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A13535 A commentarie vpon the Epistle of S. Paul written to Titus. Preached in Cambridge by Thomas Taylor, and now published for the further vse of the Church of God. With three short tables in the end for the easier finding of 1. doctrines, 2. obseruations, 3. questions contained in the same Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. 1612 (1612) STC 23825; ESTC S118201 835,950 784

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of Scripture ioyneth these two together What ones were the false Prophets and false teachers which should bring in damnable heresies but such as should liue in the lust of vncleannes and liue as bruit beasts led with sensualitie and what manner of persons were they that like Iannes and Iambres should resist the truth but men of corrupt mindes wholly giuen vp to liue in their lusts and not so onely but reprobate concerning the faith such as depraued the doctrine of faith and the pure veritie of God to their owne lewd affections And if we looke vpon particular persons was not this the reason why Elimas resisted Paul and Barnabas and sought to turne away Sergius Paulus the deputie from the faith because he was full of vnrighteousnesse and therefore he could not cease to peruert the straight waies of God And why did not Diotrephes receiue the Apostles and their doctrine professing himselfe a Minister among them Iohn giues the reason because he loued preheminence which neither they nor their doctrine could affoard him Vse 1. Neuer make any Minister the rule of truth seeing error in life from which none is exempted may breed error in Doctrine but reade with diligence the holy Scriptures whereby thou maist be able to discerne after triall betweene truth and falshood and accept it for it selfe 2. Meruaile not much if thou seest many Ministers resist the truth for many in all ages are disobedient and no meane ones that hate to be instructed themselues contradict the truth and in stead of building hinder the building of the Church as Sanballat and Tobiah the walles of Ierusalem yea one Ieremie had Pashur and all the Preists against him Christ himselfe had Annas Caiphas Scribes Pharises people and all against him and who were they but such as neither entred themselues into the kingdome of heauen nor would suffer others nay rather marke the point that is resisted whether it fight against any of their lusts thou mightest haue seene 400. Prophets against one Micha thou mightest haue seene in Queene Maries time all the Preists and Clergie that durst be seene resisting and ouerthrowing all the foundation of religion and condemning to death and executing whosoeuer durst mute against thē there is a Synagogue of Satan as well as a Church of God and consequently many Ministers of Sathan as well as Ministers of Christ. 3. Who●●euer would know and be preserued in the truth must learne to yeeld obedience vnto it for this is a speciall meanes Ioh. 7.17 If any man will do his will he shall know of my doctrine whether it be of God or I speake of my selfe Vaine talkars Doct. Preachers who themselues are disobedient vnto the word for most part become in their Ministerie no better then vaine talkars 1. In regard of themselues beeing vaine glorious persons affect applause rather then godly edifying which is a most vaine thing 2. In respect of their labour which is all in vaine neuer attaining the end and right scope of the preaching of the Gospel vnto saluation for he that soweth vanitie what else can he looke to reape 3. In regard of the hearers who also spend their paines in vaine they heare a great noise and pompe of words and a glorious shew of humane wisedome which may rap the simple into admiration but they are left without reformation their eare is perhaps a little tickled but their hearts remaine vntouched neither are their soules soundly instructed nor fed with knowledge but they go away as wise as they came These Paul calleth vain talkars and vain ianglers 1. Tim 1.6 and againe profane and vaine bablers and that iustly 1. Because their puft discourses proceed from the profanes of their hearts 2. They are as strange fire from the Lords Altar opposed to that which the Lord hath sanctified to the saluation of his people 3. They are so farre from the edifying of the Church that they cause men to encrease vnto more vngodlynes and profanes Vse 1 Note the difference betweene these and godly Pastors which are according to Gods heart these feed Gods people with wisedome and vnderstanding the other with vanitie and winde these as they haue their gifts and calling from God so they speake euery word from him and for him the other like the Deuils cooks are euer blending with the truth that it may neuer be purely tasted and like vntrustie solliciters speake one word for God and two for themselues these bring meate in their mouthes which though it be course and serued in great simplicitie like Daniels dyet which was but water and pulse yet because it is Gods allowance it goeth with a blessing which maketh the children of god thriue by it the other serue vp more curiously cooked dishes with greater state and ostentation of humane learning and eloquence but for want of nourishable meat in all this varietie the soules of Gods people are kept thinne and leane and rise and depart such banquets without any great saturitie Now if any would shewe himselfe a true Pastor sent from God let him ayme at these two things 1. Gods glorie not his owne for to seek himselfe is a note of a false teacher see Ioh. 7.18 2. the raising of the Church vnto heauen and not himselfe in earth Rom. 10.1 his hearts desire must be that Israel may be saued he must desire to fal so that his people may be raised to heauen Rom. 9.3 2. Note hence a difference betweene the Apostles iudgement and the iudgements of many inconsiderate men Men account such preachers vaine talkers that apply the word home to euerie wholesome vse and the more dexteritie a man hath in this excellent gift the more liable is he to this imputation whereas indeed here we are taught an other lesson that those whose doctrine vanisheth away without building on the foundation such as come preparedly to the word those are vaine talkers and their teaching is a froathie teaching but if true doctrine be wholesomly applyed and haue quicknes and life in it wo be to that man that saith not This is the finger of God and that God is in you indeede 1. Cor. 14.25 3. Marke hence what kind of Ministers the Apostle would haue put to silence not onely such as are open enemies to the truth or broachers of lyes but such as are disguisers of the word froathie teachers such as seeke out vaine things for the people Paul would haue lookt to these betime and would were he liuing stoppe the mouthes of such he knewe that the Church might better spare a 1000. of these then one godly and faithfull Pastor and were this canon put in vre for one silenced Minister we should haue one hundreth Deceiuers of minds By metonimie of the subiect the heart is put for the mind the auncient according to the Scriptures seating the minde therein for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 properly signifieth the inwards about the heart and further by Synecdoche the
when we see Satan so busie and stirring in the plotting contriuing and executing mischeefe against the Church may we not conclude that surely his time is verie short when we see particular iudgements vpon our countrie lingring and durable plagues threatnings of whole kingdomes and countries with visible iudgements vpon particular persons why doe we not conclude that surely these are forerunners of the general and that it is not farre off If we see the sunne and moone great lights in the Church fall from heauen and be darkned if the starres the professors of the Gospel loose their shine and fall from their first loue why doe we not thinke that shortly the heauens themselues shall shriule away like a scroule and be no more seeing the Scriptures affirme that immediatly after such things this appearing shall be In a word when we see such generall securitie that all men cry peace peace vnto themselues if we shall perceiue Noah daies returned againe in which men eate and drinke build and plant marrie and giue in marriage and thinke nothing either nothing else or nothing more how is it that we cannot conceiue of this appearing which shall be as a flood and destruction to all that thinke not of it for as a snare shall it come vpon all the vngodly of the earth Vse 3. Seeing the doctrine of the Gospel not onely bringeth the euidence of saluation but lifteth vp the heart to waite for it it appeareth that it is the doctrine of God brought by the Sonne of God from the bosome of his Father the doctrine that raiseth the minde to heauen must needs be heauenly and this is the doctrine which we preach because it is fruitfull herein Some busie themselues in prying more into the men and their callings that bring it then into the doctrine it selfe and refuse this most blessed treasure because they see not the holy Ghost so visibly calling our ministers as if he should sit on our heads with fiery tongues These I would wish 1. to looke well to their owne callings for sure he that is pragmaticall in other mens callings is carelesse and negligent in his owne and let themselues weigh the matter and giue sentence whether to contemne and neglect so great saluation will stand with an effectuall calling vnto the grace of God 2. To enquire not so much whether our callings as whether our doctrine be as good as Peters or Pauls 3. To obserue the worke and fruite of our Ministerie in regenerating many thousands and begetting them to heauenly life and conuersation whereas false teachers and false doctrine regenerate none Doctr. 2. An excellent meanes to prouoke men vnto the duties of Christianitie is the consideration of Christs comming vnto iudgement For some might haue asked the Apostle but how shall we be able to goe through the duties you haue described and hold out against the manifold discouragements which in the entertainment of this doctrine we are sure to meete withall the answer is Wayting for the appearance of the mightie God our Sauiour For first it is a notable meanes to set and enter men into this course of godlinesse and this is cleare in the Scriptures where we may obserue the spirit of God vsing this consideration as a speciall motiue both to draw men out of their sinnes together with the loue of this world as also to plant in them the feare and reverence of the Lord all which must be done before men can come to breathe in the common ayre of Christians For the first how doth the Scripture reuoke the young man from his vnbridled vanitie and from walking in the sight of his owne eyes and lust of his owne heart but by the remembrance that for all this hee must come to iudgement This was the argument vsed by Peter to the people of Ierusalem who flocked to see the lame man who laie at the bewtifull gate of the Temple healed Amend your liues and turne that your sinnes may be put away when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and he shall send Iesus Christ. By the same argument would the Apostle Paul haue wonne the Athenians from their idolatries Act. 17.30 But now he would haue all men to repent because he hath appointed a day in which he will iudge the world and haue reclaimed vnhappie Felix from his wicked and voluptuous life when he made him tremble in hearing the iudgement to come 2. To the forsaking of the world in the profits and pleasures of it how effectuall this perswasion is the Apostle in his owne example declareth Philip. 3.7 who accounted all aduantages losse yea dung to attaine the resurrection of the dead while his minde was vpon the resurrection and Christs appearing he was mortified vnto the world and the world vnto him 3. For the working of awe and reuerence of God in the heart Eccl. 12.13 Feare God and keep his commandements for God will bring euery worke vnto iudgement And when the Angel would prouoke the inhabitants of the earth to feare and reuerence before God and stand in awe of him he vseth no other argument then that the houre of his iudgement is come And surely were we not harder of heart then the anuill it could not be but the consideration of this iudgement should hammer and work vs to the vndertaking of a godly and Christian course Secondly as this consideration may be of efficacie to beget vs vnto God so is it a most notable nurse of all good duties and a sweete prouocation to cheerefulnesse and diligence in the duties of pietie righteousnesse and sobrietie The Apostle Paul himselfe was hereby vnderpropped in keeping good conscience before God and all men because he looked for the resurrection of the iust and vniust and hence did the Apostles spurre and prouoke themselves and others to the diligent practise of the duties of their callings both generall and particular 1. Corinth 5.9 considering the terrors of the Lord we perswade men Thus Paul chargeth Timothie not only to keepe those his commandements without spot vntill the appearing of the Lord Iesus Christ but also as he would answer at the appearing of Christ to preach instantly in season and out of season and Peter warneth the Elders to feede the flocke and be ensamples vnto them that when the chiefe sheepeheard shall appeare they might receiue an incorruptible crowne By which motiues they much more prouoked themselues to their owne speciall duties as appeareth 1. Thes. 2.19 And for the generall duties of Christianitie euerie Christian is by this reason spurred forward thereunto 2. Pet. 3.11 considering these things shall be dissolued what manner of men ought we to be in all godly conuersation And that this expectation of Christ is a notable preseruatiue of all Christian vertues who can denie that readeth those manifold places where watching and keeping the garments watching and sobrietie be sober and watch watching and stedfastnesse
and preseruatiue of many graces a bond of her owne and others peace a setler of the comfort of her life an ornament of her head and of her house which once let her be disrobed of she may bid farwell to her families welfare for let any vile affection beare sway but for a little while as of anger impatience excessiue griefe intemperance or any such how is the whole house in a kind of tumult which as a Common wealth in the commotion and rising of some one rebel cannot be composed and setled till the rebel be subdued which they finde too true who in their match were left vnto thēselues to make choise of such as wanted then and yet haue not attained with the feare of God the practise of this vertue Now then seeing this vertue is so necessarie for all parts of life that it ought neuer to be wanting many womē who want not many good parts of nature and grace may yet see hence their error who conceiue that if they be generally well reputed of both for their religious and honest course and can in good manner please their husbands in the administring of the family that then they may be dispensed with in some predominant indiscreete and intemperate affecton especially if it be more priuate as now and then in extraordinarie vnquietnesse and bitternes not seldome in some bitter roote of couetousnesse drawing on iniustice towards their husbands perhaps to breake out into some prodigall and idle expense another way in lashing out libertie of speech against some that cannot answer for themselues in becomming for some dayes the greatest strangers at home c. all this while thinking that these things if seldom will stand well enough with religion but they are to knowe that all Salomons wisedom could not reconcile two things so abhorring together the giuing of the heart vnto wine or any one lust and the leading of it in wisedome and it will prooue starke vanitie to make triall of it after him neither can it be other then the shuffling out of a religious course for man or woman to giue way to any one inordinate lust More of this vertue see in the places forenoted Chast or pure The Apostle by permitting the three former vertues hath made way vnto this fourth which is a fruit of them issuing from the loue of their husband and children and from tending and watching against inordinate affections And this puritie or chastitie is not that of the virgin or single estate but it is a marriage vertue the keeper of the mariage faith and may thus be described It is a puritie both of soule and bodie in regard of vnchast lusts abandoning all vnlawfull and strange pleasures which description is wholly couched and abridged in 1. Cor. 7.34 where the Apostle calleth it the holynesse of bodie and spirit of spirit when it is either not tempted to vncleannes or beeing tempted yeeldeth not or yeelding is recouered by repentance of body also when it neither exciteth nor beeing incited executeth not vncleannes Now how equall and reasonable is it that women especially such as haue the remedie of marriage against impuritie in whome the want of it is more sinnefull and dangerous should be prouoked to the preseruing of such a sweet grace as this is First if we consider how the Lord approoueth and vrgeth it 1. By his commandement 1. Thess. 4.3 this is the will of God that ye should abstaine from fornication and euerie one possesse his vessell that is his body which is the instrument of the soule and containing it as in a vessell in holynesse and honour 2. In that the Lord here interposeth himselfe and though many husbands and wiues thinke of nothing but a mutuall stipulation betweene themselues yet the Lord challengeth the couenant to be made to himselfe as it proceeded first from himselfe so as she that forsaketh the guide of her youth forgetteth the couenant of her God that is of marriage of which God is the author and whose name was or ought to haue beene invocated in the match making 3. In that the Lord professeth that he narrowly watcheth and clearely seeth when this couenant is broken that although the fact be done in the darke and neuer so charily and cautelously yet day and darkenesse are alike vnto him If the husband see it not nor any eie of flesh yet the Lords eie findeth it out and will set it in the cleare light before men and angels This is made a reason of the precept Prou. for the wayes of man are before the eies of the Lord. Ioseph might haue sinned secretly enough but that his eie was happily lifted vp toward this pure eie of God which cannot abide to behold such iniquitie 4. In that he declareth that he watcheth the sinner of this kinde to bring destruction vpon his bodie and soule to shut him out of heauen and to roote him as a loathsome weede out of the earth The former appeareth Prou. 5.22 the sinner of this suite destroyeth his owne soule 1. Cor. 6. no fornicator shall inherit the kingdome of heauen Reuel 21. no vncleane thing shall enter within the gates of the citie but shall bee kept without with dogges enchanters and lyers The latter seeing the law of God is that the adulterer and adultresse should die both because he would not haue the land defiled nor the guiltie person to liue as an eyesore vnto the innocent nay more if a man were deceiued in the qualitie of the person he hath taken to wife thinking to find her a maid but he findeth her virginitie bruised and another man hath humbled her it is lawfull for him to put her away and the Magistrate to put her to death as an adultresse Further how strictly the Lord watched ouer this sinne appeareth by that law Numb 5.21 If the husband were but ielous whether iustly or iniustly himselfe was accounted guiltie if he did not bring her to triall and this triall was not to be made by man but was Gods owne triall by the bitter cursed water by which himselfe from heauen would reuenge so greiuous a sinne against so holy an institution as marriage is And in comparison the word of God accounteth this sinne farre more wicked then some of those which mens lawes punish with death we thinke theft a great sinne because it bringeth malefactors to the gallowes and so it is but not comparable to this for Salomon himselfe by comparing these two sinnes putteth them almost out of comparison a theefe steales for hunger to saue his life but he that committeth adulterie sinneth against his owne life the former is not alwaies to be despised but this is neuer to be spared the former may make satisfaction by restitution of the thing and fowre fold for the sinne the latter can make no restitution at all the satisfaction of the theefe may be accepted of the owner or if he cannot satisfie with all the substance of his
an honest and peaceable man he cannot preach indeede but he liues as well and doth as much good as if he preached we would not change him for the best preacher of them all But where is this harmonie of doctrine and life in such a one know we not that the best liues of the best men are but seruants and attendants to their doctrine and like the miracles of Christ which serued to prepare confirme prouoke and condemne but conuerted not the beholders this is the worke of the Gospel in the ministerie of it which is the power of God to the saluation of euerie beleeuer Was it euer heard that a dumbe Minister by his life conuerted a soule to God and what is his life but a liuing out of a lawfull calling an iniurious robbing men of their goods which he before God hath no right vnto and a cruell murthering of their soules for want of knowledge And if the question were made to me whether good doctrine or good life might better be spared in a minister I should answer readily that to preach well and liue ill were farre better and more eligible then to liue honestly and not to preach seeing the former bringeth ruine vpon himselfe alone this latter both vpon himselfe and his people Secondly as there must be good doctrine so there must be good life too for a Minister may not thinke he hath done enough when he hath taught others if himselfe yet remaine vntaught like some statue which pointeth the way to passengers but it selfe standeth a stocke still and mooues not but he must first be a good man and then teach others so to be In the old Testament the Priest must first be cleansed himselfe and then cleanse others first wash himselfe and then sprinkle others first sanctifie himselfe and then others so in the new we must first become lights our selues and then enlighten others first approach neere God our selues and then bring others before him for this is the propertie of a good sheepheard to goe before his sheepe that they may followe him But all this while we may not thinke that the authoritie of the word standeth vpon the good or bad life of men which hath a better bottome of his owne to stand vpon but yet it is a further seale of the truth of it vpon the simple and that sundrie wayes which I will not stand vpon These two make a sweete harmonie especially within a mans owne conscience when he can appeale vnto his fellow-ministers as Paul to Timothie and say you haue fully knowne my doctrine my manner of liliuing c. and vnto the consciences of Gods people calling them to witnesse both of his painfull preaching 1. Thess. 2.9 as also of his holy and vnblameable behauiour vers 10. yea euen vnto Gods tribunall with much comfort at the ende of his dayes as Paul did Act. Which two as they must conspire so the minister is to be an example in both 1. Tim. 4.12 be an example in word conuersation c. The Apostles were as lights vpon hills as starres in the heauens Pastors are called to be patternes to their flockes the great Pastor of the sheepe our Lord Iesus set himselfe a coppie vnto all Christians both in holy doctrine and in blessed example of life Great is the force of godly example especially in the Pastor both to the beleeuer to prouoke him and to the vnbeleeuer either to bring him to a liking of the religion of God or to condemne him who hath both seen heard yet hath not beleeued euen as Noah condemned the old world by making of the Arke which are the reasons why the Lord hath euer scattered some of his children here and there a saint or two euen in Neroes house a Lot in Sodome and as a lilly riseth vp sometimes among thornes so doe the sonnes of God in the midst of a froward generation that they might shine as purer lights in the darkenes of the world round about them Vse 1. These are true notes to discerne a true Minister by pure doctrine and holy life If you consult with a Papist he will decypher you one of his Priests by his mitre crosyer staffe copes and other garments by his oyntings shauings c. which indeede are markes of the beast but not a word of life and doctrine whence we know them to be theeues not entring in by the doore but by the window to robbe and steale 2. This requireth the presence and residence of the minister with his flocke for if hee be ordinarily absent how can he be an example vnto them Thirdly it proclaimeth woe vpon them who by contrarie practise to their preaching giue occasion of stumbling to the people as Elies sonnes did better it were that such had neuer beene borne then so to strengthen the hands of sinners besides that by his owne mouth he shall be iudged Fourthly it stirreth vp the men of God to care of their liues to which we in this calling might be mooued by sundrie other strong reasons 1. We stand before God and therefore we must put off our shooes wash and cleanse our selues Ier. 15.19 If thou turne thou shalt stand before mee 2. We shall be better enabled to our duties both because God teacheth his secrets to his seruants the Prophets as also the doctrine shal be more acceptable and lesse excepted against Herod heard Iohn because he was a good man 3. We else pull the sinnes of many vpon vs and harden a number in the same sinnes the wicked Iewes could alleadge the Priests examples for their Idolatrie Ier. 44.17 and Ioh. 7.48 Doe any of the Rulers and Pharisies beleeue in him 4. He that diuorceth godly life from pure doctrine shall be the least that is haue no place in the kingdome of heauen Fifthly it teacheth all hearers to take benefite by the examples of their teachers who labour faithfully in the Gospel among them for must we studie to shew our selues examples in vaine Philip. 3.17 Brethren be followers of me and 4.9 The things which yee haue heard and seene in me those things doe Heb. 13.7 Remember them that haue the ouersight of you whose faith follow considering what hath beene the end of their conuersation The examples of the godly are called a cloud of witnesses to put vs in minde that as the Israelites were mooued as the cloud mooued so should it be with vs cast our eyes vpon the cloud of the faithful pastors especially to follow thē so far as they follow Christ which who so refuse to doe they haue three feareful witnesses against them the word of God their owne consciences the Ministers liues And here we must be put in mind to go one step beyond ordinarie for many cast their eyes vpon the examples of their Ministers to spie if they can obtaine some libertie to the flesh through their frailtie but if they cannot the most thinke it sufficient that they can commend
Moses couer his face with a vaile without the which the children of Israel were not able to behold him signifying vnto vs that they were not able to comprehend those manifold obscure types of the Law till the vaile was remooued which saith the Apostle ver 14. In Christ is now put away In this respect our Sauiour affirmeth that although among them that were borne of women there was not a greater then Iohn who yet in regard of his person was inferiour to sundrie of the Prophets because of them all he was nearest vnto Christ and in his ministerie pointed at him with the finger now exhibited into the world yet the least minister in the kingdome of heauen that is of the new Testament is greater then he For he can preach that the sonne of man is lifted vp dead raised ascended which Iohn could not doe as neere as he was and much lesse Abraham Dauid and the other Prophets who sawe his daie further off Obiect But hereby it seemeth that before Christs appearing the doctrine of the Gospel appeared not Answ. We must consider the Gospel in a double respect 1. As it is a doctrine conteyning a promise of grace freely for the Messiah who was to be the sonne of Abraham and Dauid and thus was it euer in the Church deliuered by God immediatly to Adam after the fall Moses writ also of him and to him giue all the Prophets witnesse 2. As a doctrine propounding free grace in Christ exhibited dead raised c. and thus it appeared not before his owne appearing before which time it was onely a Gospel fore-promised Rom. 1.2 Vse 1. In that the doctrine of the Gospell is such a shining light we may see the miserable estate of such as want the meanes of it who abide in obscuritie and darkenesse euen as those are in the night to whom the sunne is not risen for man naturally perceiueth not the things of God and therefore vnlesse this instrument of the spirit come the spirit himselfe by whom onely we knowe the things giuen vs of God must needes be wanting The which consideration should mooue vs to pittie the estate of such poore creatures who are in a farre more miserable blindnes then the Egyptians in their three dayes darkenes What a lamentable thing is it that a kingdome beeing giuen for going vnto it and men beeing blind of themselues and not able to see one foote of the way cannot get any guides or meanes to helpe them one steppe forward but as blind me● desperately runne vpon pikes and swords into pittes and ponds no one recalling them from present death and deadly things Vse 2. Note hence with how little danger we can shut our eyes against such a light as is risen vp vnto vs shall we without blame now liuing as at midday see no more nor so much as those who liued in the dawning shall the light of the sunne be seauen fold greater vnto vs then euer before and yet we stumble and fall as if we were cast into the midnight What a fearefull iudgement hangeth ouer our negligence if vnder our ministerie which exceedeth in glorie we come behind the ordinarie beleeuers of the olde Testament in knowledge faith and fruition of Christ with his graces Is all the pedagogie of the lawe past wherein euen the Prophets and arch-beleeuers so farre as we consider the ordinarie ministration were to vs but as children in their elements Is Christ come crucified raised vp to glorie and so the fulnesse of time come wherein we haue the bodie and substance Oh what a disgrace is it that we should be inferiour to those who obtained but the shadowes what a great condemnation will it be that we who are reserued to such means should sinne against such a light In a misty night to stumble and fall were no such disgrace no such danger but with many Christians to say I am in the light I see my way well enough and yet to come behind not onely the Iewes who walked in a darke light but euen the Gentiles who not onely walked in darkenes but were darkenesse it selfe in the practise of sobrietie iustice mercie chastitie and such like is an heauie condition and yet the condition not of a fewe professed Christians It will be here said but God forbid that we should not receiue this light and walke also in the direction of it and to say the contrarie were to broach a slaunder To which I say that when Christ himselfe preached most of the Iewes were blind still so true it is that many who heare and professe the Gospel yet neuer receiued the light to walke by it Some receive indeede this light superficially vpon themselues as the light of the sunne falling vpon trees and stones it enlighteneth the outside and warmeth the barke a little but peirceth not into the heart and midst of them so the Gospel shineth round about many professors and it may be conformeth some outward actions and set them forward to speake of it and for it at least for a while but it gets not within them nor peirceth their hearts there is no change there the soule nastie corners of them lie vnswept still and so they remaine hypocrites still Others receiue this sunshine no otherwise then the aire receiueth the light of the sunne when the bodie of the sunne is present it enlighteneth the whole aire but the bodie of the sunne departing darkenes succeedeth againe so many hea●ers may be affected with the present sound of the word and thinke themselues sufficiently enlightened but the sound beeing gone the former darkenes commeth they heare many things but keepe nothing and so make themselues fit for many stripes Quest. But how shall I knowe whether I receiue this light aright or no Answ. By these notes 1. If thou wilt not attempt any thing without the direction of it no more then thou wouldst thy earthly businesse without the light of the sunne or of a candle A fewe naturall actions a man can doe in the night time as eate drinke sleepe c. but in any matter of weight he will haue light so for workes of darkenes men neede no light nor desire any but for the least worke of grace thou must first call for a light The Apostle wisheth vs to walke as children of light but how shall we doe that the Apostle Iohn telleth vs namely if wee walke in the light and while we haue the light The Israelites might not mooue a foote towards Canaan but by direction of the pillar and the wise men could not goe to Christ without his starre Secondly light is a pleasant thing to the eie saith Salomon and a comfortable thing it is to a poore prisoner to behold the light of the sunne through neuer so small a creuise In like manner is the glad message of the Gospel to the Christian soule that knowes it aright as if vnexpected tydings of a pardon were brought to a malefactor readie
willingly not as Lords ouer Gods heritage but as examples to the flocke 2. Wouldest thou know what ambition Christ hath permitted vnto his Ministers it is euen this that he that would be chiefe of all should become seruant of all not as that man of sinne the sonne of perdition who while he calls himselfe the seruant of all the seruants of God exalteth himselfe not only aboue all his brethren but aboue all that is called God also but to be indeede the seruant of the least and weakest member of the Church furthering by all his endeauour the saluations of men If any then be of the spirit of Zebedeus his sons that desire to sit at the right and left hand of Christ in this his kingdome here is the most compendious way to rise to his thoughts let him painefully serue the Church as a good steward let him dispence the food to the family in due season thus he shall get next vnto Christ the most faithfull seruant of the Church becomes the greatest ruler in it According to the faith of Gods elect Here the Apostle expresseth the ende of his calling to Apostleship namely to this purpose to bring the elect of God vnto the faith or produce faith in the elect the preposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 put for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which aboue other expositions I receiue because the same Apostle leadeth vnto it 2. Tim. 1.1 Paul an Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 according to the promise of life that is to declare the life promised in Christ. It is true in this inscription if in any other which Beza obserueth of all Pauls inscriptions that in some one word or other he vseth to cōprise the whole scope of the Epistle yea the whole summe of the Gospel but in this in many words yea many verses he enlargeth that which in others he breifely contracteth and therefore as he wisheth not to passe ouer the inscriptions too lightly as which containe matter sufficient ●o oppose against all seducers so may we not without great ouersight and hindrance of our owne edification passe ouer the diligent inquisition of such multiplicitie and excellencie of matter as is infolded in this and the two verses following which containe as we may well tearme it rather a large description of the Catholike faith of all Christians then a breife inscription of a priuate letter passing betweene two freinds These words which set open the gate to passe vs into such a fai●e feild containe three conclusions to be opened 1. That God hath some 〈◊〉 are elect chosen and others are not 2. That these elect haue a speciall faith distinct by themselues 3. That this peculiar faith is wrought in them by the Ministerie of the word For the first Men may be called the elect of God three waies ● In respect of some temporall function or Ministerie to which the Lord hath designed them Iob. 6.70 Haue not I chosen you twelue and one of you is a deuill 2. In regard of that actuall election and choise of some people and nations aboue other vnto the true meanes of life and saluation so to become the people of Gods election And thus although all Israel was not chosen to life eternall yet in regard of the meanes they were called an elect people And thus whosoeuer giue their names to Christ and are set into him by Baptisme may be called elect in this more general acceptation of the word 3. In respect of that eternall election of God which is according to grace whereby of his good pleasure he chooseth from all eternitie out of all sorts of men some to the certaine fruition and fellowship of life eternall and saluation by Christ. These elect of God are here meant the number of which is comparatiuely small for many are called but few chosen a little flocke and a few that haue found the narrow way These few I say are chosen 1. from all eternitie for no new thing can fall into the prescience and will of God 2. they are chosen of his good pleasure euen before they haue done good or euill 3. and they are chosen to the certeine fruition of life eternall as beeing immutably elected For although many of both the former sorts might fall away and manifest their reprobation as Iudas and such as the Apostle Iohn speaketh off They went out from vs but they were not of vs yet this is the priuiledge of this election that it is the firme purpose of God to saue and haue mercie Obiect It will be here alleadged that seeing there is not acceptation of persons with God Rom. 2.11 he cannot more accept one to saluation then another or if he do how shall it not be most vnequall that those who are equall should not be equally delt withall Ans. The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 translated person signifieth not the substance of a man or the man himselfe but some outward circumstance belonging vnto him as his outward qualitie appearance or condition which beeing obiected to our eies may make a man lesse or more respected such as are honour wealth parentage learning authoritie which when they bring men into account then is the face or outward appearance of a man accepted And thus the Lord accepteth not nor reiecteth any man for any adherent qualitie which can commend him aboue another for he accepteth not the persons of Princes nor regardeth the rich more then the poore seeing they are both the worke of his hands but freely in his Christ chooseth such as are good in his sight the rest being reiected As for such as alleadge vnequall dealing in God towards such as are equally corrupted and lie all alike in the same masse there beeing no more matter of saluation in such as are chosen then those who are reiected all this paueth no way to a dependent election or reprobation which hangeth vpon some outward thing without the most absolute will of God much lesse maketh the straight waies of God vnequall For may not he doe with his owne as he will who art thou that darest dispute with God that presumest to prescribe laws to thy Maker that he should deale with one man thus or with another otherwise or who hath spoiled him of his soueraigntie ouer his creatures If thou canst not sound this depth of the riches of this wisedome and knowledge of God acknowledge then how vnsearcheable are his iudgements and how his wayes are past finding out Cauil not at what thou canst not conceiue but admire it Vse This first conclusion teacheth vs 1. To make sure our owne election and shew our selues vnto others to be of this small number namely by holy and vnblameable walking by daily flying the corruption that is in the world through lust by the daily washing and purging our selues from our old sinnes and by the studie of righteousnesse becomming vessels of honour prepared vnto euery good worke 2. It confirmeth
conscience For let a man read and studie all his dayes all arts and sciences let him be exquisite in tongues languages and all commendable literature which are things excellent yet let him neglect this knowledge which beareth the bell in making men wise vnto saluation such an one can neuer haue his heart framed vnto godlines 2. Euery hearer of the truth must examine whether by it his heart be thus framed vnto godlines for else it is not rightly learned for as this grace hath appeared to this purpose to teach men to denie vngodlines and worldly lusts and to liue soberly and iustly and godly in this present world so is it not then learned when men can onely discourse of the death of Christ of his resurrection of his ascention except withall there be some experience of the vertue of his death in themselues killing their sinnes so as henceforth they serue not sinne 2. some feeling of the power of his blessed resurrection in beeing ingrafted with him into the similitude of it 3. and some ascent of our affections after him into heauen prouoking to seeke the things that are aboue a bare and vnfeeling speculation is here not onely vnprofitable but much more dangerous and damnable The Iewes could boast that they were free borne and of Abraham as many among vs take themselues to be strong beleeuers but let Christ come to the point with them If the truth hath set you free ye are free indeede the truth is that the Sonne hath not freed them for they are not free from their lusts nor are kings to rule ouer them but vassals vnder them still The spirit of God in the ministerie which is his chariot hath not freed them from seruitude of sinne and death for where the spiririt is effectuall there is libertie A dangerous thing is it that men so chained in ignorance and manifold lusts should ouerthrowe themselues by ouerweening conceits feeding for faith fansies for confidence carnall presumption for truth error bringing them into a fooles paradise for the present but the end will be the sinking and sorrowe of their soules He is a good scholler indeede and raised into the highest forme of this schoole of God not who can talke well and giue religion some good words which are good cheape but he that hath so farre profited in sound godlinesse as that he hath attained vnto faith the feare of God humilitie endeauour in obedience thankfulnes vprightnesse and hath proceeded in the true worship of God according to his word in hatred of false worship in glorifying the name of God sanctifying his Sabbaths reuerencing his sanctuarie louing the image of God in his brethren and such like such a man sheweth that the truth hath sanctified him that pure religion and the power of it possesseth his heart These things seeke and find in thy selfe thou hast profited in this truth else whatsoeuer may seeme a bodie of religion in thee is turned into a shadow without substance without truth v. 2. Vnder the hope of life eternall In these words the Apostle commendeth his ministerie partly from the ende of it in that it leadeth by the truth preached the beleeuers of it vnto the hope of eternall life as also partly from the effect of it in them which is the full furnishing of them with such graces as lead them comfortably to their happinesse adding vnto the faith of the elect such an hope as maketh them not ashamed And they affoard two instructions 1. That the ende of the ministerie is to drawe mens mindes vpward from earth towards heauen 2. That true faith neuer goeth alone but attended with other excellent vertues and namely with knowledge hope c. Doctr. Euery faithfull teacher must conceiue it to be his dutie to drawe mens hearts from things belowe to the contemplation of things of an higher straine and from seeking the things tending to a temporall vnto such as belong to life eternall Reasons 1. This was the ayme not onely of our Apostle here but of all the men of God whose faithfulnes the Scriptures hath recommended vnto our imitation All that pedagogie during the law was onely to traine men vnto Christ and to saluation by him But that rudiment beeing abolished and the truth further breaking out the chiefe doctor of his Church setting himselfe a coppy to all teachers called men to no other thing then first to seeke the kingdome of God and to labour not for the perishing food but that which abideth vnto eternall life And after him his holy Apostles made no other vse of those maine articles of our faith the truth of which they left confirmed in all their writings as if they were occasioned to speake of the death of Christ it was to the ende that beleeuers should die to the world that henceforth they should vse it as not vsing it or as men crucified vnto it if of the resurrection of Christ it was to the same purpose that men should be raised with him henceforth to seeke the things which are aboue if of his ascention it was that men might in heart and affection ascend vp after him 2. All other professions further men in their earthly estates some employed about the health of the bodie some about the maintaining of mens outward rights some about the framing of tender minds in humane disciplines and sciences all which further our fellowship and societie among men onely this of all other professions furthereth men in their heauenly estate and fitteth them yea maketh vp for them their fellowship with God Eph. 4.11 12. 3. Hereby men lay a sure ground-worke of profitting men in godlines for this expectation and desire of life eternall once wrought in the heart it easily bringeth men to the deniall of themselues both in bearing the crosse for Christ as Moses esteemed highly of the rebuke of Christ for he had respect vnto the recompence of reward as also in stripping themselues of profits pleasures advancements friends father wife children libertie yea life it selfe Set this treasure before the eyes of the wise merchant he will sell all for it Tell a man of an earthly kingdome and let him throughly digest the conceit of obtaining it it will be such a commander as he willingly both vndertaketh and deuoureth any trauell for it euen so let the beleeuing soule once conceiue of raigning with Christ it will easily suffer any hardship with him The disciples desirous to know what recompence their Lord would make them for leauing all to follow him Christ presently telleth them of twelue seats on which they shall sit and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel at the appearance of the sonne of man well knowing that if this promise were once well digested it would so feede vp their hearts as they should not after bethinke themselues as ouershot in leauing all things for his sake Yea further this course will be a sweet constraint prouoking men to the imitation
acquaint thy selfe with God make peace and thou shalt haue prosperitie become a child of the Church for much peace shall be to her children Humble thy selfe sue for mercie else thou shalt neuer see peace and the rather because desperate sinners haue neither peace with God nor themselues secure sinners haue peace with themselues but not with God onely repentant sinners who in hungring haue obtained mercie are at peace both with God and themselues Vse 2. If peace be the daughter of Grace and mercie then is there no peace to the wicked man because he hath no assurance no feeling no not so much as a true desire of this grace and mercie necessarily therefore doe they want 1. grace with God for they are as tenants that liue out of the fauour of their landlord 2. Peace with their owne consciences for howsoeuer they may slumber for a time or be benummed and past feeling or feared and cauterized as by an hote iron yet if God touch them neuer so little their conscience is like a wild beast hastily wakened which hauing laide couchant a long time at the doore is now gotten in vpon them and readie to pull out the throat of their soules as restles as Cains or Iudas forcing them to flie when none persues them 3. not with the creatures who are all armed against him who by sinne taketh vp armes against their creator Obiect But none haue more peace then the wicked man he prospereth in the world all things goe with him according to his hearts wish Isaac goeth to slaughter while Ismael sitteth secure at home Iacob keepeth sheepe while Esau hunteth and taketh his pleasure none of all Iosephs brethren are sold and bought cast into the pit and prison but himselfe how is it that euen the godly haue almost slipt and fallen at the wicked mans prosperitie if he haue no peace Ans. They haue indeede a kinde of peace but 1. it beeing all outward not inward nor grounded on peace with God nay abstracted from it let it seeme neuer so faire and flourishing yet is it deceitfull vnsound and vanishing Iob compareth it to a dreame and affirmeth that the wickeds ioy is but for a moment so as let his excellency mount vp to heauen and his head touch the clouds yet shal he perish for euer like his dongue elsewhere the Holy Ghost compareth it to the crackling of thornes vnder a pot which make a faire blaze and a great noise for the time but all is done almost as soone as kindled it deceiueth them when they most leane vnto it the Lord snatcheth it from them or them from it suddenly which maketh the Prophet say that the Lord will make their sunne goe downe at noone day as Baltazar sunke downe at his banquet Dan. 4.2 As it is vncertaine so is it vnsound while it lasteth beeing a reioycing in the face not in the heart like that of the theife who laugheth on the ladder euen in their laughter their heart is heauie and of all their reioysing a man may say as Salomon of laughter separated from the feare and grace of God I said thou art madnes and the ende of it is heauines 3. That their reioycing hath such a suddaine ende is a miserie but to be waited on with such a wofull ende is fulnesse of their woe for according to that of the Prophet not only while they seeme to be blessed the Lord curseth their blessings but in the ende he taketh them in fetters who haue so long walked on snares Iob. 17. and bindeth them vnder that euerlasting curse the way seemed right vnto them but the issues thereof are death Stolen waters were sweete but now they know that the dead were there all this while their prosperitie deserued nothing lesse then the name of peace it was rather a truce for a time which once expired the Lord is vp in a●mes for further reuenge against them Let vs therefore say with Iob Let the counsels of the wicked be farre from me of whome some are neuer so quiet as when their sinnes crie loudest for vengeance others extoll the peace and prosperitie of that people that haue no means of grace and mercie some shamelesly say the world was better when we had none of all this preaching but there was more peace others are secure in a peace which hath beginning in the flesh and ariseth from the sudden feeling of some worldly delight But let vs onely affect that peace which is an effect of Gods mercie in Christ which ariseth from sorrowe for sinne and which is a fruit of righteousnesse for so it shall come to passe that when the wickeds owne counsell casteth him downe we shall be able to say There there are they fallen but we stand vp because their peace was in the face ours rooted in the heart theirs was an heritage hastily gotten and suddenly forgone and forgotten but our peace and ioy shall none be able euer to take away Verse 5. For this cause left I thee in Creta that thou shouldest continew to redresse the things that remaine and shouldest ordaine elders in euery citie as I appointed thee Now we come to the second part of this Epistle which containeth the narration and the subiect matter of it Wherein partly to authorize Titus and partly to encourage him 1. the Apostle maketh a declaration of the place and dutie to which Titus was destinated and vnto which he was incited from the finall cause beeing therefore left in Creta 2. he giueth him direction how to carrie himselfe in it The dutie enioyned Titus is twofold 1. Generall to correct things that remaine 2. Speciall to ordaine elders that is to institute Ministers and Pastors and that in euery Citie that is where there was a bodie of people to set them ouer The direction is also twofold 1. more generall As I commanded thee 2. more speciall If any be vnreprooueable c. Before we come to speake of the 2. branches of Titus his dutie we are to consider the entrance thereto in these words For this cause I left thee in Creta which words offer vnto vs some worthy considerations 1. Note That the Apostle himselfe continued not long in Creta after there appeared an outward face of a Church but went elsewhere to gather men to the faith wherein his faithfulnesse appeared in the diligent performance of his owne administration for the office of the Apostle was to plant Churches and to leaue them to others to water to found the house of God as master builders but other labourers must build it vp to trauell in birth till the Churches of God were formed but left them to others to bring vp to make Disciples but others must confirme them Which lets vs see the difference betweene the Apostle and the Pastor The former is as the Lords leiftenant to set Christ in the possession of his kingdome the latter is as a deputie to keepe
duties according to the Lords direction else had the former labour beene lost in like sort in vaine had the publishing of the Gospel beene although by the Apostles thēselues had they not established such ordinances euerie where as serued for the strengthening and proceeding of it of which the setling of the ministerie and appointing Pastors ouer people is the principall Reas. 1. How necessarie was it for the whole administration of God among his people to haue a set place of abode that they might aske counsell at his mouth offer sacrifices Ilasticall and Eucharisticall put vp their prayers vnto him and receiue from him instruction and speciall direction and hence was it that the Lord sometimes setled himselfe at Siloh and sometimes his dwelling was in Sion and no lesse nay far more full comfort may we receiue in our assemblies and Bethels where the Lord as the sunne by his Ministers as by so many cleare lights not onely dispelleth darkenesse and errors in mind and manners but directeth vs in all our waies we haue to walk answereth vs in all our doubts in all our petitions raiseth vs in our falls supporteth vs in our weakenesse and prouoketh vs to cheerefulnesse in all the pathes that are good in his sight 2. Our weakenesse is such that notwithstanding all the benefit of standing ministeries we are euer recoyling and falling backeward more and more our bodies are not more prone to pine away for defect of daily foode then our soules if by the meanes of the heauenly Manna they be not daily repaired no eie seeth not the neede of daily directions to guide vs to daily duties and those which must be often done we must often be put in mind of 3. Experience sheweth that in such places where such ministeries be not setled we neede not seeke for adulterers swearers drunkards theeues and lyars such soyles are fruitfull of such imps that a man would thinke the old Sodomites were returned from hell yea the malitious man slacketh not to sowe these too thicke in such fields as good seede is cast into continually 4. The ordinance it selfe speaketh for it owne necessitie beeing the meanes wherby those who by it are brought to the faith are also preserued in it the milke whereby babes begotten grow to strong meate and are led from their infancie to their full age in Christ. For we may not alwaies be babes and weaklings but there is a perfection of Christianity which hereby we must be led vnto Heb. 6.1 not that any perfection of knowledge or holines can be attained of vs as Anabaptists foolishly dreame but partly in respect of that further degree which we ought euer to contend vnto for in the schoole of Christ we may waxe olde daily learning and the greatest scholler shall yet be farre from perfection and partly comparatiuely men of grace and knowledge may be called perfect and haue attained a further degree of perfection then such as are rude and ignorant subiect to be carried about with euery winde and are not yet gotten out of the elements of religion a man is said to be of perfect wisedome strength and other gifts of bodie and minde in comparison of a child or one not come to mans estate a Master of Arts may be called a perfect scholler in respect of a schooleboy and to this perfection of Christianitie are we led by meanes of this ordinance Vse To reprehend such as conceit themselues that when they haue gotten a smattring of knowledge they must needs haue faith also and afterward need no Ministerie nor sermons but marke where the life of God is it will make the soule craue the daily bread as the naturall life doth the bodie neither seeth that man any thing of God and the mysteries of his kingdome as he ought that presumeth of his knowledge so farre as that when he hath begunne to build and laid a foundation like the foole giueth ouer and neuer commeth to laie the roofe Perfection of true knowledge is the sight and sence of imperfection and religion in the heart espieth daily wants and decaies in the soule and repaireth to the ordinarie Ministeries for the daily repairing of them Which ordinances whosoeuer cōtemptuously forsake great schollers they may be but they were neuer good men Vse 2. Let vs reioyce that the Lord hath so liberally supplyed vs in this necessitie and testifie our thankefulnesse in diligence and subiection vnder the setled ministerie that our iudgements wills and affections may be setled in the truth for to the obseruer it will appeare that such for most part are wauering and variable who content themselues with a variable ministerie now hearing one now another now here now there without fixing themselues to some one As for such as vnder a setled ministerie come and goe at their pleasure now they heare one Sermon then another slipping in and out as they list to them I say litle is their conscience great is their sinne and manifest is their ficklenesse and inconstancie in their religion 3. Hence is a ground of petition that God would place Pastors in euerie congregation that his kingdome might come euerie where that euerie candlesticke might carie a burning and a shining light seeing we see here that it is Gods ordinance that so it should be And the greater the haruest is the more ought we to apply the Lord of it that he would thrust forth labourers into his haruest remoouing whatsoeuer impediments he seeth to hinder such a blessed and glorious worke As I appointed thee After that the Apostle had declared Titus his place and dutie he commeth to the second point namely his direction therein not giuing him leaue to adde any thing of his owne invention or alter any thing which Paul himselfe had done but bindeth his hands from doing or vndoing any thing in his whole administration but as Paul had commanded and appointed him the tenour of his commission reacheth no further Whence we may learne that Doctr. The ordering and gouerning of the Church is not left arbitrarie no not to an Euangelist but Apostolicall direction must goe before and guid him The Church is the house of God and must not be ruled by mans inventions but by the direction of the great housekeeper and seeing the father hath committed all the gouernement of it to his Sonne who hath purchased it with his blood the charge and burden of it now lieth vpon his shoulders and his prerogatiue it is to giue laws and orders and by his voice to rule the house of Iacob The whole Tabernacle to the verie pinnes must be framed according to the patterne and yet that was a mooueable in comparison of our most stable administration which shall continue to the ende of he world and the Lord in describing the parts thereof seuerally still remitteth them to the commandement to the patterne and forme shewed in the mount See Exod. cap. 27.8 c. twise repeated in so
suppressed And as the charge must be iust so it must not be frailties or infirmities that hang vpon our nature commonly corrupted but grosse and open sinnes yea and enormious crimes in the sight of the sunne the iust challenge and proofe of which disable a man from this function by this Apostolicall Canon And howsoeuer he that is the cleanest and hath washed himselfe in snow water hath his owne clothes that will pollute him yet read we of diuerse in the Scriptures that haue attained to walke without reproofe as Iob Zacharie and Elizabeth and many euen priuate Christians at this day through Gods mercie liue without crime though not any saue the Sonne of God himselfe euer liued without sinne All which open to vs the meaning of the precept Doctr. How able soeuer a man be to teach yet if he be of corrupt conuersation and scandalous in life he is not fit to be chosen for a Minister Reasons 1. Our Apostle here in the first place and more largely insisteth vpon the life of him that is to be chosen and afterwards in fewer words requireth his fitnes for doctrine and so in his charge to Timothie that he should laie hands on no man rashly addeth that some mens sinnes goe before hand and some mens sinnes follow after iudgement as though he had said more largely Vse all the circumspection thou canst yet some hypocrites will creepe into the Ministerie some are inwardly profane and such close sinners thou canst not discerne till afterward they manifest themselues others are open sinners of which thou maiest iudge aright these latter thou art to hinder the former reclaime or seasonably remooue and so salue vp the sore againe for how requisite is it that such a sweete and sauorie doctrine should be matched with a sweet and sauorie Christian conuersation 2. That such an high calling is to be graced with an vnreprooueable life was typified in the law sundrie waies as after we shall more clearely see in the positiue vertues required especially in that prohibition that none of Aarons sonnes or seed that had any blemish in him might once presse to offer before the Lord neither come neere the vaile nor stand by the Altar 3. A scandalous and obnoxious person shall neuer do good in his calling For although the things of Christ as the Word Sacraments and Doctrine depend not vpon the person of the Minister but on the ordinance of Christ neither in themselues are the worse in bad mens hands no more then a true mans peece of gold in the hand of a theife yet by our weaknes in such a mans hand they are weaker to vs and although no man can answer or warrant the refusing of pure doctrine which is not to be had in respect of persons for the spotted life of the Minister who while he sitteth in Moses chaire be he Pharisie be he hypocrite must be heard yet can it not be but that the wickednes of Helies sonnes will make the people abhorre the offerings of the Lord which what a greiuous sinne it was before the Lord see 1. Sam. 2.17 Againe how can he benefit his people whose hands are bound whose mouth is shut and cannot vtter the truth without continuall galling and sentencing of himselfe and when euery scoffer shall be readie to say to him art thou become weake like one of vs and the word shall be still returned vpon himselfe how can it be expected that he should do good amongst them Christ preuented that scoffe Phisitian heale thy selfe and Paul sheweth the dutie of euery Minister namely to minister well and the fruit of it he getteth a good report and great libertie in the faith Wherein let a Minister be wanting if he were able to speake with the tongues of men and Angels yea if he had a fierie tongue sitting on his head he shall neuer be able to preuaile with ignorant persons who must be sensibly taught and that aswell by their eie as by their eare 4. It is a most dangerous condition to himselfe to be a good teacher of a bad life for such a one is in the snare of the deuill that is when he seeth his life still more and more exprobrated and himselfe more despised euery day then other for it is iust with God that with the wicked should be reproch then he beginnes to grow so bold and impudent as that he casts off all shame and care and as one desperate and hardened in sinne prostituteth himselfe remorselesly vnto all lewdnes and vngodly conuersation Vse 1. Hence may we see the reason why the Deuill so mightily laboureth to slander the most faithfull Ministers of Christ namely that by the contempt of their persons their doctrine also might be condemned And therefore he will play at small game ere he sit out If he cannot hinder the Ministerie he can disgrace it If he cannot discontinue it he can continue a deuill still that is both an aduersarie and an accuser of it for either Christs Disciples wash not or fast not or Christ himselfe is a good companion or Iohn Baptist is too austere and precise or some natural infirmitie as Elishaes bald pate shall be cast as a rub in the way to make the Doctrine lesse welcome And all this because long experience of many ages hath taught this old serpent that the most wretched miscreant euen Herod himselfe will heare gladly Iohn Baptist if he conceiue him as he is a good and godly man carying himselfe without reproofe and exception The selfe same is the ground why he setteth himselfe in all ages to shoue in and hold in the Ministerie such persons as like vnfauorie salt are too base for the dunghil euery way for the ouerthrow of this apostolicall direction vsing and vrging most impregnable arguments drawne from affinitie affection some base and seruill demerit letters and requests of great men or gifts which blind the eyes by which and many other meanes Satans Ministers for the Apostle calleth them no better keepe out the Ministers of God What mischiefe these stratagems of Satan haue wrought in the Church we may see and bewaile and prouoke thence our prayers that the Lord would so let his kingdome come euery where that such maine pillars of Satans kingdome may be shaken and broken especially in reformed Churches which professe and auow the lifting vp of the scepter of Iesus Christ. Vse 2. Note hence what conformitie is most vrged by Christ in all his Ministers namely the ●●iting to vncorrupt doctrine an vnblameable life by these two shall all men know who are the true Ministers sent of Christ this voice and these hands are infallible distinctions not onely of Ministers from other men but euen of Ministers among themselues and the maine and intolerable inconformitie of Ministers is the suiting of Iacobs voice with Esaus hands The Minister hath not done his dutie when he hath pointed to others the way to heauen and
committed his flocke vnto him ●o let him resolue and say to the Lord as Iacob to Laban I will feede and keepe thy sheep In like manner let euery congregation to whom the Lord hath giuen a pastor according to his owne heart testifie their thankfulnes herein in beeing contented to haue their waies looked into and spoken of as well conceiuing the miserable estate of sheepe without shepheards not saying to the Seer see not least that plague befall thē pronounced against the men of Anath●th praying also that the kingdome of God may come euery where and his lightsome countenance shine on them that want such meanes seeing their estate is such as hath great need of watchmen Secondly from the force of the argument namely that he that is to be a Bishop ouer others must of necessitie watch ouer himselfe and his owne in priuate note a generall rule to be obserued in all elections and furnishing of any place and office namely that due respect must be had what gifts the office requireth and those must be principally regarded in that person that is to be placed in it as for example if the place require the tongue of the learned seeke out for learned men if wisedome seeke out wise men if grauitie sobrietie conscience and diligence seeke out for graue sober conscionable and diligent men and thus the Lord dealeth whensoeuer he placeth any man If he haue a curious sanctuarie to build he seeketh out some B●zaleel some Aholiab or other filled with excellent spirits of wisedome and vnderstanding and knowledge to worke in curious works of gold siluer c. If he set Salomon to build a glorious temple to himselfe he directeth him to send to Hieram for a cunning man a wise man and of vnderstanding If he be to bring his people out of Egypt he furnisheth a Moses and an Aaron If to take the land by fighting he fitteth some valiant captaine as Ioshua if to bring them out of captiuities he raiseth some Darius or Zerubbabel or Nehemiah euen suiting persons vnto places yea the Sonne of God beeing to gather his Church among the nations and to plant his owne ordinances to bring men out of their nusled idolatry and Gentilisme to serue the true God if he had not aforehand considered the difficultie of the work and accordingly furnished such as he dismissed for this purpose how had it like euer to haue beene effected Vse The cause of all corruptions in elections and designements to offices and places lyeth here that men looke not to the qualitie of the place first but beginning where God ends first at the man either because he is a proper man for parts and gifts of bodie and minde or by such and such commended or furnished to performe such expectations and contracts or an auntient or a kinsman c. this marres all and often setteth fooles on horsebacke when wise men walke on foote by them Let everie man whom it concerneth learne wisedome of God and his spirit here which first inquireth into the place and so in passing their suffrages in elections thus reason oh this is a difficult matter where haue we a fit man for it if to choose a Magistrate this requires one able to execute the Lords iudgements where haue we a man of courage fearing God and hating couetousnesse If a fellowe of a colledge this requireth learning iudgement and one able at least to bring vp youth in knowledge and godlinesse where shall we finde such an one but if a minister oh this requires one able to build vp the bodie of Christ and who is sufficient for this thing The reasons hereof are 1. the externall election of the Church ought to follow the internall of the spirit see 1. Sam. 10.24 2. it euer argueth corruption to preferre priuate respects before the publike good 3. the ends of euerie calling are 1. and principall Gods glorie 2. neerer and inferiour 1. the helping of the communion of Saints 2. building of the Church which he who is likely most to preferre is principally to be preferred As Gods steward Here are likewise to be considered two things 1. the signification of the word 2. the force of the argument First the word implyeth thus much that God is a great housholder Matth. 21.33 that his house is his Church where he as a great personage keepeth his residence more stately and honourable then the court or standing house of any earthly king in the world in that herein he pleaseth to manifest his presence by his spirit working in the word and ministerie and as it is with other great houses so the spirit of God speaketh of this as committed not to one but many stewards who take the charge of it to order and gouerne it according to the minde of the Master and vnto his greatest honour and aduantage And these stewards are the ministers so called 1. because as the steward in an house is to dispence all necessaries vnto the whole familie according to the allowance and liking of his Lord euen so the Minister receiueth from God power to administer according to the necessities of the Church all the things of God as word Sacraments prayer admonition c. 2. As the steward receiueth the keies of the house to open and shut to lock and vnlock to admit or exclude out of the house for so is it said of Eliacim Isa. 22.22 euen so euery Minister receiueth the keies of the kingdome of heauen to open and shut heauen to bind and loose to remit and retaine sinnes as Matth. 16.19 3. As the steward sitteth not in his owne as an owner or freeholder but is to be counteable and to giue vp his bills monethly or quarterly when the master shall call for them so euery Minister is to be counteable of his talents receiued and of his expenses and how he hath dispensed his masters goods Heb. 13.17 They watch for your soules as they which must giue accounts Doct. From which similitude we may learne that it is the dutie of euery Minister to see that he haue both the calling and also the properties beseeming him who is the steward of God And for his calling he must be Gods steward the Lord must set him in this place of seruice so neere him or else he is but a theife and intruder of whom it cannot be said that the Lord hath made him ruler ouer his house The properties of Gods steward are principally two 1. Wisedome 2. Faithfulnes So we finde them in the place alleadged who is a wise and faithfull seruant whom the Lord may make ruler ouer his house And first of the faithfulnes of this steward as the cheife Doctor of his Church hath gone before in example who was first appointed and then faithfull vnto him that appointed him Heb. 3.2 so is it required of euery Minister of Christ and disposer of the secrets of God that he be found faithfull Now this
prophecie though a false one to flie into the Temple for his life from before his enemies he answered shall such a man as I flie this were neither glorious to God nor honourable to my selfe he set me about this busines and he can and will deliuer me and my selfe am the captaine and set ouer all the people and can I flie who is it that beeing as I am would goe into the Temple to liue the fact then beeing in this and other respects against the law of God and against my conscience I will not for the sauing of my life do it Vse 2. Euery professor of the Gospel beeing drawne much neerer vnto God then the common sort of men must endeauour to walke worthy of God Colos. 1.10 and worthy of the calling to which he is called Eph. 3.1 namely both the generall calling of Christianitie which must be beautified and adorned as also the speciall calling and condition of life vnto which the Lord hath disposed him for euen that must be holily and wisely managed And such force hath this reason drawne from our caller and calling to mooue beleeuing hearts to watchfulnes ouer their waies as that the Apostles most frequently vrge it vpon Christians As where we are commanded to be holy because God is holy to walke in the light as God is light to walke in loue as God is loue to walke in the truth as God is the truth by all which and many moe like precepts what else is enioyned a Christian man but that the life the nature the goodnes and holines of God reuealed in Christ be the example and direction of his life and course for this is the walking worthy of God to which we are exhorted by this argument because he hath called vs 1. Thess. 2.12 And further if we consider vnto what we are called the same place of the Apostle sheweth that we are called to be very neare vnto God walke worthy of him that hath called you to his kingdome and glorie to a kingdome we were indeed farre off alients and Gentils and very despicable without all hope but now are called to participate in another manner of kingdom then that of great King Ahashuerosh to which poore Hester was called And seeing many may be in the court of a Prince and yet some of them abide in baser offices and not many of them glorious or gracious as the Queene and children are God hath called vs to a kingdome and glorie that with the residue of the Church we might become his owne spouse and so partake of his own glorie and maiestie Now how much are such beggars as we called to such aduancements bound to walke worthy of such a condition as to which in Christ we are called 2. Let euery professor consider that the falls of such as are nearer God more dishonour God and more hurt the Church then grosser sinnes of other men and therefore the Lord can lesse beare their falls vncorrected Dauid tooke it more heauily that such as did eate bread at his table should despise him then others further off and that Absolon his owne bowells should seeke his life then that Shemei should raile on him Professors of Christ must thinke that they dip in the same dish with Christ and therefore they of all should be farre from dishonoring him Which one consideration should enforce them the rather both to sorrow for sinne past and breaking off sinnes present as also the preuenting of sinnes for time to come 3. Whereas Salomon saith that the righteous falling before the wicked are as a corrupt well and troubled spring that is they trouble offend and after a sort poyson many let the godly be more carefull to make right steps vnto their feete and the rather in these daies which so much the more call for our watchfulnes by how much the wicked are more ready maliciously to disgrace our profession that before we shall go away vnreprooued they can cast reproaches on vs for well doing yea and for our sakes euen vpon ciuill conuersation often in such as haue no grace neither shew or substance of religion in them And therefore seeing we are so sure to suffer let vs be sure we suffer not as euill doers Not froward Now followeth in the rest of this 7. verse the enumeration of the vices which must be farre remooued from that man who is to be chosen for a Minister that he may be vnblameable and they are fiue in number 1. frowardnes 2. anger 3. wine bibbing 4. contention and fighting a fruit of it 5. couetousnes The first of the fiue is frowardnes The word signifieth one wayward stiffe inflexible stubborne and carrieth with it two properties the one that such a one pleaseth himselfe yea setleth and resteth himselfe wholly in his owne inuention counsell opinion or action the other that waywardly and peeuishly he reiecteth and despiseth others in their opinions and actions an instance of which we haue in Nabal who was so froward as their was no speaking to him so hardned he was against all counsell or perswasion Doctr. Frowardnesse in whomsoeuer is a matter of euill report and such a spot as must not appeare in him who is to be chosen a Minister Reasons 1. It is the mother of errour in life and doctrine yea of strange opinions scismes and heresies themselues and it cannot be otherwise seeing the eare of a selfe conceited person is shut against all counsell without which thoughts come to nought as where many counsellers are is stedfastnes And as euery where almost the wicked man is termed a froward man and a wicked and vngodly heart a froward heart so is it generally true which the wise man obserued that such a froward heart can neuer finde good but euill and woe cleaueth vnto it and therefore Dauid when he would shut the doore of his soule against much euil said a froward heart shall depart from mee I will not know that is affect and act euill 2. Whereas men thinke it a note of learning and wisedom not to yeeld an inch in any opinion they take vp the spirit of God brandeth it with a note of folly and it is no other then the way of the foole which seemeth good in his owne eyes Indeed neither Minister nor ordinarie Christian may be as shaking reeds tossed hither and thither with euery blast of winde but yet is it a wise mans part to heare and trie and not stick to his owne counsell as a man wiser in his owne conceit then seauen men that can giue a reason for there is greater hope of a foole then of such a one 3. There are many necessitudes and occasions betweene the Minister and people he must admonish the inordinate raise with comforts the afflicted restore those that are fallen and set their bones againe tenderly by the spirit of meeknes and priuately encourage those that do well Againe they must consult with him aske him
minde is put for all the faculties of it especially the vnderstanding reason and iudgement all which are deluded and deceiued by these vain teachers Quest. How did these false teachers deceiue mens minds Ans. Foure waies 1. by suppressing the truth for by their vaine iangling and speaking liker Poets Philosophers historians then Prophets Apostles or any successors of theirs they made a cleanly conuaiance of the light from the people and withholding the truth and light they led them from Christ from the right knowledge of the Scriptures from sound godlinesse and religion in iudgement and practise and so they remained as darke in their vnderstanding as erronious in their iudgements as froward in their affections and as wicked in their liues as euer before Secondly by flatterie for they would not deale directly against the sinnes of the age as godly Ministers doe but deceitfully that they might not displease herein imitating Satan himselfe who was wont of olde to answer in riddles as he answered Craesus that if he would transport himselfe ouer the riuer Halys he should ouerthrowe a most mightie kingdome namely his owne But Micha will not deceiue nor flatter with Ahab although it stand vpon his life Thirdly by letting men see their estate in false glasses so as they neuer see the truth of it for people taught by fables and nouelties think and are borne in hand that they are in heauens high way their soules are brought on sleepe and comming from such froathie discourses they sit downe and please themselues in that they haue done their task required especially if they can bring home a iest or some wittie sentence when perhaps they scarce heard a word of Christ of their iustification of their mortification or of their glorie 4. By placing religion in bodily exercises not in matters of spirit and truth Colos. 2.20 thus did the Pharisies in their times the Papists in these and whosoeuer more vrge the decrees of men more then the commaundements of God Quest. But whose mindes are deceiued Answ. First their owne and then others for they are blind leaders of the blind deceiuing and beeing deceiued and although here our Apostle expresseth not here who they be that are deceiued yet elsewhere he doth as Rom. 16.18 they deceiue the hearts of the simple and 2. Tim. 3.6 they lead captiue simple women and 2. Pet. 2.14 they beguile vnstable soules whence we see that ignorant inconstant and vnsetled soules which hand ouer head receiue any doctrine without examination or triall whose simplicitie disableth them to iudge betweene truth and falshood and whose leuitie makes them like shaken reeds these are the carkases on which such vultures do seaze Hence 1. note three notable properties of errour 1. it neuer loueth solitarinesse but is a spreading leauen shrowding it selfe in multitudes and compassing sea and land to procure patrons and Proselytes Example we haue in the Iesuites the arch deceiuers of minds and impostors of the world 2. It taketh the highest holds of men euen the mind vnderstanding and iudgement that the eie once beeing put out and the light turned into darknes it might cary men headlong remorslesly to all cursed practises which necessarily resemble as they proceed from the former 3. It ouerturneth all Gods order ordinances for whereas the scope of the teachers calling is to enlighten mens minds perswade their consciences rectifie their hearts so as they might growe vp in the sauing knowledge of God in Christ and the liuely sense of their owne saluation in a word whereas they are to set and containe men in the right way error in their minds causeth them to drawe men out of the right path as this word properly signifieth 2. Note what is the best fence against false teachers and an hedge against seducers namely 1. knowledge 2. loue of the truth The former armeth simple soules by letting them see the difference betweene the right hand and left without the which the minde cannot be good But the latter is the surest pace of truth and that is the loue of it for no matter it is that men know professe and can talke of the truth if their soules cleaue not vnto it for euen vpon those that receiue the truth shall God send strong delusions to beleeue lyes if they receiue it not in the loue of it Quest. But what is this doctrine to vs we all professe the truth and loue it from our hearts and therefore we hope we are fenced from deceiuers or beeing deceiued Answ. But let vs consider 1. That these are the last times which the Apostles prophecied of euen perilous times wherein many deceiuers should creepe into the Church and many should giue heed to the spirits of error 2. That these deceiuers of mindes were such as liued in the bosome of the Church among such as professed Christ and his religion 3. That they lurked secretly and that the Christians of that time could hardly of themselues descrie them and therefore the Apostle is glad to helpe them and wisheth them carefully to preuent them and therefore there may be priuie impostors among vs. 4. That we hauing set doores open for them we shal not want deceiuers for whatsoeuer many men say most men loue not the truth sincerely delt withall nay they desire to be deceiued while they hate with a deadly hatred such Michaes as would let them see their estate and helpe them out And is it not Gods manner of iust proceeding when men desire preachers that will preach of wine and strong drinke to send them such teachers as they desire that he that is ignorant and filthie may be ignorant and filthie still Those then that care not for the truth shall haue teachers which shall be Gods executioners to lead them into error that as by the great Antichrist the Lord reuenged and plagued the contempt of the light in the world so also in particular Churches and places by false teachers and pettie Antichrists If men will not abide wholesome doctrine but haue itching eares they shall haue an heape of teachers after their owne lusts to turne their eares fr●m the truth and delude them with fables Let Ahab once hate Micha the Lord presently consulteth who shall deceiue him and if this question once proceede out of Gods mouth the deuill is present and so forward in the execution of Gods vengeance as he shall preuaile against 400. false Prophets at a clappe before he shall not fall by them This truth is as a finger in the bile and beeing rubbed will perhaps make Zidkiah take his fist from Michaes face and say when went the spirit from me to thee yet ceaseth it not to be the truth of God concerning our selues who so long as we giue heede to the spirit of error cannot want deceiuers Let men therefore professing themselues members of the Church looke vnto themselues and labour to knowe the truth to affect it to stand vnto it if they would be fenced
ministerie be they old or young rich or poore one or other must yeeld obedience vnto it For seeing the Scripture is furnished to teach all men all their duties and the ministerie ordained by God to discouer the wisedome of God olde men must not disdaine to sit downe at Christs feete nor young men to learne how to redresse their waies nor the rich to become rich in God nor the poore to become poore in spirit nor the master to acknowledge a master in heauen nor the seruant to become the seruant of Christ. 2. To desire fit instruction in the ministerie and come to vs as the people Publicans soldiers to Iohn Master what shall we doe See Acts 2.37 and 16.30 3. To praie that we may deliuer fit doctrine Eph. 6.19 and for me that vtterance may be giuen to speake as I ought No man but would desire and call for a fit plaister or potion for his bodie but when we labour against mens particular sinnes directly and speake aptly to their consciences like vnrulie and inconsiderate patients they fret and storme if we come any thing neere the quicke of their galled consciences No man but in trouble of spirit or terrour of conscience would heare from vs words of comfort but there is a deale of proud flesh which would vnremooued for euer hinder their ●ound cure which when it is consumed we are readie to supple with words as soft as oyle but till then men must pray for wisedome to daunce to our pipe and as we must set our selues against the sinnes of all ages and callings so must they themselues against their owne sinnes 4. Whereas many thinke that those sinnes are least to be striuen against which are incident to the age or sexe and that we lay intollerable yokes on youth which must haue the swinge and for olde men because their age carrieth them to teastinesse and frowardnes therefore they may better be forborne these may hence see their error neither is this any other then to strengthen the hands of sinners and a giuing of scope to natural corruption If men indeede were so humbled as that they were readie to despaire because they cannot ouercome such corruptions then might we say that no temptation hath befallen them but such as goeth ouer the common nature but otherwise to plead for any libertie in excusing sinne is an hardening of the heart and a backe by as to repentance The elder men Doctr. Our Apostle exempteth not old men from beeing subiect to the doctrine of God because of their age but rather sendeth them first to schoole notwithstanding all that knowledge and experience which they might pretend 1. Ioh. 2.13 For Gods schoole is as well for olde as for young in which men are not onely to be initiated in the principles of religion but also to be lead forward vnto perfection of wisedome and seeing no man can attaine in this life vnto perfection therefore euerie man is still to presse forward and to waxe old daily learning something And there is great reason that as old men must first be instructed by Titus so they should be the first in learning their dutie Seeing First in regard of example for their presidence preuaileth much and would be a great inducement to the younger who neede all incouragements in the wayes of God which example not beeing generall giuen by our elder men besides that they entangle themselue● in the sinnes of the younger we cannot maruaile at the licentiousnes of our youth Secondly the honour of their age yea the ornament and crowne of their yeares is to be found in the wayes of righteousnesse that is in a life lead holily and iustly which two can neuer be found but in a heart submitted to the word of God the rule of both The want of this crowne maketh much olde age burdensome dishonourable and old men to liue euen vndesired because they are not onely euerie way vnprofitable but hurtfull and gracelesse not onely old stockes fruitlesse in their age but withered and keeping the ground barren also Thirdly whereas old men are delighted with relations of idle antiquities and things formerly passed as long as they can recall the holy Ghost recalleth them from such vnfruitfull spending their time and sheweth them that Christ and his doctrine both of them beeing from the beginning are most auncient and consequently the knowledge and remembrance of him is a matter best beseeming them to haue their senses and tongues exercised herein should bee the delight o● their age to be conuersant in the holy exercises which witnesse of him should be their chiefe busines as old Annah went not out of the Temple and olde Simeon waited there to see his saluation Fourthly their time by the course of nature cannot be long to fit themselues to heaven and therefore they had not neede slacke any opportunitie which might hast them thither they by reason of their time should see saluation nearer then when they first beleeued and imitating naturall motion in grace become more violent towards the center they ought to haue experience of the sweetenesse of the Lords yoke and shewe all chearefulnes in well doing while they abide in the flesh they should forecast to leaue a sweete sent behind them of a religious carriage toward God in all the duties of pietie and of a louing carriage towards all men Vse 1. This condemneth the frowardnesse of many of the elder sort who although they neuer learned to knowe Christ and the way of life when they were yong yet are neither afraid nor ashamed to say that they are now too olde to learne him the which speach bewraieth that as yet they neuer learned him aright as also that they are verie farre from saluation for whosoeuer is too olde to learne the meanes is too olde also to attaine the ende besides the extreame follie of such an vngodly profession for would the oldest man that can be sent on a iourney in a way both vnknowne to him and not easie to be found or held so sillily reason with himselfe I will right forward I neuer came this way before neither doe I knowe it but I will neuer aske of it for I am too olde now to learne it and yet thus madde are olde men in the matters of God and his kingdome Others would faine learne but not of young men this standeth not with their grauitie But howsoeuer maturitie of yeares is not to be neglected in a minister seeing that in the ordinarie course it carieth with it ripenes of iudgement yet Gods grace in youth must not be despised 1. Tim. 4.12 Let no man despise thy youth and who is commanded here to teach olde men but Titus a young man As for that place 2. Tim. 3.6 a minister must not be a young scholler it is not meant of one young in yeares but young in faith one lately conuerted to the Christian faith and as it were a tender and young plant in
rules 1. So to exhort as that the consciences of men may conclude that euen there where he perswadeth and entreateth he hath power to command and terrifie though in his loue he lay downe that power for the present 2. That he doe not there exercise lenitie where the case requireth seueritie nor mildnesse when the case requireth the worke of seruent zeale As first where sinne waxeth bold the Minister must put on boldnesse If a calfe stand before Moses it is a case wherein the mildest man vpon the earth must forget his meekenesse and cloath himselfe with zeale for the glorie of God Sometimes the Minister is to deliuer the word as it were in a soft and still voice and sometimes he must change his coppie and lift vp his voice like a trumpet to shewe Iudah his sinne and the people of God their transgression Secondly when admonition and exhortation will not serue to cut off sinne but there is rather a reioycing in it Here Paul himselfe will put on his authoritie 1. Cor. 5.2 13. put away from you that wicked man Thirdly when the ministerie is or is like to be drawne into contempt then especially must it put on power and authoritie This was the practise of the Apostles who were forced often partly by the low estimation of the simple and ignorant who esteemed of the preaching of the Gospel but as foolishnes and partly by the malitious oppositions of the false Apostles who depraued their ministerie as weake and vnlearned to be long in the challenging of their calling power and authoritie see 2. Cor. 10.2.8 c. Vse 1. Ministers must labour wisely to discerne betweene persons and actions as Ioseph did betweene the persons and causes of Pharaohs butler and baker and speake differently to the tractable and stubborne children and seruants must not be dealt with alike Christ spake not to the Priests and people alike nor Iohn Baptist to the Iewes and Scribes alike nor Paul to the Galatians and Ephesians alike but Gods mouth must separate the pretious from the vile Compassion must be had vpon some but not all others must with feare be pulled out of the fire neither may the Publican and Pharisie looke for the same sentence and iudgement 2. Whereas men cannot endure preachers who leaue exhortation to thunder out damnation let them know that if their sinnes be growne bold as an harlot and the word of meeknes cannot preuaile against them we must then come with a rodde and not the spirit of meeknes otherwise as Christ was most meek in his life and doctrine so should his Ministers be also The third point in the verse is the vertue commended to the practise of young men and that is the grace of sobrieeie which moderateth the minde in the lusts and affections in generall and is not to be restrained to that outward sobrietie which is opposed to intemperance in meat and drinke for it is taken for graunted that intemperance must be nipt in the head and broken in the shell before it be hatched and outwardly produced into the life This appeareth 2. Tim. 2.22 where Paul in other words prescribeth the same dutie vnto Timothie flie the lusts of youth not meaning thereby such vncleannes and lasciuious filthinesse wherewith gracelesse young men were carried away for Timothie was now of such grauitie as befitted an Euangelist but he would preuent in him all that violent course and carriage of affections vnto which that hotter age is more propense not fearing that Timothie would breake out into filthy vncleannes of lusts so much as least his youth should carrie him to rashnesse pride selfe conceit and so cause him to fall through too much confidence Now how fitly is this precept directed to young men the sinne of whome is the strength of lusts Salomon himselfe ascribeth this to their age to carrie much indignation wrath griefe in the heart and much euill in their flesh that is many noysome and troublesome lusts wherewith through their heate they are assayled Of their presumption and ouerweening themselues wee haue instance in the young man All these haue I kept from my youth Of their want of consideration and experience in another young man who heedlessely went on to destruction as an oxe to the slaughter or a foole to the stocks euen so went he Of their rage and heat with vnadvised rashnes in Rehoboams yonger counsellers stirring vp their master to needles terrors and threats Of their prodigalitie and vncleannes in the younger brother called the prodigall sonne who spent all vpon harlots all which things are not spoken to free other ages from such inordinate lusts for naturall corruption is not idle in any age but incessantly is hatching euill motions and actions but of all ages youth is most fertill and abounding as the fattest grounds with weedes with all wicked inclinations vicious and raging affections and there is no vice vnder the sunne vnto which it is not after a speciall sort subiect that it is a singular fauour of God for a youth so innocently to passe ouer his younger yeares as that some notable blot or inconuenience cleaue not to him which perhaps long after craues his seruice or addeth vnto his sorrowes But if these be not reasons weightie enough to drawe young men to this grace of sobrietie we might adde many moe As 1. to satiate ones selfe with his owne wayes argueth an heart declined from God Prou. 14.14 2. The Lord himselfe mocketh vnbridled youth Eccles. 11. which is a most seuere iudgement for God neuer laugheth at vs but we haue cause to weepe that which men laugh at as a tricke or touch of youth or some light slippe the Lord laugheth at because it is to be brought to a more righteous iudgment and consistorie 3. What a fearfull sinne and iudgement it is to be giuen vp to a mans owne hearts lusts se● Rom. 1.26 and Ier. 9.14.15 4. The commandement of God Eccles 11. Put away anger c. Oh but we shall depriue our selues of the pleasure of our liues but the wise man hath an answer readie that youth and morning is but vanitie that is soone gone and without great heed lost irrecouerably Now the meanes to attaine this vertue First beginne at the heart be sober minded get an humble heart which will frame to an humble carriage in behauiour speech apparell for the smalnesse of a man in his own eyes crosseth those ouerweenings and ouerdeemings of youth whereby they thinke they knowe more can doe more and better then the auncient it will make them suspect all their counsells which if Rhehobams young men had done they had preuented that great rent of the kingdom at that time it will make them sit silent before the elder and suffer themselues to be lead by their experience Secondly consider that these inward lusts are great sinnes though they neuer breake out into externall actions which naturall men see not so to be and therefore
the plagues of God which enter into the house of the vniust person yea often whippeth him with his owne rodde bringing often vpon such as haue beene vnfaithfull seruants by meanes of vnfaithfull seruants pouertie and want or worse things that their sinne might returne vpon them with much more bitternesse 4. That a good meanes to learne rightly to vse our owne portion of goods is by the carefulll vse of other mens comming into our hands For he that wretchedly rioteth and squandreth his masters goods for most part is giuen ouer by Gods iudgement to bee a waster of his owne And here taketh place that speach of Christ If you be vnfaithfull in an other mans goods who shall giue you that which is your owne teaching that he that is vnfaithfull to an other seldome is faithful in his owne affaires That they may adorne the doctrine of God our Sauiour in all things First for the meaning The doctrine of the Gospel is called the doctrine of Christ. 1. Because he is the argument and subiect of it whence some of the Euangelists beginne their writing thus The beginning of the Gospel of Iesus Christ and the Apostle Paul beginneth his writing with his setting apart to preach the Gospel of God concerning his Sonne for Christ Iesus deliuered to death for sinne and raised again for iustification is the whole matter Whence Paul calleth it the word of the crosse not onely because the crosse followed it but also in that it is the doctrine of Christ crucified 2. Because he is the first and chiefe messenger and publisher of it who in Paradise promised that the seede of the woman should breake the serpents head and none but the sonne who came from the bosome of the father could reueale and shewe the fauourable face of his father vnto vs who also in fulnesse of time to shewe himselfe the cheife doctor of his Church came in his own person and went about preaching and teaching this doctrine of the kingdome 3. Whosoeuer haue beene the teachers and publishers of this doctrine from the beginning either by word or writing not excepting Prophets and Apostles themselues or shall be vnto the ende they all do it by commandement from him yea himselfe preacheth in them and in vs. Thus the Apostle saith Eph. 2.17 that Christ came and preached peace to them that were farre off that is to the Gentiles in the persons of his Apostles for otherwise in his owne person as he was not sent so he preached not but to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel And therefore although Paul sometimes call it his Gospel and speaking of other Apostles also our Gospel yet must it be meant onely in regard that they were the publishers but not the authors of it for that is Christ himselfe 4. As it proceedeth from him so it tendeth wholly vnto him and leadeth beleeuers to see and partake both of his grace and glorie shining in the same Secondly Christ is called God our Sauiour 1. To prooue his owne dietie not onely in expresse tearmes beeing called God but also by the epithite agreeing onely to a diuine nature our Sauiour 2. To imply our owne miserie whose infinite wretchednesse onely God could remooue and whose infinite good none but God could restore 3. And especially in regard of this doctrine 1. to confirme the diuinitie of the same it beeing a doctrine of God and a doctrine of saluation proceeding from our Sauiour 2. To enforce the dutie towards it namely that seeing the author of it is God the matter diuine the effect saluation meet it is that such a sauing doctrine a doctrine of such tidings should be beautified and adorned Thirdly this doctrine is adorned when it is made bewtifull and louely vnto men and this by two things in the professors of it 1. By an honest and vnblameable conuersation for carnall men commonly esteem of the Doctrine by the life and the profession by the practise of the professor Hence the Apostle would haue Christians so compose all their actions as whosoeuer should see their good workes might be mooued to glorifie God And this appeareth more clearely in the contrarie for when the worke answereth not to the word it causeth the name of God to be blasphemed among vnbeleeuers and to glorie in the law yet breaking the law is a great dishonour to God 2. By Gods blessing which is promised and is attending such walking whereby euen strangers to the Church are forced to beginne to like of the profession for Gods blessing vpon his people is not onely profitable to themselues but turneth to the saluation of many others We read of many of the Heathen people that when they saw the great aduancement of Hester and Mordecay they became Iewes And when the Egyptians saw the great workes that God did for his people among them it is said that many of them ioyned themselues to the Israelites So we read in the Ecclesiasticall storie that when Licinius was ouercome by Constantine and the persecutions ceased which had almost for 300. yeares together wasted the Church how innumerable of them who before had worshipped their idols were contented to be receiued into the Church On the contrarie the Gospel is dishonoured when the Lord is forced to iudge and correct the abuse of his name in the professors of it Ezech. 36.20 When they that is the Israelites entred among the Heathen they polluted my name when they said of them these are the people of the Lord and are gone out of his Land Fourthly Seruants adorne the Gospel when professing it they by performing all faithfull seruice to their masters in and for God seeke and obtaine the blessing of God in the condition of life wherein he hath placed them whereas the casting off of the yoake in beleeuing seruants would make men conceiue that God whose name they professe were the author of confusion and not of order and that the Gospol were an enemie to ciuill and humane right For what is more right and equall then for masters to enioy their seruants as they do the other parts of their goods and bet●er might a man misse a great part of his goods then the person and labour of his seruant Doctr. The meanest Christian in his place may and ought to bring glorie vnto the Gospel These seruants were sould and bought like beasts in smithfeild yet must such poore creatures by their faithfulnesse diligence and conscience decke and bewtifie the Gospel which euen by their liues receiueth either honour or discredit In the Tabernacles building euery man must bring lesse or more The Lord esteemeth not of men by the places they hold but by their carriage in them A poore wise child or seruant here is better then an old foolish King In a word no man is called to the truth but on condition to shew forth the vertues of him that hath called him Vse 1. Let seruants who
iudgements vnto Israel he dealt not so with euery nation neither haue they knowne his waies But now in this last age of the world this couenant of grace and life at least for propounding is made common to all people now euery man is inuited vnto repentance the partition wall is broken downe the vaile is rent and the mysterie which was kept secret from the beginning of the world is published to all nations Rom. 16.26 Vse 1. This place thus rightly interpreted yeeldeth no patronage to that deuise of Vniuersall election which they draw from the vniuersall vocation of men to the knowledge of the Gospel But many are called not euery particular man and the greatest part of the world haue alwaies bin out of the couenant besides of them that are called few come so as all to whom this grace is published participate not in it Vse 2. Note the extent of this couenant farre aboue the other whence it is fitly called by Iude the common saluation as in regard of the ends and meanes of it so also in respect of the subiects called vnto it so in the former Chapter vers 4. it is called the common faith not onely in regard of the kind and obiect of it but also of the subiects persons of all kinds beeing called thereunto which consideration should stirre vp our reioysing in that the barren and desolate hath more children then the married wife that the place of the tents of the Church is so enlarged and the courtaines of her habitation spread out as we are exhorted Isa. 54.1 Vse 3. Note that the kingdome of Christ admitteth no distinction of men it is not of this world which accepteth of men for their place countrie calling but all countries and callings are alike vnto God in euery nation and calling he that feareth him is accepted of him he neither accepteth the person of the Prince nor of the poore for they both are the worke of his hands he calleth the Gentile the seruant the poore and these receiue the Gospel Where againe we who are Gentiles and were Lo Ammi and Lo Ruhania may reioyce that we are receiued to pitie and that the wing of Gods mercie is stretched ouer vs who iustifieth the circumcision of faith and the vncircumcision through faith Hence may the poore beleeuer be he a thrall a seruant and base in the world raise his heart to comfort that euen he whom men despise is called and that effectually to see the grace and saluation of God euen he who is perhaps a seruant to some meane man is a free citizen in Gods kingdom euen he that hath neuer a foote in earth is become a purchaser in heauen Here is no complaint that the prodigall sonne is entertained and the seruiceable sonne neglected The Enunch need not say I am a drie tree nor the sonne of the stranger the Lord hath surely separated me from his people but whosoeuer cleaueth vnto the Lord to loue the Lord and serue him them he will giue a name better then of sonnes and daughters euen an euerlasting name that shall not be put out Vse 4. This meeteth also with a wofull delusion among many Protestants to whom when we call for conscionable walking in a Christian course What say they did not Christ die for all men and is not heauen as open for mee as for others would not God haue all men to be saued is he not mercifull will he condemne for such and such things which what is it else but from the abundance of grace to make their sinnes superabound and thus they plainly shew that they were neuer yet effectually called and that although they haue bin called to the supper yet haue they refused to come Hath appeared The Gospel is compared to a great light shining out brightly and gloriously 1. a light in that 1. it dispelleth a manifold darknesse which before occupied the minds of men 2. in regard of direction 3. comfort which it bringeth to the beleeuing soule And 2. a great light wherein is a fourth difference from the old Testament in which all things were more darke and obscure through the vaile of figures and ceremonies so as their light was but like the obscure light of the sunne before the rising not that the substance and scope of their doctrine was not the same with ours but that in the manner of deliuerie it was farre lesse lightsome But now the light is risen vp in glorious sort shining not as before almost to none but Iewes but to the Gentiles also so as according to the Prophets foreshadowing hereof the sunne is not only risen and in our midheauen but the light of it is seauen fold bigger then it was before And the reasons are sundrie 1. Many were the types and predictions of the old Testament which must be knowne to be accomplished in the new which for this cause must as farre excel the other in light and brightnesse as the bodie the shadow or the thing it selfe the figure and picture of it truely to this saith one that the exposition must be more cleare then the text 2. The promises made to the Church of the new Testament were many moe and farre more ample then to the old as that from the least to the greatest all should know the Lord that the mountaine of the Lord should be lifted vp vpon the toppe of the mountaines that all the earth should be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters couer the sea the which if they be fulfilled then this great light hath appeared 3. The generalitie of the doctrine confirmeth the same For all nations were to be called to the embracing of it Gentiles Arabians Barbarians and the rest euen of the most barbarous Heathens much light therefore and perspicuitie was to be required in such a doctrine as should acquaint all nations not only with it selfe but all that doctrine also which was formerly deliuered in all ages to the Church of God and this latter most full and clearely explaned in the former This light in this regard is growne like that cloud from an handbreadth to couer the whole heauens and is indeed that water running vnder the threshold of the sanctuarie which is risen from the ankles to a riuer yea a sea couering the earth 4. The exhibiting of Christ in fulnesse of time who came from his fathers bosome to reueale things there secretly reserued from the beginning of the world and the plentifull powring out of the spirit long before promised and 50. daies after Christs ascension accomplished to the Church of the new Testament doth certainely seale vp this same truth besides those expresse places of Scripture which might be alleadged to this purpose In 2. Cor. 3. Paul affirmeth that the ministration of the spirit is farre more glorious then that of the law which he calleth the ministration of death of which he affirmeth that yet it was so glorious that it made
the Scriptures see 1. Pet. 1.17.18 If you call him father passe the time of your dwelling here in feare knowing that you were redeemed c. And the reason is of great force for gifts and good turnes haue great power to hold mens harts to the bestower that a man is scarce his owne but as the borrower is a seruant to the lender so much more doth the giuer binde the receiuer but if the gift be no trifle but of great price and necessarie vse the receiuer is much more straitly bound then before Salomon saith that a gift prospereth where euer it goeth noting the great power that gifts haue to sway the heart to good or euill and this latter so effectually as they can make a man who hath eyes of his owne to shut them vp see with other mens yea force euen wise men to peruert iudgement Ioseph when he wrastled with the wicked attempt of his impudent mistris how did he fortifie himselfe against such a shamlesse motion hee considered that his Master had committed all into his hand and aduanced him aboue all in the house saue his Mistrisse how should I then saith he commit a fact of such indignitie against him for besides the wickednesse of it against God shamelessnes it selfe would be ashamed of it And as he was withdrawne from this sinne so by the same motiue would the Apostle draw on euery Christian to the performance of euery Christian dutie for hauing disputed of free iustification by faith and shewed both from what estate and vnto what condition beleeuers were brought he laieth this for a ground to build his exhortation vnto holy life Rom. 12.1 I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God euen by these mercies of God be perswaded to g●ue vp your bodies a liuing holy and acceptable sacrifice vnto God and fashion not your selues like vnto this world Vse In any temptation vnto sinne say to thy selfe as Ioseph what was I a bondman before I came to my master nay was I vnder damnation before as the bringing of saluation implyeth was I without God without Christ held vnder chaines of darkenesse was sentence passed against me not to die on a gibbet but to be held vnder euerlasting death with the damned hath the Lord by the word of his grace giuen mee a free pardon and deliuered me from all this wofull estate Oh how can I do this wickednes against such a master against my God who hath not onely freed me from my miserie but aduanced me to such dignitie as no man is in the house aboue me and made me not steward onely but heire with Christ to partake in the same glorie with him Oh I could neuer answer such vnthankefulnes Would God men in temptations would lay such considerations to heart and then could they not be so headlong carried into the common sinnes of the age of swearing drinking sabbath breaking vncleannes and such like Againe if the Lord make any suit vnto vs as he maketh many in the ministerie of the word the motions of his spirit and the counsels and exhortations of his children either to call vs forward in grace or recall vs from some sinne here is a strong motiue for the good speed of it euen the laying to our hearts the great things he hath done for our soules he can command vs nothing but we are sure he hath done farre more for vs say then with thy selfe oh I was attainted of high treason against God the King of glorie cast and condemned by the law my necke was vpon the block and the streak of death was euen a giuing and then did this great King send me a most vnexpected but a most welcome pardon he hath put away my offence abolished the staine of it and restored me by act of parliament kept in heauen to my blood nay more aduanced mee to an honourable office neere himselfe that none is in greater grace then I am shall this King now command mee any thing that shall seeme burdensome can he command any thing so soone but I must needs call to minde such free grace formerly bestowed Nay doth he enioyne me but some small peece of seruice for mine owne good and vrge me thereto with the remembrance of his former grace towards me Oh what an vnthankfull creature were I if so equall a suit should not preuaile with mee but goe vnrespected In a word let vs be glad of such a gentle schoolmaster which inuiteth vs by such allurements which if they be not of force to mooue and preuaile with men there remaineth nothing but that the terrors and curses of the law returne againe vpon them and these shall schoole and tame them well inough Now we come to the former of the lessons which grace teacheth namely to denie 1. vngodlinesse 2. worldly lusts By vngodlines is meant properly euery transgression of the first table namely all irreligion and open despight of God and his ordinances all negligent also and deceitfull seruing of him an inbred and mother sinne hauing so many sinnes sucking vpon her as there are wayes whereby any or all the fowre first commandements are transgressed And more indirectly the sinnes of the second table are included so farre as they proceed from the neglect of the former By worldly lusts are meant two things 1. the lust of vnlawfull things which tend to our owne hurt or our neighbours in bodie goods name c. 2. the vnlawfull or immoderate lust of things lawfull which are brought to three heads 1. The lust of the flesh that is desire to liue softly to fare daintely and deliciously euerie day and that the soule may take the ease and much more the fruits of these as vnchast desires lustfull and rouing affections and looks loose and vncleane words and practises 2. Lust of the eyes the couetous and crauing eye the euill eie which can see nothing but it wisheth it the excessiue seeking and holding of earthly things immoderate desire of riches Achan will haue the cursed Babylonish wedge and garment and Ahab will fall sicke on his bed for Naboths vineyard 3. Pride of life ambition thirst after preferments state credit popularitie blind selfe loue contempt of others boasting rash confidence c. All these are called worldly lusts because 1. they are not of the father but of the world that is either in the best vse of these things so affected they are of the world and respect the present life they are not diuine things but tend vnto the world wholly and are corruptible with the world which passeth away so as it were madnesse to place the kingdome of God in such things as meate drinke honours pleasures though neuer so lawfully vsed Or else these lusts are the desires of worldly men for naturally mens hearts feed vpon these lusts till grace worke some change in them that they can see God in Christ become their father who contenteth them with better and sweeter portions 2. They are
that which all the Prophets and Moses said should come to passe that Christ should suffer and be the first that should rise from the dead For what other thing could any of the Prophets write concerning Christ but either touching his humilitie or his glorie and how could himselfe haue beene raised but after or we but by his abasement Let not therefore both thine eyes be fixed as the Iewes are vpon the basenesse of his first comming but let one behold as a Christian the glorie of this second appearing which shall abundantly counteruaile the humilitie of the former Vse 2. The glorie of this second appearing is a terror to all the vngodly who haue despised his humilitie and his still voice in the Ministerie of the Gospel For whosoeuer now in this his appearance of grace will not tremble at his word to frame their soules to the obedience of it shall at this second appearance of glorie tremble to dust at his greatnesse and not be able to abide the brightnesse of his glorie Those that are now ashamed of him and that contempt and dishonour that followeth his profession shall then be ashamed of themselues when the Sonne of God shall be ashamed of them And as for such as daily pearce him with the speares and nayles of their sinnes they shall be sure to see him thus glorious whom they haue pearced when themselues shal be pearced with shame and sorrow to their endles confusion Vse 3. To comfort the faithfull seeing there is a time when they also shall appeare in glorie they must be content first to suffer with Christ before they can raigne with him and weare the crowne of thornes before this crowne of glorie the Lord dealing herein with them as a father with his children who though they be borne to neuer so great places and estates yet in their minoritie subiecteth them to such discipline as befitteth their yeares before he bestow their portion vpon them God hath his children now in the world the world knoweth them not nor seeth their glorie nay they themselues cannot in any clearenesse behold their owne glorie for no eye can see the full glorie of the Saints till the fulnes of Christs glorie appeare but when this time commeth the least of them shall be knowne to be Kings sonnes so as the Deuil himselfe and his wicked instruments who can now accuse them and say there goes an Hypocrite there goes a Precisian a Puritane a dissembler and are offended at the low base estate of the Saints here shall change their note and be compelled to say there goes a child of God there goes the Kings sonne there gos an heyre of the kingdom and shall gnaw their tongues for greif to see them exalted in glory shine in the brightnesse of Gods image and themselues vtterly and eternally excluded from God and his kingdome Let vs not then iudge our selues or others according to the flesh nor walke by sight but by faith no● altogether looking on our selues or others as we now are but as we shall be for although indeed we are now the sonnes of God yet it appeareth not what we shall be so long as our life is hid with Christ yea let vs lift vp our eyes to that glorie of our head that shall be reuealed and distributed to vs his members and our hearts in the earnest requests of faith alwaies praying Lord let thy kingdome come cause these shadowes to flie away and that day to breake wherein thy glorie which now is obscured may be manifest and shine out in the first place as is meete and then the glorie of thy seruants whose bewtie shall be made perfect in thy glorie and bewtie Doctr. 4. The Apostle doth not mention Christ without magnifying him in his titles both of power and mercie teaching ●s by his example neuer to speake of God or Christ but in a iust and weightie matter and occasion and for the manner with feare and reuerence and to such ends as we ought and are warranted by the word Now for our direction we haue the Scriptures insisting in magnifying God and Christ and the blessed Spirit in their titles and attributes especially for these three ends First to shew what a one God is in himselfe as here to shew what a person Christ is namely full of glorie might and mercie our Apostle is much and large in his stile and attributes To this purpose the Prophet Isay in one place giueth him fiue titles His name shall be called Wonderfull Counsellor the mightie God the euerlasting Father the Prince of peace Secondly not onely for the glorie of God but for the benefit of the Church 1. That hereby they might acknowledge him to be the true God so the Prophet Ieremie opposing the true God against all idols and false gods speaketh most highly of him There is none like vnto thee O Lord thou art great and thy name is great in power and in the next verse he calleth him King of nations and challengeth all dominion to belong vnto him And our Apostle when he would bring the Athenians to the acknowledgement of the onely Lord ascribeth many and great things vnto him as that he made the world and all things else that he is Lord of heauen and earth that he giueth to all life breath and all things that he made of one blood all mankind that he assigneth their times and the bounds of their habitation that in him we liue mooue and haue our beeing vers 28. 2. That after this acknowledgement we might prouoke our selues to answerable duties for example In consideration of his mercie to breake out into his due prayses Psal. 3.3 Thou Lord art my buckler my glorie and the lifter vp of mine head Isa. 12.2 Behold God is my saluation I will trust and will not feare for the Lord is my strength and song he is also become my saluation In regard of his omnipotence to studie for vprightnesse Gen. 17.1 I am God all sufficient walke before mee and be vpright In meditation of his omnipresence to be euery where reuerent because of his eye Act. 10.33 We are all here present before God c. In respect of his truth to relie our selues vpon it 1. Chro. 17.27 Thou hast blessed and it shall be blessed Exod. 3.14 Moses must tell the children of Israel that I Am hath sent mee that is who giueth beeing to all things and especially to this couenant of your deliuerance out of Egypt now at the end of 400. yeares Thirdly another end of Gods titles in Scripture is that we should not onely glorifie God and edifie our selues but also stirre vp others to the praise and worship of the true God who hath thus made himselfe knowne vnto vs Psal. 95.3.6 Come let vs worship c. for the Lord is a great God namely in beeing knowledge mercie and power Psal. 40.9 I haue declared thy righteousnesse in the great congregation I haue not hid it
torments of hell namely the endles wrath of his father vnder which his Church had otherwise beene subdued for all eternitie So as for the time the Sonne of God and Lord of all was deiected vnder all creatures and held vnder the most accursed death that euer was seeing the sinnes of all his bodie lay most heauily vpon him vnto both which branches of his obedience if you adde the voluntarinesse and freedome of both the whole will appeare most perfectly meritorious to which purpose because nothing can merit to which any man is bound the Scripture saith that he paid that which he neuer tooke and so was not bound to any such paiment Doctr. 1. Seeing Christ must giue himselfe to redeeme vs it implyeth a wonderful bondage and tyrannie of sinne ouer vs before that Christ wrought our libertie Hence doth the Scripture speake of regenerate persons as seruants of sinne seruants of vnrighteousnesse seruants of corruption we read also of the wages of sinne of the hire of vnrighteousnesse which Balaam loued of beeing sold vnder sinne and of wicked men selling themselues to worke wickednesse as Ahab and others which is nothing else but a voluntarie putting of a mans selfe vnder the will and power of sinne and thus he that committeth sinne that is giueth himselfe vnto it is the seruant of sinne To this purpose also we heare the Apostle often speaking of the raigne and dominion of sinne in the mortal bodie and of the lawe of sinne in the members rebelling against the law of the mind and of the lawe of euill which is euer present with the best But who is it that feeleth not within himselfe the wofull fruites of this captiuitie how are we bound hand and foote in chaines of darkenesse further then the sonne by setting vs free hath enlarged vs how are wee stript starke naked of our cloathes of innocencie and holynesse further then we are wrapped in the garment of this our elder brothers righteousnesse how seruill are we and at the becke of euerie sinne euerie temptation euery lust and suggestion further then the sonne hath rescued vs out of the hands of such hard Lords who seeth not this tyrant thrusting himselfe by force or fraude into his best holds so to shoulder out the right owners who perceiueth not this tyrant seeking himselfe onely and careth not for blood and murther but raigneth vnto d●●th in so many as he hath subdued who findeth not this tyrant ouerturning all lawes and constitutions and making his owne will his onely lawe to the which whosoeuer are subiected what slauerie can be compared to theirs If we consider the Iewes oppression in Egypt for 400. yeares together euen when their taskes were most encreased If the vnmercifull intreatie of them in Babylon when strange Lords had rule ouer them 70. yeares If the cruell and bloodie persecution of Antiochus of which Daniel prophesied that before it neuer was the like nor should be after it If the miserie of the Turkish gally slaues yet is there no miserie no bondage to this For there the enemie was externall here within a mans breast and bowels there the losse was outward of goods lands libertie or life but here of Gods image his fauour the soule life eternall there might they in time looke to change their Master or to flie or with the ende of their liues at the least to ende their miserie but here no man can flie except he can flie from himselfe nor ende by death but beginne rather his bondage in comparison of what it was before And whereas there is no other bondage wherein a man cannot at least wish his freedome here men will not beleeue they are in such snares but reioyce in them and are neuer so merrie as when they are strengthning their bonds vpon themselues of which thraldome if we would more distinctly conceiue in one word thus it is Originall sinne inthralls vs to actuall preceding actuall sinnes to consequent as iust punishments of the former present sinnes are presidents to other men and so we are intangled not onely with our owne but other mens transgressions also By all these we are liable to death both temporall and eternall which entred into the world by sinne hence commeth the torment and sting of a guiltie conscience hence is the sinner haunted with the horror of Gods dreadfull iudgement and the best fruit of the best mens sinnes is shame and sorrowe euen where God raiseth vp to repentance Vse 1. Note hence the miserable estate of such men as are out of Christ in whom sinne yet raigneth for these are chained in ignorance rebellion contempt of God and his word are snared with manifold lusts bound hand and foote alreadie and nothing remaineth but the casting of them into the fire for they are yet in their sinnes which one word sinne saith Luther comprehendeth Gods euerlasting wrath and the whole kingdome of the deuill And yet examples there be in the world of such who by all Gods arrowes and plagues sent against them cannot come to see their miserable bondage to and by sinne the which if it made Paul who was in Christ an auncient beleeuer to crie out Oh miserable man who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death what cause haue such to exclame vpon themselues as most wretched whose bonds are not loosed as Pauls but binding them euerie day surelier then other ouer to destruction Vse 2. Seeing by sinne we put our selues vnder such slauerie as both it selfe and Satan plaie the tyrants ouer vs we must take that counsell Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodie but daily seeke and striue to expell the tyrant and if that will not be done aime at the weakning of his forces obseruing these directions 1. Take from him his most dangerous weapons by subduing thy owne corruptions which are his Sampsons locks wherein his greatest strength lyeth 2. Banish all his freinds abetters alliance as all appearance of euill and occasions such wicked companie counsell idlenesse c. which are sinnes supporters 3. Preuent the wiles and policies of this tyrant for he is of a serpentine creeping and insinuatiue nature sinne hath many fetches for it owne fortification as false ioyes false feares false pleasures false profits by these meanes if we take not great heed it will come within vs and we shall be too weake to close with it If the Apostle Paul confesse that sin seduced him how had we weaklings need to furnish our selues with serpentine wisedome against the deceitfulnesse of sinne 4. Neuer offer conditions of peace with him be not content that he haue a little roome in thy heart as many because they cannot be without sinne make small matters of such grosse sinnes as the spirit will not dwell with and they contētedly forbeare to disease thē but arme thee against the beginnings stoppe the occasions and passages But if for want of watchfulnesse he haue made some entrance and encroched on thee stay
Kings and especially for good men as the shepheard for the sheep and not principally for the wolues Besides the supposition is nought for though they be iust yet they are so but in part and therefore sometimes they follow their priuate affections and do wrong and need the law to vrge them to do right For the third although beleeuers be vnder the protection of God who suffreth not an hayre to fall from their heads without his prouidence yet may we not strip his prouidence from the meanes which serue it of which this is a speciall one And for the fourth true it is that loue couereth all things but by couering must be meant 1. A fauourable construction of all things which in right reason may be well con●●ered for a man may not put out his eyes and affection may not so ouermaster sence as to call manifest darknes by the name of light 2. A passing by smaller infirmities and priuate offences as one that would not take knowledge of them 3. Such a couering as may cure also for loue is wise and herein most louing when in taking notice of an iniurie it turneth it selfe to the discipline of the partie sometimes by louing admonition in all lenitie and sometimes by mercifull seueritie in sharper reprehension yea and if that take no place in proceeding further to discouer the sores to skilfull surgions according to the quality of the offence to the bench either of the church or commonwealth and this is no impreachment vnto loue as we see in God himselfe who chasteneth vnto amendment whom he loueth Againe Christians may not returne euill for euill but rather beare two blowes then giue one and suffer a double iniurie then offer one but yet this hindreth not but that a Christ●an may lawfully defend himselfe although he may not offend and hurt another for we may not thinke our selues so straitly bound to the letter as the right sence of such precepts for euen Christ himselfe hauing a blow on one cheeke turned not the other but was readier and would haue done it before he would haue returned the wrong as he might Lastly Christians may not reuenge But reuenge is twofold either lawfull or vnlawfull This latter is priuate reuenge done by a mans selfe or by the help of the Magistrate when a man seeketh to right his wrong with the hatred and wreckling himselfe vpon the person or any other sinister end and this must be farre from a Christian. But there is a publike reuenge put in the hands of the Magistrate who is the Minister of God to take vengeance on the euill doers and this may be prosecuted in a good manner and for a good end without hatred of the partie offending yea and executed according to the constant orders laws of the countrie agreeable to Gods word and this execution is nothing else but the manifestation of Gods vengeance and righteous sentence Vse 2. This doctrine further meeteth with all those common slanders raised by Satan and his instruments against Christ and his kingdom and ordinances by which the deuill hath most powerfully preuailed against the Church in all ages namely by perswading ciuill gouernours that Christs kingdome is the greatest enemie to their states and kingdomes and such an enchocher as will at length vnlesse it be warily preuented pull downe their greatnesse This imputation hath the father of lyes euer laid before the eyes of great ones to alienate the minds of Princes and people from the same for the euidence of which how hath hee made it goe for currant that whereas all errors are easily tolerated and countenanced onely true religion and the professors of it haue been the causes of all stirres and tumults as though the doctrine and teachers of the Gospel of peace carried nothing else but fire and swords where they goe By what other meanes did Haman incense king Ahashuerosh against the Iewes but by telling him of a dispersed people dwelling apart from others hauing lawes which yet were Gods owne different from all other people and they would not obey the kings laws and therefore it was not for the kings profit to let them liue By what other meanes did the Chaldean courtyers incense Nebuchadnezzar against the three companions of Daniel but by imitating their contempt of him and his edict These men haue not regarded thy commandement nor will serue thy gods nor worship thy image which thou hast set vp By what other means did Rehum and Shimshai and their companions hinder the building of the temple then by writing vnto Artashast that if the Iewes had once fortified themselues within walls they would be rebellious as of old and would pay neither toll tribute nor custome and that they wrote thus much because they would not see the kings dishonour In the new Testament how haue Christians standing out for the lawes of Christ against Antichrist beene alwaies charged that they were the onely subuerters of the place where they liued and the direct contradictors of the decrees of the Caesars vnder whom they liued How often was Paul accused by the Stoicks in Athens by Demetrius by Tertullus that he was a pestilent fellowe a moouer of sedition among all the Iewes thorough the world and a sect-master And it is no meruell if the members and ministers of Christ be thus dealt with in the world seeing the head himselfe was not onely accused and condemned but executed for that he was an enemie to Caesar and a moouer of sedition Our eyes haue seene and read and our eares haue heard how Popish spirits haue euer beene readie to charge the Protestants in seuerall countryes to haue attempted to wrest the sword out of the Princes hand Harding chargeth Luther to haue animated Thomas Munzer the rebels preacher in Thuringia wheras Luther plainly calleth him the preacher of Sathan so the Rhemists call M. Calvin one of the principall rebels of his time and affirme the Protestants consistories the shoppes of rebellion This hath euer beene the cunning of Sathan to preuent the accusation of others in the things wherein himselfe is most guiltie for those that knowe Popish doctrine can easily discouer it to be none of Christs nor his Apostles because it wresteth all Princes authoritie out of their hands and mooueth their subiects to rebellion and such as knowe the state of Rome and Rhemes knowe where the shoppes stand in which all conspiracies and rebellions haue beene and are daily forged and then where would they lay them but vpon Protestants who hence shewe themselues taught by Christ because if Satan himselfe should come to accuse yet could he not say truely that euer any such thing was found in their hands Did not Charles the ninth of Fraunce giue out that the most bloodie massacre that euer the sunne sawe was done for the conspiracie of the Protestants against him and the kingdome whereas it was onely a Popish and perfidious plot long before laid against the liues
of those deare children of God And where should the gunpowder treason haue beene laid if the blowe had beene giuen had not Satan deuised shoulders which had borne a many such malitious imputations before But notwithstanding such bug-beares whereby Satan would scare men from the sincere imbracing of the truth and entertaining of the ordināces of Christ as the greatest enemies of states and kingdoms let vs be wise hearted and bold to giue Satan the lie seeing the sincerest preachers and professors of the Gospel are so far from denial of the right of Princes as that the doctrine which they bring establisheth their power in their hands rather like the workemen of Salomon who built the Temple and built his throne too And let Protestant preachers and professors carrie this garland and tryumph against all Popish spirits that although the enemies of the truth haue narrowly in all ages sifted them to finde iniquitie in them that thereby they might iustly get the ciuill sword drawne against them yet haue they found no such thing in them Vse 3. If Christian religion confirme ciuill authoritie then the way to bring men to become subiect to superiours is to plant the Gospel and take order that it may preuaile amongst them The teaching and practise of true religion is the conseruant cause of commonwealths because it is a principall meanes to bind vnto obedience without which all politike courses fayle and are found by experience too weake It is not power it is not policie that will still subdue and keepe vnder a rebellious people without the power of the word in their consciences for till obedience be willingly yeelded vnto God it can neuer be conscionably and then not constantly yeelded vnto his Leiftenant This may be a ground of our prayer that the Lord would be pleased to put into the hearts of our gouernours that the Gospel may be throughly planted in Ireland for this is the most direct way to subdue the rebels and bring the whole countrie vnder willing and free subiection Doctr. 2. Euerie Christian must yeeld obedience and subiection vnto Magistrates and higher powers To the explaning of which point three things must be opened 1. who must must be subiect 2. wherein 3. wherefore The first of these was touched before where we affirmed that all sorts of men cleargie as well as laietie must be subiect Romish policie that they might become the absolute libertines of the world and carrie their bad matters vnder a cloud that secular eyes should not prie into them hath withdrawne the neckes of the cleargie from vnder ciuil power and will be iudged by none but their compeares which is as if a theife should be tried by a quest of cutpurses and therefore when they meete with that generall conclusion Let euery soule be subiect they beate their wittes as beeing at a stand but seeing something must be bolted out for a shewe one Pope saith that the person of the speaker is excepted in giuing such preceps whereupon it commeth to passe that Paul and Peter and consequently their successors while they call for subiection of others are themselues exempted from it a silly and weake shift as though Christ did not pay tribute for Peter as for himselfe and as though Paul pleaded not before and appealed to a ciuill iudge Act. 25.11 Another procter of theirs by euerie soule will haue meant onely animall men that is secular and worldly but spirituall men and the cleargie are still exempted as though the Popish cleargie were become and all vanished into spirits or as if where Luke saith that there were in the shippe 376. soules it must needes be concluded they were all secular and animall men among whom Paul and Luke were or as if they were all naturall and animall men in the Arke because it is said there were in all eight soules of which Noah was one who was a preacher of righteousnesse much like the poore proofe of that Iesuite who because Paul would not haue the Corinths goe to lawe vnder the vniust but vnder the Saints surely concludeth that this must be vnder the Bishops for is it not likely that that Epistle was written onely to Bishops because it was sent to the Saints yet vpon such grounds as these hath their cleargie cast off the yoake of obedience these many 100. yeares cleane against the expresse word of Scripture and the vniuersall practise of holy men yea the Sonne of God in the Scriptures Aaron the high Priest must obey Moses Ahimelech when wicked Saul sent for him to slay him obeyed him beeing summoned he came and appealed not from the vniust sentence of death so did Christ so did his Apostles and so must and ought their successors vnto the ende yet sometimes as it is seene in all tenures which are not from God men knowe not what to hold to after the Popish cleargie hath challenged their exemption and authoritie by diuine right from the word beeing pressed they forget themselues and claime it iur● humano that is from the priuiledges don●tions and exemptions of Princes and Emperors wherein besides that they should not haue suffered the Princes by departing from their right to breake Gods commandement for Princes haue not power to loose him from obedience whom God hath bound as also by flying to a priuiledge as their best and last refuge is plainly implyed what of due by the lawe of God and nature belongeth vnto Princes from them The second point is wherein and how farre we ought to obey Magistrates Answ. Euery Christian is bound to take heede to the mouth of the king in all things and so farre as he hath power to command Now because the ciuill Magistrate is alwaies bound to command in the Lord and 2. is the father of our bodies after a sort and of all our outward man hence two grounds of great moment are concluded The former is that euerie man must obey all possible commandements which are not against the lawe of nature and the lawe of God for the Magistrate in all his commandements as well as executions must be the Minister of God onely vrging that vpon his subiects which God himselfe whose place he sustaineth would vrge It is said of Cyrus that he must be Gods sheepeheard and he shall performe not his owne but all my desire The iudgement is not mans but Gods and it is the honourable style of Princes to be assistants to the ruler of the whole earth neither is this to denie any supremacie to Princes to tie them to the tables of which God hath made them the keepers but it is to ascribe vnto them such soueraigntie vnder God ouer all causes and persons Ecclesiasticall and Ciuill as that they may not depose the care of Church or Common-wealth as a thing wherein they will not be wearied but must prouide that sincere and vncorrupt doctrine be published in all their Churches that the Sacraments be duely and seasonably administred
way spreadeth further and further and subverteth the faith of verie many and concludeth that no otherwise then the contagion of the most mortall diseases as the plague or leprosie or such like euen so the infection of Poperie is as diligently to be shunned of all the faithfull This truth out of the mouthes of such two worthy witnesses we may the better beleeue not onely for the strength of arguments they haue vsed as yet vngainesaied by any aduersarie but also in that we haue some of her owne children confessing her the mother of all heresies I will not light a candle to the sunne in the former point but briefly shewe wherein especially they are to be avoided and that for more perspicuitie in two questions Quest. The former whether Popish religion may be tollerated in a countrie professing the truth of Christian doctrine as ours by Gods blessing doth I answer No if by any lawfull meanes it may be banished For beeing an heresie which 1. disannulleth the death of Christ. 2. abolisheth the humane nature of Christ. 3. destroyeth the substance of the Sacraments 4. taketh away the solace of the elect of God 5. the honour of the sonne of God sitting at his Fathers right hand 6. almost all religion all these beeing the expresse words of D. Reynolds and prooued in that thesis it followeth that it may not be suffered in a countrie which can abolish and cast it out For 1. Euery worship must be sutable to him that is worshipped If he be diuine so must it if he be ciuill it must also be ciuill if he be simple pure without mixture so must that worship which is or can be acceptable vnto him 2. We know out of the word that Samaritane worship when men will feare God but worship him according to the rites of the countrie 2. King 17. vlt. was euer hatefull to God who will not haue his feild of the Church sowne with diuerse seeds nor plowed with an oxe and an asse The Iewes meddle not with the Samaritans but must hate the workes of the Nicolaitans And indeed to halt between two to be neither Gods nor Baals is to be of no religion at all and the Church of Laodicea sheweth that the Lord can neuer digest two contraries neuer so well mixed or wisely tempered in matter of religion 3. The approbation and blessing of God on those Kings gouernments and Churches who went through-stitch in pulling downe all the high places as Dauid Salomon Hezekiah But memorable was the worthy act of Iosia who made a couenant before the Lord and called all the inhabitants of Ierusalem the Preists Levites and all the people from the smallest to the greatest and caused them all to stand to it See 2. Chro. 34.31 ad sin But whereas others otherwise good Kings are reprooued and blemished because either they left the high places standing and proceeded not to a through reformation as As● ● Kin. 15.14 Or if they did fully reforme their countrie yet that they did not so zealously hate Idolatrie but that they would enter into league and affinitie with Idolaters as Iehoshaphat Asas sonne Who lifted vp his heart vnto the waies of the Lord and took away the high mountains and groaues out of Iudah But yet Iehu is sent to reprooue him for his societie with wicked Ahab saying Wouldst thou helpe the wicked and loue them that hate the Lord A worthy commendation was it of the Angel of the Church of Ephesus that he could not beare them which were euill Rev. 2.2 4. Consider the danger and hurt in tolerating heresie in these particulars 1. It is a breach of Gods commandement Deut. 29.18 There shall not be among you man woman nor family nor tribe which shall turne his heart from the Lord to goe serue the gods of these nations There shall not be among you any roote that bringeth forth gall and wormwood 2. This mixture layeth open to Gods revenging hand and is called by no lesse title then Rebellion Iosh. 22.17 3. There is most apparant danger of infection for heresie is called in the Scripture leauen and a gangreene and here also consider the weaknesse of flesh which is as readie to be plucked away with euery error of the wicked as the most drie tinder is to receiue the sparkle of fire cast into it Hence also are Idolaters called stumbling blockes snares thornes whippes and destruction See Iosh. 23.13 4. This mixture in religion threatneth ruine vnto Church and Commonwealth it hindreth or corrupteth publicke iustice by partiallitie or too rough and exasperate proceeding it causeth distraction of affections and prepareth to tumults and massacres as the experience of many ages hath taught A kingdome or Church deuided against it selfe cannot stand Which Ieroboam well conceiuing that he might bring the people to vnitie in religion set vp two calues one in Dan and the other in Bethel How both Iewes and Gentiles wickedly resisted Christ and his Apostles vpon this same ground that two diuerse religions were vnsafe in one countrie and long could not continue but the one would eate vp the other the historie of the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles euidently shew From whom we may frame a good argument that if they were so vigilant to keepe out whatsoeuer might disturbe their errour how much more carefully should the truth be preserued in the puritie of it of all such as haue any care of the continuance of it nay more shall the mention of a toleration of our religion in Rome or Spaine be capitall and should we by connivence at their knowne Idolatrie giue them as good as a tolleration and so strengthen their hopes for an alteration These reasons if I should now in particular applie vnto the Romish Church for the further euidence of them I know better where to beginne then to make an end and should dwell too long on the question which I purposed rather to point at then fully to handle as more largely out of the Scriptures Fathers and councells I easily might But from them all as they lie in one word may be concluded that the toleration of Poperie in a reformed country where it may be cast out is vtterly vnlawfull The second Question is whether Protestants may marrie with Papists Answ. For the right resoluing of this question two things must be considered 1. Whether the person that now professeth Poperie will yeeld to be wonne to the embracing of true religion which if he do then caseth such a one to be a Papist and may be maried withall ●hus Isaac married Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel and Iacob the daughters of Laban who was an Idolater as appeareth Gen. 31.53 On the same condition Boaz married Ruth a Moabitisse woman but who was first conuerted to the Iewish religion And thus the Lord himselfe yeelded vnto the mariages with Heathnish women taken in warre but heauily after a sort and by indulgence but on no hand vnlesse they
bid him not God speede and 2. King 3.14 Elisha telleth Iehoram an idolatrous king that had it not beene for the good king Iehosaphat he would not haue looked vpon him nor seene him And yet this hindreth nothing but that we must salute our owne priuate enemies though we may not the open enemies of God 3. If any haue sinned the sinne vnto death we may not pray for them therfore not salute them 1. Ioh. 5.16 This is the former kind of salutatiō but not that which the Apostle speaketh of in the text but the latter which is a more inward and entire affection betweene such as are of the houshold of faith who are straitlye● knit together then by the bonds of humanitie and ciuill conuersation for besides these they are tyed by the bond of the spirit of faith of a most holy profession and are brethren not in the flesh but in the faith yea heires of the selfe same inheritance in glorie These are said to loue one another in the faith If they therefore be to be kindly saluted which hate vs much more they which loue vs and if they which loue vs in the flesh much more they which loue vs in the faith and that with a most heartie and large affection Hence note 1. that religion bindeth man to man in the straitest bond for 1. the spirit is the tye● of it and hence is it called the vnitie of the spirit in the bond of peace and indeede it must be a wonderfull bond that can reconcile such deadly enemies as men are before they come into the kingdome of Christ Isa. 11.6 2. Gods image wheresoeuer it is is exceeding beautifull and a great binder especially where renewed and repaired which beeing once espied let the outward condition be what it can be a religious heart seeth sufficient matter of loue and will knit the soule vnto the soule of such a one 3. It addeth strength and firmenesse to all other bonds of nature affinitie desert c. and maketh them more naturall What a true friend was Ionathan to Dauid because he saw that God was with him his soule claue vnto him though the kingdome was to be rent from him for it yet could he not rent his heart from Dauid If Ioseph had not had more then nature he could not but haue reuenged such infinite wrongs vpon his brethren whereas the grace of his heart made him say It was not you my brethren but God sent me before you Consider also of the example beyond all imitation of our Lord Iesus Christ who gaue himselfe to the death for vs when we were yet his enemies 4. This loue must needes be most lasting for beeing loue in the truth for the truthes sake it shall continue so long as the truth doth but the truth abideth with vs and shall abide with vs for euer· and this is the cause that whereas the loue of nature dieth with it and the loue of wicked men dieth with their persons this loue liueth in death yea when goeth to heauen with a man and getteth strength and perfection then faith ceaseth and hope vanisheth away Vse 1. Whence we are taught most familiarly to embrace them that loue vs in the faith and to make most account of their loue Many loue in the face many in the flesh many in nature onely the loue of Christians is a fruit of faith a worke of the spirit and ●herefore a surer bond then they all Well knew the Apostle that none was in comparison worth hauing but this he calleth for no other he careth for no other he mentioneth no other 2. Such as set into any societie with others if he would haue it comfortable vnto him let him strengthen all other naturall or ciuill bonds by this bond of religion let him labour to begin his loue in the faith or if he haue begunne elsewhere alreadie let him reforme the same hereby if he looke for any sound comfort in his estate for this is the cause that men often haue so little returne of loue from their wiues so little obedience from their children so little dutie from their seruants so slender respect from their equalls because they begin their loue and duties at a wrong ende and haue for other respects affected those with whome they liue but the least if at all for grace and religion which of all is the soundest most profitable and most comfortable Quest. But how may I knowe whether I loue an other in the faith o● no Answ. By these notes 1. If thou loue him because he is a member of Christ for this loue must be a fruit of faith and knitteth him that hath it to the members as faith doth to the head 2. If thou loue his soule first and will not suffer sinne vpon it 3. If thou spyest and dost reuerence the image of God in him and louest him that is begotten because of him that begat and preferrest the grace of his heart aboue all other outward parts and respects 4. If thou aboue all other things wish him yea if it be in thy power helpe him to a further part in the better part which shall neuer be taken from him 5. If the more thou seest grace to growe in him the more entire thy loue groweth towards him 3. This point sheweth their fearefull condition that make religion the verie cause of their hatred and malice against the godly an apparant marke of the deuill is stamped vpon them who for this cause compasseth the earth that if it were possible he might chase the image of God from off the face of it Secondly in that the Apostle saluteth such as loued them in the faith we may note what a mighty power the Gospel carrieth with it where the Lord will haue it effectuall These Cretians had beene a vile people and of most bruitish behauiour as we haue at large heard in the first Chapter but now there were amongst them such as loued Paul and such as claue vnto him in the faith the Gospel had tamed and subdued them had turned them out of their sauage and cruell natures had made them tractable and docible and of euill beasts had reduced them to Christian affection and conversation but of this we haue spoken before Grace be with you all Amen This is Pauls ordinarie farwell written with his own hand in all his Epistles whereas the Epistles themselues were written out by some of his Scribes And it is added 1. as the marke of his owne Epistle that he might preuent counterfeit writings for well knew he how neerely it concerned the Church to cleaue vnto those writings which were indited by the holy Ghost inspiring the Prophets and and Apostles and not to haue any other bastard writings obtruded vpon her in which practise the deuill was restlesse euen in those times 2. As a testimonie of singular affection and good will which can be by no better meanes expressed then by frequent and earnest prayers and
of their owne displeasure and sometimes out of their sonnes misdemeanours doe disinherit their heires but the Lord cannot growe into such displeasure with his children as ●ue● to cast them out whome in his Christ he hath once admitted into his house If his sonnes sinne against him he will visit their sinnes and scourge them with the rodds of men but his mercie and truth will he neuer take from them Now of the tenure by which we hold life eternall namely of hope I haue spoken twise before in this Epistle at large chap. 1.2 2.13 to which the reader may looke backe onely in a word note that it is a mark of a man set into this new condition to hope and wait for the blessed inheritance in heauen 2. Cor. 5.2 We sigh desiring to be clothed with our house from heauen 2. Tim. 4.8 the description of the godly to be those that loue the appearing of Christ. And if all creatures groane with vs for the time of their deliuerance how ought we much more for whom such things are prepared Hence it followeth 1. that it will not stand with a conuerted heart to linger after the things of this life or to make his heauen vpon earth or to haue equall affection to earth as heauen 2. nor to neglect the meanes whereby this hope is confirmed whether outward offring as the Gospel ministerie word Sacraments or inward receiuing as faith vnfained working in obedience Ver. 8. This is a faithfull saying and these things I will thou shouldst affirme that they which haue beleeued in God might be carefull to shew forth good workes The first words of this verse beeing as it were a finger pointing to some excellent matter some take to be a preface making way and winning attention to the sequel of the verse others thinke it to be an epiphonema or graue shutting vp of that matter which immediately goeth before as giuing consent and acclamation vnto the most weightie and necessarie doctrine of free iustification by the grace of God in Christ which doctrine because the Apostle by the spirit of prophesie did foresee would be most strongly opposed he purposely by a vehement asseueration strengtheneth as also the doctrine of Christian hope which although it be not of things seene yet is it of things so faithfull and firme in respect of the promise as the Christian soule may without wauering and doubting relie and leane it selfe vpon the faithfull accomplishment of it But I take it the words may not vnfitly be referred to the whole doctrine propounded both before and after there beeing the same scope of both for what new thing is the Apostle to teach which he had not taught and vrged before and what particular is expressed in the verse which formerly hath not beene deliuered to young and old men and women servants and other all which estates after their conuersion vnto the faith are in speciall called to readines in euerie good worke vers 1. and to what other ende are those large descriptions of our twofold estate but to strike on the same string that howsoeuer we could not in the former attaine to any fruitfull conuersation yet now in the latter it were a shame not to adorne our profession and calling and what other end learned we of the appearing of grace but that vngodlines and wordly lusts beeing denied we should liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present world So as I say the Apostle setteth a seale vnto his whole doctrine that it is true and faithfull most vndoubted and certaine in it selfe and most worthie of all our credit and faith seeing nothing can be truelyer spoken nothing more profitably beleeued nothing more comfortably practised then the truth here deliuered vnto vs. Quest. But are not other doctrines true and faithfull yea as true as this and is not all Scripture of diuine inspiration Answ. Yes neither doth our Apostle oppose the truths of Scripture as though one were more or lesse true then another but in more necessarie or more questionable truths he setteth here and there a marke or pointng hand both to vrge the authoritie and necessitie of the one and also to force men more easily to yeeld vnto the truth of the other Example hereof we haue 1. Tim. 1.15 in such a fundamentall point as is saluation onely by Christ to be opposed by so many hundreth heretikes it is no maruell if we see some starre set by it or a light held ouer it that none may passe by it vntill they haue diligently waighed and fully resolued vpon the truth of it In like manner beeing to entreat of the difficult labour care and work of the ministerie from which women as not beeing capable of it are interdicted and of the excellencie of the function which no man might either rashly take vpon him or negligently execute beeing lawfully called and beeing further to set downe a certaine rule vnto which all the lawefull callings in the Church are to be conformed In such a waightie matter as is the preseruation of the Church and pietie he prefixeth a worthie preface 1. Tim. 3.1 This is a true saying if any man desire the office of a Bishop he desireth a worthie worke But where the Apostle doth all these things as in this place he could with lesse reason depart from his ordinarie manner Doctr. The Ministers of God must teach euerie truth reueale the whole counsell of God and keepe nothing backe but some truths must be dwelt vpon and more auouched then others and namely such as are either more necessarie or more contradicted This is the wisedome of the spirit of God himselfe who by his penmen distinguisheth of truthes and hath neither prefixed Behold in the beginning of euerie sentence nor affixed his Selah in euerie ones ende but onely in truths more observable and remarkeable then the rest Which point may receiue a generall confirmation from this obseruation that the penmen of Scripture beeing to write the historie of things past because they were of facts more vndeniable as things running into the sences of men they stand not so much vpon ratifications and asseuerations yea a number of historicall books there are the authors of which are not known to the church But when they come to write prophesies of things to come and things in reason more improbable then the authors name his kinred his calling with other circumstances of time place and persons seruing to confirme and conuince the truth of prophesies are registred And if these truthes were either more necessarily then ordinarie concerning the Church or more liable to opposition and exception then was much more caution and confirmation vsed To avoide multitude of examples whereby this point might be strengthened I will onely insist in that prophesie which more neerely concerneth vs that liue now in the newe Testament namely of the Reuelation The which booke because it describeth the state of the Church from the time of Iohn the last of the
Apostles vntill Christs comming againe and especially the proceedings pride and fall of Babylon the great whore with all the kingdomes of Antichrist the holy Ghost could not but foresee what labours and trauailes Satan and his instruments would take to weaken and impaire the credit and authoritie of this aboue all other books wherein he preuailed so farre as euen some true Churches called the truth and authoritie of it into question and therefore it is worth the marking with what a number of confirmations this booke aboue all other in the Scriptures is backed First the author of it is set in the forefront or face of it The Reuelation of Iesus Christ who professeth himselfe to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the first and the last the beginning and ending which is which was and which is to come euen the Almightie so in the seuerall Epistles to the Churches in seuerall stiles he challengeth them to be his Thus saith he 1. that holdeth the seauen starres in his right hand 2. he that is first and last which was dead and is aliue 3. which hath the sharpe two edged sword 4. which hath eyes like a flame of fire and his feete like fine brasse 5. which hath the seauen spirits of God and the seuen starres 6. he who is holy and true who hath the key of Dauid who openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth 7. he who is Amen the faithfull and true witnesse the beginning of the creatures of God Secondly the instrument or penman his seruant Iohn the Euangelist the Apostle the Diuine who for the further and more full authority of it repeateth his name at least fowre times saying I Iohn Thirdly to omit many in the last chapter are fiue testimonies heaped together that if it were possible no man might be found so obstinately wicked as euer to doubt of it but that he that shold stād against the truth of it might euen gainsay the shining of the sunne it selfe 1. of the Angel 2. of God himselfe the Lord of the holy Prophets 3. of Iesus Christ Behold I come shortly c. 4. of Iohn I Iohn heard and saw all these things 5. the protestation of Iesus Christ vers 18. I protest if any man shal adde or diminish from these things of this booke God shall adde all the plagues of it against him and take away his part out of the booke of life Now had this booke neuer to haue bin oppugned there had not needed such strong and frequent confirmations neither would the holy Ghost haue bin so earnest in a needles matter The like we might teach out of particular examples How earnest is the Apostle in the poynt we haue in hand beeing the very foundation of Christianity not here only but elswhere in his writings when he saw that men would ioyne the law and gospel circumcision and baptisme Gal. 5.2 Behold I Paul say vnto you if ye be circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing and vers 3. I testifie againe vnto you and 4. ye are abolished from Christ and fallen from grace he could not satisfie himselfe in his vehemencie against such a doctrine as this was Nay the sonne of God himselfe hath left vs his owne example in this point of wisdome who was wont in his teaching vnto diuerse more necessarie truths to prefix his Amen Amen I say vnto you which is in sence all one with this of our Apostle if we consider the speach though in the speaker and manner of speaking was wonderful difference himselfe beeing the author and Amen it selfe euen the faithfull and true witnesse and all other so farre only true as they testified from him And so he often shutteth vp his speach with he that hath eares to heare let him heare and then let him that heareth or readeth consider such sayings carrie salt with them and for such the Lord planted the eare more especially Vse 1. To teach Ministers in matters of weight to deale so soundly as the conscience of the hearer may be as firmely stablished in the truth taught and perswaded as if an angel from heauen should come and teach an other doctrine he may be held accursed so as the verie hearts of the hearers may say this is a faithfull doctrine and saying for thus as the Gospel is the word of truth so shall it be held in much certenty by the professors of it And it is a fault blame worthie in many Ministers who when they are occasioned by the place in hand to speake of some controuerted or most necessarie truth either for idlenes because they will not so much trouble themselues or for vnfaithfullnesse avoide by declining and shunning such truths the displeasure of the times which godly Ministers must swallowe that the truth opposed may be setled in the hearts of men not to speake of such as are infamously guiltie of some vices vnrepented of and vnreformed which maketh them balke and betray necessarie truths which in that regard they dare not mention 2. It is a great fault of hearers and worthie amendement who cannot well indure to heare of points in controversie especially betweene the Papists and our selues whereas their vnderstandings and iudgements are so farre from beeing stablished in the certaine truth of such things as euery winde or blast of the skulking Iesuite or Papist is able to vnsettle them in great matters and turne them off their grounds Now if it bee the teachers part to insist especially in such needefull points as are most opposed and hardlyest yeelded vnto it must needes be the hearers to provoke themselues to the right discerning of such differences for neither doe the contentions of the teachers so much concerne themselues as their hearers neither ende they in themselues but in the hearer See we not how if neuer so grosse or slender a point of carnall libertie be contended about it will carrie the applause almost of all men with i● Is it meete then that any Saint of God be a looker on and not rather according to the commandement that euerie one should contend for the faith once giuen and can they contend vnlesse they be taught how and here instructed with weapons This admonition is the more needfull in these dayes so full of danger by the seduction of Papists separators libertines which swarme euerie where the daily encrease of all which is not more incredible then lamentable 3. We learne hence how to conceiue of the point and doctrine in hand seeing the wisedome of Gods spirit vseth to speake to the worth of the thing and by such prefaces and markes of speciall worthinesse pointeth to some weightie and needfull point vsing here another stile then if he should speake of mint and cummin and some smaller points of religion We meet not in euery precept with an oyes or warnword but where we do we must conceiue such not the motes but the beames of our religion