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A09443 A godly and learned exposition or commentarie vpon the three first chapters of the Reuelation. Preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and judicious diuine, maister William Perkins, Ann. Dom. 1595. First published for the benefit of Gods Church, by Robert Hill, Bachelor of Diuinitie; Lectures upon the three first chapters of the Revelation Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1606 (1606) STC 19732; ESTC S114701 362,972 238

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Dauid himselfe a type of Christ as it is most excellently dysciphered in the Prophets Ier. 23.5.6 Hosea 3.5 where Christ is plainly called Dauid by the name of him that was his type signe figure Quest. Why were not as well the Kingdomes of Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh types of Christs kingdome as Dauids Answ. Because Dauids kingdome was a kingdom of light and pietie but theirs were kingdomes of sinne and iniquitie And he is said to haue the key of Dauids kingdom because his kingdome and the righteousnesse thereof was figured by the pietie in Dauids kingdome And this kinde of speaking is iustifiable by Gods word So Mat. 2.23 Christ is called a Nazarite which place hath relation to that which is said properly of Sāpson who was a most excellent figure of Christ and did most notably represent him in his death wherein hee killed more than in his life Now Christ is called an Nazarite not because he obserued their rites and orders for that he did not he dranke wine so did not the Nazarites but because he was the truth and substance of that order for in him was fully accomplished that holinesse which was figured by that order for he was perfectly seuered from all sinne and pollution And so here he is said to haue the key of Dauid because hee had the soueraigntie which was figured by Dauids Kingdome Which shutteth and no man openeth and openeth and no man shutteth Here Christs kingdome is compared to a house which can bee opened and shut by none but Christ whereby is signified that none hath power aboue Christ in his Kingdome and that his power therein is soueraigne and absolute So that hereby is meant that Christ Iesus sitting in heauen hath soueraigne power and authoritie ouer the whole Church of God to gouerne the same That we may the better vnderstand this soueraigne power of Christ we must know it hath three parts I. To prescribe II. To iudge III. To saue or destroy In Prescribing Christ hath absolute power and that in sundry things as first in prescribing doctrines of Faith and Religion vnto his Church to bee beleeued and obeyed and that on paine of damnation This power he puts in execution when in the bookes of the old and new Testament hee prescribeth the doctrine of the Law the Gospel to be obeyed and beleeued And none but he can make an Article of Faith or a law to binde the conscience and therefore Paul saith Whosoeuer shal teach any other Doctrine then that which ye haue receiued of vs let him be accursed Gal. 1.8 Secondly for regiment he hath absolute power to prescribe how he will haue his Church gouerned and by whom and therefore Moses when he was to make the Tabernacle did all things according to the patterne that the Lord gaue vnto him So Dauid gaue to Salomon patternes of all things that were in him by the spirit touching the building of the house of God 1. Chron. 28.12 Thirdly hee hath absolute power to appoint the time of keeping his Sabbath for as the ordaining of a Sabbath belongs to Christ so doeth the changing thereof hee that prescribeth worship must prescribe the ordinary set time thereunto which is to continue to the end And therfore it is but an opinion of men to hold that the church may make two or moe Sabbath dayes in a week if they wil. Fourthly In prescribing the Sacramēts and therefore Paul saith What I haue receiued of the Lord that deliuer I vnto you speaking of the Lords Supper For hee that giues grace must also appoint the signes and seales of grace The second part of Christs soueraigne power is power of Iudgement which is a soueraigne power to determine on his owne wil without the consent of others or submission to men or Angels And in determining Christ hath two priuiledges First to expound scripture the absolute power of expounding the Law belongeth to the Law-giuer and his exposition is Authenticall Secondly to determine of all Questions and Controuersies in Scripture And therefore it is a wicked opinion of the church of Rome which hold that the principall Iudge of interpreting Scripture and decyding controuersies is the Church The third part of Christs soueraigne power is to saue and destroy This is expressed in these words Hee openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth and for this cause he is sayd to haue the keyes of hell and of death Whereby is signified first that hee hath power to forgiue sins for that hee procureth at his Fathers hands Secondly that hee hath power to condemne for when men beleeue not his word hee hath power to hold them in their sins for which he can cast them into hell The ground of this three-fold power of Christ i● this because hee is soueraigne Lorde ouer his Church and the members thereof The Church of Rome saith that this key of Dauid hath more in it then soueraigntie ouer his church to wit a power to make and depose Kings that bee in his Church This they teach that they might proue the Pope to haue title in ordayning and deposing of kings by vertue of the keyes But they erre grosly for though Christ as he is Mediatour bee aboue all kings yet in that regard hee neither maketh nor deposeth any kings and therefore he saith plainly My kingdō is not of this world This caused him to refuse to take vpon him the office of an earthly Iudge or prince to deuide an inheritance betweene two brethren Hence it was that he refused to giue sentence of the adulterous woman And yet as Christ is God hee maketh or deposeth earthly kings so the wise mail speaketh of him in the person of wisdō by me kings raign For the further cleering of this we must handle another point which is deriued hence concerning the power of the keyes which is a power whereby the power of the keyes of Dauid is put in execution This power of the Keyes is mentioned Mat. 16.19 when Christ saith vnto Peter I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind vpon earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heauen This power of the keyes is a ministery granted to Gods church to open and shut the kingdome of heauen First I call it a Ministerie that is a seruice because whatsoeuer the church doth in Christs name is nothing but the duetie of seruantes vnto their Lord from whence it is that the most worthy members and officers that euer were in the Church as the Prophets and Apostles were but the Ministers of Christ. That this is a seruice I shew more plainely thus When Adam fell in his sinne all mankinde fell with him and thereby were all barred from the kingdome of heauen Now since that fall Christ became man and in his manhood satisfied the iustice of God for mans sinnes And this
remaineth impenitent Whereas this censure is such as doth exclude a man both from the kingdom of heauen and the liberties of the Church till he repent we may here see that this censure ought to bee vsed with great reuerence feare and consideration euen such or greater as wee would vse in the cutting of a member from the bodie The abusing therfore of this sentence in small matters cannot but be a grieuous sin and a breach of the third Commandement wherein one of Gods most weightie ordinances is taken in vaine Further one speciall degree of Excommunication is Anathema which is when one is pronounced to bee condemned whereof Paul speaketh 1. Cor. 16.22 But this is not pronounced vpon any but on those that sin against the holy Ghost and therfore it is seldom vsed because that sin is hardly discerned cōsisting not so much in the speech as in the malice of the heart against Christ. The second part of this spirituall iurisdiction is absolution which is when a malefactor vpon his sufficiēt repentance is approued to be a mēber of the Church and is admitted to the kingdome of heauen And yet here the Church receiues him not into the kingdome of Christ but only declareth vpon his repentance what Christ doth and thus we see wherin Ecclesiasticall iurisdictiō consisteth what be the parts of the power of the keyes For the better discerning of this power of the keyes wee must remember foure special abuses hereof that haue takē place in Gods Church for many hundred years The first is this that in former Ages the church hath giuen this power of the keies to Peter alone debarring the same from all other euen from the rest of the Apostles as though they had only the vse not the right of this power But the ease is plaine this power belongs to euery true minister of the Gospel though they be not Apostles as well as it did to Peter for in the promulgation of this power Mat. 16.19 thogh Christ direct his speech to Peter yet he speaketh vnto all as the circumstances of the place doe plainly shew for Christs question Whom say ye that I am was made to all nowe because it would haue beene great disorder in that holy company for all of them to haue spoken therefore Peter being both ancient and bould of speech speaketh for all and the rest answered in his person and so accordingly Christ speaking to Peter doth make a grant of this power vnto all his disciples in his person And therefore Ioh. 20.23 He giues this power to all saying plainly Whosoeuers sins ye retaine they are retained c. So that the word of God is plaine in this point to satisfie the conscience of any that is not wilfully addicted to the Popish religion Quest. Whence haue the Ministers of the Gospell this power Answ. By succession from the Apostles for Christ saith Mat. 28.19.20 Goe and preach I will be with you to the end of the world Where he cannot meane the Apostles only but with thē all Ministers that did preach and baptise after them making this promise to the Apostles not as they were Apostles but as they were Ministers and preachers of his Gospel The second abuse is that the Church of Rome hath turned the power of the keies into a supremacie ouer the church making it to bee a soueraigne authoritie whereby Peter and his successors the Popes haue libertie to make Lawes Canōs constitutions which bind the conscience as also to make kings and to depose the same A most notorious abuse of this power which is no superioritie but a ministerie the chiefe power whereof consisteth in the dispensation of the word wil of Christ. For Christ said not to Peter I will giue thee the keyes of the kingdoms of mē but of the kingdom of heauen The third abuse hereof is that the church of Rome hath thereby for a 1000. yeeres almost barred Kings Queenes and Emperors from being Gouernors ouer the Churches of God an error flat against Scripture for when as good King Iosias intended the reformation of religion and the abandoning of Idolatrie he made a couenant with the Lord for the accomplishment of the same is said to haue caused all that were found in Ierusalem and Beniamin to stand to the couenant which he made Now shall we say Iosias did euill in causing thē so to doe God forbid It is recorded of him by the holy Ghost for his cōmendation Obiect But Gods pastors teachers haue the power of the keyes and princes haue not Ans. True but yet they haue a ciuil power wherby they rule ouer Gods Church for there is a ciuil power a spirituall power Princes rule not by any spirituall power but ciuilly therby they haue power to compell all their subiects to the outward means of Gods worship to forsake Idolatrie and may also punish those that obey them not Obiect By this power of the keyes Kings and Queenes are brought vnder Pastors Answ. In Pastors and Ministers we must consider their persons and goods their office and word which they bring Princes are ouer their persons and goods and yet may be vnder their word Ministerie because therein they stand in Christs stead Yet al this sheweth nothing why Princes in Gods Church should be so robbed of their right as the Church of Rome doth The fourth abuse is that the Church of Rome for some 800. yeeres hath turned the power of the Keyes vnto the Priest in their Sacrament of Penance for wheras by Gods word the Ministers power is onely to pronounce the absolution of Christ with them euery Priest sits as a Iudge and all the people come vnto him as to a Iudge making knowen vnto him all their thoughts words and deeds as neere as they can wherein they haue broken any Commandement which done the Priest enioynes him to bewaile his sinnes and after contrition doth properly giue sentence of pardon euen as Christ himselfe doth and then after appoints him workes of satisfaction to be done for the temporall punishment of his sinnes which done his sins are pardoned in heauen Where behold a most deuillish practise as may appeare by the manifold errors contained therein As first the confession of all a mans sinnes which hath no warrant in Gods word Secondly that the Priest should giue sentence of pardon is a most notorious practise whereby Christ is robbed of his honour for the Pharises could say None can forgiue sins but God that is properly Mark 2.7 Which Christ approueth and it is must true for he that can forgiue sins properly must make satisfaction for sins Thirdly they absolue from the fault but they will not forgiue the punnishment and thereby they robbe others to inrich themselues Fourthly they enioyne satisfaction to God by men for their sinnes whereby they doe nothing els but ouerturn the al-sufficient satisfactiō of Christ and enioine that to man which is impossible Al these are most
Christ deliuereth vnto them as hath bene shewed before verse 7. In this commaundement of Christ note two things First that all men in Gods church are bound in conscience to frequent Sermons whereby they may come to the knowledge of those things that God prescribeth vnto them At the natiuitie Easter and such good times as they are called ignorant people will come to the church but it may bee not once more of a moneth after or a quarter of a yeare But Christ saith My sheepe heare my voyce So that hee that will not come to heare the voyce of Christ is none of his sheepe Math. 16.19 Christ saith to Peter I will giue thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen There the preaching of the gospell is the key of the kingdom of heauen So that looke how necessary it is for a man to haue his soule saued and to enter into heauen so behoouefull is it for him to heare Sermons for that is the turning of the key whereby we enter into this kingdome 2. Cor. 5.18 the preaching of the gospell is the doctrine of reconciliation and therefore looke how necessary it is for a man to be reconciled to God so needfull is it for him to heare the word preached He that is of God beareth Gods word and he that beareth it not is not of God 1. Iohn 4.6 But men haue manie excuses to exempt themselues from hearing Sermons Some say if God himselfe would preach or Christ or an Angel from heauen then they would heare but so long as sinfull man preacheth it is no great matter though they absent thēselues Answ. This is a presumptuous reason for the preaching of the gospell by man is Gods owne ordinance and that for these causes First since Adams fall man cannot abide the voyce of God so as if man should heare God speake he would cry out with the Iewes Exod 20.19 Let not God talke with vs lest we die And with Peter Depart from me I am a miserable sinner Secondly God speaketh by man to trie the obedience and humilitie of men to see whether they would bee content to receiue and beleeue his word being propounded by sinfull man that is like vnto themselues And thirdly to maintaine loue betweene man and man by mutuall conuersing in this holy ordinance Others doe say they may well inough keepe themselues in their families for there they haue their Bible wherein bee the Sermons of Christ and of his Prophets and Apostles than which no minister can preach better Ans. It is Gods ordinance that these Sermons of Christ of the Prophets and Apostles should be againe handled preached and expounded in his church and therefore euerie man is bound in conscience to come into the congregations there to heare with reuerēce Gods holy word Others will not come to the church for they thanke God they can serue God with as good a heart on horse-backe or on their iourneys as those that come vnto the sermons Answ. These persons are blind and ignorant a seduced heart beguileth them and therefore they despise the ordināce of God but let them heare what Salomon saith He that turneth away his eare from hearing the law that is the doctrine of God euen his prayer shall be abhominable God speaketh vnto vs in the ministerie of his word and if wee refuse to heare him there shall we thinke hee will heare vs when wee pray Know therefore if thou refuse his word hee will refuse thy prayers neither indeed can any without the word pray aright Such people deceiue themselues their prayers in their needlesse iourneyes shall bee their iudges to condemne them for therein they confesse God is to bee worshipped and yet in practise they reiect his direction for the same Lastly others say they haue knowledge inough the ministers can teach them no more than they know and therefore they need not go heare so much preaching Answ. These that pretend such perfect knowledge are commonly the most ignorant not knowing the end of this ordinance of God for preaching serueth not only to teach men to know God and his will but also to increase in knowledge and to yeeld obedience to that which they know If therefore thou hast knowledge it is well but that is not inough if thou wouldest be blessed thou must doe that which thou knowest Iohn 13.17 And for this cause the most learned man that is must still frequent the hearing of Sermons to further himselfe in obedience because a man may know much and yet want conscience to obey Secondly in this commandement men are inioyned the reading of the word hearing of it read not onely publickly but also priuatly in their families that therby also they may come to the knowledge of that thing which Christ propoundeth vnto them Luk. 10.26 Christ saith to one of the Scribes what is written how readest thou Taking it for granted that men must read the Scripture priuatly And the Lord saith My people go into captiuitie because they haue no knowledge yea they perish Hose 4.6 But wofull is the defect of this duty for many haue not the Bible in their houses for their priuat exercise in the word and in many families it is set vp for a shew or lieth couered with dust when as cards and tables are worne with vse It is not amisse for men to get the statutes of the land into their houses and to read therein for the knowledge of mens lawes but yet herein they are blame worthie that either they haue not or else regard not the booke of God whereby they might bee acquainted with the statutes of the Lord for the better guiding of our vnruly affections Other things in this commandement haue beene obserued before The second part of this conclusion is an excellent promise made to him that ouercommeth which for substance hath beene handled in the conclusions of the former Epistles Here onely some speciall blessings are particularly promised In the handling whereof two points are to bee considered First the persons to whom the promise is made To him that ouercommeth whereof entreatie was made before verse 7. Secondly the blessings promised comprised in this threefold gift of God First To eate of the Mannah which is hid Secondly To receiue a white stone Thirdly A new name written in the stone All which three signifie in effect The election vocation iustification and glorification of Gods people But I wil handle them in particular The I. benefit is The giuing of the hidden Manna to eate Manna properly signifieth that food which God gaue from the clouds to the people of Israell which for the excellencie of it is called The wheate of heauen The food of the strong o● the food of Angels In forme it was like Coriander seed and in colour white in tast it was pleasant and sweete Herewith God fed his people in the wildernesse 40. years to teach them That man liueth not by bread only but by
Yea hee is holy in regard of men in a further respect namely as the roote of all mans holinesse as he is Mediator For looke as from Adam is actually conueyed originall sinne to euery one of his posteritie that commeth by naturall generation so from Christ is righteousnesse and holinesse conueyed to all that beleeue in him and for this cause hee is called our righteousnesse and sanctification and in this sence especially is Christ said to be holy in this place Whereas Christ is said to bee holy not only in himselfe but for vs here we must marke what is the principall thing in Christian Religion namely to haue care to bee ingraffed into Christ that from him wee may receiue grace to become new creatures and feele in vs his power to kill our corruptions and dayly to renew his owne Image in vs in righteousnesse and true holinesse and that as truely as wee feele in vs Adams corruption It is not sufficient for vs to plead that Christ will bee our Sauiour and will free vs from all sinnes but wee must labour to haue Christ conuay holinesse into vs and that as sensibly as wee see the roote conuay sappe into the branches and this holinesse wee must make to appeare in our liues as the branches by their fruit and leaues doe shew they receiue sappe from the roote Secondly here note Christ propounds himselfe vnto vs and to all Churches as a notable patterne to be followed giuing vs to vnderstand that all that beleeue in him and looke to be saued by him must bee holy as hee is holy making conscience of euery euill way for Christ is holy to make vs holy Let vs therefore behold Christ and see wherein hee expresseth himselfe to be holy and therein let vs follow him So Iohn saith Hee that hath this hope purifyeth himselfe as hee is holy that is vseth all good meanes to conforme himselfe to Christs holinesse Thirdly hereby wee learne that the common title giuen to the Pope whereby hee is called Holinesse is a blasphemous title for to be holy is here made a propertie of Christ. And yet more is giuen to the Pope than to Christ in this place for he is called Holinesse which is a title of God alone The second propertie whereby Christ is described is Truth Christ is sayd to bee true in three regards First because hee is without all error or ignorance knowing euery thing as it is Truth is in Christ properly and in the creatures onely by meanes of him Secondly because whatsoeuer hee willeth and decreeth he doth it seriously without fraude deceit change or contradiction as the whole tenure of Scriptures doe shewe wherein euery part is sutable and agreeable to another because hee maketh good euery promise made in his word for in him all the promises of God are yea and Amen 2. Cor. 1.20 Whereas Christ is sayd to bee true yea Truth it selfe First Wee learne a full difference betweene him and all false wicked spirites for they are spirites of error and falshood for the diuell is the father of lyes and the author thereof Againe whereas Christ is true in all his wayes we ought without all doubting to beleeue his word and all the promises made therein that concerne our saluation If Christ could erre or lye and men bee deceiued by him then they might iustly doubt of the truth of his word but seeing hee is true in all his promises wee must beleeue in him and in all our distresses either of bodie or mind depend vpon him for he hath made a promise to helpe and he will neuer faile them that rest on him Thirdly in this Propertie hee propounds himselfe an example to be followed of his Church and of vs that as Christ is serious in his decrees and constant in his promises so must wee purpose euery good thing seriously and also make good whatsoeuer good thing wee promise For Lyers must bee destroyed Psalm 5. Vers. 6. They that loue or make Lyes must neuer come into Heauen but ●e shut out thence and cast into the burning Lake of fire and brimstone Reuel 22.15 But it is a note of a man that is a good member of Gods Church in this world and that shall bee inheritour of Christs Kingdome in Heauen to speake the trueth from his heart Psal. 15. Verse 22. And Lying is a note of the childe of the diuell Ioh. 8.44 Secondly Christ is described by his kingly office Which hath the key of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth VVhere first let vs see the meaning of the words For which purpose wee must haue recourse to Esay 22. vers 22 whence these wordes are borrowed being there sayd of Eliachim The circumstances of that Text will easily shew the meaning of the wordes in this place Shebna who had been an ancient Steward to many of the Kings of Israel was Treasurer also vnto King Hezekias And because hee was an hinderer of Reformation intended by Hezekias the Lord threatned to cast him out of his office and further the Lord signifieth that Eliachim shall come in his roome and haue the same office now to expresse this thing the Lord sayth The Key of the house of Dauid shall bee layd vpon his shoulders That is Eliachim shall bee made a Steward of the house of Dauid euen of the Kingdome of Dauid whereof Hezekias was Gouernour for so the House of Iuda and the House of Israel are often put for the whole Kingdome of Iuda and Israel And the giuing of a Key was an ancient token of placing and inuesting men in chiefe rule and authoritie so that the meaning of this place is this that God hath giuen vnto Christ soueraigne power and authoritie of gouerning his Church Quest. But why is Christ sayd to haue the Key of Dauid for Dauids kingdom was a temporall kingdome but Christs Kingdome is not of this world Iohn 18.36 And yet it is said The Lord God shall giue vnto him the Throne of his father Dauid and hee shall raigne ouer the house of Iacob Luk. 1.32.33 Answ. Christ may bee sayd to haue the Keyes of Dauid two wayes First Properly for when hee was borne of the blessed Virgin Marie he was borne King of the Iewes by right descent from his father Dauid as his Genealogie plainely sheweth Luk. 3. And also the question of the wise men at Ierusalem saying Where is the king of the Iewes that is borne Mat. 2.2 And therefore when the Publicans asked tribute of him he pleaded the priuiledge of a Kings sonne albeit to auoyd offence he was content to yeeld of his right to pay tribute Thereby sh●wing that he had right to the Kingdome of Israel though he would not take it vpon him therfore came in such a time when the Kingdome was taken of the Romane Emperour Secondly he may bee sayd to haue the key of Dauids kingdome Tipically for Dauids kingdome was a figure of Christs kingdome and
satisfaction of Christ is properly that key whereby heauen is opened beeing opposite to mans sinne whereby it was shut And Gods Church and Ministers cannot properly open Heauen by any power they haue but onely reueale vnto men what Christ hath done for them and withall apply vnto them the doctrine of Christs satisfaction which is reuealed And in this regard they are said to open and shut the kingdom of heauen not as Lords but as ministers seruants Next I adde that this power is giuen to the Church that is to the companie of of true Beleeuers called to saluation by Christ and to none other and therefore it is sayd of them Whatsoeuer you bind on earth shall be bound in heauen c. Thirdly I adde the end of this power of the keyes To open and to shut heauen How the Church doth this Christ that gaue this power knoweth best and hee hath set it downe Iohn 20.23 Whosoeuers sinnes ye remit they are remitted and whosoeuers sinnes ye retayne they are retayned The Church therefore opens heauen when it pardons mens sinnes and it shuts the same when it lawfully retaines their sinnes and holdeth them vnpardoned besides this there is no opening and shutting of heauen committed to the Church Quest. Can the Church pardon sinne or retaine the same Answ. Yes for these are the wordes of Christ but let vs see how It is one thing to giue sentence of the pardon of sinne and another to pronounce the same sentence giuen To giue the sentence of the pardon of sinne is onely proper to Christ the head of the Church no Saint nor Angell hath that priuiledge but yet the Church pronounceth the sentence of pardon giuen by Christ. If wee should say the the Church should pardon sin we should rob Christ of his honour for that is a priuiledge of his Godhead Thus wee se● what the power of the keyes is The right vse of this power is when the Church doth vse the same for the opening and shutting of heauen First in the name of Christ alone as a seruant Secondly according to the rule of Gods word not after mens affections or inuentions Thirdly for this end to bring sinners to repentance to continue them therin that they may be saued and to the Church thus vsing this power Christ hath promised that whatsoeuer they binde in earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer they loose in earth shall bee loosed in heauen Mat. 18.18 Further this power of the keyes hath two parts the ministerie of the word and spirituall iurisdiction The key of the Ministerie of the word is set downe established by Christ Mat. 16.19 I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen c. This ministery of the word is a key because it opens shuts heauen this it doth two wayes First by teaching and explayning the substance of religion the doctrine of saluation whereby men must come to heauen in that regard is called the key of knowledge Lu. 11.52 Secondly by applying the promises of the Gospel and the threatning of the Lawe For when in the ministerie of the word the promises of remission of sins life euerlasting are applyed to beleeuers that repent then the kingdom of heauen is opened when as in the same ministerie of the word the curses of the law are denoūced against impenitent sinners then is the kingdom of heauē shut Yet touching the ministerie of the word this distinction must be remembred that otherwhiles the church is certen of the faith repentance of some men or some congregation and then they may pronounce remission of sins absolutely But otherwhiles they are vncerten of their faith and repentance or of their impenitencie then they must accordingly remit or retaine mens sins that is conditionally pronouncing the remission of sins to all that repent denouncing damnation to all that repent not And thus is the word to be publikely handled in Gods church at this day because our congregations are mixt companies consisting of some that repent beleeue and of others that doe not truely repent nor beleeue The second part of this power of the keyes is spiritual iurisdiction I call it spirituall to distinguish it from that outward iurisdiction whereby the common-wealth is gouerned That this spiritual iurisdiction is a key may appeare Mat. If thy brother offend thee saith Christ admonish him priuately if hee heare thee not yet take with thee two or three if he heare not them tell it to the Church if he refuse to heare the Church let him bee vnto thee as an heathen man and as a publican Then followeth the promise Verely I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye bind on earth shal be bound in heauen and what soeuer ye loose shal be loosed in haauen This spirituall iurisdiction is a power whereby the Church pronounceth sentence vpon obstinate offenders in the Church and puts the same in execution And it hath two parts Excommunication and absolution Excommunication is an action of the Church in Christs name excluding an obstinate offender that is a professor of the Gospel from all the priuildedges of the Church and from the kingdom of heauen So Paul commandeth the incestious man to be committed to Sathan that is not onely put out of the kingdome of Christ but also after a sort made subiect vnto Sathan to bee outwardly afflicted by him And therefore Christ saith If he heare not the Church let him be vnto thee as an heathen man that is as one that hath no title to the kingdome of heauen Heere may some say Can the Church thrust any man out of the kingdome of heauen Answ. It is Christ only that receiueth men in thither and it is he alone that must thrust them out the Church doth not properly either receiue men in or put them out but onely pronounce and declare what Christ doth in this behalfe As if a man that liues in the church bee a common drunk●rd the Church finding in Gods word that no drunkard can inherite the kingdome of heauen which is the sentence of Christ may pronounce the same against him and so exclude him from the kingdome of heauen Obiect The true child of God may be excōmunicated but he can neuer be excluded from the kingdome of heauen Ans. The true childe of God may for a time and in part be excluded the kingdome of heauen In part as a man that hath freedome in an incorporation may lie in prison for some trespasses and so want the vse of his freedome though he be a freeman so the child of God for committing sinne may want the vse of his libertie and freedome which he hath in Gods kingdome and for a time while hee liueth in sinne without repentance yet wholly and for euer hee cannot but so soone as hee repents hee shall bee receiued certainely againe for no man is to bee barred either from heauen or the Church any longer then hee
is plaine in the Minister of this Church and might also bee shewed by manifold examples of such men in all ages but to come to our times In the dayes of Queene Marie when Religion was in banishing this our famous Schoole of the Prophets had many learned men in it yet not one of them stood out for the defence of the Gospell when as a poore secular Priest not three miles off who was far behind them in gifts of learning and knowledg yet hauing the truth reuealed vnto him did stand out for the maintenance of the same euen to the sealing of it with his blood And at this day many men of smaller gifts in the ministrie doe more further the Gospell by the encrease of the knowledge of Christ crucified and true obedience than those that are inriched with far greater gifts of knowledge both in tongues and arts so as though they be many hundred degrees short in regard of schoole-learning yet they go as farre before them in benefiting Gods Church If this be so will some say then it is needlesse for men to bee brought vp so much in the schooles of learning Ans. Not so for as much as may be Gods Ministers ought to haue knowledge of Schoole-learning both in Artes and tongues And yet for all this it oft commeth to passe by Gods prouidence that the greatest Clerks for learning are lesse profitable to the church thā men of smaller gifts This God doth to humble the learned that they be not proud in themselues And to magnifie the worke of his spirite in the weaker instruments Further these words must also be vnderstood of the whole Church And then they beare this sence I haue set before thee an open dore That is I haue vouchsafed vnto thee a speciall priuiledge euen libertie to enter into the kingdome of heauen From whence we obserue That libertie to life euerlasting is a speciall priu●ledge belonging not to all men but onely to the Church of God and the true members of Christ. This point hath sundrie vses I. to confute this erronious opinion That Christ did effectually redeeme all and euerie man Which is ●●at against Gods word and this text for those that are effectually redeemed haue libertie to enter into the kingdome of heauen but all men haue not that libertie for then it were no priuiledge of Gods Church alone to haue heauen opened vnto them II. Seeing this is a priuiledge which God vouchsafeth vnto his church to haue heauen gate opened vnto them Hereby we are taught to take the benefite of this libertie while the dore is open and in time to striue to enter therein For as Christ telleth Nathaniell the church of the new Testament shall by faith see heauen open We must not therefore neglect this oportunitie But it is our common shame that wee be slacke in seeking the kingdome of God and the righteousnes thereof suffering our selues so to bee clogged with heapes of sins and worldly lusts that we can neither walke in that straight way nor enter into that dore that leadeth vnto life for sinne is ●n heauie burden like a great packe that will not suffer a man to enter into so strait a dore We must therefore cast off all sinne that hee may so enter in and walke in the way of life And no man can shut it Here is the continuance of the former benefite against all aduersarie power whatsoeuer And this againe confuteth another opinion of the same kinde with the former to wit That Christ dyed for euerie man but yet some are not saued because they wil not they shut heauen dore against themselus But this opinion cannot stand for none can shut heauen dore against them to whome Christ hath set it open effectually neither sinne Satan nor the world no not man himselfe nor all their power together For herein is the will of man ruled by the will of God and looke whome God will haue to enter into heauen them doth hee encline to will their owne saluation and also make vnwilling euer to shut this dore against themselus For thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word c. That is Thou art indued with some measure of grace as of faith hope and righteousnesse and according to that measure thou hast maintained my word and not denyed my name Hence we learn that a man indued with a small measure of Gods grace may doe workes pleasing vnto God by the same grace come to life ●uerlasting Christ saith to his Disciples If your faith were as much as a grain of mustard seed by it should you bee able to remooue mountaines Now that which is here sayd of the faith of miracles may in like sort be said of all faith and so of iustifying faith if a man haue neuer so small a measure therof yet thereby hee shall doe workes acceptable to God for as Paul teacheth Gods children receiue not the tenths but the first fruits of the spirit that is a small measure of grace in this life which is onely a pledge of that which they shall fully receiue in the world to come for this cause is Rahab commended for her faith although it was but small and weake as wee shall see if wee read the whole Historie Iosh● 2 For God accepteth of man according to that hee hath receiued It is not so much the measure of grace that saueth a man as the truth of grace before God This serueth notably for the comfort of those that haue care to keepe faith and good conscience Such are most dismaied by reason of their wants corruptions but they must know that God approoueth of their grace though it bee but small if so be they haue care to increase in grace and doe striue to please God in all things according to the measure of grace receiued II. Hereby euerie one must be encoraged to embrace and obey true Religion Many bee dismayed herein by reason of the great measure of obedience which they thinke God requireth and therefore they leaue of all obedience But this ought not to bee so for God approoueth of a man in Christ according to that grace which hee hath be it more or lesse and not according to that which by the law he ought to haue And yet none of all this must make vs slacke and negligent in vsing those means which God hath vouchsafed vnto vs for the increase of grace that so wee may also increase in true obedience And hast kept my word and hast not denyed my name Here hee setteth downe two workes for the which he commendeth this church First their faithfull keeping of the word of Christ. Secondly the profession of his name in the time of persecutiō This behauior of this church must be a paterne and a looking glasse for vs to square our conuersation by For these works Thou hast kept my word and hast not denyed my name though the words be few yet they continue much in
foorth the power of obedience or else God will take it from vs. And we know not how neere this iudgement is seeing other particular iudgements haue not brought vs to repent And what else meane the rumors of warres are they not Gods warnings bidding vs holde fast his Gospel or else it will bee taken from vs Although therefore wee loose all other things as honour riches lands or life it selfe yet let vs holde fast our crowne When the Arke of God is gone no glorie is left 1. Sam. 4.21 Vers. 12. Him that ouercommeth will I make a pillar in the Temple of my God he shall goe no more out and I will write vpon him the Name of my God and the Name of the Citie of my God which is the new Ierusalem which commeth downe out of heauen from my God and I will write vpon him my new Name Vers. 13. Let him that hath an eare heare what the Spirit saith vnto the Churches These wordes are the conclusion of this Epistle which containeth two parts First a promise in the twelfth vers Secondly a commandement in the 13. for the promise In it wee are to obserue two points The partie to whom it is made and the thing promised The partie is he that ouercommeth of whom we haue spoken before for this promise hath beene propounded sixe times for substance the same though in other tearmes Yet here the very word Ouercommeth doth giue vs to vnderstand that he that would haue his seruice pleasing to God must dispose himselfe to a battell or combate for ouercomming presupposeth a fight The enemies which he is to fight against are spirituall to wit his owne corrupt nature the wicked world and the deuill and in this spirituall combate a man must be a good souldier before hee can bee a good Christian for all these enemies will seeke to draw him backe and hinder him so soone as he shall any way endeuour to please God Indeed God could haue freed his seruants from all temptations but hee will not it is Gods pleasure by temptations to haue his seruants tryed Whereby it is manifest that they are deceiued that imagine the state of a Christian to be a freedome from all miseries and temptations or a state of ease wherein is no strife or trouble to disquiet the mind nay it is a souldiers condition in which he that would ouercome must wage a-perpetuall battell against all his enemies both within him and without him and that vnto death The thing promised will I make a pillar in the house of my God and hee shall goe no more out Heere Christ doth most notably expresse the state and condition of eternall life In the description whereof he doth allude to the custome practise of men who minding to perserue the memorie of their names after their death vsed to errect durable Pillars of wood or stone in some towne valley or mountain with their name engrauen or written thereon This practise is common in humane hystories and Absolon wanting issue set vp a Pillar with his owne name vpon it in the Kings dale thereby to continue his remembrance with posteritie The meaning then is as if Christ had said Others for the continuing of their memorie after their death doe in some speciall place errect some durable pillar of wood or stone with their owne names written or engrauen thereon But to him that ouercommeth I will not set vp such a pillar but euen make him a pillar durable and euerlasting whose memorie shall alwayes continue He addeth further he shall bee a pillar in the Temple of my God as if hee should say others set vp their pillars in valleyes and mountaines or such places where some notable exployt hath bin wrought but the place which I will choose saith Christ is the temple of my God that is the Church tryumphant which was figured by the Temple in Ierusalem and by the Tabernacle as we may see Heb. 9.9 and Reuel 21.3 for those were two places where Gods people worshipped him where God testified his presence in a speciall manner vnto his people And so in the true Temple the kingdome of heauen Gods saints and angels doe worship him immediately where God is present with them in most glorious comfortable maner This then is Christs meaning he shall not onely be a part of that Temple but an excellent part euen a pillar in the triumphant Church in heauen And to shew what is meant by this temple Christ calleth it the temple of his God therby noting the highest heauen Where obserue that God is called Christes God which argueth inferioritie and therefore it must be vnderstood of Christ as hee is man and as he is mediator in which respect he receiueth from his Father all his offices and power to execute the same But as Christ is God he is equall with his Father and receiueth nothing from him And to instruct is yet further heerein Christ saith Hee shall goe no more out When men erected pillars for their memoriall in processe of time they would weare away and therefore they caused them to be renewed or els their remembrance thereby would not continue but he that is once made a mēber of the tryumphant Church shall there remaine for euer and euer and no time shall euer come wherein he shall cease to bee a pillar in the same Further in the pillars erected by men their names were written or engrauen And to this practise Christ alludeth saying that hee that is made a pillar in the triumphant Church shall haue names written on him these names are three I. The Name of my God that is I will make it manifest that this man is indeed the sonne of God and that God is all in all vnto him The second Name is The Name of the Cittie of my God By Cittie he meaneth not the tryumphant Church but the place where the tryumphant Church shall be to wit the highest heauen as it is taken Reuel 21.10 So that hereby Christ would teach vs thus much that hee which ouercommeth shall bee knowne to be a Cittizen of heauen and that the priuiledges of that kingdom belong vnto him And lest any should doubt what is meant by the Cittie of God Christ here described it first by the resemblance thereof calling it Ierusalem because that Cittie in regard of the Temple especially was a figure of the kingdome of heauen Secondly he calleth it the new Ierusalem that is the place of the tryumphant Church euen the highest heauen Which is not called new in respect of being for it was from the beginning but in respect of the manner of reuealing and manifesting it for in the old Testament the New Ierusalem was reuealed to the Iewes onely and that obscurely but vnder the kingdome of Christ it is more fully reuealed not only to the Iewes but to all the world Thirdly he addeth that it doth now descend out of heauen from his God Therein answering to an obiection for it might
persuaded that as the members of a body being once dismembred they cannot possibly be ioyned againe so if naturall brethren be once vnnaturally disioyned no glue will conioyne them fast againe It were infinit to shew examples of brotherly loue and hatred and othe●s haue eased me of this paines Now that good God who hath brought you from one roote placed you in one countrey aduanced you to like credit and giuen you one heart giue you also one inheritance in the kingdome of heauen Thus right worshipfull I am bold to speake vnto you and the world knoweth I speake the truth and the Lord knoweth I desire not to flatter Go on therefore I beseech you continue in loue bee setled in the truth and labour to honour him who thus honoreth you Be not caried away with the shew of this world but thinke religion the best nobilitie and that as Prudentius sayd Generosa Christi secta nobilitat viros Cui quisquis seruit ille verè est nobilis He noble is that comes of Christ his race Who serues this Lord he surely is not base And this made Theodosius more to thanke God that he was a Christian than a king considering that hee must lose the one hee could not lose the other Now as to one of you I am bounden in parcicular and by him being a Minister the despised ministerie is not a little graced ●o for him I pray that hee may be an Abraham to our Abimelech a Nathan to our Dauid a Iehoida to our Ioash an Ebedmelech to Ieremiah an Elisha to the widow of this Prophet deceased a light in the Court a trumpet in the Church and that Ahashuerosh may long hold out his golden Scepter vnto him that by his meanes great men may not want such as will tell them the truth no earthly Alexander accounted a sonne of Iupiter and that no man may be more respected than a good Pastor and that he may euer remember that saying of wise Salomon He that loueth purenesse of heart for the grace of his lips the King shall be his friend His Cyrus will not be spoken to verbis bissinis in silken words to his Alexander he needeth not speake 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 either sweet words or no words For if one Antiochus might bee surnamed holy and another good Prince called the Good King much more may he whose religious knowledge surpasseth all the Princes that haue beene of this nation and whose humilitie is such that hee will haue his sonne to remember that hee differeth not in stuffe but in vse from the rest of his people and that by Gods ordinance I am the bolder for that one to make choyce of all in the dedication of this booke no man knew loued conuersed with and respected this Author more than he He resorted to him in his health visited him in sicknesse and preached a learned Sermon for him at his death Concerning this author as he sayd of Carthage I had rather bee silent then say little and his worthie labours doe speake enough for him by name that his Posthume dedicated to his excellent Maiestie by an excellent Diuine In a word therefore whatsoeuer this man did he desired to profit others by it he thought as it is written of Bernard in his life that hee was not his owne man but deputed to the seruice of others He was neuer idle but as Hierome reporteth of Ambrose and Bernard of himselfe he did either reade or meditate or pray or conferre or counsel or comfort or write or preach And thus as the Embleme is of a faithfull Teacher he like a waxe candle in giuing light to others in a short time extinguished himselfe Yet in this short time of his what art was he not maister of what vertue was hee not endued with He was a complet Diuine and hath his blessings in the Church that no mans writings are read of all sorts and in all countries with greater grace and profit than his Hee was peaceable in the Church patient of wrongs and free from ambition For as Ierome sayd of Nepotian Aurum calcans schedul●s consectabatur hee regarded not his purse but followed his booke and as Bernard sayd he liued in terra auri sine auro in a kingdome of gold without gold An excellent gift he had to define properly diuide exactly dispute subtilly answere directly speake pithily and write iudicially and how hee preached if these Sermons doe giue a testimonie what witnesse had they who often heard him themselues I haue published of his now two Discourses and I onely did it that these his labours might not perish I haue no benefit by them but exceeding great paines And since I vnderstand that his other labours are in the hands of his friends to make benefit for his children I will ease my selfe of the like labour and be a meanes that they may haue the benefit of the future impressions of this booke the which how faithfully I haue published I appeale to the godly and indifferent Reader and I hope no honest minded man will be hired to calumniate it Thus as one desirous to be seruiceable in my calling profitable to the Church not forgetfull of my friend and to testifie the happinesse of your house which was in your fathers time and is now as it is sayd of Aurelian the Emperours Refertapi●s Ecclesia Dei replenished with the godly and a Church of God and withall to leaue a monument of my duty to you all I haue as you see published this exposition of seuen Epistles vnder your eight names nothing doubting but it will bee as welcome to you as by your countenance it may bee profitable to the Church The God of heauen giue you all that blessing of blessings which if Ierome say true few men haue that you may transire à deliciis ad dilicias go on from grace to grace and be a long time happie in this life and euer for happie in the life to come London Saint Martins in the fields from my worshipfull friend Maister Oldisworths house by which familie as Paul was by the house of Onesiphorus in the time of this late and I wish I may say the last visitation I haue receiued no small refreshing March 12. 1604. Your Worships to command Robert Hill Fellow of S. Iohns Colledge in Cambridge To the Godly and Christian Reader Grace and Peace I Am not ignorant good Reader how vngratefull a thing it is to deale by way of Censure or reformation in those things wherin others haue gone before and many times for the smart that followeth do men beshrow their owne fingers Yet the warrant of a good calling will breed peace in his conscience that herein shall endeuour the obseruance of these rules of Loue to wit Iudge the best of that which is done and referre his owne paines to the glorie
Churches for the pure word of God Now come to the words The Reuelation of Iesus Christ which God gaue vnto him c. These three first Chapters consist of two parts A Preface and a Vision The Preface is an entrance to the Vision contained in the beginning of the first Chapter from the first verse to the ninth The Vision it selfe is set downe in the rest of these three Chapters The Preface hath two parts First the title of the booke Secondly the inscription thereof The title in the three first verses The inscription from the fourth to the ninth verse The title in these words The Reuelation of Iesus Christ c. A Reuelation is nothing else but a manifestation or discouerie of things secret in respect of men for the common good of the Church and so this word is taken in this place Reuelations from God in Scripture were shewed three wayes First by dreames Secondly by vision Thirdly by created voyce of God face to face as we may see Num. 12.6 8. Now this was not by dreame nor by vision or voice alone but it is a mixt Reuelation receiued partly by vision and partly by voyce vttered in the vision from the Lord. In the three first verses this Reuelation is described by seuen arguments First by the author Secondly the end Thirdly the persons to whom it was directed Fourthly the matter Fiftly the instruments Sixtly the maner of deliuering it Seuenthly the fruit of the Reuelation First the Author is Iesus Christ It comes from him and it is called his Reuelation in these respects First not to exclude the father and the holy Ghost but to shew the speciall office of Christ the second person in Trinitie which is to reueale to publish and to manifest the will of God the father to his Church and for this cause he is called the Angell of the Couenant the doctor of the Churh the wisedom of the father the word of God Secondly it is called the Reuelation of Iesus Christ to teach vs to put difference betweene this and all Satanicall Reuelations for as God hath his true Reuelations so Sathan who herein may be called Gods ape hath his counterfeit visions and deliuers them in shew like to gods but they differ much First the Diuels Reuelations be for the most part ambiguous doubtfull and vncertaine in speech and phrase so as a man cannot tell which way to take them But the Reuelations which come from Christ the author of truth who knoweth all things and the reasons of them are certaine and in plaine termes deliuered Secondly the Diuell sheweth his visions to none but to the wicked and bad men that be his instruments But the Lord chuseth the godly which feare his name and to them he reuealeth his secrets as to Iohn in this place Thirdly the Diuels Reuelations euermore tend to set vp and vphold heresie wickednesse Apostacie and idolatrie Deut. 13.1 2. but these that come from God serue to erect and maintaine truth according to godlinesse euen pure Apostolicall doctrin and the sincere worship of God Thirdly it is called the Reuelation of Christ to shew vnto vs his speciall kingly office in heauen for being ascended and exalted to the throne of Maiestie he sitteth at the right hand of his father far aboue all principalitie and power might and domination and there doth direct rule and gouerne his Church vpon earth according to the good pleasure of his will for all these visions serue to direct his Church in their obedience to his command Whereas Christ Iesus is author of this Reuelation and after his ascention and exaltation giues the same vnto his Church We may obserue his constant care ouer his Church in this last age of the world Before his Incarnation euen from the beginning he gaue vnto his people such doctrine of faith and manners as was needfull for their saluation and still som time to time reuealed such prophesies of things to come as were meete for them to know And now behold the continuance or rather the increase of this his care in the new Testament for beside the perfection of the former prophesies and the full manifestation of his blessed will by his Euangelists and Apostles for all things needful to be beleeued and done vnto eternall life Loe here is added the Reuelation of this worthie Prophesie concerning things to come for the great good and comfort of his children to the end of the world Which God gaue vnto him These words be added to shew how this became the Reuelation of Christ namely by the gift of God that is of God the father the first person in Trinitie for this is a rule to be obserued That where the title God in any sentence of Scripture is opposed to Christ there it importeth the first person the father though this bee also true That sundry times in Scripture the father alone is tearmed God without any addition of the other persons because he is the first in regard of order and the fountaine of the deitie for the sonne receiueth the Godhead by communication from the father and the holy ghost receiueth it from them both but the father hath his godhead of himselfe and receiueth it not by communication from any other Here some will say this seemes strange that any thing should be giuen to Christ seeing he is God and hath all things of himselfe Answ. We must conceiue of Christ two wayes first as God secondly as Mediator and head of the Church As Christ is God the father giueth him nothing for so he is of himselfe the same with the father and hath all things belonging vnto him that the father hath excepting personall properties and is no way inferior to the father neither receiueth any thing from him but giueth all things as well as the father doth But yet as Christ is Mediator hee is not God simply but God incarnate or God made man and so is said to receiue of his father in respect of his manhood as himselfe confesseth All power is giuen to me Matth. 28.18 And Paule sayth God gaue him a name aboue all names Philip. 2.9 hee receiued of his father the promise of the holy Ghost sayth Peter Act. 2.33 And God made him both Lord and Christ ver 36. and so God gaue him this Reuelation in this place If it be said this makes Christ inferiour to his father for the receiuer is vsually inferiour to the giuer Answer As Christ is God he is equall with the father but as he is Mediatour God incarnate and made man he is inferiour and receiueth of him So much himselfe confesseth My father which gaue them mee is greater than all Iohn 10.29 And in the same respect Paule calleth God the father The head of Christ. 1. Cor. 11.6 And as Christ now sitteth at the right hand of his father being Mediator and ruler of his Church he is inferiour to his father and receiueth his kingdome from his father which he
bee called to the state of g●ace This he doth not for as wee see this booke is giuen not to all but to his seruants and that which is said of this booke is true of the whole Scripture The Lord shewed his word sayth Dauid not to all the world but to Iacob that is his people with whome hee made a couenant Psal. 147.19 20. The fourth Argument whereby this Reuelation is described is the matter thereof viz. Things which must shortly bee done that is things to come Whereby in generall we may obserue a difference of this booke from the rest of holy Scripture which treats of things present or past this being a prophecie of things to come The matter of this booke is described by two Arguments first by the necessitie of these things to come They must be done secondly by the circumstance of time when shortly or quickly For the necessitie of these things they be such as must needs be done So speaketh the holy Ghost elsewhere of sundry things to come of offences It must needs be that offences should come Mat. 18.7 Of heresies There must bee heresies in the Church 1. Cor. 11.19 And of afflictions Through manifold afflictions we must enter into the kingdome of heauen Act. 14.22 And They that will liue godly in Christ Iesus must suffer persecutions 2. Timo●h 3.12 From whence I gather That things which come to passe concerning Gods church and the enemies thereof doe come to passe necessarily This doctrine must be well obserued for though it be the truth of God yet the reason of man will not agree vnto it for some will say If all things come to passe necessarily then in their actions and proceedings men haue no free will for necessitie and libertie of will cannot stand together Answ. They may indeed constraint and mans free will cannot stand together but mans will and vnchangeable necessitie may well accord As I shew thus In God there is most absolute freedome of will yet he doth many things of necessitie as he willeth that which is good necessarily for he cannot possibly will that which is euill and yet he willeth the same most freely So Christ died necessarily he could not but die if we consider the counsell of God and yet he died most freely For he laid downe his life of himselfe and no man tooke it from him Iohn 10.18 It will be said againe if things come to passe by necessitie then it is in vaine to vse any meanes for the effecting of them for Gods will must be done do we what we will Answ. This is mans corrupt reason these men must consider that as God hath appointed what things must come to passe so he hath appointed the meanes how they shall bee effected and seeing the Lord hath appointed as well the meanes as the end wee should by this necessitie rather be induced to vse the meanes than any way moued to neglect the same To make this more plaine wee must know there is a double necessitie one is absolute another in part I call that absolute necessitie which cannot be otherwise possibly as that God liueth and cannot die is omnipotent infinite c. Necessitie in part is when any thing done is necessarie onely because it depends on necessarie causes as fire to burne is necessarie in regard of that order which God hath set in nature by creation yet this necessitie is not absolute for fire would not burne if God should please to change that order set in nature as he did when the three children were cast into the hot fierie ouen Dan. 3.27 Now whereas wee say Things to come must necessarily be done it must bee vnderstood of necessitie in part and not of absolute for in themselues they be changeable and contingent and necessarie only in regard of Gods decree appointing them which is vnchangeable in regard whereof all things to come bee necessarie And yet we may not thinke that the vnchangeablenesse of Gods decree doth take away freedome from mans will it onely inclines the same to one part so disposeth that man should freely will that to bee which God eternally hath decreed The second thing whereby the matter of this booke is set out vnto vs is the circumstance of time when these things must be done Shortly must be well obserued and howsoeuer some things foretold were not to be done till many hundred yeares after which space of time might seeme verie long yet in two respects it is but short First in regard of God to whom a thousand yeares are but as one day 2. Pet. 3.8 Secondly in regard of men to whome a hundred or two hundred yeres seeme but a short time when once they bee expired though before they seemed long This circumstance of time is set down for two causes First to terrifie all carnal and carelesse men for this booke foretelleth iudgements plagues and destructions for the enimies of Gods church which m●st shortly come vppon them which is a thing worthy our carefull consideration in this secure age of the world wherein men blesse themselues in their sinnes without fear of Gods iudgements and say they shall haue peace though they walke after the stubbornenesse of their owne hearts putting farre from them the euill day saying spare thy selfe this shall not come vnto thee But shall the lyon rore and the beasts not tremble Yet the Lord threateneth his iudgements but men will not repent Well let vs consider this whether we be young or old high or low that Gods iudgements are shortly to come and let this bee a motiue to raise vs out of the sleepe of sinne and of securitie That which Peter said of false teachers is also true of all impenitent sinners vnlesse they preuent the same by speedie and unfained repentance Their iudgement long agoe is not farre off and their damnation sleepeth not 2. Pet. 2.3 Secondly this circumstance of time serueth greatly to comfort the seruants of Christ and to furnish them with all patience and long suffering vnder any aduersitie or distresse that may befall them in bodie or mind or both Indeed many are brought to impatience and distrust by afflictions and crosses But the child of God in such a case must call to mind what the holy ghost hath here set down concerning the prophecies of this booke which foretell deliuerance for Gods Church and for euerie member thereof namely That they must shortly be brought to passe yet a very little while and hee that commeth for their deliuerance will come and will not tarrie Hebr. 10. vers 37. Thus much for the matter of this reuelation now followe the instruments whereby the Lord doth conuay the same vnto his Church which is the first argument whereby it is described in these wordes Which hee sent and shewed by his Angell vnto his seruant Iohn Where two points must be obserued first the action of Christ which is the ground of their imploiment secondly the persons imploied therein as his instruments For the
are the sonnes of God by adoption in his sonne so that our right to that kingdome is not by nature but by grace Secondly Christ is an vniuersall king ouer the Angels in heauen the church on earth and all other creatures wheresoeuer his regiment is absolute in the hearts and consciences of men and hee can by his word bind all things but true beleeuers bee not vniuersall kings for they haue no superioritie aboue good Angels and the church Neither are they absolute kings as he is nor of themselues but by Christ Iesus and as they participate with Christ in his kingdome The second part of the dignitie of true beleeuers stands in this That they bee priests consecrate and set apart by Christ to the worship seruice of God here in this life in spirit and truth and in the life to come to serue and praise him eternally Christ hee is a priest so are all his members but yet there is difference First Christ hee is an externall and reall priest of the new Testament which offers vp a true reall and externall pr●pitiatorie sacrifice to God the father for the sinnes of mankind As for beleeuers they are not reall and externall priests but spirituall offering vp spirituall sacrifice vnto God As when any member of Christ giues an almes hee offers a sacrifice to God not a corporall sacrifice though the thing giuen be a bodily substance but it is euery way spirituall for to offer a reall outward sacrifice in the new Testament is proper to Christ. Againe our Sauiour Christ he is a perfect priest and offers vp a perfect sacrifice but we being imperfect doe offer vp imperfect sacrifices tainted and blemished with sinne yet accepted as perfect for the worthinesse of Christs sacrifice The second point to be considered is the time whē beleeuers be made kings and priests namely in this life For as in the entrance into an earthly kingdome there bee degrees first to haue good right and title to it secondly to get possession of it which is more than title only and yet if a mans title be good thogh hee want possession he may be called a king So it is with Gods children they haue the right giuen them of the kingdome of heauen in this life and in that respect are kings Further in the possessing of a kingdome there bee two degrees first the entrance vpon some part secondly the full and perfect enioying of all Now euery true beleeuer begins to enter possession of the kingdom of heauen in this life for it stands 〈◊〉 rig●●eousnesse ioy and peace and they which 〈◊〉 these things in their harts haue the kingdome of God begun in them in this life But the full fruition and perfect posses●●on of this kingdome is reserued to be giuen at the end of this life and at the d●y of iudgement And as true beleeuers be kings in this world so likewise bee they priests in offering spirituall sacrifice to God and dedicating and consecrating themselues to his seruice all the dayes of their life The third point is the manner how true beleeuers become kings and priests they are not such by nature neither doth this dignitie come by descent in bloud or birth-right or by any other priuiledge they haue from man but onely from Christ Iesus who by diuine calling makes them spirituall kings and priests like as vnder the law by solemne election and ordination some were made earthly kings and priests Now in this calling of Christ two things concurre First Christ giueth his members right to his owne kingdome and priesthood yet not so that they can execute the regiment sustained by Christ or perform the office of his priesthood but because they haue right in part to these offices and the benefit of them both redoundeth to them wholly And this right they haue is brought to passe in the couenant of the Gospell wherein they are bound to beleeue in God through Christ and God is bound againe to giue vnto them Christ with all his benefites among which these two must be accounted for indeed euery thing which belongs to Christ as he is mediatour is conueyed in some sort to euery true beleeuer Secondly in this diuine calling Christ endues all his members with gifts and graces whereby they are enabled for the duties of spirituall kings and priests vnto God For as Christ is annointed so are all his members So the Psalmist speaking of Christ sayth He is annointed with the oyle of gladnesse aboue his fellowes Psal. 45. vers 7. Therefore his fellowes that is beleeuers are annointed with the same oile though in lesse measure And Saint Iohn sayth Yee haue receiued the annointing 1. Iohn 2.27 yea God himselfe chargeth wicked men not to touch his annointed Psal. 105.15 meaning not onely Patriarkes Kings and Prophets but all true beleeuers who are then annointed when they are endued with the gifts of the same spirit in some measure wherewith Christ in his manhood was filled aboue measure The fourth point To whom hath he made them kings and priests Answ. To God euen the father This is added for speciall cause to preuent that carnall libertie which mans nature might claime from this spirituall royaltie for men might say if all beleeuers be kings then may they liue as they list but these words vnto God do shew that the right of their kingdome with the offices of their priesthood must all bee referred to the honor and prayse of God vnto whom they are made kings and priests Lastly he addeth Euen his father by way of exposition to shew more particularly to which of the persons they are first of all made kings and priests for the title God must not here be taken absolutely for the diuine nature but with restraint to the first person the father vnto whom all true beleeuers are made kings and priests in the first place and from the father to the sonne and from them both to the holy ghost And the first person in Trinitie is here named aboue the rest not as being aboue them in degree or honour for so they bee equall but because he is the first in order and the fountaine of the Godhead which is conueyed from him to the Sonne and from them both to the Holy ghost Thus much for the meaning of the words Now follow sundry vses from the consideration of these two dignities of beleeuers And first their kingly dignitie affoordeth matter both of instruction and consolation Instruct. I. Whereas all true beleeuers are made true kings in this life hereby euery one that professeth Christian religion is taught to carry himselfe as an enemie to all those that are of the kingdome of darkenesse as namely to sinne and Sathan to the flesh and the world euen through the whole course of his life for by calling euery Christian hath title to the kingdome of heauen What affinitie then can wee haue with those that bee both enemies of this kingdome and of Christ himselfe that made vs kings
be dissolued and soule and body separated then must the child of God remember that he is a king in Christ and this will stay his heart against the feare of death for herein shall hee see that by death as through a straight passage he shall enter into the full possession of his kingdome And thus much in that wee are kings From the second dignitie of beleeuers which is to be priests vnto God we are likewise taught sundry duties First to teach and instruct one another It was the office of the priest vnder the law to teach the people the will of God The priests lips should preserue knowledge Malach. 2. vers 7. And now vnder the Gospell not onely the minister but euery true beleeuer is a spirituall priest and therefore ought to teach and admonish one another Coloss 3.16 When the Lord sayth Touch no● mine annoynted and doe my prophets no harme Psa. 105.15 He calleth all his faithfull by the name of Prophets because they ought to haue the knowledge of his wil and bee able also in due time and vpon iust occasion to teach the same to others that so the Gospell of Christ may flourish And as this dutie belongs to all men so especially to gouernours as parents and masters they must shew themselues priests to their charges Abraham did it Genes 18. Dauid did it Prou. 4. And Bathshebath did it Prou. 31. And all must doe it that desire an holy generation to succeed after them We teach them other things why not religion Secondly seeing wee bee priests wee must pray vnfainedly not onely for our selues But for all men especially the members of Christ. The priest in the old Testament must pray and make request not onely for himselfe but for the people also And herein stands the praise of a Christian to pray for his brethren Hence it is that Paule sayth Pray for all the Saints and for me Ephes. 6.18 Moyses is highly commended for this dutie especially when he prayed for the Israelites and stood before the Lord in the gap to turne away his wrath Exod. 32. Elias for his power in prayer and prophesie is called the chariot and horsem●n of Israell 2. King ● 12 And this is recorded for the praise of Hezechi● That when the people were vnprepared at the eating of the Passeouer He prayed to the Lord for mercy and was h●ard 2. Chron. 30.18 And so when we find any commended in scripture for his gift in prayer it is not so much for that hee prayed diligently for himselfe as for the whole church of God Thirdly being priests we must offer spirituall sacrifice vnto God that is dedicate our selues our soules and bodies and all that is in vs our wit learning knowledge and euery gift of bodie or mind to Gods seruice That we may doe all this to his glory we must looke that euery thing we take in hand haue his beginning from a pure heart a good conscience and faith vnfained and be directed to a good end to Gods glory principally and the good of others whom it may concerne Fourthly we must be full of blessings The priests in the old Testament Numbers 6● vsed to blesse the people so must we if we be Christians because wee are spirituall priests We must take heede of all cursed speaking of slaundering and backbiting of swearing and forswearing and giue our selues to blessed and gratious speeches to all men and of all men friends or foes Rom. 12.14 Fiftly wee must seeke to haue God for our portion The Leuits had no portion in the land of Canaan but the tenth● onely The Lord was their portion So we being priests to God must bee content with any estate in this world for God is our portion We must not seek too much after any inheri●●nce on earth for then we carry not our selues like priests vnto God The fauour of God in Christ must be the thing we long for and therin must we reioyce To him be glory and dominion for euermore Amen These words are a thanks-giuing to God for the former benefits of Christ bestowed on his church Which S. Iohn putteth in before hee haue ended his record of the gracious workes of Christ for his church as it were interrupting himselfe for the great desire hee had to the glory of God Whereby wee are taught that the consideration of Gods benefites towards vs specially such as concerne the kingdom of heauen should stirre vp our hearts to giue continuall prayse and glory to God This was Dauids affection when he felt in his soule the pardon of his sinnes and therefore hee breakes out into this thanksgiuing My soule prayse thou the Lord and forget not all his benefits Psalme 103. ● And so did Paule after the blessed memory of Gods mercy in his vocation 1. Tim. 1.17 Secondly in this example of Iohn wee may learne what is the true forme of giuing thankes to God namely to ascribe vnto him all power glory and absolute dominion for euermore But alas it is too too manifest that our corrupt nature will not do this but taking from God his due bestoweth it on creatures yea on our owne selues It is a matter of grace to know what is due to God and to ascribe the same vnto him and therefore we are charged to giue vnto the Lord glory and power which in the next words he cals the glory of his name Psal. 96.7 8. So Christ he teacheth vs to ascribe all power glory might and dominion to God when wee say in the Lords prayer For thine is the kingdome the power and glory that is The kingdome of heauen is thine all power in heauen and earth is thine and therefore all glory is thine and from our hearts wee doe ascribe the same vnto thee Lastly S. Iohn addeth Amen that is So be it Let all glory and dominion bee giuen to Christ which is the same he said before Whereby he doth testifie his feruent affection and strength of desire after the glory of Christ else he would not haue doubled his thanksgiuing And so should it be with vs we should not freese in our thankesgiuing for Gods benefits but labour to haue our hearts tongues to double the same that thereby we may testifie our feruent and earnest desire after his praise and glory Verse 7. Behold hee commeth with clouds and euery eye shall see him yea euen they which pierced him through and all kinreds of the earth shall wayle before him Euen so Amen These words are a declaration of the fourth action of our Sauiour Christ towards his church and that is his second comming to iudgement to iudge both quicke and dead Wherein wee are to consider sundry points first this note of attention Behold secondly the action of Christs comming it selfe Hee commeth Thirdly the manner how with clouds amplified by the manifestation therof Euery eye shall see him euen they that pierced him fourthly the effect of his comming All tribes of the earth shall
be in euerie one of vs towards the poore afflicted seruants of Christ seeing they bee our fellow members wee should haue a fellow-feeling with them weeping with them that weepe and shew our compassion in pittying them If the foote be pricked the head stoopes the eye beholds and lookes on it the finger puls it out the hand applies the plaister the other foote is readie to runne for helpe the tongue to aske for counsell all the members are readie to affoord their mutuall helpe in pi●tie and fellow-feeling so when any members of the church suffer affliction be pricked with persecution for Christs cause then should we as members of the same body be readie to do all the helpe wee can to them especially in shewing our fellow-feeling with them The second thing wherein he is this copartner is in the kingdome of Christ that is the kingdome of heauen Where obserue that he placeth fellowship in affliction before companion in the kingdome to giue vs to vnderstand that through afflictions crosses for Christs sake is the readie way to the kingdome It is that way which is beaten and troden by the Prophets Apostles and the Saints of God as the Apostle saith th●ough manifold tribulations we must enter into heauen And this momentarie affliction causeth to vs an inf●●it weight of glorie not by deseruing it but by shewing the plain way thither Wherby we are taught not to thinke it hard when trials do befal vs but rather to count it a good thing yea exceeding great gladnesse when any affliction doth befall vs for Christs sake for herby we are brought like wandring sheep into that beatē path which leadeth to heauen Nay we must rather maruell when we professe the Gospell and haue no affliction then we may feare wee be out of the way seeing the Lord afflicts euerie child which is his Thirdly hee is Copartner in patience which he addeth because it is a most worthie vertue whereby wee are made able to perseuer in affliction till we come to heauen Afflictions are the beaten way heauen is our ioyfull end patience is the meanes to make vs go on till wee come thither Whatsoeuer things are written are written for our learning that we through patience comfort in the Scriptures might haue hope Rom. 15.4 Where true hope to come to heauen is obtained by patience which maketh a beleeuer to go on in suffering till he come to life eternall There is much fruit in the good ground but not broght forth without patiēce the true beleeuer is saued by hope in this world yet cānot come to heauē without patiēce Ia. 5. for therby he must possesse his s●ule Now because men will say patience is an hard matter and so are discouraged from seeking for it therefore to set an edge on ther desire he addes It is the patience of Christ and it is so called either because he commands it or because it is his gift and commeth from the spirit of Christ or chiefly because hee himselfe suffereth in his members and as their miserie and suffering is his so is their patience The consideration whereof is a singular motiue to enduce euery child of God to patience in bearing the crosse for Christ his sake for they haue Christ their fellow sufferer he takes part with them and puts vnder his shoulder Who would not then be content to suffer with patience And thus much of the branches of his fellowship seuerally Now consider them ioyntly and they containe a notable description of the communion of saints which is a speciall article of our faith standing in three things In tribulation In the kingdome of heauen And in patience And marke well that this communion begins in tribulation therein we must be partners and that with patience before wee come to haue fellowship in the kingdome of heauen That man therefore that hath afflictions layd on him must beare them patiently and when the members of Christ are vnder the crosse hee must in tender compassion be touched with their miseries and when he doth truly feele in his heart this Christian patience and compassion then may he assure himselfe he is entred into this communion and shall vndoubtedly with all saints be partaker of the ioyes of heauen But if patience and compassion bee wanting wee persuade our selues in vaine of this communion and therefore let vs striue against impatience and against the deadnesse and hardnesse of our hearts that we may neither murmur against God in our owne afflictions nor ye● want compassion towards our brethren that any where suffer affliction for the name of Christ. Thus much for the circumstance of the person Was in the Isle called Patmos In these words is the second circumstance namely the place where this vision 〈◊〉 giuen to Iohn This Patmos is one of those Islands which the Geographer● call Sporades lying in the West part of 〈◊〉 the lesse neere to the churches to whom Iohn writ and by the sea commonly called the Eg●●n sea This Island was a small base and poore Island little or neuer a whit inhabited Saint Iohn had his vision not at Ierusalem at Antioch or Rome but in Patmos a base poore and little inhabited Island By this we see that in the new Testament there is no respect of one place aboue another in regard of Gods presence and our fellowship with him hee doth as well manifest himselfe to Iohn by this vision in Patmos as to other his Prophets and Apostles in Ierusalem the holy citie In the old Testament there was difference of places in regard of Gods solemne worship and presence as the Lord shewed his presence and tied his worship especially to his Tabernacle and Temple at Ierusalem This Daniell sheweth by his gesture in prayer for being in captiuity when he prayed in his chamber He opened the window which was towards the Temple at Ierusalem and turned his face thitherward But now in the new Testament that difference of place is abolished in respect of Gods worship And therefore Paule willeth That men pray euery where lifting vp pure hands vnto God and so for all the duties of religion wee must thinke the like I. Then away with Popish pilgrimage to churches and chappels of Saints or to their reliques This is meere superstition for God is present euery where and a man that will worship God in spirit and truth may haue fellowship with him in one place as well as another II. Also this may serue to correct a false conceit which many haue of our churches and chappels for when they come to a dwelling house they thinke it not their dutie there to humble themselues to kneele downe and call vpon God but if they come into a church or chappell neuer so often vpon ordinarie affaires they fall downe to prayer The reason is because they thinke these places bee more holy and God more present there and they shall sooner be heard in them than in
then surely he will either cast them out of the Temple or else tread them vnder his feete Wee graunt this libertie to euery gouernour when hee hath light vp candles for his familie if any of them will not burne clearely he may snuffe it if that will not serue hee may cast it into the fire and set another in it place And shall wee denie to Christ Iesus the like authoritie in his Church which is his house ouer men and women who ought to shine as lights God forbid The Minister therefore in his place and euery other Christian in the compasse of his calling must labour to bee a shining candle both for knowledge and godly life before all the world that so hee may escape Gods fearfull iudgements In common reason we ought to carry our selues as shining lights before othe●s It is an vsuall thing in the Winter time to hang forth lights for the guiding of mens bodies safe from place to place Now if we haue such care ouer their bodies wee ought to haue much more ouer body and soule both that by the light of grace in vs sinners and wicked men may bee guided in the darke and dangerous way of this world to the kingdome of heauen Here then all ignoran● persons and loose lu●ers who abound in euery place must be admonished to reforme themselues and labou● to become lights in Gods church They stand as candles but they are extinct ●nd giue no light to others Ignorant persons therefore must cast off their ignorance and labour for knowledge and wicked liuers must reforme their loosenesse of life and become obedient to the word● truth that so they may shine vnto others If a man haue a candle set vp in his familie and shall assay to light it and snuffe it once or twice and cannot get it burne then in displeasure he will trample it vnder his feete or cast it into the fire Euen so Christ Iesus seeking to enlighten the minds of these ignorant persons and to reforme the liues of these loose liuers by the ministery of the word when he shall perceiue that they refuse the light and will not bee reformed vndoubtedly in furie of his wrath hee will at length plucke them from their places and stampe them to powder and cast them to hell Many be ignorant in euery place and moe be prophane and small is the number of good shining lights but wee must remember our duty and walke worthie our calling If we hold foorth the light of knowledge and obedience we shall shine as the firmament in the world to come Dan. 12.3 Golden candlestickes The churches of God are not base candlestickes but candlestickes made of gold There bee two causes of this resemblance First because gold is the most excellent of all mettals so Gods churches here on earth are the most excellent of all societies The companies and societies of men in families townes and kingdomes and in other common affaires of this life be the ordinance of God and good in their kind but yet the societie of saints in the church of God doth farre surmount them all and that in these respects First because in Gods church saluation may be obtained but in other societies as they are societies though sundry benefits arise from them yet saluation is not to bee had in them vnlesse they bee either particular churches as members thereof Secondly the church of God is the end of all other societies and they are all ordained to preserue and cherish the church which is the societie of the saints Thirdly the church beautifieth all other societies the principall praise and dignitie of any towne houshold or kingdome is this that they are either churches of God or true members thereof From this preheminence of the church we are taught aboue al things to labor to become true mēbers of this society Men haue great care to become mēbers of incorporations towns of greatest priuiledges but few there be that seek for the priuiledges of Gods church And commonly those that seeke most for priuiledges in chiefe townes haue the least care to become the true members of Gods church which is a wretched practise and ought not to be among vs seeing the church hath priuiledges farre aboue all other societies Secondly hence we are taught aboue all things to haue care to preserue the societie of the church of God True it is the minister and magistrat must haue cheefe care thereof and yet euery man in his place must doe his best indeuour hereunto because it is the most principall societie Thirdly in that Gods church is the most excellent societie giuing honor to all others we are taught within the compasse of our callings as much as we can to bring all other societies vnto this Those that are members of a familie must labour to bring euerie one in their familie to bee good members of the church And so in ciuill societies men of gouernement must labour that the members of the ciuill body become also members of Christs bodie Thus gouernors of kingdomes should labour that the parts of their dominions may be particular churches of God And there is good reason of this dutie because all other societies without this are companions of men in the darke sitting in the shadow of death being spiritually blind and without all sound comfort in their soules Secondly the church is compared to a candlesticke of gold because of all societies among men it is most precious deere vnto God and therfore it is resembled to a seale on Christs heart and a signit on his arme yea it is a deare vnto him as the apple of his eye Zachar. 2.8 The Church is the Queene that stands on Christs right hand in a vesture of gold Psa. 4.5.9 Yea that which surpasseth all Christ redeemed the Church vnto himself● by his owne bloud Oh then how deere and pretious is she in his sight And hereby also wee are taught the same instructions that did arise from the former preheminence namely to haue special care of Gods church to preserue the same and to labour to become our selues and to bring others to be members thereof And thus much of the title of the church Now it is added that Christ the Messias is in the middest of the seuen golden candlestickes whereby is signified First that Christ is present with his church at all times And secondly that being present he hath care to gather his church and being gathered to preserue the same against the gates of hell and all other enemies From hence we learne sundry things First that the supremacie of the church of Rome wherein one is made head of all the militant church is needlesse For Christ is present alwaies with his church hauing speciall care to gather guide and preserue the same and hee needeth no vickar generall to supplie his roome for in the presence of the prince all commissions of vicegerencie doe cease though Christ had granted this supremacie to any
but the deadly wounds of Christs enemies And 〈◊〉 much for the worke of the Word vpon the wicked The second worke of this two edged sword is in Gods elect in them it hath sundry workes all which ●end to their subiection First it woundeth to the quicke the corruption of their nature This is one speciall cause why it is called a two edged sword because it entereth deeply into the heart of Gods children and giueth their corruption such a deadly blow as it shall neuer recouer againe It killeth not the person as it doth in the wicked but quic●ening the soule it woundeth his corruption Paule ministred the Gospell that the offering vp of the Gentiles might be acceptable Where resēbling Gods church to a sacrifice hee giueth vs to vnderstand that euery true Christian must be slaine though not in body and soule yet in regard of sinfull motions corrupt affections and rebellious actions by this two edged sword of the spirit And this is his conuersion whereby the roote of corruption is stocked vp Secondly after conuersion this two edged sword serueth to cut off and pare away the remnants of vnbeleefe doubting impietie anger and other sins that be in the elect Euery branch saith Christ that bringeth forth fruit in mee my father the husbandman gruneth to make it bring fo●rth more fruit Thirdly it serueth to keepe Gods children in awe and subiection vnto him In this vision Christ standeth in his church holding vp the scepter of his kingdome which hee beareth in his mouth for this end that though his enemies will not bee brought in subiection vnto him yet his owne children might hereby be kept in awe of him He therefore that will not at the lifting vp of this two edged sword tremble and feare before Christ is but a rebellious subiect If there bee brawling in humane societies let the magistrate but shew himselfe with the sword of iustice and straightway euery one is quiet if any resist he is taken for a rebell Now shall this be effected in ciuile policie and not bee true in Christs spirituall gouernment vnlesse therefore wee will shew our selues rebels against Christ let vs cease from sinne and tremble before him seeing hee holdeth out vnto vs the scepter of his word Fourthly this sword serueth notably for our defence and victory in all temptations Ephes 6. ●● This sword of the ●pirit the word of God is one piece of the complete armour of a Christian. Herewith did Christ vanquish Sathan Matth. 4 And thus wee see how the word of God is a two edged sword in regard of the elect Hence we are taught that when wee haue the doctrine of the Law and of the Gospell preached vnto vs we must with all reuerence heare and receiue the same Men will heare it while it is taught generally but if it once touch their particular faults then they cannot brooke it But wee must suffer it to ransacke our hearts and be glad thereof for by this meanes our corruption is wounded and sinne slaine in vs our soules are conuerted vnto God and shall bee saued If any man were diseased with a fistula or any other dangerous sore he would willingly suffer the surgeon to search and pierce into the fame Shall wee doe this for our bodily health and shall wee not suffer the word of God to enter into our hearts to rip vp our sinnes that they being wounded and subdued wee may bee healed and so our soules liue for euer wee cannot liue vnto God till wee die vnto sinne and wee can neuer die vnto sinne till the same bee wounded in vs by this two edged sword Away therefore with all nicenesse in disliking the word when it crosseth our humour and if wee loue eternall life Let vs then embrace it most willingly Saint Iohn sayth f●●ther of this two edged sword that it came out of Christs mouth Other kings carry their swords and scepters in their hands but Christ beareth his in his mouth to teach vs this speciall point That wee must receiue no doctrine from any man which hee hath not receiued from th● mouth of Christ. For first God reuealeth his will vnto his son Christ deliuereth it vnto his Prophet● and Apostles by the spirit and to his ministers in their writings They therefore must deliuer nothing vnto Gods people but that which they haue from Christ if they deliuer ought els they hold no● forth Christs sword neither can it haue that powerfull effect either in the godly or in the wicked And his face 〈…〉 the Sunne shineth i● his brightnesse Here is the last braunch of this description of Christ his face is compared to the shining of the Sunne and that in his strength because Christ is vnto his church● as the Sunne is to the world And looke what duties the Sunne performeth vnto the world the same duties Christ performes vnto his church in a more excellent manner as their resemblance will euidently declare First the Sunne in the world dispelleth night and darkenesse and maketh the day by bringing light so Christ the sonne of righteousnesse Malach. 4.2 sendeth downe the bright beames of knowledge and grace into his church wherby blindnesse and ignorance is taken away 2. Corinth 4.6 And hereby euery one of what sort or place soeuer is taught first to labour for knowledge of the will of God A great shame it is for any to bee ignorant her●in when the day commeth we set open our windowes to let in the light of the Sunne for our comfort behold Christ Iesus is euer a shining light in his church Why then should wee not open our hearts that the beames of light and knowledge which descend from him may enter into vs and giue vs light Secondly wee must hereby learne in our whole conuersation among men to walke by this light We are here but pilgrims trauelling towards heauen and the way of this miserable word is full of darkenesse yet Christ Iesus is in the middest of his church shining as the Sunne in his strength to giue the light of knowledge whereby wee may see the right way thither Without him there is nothing but darkenesse and wandering his word is the light and himselfe the day starre We therefore must attend vnto him in all our affaires of this life and in the particular duties of our lawfull callings take direction from the light which shineth from his face Secondly the Sunne serueth most excellently to comfort and reuiue cold and dead starued bodies as experience in the spring time teacheth So Christ Iesus by the worke of his spirit conueyeth spirituall life and heat ●nto the dead and frozen heart of man he is of power to comfort them that mourne to giue life to the broken hearted and to reuiue the spirit of the humble Isay. 57.15 and for this most excellent worke may well bee called the Sunne of Righteousness● In regard wherof wee must labour aboue all things to bee partakers of this life and ioy which commeth
more though God summon men to repent by his dayly iudgements yet few or none by true humilitie prepare to meete God and to preuent his iudgements Securitie spreads it selfe ouer the whole bodie of our people And this being our case and state it must needes bee that God hath beene long since in comming to vs by his iudgements and a● this day he is still comming because we still decay in loue and other graces and more and more goe on in sinne So that if we thus continue the truth is hee will come shortly vnto vs and that by most fearefull iudgements For this was written to the church of Ephesus to be a direction not onely vnto them but to all churches to the end of the world that be in the like or worser case What shall wee then doe Our dutie is taught vs in these words If not that is if thou repent not Wee must preuent the Lords comming in iudgement by vnfained repentance euery man and euery familie apart must repent priuately and the whole Church openly and publickely no way else wee haue to stay the Lords comming against vs by his fearefull iudgements The second part of this reason is a more particular threatening than the former And will remooue thy candlesticke out of his place Where hee sheweth with what particular iudgement hee will punish this church namely by remoouing away the candlesticke The meaning whereof may bee gathered out of the former chapter where particular churches were called candlestickes therefore here hee threateneth to remooue his church from the citie of Ephesus to take away the Ministerie of his Gospell and the profession thereof and in his iust iudgement to send among them Ignorance Apostacie and Heresie in steed of the knowledge of his truth This particular iudgement must be referred to the first words If not that is if thou repent not this will I doe I will make thee to be no Church and take my Gospell from thee In this particular threatening three points are to bee obserued one concerning the Minister the second concerning the whole body of the church the third concerning euery priuat man Touching the Minister note this If he shall decay in loue to God to his word or to his brethren or if hee lye in any one sinne knowne to himselfe it is a meanes to depriue him either of his calling or of Gods gifts bestowed on him for this threatening is here directed especially vnto the Angell of this Church of Ephesus When Ieremie had beene wanting in deliuering the Lord● will vnto the people partly for feare partly through impatience then the Lord becomes a Prophet vnto him saying If thou returne I will bring thee againe and thou shalt stand before me Whereby hee would giue him to vnderstand That if hee returned not he should cease to be a Prophet vnto him The same thing is true of all Gods Ministers if they decay in loue faile in their dutie or lye in any sinne they must speedily renew themselues by repentance or els God will depriue them either of their calling or of the gifts thereof True repentance and the renewing thereof is needfull vnto all Christians but especially to Gods Ministers if they would continue in his fauour and stand before him becomming his mouth vnto the people The second point concerneth the whole bodie of a Church to wit if a Church or people decay in loue to God to religion and to their brethren or doe lye in any common sinne they procure hereby the remoouing of the gospell from them and the abolishing of true religion The Prophet is a 〈◊〉 sayth the Lord and the man of the spirit i● mad This was a great and fearefull iudgement but mark● the cause All is 〈◊〉 thine iniquitie that is for the sinne of the whole church doth God send foolish Ministers If this bee so then wee haue iust cause in our Church to feare the remoouing of the gospell from vs for there is a generall decay of loue in many and in the most no loue at all Many scorne and contemn true religion and hate the professours thereof In regard whereof wee may wonder at the great patience of God that yet continueth his gospell among vs For God giueth men vp to strong delusion to beleeue lyes because they loue not his truth Wherefore being in this danger our dutie is to vse all good meanes to preuent this iudgement of God which can no other way bee done than by true and vnfained repentance by the whole Church in generall and by euery man apart and euery familie apart For when God shall speake suddenly against a nation or kingdome to root it vp and to destroy it if that people repent of their wickednesse the Lord will repent of the plague and iudgement which hee thought to bring vpon them Ierem. 18. vers 7 8. The third point concerneth euery priuate man and it is this If any man decay in loue or want loue to God and to his brethren or lye in any sin knowne to himselfe This is a meanes to remooue the candlesticke from him to depriue him of his knowledge and other graces of God The affection of loue in the heart is like the watch of the clocke if the watch stand the wheeles stand as the watch goeth fast or softly so goe the wheeles answerably And so it is in man if his loue to God and to his gospell doe encrease then doth his knowledge and other graces of God encrease in his heart but if his loue decay then other graces decay and if loue be gone then farewell all pietie and true religion If we would know the cause of such palpable ignorance as is in many that haue long heard the gospell preached it is nothing but want of loue Heb. 3.12 13. The Holy ghost sheweth by what degrees men come to fall away from God First sinne deceiues them by drawing them to commit it then their hearts are hardened by custome of sinning Thence followes vnbeleefe in maine points of Religion and so they make Apostacie from God and set themselues against his truth Take heed therefore of lying in any sinne for that is the high way to finall Apostacie rather striue to encrease in loue vnto God and vnto his word and so shall all his good graces encrease in thine heart Out of this particular threatening some gather That a man may bee cut off frō Christ fall away finally from true faith and repentance For say they if a whole Church may bee cut off from Christ and become no Church then may any one member of the Church be cut off and become no member But a whole church may bee cut off as here we see and therefore may any one man Answ. This reason is not good there is great difference betweene the state of a whole Church and of one man that is a true member of Christ. For a particular Church is a mixt companie of true professors and dissemblers like
countrey to countrey In most schooles of learning for many hundred yeares the diuell had his thrones For therein was nothing taught but errors heresies and most abhominable idolatries In these our dayes the diuell hath his thrones among vs where any wizard dwelleth or cūning person as they are called for thither whole countries do flocke for helpe and for counsell and so yeeld homage to Sathan All dicing all brothel houses wherein abhominable wickednesse is freely committed are Sathans thrones Yea all those families are the diuels thrones where men liue without loue or practise of religion in blindnesse and ignorance in blasphemie drunkennesse whoredome iniustice or any such impieties And in reason it must needs bee thus for the diuell being a prince of this world will haue his throne in some parts thereof Hereby we see it is most needfull in euerie Christian kingdom there should be thrones of iustice in ciuill courts for the maintenance of equity the reward of vertue and for the repressing of iniustice and iniquitie And also thrones of Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction for the reprehending and punishing of all those sinnes which the ciuill court reacheth not vnto And it is necessarie that in these thrones iustice should bee administred without partialitie that Gods throne may bee erected which is opposit to the throne of Sathan Againe the diuels cunning appeares notably in the choise of the place where he setteth vp his throne it was no petty towne or village but a chiefe and famous citie which had beene the seate of many kings This hath bene his practise in all ages to chuse the chiefest places for the seat of his throne Great Babylon in Scripture is called A citie of iniquitie that is a throne of the diuell And Rome that was once a famous church is now and hath beene long that spirituall Babylon the throne of the diuell Yea in Ierusalem the city of the great king had the diuell got vp his throne when Christ called the temple a den of theeues And in our dayes the people of great towns and cities are generally more backward in embracing the gospell than in little villages The cause hereof is the malice of the diuell who will haue his throne in chiefest places for the greater hinderance of religion there he much preuaileth by choaking the word with pride profit and pleasures causing them to content themselues with a forme of godlinesse when as they want the power thereof And thus he dealeth in greater townes that thence impietie may be deriued to the countrie round about as tradesmen do their wares from place to place And therefore the people of great townes especially must labour not onely to know the gospell but to beleeue and obey the same Euery man must reforme himselfe and euerie familie themselues that Gods throne may be established the diuels throne battered down among them Secondly whereas this church dwelleth where the diuels throne is wee may obserue whence the church of God is gathered namely out of Sathans kingdome Gods church is a company of men ordained to saluation taken from vnder the power of the diuell though after their calling they be Gods peculiar flocke yet they are by nature the children of wrath Thus Paul speaketh of all the Gentiles Act. 26.18 And particularly of the church of Colossa Colos. 1.13 that God deliuered them from the power of darknesse and translated them into the kingdome of his deare sonne Hence we learn I. That no man is to stand vpon his his gentilitie or glory in his parentage for nobilitie and great bloud but onely reioyce in this that hee is drawne out of the kingdome of darknesse and from vnder the power of Sathan and placed by Christ Iesus in the kingdom of grace For what will it profit a man to weare about his necke a chaine of gold if so be his heart will affections bee chained to the diuels seruice and what auaileth it princes to sit vpon their stately thrones if they themselues be in subiection vnto Sathan and do homage vnto his throne yea what will all the treasures honors and pleasures of the world auaile to him that is debarred from the riches of Gods loue in Christ and destitute of the treasures of his grace and so led captiue by Sathan at his will and pleasure Secondly some do thinke that a man may be saued by any religion the Iew by his religion the Turke by his and the Papist by his c. Yea it is the common receiued opinion of our ignorant people that euerie one shall bee saued by his good meaning But all these are meere dotages of mens braine for a man may hold his good meaning and yet serue the diuell at his throne It is not sufficient to hold this or that religion or to practise ciuill vertues as iustice temperance c. vnlesse a man be one of Gods church seuered frō the company of thē that serue Sathan Thirdly here all Gods seruants haue a notable meanes of stay and comfort in afflictions If they be persecuted and cast into most darke dung●ons for the name of Christ they must call to mind that they are taken out of the diuels prison in the kingdome of darknes and placed in the glorious kingdome of Iesus Christ and made members of his church and shall be inheritors of his glory Fourthly hence wee learne that the preaching of the gospell hath in it a diuine power no creatures except the good Angels haue power comparable to the diuels and yet the preaching of the gospell is stronger than al the power of Sathan for it gathereth a church where the diuell hath his throne it deliuers men from vnder the power of Sathan and placeth them in the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God although therefore it be preached by sinfull man yet it must be reuerenced as the power of God and his owne arme to saue his elect Fiftly hence wee gather that God will haue his people to dwell with wicked and vngodly men for the church of Pergamus dwelleth where Sathans throne is This hee doth with wicked and vngodly men for good causes I. That their faith obedience and repentance might be exercised and they preserued from many sins which otherwayes they should fall into Moses telleth the Israelits that the Cananits must not be all cast out at their first entrance but dwell among them lest wild beasts did grow vp which would deuour them so the wicked must dwell among the godly to exercise Gods graces in them lest they fall into sinne and securitie II. That they might shine foorth as lights vnto the wicked by their godly conuersation Phil. 2.15 That ye may be blameles●e and pure the sonnes of God without rebuke in the middes of a naughtie and crooked nation and among whom ye shine as lights in the world holding foorth word of life And thus the godly must do that by their vnblameable life others might bee wonne to the faith for godly example is a
is not called the morning star because hee shineth to al the world in al time as the morning star doth but because he shineth vnto men in the last age of the world It is further sayd I will giue him it Where is promised fellowship and participation with Christ a● hee is this day-starre And herein are two benefits comprised First perfect illumination wherby ignorance shall be wholly taken away after this life when as men shall know God fully so farre foorth as a creature can know the creator Secondly the light of perfect glory for by fellowship with Christ wee shall bee made to shine as the starres as Daniel speaketh yea wee shall become Saints in light ●s the Apostle sayth Whereas Christ compares himselfe to the morning starre First wee see the grosse errour of many among vs who liue in blindnesse of mind and ignorance walking in their wicked lusts and pleasures without care of keeping faith or good conscience and yet persuade themselues that they haue part in Christ and shall bee partakers of his light and glorie But they are deceiued for all such as liue in blind ignorance and in sinne are meere darkenesse and so can haue no fellowship with Christ who is that bright morning starre for what fellowship can bee betweene light and darkenesse This bright morning starre serueth onely for them that receiue the light thereof and walke by it but those that walke in the darkenes of their sinnes haue no benefit by it Secondly seeing Christ is this morning starre wee must haue care to learne Peters instruction● namely Labour that this bright starre may rise and shine in our hearts This wee shall feele when we vse those meanes wherby the beames of this starre may shine vpon vs not onely for the enlightening of our minds but also for the heating and reuiuing of our frozen and dead hearts For as the Sunne in the Spring time quickeneth by it warme beames some things that lye dead all Winter so Christ Iesus this morning starre by the beames of his grace doth enlighten our minds and reuiue our dead and frozen hearts And till such time as wee feele these things wrought in vs we cannot say that this morning starre is risen vnto vs or hath shone into our hearts Thirdly whereas Christ appeareth in the morning when darkenesse is past wee are hereby taught to lead our liues in godlinesse righteousnesse sobrietie and in all manner of vpright and godly conuersation For the night is past and the day is come wherein wee may see to walke vprightly And therefore wee must cast off the vnprofitable workes of darkenesse as the Apostle exhorteth vs Rom. 13.12 And know this That those who in this light doe not walke accordingly but delight in sinnes the workes of darkenesse shall one day haue their fill Hee that loueth the darke for the hiding of his talent must bee cast for his reward into vtter darkenesse Let him that hath an eare to heare heare what the spirit sayth vnto the Churches Here is Christs commaundement the second part of this conclusion But hereof we haue spoken before Motiues to proceed Prou. 15.32 He that refuseth instruction despiseth his owne soule Luk. 9.62 No man that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh backe is apt to the kingdome of God Gal. 6.9 Let vs not be wearie of well doing for in due time wee shall reape if wee faint not 1. Cor. 12.31 Desire you the best gifts and I will shew you a more excellent way THE THIRD CHAPTER Verse 1. And write vnto the Angel of the Church that is at Sardis These things saith hee that hath the seuen Spirites of God and the seuen Starres I know thy workes for thou hast a name that thou liuest but thou art dead THese words containe the fift particular Commandement of our Sauiour Christ vnto Iohn wherein he is inioyned to write send a speciall Epistle to the Church of God in Sardis of this commandement we haue spoken before The Epistle it self is contained in the sixe first Verses it hath three parts A Preface the matter of the Epistle the Conclusiō The Preface in these words These things saith he which hath the seuen Spirits of God and the seuen Starres In this Preface first is set downe in whose name this Epistle is written to procure authoritie vnto it it is in Christs name whose soueraigntie is described by two royalties that is by two prerogatiues or priuiledges belonging to him as he is a soveraigne king of his Church the first is The hauing of the seuen spirits of God The second his hauing of the seuen Starres For the first royaltie In the first Chap. vers 4. I shewed that by seuen spirits were meant the holy Ghost from whom proceed all the gifts and graces that any men enioy and therefore whereas Christ is said to haue the seuen spirits of God the meaning is that he hath the holy ghost And this is a royaltie of Christ as he is the King and head of his Church If it be said that other seruants of God as Dauid Peter and Paul had the holy Ghost Answ. It is true but not in the same manner with Christ for he hath the holy Ghost two wayes in regard of his diuine nature of his manhood as Christ is God hee is the beginning of the holy Ghost for the holy Ghost is a person in the Trinitie proceeding from the sonne as well as from the Father in regard of which proceeding Christ is sayd to send the holy Ghost and to doe whatsoeuer hee doth by the holy Ghost as to ouercome death by the eternall spirite and to rise from death to life Secondly as Christ is man he hath the holy Ghost because the holy Ghost powred into him the perfection of all graces and giftes whatsoeuer And for this cause he is said to be anoynted with the oyle of gladnesse aboue his fellowes and to be inriched with the perfection of all graces and that two wayes both for number and degrees For number with men some haue some graces and some men others but Christ hee hath the graces of all men and all Angels nay moe graces in number then all men and all Angels haue And as they are in number perfect so they are perfect in degree for in measure they exceed the graces of all creatures men or Angels and therefore the Father is said to haue giuen the spirit vnto his son without measure thus much is meant by this first royaltie of Christ. Now the end why Christ is said to haue the holy Ghost is to shewe that hee is a most liuely head of his Church who is filled with plentie of all store of graces whereby he is able to inrich his Church and to reuiue the members thereof who are dead in their sinnes and such indeed was the speciall state of this Church First hence we learne no man can haue true fellowship with the
horrible abuses of this power which ought to bee knowen and considered being a sufficient warrant vnto vs that the Church of Rome is no true church of God for though the Pope cary in his armes the keys yet they are not the keyes of heauen but of hell For he hath made moe places of rest and woe than euer God did as Limbus p●t●ū and Purgatorie therefore must needs make moe doores thither and so moe locks keies By this doctrine touching the keyes of Dauid giuen to Christ and the power of the keyes in the church deriued thence we may learne sundry things First that Christ who hath the keyes of Dauid to open and shut doth not open to all but to some onely The reason hereof is this Adam beeing created in integritie was in the fauour of God but by his sinne he lost the fauour of God so barred himselfe both out of the earthly and heauenly paradise and all his posteritie by the same sin and by their owne actuall sins are likewise debarred for sinne is a partition wall betweene vs and God and a cloud between our praiers and God himselfe as Ieremie speaketh so that sinne is the cause of this exclusion and so many sins as a man committeth so many bolts and barres hee maketh to exclude himselfe from the kingdome of heauen The consideration whereof should moue euery one to take a narrow view of his miserable state in himself through Adā for by originall sin wherin we were born and by our actual transgressions wherin we liue we barre our selfe from the kingdome of heauen It is lamentable to see how the whole world lyeth in sinne and how the deuill bewitcheth men to conceale or diminish their sins making great sins small and little sinnes none at all when as the least sinne which they commit without repentance is sufficient to barre them for euer out of the kingdome of Heauen Againe seeing euery sinne doth barre vs out of Heauen this must be a motiue to induce euery one of vs to repent of all our sinnes to bewayle the same to pray earnestly for the pardon of them in the death of Christ and continually to labor to turne vnto God from all sinne because if wee liue but in one sinne it will bee a mightie bar●e sufficient to exclude vs the Kingdome of heauen eternally Thirdly seeing Christ keep● the keyes of heauen heereby wee are taught to come vnto Christ to seek by him to enter into the kingdom of heauē For Christ by his death hath opened heauen as hee sayd vnto Nathaniell and Philip Verily verily I say vnto you hereafter shall yee see heauen open meaning by the ministrie of the Gospell and seeing it is open we must striue to enter into it as the men in Iohn Baptists time did Mat. 11.12 This we do by endeuoring to become good members of Gods church on earth for that is the dore and suburbs of the Kingdome of heauen which euerie one must enter into that would come to heauen it selfe euen as a man that would goe into a house must needs come to the dore Now in the Church there is the true dore which is Christ himselfe and the key thereof which is his word and the ministerie of the word which doth locke and vnlocke the same Quest. What shall we doe to become true members of the Church Ans. We must doe two things First humble our selues for all our sinnes praying vnto GOD for the pardon of them and beleeuing the same through Christ. Secondly endeauor and purpose by Gods grace euerie day to leaue the same sinnes This doing wee are at the dore of heauen and if wee would haue our soules enter into heauen when wee die this wee must doe while we liue But if we enter not into the dore of grace by the key of knowledge in the ministerie of the word while we liue wee shall neuer come to the gate of glorie after death Vers. 8. I know thy workes behold I haue set before thee an open dore and no man can shut it for thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word and hast not denyed my name In this verse and so forward to the twelft is contayned the matter of this Epistle which may bee reduced to three ●eads a Praise a Promise and a Commaundement The Praise in this eight verse The Promise in the 9. and 10. The Commaundement in the 11. For the first the Praise of this Church is first summarily propounded I know thy works which hath beene expounded and the end thereof with the vses in the former Epistles Then hee addeth the reason of his cōmendation wherin are two things to bee obserued I the signe of Christs approbation in these words I haue set before thee an open dore II. their conuersation or the workes which Christ approoued In the words following Thou hast a litle strēgth and hast kept my word hast not denied my name Both these may be vndetstood either of the Angell and Minister of this Church or of the whole Church also I take it to bee meant of both Being spoken of the Minister of this Church the words beare this sence Behold I haue set before thee an open dore c. That is behold and consider I haue vouchsafed vnto thee oportunitie and libertie to preach the Gospell and thereby to conuert men vnto me So much S. Paul meaneth by the dore of vtterance 1. Cor. 16.9 For thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word and hast not denyed my name That is though thou be indued but with a small measure of gifts pertaining to thy calling yet thou hast maintayned my Gospell and hast not denyed my name These words being thus expounded doe affoord vs these instructions First from the signe of his approbation wee learne that it is a great priuiledge for any Minister to haue libertie to preach the Gospell and thereby to conuert men vnto Christ so much the word of attention behold importeth which may also further appeare by this that the most famous and worthy Prophets of God were not alwayes vouchsafed this fauour as Isay and Ezekiell who were sent sometime to harden thy people And Christ himselfe complaineth of the want of this priuiledg saying I haue spent my strēgth in vaine and in regard of this priuiledge the Ministers of the Gospell are called Sauiors And by reason of this libertie they haue title to the promise of shining as starres in glorie Dan 12.3 This therefore is an vnspeakable mercie and so ought to bee esteemed and all Ministers that haue the same vouchsafed vnto them ought highly to magnifie the name of God for it and to value it more worth than all earthly blessings whatsoeuer Secondly from the workes which Christ approoued in the Angell of this Church we may obserue that Ministers indued with small measure of gifts may bee able to doe great seruice vnto God in his Church This thing
bee said this temple of God in heauen is so farre off that wee cannot ascend or attaine vnto it how then shall we come thither Christ answereth that this new Ierusalem commeth downe from God out of heauen Quest. How will some say can heauen come out of heauen Answ. As Paul saith of Christ that hee was crucified among the Galatians before their eyes because his crucifying was so liuely represented vnto them in the Ministerie of the Gospel So here heauen may be said to come downe from God out of heauen in regard of the preaching of the Gospel which doth most visibly represent and set open heauen vnto vs that Gods people may enter therein by the faithfull embracing whereof we become cittizens with the Saints and of the household of God Ephe. 2.19 The third name which shall bee written on him is Christs new name whereby is not meant any title of Christ as Iesus Mediatour c but the dignitie power and glorie of Christ. Quest. How can that bee called new seeing hee had power and glorie from all Eternitie Answ. It is called newe because it is receiued of Christ as hee is Mediator God incarnate beeing that which was giuen to him after his death and passion standing in his rising againe in his ascension and sitting at the right hand of his Father Hereof Paul saith Phil. 2.9 God gaue him a Name aboue euery name that is dignitie power and glorie as it is expounded Heb. 2.7 And this glorie power and dignitie will Christ giue to them that ouercome And thus we haue eternall life set out vnto vs by the authour of life himselfe The summe whereof is this That hee which ouercommeth shall bee made a true member of the tryumphant Church and there continue for euer and shall haue three Names written on him The Name of God hauing this made euident that hee is the childe of God The Name of Gods Cittie being made partaker of the priuiledges of Gods kingdome of heauen The newe Name of Christ communicating with Christ in his glorie and maiestie And Christ doth thus describe life eternall vnto vs for speciall causes which may bee these I. To comfort them which haue care to keepe faith and a good conscience and to encourage them against all hindrances and miseries of this life for what can more harten a man in good duties than to set before him his recompence and reward Wherby we learne that in all miseries and trobles that may befall vs for the maintenance of true religion and good conscience we must comfort our selues and not faint And to encourage vs herein wee are carefully to propound and set before vs the due consideration of life eternal for this it was that caused Moses to despise worldly honour and to choose affliction with the people of God Wee must also looke vnto Christ who for the ioy that was set before him endured the crosse and despised shame Souldiers that are vncerten of any reward are yet content vnder their Generall to aduenture their liues at his command how much more then ought Christian souldiers to fight manfully and stand fast in all troubles for Christs sake who hath set before them such a great reward Secondly it is thus described to bring Gods people to a view and taste of life eternall that thereby they may the more affect it Many cast off all care of Religion and good conscience for the present delights of earthly things they can see no goodnesse nor pleasure in spirituall things The sweetnesse of earthly pleasures puts mens mouthes out of taste in regard of any rellish of life eternall but this must not be so with vs wee must bee of Moses minde who desired to see the Land of Canaan when he was not permitted to enter into it and therevpon God tooke him vp into Mount Nebo and shewed it vnto him So considering Christ hath thus largely described this kingdome vnto vs wee must labour to comprehend in our vnderstandings and in our hearts to possesse by faith something of life eternall though we cannot as yet fully inherite the ioyes and pleasures thereof Thirdly it is thus described to teach vs to practise Pauls rule 1. Tim. 6.12 Namely to passe through all the miseries and troubles of this world and to take holde of eternall life This is a most necessarie dutie but yet little practised men with both hands lay hold vpon the things of this world vpon riches and pleasures but who considere●h what is prepared by Christ in heauen for them that ouercome and who laboureth to lay holde thereof and to keepe that sure though he loose all things else Lastly this description of eternall life here serueth to make the people of God to feare no death thogh it were most cruell and terrible for death is but a straite doore whereby the childe of God must passe to all glorie and happinesse when he shal be made a pillar in Gods temple Thus much generally of the thing promised Nowe followe in particular the parts thereof First whereas Christ promiseth to make them that ouercomme pillars and chiefe members in the Church tryumphant Hereby we are taught to labour to become true members of Gods Church in this life For life eternall must begin here and they that would be pillars in his Church tryumphant must now become members of his Church militant for not onely Ministers teachers are pillars in Gods Church though they be chiefe pillars therein but euery one yong and old man and woman that is a true beleeuer And thus shalt thou become a pillar in Gods Church on earth by maintaining vpholding the Gospel of Christ which thou must doe partly by teaching it to those whom thou art bound to teach within the compasse of they calling and partly by good example of life and conuersation and chiefly by a true and bold profession thereof not onely in time of peace but euen in the greatest tryals and afflictions Secondly hee addeth Hee will make him a pillar in the Temple of God that is in the church tryumphant for in the new Testament wee haue no other Temples but Gods Church tryumphant and militant Hereby then we must learne to renounce that ignorant opinion of the world who iudge euery materiall church to be the temple of God and as holy as the Church in Ierusalem was But the distinction of place and place in regard of holinesse which was vnder the Law is taken away by Christ. The house is now as holy as the Church Churches indeed must be regarded and maintained not for holinesse but for order sake now men may euery where offer the calues of their lips and lift vp pure hands from a pure heart vnto God Thirdly I will writ vpon him the name of my God that is whereas God the Father is my God first I will also communicate vnto him the same name of God and he shall haue God euen my God to be his God also By this it is plaine
110. c. 2. 5 11.12 10 c. 1 137. c. 2.   14 76. c. 2. 6 10 135. c. 1. 8 5 178 c. 2. 9 7 169 c. 2.   9 194 c. 2. 10 36 136 c. 2.   37 6 c. 2. 11 3 57. c 1.   22 145 c. 2.   24 25 26 195 c. ● 174 c. 1.   31 185 c. 1. 12 2 195 c. 2.   8 38 c 1.   17 114. c. c. 1. Iames. 1 2 38. c. 1. 107 c. 1.   5 77. c. 1.   21 10. c. 1.   27 135. c. 2. 2 23 125 c. 1. 4 6 10. c. 2.   8 45 c. 2. 5 7 38. c. 1. 1. Peter 1 7 208. c. 1. 3 1 113. c. 1.   15 80. c. 1.   19.20 90 c. 2. 125. c. 1.   21 108 c. 1. 4 23 27. c. 2. 140. c. 2. 2. Peter 1 12 109. c. 1.   19 155. c. 2.   20 143. c. 1. 2 3 6. c. 1.   7 75. c. 2.   8 205. c. 2.   18 151. c. 1.   21 202. c 1. 3 8 6. c. 1. 191. c. 1. 1. Ioh. 1 3 9. c. 1.   6 62. c. 2.   10 83. c. 1. 2 13 54. c. 2.   19 174. c. 2.   27 26. c. 1. 3 1 23. c. 1. 131. c. 1.   2 232. c. 1.   3 176. c. 2.   9 83 c. 1.   14 135. c. 1.   16 134. c. 1 4 1 76. c. 1. 77. c. 1.   6 127. c. 1.   21 134. c. 1. 5 4 97 c. 1.   10 198. c. 2.   11 66. c. 2.   18 27. c. 1. 2. Ioh. 0 10 75 c. 2. 116. c. 1. Iude.   3 78. c. 1.   16 151. c. ●   20.22 80. c. 1. Reuelation 3 7 21. c. 2. 4 5 16. c. 2. 6 10 34. c. 1 7 9 118. c. 2. ●0 9.19 79 c. 1. 19 9 129. c. 2. 20 12 148. c. 2. 21 3 194. c. 2.   6 129. c. 2.   8 20. c. 1. 105. c. 1. 109. c. 2.   10 194. c. 2. 22 15 177. c. 1.   16 155. c. 1.   20 34. c. 1 ❧ A Table of the speciall points to be obserued in this Exposition The first number notes the Page The second the Colume B● Notes the beginning of the Colume M the middle and E the end A ABsolution belonging to the Church 181.1 m. Adam and Christ opposed 97.2 m. Adulterie spirituall and bodily 〈◊〉 punishments each of other· 94.1 m. and 120.1 c. Affections of the soule worke strongly vpon the body 63 ● c. Wee ought to bee like aff●cted to Christ. 94.2 b. Afflictio●● the ordinarie state of beleeuers 38.1 b they are profitable 203 ● c. they discouer 〈◊〉 state of mens hearts 192.1 m Christ tempers them according to the disposition of offenders 211.1 How grieuous afflictions seeme short ●●●● 1 c. Grounds of true comfort in affect 〈◊〉 48.2 m. 99.1 〈…〉 m. ●07 2. m. 11● 〈…〉 15● 2 c. 1●5 ● m. Aged men honoured 54.2 b. There dutie thereupon ibid. Amen a title giuen to Christ. 197 ● m Angels the good angels are 〈◊〉 for Gods Church ● 1 b. Application of the word needfull 96. ● c. The right maner of it 〈…〉 The true ●round thereof ibid. ● Approoue We must seeke to approue ourselues to Gods Church 147. ● m. but chiefly to Christ. 166.1 b. Ass●●erations when to be vsed 33.2 b. Assurance of saluation by faith ●8 2 b Attyre● A rule for it 53.2 b. B How to beaut●fie soule body 208. ● m Beleeuers be 〈…〉 25.21 b. when ibid. 2. 〈◊〉 Their dutie in regard 〈…〉 and 27. ● Consolations thence ●8 1 m. Blessing 〈◊〉 how to bee sought 14.1 c. Blind spiritually who 206.1 m. Booke of life 17.4.1 m. How a man may be bl●●ed out of it ibid. c. Buye To buy of Christ how what 209.1 m. Fewe bargain● with him ●10 1 b. C Callings A man should haue a good calli●g for euery action 6. ● m. In our particular Callings wee should 〈…〉 Christ. 7.2 m. Best 〈…〉 haue their 〈◊〉 ●4 1 b. 〈◊〉 Law of 〈…〉 vnclean 171.2 m. Childre●● how punished 〈…〉 fathers offences 〈…〉 m. Christ is 〈◊〉 Godpunc 〈…〉 1. m. God of himself 〈…〉 34.2 m. All seeing 99 〈…〉 ●33 ● m. 〈…〉 with the Father 35. ● 〈…〉 35.2 m. His power for his Church ●6 1 b. and 133.2 b. and 153. ● c. Ouer his church three-fold 178. ● c. Christ true man 99. ● m. Go●●e a●an 99. ● ● 14● ● m. Christ● officies 〈…〉 office 2.2 m. 21.1 m. His kingdome ●● 1 c. and 2.6 Christs propheticall office in two duties 17.1 m. and ● ● 1 ● Christ● priest-hood and the action● thereof 20.1 〈…〉 our high-priest 5● 1 m. He hath 〈◊〉 holy Ghost 1●3 ● c. His 〈◊〉 of his church 2. ● c. 64. ● b. Christ the Sonne of the ●ather ●nd how 132.2 m. 〈…〉 of his Father 3. ● m. His holinesse as man 175. 〈◊〉 176.1 His 〈◊〉 presence not ●o bee regarded 52.2 m. He is spirituall foode 128.2 ● Hidden foode 130.1 b. 〈◊〉 Catholike onely one 12.1 ● Church Tryumphant 19● 2 m. Church 〈…〉 the crosse 37.1 c Church hath power to appoint 〈…〉 13● 1. m. Seuerall congregation● bee particular Churche● 〈…〉 b. ●●1 ● b. They be Candlestickes 49.2 Of gold ●1 1 m. The 〈…〉 truth ● ● b. 1● 2 m. It hath the spirit of discerning 76.2 c. It should be purged of euil mē 74.2 b It should be seuere against thē 138.1 c. and 139.1 c. When a Church becomes no church 102.2 c. Whence Gods Church is gathered 112.1 c. wher our church was before Luther 113.2 b. Materiall Churches no more holy than other houses 39.1 c. 196.1 c. Commandemēts their vse in the church 89.1 Comedies vnlawfull ●50 2 c. Communion of Saints 38.2 m. Communicants vngratefull 217.2 c. Confession of Christ. 175.1 c. Conscience euil 33.1 m. Good conscience a sure treasurie 114.1 b. Consideration of a mans sinnes 115.2 Constancie for the truth 113.2 c. Signes of it 114.1 m. Controuersies in Religion how to know truth therein 18.1 c. Conuersing with euill men 75.1 c. 2. Conuerting of soules a great priueledge 183.2 c. Of the conuersion of a sinner 186.1 b. 215.2 c. Fruits of true conuersion Corrections should be for reformation 211.1 and 212. Corruption of nature helpes against it 60.1 b. Corruptions in a Church do not presently make it no church 165.2 c. Chiefe Counsellor Christ. 207.1 c. D Damnation how escaped 110.1 b. Dauids fall 85.1 b. Dead Christs priueledges among the dead 20.2 b. and 21.1 b. Death two-fold 109.2 b. Spirituall death hath 3. degrees 58.2 c. Comforts against death 20.2 c. 56.1 c. Decay in loue and grace c. 90.2 c. 92.1 m. Degrees in glorie 149.1 c. Despaire helpes against it 213.2 c. Diligence in a Minister 73.1 m. Disgra●ing of others 93.2 m. Distrust in Gods prouidence 104.1 c. Doctour of the Church
enemies to the word 40.2 b. Nakednesse two-fold 206.2 m. Names of Gods childrē known to Christ. 172.1 m. Ch●ists new Name 195.1 m. who haue it 197.1 m. Naza●it Why i● Christ so called 178.1 m. Necessitie two fold absolute and in in part 5.2 m. The new name giuen by Christ. 131.1 b. Ni●holai●anes their sect 93.2 b. 120 2. b. and opinions ibid. Number of Gods true seruants small 171.2 c. O Obedience to Christ absolute 21.2 c. and 22.1 Renewed obedience needfull 90.1 c. True obedience described in foure things 152.1 c. 153.1 Offence what it is the kindes of it c. 117.1 m. To cast offences before men a propertie of false teachers 117 2. m. To beware of giuing offences 119.1 c and of taking them beeing giuen ibid 2. m. Old sinners dutie 86.2 c. How to open the doore of our hearts to Christ. 216.2 c. 217.1 Op●nions diue●sitie of opinion● i● Religion ought not to make men negligent 48.1 b. Ouercome spirituall enemies how 97.1 m. each one should indeuour thereto ibid. ● b. Many excellent Motiues 194.1 b. P Pa●adise of God desc●ibed 98.1 m. our dutie in respect of it 98 2. b. Patien●e the Christian mans a 〈◊〉 our 40.1 b. 78.2 c. Needfull to Ministers 73.2 m. c. To each Christian 73.1 m. Grounds of Patience Gods speedy deli●erance 6.2 b. Gods decree for the end of thē 107.2 b Patience needfull in euery good work 136.1 c. Gods patience towards greeuous sinners 124.2 c. 143.1 b. In waiting for their conuersiō 214.2 c Peoples dutie against Heretikes 79 2. c Peace Christian peace in 6. branches 13.2 b. Persecutors of Gods Church inspired guided by Sathan 105.2 c. 114.2 c. Perseuerāce in grace excellent 30.2 m. Pilgrimage vaine 39.1 m. P●llars The vse of erecting pillars and Christ● allusion thereto 194.1.2 To pittie the afflicted 37. ● c. Place no difference thereof in the new Testament in respect of holines 39 ● b Poore men should seeke for spirituall riches 101.1 m. who are poore spiritually 205.2 m. 206.1 b. Pouertie may accompanie true pietie 100.2 b. Popish writers too much affected 4● 2 b. they be Iezabels 141.1 b. Pope● Supremacie in the Church confuted 5281. b. 155.1 b. Title of Holinesse blasphemous 176.2 c. Popish Church no Church 102.2 c. and 103.1 m. popish schooles satans thrones 111.2 m Poperie ouerthrowes Christs kingdome and lawes 117.2 c. 118. Preparation of our selues for the Lord needfull 54.1 b Prayer to Angels vnlawfull 7.1 m. Power from Christ giuen them that ouercome 154.1 m. Priests Beleuers be Priests and how 25.2 b. 26.1 b. Their dutie in respect thereof 18.2 b. Christs presence should be engrauen in our heartes 72.1 b. vse of ibid. m. 105.1 111.1 b. Gods prescience is not the cause of things 191.2 m. P●●ate persons how they must conuey their knowledge to others 80 1. m. Promises of deliuerance are rather from the hurt of affliction than from ●ffliction it selfe 190 2. c. Prophet Marke of a true Prophet .8.1 c. and of a fa●se 140.1 m. Pro●e●ion in common iudgements to them that maintaine puritie in life and doctrine 151.1 c. Pride was not the first sinne 203.2 m. Pride spirituall common 202.2 m. Prouidence Gods prouidence the first cause of all 106.1 c. The power therof seen in the instruments which he ●seth ibid. 2. Punish●ents proportionable vnto sin euen in the things men abuse 145 1. m. and for measure 148.2 m. Punishmēts of sin set out ●04 1 c 2. Pu●itie of religion ought constantly to be maintained 152.2 c. R Rag●ng persons against the word are to be pitied 59.1 c. Reading the word Gods ordinance 481 2. m. It s inioyned both publikely priuatly Direction in reading the word for application 140.1 m. Regeneration and remission of sinnes go togither 131.1 c. Regeneratiō foūded on Christ. 198.2 c Religion of the three great religions Iewes Turkes a●d Papists 152.1 b. How to know the true religiō 18.1 m. Onely in true religion may a man bee saued 112.2 m. Not to forsake it for contentions 78.2 b. 94.1 c. Defence of our religiō 118 2. c 119 1 Remedie in Relaps 86.2 c. Remembrance of Gods word an excellent thing 169.1 c. How to remember Gods word reade or heard 10.1 b 169.2 m. Repetit●on of the same doctrine lawfull 109.1 b. Repentance handled in 5. things 87.2 m. 88.89 Repentance described 122.2 m. Why so often vrged ibid c. It must be renewed dayly 122.1 b. 170 1. m. The practise of it 143.1 c. 146.1 c It must not be deferred 141.2 b. It preuents temporall punishments 1●6 1 c. It must bee for want of good duties 213.2 b. Reproches follow pietie 101.2 m. From whom they come ibid. c. Not to be maruailed at 132.1 m. The spirit of God is reproched 140.2 b Resurrection grounded on Christ. 67.1 m. Reuelation described 2.1 b. How many wayes shewed from God ibid. in How diuine and diabolicall Reuelations differ ib. 2. b. 36.2 b. Reuerence all true reuerence proceeds from Gods fauour 188.2 b. Reuerent behauiour in holy assemblies 63.2 m. Rewards of God 108.2 b. Riches spirituall stand in tw● things 101.1 b 205.2 m. how to become rich in God 208.1 c. Righteousnesse distinguished 84.1 m. Rome not the mothe● Church 12.2 ● It is dead 164.2 c. S Saboth day the Lords day 42.2 c. and 43.1 why so called ib. whether it may be changed 44.1 m. Sabboth-breakers reprooued 14.2 m. and 45.1 Men debarred from publike assemblies should keep the saboth 45.2 m Sacraments not to bee administred to all 74.2 c. Saints may be honored how 114.2 m. Saints i● hea●en No patrones ouer kingdomes 155.1 m. Nor to bee ●●aved vnto ibid. Sanctification in part in this life 63.2 c Sathans policie for his kingdome in re●iuing ancient vices and Heresies 139.2 c. Scripture Christs royaltie 3.2 m. Excellency of scripture 4.1 m. 8.2 m End of all Scripture 8.2 c. How to know the Scriptures to be the word of God 17.2 c. God certifies it 47.2 c. Search by Christ in the church 168.1 c Securitie two-fold 85.2 c Securitie carnall abounds 57.1 c. Separation from the Church vnlawfull 75.2 b. Seruants of Christ honoured highly 4.2 m. 7.2 b. 154.2 b. How men become his seruants 141.1 c We must do seruice each to other and how 135.1 m. Motiues to it ibid. Sicknes comes frō Gods hand 145.2 b. Si●nes are filthy spottes 23.2 m they make vs flie Gods presence 62.2 b Our behauior in respect of thē 17● 1 c Remedies and helpes against sin 62.1 b 72.2 m. 1●3 1 c. 169.2 m. Motiues to auoyd sinne 154.2 m. and 182.2 c. 214.1 c. 55.2 b. Grieuous sinners not debarred from heauen if they repent 122.1 c. 143. 1. b. 106.2 b. Slumber spirituall common 104.2 m. Sound grace should each one labour for 106.2 c. How to speake in our owne behalfe 12.1 m. Spirit promised to the Apostles peculiarly 69.1