for that they did not bouldly cōfesse their faith C. And therewithall noateth howe greate the imbecilitie of faith was in them who were luke warme or rather key could For a true and liuelye Faith cannot bee deuided from Confession Faith and Confession linked together Rom. 10.10 For with the harte wee beeléeue to righteousenesse and with the mouth we confesse to saluation And it cannot bee that faith beeing once kindled in the hart shoulde not burne cast forth his flame Therefore the Euangelist geueth vs to vnderstand that these Princes imbraced the doctrine of Christ because they knew the same to be come from God but yet that
this faith was not liuely in them and not so vertuouse as it beecame the same because Christ geueth not vnto his Disciples the spirite of feare but the spirite of constancye insomuche that they dare bouldlye confesse that whiche they haue learned of him And although it is not likely that these men were quight dumbe yet notwithstanding because they made no true confession the Euaungelist simply denieth that they professed theyr fayth For this had bene true and lawfull confession to haue openlye geuen their name and professed Christ Wherefore let no man flatter himselfe which in anye parte hydeth and dissembleth his faithe leste he should incurre the displeasure and hatered of men For although the name of Christ be odiouse that feare is not excusable which maketh vs slide from the confession of his name though but the breadth of a heare Bv. A great number at this daye haue the very same disease that these Rulers had For they vnderstand the doctrine of trueth they know the lawful vse of the sacramentes that papistry is contrary to the doctrine of the Gospell and that in the papacy the Sacramentes are not ministred accordinge to the institution of the Lorde all these thinges they sée and knowe but yet neuertheles for feare and the loue of temporall thinges they communicate with the very same they haulte on both sydes and do not bouldly confesse the trueth All these men verely do greatly offende and ought not to be confyrmed in their errour to beleue that it is sufficient if so bee they retayne that which is true in their harte and do thinke well in their minde of the Gospell and in the meane time haue a lyking of these abhominations instituted against the word of God that is to saye they come vnto the masse not as to the masse but as vnto the Lordes Supper God hateth that hipocriticall dissimulation and loueth trueth and sinceritie Concerninge excommunication reade the ninth Chapter going before beginning at the .22 verse 43. For they loued the prayse of men more then the praise of God R. Thou mayest sée in this place the cause why fewe of the Rulers mightye men and wise men doe not sincerelye confesse the Gospell Because the Gospell bringeth with it the Crosse and the forsaking of earthlye goodes Nowe séeing the Rulers coulde not abide to forsake their tyranny and séeing it séemed foolishe to the wise men to resigne the wisdome of reasone to the bare and weake worde of the gospell it hath euer to come to passe that very fewe mightie and wise men truely confessed Christ According to the saying of Sainte Paule Behould your calling bretheren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mightie not many of high degre are called but God hath chosen the foolishe thinges of this world to confounde the wise C. The Euangelist laieth no supersticiō to these menes charge but onely sayth that they sought to auoyde the reproche and disprayse of men For yf so be ambition preuayled more with them than the feare of God it followeth that they were delyuered by a certayne light feare of concience Nowe let the readers noate how greatly God misliketh and condemneth theire feare who dissemble their faithe before men for feare of displeasure What worse thing can there be yea what can be more beastly than to preferre the vaine liking and commendation of men before the Iudgement of God And he pronounceth all those to be suche who forsake the displeasure of men when they should confesse a pure true faith and that iustely For the Apostell commending the inuinsyble constancie of Moyses Heb. ●i 27. saith that he endured euen as though he hadde séene him which is inuisible By which wordes he geueth vs to vnderstande that when a man fasteneth his eyes vppon God his harte will be inuincible more faste than an Adamant stoan Hervpon therfore commeth that cowardlines which maketh vs to fal to false dissimulation because wee haue wholy respect vnto this world For the sincere aspect and behoulding of God doth driue away all smoake and vanitie of ritches and honours It is not therefore a small and veniall offence as some imagine to deny Christ seeing the holy Ghost in this place sayth that those Rulers which confessed not Christe loued the prayse of men more than the glory of God Bv. And Christe himselfe sayth He which denieth mee before men shall be denied of mee before my Father which is in heauen Mat. 10.33 C. To loue the prayse of men in this place signifieth to desire to be in estimation and fauoure among men Therefore the Euaungelist meaneth that these Rulers were so addicted vnto the worlde that they rather desired to please men than God R. The prayse of men is to be counted honest good and wise the glorye and prayse of God is to be obiected contemned scorned crucified and to be cruellye slaine For by these meanes Christ entered into the kingdome of his Father and the Father by them was glorified in the worlde Hee therefore which preferreth the prayse of men before the glorye of God is vaine and miserable seeing the praise of men tendeth to reproache and shame but the glory of God bringeth to euerlasting lyfe 44. Iesus cryed and sayd Hee that beleeueth on me beleeueth not on mee but on him that sent mee M. All this place contayneth a serious and summarie declaration by which the Lorde maketh plaine protestation concerning himselfe and his dispensation as that hée doth not defende his owne cause that hée came not at his owne pleasure but that hée was sent of the Father that hée is the light of the world sent to doe good and not harme that hee spake nothing of himselfe and therefore that they which beléeue in him beeleéue not in him but in the father which sent him and that hee iudgeth not the vnbeleeuing but that they must be iudged by the word which he hath preached And by this his serious contestation hys purpose was in plaine wordes to gyue his last farwell to this blinde and obstinate people to lay the blame of vnbelefe vppon their owne heades and manifestlye to testefie of his righteousnesse and innocencie And this hee did not symply and in the eares of one or two but freely and with a lowde voyce which the Euaungelist noateth by these wordes Iesus cryed and sayde So did the saintes of God in olde time protest before the people shewing that they had omitted nothing Deut 32 1. Iosua 23.4 King 12 3. Act. 20.33 which pertayned to the office committed vnto them as Moyses Iosua Samuell and Paule B. Also the purpose of our sauiour Christ was by his example speaking of him selfe with so loude a voyce than the which nothing greued more the Pharises to incourag those fearfull Rulers which beleeued on him that with him they might dispise the Pharises in respect of God And that they might do this he bringeth a moste vrgent and stronge reasone affirminge that
Euen as the father bad me so J speake R. As if hée shoulde saye when I call my selfe the Well of lyfe the quickening breade the light of the worlde the resurrection and the life I speake these things because my Father so commaunded me to the ende that he which would drincke which woulde be filled which would sée rise againe and liue euerlastinglye might come vnto me and beléeue in mee A. For these things I speake that yée might attaine to euerlasting saluation through mée ❧ The .xiij. Chapter 1 Before the feaste of Passouer when Iesus knewe that hys hovvre was come that hee should depart out of this worlde vnto the Father when hee loued his which were in the worlde vnto the ende hee loued them Before the feast of Passouer B. THE other Euangelystes in this place bring in the Historie of the holy Supper And the whole misterye hereof was ordayned to thys ende that by the breade which wée breake and by the Cuppe which wée blesse we are made pertakers of the bodye and bloude of the Lorde and wherby also the Lorde doth more and more liue in vs and wee in him Therefore séeing Saint Iohn hath alreadie spoken of the Lordes wordes concerning the true perticipation of his bodye and bloude in his sixt Chapter hée omitteth here the narration of the Supper for the right of the Eucharist beganne long before to bee familier and well knowne to all Christians Pretermitting therefore those thinges which pertaine to the Eucharist C. and manye other thinges also which hée knewe were put downe by Mathew and the rest hée taketh in hande to intreate of that thing which they had omitted as of this stoarie concerning the washing of the Disciples When Jesus knewe that his houre was come M. The Euangelist writeth this to forewarne the Reader that hée thinke not that any of those thinges which hée shall reade in the Chapter following happened without the foresight and knowledge of Christ For he was ignoraunt of none of those thinges which he suffered A. Iudas verelye the Disciples not knowing of the same conspired with the Rulers and high Priestes to betray Iesus but the same was not vnknowen vnto Christ Wherevpon it is sayd hereafter And Iesus knowing all thinges that shoulde come on him went forth Therefore so often as the enemies of the truth shall practise any thing against vs lette vs committe all thinges vnto him who can prouide for vs and our matters well ynough That J shoulde departe out of this world C. This is a speach worthy to be noated for it is referred to the knoweledge of Christ that he knewe his death to bée a passage vnto the heauenlye kingdome of God Wherefore yf hée making hast thyther did not let to loue hys Disciples as he was wont there is no cause now why wée should think that his affection is altered And nowe séeing hée is the firste béegotten among the dead this difinition of death pertayneth to the whoale body of the Church because it is a passage vnto God from the which the faythfull are as yet pilgrimes M. Therefore let vs so think and speak of our death 2. Cor. 5.4 that we maye also call the same a passage out of this world vnto the Father Let vs consider who and what this world is and wée shall desyer the death of the body because by the same wée go oute of this worlde into a moste happy estate voyde of all trouble sorrowe affliction and payne It maketh very much to the purpose that he vseth this word father To goe out of this world which is a vale of miseries and full of wickednesse and so passe not to the worse but vnto the better and not simply to the better but to the father also is suche a notable benefite that the sonne of God béeing afflicted and oppressed in this world could wishe for nothing better Vnto the ende he loued them C. Although the Euaungeliste doeth hereafter more plainly declare to what ende Christ washed his Disciples feete yet notwithstanding heare hee beeginneth to shewe afore hande in one worde that by this signe he would haue his constant and euerlasting loue declared with the which hee once loued them that when they had lost his presence and company yet they might be sertainly sure that hee was not ouerwhelmed in death the which perswacion also ought nowe to cleane in oure hartes The wordes are that Christ had loued hys Disciples whiche weare in the worlde Wherefore although we seeme to bee farre of from Christe yet notwithstanding let vs knowe that hee behouldeth vs because hee loueth his that are in the worlde For there is no doubte but that hee nowe beareth the same affection toward vs which he retained euen at this verye poynt of death M. But the Originall roote and cause is in Christe him selfe and not in his Disciples If so be the cause of this loue had bene in the Disciples it had not continued to the ende It is necessary therefore that the same rest in Christ who loueth those that are his with vnspeable loue vnto the ende CYR. And verilye when hée mighte haue escaped the crueltie of the Iewes and the paine of the Crosse hee so loued his that he refused not to dye for the life of all men And that this is the most perfecte loue our Sauiour Christ him selfe testifyeth This is my commaundement that ye loue one another Ioh. 15.13 euen as I haue loued you Greater loue can no man haue than this that a man should geue his lyfe for his friendes 2. And when Supper was done and that the Deuell had now put into the heart of Iudas Iscariot Simons Sonne to betraye him M. There are some which thinke that it ought to be thus red And supper beeing prepared For it maye be doubted whether these thinges were done after Supper or in Supper time AVG. It is very likely that Supper was not fully ended that is to saye that the Table was not yet taken awaye séeing it followeth by and by that the Lord tooke a morsell of bread and offered the same to Iudas And that the Deuell had now put into the heart of Iudas C. This the Euaungelist hath added not only to shew the wonderful patience of Christ who voutsafed to washe suche a wicked and false Traytors féete but also that he sought occasion to vse that tyme in the which he shoulde finishe the laste acte of his lyfe béeinge nere vnto death And whereas he sayeth that Iudas went about to betraye Christ by the impulsion of the Deuell he doth it to expresse the crueltie and hainousenes of the fault For this was more then a horrible and tragicall facte in the which the efficacie of Sathan declared it selfe B. Insomuch that it maye séeme not to come from mans minde C. It is very true that man committeth no manner of euell wherevnto the Deuell doth not stirre him but as the offence is more detestable and haynouse so the furye of
in that hee maketh small account of the benefite already receiued For he speaketh as though he had receiued no remission of sinne and no sanctification of the spirite Therefore here also he is iustlye reprehended of Christ For he putteth him in minde of that which he had bestowed vpon him before howbeit vnder the person of one man hee also admonisheth all his Disciples that being mindfull of the grace receyued they doe consider what is néedefull for them as yet in time to come Fyrst of all he sayeth that the faithfull are wholye cleane not that they are cleane through euery part so that they shoulde no more haue any spotte in them but because they were cleansed in the speciall part the kingdome being taken from sinne that the kingdome of God might haue the right preheminence euen as if a man shoulde saye that the whole bodye is sounde because it is infected with no generall disease Therefore we must declare our selues to be the Disciples of Christ by newnes of lyfe séeing he preacheth him selfe to bee the aucthour of puritye in the Disciples of Christ Moreouer this other similitude also is brought to the present matter least the washing of féete should be reiected of Peter as vaine and absurd For as Christ washed from the head to the féete those whome he made his Disciples euenso in those whome he hath cleansed the lower part must be daylye purged For the children of God are not whollye regenerated the first daye that they should desyre nothing but heauenly life But haue rather the reliques of fleshe abyding in them with the which al their life tyme they haue a contynuall battel Therefore all the affections and cares of this lyfe are Metophoricallye called féete For if so be the spirite possessed all the partes of man we should haue nothing to do any more with the spottes of this worlde Ecles 3 5. Ephe. 4.22 A. But Christ shall alway finde matter in vs to purge For the which cause we are commaunded to mortifye oure members which are vpon the earth and to put of the olde man vntyll such time as we be throughly cleansed C. Here therefore Christ speaketh not of remission of sinnes but of renouacion the which Christ by lytle and litle and by continuall degrées deliuereth those that are his quite and cleane from the desires of the fleshe And ye are cleane but not all C. This proposition is as it were the Minor in the Silogisme Wherevppon it followeth that the washing of féete properlye becommeth them R. But howe are they cleane which a lytle after denyed Christ Wée sayde euen nowe that this must be referred to the sanctification of the spirite Verilye those that beléeue and are elected in the blood of Christ are alwayes cleane ● Ioh. 1.7 for the blood of Iesus Christe the Sonne of GOD doeth make vs cleane from all sinne but in them selues they are sinners ronneawayes and Apostatas AV. For the verye humane affections without the whiche we lyue not in this mortall lyfe are as it were féete when wee are affected with humayne thinges and we are so affected that if so bee we saye we haue no synne wée deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. Therefore he doeth dayly washe our féete who maketh intercession for vs and wee daylye confesse in the Lordes Prayer when we saye Forgeue vs our dettes as wee forgeue our detters that we haue néede to washe our féete that is to saye to dyrect the wayes of our spirituall treadinges But not all C. This exception is added to the ende euerye man might examine him selfe if peraduenture Iudas might bee touched with affection to repent Howbeit his purpose was to confirme and stay the rest of his Disciples aforehand least the cruell facte which should afterward appeare shoulde trouble them as if it had béene conceyued in a heauenlye heart indued with grace Notwithstanding vppon wyse consideration hee nameth no man least he should take awaye all occasion of repentaunce from him But seeing in déede he was past all hope of recouerye this admonicion serued onelye to encrease his faulte but it profited the Disciples verye muche because thereby the diuinity of Christ was the better knowne vnto them Furthermore they vnderstoode that puritye was not a common gyft of the holy ghost Bv. Wonderfull therefore was the méekenesse and gentlenesse of Christ Iesus who neyther bewrayed to others the knowne Traytour nor yet secluded her from the washing af his feete nor from the holy Supper nor yet from the Communion of his holye bodye and blood onelye hee pricked his wicked Conscience that so hee mighte repent after hee knewe that the Lord was not ignoraunt of his treason 11. For he knewe who it was that should betray him therefore sayde hee Yee are not all cleane M. The Euangelist sayeth not For he knewe who it was which beléeued on him but who it was that should betraye him Therefore this treason by which Iudas bytrayed his Lord was so filthy and vncleane that it cannot be in those which haue béene once washed He which is once washed of Christ although hee haue neuer so foule féete yet notwithstanding he is neuer so impure as to betraye Christ his purifyer Therfore so many as for money and filthye gaine sell Christ in the Church whether they bee Apostles or Apostolicall whether they bee Popes or Pontifical Priestes they are not of that nomber which hath béene once washed and are cleansed throughly but are whollye vncleane with Iudas the Traitour A. Concerning farther matter which appertainech to this place reade the seuentye verse of the sixt Chapter going before 12 So after hee had washed their feete and receiued bis cloathes and was set downe againe hee sayde vnto them wote ye what I haue done to you M. The Ceremony whith Christ vsed before his Disciples had béene to small purpose if so be he had ioyned doctrine to the same C. Wherefore hée nowe declareth to what ende hée washed his Disciples feete Nowe therefore he sheweth a reason of his doing and when hée sayeth VVote yee what I haue done vnto you M. he asketh not the same as doubtfull C. but sheweth that he hyd the same from his Disciples for a time that prouing their obedience hée might in time reueale that vnto them which afore was vnméete to bée known Neyther doth he staye tyll they demaunded the meaning of his déede but he preuenteth them him selfe The lyke shall happen vnto vs if so bée we suffer him to leade vs by the hande throughe vnknowne wayes 13. Yee call mee Maister and Lorde and ye saye vvell for so am I. M. The Lorde taking an argument of his Disciples wordes so teacheth them what they ought to doe that they cannot deny the same except they would deny that which they had spoken before They had alwayes in theyr mouthes Maister Lorde Lorde but they litle considered howe to behaue them selues in theyr conuersation as his Disciples according to those
peace of Christ is benediction saluation iustification prosperitie health peace of conscience constancie in aduersitie and the spirite of the Lorde it selfe pacefying and confirming our heartes M. Herevpon the bestower of so greate a benefite Ecay 9 ●● is called the Prince of peace And they which enioye this peace Bv. howsoeuer Sathan doth rage and the worlde sturre yet notwithstanding they shall be in saftie in the middest of the garboyle M. Of this peace the Apostle speaketh when hee sayth VVe being iustefyed by fayth Rom 5.1 Phil 4.7 haue peace with God thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christ A. And in another place The peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding keepe your hearts and mindes through Iesus Christ oure Lorde This peace the worlde can neither giue nor take away Let not your hartes be greeued C. Againe he seeketh to take from them that griefe which his Disciples had conceyued of hys departure M. For it is not méete that they shoulde be greeued or feare which are consecrated to the kingdome of God and garded and protected by the highest Againe the feare of the hear● causeth Gods cause often times to be forsaken whereas a stoute and inuincible minde i● apt for the kingdome of god and constantly serueth him 28. Ye haue hearde how J sayde vnto you I go away and come againe vnto you Yf ye loued mee ye would verely reioyce because I saide I goe vnto the Father for the Father is greater than I. C. He denyeth that they haue anye cause to feare because they wanting only his corporall presence had neuerthelesse his true presence by the spirite Bv. As if Christ shoulde haue sayde Ye vnderstande that I go awaye and why I go awaye namely for your saluation and that by my death and departure I will neither forsake you nor neglect you For I will come vnto you by my resurrection shewing my selfe vnto you a liue againe And although then I shal be with you onely the space of fortye daies and shall straight after ascende into heauen yet notwithstanding I will sende from thence the holy Ghost by whome I will abyde euen in the middest of you so that ye haue no cause to feare that I will leaue you comfortelesse C. With this kinde of presence let vs learne to houlde our selues contented and let vs not follow the fleshe which alwayes tyeth God to hir externall imaginations If yee loued me ye woulde verilie reioice R. Carnall loue taketh it verye gréeuouslye that a louing friende shoulde bée taken awaye but spiritual loue is otherwise affecte C. No doubt the Disciples loued Christ but otherwise than became them For they were somewhat carnall insomuch that they coulde not abide that he shoulde be taken from them Whereas if they had loued him spiritually they woulde haue desiered nothing more than his returne to the father For the father is greater than J. C. This place hath bene diuerselye wrested The Arians to prooue Christ to be a cartaine secondarie God obiected that he was lesse than the Father The auncient Fathers to cutte of all occasion of this cauill sayde that this ought to be referred to the humaine nature But as the Arians wickedly abused thys testimonye euen so the aunswere and solution of the Fathers was neyther true nor agréeing to the purpose of Christ For Christ speaketh here neyther of his humane nature nor yet of his eternall deuinytie but according to our weake capascity he made him selfe a meane betwene vs and God And because we are not able to reache vnto the highte of God Christ descended vnto vs that he might lifte vs vp vnto the same Yee should reioyce saith he for that I retorne to the Father because this is the laste marke where vnto ye ought to tende He doth not shew in those wordes what he differeth from the Fathere but wherfore he descended vnto vs namely to vnite vs vnto God vntill we be come vnto this we stande as it werein a race We also immagine but a halfe and torne Christ except he leade vs vnto God Like vnto this is that place of Paule where he saith That Christ hath deliuered vp his kingdome to God the Father that God might be all in all Christ verily raigneth not onely in humane nature but also as he was manifested God in the flesh How then shall he leaue his kingdome Surely thus because the Diuinitye which we maye nowe behoulde only in the face of Christ shall then bée openly sene in it selfe This is onely the difference for that Paule in that place describeth the laste perfection of the deuine glory and brightnes whose beames began to shine so soone as Christe ascended into heauen But to the end this mistrie may more euidently appere we must speake yet more grosely Christ compareth not here his Fathers diuinity with his neyther doth he compare his human nature with the diuine escence of the Father but rather the present state with the heauenlye glory into the which he was shortly after to be receyuid As yf he should saye Ye desire to haue me stil in the worlde but it is better for me that I ascende into heauen B. For his purpose was to giue them to vnderstande that GOD the Father was infinitelye greater than hée that is that he should enioye with him the most excelent felycity wher as he had liued here in misery and calamitye R. For by death hée entered into the kingdome of the Father C. Therefore let vs learne so to behould Christ aba●ed in the flesh that he maye bring vs to the well of blessed immortality For he is not made our Captayne and guide to leade vs onely to the speare of the Moone or Sonne but to make vs one with God the Father 29. And novve haue I shewed you before it come that when it is come to passe ye might beleeue M. What sayde hée All those thinges verely which hée had spoken concerning the Comforter of the true felicitie which they shoulde haue by him and of the vnspeakeable power by which they should doe greater workes than the Lorde him selfe had done C. It was méete that the Disciples shoulde be oftetnimes admonished concerning this matter because it was a misterye farre surmounting the capacitie of men And he saith that he foresheweth what shall come to passe that when it is come to passe they might beléeue For this was a profitable confirmation of theire Faith when they should call to minde the prophesies of Christ and should sée that with their eyes fulfiled which they had harde out of his mouth before As if he should saye R. I knowe that ye do not now enioye these thinges of the which I speake B. notwithstanding I thought good to foreshewe you of those thinges which shall happen vnto you after my departure and which shall profite you muche more than my carnall presence hath done that when they shall come to passe ye maye the more firmely beléeue that I am Christ the sauioure of the world C.
corrupt the grace of God and others by sleuth choake suppresse the same and othersom by malice by these wordes he séeketh to make men carefull when he pronounceth that all they shal be cut from the vine which are vnfruitefull braunches Bv. For as the husband man doeth proyne and cut of the vnfruitful braunches euen so the heauenlye Father doth cut of and caste awaye vnfruitefull men And the fruites or clusters of Grapes hanging vppon the boughes or branches are the workes of faith of the spirite and of charitie euenas the prophet Esay and the Apostle Paul do plainly expound the same Esay 5 2 Gala 5 22 Ephe 5 9 C. But it maye be demaunded yf hee can want fruite which is ingrafted in Christe Wee aunswere Manye are thought to be in the vine by the Iudgment of men which in very déede haue no roote at all in the same Euenso in the Prophetes the Lorde calleth his people of Israell his vine which by externall profession hadde the name of the Church B. Therefore euen as tares are in the kingdome of God and corrupt fishes in the nette of the Gospell and the man wanting the wedding garmente in the Mariage of Christ euenso there ar some but in name only which are sayd to be in Christ hauing onelye an out warde shewe and not a true fayth Wherefore at the length these are cutte of and are caste into hell fyre as vnfruitefull and vnprofitable braunches R. Moreouer this sentence aunswereth that curiositye of the fleshe which is wonte vnreuerently to reason of predestination and according to the disposition thereof togather that none whome the Lorde hath elected to euerlasting life can bee dampned although he liue neuer so wickedly and in like manner that none of them whom the Lord hath appoynted to eternall fyer can be saued yea though he liue neuer so well and that therefore he will liue at his owne pleasure for sayeth he how carefully soeuer I worke the Lordes decrée cannot be altered To this Christ here aunswereth saying Euery braunche that beareth not fruite in mee hee will take away As yf he should say What hast thou to doe with the secreat predestination of God Sée thou to this that thou abyde in mée and bryng forth fruite The rest are to be committed to the dispensation and wisdome of God For although thou séeme to be predestinate to euerlasting saluation and yet notwithstanding bringest not forth fruite thou shalt be cast into the fyer as are commonly vnfruitfull braunches It is wrighten of Saule that he was elected to be in the Lordes vinyard and that hée was a good man and that a better then he was not found in Israell yet notwithstanding he was reiected euenas the Lord sayde to Samuell i King i6 Howe longe wilt thou mourne for Saule seing I haue caste him awaye from raigning ouer Israell In lyke manner the Lord sayeth Ier 2● 24 If so be Ieconias the sonne of Ioachim were the signit on my right hand I would pul him of Esay 5 7 The Tribe of Iuda also was a chosen people yet notwithstanding it was reiected And the Apostle sayeth thou whiche standest stedfast in faith bee not highe minded but feare for seeing that God spared not the naturall braunches take heede lest it come to passe Rom xi 2i that he spare not thee A. The which thinges are not therefore spoken that the faithfull might take occasion to doubte of their saluation but to the ende carnall securitie and slouth might be taken awaye from men R. For it is moste sertaine that Gods decrée can not be altered by any man For the gifts calling of God are without repētaunce because hee is not as a man which repenteth him and calleth back Rom xi 29 the sentence whiche he hath once decreed Therefore this standeth as a firme decrée that whomsoeuer God hath chosen before the foundation of the worlde Gods election abides firm Ioh i0 29 hée cannot perish for no man taketh the shéepe out of this shephéerds hand that whom soeuer he hath reiected he cannot be saued although he do all the workes of saynctes so irretractable and vnmoouable is the sentence of God Feare therefore and haue respect to the onelye hād of him that chooseth that thou mayst enioye saluation through our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ And euery branche that beareth fruit C. By these wordes hee teacheth that the faithful least they should degenerate haue néede of dayly purging proining that they can bring forth no good thing without God set to his hand For it wyl not suffice that wée were once made the children of adoption except God doe profite the course of grace in vs. He speaketh here of Purgation because our fleshe aboundeth with superfluous and hurtful vices in bringing forth of the whiche it is to fruitefull increasing and budding forth without ende except we bée purged and proyned by the hande of God R. The proyning of the Trée is not to the destruction of the same but that it might bring forth more fruite for otherwyse the same growing to high and spreading forth his braunches without pruning cleansing would ouergrow wyther and beare no fruite Purgation of the fleshe by the heauenly Phisition Euenso the fleshe in the most holye if it might haue libertye to doe what it lusteth God if it were possible shoulde bée drawne out of the diuine throane of his Maiestye Heare what the King of Babell sayeth I wyll ascende into heauen I wyll be lyke to the most high Esai 14 i3 The King of Tyre also spake the lyke I am God and I syt in Gods seate Eze. 28. ij How greatlye doeth the fleshe swell being stuffed with benefites and neuer proyned with the Crosse Therefore the Father whiche is the husbandman purgeth the branche that is to saye beateth downe and humbleth the faithfull man with the Crosse renueth his heart washeth the féete of his affections mortifyeth the reliques of the fleshe Therefore we must consider in this similitude of proyning the fruite of the Crosse For the Lorde afflicteth not to destroye but to saue euen as the husbandman proyneth the braunche not to cut of all but to purge and cleanse the same that it might bring forth fruite more plentifullye Bv. Therefore these wordes agrée with this sentence of the Lorde Hee that is washed needeth not to saue to washe his feete Ioh. i3 x but is cleane euery whit For the Saintes so soone as they are holye haue néede of farther and more ample sanctification C. Therefore when he sayth that the Vines are purged that they maye bring forth more fruite he sheweth how greatlye the godly ought to goe frreward and to profite in all Godlynesse 3. Nowe are ye cleane through the worde whiche I haue spoken vnto you M. He hauing hitherto spoken of him selfe the Vine and of his Father the husbandman and nowe consequentlye hée expoundeth the allegorye and speaketh
the Apostles were chosen that therewithall he Ioyneth that firste election by which they were grafted into the body of the Church and in these wordes he generallye comprehendeth all that dignitie wherevnto hée had aduaunced them But yet neuerthelesse we confesse that ge speaketh speciallye of the Apostleship For the purpose Christ is to stirre vp his Apostles faithfully and constantlye to discharge their office He taketh occasion of exhortation from that frée fauoure into the which he receiued them For the more we are bounde vnto the Lord the more feruent we ought to be to doe those duties which he requireth at oure handes otherwise wée cannot escape the vice of wicked ingratitude Whereby there is nothing whiche oughte to mooue vs more to liue a holy and a Godly lyfe then when we knowe that we haue al thinges from God and nothing of our selues and that as well the beginning of our saluation as all the partes that come of the same doe flowe from his free grace and mercye A. For euerye good gyfte and euerye perfecte gifte is from aboue comming downe from the Father of lyghtes C. And how true this scentence of Christ is it maye hereby apeeare Iam. i. 17 that Christ choose them to bée his Apostles which might séeme of all other to bée most foolishe Howebeit in their person he would haue a perpetuall monument of his grace to bée séene ● Cor 4 2 For as the Apostle Paule sayth What man shall be founde méete to goe on that message by which God reconcileth mankind vnto him selfe And what man is he which can beare the person of God Therefore it is onelye Christ which by his election maketh vs méete For this cause Paule bringeth his Apostleship from grace Rom. i 5. By whome sayth he we haue receyued grace and the office of the Apostleshippe Also he sayth that he was chosen to bee an Apostle Gala i 15 euen from his mothers wombe And because we are vnprofitable seruauntes they which séeme most to excell shall be vnméete for the lest parte of their calling vntil they be chosen So that the more he is aduaunced to honour the more let him knowe he is bounde vnto God B. And this is a manifest place against suche as are enemyes vnto the grace of God i. Cor 4 7 and doe mayntaine merites For what hast thou sayeth the Apostle which thou hast not receyued And ordained you to go C. Election is secreate vntyll it bée manifested in déede when a man is inioyned an office to the which he was ordayned before Election to Apostleship euen as the Apostle Paul after hee had sayde that he was chosen from his Mothers wombe strayte after addeth Gala i. i5 that he was made an Apostle when it séemed so good vnto the Lorde So the Lorde testifyeth that Ieremy was knowne vnto him before he was in his Mothers wombe whome notwithstanding in his time he called to the Propheticall office Notwithstanding it may be that some man maye come rightly prepared for the office of teaching and it is alreadye ordayned in the Churche that no man bée called but he whiche is endued with necessarye gyftes i Tim 3 2 Titus i 7 A. Euen as we maye sée by those thinges whiche Paule requireth to be in a Bishop But in that Christ maketh him selfe the aucthour of boath it is no maruaile for so much as the Father worketh not but by him and hée worketh with the Father Therefore as well the election as the ordination is common to boath To goe and bring forth fruite C. Nowe he sheweth wherefore he made mencion of his grace namelye that hee mighte make them more cherefull vnto their worke The dignitye of the Apostleship was not an idle office therefore it behoued them to fight and striue with great perrilles Christ therefore pricketh them foreward lest they should shonne labour perrilles and troubles M. He sayth not I haue ordayned you to bée Princes and Kinges and to haue domination of the whole worlde but To go and bring forth fruit Neither doth hee make any difference betweene them and others but maketh all subiect vnto his calling The Byshoppe of Rome hath ordayned such in the Church at this daye as goe not to bring fruite to the kingdome of GOD but gather tribute and taxes and to be nothing else but burthens to the earth and consumers of fruite These are Trées ordayned not to beare but to deuoure fruite And this ought not to seeme straunge to any man for they are not braunches of the true vine but of the wylde vine C. Furthermore Christ reasoneth here of the effect when he sayeth To bring foorth fruite meaning hereby that theyr labours shal not be vaine and vnprofitable if so bée they be ready and wylling to obaye For he doeth not here onelye prescribe what theyr vocation doeth requyre but also least they shoulde bee wearye and coulde he promiseth vnto them prosperous successe For it cannot be that any man shoulde vse paines and dilligence at his worke except he hope that his labour wyll be profitable It can not be vttered howe necessarye this consolation is against so many temtations which daylye happen to the Ministers of Christ Therefore so oftentimes as they séeme to loase theyr labor let them remember this that Christ wyl at the leangth bring to passe that their labour shall not be in vaine For then speciallye this promyse taketh place when there appeareth no fruite And that your fruite shoulde remaine C. Here it maye be demaunded why Christ sayeth that this fruite shal be perpetuall Because the doctrine of the Gospell wynneth foules vnto Christ that they maye inherite euerlasting life this seemeth to be the perpetuitye of the fruite But this sentence may be farther extended as that the Churche shall stande vnto tee ende of the world For the labour of the Apostles at this daye also doeth fructefye and the preaching of Ministers belongeth not vnto one age but the Churche shall encrease insomuche that after theyr death newe profite shall come A. Wherevpon Peter speaketh thus I wyll euer geue my dilligence that ye maye haue wherewith to styrre vppe the remembraunce of these thinges after my departure 2. Pet. i 15 C. When he calleth it their fruite he speaketh as though it were gotten by their industrye i Cor. 3 7 whereas notwithstanding Paule sayeth that they which plant and they which water are nothing And in déede the creation of the Church is suche an excellent worke that the glorye thereof ought not to he ascribed vnto men But because the Lorde declareth his power by the handes of menne lest they shoulde labour in vaine he is wonte also to ascribe that vnto them whiche is proper vnto him selfe That whatsoeuer ye aske in my name M. This serueth greatlye to the comforting of the myndes of the Disciples when they knowe that they are not onelye called of Christ to goe and to bring fruite but also in
they did put the summe of theire doctrine in writinge To this doctrine whosoeuer thinketh that somewhat must be added as though the same were lame and vnperfect he doth not onely accuse the Apostels of fallse dealyng but also it is blasphemuse agaynst the spirite Yf so be the doctrine the which they haue put in writing came as yet from yong instructed scholler and nouices yet were it not a vaine and superfluose adition but nowe seing their writinges be as it were prepetunall to the Reuelation of the spirite which was promised and performed vnto them their can nothing be added vnto the same without great iniury done vnto the spirite But when we come to the matter it selfe the Papistes are very vayne ridiculouse For they define and afirme that those secretes with the Apostles were not able to conceiue and comprehende were but childishe and trifeling ioyes then the which there can be nothing more vaine and foolish They woulde haue forsooth the holy Ghost to descend from heauen to teach the Apostles how to consecrate their chalices with their altares how to baptize belles and to make holy water and how to selebrat masses But how do fooles and children learne which haue all these thinges at their fingers endes very perfecte M These are Iolly fellowes which place the Instruction and reuelation of the holy ghost in the Church after the Gospel as though those thinges alone which Christ taught in the flesh and which the disciples could conceiue pertayned to the Gospell and that those thinges which the holy ghoste taught after the departure of Christ which the Apostles coulde not conceyue and carrye before they had receyued the holy Ghost are these notable and erce lent ceremonyes of dayes of meales of garmentes and such lyke B. For they contend affirme that these many thinges which Christ saith his Apostles coulde not beare as yet are to be vnderstoode to be those ceremonies whiche haue crept into the Churche and whiche are very gainefull vnto them But what can be more foolishlye spoken R. For séeing those ceremonies doe sauour more of the fleshe than they doe of the spirite how coulde it be that they shoulde be reuealed by the spirite when the spirite and the fleshe are contrarye one to the other Let vs therefore except we will bée vnthankefull vnto GOD staye oure selues and be contented with that doctrine of the whiche the Apostles are authours as the Scripture doth testify seeing the full perfection of heauenlye wisdome is contayned in them whiche maye make the man of God perfect Beyond the same we think it not méete for any man to passe For in this consisteth high breadth and depth to knowe the loue of God which is offered to vs in Christ Ephe 3 28 This knowledge is aboue all other knoweledg as sayeth the Apostle Paul And when he sayeth that all the treasurs of wisedome and knowledge are hidden in Christ Gala. 3 i. he doth not Immagin any vnknowen Christ but such a one as by hys preaching he hath liuely depainted that we maye behold him euenas it were before our eies cruc●fied But lest any doubt or Ambiguity should remaine Christ hym selfe afterwarde expoundeth his owne wordes shewing what thinges those were which the Apostles could not then beare and with all declareth what the office of the holy Ghost is saying He shall not speak of him selfe but whatsoeuer hee shall heare C. Many restrayne this vnto the spirit of prophesy A. For there wanted not in the Apostles tyme Acts xi 28 some whiche forshewed thinges to come as we may reade of Agabus Acts. xxi x● who prophesyed of the famine to come in the Emperoure Claudius dayes and what should happen to Paule at Hierusalem he forshewed to the Bretheren also the Apostles them selues by the reuelation of the spirit prophesyed of many thinges concerning Antichrist and his members Act xx xxix all which thinges are most true i. Tim. 4 i 2 Tim. 3 19 2. Pet 2. i Iude. i 4 C. Howebeit Christ in this place séemeth rather to speake of the state of his spirituall kingdome which the Apostles sawe strayght after his resurrection but yet could not by anye meanes comprehende the same The treasures of this secret wisdome Paule expoundeth in his firste Chapter of his Epistle to the Ephesyans When Christ sayeth that the spirite shall not speake of him self he confyrmeth that which went before He shall leade you into all trueth He meaneth therefore that whatsoeuer the spirit bringeth procéedeth from God Notwithstanding the Maiesty of the spirite is nothing deminished by these wordes as though eyther he were not God or else weare inferioure to the father but they are spoken to the capascity of our mynd For because of the vayle which is before our eyes we do not sufficiently perceyue with howe great Reuerence we ought to receyue those thinges which the spirit reuealeth vnto vs therefore mencion of the Diuinity is made Euen as in another place it is called the earnest by which God hath established our saluation and the seale Ephe. i. i3 by which he sealeth the sertaynty of the same vnto vs. To conclude the purpose of Christ was to teach that the doctrine of the spirite was not of this world Iohn 17. but that it came out of the heauenly sanctuary euenas Christ often times testifieth of his doctrine 14. Hee shall glorifie me for hee shall receiue of mine and shall shewe vnto you C. Nowe Christ sheweth that there shall not come a spirite which shall erect and set vp a newe kingdome but whiche shall rather establish the glory geuen to him of the Father M. Notwithstanding he speaketh not this for the affection of his owne glory but vppon a desyer to pacifye and quiet the mindes of hys Discipls lest they should think that they should so receiue another comforter that they shoulde be seperated deuided from him as though by them he shoulde deale in another mans cause and not in his owne the which they tooke very greuouslye for the loue which they bare vnto hym C. Many dreame that Christ had onely taught hys Disciples the fyrste Principles and afterwardes deliuered vnto them more profounde matters Thus they make noe more accounte of the Gospell than they doe of the lawe the which is sayd to haue bene the Schoolemayster of the Iewes vnto Christ After this error there followeth an other no lesse intollerable as that Christ hauing nowe taken his leaue Gala. 3 24 and béeing entered into hys kingdome had nothing to do and had appoynted the holye Ghost to be in his place From this ground the sacriledge of Popery and of Mahometisme hath come For although these Antichristes are much vnlyke one to the other in many thinges yet notwithstanding they haue all one beginning For they saye that by the Gospell we are entered into the right fayth but yet that we must séeke for the perfection of doctrne from another As though Christ
third day he wyll rayse vs vp and we shall liue in his sight C. Therefore because the Crosse of Christ hath alway included in it victory Christ doth very aptly compare the sorrow whiche is conceiued thereby to the sorrowe of a Woman traueilinge with childe Rom. ● 2 which sorrow is tourned to ioye by the reward of a Childe But because this is the state and condition of al creatures to trauaile and groane vntyll the last day of redemption let vs know that we must sighe and groane also vntyll such times as we being deliuered out of the continuall miseries of this present lyfe do plainly see the fruite of our faith For the faithful are lyke vnto a woman whiche hath brought foorth a Childe in that they are borne againe in Christ and are already entered into the celestiall kingdome of God and euerlasting lyfe but they are like vnto great bellyed and traueilyng Women in that as yet they are captiues in the prison of the fleshe wayting for that happy state whiche lyeth hid from their eyes When he saith that he will sée his Disciples againe he meaneth when he shall returne to visite them with grace of his Spirite that they may haue the sight of him for euer R. For christ séeth vs when he sendeth his holy Spirite by which as by a Seale he sealeth and confirmeth our harts that we may haue the ioye of the Spirite for euer euen as he addeth saying And your ioye shall no man take from you This perpetuity and euerlastinge continuance doth make the ioye more precious For herevppon it followeth that those sorrowes are lighte 2 Cor 4 i7 and patiently to be suffered whiche are momentany Also by these wordes Christe sheweth what is true ioye Ioyes of the vvorlde are transitorye It muste néedes be that the ioyes of the world are transitory and sodenlye vanishinge away for that they consist in corcuptible and momentanie thinges Therefore we muste come vnto the resurrection of Christ in the which there is eternall stabillitie and continuance Ioy euerlasting is Iesus Because therfore Christ himselfe is the ioye of the godly it is saide to be euerlasting For Christe dyeth no more Rom. 6.9 death hath no more power ouer him Therfore the faithfull neuer want true matter of ioy M wherfore that is not true sorrow which is tourned into euerlasting ioy neither is that true ioy which is conuerted into sorrow which shal neuer haue an endde The wicked then are moste vnhappye and miserable which ioye in this world and shall afterward sorrow weepe and lament for euer and contrariwise most blessed and happy are the children of god whiche mourne wéepe and lament in this life but in the life to come shal ioye for euer And that which christ saith here that there ioye shal be perpetuall agréeeth with that he sayd before 23. And in that daye shal ye ask me no question verely verely I saye vnto you whatsoeuer ye shal aske the father in my name hee wyll geue it you C. After that Christ had promysed ioye vnto his Disciples which shoulde come of inuincible fortitude and constancye now he promiseth vnto them another grace of the Spirite that is to say suche light of vnderstandyng as by the same they should reach vnto heauenly mysteries At this time when Christe talked with them there was such great dulnes in them that euery scruple caused them to stay an● to doubt For as children whiche learne but their Primer cannot reade on verse through without stops and staies euen so in euery word of Christ almost there was one offence or other whiche made the Disciples to staye but within awhile after being illuminated by the holy Ghoste they had no more stayes and lettes but were famylierly acquainted with the wisedome of God insomuche that they wente forwarde withoute stoombling through the secret misteries of God M Moreouer there are some who by that daye of the which Christ maketh mencion here vnderstand that time whiche passed betwéene the day of his resurection and his assention into heauen Othersome more truly extend the same vnto the ende f the worlde from that time in the which the holy Ghoste was sent vnto the Apostles For the Apostls differing nothing from children naye being more lyke vnto blockes then men how sodenlye they were chaunged by the instruction of the Spirite of God we may playnly sée in the Actes of the Apostles Act 2 i7 Therfore whereas he denieth that they shall aske any thinge he hath this meaning Ioel ● 8 R. In that day in the which I wil send vnto you the holy Ghoste all these thinges shall be reuealed vnto you of the which I haue tould you C. Not because the Apostles did cease euen when they were moste wise to demaunde at the mouth of Christe but there is onely here a comparison of a double state as if Christ should say that their rudenes should be corected in such wise that they which dyd stut and stammer in euery small thing should easely attaine to all perfection To this agréeth the saying of Hieremy And they shal teach no more euery man his neighbore saying Know the Lorde for they shal all know me from the least of them vnto the greatest He doth not take away prophesie neyther doth he abolish that doctrine which ought to florish in the kingdome of christ but he rather denieth that groase ignoraunce shall take place when all men are taught of God the which ignoraunce possesseth the mindes of men vntyll such time as Christ the sone of righteousnes illuminateth them by the bright beames of his Spirite Whatsoeuer ye shall aske the father A. For the exposition of this place read the 13. and 14. verses of the 14. Chapter goyng before 24. Hitherto haue yee asked nothing in my name aske and ye shal receiue that your ioye may be full A. This séemeth at the firste fight very absurde that the Apostles asked nothing before that time in the name of Christ when as Luke maketh mencion that they desired Christ to teach them a for● of prayer Teach vs say they to pray a Iohn taught his Disciples Agayne it is not lyke that they were so long conuersaunt with Christ but that they obserued that rule and forme of prayer which the lawe prescribed Beside this it is very probable that they vsed to pray though for temporal things onely seeing Christ taught them first to séeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse therof The which they performed afterwarde as may appeare by this their petition Lorde encrease our faith But Christe by these wordes sought to bring his Disciples to the knowledge of the true mediator C. For he had allredy sufficiētly declared him selfe vnto them to be the very same mediatour but their knowledge was so obscure that they could not as yet frame their prayers aright in his name And it is no absurditie to saye that they prayed vnto God vpon trust of the
that euell Where hée sayeth that they haue ouercome who are as yet in the middest of the skyrmyshe But our condition differeth far from theyrs which fight vnder the standerdes of men For Mars to them is doubtfull and the successe of the battaile vncertaine but wee before wée encounter with the enemye are conquerours because our head Christ hath once ouercome the whole worlde for vs when he ouercame Satan the Prince of this world So that hée maye paraduenture afflicte the children of God but hee can neuer haue the victorye for that the cause belongeth to Gods kingdome By the name of the world in this place Christ reprehendeth all that is contrarye to the saluation of the Godlye in speciallye all corruptions the whiche Sathan abuseth to intrappe and beguile vs. B. Therefore the worlde is so ouercome by Christ that it maye onelye profite vs but not hurte vs yf so bée through Faith which is the victorye of the worlde wée cleaue faste vnto Christ to the end ❧ The .xvij. Chapter 1. These wordes spake Iesus and lyfte vp his eyes to heauen and sayde Father the houre is come glorifye thy sonne that thy sonne also maye glorifye thee R. HITHERTO from the thirtéen Chapter Christe hath taught that he was sent of the Father into this world and that hee woulde goe to the Father againe Beside this he confirmed with many comfortable consolalations all those that beléeue in him against the offence of the Crosse specially with the last comfortable precept in the Chapter going before Be of good cheere I haue ouercome the worlde For wherevnto soeuer thou haue respect whether it bée vnto corporall thinges or spirituall thinges the Crosse is alwaye obiected C. Wherefore the comming of the holye Ghost being promised by him he made them to haue better hope and also debated the matter at large concerning the glorye and excellencye of his kingdome R. And nowe he prayeth his Father fyrst that his Father would glorifye him seeing that the Ministerye of the Gospell was now fulfilled and the power of his glorifycation come Then he prayeth for his Apostles And last of all for all such as should beleeue through the Preaching of the Apostles M. Therfore Christ addeth a Prayer to that doctrine by the which he instructed and confirmed his Apostles and such a prayer as agreed with the present cause of the which he had spoken so largely This is a most excellent order and dilligentlye to bée obserued and noated not onelye of all the Ministers of Christ but also of the Faithfull that they turne from Doctrine to prayer For doctrine wyll be coulde except the same bée made effectuall by God Wherefore hee geueth an example to teachers not onelye to bée painefull in Preaching the worde but also by vsing prayer therewith to call for helpe from God that it woulde please him by his benediction to make the same fruitefull M. For whether thou teache or bée taught wée must not looke to receiue encrease and fruite by man but we must make our humble prayers vnto GOD who geueth boath to him that teacheth and to him that heareth increase and profite C. To bée short this prayer of Christ 1 Cor 3 7 was as it were a sealing of the former doctrine boath that it might bée fyrme in it selfe and also that the Disciples might geue credite therevnto and stedfastly beléeue it C. And in this Chapter Christ manifesteth his Priesthoode of whome it is written Thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech Also Psal ii0 4 In the dayes of his fleshe hee offered vp prayers and supplications with strong crying and teares vnto God Heb. 5 2 which could saue him from death and he was hearde out of the feare M. Christ taught before nowe he prayeth Prayer preaching ioyned togither shortlye after he purposed to offer vp him selfe an acceptable sacrifice to God his Father C. And wheras Iohn sayth that Christ prayed lyfting vp hys eyes vnto heauen it was a token of greate feruencye in prayer For by thys Iesture he declared that hys minde and affection was rather in heauen than in earthe that leauing men he myght haue familliare talke wyth God Also he looked vppe to Heauen not because God is included ther who replenisheth the whole earth but because hys Maiestie there specially appeareth Ierem. 27. But concerning thys matter we haue spokē more in the eleuenth Chapter goyng before begynning at the fourty and one verse Father the houre is come M. In that Christ prayed openly and in the heareyng of hys Disciples it was not done wythout cause He loueth sylence and secrete prayer Math. 6.6 as Christ him selfe not onely in wordes but also by his owne déede taught in goynge aparte when he woulde praye into the wildernesse Math. 14.23 or else into some solitarye place but that kinde of prayer which the Lord vsed here was not onelye done for prayers sake but also for consolation and instruction And thys maner of open praier did not onelye perfite the Disciples but hath also brought vnto vs great consolation and instruction C. Fyrste of all Christ prayeth that hys owne kingdome might be glorifyed that he againe might set foorth the glory of hys Father He sayeth the hower is come bycause althoughe he was manifested by miracles and by all maner of power to bée the Sonne of God yet notwythstanding as yet hys spirituall kingdome was obscure which shortlye after gloriouslye shined Also he sayeth that the hower was come not which man had appoynted but the hower which was decreede by God R. But some wyll saye what meaneth thys that Christe prayed beyng assured of hys glorification I aunswere that assuraunce is the principall cause of hys prayer For except thou be sure certayne to obtayne thou prayest in vayne Prayer if it be effectuall proceedeth from faith For effectuall prayer muste spring from fayth and fayth is dyrected to the fyrme and stable promyse of God Wherefore except fayth be annexed to the vndoubted promyse it cannot bee that thou shouldest obtayne Math. 6.12 Thus we praye daylye Forgiue vs our dettes as wee forgiue our detters when as Christ purchased vpon the Crosse remission of our dettes many yeares before C. Therefore thys prayer was not superfluous because Christ so dependeth vppon the wyll of God that notwythstandyng be knewe that he must pray for that which was promised vnto hym sertainelye to come to passe God vndoubtedly wyll bring that to passe which he hath decrede though the whole worlde doe gaynesaye and resiste the same but yet neuerthelesse it is our parte to craue that at hys handes by prayer which hée hath promised bycause thys is the vse of promyses to styrre vs vppe to praye M. Furthermore we must consider that he saith not God glorifye me but Father glorifye thy sonne Fyrst of all it expresseth a trust and prerogatiue of the Sonne towardes the Father then it putteth a difference betwene the
he addeth another cause why he prayed so earnestly for hys Disciples bicause shortly they should be destitute of his corporall presence by enioying the whiche they were as yet cherefull So long as he was conuersaunt with them he gathered them and nourished them euen as a Henne doth hir Chickens vnder his winges and nowe gooing away he desireth of the Father to protect and defende them the whiche he dothe in respect of them For he séeketh to remedie their feare that they mighte staye themselues vpon God him selfe to whome he nowe deliuered them as it were from hande to hande M. Therefore nowe we see howe the moste faythfull and louyng Lorde was not so desirous to go vnto the Father that he regarded not the condition of his Disciples but carefully considereth in what state to leaue them after his departure Héereof commeth no small consolation when wee heare that the Lorde is the more carefull for the saluation of hys when he leaueth them according to hys Corporall presence For heereof wee maye gather that we also at thys day labouring in the world are regarded of hym in so muche that hee sendeth helpe vnto vs when wee are in trouble euen from hys heauenly glory Holy Eather kepe thorough thy owne name M. Hee knewe that they shoulde be subiect to many daungers in this world and therefore hee prayeth that they maye be preserued by hys Fathers prouidence C. For all hys prayer tendeth too that ende least hys Disciples shoulde bée discouraged as though their Corporall state shoulde bee the woorse by the misse of the Corporall presence of their Maister As if he should say My Apostles shall abyde persecution of the worlde for the Gospell Wherefore I praye that they faynte not vnder the heauie burthen of the crosse M. He addeth In thy name For bicause they were consecrated to the name of God and shoulde suffer many aduersities in the worlde for his sake he prayeth that they maye bee preserued in or by hys name R. For the name of GOD is a most strong tower Prou. 18.10 Therefore the name of GOD can defende the Faythfull man from all euils and from the dartes of Sathan C. The summe then is thys When the Corporall sighte of Chryste is taken from the Disciples they sustayne no losse bycause God receyueth them into his protection whose power is euerlasting He ascribeth the maner of sauing saying That they may be one For those whome the heauenly Father hath decreed to saue he gathereth into the holy vnitie of fayth and of the spirit But bicause it is not sufficient for mē to agrée togither in one he addeth this Euen as we are one For then our vnitie shall be happie if so be it set foorth the Image of God the father and of Christ euen as the waxe in the which the King or Signet is printed carieth the marke or print of the same A. But concerning the vnitie of the father and the sonne reade the tenth Chapter going before beginning at the .30 verse and in the verse folowing 12. Whyle I was wyth them in the worlde I kepte them in thy name those that thou gauest mee haue I kepte and none of them is loste but that loste childe that the Scripture mighte bee fulfilled C. Christe sayth that he hath kepte them in hys Fathers name bicause he made hym selfe onely a Mynister whiche dyd nothyng but by the power of GOD. Hée therefore thynketh it not méete that they shoulde nowe peryshe as though the power of GOD by hys departure were extinguished or beade R. As if hée shoulde say Hytherto I haue confyrmed the Apostles wyth the worde of the Gospell yea I haue lefte nothynge vndoone that myghte keepe them wythin the bandes and duetie of Faythe and I haue kepte them that none shoulde perishe but onely that Iudas Iscarioth of whose fall the Scripture before testified And nowe because I am gooing away I committe them to thy charge For I shall be delyuered too the Aduersaries and shall bée lefte in the handes of the wycked that in deryding mée they shall saye He saued others hym selfe he can not saue Wherefore I resigne them ouer into thy hande that they maye bee preserued from all euill C. But this séemeth very absurde that Chryste shoulde sette ouer vnto GOD the offyce of sauyng and preseruing as thoughe he hauyng ended the course of hys lyfe leassed to bee their kéeper But this is thus aunswered That Chryste speaketh onely héere of the visible custodie whiche had an ende in the death of Christe For so long as he was conuersaunte on earth he needed not to borrowe any other power to preserue hys Disciples But all this is referred too the person of the Mediator whiche appeared in the fourme of a seruaunte for a tyme. But nowe he commaundeth his Disciples so soone as they beginne to wante but the least helpe to lyfte vp theyr eyes to heauen Whereby wée gather that Chryste dothe no lesse preserue the faythfull at this daye than he hathe doone in tyme paste but after an other manner because the deuyne Maiestie openly shineth in him R. For if so be Christe kepte and preserued hys before hee entered into the Kyngdome of hys Father and satisfyed the desire of the Faythfull concernyng ioye howe muche more shall he keepe them nowe seeing he hathe iustified them by hys Deathe and Resurrection For nowe oure saluation is more neere than when wee beleeued And seeyng when as yet wée were Synners Chryste dyed for vs muche more nowe wee beeing iustified by his bloud Rom. 5.6 shall bée saued through hym from wrath M. Furthermore let vs note héere howe Chryste saythe that he hath kept hys Disciples in the worlde For suche is thys worlde that the Electe haue nede of Gods preseruation so long as they are in the same C. Whereas he maketh exception heere of Iudas it is not wythout cause For althoughe he were none of the Elect and of Gods flocke yet notwithstāding the dignitie of his office made him seeme so to be Neither woulde any man haue thought otherwise of hym so long as he was in that office Therefore in respect of Grammer the exception is improper but if we consider the matter all men will say that it behoued Christe so to speake Moreouer lest any man shuld thinke that the eternall election of God was voyde in the destruction of Iudas he addeth héerewithal that he was the sonne of perdition by whiche words he giueth to vnderstand that his ruine and destruction which sodenly appeared in the sight of men was from the beginning knowne vnto God It appeareth therefore very well that Chryste knewe for whome he prayed and for whome he prayed not M. By this perdition of Iudas wée may gather that there is no hope of saluation for those whiche following the steppes of Iudas persecute the truthe of Chryste for filthye gayne whereby they manyfestly declare that they are borne the children of perdition seeyng the same happened too
for deuine lawes it hath Priestes and Philosophers which are learned elloquēt and of greate authoritie agaynst whom thou settest vs which are naked vnprepared vnlearned and barbarous men C. Therefore bicause almost no mortall man was fitte for so heard an office therfore Christ endueth his Apostles with the spirit of grace And in déed it is a thing far surpassing the strength and power of man to gouerne the Church of God to prefer the Ambassage of eternall saluation to erect the kingdome of God in earth and to lift vp men vnto heauen Wherfore it is no maruayle if so be none be found fitte but hee which is endued with the holye ghost 1. Cor. 12. For no man can speak one word of Christ except the holy Ghost gouerne his tong so far is euery one from the faythfull discharging of so notable an office But this glory belōgeth only vnto christ to frame appoynt those teachers which he setteth ouer his Church For therefore he receyued the fulnes of the spirite that he might geue vnto euery one of the measure of the same And séeing he is the only Shepeheard of the Church it is necessarie that those Ministers whose labour he vseth in the Church haue the power of the spirite from him the which he declared by an externall signe when he breathed vppon his Apostles What horrible sacriledge thē is that of the papists which take that honour vnto them selues which belongeth vnto the sonne of God C. For their consecrating Bishops depraue these woordes when in making their Masse Priestes they boast that they breath out the holy Ghost by belching But the matter it self doth plainly declare how much their filthy breathing doth differ from the deuine breathing of Christ bicause of brutish horses they do nothing els but make ignorant asses Wherefore they vsurpe vnto themselues the glorye of the diuinitie which professe that they geue the holy ghost by breathing We must also note that Christ indueth them with necessary giftes whom he calleth to the pastorall offices that thei may be able to execute their office or at least not vnprepared for the same Therefore let vs beleue that they are lawfull pastors of the Church who as it may appere are endued with the grace of the spirite But some will say Obiection if so be Christ at this tyme gaue the holye Ghost by breathing the sending of the holy Ghost afterward may séeme superfluous Answer Answere The holy Ghost was so geuen to the Apostls in this place that they were only sprinckeled with his grace and not endued with his full power For whē the spirite appered in fyery tonges lighting vppon them they were wholy renued But at this tyme he did not so ordaine them preachers of his Gospell that they might biandby go forth to the same but rather as it is sayd in another place hée commaundeth them to be quiet Luk. 24.42 and to abyde in the Citie vntil such tyme as they wer endued with power from aboue And when Christ might haue geuen grace to his Apostles by secret inspiration he added therunto visible breathing to the end he might not onlye instructe them with wordes but confyrme them also with a certayne signe Ier. 19.10 to the ende the myndes of the disciples might doubt the lesse of the truth of the promise The like signe Ieremy vsed in threatning destruction of Ierusalem But we must also note that the word is ioyned to the externall and visible signe For hereof sacramentes take their force Not that the efficacie of the spirite is included in the voyce which soundeth in the eares but bicause the effecte of all those things whiche the faythfull vnderstande and féele by sacraments dependeth vpon the testimonie of the worde Christ breatheth vpon his Apostles but they receiue not only brething but also the holy ghost And wherefore but onely bicause Christe promiseth vnto them Thus it commeth to passe in Sacraments Whervpon we may gather that whatsoeuer sacraments men haue deuised are nothing els but méere toyes bicause there cā be no truth in signes but where the worde of God is present 23. Whosoeuers sins yee remit they are remitted vnto thē and whosoeuers sins ye retaine they are retained C. After that Christ had ordeined and appoynted Ambassadours to be sent foorth into the world now more expresly be describeth the office or ministerie of his Apostles and comprehendeth in fewe wordes the summe of the Gospel For this power of remitting of sinnes must not be separated from the office of teaching Sinnes remitted by Christ to that which héere it is annexed M. The sonne of God him selfe came into this world and suffered the death of the crosse to bring remission of sinnes vnto mankinde So said the Angell Mat. 1.21 Lu. 24.47 Rom. 4.6 He shall deliuer his people from their sinnes For in this consisteth our saluation that our sinnes are fréely forgiuen vs euen as damnation standeth in the retayning of them Remission of sinnes pronounced by the Apostles C. Therfore the speciall ende of preaching the Gospell is that men may he reconciled vnto God bicause remission of sinnes is frée euen as the Apostle Paule teacheth in the fyfth Chapter of his seconde Epistle to the Corinthians where vpon this consideration he calleth the Gospel the ministery of recōciliation Many other things the Gospell conteyneth but this is the speciall thing which God intreateth of in the same that he might receyue men into his fauour not imputing vnto them their sinnes They therefore whiche will shewe them selues faythfull ministers of the Gospell muste be very paynefull in this poynt For the Gospell dothe differ speciallye from prophane Philosophie in this Saluation consisteth in free remission of sinnes that it placeth the saluation of mankinde in the free remission of sinnes For héereof come other benefytes of God as that God illuminateth and regenerateth vs by his holy spirite that he maketh vs lyke vnto hymselfe and armeth vs with inuincible fortitude agaynst the worlde and the diuell So that the whole doctrine of pietie and the spirituall buylding of God standeth vpon this foundation that God deliuering vs from all our sinnes adopteth vs to be his sonnes M. But it maye be demaunded Obiection howe Christe giueth vnto his Apostles power to remitte sinnes seeing it belongeth only vnto God to remitte sinnes Answere Answere Christe so commaundeth his Apostles to remit sinnes that he doth not geue vnto them that whiche belongeth vnto him selfe It is proper to him selfe to remit sinnes this honor as it is proper to him selfe he doth not geue vnto hys Apostles but commaundeth them in his name to pronounce remission of sinnes that by them he might reconcile men vnto God And to speake properly he hym selfe alone forgiueth sinnes by hys Apostles Notwithstanding this was giuen to establishe our fayth when he so greatly extolleth their power that he maketh them witnesses onely and proclaymers of this grace and not the authors of the
with him know thou therfore that I and he are all one in diuinitie and deuine maiestye which cannot be seene with corporall eyes 10. Beleeuest thou not that I am in the father and the Father in me the words that I speak vnto you I speake not of my selfe but the father that dwelleth in mee is he that doth the workes C. Some refer this to the deuine essence of Christ C. But they do better which refer it to the maner of reuelation For Christ in respect of his secret dietie is neuer a whit more knowne vnto vs than the father But he is sayd to be the expresse Image of God because God hath wholy reuealed himselfe in hym by his exceeding goodnesse wisedome and power Neither haue the ancient Fathers done amisse which bringe testimonye from hence to defende the Diuinitie of Christ but because Christe doth not simplye dispute who he is in him selfe but whom we ought to acknowledge him to be it is rather a tytell of his power than of his essence The father therefore is sayde to be in Christ because the ful diuinitie dwelleth in hym and agayne Christ is sayd to be in the father because by his diuine power he declareth him selfe to be all one with him The wordes that I speak Vnto you B. He proueth of the effecte that God ought to be sought for in no other than in him M. As if he should saye My very doctrine proueth me to be in the father and the father in me For it is not humane but deuine and such that it playnly setteth foorth the sone of God Also you your selues haue confessed before that I haue in me the woordes of eternall lyfe and that ye knewe and beléeued that I am the sonne of God R. Yf therfore my woord be the worde of my father and my works the works of the Father he whiche wyll know the Father muste of necessitie beléeue my word and behould my works in faith For no man knoweth the father but by the son and no man knoweth God but by his word C. Yf any man obiect against this that all the Prophetes are to be counted the sonnes of God because they spake by the inspiration of the spirit and had God the author of their doctrine we may easly answer that we must consider what the doctrine containeth For the Prophetes sende their Disciples to an other but Christ retaineth them in hym selfe We must also remember what the Apostle wrighteth namely how that God speaketh nowe from Heauen by the mouth of his son who speake as it were out of the earth by Moyses By workes he vnderstandeth not onely Myracles but also the declaration of his diuine power 11. Beleeue mee that I am in the Father and the Father in mee or els beleeue mee for the workes sake C. Fyrst of all he requireth his Disciples to beléeue his testimony when he affirmeth himselfe to be the son of God Notwithstanding because they had bin hitherto to slow he doth priueli nip their negligence Yf so be saith he my affirmation be not of credit inough with you and yf ye make so small account of mee that ye thinke my wordes are not to be beléeued at the lest consider my power whiche is the visible Image of the presence of God It was very strange that they should not depend vpon the mouth of Christ séeing that euery word which he spake ought to haue binne beleeued without doubtyng But Christ here reprehendeth his Disciples for that they being so often toulde of one thing profited so litle He doth not teach what is the nature of Faith but testifieth that he hath that which may suffice to reproue the vnbeleeuers In that he sayeth agayne I am in the father and the father in me It is not superfluous for we sée by dayly experiēce how nature pricketh vs forward to vaine curiositie 12 Verely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth on me the works that I do the same shal he do also and greater workes than these shal hee doe because I goe vnto the father B. The purpose of Christe in these wordes is that he might perswade his Disciples not to be sorye for his departure from them which should hapen vnto them for the best but rather to prepare them selues stoutly and dilygently to discharge the office of the Gospell C. For what so euer Christe had spokē of him selfe hitherto vnto his disciples it was tēporal in respect of them Therefore without the adding of this part the consolation had not bin full and perfect specially séeing in remembring the benefites our memory is fraile In the which matter we néede no other examples For when God hath heaped vpon vs all manner of benefites yf he cease but halfe a month we wyll thinke that he is dead In consideration of this Christ doth not only speake of his present power which his Apostles at that time behelde with their eyes but also promiseth that they shall haue a perpetuall féelinge of the same euer after And verely he dyd not onely while he was on the earth declare his diuinitie but also after he was gone vnto the Father the faithfull had experience of the same But we are either dull or so wycked that we nether consider God in his works nor Christ in the workes of God And greater works then these shal he do A These words are diuersly expounded by Interpreters Some restrayne these workes vnto the myracles whiche the Apostles wrought after the resurrection of Christe the which that they might proue to be greater then those that Christ wrought they alledge that which Luke writeth of the shaddow of Peter But the rising of Lazarus was a more wonderful woorke than the simple helyng of sicke persons Other some referre it to the number of myracles sayinge that the Apostles wrought greater miracles because they wrought more in nomber Act. 15.16 both in Hierusalem in other parts of the worlde they affirme this place to agrée with that in Marke And these signes shall follow them that beleeue Mat. 16 i7 In my name they shall caste out Deuills c. C. But this is the simple meanyng of Christ that his power was so little tyed to that presence of his bodye by whiche he proued him selfe to be the son of God that the same should be set forth by more and greater experimentes he being absent For straight after the assention of Christ followed the wonderfull conuersion of the world in whiche the diuinitie of Christ more mightely declared it selfe than whan he liued among men Thus we see that the approbation of the diuinitye of Christe was not shutte vp in his parson but spread throughoute the whole body of the Churche But to doe this of the which he speketh here is neither proper to the Apostells aloane nor common to all the Godly but belongeth to the whole body of the Church Because I go to the father C. The reason why the Apostles should do greater
Myracles than Christ him selfe is because he goyng to take possesion of his kingdome woulde more fully shewe foorth his power from heauen Whereby it appeareth that nothyng of his glory was deminished in that his Apostles wrought more excelentlye after his departure who were onely his Instrumentes Yea Philip. 2. hereby it appeareth that he sitteth at the right hand of his Father that euery knée might bowe before hym R. For to go vnto the father in this place is for Christ being now not only God but also man by his death and resurrection to enter into the kingdome of his father to sit at his right hand and to take vppō him the rule of all cretures The which appeared then to the worlde when the Apostles and their true successors preached the Gospell in diuers partes 13. And what so euer ye aske in my name that wyll I doe that the father may be gloryfied in the Sonne Bv. Now he vttereth an other Argument of his deuinitie ▪ the whiche being rightly waied wonderfully comforteth I wyll do saith he for you what so euer you aske in my name For I am God And it belongeth vnto God alone to heare the prayers of al men to graunt and fulfill all mens desyres B. Therfore he geueth a reason of that which he had sayde that the beléeuing in hym should worke greater workes than he wrought which he specially promised to his Disciples at that time present His meaning therfore is this think not that incredible whiche I haue promised vnto you Wherefore what soeuer ye shall aske in my name I wyll geue vnto you But he spake of those workes and Myracles by whiche the Father should be gloryfied in the Sonne That is to say by whiche he was acknowleged to be the sauiour of the world lest any man should drawe this promise to euery thing The glorye of God is the health of his Saintes Prayer accordinge to Gods glori and therefore before all other thinges they pray that his name may be sanctified and that his kingdome might come neither do they pray for any thing vnto the whiche they are not moued by the spirit of God M. To aske in the name of Christ is to pray for somwhat which either pertayneth to his name or kingdome Act. 4. or els by the prorogatiue of his name may be hoped to be obtayned After the firste manner the Apostles prayed to God the father as we may reade in the actes of the Apostles After the other manner al the faithfull pray J wyll doo it By these wordes he declareth that he is not onely a mediatour but also the Lord of all thinges who can graunt al things that we aske yea and as he can so also he will He teacheth also what the end is whervnto all our prayers must be directed namely that the Father may be gloryfied by the Sonne Therfore those thinges which are such that they cannot be done to the glorye of the Father by the Son are neither rightly asked of vs nor yet can be obtayned So that this place agréeth with this saying of Paule That euery tongue should confes that the Lord Iesus Christ Phil. 2. xi is to the glory of God the father The end of all prayers is the hallowyng of Gods name But the lawfull way to sanctifie is here expressed namelye in the son and by the sonne For when the maiestie of God is hidden from vs in it selfe it shineth in Christ when his hand is hidden we haue the same visible in Christ Therefore in those benefits which the father bestoweth vpon vs we must not seperate hym from the sonne according to this saying He which honoreth not the sonne honoreth not the father Ioh. 5.23 14. If ye shall aske any thinge in my name I will doe it R. Christ repeateth one thing twise that those thinges might be more assured whiche he promiseth For we obtayne nothing at the handes of the father but by the son C. The repeticion thereof is not superfluous All men see and féele that they are vnworthye to approche vnto God yet notwithstanding the greater part rush forth like madd men and bouldly yea rather proudly talketh with God Afterward when that vnworthynesse of the which we speake euen now cōmeth in their mindes euery man deuiseth for him selfe new meanes But God calling vs vnto hym setteth before vs one Mediatour by whom he wil be intreated and also fauorable vnto vs ▪ But here agayne the corruption of humaine wisdome triumpheth because the greater part forsakyng the true way wearieth it selfe in crocked and by wayes This therefore commeth to passe because the power and goodnesse of God is not apprehended as it should in Christ There is also a second error namely the not remembring that we are al iustly driuen from the accesse and comming vnto God vntill we ar called of him and that we are not called but by his Sonne Wherefore yf we think one testimony insufficient yet not withstanding let vs knowe that for as muche as Christ doth the seconde time intreat that the Father must be praied vnto in his name he doth as it were lay his hand vpon vs lest we should trauaile in vayne in seeking after ther patrones and helps A. For there is one onely Mediatour of God and men the man Christ Iesus 1. Tim. 2.5 Therfore if any man sin we haue an aduocate with the Father the righteous 1. Ioh ● 1 and he is a propitiation for our sinnes not for our sins only but also for the sins of the whole worlde Concerning the which matter reade more in the .vii. of Mathew beginning at the seuenth verse 15. Yf ye loue me kepe my cōmaundements M. This verse contayneth an exhortation ioyned with comfortable promises Bv. The spirit of the Lorde throughout the whole scripture doth not only shew and teach playnly the trueth but also most vehementlye vrgeth that wée shoulde receiue and retayne the same when we know it wherevpon our Lord also in this present place ioyneth an exhortation to the consolation and deuine doctrine by all meanes vrging his Disciples in them the whole Churche to receyue and retayne these thyngs and to exercise them selues in them C. It was true and sincere loue with the which the Disciples loued Christ the which notwithstanding was somwhat mixed with supersticion the which also happeneth oftentimes vnto vs. For they were out of the way in desiring to retayne Christ styll in the world That he might correct this vice he commaundeth them to bend their loue another way namely to the obseruing of those commaundementes which he had geuen them As if he should say I haue taught you by this my worde that I go to my father I haue taught you why I goe and what fruit commeth vnto you thereby and to the whole Church But because ye here that I shall dye ye are greatly troubled euen as men are wont to be for the departure of their fréendes and ye