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A78612 A pretended voice from heaven, proved to bee the voice of man, and not of God. Or, An answer to a treatise, called A voice from heaven, written by Mr. Gualter Postlethwait, an unordained preacher, taking upon him to exercise the pastoral charge, in a congregation at Lewis in Sussex. Wherein, his weakness, in undertaking to prove all protestant churches to bee antichristian, and to bee separated from, as no true churches of Christ, is discovered; and the sinfulness of such a separation evinced. Together with, a brief answer inserted, to the arguments for popular ordination, brought by the answerers of Jus Divinum Ministerii Evangelici, in their book called The preacher sent. By Ezekiel Charke, M.A. and rector of Waldron in Sussex. Imprimatur, Edmond Calamy. Charke, Ezekiel. 1658 (1658) Wing C2069; Thomason E959_5; ESTC R207673 108,343 141

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of Asia spoken of Rev. 2. 3. chap. were Presbyterial Churches consisting of divers Congregations which appears because 1 The Cities in the which they were planted were great Cities Ephesus was the head of Ionia the greatest market of all Asia famous among the Heathen for the Temple of Diana and there the Apostle Paul spent his labours for three years together Act. 20.31 Laodicea was one of the greatest Cities in all Phrygia famous for traffick The rest were also famous Cities and of great command Therefore 't is not probable that there was but one single Congregation of Christians in each 2 There was a great number of Teachers in each of these Churches To the Angel of the Church write so begins every Epistle Now 't is apparent from several places in these Epistles that there was more than one Minister in each Church and therefore this Angel must mean either a Colledge of Pastors in each Church or a President over that ruling society as the leading man in all acts of publike concernment and Church-government The former seems most probable and is proved by Smectymunus from Rev. 2.24 But unto you I say and to the rest in Thyatira 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. where the Angel is bespoken in the Plural number as distinct from the members In Ephesus alone in Pauls time the Elders appear to have been so many as were more than needed for one single congregation Act. 20.25 36 37. Yee all shall see my face no more Hee prayed with them all They all wept sore these three all 's imply that they were very many And the Church is called all the flock vers 28. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which argues that there were several charges for them to attend upon So in Pergamos there were divers Pastors for there were divers erroneous teachers three some teaching the doctrine of Balaam Rev. 2.14 Some that of the Nicholaitans vers 15. and what more likely than that they did it in several Congregations and others holding fast Christs name who were so many that they are required to purge out those erroneous ones Therefore 't is not probable that they were all over one single congregation onely The like may bee said of the rest of those Churches that are exhorted to deal in a disciplinary way with false teachers There were very many Pastors in them and consequently several Congregations on which they attended 3 The Holy Ghost hints clearly that these Churches were Presbyterial consisting of divers Congregations when hee calleth each of them first a Church and then Churches Rev. 2.1 7. 8.11 12.17 18.29 So Rev. 3. Each of these bodies is called Churches as it was made up of divers congregations under their proper Pastors and yet but one Church as these congregations were combined and subjected together to the government of all the Elders in common These two Chapters well weighed would put an end to divers controversies among us about the Discipline of the Church For 1 Hence Christians might bee convinced that Church-power was never committed to the people but to Church-officers only The Angels only are censured for neglect and ill administration of Government in the Churches and praised for and exhorted to the due exercise of Discipline 2 Hence a combination of the Officers of divers congregations united to govern them in common may bee evinced The Elders in Pergamos sound in the faith must in a disciplinary way hinder the Balaamites and Nicholaitans from teaching their errors in the assemblies of Christians there 3 Hence appears that the spirit of the Prophets is not subject to the people but to the Prophets onely The Angel of each Church the Church-officers must try the Prophets and those that say they are Apostles Rev. 2.2 Let us now consider how Mr. P. proceeds p. 29 30 31 32 Classical Churches are put in the room of Episcopal Churches by the effectual working of the mystery of iniquity These are combinations of congregations united by subjection to one and the same Court of Elders chosen out of the whole to govern them These are pressed so far as to take away power of government and exercise of Ecclesiastical Discipline from the Congregations For they appropriate power of Government to the Eldership This agrees not with the institution Matth. 18.18 When Christ saies whatsoever yee binde on earth c. doth hee not include the offending brother Christ promised the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven unto Peter as unto a lively confessour of him and did not therein look on him otherwise I have already given in reasons to manifest Gospel Churches in Primitive times to have been Classical and more shall bee said to it upon your next paragraph The first branch of your charge against those that are for them I shall now consider which is that they appropriate the power of Government and exercise of Ecclesiastical discipline to the Eldership A sad crime beleeve it and as much to bee condemned as the appropriating of power of government in the Commonwealth to the Magistrate which by some passages in Mr. P's Book seems to bee in his judgement a crime too If the people can lay claim from Christs appointment to the power of the Keyes as to the Preaching of the Word administration of the Sacraments authoritative binding and loosing for the Keyes go together and were given to Peter together if these things belong to the Community in the Church wee shall confess our selves guilty in appropriating the power of government to the Eldership But though wee have looked much after it wee cannot discern any such grant and appointment of our Lord Christ the King of the Church And when I read such places as these Matth. 18.18 28.19 20. John 20.22 23. 21.16 Eph. 4.11 12. I cannot without offering violence to my reason imagine that they speak to and of the Community considering withall what express charges the Community have upon them from God to bee subject to those that are over them in the Lord as to their Governours Teachers Pastors Rulers c. But I will particularly consider the first of these Texts which is that Mr. P. urgeth for his cause and shew how little it makes for it That Mat. 18.17 18. speaks of the Church-Officers onely doth appear because it is spoken by Christ with reference firstly to the Jewish Church-governours than which there was then no other governing Church in being And this is the joint judgement of the Antients Ambrose Cyril Theodoret Gregory c. and of multitudes of later lights in the Church Melanchton Aretius Musculus Bucan Cartwright Parker c. and Mr. Fenner gives a reason of it from the words our Saviour useth viz. Publican Heathen and that otherwise the Apostles could not have understood Christ knowing then no other Church governing So that the Lord Christ manifestly alludes to the Jewish and gives from it a pattern to the Christian Church First the offending brother must bee dealt
Yet this vial is as yet poured out but in part as are also severall others of the Vials The dregs of them and of this in particular remaining to bee poured upon the beast in a doctrinal way by this Angel who shall give the last warning of Babylons instant ruine The effect whereof is that the earth is inlightned that is many more of the common people are drawn off from communion with Babylon and joyn issue with some of the ten horns fallen off from the Whore and hating her But as for her more honourable slaves and vassals they receive no benefit by the Ministery of this Angell but either perish in Babylons ruine or by the dregs of the vials poured out upon her associates Vers 2. Cecidit cecidit i. e. Paulo post casura certissime gravissime Pisc Here we have the summe of the report of this Angel concerning Babylons fall which is by way of anticipation set down as actually come to pass after the manner of the Prophets to note the certainty of it and the expression doubled to note the grievousnesse of her fall Vers 3. Here wee have the procuring cause of Babylons fall her abominable Idolatries and whoring seducings wherein shee continueth after convictions admonitions and threatnings Vers 4 Here t is observable Militaris exhortatio ut non solum ab ea secedant sed et acriter eam oppugnent Grass that the Holy Ghost alters the usual manner and way of witnessing against Babylon for here is no Angel but a voice from heaven It may bee vox è castris a voice from the campe God is mustering up his Armies and the warre is advancing to the very gates of Rome and now the voice of Providence doth thereby cry out aloud Come out c. By Babylon I understand with Pareus c. not onely the City of Rome but all those places that are under the power and jurisdiction of the Pope where his authority takes place and where his idolatrous worship and doctrines are submitted to and imbraced To come out of Babylon is to renounce communion with her in her soule sinnes and abominable Idolatries and to disclaim and reject the usurped power of Antichrist both in temporals and especially in spirituals The not doing of this maketh men her associates and will cause them to partake of her plagues Rev. 13.16 17. Rev. 14.8 9 10. and here Rev. 18.3 4. From these Texts I observe 1 That Antichrists sin lies principally in this that hee causeth all under great penalties to receive the mark of the name of the beast in their right hands or foreheads that is to own the universal headship of the Pope especially in spirituals So that no point of Christian faith must bee received unless warranted by his authority and whatsoever is stampt with his authority must bee owned though never so contrary to the Scriptures 2 The sin of his followers lyeth in this that they resign up themselves in obedience to the Pope and make him soveraign Lord over their persons rights and consciences in all things receiving owning pleading fighting for his abominable Doctrines worship and usurpation Kings themselves submitting their crowns to him and maintaining by their Laws and edicts his blasphemous doctrines and tyranny 3 Those onely are threatned to partake of Babylons plagues that partake with her in her sins And who those are the Holy Ghost tells us Rev. 13.16 17. All and onely they that receive a marke the name of the beast or the number of his name in their right hand or in their fore-head That is that own the usurped authority of the Pope and his doctrines and idolatries because stampt with his authority which whosoever doth to the death cannot bee saved Rev. 16.3 The Doctrine of the Church of Rome as set forth and confirmed for such by the Tridentine Council is this Sea consisting of the popish errors collected into one body as many waters meet in the Sea The Angell that turned this Sea into bloud might bee among others Martin Chemuitius who poured out his vial on it when hee wrote his Examination of the Trent Council And every Soul living in this Sea dyed whosoever owneth the Popish Religion as set forth by that Councill and dies in that Faith cannot bee saved for what the Apostle saith of one of its anti-Scriptural doctrines Gal. 5.4 may be said of all of them that rase the foundation On the contrary those that renounce the universal headship of the Pope and all his anti-scriptural doctrines as the insufficiency of the Scriptures the authority and necessity of his traditions justification by works praying to glorified Saints and Angels worshiping Images and Crucifixes Purgatory and Indulgences c. and withal abhorre and renounce his Idolatrous worship and profess themselves resolved to resist unto blood rather than hold communion with him in his sins All such persons and Churches are come out of Babylon already And among such are the Protestant Churches in England Scotland Holland France Germany c. professing the sound doctrines of the Gospel in opposition to Antichrists Idolatries How those Churches that disown and reject the corrupt doctrine and worship of the Roman Church and have sealed their witness against them with their blood being by their profession and sufferings the instruments whereby God hath shaken the Kingdome of the Beast How these Churches should yet bee Antichristian limbs of the Beast may well bee a Mystery to all considerate and unprejudiced men And whereas Mr. P. beleeves that none save a few separate Churches named Congregational are yet come out of Babylon which the Brownists Anabaptists Quakers c. plead each for themselves I have one text to offer to his consideration thereupon which is Rev. 14.1 2 3 4. 1 By the Lamb is undoubtedly meant the Lord Jesus Christ 2 Mount-Sion is opposed to Babylon the Gospel-Church to the Church Antichristian 3 The 144000 that stand upon Mount-Sion a definite number for an indefinite and have their Fathers name written in their fore-heads must therefore bee members of the true Church in opposition to the members of the Church of Anti-Christ who have his name or mark in their right hand or forehead 4 By their having their Fathers name written in their forehead is therefore hinted their keeping close in the main to Gods institutions in profession and worship in opposition to the Idolatries of the Antichristian Church Which further appears in that it is said that they are not defiled with women vers 4. that is with the Idolatries of the great Whore Now can any man say that those of whom the holy Ghost thus speaketh are yet in Babylon How can they bee upon Mount-Sion and yet in Babylon too 5 The 144000 signifie some definite number of the people of God that in all ages from the first rise of Antichrists Kingdome have cleaved to the Lamb and kept a true Church-State which is signified by their standing with the Lamb upon Mount-Sion with
their Fathers name c. That their standing synchronizeth with the standing of the Antichristian Church appeareth Rev. 13.16 17. with the four first verses of the 14th Chapter For the company of the Lambs marked ones is opposite to the Beasts whole marked company whilst it was such whilst the Church-State of the Beast was false and corrupt the Church-State of the 144000 was true And it is said they were not defiled with women which argues that the Whore was at the time of their standing seducing And the Apostle John at the same time sees an Angel going forth and crying Forbes Gyffard Fulk Deut. Fox Bernard Broughton Babylon is fallen Accordingly Brightman Mede and sundry other worthy Expositors understand this context of the 144000 to denote the true Church of God in the midst of whom Christ reigned who were fed with purer ordinances and worship during Antichrists reign and standing out all along against his Idolatry Now seeing the Congregational Churches are as it were but of yesterday who are those 144000 that have stood with the Lamb upon Mount-Sion all along the time of Antichrists reign Either you must assert the loss of a true Church-State in the world for many ages past or else you must acknowledge that the Churches that have maintained a true profession all along the time of Antichrists reign were true Churches and that the Protestant Churches that have owned and maintained the same profession to this day have been and are true Churches and are in the number of the 144000. If you dare not say the former as I suppose you do not you must confess the latter and then with what face or reason will you justifie that separation from them as Antichristian Churches which you contend for Consider I beseech you what you have to answer for before the Lord in branding all the Christian Churches in the world from the rise of Antichrist to this day who have disowned and opposed him except a few separate Congregations of these latter daies as false and Antichristian Churches And the Lord give you repentance from this rash and unchristian dealing SECT III. Of National Churches CIvil co-habitation with wicked men is dangerous Ecclesiastical communion with them in the times of the Gospel p. 6 7 8. much more dangerous and unwarrantable 1 Cor. 5.1 To worship God with a strange worship is to worship a strange God Stephen lost his life for preaching against the Temple and so consequently against the Jews National Church the bond of which was their meeting together at the Temple in one individual worship That the Church is not of the world all grant but that it should not bee in the world is strange Christ gives his Disciples leave when persecuted in one City to flie to another Matth. 10.23 but never requires his followers to forsake their habitations because neer wicked neighbours As for that 1 Cor. 5. touching the incestuous person it is uncharitably managed by you for separation from Protestant Churches who contend for the excommunicating of scandalous persons to their power But it commeth too close to YOUR OWN DOOR verbum sapienti sat The other Texts you mention set forth the danger of society and intimate converse and communion with Idolaters but fasten not upon us because our Churches are not Idolatrous nor our worship strange worship not grounded upon the Word as shall bee made appear In what you alledge of Stephens bearing testimony against the National Church of the Jews and so consequently as you would bee understood against all National Churches as inconsistent with Gospel times the consequence follows not by Stephens Logick but your own For how doth it appear that because hee preached against the Temple and the Ceremonial-Law as things which had an end put to them by the death of Christ therefore hee preached against a National Church as inconsistent with Gospel times in respect of the Nationality of it Or that a National Church purely in respect of its Nationality considered without the adjuncts of one single person as the head of it and one single place of worship to which all should repaire at some set time for you know wee plead not for these things but acknowledge them to have been peculiar to the Church of the Jews is contrary to the institution of Christ and his Apostles in the New Testament If it bee said wee have no example of a National Church in the time of the Apostles nor yet in the times of the primitive Church This cannot bee an objection of weight For in those times whole Nations were not converted to the profession of the Gospel and Magistrates in most of them were bloody persecutors of the Christian profession But yet See Divine right of the Ministery of England p. 12. 13. 1 Wee have both prophecies and promises in the Old Testament of National Churches under the Gospel Psa 72.10 11 17. and Isa 19.18 to the end Here 't is prophecied and promised that Nations shall serve God and bee his people and that they shall combine and hold communion with one another for the better carrying on of Gods service and worship and God approveth of them and blesseth them upon that account 2 There have been National Christian Churches in the world since the primitive times according to the Apostle Johns historical prophecie Rev. 12.7 8 9. wee have a short description of the Heathen Emperours See History of the life of Constantine Maxentius Licinus Maximius overthrown by the victorious armes of Constantine the Great the Man-child that the Church brought forth and now saies verse 10. is come salvation and strength and the Kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ to wit brought into the Roman Empire Persecutors Idolatry and Heresie being suppressed and Christian religion countenanced professed promoted by the godly zeal of Constantine in his dominions Again Rev. 11. Wee have a description of the downfall of Antichrist verse 13. the tenth part of the City fell many of the places under the Roman jurisdiction cast off the Pope then it followes verse 15. The Kingdomes of this world are become the Kingdomes of the Lord and of his Christ The Kingdomes which before were the Kingdomes of the Beast become professedly subject to the Laws of Christ and embrace his Gospel which our eyes have been so happy as in part to see And indeed considering that the Nationality of a Church lies properly in this that the body of a Nation living under one Civil Government and professing the Gospel should have one way of Doctrine and Worship established in all the Congregations of it and one way of Government by greater and lesser Assemblies how such a constitution as this should bee contrary to the mind of God concerning Churches under the New Testament I do not see nor beleeve any man can demonstrate SECT IV. Of Parish Churches Ministers maintenance the Churches of England the Witnesses and Separation I Shall now explain what I mean by
doctrines of the Gospel in them and the associating under Pastors for the use of Ordinances Which though defective among us in some points that concern the bene esse yet are so far found as suffice to maintain the esse of our Churches So that notwithstanding your prohibiting us to account your Magisterial pressing of the casting out of Parish-Churches harsh it is and must bee looked upon by us as very harsh arrogant unjust and unchristian having no ground in reason nor ground or example in Scripture to countenance it The Text you here build upon Rev. 11.4 for the strengthning of your excommunicating sentence past upon all Protestant Churches that are not of your way maketh not at all for you but much against you as hath been in part shewed for 1 The two Candlesticks cannot mean Churches properly or peculiarly but the Witnesses in general whom the Holy Ghost calleth both the two Olive-trees and the two Candlesticks 2 That which is attributed to the Candlesticks with the Olive-trees verse 5 6. that fire goes out of their mouth c. is proper to the guides of the Church and not to the Churches as appears by viewing the types of the Witnesses as hath been before cleared 3 The Holy Ghost had spoken of the Church and its state under persecution before verse 1. The false Church-State is also spoken of verse 2. and vers 3 4 5 6. the Holy Ghost proceeds to describe the two Witnesses and their condition during the whole time of Antichrists reign distinguishing them from the Church as those that are chief in it and are singled out and inabled to act in a way of eminency for the manifestation of Gods glory and for the Churches good Accordingly they are called the two Olive-trees and the two Candlesticks to note them to be instruments bringing in a way of office comfort and illumination to the Church There being a manifest allusion to Zech. 4.11 c. So that the two Olive-trees as well as the two Candlesticks mean the Witnesses as they are distinct from the Churches by way of eminency and office Though the Churches do witness yet they are not The Witnesses The Witnesses guide and feed the Church Rev. 12.6 But you say The Candlesticks P. 17 in the language of the Revelation chap. 1.20 are Churches therefore they are so to bee interpreted Rev. 11.4 1 I answer It follows not For in the former Text they are exprest to mean so but in the latter not and the circumstances lead us to interpret them otherwise as hath been said 2 In the former Text there is a clear distinction between the Stars and the Candlesticks the one are the Angels the other the Churches But in the latter the Holy Ghost makes the Olive-trees and the Candlesticks all one Therefore if the two Olive-trees are the Magistracy and the Ministery as you grant p. 18. you must needs acknowledge the two Candlesticks to bee so and not to bee the Churches as you affirme in opposition to the Text and your self But supposing not granting the Candlesticks here to mean Churches will it follow hence that the Churches of your way are owned to the rejection of all others as you modestly beare your reader in hand Or doth not the contrary rather follow For consider These two Candlesticks are said to stand before God during the whole time of Antichrists reign But separated Churches are but of yesterday and therefore if they bee in the number of yet they cannot bee the onely witnessing Churches Seeming to bee aware of this you say p. 18. At least at the latter end of Antichrists reign shall the testimony bee managed by separating Congregations Indeed if they bee witnesses they must bee so onely at the latter end of his reign for they had no existence before But you are not aware how you wound your cause by the shift which you thought would help it For separate Churches arising at the latter end of Antichrists reign and having the dignity of being the witnesses appropriated to them by you It will follow hence that till the latter end of Antichrists reign there have been no witnessing Churches in the world whereas the Holy Ghost saith expresly that the Candlesticks which you call Churches shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and sixty daies which is all the time of Antichrists reign And you have no way to free your self from contradicting the Holy Ghost but by acknowledging whilst you keep to your notion of accounting the Candlesticks Churches that the Churches that renounced Antichrist from the beginning of his reign to the rise of the separate Churches were witnessing Churches Which doth by your own rule establish the Churchdome of the Easterne Westerne and late Protestant Churches that have renounced Antichrist all along his reign hitherto And say I call in question the Churchdome of your Congregations that separate from the witnesses against Antichrist I suppose the Reader sees that your Arrow flies back in your face and that though your own postulatum of interpreting the Candlesticks Churches should bee granted you Your excommunicatory sentence is no more to bee dreaded than the Pope's with whom you joyn issue in reprobating Protestant Churches that you may appropriate Churchdome to those of your way And as posito uno absurdo sequuntur multa you fore-seeing that the paucity as well as novelty of your Churches is like to inconvenience your cause go about to salve the matter with this weak conceit that because the Candlesticks which you have interpreted to be Churches are said to bee two therefore separate Congregations who are fewer than others must bee meant thereby their Churchdome thereby established and the Churchdome of others thereby rejected Wonderful subtilty Quidlibet ex quolibet What shall by this argument become I pray you of the one hundred forty four thousand and of the great multitude of Palm-bearers which no man could number of all Nations and Kinreds and People and Tongues Surely they are too many to bee the Separate Churches therefore by Mr. P's doctrine their Church-dome is rejected though they stand before the Lamb and with him upon Mount Sion Is not this rare Divinity By the same reason any Sect that is not so numerous as that of Congregational Churches may rob them of their pretended Churchdome and appropriate it to themselves because they being fewer are more likely to bee meant by the Candlesticks which are said to bee two Surely the conceit is not worth more words nor so many 'T is plain that any number may bee signified by two and that Eastern and Protestant Churches renouncing Rome have been few in comparison of Antichristian Churches and that the Churches witnessing against Antichrist are held out in the Revelation as increasing toward the latter end of Antichrists reign and arising out of all Nations in great numbers out of which proceed the seven Angels to poure the seven last plagues upon the Kingdome of the Beast Rev. 15.2 4 5 6. SECT V.
race his Father Egbert being the first which brought the former Heptarchie under one sole Prince conferred the Tythes of all the Kingdome upon the Church by his Royal Charter King Ethelwolph saith Ingulph with the consent of his Prelates and Princes which ruled in England under him in their several Provinces did first inrich the Church of England with the Tythes of all his Lands and Goods by his Charter Royal. Hee gave saith Ethelward the Tythe of his possessions for the Lords own portion and ordered it to bee so in all parts of the Kingdome Hee discharged saith Florence of Worcester the tenth part of his Realm of all tributes and services due unto the Crown and by his perpetual Charter offered it to the three-one God The Charter makes it evident that the King did not onely give de facto the Tythe or tenth part of his whole Realm to the use of the Clergy but that hee had a right and a power to do it as being not onely the Lord Paramount but the Proprietary of the whole Lands The Lords and great men of the Realm not having then a property or estates of permanency but as accomptants to the King whose the whole Land was And this appears yet further by a Law of King Athelstanes made in the year 930. about which time not onely the Prelates of the Church as formerly but the great men of the Realm began to be settled in estates of permanency and to claim a property in those Lands which they held of the Crown and claiming so begun it seems to make bold to subduct their Tithes For remedy whereof the King made this Law commanding all his Ministers throughout the Kingdome that in the first place they should pay the Tythes of his own estate which hee held in his own hands and had not estated out to his Lords and Barons and that the Bishops did the like of what they held in right of their Churches and his Nobles and Officers of that which they held in property as their own possessions or inheritance So then the Land being charged thus with the paiment of Tythes came with this clog unto the Lords and great men of the Realm and hath been so transmitted and passed over from one hand to another until it came to the possession of the present owners who whatsoever right they have to the other nine parts either of Fee-simple Lease or Copy have certainly none at all in the Tythe or tenth which is no more theirs or to be so thought of than the other nine parts are the Clergies For in whatsoever tenure they hold their Lands they purchased them on this tacit condition that besides the Rents and Services they pay to the Lord they are to pay to the Clergy or those who succeed in their right a tenth of all the fruits of the earth and of the fruits of their Cattel and all Creatures tytheable And by how many Acts of Parliament Tithes have been confirmed to the Clergy on this account in the reigns of several of our Princes unto this day appears fully in the Treatises of learned Lawyers as also what care hath been taken for the true paiment of them These things considered it is evident that by Donation the Ministery of England hath as good a civil right to the Tithes as any other persons have to the other nine parts possessed by them And I fear therefore that many of those who are now so hot for the abolishing of Tithes would soon labour if they had power in their hands to extinguish Landlords Rents also Thus Tithes are made over and held may be claimed and ought to be paid on the account of the Magistrates lawful appointment determination and Laws and the right of ancient Donation in England And these two grounds well-considered are sufficient to satisfie any man that there is no need to take them away though the Divine right of them should not bee made good Sufficeth there is a firm civil right for them But yet because Mr. P. is so confident and peremptory in denying and opposing the Divine right of Tithes though as his manner is he answers not the many and weighty arguments urged by no mean Divines and Masters of reason for it I shall view what hee saith to that plea. Consider wee then that 3 Some plead for Tithes upon the account of Divine right alledging that this way of Ministers maintenance by Tithes was appointed by God before the Law and under the Law and is not repealed or any other substituted in its room by the Gospel And that therefore Tythes are due by a Moral and perpetually binding Law of God What says Mr. P. to this It is an Old-Testament maintenance Be it so this is that is pleaded The older the better as to evidence if it be not repealed The Sabbath is an Old-Testament Ordinance and hath no New-Testament Law exprest to establish it will he therefore say away with the Sabbath What saith he to the repeal of Tythe-maintenance It seems to me plainly distinguished from the New-Testament maintenance in that 1 Cor. 9.13 14. Plainly Every man hath not so good eyes as Mr. P. I see not the least appearance of any such thing in that text 'T is well he says to me plainly for I dare engage upon my little reading that no Expositor of note did ever see any such thing in this Scripture much less see it plainly Some of them have thought they have seen the contrary to this notion in it and have pleaded from the SO for the Divine right of Tythes but none that I know of did ever behold the maintenances plainly or indeed at all distinguished in it This sharpness of sight Mr. P. shall carry away the glory of Well but he will make us see it Behold we then 'T is plain says he he argues a Simili from the like and like is not the same Now it is plain to me that Mr. P. understands not the text and that he abuseth Logick though not out of ill will to it I suppose The Logick is too too bad even for a Midsummer Bachelaur For the axiome as used by him hath a gross fallacy in it A dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter It is true that like is not cannot be the same Numerically but it may be the same Specifically and is and if Mr. P. had been better acquainted with Aristotle hee might have known so much 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 10. E● c. 3. Like things are not the same simply but they are the same as to species or kind Suppose then the Apostle to argue from the like when hee argues for a Gospel-maintenance from the consideration of the maintenance had under the Law doth it follow he must mean another kind of maintenance by that which he pleads for Are not Tythes paid under the Law and Tythes paid under the Gospel alike as Tythes paid and yet are not they the same as they are one kind of