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A03884 A treatise concerning the church Wherin it is shewed, by the signes, offices, and properties therof, that the Church of Rome (and consequently such particuler churches as liue in her communion) is the only true church of Christ. VVritten in Latin, by the Reuerend Father Iames Gordon Huntley of Scotland, Doctour of Diuinity, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English by I.L. of the same Society. The third part of the second controuersy.; Controversiarum epitomes. English. Selections Gordon, James, 1541-1620.; Wright, William, 1563-1639. 1614 (1614) STC 13997B; ESTC S114238 53,360 142

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Scriptures whereof see Bellarmine and Sanders we according to our accustomed breuity will only bring two principall places for this purpose wherby it is manifestly declared that the Roman Church is not only the true Church but that also that which is now in Rome is more eminent and famous then all other Churches of Christ as the successor of S. Peter the Prince of the Apostles is there resident and gouerneth the same as the supreme head thereof 2. The first place is taken out of S. Mathew For he relateth the words which Christ spake to S. Peter which are these And I say vnto thee that thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it and I will giue to thee the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen And whatsoeuer thou shalt bind vpō earth it shal be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth it shal be loose in heauen 3. First that Christ spake to S. Peter and not to the other Apostles appeareth euidently by the very words of the text For first of all Christ setteth downe S. Peters old name Simon ●ayth he thou art blessed and then afterward he setteth downe the name of his father Bariona that is to say the sonne of Ionas or of Iohn as also the Euāgelist S. Iohn testifyeth He sheweth afterward that the reuelation was only made to S. Peter My father sayth he hath reuealed vnto thee he doth not say vnto you as he is wēt to say when he speaketh vnto them all He addeth moreouer because thou art Peter which certainly agreeth only to S. Peter for vpon him only was this Name imposed Ioan. 1. v. 42. 4. Moreouer Christ addeth And vpon this rocke I will build my Church in which words that particle And is a coniunction causall and not a copulatiue and it signifieth because an● in this sense it is vsed oftentymes in holy Scripture as our Adueriaries cannot deny as for example in that place of Genesis Lo thou shalt dye for the woman that thou hast taken and hath a husband that is because she hath a husband So also Dauid in his Psalmes Giue vs thy helpe from our tribulation and vayne is the saluation of men that is to say because the saluation of men is but vayne In like manner the Prophet I say saith Behould thou art angry and we haue sinned that is to say because we haue sinned In the same sense it is vsed in the new Testament Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe that is to say because it is blessed as Caluin and Beza doe acknowledge all which places Caluin con●esseth to be so vnderstood after Theophilact Also and none gaue him any thing that is to say because none gaue him See more examples of this in the latin edition 5. This therfore is the true sense of that place As thou hast sayd vnto me thou art Christ the Sonne of the liuing God so I say vnto thee that I haue worthily called t●ee Peter because vpon this rocke which thou art I will build my Church For to what end should Christ haue said vnto him thou art Peter seeing that all knew well inough before that Peter was ●eter but that he would therby declare that he was not called Peter without great cause that is to say because vpon him as vpon a sure and stronge foundation and rocke Christ intended to build his Church God therfore would haue S. Peter to remember the name which of late was giuen him and afterward he assigneth the reason and cause why he called him so to wit because vpon him as vpon a most strong rocke he would build his Church According to the metaphore of a rocke saith S. Hierome it was rightly said vnto him I will build my Church vpon thee 6. For the holy Scripture is accustomed when it speaketh of a name giuen vnto any by the interpretation of the word to adioyne also t●e rea●●n and cause of the name so said our ●ord vnto Abram Neyther shall thy name be ca●●ed any more Abram but thou shalt be called Abraham and then he presently giueth a reason takē from the etimology of the word because a Father of many Nations I haue made thee So also he did when Iacob was called Israel Se more of this in the Latin edition pag. 280. 7. Lastly not without great reason Christ gaue vnto S. Peter this new name but no other cause is assigned in the holy Scripture but this Because vpon this rocke I will build my Church This therefore and no other was the cause of giuing him this new name Hereupon saith S. Hilary very well O happy foundation of Christes Church saith he in the imposition of a new name and o worthy rocke of that building the which should dissolue and breake the infernall Lawes the gates of hell and all the stronge barres of death So S. Hilary 8. Moreouer Christ said to S. Peter I will giue the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen vnto thee he doth not say vnto you in like manner he said in the singular number whatsoeuer thou hast bound vpon earth c that thou shalt loose c. He spake therfore to S. Peter only and not to many 9. And albeit he promised this last authority of bynding or loosing men from their sinnes to the other Apostles also yet first of all in this place he promised this to S. Peter alone and then afterwardes to the rest to the end we might therby know that he made S. Peter the head of all the rest and that all their power and authority was subordinate to that of his For at this day all Catholike Bishops haue authority to bynd loose but subordinate to the Popes authority 10. All which thinges that holy martyr S. Cyprian declareth very well in these wordes wherby it may easily be vnderstood what was the opinion and iudgment of the primitiue Church concerning this matter God speaketh vnto S. Peter saith S. Cyprian I say vnto thee because thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I will build my Church c. And againe after his resurrection he sayd feede my shepe vpon him alone be buyldeth his Church and he committeth vnto him to feede his sheepe and albeit he gaue the like authority to all the other Apostles saying As my Father sent me so c. whose sinnes yee forgiue c. yet to the end he might shew and declare an vnity he ordayned but one chayre he confirmed by his authority the beginning of that vnity proceeding from one The same indeed or equall in all other thinges were the other Apostles with S. Peter indued with the same power and authority to wit before those wordes of Christ to S. Peter feede my sheepe but the beginning proceeded from vnity The primacy was giuen to S. Peter to the end that one Church of
from the false as for example the vnity of doctrine and continuall succession doth separate and distinguish her from any hereticall Church but all these signes or markes ioyned and vnited togeather do distinguish the Church of Christ altogeather from euery false Church and this is sufficient that they may be calmost true signes in their kind 23. We surely haue already in the beginning of the precedent controuer●y spoken of the true properties of the Church to wit whē we declared that she is the spouse body Kingdome inheritance and citty of Christ for these are propria quarto modo and in this manner they all alwayes and only agree to the true Church of Christ. 24. Moreouer seeing that these properties are so inuisible as that they cannot be perceyued by any sense but only by faith they are not sufficient to conuince Infidels Heretikes and others which want true fayth and for this cause other visible signes are also necessary which may be perceyued by all as also conuince them of which sort are these foure signes which we haue now alledged 25. That in the meane tyme we may omit that the l●te and new vpstart Churches of our Aduersaries are so much worse then the Churches of Iewes and Infidels because sometymes in these some one or other of the aforesayd signes may be found But in our Aduersa●ies Church as we will shew herafter not one of them can be found CHAP. III. That the Roman Church only is the true Church of Christ is proued by the properties of the true Church HITHERTO we haue described out of holy Scripture the true Church of Christ and that by the properties offices and peculiar signes thereof Now it remaineth that we by the same enquire and examine in what parte or place of the world this true Church of Christ may be found the which will easily be done if we declare that all these propertyes offices and signes must needes agree to some one We therefore do affirme that all the offices properties and signes of the true Church do only agree to the Roman Church 2. It is heere notwithstanding to be considered least some perchance by the ambiguity or equiuocation of the word be deceyued that we doe not vnderstand by the Roman Church that which is only at Rome as our Aduersaries go about to perswade the ignorant but plainly euery Church which agreeth in the vnity of the same faith with the Roman and which obeyeth the Bishop of Rome whersoeuer that Church be whether at Rome or elswhere yea euen the furtthest part of the Indyes Moreouer that this Roman Church thus vnderstood is the only true Church of Christ and consequently that out of her we cannot hope for eternall saluation seing that out of the true Church as we haue sufficiently declared before we cannot be saued we will euidently demonstrate by all the properties offices and signes before alledged of the true Church And first we will speake of the properties to wit of those which agree vnto her quarto modo For all these do very well agree to the Roman Church and to no other The which we declare in this manner 3. First the Roman Church is the espouse of Christ. For that she was betrothed and despoused vnto Christ by true faith those wordes of the holy Scripture do plainly testify Your faith saith the Apostle writing to the Romans is renowned in the whole world And a little after S. Paul professeth himselfe to agree in the vnity of faith with the Roman Church that is to professe the Roman Faith and not that of VVittemberge as Lu●her or that of Geneua as Caluin ●i● Whe●●ore with good rigot we professe our selues not only to b● the children of the Catholike but also o● the Catholike Roman Church and faith the which S. Paul also manifestly professeth himsel●e to be 4. But our Aduersaries obiect that the Church of Rome in the Apostles tyme had the true faith but a●terward she forsoo●e and lost it So in tymes past those Heretikes which were called Dona●ists when they were vrged by the arguments of Catholikes were wont to say that indeed the Church of Rome was famous ouer all the world in the Apostles tyme but in their tyme she perished in all the other partes of the world and remayned only among the Donatists in Africke whome S. Augustine refuteth very well and we imitating him herein will vse this kind of argument That the faith of the Roman Church was once the true and sincere faith the holy Scripture doth expresly testify but that the same Church afterward forsooke or lost her former faith is no where extant in holy writ therefore we must not belieue that which is so expresly against the Scripture 5. And this argument indeed vrgeth much more our Aduersaries then the Donatists seing that they teach that we must belieue nothing which is not expresly in Scrip●ure but this is no where to be found expressely therin to wit that the Roman Church forsooke or lost her faith which she had receyued from the Apostles And truly there can be no greater signe of the want of learning and iudgement then to think that that Church forsooke and lost her fayth whose faith euen the expresse word of God doth so greatly commend vnto vs vnlesse this her forsaking and loosing of her former true faith can be proued out of the same word of God 6. Our Aduersaries indeed say that they will proue it in some particuler pointes of faith but they will neuer be able to performe their promise as in euery particuler Controuersy will appeare 7. Moreouer God promiseth to this espouse of Christ by the Prophet Isay the which he also confirmed with an Oath that she should be inuested and adorned with diuers Nations and people For so speaketh God to the Church Lyft vp thy eyes and looke round about thee and see all these are gathered togeather they are come vnto thee As I liue saith our Lord thou shalt be inuested with all these as with an ornament thou shalt cōpasse them about vnto thy selfe as a spouse So the Roman Church hath alwaies had and still hath many Nations and people subiect vnto her wherwith she is inuested and adorned the which euen our Aduersaries cannot deny 8. Secondly the Church is the visible and mysticall body of Christ but in the Roman Church there hath alwaies byn and now also there is the visible body of Christ consisting of diuers members and states as also of Doctours and Pastors wherof S. Paul speaketh writing to the Ephesians and Corinthians 9. Thirdly the Church is the Kingdome of Christ but in the Romane Church there hath alwayes now also there is the visible Kingdome of Christ that such an one as the Prophet Isay describeth when he sayth that Kings and Queenes shal be thy nourses For there hath euer beene since the conuersion of Nations many Kinges and Monarkes who haue agreed in vnity
of fayth with the Romane Church and haue acknowledged alwayes the Bishop of Rome to be the chiefe head and Pastor of all the whole militant Church as may appeare by that which Coccius hath set downe in his Catalogue to this purpose 10. Furthermore the Prophet Ieremy thus describeth the future Kingdome of Christ. This sayth our Lord If my couenant can be broken and made voide with the day and my couenant with the night soe that there be neyther day nor night in their due tymes then my couenant can be broken with my seruant Dauid that there shall not be a sonne of his raigning in his throne and the Leuits and Priests my ministers as the starres of the heauens cannot be numbred nor the sands of the sea measured so will I multiply the seede of my seruant Dauid and the Leuits my Ministers Thus sayth God by his Prophet of the Kingdome of Christ his sonne and of the Leuits and Priests ministring vnto our Lord and of the infinit number of them which is manifest to haue byne fullfilled hitherto in the Roman Church 11. Fourthly the Church is the Inheritance of Christ to wit that which according to the oracles of the Prophets extendeth herself to the very boūds and limits of the whole earth which is in the eyes of all Nations the which all the corners of the earth shall see lastly which is extēded from the east to the west But in the Roman Church there hath alwayes byn such an inheritaunce of Christ. 12. Hereupon are those famous words of S. Leo to the Citty of Rome These are they who haue exalted thee to this glory that being a holy Nation a chosen people a priestly and princely Citty by the holy seate of S. Peter made the heade of the world should haue a more large command by the meanes of diuine Religion then euer thou hadst by forraine domination For albeit thou being ●amous renowned for many victories hast extended the limits of thy Empyre both by sea and land yet notwith●tanding it is lesse which thy warlike labour hath subdued then that which the R●ligion of Christ hath made subiect vnto thee Hitherto S. Leo. 13. Moreou●r S. Prosper the great glory of Aquitania and dearly beloued friend of S. Augustine and who defended egregiously his doctrine against the Pelagians in a certayne booke written in verse ag●inst the same Pelagians speaking of their heresies writeth thus VVhen this infectious pestilence arose Rome Peters seate first gaue it deadly blowes VVhich made the heade os pastorall dignity VVhereto the whole world should obedient be Houlde more now subiect by Religions law then her fierce armies erst could keep in awe Thus wrote he a 1200. yeares agoe 14. But in this our age the fayth of the Romane Church is prop●gated and preached in the most remote countries of the East and VVest Yea euen vnto the furthest parts of the world in so much that the children of the Church of Rome come often tymes from the East to the VVest according to that of the Prophet Malachy to wit srō the East Indies to the VVest and they cōpas the whole globe of the earth to the end they may preach the fayth of the Roman Church euery where Wherefore the fayth of the Roman Church is preached receiued in this our age in many more remote places of the world thē euer it was in the Apostles tyme the which is most assuredly testifyed by the letters and bookes euen of them who write what themselues haue seene 15. Fiftly the Church is the Citty of Christ placed vpon a mountaine which cannot be hidden so the Church of Rome hath alwayes byne visible euer since the Apostles tyme neither can it euer be hidden By these it appeareth that all the true properties of the Church of Christ agree to the Church of Rome 16. But that they cannot agree with any other it appeareth sufficiētly by that our Aduersaries can no church assigne which can haue these properties Wherfore it is necessary that they confesse the Church of Rome to be the true Church of Christ or truly which is most absurd that Christ hath wanted and beene depriued of his spouse now for the space of a thousand yeares and more as also to haue wanted his body Citty Kingdome and Inheritance CHAP. IIII. That the Church of Rome is the true Church of Christ is proued by the offices of the true Church IN the precedent Chapter we haue proued that the Romane Church is the true Church of Christ by the properties of the same now it remayneth that we proue it by the peculiar offices and functions of the true Church many reasōs may by deduced out of these but we will briefly touch only the chiefest 2. The first reason is taken from those very signes which our Aduersaries assigne that is to say the true and sincere preaching of the word of God and the lawfull administration of the Sacramēts which are indeed offices and not signes of the Church as we haue sayd before but whether they be signes or offices by them it is euidently proued that the Romane Church and no other is the true Church of Christ. But for the space of a thousand yeares last past the Sacraments were no● where lawfully administred nor the word of God sincerely preached but in the Church of Rome For our Aduer●aries cannot name any Church wherein these things haue beene done ●herefore eyth●r th● Romane is the true Church or els Christ hath had no Church for the space o● a thousand yeares and more 3. Neyther must our Aduersaries answere vs with Caluin and Beza that their Church indeed remained in the Popedome for they cannot find it any where els yet halfe destroied and filthely corrup●ed and defaced with many errors For heere we inquire after the true Church of Christ and not such a prophane and filthy Church which Caluin describeth wherein Christ as it were lyeth halfe dead and bur●e● the Ghospel ouerthrowne piety banished the worship of God almost quite abolished for ●uch a Church is not indeed the true Church of Christ but a d●nne of Diuells 4. Moreouer they must not heere run to any inuisible Church altogeather vnknowen both to themselues and vs. the which our Aduersaries seeme to establish For we haue sufficiently declared before that the true Church of Christ hath bene alwayes visible Wherefore it is necessary they shew vs some other visible besides the Roman Church wherin for a thou●and yeares past the Gospell hath byn publikely preached in the same māner they preach it now and the Sacraments publikly administred as they are now and that continually also without interruption Or truely they mu●● confesse that the Roman Church is the t●ue Church of Christ. For in this the old and new testament hath alwayes byn publikly preached without any inte●●ission and all the Sacraments publikely admini●●red and that sincer●ly and lawfully according
epistle he wrote in the yeare 1535. of the Ecclesiasticall iarres and the agreement which was made concerning the articles in controuersy wherein he alledgeth some reasons for the Popes Supremacy These are Philippes wordes speaking of some of his who did hinder resist the agreement which was to be made with Catholikes Some of them saith he do thinke that nothing els is demaunded but that hauing shaken of the Popes Monarchy and reiecting all the old Ecclesiasticall ordinances a certaine Barbarous liberty should be established And a little after Ours do grant that the Ecclesiasticall policy is a thing very lawfull in it selfe that is to say euen as there are some Byshops who haue charge or rule diuers Churches so also the Pope of Rome exceedeth all other Byshopes in authority This Canonicall policy as I think no wise man eyther can or should reiect if he desire to keepe himselfe within his owne limits And againe As concerning the riches and reuenewes they are the liberall and magnificēt gyftes of Kinges and Princes VVherfore as concerning this article of the Popes supremacy and the authority of other Byshopes there is no Controuersy among vs. For both the Pope of Rome may easily retaine his authority and the other Byshops may also keepe theirs And there must needes be some gouernours in the Church of God who may ordayne those which are called to Ecclesiasticall offices and may exercise the authority of the sayd ●hurch in all ●udiciall and difficulte matters as also may examine the doctrine of the Priestes therof And that if there were no such Bishops yet there should be such ordayned for that purpose And a little after That Monarchy of the Pope is very good in my iudgment necessary to the end that the vni●orme good agreement in doctrine may be kept in many Nations VVherfore a perfect good agreement in this one article concerning the Popes supremacy may easily be established if they could once agree about other articles Hitherto Philip. 9. Much like vnto these wrote Martin Bucer by the consent of Capito Hedio and Niger his confederates of the Church of Argentine who were as Beza saith great fauorits of Caluin For in the same Century of Epistles there is one extant with this title Martin Bucer doth testify his agreemēt in all thinges with Philip Melācthon both in his owne name and of the whole Church of Argentine And this Epistle of Bucer is next vnto the fore sayd Epistle of Philip Melancthon 10. Moreouer in this very Epistle when Bucer treateth of this Ecclesiasticall Monarchy the which he calleth Policy he writeth thus But we desire nothing lesse then that the Kingdome of Christ should want her policy or authority to commaund No where should thinges be done in better and more certaine order no where should the obedience be greater the subi●ction more perfect the reuerent respect of authority more religiously obserued But now the outward power whatsoeuer it be is of God and he resisteth Gods ordination who is not obedient vnto this Fin●lly towards the end of the same Epistle thus he concludeth VVe wi●l therfore in no sorte hinder the small and per●ect agreement of Churches The Pope of Rome and all the other Byshops may lawfully keepe their authority yea and their dominions also let them vse their aut●ority only to the edification and not to the destruction of the Church seing that there is no authority at all the which we do not account holy and we teach the same vnto them VVe seeke for nothing so diligently as for the discipline of the Church Hitherto Bucer with his companions who did euidently foresee that neyther any good agreement in doctrine nor Ecclesiasticall discipline can continue any long tyme without one supreme head Monarch of the visible Church 11. Finally now also as many of our Aduersaries as haue any experience in matters of Policy and are well affected towards the monarchy of Kinges and Princes doe willingly acknowledge that there must needes be one supreme Byshop in the Church of God and that this is to be iustly graunted to the Pope of Rome if we could once agree among our selues about other matters in Controuersy For they see very well that all those arguments wherby the monarchy of secular Kinges and Princes is established do proue in the same manner also the Ecclesiasticall Monarchy And of the other syde all those arguments which do impugne the Ecclesiastical Monarcy do no lesse ouerthrow the temporall Monarchy of ●ll Christian Kinges and Princes CHAP. VIII Wherein the arguments of our Aduersaries against the Church of Rome are confuted THese are the chiefest arguments which our Aduersaries do obiect against vs out of holy Scripture The first Christ is the head of the Church the rocke foundation besides which no man can lay any other I answere that of one and the same thing there may be many heades so that one be subiect to another For the head of the woman is the man the head of euery man is Christ and the head of Christ is God as the Apostle testifieth And so the woman hath three heades her Husband Christ and God but each one of them is subiect vnto another So S. Peter or the Pope of Rome is the head of the Church but vnder Christ and subiect vnto him Because Christ is the heade of S. Peter and of the Byshop of Rome Moreouer Christ is the head of the whole Church aswell present as to come aswell of the old Testament as of the new But S. Peter or his successor is only head of the Church in this world and of the new Testament only Hereupon sayd Christ vpon this rocke I will build my Church that is to say the Church of the new Testament which was then to be built 2. Yea euen by the nature of a head we may gather very well that besides Christ who is the head of al Churches aswell visible as inuisible as the Apostle saith there is also another visible head of the visible Church for otherwise it were a monster because it should be a visible body without a visible head Yt is necessary therfore that besides an inuisible heade which is Christ there be also a visible heade in the visible Church to wit S. Peters successor 3. Furthermore the actions which Christ exerciseth in his Church are of two kindes some are inuisible as our vocation iustification sanctification c. and these Christ exerciseth and doth by himselfe Some other actions are visible as to preach administer Sacraments and to gouerne visibly the Church c. These Christ doth not exercise by himself alone but also by visible men whi●h represent his person Wherfore euen as Christ should not be sayd truly to baptize any vnlesse there were some visible man who in the person of Christ should visibly baptize neyther can he be sayd truly to gouerne visibly euery particuler Church vnlesse in each of them some particuler persō
the name of Adoratiō that Adoratiō in the holy Scripture hath two significations in the one it appertayneth to God alone in the other it may without any sinne at all yea with great merit be giuen to men And of adoration in both senses are verified those wordes of the Scripture they adored first God and then the King Many other places of Scripture there are which approue this adoratiō of men of which only we now treate For this adoration only is exhibited to the Pope not that other which belongeth only to God and it is exhibited vnto him as the Vicar of Christ wheras the other cannot be exhibited but to the true God himselfe Now there are foure testimonies of holy Scripture which euidently proue that the adoration of the Pope is not only lawfull but also dutifull 3. The first testimonie is that which the Prophet Isay recordeth in these wordes Thus saith our Lord the labour of Egipt the merchādize of Ethiopia the eminent men of the Sabeans shall come vnto thee and they shal be thine they shall follow thee they shall go with their handes manacled or bound in chaines and they shall adore thee and make supplication vnto thee It is manistest that the Prophet in this place speaketh not to Christ but to the Church for all the verbes and pronownes in the Hebrew text are of the feminine gender and not of the masculine besides it appeareth euidently by all that goeth before these wordes and all that followeth that this promise was made to the Church of Christ. The Prophet therfore saith that the labour negotiatiō that is the riches gotten togeather by labour and negotiation of Egipt and Ethiopia and the eminent persons of the Sabeans by whome are vnderstood the Princes of the Gentils shall passe ouer to the Church and they shal be the Churches and they shall walke after the Church in manicles by which are signified Ecclesiasticall lawes and that they shall adore the Church and make supplication to her 4. And it is to be obserued that the Hebrew word in the last cōiugation as it is vsed heere and in a manner euery where el● signifyeth to prostrate ones selfe before another not howsoeuer but by way of adoration as al that are skilfull in the Hebrew tongue know in so much as the adoratiō done ōly to God is often expressed by this word This therefore is the true sense and meaning of this place they shall prostrate themselues before thee thereby to exhibite adoration vnto thee we haue therefore out of the Scripture that the Church and consequently the Ministeriall head thereof not only may but must be adored vnlesse we will make God to falsify his promise But the craft● dealing of Caluin heere is to be detected who to abuse the Reader leaueth out in his latin translation twice the Pronowne Te that this adoration may not seeme to be referred to the Church but eyther to God or to Christ for he translateth not adorabunt te obsecrabunt te but thus adorabunt atque obsecrabunt whereas in the Hebrew the particle te is twice put in the feminine gender so as this adoration and obsecration must needes be referred to the Church and therefore those of Geneua durst not omit the same neyther in their French Bibles nor in their corrupt translation which they call Vatablus no nor Caluin himselfe in the former edition of his Commentaries vpon Isayas which was set forth in French in the yeare 1552. but in his latter latin edition in the yeare 1559. which he will needs haue accounted a new worke being now become more wary he twice omitteth that particle and that not vnaduisedly but of set purpose as is manyfest by his former edition 5. The second testimony is also in the same Prophet Isayas in which much more clearly is declared the exceeding great honour which the Kinges and Princes of the earth shall doe vnto the Church for thus God speaketh to the Church of Christ. Kinges shal be th●● nursing Fathers and Queenesshalbe thy nurses they shall adore thee with their faces bowed downe to the earth and licke vp the dust of thy feete Where not only is expressed that humble adoration by which one prostrateth himselfe before another bowing downe his face euē to the earth but there is further added a new Metafor of imbracing and kissing of feete put in practice by Christian Emperours Kinges and Princes therby to honour the vicar of Christ and in him the Church or rather Christ himselfe for whosoeuer with gredines and feruour hasten to the imbracing and kissing of the feete of any man seeme as it were to licke and thereby to wipe away the dust of his feete for the Hebrew word signifyeth to wipe away in what manner soeuer as may be seene in the booke of Numbers the 22. Chap. and the 4. v. and the 3. of Kings Chap. 18. v. 38. 6. The Prophet Isay then in these wordes fortold that Kings and Queenes that is Princes men and women should prostrat thēselues downe to the earth at the feet of the Church so as by imbracing and kissing therof they should seem to wipe away the very dust of the Churches feet which prophecy hath byn fullfilled of old and as we see is still fulfilled in the Roman Church by the humble and Religious submission expressed by Christian Catholike Princes in the imbracing and kissing of the Bishop of Romes feet the supreme head of the Church on earth which kind of Religious worship seeing it was so many ages agoe foretold by the Prophet our Aduersaries had small reason to thinke the same so absurd a thing or so much estranged from Christian piety 7. The third testimony is taken from the same Prophet which no lesse manifestly doth shew vnto vs that such an adoration and kissing of the Churches feete was to be practised as hath byn sayd for amongst many other thinges which he foretelleth appertayning to the Maiesty powerful authority of the Kingdome of Christ to come he setteth downe this promise made by God to the Church The sonnes of them that humbled and afflicted thee shall come and bow vnto thee and all they that detracted from thee shall adore thy footsteeps which in the Hebrew is much more cleare where it is thus they shall adore the bendings of thy feete then the which nothing could be sayd more manifestly for the adoration of the Churches feete in her visible head for the bēdings of the feete by the figure Synecdoche signify the feet themselues as may be seene in the third of Iosue and the 1● v. For the bindings of the feete in that place are in the 15. v. following called feet so the bendings of the hands themselues 1. Reg 5. v. 4. and 4. Reg. 9. c. v. 35. which wordes of the Prophet conuince Caluin as shal be sayd We see then how the Prophet Isayas not in one place only but in many fortelleth this