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A14710 An hundred, threescore and fiftene homelyes or sermons, vppon the Actes of the Apostles, written by Saint Luke: made by Radulpe Gualthere Tigurine, and translated out of Latine into our tongue, for the commoditie of the Englishe reader. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions; In Acta Apostolorum per Divum Lucam descripta, homiliƦ CLXXV. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Bridges, John, d. 1618. 1572 (1572) STC 25013; ESTC S118019 1,228,743 968

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our eyes when the glory and friendship of this world inuegleth vs to forsake christ For although Christes flocke be but little and the state of the Church seemeth but miserable and vnhappie yet is this the common saying of all that are godly One day in thy Courtes is better than a thousande I had rather be a doore keeper in the house of the Lorde than to dwell in the tentes of the vngodly Also Paule giueth vs a great argument of Christian modestie whyle being suspected and reiected of the godly he doth not stubbornely murmure against them nor immodestly setteth out his owne prayse nor forsaketh the Church disdainfully but paciently abideth all this doing For remembring his former lyfe he marueyleth nothing at the matter Yea he acknowledgeth the iudgement of God who woulde haue him so humbled and exercised that he shoulde as it were in humble and lowly wyse seeke their societie whome before he had disdainefully contemned and cruelly persecuted Let vs followe this example as often as the iniurie that other doth vnto vs grieueth vs And although we knowe our selues vniustly iniuried by them yet lette vs thinke we are not vnworthye of this iniurie but that we haue deserued more than this if God woulde deale with vs according to our deserts Finally when he seeth himselfe reconciled to the brethren he prooueth himselfe in deede to be a true Disciple of christ For he speaketh freely and boldly in the name of Iesus Christ. This is a description of the Gospell which preacheth to vs repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes in the name of Iesus Christ onely as we haue oftentimes declared He disputeth also with the Greekes who we sawe heretofore were the authors of a murmure and grutch that greatly disquieted the Church These men vsed to mingle the lawe with the Gospell and to ouerthrowe the fayth in Christ with the iustification of workes To the confutation of whome Paule was appoynted by the peculiar counsell of God as his Epistles declare This place teacheth vs that saluation must so be preached in the name of Christ only that therewithall we must also earnestly withstande all those things that maye ouerthrowe the same Touching which poynt bicause we haue intreated in the last Sermon it shall suffyse by the way to haue noted thus much But in the ende it is sayde that Paule had no better successe at Ierusalem than he had before at Damascus For the Iewes made a newe conspiracie agaynst him and woulde haue killed him And these are the argumentes of hypocrites which most egerly contending about the righteousnesse of workes thinke it but a tryfle to slea innocentes and to shed guiltlesse bloude But here agayne appeareth the fayth and loue of the Disciples which accompanie him to Caesarea and so sende him to Tharsus in Cilicia which was Paules natiue countrie And here Paules constancie is worthy of singuler commendation who being on euery side still in daunger yet forsaketh not Christ and his fayth For he knew by reading of the Prophetes that many were the tribulations of the iust He knewe that all they which professed Christ were called to beare the crosse He knewe also that he had deserued much grieuouser punishmente bicause he had procured the like vnto the christians before Wherfore he thought he ought rather to reioyce seeing he suffred that for Christes sake â–ª which God might haue layd on him as a punishment for his owne sinnes Which consideration if it were in our mindes it woulde easily cause vs also not to be offended at any aduersitie In the meane season Paule deserueth great prayse for that according to Gods commaundement when h ehad escaped he preached the Gospell in Tharsus being his owne countrie as appeareth hereafter in the xxij Chapter following the example of Christ who had a regarde of hys owne countrie though it were ingratefull and vnkinde Lette vs imitate Paules fayth godlynesse and constancie So shall it come to passe that God being our protector and defender we shall be deliuered from all the troubles of this lyfe present and liue hereafter in heauen with Iesus Christ the sonne of God our only Sauiour to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxviij. Homelie THEN had the congregation rest throughout all Iurie Galiley and Samarie and were edified and walked in the feare of the Lord and multiplied by the comfort of the holy ghost And it came to passe as Peter walked throughout all quarters he came also to the Saintes which dwelt at Lidda And there he founde a certaine man named Aeneas which had kept his bed eyght yeares and was sicke of the palseye And Peter sayde vnto him Aeneas The Lorde Iesu Christ make thee whole Aryse and make thy bedde And hee arose immediatly And all that dwelt at Lidda and Assaron sawe him and turned vnto the Lorde WE haue hitherto seene the beginninges of the Apostle Paule howe he entred hys Apostleshippe with great labors and daungers For he was twyse in ieoperdie of his lyfe and twyse he escaped through the faythfull helpe and industrie of the Disciples thoughe not without their daunger These things teach vs what troubles are ordeyned for the faythfull seruauntes of Christ whome yet it becommeth to follow the constancie and fayth of Paule that they suffer not themselues to be drawne from Christ wyth any perils or aduersitie For blessed is he which abydeth vnto the ende But he that putteth his hande to the plough and looketh backe thereby declareth sufficiently that he is not worthy and meete for the kingdome of heauen But whereas the things hitherto declared may seeme such as threaten the vniuersall ruine and destruction of the Church the godlye writer breaketh of the storie of Paule and not without the instinct of the holy spirite passeth to Peter the Apostle and describeth the cheerefuller successes of the Church which shortly followed In the consideration whereof we ought to bee the more diligent the more comfort they be able to minister vnto vs wading in the waues of these tempestuous dayes He beginneth with the generall state and condicion of all the Churches gathered togither and founded in Iurie Galiley and Samarie and he declareth that there was a most ioiful prosperous ende of all the troubles and turmoyles which the enimies of the truth began The Churches sayth he were at rest This may seeme a sodeyne chaunge of thinges and passing all expectation if we consider the state of the Church before and compare the fierce mindes of the enimies their deuises and power with the Church as it nowe was But this is Gods vsage who hauing regarde to our infirmitie intermedleth prosperitie with aduersitie and suffereth vs not to bee tempted aboue our strength And where afflictions abounde there giueth most comfort And this is no difficult thing for him to do which euery day sheweth lyke examples in things naturall So after Winter being grieuous to vs with frost and colde commeth the
declareth the state of the whole Church It is sayde that Peter was an hungred at that time But it is playne that he was altogither enflamed with the desire to haue Christes kingdome encreased and the Church enlarged hungered not so much ▪ in body as in minde For there fell out things which might marueylously vexe his minde For the Iewes to whome it seemed saluation chiefly was due had very vnworthily reiected it yea and persecuted it And he thought the Gentyles vnworthye to be partakers therof forasmuch as he knew that Christ had once cōmaunded that they should not go into the way of the Gentyles but preach the Gospell vnto the lost sheepe of Israel He remembred also that Christ tooke the Gentyles but as Dogs bicause he saide to the woman of Cananie It becommeth not to cast the childrens breade vnto dogges For although Christ afterwarde commaunded the Gospell should be preached to all creatures yet it seemed to him that it was to be vnderstanded of such Gentyles as shoulde forsake their heathen superstitions and turne to the Iewes religion and woulde vse the iustifications of the lawe of Circumcision Therfore what other thing could Peter doe in this case but stand amazed in great doubt and perplexitie of minde For he sawe not of whom that Church shoulde be gathered in the which he had so often hearde that Christ shoulde reigne Nowe God in this place putteth him commodiously in minde hereof and declareth the whole maner of the gathering of his Church togither and sheweth a most euident figure of hys Church For there was let downe from heauen which he sawe open and parte in sunder after an vnwoonted wyse a great linnen cloth tyed at the fower corners which did represent a figure of the Church So Peter was taught that the Church was to be looked for from heauen which is called the newe Ierusalem Apoc. 21. and not of the iustifyings of the lawe For except a man be borne from aboue he shall not see the kingdome of God. And the cloth tyed at the fower corners signified that this Church shoulde be gathered out of all the coastes of the world There were beasts within it which the lawe pronounced to be vncleane these Peter was commaunded to kill to eate his fill This taught vs that the Gentlies which hitherto were taken for foule people straungers from the publike weale of the people of god should be killed and mortified with the spirituall sworde that is to say wyth the preaching of the Gospell without respect of the Iewyshe law and ceremonies and so should be receyued into the fellowship of Christ and his Church For nowe was come the tyme of correction in which the vayle of the Temple was rent and the wall broken downe by Christ which ioyned both Nations into one fayth and inheritaunce of one kingdome And that thys was the meaning of the vision the effect of the matter shall hereafter declare Howbeit Peter as yet vnderstandeth not the meaning of the Lord but being as yet holden in ouermuch obseruation of the lawe aunswereth Not so Lord for I neuer eate thing that was common or vncleane And straight waye the Lorde confuted his iudgement with a graue sentence saying what God hath clensed that call not thou common Which sentence appertayneth to this present purpose and teacheth vs that neyther the meates which were forbidden by the lawe nor the Gentyles which were signified by them are to be taken henceforth as vncleane It also contayneth a generall doctrine whereby we are taught that we ought to establish nothing of our owne heade agaynst Gods iudgement and decree And they offende agaynst this sentence which thinke that vnlawfull and vnholy which God hath sanctified and made lawfull They are here confuted that since the abrogation of the lawe haue brought in new differences of meates wheras it is euident that all meates are sanctified by the worde of God and that the things that enter in at the mouth defyle not a man. And we admit not their cauillation which saye these things are appoynted for the keeping our flesh vnder not for that they thinke meates to be vncleane of their owne nature For if this be their meaning why doe they snarle mennes consciences by this precept Why appoynt they certaine dayes for such abstinence Why binde they poore men therevnto whome it is manifest are attenuated ynough by reason of continuall labour and penurie Why permit they the richer sort in the meane whyle to fraunche and eate fyshe and farre fette iunkets and spyced cates most meete to prouoke and stirre vp the fleshe vnto lust Why graunt they them the vse of Wyne wherein is lecherye or ryot as the Apostle sayth and which is of moste force to kindle the rage of the fleshe They are also confuted that teache men to abstayne from Matrimonie as though it were an impediment vnto them that haste vnto the kingdome of God whereas God ordeyned it and therefore must needes be lawfull and holye yea moste necessarye for a man that wyll lyue godly And Paule did not without a cause number these articles among the doctrines of the deuill For it is more than deuilishe audacitie with open mouth to condemne that that God hath made holy They are agayne like faultie which teach men howe that is lawfull that is forbidden by Gods lawe or which dare dispence with men for mony in those things whych are committed agaynst the lawe of god Both these things are in Poperye so ryfe that by this one note a man may knowe Antichrist to whome Daniel attributeth that he shall haue power to alter and chaunge lawes and times Let vs learne therefore to depende vpon Gods mouth and to admit no constitutions contrary vnto Gods ordinances Furthermore Luke sayeth this was done three tymes and that at length the sheete or cloth was taken vp agayne to the place from whence it came God would haue this done thryse bicause he would haue Peter thereby the more assured and perswaded And the cloth and beastes are taken vp againe both that Peter should be certifyed that all this was done by the prouidence of God and also that it might appeare there was a place in heauen for them also that hitherto seemed to be excluded from thence by reason of the difference of the lawe And this is a generall consolation For the merite of Christ hath opened vnto vs heauen agayne which the fall of Adam had locked against vs and hath prepared there a place for vs as oftentymes already hath bene declared Therfore embracing him with true faith let vs mortifie the olde man with the sworde of the spirite that being borne agayne from aboue we may be brought thither to the societie of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honor power and glorye for euer Amen The .lxxij. Homelie WHYLE Peter mused in himselfe what this vision which hee had seene ment beholde the men which were
it can not be but God must be angry with the world and therfore it floweth with all kinde of euill For Iohn the Baptist sayth The father loueth the sonne and hath giuen all things into his handes Hee that beleeueth the sonne hath lyfe euerlasting He that beleeueth not the sonne shall not see lyfe but the wrath of God remayneth vpon him Last of all Christ describeth the boundes of his kingdome which they thought extended not beyond Iurie For where he sayth the Apostles should be his witnesses to th ende of the worlde he plainely declareth that his kingdome stretcheth to all nations of the worlde He manifestly and by name rehearseth certaine places that not without a cause For where the Citie of Hierusalem by reason of their great and horrible offence committed agaynst the sonne of God seemed vnworthy the wholesome testimonye of the grace of the Gospell it behooued to name hir also that they might knowe how the beginning of preaching the Gospell should be there where iniquitie most abounded Againe where the Iewes of an olde and ingenerate hatred could not brooke the Samaritanes therfore he maketh expresse mention of Samaria least the Apostles folowing the common opinion of the Iewes should think they ought not to come at them Now how needefull it was to comprehend all other Nations within the boundes of Christes kingdome the example of Peter sufficiently prooueth who when the countrie of Samaria had receiued Christ abstayned from companying with other Nations vntill hee was instructed by a vision from heauen Howbeit Christ appointeth none other limits of his kingdome in this place than the holye ghost long before had described by the Prophetes For it is knowne what is contayned in the Psalmes whereof I made mention before Moreouer Zacharie speaking of Christ in the ninth Chapter His kingdome shall reach from sea to sea and from the riuer vnto the worldes ende But that saying is most euident of all other that Esay hath in the .xlix. Chapter It is but a small thing that thou art my seruant to set vp the kinredes of Iacob and to restore the destruction of Israel for I haue made thee the light of the Gentyles that thou mayst be my helth vnto the ende of the worlde There are diuers other testimonies as is to be seene euerye where of them that reade the Prophetes This is full of all comfort that we see Iesus Christ is the common Sauiour of all Nations in whome as Paule and Peter sayth there is neyther Iewe nor Gentyle Barbarous nor Scythian bonde nor free man nor woman but in euery nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousnesse is accepted of him They also are here admonished of their office and dutie whom Christ hath appointed to be Preachers of the Gospell that they seeke not the saluation of one nation onely but that as much as in them is they sowe the knowledge of Christ Iesu and of saluation as well by teaching as writing as we reade the Apostles did thorowout the whole worlde And it belongeth to all men to imbrace Christes goodnesse which so liberally offreth vnto al the saluation purchased by his bloud Let vs receiue therfore with thankfull mindes this kingdome of saluation that hereafter we maye reigne with Christ in heauen to whom be blessing honour glory and power for euer Amen The fift Homelie AND when he had spoken these things whyle they behelde he was taken vp on high and a Clowde receyued him vp out of their sightes And whyle they looked stedfastly vp towarde heauen as he went beholde two men stoode by them in white apparell which also sayd ye men of Galiley why stand you gasing vp into heauen This same Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come euen as you haue seene him go into heauen BIcause LVKE mooued by the holy ghost purposeth to intreat of the Actes of the Apostles he beginneth very aptly to tell of those things which our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ now being readye to leaue the earth did with the Apostles For thereby it may euidently be gathered that the Apostles did nothing of their priuate authoritie or vnaduisedly but that they were executors of the things enioyned them by Christ and therfore their doctrine was not to be taken for mans doctrine but to be acknowledged and receyued as Christes Nowe at length followeth Christes departure from earth into heauen which Luke describeth with great diligence and wee ought to consider the same with as much earnestnesse bicause in the description therof two notable articles of our Christian faith are comprehended in the which the chiefe hope of all Christians is grounded That is to say Christes ascention into heauen and his returne which shall be in the ende of the worlde when he shall come in the clowdes to iudge both the quicke and the deade It shall behooue vs to consider euery thing in such order as Luke describeth it In this place he briefly dispatcheth the hystory of Christes ascention For when hee had thus sayde sayth he he was taken vp on high they looking on and a clowde receyued him out of their sight The cause of this breuitie maye seeme to be both for that afterwarde he reporteth the sayinges of the Aungels which more expressely declare all the matter and also for that himself about the ende of his Gospell had more at large set forth the same For there he sayth Iesus ledde his Disciples forth into Bethany and lyfting vp his handes on high he blessed them And it chaunced that as hee blessed them hee was taken from them and caried into heauen To the which let vs ioyne the things that are written in this wise The Lord after he had talked with them was taken vp into heauen is set downe on the right hand of God. The summe of all is that Iesus Christ which hytherto liued on the earth hath taken his body out of this worlde and hath placed it on the right hande of God his father according to the saying of Dauid The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde sit thou on my right hande vntill I make thyne enimies thy footestoole Although such is the playnesse of this Hystorie that it is put euen in the same wordes almost in the articles of our Christian faith or Apostles Creede wherein our forefathers would all things should be so plaine that it shoulde be perceyued and vnderstanded of verye children yet let vs discusse diligently euery circumstaunce thereof for their sakes which in these dayes dare extenuate the same while of his ascention they make but a disparition or vanishing out of sight and leaue vs nothing but a vaine and bare fantasie or imagination therof which men are gone so farre that they appoint a locall and substantiall presence of Christes body in the breade of the Lorde But being led and bewitched with the desire of contention they marke not how they leaue him no place in
the people all the world besides being fallen to superstition and Idolatrie But neyther the paucitie of his houshold was able to bereaue him of saluation nor the multitude of his aduersaries to condemne him yea where al the world beside perished he was saued and hath God both to allowe and defend his faith The same we may say of Loth liuing among the Sodomites Besides this Elias onely setteth himselfe aswell against al the Priests of Baal as against king Achab al his Courtyers in the quarell of faith and religion And Micheas alone encountreth with three hundred false Prophetes whome the king fauoured and maintayned Therfore it is meete that we regarde rather the very doctrine of truth which comming from the mouth of God is contayned in the holye Scripture than the authoritie of men Forasmuch as all men are lyars and God alone true in his saying It is profitable also to consider what Peter doth who rising vp amongst the Disciples proposeth this thing to bee entreated of openlye amongst them all Herehence the Bishops of Rome seeke the defence of their supremacie or rather tyranny as also of other places that seeme to attribute any prerogatiue of superioritie to Peter They seeme to mee to doe as men which are in daunger in deepe gulfes and ryuers For as they vse to catch holde of euery thing that commeth next to their hande so these men snatch at euery thing whereby to defende the dignitie of their supremacie so battred nowe and shaken that it threatneth the catholyke and vniuersall ruine therof By this meanes they challenge to Peter the keyes of the kingdome of heauen which yet were giuen to all the Apostles at once as is euident to be seene in Iohn the .xx. Chapter So they contend that the charge of Christs flocke is committed to Peter onely as to the chiefe consider not what iniury they doe to the residue of the Apostles as though Christ had made them feeders of swyne and Asses and not of his sheepe After lyke maner where they nowe heare howe Peter speaketh first in the congregation by and by they make him Christs Uicar the head of the Churche and the chiefe of the Apostles And going farther they take all this honor to themselues as to the lawfull and ordinary successors of Peter But howe vayne and friuolous these things are the matter it selfe declareth For Peter prescribeth nothing of his owne heade as any ruler of the Church or Lorde ouer the other Apostles but being in the middest of the Disciples as his equals and fellowes proposeth a matter of great weyght to be intreated of indifferently amongst them all In the which treatie hee leaueth to euery man free libertie according as God should put in their harts by his spirite to saye or to doe And that he speaketh first was done by the speciall instinct of the holy ghost which by this meanes would make the example of grace that Christ shewed in Peter being receyued againe into fauour after his foule fall more euident and manifest Furthermore in that the other paciently heare him speake it is a token of vnanimitie which Luke before attributed to them and is not done so much for superiorities sake as for order without which nothing in the Church or common weale can continue in safety Wherfore Paule commaundeth all things in the Church to be done comely and in order As touching the state of the Apostles he maketh them all fellowes and equals and where in one place he calleth himselfe the least of the Apostles hauing respect to the vnworthynesse of his former lyfe the same speaking of the ministery feareth not to match himselfe with Peter saying He that was mighty in Peter in the Apostleship ouer the Circumcision the same was also mighty in me among the Gentyles And meaning to roote out from amonge the Corinthians the sectes of them that helde of Paule Peter and Apollo he sayth What is Paule what is Apollo but ministers by whom you haue beleeued euen as the Lorde gaue euerye man grace Peter himselfe acknowledgeth the same who within a little after speaking of Iudas witnesseth that he had receyued a part in the ecclesiasticall ministery And if Iudas had a part therein what ignorance shall it be to ascribe and pull the whole vnto Peter Unlesse perhaps wee will saye that Peter for fauour flattered the wicked traytour and woulde transferre to the childe of perdicion that which belonged onely vnto hymselfe But whereto vse wee so manye wordes seeing it is plaine that Iesus Christ diuers times rebuked with great seueritie the ambicious desire of supremacie that was among his Apostles It is knowne what is written of this matter And Peter earnestly admonisheth the pastors of the Church to beware that they take vpon them no Lordship ouer the Church which is called Christes patrimonye and the lot of his enheritance For whome shall we thinke to be of such great authoritie to be worthy to haue rule and dominion ouer that precious flock that is redeemed with the bloud of Christ And if no man must beare rule ouer the Lordes flocke lyke as Princes of this world vse to doe how much more absurde shall it be for them which haue but one maner of charge in feeding the flocke to arrogate any Lordshippe or rule vnto themselues Therfore what else doe the Bishops of Rome by their so greedye desire of supremacie but forget the preceptes of Christ and bewraye themselues to be nothing lesse than Peters lawfull and true successors But let them passe and come we to Peters Oration And that consisteth of two parts First he pulleth that stumbling blocke out of the waye which myght trouble the mindes of the more simple and vnlearned sort For when they sawe that Iesus Christ was betrayed by Iudas and afterwarde perished himselfe most miserablye both body and soule it was an easie matter for them eyther to doubt whether Christ knewe all thinges or else to suspect all the sort of the Apostles togither with their doctrine Therfore Peter doth not without a cause aunswere this great inconuenience in the beginning of his Oration On the other side he exhorteth the Disciples that they will appoint some other in Iudas roume least his falling from the fayth myght any thing preiudice Christes institution The first part he beginneth with the testimony of holy scripture wherin he plainly vttereth the euerlasting purpose of Gods prouidence which is a most strong reason to put awaye offences that is to beleeue that nothing commeth to passe by chaunce but by the decree and will of god Wherfore he sayth ye men and brethren it behooued thys Scripture shoulde be fulfilled which the holy ghost spake before by the mouth of Dauid touching Iudas which was guide to them that tooke Iesus The sense of which words seemeth me to be this I would not O brethren haue any of you to be offended at the cruell deede of Iudas
kingdome of heauen is at hande The same he commaunded the Apostles to preach not so little as once as may be seene Math. 10. and Luc. 24. Therefore Peter remembring his maister and the commaundement which he gaue biddeth them also to repent and declareth that all he had hitherto sayd touching their iniquitie was not to th ende that he would haue them perish through dispayre but that they should repent and be saued Nowe bicause the holy ghost woulde haue this counsell written and registred for our sake something must be sayde of repentaunce that we may learne also what is requisite for vs to doe The Latines saye that they doe poenitere that is to say repent whom it yrketh or grieueth for that they haue committed whereof is deriued this worde poenitentia repentance The Greekes call it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of this verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth the correcting or amending of the minde For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with the Greekes signifieth that excellenter part of the soule which the Latines call mens the minde Wherevpon the Greekes call that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the Latines call vnderstanding or perceyuing with the minde We saye therefore that he doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to repent which vnderstandeth his error and beginneth earnestlye to thinke of amendement The Hebrues call it Theschubach which is as much to saye as conuersion or turning But bicause this conuersion as the nature of the Greeke word signifieth is referred to the minde we maye briefely define repentance to be a conuersion or turning of the minde vnto God from that which is euill and naught The worde of God prooueth this definition speaking thus by Hieremie If thou wilt returne thee ô Israell then returne vnto me And in other places the Scriptures saye they are gone from God which haue sinned Whereof it followeth necessarily that repentaunce whereby we renounce sinne ought to be called a returning and conuersion vnto god And the diligent consideration of this definition helpeth most grieuous errors For there are some which when they haue sinned vse to turne vnto creatures and to the workes of their owne hands and so pollute themselfe with a double fault as the Lorde sayth while they forsake the fountaine of the liuely water and digge themselues pittes that will holde no water There are another sort that imagine penance to be a game or stage playe and thinke it sufficient if after the maner of the Iewish hypocrites they light waxe candles burne incense go barefooted weare hearecloth and doe such lyke exercises the superstition wherof long sithens hath bene condemned by the preaching of the Prophetes See Esay 1.58 Hos. 6. Mich. 6. Zach. 7. But we shall well vnderstand that all these things doe little profite vs if we consider that repentance is a conuersion or turning of the minde vnto god Herevnto belongeth that which the Lord speaketh Turne vnto me with all your heart in fasting weeping and lamentation Rent your heartes and not your garmentes and turne to the Lorde your god c. Also we may learne hereby howe manye parts of penaunce there be and wherein it consisteth The chiefe poynt is the acknowledging of our sinne for except we haue that we can neyther be sorye for our sinne nor turne from it vnto god This knowledge is taken out of the glasse of the law which doth not only detect open notorious sinnes but also discloseth the nature of sinne that lieth hidden in vs as Paule teacheth Terror of conscience sorrow of minde contrition follow the knowledge of sinne wherof we spake euen now For it cannot be but he must altogither be afrayde must sorow be contrite in hart that beholdeth in the law the countenance of God which is angry with the heynousnesse of his sinne And suche is the force of this contrition and sorrowe that it extorteth and forceth vs to confesse our sinne not in another mans eare whereof there is neyther commaundement in all the Scripture nor example but euen vnto God himselfe that we be miserable and sinnefull wretches as Iohn the Apostle teacheth vs in his first Epistle and first Chapter To confession is ioyned inuocation which by no meanes can be seperated from it Nowe of all these springeth a feruent desire of amendment of life and not of life onely but as much as maye be of our whole nature For nowe a man beginneth to mortify his flesh now he desireth to die to the world and to be crucifyed with Christ. He is now wholy set on fire with the desire of holynesse innocencie He burneth in the loue of righteousnesse and truth He is wholy occupied in good woorks the exercise wherof he heareth cōmended of God hauing in the meane whyle no regard to them which are prescribed by the superstitious traditions of men Finally bicause he knoweth that all the fountayne of this euill sprang of going from God and his worde he laboureth to addresse himselfe againe wholy to the worde of God and to all his lyfe after the rule of god And this is no purpose or intent for a fewe of dayes only but a permanent and a continuall such as by reason of our continuall slippes and falles is n●edefull euery day to be renued For as the iust man falleth seauen times a daye so hee vseth seuen times a daye to rise agayne Hereby it appeareth what Peter would haue them to doe verily to acknowledge their sinnes to feare the iudgement of God to be sory for their offences to be contrite in hart to confesse their faults vnto God and to beseeche him of his grace and finally to labour to amende their lyfe to mortifie the fleshe to giue themselues to innnocencie holynesse righteousnesse and charitie To this purpose the Prophete cryeth Let the vngodly man forsake his owne wayes and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations and turne againe vnto the Lorde c. Let euery man thinke this is spoken to him and compare his lyfe with these things and it shall easily appeare what wayes he ought to take and what to refrayne The seconde thing that Peter requireth he expoundeth in these wordes Bee you euery one baptised in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes This precept seemeth to conteyne in it two things For first in that he will haue them to be baptised in the name of Christ he sendeth them to Christ and sheweth them that saluation and forgiuenesse of sinne is to bee founde in Christ onely So Christ commaunded them to preach shewing them that remission of sinnes ought to be declared in his name And it was necessarye bicause of the Phariseyes doctrine which taught that men were iustifyed by their owne workes which opinion also manye holde in these dayes And surely if Peter had required nothing but penaunce he might seeme to haue consented to their doctrine But seeing he sendeth them that repent vnto Christ he teacheth
out of Paule we declared Christ blesseth vs as he is a priest For it was the Priestes office to blesse the people as Moyses teacheth Numer 6. Although there is great difference betweene them Christ for they were ministers only of the figure and shadowe Christ doth not only wishe vs good but also giueth it and in him God blesseth vs with all spirituall blessing as Paule teacheth Ephe. 1. But Peter addeth the maner also of this blessing saying whyle he turneth euery man from his wickednesse For where of sinnnes the curse springeth there can be no place for blessing afore sinne be taken awaye Nowe Christ taketh them awaye yea he hath long sithence clensed them by the merite of his death for which cause the Baptist calleth him the lambe of God that taketh awaye the sinnes of the worlde He taketh not sinne away fo● one time only but conuerteth all them frō their sinnes that beleeue in him For where he giueth them his spirite they be regenerated and renewed by him so that they which before were giuen to the bondage of sinne doe cast of the yoake of sinne and liue vnto God and beginne to serue him in studie of innocencie and charitie Whereby we gather that they are greatly deceyued which imagine Christ to be a patrone of carnall libertie and saye that by preaching of him we plant carelesse lyfe in the mindes of men Certainlye Christ came into the worlde to destroye the workes of the deuill But among these workes sinne hath the chiefe place as there is none that can denie Nay rather if we will confesse the truth there can be in vs no true turning from sinne but such as Christ is author of through his spirite according to that saying of Ieremie Conuert thou me and I shall be conuerted Agayne Turne thou vs vnto thee O Lord and so shall we be turned Furthermore before we make an ende we haue to be obserued that the Iewes abounding in so many prerogatiues dignities as both here and else where are declared in the .ix. to the Romaines receiued no cōmodity by any of them all but were forsaken of God for that through stubborne incredulitie they contemned Christ and despised the preaching of the gospell whereof Paule intreateth at large Rom. 11. Therfore all externe things are but vaine except we embrace Christ with true fayth who onely conuerteth vs from sinnes purgeth our sinnes reconcileth vs to God and maketh vs inheritors of the kingdome of heauen This Christ hath Peter in his sermon taught them and sheweth them that in him the treasure of saluation is opened vnto them notwithstanding it might seeme they were fallen from saluation and the grace of god Let vs therfore thinke these things spoken also vnto vs and labour to become the true members of Christ and to be quickened with his spirite that hereafter we may raigne with him in heauen to whome be prayse honour glory and power for euer Amen The fourth chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The .xxvj. Homelie AS they spake vnto the people the Priestes and the Rulers of the Temple and the Saduceys came vpon them taking it grieuously that they taught the people and preached in Iesus the resurrection from death And they laide handes vpon them and put them in holde vntill the next day for it was now euentyde Howbeit many of them which hearde the wordes beleeued and the number of the men was about fiue thousande HItherto Luke hath described the beginning and successe of the primitiue church There haue we seene what the doctrine of the Apostles was which they deliuered vnto the Church also what the studies and exercises of the primitiue Church were Nowe herevnto is most commodiously adioyned how the worlde receyued this doctrine where we shall see howe the very same thing fell out that Christ before that shewed his Apostles of For in Iohn he sayth The seruant is not greater than his Maister If they haue persecuted me they will persecute you also If they haue kept my saying they will keepe yours Againe They shall deliuer you vp to the Councels and shall scourge you in their sinagoges And these things they whom God had hitherto kept safe from the furie of their enimies vntill the beginning of his Church myght be stablished and settled a little surer beginne nowe to finde true But nowe most fierce enimies sodenlye rushe in vppon them they take and cast them into prison they bring them to examination before the Counsayle and at length being vexed with long disceptation and reasoning they dismisse them with grieuous threates We must in all this narration marke this one thing chiefely aboue all other which shall serue much for our consolation and instruction that is not to be offended at the attempts of the wicked wherewith in these dayes they oppugne the doctrine of Christ and his Church For this worlde whose propertie it is to hate and persecute the light of the truth bicause it bewrayeth their naughtie doings vseth of olde thus for to doe Here it behooueth vs to be armed with the constancie of the primitiue Church that we leaue not our place when we are assaulted but that we wayte for an happie ende and successe of such temptation with a stronge and inuincible fayth which God graunteth vnto them whome he seeth tried and made the better vnder the crosse But bicause we shall haue occasion oftentimes to speake of these things let it suffice vs to haue touched this little hereof least we lose the marke whereto all these things must be directed Nowe we shall discusse euery part and circumstance of the things that Luke hath sayde He describeth who were the Apostles enimies and authors of their persecution what craftes and deceite they vsed what cloke they had for their wicked and vniust enterprise howe violently they layde handes on the Apostles and howe vaine their attempt was bicause through their furie the number of the faythfull were rather increased than diminished Among the enimies of the Apostles there are three kindes of men rehearced The first are Priestes whome by the circumstaunces we may easilye gather were the ringleaders and beginners of all this businesse Howbeit it had bene their partes rather to haue taken vppon them the defence of the truth and to haue preached Christ vnto the people of whome Moyses and the Prophetes bare witnesse After these followeth the Ruler of the Temple who by all likelyhoode was some Capitaine of the Romaine souldiors For where the Temple stoode in the most impregnable place of the Citie and was well fenced with munition I suppose the Romaynes gaue the Presidentes of Iurie a speciall charge thereof least the Iewes vnder colour of religion and holy assemblies shoulde mooue any insurrection or sedition And vndoubtedly the Capitaine of the Temple brought with him his garde or souldiors which alwayes attended on his seruice were at his commaundement There was a thirde kinde of men
seene these men turned out againe by Monkes and Bishops and that they haue founde no helpe or succour in those goodes which they had layde vp for that vse to defende the Church by force agaynst the open enimies of religion And better successe let them not looke for which commit lyke offence For if Ananias and Sapphira deserued sodeyne death who as Luke writeth tooke nothing from the Church but deceytfully put aside and withhelde part of their owne goods what deathes and mischiefes doe not they deserue ▪ which dare ryfle Churches by open force and publike authoritie Let vs in these things acknowledge the power of Iesus Christ who as he alwayes doth vouchsafe to be mercifull to his Church so will he not suffer hir to be beguiled but will worthily punish both hir professed enimies and persecutors and also all hypocrites and deceyuers that the synceritie of true religion may be preserued to him be prayse honor power glorye for euer Amen The .xxxiiij. Homelie AND great feare came on all the congregation and as many as hearde it By the handes of the Apostles were many signes and wonders shewed among the people And they were all togither with one accorde in Salomons porch An● of other durst no man ioyne himselfe to them Neuerthelesse the people magnified them The number of them that beleeued in the Lord both of men and women grewe more and more in so much that they brought the sicke into the streetes and layde them on the beddes and couches ●hat at the least waye the shadowe of Peter when he came by might shadowe some of them There came also a multitude out of the Cities rounde about vnto Ierusalem bringing sicke folkes and them which were vexed with vncleane spirites And they were healed euery one WEe haue hearde the horrible example of Goddes iudgement whereby Ananias and his wife Sapphira were punished with sodeyne death both for that they falsly counterfeyted a fayth in Christ and al so went about to beguyle the Churche in the goodes that were giuen for the reliefe of the poore This example teacheth vs how great the seueritie of God is in punishing of hypocrytes who as he cannot be deceyued so can he not but be grieuouslye offended with them that go about to beguyle him We haue seene also what a feruent desire was in the primitiue Church to conserue and mainteyne discipline least eyther dissemblers or open malefactors shoulde creepe in and cause the fayth of Christ eyther to be defamed or suspected And to thintent all posteritie myght be enflamed to followe the same this present place followeth which rehearseth manye and singuler fruites of this example whereto are adioyned the traueyles and exercises of the primitiue Church to thintent we maye learne by them what we haue in these dayes to doe if we desire to haue the kingdome of God enlarged or Christ to be fauourable vnto vs. First Luke sayeth And great feare came on all the congregation and on as manye as hearde these thinges Then the Christians feared as well as straungers to whome the report of this thing came And this was no vnprofitable feare for by it the godlye were the more aware and traueyled the more earnestly in Gods affayres ▪ and the enimies durst doe the lesse against the Church which they sawe had the spirite of God so manifestlye with them This is the chiefe fruite of ecclesiasticall discipline that it keepeth the godly in doing their dutie and feareth the vngodly Now a dayes bicause all men may doe what they will the Churches being disordered by licentiousnesse of lyfe become a praye to the enimies Here must we also learne the vse of Gods iudgementes which consisteth in this that by them we learne Gods iustice and being afrayde amende our liues by the godly consideration thereof God taught vs this vse ▪ when he shewed Abraham the horrible destruction of Sodome saying I knowe that he will commaund his housholde and his children after him that they keepe the way of the Lord and doe after right and conscience And for this cause woulde ●e that the presidentes of his iudgementes shoulde be recorded in writing and be reade in the Church both priuately and apertly as Asaph testifieth where he thus writeth He made a couenant with Iacob and gaue Israel a law which he commaunded our forefathers to teache their children That their posteritie might knowe it and the children which were yet vnborne To the intent that when they grew vp they might shew their children the same That they might put their trust in God and not to forget the woorkes of God but to keepe his commaundementes And not to be as their forefathers c. Therefore this vse of Gods iudgement whereby Ananias and Sapphiras dissimulation is punished must also be now a dayes retained that we may conceyue a true feare of God and take heede of hypocrisie and worship God in spirite and truth as Christ hath commaunded vs yea let all men be excited with this example and applye vnto themselues whatsoeuer any where in hystories is written of this kinde that by other mennes examples they maye learne what they haue to doe if they meane to auoyde the wrath of God. Secondlye it is sayde of the Apostles that by their ministerie many signes and woonders were shewed among the people Wherby it appeareth the prayers of the faythfull were hearde also in this behalfe which besought God that the Apostles might be endued with myracles through the authoritie whereof they might be holpen in setting forth the kingdome of christ And they worke not only common myracles but their power is extended so farre that the diseased layde in the streete desire but the shadowe of Peter pa●sing by and thinke that it will helpe them Nowe beginneth that saying of Christ to be fulfilled He that beleeueth in mee the woorkes that I doe he shall doe the same and greater than these shall he doe This is the second fruit of ecclesiasticall discipline that God heareth the prayers of the Church and encreaseth the gifts of his spirite where contrarily he abhorreth their prayers which stop their eares at his lawe This appeareth by histories which euidently declare that the rarer giftes of the holy ghost and working of myracles began then to cease when discipline beganne to waxe dissolute and corruption of maners encreased Yet let no man thinke that superstition is here defended by that is written of Peters shadowe no more than by that we shall afterwarde heare of Paules handkerchefe ▪ Some vse thus to reason of this place If Peters shadow helped many how much more shall his rayment and bones And herof springeth all that confused Chaos of superstition which we see is in pilgrimages about Saints reliques wherof the most part be counterfeyted But we say that these myracles were not wrought to testifie eyther of Peter or Paules power but to confirme the preaching of the Gospell whereof they were ministers Therefore they
soweth the seede of dissention among them by whose concorde and labour the peace and tranquilitie of the Church ought to be mainteyned Examples wherof we haue set forth in Core Moses enimie and in the often contentions of the Apostles the which Christ so many times and so earnestly repressed But the euill of discention might seeme but a tryfle although for the most part it be pernitious in the congregation if there were not a greater plague ensued that is to saye a wicked robbery and mart which ouerturneth all religion and vseth to plucke mennes myndes wholy from religion This thing is more euident in Simon than that it needeth long demonstration For assoone as he had taken ambition and couetousnesse to counsayle in matters of religion by and by he discendeth to spirituall merchandise and robberie But would God one Simon were herewith slaundered and that we eueriwhere sawe not others which offende more wickedly than he For after that a certayne earnest zeale and desire of religion had endowed the Church wyth great abundaunce of riches and that Byshops beganne to be had in reuerence and honor then beganne Simons not very syncere ledde with the spirite of ambition and couetousnesse by vnlawfull meanes to aspire to Byshopricks and cathedre dignities These afterwarde when they had gotten the supremacie deuised wayes how they might recouer againe that which they had spent in purchasing of voyces and hereof was hatched that slaunderous buying and selling of religious matters These beginninges may we thanke of selling of Sacramentes of buying of pardons of hyring of prayers merites of supererrogation gaynefull dispensations buying of buriall places and whatsoeuer like kinde of inuentions That a man may marueyle howe the chiefe Byshops of the Church are become so impudent to glory in the succession of Simon Peter and so manifestly bewraye themselues to be rather the successors of Simon Magus These men haue reygned many yeares in the Church vntill the Lorde with the whippe of hys worde began to driue them out And yet they repent not but being taken in their owne mischieuousnesse rather crye out still that they are the true and lawfull gouernours of the Church And yet we accuse not them onely but also lament that among the professors of the Gospell many times such plagues are to be founde For we see many come to the Gospell of none other minde but for that they woulde be fensed vnder this plausible colour and so most greedily inuade the Church goodes and most dishonestly abuse them And many times they meete with Ministers lyke vnto themselues who hauing gotten by vnlawfull meanes to haue the rule ouer Churches can neyther reprooue nor keepe vnder these raueners Therefore the spirit of Simon nowe a dayes stretcheth the boundes of his kingdome farre and neere which seemeth to me to be the greatest plague of the Church wherby it commeth to passe that they which are as faultie as are the Antichristians doe little preuayle by preaching of the Gospell But let vs see what Peter sayth who expostulateth with Simon This is both a most graue and sharpe expostulation and consisteth of two poynts First he accuseth his fault and denounceth what punishment it deserueth and figureth or fashioneth his saying with an imprecation or kynd of curse beginning on this wise Thy money sayth he perishe wyth thee that is to saye thou and thy cursed money perishe togither The Apostle beginneth on this sort not of moodynesse of minde or of any vnbrydeled affection of anger but mooued by the holye Ghost which woulde after this phrase and maner of speache vtter the heynousnesse of his wickednesse and punishement Therefore such imprecations as these must be referred vnto a certaine kynde of prophecying as we see diuers in the Psalmes and wrytings of the Prophetes But the grieuousnesse of his punishment is more amplified by the sentence next adioyned where he sayth Thou hast no part nor fellowship in this businesse By which wordes he declareth that he is vtterly excluded from all participation of spirituall giftes and excommunicated out of the Church of the Lorde And least Peter might seeme causelesse to vse any kynde of rage he addeth the cause of so cruell threates bycause thou hast thought that the gift of God maye be obtayned with money Which one thing abundantly declareth that thy hart is not right with God forasmuch as thou thinkest he is lyke vnto couetous merchaunts and vsurers Hereof is gathered a generall sentence whereby we are taught that no such are allowed before God as make vauntage and gaine of religion and vnder the colour of religion seeke their owne lucre We are taught also by Peters example with what zeale and feruencie of spirite â–ª Ministers ought to reprooue those which for filthie lucres sake distayne the glory of god They must so be handled that they maye vnderstande howe they haue horriblye sinned and deserued the grieuous punishment of eternall damnation For there is no place for modestie and meekenesse to be vsed where the glory of God is openly assaulted and where the gifts of Gods grace are made subiect to the gainefull pleasure of most couetous persons We reade therfore that Elizaeus vsed the lyke zeale towarde Giezi his naughtie seruant whom he sodeinly strake with the plague of leprosie bicause he required of Naaman the Assirian a rewarde for that health that was freelye giuen him of god And Iesus Christ a most perfite paterne of meekenesse was so mooued with that impious sale of holynesse that he layde hands on the authors of such wickednesse and draue them out of the Church with a whippe lyke impudent Dogges We may therefore iustly complayne of their iniustice in these dayes that say we offende agaynst the rules of Christian modestie and charitie when we accuse the Antichrist at Rome and his Creatures the Cardinals Bishops Monkes and Priestes which by reason of their wicked and prophane Fayer or Mart these many yeres haue caused Christes religion to be mocked and scorned of the Iewes and Turkes and yet to this daye haue no serious or earnest thought of any reformation or amendement notwithstanding they be euery where spoken against But it is the perpetuall and euerlasting decree of God appoynted by his Prophete that in his house there shoulde be no dwelling for Chanaanites that is to saye for such kinde of merchaunts Moreouer it is woorthy to be noted how Peter by a graue sentence condemneth not onely Simon but also Simons money Therfore what thing so euer serueth the wicked against the glory of GOD is accursed as well as they So that money wherwith kyng Balaac would haue hyred Balaam to haue hindred Gods appointment towarde his people is called the rewarde of iniquitie And the money for the which Iudas solde Christ appeareth to haue beene accursed bicause Iudas could neyther long enioy it neyther serued it the priestes for any other vse than to purchase them a perpetuall blot and memorie of their
hereof it hath come to passe that they which haue had any thing to doe with great Princes haue bene compelled to become suiters to most wicked menne For vnlesse they had made them their friendes they should neuer haue bene able to come to the speach of the Prince And forbicause they gaped after money wherby to maintaine their coueted dignitie it came to passe that in kinges Courtes all things went for money and according to the Poetes saying there was most right where most money was stirring These things are sayde to th ende that Princes may vnderstande what vices they had neede to beware of and that all men may acknowledge the goodnesse of God which so diligentlye disswaded his people from a King as we reade in the first booke of Samuel cap. 8. And those to whome God hath giuen to liue in libertie maye learne to make much of such a benefyte worthily to vse it least loosing it and cōming to be subiect to the pleasure of vnruly men they then desire in vaine with carefull sighes and grones their libertie once lost Further more here is to be obserued what good successe Herode hath after his persecuting of the Church and embruing himselfe with the bloude of the guiltlesse saints And yet was he worthy eyther to haue bene destroyed with a thunderbolt from heauen or else to haue lost his kingdome and wander vp and downe like a begger And beholde moste riche Cities of their owne accorde fall downe at his feete and are glad to receyue such condicions of peace as hee prescribeth This is that thing that offendeth those that are weake in faith bicause they see the wicked so prosper and feele none of the plagues or punishments that other men doe as the Prophete sayth Psal. 73. And therefore Ieremie crieth out Howe commeth it that the waye of the vngodlye is so prosperous and that it goeth so well with them which without any shame offende and liue in wickednesse Furthermore the wicked take occasion hereof to gather that all studye and endeuour of true religion is superfluous vnprofytable as we maye see in Malachie 2. and .3 Chapter But we must here remember that the wicked are euen then ruled with the becke of Gods prouidence when things seeme moste to succeede with them against the Oracles of god For it commeth to passe by the iust iudgement of God that being drunken with this good successe they are lifted the higher to the intent they may fall the lower Wherevnto Salomon had a respect when he sayde Presumptuousnesse goeth before destruction and after a prowde stomacke there followeth a fall And Dauid teaching vs howe the glorye and felicitie of the wicked is but transitorie sayth I my selfe haue seene the vngodlye in great power and flourishing like a greene Baye tree And I went by and loe hee was gone I sought him but his place coulde no where be founde Therefore it is a folly to be offended at the prosperitie of the wicked considering it is the chiefe cause of their destruction bicause they vse it insolently against God as may be gathered of the successe of this present businesse that Luke nowe rehearseth For Herode seeing all thinges succeede after his desire being drunken with the fauour of fortune began to aspire to diuine honor also as it shall more euidently appea●e if you will conferre the things that Iosephus writeth in the .xix. booke of his antiquities and seauenth Chapter with Luke For he writeth that he had appoynted games or playes in the honor of Caesar and that vpon a daye assigned for that purpose he sate in his throne hauing on a Princely ro●e wouen throughout with strokes of siluer meaning openly to make an Oration vnto the people And where the garment by reason of the Sunne beames rysing vppon it glittered and shined in his face the flattering Courtyers tooke occasion thereof to magnifye him as God and all the people followed their example First therefore they begin to crye the voyce of a God and not of a man. And forthwith turning them to prayers and supplications they saye Be mercifull vnto vs For although we haue hitherto feared thee but as a man yet now we see thou art of an higher nature c. It seemeth that these things are for this cause chiefely intermedled with this hystorie that we maye beholde the vanitie of all the people wherewith they were so infected that they deserued so to be oppressed and pinched vnder so vile a tyraunt For why shoulde God giue them a better Prince which were not ashamed so to extoll a fylthie and wicked man with godly honor But the like vanitie reigneth euerywhere in these dayes considering we see most cruell tyrants giuen wholy to beastly pleasures being almost loden with like ambicious and godly styles and tytles Nor it is not now sufficient to call them benefyciall or conquerors but they must be called most victorious and haue these diuine names of Grace and Maiestie which by Scripture are due vnto God onely so often repeated till a man woulde lothe it And bicause the Courtyers fyrst beginne and the rascall people not onely followe them but also imitate the seruile and slauishe condicio●s of their teachers we are worthy that by open tyrannie of Princes and their manifest wickednesse we shoulde to our great losse and dammage be reprooued as lyers Lette those moste ambitious men well remember this geare which abuse the foolishnesse of such seruile people to the ende to bee taken for ioly fellowes by such counterfeyte and vaine titles For by this meane they declare themselues to be the companions both of Herode and Caligula and Domitian and other such like and therefore with them God shall punishe them as Herode here prooued For streightway the Aungell of the Lorde smote him which Eusebius out of Iosephus writeth appeared to him in visible wise Of the which stroke he by and by beganne to be tormented with pangues grypes of the belly which extorted some confession of truth out of his heart though otherwise so ambitious For he turned him to them that wayted on him and sayde Beholde I your God must nowe exchaunge lyfe for death And I whome you called immortall am nowe ledde away vnto death But Luke declaring the kinde of his death sayth he being eaten and gnawen with wormes gaue vp his ghost It seemeth therefore he dyed of the disease called Phthiriasis hauing wormes or lyce breeding in his fleshe which fedde vpon him whyle he liued with great griefe and fylthinesse and at length were the cause of hisdeath Moreouer Luke assigneth this to be the onely cause hereof for that he gaue not God the glory For first he thought the honour of the kingdome came not of God but of Caesar whome for that cause he worshipped with ordeyning shewes and games in the honor of him After that he went about cruelly to persecute the true religion of god Last of all he
and perseueraunce 47. The Apostles remayne at Ierusalem 357. The Apostles did leade about no other mennes wyues 45. The Apostles did thrust nothing into the church of their owne authoritie 569. The Apostles obey the angell 248. The Apostles perceyuing a grutch to aryse in the Primitiue Church consult for a redresse in tyme. 276. The Apostles acknowledge themselues to be but felowes 90. The Apostles preach the Gospell at Perga 585. The Apostles haue taught vs fullye all thinges needefull to our saluation 743. The Apostles depart from Philippi Pag. 645. The Apostles preache the worde of God. 512. The Apostles are not to bee inuocated bicause of the myracles they wrought 892. The Apostles are put in the common Iayle 244. What the Apostles were before they receyued the holy ghost and what after 89. and 90. What maner of God the Apostles preached 163. What the Apostles did at Pisidia of Antioch 519. The Apostles returne to the Cities from whence they were dryuen Pag. 580. The Apostles referre all matters to the church 214. The Apostles are brought backe againe to the councell 252. Why Christ chose rude and vnlearned men to be his Apostles 204. The Apostles boldly withstand the seditious 564. The Apostles giue the holye ghost vnto the Samaritanes 368. The Apostles appoynt Elders in euery church 583. The Apostles are Christes sworne witnesses and whereof they must beare witnesse 786.63.123 The Apostles beare wytnesse of Christ in Samaria and preach the worde of God in all townes and villages 375. The Apostles are despised persons of none account 44. The Apostles are beaten with rods Pag. 267. The Apostles ascribe all thinges to God as to the author of them 9. The Apostles deedes after Christs ascention 42. The Apostles actes were done by the holy ghost 9. The Apostles equalitie 64. The Apostles authoritie in the church was equall 70. The Apostles communitie 143. The Apostles constancie 209.257 and. 262.553 The Apostles boldenesse in defending the truth 257.262 The Apostles grosse question touching the kingdome of Christ the cause of their errour and howe manifolde it was 24.25 The Apostles state when the holye ghost was sent 76. The Apostles saying concerning the appointing of deacons 277. The Apostles doctrine was no new doctrine 538. The Apostles office and doctrine is the benefite of God. 9 The Apostles doctrine howe it was accepted of the worlde 190. The Apostles and Ministers duetie 64. The Apostles fayth and trustynesse Pag. 124. The Apostles enimies and authors of their persecution 191. The Apostles contynuance in preaching 272. The Apostles industrie and modestie 368.758 The Apostles render a reason whye they are sent   The Apostles Sermons 730. The Apostles slippes and falles is no derogation to their doctrine Pag. 55. What the Apostles miracles were Pag. 891.892 The Apostles modestie 758. The Apostles names and why they are so often cyted 44. The duetie of the Apostles inioyned of God. 30.64.417.790 Why the Apostles iourneys are so 〈◊〉 described 759. The Apostles set wholy at lybertie Pag. 642. The Apostles first woorke done in the Ministerie 49. The Apostles common exercyses Pag. 239. The Apostles state while they preached the gospell on earth 4. The Apostles testimonie touching Christ and his resurrection 537. The Apostles wyues 45. The Apostles threatened with death Pag. 262. The Apostles are not suffered to to preache before they bee well instructed 80. A ante Q. Aquilas is Paules hoste 678. A ante R. Aristarchus 870. The argumentes vsed agaynst the faythfull of Christ. 772. The armour wherewith Ministers must defende themselues agaynst the worlde 211. The armour wherewyth Christes kingdome is inlarged 618. A ante S. Ascention of Christ maketh not carelesse of saluation 39. Ascention of Christ is a comfortable thing 36. Ascention of Christ is the ende of the gospell 7. Ascention of Christ is no dispartion or vanishing away 36. What ascention is 33. Who ascended 34. Whether Christ ascended 35. The hystorie of Christs ascentiō 33. The storie of the ascention is briefe and playne and why ibidem Circumstaunces of Christs ascentiō into heauen ibidem The ende of Christs ascention ibidē Christes ascention confirmeth hys victorie agaynst Sathan 37. The maner and causes of Chrystes ascention 36. What thynges followed after Christes ascention 42.43 Christ opened to vs the gates of heauen by hys ascention ibidem Christ is prooued to be the Messias by his ascention 123. Astrologie iudiciall and the abuse thereof 28. Astrologers and Soothsayers of all sortes 28.29 Assemblies at morning and euening Pag. 498. Assemblies ecclesiasticall why they were ordeyned 145.146 Assemblies of the faythfull ibidem Assemblies ecclesiasticall why they are necessary 241. The order of assemblies ecclesiasticall 529. Wicked persons many tymes get into the assemblies of the godly 282. A ante T. Athens praysed 658.659 Athenienses superscription ●65 Athenodorus counsell gyue● to ●●gustus ●64 A ante V. Authors of the Apostles persecution 191. Authors of sedition are the wicked not the faythfull 562. Authoritie of man of what auayle it is in matters of religion 666. How true authoritie may be gotten Pag. 148.149 Mannes authoritie gyueth no commendation vnto Scripture 2. B. B ante A. BAckstarters the authors of schisme and diuision 589. Backstarters not to be taken to soone into the ministerie 519. Backstarters shall be alwaye in the worlde ibidem Banishment is cause of ryfling of goodes and pouertie 557. Banished for their religion must be comforted ibid. and 891. Baptisme delyuered to vs by the Apostles as Christ did institute it 3 Baptisme or the fyre of Christ. 707 Baptisme an outwarde bonde of the church 366. Baptisme of Iohn distinguished from Christs baptisme according to the signe thing that is signed Pag. 22. ●aptisme of Iohn 707. Baptisme of Iohn and of Christ both one 22. Baptisme is called the absolution or assoyling from sinnes 791. Baptisme what it sealeth 366.367 Baptisme howe it washeth vs from sinnes 132.133 Howe baptisme is called the Fountayne of regeneration 305. Baptisme a seale of the promise of forgiuenesse of sinnes in the name of Iesus christ 23. Baptisme is a signe of the purgation made by the bloude of Iesus Christ. 133. The reason and dignitie of baptisme Pag. 791. Baptisme muste not bee neglected Pag. 640. In baptisme what water ought to be vsed 387. To be baptised in the name of Christ. Pag. 132. To be baptised into the forgiuenesse of sinnes 133. Barnabas commendeth Paule 412. What maner of manne Barnabas was 467. Barnabas called Iupiter by the people of Lystra 567. What Barsabas signifyeth 72. B ante E. Beggers properties of our age 152. Beggers must not be suffred among the people of God. 152. To begyn well profiteth not without contynuing to the ende 549. Begynning of Paules sermon 524. Benefites of Christ towarde the inhabiters of Ierusalem 50. Benefites of God are then profytably receyued when men acknowledge GOD to bee the author of them 155. The remembraunce of benefites receyued soone dyeth with Princes Pag. 315. Berrhea
still on earth in hys body then his Godhead is absent Pag. 39. Christ was solemnly-declared to bee our teacher 58. Christ onely is to bee heard in the Church 19. Christ is the hope of Israel 897. Christ our high Priest is entered into the true sanctuary 37. Christ is set ouer Sion that is ouer the Church of God. 11. Christ ascended aboue the heauens how it is to be vnderstanded 35. Christ verie God and man ascended how it is to be vnderstanded 34. Christ being verye God receyueth the holye ghost in hys humanitie Pag. 124. Christ very God and man. 106. Christ being a conquerour appeareth for vs in heauen 37. Christ the author of lyfe and saluation 851. Christ is called iust or righteous Pag. 794. Christ is the annoynted of God. 127 Christes last act wyth his disciples Pag. 34. Christes descention into hell 117. Christes comming visible and inuisible after what sort 41. Christes soule in hell was subiect to no torments 118. The knowledge of Christ is necessarie to saluation 542. The knowledge of Christ is reuealed by God onely 791. Christes talke wyth Paule 793. Christes studye and care for hys church 8. Christes diuinitie ascendeth not Pag. 34.35 Christes doctrine howe it ought to be considered 3. Christes departure from the earth Pag. 33. Christ and Moses compared togyther 179. Howe wee bee made partakers of Christ and saluation 458. Christes ensamples is set before vs to follow 113. Christes trustinesse and loyaltie towardes God. ibidem Christes fayth in hys promyse towarde hys Apostles 2. Christes flying and auoyding 324. Christ what he did after his resurrection 10. Christs enymies in stryuing against God fulfill hys deuise 218. Christs enimies counselles must not be consented to 579. Christes manhoode is taken into eternall ioy and glory 119 Christ Iesus his power 367. The true knowledge of Iesus Christ. 105. Christes merite can not bee vanquyshed by any sinne of man. 130. Christes whole seruice consisteth in workes and teaching 6. Christs ministerie descrybed in fewe wordes 259. The abusers of Christes name for vauntage shall be punished 710. The indaungered for Christes name must not be forsaken 826. Under the name of Christ the whole gospell is conteyned 361. Christes obedience 113. Christes office 188. Christes workes and miracles what they were 6.105 Christes death and passion 108. Christes power in bringing downe hys enimyes 785. Christs promises are inuiolable 4. Christes kingdome is not of thys worlde ●●8 Christes kyngdome belongeth as well to all Nations as to the Israelites 25. What wee ought to seeke for in the kingdome of Christ. 94. Christes aunswere to the curyous question of hys Disciples touching the carnall kingdome which they imagined 27.28 Christ by his resurrection is prooued to be God. 673. Christs sacrifice p●rgeth our sinnes Pag. 455. Christes spirite is the interpreteur of the lawe 76. Christes spirite what it worketh in men 155. Christes feruent desire of mens saluation 397. Christes power is inuincible 350. and .351 Christes visible comming serueth for our comfort and instruction ibidē Christes last company wyth hys Apostles why it is so diligently descrybed 16. They that followe Christs bydding forsake the sea of Rome 784.785 To Christ we owe fayth and obedience 180. Christ fulfilleth whatsoeuer the prophets foreshewed of hym 123. Christ and the deuill haue no fellowship togyther 316.317 Church meetings 733. The Church of God is the house of God. 68. In the church is sure fellowship and saluation 413. Who are receyued into the church of Christ. 155.156 Euery man must not bee suffred to speake in the church   C ante I. Circumcision teacheth vs that the begynning of our generation is corrupt 545. Circumcision doth not iustifie 303. Circumcision was vnprofitable to the Iewes and why 341. Circumcision spirituall what it is Pag. 349. Circumcision a signe or couenant of the Testament 304. The confidence in circumcision beaten downe by Steuen 303.349 Cities of Iurie their vnhappye estate 18. Ciuill or lawfull defence permytted to christians 896. C ante O. Comfort must be vsed towarde the afflicted 812. The commendation of Paule and Barnabas 607. Companying with the wicked must be auoyded 398. What company is hurtfull to christians 406. Godlye companye is the delyght of true christian people ibidem They that seke but their owne cōmoditie of what spirite they are 751. The Communitie of the Apostles Pag. 143. Communitie or liberalitie 139. Communities cause efficient is the loue of God. 146. Example of christian Communitie Pag. 143. The fountayne and order of Communitie 224.225 Communitie of goodes whether it be necessary 143.144 The true trade of communitie ibidē What communitie of goodes was in the begynning of Christes religion 226. Communion of the Lordes supper how profitable it is 140. Commaundements of God fulfilled what a blessing it purchaseth   Commaundementes of God transgressed procureth infelicitie   Conclusion of Paules sermon 83● Concorde of mindes 49. Concord and vnanimitie is to be had in the church 223. What concorde is acceptable before God. 78. Concorde and vnitie of mindes most necessary in setting forth the kingdome of God. 369. No condition or degree of men neglected with God. 624. Confession of the Aethiopian 386. Confession of Christ and fayth must go togyther 85.86.240 Confession of the faith in Christ. 133. Confession of the fayth most beseemeth ministers 824.825 Confession of the fayth is no indifferent thing 86. To confesse Christ boldely is an effect of the holy ghost 85. When confession of fayth is requisite 829.830 To confesse Christ is a gloryous thing 765. Confession of a true fayth in Steuen 3●2 Confidence taketh holde euen of the godly 101. Confidence hypocriticall 232.233 The maners of those that are confident 881. The disciples mindes confirmed by the Apostles 580.581 The confirmation of the Apostles oration made to the people of Listra 571. Congregations howe they maye be edified   Coniunction of mindes is the fountayne of liberalitie 143. Conscience in matters of religion must be chiefely regarded 801. Cōsciences of men must not be snarled 612. Conscience pricketh and molesteth euen the wicked 251. The terrours of conscience 129. The consent of the wicked endureth not long 805. Consenting vnto sinne deserueth punishment 236. Consent of the Synode at Ierusalem 604. The consolation of Christs last comming 41. Arguments of consolation 684. Example of godly consolation ibidē The power of Gods consolation appeareth in afflictions 636. The effect of the consolation of the holy spirite 416. God confyrmeth hys consolation by deedes 808. Consolation in aduersitie whence it must be set 809. Consolation wherewyth GOD strengthneth hys people 113. The maner of Gods consolations Pag. 807. Constancie 740. Constancie and boldenesse in Paule Pag. 689. An example of christian constancie and boldenesse 792.21.22 The heynous offence of the counsell of Constaunce agaynst the holye Martyr Iohn Husse 245. The contempt of the ministers proceedeth of the contempt of Gods worde 336. Contempt of Gods word is the begynning of all vngodlynesse ibidē
and newe testament commended 1 H ante O Holy Ghost the author of prophecy Pag. 484 Holy Ghost promised 1 Holy historie hath fiue vses or commodities 16 Honour is due to them that labour earnestlye to set foorth Gods glorye 757 They that will be honored as Gods what wee maye thinke of them Pag. 570 Hope must be reposed in God and not in men 46 Hope of the promises made to the fathers consisteth in Christ. 848 Hospitalitye 678.765.891 Hospitalitie hath rewards 891 House of God is the Church or congregation 122 House comprehendeth vnder it all sortes and degrees of men 127 Householders that are diligent are commended 427.431 H ante V Humanitie or curtesie 812.888 Humblenesse and obedience in Paule to be imitated 395 Humilitie 740 Humble tractable minde in Paule Pag. 395 Humilitie how much is vnderstanded by it 378 Hunger and persecution go togither Pag. 487 H ante Y Hypocrites and lande leapers are enimies to the truth 650 Hypocriticall boldenesse sette foorth in Sapphira 234 Hypocrisie declared to be a greeuous euill by the example of the Iewes Pag. 795.796 Hypocrites how they must be esteemed 228 Hypocrites are the slaues of Satan Pag. 231 Hypocrites arguments 414 Hyppocrites conditions sette foorth in Ananias 232.233 Hyppocrites properties 797 Hypocrites tiranny reprooued 801 Hypocriticall confidence 235 I ante A IAcob went downe into Aegipt and why 310 Iacob nourished through the liberalitie of his sonne whome hee mourned for so bitterly ibidem Iames is slaine with the sworde Pag. 490 Iames subscribeth to Peters opinion 600 I ante C Iconium 559 I ante D Idolatrie offendeth both God and Godly 338 Idoles worship 337 Idolatrie defendors 100 Idolators ioye 338 Idolatries beginning and encrease Pag. 336 Idolatrie among Christians howe euill it is 344 Idolatrie popish described 337 Idolatrie vnlawfull and abhominable 602 Idolatrie in the Israelites plagued Pag. 341 Idolatrie is of three kindes 342 Idolatrie in the Israelites deepelye rooted 339 Idolatrie of men must not be wited to God. ibidem Idle and riotous persons cause of much euill 651 I ante E Iereboam renewed the superstition of the Calues 340 Iesus is geuen vs of meere fauoure Pag. 530 Iesus is borne of the seede of Dauid according to the promises Pag. ibidem Iesus called Christ that is to saye annoynted 451.127 Iesus Christes name is hated of the wicked 170 Iesus Christ his office 330.331 Iewes howe grieuously they offended in denying Christ. 164 Iewes being pricked in heart seeke counsell at Peter and the other Apostles 129 Iewes worshippe not God. 823 Iewes beare witnesse of Paules innocencie 896.897 Iewes desire to heare the Gospell Pag. 898 Iewes the children of the Prophets and of the Testament 178 179 Iewes are Hypocrites 795.796 Iewes delyuered out of Egipt thorowe fauour and not through workes 314 Iewes moued with the preachinge of Peter and prycked in harte Pag. 129 Iewes Paules enemies 774 Iewes incumerable malice and hatred 798 Iewes howe they receyue the preachinge of Chryst. 423 Iewes weapons and sleyghtes against Christ. 551 Iewes fresh attempt against Paule Pag. 832 Iewes cōtention about the doctrine of the Gospell 903 Iewes erroure touchinge Christes kyngdome 24 Iewes destruction 59 Iewes importunate malice 795 Iewes vnhappie estate 843.681 Iewes indignation agaynst Paule Pag. 798 Iewes miserable condition 678 Iewes what the name signifyeth Pag. 91 Iewes priestes in goyng aboute too hindre Christes kingedome set it forward 219 Iewes crueltie coulde not hindre Christ. 165.166 I ante G Ignoraunce how it excuseth 170 I ante M Image woorship what euill it hath bred among Christians 339 Images woorking myracles 726 Images condempned 672 Images made of GOD are lyes Pag. ibid. I ante N Inchauntments and magicall why God permitteth them 0 Incarnation of Christ and the consideration thereof 178 Inconstantie and lightnes in Commons 288 Incredulitie of the Iewes was wilfull 901 Incredulitie or vnbeliefe what an euill it is 31 Incredulities punnishment 902 Increase of gods church 148 Industrie or diligence of Paule Pag. 610 Industrie of Paule Silas and Barnabas in setting forth the kingdom of Christ. 610.611 Industrie an example 814 Ingratitude of the people ought to offend no man. 322 Ingratitude in sinning against Christ layde to our charge 323 Ingratitude punished 902.875 Ingratefuls punishement 323 Innocencie of Christe purgeth oure sinnes 535 Innocentes muste not bee deliuered at the pleasure of the enemyes Pag. 838 Insolencie or pryde of men that see the examples of Goddes power euery day and yet boldely holde on therein 3●3 Intercession of saintes ouerthrowne Pag. 0 Integritie of the Prophetes and Apostles commended 794 Intencions of mē must not be thrust into the church 20.21 Inuocation must bee made with affiaunce in gods mercy 102.103 Inuocation is due to GOD onely Pag. 103 Inuocations fruite ibid. Inuocations order 102 Inuocation must bee vsed in the beginning and ende of all our doings Pag. 150 I ante O Iobs fayth touching the resurrection of our bodies 14 Iohn Marke withdraweth him selfe from the ministery of the gospell Pag. 518 Iohn Baptistes testimonie of christ Pag. 531 Ioye euerlasting 115 Ioye of the godly what it is 270 Ioye of the vngodly what it is Pag. 115 Ioye of the spirit 641 Ioye eternalles cause efficient is the beholding of god 120 Ioye of the godlye howe great it is Pag. 125 Ioseph saued of grace and fauoure Pag. 307 Ioseph a figure of Christ. 308 Iourney of Paule and Barnabas to preache 511 Iosephes loue and trustinesse toward his maister 311 Iosephes historie 307 Ioses why hee was called Barnabas 227 Ioses liberalitie 226 I ante S Isaac Iacobes fayth what it was Pag. 853 Israelites accused of Idolatrie by the Prophetes 339 Israelites gyuen vp into a reprobate sence by goddes iuste iudgement Pag. ibid. Israelites the peculiar people of god Pag. 95 Israelles multiplication in Egypt is to bee ascribed to gods fauoure Pag. 314 I ante V Iudas the Galilean 265 Iudas sinneth not alone in betraying Chryste but the whole Nacion with him 59 Iudas fielde 56.57 Iudas sorrowes 57 Iudas horrible death ibid. Iudas horrible ende 56 Iudas offences what they are 55 Iudas who they bee that followe Pag. 230 Iudas punishements foreshewed by the Prophetes 58 Iudas posterities estate 59 Iudas first dignitie 55 Iudgement of god against the Iewes Pag. 60 The last iudgement 457 The last iudgement is a tyme of refreshing and restitucion 175 The latter Iudgement 674 Iudgementes of god muste bee diligently marked 156.157 Iudgement and estimacion that men haue vs in muste not prouoke vs to be proude 72 Iudgement gyuen in haste for fauour of men is an hurtful thing 800 Iudgements of god how they ought to be vsed 725 Iudgement partiall is a pestilent thing 838 In Iudgement both partes must be heard 821 Iudge must haue two eares one for the plaintif an other for the defendant 635 Iudges must heare causes withoute delayes 842 Iudges in the Councell at Ierusalem are amazed wote not what to doe 203
Steuen falleth on sleepe 355 Steuen set on by disputations 287 Steuen oppressed and taken by sedition ibid. Steeuen dyeth full of the holy ghost Pag. 334 Steuens enimies and their enterprises against him 286 Steuens description 285 Steuēs enimies rage incurable 354 Steuens example in redinesse to dye must be followed 355 Steuens enimies how they tooke his oration 351 Steuens oration and answere made in the councell of the Priests with the argument narration and partes thereof 292 Steuen being stoned how the faythfull vsed him 358 Steuen being readye to dye comforted of God and how and in what maner 352 Stipendes of the Ministers 676 Stipend must not be withholdē from the Ministers 756 Stipende why Paule exacted not Pag. 756 Strangled and bloud 603 Stubbornenesse a thing peculiar to the wicked 268 Studious we must be of charity 618 Studie to please the people cause of persecution 489 Studies and desires of the enimies of truth 656 Study we must to please God. 580 Starre worship a thing common to the Gentiles 368 Starres superstitiouslye obserued Pag. 342 S ante V Supper of the Lorde howe it must be admynystred 735 Supper of the Lorde called breaking of breade 140 Supper of the Lorde a signe and token of Christes death 23 Supper of the Lorde with the rightes and cerimonies must not be altered 140 Supper of the Lorde taught vs by the Apostles in what order and forme to be vsed 3 Supremacie chalengers in the church confuted 5● Superscription of a letter sent from the Synode   S ante W Swerde to keepe vnder the wicked commended 233 Swerde must be drawne in defence of relygion ibid. S ante Y Synagoge fyt place for the Apostles to beginne to preach in 512 Syn●cdoche a figure very much vsed in the scriptures 761 Synode or conuocation at Miletum Pag. 738 Synodes and conuocations howe commodious they are ibid. Synne of those that forsake true religion how grieuous it is 516 Synners must be remitted vnto god Pag. 373 Synners not punished but first they are warned 642 Synners God disdaineth not 510 Synners must be wonne rather than destroyed 399 Synners which way God vseth to conuert them 787 Synne of ignoraunce howe it maye be excused 170 Synne agaynst the holy Ghost ibid. Synnes of men must not be rashlye iudged of 171 Synnes be they neuer so manye can not exceede Christes merite 130 Synnes cause of all euill 104 Synnes in preaching must be reproued 127 Synnes are remitted of fauour Pag. 543 Synnes although they bee heynous ought not to make vs dispayre Pag. 130 Sinne how heinous it is declared by the worde of God. 790 Synne needefull to bee rebuked in the Church 108.109 Synnes forgyuen in the name of Christ. 458 Synnes committed by thought and cogitation 373 T ante A TAbernacle was a figure of heauenly thynges 345 Tabernacle caried into the land of the gentiles 346 Tabernacle of witnesse what it was Pag. ibid. Tabernacles vse among the Iewes Pag. ibid. Tabernacle had no resting place a long while ibid. Tabernacle had not the honor of god tyed vnto it 347 T ante E Teachers office in the Churche requireth a deliget tryall 14 Teaching in the Church how it must be ordered 741 To teache which is the best waye Pag. 700 Temperaunce is a fruit of faith 829 Temperaunce what effectes ●he hath Pag. 148 Temple or church of God who build it 201 Temple hath not worship tyed vnto it 345 Temples must not bee prophaned or defiled 825 Temples by whome they are defiled and abused ibid. Templary religion is a vaine thyng Pag. 666 Temple or church commers in pompeous and prowde aray what may be thought of them 844 Tertulous oracion 819 Testament of God contayneth oure saluation 186 Testament of circumcision gyuen to Abraham what it is and how to be vnderstanded 303 Testamente the olde and the new are the law of of godly lyfe 54 Testament olde and newe how they consent 95 Testimonie of Dauid touching the resurrection of Christ. 113 Testimonie of the xvj Psalme prooued 121 Testimonies of the kyngdome of Christ. 33 T ante H Thabita raysed againe by Peter 419 Theophilus who is ● Theudas what he was 265 Threates of the worlde must not feare Christians 213 T ante I Timothey circumcised 616 Timothey borne of a Iewe and a Gentile 617 Titles and styles abused 664 Titles wherefore they ought to serue 5●3 T ante O Tongue of the faythfull of all nations is but one 84 Tongue keeping a necessary thing Pag. 85 Tongues sitting vpon the Apostles heades were tokens of the holye Ghost 80 Tongues wherefore they serue 82 Songue or speech of Canaan 85 Tormentes must not be vsed of magistrates without a good and iust cause 815 T ante R Traditions of manne must not bee thrust into the Church 20 Traditions the Apostles thrust none into the Church 580 Traiane persecuting the Churche felt the wrath of God. 300 Tribulations of our owne brethren must be thought to be our owne 491 Tribulations ende is most ioyfull Pag. 587 Tribune delyuereth Paule againe out of the Iewes handes 463 Tribune kept from his purpose by feare of lawe 797 Tribunes readynes to succour Paul. Pag. 812 Troublers of the Church 589 Truth fought against by open force Pag. 166 Truth of god infallible 538 Truth of gods promises ibid. Truth of gods promises inuincible Pag. 886 Truth must be preached openly 520 Truth with what colours it is assaulted 193 Truth with what crimes it is charged 633 Truth is not defended with railing Pag. 823 Truth of what effecte 846 Truth Euangelicall what enemies it hath 191 Truth and gospel defendours compted seditiouse of the wicked 192. and 193 Truthes enemies must not be trusted Pag. 834 Truth in what case in this worlde Pag. 853 Truth haters are paineful and hardy therin 766 Truth hatred how much it is able to doe 809 Truth hatred whereto it bringeth men at the length 550 Truth hatred howe farre it proceedeth 810 Truth haters who are most 208 T ante V Turkes doe not honour God. 823 Turkish Ambassadors saying against the ydolatrye of christendome 340 T ante Y Tyranny of clargie ouer the Church Pag. 797 Tyrauntes can not doe alway what they list 213 Tyrauntes haue miserably perished Pag. 506 Tyrauntes sleyghtes set out in Pharao 317 Tyrants properties set out in Saule Pag. 390 Tyran defenders are flatterers 801 Tyrauntes state and condicion 213 Tyre dwellers bring Paule on hys waye 762 Tyre dwellers praye openlye 763 Tyrus visited by Paule 761 V ante A VAlerius Aurilianus moouing persecution against the church being first feared with a thunder bolte falling at his feete and yet not repenting was not long after kylled of hys owne men lying in waite for hym 301 W ante A WAntonnesse in children must be rebuked 766 Waye to attayne to saluacion Pag. 393 Way of Christ. 694 Waye of lyfe made playne in Christ. Pag. 119 Wayes of men are blinde in matters of relygyon 575 Warfayring for money how it
through the power of the holy ghost the affections be bridled that would carye them awry Or what safetye can there be of publike weales which are not led with the spirite of God but with fleshly wisedome Whereas it is manifest that all good successe and felicitie dependeth of God Salomon the wysest of all men well marked this thing who hauing choyse giuen him of God to aske those thinges that are in greatest price amongest men despising all other craued of God the spirite of wisedome and of that true wisedome which he describeth in his booke of Prouerbes whose beginning and roote is the feare of the Lorde And woulde to God they woulde often remember this that are Rulers in the Church and in the common weale For the same woulde both kindle in them an ardent desire to prayer and godlynesse and woulde make them more listen to the worde of God wherevpon coulde not but ensue a true and perfite safetie of the people committed to their charge But before we depart from this place two things remayne to be discussed which may profitably be gathered of the promise of the holye ghost made to the Apostles For first it hereby appereth that the holy ghost was the auctor of the Apostles doctrine and therefore the same ought to be esteemed as proceeding from God and not from man For where they tooke vppon them to preach after they had receyued the holye ghost which according to Christes promise taught them all truth surely all their teaching must be referred to the same spirite So wee must holde the dignitie and authortie thereof as great as Christ maketh it which sending forth his Disciples to preach sayth He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me With the which argument Paule seemeth to be encouraged to say If an Angell from heauen teache you anye other Gospell beside that which wee haue preached let him be accursed For how great soeuer the maiestie and the glory of Angels is yet if the same be compared with the holy ghost by whom they were created it is of no value We haue therfore in this place what to aunswere to them which hearing vs reiect and condemne the traditions of men crye out that the Apostles were men likewise and thinke hereby to prooue that eyther the Apostles doctrine must likewyse be reiected or else some place is left in the church for mans traditions And in deede we are not ignorant that the Apostles were men But bicause they spake not as men nor in their teaching declared not the cogitations of men but according as the holy ghost inspired their harts shewed the mysteries of saluation and of the kingdome of heauen therfore their opinions by no meanes must be reckoned amongst the traditions of men Secondly this place teacheth vs that nothing ought to be taught and preached in the Church but that that is deliuered by the holy ghost For the Church is the house of God in which the onely voyce of the goodman of the house is to be hearde and according to his prescript all things ought to be ordered And as the Bryde obeyeth the onely voyce of the Brydegrome and is not iudged chaste if she giue eare to the entysements or promises of shamelesse suters so where the sonne of God hath espoused to himselfe the congregation of the faithfull washed with his owne bloud and hath made vs partakers of all his goodes whch is the proper ende of mariage we may not follow any other voyce than that whereby Christ the Bridegrome calleth vs vnto him Further for that Christ hath made vs the sheepe of his pasture and hath redeemed vs with the losse of his owne bloude it behooueth vs to follow his voyce and not to harken to the voyce of any straunger or hyreling Neyther is their opinion to be receiued which thinke it an errour worthye of pardon to chaunge and alter somewhat in the doctrine of faith and saluation so that in all things God onely might be worshipped For to graunt that such haue a zeale of God yet bicause they want the knowledge of the truth they can no more please God than did the Iewes in time past which being inflamed with the zeale of God went about to establishe their owne righteousnesse and reiected that righteousnesse which God offreth vs in his sonne to be imbraced by faith And surely if our zeale had bene sufficient in so weighty a matter it had bene but vaine for the Apostles to haue looked for the sending of the holye ghost why did they not therfore steppe forth to preache and according to the godlye intent of their minde teach the people what they thought belonged to the honor of God and glory of Christ But Christes commaundement stopped them who as he elsewhere appointed them to preach the things he taught them so without the conduct of the holye ghost he will they shall not take vppon them to preach least that being beguiled with the counsell of mans wisedome or seduced by corrupt affections of the flesh they should swarue from the right way And we reade that the olde Prophets were bounde by the same commaundement also in whome the Apostle plainely testifieth that the spirite of Christ did speake It is sayde to Hieremie Behold I haue put my words in thy mouth And God sayth to Ezechiel Thou shalt heare woordes from my mouth and shalt warne them from me Therefore it is a wicked and monstrous temeritie of some men which thinke they haue authoritie to coyne newe articles of the faith and to thrust into the Church traditions inuented by mans brayne And who I praye you woulde thinke him a faithfull friende of the Bridegroomes which woulde not feare to intice and inuegle the Bryde to his lure and purpose Let them therefore which teach in the Church receyue all their doctrine at the mouth of god He speaketh vnto vs in the Scriptures by his holye spirite Let them therefore reade them and they shall not erre But let vs returne to Christes wordes from whence we digressed For he going about to render a cause of his commaundement sayth Of whom you haue hearde of mee For Iohn truely baptised with water but you shall be baptised with the holy ghost after not many dayes These words haue a confirmation of promise and consolation very necessary For as there were diuers other things which might make the Apostles carefull in the consideration of their office so there was no little cause to feare them least some incommoditie might arise of the stay and tariaunce of the holy ghost Therefore to take awaye all feare hee repeateth his promises not in the same words that are in the Euangelists but with such as might bring to their remembrance Iohn the Baptistes saying touching this matter which was verye needefull to be done by reason of the great authoritie that Iohn had amongst all men Neyther ought it to seeme an absurde thing
things which can not be attayned too nor perceyued by mans reason it becommeth vs with Paule to marueyle with godly confession of our ignorance and to crie out O the depth of the riches and of the wisedome of God how vnsearchable be his iudgementes and his wayes vnfindeable for who hath knowne the minde of the Lorde or who hath bene a counsell with him or who hath first giuen to him and it shall be giuen to him againe For of him and by him and in him c. Nowe let vs see the other part of Christes aunswere wherein he repeateth such thinges of his kingdome as serue for this present purpose Hee so handleth this matter as I sayde before that he both marueylously comforteth the Disciples and admonisheth them of their dutie For he sayth You shall receyue power when the holy ghost shall come vpon you and you shall be witnesses to me not only in Hierusalem but in all Iurie and Samarie and vnto the worldes ende First he repeateth the promyse of the holy ghost wherwith he comforteth the Disciples and describeth the state of his kingdome I woulde not sayth he haue you abashed where you heare you are appointed to the setting forth of my kingdome among the Gentyles For this thing will not bee compassed by mans strength which I perceyue in you to be very small and little regarded Here needeth heauenlye and diuine strength from aboue which I haue often promised you shal not want and now againe I promise you the same For the holy ghost shall come vpon you which shall giue you courage and strength that shall make you able to fulfill your office We are here admonished that Christes kingdome as hee confessed before Pylate is not of this worlde or earthly but spirituall neyther consisteth in the power honour glory triumphes riches and pleasures of this world but in righteousnesse peace and ioy in the holye ghost Wherevpon we gather further that it is not set foorth and defended with carnall weapons and strength of Princes of this worlde but with preaching of the worde wherwith the spirite of God worketh effectuously in the harts of men This teacheth the wordes of Paule where he sayth Though we walke in the fleshe yet warre we not after the flesh For the weapons of our warfare are not carnall but mighty in God to cast downe strong holdes wherewith we ouerthrowe counsayles and euery high thing that exalteth it selfe against the knowledge of God bring into captiuity all imagination to the obedience of Christ. c. Therfore they labour in vaine which go about by mans counsell leagues fight fauour and amitie of Princes and such lyke meanes to set vp the kingdome of god For Christes kingdome is in the mindes of men which by no mans strength can be forced but with the power and operation of the holye ghost It becommeth both Kings and Princes to be the nurses and maintayners of the Church as Esay sayth but they shall neuer with outwarde power and strength set forth the kingdome of christ And the examples of all ages plainely teach vs that whatsoeuer man went about by his counsell and strength that way to bring it to passe neuer happily succeeded Moreouer he expressely teacheth what the Apostles haue to doe in their office in this kingdome You shall be my witnesses sayth hee This shall bee your kingdome your office your dignitie to beare witnesse of my doctrine life myracles passion death buriall resurrection from death and ascention into heauen and briefly of all the things which I haue done and suffred for mans saluation Neyther shall you expounde the hystorie of things by mee done onelye but declare the ende and vse of them that all nations maye acknowledge mee their onelye teacher sauiour and redeemer Christ thought good in this place to vse this worde witnesse as also in Iohn the .xv. to admonish as well the Apostles as the hearers of their dutie For the Apostles and their successors learne by the dutie of a witnesse how to preache the Gospell of Iesus christ In a witnesse the looue of truth is chiefly required and a lying witnesse God hateth Againe it is the part of a witnesse to speake nothing but that he knoweth which he hath so certainly seene and heard that he doubteth nothing of the truth of them Further he must haue no corrupt affections least of hatred feare or fauour he put to hyde or conceale any thing but plainly confesse the thing he knoweth Such witnesses we reade that the Apostles were For whatsoeuer they heard Christ teach or sawe him doe they truely preached it neyther feared they the threates of their enimies as appeareth in all hystories Neyther confirmed they their witnesse of Christ with words onely but with their life with death and with their bloud It becommeth the Ministers of the worde to imitate their truth and constancy who if for fauour of man or feare of daunger they chaunge or at least dissemble any thing in the quarrell of Christ they pollute themselues with an horrible crime and are in daunger of Christes sentence Whosoeuer is ashamed of me in this naughty and adulterous world him will I also be ashamed of when I come wirh the holy angels in the glory of my father Againe the hearers of the Apostles and Apostolicall doctrine are here admonished what an heynous offence it is not to beleeue the holye gospell or to gainesay it For it is not a simple preaching of Christ or an hystoricall and bare narration but a testimonie which the Apostles as sworne witnesses brought into the worlde by the very sonne of God gaue not only before the common people but also before the Bishoppes and Priestes Kinges and their Counsell But he that in the lawe giueth no credite to sworne witnesses and openly denieth their testimony bringeth himselfe in daunger of lyfe What shall we saye then of those â–ª which feare not to speake against the Apostles being Christes witnesses For they accuse not only the Apostles of lying but also Christ himselfe as much as in them lyeth yea they woulde cause God the father to be suspected as though he would bring forth false witnesses and obtaine his sonnes cause with suborned witnesses This sawe that beloued Disciple of Christ when he sayth If we receyue the witnesse of men the witnesse of God is greater For this is the witnesse of God which he bare of his sonne He that beleeueth the sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe He that beleeueth not God maketh him a lyer bicause hee beleeueth not the witnesse that God beareth of his sonne c. These things if we consider brethren we shall finde the chiefe cause of the euils of these daies For where we take it for a ieast and pastime to call in question and doubt the things written by the Apostles of Iesus Christ yea many wickedly deny them and persecute that testimony of Iesus Christ with fire and sworde
and his horrible ende as though these things happened by hazarde or that the sonne of God betrapped by a wicked man had not bene able to haue escaped his crafts and deceytes I would not also that any should so take these matters as though the falshoode of so wicked a man should derogate any thing from our order and holy function which we are in by Christes appoyntment For it seemed good vnto God that these things should so come to passe whose counsayle and purpose it was that his belooued sonne shoulde be betrayed by one of his entire Disciples And he woulde not haue vs ignorant hereof For it is knowne what is read in the Psalme 41. which Christ himselfe repeated in his last supper saying He that eate breade with me hath layde great wayte for mee Nowe I tell you before it come to passe that when it is done you may beleue that I am he Wherfore cast your eyes vpon Gods prouidence reuerence his goodnesse and truth and let not the thinges offende you that are done by his determination and iust permission Yet let no man so vnderstande these things as though Peter went about to excuse Iudas heynous offence and to laye all the faulte thereof in god For that is not the meaning of the diuine prouidence which gouerneth all thing that we shoulde make God the Autor of our sinne bicause whatsoeuer men doe that is naught they doe it not to fulfill Gods purpose but to satisfie the cogitations and desires of their owne wicked will. It is playne in deede that it was Gods determination that his sonne Iesus Christ shoulde be betrayed through the craft of his Disciple and should come into the hands of his enimies and being condemned to death should be nayled to the crosse where he shoulde purge the sinne of the worlde by the Sacrifice of hys bodye But if a man consider Iudas the worker of this treason he in so mischieuous a deede had nothing lesse before his eyes than Gods purpose and the redemption of mankinde but being blinded and wounded with couetousnesse first polluteth himselfe with theft as Iohn sayth afterward with treason The same reason is to be made of Annas Cayphas Pylate all those other whom the Gospell testifieth to haue bene seekers executioners of Christs death The bookes of the holy Scripture are full of examples of the lyke kynde whereby we are aduertised howe grieuously men sinne in committing those things which God in deede will haue done but yet they doe them being mooued thereto through the blinde and inordinate affections of corrupt nature I praye you who is so dull headed to thinke that Ioseph came into Egipt without the speciall counsell of Gods prouidence whereas we reade that God aduertised Abraham himselfe long before of the going downe of his posteritie into Egypt who lykewise acknowledgeth not the marueylous wisedome of God in all this businesse which gouerneth al things most prudently and profitably Shall we therfore excuse Iosephs brethren which being mooued with enuye solde awaye their brother that deserued better of them yea we will expounde all thys businesse by Iosephes owne wordes yee thought euill agaynst me but God turned it to good to bring to passe as it is this daye and to saue much people alyue Yea we haue dayly experience of lyke occurrences and examples For who will saye the theefe killeth the wayfaring man without the prouidence of God considering we knowe that the dayes of our life and the heares of our heade are numbred before God But bicause the murtherer committeth such an heynous offence being mooued with wicked affection therfore is he in all the fault and shal iustly be punished for the same Let no man therfore seeke excuse for his wickednesse in Gods prouidence nor make God the Autor of his sinne but by the consideration hereof let vs seeke comfort whereby to arme and strengthen our selues against the horrible chaunces of this life And that Peter had a respect hereto it is euident by hys words wherein followe other things to be considered And first we are taught by a notable example of what efficacye and strength godlye prayers be For Luke shewed vs aboue that the Apostles continued with one consent in prayers wherby what was brought to passe is now perceyued For Peter which a little before was ignorant of the right maner of Christes kingdome and among the reast had put forth a foolishe question touching the very time of restoring the same by and by beginneth to preach of the Scriptures which he alledgeth most aptly and expoundeth most syncerely So true it is that the Apostle sayth If any of you lacke wisedome let him aske of him that giueth that is of God and it shall be giuen him Further we are taught by the example of Peter that nothing ought to be appointed in the Church without the authoritie of the Scripture For as in well ordred common weales there are certaine lawes yea rather an authentike Code of lawes from the which no man of his owne heade hath authoritie to take anything or to put to any thing or else to appoynt anye thing in the common weale beside the prescript thereof euen so Christ hath deliuered to his Church the bookes of the olde and new Testament wherein are contayned the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen and the lawes of eternall lyfe Therefore out of them must be taken all counsell and the Argumentes of all the sermons that are to be made in the congregation Neyther is there any man of such roume and ordering that must thinke he hath power to ordayne or appoynt any thing contrarye to the same This booke in the beginning was deliuered to the Kings not to th end they should thinke they had iurisdiction ouer the same but for that they should drawe forth of the same good lawes whereby to rule the people well And the Prophets were bounde by this commaundement to take their sermons from Gods mouth Which thing we can interprete to be none other but the Scriptures bicause by these as by a certaine mouth God reuealeth vnto vs the mysteries of his will. And Christ himselfe oftentimes preacheth forth of the scriptures and disdayneth not to turne the holye bookes and to expounde certaine places of them vnto the people An example wherof he shewed in the schoole at Nazareth Therfore Peter following the example of his mayster taketh the beginning of his sermon out of the Scriptures whome woulde God they woulde imitate which highly glorying in the succession of Peter dare yet thrust into the Church diuers thinges repugnaunt to the Scriptures onely vpon mans authoritie Furthermore Peter adourneth the scriptures with an excellent prayse where he sayth the holy ghost is Autor of them which woulde vtter these thinges by the mouth of Dauid The same he confesseth in another place where he sayth that the Prophetes were inspired with the spirite of Christ and
be counted rather warmelings and cowardly forsakers of the standing and place that they are set in Howbeit in putting away the crime he neyther vseth a bare deniall onlye nor waywardly retorteth slaunder for slaunder but prooueth by arguments that it is false that they layde to theyr charge The first argument he taketh of circumstance of the time These be not sayth he as ye suppose drunken for it is but the thirde houre of the day For the auncient fathers vsed to account twelue howers in the day as may be gathered by the hystorie of the Gospell and prophane wryters also And bicause they beganne theyr count from the day spring or rising of the sunne this thirde hower must be referred to the morning and with vs in the summer time it may be called seauen or eight a clocke in the forenoone Peters argument therfore is of this sort They that are giuen to drunkennesse begin to banquet and bouse towarde euening or the beginning of the night But where it is nowe but morning we cannot of right be accused of drunkennesse But O happie state of those dayes when men might reason after this sort For although it be credible that manye were giuen aswell to drunkennesse as to other vices yet such was the honestie of that time that it was a shame to be drunken and those that were giuen to such drinking were drunken as Paule sayth in the night for feare of open shame In these dayes this argument should be of small force and authoritie where as they euery where now rule the rost which ryse earely to drinke wine as Esay complayneth of the vsage of his dayes Yea there be found amongst the Princes and Magistrates which forgetting the saying of Salomon ryse vp betymes to banquetting and ryot But what speake I of Princes seeing there be deuines not free from this vice I remember once being at the Sessions Imperiall where they went about to establishe a generall peace and to appoynt an vniforme religion through Germanie howe I sawe a deuine of great name and fame yea the standard bearer of the contrarie part that sayde he woulde not dispute of so weightie a matter when he was sober And he was so constant of his worde that I sawe him not so fewe tymes as once well whitteled by one of the clocke But would God there were not to be found euen among them of our owne profession which being infected with this publike and common euill of all Germanie were not giuen to much to this quassing And surely if there were none other argument apparaunt this one were ynough to reprooue the corrupt maners of these dayes For who can denie but the dayes of Noah and Lot be amongst vs where with one mouth all men talke of their cuppes and to be drunken is accounted with all states and degrees a commendable and an honourable matter This vice wee may thanke not onely for corruption of good maners but also for the ouerthrow of iustice and lawes and the decay of religion and oppression of the libertie of our countrie But returne we to Peters Sermon who taketh an other argument of thinges spoken long before to acquite the Apostles of suspition of drunkennesse For where euen the good also might iustly meruaile howe vnlearned men shoulde sodenly come to speake such diuers languages and to bee expert in them and the wicked and mockers imputed it to drunkennesse it was needefull the truth of the matter shoulde be more openly declared Therefore Peter teacheth that this was the worke of the holy ghost the sending of whome he prooueth by the .2 of Ioel to haue beene promised long before in the kingdome of the Messias This Ioel prophecied in the time of Esay and Micheas and forewarned the people of the warres that Sennacherib should make agaynst them And least the godly should despayre and thinke that God had left off to care for his people any more he comforteth them and sheweth how Israell shoulde not quite be destroyed bycause the Messias should be borne of that people whome God had ordeyned to be the Sauiour and redeemer of mankinde and for the more comfort of them describeth in fewe woordes the kingdome of the Messias Which place Peter the more diligently and at large cyteth for that he woulde accuse them of doltishnesse and lacke of witte which ascribed the most manifest effectes of the holye ghost to drunkennesse For this was a most filthie errour not to marke and obserue so great a benefite of God and that promised so long agone and most diligently described but to raile at it This place giueth vs three things to consider The first prophecieth of the plentifull and liberall pouring out of the holy ghost which should be in the tyme of christ The other describeth the troublesome estate of this worlde in the kingdome of Christ insomuch that it reckoneth vp the punishments wherewith God will reuenge the vnthankfulnesse and incredulitie of the worlde The thirde declareth the maner of saluation and sheweth the way howe men may escape safely all daungers But at this present we will declare onely the first part This the Lorde in these wordes vttereth by the Prophete And it shall come to passe in the latter dayes sayth the Lorde that I will poure out of my spirite vpon all flesh And your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecie And your yong men shall see visions and your olde men shall dreame dreames And on my seruaunts and on my handmaydens I will poure out of my spirite in those dayes and they shall prophecie These wordes are by themselues plaine and euident ynough yet are they more deepely to be considered bycause of the things comprehended in them seruing to our instruction The first thing to be obserued in them is that where the Prophete prophecieth of the kingdome of Christ amongst the great and singuler benefites bestowed on vs by Christ he chiefly commendeth the gift of the holy ghost The cause thereof seemeth to me was not for that the holy Prophete eyther was ignoraunt of other thinges or despised them but bicause next after Christ there can nothing be giuen vs of God more excellent than that spirite of Christ which here is spoken of For our heauenly father hath inclosed in Christ his sonne all the treasures of his grace and of our saluation But men are regenerated by his holy spirite to become the sonnes of God and heyres of the goodes which Christ hath purchased vs Which regeneration is so necessarie for vs that vnlesse we be renued by the same we cannot as Christ testifieth see the kingdome of God. The same spirite illuminateth our mindes to vnderstande the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen and kindleth in vs the desire of them Without the which light the naturall man cannot perceyue the thinges belonging to the spirite of God. This spirite is a comforter by whome we being incouraged are able to abide and ouercome whatsoeuer aduersitie in this
worlde betydeth vs for Christes sake And he doth not onely the part of a comforter but is also a most faythfull counsaylour For he telleth vs what to doe and when we be in perplexitie and doubt he lighteth vs the torch of truth by whose conducting we escape the daungers of fayth and ofsaluation Beside all this he is the earnest and sure pledge of our redemption and saluation For as Iesus Christ taking vp into heauen the fleshe that he tooke of vs would haue it there to be a gage of our saluation so he putteth his spirite in our heartes in steede of a pledge to imprint the confidence of saluation in vs and to arme vs strongly agaynst temptations Wherefore he is called of Paule the spirite of adoption because that being regenerated by him we are assured by his testimonie that we be the sonnes and heyres of god Therefore it is not without a cause that the Prophete taketh the gift of this holy spirite amongst all other most to be commended We are also here taught what we ought chiefly to doe in the kingdome of christ In which place we may see the diuers and noysome errours of men which while they followe carnall things onely and vnder the coulour of Christ gape after worldly goodes vse many tymes to denie Christ in their life whome they professe with their mouth And to these shall be ioyned those to whome hereafter it shall be sayde Not euerie one that sayth vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my father which is in heauen Christes kingdome is a spirituall kingdome and not of this world Therefore let vs desire the giftes of the spirite wherewith if we be furnished the other things that we haue neede of shall come of their owne accord Moreouer it is conuenient we see the maner of this promise and to whome it apperteyneth He declareth the maner in this one word of pouring out whereby he promiseth a large and plentifull grace of the spirite As touching the persons to whome he will giue it he treateth more at large saying I will poure out of my spirite vpon all fleshe Therefore this is an vniuersall promise But he addeth for expositions sake sonnes and daughters yong men and olde to teach vs that there is no difference in the kingdome of Christ eyther of age or sexe For in Christ as Paule sayth there is neyther Iewe nor Gentyle neyther bonde nor free neyther man nor woman In the meane season least any might thinke that the holy spirite was giuen to good and bad alyke God restrayneth his promise to his seruauntes and handmaydens to the ende we should vnderstande that it ought vniuersally to be expounded of them For where he is the spirite of adoption he can be receyued of none but of them whō God doth vouchsafe to acknowledge for his sonnes But they be sonnes of God which acknowledge him to be their father and call vpon him which serue him which worship him which please him and honour him And although they cannot performe the things that belong to the sonnes of God before they be regenerated by this spirite through the free benefit of God and therforethey be oftentimes vnknowne to vs before we see the effects of the holy ghost in them yet it is euident that none be partakers of this spirite but such as the Lorde taketh for his And he knoweth who be his and so knoweth them that no man can take them out of his hande And here by the waye commeth the difference of the olde and newe Testament to be considered For although one and the same Christ one and the same fayth and way of saluation one and the same spirite is set forth in both of them yet there may be perceyued no little difference wherein easily appeareth howe much greater our dignitie and felicitie is than theirs of the olde Testament This appeareth first in the number of the faythfull and next in the maner of teaching For in the olde Testament it is plaine there were but a small number of worshippers and the knowledge of saluation seemed to be compassed within the boundes of the people of Iurie For the wordes of God be well knowne which he sayth to the Israelites Ye shall be mine owne aboue all Nations For all the earth is mine Ye shall bee vnto me a kingdome of priestes and an holy people Againe You only haue I accepted of all the Nations on the earth For which cause sake me thinketh that is also spoken in the Psalmes In Iewrie is God knowne his name is great in Israell At Salem is his Tabernacle and his dwelling in Syon Hee sheweth his worde vnto Iacob his statutes and ordinaunces vnto Israell Hee hath not dealt so with any Nation neyther haue the heathen knowledge of his lawes But in the newe Testament the spirite of the Lorde is poured vppon all fleshe and the way of saluation is stretched to the farthest endes of the earth There it is sayde that they shall come from the East and from the West that shall sitte in the kingdome of God with Abraham Isaac and Iacob There the Apostles receyue a commaundement to preache the Gospell to all Nations There Peter learneth vs howe there is no respect of persons wyth God but in all Nations they that feare him and worke righteousnesse are accepted of him And here is fulfilled that which was spoken before by the Prophete That the barren and desolate should haue more children than shee that was maryed ▪ Againe though there be singuler examples of the faythfull of the olde Testament the like whereof you shall hardly finde in these dayes yet is it plaine that the way and meane of our saluation is now much more manifestly taught than it was woont to be in the olde Testament Before the lawe was published there were in deede large and liberall promises but obscure ynough if we waye them that liued in those dayes which sawe them not as then fulfilled In the lawe our saluation was shadowed with signes and figures but such as whereof many tooke occasion to establishe the righteousnesse of workes Then followed the Prophetes and they declare the mysteryes of Christ somewhere darckely and somewhere more plainely and openly And the thinges which seeme to vs most euident in their writinges seemed without doubt to them in those dayes obscure and darke ynough But in the new Testament the vayle of darcknesse is rent and that light brought in which being come giueth light to all men in the worlde In the Gospell the things are plainely taught which before tyme were hidden and secrete And there fishers and Publicanes see and heare those things which many Prophetes and iust men desired in tymes past to heare and see As touching this plentifull and bounteous gift of the holye ghost and true light thereof Ioel also prophecieth The ende and vse of
craft and power of men and therefore myght seeme not to be God Peter preuenteth this offence saying he was deliuered into the hands of vnrighteous men by the determinate counsell and foreknowledge of god For this is as much as if he had sayde let no man thinke that eyther Iudas the traytour or the Priestes or Pylate had eyther so much counsell or power as to doe anye thing herein which God knewe not or suffered not to be done For whatsoeuer chaunsed vnto Christ came to passe by his foreknowledge and decree Whervnto also he had a respect in his Epistle where he sayth that before the worlde was made Christ was ordeyned before hande for this ende For demonstration sake may be brought the promises of God made in the beginning of the worlde and the Oracles of the Prophetes which teache none other waye of our redemption and saluation than that which is gotten by the bloude of the sonne of god Uerily Esay sayeth that the Lorde hath brought to passe that the iniquitie of vs all is heaped vpon him It was therefore the decree and worke of the same Lorde that our sinnes by his bloude shoulde be pourged This is a notable place to cause vs to learne rightly to iudge of Gods prouidence Let vs marke therefore that he toucheth not only Gods prescience as it were by the way but also maketh mention of Gods counsell or decree Yea he setteth it before Gods prescience bicause he testifieth it was an appointed and determined matter which is as much as if he should saye in our maner of speach all this businesse was concluded by the premeditation and long before deuysed counsell of god Here is confuted the glose of them which imagine nothing in God almost but prescience or foreknowledge saying that God foretolde by the Prophetes that he foreknew shoulde come to passe taking from him in the meane whyle all prouidence and administration of things Which men seeme to me to make God an ydle gazer vpon the worlde and a slouthfull and sluggishe bodye suffring many things to be done agaynst his will and otherwyse than he had appointed But Dauid instructeth vs farre otherwise which sayth that God beholdeth the things done in heauen and in earth and maketh him also to rule kingdomes and to gouerne all things with his becke And Peter in this place sayth that God foresawe not only the falshoode of Iudas the bloudy enterprises of the Priests and the iniquitie of Pylate suffring them to come to passe by a certayne ydle permission but also deduceth all the successe of this businesse from the certaine and determinate counsell or decree of god And that that happened in the sonne of God ought to be vnderstanded of the vniuersal gouernance of mankind which God susteineth and wieldeth vnlesse we suppose that God which is alway constant in himselfe is swarued from his common order and vsage But chiefly it is conuenient we consider the ende wherefore Peter alleageth the decree of Gods prouidence which ende bicause many obserue not they by and by crie out that we make God the auctor of euill bicause we say all things depende vppon his counsell and appointing Howbeit Peter in this place neither excuseth Iudas nor his complices nor yet chargeth God with that they wickedly vniustly did For where they sinned of their owne voluntary malice and set before their eies neither the counsell of God nor the redemption of mankinde but folowed the naughty affections of couetousnesse ambition and hatred the fault was in themselues and iustly were they punished for the same Peter maketh mention of Gods prouidence and decree bicause he woulde put awaye the slaunder and offence of the crosse and teache vs howe to iudge of all Christes affayres and our redemption The same vse of Gods prouidence must we also set before vs that it may serue as well to the instruction of our fayth and lyfe as for our comfort in aduersitie So by the decree of prouidence the scriptures teache vs that our saluation dependeth vppon the meere grace of God who before the worlde was made ordeyned Iesus Christ to be our redeemer and chose or elected vs in him See Ephe 1. Rom. 9.10.11 c. And thither doth Christ sende vs saying you haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you Againe without me you can do nothing Therefore the consideration of predestination and Gods free election only beateth downe the pryde of mans righteousnesse the perillous affiance that we haue therein The same bringeth vs most strong comfort in aduersitie when the wicked are in prosperitie and aloft For why shoulde a man be offended at them considering he is sure that he is vnder the tuition of Gods prouidence and that no aduersitie can happen vnto him without the will and pleasure of God Therefore Christ sendeth vs to the flowres of the fielde and birdes of the ayre in the which Gods prouidence is most easily perceyued and comforteth the Apostles agaynst the slaunders of persecution with arguments taken from them saying Are not two little sparrowes solde for a farthing And one of them shall not light on the grounde without your heauenly father Yea all the heares of your heade bee numbred If we examine these wordes after the capacitie of our reason I know they seeme to exceede all truth But if we consider the wisedome and omnipotencie of God which farre passeth all mans reason there can nothing be sayde that maye seeme so farre to exceede the truth but his force and power pierceth through it and passeth it See what is written Psal. 139 and .147 If we set these things before our eyes the consideration of his prouidence shall yeelde vs much learning and comfort And if any man wil go beyonde this and passe his boundes to him we saye as Salomon sometime said He that will search out high things it shall be to heauy for him And as Paule sayde What art thou O man which disputest with god c. See the place Rom. 9. Neyther was it without the will of God that the Apostle which was rapt into the thirde heauen and hearde wordes not meete to be vttered to man disdeyning to answere curious questions about this matter of Gods prouidence and predestination concludeth all that disputation with an exclamation full of admiration and woonder saying O the deepenesse of the riches both of the wisedome and knowledge of god Howe vnsearchable are his iudgements and his wayes past finding out For who hath knowne the minde of the Lorde or who hath bene his counseller or who hath giuen vnto him first and he shall be recompensed againe For of him and through him and for him are all things To him be glory for euer Amen Last of all Peter ioyneth the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the deade in these wordes whom God hath raysed vp and loosed the sorrowes of death bicause it was impossible that he shoulde be holden of it This
things which we haue cited of himselfe the matter must be the better marked and then shall it appeare that they are most manifestly deceyued in their opinion For Dauid speaketh of one whose soule shoulde not abide with the soules of the deceassed and which in his bodye shoulde suffer no corr●ption But it is euident that Dauid is deade and his tombe at this day is to be seene amongst you wherin his body after the maner of all fleshe as he sayeth of himselfe is consumed into dust Therefore the wordes of the Psalme cannot be vnderstanded of him Howbeit though this be a firme and sure argument yet was it not sufficient vnlesse also he coulde prooue it ought to be vnderstanded of christ Wherefore he addeth Therefore seeyng Dauid was a Prophete and knewe that God had sworne with an othe to him that Christ as touching the fleshe should spring of the fruite of his loynes and sit vppon his seate he knowing this before c. By the which wordes he teacheth vs that no man ought to marueyle that Dauid prophecied these things of Christ which was promised to be the sauiour of the worlde He vseth two kindes of argument The first is taken of Dauids person and of his office For all men knowe that Dauid was a Prophete But this was the office of all Prophetes by the spirite of Christ to searche out his mysteries chiefely his death and resurrection as Peter in other places diligently teacheth And if a man searche the bookes of the Prophetes he shall there finde manifest and plaine prophecies of Christ and of his kingdome which thing Christ himselfe acknowledged saying after his resurrection It behooued that all the things shoulde be fulfilled which was written in the lawe of Moses and in the Prophets concerning me Therefore what marueyle is it that Dauid being a Prophete prophecied of Christ The other argument is touching the promises of god God had promised by an othe vnto Dauid that out of his loynes shoulde spring he that was promised to be the sauiour of the worlde which shoulde establishe the throne of his kingdome and possesse it for euer Therefore Dauid ought and might easily expounde the mysteries of that sa●iour ●o promised And the things here rehearsed ought manifestlye to be vnderstanded of him bicause they can not be meant of Dauid nor of anye other The promises made long ago vnto Dauid appertaine to the explication of this place Amongst which the chiefe is that that Nathan the Prophete by the spirite of God declared in these wordes when Dauid consulted touching the building of the Temple When thy dayes bee fulfilled thou shalt sleepe with thy fathers and I will set vp thy seede after thee which shall proceede out of thy body and will stablish his kingdome Hee shall builde an house for my name and I will stablish the seate of his kingdome for euer c. Which place as may easily be perceyued can not be vnderstanded of Salomon bicause he was borne and set in his kingdome Dauid being yet alyue neyther was the seate of his kingdome continuall But this promise is fulfilled in Iesus Christ which many yeares after tooke fleshe of the stocke of Dauid and appointed the house of God that is to say the congregation of all Nations and peoples whose kingdome as the Aungell testifieth shall haue none ende Besides this promise to put all things out of doubt he added an othe whereof Peter in this place maketh mention and which is expressed in the scriptures For herevnto appertaineth that which we reade Psal. 89. I haue sworne once by my holy nesse that I will not fayle Dauid His seede shal endure for euer and his seate is lyke as the sunne before me He shall stand fast as the moone and as the faithfull witnesse in heauen c. And againe The Lorde hath made a faithfull othe vnto Dauid and he shall not shrinke from it Of the fruite of thy body shall I set vpon thy seate And meete and conuenient it is that we should adde herevnto that which is read of the Priesthoode of Christ confirmed with the othe of god For Dauid prophecying hereof sayth The Lorde hath sworne and will not repent him Thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech Where therefore Dauid was instructed with such and so manye promises of God it is easie to perceyue that this ought to be vnderstanded of the true Messias which is the verye sonne of Dauid bicause they are more excellent and high mysteries than can fall out eyther vppon Dauid or any of his children But before we leaue this place two things are to be noted First we are taught that the auncient fathers were not altogither ignorant of Christes mysteries and specially those which concerne his death and resurrection In deede we must confesse that a more full knowledge hereof was reserued vnto the time appointed But to denye Antiquitie the whole knowledge of Christ were to rashe a part bicause we knowe Christ testifieth of Abraham that he reioyced to see his daye that he sawe it and was gladde And as we sayde erewhyle he sayth Moyses and the Prophetes prophecied of his mysteries This might be prooued by authoritie of elder promises and the bookes of the Prophetes abundantlye if neede so were But let it suffice vs to learne this namely that the bookes of the olde Testament appertaine to vs also which thing manye nowe a dayes ouer boldly vse to denie For it is euident that in them the knowledge of Christ is conteyned Therefore we must confesse that they appertaine to vs also vnlesse we will reiect the knowledge of Christ as nothing belonging vnto vs How much better doth Paule who sayth Whatsoeuer things are written before time are written for our learning that through pacience and comfort of the Scriptures we might haue hope Adde herevnto that which he sayth in the seconde Epistle to Timothie Cap. 3. The next thing worthy to be obserued in this place is howe God doth vouchsafe with an othe to confirme and establishe our redemption and saluation which only is included in Christ our lord Howbeit the credite and authoritie of Gods worde alone farre passeth any othe that can be made Howbeit that high God stoupeth downe to our capacitie bicause he would haue vs nothing doubt of our saluation And he bounde not himselfe on this wise to Dauid only but also to Abraham as Paule sayth For to him it is sayde I haue sworne by my selfe sayth the Lorde bicause thou hast done this thing and hast not spared thine onely sonne c. Afterwarde this othe was repeated againe where the Lorde sayd to Isaac I will perfourme the othe which I sware vnto Abraham thy father c. And herevnto appertaine those earnest and solemne contestations of God the father wherewith he beareth witnesse from heauen that Iesus Christ is his beloued sonne for whose sake he is reconciled vnto
of the people and sheweth that the myracle done on the lame man was to be attributed neither to the power nor holynesse of men Nowe let vs see the seconde part wherein he maketh God the author of the myracle and teacheth them to haue a respecte vnto Christ Iesus in whose name it was done And bicause this is the chiefe poynt of all the sermon he handleth the same verye industriously and in apt order First he propoundeth the summe of the whole matter in fewe wordes Next he telleth them of their cruell wickednesse committed against the sonne of god Then at last returning to the purpose he declareth plainely all the whole meaning of the myracle The summe of all the matter is The God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob the God of our fathers hath glorified his sonne Iesus He comprehendeth in these wordes both how God is the author of the myracle and also howe the finall cause of the same was the glorifying of Iesus Christ the sonne of god And as at the first he shewed nothing was to be attributed to the power or holynesse of man so nowe he teacheth that all is to be referred to God the only author and to the glory or setting forth of his sonne Where we haue two things to obserue First howe in speaking of God he calleth him the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and to be short the God of the fathers which title or style God himselfe vseth often in the olde Testament And this is a great token of Gods loue whereby he declareth to vs his goodnesse The Princes of this worlde take to them names of the people and Nations that they haue vanquished and ouerrunne and thinke it a great glorye to be called Parthians Gothickes Almanickes Africanes and Numidians But what other thing doe men learne by these styles but that they haue destroyed this people and spoiled their countries with fire and sworde God dealeth farre otherwise which will be named after those men whome of fauour deseruing no such thing he hath bounde vnto him by an euerlasting couenant and of whome he looketh neyther for great spoyle nor any profyte but such as himselfe bringeth forth in them Yet Peter herein had respect to an higher matter and giueth those tytles to God which he thought were chiefely agreeing with the present matter in hande For first where he nameth the fathers he admonisheth them of the promises which God in times past made to the fathers concerning christ For to Abraham it was sayde I will be thy God and the God of thy seede after thee In thy seede shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed Which promise we reade was repeated afterwarde in Isaac and Iacob To speake nothing of Dauid and the Prophetes which are busilye occupied in setting forth the same promises It was profitable yea necessary that those promises shoulde be repeated bicause the Iewes a little before had denyed them all in the presence of Pylate saying they had nor looke for none other king but Caesar as hereafter we shall heare Therefore bicause they shoulde not thinke themselues vtterly fallen from the couenant and promises and premised to be past all hope of saluation Peter sheweth them that the same God liued and reigned yet still which in time past made the couenaunt with the fathers and had not forsaken Abraham Isaac and Iacob but euen as in the beginning so nowe also he woulde be called their God so that they woulde turne vnto him Furthermore to auoide the suspicion wherwith the Apostles were charged this title and style of God serued very much For many suspected that they preached a newe God a newe faith a new religion hitherto vnknowne to the fathers for the which cause many would not heare them many thought them worthy death according to the law of Moyses But Peter vsing this title of God so openly protesteth as it were that he acknowledgeth none other God than he which shewed himselfe in times past to the fathers nor preacheth none other faith or religion than that whereby the father 's pleased God and were saued To conclude he teacheth them what fathers the Iewes ought to marke and followe in faith and religion They gloried in certaine fathers of a later time such as after Moyses and the Prophetes came in and were the authors of manifolde superstition Whose traditions they obserued so straightly that they had rather breake the lawes of God than chaunge or leaue vndone any iote or poynt of them which thing Christ many times layde to their charge Neyther did any thing more set them against Christ and his Apostles than for that they did by their doctrine impugne the ordinances of the elders Therefore Peter maketh mention of Abraham Isaac and Iacob to declare that all fathers are not to be followed in religion For as God alone is the father of all men and Iesus Christ alone the maister of all men whom the father hath appointed to be the teacher of all the worlde so must we onely follow their steppes whose fayth and religion we knowe pleased God and of whose faith and integritie God doth vouchsafe to beare witnesse In the number of whome Abraham is the chiefe whome the Scripture therefore calleth a father of the beleeuing and of many Nations bicause as manye as embrace the faith of Iesus Christ which was imputed to him for righteousnesse appertaine vnto him Unto the same Abraham Christ beareth witnesse where he sayth he reioyced to see his daye and sayth as many as shall come from the East and West into the Church of God shall sit downe with him in the kingdome of heauen Hereof let the men of our age learne what vanitie it is to bragge of those younger sort of fathers which haue deuised or followed a newe trade of saluation besides christ Except we become the children of Abraham by faith in Christ we can be defended by no helpe or authoritie of others no though they were kings and Emperors Secondly let vs marke howe he sayth The God of our fathers glorified his sonne Iesus Yet he speaketh of the myracle done vpon the lame man the ende whereof he vttereth in these wordes we are here taught that the glorifying of Iesus Christ the sonne of God is the marke and ende of all the myracles of the new Testament wherevnto al they also which glorie in their myracles ought to haue respect The Euangelist by expresse wordes vttreth this ende saying Manye other signes did Iesus which are not written in this booke These are written that ye might beleue that Iesus is that Christ the sonne of God. And Christ himselfe speaking of the power of working myracles and of the iudgement giuen to him of his father teacheth this to be the ende therof that all men might honour the sonne as they honour the father And reasoning with his Disciples of Lazarus sickenesse he sayeth This infirmitie is not to death but for the
he preferreth Publicanes and harlots to the kingdome of God before these whome Peter here reasoneth with Let this comfort vs that we knowe Christes honor remayneth safe and sounde howsoeuer the wicked worlde rageth against him For of him hath God sayde from euerlasting I haue set my king vppon my holy hill of Syon I will preache the lawe whereof the Lorde hath sayde vnto me Thou art my sonne this daye haue I begotten thee Aske of me and I shall giue thee the heathen for thine enheritance c. Secondly here is an Allegorie to be considered where the Rulers of the Church are compared vnto builders For this thing both admonisheth them of their dutie and setteth forth their whole office The name of a builder is not a name of honor but of charge and dutie and there is nothing so vnsitting for a deuiser or builder as ydlenesse For he onely amonge other that worke laboureth not but yet the whole charge and care of all the building lyeth on his shoulders And his ende is to haue a faire and sure house builded Which ende that he may attaine vnto he layeth a sure foundation vpon the which he setteth his whole frame and his whole care is to haue it workmanly finished These thinges the Ministers of the Churche must obserue whome the Lord hath called to labours and cares For they are builders of the house of God which is the congregation as Paule saith To the building vp of this house let them bring al that they are able remēbring that they haue receyued power to builde and not to destroye Let them laye no newe foundation but builde vpon that which the Lorde hath layde which Paule calleth the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles which is Iesus Christ. This is that precious stone layd 〈◊〉 the foundations of Zion This is that rocke wherevpon we liuely stones must be builded and against which the gates of hell shall not be able to preuayle Now as the building must be begunne with this stone so the same stone is the chiefe and headstone of the toppe or corner For in him is our perfection and he ioyneth togither two nations the Gentyles and the Iewes into one body of a congregation as the corner stone ioyneth togither two walles He professeth also he is the doore of this building He is the true housholder which hath committed the charge of the house to the Ministers and will one day require a reckonning how they haue vsed his house Therefore let all Ministers regarde this goodman of the house and take heede that they bring no heye or stubble to this building where mennes traditions haue naught to doe As many as fayle in this poynt they with the Iewes being builders vpon a naughtie fayth reiect Christ on whome they fall and procure destruction to themselues After the which rule if they be well examined which nowe a dayes will be taken for builders of the Church it shall easily appeare what they may be iudged to be Last of all this chiefe principle of Christian beliefe must be deepelye layde vp in our mindes wherein Peter ascribeth to Christ onely the whole glory of our redemption and saluation saying There is saluation in none other That he prooueth by the decree of God adding For among men vnder heauen there is giuen none other name wherein we must be saued For as in the world euery thing must be brought to passe by those meanes which god hath appointed therevnto so is it impossible that saluation can be attayned to by any other meanes than by the merite of Christ whom God which is the only author of mans saluation hath appointed from euerlasting to this purpose and businesse And where it is euident Goddes decree can not be broken Peter thought this one place sufficient ynough to confirme his opinion which otherwise had other infinite places wherby to prooue the same For no man can discharge the dutie of a Sauiour but he that can take awaye sinne ouercome death make intercession for vs before God and giue righteousnesse and lyfe to them that beleeue in him That all these thinges be in the power of Christ onely all the Scripture teacheth vs and himselfe cryeth out in the Prophete I am the Lorde This is my name and my glorye will I not giue to another And of him onely the father bare witnesse from heauen This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased Of him he sometime pronounced by the Prophete This is my seruaunt vppon whome I leane mine elect in whome my soule is pacified In him is giuen vnto vs grace and veritie In him are all the treasures of knowledge wisedome and goodnesse of God opened vnto vs. He is made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnesse satisfaction redemption and sanctification He is to them that hunger the breade of life and to them that thirst a fountaine of liuelye water He promiseth to them that traueyle and are laden refreshing giueth it them He onely is the waye which whosoeuer taketh not hee cannot come vnto the father He is the lambe of God slayne from the beginning of the world through whose merite both the olde fathers were saued and as many as beleeue in him shall be saued vntill the worldes ende Finally in him Paule testifyeth that we be chosen before the foundations of the worlde were layde Therefore by this place all other religions which shewe vs any newe meanes of saluation beside Christ are confuted With this Rammer the Gentyles Idolatrie the Iewes righteousnesse in their lawe the Phariseyes boasting and hypocrisie the Popedome with all their market of pardons and merites and all that confused Chaos of Monkish orders are beaten downe ouerturned and brought to the grounde For whatsoeuer is beside Iesus can neuer saue vs Therefore they condemne not vs but Peter of heresie which in these dayes excommunicate vs bicause we cleaue to Iesus our onely sauiour contemning those things which the superstition of man hath brought vp But we easily contemne their iudgementes which learne of Peter that it is no marueyle if manye of the builders reiect this precious stone We embrace him with constant fayth without whome there is no saluation and which hath promised to all them that beleeue in him saluation and life euerlasting To him be praise honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xxviij. Homelie WHEN they sawe the boldnesse of Peter and Iohn and vnderstoode that they were vnlearned and laye men they marueyled and they knewe them that they had bene with Iesu And beholding also the manne which was healed standing with them they coulde not saye agaynst it but commaunded them to go aside out of the Counsell and counsayled among themselues saying what shall we do to these men for a manifest signe is done by them and is openly knowne to all them that dwell in Hierusalem and wee cannot denie it But that it bee
to bende and bring al their force to those places where the enimies stronglyest assault them Let them whome the Lorde hath appoynted gouernors and pastors of the congregation doe the like Neyther are they to be heard which thinke those things ought to be suppressed and not spoken of which offende the aduersaries in our preaching For the Lord hath appointed vs ministers of his word not maisters and iudges vpon whose determination and appointment his doctrine must depende Therfore their boldnesse is most wicked which dare take vppon them to prescribe the holye spirite which is the only gouernour of the Church and of doctrine Secondly he sheweth howe the whole Church was giuen to vnitie and concorde The multitude sayth he were of one heart and one soule The meaning is that they were all of one minde and will the ende whereof vndoubtedly was none other than the enlargement of Christes kingdome This likenesse and parilitie of will and minde bringeth forth true friendship and stable concorde For they which haue this marke before them to set forth the kingdome of Christ are nothing desirous of their priuate lucre which thing alone disturbeth all friendship It shall appeare this was a singular worke of the holy ghost if we consider that the multitude of the beleeuers in whom this concorde consent so euidently appeared were fyue thousand persons This truly is the right marke and token of the faithfull such as they are neuer without For they that acknowledge but one father in heauen are receyued into one baptisme be but one bodie vnder Christ the head and are all quickned but with one spirit of Christ it cannot be that they can be deuided among themselues Therefore Christ appointed this as a cognisaunce to knowe his by saying By this shall all men knowe that you are my Disciples if you loue one another And agayne Paule by this argument prooueth the Corinthians as yet to be carnall by reason of the enuie contention and deuision that was among them It is worthye to be considered how after they had hearde the threates and wicked attemptes of their enimies they gaue themselues so earnestly to mutuall loue and vnitie That is the very propertie of loue then most to shewe his effectes when he seeth his brethren compassed about with daunger necessitie and to haue most neede of helpe This example condemneth the guise of our daies wherin men are destitute voide of all vnity and concord We heare amongest the professors of the faith and doctrine of the Gospell the factious names of Zwinglians and Lutheranes And so farre is this emulation spred that where the one part is in daunger the other forsake their brethren and without any pittie or mercie laugh in their sleeues at them Yea many times they declare their ioye by bitter tauntes and offer the members of Christ hanging vpon the crosse vinegar mingled with gall To say nothing in the meane season of the contentions raylings vpbraydings and slaundering one of another that is among them It is to be feared therfore least while we bite one another we be bitten and destroyed one of another Who soeuer in their distresses will haue any ayde or helpe of God must first be ioyned togither in minde through charitie But least any man might thinke this ioyning of mindes stoode in bare and vaine affection he sheweth in the thirde part howe they declared the same by their deedes First he maketh mention of beneuolence and helping of the poore the exercise wherof they cannot omitte whose mindes agree togither in christ And this place is moste worthye to be considered both bicause of the Anabaptistes who as we declared before in the seconde chap. go about by this place to establish Plato his communion of all things and bicause of false gospellers which intermit all exercise of Christian contribution Therfore for the more easie vnderstanding of this Treatise we will first consider the summe of the matter then the trade and order which the faithfull obserued in this case and last of all what the fruite and effect hereof was He comprehendeth the summe hereof in fewe wordes where he sayth No man sayde ought of the things that he possessed was his owne but they had all things common Here the propertie of things is not denied bicause there is expresse mention ●●de of possession but he expresseth the affection of minde which the faithfull had who although they possessed houses fermes and such other like yet no man was so wedded to them that he thought they were giuen to him alone but woulde haue them to serue the vse and necessitie of others also Whereby we gather that all thinges were common among them by will but not by lawe After which sort the Prouerbe sayth all things are common among friendes And in this place the true fountaine of Christian beneuolence and contribution is declared that is to say a minde which is not addict and tyed to the desire of riches but which iudgeth truly of them and the vse of them For according to Paules saying the vse of the riches of this worlde consisteth onely in meate and drinke and clothing wherein howseroume also is vnderstanded forasmuch as we be borne naked into this worlde neyther shall we carie any thing hence with vs But where the faithfull person vnderstandeth that mannes nature is suffised with few things he cannot be drowned in ouer great desire of heaping riches togither and he iudgeth not his treasure to consist in them and although he seeth they multiplie increase yet he setteth not his whole hart vpon them But vnderstanding rather that he is but a stewarde of them he laboureth to make him friendes of the vniust Mammon which may receyue him when he shall haue neede into euerlasting habitations The consideration hereof maketh the goodes of the faythfull to be common vnto other although they keepe to themselues the right of propertie The maner and order which they obserued in thys distribution maketh for the declaration of thys sense For thereof Luke sayth As many as were possessours of houses and landes solde them and brought the price of the things that were solde and layde them downe at the Apostles feete And distribution was made to euery man according as he had neede First he sayth houses and landes were solde which euery man dyd not ne yet they that did sell solde all and reserued nothing to themselues For there are dyuers examples of many which had houses of their owne and kept families which Paule not onely permytted but also as we may reade he streightly commaunded the same Therefore they solde as much as seemed requisite for the present necessitie of the Church and it was at euery mans disposition eyther to keepe or sell his owne as shall hereafter appeare by Peters wordes to Ananias Further they layde not the price or money downe for all men to take but brought it to the Apostles
in the meane season had a good opinion of them and published theyr prayses abroad bicause they sawe a certayne kinde of heauenly and Aungelike lyfe shine in them Diuers lyke examples of them maye we reade in hystories And vnder Traian the Emperour the Christians lyfe was so vnblameable that where he intended to persecute them at the intreatie of Plinius Secundus who was one of the iudges they were let alone and not medled with Thys place teacheth vs two things most worthy to be obserued First that the Church consisteth onely of faythfull persons and such as are true christians and that lying hypocrites can haue no place therein For where Christ is the king of truth as he testifyed before Pylate he can not abyde nor suffer lyers and hypocrites And in the Gospell he sayth they shall be put out from the maryage which come in without the wedding garment In an other place he adiudgeth them to eternall damnation with the fearefull and vnbeleeuing and the abhominable and murtherers and whoremongers and Sorcerers and Idolators Secondly we learne what getteth christians authoritie and fauour with men verilye when they aunswere to their vocation and lyue a lyfe aunswerable to the name of Christ whereby God our heauenly father may be glorifyed For that that God sayde vnto Heli the priest by his Prophete shall alwayes stand firme and ratified Them that worship me will I worship and they that despise me shall come to shame Which things if we would diligently consyder it should easily appeare howe it commeth to passe that the name of the Gospell in these dayes is euerywhere enuyed and the professours thereof for the most part are hated and slaundered Our vnbrideled and dissolute lyfe deserueth it whereby vnder a pretence of the gospell we burst into all vngodlynesse and we which would seeme holyer than all others doe passe all other almost in lycentious lyuing Let vs amende these things and we shall quickly prooue the Church shall be reuerenced agayne as she was woont Fourthly he sayth that there was daylie added to the Church newe christians as well men as women which were indued with true fayth and were moued thervnto by the holy ghost Thys teacheth vs how vaine the attemptes of Christes enimyes are seeing they that had the supremacy in the Citie of Ierusalem were not able to hynder the growth of the Church nowe springing For as Christ sayth The winde bloweth where it will and is subiect to no mans pleasure or appointment And dyuers examples teach vs that the Church in tyme of persecutions alwaye increased rather than diminished For this is the propertie of Christ to beare rule in the middest of his enimies Let no man therefore be feared with the manaces of wicked enimies as though it were in their power to ouerthrowe the Church For it is buylt vpon Christ against whome the gates of Hell cannot preuayle Besides this the kingdome of Christ beginneth to be spreade abroad in the Cities nigh adioyning For the fame of these myracles being caried to and fro caused a great manye to bring their sicke and demoniake people to Ierusalem and by that occasion they came to the knowledge of christ The chiefe vse of this place is to make vs in these dayes vnderstande by what meanes Christes kingdome may be enlarged Wherein they which vnder the cloke of the Gospell follow carnall wisedome and haue not yet subdued the same to the obedyence of faith take dyuers consultations For there be some that thinke it best for the faythfull to serue the time to graunt many things and to winke at other vntill the worlde maye looke with an other countenaunce and their mindes waxe calmer which now hate the truth Other agayne turning to carnall defences thinke good by confederacie and fight to bring the matter to passe But the successe of things prooueth both these sortes to be farre wyde and deceyued For this is Gods businesse and can be brought to passe with none other power and strength than his Neyther thorow an hoste of men neyther thorow strength but thorowe my spirite as the Lorde sayth by his Prophet And agayne I will saue them in the Lord their God and I will not saue them by bow nor sword nor by battayle nor by horse nor by horsemen c. We know in deede sometime that he vseth the ministerie of Princes and men and warre as the examples of the Machabees of Constantine and Theodosius doe testifie but euen then he so moderateth the matter that the power of his spirite sheweth it selfe in the middle of these thinges and hath onely the preheminencie Therefore let as many as consult how to haue the Church mainteyned and the kingdome of Christ aduaunced regarde him onely For when they go about to bring the matter to passe by mans counsell and defence there will not God worke any longer Therefore let vs continue in the exercises of the primitiue Church such as Luke hitherto hath rehearsed Let the teachers constantly preach the doctrine of truth not suffer themselues to be plucked from the same considering it hath bene confirmed by so many myracles let them that will be taken for christians earnestly harken to the same and let them ioyne contynuall prayers to the studye of the worde for as much as without Gods secrete working nothing can be brought to passe Let the authoritie of Ecclesiasticall discipline be in force that neyther hypocrites nor open naughtie packes may haue any place in the Church Let the studie of loue and liberalitie towarde the poore raigne amongst vs that the household of fayth through our couetousnesse be not gased on like publike stages of beggerie Bycause these thinges nowe a dayes are not onely neglected but also peruerted it is no marueyle that we see so little fruite of the doctrine of the gospell Let vs therefore settle our selues herevnto with all our hartes and our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ wyll helpe our studies and endeuoures to whome be praise honor glory and power for euer Amen The .xxxv. Homelie THEN the chiefe priest rose vp and all they that were with him which is the sect of the Sadduceyes and were full of indignation and layde handes on the Apostles and put them in the common prison But the Aungell of the Lorde by night opened the prison doores and brought them forth and saide Goe and stande and speake in the temple to the people all the wordes of this life When they heard that they entred into the Temple early in the morning and taught THat Oracle of Dauid the King and Prophet saying that Christ should reigne in the middest of hys enimies is verye wonderfull Hereof we gather that Christ shall rule in thys worlde yet so as he shall neuer want those that shall go aboute to subuert and ouerthrowe his kingdome Examples hereof we may euerye where see in the Scriptures and Ecclesiasticall Hystoryes But most manifestlye of all others
is it seene in thys present Booke where in the report of the Apostles actes and description of the primitiue Church Luke alwayes ioyneth these two thinges togyther that is to say the successe of Christes kingdome and the furious rage of the vngodly against the same These thinges serue to the ende that we should neyther be offended at the Crosse and aduersitie whereof Christ so often tymes hath gyuen vs warning neyther hope for anye contynuall peace and tranquillitie of the Church in thys worlde but that we should euen then prepare our selues to the crosse when the Church seemeth to be most in safetie Wherevnto thys present hystorie is chiefely to be referred For Luke a little before setteth forth vnto vs a flowrishing state of the Church shewing vs what a●thoritie it grewe in and how it increased day by day in so much that the Citie of Ierusalem was nowe to little to conteyne the kingdome of Christ bicause it began to be caryed abroad among straunge Nations But among these so many and prosperous proceedings there foloweth a grieuous persecution and great daunger bicause Christ gaue his enimies such power that they layde handes on the Apostles and put them in prison thinking also to put them vnto death Yet these things serue more to comfort vs than to feare vs bicause the Lorde so presently helped the Apostles being in daunger for the glorie of his name But that we maye receaue the more vtilitie and profite hereby first we must consider the enimies of Christ and the Apostles Then howe the Lorde did elude and frustrate their enterprise And last of all we will declare what the Apostles did after they were delyuered from the perill they were in Luke wryteth diligently of the enimies and persecutours of the church and of their enterprises For he sayth the high priest rose vp agaynst the Apostles and not he alone but all his complyces and fellowes and they that were his nearest friendes and familiars and these sayth he were of the Sadduceyes secte that we may perceaue what corruption raigned nowe among the Iewes when they were supreame heades of the Church to whome the resurrection of the dead which is the chiefe article of our fayth and religion seemed but a game and pastime as we haue often tymes declared And surely if they had not bene vtterly voyde of all religion eyther the sinceritie of the Apostles doctrine or the reuerente maiestie of the congregation or the wonderfull worthynesse of myracles and so great concursse of all sortes of people to the kingdome of Christ might haue mooued them lesse to haue raged But Luke declareth also what incensed them For he sayth they were full of zeale that is enuie and indignation For they could not abyde them to be had in prise and estimation by whose doctrine theyr honor and aduauntage was defaced Yet is it no doubt but they made the zeale of God and the publike commoditie of all the people to be the pretence of their priuate affections as we reade Caiaphas and his complyces did before Wherevnto came this zeale so farre that they layde hands on the Apostles and commaunded them to the common gayle as breakers of publike peace and open malefactours These things must be applyed to our times also bicause it is manifest al things are written for our sakes that we may haue enstruction and comfort thereby First this example teacheth vs who are alwayes like to be the greatest persecutors of Christes truth Truely they which glorie in the tytle of Priesthoode and will be taken for the chiefe heades of the Church and ought chiefely to maintaine and preach the truth But as soone as vnder pretence of Religion they beginne to seeke their owne gayne and lucre then can they neyther beleue themselues nor yet suffer the light of the truth whose brightnesse discloseth their naughtinesse and deceit And such for the most parte are these Sadduceis yea the Hogges of Epicures hearde For vnlesse they thought the thinges written in Scripture touching Heauen and Hell the immortalitie of the soules and the resurrection of the deade more vaine than fables they woulde neuer neyther so wickedly corrupte the scriptures with their traditions nor yet so impudently turne relygion into priuate lucre and aduantage Therefore Christ and the Apostles shewe vs how Antichrists place and Sea should be euen in the very church that we might perceyue from whence most daunger were to be looked for and feared And if we well marke these tymes it shall appeare they onely haue bene the enimies of the doctrine of the Gospell and kingdome of Christ which heretofore haue bene thought to be the chiefe heades of the Church For it is euident that the matters attempted by Princes and Kings were done for their sakes and by their procurement and instigation This thing offendeth many in these daies and make them thinke that the doctrine in our Churches is not the truth bycause the Popes and Byshoppes are enimies thereto But great folly it is to be offended with that which hath bene the most vsuall and common thing since the worlde beganne as other wher 's hath bene declared But we must as diligently consider wyth what craft and weapons these men fight Where first is to be noted howe egregiouslye they can counterfaite the zeale of God whose glorie they lament to be troden vnder foote and his Church to be so daungerously deuided But this is but a corrupt zeale as we see in Caiaphas to whome the confession of truth which Christ vttered seemed blasphemous and intollerable So nothing seemeth so impious and intollerable to these our heades as that that tasteth of the truth of the Gospell and is repugnant to their proude tyrannye and aduauntage And it appeareth euen by this place that we ought to haue no better iudgement of the zeale of our enimies bicause that as the Bishops of the Iewes coulde beare with the madde errours of the Saduceyes so they woulde helpe to bring downe Christ so these men can beare with the wicked sale and marte of holye things condemned by the Popes owne Canons with the scorcing of Gods doctrine with horrible periurye whoredome and all kinde of vnbridled lyuing so that those things that pertaine to their vaineglory and aduauntage might be left alone vntouched But to graunt them that in deede they haue a zeale to the glory of God yet can they not be excused but are lyke vnto the Iewes which as Paule sayth had a zeale of God but yet were voyde of all knowledge and truth For GOD will not haue vs followe our owne zeale but his woorde which for this cause he hath witsafed to reueale to all ages to the intent no man should followe the suggestions of the fleshe and wisedome of man But what maner of zeale these men had may be iudged by the successe of the thing For they that were Stewardes of the worde of God and ought with argumentes of Scripture to haue
morning the Bishops come togither and call an assembly or counsell consulting which waye they maye quench the fire of the Gospell But the Lorde from aboue laughing at them and meaning to make all the worlde laugh at them by the helpe of one Aungell deliuereth the Apostles out of prison and marueylously eludeth the counsell of their enimies who thought themselues craftie and wyly ynough But bicause it seemed good to the holy ghost to describe all the partes of this hystorie we also must thinke no studie or diligence to much to search them out bicause we maye receyue much profite by our traueyle therein First therefore let vs consider the Counsell to the which we sayd they busily addressed and hyed themselues the circumstaunces whereof beyng considered we shall perceyue all things declaring a shew and countenance of a lawfull Counsayle The chiefe in the Counsayle is the high Priest who in these cases was appoynted of God to haue the highest authoritie and who by Goddes apoyntment was most to be obeyed For sentence of death was long ago giuen against them which durst obstinately despise the Priestes saying To him be adioyned the other Priestes least anye man might thinke the Bishop did any thing of his priuate affection And least any man also might suspect the whole order of Priests the Elders were also called the institution of which order was long before appoynted of God and represented the forme of the whole Church Furthermore they take vnto them the Capitaine of the Temple with the other publike Officers that bicause they woulde seeme to doe nothing against the common weale These things being thus ordeyned what letteth nowe that this should not be a Counsell lawfully gathered togither Surely touching outwarde appearance you can easily require none other thing But if a man regarde the ende of all this doing it shall appeare they were not gathered togither by the holy ghost but by the instigation of Satan and that therefore no good or godly person ought to obey or submit himselfe to them For they assembled togither to oppresse the truth and they go about to ouerthrowe the kingdome of Christ by conspiracie Thys place teacheth vs to iudge of counsayles which are now a daies in euery mans mouth bicause manye suppose controuersies of religion can not be decyded wythout a generall counsayle Touching whose opinion as I will not nowe dispute so it seemeth to me it would be very profitable if such a free and generall counsell might be obteyned wherein all controuersies might be concluded by the onely worde of God such as was the Synode of the Apostles whereof shall be spoken in the .xv. chapter and such as we knowe those olde counsayles were of Nicaea Constantinople Ephesus and Chalcedon and such other as the godly Emperours by their authoritie gouerned and ruled least the ambition of Byshops might kindle more cōtention But whether we may hope for any such like in these dayes I can not easily tell bicause I see none of the contrary parte contented to forsake their possession of the Church wrongfully vsurped nor wylling to submyt themselues to the iudgement of others Agayne if we consider what counsels haue beene these many yeres since the Bishops of Rome gate the supremacie ouer the Church no man that is in hys right wits can looke for any goodnesse to come of them bicause they obserue not so much as any outwarde shewe of a lawfull counsayle For to beginne with the chiefe poynt Their counsayles vse to be summoned and called by the Byshops of Rome whose supremacie is not ordeyned of God and is most contrarie to the glorie of christ They also will be the chiefe rulers Presidents and Iudges of the counsell which ought rather to pleate their cause and to gyue an account of their stewardship which many yeres now hath bene requyred of them They haue Bishops sytting which them not such as Paule requyreth but such as the God on earth vseth to create from whome if a man take their pieuishe and stage play apparell and vayne names and tytles they shall haue nothing left that representeth any show of Byshoply duetie or dignitie And they onely haue authoritie to gyue sentence which are not worthy the lowest rowme in the Church but are by Gods sentence long since excommunicated For the Prophet affirmeth that the Chanaanites that is to say sellers of holye thinges shall haue no place in the Lordes house And such as they did Christ long since dryue out of the Iewish temple And Christ sayth in his reuelation that Infidels Murtherers Whoremongers Wytches Idolaters and all lyers haue their place prepared in the lake burning with fyre and Brymstone And who I pray you is so impudent that will denie but a many of them are polluted with these vyces which yet haue onely the power and authoritie to iudge matters of religion And although they vse to call Emperours kings and princes to their counsayle it skilleth not bicause it is euident they haue all sworne obedience to the Pope and are not accounted for Catholikes onlesse they giue vp themselues wholy to the Sea of Rome Wherfore thys outward shewe representeth no lawfull counsayle but with a vayne visure beguyleth the simple and vnwarie And if a man marke the ende wherevnto they referre all thing it shall appeare more plainely that they seeke onely the oppressing of the truth and the ghospell than needeth with many words to be declared For this doth the bloud of the Martyrs of Christ testifie which they haue shed and most greedily thirst after The warres whereof they haue bene the first authors agaynst the mainteyners of the true fayth doe prooue the same They confesse the same in their Bulles wherby they summon and call counsellers For they so burne in hatred of the truth that where they are wholy couered with hypocrisie and furnished at all points to cloke and dyssemble all things yet can they herein little or nothing dissemble their great hatred but openly professe that which they long ago haue conceyued against the Ghospell Therefore let them that desyre the ouerthrowe of Christes church and kingdome and will wittingly perishe submit matters of fayth and religion to their iudgement But whosoeuer hath a care of his owne saluation of the glorie of Christ and safetie of the Church let him vnderstande that this saying of Dauid chiefly belongeth to this place Blessed is that man that hath not walked in the counsell of the vngodly nor stande in the way of sinners and hath not sitte in the seate of the scornefull But let vs let passe these matters and come to the priestes and Elders who hauing consulted about the Apostles sende their seruaunts to the prison to bring them before the counsell And here the Lorde agaynst whom they stroue doth marueylously mocke and deryde them For the seruaunts finde the Apostles deliuered out of prison They returne to their maysters and so declare the matter that they
heauen Againe you are they which haue abidden with me in my temptations and I appoynte vnto you a kingdome as my father hath appoynted to me that you maye eate and drinke at my table in my kingdome c. Which promises bicause they sawe fulfilled and confirmed in Christ which through the crosse triumphed ouer all the power of hell and by death entred into the kingdome of heauen they could not but greatly reioyce when they perceyued that by these beginnings they hasted to the inheritaunce of the heauenly kingdome And as these thinges were an occasion to the Apostles to reioyce so ought they to cause vs in afflictions to reioyce and be glad For this is the propertie of all Christians as Paule sayth to reioyce and be merie in afflictions And surely there are notable causes which in these dayes ought to stirre vs to the consideration of these thinges forasmuch as we see these many yeares the enimies of Christ swarming in Germanye who for this cause most cruelly persecute vs for that we haue chosen rather to obey Christ than Antichrist At whose victories and successe many are so offended that they suspect as it were the doctrine of truth and we haue seene many more is the pitie as touching the fayth to haue made shipwracke But if we would call to remembrance our sinnes and woulde diligently consider the ingratitude whereby Germanie these many yeares hath partly neglected the vnspeakable benefite of Gods worde and Christian libertie and partly betrayed it and with vnbridled licentiousnesse of lyfe polluted the same we shoulde see the wonderfull goodnesse of God towardes vs who woulde haue vs in ieoperdie for the truth of his worde and become witnesses of his sonne and yet had deserued destruction through our sinnes and wickednesse And that it might appeare we stoode in daunger and suffered not for our owne wickednesse but only for religion and the truthes sake he sent in among vs such enimies whose liuing and maners abundantly declare that they were not so much prouoked with our sinnes agaynst vs as with our onely confession of the truth Therefore what more euident argument of Gods goodnesse and grace coulde be shewed vnto vs than that he hath giuen vs strength not onely to beleeue in Christ but also to suffer for his names sake For hereof we may conclude with Paule If we die with Christ we shall liue with him· If we suffer with him we shall also reigne with him Bicause manye see not this glory of the crosse eyther they filthily fall away from the profession of the fayth or else with vngodly reproches vpbrayde vs with our fayth and sclaunderously defame vs which mourne vnder the crosse of christ As many truly as consider these thinges as they ought cannot choose but glory and reioyce in Christ when they see his markes appeare in their bodies Therefore greatly is their folly to be bewayled who are offended at the afflictions and crosse of Christ whereas they might rather gather argumentes of comfort and ioye of the same Finally Luke sayeth of the Apostles that without any regarde had to this wicked decree they ceased not to teache and preach in the name of Iesus christ And this they did openly in the Temple as long as they coulde be suffred But when the tyrannie of their enimies had driuen them out of the Temple then beganne they to preache in the houses of the faythfull For Gods truth is not bounde to any certaine place but may be taught euery where so that a regarde be had of order and comlynesse as Paule teacheth Thus they perfourme in very deede that which they protested in the Counsell that is howe God was more to be obeyed than men and by their example confute them which now a dayes affirme that in matters of faith and religion we must simply obey the magistrates As though God had made himselfe and his religion subiect to mannes pleasure and appoyntment But bicause we haue already intreated hereof once or twyse there needeth no more to be sayde at this time In the meane whyle● the● constancie of the Apostles is woonderfull which being scourged and beaten doe boldly go on in the office that God appointed The slothfulnesse of men in our dayes is by this example confuted who hauing suffred somewhat for the truthes sake alreadye thinke they haue nowe done all their dutie and will henceforth suffer neyther paines nor daunger any more In deede their doings might after a sort be borne with if it were in our owne libertie to appoynt the boundes of our labour But bicause we be seruants it becommeth vs to wayte vpon the Lordes will and to abide his leysure with silence And Christ sayth they be not meete for his kingdome which loke backewarde but such as continue vnto the ende See Luke the .ix. Mathew the .xxiiij. Beside it is the commaundement of God that we being deliuered out of daungers and distresse through his benefite shoulde glorifie him Which thing they cannot doe that leaue and forsake their standing and being ouercome with feare of perilles procure their ease and quietnesse Wherfore let euery man in his calling followe the constancie of the Apostles but chiefely such as the Lorde hath committed the dispensation and ordering of his Church and worde to and let them not distrust his ayde who they see so long agone had such a care of his flocke Whosoeuer can giue a iust account of their ministerye vnto him shall be partakers of his kingdome To him be blessing honor glory and power for euer Amen The sixt chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The .xl. Homelie IN those dayes when the number of the Disciples beganne to increase there arose a grutch among the Greekes against the Iewes bicause their widowes were despised in the dayly administration Then the twelue called the multitude of the Disciples togither and sayde It is not meete that we should leaue the worde of God and serue Tables Wherefore brethren looke you out among you seauen men of honest report and full of the holy ghost and wisedome to whome we may commit this businesse But we will giue our selues continually to prayer and to the ministration of the worde THe Euangelist Luke thus farre hath set forth the beginning proceeding increase and order of the primitiue Church In the which we haue seene all things very wisely ordered according to the worde of God and amongst the horrible persecutions and cruell attemptes of the enimies with moste prosperous successe administred Howbeit bicause the things there intreated be somewhat generall nowe at length the godly writer descendeth to matters more speciall declaring howe certaine peculiar persons employed their great traueyle to promote and aduaunce Christes kingdome Among whome bicause Steuen which was one of the Deacons of whom no mention hath bene heretofore made is the first he beginneth most commodiously his hystorie with the institution of the Deacons and in this present place teacheth vppon what
of Iesus Christ his sonne who in times past hauing suffered all kinde of iniuries at our handes and yet dayly suffreth cannot yet forget his loue and liberalitie but acknowledgeth vs for hys brethren and doth good euen to them that haue deserued a thousand deaths and crosses Let vs imitate this condicion of God the father if we will be called and taken for his children Yet is there no cause why their sinnes shoulde not be reprooued and accused who we see haue done and doe many things out of square Nor we may not so pardon them who haue iniuried vs that through our to much bearing they become the worse but we must thinke this the chiefe poynt of charitie if we can by anye meane call them from sinne and destruction which as yet be voyde of godlynesse But let vs consider the seconde part of this place where Iacob and all his familie and kindred commeth downe into Egypt Here it appeereth none remayned in the countrie of Chanaan that were of the number of Goddes people but they were all outlawes and preserued there without any ceremonies or rytes of the law by the meere grace of god And it is not wythout a cause that Steuen so diligently reckoneth the number of soules For the consideration hereof setteth before our eyes the ineffable and inuincible power of God which was able within two hundred and tenne yeares to make so small a company so innumerable For as Moyses testifieth when they went out of Egypt there were mounstred .vj. hundred thousand three fiue hundred and fiftie fighting men of the Israelites With the which thing if we compare the tragicall attempts of Pharao which euery way went about to destroy and roote out this people it shall easily appeare that the promise of God made sometime to Abraham Genes 15. 17. coulde no wayes be hindered by any power or deuyse of man This ought to be obserued for the instruction and comfort of vs all that we feare not the threates and enterprises of the worlde seeing it appeareth the force thereof agaynst God is altogither vayne Let vs compare this to Christ and his Church God promised him a kingdome which he possesseth and shall for euer possesse despyte of his enimies He promised also that his Church shoulde be enlarged which thing we see is fulfilled although one Pharao alone hath not sought the ouerthrowe thereof Let euery body marke this in their temptations that they suffer not their fayth to be ouerthrowne seeing as Paule sayeth there is nothing that can seperate vs from the loue of God. In the later part of this diuision Steuen sheweth how the father 's died in Egypt and were afterwarde caryed to Sichem And Moyses wryteth plainely of Iacob that his corps was caryed into Chanaan And the Scripture lykewise sheweth that the Israelites brought Iosephes bones out of Egypt as he gaue commaundement Concerning the other Patriarches although Moyses write nothing yet it is credible that their bones were also brought by their posteritie bicause Steuen affirmeth it so boldly before them who he knewe were diligent markers of his wordes Furthermore that the writers haue erred in the name of Abraham it is more plaine than needeth long declaration See at the least what is written touching this field which Iacob bought of the sonnes of Hemor Genes 33. and Iosua 24. He sayth the Patriarches dyed in Egypt for that it may appeere they dyed in that religion which consisted in no ceremonies but in the onely fayth which embraced the promyses of god Wherof may be gathered that they were iustifyed and saued by fayth through the meere grace of God and not by the lawe ceremoniall In the meane season we are taught that the faithfull dye godlily in what place so euer it be and that they are not to be thought miserable which dye in exyle out of their countrie For where this life wheresoeuer it is ledde is but a Pilgrimage and our countrie or Citie is permanent and abyding in heauen he cannot dye in banishment which hauing ended the race of his pilgrimage is taken into the hauen of the heauenly countrie For the Aungell calleth them blessed which die in the Lorde And Christ testifieth that they which beleeue in him passe from death vnto lyfe Furthermore God is present euerywhere with his that are ready to die And in the later daye the earth the sea and all the parts of the world shall render agayne all those that euer they made awaye and consumed Therefore pieuishe and foolishe is the superstition of those which measure beatitude or blisse by holynesse of places and thinke it a great matter in what place a bodye is buried whereas it is playne that all the earth is the Lordes whose power and grace can be included and bounde to no place And let not these men obiect to mee the Patriarches which wylled their bones to be caried out of Egypt into the lande of Chanaan For they did not that to th ende to shewe they had any hope of saluation in the place of buriall but this was a worke of fayth which no feare of death coulde driue from them And for that they woulde testifie to all menne that they firmelye beleeued the promises of God which he had made vnto them touching their posteritie to be possessors and inhabiters of the land and would allure their ofspring to loue the same therfore they would there be buried so that euen at the poynt of death it may be sayde they had an hope and beliefe in the same And that good cause thus to doe appeereth by the condicions and behauiour of their posteritie who being deliuered out of Egypt by the singular myracles and woonders of God had yet an eye still vnto the same and despised the Countrie where their fathers were buried What woulde they therefore haue done if their fathers had appoynted their Sepulture in Egypt Therefore the example of these Patriarches nothing helpe their superstition which thinke so great an hope of mannes saluation and glory in the buriall place Let vs rather marke the poynt of thys diuision of Steuens whole oration and leauing the obseruation of ceremonies let vs keepe fast our hope and fayth that we may fitte with the holye Patriarches in the kingdome of heauen as Iesus Christ hath promised vs to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .xlvij. Homelie BVT when the tyme of the promise drewe nigh which God had sworne to Abraham the people grewe and multiplied in Aegypt till an other king arose which knewe not of Ioseph The same delt subtilly with our kynred and euyll intreated our fathers and made them cast out their yong chyldren that they should not remayne alyue The same tyme was Moyses borne and was acceptable vnto God and nourished vp in his fathers house three Moneths When he was cast out Pharaos daughter tooke him vp and brought him vp for hir owne sonne And Moses was learned in
that bodies are committed to the ground as seedes vnto the earth which afterward shall be raysed vp with more glory Howbeit it is like the holy men had an other consideration For while they decently bury him that was condemned by the sentence of the counsell they manifestly reproue the vnrighteousnesse of their aduersaries giue an euident testimony of the fayth which Steuen had preached Furthermore they declare how they reuerenced him whō they saw was so singular an instrumēt of christ And they are not like vnto those which now adays vse to let slip the raynes of an impotent vnbridled tonge against the ministers of the word by whose free speach and doctrine they see their enimies are incensed and so seeke after the bloud of the faithfull ministers of Christ deride their cōstancy boldnesse whom they ought to reuerence honor In the meane time we learne by this example what we owe to the bodies of the deade that is to say honest and comely buriall forasmuch as Paule sayeth our bodies be the Temples of the holy ghost We must in our buryinges vse no pryde or superstition wherin diuers faultes are now adayes committed For there are some which puffed vp with vanitie doe so forgette their mortall estate that they will after death also be prowde while they fasten the armes cognizances of vayne glory about their Tumbs There are other again which labour by Diriges and sacrifices to do away the sinnes of the dead or else after a peculiar sorte of ceremonie vse to canonize them and make them saintes wherof the one is peeuish and without example the other derogatory and repugnaunt vnto Christes merite and doctrine which teacheth vs that those that beleeue passe from death vnto lyfe and haue neede of no new expiacions Moreouer they make great lamentation ouer Steuen And that is not against the rule of Paule whiche forbiddeth vs we shoulde not mourne as the heathen do For they lament not as vncertaine doubtfull of Steuens estate but for that they see the wicked to haue such power and the church depriued of so excellent a Minister which might yet haue done very much good in setting forth the kingdome of christ Neither are they to be blamed which cannot by and by forget their friendes like men voyde of all humanitie and common sense but are enforced to weepe forasmuch as God hath not made vs blockes and the scripture euery where condemneth those that be destitute of naturall affections On this sort we reade Abraham bewayled Sara his wife Ioseph with his brethren Iacob their father the people of Israell Aaron Moses and Samuel wyth godly dutie Yea Christe when he sawe the two sisters mourne wepte for his belooued Lazarus In deede a meane must be kept lest we may be thought either to enuy the dead their heauenly felicitie or else to stande in doubte or not firmely to beleeue the inheritaunce of the same Last of all Luke setteth vs out a singuler example of tiranny that Saule vsed against the church wherin first the great crueltie of the tyranne next the vayne successe of his purpose and intent is to be considered Of this Saule it was sayd before that he consented to the death of Steuen and kept their clothes that stoned him wherby is signified that he was guiltie of innocent bloude But now he can not be satisfied with the tirannye of an vniuersall persecution but deuiseth a peculier way and goeth about vtterly to pull vp the church as it were by the rootes And he setteth not on them alone which openly professed the faith but bursteth into priuate houses and draweth out not onelye men but women also whome the infirmitie and weakenesse of sexe defended and putteth them in prison in so muche that certaine writers thinke not vnwittily the Oracle of a Woolfe that shoulde come out of the tribe of Beniamin ought to be applied vnto this Saule For he was in deede a rauenyng Woolfe which yet at length when he was conuerted distributed the wholesome spoyles of Euangelicall preachyng almost ouer the whole world And the thinges which Luke here reporteth of him he himselfe oftentimes confesseth yea he lamenteth hym of the same verye often See Actes 26. 1. Cor. 15. Galath 1. The vse of them all is that we shoulde acknowledge the goodnesse of God whiche did vouchsafe to take into his fauour so great an enimy For as he himselfe interpreteth the matter On hym would Iesus Christ shewe all long pacience to declare an example vnto them which should beleeue on him vnto eternall lyfe But what preuayled Saules great enterprise Coulde he make hauocke of the church Nothing lesse Yea he was the cause that they beyng scattered hither and thither spred the word of saluation kingdome of Christ the further Thus God knewe how to set forth the glorye of his sonne euen by those wayes which seemed most to hinder it Whervnto also is to be referred how the euill spirites in the gospell euen against their will brought before Christe and threw to the ground those whom they thought they had all power ouer Therefore their feare is foolishe which suffer themselues to be discouraged with the attemptes of tyrannes In the meane while we are aduertised of our dutie that we be not ouercome with persecutions nor forsake not our dutie by and by Which thyng diuers doe in these dayes who hauing bene once or twise in daunger make holyday for euer after as though they had fully discharged their dutie toward Christ already But they of whom Luke here speaketh do better which being driuen out of Ierusalem are by their banishment made the bolder and preach Christ euerywhere being myndfull of that sentence which sayth they shall be saued not which begin well but which continue vnto the ende Let vs therfore follow their zeale that after we haue faithfully finished this race of life we may attaine to the garland of the heauenly reward through Iesus Christ to whom be all praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lvij. Homelie THEN came Phillip into a Citie of Samarie and preached Christ vnto them And the people gaue heede vnto those thinges which Phillippe spake with one accord hearing and seyng the myracles which he did For vncleane spirites crying with lowde voyce came oute of many that were possessed of them And manye taken with palseyes and many that halted were healed And there was great ioye in that Citie But there was a certaine man called Simon which before tyme in the same Citie vsed witchcraft and bewitched the people of Samarie saying that he was a man that coulde doe great things whome they regarded from the least to the greatest saying this man is the power of God which is called great And hym they set much by bicause that of long tyme he had bewitched them with sorceries ALthough the Kingdome of Christ and the church is alway assaulted and set on by the
nothing contrary to the same though it seeme neuer so worthy of authoritie And hereof the Lord himselfe giueth vs warning where he forbiddeth vs in the law to beleeue false Prophets although they confirmed their doctrine with myracles For the Lorde your God sayeth Moses tempteth you to see whether you loue the Lorde your God with all your heart c. Therefore they obiect myracles to vs in vaine which go about to perswade vs in things varying from Gods worde See 2. Thess. 2. Math. 24. Besides in Simon is set forth a manifest marke whereby a deceyuer may be knowne For he challengeth to himselfe godly honor which Satan chiefly desireth to th ende to spoyle God of his honor wherein he farre differeth from the good Aungels which refuse godly honor being offered them and put it ouer vnto god See Apocal. 19. and .22 And the faythfull seruaunts of God being well remembred of their naturall corruption be most free from this sacrilegall desire of godly honor and giue all the prayse to God for whatsoeuer they doe well and laudably Example hereof we haue seene before in Iohn and Peter and shall hereafter see the lyke in Paule Therfore let them be driuen from vs and clapped out of our company which dare to take vpon them any be it neuer so little a peece of diuine honor For he can be no faythfull seruant that will take vnto him his maisters glory Last of all we haue in the Samaritanes an example of the inconstancy and lightnesse of the Commons in that they yeelde to this crafty deceyuour and suffer themselues to be beguiled This is the propertie of the world to delite in deceyuers and to reioyce in deuisers of straunge subtelties But if there be any hope of neuer so little gayne yee shall see them who oughte to depend onely vpon the word of God by and by striken in a great rage They that in these dayes seeke after Soothsayers to heare tell of thinges lost or who hath taken them away giue vs examples of this madnesse And there be woorse than these which thinke diseases may be put awaye by incantations and certaine conceiued formes of wordes and with costly superstition hyre such as professe such kynd of witchcraft But the obedience of the Samaritanes being better instructed deserueth prayse This it becommeth vs to imitate and not to giue our studye to curious sciences which are long since plainely condemned by Gods sentence See Exod. 22. Leuit. 20. Deut. 18. Mich. 5. God the father hath appointed Iesus Christ to be our teacher and Sauiour Him it behooueth vs to heare and to doe his commaundement to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lviij. Homelie BVT assoone as they gaue credence to Philips preaching of the kingdome of GOD and of the name of Iesu Christ they were baptized both men and women Then Simon himselfe beleeued also And when he was baptized he continued with Phillip and woondered beholdyng the my racles and signes which were shewed When the Apostles which were at Ierusalem heard say that Samaria had receyued the worde of God they sent vnto them Peter and Iohn which when they were come downe prayed for them that they might receyue the holy Ghost For as yet he was come on none of them But they were baptized only in the name of Christ iesu Then layde they their handes on them and they receyued the holy ghost BIcause the kingdome of our Sauiour Iesus Christ was to be extended ouer all the world it was therfore necessary that the gospell by the teaching wherofmen are brought vnto Christ should be preached vnto all Nations whereof we haue seene how the Apostles receyued a commaundement of the Lorde himself being ready to ascende vp into heauen The great persecution which Luke sayth beganne at Ierusalem gaue an occasion of the putting this matter in execution For where before the tyme of this persecution the sermons of the Apostles sounded but in Ierusalem onely the other faithful ministers of Christ beyng thence dispersed beganne to preach in other places and had such good successe that within short space Phillip being come to Samaria wanne vnto Christ by his continuall preachyng the Gospell the people of the Citie which Simon long tyme had bewitched with his Magicall sciences For they contempning his Magicall conueyaunces began to giue eare vnto Christ to heare him only And how prosperously they tooke this thing in hand this present place declareth which setteth out vnto vs a more full constitution and ordering of that churche and most diligently sheweth the great going forwarde of those men in fayth and other gifts of the spirite First it is declared how they grew into one body of a congregation where he sayth Assone as they gaue credence to Philips preaching of the kingdome of God and of the name of Iesu Christ they were baptized both men and women Therefore this place is attributed chiefly to the beliefe which they gaue vnto Philips preaching in such sort that they thought his doctrine was confirmed with authority inough by the myracles which he wrought We learne therfore that through fayth congregations do duely grow in one are most stronglye knit with an inwarde bande For this Fayth only grafteth vs in Christ Iesu and maketh vs members of one body in him as Paule in many places testifieth Whervpon we euidently gather agayne that where men want faith there can be no church of Christ for such must needes be led with most variable and contrary senses and meanings We are taught by the example of the Samaritanes that the worde of God where men teache must be beleeued and that it must not be comptrolled by mans reason so that it shall nede euery day new authority For as Paule testifieth that the scriptures are inspired of GOD so the ministerye of the worde instituted of Christ in his church expressely teacheth the same Therfore whosoeuer beleeueth the ministers of Christ bringing Christes voyce and his worde we may saye hee beleeueth Christ and not men For vnto all suche belongeth this saying of Christ He that heareth you heareth me And whosoeuer receyueth hym that I sende receyueth me Wherefore Paule iudgeth the Thessalonians for this cause woorthy to be praysed for that they receyued his doctrine not as the worde of a man but as of an Aungell And the same prayse the Samaritanes deserue and as many as haue beleeued the Gospell according to their ensample Furthermore to this inwarde communion consisting of Fayth is ioyned also an outwarde bande of communion or societie For it is sayd that all as well men as women were baptized in the name of Iesus christ For as Christ chose his elect out of the world so will he haue them separated from the world and consecrated to himselfe onely To the which ende he requireth of them a playne confession of their fayth and furnisheth them wyth sacraments whereby they be
discerned from others For as the sacraments be no vulgare or common tokens of Christes benefites and Gods grace so is there also no small vtilitie in them in that they separate the people of God from the worlde and knit them togither with the outwarde bande of Christian communion Which is the cause that where Peter before woulde haue the beleeuers to be baptized he by and by teacheth them also that they should saue themselues from that froward Nation And Paule by a like argument teacheth that it is not meete that they that haue bene partakers at the Lordes table should be also partakers at the sacrifices of Idolles Here by the way is the error of them reprooued which accompt the confession of fayth among thinges indifferent and suppose that the faythfull are to bee discerned from the world by none outwarde signe or marke Here also is the dotage of the Anabaptistes to be discussed who where they see in this and such like places fayth go before Baptisme would prooue hereby that the baptisme of children is condemned Howbeit this place maketh mention but such as were of full age which before were farre of and straungers from the people of God whome it should haue bene vnlawfull to haue receyued into the communion of the church and sacramentes without a confession of their faythe least they myght haue seemed to haue caste pearles vnto dogges and hogges But the matter is of a farre other sorte in infantes who being borne of Christian parentes doe manifestly appertaine to the kingdome of god For God in the couenaunt promiseth to be the God of our seede And Christ sayeth that the kyngdome of God belongeth vnto children and plainely testifieth that they haue fayth Yea Paule affirmeth that the children borne either of father or mother onely that is a christian are holy Now returneth Luke vnto Simon that we may vnderstand what he did when he perceyued the people fell from him and betooke themselues earnestly vnto christ First Luke sayth that he beleeued This me thinketh is not to be vnderstanded as though he counterfeyted altogither For it appeareth hys mynde was touched with some feeling of fayth in that he ioyned himselfe to Phillip as an inseparable companion and woondered in beholding the miracles and singuler giftes of the holy spirite Howbeit bicause he denied not himselfe and endeuoured not to forsake the flesh which is the true beginning of christendome his fayth was but temporall and for a season as Christ calleth it and therefore when the heate of persecution came it coulde not abide Here appeareth the great power of Iesus Christ which so easily taketh away the great impediment and hinderaunce that Simon was to the course of the Gospell and so subdueth this great Iuggeler so furnished with the sleightes of Satan that he which a little before had called himselfe the great power of God did now adhere and cleaue to Phillip being a straunger and one of small accompt or estimation Herevnto also belongeth it that otherwheres Christ driueth out Satan with little or no adoe so that it euidently appeareth he is the conqueror of Satan and most valiaunt reuenger of mankynde Further this is a singuler prayse of the Gospell through whose playne and simple preaching the subtile and crafty wisdome both of the world and of the Deuil is so scornefully confounded After this Simon is also baptized and becommeth a continuall companion of Philip. The chiefe cause whereof may seeme to be for that hee desired also to haue like power to worke such myracles as the thinges following declare Here we be taught that there shall be alway in the church false bretherne which shal either craftily counterfeyt the faith or else hauing it for a certaine space fall from it agayne For the Gospell is compared vnto a nette wherein are drawne vp as well naughty as good fishe Let no man therefore be offended if he perceyue himself at any tyme deceyued by such seeing that Christ had Iudas in hys company and Paule oftentymes complayneth hymselfe of false brethren Those men are ouer peeuish and vnpacient which being deceyued by one or two dispise therfore all other without difference and wyll not vouchsafe to take any other for a true christian and brother We are further taught by the example of Simon that the grace of God is not tyed to the sacramentes forasmuche as Simon receyued the signe of grace without the fruite And Paule although he confesse that the olde fathers receyued the same sacramentes that we doe yet sayth they pleased not God bicause they were voyde of fayth And it auayled not Iudas although he sate at the Lordes table and receyued the breade at Christes owne hande It is therfore fayth only which grafteth vs into Christ and maketh vs partakers of the giftes of God which are shadowed and represented to vs by the sacramentes Now forasmuch as we haue seene marueylous effects of the holy spirite flourishing in the Church of Ierusalem Luke teacheth vs that among the Samaritanes also the holy ghost shewed the like power and efficacy least any man myght thynke that the Church of the Gentyles was inferiour to the Iewes church He sayth these giftes were administred by the Apostles to the ende that the vnitie of the church might the more strongly fasten among the people which heretofore were of diuers myndes and at variaunce and discention For howe great a diuision of mindes was betweene the Iewes and the Samaritanes appeareth both in the fourth of Iohn otherwheres And the Iewes of a certayne prowde preiudice vsed to much to despise the people of Samary Therefore God thought good to vse the ministery of the Apostles herein that it might manifestly appeare there was but one fayth of Christ in all churches and that all the faythfull were quickened but with one spirite so that there was no difference of Nation in Christ. Luke sayth that Peter and Iohn were sent from Ierusalem who comming to Samaria prayde for them that had professed Christ that the holye ghost might be giuen vnto them also The cause of this doyng was for that the holy Ghost was as yet come vpon none of them but were only baptised in the name of christ Which place is not so to be vnderstanded as though the faythfull of the Samaritanes were hitherto vtterly voyde of the holy ghost For where they had fayth which is the gift and effect of the holy ghost and were through baptisme planted in Christ they coulde not be vtterly voyde of those benefites of Christ which by the holy Ghost are sealed in vs Which are the washing away of sinnes regeneration mortifying of the olde man adoption or taking into the children of god And the whole scripture testifieth that these thinges come none otherwise vnto vs than by the operation of the holy ghost And these are the common giftes of the holy ghost without the which no man can truly be called a christian Wherfore
it is not lyke that the Samaritanes lacked these By the name of the spirite therefore are vnderstanded in this place those moste excellent giftes wherin the primitiue church flourished and which were giuen to the beleeuers in visible wise as in the feast of Pentecost we sawe the Apostles were sodenly replete with the holy spirite These so euident giftes of the holy spirite in the primitiue Church were needefull to be bestowed as well at Samaria as otherwheres to the ende that Christes kingdome might the farther be spred abroade And although now adayes these giftes for the more part are ceased yet this commoditie commeth to vs therby that we knowe the holy Ghost is the President and gouernour of Christes Church as hee promised In this place we haue to consider the industrie of the Apostles For as soone as they heare tell that Philip laboureth at Samaria in the businesse of the Lorde they sende certayne of their company vndesired to helpe him in his traueyle And herein appeereth no maner of way any doltishe ambition For they sende Peter and Iohn whose labors hytherto were more apparant and euident than any others And they are contented to go being appoynted by others not taking vpon themselues alone to sende Legates à latere as they are called And Philip when they come doth not disdainefully reiect them as thrusting their sickles into an other mannes haruest and depriuing him of some part of his honor and glorie but courteously giueth them the place in that Church whose foundation he had first layde Whereby we are taught that ioyning of mindes and mutuall helpe is chiefly to be required in the setting foorth of Christes kingdome But bicause there is no place for these thinges among the ambitious therefore Christ warneth his disciples so often of humilitie Wherevnto if they were giuen in these dayes which haue the rule of Churches they should surely gouerne the Prouinces committed to them more commodiously than they doe But touching rytes and orders they vse none other ceremonie than the laying on of handes which was vsed of Christ least any man shoulde rashlye arrogate to himselfe power or authoritie to alter or chaunge anye thing They make their prayers also before least any one might thinke the holy ghost was bounde to the outwarde ceremonie but that it was giuen of God and that all men might perceiue it was obtayned through prayer And their doyng wanted not a prosperous successe We knowe that of this place the Papistes haue brought in their sacrament of Confirmation but their inuention is so ridiculous and their temeritie so manifest that it deserueth no long confutation It shall be our partes to followe the vnitie of fayth according to the example of the Samaritanes that we also may prosperously growe togither in Christ Iesu our heade and Sauiour to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lix. Homelie WHEN Simon sawe that through laying on of the Apostles handes the holy ghost was giuen he offered them money saying Giue me also this power that on whome soeuer I put the handes he may receiue the holy ghost But Peter sayde vnto him thy money perishe with thee bicause thou hast thought that the gift of God may be obteyned with money Thou hast neyther part nor fellowship in this businesse For thy hart is not right in the sight of god Repent therefore of this thy wickednesse and praye God that the thought of thine heart may bee forgiuen thee For I perceyue that thou art full of bitter gall and wrapped in iniquitie Then aunswered Simon and sayd Praye ye to the Lorde for me that none of these things which you haue spoken fall on me THe Euangelist Luke after the common maner of the scriptures doth not onely describe the prosperous successe of the primitiue Church the notable examples of the faythfull but also he sheweth the maners of the false Christians and hypocrytes and the vices that they brought with them into the church So before this he declared the hystory of Ananias and the grutch and quarrell which begunne in the Church And in lykewise now he declareth the horrible example of Simon who did contaminate the profession of fayth with sacrilegall ambition and couetousnesse The vse of all these things is that we should vnderstande how there shall alwayes bee hypocrites in the Church which shall be authors of grieuous offences wherwith the faythfull yet must not be so offended to thinke that all other therfore ought to be condemned or else forsake the Church as we haue seene the Anabaptistes in our dayes doe This place is worthy to be well considered which first declareth Simons sinne next the earnest reprehension of Peter for the same and last of all what Simon thought therof and howe he tooke it Luke comprehendeth Simons fault in fewe wordes saying when hee saw how through laying on of the Apostles handes the holy ghost was giuen he offred them money saying Giue me also this power that on whom so euer I laye handes he may receyue the holy ghost It was declared before howe Simon beleeued and that woondring at the myracles being so straunge hee was among others baptized But he was of their number which although they will not forsake the desires of the fleshe yet being touched with some feare of God will not openly striue against him And these men after a sort for a whyle cloke the corruption of their minde but they cannot alwayes lye hidden And after this sort doth Simon bewraye himselfe and sinneth two maner of wayes For first being puft vp with ambition he desireth to be lyke vnto the Apostles in dignitie of ministerie and so arrogateth to him selfe godlye honor whyle he coueteth to haue such power giuen vnto him that he might after his owne will giue the holy ghost vnto men Nowe vnto ambition couetousnesse is a companion wherewith being blinded hee maketh religion a matter of gayne and lucre and thinketh he maye make merchandize of the giftes of the holy ghost For therfore he would buye this power with money to thintent afterwarde he might make the more gayne of the same Which was to vnholy a cogitation of God and his giftes and farthest of from the meaning of Christ who when he endewed the Apostles with these giftes sayde freely you haue receyued giue freely This example of Simon teacheth vs that pryde is the cause of all euill and as the wiseman sayeth the beginning of sinne This was the cause that made the Aungels to fall And Adam pricked forwarde with pryde became a transgressour of Gods commaundement whyle he would forsooth be lyke vnto god Moreouer dayly examples teach vs that prowde and ambitious men doe nothing right and that such for the most part are most pernicious disturbers of publike weales But whereas the euill of ambition is euery where a pestilent thing in the Churh it is most pestilent of all other For where it once inuadeth the Church it
the worde of fayth which wee preach For if thou acknowledge with thy mouth ▪ that Iesus is the Lords and beleeue in thine hart that God raysed him vp from death ▪ thou shalt be ●a●e For to beleeue with the heart i●stifieth and to acknowledge with the mouth maketh 〈…〉 Nowe when Philip had gotten of the Eunuch that he chiefly desired by and by without any ●ariaunce he went downe with him into the water and there baptiseth him Where we haue to consider howe baptisme is ministred in common water whether it were ryuer or fountayne as Ierome thinketh I knowe not Neyther is there any mention made of newe hallowing it or of salt sprinckled or of oyle or of exorcisme and many such like as the superstition of Popes in the ages following brought in For Philip knewe the example of Iohn which had baptised in the ryuer of Iordane He knewe also that by the ordinaunce of Christ all water was consecrated to the vse of baptisme and had no neede of newe purging and coniuring Away therfore with the wicked and peeuish inuentions of most bolde merchaunts which would haue religion to serue for priuate honour and gaine Yet I would none by these examples shoulde take occasion euery where to baptise in fountaynes or ryuers For as we confesse it may be godlily done if necessitie so require so where Churches be appoynted all things ought to be done decentlye and according to lawfull order least libertie bursting out into vnbrideled licence disturbe both discipline and vnitie of Churches It remayneth to tell of the ende of all this hystorie which comprehendeth the departure of Philip from the Eunuche which Luke sheweth was after a myraculous sort For when they came out of the water the spirite of the Lorde caught Philip and the Eunuch sawe him no more God woulde by this myracle confirme the fayth of the Eunuch For after this sort hee might vnderstande that nothing was done in all this businesse by chaunce but all things through the prouidence of god Let vs see what they both did after they were seperated Luke sayth the Eunuch helde on his way reioycing Then he complayned not of Philips so sodaine departure neyther carefully enquired after him and much lesse detested him as though he had beene some craftie Apostle or Iugler Hereof must be gathered no argument of any inconstant or vnkinde minde But whereas he was now indued with fayth and taught by the holy ghost who according to Christes promise brought all things to his minde and by his testimonie confirmed the doctrine of fayth which Philip had taught him Therefore he coulde easily settle and quiet hys minde By which example we learne that we must not so sticke to the ministers that when they are gone we must dispayre in matters of fayth and religion Let vs acknowledge them as Gods coadiutours and stewardes of the mysteries of God by whome he giueth vs fayth Againe let vs vnderstande that the spirite of Christ truely supplyeth the dutie of a Teacher and that Christ will not fayle vs although he sometime take them away to whom we knowe we are much bounden For Gods spirit can be bounde neyther to persons nor places but bloweth where him lyketh Moreouer the fruite of fayth which the Eunuch receyued is declared where Luke sayth He helde on his waye greatly reioycing So before hee wrote that great ioye was made in Samaria when Philip had preached the Gospell there The ioy of a faythfull minde must hereby be vnderstanded which vseth to spring of the peace and quiet of conscience For after Christ is receiued by fayth then man vnderstandeth that God the father is reconciled vnto him whose wrath and horrible iudgement he was before afrayde of And as that peace of God as Paule beareth witnesse passeth all vnderstanding so it chaseth from the minde all the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 it ●l●ereth the whole minde and maketh vs to be without all ●ea●e in the 〈◊〉 of all afflictions For this is the saying of all those that are faythfull ▪ If God bee with vs who can be agaynst vs Who shall lay any thing to the 〈◊〉 of Gods chosen ▪ It is God that iustifieth vs who is it that can condemne For they knowe that the gates of hell are not able to preuayle agaynst that liuelye rocke on whome they are buylded Therefore bicause the Eunuch had obtayned this suretie of a quiet minde he returneth home with greater ioye than if he had gotten the great treasure of kings or if he had returned to Candace with the triumph and victorie of the greatest enimies of Aethiopia For what ryches deserue to be compared with the treasures of the kingdome of heauen Or what victorie is there so great as that which the faithfull haue gotten by Iesus Christ against the deuill and hell If princes in these dayes were as desirous of this victorie as they are of the Kingdomes and vaine glorie of this worlde then would they also more reioyce and the worlde also should be in better case But let vs returne to Philip which was founde at Azotus and from thence passing a long by the sea coast preached the Gospell to all the Cities in these quarters vnto Caesarea where it seemeth he tooke house to dwell in bicause Paule hosted there as we maye see in the .xxj. Chapter You shall marke diligently the feruent and great desire that the men of the primitiue Church had to set forth the kingdome of christ For although Philip had traueyled greatly in conuerting Samaria and now might greatly haue gloried in conuerting the great man of Aethiopia yet he thinketh not he had done his duetie but enioyneth himselfe freshe labours and refuseth not to vndertake new daungers for Christes sake We see the lyke desire in Paule who hauing laboured more than all the Apostles yet holdeth on his course with great feruencie These things reprooue the slouth of our dayes where all sortes and states of men as soone as they haue borne a little brunt make holyday for any more they will doe as though it were at our disposition and libertie to start from the calling of God and the dutie committed to vs Furthermore these thinges teache vs howe vaine the enterprises of the wicked are agaynst the doctrine of christ For the more they rage the more the truth shineth and ouercommeth Yea in the tyme of persecution by their meanes and diligence it is most opened and set forth who before seemed dastardes and cowardes Hereof haue we an example in Philip of whom there was no mencion made almost while the Church was in quiet at Ierusalem but that we hearde he was numbred among the Deacons But now being become an outlaw and banished man he winneth Samaria vnto Christ he sendeth the Eunuch whome he conuerted into Aethiopia to be an Apostle and spreadeth the Gospell ouer all Iurie Thus vseth God to frustrate the attempts of his enimies Therefore no man ought
Lord both of lyfe and death And the elect acknowledged the same which streight waye when they had seene the myracle beleeued in the Lorde Unto this narration Luke addeth a few other thinges which serue for a preparation to that that foloweth For he sayth that Peter remained at Ioppe certaine dayes in the house of one Simon a Tanner in whose house he was admonished by a vision from heauen to call the Gentiles into the Communion of the church and was sent for by Cornelius the Centurion as shall be shewed in the Chapter folowing Here let vs obserue of what maner of people the Primitiue Church was collected seeing Peter had none other hoste but such an one as got his liuing by an handycraft and that not one of the fynest Hereof Paule teacheth vs that we shoulde reioyce in the Lord alone Furthermore the modestie of Peter is declared who disdayned not such an harbour where as nowe adayes kinges palaces are scarce able to receyue his counterfeyt successor Let vs follow the modestie of the Apostle and therin beleeue and serue Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The tenth chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The .lxx. Homelie THERE was a certaine man in Caesarea called Cornelius a Captaine of the souldiers of Italy a deuout man and one that feared God wyth all his houshold which gaue much almes to the people and was alwayes in prayers vnto god The same sawe by a vision euidently about the .ix. houre of the day an Angell of God comming in to him and saying to him Cornelius When he looked on him hee was afrayde and sayde what is it Lorde He sayde vnto him Thy prayers and thy almesses are come vp into remembrance before god And nowe sende men to Ioppa and call for one Simon whose surname is Peter Hee lodgeth with one Simon a Tanner whose house is by the sea side He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to doe HItherto the first part of this storie hath bene declared wherein hath bene shewed howe the Apostles according to the commaundement of Christ preached the wholesome worde of the Gospell euerywhere to the Iewes And a great many beleeued and Luke declareth a marueylous increase of Christian faith in the Church Yet the greater part and specially those that were of most authoritie withstoode the truth For both they layde handes on the Apostles and stoned Steuen and made hauocke of the whole Church at Ierusalem by horrible persecution and sent Saule with publike commaundements as farre as Damascus to oppresse the growth of Christes Church being euen in the blade as we commonly vse to saye And it is not vnlyke but manye others did as it is here written Saule did Therefore the vncurable and stubborne contempt of so wholesome a doctrine deserued that at length the kingdome of God shoulde be taken from the Iewes and brought to the Gentiles as Christ prophecied should come to passe How this thing beganne to be put in effect Luke rehearseth in this Chapter and declareth the storie of Cornelius which we maye aptly name the first fruites of the Gentiles that were called seeing he was chosen of God to be the beginning of so weightie a matter Aboue all thinges the principall vse of this hystorie must be obserued which consisteth herein howe God vseth to cast of the vnthankfull and wicked enimies of the Gospell by his iust iudgement and is not so bounde to any Nation that he is compelled to beare with it if it be vnwoorthy Herevnto is to be added an other thing that is to saye howe the saluation contayned in Christ belongeth not to the Iewes onely but also to the Gentyles Which as it is no small comfort to vs which come of the Gentyles so it behooueth that wee stande alwaye in feare bicause the Iewes were cast of and forsaken least we by like vnthankfulnesse and disobedience deserue also to be refused For Paules saying shall alwayes stande in his full strength and force If God spared not the naturall braunches take heede least it come to passe that he spare not thee also And this is the sentence of Christ long agone pronounced that euery braunch that bringeth not forth fruit shall be hewen downe and cast into the fire But bicause the vocation adoption of the vncircumcised Gentiles seemed to the Iewes a foolysh and an absurde thing for that they onely so many yeares togither were thought worthye of that name and tytle and therefore abhorred all other Nations as we doe the Turkes and them at this day First God would haue the vocation of the Gentyles to be preached by the Prophetes whereof we may see singuler testimonies in them Psal. 2. and .27 Esay 2. and .19 Agayne 42. and .49 Zach. 9. c. Then declareth he a notable beginning hereof in Cornelius whome he so called that any man might see therein the counsell and deuyse of Gods prouidence For he doth vouchsafe to sende his Aungell from heauen to Cornelius and instructeth Peter by an heauenly vision whereby he declareth that he will haue the Gentyles called into his Church as we shall see when we come to the place At this tyme we haue to consider what God did vouchsafe to doe by Cornelius For Luke beginneth with the description of Cornelius which he knitteth vp in marueylous breuitie and playnenesse First declaring his state and kynde of lyfe hee sayth he was a Captayne of the Italian Souldiers For the Romaynes vsed to entertayne diuers bandes of men of diuers Nati●ons according to the which they gaue them their names And bicause among all nations they esteemed none more than the Italians the Italian garrisons were preferred aboue others And there is no doubt but that Cornelius was an Italian forasmuch as he was one of the chiefe of that bande But bicause he dwelt at Ca●sarea which the auncient wryters call Turris Stratonis the tower or castell of Straton the maner or state of the souldiers in those dayes must be considered that we maye the easilyer vnderstande the state of Cornelius Thus wryte the Romaine Hystoriographers After the victories that Pompey called the great had gotten who was the first that subdued Syria and Iurie vnto the Romaine Empire the people of Rome had no more grieuous enimies than the Parthians who were greatly encouraged with the death of Crassus with the ouerthrowe of the Romayne Legions and number of ensignes and standerdes which they had taken wherein were the pictures of splayed Eagles paynted Wyth whose incursions and roades bicause they were continually molested they thought good to place in the Cities bordering vpon them certayne garrisons of souldiers which within a short warning being mustred myght make a complete armie if neede so required whereby to repulse and beate backe the enimie And those souldiers also were a defence and safegarde for the Cities of Iurie to tame and keepe vnder the courage of the Iewes which were very prone
of God suffred themselues to be seduced with the lying Oracles of the deuill that they whome it became to haue worshipped God onely worshipped woode and stone and did abhominable sacrifice vnto Deuils And for bicause fewe acknowledged the great tyrannie of the deuill God suffred also that many were corporallye possessed of him and raged aswell agaynst themselues as agaynst others as we may learne in the hystorie of the Gospell But for all these maladies Iesus Christ is gyuen to be our Phisition who according to the promyse made in the beginning shoulde breake the Serpents heade and as the Apostle sayeth destroye the workes of the Deuill This thing he abundantly declareth he was both able and willing to doe whyle by his worde he healeth them whych were scourged with the horrible whippes of sicknesses while he draue forth of men deuils and vncleane spirites and would not suffer them which before seemed Lordes ouer all thinges once to hysse Heereto are to be referred whatsoeuer myracles of lyke sort the Euangelistes write whereby is declared vnto vs that that strong man is come which hath entred the Deuils house that is to saye the worlde hath bounde him and taken awaye all his armor harnesse as Christ teacheth vs in the Gospell Peter testifyeth that all these things were done by the power of God to aunswere the Scribes which sayde that he cast forth Deuils by the helpe of Belzebub There are examples in hystories which declare that the kingdome of the Deuill is destroyed by the power of christ For it is euident that all Oracles ceassed and kept silence when Christ died And Constantinus wryteth that when Dioclesian reygned the Deuill complayned out of Apollos caue or denne that the Christians whome he called iust did let that he could not gyue true Oracles as before he vsed Howbeit we shall a little hereafter see more euident proofes of Christes victorie agaynst the Deuill where Peter disputeth of his death and resurrection In the meane whyle it becommeth vs to remember our dutie which is that being taken from the power of darkenesse into the kingdome of the sonne of God we defende our libertie and fight continually agaynst Satan our common enimye that we be not at any time founde vnthankefull to Iesus Christ our deliuerer to whome be prayse honour power and glory for euer Amen The .lxxvj. Homelie AND wee are witnesse of all thinges which hee did in the lande of the Iewes and at Ierusalem whome they slewe and hanged on tree Him God raysed vp the thirde day and shewed him openly not to all the people but vnto vs witnesses chosen before of God for the same intent which did eate and drinke with him after he arose from death And hee commaunded vs to preache vnto the people and to testifie that it is hee which was ordeyned of God to be the iudge of quicke and deade To him giue all the Prophets witnesse that through his name whosoeuer beleeueth in hm shall receyue remission of sinnes THe Apostle Peter hath taught Cornelius the Centurion being appoynted therevnto of God in such wyse that he hath also set out before all men a generall and most absolute doctrine of saluation For he preacheth vnto him Iesus Christ the onely sauiour of mankinde in whome all the Scripture testifyeth that all the meane of our saluation is conteyned And hereof in the discourse before ●o●e he sayd two things First that God annoynted him that is ordeyned him to be the King and Priest of his people Wherevpon we gather that all those which appoynt to themselues any other mediatours or patrones of saluation doe sinne agaynst the eternall purpose of god Next he teacheth howe diligently and faythfully Iesus Christ vsed himselfe in his office For he sayeth he went about and of his exceeding liberalitie offred the benefite of saluation to them that sought it not And this was the ende and purpose of all his doyng to bring all those that were oppressed of the deuill into the kingdome and liberty of the sonnes of god which deliuery he declared and shewed by myracles thorowe the which he most faythfully releeued those that were vexed and troubled as well wyth incurable diseases as wyth rage of deuils by the wholesome helpe and power of his worde Now vnto these things Peter in thys place addeth that which perfyteth and maketh vp the doctrine of saluation For first he declareth the order and maner that Christ vsed in the redeeming of mankynde then he sheweth what vtilitye and profite commeth to vs thereby Therefore this place is worthye to be considered of vs verye diligently Before he declareth the order and maner of mannes redemption he confirmeth his doctrine by witnesses saying And wee are witnesses of all the thinges which he did in the lande of the Iewes and at Hierusalem And it ought to seeme no absurde or straunge thing to any man that Peter so boldlye produceth himselfe among his fellowes as witnesses of his sayinges For we haue already oftentimes hearde howe Christ appoynted them to that charge and a little hereafter it shall be declared that they were chosen of God to beare witnesse of Iesus Christ and of those things that he did concerning our saluation These things teach vs howe grieuously they offende which disdayne to beleeue the Gospell For where the narration of the thyngs that Christ did is not bare and emptye but hath the testimonie of God it easily appeareth that this contumely or reproch must needes redounde vnto God as hath bene otherwhere at large declared Howbeit as concerning the maner of our redemption which we sayde is chiefly intreated of in this place there are three thinges sayde of Christ in the which all those thinges are contayned that was needefull to be done in this behalfe Among which the first is the death of Christ the which he toucheth but briefly bicause it was well knowne He saith he was by the Iewes hanged on a tree and killed He maketh mention of a tree not so muche bicause he would expresse his cruell and horrible kinde of death as to put the hearers in remembraunce of the mistery of that sacrifice that Christ offred when he dyed for our sinnes For it appeareth that sacrifices were woont to be offered and burned vpon bundels of woode And thus doth Peter himself see me to interpretate this place where as in the second chapiter of his first epistle he writeth that Christ bare our sinnes in his body on the tree that is purged them by the sacrifice of his body vpon the altare of the crosse Christ teacheth vs the very same where he sayth that he will giue his flesh for the lyfe of the world which it is playne he did no where but on the crosse Esaias the Prophete is a copious expositor of these things who sayth Chap. liij He was wounded for our offences and smitten for our wickednesse For the chastisement of our peace was layde vpon him and with
and promise For herevnto appertayneth it where they promise him the bullocks of their lips Dauid speaking hereof sayth what rewarde shall I giue vnto the Lorde for all the benefites that he hath done vnto me I will receyue the cup of saluation and call vpon the name of the Lorde· I will paye my vowes nowe in the presence of all his people And he testifyeth that this shall please the Lorde better than a bullocke that hath hornes and hoofes These thinges teach vs what to thinke of the vnkinde and wicked raylers agaynst Gods worde who haue a pleasure with bitternesse of tongue to ca●pe at it and saye it is the cause of all calamitie where it were their dutie to acknowledge and celebrate the grace of God for it Furthermore let vs see howe the beholders were affected with this myracle Amongst whome some were Iewes which accompanied Peter from Ioppe● Luke sayth that they were amazed seeing the gift of the holye ghost was poured vpon the Gentyles also For although they were not ignorant what came to passe vnto Peter yet the common error of the Iewes still bewitched them who thought all Nations vnholy and straungers from God but such as were circumcised and had receyued the other ceremonies of the Iewes lawe It is very notable that they which are of the faythfull are so deceyued For hereby it appeareth that euen to the godlye sometime the spottes of error cleaue and therefore all things that they doe must not be drawen to imitation Which thing it appeareth Paule obserued who biddeth the Corinthians to followe him as farre forth as they see him to follow Christ. For there is nothing so appropriate vnto man as to erre and be deceyued Nor nothing so difficult and laborious as to plucke vp olde rooted errors out of mennes mindes example whereof we haue seene in the Apostles still stumbling at the expectation and looking for of a carnall and earthly kingdome Therefore they are greatly deceyued which iudge continuall teaching and admonition to be superfluous and vnprofitable seeing that blindnesse and frowardnesse of mannes witte is such that he taketh occasion of stumbling at euery thing and hardlye can be brought into the waye againe Wherefore Paule was of a farre better iudgement when he commaunded Timothie to preach in season and out of season But to returne to the exposition of the hystory Peter hath a much better iudgement who of the premisses gathereth the ende of the myracle For where by an heauenly vision he was commaunded to go to Cornelius and to preach the Gospell vnto him and seeth nowe the gifte of the holy spirite giuen to them that heare and beleeue it he easilye acknowledgeth that the grace of the Gospell belongeth to the Gentyles also and that the vncircumcised also so that they beleeue in Christ ought to be receyued into the fellowship of the Church forasmuch as God doth vouchsafe to giue them his holy spirite For drawing an argument from the thing vnto the signe thereof he sayeth Can anye man forbidde water that these shoulde not be baptized which haue receyued the holye ghost as well as we Which is as much as if he shoulde saye As many as are the members of Christ must be receyued by baptisme into the fellowship of Christes Church But no man can doubt but these men are the members of Christ seeing they haue receyued the spirite of Christ as well as we Ergo it is reason they shoulde be baptized And forthwith he commaundeth them to be baptised in the name of the Lorde that is to saye to be consecrated to Christ the Lorde and numbred with his Church For Peters commaundement must not so much be vnderstanded of the fourme of baptisme as of the ende and vse thereof Of these things it is easie to gather all the meaning of baptisme Peter surely acknowledgeth baptisme to be the first sacrament of Gods people and Church whereby outwardly the benefites of regeneration and adoption and whatsoeuer else is giuen vs in Christ are sealed vnto vs and thereby as many as are partakers of them are admonished of their dutie Wherevpon we gather that as many as it appeareth are of the people of God haue neede thereof By these things are many errors confuted that we see haue crept in these many yeares about baptisme yet reigne euerywhere And first this place confuteth the vnholy deprauers of the Sacraments which thinke they are superfluous for them that beleeue and are regenerate by fayth Which kinde of men while they greatly extoll fayth and the grace of God doe wickedly contemne the wisedome of God and his ordinaunces Howbeit Peter sawe that Cornelius and his familie truly beleeued and that they were indued with the holy ghost and adopted into the number of the children of God and yet for all that he commaundeth them to be baptized bicause he would not seeme to contemne Christes commaundement For why shoulde he contemne the sacramentes of Christ which knewe that God in the olde Testament had made it death for them that contemned his sacraments Agayne this place confuteth the boldenesse of the Anabaptistes which vse to keepe the children of the Christians from their baptisme But Peter prooueth that they are to be baptized for none other cause but for that he sawe they were endued with the spirite of Christ and therefore were members of his Church Why then shoulde not infants be baptized by as good right who we knowe are borne members of the Church and who Christ testifyeth appertayne to the kingdome of God Moreouer the example of this place maketh agaynst the error of the Papistes which vse to tye the grace of God vnto Sacramentes and vse to bring it and put it in their sacraments by exorcismes and coniuring wheras it is euident that they are but the cognizances tokens of the grace that is giuen vs in christ And if thou well examine this place it shall appeare the same came to passe vnto Cornelius that somtime was to be seene in Abraham so that thou mayst see the sacraments of both the Testaments had all but one reason For Paule witnesseth that Abraham was iustifyed by fayth that he afterwarde receyued Circumcision which was a seale of the righteousnesse of fayth So we heare that Cornelius beleeued and was endued with the spirite of God which was an infallible argument of his regeneration and iustification and nowe at length commeth baptisme where by all these benefytes of God are sealed and confirmed Therefore it is euident that the grace of God is not tyed vnto baptisme neyther that it is by baptisme poured into vs as by a Pype or Conduite forasmuch as if we receyue the Sacramentes without fayth they be vtterlye super●luous yea wee knowe they indammage the contemners of them as maye be seene in the examples of Iudas the Traytour and Simon the Sorcerer Before we leaue this place it is good to
God giueth repentaunce after two sortes eyther when he graunteth time and place to repent or else when he mollifyeth and conuerteth mens mindes by his spirite and worde by repentance to frame themselues to a better trade of lyfe In this place it appeareth that God did both although the later sense be more agreeing to this present argument It is most worthy to be obserued where they say repentaunce vnto lyfe is giuen vnto the Gentiles by preaching of the Gospell For in so saying they testifie that they speake of that repentaunce which through fayth in Christ bringeth saluation and which we may call the scope and marke of all the Gospell which is that we being reconcyled vnto God through Christ shoulde turne vnto him with all our hartes and liue in him For so Paule writeth God hath reconcyled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ and hath giuen to vs the office to preache the attonement Nowe then are we messengers in the rowme of Christ euen as though God did beseech you through vs So pray we you in Christes steede to be reconcyled vnto God. They name repentaunce expreslye hauing respect vnto that saying of Christ which commaundeth both repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes to be preached in his name Neyther must these two be at any time seperated least men take occasion vnder pretence of the Gospell to liue carnally Againe this hath in it a singuler comfort that he sayeth repentaunce is giuen vnto lyfe Therefore repentaunce in the faythfull is neuer in vayne or vnfruitefull but maketh them partakers of saluation through christ There are apparaunt promises of God wherein he euerywhere promiseth lyfe vnto them which turne vnto him with all their hart Where he sayth I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and liue And we must not thinke that God flattereth or deludeth any man with vaine promises Hereto belongeth the whole booke almost of the Iudges which prooueth by many examples that the Israelites neuer returned to God by true repentaunce in vayne And it is manifest that the Niniuites through faythfull repentaunce caused God to reuoke his sentence passed against them What shall I speake of these seing we reade that the repentaunce that Achab had but for a season and little time was by the mouth of God commended These things ought to encourage them which stande vpon the pytbrinke of desperation thinking that God is so offended with them for their former wickednesse that their repentaunce is not acceptable vnto him Which men woulde be comforted with these sayings of the Prophet If your sinnes were as red as Scarlet they shall be as whyte as snowe And though they were like purple they shall be as whyte as woolle Againe The Lorde is full of compassion and mercye long suffring and of great goodnesse He will not alwaye be chyding c. Nowe after Luke hath made an ende of the storye of Cornelius which contayneth the beginning and first fruites as it were of the vocation of the Gentiles he returneth to the discourse of the things belonging to the whole Church which he had intermytted and declareth howe the kingdome of Christ began to be stretched enlarged vnto the Gentyles And first he telleth how Antioch was conuerted vnto Christ and how men were there first called Christians And principally he noteth the occasion therof saying it was bicause of the persecution that was raysed agaynst Steuen And it is very worthye to be considered where he sayth the beginning of such a benefite sproong of so dolefull a cause For howe pitifull a case the Church stoode in in the time of that persecution we hearde in the .viij. Chapter when the rage of persecutours went so farre that it was not safe for a man in secrete ●o be a christian when both men and women were haled out of their dores as to a slaughterhouse which thing was the cause that the Church being scattered hither and thither seemed like a scratched and torne body that had be●ne incurable But by the grace and goodnesse of God it commeth to passe that of euery member of this scattered Church springeth a newe body For they whome this cruell tempest had thus scattered remembring their office and dutie beganne to preach euerywhere the name of Christ and many of them going as farre as Phenicia and Cyprus did illustrate those countries with the light of the Gospell By which example the primitiue Church and fayth full of all ages might be confirmed not to be offended with the cruell attempts of enimies forasmuch as it appeareth by these men that the kingdome of Christ can not be ouerthrowne nor driuen into straightes but is rather thereby builded vp enlarged For that that Luke reporteth here to haue come to passe the same the writers of the Ecclesiasticall hystorie report to haue come to passe in all persecutions And as after horrible tempests cleere weather commonly followeth so it appeareth that after persecutions the Church alway looked more bright cheerefull For God scattereth the deuises of Nations but his purpose standeth fast for euer whereby he hath made his sonne king and Ruler of all the worlde See the Psalmes 33.2 110 But Luke diligently intreateth of those by whose ministery God brought to passe a matter of such weight and importance All which were dispersed bicause of the faith and doctrine of Christ yet they agreed not in all points touching the order ministerie of the gospell For some of them preached to the Iewes only who it is lyke were ignorant of the things done betweene Peter Cornelius Other some which he writeth were of Cyprus Cyrene came to Antioch and preached to the Greekes that is to the Gentyles So it oftentimes commeth to passe that in some things they which are counted the most faithfull seruants of Iesus Christ doe disagree God so disposing his giftes that his woorde may be of the more authoritie and that the successe thereof shoulde not seeme to depende of a certayne conspiracie and consent of men among themselues Wherevnto also is to be referred that that is hereafter reported of the contention that fell betweene Paule and Barnabas which wexed so hote that those singuler and chosen instrumentes of Christ departed one from another Therefore let it offende no man if nowe a dayes he see any like matter to fall out in the Church For Paule writeth that there must be sectes that the elect may be tryed Howbeit in all this adooe the feruent desire of spreading abrode the kingdome of Chryst is greatly to be praised wherewith they all being enflamed haue vtterlye forgotten the daungers that they were in a little before and euerywhere publishe the worde of god Such constancie ought all faithfull Ministers of Christ to haue to th ende they must not thinke they haue done all their dutie when they haue bene once in daunger for the name of christ And they must not thinke they are for
with any maiesty of Godheade So when Peter sawe Christ glorifyed in the mount with Moses and Helias he vttered certaine vnfyt sayings being ignorant what he sayd Yet are they more daungerously deceiued which marke not the manifest iudgements of God whereby they are prouoked to repentance which is a thing to common in these dayes In the meane whyle Peters obedience deserueth no small prayse which though he were ignorant what this thing ment yet obeyed the Aungels admonition teaching vs by his example howe wee shoulde vse our selues to obey fayth as hath bene oftentimes declared But when he was come to himselfe and perceyued he was at libertie then he greatly magnifyed God the author of so great a benefyte Nowe sayth he I knowe for a suretie that the Lorde hath sent his Aungell and deliuered mee from the hande of Herode ▪ c. By which example we are taught that we must giue God only all the thanks for any our deliueries For although he vse the ministery of angels or men he must yet haue the whole praise which vseth his creatures onely according to his pleasure This thing himselfe teacheth by the Prophet saying Call vpon me in the time of trouble so will I heare thee and thou shalt prayse me Wherevnto appertayneth this saying of Dauid Let them giue thankes whome the Lorde hath redeemed and deliuered from the hande of the enimie Therfore Peter truly acknowledgeth God onely to be his reuenger which thing Paule also doth where he confesseth himselfe to be deliuered from the mouth of the Lion by Gods power Wherefore their error is intollerable which being deliuered out of prison from sickenesse or other like kinde of daungers ascribe the prayse of their deliuerye vnto Saintes Howe much more ought the redeeming of mankinde from the tyrannie of h●ll to be ascribed to God as the onely author Let vs acknowledge these things O brethren and with thankfull mindes prayse God which hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenesse and hath brought vs vnto the fellowship of his kingdome by his sonne Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxxxiiij. Homelie AND as hee considered the thing he came to the house of Marye the mother of one Iohn whose surname was Marke where many were gathered togither in prayer As Peter knocked at the entry doore a Damsell came forth to harken named Rhoda And when she knewe Peters voyce she opened not the entry for gladnesse but ranne in and tolde how Peter stoode before the entrie And they sayd vnto hir thou art madde But she affirmed that it was euen so Then sayde they it is hys Angell But Peter continued knocking and when they had opened the doore and saw him they were astonied And when he had beckened to them with the hande that they might holde their peace he tolde them by what meanes the Lorde had brought him out of prison And he sayde go shewe these things vnto Iames and to the brethren And he departed and went into another place Assoone as it was daye there was no little adoe among the Souldiours what was become of Peter When Herode had sought for him and founde him not he examined the keepers and commaunded them to be caried awaye And he descended from Iurie to Caesarea and there abode AS the Euangelist Luke by suggestion of the holy spirit hath described in this Chapter a most grieuous persecution of the Church of Christ by the example whereof wee are taught what state the Church is in here vpon earth so lykewise he setteth forth a notable example of the goodnesse and prouidence of God which defendeth the faythfull in their distresse and most faithfully perfourmeth the helpe which long agone he promised For as we sawe erewhyle then the Lorde was at hande with Peter the Apostle when he seemed destitute aswell of Gods helpe as mannes And he did not onely shew a semblant and token of good will but vsed his inuincible power to deliuer him For he sent his Aungell to vnloose the yron chaynes he openeth the doores in woonderfull wise he defeateth the watche of the souldiours and bringeth Peter out of all daunger and setteth him at libertie when sentence of death was already giuen agaynst him And albeit all they that are imprisoned and in bands for Christes sake are not deliuered in such woonderfull wyse yet there are generall promises that all they that giue themselues to Gods seruice are vnder his protection For Dauid affirmeth that the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous and his eares are open vnto their prayers And the sonne of God testifyeth that the heares of our head be numbred But to let these things passe as is already sufficientlye entreated of let vs consider this present place where we are taught what Peter did after he was deliuered out of his bandes and prison what the exercise of the Church was in the meane season and howe Herode the tyraunt tooke this iudgement of God. Peter after he perceyued the Aungell gone and himselfe at libertie weyghing and expending diligently with himselfe all thinges that recoursed in his minde getteth him to the house of Mary which by all likelyhoode was not farre of and where he supposed some of the faythfull were assembled as the custome was This Mary was the mother of Iohn Marke which of diuers both of the olde and later writers is thought to be Marke the Euangelist Which opinion as it is not altogither certaine so it appeareth that this Marie was a woman of a rare fayth and godlynesse euen by thys one argument that while Agrippa did so cruellye persecute the Disciples of Christ yet would she let them resort to hir house as to a publike Temple where they did meete togither and exercise themselfe in the worde of God and in prayers which she coulde not doe without apparaunt and manifest perill Here the Lord thought good to teach vs by the example of this weake vessell howe boldly Christians ought to stande by their tackle and defende their cause euen in the middle of daungers and troubles But when Peter came thither the doores opened not myraculously as before the yron gate did bicause now there was no neede of any straunge myracle but he knocketh to haue some body to come open the doore Peters example is to be well considered of vs which hauing escaped the daunger of death is desirous aboue all things to be ioyned to the congregation agayne agaynst whome yet he knewe the tyraunt still raged Hereby we be taught what care wee ought to haue of Ecclesiasticall vnitie or fellowship and howe the spirite of Christ scattereth not the faythfull in sunder but ioyneth them togither as well inwardly as outwardly And they cannot fynde in their hart easilye to contemne this coniunction For as they knowe that all saluation is contayned in Christ alone so they vnderstand the same is deriued from Christ their head vpon them which are members of
reioyced in the blasphemous wordes of flatterers whome it had behooued him to haue detested and abhorred Let them therefore learne by this example what to looke for at Gods hande which with lyke impietie set vp themselues against him It behooueth vs chiefly to note how mightily God reuengeth pride seeing he doth not onely punishe the prowde grieuously but also shamefully the more to tame and pull downe their haultie heartes and courages So it pleased him that Pharao shoulde not dye valiauntly in the fyelde but be drowned in the waues of the redde sea which is a shamefull kynde of death So he slewe Sanherib miserably in the Church of his owne God by his owne sonnes And with the same disease which is here described before that was Antiochus Herode the great Sylla and at length Maximinian the persecutor vglily consumed Peter therefore sayd most truly that God resisteth the prowde Let all degrees and states of men hereby learne to keepe themselues within the bounds of their vocation and if they perceiue any thing in themselues singuler or excellent to acknowledge that it commeth altogither of the goodnesse of god So shall it come to passe that humbling themselues vnder the mightye hande of God they shall vse his giftes as they ought to doe Furthermore this place teacheth vs what hurt flatterers procure vnto Princes For of nature we be selfelouers and like best our owne doings and sayinges Then if we admit flatterers we become starke blinde so that we see not manifest vices grow to be such as cannot abide to heare the truth or to be admonished Which thing hath bene the cause that great Realmes haue bene ouerthrowne by the tongues of flatterers as hystories declare And surely Herode had bene most prosperous if he had giuen eare rather to the Apostles reprehending his vice than to the voyces of flatterers and clawbacks For they caused him being swollen in a wicked and prowde contempt of God to be destroyed with horrible death Ouer all this hauing shewed the ende of the tyraunt Luke returneth to the story of the Church which he begonne howe the Gospell did spreade to declare that by Herode it was nothing hindered For the worde of God sayth he encreased and was multiplied spreading it selfe euery daye farther abrode This he will declare in the thinges following wherevnto he maketh a digression touching Paule and Barnabas returne from Ierusalem For we hearde about the ende of the eleauenth Chapter howe they were sent thither to cary that mony that was here and there gathered to the poore and needy brethren in Iurie pinched with dearth and famine Which businesse after they had faithfully discharged they return vnto Antioch from whence shortly after they departed with Marke whom they brought with them and published the Gospell both farre and neare This is very comfortable that we see the Church stande fast and suruiue all hir enimies and all tyrantes For she is borne and conserued by the worde of God which endureth for euer This thing the hystories of all times and nations teach vs. For miserably and fylthily died Pha●ao the Chanaanites Sanherib the Babylonians Antiochus the three Herodes Nero Domitian Traiane Antonye Seuerus the Maximini Decius Valerianus Aurelianus Dioclesianus the two Maximinianes Liciuius Maxentius Iulian and as many as euer after all these durst to set vpon Christes Church For she flourisheth and liueth and shall for euer liue vnder hir trusty and most victorious defender and reuenger Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honour power and glorye for euer Amen The .xiij. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The .lxxxvj. Homelie THERE were in the congregation that is at Antioch certayne Prophets and Teachers as Barnabas and Simon that was called Niger and Lucius of Cyrene and Manahen Herode the Tetrarches nursefellowe and Saule As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted the holy ghost sayde Seperate me Barnabas and Saule for the worke wherevnto I haue called them And when they had fasted and prayed and layde their handes on them they let them goe And they after they were sent forth of the holy ghost departed vnto Seleutia ▪ and from thence they sayled to Cyprus And when they were at Salamine they shewed the worde of God in the Sinagoge of the Iewes and they had Iohn to their Minister THe Euaungelist Luke nowe in the two Chapters following describeth howe the doctrine of the Gospell by the ministerie of Paule and Barnabas began with full course to be preached indifferentlye to all Nations For where the Iewes onely vntill this time as hath oftentimes bene declared challenged to them the name of the Church and people of God and the benefyte of redemption purchased by Christ seemed to appertaine but vnto them alone and that that hath bene sayde of Cornelius the Centurion and of the Antiochians might seeme came to passe of some speciall priuiledge or fauour Therefore that no doubt might remayne the doctrine of saluation is nowe caryed indifferentlye vnto diuers Nations and those thinges are openly accomplished which the Prophetes long before prophecied of the calling of the Gentyles But least any one shoulde thinke that Paule and Barnabas did in this businesse ought of their owne heade and presumption Luke beginneth this hystorie with their calling and sending the chiefe scope wherof is that the kingdome of God and the whole matter of saluation was transferred brought to the gentiles not by mans deuise but by the appointment commaundement of God and that the Gentyles appertayned no lesse vnto the church of God than the beleeuing Iewes And that it was needefull to haue this matter so diligently declared shall appeere by that contention which hereafter is described in the .xv. Chapter Yea we maye see in the Epistles of Paule that the Iewes oftentimes withstoode the saluation of the Gentyles stoode in doubt of it And the Iewes were for no cause so much offended with Paule as for that he made the vncircumcised Gentiles all one with the Iewes in Christ which they thought was not without the notorious iniurie and prophane contempt both of the lawe of Moses and also of the people of the Iewes which thing also was cause that euerywhere he vsed such earnestnesse in defending his vocation who could well ynough haue borne the contempt of his owne name but that he sawe the glory of God and saluation of the Gentyles indaungered thereby But to come to the treatie of this present place fyrst Luke describeth the Church at Antioch from whence Paule and Barnabas were sent to preach the Gospell to the Gentyles Then declareth he their vocation and sending with the circumstances thereof Last of all he sheweth howe they vsed themselfe in the office committed vnto them He fyrst describeth the Church of Antioch not without a cause For herof it may be gathered that they coulde rashlye ordayne or appoynt nothing hauing the spirite so abundantly among them Neyther can Paule and Barnabas be accused as to
embrace the kingdome of Christ were fylled with disdaine and fyrst beganne to speake against Paule and at length fell to flatte blasphemy and rayling And bicause this contention went so farre that the Apostles were ●aine to shake of the dust of their feete against them a thing which we reade very seldome done by them therfore it behooueth vs to expende the circumstances of the whole hystorie the more diligently First Luke teacheth vs what the cause was of such a tumult and businesse Uerily for that the Iewes sawe the whole Citie almost came togither to heare the worde of god Howbeit it was euident ynough that they all came not of a godly intent and purpose For otherwise they woulde neuer haue suffred the Iewes a people hated of all Nations to haue intreated the Apostles so vngently Wherefore although the desire of truth drewe some thither as was aforesayde yet the greater part were mooued of vaine curiositie Which thing although the Apostles might easily haue supposed yet woulde they not let passe so commodious an occasion but are prest and ready to teach them Whereby we learne that they which will fruitefully be occupied in setting forth the kingdome of God haue neede of a feruent study and zeale that they must let no oportunitie escape be it in season or out of season as Paule elsewhere admonisheth Christ teacheth vs the same by his owne ensample which taketh occasion of euery thing to teach by and did so little refuse any one that came vnto him that he reiected not Nicodemus comming to him in the night season nor the woman of Samaria giuen to dishonest gayne and aduauntage Yea he sayeth this is his meate to doe that wherevnto his father sent him Hereby is their sloth improoued which being often called on will not teache and haue more regarde of their owne ease than of mens saluation Then next the cause of the tumult is declared which was the enuy of the Iewes seeing such a great throng of people They seeme to be mooued partlye with ambition and enuye while they are afrayde to lose their priuate honor and glory which thing Christ obiecteth vnto them Iohn 5. and partly with a preposterous zeale of the lawe whereby they were led to take in euill part that the vncircumcised Gentyles shoulde be matched with them in saluation which thing was cause that Paule was much troubled as we shall see when we come to the places In the meane while this place teacheth vs that all kinde of zeale is not allowable before God and that they which of zeale and good intent impugne the truth are not streightway to be pardoned For Paule otherwhiles attributeth a zeale of God vnto the Iewes yet he condemneth them in that they are not zealous for the glory of God according vnto knowledge We must therefore beware that no euill affection rule in vs and that we sinne not of ignoraunce in Gods will which must be the onely rule of all our doings Thirdlye here is declared what the Iewes the Apostles aduersaries did which went out before the congregation was broken vp bicause they would not heare the word because they feared they should lose their glory they speake against them also and stryue agaynst the truth by arguments And seeing they cannot that way preuaile they turne vnto rayling whereby no doubt they depraued both the doctrine and persons of the Apostles to make the simple people suspect their doctrine enuie them Such are the craftes of the wicked which euen nowe a dayes also they practise and they of whome men looke for arguments scriptures they thinke by their talke so to preuaile that they will rayle and often times open their wicked mouth against the name and word of god Also this place teacheth vs wherevnto hatred of the truth bringeth men at the length when they will continue in the same For it maketh them blasphemers open enimies and impudent raylers who yet at the beginning seemed good men and tollerable Let men therfore stoppe at the beginning and vse to acquaint their eares with the truth if they meane not to holde on still in stubbornnesse But did the Apostles giue place to this stowtnesse of the Iewes No. But with greater courage and boldenesse of speach resisted them For so must the Ministers of the worde be furnished that they must not onely teach the truth but also be able to withstand the gainesayers And it is vnmeete that they that are the Ministers of Christ shoulde yeelde vnto the enterprises of the worlde Herevnto appertaine the examples of the Prophetes who we reade were alwayes the constanter the more bolde they sawe the enimies of Gods worde were See what is sayde of Micheas in the fyrst booke of the Kinges and .xxij. Chapter and of Ieremie and others in euery place And it seemeth that Christ admonished the Apostles of daungers to come for none other cause so much as for that they shoulde not be discouraged with the boldenesse of their enimies nor be offended at them These things must we remember in these dayes where Antichristes bande is so whote in assaulting the truth Let vs thinke that nowe our constancie and stoutenesse is chiefely requisite faithfully to defende the Churches quarrell being in hazarde And the Apostles saying is diligently to be considered where they with graue and godly weight of wordes pronounce the horrible sentence of excommunication against these incurable persons For what more hope was there to be had of such as they sawe had clymed vp to the toppe of impietie and fyrst had stopped their eares against the worde of God and after that had spoken against it and at length were become blasphemers of it But chiefely the Apostles charge them with vnthankefulnesse and incredulitie which was the cause of their punishment saying it was meete the worde of God shoulde first be preached vnto you whome God did vouchsafe to adorne with the couenant the promises and kindred of his sonne But you make your selues vnworthy of such grace while through your incurable malice you despise the saluation offred vnto you What other thing therfore remaineth but that we turne vnto the Gentyles and gather God a Church out from among them which hitherto haue bene straungers from the couenant and Testaments For so must that saying of Christ be fulylled The kingdome of God shall be taken from you and giuen vnto a Nation which shall bring forth the fruites thereof In these things it is very diligently to be considered howe these vnbeleeuing perish through their owne iudgement vnto whome Christ is preached for a testimonie Furthermore how notwithstanding mans incredulitie and vnthankefulnesse Gods worde is nothing preiudiced or hindered For God is able of stones to rayse vp children vnto Abraham which shall embrace Christ with true faith as we see commeth to passe in the vocation of the Gentyles For they whose heartes were harder than stones being mollifyed with
at Corinth the which Paule complaineth to haue bene deuided into many and diuers factions through the subtiltie offalse teachers Both these thinges they founde true which were ledde about with the doctrine of the Monkes before the light of the Gospell appeared But the Apostles adde a notable sentence vnto the description of these deceyuers whereby they manifestly declare that they gaue the false Apostles no such thing in commaundement Therefore they accuse them of lying and therby likewise declare that there shall be lyers in all ages that shall preache the iustifycation of workes vnder the pretence and name of the Apostles Lette them therefore crye till they be horce againe that they are Legates sent from the Popes side let them pretende Fathers and Counsayles let them wrest scriptures let them glorie in the authoritie of Kings and Princes and we shall sette against all these the Counsayle and authoritie of the Apostles which openly testifyeth that the Apostles make nothing for them which dare ouerthrowe the righteousnesse of faith and attribute the glory of our saluation any way vnto workes Naye we will referre that saying of Paule vnto this place who doubted not to strike with Cursse an Aungell presuming to preach any other Gospell than this In the thirde member of their deuision they greatly commende Paule and Barnabas bicause they knewe that these deceyuers did greatly impugne their authoritie which also was the cause that Paule diuers times defended his Apostleship not without some suspect of ambition as his Epistles to the Galathians and Corinthians declare Therfore they call them their beloued by which name they accuse all those of lying which affirmed that Paule discented from the other Apostles They ioyne herevnto a praise which is the greatest that can be deuised where they say they ieoperded their liues for the name of Iesus Christ. The example of the Primitiue Church teacheth that their name and fame which deserue well in setting forth the saluation of men ought to be maintained defended And this is not to be iudged as any flatterie when it is done modestly and to that ende to keepe their authoritie vnblemished Thus it pleased Christ to adourne the sonnes of Zebede with worshipfull tytles as long as their vertuous doings so deserued And Paule sometime digresseth and taketh occasion to commende Titus Luke Timothie Epaphroditus and such like both to spurre them forward and also that their ministery might the more profytably proceede and go forwarde And this is to be obserued not onely in the Church but also in the common weale bicause liuely and couragious spirites are no waye more effectually cheared to take in hande vertuous and worthy exploytes than by prayse and honor And there are euerywhere examples that teach vs that no common weales haue long flourished where there haue not bene appoynted worthy rewardes of commendation and honor for well deseruers Furthermore in this place is expressed what the true prayse of a Minister is verily when necessitie so requireth to laye downe his life for the testimonie and name of Iesus christ For as he deserueth not to be called a good souldiour who is not redy to hazard his life if the cōmaundement of his Captaine publike weale so require so can he be no faythfull minister of Christ which is not ready to forsake all he hath yea his life to for the glory of Christ thus doth Christ euen of very equity and right require of vs seeing he fyrst did vouchsafe to laye downe his life for the saluation of all mankinde And yet these thinges are not so to be vnderstanded as though none shoulde be taken for a faythfull Minister of Christ but he that hath hazarded his lyfe For Christ woulde not haue vs rashe and to prodigall of our liues but rather he commaundeth vs to vse the prudence of serpents shunning and taking heede of daungers And many times there appeareth no daunger why we should feare our life yet in the meane time it is required that we should be prompt and ready in minde that we steppe not backe when with perill of our life we shoulde defende the glorye of christ This promptnesse of minde doth Paule shewe when being admonished howe he shoulde be layde in bondes he confessed that he was ready not onely to suffer bondes or imprisonment but also death for the name of christ See the Actes .xx. and .xxj. And that that is sayde of the Ministers of the worde is vnderstanded also of all that be Christians For it is an vniuersall rule which commaundeth vs to confesse Christ before the world and teacheth that he is not fytte for the kingdome of God which looketh backe agayne after he hath once sette his hande vnto the plough The fourth part expoundeth the decree of the Synode in the which Peter and Iames sayings are repeated and reconcyled in the which place we haue orderly to consider three things First they alleage the author of the decree namely the holy ghost It hath seemed good saye they vnto the holy ghost and to vs. They ioyne themselues with the holye ghost not meaning to match their authoritie with his or that they woulde be beleeued alone without the consent of the spirite but bicause Christ made them Ministers of his spirite by whom he thought good to vtter his Oracles In the which meaning also it is sayde He that heareth you heareth me and he that despyseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth mee despiseth him that sent mee Therefore bicause the Apostles pronounced nothing but that the holy ghost bade them they ioyne themselues after none insolent sort but after a modest and conuenient grauitie vnto the holye ghost ▪ least they might seeme to dissent from him And that the thing they write is the oracle of the holye ghost it appeareth by this that they decree nothing repugnant vnto the holy Scriptures And if the President of y Popishe Counsayles may say the same of their decrees we will confesse that they also are gathered togither in the holy ghost and that the thinges they enact are the decrees and Statutes of the spirite But as oft as they shall put forth opinions varying frō the Scriptures and repugnant vnto them so oft will we denie that they are ledde with the holy ghost bicause he cannot disagree with himselfe forasmuch as he is the spirite of truth Secondly they declare what it is that seemeth good vnto the holy ghost namely that we shoulde charge you with no more yoke and burthen Therefore whatsoeuer is beside the fayth in Iesus Christ is a yoke and a burthen For mennes consciences are burthened with the vnprofytable obseruation of traditio●s which can not further our saluation They repeate also what Iames had prescribed touching the eating of things offered to Idols touching whoredome strangled and bloude and they saye these are necessary to be obserued Here is to be noted what we sayd in the last Homelie touching the differences of these
is not without a cause suspected For a Bishop must be blamelesse and Paule forbiddeth yong schollers chiefely to be kept out of the Ministery bicause such are in daunger of backbiting and slaundering Nowe adayes bicause we be to soone intreated in admitting of euerye one it is no marueyle though the authoritie of the Ministerie growe so much in contempt Moreouer it maye seeme to anye man marueylous that God woulde suffer such most chosen vessels of his grace to be intangled in such implacable hatred and that the holye ghost woulde haue their errours recorded in wryting for their sake that shoulde come after But to him that shall deepely ponder these things there shall appeare to be diuers iust and weightye causes of this doing For fyrst these things teache vs that euen the holyest men also are subiect to perturbations of minde and therefore haue neede of the grace of god This Paule acknowledgeth where he writeth that he felte the pricke of the fleshe and had the messenger of Satan sent him agaynst the which he had none other wayes to resist but by the grace of God. The same Paule writing of the lawe of sinne which in all men fyghteth against the spirite of God cryeth out O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body subdued vnto death I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lorde The vse of all these things is to teach vs that whatsoeuer things holy men doe commendably we should ascribe them vnto God as to the author and only magnifye him therefore Againe these slydinges of holye men stirre vs vp vnto a feruent and continuall desire of godlinesse that according to Paules saying we may worke our saluation with feare and trembling For who will not be afrayde who will not be stirred vp to watch and praye when he seeth such notable seruaunts of God so grieuously fall Who will not stande in dreade to fall yea euen then when he seemeth to stand sure There is also another vse and commoditie of this contention that we now adayes be not offended with the discentions of the Ministers of the worde nor for discentions sake suspect the doctrine of Gods worde For the authoritie thereof dependeth not on man but as Esaias sayeth endureth for euer when all fleshe with the glory thereof wythereth and falleth away like a flower The fourth and last poynt of this Chapter is the peregrination of Paule and Barnabas in which they execute and perfourme their deuise concerning the visiting and confyrming the Churches in the word of god For although they disagreed among themselues yet is neyther of them vnmindefull of his dutie But Barnabas goeth into Cyprus and Paule into Syria and Cilicia and from thence into Lycaonia And this constancie is worthy of all men to be followed that we suffer not our selues by contention and importunitie of men to be ouercomme and so forgetting our duties become vnfaythfull vnto god In the meane season it behooueth vs to consider the goodnesse and wisedome of God which knoweth best howe to vse the offences of his people For of this lamentable discorde of the Apostles springeth this profyte that diuers Churches are at one very time visited and confyrmed Yea God many tymes vseth the sinnes of the wicked to the setting forth of his glory and the saluation of manne Examples whereof are extant both in the sale of Ioseph and manye other hystories Yet let no man for all this thinke vs voyde of fault For men sinne and by sinne deserue to be made the vesselles of wrath And if any good followe of their offending all that is to be ascribed to the goodnesse and wisedome of god God graunt that by vs his name may be glorifyed and that our most mercifull father woulde vse all our doinges to that ende to serue for the commoditie and saluation of many that we may lyue in heauen with Iesus Christ to whome be all prayse honour power and glorye for euer Amen The .xvj. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cvj. Homelie THEN came he to Derba and to Lystra and beholde a certaine Disciple was there named Timotheus a womans sonne which was a Iewesse and beleeued but his father was a Greeke Of whome reported well the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium Him would Paule that he should go forth with him and toke and circumcised him bicause of the Iewes that were in those quarters For they knew al that his father was a Greke As they went through the Cities they deliuered them the decrees for to keepe that were ordeyned of the Apostles and Elders which were at Ierusalem And so were the congregations stablished in the fayth and increased in number daily THe Apostle Paule appoynted to visite the Churches which he had gathered togither by preaching of the Gospell and to confyrme them in the fayth they had once receyued least being eyther drowned in securitie or circumuented with the subtiltie of Satan or ouercome wyth persecutions they shoulde fall awaye This he so doth that whersoeuer occasion also is offred he laboureth to winne moe congregations vnto christ This hystorie Luke in this place describeth who was Paules continuall companion in this iourney and therfore as a witnesse that sawe all things knewe all things well And fyrst we hearde how they went ouer Syria and Cilicia Then it followeth what they did in Lycaonia the Churches wherof by reason of the Iewes the bitterest enimies that Christ had had more neede to be strengthned than others and hereof Paule stoode in feare bicause he had diuers times tryed the hostyle attemptes and implacable mindes of the Iewes Moreouer the Euangelist taketh his beginning of the calling of Timothie whome Paule tooke vnto him as a companion in his voyage and partener in all his labors For he knewe that without fytte Ministers of the worde the kingdome of Christ and fayth in him could not be enlarged Wherefore as the Princes of this world which labour to dilate and stretch out their borders a farre are altogither occupied about getting of long tryed Captaynes and bolde souldiours from all places so was this the chiefe care of Paule to searche and get many faythfull and fytte Ministers for the Church of Christ by whome the kingdome of Christ might be stretched farre and wyde whosoeuer desire the safetie of the Church whether they be teaching Bishops or ruling Magistrates they must followe this example For as without the preaching of the worde newe Churches cannot be planted so those that are already planted and gathered togither cannot be kept in doing their dutie without the same Hereof proceeded that care and industrye which the Prophetes of the olde Testament had about schooles which our Predecessors being most prudent and godly men did imitate as the foundations of most auncient Colledges doe testifye In the vocation of Timothie there are two things to be considered wherof we shall speake in order Fyrst it is described who and what maner
saying If ye thinke that I beleeue on the Lorde come into my house and abyde there And she constreyned vs. THe Apostle Paule being called of God by the Aungell passed into Macedonia to preach the Gospell vnto the men of that countrie By which example is prooued partly the dignitie of the Gospell and partly that saluation that is giuen vs of meere fauour and grace is declared For if we consider the Macedonians they were in the same case and condicion that other Nations were which Paule otherwheres wryteth were subiect vnto the power of darkenesse were Idolaters were the seruants of sinne and therefore voyde of god Besides that God sendeth Paule now to teach them the waye of saluation when they once thinke not thereof But let vs see what he did at Philippi the chiefest citie of Macedonia Wee were sayth Luke in that Citie abyding certaine dayes The cause of this abode as maye be gathered by all circumstances was for that the Apostles sawe no oportunitie to preache which thing they chiefely wayted for Wherefore at length they sought the same out of the Citie For they went out of the Citie on the Sabboth day and preached the Gospell to certaine women nigh vnto a certaine Riuer whither they vsed of custome to resort vnto publike prayer This is a verye notable example teaching vs howe God vseth to trye and exercise the fayth and constancie of his seruantes For as it hath bene declared the Apostle was called by the Aungell as one speaking in the behalfe of all the countrie and desiring helpe Wherfore a man might haue hoped that the Macedonians should haue receyued Paule when he had come with all kinde of alacritie and declaration of ioy and that euery mans minde had bene prepared to receyue the light of the Gospell But this hope so deceyueth them that in a moste famous and populous Citie there is not one that giueth eare vnto them neyther can they espie any occasion to make a sermon notwithstanding they narrowly wayted for the same And without the Citie women only gaue eare vnto them and but one of them all that beleeued the worde one Lydia which was a straunger Who therefore woulde not thinke this calling of Paule to haue bene a mockery seeing no effect to followe of the same But God vseth to laye many stoppes in the way of them that walke in his calling whereby to hinder and pull them backe to prooue their fayth to trayne them vnto constancie and to teach them to wrastle and ouercome aduersitie So Moses being sent to deliuer the people fyndeth many impedimentes layde in his waye which seemed much repugnaunt to the will and appoyntment of god For the Aungell of the Lorde threatneth him with death bicause he neglected the Circumcising of his sonne and he fyndeth Pharao not onely set and bent against his requestes but also the children of Israel murmurre and rebell against him And when he was out of Egypt the sea laye in his way before him so that nature hir selfe seemed to fyght against him but his constancie of fayth and stedfast purpose to fulfyll the commaundementes of God ouercame all these aduersities So that cruell enimie Saule ryseth vp against Dauid being called and appointed to be king by whose tyrannie or euer he came to the kingdome he was expulsed his countrie And manye such like thinges came dayly to passe whereby God vseth to trye our faith But it is our dutie constantly to holde on and with sure hope to wayte for the assistance of God and so we shall fynde he will neyther fayle of his promises nor want to further our enterprises Furthermore we haue a marueylous example of conuersion set forth in Lydia which by reason of the manifold doctrine therof the Euangelist most diligently describeth with all the circumstances And beginning with the description of the person he sayth there was a woman to admonish vs of that se●e or kinde by the which sinne entred into the worlde By hir condicion and calling she was a seller of purple and exercised a kinde of merchandise seruing more to the maintenance of pompe and pride than vnto necessitie to saye nothing of couetousnesse craft and deceyte and such like vices as this kinde of people are commonly giuen vnto Besides she was a straunger borne at Thyatirae a Citie of Lydia These thinges are declared to the ende that we might knowe howe God vseth to despyse no state or degree of men but of al sorts fauoreth embraceth those that are desirous to conuert turne vnto him Infynite other examples of lyke kinde there are which teach vs the same For Christ in manye places reasoneth with harlots about their saluation In other places agayne he openeth the kingdome of heauen vnto Publicanes He disdeyned not the order of Phariseyes seeing he admitted Nicodemus to talke with him in the night season and mos●e friendly instructed him Yea he did lighten the Centurion which was appoynted to see him executed with the knowledge of him These places teach vs that we shoulde not despayre of Gods grace by reason of the trade or kynde of lyfe that we haue heretofore ledde For it is euident that the doore of saluation standeth open to euery man which vnfaynedly desireth it In this example also appeareth the counsell of God which of little beginnings promoteth the kingdome of his sonne For he appoynteth Lydia to be the fyrst fruites of that Church whose fayth afterwarde Paule thinketh he coulde neuer sufficiently commende So Christ chose out from among fyshers and Publicanes his chiefe Disciples And we must not thinke it is without a cause that Christes kingdome here on earth touching the outwarde sight is of no reputation and a despysed thing For hereof we may gather that it is not of this worlde nor that we must seeke the thinges of this worlde in the same It is also euident that they which desire to be partakers with Christ must not glory in the wisedome of the fleshe in Nobilitie in pompe and other such like things but only in the Lorde as Paule hath taught at large in the fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians the fyrst Chap. Here hast thou what to aunswere those which rayle at the doctrine and fayth of the Gospell bicause none holde with the same but the Comminaltie and men of small or no reputation vsing the same argument that the Phariseyes and Scribes sometime vsed against their seruants which commended Christes doctrine Why rather harken they not what Christ sayth I thanke thee ô father bicause thou hast hidden these thinges from the wyse and prudent and hast shewed them vnto Babes Verilye father euen so was it thy good pleasure But after he had described the person of Lydia he declareth the order and maner of hir conuersion In the which fyrst she is sayd to be religious and to feare God as diuers other did both among the Iewes and Gentyles which yet were ignoraunt in the way of
singular fruites of fayth For shewing hir dutie of thankefulnesse vnto the Apostles she requested them home to hir house and lodged them By which occasion it came to passe that the Apostles proceeding earnestly in their office daylye wanne more and more Disciples and so beganne a Church togither as shall appeare in the ende of the Chapter But Satan thinking this geare intollerable assayeth to resist these fyrst principles and beginnings of Christes kingdome And fyrst he handleth the matter with subtiltie and guilefull flattery and by and by when his fyrst enterprise succeedeth not he setteth vpon the Apostles by open force and at length dryueth them out of the Citie But at this time we will examine but the fyrst encounter Luke beginneth his hystorie with the description of that person whose helpe Satan vsed in this conflict This was a mayde or damozell possessed with the spirite of Python which by hir prophecying was very gaynefull vnto hir maister and mystresse Nowe thys spirite of Python the Gentyles supposed to be Apollo who had that name giuen him as the Poets feigne of that Serpent Python which he slewe wyth his bowe and arrowes And that Apollo was the President of prophecying is more manifest than needeth by many wordes to be prooued For Delphi Claros Delus and diuers other places where vnder the name of Apollo the deuill sometime vsed to vtter hys Oracles were very notable and famous He lykewise inspyred certayne priuate persons striking them sodainly madde and making them speake ambiguous and doubtfull sayings which superstitious men receyued and embraced for credible Oracles And at length the matter came to this passe that foolishe men woulde enterprise or take nothing in hand vnlesse they had fyrst consulted with these Prophets and in all their distresses they woulde runne to these Oracles whereby it came to passe that great aduauntage followed Bicause man is of this nature that he will let for no labour nor cost about those things which may any kinde of way satisfye his curiositie And Satan rayseth vppe an instrument hereof among the Philippians agaynst the Apostles to the intent eyther to make the wiser sort suspect them or else the rude and vnskilfull Commons to hate them In the meane whyle we maye consider with what engines Satan maintayneth hys kingdome amongst men namely by lying and curious and soothsaying Artes wherein he counterfeyteth the spirite of Prophecie to drawe men by that meanes from the worde of God which ought to be the onely rule in all our doyngs The Professors of these Artes in Egypt were the Magitians whych the Scripture sayeth wythstoode Moses Among these may Baalam also be numbred although he did egregiously counterfeyte a loue of the truth Such were diuers and many sorts of Prophetes among the Chanaanites whome God by his lawe commaunded to be destroyed Unto the which maye be referred the Augures Aruspices and interpreters of dreames Astrologers Necromancers Geomancers Hydromancers and infynite others whose counsayles and sayings were of great authoritie among Kings and Magistrates in the administration and gouernance of their kingdomes and common weales And surelye if we consider the thing well Satan scarcely exercised the power of his kingdome in anye other thyng more than in this vanitie of Oracles wherewith he bewitched all the worlde a great number of yeres And in these dayes he many times rayseth vp certayne Prophetes which eyther make themselfe cunning in the knowledge of thinges to come or else can put awaye diseases by enchauntments and assay to doe diuers other things impossible for man to perfourme But some will demaunde wherefore God in times past suffred and yet to this day suffreth these things to be done The answere is readye For where the Gentyles in tymes past were not contented with the reuelations of God but went about to fynde out the mysteries of Gods maiestie by the pregnancie of their owne wit this presumption of theirs deserued that they shoulde be gyuen vppe into a reprobate sense and miserably seduced wyth the wyles and ginnes of the Deuill Paule gaue vs warning that the same shoulde come to passe towarde the later dayes saying that Antichrist should haue power on them which would not embrace the truth offred of god And if a manne consider the Philippians he shall fynde they were worthye to be thus seduced by this Demoniake Damsell For such was their liberalitie towards hir that hir Master and Dame had no small aduauntage by hir But yet they so little regarde the Apostles of Christ that they had wanted harbour vnlesse Lydia which also was a forrenner had taken them into hir house The like vnthankefulnesse peruersitie is in these dayes For men will not embrace the light of the truth and where they bestowe much cost vpon dumbe ymages deceyuing Priestes Coniurers Inchaunters Soothsayers and wise folke as they call them euery thing seemeth to much that they bestow on the doctrine of truth They are worthy therefore to be a pray for Satan by whose subtiltie they may perceyue both their goods to be consumed and their bodies troubled and molested Let vs therefore learne to harken vnto the lawe of God which teacheth vs to take heede and beware of all such kindes of deceyuers and commaundeth vs only to studie and followe the worde of god See Deut. 18. Leuit. 20. Esaye 8. And they that will not thus doe let them learne by the example of Saule what to looke for See. 1. Sam. 28. But nowe it is time to marke what Satan did by this Damsell She following the Apostles which of custome resorted to the prayers cried out saying These men are the seruantes of the most high God which shewe vnto vs the waye of saluation What kinde of thing sayest thou is this that I heare Is this the saying of the Deuill withstanding the Apostles Yea verily Why he coulde not saye any more in their commendation than to confesse them to be the seruauntes of God and the preachers of saluation Howbeit it behooueth vs not so much to consider the wordes as the pretence and meaning of the Deuill by whose suggestion these wordes were spoken For so shall thou perceyue that he most craftily vndermineth Christes cause where he seemeth most to holde with the same For here in this place he beareth witnesse vnto the Apostles doctrine to make it with the wiser sort specially with the Iewes if anye were present to be suspected For Satan knoweth he is accounted a lyer amongest all menne For this cause he crieth that the Apostles are the seruantes of God and messengers of saluation to make them the rather to be suspected with wise men Furthermore he seeketh to make those that beleeue the Apostles to beleeue also his answeres whereby they heard the Apostles doctrine commended But the faith in Christ cannot stande where ought is attributed vnto the deuill whose kingdome Christ came into this worlde to destroye Therefore vnder the pretence of Christ he seeketh priuily to
Corinthians and vsed his helpe in laying the foundation of a most famous Church Thus commeth it oftentimes to passe that the thing which at the fyrst seemed to vs very grieuous and intollerable is yet at length the cause of great commoditie profyte Therefore Paule for diuers occasions taketh vp his lodging with this man For besides that he was well instructed in the fayth his fortune was to be banished with others made him the more gentle vnto straungers whom they that dwell and liue all their lyfe at home for the most part contemne Furthermore being of the same occupation that Paule was that is to saye a sower or maker of tentes which in those dayes were made of hydes and skynnes it was very commodious for the Apostle to dwell with him bicause he might by the same trade helpe to get his liuing It shall be good to consider yet diligently both Aquilas and Paules person Aquilas giueth vs a notable example both of faith and charitie For being a man of handy-craft and banished he receyueth the Minister of Christ to harbour in a straunge Citie by his example reproouing the richer sort of dishonestie and shame which made so litle account of straungers in their owne dwellings yea it appeareth by other places that his hospitalitie was so great that he had a Church or Congregation in his house Let them therfore be ashamed of their inhumanitie and fylthye niggardenesse which abounding in riches and peace haue no compassion on the banished for Christes sake These shall one day learne to their great griefe what the sorrowes of banishment are and what an heape of cares persecution bringeth with it But they which being enflamed wyth the loue of Christ make much of his seruants and take them in shall fynde the Lorde a most thankefull recompencer who promyseth him a worthy rewarde that giueth but a cuppe of colde water to any one of hys Disciples He shall at the last day take whatsoeuer is done for any of his members as done vnto himselfe Lykewyse in Paule are notable and singuler vertues to be seene For this is an argument of constant fayth that he is not so offended at his course lodging that he woulde therefore forsake Corinth For he knewe that God vsed to choose the despysed things of this worlde wyth the which to set forth hys kingdome to the confusion of them which seeme in their owne conceyte excellent and singular Agayne he exerciseth loue and equitie in that he sitteth not ydle in Aquilas house but layeth his handes to worke and getteth his lyuing honestly Which example as it is worthye of singular commendation so doe they naughtily apply it which by the same exact of all Ministers to labour with their handes as though it were not meete for them to liue of the ministery of the worde For Paule laboured not bicause he thought it vnlawfull for any to liue of the stipend of the Church but for that there was yet no church at Corinth gathered of whose stypende he was able to liue In the meane season he thought he woulde not burthen those fyrst fruites of a Church gathered in Aquilas house whose substaunce and goodes were no● verye great Afterwardes when the congregation was growne to a full Church he woulde not vse hys ryght and libertie by reason of the slaunderous reportes of certayne false teachers which sayde that he and such as he was laye in wayte to enrich themselues by other mennes goodes and therefore they taught for naught For this cause woulde Paule in no case be inferior to these fellowes thinking it better for a season to want his dutie than by to hastie calling therfore to bring the Gospell in suspition Yet he sayth he robbed other Congregations to preach vnto the Corinthians freelye And he confesseth that the Philippians releeued him with mony which they sent him By this example of Paule our masking Byshoppes are reprooued who lyuing in ryot lyke Persians vppon the goodes of the Church doe no seruice to the Church at all And not these onely but certaine belly Gods also that glory in the name of the Gospell and yet are giuen altogither vnto couetousnesse shamefully forsaking the Churches where they might by their seruice doe much good for a little lucre and aduauntage sake of some greater stypende and wages Both these sortes shall one daye feele the iudgement of God which will not suffer his Church to be so slenderly regarded for naught But bicause Paule came not to Corinth to the end to sowe Tents but to set out the kingdome of Christ it is also declared which waye he did the same After his accustomed maner he frequented the Church on the sabboth dayes And fyrst he prudentlye moderated his doctrine handling it according to the capacitie of his hearers as he otherwheres confesseth saying he fedde them wyth mylke bicause as yet they coulde not awaye wyth stronger meate Thys order Luke expresseth by this worde perswading to declare that he did creepe as it were within his hearers for feare of of●ending them at the begynning And verily it is to be thought that he proceeded in that order that he vsed at other tymes He knewe the Iewes were ledde with a preposterous zeale of their lawe and that they sought saluation and iustifycation in the workes thereof He taught therefore that all men were sinners and that they were not able of themselues to satisfie the lawe Thereby it was easily to be gathered that an other must be sought for by whose merite men might be saued Which was a most commodious waye to come vnto the mysteries of christ Let all Ministers of the word of God and his Church imitate thys example of Paule least whyle they haue no consideration of their hearers speaking all thinges in a confused order they driue them from the kingdome of Christ whome they myght wynne vsing the matter modestly and prudently Surely he requyreth such a Minister of the worde as can breake or deuyde the worde of truth in due order and rightly And Christ requyreth of him not onely trustinesse but also prudencie But least any man might thinke that Paule fedde them styll wyth mylke Luke wryteth that at length vpon occasion offered he more earnestly handeled Christes cause For when Silas and Timotheus were come out of Macedonia he beganne to pull all his wyttes togyther eyther for that he heard the Gospell had good successe among the Macedonians or else for that he was troubled in his minde with the miserable case and blindenesse of so famous a Citie For whose heart would not be mooued to see so notable a Citie running headlong into hir owne mischiefe and destruction and to see the ignorance of such a sort of men so miserably deceyuing themselues Surely what euer that constraint of Paule was it is certaine that he beganne more earnestly to be incensed by the holye ghost and to preache and testifye to the Iewes more openly that Iesus
the sonne of Marie was the Messias and Christ that is the sauiour of the worlde that was promysed by whose onely merite we are delyuered from the cursse of the lawe from sinne and from death Thus let Ministers prepare them away prudently that at length they may waxe feruent in setting forth Christ and maintayning his doctrine that they cloke not their fearefulnesse with the pretence of modestie Againe it appeareth that Christ is the chiefe marke and Butte of the Apostles doctrine whose wytnesses they were chosen to be Peter in the Sermons that are before gone hath taught vs that in hym onely is all our saluation conteyned Paule afterwarde wryting to the Corinthians confesseth that he knoweth nothing but Iesus Christ and him crucifyed Iohn sayeth that whatsoeuer is written by the Euaungelistes serueth to this ende that we shoulde beleeue that Iesus is Christ by beliefe attaine to lyfe euerlasting we must therefore be contented with the same For it is not lawfull for any man to chalenge to himselfe any more knowledge of saluation then the Apostles did which had Christ to their schoolemaister and his most faythfull spirite for their counseller Wherefore let vs all know Christ onely which is our king and only priest who dying for our sinnes and rysing againe for our iustifycation hath redeemed vs and made vs kings and priests to his father To him be praise honor power and glorie for euer Amen The Cxxj. Homely AND when they sayd contrary and blasphemed he shooke his rayment and sayde vnto them your bloud be vpon your owne heades from henceforth will I go blamelesse vnto the Gentyles And he departed thence and entred into the house of a certaine man called Iustus a worshipper of God whose house ioyned hard to the Synagoge Howbeit one Crispus the chiefe Ruler of the Synagoge beleeued on the Lorde with all his housholde and many of the Corinthians when they gaue audience beleeued and were baptised Then spake the Lorde to Paule in the nyght by a vision be not afrayd but speake for I am with thee and no man shall inuade thee that shall hurt thee for I haue much people in this Citie And he contynued there a yeare and sixe Moneths and taught them the worde of God. OUr Sauiour Iesus Christ many tymes testifyed that the chiefe cause whye he came into the worlde was to saue sinners The Apostles beyng mindefull hereof vsed to preache the doctrine of saluation vnto notable synners and to bring them into the felloship of Christ and his Church So behooued it to be in the begynning bicause none shoulde thinke Christes merite coulde be ouercome by any heynousnesse of our sinnes or should beginne to dispayre of their saluation in him This same may notably be seene in the conuersion of Corinthe For we heard erewhyle that it was a most naughtie and corrupt Citie Yet is Paule sent thither to delyuer them by the preaching of the Gospell from the brynke of destruction And fyrst according to his vsuall maner he offereth saluation vnto the Iewes who yet of all others had deserued that God should not regarde them Who therefore will despayre of Gods mercie who so earnestly sought the saluation of so hatefull a people Let vs here marke howe the incurable impietie of this people wrastled here also against the long suffering of God Christ our Sauiour ouercomming and triumphing in the myddle of thys sturre and businesse For it is written that the Iewes gaynesayde Paule plainely bearing witnesse vnto Christ and at length rayled at him and blasphemed his doctrine That this was their common vsage we haue nowe learned by many examples This wickednesse of theirs is horrible if we consider eyther what they were in tymes passed or expende the rage of euill speaking that they vse agaynst Christ yet to this daye For who woulde not feare the horror of Gods iustice seeing he perceyueth no Nation these manye hundreth yeares such miserable vessels of his wrath as they which sometime were called the fyrst begotten of God the chosen stocke and Priestly kingdome of God It is very worthy to be noted that they nowe at length contrarye and gaynesaye Paule when he moste plainely beginneth to beare witnesse vnto Christ where as before this they had hearde him intreate of the law and certayne other pointes certayne sabboth daies togither very willingly For this that was done at Corinth we see commeth to passe nowe a dayes euerywhere They are after a sort borne withall that can nicke manifest abuses and errors a farre of as many vsed to doe in the tyme of Papistry But assoone as Christ is vrged and his glory plainly and manifestly defended then become they starke madde which before seemed very modest The cause of this euill is for that without the preaching of Christ all other reprehensions are but colde and are of no more weyght than the taulkes of Philosophers who we may reade disputed with great shewe of learning touching the studies of vertue and the miserable condicion of vices But Christ entring into the hearts of men cutteth awaye euen to the quicke all corruption aswell of religion as of manners and liuing and therefore the consequences that necessarily followe of this doctrine seeme to the worlde intollerable For of this doctrine followeth vtterlye the fall of buying and selling of holynesse Hereby is the brightnesse of mannes righteousnesse cleane put out and all affiance in our owne merites quyte ouerthrowne The same reprooueth our corrupt maners and exacteth of vs no counterfeyte or pagiantlyke repentance but a syncere and perfyte such as neyther the corruption of our fleshe can abyde nor mannes power perfourme It seemeth tollerable ynough vnto the worlde to reprooue an adulterer a souldier an vsurer a drunkerde and to let him alone in the Church if he be purged with a friuolous satisfaction although he follow styll the same trade of lyfe But if a man thunder out the sentence of damnation agaynst him by the voyce of the Gospell and exclude him out of the kingdome of God bicause he will not repent this they thinke to be a thing intollerable This is an euident proofe of our corruption and that they are in deede the enimies of God that purposely runne on in sinne and will not be corrected by the worde of god For who will not thinke him to be the enimye of God who despyseth the sonne of God in comparison of his abhominable sinfulnesse Agayne let vs obserue the maner of speach that Luke vseth They spake agaynst him sayth he and blasphemed The fyrst degree of vngodlynesse is to speake against the worde of God. This bicause many doe of ignoraunce their error at the fyrst may be winked at But he that is so led with naughtye and euill affection to speake agaynst the truth reuealed being not contented with this fyrst degree or steppe they commonlye turne them vnto rayling What these raylings and slaunders were that the Iewes vsed agaynst Paule we may gather
Therefore Dauid gathereth very probably thus The Lorde is my helper I will not feare what man can doe vnto me And bicause this promise is generall and appertayneth to all them that walke in the vocation of God all menne ought to applye it vnto themselues and in affiaunce hereof to beare out all the assaultes of the worlde couragiously The seconde reason is No man shall inuade thee that shall hurt thee He sayeth his enimies enterprises shall be in vaine This is a speciall promise which alwayes taketh not place For many times it commeth to passe that the godly are entangled in many troubles and grieuous daungers and we reade that Paule was layde hands on manye times yea after this he was taken and brought to Rome by sea and lande where he ended his life by the sworde And notwithstanding these things came so to passe yet abideth the truth of Gods fyrst promise sure and fast and god saueth those that be his from death and neuer fayleth them Wherefore we must walke and holde on in the vocation of god by fyre and sworde The thirde reason is that he sayth he hath much people in Corinth· By this he teacheth him that his labor shall not be in vaine bicause the word of god in the elect and predestinate to saluation vseth to be effectuall as is declared in the .xiiij. Chapter This is verye notable that God hath in so naughty a Citie so much people and more than Athens which thought hir selfe for vertue and wisedome to passe all other Cities Whereby we gather that they which are openly drowned in sinne are moste apt to receyue the kingdome of god than the Iusticiaries and holy ones that woulde seeme to all men to be iust and good For it fareth herein as in the sickenesses of the bodye For as they that are sicke of knowne diseases doe sooner seeke the Phisitions than they that are diseased with secret whereof they are ashamed and can after a sort hyde them so they that be notorious open sinners doe sooner receyue the doctrine of saluation than hypocrites which swollen with the confydence of their owne righteousnesse thinke they haue neede of none other For where these cannot denye but they are sinners they of necessitie are carefull howe to be saued and are compelled to seeke saluation in others than themselues Which is the cause that Publicanes and harlots are preferred before Phariseyes in the kingdome of god And Christ appointed the doctrine of saluation to beginne with the reprehension of sinners that laying aside the pryde of our owne righteousnesse we myght learne to flie vnto the grace of god In the meane season it ought much to comfort vs that the Lorde hath many heyres of eternall saluation in so vntowarde a Nation For hereby it appeareth that God is neuer without hys seauen thousande although all menne seeme wicked and naught 1. Reg. 19. For such is the certainetie of Goddes Election and Predestination that they are counted for Gods elect which are from euerlasting written in the booke of lyfe although they yet lye drowned in sinne Euen so Christ calleth them his sheepe which yet he had not called by outward preaching nor drawne by inwarde operation of his spirite but yet knewe they were gyuen him by his father before the foundations of the worlde were layde And this is a consolation of all other most effectuall that our sinnes cannot hynder Gods election For whome he hath predestinate those in tyme he calleth and draweth and maketh lyke vnto the ymage of his sonne and suffereth them not for any thing to be seperated from his loue Moreouer howe great the force of Gods comfort is appeareth by Paule which abode a whole yeare and sixe Moneths at Corinthe and there preached the worde of god Here the pacience of Paule and the truth and power of God which preserued his seruaunt so long in so wicked a Citie is diligently to be considered He aboade so long among these prowde and vnthankefull men as tyll he had brought those vnto God which he heard were his elected What fyercenesse and discourtesie they vsed in the meane season agaynst Paule may easily appeare by his Epistles This example of Paule reprooueth them that rashely leaue theyr Churches assoone as they see all things succeede not according to their desyre we are taught moreouer what a painefull thing it is to edifye and buylde the Church seing we heare that Paule laboured so long at Corinthe where he confesseth that he dyd but plant onely Yea his Epistles declare that there was neede afterwarde of contynuall traueyle and care Therefore the slouth of some Ministers is very detestable which suppose vehemencie of zeale in edyfying of the Church is but superfluous Let them all follow Paules industrie that by daylie exercise of fayth we may make sure our election and vocation and come to the inheritaunce of the kingdome of heauen with Iesus Christ our Lorde to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The Cxxij Homelie WHEN Gallio was Ruler of the Countrie of Achaia the Iewes made insurrection with one accorde against Paule and brought him to the iudgement seate saying This fellow counselleth men to worship God contrarye to the lawe And when Paule was about nowe to open his mouth Gallio sayde to the Iewes If it were a matter of wrong or an euill deede ô yee Iewes reason woulde that I shoulde heare you But if it be a question of wordes or of names or of your lawe looke yee to it your selues for I wyll be no iudge of such matters and he draue them from the seate Then all the Greekes tooke Sosthenes the chiefe Ruler of the Synagoge and smote hym before the Iudges seate And Gallio cared for none of these things ALthough God sendeth out the Ministers of his worde as sheepe among Wolues yet he defendeth them with his fauour and protection so that the wicked enimyes of truth can not doe what they please against them This Paule found true both at Corinth specially and at manye other places besides For being in feare and trembling in the midst of many daungers almost swallowed vp of feare God preuenteth him with his comfort and promyseth him not onely safetie but also great successe and fruite of his labour and traueyle And that he promysed him he perfourmeth to the vttermost as this present place declareth For in a tumulte and vprore where the Iewes raued lyke madde men when all hope of mans helpe was past God by his secret power wonderfully saueth and delyuereth hym so that he taketh no harme And bycause this is a peculiar and very notable example of Gods ayde and assistaunce it shall not be vnprofytable to discusse euery circumstaunce of this hystorie And fyrst the begynners of thys trouble are here noted which are the Iewes of whome seing we haue often times intreated it needeth not that we say any more These men hauing hytherto bene quyet being kept
Antioche the publike sanctuary as we sayde before of all godly persons From thence he passed through the Galathians and Phrygians confyrming the brethren euerywhere in the fayth for that he was not ignorant of the craftes and enterprises of Satan which lyeth still in wayte for the godly Luke in fewe wordes comprehendeth the great paynes care and marueylous dyligence that Paule vsed in the gouerning of Christ his Church But if a man would compare the Byshops of our dayes with him which bragge of Paule and Peters name good Lorde howe little shall a man fynde in them expressing but one sparkle of Paules breast In the meane season let vs acknowledge the truth of God which prouideth for his Church such faythfull and chosen instruments and let vs beseech him to sende out faithfull labourers into hys haruest which may enlarge the boundes of his Church that our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ may haue a kingdome in all nations to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The Cxxiiij Homelie AND a certaine Iewe named Apollos borne at Alexandria came to Ephesus an eloquent man and myghtie in the scriptures The same was enfourmed in the way of the Lorde and spake feruently in the spirite taught dyligently the things of the Lorde and knewe but the baptisme of Iohn onlye And the same beganne to speake boldely in the Synagoge whome when Priscilla and Aquila had hearde they tooke him vnto them and expounded vnto hym the way of God more perfitely And when he was disposed to go into Achaia the brethren wrote exhorting the Disciples to receyue him Which when he was come helped them much which had beleeued thorowe grace for he ouercame the Iewes myghtilye and that openly shewing by the Scriptures that Iesus was Christ. VNto the discourse of the thinges done by the Apostle Paule at Corinth and Ephesus Luke annexeth in order the hystorie of Apollos the Iewe borne at Alexandria For fyrst it maketh for the more perfyte declaration of the thinges done among the Corinthians bicause Apollos not long after this went to Corinth and watered the Church there that Paule had prosperouslye planted and lyke a dyligent husbandman brought it to more rypenesse of fruite as the Apostle confesseth in the fyrst to the Corinthians the thirde Chapter Here appeareth likewise the great goodnesse of God in prouyding for his Church For we heard in the Sermon going before howe Paule by secrete instinct of the holye ghost was taken from the Ephesians which being inflamed with the loue of the gospell desyred longer to haue kept him with them Therefore least any man might thinke that God neglected those that were so desyrous of saluation so myght take occasion to thinke yll of God he substituteth Apollos in his place to supply Paules absence by his diligence and endeuour For God neglecteth none that are desyrous of the truth who calleth all men vnto him euery where and allureth them with spreade open armes Therfore this hystorie maketh not a little for the comfort of the Church conteyning also an example of a faythfull and an absolute minister with many other things belonging to our instruction wherefore it shall be profytable to examine all the partes thereof Luke begynneth very commodiously with the description of the person saying fyrst he was a Iewe where partly is declared the great mercie of God which out of a most enuious nation falling and running headlong into destruction chooseth out euery day newe and freshe worshippers of hys sonne and Ministers and partly the Iewes malice is prooued incurable which could be ouercome neyther with the great dyligence of the Apostles nor yet with daylie domesticall examples Next he declareth how he was borne at Alexandria where hystories saye and thys present place prooueth was a most famous Church and schoole erected euen in the time of the Apostles For from thence commeth thys Apollos furnished with so many dyuers giftes whose labour and traueyle afterwarde appeared so great in the buylding vp of the congregation Luke in verye fewe wordes attributeth to him singuler qualities saying he is eloquent that is to saye had a gift aptly and in due maner to speake or reason of any matter also power or might in the scriptures that is a conuenable dexteritie in handling or intreating of them as one that had not learned them onely for ostentation sake Moreouer he declareth he was brought vp in the way of the Lorde thereby attributing vnto him the knowledge of Christ yet declaring he wanted some poyntes thereof where he sayth he knewe but the baptisme of Iohn onely So calleth he the principles of christian religion comprehending vnder this worde baptisme all the doctrine of Iohn and al that businesse whereof he was Minister In the which sence Christ also demaunded the Scribes of Iohns baptisme Math. 21. Yet this place must not so be vnderstanded as though Iohn had had no knowledge of Christ or had taught his Disciples any doctrine contrarie to christ For Iohns doctrine and Christes was all one For as Christ commaundeth the Apostles to preach repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes in his name so reade we that Iohn mooued his hearers vnto repentaunce and shewed them that the grace of God and saluation was to be had in Christ onely For the summe of his doctrine was Repent you for the kingdome of God is at hande Beholde the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the worlde The father loueth the sonne and hath giuen all things into his hande that all that beleeue in the sonne may haue lyfe euerlasting See Luke 3. Iohn 1. and thirde chapiters And bicause Iohn was in the myddle betwixt the Prophets and Christ and was therefore but the forerunner of the sauyour that was promised who should prepare and make ready the people to receyue Christ it suffised him to declare but a short and briefe summe of our saluation and knowledge of Christ that all men might vnderstande howe forgiuenesse of sinnes and life euerlasting was to be had but in him alone In the meane season it is manifest that he no where taught the secret misteries of Christes death resurrection and ascension or the whole order of our redemption in expresse wordes For the perfyte vnderstanding hereof was reserued for an other tyme yea we reade that the very Apostles were not so skilfull in these thinges although that Christ had oftentimes reasoned hereof vntill after his ascension they were illuminated by the holy ghost that was sent them as Christ had promised them Therefore although Apollos was brought vp in the waye of the Lorde and knewe that Christ was the sauiour of the worlde yet was he ignoraunt in manye thinges which concerned the maner of our redemption whereof he was more at large to be enfourmed as shall followe a little hereafter In the meane tyme we haue two thyngs to consider in the description of this person First is the order and lincking togyther of gyftes wherewith
behooueth that Ministers shoulde be bolde to speake that they dissemble not eyther for fauor or feare But herof we haue spoken before where Paule was cōmaunded to speake and not to hold his peace And the things enioyned the Ministers of the word it is necessary al men that beare office should likewise performe as the scriptures euerywhere declare Yea let all men priuately apply these things to themselfe if they meane to be allowed of God in their vocation For where God requyreth vs to serue him with all our harts we that haue giuen our selues wholye vnto him must not choose but paynefully plainely and feruently occupie our selues in these affayres as meete is Now Luke describeth howe Apollos profyted in the knowledge of Christ and saluation while he goeth about to set forth his glory and to further the saluation of others For he sayth when Aquila and Priscilla had hearde him they tooke him vnto them and expounded the waye of God vnto him more perfitely And here aboue all thinges appeareth the truth of that promise of Christ To euery one that hath sayth he shall be giuen and he shall abounde They are sayde to haue which acknowledge the giftes giuen vnto them and which vse them diligently to the glory of God that when the Lorde requyreth an account of them he may receyue it with vsaunce and encrease This bicause Apollos did performe with all diligence and industrie as we sayde erewhyle therefore God fayleth not of his promise but streightway stirreth vp faythfull Ministers which enforme him more fully and perfytely in his will. This ought to serue for the instruction of all men that they may vnderstande howe all the graces of God are no waye more happily increased than by faithfull studie Thus they that vse their wisedome to the setting forth of Gods glory doe feele euery day how God encreaseth the same The like reason is to be made of learning honours riches and of all other things whereof we lacke not examples to prooue the same Agayne there is no greater cause why the giftes of God are quenched in vs than when we giue our selues rather to sloth and ydlenesse than to the setting forth of Gods glory Here for manye considerations both Aquila and Priscilla and Apollos are to be marked For vnder those fewe wordes the Euaungelist comprehendeth great godlynesse and vertues It is a great argument of godlinesse that they giue eare to Apollos while he teacheth wheras yet they had so great intelligence in the mysteries of Christ that they were able to teach both him and others This is the true marke of the children of God whose propertie Christ sayth is to heare his worde both willingly and often They are reprooued by this example which thinke they haue profyted so much in the knowledge of saluation that they haue neede of no farther instruction and therefore will neyther reade the Scriptures at home nor come at the Church to heare Sermons Thus whyle they thinke they haue profyted to much they openly declare they are yet ignorant what the chiefe cognizance of the children of God is For they bicause they knowe the kingdome of God consisteth not in bare knowledge but rather that God requyreth we shoulde order our life according to the rule of his worde they cannot be satisfyed with hearing bicause they feele that they want much euen in the chiefest poynt Moreouer this holy couple of maried folke declare a feruent desire to the glory of God in taking such an one to instruct as they sawe was able greatly to profyte the Church of christ Agayne it is an argument of true loue and cleare of all enuye that they priuately instruct him and enuie him not that glory that he had hytherto gotten by his faithfull traueyle but rather helpe him that both he may be the more perfytely instructed and the more people woonne by his meane If a manne woulde compare this with the doings in our dayes good Lorde howe few or rather no tokens of so Christian a minde shall we fynde in them which will seeme godlye and restorers of the light of the Gospell For assoone as they perceyue the authoritie of any man to increase by and by the gyddinesse of ambition maketh them to enuie him and they seeke all meanes possible if any occasion serue to bring him in enuye and contempt as though they coulde not prouide for their owne honour but with the infamye of others But howe shall they be beleeued that are so desirous of the honor of the worlde Surely this is the spirite of Cain who we reade rose against hys brother for no other cause but for that he perceyued his brother was better than he and more in fauor with God than he Nowe as in religion and in the ministery of the Church it behooueth to auoyde this mischiefe so in priuate doings it becommeth diligently to auoyde all occasions of enuye and hatred if we will be called the true children of god But as in Aquila and Priscilla these vertues appeare so in Apollo maye be perceyued a rare and singuler modestie and tractabilitie For he that excelled in eloquence and in all kinde of learning is contented to be taught of a man of handycraft and of a woman vnknowne to him before this time and straungers For true is that saying of Paule that the spirites of the Prophetes are subdued vnto the Prophetes Nowe compare with this Apollo the arrogaunce of them which cannot abyde to be admonished or rebuked of their Coministers whereof there is to great a number in these dayes But as in times past the insolencie of such did much hurt vnto the Church so this is the chiefe cause in these dayes that there is such contention euerywhere bicause there are in all places which take vpon them such rule in the Church that they esteeme their brethren and Coministers but as dogges or hogs Besides these is there yet an other argument whereby Appollos declareth his feruent desyre to set forth the kingdome of God. For after he perceyued he was sufficiently instructed in the knowledge of Christ he appointed to go into Achaia to Corinth bicause he perceyued that Church had much neede of his helpe For as valyant souldyours of their owne accord choose them such places as where they see is most labour and daunger so they which will traueyle in the warfare of the Church with their commendation and the profyte of the same Church must dyligently obserue where their help is most requisite and thyther haste themselues dyligently that by their negligence the kingdome of God suffer no detriment Here also is the fayth and dyligence of the brethren of Ephesus to be obserued which would not let the faythfull Minister of Christ and one that had deserued so well of their congregation to depart without a publike testimonie of his vertuous behauiour yea they so commend him vnto the Corinthians that they also desyre them to giue him the rowme
of a teacher in their Church For as it is needefull that a Minister of the worde haue the commendation of persons abrode that he fall not into the snare of the slaunderer so they may not be denyed the commendation of their vertue which haue declared their fayth by manifest arguments vnto the Church For they that promote such as these are to the ministerie deserue no small prayse in the kingdome of god Againe they are worthyly accounted wicked both against Christ and the church which of blinde affection keepe backe such as are worthy from the ministerie yet we must beware as Paule sayth that we admyt not euerie one rashely therevnto least we be partakers of other mennes sinnes And that we say of the Ministers of the church is to be obserued of all other in any maner of office or vocation that is to say that the worthy be set forwarde and the vnworthy repulsed and kept backe as much as in vs lyeth least whyle we commende naughtie packes we endammage and indaunger the whole common weale And as concerning Apollos he endeuored himselfe to aunswere the testimony and commendation of the brethren least they might seeme to haue thrust an v●meete Minister into an other peoples Church For he much profyted the brethren at Corinth which beleeued through the grace of god Now whether a man referre this worde grace to Apollos or to the Corinthians it commeth all to one sense For he teacheth thereby that nothing is to be attributed to mannes industrie but howe God is to be taken for the author of all goodnesse which did vouchsafe to giue such an increase whereof Paule disputeth at large in the fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians the thirde chapter And surely if the Corinthians had well considered this one thing they had neuer giuen place to those which afterwarde disturbed the Church with the factious names of Paules disciples Peters and Apollos But Luke declareth also the meane and waye howe Apollos thus profyted the brethren namely by open confuting of the Iewes and by proouing out of the scriptures that Iesus was Christ that is to say that sauiour of the worlde that was promised which place teacheth vs many things needefull to be obserued For fyrst we learne that not onely the Church hath neede to be instructed but also that the aduersaries should be confuted For they can not much profyte the church which doe not with all their endeuour go about to roote vp false doctrine euen as that tyllage can not be fruitfull which suffreth thornes and coccle to growe among it For this cause Ieremie is commaunded fyrst to weede and pull vp and then after that to builde plant And Paule appointeth such an one to be Byshop as is able to conuince the gainesayers and aduersaryes And that we say of false teachers which must needes be confuted the same is also to be vnderstanded of open and notorious naughtie packes which gyue occasion of offence vnto the weaker sort For the faythfull Minister must set on them also with the sworde of the spirite or else leaue his Church to be torne of the Woolues Therefore they are farre deceyued which woulde haue the gospell so preached nowe a dayes that men must speake neyther against impious doctrine nor vngodlynesse of maners We are furthermore admonished with what weapons church men must fyght verilie with Scriptures which Paule sayth are inspyred of God and profytable to teach improoue exhorte and amende 2. Timoth. 3. They are fowlely therfore deceyued that say the heretikes must not be conuinced by scriptures bicause they are to obscure and darke to conuince them by Wherefore they flye vnto counselles and to the determination of the church But therein they fare as if one should take from a souldyour going to the battayle his sworde of yron and giue him one of leade As though the authority of mans constitutions were greater than the holy ghost which speaketh in the scriptures Finally as we haue oftentimes aduertised here is repeated the ende of preaching the gospell which is to beleeue in Iesus Christ our Lord sauiour to whom be praise honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xix. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cxxv. Homelie IT fortuned whyle Apollos was at Corinth that Paule passed through the vpper coastes and came to Ephesus and founde certaine disciples and sayde vnto them haue you receyued the holy ghost since you beleeued And they sayde vnto hym no we haue not heard whether there be any holye ghost or no. And he sayde vnto them wherewith then were ye baptised And they sayde with Iohns baptisme Then sayde Paule Iohn verily baptised with the baptisme of repentaunce saying vnto the people that they shoulde beleeue on him which shoulde come after him that is on Christ Iesus When they heard this they were baptised in the name of the Lorde Iesus And when Paule layde his handes vpon them the holye ghost came on them and they spake with tongues and prophecyed and all the men were about twelue BYcause the Euaungelist Luke beganne to speake of the begynning of the Ephesian church in the chapiter going before he maketh an ende of that hystorie now in this chapiter declaring howe Paule returned to Ephesus according to his promise and there brought the church so happily begonne vnto a perfection But that the power of Gods grace declaring it selfe by preaching of the gospell may appeare the more before all things we haue to consider Ephesus the which writers report was the most famous Citie in all Asia For by reason it was of situation and fruitfulnesse of soyle so commodious for traffiquers it grewe to be passing riche Beside the fame of false religion which called gestes thither from all partes of the worlde For there was the Church of Diana the most sumptuous gorgeous thing that was builded in all the worlde bicause it appeareth that all Asia was occupied in the buylding thereof about a two hundred and twentie yeares togither so that it was worthyly accounted among the miracles of the worlde In this Citie therefore raigned ryot and superstition which commonly hath wayting 〈◊〉 hir as hir companions and handemaydes magicall and curious artes whereof we shall see when we come to the place that the Ephesians were most s●udious Yet Paule so conuerted this Citie within the space of two yeares that there was founded a most famous Church there vnto the which afterwarde Christ attributeth no small praise in his reuelation In this place we haue partly to consider the grace of God which Paule hereafter commendeth to the Ephesians by this their owne example as may be seene in his Epistle to them seconde chapiter and partly here appeareth the power of the ministerie of the gospell which neyther the authoritie of rooted superstition neyther pryde and glorie of the worlde could hynder but that Christes kingdome flourished where the same gospell was preached Moreouer Luke purposing to declare a storie
we learne that there must be a certayne place for doctrine to be taught in and howe the same must not wythout some great cause be forsaken For this is a thing verye profytable for the maintenance of true doctrine and keeping vnder of false teachers which priuilye vse to creepe in and to beguyle the vnwarye For the which cause Christ himselfe vsed moste times to teache in the Temple and in the open Synagoges bicause he woulde not by his example defend them which without a cause refuse to come vnto the Church or else sowe false doctrine in corners both which the Anabaptistes in our dayes ouerboldly vse to doe Secondly is declared the trade that Paule vsed in teaching He spake freely and boldly dissembling nothing And fyrst he disputed confuting the errors of the Iewes wherewith they confounded and obscured the way of saluation being of it selfe playne and simple Next he exhorted and counselled them to yeelde vnto a truth This is the best order of teaching wherin these two thinges are necessary to be obserued fyrst that the aduersaries arguments be confuted and that by effectuall reasons they be vrged to take holde of the truth and earnestlye to followe it For as truth can haue no place as long as lyes and errors beare rule so fruitelesse and vayne shall the knowledge of truth be vnlesse men earnestly embrace hir and labour as it were to be transformed into hir Therefore Paule commaundeth the Minister of the worde not onely to teach but also to exhort rebuke and to be instant in season and out of season And Christ woulde haue those that were bidden to the wedding of the heauenly kingdome to be compelled to come in Therefore fylthye is the error of them which saye a bare and literall treatie of the Scripture is sufficient in the Church and will not suffer those things to be openly discussed in them that serue for the instruction of all parties as though our saluation stoode onely in a naked and empty contemplation of things Thirdlye Luke sheweth the matter and argument of Paules doctrine where he sayth he spake of the kingdome of God. For so are the affayres of our redemption and saluation called the administrator and executor wherof the Prophetes long since declared that the Messias shoulde be But of this Messias the Iewes had conceyued not onely false but also very carnall and grosse opinions by reason they misvnderstoode the Oracles of the Prophetes For they dreamed the kingdome of the Messias shoulde be here vppon earth and hoped to enioy a golden worlde vnder him such as had bene sometime vnder Salomon With the which error the Apostles also being beguyled promised themselues notable dignities and promotions as maye easily be gathered by their contentions And they among the Iewes also whose mindes were more of their saluation than of this earthly kingdome did rather thinke it consisted in wearishe ceremonies than in the merite of christ Therefore Paule diligently declared the veritie of the kingdome of God shewing that it was spirituall not earthly and that it consisted not in the vaine obseruation of Ceremonies but in the merite of Christ and in fayth whereby we be graffed into him This doctrine of Paule is to be had both in his Sermons which Luke hath described in this booke also in his Epistles so that there needeth no long rehearsall therof Let vs marke how the Scriptures call our redemption and saluation the kingdome of god For hereby the ende thereof is declared which is that Satan being vanquished and the worlde ouercome God might beare rule ouer vs as our king as we desire in our prayer saying Let thy kingdome come Wherefore they are false Christians that glorye in the name of Christ and yet let the Deuill rule in them who can haue no communion or fellowshippe with Iesus Christ. Neyther can they be Christians which are out of the kingdome of God bicause Christ came into the worlde for no cause but to restore his kingdome But howe can they be in the kingdome of God which suffer themselfe to be ruled by the Deuilles spirite and obey him in all thinges But bicause Christ can neuer be preached anye where so luckilye but manye reprobates shall ryse agaynst his doctrine hee declareth howe Paule dealt with them but yet so as he fyrst sheweth what they did They hardened their heartes agaynst Paules doctrine This is the propertie of the wicked the more they are vrged with the worde of God the more they harden their heartes not that Gods worde is in the fault but their owne selues For where they haue not in them the seede of the children of God they cannot knowe his voyce and worde and therefore the more mightily the holy ghost worketh to bring them to order the more fyercelye vse they to resist him Examples we haue euerywhere in Caine Pharao Saule Iudas and diuers other wherevnto woulde God we had not euerye day freshe examples ioyned After induration it followeth that they wyll neyther beleeue nor obey Therefore they cast away the worde of God as vayne and nothing pertayning vnto them Besides a woorse property than all this namely rayling and slaundering whereby they go about to bring Christes doctrine and religion in suspicion and enuy amongest the people For they follow the Deuils propertie desiring to haue many partners and fellowes of his perdition And by these steps doth impietie climbe vp vntill she be so high that she falleth into destruction What doth Paule with these persons First he departeth frō them least he should either more inflame them or giue occasion of vnprofytable contention and thys doth he according to Christs commaundement which bade vs we should not cast pearles before Dogges and Hogges and commaunded vs to shake the dust of our feete from vs against open obstinates Then next he seperated those disciples from them which had receyued the sounde doctrine doing the duetie of a faithfull shephearde whose chiefe care is that the sounde sheepe be not infected with the contagiousnesse of the diseased And yet Paule is not to be called a Schismatike for his so dooing although they bare the name of the church and people of God from whom Paule seuered his disciples Yea it is necessarie that the good should auoyde the familiaritie and companye of the vngodly bicause both they bycome heard hearted by the meanes and many times also partakers of the vngodlyes punishment See Apoc. 18. Thirdely Paule teacheth daylie in the schoole of one Tyrannus with what maner of thing it was and howe it came to be so called maketh no great matter but it is lyke it was a publike place and commodious to preache in Let vs rather consider Paules diligence which could by no vntowardnesse of the wicked be pulled from his duetie but the more he seeth them rage the more busily he holdeth on in teaching Let all that are in office eyther of the common weale or of the ministerie
necessary that they haue a good regard not onely to their owne persons but also to their whole familie For how shall he be able to rule the Churche of God which is not able to rule hys owne house 1. Timoth. 3. Titus 1. Then secondly he commendeth to them the charge of the whole flocke wherein he is somewhat long as wee shall heare Under this worde flocke he comprehendeth the Church therin folowing both the Prophets and Chryst which many times vsed the like Allegorie or translation And the vse of this word is very commodious bicause it containeth in it very expressely all states and degrees of men as doe these woordes house and familie whereby otherwhiles the Church vseth to be termed For these woordes admonishe both the Ministers and the people of their duetie The Ministers learne that the care of al men appertaineth vnto them and that it is not lawfull for them to neglecte any man be hee learned or vnlearned noble or base rich or poore maister or seruaunt but must rather thinke that in a great house are many and diuers instruments which the good man of the house will haue all the seruauntes to haue a diligent and conuenient care off Againe the hearers learne that all men vniuersally of what estate or degree so euer they bee ought to bee subiect to the Ministerie and Discipline of the woorde and that no man is free therefrom which will bee accoumpted one of Goddes flocke or familie For that that God saide vnto Hieremie is well knowne to euery bodie Beholde this day doe I make thee a strong fensed Towne an yron â–ª Piller and a Brasen wall againste the whole lande againste the Kings and mightie men of Iuda against the Preestes and people of the lande Therefore it was not without a cause that the Prophetes in times past tooke vppon them to reprehende and admonishe all states of men as their Sermones testifie whome Iohn the Baptist did immitate and reprehended not only the common people but also the Publicanes Souldioures Scribes and Priestes moste earnestly yea hee was so bolde to tell Herode the King that it was not lawful for him to kepe his brothers wife The like did Christe beeing otherwise the miledest man that euer was which would not deuide the inheritaunce betweene the brethren bicause hee would doe nothing not belonging to his office The same did the Apostles and their successoures whose laboures and trauailes the church dothe reuerence yet to this day Therefore their blockishnesse is very grosse and their rebellion very obstinate which challenge to them selfe a certaine immunitie and freedome saying the Ministers haue nothing to doe with their matters But bicause it is needefull with reasons to vrge and sette forward our dull fleshe in difficulte and daungerous functions Paule therefore vseth reasons and in the beginning hee comprehendeth diuers in very fewe woordes For he saythe Looke vnto the flocke among whome the holy Ghoste hathe made you ouerseers to feede the congregation of GOD which he hath purchased with his bloude First hee alleageth God to be the aucthor of his Ministerie to declare that they are not free and at their owne libertie but ought to be occupied in the vocation of God vnto whome they shall once giue an accompte as Christe teacheth in the Parables of the Talentes and Stewarde Hee maketh mention of the holy Ghoste by name bicause Christe by him doth cheefely rule and gouerne his Churche as in the first and seconde Chapiters of this Booke we might perceiue And this is a waightie reason if we consider howe we shall giue an accoumpt vnto him from whome nothing is hidden and which beholdeth with what minde and beleefe wee doe all things and which is not onely a iudge but also a swifte witnesse against all those which cast from them the feare of him and neglect their duetie as he threatneth them in the Prophet And this reason ought to awake and stirre vp not onely the Ministers of the woorde but also all other personnes which take God for the aucthoure of their vocation and estate Let Magistrates remember that they are aduaunced to honoure and dignitie by God and that he sitteth in the middle of them and that they shall not escape if they neglect their Office. Let Lordes and Maisters remember that they also haue a Maister in Heauen vnto whome they shall geue an accoumpte Let married folke remember that God is the aucthor of their estate who as he hathe appoynted the marriage Chamber to bee honourable so will hee greeuously punishe Adoulterers and Whoremongers Hebrues 13. Also let Parentes consider that God hathe giuen them a charge ouer their Children and therefore that they canne not neglecte their Children wythoute the manifest faulte of vntrustinesse Likewyse lette Seruauntes and Subiectes learne to obey their Maisters and Princes not onely for feare of punishment but also for conscience sake bicause GOD hath made them subiecte vnto them whose sight they shall neuer beguile â–ª though they can beguile men Thys doone hee setteth before them the ende of theyr duetie saying they are made ouerseers by the holy Ghoste to feede the Church of god Hee alludeth vnto Ezechiel in the thirde and thirtie three Chapters where the Prophetes are called ouerseers or watchmen And to the ende they shoulde not thinke that their duetie consisted in a bare and vaine speculation hee vseth this woorde to feede to the intente they shoulde remember they were feeders and therefore oughte to fulfill the duetie of feeders These poynts are partly expressed by Christ in the 10. of Iohn partly by Ezechiel in the foure and thirtie Chapiter For a good Shepeheard bringeth his flocke into well grown pastures he goth before them like a Faithfull guide hee seeketh for them that are strayed and lost hee bringeth them home againe he bindeth vp his woundes that is contrite in heart and conscience he strengtheneth the weake he keepeth them vnder that growe to fatte hee stoutely resisteth the Wolues and all these things he doth circumspectly and with iudgement Paule admonisheth the Ephesians and Ministers of Asia of all these things where he saythe they are appoynted to feede Woulde God the Bishoppes of our dayes would remember these things who where they doe none of these things but all things quite contrary yet after an impudent sorte they challenge to them selues not onely the titles of Bishops but also exercise a manifest tyrannie ouer the Churche and like Princes of this world obtaine a kingdome vpon earth contrary to the commaundement of Christe But what they shall haue for their laboure see Ezechiel 34. and Zacharie the .11 Chapiters The third reason is deduced of the dignitie of the Churche which appeareth in this for that God purchased it with hys bloude Hee attributeth bloud vnto God by a figure called communione or propretie of tongues bicause Iesus Christ which is God from euerlasting at a time long beefore appointed became
witnesse of Christe at Rome also before the Emperoure hee woulde also perfourme his promisses whose counselles seeing no subtilitie of manne is able to preuente it was easie for him to disappointe the enterprise of the Iewes And where he hathe power ouer the hearts of menne also hee nowe planteth suche a will in Festus that hee prouideth rather for Paules commoditie than for the Iewes And afterward when he would haue gratified the Iewes he stoppeth him by an other meane from dooing the same Heere may we take singular consolation considering we see that wicked men and such as daunce after the worldes pipe are subiect vnto the commaundement of God so that he hath full power and aucthoritie both vpon their bodies and minds Why therfore are we afraid of their councels and deuises why feare we their power why put we not our trust rather in God which is able to putte in their hearts new willes or else mightily to binde their handes But lette vs returne vnto the Iewes who according to the Presidentes commaundement goe againe vnto Caesarea and make a greeuous complaint and accusation against Paule in the description whereof Luke is the shorter for that they were for the most part such things as had bene many times before obiected vnto him Heere we haue to consider the Iewes the complainants who first stande round about Paule being brought into the place of iudgement which was a thing contrary to the common order in iudgements euen to dismaye him with their outwarde shewe and with their aucthoritie to moue Festus This done they bring out againe the olde pointes of their former accusation as may appeare by Paules answere But it seemeth they cheefely vrged the crime of sedition as though therby he had committed treason against Caesar. But although they lay many things to his charge they were yet able to proue nothing Paule so pleading his cause that it appeared manifestly to all men that he had offended in nothing either against the law of God either against the Temple and seruice either against Caesar. And what arguments were brought on bothe sides any man may easily gather by the accusations aforesaide Heere may we see what impudencie and boldnesse is in the ennimies of truthe For what could they more impudently haue done than againe to lay to Paules charge without profe or testimonie those things whervnto Paule before had oftentimes answered Yet where they wanted both argumentes and witnesses they compasse Paule about so boldly as if their aucthoritie only ought to haue preuailed in a matter of life death This is the guise of the wicked that they will be satisfied with no kinde of answeres but alwayes recourse to their olde slaunders This we finde true in these dayes where our aduersaries being conuinced with so many arguments yea now with so many yeares experience yet they impudently lay to our charge the crimes of seduction seditiō blasphemie and infinite suche like For why should they be ashamed to lie before men who are not ashamed to speake against God but in Paules answere this is worthy to be obserued that he denieth he hathe any wayes offended against Caesar yet preached he that Christe was God and procured the people vnder the Romaine Empire to take vnto them a new faith which thing Tertullian declareth was vnlawfull for any man to do by the Romaine lawes How can Paule therfore say he offended not against Caesar Heere we must know O brethren that religion is subiect neither to Caesar nor yet to any other Magistrate so that they at their pleasure may decree what they will therin For it belōgeth vnto God and according to his word and appointment it must be ordered And as Christ commaundeth to giue vnto Caesar that thing that belongeth vnto him so wil he haue reserued for God also that that is due vnto him Wherfore he offendeth not against the Magistrate which without purpose of raising any tumult defendeth the true honor of God although the Magistrate forbiddeth the same For when such Magistrates passe their bounds and wil encroche vpon Gods kingdome they are not to be hearde But rather Peters rule muste take place which teacheth vs that God be must be obeyed rather than men Heere hast thou what to answere to those which crye out that we seditiously bring vp many things contrary to the proclamations of Emperours and say that in matters of religion we must simplie obey our Princes Whose saying if it may preuaile then not we only but also all the Prophets and Christ and his Apostles with them shal be condemned who it is euident preached the word of God beat downe superstition and planted true faith contrary to the commaundements of Magistrates and rulers There is no cause therfore why we should regard these slaunders but let vs rather with a cleare conscience holde on in the true faithe and with a pure minde serue our sauioure Iesus Christ To whom be praise honoure power and glory for euer Amen The Clvij Homelie FEstus willing to do the Iewes a pleasure answered Paule and saide wilt thou goe vp to Hierusalem and there be iudged of these things before me Then saide Paule I stande at Caesars iudgement seat where I ought to be iudged To the Iewes haue I no harme done as thou very wel knowest If I haue hurt them or committed any thing worthy of deathe I refuse not to die If none of these things are wherof they accuse me no man may deliuer me to them I appeale vnto Caesar. Then spake Festus with deliberation Thou hast appealed vnto Caesar vnto Caesar shalt thou goe WHere Paule the Apostle speaking of his afflictions vnto the Corinthians saithe he was made a gasing stocke vnto the world and vnto angels and vnto men that same may cheefely be perceiued by the things which chaunced vnto him in his last captiuitie or imprisonment For now had he bene foure times presented in iudgement to pleade for his life First before the people at Ierusalem vpon the staires going vp to the castle secondly before the coūsel of the priests And thirdly before Felix the President After which foloweth this newe arainment before Festus the new President Euery one of them were notable by reason of the great dāgers that fel out in them as we haue seene in their places all which dangers he yet escaped through the help of god These things teach vs what power God suffereth the wicked to haue vpon his elect whom he yet deliuereth with a mightie hand out of all their tribulations bicause of their faith Wherefore we must not be offended if we haue the like happen vnto vs also And this is the chefe vse of this place where we are taught how Paule escaped this new daunger where of the President himselfe was the author bicause no man should thinke that hee was heeretofore deliuered rather by the benefite of men and power of the Presidentes than by the fauor of god Let vs therfore consider eche thing in
spent the same For where in other places he wryteth that a Bishoppe should bee commended euen of very straungers also he therfore goeth about to proue his innocencie by the testimonie of his ennimies And bicause it should not be thought he had led his life in any corner he saithe he was broughte vp at Ierusalem where the seate of Religion was and the moste famous vniuersitie in all Iewrie There he saide from his beginning he had led a life moste commendable euen after the secte of the Phariseys For this secte was worthy to be preferred before all other bicause the Phariseis had the scriptures in most reuerence and excelled the other sectes in honestie of life The greatest erroure they had was that they maintained the righteousnesse and merite of their owne woorkes Howbeit Paules scope and ende is to persuade Agrippa that he had done nothing rashly of any wicked lighte or wauering minde seeing he had vsed from his childehoode the moste straightest kinde of religion It is not without a cause that he declareth he led his childhode so godlily For thereby he teacheth howe muche it auaileth to haue publike persons well brought vp in their childehoode For althoughe they ought not to be reiected which conuert in their olde age yet are they muche more to be preferred whose life afore time hathe not beene spotted or stained For suche will goe more boldly on in their wonted vertues and are more able by their aucthoritie to withstande the enterprises of the wicked whereas the other sorte returne againe to their frequented vices and being in danger of the vpbraidings and reproches of the wicked by little and little lose all their aucthoritie Beside that their counsell although it be honest and godly yet commonly with the good it is suspected who feare that they are led either with lightnesse of minde or else with some other le●de affection Therefore they that minde to place their children eyther in office of the Churche or of the common weale must haue a diligent regarde of their education and bringing vp And heere are two poyntes very necessary that Paule telleth of him selfe The one is that youthe muste bee brought vp in suche places where religion cheefely flourisheth that with learning and experience they may ioyne also the taste and fauoure of religion The other is that euen by and by at the beginning they must chuse suche a kinde of life as hathe least occasion of vices in it For where youthe euen of nature is prone vnto sinne occasions of euill muste be shunned and auoided rather than sought for Woulde to God the men in oure dayes which cause their children many times to be broughte vp among suche as they knowe are farthest from the true knowledge of Christ wold obserue these things who are led with no care of religion but of gaine altogither Therefore oute of suche schooles commeth that kinde of men which measureth religion according to frendship and commoditie and who bursting ouer the barres of all godlinesse fall headlong into all kinde of mischeefe and are not onely the destruction of themselues but also of the Churche and common weale This thing Examples both olde and new do teach vs whereby we ought to be prouoked so to cause our children which wee meane to set to Goddes seruice to be instructed and brought vp from their youth that they may be profitable bothe to them selfe to the Church and to the common weale and at lengthe receiue the inheritaunce of the kingdome of heauen with Iesus Christ our Lord to whome be praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The Clxj. Homelie ANd nowe I stande and am iudged for the hope of the promisse made of God vnto our fathers vnto which promisse our twelue Tribes instantly seruing God day and night hope to come For which hopes sake King Agrippa I am accused of the Iewes Why shuld it be thought a thing incredible vnto you that God should raise againe the dead PAVLE the Apostle in giuing an accoumpt of his faith and doctrine laboureth cheefely to proue that he did nothing of rashe minde or of vngodly intent and purpose To the which ende also he made mention of his childehoode prouing that he was so brought vp and had so ordered his life that he ought not iustly to be suspected either of any temeritie or vngodlinesse aboute religion By which Example wee are taughte among other things that wee must so trade and traine vp oure selues in Religion that we may be able to render a reason to euery man after what sorte wee haue liued therein euen from oure childehoode For as God is the tutoure and defendoure of all age so it behoueth that all manner of age should be consecrated vnto him And we reade that he requireth oftentimes to haue children brought vp from their infancie in his lawe and seruice Which place reproueth the shamefull error of them which say that religion is a more waightie intricate mater than for lay men to meddle with wheras notwithstanding God willeth that euen tender age should exercise it selfe therin wheras nothing pertaineth so indifferently to all men as religion for the which the scripture teacheth that mē were created euen from the beginning But bicause we haue entreated hereof in other places lette vs nowe goe on in Paules oration He somewhat breaking of his narration begun a little before declareth the state of the whole controuersie betweene him and his aduersaries the Iewes For he saith he is accused for the hope of the promisse which God sometimes made vnto the fathers and vnto the which the twelue tribes that is to say the whole nation of the Iewes hope by their continuall seruing of God at lengthe to come And being not content once thus to haue said he repeteth the same he said again saying for this hope sake O king Agrippa am I accused which words seme to haue in them some shewe of indignation wherby he would expresse the indignitie and heynousnesse of the matter As if he should say who perceiueth not what great vnrighteousnesse is in mine aduersaries seeing they charge me of death accuse me of schisme wheras my doctrine and faith dependeth vpon that ancient promisse of God wherein all the fathers in times past put their trust and wherof as many of the Israelites as worship the true God desire to be partakers hauing none other end of all their holinesse and religion Howbeit that hope of promisse whereof he speaketh is Iesus Christe the sonne of God in whome only God hath promised life and saluation from the very beginning of the world vnto the fathers falne into destruction through the sinne of Adam as shortly after shall be declared more at large He plainely nicketh bothe their ignorance in religion and also the preposterous affiāce which they had glorying in the couenant and promisses of God and wold be taken all togither for his people and yet did cast aside Christ throughe whose merite and
necessitie vrge vs we nede be carefull neither for time nor place Howbeit when we enioy peace and haue Christian magistrates then we must haue a regard vnto order which requireth bothe time and place Therefore the examples of the primitiue Churche doe nothing defende the furious clamoures of the Anabaptistes bicause necessitie in times passed compelled them in their assemblies to doe diuers things contrary to our vsage Secondly heere is declared the argumente of Paules sermon with the order of teaching that he vsed For he expounded the kingdome of God testifying and preaching vnto them Iesus Christe But by the kingdome of God we haue oftentimes said the Gospell is vnderstanded And hereof Paule coulde not very well intreate but he muste also confute the erroure of the Iewes which of the Prophesies wrongfully vnderstoode dreamed that the kingdome of their Messias should be worldly Wherfore they were to be taught that that kingdom was spiritual the beginning wherof in this world is the whole regeneration of man the newnesse of life the marke end therof eternal felicitie which is prepared for vs in heauen And bicause the Iewes knewe not the aucthor of this kingdome he did teache them that Iesus Christe was hee vnto whome according to the office of an Apostle he beareth witnesse plainely and also exhorted all men to receiue him Let vs heere obserue how the doctrine of the gospell is called the kingdome of God verely of the ende and effecte thereof For it offreth vnto vs bothe the kingdome of God and true felicitie and bringeth vs vnder the rule and gouernaunce of God while it subdueth all our reason and vnderstanding vnder the obedience of faithe Heere as many as glory in the name of the Gospell are warned of their duetie Let them remember that the kingdome of God is preached therein and therefore lette them haue a care that God may raigne in them that the kingdome of the Deuill may bee abolished which we knowe Christe came in the fleshe to destroy Againe the Ministers are admonished of the true trade and way of Preaching the Gospell vnto the which these three things are necessary First they muste declare and open the mysteries of this kingdome that the simpler sorte bee not seduced by false imaginations Then they muste beare witnesse of Iesus Christe that all men may vnderstand howe hee is the aucthoure of this kingdome and of true felicitie Finally they muste instantly exhorte and persuade men that they despise not the saluation offered in Christe Thirdly is declared the fountaine whence this doctrine springeth For Paule reasoneth of Christe oute of the lawe of Moses and the Prophetes prouing that in him were performed whatsoeuer things they foreshewed of the promised sauioure of mankinde Thus he folowed the example of Christ himselfe which vsed many times to bring testimonies out of them This place teacheth vs that no inuentions of man but the worde of God comprehended in the scriptures must be preached in the church For wher the church is the housholde of God it is not meete that any other woorde should be heard therein but the good mannes of the house Which is the cause that all the Prophets and the Apostles are bounde vnto this commaundement as wee haue elsewhere declared Therefore they are not a little to be blamed who either teache other Doctrine themselues or else heare and followe other seeing this is the true marke of the Churche to heare the voice of hir husbande onely See Psal. 45. Iohn 10. Moreouer let vs marke the consent bothe of the Olde and Newe testament least wee say as some brainsicke persons doe that the same belongeth nothing vnto vs and yet they bothe teache one selfe same Christe and one selfe same way of saluation and wee knowe nothing was fulfilled in the newe Testament but the same was promised in the olde Whereby it also appeareth that the faithe of Christe is of moste antiquitie and is the onely way and meane whereby all the electe from the beginning of the worlde haue beene saued But bicause wee haue oftentimes otherwheres intreated heereof it may suffise for this time to haue breefely poynted to these things as it were with the finger Fourthly Luke declareth howe long Paule preached Euen from the mornyng vntill the euening Whereuppon wee maye gather that they also disputed and that Paule aunsweared theyr argumentes For it is not lyke that they which were as yet vtterlye ignorant of Chryst woulde haue hearde Paule wyth suche pacyence but that they woulde sometime haue interrupted him in his saying In the meane season heere is expressed an ardent desire bothe in Paule and in the hearers whereof we had a like example before in the twentith chapter This reproueth the slothfulnesse of our dayes wherwith both diuerse Ministers of the word and hearers also are sicke and accrased who thinke all labour and time to muche that is spent at the sermons But one day shall come that hunger of the worde wherof we reade in the Prophet c. Fifthly the effect of so earnest and diligent a sermon is described For some beleeue and some beleeue not Yea a great disputation or contention riseth amongst them Here we see what case the gospel is in in this world For where Chryst is set vp as a marke or signe to be spoken agaynst it can not be that all men can receiue the Gospell with vniforme consent Let no man therefore be offended with the paucitie or fewnesse of beleeuers nor with the ranke croppe of controuersies in these dayes seeing we heare that in tymes passed when the sonne of God him selfe and the Apostles preached there were fewe that beleeued Let this also serue to comforte ministers when they see they haue little or nothing profited by their preaching For then let them call to their minds that saying of Chryste If they haue kept my worde they will keepe yours also But Paule seuerely rebuketh their stubbornesse and threatneth them with the horrible iudgement of God. For Chryste by his owne example teacheth vs to deale so with those whom the milde and holeseme preaching of the Gospell can not moue who many times rang in the eares of the Scribes and Phariseis greeuous manaces and that horrible wo. So Paule likewise bicause he would not seeme to yeelde in any thing to the affection of the fleshe alleageth a Propheticall oracle out of the vj. of Esai declaring that it was no rare or newe matter that they so stoutly resisted the Gospell For their fathers in times paste had done the lyke and God had fortolde that in the latter days when the kingdome of Chryst should be reuealed men should do the lyke also Thus he confirmeth those that were weake in the fayth whom the multitude and authoritie of the gainsayers might haue hindred and offended And herewith also he feareth other in that he sayth God had long agone ordeyned a punishement for them This place of Esai is very
not declare ending in this place his hystorie according to the instincte of the holy spirite which would not haue the Church ouercharged with too many writings or bokes and therfore he hath writen onely those things which may suffise for the instruction of our fayth and life Howebeit out of Paules owne Epistles may some coniectures be taken wherby it is declared what he afterwarde did For in his seconde Epistle to Timothe and fourth Chapter he expresseth playnly that he pleated his cause before the Emperour saying he was deliuered through the benefite of God when he was redy to be offred And writing to the Philippians among other things he sayth I hope shortely to sende Timotheus vnto you assone as I shall see howe my matters will go and I truste in the Lorde that I my selfe also shall shortly come And writing to Philemon the Colossian he sayth Moreouer prepare me a place to lodge in for I trust that through the helpe of your prayers I shall be giuen vnto you Agayne in the .xiij. to the Hebrues he sayth Pray for vs and this I desire you the more instantly to do that I may the soner be restored vnto you Knowe yee that brother Timothe is deliuered with whome if he come shortly I will see you Yet before he was led prisoner to Rome he was minded to go into Spayne as the Epistle to the Romanes in the .xv. Chapter declareth Of the which thinges men gather not altogither without a cause that he was set at libertie and so returned through Grece and Asia the lesse● into Syria and when he had saluted the Easte Churches wente through Italie and Fraunce into Spayne Thus according to the opinion of these men he preached the Gospell ten yeres after he was set at libertie and at length beeing called backe to Rome agayne in the laste yere of Nero loste his heade and receiued the crowne of Martyrdome when he had preached Chryste vnto the moste parte of the worlde seuen and thirtie yeres long togither But bycause our saluation dependeth not on suche poyntes as these I will not contende herein ouer muche with any man And ●e thinketh they deserue not very much of Christian fayth and Religion which laboure in searching foorth those thinges which the holy Scriptures haue passed ouer in silence ▪ For in so doing bothe the Scriptures are more negligently handled and the supersticious haue occasion giuen them to be occupied in doubtfull and vnprofitable questions neglecting the doctrine of the Apostles and so being bewitched with fables do greeuously ●ire in matte●s of faith and saluation ▪ And surely as God would haue Moses sepulchre or buriall place in times paste vnknowen and the holy Ghost hath left fewe things in memorie in the olde Testament touching the martyrdomes of the Prophetes so in this present Treatise Luke hath described th●●●de but of two persons onely namely of Stephen and 〈◊〉 the Apostle beeing contented to say this onely of the residue that they moste constantly preached and confessed Chryst in all kindes of aduersitie ●o commending vnto vs the studie of the Apostles doctrine which maketh men followers of the Apostles and partakers with them of the heauenly inheritaunce Wherefore wee also in this place muste principally obserue and followe ▪ that feruent and continuall trauayle of Paule in setting foorth the glory of Chryste And wee muste not bee offended at his ●●de ▪ For hereby Chryste maketh those that worshippe him lyke vnto him selfe in this worlde to the ende that hereafter they may bee partakers with him in heauen of his glory and kingdome Hitherto we haue expounded this booke according to the grace of God giuen vnto vs We haue seene therin the forme fayth and doctryne of the primatiue Church which we also must keepe and obserue in these dayes if we will be coumpted to be of Christe his Churche For we must giue no eare vnto those which say that many things are necessarily required about religion and the way of saluation that the primatiue Churche lacked Whose rashnesse or rather impudencie I know not whether a man may more maruell at For heerein they accuse the Apostles either of negligence or of vntrustnesse and feare not to prefer themselues before those whose examples the holy Ghost hathe set forthe to all men that will be counted the members of Christ and attaine to saluation in him to folowe And who will thinke that they which continued whole eight and twentie yeeres in the faithe and religion taughte by the Apostles lacked any of those things without the which saluation could not be obtained But if they were saued without those things which certaine bolde superstitious persons afterwardes brought in who will then deny vs saluation which folowe their steppes No man I thinke but hee that is led with the madnesse and frensie of the Manichees will accuse all this boke of falshode We haue seene also the state that the church is in in this world being molested with continuall tribulations whiles bothe open ennimies and false brethren vexe and disquiet the same Wee haue seene the vnworthy case that the Ministers are in and howe slenderly the world requiteth them Wee haue seene also the mighty hand and power of Iesus Christe whereby he faithfully defendeth his Churche in the middest of the waues of persecutions and by the crosse of his seruauntes moste gloriously triumpheth ouer the world and Prince therof Let vs therfore diligently vse these things to the instruction and confirmation of oure faithe that being strong in the same and ouercomming al dangers according to the example of the Apostles and primatiue Churche we may come to the inheritaunce of the kingdome of heauen prepared for vs from euerlasting ▪ 〈◊〉 Iesus Christe our King and Priest To whome be prayse honoure power and glorye for euer Amen FINIS I fought be said amisse remember man it spake If well do thou alone O Christ the glory take Deut. 6. Psal. 78. Math. 23. Math. 15. They began in the dayes of Ioannes Hircanus high Bishop of the Iewes about an hundred and thirtie yeares before Christ was borne Prou. 21. Galat. 1. Actes 20. Math. 15. Math. 15. 1. Cor. 7. Math. 16. Actes 17. 1. Thes. 12. Math. 11. Luc. 10. Psal. 119. Psal. 148. Psal. 47. Psal. 8. Math. 21. Math. 22. Marc. 12. Luc. 20. Iohn 5. Rom. 15. 1. Tim. 2. Actes 10. Rom. 2. Math. 5. Mar. 4. Luc. 8. Math. 19. Math. 11.13 Marc. 4. Esay 58. Psal. 150. Numer 11. Marc. 10. Psal. 32. Math. 2. Luc. 2. Math. 14.15 Luc. 5. Math. 9.20 Math. 8. Luc. 5. Math. 21. Mar. 12. Luc. 20. Math. 26. Marc. 14. Luc. 22. Iohn 18. Math. 27. Iohn 6. Colos. 3. ix. Homely vpon the Epistle to the Colossians In his Apologie toward the ende Matth. 7. Luc. 12. Rom. 11. Math. 5. Iohn 10. Psal. 110. Psal. 2. 1. Iohn 4. Apolog. 2. Tim. 2. Math. 24. Marc. 13. The commēdation of the holy History or Scripture The commēdatiō and argument of
voyde of the knowledge of Christ. Iohn 8. Rom. 15. God sweareth Heb. 6. Gene. 22. Gene. 26. Math. 3.17 Heb. 10. 1. Iohn 5. Isa. 40. Whatsoeuer was prophecied of the Messias is fulfilled in Christ. By the resurrection Iesus is prooued to be the Messias Rom. 1. By the ascention Iesus is proued to be the Messias Psal. 68. Iohn 16. Iohn 15. Iohn 5. Math. 22. Christes absence in body is no domage to the beleeuing Iohn 16. In his booke entituled the prescriptions against heretikes Iohn 3. 1. Peter 1. Iohn 14.15 2. Cor. 1.5 Ephe. 1. Rom. 8. Gala. 4. What maner of kingdome Christes kingdome is Iohn 18. The right hand of God. Iohn 3. Iohn 5. Gene. 3. Iohn 12.16 Rom 8. 1. Cor. 15. Psal. 2. Math. 16. Iohn 16. The conclusion of Peters sermon Isa. 42. Heb. 2. 1. Iohn 2. The effect of Peters sermon Heb. 4. Iohn 3. Ezech. 3.33 Let the 〈◊〉 h●●rted 〈◊〉 counsell 〈…〉 worde of God. Ezech. 18. Isa. 61. Math. 11. Peters counsayle Repentance Leuit. 26. Deut. 32. Math. 3. What repentance is Hierem. 4. Hierem. 2. Ioël 2. The partes or braunches of repentance Rom. 7. Prouer. 24. Isa. 55. To be baptised in the na●● of Christ. Luc. 24. To be baptised for forgiuenesse of sinnes 1. Iohn 1. Rom. 4. The confessiō of our faith in Christ necessary Ma●c 8. The order of the doctrine of iustificatiō Luc. 24. Marc 16. Math. 28. Peter comforteth with promises The gift of the holy ghost Rom. 8. Iacob 2. Math. 5. The promise of the olde Testament The promise of saluation belongeth to infants also Gene. 17. 1. Cor. 7. Marc. 10. The vocation of saluation is of gods free mercy Rom. 9. Iohn 6. Iohn 3. 2. Pet. 1. The vntowarde generation are the Priestes and Scribes Rom. 2. Math. 3. Math. 12.16 Iohn 8. Math. Iohn 10. c Apoc. 18. The effect of the Apostles counsell Luc. 5. The preaching of gods woorde is not in vayne Isa. 55. Iohn 9. Iohn 3. The propertie of fayth and of the elect Iohn 10. Math. 24. Luc. 9. The fourme and order of the primitiue Church 1 The doctrine of the Apostles Math 28. Luc. 24. 1. Iohn 2. 1. Reg. 12. Ephe. 4. 2 Communicating of goodes Heb. 13. Iohn 13. 3 The breaking of bread or receyuing togither 4 Praying Math. 18. What defended the church Psal. 105. 1. Iohn 5. Communicating of goods 1. Tim. 6. 1. Tim. 5. Math. 27. Luc. 8. Rom. 16. 1. Iohn 3. Deut. 15. Deut. c Mat. 25.26 Galat. 2. 1. Cor. 16. 2. Cor. 8.9 The congregation and meetings of the faithfull Iohn 3. Luc. 22. Iohn 18. Iohn 17. Galat. 5. Howe the Christians liued priuately Rom. 12. 2. Cor. 9. Luc. 14. Psal 147. Math. 6. Actes 20. 1. Tim. 4. The fruite of true godlynesse 1. Sam. 2. Iohn 6. Iere. 31. Isa. 54. Iohn 14. Math. 23. 1. Cor. 1.3 The occasion of the miracle Exod. 29. Nume 28. Prou. 16. Iacob 4. 2. Cor. 11. Phil. 1. Iere. 48. The description of the lame man. Halt or lame from his mothers wombe Iohn 9. Rom. 8. A begger Deut. 15. Math. 25. Gene. 17. Exod. 12. 2. Sam. 7. Esay 64. The report of the myracle The pouertie of Peter 1. Cor. 4. Marc. 10. Daniel 11. Looke the Pontifical of the fathers touching the Popes coronation A figure of the restitution of mankinde Rom. 7. Gene. 3. Iohn 3. Rom. 8. Iohn 14.16 Phil. 4. An example of them that be restored Rom. 6. How the people receyued the myracle To marueyle at the workes of God is necessary Iohn 3.7 Math. 24. Luc. 21. 1. Thess. 5. 2. Pet. 3. To bee too much addicted to myracles is the beginning of ydolatrie Rom. 1. Diuersitie of signes or miracles Marc. 16. Math. 10. 2. Thess. 2. Math. 24. Actes 14. The argument of Peters sermon Peter putteth away errour and ignoraunce Ierem. 1. The Saints or holy men ascribe all glory to God. Esay 42. Iohn 1. Iohn 3. Math. 11. Actes 14. Apoc. 22. Galat. 1. God alone is the author of myracles Math. 28. Iohn 3. Math. 6.5 Math. 7. What we ought after a godly sort to beleeue of Saintes Math. 10. Iohn 13. 1. Cor. 11. Esay 63. The author and finall cause of the myracle The God of Abraham Isaac Iacob and of the fathers Gene. 22. Gen. 26.28 Deut. 13. Math. 15.23 c. Rom. 4. Iohn 8. Math. 8. The purport or ende of the myracles of the newe Testament Iohn 20. Iohn 5. Iohn 11. Hee telleth them of their wickednesse committed against Christ Math. 20. Luc. 18. Math. 27. Luc. 23. The order of the myracle and of oure whole saluation Math. 10. Christ is the author of saluation Esay 43. The meane whereby we apprehende saluation is faith Iohn 6. Math. 9. Luke 7. 1. Cor. 1. Math. 1. Psal. 110. 1. Iohn 3. The fruite of faith 1. Pet. 1. Phil. 4. Iohn 5. 1. Thess. 4. He putteth them that killed Christ in hope of pardon and saluation How pretence of ignoraunce excuseth 1. Cor. 2. Math. 12. 1. Ioh. 5. Luke 23. Iere. 44. Iohn 3. 1. Tim. 1. Phil. 3. Rom. 10. The prouidence of God comforteth sinners Roma 3. He giueth them counsell howe to be saued The remission of sinnes is of free gift Math. 9. Psal. 143. Isa. 64. He vrgeth them by feare of the last iudgement The day of refreshing Apoc. 21. Esay 64. Iohn 19. Luc. 21. 1. Iohn 2. The day of restitution Esay 9.11 Ierem. 23. Amos. 9. Apoc. 20. Rom. 8. Apoc. 21. 2. Pet. 3. 2. Cor. 5. 1. Cor. 15. 1. Cor. 13. Why Christ deferreth his comming 2. Thess. 2. Apoc. 7. Math. 24. Moyses bear●th witnesse of Christ. 1. Pet. 1. Christ in his very manhode is borne of the Iewes Heb. 2. Rom. 9. Genes 3.22 Psal. 132. Esay 11. c Christ is a Prophete Luc. 4. Math. 17. Mar. 1. Luc. 4. Christ is like vnto Moyses Heb. 11. Iohn 1.19 Psal. 24. Iohn 10. Exod. 20. Deut. 5. Iohn 1.15 2. Cor. 10. Rom. 1. Exod. 32.33 Num. 11.12 Galat. 3. 1. Tim. 2. 1. Iohn 2. We owe to Christ fayth and obedience Luke 10. Iohn 8. Iohn 10. Luc. 24. Luc. 7. Iohn 5. 1. Cor. 6. Math. 7.24 Iohn 15.16 The punishment of those that cōtemne Christ. Heb. 10. Iohn 3. Marc. 16. The Prophetes beare witnesse of Christ. 2. Sam. 7. The certaintie and antiquitie of the Christian fayth Galat. 1. Esay 1. The order of preaching the Gospell Math. 11. Iohn 3. Iohn 17. 1. Iohn 2. The Iewes are the children of the Prophetes Psal. 105. Math. 3. Iohn 8. The Iewes are the children of the couenant A pronunciatis Gene. 17. A comparatis Against the Anabaptists Gene. 17. Math. 18.19 Marc. 10. 1. Cor. 7. Our saluation is conteyned in the testament or couenant of God. Heb. 6. Galat. 3. Roma 11. Esay 49. The summe of the Testament of God. A blessing Rom. 3.5 Christ is the mediator of blisse Esay 43. Math. 3.17 1. Cor. 11. The heires of blisse Rom. 3.
Actes 10. Math. 8. Christ is first sent to the Iewes Math. 15. Math. 10. Actes 1. The office of Christ. Iohn 1. 1. Iohn 3. Ierem. 31. Thren 5. All Prerogatiues with out Christ be of no value Iohn 15. Math. 10. Iohn 3. 1. Cor. 10. The authors of the Apostles persecution Luke 22. 1 The enimies of Christ and his Gospell Iohn 1. 2 The craft of the enimies of truth Dan. 7. Luc. 16. Platina Sabellicus Carion Math. 10. 3 By what pretēce truth is assaulted Apoc. 13. 1. Tim. 3. and .5 c. 1. Reg. 18. Amos. 7. 1. Cor. 1.3 4 They fight agaynst the truth by open force Luke 22. 5 Through persecution the Church encreaseth Psal. 2.33 Dan. 3.6 Psal. 110. Math. 10. 2. Tim. 2. Iohn 3. Iohn 12.16 Phil. 4. Iohn 10. Math. 10. Marc. 13. Luke 21. 1 The description of the counsel of the Rulers and Elders 2 The question of the counsayle of Priestes 3 Peters aunswere Howe wee must deale with the enimies of the truth The seconde part of Peters answere The place of the .118 psal Christ is reiect●d of the builders The Pope erreth by his owne confession Looke also if you wil what Platina reporteth of Benedict the .ix. who appered after he was deade and sayde he was damn●● bicause he had liued lawles They that liue lawlesse and are damned must needes erre Esay 53. Math. 11. Math. 21. Psal. 2. The Ministers of the Church are resēbled vnto builders 2. Cor. 6. 1. Tim. 3. 2. Cor. 10. 1. Cor. 3. Ephe. 2. Esay 28. 1. Pet. 2. Math. 16. Ephe. 2. Iohn 10. Mat 24.25 Math. 15. Saluation is in Christ onely 1. Pet. 2. Math 3.17 Esay 4 ▪ 2. Iohn 1. Coloss. 1.2 1. Cor. 1. Ioh. 4.6.7 Math. 11. Iohn 14. Ephe. 1. 1 They are amazed and wotte not what to doe Iohn 7. Luc. 21. Iohn 5. Iohn 9. Math. 10. Boldenesse of speache doth moste confo●●d the wicked 1. Reg. 21. Esay 58. Ierem. 1. 1. Tim. 5. Ephe. 6. The lame man standeth with the Apostles Iohn 12. Math. 16. Iohn 15.16 Marc. 8. Rom. 1. 2 The decre of the counsayle agaynst the Apostles Iohn 5. oecumenicall signi●●eth vniuersall or generall The wickednesse of persecutors is incurable Esa. 48.57 Psalme 2. Power with out the feare of God is pernicious Prouer. 1. Exod. 18. Deut. 1. Psal. 82. The worlde cānot brooke Christ and his Gospell Iohn 2. Mat. 15.21 Rom. 10. Iohn 3. 1. Reg. 18. Amos. 7. 1 The Apostles refuse to obey the Counsels decree Mar. 16. Actes 1. Prou. 6. A right trade of obedience Rom. 13. Psal. 82. Math. 22. Dan. 3.6 Luc. 2. Amos. 3. 1. Cor. 9. Math. 25. 2 The Apostles are let go free The Apostles are let go for feare of the people Gene. 35. Psal. 105. 1. Sam. 23. Math. 10. Ezech. 32. The state and condicion of Tyrants Looke V●ler ▪ M●x .ix. bo●e and .14 chap. 3 The Apostles declare all the matter to the congregation Iohn 10. The Church flieth to God by prayer Exod. 14. Exod. 17. Ioel. 2. The true trade of praiyng Psal. 12.56 1 They describe God of his omnipotencie Psal. 113. Iacob 1. Math. 21. 2 The narration Iohn 15.16 2. Timo. 3. 1. Pet. 4. The enterprises of Christes enimies Psal. 94. Psalme 7. Psalme 33. Esay 8. In the tripartite historie .vi. booke .xliiii. chap. Christes enimies warre with God. Iohn 5. Iohn 3. 1. Iohn 4. The enimies of Christ fulfill the wyll of God. 3 The prayers of them that beleued Psal. 7.17.26 and others Esay 37. Ephes. 6. Luke 17. Ma● 16. Iohn 14. The prayers of the godly are heard Psalm 34. 1 The Apostles constantly preach the Gospell Iohn 10. Iohn 3. Amos. 3. Esay 30. 2. Timo. 4. Ezech. 33. 1. Cor. 14. 2. Cor. 10. 2 The cōgregation gyuen to concord 3 Cor. 12. Ephes. 4. Iohn 13. 1. Cor. 3. Galath 5. 3 Beneuolence and helping of the poore Goodes were common by wyll not by lawe 1. Timo. 6. Psal. 62. Math. 6. Luke 16. The maner and order of distribution 1. Tim. 5. Actes 6. The fruite or commoditie of contribution Deut. 15. The liberali●i● of Ioses Barnabas Math. 13. 〈…〉 1. Tim. 5. 2. Cor. 8. Math. 10. Math. 28.6 Psal. 14.94 Math. 6. Iohn 12. 2 Peters iudgement touching Ananias fact Math 10. Iohn 8. Iohn 13. 1. Reg. 12.13 Psalme 5. Prou. 12. Apoca. 21. 3 The punishment of Ananias Math. 16. Iohn 20. 1. Cor. 12. Rom. 13. Peter reprooueth Sapphiras naughtinesse Gene. 3. Gene. 6. 2. Peter 2. Gene. 15. Roma 2 ▪ Valerius Maximus 1. booke 2. chap. Gene. 4. Esay 58. Malach 3. Math. 26. Ananias and Sapphira tempted the spirite of the Lorde Deuter. 6. Consent in synne deseru●th punishment Gene. 3. Ephe●● 5. Colod 3. The punishment of Sapphira was the same that Ananias had Ierem. 5. Iob. 20. Discipline keepeth both good and bad in their duty The vse of the iudgementes of God. Gene. 18. Psalm 78. The m●racles of the Apostles Prouer. 28. Luke 6.8 Math. 10. Mark. 16. Phil. 4. 1. Iohn 3. Gene. 3. Math. 11. Iohn 6. The exercises of the primitiue Church Rom. 10. Marc. 8. 2. Tim. 3. Iob. 18. The maiestie of those that be vnfayned Christians Plinius the yong●r in his epystles Tertullian in hys Apologie for the Christians whome Eusebius cyteth in the .iii. booke of his history cha 32. 33. Math. 22. Adoc 21. Math. 5. 1. Sam. 2. The Church is encreased by persecutions Iohn 3. Psal. 110. Math. 16. The kingdome of Christ spreadeth to them neare vnto Ierusalem zach 4. Psal. 110. 1 The enymies persecutours of the Church 1. Cor. 15. Rom. 15. From the companie of the Priestes come the greatest enimies of the truth 1. Thes. 2. 1. Iohn 1. The crafts of the enimies of truth Rom. 10. Luke 22. Iohn 18. 2 God disappoynteth his enimies purpose and delyuereth hys 2. Timo. 2. The Angels are the Ministers keepers of the elect Hebr. 1. Psal. 34. Psal. 91. Gene. 19. Gene. 32. 2. Reg. 6. Daniel 6. Dan● 6. Esay 37. The ende of deliuerye Psal. 50. Abac. 2. Luc. 9. Math. 24. The Gospell is the worde of lyfe 2. Cor. 5. Rom. 1. 1. Pet. 1. Esay 40. Iohn 6. Rom. 8. Ephe. 1. 3 The Apostles obey the Aungell Num. 15. 2. Cor. 10. Rom. 1.16 Psal. 2. 1 They vse pretence of a Counsell agaynst the Apostles Deut 17. Num. 11. Of Counsels z●ch 12. Io●n 2. Math. 21. Apoc. 21. Apoca ▪ 21. Psalm 1. 2 God disappointeth the enterprises of his enimies Iohn 7. Math. 28. Exodus 8. Numer 23. and .24 3 The Apostles are brought back againe before the counsell The blindenesse of the wicked is incurable Esay 6. Math. 13. The wicked can not doe what they list Psal. 27.118 Psalm 94. The faythful triumph vnder the banner of the Crosse. 1. Peter 2. The modesty of the Apostles 1. Sam. 24.26 Among hys Orations in the .v. boke of his Epistles after the .xxxij. Epistle In his .xxxiii Epystle Psal. 91. 1
Apoc. 3. iiij. The Apostles flye from Iconiū and preach at other places 1 The myracle of the Creple that was healed The miserable state of the Creple Iohn 9. Iohn 5. Luke 13. Math. 8. Deut. 27. Leuit. 19. The Creple heareth the Gospell and beleeueth Math. 11. 1. Cor. 3. Rom. 10. Iohn 5. The Creple is myraculously healed A fygure of the redemption of man. Esay 53. Gene. 8. 2. Cor. 5. Iohn 15. Phil. 4. 2 Howe they of Listra were affected at the myracle Ouid. Meta. 1. Olde errors are hardlye put awaye The beginning and going forwarde of Idolatry The Apostles put away worshipping from them by their gestures Esay 42. The Apostles put from them worship by speaking i. The propos●tion ij. The confirmation Hebrues 1. Esay 63. Deut 6. Math. 4. Iohn 3. 2. Cor. 11. All worship is vaine deuised without the word of God. Math. 15. Esay 29. The duetie of the ministers of the worde Ierem. 1. God is the Creator and gouernour of all things Psal. 113. iij. The confutation Roma 1. 1. Cor. 2. Psal. 106. Luke 12. Math. 7. Actes 20. 2. Thes. 2. God is not to be charged for mens Idolatrie Psal. 147. Psal. 104. Leuit. 26. Deut. 28. The effect of the Apostles sermon Satan hath euerywhere his instrumentes The inconstancie of the Commons The prouidence of God preserueth the godly in daungers Math. 5. 1. Cor. 10. Rom. 8.14 Math. 10. The dutie of Christians towardes their brethren in distresse Math. 10. Marc. 15. i. The Apostles made the bolder by afflictions returne to their vocation agayne Marc. 16. ij. They come to the Cities agayne from whence they were driuen iij. Ther confirme the minds of the Disciples iiij. They exhort menne to perseuerance Math. 12. Luke 9. Apocal. 2. Galat. 1. v. They put away the offence of the crosse Luke 9. Psalm 34. Iohn 15.16 Iohn 12.14 and .17 The Apostles appoynt Elders in euery church Ephe. 4. 1. Cor. 12. The ceremony or maner of the Primitiue Church in ●hoosing Elders The Apostles commēd the congregation vnto the Lorde 2. Cor. 11. Iohn 17. Iohn 14. Iohn 10. 2. Tim. 2. Rom. 8. The Apostles preach the Gospell at Perga 1 They giue account of their doings abrode 1. Pet. 5. ij. They referre all their doings vnto God. Iohn 6. iij. They repo●e themselfe after th●ir traue●le and daūgers Marc. 6. The doctrine of the Apostles is ons●t by intesti●e diuision and schisme 1 The Authors of the discention Roma 15. 1. Iohn 2. Math. 7. Actes 20. 1. Cor. 11. 2 The state of the controuersie or discention Gene. 17. Galat. 5. Esay 29. Math. 15. Ierem. 2. 3 The successe therof Galat. 1. Philip. 3. 1. Cor. 11. 4 Paule and Barnabas stowtely resist Galat. 5. Galat. 3. Math. 10. Marc. 8. Iohn 16. The congrega●ion at Antioch referre the controuersie to the iudgement of the Apostles The cause of conuocations sinodes and counsayles in the primitiue Church Galat. 1.2 Luke 10. Iohn 17. 2. Tim. 3. Paule and Barnabas iourney to Ierusalem The controuersie of iustifycation before the Apostles Peters iudgement concerning iustification God iustifyeth of fauour or grace through faith in Christ. Ehesi 2. Roma 3. The waye how we are iustifyed Gene. 8. 1. Iohn 1. 1. Cor. 1. 2. Cor. 5. Iohn 15. Ephes. 2. Iohn 6. Psal. 51. Rom. 8. Math. 9. To attribute righteousnes to the works of the lawe is an heynous offence Psal. 78. Num. 11. Rom. 7. Deut. 27. Psa. 130.143 Esay 64. The vse of the lawe Rom. 6. The faith of the fathers of the olde Testament and the newe is but one Iohn 8. 1. Cor. 10. Math. 3.17 A President of a counsell assembled in the holy ghost The order of the Apostles Counsayles 1. Iames subscribeth vnto Peters iudgement The Prophetes are agreeable with the Apostles The place of Amoz the .ix. Chap. Rom. 9.11 2 A deuyse how to make an vnitie and concorde betweene the Iewes and the Gentyles Fylthynesse of Images and fornication Deut. 7. Deut. 6. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Cor. 6. Ephe. 5. Heb. 13. Strangled and bloude Gen. 9. Leuit 17. and .19 Rom. 14. 1. Cor. ● The reading of Moses The consent of the counsayle of Ierusalem i. The superscription of the letter sent from the Counsayle Ephe. 4. ij. The false Apostles are touched Galat. 5. Rom. 4. Galat. 1. iij. Paule and Barnabas are commended Luke 9. iiij. The decree of the Counsayle is expounded Luke 10. Math. 15. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Tim 4. Math. 15. 1 The execution of the ambassage vnto the church at Antioch 2 The industrie of S●las Paule Barnabas in setting forth the kingdome of Christ. Exod. 28. 3 The discention betweene Paule and Barnabas Luke 9. 2. Cor. 12. Rom. 7. Phil. 2. 1. Cor. 10. Esay 40. 4 Paule and Barnabas visite the churches The calling of Timothie What Timothie is and what maner of man. 2. Tim. 3. 1. Tim. 3. Timothie is circumcised Galat. 2. 1. Cor. 9. Timothie is borne of parentes th one a Iewe thother a Gentyle 2. Cor. 6. 1. Cor. 7. The doctrine of Paule and his companions 1. Cor. 10. The profyte of the Apostles labour The vse of the Apostles peregrinatiō or 〈◊〉 Phrygia and Galatia are conuerted Paule is forbidden to preach in Asia 2. Cor. 3. Iohn 6. Rom. 8. Iohn 10. Luke 9.10 Paule is called to go into Macedonia Esay 65. Ephes. 1. Genes 3. Esay 53. Luke 15. Galat. 1. Esay 6● Paules passage into Macedonia Luke 9. Paule preacheth at Philippi Lydia is an example of true conuersion Iohn 4. Luke 7. Math. 9. Luke 19. Math. 27. Iohn 7. Math. 11. Luke 1● The order and maner of conuersion Luke 8. Roma 10. The effectes of conuersion and true fayth Deut. 6. Psal. 78. A Maid possessed with a spirite is an instrument of the Deuill Exo. 7.8 Roma 1. 2. Thes. 2. Satan beareth witnesse vnto the truth Marc. 1. Luke 4. Math. 7. Satan by the name of christ is expelled Gene. 3. 1. Iohn 3. Couetousnesse commonly incenseth Christes enimies 1. Tim. 6. Eccles. 10. Math. 6. 2. Pet. 2. Iohn 11. Iohn 12. The Apostles are accused of sedition deceyt Apolog. 5. The Apostles are scourged and put in prison The Apostles beyng whipped and put in bonds prayse and praye vnto God. Roma 5. Luke 22. 2. Tim. 2. Roma 8. Psal. 50. Psal. 94. 2. Cor. 1. 1. Cor. 10. God deliuereth the Apostles calling vpon him Eccle. 35. The keeper of the prison is conuerted Ezech. 18. Math. 5. The summe of saluation is fayth in Christ. i. The fruite and workes of fayth ij. Outwarde religion iij. Charitie Math. 22. Roma 13. iiij. Ioy of spirite Roma 6. Iames. 2. Ful and per●●te deliuery of the Apostles The repentance of the wicked 1. Samu. 15. Wicked officers Roma 13. 2. Para. 13. Deuter. 1. Psalm 72. The power of God in delyuering his people Exodus 12. 1. Sam. 24. and .26 The simplicitie of fayth Paule will not be set at libertie and dismyssed priuilie
iustification 594 Peters counsel touching the waye of saluation 130 Peters quiet and securitie beeing in prison 493 Peters two miracles described 4●7 Peters traunce 433 Peters exhortacion to the Church to place an other Apostle in Iudas rowme 62 Peters expostulation with Symon Magus 371 Peters playnes to the Priestes and Scribes 136 Peters boldnes in rebuking sin 108 Peters maner of deliuery 494 Peters modestie 423 Peters pouertie 153 Peters patrimonie what it comprehendeth ibidem Peters supremacie and prerogatiue in the Churche howe the papistes proue it 51 Peters readinesse and good will too pleasure and benefite all men 153 Peters demaunde of Saphira 234 Peters answer in the councel at Ierusalem and the effect therof 203 P ante H Pharao his wisedome and kyndnes Pag. 311 Phariseys errour what it was 849 Phariseys secte what it was 803 Philip baptiseth the Ethiopiane after hee had made confession of hys Fayth 387 Philip the Euangelist 764 Philip an ensample of an Euangelike pastor ibid. Philip appointed to teache the Eunuche 378 Philip an ensample of christian stoutnes 364 Philip the Apostle of Samaria 361 Philips affabilitie or courtesie 383 Philips obedience 376 Philips sermon wherby hee conuerted the Ethiopiane 379 Philips doughters do prophesie 765 Philosophie whether it be necessary before the studie of Diuinitie 665 Phora what it signifieth 33 Phrygia and Galatia conuerted Pag. 619 P ante I Pilgrimage superstitiouse 665 Pilgrimage of the Apostles howe it was vsed 619 P ante L Please all men can no man. 467 P ante O Poore commended 145 Poore cared for and considered by the Apostles ibi Poore may haue no cause of impacience ministred them by the godly Pag. 274 Poore how they muste bee holpen Pag. 145 Pouertie is not to be ashamed of 153 Pouertie is alway puling and complayning 274 Posteritie of Christ is euerlastinge Pag. 381 Power of God is inuincible 539 Power of this worlde nothing compared with Christ. 485 Power without feare of God is a great mischiefe 207 P ante R Praying lowd what it meaneth 216 Prayer stirred vp by earnest meditacions 400 Praying with diligence profitable Pag. 427 Prayer rightly vsed 216 Prayers continuall 47 Prayers commended 763 Prayers feruent ibi Prayers offered to God in Christe acceptable 75 Prayers of the faythfull are hearde Pag. 221 Prayers of the godly are not vayne Pag. 500 Prayers ioyned to imposition of the handes 369 Publike Prayers acceptable to God. Pag. 141 Prayers require solytarines and going asyde 426 Prayers without faith vnprofitable Pag. 47 Prayers require sobrietie 433 Prayer a token of faith 76 In praying what gestures should be vsed 758 Prayers power and strength 54 Praying in publike commended 758 Prayers are the wings whereby the church flieth vnto God. 215 Prayers had their appointed houres in old tyme. 150 Praying must bee instaunt and feruent 400 Predestination certain 687 Predestination searchers 29 Preparation and watchinge for the comming of Christ thinges necessary 7 Prerogatiues without Christe are vayne 189 Preaching of the Gospell wherwith it must beginne 108 How men ought to preache 916 What men ought to preache 383 Preface to the Actes of the Apostles expounded 5 Presence of Christ vpon earth howe it must be vnderstanded 43 Presidentes of cōmon weales what vertues should be in them 311 Priesthode of Christ confyrmed with an othe 123 Priestes ignoraunt in Christe and in the Scriptures 534 Priestes fulfilled the scriptures 535 Priest auctours of the Apostles persecutions 191 Priestes enterprises hindred not Christ. 536 Priestes wicked are shamed for euer 63.64 Priestes and Scribes an vntowarde generation 136 Primitiue church not voyd of faults Pag. 274 Princes duties 321 Princes studies 377 Princes and Rulers called to beare office ought to heare Ecclesiasticall causes ibidem Priuate order of a Christian lyfe Pag. 146 Prophetes agree with the Apostles Pag. 600 Prophets for shewers of Christ. 350 Prophets bear witnes to Christ. 182 Prophets interpretat prophesies 610 Prophetes foreshew things to come but the end and meaninge of them they often vnderstand not 762 Prophets who were 508 Prophets gods seruaunts ▪ by whom he reuealeth his secret iudgements Pag. 99 Prophetes office 120 Prophets begū vnder Samuel 182 Prophetes testimonies concerninge Christ and his resurrection 536 Prophesying what it comprehendeth in it 96 Prophesying what the worde signifyeth ibi Prophesie how beneficiall and profitable it is 185 Prophets sermons are holy Scriptures 54.55 Proposition and sum of the Apostles oraciō to the people of Lystra 571 Propertie of things lawfull in Christian men 143 Promise concerning the holy ghost 13 Promises of the old testament extend to the Gentyles 134 Promise of the holy Ghoste made by Christe to the Apostles belongeth to all men 85 Promises of God made too Dauid touching his sonne 93 Promises of God must bee receyued by fayth 879 Promises of God are not made frustrat by the wickednes of men 17 Promises of God must be diligently thought on in aduersitie 327 Promises of God are all ratified in Christ. 854 Promises of God must bee patiently wayted for 79 Promises of god vnto the godly 115 Promises of God made first vnto Adam 852 Promises of God how they must bee vnderstanded 688 Promises of god are infallible 870 Promises of God truliest performed when men hope least in them 79 Promises touching the resurrection of Christ. 12 Promises of the holy ghost often repeated and why 73 Promises of the Gospell belongeth to euery man. 184 Promises made to the Fathers why they be so often repeated 163 Promises of saluation belong to Infantes 134 Promises of Christ are true 73 Promises of god certain true 328 Promises of God how they must bee vsed in aduersitie 744 Promises of our saluation true and inuiolable 284 822 Promises of God to what vse they serue 134 Prouidence of God. 437 Prouidence of God in gouerning the world wonderfull 889 Prouidence of GOD must not bee rashly abused 807 Prouidence of God foreknowen and decreed 110 Prouidence of God howe it must bee vsed in aduersitie 882 Prouidence of God excuseth not sinners 53 Prouidence of GOD no defence for wickednes 59 Prouidence of God comforteth sinners 171 Prouidence teacheth vs the honour of God. 670 Prouidence of God hath all thinges subiect to it 573 Prouidence of God exemplifyed in Iudas the traitor 56 Prouidence of God too what vse it serueth 110 Pryde the cause of euill and beginning of sinne 374 Pryde how mightely God reuengeth it 485 Prudencie muste bee vsed in the affayres of the church 604 Prudencie an example 812 Publike offices must bee committed to good and godly men 311 Publius is a president of hospitalitie Pag. 891 P ante V Punishment of contemning Goddes Counsel 875 Punishment of them that condempne Christ. 182 Punishment of Idolatrie and impietie 343 Punishmentes of Christes enemies what they are 59 Punishment is not sent of god without warning 674 Purification is by fayth 596 Purification god is auctour ibid. Pu●eolane church 893 Q ante V Question made by
the Apostles touching Christes kingdom on earth Pag. 24 Question of the priestes in the councell at Ierusalem 198 R ante E. REdemption in Christe belongeth to all men 78 Redemptiō of mā how it was made 455 Regarde muste bee had more of the church thē of priuate matters 611 Reformation how it may truely bee made 3 Reformacion may haue errours and whereof they spring ibid. Refutacion of such obiections as the people of Lystra might haue made against the Apostles 573 Religion without knowledge of god is nothing 665 Religion standeth not in outward ceremonies but in faith wherby we take hold of the grace of god 313 Religiō corrupted must be abolished and true planted 572 Religion may be found in souldiours Pag. 432 Religion is not subiect to councelles Pag. 818 Religion must not be estemed after the multitude auctoritie of men ibi Religion dependeth not on mannes Iudgement 47 Religion belōgeth to god alone 767 Religion is certen and not to bee suspected of obscuritie 838 Religion must not bee iudged by the successe falling out therof 268 Religion can not man rightly walke in except hee be guyded by the spirit of God. 339 Religion muste the Magistrate haue care of 690 Religions shewing vs any other saluatiō then in Christ ar al false 202 Reliques of Christ and of the faythfull what they are 422 Remission of sinnes is the benefyte of gods grace onely 303 Remission of sinnes in the name of Christ. 458 Remission of sinnes is gyuen vs in Christ. 543 Repentance of the wicked 642 Repentance muste bee vrged by feare of the latter day 674 Repentance must be done as god appointed by his woorde and not after our brayne 788 Repentance after transgression openeth the way to saluation 131 Repentaunce what it is ibid. Repētance wherof it consisteth ibid. Repentance and forgyuenes of sinne preached in Christes name seemeth a thing intollerable to the worlde Pag. 270 Repentaunce cause efficient in man what it is 259 Repentance in hir partes 131 Repentaunce howe God gyueth it Pag. 472 Reprehensions without Christs spirit are cold 680 Reprobates can not heare the worde of Christ. 548 Reprobates manners and condicions and how they must bee dealt with Pag. 710 Resurrection of Christe defended Pag. 536 Resurrection of Christ is the foundacion of fayth and of doctrine Apostolike 12 Resurrection of Christ a thing moste approued ibid. Resurrection of Christ why it was so diligently confirmed 11 Resurrectiō of christ the accomplishment of our redemption 65 Resurrection of Christ why it is confirmed with so many and so sounde argumentes 111 Resurrection declareth the glory of the children of God. 540 Resurrection of the dead ought not to bee thought incredible 854 Resurrection of the dead is vniuersall 823 Resurrection proueth the certayntie and maiestie of Christes kingdome Pag. 11 Resurrectiō of al other articles most repeated of the Apostles 223 Resurrection of Christ diligently defended 12 Resurrectiō of the body what ample fruite it hath in it 118 Resurrection scoffers what we maye iudge of them 13 Resurrection scorners take away all fayth and the misteries of mennes saluation 13.14 Resurrections vse and meditacion Pag. 14 Resurrection preached what it comprehendeth in it 65 Resurrection is certayne 117 Resurrection goeth before lyfe euerlasting 118.119 Resurrectiō of Christ ouercommeth sinne and death and restoreth saluacion vnto man. 12 Resurrectiō proueth Iesus to be the Messias 1●3 R ante I Rites of the primitiue Churche in choosing of Priestes 584 Rites and order of the Lordes Supper must not be altered 140 Riches of the wycked are accursed Pag. ibid. Riche mennes dutie 891 R ante O Romayne church iustely forsaken of Christian men 797 Romaine Church woorshippers are vnwoorthy to bee accompted of the Church 188 Romish Prelates may lawfully bee spoken agaynst 293 Romes destruction and misery 60 Romanistes say the church of Rome can not erre 281 Romaine Antichrist must bee reprehended for the merchandize hee vseth in religion 372 Romaine brethren go to meete Paul. Pag. 894 Romaines diligence in administring of Iustice. 870 Romaine Bishoppes presumptuousnes reprehended 335 Romaine Bishops pryde 468 Romaine Bishoppes Supremacie ridiculous 417 S ante A SAbboth keepinge and breakynge Pag. 733.734 Sabbothes must bee reuerentlye kept 521 Sabbothes how they should bee obserued and kept holy 647 Sabboth obseruances and comming to the church 521 Sacramentall speech 304.791 Sacramentes instituted of god must not be contempned 291 Sacramentes are ●eales of Goddes promises and benefites 23 Sacramentall wordes and misteries how they ought to bee considered Pag. 304.305 Sacrament despisers 463 Sacrament despisers are destitute of fayth 385 Sacramentes and the gifts of health are giuen vs by inuocation of gods name 791 Sacramentes haue their efficacie not of the woordes of consecration but bicause of Christes institution 23 Sacramentes truly vsed in the church Pag. 348.366 Sacramentes and doctrine must goe togyther 451 Sacramentes haue not grace tyed o● bound to them 366 Sacrifice of Christe pourgeth oure sinnes 455 Sacrifices of Christians 667 Sacrifices how they are called purging sinnes 304.305 Sadduceyes doctrine and religion what it was 191.803 Saluation the free gift of God must be obteyned by prayer 102 Saluation dependeth vpon the meere grace and fauour of God. 133 Saluation consisteth in inuocation Pag. 102 Saluation in Christ onely 202 Saluation belongeth to the Gentyls aswell as the Iewes 423 Saluation hangeth vpon Gods prouidence 585 Saluation in our selues 578 Saluation and preseruation both of men and common weales dependeth on God. 529 Saluation by what order we maye attaine to it 393 Saluation and redemption of man confirmed with an oth 123 Saluation pardon for sinners 170 To be a disciple of Christ is the first steppe to saluation 419 Saluation by Goddes commaundement caried to the Gentiles 508 Saluation more plainely declared in the new testament than in the olde Pag. 93 Saluation is giuen to men in none other than in Christ. 897 Saluation by what meanes it is hindred and stopped 181 Saluation of others we must reioyce in 475 Samaria conuerted 362 Samaritanes giue eare to Christ and beleeue in him onely 393 Samaritanes embrace the Gospell Pag. 362 Samaritans obedience 365 Saintes and holy men haue neede to be strengthned 895 Saintes trustinesse in defending of Christ. 531 Saintes are ignorant in many things Pag. 446 Saintes how they alleadge their innocencie in priuate causes 799 Saintes how we must iudge of them Pag. 409 Saintes are subiect to mocions and affections 613 Saintes giue all glorie vnto Christ. Pag. 160 Saintes worship whereof it sprong Pag. 157 Saintes of all ages wherin they hoped 823 Saintes singuler workes must bee ascrybed to God as to the authour of them 613 Saintes flightes what they are 307 Saintes zeale and condicion 579 Saintes slippes and falles proue our corruption 25.26 Saintes patience is no dastardlinesse Pag. 481 Saintes labours are not in vaine Pag. 696 Saintes estate in this worlde 796 Saintes vertue is to obeye and beeleue God. 113
wicked yet can it not be ouercome bicause the truth of Gods Oracles and promises is infallible who hath appointed to Christ his sonne an euerlasting kyngdome This haue we seene hitherto prooued and declared by many examples For oftentymes did they striue stoutely both in the Senate and in the Counsell against the Apostles but the truth had alwaye the victory At length Steuen was stoned and the enimies being made the more fierce therby shew their vttermost power amongst whome the rage of Saule chiefly appeareth But so little is Christes kingdome amongst these rages brought vnder that rather where it seemed heretofore to be hedged in within the narrow walles of Ierusalem it stretcheth it self now through all Iury and Samarie And hereof Luke taketh occasion to shew with what successe the gospell beganne to be preached out of Iurye And first he treateth of the cōuersion of Samaria which we reade was foretold of by the prophetes in the historye whereof we haue the longer to stande for that the thinges which are most diligently proponed in it serue greatly both for our comfort and instruction First he sheweth whose ministery God vsed in conuerting of Samaria It was Philips not the Apostle but he which before was numbred amonge the Deacons as the auncient writers of the Church with one consent declare chiefly Epiphanius writing of Simon and the Simoniakes For although it was the Deacons office to take the charge of the Church goodes and of the poore yet they were also permitted to preache the Gospell when necessitie so required as hitherto we haue seene by the example of Steuen And maye be there was not so great neede of Deacons at Ierusalem by reason the congregation was so scattred in the tyme of persecution and therefore they gaue themselues wholy to the ministerye of the worde where before they were distributers of the goodes ecclesiastical And Paule afterward bade that the Deacons by their well ministring should get themselues a degree to a greater office and function Nowe it is reported that Philip did two things at Samaria First he preached Christ to them And that that Luke toucheth briefly in this place he afterwarde declareth more at large where he saith he preached the mysteries of the kingdome of God and of the name of Iesus christ In this place he maketh mention but of Christ onely bicause vnder his name he comprehendeth the whole Gospell And Christe hath appoynted the Gospell to consist of two partes that is to saye repentaunce and remission of sinnes Both which Iesus Christ giueth as Peter before hath manifestly taught For he alone giueth the spirite of regeneration and succoureth our corrupt nature He alone also forgiueth sinnes and hath purged them with the price of his bloud Therefore he that preacheth Christ the same of necessitie must preache repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes And this is a sure note whereby the true preachers may be knowne from the false For whosoeuer teache that Iesus Christ is come in the fleshe and hath performed the things needefull for the amendement and saluation of mankynde they are to bee taken for the true Ministers of Christ. But whosoeuer sheweth that these thinges be other where to be had than in Christ and inuenteth newe meanes of attayning to saluation he is to be called a false teacher though he were an Aungell from heauen Therfore Paule plainly testifyeth that he knoweth but Iesus Christ only and reioyceth but in his crosse onely Unto this preachyng were ioyned myracles which Philip wrought according as Christ had promised For he draue out vncleane spirites from men and healed folke sicke of the palsey whose diseases were incurable And this working of Christes spirit was not superfluous For although by the worde all those thinges are offered vs which serue to our saluation yet it is needefull that our myndes drowned in a certaine naturall slumber be awaked by outwarde signes and prepared to receyue the worde Furthermore where as diuers things fall out otherwhile wherby our fayth is tryed and tempted it is very profitable to haue it propped vp with these outwarde signes In the meane season we reade that such signes were wrought by the Apostles as for the most part admonish vs of the benefites of christ For he vanquished the force of the Deuil ouerthrew his kingdome and valiauntly deliuered vs from his tirannye He hath restored to vs againe the strength of our corrupted nature that we which were able to do no good thing of our selfe be able through him to doe all thinges And he himselfe in the Gospell sayeth that without him we can do nothing But it is very worthy the consideration where it is sayd the euill spirites went out of them crying It is playne that they did the lyke otherwheres also For in Christes presence they complaine that they are driuen out before their tyme and leaue them miserablye torne out of whome they depart against their willes These things set before our eyes the propertie and disposition of Satan who is altogither giuen to destroy men For as from the beginning he was a murtherer so he alwayes runneth vp and downe like a roaryng Lion and seeketh whome he may deuoure For the which cause he vnwillingly departeth out of them whose myndes he hath possessed Yea being one 's cast forthe he studieth and laboureth to gette into his olde possession agayne as Christ teacheth These thinges as they stirre vp in vs an ardent desire to take heede that we be not circumuented by the craft of so hurtfull an enimy and lose our saluation so they declare vnto vs the power of Christ which by his spirit and worde is able so easily to expell the Deuill though he struggle and striue neuer so much against it Nowe let vs see howe the Samaritanes receyued Iesus Christ whome Philip preached And the people gaue heede sayth Luke vnto those thinges which Philip spake with one accorde hearing and seeing the myracles which he did And a little after There was great ioye in that Citie In these wordes the Euangelist comprehendeth two speciall thinges First he teacheth that they receyued Christ how they came to the knowledge of him Then he sheweth the fruite of this earnestnesse and beliefe To the first this belongeth where he sayth they hearde Philips sermons they saw his myracles and gaue their mindes and studies to all the thinges he sayde and did Of this studie and earnestnesse sprange fayth which as we shall afterwarde heare they sealed with baptisme We haue herein to consider the order of saluation For although we acknowledge God only to be the author hereof which worketh in men according to his pleasure yet for the moste part he vseth to bring men orderly and by a certaine rule to their saluation In this order first is hearing of the worde For where God offereth vs saluation by the worde and as Dauid sayth sendeth his worde and healeth vs we must not
therevnto a seconde poynt he sayth ●ut if you go about any other thing it shall be determined in a lawfull Congregation By the which wordes he teacheth them that a publike matter shoulde not in such sort be taken in hande and layeth the daunger before their eyes that they stoode in to the Romaines for this sedition that they had made who had a care principally that the people vnder their gouernance shoulde liue peaceably and in quiet This place declareth how the Romaynes gouerned their common weale while they obserued equity and iustice They had euerywhere abrode certaine Liefetenants and Magistrates which in all places kept Courtes and lawe dayes and suffred no man to be hurt or harmed whose cause had not fyrst bene hearde and he lawfully conuicted And publike affayres were ordered in publike assemblies and lawfull councels without any seditious tumultes God himselfe allowed this order of gouernement when he appoynted Iudges for his people whome he commaunded to heare all causes diligently and to giue true iudgement He would haue no man to be a Iudge in his owne cause Let this order be obserued among Christians for whome it is a shame to be ouercome of Heathens Chiefly let them keepe them from sedition which both impaireth the authoritie of the Magistrates and subuerteth the state of the common weale But the effect of this Oration doth Luke set out when he writeth that the assembly which a little before was in a hurly burly was dimissed verye quietly For as the common sort are easily brought to an vprore so are they as easily pacifyed againe if a manne deale with them by reason and counsell rather than by force and violence And herein appeareth the prouident care of God wherewith he deliuereth and defendeth his children For as the same God doth accustomably rayse the waues of the sea with sodeine blastes of winde and layeth the same sodenlye againe euen so tryeth he his children with dreadfull stormes of daungers and when he seeth good knoweth howe to still them againe without any daunger at all Wherefore trusting to the goodnesse and power of him let vs keepe our standing with stoute courage assuring our selues to haue the vpper hande agaynst all the attemptes of the wicked thorowe Christ Iesus our Lorde and reuenger most faithfull and inuincible to whome be prayse honour glorye and power for euer Amen The .xx. Chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cxxxj. Homelie AFter that the rage was ceassed Paule called the Disciples vnto him and toke his leaue of them and departed for to go into Macedonia And when he had gone ouer those parties and had giuen them a long exhortation he came into Greece and there aboade three monethes And when the Iewes layde wayte for him as he was about to sayle into Syria he purposed to returne through Macedonia There accompanied him into Asia Sopater of Berrhoea and of Thessalonia Aristarchus and Secundus and Caius and Timotheus of Derba and out of Asia Tychichus and Trophimus These went before and tarried vs at Troas And we sayled away from Philippi after the dayes of sweete bread and came vnto them to Troas in fiue dayes where we abode seauen dayes BIcause oure Sauiour Iesus Chryst called Paule his chosen vessell or instrument therfore it is not without a cause that Luke repeateth so diligently the things that Paule dyd For so the truth of the testimonie that Chryst bare of him is proued a general ensample is set out for al men to follow which wil be taken for chosen vessels of god Moreouer the Euangelist so proceedeth in the rehearsal of Paules matters that sometime he declareth the whole Hystories with the circumstances thereof such as in euery part of them contayne many things that serue for our instruction as we sawe came to passe at Philippi Corinthe Athens and lately at Ephesus Sometime he comprehendeth many things in one and in fewe words compriseth long and perillous voiages which were scarse finished in many months that it might the more euidently appeare what diligence Paule vsed in his office what trustinesse and what incredible paynes he tooke and of what courage he was in daungerous enterprises Both these things he obserueth in this Chapiter For first he briefly toucheth his iorney into Macedonia and Achaia the entente whereof was declared before Next vnto that he sheweth certayn peculiar things as the myracle wrought at Troas where Eutychus was raysed agayne and the Synode of Ministers gathered togither at Miletum We at this present will consider Paules iorney the reporte whereof is so ordered that both that that Paule dyd and others also is rehearsed And in this iourney fell oute three things chiefly to be considered in Paule Firste is declared howe he departed from the Ephesians After the rage was ceassed sayth he he called the Disciples vnto him and tooke his leaue of them and departed Then he forsooke not the Churche before all the businesse was doone and that he sawe the Disciples out of daunger Paule therefore is a good Shepheard and no hyreling which seeth the Wolfe come and flyeth away and prouideth for hym selfe And then nother he departeth not away secretely but calleth the Congregation togither and byddeth them farewell giuing them admonition of all things needefull for them to knowe and obserue As this was the argument of a mynde not culpable nor guyltie in it selfe so it sheweth a signification of a faythfull care that he woulde haue of them euen when he was absente In so muche that afterwarde when he wr●te vnto them hee sayth that hee made continuall mention of them in hys prayers And in an other place he wryteth that the c●re of all Churches lyeth on hys shoulders Let all those followe thys example vnto whose charge either the Churche or Common weale is committed least they seeme to prouyde for their owne selues when publike perilles bee at hande or else to haue little or no regarde of them whereof they shall giue a straight accounte another day vnto the Lorde Nexte he sheweth whether he wente into Macedonia and from thence into Greece in which places he spent three monethes bestowing all that tyme in visiting and confirming the Churches Thus wee reade he dyd also other wheres in the .xiiij. and .xv. Chapters Whereby wee gather that it was the common vse of the Apostles not onely to plant Churches but afterwarde to goe visite them and confirme them in the fayth and to clense them of errours if perhaps any had crepte in whyle they were absent Wee learne by their example that they whiche haue their Churches and common weales once well ordered ought not to be carelesse but to take good heede as Chryst warneth vs that whyle wee are sleeping Sathan sowe not vngracious cockle among them He vseth chiefly to lye in wayte for the Churche to pul them from Chryst who ought to cleaue vnto him like a faythfull wife He likewise diuersly assaulteth many wayes
good and wholsome lawes bycause he thinketh his kingdome woulde easily bee established if they were ouerturned And his attemptes be not alwayes in vayne bycause there are fewe that followe Paules fayth industrie sufferaunce and diligence Thirdly is playnely declared what Paule dyd in these Churches He gaue them a long exhortation verily to continue in the fayth without the which none can bee saued Often exhortations are needefull both for vs which bee ready of nature to fall and also bycause of the Deuill whiche alway walketh vp and downe lyke a roaring Lyon and seeketh whom he may deuoure Therfore their iudgemente is not to bee admitted whiche thinke thys is but a superfluous care and labour In the meane season wee are admonyshed that Churches haue nothyng of more pryce than the worde of God out of the whiche dayly instructions exhortations and corrections ought to bee taken Wherein the Apostles were so diligente that they easily neglected all other things in comparison hereof as wee mighte perceyue in the sixte Chapter Therefore they bee farre vnlyke the Apostles that neglect the Office and Ministerie of the worde and teaching and are occupied in wearishe Ceremonies or else in administration of earthly iurisdictions But let vs returne vnto Paule and see what he suffered in thys voyage The Iewes layde wayte for hym as hee was sayling into Syria who had thoughte to haue made hym oute of the way But Paule prudently disappoynteth them altering his purpose and going by lande into Macedonia and Syria This place teacheth vs what rewarde Ministers of the Truth haue in this worlde Certes the worste that can bee whyle men seeke to destroy them whiche of all other men labour moste to bryng them to saluation For howe carefull Paule was for the Iewes bothe his continuall labours and trauell and also hys Epistles testifie specially that whiche he wryteth to the Romanes in the ninth and tenth Chapiters And yet had he no greater ennimies than they The same wee haue other wheares declared that Moyses and the Prophetes and Iesus Chryste the Sonne of God suffered Let no man therefore nowe a dayes bee offended when the lyke things fall out seeing such is the nature of the worlde that they thinke their felicitie standeth in the destruction of the godly In whiche their iudgemente yet they are moste myserablie deceiued For thus they bereeue them selues of the wholesome succour of prayers whiche the godly vse to make euen for their ennimies But what shall wee doo wylte thou say if wee shoulde come into the lyke hazarde Followe Paule in whome thou shalte note principally two thinges For he both constantly wente forwarde in his vocation and lykewise prudently auoyded the daunger thereof arising Thus must we aboue all things remember our vocation that wee bee not plucked therefro through any ingratitude of the worlde For why shoulde wee forget our calling and followe those whose wicked vsage wee are wonte to deteste Yet let vs be circumspect and as Chryste counsayleth vs beware of men least wee bee sayde to tempte God by putting our selues rashly and vnaduisedly in daunger Nowe what doth God in the meane season Leaueth hee his seruaunt in daunger No. But whyle the Iewes his kinssemen and false brethren as hee complayneth him .ij. Corinth xj lay in wayte for him God ioyneth vnto him faythfull fellowes and companions in his trauelles and daungers which helpe him in this perrill both with counsell and otherwise Heere are reckened seauen notable men of diuers congregations of whome Paule many tymes maketh mention in his Epistles beside Luke the wryter of this present Hystorie which made eyghte And some of these go before to see and marke whether there were any lying in wayte and to prouide Paule of lodging other some kepte closely vnto him to comforte him with their companie and to prouide him of necessaries And heere the truth and goodnesse of God is diligently to bee considered whiche vseth to defende his seruauntes that are in daunger and to prouide them of faythfull companions that labour and trauell for the glory of hys name Thus vnto Ioseph that required to haue the buriall of Chrystes body is ioyned Nicodemus to beare parte of the charges laboure and perill in the same But nowe a dayes wee complayne of the slothe and cowardelynesse of others saying wee are not able alone to beare the weyght of Chrystes quarell beeing as cowardely and slothefull as other But if wee woulde doo our duetie wee shoulde see God would quickely touche the heartes of others also Wee haue besides in Paules Companions a notable example of loue and thankefulnesse what a daungerous and laborous thing it was to followe Paule by Sea and by lande hauing euerywhere so many enimies euery man may easily coniecture But for all this they which worthely estemed the gyft of fayth that they had gotten by Paules teaching could not be separated from him And these men want not their reward euen vpon the earth bycause God hath registred their names in eternal memorie and their soules no doubt do now reioyce wyth Chryste in heauen bycause they accompanied his minister so curteously on earth The Apostle setteth foorth this promptnesse and readynesse of minde in the Galathians also who he sayth woulde not haue spared their eyes if hee had needed them But O the filthy vnthankefulnesse of our dayes which is runne so farre that they whiche bragge of the fayth rent and deface with filthy slaunders the names of them by whose ministerie they firste learned the fayth Yet let Gods promise and mercy comforte vs which will neuer leaue them destitute of his helpe whom he hath chosen to the inheritaunce of heauenly life in his sonne Iesus Chryste to whome bee prayse honour power and glory for euer Amen The Cxxxij Homelie AND vppon one of the Saboth dayes when the Disciples came togyther for to breake breade Paule preached vnto them ready to departe on the morrowe and continued the preaching vnto Midnyghte And there were many lightes in the Chamber where wee were gathered togyther and there sate in a wyndowe a certayne young man named Eutychus beeyng fallen into a deepe sleepe And as Paule was preachyng he was the more ouercome wyth sleepe and fell downe from the thirde lofte and was taken vppe deade But when Paule wente downe hee fell on hym and embraced hym and sayde Make nothyng adoo for hys lyfe is in hym So when hee was come vppe agayne and hadde broken the breade and eaten and talked a long whyle euen vntyll the mornyng at the laste hee departed And they broughte the young man alyue and were not a lyttle comforted And we went afore to Shippe and loosed vnto Asson there to receyue Paule For so had he appoynted and woulde him selfe goe on foote When we were come togither at Asson â–ª wee tooke him in and came to Mitylene And we sailed thence and came the next day ouer against Chios And the next day we arriued at Samos and taryed at