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A03468 A treatise against vvitchcraft: or A dialogue, wherein the greatest doubts concerning that sinne, are briefly answered a Sathanicall operation in the witchcraft of all times is truly prooued: the moste precious preseruatiues against such euils are shewed: very needful to be knowen of all men, but chiefly of the masters and fathers of families, that they may learn the best meanes to purge their houses of all vnclean spirits, and wisely to auoide the dreadfull impieties and greate daungers which come by such abhominations. Hereunto is also added a short discourse, containing the most certen meanes ordained of God, to discouer, expell, and to confound all the Sathanicall inuentions of witchcraft and sorcerie.; Treatise against witchcraft. Holland, Henry, 1555 or 6-1603. 1590 (1590) STC 13590; ESTC S104153 71,772 90

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❀ A TREATISE AGAINST VVITCHCRAFT OR A Dialogue wherein the greatest doubts concerning that sinne are briefly answered a Sathanicall operation in the Witchcraft of all times is truly prooued the moste precious preseruatiues against such euils are shewed very needful to be knowen of all men but chiefly of the Masters and Fathers of families that they may learn the best meanes to purge their houses of all vnclean spirits and wisely to auoide the dreadfull impieties and greate daungers which come by such abhominations HEREVNTO IS ALSO ADDED a short discourse containing the most certen meanes ordained of God to discouer expell and to confound all the Sathanicall inuentions of Witchcraft and sorcerie He that ouercommeth shall inherite all things and I will be his God and he shall be my sonne but the fearefull and vnbeleeuing and the abhominable and murtherers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all lyars shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Rev. 21. 7 8. 22. 14 15. CAMBRIDGE Printed by Iohn Legatt Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1590. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE LORD Robert Devorax Earle of Essex and EWE Vicount of Hereford and Bourchier Lord Ferrers of Chartley Bourchier and Lovaine Master of the Queenes Maiesties Horse and Knight of the most Honourable order of the Garter H. H. wisheth with his heart grace from God the Father by Iesus Christ increase of al vertues and constancie in the truth of the Gospell to the ende THE Scriptures of God right Honourable in sundrie places doe most euidently teach vs that there are two spirituall kingdomes in this world which haue continual hatred bloody wars without hope of truce for euer The Lord and king of the one is our Lord Iesus the tyrannical vsurper of the other is Sathan Again this also we are as clearely taught that all men liuing without exception are eyther true subiects of the one or slaues vnto the other For albeit the Neuters of this worlde dreame that they may indifferentlie view the scarres and woundes of other men and neuer approch neere those bloody skirmishes yet the truth is they are fowlie deceiued for the great Lord and King hath said with his owne mouth Hee that is not with mee is against mee Wherefore all that build not vp as much as in them lyeth the kingdome and Citie of God and batter downe the holdes of Sathan must be numbred with the rebels and enemies of our Lord Christ when the warrefare shal be ended The enemies of Christ haue euer beene many some open cruell foes without some subtill close conspirators within the house of God most daungerous vnderminers of the Citie of God if they be not discouered In this secret conspiracie albeit Sathan haue many Champions and many artes mille artes mille nocendi modos there is no arte more effectuall and dreadfull in my iudgement then those his wicked faculties in Witchcrafte I haue indeauoured right Honourable in this small Treatise according to my poore strength to shewe the principall meanes ordained of God for to confound and to discouer them I doe here therefore humbly aske your Honourable protection for the defence of the trueth and the glory of God against all the patrones of all such vile artes and horrible abhominations Thus doeing your Honour shall not onely encourage me but also imbolden others which are better able and wil be willing also to lay open the secret delusions and practises of Sathans inventions Nobilitie without godlines and vertue as your Honour well knoweth is blood indeede as a learned man speaketh but blood without bones and sinewes I knowe therefore that to increase in your Honour true Nobilitie you are well assured that it principally standeth in purchasing vnto Christ and his Church true honour and glorie and in beating downe as much as in your Honour lyeth all the holdes of Sathans kingdome God increase in your heart right Honourable all his good graces to his glory your own saluation and the benefit of his Church Amen The yeere of our saluation 1590. Your good Lordships euer to vse and command in the Lord Henr. Holland TO THE CHRISTIAN READER GRACE MERCIE AND PEACE BE multiplied in Iesus Christ. THE holy Apostle labouring to set foorth the divine maiestie and powerfull might of the ministerie of the Gospel sheweth how that a man must be as it were conquered thereby before he doe yeelde sincere and sound obedience vnto Christ. And certen it is that before men be brought downe to that subiection they fall often into daungerous errours in minde and sundrie fearefull sinnes in life In this question of Witchcraft some haue preferred the wicked folly of mā before the holy wisdom of God would haue vs to credit their owne practise the knowledge also and experience of Cornelius Agrippa Iohn Wyerus Nero Iulian Apostata and such like Their experience to say no more was vnsufficient most wicked and detestable Let vs then humble our selues before the wisdome of God and see what direction wee haue in this controuersie by the holy Scripture First for the being of this abhomination the holy word of god most clearely cōfirmeth it For if there were no such sinne wherefore then are there so many kindes named and distinguished Deut. 18. 10 11. Mecasephim kozemim c. Al which Gal. 5. 20. the Apostle comprehendeth as Ierome saith in that one word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Witchcraft Secondly wherfore haue we so many examples of the practitioners of this profession pointed at so often vnto vs as the inchaunters of Egypt the Witch of Endor the witches of Persia Simon Magus of Samaria Elymas the sorcerer at Paphus the Pythonist at Philippi c. Thirdly what meaneth the Lord to geue such lawes against this sinne as may be seene Exod. 22. 18. Lev. 20. 27. Deut. 18 10 11. For this is Maxime in Law as Danaeus saith and the lawyers graunt it De ijs rebus quae non sunt leges non promulgantur There are no lawes made of things which haue no being If this be true of the lawes of men how much more of the blessed Lawes of God wherein we must not imagine a want or superfluitie and therefore Hemingius saith Sapientissimus Deus non potest leges ferre de rebus quae vel non sunt vel esse non possunt The moste wise God can not geue lawes of things which haue no beeing or can haue no beeing VVherefore I conclude that witchcraft is a sinne a filthie worke of the flesh as Paul speaketh and therefore an abominable worke of the devill as Iohn saith and consequently not so lightly as it is made of some to be regarded The adversaries here are glad to betake the selues to th● first refuge Witchcraft is but coozening or poisening arte practised by humane industrie whereunto Sathan communicates no reall conference or communication What may
haue often the name of Iesus and of the holy Trinitie they crosse themselues at each worde they vse also certain words of the Cannon of the masse Gloria in excelsis omnis spiritus laudet Dominum à porta inferi credo videre bona Domini c. so farre Bodin They haue vsed also exorcists scratchings many other meanes c. but all in vaine for it is most certen that so seeking to scare away the deuill and his artes from their bodies and their goods he had greater hold and possession of their soules for so doing they prooued his vassals themselues and instruments for the execution of his owne will and pleasure 2. Proposition or Minor That the holy ministerie of Gods word is ordained of God for this purpose wee may see it if aduisedly we consider the Lordes words Deut. 18. 10 11 19 c. Let none be among you that maketh his sonne or his daughter to go through the fire c. thē he addeth the Lord God will raise thee vp a Prophet like vnto me from among you euen of thy brethren vnto him shall yee hearken vers 19. Whosoeuer will not hearken vnto my wordes which hee shall speake in my name I will require it of him Here I say the Lord hath appointed a remedie for the sinnes of witchcraft and sorcerie the ordinarie ministerie of Gods worde published by his Prophets whereunto as many as did hearken that is receiued it with true faith and obedience they were freed from those Sathanicall inuentions named in that place for Sathans rotten mist is so scattered and discouered by the bright beaines and glorious light of Gods word that hee can not long lurke or abide the light of that place and therefore we read that in the darke countries where his arts were professed there did inhabite the most idolatrous nations of al the Gentiles as the Egiptians Chaldeans Indians Persians Cananites as prophane histories together with the booke of God plentifully doe testifie and record vnto vs. 2 Esay maketh the ministerie of Gods word of Sathans arts two professions so opposite that he that forsaketh the one and leaneth vnto the other forsaketh God embraceth the deuill refuseth the liuing seeking the dead reiecteth the law testimonie of god resteth vpon sathanical inuētions lastly hath no light in him but is ful of darknes his words are these When they shal say vnto you enquire at them that haue a spirit of diuination and at the soothsayers which whisper murmure should not a people enquire at their God frō the liuing to the dead to the law and to the testimonie or rather as another saith against the law and the testimonie if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them 3 The Lord God promiseth his Church by the Prophet Zacharie that assoone as the glorious ministerie of the gospell should shine forth among men he wold therby dispel the clouds of ignorance and cut off the names of Idols out of the land that they should no more be remembred and cause the false prophets and the vncleane spirit to depart out of the land And that this was performed generally in all places wheresoeuer the powerfull ministerie of the glorious Gospel was purely receiued Ecclesiasticall histories doe testifie for times past and common experience can prooue for time present as afterward shal be shewed 2. Argument Looke by what meanes all vncleane spirits are driuen out of naturall men by the same good meanes may the spirits of sorcerie be descried confounded and cast foorth But Iesus Christ the great Lord that is stronger then that strong man worketh the first by his blessed word and spirit Ergo the second 2. Proposition or Assumption THe Apostle cōfirming the Authority of his ministery against false teachers in Corinth sheweth it to be glorious First from the efficient cause therof which was God himselfe 2. from the effects thereof which were these First for that it was able to cast down holdes meaning all the munitions of Sathan and carnall men 2. all carnall wisdome 3. all high thinges that are exalted against the knowledge of God 4 for that it is able to bring into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ. 5. and lastly from a vengeance that is an ordinarie consequent foreuer vnto the contempt of that ministerie If that ministerie be so powerfull therfore to cast out Sathan out of naturall men and to worke in them the greatest worke vnder heauen the work of regeneration by the immortall seede that it soweth abroad into mens hearts it is most certen that it may confound all artes and delusions of deuills in all sorts of men but some will not beleeue what the Scripture speaketh most clearely that Sathan so possesseth naturally men and worketh in them as Paule speaketh let such therefore listen what an auncient learned man speaketh of this point on this manner Daemonibus est super omnia genera tormentorum super omnes poenas si quem videant verbo Die operam dare scientiam diuinae legis mysteria Scripturarum intentis studijs per quirentem in hoc eorum omnis flamma est in hoc vruntur incendio possident enim omnes qui versantur in ignorantia Vnto the deuills it is a torment aboue all kindes of torments and a paine aboue all paines if they see any man reading the worde of God and with feruent studie searching the knowledge of Gods lawe and the mysteries and secrets of Scriptures herein standeth all the flame of the deuills in this fire they are tormented for they are seased and possessed of all them that remaine in ignorance 3. Argument That thing which Sathan most dreadeth most repugneth most persecuteth with all his artes and instruments worketh no dout most his ouerthrow discouerie and confusion in all this worlde Sathan hath euer withstood and feared the ministerie of the Gospel and persecuted all the ministers and professors thereof with all his might c. Therefore this is an especiall meanes and gift of God for to discouer his artes to cast downe his kingdome and to confound him all his practises The 2. Proposition or Assumption LVke 22. 31 32. Our Sauiour saith to his Apostles before his Passion Sathan desireth to winnow you as wheat this he did because the saw they were called and ordained for the great work of the Gospel the ouerthrow of his kingdome and the enlarging of Christes kingdome 1. Thess. 2. 18. We would haue come vnto you I Paule at least once or twise but Sathan hindred vs. Wherefore did Sathan hinder Paule Syluanus and Tymotheus from comming to Thessalonica by the Iewes his Limmes and those wicked vagabonds of that citie because hee feared by their ministerie some ouerthrowe of his kingdome and some grouth of Christes Church And wherefore doeth Sathan suffer naturall men to be so
the discouerie and confutation of witchcraft by the ministerie of the gospell CHAP. III. Of the Christian Magistrate the 2. good meanes ordained of God for the discouerie and confusion of witchcraft THe godlie Kinges Princes Iudges and all Magistrates fearing God of the olde Church before Christ and the Christian princes c. vnder the gospell were most carefull at all times to banish this sinne out of their kingdomes common wealthes And like as they were moste diligent in this point so the wicked kings princes c. in all countries and nations c. were bent to the contrarie practise as to nourish to prouide and to maintaine as it were seminaries for such professors as practised the artes and inuentions of the deuill I will shewe this to bee true by examples and reasons out of the holy booke of God on this manner Moses a moste wise and godly magistrate a singuler president for all others was most sharpely bent against this sinne as may be seene by his conflict with this vile sort of men in Egypt Exod. 7. 8. for it is thought these were those Iannes and ●ambres which withstood him 2. Tim. 3. 8. God by him gaue most sharp lawes against these sinnes and that holy man no doubt practised them in his time most carefullie 2 Saul as long as he followed the word of God by the ministerie of Samuel was sharply set against these euills and so exactly diligently searched and sought out by his Iudges and Magistrates these witches and wizards that he left few or none in all his land as may be seen by the words of the witch her selfe vnto him when he came vnto her after his fall from God 1. Sam. 28. 9. the wordes are these The woman said behold thou knowest what Saule hath done how he destroied the sorcerers and soothsaiers out of the land wherefore then seekest thou to take me in a snare to cause me to dye Where wee may see 1. how that the wicked Saule was very forwarde during the time of his good ministerie to execute Gods will against this sinne 2. how that as soone as the light of Gods word was darkned the holy priests prophets murdered these horrible abhominations began to spring vp to creepe into the Church againe 3 David was the next King and carefully prouided for a good ministerie in his time prophecied Nathan Gad his religious priests Zadock Abiathar and many others no doubt godly priests and prophets by whose good ministerie together with the industrie and diligence of his wise Iudges Magistrates in the execution of iustice this sinne appeared not greatly in his kingdome during his time for we read nothing of this sinne that I can remēber in that long historie which the holy Ghost hath commended vnto vs concerning his life and kingdome 4 Hezekiah was a right wise godly zealous prince and religigiouslie prouided a good ministerie hee reformed many euills which had crept into the Church in Vriah Iotham Achas daies for as for Idolatrie wherof the sinne of witchcraft is an inseperable companion as the wise godly learned haue obserued it is saide He brake the images cut downe the groues and brake downe the high places the altars throughout Iudah Beniamin in Ephraim also Manasseh vntill he had made an ende It is certen therefore that hee searched most carefully for this sinne prouided watchfully that his wise Iudges should proceede in iustice against the same for in his time prophecied the holy Prophets Esay Hosea Micah who preached most vehemently against these euills as may be seene in their Prophecies Iosiah was a very religious godly zealous Prince diligently prouided also for wise Magistrates Ministers by whose painfull industry godly wise pollicie he purged his Church as of all Idolatrie so likewise of this great abhominatiō for in his time prophecied Ieremiah Zephaniah and others who no doubt stirred vp the king all his magistrates to root out these Sathanicall inuentions for it is written that Iosiah so did Iosiah also tooke away them that had familiar spirits the soothsayers and the images and the Idols and all the abhominations that were espied in the land of Iudah and in Ierusalem to performe the word of the law c. Of the Emperours Kings Princes c. vnder the Gospell Bodin writeth on this manner Itaque sortilegi cum sortilegijs fuerunt damnati iudicijs infesti primum Tiberio imperante vt apud Tacitum legitur post Domitiano longe acrius diligentius quaestionem c. tum etiam Diocletiano Sed omniū seuerissime cum imperatores fidei Christi sese adiunxerunt tune enim euersa sunt templa oracula sacrificia gentium totaque aruspicina illicita pronunciata auguralis scientia eorumque inte●a●ctus vsus indicta in auruspices mortis poena deportationes in eos qui augures auruspices consulerent Sorceries saith he began to be sought after vnder the heathen Emperours Tiberius Domitian and Dioclesian But assoone as the Emperours which followed professed the faith of Christ they did most seuerely search out these practises of Sathan For then their Temples were cast down and their oracles heathenish sacrifices all the arts of magick were proclaimed vnlawfull the vse of them was forbidden death was ordained for the punishment of sorcerie and banishment for all those which consulted with soothsaiers sorcerers the rest of that Sathanicall order And thus farre of good magistrates The contrarie practise of evil Princes and Iudges followeth First to begin with Pharao and that auncient Idolatry and magicke of Egypt The false priests magicians of that land wanted no prouision for the sustaining of their deuilish profession for it is written that they had an ordinarie of Pharo and they did eat their ordinarie which Pharoh gaue them so that in the famine time they were not constrained to sell their landes as others were In this land was magicke notably professed as all writers of histories haue testified Hence came that famous Nectanebus who by his inchauntments so bewitched Olympias the Queene of Macedonie that he begat on her Alexander the great Monarch making Phillip the King and the worlde to beleeue that Alexander was Iupiters sonne as Curtius and others haue recorded Such prouision for this hellish profession there was no doubt also in all other kingdomes and countries where these artificers were fostered as in Chaldei Archadia India and in Persia as I haue before shewed out of the Ecclesiasticall stories of Socrates and Sozomenes When the kingdome of Israel fell from the true God from his word seruice and religion it is said they contemned all the good Prophets and the godly ministerie For the Lord saith they made them Priests which were the very dregges and ragges or lowest or basest of the people When the ministerie was thus polluted and the worde
for their God his arts for Gods word would haue Athisme to come in place of pure religion Wherfore if they erre of ignorance they erre dangerously against the very foundation of Christian religion if they erre of malice they are the very imps limmes of Satan and seeing that they seeme to turne such honourable personages from faith and religion and from true obedience vnto the worde of the Lord as Elimas the sorcerer sought to turne Sergius Paulus that prudent man when he desired to heare the word of God from the faith let them vnderstand that Paul may thunder more iustly against them professing Christianity in the Church as he did against that vile Pagan sorcerer in this maner O full of all subtiltie all mischiefe the child of the deuill and enimy of all righteousnes wilt thou not cease to peruert the straight waies of the Lord The ground and the mother of all good lawes is the law of god and all other lawes do giue attendance therupon and haue their being to this end to keep and preserue the holy lawes of God inuiolable and if they want this scope as the learned say they are vnnecessary in the Church or common wealth The lawes of god are most sharp against this sinne and punish it with death as all other sinnes of the first table were punished the words of the lawe are these Exod. 20. 18. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to liue Againe Lev. 20. 27. if a man or a woman haue a spirit of diuination or sooth saying in them they shall dye the death they shall stone them to death their blood shall be vpon them Againe Deut. 18. 10 11. many kinds of magitians are numbred which the Lorde straightly chargeth should not be left to liue in the land These lawes of God did the forenamed godly kings their iudges rulers and magistrates most religiousllie and zealouslie obey and put in practise and wherfore Christian princes iudges c. ought not with greater care loue zeale religion do the same vnder the gospel no man liuing shal euer be able with any sensible reason to prooue vnto vs. Wherfore such iudges as are so sharp sighted in the lighter sinnes of the 2. table and as it were blind in the disobedience of the first are as M. Beza Danaeus Bodin say truly great contēners of God thēselues therefore the greater account shall they make Bodin cōplaineth in these wordes Equidem saepe miratus sum cur à multis principib quaestiones institutae iudices extra ordinem dati delegatique fierent in fures quaestores aerarios faeneratores viarū obsessores per quos tamen turpissima summè horrenda impiaque magorū facta manserunt impunita This lawyer as you see wondreth at the custome of some countries where he knoweth the iudges and magistrates are very sharp against theeues robbers vsurers and such like common sinnes but to passe ouer the most horrible sinnes of sorcerie vnpunished M. Beza also complaineth against this negligence in magistrates as we haue before shewed Danaeus saith that to make lawes doth belong appertain to kings princes notwithstanding he wisheth albeit lawes might seem to be wāting that the honourable iudges magistrates c. would punish magitians sorcerers for sundry other sorts of sin which they do impiously commit Bodin numbreth their sinnes in this order First they renounce God and all true religion 2. they blaspheme prouoke his diuine maiesty with vnspeakable contempt 3. they beleeue in the deuill adore him sacrifice vnto him 4. they offer their children vnto deuils 5. they sweare vnto Satan promise to bring as many as they can vnto his seruice professiō 6. they inuocate Satan in their praiers sweare by his name 7. they commit incestuous adulteries for Satan telleth thē that none can proue a perfect magitian or sorcerer but such a one as is of the father the daughter or the mother the son whereupon Catullus wrote these verses Nam magus ex matre gnato gignatur oportet Si vera est Persarum impia religio The right magitian by the sonne of mother is begotte Sayth Persian faith if that be true t is Satans birde I wotte 8. They cōmit horrible murders kil yong infants 9. al sorcerers for the most part exercise poison to kill with poison is far more heinous then simple murder for so the law speaketh grauius est occidere veneno quam ferro 10. they kill mens cattel c. 11. lastly the witches as themselues confesse cōmit abominatiōs filthines with their deuils when they ly with their husbands Aug. saith that to denie this is great impudency These sinnes here named euery one euē the lest deserueth a most exquisite death as can be deuised for all such sinners are cōmanded to be stoned to death which kinde of death was a most dreadful death among the Iews And surely it is well known by common experience that al professed sorcerers c. are guiltie of many most monstrous impieties for this cause the law saith simply Mechasephath Lo tichieth let not a witch liue expressing vnto vs how expedient it is that iustice be speedily exercised against these vile kind of men And thus far I thought good to shew how wise and religious magistrates haue doe and may proceed against the discouery of the most horrible and detestable sinnes of witchcraft or ●●●ery not for that I can or would teach any our honourable wise learne● magistrates their duties in this pointe but to let the common sort of Christians see what the lawe of God commandeth and what diligence good Magistrates haue vsed in elder times against these euils Wherefore if we which professe Christ Iesus in this cleare Sunne shine of the gospell be found more remisse colde backward in performing these duties to God and his Church that I may say more we seeme to come to farre behind those noble presidents in the loue of 〈◊〉 hatred of sinne and behinde I feare if wee so persist shall wee come ●nto the kingdome efheauen To conclude therefore let vs all as many as haue the place of inferiours in this Christian common wealth pray mightely vnto God so to illuminate our superiours the wise and honourable magistrates our godly learned ministers with his holy word to know his will and so to enflame their hearts with his holy spirit that they may moste diligently put the same in practise as for the discouery confusion extirpation of al sinnes so more particularly most carefully of these most horrible dreadfull detestable sinnes of witchcraft and sorcery c. that so God may be purely worshipped his saints comforted his greatest enemies either conuerted to their good or confounded with their deuills to their endlesse shame and confusion So be it Vnto the King euerlasting immortall inuisible vnto