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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18390 A manual of controuersies wherin the Catholique Romane faith in all the cheefe pointes of controuersies of these daies is proued by holy Scripture. By A.C.S. Champney, Anthony, 1569?-1643? 1614 (1614) STC 4958; ESTC S113898 48,459 178

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a speeche directed to S. Peter and to no other of the Apostles containing charge to feede as a shepherde doth his sheepe all christes flok whithout exceptiō so vnderstood by S. Cipriā sayinge To Peter our lord after his resurrection sayde feede my sheepe and builded his churche vpon him alone and to him he gaue charge of feeding his sehepe By S. Chrisostome he gaue him S. Peter the primacie gouernment of the churche thrughe the whol world which is aboue all he sheweth him to haue loued our lord more thē All the Apostles sayinge Peter louest thou me more thē these Our sauiour sayth to S Peter Thou art Peter vpon this rock wil● I builde my churche Note that accordinge to the Greke Siriake text these wordes sound thus thou art a rocke and vpon this rocke I wil builde my churche which is also the true sēse of the vulgare latī Here did our sauiour christmanifestly promise to S. Peter souerayntie ouer his churche For the foundation is to à buildinge the same that the heade or prince is in a kingdome or common wealth Thus doth S. Epiphanius vnderstand these wordes sayinge Our lord him selfe hath constituted him S. Peter the first of his Apostles the firme rocke vpon which the churche of god is built To these wordes also manifestly alludeth the holy generall councell of Calcedon in the sentence of cōdemnatione against Dioscorus sayinge Leo the most holy blessed Archebishope of great and aūcient Rome by vs and by this presēt holi synode together with the thrise most blessed and all prayse worthye S. Peter whoe ys the Rock and very topp of the Catholique Churche he which is the foundatione of true faithe hathe spoyled him Dioscorus of all episcopall dignitie Our sauiour sayth to S. Peter I will giue to thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen wher is also most clerely signified S. Peter his preheminence in godes churche For none hath the gouernement or commaundemēt of the Keyes of any towne or citie but the prince or gouernour of the same that soueraygne power is signified by the Keyes it is proued by that of our sauiour Christe I haue the keyes of death and hell That is the rule and prower ouer deathe and hell And agayn Hee that hath the Keye of Dauide he that shuteth and noe man openeth S. Peter practised the authoritie of supreame pastoure in declaringe Iudas to haue fallen from his Apostleship and proposinge another to be chosen in his roome Peter risinge vp in the midest of the bretherē sayd as foloweth S. Chrisostome vnderstādinge it so saythe How feruent is he how he acknowledgethe the flocke committed by christ how he is prince of this company and in euery place begineth the first to speak His supremicie was acknowledged by S. Paule goeinge to Hierusalem to see him Then after three yeares I came to Hierusalem to see Peter S. Chrisostome vnderstandeth it so sayinge Peter was the mouthe of the Apostles prince and topp of that companye therfore also Paule goethe vp to see him beside the others Catho pos ● The Pope or Bishope of Rome is the law full and lineall successoure of S. Peter in that charge and office which our sauioure gaue vnto S. Peter ouer his churche militant Proofe The power which our sauioure gaue to S. Peter ouer his churche militante was giuen him as likewise the power giuen to other Apostles to the consūmation of the saintes to the edif●nge of the bodye of Christ vntill we all meete in the vnitie of saith knowledge of the sonn of god as S. Paule testifiethe and therfore to continue in the churche soe longe as the churche is to continue which is also prooued by that Vpon this Rocke will I build my churche and by that feed my sheepe for so longe as the buildinge of the churche cōtinueth or the flock of christe is to be fed which will be to the end of the world so long must the rock wherupon the churche is built and the pastours who must feede the shepe continue But this cannot be in S. Peters personn therfore in his successoures see S. Augustin his wordes before in that positione that the true churche can neuer want a lawfull personnall successione of pastores vpon these wordes of the psalme 44. For thy fathers are borne sonnes to thee And S Chriso who saith why did oure lord shed his blood surely to redeeme those sheepe the cure wherof he commited to Peter ād also to his successoures Now that the Bishope of Rome is the lawfull and lineall successoure of S. Peter is as authentically and euidently proued as that Lewis the 13. of France is lineall successoure to Hughe Capet or his maiestié of Ingland to wiliam the cōquerour S. Ireneus Optatus S. Epiphanius and S. Augustin doe deriue the successione of the bishopes of Rome from S. Peter vntill the bishopes that liued ● theyr tymes Besides Eusebius or S. Hierosme Prosper and all such as haue written the cronicles of ecclesiasticall affayres doe not omitt to continue the Bishopes of Rome vntill theyr owne dayes And soe wel is this successione knowne that M. Fulke sayethe wee can coumpt it on our fingares And S. Augustine doubteth not to saye that the succession of preistes from the seat of Peter to whom our lorde after his resurrection commended his sheepe to be fed vntil that present Bishopp held him within the lapp of the churche Protes pos 1. S. Peter was not by our sauiour our Christ constituted supreme head and soureygne pastoure or Bishop ouer his churche militant 2. The Pope or Bishope of Rome is not lawfull and lineall successoure to S. Peter in that charge and office which our sauiour gaue to S. Peter ouer his churche militante THE SEAVENTH Controuersie of the honoure due vnto the holy Angells and Saintes in heauen Catho pos 1. TO the holy Angelles and saintes in heauen is due more then ciuil honoure and reuerence Proofe 1. To mee thy frendes ô god are exceedingly honorable loe here Dauid beinge ●inge auowethe that the frendes of god are greatly to be honoured by him Certes not with ciuill honoures for suche he ought not to them he beinge kinge and the frendes of god beinge all those that doe the thinges he cōmaūdeth as our sauiour testifiethe of what condition or degree soeuer 2. where this Gospell shal be preached in the whole worlde that also which shee hath done shal be toulde for a memorie of her Loe here an exeeding honoure decreed by our sauiour him self to S. Marie Magdaleyne where is to be noted that this is cōmaūded to be done in memorie of her in like manner of speeche as our sauiour commaunded the holy misteries to be celebrated in memorie of him 3. Iosue beinge in the feild of the citie of hiericho saw a man stādinge against him how
A manifest promise of the spirit of god to continue for euer in the church 2. All power is giuen to me in heauen and in earthe Goinge therfore teache yee all nations teachinge them to obserue all thinges what soeuer I haue cōmaunded you Loe here commission to teache giuen to the Apostles and in them to all pastores 3. He that heareth you heareth me and he that dispiseth you dispiseth me Loe here obligation for others to heare and obaye that which they who haue the former commission shall teache 4. Behould I am with you all daies euen to the consūmation of the worlde Loe here the assurance of Christs asistance to his church and the lawfull pastores therof till the ende of the worlde who can now doubt of the infallibilitie of the doctrine of godes church 5. I will aske the father and he will giue you another Paraclet that is an aduocate or comforther that he may abyde with you for euer The spirit of truthe loe here the spirite of truthe promised to abide with the church for euer By warrant of which promised the first generall coūcell that euer was houlden which was at Hierusalem sayth thus Yt hath seemed good to the holy ghost and to vs to laye no further burthen vpon you then these necessarye thinges 6. In respect of the singuler priuiledges of the church and spetiallye of the infallibilitie it hath in doctrine sainct Paule callethe it the howse of god the church os the liuinge god the piller and grounde of truthe 7. He that will not heare the church let him be to thee as the Heathen and the publican Touchinge which pointe of the infallibilitie of the church sainct Augustine hath this excellent doctrine Althoughe Saith he no example is brought out of canonicall Scripture of this thinge Speakinge sf the validitie os Baptisme ministred by heretiques yet doe we followe the truth of the same Scriptures in this pointe whilst we do that which pleaseth the whole church which the auctoritie of the Scriptures doth cōmēd And because the holy Scripture cannot deceaue whosoeuer feareth to be deceaued by the obseurite of these questiones let him consult ther vpō with the church which without all doubt the Scripture doth shewe Protes Pos. The sense and meaninge of the holy Scriptures giuen or approued by the Catholique churche is not alwaies true nether are the definitiones and declarationes of faythe deliured by the same vnfallible truthes Here the reader may marke à strāge peruersitie or blindness in the Protestantes who graunt the gift of interpretinge the Scriptures to priuate beleeuers and yet deny it to the whole chuche THE FIFTH CONtrouersie of the marKes of the true Churche THe true Churche of god is but one This being not denyed by the Protestantes needethe no proofe The question is which of all those Churches which doe challenge vnto them selues the name of the Churche is that one true churche which doubt will easelie be cleared by the notes and markes fololwinge Vniuersalitie Catho Positions The true Churche of Christ is Catholique or vniuersall aswell in respect of place as of tyme That is the true church of Christ hath euer continued since his gloriouse ascention into heauen till this day and shall doe till the end of the world which is to be Catholique or vniuersall in respect of time And it hathe or shal be spred throughe all kingdomes and countries that are vnder heauen which is to be vniuersall or Catholique in respect of place Proofe in respect of place Aske of me and I will giue thee the gentiles for thin inheritance thy posessione the endes of the earthe By this promise of god to Christ S. Augustine conuīceth the Donatistes and in them the Protestātes that they haue not the true Chruche because theyrs is not vniuersall in such sorte as here is promised 2. He shall rule from sea to sea and from the riuer euen to the endes of the rounde worlde These Prophesies are clearely vnderstoode of the inheritance and kingdome that is the Churche of Christ as he is man Accordinge to which prophesies our sauiour saythe All power is giuen me in heauen and in earthe Goeinge therfore teache yee all nationes baptisinge them in the name of the father and of the sonn and of the holy ghost 3. You shall receiue the vertue of the holy Ghost comminge vppon you and you shall be witnesses vnto me in Hierusalem and in all Ieury and Samaria and euen to the vtmost of the earthe See Sainct Augustine Learned reader if thou pleas Proofe in respect of tyme. 1. In the dayes of those Kingdomes the god of heauen will rayse vp a Kingdome that shale not be dissipated for euer and this Kingdome shall not be deliuered to another people 2. And he shall reigne in the howse of Iacob for euer of his Kingdome there shall be no ende 3. Behould I am with you all dayes euen to the consummation of the world 4. Vppon this Rock will I build my Churche and the gates of hell shall not preuayle agaynst it A faithful sayinge Saith Sainct Athanas. and not à waueringe promise and the Church is an inuincible thinge althoughe hell it self should be moued The vniuersalitie of the church all christians profess to beleeueī the creed of the Apostles and of the first councell of Constantinople sayinge I beleeue the holy Catholique church protes pos The ttue Churche of Christ is not necessarily Catholique or vniuersall nether in respect of place nor tyme. This positione most cleerely against holy Scripturs must the Protestantes defende and proue yf they will proue and defende they re Churche to be the true Churche of god and consequentlye theyr religione to be true Visibilitie Catho pos The true Churche of god ys visible and apparant both to the faithfull beleeuers that are in it and to heretiques and those that are out of it Proof 1. A Citie cannot be hid situated vpon à mountayne He put his tabernacle in the Sunn S. Augustine proueth our positione by these textes say inge The true churche is hid to no man whence is that which he our sauiour Sayth in the Gospell A Citie sett vppon à mountane cannot be hidd And therfore is it sayd in the Psalme hee hathe put his tabernacle in the sunn that is in manifest 2. In the latter dayes the mountayne of the howse of our lorde shall be prepared in the top pof mountaynes and it shal be eleuated aboue the little hilles and all nationes shall flowe vnto it 3. Men doe not light à Candell and. put it vnder a bushell but Vpon à Candlesticke To these textes doth S. Augustine allude when he saythe what ells am I to saye then that they are blinde that doe not see so great à mountayne that shutt they re eyes against the lampe sett vppon the candlesticke 4. If thy brother offende against thee