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A47473 Distressed Sion relieved, or, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness wherein are discovered the grand causes of the churches trouble and misery under the late dismal dispensation : with a compleat history of, and lamentation for those renowned worthies that fell in England by popish rage and cruelty, from the year 1680 to 1688 ... / by Benjamin Keach ... Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1689 (1689) Wing K60; ESTC R21274 76,467 223

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more some less As was their Pride Rebellion Wickedness Judge Thou graceless Wretch thou art berest of shame How dar'st thou thus deny thy proper name Christ's Church his Members never did annoy Nor Persecute and Millions thus destroy 'T is to no purpose for thee to dispute For all thy Forgeries I can confute I am thy Judge and never will pass by Thy horrid acts and Bloody Villany The time 's at hand when I 'le fullfil my word And in just fury draw my glittering Sword My frown shall make thy proud foundation quake And all the Pillars of thy House I 'le shake Dost think because I did forbear so long That I will not revenge my Childrens wrong What I resolve to do or will command No Pope nor Devil ever can withstand He that presum'd great Monarchs to depose Shall soon be tumbled down by some of those Whom he so crusht from Hell he did ascend And thither shall be flung down in the end He 'l surely fall and never rise again The hope thou hast of him is therefore vain There 's no recalling of the Sentence gone Thy Execution day approaches on Truth Most glorious Judge since this bold Whore denies Her filthy lewdness and Adulteries Let me but prove it and proclaim her shame 'T is known that I a faithful VVitness am It has been Evidenc'd by Vision clear That some strange Monster should on Earth appear Which by imperfect views did first amaze Sagacious minds when they on it did gaze Which made mens Judgments to divide asunder To see an object of unusual wonder A Woman City And a Scarlet Whore The like on Earth was never seen before A VVoman in her pompous glory drest And sitting on a monstrous horned B●ast Who is decyphered by Prodigious things His very Horns explain'd are Crowned Kings And then this mighty VVonder to compleat She 's placed on a seven hilled Seat She 's stil'd a VVoman and a VVhore because She once submitted to Enacted Laws As other VVomen do when they do wed A Husband and enjoy a Marriage Bed And who this Woman is shall now be known Her proper title is Great Babylon VVho in great Pomp and Royal State doth ride Excelling haughty Jezebel in pride VVho in our Modern times hath boasting been That she rules all Men as a Mighty Queen Trampling on Kings and Crowned Potentates Commanding Kingdoms Common-wealths and States Requiring Subjects blindly to obey Pressing the Beast and Horns to Kill and Slay At such a rate as that all Christendom Like Butchers bloudy Shambles are become If by this mark she is not understood Neither by Garb Beast Actions or by Blood To other ways of proof I 'le quickly come And shew this Whore to be the Church of Rome The Woman which th' Apostle John beheld Arayed in Purple and in Pomp upheld By that Blasphemous Scarlet-colour'd Beast That was with Gold and Stones of value drest Holding a cup full of abominations And black pollutions of her fornications That with great Kings Adultery commits And on a sev'n-hill'd Habitation sits The holy Angel of the Lord explains That 't is the City which so proudly reigns Over the Kings of th' Earth but all these notes And what besides the blessed Spirit quotes With Papal Rome exactly do agree She therefore must this bloudy Strumpet be If all the marks of this great Whore are given Will not meet any where so plain and even As on the Church and People I did name Then certainly she is the very same For it is evident that there is none May be so fitly stiled Babylon 'T was she that took the Word of God away And by a string of Beads taught men to pray She rob'd the Laity of the blessed Cup And spoil'd the Feast where Children came to sup At the Lords Table where they us'd to mind The blessed things their Saviour left behind She did set up her superstitious Mass As rank an Idol as yet ever was Commanding adoration to be given Of equal honour with the God of Heaven Imposing Vows unwarranted Traditions Implicit Faith and thousand superstitions Pretended Miracles apparent Lies Damnable Errors and fond Fopperies She clogs the Conscience and to make all well Boasts all her dictates are infallible Did Babylon the burning work begin Make a hot furnace Thrust Gods Worthies in This Church herein hath driven such a trade That thousands broiling Martyrs she hath made She sets the Pope above the Holy One The great Jehovah and his blessed Son. T is she declares him Universal Head 'T is she forbids the Bible to be read 'T is she that first did from the Faith depart 'T is she that wounded Sion to the Heart 'T is she hath been the occasion of all evil 'T is she advanc'd the Doctrine of the Devil 'T is she that taught her Sons to swear and lie To vouch great falshoods and plain truths deny 'T is she that did forbid the Marriage Bed Whilst her vile Clergy such ill Lives have led Was it not she that Canon did create Commanding People to abstain from Meat Which God gave licence unto all to eat That all may know we do to Rome no wrong A little Book will publish'd be ere long That will make it most evident and clear That only Papal Rome's intended here If from this charge she can her self defend Then may she make the Judg and Law her friend Or if she can produce another Tribe To whom we may this Character ascribe VVith greater clearness than we do to her VVe will consent her sentence to defer Judge Rome since thou canst not make a fair Defence And shew to all the VVorld thine Innocence 'T is very evident that all these things Have been fulfilled on Kingdoms and their Kings And now if there no other people be That did the like then thou alone art she Let thy denials trouble men no more Thou only art the bloudy Scarlet Whore Therefore in Justice I at length am come Being Long provokt to pass thy final Doom The Sentence ROME Thou hast been indicted by the Name of Mystery Babylon Mother of Harlots Scarlet-coloured Whore False Church and Pretended Spouse of Jesus Christ and thou art found Guilty of all the Horrid and Prodigious Crimes following That thou didst Apostatize from the Holy Religion of God and his Son Jesus Christ and didst advance the Pope or Man of Sin and hast Sacrilegiously attributed and given to him those Names and Titles which belong only to God and the Great Er●a●●el magnifying his Decrees in wicked Council above the Laws of God and hast made void the Laws and Constitutions of the Gospel making the Church National and forming whole Kingdoms into one Universal Church Thou hast insinuated thy self into the Courts of the Emperors Kings and Princes of the Earth perswading them to comm●t Fornication and Idolatry with th●e to the utter R●in and Destruction of many of them as well as of several Peers Noblemen others of all Ranks and Degrees
adore The hateful carcass of a filthy Whore Must all that execrate Romes Superstition Be Murder'd by a bloudy Inquisition Must such as won't to Idols bow be broke Must flaming Smithfield belch out Fire and Smoke Of Martyr'd Saints Must all that will not turn VVith Bibles and good Books together burn Must Monkish Tories meer incarnate Devils Possess our Land and pester it with Evils Of such an odious and abhorred grain That but to name 'em is a lasting stain Must our Renowned Ministers give place To Romish Block-heads Oh the vile disgrace Of such a change Must an adulterous Priest Belch our his Mass where they have preached Christ. Must that absur'd and irreligious Tribe VVho fetter conscience and regard a bribe Beyond their Souls be leaders to our Flocks Must Paultry non-sence and those Apish Mocks Miscall'd devotion fill the house of prayer Must Pestilence infect our purer Air Must Sodom be translated to our Isle And filthy Priests our chastity defile Must Satans factors in a humane Shape On modest Virgins perpetrate a Rape Must all our painful Ministers be driven To Fiery Stakes if they renounce not heaven Must our dear Infants lose their harmless lives In flaming Faggots or with Popish Knives Must guiltless blood through all our Streets rebound A mournful Eccho Must the horrid sound Of Axes Whips and dreadful Scourges tear Our aking hearts and pierce the yielding Air All this will be if Rome can but prevail Amazement stops my Speech My Spirits fail I only can in interjections cry I sink in trances O I dye I dye Sions Children Ah! How can we with any patience bear This sad Complaint Ah! How can Children hear Their Mother delug'd in a Sea of grief And not step in to give her some relief Chear up Illustrious Sion be not cast Into despair by this impending blast Christ is our Captain and we may be bold For in all Storms he is our Anchor hold But what 's that Beast where of thou dost complain From whence came he And of what date 's his Reign Give us his marks that we thereby may know him And then abate his pride and overthrow him With Universal and United force Our Armed Legions shall impede his course I' th' cause of God who does all Scepters weild We 'l fight his battels and dispute i' th' Field In Martial Syllogisms our Arms shall speak We 'l storm his Walls and make his Butwarks quake Revenge and Anger in our bosom burns Patience too much provoke to fury turns Sion See! That 's the Beast upon whose back the great Iaticing Strumpet rides in pomp and State By him she was supported all along By his Impostures she was rendred strong He 's not content to be Supream below And make all Scepters to his Crozier bow But th' Impious wretch is grown so bold that ev'n He dares affront the Majesty of Heav'n VVhat God Commands this Antichrist controuls Condemns the Sav'd and saves Condemned Souls Himself he places in jehovahs Throne As Principal and Second unto none A brace of Keys he carries in his hand To shut and open at his own Command He curses and absolves He binds releases Puts down advances whom so e're he pleases This is th' Apocalyptick Beast that claims Sublimest Titles and Blasphemous names VVith matchless Pride and monstrous Impudence He does for money with Gods Laws dispence Yea such is his unheard of avarice Upon the worst of crimes he set a price Sion's Children These Marks are so notorious that we can Clearly discern the Pope of Rome's the Man This raging Monster and this Beast of prey Shall we arise and take his strength away That hath so long time tyrannized thus With Hellish fury over thee and us Self preservation is by every creature Esteemed a Sacred Principle in Nature Each Free-born Soul must at those Tyrants spurn That would infect their Souls Their bodies burn Why should this Beast still rage and domineer As he hath done without controul or fear Sion Gods time is best and in due season he Will bring this Beast to his Catastrophe He sits in Heav'n and there beholds with scorn This Rebels Pride His glorious Son that 's born Heir of the World and Prince of Kingdoms too Shall surely reign because it is his due For all to him the Soveraign Rule must yield His is the Crown He shall the Scepter weild To Jesus all shall bow He shall be King And to poor Sion shall Redemption bring Forty two months unto this Beast is given So long shall he tread down the Host of Heav'n And now I hope the end thereof draws nigh And that some will be spirited from on high Who in the Great Jehovahs name shall sound Such an Alarm as shall his power confound Another Enemy his Confederate There is likewise that my forlorn Estate Hath much occasion'd and of whom before I made complaint The proud insulting Whore Who with lascivious looks and wanton eyes Incites to Lust and all Debaucheries By her provoking and bewitching charms Grandees she doth intice into her arms Corrupting Princes by her incantations And ruining the Nobles of the Nations Great God! Assist me lest my Spirits fail That I the State of Monarchs may bewail Who to her Yoke yield their Illustrious necks And move like Vassals at her haughty becks Ah! they that should my nursing Fathers be Are Executioners of her Cruelty And by her influence the Civil Power Is made a dreadful Engine to devour The Saints of God and kick at their Creator But let them know the Soveraign Arbitrator Of all their destinies is Great and Just And can at pleasure crumble them to dust Thus hath she made the Greatest Kings and Peers Submit to her Dominion many years Exhaust their treasures ruinate their fame And at the last gain nought but loss and shame For by ingaging in her Hellish Plots They to their names have gain'd Eternal Blots Nay of their Kingdoms some depriv'd have been As it in divers Nations has been seen Impudent Strumpet Whose curst wiles defile Mens Consciences and do their Souls beguile And when involved in the deepest guilt She then pretends to wash away the filth By impious Pardons Yea to such a height Of folly does bewitch them that the sight Of Death approaching won't make them confess Apparent guilt and horrid wickedness And by her Arts when they are parting hence Their Fronts Steels with such hardned impudence That though brought to a most deserved death With lies and falshoods they resign their breath Her Agents buzzing in their doubting ears False hopes whereby they may forget their fears Who like ill Angels round about them hover Doubting they should their Villanies discover VVhen some are stretcht upon the fatal block And Justice ready to discharge the stroke Such is the strength of her inebriation That they Oh! horrible on their Salvation Protest they 're innocent when all the while No Treason ever did appear more vile Than that for which Impartial Justice
price than Gold Canst thou deny her thy assistance while These Ravenous Creatures do thy Vineyard spoil Take notice how her bulwarks are thrown down And more heart-breaking evils coming on Breach upon breach Alas I daily see And doubtless I shall quickly ruin'd be Unless by some unknown and Glorious hand Thou speedily dost save me and the Land. I am Christ's Spouse His undefiled one Wilt thou permit me to be trod upon 'T is by thy grace I am intit'led so Great God! relieve me and divert my wo Who am surrounded every way with grief Oh let thy lovely smiles bring me relief Thou hast withdraw the beamings of thy grace And wrapt in Clouds the Splendor of thy face Which has upon me brought such anxious smart As tears my Soul and makes my very heart Drop tears of blood For if the glorious Sun Of Righteousness be hid where shall I run For joy or comfort in this dismal hour Who only to bemoan my self have power More she had spoke but that her Passion ties Her mournful Tongue The Floodgates of her eyes In Chrystal Streams do represent such anguish As makes her vital op●rations languish Sunk in despairing Swouns she scarce appears To breathe or live but by her Sighs and Tears Sion's Children Mourn Mourn Oh Heavens And thou Oh earth bewail Weep ye blest Saints until your Spirits fail For she that is the glory of the Earth Of the most Noble and Illustrious birth Lies sadly groaning in a deep despair Whose grievous sorrows no tongue can declare Oh! that our brethren would but hasten hither That in Gods fear we might confer together Sure you must grieve when her complaints you hear You cannot certainly but shed a tear Do not your Eyes ev'n like a Fountain stream And all your joys turn to a mourning Theme Does not your nightly rest from you depart Are you not pierced to the very heart And fall'n into the depth of bitterness Because of Sions Trouble and distress How can our hearts delight in things below How can we rest secure as sinners do How can we comfort take or pleasure find Or how can we the Worlds concernments mind Or with Terrene enjoyments be content And not poor Sions miseries lament 〈◊〉 can we hear our Mothers doleful cries 〈◊〉 Sighs she Sobs she Languishes she lies 〈◊〉 dreadful Agonies in bitter pain 〈◊〉 can we bear her Enemies disdain 〈◊〉 wickedly reproach her every day And like a broken pot she 's thrown away Despis'd and trod upon ev'n like the dung The Drunkard on her makes his daily Song But Christ will come and look on her sad State End with poor Sion he 'l Expostulate ' Why art thou sometimes high then low again ' Sometimes at ease and then in bitter pain ' Doubtless th' are Throwes Chear up and do not fear ' For thy deliverance is very near ' These labouring pangs will speedily be o're ' Take heart thou shall not die One or two more ' Will bring that Child into the World which thou ' Hast travell'd with in bitter pangs till now ' Address thy self to God for surely he ' From these thy tortures will deliver thee ' 'T is he alone that brings unto the birth ' And giveth strength and vigor to bring forth ' Then stay thy self upon th' Almighty Lord ' His gracious help he to thee will afford ' Upon his promises do thou depend ' And thou shalt see deliverance in the end These words of Comfort like a Cordial wrought And to her sences mourning Sion brought With fainting looks and with a weeping Eye Unto her Children she renews her cry Sion How am I spoil'd How do I sit forlorn How long wil't be e're I shall cease to mourn I 'm like a Ship by raging Tempests tost ' Midst Rocks and Sands just ready to be lost Where every billow do's present a grave And Death in Triumph rides on every Wave But yet I am ingraven on his hand And in his sight for ever I do stand Awake O arm of God! Oh come away My woes are very great Ah do not Stay Hear me Dear Jesus unto thee I cry Unless thou save me I must surely dye Christ. In Glorious Regions of approachless Light VVhere Joys unmixt with perfect Love unite There do I sit There do I see and hear VVhat Kings and Potentates consulting are But in mine Ears methinks I hear the cry Of some distressed Soul in misery My Bowels in me with compassion move Oh! 't is the voice of her I dearly love She whom I purchast with my dearest blood Seems drencht yea drown'd in tears as in a Floud Some mighty Sorrow sure and Tribulation Extorts from her this doleful Lamentation Enough to pierce my tender heart again And make the Temple once more rend in twain Alas poor Sion thy Complaints I hear And I will rescue thee Oh do not fear I know thy sorrows and I hear thy cries And from what apprehensions they arise Know I can still the blustring Winds and Seas And in the greatest anguish can give case I can both wound and cure Build up and break I kill I make alive I give I take The Greatest Monarchs I can soon pull down I can make void and then fill up the Throne VVhen I think fit I make the Nations shake And haughty Princes at my presence quake Kingdoms to totter and reel to and fro All this and greater things for thee I 'll do Although thy Foes do thee environ now All power and wisdom 's mine and I know how Thee to support and make them all to bow I will arise and Shew my Soveraignty And make them to the Rocks and Mountains fly Though with the Powers of Hell they have combin'd I will pursue them and they shall not find A hiding place my vengeance to avoid Till by my fury they are all destroy'd I 'll soon bring down the most Exalted head The Mighty Ones I into dust will tread Thy cause I 'll plead Though I have silent stood I 'll be reveng'd for all the righteous blood That has run down ev'n like a mighty Flood The day of vengeance shall no longer stay VVhat 's due to Justice they shall surely pay Besides the cruel wrongs thou dost repeat The bloud of former Martyrs does intreat Me to avenge their cause I therefore will Come down in fury and those Monsters kill For though I seem'd to have forsaken thee Yet from all bondage I will set thee free Though I have thee afflicted heretofore I 'll turn my hand upon the Bloudy Whore Shortly her place shall never know her more Because thou dost my Holy name profess I 'll break in peices such as thee oppress Arm'd with Commission from the Great Jehove I will come down and all thy griefs remove All weapons form'd against my Churches shall Unprosperous prove for I will break them all All Kingdoms of the Earth shall now be mine And thou in beauty like a Queen shalt Shine