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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09000 The life off the 70. Archbishopp off Canterbury presentlye sittinge Englished, and to be added to the 69. lately sett forth in Latin. This numbre off seuenty is so compleat a number as it is great pitie ther shold be one more: but that as Augustin was the first, so Mathew might be the last Stubbes, John, 1543-1591, attributed name.; Joscelyn, John, 1529-1603, attributed name. 1574 (1574) STC 19292A; ESTC S114022 30,512 96

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more vehementlye be stirred to the meditation hereof he caused to be grauen in tharchbishopes s●ale the manner off the last iudgement wheare Christ sitteh gloriusslye and with maiestye to iudge the quicke and the dead vtteringe this voyce full of cōfort to his chosen come ye blissed c. and that other woefull voyce to the reprobate goe ye cursed Besides A man may theare see the images off the dead grauen comminge out off theare graues to iudgment And that he might signifye that men off his estate seeldome founde such counselers as would boldlye and freely tell thē off there duetye it happened by wise advise off the herauld that suche armes weare allotted hym as the vse for noble personages which both might expresse thancient armes of the stocke from whence he issued and might admonishe hym also off his honor and office in the church in that that starres weare added to his armes Whearunto Gualter Haddon Doctor of lawe a man off singular learninge and authoritye whome our most noble Queene Elizabeth appointed to be one off the Masters off the requestes and Mathew hym selfe hadd made hym chiefe Iudge off his prerogatiue court very finely alluded in these verses The Keyes of auncient parentes tokens are Frō soueraigne prince doth cōe the tripell starr So vertue learninge power conspire best And sowe the pleasant seedes of quiet rest But yet the ioyes of life to ende do hast And man but dust before to dust shall wast Whearupon as he aknowledgeth the Keyes to perteyne vnto hym by the lawe off nature and inheritaunce as left hym off his fore fathers from whome he descended yett he thinketh them especiallye to agree with hym by reason off his spiriatuall function which is wiselie to open and shutt the Kingdome off heauen to the Christian congregation in the which meaninge the Keies weare deliuered vnto Peter and to all that execute that spirituall office in church of preachinge the gospell But whearas we see the keye thrise in his armes that hath respecte to Peters conuenaunt made with Christ vnder that worde feede thrise repeated Lastly the starres represent that off Danyell The learned shall shine as the brightnes off the firmament and they which instructe manie in the waye off righteousnes as starres for euer and euer As therfore the starres bringe him into the remembraūce off his spirituall authoritie ād office soe also by the starr he learneth to remēber what is required of him that by the purenes off his lighte he should shine to other and by the heauenly doctrine off the worde should bringe againe into the lighte the cōgregation off Christ which nowe a greate while hath miserably lyen hidden and ouerwhelmed in grosse darknes by the traditions off men And that he might not altogither forgett himselfe as theye are wont to doe which are sett vpp aloft in the ●yest roomes off the worlde he was wonte to rubbe his minde with the memorye off that sentence that all fame aestimation honor all magistratshippes be theye off neuer so ample authoritye all titles and names howe glorious soeuer theye seeme in the eyes off men for a tyme yett att the last as the whole world it selfe and all brittle and transitorye thinges theye shall perishe and decaye And in this sorte reasoninge with him selfe he passed by all the entis●●ents off the worlde nether stayed at them as att the rockes off the Syrenes Therfore agreinge vnto Paule that he hadd not heere an abidinge citye accordinge to his meaninge he sought that which was to come The which as it hath in it selfe the greatest certaintye and safetye soe this life is vnconstant and corruptible for as much as all fleshe is grasse and all the glorye off man is as the flouer off the grasse which quicklye is cutt downe and withereth In the which frayle and transitorye lyfe he was carried forward with a continuall desiere to profite the church off god for that he thoughte he coulde not bestowe his laboure better on anye thinge consideringe the place wh●●h he occupied thē in the busie searchi off the opinion off Doctores off his tyme and conferringe them with the writers off all ages Besides he was verie carefull and not without some charges to seeke out the monumētes off foremer tymes to knowe the religion off thancient fatheres and those especiallye which were off the Englishe churche Therfore in seekinge vpp the cronicles off the Brittones and Inglishe Saxōs which laye hidden euery wheare contemned and buried in forgetfullnes and throwgh the ignoraunce off the Languages not wel vnderstanded his owen especially and his mens diligēce wanted not And to the ende that these antiquities might last longe and be carefullye kept ● he caused them beinge broughte into one place to be well bounde and trymly couered A●d yet not so contented he deuored to sett out in printe certaine off those aunciente monumentes whearoff he knew very fewe examples to be extante and which he thoughte woulde be most profitable for the posterytye to instructe them in the fay the and religion off the elders Heere vpon he caused the perpetuall histories off the inglishe affaires by Mathaeus Paris●ensis once a Monke off Sainte A●banes and Mathaeus Florilegus a Monke off Sainte Peters in westminster written in latin to be printed after he had diligentlie conferred them with thexamples ▪ which he coulde gett in anye place to the ende that as sincerelye as might be as thauthors first left them he mighte deliuer them into mens handes Lastlye that he mighte not be vnmindfull off those monumentes which both in antiquitye worthines and authoritye excelled all other or rather wheare with none are to be compared I meane the holy scriptures heere be thougthe to doe great good if by his nūber he increased the holye Bibles which shortli woulde be wantinge vnto manye Churches ●ff this discommoditye weare not prouided for in tyme Therfore it seemed good vnto him first with his learned seruantes to examine thorowghlye thinglishe translation whearin he partlye vsed the helpe off his bretheren Bishoppes and other Doctores with whome he delte so diligentlye in this matter that theye disdained not to be parteners and fellowes with him off his laboure And nowe all there worke is sett out in verye fayer formes and letters off printe and that not without greate frute we hope to all them which desier accordinge to the prescripte worde off God to worshippe God to yelde there dutifull obedience to there Prince and to profit there contrye to there pouer and lastlye to all those that by the mercye off God in Christe doe thirste for the health off there soules and the inioyinge off the life to come But it happened vnto him when he sawe the happye finishinge and ende of the foresaied worcke that he was soe affected in minde as that holy man Simeon off whome Luke theuangeliste maketh mention Thefore in the same sorte as he he spake within himselfe Nowe letest thou thy seruaunt o Lorde
wronge to those other by giuing them a name in any part common with Idolatrous priests them I say who euen at the first were called immediatly to the holy mynistrie off the glad tydinges off our saluacion reuealed nowe againe more cleerlie in these last dayes especyally the profession and institution off that preisthode beinge so contrary to the callinge off this mynistrie as Antechrist to Christ and Baal to the lyuing god Besides this epithete secular how contrarie is it to the function off a spirituall pastor a minister off the worde off God and breaker off the bread off lyfe where out off the Roman clergie shall a man finde suche a title for the minister off the worde as to call him a minister secular What els did cause Demas to steppe from the ministerye but presens seculum And what an heape off iniuries are done to the ministers off the glorious gospell off Iesus Christe to call them Regular Priestes or secular preistes still that haue shaken it off and haue happelye disgraded themselues by takyng vpon them a farre better degree then theroff to call them priestes secular which weare neuer other then ministers off the worde off god And euen he whome he himselfe calleth minister yet because he shoulde not disgrace whearin me thinkes the violence is offred rather to the Gospell then to the minister that ignomimous Priesthoode off Baal and shame there stayned garmentes with his fater garmente that therefore he must also be disguised with this Popishe addition and profaned epithite off secular Perhappes th● spirite which was in Caiphas his monthe ād made hī prophecye vnware was also in his penn that wrote this booke in callinge them secular whome indeade th●s presens seculum and the honors theroff hath made to worldlye and bewitched to the greate ruthe off manye good Christian hartes I beseeche God with his so●rte to open theire eyes that theye maye see and be hartelye sorye so to haue made so manye so sorye Which I yet hoope for and then we shall be gladd togithere I am almoste caryed a waye There lurkeeh yet a further daunger vnder these wordes Minister secular For thoughe in the darke daies or off those men that weare consecrate or rather execrate to that most vile vnholye sacrifice it had some reason to call the Massinge Prieste a priste secular thereby to make distinction betwene him and the onlye spirituall regular yet in this tyme off the Gospell to call one that was godlye called to the blissed and highe office in Godes Church off preachinge the Gospell off the Lorde Iesus who also did neuer vowe to sacrifice that blasphemous oblation and Idoll but was moued onlye to aduance the kingdome off God by preachinge his word to call such one I saye and in these dayes a Minister secular besides the other open euilles this also lurketh dangerouslye that yt maye be probablye thoughte there is nourished some reuerente estimation off the regular and easelye to be implied that it mighte be lawefull enoughe euen in the Church off God to haue Ministers also regulars Elles what need this distinction off secular Minister nowe the other beinge iustly gone and banished And this Church off Englande allowinge no man deuised order off regular ministerie The verye entertayninge off these badde names off Poperye is not good and it is strange that anye gospeller shoulde delighte in them and heere theye are not vsed without further perill For thoughe the tymes be such and so enriched with knoweledge as A numbre off childrē woulde not vouchsafe to laughe at manye off these dotinge toyes yet there be also to manye that cannot and to to manye that will not discerne betwene counterfaited drosse and righte drugges but so it be in gilded boxe and haue the name off some holesome spice written on it all is one with them euen to the losse off there healthes euerlastinge and deathe hoth off bodye and soule Whear againste though I be not so learned a Phisicio● as to prescribe anye excellente receipte or soueraigne triacle but leaue that to be done by some Galene ye thoughte I neuerthe lesse to do the parte off an honest Apothecarye whoe beinge not able to tell the remedie will yet warne off the poyson The Lorde off all health preserue the sounde from all infections and restore the infected to there soundnes againe giuinge them pacience in the meane tyme like good patients to suffer such medicine as shal be applied to remedye off there contagious disease with the remembraunce off this that noe medicine is so holesome as that which bringeth greatest sorrowe and that the woundes off a brother or freende are sweeter then the softe pillowes of an enemye * Poope holye As the course of his liffe hathe declared for he gott therby a benefice or two * He that Preacheth euery where preach● ▪ no where * Charges liuinges enoughe for one man But he shewed betymes what game he loued Paule sayethe they seke there owne not the thinges which belonge to Christe Iesus Philip. ● 21 * A good conscience * what is to glory in their shame which Paule speakethe off if this he not * Worldly 〈…〉 c * To 〈…〉 vnto hym to be prof●table vnto others * Yow shot at a Good mar●●e * The beare that cōeth vnwillingly to the stake is willingly caryed frō it * men may easely tell how often wher the nombre is but smale * What greater aduersarie then a mans owne conscience * Antony thought he had greatly pleasured Tully because he killed him not vniustly * Ys it tyme to build your seeled howses and not tyme to build the howse off god Ag● * Turne mine eyes frō 〈…〉 ▪ with much adoo the kinge was excepted from the Archbishops seruice * A worthy studie for a bishopp might ●e not well haue said o quanta patimur * whose God is ther belly Phil. 3.19 * He that knoweth the will off his Mayster and doth it not shall bee beaten with many stripes Paul reioyced not off those whome he had baptised but the false Aposteles as for him ●e saye●h yowe are my glory and my ioy to the. Thesalonians whom he won to the Gosp. * Aes you haue sett youre bias so runneth your bowle The day willtri By his heapinge vpp of liuīge by hauinge of charges without doinge of dewtie by sumptuous feastinge by great coste in brauiti● and Lordly pompe as is before declared * you shall bee better consydered no doubte * The Pharises did the like in the hē of their garmentes The worlde laughethe at it * God be mercyfull vnto him if it be possible lest he finde him beatinge his fellowe seruaunts His Father was an honest poore man a scourer or Calender off worsteddes of Norwich so Knowne and taken * O deepe diuinitie tharchbishope hath three keies because Christ saied pas●● pas●● Nay rather because he locketh vp the Kingdōe of heauē soe fast by holdinge out of ministers that might preache the worde and keapinge in of idell and ignoraunt that can doe nothinge that hardlie doth anie mā enter thearī The chaplaynes trauiled and the Bishopes brought forthe ▪ * Let men iudge whether he did so much good by br●gīge in that transla●iō as harme by stayinge the Gene●●● * And youe harde it beinge without him els howe knewe youe it And that he was a blacke bishopbe to the churche off Englande Glory vnto god and cōfusion to his enemyes which perseuer in their wickednes This hellish Austen is he that in a preface to an english Bible latly printed is forsooth called sa●●te Austen 〈…〉 Archiepis●opaller 〈…〉 and alm●st as it w●ll i● selfe 〈…〉 broad 〈…〉 prouince