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A15370 An exposition of the 13. chapter of the Revelation of Iesus Christ. By Iohn Wilkison Wilkinson, John, dissenter. 1619 (1619) STC 25647; ESTC S103078 38,953 38

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a two-fold power and jurisdiction both Civill and Ecclesiasticall not in earth onely but in heaven also what he bindeth in earth is bound in heaven and whom he will he can release from the paines of Purgatorie and place them in heaven Therefore in token of this his power he is armed with two swords which thing was plainely signified by the two Hornes which he had like the Lamb. But though the Beast would be the Lambs equall and resemble him in power yet his voyce bewrayes him to bee but a counterfeit and a dissembling hypocrite he speakes like the Dragon he pretendeth property to that which is not his own and exalteth himselfe against those unto whom he should submit and giue honour Even as the Dragon said of the Kingdomes of the world All these are in my power I giue them to whom I will So likewise saith this Luk. 4. 6. Beast his Vicar the Prelate of Rome The Empire and Kingdomes of the earth are in my power and at my disposition and to me it belongeth to depose and set up Emperours and Kings at my pleasure as shall bee behoofull for the peace of the Church And thus may the Beast in this bee knowne by his voyce likewise in divers other particular blasphemous speeches and divelish doctrines Further it is said of this Beast That he exerciseth all the power of the first Beast before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to Vers 12. worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed In that this Beast is said to exercise All the power of the first Beast before him thereby was signified That what the first Beast could doe by her motherly authority and power under the usurped title and name of the holy Church the same could this Beast doe by the authority power of his fatherhood under the title pretence of Christs Vicar Peters successor universall Bishop c. But that this Beast may yet further be discerned it is said of him That he caused the earth and those which dwell therein to worship the first Beast c. By causing the earth to worship the first Beast was foreshewed that the Pope would exact of the earth the tenth part of the fruits therof for the maintenance of the holy Church this is indeed to worship For as the paying of Tithes in the time of the Law was a part of the true outward worship of God so this is the worship of the Beast And further by causing the Inhabitants of the earth also to worship the first Beast was shewed that he would carefully see due homage service and obedience to be yeelded and performed to the holy Church so that though the Prelate of Rome as a sonne of perdition did exalt himselfe aboue measure yet still doth he maintaine the power and dignity of the Catholick Church the estimation of her Motherhood must still bee maintained her voyce must still be heard and obeyed not to come when she calls is contumacie and contempt not to be indured they that dare so farre to despise her authoritie as not to obey her Paritors Processe are by her doome to bee accounted cursed children and worthy of no lesse censure and punishment then to be struck with that terrible Thunderbolt of her Excommunication the violence whereof is such as who can indure it Who will not rather ride runne dance attendance crouch kneele pay pray or doe any thing else which Maister Officiall or his Register wil enioyne them then undergoe so heavy a burthen as the censure of Excommunication Thus will the Pope haue the magnificence of this Diana to bee maintained The earth and those which dwell in it must yeeld unto her the Tithe of all their increase as also Mortuaryes Offerings and many other Church duties which she requireth of them for she is a goddesse and must bee worshipped And this diminisheth the Popes glorie never a jot the two estates of the Whoore and false Prophet can well agree and stand together as father and mother in one family and therefore the second Beast as father of all wil haue the first Beast worshiped that is obeyed maintained in glorie as mother of all And further obserue in that the Pope hath executed all authoritie of the Catholike Church thereby is confirmed the truth of the exposition that the first Beast was the Catholike Church and the second Beast the Pope as hath beene before observed And he doth great wonders so that he maketh fire to come downe from Vers 13. heaven on earth in the sight of men First by the wonders which he did was foreshewed what wonderfull things the Prelate of Rome that false Prophet should bring to passe as namely under the title of the servant of the servants of God which indeed all Ministers of the Word and other Church Officers ought to be to creep up and exalt himselfe aboue Emperours and Kings and all other estates in the earth which being considered is indeed a thing wonderfull for first the Prelacie and Clergie in respect of the pretended holines of their Orders were exempted and freed from being subiect to any secular jurisdicton and power the meanest of them might not be produced before any secular ludge for any crime or offence how Vide Consilium Matis Can. 9. 10. havnous soever yet unto this Beast they must be obedient in all things as servants to their Lord upon him they must depend with all observation as children upon their fathers And as for Emperours and Kings and other worldly States it is plaine to bee seene that though they stand highly upon their titles and dignities not to haue them empayred or in any thing diminished which is a thing which they will withstand to the shedding of aboundance of bloud yet to be made such vassals to this Beast as to hold his stirrop to leade his horse by the bridle to kisse his feete they thought it no abasement but an honour And notwithstanding that very many of that beastly ranke haue been notorious wicked men and abominable livers yet haue they the craft so to delude and besot all people of all degrees in the world as to bring them to beleeue that the truth is so infallibly annexed to that seate of the Beast that it is not possible for him to erre in iudgement yea he made the world to beleeue it as an Article of faith that his determination and iudgement of any controversie or point of doctrine is a more indifficient and infallible rule of faith then is the holy Scriptures That these and the like grosse doctrines are beleeved and received are great wonders Further He maketh fire to come downe from heaven on the earth in the sight of men c. By fire in this place was fore-shewed the punishment which should be inflicted on the Saints which was burning with fire And in that the fire was sayd to come from heaven thereby was foreshewed that the Iudges of the earth Who
the chiefest of the Prelates and Clergie of diverse dominions should be gathered togither to make lawes and canons which all men should be constreyned by penall lawes to observe and yeild obedience unto that so peace and vnitie might be preserved and kept amongst them And in short time it came to passe that whatsoever these Synods or Counsells did agree upon and set downe how false soever was to be held canonicall and those that contradicted the same were therfore cast out and condemned as Heretickes This was the manner the occasion of the rising of this Beast out of this turbulent Sea And here by the way observe That * Every good giving and perfect gift is from above Iames 1. 17. from the father of lightes But this beast is from the Sea beneath not from above and therfore not belonging to the kingdome of Christ but an adversary and enemie thereof Of this Beast it is sayd that he had 7. heads a thing which is monstrous in nature And therfore by this was foreshewed that the dominion represented by this Beast should be a monstrous dominion Concerning these heads let this be considered That the whole state or societie of the Antichristian Sea is of two sorts of people the one sort they call the Clergie the other sort the Layetie Of these the Clergie are as heads and guides to direct and goe before And the Layetie as the body or rather the tayle to follow after Agayne by the same policie their clergy are sorted into 7. orders or degrees namely to speak in their language 1. Ianitores seu ostiarij 2. Lectores 3. Exorcistae 4. Acolithi 5. Subdraconi 6. Diaconi 7. sacerdotes These are the 7. orders of the Antichristian Clergy As for Popes Cardinalls Patriarchs Arch Bishops Bishops Arch deacons c. they are titles of dignitie and not of orders For the Pope is but a Preist concerning his orders and when he stands at the Altar and sayth Masse he doth that as a Preist and not as a Pope and so of all other degrees This considered it way well be saide of the Antichristian Sinagogue and State that it is as a Monster with 7. heads As for the Ministers which God hath ordeyned to be in his Church they are first Apostles secondly Prophets thirdly Teachers c. 1 Cor. 12. 28. c. See also Rom. 12. 6. 7. 8. Ephes 4. 11. 12. 13. And these onely were given for the gathering together of the Saincts for the work of the Ministery and for the edification of the body of Christ Not some to have a bunch of keys with a charge of the doores of this or that Temple or Cathedrall Church Another to have a booke to read to the people things which neither he nor they did understand A third to have a booke of Coniurations or Charmes with charge to read them or say by heart to such as were distracted of their witts or possessed with divills and to put their hands vpon them A fourth to have a Taper or wax candle with a candlestick to carry before the preists and deacons in doeing their service A fift to receive of the people oblations and offrings and to deliver them to the Deacon to carry to the Altar To reade the Epistle and to stand by the Preist while he was saying the Masse A sixth to be the Bishops spye and intelligencer to informe him of such as be irregular and observe not their orders To read the Gospell attend the preist at the Altar c. A seventh to consecrate the Hoast as they call it and then to offer it as a sacrifice propitiatory for the quick and dead These are not they which God hath given to be in the Church But these are they wherof the Antichristian clergy consisteth for whosoever is one of that clergy is one of these 7. orders be he Pope Prelate or els whatsoever and to note and foreshewe this point of policie this Beast which Iohn saw had seven heads If any shall think this to be a vaine frivolous and straunge interpretation to understand by the 7. heads of the beast these 7. orders of the Clergie as thinking those heades to betoken things of greater note and importance Let such consider what account and reckoning is made of such persons as have received the Sacrament of Orders and holy tonsure in the kingdome of the Beast and they shall find the interpretation not impertinent but very agreable For a time there was since the writing of this prophecy * when the meanest shrimpe that was within these holy orders as they call them was held to be of that dignitie that Vide Concil Matisconen secundum Canon 9. 10. the chiefest and worthiest secular Iudge in a kingdome was held vnworthie to judge or censure them for any trespasse or fact how notorious wicked and manifest soever because they had received holy Tonsure were therby consecrated and set a part unto God to be his portion and heritage to pray for the people and therfore were exempted from all secular jurisdiction and power such was their dignitie accounted to be and still is where that kingdome prevayleth and hath the dominion yea even in this land that quarrell hath cost the King his Crowne as is to be seen in the Historyes of the Reigne of King Iohn and not his Crowne onely but his life also Now if the meanest of them be above the dominion of any King or secular Iudge and secular Iudges be the heads of the people whome God hath appointed to beare rule over them well may these be said to be as heads in the kingdome of the Beast wherin these shavelings are holden to be so holy and high in dignitie and degree As this Beast which Iohn saw had 7. heads so likewise it had 10. hornes whereby was foreshewed that as the kings of the Medes and Persians were shewed and represented to Daniel by the 2. hornes of the Beast which he saw in his vision so the kings of many kingdomes should be as guarders and defenders of the Antichristian kingdome and state And that this scripture hath beene fulfilled to the vttermost by the kings of the Nations is so manifest that none can be ignorant of it that are of judgment and experience And it was just with the Lord to make the Kings of the earth vassels to this Beast because they received not the love of the truth but tooke pleasure in unrighteousnesse they would not forsake their sinnes to liue godlily righteously and soberly as all must doe that will attaine salvation but they would liue after their lusts and for their sinnes they would make satisfaction by building of Churches and Monasteries c. and endowing them with lands rents and other revenewes by meanes whereof those which traded like Marchants in those many waters the kingdome of the Beast grew rich and wealthy and became the great men of the earth Furthermore Iohn saith of the Beast which hee saw that it was
AN EXPOSITION OF THE 13. CHAPTER OF THE REVELATION OF IESVS CHRIST By Iohn Wilkinson Revelation 14. 9. ANd the 3. Angel followed them saying with a lowd voice If any man worship the beast and his image and receive his marke in his forehead or in his hand V. 10. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is powred out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shal be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb V. 11. And the smoake of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever Imprinted in the yere 1619. IT was the purpose and desire of the Authour of this Treatise to haue published his Iudgment of the whole booke of the Revelation But through the malice of the Prelates who divers times spoyled him of his goods and kept him many yeres in prison he was prevented of his purpose After his death some of his labours comming to the hands of his friends in scattred and unperfect papers they laboured with the help of others that heard him declare his judgement herein to set forth this little treatise wherin they have not varied from the Authours Iudgement but onely in one opint in the 3. verse which is concerning the wounded head wherein for the clearing of the matter they have added the lines thus marked Which a litle differeth from the Authours understanding of it the which should not haue been altered if the worke had been left perfect AN INTERPRETATION OF THE 13. CHAPTER OF THE REVELATION OF IESVS CHRIST THE Eternall whose power is over all from the beginning hath put enmitie between the Serpent the Gen. 3. 15. Woman and between the seede of the Woman and the seed of the Serpent whereupon it hath come to passe in all ages that the seed of the woman hath laboured to break the serpents head that is to destroy his workes tread him under foot and triumph in victory over him He on the contrarie hath laboured as earnestly to resist God to deceive the Nations and to bring all into condemnation and destruction with himself And amongst the manifold wayes meanes which Satan hath devised and practised to manifest his malice against God and his Saincts none hath been more dangerous nor more availeable to further iniquitie and cause destruction then the Antichristian generation which under the title of the Church and Spowse of Christ and Ministers of the Gospell have corrupted the earth and brought the Nations into miserable bondage and slaverie In this 13. chapter is declared the state policy and proceeding of the Antichristian Dominion and Kingdome as the same was signified and foreshewed to Iohn the servant of Iesus Christ in a threefold forme First by a beast rising up out of the sea having 7. heads 10. hornes verses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Secondly by a beast coming up out of the earth having two hornes like the lambe but spake like the dragon verses 11. 12. 13. 14. Thirdly by an image of the first beast which the second beast caused them that dwelt on the earth to make as in vers 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. As the Dominion of the Medes Persians and Grecians which persecuted Dan. 8. and destroyed the holy people of God the Iewes were signified and foreshewed to Daniel in a vision vnder the formes of severall beasts according to the qualities of those dominions so here the Antichristian dominion which persecuted the Churches and people of Christ was foreshewed to Iohn under the formes of such beasts as are here described whereby we may learne that as reason and judgment is not to be expected in a beast so equitie and right is not to be expected in this dominion but the contrarie Concerning the first of these beasts Iohn sayth That as I stood upon the sea sand I saw a Beast rise up out of the sea having 7. heads and 10. hornes and upon his hornes 10. Crownes and upon his heads the names of Blasphemy And the Beast which I saw was like unto a Leopard and his feet as the feet of a Beare and his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon and the Dragon gave him his power and his seate and great authoritie That by this first Beast was signified and represented some state of people and body politique I presume no reasonable man exercised in the Scriptures will deny because as it hath been sayd it is there to be seene that such States and Dominions as God hath used as rodds and scourges to chastise correct his Church and people withall have been represented by beasts States and Dominions they are of two sorts eyther Ecclesiastical or Civil but of which sort the State here ment is there hath been and is great opposition Many understand it to be the Romane Empire to which I cannot consent because the Romane Empire is ordeyned of God and is therefore a lawfull Dominion But the Dominion here represented is sayd to be from the Dragon that old Serpent the Divell who is sayd to give his power and his throne and great authoritie unto it and therefore unlawfull neither can I conceive it to be any other civil dominion for the same reason But to be short I understand it to be an Ecclesiasticall Sate or Dominion and in particular that dominion which is called The Catholike Church representative consisting of the Prelacy and Preisthood of many Nations as Patriarches Cardinalls Archbishops Bishops with divers other elected persons who being called and gathered into counsells or synodes usually called generall Counsells did usurpe and take on them the office of Christ Iesus in making Lawes and Canons erecting Courts instituting offices and officers in matters of Religion as for the goverment of the Church and for the worship of God to be of all men observed obeyed These generall counsells or as the Catholicks call it the catholike Church representative have challenged and exercised spirituall authoritie and dominion according to the text over all kinreds toungs and Nations By their lawes canons they have guided and governed them as one vniversall or Catholick Church and made them also to observe their decrees and commaundements for doctrine This they have doen both before and also since the Pope was exalted to his dignitie as all histories of the Church doe testify So that it hath been and is a great question among the Catholicks whether the authoritie of the Pope or the Catholick Church in cases of Religion be the greater And whereas it is sayd in the 12. vers that the second Beast exercised all the power of the first Beast before him therby is confirmed the trueth of this exposition For the second Beast being the Pope as hereafter is shewed hath exercised the whole power of the Catholick church or generall counsells and not of any other State or Dominion Further that this is the first beast here presented that which followeth
and being so transubstantiated to offer it vp vnto God a sacrifice propitiatorie both for quick and dead Thus the wounded head of Priesthood was cured and revived and so became the worlds wonder as now it followeth to bee declared according as Iohn here witnesseth And all the world wondred after the Beast That is The people of the Nations hauing this Priesthood set over them and commended unto them to bee of such power and dignitie as that they could make them a visible God not onely to behold with their eyes and looke vpon but also to eate and that their maker and redeemer to their everlasting salvation And being so effectually deluded as that they beleeued these lyes hereupon they wondred and followed the Beast Well might they wonder to see bread and taste bread where was no bread and to see wine and taste wine where was no wine for so were they made to beleeue and to eate flesh and drinke bloud and yet neither to see nor taste flesh nor bloud this was a wonder to wonder at and who would not follow him for a guide that had power to worke such wonders But they did not onely follow the Beast as the Iewes did Christ when they saw his miracles But they worshipped the Dragon which gaue Ver. 4. power vnto the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying who is like vnto the Beast Who is able to make warre with him To worship is to heare and obey and by worshipping the Dragon was shewed that they wholly addicted themselues to be directed and ruled by the Beast whom the Dragon used as his instrument to worke his will and to whom he had giuen authority and power to that end thus orginally they worshiped the divell Secondly they worshiped the Beast as being the instrument of the divell and they became subiects in all things obedient unto the Beast as being of such holinesse and truth as that it could not erre nor deceiue others and of such power as what they loosed on earth was loosed in heaven and what they bound in earth was bound in heaven therfore such a power as had no match or peere so that they boasted and said of it Who is like unto the Beast As David considering the power Psal 71. 77. and wonderfull works of God saith Who is like unto the Lord So doe the Nations boast of this Beast saying Who is like unto the Beast And further they sayd of him Who is able to make warre with him As if they should say This our holy Mother hath power to excommunicate and deliver to Satan all of what estate condition and degree soever they be that will not heare her voyce beare her yoke and be ruled by her Who therefore is able to make warre with her that is make his party good against this our holy Mother Of such admiration was this Beast in the earth thus hath the world thought and spoken of her And moreover there was given unto this Beast a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given him to make 42. moneths Ver. 5. As the mouth is the meanes and instrument whereby men do declare their mindes so this Beast had a mouth to declare and utter her minde by which mouth was signified a Ministerie of false Prophets and lying Spirits namely Doctors Schoole-men Monkes Frvars and all sorts of their Preachers who teach for doctrines the commandements of the Beast and declare and utter the minde and will of the Beast as being equall to Gods Word this their Canons Lawes Books and Monuments do manifestly witnesse The effect of that which this mouth uttereth is noted to be great things and blasphemies They boast of this Beast that she is the holy Catholick Church Militant the Mother of all true beleevers the chaste Spouse of Christ the Pillar and ground of Truth that it cannot erre c. And that all which will haue God to be their Father must haue her to be their Mother Finally that out of her lap and communion there is no saluation These and many other such great things speaketh the mouth of this Beast which are indeed great things and being so spoken are great blasphemies For is it not great blasphemy to call that Holy which is most abominable To call her the Mother of all true Beleevers which is the Mother of fornications and of all abominations To call that the Pillar and ground of Truth which hath corrupted the earth with her errours and fornications and caused all Nations to drinke of the wine of the wrath thereof To say there is no saluation but in her followship whose end and iudgement is to go to destruction Beware of false Prophets and teachers of lyes for such are the mouth of this Beast And it is further to be minded that it is said of this Beast that the mouth which she had was given her for had this Beast no more to maintaine this mouth then she hath of her own by discent and heritage she could not haue so many to speake for her as she hath But Emperors and Kings Princes Nobles and other great sinners became benefactors to this Beast giving unto her Lands and Tenements rents revenewes to maintaine this mouth to utter great things and blasphemies and more then this Power was given him to act or make two and fortie moneths For the better understanding of this point let this be considered In the Antichristian Kingdome they haue a rule how to proceed in every cause but not given them of God but of their own making which they commonly call the Canon Law concerning vvhich Law here we may learne by vvhom it vvas made how long it was in making These makers usurp the name of the Church of Christ but the true Church is the Kingdom of Christ and being the Kingdom of Christ it hath him onely for lawgiver they therefore which under the title of the Church presume to make lawes are fitly worthily resembled by a Beast For what is more unreasonable then for those whose greatest dignity glory happines consisteth in hearing obeying administring of Gods Word to fall from this and Lucifer-like to exalt oppose themselues against their Maker as though they were vviser iuster then God to adde unto his Testament vvhich is sufficient to instruct us in all vvisedome to make the man of God perfect in every good work and to take from the same 2. Tim. 3. 17. Testament at their pleasure vvhich is not lawfull to do to any mans testament vvithout great offence and injustice as the Apostle sheweth Gal. 3. 15. yet this is the way wherein those great doers the authors of the Canon Law haue vvalked It is said of those Actors that Power was given them c. Where first vve may obserue that of themselues they had not this power for then it could not haue been said to be given them but given them it was it is therefore to be
knowne unbeleevers to the end to meete together for the mutuall edification and comfort one of another by doctrine breaking of bread and prayer and to practise all other Ordinances of Christ set downe in his Testament as they shall haue occasion and to companies of Beleeuers hauing such fellowship and communion one with another the title of the Churches of Christ doth in our use of speech properly and of right belong but for beleevers to doe this apart by themselues is adiudged contempt of authority factious novelty making of Conventicles and unlawfull Assemblies dangerous to the State and not to be suffered in any Kingdome or Common-wealth and so they blaspheme the Tabernacle of God in a high degree as if Gods people were a company of ungodly rebels and wicked conspirators but the righteous Lord will in due time visit his people rebuke his enemies And on the other side for Gods people now to deny the kingdome of the Beast that is as they call it the holy Catholick church Militant to be the true Church of Christ To refuse to partake and communicate with them in their abominations delusions and unfruitfull workes of darknesse is adjudged disobedience schisme and contempt of the power and authoritie of the Church To speak against their proceedings sedition disturbance of the peace of the Church heresie impietie and what not Thus they adorne the Harlott which corrupteth the earth with her fornications with the title of the Church and spouse of Christ and Tabernacle of God And so blaspheme the Tabernacle of God as if it were not a communion of Saincts by calling and profession but an habitation of Divells an hold of Fowle spirits and a cage of every uncleane hatefull bird Further it is sayd of the Beast that it did blaspheme those that dwelt in heaven that is the Saincts departed this life Those that dwell in heaven are then blasphemed when it is sayd of them that they take it as honour done unto them when we make them our Patrones build them Temples set up their images offer and pray unto them and make them Mediators between Christ and us for by this they are made not onely idolls but also favorers and cheife maynteyners of idolatrie They are also blasphemed when the doctrine which they taught and practised is condemned for heresie or when erronious doctrines vayne traditions superstitious rites ceremonies and customes are fathered upon them as received from them by Tradition as unwritten verities but the world hath been brought to beleeue that Saints in heaven might by these meanes bee as it were bought and fold betweene Priest and people wherein they haue been highly blasphemed Moreover it is said that it was given to the Beast to make warre with the Ver. 7. Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all Kindreds and Tongues and Nations Warre is made with the Saints when they are accused to Rulers and Governours to be Hereticks Schismaticks wicked and ungodly persons and they may then be said to bee overcome when their accusers are iustified and they condemned according to this this Scripture hath been fulfilled and verified Great and of long continuance haue been the warres which the Beast hath made with the Saints and many haue been the victories of this kinde which the Beast hath had against them as the Histories and other records of the Nations do plentifully witnesse It was given to the Beast to make warre with the Saints when Rulers and Governours gaue way to the Beast to devise and make lawes at their own pleasure concerning Religion and the worship of God and then to condemne for delinquents and euill doers all that would not obserue those lawes How free and forward Rulers and Governours haue been to giue such power unto the Beast they themselues haue felt by long and wofull experience for much woe hath the Beast wrought not to the poore and meaner sort of the Saints onely but even to Emperours and Kings and all degrees of people and therefore it is said in the words following that power was given unto this Beast over every Kindred Tongue and Nation So that the exaltation thereof was such as to be as a father aboue all fathers to every Kindred a Lord aboue all Lords to every Tongue a King aboue all Kings to every Nation Thus was this Beast exalted and sate as a Queene triumphing over them having all of all degrees brought in bondage unto her dominion which was a just recompence upon their heads that gaue such power unto this Beast yet see how the world was herein deluded they were not as captiues against their wills but in blinde devotion had this Beast in most high reverence as being a Divine Power ordained and given by God and not from the Dragon Thus did the Lord giue them over to bee deluded by this Beast as a iust reward of their ungodlinesse in that they received not the loue of the truth but tooke pleasure in unrighteousnesse Further it is declared in the words following That all that dwelt upon Ver. 8. the earth shall worship him that is the Beast whose names are not written in the Booke of the life of the Lamb slayne from the foundation of the world By those that dwell on the earth is meant those that haue set their habitation there and choose rather to enioy the prosperitie of the world and the pleasures of sinne together with the Beast then to suffer affliction for the truth and for witnessing against the Beast These are they that worship him that is receiue their precepts and rules for doctrine and wholesome instruction and obserue their ordinances and lawes as perfect rules of equitie and righteousnesse casting the Word of God declared in the holy Scriptures behind their backes and treading his Ordinances under their feete making farre more conscience not to eate an Egge on a Friday then to steale or commit adulterie But of such it is said that their names are not written in the Booke of life of the Lamb which was slaine from the beginning of the world That is they are not of the number of Gods Elect and Chosen in Christ and given unto him for his portion and heritage whose condition is to be hated despised persecuted and afflicted in the world for righteousnes sake in whom the Lamb Christ Iesus as in his members hath been slaine since the beginning of the world which condition those which cannot brooke and indure but count it a pleasure to liue deliciously for a season and take delight to inioy the pleasures of sinne may thereby bee discerned not to haue their names written in the Book of Life Concerning these things it is added If any man haue an eare let him heare Ver. 9. As if it should be said few there bee which haue an eare to heare these things For who can indure to heare that Catholike Church which they account to bee spirituall holy and heavenly to bee compared to a Beast
are * Psal 82. 6. called Gods and their seats as the Throne of God in heauen should bee so corrupted by the Pope as that they should beleeue the Saints and Servants of God which refused to obey the Pope and his Lawes to be therefore Hereticks Schismaticks refractarie rebellious and disobedient persons and therefore should condemne them to be burnt to death This they haue done thinking they did God therein good service and that it was the iust iudgement of God upon them Thus he made fire to come downe from heaven For true it is that the iudgements rightly pronounced by the lawfull Magistrates are the iudgements of God and their punishments Gods punishments and therefore it is that Maigistrates are called Gods but seeing Magistrates haue beene thus corrupted by the Pope and made to pronounce unrighteous and unjust judgements wee are to esteeme them as the judgements of the Dragon and yet neverthelesse their authority and power lawfull and ordained of God Thus the Beast deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by meanes of those Miracles falsly so called which he had power to doe in the sight of the Beast as is shewed in the verse following And he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the meanes of those miracles Vers 14. which he had power to doe in the sight of the Beast Those which the Beast deceiveth are sayd to dwell on the earth that is haue their affections fet upon earthly things and not upon heavenly so that they will not for loue of the truth forsake their earthly possessions and pleasures these are they which are deceived by these lying wonders of this Beast but those that are strangers and pilgrimes in this world whose affections are set upon heavenly things and not upon earthly these are not deceived nor deluded by him these making tryall of him by Gods word haue found him to be a lyer and a deceiver and beleeue him not but taking their liues in their hands witnes against him to the death that his power and working is of Satan and that his wonders are lyes And whereas it is sayd that he had power to doe these miracles in the sight of the Beast therby is confirmed made manifest that which before is shewed page 23 that this sonne of perdition the chief darling of his holy catholick Mother is present with her and in her bosome and for her sake and in her behalf exerciseth his power shee retayning still her former authoritie without any diminishing thereof as is evident unto all that are acquainted with the acts of that Church Thus much for the second parte of this chapter The 3. part of the 13. Chapter of the Revelation Wherin is foreshewed a third Beast which was set up by the commaundement of this second Beast the Pope who sayd to them that dwelt on the earth that they should make an Image to the Beast which had the wound with a sword and did live HEre we may see that the Pope by his commanding power was the cause of setting up this Image and for the better and more cleare understanding what this Image is Let us consider a little the patterne whose image and likenes it beareth namely the first Beast The first Beast as hath beene shewed was the representative body of the Catholicke Church Militant consisting of the selected Prelacy and Preisthood of sundry Nations gathered together into one Councell or Synode with authoritie to make lawes and canons for the universall Church to be observed uniformely of all Nations under pretence of the insufficiency of the Scripture for the government of the Church and the worship of God In like manner the Pope in his wisedome seeing it necessary for the good government maintenance and upholding of his kingdome and the rooting out of Heretickes and seditious persons as they call them which daylie increased in every Countrie did ordeyne and command | Vide conciliū Lateran secundum Can. 6. that in every Province there should yerely be held and kept a Provinciall counsel or Synode consisting of the Prelats and divers other selected persons which should look to those matters to which Synode he also gave power to make lawes and ordinances to which the people should be conformable and obedient This is the Image which he caused the dwellers on the earth to make of the Beast which had the wound with a sword and did live Further it is sayd Vers 15. And power was given him to giue life unto the Image of the Beast that the Image of the Beast should both speake and Ver. 15. cause that as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast should bee killed In this verse wee may obserue first that a gift was given to the Pope to bestow upon this Image secondly what this gift was viz. to giue life or breath to the Image thirdly the end and effects of the gift which was that the Beast should speake and cause that as many as would not worship the Beast should be killed As there was given by the Dragon to the first Beast great power and authoritie and also a mouth to speake blasphemies and to make warre with the Saints in like manner by the same Dragon was this gift given to the Pope to giue life or breathe to this Image By life is here meant authoritie which is the life of a Synode without which it is of no force and so this Image should haue been no more then a very image or picture and set up to no purpose but the Pope having received it gaue authority to the Image that he should speake that is make and set forth Canons and Lawes for to speake is so understood as for example A King is said to speake to his subiects when he setteth forth his Lawes and Proclamations so this Beast having made Canons and Decrees speaketh to her vassals and subjects by them Moreover the Image caused that as many as would not worship him should be killed Here the pride and cruelty of this Image is set forth to be answerable to the first Beast and therefore rightly is he called her Image for as the first Beast made wart with the Saints and overcame them and all that dwelled on the earth worshiped him c. so whosoever would not worship this Image that is heare his voyce and keep his commandements there was no way for him but death All the worship that the Lord requireth of his servants is * That they feare him walke in all his wayes loue him and serue him with all their Deu. 10. 12. 13. hearts and with all their soules to keep the commandements of the Lord and his ordinances And this is indeed the true worship of God In like manner this Image wil be worshiped his lawes must be observed his canons obeyed without examining and trying of them be they never so unholy and unjust They that do not observe and obey them be they never so upright and holy men
the Beast is hath been before shewed Secondly the name of the Beast is to be considered For the manifestation whereof let us consider and minde that those which did preach and professe Christ and his doctrine are said to haue and to beare his name The Lord Christ Iesus said unto Ananias in a Vision concerning Paul That hee was a chosen Vessell to Acts 9. 15. beare his Name before the Gentiles and Kings and the children of Israel By the name of the Lord here was meant that Paul should preach the doctrine of Christ and those that beleeved by his Preaching were said to beleeue in the name of Christ and were therefore baptized into his name and called Christians † Acts 11. 26. The Disciples were first called Christians in Antioch Also the disciples and followers of Christ are said to haue the Lambs Fathers name written in their forehead According to this is the meaning of the name of this Beast which the Holy Ghost setteth down in a mysterie in the 17. chapter and 5. verse Babylon the great the mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth But the Papists call it not Babylon the great but the great universall or Catholick Church not the mother of Harlots but the mother of all true Beleevers not the mother of all abominations of the earth but the Pillar and ground of Truth that cannot erre This is the difference betwixt the name which God giveth them and which they take and attribute unto themselues But let them speak the best of themselues and let us consider and answer them in their own language they call themselues the Catholick Church and their professed vassals and subiects are therfore called Catholicks and whatsoever they bee that do either preach or professe the Catholick faith that is beleeue as this Catholick Church beleeveth that it is mother of all true Beleevers that it cannot erre c. they are Catholicks such persons wheresoever they liue if they thus beleeue although they never receiued the marke of the Beast nor can receiue it yet this profession is enough to entitle them in the right of buying or selling these foresaid wares such persons haue the name of the Beast and therefore they may buy pardons of the forgiuenesse of part or all their sinnes and use any of these things which they suppose necessary for their soules health but indeed destruction yea after their death they may for a summe of mony given to the foresaid Marchants by their charitable successors be released out of Purgatorie thus by their owne description wee haue found out the name of the Beast and who they are that haue received it The third condition is the number of his name as the Beast had one generall name which the Catholick Church whereby he was known from all other States and Kingdomes in the world so it hath a number of names belonging to the particular parts and members thereof to distinguish one from another as in the 17. Chap. and third verse The Beast was full of names of blasphemy As the true Church which is that body whereof Christ Iesus onely is the Head is compleate and furnished when it is coupled and knit together by every ioynt and member which Christ Iesus hath given for the furniture thereof namely Apostles Prophets 1. Cor. 12. Ephe. 4. 11. Evangelists Pastors and Teachers So this false Church being furnished with those parts and members which that great red Dragon hath invented and set up under the title of Ministers of Christ to worke upon the children of disobedience namely the Pope Patriarches Cardinalls Arch-bishops Bishops Deanes Arch-deacons Abbots Priors Prebends Canons Chancellors Commissaries Registers Doctors with the rest of the selected Synode or Councell so I say this Church or Beast being furnished with these his parts and members is an intire body and these members are the full number of his name that is they are the number of whom the Catholick Church consisteth and from them all inferiour power and offices of Ministerie as Monkes Fryars Parsons Vicars Curats and Iesuits are derived This I understand to be the number of his name and this exposition agreeth with that in the verse following where it is said let him that hath understanding count the Number of the Beast By the number of the Beast what can bee understood but the Number of the particular parts whereof he consisteth And where it is said For it is the number of a man What can bee understood but that it beareth the resemblance and likenesse of a man as followeth to be declared Thus wee see who may buy and sell in this Kingdom and who may not Here is wisedome let him that hath understanding count the number of the Vers 18. Beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 666. Here is shewed first what is required in searching out this mysterie and that is wisedom and understanding not such as is from beneath but from aboue which commeth down from the Father of lights from whom commeth every good and perfect gift hee it is that giveth wisedome to the simple and the understanding of his secrets to those that feare him which should teach those that desire to know the Mysteries of his will to labour to be such as to whom he hath promised to reveale them then whatsoever we aske we shall receiue of him for to such hee giveth liberally and upbraideth not Secondly here is shewed a direction how to imploy a mans wisedom in finding out this Mysterie and that is by counting or reckoning the number of this Beast Thirdly a reason why the number of the Beast is to be counted Because it is the number of a man that is it agreeth with and is answerable to the parts of a man and so is the more easily to be found for as wee know the true Church of Christ is compared in the Scriptures to the naturall body of a man as in 1. Cor. 12. 12. For as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ Jesus And in the 27. verse the Apostle speaking of the church of Corinth hee saith Yee are the body of Christ and members in particular c. So in the Ephes 1. 22. 23. Christ is given to be head ouer all things to the Church which is his Body Thus as the true Church is called and compared to a body so the catholicks affirme that they onely are that church and that body and that the particular parts and members of their church are the full number thereof Now whereas they say they are the church let us say they are the Beast and whereas they say their particular parts and members make up the number of the Church let us say their particular parts and members make up the number of the Beast and so we finde the true interpretation of this Scripture Further here is set downe the number
of the Beast which is 666. By this number I do not understand any set number and that the parts and members of the Beast are no more nor lesse but thereby I understand is meant a full and compleate number as before was shewed As all the parts and members of a man ioyned together make a whole perfect man so doe the particular parts and members of the Beast make a perfect and entire Beast Thus briefly according to the ability which God hath given me I haue gone over this chapter wherein is briefly set forth the workers of iniquitie which haue and yet still doe prevaile over Gods people under the title of Ministers of the Gospell and Church of Christ as they were represented under the forme of three severall Beasts The first Beast representing the Generall Councells or as the Papists call it the Catholick Church The second Beast representing the Pope And the third Beast the Provinciall Councels which were established by the Pope The which three Beasts bearing rule and dominion in these times whereinto wee are fallen and being enemies and opposers of Christ and his Kingdome it doth behooue us to know them to end that wee may eschew them and their evill wayes and seek after the truth making straight steps unto the Kingdome of God Now that we our selues may make particular use hereof it is necessarie for us to examine the Nationall Synode or Convocation confisting of the Prelacy and clergie of this Land who whilst they remained under the yoke and bondage of the church of Rome and whilst they exercised their power which was first given them by the Pope for and in the behalfe of that church and dominion they were they very Image of the first Beast before mentioned But being now separated from the Pope and Church of Rome they thinke as it should seeme that their spirituall Pontificall power and authority which they exercise is lawfull and warrantable and to bee submitted unto They being gathered together boast themselues to bee the representatiue body of the Church of England and the true Church of Christ and that they haue power to make Lawes and Canons for governement thereof and for the worship of God which all men ought to yeeld obedience unto as appeareth by divers of their books of Canons But wee are not to take this upon their word but to make triall thereof by the word of God whether it be true or false If the word of God did giue them such power and authority then indeed wee were bound in conscience to yeeld all ready obedience to their Lawes and Canons But the most wise God and disposer of all things who knoweth the vanity of mens mindes would not haue his people to hold their faith in respect of mens persons and at their pleasure to alter and change the same and therefore did not giue to any of his Ministers power to make Lawes in matters of Religion and for the worship of God but gaue them power onely to teach the Nations to obserue the things which hee had commanded them as in the eight and twentieth chapter of Mathew the nineteenth twentieth verses And the Apostle Paul biddeth the Corinthians 1. Cor. 11. 1. to bee followers of him as hee followed Christ And in the same Chapter hee also saith That which hee had received of the Lord hee delivered unto them Acts 15. Also the Assembly of the Apostles and Elders of the Church of Ierusalem they would not impose any yoke of bondage upon the Churches of Christ but held it to be a tempting of God so to doe as before hath been shewed And this agreeth with that in Deutr. 12. 32. Whatsoever I command you take heed you doe it Thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought therefrom By which Scriptures it is plaine that the chiefest Ministers of the Gospell had no such power as these Prelates presume to haue as we shall finde by examining their particular Canons and Constitutions of which for examples I will onely note some few of their late and best reformed Book made An. 1603. in the first yeere of the Kings Maiesties raigne by which it will be apparant that they passe the bounds of the subjects of Christ and that they haue no power from him to make such lawes but by so doing they usurp the place of God to reigne in mens consciences for unto him onely it doth belong to make Lawes in matters of Religion and for the worship of God to which men are onely bound to yeeld obedience without adding or detracting and that for this their presumption they are liable to the curse of God being indeed the Image of the Beast here spoken of that is originally sprung from the Dragon and hath received power of Law-making from him Concerning the first and second Canons wherein they pretend their zeale for the abolishing of all forrein power repugnant to the jurisdiction of the Kings Majestie over the Ecclesiasticall estate he being the highest power under God to whom all men owe most loyall obedience and that his Maiesty hath the like authority in Causes Ecclesiasticall as the godly Kings had amongst the Iewes To these I do● most willingly assent and agree And further doe desire that as the Pope so the Prelacie with all their Antichristian Adherents which usurp spirituall power and superiority aboue the Maiesty of Christ Iesus being a strange and forraine generation brought in and established in this Land by the Pope of Rome may also bee abolished and cast out after him for by them the Pope liues in hope hereafter to be served as he hath been heretofore to the great vexation of the Kings and Princes of this Land yea to the losse of their Crowne and liues But to be short I will proceed to mention some few of their canons whereby iniquity is established for a Law and their beastlinesse discovered In the third canon it is enacted that whosoever shall affirme the Church of England by Law established not to be a true and Apostolicall Church teaching and maintaining the doctrine of the Apostles that person shall be excommunicated ipso facto That there are some yea many doctrines of the Apostles maintained in the Church of England I do not deny so there are in the Church of Rome But that the Ecclesiasticall state or spirituall body politick which is called the Church of England which consisteth of Arch bishops Diocesan Lord Bishops Suffragans Deanes Arch-deacons Prehends Canons Chancellors Commissaries with the rest of the Clergie as heads and guides of that body to go before and the whole multitude of the Layitie as they call it which is as the Tayle to follow those Heads that this politicall Body is the Spouse and church of Christ as they affirme in their seuenth eigth and ninth canons that I do deny For first if it were true that they are the Ministers of Christ and members of the Body of Christ which is his Church we should finde warrant for them
and although by meanes of their Guides which make them to erre and goe astray keeping them in ignorance of this doctrine yet it shall go well with them Such persons I say are fit stones for the building of the Church of Christ but so long as they remaine in this confusion they can no more bee said to be the true visible Church of Christ then a heape of stones fitted for a building can bee said to be a house therefore they must be separated from the wicked and placed together according to the order prescribed by Christ Iesus and practised by his Apostles as in the new Testament before they can be so esteemed As these Prelates will haue this Church of England to be accounted the true Church of Christ so they will haue the true Church of Christ to be accounted false schismaticall and hereticall as in the 9. 10. and 11. Canons by which it doth appeare that if any people separate from this corrupt Church state and ioyne together apart from the wicked and prophane to walke in all the wayes and ordinances of Christ prescribed in his Testament acknowledging Christ Iesus to be the onely King Lord and Law-giver in matters of Religion and the worship of God which is the true and right rule whereby Gods people ought to walke and by so doing they become indeed the true Church of Christ to whom hee hath promised his presence and blessing yet notwithstanding such persons are for this to be accounted Schismaticks and to be excommunicated ipso facto as holding wicked errours Thus they open their mouthes wide to speake evill of the waies of God whereby also they appeare to be the very Image of the Beast that blasphemed the Tabernacle of God as is shewed before upon the sixth verse Further whereas the Apostles did ordaine divers Elders in every Church to whom they gaue charge to feede the Flock of Christ whereof the Holy Ghost had made them Overseers On the contrary these Prelates in stead of Elders to feed one Flock they do ordaine one idle Priest to be fed of divers Flocks that is some to haue two some three and some foure Benefices and this they are not ashamed to publish as appeareth in the 41. Canon by which it is allowed that Licences and Dispensations shall be granted to Masters of Arts and other Graduates to haue pluralitie of Benefices so that they be within the compasse of 30. miles Concerning their Copes Surplices Crossing in Baptisme and other their foolish ceremonies which they themselues acknowledge to bee things indifferent yet those that refuse to use them through the tendernesse of their consciences are therefore greatly afflicted and persecuted so farre are they unlike the Apostle who would not use * 1. Cor. 8. 13. necessarie things that were offensiue to his brethren as that they themselues will not onely use those things which are unnecessarie but also in their use iustly scandalous and offensiue yea and compell their brethren also to use them which if they refuse they shall enjoy neither liberty nor worldly possessions How unworthy this their practise is for those that would bee accounted Christians let the world iudge certainely it is so contrary to Christian Charitie as that it is to be accounted Heathenish impiety and beastly cruelty and it is as a Marke in their foreheads to testifie unto the world that they are those which our Saviour Christ speaketh of that should come in sheepes cloathing that is pretending themselues to bee the Ministers of the Gospell and such as desire peace and unity but inwardly are ravening Wolues such as do sow strife and contention and by this meanes they grow rich filling themselues with the spoyle of their brethren whom they persecute as Lyons Beares and Leopards fill themselues with their prey These and many other evils by their Canon Law established and to the dishonour of God and vexation of his people daily practised haue been much opposed and the iniquity of them sufficiently manifested but as yet it remaineth like unto the Decrees of the Medes and Persians that may not bee changed yea they boast and say like their old Mother that without their Lawes the Church of Christ would run into confusion as if the Testament and Lawes of Christ were not sufficient for the governement of his Church and Kingdome Thus they open their mouthes and reproach the Almightie But hee who sitteth in the heavens laugheth them to scorne and will vexe them in his sore displeasure if they repent not By these few examples of their wicked practises I haue briefly shewed that this Church of England still remaineth under the bondage of Antichrist and is ruled and governed by the Image of the Beast mentioned in this 13. chapter which usurpeth that power which is onely proper to Christ Iesus And whereas it is objected in the behalf of the Church of England that it is fallen and separated from Babylon the universall Church of Rome and therfore it is the true Church of Christ and needs no other separation To this I answere that true it is that that great Citie is now divided into three parts as was foreshewed in the 16. chapter of this prophecie and the cities of the Nations that is the Nationall churches wherof the church of England is one are fallen from it but this is no argument that therfore they are the true churches of Christ that are divided from Rome unlesse they be united and joyned to Christ and framed and built together according to the patterne prescribed in his Testament It is indeed an argument that their kingdome shall not long stand as our Saviour Christ teacheth Mat. 12. Every kingdome divided against it self is brought to desolation and every Citie or House divided against it self shall not stand And if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himselfe how shall then his kingdome stand Thus by the division of this great Citie Gods people may receive comfort and rejoyce in assured hope that the fall and destruction of Babylon is neere and that the Lord will shortly be avenged of their iniquities which should teach us to come out from amongst them that we partake not of their synns and so receive of their plagues and to have no fellowship with their unfruitfull workes of darknesse but rather reproove them and stedfastly resist and fight against them So shall we receive the crowne of righteousnesse which God the righteous Judge shall give at his appearing To whome be glory and Dominion for ever ever Amen Revel 20. 4. And I saw the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnes of Iesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the beast neither his image neither had received his marke upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand yeares