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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00796 A treatise of faith wherin is briefely, and planly [sic] shewed, a direct way, by which every man may resolue, and settle his minde, in all doubtes, questions, or controuersies, concerning matters of faith. Fisher, John, 1569-1641. 1605 (1605) STC 10915.5; ESTC S2122 65,176 166

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chiefe mark by which we must discerne which is the true Church Contrary wise the Romane Church is alwaies one and vniforme in faith neuer va●ying or holding any dogmaticall point contrarie to that which in former times from the beginning it did hold The lear●ed men thereof though sometimes differing in opinion in matters not defined by the Church yet in matters of faith all cōspire in one And no meruaile because they haue a most conuenient meanes to keepe vnity in professiō of faith sith they do acknowledge one chief pastor apointed ouer them to wit the successour of S. ●eter to whose definitiue censure in matters cōcerning religion they wholy submitte themselues knowing that to Saint Peter and his successours Christ our Sauior promised the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and that hee would vpon him and his successours as vpon a sure rocke build his Church Knowing also that the same our Sauiour did specially pray for S. Peter and euery one his lawfull successour that this faith should not faile at least so farr as to teach the Church a false faith to the intent that he might bee alwaies able to confirme his brethren if at any time they should faile in the doctrine of faith Knowing lastly that to S. Peter and his successours which word I adde not without sufficient authority and reason Christ our Lord gaue most ample power ouer his vniuersall Church saying pasce ou●s m●as feede my sheepe that is to say Rule or gouerne as chief pastor vnder me my sheep that is all those that pertaine to the sheepefolde which is the Church giuing him and his successours charge to feed them with the food of true doctrine of faith and consequently binding these his sheep to receiue obediently this foode of true doctrine of faith at their hands consequently tying himselfe so to assiste him and his successours ●ith the guiding of the holy Ghost that ●●ey should alwaies propose vnto the ●ocke of Christ which is his vniuersall Church the foode of true faith and that ●hey should neuer teach ex Cathedra any ●●ing contrary to true faith sith if hee ●●ould not thus assist but should pemitte ●●em to teach the Church errors in faith ●●ē the Church which he hath bound 〈◊〉 heare this Pastor in all points might ●ontrary to his purpose erre nay should 〈◊〉 him be bound to erre which without ●lasphemy cannot be said All Catholike ●earned men therefore knowing this do ●cknowledge that the definitiue sentēce 〈◊〉 this chiefe Pastor either alone or at ●●ast with a generall councell must needs ●ee alwaies an vnfallible vndoubted 〈◊〉 and that therefore they may safe●y yea they must necessarily submitte all ●●eir iudgements and opinions either in ●●terpreting Scripture or otherwise in ●●tters concerning religion to the cen●●re of this Apostolike seate The which ●hile they doe as they must alwaies do 〈◊〉 they wil be accounted Catholike men 〈◊〉 will not cast out themselues or bee cast out of the company of Catholiques how is it possible that one should dissen● from another in matters of faith or a● least obstinately as heretiques doe erre in any point of faith So that this difference may be assigned betwixt any sect of heretiques and the Romane Church that heretiques are a company not vnited among themselues by any like which is able to containe continue them in vnity of faith whereas the Romane Church is Plebs Sacerdoti adunata grex Pastori suo adhaerens as S. Cyprian saith a Church should bee a people ioyned to their Priest and a flocke cleauing to their Pastor whom whilst it heareth as it is alwaies bound to do it is vnpossible but that it should retaine the vnitie of faith like as on the contrary side according to the saying of S. Cyprian non aliunde haereses obortae sunt aut nata schismat● quàm inde quod Sacerdoti Dei non obtemperatur nec vnus in Ecclesia ad tempus Sacerdos nec vnus iudex vice Christi cogitatur Not frō any other root haue heresies schismes sproung vp but from this that men doe not obey the Priest of God neither doe they consider how that in the Church there is one Priest and one Iudge for the time in steed of Christ. § II. That the Romane Church only is Holy SECONDLY I finde that the Protestants Congregation is not Holy Be●ause not only most of their men be eui●ently more wicked then men which ●oth in olde time and in latter yeares li●ed in the Roman Church as those can tell which haue seene both and is confessed 〈◊〉 Luther himselfe who saith thus Sunt 〈◊〉 homines magis vindict cupidi magis 〈◊〉 magis ab omni misericordia remoti magis ●●●desti indisciplinati multoque deteriores 〈◊〉 fuerunt in Papatu Men are now more ●euengfull more couetous more vnmer●●full more vnmodest and vnruly and ●uch worse then when they were Pa●ists The like testimony you may find ●●uen by another of their Doctors called ●●idelinus which for breuity sake I omit ●ut chiefely their company is not holy because there was neuer yet Saint or holy ●an of it neither is their doctrine such 〈◊〉 may of it selfe leade the most precise obseruers of it to holines but doth by ●●uers points which haue bin taught rather encline men to liberty and loosene of life As for example it enclineth them to breake fasting daies and to cast away secret confession of sins to a Priest both which are knowne to bee soueraigne remedies against sin Also it enclineth them to neglect good workes for they hould them either not to be necessary or no● meritorious of life euerlasting which must needs make men lesse esteeme the practise of them Also it maketh men carelesse in keeping Gods commandements because diuers Protestants if not all hold them vnpossible to be obserued and as it is said impossibilium non est electio No man chooseth or laboureth to atchiue that which he thinketh to be altogether vnpossible It maketh men also not to feare or to bee carefull to auoide sinne because it is held among them that whatsoeuer we do is sinne and that wee cannot chuse but continually sinne and that all sinnes are of themselues mortall which whosoeuer thinketh how can hee be afraid to sin sith stultum est timere quod vit ari nō potest it is foolishnes to feare that which no way can bee auoided Finallie their doctrine of predestination is able to make men carelesse or desperate in all actions and consultations sith some of them hould all things so to proceede of Gods eternall predestination that man in matters of religion at least hath no free-will to doe well or to auoid ill but that God himselfe is author and moueth them effectually and forcibly not onely to good workes but in the same sort vnto the acte of sinne Loe whither this doctrine leadeth a man vvhich giueth grounds which of themselues encline a man to
vsque ad consummationem seculi all the daies euen to the end of the world vnles the Church also be al the daies vntill the end of the world For if the Church for any time daies moneths or yeares doe cease to be Christ can not for those years moneths and daies be truely saied to be with his Church sith he can not be with that which is not and consequentely he can not be saied to haue fulfilled his promise wherein he saied he would be with his Church all the daies vntill the end of the world Secondly I proue the same out of an other promise or prophesie of our Sauior Christ to his Church wherein hee saith portae inferi non preual●bunt aduersus eam the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it For how was it true that the gates of hell shall not preuaile if they haue preuailed so much as vtterly to abolish the Church or at least to bannishe it quite out of the world for so long a time graūting therefor which euery Christian must needes graunt that the prophesies and promises of our Sauiour are alwaies fullfilled and that they are vnfallibly true we may not doubte but that the Church hath euer beene since Christ his time shall neuer cease to be in the world Thirdly I may confirme the same out of other scriptures where the perpetuitie of the Church is either affirmed or promised of which kinde of testimonies being very many I will onely rehearse some few of the Church if we will beleue S. Austen his exposition it is saide Deu● fundauit eam in aeternum God hath established it for euer And of it signified by the name of the kingdome of Christ the prophet Daniel saieth Suscitabit Deus caeliregnum quod in aeternum non dissipabitur The God of heauen shall raise vp a kingdome which shal not be broken in peeces for euer As is also saide in S. Luke regni eius non erit sinis there shal be no ende of his kingedome Lastly I might cōfirme the same with the testimonie of the auncient Fathers Origen S. Chrysostome S. Bernard and especially of S. Austen who disputing against the Do●atistes saieth thus as rehearsing one of their speeches Sed illa Ecclesia quae fuit omnium gentium iam non est perijt That Church which was of all nations is not now it is perished Vnto which their speach he answereth O impudentem vocem Accounting it great impudencie to saye the Church is perished And in the same place he bringeth in the Church as speaking personally thus Quamdiu ero in hoc siculo annuncia mihi propter illos qui dicunt Fuit iam non est apostatauit perijt Ecclesia ad omnibus gentibus Et annunci auit nec vacua fuit vox ista Quis annunciauit mihi nisi ipsa via quando annunciauit ecce ego vobiscum sum omnibus diebus vsque ad consummationem seculi How long shall I be in this world tell me in regard of them who saye the Church indeede was but it is not now it is become apostata and is perished out of all nations And he tould me neither was this word in vaine who tould me but the way it selfe to witt Christ who faieth I am the way when did he tell Behold I am with you vntill the end of the world CHAP. XII That this Church which must be to vs the rule of faith as it must alwaies continue so it must also alwaies be visible NOVV hauing proued that the true Church of Christ must alwaies cōtinue without interruptiō till the worlds end it remaineth that I shew also in what manner it is to continue to wit whether it shall alwaies be visible That is to say whether in all ages it was and shall be a company of men who may be seene and in some sort plainely knowne to be that company which men are to beleeue by faith to be the true Church of Christ or that it shal be sometime at least inuisible that no man can see those mē nor know them to be that company which we must beleeue to be the true Church of Christ. In which matter My Assertion is that the true Church of Christ of which the places of Scripture afore cited doe speake must alwaies bee visible This I proue First by that plaine Prophesie of Isaias in the 61. chapter Which chapter to be vnderstood of our Sauiour Christ his Church wee may gather out of S. Luke where our Sauiour himselfe citeth some words out of that chapter and expoundeth them to be fulfilled in himselfe the words of the Prophesie are these Faedus perpetuum feriam eis scietur in gentibus semen eorum Omnes qui viderint eos cognoscent illos quoniam isti sunt semen cui benedixit Dominus I will make a perpetuall couenant or league with them and their seede shall be knowne among nations all that shall see them shall know them that they are the seede which our Lord hath blessed How could he more plainely haue foretould the visiblenes of the Church Secondly our Sauiour hath ordained this his Church to bee the light of the world according as he saith vos estis lux mundi you are the light of the world and to be a rule or meanes by which all men at all times may come to the knowledge of that One infallible entire faith which is necessary to saluation as hath bin proued But how can it bee the light of the world if it selfe be inuisible nemo accendit lucernam ponit eam sub modio No man lighteth a candle when he hath done setteth it vnder a bushell where it cannot be seene And how can it bee a meanes by which at all times the infallible truth may bee made knowen to all sortes of men if it selfe at any time could not be knowne of men Or if you say that some times it could neither be knowne it selfe nor be a meanes by which the true faith might be made knowne then sith that I proued that it is a necessary meanes and so necessary that without it according to the ordinary course there is not sufficiēt meanes prouided by almighty God to instruct all men infallibly in all points of faith Then I say men that liued at that time wanted necessary meanes wherby they might attaine to the knowledge of true faith and consequently whereby they might come to saluation which if it were so How is it vniuersally true which is vniuersally saide in Scripture D●us vult omnes homines saluos fieri ad agnitionem veritatis venire God would haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the truth For how can he be saide to haue a true will to saue all men if he haue not at all times prouided meanes sufficient whereby all men may come to the knowledge of true faith and thereby by degrees to saluation Sith especially