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A10945 Seuen treatises containing such direction as is gathered out of the Holie Scriptures, leading and guiding to true happines, both in this life, and in the life to come: and may be called the practise of Christianitie. Profitable for all such as heartily desire the same: in the which, more particularly true Christians may learne how to leade a godly and comfortable life euery day. Penned by Richard Rogers, preacher of the word of God at Wethersfield in Essex. Rogers, Richard, 1550?-1618. 1603 (1603) STC 21215; ESTC S116354 833,684 644

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let no man meruaile though they who are vtterly destitute of faith and of other parts of the Christian armour be so farre off from good life as they be seeing they renounce this arming of themselues which I haue proued that a Christian life cannot be without And now by this which hath been said of the armour hitherto it is the easier to vnderstand what it is and what the parts of it are and how the Christian life cannot stand without it Now I will proceed as I haue promised to the third point in this matter concerning the armour namely how it should be put on and be worne that so wee may better see how to take that good by it which God offereth vs. For which end and purpose it is to bee marked that euery true beleeuer in his first conuersion to God is thereby made partaker of all things pertaining to life and godlines and therefore is not destitute of any common grace of a true Christian hauing them as a childe lately borne all the parts and faculties of soule and bodie though weake in all amongst which these that are here compared to armour are principall This being so a faithfull Christian need not wonder when he is willed to haue this grace and parts of this holie armour in a readines hee neede not wonder I say where he shall haue it or doubt how to come by it For we see he hath it alreadie and as our Sauiour Christ said The kingdome of heauen that is the glorious raigning of his in the elect commeth not by obseruation neither shall men say loe here loe there for the kingdome of heauen is in you So I say this armour which God hath appointed to defend his militant Church withall from infernall slauerie it is not to be seene nor to be gazed vpon with the eye but it is in the faithfull and possesseth their soules euen now when many will perhaps aske how shall we come by it or where is it For if any should imagine that he hath it not after beleeuing as through ignorance he must needs can such an one choose but be exceedingly troubled about this how hee should come by it and put it on for such a charge the Apostle giueth Let vs know therefore that this armour is not alway to bee in seeking which had not need to be whē it should be in occupying but the Lord according to the necessitie of it which he seeth to be in euery one of his children against the infinite dangers of the world doth prouide it for euery one of them and furnisheth thē with the same Euery one of them hath some measure of true faith and hope though this be weake in them euery one hateth iniquitie and is readie to worke righteousnes according to his skill and the most feeble Christian hath an vpright heart and some spirituall wisdome to discerne good from euill which yet a man of greater knowledge if he be not inlightened with the spirit of regeneration cannot although one more then an other And the same I say of the rest But ye will obiect why doth the Apostle will vs to put it on if we haue it alreadie and will say this doubt is not yet answered neither can ye tell what he meaneth by that when he speaketh thus Put on the whole armour To this I answere that his charge is that Christians should not haue this spirituall armour as men in time of peace haue bodily armour hanging by and rustie and vtterly vnfit for vse but as souldiers haue theirs in battaile that is girded to them and put vpon them and this also whiles the battaile continueth So he commaundeth vs that we let not the parts of this armour so to be vnoccupied in vs that we haue no feeling of it and so no benefit by it but be sure continually that we haue it on and readie for vse that we lie downe with it and rise vp with it and be well aduised that through the day in all places and whatsoeuer we goe about we haue it with vs as farre as we can be able This is his meaning when he saith put on the whole armour and in an other place put on tender mercie and kindnes as the elect of God For our battaile lasteth all our life long and our enemies be deadly and all our strength is by our armour Therefore who seeth not now that a Christian can safely be no time without this armour If this be darke and hard to any euen they may know themselues to be those who haue not skill to put on this armour and who haue been ignorant of the vse and power of it they haue not well learned the will of God about the necessitie and benefit of it And therefore euen such though they may be the Lords yet doubtles the diuell holdeth them in strong chaines of darkenes and ignorance and therefore also in great slauerie and bondage which God for his part hath shewed them the way to come out of if they could once come to see the same and be perswaded that they haue a part in it For through the vnskilfulnes of men in the right vse of the armour and vnacquaintance with euery part of it the liues euen of the deare seruants of God are much blemished and vnglorious amongst men and to themselues besides the idlenes and vnprofitablnes of them exceedingly vncheerefull Therefore seeing God hath giuen them all helps needefull for their defence from this present euill world from subiection to Sathan and their owne damnable lusts seeing also he hath taught them to know this their libertie and priuiledge to haue the daily aide and benefit of their armour for the strengthening of them in all good duties I know nothing to remaine doubtful which should neede to trouble them hereafter no not the weakest saue this one thing namely how this armour should be put on Now to haue the feeling of euery part of this armour faith against distrust at any time hope against fainting vprightnes against hypocrisie knowledge against the deceitfulnes of sinne righteousnes against all kinde of iniquitie and the preparation of the Gospell of peace against crosses to haue I say this armour in a readines to safe cundict and keepe vs throughout our life in the practise of our Christian direction this is to be done Watchfulnes continuall and prayer hartie and oft is to be vsed of vs which also is prescribed of the Apostle himselfe when he saith after he willeth the Ephesians to take to them this whole armour pray alway withall manner of prayer and watch thereunto with all perseuerance c. We see God will haue vs perswaded that this whole armour may be had and put on and therefore to pray to him for it But in any wise these prayers he will haue to be made without doubting and wauering without which manner of praying we cannot looke to receiue any thing For it hath pleased our
pride worldlines anger malice reuenge vniust dealing and lying that as euery man is more easily ouercome of or hurt by them more then of other sinnes so hee should haue a more continuall feare of them watchfulnes against them and bestow more time in seeking the rooting out of them that so the wealth and safetie of the whole life may be preserued when such noysome sores as did most of all impaire the same be cured But if men be either ignorant of this dutie or cannot be perswaded to set themselues to the entertaining of it and to get acquaintance with it they must looke to liue destitute of a chiefe part of godlines or if it be but now and then in some especiall actions and parts of our life regarded and looked vnto as it is done of them who are not greatly experienced in the practise of Christianitie it will make the godly life in great part to be bereaued both of her gaine and beautie Our hearts must not range where they list nor our delights bee fastned where we please but our eyes our tongues our eares hands feete and the whole powers of our mindes and members of our bodies must beholden within compasse In so much that if we see we haue but broken out of our constant course a little that our consciences begin to checke vs we should tremble to thinke what we haue done and feare alwayes for the time to come least we should offend We must watch when we are well to keepe well and when we haue been deceiued to returne speedily againe we must watch in trouble against triefnes and impatience in prosperitie against wantonnes and lightnes Iob. 31.1 If we could frame to this we should doe well enough as he that looketh to his foote in a slippery place shall not be hurt And if we may by watching ouer our selues haue our whole life in safety and welfare are we not worthie to smarte if we cannot doe so much for so great a benefit Therefore most worthily doe such suffer hardnes and sorrow who will in no wise be brought to take heede to their waies but cry out that it is precisenes and a kinde of death vnto them to be restrained from their noysome and dangerous liberties From whence ariseth boldnes and wilfulnes which cannot want much sinne But this watchfulnes doth God require to be in vs and to be accounted no tediousnes but had in high price and he that with an honest heart and good conscience submitteth himselfe hereunto he shall be able to proue by good experience that watchfulnes is a great meane to maintaine a godly life Thus much for the more plaine and full handling of this first priuate helpe called watchfulnes CHAP. 6. Of Meditation the second priuate helpe NOw followeth the second which is Meditation And that is when we doe of purpose separate our selues from all other things and consider as we are able and thinke of some poynts of instruction necessarie to leade vs forward to the kingdome of heauen and the better strengthening of vs against the diuel and this present euill world and to the wel ordering of our liues I say of purpose seeing we both must minde such things in good aduisednes and set our selues about them resolutely when we take them in hand that they may be done with more reuerence and profit and also seeing it falleth out for the most part that we seldome enter into meditation of heauenly things when we doe not intend them but are ledde by the obiects of our mindes eyes or eares an hundred waies amisse or if any good thought arise it is repelled by and by and goeth no further To proceede I say that when we meditate we ought to separate our selues from all company and troublesome occasions as our Sauiour commaundeth vs to doe when we pray priuately these two being companions as in our chamber priuatly or in the field or some commodious place that we may the better performe it the smallest occasions soone breaking vs off from such seruice of God And I say lastly that we must there set our minds on worke about the cogitation of things heauenly by calling to remembrance some one or other of them which we knowe and so debate and reason about the same that our affections may thereby be moued to loue and delight in or to hate and feare according to that which we meditate on so that we may make some good vse of it to ourselues And this spirituall exercise of meditation is euen that which putteth life and strength into all other duties and parts of Gods worship And this the holy Ghost reporteth of Isaac the Patriarke that he went out into the field toward the euening to meditate Which had not been commendable if he had not vsed so to doe seeing it is the right kinde of such holy duties to be oft in vse being taught of his father Abraham who was the friend of God and very familiar with him and therefore we may be sure had much communion and talke with him As also our father Enoch did who for proofe hereof is said in his whole life to haue walked with God And this are all such as desire to take any good by it to know that they must be acquainted throughly with this sweete and heauenly communing with the Lord and themselues which was called of the Fathers of ancient time their Soliloquie that is the talke which they vsed to haue alone by themselues That as men wearied desire rest so wee by the varietie and multiplicitie of busines in this world being troubled and distracted may seeke ease to our mindes by meditation For otherwise wee may muse and thinke vpon any good things and ponder our words and actions which wee doe to see them done aright which yet is not this kind of meditation that I now speake of but that watchfulnes mentioned before which is a warie regarding and taking heede to our waies in one thing after another Which yet the Prophet calleth meditation also as where he saith All the day long doe I meditate on thy word and in Iosua Thou shalt meditate day and night on the booke of the law which wee know could not be vnderstood of meditation by intermission of companie or other actions and busines but in their whole course a circumspect care and regard that they might bee done after the word And the matter of this our meditation may be of any part of Gods word on God himselfe his wisedome power his mercie or of the infinite varietie of good things which wee receiue of his free bountie also of his workes and iudgements or on our estate as our sinnes and the vilenes of our corruption that wee yet carrie about vs our mortalitie of the changes in this world or of our deliuerance from sinne and death of the manifold afflictions of this life and how wee may in best manner beare and goe through them and the benefit thereof
Reader in mind but euen of those which go before others in the imbracing of the Gospell For euen of them many are very faultie and blame worthie in this matter and therefore they had need to be willing to take knowledge of it by the least watch-word and amend it and not tary with the world till they be shamed for it and confounded Yea and this is the more to be marked because some of these whiles they haue bene vnder the crosse haue bene humble and kept within good compasse in their liues and haue had oft recourse to God in their prayers as they haue confessed it was meete for them to do But why speake I this because when the Lord hath giuen them deliuerance they haue shewed thēselues to haue bin no such persons as before but haue soone gone from their former care and haue kicked vp their heele waxing wanton in their prosperitie euen as they were forgetfull of their former calamities Psal 119.67 So that it may truly be sayd that few by earthly things are drawne on and incouraged to the loue of heauenly which yet is the end that the Lord hath in giuing them If they haue rest from persecution and trouble and inioy peace in their daies how many do with the Churches mentioned in the Acts take the benefit of it that is to edifie and build vp themselues the more strongly in knowledge faith and godlinesse and draw others thereto by their example And if their plenty of Gods outward benefits be such that they may eate of the fat and drinke of the sweete yet how many find the Lords seruice more sweete daily to them then they find his outward benefits But they do rather after the manner of others begin to rest in them many times and to say Here is good being for vs whereas the more men haue the more they should looke that they serue him with ioy for all their abundance And further if they haue time at will wherein much good may be done to themselues and others is this their chiefest care to redeeme it to euery good vse because the dayes be euill and to apply their hearts to wisedome seeing they haue but a while to liue Nay that were too sad a matter for them to heare of But numbers of them take vp a great part of the day most commonly in the pleasures and delights which are by euill custome in euery season of the yeare affoorded Wherein for the satisfying of them to the full if the publicke duties of Gods worship in the familie which should be daily continued for the benefit of the whole company be not neglected oft times yet how come they to them and in what case are their hearts to the performing of them when they sauour of nothing else but their vaine if not vnlawfull pleasures Which complaint if euer may now in this generation be made of the better sort of Christians and that also most rightly when many of the gentry of this land and others who had for certaine causes iustly mouing them for sundry yeares together banished out of their houses the vse and practise of dicing and carding with such prophanenesse and disorder as accompanieth the same haue within these few yeares as though they could no longer forbeare brought them in againe A lamentable fruite of their wealth peace and prosperitie among many other such But if it be duly considered what good might haue bene done through our land in this long time of peace and plentie and how the oportunitie euen the time of our visitation as fit for holy duties as faire weather for haruest hath bene ouer-slipped that I say no more it ought iustly to wring out plenty of teares for so great transgression But I will containe my selfe Our Sauiour speaking but of one part or peece of prosperity namely of riches saith Oh with what difficultie shall they who haue riches enter into the kingdome of heauen If he speake thus of riches what thinke we is his iudgement of them which with riches haue many other kinds of blessings with how much ado shall such go into the kingdome of heauen and much more gouerne themselues rightly from day to day And what maruell seeing a rich mans riches are his strong city and thereby he is bold to do many things wilfully which he durst not so presumptuously do if he had them not They are baites and do often draw his heart to be set vpon them that whiles they are in request and chiefly accounted of there may be no place for better things to rule and raigne there although for shame and feare they are not altogether reiected euen as it may be sayd of play Where that is entertained good bookes are litle red and occupied It was the last temptation that the Diuell attempted our Sauiour withall The glory and wealth of the world I meane to teach vs this among many other things That if the other two be ouercome yet the Diuell looketh to preuaile by this What should I say of the innumerable hurts which euen good men sustaine by these benefits and good blessings of God as that they hate one another contend with and deceiue one another and make themselues strangers one to the other thereby and which is none of the least euils among other their harts are so knit to them that they consider not how they take in hand their worldly busines nor how they vexe trouble their poore brethren if any fall into their hands but go to worke against them cruelly or at least in rashnesse with which nothing is well done If we should but consider how they beate their braines about them euery way who are yet wealthie alreadie bestowing all their wisedome in deuising how to increase and bring them in when it were to be looked for that the great riches godlinesse should be much more sought after If I say we should consider this we should enter into a very maze By which and many such like it may with bitter complaint be lamented of the which we haue bin long admonished that Religion in these many yeares of our peace hath brought forth much wealth to the Church but the daughter hath deuoured and eate vp the mother And that this which I say may not be vnderstood onely of riches know we that all lawfull liberties do worke the same effects that men for the most part become worse by them as in the Psalme the Prophet declareth Before I was afflicted I went astray that is when I had my libertie and therefore this shall serue to shew with how much ado they which haue them walke daily in a Christian course and the rather the more variety of earthly delights they inioy with them Now therfore it being thus what cause haue all such as are louers of the truth whō God suffereth to liue in peace health and prosperity to be wise and wary against so many dangers and warned by the hurt
the earth in comparison of him So that it may be seene of all such as desire to be satisfied that God hath not giuen to his faithfull seruants earthly prosperitie to naile their hearts to it but to proue them whether any thing be sweeter to them then he himselfe who hath giuen it that is whether the gift or the giuer be in greatest request with them and that all which he giueth them might be an occasion to knit them nearer vnto him who will yet giue much more to them which depend vpon him to this end I say all Gods benefites serue And I haue not denyed in all that I haue said but that it becommeth the best of Gods seruants to labour for earthly maintenance that they may be able to giue rather then to receiue and that without any iust offence they may do it and that they ought to acknowledge it for a great mercie of God that he reacheth out his hand to helpe them with necessaries euen here where they be straungers and to prouide for their bodily necessities and therefore to be thankefull yea and ioyfull in this respect that they are freed from much care and distrust and haue the way made more easie thereby to the heauenly life for want whereof many of their deare brethren are in much pensiuenesse and sorrow But yet may they not in any wise take such sweetnesse in those things that they forget or neglect better but alwaies remember that they serue to a further end that is to seeke better and are not themselues the end of their hope in which they should rest And so to conclude it remaineth that we in no wise reioyce nor put our delight in any transitorie thing but with most great diligence we vse all earthly benefites of God daily and throughout our life moderately And this is to enioy our prosperitie aright and to make that part of our life sweet and sauorie to vs indeed which is passed therin And this is that which I haue thought conuenient to be said of this sixt rule namely that it is a great part of godlinesse euery day to looke to this with due regard that we moderately and fruitfully vse our lawfull liberties and all the commodities earthly of this present life CHAP. 18. Of the declaration of the seuenth duty Of bearing afflictions rightly euery day they come THE next part of our life not yet mentioned is that which is vnder the crosse and in affliction Our dutie here is that when and so often as it shall please the Lord to trie vs therewith and to chaunge the course of prosperitie or any part of it yet that with the same well ordered heart which I haue said should accompanie our other actions and parts of our liues with the same I say we be prepared to receiue it from him and count it no straunge thing to be exercised with it and the rather for this reason as the Apostle admonished the godly of his time that we are predestinate thereunto euen to be like vnto Christ in afflictions also seeing through many of thē our way lyeth to the kingdome of heauen And all may see how needfull it is for vs to hearten on our selues by these and such like perswasions to be willing to beare our crosses meekly with chearefulnesse because we do so soone shrinke backe at the hearing of them as the Apostles did when they heard that their maister would go into Iury againe where the Iewes before had sought to stone him and seeing they be so vnwelcome to vs by nature although we be subiect to many and sundrie and that daily It must not be with vs as it is with the most that is that we loue not to heare of them when we haue bene awhile free from them and so hope still for earthly peace of the which we haue no promise but rest perswaded euery day that our heauenly Father knoweth what is best for vs and as he seeth affliction or freedome from it to be meetest so he will alwaies bring it to passe To this end we are admonished of the Prophet to accustome our selues to beare the yoke in our youth that we may be the better acquainted with it when it shall be put vpon vs that so we being tamed and subdued by it and our proud and rebellious hearts brought vnder of him we may beare it with the more ease and comfort encouraged hereby that if we be able to beare afflictions contentedly and with quiet and meeke spirits which is the hardest part of our life we may easily prouide to haue our whole life sweet and ioyfull Furthermore to this end that we may be readie to waite vpon the Lord patiently in our chastisements we must consider that euery day Sathan intendeth mischiefe against vs and he knoweth our weakenesse to be greatest in bearing the crosse and therefore will not leaue vs vnassayed as much as in him lyeth and not so onely but also will terrifie vs with this perswasion that they be greater then they are and feare vs with the oft and much thinking of them that our sorrow may be increased Against all which his cursed vndermining of vs we hauing so great encouragement from the Lord ought to be thus stayed that such of them as we can we may auoide and the rest we may go vnder contentedly waiting for a good issue euen as in faith we pray for it seeing our God will haue vs perswaded that of very loue and faithfulnesse he correcteth vs whensoeuer we be corrected of him But because we faile many times in obseruing these rules and therefore find not grace then to beare them aright whiles they are vpon vs nor afterwards get any wisedome experience or comfort thereby we must diligently and faithfully marke how we be affected vnder them that if we should be oppressed with confused and vnprofitable heauinesse distrust or any other daungerous passions we might learne before that they be no fit companions for vs and sooner get out of them after we espie them in vs and so betake our selues to better gouernment And that this labour be thought no more then necessarie we must know that by Troubles we do not onely meane great vnwonted losses long sicknesses persecutions and such like but those also which fall out verie oft and commonly as vnkindnesse and discourtesie in neighbours vnthriftinesse vnrulinesse and disobedience in children vnfaithfulnesse and negligence in seruants discommodities and harmes in family matters with such like all which to beare without vnquietnesse impatience and vnsetling our selues out of the Christian course must be thought no meane nor smal gift of God nor without daily and continuall watchfulnesse and wise regard to be attained vnto And I do the rather make mention of these troubles which for the most part arise in our families as well as other waies because many Christians do thinke through ignorance that we are not to be
commeth the greatest and that which maketh all these great and that is the pleasures at Gods right hand for euermore and the glory the vnspeakeable glory which was prepared and laid vp for vs before the beginning of the world And amongst all the other although this be by many degrees the chiefest yet I confesse that for the excellency thereof and for that I cannot see into the bewty of it as I doe somewhat into the other whereof I haue some experience I confesse I say that I cannot expresse to my contentation my minde about the same and do feare that in speaking of it I shall rather make it seeme lesse then if I said nothing yet somewhat seeing this place doth so require This estate therefore of the faithfull after this life the scripture setteth out by earthly comparisons and similitudes to our capacity for that we are not able to conceiue the same if in it owne nature it were described vnto vs and especially by the resemblances of those things which we doe most affect and delight in as honour treasure riches bewty friends pleasure ioy inheritance and possession of our owne Behold therefore heere prepared for thee ô happy Christian an habitation not made with hands but euerlasting in heauen an inheritance immortall vndefiled c. not purchased with gold and siluer but with a farre more excellent price for what is more desired then to liue with our friends But lift vp thine eies and see how God hath prepared for thee the company of the celestiall spirits namely his holy angels and elect people to eat and drinke with at his table for euermore I meane to haue fellowship with them and to dwell with Iesus Christ and his blessed Apostles Prophets Martyrs friends kinred and acquaintance which is the highest degree of the communion of Saints Pleasure and ioy how is it sought after yea what is welcome without them And that thou maist know that the Lord hath liberally prouided for thee this way know and vnderstand that the ioy which there is possessed is such as it causeth a continuall singing and thanksgiuing And what honour can be greater then to be the kings sonnes and daughters yea to raigne triumphantly after we haue ouercome death sinne hell the deuill the greatest enemies that euer were conquered The like I might say of the rest And all these priuiledges are so much the greater because as their habitation it selfe is permanent and euerlasting so are all the treasures which are inioied therein euerlasting also And therefore the precious things of the kingdome of heauen are said to be such as no eie hath seene no eare hath heard neither is the heart of man able to conceiue The happinesse of princes hath beene inioied and therefore is knowen what and how great it is which prooueth that it is in no sort to be compared to this Neither is it any maruell seeing one day in the courts of the Lord euen in this life is better then a thousand else-where euen in a princes palace therefore in the estate of glory after this life how much more And yet further this is not to be neglected that when the wicked shall be at their wits end and smitten with horror weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth euen then shall the faithfull inioy this infinite varietie of heauenly blessings which if it were possible for them to haue a dreadfull feare and perswasion of losing and forgoing would be an exceding and intolerable torment vnto them Besides we that liue now in this corrupt estate of the world for it was not so in the beginning and behold the varietie of Gods creatures replenishing the world the beasts of the field the fishes of the sea the fowles of the aire the Sunne Moone and starres furnishing the vpper parts aboue vs the trees corne and grasse beautifying these inferiour parts of the earth beneath vs if we might haue seene all these in their perfection with him which was made Lord of them euen man when he was yet without sinne in the world what a glorious habitation should it haue beene And yet but as a court-yard or entrie into a kings palace should it haue beene in respect of the heauenly mansion which is the celestiall Ierusalem for this is called but his footstoole but heauen is his throne And therfore if the Lord did so adorne this earth as that it is yet full of admiration to see but the prints of his glory his power and wisedome therein and yet it is but for a season euen a while to be a place of refreshing for vs who can thinke how magnificent the kingdome of heauen is which with all the infinite commodities he hath made to be a perpetuall habitation and dwelling place for all his beloued ones And so likewise it is an high degree of prosperitie to be inlightned to see by faith but in this world the sweet life of a Christian yet is this but a taste of heauen and a day there is better then a thousand elsewhere and the prerogatiues of a Christian are admirable When Paule was wrapt into the third heauen had heard things that were not to be vttered it is said that he was lift vp with the aboundance of reuelation and When Christ was but transformed that his garments did shine as the sunne Peter was astonished how much more then with this glory which in the former are but dimly represented As for the further describing of it by the particular kindes of pleasures and delights to the body and euery part of it and euery sense partaining to it and to the soule likewise which some haue taken vpon them to affirme and set out the Lord hauing said no such thing himselfe of the kinds of pleasures which are to be inioied there I leaue it as a bold coniecture of mans braine and fitter for the popish cleargy to teach to their superstious company who as their whole forme of their worshipping of God is outward grosse and carnall with Sonnets and sounds to please the eare and praier-like sights to delight the eie but that worship which is in spirit and truth is not in vse with them so they imagine as grosly of the delights which are in heauen that part of them are in the exceeding sweetnesse to the sense of smelling maruellous pleasure to the sense of tasting and so of handling they speake answerably I will not I say wade further then I may wade safely what the kindes and varietie of pleasures are particularly which the righteous are partakers of the Lord hath not reuealed vnto me and therefore I am not ashamed to say I know not It is enough that I am sure they are so great and many that they cannot be once thought of according to their woorthinesse no not of the wisest who can see furthest and enter most deepely into matters Onely this I will say and with this I will end That
SEVEN TREATISES CONTAINING SVCH DIRECTION AS IS GATHERED OVT OF THE HOLIE SCRIPTVRES leading and guiding to true happines both in this life and in the life to come and may be called the practise of Christianitie PROFITABLE FOR ALL SVCH AS HEARTILY DESIRE THE SAME IN THE WHICH more particularly true Christians may learne how to leade a godly and comfortable life euery day PENNED BY RICHARD ROGERS PREACHER OF the word of God at Wethersfield in Essex DEVT. 33. vers 12. The beloued of the Lord shall dwell in safetie with him who protecteth him all the day long PSAL. 84. vers 10. One day in thy Courts is better then a thousand other where DEVS IMPERAT ASTRIS RD AT LONDON Imprinted by FELIX KYNGSTON for THOMAS MAN and ROBERT DEXTER and are to be sold at the brasen Serpent in Pauls Churchyard 1603. TO THE RIGHT VERTVOVS HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCE King IAMES our dread Soueraigne by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith c. long life happie daies and most prosperous raigne MOst gracious and dread Soueraigne Lord I haue not presumed vpon this dedication as being ouertaken with the forgetfulnes either of your Maiesties greatnes or mine owne pouertie For I confesse that if comparison were made that way I might worthily be blamed of presumption But the truth is that I laid in balance your mind rather then your Maiestie and the argument rather then my penning of it In this I confesse I presumed and I trust without desert of blame that as you haue preferred godlines before glorie in the middest of this glorie which God hath brought you vnto so you will preferre a treatise of godlines thus simply furnished before a glorious stile Which is not seldome repugnant to the simplicitie of holie things And yet my meaning is to confesse to your Maiestie that this argument deserued both a more learned and more gracious penne then mine To which I would with al my heart haue giuen place if I had either seene before me or heard behinde me the footsteps of any tending that way that I goe though I confesse there are some to bee seene trauailing in waies neere adioyning to this Concerning your Maiestie I am perswaded that you repose your greatest greatnes in the communion of Saints and not in your seuered calling which is transitorie and therefore will account your selfe honoured by the augmentation of grace and the furtherance of true holines Your Maiesties owne affaires must be permitted to inioy their opportunities and your godly wisedome to inioy your choice in this varietie of reading But I doubt not but your godly heart will perswade you to receiue a booke of this kinde with a gracious hand though it were to no other end but to begin to Gods people in the entertaining of any true hearted motiue vnto holines And this to say the truth is that wherein I haue made bold to vse your gracious and renowmed name to aduantage my intent of furthering the people committed to your charge in their passage to saluation Let it therefore I most humblie supplicate please your Maiestie to giue allowance to my endeuour and drift and to pardon my slips for my meaning hath been to seeke the honour of God in this work and to borrow helpe in this Dedication of the grace he hath giuen you for such purposes Thus reioycing with the rest of Gods people for the comfort wherewith the Churches heart is comforted by you and desiring the lineall descent of these kingdomes to your Maiesties royall posteritie till Iesus Christ with his glorious comming obscure all the glorie of the world I beseech the holie Ghost to be with your spirit and keepe your Maiestie in Christ vnto the end Your Maiesties most humble subiect RICHARD ROGERS Minister of the Gospell TO THE CHRISTIAN READER THe children of this world are in their generation wiser then the children of light The truth hereof may appeare in the Papists who discerning that their bookes of Controuersies stuffed with manifold vntruths fallacians and corruptions were not able to gaine sufficiently though small gaine be too great for such merchants to their Babylonish kingdome haue set themselues and others on worke being all set on worke of Hell to penne certaine treatises tending to insnare and intangle the minds of ignorant and simple Christians in the corrupt and filthie puddle of Popish deuotion In this respect I perswade my selfe it is come to passe not without the gracious prouidence of God that the author hereof hath been incouraged in himselfe and by others to write these Christian directions as a counterpoyson to all such inchauntments of Papists who would by these meanes beare men in hand that al true deuotion dwelt amongst them and were inclosed and tyed to their Cels and Cloysters In which vncleane cages it is vnpossible for any true spirituall and holy meditations to haue their abiding for as much as euen the very mindes and consciences of such vncleane birds are defiled with damnable errors and Idolatries Wherefore I would earnestly aduise and heartely intreate thee Christian Reader to imbrace this booke wherein thou shalt finde good precepts and holy directions not deliuered by rote as from a Parrat out of the bookes and writings of other men but confirmed by the singular experience of one who hath long laboured the conuersion and confirmation of many other but especially the mortification and quickning of his owne soule and conscience one whom indeed I haue euer esteemed another Greenham and herein more happie then he because he hath liued to penne and peruse his owne labours and may yet liue by the mercie of God to correct and amend whatsoeuer slip of his penne for in a long worke one may happily take a nap two or three shall be shewed vnto him Reade it therefore beloued Christian and that with diligence and thou shalt finde I doubt not more true light and direction to a true deuout and holy life then in all the Resolutions of the Iesuiticall Father Parsons though neuer so refined as a brick newly washed or meditations of Frier Granatensis or any Popish Directories whatsoeuer And so I commend thee and all thy holy labours in this and all other good bookes especially in the booke of bookes I meane the holy Bible to the rich and mercifull blessing of God our Father in Iesus Christ Blackfriers London this 26. of May 1603. Thine in the Lord STEPH EGERTON TO THE CHRISTIAN READER WHat be the priuiledges and high fauours of God Almightie wherwith he hath preferred this age and in speciall our nation aboue all before vs since the daies of the holie Apostles needeth more meditation to moue our selues to thankfulnes thē proof to cōuince our aduersaries who though they should gainsay it shall gnash their teeth and pine away in griefe to behold it Among all I may say with the Prophet and the Apostle this is chiefe that God hath so
alreadie and partly hope for and expect afterwards shall make thē vanish away as smoke although otherwise they are able to hurt and sting as fier And then when in the due consideration of the whole he shall see what the blessednes and manifold good things are which he in part hath alreadie and shall afterwards inioy both here and in the life to come he shall see what infinit cause he hath to praise God for his portion that he hath rather beautified and blessed him with his fauour and graces then many other whereby he may walke so comfortably and that in this vale of miseries to Gods kingdome And thus I aduise thee good reader as I know it shall be best for thee to bestow thy trauel about this booke wherein I appoint thee no certaine time nor houres seeing all which would profit by it cannot spend their time alike about this or any other such exercise But this know that this booke tendeth to teach thee the practise of thy knowledge and not to know onely and that I haue gathered together into this one the things which are dispersedly contained in many other And therefore in that respect ouer and besides the ordinarie reading of the holy Scriptures thou maiest bestow the more time about it as thy leasure will permit considering that once or twice reading a booke for practise is not enough Lastly seeing the whole matter herein contained is to serue thee and stand thee in steed as setting before thee a direction to gouerne thy whole life thou must not thinke thy labour and time much though thou beest occupied in it for many yeares together for as much as the fruite shall be greater the longer that thou hast been exercised in it and yet thy labour lesse yea easie and pleasant for so shalt thou grow better acquainted with the vse of it which in one word is to make thy life more sweet and sauorie then thou couldest looke for that is happie here and hereafter for euer Reade therefore not onely to be able to report what thou hast found here but especially to finde it thine owne which I doe teach and to be setled daily in the gouernment which this doctrine drawne out of his word offereth thee so as thou maiest see that God in the setting forth of it hath directed me Reade with a quiet teachable and a meeke spirit desirous of that which I labour to bring thee to rather then with a curious head to carpe and cauill or censure that which thou dost not practise nor follow A dramme of grace is better then a pound of censorious wittines remember that all our naturall gifts and faculties of our soules should be sanctified I goe about to make thee see thy selfe inwardly and outwardly to be trained vp in Gods family where the heart must be well seasoned as well as thy whole life well ordered till thou findest that which many a thriftie person doth in his outward estate namely that diet to be ordinarie with him which sometime had been feasting cheere for when a poore man by his trauell and paine hath brought this to passe hee thinkes his estate good and that which pleaseth him exceedingly well So labour thou in thy spirituall worke and seruing of God to finde that gaine and thriuing therein that thou maiest make thy soule as ioyfull euery day and at as great peace with God as sometime thou scarcely haddest obtained once in the weeke or month Which grace and prerogatiue that thou mayest make much of when thou hast it looke backe and remember with thankes vnfained how farre thou hast been off from it and how little hope thou once haddest of obtaining it when thou wert easily mastered of thy sinnes and passions and know that it must cost him many a prayer and grone for it who is yet without it before he shall be partaker of it RICHARD ROGERS THE SVMME OF ALL THE SEAVEN TREATISES AND THE CONTENTS OF euery Chapter in them The first Treatise sheweth who be the true children of God Chap. 1. OF the summe and order of this first Treatise pag. 1 Chap. 2. Of mans miserie pag. 3 Chap. 3. Of the knowledge of redemption and deliuerance pag. 7 Chap. 4. How this knowledge worketh and namely first that God maketh them beleeue their miserie and be troubled in minde for it pag. 9 Secondly they consult in this case what to doe pag. 13 Thirdly they are broken hearted and humbled pag. 15 Fourthly a secret desire of forgiuenes pag. 15 Fiftly they confesse and aske pardon pag. 18 Sixtly they forsake all for it and highly prize it pag. 19 Seuenthly they applie Christ and his promise pag. 20 Chap. 5. Of the lets of faith and namely in the behalfe of the Minister pag. 24 Chap. 6. Of the lets that hinder faith on the behalfe of the people pag. 28 Chap. 7. What desire breeds faith pag. 34 Chap. 8. How the weake in faith should be established pag. 37 Chap. 9. The difference of beleeuers from them that are none pag. 44 Chap. 10. Of the eight cōpanions of faith pag. 54 Chap. 11. How weake faith is confirmed pag. 64 Chap. 12. The sweete fruit and benefit of the preseruing and confirming of our faith pag. 68 The second Treatise declareth at large what the life of the true beleeuer is and the conuersation of such as haue assured hope of saluation Chap. 1. THe summe and order of this second Treatise pag. 72 Chap. 2. That a godlie life cannot be without vnfained faith nor this faith without it which is the first point in the first generall head to bee handled pag. 74 Chap. 3. That for the leading of a godlie life is required faith in the temporall promises of God and hartie assent and credit to the commandements also and threatnings in the word of God as well as faith to be saued pag. 79 Chap. 4. Of the heart and how it should be clensed and chaunged and so the whole man which is sanctification tending to repentance and a godly life pag. 86 Chap. 5. Of the renouncing of all sin which is the first effect of a renued heart in the true beleeuer pag. 96 Chap. 6. Of the diuers kindes of euill to be renounced and namely of inward against God and men pag. 102 Chap. 7. Of other euils and sinnes most properly concerning our selues pag. 108 Chap. 8. How the minds and hearts of the beleeuers are taken vp vsuallie seeing they renounce inward lusts pag. 114 Chap. 9. Of the second kinde of euils or sins to be renounced namely outward pag. 124 Chap. 10. Of foure sorts of such as hope for saluation and yet renounce not open sinnes and outward offences pag. 126 Chap. 11. Of certain obiections raised from the former doctrine and answers thereto as why we should put difference betwixt men whether the godly may fall reprochfully and what infirmities they may haue pag. 134 Chap. 12. Of the keeping of the heart once purged in that good plight afterward
at least so many as whereby the most are hindred by the diuell from imbracing and beleeuing the promise of life that all which list may see how they are held backe from their happines and peace And these they are briefly 1. First some thinke it impossible to be assured of their saluation in this life and therefore seeke not after it 2. Others think it possible but not necessary that men should busie themselues about it for the obtaining and keeping of it and that they may be saued without so much adoe 3. Another sort are such as thinke it both possible and necessarie but they see it so hard to come by that they are loth to take the paines therefore they will not goe about it 4. Another sort are careles and as ignorant as they are careles euer learning but neuer comming to the knowledge of the truth who though they come to heare yet regard not when God speaketh vnto them out of his word their minds being taken vp about other matters Now by this manner of hearing they come not to vnderstand the doctrine much lesse affect it 5. Others see that if they should labour so after heauenly things they must lose their liberties in sinful pleasures which they wil not by any meanes forgoe and contrariwise that they must suffer reproch and afflictions with the children of God and therefore they looke not after the promise of the life to come as Esau 6. Others are presumptuous who through selfeloue perswade themselues that they doe beleeue and yet keepe some one sinne or many in their hearts which they will not renounce contenting themselues to thinke they haue faith when they haue it not and so neuer seeke for the truth and power thereof As they would follow Christ but first they would goe burie their father 7. Others with these though not so grosse offenders were neuer broken hearted through the sight of their sinne and miserie and therefore the doctrine of faith cannot enter 8. Others thinke that though they begin yet they shall neuer continue or hold on in a godly course or els doe take offence some other way and therefore will neuer goe about it or hauing begun will soone reuolt againe 9. Others will say it is a comfortable thing to know our selues to bee the children of God and they hope they are so they speake well of the Gospel they are glad to heare it and like well of the promise of eternall life but they neuer goe about to fasten it to themselues by meditating of it weighing the truth and vnchangeablenes thereof and making their account to liue by it and to be conformed to it 10. Others like well of it as the former and sometimes weigh and consider the doctrine and thereby thinke themselues to be in good case but this comfort is sudden and quickly gone againe And thus they are driuen and tossed to and fro yet being close men will not disclose their hearts and lay open their doubts to such as may helpe them and helpe to set them at libertie from their lets although they be vtterly vnable to helpe themselues These are the chiefe lets whereby the people are holden from this grace of beleeuing without which it is impossible to please God or to be his children And now that I haue set downe a taste of both kindes of le ts I thinke it not amisse to stay a while in speaking to both sorts of them by whom these arise that is to say the Ministers and people And first I turne to you my brethren in the Ministerie And you I exhort to consider your duties laid foorth at large in the word of God sometime by the names and titles which he giueth vs and sometime in plaine commandements and charge The names are many as watchmen Ezech. 33.7 Cant. 3.3 labourers Mat. 9.37 the salt of the earth and light of the world Matth. 5.13.14 shepheards Ioh. 21.15 and the good Scribes which bring out of their treasurie both old and new things Matth. 13. and stewards to giue euery one his portion 1. Cor. 4.1 and nurses 1. Thess 2.7 with such like In cōmandements thus Take heed to your charge and to the whole flock ouer which the holy Ghost hath made you ouerseers to feede the Church of God which hee hath purchased with his bloud Act. 20.28 And againe to Timothie I charge thee before God and the Lord Iesus Christ who shall iudge the quicke and dead at the appearing of his kingdome preach the word be diligent in season and out of season conuince reproue exhort with all long sufferance and doctrine 2. Tim. 4.1.2 All which with the like what other thing doe they teach but that all such as the Lord hath put in trust with his people bought with so great a price should loue them tenderly as nurses doe the yong children and beare their weaknesses kindly rather then break their hearts with sorrow Also that they should prouide for them liberally and with good allowance and teach them the whole counsaile of God as good Scribes and regard all sorts as the Lords stewards by wise applying themselues to all Then that they should be diligent and painfull as the Lords workmen and labourers going before them as lights to guide in example of vncorrupt life in all wisedome and grauitie but especially as Christ taught his Disciples at his departing from them in humilitie Ioh. 13.14.15 not thinking themselues too good for Christs sake to be their seruants And to the end they may bring them to him and preserue them as chast spouses to him their onely husband to doe them good priuatly as their needes should require by confirming the weake comforting the afflicted admonishing the vnruly and being patient towards all Ezech. 34.4.5 1. Thess 5.14 These duties I say the Lord inioyneth vs by the forementioned titles which he giueth to his Ministers and by the commaundements and charges annexed thereto Now as we would be glad he should heare vs in the time of our necessitie and especially in our last and solemne day of our departure from this life so let vs heare him thus calling vpon vs to haue compassion on his sillie ignorant and shiftles people And although the burthen that he laieth vpon vs is great yet are not our incouragements for that purpose exceeding great also The honour that hee putteth vpon vs to be his ambassadours and to bring the message of so great a king and the message it selfe not about things transitorie or earthly but eternall what can bee like vnto it Besides the comfort which wee may reape both by our priuate studie in giuing attendance to reading and as hauing that as our ordinarie labour to talke with God as I may say and his good seruants when other men must toyle and trauaile in all weather with much care and trouble and
doe For when he saw that God gaue him twelue moneths to repent of his pride for the which his dreame told him his kingdome should depart from him he forgot his dreame like a dreame and did not repent but at the twelue moneths end began a fresh to increase his pride crowing and boasting of his wealth and honour thus Is not this great Babel which I haue built for the house of my kingdome by the might of my power and for the honour of my maiestie Wherby we see that he was more desirous to know what his dreame meant then to bee warned by it Euen so these professors which I speake of are very carefull to heare the glad tidings of the Gospell preached and cannot bee withdrawne or disswaded from it but to lay their estate with it and to take this warning by it that they will receiue the print of it vpon their hearts and liues and bee cast into the mould of it that I say they cannot be brought vnto for then they should finde it to be the power of saluation to them for the which end it is preached But what is the cause that they going so farre before many other who are professors also cannot be brought to goe beyond them in this as well and herein to be equall to the best louers of the Gospell I meane in prouing and examining whether Christ be in them without they be reprobates and whether they haue not the spirit of God without which they be none of his The maine cause is this Their hearts are not vpright nor they will not deale plainly with the Lord. They cannot say in truth Search me O Lord and see if there be any vnrighteousnes in me which I doe hide within me and it shall be remoued out of thy sight Nay it is certaine if they might come to triall that they doe keepe some sinne as Iob saith euen as a child doth sugar vnder the palate Sundrie faults I graunt such will refraine both themselues and driue them out of their families but yet for all that they will not bee brought to this to make profession that they will be willing to be reformed in what part of their life soeuer they may bee iustly chalenged for then they should not blemish their religion as the best of that sort doe Neither doe they set their priuiledges which they haue by the Gospell before all other things alwaies they thinke it ouer strict that they should be tied so narrowly and that it is neither beseeming wisedome credit ciuilitie policie grauitie or such place and calling as some of them may bee in to shew what is in them though they be zealous they say but too base a thing for them when yet the Scripture saith I beleeue and therefore I haue spoke And againe The zeale of thine house hath consumed me And againe if this be to bee vile and base I will yet be more vile for the Lords sake that hath honoured me Yea and they thinke it is more then needeth that all their delight should be in the Saints which are on the earth and such as excell in vertue and that they should be companions with such as feare God when yet the communion of Saints is more pleasant and sweete then was Aarons ointment and more fruitfull then mount Hermon was with the dew and Sion and her vallies about her with the siluer droppes that fell vpon them Yea for the preciousnes thereof the Church spake thus of it If I preferre not Ierusalem that is the welfare of Gods people before all ioy that I haue on earth beside then let me lose my best delight To returne they of whom I speake though in their owne opinion and in the iudgement of some others they be in right good state to Godward yet God whose thoughts are not as mans and the truth which must giue good report of them as well as men iudgeth and determineth of them farre otherwise if that be the best that can be said of their faith and repentance which I haue set downe For the elect and deare children of God doe farre otherwise They hauing found the pearle sell all that they haue to buy it though they are occupied about many things yet that one euen the word of God is chiefe with them Their loue of it is strong as ielousie that admitteth no recompence and as death that cannot be resisted They cast not away their confidence if they once grow to see what recompence of reward it hath nor will not suffer any to take their crowne from them euen their honour that they haue in being the Lords sonnes and daughters They couet spirituall things they hunger and thirst after righteousnes they with good and honest hearts receiue the word and bring foorth fruite in due season They if they haue offended their most louing father cannot be quiet till they returne and come home againe and say wee haue sinned And if they be in worse estate then this they like it not vnlesse it be when they are fallen asleepe and haue forgotten themselues And yet what doe they in all this more then they ought feeling for all this their wants and burdens of which they complaine and crie out And whereas they are mocked and euill spoken of for this that they doe thus carrie themselues in the loue of heauenly things and in the hope of immortalitie farre more feruently then they who are not intitled to any such thing it is hard to say whether they who offer them this iniurie doe most offend in hindring the honour of God thereby or their neighbours welfare or their owne saluation For God commaunds that wee should labour rather for the foode that abideth to eternall life then for that which perisheth And what doe we offend then who doe so and is it not our gaine and benefit if we doe so Therefore let men for shame and feare of iust damnation desist from such madnes But to returne to them to whom I speake and to conclude in a sentence or two to them and such as they are I say therfore giue no rest to your selues till you can prooue that you be in the estate of saluation You haue many waies set downe by which you may doe it euen in this treatise in other godly mens labours and especially in the Scriptures Lose not all your labour which you haue bestowed in seeking to be saued I meane your reading hearing of Sermons praying and confessing your sinnes it is lost if you attaine not that which you seeke You are not farre from it a little more humilitie and truth of heart will bring you further into the estate of happines then that ye can fall any more from it Be neuer satisfied till ye haue more then an vnrepentant person can haue You count it no toyle to sweate in hay and haruest This is another manner of substance if ye once had part in it
saued he honoreth him who will saue him for his loue constraineth him so to doe Which although it bee most true and will be granted of the greater part yet because many content themselues to affirme it onely and other in a generall manner doe coldly goe about it I meane to honour God and shew foorth the fruits of faith which they think they haue as though any little would serue I thinke it very meete to set downe some speciall proofes of it that cannot be excepted against And first by that place to Titus The grace of God that hath appeared teacheth vs to denie vngodlines and worldly lusts and to liue holily righteously and soberly in this present life he saith plainly if we be once inlightened by that diuine grace and gift of the Gospell to see our selues partakers of saluation we are by the same knowledge taught and so learne it to renounce our old conuersation So that euen as a scholler plainly taught by his master becommeth skilfull in those points wherein he was instructed so is a man taught to see God worthie all honour and to giue it him by casting away the workes of darknes when he seeth that he hath brought him out of most wofull bondage into the glorious libertie of Gods children And is it any meruaile For what will we not be readie to doe for such a one as hath but once saued our liues from death How much more doe all they which know that they are discharged for euer from fearefull damnation see infinite causes why they should chaunge their wicked liues which so much displeased God and are also readie to doe the same Be not therefore deceiued God is not mocked by them who professe they looke to be saued and doe not bring foorth fruiteworthie amendment It is not a bare wandring desire to please God which this pretious faith and assurance of saluation worketh but it frameth also the man vnto it and teacheth him in some true and acceptable measure to goe about it The tidings of this treasure appeared so glorious to Agrippa being a King and therefore acquainted with earthly felicitie and a Heathen and therefore vnfit to see very easily into spirituall things yet this appeared so glorious tidings to him when he heard it by Paul not preaching in the pulpit but standing a prisoner at the barre that it caused him at the first to say Thou hast almost perswaded me to become a Christian And therefore he who hath not onely heard a sound of this heauenly newes with his eares which yet did weigh equally against a Princes kingdome in a Heathen mans iudgement but hath beleeued it to bee his owne and that for euer doe we thinke that any thing will be thought too deare for him who hath freely giuen it him And therefore when I see one cursed man raile against the doctrine of Gods word and his faithfull seruants another to loue the Christian life but from teeth outward and diuers men diuersly bewitched but all of them to loue darknes more then light because their deedes are euill Ioh. 3.19 I meruaile not at it they do after their nature and kind As they are not obedient to the will of God so neither indeed can they be who yet for all this know not any cause why they should accuse themselues but if they might see what kindnes God offereth them euen to bee made happie and might beleeue the same ye should see them changed as sensible as euer was Saul of a persecutor to become a preacher so they of oppressors mercifull persons and restorers of that which was ill gotten and of prophane holy and so to bee conuerted as that wee might say of them compared to the best seruants of God the lambe and the lion doe eate together But to let these goe as too grosse I would wish such to weigh these Scriptures aright who will take no nay but that they belong to Gods election when yet their goodnes is as the morning dew soone vanishing and blowne away or as a cake halfe baken Let them see how well this becommeth them to bee sometime forward sometime backward in some things zealous and yeelding to the will of God in othersome sinning against their owne knowledge and when they be straying from dutie to make no haste to it againe neither to see that any thing is amisse in them nay to be put in minde and reproued though neuer so iustly and kindly they cannot beare it It must in no waies bee denied them that they beleeue and are sure to be saued but where is the spirit which S. Paul speaketh of in those which know themselues saued which as an husband ruleth and beareth sway which commaundeth holy and heauenly motions and affections into the heart not suffering poysoned and earthly corruptions to defile the same where is that authoritie and gouernment ouer the members of the minde and bodie as ouer a wife that they may bee well ordred where are the traines and companies of all sorts of good fruites as their children and comely ornaments also beautifull to adorne and set out their liues when a professor of the Gospell shall not be able to denie that his heart is corrupt by fretting raging and vnquietnes for euery small trifle and yet not once trembling for it nor saying what haue I done or els loose vaine and foolish by other occasions and all this without repentance Where is his testimonie that his heart is a good treasurie and nurserie of good things when his tongue shall be walking not onely vnnecessarily and idly but in vnsauourie and offensiue speech in foolish iesting taunting railing mocking lying swearing slandering currish and churlish speaking how are the powers and members of the bodie in subiection as a wife vnto the power of Christ which ruleth as an husband in the heart of Gods beloued ones where is those mens religion which S. Iames boldly saith is none where the tongue is thus vngouerned what shew soeuer be made thereof And so I might goe forward to conuince many of our countrimen who haue often heard me and other of Gods Ministers vrging them after the same manner in our Sermons and doe know I tell them the truth that such things are in them indeed who yet seeme to be religious I haue said it oft and now say it with griefe that all these who haue such things raigning in them are not onely their owne enemies but also to our preaching of the Gospell of Christ neither is their reioycing good who glorie in their faith and hope when yet they are thus earthly and carnally minded They must know it howsoeuer they beleeue that God hath ioyned with faith vertue and godlines patience temperance and that who so beleeueth is thereby turned from his old conuersation For mine owne part I haue long misliked this haste and sudden shewes of great repentance in men who in their first acquaintance with the word
the same 19. That we exercise our faith by taking comfort and delight in the great benefit of our redemption by Christ and the fruition of Gods presence in his glorious and blessed kingdome 20. Lastly that we make not these holy practises of repentance common in time nor vse them for course And these I haue set downe to helpe thee to meditate And who sees not now by that which hath been said that a good heart may be able to meditate That as the exercise itselfe is both very needefull for all Christians and many wayes gainefull so none may haue iust cause to complaine that they cannot tell how to make vse of it But let vs remember that besides the benefit and gaine of it it is one of the priuate helps that God in his wise and mercifull prouidence ordained for his deere children to make their life sweete and comfortable here which otherwise would bee yrksome and painefull euen to them who are best able to passe it well And therefore to neglect it shall not onely bee grosse vnthankfulnes but a charging of the Lord with a worke meerely needeles Let vs also for the better heartning of ourselues hereunto consider the vncertaintie and shortnes of our life and the warnings which God hath giuen vs of our mortalitie not onely by the doctrine of his word and common experience but more especially within these few yeares by taking from vs so many worthie instruments of his glorie as I must needes say if it be well weighed will worke in vs a lesse desire to liue seeing they liue not with vs. And this among all the rest of the vexations and molestations of this life should whet and sharpen vs to meditation that we might the more shake off the burthen and weight of the inordinat desire of liuing here as boults from our heeles But as it is too true that the righteous perisheth and no man almost considereth it that they are taken away from the euils which shall meete with such as remaine behinde so who is meete to heare our Sauiours words weepe for your selues and for your children and therefore to muse and thinke deepely of it that he may doe it So that meditation should be one with vs whatsoeuer should be the other That it might not be verified in vs which was complained of by the Prophet Ieremie I stoode and hearkned when God reproued the peoples securitie to see if any would returne but there was none that said what haue I done As if he should say there was none that pondred in his heart how God was offended Paul willed Timothy to meditate and throughly exercise and season his minde with the doctrine which he deliuered to the people euen to be taken vp of it that both he himself might be throughly seasoned with the doctrine for euery part of his life that he might feede his hearers the more plentifully But alas how sleightly is the Apostles admonition regarded of a number euen in the ministerie who though some of them reade much and teach good things in their sermons when they doe preach yet haue they small vse of their knowledge neither deliuer any thing by their owne meditation more then they finde in their commentaries whereas if they did they should draw aboundant matter out of their priuate readings Besides that many receiue whatsoeuer they finde in their bookes seeing they meditate not vpon it and so as they can the lesse speake priuately of the same things which they deliuer publikely to the edifying and consolation of him who demaundeth a question of them seeing they speake onely out of the booke euen so they are the meanlier and more weakely furnished with the doctrine which they teach to make their liues fruitefull because they doe not weigh the vse benefit and necessitie of the doctrine in their hearts and this beside other great inconueniences causeth some to fill their sermons with authorities of men to proue the truth of God which is all one as to set vp a candle to giue light at noone tide and to prop and hold vp a great and weightie building with a weake and slender pillar So that this is iustly to bee complained of in the minister or people if they bee not acquainted with this meditation As for the obiection of the one or the other that they haue the world to looke after and to care for for this is the probablest defence that they haue for the omitting and neglecting of it they should know it to be their sinne that they will thus set God against himselfe as though he should commaund them to doe that which hindreth them from an other dutie commaunded Nay rather they should thinke that following of the world to be too much which is not moderated and ordred by the due considering how far and in what manner they should deale in the world that is not to be hindred from holines by it If they be rich they haue the lesse cause to be holden from it by worldly care If they be poore they haue the more neede of it to moderate their care that it exceede not nor carry them to vnbeliefe For it must be remembred that I speake of such as say they esteeme most preciously of the greatest riches which is godlines And what example so euer they haue of the contrarie in the multitude of worldlings among whom they liue yet they must know though others will not that they are not set here in their places and callings to doe as loose and retchles seruants when they goe to market who when they should buy prouision for their maisters familie neglect that which they should chiefly intend and fall to drinking play and other ill rule with their companions Neither should they be like bad husbands who reckon what they haue comming in but not what must goe out of their hands who are not like to vphold their occupying long But they must be like the wise builder who looketh whether he be able to make an end when he hath begun So should they euery while be looking and wisely considering whether they take the course to finish the building of their christian life euen to the full perfecting of it which is another manner building then any made with hands And he that will meditate on this seriously and such other good things as further this he shall not neede to feare the fall of his building but that it shal stand in al weathers till he inherit a building made without hands which is immortall And he that loueth to smell on the sweete sauours more fragrant then Aarons oyntment which in his Soliloquies with God and in his meditations he receiueth of him euen the sweete odors and graces of the spirit he shall smell of Gods presence in his talke companie and dealings which wil testifie that he came from God And especially on the Sabboth when the whole day is appointed of God to it
the Lord shall there wipe away euery teare from the eies of his children and they which sowed in teares before heere on earth shall there reape in ioy death shall no more raigne neither shall there be any more lamentation nor crying nor sorrow and for the glory beautie pleasure and eternitie which shall be found there it is compared vnto a goodly citie whose shining is like vnto a stone most precious as a Iasper stone cleere as chrystall c. And after the soule in paradise shall in her kinde haue inioied the pleasures there then shall the bodie for inioying the fulnesse thereof be adioined to it and made like to the glorious body of Iesus Christ and be glorious it selfe also The vse is comfort and such a waiting for the comming of the sonne of God for our last and full deliuerance that we may well testifie that in these our houses of clay we are but strangers So that if we lay this priuiledge with the rest which I haue mentioned in this treatise all which are and properly belong to the true beleeuers who can deny but that their part and porcion is great But oh that it were so accounted of euen among such and yet when I or any haue said what we can we haue said but a little for it is farre greater then we can set it out to be For as the Queene of Sheba said to Salomon when she had heard his wisdome It was a true word that I heard in mine owne land of thine estate and wisdome howbeit I beleeued not this report till I came and had seene it with mine eies but loe the one halfe was not tolde me for thou hast more wisdome and and prosperity then I haue heard by report So it may be said by Gods people who haue already in heauen a taste of the glory of the kingdome It was a true report which we heard by the mouth of his preachers concerning the tidings of saluation their other prerogatiues yet the one halfe of our prosperitie happinesse was not declared and made knowen for we haue greater then was reported in their message And if they find it so great in heauen can the taste thereof choose but be sweet and great which we haue heere on earth euen as Balaam by the spirit of God prophecied of his people the Israelites when he looked vpon them dwelling according to their tribes How goodly are thy tents ô Iacob and thy habitations ô Israel as the valleies are they stretched foorth and as gardens by the riuers side c. And as all these priuiledges are great and we haue good proofe that God hath giuen his deare children liberty to inioy them so this further commends their happy condition that they may know that all these belong to them and they haue the word of God among them and they may also approoue of imbrace and delight in the same and be able to see thereby how they are made partakers of them all by faith and how thereby they haue most sweet communion with him and with Christ by his spirit which the world cannot haue and most heauenly comfort and peace thereby and hauing learned experience for the time to come may get wisdome to carry themselues in euery estate and condition after the best maner of Christians all this I say they haue giuen them of God And concerning the effectuall knowing of the will of God out of his word to beleeue all the forementioned priuiledges that it is a peculiar gift of God to his elect and that no other no not the greatest and most iudiciall clarkes diuines haue it that saying of our Sauiour is a plaine and cleere proofe to his disciples To you it is giuen to know the mysteries of the kingdome but vnto others not that the prophecy of Esay may be fulfilled In hearing they shall heare and not vnderstand and seeing they shall see and not perceiue lest they should turne I should saue them Whereby we may vnderstand that it is a singular prerogatiue to Gods children to haue the effectuall knowledge of the word of God whereby they may see their liberties which others cannot haue And therefore the Lord saith in Ezekiell that he will take away from his children their old hearts and giue them new and write his law in them that they may see the excellent things and wonderful which are contained therein which others do not So that although the vnbeleeuers and vnregenerate may haue knowledge in the letter yet are they not led after it by the spirit which is the life of it For what will not hope of promotion liuing and credite doe euen with naturall men in drawing them to take paines to seeke for knowledge as experience in all ages hath and doth teach when yet for any great matter of sound practise comfort that many of them haue by the scriptures besides it is not worth the speaking of For when by study and learning they haue gotten the wealth and glory of this world they haue that which they sought and as for the scriptures and the power of godlinesse though they haue a shew of it their hearts tell them that they are not the matters which take them vp in the delight of them for they hate to be reformed by them neither are they so precious in their eies as that which they haue gotten by them though it be but base and temporary Whereas the word of God that reuealeth his will about all these is more sweet to his seruants then the hony combe yea all the pleasures of the world are not in their account to be compared to the wisdome thereof but that which is said of the man of God That he had more pleasure in the word of god then in al maner of riches and that they were the ioy of his hart his matter of song and his companions to talke solace himselfe with it is far from them Therefore when the blessed of the Lord are set forth in the scriptures to delight in the law of God the wicked on the contrary are described to speake thus Depart from vs ô Lord we desire not nor are delighted in the knowledge of thy waies And is not this a roiall gift then that whereas mens hearts naturally can take no pleasure in the heauenly Manna of Gods word but soone loath and waxe weary of it that Gods people who know the price of it may make the same their song their ioy and their delight that so they may draw out of it all good things as they haue opportunity Which seeing others cannot doe therefore they seeke vaine delights to pleasure in and that which ministreth found delight indeed they can in their greatest need and heauinesse haue no benefit by it And through this knowledge and delight that they haue in the scriptures which certify them of all these heauenly prerogatiues they get experience in themselues of
the things which they leame therein what is the happiest estate of life that heere can be inioied euen that which hath the promises of this life and of that which is to come They grow wise in obseruing that God verifieth indeed all that he hath spoken in his word and not a iotte thereof doth faile and therefore they become more resolute euery day against all euill and sinne because they see that God will be reuenged vpon euery euill way and that it is certaine if they sinne as others doe he smiteth and they grow to see that he keepeth promise towards his who rest on him euen in their greatest streights Which how great a benefite it is may be gathered by this that it bringeth most neare communion with God by his spirit which worketh in them and which the world cannot receiue as our Sauiour saith He that loueth me shall be loued of my father and I will loue him and will shew my selfe vnto him He that keepeth my word as he shall be loued of my father so we will come to him and abide with him whereby he meaneth that he will make knowen his minde and will to them as familiarly as they which vse to conuerse one with another and eate and drinke together for the which cause also he calleth them his friends which doe the things which he commandeth them as to whom he will open euen his secret as men vse to doe to their friends and not to seruants For he loueth Zion his militant church which he hath chosen and will dwell there and delight in her more then all the habitations of Iacob that is then all other beside it And what fruite this neare communion with God doth bring which his faithfull seruants haue offered them it may easily be coniectured because as Salomon saith The heart of a friend resteth in his friend and a friend is neerer than a brother and if the perfection of loue be ioy there must needs be great ioy to Gods faithfull people when they are so deare to the Lord and he beloued of them so intirely Therefore as God giueth to his many comforts and that also he doth many waies and in many respects through the hope of eternall life through true praier and by a good conscience as hath beene said so in that they know his will and haue proofe of his familiarity with them as it pleaseth him to call it their ioy is yet more increased especially after a longer continued acquaintance with the Lord in his word And what is happinesse such I meane as in this present life may be inioied if this be not namely to partake all these with him thus to goe in and out before the Lord and to haue him thus the staffe of our comfort in al estates Which maketh ready to die and fit to liue and giueth greater gaine in both then in any other condition or course can be found and inioied yea this maketh the inioiers of it happy heere and certaine that afterwards they shall be happy for euer and though sathan doth much quaile this by occasion of troubles and our frailties yet it is certaine that it shall be recouered againe This in few words is that which I wish the true Christian reader to meditate on and consider which all Gods people haue so great need to inioy and partake by faith as it must needs grieue all that doe vnderstand and loue the excellency of it to see so many to be void thereof to whom yet the Lord hath graciously and freely bequeathed it And I pray God in most feruent maner to inlarge the hearts of all his good seruants that seeing many mourne in Sion and are holden downe with sundry and sore afflictions till they faint againe as though there were no comfort to be found for them to the easing of their heauy hearts that they may consider what the Lord hath prouided for the easing of them euen this to beleeue that all the forementioned priuiledges belong vnto them that though their sorrowes be many and great yet they may not driue them from hope in God but send them more earnestly to grone to him by praier that they may receiue and take these things to their comfort which he for that very cause hath committed to writing that those his children which are brought low and into distresse and almost to vtter despaire may lift vp their heads and reioice for so great hope of redemption and deliuerance at hand comming towards them And this will recompence aboundantly all the labour that hath beene taken and need no more be lost when it is once inioied And therefore if the beleeuers may know by Gods word that they haue a part in all the forementioned prerogatiues and therefore delight in his word which bringeth such tidings to them if they may thereby be made acquainted with that maner of conuersation which pleaseth God best and maketh most for their owne comfort and by his spirit may haue communion with him which the world cannot haue I cōclude I say that the beleeuers haue great prerogatiues bequeathed them and that the priuiledges which God hath granted out vnto his beloued are most precious and worthy all labour and trauell to be come by And that I say no more of this it is no hard matter to conceiue what sweet consolation a beleeuing heart inioyeth which hath experience of this for he beleeuing the promises of these things from day to day and hauing most sweet peace of conscience with confidence as a fruite of beleeuing them already how great must his comfort needs be which ariseth from both and especially for the hope which he hath of that which is yet to come Oh that all who feare God did beleeue this as they may boldly and ought confidently to doe that they might inrich themselues by hauing their part in it from time to time So that nothing is more to be lamented in the world then this that God hauing called men to be partakers of so excellent priuiledges and appointed for them such varietie of blessings whereof I haue mentioned but some part that they should be so ignorant as not to desire to know them so carelesse as to reiect them so obstinate as to tread them vnder foote and so to lead a life I may truely say full of misery for want of them But whiles I set downe this me thinkes I heare some obiecting thus How can we be perswaded that God hath prouided this liberty for his in this world when both Scripture calleth our life heere when we be in greatest prosperity a wandring vp and downe heauily as in a pilgrimage or wildernesse and a sowing in teares that is to say full of griefe and Christ telleth his that in the world they shall finde tribulation and that by many afflictions and persecutions we must enter into his kingdom And experience also teacheth that these things are euen so
To the which I answer affirming all that is said to be most true and therefore seeing our troubles and sorrowes are many and great through the deuils malice whiles we seeke to keepe our selues vnstained in this wretched world we haue the more need of the greater comfort neither were it possible for any godly man to goe through them if he were not fully resolued that God is with him to helpe him and comfort his soule many waies and namely in this wherein he feeleth his need greatest And therefore these afflictions which our gracious God hath appointed and promised to bring vs through are a most sure proofe of this which I say namely that he hath giuen most precious promises and prerogatiues to vs by the which only we can be able to goe vnder them For all of vs must needs faint if we did not confidently beleeue that he setleth our hearts in most sound ioy and gladnesse partly by the testimony of a good conscience which is a continuall feast and an experience of his fatherly loue towards vs and partly through the daily successe and blessing which we looke for from him the hope whereof maketh vs not ashamed Therefore seeing God of his vnspeakable loue hath bequeathed to his children so large a portion euen a taste of the heauenly ioies in this life which maketh his chastisements sweet and the yoke of his commandements easie vnto them and all difficulties to be ouercome of them and poureth such great peace and comfort into their hearts that loue him and this from day to day restrayning them of it at no time except it be more expedient for them to want it what shall I say more but bewaile that so few finde it and pray God to inlarge their hearts that they may be able to comprehend and so inioy it and to giue all praise to his maiestie who hath thought no heauenly comfort too good for his euen in this world which is a vale of misery And as for such as thinke that it is weake reioicing that is and may be accompanied with so many afflictions as our life is subiect to they must know that such corrections are seene by our heauenly father to be meete for vs and to keepe vs from vaine and deceitfull reioicings and that these fatherly chastisements doe not take away this heauenly comfort from vs but they rather cause it to be seene a greater benefit then without them we could easily be able to perceiue Others obiect thus Are there so many commodities in the christian life How commeth it to passe then that they shew it not foorth and that the godly of all sorts poore and rich one and other doe not let their light so shine among men that they may cause them by seeing such admirable things in them as are not to be found commonly in the world beside to aske haste after them For where are they say these Obiecters which haue so much grace appearing in them aboue other men In their dealings we finde it not in their liues we see it not neither are any parts that we behold in them such as deserue so great cōmendation To whom I answer that al these things are true which haue beene said of the great priuiledges and prerogatiues of the people of God and much more according to that which is written in the Psalme Wonderfull things are spoken of thee ô thou city of God but yet not so easily descried nor perceiued in the persons who inioy them and that for these causes First seeing their most precious gifts are spirituall and inward according to that which is written The kings daughter is all glorious within and therefore not easily seene and beheld of such as haue but outward and bodily eies their comelinesse and beauty is like the curtaines of the tabernacle the outward and vpper couerings whereof were of goats haire rammes skinnes and badgers but the inward were of fine twined linnen blew silke purple and scarlet with the most exquisite imbroidering of the Cherubins vpon them So is the outward estate of Gods seruants in this world ill fauoured and deformed in the eies of men but inwardly beautifull as the lilie and sweet and pleasant as the rose Their graces therefore which God hath giuen them as faith hope confidence a pure heart a good conscience a well gouerning of themselues and with these meekenesse patience mercifulnesse loue c. being not perceiued of them who neither know them nor haue them nor loue them what maruell is it though they aske for that in them which yet is before their eies as the souldiers that sought Christ euen when they spake to him though they say They behold no such grace in them which they can not discerne The same may be said of the inward comfort and ioy in the holy Ghost which is more worth than the world The second cause why these Obiecters see nothing worthy the following in a maner or commendable in them is because the gifts of God which appeare outwardly in their liues do the more prouoke them to wrath and rage because they see their course is not like their owne but contrary vnto it for they thinke themselues disgraced by them seeing they walke not after the same excesse of riot that they themselues do and therefore speake they euill of them Their innocency and harmelesse liuing in the world and that they will haue no fellowship with the vnfruitfull works of darknesse but rebuke them rather and their Christian carrying of themselues in their waies with moderation wisdome and constancie is charged to be hypocrisie precisenesse and new-fangled singularitie Furthermore the comfort which they haue in their liues being rather felt in their owne hearts than seene of strangers and their reproch in the world great and their condition counted vnfortunate how can the happinesse of them be knowen as I haue said although it be no lesse yea rather farre greater than I haue set it downe to be No no they must haue eyes as cleere as chrystall who can see and beholde this And that I may leaue no doubt in any mans minde about this matter I must desire them to thinke that my meaning is not that Gods children for all the priuiledges wherewith God honoureth them both heere and especially will do in the life to come are therefore without their seuerall infirmities and blots also some of them vnto the which the rest through their owne corruption yet remaining in them and the deuils malice are subiect which though they debarre them not of the forenamed prerogatiues seeing they are willingly brought to repent of them is one great cause why these obiecters see so little in the godly life as either to commend it or to be themselues incouraged to imbrace it But yet while these marke not these things but only beholde the slips and blemishes in the men themselues though in some more than