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A13971 The true Catholique formed according to the truth of the Scriptures, and the shape of the ancient fathers, and best sort of the latter Catholiques, which seeme to fauour the Church of Rome : the contents vvhereof are to be seene in the page following. Trigge, Francis, 1547?-1606. 1602 (1602) STC 24282; ESTC S536 568,047 636

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they say neither can I find any thing els giuen to the Apostles to execute their authoritie meaning the sacraments What dealing is this thus to mangle his words what truth to take away the principall meanes of the power of forgiuing sinnes from the pastors of Christs Church And whereas Christ hath giuen them as it were two keyes to steale one from them what is this else but to throwe Gods people into hell and this dealing to bee at Rome which calles her selfe the mother Church the mistresse of all pietie and religion what a sinne is this But as Ferus goeth on further in setting forth the truth so do they also in their corrupt dealing The execution therefore saith Ferus of the Ecclesiasticall power consisteth in these two that is to say in preaching of the Gospell and administration of the Sacraments Neither do we read that the Apostles did any other things To which Ierome agrees vpon the 14. of Esay The Apostles saith he loose by the word of God the testimonies of the Scriptures and exhortations of vertues and as they loose by the word of God so also they loose by the sacraments which are adherents and appendants to the word Here the Roman copie leaues out Ferus drift The execution saith Ferus of Ecclesiasticall power consists in these two that is in preaching the Gospell and administration of the sacraments Neither do we reade that the Apostles did any thing else This sentence they leaue out which is the summe of all They after alleage Ierom as Ferus doth That they loose by preaching But that the execution of the power Ecclesiasticall consists only in these two points that they leaue out which ouerthrowes all their Popish pardons And after Ferus saith These things therefore I alleaged in this place that thou mightest see that my opinion wherein I said that the execution of the power ecclesiasticall did consist in the preaching of the word and administration of the Sacraments to differ nothing from the saying of the saints This sentence in the Roman copie is quite left out That conclusion of Ferus they do not like Of these things which haue beene spoken saith he is that question dissolued easily which troubles some how Priests can forgiue sinnes when as that only belongs to God according to that I am he that doth blot out thine iniquities And also that Christ alone hath the keyes of death and hell To which thus it may be answered That onely God forgiues sinnes by power of dignitie and excellency but the Apostles and their sucessours like seruants apply these things by which God forgiues sinnes and giues grace as are the word of God and Sacraments Here we may learne plainely by Ferus iudgement the power and authoritie of forgiuing of sinnes remaines only in God the pastors and ministers like poore and humble seruants to this great cure doe but applie those medicines and remedies by which God cures There is no power nor authoritie in them that is in God alone Here the Romane copie leaues out that only God forgiues sinnes by power of dignitie and excellencie It is likely they woulde haue that power in their priests They saye that God alone remitteth sinnes but they leaue out these wordes by the power of dignitie and excellencie To conclude saith Ferus these keyes of the Church are nothing else then power of binding and loosing of forgiuing sinnes and retaining them But the Roman copie leaues out are nothing else To conclude say they the keyes of the Church are power of binding and loosing of remitting and retaining of sinnes Ferus procéedeth To thee will I giue the keyes Some labour to proue that this was said only to Peter because hee said To thee I will giue Others say the contrarie But lest I should determine anie thing rashly I will shewe not mine owne but Augustines opinion Aug. in Io tract 120. who in the 120. Tract vpon Iohn saith thus Peter saith he bare a figure of the Church For properly as much as belongeth to himselfe by nature he was but one man and by grace one Christian and by his more aboundant grace but one and the same first or chiefe Apostle But when it was said to him To thee I will giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen he signified the whole Church Also in his booke of Christiā doctrine the first boke and eight chap. he teacheth plainly that the keyes were giuen to the Church Here we may plainly see by Austines Ferus iudgement what Peter was in his greatest excellencie but one the first Apostle giuing him no more prerogatiue then the Gospell yéelds vnto him who in the numbring of the twelue Apostles saith the first Simon Peter He was as it should séeme most ancient therefore in order to be preferred before the rest Thus much concerning his owne person Austine and Ferus attribute to him but the keyes were giuen to him in another person that is in the person of the Church and therefore in her name he receiued them not in his owne name or for himselfe and his successours So that by Austines iudgement these keyes were not giuen to Peter alone but as Ierome before also professed that euerie Church in her Bishops and priests receiues that which was giuen to Peter This is Ferus opinion in his true originall but the Romane copie hath thus mangled him Some say they labour to proue that this was spoken to Peter alone because he said To thee I will giue c. to whom others are contrarie Thus far they go in the Roman copie but they leaue out Ferus opinion concerning this matter and that grounded vpon Saint Austine Here we may sée againe how little they doe estéeme the fathers and how little in truth they do make for them In this waightie matter of the Popes authoritie they haue reiected both Augustine and Ierome If they had liked their sayings why should they haue purged them out And after where Ferus declareth how the Church and also how Peter receiued the keies I answere saith he that both is true that the keies are giuen to the Church as to the mystris or spouse but to Peter not as a Lord or maister but as to a minister And to this belongs that which St. Paule saith Let a man so esteeme vs as the ministers of Christ And the same sayeth againe I am a debter both to the wise and foolish And hereunto belongeth the names of the Apostles who in the scriptures are called pastours watchmen laborers To conclude saith Ferus heare what Bernard writes to Pope Eugenius in his second booke of Consideration Thy predecessors sayth he the Apostles heard that the haruest is great and the labourers few challenge therefore the Fathers inheritance be watchfull in this and be not idle least it bee saide vnto thee why standest thou all the day idle much lesse it becommeth thee to bee either found dissolute through pleasures or effeminated with pompe and state The will
ceremoniall nor morall neither in those that go afore iustification neither in those that follow but onely in the grace of Christ And this is one of the chiefest pointes of Christian religion to knowe whereunto one maie trust in his saluation and in this he plainelie agrees with our doctrine And againe in another place he sayeth expresselie That the woman comming for another thing In cap. 2. Ioh. that is for vvater found Christ so God deales with vs. Our saluation chanceth to vs without desert and commonly neither desiring it nor seeking it yea being busied about other matters and seeking other things So the Kingdome fell to Saul seeking his fathers Asses So Christ was preached vnto the Shepheards keeping their flocks So Andrew and Peter casting their nets into the Sea were called of Christ So Matthew and Paul and others going about other matters receiued saluation of Christ To conclude so long wee are carefull for our owne affaires that is for carnall things till Christ of his owne freewill offer himselfe vnto vs beyond all our expectation And hence it is that the Bride crieth Draw me after thee and the prophet Turne vs O God of our saluation For if Christ should not preuent vs with his grace we do still remaine in our sins euen as that woman had returned euen as she came if Christ had not preuented her In cap. 3. Ioh. And in another place hee writes thus Vnlesse a man be borne againe Nicodemus asked Christ nothing expressely and yet Christ first of all answeres him of regeneration By this he hath taught all Preachers that first they make the tree good and then that they require good fruites that is to say that first they teach faith whereby a man may be iustified and afterward good workes and in this one short word he comprehendeth the whole summe of Christian religion Man truly was created to euerlasting felicity but because thorough his sinne he became accursed it came to passe that not onely himselfe and all things that he had but that also all his posterity became accursed therefore because wee are borne of Adam we are all become vnprofitable and abhominable both in body and soule in all our power and hability Vnlesse therefore by the grace of God we be borne againe and of Adams Sonnes bee made the Sonnes of God all things are in vaine that we doe or endeuour or thinke or speake yea our selues are vaine and all our reason will strength and works Therefore he that desires to enter into the kingdome of God must become a new man so also he that desires to see the kingdome of God that is to vnderstand the mysteries of the kingdome of God and his heauenly doctrine as God shewed to Iacob the kingdome of God in that ladder lift vp which reached to heauen he must lay aside all fleshly wisedome he must deny his owne reason he must despise his owne strength and must yeelde himselfe wholy as it were a bondslaue to the word of God By this word therefore Christ condemnes vs and all things that wee haue that hee might prouoke vs more forcibly to seeke helpe of him Againe by this word he wrests from vs all confidence in our selues or in our owne works and takes from vs that staffe of a reede that we may learne to trust in the onely mercy of God For faith is the sure staffe of our old age by which alone we may passe ouer this Iordan of temptation the figure whereof was shewed before in Iacob Here therefore learne why God in the Scriptures oftentimes condemnes our works and our endeuours for he doth not this to bring vs into despaire or because good works do not please him but that he may teach vs to trust only in the mercy of God And a little after hee writes thus Although one man beeing compared to another one may seeme more nobler or wiser or more iust then another yet if we respect the power wisedome and iustice of God we are all alike weake ignorant and sinners neither one not so much as an haire excels another For we all stand need of the grace of God And after It is no maruell if Nicodemus vnderstood not the words of Iesus For the fleshly man vnderstands not those things which are of God For they are foolishnesse vnto him Ferus here plainelie teacheth that a right faith must bee the roote of all good workes and that is such a faith as the Gospell teacheth that is that Iesus Christ is both able and willing to cure all diseases both of bodie and soule and with such a faith all sinners should come to him alone and that this faith should be planted in euerie Christians heart which the Papistes haue not doone heretofore in their Church And after this faith then good works should bee taught and required Secondlie hee teacheth that we haue no power to doe good left in vs wee are not like Birdes in a Cage which if the stoppe of sinne were taken awaie would voluntarilie flie out as other Papistes teach but euen deade Birdes and Carions hauing no strength or power at all to doe good and that Christ condemnes vs to make vs more forciblie to flie to him and that wee must not put anie confidence or trust in our workes and that before God there is not anie one man a haire better then another but all are alike sinners not excepting the blessed Virgine Marie of her owne nature What doctrine can bee more agreeable to the Gospell then this or to that wee nowe teach in the Church of England I woulde to GOD all Papistes woulde marke it and beléeue it Philippus de Dies also writes thus King Ezechias asking life of God Sermone 2. de resur recites his benefits saying O Lord I beseech thee behold I haue walked before thee in truth and in a perfect hart that I haue don that which is right in thy eies Why O holy King sayeth hee doest thou alleadge thy seruices that thou hast done to God It had seemed better if thou hadst alleadged thy miseries thy pouerty So poore men are wont to doe that may moue them to pity of whome they hope for an almes they shew them their wounds and miseries To this Saint Gregory answeres that the holy King here doth not alleadge his vertues as deserts but as all Gods benefites for all the good thinges wee doe they are Gods benefites And so saieth Saint Austen expounding the Psalme Who crowneth thee with mercie and louing kindnes saieth hee Is there not a crowne due to good works But because he works in vs all our good works therefore he sayth which crowneth thee with mercy and louing kindnes because al our good workes are the mercies of God And in another place hee writes thus Conc. 2. in fest Matth. One of the holy fathers being asked who was holy answered He that was humble And beeing asked againe who was more humble answered Hee that was more holy Lastly
be vnder his kingdom And sée how euidentlie in these fewe wordes hee describes this kingdome of Antichrist first It shal be nothing else but an abomination Secondly it shall make a desolation of true faith and religion Thirdly it shall sitte in the Church This abomination shall rest in the hearts of men that externally they shall séeme the temples of God but inwardly in stead of Christ an Idoll shall sit That is this abomination shall polish it selfe with a faire shew that it shall be able to beguile the saints vnlesse they were by Gods power preserued What can be more manifestlie sayde then this that there shal be in the Church of Christ such an abomination that shall quite ouerthrow all true religion and shall polish it selfe with a great shew of holines Doth not this plainly paint out poperie who will venter the health of his soule vpon the name of the Church wherein his abomination shall rest and that with such a great shew of holines But he goes forward When you shall see the abomination that is when that sonne of perdition shall make himselfe manifest For he shal bee made manifest Although his kingdome begun by and by in the Apostles time as Paul saith Now the mysterie of iniquitie worketh And Iohn saith Now there are many Antichristes yea euen as Christs kingdome began from that iust Abell so the kingdome of Antichrist from that wicked Caine yet in the end of the world that impietie shall manifestly discouer it selfe and of this Christ here puts vs in minde And Christ hath added He that readeth let him vnderstand By which word he giues vs to vnderstād that that abomination apostasie shall creepe in so secretly that none vnlesse he be verie attētiue watchfull shal be able to perceiue the same The which is most worthie of marking otherwise the same thing shall happen to vs with Antichrist as befell to the Iewes with the true Christ for they onely looked for in Christ promised an earthlie kingdome worldlie iurisdiction and peace This they gaped after and do as yet gape for In the meane while they knew not Christ being present amōg thē yea they cōdemned him as a wicked man to death who if they had cōpared Christs doctrine miracles to the scriptures might easilie haue knowne him So it falles out for the most part with vs we marke onely those thinges which are externally spokē of Antichrist which as long as we see not we liue carelesse And in the mean time no mā marks that this abomination in many things is fulfilled dayly which one shall easilie perceiue that compareth Christs doctrine to our times Marke therefore that as Christ came first secretly so that he was knowne but of a few neither did it appeare who he was before that he had ouercome the Diuell and Death but these being ouercome when as he raigned then at last he appeared to the world by the preaching of the Apostles All power saith hee is giuen to mee goe yee therefore and teach c. So the kingdome of Antichrist enters in secretly neyther shall it be perceiued till he hath gotten possession of the temple and then shall Antichrist himselfe appeare To conclude if Christ at the first had shewed who he had been all men would haue receiued him So the Deuill if in the beginning hee should haue shewed his wickednesse manifestly all would haue fled from him Againe as Christs kingdome began before hee appeared in the flesh for all the elect from Abel euen to the worlds ende belong to the kingdome of Christ and are one bodie with him So Antichrists kingdome began before he appeared himselfe as S. Paul saith the mysterie of iniquity worketh which shal be reueiled in his time yea all the wicked from Cain euen to the last of them doe belong to the kingdome of Antichrist are one bodie with him Let euery bodie nowe consider himselfe and search the Temple of his hart least peraduēture he find any thing of Antichrists kingdom abomination that is of Idolatrie in himselfe Which that thou maist the better doe Take with thee the first commaundement wherein wee are taught to haue but one God If thou findest any thing in thy selfe wherein thou trustest besides God whether it be any externall thing as to trust in thine owne righteousnes and merits now thou hast that abomination in thy heart and that true Antichrist For Christ teacheth contrarie thinges If thou hearest or seest any thing in the Church which is repugnant to the doctrine of Christ to his life that truly belonges to the kingdome of Antichrist for this is a true saying He that is not with me is against me Thus farre Ferus And secondlie here we may not that Antichrist shall come in closelie and priuilie that he shall possesse the temple that is the heart of man and that the onelie way to discouer him is by the scriptures that all doctrines contrarye to them are Antichristian And that this is a principall braunch of antichristian doctrine to taste of one for all to trust in our owne merits or righteousnes And is not this most euidentlie to affirme that the Church of Rome is the seate of Antichrist who hath taught and doth teach this doctrine Againe vpon these wordes Behold here is Christ or there Ferus writes thus Doe the false prophets preach Christ yea verelie for to preach Christ is to preach righteousnes sanctification forgiuenes of sinnes and redemption For Christ is become al these thinges vnto vs. And these thinges the false Prophets preach how we may obtaine righteousnes and redemption But they teach not that we must looke for and seeke these thinges onely from Christ and onely by Christ Yea they neglecting Christ doe teach to seeke for righteousnes and forgiuenes of sinnes in other thinges Behold say they here or there is Christ which in deede is to seduce and leade out of the way For these thinges are founde no where else but in Christ There is no other name vnder heauen by which wee must be saued Thus farre Ferus If this be true then let all the world iudge who be false prophets whether the Papists or wee who teach all men to trust onelie in Christ and by his meanes onely to séeke for all good thinges at Gods handes when as they teach men to trust in their owne works and to hope for remission of sinnes by the merits of their friers which things onlie are to bee founde in Christ saith Ferus and in nothing else This doctrine Ferus taught we teach But the latter edition of Ferus printed at Rome hath thus corrupted Ferus To preach Christ is to preach righteousnes sanctification remissiō of sinnes redemptiō for Christ is become all these thinges vnto vs. These thinges also the false prophets preach how we shall obtaine righteousnes and redemption but they teach not vs to obtaine these things by Christ his sacramēts and following his steps yea they
one state and therfore they who do build their faith vpon the Church build vpon no sure foundation Master Bellarmine also concerning Antichrist agrées with their Catholicon and writes thus Adde this also saith he that as we haue shewed before Antichrist shall be a Iew and shall be Messias and King of the Iewes And therefore without all doubt shall make his seat in Ierusalem and shall go about to restore Salomons temple For the Iewes dreame of nothing else thē of Ierusalē the temple neither do they seeme that they will euer acknowledge any for their Messias which sits not in Ierusalem and after some sort repaires againe the Temple Thus farre Master Bellarmine But Stella contrarie to this assertion of M. Bellarmine writes thus If God promised by Aggee In ca. 2. Luc. that Messias should come to that Temple while it remained and that Temple now is ouerthrowen neither is there now any such Temple nor one stone thereof left vpon another how madde are the Iewes that will looke yet for a Messias To what second Temple shall he come if it be vtterly ouerthrowen if no signe thereof remaine Neither can the Iewes say that they shall haue another temple to which their Christ should come For Aggee their Prophet speakes of that Temple which then was built in Ierusalem and not of any other as his words plainly testifie nay he saith plainly that there shal neuer be any other Thus much Stella out of Aggee And where is then Master Bellarmines temple which he affirmes after a sort Antichrist shall restore Where is his Antichrist which shall lacke a seat by Stellas iudgement Nay vnlikelie is this to common experience Iulian the Apostata Egnat ca. 6. when he came to Ierusalē and saw the temple quite ouerthrown by Titus in despight of Christian religion he commaunded Philip of Antioch that he should make fit the place and should lay such a foundation of the temple that it might be compared with the former in statelinesse The which things pleased Iuliā the Iewes wonderfully But sodainly there were heard terrible rorings in the earth hot burning firebrands rose vp among the foundations which in a moment dispersed all things and consumed both the workemen and their tooles and the signe of crosses appeared in many mens garmēts which could not be put out If God so resisted then Iulian do we think he wil now suffer Antichrist to build the temple againe But the seate of Antichrist the seat of the Babylonish whore Who shall make all men drunke with the wine of her abominations Saint Iohn saith shall be a citie with seuen hils And what other citie in the world can that be else but Rome And what other heretique can this be then Antichrist who shall make the chast spouse a whore Re● 17.4 and that by wine of fornication what religion more pleasant or like wine then the Romish religion As their ordinarie musicke of singing and Organs playing of censing their precious Robes and Ornaments they vsed wherein not the least part of their seruing of God consisted do declare besides their guilds feastings their fraternities of euerie trade and occupation But to let all these passe All things amongst them were pardonable for mony And what more pleasant wine could be then this to flesh and bloud But as this their wine wherewith they made all men drunken is manifest so is also their fornication no lesse manifest It is spirituall fornication to trust in anie to call vpon anie to reueale the secrets of the heart to anie but to God Honest matrons know thus much For so they behaue themselues towards their husbands Hos 2.16 And God is the husband of his Church as he oftentimes protesteth But the Church of Rome hath taught men to trust in others to cal vpon others to reueale the secrets of the heart to others then to God And can this be anie thing else then spirituall fornication But they did this to saints and therefore it was no sinne neither can it be rightly iudged fornication Psal 73.25 Thus they say But let all true Catholikes marke what Dauid saith Whom haue I in heauen but thee and I haue desired none on earth with thee Here is the true spouse declared and the true Catholike religion grounded Now followes the whore 27 for lo they which withdraw themselues from thee or as it is in the Hebrew go farre from thee shall perish thou destroiest all them that go a whoring from thee To haue anie other yea in heauen to trust in to giue our hearts vnto but God is to commit fornication And therefore let all true Catholickes that meane to be saued take héed how they call vpon or repose their trust in anie no though he be in heauen but in God alone Reu. 14.8 as did Dauid lest they commit fornication against him and so be destroyed all The same doctrine plainely the angell crieth out To all nations kinreds and people against the kingdome of Antichrist and shall we be deafe will we not heare him Ibid. 6.7.8 Then saw I another Angell saith Saint Iohn flie in the midst of heauen hauing an euerlasting gospell to preach to them that dwell on earth and to euerie nation and kinred and tongue and people saying with a loud voice Feare God giue glorie to him For the houre of his iudgement is come worship him that made heauen and earth and the sea and the fountaines of waters And there followed another Angell saying It is fallen it is fallen Babylon that great citie for she made all nations to drinke of the wine of the wrath of her fornication Here first is the euerlasting gospell preached with a loud voice of an Angel which is feare God and worship him that made heauen and earth and not anie creature or saint whatsoeuer And shall we not imbrace this gospell shall we not beléeue this Angell this no doubt is the true Catholike faith this is the euerlasting gospel whatsoeuer all the Iesuites in the world teach to the contrarie And Babylon the mother of fornications which taught a doctrine contrarie to this is fallen What can be more plain then this To worship anie but him that made heauen earth is fornication This Dauid and the Angell teach And Babylon who hath taught the contrarie is fallen And as the wine of this whore is manifest so is her seat also as I noted before so that as he is deafe that will not heare the crying of the Angell concerning her poisoned wine so he is blind wilfully that will not see her seuen hils whereon she is situated Neither Saint Iohn onely but other prophecies haue taught the destruction of Rome and haue by these seuen hils portraied her out vnto vs Vae tibi septicollis c. Vaticinium Leonis Wo to thee O Citie built on seuen hils saith a prophecie going vnder the name of Leo the Emperour printed lately in Briscia
sighing and groning Ro 8 15.16.26 with faith and assurance For all these are the fruits of the holy Ghost Thirdly keep your selues in the loue of God that is be sure that God loues you Be sure and know that you haue eternall life Let not that subtil serpent euer perswade you to doubt of Gods loue towards you as he did Eue your grandmother And who goes about still teaching the same lesson to them that will beléeue him Gen. 3.5 And lastly looke for the mercie of our Lord Iesus Christ to eternall life Do not trust in your workes challenge nothing of desert Confesse that you are vnprofitable seruants Trust onely in his mercie Luke 17.10 These are the markes of the true Church by saint Iudes iudgement And they which lacke these are Sathans synagogue are the false Church what markes soeuer else they doe bragge of Psal 119.142 For Gods word is the word of truth And the markes of the Church that are in it set downe are onely the true markes But to conclude although many other cleare and manifest marks of the Church might be gathered out of the scriptures yet these markes are especially to be marked of vs which saint Iohn puts downe in the Reuelation For they concerne our daies they are those marks of Gods house which Babylon had defaced Antichrist had raced out so as in mans iudgement it séemed impossible that euer they should haue béene brought to light againe Antichrist heere dealt so cunningly euen as Pharaoh did in murthering the Israelites children intending to destroye their posteritie Exod. 1.14 and Herode in murthering the young innocēts Mat. 2.16 thinking thereby also to haue murthered Iesus Christ But God that dwelleth in heauen laughes all these their counsailes all this their wisedome to scorne And therefore saint Iohn saw an Angell flie in the midst of heauen Psal 2.4 Reue. 14.8 hauing an euerlasting gospell to preach to them that dwell on the earth and to euerie nation kinred and tongue and people Here is the first marke of the Church the preaching of the gospell This marke Antichrist had quite abolished And although in his kingdome that he might not séeme to be quite opposite to Iesus Christ vtterly to disallow preaching he had his Friers that preached yet the pastors of congregations Luk. 12.42 1 Pet. 5.2 whom Iesus Christ and Peter also commaunded to feede their flocke themselues in those daies seldome preached And these Friers preached not the Gospell but their legends of Saints commonly And therefore the second marke of the true Church is to preach not legends or olde wiues tales but an euerlasting Gospell that which was from the beginning not a new faith deuised of mans braine in the succession of manie ages Iesus Christ is the same yesterday and to day and for euer Heb. 13.8 Iud. 1.3 And all Gods true Saints must striue to maintaine that faith which was once giuen to the Saints in the beginning by Christ Iesus himselfe and by his Apostles That gospell which the Church of Rome now teacheth is not such a gospell And this gospell must be preached to the inhabitants of the earth to euerie nation and kinred and tongue and people Antichrist had seduced all these Reu. 17.2 all these were drunken with the pleasant wine of Babylons fornication Antichrist had not seduced the nation of the Iewes as the Papists thinke hee shall What néede the Diuell go about that they are his alreadie they are alreadie seduced as much as can be but he shall seduce all nations tongues kinreds and people he shall peruert the gospell of Iesus Christ And therfore to them it behooueth that this euerlasting gospell should be preached againe The plaster must be applied to the sore And here that marke which the Church of Rome woulde make men beléeue is a true marke of the true church is quite ouerthrowne and approoued to be a false marke Shall all nations be made drunken with Antichrists poisoned and pleasant wine why then Vniuersalitie is not a sound and a true marke of the Church Saying with a lowd voice Feare God Reu. 14.7 and giue glorie to him c. Now followes the doctrine and chiefe points of this euerlasting gospell as also by the contrarie most euidently may appeare the points of Antichrists doctrine for contraries make one another more manifest and cléere So that then if this be the euerlasting gospell to feare God and giue him the glorie the gospell which Antichrist preached was contrarie to this Not to feare God and not to giue him glorie Deut. 10 1● And now Israel what doth thy Lord thy God require of thee saith Moses but to feare thy Lord thy God to walke in all his waies and to loue him and to serue thy Lord thy God with all thy hart and with all thy soule And God himselfe speaketh thus by the Prophet Ieremy Ier. 5.21.22 Heare now this O foolish people and without vnderstanding which haue eies and see not which haue eares and heare not Feare ye not me saith the Lord or will yee not be afraid at my presence which haue placed the sand for the bounds of the sea by the perpetuall decree that it cannot passe it and though the waues thereof rage yet can they not preuaile though they roare yet can they not passe ouer it And of man the Prophet Esay saith Esay 2.22 Cease you from the man whose breath is in his nostrels Marke 7.7 And our Sauiour saith of the Pharisees They worship me in vaine teaching the doctrines and commandements of men For ye lay the commandement of God apart and obserue the traditions of men as the washing of pots and of cups and many other such like things yee doe Such feare to breake mans lawes and commandements they had also most manifestly in the time of Poperie As concerning Gods glorie also the Prophet Esay writeth thus Esay 42.8 I am the Lord this is my name and my glorie will I not giue to another neither my praise to grauen images And after Behold I haue fined thee Esay 48.10 but not as siluer I haue chosen thee in the furnace of affliction For mine owne sake for mine owne sake will I doe it for how should my name be polluted Surely I will not giue my glorie to another And so Ieremy counsails the people Ier. 13.16 Giue glorie to the Lord your God before he bring darknesse and or euer your feet stumble on the darke mountaines And Dauid saith Psal 65.1 To thee O Lord praise keeps silence or vpon thee it waites in Sion So that whereas God by his eternall word commandeth to feare him and to be afraid to break his commandements and to giue all glorie to him the gospell of Antichrist was to feare man and to kéepe his commandements and to giue glorie to creatures And did not we sée this fulfilled in the time of Poperie how
that is of the sorrowes of a woman trauelling with child euē to Tabbaath to the last moneth in the yeare which answereth to our December which for the abundance of waters Psal 137.8 1. Pet. 5.3 which commonly are ●herein is called in Hebrue Tabbah which signifieth to be drowned Surely such flouds of sorowes and calamities remaine for Rome the daughter of Babylon Reue. 17.2 which Saint Peter calleth Babylon as the prophesies of the holie Scriptures do teach Nay Saint Iohn describeth her most manifestly That great citie which is built vpon seuen hilles and raignes ouer the kings of the earth Psal 73.27 Ier. 3 1. made them drinke the wine of her fornication What citie in the world is thus built and hath had this authoritie ouer Kings Reuel 17.17 and hath made them drinke wine of fornication that is Idolatrie which is so called in the Scripture but Rome The day shall come that these her louers those kings which with one consent haue giuen their kingdome to the beast shall hate her and shall eate her flesh and shall burne her with fire Wee see now the former of these fulfilled so no doubt wee shall see the latter also When God shall put it into their hearts and when his wordes are fulfilled and that euen in one day If Rome be in this case may shee not fitly be called the afflicted tottering house And therefore as the father and prince of the Madianites Dan may resemble the Pope and the Madianites his souldiers which shall one of them kill another so Beth-hashittah may resemble Rome their castle of refuge And God deales euen now as mercifully with his Church 2. Chro. 20.22 as he did in the dayes of good king Iehoshaphat against whom when manie nations had conspired and came to make warre it is thus written When they began to shout and praise the Lord the Lord himselfe laid ambushmēts against the children of Ammon Moab mount Seir which were come against Iudah they slew one another 1. King 18.13 Ioh. 3.1 Luke 25 50. Matth. 27.19 euen so the enemies of the Church of God at this day by Gods speciall grace and mercy one of them kill another And euen as in the law Obadiah Ahabs steward nourished the Prophets of the Lord and Nichodemus and Ioseph of Arimathea princes amongst the Iewes Phil. 4.22 Ierem. 38.7 and euen Pilates wife fauoured Iesus Christ euen so now also in the Gospell the Popes darlings and Friers some of them fauour the truth And as Saint Paul also had some friends in Caesars house and Ieremie in the kings court so now hath the Gospell some friends among the Popes traine and that in no smal matters There is no one thing I am perswaded at this day doth so dazell the eyes of a great nūber that they cannot behold the cleare light of the Gospel keeps thē stil in the obedience of the Church of Rome as the reading of Granatensis Stella Ferus Philippus de diez such like But all shall clearly see in this book how that in the principall points of religion they ioyne hands with vs. And that we may say of them 1 King 22.43 as we reade in the booke of the Kings of Iehoshaphat that he walked in all the wayes of Asa his father and declined not therefrom but did that was right in the eyes of the Lord neuerthelesse the high places were not taken away and the people offered still and burnt incense in the high places Good men haue their imperfections So these follow the way of the Fathers in preaching and setting forth zealously the word of God in maintaining the authoritie thereof as also the knowledge reading and meditation thereof they teach also the true vse of prayer with faith deuotion vnderstanding our perfect redemption by Christ and the assured faith that we ought to haue in him and how that we ought to trust in his merits and not in our owne works his exceeding great loue towards vs and the great corruption of our nature without his grace In these points they worship God aright with good king Iehoshaphat and they followe the wayes of their fathers But yet the high places are not taken away they burne incense there still They maintaine the Popes supremacie their patron Col. 2.18 2. King 9.20 10.28 they make prayers to Saints and Angels through their ouermuch humilitie as Saint Paul teacheth vs. Their great and good zeale is like to that wee reade of Iehu And the marching is like the marching of Iehu the sonne of Nimshie for he marcheth furiously And againe So Iehu destroyed Baal out of Israel but from the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat which made Israel to sinne he departed not He was the founder of his kingdome The policie which he deuised to maintaine his estate and kingdome hee also although it were against the word of God embraced So these are zealous Mark 12.34 but they also maintaine their founder the Pope and his authoritie We may say of these truly as our Sauiour Christ in the Gospel sayd of that Scribe Thou art not far from the kingdom of God no more surely are these So that heere good gentle Reader thou maist see Popery pulled vp euen by the roots by the hands of Papists themselues The true Catholike faith out of the Scriptures out of the Fathers out of the mouthes of them who seeme to be the verie enemies therof this small Treatise teacheth Euery one therefore that tendereth his own saluation let him mark wel that faith which herein is taught In the time of ignorance God might and no doubt did shew mercy but now at midday in the most cleare sunshine of the Gospell now I say to shut the eyes is wilful murther Reu. 14.8 For in the Reuelation our daies are most liuely expressed Then I saw saith S. Iohn another Angel fly in the midst of heauen hauing an euerlasting Gospell to preach vnto them that dwel on the earth and to euery nation and kinred tongue and people saying with a loud voice Feare God giue glorie to him for the houre of his iudgement is come and worship him that made heauen and earth the sea and the fountaines of waters Are not here our daies most euidently declared The preaching of the euerlasting Gospell the worshipping of God alone that made all things and not of any creature nay the verie time For the houre of his iudgement is come This preaching of these doctrines and this preaching of the Gospell shall be immediately before the iudgement Hee that is not starke blind cannot choose but see this Now followes the Church of Antichrist And there followed another Angell saying It is fallen it is fallen Babylon the great citie for she made all nations to drinke of the wine of her fornication Here is likewise the Church of Antichrist most euidently described She shall make all nations drinke of the wine
common father to vs all so we should be all as brethren one to another and it is greatly to be feared that at this daie that the lacke of this naturall and brotherly loue amongst our selues makes God withdrawe this his fatherlie loue and care from vs. Wilt thou not accompt the poore thy brethren and deale with them as with brethren Surely then God will not be thy father Oh what a losse is this We had better make leases of our lands for nothing nay léese all the goods in the world then léese this Mat. 16.26 Which art in heauen Here is his Maiestie declared vnto vs we haue a mightie father a father of the greatest maiestie in the world The winde the raine the thunder that comes from heauen how mightie how terrible how forcible are they But our father whose dwelling is in heauen 1. King 8.27 naie whom the heauen of heauens cannot containe is of farre greater might These are but his seruants as the Psalmist saith Psal 104.4 He makes the spirits or windes his messengers and his seruants the flames of fire He is most terrible when he is angrie Psal yea if his anger be kindled but a little Oh let vs feare him let vs not sinne presumptuouslie euen the smallest sinnes He is most mercifull Psal 19.13 where hee loues Oh let vs praie vnto him he is able to helpe Heb. 10.26 Psal 103.8 let vs trust in him Let vs not thinke that the darkenesse or anie worldlie pretence whatsoeuer can couer or hide our sinnes Ps 94.9 139.1 The sunne which is but a little aduanced in the heauens we sée howe his beames will pierce into euerie corner much more the power of our God which dwelleth aboue all the heauens his eies his brightnesse his maiestie is in euerie place Hallowed be thy name We will not name the Emperor nor anie king nor anie meane gentleman without reuerence 1. Tim. 1.17 Psal 138.2 and without his titles We cannot sée God he is inuisible he hath onely giuen vs his name here amongst vs to see how we will vse it Hereby are we tried as we accompt of his name so we accompt of him as we esteeme it so we estéeme himselfe Let it be of the greatest accompt amongst vs aboue the names of all Kings and Princes let it be our greatest iewell let vs alwaies vse it most reuerentlie and holilie Let here all Ruffians and Atheists and blasphemous swearers and periured persons quake and tremble that make so light accompt of the name of God This is such a sinne that now although they make light accompt thereof yet God hath tolde them most plainlie in his lawe which if they were not starke deafe they would marke and remember that he that committes it Psal 58.4 he will not accompt him guiltlesse but at that great daie of iudgement when as he will pardon other sinnes he will most assuredlie condemne this Exod. 20.7 Thy kingdome come who hauing land purchased for him would not long to be in the possession of it who being an apprentice would not gladlie be at libertie who hearing his sonne to be a King Gen. 45.27.28 would not now gladlie make haste to go to sée him Did not Iacob thinke you when as he heard that Ioseph his sonne was a Prince in Egypt thinke euerie daie a yeere till he were with him Such are all our estates here in this world we haue not great lands or possessions purchased for vs but euen a kingdome yea and that such a kingdome as farre surpasseth all the kingdomes and monarchies of the world Reu. 1.6 who would not desire to be in the possession of such a kingdome who would not long to sée it we are here all apprentices watching and manie times wanting and euer warring and labouring Who would not gladly be at liberty Iob. 7.1 be deliuered from this bondage be in franchised into that citie where there is not want nor watching nor warring Reu. 21.4 nor labouring but ioie rest peace plenty and fréedome for euermore We doe not onelie heare good newes as Iacob did that our son is a Prince in Egypt but that we our selues are made Kings and Priests by the meanes of Iesus Christ Reu. 1.6 1. Pet. 2.9 and that of the kingdome of heauen and that we are now fellowe heires with him 1. Co. 3.21.22 Rom. 8.17 This is the summe of the Gospell This is our ioyfull newes And did Iacob make hast to go into Egypt and shall not we hasten to our heauenlie kingdome O we of little faith Reu. 22.17 and therefore in the Reuelation the spirit and the spouse say Come Lord Iesu As though they should saie Come Lord Iesu and end this our apprentiship finish this our pilgrimage giue vs now possession of that kingdome which we beléeue that thou hast purchased for vs. And it is all one with that our Sauiour here teacheth vs to praie O Lord let thy kingdome come Iacob was not so sure of his sonne Iosephs kingdome in Egypt nor anie apprentice is so sure after his yeeres expired of his fréedome nor anie purchaser of the landes he hath purchased as we are sure of this our kingdome Mark 16.16 1. Ioh. 5 13. Mat. 5.18 our libertie our heauenlie inheritance The Gospell witnesseth it vnto vs it assures vs thereof Heauen and earth shall passe away but one tittle or iot thereof shall not passe away And therefore being thus assured we saie boldly let thy kingdome come and therefore as Saint Paul teacheth Wee groane and sigh for that great day of our deliuerance out of this bondage and apprentiship with all the creatures of God Rom. 8.22 which also grone with vs that they may be deliuered also into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God And thinking therefore of that great daie of iudgement which is terrible to all Infidels wicked persons and Idolaters Psal 97.7 Esay 2.20 Confounded at that daie saith Dauid and let them hide their faces all such as worship carued Images and delight in vaine gods Reu. 9.20 And to Dauid agrees Esay and S. Iohn Let all papistes marke this then wee are not dismaide but lift vp our heads because we know then that our redemption drawes neere Luke 21.28 Wée praie also O Lorde let thy kingdome come Rom. 6 12. let not sinne raigne in our bodies let vs not delight in it let vs not submit our selues vnto it let not the law of our mēbers Rom. 7.23 which manie times is so imperious and with authoritie euen commands and with necessitie forceth vs that we must néedes doe this or that let not this law O good Lord euer preuaile against vs Eph. 5.18 but be thou our king Let thy holie spirit euer beare rule in our hearts Psal 2.6 Rom. 8.14 Psal 119. 105. Ioh. 18.12 let thy most holie law be a lanterne to our waies and a
Paul to the Colossians thus In 1. cap. ad Col. I supply the wants or rather the remnants of the afflictions of Christ as Ambrose doth translate it not that Christs passions are insufficient for vs but that the afflictions of his mysticall body the Church that is of the holy Martyrs are accompted the afflictions of Christ which he accompts his saying That which ye haue done to one of the least of these ye haue done to me Thus Gagneius expounds this place out of Ambrose he confesseth that Christs passion is sufficient for our redemption and that the passions and afflictions of the Saints are honoured with that honourable title that they are called also the afflictions of Christ because he is the head of his Church He brings in also another exposition of Photion that to fulfill the wants and remnants of Christs passion is nothing els then to suffer for him as he suffered for vs. For Christ suffered for you saith Peter leauing you an example that you should follow his steps Christ therefore suffered for vs what now remaines but that we should also be afflicted and suffer togither with him he that doth this fulfils that was wanting of the afflictions of Christ not on Christs behalfe but on his owne For although Christs afflictions were sufficient to redéeme all men yet on our behalfe this is wanting to them that we should suffer for the Church and one for another For by many tribulations we must go into the kingdome of heauen Therefore saith Saint Paul The want of his afflictions that is that which wanteth for vs to doe after his afflictions I fulfill in my flesh in stéede of Christ by so long and grieuous afflictions for his bodie which is the Church Our afflictions are Christs steps we must follow him in them they are no part of the price of our redemption they are the waie which wee must walke in if we will go to heauen they are not the purchase of heauen And these S. Paul endured for the Church in seruing it not in sauing it Stella also of Christs redemption writes thus In cap. Luc. 1● Fourthly looking for their maister they make all things readie they strewe and sweepe their whole house So we also which looke for our maister must furnish our vnderstanding with the knowledge of God and our wils with his holy loue and our memories with the remembrance of all the good things which we haue receiued of his bountifull hand For when we were vtterly lost and vndone through the sinne of our first parents he redeemed vs so perfectly that Paul saith where iniquity abounded there grace superabounded for by his death he opened to vs the gates of heauen and gaue vs the resurrection of the flesh Stella here plainly confesseth that Christ redéemed vs perfectlie and that by his redemption whereas by the fall of Adam sin abounded to punish vs and to condemne vs now grace more abounds to pardon vs and to iustifie vs. Christs grace is not limited within the banks of the Babylonicall Euphrates that his merites should take awaie crime and not paine that thereby the merites of Friers and such like might gaine riches to the Church of Rome but it spreades it selfe farre beyonde all the bankes of mans reason and deuice The vertue force of Christs passion no man is able to comprehend his riches which all Gods ministers are commanded to preach with Saint Paul are vnsearchable they are without bottome or ende Eph●l 3.8 Euen vnto me saith Saint Paul the least of all Saints is this grace giuen that I should preach among the Gentiles the vnsearcheable riches of Christ And dare the Pope saie that hee hath found out the bottome of them to establish his pardons In cap. 8. Act. Ferus also verie excellentlie teacheth all Pastours what is meant by that phrase when it is said that the Apostles preached Christ To preach Christ saieth he is to teach that hee died for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification and that there is saluation in none other And it is to preach righteousnesse sanctification remission of sinnes and redemption For Christ is become all these thinges vnto vs. Therefore hee preacheth not Christ which teacheth to trust in works or to seeke by any meanes else saluation then of Christ As the false prophets doe which teach vs to seeke righteousnesse and remission of sinnes some where else then in Christ For they say Behold here is Christ behold him there In Christ onely these things are to be found For there is no other name vnder heauen in which we must be saued To this all the law and the prophets beare witnesse that we doe receiue remission of sinnes by his name If this be true then Poligranes and all the Popes pardon-sellers which teach that not onelie by Christs merites sinnes are forgiuen but ioine the merites of Martyrs and the treasure of the Church vnto them preach not Christ by his iudgement naie they are false Prophets Neither here nor there in no place else nor in nothing else remission of sinnes is to be had but onlie in Iesus Christ no not at Rome in the yeare of Iubile saieth Ferus In cap. 11. Act. Againe to the same effect the writes thus To preach Christ is to teach that all our trust is to be put in him alone man can doe no more but preach and exhort the which he that shall diligently do is guiltlesse before God if anie perish Ferus of Christes satisfaction verie excellentlie writes thus What sorrow was euer like mine Part. 4. pass 26. from the crowne of my head to the sole of my feete there was no found part what therefore remaineth O father but seeing that I make satisfaction so aboundantly but that thou lay apart thine anger forgiue them haue mercie vpon them and powre vpon them the streames of thy grace Ibide● Vpon these words It is finished Ferus writes thus Beholde now the Lord be praised by me is finished whatsoeuer my Father hath decreed I haue suffered whatsoeuer the law and the prophets haue foretold and whatsoeuer was necessary or profitable to mans saluation The sacrifice is made the figures are fulfilled the shadowes are taken away From whence springs the patience of Martyres but hereof Bar. in Ser. Cant. 61. that a Martyre by deuout and continuall meditation doth hide himselfe in the stripes and woundes of Christ The Martyre standes in this tryumphing and dauncing although his body bee all rent and the Sword pierce his side he beholds the holy bloud to boile out of his fide not onely valiantly but ioyfully Where then is the Martyrs soule Surely in safety that is to say in the rocke that is to say in the bowelles of Iesus His wounds being open that he may enter in thither If he were in his owne bowelles searching them without all doubt he would feele the Sword hee were notable to abide the paine he would yeeld he
beene paid The Lord had such an earnest care of thy saluation that almost he hazarded his owne that he might gaine thee Hee tooke vpon him all our losses that hee might place thee in heauen that he might consecrate thee with heauenly vertues And hee addeth Very miraculously he gaue himself for vs al that he might declare that he so loued vs all that he gaue his welbeloued sonne for euery one of vs. For whom therefore hee that gaue that which surpasseth all things is it possible that in him he shall not also giue vs all things For he excepts nothing who hath giuen the Author of all things There is nothing therefore that we may feare shall be denied vs there is no cause why wee should doubt of the continuance of this bountifulnes of God towards vs whose goodnesse hath beene so long in continuance and so liberall towards vs that first he predestinated vs then hee called vs and those whom he called them he iustified and those whom he iustified also he will glorifie Can he forsake those whome he hath bestowed so many benefits vpon euen till he crowne them Amongst so many benefits of God shall we feare any of the wiles of our accuser but who dare accuse any of those whom he hath chosen in Gods iudgement can God the father who hath bestowed them cal his gifts back againe and dismisse those from his fatherly fauour whom he hath adopted to be his children But perchance thou fearest least that the iudge will bee seuere consider who shall bee thy iudge To Christ hath the father committed all iudgement can he condemne thee who hath redeemed thee from death for whome he hath offered himselfe whose life he knowes to bee the wages of his death shall he not say what profit is in my blood if I condemne him whom I haue saued Againe thou considerest him as a iudge and not as an aduocate can he pronounce sharpe sentence vvho ceaseth not to request that the grace of his fathers reconciliation may be bestowed on vs Here Ambrose first teacheth the excéeding great loue that God hath towards his children and that hee gaue his sonne for euerie one of vs And shall not then euerie particular man embrace this so mercifull and gracious a gift in his owne armes that is by the faith of his owne soule And lastlie the great assurance that euerie Christian ought to haue of his saluation Our Iudge is our aduocate and shall wee feare the sentence of condemnation 6. Of the reading of the Scriptures and of their sufficiencie STaphilus a Papist Counseller to the Emperour Staph. of translating the Bible into the vulgar tongue whose Apologie was trāslated by Thomas Stapleton student in Diuinitie in his Apologie writes thus Surely I could neuer yet find in holy Scripture that the common people ought of necessity to read the scripture but that of the reading thereof much Schisme and the destruction of manie soules hath proceeded daily experience teacheth vs and holy writte warneth vs where our Sauiour thus speaketh It is giuen to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdome of God but to the rest in Parables that seeing yet they see not and hearing they vnderstand not Who are those vnto whom our Lord saith To you it is giuen c. Surely the Apostles and their successours the rulers of Christs flocke And Who are they that should learne by parables Surely such men as were better not to know the mysteries least misusing them they procure to themselues a greater damnation For precious stones ought not to be cast before hogges and such of al likelyhood are the Lay ignorant people Thus farre Staphilus Let all true Christians marke what commendations the papists yeeld vnto the scriptures that dailie experience teacheth that the destruction of many soules haue procéeded thereof when as Gods spirit calles the scripture alwaies The word of life Ioh. 6.68 1. Tim. 1.10 and the holesome doctrine of Christ The one marke were sufficient to descrie of whose spirit they are that write this of the scriptures But it is also worthie the marking Lib. 2. ca. 21. de offic bon patr how in this point the papists disagree among themselues Viuiennus a Papist writes thus I counsell thee and all other which haue not as yet purchased to themselues the sound knowledge of the holy scriptures that they eschew that booke of his meaning Ouid and in the meane while that they reade the Bible and other godly mens works For it is not possible that he which is not very expert in the scriptures should not stumble very dangerously and that his faith should not by some meanes be shaken and weakned Hector Pintus also a Papist of the holie scripture writes thus But amongst all other they beare the bell who being guarded with the furniture of vertue giue themselues to the study of the holy scriptures that they may behold with the eyes of their mind the hie mysteries of God clearer then the sunne it selfe for the knowledge of the holy scriptures is that heauenly philosophy wherewith the soules of men are refreshed and are nourished to euerlasting life This is the finder out of vertues and expeller of vices which eases our soules takes away vaine cares deliuers vs from wicked desires and giues vs tranquillity of life wherfore the course of a mans life being well passed ouer and according to the precepts thereof is to be preferred before all the prosperity in the world The diuine and Kingly prophet foreseeing that in his mind calles Him blessed that studies in the law of God day and night For as the same in another place testifieth The law of God is an vndefiled law conuerting the soule and the Testimonie of the Lord is faithfull and giueth wisdome euen to children For such is the excellency of Gods law that it conuerts the minds of men from an euill custome to an honest kind of liuing and to those men which wander and goe out of the way it shewes the right path to obtaine euerlasting glory Thus farre Pintus The which his saying if it bee true as it is most true then is Staphilus and Maister Stapletons sentence false that the reading of the scriptures should leade manie soules to destruction it leades them the waie to euerlasting life which wander and go out of the way saith Pintus Pintus pro ●em in Dan. And of the authoritie of the scripture also he yéelds this excellent Testimonie The most part of the Papists saie that the Scriptures take authoritie of the Church but Pintus of them writes thus Euen as saieth hee that same strange precious stone called Draconites is not polished nor admits any art or cunning about the dressing of it but of it selfe is very beautifull and bright so the diuine scripture is not adorned with child●sh eloquence of words nor stands need of the skill of mans Rhetoricke being famous and excellent by her owne maiesty and proper brightnesse Thus farre
the name of Leuen and that not vnfitly For first as Leuen is added outwardly and is of another nature so it is false doctrine whatsoeuer is added to the word of God or is mingled with it as either an externall or a contrarie thing for the word of God is pure bread not mingled with any other thing to which nothing must be added or put to of man according to that thou shalt adde nothing to my words In cap. 4. Mat. And in another place he writes thus Then our workes please God if they bee done of the spirit that is if they bee agreeing to Gods commandements and the Scripture for all that is not good which seemes good to thee Thou hast an example hereof in Saul who of Amelecke reserued oxen for the sacrifice of God to whom it was said Doth God delight in burnt offrings They are like to him to whom those things seeme better which they chuse themselues then Gods commandements yea they despise Gods commandements for their owne inuentions To conclude there is nothing good that is contrarie to Gods commandements for the will of God is the rule of righteousnesse and his commandement is a signe of his will therefore doe not that which seemeth good in thy own iudgement Thus much Ferus And yet such like were manie of their workes they did in Poperie they had no commandement in the word of God to warrant them And all such works by Ferus iudgement could not please God no more then Sauls sacrifice of the shéepe of the Amalekites did and yet manie Catholikes will vse such works still And in another place hee writes thus Fer. in 11. cap Mat. So it is also a staffe of reede whatsoeuer is taught or deliuered besides the word of God It is onely the word of God the which we may safely leane vpon that hereby thou maiest learne what kinde of froward deceiuers they are which giue vs for the word of God onely their owne dreames that is a staffe of reede This sentence is quite left out in the copie of Ferus printed at Rome The vncertaintie also of Traditions should cause anie good Christian to doubt to build his faith vpon them Augustine saith That their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or loue feasts Gagneius in cap. 14. ad cor which the ancient Christians did commonly vse at their communion were euer made before their communion as Christ did first eate the Paschall Lambe before he celebrated his sacrament but Chrysostome saieth that these loue feasts were euer made after the communion which of these traditions should we beléeue now Maister Bellarmine also of the signe of the Crosse which Constantine saw writes thus De laicis lib. 3 cap. 40. That Eusebius himselfe in the life of Constantine writes that he sawe it in his iourney and that Constantine himselfe told him so But in his ecclesiasticall Historie translated by Ruffinus it is recorded that he saw it in his sleepe And that Angels stood by him and said to him In this signe thou shalt ouercome It is very likely saith Maister Bellarmine that this was added of Ruffinus If there were additions in those daies euen by Maist Bellarmines iudgement and forgeries against the truth what shall we looke for in our daies Ierom also of Origens bookes writes In pref in E● That in his daies manie were lost and some were vnder his name forged That subtile Sathan who durst be bold to corrupt and forge Origens works would not sticke also to forge other fathers Stella also of customes and old rites writes thus Christ saith hee and his Parents were verie carefull in keeping godly and holy customes but we quite contrarie dissent from Christ In 2. cap. Luc. keeping the olde custome and wont as we say in our garments vsuries and vnlawfull bargaines we ought in this matter consider this whether that such customes agree with the Gospell or no The which if they doe not then they are to be forsaken of vs but if they agree with it then they ought to be followed For the law of God ought to be a rule and square by which euerie rite custome is to be exemined For an euill custome is no law but a wicked abuse of the law c. So no doubt all customes not onely of bargaining but of worshipping God by this rule and square are to be examined But it is obiected of the Papists that Saint Basill speakes verie earnestly in the defence of Traditions He doth so but nothing for Popish Traditions Almost all the fathers doe make mention of Traditions and outward Ceremonies which were vsed in the Church in their daies which they did reuerentlie obserue and kéepe but they were not such vnwritten verities as the Papists now Lib. de Spirit Sanct. cap. 27. vnder the name of traditions do teach men to beléeue Basils Traditions are almost all externall thinges and no points of doctrine As signing those which are baptized with the signe of the crosse to pray towards the East to dippe the childe baptized thrise in baptisme That forme of prayer which is vsed in the Lords supper is not written saith he and the annointing of the baptized with oyle Amb. lib. 1. de faer cap. 2. of which Ceremonie also Ambrose makes mention These are all outward things neither are they substantiall points of doctrine And of these our church hath retained some which séeme not repugnant to the Scriptures and others she hath refused The fathers surely in their daies through their ouermuch deuotion and zeale in religion considered not that Antichrists kingdome should be a mysterie 1. Thes 2.7 Reu. 17.5 Mark 15.38 and that Christ now suffering the vaile of the Temple did rent asunder to teach vs that the true Sonne being now comed into the world all shadowes should vanish awaie but they began againe euen then to load the church with outward ceremonies and obseruations in so much that Austen complained in his daies Ep. 119. ad Ia. that the church and the religion which Gods mercie would haue free with the ceremonies and mysteries in her seruices of God and as plaine and as fewe as might be some did now oppresse againe with slauish burdens in so much that the Iewes were in better case then we Austen then perceiued whither this immoderate deuotion would grow vnto hee vrgeth that libertie whereinto we are brought by the mercies of Christ and in the which Saint Paul wils vs to stand Gal. 5.1 and to maintaine But although S. Basill doe vrge the obseruation of these outward things besides the expresse commandement and warrant of the scriptures yet concerning doctrine about the which betwéene the Papistes and vs is the greatest controuersie hee writes plainly that he would haue that tried by the scriptures For speaking of Heretikes he saith Ep. 80. That they might blame vs thus they saie that it is against their custome and that the Scripture doth not agree thereunto But
bulwarks and towers of defence of the Church which S. Austen knewe in his daies First generall councells then the apostolicall seas no one apostolicall sea more then the rest no not Rome and lastly some especiall godly learned men with their inuincible arguments and forces of reason Where also we maie note that as he preferreth no one apostolicall sea before all the rest so that he doth preferre generall councels before them all So that by Augustines iudgment a generall councell is to be preferred before the Church of Rome And here Augustine declaring the bulwarks of Gods Church against heretiques had shewed himselfe to be a verie vnskilfull Captain of the Lords armie if so be that he had quite forgotten the chiefe bulwarke aboue all the rest against them that is that the Pope cannot erre This had been the forciblest bulwarke that the Church could haue had against all heretiques But Austen in his daies knewe no such and therefore no doubt hee makes no mention of it And also in another place of Peters prerogatiue he writes thus As some things are sayd which seeme properly to belong to Peter himselfe and yet they are not rightly expounded In psal 108. vnlesse they be referred to the Church of which hee is acknowledged in a type to haue borne the figure for the primacie that hee had among the Apostles As this To thee I will giue the keies of the kingdom of heauen and other speeches of our sauiour to him like to this so Iudas likewise as it were sustaineth the person of the Iewes that bee enemies vnto Christ which then hated Christ and now also their wickednes continuing as it were by a succession doe hate him still Here Austen acknowledgeth a primacie of Peter amongst the Apostles But for all that by this his primacie by Austens iudgement hee gaineth nothing to his successor or to the Bishop of Rome but to the whole Church whose Image he sustained because he was the chiefe among the Apostles He plainly affirmes that Peter was a type of the whole Church to it conueyed that priuiledge giuen to him and not to his successor the Bishop of Rome as that papists now would haue him And to expound that saying of our Sauiour To thée will I giue the keies of the kingdom of heauen as the papists doe nowe to Peter himselfe is not rightlie to expound them what can be plainer then As Iudas sustaineth the persons of all the wicked Iewes so doth Peter not of the bishop of Rome but of the whole Church This is Austens iudgment concerning this matter and he ouerthrowes the papists exposition of these words To thee will I giue the keies which referre them to Peter himselfe and his successors And to Austen agrées Chrysostome both concerning the authoritie of Rome and of Peter he manifestlie preferres Antioch before Roome Ho. 17. ad pop Ant. What saith he is the dignitie of our Citie it chanced first saith he that the disciples at Antioch were called Christiās this dignitie hath no citie else that is in the world no not Romulus his citie And therefore she that is Antioch may lift vp her eyes and ouerlooke all the world beside for this fire of her loue toward Christ for this her great confidence and boldnes for this her valiantes He cals Rome but Romulus his citie if she had béen then accounted the catholique mother church as the papists nowe affirme that she is he would not haue béen too bould with her he would haue giuen her some more honorable stile then to call her Romulus his citie nay he would not haue preferred Antioch before her yea and not onlie Chrisostome but the Emperor himselfe yéelds that same priuiledge to Antioch Ho. 21. ad pop Ant aeditione Harma 21. And haue I not saith hee alwaies preferred that citie before all other and haue I not accompted it dearer to me then mine owne natiue countrie The Emperor preferred Antioch before all other cities in the world and therefore before Rome and it is not likelie that he erred in iudgment And after of the Emperors authoritie in the same homilie Chrysostome writes thus Oh howe great is the force of Christian religion It restrained and bridled a man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that on earth had none to be compared with him that Lord that can ouerthrowe and destroy all things and taught him such heauenly philosophie as a meane man would neuer haue embraced c. He plainly here affirmes that the Emperor is the chiefe man here vpon earth And that there is none equall to be compared with him no not the Pope Victorinus an auncient father vppon the Reuelation concerning the church writes thus These seuen starres are seuen churches Victor in 1. cap. Ap. which he calls by their names and to whom also he writes his Epistles Not that they were the principall Churches of all other but that which hee speakes to one hee speakes to all for there is no difference as when one doth preferre the standerd of a fewe souldiers to a greater number Paul taught first that all the churches of the world were but seuen and those seuen which he named to be that one catholique Church The which thing that he might obserue him selfe he exceeded not the nūber of seuen Churches but he wrote to the Romanes Corinthians Galathians Ephesians Philippians Collossiās and to the Thessaloniās And afterward he wrote to particular persons least he should exceede the nūber of seauen Churches And briefly knitting vp togither the whole summe of his preaching he saith to Timothie That thou maist know how thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in the Church of the liuing God We read also that this type was declared by the holy Ghost by the prophet Esay of seuen women that should lay hould of one man Christ is that one man which was not borne of mans seede the seuen women are the churches taking their bread and with them that is their garments they are couered who desire that their reproch may bee taken from them and that the name of the Lord may be called vppon them They take their bread which is the holy Ghost which nourisheth into his eternal life promised them by faith and their garments also which are promised thē which desire that they may be clothed Of which S. Paul speaketh this mortalitie must be clothed with incorruption and this mortall must put on immortalitie And they desire that their reproch may be taken away their reproch is their old accustomed sinne which is taken away in baptisme and a man then beginnes to be called a Christian which is as much to say as let thy name be called vpon Therefore in these seuen churches it may be that of one Church is made seuen c. Victorinus here plainly makes but one catholique Church and the Romane church being one of the seuen whereunto S. Paul wrote his Epistles a member thereof In psal 99. in praelat Austine writes thus Eyther
Christian against Antichrist These things haue I written vnto you 1. Ep. 2.26 as concerning those that deceiue you and the annointing yee haue receiued of him abideth in you so that no man needeth to teach you any thing no not Elias nor Enoch We may note here how that he armeth the faithfull onely with the Scripture and the holie spirit against Antichrist and that they neede no other armour And againe I write vnto you children Verse 14. that you haue knowne the father I write vnto you fathers that you haue knowne him that was from the beginning I write vnto you young men that you are strong and the word of God dwelleth in you The worde of God is the knowledge and light of olde men against Sathan and his sonne Antichrist and the strength also of young men to wrastle and encounter with them both and with this they being strengthened they are able to ouercome them Saint Paul also speaking of Antichrist and of his members which by and by after his departure should succéed in the church saieth thus Act. 20 24. I knowe this that after my departure shall grieuous Wolues enter in amongst you not sparing the flocke and from amongst your selues shall men arise speaking peruerse things to drawe away the Disciples after them Therefore watch ye remembring how by the space of three yeeres night and day I haue not ceased to warne euerie one of you And now brethren I commend you to God and to the word of his grace which is able to build you further then I haue as yet builded you and to giue you an inheritance amongst all those which shall be sanctified Here Saint Paul teacheth that Wolues shall succéede in the Church and no doubt these were the members of Antichrist Against these as a faithfull Pastor he commits his shéepe to God and to the word of God which is able to build them further naie to preserue them safe and sound from all errors and dangers in the wildernesse of this worlde and to bring them euen to heauen if so be that they shall follow onely the direction of it And here also we maie learne an excellent commendation of the worde of God it is a bottomelesse pitte no man can euer come to the depth thereof so that of it that saying of Saint Austen is verified So great is the depth of the holy Scriptures that I should euerie day profit in the study of them Aug. ep 3. if from mine infancie till I were a verie olde man I should learne them hauing neuer so much leisure studying neuer so earnestly and hauing neuer so good a wit they are still able to build further This testimonie Saint Paul and Saint Austen yéelde to the worde of God and what néedes Maister Bellarmine then to adde the comming of Elias and Enoch as necessarie to preserue the elect in the faith as though the worde of God were not sufficient Our Sauiour himselfe in the Gospell teacheth the same doctrine and that it is dangerous to beléeue anie rising againe frō the dead whosoeuer they are in points of saluation Luk. 16.31 They haue Moses the prophets saith Abraham the father of the faithful if they will not beleeue them neither wil they beleeue if anie arise from the dead againe no if it were Enoch and Elias This lesson Abraham by our sauiours testimonie hath taught all his children and yet by Maister Bellarmine his iudgement the faithfull must looke for Elias and Enoch to come to preserue them in the faith Esay also opposeth the word of God against all doctrines of dead men whatsoeuer Esay 8.20 Should not a people enquire of their God From the liuing to the dead will you seeke To the lawe and to the testimonie Psal 119.105 The lawe and the testimonie must be a light to our feet our counsellers in all controuersies and doubts as also they were Dauids Chrysostome vpon Matthew writes thus of Antichrist and of the onely way to bewray him Then that is Chrys Ho. 49. in ca. 24. Mat. when Antichrists kingdome shall come they which are in Iewrie let them flie vnto the hilles These things are to be vnderstood spiritually thus Then when you shall see the abomination of desolation sitting in the holy place that is when you shall see a wicked heresie which is the host of Antichrist standing in the holy places of the Church at that time they which are in Iewrie let them flie to the hilles that is they which are Christians let them get them to the Scriptures For as the true Iewe is a Christian as the Apostle saith not he which is a Iew openly but he which is a Iew in secret so christendome is true Iewrie whose name signifies confession or thanksgiuing and the hilles are the writings of the Prophets and Apostles of which hilles it is said Thou wonderfully giuest light from the eternall hilles And againe of the Church he saith the foundations are vpon the holy hilles And why doth he command all christians at this time to get them to the scriptures Because at that time since that heresy hath taken place in the Church there can be no other proofe or triall of true christianitie nor any other help for christians which thē would know which is the true faith but the holy Scriptures Before by many meanes it might be shewed which was the church of Christ and which was the heathenish Synagogue But now they which will know which is the true Church can know it by no meanes else but onely by the Scriptures And after Therefore the Lord knowing what a great confusion of all things should be in the latter daies therefore he commaunds that Christians which would be sure to know the true faith should flie to nothing else but to the Scriptures Here we maie first learne what Antichrist is not a Deuill incarnate as the Papists imagine but a wicked heresie which shall take possession in the Church nay in the beginning of that Homily he saith That when as all heresies are as it were the host of Antichrist yet especially that which shall take vpon it the face and roume of the Church Quae obtinuit ecclesiae locum stetit in loco sancto ita vt videatur quasi verbum veritatis stetisse cum non sit verbum veritatis sed abominatio desolationis id est exercitus Antichrists qui multorum animas reddidit desolatas à Deo which hath borne the shew of the Church so that it seemed to haue continued in the holy place as the word of truth when as it is not the word of truth but the abhomination of desolation that is the host of Antichrist which shall make many mens soules destitute of God And dare anie man then venture his saluation vpon the bare name and shewe of the Church He saith here plainlie that Antichrists heresie shall haue the roume and shewe of the Church Therefore it is dangerous onely to relie vpon
Anno Dom. 1596 For when as the twentie letter of the Alphabet with great shouts shall be receiued within thy wals then thy ruine and vtter ouerthrowe is at hand Let Rome take héed of this letter Cappa which in numeration standeth for twentie when as it shall be capped vnto and honourably receiued into Rome Rome shall not raigne long after Rome therefore shall be ouerthrowne And some Cardinall may fitly fulfill this prophecie And of the destruction also of the world and of Rome Sibylla prophecieth thus That when as a firie Dragon shall come vpon the waues of the sea of this world hauing her belly full to nourish her children Sibil orac lib. 8 ol 368. in a time of death and ciuill warre that then shall the ende of the world draw neere 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But first saith Sibylla shall be the inexorable wrath of God against Rome O wicked Rome then whose sins shall be so grieuous as it should seeme that if all the saints and angels in heauen which now thou makes so great account of should intreat for thée they were not able to appease the heauy and grieuous wrath of God against thée Repent now therefore whilest thou hast time and space being admonished here by Sibylla And let all true Catholikes which are wont to reuerence antiquity herein beleeue Sibilla agréeing with Saint Iohn and in time forsake this wicked and sinfull Rome least they perish with her in her sins Michael ab Isselt of the great affliction that our Sauiour prophecieth of Epist nun cup. ad Torren Episc Antw. which shall come vpon the world before the ende thereof writes thus It is comed alreadie as should séeme by his writing and it is not marked And the poore feele it and the rich looke for it when it shall be His words be these But we vpon whom I may iustly say that the ends of the world are fallen haue hapned into those daies wherein though all histones and all ancient bookes hold their peace yet the world it selfe cries out that it is now set to reuenge the sins of men How often of late yeeres haue we seene the heauens inflamed as it were with terrible firebrands how many blasing starres haue beene seene threatning euils to the earth with their terrible shapes and foreshewers of great calamities Leu. 26. We haue had the heauens ouer our heads like Iron we haue not had raine enough in winter to nourish the corne nor in sommer the accustomed heat to ripen it The earth as the scripture hath foretold is become like brasse vnto vs. Our labour is employed in vain the earth bringeth not forth her buddes blossomes the trees beare not their Apples The earth is as it were parched with drought and her mould brings forth withered hearbs the haile hinders the vines we sow our lands in vaine which the enemies deuoure How many ouerflowings of the sea haue we seene how often her fortresses being broken haue we beheld the shepheard to swim with his sheepe the mother with her children and the house and the heard to swim togither with their masters and the huge sea flowing into the pleasant meadowes to haue destroyed al things Hereof we haue had of late the famine of Saguntum which hath so afflicted not onely cities but whole prouinces that it turned the pitie of mothers into madnes who gaue their deare children poyson to kill them least they should heare their miserable crying Others as in Hungarie this last yeere sold their children to the Turks and Barbarians for bread others I know not whether more pitiful least their children should serue such tyrants threw them into the water drowned them What shal I speak of wars which within these twenty yeers haue so shaken both other kingdomes but especially our Flauders in times past the paradice pleasantest countrey in the world that now townes being burnt cities sacked the stately Churches of the saints pulled downe and being robbed of their riches holy and prophane things being now accounted all one she hath not any signe almost remaining of her former glorie That now her mightie prouinces being giuen for a praie to the Germanes Frenchmen Englishmen Scots Irish men and to other forraine enemies obey now their vnsatiable and wicked pleasures Neither is heere an end of our euils But that all euils might come vpon vs at once most grieuous plagues new and straunge diseases haue taken away those whom the sword and famine had spared and haue made such great ouerthrowes of men that skant the liuing sufficed to burie the dead So that all the elements and al the miseries in the world may seeme to haue conspired against vs altogither Againe when as euerie liuing creature loues his like onely now one man is afraid of another For there are now so many publike periuries of natiōs so many truces broken so many vnderminings thefts deceits slaunders wiles that now not vnfitly one man may be called a diuell to another And if here were an end of our miserie all were well but it goes further For those euils which we haue hitherto recited are outward euils and do neither adde anie thing or take ought away from mans felicitie if his soule within him were sound and free from these daungers and miseries But the euils which are within vs are farre greater then they which are without vs. Our vnderstanding is blind our will is prone to all wickednes our memorie pliable to al earthly things And there is such a disorder and a diuersity and contrarietie among themselues of our desires that there was neuer any more troublesome kingdom seen in the world In so much that if all the creatures should fawne vpon man and should doe him seruice yet he should suffer the greatest persecution of himselfe and himselfe should be to himselfe the greatest tormentor What shall I make many words The times we liue in are such that we may truly say that saying of Silenus The best thing is neuer to be borne and the next to die quickly Thus farre Michael of Isselt And can there be any greater affliction then this What shall I adde the daungers of princes the heart burnings amongst noble men the vncontented minds of gentlemen the decaie of artificers the oppression and pouerty of the husbandman the laborers want of foode worke and wages Euerie member is sicke Es 1.6 euerie member is afflicted so that we may now truly say that of Esay From the sole of the foot to the crowne of the head there is no health What shall I adde that greatest persecution of all other of Antichrist who hath his inquisition in Spaine and in other countries where his authoritie can preuaile to persecute most cruelly all those that professe the gospell Who daily labours for nothing else by his seminaries in all places with all Kings and Princes to make warre to stirre vp rebellions against them which professe the gospell in anie countrie No doubt his hand hath
holpen our rebels in Ireland Who persecutes kings in their owne pallaces in their chambers in their closets as the secret murthers of manie Princes and Kings by his fauourers in our memorie plainly testifie There lackes nothing but this that when as he sees that all his priuie and secret practises can do no good that he with open warre come into the field himselfe and with his riches and treasures wherein he abounds and with all the friends that he can make proclaime open warre against that great day of the God almightie of which great day of battell both the prophet Ioel and Zacharie and also Saint Iohn in his Reuelation may seeme to spake Ioel. 3.9 Zac. 14.13.14 Rev. 16.14 Aust de ciu de lib. 18. ca. 52. S. Austē saith That some in his daies thought that the last persecutiō of Antichrist should be like the eleuenth plague of the Egyptians in which while the Egyptians fiercely persecuted the Israelits in the red sea the people of God going thorow on drie ground they themselues perished But Saint Austen doth not thinke that by those ten plagues of Egypt these ten persecutions of the Roman Emperours were prophetically signified Although saith he of those which thinke thus these are wittily and exquisitly compared the one to the other but not by the spirit of prophecie but by mans coniecture which sometimes proues true and sometimes false Saint Austens chiefe reason against this opinion is because of the number For that there haue beene and may be more persecutions then ten or eleuen against the Church of God But to let the number go the matter of this exposition may séeme fitly to agrée with the other prophecies of the scripture If Antichrists kingdome be spiritually Egypt as saint Iohn calleth it then Pharaoh was a type of Antichrist and fitly may we coniecture that he shal both deale in Gods Church persecute and also perish as he did Is not the Pope like Pharaoh Pharaoh killed the infants in the water And hath not the Pope done so with Christian children 2. Tim. 3.15 1. Ioh. 2.14 Timothie knew the scriptures from his childhood And saint Iohn saith You young men are strong because the word of God dwelleth in you And Dauid how shall a yong man cleanse his waies that through the filth of sin he perish not but by keeping thy word But the Pope hath taken this word from children from young men from all men Therefore he hath taken away their strength and in them he hath defiled and polluted their waies And therefore he hath as much as in him lies killed them For God hath testified that the soule that sinneth shall die And as also that other Pharaoh burthened mens backs and bodies so hath he burthened all mens consciences with the obseruations of his superstitious lawes And is he not then rightly Pharaoh This persecution of Gods Church comming out of Egypt makes also the same most manifest Since the first day that Gods people began to forsake his blinde superstition he hath neuer ceased to persecute them And as in his doings he is a Pharaoh so he shall be Pharaoh in his ende And here the papists opinion concerning Antichrist how absurd is it and against all reason that another Antichrist should be borne in Babylon and should come with such a power that he should persecute the Church of Christ more then euer it hath béene persecuted I thinke they thinke that Antichrist when he comes shall not be able to ouercome their Pope and yet this he must doe if their opinion be true The Turke hath not beene able to ouercome Christendome for all his might riches and power and do they thinke that euer any shall arise mightier then he Ians har Eu. ca. 22. After the affliction of those daies the sunne shall be darkened c. which without all doubt saith Iansenius belongs to the comming of Christ to the which comming shall goe before the most grieuous persecution of the faithfull by Antichrist But surely it is not likely that euer anie shall come more mightie then the Turke and Pope and therefore let vs thinke surely that this persecution is begun alreadie that Antichrist is comed The Pope hath taught thus much himselfe For he decreed that none should preach of the day of iudgement nor of Antichrist Concil Lat. ses 11. although he had a Reuelation vnlesse he first examine him What néede he haue feared if he had not béene guiltie especially séeing we are commaunded to preach the iudgement 2. Thes 2.8 Nay how contrarie to the verie plaine and manifest text of the scriptures is their opinion of Antichrist Saint Paul telleth vs plainly that the Lord Iesus shall consume Antichrist with the breath of his mouth and shal quite abolish destroy him with his glorious appearāce What can be plainer then this that Iesus Christ by his second comming shall quite destroy Antichrist But they teach that Michael the Archangel shall destroy him with a thunderbolt And that Antichrist being thus dead and slaine by Michael Christ shal not by by come after but that there shall be granted to the elect 45. Iohes Vinaldus opere regali de 12. persecut Eccles daies after to repent in And that then after those 45. daies no man shall know the time when Christ shal come to iudgement And that then there shal be silence as it were in heauen and peace in the Church that tribulation ceasing And that then Antichrists disciples shal reioyce and shall beginne to marrie and to make feasts saying although our master be dead yet now we shall haue rest and securitie And so that day of the Lord shall come vpon them vnawares c. How this and saint Pauls doctrine doe agree togither let euerie one in this great and waightie matter iudge but indifferently And yet this they dare auouch euen contrary to the iudgement of Austen whom there the same author alleadgeth who writes thus concerning this matter in his Epistle to Hesichius I dare not number the times as concerning the comming of our Sauiour which is looked for in the end Neither do I thinke that any of the prophets haue set downe this number but that rather ought to be of force amongst vs which our Lord himselfe said Act. 1.7 No man can know the times which the father hath put in his own power Thus in their opinion the papists doe dissent both from S. Paul and Saint Austen But thus much of Antichrist 12. Of Miracles FErus of this matter writes thus Vnlesse you see you will not beleeue In 4. cap. Io. This word condemneth vs for we also require signes That is we will be otherwise certified then by the word For when as we heare the forgiuenesse of sinnes and other promises of God then we think we would beleeue if we were assured by any sensible signes But if thou be one of the faithfull the word of God ought to suffice thee without
euidently he writes thus If any man therefore haue tares which may be burnt which the enuious man did sowe whilest the housholder slept these shall the fire burne these shall be burnt and in the eies of all the Saints their punishments shall be made manifest which in steed of gold siluer and pretious stones haue built vpon the foundation of the Lord hay wood stubble food of that euerlasting fire And after As of the diuels and all them that denie God and wicked men which say in their hearts there is no God we beleeue their torments are euerlasting fire so also of sinners Alas euen of Christians whose works are to be prooued and tried with fire we thinke that there shall be a mercifull sentence of the iudge mixt with clemencie This fire and this purging and this sentence Ierome plainly affirmes to be at the last daie Also writing of that hard place of the Psalme Pardon me before I go hence he writes thus Lib. 18. in Es He truely which while he liues in this body and hath not obtained pardon for his sinnes and so shall depart out of this life perisheth to God and ceaseth to be any more although as concerning himselfe he remaine in punishments Of purgatorie also Ierom in another place writes thus Ier. Epist 135. ad Damas God wil not punish twise the same fault and he that hath once receiued euils in this life shall not suffer again the same torments at his death which he hath suffred in his life But if néed be al Gods children are chastened in this life saith S. Peter Againe 1. Pet. 1.6 4.27 now the time is that iudgement begins at the house of God Therefore none of Gods children shall be punished hereafter If need be they shall be punished now Ephes 4.5 Iam. 4.12 And S. Peter séemes to make but as there is one God and one law and one lawgiuer so also but one iudgement concerning all the transgressions of this law And he affirmes that it is begun alreadie in Gods house among Gods children but it shall bee perfited and consummated at that great day of iudgement of all the wicked and damned And in another place he writes thus Tract 1.2 par Epist 3. ad Dar. Doe we therefore seeke where this healthfull burning shal be No man doubts but in the holy Scriptures By the reading whereof all the sinnes of men are purged These thrée purgatories Ierome séemes to auouch vnto vs the purgatorie of Gods worde the purgatorie of afflictions and the purging fire of the daie of iudgement which according to the opinion then receiued of manie in the Church he thought should purge the Lords gold without impairing it or hurting it from his drosse that it might shine the brighter Although S. Peter doe referre this purging to the afflictions of this life 1. Pet. 1.7 Cyp. de mortalitate The common receiued opinion of the Church was in Cyprians daies that all Christians departed were with the Lord as at large he prooues first by a vision secondly by the scriptures He writes thus When as one of his fellowes ministers and priests being now wearie with sicknesse and affraid of death approching desired deliuerance from death there stood by him thus desiring and almost dying a young man of maiestie of honour to be worshipped of great dignitie and glorie whom no mortall eie could almost behold but that he was able to see him being now ready to die But he not without griefe of minde and voice groned out and said Are you affraid to suffer will you not depart hence what shall I do to you Our brother being at the point of death heard what he should say to others for he which heard it being nowe dying heard it to this end that he should shew it to others he heard it not for himselfe but for others c. And after he writes thus To vs our selues the least and basest of all others how often hath it bin reuolued how often and plainly by the grace of God commaunded that I should diligently and humbly preach and protest that our brethren are not to be lamented that by the Lords calling are deliuered out of this world when as I know that they are not lost but sent before and departing from vs that they go before vs. And that as going a iourney or sayling we should long for them we should not lament them neither that we should here weare mourning garments for them when as they there haue taken white garments And that we should not giue occasion to the Gentiles that they may iustly and rightly reprooue vs that we should lament those as extinct or perished whom we affirme to be aliue with the Lord and that we should reprooue with the testimonie of our heart and mindes the faith which wee professe with our tongues and voice We our selues sin against our owne hope and faith all the things we say seems but faigned forged counterfaited It auaileth nothing in wordes to tattle of vertue and with deeds to destroy the truth S. Paul also reprooues and chides and blames those that are sorie for the departure of their friends He affirmes that those are sory for their friends departure which haue no hope but we which liue thorow hope and beleeue in God and beleeue that Christ suffered for vs and rose againe we beleeue that those that remaine in Christ Iesus shall rise again by him and in him Why will not we our selues depart out of this world or why doe we deplore and lament our friends departing as though they were perished Our Lord Christ admonishing vs saying I am the resurrection he that beleeues in me though he were dead yet shall he liue And all that liues and beleeues in me shall not die for euer If we beleeue in Christ let vs beleeue his words and promises and we shall not die for euer that we may come to Christ ioyfully and without care with whom we shall liue and raigne That in the meane time we die by death we passe to immortalitie neither can immortalitie succeede vnlesse we depart hence first Death is not a going out of the doores but a passage from a worse place to a better And an earthly iourney being ended as an arriuall to things eternall who will not hasten to obtaine these things which are better Who will not wish the sooner to be changed and to be made like the forme and shape of Christ to come to the dignitie of eternal glorie as S. Paul preacheth our conuersation is in heauen 3. Philipp And that we shall be such as our Lorde Christ promiseth when as he prayeth to his father for vs that we might be with him And that we may liue with him in eternall dwellings and may reioice with him in the heauenly kingdome O father those that thou hast giuen me I will that where I am they be with me and that they may see my glorie which thou
hast giuen me before the world was made He that is about to go to the dwelling place of Christ to the glorie of his heauenly kingdome ought not to weepe or lament but ra●●●r according to the promise of the Lord according to the faith of truth in his passage and translation to reioice Here we maie plainly see the faith and hope of all Christians at their deaths in Cyprians daies They died ioyfullie without feare and care in as much as they were sure they went to God This was the common receiued opinion of the Catholike Church then This doctrine Cyprian by reuelation was commanded to preach The latter reuelations which the Papists bragge of which teach a doctrine contrarie to this it is likely they were not of God And after Cyprian writes thus We must consider beloued brethren and often thinke that we haue renounced this present world and that we liue here as strangers and pilgrimes let vs embrace that day which appoints euerie man to his home which taking vs hence and deliuering vs from the snares of this world restores vs againe to paradise and to the kingdome of heauen who being placed in a farre countrey will not make haste to returne into his owne countrey who making haste to saile to his friends would not wish for a prosperous winde that he might sooner embrace his dearly beloued friends We account now Paradice for our country we begin now to haue the Patriarkes for our parents why doe we not make haste and runne that we may see our countrey that we may salute our parents In 1. ad cor c. 3. Primasius also S. Austens scholler vpon that place of S. Paul writes thus And euery mans worke what it is the fire shall proue If any mans worke shall abide that which he hath builded vpon he shall receiue a reward that is saith he either the examination of the last iudgement or present affliction which is compared often to fire He makes mention here of no fire of purgatorie which if it had béen the faith once giuen to the Saints he would not haue béen ignorant of nor vpon the exposition of this place here omitted it In cap. 9. Mat. Iansenius of that place of S. Marks Gospell writes thus The Lord said that the eie or hand offending is to be cut off but because that cannot be done without paine he addeth euerie one of Gods elect and chosen which will please God must be seasoned with the fire of afflictions And after Because we haue need of wisedome circumspection and discretion it is necessarie that one may beware of offences that he neuer giue any offence or take any he addeth And euery offering must be seasoned with salt And after he concludes thus As no oblation according to the prescription of Moses is lawfull vnlesse it passe thorow the fire and be seasoned with salt so whosoeuer will be a spirituall sacrifice which is acceptable to God it is necessarie that he be purged and tried with the fire of tribulations and as it were preserued to saluation and that he also be seasoned with the salt of the wisedome of the Gospell lest he be corrupted with the contagion of the wicked or by his owne infection he infect and giue offence to others but that rather by his soundnesse he may take corruption from others Héere we may learne how that Iansenius expounds that fire and falt whereof Saint Marke speaketh of the doctrine of the Gospell and of the fire of afflictions in this life and not of the fire of Purgatorie To which fire some other Papistes would wrest that place Petrus Berchorius writes thus Where Christ buildes his Church the sound of a hammer or hatchet is not heard Berch moral in 3. lib. Reg. ca. 4. no punishment or griefe is felt because for a suretie the stones that is the saints which are the matter of the temple are first in this world hewen by tribulations and engrauen and made square by vertues Therefore when they ascend thither they shall be troubled no more but shall be placed in Gods sanctuarie in rest This world by his iudgement the quarrie that is the forrest here all the stones and timber for Gods heauenly temples are squared and hewed after this life they are placed in the building and they do rest Ferus also writes thus Furthermore therefore also faith is said to saue because by it we are incorporate into Christ and are made his members and one bodie with him In 3. ca. Io. but Christes bodie and members shall not be iudged neither can be iudged or damned yea they shall iudge others No not into Purgatorie For is not Purgatorie a sentence or iudgement Gregorie also teacheth the same that Berchorius hath taught Salomons temple saith he bare an image of this citie In Psal 4. penitent meaning the Church In the building whereof with stones there was not the noise of a hammer heard without For we which shall remain in these holy buildings we are knocked as yet without doores by afflictions that hereafter we may be placed in the temple of the Lord without any correction of discipline In as much as whatsoeuer is superfluous or crooked in vs is now by hammering as it were and knocking cut off And then in that heauenly building the onely bond of truth shall couple vs. Whatsoeuer saith Gregorie is superfluous in vs or not squared or straight is now in this world cut away from vs by tribulations that we may be fit stones for the heauenly buildings and in them to remaine for euer What needs then that squaring and making fit in purgatorie whereof Gregory seemes to make mention in the third Psalme 3. Psal peniten Both these sentences cannot stand togither and the latter seemes to be the truer Greg. lib. 9. ca. 33. in Iob. Gregorie also of the afflictions of this life writes thus God iudgeth man two waies in this life For either by the euils which he presently suffers he begins to inflict the torments to come or else he quite extinguisheth the torments following with these present afflictions For if so be the iust Iudge their sins requiring it did not both correct some here also hereafter the Apostle Iude would not haue said he destroied them the a Secundo second time or twice that beleeued not And also the Psalmist wold not haue said of the wicked let them be cloathed with shame as with a dubler Now we call a dublet a double garment Therefore they are clothed with shame as with a dublet which according to the guiltinesse of their deserts are punished both temporally and eternally For punishment in this life deliuers them onely from paine to come whom it changeth and maketh new men For those whom the calamities of this present life do not amend they bring them to those which are to come But if so be that the afflictions of this life present did not defend some from euerlasting punishment Paul
also was more then God commanded them They might no doubt haue touched that tree without sinne if they had not taken and eaten of the fruit thereof Gen. 2.15 For Adam before was placed of God to dresse the Garden therefore no doubt he might haue pruned and touched anie trée in the garden without danger And here that fault in religion first sprang which men call superstition The which is thus defined Vocab scholast to be a fault opposite to religion in excesse when a man will be religious more then néeds and more then God commands Lastly she doubts of the truth of Gods word And she saith G●n 3.3 Gen. 2.27 least peraduenture yee shall die wheras God had said In dying yee shall die as it is in the Hebrew that is ye shall most assuredly die Here are then the notes and markes of the false Church to vse subtiltie to depart from the plaine and expresse commandement of God to adde any thing though it séeme religious superstitiously vnto it and to doubt of the truth of it And by these the notes marks of the true Church by the contrarie may be gathered to vse plainnesse in her doctrine to cleaue to the word of God to adde nothing to it neither to doubt of the truth of it And that these are infallible and vndoubted markes of the Church 1. Sam. 15.20.21 1. King 13.18 the histories of King Saul and of the man of God that came to Bethel prophesied against Ieroboams golden calues and S. Pauls protestation twise vttered plainly prooue Gal. 1.8.9 Wherof the first teacheth that Saul being a King might not dispense with Gods worde to saue the life of another King no nor to saue fatte shéepe and oxen which as man would haue thought it had béene pitie to haue killed no not for sacrifice and for Gods owne honour and seruice No pretence of mans brain maie dispense with Gods word it must be obeied The second also teacheth the same lesson The man of God being a Prophet doing a myracle healing the kings withered hand againe being beguiled by another Prophet who was an olde man and therefore not likely to be a liar and pretending also the reuelation of an Angell yet this Prophet this man of God going beyond his commission who transgressed Gods word being drawn and perswaded by all these fleshly reasons and that but a little to a thing which in mans iudgment would seeme but necessarie euen but to refresh himselfe escaped not death for this his contempt but was killed of a Lyon Neither King nor Priest here can dispense they must obey If anie excuse might serue the turne surely then we would thinke that both these were excusable but their excuses would not saue them harmelesse therefore no other lesser pretences or excuses can warrant vs can secure meaner men if Kings and Prophets by these escaped not And to these histories as it should séeme S. Paul alludes when as he saith Gal. 1.8.9 If an Angel from heauen or we our selues preach to you any other Gospell that is anie other meanes of saluation then that ye haue alreadie receiued let him be accursed And he saith the same twise no doubt because some men should not marke this or hardlie beléeue it and that they should beléeue Angels from heauen naie euen diuels from hell in the shape of men teaching doctrines and meanes of saluation which the gospell teacheth not Oh that all true Catholikes which relie so much of the name of the Church would marke diligentlie this lesson iterated of the Apostle and would accept no other waies or means of saluation besides those only which the gospel teacheth They are worthily accursed which will not beléeue this doctrine which Saul a king teacheth them with the losse of his kingdome which the man of God teacheth them with the losse of his life and Saint Paul himselfe the Doctor of the Gentiles twise togither 1. Tim. 2.7 most euidently and that vnder the paine of a curse Dauid also teacheth vs the same lesson Psal 95.7 For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheepe of his hands To day if yee will heare his voice c. for so this verse is pointed in the Hebrewe So that then would we haue God to be our God would wee be his people and shéepe of his foulde that is members of his true Church what then let vs heare his voice This is an euident and plaine marke of his true Church and of all his shéepe Our Sauiour also in the gospell agréeth with Dauid My sheepe saith he heare my voice Ioh. and I know them and they follow me and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any plucke them out of my hand my father which gaue them me is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my fathers handes Here is the true brande of all Christs shéepe they heare his voice and they know him And here is the benefit they reape by being his shéepe here is his most pleasant and swéete pasture which passeth all the pleasant meadowes and pastures in the world That he knoweth all his sheepe not in generall but euerie one particularlie And of this must euerie one of his sheepe be most assuredlie perswaded Exod. 33.12 Luk. 12.32 Rom. 6.23 that he knowes him euen by name as he knew Moses and he giueth them eternall life it is his free gift Oh how are all men bound to loue and serue such a louing Lord and shéepheard that bestowes on them such a gift This bountifulnesse passeth all the bountifulnesse in the world and this gift all the gifts in the world Luk. 17.10 And all that euer we can doe are but dueties and humble seruices to such a mighty and bountifull prince Oh prowd Pharisee that wilt thinke here thou canst challenge or bast deserued anie part of this gift It is a most frée gift it is no desert And thou art sure of it thou shalt neuer perish none is able to take thée out of Iesus Christs hands And this because men are fainthearted and it is the principall marke that sathan shootes at to take this assurance of saluation out of mens hearts and to make them doubt of Gods loue towardes them as hee did Eue it is twise repeated here of our Sauiour 1. Pet. 2.22 in whose mouth is no deceipt His sheepe shall neuer perish and none is able to plucke them out of his fathers handes And wilte thou not beléeue him wilte thou doubt The same marke of Gods Church and of all his children our Sauiour teacheth in another place I am the vine saith he and ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him Io. 15.4 the same bringeth forth much fruit For without me can ye doe nothing If a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and withereth
made a league and a couenant with me with sacrifice All true christians must learne that lesson that Naaman the Syrian being now cleansed of his leprosie had learned 2. King 5.17 that he would now offer sacrifice to no other Gods saue to the Lord. As they are all Naamans by nature euen lepers through sinne 1. Cor. 6.11 and now pure by cleansing by water so they must be Naamans also in profession that they will offer sacrifice to no other gods but to the Lord. He confessed that sacrifice was a seruice due to God and that he now detesting all other vaine gods would onely doe this homage to the Lord and shall not christians know and professe as much No doubt he was a figure of christians let the truth surpasse the shadow in cleerenesse As manie as doe offer sacrifice to anie other are more leprous in soule then euer Naaman was in bodie And are not payers sacrifices Doth not S. Paul teach all christians that now the Iewish sacrifices being ceased Heb. 13.15 that they must offer to God the calues of their lippes And doth not Dauid saie euen in the shadowe Psal 141.2 let my prayer be set foorth in thy sight as the incense and let the lifting vp of my hands be an euening sacrifice Then if we will be Gods shéepe we must haue this brand if we will be his Saints we must make this vow that we will sacrifice or make our prayers to none other but to him alone And at the daie of iudgement such onlie shall be gathered into Gods shéepfould and such God shall account for his Saints howsoeuer man and the Pope now doe canunise others This word shall stand sure this word shall be approoued true at that daie Gather my Saints togither who haue made a league and couenant with me with sacrifice Wouldest thou be a Saint then most assuredly canonised not in the Popes Calendar but in heauen make a firme couenant and league with God onely with thy sacrifices and prayers Wouldest thou be at that daie a shéepe gathered into Gods shéepfolde and stand on his right hand while thou liuest here then praise him alone call vpon him alone and vpon none other On the contrarie Psal 79.6 Dauid describes the Malignant Church thus Powre out thine indignation saith he vpon the heathen that haue not knowne thee and vpon the kingdomes which haue not called vpon thy name Ephes 6.12 Here are two markes of Sathans synagogue ignorance and idolatrie Sathan is the prince of darknesse his house shall be a darke house it shall lacke light It shall be like Egypt his children shall not knowe God Exod. 10.22 and therefore neither shall call vpon him Psal 103 11. Esay 65.24 Psal 139.7 Gen. 17.1 M●t. 11.28 For he that knowes what God is that he is most mercifull most ready to heare that he is in all places that he is of all power might alone that he cals euen sinners vnto him he that knowes this I say cannot chuse but he will call vpon God These are they then which shal haue Gods wrath powred vpon them which haue not knowne God nor called vpon his name Ose 2.17 The Idolaters call vpon Baal and other names Acts 4 1● but there is no other name giuen to men in the which they must be saued but only the name of Iesus Christ Peter teacheth this and I would to God he that would be Peters successour would learne this lesson and teach it also if no other name then not of Saint or Angell And S. Paul makes plain this lesson of Peter Col. 3.17 and takes awaie all the wiles and sleights of Sathan all Popish cauils and distinctions They saie that there is no other name of saluation but there maie be other names of inuocation or intercession But Saint Paul saith plainly doe all things in the name of Iesus Christ Thankesgiuing prayers intercessions inuocations all requests whatsoeuer must be done in the name of Iesus Christ and therefore in no other name Let all Gods seruants marke well these two markes they are the markes of the false Church to be ignorant of God and not to call vpon his name let them take héede If they be signed with these markes God will not be angrie with them onely but he will powre out his wrath vpon them O fearfull sentence And doe we make no account of this matter When as God would renue to Abraham the promise made to Adam of the womans séede to take awaie the curse that Adam by his sinne had deserued and was iustly inflicted vpon him he added that in his seede should all the nations of the world be blessed Gen. 12.3.16 So that now here we maie learne another plaine marke of the true church to haue her blessednesse consist onlie in that one feede of Abraham Gal. 3.16 not in many no nor in anie thing beside God also describing the blessed estate of his church by the Prophet Esay Esay 54.17 writes thus Euerie vessell it is Celi in Hebrew which signifies properly a vessell that is made to holde anie thing against thee shall not prosper and thou shalt condemn euerie tongue that striueth against thee This is the inheritance of the seruants of the Lord that is this for euer is as it were an inheritance which shall succéede in Gods true Church that all those great learned men that shall stand vp against it shall not prosper and all those eloquent tongues that thall speake against her shall be condemned Here is a speciall priuiledge of Gods church which we maie see fulfilled in all ages The Prophet Esay here agréeing with our Sauiour Mat. 16.18 that hell gates may impugne but they shall neuer preuaile against the Church as Arrius Nestorius and other gerat learned heretikes haue testified This is the dignitie of the true Church now followes her cognisance And their righteousnesse is from me saith the Lord not of themselues And this is that which Ieremy also teacheth Behold the daies are comming saith the Lord and I will raise vp to Dauid a righteous branche Ier. 23.5 and a King shal raigne and he shall haue vnderstanding he shall deale wisely he shall doe iudgement and iustice vpon the earth Here is most euidently our Sauiour Iesus Christ described he shall be a braunch of Dauid comming of his Ioynes he shall be righteous Io. 8.46 1. Cor. 1.30 Col. 2.3 euen his verie enemies shall not be able to accuse him of sinne He shall doe wisely he is the wisedome of God the father he shall set vp iudgement and righteousnes vpon earth he shall iudge and condemne that olde Prince of this world Sathan Io. 12.31 and cast him out of doores and shall teach all men the way of true righteousnes that is faith in him And in his daies saluation shall be to Iudah and Israel they shall dwell safely And this shall be the name wherewith they shall
all things he adbed nothing of his owne Again heereby it plainly appeareth that the word is the rule and square of the Church by which it is to be builded and gouerned and not the Church of the word as the Papists would haue it And that is Psal Eph. 2.20 to beare rule in the Church and that the Church is not to rule it By this also that great pillar which the Papists doe obiect for the defence of the Church fals to the ground The Church say they is the pillar of truth and therefore whatsoeuer the Church teacheth must of necessitie be beléeued The Church cannot erre But they must marke here that as the Church is called a pillar 1. Ti 3.15 so the word of God is also called truth Thy law is the truth saith Dauid And therefore if she keepe not the word of God Psal 119.143 Gen. 19.26 she may erre she may be a pillar of salt without it as was Lots wife but a piller of truth without it she cannot be Now if this be the true Church which hitherto vnder the type of Noahs Arke I haue described let vs a little compare the Church of Rome to this and sée how they agrée togither Who brags that she is this Arke of Noah and that whithout her there is no saluation And first to beginne with the name she is not Tebah She is not a building she hath not taught her children one to build another in the common and holy faith as saint Iude counselleth Iud. ep vers 2. Ephes 4.12 Her Pastors haue not built the bodie of Christ as saint Paul teacheth they should do They haue accounted their chiefe office to be to sing masse and not to preach the gospell And in her building when she did build she hath not builded Tebah that is the Arke with the word of God Ezech 13.10 Mar. 7.7 but with the clay and morter of man Also she teacheth and thinketh that this worke of building is finished alreadie But saint Paul teacheth that the word of God is able to builde further Act. 20.32 Fer. in 1. c Act. and to giue an inheritance among all them that are sanctified And Ferus saith verie excellently That if all the things which our Sauiour Iesus did should be written all the world could not containe the bookes which should be written Containe saith he that is vnderstand For if saith he the world cannot nor all the men that euer shall be in the world containe that is vnderstand that which is written alreadie being so small in volume how were it able to vnderstand if all things that Iesus did were written Iesus our Sauiour his works were manie in number Psal 36.7 1. Pet 3.18 and profound in mysteries Gods word is a bottomlesse pit no man can euer come to the bottome of it We must grow and may grow in the knowledge thereof daily And therfore manie at this day are deceiued in this point They wil beleeue no more they say then the fathers beléeued and that which they saw not they will not sée But if God lift vp his cloud giue light true Israel must go forward in their pilgrimage They may not say Exod. 40.38 because we haue staied in this place thus long therefore we will stay here still Lastly the Church of Rome is not this Arke of God she kéepes not these Iewels of Gods word in her heart she as a ship rather 1. King 22.48 she sailes with Iehosaphat vnder pretence of religion for gold She is wealthie The Pope cannot now say as Peter said siluer and gold haue I none or as Ferus notes on that place I will haue none if I might haue it the custodie of greater Iewels and treasures is committed vnto me Act. 4.6 She deuoures with the Pharisees vnder pretence of long prayers Mat. 23.14 widowes houses causing the husband to giue his house vnkindly euen from his wife a poore desolate widow that they might pray for him And thus they are become great landlords here vpon earth whereas Christ saith plainely my kingdome is not of this world Iohn 1● 36 But they haue gotten Christ now by their praying and massing euen an earthlie kingdome here in this world The Arke was made of Pine trées that would neuer be rotten and is the Church of Rome built of such timber Looke but a little into the liues of her Popes and you shall sée most euidently the contrarie Their Popes haue béene notorious in all kind of wickednes Some of them sorcerers coniurers as a Fascic temporum Homagium fecit Diabolo An Do. 1004. Siluester secundus Some proud who haue made compelled Kings and Superiours to stoope vnto them b Baleus in vita Pontificum as Adrianus quartus Some enuious who haue not onely ouerthrowne the actes of al their predecessors but euen vnburied their bodies againe as c Fascic temp An. Do. 904. Pontac Bur. in Chron. An. Do. 1159. ex Platin● Sergius tertius Some ambitious insomuch that there haue béene three Popes at once Fasciculus temporum Anno Domini 1034. The pride of Alexander the third Pontacus Burgedalensis a Papist in his Chronicle reports thus At his feete Fredericke the Emperour fel down desiring the absolution of his excommunication And they say that two d Pontac ibid. kings Lewes king of France Henrie 2. king of England did wait vpon him a foot as yeomen of his stirtope holding his horse by the bridle on his right hand and on his left and to haue conducted him thorow the citie Totiacum with great pomp Of Pope Ioan the woman Fasc temp An. Christi 954. Fasciculus Temporū writes thus This was called Ioan English by name but by countrey was borne at Moguntia and is reported to haue beene about this time And she was a woman that went in mans apparrell And she so greatly profited in the holy Scriptures that there was none like to be compared with her and she was chosen Pope But after being gotten with child as she went solemnlie in procession she trauelled and died And this seemes saith he to be the sixt Pope that hitherto had the name of holy father without the thing and was plagued of God as the rest were And she is not placed in the Catalogue of Bishops Some heere make a tale and say that for this cause no German is chosen Pope which is most certain that it is a lie So that if this woman were no Pope yet there were fiue Popes by his iudgement that had the title of Holinesse giuen them which were wicked Of Bonifacius the eight the same Author writes thus Anno Christi 1294 This Boniface in matters concerning the Popes courts was most expert And because he had none that might be compared to him in wisdome he became so arrogant that he called himselfe the Lord of the whole world as well in temporall as in spiritual causes And
wildernes which was a figure of the militant Church of Christ neuer rested in one place it was caried to and fro and therefore it quite ouerthrowes that firme and vniforme state of the Church which the Church of Rome now teacheth The Tabernacle was not only assaulted of enemies but also the Arke of God was taken of the Philistines 1. Sa. 4.11 No doubt an euident argument how Antichrist should possesse the visible Church of God in our daies The Church is a Tabernacle it is a Shippe it neuer continues in one place nor in one state and therefore they are vnwise Mat 8.24 1. Pet. 1.25 that will build their faith on the outward shew or name or place thereof But we know Gods word endureth the same for euer And therefore the more surer way is to builde our faith on it The Leuites and Priests caried onely the Tabernacle of the appointment of the Lord Num. 1.51 Ios 3.3 but the Church of Rome hath admitted allowed her Friers to carie it and hath dispensed with their Priestes Their Friers preached the couenants of God and his appointments made with man Their Priests were bound to say their seruice onely Granat prolog memor Thus much Granatensis confesseth This duty saith he especially belongs to the Priests and Ministers of the Church whom God hath commaunded that they should instruct and teach men in his law And therefore among other ornaments of the high Priest was his breastplate of iudgement which he bare on his breast wherein was engrauen learning and truth which two things God would haue in Aaron● heart that from him as from a fountaine all other men might draw learning and truth And after writing of the ignorance of the cleargie he writes thus But now wo is me the parish Priests and other Curates thinke that they are bound to nothing else but to minister the Sacraments and to say their seruice in due time and doing this in Hamlets and villages or in some townes they thinke that they haue verie well discharged their dutie and office Thus much Granatensis saw and condemned Exod. 25.2 The Tabernacle was made of the voluntarie offerings of the people The Church of Rome had vowes no man might be a priest vnlesse he would vow chastitie Here was a yoke of necessitie laid vpon their necks Vers 2. This voluntarie offering was quite taken away In the Tabernacle they offered onely to God but they in those daies offred to creatures And euerie one contributed somthing towards this building none was excluded but the cleargie in the Popes kingdome tooke vpon themselues only the name of the Church and excluded the people Lastly this Tabernacle was builded in all points Exod. 26.30 according to that patterne which Moses saw in the Mount Therefore euen as in Noah his Arke so in Moses Tabernacle and so in Christs Church also all mans deuises and inuentions must surcease But the Church of Rome admits the inuentions and deuises of man in her buildings And therefore as she is vnlike to Noah his Arke so she is also disagreeing to Moses Tabernacle And God commanded also Moses besides this tabernacle Exod. 25. ve 10 to make an Ark of Shittim wood two cubits an halfe long a cubit an halfe broad And thou shalt ouerlaie it with pure gold within and without shalt thou ouerlaie it And shalt make vpon it a crowne of gold round about it This Arke as the Tabernacle did represent the Iewish Synagogue so may it represent the Church of Christ Esay 60.17 Vers 11. of which as the Prophet Esay prophecieth I will giue thee for siluer gold and for yron siluer So heere it was all couered with Gold both within and without no doubt with the gold of God 1. Io. 4.8 1 Cor. 16.14 Phil. 3.12 that is with charitie For God is charitie saith saint Iohn and let all things be done with charitie saith S. Paul The length of it two cubits and an halfe declares that our perfection in this life is but imperfect The crowne of gold round about it signifies that as saint Iohn and saint Peter teach 1. Pet 2.9 Reuel 1.6 all Christians now are Kings and Priests And thou shalt cast foure rings of Gold for it Vers 12. and put them in the foure corners thereof that is two rings shal be on the one side of it and two rings on the other side thereof And thou shalt make barres of Shittim wood and couer them with gold And thou shalt put the barres in the rings by the sides of the Arke to beare the Arke with them the barres shall be in the rings of the Arke they shal not be taken away from it These foure rings doe liuely paint out vnto vs Io. 20.31 1. Ti 3 15. Ephe. 4.11 the foure gospels of our Sauiour Iesus Christ which are rings which are perfect and absolute which are fastened to the Arke which should neuer be parted from the Church And the two barres put thorow them couered also with gold to carie the Ark signifie Pastors and Doctors which preach these gospels and carie and spread the Church being guilded with this gold of charity thorow the whole world And these all must studie the gospell they must not be taken from it So thou shalt put in the Arke the testimonie that I shall giue thee The testimonie is the law of God Vers 16. Psal 19.7 Psal 119.129 Io. 14.6 Heb. 8.1 Act. 20.31 Nehem. 8.2 Heb. 8.11 which is not onely a rule of our life but also a couenant and contract betweene God and his people And this testimonie must be in the Church of God continually this she must witnes to great and small This contract or bagaine euerie one must know that will be saued And thou shalt make a mercie seat of pure golde Vers 17. two cubites and an halfe long and a cubit and an halfe broad And thou shalt make two Cherubims of gold of worke beaten out with the hammer Vers 19. Thou shalt make them at the two ends of the mercie seat And the one Cherub shalt thou make at the one end and the other Cherub at the other end of the matter of the mercie seat shal ye make the Cherubims on the two ends thereof This propitiatory or couering Luke 22 1● Io. 13.1 this mercy seate signifies Iesus Christ He was pure gold His onely loue towards man caused him to be incarnate nay to die for vs. This mercie seat is in length and breadth as much as the Arke to declare that all the Arke stands need of this propitiation and couering So that now as Dauid witnesseth Psal 32. ver 1. the blessednes of euerie man liuing consisteth herein that his sinnes are couered And saint Iohn teacheth all Christians the vse of this propitiatorie or seat of mercie If anie man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the righteous 1. Io. 2.2 and
these when as he said Shake off this dust arise and sit now O Ierusalem By which words the Prophet meanes that first she must shake off the dust of all earthly things and that all the snares of worldly affections must be takē from her neck the which things being done then wee may without any let arise to the contemplation of heauenly things and sit downe in the rest and comfort of them Saint Paul prophesieth of some 1. Tim. 3.5 that in the latter times shal haue a shew of godlines but haue denied the power thereof Which prophesie I feare me toucheth many at this time who make a shew of Christian religion in words but haue denied the power thereof which is as members to ioyne vs to Christ our head in heauen what member would not long to bee with the head and to haue vs vnited as spouses to Iesus Christ our heauenly husband what wife would not long to be with her husband and to draw men from the loue of this world to account this world but as an Inne in a mans iourney and to account heauen their countrey Our excessiue purchasing of land our couetousnesse about this vile earth our great cost spent thereon argues plainly that we are not so affected towards it Would a man bestow so much cost or be so busie in his Inne where he was to lodge but a night as men do now on the earth Our Sauiour hath said It is as hard for a rich man to goe to heauen Matt. 19.24 as for a camell to go thorough a needles eye But now all men studie to be rich many times they passe not how As though he had said It is as easie for a rich man to go to heauen as for a twine thréed to go thorowe a néedles eye But let all such worldly minded rich men take héede they shall one daie finde his saying true what excuses and pretence soeuer they make now And Saint Paul also saith They that will bee rich 1. Tim. 6. ● shall fall into temptations and snares of the diuell He doth not say they that deale hardly with their brethren to become rich And how will hard dealing landlords here créepe out Who would fall into the hands but euen of a mortall Prince but to fall into the snares of the diuell what a madnes is it Surely we beleeue not Saint Paules words for if we did we would not do as we do And againe the same Granatensis writes thus Although the affaires of this world saith he do somtimes draw thy mind down to these earthly things cap. 11. yet by and by the spirit which is in it rebounds backe againe and is againe lift vp to heauen no otherwise then wood that is violently kept vnder the water yet by and by according to the naturall lightnesse that is in it it will appeare and swimme aloft againe That which nature doth here good conditions and the grace of God should work there which are of faire greater power then nature And here is a doubt resolued which perchance in reading the Scriptures may trouble some Sphinx Philosophica cap. 39. Often times you will thinke that in the Scriptures the answeres which are there made do not concerne the matter proposed or doe not fully answer the question are nothing to the purpose because indeed they answer not to those things which we enquire for but to those things that we ought to haue enquired for Christ being asked of the restoring againe of the kingdome of Israel Act. 1.7 answered of the heauenly kingdome We are troubled about the cares of this life but wee are instructed of the life to come If at anie time the Prophets do make mention of the calling of the people backe againe from Babylon of restoring the kingdom of Israel or of the repairing of the Temple by and by as it were forgetting themselues they are rapt to speake of the spirituall deliuerance from the yoke of Sathan of the kingdom of Christ and of the description of the true Temple that is of the Church Hereby signifying vnto vs that wee must not cleaue to and rest in these momentarie and transitorie things which are nothing else but a shadow and that we should not haue our kingdome here in this world but that Christ should raigne in vs by the scepter of his word and power of his spirit This lesson these impertinent answers in the Scriptures do teach vs. Orat. adhort ad gentes Clemens Alexandrinus thus also describeth a Christians conuersation Come to me all yee that be wearie and laden and I will refresh you Take my yoke vpon you and learne of me for I am meeke and humble in heart and yee shall find rest for your soules for my yoke is pleasant and my burthen is light Let vs that are religious and like to the word of God make haste and runne O men O his images let vs make haste let vs runne Let vs take his yoke vpon vs let vs take vpon vs incorruption Let vs loue Christ that most excellent carter and driuer as it were of men hee yoked the foale and the old Asse vnder one yoke together and likewise he made two yokes of men and he driues his chariote to immortalitie making haste to God that hee might now euidently fulfill that that mystically before he signified in Ierusalem doing now the same in heauen The eternall Sonne being a Conquerour is the brauest shew that can be to God the Father Therefore let vs with great studie and zeale be caried to those things which are vertuous and let vs become holy and religious men and then wee shall obtaine the chiefest of all those thinges which are free from all affections and perturbations that is God and immortall life The Word is our helper and therefore let vs be of good comfort and let vs put all our confidence in him Let neuer the desire of siluer and gold so possesse vs as of the word of truth For we greatly displease God if so be we make no account of those things which are precious and if we shall highly esteeme follies ignorances idlenesse pleasures idolatrie manifest shame and reproofe and extreame wickednesse The verie Philosophers verie iustly say whatsoeuer fooles doe thinke that they doe wickedly and iudge them wicked for their labours And also defining ignorance to be a kind of madnesse what doe they els but teach that manie are mad Therefore the word will say there is no doubt whether of these be better to bee wise and sober or to be mad Therefore we must cleauing to the truth valiantly followe God with all our strength behauing our selues soberly and to account all his things such as they are indeed And further when as we shall know that it is the greatest and gloriousest thing in the world to possesse God let vs commit our selues vnto God louing the Lord God and accounting this to be our dutie all our whole life And if
commission and commandement of the holy spirit for his warrant Now this same disputing and reasoning taught that Peter was not their head The brethren make him yeeld account of his doings to them Act. 8.39 as to his equals So the spirit caught Phillip awaie from the Eunuch and placed him at Azoto and he walked too and fro preaching in all the cities till he came to Caesarea The like practise of this authoritie and gouernment of the holy spirit in the Church we read in the Acts c. 13.2 Now as they ministred vnto the Lord fasted the holy ghost saide separate me Barnabas and Saul for the works whereunto I haue called them And after they had fasted and prayed and layd their handes on them they let them goe and they after they were sent forth of the holy ghost came euen to Caesarea and from thence sailed to Cypris Is not this to gouerne Amongst a number to elect out certaine men and to send them to certaine countries The like testimonie of this gouernment in Gods Church of Gods spirit yeeldeth S. Paul to a great number of pastors in a solemne synode Act. 20.28 Take heede therefore vnto your selues sayth he and to all the flocke whereof the holy ghost hath made you ouerseers To place pastors in the Church is it not to gouerne And this S. Paul attributes heere to the holie ghost and as hee affirmes this of the pastors of Ephesius so no doubt of the pastors of the whole world They are placed in their cures by the holie Ghost All the Apostles likewise attribute this power and authority to the holie Ghost In that great controuersie about circumcision and obseruing the lawe of Moses Act. 15.28 doe they not conclude thus It seemes good to the holie Ghost and to vs Héere is the holie Ghost first put as head and gouernour and decider of this great controuersie and they themselues all alike but as assistants vnto it And is not this to gouerne And as the holie Ghost did then expreslie shew his gouernement in the beginning so no doubt by his most mightie power and secret inspiration he gouernes the same still and as the Apostles acknowledge him the gouernour of the church no one of them but him as the head commanding works placing ministers and deciding controuersies and themselues all as hands and féete as Gregorie makes them fulfilling his will Philippus de Dies writes thus out of Ambrose of the authority and pleasure so let vs and no other _____ of all the Apostles Dom. 2. posi pasc conc 1 To this end S. Paul doth confesse that himselfe and his fellowe Apostles receiued grace and Apostleship we haue receiued saith he Grace and Apostleshippe that all nations might obey the faith That is that all nations might obey those thinges which faith teacheth For his name which S. Ambrose expounds as Christs Vicars occupying his roome in the Church And this is that which the same blessed Apostle saide before Wee are Embassadours for Christ But Theophilact expounds it thus For his name That is for the aduancement of the name of Christ that the virtue of his name might bee spred through the whole worlde Thus farre Philippus de Dies Ambrose and he makes all the Apostles Christs vicars and not the Pope onelie and Theophilact testifieth that it is the chiefe part of the apostles to teach that the virtue of Christes name might bee spred through the whole world but the Pope hath dyminished the virtue of this name by adding other names vnto it euen as when many hearbs in a medicine are mingled togither one hindreth the operation of an other what néeds any more if one be sufficient Of Antichrist Fer. in cap. 4. Io. OF the succession of place howe little it auaileth Ferus writes thus As the Iewes bragged of the citie of Dauid and of the Temple of Salomon so the Samaritanes had the dwellings of the former patriarkes who dwelt in those places And by reason of these places they defended and comforted themselues against the Iewes when as they had nothinge of Iacobs religion as also the Iewes nothing of Dauids holines Thus farre Ferus The like may be said of the succession of the Romane Bishop Succession of place without faith is nothing Ferus of the preaching of the Gospell thorough all the world before the ende of the world writes thus The gospell came before the destruction of Ierusalem euen to the verie end of the world but it shal be fulfilled more perfectly before the end of the world Let vs marke how he saith that the gospell shall be preached further and more perfectlie nowe In cap. 24. Mat. then in the Apostles daies And after Behold the goodnesse of God hee might iustlie condemne vs and yet he deferreth his iudgment till all be called to mercie Before he destroied all men with the floud Noe admonished them an hundred yeares before he destroyed Egypt first he sent Moses Euen so before the vniuersall iudgement first he calles all to mercy by the gospell And after To the good the gospell is to their saluation but a testimonie against the wicked Let all men take heede then now that make light accompt of the gospell marke not the doctrine conteyned therin least it be a testimonie against them to condemne them And againe he writes thus Marke that that Ierusalem on whom Christ pronounced the sentence of destruction signifies the world and the Temple of God in the world is the Temple of the faithfull Therefore in the Church he foretold that there shoulde be an abhomination before the end of the world To abhorre is to execrate to loath to disdaine not to suffer to throw a thinge away with disdaine or indignatiō Hence an abomination or a thing abominable that is called which engenders an abhorring loathing or detestation But no outward vncleannes God doth loath but our sinnes Hereof verie often and for the most part they are called abominations in the scripture as for example The way of the vngodly is abomination vnto the Lord but the greatest abomination of all other in the scriptures is Idolatrie impietie heresie and falling away frō God Therfore after this māner Christ doth saie that there shal be abomination in the Church that is an apostacie or departing from God And that not any meane departing or falling away but such a one as shall bring desolation with it that is shall vtterlie goe about to ouerthrow christian religion And this abomination S. Iohn meanes in the Reuelation sometime by the beast to which the Dragō hath giuen his power somtime by the woman sitting on the beast and making all Nations drunken of the wine of her fornication Of which S. Paul speaketh more plainely vnlesse saith he that a departing come first that that man of sinne be reueiled c. Therefore this abomination is nothing else then the kingdome and tyrannie of Antichrist or the falling away from god which shal