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A13533 Christs victorie over the Dragon: or Satans downfall shewing the glorious conquests of our Saviour for his poore Church, against the greatest persecutors. In a plaine and pithy exposition of the twelfth chapter of S. Iohns Revelation. Delivered in sundry lectures by that late faithfull servant of God, Thomas Taylor Doctor in Divinitie, and pastor of Aldermanbury London. Perfected and finished a little before his death. Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632.; Jemmat, William, 1596?-1678. 1633 (1633) STC 23823; ESTC S118152 543,797 874

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and live wholy by examples and not by rules Who sees not how the dragon triumphes and tramples on such time-servers who yet would scorne not to bee reputed sound Christians 3. The dragon prevaileth by Antichrist and enthralleth numbers by the efficacie of his delusions He that is a slave unto Antichrist is a slave to the dragon for Antichrist commeth in the efficacie of Satan because Satan worketh powerfully in him by him 2 Thess. 2. 9. who can without sorrow consider of the numbers that now runne a whoring after Popery and favour it and plead for it after that not the Gospell onely hath so clearely detected it but after it hath convinced it selfe to bee the most savage and blood-thirsty religion that ever was that would make but one Bonfire of three kingdomes and blow up in one moment religion and justice Church and Kingdome Prince and people nay after so many good lawes enacted against it wherein the whole Kingdome hath given sentence and pronounced it guilty of the highest treason that ever men or devils could devise Is it not the same religion it was then did they ever reverse any of their bloody positions did they ever any where prevaile and not chase out with a sea of sorrowes all that looke toward the truth and holy religion Well the sentence was foretold Re. 13. Antichrist must prevaile amōg them that perish A terrible Thunderbolt from heaven against all professed members of that Antichristian body especially against Apostate Papists among whom the uncleane spirit hath brought seven worse than himselfe to hasten their perdition 4. The dragon prevaileth by false and libertine teachers like the false Prophets that prophesied lies and the visions of their owne hearts to strengthen with sinful dawbing wicked hands and discourage godly hearts now when a people follow such and love to have such guides and guidance as Ier. 5. 29 30. the dragon hath prevailed to pull them to hell Michael prevaileth by faithfull teachers who bring wholesome and sound doctrine and causeth his people to delight in them and follow them contrarily the dragon prevailes by such teachers as frame themselves to speake so as to please all that seeke unto them in ther loose courses and according to all that they would have and so sell thē to Satan And what a just revenge of God is it that a people who will not suffer the Lords servants to prevaile with them to bee brought to the truth should bee fitted with such Teachers as with sweet words and fine devises shall prevaile with them to their destruction and looke how much any one hates a true teacher by so much hee loves a flatterer who shall doe him as much mischiefe as the other would have done him good Beware of this sly reach of the dragon prevailing against not a few 5. The dragon prevailes mightily in disobedience Ephes. 2. 2. In whom doth the Prince of the aire rule but in the children of disobedience and these bewray themselves every where I. In such as walke in the disobedience of nature sonnes of Belial who reject all yoakes and refuse all counsell by Gods word Gods Spirit Gods people to walke at large compassing their lusts according to the command of their owne rebellious wils a Sermon or a Play is all one onely they can sit out a play with more patience II. Such as are wilfull in their disobedience against Gods Word not onely of an unteachable disposition but untractable pricke their corruption but a little in sound application oh how it will shew it selfe in raging stormy and unruly distempers this festred heart that will abide no searching is conquered by Satan these that will not suffer Christ to rule them are called his enemies and called out to execution Luke 19. 27. III. These wilfull rebels commonly lye in ambush against the faithfull either to accuse them to make them hatefull to Magistrates or to slander and scorne them to make them hated of others as Ier. 18. 18. Come let us smite him with the tongue and vers 23. even some pretensed friends sought to banish him nay to doe more even against his life if they could have prevailed No man can seeke sinistrously to prevaile against a good man but the dragon hath first prevailed against him 6. The dragon prevailes by bad society and example when workers of iniquity meet oh how the devill rules their counsels tongues actions many hands make light worke and rid much worke if any man refuse or forbeare or scorne to joyne himselfe to Gods people if any reproach Gods name truth or servants hate the society of Saints their persons their profession or godly practices the dragō hath his will on thē and in them and where the dragon thus prevailes the Lord Jesus hath nothing to doe but to prepare himselfe to warre and wrathfull judgement against such sworne enemies of his Kingdome Neither was their place found any more in heaven We have heard in the former part of the verse that the enemies could not prevaile against the Church now wee shall see that themselves were prevailed against and so conquered and chased by Michael and his Angels as they could not ever make their party good against the woman any more but themselves were turned into a shamefull flight so as they could not stand before her This overthrow of this great Army is signified in this phrase that their place was found no more in heaven Where to finde the meaning wee will answer foure Questions Quest. 1. What is meant by heaven Ans. Some understand hereby this heavenly vision and make this the meaning that they vanished away or the heavenly vision called before a wonder in heaven which though it may be true in part for they did vanish for a time yet it is somewhat harsh to call an heavenly vision by the name of heaven and beside wee shall see they will appeare againe in this vision and renew their forces and fiercenesse against the woman Some by heaven understand the Throne of dignitie and authority which wee have shewed to bee a kinde of heaven or Throne of God and this is true also in part that the conquered party was cast from the Throne of God when those openly professed dragons were subdued and cast from the top of Imperiall State and Majestie without hope of recovery of their strength against the woman any more But by heaven I understand the Church of God as in many other places of this Chapter in which the dragon sate and exercised his tyrannie Quest. 2. What is it not to have his place found any more Answ. The phrase is taken out of Daniel 2. 35. where this Michael the stone that was cut out of the Mountaine is said to smite the image of iron clay brasse silver and gold that the place of it was found no more but they were destroyed and dispersed as chaffe so the same Michael here did so breake in pieces the power of the dragons that they had no
in their stead Gods plagues are removed and turned into all kindes of blessing The custome of the Church is every private Christians instructiō we must therfore provoke our selves to rejoyce in the overthrow of the dragons kingdome that both in respect of our selves and others First when in our selves we see our spirituall enemies throwne downe by the power of the Word None of us but professeth his part in that great victory of Michael from those dreadfull enemies sinne Satan hell death and damnation as this is the highest raised mercy that ever God gave us so ought it chiefly to raise our spirituall joy to sing the Song of Moses the servant of the Lord and of the Lambe as it is penned and pricked for us Revel 15. 3. Great and marvellous are thy workes Lord God Almighty just and true are thy wayes O King of Saints Are wee delivered from the leprosie of sinne let us not forget to goe backe as the nine Lepers to give praise but challenge our owne dulnesse who can as soone forget such good turnes as Pharaohs butler did the good turne of Ioseph Gen. 40 23. So likewise when wee see our temporall enemies who want no will nor malice to do us mischiefe but are muzled hampred and fall before us now wee ought to lift up the voice of thanksgiving as Psal. 9. 1 2 3. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart I will bee glad rejoyce and sing to thy name for that mine enemies are turned backe and thou hast maintained my right Psalm 22. Save mee from the mouth of the lions and I will declare thy name to my brethren But with this pure affection onely as they are enemies to Gods Kingdome and so farre resist us as wee seeke to uphold the same Secondly without our selves wee must breake forth into praises when wee see the powers of the dragon cast downe in others whether spirituall or temporall When wee see the holds of ignorance errour wickednesse overthrowne by the preaching of the Gospell when wee see the walls of hellish Jericho battered by the sound of the rammes hornes of the Gospell when wee see countries or persons converted and yeeld up themselves to the obedience of the word Here is matter of joy and praise that the tents and curtaines of the Church are spred out and enlarged and the kingdome of Christ prevailes against the power of the dragon Thus the seventy Disciples having beene sent out returne to Christ with joy saying Lord even the devils are subdued unto us nay our Lord himselfe rejoyceth that Satan fell downe like lightening from heaven Or if wee see the temporall enemies of the Church overthrowne if we see Amalec stricken downe before Israel Hamans devise broken Antichrists power weakened and lessened Popish forces repulsed Do wee see Pharaohs chariots and his hosts cast into the sea and his captaines drowned in the red sea Exod. 15. 4. Do wee see the windes blow and the sea cover them that they sinke as lead in the mighty waters as our enemies did in 88 Do wee see hellish powder-plots digged as doepe as hell prevented and the diggers falling into their owne pits How should wee now take up the songs of praise and tryumph that the Lord hath done so great things for us whereof wee rejoyce Psal. 126. 4. Now for the better performance of our duty herein consider three things 1. The conditions of this praise 2. Meanes to attaine it 3. Motives to it I. For rules of direction our text hath foure conditions 1. That all the praise honor of victory belongs to God as in the next vers For God only can overthrow the devils kingdome hee onely hath power above the dragon the Churches victory is the worke of his finger as the Church acknowledgeth Exod. 15. 1. I will sing unto the Lord for hee hath tryumphed gloriously Iudg. 5. 3. I will sing unto the Lord I will sing unto the Lord God of Israel Salvation is the Lords Psalm 3. 8. 2. So soone as we see the victory so soone should we sing out the Lords praises as the Church here Wee must not put off our vowes nor suffer the blessing to grow stale before wee have performed them Israel on the shore seeing the Egyptians dead on the sea banke Then sang Israel Exod. 15. 1. So soone as the Jews had obtained victory over their enemies they consecrate the very next day after the victory to the publique praise of God so while the sense of mercy affects us and while our hearts are warme with it wee must praise the Lord. 3. As here is a lowd voyce for this great victory so according to the greatnesse of the benefit our praises must bee A great victory calls for a great voice of many The blessing conferred upon any part of the Church is the blessing of the whole and the whole must joy In so common mercy none must sit out none must say what is it to mee 4. As the Church here so must wee sing out the majesty of Gods name not with a cold affection but with a mighty fervencie and ardor of spirit to stirre up and kindle in others the feare and love of God For this hearty and spirituall fervencie is the lowdnesse of the voice which God requireth and how can hee kindle or inflame another who himselfe is not warme or kindled II. Meanes to helpe us in this duty are these 1. Earnestly to affect the prosperity and welfare of the Church as feeling members and sharers of her joyes and sorrows preferring the joy of Jerusalem before thy chiefe joy Sound affection will imprinta sound notice of blessings which else passe away as nothing concerning our selves 3 Not to forget but remember Gods mercifull deliverances Psalm 103. 1. My soule praise the Lord and forget not all his benefits as if hee had said If thou forget thou canst not praise and if thou praise not thou wilt forget them To this end write and register them make a day-booke of the noble acts of the Lord. Psalm 102. 18. Let it bee written for the generation to come that the people not yet borne may praise the Lord and that thy selfe looking backe upon one mayest finde out and espie many other 3. Often speake of them and raise monuments of them in thy heart as the stones in Gilgal the setting up of Altars and imposition of names in the old Testament Tell the children of the acts of God that they they may tell their children The Passover was instituted among other ends for this that the children in times to come might know how God destroyed the Egyptians and passed over Israel Exod. 12. 26. So must wee tell our children of 88 Of the powder-treason and other deliverances and make much of their monuments to the perpetuall glory of God shame of Papists and comfort and instruction of the Church 4. Often recount the great benefits redounding to the Church by Gods execution of judgement upon the
faith in that diabolicall meanes nor farther than thou bewrayest distrust infidelity contempt and rebellion against God as Eliah said to Ahaziah Is it because there is no God in Israel that thou goest to Baalzebub the god of Ekron 2 Kings 1. 3. 3. It is a signe of a man or woman in a woefull estate that seeketh to witches First hee is an unbeleever if the word had prevailed to heale his infidelitie he would not seeke to Witches faith makes no such haste Secondly hee is one that carelesly or maliciously rejects the Gospell and therefore God gives him over to manifest and open contempt of him Pharaoh despising the Word is given over to bee deluded by Sorcerers Saul for disobedience to the Word is given over to seeke to Witches he did it not before God was gone from him see 2 Thess. 2. 10. 11. Thirdly he is one whose sin and judgement is ripe as wee see in Saul Pharaoh and Manasses who for conspiring with devils named in the Text as an outragious and transcendent sinne was deprived of his Kingdome bound in fetters and carryed to Babylon 4. The helpe thou c●n●● get from them is not comparable to the hurt by them for First the devill seldome cures the body but hee kils the soule is hee not a devill as well curing as killing Secondly hee seldome removes the evill either farre or long but sometimes returns it againe in some other kinde or person in children servants or cattell Hence is the common observation that such persons never thrive after it but all goeth backe with them Thirdly if thou shouldst get good by thē yet know 1. Thou must not judge of an action by the successe but by the rule 2. Thou maist not doe evill that good may come of it 3 It were but as a robber should rufsle and live gallantly by taking of purses 5. Consider this never did good and religious man in Scripture seek to a Witch and what a madnesse is it to forsake the Author of life and follow the author of death and if hee be of the father the devill that doth his workes what art thou or what canst thou thinke of thy selfe Lastly here is a use of consolation If salvation bee the Lords the Church shall not perish but indure safe so long as the Lords salvation indureth 1. The rocke of salvation is founded in heaven not to bee shaken by the forces of earth and hell 2. Wee have a strong city salvation hath God set for wals and Bulwarks Esa. 26. 1. Hee that must scale these wals must first scale heaven it selfe and seeing the Lord hath promised to bee a wall of fire round about Jerusalem Zech. 25. how can the enemy make an inrode or incursion 3. All Satanicall and Antichristian forces must combine and plot in vaine to roote out the people of God from the earth they can assoone hinder the Sunne in his course and turne back the whirlewinde into his place as turne away the Lords salvation from his Church Oh but wee see many potent enemies and mighty forces and strong armies levyed by Antichrist and his Princes against the little flocke of Christ and we see no helpe no likely power to keepe from making havocke of all I answer I. Salvation is the Lords who is more mighty to save than they to spoile else would they soone prove too puissant for the little city of God 2 Thou seest no helpe yet is it not farre off Psalm 85. 9. surely his salvation is neare them that feare him that glory may dwell in our Land 3. It shall bee put forth seasonably and shall not tarry Esa. 46. 13. The time hasteneth when the Church shall sing Now is salvation in heaven now hath the Lord manifested his salvation in his Church in the overthrow of Antichrist And strength and the kingdome of our God These are the two other Attributes ascribed to God the giver of victory By strength is meant the mighty arme of GOD which hath two properties of power the former to sustaine and beare up all things so long as hee will have them to bee The latter to subdue all contrary things to his will and power For this strength must prevaile against all adversary power and can be overcome of none The right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to passe Psalm 118. 16. partly in the world partly in the Church called out of the world of which latter our Text properly speaketh By Kingdome in Scripture is meant two things 1. The absolute soveraignty of God over all things to whom appertaine all kingdomes this is called the kingdome of power and appropriated to God The Kingdome is the Lords that is originally and in his owne right all other in the creature is soveraignty derived and delegate Dan. 2. 27. 2. That speciall administration and government which hee exerciseth in setting up and upholding his Church at which our Text aimeth The difference betweene this and the former is In that we are all by nature in this onely by grace in that wee onely live and injoy the benefit of creatures in this we live happily and enjoy the benefit of new creation in redemption and sanctification Now whereas this speciall kingdome is either of grace here or glory hereafter the former is here meant even that kingdome of grace which the dragon specially opposeth who resisteth not so much the kingdome of power nor at all the Kingdome of glory but most fiercely assaileth the kingdome of grace as is plainely convinced by the particle Now is strength and the Kingdome of our GOD in heaven In that the Church rejoyceth that now the Lord hath put forth his strength in the overthrow of the enemies and set up his owne kingdome where the dragon and his angels had ruled in darknesse Idolatry cruelty and tyranny we learne that this Saints ought to rejoyce when they see Gods Kingdome set up and prevaile against the dragon and his angels Rev. 11. 15. When the seventh Angel blew the Trumpet there were great voyces in heaven that is the militāt Church saying The kingdoms of this world are become our Lords his Christs These were loud voyces of joy and praise that the kingdoms of the earth were converted to Christ and because Christ in his Gospel raigned by the Princes among his their subjects And indeed a good heart seeing Jesus Christ manifesting his royall administration and thereby taken up with sense and feeling of Gods goodnesse to his Church cannot conceale nor containe this joy but must vent and expresse it as Iethro Exod. 18. 9. rejoyced for all the goodnesse the Lord did for Israel he inwardly rejoyced he confessed it with his mouth vers 10. and afterward offered sacrifices to God for his mercy in delivering Israel from Pharaohs bondage which mercy hee twice expresseth And David seeing the forwardnesse of the people offering freely to the Temple rejoyced exceedingly and blessed God before all the congregation 1
unto Christ and what is their wages but that of Elimas who whē he could not hinder the Deputy from hearing Paul nor Paul from preaching sought to pervert him from that hee heard for which Paul cals him the childe of the devill the enemy of righteousnesse that ceased not to pervert the straite wayes of God It is a fearefull sinne of a Pharisee not to enter into the Kingdome of GOD himselfe but to hinder such as would enter is most damnable Fourthly many others sinne against this truth who cast their taunts upon no sort of men so much as those who runne after Christ and flocke to Sermons these are yet no subjects of Christ but as the unbeleeving Jews Act. 13. 45. who were inraged to see the Gentiles so ready to receive the preaching of Paul 2. Let this provoke us to testifie our joy wheresoever we see the kingdome of our God prevailing An heart zealous for Gods glory thirsting after mans salvation esteems it the greatest earthly happines to see the subiects of Christ multiplyed by the daily addition of soules to the Church Act. 2. 41. and to see Satan fal like lightning from heaven sinne mastered sinners cōverted enemies stopped or revenged for First this is a due debt and we ought to be thankfull 2 Thess. 1. 2. Secondly Christ hath commanded us to pray that his Kingdome may come therefore also wee must thankfully acknowledge it when it doth come Thirdly they shall prosper that love Jerusalem and preferre it to their chiefe joy But especially our ioy must abound when our Lords Kingdome is set up neare us as First in our Countrey and Kingdome We should pray to see and reioyce in seeing our Prince and Rulers casting downe their Crownes and Scepters at the feet of the Lambe keeping themselves bounded within that commission which they all receive from Him whose the Kingdome is opposing by all their power tyrannicall enemies who delight to spill the blood of Saints as water advancing the Word Sacraments Ministery and meanes of salvation sincere and undefiled cherishing godly Pastors and Ministers upholding holy discipline to reforme or cut off evill members encouraging the religious and sincere-hearted Professors of piety shunning evill men chasing Idolaters and profane persons out of presence and resisting the underminers and resisters of Christs Kingdome whether by secret fraud or open force All Scepters that uphold not Christs Scepter must be broken to pieces the which if it be held up at Court will bee the easier held up in the Countrey Secondly in our Cities and Townes If an eminent and conspicuous Towne as this is yeeld to Christ it is as a Beacon to the whole countrey round about as a mother City once opening to a Prince is a President to the whole Land What a ioy were it if Gods Ordinances had prevailed in this Towne that the Governours had led the way to Gods House as they were wont formerly that Gods Sabbaths were sanctifyed which none looks after that the love of God and his servants appeared among you that we might not say truly that scarce the meanest Village about you but would give both more countenance and more maintenance to a Lecture than this corporation doth What a comfort were it that you were patternes of concord and agreement to all the Countrey and not the spectacles of unquencheable discord and faction to all the kingdome What a ioyfull thing were it if we might see good men incouraged vicious persons corrected incorrigible outcasts cast out all men brought at least outwardly to the obedience of Ghrist Thirdly in our owne houses What an unspeakeable ioy is it when Gods Kingdome is come into our family when our house is a Bethel the wife is a ioynt-heire of the grace of life with the husband the children are the Children of God by adoption and sing Hosanna to Christ cur servants Gods servants and our kindred of the blood of Christ with us Wee need not bid men reioyce when their children thrive and prosper in the world the most of which ioy is carnall But where bee the hearts fearing God who more reioyce when they prove godly and religious when they see their children walking in the truth c How is the Kingdome of God in the family when the husband checketh his wife because shee is the Spouse of Christ the father frowneth on his sonne because hee is bookish and diligent in reading and good exercises the Master will not indure the servant that will bee a Saint in his service O hypocrite how canst thou reioyce in the Kingdome of God in the Kingdome and hunt it out of thy family know thou not onely wantest grace but hatest it Fourthly in our owne hearts especially to see the kingdome of God set up there will bee matter of assured and lasting ioy Matth. 13. 44. Hee that findes the Pearle goeth away reioycing and selleth all to purchase it The Eunuch converted goeth away reioycing No man can have Christ but hee hath also Christian ioy unspeakeable and glorious For that kingdome within us standeth in peace and ioy Rom. 14. 17. Quest. How shall I know that Christ raignes in me and that his Kingdome is within me Ans. 1. If our enemies be daily weakned Sathan foyled the flesh mortified if we stand with our Lord in his warres he raigneth over us 2. If lawes of evill bee reversed and the Lawes of Christ obeyed now led out of Aegypt we live by the lawes of Canaan 3. If in stead of raigning sinne grace raigne in us as Rom. 5. 21. Christ raigneth by grace This is when wee leave our sinnes and live unto God and seeke in all things to please our last Master best as servants doe 3. If wee must reioyce when wee see the Kingdome returned to the Lord then must wee mourne to see the Lords kingdome winne so little ground in the Kingdomes of the world I. What a lamentable thing is it to see the greatest Potentates of Europe to warre against this kingdome of the Lord yeeld their Thrones Crownes wealth and power to the Beast that is to Antichrist the chiefe adversary of this Kingdome In stead of the lawes of Christ which are the Scriptures of God unto which all the subiects of Christ ought to submit themselves they by all their power thrust upon the world the lawes of Antichrist who because hee cannot stand by the word of God must stand and bee upheld by the secular power and in stead of gathering and cherishing the subiects of Christ the godly Professors of his Word and Gospell they persecute them with fire and sword with proscription and banishment as men onely unworthy to live in their dominion How should our hearts mourne when such as should bee nursing fathers and nursing mothers to the Church are as fierce dragons tyrannizing and wasting the little flocke of Christ and those that should bee assistants to the Ruler of the whole earth make most resistance against him chasing the
watched and brought upon the world since the fall was the raysing of Antichrist He had beene mischievous before and wrathfull in open tyranny but now he putteth forth a greater wrath in secret delusion Which truth will appeare if we consider 1 Antichristianisme in it selfe 2 In comparison with open tyranny 3 In the more feareful fruits and grievous effects of it 1. Antichristianisme in it selfe is the most fearefull plague that ever the wrath of God or Satan strucke the world withall if we consider 1. The cause 2 The effect 3. The generality In the cause it proceedeth from the greatest wrath that ever God put forth upon earth for 1. It is a wrath from the divine iustice due to the most fearefull sinne in the world which was the worlds reiecting the truth of the Gospell wherein the wrath of God is come both upon the Jew and Gentile to the uttermost 2. It is a wrath of the dragon whetted by the wrath of God in which God sendeth the strongest and most prevailing delusions that ever were in which that wicked spirit who seemed to bee cast out of the world by the preaching of the Gospell is returned againe and hath brought seven worse spirits than himselfe 3. It is a wrath not onely punishing sinnes of such a deepe staine but with most fearfull sinnes such as immediately forerunne damnation even that universall damnation of all those who chased away the truth of God to embrace the delusions of Antichrist 2 Thess. 2. 10. God shall send strong delusions that all they may be damned who loved not the truth 4. It is a wrath so great as the Spirit of God finds no parallell to compare it with but the great day of Gods wrath and therefore in the opening of the sixt Seale Revel 6. 12. which describeth the comming of Antichrist into the world hee resembleth the time of his appearing to the greatest day of wrath that ever was before it and describeth it by all those fearefull events which shall accompany Christ himselfe when he commeth to his last and universall iudgement The signes of the wrath of that great day of wrath are seven by this wrathfull day of Antichrist notably resembled 1. Great and fearfull earthquakes shall goe before the comming of Christ Matth. 24. 7. Even so at the comming of Antichrist the foundations of the earth shal be shaken a new face of things shal appear the pillers and foundations of old Apostolicall doctrine and discipline shall bee shaken downe and a new Ecclesiasticall Monarchy shall eate up the ancient civill and Imperiall government which was the studd and pillar upholding the earth and societies of men 2. The Sunne shall bee darkned as sackcloth Mat. 24. 29. and Christ the sunne of righteousnesse who shined so cleare in the firmament of the Church the onely Saviour Mediatour and satisfaction shall bee wholy darkned and horribly ecclipsed in the day of Antichrist the holy doctrine concerning his person natures offices and benefits shall be cleane obscured as the Sunne at midnight a blacke vaile of traditions and a thicke curtaine of humane constitutions blacked and darkned all his most sacred Ordinances the Sacraments by theatricall pompes and devises shal be adulterate the worship of Christ by adoration of Idols and veneration of creatures wholy depraved Now is the Sunne of the Church turned into darknesse 3. The Moone shall be turned into blood So the Church which as the Moone receives all her light from the Sunne of righteousnesse shal seem all blood partly by the cruell and bloody warres and partly by the bloody persecutions of Antichrist who shall boast of both swords and fill both his hands with weapons of wrath and cruelty 4. The Starres shall fall from heaven Marke 13. 25. So in the appearing of Antichrist the Bishops and Pastors shall become Apostates from the truth and of shining starres in holy doctrine holy life and beautifull graces in their severall Orbes shining in humility charity sobriety diligence and heavenly-mindednesle shall fall to pride ambition contention wordlinesse warre seats of Judicature and whatsoever is earthly and sensuall and pompous 5. At the comming of Christ the heaven shall depart as a scrole so in the day of Antichrists comming the Church the heaven upon earth shall bee shut up and hide it selfe and shall not bee visible and conspicuous to the world And although many good and godly men still in all ages contested against Antichrist yet were they condemned for heretikes and were counted no part of heaven nor faithfull members of it 6. The Mountaines and Ilands were removed out of their places By Mountaines are meant Kings and Emperours who by the fraud and power of Antichrist were removed from their high places and authority which was swallowed and ingrossed by Antichrist and by Ilands the people and nations who were all forced upon paine of damnation in stead of obedience to Christ to submit themselves to the tyrannie of Antichrist Nothing so firme as Mountaines nothing so farre off as Ilands but Antichrist reached them 7. As in the day of Christs wrath the wicked shall in utter despaire of their estates call for the hils and Mountaines to cover them and hide them from it so shall the great day of Antichrist drive great ones to utter despaire not knowing what shall become of them and of their estates and this shall bee the hire and recompence of all the ayders and supporters of Antichrist in the day of their particular iudgement if their consciences bee awakened at farthest in that last and great day of wrath in the generall iudgement Thus wee see the Scripture setting out the day of Antichrist to bee as wrathfull as the great day of Christ which of all dreadfull things is to all wicked men most terrible Secondly now consider the great wrath of Antichristianisme in the effect and we shall see it the most horrible mist and black darknesse that ever the world was stricken withall Other heresies and hereticks which made way to this are called the black horse Revel 6. 5. as being contrary to the white horse Verse 2. which was the integrity of Apostolike doctrine but those did obscure and darken the light as in the evening But when Antichrist comes this heresie chaseth away all light as at midnight Not that the Church ceaseth to bee no more than the Sunne ceaseth to be at midnight but it appeareth no more in that Horizon or Hemisphere thā if it were not all Heaven passeth as a scrole which is no lesse but lesse seene Hence is the Kingdome of Antichrist called spiritually by the name of Aegypt Rev. 11. 8. for it resembleth that Kingdome especially in three things 1. In Idolatry 2. In cruelty and oppression of the Israel of God 3. Most of all in blindnesse and darknesse with which that Kingdome was covered for three dayes Exod. 10. 21. And betweene the darknesse of that Aegypt and this there is apt resemblance 1. Of all the plagues of
by the holy Scriptures a sweet concord and happy communion with the Saints with whom he fruitfully converseth an harmonicall and musicall peace of good conscience within himselfe which passeth all understanding and all needfull supplies without him both for life and godlinesse 4 By Iesus Christ he hath attained an inexhaust fountaine of Gods love the wealth and rich revenue of precious faith love and all graces heaven to bee his hope and also his inheritance and God himselfe to be his portion in whose love is no lacke in whose presence is fulnesse of joy and to be crowned with immortality and eternall glory the same with Christ our head Now consider if a thousand worlds can afford any one of these contentments or if they all could make a man so rich or happy or if ever thou sawest the greatest Potentate without Christ so rich mighty or glorious as the poorest and basest Christian treading all that vanitie and Mooneshine under his feet 1 To reproove many men who in comparison of the world despise the priviledges in Christ. As such 1 Who for want of ●ound judgemēt disesteeme the highest state of a Christian weighed with worldly respects preferments Every man makes high rekoning of earthly parentage but scarce one of a thousand cares a rush for the dignity of adoptiō in Christ as if to be the son of a King were more honor then to be a son of God Earthly preferments ravish and affect men and lift them up above themselves but offer the preferments of the kingdome of heaven to most men they refuse and scorne them How doth it rejoyce mens hearts to see worldly wealth flow in in abundance or when an heritage of a piece of earth fals upon them But how few are of Davids mind who had more joy of heart in the cheerefull countenance of God then others when their corne wine and oyle increased Few are halfe so glad to become heires apparant of heaven 2 Who for want of sound love of Christ plainely refuse Christ for the world As when men lay aside religion good conscience and their duty to get riches and preferments of the world Such as the prophane Esaus of the world who are all for pottage but despise the blessing And the gracelesse Gadarens who as swine still rooting in the earth prefer their pigges before Iesus Christ. And wretched Demasses that forsake the truth to fall to the present world Oh the dayes of tryall will discover a number such But most unhappy of all worldlings are they whose office is to preach Iesus Christ but for wealth and preferments cast off good conscience and the diligent exercise of their callings the right successors of Iudas who must have the bagge and the better to fill it turnes against his Master departs from his calling and so runnes on to destruction Let all of us against this corruption consider 1 That our Lord Iesus himselfe denyed to bee a King and was content to be poore in the world that we might be rich and to be despised in comparison of his office And must it be better with servants then the Master 2 The saints were strangers and pilgrims Heb. 11. 13. If they could not enjoy both religion and riches then they chose religion and good conscience and abandoned honour wealth preferments Moses esteemed Christs rebukes above the wealth of a Kingdome Paul glories in the marks of Iesus Christ Gal. 6. 17. 3 What will it profit a man to winne the whole world and to lose his owne soule This is an unhappy exchange The world lost may be wonne againe 4 The promise is there shall be no losse in leaving all the world for Christ Mat. 19. 29. but great gaine and advantage 5 What a folly were it to bee so affected with the light of the Moone as for it to neglect the brightnes of the Sunne 6 What a confusion were it in the world to offer to set the Moone above the Sunne Such a confusion were it in Christianity to preferre in judgement or affection earthly things before Iesus Christ and things of heaven 2 Let no member of the Church thinke that hee may set the Moone any where but under his feet A sonne of this mother may not set the Moone upon his head by placing his chiefe study how to get and keepe the world and wealth of it Nor in his Iudgement advancing them above their due place but with Mary acknowledge a better part Neither may he set them on his heart by minding earthly things or by affecting and covetous desiring them above better things Neither hold them in his hand by base and tenacious keeping them when he may exchange them for better things but in this comparison tread them under his foote and contemne such bewitching vanities The text affords us some motives 1 Because they all resemble the Moone in mutability and ever-changing inconstancy If they or any of them were to abide with us or wee with them there were more cause or colour to allow them an higher place then under our feet but they are al alike fugitive and mutable as the Moone as appeares in this short survay First riches have Eagles wings to fly away Pro. 23. 5. Iob had experience that they were uncertaine riches as Paul cals them 1 Tim. 6. 17. Salomon cals them riches of vanity Prov. 13. 11. And the Apostle Heb. 11. 25. cals their use for a season Secondly honours are as mutable as the Moone Haman the one day was the only man with the King at the banquet the next day he was hanged on his owne gallowes Nebuchad-nezzar advanced himselfe in his grear Babel as if he were a God but the same houre he is cast among beasts Dan. 4 30. Adoni-bezek Iudg. 17. now a conquerour over seaventy Kings and now under the table equall with dogs and eating their offals Great Belizarius the chiefe Duke of all the Romane Empire most potent and glorious in honourable triumphs and victories but spoyled of his wealth by Iustinian accused condemned and had his eyes put out and came to stand in the high waies to beg saying give to Belizarius one token Thirdly pleasures Moone-like goe away by post make love to many like alluring harlots are large in faire promises and winne many to like them and adulterate with them but keepe faith with none It were a vaine thing to expect to hold them if thou hadst the pleasures of Paradise it selfe Pleasures for evermore are onely at Gods right hand Fourthly the life it self passeth as a tale is in a moment changed and who can boast of tomorrow The Moone risen hasteneth not faster to her West and setting then man borne travelleth swiftly to the west and setting of his life Fitfly the whole world passeth away as the Moon is ever upon his speed This old Moone is in her last quarter yea in the houre
flesh but to the eye of faith which is patience in afflictions and constancy in faith this is her victory 1. Joh. 5. 4. 3 The greatest splendor of the Church is not that which the world can afford her but that which she hath frō Christ in which she is likest unto Christ who had small rest or reputation in the world Fulget Ecclesia non sua luce sed Christi lumine splendorem sibi accescit de Sole justitiae As the Moone shineth from the Sunne Ambr. Hexam Lib. 4. cap. 8. Christ himselfe had neither forme nor beauty externall to be desired and the Church his Spouse is glorious but within and the eye of faith can espy glory in ignominy Christ crowned on the Crosse and a glorious shining and victory of faith through the bolts and chaines of beleevers Not to disesteeme the Church and Kingdome of Christ as if shee were under hatches or inferiour to those crowned enemies which rise against her or disabled to make her party good against them Here consider the Church 1. in her person 2. head 3. estate 1. The Dragon hath seven crownes on his heads but yet a Dragon still but this Woman is a crowned Queene as wee have heard ver 1. not of noble only but of divine descent and crowned not by men with a crowne of Gold and Pearles for so high is her estate as shee treadeth all such trash under her feet but by God himselfe with a crowne of twelve Starres the doctrine of the twelve Apostles which is more durable precious glorious and invincible then all the crownes and kingdomes of the world 1. They be crownes corruptible and fading This is unwithering 2. In them much unrighteousnesse in getting and holding This a crown of righteousnes 3. they are dead or dying crownes This is a crowne of life Revel 2. 10. which no death commeth neare which all the kingdomes in the world cannot put off for one day 2. Consider the Church in her head and there we shall see her farre more victorious then the dragon for all his 7. crownes indeed the dragon is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luke 11. 21. but in the next verse Christ is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a stronger then he And be it that this strong mā hath a strēgth above all men as namely of all the wicked angels yet it is but strength created the woman hath in her head a creating strength for Esay 9. 6. the Prophet calleth him ●ll Gibbor the strong God The dragon is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lord and Prince of the world but Jesus Christ our head is above and beyond him in infinite degrees for hee is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lord of all and heire of all things Rev. 18. the dragon is potent but our Lord is omnipotent The dragon hath many crownes and kingdomes but they are all shaking and shall bee shaken to pieces one of them prevaileth against another and one of them is eaten of another but on Christ his crowne shall ever flourish his kingdome is unshaking an everlasting kingdome all the crownes on earth and all the gates of hell cannot prevaile against the happines neither of the head nor least member 3. Consider her in her lowest and most afflicted estate which is most questionable even in that she is more than a conquerour Rom. 8. 37. Looke at her at worst and then she is crowned what if with a crowne of thornes a crowne of persecution and Martyrdome as Iob called his suffering his crowne 1. What other crowne can the Saints expect seeing their Lord Christ wore no other and yet even then was he overcome 2. God is more graciously present with them as their crowne and they are now more glorious than if they had a crowne of gold If a man had seene the three children walking in the fiery furnace and a fourth walking with them like the Sonne of God was not this a more glorious sight then to gaze upon Nebuchadnezzars golden crowne faith can see the faith of the Saints conquering and tormenting the tyrants while they torment them as Christ on the crosse tormented the devils while they tormented and crucified him 3 The consolations of Gods Spirit are never so neare warme and sensible to the Saints as in their sharpest trials for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth on them crowneth them with mercy and sustaineth their hearts with such cordials and comforts as all other crownes cannot procure 4. The conquest and victory even in Martyrdome and suffering is a most glorious crowne while by faith and patience they triumph over all adversities and overcome most when they seeme most overcome now Christ hath crowned their graces by their fiery trials crowned his owne victory in them and also their persons lifting them up to sit with himselfe in his owne Chariot of triumph A ground of patience and contentment establishing the godly minde whether it looke without or within it self 1 Without it self while it beholdeth the prosperity and advancement of wicked men that their wicked designes prosper for a time and prevaile and that mischief is so nimble quicke marvaile not seeing it hath all the power of hel and the world to put it forward many hands make light worke Psal. 37. 7. Fret not thyselfe for him that prospereth in his way c. If a man would compact with the dragō as they do hee might thrive in the world and be preferred as they Every corporation preferreth his own citizens and were they of the world the world would love hir owne Neither let godly men be discouraged to see the increase of the wicked never was the dragon so victorious numbers fall to Atheisme numbers to Popery multitudes to carnall policy and selfe-seeking God suffereth the dragon to crowne all his heads and prevaile against those whose names are not written in the booke of life 2. Within the godly minde beholding his owne abasement and opposition in the world how little of Gods worke he can doe how little thanke he hath for that he doth what reproaches and wrongs hee must pocket and put up for doing his duty might make him weary and faint if he did not apprehend the true cause of all namely that hee must strive against many crowned adversaries principalities and spirituall wickednesses wicked Princes and worldly Potentates and wicked persons who commonly can get the edge of the lawes of the sword directly bent against the kingdome of Christ and his members It were hard if some of these seven crownes could not fetch in a godly man for of the innocent Sonne of God himself the Jewes could say We have a law and by that law he must die John 19. 7. If they can finde none it is easie for crowned dragons to make one as against Daniel and Haman against the Jewes and Pharaoh against the Israelites And the Saints must not be discouraged though they are to
properly ruleth all nations with a rod of Iron Psal. 2. so this sonne of the woman in this verse so as we see a notable correspondence in the birth of this man-childe to the birth of Christ that man-childe who was figured by all those man-children that first opened the wombe under the law so as it cannot be denyed but that this vision looketh backe to the history of Christs birth and is first true in the most and maine passages of it of Iesus Christ And this be named once for all the vision Quest. But is not Christ here directly meant Ans. It seemeth to mee by many strong reasons in the text that Christ is not properly and directly meant by this man-childe for I. If by this man-childe here be meant Christ then by the woman must be meant not the Church as we have interpreted proved but the Virgin Mary as some Papists imagine although even some of them finding many parts of the description of this woman not agreeing to her conclude as Ribera out of Methodius that not Mary but the Church is this woman II. The man-childe here borne is the sonne of the Church but Christ is not the sonne of the Church therefore hee is not this man-childe for Christ is the Sonne of God and the sonne of Mary but not the sonne of the Church nay hee is the Father of the Church Esay 9. 6. and the Church is called his seed Esay 53. but no where is hee called the sonne of the Church nor the seed of the Church III. This woman is said to travell to bring forth this man-childe but the Church is never said to travell to bring forth Christ. Indeed the Apostle Galat. 4. 19. saith Hee travelled in birth with the Galathians to forme Christ in them by his Ministery but not that he travelled of Christ but of them to bring them forth Christians IIII. We must remember that Iohn writeth here a Propheticall history of things to come to passe after his time and not of things formerly passed and therefore neither of the personall nor mysticall birth of Christ for first consider him 1. Personally he was before this time not borne only but dead and risen and ascended to the Throne of God all this was past and Iohn had seene it and needed no new vision to manifest this unto him which he knew before and had so largely described in his Euangelicall Story 2. If wee consider the mysticall birth of Christ in the hearts of beleevers by the preaching of the Gospell this also had beene done formerly in abundant measure and was a thing not to come and to bee done but onely to bee continued so as it cannot bee meant of Christ either personally or mystically V. It will not agree to Christ that is said of this man-childe that presently he was taken up to God after his birth without mentioning any of the great workes for which hee was borne and came into the world for Christ was to doe more than be borne and ascend hee must fast and teach and pray and doe many powerfull miracles and suffer and bee buried and rise and then ascend neither is the word fitly here used to note the ascension of Christ that hee was caught up to the Throne of God as it were by the power of some other for hee is said to goe up Acts 1. 19. and to ascend as doing it of his owne power indeed we weake creatures are said to bee caught up 1 Thess. 4. 17. by a mighty power without our selves as this man-childe in the Text but it is not so with him in his ascending who had all power in heaven and earth Mat. 28. c. last Object But there bee two things in the Text which seeme so proper to Christ as that they cannot agree or be ascribed to any other First that hee ruleth the Nations with a rod of iron and this is Christs property Psal. 2. 9. and cannot agree to any other Ans. All power is Christs originally and primarily but wee may not forget that hee promiseth the same power by Communication to his members Revel 2. 26. To him that overcommeth I will give power over the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron not that the soveraign power of Christ over the whole earth is communicable to any creature for none of his Offices can passe from him to another but noteth that beleevers have benefit part in his exaltation and power and therefore wee must not marvell if we finde this power which is properly invested in Christ to be communicated and in part executed for him by others Object 2. But this man-childe is taken up to the Throne of God now who but Christ ever sate in heaven in the Throne of God Sol. In the Throne of Gods right hand as Mediator and head of the Church in heaven properly so taken onely Christ sitteth and no other creature man nor Angel but the Throne of God in Scripture is taken mystically and figuratively for 1. There is an heaven upon earth the Church which is many times called by the name of heavē as in this Chapter And a kingdome of grace in which the Lord hath set up his Throne unto which he lifteth whom hee pleaseth now wee are sonnes of God 1 Iohn 3. 2. Ephes. 2. 5. 6. Now we are saved by hope Rom. 8. 24. 2. Heavenly glory is called figuratively a Throne wherein howsoever Christ only sitteth by his owne right and priviledge yet the Saints also by communication and participation are admitted to sit on the Throne with him as members with the head Rev. 3. 21. To him that overcommeth will I give that he shall sit with me on my Throne as I overcome and sit with my Father on his Throne Thus the twelve Disciples are promised to sit on twelve Thrones and the twenty foure Elders representing the Church of the old and new Testament sate upon twenty foure Thrones Revel 11. 26. so as this is no barre but some besides Christ may be meant by this man childe 3. In the worldly administration howsoever the kingdome and Throne be the Lords and all power belongeth unto God yet it pleaseth him in the government of the world to take up Rulers and Princes after a sort into his owne Throne and setteth them in highest place next himselfe to rule over the Nations and putteth a rod of power into their hands investing them not with his power onely but with his name also I said ye are gods thus he taketh them into his owne Throne putteth on them a part of his owne Majesty whereof their Thrones and Seates carry a little representation and in this sense is this phrase here taken Having shewed that this man-childe is not to be meant of Christ and answered the objections that have caried some to that interpretation let us inquire who he is and looking neare unto the Text and scope of the place the series of times
world Romane or other hath priviledge to be alway so visible but way and doe disappeare and become invisible Ob. III. The Church is the kingdome of Christ but every kingdome comprehendeth a visible company ergo the Church is visible Sol. The Proposition we grant true of the Catholike Church else it is weake and false the Assumption is false standing upon the foote of an absurde comparison of a spirituall kingdome with a temporall True it is that every worldly kingdome standeth upon a visible company of members under one head and king but Gods kingdome is spirituall and invisible for who ever saw with the eye of flesh a spirituall kingdome which commeth not with observation Having cleared the doctrine propounded and freed it from Popish objections wee will make the first Use of it to answer the common usuall Question of our Adversaries viz. Where was your Church an hundred yeares agoe or before Luthers time Ans. 1. Our Church was never utterly extinct as Papists say nor without beeing since the world had beeing but was ever the same 1. In her selfe her inward glory was ever the same her inward graces the same the same Faith Hope Love Repentance the same ornaments but as a great Princesse in costly robes keeping her chamber and not comming abroad in the sight of others 2. Shee was the same to God ever deare to him and provided for by him for food and harbour all the time shee was hid from the world As the woman here 3. Shee was ever the same to Jesus Christ the same ship of Christ that ever she was and Christ in her present even when shee is covered with waves and holdeth her up onely undrounded in the tempest onely she was not 1. In the same state shee was hid amongst themselves as in a barren and wilde Antichristian wildernesse as a little wheate in a heape of Chaffe and as a little gold insensible amongst much drosse 2. Not the same to the eye of the world for the world was unworthy of her and although she shined in her selfe yet for the sins of the world she shined as a candle in a darke place II. As the Church was ever the same so was the true religion which wee professe before Luther 1. In the institution of it in paradise 2. In the promulgation of it by the preaching of Patriarks Prophets Apostles and their successors 3. In the profession of faithfull beleevers Martyrs and Confessors of it in all ages but the true religion being chased out of sight by the horrible idolatry and tyranny of Antichrist who had given to traditions and Antichristian pollutions wings to flie above the Scripture and trodden under foote the purity of holy religion God of his mercy raised up Luther whose holy paines preaching and writing was not a novation but a renovation not a planting of a new religion but a renewing replanting of the ancient and true religion not an institution but restitution of the truth of God not an introduction but reduction not inducing a novelty but reducing the true and holy religion of the Prophets and Apostles While wee are here below wee must make account of the wildernesse and wisely prepare for all estates and conditions for it is not the lot of the members of Christ still to enjoy such externall peace such free exercises of Gods Ordinances and such multitudes to joyne in the externall profession of Christ and his Gospell as wee by Gods special grace doe now enjoy and we may be forced to flie into the wildernesse ere we be aware let us looke upon Israel Gods own people in the wildernesse make ●ccount to follow thē in their passage through that terrible and dreadfull desart knowing that 1. A wildernes is a place unpeopled unfrequented and such is the state of the Church in respect of the small number of professors in comparison of the rest We must not therefore thinke worse of the truth and doctrine for theirfew either faithfull teachers or faithfull followers of it as neither must we esteem the better of the dolaters for their large and numerous multitudes that stand with them 2. The wildernesse is a place of temptation Israel tempted by God in the wildernesse tentatione probationis Israel tempted God in the wildernesse tentatione dubitationis Is God amongst us Satan tempted Israel in the wildernesse tentatione deceptionis we must therefore make account of and fore cast temptation and arme our selves If we were as holy as our head Christ himselfe we shall be led forth to be tempted in the wildernesse 3. The wildernesse is a place of journey and so full of changes as Israel in the wildernesse had 42. stations and were ever in their journey we must not thinke this wildernesse our resting place but expect changes of places and conditions and as Christian Pilgrims be content with the toile of our travell being assured that 1. We have the Lord before us both in his presence and direction 2. As they we still journey toward Canaan as our aime 3. As they had their eyes and thoughts on their Canaan so wee settle our affections on heaven our Canaan and the things that lead and helpe us thither 4. The wildernesse was a place of warre and conflict in which Israel was beset with enemies round Canaanites Philistians Amalekites so wee must not make account of setled peace here but expect Amaleck and Ogg Sehon Gyants and tyrants Antichristian Amaleck Popish Philistims Romish Canaanites bold obdurate enemies who will disclame the house of God disgrace the religion of God revile and resist the servants of God for propounding the truth of God no expectation of truce or peace till we recover our Canaan 5. The wildernesse is a place full of annoyances wants and dangers the Israel of God must make account of wilde beasts fiery Serpents want of bread want of water and never expect any harvest in the wildernesse hence therefore we must learne 1. To arme our selves with faith patience and constancy without which wee must needs fall short of Canaan 2. Christian moderation that wee may know with Paul Philip 4. 11. to want to abound to be full to be empty 3. Never to thinke our selves well till we be hence where we are out of hope of any harvest but of sorrow and danger To comfort Gods people who are contemned despised and brought to a few having not onely the whole world against them but sometimes in the house of God where they expect most comfort are rated and scorned by those whom God hath enjoyned to speake peace to his people and to whet their tongues against vilde persons and bold sinners rather than harden and hearten them against the generation of them that seek God But hence all that feare God may be strengthened and encouraged yea contented to be brought into the wildernesse for 1. It is no new estate to the true Church but a condition with which she is anciently acquainted and all
of Gods and his Churches enemies publike enemies who through us wound Gods glory 2. There is a twofold joy Some riseth of private affection by which men are glad their injuries are revenged by God and this is an unwarrantable affection The other riseth out of publike affection and zeale for the glory of God and this is free from troublesome passions and affections of private hatred impatience wrath and private revenge and this the godly doe and may exercise when they see Gods revenge upon the wicked still retaining the graces of meeknesse patience charity and the like Christian vertues This joy ariseth out of spirituall causes as the other out of fleshly and these causes are especially three 1. The manifestation of Gods glory which seemed to be obscured in the oppression of the Saints 2. The manifestation of his justice upon uncurable enemies whose conversion rather they had desired 3. The deliverance of the Church arising from and joyned with the destruction of the enemies and the former is the proper matter of their joy not the destruction it selfe properly and simply Having now cleared the point by this explication wee come to the confirmation of it by sundry Reasons 1. The Lord who needeth no praise from us being eternally happy in himselfe yet bindeth his Church and people straightly to the duty of thankefulnes for taking their part against the dragon For First it is the condition on which hee conferreth this mercy Psal. 50. 15. I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie mee Secondly he will have us to acknowledge no merit no desert or power in our selves to helpe our selves that all our rejoycing dependance and glory may be in his love and mercy Thirdly it is his rent and tribute due from us for all his mercies and deliverances It is the onely recompence we can repay to give him the honour and glory of his mercy who can give him nothing else In what estate soever we bee the Lord expects a sacrifice from us if wee be in affliction and under any oppression now the sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart is above all sacrifices Psal 51. 17. If in prosperity now he expects the sacrifice of praises to waite for him in Sion Fourthly it becomes the just to bee thankfull who feele the benefit sweet and comfortable which ungodly men and they that are without passe by and taste not so as if the Church should not praise God he should lose all his honour Thus the Lord expects it from them not from the other 2. The godly must most excite themselves to joyfull praises where they see Gods glory most manifested but the overthrow of the dragons kingdome is a work wherein the Lords glory shineth out aboue the other ordinary works of his providence especially in the manifestation of his two Attributes justice and mercy His powerfull justice is seene in breaking Satans power to peeces hee makes himselfe knowne by executing justice and by getting himselfe a name upon such dragons as Pharaoh Nero Haman Iulian c. his mercy is magnified in his Church First in that the overthrow of his and her enemies is a signe of his presence and good favour toward her who now rejoyceth in the light of his countenance Secondly it is a fruit of his everlasting Covenant made with his people whereof hee now sheweth himselfe mindefull Thirdly it is an effect of his speciall grace hearing the sighes and prayers of his people under their enemies oppressions whereby hee is now excited risen up for their seasonable salvation Fourthly the taking part with his people against the dragon argueth his sympathy and neare affection who is troubled in all their troubles and undertaketh their cause as his owne and feeleth after a sort accounteth their sufferings as his own In thy great glory thou hast overthrown thē that rose up against thee that is the Aegyptians who rose against Israel and accounted of God as risers up against himselfe 3. The overthrow of the dragon and thrusting down the power of wicked men carrieth in it abundant matter of joy to kindle the hearts of the Saints unto zealous and abundant praises for as Salomon saith Pro. 29. 2. When the wicked beare rule the people sigh but when the righteous are in authority people rejoyce and there is great cause in both for 1. When the wicked beare rule Gods worship is trodden under foot and the Kingdome of Christ is hindred Now contrarily when wicked men are foiled and good men come in their places the true worship of GOD is erected which is the soule and life of the world Christ is declared King ruling in the midst of his enemies and the bounds of his Kingdome are inlarged these will know their duty out of the Word these will doe their duty according to the Word these will uphold the Arke and glory of God will encourage his servants and rule in the feare of God 2. When wicked Rulers are in place civill justice is neglected as Iudges 5. 6. in the dayes of Shamger and Iael the highwayes and townes were unoccupied there was nothing but danger and spoile to him that went out and in for robbers oppressors Wicked men like themselves may doe what they list but when religious men are advanced civill justice and peace which is the maine stay and life of the world is maintained the sword is not suffered to rust in the sheath but is drawne out to the terrour of evill men and suffers not every man to doe as he list as Israel did being without a King 3. When wicked men beare rule there is abundance of all high sinnes against morall and civill laws and increase of sinners which like weeds and vermines can scarce by greatest iudustry be destroyed or kept under but when good men beare rule they will compell men to the keeping of the commandements of God they will seeke and take up to just correction drunkards that lie swilling and swearing and dicing and carding by dayes and nights they will gather up such as lie and wallow like swine in the streets who had they not better helpe than their own would be buried alive in the mire Under such government as wicked men would be nipt and kept under so would righteous men increase as under a faire gleame of incouragement Pro. 28. 28. 4. Where wicked men beare rule as all sins are suffred so is Gods justice let-in in all kindes of plagues publike and personall They bring evill on the place sometimes infamie and disgrace sometimes poverty and want and a generall curse upon mens callings and estates for want of reforming open abuses sometimes the fire of contentions quarrels and frivolous suites like that which came out from Abimelech and consumed Sichem and from Sichem and consumed Abimelech sometimes by driving away the light and removing the Candlesticke from an unhappy and unworthy people to some that will bring forth better fruit whereas where godly men are exalted
Chro. 29. 10. And when the Arke was brought home to the City of David hee was so over-carried with joy that hee could not containe himselfe but he danced before it 2 Sam. 6. 14. 1. A good heart cannot but esteeme it the greatest cause of joy where God is most honoured But God is most honoured where his Kingdom is most advanced for here he glorifieth his power and grace farre above all that is in the kingdome of power First his power is more admirable in setting up the Church than in setting up the world no lesse is his power in conversion than in the Creation of men The power of his Word converting soules is no lesse than the word fiat framing bodies and substances Neither is his power lesse admirable in upholding his Church then in upholding the world putting forth it self daily both in removing the stops and impediments reared against him by Sathan tyrants heretikes wicked worldlings mans corruption as also by advancing the powerfull meanes by which his kingdome is erected continued and inlarged Secondly his grace is magnified by setting up the Kingdome of grace 1. In gathering himselfe a choise people out of the world by a meanes so contemptible to the world 2. In freeing them from the dominion of sinne from the curse of the law and the power of Satan 3. In bestowing on them the free grace of righteousnesse joy peace of conscience and sanctification 4. In their finall salvation 2. Sincere love and affection to our mother the Church and to our brethren the children of our father cannot but bewray it selfe in rejoycing in their joy seeing this onely affection will shew a man to bee of the house and blood of Christ and his seed How doe men rejoyce when their neare kindred as Parents brethren or children rise up in earthly wealth honour and happinesse Even so will a godly man when he seeth any advanced in grace which brings ever a rich revenue with it desirable above wealth besides honour and favour of GOD to which all earthly honour and favour is winde and vanity and all rejoycing in any man or gift without this is carnall unseasoned and unsound And contrarily he is signed to bee out of the communion of Saints who rejoyceth not in the grace of everie one seeing every grace in every Christian is every Christians grace neither can hee bee a lively member whose welfare is shut up in himselfe seeing the health of the whole body stands in the welfare of every part 3. That must be the greatest cause of joy in earth which is next and likliest to the joyes in heaven But to see the kingdome the Lords is the next and likest to the joyes of heaven Therefore 1. This maketh way and entrance into that Kingdome of glory 2. That Kingdome of glory is but the perfection of this For here is a daily subduing of enemies and that is a conquest of all enemies subdued and vanquished this a gathering of subjects into the kingdome in that all subjects are gathered here the King of glory ruleth his subjects mediately by Princes and Pastors in Magistracy and Ministery there hee ruleth all by himselfe immediately and is by all acknowledged all in all here is a communion of Saints absent from the Lord striving against sinne there is a communion of just and perfect men present with the Lord freed from sinne and triumphing over it here the subjects have begun a chearefull and free obedience ceasing from sinne and have attained peace with God joy good conscience and sweet fellowship with God which is an heaven upon earth there they attaine a perfect obedience a perpetual Sabbath and rest from sinne an heavenly joy in the happy and immediate fellowship with God seeing him as they would So as indeed the setting up of this Kingdome is the setting up of that and is the seed-time of that full Harvest of joy which eye hath not seene This condemnes such as whose eyes are filled with envy at the prosperity and proceedings of the Gospell by which the Kingdome becomes the Lords and gather matter of griefe and wrath where they should most rejoyce As First gracelesse and irreligious people who expresse open contempt of Gods House and Ordinances cleane contrary to holy David who rejoyced to heare the people say to him Come let us goe to the House of God And whereas grace would teach them to count the feet of godly Preachers beautifull they cast mire and dirt in their faces and what disgraces the times wil afford thē an earnest of the ful wages they would pay them if times should prove for them Nothing so much grieves them as a man who is suffered to uphold the Lords Kingdome as Sanballat and Tobiah were exceedingly grieved that Nehemiah sought to build the walls of Jerusalem Secondly profane Ministers who above all men should rejoyce that Christ is preached any maner of way and preferre the worke and prevailing of the Gospell above their chiefe joy yet are full of envy to see Gods blessing given and the Kingdome of the Lord more set up by others than themselves So were the Pharises exceedingly troubled to see the people follow Christ himselfe See all the world goeth after him And their Ghosts walke in the world in numbers of their successors whose hearts rise against those to whose Ministery God gives a better report than to theirs A signe of a proud and unmortified heart Thus did not Moses Num. 11. 28. hee did not presently shove and thrust at Eldad and Medad to thrust them out of the Congregation because they prophesied but was glad and wished more of them The true Apostles were glad that Christ was preached by false apostles though it were of envy but they are false apostles that envie Christ preached of good will Iohn Baptist was glad that Christ increased though himselfe decreased by it Iohn 3. 29. Oh that the Angels of the Churches on earth would resemble the Angels in heaven They sing glory to God when Christ appeares and the poore shepheards preach him so would these were they as free from pride and vaine-glory as they and would frame their high spirits to the lowlinesse of our Lord himselfe who rejoyced in spirit and blessed his Father that hee had revealed the things of the Kingdome to Babes Thirdly others disswade and discourage such as are comming on to Christ and were it not for them would shew themselves subjects to this Lord by frequenting his House and Ordinances Oh you must not heare such nor frequent the Lecture you shall get your selfe a blot c. O unhappy men not onely the perswaded whose lot is to light into such mischievous acquaintance by whom they are intised away from their allegiance to their Heavenly King but most unhappy such perswaders who keepe away with themselves all they can fall in with what is their worke but the same with the dragons Vers. 4. to slay every manchilde so soone as he is borne
Scriptures out of their Countries to receive in humane traditions thrusting down the pure worship of God to set up horrible Idolatry blasphemy and sacrilegious worship of stockes stones and the breaden god persecuting to death the faithfull and godly Preachers taking into their bosomes shavelings Baals Priests fabulous Fryars Jesuiticall King-killers and Antichristian god-makers What a griefe is it to cast our eyes abroad into the world and consider what a small part of it is come in as subiects to this King In the Easterne part of the world we may see Gog and Magog Turkes Jewes and Sarazens to hold out this Kingdome of Christ and set up Mahomet against him the god of that part of the world In the Westerne part we may see Antichrist Apollyon his Holinesse the Arch-enemy of the Churches of the Gentiles holding out by power and policy by force and fraud this Kingdome of our God in the most of this Westerne world and none may buy or sell no nor breath or live but such as receive the marke of the beast in their hands and foreheads So as wee must beleeve Jesus Christ to bee the great King For if we should trust our senses he seemeth in comparison of the world to be as Ishbosheth a King without a Kingdome II. To come nearer to our owne Countrey If we turne our eyes home wee may finde matter of mourning that this Kingdome of the Lord hath gotten no more ground in this Kingdome or rather hath lost much ground of late yeares sure it is God never gave more excellent gifts nor more furnished lights to his Church in any age since the Apostles then in this last age since the discovery of that Antichristian darknesse nor in this age unto any nation more than unto this nation and where he giveth much doth he not require much But oh the misery that is come upon his Church that 1. Whereas wee should have beene generally setled on our Rocke and foundations without wavering we are now calling our grounds in question and must dispute against deniers of our principles 2. Whereas Antichrist and Popery was a dead stinking carkeise detestable to every man of any nose or iudgement now the dead bones seeme to reunite themselves and flesh and skinne to come on them and begin to revive and take heart and contest yea iustle againe with the truth which once gave it the deadly wound as if it had brought seven spirits worse than before to take possession againe 3. Whereas painefull Preachers have beene worthily honoured and Gods graces admired in them in former times when the Word of God had free passage and was glorified what a griefe is it to see them now disdained and in stead of them to behold those Locusts the Priests and Jesuites fighting under their King Abbaddon and consuming the greene grasse and prevailing against so many high and low in these dayes of light to see these set by 4. Whereas the doctrine of the Sabbath was described plainely out of the Word of God and practised unlesse in very rude places in holy and commendable manner now the holy observation of it is rather accounted a kinde of heresie and all the dayes of the weeke afford not so much profanesse as that day wherein all the subiects of the Lords Kingdome ought onely to attend upon himselfe 5. How did the Lord Jesus mourne when hee saw the Jews without able Teachers as sheep without shepheards Mat. 9. 36. And what a mournfull sight were it to see a goodly field ready for the harvest but never a man in the Countrey to gather it in but there it must rot So what a lamentable thing is it to see so many Churches and Parishes without able Ministers and some countries utterly barren of meanes to gather them into the Kingdome whose Ministers in stead of feeding them either sterve them or poyson thē in stead of directing and comforting the poore Church smite her wound her shame her by taking away her vaile from her What a case was the poore Church in when the Pharises made a Canon that if any did sincerely professe Jesus Christ hee should bee excommunicated Iohn 9. 22. and afterward whē Diotrephes cast men out of the Church for receiving the brethren 3. Iohn 10. 6. How did David mourne and his eyes gush out rivers of teares because men kept not the Word The same cause have wee to see men generally cast off the regiment of Jesus Christ and led by the devill and their owne lusts The desperate prophanesse against the meanes is most damnable The Trumpet of the Gospell cals them to subiection but they say This man shall not rule over us 7. Wee have cause of mourning to see the Gospell going away and the Kingdome a taking away from us that is The Word of the Kingdome and the meanes of grace Who doth not see the Word of the Kingdome gone in the power of it For where may a man see the power of it but in a very small remnant so farre from the power of converting that it cannot prevaile against open sins nor trifling vanities And who seeth not the kingdome going away in the presence of it as wel as in the power Will Christ stay where hee is so unwelcome May wee not heare the same voyce as the Jewes did Mat. 21. 43. because they refused the Corner stone therefore the Kingdome should be taken from them and given to a Nation that would bring forth the fruits of it Or is it not a refusing of the Corner stone to trample upon the Preachers and Professors of holy religion and preferre before them Priests and Papists and to fall in love againe with Antichristian Idolatry and Masses and Breaden gods which reverse our Corner stone and cannot stand with the presence of the Arke So long as we have the Bridegroome with us wee may reioyce however other things goe with us but if he goe then our sorrowes come in as an unresistable flood III. To come to our owne places It will set griefe to every good heart to see how little ground the kingdome of the Lord hath gotten a long time If we shall see that after thirty or forty yeares constant preaching Magistrates professing religion are carelesse of religion as Gallio let religion runne as it will so that their aimes may succeed and projects prosper and not seldome turne the edge of authority against religion and religious persons If wee see that Magistracie will not bee wonne to joyne with the Ministery to set an edge and add a point to holy doctrine to make our weapons the more mighty and piercing against sinne and sinners Well knowes Satan the Kingdomes of the world would bee the Lords if these his two Ordinances should shake hands if David and Nathan or God stand together Iosias and Huldas and therefore labour to divulse them and prevailes so farre as wee seldome enjoy their happy conjunction What a griefe is it that when wee call for the
more cowardly lost the field then those that presumed most of their strength and valour at home Goe out of thy selfe and pray that by his strength thou mayest be able to all things Verse 12. Therefore rejoyce ye Heavens and ye that dwell in them Wo to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the divell is come downe unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time AFter the victory atchieved over the dragon and the due praises both of Michael the Generall and of his band and armie sung out in the former triumphant song now in this verse is described a twofold fruit of the former benefit 1 The joy of the Saints therefore rejoyce yee heavens and ye that dwell in them 2 The sorrow and extreme griefe of the wicked called the inhabitants of the earth and sea in opposition to the former with the reason of their sorrow For the divell is come downe c. For the joy of the Saints it is invited by an Apostrophe or conversion to them in which are two things 1 The cause or reason of their joy in the word of inference therefore 2 The titles of those that are called to rejoyce ye heavens and ye that dwell in them The cause of their joy is in the word therefore because the Church both in the Head and members hath got so happie a victory over the dragon therefore they are to rejoyce Note hence that godly men triumph after victory not before Israel triumpheth when Goliah is slaine and lyeth dead 1 Cor 15. ult Thankes bee unto God who hath given us victory Revel 7. 14. Who be they that say Amen Praise glory wisdome thankes honour power and might unto our God for evermore but those that are come out of great tribulation 1 Christ our Lord triumphed after his victory Col. 2. 15. He made a show and triumphed over the principalities and powers when he had spoyled them This was for our example 2 The nature of a triumph is ever after victory and before is as unwise as unseasonable For the event of warre is uncertaine and falls sometime on this side and sometime on that And therefore the counsell of the King of Israel to Benhadud assuring himselfe of victory from the multitude of his army which was so numerous that the dust of Samaria was not enough to give every one of his followers an handfull was grounded on wise policie 1 King 20. 11. Let not him that girdeth on his armour boast as he that putteth it off 3 All the true triumph of Saints is grounded in Christs victory soundly applyed to themselves No flesh must rejoyce in it selfe that according as it is written He that rejoyceth let him rejoyce in the Lord 1 Cor. 1. 31. Which serves to thrust downe all carnall and ungrounded triumph and boasting before the victory as First Many formall Protestants defie the devill have a strong faith and ever beleeved and it were pitty he should live that doubts of his salvation and of all men they are surest to be saved But here is a foolish triumph before victory all this while they come not in Christs victory or strength they meane wel and deale justly with men are sober civill chaste not adulterers drunkards theeves they come to Church and heare the Prayers and Sermons and yet are none of these forward and precise fellowes But all this while the enemie hath thē fast enough and is well pleased they should so delude themselves For they are without faith which should be their victory over the world without repentance and mortification which should be their victory over their sins and lusts without sound fruits of faith the only ensignes of victorious conquerors Secondly Papists glorie and triumph but before victory for 1 Finall victory stands with Christ not Antichrist 2 Sound victory is founded in the victory of Jesus Christ and not in prevailing against Christ and his Kingdome as all theirs is 3 Sound victory glorieth first in truths victory and not in treading downe the truth and Professors of it as theirs doth 4 True victory gloryeth in the lawfull just and Christian meanes of obtayning it But how overcome they In their fight against spirituall enemies they will overcome by their good deeds and merits by their owne holy-water holy relickes holy crosses by buying Masses pardons trentalls and indulgences by round summes to avoyd Purgatory and the like Here be conquerors whose safety and salvation lyeth in despaire For whom have they enemies in all this but God and his truth such conquerors as Saul and his armour-bearer who dyed on their owne weapons And for their temporall enemies by what meanes carry they victory but by stabbing throat-cutting burning Massacres powder-plots perjurie treasons Is this to be victors to be superiors in fury fiercenesse slaughters and effusion of Christian blood Let Papists thus conquer and glorie in their shame the more such victories they carry lesse cause have they to triumph unlesse they triumph justly in making themselves and their religion the shame and infamy of the whole world 2 The persons that are called to rejoyce are the heavens and they that dwell in them By the heavens we understand not the heavens or any of them literally or naturally nor by the inhabitants the Saints and Angells dwelling in the third heaven though even these have a share in the generall joy of the Church militant For as the cause of this joy properly belongeth to the Church militant as wee have heard so the word of inference therefore calleth on them as whom it most concerneth to rejoyce in their owne happinesse By the heavens and those that dwell in them are meant the Church on earth and the Saints and Beleevers the members of it which is not usually in this Chapter nor in this booke chap. 18. 20. O heavens rejoyce over her where the company of the godly in earth are called to rejoice in the destruction of Antichrist and his Kingdome Now to the former reasons elsewhere why the Church militant is called by the name of heaven we will adde these 1 Because there is not a more lively resemblance of heaven in the world then the universall company of Saints in the militant Church here upon earth as might appeare in many things The inhabitants of the Church here below dwell together in an holy communion of Saints enjoying the presence of God separate from the world and the wicked inhabitants of it knit among themselves by the inward band of the Spirit and the outward meanes of association the word sacraments prayer and other more private helps in which heavenly society they resemble that immediate and perfect fellowship which they expect in heaven both betweene God and his people and mutually among themselves 2 Because of the high estate and condition of the Saints on earth above others uncalled who are advanced beyond them as the heaven is higher then the earth For
they brew and digest the bread of affliction they prepared for others 2 Let us acknowledge with much thankfulnesse the truth of this prophesie Wee have seene the earth drinke up many floods cast out of the dragons mouth by Antichristian tyranny sufficiently strong and deepe to have carried her quite away Among many instances I will record two in fresh memory and not farre off In the yeare 1521. when Luther had appeared before Caesar at Wormes to give account of his doctrine and doings what a mighty flood issued out of the mouth of the dragon which in the Imperial edicts threatned nothing but death and bloodshed against the Professors of the Gospell and this flood like Danubius ranne through all Germany But now see how the earth drunke up the flood Shortly after arose an exceeding great trouble in Spaine to the pacifying of which the Emperour went in person and so the Professors of the Gospell had a little breathing till the States of the Empire assembled at Norinburge got those cruell Edicts mitigated and qualified to the great prosperity of the Gospell The other in our owne Kingdome in the dayes and memory of our Fathers When in the raigne of Queene Mary many were carryed away with that raging and high-swelling flood of the sixe Articles and the enemies were devising not to strike off the branches onely but as one perswaded to strike at the root in cutting off the then Lady Elizabeth being then in prisonand very unlike ever to get out of their bloody hands now see how the Lord caused the earth to helpe his Church for who was the meanes to keepe them off her and her head on her shoulders but King Philip of Spaine an earthly Idolater who had no reason but to bee a greater enemy to her than her sister or that state Now the earth dranke up the flood and a few moneths set that happy Lady and the Church and Kingdome by her in such glory and prosperity as ancient ages had never seene and future ages perhaps both wish and admire 3. In the present tryals and persecutions of the Church when wee see the floods swell even almost over her head and Antichristian Armies every where gathered and carry afore them whole Provinces and Churches be not dismayed but stand still and see the Lords salvation he will appoint one meanes or other to swallow up all these floods as here hee commanded the earth to ●each her helping hand both to take in and harbour the Lords exiles in the secret chambers of her desert Mountaines and Caves as also to drinke in the dangers for them Nay more the Lord who causeth the earth to helpe the woman will in and by these persecutions helpe up his Church and truth Act. 8. 1. The wicked men of earth raise great persecution against the Disciples at Jerusalem and scatter them but they being scattered and dispersed spread the Gospell through all the Regions of Iudea and Samaria In the story of the Waldenses is reported that the banishing of Waldo his followers out of Lyōs was a means which God used to spread the doctrine of the Gospel in the darkest times of Antichrist almost over all Europe Thus the Lord bringeth light out of darknesse to his Church the earth shall not bury the truth but spread it neither shall these Antichristian floods drowne the woman but shall onely water her furrows And let the Church be instant with the Lord he wil in the end of these businesses shew he hath a reach beyond all Actors and lookers on the wrath of men shal turn to his praise themselves shal drink the rivers of blood which they intend against the woman and shall root themselves out that the Gospell which they fight against may finde footing in the most desolate Popish Countries and the time and their pride hasteneth it Let us alwayes set these props under our faith to support us through our tryals whether wee see meanes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is enough to see the power and faithfulnesse of God who can and rather than fa●●e will worke the Saints delivery by unknowne and even by contrary meanes Waite upon the Word If hee seeme not to regard thee in danger awake him by thy prayers hee may delay helpe a while but he cannot dehy thee helpe but hee must deny himselfe but either hee will lead thee out by preventing the danger or helpe thee through it and make thee more then a Conquerour in it by a conquered death 4. As the Church abroad is tryed and in resistance of the floods of violence and lies under the fire and sword of the enemy so the dragon ceaseth not amongst us in our peace to cast out such floods as hee can of scandalls slanders and reproaches of Gods people against which wee must fo●tifie our selves with assurance that all these floods shall be drunke up and dryed up also for us For 1. Our Head is the truth and as strength of truth prevailed in his owne person and rose againe from underground so it shall in all his members by his mighty power 2. Gods promise is to bring forth our righteousnesse as the light even as a bright morning comes after a sad night of black darknesse 3. Gods providence watcheth as well the names and reputation of the Saints as their persons because as their persons are nearely joyned to Christ so are their names nearely linked to his and their honour is his as their reproach is his Heb. 13. 13. 4. Looke upon the unknowne meanes used by God to drinke in these floods Sometime from heaven The Angell turnes away the flood of scandall which had like to have drowned the Virgin while Ioseph was thinking to put her away Mat. 1. 20. Feare not to take her Sometime the earth as here rather than faile shall drinke it up The Judge shall pronounce Christ innocent Saul shall proclaime Davids innocency 1 Sam. 24. 18. Thou art more righteous than I. Lastly though truth and innocency may bee clouded a long time yet it shall bee disclosed and time the mother of truth shall dry up and drinke in all wicked accusation when all secrets shall bee disclosed as well for the opening of innocency as the shutting of the mouth of guiltinesse Vers. 17. Then the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make warre with the remnant of her seed which keepe the Commandements of God and have the testimony of Iesus Christ. THE dragon being againe defeated of his purpose in drowning the woman seeth that hee cannot hurt her yet he cannot but hate her the more Hee cannot meet with her to doe the mischle●● that he would for she is out of sight neither can the floods cast out of his mouth reach her for shee is safe and hid and the earth shall drinke it for her yet hee abates not of his wrath against her and for the wrath hee beares to her hee goes and makes warre with her issue described here
the devill great advantages 176 Love of Christ which will hold out to the death foure notes of it 631 Love the godly unseene and how 828 Luther where the Church was before his time 303 771 Lying signes and wonders why 412 M Magistrates must resemble God in foure things 286 Manchild Christ like it not the same 261 Constantine with the like so called 266 collectively reasons 267 Martyrs overcome the Dragon and others too with three qualities 618 how in suffering they overcome 622 Meanes to a voide the Dragons wrath 708 Michael notes Christ 341 Ministers starres in the Church 81 must resemble starres how and wherein 82 motives to ministeriall duties 84 dignity duty end and comfort of a good Minister 122 225 must preach woes as well as comforts 656 reasons 657 objections remooved 658 who blame worthy 663 Ministery though sharpe must be endured motives 668 Modesty commended 7 Moone resembles the world in foure things 62 must bee kept below Christ both the best and worst of the world 65 for five reasons 66 must bee held with foure cautions 67 notes of one whom the world hath overcome 75 and one that hath the moone under his feet 77 Mourne to see Gods Kingdome opposed or not enlarged Multitude no sure note of the Church 414 N No newes to see the Church goared and persecuted 193 No calling or condition can secure a good man from opposition 253 No prevailing against the Church 365. objections answered 369 No easie thing to bee a Christian 627 yet many make such account foure sorts 629 Notes of one seduced of the devill 421 Notes of one lying under the Dragons power or wrath 705 Notes of one whose place shall not bee found among Saints 398 Notes of one prevayling against the Dragon 377 and of one in whom the Dragon preuailes 379 Number of ten implies perfection 188 Number of true enemies to Antichrist small foure reasons 831 O Occasions for Satan to take advantage at us 155 Offence not to be taken at the Apostasie of Ministers or others 237 Order our desires and conditions how 750 P Patience needfull 221 Peace how affirmed of the Church 333 Persecutor one in all ages how what use 731 Persecution from whom to be expected 735 inevitable to the Church why what use 736 even by Christian Emperors twofold 739 sometimes hindred by earthly occasions 809 Personall reproofe necessarie 666 Popes headship ever withstood 776 Power of Christ twofold 527 his power as Mediator superior to all created power 528 how discerned to be in us 545 Praise God for the overthrow of the Churches enemies 477 Objections answered 478 479 conditions meanes and motives 485 Preaching why resisted as it is 450 who condemne tart preaching 665 their sinne 666 Prepare for adversity or flight into the wildernes 304 Prevent it how 308 Profanenesse in preferring the world before Christ 69 helpes against it 70 motives 71 Prosperity of the Church sends it into a wildernesse how 293 use it warily 307 hurts more then persecution how why 340 ill fruits of it 743 no note of the Church 737 Profession of religion practises of it to cast out Satan 457 Providence God feeds his in greatest scarcity and why 316 Protectors of the Church be such three meanes 275 Q Questions of the spirituall combate two 254 R Reinerius the Inquisitors testimony of the Waldenses 774 Reioyce to see Gods Kingdome of grace prevayle 510 Reioyce in spirituall conquests and temporall 483 Recusants should consider foure things 710 their pitifull case 712 Religious courses thought uncomfortable and why 648 Repent and get out of security 675 Repiners at the Churches prosperity no true Christians 490 513 Revenge on the contempt of the Gospell instances 682 Restlesse malice of Satan his instrumēts though crost why 800 Romish religion cruell therfore false 146 Romish Church called a woman why 15 no true Church for that she giveth salvation to others then God 500 S Saints on earth have Kingly dignity and how 84 must be thankfull chearfull and live as Princes 87 and not lose their crown what 90 Salvation wholy from God to the Church and members 494 give him all the glory 497 Satan an enemie to whom 405 cast out by Christ and his members how 424 cannot hinder the birth and rising of excellent instruments 269 his chiefe aime is to throw down such instruments 232 prevent him 235 pray for such 236 Seduction how to be avoyded 417 Serpent an embleme of the divell 403 Sharper assalts are the shorter why what use 720 Sinnes as signes of wrath toward a Church 308 Slanders of Papists against the doctrine and life of Protestants 797 how dryed up of the earth 808 Souldiers of Christ why used by him 343 Subiection to Magistrates 283 Subtilty of the divell and his instruments 149 instances 152 comforts against it five 184 Superiors instructed to humiliy moderation and mercy 560 Sunne Christ resembled by it for affects and effects 36 but farre better 36 so admire him rejoyce in him bee thankfull for him imitate him and walke as beseemes him foure wayes 36 c. Starres of the Churches fal to the earth three wayes 226 yet not all why 231 T Tayle of the Dragon what and who 228 Terror by Christs power for Christs enemies 530 Testimony Gods word how Christs and ours 610 why the testimony of Iesus 841 testifie to the Gospell foure wayes 610 motives 616 Thankes to bee given for clearing our innocencie 595 how to be expressed 597 Thrones and rulers are of God 286 Treason taught among Papists not Protestants 285 Tryall of religion persons and places whether for Christ or no 429 Time times halfe what 785 Time of Antichrist short how 715 Time of Satans rage in any mischiefe determinate why what use 718 791. foretold why 784 Turke not so pernicious as Antichrist 839 V Valor of Christians in 2 things 89 Victory triumph after it not before three reasons 639 who faulty 640 Visibility and outward splendor no note of the Church 207. and 294 770. objections answered 299 Visions kinds differen reas 3 4 Vnhappy are the wicked while the godly are happie rejoyce 671 Vnitie no note of the Church 132 what unitie to preach ibid. and practise 133 W Waite for deliverance out of trouble and how 496 Walke wisely as well as warrantably 182 Watch in prosperitie with directions 747 Watch against satan three rules 251 Warfare of the Church on earth 335 Want of temporals comforts against it 779 Weapons of Antichrist spirituall and temporall 822 Where Christ may not prevail the devill shall reas 679 Wicked men uphold the devills crowne dignity described 105 they cannot safely rejoyce 645 Wicked companionship to be forsaken 474 Wildernesse or sad estate the estate of the Church 295 cōfort contentment in it 306 Winges of the woman what why whence 756 Wisedome of the serpent in foure things 179. meanes to get it five 182. practise of it 183 Witnesses who
abrogated all hand-writings which were against us and hath fastened them to his crosse Now a full atonement is made all the bonds of the Law to the rigour to the curse are all cancelled all the claimes of sinne death hell and clamors of accusing conscience are now stilled and answered all our obligations are discharged and fastened and filed up as void on the crosse of Christ for in no other place in the world could they be cancelled but there And as while the enmity lasted and the hostility was proclaimed betweene God and us there was no commerce nor no entercourse betweene us no more then is between nations who have proclaimed open warre against one another Now by this marriage and peace concluded we have a safe and happy entercourse negotiation into the kingdome of God The way is now laid open betweene heaven and earth and God himselfe pleaseth to come unto us yea into us and dwell and suppe with us to conferre with us to direct us to the advancement of our happy estate We have daily entrance and accesse unto him not as strangers or ordinary friends but as familiars yea as children in prayers praises meditations and the like See Eph. 2 18 19. The third priviledge is gracious assimilation and fitnesse betweene the bridegroome and his bride For whereas before was an infinite inequality and disproportion betweene these two parties now by this contract all this inequality is taken away and a fitnesse given by grace to make the spouse every way answerable to her Husbād as in these instances 1 The bride was of base parentage a daughter of the earth her father an Ammorite her mother an Hittite Eze. 16. 3. But now she is made a chosen generation of neere alliance to God the Daughter of a Prince yea of the King of glory 2 The bride was poore and needy had no worth no dowry to preferre her But by this contract hath an estate made her fit for a Prince That as her Lord and husband is heire of all things so she as the wife hath a right in his whole estate his love is so liberall as he hath stated her made her coheire of his own heavenly inheritance Rom. 8. 17. Here is the comfort of a Christian who hath no worth in himselfe but of damnation that he hath now a worthinesse in mercy and many compassions See Hos. 2. 19. 3 The spouse was deformed without beauty or comlinesse nay had no other but an ugly shape of sinne and unrighteousnesse far more blacke and hatefull then the Ethiopisse whom Moses married But now hath attained a perfect beauty in rightcousnes and the beauty of her husband maketh her beauty perfect See Ezech. 16. 14. Thy name was spread among the Heathen for thy beauty for it was perfect through the beauty which I set upon thee He maketh her like himselfe not having spotte or wrinkle or any such thing Ephes. 5. 27. having washed her with his blood 4 The spouse in her selfe was naked exposed to al injuries and covered with nothing but shame excepting a few ragges and figg-leaves too short and thinne a cover to hide her shame But now as mercy hath married her so it hath cloathed her here shee is cloathed with the sunne Her husband hath provided her costly garments her cloathing is of wrought gold Psal 45. 13. that is the golden righteousnesse of Christ shining as gold precious as gold durable as gold desirable as gold A garment as usefull as costly called Garments of Salvation Isai. 61. 10. This garment serveth both for necessitie and ornament The fourth priviledge is in free and liberall donation A bridegroome contracting a marriage with a Virgin gives her Iewells and Love-tokens as Isaac sent to Rebecca so the Lord Iesus doth with this woman 1 What he covenanteth and promiseth he also pledgeth with many graces and love-tokens even many graces shining as so many Iewels every one testifying his mindfulnesse and bounty toward her 2 He bestowes his person upon her and by becomming hers shee becomes his and they twaine are one flesh a gift then which heaven hath no greater 3 With his person he bestowes his goods upon her that is all his merits all his obedience all his sufferings all his glory all his prayers 4 He invests her not onely into his goods but into his inheritance and in due time consummates this marriage and brings his spouse home to his house of glory a prepared mansion for her and puts her in possession of all the wealth of heaven and that celestiall inheritance where she enjoyeth his immediate presence All which being lost in the first Adam is restored in the second by whom heaven is restored to us and wee to it The fifth priviledge is her high and honorable exaltation and advancement The whole dignity and honour of the husband is derived unto the wife be she in her selfe never so base and unworthy As in Esther a poore captive maid married to Ahasuerosh made a sharer in the honour of all his kingdome And Bathsebe a meane woman advanced to be Davids Queene But the honour of the Church goes beyond all the honor of all the Queenes that ever the sunne saw or theearth bare by reason of this marriage and contract For 1 They were matched to men and layd in the beds and bosomes of men but she comes into the bosome and greene bed of him that is God and man Cant. 1. 15. 2 They were married to Kings but earthly and mortall who dyed and left them widowes and often miserable But she to the King of Glory who onely hath immortality her King and husband never dyeth nor can leave her a widow 3 They were married to consort in some one kingdome and part of the earth and in such honor authority glory and riches as were as mortall and perishing as themselves and not long but they were parted But she to a King who rules from sea to sea to whom all Kings are subjects and by whom they rule to a kingdome that is unshaken not withering to an authority glory and wealth which is firme stable reserved in the heavens Neither is there of his kingdome any end either in respect of extent or of durance The sixt priviledge is strong and eternall consolation In that by this contract a firme and constant happinesse is assured which all the contracts in earth cannot performe This undivided conjunction of Christ with his Church answers al objections which might either prevent or discontinue the happinesse of a Christian. First for things which might seeme to prevent our happinesse Ob. 1. Our owne unworthinesse and infinite disproportion He is a divine head a mighty God ● a base worme and man of earth How can he marry himselfe unto me An. We are not knit immediatly unto his divine nature but by the meanes of his humanity Thou canst not reach his deity he can stoope
such a dignity as all the honor and happinesse crownes and kingdomes which earth can give are but chaffe light and worthlesse A poore and despised Lazarus is happier then all Divesses in hell or earth Did the greatest prophane Monarch in earth know but the happinesse and honor of a poore Saint and his owne woefull estate hee would seeke to change estates with him and if he had a thousand kingdomes he would give them to boote and whatsoever were dearer to him Let no godly man fal out with his estate because it is meane in the world nor any wicked man scorne it Haman would have beene Mordecaies Lackie still but must up to the gallowes 3 Let the godly learn to carry thēselves as Princes so as beseemes such as are anoynted and crowned Kings David in private estate carryed himselfe as a shepheard but crowned a King demeaned himselfe like a King So Saul in private estate followed his fathers Asses but once anoynted was changed into another man 1 Sam. 10. 9. So is the Christian. Qu. How may the Christian behave himselfe as a King An. 1 As Kings we must spend our time and thoughts not in base and inferiour trades or affaires but in the great affaires of the kingdome If a King should lay aside his Crowne and betake himselfe to some handicraft every body would marvaile and shal Christians that are crowned as Princes cast aside this Crowne to bend their thoughts and endeavors either wholly or principally to the attaining of the world 2 As Princes sort themselves not with base and beggarly company but with nobles and Princes So the Christian must not sort himselfe with wicked men that are vile and beggarly in grace but with such as are noble wise counsellors ' and excell in vertue 3 Bee valorous as Kings and couragious against bold and audacious enemies never out of cowardise or timerousnesse contracting base leagues with professed enemies but be still in the field against wicked persons practises and wicked spirits True valour hath two excellent properties First to disdaine the reproches of base and abject persons A noble man scornes to fight with a peasant as a stout man with a boy so the Christians must scorne to revenge themselves on leud and wicked persons or foule their fingers with them not holding such fit matches for them And secondly a noble and generous minde will contemne the losse of any thing goods lands and life before he wil be stained in his honor so a Christian will suffer the losse of all he hath in the world and of the world too before he will basely forsake his Lord. It is truely counted fortitude in a common souldier to follow his captaine through all adventures yea with losse of life and is it not so in a Christian much more 4 Bee armed like Princes with the armour of God and weapons mighty through God against all principalities and enemies in strong holds this is stronger then Castles Guards and all defenced Cities 5 Be bountifull as Princes Christians must be mercifull liberall to distribute as Salomon gave silver in Jerusalem as stones 1 King 10. 27. The godly must be rich in good workes 1 Tim. 6. 18. As Kings are ever giving or forgiving giving to them that can repay them nothing so must we 4 Learne that counsell to the Angell of the Church of Philadelphia Rev. 3. 11. hold that which thou hast and let none take away thy Crowne Kings stand to the death to defend their Crownes so must the beleever stand a professed enemie to all the enemies of the Kingdome of Christ yea stand out in the extreame perill of his life in the defence of his Crowne Qu. May the Crowne be taken away An. The crowne is either First of eternall life which cannot be lost in respect of Gods purpose and preservation though in respect of our infirmity it else might Ob What meanes the threatning An. It is conditionall except thou persevere but Saints doe persevere by 1. Gods keeping them 2. Christs intercessiō that their faith faile not 3. Their prayer of faith and watchfulnesse 4. Their obedience to holy exhortations and menaces Or Secondly the Crowne is the Crowne of holy Ministery and profession called Rev. 3. 10. The fast holding of the word of my patience And this Crowne is especially meant and will be lost if Christians hold not fast But the Christian must stand in defence of shining and saving doctrine of the Scriptures which is his crowne and let none take it away 1. Not the world must draw thee from the knowledge and practise of the sound doctrine of the Apostles What a base thing were it to raise up the Moone above this Crowne of twelve starres Consider Demas and Iudas 2 Let not persecution or temptation pull away thy crowne but demeane thy selfe as a Prince who with valour and courage will endure all difficulties that offer themselves so as he may uphold his Crowne so must thou contentedly digest and stoutly contemne all tribulations and afflictions that happen for the Gospels sake Considering First the way that Christ went was from the Crosse unto the Crowne and he was consecrated Prince of our salvation through affliction Heb. 2. 10. and 12. 2. Secondly that thou must be conformable unto him 3. Let not thy owne lusts and strong corruptions make a mutiny or rebellion in thee to bereave thee of thy Crowne A carefull Prince is vigilant to extinguish and suppresse civill warres especially Doe thou bestirre thee in subduing and resisting the unruly wils affections inclinations and passions of thine owne soule that thy whole man may be brought into the obedience of Christ. He is not worthy the name of a Prince who suppose hee had the rule of all the world were not able to rule himselfe 5 Note what a dangerous thing it is 1 To strive against and resist the word and Gospell of Christ a note of a rebell who pulls the Crowne off the head of the Church To pull downe faithfull Preachers is to pull the Crowne from off the Queenes head and yet this will worldly men do so ill can they brooke faithfull dealing with their soules 2 It is no lesse dangerous to wrong the godly the members of the Church It is above scandalum magnatum in Gods star-chamber an high treason against the spouse of Jesus Christ. What saith Ahashuerosh of Haman Will he force the Queene before my face And then they covered his face as unworthy to see any more light So Christ will say of his Queene And how darest thou wrong the members of the Church in Gods sight Thou shalt dearely buy thy presumption Thus much of the 3. first properties of the Church Who so long as she shined in the clothing of the sun and held the Moone under her fcet and carryed the starrie Crowne upon her head so long she continued the chast spouse of Christ. But in processe of time when in
For 1 What was the Church in the cradle and beginnings of it Was it not a true Church and yet had no Antiquity 2 Antiquity is either in time or in truth To plead antiquitie of time and lose antiquity of truth as they have done is but antiquity of error rejected by the Scriptures and Fathers And errour was borne into the world the same day with truth and is in time almost as ancient 3 If antiquitie in time must carry it then not Rome can be the true Church but Antioch where we are sure the Apostles taught and whence was the first name of Christians Nay Jerusalem must be the Mother-Church because from thence was the Gospell preached to all the Gentiles Acts 1. 8. 4 They challenge antiquitie as falsely as the former note for their whole doctrine departing from ours is a novelty never heard of in the Church for the space of sixe hundred yeares after Christ. Never was nor will be answered that famous challenge of the Iewell of Bishops who cals but for one testimony out of pure and unsuspected antiquity for the space of the first sixe hundred yeares after Christ for any one of the seaven and twenty points propounded and never any such was brought till this day Neither have they been at leasure now above twenty yeares to answer that famous probleme of that blesse Saint Mr. Perkins in which he avoucheth it impossible for any Papist in the world to prove out of the true writings of Fathers and Councells and out of the true sense of those writings that the now Romane faith wherein it differeth from the reformed Church is the Catholike faith and substantially cleareth it in sixty two points of difference between us What a number of points might I alledge wherein they are gone both from the Scriptures and their owne writers and as many for which they have no Scripture but the Churches authority Auricular confession the Canon Law saith it is by a tradition of the Church and by no authority of old or new Testament For the not marriage of Ministers Bellarmine and Cassander confesse it to be an humane institution Cassander and the Councel of Trent call it onely an Ecclesiasticall decree For the Communion in one kind their owne Cajetane confesseth that the contrary custome endured long in the Church and they had cuppes for the nonce to serve the people with wine For their Transubstantiation Tonstall saith No man was bound to beleeve it till the Lateran Councell which is not much above foure hundred yeares agoe And Bellarmine himselfe saith there is no Scripture to enforce it but the Churches determination Why do they brag of antiquity and confesse so many novelties His third note is perpetuitie and duration Indeed the same note with the former increasing the number numbering not the number numbered For 1 Tares must continue with the wheat till harvest must they therefore be wheat for their perpetuity And Antichrist hath continued a long time since the Apostles dayes and shall till Christ at his appearing abolish him doth this make his Synagogue a true Church 2 Time was when there was a true Church and yet this could be no note of it and time shal be when by their confession their Church shall faile and not endure to the end Ribera on Rev. 14. Rome is called Babilon because at the end of the world she shal be the shambles of all Idolatry and the kennell of Antichrist So as this by their doctrine is no proper but a separable note from the Church 3 The true Church and Mother Church hath and ever shall continue in the world though not in outward pomp and glory yet in that inward and spirituall beauty and glory which she shall not lose though she be in the wildernesse and sit sometimes defolate as a widow When this true Church loseth her visibility she loseth not her being no more then the Sunne ceaseth to be risen when it is hid under a cloud The fourth note to know this woman saith Bellarmine is multitude and amplitude As deceitfull as any of the former besides that it is the same with his first For what difference betweene Catholike and universall For 1 That was a true Church of two in Paradise When also it was in one family before the flood In the flood consisted but of eight persons In the Old Testament in one little kingdome In the New was but a little flock Luk. 12. 32. August saith The Church was in one Abel in one Henoch The Papists themselves say that in the time of Christs passion the true Church and faith was preserved onely in the Virgin Mary which is false but yet a strong argument against them that hold multitude a sure signe of a true Church 2 Multitude is a streame that the Church must row hard against unlesse we be sure it be the truely beleeving multitude Sathans number infinitely exceeds Christs must it therefore be the true Church That one sect of Mahomet is farre more numerous then all the Romane religion by their note that must be the true Church and not they Time was when the whole world was made an Arrian and scare five Orthodoxe Bishops to resist it and they also persecuted shall the generall spreading and infection of it prove it no poyson Antichrist at his comming drawes multitudes after him by strength of delusion 2 Thes. 2. 9. And this is their Romane Antichristian religion drawing multitudes because it is a naturall religion but turnes them not from darknesse to light not from sinne to God We conclude or rather exclude this note with Athanasius against those Arrians They have the multitude we the faith Let their multitudes goe in the broad way we must walke in a narrow way which a few onely finde His fift note is succession of Bishops A false and deceitfull note For. 1 A false Church may have succession of person onely as Caiphas succeeded Aaron and yet abandoning truth and rejecting the head must needs be a false Church 2 The first Evangelicall Churches were true Churches but wanted their succession unlesse they will say that Christ and his Apostles succeeded the Scribes and Pharisees If a Church may be a true Church without and before succession how can succession be a note of a true Church 3 Right succession is twofold First externall secondly internall or personall or doctrinall Where both succession of Chayre and doctrine concurre there is a true succession But in the Church of Rome is neither I Not of doctrine because they hold not Apostolike doctrine The doctrine of the now Church of Rom● being cleane contrary to that it was when Paul wrote to the Romans as might appeare in a number fundamentall points II Not of Seate First because they never proved nor can prove that they have the seat of Peter or that ever Peter
the woman drunke with blood of the Saints That religion which is so fiery and fierce must be from the Devill a man-slayer from the beginning unknowne of Christ and his Apostles and all their true Disciples and followers 4 A fourth note of this woman is her Marriage A good way to know one by is the head and how can wee know the Church better then by her head Jesus Christ whose wife she is of whom all the Children of the Church are begotten by vertue of the eternall Covenant of grace as in Lawfull wedlocke Our Mother scornes to be the Popes Concubine she hath betaken herselfe onely to Christ and professeth of him Cant. 2. 16. My welb●loved is mine and I am his Christ is he whom her soule loveth and is in her eyes the chiefe of ten thousand Cant. 5. 10. To him she hath plighted her troth and cleaves onely and undividedly unto him in life and in death The whore of Rome holds not Christ the head For 1 By Image-worshiping and many other Idolatries they are fallen from Christ this is plaine in Colossians 2. 18. 19. 2 They set up the Pope in Christs place Bellarmine on the 1 Pet. 2. 8. by the stone understandeth the Pope And Catharinus by head mentioned in Colos. 2. 19. will have the Pope to be meant Ob. But they professe Jesus Christ. An. Union is either Sacramentall so they are joyned by profession or Mysticall so they are not joyned The fift marke of the true Mother is her carriage and behaviour First to her husband to whom in all her behaviour shee expresseth foure vertues As 1 She is chast and faithfull unto him she keepes herselfe onely to her husband and preserves the marriage band She forgets not the guide of her youth nor the commandement of her God nor playeth false with any other lover any secondary head or Vicar generall she thinkes it strange that an husband should have a Vicar She abhorres that foule and spirituall adultery by grosse Idolatry and false worship which the whore of Rome impudently acteth and defendeth Neither Angels nor men nor merits nor Saints nor Images doth she bow unto nor any other alluring harlot can unsettle her from him whom her soule loveth 2 She is subject to her husband in all things content to be tryed and ruled in all cases by his will and word in the Scriptures What will we say to a woman that laies claime to a man to be her husband but rejecteth and disgraceth his directions and cleaveth wholly to her owne will and to other mens counsels and decrees Who will not suspect and conclude her to be an harlot But so doth the apostaticall Romish Synagogue 3 She depends onely on her husband and no other for the meanes of her welfare and all needfull supplies She scornes to seeke to any other Advocates or mediators whether Saints or Angels either for redemption or intercession her husband that can supply the greater can the lesser much more She cares for no pardons nor merits but her Lords She scornes to marry one and seeke maintenance of another 4 Shee honors her husband onely and will give his honor to none other If she did derogate from his glory in the worke of redemption by the doctrine of free-will justification by workes humane satisfactions she were an arrant strumpet and no wife But our Church ascribes all the worke of salvation to God onely from first to last Teaching that we are wholly dead in trespasses and sinnes till he quicken us and that good workes are the way to the kingdome not the cause of it and follow a person justified but goe not before to justifie him and are necessary by a necessitie of presence not by a necessity of efficiency Thus men and Angels are excluded from any part of Gods honor Secondly her behaviour to her children 1 She nurseth them at her owne breasts puts them not forth to suck strange milke of traditions Councels Decretals 2 She instructs them and teacheth her children The vertuous woman opens her mouth with wisdome Prov. 31. 26. Eunica taught Timothy the scriptures of a child 3 She provides for her children as the vertuous woman for all her family Prov. 31. 15. The Church upholds the meanes of salvation to keepe the beleevers in good state She is not the naturall Mother that starves her children that shuts up the breasts from them that hideth the Scriptures and counts it heresie to reade them that corrupteth the Sacraments that a man can see nothing lesse then the institution in them But Popery leadeth her children directly to perdition whatsoever shewes they make to the contrary For 1 They runne after it whose names are not written in the booke of life 2 All the children of that mother are without comfort in life and death because they are the sons of Agar and not of the true Mother and therfore no inheritance belongeth unto them II. Having found out the true Mother in herselfe we are now to enquire how or by what markes we may find this Mother to be our Mother and our selves her children A man may know himselfe the sonne of this Mother by sundrie notes 1 As a child borne comes into a new world and findes a marveilous change in the estate of it So a sonne borne of this mother comes into a new estate is separated from the world and the corruptions of it brought out of the corruption of nature and practise as out of the waste and wombe of the world and set into a new condition in grace and is in all things contrary to himselfe in his old nativity The change especially appeareth in five things 1 Thou wast borne of flesh and after the will of the flesh but now thou art borne of God This is called a birth of water and the holy Ghost because in this the spirit supplies the office of water in washing away corruptions and defilements of flesh 2 In thy old nativity thou wast borne in sinne now being borne againe thou sinnest not 1 Joh. 3. 9. because the seed of God is in thee thou canst not sinne raigning sinne wholly and finally thou hast now a new or renewed nature 3 In thy old nativity thou wast borne dead in sin Eph. 2. 1. but now borne of this mother thou art quickned with a new life of grace called the life of God Now thou livest not but Christ liveth in thee Now maiest thou say as Christ himselfe said Rev. 1 18. I was dead but now I am alive 4 In thy old nativity thou wast as a dead man bound hand and foot without all motion of grace nay all thy motion was downeward for nature with contempt of grace But now a new motion in spirituall things attends spirituall life Now thou movest upward towards heaven according to the command of grace whereto thou wast before an open enemie 5 In thy old
2 Cruelty 3 Subtiltie 4 Power 5 Victory His effects are 1 Against the Starres he drew downe with his taile the third part 2 Against the Woman stood before her to devoure her c. First Of the dragon himselfe Quest. What is meant by the Dragon Answ. 3 Things 1 The Devill for so it is expounded ver 9. to be that old Serpent called the devill and Satan Now the devill is called metaphorically a serpent or dragon First By allusion to that story Genes 3. because under this forme and representation he deceived mankind Secondly For his poison and malice whereof he is full and by which he hath stung to death all the sons of men as was shadowed by those serpents in the wildernesse which slew all the Israelites that looked not up to the brasen Serpent Thirdly For his exceeding strength and power to hurt destroy whereunto adde his feircenesse and bloody cruelty against the Saints which makes the dragon dreadfull which is of all monsters the most fell and savage Fourthly For his slinesse subtiltie and craft wherein he resembleth the serpent which is more subtill then all the beasts of the field Genes 3. 1. and this is mentioned ver ● which deceived all the world And this his nature is couched in his name drac● cōing of a word signifying to see peircingly for he is subtile acute and quicke sighted to discerne a far off his pray and advantage against us 2 By the dragon is also meant the instruments of Satans fury For he worketh against the Church by wicked men and externall enemies who are comprized under the word Dragon And they having the same nature and disposition of the devill have also the same name Jer. 51. 34. The King of Babell is said to swallow up the Church as a dragon And Exek 29. 3. Pharaoh King of Egypt for his tyranny against the Church is called the great dragon that lies in the midst of his rivers Psal. 74. 13. thou dividedst the sea by thy power thou brakest the heads of Dragons that is the pursuing Egyptians in the waters And in the next verse he seemeth to call Pharaoh by the name of Leviathan Which as it is the great destroyer of the sea and swallowes up innumerable lesser fishes so he would swallow up all the Church before him and was a terrour to all nations round about him Object But here is mention but of one dragon whereas of devils be many legions and millions of fierce and wicked men and enemies of the Church Sol. The whole kingdome of the devill may be said to be but one dragon Because 1 It is a kingdome not divided against it selfe al of it is but one corporation or societie for although they be severall in themselves yet they all joine in mischiefe and malice against Christ and his Church as if they were but one and not many 2 All the members of that kingdome resemble the nature of their head which is the dragon and all have one common worke and are all fitly comprehended under one name 3 As all the company of the faithfull beare the name of Christ. 1 Cor 12. 12. So all the company of the wicked in whom Satan rules is called by the name of the Dragon in this place And of the devill Revel 2. 10 The devill shall cast some of you into prison that is the devils instruments who all beare his name And as well his instruments may be here put for himselfe as himselfe for his instruments there 3 Because this vision was properly of things and persōs after Iohns being in Pathmos it seemes yet to be fitlier brought lower to some more speciall instruments who have imbatled themselves against the Church since Christs ascention And then wee cannot more properly apply it then to the persecuting Emperours of Rome while it was heathen who were speciall ministers and instruments of the devils fury against the Church And all of them being many made but one dragon For First They were all one in fiercenesse and feritie of the it nature against Christ and his Church and put forth all their rage in maintenance of their idolatrie and worship of the dragon as 1 Cor. 10 20. led by the devill and ruled by his will Secondly They were all one in place one in judgment one in succession succeeding one another both in the throne and authoritie and in the execution of it against Christ and this woman his spouse with the crueltie rather of fell and fierie dragons then of men that had retained but one sparke of humanitie or pittie within them Thirdly All of them gave the dragon for their armes which doth not obscurely give us to understand what enemie the Spirit of God would more particularly ayme at and designe unto us And shew that The enemies of the Church though they disagree never so much among themselves yet all joyne against the Church for they all make up but one dragon As against David rose up Hadadezer King of Zobah and to his succours the Aramites of Damesek 2 Sam. 8. 3. 5. chap. 10. 6. After them Aramites and Ammonites and many enemies joyned as one man against him so against Christ the Sonne of David conspired Pharisees Saduces Herodians Essus Yea Christ himselfe was a signe of contradiction to all people and so is his Church Luk. 23. 12. Herod and Pilate had their private quarrels among themselves yet both agree and are made friends against Christ. Acts 17. 18. Epicures and Stoiks were as contrary in their sects and opinions as blacke and white One most strict in their way the other as loose and libertine One placed their happinesse in vertue and morall honesty the other in volupteousnesse brutish pleasures But as contrary as they were betweene themselves they all band and joyne themselves against Paul and his doctrine And all wicked tyrants and princes whatsoever private quarrels are among themselves yet all agree band themselves against Christ. Psal. 2. At this day all the catholike countries Spaine Fraunce Italy Germany whatsoever particular quarrels are among themselves yet all are in holy league as they call it against the poore Reformed Churches So of all heretikes if they be never so hostile among themselves yet all joyne against orthodoxe doctrine And all worldly evil men full of emnitie one against another yet all agree against the profession of godlinesse and practice of pietie 1 Because of that irreconcilable enmitie put between the whole seed of the woman and the whole seed of the Serpent Genes 3. 15. and therefore be that spawne and seed of the serpent never so poysonfull one against another nor will trust another yet all will easily strike hands against the godly as one man 2 All darknesse is contrary to all light and the whole kingdome of darknesse must fight against the whole kingdome of light because all light reproveth all darknesse alike Christ is an equall enemie
to Herod as Pilate and therefore here private quarrels shall give place that they may joyne and befriend one another in mocking and condemning Christ. 3 The policy of the dragon who well knowes that united forces are strongest and therefore holds all the kingdome of darknesse together for the overthrow of the contrary power for if Gods kingdome should prevaile downe goes theirs It is the voice of them all If we let this man alone the Romanes will come to take our nation It is the prudence of the captaine to keepe his band from mutiny and Satan knowing that a kingdome divided against it selfe cannot stand labours to hold it in peace against the common enemie 4 The common corruption and consent of wicked and unregenerate natures all are of the same poysonfull nature all led by the same spirit that ruleth in the world All their wils given up to the devill to rule and move at his pleasure All their counsels and intendments against Gods people mischieuous like the poyson of dragons Deut. 32. 33. detestable to God and dangerous to m●n All alike flexible to sinne for by the infection of sinne one wicked man can soone draw another and all are as ready to such motions as gunpowder to take a sparke of fire All their delights are the same in the ruine and spoile of the Church so far as they can They all eat up Gods people as bread Psal. 14. like dragons who so hate mankind as they devoure men not for hunger but for spight and hatred taking great delight in eating his pray So these delightfully oppresse the people of the high God First See how they are deceived that make unitie a note of the Church Here we see the kingdome of the devill at unitie making up but one dragon all the devils in hell are one in their aimes and ends in their wils and endeavours against the kingdome of Jesus Christ. All the wicked in the world Jewes Turkes Papists Atheists Epicures all disagreeing among themselves yet all joyne in one against Jesus Christ. The world ever afforded a generall unitie against Christ. How was unitie a note of the Church when all cryed crucifie him and were all with one voice against Christ So when the whole world was an Arian Secondly See what is the unitie and peace wee must preach for a unitie in veritie Eph 4. 3. endeavour to keepe the unitie of the spirit in the bond of peace It must be the peace of God that must rule in our hearts Col 3. 15. It is an idle thing to call for and commend an unlimited peace a carnall peace a peace without yea against grace and truth the dragon can maintaine an unitie against veritie And the Scripture every where disclaimeth carnall peace Mat. 10 34. The Angels signe first glory to God and then peace with men but it is not for Gods glory to runne and combine with evill men follow peace and holinesse And the kingdome of God is first righteousnesse then peace Rom 14 17. Nay it is an holy and honourable contention to contend for the faith for truth in doctrine in manners against superstition and corruption and wicked men and manners although the dragon will call it faction turbulence and daunt men w th noyse of troublesome make-bates as truly as Eliah was accucused to trouble all Israell when he destroyed the Altars of Baal Or the Angell might be blamed for troubling the water for the curing of mens diseases Thirdly As hatred of truth unites the hearts of all wicked men against it So let the love of faith and truth unite our hearts for it that we might serve the Lord with one accord and with one minde and one mouth we may glorifie God 1 Hereby wee shall prevent the dragon who while he will not suffer his kingdome to be rent in the maine sowes tares of dissention and division in the Lords field As an old polititian he knows how much it makes for his party if he can raise a mutiny in the contrary army 2 As there is not a greater benefit on earth then communion of Saints so there is no greater damage and detriment to Satan and his kingdome then when it is carefully and fruitfully preserved hence he bestirres himselfe and prevailes with many who would be counted peaceable men to live in open malice by seaven yeares together to the scorning of many of Gods graces for which they shal be countable 3 What a shame that men of wicked opinions and lewd practices can close and combine thēselves against God and his Sonne against his truth and servants and we that professe the doctrine of grace and love and in judgement hold the same truth yet in affection and conversation breake one from another as if we had no such bands upon us as wicked men yea devils have Do not birds of a fether fly together Do not Atheists swearers adulterers drunkards theeves and all wicked ones sharpen their swords whet their tongues and dragons stings to revile these Do not devils stand together against the truth and shall we speake as the dragon do as the dragon be not halfe so fast for the truth as they against it can no Christian bands tye us as fast as malice and hatred of Christ doth them A great red Dragon Now we come to the five properties of this dragon The first of which is his magnitude or greatnesse which propertie is expressed for more terrour seeing the greater the dragon is the more dreadfull he is Hee is great in foure respects First In respect of the head of this dragon Satan who is the greatest in all the world for power rule dominion in which sense he is called Mat. 12. 29. The strong armed man Ephes. 6. 12. principalities powers and spirituall wickednesse in high places yea and more he is called The God of the world Some of the Ancients have compared him to Behemoth Job 41. 33. In the earth there is none like him nor any power to compare with him and He is without feare of men Secondly In respect of the members the dragon is great both for 1 Multitude 2 Qualitie 1 For multitude All the numberlesse number of wicked men and devils are the body of this dragon The greatest army that ever was gathered in the world are now mustred against the Woman of all tongues nations and ages 2 For qualitie They be great and potent instruments for the dragon hath under his colours the most and most potent Monarchs of the world to fight for him The most politicke Counsellers and Achitophells to plot for him the greatest armadoes and Armories of warlike instruments and all mortall weapons to wound and kill for him The greatest Antichrist and Cham of Rome that servant of servants and all his armies of Priests Jesuites orders Fryers and sisters to blesse and curse as another Balaam for him He hath great mynes and mints of gold and treasure to
commaund to supply him with whatsoever may make him a great and most puissant adversary Thirdly In respect of head and members he is great in respect both of the joint desire will and endeavour they have to hurt and waste the Church which is great and inexpressible And secondly of their joint power and authority to execute those fiery and wicked wits which is so great so catholike universall and unlimited as no power in earth is comparable and only the powr of God superiour Fourthly The dragon is said here to be great in respect of the great seat and City where this imperiall dragon raigned over all the Kings of the earth Rome that great and mighty Citie as it is called Rev. 18. 10. 1 Great in splendor and beauty as set upon seaven hils for which she is famous in all the world 2 Great in power and authority In Jesus time having command over all the Kings of the earth the eye of the world the Metrapolitan of all the earth Queene of nations and Mistresse of Monarchs The state of Gods people in this world is beset with great mighty enemies as fierce and potent as dragons Thus the Church complaines Psal. 44. ●9 Thou hast smitten us downe into the place of dragons and covered us with a shadow Seing that the Church is to encounter with great dragons and enemies not flesh and blood onely which are mighty without and within us but with principalities and powers and these not only the members of the kingdome of darkenesse but the head and Prince of all the wicked even that wicked one and then all the band led by him among whom there is nothing in sight or expectation but death and danger 1 The Church is described to be as a lilly among thornes These thornes are sharpe and thicke about it to hinder the rooting and the prosperitie and pricke the Lilly in the name and profession And how weake a thing is a lilly to defend it selfe from the prickly thornes And Christ sends out his servants as sheepe in the midst of wolves weake and silly creatures in comparison of them 2 The world which alwaies lyeth in wickednesse is no changeling it is a very Egypt to the Israel of God not onely oppressing them with cruell burdens and taskes but a breeder of fell and hideous dragons and most poisonful monsters tyrants hypocrites heretickes partly by secret traynes to infect and poyson holy doctrine and conversation and partly by manifest assaults to sting and wound thē in their names profession yea by tyranny persecutiō to threaten with present death every moment And as the Church was once so it is ever in the world as in a wildernes the wicked inhabitants of which are as so many wild beasts and dragons among whom is no hope of truce or composition 3 The Lord will have his Church thus beset with great dangers That First She may be throughly tryed and winnowed Rev. 2. 10. Secondly Have experience of her owne weaknes to be humbled Thirdly Depend upon the strength of God in her combate to quicken prayer Fourthly To take notice of the worke and victory of grace with the issue of faith and patience which can conquer so great enemies Fiftly To make heaven sweete after so many feares sorrowes and sufferings when the enemies whom their eyes have seene they shall never see more 4 The Lord sees often just cause in the Church and members to afflict them with such fell dragons and scorpions for seldome is the Church cast into the place of dragons but meritoriously justly seldome doe common calamities by tyrants come on the Church but the ambition covetousnesse and contention in teachers or else the earthlinesse securitie or lustes and loosenesse of professours went before Object How stands this with Christs legacie My peace I leave with you c. And with his promise My peace none shall take from you Sol. Christ never takes away nec suam nec a suis that is neither his peace nor from his for his peace differs farre from all worldly and externall and wel standeth with worldly affliction all that will live godly must suffer persecution And in the world saith Christ ye shall have affliction but in me ye shall have peace even at the same time For not all the tyrants nor torments of the world can shake out the sweet peace of God and a good conscience as in a cloud of Martyrs it might manifestly appeare And therefore first the greater the enemie is the greater care and watchfulnesse is required on our part 1 Pet. 5. 8. Your adversarie goeth about like a roaring Lion therefore besober and watch Ephes. 6. we fight against principalities and powers therefore stand in the armour of God And though Christians thinke it too strict to be tyed to a constant watch over their life yet to give up or be negligent in this watch is but to agree with this enemie for thy owne destruction The adversarie is great in power in wrath in watchfulnesse against thee and thou hast no more assured meanes of safety then to set a watch about thy selfe in all times in all places in all companies in all occasions over all thy parts gifts affections speaches actions that thou maiest be able to defend them all with peace of conscience against all accusers and defeate also so great and wrathfull a dragon Secondly Against so strong an adversarie wisdome will seeke to procure the greatest helps and succors that he can Quest. What aides may I procure Answ. First All our help stands in the name of the Lord. Fly to God for protection for God therefore doth suffer his Church to be beset on all hands with such multitudes of combined enemies and dragous as that she hath no way left but to looke upward for Gods eye to watch her and Gods hand to save her As Iehosaphat 2 Chro. 20. 12. There is no strength in us to stand against this great multitude neither do we know what to do but our eyes are towards thee Get God thy friend to take part against these great dragons Quest. How Answ. 1 By faith Iames 2. 23. Abraham beleeved God and was called the friend of God 2 By obedience Joh. 15. 14. Yee are my friends if you do what I command you This covers a man with Gods protection whereas sin layes Israel naked as in the Calfe and the wiles of Balaam A man that hath so many enemies had not need by sinne to make God his enemie too Secondly Gods Angels are good aydes who have charge over thee so long as thou keepest the way by whose presence Thou shalt walke upon the dragon and tread under foot the young Lion and dragon Psal. 91. that is overcome the strongest and greatest enemies Thirdly Among other parts of Christian armour the sword of the spirit the sheild of faith the breast-plate of righteousnesse and a good conscience and there is
Judah in all the 4. quarters of the world Zach. 1. 20 yet vers 21 God hath 4. Carpenters or workmen with tooles and axes to strike off these hornes that is as the dragons hornes are in all quarters to scatter and wast the Church so the Lord hath every where instruments to batter them although the Lord could do it with any one instrument or by never a one yet for the full consolation of the Church he described them to be as many and in as many places to resist and suppresse them 5 Though these hornes of the dragon be many and powerfull yet God doth often turne them one against another as the Midianites swords were thrust into their fellowes sides and shall at length easily and certainly breake all their hornes lifted against him and his Church as in Haman Herod Pharob Iudas Iulian Zenacherib A proofe how he brake in pieces the Antichristian horne in our Fathers daies some persecutors died suddenly as Annanias some with their guts falling out as Iudas some with lothsome excrements finding unnaturall waies by the mouth nostrils some brake their necks some became frantick none escaped without repentance though for a while they held up their heads and hornes aloft Quest. But what meanes may this Woman use against all these hornes for her safty Answ. 1 She must know as all humane power cannot resist those mighty hornes and therefore must utterly dispare of her owne strength for wee fight not against flesh and blood but against spirituall wikednesse also in high places nor against weaklings but against the strong man armed Luk. 11. 21. Who is resolved to keepe his hold against the Prince of the world yea the god of the world and not against one enemie or two but ten horns an infinite army of principalities and powers with all his aids and abettors which are the great and innumerable worldly hornes all at his command against the Church and her Head Jesus Christ What is the world but Satans armorie and our adversaries are not more puissant and numerous as wee are few in number weake in our selves weaker in our sinnes utterly unable to resist their hornes and assaults Impar congressus as Saul to David he is a man of war and the other a stripling therefore we must despare of our strength 2 Fly to the strength of God which wil make us conquerors acknowledge that salvation is the Lords the dragon hath his strength from earth the Woman hath her strength from heaven by prayer David comes to Goliah in the name of the Lord and foyleth him so let us disparing of our selves be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Ephes. 5. 10. wee shall be able to doe all things through the help of Christ strengthening us Phil. 4. 13. Colos. 1. 11. we are strengthened through him c. 3 The dragon is strong by humane confederacies and alliance we must confederate with God by daily renewing our covenant by faith repentance strengthen our league and union with God who will give us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 15. 57. 4 Leane upon the promise of God who hath undertaken to breake for his Church all the hornes of the wicked Psal. 75. 10. Even all these ten hornes shall be broken distrust not the promise but believe and be safe faith will be an honourable victory for it apprehendeth the power which brought Christ safe from the wildernesse and wild beasts and shall bring the Saints safe through all An admonition to the enemies Psal. 75. 5. Lift not up your hornes high 1 what are they in nature but savage beasts and dragons nay the wildest of the beasts retaineth more goodnesse in his nature then the wicked man doth in his Christ was more safe in the wildernesse among wild beasts then in the world among wicked men the beasts in the wildernesse acknowledge their Lord and hurt not him But if hee come among wicked men Iudas will betray him the Jewes will accuse him Pilate will condemne him the common souldiers will crucifie him Daniell was more safe among the Lions then among his enemies so was Paul too who had better escaped the beasts at Ephesus then the men Lazarus found the dogs more pittifull then Dives The beast knoweth and feareth those that doe him good but these worse then beasts neither know nor acknowledge God nor his people from whose hand and for whose sake they hold all they have 2 What are they in Gods account Obj. He favoureth and prospereth them Sol. Though they seeme to cary all before them and are men of place and power and all men stand in awe of them yet in Gods account they are but beasts amonst men their strength and power but as the raving and pushing of horned beasts 3 How are they crossed in their owne account they shal never have their wils against the Woman nor shall never destroy her faith and fortitude their intended mischiefe shall effect her good By tearing with their teeth they would utterly devoure her but as Ignatius let wild beasts teare and grind her it is but to make fit bread for the Lords table 4 Though now Papists and Antichrists hornes be lifted up God seeth and sustereth and smileth he seeeth and hath let his servants see their day comming the sins of the Church do a little while put it off but Gods word is as a hatcher lifted up to knocke both the head and hornes and the strong arme of God shall make good his word and ere long these tenne hornes shall hate the whore and make her desolate see Revel 17. 16. And seaven crownes on his heads The 5. and last propertie by which the dragon is described is by his great conquest victories together with his high rule and authoritie which he exerciseth and usurpeth in the world against the Church By crownes or diadems is meant 1. in generall the whole kingdome of darknesse which Satan by the greatnesse of his power usurpeth not upon inferiours and vassalls onely but upon the chiefest Monarchs and potentates of the earth whose crownes after a sort become his crownes 2 The many victories and great conquests which partly by fraud and partly by force he hath carried away amongst earthly Princes and carnall professors for who weare crownes but Conquerors 3 Here especially is meant the supremacy or supreme majesty of the Romane dragon or Empire subduing under it the Princes provinces nations by innumerable victories but especially prevailing against the Church and primative Christians as so many Conquerors The number of the crownes are 7. according to the number of his heads and all his 7. heads are crowned because his subtilties have so often prevailed The dragon usurpeth and exerciseth kingly authoritie and regall power in earth by which he often prevaileth against the Woman the Church This our Saviour teacheth both in the style that he giveth him and also by the
state which he ascribeth unto him for as great Princes have many great titles which declare their might So hath the dragon he is called Joh. 14. 30. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Prince of this world and Ephes. 2. 2. the Prince of the aire Epes 6. 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lord of the world and 1 Cor. 4. 4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the god of this World And his estate is described no lesse magnificent then his titles for he hath not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a house but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Court like a Prince not only his palace in hell where he commandeth the inferiour devils but one erected here on earth in the hearts of wicked men Nay he hath not onely a Court but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Kingdome Math. 12. 26. If Satan be divided his kingdome cannot stand thus the Scripture speaketh of him as a crowned King and great Monarch Quest. But wherein doth the dragon exercise his Princedome Answ. This kingdome of the devill is partly spirituall partly corporall 1 He rules and playeth Rex chiefly spiritually and inwardly in all the children of disobedience acting and moving them according to his pleasure In al unregenerate men all the dragons heads are crowned for 1 He hath conquered and subdued their persons their minds by ignorance their wils by rebellion their harts by hardnesse their whole man by lusts 2 He setteth up his edicts his will is their law and they are moved at his pleasure as slaves and captives 2 Tim. 2. 26. and how just is it that they who will not be ruled by the will of God in his word to salvation should be left to the will of the devill to destruction his servants are they whom they obey 3 As a crowned King is not content to rule according to his owne will but his subjects must take up armes in defence of his title and whensoever he commandeth must fight his battels So doe and must unregenerate men give up their members weapons of unrighteousnesse and fight for sinne against grace and are ready as voluntaries to maintaine abet strive for and defend the lusts of sin and beare weapons against heaven and Jesus Christ in whose name they are baptized this is the forlorn estate of any wicked man that his person is in the power of the devill and he being a slave his whose life is a homage to the dragon and his whose power and strength warreth against God his Creator Now the dragons heads are crowned and he set upon his throne II Outwardly and corporally the dragon useth Kingly authority thrusting on his counsailes by secular power and prevailing with wicked Kings and tyrants to execute all his bloody edicts against the Woman and therefore is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the strong man not onely because he is admirable strong in himselfe but because he commandeth secular powers and getteth their forces and weapons drawne against the Church hence is he said to have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vessels and instruments and armour that is as Chrysostom interpreteth wicked mē Potentates that fight as leaguers and confederates with him If this great Centurian bid Cain rise up and slay his owne naturall brother Cain must and will doe it against all laws of God and nature If he command Pharoh to slay the seed of the woman and oppresse the Woman her selfe hee is in pay under the Devill and must doe it If hee command Nero Domitian Trajan and the rest of the crowned heads at whom our text aimeth to shed like fearce and sanguinary dragons the blood of the Christians till the streets of Rome ran with blood as Jerusalems did in Manasses time they readily give their crownes to the dragon and execute all his designes If he command Popish Princes and Captaines to persecute with fire and sword with bloody Inquisitions Massacres with force and fraud the holy religion of God these slaves and tyrants must and will give their crownes to the dragon and the beast and in savage manner make no end of effusion of Christian blood but would barbarously wish as one of them to ride their horses to the bellies in the blood of Protestants Thus the dragons heads are crowned in al those Kings and Princes that are enemies to the Church and exercise their power in peace or war against her From Satans malice and contrariety to Christ and his Kingdome and all he claimeth as in these particulars 1 If Christ be Lord of all the dragon will claime all Math 4. All these things will I give thee for they are mine Dare he so before Christs face challenge his right and will he not behind his back 2 If Christ have a kingdome of light which tendeth to gather the elect and destroy the wicked The dragon hath a kingdome of darknesse cleane contrary which tendeth to destroy the elect if it were possible and to gather all the wicked to him in his owne damnation 3 If Christs kingdome be ample and large from East to West and from sea to sea Psal. 2. 8. and 72. 8 The dragon will compasse the earth Job 1. and getteth the harvest of the world leaving but a few gleanings for Christ. 4 If Christ require spirituall worship being a spirituall King the dragon will require the same Math. 4 If thou fall downe and worship me And that which he could not obtaine of Christ he winneth of all the wicked in the world who worship the beast and the dragon Rev. 14. 3. 5 If Christ call his kingdome inwardly by his spirit and without by the ministry of Angels and men So will the dragon rule and move his subjects partly by inward motions and suggestions and partly by wicked angels and wicked men who are all bad agents and factors for him 6 If Christ ordaine power and authority and raise up Kings and give them crownes and scepters that as they rule by him so they should rule for him and for the upholding of his title and kingdome The dragon in speciall despight of this ordinance prevaileth with them to bend their power against Christ and his Church from whom and for whom they received it Is from the subtilty of the Dragon who knoweth it is the greatest advantage to his kingdome if he can get all his heads crowned for his experience hath taught him three things First that if he can get in great ones hee gaineth in them all their inferious who follow the motion of the great wheeles If Rehoboam commit adultery all Iudah will sacrifice under every greene tree Second that his kingdome being of this world as himselfe is the god of the world so his kingdome standeth by secular power and worldly meanes well he knoweth that truth needs no secular arme for it hath a stronger power and arme for it but falshood needeth worldly power and policie to uphold it if his
strive with unreasonable men that are not guided by truth humility charity or Christianity but by fury railing pride pretences of law threatning and violence the dragon will shew not his hornes only but his crownes to See wee the wicked of the world giving up their crownes to the dragon and with all their strength and power and authority setting their crownes on the dragons head wee on the contrary must learne with all our power to set up and uphold the Crown and Scepter of Christ in our selves and others for as all the limbes of the dragon reioice to see him crowned and domineere to the ruine of the Church so let all the children of Sion reioyce in their King Psal 149. 2. Shall the Papists triumph and glory whē the Antichristian forces prevaile against the reformed religion and shall not wee when the woman prevaileth against the dragon Quest. How may I uphold Christs Crowne and Scepter against the dragon Ans. 1. Cast down thy Crowne at the feet of the Lambe and worship him that sitteth on the Throne as the Seniors Rev. 4. 10. this is done by 2 practices 1. If thou deny thy selfe and diselaime whatsoever is in thy selfe as being void of all power and strength to attaine any thing that is good 2. If thou ascribest all power to God and Iesus Christ of creation and providence of preservation yea of finall victorie against all enemies whom hee will make his footstoole and set his feet upon their neckes and crownes as Ioshua did II. Alow thy heart for his throne and chaire of state that in it he may sit and command and beware of resisting his person or entrance or peaceable possession in thy soule Psal. 24. open thy gates that the King of glory may enter avoid whatsoever would hinder his peaceable entrance or cōtinuance especially in foure things 1. Infidelity for Jesus Christ is no way received but by faith Iohn 1. 12. 2. Impenitency he dwelleth no where but in an humble and contrite soule 3. Raigaing sinne● which are as iron gates and percullices to keepe out Jesus Christ out of his kingdome and hold the sinner in rebellion against his Sove aigne and King where any sin raigneth there Christ cannot raigne and as no man can serve two contrary masters being enemies so no man can bee subject to two kings enacting contrary lawes 4. Idolatry what communion betweene Christ and Antichrist 2 Cor. 6. 15 16. III. Take the oath of allegeance to Jesus Christ to submit to his lawes willingly David tooke this oath Psal. 119. 10. I have sworne and will performe to keepe thy righteous judgements A seeming subject is most pernicious such as the Pope and Jesuites have catechized to refuse the oath of allegeance to our Soveraigne they are among us but not of us Such subjects to Christ are wicked men and hypocrites Christians onely in name and profession are counterfeit are in the Church but not of it 1 Joh. 2. they want all the notes of good subjects which are 1. To know and attend to the lawes and word of his King the word of the Law and the Gospell is the municipall lawes of this kingdome called the word of the kingdome a good Christian will attend to the word preached as a good subject to his Kings Proclamation 2. To obey his lawes yeelding obedience to the whole law in true indeauour so did David have respect to all the Commandements Psal. 119. 6. and also faith and repentance to the Gospell 3. Neither this by constraint but as a willing people Psal. 100 of unwilling made willing drawne by the Father as the sheepe of Christ to heare his voyce and follow him IIII. Resist the Dragons incroachments upon this Kings kingdome know the enemies the Devill world sinne Pagans Papists Heretiques Atheists they would pull thee from allegeance to former slavery furnish thy selfe with weapons against all the enemies of the kingdome which are the word faith hope love righteousnesse patience especially prayer against the kingdome of darknesse and the proceeding of the enemies of the Church Hester must stand up and intercede for her people let us not faile at this time Shal the Pope injoyne a fast for the prosperity of the warres against the Church and wee shamefully neglect it And his tayle drew downe the third part of the Stars Having spoken of the five properties by which we have heard the Dragon described wee come to the second part of the description which is by two effects The former against the Starres of heaven in this verse The latter against the woman in the next verse For the meaning every word is mysticall wee must stand a while in the interpretation in which are foure things to be considered First what is meant by the Starres of heaven Ans. Fondly doe the Papists understand here by the dragon Lucifer drawing downe with him in his fall many Angels which they say are meant by Stars of heaven not attending the scope of the place for I reade not in all the Scripture where Satan is called Lucifer Calvin cals it a grosse ignorance to father Satans name upon Isa. 14. 12. but it is called by this name Rev. ●2 10. 1. These Starres fell to earth after Iohns prophesie whereas they fell before mans sall 2 These starres fell in the Church when the battell was pitcht against the woman but Satan fell and his angels before there was any Church in the world or before there was any mention either of Christ or his Church 3. Those fell with the dragon these cast downe by the dragon 4. These starres were cast downe by the dragon to the earth from mysticall heaven to mysticall earth but those Angels were cast downe by GOD from heaven into hell where they are reserved in chaines of darknesse to the judgement of the great day and both taken in their proper acceptation But this place is an allusion to Dan. 8. ●0 where Antiochus Epiphanes a type of Antichrist is said to cast the starres unto earth and tread upon them where he calleth by the name of the Host of heaven those whō our Euangelist calleth the starres of heaven that is the Ministers and Pastors of the Church called by this name as we have declared verse 1. 1. As they are set in their orbes by God and receive their light from the Sunne and move in their certaine order and station so are these set in their severall stations to keepe the watch of the Lord by a perpetuall decree so long as day and night succeed one another 2. As they shine in the darknesse of the night so doe these give light to the Church in the darke night of this world partly by doctrine and partly by holy example Matth 5. 14 Ye are the lights of the world and the light of the starres is not for themselves 3. As starres are eminent and in high place above the earth so the Pastors and Teachers are in eminency as
were throwne downe by the flattery and faire perswasions of this imperiall dragon How faithfull Policar●e was by Ir●narchus Herodes and his father N●cetas taken up into the Chariot going to judgment and perswaded to favour himselfe and his old age and sweare by the Emperours good fortune which he resisted appeares Euseb. Hist. li. 4. cap. 1● And ●liny in an Epistle to Trajan Emperor enformeth him that he had a Libell containing such names as were wonne from Christianity and content to doe sacrifice with incense and wine to the gods and to Trajans Image to blaspheme Christ And how infinite a number were won from Christianity in the last presecution under Dioclesian were easie out of stories to recite 3. Many more were throwne downe with the porsonfull taile of the dragon namely of heresies and false doctrines for the horse which was white for integrity of Apostolicall doctrine was not only red by bloody persecutions of tyrants against Christians but was shewed to be blacke for the mournfull and sad estate of the Church by reason of many and mighty heretikes who all of them by all their wit and strength obscured the light and truth of Scriptures and shooke asunder with the foundation of religion the faith of many every yeare of the first three hundred producing some monstrous heresie or other amongst which that damnable Arrianisme had so poysoned all the world as it seemed but one Arrian and so prevailed against the starres as there were scarce five Orthodox Bishops in the world Athanasius the chiefe of them ill intreated and banished yea so poysonfull was the taile of the dragon that the ancient fathers that lived in those times neare the Apostles had almost beene drawne away and hardly escaped Witnesse Ireneus inclined to Chiliasts or Millinaries Tertullian a Montanist Origen caried away into many foule errours much discommended by Ierome c. Fourthly in the meaning Is the number of the stars cast downe by the Dragon not all but a third part an indefinite part put for a great number that seemed holy men and zealous and stood in the firmament of the Church in great shining and brightnes were cast downe with the Dragon Quest. Why did hee not cast downe all Ans. Not all because he cannot cast downe any of the elect or fixed starres it is impossible to seduce any of them Secondly not all for then hee had cast downe the whole Church depending upon them for there must be a Church so long as the world continueth Thirdly not all because many of them were held in Christs right hand Chap. 1. 16. and none of those can hee cast downe for none can take them out of his hand But a third part he cause they were not upheld by Christ but left unto themselves and their owne strength and to temptation and so soone by the power of the Dragon cast downe for no man ever stood long against the Dragon by his owne strength Commit thy selfe in tryall to Gods hand and power pray with David Uphold me Lord and I shall be safe The chiefe ayme of the Dragon is against the Ministers and faithfull Pastors of the Church that hee may throw downe to earth the starres of heaven It is true he is fierce and furious against all godly mē of all cōditions scorneth not a cōquest against the weakest and meanest Christian but his speciall malice is intended against godly Ministers such as in higher places as in their orbes shine as starres in piety faith fortitude and sincerity of doctrine and life 1 Kings 22. 21 He offereth himselfe to be a lying spirit in the mouth of Abahs Prophets and striketh downe with his taile 400 at once Zach. 3. 1. Satan stood at Ioshuas right hana to hinder him and resist him in his Ministery Luke chap. 22. verse 31. the dragon desired to winnow the Apostles as wheat how he resisted the Apostles in all their Ministery appeareth in the whole Storie of their Acts and in their Epistles 1 Thess. 2. 18. we would have come to you once or twice but Satan hundred us How the starres were cast downe by imperiall dragons we have shewed in after ages how the starres were cast downe in the church of Rome according to that prophesie Revel 6. 13. they should fall as the leaves of a figtree shaken with a mighty winde When their pompous Prelates Cardinals Patriarkes and Popes forsaking and giving up their office of preaching became earthly Princes studying policies and lawes and imployed themselves not in Pulpits but on seats of justice in disciding mens civill inheritances and in matters of state yea and whereas they should have laboured and confined themselves to the Gospell of peace not onely maintained but also often in person acted civill warre and bloodshed and leaving the simplicity of the servants and Ministers of Christ they take on them the state and pompe of Princes in Princely Palaces Princely revenues Princely diet Princely attendants Princely pleasures of hunting hawking dicing c. Now the starres are falne from heaven and from their heavenly function to earth viz to the seeking and enioying earthly pleasures profits and imployments in which no secular man can bee more busie Carnall things are all they care for and all they savour and now they are become like other worldlings called the Inhabitants of earth and our owne experience giveth too many testimonies to this truth in which the dragons taile hath prevailed to draw away many shining starres men once of learning zeale and industry but now through their owne worldlinesse greedinesse ambition or though their owne feare flattery or threatning of times are growne mere politicians and worldlings scarce retaining any savour of their former zeale and grace perhaps zealous against nothing more than grace and zeale The dragon is therefore more especially furious against the starres because of their shining and light of grace above others Where grace is more abounding there the dragons envie more aboundeth the more bountifull Gods hand and eye is the more envious is his the richer the booty is the more audaciously will the thiefe adventure for it A starre of the sixt and smallest magnitude in respect of place and gifts if hee shine faithfully shall not escape the dragons assault but his chiefe ayme is against the starres of the first second magnitude since the Apostles his taile is most stirring against them as Luther Calvin Beza Perkins men in their times of incomparable light of learning and sanctity and yet how now cast downe and darkned by the dragon Because God hath specially appointed the function on of the Ministery to batter the kingdome of the dragon 2 Thess. 2. last Ioshua 16. 20. and to advance the Scepter of Christ. It is no marvell that seeing they most hinder his purposes kingdome that hee by all meanes hinder crosse and cast them downe as Moses by Ia●●as c. His universall malice to mankinde who he being
Cyrus was named above a hundred and twenty yeares before he was borne and also his singular care and diligence in building of the Temple and restoring Ierusalem to her former beauty and honour that he should establish the pure worship of God and as a vigilant shepheard protect Gods people now would not the dragon have hindred the birth of such a sonne whom he knew should bee borne if hee could But he cannot prevent the Woman from bringing forth her sonnes especially designed to serve GODS Providence for the good of the Church The stability of Gods decrees the counsell of the Lord shall stand and no power nor policy shall break off any of his purposes hee hath purposed to teach mā by man to rule man by man to save men by men and therefore there must be a succession of Pastors in the Church and of Princes in the world who shall uphold this his ordinance in the severall ages It is true the Lord with whom is wisdome and strength can by his own hand without and against all worldly power save his Church but for his owne greater glory and the confusion of the dragon hee will rather doe it by weake instruments assisted with his owne mighty power which all the dragons cannot prevaile against The truth of his promise who although he bee the husband of his Church and as Elcanah to Anna better then ten sonnes yet hath promised that shee shall have sonnes and Princes in all Lands he will see that she shall not want sonnes of her own that shall bee as nursing fathers and mothers to her Esay 49. 23. and 7. The power of God is such as cannot be foyled by any contrary power but still raiseth up some man-childe for the Churches use and service for as it is in nature so here with this mother It is the Lord that openeth the wombe and the dragon cannot shut it as Iacob said to Rachel Am I God to open and shut the wombe so it is God that maketh the Church a fruitfull and joyfull mother of children which powerfull worke himselfe challengeth Esay 66. 9. Shall I cause to travell and not bring forth shall I cause to bring forth and shall shee be barren This power of God so over-ruleth that not onely against all outward contrary powers but when the birth it selfe or manchilde it selfe is most averse and repugnant yet shall he be brought forth For example Moses was most backward and pleaded many excuses earnestly intreated the Lord to send any other to Pharaoh yet he and no other must be brought forth Ionah flatly refused to goe to Niniveh but the Lords power mightily over-ruled and brought him forth by a strong hand for the conversion of the people No contrary course shall hinder the birth of the man-childe against the Lords powerfull call The care of God over his Church hee suffereth it not without some manchilde or other to helpe it as in the booke of the Iudges is manifest hee never casteth off his people nor his care of them hee hath speciall feeling of their miseries speciall regard of their prayers and sighes as is manifest by the example of Israel in Aegypt he suffereth not the rod of the wicked to lie on the lot of the righteous Psal. 125. 3. but it should ever doe so if the dragon could hinder the birth and bringing forth of such sonnes as may prevent and remove it For comfort of the Church who shall never want such stout defenders as the Lord doth see fit for her 2 Kings 19. 7. when Ahab and Iezabel destroyed the Prophets of the Lord and made no end of effusion of innocent blood the Lord had a manchilde in store Iehu who shall revenge their quarrell to the utmost When the dreadfull and terrible fires were kindled against the bodies of Gods servants Saints here in Queene Maries dayes God stirred up that most Noble Queene Elizabeth comparable with any manchilde in these last ages for her noble and heroical zeale valour and fortitude and though many plots were attempted by Papists to take away her life for Gardener chafed that they lopped the boughes and stocked not the roote yet was shee brought forth to the kingdome set upon the Throne of God and had an iron rod in her hand an unconquerable power by which she was the glory of her Kingdome a terrour to all Papists and professed enemies of her religion In the dayes when we see Antichrist prevaile his arme stronge his powers victorious his numbers increased his buls blasphemies and masses received himselfe and his in armes with hopefull successes Now is the time to expect some manchild and sonne of the Church to take him from his top and height or rather those ten sonnes of this woman taken up into the Throne of God and with rods of iron to make her desolate and naked to eate her flesh and burne her with fire Rev. 17. 16. the Church may say as Ioseph The Lord hath made mee fruitfull in the land of my affliction The dragon cannot hinder the woman from bringing forth children and sonnes that shall witnesse and defend the truth for her being her birthright and inheritance for 1. He cannot want hearts to beleeve nor mouthes to confesse the truth who made both all hearts and all mouthes 2. The power of the truth is such as will have witnesse and testimony to it Luke 19. 4. I tell you if these should hold their peace the stones would crie as indeed the earthquakes rending of the Rockes and opening of graves did at his resurrection hence was it that in the darkest times of Antichrist and when their tyranny was at hight God ever raised some sonne of the Church to witnesse unto the truth against that abomination as here in England Iohn Wickliffe that preached plainly the Pope to bee Antichrist his transubstantiation his masses his indulgences his dispensations to be trash and dung to be swept out of the Church many after him In Italy Dante 's Marsilius Patavinus Franciscus Petrarke In Bohemia Iohn Hus Ierome of Prague In Germany Luther Melancton c. the dragon could not hinder these sonnes of the Church in their testimony and so it shall alwayes be III. The dragon cannot hinder the woman to bring forth children in grace although he watch never so instantly for I. The spirit bloweth where it will and hee can no more hinder his worke then hee can the winde from blowing and by this spirit the Church becommeth like the Hebrew women of whom the midwiues said they were lively and delivered before they could come to destroy the birth II. Birth in grace is a mighty worke of new creation and no more can the devill and dragon hinder this worke where God will have it than they can dissolve the great worke of Gods creation wicked men as Esau may strive to hinder Iacobs birth in the wombe but cannot where hee will have a
they are gods on the Throne the title Iehovah being a title of Gods Essence agreeth to no creature but the name of Elohim being a title of his power is given them because in them the greatnesse and soveraigne authority of GOD the high and supreme Iudge of the world clearly shineth and as himselfe shineth more bright than the Sunne in beames of Majesty above all creatures so in a parcell of his owne Majesty hee makes them shine above all other men for the daunting and terrour of wicked men bee they never so great Is the Magistrates Throne Gods Throne then to contemne the Magistrate is to contemne the Throne of God to which he is taken up The Embassadours of great Princes are honourably respected for the person they sustaine Magistrates must resemble the person of GOD in whose Throne they sit 1. In Piety and holynesse what an unseemly thing is it for him that sits on Gods Throne to doe any thing unbeseeming God or contrary unto God 2. In love of Gods house and word so doth God himselfe his eye his heart and delight is on his owne house and so should his who sits on his Throne Hee that disaffecteth the house of God and the true worship of God hee can neither prove good Magistrate nor good man till hee change his minde and conversation 3. In wisedome knowing what is just and unjust what hee is to doe what to leave undone what to cherish what to punish God on his Throne is called the ancient of dayes for his wisedome in discerning Psal. 2. Be wise yee Kings bee learned yee Iudges and their title of heads must put them in minde of this wisedome in which they ought to resemble the ancient of dayes for the head is the seat of wisedome and understandeth for all the parts now whence must they have this wisdome but in Gods book given into their hands for which cause Rulers were injoyned that the booke of the Law should not depart from them night nor day and the Kings of Israel in their inauguration had Gods booke given them into their hands by this booke David became wiser then his ancients Now if Magistrates cast off the reading of Gods word at home and the hearing of Gods Word at Gods house Ieremy 8. 9. telleth us that folly must rule them and others too they have cast off the Word of the Lord and what wisedome is in them 4. In sincerity and uprightnesse God on his throne is described sitting in garments white as snow noting the innocency and righteousnesse of his judgements Dan. 7. 9. the seates of Magistrates and Iudges should bee like Salomons Throne of white Ivory 1 King 10. 18. signifying the purity and incorruption of Iudge and judgement of a truth God is no accepter of persons Act. 10 and hee that sitteth on Gods Throne must avoide the appearance of partiality hee ought to honour and heare Gods Ministers love and affect the professors of true religion distaste and disaffect the contrary thus doth God Are Magistrates taken up to Gods Throne their throne and seate must resemble Gods Throne and be a counterpaine of that Quest. Wherein Ans. 1. In true inquisition of cause Before Gods Throne there is a true information by opening of bookes and his Throne is said to bee fiery both for his zeale for truth and for manifestation of the truth of causes so on the Thrones and tribunals of men right information and true evidences must carry matters 2. In a just sentence when that is condemned which God would have condemned and that cherished and advanced which God would have set up Esay 44. 28. Cyrus must performe all the Lords desire not his owne for hee is now on the Lords Throne Zach. 4. 14. they must bee assistants to the Rulers of the earth as namely in looking to his worship in repressing swearers drunkards gamesters idle persons c. 3. In sound execution of just sentences against offenders Gods Throne is no idle scarrecrow but commeth to the life of justice which is execution It hath two properties 1. It is powerfull About the Throne of God goeth a fiery streame noting the power of his judgement Dan. 7. which is as unresistible as a streame of fire to stuble no sinner cā ever escape at this throne and if the thrones of Magistrates resemble not Gods Throne great offenders or bold and stout sinners will shift out 2. It is quicke and speedy Gods throne is described to have wheeles Ezek. 1. for the celerity and speed in execution before it are no delatory pleas no spinning of causes no stay of justice by any meanes Dan. 7. 9. Gods Throne hath burning wheeles for celerity in consuming corruption 4. In powerfull protection of the godly GOD from his throne doth so Psal. 76. 9. The Lord riseth upon his throne to save all the meeke upon the earth so Rulers must see that they be answerable to the title given them of God who calleth them the shields of the earth to shelter not vilde and vicious persons sonnes of Beliall but the innocent religious and godly as Davids eyes were on the godly in the land This is taken from the end Hence note Rulers are therefore taken up by God into his throne to protect this woman as this manchilde for the good of the Church Rom. 13. Hee is the Minister of God for thy good 1. Earthly kingdomes are especially ordained to set up and uphold Gods kingdome 2. Their titles are hedges for the Lords field a covering for heate winde stormes Esay 32. 2. 3. The promise that Princes shall bee nursing fathers of the Church That Magistrates take notice of their duty which is not onely to assist the Lord in governing and upholding the civill state but to uphold the Church 1. By professing the religion of God themselves sincerely 2. By protecting true religion and that with zeale and courage against all kinde of opposites David will use his power to cast scorners from Gods face and presence 3. By countenancing and upholding the holy Ministery leading the way to Gods house and worship as all godly Governors ever did and begin the government alwaies with manifesting their zeale to Gods holy religion as David with joyfull bringing the Arke to Hierusalem Salomon with building Gods house Iehoiada with making a covenant with the Lord and compelling the people to stand to it 2 Chron. 23. 16. Nay evill men what ever they were afore were thus far changed into other men as Saul to dissemble religion Saul though he sought Asses before will so soone as called to the kingdome prophesie amongst Prophets so as if confidence and love of Gods house commanded them not as men yet shame and example compeld them as Magistrates Wee that are Ministers must take notice of our duty to call upon Magistrates to use their power for the good of the Church be not accessary to the absurd husbandry of them that plucke up good
purity faith rather than enjoy the pompe and glory of the world by waxing wanton against Christ Hence note The true Church is not alwayes conspicuous visible and glorious to the world but may be hid obscured and oppressed So was the Church of God in Aegypt thrust out into the wildernesse than which no place is more solitary none more free from the pompe and glory of the world What glory and visibility had the Church in Elias time when hee complained that hee was left alone his life was sought so that hee was faine to flie into the wildernesse to save his life yet were there seven thousand that bowed not their knee to Baal What glory and visibility had the true Church in the Babylonish captivity being compared to dead bones dryed and scattered in the open field Ezek. 37. 2 What visibility had it in the death of Christ when the shepheard being smitten the sheepe were scattered or after his ascention when all the earth worshipped the Beast Rev. 13. 12 Because the Church is a selected company called out of the world a little flocke Iohn 15. 9 as a Parke of God paled in from the waste of the world hortus conclusus Cant. 4. 12. the Garden and Paradise of God wherein wilde beasts may not enter Now God hath put such a distance and enmity betweene them as that the blinde world neither can nor will abide to see her but to chase her out from her how can the world see her that is called out of the world The true Church is such a body as is not alwayes visible to mans eye suppose good men even Elias himselfe for it is Gods onely priviledge to know who are his the foundation being in Gods election and the union spirituall The Churches desert and merit abusing peace and prosperity driveth her here into the wildernesse maketh the Lord strip her naked and set her as in the day she was borne and not onely sendeth her into the wildernesse but maketh her as a wildernesse and leaveth her as a drie land as Hosea 2. 3. The Churches safety as Elias to bee safe was sent into the wildernesse so here the Church provideth for her safety in evill times by flying into the wildernesse Hence is showne hatred to the Dove of Christ dwelling in the Rocke Cant. 2. 19. that is as the Doves by the Kites or Hawkes are chased into the Clifts and Rockes to hide them so the Dove of Christ. The militant condition of the Church in the world suffereth her not alwayes to bee conspicuous and visible neither is shee tyed to any one estate or any one place Not to one estate being compared to the Moone which is sometimes in full sometimes in waine sometimes shining and sometimes hid and not seene and to the Arke tossed with waves and billowes sometimes aloft and presently downe againe in the deepes and to the ship in which Christ was a sleepe so ready to sinke as the Disciples crie Lord save us and this is the continuall estate of the Church in the troublesome sea of this world The Mirtle trees in the bottome Zach. 1. 8. Neither to any certaine place whether Rome or Antioch or Hierusalem but forced oft-times to change her seate as well as her state and tossed hither and thither as 1 Cor. 4. 11. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wee have no dwelling place Heb. 11. Hence are the Papists confuted who 1. Affirme the Catholike Church to be a visible company of men under one visible head for what visible head hath the Church in the wildernesse 2 Denying that ever their Church fled into the wildernesse or that ever she disappeared from the world wherein they plainly deny her to be the true Church and this no other who fled into the wildernesse and if their doctrine bee true that the Church must ever bee as a City on a hill the spirit must bee false and the Scriptures which affirme shee must flie into the wildernesse from the fury of Antichrist The Papists object many things against our doctrine but how impertinently and vainely will appeare if we set downe the right state of the question betweene us both in their tenents and in ours 1. They say that the Catholike Church which hath alwayes continued hath beene alwayes visible now would I to beate out their meaning aske what is the triumphant Church in heaven visible or by what glasse or spectacle can they see that glorious company of Prophets Apostles Patriarkes Martyrs and Saints which is the chiefe part of the Catholike Church as Heb. 12. 23. Or is their Church in purgatory visible when two chiefe parts of it by their doctrine are invisible and the other part in earth but a handfull to them Well then they must meane the militant Catholike Church which is a speech absurd enough for as one halfe can never be the whole so cannot the militant Church be Catholike no more than a finger can be a hand or a hand the body or perhaps they would have us beleeve two Catholike Churches whereas our Creed teacheth us to beleeve but one But we will take their meaning namely that God hath alway a Church consisting of a great multitude as conspicuous to the world as any earthly kingdom part whereof and alwayes the head shall bee visible at Rome and the rest visibly subject to the Bishop of Rome Now what we hold concerning the point I will propound in sundry conclusions and then examine some of their chiefe arguments By the Church which wee hold invisible wee meane the Church mentioned in the Creed which is but one and Catholike even the multitude of all elect which are or were or ever shall be and to this company all they and onely they whether they be in the way or in the Countrey doe belong For we beleeve according to our Creed that the Church is holy and no wicked person belongeth unto it and that it is a communion of Saints onely to which belongeth remission of sinnes and life everlasting and we cannot but wonder that Papists who mumble up so many Creeds should so fondly hold that the Catholike Church should consist of good bad for are the wicked the body of Christ as they say the Church is or is not Christ the Saviour of his body If wicked and reprobates are the body of Christ why then are they not saved This Catholike Church we say is invisible to the world for 1. Gods election the ground and foundation of it is invisible 2. The greatest part of elect are not subject to sense not the Saints in heaven neither many true beleevers on earth nor numbers of the elect not yet borne or borne againe 3. Visible things are not beleeved but invisible faith is of things not seene and if wee beleeve the holy Catholike Church we cannot see it Now every Popish argument must either prove this to bee visible which none of them doe or they touch not us
that will live godly in Christ Iesus must suffer afflictions 2. Our Lord Iesus himselfe was content to goe into the wildernesse and indure al temptations wants and dangers that he might sanctifie our wildernesse unto us and sweeten all our sorrowes and afflicted estate unto us and breake for us and from us all hostile powers which would hinder us in our translation to his heavenly kingdome 3. None of the Saints fall by chance into the wildernesse but it is a place and estate prepared by God himselfe as our Text saith and though men see us not but suffer us to sit alone and desolate God seeth his servants in that condition and tendreth them as his owne first borne 2 Cor 6. 9. as unknowne yet wel knowne as dying and yet behold we live as chastened and not killed The enemies beyond the Sea triumph as if God knew not his Church now in the wildernesse but God prepared the place for the present 4. The wildernesse being a place of Gods preparing he will make it convenient and comfortable to her for 1. The more solitary and secret the place is the more fit it is to hide and secure her 2. The more free from the pompe and glory of the world the fitter it is for her that is called out of the world and crucified to the world 3. The more inconvenient and dangerous it is the more it setteth out his wisdome and power who over-ruleth all inconveniences to the Churches good no contrary can crosse his good purpose toward his Church and people Nay here wee see he appoints a fruitlesse place to feed her a place of journey for her rest a place of danger for her safety a place of warre to uphold her peace and a place of temptation to free her from temptation Thou therefore that fearest God never feare any place state or condition prepared for thee by God if thou beest a member of the Church he will over-rule all anoyances and inconveniences to thy full and assured comfort To use warily and thankfully our peace and priviledges lest wee drive the Church from us into the wildernesse we see here the Church planted by the Apostles themselves flying into the wildernesse In what wildernesse now are the 7. famous Churches of lesser Asia Those once flourishing Churches of Rome Corinth Galatia Thessalonica to whom the Apostles writ so respectively Wee see those famous Churches of Bohemia and Palatinate now fled into the wildernesse and their countries become a wildernesse not long since as florishing and as famous as our selves GOD that hath made us yet looke on would not have us idle spectators but by their harmes to beware and be the wiser Quest. How may we prevent this so dismall an estate of the Church Ans. If we prevent and bewaile the sinnes and signes of a Church ready to flie into the wildernesse Quest. What be the sinnes which especially drive the Church into the wildernesse Ans. I. The sinnes of the Pastors have beene noted the principall cause of the Churches flight and indeed the raigning sinnes of Pastors were ever noted the first causes of banishment and captivity Lam. 2. 14. 1. Ignorant and blinde guides leading the blinde both fall into the pit 2. Or men of knowledge but corupt in judgement who mingle wheat and chaffe and mingle the sweete waters of the heavenly fountaine with puddle waters of humane devices so did the Pastors departing from the primitive simplicity of doctrine and rites chase their Church into the wildernesse 3. Or men of parts but without conscience to use them to God but to themselves pompous ambitious flattering men in their sins crying peace peace when the Lord proclaimeth warre and blood men that heale the hurt of the daughter of Zion with sweete words and harden men against goodnesse by putting darknesse for light and bitter for sweet and sweet for sower by justifying the wicked and taking away the righteousnesse of the righteous from him Isay 5. 22. this hasteneth wrath see verse 23. 24. 4. Or scandalous persons for intolerable greedines or notorious vices in themselves abetting of them in others envying and hating all the shine of grace these ring-leaders to evill chase away the Churches prosperity and where such sonnes of Eli make the religion of God to be blasphemed of Papists Atheists and but indifferent Protestants the Arke is not farre from taking and leading away into the enemies Countrey how may the Lord againe complaine as Ier. 12. 10. Many Pastors have destroyed my Vineyard and trodden my portion under foot they have laid it waste and it mourneth to mee II. The sinnes of Rulers who maintaine not the purity of Gods worship but suffer corruptions and reliques of Idolatry to grow up therein as Ivy with the Oake till it eate out the heart of it so many of the Kings of Israel suffered the remnants of Baal and the Chimarims even after some reformation which still baned and at last foyled the true worship and sent it away This we have noted a cause of the Churches flight in this place A little leaven quickely leaveneth the whole lumpe The reason is because the Lord who requireth as pure worship frō us as ever hateth idolatry false worship as much as ever can abide the sent or least cōporting with Idolaters no more thā a husband can indure wanton behaviours and suspitious gestures in his wife though she come not so farre as the adultrous act For this mingling of idolatry with true worship in Israel the Lord threatneth that he will make her as a wildernesse and leave her as a drie land Hosea 2. 3. as indeed after he did If after so glorious a liberty of the Gospell restored and renewed by five famous Princes Henry Edward Elizabeth our gracious Iames and our noble Charles we should in after ages which God forbid have Baalish Altars and Masses manifestly resorted unto Chemarims Iesuites and Priests increased but thankes be unto God for the vigilancy of our now gracious King against this mischiefe If wee should I say take up their fashions bee enamoured with their pictures and doate after the guise of the Babylonians as Samaria did after the Chaldeans Ezech. 23. 14 15. this sinne would certainly drive our Church into the wildernesse as Israel was into Babylon of whom she was so enamoured and with whom she contracted and increased so neare affinity This was a manifest forerunner of Gods justice who ordained no other scourge for Israel but Babylon whom shee so affected and to whose religion she desirously fashioned III. The generall nationall sinnes against the light and grace of God 1. Generall apostacy and falling backe more and more notwithstanding holy doctrine powerfull preaching Gods warnings heavy strokes the Lord threatneth this sinne with the same punishment Zeph. 1. 2 8. He will surely destroy all things from off the earth and make her as a wildernesse and visit them that were turned backe from the Lord. The falling from
in common but not in respect of invisible bands and grace in any particular member 3. They may prevaile for a time to molest many members of the Church but never finally to waste and destroy the whole Church 4. They may prevaile in temporals by which GOD will not have the peace and victory of the Church measured but can never prevaile against the salvation and sound grace of any member 5. Let us not be daunted at the forces and winnings of Antichrist nor stand amazed at his strength I say confidently could wee be daunted at our owne sinnes which are his strength of all enemies wee need least feare him for 1. Hee is sentenced to destruction Gods curse hath blasted him 2. Our Michael hath merited and atchieved victory over him and hath begun it in us by detecting him and though he give us not victory all at once yet he will not give him over till he have utterly abolished him 3 Antichrist is strong and mighty but 1. It is but for the time of his reprieve which time of God when it commeth Gideon and an handfull of men shall prevaile against an host of Mideanites lying like grasse on the ground Iudg. 7. 12. 2 All his power shall turne against him 3 The Church is still stronger than he for they are strongest with whom the Lord is who wants no Armies or Hosts of Creatures to save or smite by 4. Antichrist gets no victory which he shall hold God may by him bring the Church low to teach them dutie and then raise them againe as Israel can learne that in Babylon which they cannot in Sion but Babel must be destroyed and the King of Babel stript naked to Gods wrath for ever so of this Westerne and spirituall Babylon and the head thereof they shall all goe into perdition Now this is a ground of consolation to all true-hearted Christians both in respect of the Church in generall and in respect of their owne speciall condition For the Church in generall no attemps of the dragon and his Angels can overthrow the Church of God Zech. 12. 3. Shee is an heavy stone to lift at if all the people of the earth bee gathered against her they shall onely teare themselves in pieces and how can it be otherwise for 1. They have the power and favour of the King for them and what subject dare stand out against them And blessed is that people whose GOD is the Lord Psal. 144. 15. for though none be so assaulted none are so protected none so victorious 2. So long as the Lords counsell must stand the Church cannot fall Prov. 19. 21. many devises are in lewd mens hearts but the counsell of the Lord must stand who thinkes thoughts of peace and safety to his people 3. So long as the Lord breakes the counsell of the heathen and enemies and ruleth in the midst of his enemies we need not much feare the plots the power the pride the hopes of wicked mē who wait upō lying vanities they may consult against the life of the innocent but til the time be come wherein God cals forth his servants to glorifie him in suffering they cannot touch a haire of their heads they may vow not to eate nor drinke till they have slaine Paul Acts 23. 22. but they could not touch him as they did with the Head so may they with the body they tooke counsell to cast him downe an hill but hee made void their counsell and found a way to passe through the midst of them all for his time was not come Luke 4. 30. 4. In the greatest confusions of the earth when the very foundations seeme to be cast downe and the wicked seeme to carry all and say we have prevailed yet now while they have the Church under they cannot hold it under but now faith prevailes and gloriously riseth unto victory could they hold under our Head or hinder his powerfull resurrection no more can they the happy resurrection of the Church out of the grave of death and darknesse but after two dayes hee will revive it and in the third day he will raise it Hos. 6. 2. The dry and dead bones scattered shall live and bee covered with sinewes and flesh and skinne which lay drie and dispersed in the open field of their captivity Ezek. 37 6. and therefore as our Head triumphed gloriously over the grave and death so doth his Church even in the greatest afflictions Mica 7. 8. Rejoyce not against me O mine enemie though I fall I shall rise when I sit in darknesse the Lord shall bee a light unto mee The Church denies not but she may be cast downe but not cast off she denies not but she may sit in the darke but not without all light shee denies not but that God himselfe may afflict her and shee feele his wrath because she hath sinned but onely for a time till hee come to put a difference betweene her and the enemies and then the scoale shall be changed the enemies shall come into her place and shall be covered with shame and trodden as the mire in the street that is utterly confounded and despised How hath the Lord commented this our Text and observation in all the Countries round about us What hath the Spanish Inquisition which hath consumed many thousands of the Saints destroyed the Church No it hath but watred it with blood and the devillish cruelty of it hath made them an hatefull nation in all the parts of the world Did their French Massacre destroy all as they thought when thirty thousand Protestants were murdered against all lawes oathes and promises no here were the boughs lopped but the root remained and within few monthes so sprouted that a mighty army in defence of the Protestants drew that mighty King to such dishonourable conditions of peace as he never enjoyed To come to our selves In the yeare 88. when the great Armado came which the proud enemy called the inuincible Navie to destroy the mother and children and to bring to utter desolation both the Church and kingdome and take possession of all could they conquer yea though their treachery was not lesse than their power and their advantage no lesse upon an unprovided people deluded at that time by their pretensed propositions of peace No but as they came out one way against God so God chased them an hundred wayes and made their confusion the stupor and admiration of all the world In the yeare 1605. when our Romish Babylonians prepared that infernall furnace to destroy the name and mention of our religion and to turne all into a popish Chaos and confusion as neare as they were what effected they did not Gods power and Gods curse upon them and their wicked counsels overtake them in their hellish enterprises against his owne religion who ever saw Hamans device more sensibly falling upon his owne head When the Aegyptians saw Gods power against them in their enterprises against Israel they could confesse the Lord
more place in the Church to domineere and tyrannize against the Saints as they had done but they are now conquered and expulsed out of heaven Quest. 3. What conquest was this or when was it obtained Ans. The conquest of Michael against the dragon was 1. Generall 2. Speciall The former was when before this time the dragon was most powerfully conquered 1. By the death of Christ spoyling all principalities and powers 2. By his powerfull resurrection thereby conquering and triumphing over sinne death hell Satan the world the grave c. 3. By the powerfull preaching of the Apostles in the conversion of the world to Christ. 4. By the profession confession and Martyrdome of the Apostles themselves whereby the most potent tyrants were convicted and subdued This generall overthrow is not here properly meant but a speciall victory and overthrow of some speciall dragons that rose up afterward to waste the Church because this is a prophesie after S. Iohns time the proper interpretation and accomplishment whereof is plentifully cleared in Ecclesiasticall History For 1. What place had the dragon in the Church when those fierce Tyrants and tygers those imperiall dragons Nero Domitian Dioclesian Trajan and the other who shed a sea of Christian blood to abolish the very name of Christ were miserably destroyed and extinct by foule and fearefull deaths and destructions and some of them as Iulian the Apostate being wounded to death blasphemed with extreme fury cryed with his bowels and blood in his own hands Vicisti Galileae 2. What place had the dragon in the Church when noble Constantine had slaine those foure savage Tyrants and Monsters Maximinus Maxentius Licinius and Maximinian and became the great Protector of Christian faith and to signifie that now the dragon was overcome not without Gods speciall Providence he set up upon the gates of his Palace his owne picture with a dragon lying slaine under his feet and a Dart thrust through him as Eusebius reports which is a plaine demonstration of the accomplishment of this Prophesie 3. What place had the dragon in the Church when by the free preaching of the Gospell by orthodox Pastors and Bishops the Idols and heathen gods were cast downe their worship abolished their Temples destroyed Paganisme was turned into Christianisme and Christs Kingdome grew so fast as that it was received through the world in the places and countries where the dragons had formerly cast it out 4. What place had the dragon in heaven when those innumerable droaves of Heretikes such as Valentinus Basilides Manes Marcion Photinus and especially Arrius who had infected the whole world and other most deadly enemies to Christs person natures and offices were first wounded and smitten and condemned with the sword of the Spirit the hammer of heresies and after with the hand of God upō them in miserable and wretched deaths as Histories are plentifull in observation Thus have wee seene the truth of this Prophesie when and how the dragon and his Angels were cast out of heaven and their place was found no more Quest. 4. How can it be said that the dragons place was no more found in heaven seeing he returnes againe and renewes his warre against the woman vers 13. and 17 Answ 1. Our Saviour in Iohn 12. 31. saith The Prince of the world is cast out and so the death of Christ hath cast him out of possession so as although hee may come to claime yet never to possesse 2. He may come to assault the Church molest the woman but never to dispossesse her of her heavenly happinesse all the dammage he brings her is but nibling at her heele he cannot reach her head Ioh. 14. 30 The Prince of the world came against Christ but found nothing in him that is had no power no advantage against him and so it is in proportion with the members 3. Hee may shew himselfe in temptations and in raising horrible and hidious persecutions as at this day but without all power or hope of prevailing He comes not to stand to it if hee bee resisted nor to overcome in the issue but to be overcome and at last so fully overcome as his place shall never bee found in heaven nor in the Church but shall be bound fast in chaines of blacke and hellish darknesse for ever Doctr. Note hence that all the enemies of the Church shall bee finally destroyed so as their place shall bee no more found Iob. 20. 7. The wicked shall perish for ever like his dung and the eye that hath seene him shall say where is hee Psal. 37. 10. 36. Yet a little while and the wicked shall not bee yea thou shalt diligently consider his place and it shall not bee and He flourished as a greene Bay-tree but hee passed away and loe hee was gone I sought him but he could not be found For why 1. Gods curse takes hold on them and is too strong for them Genes 12. 3. I will curse them that curse thee This curse cuts off First their persons Psal. 37. 38. They that are cursed of God shall bee cut off Secondly their plots counsels hopes aymes and wishes as in the same place The end of the wicked shall be cut off and frustrate Thirdly their present jollity even in this life often the curse meets them in every corner as the Angell with his sword did Balaam so in Pharaoh Haman Iudas Iulian and almost all tyrants and heretikes came to lamentable destruction Fourthly alwayes their hoped happinesse in the life to come for as GOD hurles the wicked man out of his place in earth so hee sends him into his own place as is said of Iudas that he may dwell for ever in the place of his iniquitie Iob 8. 4. 2. Gods justice pursueth and hunteth the wicked man to destruction let him seeke never so many muses and burrows of craft and policie to hide himselfe in the Lords revenge followes him step by step till it overtake him 2 Thess. 1. 6. It is a righteous thing with God to render tribulation to them that trouble you Achan troubleth all Israel and the Lord troubleth Achan Ioshua 7. 25. the enemie makes the Saints drinke the cup of affliction but they taste but the top which is medicinable but the Lords justice reserves for him the dregs and bottome of his cup of wrath for poison they chase the Saints unjustly out of the earth with a sea of sorrow but the Lord justly casts them out of earth and heaven into a bottomelesse sea of everlasting wrath 3. They must bee covered with shame that warre with Sion Psal. 129. 5. First because she being Gods owne Spouse and delight hee accounteth her cause to be his her sufferings his her enemies his and cannot but out of love and jealousie avenge her quarrels and execute vengeance on her adversaries Deut. 32. 43. Secondly because her sonnes are the blessed seed If Mordecai be the seed of the Jewes Haman shall fall before him and make no
would be taken but the Lord provides a ransome for him the enemy himself shal pay his ransom himselfe shall suffer for him he shall sinke and perish that the other escape Herod seekes the Babes life his owne life shall ransome it and that the Babe may escape he shal die that sought the Babes life 4. The pride of wicked enemies must needs give them a fearefull fall For if for the humiliation and scourge of the Church God suffers him to prevaile a while the more he prospers in his way the more he provokes God and prides himselfe against him till hee be at the height fit to bee taken downe Rabshakeh because the gods of the Nations could not deliver the people out of his hands growes to high blasphemie against the God of heaven Psal. 73. 6 9. Pride compasseth them as a chaine and then they talke presumptuously and set their mouth against heaven so doe Papists at this day 5. As his seed time is so is his harvest like to bee As a man sowes so shall he reape he is ever sowing iniquitie and cannot but reape affliction Prov. 22. 8. his owne wickednesse takes him by the heele as hee brewes sorrow so must he drinke hee drinkes deepe of the cup of sinne and must drinke deepe of the cup of vengeance according to his conception so is the birth like to bee he hath conceived mischiefe and must bring forth wrath his sorrowes are comming on him as on a woman in travell as certain as sharpe but hopelesse and desperate Object The enemies have a wealthy and flourishing estate Answ. 1. All they have is from the wrath of God and shall in wrath be snatched away from them so that their place which knew them shall know them no more 2. Riches shall not availe in the day of wrath nor can deliver from death Prov. 11. 4. However our adversaries would blinde their Proselytes they shal know that wealth can never buy heaven nor release from hell nor Purgatory the next chamber to it as idle Monkes have dreamed Ob. But they are strong and potent and prevaile Answ. 1. They may prevaile for a time but shall not escape 2. It is enough they deceive themselves with a conceit of stability and sure footing but let not us be deceived for company but looke into the Scriptures we shall see that nothing is more vaine than a wicked mans prosperitie Psal. 37. 2. they are soone cut downe and wither as grasse there is a little flourish but no stability if the flower bee not cut downe it withers of it selfe and verse 20. They shall be consumed as the fat of Lambes offred in daily sacrifice which no sooner came to the fire of the Altar but it melted and vanished into smoake so are these and how thē are they stable shal we compare their vain and unstable stability with any thing more vaine Psa. 1. 4. see him compared to chaffe 1. Nothing is more vile than chaffe it is good for nothing so is nothing more vile than a wicked enemie of God and his Church 2. Nothing more vaine so nothing more light than a wicked man hee is lighter than vanity and can hold no waight Psal. 62. 10. let him be waighed as Baltasar he will be found too light and the heavier he is with sinne the lighter hee is to God 3. Nothing is sooner blowne away than chaffe nor nothing more easie to bee blowne away out of his place than a wicked man they may shew like Mountaines but are but heapes of chaffe they may seeme like rocks for firmnesse and stability but wanting solidity before God have no stablishment David did but looke off them and they were gone and their place not found Object But they continue long in their fiercenesse against the Church and we cannot hope of any issue or end of their malice Ans. For the time of Gods patience they are still but whē that is expired they are hurled away out of their places as chaffe lyes still unmoved in a calme season till a strong winde arise and then it is seene no more so wicked men who are chaffe may be still till the wrath of God as a storme or whirlewinde arise and carry them quite away see Hos. 13. 3. Againe though the Lord seeme silent while hee doth not teare them in peeces like a Lyon yet hee doth alwayes as a moth consume them when his wrath blazeth not out in flames at once to burne up these thornes yet it feeds on them as fire on fewell and moulders them away insensibly Object They have many faire pretenses for their practises they intend the advancement of religion the setting up of the ancient Catholike faith the suppressing of heretikes the blowing up these apostates and heretikes with whom no faith is to bee kept Ans. Iezabel may for a time cover her cruelty with pretext of piety and religion 1 King 21. but God will ere long shew that piety shall be no cloke to villany and murder Secondly let this provoke the enemies to some moderation toward the people of God if not for love of grace in them yet for love of themselves hee that would not goe under continuall expectation of sudden ruine let him cease his enmity against the people of God nothing in the world can save a wicked man from being cast away in his malice cast not downe thy countenance on them as Cain who was therefore cast out of his fathers house raise not false reports against them nor receive any invent not words against them as did Davids enemies Haman was hanged on his owne gallowes for such inventions and suggestions against Israel Afflict them not by word or deed by fraud or force for this is a token of perdition 2 Thess. 1. For the notes of a man whose place shall not bee found but hastening his ruine First one in the Text hee that is a plotter against Christ the Head or against his Members runnes upon the point of this heavy curse Iudas plots against Christ and presently his place was not found hee went to his owne place Act. 1. 25. the Jewes plotted against Christ and the Romans came and tooke away their place and Nation The Nation or kingdom that wil not serve thee shal perish so he that cōtrives against the members of Christ hasteneth his own ruine God gives such over to run riot that every one may see the end of their way Saul when he hunts David and had set an envious eye upon him and watched him mischief that all Davids piety and wisedome and innocency cannot prevaile but hee bolts on GOD gives him up to runne to witches which himselfe had condemned that all might see God gone from him Even so when men contrive against Gods servants against their owne consciences and their owne protestations as Saul did to David make grace and innocency their Butt to shoot at and as much hope to make a league with hell as with them God gives them
dreadfull and severe against such revolters Was cast out The second thing to be observed in the overthrow of the dragon is the manner of it namely Sathans dejection or rather ejection out of the Church Quest. What ejection is here meant Answ. 1. Not that after his fall for that was not by warre as this but a just sentence and punishment that was because hee stood not in the truth this because heestood against it 2. Nor that finall ejection in the day of judgement for after that hee never assaults the woman but after this hee doth after that he is cast into hell but here into the earth 3. Therefore Satan is cast out of heaven these two wayes 1. By the head of the Church 2. By the members Christ our head hath obtained a perfect victory over him two wayes 1. By the power and merit of his death by which he encountred the devills and conquered them spoiling principalities and powers Col. 2. 15. So as the Dragons erecting a crosse for Christ set up a gibbet for themselves as Haman and for Christ a chariot of tryumph 2. By the vertue and efficacie of it daily applyed to the elect through the power of his resurrection ascention and sending of the holy Ghost into the hearts of the faithfull by whose grace as by a stronger then himselfe Sathan the strong man is ejected and can keepe possession no longer This is when faith apprehends the merit of his death and the efficacie both of his resurrection ascension and sitting at the right hand of God whence hee sendeth the Spirit But this ejection by the head is not properly meant for it was done before Iohns prophecie but this was after This ejection of Sathan then is properly by the members three wayes 1. By casting out and resisting Paganisme idolatry blasphemie impiety and all injustice and immanity against God and man in which the Dragon ruled and raigned as the god of the world 2. By the preaching and promulgation of the Gospell which is the hammer of the dragons kingdome and the utter overthrow and eversion of his whole power Luk. 10. 18. The Disciples in their ministery saw Satan fall downe like lightening 3. By open profession and maintenance of the faith and truth of the Gospell and lifting up the name and glory of Christ there where formerly Satans throne was This secondary ejection here meant and aimed at seemeth to be when after the daies of the Romish tyranny by the heathen Emperours the great and unlimited power of the old Roman Monarchie in which the Dragon had ruled and overspread the earth with all idolatry and blasphemie and had poisoned and corrupted the whole knowne world was now broken and throwne downe the maintenance of Christian faith and profession was restored and liberty given unto Christians by the manchild afore-mentioned Now was the devill cast out his idolatries detected the deceivablenesse of heathenish error discovered and his whole power so broken as hee could no longer either hinder the preaching of the Gospell or the propagation of Christian religion nor keepe the nations longer from the truth of the Gospell as he had long before done by his tyranny This I take to be the ejection of the dragon out of the Church aimed at in this text The note is that till Christ and his Gospell came the Dragon was not ejected Wheresoever Christ is not there the dragon stands in full state and strength Matt. 12. 29. the strong man keepes the house till a stronger come to dispossesse him This house is the uncleane world the whole world that lyeth in wickednesse 1. Iohn 5. 19. Whole mankinde in the first Adam all unregenerate men for so the world is taken Rom. 5. 12. By one man sinne entred into the world that is the whole world out of Christ or the whole world not chosen out of the world 2. Tim. 2. ult Before men come to the knowledge of the truth namely of Christ they are all in the divels snare taken of him at his will These snares are errours of judgment lusts of life depravation of manners or some raigning sinne or sinnes by which Satan holds them under his vassallage as a fowler can hold the bird by one foot or by one twig and snare as well as by the whole body or net For first as sinne hath given him possession of all mankinde as in Iudas his heart so hee never goeth out of himselfe nay hee is loath to be cast out and when he is it is not without extraordinary reluctation molestation Mark 1. 26. The uncleane spirit departs not without tearing and vexing and throwing him in the midst of them saith Luke all signes of extreme impatience Secondly none can cast him out but Christ for onely Christ is stronger then hee men cannot cast him out no not holy men as that man said Master wee came to thy Disciples but they could not cast him out Angels cannot cast him out for they cannot satisfie sinne onely the seed of the woman breakes the serpents head Gen. 3. 15. Christ onely is that Angell which Iohn saw Revel 10. 1. descending from heaven by his incarnation having the key of the bottomlesse pit that is power over hell and death as Revel 1. 18. and a great chaine in his hand the strong chaine of his omnipotence which chaine hath many linkes 1. The strong linke of his passion and death upon the crosse which had more strength in it then the lives of all men and Angels 2. That invincible linke of his resurrection for it was impossible for him to bee held under death The Jewes could devise to put him to death but not to hold him in the grave but by his mighty power hee opened his owne grave and all the graves of the Saints 3. That mighty linke of his ascension by which he opened heaven for his Church when the devill would for ever have barred it up against us 4. That mighty linke of sending out the holy Ghost and sending out the Apostles and Pastors with a mighty and unresistable commission for the conversion of the world But what was the end of this mighty chaine of so many strong linkes Even to binde up Satan the Dragon described here and there in the same words a thousand yeares The power of Christs death published in the ministery of the Gospell bound up the devill by destroying Paganisme and converting the nations to the faith as fast as ever any Conquerer bound his enemy in chaines and restraines him from the execution of his mischievous will against him for had not the Dragon beene bound Christianity could not have conquered the world as it did but now saith Christ Iohn 12. 22. speaking of his death is the prince of this world cast out though not wholly and fully as in the last day Thirdly the wicked world is so farre from impeaching the state and power of the Dragon that it strengtheneth and establisheth it
place nor feare their forces in thy Lords quarrell nor basely stoope to honour ungodly persons for private ends nor shew a willing minde to repent of any thing well done This daunts the Dragon and wicked men and brings much honour to our honourable profession And his angels were cast out with him The fourth generall in this verse is what company was cast out with the Dragon namely his angels By the angels of the Dragon wee understand 1. All those wicked persons by whom the devill putteth forth his power against the Church as wicked angels wicked tyrants wicked teachers and all wicked men and agents 2. All wicked meanes and instruments by which hee had executed his malice against the woman as the power of his Cesars the policy and counsell of his prudent Senators the sophistry of his hereticall teachers the sorcery of his idolatrous priests and oracles All these and the like meanes by which the Dragon set up and held up his rule in earth were cast into the earth whence they were taken And by casting out of them wee meane not a totall ejection from all molestation of the Church but such a breaking of their power as they could never prevaile against the salvation of any member of the Church neither against the happy proceedings of the Christian religion in the infancy of the Church at which age our text aimeth Where the Dragon is cast out all his angels are cast out with him 1. Ioh. 4. 4. Little children yee are of God and have overcome them whom every spirit that confesseth not Christ every enemy of Christ. 1. If the head be cast out how can the members thinke to stay If the Generall of the field be cast to the earth how can the confused and stragling army hope to prevaile When David overcame Goliah hee foiled the whole host of the Philistines so as Israel fell upon them and slew them so this sonne of David overthrowing the hellish Goliah chased all his angels and forces with him 2. The same justice layeth hold on principals and accessaries In the Dragons angels were first the same enmity against the woman that was in the Dragon Gen. 3. 15 I will put enmity betweene thy seed and her seed as betweene thy selfe and her Secondly the same desert and merit for the angels fought against the woman as well as the Dragon vers 7. The messengers of Sathan cease not to buffet the Saints as Paul Thirdly the same sentence and execution against the angels as against their head the Dragon Matt 25. 41. prepared for the devill and his angels both issuing from the justice of God who spares not the Angels that sinned 2. Pet. 2. 4. 3. The perfection of Michaels power cannot but encounter and conquer as well the angels and agents of the Dragon as the Dragon himselfe The power of his God-head is a full store-house to minister unto him all fitnesse and furniture to encounter all the agents and angels of the Dragon The truth whereof wee shall easily discerne if we cast our eyes upon the chiefe organs and instruments of the dragon called his angels whom our Michael hath cast out and made his footstoole The first are heretickes and false teachers and these angels of the dragon transforme themselves as if they were Angels of light but Michael the true Doctor of his Church casteth them out and raiseth up Pastors according to his owne heart in their stead so that the elect shall not bee seduced by them This is a fruit of his powerfull ascension Ephes. 4. 10. 11. The second sort of the dragons angels are tyrants and wretced persecutors of the truth and these stoutly and incessantly fight against Michael But Christ the true King of his Church resisteth and confoundeth them by the rod of his power and instead of them raiseth us Kings and Princes to bee nursing fathers and mothers to the Church Thirdly wicked men and hypocrites are angels of the dragon and under the name and colours of Christ fight against Christ but cannot prevaile for Michael is the true Sampson who with the jaw bone of his owne mouth smites them downe heapes upon heapes Fourthly the great angell of all under the dragon is that great Antichrist who now sits at Rome and hath many yeares furiously fought against the whole Kingdome of Christ but our Michael is well appointed against him for hee blasteth him with the breath of his mouth and will consume him with the brightnesse of his comming and the time hasteneth wherein hee shall be cast out of the Church as dung of the earth 4. The perfection of Michaels victory argueth all the angels of the dragon to bee cast out as well as himselfe For first otherwise the little stone had not broken to pieces all the kingdomes opposite to it selfe as the prophesie is Dan. 2. 45. But it hath broken the whole kingdome of the dragon by setting up and upholding a kingdome of grace the least lowest and weakest of whose subjects are too strong for the whole gates of hell to prevaile against Secondly Michael had not perfected our salvation had he not perfected his owne victory in the totall abolition of his enemies and in leaving no hurtfull thing in all the mountaine of his holinesse But do we not see many angels of the dragon unconquered many false teachers tyrants persecutors haters of the truth papists and the great Antichrist that scarce afford the Church any good day nor never cease her v●xation how then are all the angels cast out with him I answer 1. They are all cast out already in respect of our head whom they cannot reach now sitting at his Fathers right hand and as to him actually so to us the members virtually and potentially who must needs partake of his victory and tryumph over them all but wee must for the time rest in his most gracious ordination who so communicateth his victory unto us as wee must receive it first by faith and then by fruition first in hope and then by sense first in part and then in perfection 2. They are all cast out already in respect of the sentence which is past on them all but he waites a fit time of execution when the just and full time of the ripenesse of sinne and judgement is come when hee will be sure to recompence the flownesse of his comming with weight of revenge and if any of the dragons angels escape freer in this world than other a greater vexation belongs unto them hereafter 3. The Lord hath cast out all enemies so as may stand both with the freedome of his justice as also with the time of his patience and connivence both to cleare his righteousnesse in revenging and to make them inexcusable the former in that he was so slow to wrath the latter in that they foreslowed their amendment 4. Michael hath cast out all the dragons angels in respect of the Church not from vexing but from hurting
it in matter of salvation and so as may stand with his Churches profitable exercise and excitation In these foure regards they are all cast out with their Head Here is terror for al the angels agents of the dragon who hence may perceive that Jesus Christ hath already got the same victory over them as over the dragons and devils themselves and duely waites a fit time for full execution and manifestation Consider what a fearefull thing it is to bee a wicked man a servant of sinne an enemy of grace a scorner of religion or religious persons or exercises a Sabbath-breaker a drunkard a vicious person an unbeleever or impenitent person here is an angell of the dragon who if hee persist in this estate is as certainly cast out into destruction by Christ as is the dragon his head and mover what else doth our Saviour teach Mat. 25. 41. but that the dragon and his angels are equally accursed and wicked men sunke downe in the same curse as they all of them being equally against Christ and Christ against them all Our Saviour for the comfort of the Elect saith Iohn 12. 26. Where I am there shall my servant bee so in proportion where the dragon is there must his angels and agents bee Object But I hope for salvation by Christ I am baptized and come to Church and heare the Word and love God above all and my neighbour as my selfe c. Answ. Many shall come to Christ at the last day and professe as much or more and yet being angels of the dragon are cast out with him Mat 7. 22. Thou art not an open enemy yea but art thou a covered secret enemy of Christ No pretence or conceit of a good estate can hinder thee from being an angell of the dragon or from being cast out with him First if thou discernest not the things of God but art uncapable unteachable savouring the things of the flesh not of the Spirit and findest most sweetnesse and contentment in the things of this life thou art apprently cast out as yet with the dragon without the Kingdome of God Secondly if thou hearest never so much and blessest thy selfe in thine iniquity if thou hearest for fashion without conscience or desire after Gods wayes if thou secretly loathe or fret at the Word powerfully preached or holdest any sin against it it is a deadly favour to thee thou art cast out with the dragon to whom also it is a sentence of damnation Thirdly if thou avoidest the society of godly men and in heart lovest not such as bee truely religious but hatest them because they follow goodnesse and hauntest with wicked and profane persons and delightest in them runnest with them and chusest them for thy companions thou art as yet in the same darknesse with the dragon 1 Iohn 2. 11. Fourthly if thou speakest evill of the way of God and despightest the truth revilest such as more openly professe it disgracest the publike or private exercises of religion or discouragest such as undertake them thy profession keepes thee not from being cast out with the dragon Michael hath cast thee out having said Hee that is with us cannot lightly speake evill of us Marke 9. 39. 2. From this glorious victory of Michael over the angels of the dragon note the vaine and bootlesse enterprises of the angels of the dragon against the Church They rage and bragge and plot and fret and all to cast the Church out of the earth but cannot prevaile for First themselves are cast out into the earth their power and liberty is onely to hurt earthly minded men that preferre earth before heaven and contemne the heavenly truth preached but in regard of the Saints they have short hornes they can hurt none marked sprinkled or sealed Secondly the Church cannot bee cast out of the earth unlesse the angels of the dragon were stronger than Michael they may chase the Church out of one corner into another but out of the earth they cannot because his Kingdome is everlasting Thirdly they are but angels of the dragon and their Head being spoyled of his power what hope have they to prevaile Did the Papists consider that being angels of the dragon cast out already by Michael they are in extreme danger it would abate something of the bragging pride hopes and insolency did they thinke that the great angell of the dragon the Antichrist of Rome were already cast out by the sentence and power of Michael it would abate their hopes If it doe not lessen theirs let it raise ours that however they may afflict some particular Church yet shall they never obtaine their purpose as they hope and desire but shall bee cast out by Michael as the dung of the earth Consider three grounds hereof First that they fight against Christ the Truth and the truth of Christ they fight against the Lambe but the Lambe must overcome and against the truth of Christ which is of that nature that the more it is opposed and oppressed the more it riseth and increaseth Secondly consider how Michael hath already cast them out in their projects and designes all deliverances of Christian Princes have beene from this victory of Michael our owne countrey and Princes abroad are instances enough as in 88. 1605. c. Thirdly against all the angels of the dragon oppose our Archangell described in Rev. 10. 1. c. 1. A mighty Angell protector of his Church 2. Comming from heaven in a gracious and powerfull presence to help his Church 3. Cloathed with a Cloud once of flesh now of divine Majestie as in the wildernesse 4. A Rainbow on his head a league of grace and peace first with God then from the rage of Antichristian enemies 5. His face as the Sunne enlightning his Church dispersing clouds and stormes bringing faire gleames of warme comfort 6. His feet as Pillars of power and might to sustaine his Church and of fire to consume the enemies as Chaffe and stubble 7. In his hand a little booke open Christ opens it to the world and holds it open though Antichrist would shut up the truth and did a long time 8. Hee set his right foot on the sea and his left on the earth that is now takes power and dominion upon the Continent and Ilands and raiseth Christian Emperours and Princes by professing the truth to restore him his right detained by Antichrist 9. Hee crieth with a loud voyce as when a Lyon roareth the more that tyrants and Antichrist roare and rage against the truth with their Buls the more doth this Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah put forth the mighty voice of the Gospel and as with rams horns casteth downe the wals of Antichristian Iericho 10. He sweares in verse 6. that time or delay shall be no more namely not so miserable and mournfull as they were under the sixe Trumpets when Antichrist domineired and none durst resist who would not be presently turned to ashes but better times should
wicked enemies of it For 1. By these overthrows the most desperate enemies are daunted for a time and by the terrour of judgements discouraged from their mischievous enterprises against the Church Did not Gods plagues on the Egyptians stop their unreasonable violence against Israel yea however the kings heart was hardened to destruction yet the people were overcome so as to do them all the good they could leaving themselves bare and naked to adorne and enrich them with their Jewels And how hath the heavy hand of God felt by our enemies made them lesse bold to attempt the like mischiefes yea rather inclined them to be at a kinde of peace with us 2. By the dreadfull overthrows of wicked men the Lord sets up his Church and makes even the enemies themselves submit and stoop to her Psalm 18. 44. When Davids sword prevailes in the Lords battels strangers shall bee in subjection though dissemblingly The proud Aramites were forced to submit themselves wiih halters about their necks to the King of Israell 1. King 20. 31. 2. Chron. 32. 22. When that memorable judgement was executed against the King of Assur and his proud army many are said to bring offerings to Jerusalem and presents to Hezekiah who was magnified thenceforth of all nations So by the fearfull hand of God against proud Herod the Lord made his word to prosper and beleevers to multiply Act. 12 23. 24. 3. By the judgements of God powred out upon wicked men they themselves are convinced in their consciences and forced to acknowledge themselves in a wrong course and that the state of the godly whom they persecute is farre more happy then their owne If Balaam in his prosperity wished himselfe in the number of Gods people what did hee when the sword came against him in the slaughter of the Midianites Numb 31. 8. And when the Egyptians were hurled among the waves did they not wish themselves in the state of the meanest Israelites And shall not all wicked enemies who now brave it out against the Saints do so also when the waters of Gods wrath arise and beginne to returne forcibly upon them III Motives to this duty are these 1. The end proposed by the Lord of all his actions is the setting up of his glory but especially when in overthrowing the dragon hee sheweth forth all his glorious attributes of power justice hatred of sinne revenge of sinne as also of mercy care and love of his Church the over-mastering of her enemies for the terrour of all proud adversaries and the encouraging and confirming the faith of the Saints 2. As this is the Lords end so wee cannot disappoint him of this end without our own great prejudice For as thankfull praises for old mercies invite new so ingratitude being a bundle of many sins hinders the course and current of Gods blessings unto us If we would continue perpetuate mercies to ourselvs we must not deprive the Lord of his due praises 3. The Lord hath manifested his pleasure and that hée is well pleased to have the mindefulnesse of his mercies towards his people to dwell with his Church to beget in them more love of himselfe and a greater desire of promoting his kingdome Hence himselfe pleased to be the institutor of feasts speciall services for perpetuall memory of mercies deliverāces as the Paslover to perpetuate the memory of the Angels passing over the Israelites houses in slaying the first born of Egypt saving thē frō the revenging Angell And in their entring into the land of Canaan hee appointed the feast of Tabernacles in remembrance of all that providence and preservation of them and theirs from all enemies while they dwelt not in walled townes but in Tabernacles forty yeares in the wildernesse 4. The very Heathens themselves after their victories would institute publique solemnities to their gods in way of thankfulnesse and dedicate dayes and temples to them for remembrance and shall Christians come behinde them and as the manner is after victories eate and drinke and bragge and sweare in the meane time forget their songs to the Lord 5. We cannot better or liker to our life of heaven exercise our selves on earth when all the Saints shall solemnly and tryumphantly sing and sound out the glory of God for their finall deliverance from the Dragon and all his Angels by Jesus Christ when the Angels Saints Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Martyrs and all the blessed company of heaven shall joyne in the song of Moses and the Lambe Now the Saints on earth must resemble and begin this life of heaven and seeing all other services and spirituall duties shall cease and onely this shall remaine in heaven our care must bee that it cease not upon earth This doctrine casts out of the society of the Church such as grieve and repine at her prosperity and happy victories for he cannot be a member of the Church who rejoyceth not in her joy nor a sonne of this mother who is not glad in her prosperity Is it a note of a righteous man to rejoyce when hee seeth the vengeance Psalm 58. 10. what is hee then that pineth when hee seeth Gods revenge powred on the heads of his adversaries 1. Such as grieve when Antichrists kingdome is shaken when they heare any newes of defeating his forces and cannot containe or conceale themselves but by magnifying the Catholike Captaines and contemptuous discourses against the Protestants forces bewray what they are and on what part they stand good subjects must they needs bee while they bewray such sure affections to the enemies of GOD our religion our Countrey our King and our Kings Children and good souldiers to Christ and trusty who are sorry when their Generall gets a victory I cannot tell whether to impute their boldnesse more to want of grace in disclaiming the truth or want of wit in such discovery of themselves 2. Such as rage and storme against the power of the Word which discovers the nakednesse of Popery So shamelesse and foolish are some ignorant sots and so earnestly set for their Popish Dagon that if they heare any thing against the doating doctrines of Popery they are ready to tumult as the Ephesians for their Diana It is nothing with them to revile the Ministers and give them all the lie and charge them with ignorance or falsification But what need clearer evidence to cast them for treachery against Christ his truth and holy religion established by the lawes in regard of which if folly it selfe did not leade them they would forbeare 3. Such as cannor endure our solemnities and daies of publike joy for our deliverances against the bloody Papists but as Vipers swell with poyson and griefe that their mother hath any cause of joy and that the Church and Kingdome was lifted up by God from such destruction as never came into the heads of any wretches but Papists or devils The barbarous heathens could not expresse their joy sufficiently in their triumphs gratulatory rites
inheritance his choise his habitation in which he hath promised to dwell for ever which how could he doe if he should suffer Tyrants either to destroy it or throw him out of possession Fourthly the Church is his kingdome which must have no end but if he should not save it the enimies would soone bring it to an end 3. It is a part of Gods glory which cannot passe in any other to bee the Saviour of his Church because First he alone will bee knowne the onely GOD that heareth prayer to whom all flesh must resort Psal. 65. 2. Secondly hee to whom the glory of the greater belongs to him belongs the glory of the lesser but hee onely hath the glory of saving his people from spirituall hellish and eternall danger by Christ and he onely will perfect his salvation by adding temporall and externall Thirdly for his glories sake he will bee seene the only Savior in such times and maner as none else can save as in many miraculous deliverances which all the world must ascribe onely to his hand Israel must be saved out of Aegypt by an Outcast drawne out of the waters and the sea must make them a way and become a wall to them and a Well to Pharaoh his followers To bring them along Iordan must runne back To feed them and save them from starving heaven must afford them a daily harvest and a rocke must yeeld them water forty yeares To save them from their enemies in battell the Sunne must stand still and the Moone stay her course as in the dayes of Ioshua in which all the world must behold the Lord fighting for Israel How miraculously was Ionah saved when hee was buried in a double grave Twofold instruction ariseth hence to the Church and people of God First wee learne in the greatest dangers and needs to waite for the Lords salvation in the depth of danger if wee be beset as Israel at the sea side or if wee be chased into the bottome of sea now to stand still and behold the salvation of the Lord Exod. 14. Quest. How may wee waite aright for the Lords salvation Answ. 1. Become Beleevers members of the Church for it is said The Lord will save Sion stablish thy faith in this promise give God the glory of truth and when thou art beset with sorrowes pains perils when thou art in the valley of death in the hands of death in the house of death now say Salvation is the Lords and as Iob If the Lord kill me yet will I trust in him 2. Beware of sinne for that which thrusteth thee from the Lord thrusteth away the Lords salvation from thee but sinne separates betweene God and us and may suspend his salvation from his Saints longer than is for their ease Bewaile thy sinne remove by repentance that partition which thou hast thrust betweene God and thee salvation is farre from the wicked because they are farre from God Psalme 119. 155. It is never so farre from the godly yet often not so neare them as they desire because they are not got so neare God by faith repentance and invocation as he desireth Dan. 9. 12. All Israel have sinned and therefore the curse is powred out against all Israel and Iosh. 7. 11. 12. Israel hath sinned a sinne and cannot stand before their enemies If wee would have the Lord to put forth his salvation we must put away our sinne which makes him seeme sometimes as if he could not save his people 3. Fixe the eye of thy soule directly upon the Lord and looke not a squint at men or meanes nor thinke all lost if they set not in for thy helpe for First the Lord whose salvation is needs them not to worke by Secondly all meanes are put in his hand and by his appointment are what they are and if hee doe use any men or meanes as in this Text he did the Christian Emperours yet the Church must sing as here salvation is the Lords Thirdly no meanes may share in his glory nor obscure or darken it Secondly it teacheth to ascribe all honour of salvation to the Lord as here the Church doth for First there is great reason that hee who is our salvation should be our song the Church here makes the author of her salvation the matter of her song so Exod. 15. 2. gnozzi vezimrath Iah The Lord is my strength and song It is equall that the honour of salvation bee returned to the Author of it Secondly the office of the Church is to give knowledge to the world by whom and by what meanes she is delivered that after-ages may repaire in like dangers to the same hand in which onely salvation is see Psalme 102. 18. and Esa. 38. 19. Thirdly for our selves we above all people have just cause to sing unto the Lord our salvation and say Now is salvation the Lords Time was in the dayes of the fathers when our nation lay in darknesse in Idolatry in the midst of Images and teachers of lies worshipping blockes and stones and crusts of bread The blindenesse and darknesse was palpable like that of Aegypt wherein no man could stirre out of the place where his ignorance had set him But God in his due time tooke pitty upon us and tooke possession of us as his people possessed our Kingdome our Princes and people with light truth and the blessed Gospell of salvation now was Antichrist detected darknesse dispelled Idols displaced Masse-mongers and god-makers cast out now was salvation the Lords when hee swept out that Antichristian vermine frighted away those uncleane birds pulled downe their Cages over their heads and made the happy restoring of the Gospell as a birth-day to our Countrey and this English Nation In the yeare 1588. when that invincible Navie as they termed it advanced it selfe with a Catholike strength to swallow up our Nation at one morsell they wanted not his Holinesse helpe to curse and excommunicate our Prince and people they wanted no Engines of torture and cruelty no cut-throates to exercise them they brought over heires for our Lands were provided of choise men designed to Bishoppricks our Baronries our dignities our livings our Offices of Councell and State all was their owne But no sooner they appeared in our Coasts but now salvation was the Lords who would shew the Romish and Babylons Balaam that there is no sorcery nor cursing against Iacob and make his Embassadours know that there is neither power nor counsell against the Lord and that he had no pleasure in such cursed crueltie and covetousnesse The Sunne the Moone the Elements fire water and windes fought against proud Sisera but salvation was the Lords In the meane time what did we but looke on while the God of our salvation made the confusion of that Armado the stupor and admiration of the whole world Add to this the hellish Powder-plot when the necke of our King and all his three kingdomes was upon the blocke and the stroke lifted
sanctification of the Sabbath according to Gods speciall Commandement and yeare by yeare urge the reformation of notorious abuses yet after many yeares nothing is amended there is no lesse working no lesse playing nay more open prophanesse than before that strangers from forraine parts admire to see the disorder of this place and the open prophanesse which hath had a name of good teaching and government And as in this so in other things our comfort must be this that we can grieve at what we cannot amend that the peace of your open prophanesse is proclaimed by your selves disclaimed by your Preachers What a griefe is it that while we preach the word of peace we are all broken into pieces and waste out our time wealth thoughts in frivolous quarrels and willingly part with our peace with God with charity to our brethren with inward contentment and outward credit and reputation And to conclude this point if wee shall see Christ a loser amongst us and that men are so farre from growing according to the means as they grow more froward more wilfull more weary and apparently lose the good things they have begun They were diligent hearers men of good example and earnest affections but now turned away either by Popish perswaders or by the perswasion of their owne deceitfull hearts how may wee grieve at the apostasie of such persons as if the Word of God were not the same of the same savour and sweetnesse as ever it was and if it be they cannot bee the same Well were it for them to consider that righteousnesse departed from shall never bee remembred In all these evils if all our paines study and counsell cannot prevaile wee must turne us to sorrow and teares and mourne over you as Christ over Jerusalem who wept and said Oh that thou hadst knowne the day of thy visitation but now these things are hid from thine eyes Luke 19. 42. IV. But most just cause of griefe and sorrow wee have when wee see that the Kingdome of God gets no more ground in our selves and in our own hearts than it doth as 1. If wee can finde that Christ hath long and many a day knocked at the doore of our hearts and sought entrance but we have not opened our everlasting gates that the King of glory might come in unto us Psal. 24. We make shew of receiving him into the Porters lodge by a formall and livelesse profession but wee cannot afford him a roome in the Inne of our hearts nor allow him a rest there as those that rest in him as our chiefe good we cannot esteeme him our Jewell and other things drosse in comparison of him 2. When we find the word tastlesse and powerlesse in us which is the Scepter of this Kingdome by which it is upheld when it is not so sweete unto our taste as honey in our mouthes when we doe not account our it treasure above all pearles and precious things when our hearts are not set upon it our lives not framed by it our selves not delivered unto it or changed by it into the fashion of it So much place as the Word hath in thee so much place hath Christ himselfe If the Word have no place in thee no more hath Christ nor his Kingdome 3. If we finde not our lusts tamed and the enemies of the Kingdome not subdued in our selves our former corruptions unmortified not crucified our love to sinne no lesse then formerly the love of the world not conquered ourselves not denyed nor can deny our profits and pleasures Now may wee justly mourne that the kingdome of darknesse stands so strong in us that all the battery and meanes planted against it cannot demolish and cast it downe 4. If wee finde the Spirit of grace and fortitude foyled and grieved in us that wee grow not stronger and more chearefull in good and holy duties of piety and mercy that we are not stronger nor stouter in affliction sufferings when we cannot endure losses and reproaches for the name of Jesus Christ nor bee chearefull in other trials when the Spirit brings not this Kingdome of God within us which stands in peace joy love of God which is an heaven upon earth this Kingdome of grace set up in the heart of a Christian is indeed an earthly Paradise 5. If wee have made some way toward this kingdome but growne heavy and weary if wee be fallen from our first love if wee have set our hands to the Plough and looked backe to the world to Popery to carnall counsels wee cannot bee fi● for the Kingdome of God Luke 9. 62. And the power of his Christ. The Church having sung out the praises of God the giver of her happy victory in these words with the same loud and fervent voyce proclaimeth the due praise and honour of Michael the Generall In whom wee have 1. His Title Christ. 2. His relation to God the Father his Christ. 3. His Attribute power I. The Title Christ signifyeth one anoynted or the Messiah whereof yee lately heard both the things wherein it chiefly consisteth namely 1. In the ordination and separation of his whole person to the Office of a Mediator 2. In the plentifull effusion of all gifts and graces fit for the Head of the Church as also the differences of his anointing from all the legal anoyntings of their Kings Priests and Prophets they by men hee by God they with externall oyle he with internall they ceremonially in shadow he truely and substantially they to a small measure he beyond all measure they for themselves he for his members Therefore here onely consider that this unction hath speciall reference to his Kingly Office and is so farre here properly considerable II. For the word of relation hee is called his Christ or the Lords Christ. First for distinction for other Kings were anoynted and set up by men but none else thus immediately set up by God Psalme● I have set my King upon Sion Secondly for eminence all other Kings were anoynted as members of the Church though heads of the Civill Kingdome but Christ onely the Lords Christ was anoynted as Head of the Church Thirdly for neare relation they were some of them sonnes of God by adoption but Christ was his owne naturall Sonne and had the divine nature dwelling in him not onely vertually and powerfully as they but substantially and bodily after a sort Col. 2. III. The Attribute here ascribed unto Christ is power The power of Christ is twofold One as he is the Sonne of God Another as the Christ of God The former is potentia creationis which hee hath equall with his Father over all men and creatures The other is potentia conciliationis as hee is Mediator whereby hee ruleth in the Church among Saints who are in speciall subjection and confederacy with him For further explication wee must inquire 1. The difference betweene these two 2. Which of them is here meant The difference betweene these two is
in foure things 1. One of them is essentiall called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 even the same essentiall Omnipotence with his Father and the Holy Ghost as God The other is officiall the power not of Essence but of Office as Christ. 2. The former was before all time this given him in time 3. The former incommunicable to any creature for finite is not capable of infinite the latter communicable to Christ himselfe 4. The former is unchangeable and everlasting but the latter given up againe to his Father of whom hee received it 1 Cor. 15. Quest Now which of these is here meant Ans. The latter which is the regall power of Christ the Mediatour which putteth forth it selfe two wayes 1. In preserving and defending his Church against all enemies spirituall and temporall whether wicked spirits or wicked men tyrants and persecutors 2. In the conversion or eversion of his enemies breaking to pieces such Princes as will not bend be bowed and dashing to pieces like a Potters vessell so many as will not kisse the Sonne of God to testifie thereby their amity and subjection And now singeth the Church Here is this power of Christ the King of his Church manifest the dragon was potent but Michael is Omnipotent the dragon was powerfull in earth against the Church but Jesus Christ hath all power in heaven and earth whereby he hath gloriously overthrowne him The power of Christ as Mediatour is superiour to all other created power Not his essentiall power onely as the Sonne of God but even the power of his Office as the Lords Christ and as the royall King of his Church is superiour to all created power besides Phil. 3. 21. According to the working whereby hee is able even to subdue all things unto himselfe Heb. 2. 8. Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet In that he put all in subjection under him hee left nothing that is not put under him 1. His is a full power a plenitude of power Mat. 28. 18. All power is given to mee in heaven and earth Other creatures have much power given them but he hath all power power in heaven to pacifie his Fathers wrath to open heavē which was shut by sinne and to crowne the Saints his members with heavenly glory He hath also all power in earth to chuse out of the world a people where hee will to gather and call by his voyce those whom hee hath chosen to perfect and keepe in his name those whom hee hath gathered to represse tame and overcome all their enemies In all which is a plenitude or fulnesse of power not agreeable to any creature 2. No other creature hath either right or capablenesse of this power The first-borne only had a right and power over all the rest of the brethren none of them over him so hath Christ as Mediatour the first-borne of many brethren Againe other creatures may have great power some by usurpation as Satan the god of the world some by commission and permission as lawfull Princes and Magistrates but Christ by right of inheritance hath all power and this grounded in the love of the Father Iohn 3. 35. The Father loveth the Sonne and hath given all power and all things into his hand No creature can have all things in his hand Here is a just right and undoubted title Againe as the Father only can give it so the Sonne onely can receive it because it is a power attending the hypostaticall union of the two natures and therefore proper to Jesus Christ. Finally not any one member nor all put together are capable of the gifts of the Head but the Father hath appointed him head of all things 3. By Induction we shall see this power of Christ above the power of all creatures and how can it bee other seeing he that sustaineth all things by his mighty Word must bee more powerfull than they all Hebr. 1. First his power is above all created power in heaven For hee is the Lord of the holy Angels and even these glorious creatures that excell in power attend and worship him comming into the world to save the world Heb. 1. 6. and also comming againe to judge the world is attended with all the holy Angels who are therefore called his Angels because to him as their Lord the Angels and powers are subject 1 Pet. 3 ult Secondly his power is above all humane power for his is absolute mens power limited All humane powers are held of him by him and for him Kings raigne he holds off none but hath a soveraignty in his owne right All their power concerneth things on earth and can goe no farther but to binde the outward man but his chiefe power is spirituall in things heavenly ruling in the hearts and consciences of men of which the tribunals of men can take no notice Thirdly his power is above all the power of wicked creatures be they neverso desperately contrary The Devils and wicked spirits obey him and cannot resist his Word as we see every where in the Gospel And wicked men shall one day confesse with Iulian Vicisti Galilaee Jesus of Galilec hath overcome us Fourthly his power is above all the power of unreasonable and senselesse creatures bee they never so fierce and raging Mat. 8. 27. Who is this whom the windes and seas obey Also fire and water as in the Furnace a fourth was seene like the Sonne of God restraining the flames who afterward walked on the waters Also diseases obey him hee saith to the Leper Be cleane and he is so to the lame man Take up thy bed and walke and hee doth so to the blinde Wash and see and so it is And what marvell seeing death it selfe obeyes and delivers his prey at his word Iohn 11. 44. at that Word Lazarus came forth bound hand and foot This concernes the enemies of Christ and of his Kingdome to terrifie them seeing such is the power of Christ as will make them all his footstoole and though they carry matters with strong hand against him they shall not doe so alwayes for 1. This power will reach them and they shall feele it one day 2. It will bridle them and they shall not resist it as now they doe 3 It will prevaile against them to bend or break to save or condemne them 4. The greater they be it will get it selfe more honour upon them as Pharaoh and they shall see and say it is hard to kicke against the pricks More specially 1. Every naturall man is an enemy of Christ every one till hee bee regenerate and reconciled every sinner going on in his sinne Let this power of Jesus Christ shake thee out of thy sinnes for was it such in his low and base estate as all the devils in hel could not resist but with one word were quelled and doe we dare to provoke him now in glory are we stronger than hee 1 Cor. 10. 21. How desperately doe
our losses great hee can if hee please double our portion as Iobs at the latter end Also for things pertaining to godlinesse and a better life we have strong consolation in that Christ hath power 1. To merit 2. To apply 3. To uphold 4. To perfect our salvation 1. He hath power to merit our salvation because he hath power to satisfie wholly by himselfe the justice of God without any piecing or patching to his merit and righteousnesse He hath power to pay the whole debt and to cancell the bill and hand writing that was against all Gods chosen He is of power to pardon sinne Mat. 9. 6. that ye may know the Son of man hath power to forgive sinne on earth and he hath power to fulfill the Law 2 He hath all power to apply his merit to our salvation because to this end he did mightily raise himselfe from the dead by his owne power and ascended into heaven that by a powerfull intercession he might apply his sacrifice to the Saints From thence he hath power to send his Spirit to acquaint us with the things given us of God And he is of power to worke faith in the hearts of the Elect whereby they may apply to themselves his whole merit and obedience while they are here below 3 He is of power to uphold our salvation divers wayes By setting us upon a strong foundation and a sure rocke not to be shaken by any contrary power By strengthening us by a powerfull word which is a mighty organ and a strong arme able to save 2 Tim. 3. 16. By comforting and strengthening us by the Spirit of strength and power 2 Tim. 1. 7. God hath not given us the spirit of feare but of power And by making us invincible in suffering Phil. 4. 13. I can do all things by the power of Christ assisting me Yea to saile by hell to heaven and to passe by the crosse to the crowne 4 He is of power to perfect our salvation and hath engaged this power to this purpose 1 Pet. 1. 5 Wee are kept by the power of God to salvation And why First He is of power to make our imperfect duties pleasing to God hiding all the imperfection of them under the mantle of his mercy Secondly He hath a superior power to al enemies that none of them can separate us or plucke us out of his hands for he hath the keyes of hell and death Rev. 1. 18. Thirdly He hath power to lead us through death dust into his owne glory so as we have assurance of a glorious resurrection by the working of his mighty power Phil. 3. 21. Fourthly He hath power not only of preparing mansions for us in his Fathers house but in the last day to descend from heaven to fetch us up to himselfe that wee may be ever with the Lord. Our Ioshua hath power to bring us into Canaan II. Here is a ground of comfort and encouragement in all well-doing and to goe on fearelesly in good duties wherein commonly we have the power of the world against us For why First He is of power to strengthen us of weake to make us strong Of our selves wee are able to doe nothing that we have any power to any thing that is good it is from his power His grace alone is sufficient for us 2 Cor. 12. 9. Without mee yee can doe nothing Secondly He is of power to reward our least labour of love to his name or Saints and all the power of the world cannot hinder him Thirdly He is of power to cleare our innocency to disperse the fogs and clouds of calumnie and reproches and to make our righteousnesse shine as the sunne at noone-day He can and will make our darknesse light Fourthly His power encourageth our prayers because he is able to receive them and doe abundantly above all that we aske or thinke Fifthly He is of power to make us perserve for he is able to perfect his worke and this power shall uphold a poore Christiā if the truth should faile from the Church and Kingdome Object I am weake and oftentimes carelesse in keeping my ground and grace Answ. Quicken up thy selfe become a member of Christ and if thy faith be weake that thou canst not comprehend him his power is strong to comprehend thee yea the weakenes of God is stronger then men 1 Cor. 1. 25. Object But the enemies are strong and powerfull Jesuites other seducers subtle and sundrie adversaries armed with power grace of times cruelty c. Answ. Yet this power of Christ layes such hold on every true Beleever that no seducer can deceive him nor no power plucke him out of his hands No power can dismember this Head nor reach their graces 6 He that is of power gave us strength when we had none is of power even in death and in our dust when al strength is gone both to keepe faithfully for us what we commit unto him till the last day also to renew us with strength as the Eagles and change our vile bodies to be like his glorious body like it in quality not equality in strength shining agility incorruption fitted as a glorious member to be united to so glorious an head and that for all eternity III Another ground of comfort is that out of this power of Christ we may conclude the stability of the Church which is his Kingdome This power hath upheld the truth these many hundred yeares against the divell the world the Turke Antichrist Popish Princes and forces against tyrants massacres inquisitions torments pouder-plots against false brethren and hypocrites that against all the gates of hell it is not onely taught and preached but triumpheth and conquereth so as all the world may see a mighty power protecting it The Church is an heavie stone to lift at because it hath all Christs power for it and therefore if all nations rise against it they shall be torne in pieces The truth is stronger then all and must prevaile at last it may be smothered as fire under ashes extinct it cannot be so long as Christ who is truth hath power to uphold it The promise is strong that all the gates of hell shall not prevaile against it For as Christ is truth that uttered it so he is Omnipotent to accomplish it This power shall ever keepe this Arke upon the waters from drowning Hitherto of the consolation Instruction also ariseth from this power of Christ and 1 To Ministers that they preach Christ the power of God 1 Cor. 1. 24. that is not onely by preaching to acquaint men with the power of Christ but so to preach as Christs power may be put forth in the Gospell which is the rod of his power and so as to bring in subjects daily under this power of Jesus Christ Preaching a mans selfe will not doe it nor preaching of men will not doe it nor every learned nor every idle discourse of Christ but to speak from the spirit and
Sinne in his allurements 3. Afflictions and rebukes for the Name of Christ and for well-doing All overcome by the power of Christ in his members 1. A mighty worke of his power was that he was able to foyle temptations and stand against all hellish powers so as when Satan came he found nothing in him Even so the power of Christ wherever it is puts forth it selfe against Satans kingdome the strong man is cast out by a stronger than hee Doest thou chase Satan afore thee and the whole band of his temptations so as though thou canst not bee free from the molestation of his assaults yet thou art free from the seduction and persistest in thy goodnesse here is the power Christ if Satan bee trodden under our feet it is the God of peace that doth it These adversaries are so mighty in strength and subtilty that no power but the power of Gods might can resist them But where the devill triumpheth and holdeth a man captive at his will when as the great Centurion he saith to his slave Doe this and hee doth it sweare and raile and whore and drinke and lie and deceive and men doe so the power of Christ is farre off unlesse for revenge 2. Another enemy is our owne sinnes and lusts in the subduing of which wee may espie the power of Christ. Canst thou finde the evils of thy heart and life conquered infirmities vanquished the power of sinne daily weakned and foyled sinne cast out if not in respect of presence yet of power that the raigne and dominion of it is gone here is the power of Christ for no other power can put sinne to death but the power of Christs death Contrarily where sinne is not disarmed but the body of it stands united compacted not wounded to death where secret sinnes are allowed where lusts are alive and cherished where worldly pleasures profits fashions are followed with a full strength where men willingly cast themselves into the occasions of sinne here is no saving power of Christ in conversion and change for all Christs power is set for the overthrow of sinne it set himselfe free from all corruptions and sinfull infirmities and so his members 3. The last enemy are afflictions for Christ and well-doing Canst thou beare the worst troubles for Christ and bee baptized with his baptisme canst thou esteeme the rebukes of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Aegypt as Moses Heb. 11 canst thou account losses for Christ thy greatest gaine doest thou not account thy life deare to thee so that thou maist finish thy course with joy Is not all this a divine power that can make thee rejoyce in the Crosse of Christ and joyfully indure the spoyling of thy goods and carry the reproaches of Christ as a Crowne on thy shoulder all which formerly thou fearedst as hell it selfe But where is the power of Christ when every shadow of change is of force to drive men from the profession every damsels speech can terrifie so great a Professor as Peter even to the deniall of his Lord a sleight reproach or nickname can keepe many away from Christ and make many goe away Were the power of Christ present it would indure the Crosse and despise the shame and nothing could separate Now have I discovered the tryals of the power of Christ. If any man have this experience of the mighty power of Christ praise God for it if not pray to have thine eies opened to see the exceeding greatnes of this power of Christ in thy selfe Eph. 1. 19. both in weakning the power of sinne that it may not have dominion over thee and in weakning the presumption of thine own power and strength which overthrows great graces and casts men headlong into fearfull fals as wee see in Peter but let him that stands take heed lest hee fall as also in stablishing the mighty worke of grace in thy soule and whatsoever vertue may accompany thy salvation as knowing that this mighty power of Jesus Christ is put forth first for holinesse and then for happinesse For the accuser of our brethren is cast downe which accused them before our God day and night These words containe a reason why the Church hath with a loud voyce ascribed the honour of salvation and kingdome to the Lord and of power unto Jesus Christ namely because the accuser of the brethren is cast downe Where wee have two things 1. His crimination 2. His dejection In the former part are foure things 1. What are these accusations 2. Who are accused brethren 3. Where before our God 4. When night and day I. These accusations are the objecting of things true or false to the hurt and disgrace of the godly First in true things Satan accuseth them hee espieth their infirmities and noteth even in the best many sinnes and errors which they are guilty of and these hee urgeth and amplifieth against them before God and pleadeth from them their unworthinesse of mercy yea the sinnes which in them are of weaknesse hee amplifieth as if they were sinnes of wickednesse and raigning sinnes and maketh them seem unpardonably hainous and claimeth the justice of the Law and the execution of the curse upon persons so unworthy of life and salvation Secondly these accusations are also of false things For Satan alyer from the beginning deviseth many false calumniations lyes and slanders and casteth them upon the Saints In those Primitive times what an heape of horrible lyes did the devill and his instruments raise against the Saints to incense the Emperours against Christian religion as namely that they were seditious rebellious against government sacrilegious incestuous that they ate raw flesh used libidinous cōmixture in their meetings by night that they worshipped the head of an Asse adored the Sunne and a number more execrable villanies imputed to those poore and innocent lambes led away for such monsters to the slaughter as appeares in Eusebius and Tertullian And to the same purpose hee being still like himselfe hath falsly accused the godly in all ages for seditious meetings nightly and unlawfull conventicles rebellion against Princes unchaste conversings and the like II. Who bee the persons accused Our brethren Wee have shewed it to bee a voyce of a multitude of members of the Church militant upon occasion of a particular victory who stood in neare relation to the afflicted Saints and therefore called them our brethren Brethren are either by birth of the same parents as Cain and Abel or by affinitie of one roote or stocke as Abraham and Lot or by Nation or Countrey as Paul and the Jews Rom. 9. 1. or by profession and communion in one faith and worship as here Quest. Doth Satan accuse none but the godly who are brethren or doth hee not also accuse the wicked and unbeleevers Ans. Hee accuseth the godly to get them condemned but what need hee stand accusing those whose infidelity hath already condemned them as the wicked are Ioh. 3. 18. Hee need
in the day goe to thy rest a few houres will bring the Sunne and morning which shall discover all things againe Commend thy cause in well doing to him that judgeth righteously Flie not on men to be revenged but flie to him and waite for two things First Gods time Ioseph lay in irons till the time appointed came and the counsell of the Lord had tryed him Psal 105. 18. Secondly Gods meanes Object I see none all wayes of clearing my selfe are shut up Ans. Yet God hath wayes enough 1. Angels Mary had innocence but no way in earth to discover it Ioseph was putting her away but the Angell from heaven acquites her God watcheth in the night over our innocency as over hers 2. Good men hold themselves made by God keepers of their brothers credit Ionathan will speake for David though a speare bee throwne at him 3. Evill men themselves Saul shall preach Davids innocency and Pilate the Judge condemning Christ shall acquite him This of the first point 2. In that the Saints here praise the Lord for that the accuser is cast downe wee learne that when the Lord hath scattered the clouds and mists of false accusation for us and made our innocency appeare wee must by all meanes shew our selves thankfull for it The eighteenth Psalme is a Song of thanksgiving in the day that God delivered David from the hands of Saul who accused him of treason and aspiring and affecting the Kingdome see vers 43 46 48 49. Hest. 9. 26. the dayes of Purim were instituted for a perpetuall and publike praise of God both for the clearing of the Jewes innocency falsly accused by Haman and the overthrow of the accuser 1. As God doth all things for his owne glory so especially here his glory shineth in much brightnesse for First he riseth up in righteous judgement and manifesteth the whitenesse of his Throne whiter than Salomons which was of white Ivory demonstrating the purity of the Judge and judgement and here advanceth his Throne above all the thrones of the world which cannot cleare themselves from corruption Secondly he advanceth his power above all enemies they are potent to suppresse the truth but he is omnipotent to support it Thirdly hee magnifieth his wisedome in preventing all the cursed policies and counsels of his enemies against the Saints and either turneth them to folly or bringeth them on their owne heads as Achitophel and Haman Fourthly hee expresseth his affection to his people in turning the enemies curse into a blessing as in the instance of Balak and Balaam Numb 23. 11. I called thee to curse mine enemies and loe thou hast blessed them The more Pharaoh oppressed the Israelites the more they increased Now as the Lord putteth forth his glory so hee expecteth that his people should declare it and ascribe the same unto him considering that if they honour him not hee loseth all his honour upon earth for wicked men shut their eyes against it and further how well it pleaseth him when the Saints goe out of themselves and ascribe al their safety onely to his mercy disclaiming their owne strength merit or goodnesse and onely glory all the day in him whom they acknowledge the Patron and defender of truth and innocency 2. After all victories the Saints used to praise the Lord when they saw him rise up for them against his enemies But in casting downe accusers is an happy victory wherein many hellish plots are overthrowne many stratagems discovered and armies of diabolicall enterprises chased the fury and force of enraged enemies is defeated themselves turned backe and cloathed with confusion The heathens would not carry a victory without sacrificing to their gods and shall the Saints deny the Lord this sacrifice of praise when their enemies are cast downe before them 3. When the Lord heareth our prayers he is greatly to be praised Psalm 28. 6. Praised bee the Lord for hee hath heard the voyce of my prayer And how can a godly heart who hath commended his cause and innocency unto Gods clearing and findeth that the Lord who seemed to have beene departed and not to respect him or his righteous cause is now returned and manifesteth his presence in stopping and restraining the fury of the enemie and bringing forth into light the innocency of his servants how can a good heart now but returne with praises to God who hath heard all his prayers and brought about all his hearts desire 4. The benefit it selfe to have slanders and evill surmises dispersed is not so small and worthlesse as it is not worth thankes How thankfull would wee be to that man who when wee could not tell what to doe in a great cause concerning our estate would step in as a faithfull witnesse on our side but how much more when the Lord vouchsafeth to witnesse for us seeing we can neither deserve this favour nor repay any thing else for it Therefore let us not deprive him of his praise which is his tribute Psal. 50. 15. I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie mee And it is the end of all Gods intention in the donation of mercy and ought to be our end in the fruition of it Againe it is a note of an evill man to be more ready to pray for supplies in his straites then to praise God for supplies in his liberty and inlargement Finally it was ever the constant practice of the Saints Psal. 59. 16. I will sing of thy power and praise for thou hast beene my defence c. Quest. How may we expresse our thankfulnesse for this mercy Ans. 1. If God honour or preserve our names wee must much more honour and uphold his referring all our credit and reputation to maintaine his name and honour contrary to those who know not how to wield honour and greatnesse but in swearing cursing gaming and the like 2. This we shall doe by carefull and watchfull upholding the holinesse innocency of our own lives For the end of our redemption from our enemies is to serve our God in holinesse and righteousnesse all our dayes Luke 1. 15. And it is the end of our justification both before GOD and man that wee should shine out in holinesse and walke beseeming so great salvation Verse 11. But they overcame him by the blood of the Lambe and by the word of their Testimony and they loved not their lives to the death AFter the Church in this triumphant song hath sung out the praises of God the giver of all victory in the former verse now in this are set forth the due praises and commendation of the army or band of Michael who had valiantly stood with their Generall in the conquering and subduing the Dragon In the words are two things First a report of the victory and that the Saints were masters of the field But they overcame him Second the reasons or causes of this victory and they were of two sorts 1. The meritorious cause and principall efficient
Patriarkes Iacob fled from Esau Moses out of Egypt Elias from Iezabel David from Saul of Apostles Paul escaped from Damascus being let downe through the towne wall by night in a basket Act. 9. 25. Nay our Lord himselfe sundrie times withdrew himself and escaped out of his enemies hands A Lambe naturally flyes the fiercenesse of the wolfe and the lambes of Christ may flye from men of fierce and woolvish disposition But the cases when a man may flye are worthy the consideration As first if authority send him into banishment as Iohn into Patmos Secondly if the persecution be present not feared or a farre off and personall against that speciall person that person may for the heat of persecution depart for a time with purpose to returne to his office againe when the fire is quenched Thirdly when hope is cut off it is apparant that our presence can do no great good or service there where the persecution is raised a man may reserve himselfe somewhere else for the presentand after use of the Church Fourthly if upon examination a man finde himselfe not sufficiently armed against the temptation and that he wants gifts strength courage for such a trial he may step aside till he can gaine thē of God for as the Lord layeth nothing upon his servāts above their strength so they must not undertake any thing above their power if they will not tempt God Fiftly if God open a dore and make way for our safety that without scandall or violence or publique wrong we may avoyd when we see lawfull meanes offered to helpe our selves then not to flye may be a tempting of God Now the cases which make it unlawfull to fly in persecution are 1 When a man is so bound by his calling as he cannot step aside without the hazard of Gods glory and detriment of the Church And therefore Magistrates Ministers must see they have a speciall loose from their callings ere they flye all the Saints must seek the Kingdome of Christ before all things if it make to that to fly a man may fly if that may be a greater ga●er to abide by it then he must stay 2 If a man fly with intent to avoyd his calling generall or speciall Christ would allow his disciples to fly from wolues danger but not from office Mat. 10. 24. they may fly but so as they must disperse the Gospell to other Cities The flight of the faithfull is the seminary of the Church and Kingdome of Christ not to make the truth a loser but a gainer 3 When a man aymes principally at sauing himselfe as when Gods glory the good of the Church and the victory of the truth are small things to him in respect of his owne safety whereas no man must fly but with resolution rather to suffer then deny God if the time be come 4 When a man is in hands and God hath shut all doors of escape now the time is come he is called to suffer the Apostles being in prison would not breake prison by force which is to resist Magistracy but when the Ange'l opened the doores and made them way they thankfully accepted the providence of God for their safety Our Lord Jesus who often fled because his houre was not come when his houre was come fled not 5 When a man hath received the Spirit of strength and fortitude he may not fly to avoid the triall Act 20. 22. I goe bound in the Spirit to Ierusalem knowing that nothing but bands abide me every where Object But to flye out of flesh and feare is forbidden in 1 Pet. 3. 14. Answ. 1 Some flight may proceed from other warrantable causes as namely to fly idolatry to goe where meanes of religion and the pure worship of God is to enjoy meanes of salvation and glorifie God elsewhere Therefore all is not caused of feare 2 All feare is not unlawfull but onely inordinate feare no more is al flying but inordinate The sin then is not in the flying it selfe but in the inordinate and distrustfull manner Object To flye is to deny Christ. Answ. No but to fly in the right conditions is 1 A secret profession of Christ a denyall of a mans selfe a leaving of wife children goods country and deare things for Christ and an undergoing a great deale of trouble for him 2 As confession is open or secret so Martyrdome is bloody or unbloody this confession is an unbloody martyrdome and no true Martyr is a denyer of Christ. Quest 4. But how can the Saints overcome by Martyrdome and passion which apparantly overcomes and destroyes them Answ. This is strange in bodily battells uncōceivable but in this spirituall warre and fight it cannot be but that they most overcome when they are most overcome When did Christ most overcome but when he was most overcome and where made he his greatest conquest but on the crosse The reasons are 1 The nature of the Christian war is divers from other warre In other fields the enemie is without here the strongest enemie is within there the enemie is another person from the souldier here the enemie is the same person with the Christian souldier and therefore then is the field wonne when themselves are most overcome the Christian souldier hath more adoo to conquer himselfe then all his enemies beside and is then the greatest conqueror 2 The maine battell of the enemies without is not against the bodies and outward estates of men but against their soules and their eternall state of happinesse And in this they never conquer so apparantly as when their bodies are most conquered Rom 8. 36. Wee are all day as sheepe for the slaughter but yet more then conquerors Then persecutors hasten the Saints to happinesse when they most conquer their bodies 3 The persecutors quarrell is not so much against their persons as against their cause even the truth it selfe where in they are sure to carrie victory whatsoever become of their persons for they are well appointed to answer all arguments which are of two sorts First such as are drawne from reason reading learning or the like All these arguments of humane perswasions and forces out of subtilty and wit they overthrow by the word of their testimony the sword by which the two witnesses conquer Another sort of arguments is drawne from the blocke such as fire sword persecution inquisition interdiction excommunication abjuration c. All these fierce and furious arguments they overcome with teares prayers patience and Martyrdome And even in the death of their persons are most glorious conquerors in their cause in their deepest sorrows they rejoyce and glorie as in an happie triumph clapping their hands and singing Psalmes in the Flames yea sometime professing the fire to bee as a bed of Downe or roses so as they are conquerors of their Adversaries when they most conquer and destroy them 4 The persecutors lay their great ordinance and battery against their graces rather thā their persons which
an happie condition they shall not be rolled in the destruction of evill men but shall be hid in the secret chamber of Gods providence when the storme of wrath shall come like haylestones yea like tallents of ledd upon the heads of sinners then shall there be a difference betweene him that feareth God and him that feareth him not then shall it be seene that it is not in vaine to serue the Lord. 4 It is a terror for evill men seeing it is as impossible for a sinner to avoyd wo as God to be untrue in proclayming it Sorrow followes the sinner as a shadow the body Most common it is for the wicked to applaud themselves in a wofull condition for whatever their estate seemes it is most unhappy They spend their dayes in pleasure and forecast that none shall have more pleasure then they But it is like Belshazzars when the writing on the wall appeared ouer against him They lay about them for wealth and a secure estate here below and rather then want it will curse and resist the people of God as Balaam little thinking that the Angell stands with a drawne sword to meet them in every corner to slay them No all the earth cannot make him happy who fights against heaven and whom heaven hath accursed earth cannot blesse He hath sowne tares and tares he must reape 5 Here is a spurre and incitement unto repentance and a trumpet to awaken secure soules that while it is called to day they may heare the voice lest all these woes seise upon them and oppresse them unawares It stands every sinner in hand to rise out of the bed of security and get a melting and bruised heart considering the day that commeth which shall burne as an oven and all that are proud and all that do wickedly shal be as stubble Mal. 4. 1. But seeing men are loth to apply this part to themselves we must helpe it home a little more particularly 1 What a fearefull wo is denounced in Scripture against all Popish and Antichristian Idolaters Rev. 14. 9. If any man worship the beast and his image and receive his marke in their hands and foreheads the same shall drinke of the wine of the wrath of God and be tormented with fire and brimstone for ever Whosoever shall do thus and persevere after admonition and will not come out of Babylon must perish in her destruction They prepare fire and faggot for the Saints whom they call heretickes but worshipping the beast and his image Christ prepares fire and brimstone for them and the smoake of their torment shall ascend for evermore Now there is no way to avoyd this woefull damnation by wilfull persisting in that Apostasie but instead of the character of Antichrist by taking in our foreheads the seale of CHRIST by which he separates us from the world by faith and holinesse and from Antichrist by zealous profession of the truth which he persecutes and marketh us up for his owne sheep the property of which is to heare his voice and follow him Ioh. 10. 2 What a dreadfull wo belongs to our voluptuous gallants that are at ease in Sion who put the evill day farre away and remember not Iosephs affliction Amos 6. 1. Silkes and Velvets cannot cover the secure sinner from this woe Greatnesse of birth place power treasure cannot elude these threats which are more stable than the foundation of the earth but according to the cursed seeds thou sowest shall thy harvest bee Gods people sow in teares to reape in joy and thou must have a share in the sorrow for sinne and in the afflictions of Gods people or never looke to share in their joy 3. Were the Prophet Esay living where hee proclaimed one woe upon drunkards hee would powre out ten thousand upon this drunken age which is drowned with drinke Esay 5. 11. 22. Woe bee to them that rise up early to follow drunkennesse and to them that continue till night Woe bee to them that are mighty to drinke and strong to powre in strong drinke How will the drunkard escape this woe and all the threates in the Booke of God which shut him out of heaven where is no roome for drunkards There is but one way and one there is to leave thy cup of drunkennesse and come drinke another cup a cup of mercy a cup of teares for thy sinne a cup of the blood of Jesus Christ a cup of the water of life that heaven may be opened to thee a sorrowfull and sober penitent which thy sinne had shut and barred against thee 4. What a fearefull woe doth our Saviour denounce upon all contemners of the Gospell and despisers of the blessed light of it Mat. 11 24. It shall bee easier for Sodom and Gomorra in the day of the Lord then for such And whence else was the heavy woe here upon the earth and Sea but for sinnes against the Gospell not receiving the truth in the love of it 2 Thes. 2. See we any woe or heavy hand of God upon the Kingdome in this effect who seeth not the cause the contempt of the Gospell doth any extraordinary crosse and judgement lie on this City on your trades on your estates why are yee blinde to this day and will not see the cause you poare like blinde men on secondary meanes fewnesse of buyers troubles abroad scant of money scarcity of times and the like but you see not the next cause at home your contempt and sleighting of the Gospell your Sabbath-breaking your want of reformation according to the rules of Gods Word your causlesse hatred of the bringers of the truth c. change your course and God will change his entertaine his best blessings and then expect inferior else know as sinne is linked fast so are Gods judgements these shal be but the beginnings of woe and one woe shall follow upon another till repentance come between For the devill is come downe c. The reason of the former woe denounced followeth and is twofold 1. The comming downe of the devill 2. His wrathfull disposition where of the reason is given because he knowes his time is short For the Exposition Quest. What is this comming downe of the Devill was not Satan before among the inhabitants of the earth till now that this victory is gotten by Christ were not wicked men under this curse and woe before this by Satans wrath and ruling Ans. Yes the devill was the Prince of the world before this and was commander among the Inhabitants of the earth and sea but he is now said to come downe in three respects 1. In a more generall and universall mischiefe intended by the dragon which was to spread it selfe over the face of the earth which was by a generall Apostasie of the world from Christ to Antichrist foretold in 2 Thess. 2. 2. In a farre more dangerous and mischievous manner of working by which he shall prevaile farre more efficaciously than ever before For whereas
Aegypt that went before it the darknesse was most grievous and so is this no plague in the world before this was comparable to it 2. The Lord restrained from them not the light of the Sunne onely but of fire and Candle and withdrew his blessing and comfort from all his creatures so in this spirituall Aegypt and Antichristian Kingdome is a miserable palpable blindnesse they see nothing of Christ savingly nor of the Scriptures which witnesse of him nor of sound interpreters the Candles in the CHVRCH consuming themselves to give others light nor are guided or comforted by the Spirit who is as fire warming and inlightning beleevers God hath laid a curse on all their means of light that they get no sound or saving light from them no not their greatest schollers unlesse they bee enlightned to sinne against their consciences 3. Yet had the Israelites light mingled among the Aegyptians Even so the true Church hidden in Babylō hath light and knowledge and great blessing on weak means though the Aegyptian cannot discern or see it as among our selves a Recusants house hath nothing but darknesse and superstitious ignorance when a Protestants house perhaps next to it hath light of knowledge holinesse and saving grace 4. That darknesse was next to the death of their first-borne even so here the pale horse followes the blacke Revel 6. 8. and this darknesse fore-runnes everlasting darknesse in hell as that did death in the Aegyptians houses But with this difference that this is a more miserable darknesse 1. In the kinde because it is spirituall as it is called Aegypt spiritually a blinde body is miserable a blinde soule is damnable 2. That was a darknesse of the ayre but not of their eyes this is of both and the blackest darknesse is within them as theirs was without them 3. The Aegyptians by their darknesse knew the benefit of light the better and saw their plague and mourned under it but these Aegyptians are pleased with their darknesse and fight against the light the more and are not more fearefull or watchfull against any thing than that the light should peepe in amongst them Thirdly next as Antichristian Apostasie is blackest so is it most generall of all heresies even the Catholike heresie into which all other heresies of the New Testament runne as into a sinke One cals it an abridgement of all old heresies For it is not against any one Article of faith as other particular heresies are but First against the holy Scripture which is the Scepter of Christ infinitely disgracing it calling it a nose of waxe a sheathe for every sword insufficient obscure the booke that makes heretikes and The Scriptures have no authority but from thē no sense but from them they forbid the reading of them they preferre Apocryphals traditions Church-determinations above them c. Secondly against the whole Gospell which is a doctrine of free justification and salvation by the onely righteousnesse and merits of Christ imputed by faith but they teach to seeke salvation in our owne merits and satisfactions here or hereafter Thirdly against the whole person and offices of Christ They appoint infinite Priests to repeate his onely sacrifice a number of mediators against this one Mediatour that men may bee heard by their prayers and saved by their merits They appoint the Pope a King of Kings by whom all Kings raigne who hath all power in heaven and earth yea the Head and Husband of the Church which is proper to Christ. Fourthly against all the foundation of religion and Catechisme For although they hold in word and outward profession the Creed of the Apostles the Lords Prayer the words also of the ten Commandements yet indeed and by direct consequent they reverse and renounce every Commandement of the tenne every Article of the twelve if wee except that of the Trinity and every Petition of the sixe as sundry godly writers have cleared and my selfe have in a readinesse to prove Thus of Antichristianisme considered in it selfe II. Now consider the tyranny of it comparatively with the tyranny of temporall enemies and the wrath will bee infinitely greater and that in three respects 1. For secrecy of working 2. For transcendency of the danger 3. For hopelesnesse of recovery Of the first open mischiefe a man may avoid or prepare for but here is a more secret and undiscernable mischiefe a great adversary but slie and under a contrary profession of friendship the greatest wounder of Christian Faith under pretext of Christian Faith whether wee consider his person or his worke For his person hee is a sonne of perdition a sonne must resemble his father the dragon his father buildeth up his Kingdome rather by fraud than by force so doth his eldest sonne Antichrist Hence is this great Adversary compared to a Whore who hunteth the precious life of man not by open force but by secret and faire pretenses sugred speeches and alluring flatteries shee hath a cup in her hand full of abominations the draught is deadly poyson but shee hath put it in a golden cup Revel 13. 11. the second beast which is Antichrist speakes like the dragon that is breathes out devillish doctrines and thundereth hellish curses against the true Professors of Christian Faith but hath two hornes like the Lambe that is a counterfeit shew of humility and meeknesse For his worke it must bee a mysterie of iniquity Hee must sit in the Temple of God hee must not bee a Turke to destroy by fire and sword and open defiance of Christ the profession of Christianity but an Herodian who pretending to worship him intendeth to kill him Hee must denie Christ to bee come in the flesh but in a mysterie not openly and directly for then all Christians would abhorre him and renounce him but indirectly and by expresse consequence and saith the Father Whosoever denyeth Christ in his deeds the same is an Antichrist Of the second this tyranny of Antichrist is more inward spirituall than the furious persecutions of other tyrants and inward plagues are a thousand times more deadly than outward It is true that as the dragon is extremely tyrannous against the bodies of Saints so is Antichrist but yet the cruelty of both is more spirituall than temporall and aymeth more at the death of the soule than the body and it is most true that one saith Open tyrannies and outward oppressions are torments of sinfull men but these inward are the increasers of sinnes and vices Pharaohs hard heart was a more deadly stroke than all the ten plagues beside It was a more grievous plague to give up the Idolatrous Gentiles to their owne lusts and vile affections Rom. 1. then to give over the Idolatrous Samaritans to bee torne with Lyons 2 Kings 17. Let heathen tyrants come upon a Christian they can take but his externall lower and sensitive part but let this Ecclesiasticall tyrant come hee winneth the highest towers and faculties of man his minde judgement affections
overcome evill with goodnesse II. The person persecuted is the woman The proper object of the devils malice next unto Christ himselfe is the Church of Christ and so inevitable a condition is persecution as nothing in the world can keepe it long off For 1. Here is a woman weake in her selfe and impotent whom none but a coward would contend withall but the dragon is inured since the first skirmish in Paradise to offer violence and wrong to such as can least repell it frō whom the Priests and Jesuites have learned the principles of their trade in seducing seely women and ignorant sots who have no strength nor weapons 2. This woman hath Michael standing with her and hath brought forth a potent man-childe to helpe her yet hee weigheth not all the strength and power gathered for her Hee that dare assault Michael himselfe in person will for all him fiercely and fuririously assault the woman 3. Here is a woman cloathed with the Sunne having the Moone under her feet crowned with a crowne of twelve Starres arrayed with righteousnesse and holinesse as the Spouse of Christ the groūd and pillar of truth But this abates not the dragons wrath but kindles it that shee is the justified and innocent Spouse of Christ Besides here are many things worth winning from her 4. This is the same woman that hee had immediately before persecuted and now againe renewes his persecution for loath hee is to afford this Dove of Christ any rest for the soale of her foote The Church then cannot bee discerned by that durable and lasting peace and glory which Papists make a mark of their Church but rather by durable and lasting conflicts and obscurity For trouble is the best tryall of religion and Christ was best knowne by his Crosse and so also is his Spouse Object The dominion of Christ shall be everlasting in glory and Jerusalem is a vision of peace Answ. True but his kingdome not being of this world it is in respect of the spirituall and invisible Kingdome of Christ the glory of which the world cannot see and of that sweet and inward peace of conscience and joy of sanctified soules which the stranger enters not into Object But what hath the poore Woman done Answ. The dragon persecutes not for evill but for good here the better worke the worse wages and no other reward can godly men expect at the hands of wicked ones to whom they have beene instrumēts of greatest good David mitigateth Sauls vexation by his harpe but how vexeth he David for recompense Let us therefore make no account of rest and peace here which is not the Churches resting place Our Lord taught us to make other accounts Ioh. 16. 33. In the world yee shall have affliction Wee would have Canaan before the Canaanites be subdued But wisdome will expect freedome when the combate is ended not before It is enough we have our earnest in hand to begin withall wee must looke for our wages in the end of our worke and the crowne after the victory 111. The time of this persecution seemes very expresse in the text namely when the dragon had beene cast unto the earth and after the woman had brought forth her man-child The dejection we have shewed to be the suppressing of the power of the heathenish tyrants and Emperours who upheld pagan idolatry oppressed the Christian Church and withstood the power and passage of the Gospell The bringing forth of the man-child wee have shewed to be the raysing up of Christian Princes and Emperors the protectors and maintainers of Christian faith who succeeded after the heathen Emperours Wee must therefore secke out this fierce persecution in the times of Emperors by profession Christian even in those times when the woman might have expected rest and peace by this manchild who now had the rod of iron in his hand And by looking into the story and event of those times which is doubtlesse the most true and proper interpretation of prophecies wee finde among the Emperours Christian after Constantine a twofold persecution of the dragon one civill the other ecclesiasticall and more pernicious The former was by the cruelty of divers Christian Emperours after Constantine as Constantius Iulian Apostata Valence and others who had nothing but the pretext and name of Christian but indeed differed nothing from most fierce and savage tyrants wasting the Church and the Orthodoxe pastors and professors The latter namely ecclesiasticall much more pernicious then the former was when the dragon poysoned the Church partly with damnable heresies of Arius Eunomius c. for the maintenance whereof the Emperors most violently persecuted the sound Bishops Pastors and Professors the dragon that could not now prevayle by slaughters and Butcheries as before doth now by poysonfull lies partly with pride pompe ambition and fierce contention of Orthodoxe Bishops for primacy and superiority over other Churches and Pastors For now the man-child having furnisht the Church with peace ease wealth lands patrimony large revenues and immunities the maine studie is for the increasing and maintaining of their pompe And as ease wealth and security increaseth so the care of soundnesse of faith and sincerity decaieth Presently from pride grows hot contention among themselves Councell is called against Councell Synod against Synod the greatest strife is for Patriarchicall seats and quarrels for primacy precedency Churches immunities Clergy-priviledges Peters patrimony and revenues of holy Church To these ends the principall employment of those Bishops was for setting up altars images crosses unctions orders of Monkes and Nunnes consecrated garments habits shavings and an hundreth toyes which tooke up their thoughts time and lives while the primitive simplicity of Christ and his truth with Christian faith and religion slipped from betweene their fingers Thus Antichrist came to his hight and turret and thrust in on the blind world as an armed man Now was the woman disrobed the Church spoiled of her chiefe ornaments and graces wherein she shined and was indeed crowned in her low and afflicted estate Now were the Ministers who made way unto Antichrist lifted up and intended every thing but conscionable Ministery Now Ierome justly complaines that after the Christian Church found Christian Princes she became in wealth and power greater but lesse in vertue and piety And this I take to be the most violent assault by most virulent poison cast out of the mouth of the dragon especially aymed at in this text yea the most bloody and fierce persecution which then began to assault the woman who had brought out the man-child from under which she is not yet recovered as we shall see if God permit The point is this Prosperity and peace much more baneth and woundeth the Church then tyranny and persecution Deut. 32. 15. Israel when he should have bene upright waxed fat and spurned with his heele for sooke the God that made him and regarded not the strong God of
his salvation The whole booke of Judges sheweth that when Israel was at rest and had the world at will they forgot the Lord and turned to idols but when they were under oppression of enemies into whose hands the Lord delivered them for their sinnes then they returned and sought after God diligently Hos. 13. 6. as in their pastures so were they filled and their heart was exalted therefore they have forgotten me whereas the same Church having her way stopped with briars and hedged in with thornie afflictions resolves to returne to her first husband for it was then better with her then now chap. 2. 7. From the testimonies come to the induction of most famous Churches overthrowne by prosperity The first Churches of the old Testament did thrive better in Aegypt under that tyranny then in the milke and hony of Canaan which by pride wantonnesse and fulnesse of bread brought her into Babylons captivity The primitive Churches of the new Testament our text shews how they were blacked tanned with the sunshine of peace plenty ease wealth and temporall prosperity that as the Moone never suffers ecclipse but in the full because in the full she is farthest distant from the Sunne from whom she receives her brightnesse so the Church in her fulnesse is farthest from her Sunne of whom she receives her light and then suffereth most ecclipse What need wee goe farre for this proofe The Church of England comming out of the fire and hot furnace of 2. Maries dayes at the restoring of the Gospell in the beginning of 2. Elizabeth of happy memory by whom the booke of the Law was restored and true worship established oh how precious and sweet was that Manna how zealous how forward how painefull were godly men to gather it and get knowledge with what joy of heart courage and encouragement did the Saints receive the truth how resolute and vehement were they against Popery what a number of miles did they measure to a Sermon how tooke they the kingdome of heaven with violence But now in the continuance of our peace plenty and prosperity how do men loath this Manna onely cloyed with preaching of Gods word The former age that prized it is gone and carried their affections with them Our peace hath bred up a surfetted and gracelesse generation that hate the directions of truth and scorne the profession of holinesse as an hatefull heresie Instead of frequenting Sermons and godly exercises of praying reading conference and holy communion now the tavernes tobacco-shops ale-houses play-houses whore-houses are stuffed Knots of drunkards gamesters swearers and vile persons haunt together and feare no lawes of God nor man For bibles and godly bookes wee have the divells yea cards and dice store of pipes and smoake In stead of holy exercises and conferences wee have blasphemous swearing and scorning of goodnesse riot and ribaldry surfetting and drunkennesse chambering and wantonnesse audacious boldnesse in evill and shaming at nothing but the very show of goodnesse Thus as plenty begets surfet so our peace hath made the land heart-sicke and the disease is not more generall then desperate likely to shame all the Physitians all the Ministers of the land who know not how to turne their hands to recover and helpe her 1 Worldly prosperity is a good mother but through our folly brings many bad daughters so ease slayes the foole Prov 1. 32. That Gods blessing should be our bane is in us not in it For our naturall folly is that having found hony wee eate too much even to hurt our selves and this folly raigneth in wicked men and too much of it is bound up even in the hearts of Gods children by which they are prone enough to pervert Gods good gifts God feeds men to the full and the wicked run to commit adultery and assemble themselves by companies into harlots houses Ier. 5. 7. Thus do wicked men abuse these sweet refreshings as the drunkard doth drinke to wash away his sense and reason or as a mad man a sword which might serve for his safety Yea even Gods children are too like our children who having got fruit hardly give it over without a surfet Quest. What are these lewd daughters bred up by prosperity Answ. 1. Forgetfulnesse of God Worldly prosperity and peace make both Churches and persons forgetfull of God Hos. 13. 6. They were filled and their hearts were exalted and they forgat me Ier. 22. 21. I spake unto thee in thy prosperity but thou saydst thou wouldst not heare this hath beene thy manner from thy youth The Prodigall never remembred his father while he was in prosperity and riot This danger the Lord well discerning in his owne people straightly warneth them that when they come into the land and enjoy houses vineyards olives and have eaten and are full then to beware they forget not the Lord their God Deut. 6. 11. 2 Pride against God and forgetfulnesse of themselves Let prosperity once winne the heart it fortifies it against God Hence hath pride and ambition beene the bane of the purest Churches and so incident to good men in their peace as the disciples themselves shall affect hierarchy and Kingdome and their own preferment at the right and left hand of Christ in his supposed temporall kingdome Now another mischiefe hangs hereupon that the tops of these mountaines of pride are unfit for the herbes and flowers of grace to root or grow upon neither doe the raines of Gods grace stand upon these hills but slide down into the vallies 3 Effeminatenesse softnesse love of the world delicacy feare and slight of the crosse of Christ. For it is exceeding hard to have prosperity and not to love it it is hard in the increase of riches not to set our hearts on them most easily is the heart wonne from the God of heaven to the god of the world The reason is because we are naturally from earth and carry a lumpe of earth in our hearts and quickly fill up all our roumes and senses with it our eyes hands eares mouths and all our naturall motion is that way Againe minding of earthly things must needs make men enemies to the crosse of CHRIST as those in Phil. 3. 19. 4 Contention and strife for the holding and enjoying of the present fulnesse and security and a speciall resistance of those thac sticke closest to the simplicity of Christ and his Gospell or any way touch upon that string Ambitious Amazia will not suffer Amos to preach And Diotrephes loving his preheminence riseth up against St. Iohn and the most faithfull Pastors By all which wee see that as weeds grow abundantly in ranke soyles and without great care kill the herbes even so many mischievous plants and weeds rise up in the fat grounds of prosperity which seldome peepe out of the leane and barren grounds of persecution and tyranny 2 As Satan is more frequent and dangerous in these temptations of prosperity so our selves
never saw so the serpentine seed hateth all the womans seed which it never saw And as hunters know not nor never saw the particular game they take but lay nets and deadly engines for any of the kinde so these Nimrods and hunters spare none 2 The wrath of every wicked man is a sparke from hell and an ember of the dragons wrath who here hateth the Woman hid aswell as appearing And looke as the dragon hated Christ the head deadly while he was in the world and now hateth him with no lesse deadly hat●ed when he hath left the world he hateth him absent as much as present even so his brood hateth his members that were in the world aswell as those that are in it even those that they never knew nor saw and persecute their dead ashes and are as spitefull to their names and memory and to their posterity as their predecessors were to their persons while they lived 3 Darkenesse hateth all light neare or farre off They that hate God the chiefe good must needs hate all the godly that follow the thing that is good They that hate God himselfe must needs hate his image every where for he that hates the father hates all the children whether he know them or no. They hate the glory of God and the true worship and service of God and that they may abolish it they cannot but seek to root out all the people and persons that uphold it 4 Such a venome and poyson is seated in a wicked mans heart as knows no bounds of reason or moderation but overflowes all bancks and limits For there is no spirit to checke or restraine them so as neither sea nor Alpes bound a wicked mans wrath against godlinesse 5 They hate them whom they know not because they know them not for so it was with Christ himselfe they saw him but they knew him not for had they knowne him they would not have crucified the Lord of glory Ioh. 8. 29. When the Sonne of man shal be listed up then ye shall know that I am he So with his members they know them not nor their innocency let their lives be never so unblamable and just If they cannot picke quarrells against Daniel in the matter of the Kingdome they will see what they can do in the matter of his God If God himselfe shew favour to them and his power for them they will not know who the Lord is as Pharaoh but lay on burdens the heavier and therefore as Balak and Moab they seeke their confusion Num. 22. 2 3. A reproofe of numbers of men who in these dayes expresse with what spirit they are guided The Papists raile upon and revile al the godly restorers of our religion whom they never saw nor knew It is a third part of the Pamphlets they send dayly in amongst their Proselytes A man would thinke they had their hands full of adversaries alive and that they need not breake up the graves of the dead and persecute dead ashes What spirit besides the dragons ruled the Councell of Constance who sentenced the dead bones of Wickliffe to be digd up and burnt 41. yeares after his death did any of them ever know or see him or was not the wrath of their predecessors enough against his person Who seeth not the wrath of the dragon in a number of prophane beasts who incessantly make it their table talke to revile and use opprobriously men who never made nor medled with them men hid in their innocency and retyred in their privacy whose life in respect of them is as if they were out of the world And others that exclame against all that make shew of religion as men not worthy to live the worst of all men all dissemblers lyers factious all alike as if they knew them all Whence riseth this wrath certainely not from particular causes but from the generall not from the persons they revile but frō their own vile dragon like disposition They may pretend some personal quarrells now and then but the cause and care lyeth deeper they will hate the same goodnesse in any other person where soever they may discover it Here now is the dragons wrath against the Woman hid out of sight 2 This is a word of instruction not to marvell in observing the hatred of wicked men against the godly whom they know and see for they doe the same against those they never knew See wee Ahab hating Eliah Micaiah and all the true Prophets he knew no marvell he hath a fountaine of poison ready to flow on all that he knows not if he could reach them And so doth every wicked man if he hate any one good Minister because he is so he hates every one See wee all wicked men be they never so fallen in pieces among themselves yet all joyne in hatred of all the godly then see in them the work of the dragon who plots an unity and agreement against the Church hatred of goodnesse is the bond that joynes wicked ones together And yet Gods hand is in all this the godly must be throughly tryed and the wicked must go on to the filling up of their measure Are wee cast among men who when they cannot hurt godly men yet will not helpe them but as Balak said to Balaam neither blesse nor curse them Praise God that hath limited the power of wicked wills and violent affections They that would hurt one godly man would mischiefe all if they could and those that will not help them would hurt them if they were able See wee evill men desirous and contriving to cast downe the worship of God and a faithfull Ministery in the place where they live their wrath rea●heth beyond that place if it it were in their power they would abolish the true worship of God out of the world and leave no faithfull Ministery standing in the earth Hatred is of kindes and the dragon hates faithfulnesse every where fearing the decay of his Kingdome and his owne fall by their standing 3 This teacheth us 1 to unite and combine our selves to all the Saints even those whom wee never saw nor knew they being of the same Father Mother blood spirit family and inheritance with us 2 Againe as we love the head so also the members but the head though wee have not seene yet we love and beleeve 1 Pet. 1. 8 so the members whom we beleeve every where to be dispersed wee must love though wee see not for the love of the members must bee a sparkle from the flame toward the head 3 Further wee must not ground the love of Saints in our senses but in our faith which cannot but worke by love if to him that begat so also to all that are begotten 4 If faith may not be measured by sight being of things invisible no more may love the daughter of faith But if wee beleeve in him whom wee see not wee must also love them whom wee see not 5
will walke in the easie and broad way where is elbow-roome profits pleasures ●applause of the world and pleasing of a mans selfe 3 The worth of grace and salvation and the excellency of eternall life allows it not to be common to every idle hand It is as a precious commodity in the hands of a few as pearles and jewells are so much more advanced in price as they be harder to come by 4 The true Church is the parke of God empaled from the rest of the world or a garden enclosed Cant 4. 12. aparadice of God not the wast of the world a fold not the field If it be objected that the multitude of Abrahams seed are as the sands of the sea innumerable Gen. 15. 5. and who can number the dust of Jacob or the fourth part of Israel as Num 24 10. and that Sion shall abound with children and many shall come from the East and West and sit downe in the kingdome of God Mat. 8. 11. and that Iohn saw a multitude which none could number of all nations kindreds tribes and tongues that stood before the Lambe in white robes Rev. 7. 9. To all these and like places I answer That wee must consider the Beleevers 1 Simply in respect of themselves and the Church in respect of the severall parts and thus they are an innumerable multitude 2 Comparatively in respect of unbeleevers infidells hypocrites and reprobates so they are few and as an handfull to a whole floore a remnant to a whole piece a sparke to a great flame a drop to a whole streame Therefore multitudes are no marke of the true Church as Papists teach but of Satans Synagogue neither the rule of our way which is straighter then that the multitude walke in 2 Be not offended with the fewnesse of the godly compared with heapes of wicked men The true Church is as a little wheat in an huge heape of chaffe as a little gold in a mountaine of clay or drosse a gleaning after the harvest a few berries after the vintage And thus as it hath beene it wil be till the GOD of heaven have cast the god of the world into his owne place Neither bee offended that wee teach them to be few but rather quarrell with Christ and the Scripture from whom wee so speake For wee stint not this number to a definite company as some fondly say we do this is their Arithmeticke neither ours nor the Scriptures But a few there are and as our text saith But a remnant Why wrangle they not with the Scripture that speakes but of one of a City and two of a tribe as it was then it may be againe But let such stretch the way of heaven as wide as they can yet will it bee too strait for carnall men and carelesse men be they never so just and civill 3. Let us strive earnestly to be of this little flocke and remnant and joyne rather with a few godly then a multitude of sinners Walk in the way of good mē and though thy company be small it shall be good and suppose this sect be every where blasphemed in court in country in markets and meetings in pulpits and tavernes yet one day thou shalt wish thy selfe of this small number and be most unhappie that thou hast sorted with thy company which thou hast chosen and now canst have no better 4. If the true members of the Church bee so few never bee daunted at the great shoales and number of Atheists Epicures Libertines hypocrites scorners blasphemers worldings not at the overspreading of Popery and Idolatry Wee must not measure the Church by our senses though few appeare yet there is a remnant God will have seven thousand reserved whom Elias cannot see Rom. 1. 1. 5. A few there be who in heart and soule cleave to us the benefit of whose prayers we enjoy 5. If so few shall bee saved praise God that any beleeve and that ever it was thy lott to bee brought to the faith seeing the Apostasie to Antichrist is so generall this is as great a mercy to thee as in the great deluge one Noah to bee saved or in a raging fire in a City one house or one person to bee saved Which keepe the Commandements of God Here is the first of the properties by which the small remnant is described where 1. What it is to keepe the Commandements 2. How the godly keepe them The keeping is either Legall or Euangelicall Legall is the perfect and personall observation of the whole Law in the whole man in all things at all times Matth. 19. 17. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the Commandements Thus onely Christ since the fall kept the Commandements and wee shall in heaven This is not here meant Euangelicall is that acceptable obedience to the Law which the Gospell injoyneth upon Beleevers To understand this know 1. That the Gospell being not to abolish but to establish the Law is not satisfied unlesse the Beleever bring such a perfect and absolute obedience as the Law requireth Onely this being impossible to the infirmity of flesh it is satisfied that wee bring it not in our owne person as the Law requires but in the person of our surety made by God our righteousnesse 2. And because the grace of the Gospell allowes us not to be carelesse or idle in the work of the Lord it enjoynes on every Beleever a conscionable and constant indeavor of keeping all the Cōmandements of God even in our owne persons in way of gratitude and thankfulnesse 3. And lest the godly should bee discouraged by the sense of their owne imperfections and failings in performance seeing themselves at best but unprofitable servants for their incouragement quickning the Gospel calleth that indeavour and strife in obedience being chearfull and sincere A keeping of the Commandements because it is accepted of God as perfect the person being in Christ in whom all defect and imperfection is covered But how doe the godly keepe the Commandements In just conditions and in sure and safe coffers The conditions are foure They keepe them 1. Vndiminished God hath betrusted them with his whole law and they set all the law of God before them and have respect to all the Commandements they be no Papists to strike out the second Commandement or any other They know the Commandements are linked and chained together as a band of ten clauses breake one and the whole band is forfeited 2. Vnmingled not blending the Lords sweet wine with puddle water of humane fancies This remnant care not for the additions traditions and commandements of men but hold them close to the Commandements of God They pollute not themselves with the abominations of Popery superstition and Idolatry but shut their eares against the determinations of Churches Councels Fathers Popes contrary to Gods commandements yea ifan Angell should bring any other doctrine they would pronounce him accursed 3. Vnviolate defending propagating maintaining
or our cause Concerning the militant Church what wee hold will plainly appeare in these Conclusions 1. That God will alwayes have a true part of his Catholike Church in the earth that shall hold and constantly maintaine the true faith in their severall ages to the end of the world and that the true Church cannot faile upon earth 2. That this part of the Catholike Church cōsisteth of men which are visible exercise visible ordinances of word Sacraments government c. and often in times of peace appeareth glorious in many particular and visible congregations for we never deny that particular Churches are often visible 3. That these visible particular Churches are not alwayes visible after the same manner neither is any part of the visible Church alwayes so necessarily visible but it may be discontinued and disappeare as all the visible Churches in the old and new Testament ever have done 4. This number of men in whom this part of the Church consisteth may come to be a few and by tyranny or heresie their profession may bee so secret amongst themselves that the world shall not see them neither can any man point to any particular Church and yet the Church is not destroyed for as the Sunne is a shining Sunne in it selfe though in the night we see it not nor in the day a blinde man cannot discerne it so the Church wanteth not her shining glory in her selfe though in the night wee see is not nor in the day a blinde man cannot discerne it the Church wanteth not her shining glory though the blinde world especially in the night of persecution cannot discerne it 5. Although the Church cannot faile upō earth yet the external governmēt of it may faile for a time the Pastors may be interrupted the sheepe may bee scattered the discipline hindered the externall exercise of religion suspended and the sincerity of religion exceedingly corrupted so as the members of the Church are onely visible to the true members within themselves By which conclusions we shall easily meete with the subtilty and vanity of all their reasons which ordinarily conclude from the externall forme to the failing of it selfe in the being and from the invisibility to the blind world to the invisibility amongst themselves as if they would conclude A man is hid therefore he is no man or A blinde man cannot see therefore no other man also or because hee that is without dores cannot see what I doe within therefore neither hee that is within with me Having thus bounded and laid the question let us see how they bend the force of their arguments Ob. 1. The body of Christ is visible but the Church is the body of Christ 1 Cor. 12. 27. Ye are the body of Christ speaking to men visible Ans. 1. They might tell us what they meane by the body of Christ the Scriptures make mention of a threefold and never a one visible to humane sense 1. His naturall body that is invisible in the heavens 2. His Sacramentall body that is invisible in the Sacrament 3. His mysticall body and that is spirituall and no object of sense II. They might alleage the Scriptures sincerely and not as they use deceitfully to suppresse the words of the Text which would fully answer their arguments the words of the Textare Yee are the body of Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for your part which words suppressed by them sheweth us 1. That hee speaketh of a particular Church which then was visible but this is farre from proving the Catholike so to be which is the question 2. That both parts of their reason be false the former because it is not generall for the whole body of Christ is not visible and the later because the Corinthians were not the whole body of Christ for the Apostle saith they were both part of it Object But the Apostle writeth to visible men Sol. 1. From a particular to a generall the reason cannot hold because I see some men by me therefore I can see all men that ever were or shall bee or because I can see a particular congregation at Corinth I can see the Catholike Church in heaven and earth borne and unborne in the way in the countrey Such fond reasons may bee plausible to Romish blinded and hooded sots but as the Sunne maketh mists to vanish so the light of the Gospell doth these mists and fogges of subtilty and deceit 2. They might remember that the Church is a society of men not as men for so a number of Turks might be the body of Christ or a nest of Arians but as beleevers therfore the Church as the Church cannot be seene but beleeved which force of words hath made Bellarmine himselfe to confesse whose words are Videmus enim coetum hominum qui est Ecclesia sed quod ille coetus sit vera Christi Ecclesia non videmus sed credimus and what say wee more or lesse 3. They seeme either not to know or to dissemble the reason why the Church is called visible which is not because the men are visible but because of the external visible forme which being interrupted the visibility is gone though the persons not seene to the world they remaine seene amongst themselves 4. How absurd is it to define a Church by our senses and measure them by flesh and bones this is as one saith Chirurgum agere non Theologum hee that doth so would make a better Surgeon than Divine but these muzes cannot long hide them Hence then I conclude this first objection from their owne premisses thus If the Church be the body of Christ then it is not visible because it is not his naturall body for Christ had not two naturall bodies but his mysticall then invisible this being the true difference betweene a mysticall and a physicall body the one is subject to sense the other the object not of sense but of faith Object II. But the Pastors and Doctors the Sacraments the preaching of the Word the building of the Church are visible ergo the Church is visible Sol. 1. All this concludeth but particular congregations to bee visible which wee deny not but no reason can conclude hence the visibility of the Catholike Church and then it is too short to reach our cause and controversie 2. Consider the visible Church two wayes First according to her external matter and forme and thus consisting of men met together to performe externall Ecclesiasticall actions so farre I say a particular Church is visible Secondly according to her inward forme and so farre as they be of the Catholike Church by effectuall vocation faith righteousnesse and holinesse thus are the same members invisible for though wee see the men professing the faith yet who knoweth which or whether of them professe in soundnesse or in hypocrisie 3. Although a Church be now visible in eminent Pastors in numerous professors and in their glorious fruition of Christ and his ordinances yet no Church in the
to their gods for the deliverance of their Countries and commonwealths from danger but many among us who yet must goe for good subiects else all is mar'd rather expresse the contrary in the miraculous deliverances of their Prince and Countrey and cannot bee brought to share in the ioy of sound-hearted and loyall subiects 4. Such as will not indure the sound application of doctrine which casts downe the strong lusts and advanced sinnes of men they would blunt the edge of the sword of Christs mouth or wrest it out of the hand of his valiant Captaines they will breake the Scepter of Christ rather than it shall get any victory against the sinnes of men and no man shall stand up to build Jerusalem but they are grieved as was Sanballet and Tobiah against Nehemiah that such a man was come who wished the prosperity of Jerusalem Neh. 2. 10. but these that-will not indure this powerfull voyce of Christ shall heare another uttered by himselfe Those mine enemies who would not suffer mee to raigne over them bring them hither that I may destroy them Now is come salvation c. After the Preface we come to the parts of this triumphant song which are two The former containes the ioy of the Church vers 10. 11. the latter the wofull condition of the enemies vers 12. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and sea c. The ioy of the Church singeth out 1. The praises of God the giver of all victory 2. The praises of Michael the Generall vers 10. 3. The praises and due commendation of the armie the angels of Michael who had valiantly and couragiously demeaned themselves in the conquering of the dragon and his angels vers 11. In singing forth the praises of God are 1. The matter 2. The reason The matter of praise is the ascribing 1. To God salvation strength and Kingdome 2. To Christ Power The reason For the accuser c. All these Attributes ascribed to God and Christ are amplyfied by the circumstances 1. Of time now 2. Of place in heaven Of the first Attribute Now is salvation in heaven By heaven is meant the Church militant whose conversation is in heaven and which is the heavenly part upon earth So the Word is used through the whole Chapter By salvation is meant two things in Scripture 1. The happy deliverance of Beleevers from the state of perdition and eternall damnation called therefore the heires of salvation Heb. 1. 14. this is spirituall and eternall 2. The safety and externall security of Gods people by their deliverance from cruell tyrants who sought the overthrow and destruction of their bodies so Exod. 14. 13. Behold the salvation of the Lord that is the deliverance from Pharaohs Army This latter a fruit of the former is here especially meant The particle now hath great light in it to cleare the Text for it may be obiected Was not salvation and power Gods before or were they not in heaven that is seene in many singular victories of the Church before Ans. As these Attributes were never wanting in God so the Church never failed of needfull salvation but we must know 1. That the Scripture useth to say a thing is done when it is manifested so to bee as Iohn 17. 5. Glorifie thy Sonne with the glory I had before c. so now salvation is declared and manifested in this victory against the first assault of the Imperiall dragons Before while the heathen Emperours raged against Christian religion for the upholding of Paganisme and heathenish Idolatry iniquity raigned unto death of soules and tyranny to the destruction of bodies by thousands and ten thousands But now salvation is wrought in heaven Christian Emperors have brought in the Prince of peace in stead of those tyrants the Gospell of peace a word of salvation received by faith the end of which is salvation and the peace of the Gospell by which the force of the tyrants is abated themselves confounded and happy safety procured 2. Wheras before the Lord put forth his salvatiō for his Church his praise seemed suppressed or by a few in silence and in corners confessed now is salvation his the praise of salvation is with a loud voyce openly admired and extolled in the publike congregation of all the faithfull by the overthrow of the dragon shineth as the bright beames of the Sunne in all eyes Now is salvation manifested by God magnified by Gods people God is the sole Author and worker of salvation to his Church and members for this is the voyce and song of the Church here Which words seeme to be taken out of the mouth of the Church elsewhere on the like occasion This was the foot of Davids song of deliverance Psal. 3. 9. Salvation is the Lords and of Ionahs Psalme of praise for his miraculous preservation Chap. 2. 10. Salvation is of the Lord and of the Churches song Exod. 15. 2. The Lord is become my salvation and of Habakkuks song Ch. 3. 13. Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people even for salvation with thine anoynted where the Lord as a powerfull Generall is said to make an expedition against the enemies of the Church And to shew that there is no Saviour besides him the deliverance of the Church by way of appropriation is called Gods salvation Exod. 14. 13. 1. God alone hath promised it and hee alone can performe it his promise is in Esay 46. 13. I will give salvation to Sion and my glory unto Israel and hee alone can performe it for First the Church cannot save her selfe such is her impotency and weaknesse no more than a flocke of sheepe can fence themselves from the droves of Lyons Wolves Foxes or dogs Secondly neither can other men helpe her Es. 59. 16. and 63. 5. there was none to help none to uphold therefore his arme did save it and his righteousnesse did sustaine it Thirdly no other creature can save her for it is onely his priviledge that made her to save her Esa. 44. 24. Thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer that formed thee from the wombe and Chap. 45. 18. 21. Hee that created heaven and formed earth proveth himselfe thence to be the onely just God and Saviour and commands his people Looke unto me all the ends of the earth and ye shall be saved vers 22. 2. God is onely Saviour of his Church by reason of that affection and relation which is betweene him and his people for First they are his flocke and hee as a good shepherd will save them as David did his sheepe from the Lyon and the Beare Secondly they are his Children and as a mother carrieth her childe in her armes to save it from knocks and dangers so doth the Lord his first-borne Both these are expressed in Exod. 15. 13. by two Hebrew words nacha and nahal the one taken from the tender care of a shepheard the other from the indulgent care of a parent Thirdly the Church is his
up on high for the terrible blow when the fire was a giving to their diabolical Engine then was salvation the Lords now was the Lord seene our strong Saviour for although our salvation was then sent us in a royall vessell yet then was salvation the Lords At this day other Countries few or no Protestant Countries excepted sit in the dust nay in goare-blood there lamentable spectacles are fire sword blood in streames and rivers shed like water in the streets in the fields in the houses here meets them death of Parents of husbands of brethren there overtakes them orbity of Children deflouring of wives and daughters with shamefull villanies and cruelties beseeming Popish forces Their noises are frightfull alarmes roaring of great Ordinances tumbling downe of Towers townes and houses over their heads unhappy tydings of burning spoyle and slaughter But we enjoy peace plenty the Gospell of peace safety and happy Protection under our owne Vines and figtrees our noises are sermons Psalmes songs of triumph for many miraculous deliverances At this our happinesse Papists chafe fume plot and curse that there is no sorcery against Iacob and are inraged that no plot succeeds but fals upon the heads that devise them and whence is all this but that salvation is the Lords And were it not for our sinnes salvation would bee the Lords still for us all the power of Antichrist nor all Popish forces nor all the devils in hell could drive Christ out of his place if our sinnes did not grieve him and drive him away from us 2. This is a reproofe both of Churches and persons 1. This doctrine casteth out the Church of Rome from being the true Church of God which I prove thus The true Church singeth salvation onely to the Lord the Romish Church singeth not salvation onely to the Lord therefore the Romish Church is not the true Church The latter part or assumption I prove thus That Church which seeketh or assigneth salvation to any thing within themselves or without themselves singeth not salvation onely to the Lord but the Church of Rome seeketh and assigneth salvation both to things within and without themselves besides the Lord ergo Within themselves they seeke and assigne salvation to the merit of their owne workes The Rhemists on Heb. 6. 10. say that our workes are meritorious and the very cause of salvation so farre as God should bee unjust if he rendred not heaven for the same Andradius saith that heaven is not given freely but is due to our workes and that God hath set forth heaven to sale for our workes and it is as due as a peny for a peny-worth Suarez also saith A supernaturall worke from grace within it selfe and of it own nature hath a proportion with the reward and a sufficient value to be worth the same The reward is not given for Christs merit saith he the merit of Christ cannot bee made our merit neither can our merits have the power of meriting from Christs merit or any more worthinesse than they be ordained to have of themselves yea our merits are true merits and have an inward worthinesse proportionable to the reward in the same manner as if we conceived a man to be just without the merits of Christ as many thinke of the Angels and Adam in innocency So Suarez a Pillar of that Church Tom. 1. in Thom. 3. 1. Here is a Church built upon another rocke and foundation than Christ. 2 Here are Christs merits thrust under board reward is not given for them 3. Here is salvation affirmed without Christ as the Angels and Adam in innocency 4. Here are our owne merits without all power or merit from Christs 5. Here God crownes mans merit not his owne gift contrary to Augustine de grat lib. arb c. 6. 6. Here merit is magnified and grace quite excluded contrary to Paul If it be of grace then no more of workes 7. Here our owne performances which are all due debt sinfull damnable and when wee have done all we can unprofitable Luke 17. 10. yet are more profitable more honourable and beneficiall than all Christs Away henceforth with S. Pauls doctrine that eternall life is either a gift of God or a free gift No farre be it from us saith the Deane of Lovaine that we should looke for eternall life as a poore man doth for his almes but as the Garland which by our labour we have deserved Here is every man a Jesus in himselfe without respect of the death or merits of Jesus in a word here is a damnable abrogating of the whole Gospell a new establishing the Covenant of workes Here is no longer a Christian faith nor a Christian Church cleave to it who will or dare in this faith is no salvation they are abolished from grace and cut off from Christ Shall wee after such light suffer our selves to bee led away from the truth to an heresie that leads us from Christ salvation merited by him Let them say salvation is not the Lords and seeke it in themselves their owne merits meanings and observances let their owne arme save them let them disclaime the Churches acclamation who sing that salvation is the Lords in whole and in part for beginning and perfection But let us disclaime our selves for why should thistles boast of figs and let him that glorieth glory in the Lord. Without themselves they seeke and sing salvation to many things I referre them to two First the Host of heaven Secondly the host in earth 1. The Popish Idolaters runne to the helpe of Angels Every one hath his speciall Angell to whose protection hee must daily commit himselfe and all his affaires yea and wee are bound to invocate the Angels for helpe and salvation so say the Rhemists on Col. 2. 18. because they are our advocates for mercy and on 1 Iohn 2. 1. contrary to the very words We have but one Advocate with the father because wee have but one Head and one that can plead his owne justice for mercy 2. They runne to the Saints departed as their tutelary patrons and defenders of themselves and their Cities whō they invocate to helpe save thē not as Mediatours onely which were too much but as meriters and bestowers of mercy It were tedious to shew how every countrey City family every man every state of men every art every disease every beast have their peculiar Saint and Saviour Some Saints rule the Sea some the Land some the Countries some the Cities some the Elements some the arts some the trades some the beasts some the birds and every Saint knowes his charge The Student must pray to Saint Gregory the Sayler to S Nicolas the Painter to S. Luke the Physitian to S Cosmas the Lawyer to Saint Iuno so Smiths Taylers Hunters horsemen to S. George the very harlots have S. Afra and Magdalen nay every beast and bird hath a saint to pray unto geese Gallus sheep Wendelin horse Eulogius hogs