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kingdom_n church_n heaven_n see_v 2,298 5 3.6221 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19216 The humble and vnfained confessio[n] of the belefe of certain poore banished men grounded vpon the holy scriptures of God, and vpo[n] the articles of that vndefiled and onlye vndoubted true Christian faith, which the holy Catholicke (that is to say vniuersal) Churche of Christ professeth. Specially concerning, not only the worde of God, and the ministerye of the same: but also the church and sacramentes therof. Which we send moost humbly vnto the Lordes of Engla[n]d, and al the commons of the same. ... Lorde increase our faith.; Humble and unfained confession of the belefe of certain poore banished men. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556, attributed name. 1554 (1554) STC 5630; ESTC S111154 26,257 72

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vnto Christes wordes do also practise the same in their life and cōuersaciō plaiing the partes of wisemen whiche against stormes for to come build their house vpon the rocke and sure foundation Of this blessed felowship are thei that endurynge stedfast vnto the ende and fearyng God more thē mē take vp theyr crosse and follow Christ beyng wel content to ieopard all that thei haue their life also for his sake These in al their aduersitie resorte vnto the Lorde takyng his yoke vppon them and lernyng of him to be meke and lowly in heart fynd ease and rest vnto their soules Of thys holy congregation and Churche are thei vnto whom it is geuen to knowe the misteries of the kyngdom of heauē whose eyes are blessed for they se and lykewyse their cares for thei beynge children of Gods kyngdome the good seede sowne in the fortunate grounde do not onely heare the word of God but also vnderstand it and bring furth plentiful fruit some more some lesse accordyng to the measure of such giftes as he hath geuen them These are the Lordes owne shepe whych knowing Hom their shepherd his voice folowe not a straunger but flye from him for thei knowe not the voice of strangers It is the Lordes only voice that thei herken vnto and hym they followe who knoweth them and geueth them eternal life so tha they shal neuer perish neither shal any manne plucke them out of his hand The father of heauen who hath geuen this holye flocke and Congregation vnto Christ his sone is greater then al and no man is able to plucke them out of his heauenly fathers hande Nowe is God the father and Christ his sonne all one to the endles comforte of this his vniuersal Church This flocke of Christ this holy congregation is that blessed Church whose vnrightousnes is forgeuen and whose sinnes are couered and not imputed Yea in this Church hath the Lord himself ordayned appointed the heauēly ministracion of continuall remission and forgeuenes of sinnes to al such as vnfainedly repente of their former wicked lyfe and truelye conuerte vnto hym ▪ For vnto this Church hath he geuen the keyes of heauen that whatsoeuer thei bynde vpon earth shalbe bounde in heauen and whatsoeuer they lose in earth shalbe losed in heauen Vnto this Church hath he geuen his holye gost ▪ so that whose synnes soeuer they forgeue the same are forgeuen And whose sinnes so euer thei retayne the same are retained In this church is the pure word of God and al the worthye exercises of his true Religion the holy Sacramētes praiers thankesgeuynge ecclesiasticall discipline c. duelye and faythfully ministred And thoughe the particuler members of this church maye erre as many both perticuler persons also perticuler churches haue erred and som do at this day while thei are compaced with fleshe and bloud Yet shall not one shepe perishe that is of this holy vniuersall flocke neither the fayth or foundation of this Catholike Churche fayle This holy vniuersall church as the sōne in brightnes hath beames of light whereof it commeth to passe that there be also particuler Churches or congregations Where thoughe there be but two or thre gathered together in y e name of Christe He is in the myddes amonge theim For thoughe we confesse and knowledge that the holy Catholike or vniuersal churche of Christ is inuisible suche as our Crede teacheth vs to beleue y t such a church there is Though no mortal man can se the regeneratiō of the spirit and the fayth of Christ in it selfe Yet a good tre mai be knowne by his fruts Like as the beames then that procede of the Sūne are testimonies and partakers of the lyght therof Euen so what church or congregation soeuer professeth the name Religiō of Christ hauyng and exercising the pure and sincere doctrine of hys Gospel of his Sacraments and of al his dissipline accordyng to his holye institutiō y e same do we take vndoutedly for Christs church For bi mās wordes and dedes we mai discerne to alowe or disalowe theim True Prophetes also from false may we know by their fruites The heart God only seeth and iudgeth Notwithstandyng to build vpon we are throwli perswaded that as the sayd blessed vniuersal Church and cōgregation of Christ is the pillor and ground of the truth for greate is the misterye of godlines that it teacheth Euen so in such wonderful deuersitie of doctrines sectes and sondry religions of the worlde we should neither haue com to the true knowledge and beliefe of the Gospel neither shoulde we be satisfied in our selues or surelye fixed to continewe and abyde still in in y e sayth therof as we be God haue the praise against al herisies and false opinions If the authoritie of the said holy vniuersal and catholike churche of Christ had not wholly fully moued stirred prouoked admonished and taught vs so to do But whan we considered with S. Augustine the estimation and dignitie the worthines and authoritie of the sayde vnyuersal church and howe vniformally the mēbers of that mistical body accordeth and consenteth together in the vnitie of the holy gost and in the ministracion of heauenly thinges our conscience with al thanful obedience with obedient thākfulnes doth most cherfully and gladli agree aswel to learne what the said church teacheth vs and to beleue gods word that it preacheth vnto vs. As to be warned by the coūsailes that it geueth vs and to folowe the instructions lessons and ensāples that it sheweth vs. For sure we be as we haue cōfessed alredy that the foūdation of this Church is fyrme fast Herein hath the Lord set vp his owne lyght that hath no darknes in it Here is the truth that desceiueth no man the lyfe that kylleth no man and the kynges hye way that bringeth euery man righte to his iourneies ende As for a perticuler mā a perticuler church or Congregation as we sayd before they maye erre thei may be disceiued in one thyng or other at one tyme or other The consideration wherof as it appeareth did moue S. Augustine to haue most prīcipal regard to y e church vnyuersall although the particuler churches of Aphrica in his time were not defiled and poysoned as they be nowe O that mē were so circumspect this day as to builde vppon so sure a ground For though we maye safely geue credence to ani perticuler church whan it followeth the wholesome doctrine wherin the holy gost by his Apostle did stablish the Churche of the Ephesians of the Philippians of the Colossians of the Tessalonians c. Yet if any such Church do shute at another marke we shall but loose oure game in doyng therafter As for ensample what sound doctrine what wholsome religion what good and vpright discipline is there at this present day in any of the said particular Churches