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A61451 An apology for the ancient right and power of the bishops to sit and vote in parliaments ... with an answer to the reasons maintained by Dr. Burgesse and many others against the votes of bishops : a determination at Cambridge of the learned and reverend Dr. Davenant, B. of Salisbury, Englished : the speech in Parliament made by Dr. Williams, L. Archbishop of York, in defence of the bishops : two speeches spoken in the House of Lords by the Lord Viscount Newarke, 1641. Stephens, Jeremiah, 1591-1665.; Davenant, John, ca. 1572-1641.; Williams, John, 1582-1650.; Newark, David Leslie, Baron, d. 1682. 1660 (1660) Wing S5446; ESTC R18087 87,157 146

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and a notorious offence of I. Pym to affirm as he did in his Speech in Parliament 4. Caroli That the high Commission was derived from the Parliament An impudent ignorant and seditious speech which if it had been spoken in the time of Henry the eighth when he recovered his Supremacy from the Pope the King would quickly have hanged or burnt him as he did many in his Reign upon that point of his Supremacy For though Parliaments may submit and acknowledge the Kings Supremacy yet they are not the Donors or Authors of it it is originally vested in the Crown and is a principal Flower thereof that cannot be denyed ot taken away from the King by any of their Votings or Ordinances And the King may again restore the Court of High Commission without the help of a Parliament and appoint such Judges and Commissioners as he shall think fit without direction or assistance from the House of Commons as the King doth appoint Judges in all other Courts without their consent and so may doe still in this Court Which is absolutely necessary to be done to suppresse the abominable and detestable increase of Sectaries and Schismaticks that are now risen up in this Inter-Regnum of the Kings Authority CHAP. IX The Example of the late warrs in Bohemia Germany France might well have forewarned us in England The Godly Covenant of Bohemia might well have given us Caution to take heed of a Covenant without the Kings consent The Church Lands taken away formerly are restored by the Emperour Grotius his Censure of the Presbyterians for raising Wars TO return again to our former matter of the separation of the Courts it is to be considered that the Courts being now divided in the Kingdome many hundred years since the ancient manner of their union is forgotten and unknown save only to the Learned and the scars of the Norman Conquest are so overgrown that few men are sensible what reliques of Slavery do still remain upon us by changing the order of the Courts the Language of the Law in great part with other things that I will not now mention But being so setled by the Conquerour and continued by his Successors the Temporal Courts in process of time grew too powerful for the Ecclesiastical and by their injunctions and prohibitions stopt many proceedings especially after the Councel of Clarendon under Hen. 2. Wherein the power of the Clergy was much abated and all Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction so crushed that it continued lame ever after Though the Clergy by appeals to Rome and the Popes Legats that were often sent hither did oftentimes help themselves and much molest their Adversaries At length under Hen. 8. upon his breach with the Pope the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction was much abridged and restrained in many particulars and reduced to a narrow compass becoming much more subject and obnoxious to the Injunctions Orders and prohibitions of all the Temporal Courts that now I mervail that any should complain and envy at their power and greatness there being no cause of any value or moment but by one order or other is drawn from them to the Temporal Courts And now at last there want not some that would have all Ecclesiastical authority and jurisdiction either wholly suppressed from the first Court to the last or at least so abated mingled or changed that what form or force of Government shall be left remaining seems very uncertain But if Presbyteries and such like Consistories of the forraign and new fangled devising were erected there will follow great confusion and disorder to the infinite disturbance of peace and quietnesse in the Kingdome by alteration of so many laws and customes and of the Common Law it self whereby the Kingdome hath been governed so many years and setled in peace and all mens estates and Lands held in certain possession For such great and universal changes as will follow upon the dissolution of the Hierarchy and taking away the Votes of Bishops in Parliament and other eminent parts of Government will produce such ill events and troublesome distractions as will not be pacified and composed within the compass of any mans life now living And what further mischeif may follow is uncertain but surely great troubles are like to ensue as indeed it hath happened in a most lamentable manner But if our Nation could have taken warning by the example of the late wars that happened these last 40. years in France Germany and Bohemia they might have prevented much evil for there the Wars began by men of the same spirit and humours as our Presbyterians are among us and had the same ends and purposes as ours had which is to take away the Honours Lands and Revenues of Bishops and all that belonged to them The ill s●ccesse of their names might well have forewarned us if there had been men among us wise and knowing of the Histories of the present age When we saw the Flame and Smoke of ●he Bohemian War ascend to heaven in our sight in most hideous manner And in the end all the zealous party were utterly undone and confounded that began the war against the Emperor to take away the lands of all the Clergy Bishops Deans and Chapters c. Which they account to be the flesh of the Whore of Babylon and the bones of the old Whore that is of the Pope So Brightman and Pareus and other zealous men do interpret the Text Revel 17. 16. All the Lands of the Church and Revenues among which they reckon Tythes are the flesh of the Pope which they must e●●e and devour not Physice but Mystice saith Pareus in his Commentary For otherwise to eat the flesh of the Pope naturally being commonly an old man and perhaps full of Diseases would be no good meat or pleasing Diet But mystically to eat him that is to take away the lands revenues and riches of the Church will bring in profit and money that will provide better diet to feed upon then the body and flesh of an old Pope This Sacrilegious appetite and outragious covetousness to get the lands of the Church and Bishops proved very tragical to Bohemia and most parts of Germany And to shew a little their manner of proceeding I will digresse a little because it is so remarkable and fresh a Case within these last 40. years First therefore the Bohemians in the year 1619. assembled a Parliament without the Emperors Consent They raised a great army and put Garrisons also in all the best Towns and Castles They made a Godly Covenant consisting of an 100 articles just the same in Substance with our late Scottish Covenant they raised great Taxes and excise to maintain their armies and garrisons For two years they prevailed much and brought in a new King the Palsgrave but at the end of two years the Emperors great armies came upon them and fought the great Battle of Prague 8. Novemb. 1620. The Duke of Bavaria came with twelve thousand men and other great
now there is a generation of men who do not think the Clergy necessary Men to be consulted that will interpret Scriptures remove the Ark of God as it were and do things without the presence vote and suffrage of the Chief Fathers of the Levites which how it agreeth with this pious Example of King David and King Iames's Meditations upon it I leave to be Considered CHAP. VII I● the first frame of our English Common-wealth the Bishops in every Diocess were the principal Iudges The Charter of William the Conquerour for the dividing the Courts The Statute of Circumspectè agatis 13. Ed. 1. and Articuli Cleri 9 Ed. 2. appointing what Cause shall belong to the Ecclesiastical Courts THe first frame of our English Common-wealth was so setled and ordered by the Saxon Kings when once they became Christians That the Bishop of the Diocess together with the Aldermen of the County and so their Deputies in-inferior Courts under them should be equal Judges together upon the same Bench in the same Courts and there determine all Causes in the forenoon Church-matters and in the afternoon secular business as Selden sheweth in his notes upon Eadner p. 166. and Bishop Iewel in part observes in his Defence of the Apology Part 6. p. 522. This Course continued till William the Conquerour and perhaps it had been very happy for our Kingdome if the frame of our Laws and Courts had so still continued joyned together for many reasons that I will not now further insist upon Gulielmus primus sacrum à Civili discriminavit forum etenim florente Saxonum imperio mutuas injure dicundo veluti tradebant operas atque eodem utebantur his quotannis for● Dioeceseos Episcopus simul provinciae Praeses seu vice-Comes quem Sheriffe nunc dicimus interdum Ealderman nominabant c. The Conquerour first separated the Temporal Courts from the Ecclesiastical yet not diminishing the authority of the Churches Jurisdiction which by his oath he confirmed and promised to preserve affirming Quod per Ecclesiam Rex regnum solidum habent subsistendi fundamentum So that he subverted rather Ecclesiastical power and jurisdiction but as formerly in the County or in the Hundred so now in the Bishops Court all Ecclesiastical Causes were heard and determined For the old manner the Laws of King Edgar do shew it Cap. 5. Intersit unusquisque Hundredi Gemoto ut superius est praescriptum habeantur burgemottitres quotannis duo vero scire-gemotti de istis adsunto loci Episcopus Aldermannus doceatque alter jus divinum alter saeculare In Hundredo aderant Thani quos Barones vocant posteri ut patet e. L. Ethelredi Cap. 1. ipsique judices Ecclesiastici cum partis illius Clero in Hundredo enim non minus quàm in Comitatu unà haec agebantur quae ad forum pertinent Ecclesiasticum quae ad saeculare donec Gulielmus Conquestor divisis jurisdictionibus hanc ab illa separavit For the Division of the Courts and the Erection of the Ecclesiastical to sit by themseves under the Bishop and Arch-deacon it appears by the Charter of King William to the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln And though it be sent in the direction by name to them only yet it seems it grew after to be a general law no otherwise then the Statute of Circumspecte agatis that hath a special reference onely to the Bishop of Norwich as Lord Coke saith 2 Instit. 487. The Bishop of Norwich is there put but for example but it extendeth to all the Bishops within the Realm And so Selden telateth in his History of Tithes Cap. 14. Sect. 1. and in his Ianus Lib. 2. Sect. 14. And in his notes upon Eadner p. 167. The words of it as they are recorded are Willielmus gratia Dei Rex Anglorum Comitibus vice comitibus omnibus Francigenis Anglis qui in Episcopatu Remigii Episcopi terras habent salutem Sciatis vos omnes coeteri mei fideles qui in Anglia manent quod Episcopales leges quae non bene nec secundum sanctorum Canonum praecepta usque ad mea tempora in regno Anglorum fuerunt Communi Consilio Cousilio Episcoporum Abbatum omnium principum regni mei emendandas judicavi Propterea mando regia authoritate Praecipio ut nullus Episcopus vel Archidiaconus de Legibus Episeopalibus amplius in Hundret placita teneant nec causam quae ad regimen animarum pertinet ad judicium secularium hominum adducant sed quicunque secundum Episcopales leges de quacunque causa vel culpa interpellatus fuerit ad locum quem ad hoc Episcopus elegerit nominaverit veniat ibique de causa sua respondeat non secundum Hundret sed seeundum Canones Episcopales leges rectum Deo Episcopo suo faciat Which I the rather transcribe saith Selden because also it seems to give the Original of the Bishops consistory as it sits with us divided from the Hundred or County Court wherewith in the Saxon times it was joyned And in the same Law it is added further Hoc etiam defendo ut nullus laicus homo de legibus quae ad Episcopum pertinent se intromittat Thus Selden Only the words of the Charter are more fully recited out of the Records by another Learned Author Si vero aliquis per superbiam elatus ad justitiam Episcopalem venire noluerit vocetur semel secundo tertio Quod si nec ad emendationem venerit excommunicetur Et si opus fuerit ad hoc vindicandum fortitudo justitia Regis vel vicecomitis adhibeatur Ille autem qui vocatus ad justitiam Episcopi veniro noluerit pro unaquaque vocatione legem Episcopalem emendabit Hoc etiam defendo mea authoritate interdico ne ullus Viceeomes aut praepositus aut minister Regis nec aliquis laicus homo de legibus quae ad Episcopum pertinent se intromittat nec aliquis laicus homo alium hominem sine justitia Episcopi ad judicium adducat Iudicium vero in nullum locum portetur nisi in Episcopali sede aut in illo loco quem ad hoc Episcopus constituerit And the punishment for disobedience to the Ecclesiastical Judges was much alike as formerly was enacted under the Saxon Kings as by King Alured Si quis Dei rectitudines aliquas deforciot reddat Lathlite cum Dacis Witam cum Anglis And the same Law is afterwards confirmed and renewed by King Canutus and by other Kings Whereby it appeareth how before the Conquest and likewise after for a long time the authority and jurisdiction of the Church was maintained and upheld by the setled Laws of the Kingdome How they had power in their Courts to excommunicate and further by the help of the King and the Sheriffe to proceed against stubborn offenders and such as opposed or contemned their authority so that here is
which is all I shall say of the duty of ministers in point of divinity Now I come to the second duty of men in holy orders in point of conveniency or policy and am clearly of opinion that even in this regard and reflexion they ought not to be debarred from modestly intermedling in secular affairs For if there be any such inconveniency it must needs arise from this that to exercise some secular jurisdiction must be evil in it self or evil to a person in holy orders Which is neither so nor so For the whole office of a subordinate civil Magistrate is most exactly described in Rom. 13. 3 4. and no man can add or detract from the same The civil power is a divine ordinance set up to be a Terror to the evil and an incouragement to good works This is the whole compass of the civil power And therefore I do here demand with that most learned Bishop Davenant that within a few dayes did sit by my side in the eleventh Question of his Determinations What is there of impiety what of unlawfulnesse what unbecoming either the holynesse or calling of a priest in terrifying the bad or comforting the good Subject in repressing of sin and punishing of sinners For this is the whole and intire Act of civil jurisdiction It is in its own nature repugnant to no person to no function to no sort or condition of men let them hold themselves never so holy never so seraphical it becomes them very well to repress sin and punish sinners that is to say to exercise in a moderate manner civil jurisdiction if the Soveraign shall require it And you shall find that this doctrine of debarring persons in holy orders from secular imployments is no doctrine of the Reformed but the Popish Church and first brought into this Kingdome by the Popes of Rome and Lambiths Lanfranc Anselme Stephen Langton and the test together with Otho and Othobon and to this only end that the man of Rome might withdraw all the Clergy of this Kingdome from their obligations to the King and Nobility who were most of them great Princes in those times and thereby might establish and create as in a great part he did regnum in regno a Kingdome of Sha●elings in the midst of this Kingdome of England And hence came those Canons of mighty consequence able to shoot up a priest at one shot into heaven as that he must not meddle with matters of blood that he must not exercise civil jurisdiction not be a Steward to a Noble man in his house and all the rest of this Palea and Garbage That is in plain English the Priest must no longer receive obligations from either King or Lords but wholly depend upon his holy Fathers the Pope of Rome and the Pope of Lambeth or at least wise pay him soundly for their Dis ensations and Absolutions when they presume to do the contrary In the mean time here is not one word or shew of Reason to inform an understanding man that persons in holy orders ought not to terrifie the bad and comfort the good to repress sin and chastise sinners which is the summa totalis of the civil Magistracy and consequently so fat forth at the least to intermeddle with secular affairs And this is all that I shall say touching the motive and ground of this Bill and that persons in holy orders ought not to be inhibited from intermedling in secular affairs either in point of divinity or in point of conveniency and policy The second point consists of the persons reflected upon in this Bill which are Archbishops Bishops Parsons Vicars and all others in holy orders of which point I shall say little only finding these names hudled up in an heap made me conceive at first that it might have some relation to Mr. Bagshawes reading in the middle Temple which I ever esteemed to have been very inoffensively delivered by that learned Gentleman and with little discretion questioned by a great Ecclesiastick then in place For all that he said was this That when the Temporal Lords are more in voices then the Spiritual they may passe a Bill without consent of the Bishops which is an assertion so clear in reason and so often practised upon the Records and Rolls of Parliament that no man any way vers'd in either of these can make any doubt of it nor do I Though I humbly conceive no President will be ever found that the Prelates were ever excluded otherwise then by their own folly fear or headinesse For the point of being Justices of peace the Gentleman confesseth he never medled with Arch-bishops nor Bishops nor with any Clergy man made a Justice by his Majesties Commission In the Statute made 34. Ed. 3. c. 1. He finds assignees for the keeping of the Peace one Lord and with him 3. or 4. of the most valiant men of the County the troublesome times did then so require it and if God do not bless us with the riddance of these two armies the like provision will be now as necessary He finds these men included but doth not find Church-men excluded no not in the Statute 13. Rich. 2. cap. 7. that requires Justices of peace to be made of Knights Esquires and Gentlemen of the Law of the most sufficient of each County In which words the Gentleman thinks Clerks were not included and I clearly say by his favour they are not excluded Nor do the learned Sages of the Law conceive them to be excluded by that Statute If the King shall command the Lord Keeper to fill up the Commissions of each County with the most sufficient Knights Esquires and Gentlemen of the Law shall the Lord Keeper thereupon exclude the Noble-men and the Prelates I have often in my dayes received this Command but never heard of this interpretation before this time So that I cannot conceive from what ground this general sweep-stake of Arch-bishops Bishops Parsons Vicars and all others in holy orders should proceed I have heard since the beginning of my sicknesse that it hath been alledged in this House that the Clergy in the sixth of Edw. the third did disavow that the custody of the peace did belong to them at all and I beleive that such a thing is to be found amongst the Notes of the priviledges of this House But first you must remember that it was in a great storm and when the waters were much troubled and the wild people unapt to be kept in orders by Miters and Crosiersstaves But yet if that noble Lord shall be pleased to cast his eye upon the Roll it self he shall find that this poor excuse did not serve the Prelates turns Fot they were compelled with a witnesse to defend their parts of the preservation of the peace of the Kingdome as well as the Noble men and Gentry And you shall find the ordinance to this effect set down upon that Roll. I conclude therefore with that Noble Lords favour that the sweeping
the Union of Courts in England continued till the time of William the Conquerour as the learned Antiqu●ry Spelman sheweth in his Glossary in Cotes pag. 3. Mun●s comitis judiciarium fuit vim injuriam prohibere latrocinia compescere pacem regiam non solum legum tramite sed armis etiam promovere jura regia vectigalia curare colligere fisco inferre Praesidebat autem foro comitatus non solus sed adjunctus Episcopo hic ut jus divinum ille ut humanum dic●ret alter que alteri auxili● esset consilio presertim Episcopus comiti 〈◊〉 in hunc illi animadvertere saepe licuit errante●● cohibere Idem igitur ●trique territorium jurisdictionis terminus Hereby it appears that the Bishop and Earl of the Coun●y were joint governours but the Bishop was principal for he had power to restrain the Earl if he did do amisse the Bishop being learned but the Laity in those days altogether destitute of Learning and Knowledge So that it is certain that the Bishop and the Earl or Aldermen sate both together in the same Court together with their Assistants and Surrogates and so 〈◊〉 assist each other with Counsel and authority and in the forenoon they heard Church causes and in the Afternoon temporal business This manner did preserve amity between the Clergy and the Laity that they did not clash for jurisdiction by sending prohibitions Injunctions and cross orders as in our times which do occasion great vexation to the people and prolonging of Suits and doth multiply charges extreamly It is therefore certain that the Bishops and principal Clergy were always of great authority in our Kingdome especially for making of Laws and Constitutions of all kinds and executing of them which is manifest by all the Laws themselves of the Svxon Kings for about 500. years before the Conquest Wherein they first testifie that the Laws were made by the consent suffrage and approbation of the Bishops First Ethelbert the first Christian King of the Saxons made Laws which are entituled thus Haec sunt Decreta seu Iudicia qu● Ethelbe●●us Ren conslitu● Tempore Augustini As Sir Henry Spelman hath recorded them in his Comments pag. 127. All the Laws then made are not recited by Spelman but they are extant in the old Book called Textus Roffensis Written by Ernulph a Bishop of Rochester Beda de his scribit lib. 2. cap. 5. Mortem sepulturam Ethelberti referens Inter ●aetera iniquit bona quae genti suae cansulendo conferebat etiam decreta illi Iudiciorum juxta exempla Romanorum cum Consilio sapientum constituit Quae conscripta Anglorum sermone hactenus habentur observantur ab ea In quibus primitus posuit qualiter id emendare deberet qui aliquid rerum Episcopi vel reliquorum ordinem auferret volens scilicet tuitionem●●is quorum doctrinam successerat praestare Sequuntur multa ad vitae probitatem morum Correctionem pertinentia saith Spelman in his Notes Which Laws were casually omitted by my absence from the Presse at that instant but shall be added if ever a second edition be made But certainly Augustin was the principal Bishop that did make these Laws though other names are not put down but his only being the principal Yet in other Councils following divers Bishops are mentioned as in the Laws made by King Ina. Anno 693. Ego Ina Dei gratia West-Saxonum Rex exhortatione doctrina Cennedes patris mei Heddes Episcopi mei Erkenwaldes Episcopi mei omnium Aldermanorum meorum seniorum sapientum Regni mei Constitui c. So in the beginning of King Aethelstan Ego Adelstanus Rex Consilio Wulfelmi Archiepiscopi mei aliorum Episcoporum meorum mando praepositis meis omnibus Likewise in the lawes of King Edmund Edmundus Rex congregavit magnam Synodum Dei ordinis seculi apud London Civitatem in Sancto Paschae solennis ●ui interfuit Odo Wulstanus Archiepiscopi alii plures Episcopi c. The same appears by the Subscriptions to the laws made by the Bishops and principal Clergy and Abbots of their several times which are so frequent to be observed in all ancient Charters and laws in the first Tome of our English Councils that I will forbear many particulars only one for example sake being the Custome then to testifie their approbations not by voting but by subscribing their names to approve and grant the laws made in Parliament and not to refer all to a Register or Clerk to take notice of what is granted and by what persons present The Subscriptions to a Charter of King Edgar to The Monastery of Glasten Ego Edgar Rex totius Britanniae praefatam libertatem cum sigillo sanctae Crucis confirmavi Ego Elfgina ejusdem Regis Mater cum gaudio consensi Ego Edward clito Patris mei donum cum Triumpho sanctae crucis impressi Ego Kinedrius Rex Albaniae adquievi Ego Mascusius Archipirata confortavi Ego Dunstanus Dorobernensis Ecclesiae Archiepiscopus cum Trophaeo sanctae Crucis cum suffr●ganeis praesulibus Regis donum corroboravi Ego Oswald Eboracensis Ecclesiae primas consentioni subscripsi Ego Ethelnoldo Wintoniensis Ecclesiae Minister Glasten Monachus signum sanctae crucis impressi Ego Britchtelm Fontarensis Episcopns consentiens corroboravi Ego Ellslam Episcopus confirmavi Ego Oswald Episcopus adquievi Ego Elfnolde Episcopus concessi Ego Winsige Episcopus cum signo sanctae Crucis conclusi Ego Segegar abbas vexillum sanctae crucis impressi Ego Escui abbas confirmavi Ego Ordgar abbas corroboravi Ego Ethelgar abbas concessi Ego Kinword abas Concessi Ego Fideman abbas consolidavi Ego Elphets Abbas subscripsi Ego Adulf Herefordensis Ecclesiae Catascopus corroboravi Ego Elphene Dux Dominae meae sanctae Mariae Glasteniensis Ecclesiae libertatem omni devotione cum sigillo sanctae crucis confirmavi Ego Osl●ck dux consensi Ego Ethelwine dux hoc donum triumphale hagiae crucis propriae manus depictione impressi Ego Osnald minister confirmavi Ego Elfwurde minister corroboravi Ego Elthesie minister consensi Ego El●kie minister consensi Thus first the King Queen and Prince do subscribe then the Bishops afterward the Abbots and lastly the Noble-men howsoever they were then called The Bishops in all other Christian Kingdomes as in the Empire of Germany France Spain Portugal Poland Hungary and all others as Denmark and Sweden since the Change of Religion there have place and power in all their Parliaments and publick Assembies The Bishops Electors of Germany Ments Triers and Colen have place and precedency of the Temporal Electors the Duke of Bavaria Saxony and Brandenburgh as our Bishops had place sitting on the right hand of the King in the House of Lords and the Temporal Lords on the left hand And also out of the House the Bishops had precedency of all Barons
and Piety was fervent and abounded with good works of all kinds insomuch that they thought no honour or respect too much to be given to the Clergy especially to the reverend Fathers and Bishops of the prime order From what hath been said it is manifest that the Bishops were equal to the greatest persons and estates of the Kingdome and had their votes and suffrages for making laws and Constitutions for the first 500. years before the Conquest Whereby it appears that it is a very rash and ignorant assertion of the Examiner Dr. Burgesse That Bishops at first were but casually mounted to that height of extent and power by William the Conquerour the more to endear and oblige them And that it is onely of Grace that Bishops were first allowed place in Parliament And that they crept in by favour to serve a Conquerours turn and can derive no higher for sitting as now they do in the House of Peers then an Act of Parliament if so high Whereby it is manifest by all the Laws of the Saxon Kings both in the edition of Lambard and of the English Councels by Sir Henry Spelman that the Bishops were the principal men in all ages for ordaining of Laws and Consul●ations in all the great Assemblies of the Kingdome then in use And when matters in question were only Ecclesiasticall concerning the Church and Religion the Clergy sate by themselves but when there was any thing to be given and confirmed to the Church then the Kings and Nobles did afford their presence and assistance as appears by divers Councils Vide Concil Glocestriensiae pag. 230. CHAP. V. Concerning Barons and the Title thereof and how the Bishops became Barons being no addition of Honour to them but inforced upon them by the Conquerour and since continued to this day AS for the Title and Original of Barons and the old signification of the Word Selden in his Titles of Honor 2. part cap. 7. Especially Sir Henry Spelman in his learned Glossary upon the word Baro hath so accurately shewed divers particulars that I need not here repeat them But touching the Title and Name as it is now commonly used I will say something as it is now understood it came among us since the Conquest as the Glossary sheweth pag. 81. Ad Anglos pervenisse videtur vocabulum Baro vel cum ipsis Normanis vel cum Edwardus Confessor auras moresque imbibisset Normannicos Huntingtoniensis aevi sui vocabulum usurpans Histor. lib. 5. Adolwaldum qui occisus est An. Dom. 903 Baronem Regis Edwardi senioris vocat sed Author antiquior Florentius Wigorniensis eundem Ministrum Regis appellat quo etiam vocabulo scriptores ipsi Saxonici passim usi sunt So in the Saxon Councils and Charters divers great men who were no lesse then Thanes do style and subscribe themselves Ministros Regis as in the Charter of Edgar p. 486. Ego Oswald minister confirmavi Ego Elfwurde minister corroboravi And the like frequently occure These being the same in degree and substance as Barons are now whereof the Learned Glossary maketh three sorts Hodiernos itaque nostros Barones è triplici fonte triplices faciamus 1. Feodales seu praescriptitios qui a priscis feodalibus Baronibus oriundi suam hodie praescriptione tuentur dignitatem 2. Evocatos seu rescriptitios qui brevi Regio ad Parliamentum evocantur 3. Diplomaticos qui Regio Diplomate hoc fastigium ascendunt Feodalium originem inter eos collocavero quibus Willielmus senior Angliam totam dispertitus est de se tenendam quorumque nomina in Domesdei paginis recognovit Rescriptitios ab aevo Regum Iohannis Henrici tertii caput extulisse censeo Diplomaticos initium sumpsisse perhibent sub Richardo secundo qui anno Regni sui 8. 1. Christi 1387 Iohannem Beauchamp de Hall in Baronem de Kinderminster suo evexit diplomate Now the Bishops may be reckoned both as Feudal Barons in regard of their estates and Baronies annexed to their Bishopricks and also they are Evocati summoned by Writ as Barons and principal persons by the Kings to come unto Parliaments and also they are created by Patent which is presented to the Arch-bishop at their consecration But all the Feudal Barons were not summoned to Parliaments Quorum ingens erat multitudo quae plus minus 30000. nullo tecto convocari poterat William the Conquerour brought in Tenures inforcing all men of estates to hold by one Tenure or other and having made 30 thousand to hold by Barony yet he never called so many to a Parliament seeing no Houses could hold so many and as not all the Feudal Barons were called so not all the Abbots or Priors though they had great estates but a convenient number sometimes more and sometimes lesse as in 49. Hen. 3. Which is the first Parliament upon Record there were called to Parliament of the Clergy 102. besides five Deans saith Spelman Glossary pag. 4. Anno. 1. Edw. 2. there were 36. Abbots Anno. 4. Edw. 3. about 33. and all other times more or lesse Yet not so few as the Examiner relateth out of Sir Edward Cook pag. 33. who though he were a great Master of law yet in matters of Antiquity must yeild to the Author of the Glossary whom in private he would call his Tutor as well he might Cambden writing of the Degrees of States in England pag. 170. speaking of the Bishops by right and custome it appertained to them as to Peers of the Kingdome to be with the rest of the Peers personally present at all Parliaments whatsoever there to consult to handle to ordain decree and determine in regard of the Baronies which they hold of the King For William the first a thing which the Church-men of that time complained of but these in the age ensuing counted their greatest honour ordained Bishopricks and Abbeys which held Baronies in pure and perpetual almes and until that time were free from all secular service to be under Military or Knights Service enrolling every Bishoprick and Abbey at his will and pleasure and appointed how many Soldiers he would have every of them to find for him and his Successours in the time of Hostility and War Thus William the Conquerour being very rigorous imposed upon the Bishops and Abbots that held their estates by Barony great impositions to maintain arms horses and furniture for War enrolling them as he thought them able but it seems the lesser Abbeys that did not hold by that Tenure of Barony and Parish priests were not taxed as now they are But under the Saxons when the grievous imposition of Dangelt was imposed and raised from ten thousand pounds yearly to thirty thousand pounds and in the year 1012. to forty eight thousand pounds which was a great sum for that age when mony did not abound as it doth now yet the Church was then free De hoc Dangeldo libera quieta erat omnis Ecclesia qui● magis in Ecclesiae
Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same ordaineth establisheth and enacteth that from henceforth the same evection and making of the same Duke and all the Names of dignity to the said George or to Iohn Nevil befor henceforth void and of none effect c. And much more the Lord Cook addeth to the same purpose as also York the Herald pag. 223. The late Lord Brook who was slain at Lichfield when he was ready to batter the Cathedral Church in his book against Bishops speaking much against them and magnifying the Temporal Barons saith that though their Honours are derived from the King yet being once made Lord their Honour is vested in their blood and cannot be taken away but his Lordship was not learned in Law or Herauldry He might have taken notice what Lord Bacon saith in his Apopthegmes That blood is no better then the blood of a black Pudding that wants Fat and Suet Honour is vested in the lands Mannors and Revenues which when they are lost and gone farewell Honour and Title Edward Lord Cromwell Grandchild to him that spoyl'd the Church sold the head of his Barony Oukham in Rutland and wasting his whole estate left himself as little land in England as his Grandfather left to the Monasteries by the Feudal Law his Barony is lost The last Edward Lord Zouch who dyed 1. Caroli who was a very great Baron anciently sold the Head of his Barony Haringworth in Northampton-shire and all the Lands which he had insomuch that Henry Howard Earl of Northampton said He was a Baron sans terre Whereupon he bought again some other lands but having no Sons his Barony his extinct Henry Daubeny Earl of Bridgewater created 20. Iuly 30. H. 8. dyed without Issue Anno ... Edw. 6. and so his Name Family and Dignity extinct This Earl was reduced to that extream poverty that he had not a servant to wait on him in his last sicknesse nor means to buy Fire or Candles or to bury him but all was done for him in Charity of his Sister Cicely married to Iohn Bourchier the first of that name Earl of Bath Many more might be alleadged but these are enough to shew that when Lords have lost their Lands and Revenues then they are not fit men to fit and vote in Parliament and many there are who though no● wholly impoverished yet so decayed that they are not so fit as the Bishops to be present in Parliaments who if they might have enjoyed their ancient Lands and Mannors were indeed the most able and worthy to be Members in Parliament both in regard of their great estates and their Knowledge and Learning in all kinds far beyond the Temporal Lords Lastly Whereas Dr. Burgesse saith the Bishops are Barones Ele●mosynarii and would thence infer that they are but as Arbitrary Almsmen like the poor Knights of Windsor who may be abated or taken away at pleasure This is but a spightful inference upon the bare word Eleemosyna without the true sense of it For as the Learned Glossary sheweth Barones Eleemosynarii apud Stanfordum in jure nostro dicuntur Archiepiscopi Episcopi Abbates Priores qui praedia suae Ecclesia a Rege tenent per Baroniam Baronias etiam suas ex Eleemosyna Regum perhibentur accepisse licet ipsa praedia aliorum saepe munificentia consequuti fuerint And sometimes not only by the gift of other noble persons but also themselves did buy and purchase many Mannors and Lands conferring them on their Successours and being so bought they cannot in justice be taken away as if all had been given by the King and others as meer Alms. Lanfranck Arch-bishop of Canterbury bought and recovered 25. Mannors and left them to his Successors Harvey the first Bishop of Ely in the time of Hen. 7. bought and left many Mannors to his Successors and so likewise did many other Bishops enriching much their Bishopricks and leaving besides many testimonies of their piety by building Colledges and Hospitals And other good works to the benefit of all men They founded also almost all the Colledges in both Universities to their eternal honor so long as Learning shall flourish in this Kingdome CHAP. VI. Concerning the Legislative power and Votes of the Bishops in making Laws Concerning the Statute 11. H. 7. Whereby Empson and Dudley proceeded and what great Treasures they brought to the King Calvin and Beza at Geneva were Members of their Chief Council of State consisting of 60. and so many Bishops in England be Members in Parliament King David appointed Priests and Levites in all Courts of Iustice. The Clergy had many priviledges as Lord Cooke sheweth upon Magna Charta 2. Instit. pag. 2 3. Ambition and Covetousnesse of the Presbyterians the principal cause of all our Troubles BUt concerning the Legislative power and Votes of Bishops in making Laws to regulate the Kingdome and to preserve peace and justice among all sorts of men there is not to be forgotten an ancient Law of King Athelstan Concil pag. 402. c. 11. That worthy King in his Laws hath one De Officio Episcopi quid pertinet ad Officium ejus Episcopo jure pertinet omnem rectitudinem promovere Dei scilicet ac seculi imprimis debet omnem ordinatum Dei instruere quid ei jure sit agendum quid secularibus judicare debeat Debet enim sedulo pacem concordiam operari cum seculi judic●bus qui rectum velle diligunt in compellationum adlegationem docere ne quis alii perperam agat in jurejurando vel in ●rdalio Nec pati debet aliquam circumventionem injustae mensurae vel injusti ponderis sed convenit ut per Consilium Testimonium ejus omne legis scitum Burgi mensura omne pondus ponderis sit secundum ejus institutum valde rectum Ne quis proximum suum seducat pro quo decidat in peccatum Et semper debet Christianus providere contra ●mnia quae praedicta sunt ideo debet se magis de pluribus intromittere ut sciat quomodo grex agat quem ad Dei manum custodire suscept ne diabolus eum laniet nee malum aliquid super seminet c. Christianis omnibus necessarium est ut rectum diligant iniqua condemnent saltem sacris ordinibus evecti justum semper erigant prava deponant Hinc debent Episcopi cum secularibus judicibus interesse judiciis ne permittant si pessint ut illius culpa aliqua pravitatum germina pullulaverint Et sacerdotibus pertinet in sua diocaesi ut ad rectum sedulo quemcumque juvent nee patiantur si possint ut Christianus aliquis alii noceat non potens impotenti non summus infimo non praelatus subditis non dominus hominibus suis vel servis aut liberis molestus existat secundum Episcopi dictionem per suam mensuram convenit ut servi testamentales operentur super omnem
Civitates Provincias judicia Ecclesiastica civilia exercu●runt and so Peter Martyr in 2. Reg. cap. 11. Neither will it hinder the study of Divinity or care of preaching the Gospel if some fit men be imployed sometimes in the Government of the publick as to be Justices of the peace for the well ordering of the publick and preservation of Peace and Justice will more advance the Gospel and abundantly countervail some intermission of preaching which cannot possibly be so continually attended but that there will be some hinderances not only by sicknesse and private businesses of ones Family and Estate but also by publick meetings Convocations Synods and such general assemblies Besides the Common-wealth and Church is a mixt Government and consisteth of all manner of persons of infinitely several conditions Trades and Courses of Life and seeing the Clergy are mingled among them and infinitely entangled especially of late days being made subject which they were not formerly to all temporal laws Suits Arrests Executions Imprisonments Impositions Taxes Charges and Subsidies it is but reasonable that the Clergy should have some of their own Tribe in place of Judicature and Office to see the inferiour Members defended and fair carriage shewed to them Aristotle saith lib. 3. Polit. cap. 1. Civis nulla re alia magis definitur quam participatione judicii ac Magistratus Whosoever are Citizens in a Kingdome meaning properly Citizens and of the better sort not Labourers Porters Scavengers they ought to have voice and suffrage and to be capable of Magistracy and Office if they be worthy and fit for it by any excellent parts of Learning Knowledge and Wisdome wherein the Clergy have some opportunity to excel others and often go beyond the ordinary sort of men that are not bred up in Learning Arts and Sciences Sir Francis Bacon observeth out of the ancient Roman Law that there belongs to every Subject certain common rights and priviledges which cannot be taken away from any of them 1. Ius Civitatis 2. Ius Connubii 3. Ius Suffragii 4. Ius Petitionis Ius Honorum These four ordinary rights and freedomes are by the Customes and original principles of humane Societies due to all Citizens of quality Such as ever the Clergy have been esteemed ●nd still ought to be if men will professe themselves to be true Christians indeed and to honour the Messengers and Ambassadours o● our Saviour Christ whom he hath appointed to instruct and govern his Church and people The Pope deprived his Clergy of the two former rights by accounting them separate and exempt from the Common Laws of all Kingdomes and forbidding marriage to them And now our zealous professors would deprive out Clergy of the two la●ter priviledges the right of voice and suffrage in all principal businesses and the right of Honour and Office whereof they would make them uncapable and render them base and equal only to the inferiour multitude and scum of the Common-people Lord Coke 2. Instit. cap. 2. pag. 3. Upon Magna Charta Concessimus Deo quod Ecclesia Anglicana libera sit habeat omnia sua jura integra libertates suas illaesas True it is that Ecclesiastical persons have more and greater Liberties then any other of the Kings Subjects wherein to set down all would take up a whole Volume of it self and to set no examples agreeth ill with the office of an expositor therefore some few examples shall be here expressed There he putteth down many particulars which are very considerable and I refer the Reader to him But in the end he concludeth that all the liberties of the Clergy are lost or not enjoyed But why should the Clergy be deprived of so many liberties rights and priviledges being so fully setled upon them by the fundamental Laws of the Land We may thank such unworthy fellows as to please the vulgar people will be content to see the Clergy stripped of all their rights and liberties from the first to the last as it happens in these troublesome times But the true reason is because that Dr. Burgesse and such as he is could not obtain the principal dignities and preferments of the Church that so they might with the preferments have had the benefit of the priviledges and liberties Ambition and Covetousnesse hath always been the bane of the Church Whereof there are many examples in all ages as in the beginning of the Jewish Churches Corah being● Levite of the Cohathites which was the cheif Family of the Levites as is observed on Numb 3. 38. he took offence as S. Iarchis noteth on Numb 16. and envied at the preferment of Elizaphan the Son of Uzziel whom Moses had made Prince over the Sons of Cohath Numb 3. 30. When he was of the youngest Brother Uzziel and Korah himself was of Izkar elder then he See Numb 3. 29. 30. But by the Sequel it appeareth that he lift up himself not only against Elizaphan but against Moses and Aaron and sought the priesthood also pag. 10. as Ainsworth observeth on Numb 16. So in the Christian Church Arrius the infamous Heretick was displeased because he could not obtain the Bishoprick of Alexandria and thought himself as worthy as Alexander and being discontented at his loss of so rich a bishoprick raised that Heresie which plagued the Church 300. years So A●rius offended because he could not obtain a Bishoprick took exception against the Dignity of Bishops As Epiphanius sheweth and many more such examples are obvious in the Ecclesiastical Histories And so at this instant of our Troubles the Presbyterian Divines were offended because they could not obtain the cheifest dignities of the Church Mr. Stephen Marshal a principal Presbyterian did once petition the King for a Dean̄ry and at another time for a Bishoprick Which because he could not obtain as the King told him at Holdenpy where he attended upon the Commissioners therefore he would overthrow all Doctor Twist was an earnest Suiter for the Deanry of Salisbury which because he could not obtain nor a Prebend in Windsor which he once desired but failed of it Mr. Hales of Eaton Colledge being preferred before him therefore he was angry and discontented that he must rest and sit down upon his living at Newberry Doctor Burgesse was one of the same shape he never had a fellowship or any like place of Continuance in any Colledge but left the University after he was Master of Arts yet he got two livings St. Magnus in London and Watford neer St. Albans and then endeavoured to be made the Kings Chaplain which once he obtained but was shortly put out by means of the Archbishop So that he being offended did only watch for a time when he might fish in troubled waters when the late troubles began he became the cheif Leader of the rascal rabble out of London to cry out for Justice against the Earl of Strafford and against the Bishops and at length he i●vaded the Deanty of Pauls being allowed a
Commanders joyned as the Count of Bucquoy the Count of Tilly the Count of Papenheim the Count of Maradas Besides other great Captains of note having an Army of 40. thousand men and fought the great Battle neer Prague and prevailed powerfully Next day the City of Prague was surrendered the Palsgrave fled away and of 30. Committee-men in Prague which directed all businesse twenty seven were apprehended and the next year after they had been tryed and condemned by the Common-law of the land for rebellion and raising armies and Committees they were put to death upon one stage the same day Not long after ten thousand protestant Ministers and Churches were suppressed and the Ministers banished out of the Kingdome and the provinces annexed of Moravia Silesia Lusatia and other Countties of the Emperor The Covenanters who had seised on the Lands and Revenues of the Bishops and Deans aud other societies by way of Sequestration first which word they used in one article of their Covenant were forced to yield up those lands and to restore them to the former owners and so also in many other parts of Germany Lands and Houses of the Clergy which were taken away an hundred years before were restored to the right owners And for the Godly Covenant they renounced it a●d would have been glad to have enjoyed the favours which the Emperors formerly permitted them out of his Clemency But since they raised such a bloody War he would not suffer them longer to enjoy his former favours So that the Bohemians and most parts of Germany who enjoyed peace and great happinesse in all respects lost all by striving to overthrow the Bishops and the Ecclesiastical Laws and to take their Lands This miserable event might well have forewarned us in England not to offend in the same kind as they did to overthrow Bishops and all the preferments of the Church to bring in Pre●byterian purity and lay elders and to impose a godly Covenant wich was indeed a wicked combination and Conspiracy far worse then the Covenant of the low Countries or that of France against Hen. 3. Hen. 4. which had almost confounded all France and was at length the destruction of those two great Kings who were both miserably murdered and put to death as our King Charles was in most abominable manner and in many respects more horribly then those two Kings for they were stabbed on a suddain by two villaines and without the consent of the people and severe punishments were inflicted upon them speedily But King Charles in a deliberate manner by men that pretended Justice and upright dealing who called an high Court of Justice never heard of before no Judges of the Land consenting or approving and so openly in the face of the sun and of all the world with an high hand and professed malice and outragious fiery zeal that the Emperor Maximilian did justly say that the Kings of England were Kings of Devils And though the Presbyterians would excuse themselves that they never intended the Kings destruction yet that is a frivolous and foolish excuse for as Sir Walter Raleigh saith truely Our law doth Construe all levying of war without the Kings Commission and all force raised to be intended for the Death and Destruction of the King not attending ●he sequel and so it is judged upon good reason for every unlawful and ill action is supposed to be accompanied with an ill intent Lord Coke 3. Instit. pag. 12. speaking fully of all kinds and degrees of treason saith Preparation by some overt Act to depose the King or take the King by force and strong hand and to imprison him until he hath yeilded to certain demands this is a sufficient overt Act to prove the compassing and imagination of the death of the King for this upon the matter is to make the King a subject and to despoile him of his kingly office of royal government And so it was resolved by all the Judges of England Hill 1. Iac. Regis in the Case of the Lord Cobham Lord Gray and Watson and Clark seminary Priests and so it had been resolved by the Justices Hill 43. Eliz. in the Case of the Earls of Essex and Southampton who intended to go to the Court where the Queen was and to have taken her into their power and to have removed divers of her Councel and for that end did assemble a multitude of people this being raised to the end aforesaid was a sufficient overt Act for compassing the death of the Queen and so by woful experience in former times it hath fallen out in the Cases of King E. 2. H. 6. E. 5. that were taken and imprisoned by their subjects The Presbyterians did offend in this kind notoriously and therefore committed Treason manifesty for they imprisoned the King in divers places and at length in a remote place in the Ifle of Wight and what followed after is well known And all this done by them that were for the most part Presbyterians out of their design to compell the King to yeild to their projects to overthrow the Bishops and to take their Lands and Revenues which they account to be the flesh and bones of the whore of Babylon which they must devour and make the old whore naked bare and desolate The excellently learned Grotius who did perfectly understand and discover the practices of the Presbyterians as appears in many places of his works hath one remarkable passage in his treatise de Anti-Christo pag. 65. which shall here follow Iam vero fi illi qui dicuntur Dii intelligendi sunt Reges liber flagitiosissimus Boneherii de abdicatione Hen. 3. Galliarum Regis non argumentis tantum sed verbis desumptus est non ex Mariana aut Santarillo se ex Iunio Bruto quis is sit sat scio sed quia latere voluit lateat ex viris doctis quidem at factionis ejusdem Dictis facta congruunt haec est illa mica salis de qua infra aget Borborita quae facta est in mare salsum faetens apud Reges omnia circumsata corrumpens Circumferamus oculos per omnem historiam quod unquam saeculum tot vidit subditorum in principes bella sub Religionis titulo horum Concitores ubique reperiuntur ministri Evangelii ut quidem se vocant quod genus hominum in quae pericula etiam nuper optimos Civitatis Amstelodamensis Magistratus conjecerit nihil hic narrari opus est sapientibus dictum sat est Laudanda omnino est Regis Christianissimi prudentia virtus qui suos paris sententiae subditos tam solennia insanire vetuit Videat si cui libet de Presbyteriornm in Reges audacia librum Iacobi Britanniarum Regis cui nomen Donum Regium videbit eum ut erat magni judicii ea praedixisse quae nunc cum dolore horrore conspicimus Peter Moulin who was well versed in the Controversies of the times and suffered much in the late wars
and Combustions of France when the Protestants did call and hold Parliaments there without the Kings consent as at Loudun and Rochel 1627. and did garrison the City very strongly against the King Moulin doth take occasion to speak thereof in his Anatome Missae pag. 246. Where he reckoneth up the wars of Bohemia and what was done against Hierom of Prague and Iohn Husse and the fortunate battels fought by Zisca in the end he concludeth and inferreth this Haec non ideo à nobis allata sunt quod probemus actiones Ziscae aut tumultus populorum qui ut persecutiones martyrium effugiant arma sumunt adversus dominos suos etenim veritas Evangelica non his stabilitur rationibus modis Christus ad crucem p●st se ferendam nos voeat Sanguis martyrum plus habet efficaciae virtutis ad ampliandam Ecclesiam quam bellorum ●ertam●●a Thus it appears that 〈◊〉 doth not justify the taking up of arms against Princes to reform Religion He was sensible of the Errors and losses of the Presbyterians in France in the wars they undertook against their King Lewis 13. Who in the end suppressed them took their strong towns and reduced them to obedience though he granted them the exercise of their Religion and how much they lost by the wars Moulin then liying in France and seeing both the beginning and end of the war could not be ignorant But the principal reason why the Presbyterians do maintain these desperate opinions of taking up arms is that they may pull down the Bishops and seise upon their revenues and lands as they have done notoriously of late both in Bohemia Germany and France and now with u● but they were inforced to regorge and restore them as appears fully in the late Histories which might have forewarned our Puritans Si mens non laeva fuisset The Emperor hath restored not onely in his patrimonial Countries all the Lands and Estates of the Bishops and Clergy which the puritans there had seised on of late years but those also which were taken away an 100 years ago as in the Duke of Wittenbergs Country whereof there are two volumes published at Tubing in Germany 1639. The Learned French Divine Chamier Tom. 2. lib. 15. c. 8. at large disputeth the question An tolerari debeat a Christianis Rex infidelis aut haereticus Pontificii dicunt non licet Christianis tolerare Regem infidelem aut haereticum si conetur pertrahere subditos ad suam haeresin vel infidelitatem c. Haec vero fax est seditionum scaturigo parricidiorum lerna malorum quibus hisce multis annis Anglia tentata est sed tentata tantum Deo protegente regiaque capita praesentibus periculis eripieute At nostrae Galliae Theatrum jam ter misere cruentatum duorum proxime Regum sanguine sic enim ratiocinati sunt parricidae aut qui parricidis sicas tradiderunt Non esse tolerandum Christianis regem incommodum Ecclesiae itaque deponendum Quid si non possit judicio solenni tamen ipso facto qui dignum se exhibuerit depositione censerl depositum ac proinde non amplius Regem sed Tyrannum ideoque jure occidi id est tolli quacunque possit ratione Quos furores si nulla alia revinceret ratio certe tam immania sceler aabunde debent hominum animos abominatione replesse Viderint homines Deut certe non dormit If Chamier had lived to see the murther of King Charles he would have said more then he did Hisce multis Annis Anglia tentata est sed tentata tantum God did preserve Q. Elizabeth oftentimes and King Iames from the Gunpowder Treason Upon both which occasions much hath been written by learned wise and excellent men both at home and abroad Against that wicked doctrine of raising arms against Kings to reform Religion Whereof not only the Papists are guilty but the Puritans As Bancroft proveth fully against Knoxe and Buchanan Goodman Gilly Cartwright and many others lib. 2. c. 1 2 3 4 of his dangerous positions The Puritans in England could be content to second King Iames writing against the Pope and Papists for deposing and murthering of Kings But for their own parts they account Parliaments to be superiour to all Kings and therefore maintain that Doctrine of Calvin that the tres ordines Regni the three estates of Parliaments may correct and punish Kings Which Doctrine David Pareus defended But his books were burned for it at London and both Universities But of late not only the three estates of the Kingdome but the third estate the Commons the representative of the peopledome may correct and punish Kings For they have styled themselves The Supream authority of the Nation without the House of Lords whom they voted to be uselesse and cast them out and make Statutes which they call Acts of Parliament without the House of Lords or the Royal assent Contrary to all the statutes recorded in the Book of Statutes Bancroft in the very end of his Book of dangerous positions doth plainly foretell that the Puritans would never give over their Clamour for Reformation till they had utterly ruined the whole Kingdome and Church as now it appears manifestly they have effected their desires in great part But saith Bancroft there are divers-men that will needs hood-wink themselves and stop their Ears with the Serpent in the Psalm of purpose because they would gladly have these things smothered up He meaneth men in great place that were willing to think that the Puritans were no such dangerous men as he and others did take them to be only scrupulous and peevish perhaps about Ceremonies and therefore were willing to forbear them and not to censure them sharply But Bancroft doth wisely tell them that if any such mischeifs which God forbid shall happen hereafter they were sufficiently warned that both should and might in good time have prevented them and withall it would then be found true which Livy saith Urgentibus Republicam fatis Dei hominum falutares admonitiones spernuntur When the Lord for the sins of the people is purposed to punish any Country he blindeth the eyes of the wise so as they shall either neglect or not perceive those ordinary means for the safety thereof which very simple men or babes in a manner did easily foresee Which Judgement I pray God turn far away and long from this and all other true Christian Lands and Kingdoms The principal end and project of the Presbyterians was not only to reform some things amisse but to pluck up both root and branch of Episcopacy and all Ecclesiastical laws and Courts though never so ancient and Fundamental setled by Magna Charta and many other Fundamental statutes as Circumspecte agatis 13. Edw 1. Articuli Cleri 9. Ed. 2. as Lord Coke doth expound them at large 2. Institut and for payment of Tythes and all Duties belonging to the Church there is both Common Law and
born mininster to intermeddle with secular affairs and therefore it is likewise lawful for the mean born so to do And so in my Conscience I speak it in the presence of God and great noble men it is most lawful for them to intermeddle with secular affairs so as they be not intangled as the Apostle calls it with this intermedling as to slight and neglect the office of their calling which no minister noble or ignoble can do without grievously sinning against God and his own Conscience It is lawful for persons in holy orders to intermeddle it is without question or else they could not make provision of meat and drink as Beza interprets the place It is not lawful for them to be thus intangled and bound up with secular affairs which I humbly beseech your Lordships to consider not as a distinction invented by me but clearly expressed by the Apostle himself And thus my noble Lords I shall without any further molestation and with humble thanks for this great patience leave this great Cause of the Church to your Lordships wise and gracious consideration Here is my Mars-Hill and further I shall never appeal for justice Some assurance I have from the late solemn vote and protestation of both Houses for the maintaining and defending the power and priviledges of Parliament that if this Bill were now to be framed in the one House it would never be offered without much qualification as I perswade my self it will not be approved in the other Parliaments are indeed omnipotent but no more omnipotent then God himself who for all that cannot do every thing God cannot but perform his promise A Parliament under favour cannot unswear what it hath already vowed This is an old Maxime which I have learned of the Sages of the Law a parliament cannot be felo de se It cannot destroy or undo it self An Act of parliament as that in the 11. and another in the 21 Rich. 2. made to be unrepealable in any subsequent parliament was ipso facto void in the constitution why Because it took away the power and priviledges that is not the plumes and feathers the remote accidents but the very specifical forme essence and being of a parliament So if an Act should be made to take away the Votes of all the Commons or of all the Lords it were absolutely a void Act. I will conclude with the first Epistle to the Corinthians Cap 12. Vers. 15. If the Foot shall say because I am not the hand I am not of the Body is it therfore not of the body Vers. 20. But now are they many Members yet but one Body Vers. 2● And the Eye cannot say unto the Hand I have no need of thee nor again the Head unto the Feet I have no need of you Some Annotations upon the Arch-Bishops SPEECH WHereas the Arch-bishop saith Sect. 3. That the Bishops sate in parliaments and all publick Assemblies of State a thousand years it is certainly true as appears fully by the Subscriptions of their names to all constitutions Laws and Ordinances made in the several great Councels of the Kingdome in the times of the Saxon Kings the manner being then to give their assent not by verbal voting but by subscribing their names as fully appears in Sir Henry Spelmans Edition of the Councells at the end of all such Assemblies and Councells as were then held And whereas the Arch-bishop saith that the princes of the Norman race erected the Bishopricks into Baronies it is very true as Cambden sheweth in his Britannia pag. 170. And so the great Abbots also heretofore by right and custome were peers of the Kingdome and did sit in parliaments to order decree and determine But the Conquerour ordained both Bishops and Abbots to be under military Service erecting every Bishop and Abbey at his Will and pleasure and appointing how many Soldiers he would require of them to be furnished for him and his Successors in times of Hostility and War So that the Tenure and Title of Barons being imposed on them it was no addition of honour to them they being superiour to Thanes or Barons though as Cambdon saith out of Mathew Paris That which was then complained of by the Cleagy and accounted as a burden in the age ensuing was accounted as the greatest honour And so it hath continued as a Title of Honour ●o the Bishops Whereas the Archbishop saith That the Word and Sacraments the means of our Salvation will not be effectually received from those Ministers whose persons shall be so vilified and dejected as to be made no parcels or fragments of the Common-wealth This doth certainly prove too true Religion it self is vilified and the Word of God and his Sacraments neglected almost in every parish because the persons that should perform the duties and offices are become contemptible for want of that Honour and Respect which they enjoyed legally heretofore Therefore God anciently in the Kingdome of Israel did greatly honour the Tribe of Levi when he made the priests Levites the principal officers Judges in every Court to whom the people were to be obedient upon pain of Death Deut. 17. 12. The Administration of law and Justice throughout the Kingdome depended o● them principally For God made his Covenant with Levi of Life and Peace The Law of Truth was in his Mouth The Priests Lips should preserve knowledge and they should seek the Law at his Mouth Mal. 2. 5 6 7. and so Ezekiel 44. 23. They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and prophane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean and in Controversie they shall stand in iudgement and they shall iudge according to my Iudgement and they shall keep my Laws and my Statntes in all my Assemblies They bei●g the principal Judges and Lawyers in that Common-wealth of Gods own Constitution And whereas it is now granted on all hands that there was three Courts of Justice in that Kingdome 1. The great Councel of 70 Elders 2. The Court of Judgement consisting of 23. 3. The Court of some three or some few more The Priests and Levites were principal men both Judges and Officers in all Courts both Scophtim Schoterim as 1. Chron. 19. 8 11. both to give Sentence and Judgement and also to execute the same So the Divines do affirm also in their late Annotations upon 1 Chron. 26 29 30. 2. Chron. 19. 8 11. They did study the Judicial and ●olitick Laws and had power to see the Law of God and injunctions of the King to be observed and to order divine and humane affairs And they held also other Honourable offices for we read that Zechariah a Levite was a wise Councellour and Benajah a priest son of Iehojadah was one of Davids twelve Captains being the third Captain of the Host for the third moneth and in his course consisting of 2400 was his son Amizabad Benajah was also one of David's principal worthies
as Lord Coke saith it may be done without the help of a Parliament as the King appointeth Judges and great Officers in all the Courts in Westminster-hall without consent of Parliaments The Learned Lord Herbert in his History of Hen. 8. relating some passages of the Kings Reformation of some abuses affirmeth that the first fatal blow the English Church received was when the Redress of her was referred to the House of Commons Complaint was made for probate of testaments and mortuaries of pluralities non-residence and priests that were farmers of Lands c. But the King lost or let go for the present a principal point of his Supremacy whereby he might have reformed what was fit to be done in these and many the like businesses without referring to the House of Commons and we find that they never left off reforming till they have utterly deformed all and wholly suppressed all Ecclesiastical Law Courts and Jurisdictions The King by his Supremacy might have reformed and prescribed Laws for probate of Wills non-residence pluralities and many more such matters the Concurrence of the Metropolitan had been sufficient to regulate such matters according to the Laws Ecclesiastical for there are Laws Ecclesiastical in this Kingdome as well as Temporal and as ancient and fundamental as any part of the Common Law and therefore fit to be duly kept and observed Linwood doth gloss upon the Constitutions made by the Archbishops of Canterbury which are accepted for good Laws by the Common Lawyers in Ecclesiastical matters and so there are also Constitutions for the province of York and the Northern parts all which are allowed for good Laws Ecclesiastical by those that are truely learned in the Laws Two SPEECHES spoken in the House of Lords by the Lord Viscount Newarke The first concerning the right of BISHOPS to sit and vote in Parliament May 21. 1641. MY LORDS I Shall take the boldness to speak a word or two upon this subject first as it is in it self then as it is in the consequence For the former I think he is a great stranger in Antiquity that is not well acquainted with that of their sitting here they have done thus and in this manner almost since the conquest and by the same power and the same right as the other Peers did and your Lordships now do and to be put from this their due so much their due by so many hundred years strengthened and confirmed and that without any offence nay pretence of any seems to me to be very severe if it be jus I dare boldly say it is summum That this hinders their Ecclesiasticall vocation an argument I hear much of hath in my apprehension more of shadow then substance in it● if this be a reason sure I am it might have been one six hundred years ago A Bishop my Lords is not so circumscribed within the circumference of his Diocesse that his sometimes absence can be termed no not in the most strict sense a neglect or hindrance of his duty no more then that of a Leiutenant from his County they both have their subordinate Ministers upon which their influences fall though the distance be remote Besides my Lords the lesser must yield to the greater good to make wholsome and good Laws for the happy and well regulating of Church and Common-wealth is certainly more advantagious to both then the want of the personal execution of their office and that but once in three years and then peradventure but a moneth or two can be prejudicial to either I will go no further to prove this which so long experience hath done so fully so demonstratively And now my Lords by your Lordships good leave I shall speak to the consequence as it reflects both on your Lordships and my Lords the Bishops Dangers and inconveniences are ever best prevented elonginqu● this precedent come near to your Lordships and such a one that mutato nomine de vobis Pretences are never wanting nay sometimes the greatest evils appear in the most fair and specious outsides witness the Shipmony the most abominable the most illegal thing that ever was and yet this was painted over with colour of the Law what Bench is secure if to alleage be to convince and which of your Lordships can say then he shall continue a member of this House when at one blow twenty six are cut off It then behoves the Neighbour to look about him cum proximus ardet Ucalegon And for the Bishops my Lords in what condition will you leave them The House of Commons represents the meanest person so did the Master his Slave but they have none to do so much for them and what justice can tie them to the observation of those laws to whose constitution they give no consent the wisdome of former times gave proxies unto this House meerly upon this ground that every one might have a hand in the making of that which he had an obligation to obey This House could not represent therefore proxies in room of persons were most justly allowed And now my Lords before I conclude I beseech your Lordships to cast your eyes upon the Church which I know is most dear and tender to your Lordships you will see her suffer in her most principal members and deprived of that honour which here and throughout all the Christian world ever since Christianity she constantly hath enjoyed for what Nation or Kingdome is there in whose great and publick Assemblies and that from her beginning she had not some of hers if I may not say as essential I am sure I may say as integral parts thereof And truly my Lords Christianity cannot alone boast of this or challenge it onely as hers even Heathenisme claims an equal share I never read of any of them Civil or Ba●barous that gave not thus much to their Religion so that it seems to me to have no other original to flow from no other spring than Nature her self But I have done and will trouble your Lordships no longer how it may stand with the honour and justice of this House to pass this Bill I most humbly submit unto your Lordships the most proper and only Judges of them both The Second SPEECH about the Lawfulness and Conveniency of their intermedling in Temporal Affairs MY LORDS I Shall not speak to the preamble of the Bill that Bishops and Clergy men ought not to intermeddle in temporal Affairs For truly My Lords I cannot bring it under any respect to be spoken of Ought is a word of Relation and must either refer to humane or divine Law To prove the lawfulnesse of their intermedling by the former would be to no more purpose then to labour to convince that by reason which is evident to sense It is by all acknowledged The unlawfulnesse by the latter the Bill by no means admits of for it excepts Universities and such persons as shall have honour descend upon them And your Lordships know that circumstance and chance alter not the