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A47584 The historie of the reformation of the Church of Scotland containing five books : together with some treatises conducing to the history. Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572.; Buchanan, David, 1595?-1652? 1644 (1644) Wing K738; ESTC R12446 740,135 656

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and quiet all things speedily with wisedom to the good of the people with due obedience to our lawfull Sovereign under God as we are taught by the Law of God the Law of Nature the Law of Nations and the Municipall Laws of our severall Countreys But to return to the Church The Scots although they received amongst them the light of the Gospel with the very first of the Gentiles as we have said yet had they not the Evangel so universally professed thorow the whole Countrey till towards the first yeers of the third Age that is till Donald the first who not onely professed the Faith of Christ himself with his Family but did his best to cast out Idolatry wholly from his Dominions and to settle the Ministery of the Gospel in every corner thereof But this religious King could not bring to passe this his good Designe fully being diverted by continuall Wars against the Romans the whole course of his life After the death of Donald till toward the later end of the third age that is to the Reign of Crathilinth this work of totally putting down Idolatry and setling the Gospel every where in the Countrey by the negligence of the following Princes was at a stay In this King Crathilinth his dayes fell out the ninth persecution under Aurelius and the tenth under Dioclesian which gave occasion to many Christians from divers parts of the Empire but namely from the South parts of Britanie now another time to flie into Scotland for refuge as they had done before under Domitian Among those fugitives who did then repair into Scotland for shelter from the generall massacre were many excellent men in Piety and Learning whom the King Crathilinth not onely kindely received but also employed to ayd and help him and his Councell in the further setling of Christs Truth in his Kingdom and in the totall extirpation of Idolatry out of it which was so much the harder work because of the Druides the principall false Prophets and Idolatrous Priests in those dayes who not onely by their subtill hypocrisie and sense-pleasing Divine Service but also by a cunning forecast having drawn into their hands the hearing and determining of Civill affairs had so gained upon the spirits of the poor and simple people that they could not imagine how to be without them and live The resolute care and diligence of King Crathilinth and his Councell with the help of those pious and learned men surpasseth all difficulties and having put quite down the Groves and Altars under the Oaks and in a word all Idoll Service established the pure Worship of the true God in every place of his Dominions and filled up the rooms of those false Prophets with godly and learned Teachers of the people which was done every where thorow the Kingdom but particularly in the Islands which those pious men chose for their principall abode as being most fit for a retired life and namely in the Isle of Man the King Crathilinth caused to build a Church to the honour of our Saviour which in following times by corruptions was called Fanum Sodorense for Soterense the word originall is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hence the Town neer the Church was called Sodora as Minster in our vulgar language and Moustier in French signifying a Town in a secondary signification neer a Church Those godly men being setled as aforesaid and having withdrawn themselves from the sollicitude of worldly affairs did wholly give themselves to divine Service that is To instruct the ignorant comfort the weak administer the Sacraments to the people and to train up Novices and Disciples to do the same service in their due time These men for their single and retired life were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Monks by abbreviation and for their travelling altogether in Gods Worship and Service were called Colidei or Culdees These Culdees were so given to the exercise of devotion by the meditating the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven and by Prayers that the very Cells whereinto they had inclosed and separated themselves from the world after their death were reputed so many Temples or Chappels set aside for Divine Service hence to this day Cella is taken for a Church among the ancient Scots as you may see in these composed names Kelmarnoc Marnoc his Church Celpatric Patrick his Church The Culdees thus setled as we have seen did chose out of themselves some eminent men in piety knowledge and wisedom to oversee the rest and to keep them to the discharge of their duty towards the People and towards the Disciples with an orderly and discreet carriage of each one towards another in their severall societies and in their private These Overseers or Superintendents chosen of themselves and by themselves did discharge the Duties of their Function indifferently every where thorowout the whole Kingdom without restraining themselves to any certain place or Lording over their Brethren or any part of the Flock of Jesus Christ not attributing unto themselves any particular distinct holy order from the rest belonging onely to them and to be onely conferred by them This way of instructing the People and governing the Church by Culdees did continue for many yeers under Gods mercy the Ministery of Gods Church as yet not being become a businesse of gain and of worldly pomp and pride So these Culdees and Overseers of others had no other emulation but of weldoing nor striving but to advance true Pietie and godly Learning The Overseers of Superintendents of the Culdees were commonly called by the Writers who writ of those dayes Scotorum Episcopi without any definition of place or preeminence of one above another But to return to Crathilinth who till his dying day which was about the 312. yeer did constantly continue to advance the Kingdom of Christ as likewise his successor Fincormac under whose dayes the Gospel did flourish in Puritie and in Peace he died about the yeer 358. After the death of Fincormac both the Church and State of Scotland fell in great disorder and troubles by domestick dissensions and factions for some yeers The Roman Lievtenant Maximus seeing the intestine troubles of Scotland began to lay hold upon the occasion First he foments their divisions within them next not onely he withdraws under fair promises from the Scots their ancient Allies the Picts but also obtains help of the Picts to make Warre against the Scots and so to defeat them which he did effectuate indeed in a battell fought with much bloodshed on both sides at the Water of Dun in Carrick wherein the King Ewen was killed this defeat fell out about 380. in the yeer of Christ the most part of the Nobilitie and numbers of People of those that escaped some fled into the West Isles some into Ireland and others to the Northern parts of Germany or Scandia some submitted themselves to the will and discretion of the Conquerour with the poor people that had not taken arms Among those that fled
THE ECCLESIASTICALL HISTORY OF SCOTLAND THE HISTORIE Of the REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND Containing five Books Together with some TREATISES conducing to the History Published by Authority JEREM. 5.1 Run ye to and fro thorow the streets of Jerusalem and see now and know and seek in the broad places thereof if ye can finde a man if there be any executeth Iudgement that seeketh the Truth and I will pardon it 2 COR. 13.8 For we can do nothing against the Truth but for the Truth LONDON Printed by Iohn Raworth for George Thomason and Octavian Pullen and are to be sold at the signe of the Rose in Pauls Church-yard MDCXLIV To the Reader Christian Reader HEre I present unto thee a Piece I dare promise worthy of thy reading wherein thou hast a true and plain Relation without disguising of many memorable Passages happened in the Church of God and likewise some notable ones in the State of the Kingdom of Scotland from the very first setling of State and Church in that Countrey But namely and chiefly thou hast here related what principally passed in Church and State in this our Countrey during the great Work of purging the Church from the Superstitions and Idolatry and freeing both Church and State from the Tyranny and Slavery of Popery untill the coming of King James our late Soveraign to the Crown of Scotland Further beside the true and faithfull Relation of many Occurrences that fell out in these dayes in Scotland thou hast unfolded unto thee and made plain the strong Reasons and necessery Causes that moved these men who are here named although infirm and weake in themselves to undergo the great Work of Reformation With the solid Grounds upon which they went on with this weighty Businesse willingly and cheerfully notwithstanding the great rubs and difficulties they met withall through the help and assistance of God who by them mean Instruments brought things to passe in despight of the malice and stratagems of Sathan with his agents for the good of his People and the setling of his Church in Purity and Liberty All these things are set down plainly and simply in familiar and homely Language Yet so that they may be with ease apprehended and understood by any one From what thou hast here written in this Volume although there were no other Writings in this kinde extant thou mayest see easily by what means the great Mystery of Iniquity from the very first Rise hath been set afoot and constantly ever since hath been carried on to wit By cunning Devices impudent Lyes continued and crafty Plots under specious Pretexts and open Oppression Tyranny and Cruelties within Scotland till the yeer of Christ 1567. After which time the enemies of God and of his People have not been sleeping till this present more then formerly Wherefore for thy good Christian Reader I have thought fit in this place to point at some main Occurrences from that time till now First then the adversaries of Truth and Goodnesse under the specious Pretext of restoring Queen Mary to her Liberty and of re-establishing her in full Authority and sole Power did disquiet and trouble both Church and State in Scotland both with open Force and subtill Plots for some yeers that is to the 1573 yeer But finding that all their Undertakings under this pretext proved to be in vain and without successe and standing to their main Designe of undoing Religion and Liberty they bethought themselves of another way in appearance more plausible for compassing their wicked Intents it was To deal by way of entreaty and request with the chief Ministers of State and Church then To have the Mother set at liberty and to be joynt in Authority and Power with her Son And for the obtaining of this was employed the credit of the French Court for the time with all its skill and cunning but to small purpose For these rude fellows who managed the publike Affairs then of State and Church could not be corrupted with the French Complements In this way the enemies continued till the yeer 1577 and did not then give over notwithstanding their bad successe but according to their wonted and resolved custome they went on with their Designe betaking themselves to a new course wherein they had indeed more successe then in either of the former two It was this They did set awork certain men who with fair words and flattering tales so craftily dealt with the young King hardly yet twelve yeers of age that they made him cast off as a yoke the counsell and service of those who ever since his Birth-day had carefully laboured for the good of State and Church with the pereservation of his Authority and safety of his Person And so the inconsiderate young King although of most nimble wit and knowing above his yeers under the shew of freedom put himself in the power of those who wished no good to his Person and Authority and as little to the Church and State making no scruple to trouble both for their own ends according to the Instructions of the Masters who set them awork So in very short time they gave unto the young King such impressions which did stick too much to him that not onely he became averse from those who had been so usefull to the publike and so serviceable to him but also he suffered them to be persecuted yea some by death and others by banishment While the enemies were thus working businesse with us in Scotland they were not idle with our neighbours in England for they were contriving and plotting under colour of setting the imprisoned Queen at liberty And were gone so far on in this way in both Kingdoms that to stop the course and progresse of the enemies both Countries thought it necessary to enter into a mutuall League and Covenant one with another for the defence of the Reformed Religion and Liberties of both Kingdoms with the preservation of the Persons and Authorities of both Princes King James and Queen Elizabeth against the common enemy This was done by the consent of both Princes in the yeer 1686. After this the enemy seeing the warinesse of both Kingdoms to be such that in a short time he was not likely to advance the main Designe according to his minde by craft and cunning leaveth off for a time to act the part of the Fox and openly declares himself to be a ravishing Wolf So the yeer 1588 the Armado cometh against both Kingdoms which God in his mercy unto our fathers and us brought to nought About this time and some yeers before the agents of the enemy were very busie with King James to break with England and to revenge the hard usage and ill treatment of his Mother But God did direct him so for his own good that he did give no consent to their evil counsell Upon this refusall of the Kings the agents of the common enemy do bestir themselves to trouble both King and Kingdom which they did in a
onely one or two who embraced the Truth all the rest were either professed persecutors of Gods Children and open enemies of the Truth or else they were given altogether so to satisfie their bellies and lusts that they had no care of Religion witnesse George Creichton in the name of all the rest Bishop of Dunkell who confessed truly That he had lived a long time Bishop and never knew any thing of the Old or New Testament Impietie Ignorance and Wickednesse came to such height among the Church-men of all ranks degrees and professions that God being after so long patience in a manner vexed with them did stirre up the people to chase them from the service of his House and to put others in their places as you will see in this following Historie whereunto I referre you And I shall close up this discourse with one or two passages worthy to be known whereby you may see the learning of the Church-Doctors in those dayes and how they did imploy the knowledge they had to abuse the poor people The first Passage is this One Richard Marshall Prior of the Blackefriers at Newcastle in England preached in Saint Andrews That the Pater-noster should be said to God onely and not to the Saints The Doctors of Saint Andrews offended at it made a Gray frier called Tottis preach against Marshall his Tenet which hee did thus taking his Text out of the fift of Saint Matthew Blessed are the poore in spirit Seeing we say Good day Father to any old man in the Street we may call a Saint Pater who is older then any alive And seeing they are in Heaven we may say to any of them Our Father which art in heaven And seeing they are holy we may say to any of them Hallowed be thy name And since they are in the Kingdom of Heaven we may say Thy kingdom come And seeing their will is Gods Will we may say to any of them Thy will be done But when the Gray Fryer preaching came to the fourth Petition Give us this day our dayly bread he was hissed at and so was constrained not onely to leave off Preaching but also to leave the City for shame Yet among the Doctors then assembled the Dispute continued about the Pater for some would have it said to God formaliter and to the Saints materialiter others to God principaliter to the Saints minus principaliter others primariò to God secundariò to the Saints others would have it said to God taking it strictè and to the Saints taking it latè Notwithstanding all these Distinctions the Doctors could not agree upon the businesse A fellow called Tom servant to the Sub-Prior of Saint Andrews one day perceiving his Master much troubled with some businesse and as he conceived weighty said to him Sir what is the matter of this your trouble The Master answered We cannot agree about the saying of the Pater The fellow replied To whom should it be said but to God alone The Master answers again What shall we do then with the Saints The fellow duplies Give them Ave's and Credo's enough that may suffice them and too well too If this was good Divinity God knows The second passage likewise is very well worth the knowing and to this purpose very fit which fell out about the same time with the former that is about the first beginning of the Reformation A little before the death of George Wischard there came home from Rome a fellow charged with very many holy Reliques and new things of great vertue as he gave out but the things were not to be had nor any benefit by the sight or touching of them without moneys Now upon a holy day in a village neer Hadington this Romish Pedler did open his pack to try if he could vent any of his Wares among the Countrey people Among other commodities the good Merchant did shew unto the people there was a Bell of much value by reason of its great vertue which he gave out to be this That if any two parties had any difference which could not be otherwise decided but by Oath the truth of the Oath was to be made known by this Bell for said he when any one sweareth laying his hand on this Bell if he swear true he shall after the Oath sworn remove his hand easily from from the Bell without any change to the Bell But if he that sweareth having his hand upon the Bell sweareth falsly his hand will stick to the Bell and the Bell will rive asunder Now we must tell you That already there was a rift in the Bell which this Romipete did affirm had happened by a false Oath of one that had sworn having his hand upon the Bell. At this tale the poor simple people were astonished and fell in admiration But among them was one Fermer who had some light of the Truth of God he drawing neer the Romish Merchant desired to have the Bell in his hand to see it neerly This desire was granted unto him Then he takes the Bell and looks on it expressing great admiration at first but immediately thereafter he asked at the Romipete if he would suffer him to swear in presence of the company having his hand upon the Bell for he had minde to take an Oath upon a weighty businesse The man could not refuse him Then said the Farmer to the company Friends before I swear you see the rift that is already in the Bell and how big it is and that I have nothing upon my fingers to make them stick to the Bell. With this he sheweth them his hand open then laying his hand upon the Bell he did swear this I swear in the presence of the living God and before these good people That the Pope of Rome is Antichrist and that all the rabble of his Clergie Cardinalls Archbishops Bishops Priests Monks with the rest of the crew are Locusts come from hell to delude the people and to withdraw them from God Moreover I promise They will return to hell Incontinent he lifted up his hand from the Bell before them all and said See friends that I have lifted up my hand freely from the Bell and look unto the rift in the Bell it is one and the same without change this sheweth according to the saying of this Merchant That I have sworn truth Then this poor fellow went away and never was more seen in Scotland nor any other of his kinde who brought Reliques or other like toyes from Rome Many more of this kinde might be alleadged but let these suffice to demonstrate the miserable ignorance from which God in his mercy hath delivered us To whom be praise and glory for this and all other benefits With this I end the Preface that you may come to the History it self 1553. PAtrick Hamilton was three and twenty yeers of Age when he suffered After his death his brother German Iames Hamilton of Levinston was accused likewise but the King did cause to convey him
high measure in the yeer 1595. This gave occasion then both to Prince and people to enter into Covenant for the defence of the Truth and pure Doctrine of the Church with the Reformed Discipline and of the safety of the King and Kingdom by which means the proceedings of the enemies was stopped for a while Now the time drawing neer of the Kings coming to the Crown of England the watching enemy returns to work again in another manner then he had done hitherto which was this By the mouths of some timerous and worldly men he causeth to present unto the King the consideration of great difficulties that he was likely to finde in his succeeding to the Crown of England by two parties there who were given out to be the Strength of the Kingdom to wit the profest Papists and the Prelaticall men therefore to facilitate the businesse they must be in some sort contented For the satisfaction of the Prelates the King by degrees must endeavour to bring again into Scotland Prelacy with all its dependences for no neglecter or contemner of the holy Order could be kindely received to reigne in England and so this part of the advice was followed with all possible care and diligence To content the Papists they not onely must have given unto them under-hand hopes of connivence and over seeing their practice but also there must be a Letter written to the Pope to assure his Holinesse of the Kings affection to the Catholike Cause Thus both these parties were calmed so far that the King came to the Crown of England Anno 1602 without manifest opposition albeit not without the grumbling and grudging of some As for the stricter sort of Professors of the Reformed Religion going under the nick-name of Puritans no opposition or trouble to the Succession was feared from them because the Principles upon which they go on rising from the Word of God are far other then those of worldlings which flow from interest and consequently they needed not Atonement or Propitiatory Sacrifice to befriend the King But the holy Father not finding reall performance by the King of what he looked for remembers the King in good earnest of his promise not kept by the Gun-powder Plot Anno 1605. After which by Gods mercy failing men would have thought that the Popish party should leave off all undertakings hereafter But they follow their businesse more constantly then so for no sooner one Plot fails but incontinent they put another afoot yea they have severall Plots at one and the same time in hand whereof it is likely that either one or other will take Now this great Plot of the Gun-powder being come to nothing they as it were go back for a time to come forward in due season with another and leaving for a while the open and devouring ravishing of the Wolf they have recourse again to the cunning of the Fox The next care then after the calming in some measure the spirits of men after so horrid a Treason is to look about and to studie by whom he affairs of these Dominions were managed And finding by serious inspection That all affairs received great influence from the Court after mature deliberation they resolved to make friends there which they did by subtill insinuations fair words high promises and some reall performances of good Offices yea when money was absolutely necessary it was not spared Thus by degrees having gotten friends at Court in it they make a party next for whose subsistence and increase they employ all that they can Now having power and credit at Court more and clearly perceiving it to be the fountain from whence all preferment to Honour and benefit in Church and State did flow they judged it fit for their purpose to make sure of some prime men both in Church and State according to their minde which was done as they desired Thus having gained men chief in State and Church for their use then they went to the corrupting of the Universities being the Seminaries of all Liberall Education This likewise they did effectuate first by the Over-seers connivence to loosenesse of life in young people next by the bad example of the Seniors the Iuniors were invited to do mischief Then the Teachers by their bad instruction did corrupt namely in Theologie all sound Doctrine And for this purpose the earnest studie of the Old Testrment in the Originall Hebrew was cryed downe as beseeming rather men of the Synagogue then those of the Christian Schools Likewise the Greek of the New Testament must not be read with diligence for fear of spoyling the elegancy of the Greek Language which is to be found in profane Authors So they withdrew the Students from the studie of Scriptures in the Originall and recommended to them the reading of humane Writings particularly in Theologie the Books of the Ancients which are commonly called Fathers Likewise was recommended unto young men the studie of the Sophistry of the Monks as of Thomas and Scotus namely with their Expositors True it is That if young men were well instructed in Theologie from the Scriptures and taught the true Principles of Philosophie in a setled course by some judicious and diligent Professor they might reade all these Books and others in their kinde with pleasure and benefit But alas young men not knowing the rudiments of Theologie nor the first Elements of Philosophie are let loose unto themselves and so by reading these Books having no sure ground to stick to learn onely to doubt and put Queries yea of the very Principles of all sound knowledge both Divine and Humane Thus being brought to waver and doubt they are easily led what by interest what by weaknesse to embrace a bad Opinion or at least to hold all uncertain as the ancient Scepticks not being able to resolve Yea doubting is come to that height that in the opinion of many he is the bravest fellow and wittiest that can raise most Queries answer them who will or can And so Wit is hugely cryed up which is but meer froth and poor solid Wisedom is not so much as named or thought on Then those of the richer sort having spent some time idly and loosely at the Universities go beyond Sea particularly to Italy forsooth either upon their own trust or which is little better if not worse many of those who go along with young men to advise and direct them have as much need of one for their guide as the young men themselves having neither staidnesse discretion nor probity So that if there were a just account cast up of all those who either have been bred in the Universities or gone beyond Sea these many yeers I will speak within compasse That of twenty you shall hardly finde one who is improved in vertue by this Breeding for the good of the Church and State whereof they are members and perhaps considerable too if they were wise and good At this present both Church and State findes this to be true
away was Ethod the Kings Brother who went with sundry of the Nobilitie unto Scandia where he and they stayed divers yeers and from whence now and then they made secret attempts upon Scotland with the help of their Brethren retired into the Islands and Ireland but to small effect Now as the face of the politique State of the Countrey was quite altered and undone so the condition of the Church also was much disordered and the Culdees were constrained to withdraw and seek shelter up and down where they could finde any namely they returned into the Isles and into Ireland At last the Picts perceiving by severall attempts made by the exiled Scots to return home and re-establish their State although with little successe as we have said that the Scots were fully resolved to bestirre themselves continually till they were restored and re-established in their ancient Inheritances the Picts themselves being moved with the groaning miseries of their neighbour poor people of Scotland now under the Roman yoak chiefly by their means and taking to their consideration how foolishly they had suffered themselves be so farre circumvented and deluded by the Romans as to contribute to the ruine of their old friends by whom mainly in former times they had withstood the common enemy did not onely comfort the poor oppressed remainers of the Scots at home but also did invite these that were in exile to return promising unto them the Lands which they had of theirs and to help them with all their strength and counsell in the recovery of their whole State from the Roman Tyrants The exiled Scots under the conduct of Fergus the second son to Ethod beyond Sea gathered all they could both of their own people and of their friends from the places of their exile namely from Scandie and from Ireland likewise and came into Scotland from whence they chased away the Romans by strong hand with the help of the Picts who made good their promise unto them both in assisting them in the action of Warre and in restoring unto them the Land that they had been possessed with by the Romans The Auxiliaries from Ireland stayed still in Scotland and had allowed unto them the Countrey of Galloway for their reward and because they were of the ancient Brigants of Ireland some of the late Writers have said That the Brigantes of Albion had their abode in Galloway No sooner is Fergus Crowned in the fatall Chair and setled in his Kingdom but he takes to his first care to restore the puritie of Divine Service which had been eclipsed in these bounds for severall yeers and to this effect he calls some of the dispersed Culdees of his Country whom he settles in their ancient abodes namely in the Isle of Iona where he furnished them with a Library of Books which he had gathered beyond Sea as the Story tells us This return of Fergus into Scotland son of Ethod Brother to late Ewen fell out about the yeer 420. The regaining by the Scots of their native Countrey under the command of Fergus the second will not seem strange unto them who have read what they did under the commands of William Wallace and how under the conduct of Robert Bruce they recovered their liberty from the thraldom wherewith they were then oppressed Ewen son to Fergus the second by the counsell and ayd of his Grand-father by his Mother Grame did not onely keep his Fathers ancient Kingdom but also did enlarge the Limits thereof having passed the next Wall of the Romans which by Grame was pulled down in many places hence it is called Grames Dyke and he possessed himself and the Picts with all the Lands lying an hundred miles Southward that is unto Tyne and kept them till the entry of the Saxons into the Island Next he took unto his care not onely to seek out the Culdees fugitives which had not yet returned under his Father but also he sent for others into the neighbour Countrey of Britaine and assigned unto them convenient places for their abode with a moderate competency of means for their maintenance that they should be in no wayes burdensome to the people now looking to have some respite from their pressures and grievances And such was the happinesse of these dayes that a very small proportion did content the Church-men setting wholly their mindes to the conscionable discharge of their calling which they did Preaching Gods Word carefully truely and simply instructing the people in the fear of God and so gaining their souls to their Maker and Redeemer By this their carriage they gained very much respect among the people who honoured them as Fathers Instructers and Guiders to Heaven under God the vertuous civill Magistrate was the secondary cause of this good behaviour of Church-men who by his authority kept them in order and by his own example taught them to discharge their duty faithfully and live discretly But so soon as the civill Magistrate left them to themselves then they neglecting their calling set their minde upon ambition and avarice and consequently upon all evill thinking of nothing lesse then of that they were called to Here we are to observe That as the Scots did constantly withstand the ancient Romans and kept themselves so free of their yoak that they neither acknowledged their Authority nor received any Law from them although it was not without great struggling and hazard yea almost to their utter ruine as it fell out under Ewen the first but after some few yeers the Scots under the conduct of Fergus the second and Ewen the second not onely regained what they had lost by the Romans and Picts but also conquered a great deal of ground beyond their last Limits as we have newly said So the Scots in Church affairs for many yeers together had nothing to do with the Bishop of Rome neither made they acknowledgement unto him in any way neither did they receive any Laws from him for as they had the Gospel planted among them without his help to wit by the Disciples of Saint Iohn the Apostle so they kept themselves unto the Constitutions and Canons setled by the same first Planters of the Gospel amongst them but by successe of time they became to be infected by their neighbour Nations with the poyson of the Pelagian Heresie Celestine then Bishop of Rome take● occasion to send unto the Britons a learned man called Palladius to help the Orthodox Britons to convince the Heresie of Pelagius then spreading it self amongst them which was done accordingly Ewen the second King of Scots hearing how the Britons by the help of Palladius had repressed the Pelagianisme being most desirous to purge the Church of his Kingdom also where this Pelagian errour had crept in sends for Palladius who with small difficulty assisted the Orthodox to disabuse those who had been carryed away by Pelagianisme and thereafter in a very short time by subtill in●inuations gained so far upon the well-meaning Scots that they consented to take
very simple people understood and confessed That as the Priests and obstinate Pharisees perswaded the people to refuse Christ Jesus and caused Pilate to condemne him So did the Bishops and men called Religious blinde the people and perswade Princes and Judges to persecute such as professe Christ Jesus his blessed Gospel This plain speaking so inflamed the hearts of all that bare the Beasts mark that they ceased not till the said Friar Kill●r and with him Frier Beaverege Sir Duncane Symson Robert Forester Gentleman and Deane Thomas Forrat Channon regular and Vicar of Dolour a man of upright life who altogether were cruelly murthered in one fire upon the Castle hill the last of February in the yeere of our Lord 1538. This cruelty was used by the aforesaid Cardinall the Chancellour the Bishop of Glasgow and the incestuous Bishop of Dumblane After that this cruelty was used in Edinburgh upon the Castle hill to the effect that the rest of the Bishops might shew themselves no lesse fervent to suppresse the lyght of God then he of S. Andrews was were apprehended two of the Diocesse of Glasgow The one named Ieronimus Russell a gray Frier a young man of a meeke nature quicke spirit and good Learning And one Alexander Kennedie who passed not eighteen yeers of age one of excellent wit in vulgar Poesie To assist the Bishop of Glasgow in that cruell judgement or at least to dip his hands in the blood of the Saints of God were sent Master Iohn Lawd●r Master Andrew Olyphant and Frier Meitman servants of Satan apt for that purpose The day appointed to the cruelty approached The two poore Saints of God were presented before those bloody butchers grievous were the crimes that were laid to their charge Kennedie at the first was faint and gladly would have recanted but while the place of repentance was denied unto him the spirit of God which is the spirit of all comfort began to work in him yea the inward comfort began to burst forth as well in visage as in tongue and word for his countenance began to be cheerfull and with a joyfull voice upon his knees he said O eternall God how wonderfull is that love and mercy that thou bearest unto mankinde and unto me the most caitife and miserable wretch above all others For even now when I would have denied thee and thy Son our Lord Iesus Christ my onely Saviour and so have cast my self into everlasting damnation Thou by thine own hand hast pulled me from the very bottome of hell and made me to feele that heavenly comfort which takes from me that ungodly feare wherewith before I was oppressed Now I defie death do what ye please I praise my God I am ready The godly and learned Ieronimus railed upon by these godlesse Tyrants answered This is your houre and power of darknesse Now sit ye as Iudges and we stand wrongfully accused and more wrongfully to be condemned but the day shall come when our innocencie shall appeare and that ye shall see your own blindnesse to your everlasting confusion Go forward and fulfill the measure of your iniquity While that these servants of God thus behaved themselves a variance ariseth betwixt the Bishop and the beasts that came from the Cardinall For the Bishop said I thinke it better to spare these men then to put them to death Whereat the idiot Doctors offended said What will ye do my Lord will ye condemne all that my Lord Cardinall and the other Bishops and we have done If so ye do ye shew your selfe enemy to the Church and us and so we will repute you be ye assured At which words the faithlesse man afraid adjudged the innocents to die according to the desire of the wicked The meeke and gentle Ieronimus Russell comforted the other with many comfortable sentences oft saying unto him Brother fear not more mighty is he that is in us than he that is in the world the pain that we shall suffer is short and shall be light but our joy and consolation shall nevea have end and therefore let us contend to enter in unto our Master and Saviour by the same strait way which he hath taken before us Death cannot destroy us for it is destroyed already by him for whose sake we suffer With these and the like comfortable sentences they passed to the place of execution and constantly triumphed over death and Sathan even in the midst of the flaming fire And thus did those cruell beasts intend nothing but murther in all the quarters of this Realme for so far had they blinded and corrupted the inconsiderate Prince that he gave himself to obey the tyrannie of those bloodie beasts and he made a solemne Vow That none should be spared that was suspect of Heresie yea although it were his own son To presse and push him forward in this his fury he lacked not flatters enow for many of his Minions were pensioners to Priests Amongst whom Oliver Synclare yet remaining enemy to God was principall And yet did not God cease to give that blinded Prince documents that some sudden punishment was to fall upon him if he did not repent and amend his life and that his own mouth did confesse For after that Sir Iames Hamilton was beheaded justly or unjustly we dispute not this Vision came unto him as to his familiars himself did declare the said Sir Iames appeared unto him having in his hands a drawn sword with the which he stroke from the King both the arms saying to him these words Take that till thou receive a finall payment for all thy impiety This Vision with sorrowful countenance he shewed on the morrow and shortly thereafter died his two sons both within the space of 24 hours yea some say within the space of six hours In his own presence George Steill his greatest flatterer and greatest enemy to God that was in his Court dropped off his horse and died not saying one word that same day that in audience of many the said George had refused his portion of Christs Kingdom if the prayers of the Virgin Mary should not bring him thereto How terrible a Vision the said Prince saw lying in Lintlightow that night that Thomas Scot Justice Clerk died in Edinburgh men of good credite can yet report For afraid at midnight or after he called aloud for Torches and raised all that lay beside him in the Pallace and told that Thomas Scot was dead for he had been at him with a company of devills and had said unto him these words O we to the day that ever I knew thee or thy service for serving of thee against God against his servants and against Iustice I am adjudged to endlesse torment How terrible voyces the said Thomas Scot pronounced before his death men of all estates heard and some that yet live can witnesse his voice ever was Iusto Dei judicio condemnatus sum that is I am condemned by
deprehended For the brethren assembled themselves in such sort in companies singing Psalmes and praising God that the proudest of the enemies were astonished This Tragedie of Saint Gyles was so terrible to some Papists that Durie sometimes called for his filthinesse Abbot Stottikin and then intituled Bishop of Galloway left his Riming wherewith he was accustomed and departed this life even as he had lived For the Articles of his beleefe were I referre Decarte you Ha ha the foure Kings and all made The devil go with it It is but a varlet From France we thought to have gotten a Rubie And yet is he nothing but a Cahoobie With such Faith and such Prayers departed out of this life that enemy of God who had vowed and plainly said That in despight of God so long as they that then were Prelates lived should that Word called the Gospel never be Preached within this Realme After him followed that belly-God Master David Panter called Bishop of Rosse even with the like documents except that he departed eating and drinking which together with the rest that thereupon depended was the pastime of his life The most part of the Lords that were in France at the Queens Marriage although that they got their leave from the Court yet they forgot to return to Scotland For whether it was by an Italian Posset or French Feggs or by the Pottage of their Apothecary he was a French-man there departed from this life the Earl of Cassiles the Earl of Rothesse Lord Fleming and the Bishop of Orknay whose end was even according to his life For after that he was driven back by a contratious winde and forced to land again at Deep perceiving his sicknesse to increase he caused to make his bed betwixt his two coffers some said upon them such was his God the gold that therein was inclosed that he could not depart therefrom so long as memory would serve him The Lord Iames then Prior of S. Andrews had by all appearance licked of the same broath that dispatched the rest for thereof to his death his stomacke doth testifie But God preserved for a better purpose This same Lord Iames after Earle of Murray and the said Bishop were commonly at debate in matters of Religion and therefore the said Lord hearing of the Bishops disease came to visit him and finding him not so well at a point as he thought he should have been and as the honour of the countrey required said unto him Fie my Lord how lie you so will you not go to your Chamber and not lie heere in this utter Roome His answer was I am well where I am my Lord so long as I can tarry for I am neer unto my friends meaning his coffers and the gold therein But my Lord said he how long have you and I been in plea for Purgatorie I thinke that I shall know ere it be long whether there be such a place or not While the other did exhort him to call to minde the promises of God and the vertue of Christs death He answered Nay my Lord let me alone for you and I never agreed in our life and I thinke we shall not agree now at my death I pray you therefore let me alone The said Lord Iames departed to his Lodging and the other shortly after departed this life whither the great day of the Lord will declare When the word of the departing of so many Patrons of Papistry and of the manner of their departing came unto the Queene Regent after astonishment and musing she said What shall I say of such men They left me as beasts and as beasts they die God is not with them neither with that which they enterprise While these things were in doing in Scotland and France that perfect hypocrite Master Iohn Synclare then Deane of Lestarrige and now Lord President and Bishop of Brechin began to Preach in his Church of Lestarrige and at the beginning held himselfe so indifferent that many had opinion of him That he was not far from the Kingdom of God But his hypocrisie could not long be cloaked for when he understood that such as feared God began to have a good opinion of him and that the Friers and others of that sect began to whisper That if he took not heed in time to himself and unto his Doctrine he would be the destruction of the whole state of the Church This by him understood he appointed a Sermon in the which he promised to give his judgement upon all such heads as then were in controversie in the matters of Religion The bruit hereof made his audience great at the first But that day he so handled himself that after that no godly man did credit him for he not onely gainsaid the Doctrine of Justification and of Prayer which before he had taught but also he set up and maintained Papistry to the uttermost prick yea Holy-water Pilgrimage Purgatory and Pardons were of such vertue in his conceit That without them he looked not to be saved In this mean time the Clergy made a brag That they would dispute But M. David Panter which then lived and lay at Lestarrige disswaded them therefrom affirming That if ever they disputed but where themselves were both Judge and partie and where that fire and sword should obey their decree that then their cause was marred for ever For their victory stood neither in God nor in his Word but in their own wills and in the things concluded by their own counsells together with sword and fire whereto said he these new up-start fellows will give no place but they will call you to your Count-book and that is to the Bible and by it ye will no more be found the men that ye are called then the Devil will be approved to be God And therefore if ye love your selves enter never into disputation neither yet call ye the matter into question but defend your possession or else all is lost Caiaphas could not give any better counsell to his companions but yet God disappointed both them and him as after we shall heare At this same time some of the Nobility directed their Letters to call Iohn Knox from Geneva for their comfort and for the comfort of their brethren the Preachers and others that then couragiously fought against the enemies of Gods Trueth The Tenour of their Letter is this Grace Mercy and Peace for Salvation DEarly Beloved in the Lord the faithfull that are of your acquaintance in these parts thanks be unto God are stedfast in the beliefe wherein yee left them and have a godly thirst and desire day by day of your presence againe Now if the Spirit of God will so move you and grant time unto you we all heartily desire you in the Name of the Lord That ye would returne again into these parts where you shall finde all the faithfull that ye left behinde you not onely glad to heare your
with such others of the French faction who had openly spoken That they had refused all portion of Scotland unlesse that it were under the government of a French-man Recompence them O Lord as thou knowest most expedient for thine owne glory and for the perpetuall shame of all Traitours to their Common-wealth The certain knowledge of all these things came to our eares whereat many were afraid and divers suspected that England would not be so forward in times to come considering that their former expences were so great The principall comfort remained with the Preachers for they assured us in Gods Name that God would performe in all perfection that worke in our hands The beginning whereof he had so mightily maintained because it was not ours but his own And therefore exhorted us That we should constantly proceed to reform all abuses and to plant the Ministery of the Church as by Gods word we might justifie it and then commit the successe of all to our God in whose power the disposition of Kingdoms standeth And so we began to do for troubles appearing made us give eare to the admonitions of Gods servants And while that we had scarcely begun again to implore the help of our God and to shew some signes of our obedience unto his Messengers and holy Word Lo the mighty hand of God from above sent unto us a wonderfull and most joyfull deliverance For unhappy Francis husband to our Soveraigne suddenly perished of a rotten eare But because the death of that young man was not onely the cause of joy to us in Scotland but also by it were the faithfull in France delivered as it were from the present death We think expedient to speak of the same somewhat more largely These cruell and conjured enemies of God and of all godlinesse the Duke of Guise the Cardinall of Loraine and their faction who then at their owne appetite plaid the Tyrants in France had determined the destruction of all that professed the true knowledge of Jesus Christ within that Realme What tyrannie late before they had used at Amboyse the History of France doth witnesse now in Orleance in the moneth of November conveaned the King unhappy Francis the Queen our Soveraigne and the Queen mother of the King the Duke of Guise with all his faction The King of Navarre and the Prince of Condie his brother So that great was the confluence of the Nobilitie but greater was the assembly of the murtherers for there was not a Hang-man in all France which was not there The prisons were full of the true servants of God The King of Navarre and the Prince of Condie were constituted Prisoners The Sheriffe of Orleance a man fearing God was taken and so were many others of the Towne Briefly there was none that professed God or godlinesse within that Towne that looked not for the extremity for the Walles and Gates were night and day kept with the Garisons of the Guysians miserable men were daily brought in to suffer judgement but none was suffered to depart forth but at the devotion of the Tyrants And so they proceeded till the tenth or twelfth of December when that they thought time to put their bloody councell in execution and for that purpose conclusion was taken That the King should depart out of the Towne and lie at a certaine place which was done to this intent That there should no suite be made to the King for the safetie of any mans life whom they thought worthy of death And so was the Kings house in Orleance broken up his beds cofers and tapistrie sent away his owne bootes put on he sitting at the Masse immediately hereafter to have departed and so their tyrannie to have begun When all things we say were in this readinesse to shed the blood of innocents the eternall our God who ever watcheth for the preservation of his owne began to worke and suddenly did put his own work in execution for as the said King sat at Masse he was suddenly stricken with an Aposthume in that deaf ear that never would hear the Trueth of God and so was he carried to a void and empty house laid upon a palliase unto such time as a Cannaby was set up unto him where he lay till the fifteenth day of December in the yeere of God 1560. When his glory perished and the pride of his stubborne heart vanished in smoke And so was the snare broken The Tyrants disappointed of their crueltie Those that was appointed to death raised as it were out of their graves And we who by our foolishnesse had made our selves slaves to strangers were restored againe to freedome and libertie of a free Realme O that we had hearts deepely to consider what are thy wondrous works O Lord that we might praise thee in the midst of this most obstinate and wicked generation and leave the memoriall of the same to our posterities which alas we feare shall forget these thy inestimable benefits Some in France after the sudden death of Francis the 2. and calling to minde the death of Charles the 9 in blood and the slaughter of Henry the 2. did remark the Tragicall ends of these three Princes who had persecuted Gods servants so cruelly by their instruments the Guisians and by their Pens both in Prose and Verse did advise all other Princes not to authorize any Persecution or wrong done unto Gods servants left they should have the like end And indeed the following Kings of France unto this day hath found this true by their infortunate and unexpected ends The death of this King made great alteration in France England and Scotland France was erected in some esperance that the tyranny of the Guisians should no longer raigne above them because God at unawares had broken the staffe whereupon they leaned but alas they were deceived For the simplicity of some was so abused that against the Lawes of the Realm to the Queen mother was committed the Regiment which lifted up as well the Duke of Guise as the cruell Cardinall for a season The Queen of England and the Councell remitted our Ambassadours The pride of the Papists of Scotland began to be abated and some that ever had shewn themselves enemies unto us began to think and plainly to speak amongst whom the old Sheriff of Ayre was one That they perceived God to fight for us The Earle of Arrane having suffered repulse in his designe to marry the Queen of England he began to fancie unto himselfe that the Queen of Scotland bare unto him some favour And so he wrote unto her and sent for credit a Ring which the said Queen our Soveraign knew well enough The Letter and Ring were both presented to the Queen and by her received Such answer was returned to the said Earle after the which he made no further pursuit in that matter And yet neverthelesse he did bear it heavily in heart and more heavily then his friends would have wished for grief he
arrayed to do her honour and offer her lawfull service Then she came to Craigmiller where she remained in November till she was advertised of the coming of the Ambassadors to the Baptisme of the Prince and for that purpose there was great preparation made not without the trouble of such as were supposed to have money in store especially of Edinburgh for there was borrowed a good round summe of money for the same businesse All her care and solicitude was for that triumph At the same time arrived the Counte de Briance Embassadour of the King of France who had a great Train Soon after the Earle of Bedford went forth of England with a very gorgious company to the number of fourscore Horses and passing to Sterlin he was humanly received of the Queens Majestie and every day banquetted The excessive expences and superfluous apparell which was prepared at that time exceeded farre all the preparation that ever had been devised or set forth afore that time in this Countrey The 17 of December 1566. in the great Hall of the Castle of Sterlin was the Prince baptized by the Bishop of Saint Andrews at five a Clock at Even with great Pompe albeit with great paine could they finde men to beare the Torches wherefore they took Boyes The Queen laboured much with the Noblemen to bear the Salt Grease and Candle and such other things but all refused she found at last the Earls of Eglington Athole and the Lord Seaton who assisted at the Baptisme and brought in the said Trash The Counte de Briance being the French Ambassadour assisted likewise The Earle of Bedford brought for a Present from the Queen of England a Font of Gold valued to be worth three thousand Crownes Soon after the said Baptisme as the Earle was in communing with the Queen who entertained him most reverently he began to say merrily to her amongst other talking Madame I rejoyce very greatly at this time seeing your Majestie hath here to serve you so many Noblemen especially twelve Earles whereof two onely assist at this Baptisme to the Superstition of Popery At the which saying the Queen kept good countenance Soon after they banquetted in the said great Hall where they wanted no prodigality During the time of the Earle of Bedfords remaining at Sterlin the Lords for the most part waited upon him and conveyed him every day to the Sermon and after to Banquetting The King remained in Sterlin all that time never being present kept his Chamber his father hearing how he was used writ to him to repaire unto him who soon after went without good-night toward Glasgow to his Father he was hardly a Mile out of Sterlin when the poyson which had been given him wroght so upon him that he had very great pain and dolour in every part of his body At length being arrived at Glasgow the Blisters brake out of a blewish colour so the Physitians presently knew the Disease to come by poyson he was brought so low that nothing but death was expected yet the strength of his youth at last did surmount the poison During the time of this Triumph the Queen was most liberall in all things that were demanded of her amongst other things she subscribed a writing for the maintenance of the Ministers in a reasonable proportion which was to be taken up of the Thirds of Benefices which writing being purchased by the Bishop of Galloway was presented at the generall Assembly of the Church at Edinburgh the five and twentieth day of December 1566. where were conveened the Superintendents and other Ministers in reasonable number but very few Commssioners The first matter that was there proposed was concerning the said Writing lately obtained and the most part of the Ministers being demanded their opinions in the matter after advice and passing a little aside they answered very gravely That it was their duty to preach to the people the Word of God truly and and sincerely and to crave of the Auditors the things that were necessary for their sustentation as of duty the Pastour might justly crave of their Flock and further it became them not to have any care Neverthelesse the Assembly taking in consideration that the said Gifts granted by the Queens Majestie was not to be refused they ordained That certaine faithfull men of every Shire should meet and do their utmost diligence for gathering and receiving the said Corne and money and likewise appointed the Superintendent of Lowthian and Master Iohn Row to waite upon the Bishop of Galloway and concurre and assist him for further expedition in the Court that the said Guift mi●t be dispatched through the Seales In the same Assembly there was presented a Remonstrance by Writ by some Gentlemen of Kyle containing in effect That in asmuch as the Tythes ought to be given onely to the Ministers and Schooles of the Word and for maintenance of the poor that therefore the Assembly would Statute and Ordain That all the Professors of the Evangell should keep the same in their own hands to the effects aforesaid and no way permit the Papists to meddle therewith This Writing took no effect at that time for there was none else but the Gentlemen of Kyle of that opinion It was Statuted in the said Assembly That such publike Fornicators and scandalous livers as would not confesse their offences nor come to declare their repentance should be declared by the Minister to be out of the Church and not of the body thereof and their names to be declared publikely upon the Sunday After this Assembly the Bishop of Galloway with the Superintendent of Lowthian and M. Iohn Row passing to Sterlin obtained their Demands in an ample manner at the Queens Majesties hand according to their desire and likewise they obtained for every Borough a Guift or Donation of the Altarages Annuals and Obites which before were given to the Papists now to be disposed for the maintenance of the Ministers and Schooles within the Boroughs and the rest to the poor or Hospitall Notwithstanding the Domestick troubles that the Church of God in Scotland suffered in the time of these hurliburlies within the Kingdom yet they were not unmindefull of the affliction of Iacob every where upon the face of the Earth namely they had before their Eyes the State and condition of the Church of God in England witnesse this Letter from the Generall Assembly to the Rulers of the Church of God in England The Superintendents with other Ministers and Commissioners of the Church of God in the Kingdome of Scotland to their Brethren the Bishops and Pastours of Gods Church in England who professe with us in Scotland the Truth of Iesus Christ. BY Word and Letters it is come to our knowledge Reverent Brethren Pastors of Gods Word in the Church of England that divers of our Brethren of whom some be of the most learned in England are deprived from all Ecclesiasticall Function namely Are forbidden to Preach and so by you are stopped to
promote the Kingdom of God because they have a scruple of Conscience to use at the command of Authoritie such Garments as Idolaters in time of greatest darknesse did use in their Superstitious and Idolatrous Service which Report cannot but be very grievous to our hearts considering the sentence of the Apostle If ye bite and devour one another take heed ye be not consumed one of another We intend not at this present to enter into the Question which we hear i● agitated and handled with greater vehemency by either partie then well liketh us to wit Whether such apparell be accounted amongst things indifferent or not Wherefore through the Bowels of Iesus Christ we crave that Christian Charitie may so farre prevaile with you who are the Pastors and Guides of Christs Flock in England that ye doe one to another as ye desire others to do to you You cannot be ignorant what tendernesse is in a scrupulous Conscience and all that have knowledge are not alike perswaded the Consciences of some of you stirres not with the wearing of such things on the other side many thousands both godly and learned are otherwayes perswaded whose Consciences are continually strucken with these sentences What hath Christ to doe with Beliall What felloship is there betwixt Light and darknesse If Surplice Corner-Cap and Tippet have been the Badges of Idolaters in the very act of their Idolatry what hath the Preachers of Christian libertie and the Rebukers of Superstition with the dregs of that Romish Beast yea What is he that ought not to fear either to take in his hand or on his forehead the Prints and Mark of that odious Beast The Brethren that refuse such unprofitable apparell do neither condemne nor molest you who use such Trifles On the other side if ye that use these things will do the like to your Brethren we doubt nor but therein you shall please God and comfort the Hearts of many which are wounded to see extremitie used against these godly Brethren Humane arguments or coloured Rhetoricke we use none to perswade you onely in Charity we desire you to minde the sentence of Peter Feed the Flock of Christ which is committed to your charge caring for it not by constraint but willingly not being as Lords of Gods Heritages but being examples to the Flock We further desire you to meditate upon that sentence of Paul Give no offence neither to Iewes nor Gentiles nor to the Church of God in what condition you and we both travell at least are bound to travell for the promoting of Christs Kingdom you are not ignorant therefore we are the more bold to exhort you to deale more wisely then to trouble the godly for such vanities for all things which seem lawfull edifie not if Authority urge you farther then your Consciences can bear I pray you remember that the Ministers of the Church are called the Light of the World and Salt of the Earth all Civill Authority hath not alwayes the Light of God shining before their eyes in Statutes and Commands for their affections savour too much of the earth and wordly wisdome therefore we tell you That ye ought to oppose your selves boldly not onely to all power that dare extoll it selfe against God but also against all such as dare burthen the Consciences of the faithfull farther then God chargeth them in his own Word But we hope you will excuse our freedom in that we have entred in reasoning farther then we intended in the beginning now againe we return to our former request which is That the Brethren among you who refuse the Romish Rags may finde of you who use and urge them such favour as our Head and Master commandeth each one of his Members to shew to another which we look to receive of your courtesie not onely because you will not offend God in troubling your brethren for such vain Trifles but also because you will not refuse the earnest request of us your Brethren and fellow Ministers in whom although there appear no worldly pompe yet we are assured you will esteem us as Gods servants travelling to set forth his glory against the Roman Antichrist the dayes are evill iniquitie aboundeth and Charitie alas waxeth cold wherefore we ought to walk diligently for the hour is uncertain when the Lord shall come before whom we must all give an account of our administration In conclusion yet once more we desire you to be favourable one to another Lord Iesus rule your hearts in his fear unto the end and give to you and us victorie over that conjured Enemy of true Religion the Pope whose wounded head Sathan by all means strives to cure againe but to destruction shall he go and all his maintainers by the power of our Lord Iesus to whose mighty protection we commit you From our Generall Assembly Decemb. 27. 1566. At the same time the Bishop of Saint Andrews by means of the Earle Bothwell procured a writing from the Queens Majesty to be obeyed within the Diocesse of his Jurisdiction in all such causes as before in time of Popery were used in the Consistory and thefore to discharge the new Commissioners and for the same purpose came to Edinburgh in Ianuary having a Company of one hundred horses or more intending to take possession according to his gift lately obtained The Provest being advertised thereof by the Earle of Murray they sent to the Bishop three or foure of the Councell desiring him to desist from the said matter for fear of trouble and sedition that might rise thereupon whereby he was perswaded to desist at that time Soon after the Queen came to Edinburgh where she remained a few dayes In the moneth of Ianuary she was informed that the King was recovered of the poyson given him at Sterlin and therefore she past to Glasgow to visite him and there tarried with him six dayes using him wonderfully kindely with many gracious and good words and likewise his father the Earle of Lenox insomuch that all men marvelled whereto it should turn considering the great contempt and drynesse that had been before so long together the Queen notwithstanding all the contempt that was given him with a known designe to take away his life yet by her sweet words gains so far upon the uxorious husband and his facile father that he went in company with her to Edinburgh where she had caused to lodge him at the Church of Field in a lodging lately bought by Master Iames Balfour Clerk Register truely very unmeet for a King The Queen resorted often to visite him and lay in the house two nights by him although her lodging was in the Palace of Halyrud-house Every man marvelled at this reconciliation and sudden change The ninth of February the King was murthered and the house where he lay burned with Powder About twelve of the clock in the night his body was cast forth in a yard without the Town wall adjoyning close by There was a servant likewise murthered beside
pestilent Generation of Antichrist And that they be removed from judgement in our Cause seeing that our accusation is not intended against any one particular person but against that whole kingdom which we doubt not to prove to be a power usurped against God against his Commandment and against the Ordinance of Christ Jesus established in his Church by his chief Apostles Yea we doubt not to prove the kingdom of the Pope to be the kingdom and power of Antichrist And therefore my Lords I cannot cease in the Name of Christ Jesus to require of you That the matter may come to examination and that ye the States of the Realme by your Authority compell such as will be called Bishops not onely to desist from their cruell murthering of such as do study to promote Gods glory in detecting and disclosing the damnable impiety of that Man of Sin the Romane Antichrist but also that ye compell them to answer to such crimes as shall be laid to their charge for not righteously instructing the Flock committed to their cares But here I know two things shall be doubted The former Whether that my Appellation is lawfull and to be admitted seeing that I am condemned as an heretick And secondly Whether your Honours are bound to defend such as call for your support in that case seeing that your Bishops who in matters of Religion claim all Authority to appertain to them have by their sentence already condemned me The one and the other I nothing doubt most cleerly to prove First That my Appellation is most lawfull and just And secondly That your Honours cannot refuse to defend me thus calling for your ayd for in refusing ye declare your selves rebellious to God maintainers of murtherers and shedders of innocent blood How just cause I have by the Civill Law as for their Canon it is accursed of God to appeal from their unjust sentence my purpose is not to make long discourse Onely I will touch the points which all men confesse to be the just causes of Appellation first Lawfully could I not be summoned by them being for that time absent from their Jurisdiction charged with the Preaching of Christs Evangell in a free City not subject to their Tyranny Secondly To me was no intimation made of their summons but so secret was their surmised malice that the Copie of summons being required was denyed Thirdly To the Realme of Scotland could I have had no free nor sure accesse being before compelled to quit the same by their unjust Tyranny And lastly To me they neither could nor can be competent and indifferent Judges for that before any summons were raised against me I had accused them by Letters published to the Queen Dowager and had intended against them all crimes offering my self with hazard of life to prove the same for the which they are not onely unworthy of Ecclesiasticall Authority but also of any sufferance within a Common-wealth professing Christ. This my accusation preceding their summons neither by the Law of God neither yet by the law of man can they be to me competent Judges till place be granted unto me openly to prove my accusation intended against them and they be compelled to make answer as criminalls For I will plainly prove That not onely Bishops but also Popes have been removed from all Authority and pronouncing of judgment till they have purged themselves of accusations laid against them Yea further I will prove That Bishops and Popes have most justly been deprived from all Honours and administration for smaller crimes then I have to charge the whole rabble of your Bishops But because this is not my chief ground I will stand content for this present to shew That it is lawfull to Gods Prophets and to Preachers of Christ Jesus to appeal from the sentence and judgement of the visible Church to the knowledge of the Temporall Magistrate who by Gods Law is bound to hear their causes and to defend them from Tyranny The Prophet Ieremy was commanded by God to stand in the court of the House of the Lord and to preach this Sermon in effect That Ierusalem should be destroyed and be exposed in opprobrie to all Nations of the earth And that also that famous Temple of God should be made desolate like unto Sylo because the Priests the Prophets and the people did not walk in the Law which God hath proposed unto them neither would they obey the voyces of the Prophets whom God sent to call them to repentance For this Sermon was Ieremy apprehended and a sentence of death pronounced against him and that by the Priests by the Prophets and by the People which things being bruted in the ears of the Princes of Iuda they passed up from the Kings House to the Temple of the Lord and sate downe in Judgement for further knowledge of the cause But the Priests and Prophets continued in their cruell sentence which before they had pronounced saying This man is worthy of death for he hath prophesied against this City as your ears have heard But Ieremy so moved by the holy Ghost began his defence against that their tyrannous sentence in these words The Lord saith he hath sent me to prophesie against this House and against this City all the words which you have read Now therefore make good your wayes and hear the voyce of the Lord your God and then shall he repent of the evil which he hath spoken against you And as for me behold I am in your hands so doth he speak to the Princes do to me as you think good and right Neverthelesse know you this most assuredly That if ye murther or slay me ye shall make your selves this City and the inhabitants of the same criminall and guilty of innocent blood for of a truth the Lord hath sent me to speak in your ears all these words Then the Princes and the people saith the Text said This man is not worthy of death for he hath spoken to us in the Name of the Lord our God And so after some contention was the Prophet delivered from that danger This fact and history manifestly proveth whatsoever before I have affirmed to wit That it is lawfull for the servants of God to call for the help of the Civill Magistrate against the sentence of death if it be unjust by whomsoever it is pronounced And also that the Civill Sword hath power to represse the fury of the Priests and to absolve whom they have condemned For the Prophet of God was condemned by those who then onely in earth were known to be the visible Church to wit the Priests and Prophets who were in Ierusalem the successors of Aaron to whom was given a charge to speak to the people in the Name of God and a Precept given to the people to hear the Law from their mouthes to the which if any should be rebellious or inobedient he should die the death without mercy These men
Jesus who hath revealed his Fathers Will to the world neither yet of the Apostles nor primitive Church as before is declared But it is a thing conspired among themselves to the end that their iniquity detestable life and Tyrannie may never be repressed nor reformed And if they Object That godly Emperours did grant and confirm the same I answer That the godlinesse of no man is or can be sufficient Authoritie to justifie a foolish and ungodly fact such I mean as God hath not allowed by his Word for Abraham was a godly man but the denyall of his Wife was such a fact as no godly man ought to imitate The same might I shew of David Hezekiah and Iosiah unto whom I think no man of judgement will preferre any Emperour since Christ in holinesse and wisdom and yet are not their facts no even such as appeared for good causes to be approved nor followed And therefore I say as errour and ignorance remain alwayes with the most perfect man in his life so must their works be examined by another rule then by their own holinesse if they shall be approved But if this Answer doth not suffice then will I answer more shortly That no godly Emperour since Christs Ascension hath granted any such priviledge to any such Church or person as they the whole generation of Papists be at this day I am not ignorant that some Emperours of a certain zeale and for some considerations granted liberties to the true Church afflicted for their maintenance against Tyrants but what serveth this for the defence of their Tyrannie If the Law must be understood according to the minde of the Lawgiver then must they prove themselves Christs true and afflicted Church before they can claim any priviledge to appertaine to them for onely to that Church were the priviledges granted it will not be their glorious Titles neither yet the long possession of the name that can prevail in this so weighty a Cause for all those had the Church of Ierusalem which did crucifie Christ and did condemne his Doctrine We offer to prove by their fruits and Tyrannie by the Prophets and plain Scriptures of God what trees and generation they be to wit unfruitfull and rotten apt for nothing but to be cut and cast into Hell fire yea that they are the very kingdome of Antichrist of whom we are commanded to beware Therefore my Lords to return to you seeing that God hath armed your hands with the sword of Justice seeing that his Law most straightly commandeth Idolaters and false Prophets to be punished with death and that you be placed above your Subjects to reigne as fathers over their Children and further seeing that not onely I but with me many thousand famous godly and learned persons accuse your Bishops and the whole rabble of the Papisticall Clergie of Idolatrie of Murther and Blasphemie against God committed It appertaineth to your Honours to bee vigilant and carefull in so weighty a matter The question is not of earthly substance but of the glory of God and of the Salvation of your selves and of your brethren subject to your charge in which if you after this plain admonition be negligent there resteth no excuse by reason of ignorance for in the name of God I require of you That the Cause of Religion may be tried in your presence by the plain and simple Word of God That your Bishops be compelled to desist from their Tyrannie That they be compelled to make answer for the neglecting of their Office for the substance of the poor which unjustly they usurp and prodigally they do spend but principally for the false and deceivable Doctrine which is taught and defended by their false Prophets flattering Friers and other such venomous Locusts Which thing if with single eyes yee do preferring Gods glory and the Salvation of your Brethren before all wordly Commoditie then shall the same God who solemnly doth pronounce to honour those that do honour him pour his benedictions plentifully upon you he shall be your Buckler protection and Captain and shall represse by his strength and wisdom whatsoever Satan by his supposts shall imagine against you I am not ignorant that great troubles shall ensue your enterprise for Satan will not be expelled from the possession of his usurped Kingdom without resistance But if you as is said preferring Gods glory to your own lives unfainedly seek and study to obey his blessed will then shall your deliverance be such as evidently it shall be known That the Angels of the Eternall do watch make war and fight for those that unfainedly fear the Lord. But if you refuse this my most reasonable and just Petition what defence that ever you appear to have before men then shall God whom in me you contemne refuse you he shall pour forth contempt upon you and upon your posterity after you the spirit of boldnesse and wisedome shall be taken from you your enemies shall raigne and you shall die in bondage yea God shall cut down the unfruitfull trees when they do appear most beautifully to flourish and shall so burne the root that after you shall neither twigge nor branch again spring to glory Hereof I need not to adduce unto you examples from the former ages and ancient histories For your brethren the Nobility of England are a mirrour and glasse in the which ye may behold Gods just punishment For as they have refused him and his Evangell which once in mouth they did professe so hath he refused them and hath taken from them the spirit of wisedom boldnesse and of counsell they see and feel their own misery and yet they have no grace to avoid it They hate the bondage of strangers the pride of Priests and the monstriferous Empire of a wicked woman and yet are they compelled to bow their necks to the yoke of the devill to obey whatsoever the proud Spaniards and misled Mary list to command and finally to stand like slaves with cap in hand till the servants of Satan the shaven sort call them to Councell This fruit do they reap and gather of their former rebellion and unfaithfulnesse towards God They are left confusen in their own counsells he whom in his members for the pleasure of a wicked woman they have exiled persecuted and blasphemed doth now laugh them to scorn suffereth them to be pined in bondage of most wicked men and finally shall judge them to the fire everlasting except that speedily and openly they repent their horrible Treason which against God against his Son Christ Jesus and against the Liberty of their own native Countrey they have committed The same plagues shall fall upon you be you assured if ye refuse the defence of his servants that call for your support My words are sharp but consider my Lords that they are not mine but that they are the threatnings of the Omnipotent who assuredly will perform the voices of his Prophets how that ever carnall men
Blood of Christ Jesus which was once broken and shed for us which now is in the heaven and appeareth in the presence of his Father for us And yet notwithstanding the far distance of place which is betwixt his Body now glorified in the heaven and us now mortall in this earth Yet we most assuredly beleeve That the Bread that we break is the Communion of Christs Body and The Cup which we blesse is The Communion of his Blood So that we confesse and undoubtedly beleeve That the faithfull in the right use of the Lords Table so do eat the Body and drink the Blood of the Lord Jesus That he remaineth in them and they in him Yea That they are so made flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones That as the eternall God-head hath given to the flesh of Christ Jesus which of the owne condition and nature was mortall and corruptible life and immortalitie so doth Christ Jesus Flesh and Blood eaten and drunken by us give to us the same prerogatives which albeit we confesse are neither given unto us at that onely time neither yet by the proper power and vertue of the Sacraments onely yet we affirme That the faithfull in the right use of the Lords Table hath such conjunction with Christ Jesus as the naturall man cannot comprehend yea and further we affirme That albeit the faithfull oppressed by negligence and manly infirmity doth not profit so much as they would at the very instant action of the Supper yet shall it after bring forth fruit as lively seed sowne in good ground for the holy Spirit which can never be divided from the right institution of the Lord Jesus wil not frustrate the faithfull of the fruit of that mysticall action but all this we say cometh by true Faith which apprehendeth Christ Jesus who onely maketh his Sacraments effectuall unto us and therefore whosoever slandereth us as though we affirmed or beleeved Sacraments to be openly naked and bare signes do injurie unto us and speak against a manifest truth But this liberally and frankly we must confesse That we make a distinction betwixt Christ Jesus in his naturall substance and betwixt the elements in the Sacramentall signes So that we will neither worship the signes in place of that which is signified by them neither yet do we despise and interpret them as unprofitable and vain but do use them with all reverence examining our selves diligently before that so we do because we are assured by the mouth of the Apostle that such as eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup unworthily are guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus XXII Of the right administration of the Sacraments THat Sacraments be rightly ministred we judge two things requisite The one that they be ministred by lawfull Ministers whom we affirme to be onely they that are appointed to the Preaching of the Word or unto whose mouthes God hath put some Sermon of Exhortation they being men of lawfull choosing thereto by some Church The other That they be ministred in such elements and in such sort as God hath appointed Else we affirme That they cease to be right Sacraments of Christ Jesus And therefore it is that we flee the societie with the Papisticall Church in participation of their Sacraments First because their Ministers are no Ministers of Jesus Christ yea which is more horrible they suffer women whom the holy Ghost will not suffer to teach in the Congregation to Baptize And secondly because they have so adulterate both the one Sacrament and the other with their own inventions that no part of Christs action abideth in the originall purity for Oyl Salt Spittle and such like in Baptisme are but mens inventions Adoration Veneration bearing through Streets and Townes and keeping of bread in Boxes are prophanation of Christs Sacraments and no use of the same For Christ Jesus said Take and eat c. Do ye this in remembrance of me By which words and charge he sanctified Bread and Wine to be the Sacrament of his Body and Blood to the end that one should be eaten and that all should drink of the other and not that they should be kept to be worshipped and honoured as God as the blinde Papists have done heretofore who also have committed Sacriledge stealing from the people one part of the Sacrament to wit The blessed Cup. Moreover that the Sacraments be rightly used it is required That the end and cause why the Sacraments were instituted be understood and observed as well of the Minister as the Receivers for if the opinion be changed in the Receiver the right use ceaseth which is most evident by the rejection of the sacrifices as also if the teacher teach false Doctrine which were odious and abhominable unto God albeit they were his own ordinances because that wicked men used them to another end then God hath ordained The same affirm we of the Sacraments in the Papisticall Church in which we affirm the whole action of the Lord Jesus to be adulterate as well in the externall form as in the end and opinion What Christ Jesus did and commanded to be done is evident by the three Evangelists who speak of the Sacrament by S. Paul what the Priest doth at his Altar we need not to rehearse The end and cause of Christs institution and why the self-same should be used is expressed in these words Do ye this in remembrance of me as oft as ye shall eat of this Bread and drink of this Cup ye shall shew forth that is extoll Preach and magnifie the Lords death till he come But to what end and in what opinion the Priests say their Masses let the words of the same their own Doctours and Writings witnesse to wit That they are Mediatours betwixt Christ and his Church to offer unto God the Father a Sacrifice propitiatorie for the sinnes of the quick and the dead Which Doctrine as blasphemous to Christ Jesus and making derogation to the sufficiencie of his onely Sacrifice once offered for purgation of all those that shall be sanctified we utterly abhorre detest and renounce XXIII To whom Sacraments appertaine VVE confesse and acknowledge That Baptisme appertaineth as well to the infants of the faithfull as unto those that be of age and discretion And so we condemne the errour of the Anabaptists who deny Baptisme to appertaine to children before that they have Faith and understanding But the Supper of the Lord we confesse to appertaine onely to such as have been of the houshold of Faith can try and examine themselves as well in their Faith as in their duties towards their neighbours Such as eat at that holy Table without Faith or being at dissension and division with their brethren do eat unworthily And therefore it is that in our Churches Ministers take publike and particular examination of the knowledge and conversation of such as are to be admitted to the Table
of the Lord Jesus XXIV Of the Civill Magistrate VVE confesse and acknowledge Empires Kingdomes Dominions and Titles to be distincted and Ordained by God the powers and authorities in the same be it of Emperours in their Empires of Kings in their Realms Dukes and Princes in their Dominions or of other Magistrates in free Cities to be Gods holy Ordinance ordained for manifestation of his owne glory and for the singular profit and commoditie of mankinde So that whosoever goeth about to take away or to confound the holy state of Civill Policies now long established We affirm the same men not onely to be enemies to mankinde but also wickedly to fight against Gods expresse will We further confesse and acknowledge That such persons as are placed in authority are to be loved honoured feared and holden in most reverent estimation because they are the Lieutenants of God in whose Session God himself doth sit and judge yea even the Judges and Princes themselves to whom by God is given the sword to the praise and defence of good men and to revenge and punish all open malefactours To Kings moreover Princes Rulers and Magistrates to affirme that chiefly and most principally the reformation and purgation of Religion appertaineth so that not only they are appointed for civill policie but also for maintenance of the true Religion and for suppressing of Idolatry and Superstition whatsoever as in David Iosaphat Ezekias Iosias and others highly commended for their zeal in the cause may be espied And therefore we confesse and avow that such as resist the supreme Powers doing that which appertaineth to their charge do resist Gods Ordinance and therefore cannot be guiltlesse And further we affirme that whosoever deny unto them their aide counsell and comfort while the Princes and Rulers vigilantly travell in the executing of their Office that the same men denie their help support and counsell to God who by the presence of his Lieutenant craveth it of them XXV The gifts freely given to the Church ALbeit that the word of God truly preached the Sacraments rightly ministred and discipline executed according to the Word of God be the certain and infallible signes of the true Church yet doe we not so meane that every particular person joyned with such a company be an Elect Member of Christ Jesus for we acknowledge and confesse that Darnell Cockle and Chaffe may be sowne grow in great abundance lie in the middest of the Wheate that is the Reprobate may be joyned in the societie of the Elect and may externally use with them the benefits of the Words and Sacraments But such being but temporall professors in mouth but not in heart doe fall backe and continue to the end And therefore have they no fruit of Christs death resurrection and ascension But such as with heart unfained beleeve and with mouth boldly confesse the Lord Jesus as before we have said shall most assuredly receive these gifts first in this life remission of sinnes and by faith onely in Christs blood in so much that albeit sinne remain and continually abide in these mortall bodies yet it is not imputed unto us but is remitted and covered with Christs justice Secondly in the generall judgement there shall be given to every man and woman resurrection of the flesh For the Sea shall give her dead the earth those that therein be inclosed yea the Eternall our God shall stretch out his hand upon the dust and the dead shall arise incorruptible and that in the substance of the same flesh that every man now bears to receive according to their works glory and punishment for such as now delight in vanitie crueltie filthinesse superstition or idolatry shall be adjudged to the fire inextinguible in the which they shall be tormented for ever as well in their bodie as in their soules which now give to serve the devill in all abomination But such as continue in well doing to the end boldly professing the Lord Jesus to whose glorified Body all his Elect shall be like when he shall appear againe to Judgment and shall render up the Kingdom to God his Father who then shall be and ever shall remain All in All things God blessed for ever To whom with the Son and with the holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory now and for ever Amen Arise O Lord and let thine enemies be confounded let them flie from thy presence that hate thy holy Name Give thy servants strength to speake thy Word in boldnesse and let all Nations attain to thy true knowledge These Acts and Articles were read in face of Parliament and ratified by the three States of this Realm at Edinburgh the 17 day of Iuly in the yeer of our Lord 1560. This our Confession was publikely read first in audience of the Lords of the Articles and after in the audience of the whole Parliament where were present not onely such as professed Christ Jesus but also a great number of the adversaries of our Religion such as the forenamed Bishops and some other of the Temporall State who were commanded in Gods Name to object if they could say any thing against that Doctrine Some of our Ministers were present standing upon their feet ready to have answered in case any would have defended Papistry and impugned our affirmatives But while that no objection was made there was a day appointed for concurrence in that and other Heads Our Confession was read every Article by it self over again as they were written in order and the voice of every man was required accordingly Of the Temporall State onely gave their voice on the contrary the Earl of Athol the Lords Simmerwaile and Borthwicke And yet for their disassenting they produced no better reason but We will believe as our Fathers believed The Bishops Papisticall we mean spake nothing The rest of the whole three States by their publike Votes affirmed the Doctrine and the rather Because that fain the Bishops would but durst say nothing on the contrary for this was the Vote of the Earle Marshall It is long since I have had some favour unto the Truth and since that I have had a suspicion of the Papisticall Religion But I praise my God who this day hath fully resolved me in the one and the other For seeing that the Bishops who for their learning can and for their zeal that they should bear to the Verity would as I suppose have gainsaid any thing that directly repugneth to the Verity of God Seeing I say the Bishops here present speak nothing in the contrary of the Doctrine proposed I cannot but hold it for the very Truth of God and the contrary to be deceivable Doctrine And therefore so far as in me lieth I approve the one and condemne the other And do farther ask of God That not onely I but also all my posterity may enjoy the comfort of the Doctrine that this day our ears