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A23804 The whole duty of prayer containing devotions for every day in the week, and for several occasions, ordinary and extraordinary / by the author of The whole duty of man ... Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. 1692 (1692) Wing A1195; ESTC R7356 61,296 178

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beauties of that glorious presence how then can I poor sinful wretch praise thee either according to my Duty or thy Glories I confess and glory in thy omnipotency thy omniscience thy truth and thy Mercy O let me also receive thy blessings and gracious influences that I may adore thee with all my power for ever and serve thee with my best and earliest industry that being here wholly inebriated with Love and employed in thy service and the Duty of a holy obedience I may to all eternity rejoyce in the beholding of those Glories which are above all capacities even those Glories which stream forth from the Throne of the Eternal God the Father Son and Holy Ghost to whom be Glory and Dominion Honour and adoration world without end Amen A Prayer to be used upon any Apostles Day O ALMIGHTY God who has built thy Holy Church upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone I bless and magnifie thy holy Name for thy great Graces thou gavest to thy Apostles Prophets and Martyrs in the days of their Flesh and this day I have thy Servant Here name the Apostle in remembrance praising thee for the benefit the Church hath received by his Ministry and Example and I beseech thee give me thy Grace that obeying thy Doctrine which he taught and following his Example as he followed Christ I may also with safety and holiness pass through this Valley of Tears that serving thee in my Generation advancing thy Honour and obeying thy Laws I may in the Society and Communion of Saints and Angels Sing eternal Hallelujahs to the honour of thy Mercy and of thy Majest● through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Prayer for the Church O LORD God Almighty I beseech thee keep thy holy Church in Peace Unity and Safety preserve it against all Storms Temptations and Enemies that she offering to thy Glory the never-ceasing Sacrifice of Praise and Yhanksgiving may advance the honour of her Lord and be partaker of his Glory through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen A Prayer for the King and Queen ALMIGHTY God by whom Kings Reign and Princes decree Justice I humbly beseech thee to save and with the choicest of thy Benedictions bless thy Servants and our Soveraign Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary preserve their Royal Persons in Health and Honour their power in Wealth and Dignity their Dominions in Peace and Plenty the Churches under their Protections in Piety Knowledge and a strict and holy Religion Let not the Wicked approach to hurt them nor any Weapon that is formed against them prosper but keep them perpetually in thy fear and favour and Crown them at last with Glory and Immortality Amen A Prayer for the Royal Family BLESS O Lord I beseech thee Katherine the Queen Dowager her Royal Highness the Princess Ann of Denmark with the rest of the Royal Family keep them in thy fear and protect them with thy favour and after this life is ended Crown them with everlasting happiness in the World to come Amen A Prayer for the Clergy O ALMIGHTY God protect thy Stars in thy right hand the mo●● Reverend the Archbishops the right Reverend the Bishops with all other Inferior Priests and Deacons grant that all Congregations committed to their charge may edifie by their Doctrine and live Godly and Peaceable lives under them to the saving of their Souls in the day of the Lord Jesus Amen A Prayer for the High Court of Parliament BLESS O Lord I beseech thee the great Councel of the Nation the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament grant that all their Consultations may tend to thy Glory the good of thy Church and the Safety Honour and Welfare of our Soveraign Lord and Lady and their Kingdoms let Justice run down like a stream and Righteousness like the mighty Waters that there may be no leading into Captivity nor no complaining in our Streets but that Mercy and Truth may meet together and Righteousness and Peace may kiss each other grant this O Lord for thy Sons sake and my alone Redeemer Amen A Prayer for the Navy and Army O ETERNAL God thou art the Lord of Hosts and the strength of all Nations is from thee and no Victory can wait upon the justest Designs upon the wisest Councels upon the strongest Armies if thou teach not their hands to War and their fingers to Fight Lend us O Lord thy assistance by Land and Sea be with our Armies and the Armies of our Allies and Associates by Land and be with our Navy at Sea be not from the one nor from the other until thou hast brought them back with Honour Victory or a settled Peace Let not that proud Disturber and Destroyer of Mankind any longer Insult over thy People but turn his Sword into his own Bosom O Lord thy Servants are unfeignedly sorrowful for those Sins they have committed against thy Divine Majesty O do thou pardon us and receive us graciously and then we may trust in thy goodness that thou wilt pour down all thy Blessings upon this and all other designs and actions of this State undertaken for thy Glory the Honour of our most gracious Soveraign Lord and Lady the Peace and Welfare of the whole Church and Their Majesties three Kingdoms grant this O Lord for Jesus Christ his sake our only Mediator and Advocate Amen A. Prayer for Gods People in General MOST gracious God I humbly beseech thee to bless all thy People wheresoever dispersed or howsoever distressed over the face of the whole Earth more especially in these Nations of England Scotland and Ireland give us all humble and obedient hearts to thee our God Loyal hearts to our Soveraign Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary and charitable thoughts one towards another Convert and bring home thine own People the Iews and bring in the fulness of the Gentiles save and have Mercy upon all Asiaticks and Affricans and all those that never heard of a Crucified Saviour this I humbly beg for thy Sons sake my alone Saviour Amen A Thanksgiving for our deliverance from the Spanish Invasion WE laud and magnifie thy holy Name for this thy wonderful deliverance from Roman Slavery and Popish Usurpation which would have destroyed the Renowned and Glorious Queen Elizabeth and her Kingdom their Gallies and Ships came to assault us being full of pride and nominating themselves Invincible but thou O Lord our strength didst awake us out of sleep and like a Giant refreshed with Wine and smote our Enemies in the hinder parts and didst put them all to Confusion Grant O Lord that we may never want thankful hearts to praise thee for this and all other thy Mercies even to our lives end Amen A Thanksgiving for our great deliverance from the Powder Treason and from Popery and Slavery and Arbitrary Power O MOST mighty God whose All-seeing Eye of Providence didst discover to us that Train which Popish
Lord I knock at the Door of thy Mercy and tender Compassion with all the Faculties of my Soul and Body for all these Graces and particular favours beseeching thee to continue unto me the right use of them that thy Spirit may witness unto my Spirit that I am thy Son and shall be Heir of thy Kingdom of Glory and that I may be partaker of the inheritance of thy Saints in light where are Pleasures that last for Evermore Grant this O Father for Jesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Sunday Noon O God thou art great in Majesty and infinite in Mercy wonderful in thy goodness unto thy Church and Children Thou hast Commanded me to offer up my Prayer and supplications for those that shall enter into the Ministry and stand before thee to wait at thine alter the heaviest O Lord is very great and the painful and Conscionable Labourers but few I beseech thee be pleased to send able Ministers into thy Church and place such over particular Congregations as like Iohn the Baptist may be burning lights burning as being zealous in fervency and lights also as being conspicuous and eminent for Charity Sanctity of life and all holy Graces of thy Spirit LET thy Urim and thy Thummim be upon them as upon thy Holy one let them be sound for Doctrine and holy for Life and Conversation Preaching let them practice and by practice let them preach and teach the things which concern thy Kingdom Open wide unto them the Door of utterance that they may deliver thy Word freely and boldly Take away all differences and animosities from amongst them make them examples to those that believe in soundness of Doctrine and integrity of Conversation bless them with all Graces befitting so high a Calling that I may give thanks unto thee for them finding the benefit of thy blessing upon me through their Labours and may praise thy Name for evermore Amen A Prayer for Sunday Evening O Lord look down from Heaven thine holy Habitation and behold with the Eye of thy Love and tender Compassion a wretched Creature who now calls upon thee in the Words of the poor Publican O God be merciful unto me a Sinner Write not bitter things against me neither suffer me to possess the Sins of my Youth O forgive and forget all my Transgressions and cast mine Iniquities as far from thy presence in distance as the East is from the West LORD pardon I humbly beseech thee the faults and frailties which I have escaped this day in the sanctifying of thy Sabbath whether they be Sins of Omission or Commission wash them all away in the Blood of thy Son sanctifie me by the Word thy Word of Truth that this day hath sounded in my Ears Grant that like good Seed sown in good Ground it may take root downward and bring forth Fruit upwards to the Glory and Praise of thy great Name and the Salvation of my Immortal Soul O LET thy Word be ever in my Mind to meditate of it in my Mouth to speak of it and in my Life and Conversation to practice it By it Work in my Heart Faith Hope Charity and all other supernatural Graces which accompany Salvation open mine Eyes that I may see thy Law and incline my Heart that I may love the Truth and loving the same may yield Obedience to it doing thy Will on Earth or at least endeavouring to do it as the Angels in Heaven willingly without murmuring speedily without delaying constantly without ceasing and universally without omitting what thou commandest and commendest in thy Word so shall I not be distracted with Foolish fears nor dispair of thy Mercy but ever Hope and Trust in thee and find Grace to help me in time of need to whom be ascribed all Honour Power and Glory World without end Amen Mondays Meditations O GOD the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth who Created the Evening and the Morning continue I beseech thee unto me as well the Comfortable rest of the Evening to refresh my weariness as the most necessary Light of the Morning to manage my affairs and business make my Conscience serene and clear and let the pure Light of thy Gospel guide my Feet in the way of peace This Light of thine O Lord sheweth what I was in my Birth Slime and Filthiness what I am in my Life Vanity and Folly and what I shall be in the Grave Stench and Corruption LET these ponderous Considerations Lord humble me that Christ may raise me wound me that Christ may heal me load me that Christ may ease me and make me most vile in my own Eyes that I may be most dear and precious in his sight O thou which as upon this day createdst the Clouds to Rain upon the Earth shower down thy Graces plentifully into my hardned heart to mollifie it whereby I may be fruitful in all good Works LORD who this day didst separate the Waters separate I beseech thee and distinguish betwixt the Water of Tears which I shed for my Sins and those which I shed for Worldly crosses and afflictions cast away the one and put the other into thy Bottle This day thou madest the Heavens and the Air without which I cannot breath naturally no not one moment Infuse into my Soul thy blessed Spirit of Grace without which Spiritually I cannot breath forth my Prayers nor sigh nor so much as move any Faculty of Soul and Body unto thee But Lord as oft as I take in or let out the Air which I breath let me receive in Grace from thee and breath out Praise unto thee Amen A Prayer for Monday Morning O GOD as thou hast now rais'd up my Body from Sleep the Image of Death so I beseech thee deliver my mind and affections from the Sleep of Sin and from the Darkness of this World and as thou hast brought me to the beginning of this day be thou present with me and president in me Let thy holy Spirit be my Counsellor and Instructor my God and my Guide to lead me into all Truth help me by assistance of the same Spirit to watch over my Thoughts Words and Works that I may neither think speak nor do any thing which is not agreeable to thy holy Word LET me in all reverence and humility of Soul submit my self unto thy holy Will so that ordering my Conversation aright and walking according to thy Golden Rule peace may be upon me as upon the Israel of God Suffer me not to oppress or defraud my Brother in Bargaining Buying and Selling by using false Weights and Ballances or any other unlawful means but Guide me so by thy Grace that my Conscience may ever cheer me up through a delightful apprehension of thy blessed Favour TO this end order thou my Paths and establish my goings in the way of Peace Grace and Salvation cause thou me to walk upright before thee make me to provide things honest before thee and Men behave my self as in thy
No●trils can drive us like Chaff before the face of the Wind and chase us into the bottomless Pit from whence there is no Redemption BUT thine Eye O Lord hath spared us and we are yet alive O make us living Monuments of thy Mercy that we may work out our Repentance unto Salvation and let it be such a Repentance never to be repented of possess my heart with such a fear and a love of thee that I may tremble at thy Word and melt at the sight of thy Judgments deliver me I humbly beseech thee in that great day of thy appearance and let me not be in the number of Depart ye Cursed but among those whom thou callest Come you blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you This I humbly beg for thy Sons sake our only Lord and Saviour Amen The Marriners Prayer O GOD the great Creator of Heaven and Earth thou dost whatsoever thou please●t in the Sea and in all deep places I the most unworthiest of all thy Servants am at this time called upon to behold thy Wonders in the Deep and to perform my Duty in great Waters Guide me I beseech thee in all times and in all places be thou our skilful Pilot to steer us and protect us from all Dangers and rebuke the Winds and the Seas when they molest us preserve our Vessel from being rent by the loud cracks of Thunder or from being burnt by Lightning or any other accident keep us and save us from tempestuous Weather from bitter Frosts Hail Ice Snow or Whirlwinds and from Captivity and Slavery TEACH me O God to remember thee my Creator in the days of my Youth to continually think upon thee and to praise thy Name for all thy Mercies bless all our Friends I beseech thee that are on Land and let their Prayers for us be acceptable in thy sight and grant that our next meeting together may be for the better and not for the worse even to the praising and magnifying of thy holy Name and the Salvation of our own Souls in the great day of the Lord Jesus to whom with thee and thy blessed Spirit be ascribed all Honour Power and Glory Adoration and Subjection now and for evermore Amen The Soldiers Prayer O MOST Omnipotent Lord God Heaven is thy Throne and Earth is thy Footstool and the whole Host of Heaven continually pays obedience to thee O Lord I present my self before thee acknowledging my own vileness but thy infinite goodness my own weakness but thy infinite Power and Majesty O thou that teaches our hands to War and our fingers to Fight endue me with a courage and resolution to run through those difficulties I may meet withal and when any engagement presents it self for the publick good of my King and Country then O my God animate me with that vigour and Christian fortitude that I may overcome all those which oppose thee and thy people PRESERVE me I beseech thee and bless me in all my Enterprises save me from Death and cover my head in our day of Battel prosper our Arms with good success make our Religion and Country like the House of David grow stronger and stronger but let the Enemy like the House of Saul grow weaker and weaker let no covetous desires greediness of spoil ambition vain-glory hatred malice uncharitableness or any thing that exalts it self against thee and thy Kingdom ever take hold of me keep me from all Atheism Infidelity Blasphemy and Prophaneness from all Rioting Chambering and Wantonness grant that I may do no violence to any man nor accuse no man falsly but be content with my Wages that when ever Death approaches I may joyfully giving up the Ghost pronounce this saying I have fought a good fight I have finish'd my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the Righteous Iudge shall give unto all those which love and fear him and put their trust in his mercy Amen The Magistrates Prayer O GOD thou Supreme Judge of the World thou didit ordain Man through thy Wisdom and gavest him dominion over thy Creatures and authority to govern the World according to equity and righteousness and to execute Judgment with all uprightness thou hast appointed me a Minister O Lord and a Judge of thy Sons and Daughters but none can discharge so great a trust without thy divine power and assi●tance TO thee therefore O Lord do I humbly address my self thou art the Fountain from whence every good and perfect gift cometh and none can rule without thy Wisdom guides them Endue me O Lord with that wisdom which is from above which is first pure and then peaceable inspire me with an understanding Spirit that I may discern between Good and Evil between Light and Darkness that I may be always ready to pronounce a just sentence in all Causes let the Scales of Justice be ever even and let my Eyes be blind and my Ears deaf to all gifts or popular applause amongst men suffer me not to bear thy Sword in vain but fill me with that Zeal and Courage that I may be ready to punish Wickedness and Vice but encourage true Religion and Vertue so that at the last when thou shalt be pleased to call me hence I may give up my accounts with joy and not with grief and receive those blessed Words which thou hast pronounced of Well done thou good and faithful Servant enter into the joy of thy Lord. Amen A Prayer of a Debtor in Prison O GOD the helper of the poor and needy and all those who are in adversity look down I beseech thee with an Eye of Pity and Compassion upon thy afflicted Servant the place I am in is miserable disconsolate and comfortless but withdraw not the light of thy countenance from me O Lord I confess I have abused all those mercies I have enjoyed I have not employed that precious time thou hast given me to improve but on the contrary I have been negligent and guilty of all profuseness I have been worse than an Infidel in not making that provision for my Family which I was obliged in Justice to perform neither have I paid those due Debts which I became bound to do therefore a● I plunged into this depth of misery Divers ways I am apprehensive I have highly offended thy Divine Majesty both in thought word and deed for which I earnestly implore thy gracious pardon and forgiveness I acknowledge thy Divine Goodness and Mercy that thou hast not snatched me hence and sent me into everlasting burnings amongst the damned but thou hast preserved me unto this moment that I might live and praise thy great Name My Body O Lord is now confin'd but I beseech thee enlarge my Spirit whereby I may offer up the Sacrifice of Prayer and Thanksgiving with all cheerfulness for all thy innumerable benefits which I have from time to time received from thee dispose the hearts of my
malice had laid to destroy the King his Nobles and Commons then assembled in Parliament they had contrived by their barbarous Invention to have blown up the Bodies of that great and wise Councel but thou O God didst defeat their Bloody Enterprise whereof we rejoyce WE likewise praise and extol thy great Name for this second and never to be forgotten Deliverance O let after Ages and the Children that are yet unborn when they come to understand this thy wonderful Mercy let it never slip from their memory Thou O Lord didst raise up thy Servant our Soveraign Lord King William who like Moses stood in the Gap between us and Roman Slavery which like a Torrent was pouring upon us O let us never forget thy double Mercy extended towards us this day thou hast plucked us as a Firebrand out of the burning and hast restored to us those good and wholsome Laws and Liberties which our Ancestors have enjoyed inspire our hearts that we may extol thy Name O Lord for these great Mercies and Deliverances and let all the people with one voice say Amen A Thanksgiving for the happy success of Their Majesties Arms in reducing of Ireland and for His Majesties safe return to England O GOD the great Preserver of the Universe I offer up unto thee all Praise and Thanksgiving for putting an end to those troubles and disorders which were in Their Majesties Kingdom of Ireland thou hast done great things for us O Lord whereof I rejoyce thy Servant and our Dear and Dread Soveraign King William did expose his Person to the danger of the Enemy but thou didst protect him from their Malice gavest Success to his Arms and Royal Undertaking and didst cover his Head in the day of Battel and at last thou hast brought him safe home with Joy and Victory Prosper O Lord I beseech thee both Their Majesties with long Life and Happiness and grant that all their Subjects may be furnished with Loyal and Obedient Hearts towards them and Love and Charity one towards another give Peace in our time O Lord and put an end to all differences amongst us for thy Sons sake our only Lord and Saviour Amen A Prayer for Charity GRANT O Lord I beseech thee that I may abound in Charity yeilding up my self first to thy service and then according to thy blessed will to the service and relief of my poor Brethren let me ever remember that thou O Lord madest thy self poor that I might be made rich and he that Soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly but he that Soweth liberally shall also reap liberally for thou lovest a cheerful giver Make me to abound O Lord with thy Grace that I may be plentiful in every good word and work and never let me hide my Face from the poor and needy Thou O Lord givest seed to the Sower and Bread to the Eater encrease my wealth and augment the revenue of my Righteousness whereby I may be enriched in all frankness of liberality Amen A Prayer to renounce the World and affect Spiritual things O GOD the Father who raised from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ who offered up himself a Sacrifice for the sins of the whole World to the end he might withdraw our affections from Temporal and fix them upon that which is Eternal give us hearts to obey thy truth and infuse into us thy Spirit which may produce thy vertues in us And because we are thy Children send the Spirit of thy Son into our hearts whereby we may cry Abba Father that ' being thy Children we may be heirs through Christ and walk according to the Spirit not fulfilling the Lusts of the flesh knowing that what a Man Soweth that shall he reap for he that Soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap Corruption but he that Soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life Everlasting LET us glory in nothing save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world may be drucified unto us and we unto the World that in him we may become new Creatures not growing weary of well-doing knowing that we shall reap in due season if we faint not Wherefore while we have time let us do good to all Men but especially unto the Houshold of Faith and all they that shall walk according to this rule peace be upon them and upon the Israel of God A Conclusive Prayer O ALMIGHTY God who hast promised to hear the Petitions of them that ask in thy Sons Name I beseech thee mercifully to incline thing Ears unto me who have now made my Prayers and Supplication unto thee and grant that those things which I have faithfully asked according to thy Will may be effectually obtained to the relief of my Necessity and to the setting forth of thy Glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Blessing THE Peace of God which passeth all understanding keep my heart and mind in the knowledge and love of God and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord and the blessing of God Almighty the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost with the Virtue of Christs blessed Cross Passion Resurrection and Ascension be with me now at the hour of Death and in the Day of Judgment Amen GRACES A Grace before Meat O GOD who art the giver of every good and perfect Gift sanctifie we beseech thee these thy Creatures now prepared for us ma●e them wholsome for our Bodies and ou● Souls and Bodies serviceable unto thee for them through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Or this MOST merciful Father which openest thy hand and fillest all things with Plenteousness we pray thee sanctifie these thy good Creatures unto us that we may eat to preserve life and living serve thee our God through thine only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen Or this O LORD our God by whose Providence it is that we live move and have our Being send thy Blessing upon us and our Provision and grant that whether we Eat or Drink or whatsoever we do else we may do all to the Glory of thy Name through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen After Meat THE Lords most holy Name be now and ever blessed and praised for all his Mercies and for his blessings at this time bestowed upon us Lord as thou hast fed our Bodies with corporal Food so feed our Souls likewise with spiritual Food unto life Eternal Save thine Universal Church these Realms the King the Queen and all the Royal Family and grant us thy Grace Mercy and Peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Or this THE God of all Grace and Goodness who at this time hath fed and plenteously refreshed us his most holy Name be blessed and praised from this time forth and for evermore God save his Universal Church c. Or this WE laud and praise thy Name O Lord for all thy blessings and favours and for feeding us so plentifully at this time desiring thee of thy Grace that our thankfulness may not be in