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A64936 Sure and honest means for the conversion of all hereticks and wholesome advice and expedients for the reformation of the church / writ by one of the communion of the Church of Rome and translated from the French, printed at Colgn, 1682 ; with a preface by a divine of the Church of England. Vigne.; Wake, William, 1657-1737. 1688 (1688) Wing V379 124,886 138

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we say that it was owing to the eagerness of his temper which being not always well regulated made him commit greater faults than any others of the Apostl●s except the perfidious Judas which made him be called Satan by his good Master which none of the other were We ought also to attribute to this temper the blow he gave Malchus with the Sword as well as that warmth that made him promise wonders of Fidelity to his Master and induced him to accompany him to the Emperors Court where he denied his Saviour So that it is with very little reason that they make an argument of this to prove his Royalty in the Church In Spain where the most Honourable walk the last they will not fail to alledg places where St. Peter is named last as in the passage where it is said I am the Disciples of Paul and I of Apollos and I of Caephas who is Peter For I remember that at Paris where they understand Divinity a little better than in Spain a good Bishop and an Abbot did maintain to me that the passage where it is said that James Peter and John are esteemed Pillars of the Church I having alledged against them another where he is named the first they maintained to me I say that this passage confirmed that which they alledged and proved very well the Primacy of St. Peter For said the Bishop when three persons of worth are walking together they always put the most Honourable in the middle This is according to the common saying That a Lawyer well paid shall always find the cause of his Client good His Benefices made him see clear in this passage There are three other passages which the greatest part of our Doctors produce against our Adversaries with a little more colour which are Thou art Peter c. I will give thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven c. Feed my sheep Which passages we shall examine one after another to see if St. Peter had any priviledg above the other Apostles they say that in the first of these passages Jesus Christ doth establish the Church found it and built it upon St. Peter I do not deny but that St. Peter was one of the Pillars of the Church because he is so called as well as James and John. Nor can it be denied but that he was and is one of the foundations of the Church since that he is not excepted out of the number of the Twelve who in Scripture are called the Foundations of the New Jerusalem But I maintain that the Church is no more founded upon him than upon St. Paul and the other Apostles I would fain have these Gentlemen tell me upon whom the Church was founded before St. Peter and why the Church changed its foundation and upon whom Peter himself was founded It was without doubt upon Jesus Christ upon the Rock which is the Christ. And it is without all question that St. Peter and we ought to have no other foundation than that which St. Paul had who says That no man can lay any other foundation than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ. Also we see in this passage that it is upon the Rock upon the Rock of Ages that our Saviour builds his Church and not upon St. Peter The Holy Ghost would have changed neither name nor person if he would have had us to have believed this of St. Peter He would not have said Super hanc Petram sed super te Petrum Vpon this Rock but upon thee Peter To the end that no difficulty may remain we must observe what goes before and what follows after Jesus Christ had demanded of all the Apostles together whom they thought he was Peter either as the eldest or most zealous answers for all and says to him Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God. Whereupon Jesus Christ says to him Thou art Peter and upon this Rock will I build my Church c. It is evident that as our Saviour's discourse was directed to all and that Peter answered for all the following part of our Saviours Discourse was directed also to them all and related no more to Peter than to any other particular Apostle And men must have lost their understandings to think that Jesus Christ in this place founded his Church upon Peter whom in the same Chapter he calls Satan What Foundation would the Church have had and what would have become of her when he deni'd his Saviour It must then necessarily be acknowledged that it is not the visible Church that is here spoken of which they pretend St. Peter to be the Head of But the Invisible the Society of the Faithful and the Elect. For the Gates of Hell would have prevailed against the Church not only when St. Peter denied his Master since that the foundation being run to decay that which is built upon it falls to ruin But since that time have they not very often prevailed against this Church which they would have the Bishops of Rome the pretended Successors of St. Peter to be the Heads of For Example when according to the Fathers the whole World was Arian the Bishops of Rome and all their Flock and so many other times as the Popes have been Magicians Sodomites Atheists Hereticks c. And what would have become of the Church in the time of that great Schism that succeeded Gregory the Ninth which lasted fifty years when the French would not have an Italian Pope nor the Italians a French one and many Princes would have neither one nor other to whom at length Charles the Sixth joined himself for three years and the Kingdom of France was very well contented without a Pope and many other Princes for a longer season And what shall we say of that great Schism which the Popes made and caused with the Greek Church by cutting them off out of Devilish pride from the Communion of the Church because they would not submit to their yoke but demanded the observation of the Canons What shall we say also of that great Apostacy that happened about 130 or 140 years since or thereabout when so many States separated themselves from the Church by reason of the Impiety and Tyranny of the Popes Doth not all this prove that Hell hath prevailed against this exterior and visible Church which the Popes govern and whereof St. Peter according to them was the Head It is then the Invisible Church which is here spoken of the Society of the Faithful the Heavenly Jerusalem whereof Jesus Christ is the principal Corner-stone upon which St. Peter himself saith believers are built as living stones He says not it is on himself that they are built but on the contrary he pretends himself as well as others to be one of these living stones which are built upon the Corner-stone which is Christ. It is then upon the Rock confessed by Simon Peter or upon his Confession that the Church is founded on that which he declared
and veneration and even attribute to them sometimes names and degrees of excellency which do not belong to them without any prejudice to Piety provided they are not attributes nor honours which are appropriated only to the Divine Being for then it would be Idolatry as it is to attribute that to the Pope which belongs only to Jesus Christ. For example in reference to the great men of this world it is very allowable to speak to the advantage of a Minister of State to whom a great King shall communicate a part of his Authority for his service It is very fit to commend him and to extoll him even above his merit by reason of the good qualities which appear in him or the favours which he receives from the King provided that the respect and obedience due to the King be inviolably kept but it would be a crime to lessen or contemn him especially when the prosperity tranquillity and safety of the State depends upon him So I maintain that tho the Fathers had said a t●ousand times of St. Peter That the Church was founded upon him and that he was the Head of it If they have said sometimes that he was not so and that he had nothing more excellent than the other Apostles this last ought to prevail because that the first was an expression of favour and without danger since they assert ev●ry where that Jesus Christ is the only Head of the Church and that it was hard to conceive that ever men should arrive to su●h excess of extravagancy as to think that one simple man could be the Head of the Universal Church Whereas if St. Peter had been instituted by God in that quality to deny it would look like resisting God destroying the Church which would be established upon him and dethroning J●sus Christ by dethroning his Vicar It must then be agreed to whatever the Doctors of the Age say that the Church is built upon Jesus Christ and not upon a man and we may say with David That the stone which the builders refused is in spight of them become the Corner-stone of the Church But let us come to the second passage Tibi dabo claves c. I will give thee the Keys c. First of all you must know the occasion whereon this was said to him Jesus Christ had asked this question of his Disciples Whom think you that I am c. Peter with his wonted fervor spake and answered for all Thou art the Christ c. And our Lord upon this promiseth to all his Apostles and to the whole Church under the name of Peter the Power of the Keys which is indisputable because in the 18 Chap. of St. Matthew he tells them all in general and without distinction the same thing Verily I say unto you That whatsoever you shall bind upon Earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven The other Apostles then have this power as well as St. Peter and we see it also in St. John the 20. and the 22. where Jesus Christ says to all his Apostles Receive ye the Holy Ghost whosesoever sins ye forgive they are forgiven and whosesoever ye retain they are retained Let us see whether the Fathers be not against us We have already heard St. Cyprian who says Christus Apostolis post Resurrectionem parem potestatem tribuit Jesus Christ after his Resurrection gave an equal power to his Apostles Origen demands An vero soli Petro dantur a Christo claves Regni Caelorum nec alius beatorum quisquam eas accepturus est Quod si dictum hoc tibi dabo claves c. Caeteris quoque commune est cur non simul omnia quae prius dicta sunt quae sequuntur velut ad Petrum dicta sunt omnium communia Were the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven given only to Peter and shall no other blessed person have them Certainly if what was said I will give thee the Keys be common to all the Apostles why shall not all that goes before and that follows after tho said only to Peter be common to all St. Hilary Vos O sancti beati viri ob fidei vestri meritum claves Regni Coelorum ligandi solvendi jus in terra adepti He spoke to the Apostles O holy and blessed men who by the merits of your faith have obtained the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and the power of binding and loosing upon Earth St. Hierom At dicis super Petrum fundatur Ecclesia licet id ipsum in alio loco super omnes Apostolos fiat cuncti claves Regni Caelorum accipiunt ex aequo super eos Ecclesiae fortitudo solidetur tamen propterea inter duodecim unus eligitur ut capite constituto schismatis tollatur occasio Sed cur non Johannes electus est virgo Aetati delatum est Quia Petrus senior erat ne adhuc adolescens ac poene puer provectae aetatis hominibus anteferretur ne causam praebere videretur invidiae But you say the Church is founded upon Peter tho in other places the same thing is done upon all the Apostles and they all receive equally the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and the strength of the Church is equally founded upon one as well as another nevertheless he chose one out of the Twelve to the end that by establishing a Head he might take away the occasion of Schism But why was not John chosen Jesus Christ had regard to the age of Peter who was the eldest and would not prefer a young man one that was almost a child before those who were more advanced in years that he might not seem to give an occasion for envy amongst them The same Hierom tells us that the Ministers under the Gospel have also the power of binding and of loosing of pardoning sins or retaining them that is to say of judging when God doth pardon us or not Id juris officii habent Sacerdotes Evangelici quod olim sub lege habebent Legales in curandis Leprosis Hi ergo peccata dimittunt vel retinent dum dimissa a Deo vel retenta judicant vel ostendunt St. Augustin Sicut in Apostolis cum esset etiam numerus duodenarius omnes essent interrogati solus Petrus respondit Tu es Christus c. Et ei dicitur Tibi dabo claves tanquam ligandi solvendi solus acceperit potestatem cum illud unus pro omnibus dixerit hoc cum omnibus dixerit hoc cum omnibus tanquam personam gerens ipsius unitatis acceperit Ideo unus pro omnibus quia unitas est in omnibus Amongst the Apostles who were Twelve in number tho they were all asked Peter only answered Thou art the Christ and Jesus Christ said to him I will give thee the Keys as tho he alone had received the power of binding and of loosing Tho
every thing without whom no man can have neither life motion nor being such a King I say hath no need of a Vicar-General for the Spiritual Government of the Church because he is present in all places no more than an Husband needs a Vicar for his Wife or a living Father for his Children and that he himself assureth us that where two or three are gathered together in his name there will he be in the midst of them If he hath a Vicar-General he can be no other than the Holy Ghost We also see that when he was upon the point of leaving his poor Disciples who were afflicted by reason of his approaching departure from them he tells them not I will leave you the Pope to guide and govern you which had been but a poor consolation But I will send you the Comforter who shall lead you in all truth And if we consider in what the administration of this Spiritual Kingdom doth consist we shall clearly see that no one mortal man can be the Vicar-General of it Can one only man preach the Gospel and administer the Sacraments all the world over They tell you that he will make it be done by others would to God the Popes would do so but these Delegated Preachers would be thus the Popes Vicars who pretends to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ and sometimes of St. Peter which cannot be according to all the Canonists who maintain that one Vicar cannot make another besides that the Ecclesiastical Ministry properly speaking cannot be subdelegated to Vicars for whosoever discharges it ought always to perform it in Preaching or Ex●rcising the other Episcopal Functions in the name of Jesus Christ and not in the name of any creature and a man must be a fool or a seducer to do otherwise A meer man as the Pope is can he fill the souls of men with peace and joy in the Holy Ghost which is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Can he def●nd the Church against all its enemies visible and invisible Can he give the Crown of Righteousness to those who shall be victorious and faithful to God to the death Can he raise them up again These are Acts of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ over his Church What relation hath the Dominion of the Pope to that of Jesus Christ What resemblance between light and darkness between Jesus Christ and Belial Thus it is evident that it is without any foundation that the Bishops of Rome boast of being Vicars of Jesus Christ th●y are no more so then the meanest Priest of the Church and it was with reason that the Council of Basil maintained to them that they were not Vicars of Jesus Christ but of the Church as every Curate is in his Parish Pontifex Vicarius Ecclesiae non Christi Nevertheless they maintain that St. Peter had this Employ of Universal Vicar that he was Head of the Apostles and of the whole Church Bishop of Bishops Soveraign both of Spirituality and Temporality Monarch of the Church and of the World. In a word that he had all the Prerogatives that the Popes at this present time enjoy in quality of Successors of St. Peter And that as I have said without being able to produce so much as one word of the Creation and Institution of this Charge so important to the Church if you will believe them nor of the Rights of this Charge nor of the Succession nor of the manner of the Election nor how so marvellous a Charge ought to be Exercised nor of the respect and obedience due to this Vicar nor of the use of his Office. They affirm boldly that St. Peter was at Rome that he was Bishop there That he founded that Church That he died there and left a Successor who was called Clement or Linus or Anacletus of which things tho they make the Salvation of all men to depend upon them they are not able to prove one tittle And they do affirm that this Successor entered into the full possession of all the Priviledges of St. Peter to which all the Bishops of that City have ever since equally succeeded both good and bad unto the present Pope Innocent the Eleventh It must be readily acknowledged that these Gentlemen must have very penetrating understandings to make these discoveries from the Gospel for it is certain that they are wholly imperceptible there I have sometimes read it without ever finding any thing that was at all like it and I think I saw clearly that St. Peter never knew he had this Authority but that on the contrary he believed that no Christian whatever much less a Bishop ought to have it in the Church nor did the other A●ostles know it any more than he for somewhat of it would then appear and they who protest they have made known to us the whole will of God would have been extreamly to blame not only to have declared nothing of it to us but also to have always spoken and acted with their Soveraign Head and Master as with an Equal And St. Paul would have lost all manner of respect for him when he so warmly reproved him It seems probable also that our Saviour was obliged to have given them notice of it for naturally they could not know it and the Modesty Charity and Humility of St. Peter might have hindred him from declaring and exercising this Empire over them yet it is certain that there is nothing like this to be found Nevertheless this doth not hinder but that the Pope and Cardinals whose eyes their own interest opens as it blinds other peoples have in their own opinions found very strong proofs of it in the New Testament They say for example that our Saviour changed only St. Peter's name the reason as you see is without reply for it follows very necessarily from thence that St. Peter was the Head and King of the Church But unluckily he also changed the names of the Children of Zebedee They say also that he is sometimes named the first but if he be not so always this will signifie nothing to them but tho he had been always so this would not prove that he had authority over the others as the Pope hath over the other Bishops Amongst the Presidents the first hath no power over the others nor amongst the Electors of the Empire the Elector of Mentz who hath the first place hath no authority over the other Electors and so in all Societies the Primacy carries no dominion along with it But besides if that reason should take place the Holy Virgin who is sometimes named the last in Scripture would be greatly degraded from the place that belongs to her If St. Peter were always named the first that might have been given to his Age as the Fathers say and in truth we ought to attribute it to this that our Saviour spoke so often to him as well as to the fervency of his zeal which as we ought to admire and commend so also may
is the Judge who doth his Duty in judging according to this Word but exerciseth no Authority And St. Augustin Claves sunt discernendi scientia potentia qua dignos recipere indignos excludere debet Sacerdos a Regno Dei. The Keys saith he signifie no other thing than the Knowledge and Skill of discerning those who are Worthy and those who are Vnworthy that the Priest may Exclude them from the Kingdom of God. It is now time to examine the third passage which they alledge for the Primacy of St. Peter which you find in the 21 of St. John. Peter lovest thou me Feed my Sheep From whence they draw this Consequence that St. Peter was the Head of the Universal Church It is certain that he was one of the most excellent Pastors of the Church but notwithstanding that he was not a Pastor to any of the Apostles nor to any other Christians but as the other Apostles were For our Lord says to them all in common As my Father hath sent me so send I you and in another place Go then and teach all Nations c. Which is the same thing as if he had said to them all Feed my Sheep What is to Feed but to Teach Instruct and Edify as well by Speaking as Writing by Preaching and Explaining to men the word of God and its Truth accompanying that with a life conformable to that Holiness the Gospel requires Which is called pascere Exemplo verbo But they ask why our Lord repeated three times Peter lovest thou me Feed my Sheep St. Augustin answers that Redditur Negationi Trime Trina Confessio c. St. Cyril understands it also in the same sense Jure nunc ab eo Trina dilectionis Confessio petitur ut trina negatio aequali Confessionis numero Compensetur Ita quod verbis commissum fuit verbis curatur c. Dixit autem pasce Agnos meos Apostolatus ipsi Renovans dignitatem ne propter Negationem quae Humana infirmitate accidit labefacta videretur c. That is to say Our Saviour had reason to demand a three-fold Confession of his love towards him to Recompence in some measure Peters thrice denying him c. And he says unto him Feed my Sheep to renew unto him the Dignity of his Apostle-ship from which he might seem to have fallen by denying his Master St. Cyprian Pastores sunt omnes says he Sed grex unus ostenditur qui ab Apostolis omnibus unanimi Confessione pascatur Episcopatus unus est cujus a singulis in solidum pars tenetur They were all Pastors but he shewed them but one Flock which all the Apostles were to feed with an Vnanimous consent St. Augustin In Petro unitatem Commendavit multi erant Apostoli uni dicitur pasce oves meas c. Sed omnes boni pastores in uno sunt unum sunt Illi pascunt Christus pascit c. He recommended the unity in the person of Peter there were many Apostles he said nevertheless but to one of them Feed my Sheep c. But all good Pastors are in one and are but one They feed Christ feedeth c. The same Father says in another place In uno Petro figurabatur unitas omnium Pastorum sed Bonorum In Peter only was represented the unity of all Pastors but that is to say of all good Pastors Chrysostom tum ostensu●us es eximiam tuam Dilectionem in Christum cum paveris ejus gregem cum scriptum sit si diligis me pasce Oves meas Then said he to St. Basil thou wilt shew thy love towards Jesus Christ if thou feedest his Flock as it is written Lovest thou me feed my Sheep St. Peter himself explains to us these words and shews that he was himself far from pretending to the quality of Universal Pastor Excluding the other Apostles because he doth acknowledge that even the Priests are Pastors as well as himself and that the Flock of Christ is committed to their charge as well as to his which they ought to feed not out of a ●hameful desire of gain but by a disinterested Charity not in lording it over the Heritage or over the Cl●rgy of the Lord But by giving themselves a good example to their Flock How many r●proofs are ●ere in a f●w words ag●inst the Pope and evil Priests These are the places of Scripture which they cite with the greatest colour for the papacy of St. Peter which as they explain them are I think sufficiently confuted One may say of them as heretofore the Council of Basil said to the Creatures of Pope Eugenius who also corrupted the Sence of these Passages Sunt Interpretationes Paparum fimbrias suas extendentium These are Interpretations of Popes that stretch out the Skirts of their Garments To these which I have already given I shall yet add some reasons drawn from the Gospel it self against this pretended Primacy and Rule of St. Peter I shall not repeat that we see nothing in the Gospel but Precepts of Humility of Charity of renouncing the World its Grandures Pleasures and Riches But I shall say that we read in the Acts of the Apostles that St. Peter was sent to Samaria by the other Apostles A Prince is not usually treated thus by his Subjects We see also that in another place having been accused by the others for misbehaving himself he justifies himself This looks not like a Soveraign Would the Pope endure this from the Bishops or from any other We see not that he gave Laws to others that he established any thing by his own private Authority without the other Bishops St. Paul says expresly that he was not inferior to the greatest of the Apostles In St. Matthew and St. John it is manifest that Jesus Christ gave to all his Apostles the same power And in the Epistle to the Galatians that Peter James and John gave their hands to each other as a mark of the Society that was between them Would the Pope give his in this manner to the other Bishops We see that at the Council of Jerusalem it was not St. Peter but St. James who presided and concluded We read in the Epistle to the Galatians that St. Paul and he agreed together that St. Paul should go and Preach to the Gentiles and St. Peter to the Jews If St. Peter had known that he had been the Head of the Church he would not in all likelihood have suffered that his Ministry should have been thus limited or that the Ministry or Power of St. Paul should have been of an extent an hundred times greater than his especially if he had been of the humour of our good Popes If any Bishop should pretend to govern the Church of France or Spain without them it is to be believed that it would not be very pleasing to them and from hence by the way one may judge that Saint Peter had nothing
thing Whensoever says he there ariseth any question in peoples minds concerning an Vniversal Synod let those who love their own Salvation consult the Apostolick Sees that they may learn the reason of what they understand not And St. Austin speaking of Cecilian Bishop of Carthage condemned by the Donaetists before whom he refused to answer says that he might reserve the whole cognizance of the thing to the judgment of his other fellow Bishops chiefly those of Apostolick Sees We have seen already that the Council of Rheimes assembled under Hugh Capet says that the Apostleship of the Bishop of Rome is not to be pr●ferred before that of other Bishops and so his See is no more Apostolick Apol●inaris gives this account of the Apostleship to Fontelus Bishop of Vaison and says also that the Bishop Tricassin lived forty years in an Apostolick See. Gr●gory of Tours calleth the Church of Bourdeaux an Apostolick See. The Council of Antioch assembled against Paulus Samosatensis calleth the Church of Antioch the Church Catholick We have say they been obliged to give unto the Catholick Church another Bishop in the room of this Heretick Nevertheless this Catholick Church was not subject to the Bishop of Rome no more than Cecilian Bishop of Carthage of whom the Emperor Constantine also said that he presided over the Church Catholick As for the quality of Bishop of Bishops which the Popes take upon themselves and which the Fathers have sometimes given to the Bishops of Rome it is like that of King of Kings in regard of those who had Kings under them The Metropolitans who were the first Bishops were thus called Chrysostome is called Father of the Fathers and Teacher of the whole World by the Emperors Theodosius And Sydonius calls Lupus Tricassin Bishop of Trequier Father of Fathers and Bishop of Bishops He also calls one Graecus Massiliensis Bishop of Marseilles by the same name and gives also the Title of Soveraign Pontife even to those sort of Bishops and to Aegrotius Bishop of Sens and to Fontelus Bishop of Vaison He says in another place that Evatrix King of the Goths having subdued all Aquitain killed all the Soveraign Pontifes that were there and that there were no other Bishops establi●hed in their stead The same Author calls also Mamereus Bishop of Vienne Soveraign Pontife And there also speaking of Lupus Bishop of Trequier he says he is the fir●t Bishop of the Habitable Earth This same Sydonius having been chosen by the Clergy of Bourges to Elect and in the presence of the Archbishop of Sens to establish a Bishop at Bourges says You have gi●en me this Commission to Elect a Bishop in the presence of our most Holy Father the Pope a man m●st worthy of the Soveraign Priesthood Praesente sacro sancto Papa Pontificatu summo Dignissimo So he calls Aegrotius Bishop of Sens and not the Pope of Rome We see also that St. Ignatius acknowledges no Dignity above that of a Bishop Honour the Bishop as being the chief Priest wh● beareth the Image of God. And Pope L●o acknowledgeth that above a Bishop there is no other degree The Poet Fortunatus gives St. Germain Bishop of Paris the Title of High Priest Pontifici summo nos commendare Precamur Regibus Dominis forte salutis opus As for the word Pope which these people have affected to distinguish themselves by from other Bishops it is like the word Legate or Nuncio which they give to their Embassadors and Envoys instead of using the ordinary Terms these are singular marks of vanity and pride which however have their effect on silly people who imagin by these words that the Pope is a man of a quite different kind from others You must know that this word in its Original signifies no other thing than a Priest or Bishop and that it was common heretofore to all people of this Character and even now at this day they are so called in Greece and also in Germany and the Motto of the Duke of Brunswick who stiled himself Gottes friend and Paepsten fiend signifies no less that he was an enemy to Priests than to Popes We see in the Life of St. Cyprian written by Pontianus a Deacon that he is there called Pope And in the Epistle of the Roman Clergy to St. Cyprian there are these words Cypriano Papae to Pope Cyprian and at length We desire thee most H●ly and most Glorious Pope And in the Epistle of Calerin which is the 89 th in Cyprian The most Holy Pope Cyprian And Ischyras writing to Athanasius says thus Beato Papae Athanasios To the blessed Pope Athanasius Greeting I need not bring any more proofs since Baronius himself doth acknowledg and attest that this name had been common to all Bishops until the year 1070 that Gregory the Seventh that Able Pope whom we have already mentioned forbad it to be given to any other Bishop than he of Rome As for the Cardinals who are in no other See than that of Rome they in my opinion give so little advantage to it above the Sees of other Bishops speaking like a Christian that they do abase and make it infinitely less than others For what are these people They are worldly men Epicures people of pride vanity and prodigious expence there are but few of them who devour less than Three hundred thousand Livres a year after an Infamous manner and it was not without reason that the Emperor Sigismond represented to the Council of Constance that they were good for nothing in the Church and their Dignity ought to be supprest And of latter days even in the Council of Trent there were men bold enough to propose the abolishment of this Dignity or else to reduce them to their first Functions of Curates As also the Gallican Church demanded in its Remonstrances to the Council of Constance Domini Cardinales My Lords the Cardinals say they are Curates of the Parish Churches of Rome and in this respect are they called Cardinals that is to say th● chief of Principals And according to this Institution their chief duty is and ought to be to hear Conf●ssions Preach and Baptise Besides there were many other Churches who as well as Rome had such like Priests as the Cardinals We see it by a Brief of the Gallican Chur●h under Charles the Fifth It is not only Rome says this Brief which hath Cardinals but there are many other Churches who have them as that of Ravenna and who call them Cardinals who have the chief Employments in the Church And so it was in many other Churches Kingdoms and Provinces And the Cardinals were in those times under the Bishops as may be seen by the Chronicle of the Abby of St. Jean de Vignes at Soissons where Theobald Bishop of Soissons is brought in speaking of the Curate of St. John de Vignes and says Presbiter vero Cardinalis ipsius
Subjectionalis Obedientiae And he maintains with good reason in another place Si per possibile Treverinus Archiepiscopus per Ecclesiam Congregatam pro Praeside Capite Eligeretur Ille proprie plus Successor esset Beati Petri in Principatu quam Romanus Episcopus That if it were possible that the Arch Bishop of Treves could be chosen Head of the Church by a General Council he would be a more lawful Successor of St. Peter than the Bishop of Rome which shews that in his time no Council had declared the Bishop of Rome as such Besides these words if it were possible shew that he belioved not that the Church could dispose of such a thing Gerson was also of this Opinion for he acknowledgeth very ingeniously that the Papal Authority cannot be conferred by the Church Papalis Authoritas si non a Deo esset immediate instituta a tota Ecclesia institui non poterat If the Papal Authority were not from God immediately it could not be instituted by the whole Church And though it were true that the Church had established it as Pope Innocent the Third pretends when he says Ecclesia non nupsit vacua sed Dotem mihi tribuit absque pretio preti●sam spiritualium plenitudinem latitudinem temporalium illius me constituit vicarium qui habet in vestimento suo scriptum Rex Regum Dominus Dominantium The Church hath not married me without a Fortune but hath given me the invaluable dowry of God the fulness of Spirituals and the latitude of Temporals hath made me the Vicar of him who hath written on his garment King of Kings and Lord of Lords Although that I say were true it would not be less necessary to abolish this power which is the cause of so many disorders because the Church in those days might have created it for the good of the Church as she then thought And having found out that it is to her ruine she ought to destroy it for the Chair of Peter is for the Church and not the Church for the Chair of Peter Petri Cathedra propter Ecclesiam non Ecclesia propter Petri Cathedram Quod propter Charitatem fit non debet contra Charitatem Militare And since that our Faith according to Thomas Aquinas ought to be founded upon the Word of God only and not upon the Eshablishments of the Church as he says Fides nostra innititur Revelationibus Prophetis Apostolis Factis Ecclesia non statuit nisi de non necessariis ad Salutem According to this Truth we are not obliged to believe the Extravagant of Pope Boniface who says That it is necessary to Salvation to submit to the Pope And if the Church according to these People dared to change the Aristocratical Government instituted by Jesus Christ under which the Kingdom of God spread it self so far Piety flourished Idolatry was confounded shall it not be allowable for the Church and for Princes who are its natural Protectors to redeem it out of that Slavery into which the Enemy of Mankind hath reduced it to its first Purity and Simplicity Methinks if Men had any sense of Religion they ought to sigh continually for the deplorable condition of the Church and of the Greeks and Protestants whom we have cast headlong into the Evil they now labour under Some people will have it That because the Greek Patriarchs among themselves hold that Place which the Council of Nice and the Emperor Constantine gave to all Patriarchs he of Rome who had the first Place ought still to keep it and as in Place he was the first Bishop and the only Patriarch in the West he ought still to enjoy these Prerogatives But first of all none of the Greek Patriarchs unless it were that John of Constantinople against whom St. Gregory wrote so vehemently ever pretended to bear Rule over the other Bishops nor over the Church much less over Christian Princes as the Popes do and the Patriarch of Rome for above Three Hundred Years after his Institution never attempted it Secondly The Place which the Bishop of Rome held was Propter Principalitatem Vrbis in regard of the Dignity of the City which now hath no weight at all Rome being no longer the Seat of the Empire but the Sink and Common-shore of all filthy Iniquity a Den of Thieves and a Nest of Satan Nido di Satanazzo and the very Habitation of Sloth Laziness and Beggary Paris or London do at this time deserve this Honour a thousand times better Besides it was in a time when there were but very few Christians in the West These great States were not yet converted to the Faith France Germany Poland part of Spain and all the Northern Countries knew not what Christianity was so that one Patriarch might more easily have the inspection of this small number of Christians who resorted also to Rome for their civil Affairs as to the capital City where the Emperor resided How are they now able to govern all the Churches they who cannot govern that at Rome and which is worse that trouble not their Heads about it Add to this a fourth Reason which is That in those days they were not Temporal Princes as they are become since and had not innumerable Legions of Monks and Beneficiaries at their command as now they have which renders this Power the most formidable of any upon Earth among the Catholicks If because Rome had heretofore the first Place for the Spirituality before other Cities she should pretend still to have it it will thence follow that she hath it for the Temporality over these same Cities since the Spiritual Authority of this City as I have already proved was founded upon the Temporal and Civil which she enjoyed as the Seat of the Empire and so in pretending to the Regency of Religion in France Flanders and other Catholick Countries they pretend also to have a Right of treating these States as they please and they have effectually made them their Subjects and Tributaries even to the disposing 〈◊〉 the Crowns of Kings as their fancy leads them There are others who believe they have hit on the right when they say that the Pope is Primus inter Pares and that so he is the first of all Bishops But I ask by what Authority It is true he was so among the Patriarchs whilst that Rome as I have said already was the Seat of the Empire but now I maintain that he is Vltimus inter Pares and unworthy of the Name of either Priest or Bishop being the Tyrant of the Church and of Christian Princes and a Temporal Prince himself Were he not a Temporal Prince all he could lawfully pretend to would be to be the first Bishop of Italy I know it will be said That I ask too much to obtain any thing and I know that it will be neither better nor worse but I will discharge my mind and tell the Truth God Almighty may raise up Princes
obtain one by which the Author was forbidden to set foot again in France and the Sorbonne to receive him Scilicet sic Petrus sactitabat sic Paulus ludebat The Court of Rome as well as the Monks was mortally grieved that this new Gospel could not pass and had it not been for the University at Paris we should in all likelihood have never known what the Gospel of Jesus Christ was and the Monks would have been our Saviours I have heard say that in all the rich Convents there is a Father that keeps the Evidence-Office whose whole Employ it is to find out good Titles when they want them to joyn their Neighbours Field to their own and there is no harm in that because it is for the Church There are some of these Orders the Benedictines for example who have their Pensioners in the Parliament at Paris like the Excise-men in the Courts of Aydes to help them gain their Cause From whence come all the Enterprises which they daily make upon their Neighbours Goods stripping them as often as they can of them People of very good Credit and who know the thing very well have assured me that this one O●der gave more than two hundred thousand Livers a Year in Pensions to divers Officers of Parliament judg then what Disorders that makes I know not why the Monks have not been kept to read the Holy Scriptures and to study Divinity and Morality rather than so many ridiculous ways of Mortifying themselves if they studied or worked hard they would need no other Mortification but they have invented whipping since they have left off working which is the most extravagant thing in the World. The reading of a Chapter of Scripture would be much better than that as an excellent Man said It is not the Severities of the Body nor the Agitations of the Mind but the good Motions of the Heart that are meritorious which shall be excited much sooner by Meditation of the Word of God than by all their Follies Wherefore I have reason to ask what the Monks are good for The poor Orders as they are also lazy are a burthen to the State they of them that are rich take no care of the poor and both the one and the other are unprofitable nay prejudicial both to Church and State they ought to do quite otherwise than to plunge themselves into Idleness so dangerous both for their Souls and Bodies and to be so chargeable to the Kingdom that keeps them and fats them up without receiving any Service from them they are good for none but themselves and the Popes whose Tyranny they support thus the Popes in maintaining them do good only to themselves when certainly the Monks at present might easily spare the Popes Wherefore I yet once more demand what Service the Popes do to the World As for the Nuns tho there be not by much so great Disorders amongst them as amongst the Monks because generally they have no share at all in the Affairs of a Civil Life yet I think I may safely say it That Fathers and Mothers who are desirous of their Childrens Salvation ought not to send them to such Houses and that there is more real Piety Chastity and Purity of Heart among Secular Women than among the Nuns by reason of the little Liberty that is given them All the good they can do there is by Force and by Constraint it is a place of Slavery and of Torment People imagine that in these Houses where they have so much time to employ in reading and instructing themselves they ought to be very knowing yet they are more ignorant and superstitious than Women that live abroad in the World. Their Abbesses are ordinarily chosen for their Quality not for their Merit and are either covetous or extravagant fantastical without Humanity for these poor young Women without Conduct and almost always without Piety I have known many of them in my time but never saw any that was worthy of this Employment but Madam de Fontevrault Daughter of King Henry the Fourth In those Houses where the Superiours of the Nuns are Elective or Triennial there are continual Factions and Intrigues that the Election may fall on her that every particular Woman likes It would be very well that these Elections were abolished provided that Persons of real worth were placed in their stead The number of these Nuns is also too great as well as of the Monks and they ought to be reduced so that those who remain should have 200 Livers a Year for their Subsistance and that the King should dispose of these places to whom he pleased for the succour of many Families and the over-plus of so many rich Convents Revenue might be employed in the building of many Hospitals Nor should any young Woman be admitted to take the Vail till 25 Years old for the Tyranny of Fathers and Mothers and the want of Consideration in young Girls throws a great many of them into Dispair They ought also to be allowed sometimes to go home to their Fathers and Mothers when their Health requires it and to refresh their Spirits which are sometimes over-born with Grief and Vexation either by the Tyranny of their Superiours or by their too long Confinement in this Prison without this a Convent is a perfect Shambles both for the Body and Soul. It must be acknowledged that this sort of Relig●ous Life is unproportionable to the weakness both of our Bodies and Minds and is much less proper to produce true Piety than a Secular Life Thus the Popes are so far from being Serviceable to Mankind that they are matter of scandal to us and stumbling Blocks to turn us out of the true way of Salvation Of what use then are they to the World An Italian will tell me that they are serviceable to Italy by their inriching it But it is at the Expence of other Countries which do this Honour to Italy which having now lost its Temporal Empire hath by the Popes means raised a spiritual one to make amends for it but still this is at our Expence It is certain that all the Italians in general look upon themselves as having a share in the Glory of this Empire and pretend that they have more Wit and Merit than other Nations which they have in this respect subdued especially those of Rome who for this reason give themselves the liberty of speaking contemptibly of Catholick Princes whom they look upon as their Tributaries the very Coblers come in for their share and are mightily pleased that the Pope rules in all places And I have observed that they have more respect and value for those Princes that have shaken off the Popish Yoke as if it had been the Effect of their Courage nay for the very Strangers of those Countries as English Swedes and Danes This may seem strange for it is well known that otherwise they bitterly hate these Nations that no longer yeild them any thing You would say that
of Vicars of Jesus Christ which they insolently assume have cast the Church into the most deplorable Desolation and have ravaged all Christian Kingdoms who authorise all sorts of Vice and Disorder both in the Church and in the World dethrone Kings the anointed of God tread upon the Necks of Emperours dispence with the Oaths of Allegiance in their Subjects dispence with the Laws of God and his Gospel hinder Christians from reading the holy Scripture without which we cannot be Christians and unmercifully murther Men for their Religion by their Inquisition ought it to be questioned whether such People as these should be exterminated Pope Innocent himself and many others are of Opinion that we may destroy those that sin against Nature And St. Augustin says Opinantur scelera facienda decerni qualia si quis terrena Civitas decerneret genere humano decernente fuerat evertenda Seneca hath also a fine saying upon this Si non Patriam meam impugnat sed suae gravis est sepositus a meâ gente suam exagitat abscidit nihilominus illum tanta pravitas animi In fine no Man can doubt whether those who curse their Father and Mother and tread them under their Feet or those that live upon Humane Flesh or Pirates upon the Sea without Commission from any Prince ought to be extirpated and whether all Princes have not a right to destroy them if they can I maintain that the Popes do all this and worse I have already shewed it in what I have related But besides all this what can a Man think of these Men who call themselves their Holinesses which is a Title that belongs only to God and is one of the most excellent of all his Attributes who call themselves Vicars of Jesus Christ to dethrone Jesus Christ from his Church and govern it at their own fantasy who say that they are infallible and above the Councils that they can open Heaven and shut up Hell put out the Fire of Purgatory when they please save and damn whom they please who make themselves be called God and the Divine Majesty and cause themselves to be worshipped I demand whether there be any thing like this in the Crimes of others the most vile and miserable Creatures and that which is the most terrible of all is that the Popes do every day cast down many Millions of Souls headlong into Hell. Do not such things as these deserve the Vengeance of Princes here on Earth The Insensibility and Stupidity of Christians must be very great this their Lethargy to me appears monstrous and certainly there must be in it somewhat supernatual 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Hippocrates says of some strange Diseases which are wholly unknown If the Interest of God and his Church were here only concerned it would not be so surprising for usually Princes seldom trouble themselves with that they cry Deorum injuriae diis curae but here where they are robbed of their Majesty to dress up a pack of Rascals with it where they are made Tributary where their Authority is limited where part of their Subjects are withdrawn from them by Exemptions and base Laws which make them contemptible as well to those who thus plunder them as to others who secure themselves under the Covert of this Tyranny It is unconceiveable that Princes should have so much Patience for tho the Primacy of St. Peter could be proved that he was Bishop of Rome and left there his Succcessours either as he was an Apostle or a Bishop must I say such People as these be his Successours and make all these Crimes their common Practise and go still unpunished They shall as soon make me worship the Devil as believe it And I really believe that it would be no hard matter to make them who adhere to the Papacy both receive and serve him They would soon relish the Reasons of the Manicheens who said that there were two Principles the one good and the other bad or the Argument of those Indians who believed they ought to worship the Devil because he could do them hurt and that God being all good of himself could do them none and so it is not necessary to adore him This now looks very amazing but they who are so much in love with the Papacy would soon receive it if any Man of Sense would give a little colour to it and there were good Benefices to be hoped for by it which could not otherwise be obtained if they might have fine Churches and re-establish the fine Ceremonies of Numa Pompilius if their only care might be to divert the Eyes and Eares of the People with Musick and rare Shews as heretofore they did to those miserable Jews who brought their Children to Moloch and whilst they burned they played upon all sorts of Instruments and entertained them with the most delightful Musick that they might not hear the Cries of their poor Children Can we think it strange as things go that the Protestants are not converted There would be in my Opinion greater reason to wonder if they should embrace the Catholick Religion whilst the Pope should exercise this horrible Tyranny for I do maintain that there is no Man of Honour that hath any Modesty or Sense of Christianity that can digest this Article of the Almighty Power of the Pope if at least it hath not been riveted in him from his Childhood and he been brought up in this Opinion all his Life-time without ever making any Reflection upon it But for the Protestants we must never pretend to make them believe that the Popes are Heads of the universal Church established by Jesus Christ to govern it as it is governed there is no Man of Sense will ever be perswaded to believe this But it may be said that the great Truths which the Cathol●ck Religion teaches give us so great an advantage over the Hereticks that they ought to make no difficulty of passing over such an Error as this to enter into the Communion of the Church For my part I am of Opinion that a Man's Conversion is a work supernatural and from the hand of God who filling the Heart of Man with Light and Courage makes him overcome Darkness and his natural Weakness and that a true Conversion is always accompanied with Zeal towards God and Charity towards our Neighbour This being supposed I maintain that they who are converted by these Principles do in effect embrace with their whole Heart the Catholick Truths but that their Charity and the Zeal towards God which animates them shall always make them resist and oppose to the utmost of their Power all Impostures and Falsities whatsoever that they shall chearfully lose their Estates and Lives to deliver the Church from so miserable a Slavery as the Papacy is It is a great unhappiness that the Protestants have separated themselves not from the Pope but from the Church and that they have invented Novelties to fortify their Schism which at
them give an account of their Faith they did assemble Councils authorise their Decrees and made them be observed and the Popes cannot alledg any Treaty made with Princes nor any Prescription for there is no Prescription against the Service which we owe to God nor no Agreement which can bind the Hands of Princes when it is against the good of the Church for if at any time they have surprised Princes taking advantage of their Ignorance or Weakness it is then a greater Crime to observe these Treaties which are against the Glory of God and the good of the Church than it is to violate them Here the saying is true that interdum scelus est fides No Man whatsoever ought to have his Hands tied by any Treaty from advancing the Glory of God as much as he is able by lawful means Nor are Princes less obliged for their Subjects sake to do their utmost endeavour to extirpate the Papacy for they are the Preservers both of Religious and Civil Society being the Heads both of the one and the other in their own Dominions It is on this account that they receive their Tribute and for this end were they by God ordained that we might live in Peace and Quietness in all Godliness and Honesty And there is no Subject but may demand it of his Prince that he would enfranchise him from the Tyranny of the Pope or else let him renounce the Right which God hath given him over him for the Prince hath no Right to give his Subjects over to another and at the same time to reserve his own Power over them upon any pretence whatsoever this is against Nature and the Law of Nations but he ought to defend them against all Oppression of either Foreign or Domestick Enemies Now the whole World knows that the Popes for many Ages past have dealt unworthily as well by the Subjects as the Persons of Princes they have smitten whole Kingdoms together with their Anathema's they have drained them by their Indulgences they plunder them by their Dispensations and by their Annates they make them stoop to them by their Bulls and oblige many of them to take Oath● of Obedience and of Fidelity to them and have in many places destroyed a world of People with the Torments of their Inquisition They may well apply to themselves this saying of Tacitus Subje●tos nos habuit tanquam suos viles ut alienos Princes are f●rthermore for their own ●akes obliged to abolish the Papacy not only as they are Members o● the Church which is oppressed by it but beca●●e that they are God's Vi●egerents they ought to acknowledg none 〈◊〉 the great God above 〈◊〉 who is the only King of Kings and Mon●●ch of Monarchs Th● P●p●● have no more right to call themselves so th●n those mad Men ●h●t say they are som●times God and sometimes Kings of France 〈◊〉 he who und●r th●● p●●●●nce attempted ag●inst the Life of H●n●y 〈◊〉 F●●●th S. Op●●● ●ays very w●ll Cum super Imperatorem n●n 〈◊〉 nisi so●us 〈…〉 Imperatorem dum se Donatus super Imperatorem extollit jam quasi hominum ●xcesserat metas ut se ut Deum non ut hominem aestimaret There being none above the Emperor but God who made the Emperor seeing Donatus lifts himself up above the Emperor he hath passed beyond the bounds of Men that he might look on himself as God and not as Man. At this day the Bishops of Rome have this Right as they pretend to fling down Kings from their Thrones as a Fowler shoots down a Bird from the branch of a Tree They are Masters of all the Kingdoms of the World and can give them to whomsoever they please they not only say so but do it they have done so by England France and Navarre they have done so by the East and West Indies which they have shared between the Spaniards and the Portugals having outed the lawful Princes They have dealt thus with many other States and are still ready to do the same thing again It is then the Interest of Princes for many respects that this Tyranny should be abolished since as the Fathers say they have none but God alone above them they ought not to depend upon these Scoundrils It is a thing unworthy of their Majesty and contrary to their Soveraignty to be under the Yoke of any Man living It signifies nothing to say that they are so only for the spiritual part for that is yet less to be allowed of Jesus Christ hath reserved that to himself and they suffer the Church to be undone by their Sluggishness and hinder those who are gone astray from it from being converted nay they destroy the very Popes who damn themselves in the foolish Opinion which they have of their Power they must be cured of their Presumption and have good done them whether they will or no as we do to Children a communi ed a fanciulli convien fare il loro bene senza lor voglia It is fit to do good to the common People and to Children tho it be against their Will. Pope Marcellin did not believe it possible that a Pope could be saved nor did Pius the fifth think otherwise People do not consider that it was for the sake of the Temporality that the Popes have invented the Spirituality and that without the one they would not trouble themselves with the other as is apparent to the World for what shall we call Temporal if the Annates are not and the Mony for Dispensations the Oath which the Clergy take to the Pope the Oath which Kings take to the Holy See that is to say to the Papacy and so many other Acts of the basest submission of Princes some of which do even border upon Idolatry as the kissing the Slipper of these wretched Creatures and so great a Superiority of the Popes that Princes are become wholly contemptible For my part I wonder that those who have heard of Jesus Christ and his Gospel do not condemn this Pride to the severest Punishments No Man that had the least Fear of God would ever be Pope to act so horrible a part not to mention the Disorders of the Church and the destruction of so many Souls that shall be imputed to him Princes then ought not to defer their Endeavours of freeing the Church from this Monster and at the same time to deliver themselves from Tyranny and not suffer these Strangers to rob them of their Subjects and as they owe this to themselves they owe it also to Human Society for they are also obliged not only to punish those who injure their own Persons or their Subjects but likewise those Crimes which do not touch themselves in particular but yet notoriously violate the Laws of God of Nature and of Nations or of the Church or of the Authority which God hath set over his People I demand whether the Popes are not guilty of these Crimes they who under the Title