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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A67420 More news from Rome, or, Magna Charta discoursed of between a poor man & his wife as also a new font erected in the cathedral-church at Gloucester in October 1663, and consecrated by the reverend moderate bishop, Dr. William Nicolson ... : as also an assertion of Dr. William Warmstrey ... wherein he affirmeth that it is a lesser sin for a man to kill his father than to refrain coming to the divine service established in the Church of England ... Wallis, Ralph, d. 1669. 1666 (1666) Wing W616; ESTC R15738 46,742 50

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And again Luther saith Christus non vi aut igne homines cogere vult Christ will not by fire and force compel men And Tindal saith Fides sua sponte non coacte agere vult Faith will work of its own accord not by constraint And he is a young Student in the university that cannot tell you Voluntas cogi non potest the will cannot be compell'd But what need we go to humane Authors when we have the practise of our Saviour left for instruction and imitation He that hath ears to hear let him hear and he that will not let him chuse whether he will or no. When his Apostles moved him to command fire from Heaven to have destroyed them that received him not see what he saith Ye know not of what spirit ye are for the Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to sove them Wife these things are so publickly known that I might spare to make mention of them but not yet known to my Children and one thing more out of History That which is recorded in the life of Simon and Jude the Apostles as both Gulielmus defancto amore and John His relate That when the Chief Ruler was very angry with those that defamed the Doctrine of the Apostles and in great Zeal commanded a fire to be made that such opposers might be cast into it the Apostles fell down before the Emperour saying We beseech you Sir let not us be the Authors or Causers of this destraction who are come to publish the Doctrine of eternal Salvation neither let us who are sent to revive those who are dead through sin become the killer of those who are alive And if there was an Act of Parliament that all men should have faces one like another and propose one man for a Pattern it would be as easily brought to pass as to compel all men to be of one Judgment for he that hath a hand in forming of the face hath a hand in forming the Judgment and the forcing of men to forms of worship comes to as much as the man's Penance which he performed in Powls lately at the latter end of March it was thus A man had married an ancient woman by whom he had no issue she dying he matried the daughter by whom he hath two children and she great with the third they agree very well and he is a loving tender husband unto her nevertheless the Consanguinity must produce a Divorce He stood in a white sheet rather than he will give a great sum of money he must make a publick Confession of his Crime by saying after one who had a Paper in his hand and for this his notorious offence which is esteemed so by them or at least dissembled so to be he must desire the Congregation to pray for him all this while he resolves to continue his love to her and that she is his wife lawfully And such is a forced Conformity to the Forms of Worship now in fashion but when men are once got out of a dark dungeon they will hardly be brought into it again But fear of trouble may make men do that outwardly which inwardly they detest and so make Hypocrites Mr. Fox reports of John Frith's Son who seeing his Father burnt some of them who had a hand in his Fathers death demanded of the young man how he did believe who answered Even as it pleaseth you W. Husband So it is that Great men and Parliaments Convocations and Councils have deemed such a Reformation and Conformity requisit in well govern'd Kingdoms H. VVife Elibu one of Job's friends saith that Great men are not alwayes wise neither do the Mighty understand Judgment Convocations and Councils may err as in the Council of Nice where one Paphnutius withstood the whole Council consisting of three hundred and eighteen Bishops and convinced them all And Parliaments may as we have seen be sometimes wise and sometimes otherwise True spiritual Wisdom which is from above accords with the Scriptures but that which is beneath Scripture and cannot be warranted by it is earthly earnal sensual and devilish and enmity against God I have already told you in a former discourse that Convocations and Parliaments have nothing to do to make Laws for Christ's Kingdom that 's on his shoulders that were to charge him with want of wisdom and his Laws with imperfection For the souls of men and women he alone is the Law-giver or else what Law-giver is he The Magistrates power extends no further than to the outward man to require obedience in Civil things neither can Great men as we see reform themselves Convocation-men nor Parliament-men they may aswell undertake to sanctifie justifie or glorifie a soul as to reform a soul Sanctification is the work of the Spirit Justification the work of God's Free-Grace by the imputation of Christ's Righteousness Glorification the work of the Father Christ dying for man is his redemption Christ living in man is his reformation What is the Magistrates place then only to encourage protect keep peace and punish open and gross offenders W. Husband doth not this derogate from the honour of a Magistrate if his power extend only to temporal things H. Wife if Caesar have his due he can require no more and it would exceedingly redound to the honour of a Magistrate to give Christ the hononr of his own Kingdom to whom all honour appertains The time will come when the Kings of the Earth shall bring their honour and glory into it W. Husband the Kings of Isrel did things of this nature as Jehosaphat Josiah c. reformed many things in the Church in those dayes why may not Magistrates do the like now H. Wife The Kings of Israel were Types of Christ in their Government shadowing forth him who was to have the Government of his Israel his Church which is his Kingdom according to old Jacob's Prophesie The Scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a Law-giver from between his feet until Shilo come and now Shilo which is the King of Peece is come all other Regal power over the Church is ceased VV. But Husband there were no Christian Magistrates in Christ's time to commit the Government unto which may seem to altar the case and the Apostle biddeth us submit to every Ordinance of man for the Lord's sake H. VVife If Christ had seen Christian Magistrates necessary for the Government of his Kingdom he could as easily have turned the hearts of Kings and Emperors as he could the owner of the Ass to send her at his demand or brought the Fish to the Angle with money in his mouth to pay Tribute to Caesar And whereas the Apostle bids Submit c. he means only in Civil things otherwise if Augustus and other Heathen Emperours under whom they lived had commanded them to have worshipped their Heathen gods they must have committed Idolatry But Nebuchadnezzar's Act of uniformity and Daniels resisting to obey cleers up the case fully VV.
and talk over three or four sheets more now tell me what you did mean by Magna Charta Hus Wife I am ready to make good my word W. But Husband if it please you we will goto Bed for our Coals will scarcely make a fire in the morning and there will be hardly any to be had at the Key H. Wife I am contented W. Husband put out the Candle for that peice of Watch-light is all the Candle we have in the House and good Husband be serious an this thing without flashes H. Now I will tell you what I did mean by Magna Charta and shall be serious When in the dayes of Henry the third there was a great War between the King and his Barrons which began in his Fathers dayes and continued in his time for many years and both sides began to be weary it came to this Refult and Conclusion That there should be a Writing drawn up between them which should express the Prerogative Royal of the King and his Subjects Priviledges which being decreed in High Court of Parliament was called Magna Charta which was to be a standing Law to the Nation In which sence I call the Sacred Scriptures Magna Charta but more especially the New-Testament in which are expressed Christ's Prerogatives and his Subjects Priviledges and that by a perpetual Decree in the Court of Heaven unalterable irrevocable The Lord Cooke in the second part of his Institutes speaking of the Magna Charta of the Nation saith That although it be but small in comparison of other Writings yet it is of great use As Alexander the Great was but a little man yet he was R●● Magnus a Great King and so it may be said of this Magna Charta although it be but small in comparison of other Volumns yet it is of greatest use and proceeds from Rex Maximus the Gaeatest King figured out by Solomon Ezr. 5. 12. We are the Servants of the Great God and build the House which was builded long ago which a Great King of Israel set up and behold a greater than Solomon is here Nay He is both King Law-giver and Judge Isa 33. 22. and by this Magna Charta he will judge the World so saith Paul When Jesus Christ shall judge the hearts of all men according to my Gospel This Magna Charta is the only Magna Charta and is of greatest use other Magna Charta's may be smutted with the Smoak of a Chimney or as Oliver Cromwel said What tell you me of Magna Charta Magna Farta the Petition of Right the Petition of but this Magna Charta is undefiled Pure and Permanent Heaven and Earth shall pass away but not one jot or one tittle of this Magna Charta until all things in it be fulfilled And however the Author of this Magna Charta by Hereditary Right is Heir apparent to the whole World and hath all Kingdoms at his disposal for by him Kings Reign and Princes decree Justice and must vail their Crowns unto Him and give an account how they carry themselves in these great Places of Trust committed to them and of their Stewardships when they may be no longer Stewards Yet is he an absolute Monarch And as the Father hath delivered up the Kingdom unto him and given all power both in Heaven and Earth into his hand So also hath he another Kingdom distinct from the Kingdoms of the World which receives Power and Authority from him to manage all the affairs of the same without the assistance of Civil or Ecclesiastical Power who by a Covenant of Grace reconciling them unto himself by Faith in his own most precious Blood to whom he hath made many precious Promises which are the Priviledges he bestoweth on them as first He that overcometh shall eate of the Tree that is in the midst of the Paradise of God They shall have a white Stone given them which no man knoweth but he that hath it that they have free access to the Throne of Grace that he that toucheth them toucheth the Apple of his Eye that although all the world be his yet they are his chiefest Treasure they are bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and such honour have all his Saints Many more are the Priviledges he bestows upon them which a Volumn would scarcely contain All which are contained in this his Magna Charta and of such People doth his Kingdom consist and such are the Subjects of his Kingdom And the Tabernacle which the Lord hath pitched and not man shadowed forth in the Tabernacle which Moses instituted at God's Command for saith he See thou make all things according to the Pattern shewed thee in the Mount and Moses did every thing precisely Secundum formam or Secundum similitudinem after the form fashion or likeness of it And Christ was faithful to Him that appointed him as Moses was Moses as a Servant Christ as a Son and as Moses's Institutions were Rules for the Church of the Jews so Christ's Institutions in Gospel-times are for the Churches of Christ to walk by which are contained in this his Magna Charta his last Will and Testament teaching them what to do What Men or Magistrates command No Whatsoever I have commanded you And if Nadab and Abihu where smitten with death by strange fire from Heaven for offering strange fire which was but a small matter as men may think to take fire from the Hearth or else where when they should have taken it from the Altar yet not being according to the Institution see what came of it And if the least abberration deviation or going aside from the Law be damnable in point of Divine Justice Is it a less sin to go aside from the Rule of the Gospel If he that sinned against Mases Law was so severely punished of how much sorer Punishment shall he be worthy of c. And if there be a Curse denounced against those that add to his Word is it not a sin to add to his VVorship the Lord complains of it by Ezekiel They set up their Posts by my Posts and their Thresholds by my Thresholds And now I have told you what I did mean by Magna Charta And whatsoever is used in the VVorship of God being not founded upon a Gospel-Institution and cannot be warranted by a Gospel-Rule is Superstition a Vain Religion Who required these things at your hands In vain do they worship me teaching for Doctrine the precepts of men And now I hope VVife I have answered your request in being Serious and you cannot but assent unto the truth of it VV. Husband I am satisfied concerning the truth of it but for the information of my Children tell me where lies the difference between the Church of the Jews under the Law and the Church of the Gentiles under the Gospel H. VVife the Church of the Jews under the Law was the Seed of Abraham after the flesh by vertue of the Covenant which God made with