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A14151 The practyse of prelates. Compyled by the faythfull and godly learned man, Wyllyam Tyndale Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1548 (1548) STC 24466; ESTC S105209 56,056 134

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english to mynystre the almesse of the people vnto the pore and neadye For in the congregation of christ loue maketh euery mās gifte and goodes comune vnto the necessyte of hys neyghboure Wherfore the loue of god beyng yet hore in the hartes of men the rych that had the substance of thys worldes goodes brought of theyr aboundaunce grete plentye vnto the sustentation of the poore and delyuered it vnto the Handes of the Deacons And vnto the helpe of the Deacons were wydowes of .lx. yeare olde holy vertuous and destitute of frendes chosen to tende and wayte vppon the sycke and to washe the sayntes fete that came from one Congregacion vnto an other whether for any busynes or for feare of Persecucyon And these commune goodes of the churche offered for the succour of the poore grewe in all churches so Exceadyngly that in some cōgreg●cion it was so much that it was sufficyente to Mayntayne an hoste of men In so muche that tyrants dyd oft tymes ꝑsecute the christen for those commune goodes as thou seist in the lyfe of S. Laurence the deacon of Rome And moreouer the couetuousnes of the prelates was the decaye of chrystendome ād the encresyng of the kyngdome of Mahomette For by the first springing of the empyre of Mahomete the Emperoures Kinges and greate lordes of christendome had geuen their treasure so myghtely vnto the church what after great victoryes what at theyr deathes that their successours were not able to mainteyne battell against the Saracenes and Turkes for the woorlde was not yet in such captiuitie that they coulde make theyr subiects swere on bokes what they were worth rayse vp taxes at theyr pleasur so that a certein wrytter of stories sayth The prelates gaped when the laye men wolde take the warre vpon thē agaīst the Turkes and that lay men loked when the prelates wolde laye out their money to make the warre with all and not to spend it in worse vse as the most part of thē were wōt to do spendynge the moneye that was goten with almesse and bloude of marters vppon goodly place and greate vessels of golde and syluer without care of things to come despising God whome they worshypped for their belyes sake onely and also mā Moreouer it was the custome euen then sayth the auctor to axe what the bishopryke was worth ye and to leaue a worse for a better or to kepe both with a vniō And at the same time Isacius the debitie of the Emperour came to Rome to confirme the Pope in his se with the Emperours aucthoritie for the electiō of the pope was thē nothynge worth except it had bene cōfirmed by the emperour and he founde so great treasure in the church of saynt Ihon Lateran y● for dysdayne which he had that they shulde haue such treasure in s●ore not to helpe the emperour in his warres agaīst the Turckes seing his souldyers lacked wages he toke it away with violence agaīst the wyll of the prelates of which he exy●ed some and payde his owne men of warre with one part toke an other part vnto him self sent the thyrde parte vnto the Emperoure whiche must nedes haue bene a great treasure in one church ¶ By what meanes the prelates fell from Chryst THe office of a Bysshop was a roume at the begynnynge that no man coueted and that no man durste take vppō him saue he only which loued christ better then hys owne lyfe For as Christ sayeth that no man myght be hys disciple excepte that he were ready to forsake lyfe and all euē so myght that officer be sure that it wolde coste hym hys lyfe at one tyme or an other forbearīg record vnto the truth But after that the multitude of the chrysten were encreased and many great men had receau●d the fayth than both landes and rentes aswell as the other goodes were geuen vnto the maintenaunce as well of the clergye as of the poore because they gaue then no tythes to the priestes nor yet nowe do saue in certeyne coūtreys For it is to much to geue almesse offeringes landes and tythes also And then the bysshops made thē whych they call pryest and kepe the name bisshop vnto them selues But out of the deacons sprange all the myschefe For thorow their handes wente all thynge they ministred vnto the clergye they ministred vnto the poore they were in fauoure with great small And when the bisshops office begā to haue rest to be honorable then the deacons through fauoure and gyftes clam vp thervnto as lyghtlye he that hath the old Abbots treasure succedeth with vs. And by the meanes of their practise accointaūce in the world they were more subtile and woorldly wyse then the olde bysshops and lesse learned in Goddes worde as oure prelates are when they come frō studentshyppe in Gentlemens houses and from surueing of greate mens landes lordes secrets Kynges counsels ambasadourshyp from warre and ministring all worldly matters yea worldlye mischefe and yet nowe they come not thence but receaue all and byde there styll The prelates must b●de styll in the courte yea they haue enacted by playne parlyament that they must byde in the courte styll or els they may not haue pluralytie of benefyces And then by lytle and lytle they inhaunsed them selues and turned all to them selues minysshynge the poore peoples parte and encreasing theyrs and ioynīng accoyntaunce with greate mē and with their power clam vp and entitled thē wich the chosing and confyrming of the Pope and all bisshoppes to flatter and purchase fauoure and defenders trustynge more vnto their worldly wysdom then vnto the doctryne of Chryst whych is the wysdom of God and vnto the defence of mā then of God Then whyle they that had the plowe by the tayle loked ●acke the plow went a wrye ▪ Faythe waxed feble and faint loue waxed cold the scriptur waxed darke Chryst was no more sene he was in the mounte wyth Moses therfore the bysshops wolde haue a god vpon the earth whom they might se and thervpon they began●e to dyspute who shulde be greatest ¶ How the Bysshop of Rome became greater then other and called him selfe Pope Thē quod worldly wisdō Hierusalē must be y● greatest for that was christs sete et factum ●st so it cā to passe for a seasō And in cōclusiō where a greate cytie was and much riches ther was y● bis●hop ever greater then his fellowes Alexander in Egypte and Antioch in Grece were greater then theyr neyghbours Thē those decaying Constātinople and Rome waxed greate and stroue who shuld be greater And Constantinople sayd where the Emperour is there ought to be the greatest seat and chefest bisshop For the Emperour lay● most at Constantynople because it was I suppose nygh the middes of the empyre therfore I must be the greatest sayde the bisshope of Cōstātinople Nay quod the bisshoppe of Rome though the Emperour lye neuer so muche at constantinople yet he is called Emperour
without office except it be that on some Holydaye in steade of ministringe the goodes of the church vnto the poore they syng a pistle or Gospell to begge more from the ●●ore And as his 〈…〉 the ●oodes of the church 〈◊〉 the poore euen so doo hys pryes●es preac●● Chrysts gospell vnto his flocke And the almesse that was geuen to the sustencacion of the poore which thou shalt reade in storie● that it was in some cities aboue yea an hundred thousād pounde How the pope diuydeth the poore people and all the landes geuen for the same purpose they haue s●olen from them haue diuyded it amonge them selues And ther with did they at the beginning corrupt the greate men of the woorlde and clam vp to this heigth were they now be And for that haue they strouen among them selues this viij hundred yeares And to mainteyne that which they haue falsely gotten hath the pope sturred vp aswerde of warre in all christendom this .viij. hundred yeares hath taken peace cleane out of the worlde When the bisshoppes preastes and deacons were fallen and had receaued of the pope the kingdom that parteyned vnto the poore people and had robbed them and parted their patrymony among them selues then sprange the orders of monkes Whose professyon was to abstayne frō flesh all theyr liues to were vyle raymēt to eate but once in the daye ād that but butter chese egges frutes rootes and suche thynges that weare not costly ād myght euery where be founde And they wrote bokes ād wrought diuerse thynges to get their lyuinge wyth all When the laye men sawe that the preastes were fallen in to suche couetuousnes that the Monkes were so holy they thought these be mete men to minister our almesse vnto the pore people For theyr profession is so holy that they can not deceau● vs as the preastes do ād made the mōkes tutors and ministers vnto the pore ād gaue great Landes and rychesse in to theyr handes to deale it vnto the poore Whē the monkes sawe suche aboundaunce they fell after the ensample of the preastes and toke dispēsacyōs of the pope for their rules ād strait professiō whiche now is as wyde as their coules and deuided all amonge them ▪ and robbed the poore once moare And out of the abbayes toke he the most parte of his Bysshoprickes and cathedral churches and the moste parte of all the landes he hathe besydes that there Remayne yet so Many myghtye abbayes and nun ryes ther●● As sone as the monkes were fallen thē sprang these beggynge fryres out of Hell the last kind of kater pillars Beggyng● fryers in a more vile apparell and a more strate relygion that if ought of relefe were lefte amonge the laye men for the poore people these horseleches might sucke that also Which dranebees as sone as they had learned their crafte had bylt them goodly costly n●stes and their lymiters had diuided all contrees amonge them to begge in and had prepared lyuynges of a certayntie though which beggynge then they also toke dispēsacyons of the pope for to lyue as largely as lewdelye as the monkes And yet vnto the laye men whom they haue thus falselye robbed from whyche they haue deuyded them selues and made them a seuerall kyngdome amonge them selues The charge of the lay people they leaue the payenge of tolle custome and trybute for vnto all the Charges of the Royalmes they wyll not paye a myte and the finding of all the poore the fyndyng of scolars for the moste parte The fynding of these forsayde horseleches and carcepillers the beggynge fryers the reparyng of hye wayes and brydeges the buyldynge and recreacyons of they re abbayes and cathedrall churches chapel● coleges for which they send out theyr pardons dayly by heapes and gather a thousand pounde for euery hundred that they bestow truely If the laye people haue warre or what soeuer charge it be they wyll not beare a myte If the warre be theirs as the one parte almost of all warre is to defende them they wyl with falshed make thē beare the greatest parte besydes that they must leaue their wyues and children go fight for them and loose their liues And likewise ī al their charges they haue a cast to poll the laye people The Scottes cast downe a castell of the bysshop of dirams on the scottysh bancke called Noram castell And he gat a pardon from Rome for the buyldynge of it agayne wherwith I dout not bu● he gat for euerye pennye that he bestowed thre Howe the spyritualtie bestowe theyr treasure And what do they with their store that they haue in so greate plenty every where so that the very beggyng fryers in short space to make a cardinal or a pope of their sect or to doo what feate it were for theyr proffytt wold not stycke to brynge aboue a Kyngs raūsō ▪ Uerely make goodly places and parkes of pleasure and gaye shrynes and paynte postes and purchese Pardons wherwyth they yet styll polle and plucke a waie that litle where wyth the pore which peryshe for neade and faulle in to greate in con●enyences myght be somwhat holpē ād releued And laye vppe in stoare to haue alwaye to paye for the defēdīg of their faith ●nd for to oppresse the truth ¶ How the pope made hym ● lawe and why AFter that the pope wythe tyrannye was clom vppe aboue hys brethren and had made all the Spyrytualtie hys subiectes and had made of them and hym a seuerall kyngdom among them selues and had seperated them from the laye in all thynges and had got pryuileges that what so euer they dyd no man shuld medle wyth them and after also he had receaued the kyngdoms of the earth of Sathan and was become hys vicare to dystrybut them and after that the Emperoure was fallen in lyke maner at hys fete and had worshypped hym as God to receaue hys empyre of him and all kings had done lyke wise to be anoynted of him and to be crouned of him and after that the worlde both greate and smale had submitted them selues to receaue the beastes bagge then because that christes doctryne was contrary vnto all such kingdomes and therfore had no law ther in howe to rule it he went and made him a seuerell lawe of hys owne makyng which passed in cruelty and tyranny the lawes of all hethen priestes And in his lawe he thrust in fayned gyftes of old emperours that were out of memory What subtilt● the pope vseth to stablysh hys kyngdome sayeng that the emperour Constantinus had geuen vp the empyre of Rome vnto S. Syluester which is proued a false lye for diuerse causes one that saīt siluester being so holy a man as he was wolde not haue receaued it contrarye to his masters cōmaūdemētes doctrine an other that the emperours raygned in Rome many yeares after and all bisshopes sued vnto the emperour and not to the pope which was but
bisshope of Rome only not called father of fathers Moreouer y● no autentyke storie maketh mencion that any emperoure gaue them their patrimonye but that Pipine which falsely with strēgth inuaded the empire gaue it vnto him Thē put hem the graunt of Phocas then the gift of pipine confirmed by the great charles then a fayned relefe of the electiō of the pope geuē vp agayne vnto pope Paschale by the emperour Lewes For they thē selues had graunted vnto charlemayne his successours for euer the eleccion or denominacion of the pope bisshopes to flatter him with all to make him a faythfull defender and that in a generall Counsell which as they say can not erre Neuerthelesse pope Paschal though he beleued the counsell coude not erre yet he thought thē somwhat ouersene to make so long a graunt therfore he purchased a relefe of gētle ●ewes as they pretēd But verely it is more lykely that they fayned that graunte to excuse their tyranny after they had takē the electiō into their hādes agayne wyth violēce whē the emperours were weake not able to resyst thē ▪ as they fayned the gift of Cōstātine after they had inuaded the empire with subtylty and falshed And last of al they broughe in the Oth of Ottho with the ordre that now is vsed to chose the ēperour ¶ Howe the pope corrupteth the scripture and why MOreouer lest these his lyes shuld be spyed least happly the emperours following myght saye our predecessours had no power to bynde vs nor to minish our might And least kinges following shuld say after the same maner that the swerd full power to punish euel doers indifferētly is geuē of God to euery kynge for hys tyme and therfore that theyr ● decessour coulde not bynde them contrarye vnto the ordynaunce of God but rather the it was vnto theyr dāpnation to make such graūtes that they dyd not execute theyr office And therfore the foule mysshapē mōstre gate hym to the scrypture corrupted it wyth false exposytions to proue y● such aucthoritie was geuen hym of God calenged it by the aucthoritie of Peter ▪ saying that peter was the head of Christs church and that Chryst had made hym lorde ouer the apostles hys fellowes in that he bad hī fe●de hys shepe lābes Iohn y● last as who shuld saye the paule which came longe after was not commaunded to feade as specyally as peter which yet wold take no aucthoritie ouer the bodyes or ouer the faythes of them whych he fed but was theyr seruaūt for Chrystes sake Christ euer the lord and head And as though the other apostles were not lykewyse as specially commaunded as Peter And as though we now and all that here after shall loue chryst were not cōmaunded to ●eade chrysts flocke euery mā in his measure as well as Peter Are not we commaunded to loue our neyghbours as our selues as well as Peter Why then are we not cōmaūded to care for his flocke as well as Peter Moreouer if to feade Chrystes shepe is to be greatest as no doubt to feade christs flocke is to be greate and moste to feade ▪ is to be greatest in which office thogh peter was greate yet paule was greater howe commeth that the pope by that aucthorytie chalengeth to be greatest and yet thys .viij. hūdred yeres feadeth not at al but poysoneth their pasture with the venamous leuen of his tradicions wyth wrestynge the texte vnto a contrary sence Then came he to thys texte Mat. xvi Thou arte peter and vppon this rocke I wyll byld my congregation or church Loo sayth Antichryst the carnall beast peter is the rocke wheron the church of Chryst is bylt and I am his successoure and therfore the head of christes church When christ ment by the rocke the confession that Peter had confessed sayeng Thou art christ the sonne of the lyuing god which arte come into this worlde This fayth is the rocke Faith is the roote wherō Chrysts churche is bylte wheron christs church is bilt For who is of christes church but he only that beleueth that Christ is Gods sonne come into to this world to saue sīners This fayth is it agaynst which hell gates can not prevayle This faith is it which saueth the cōgregacion of christ and not Peter Then he goeth forth vnto that which foloweth Unto the I wyl geue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and what soeuer thou bindest in earth it shal be bound in heauē ▪ c. Lo● sayth he in that he sayth what soeuer thou biodest in erth he excepteth nothīge therfore I may make lawes bīd both king and emperoure When christ as he had no worldly kīgdom euē so he spake of no worldly binding but of binding of synners The keies Chryst gaue his disciples the keye of the knowlege of the law of God to bind all synners and the keye of the promyses to louse all that repent ād to let them into the mercy that is made vp for vs in christ Then cōmeth he vnto an other text whiche Christ rehearseth Mathe. la●● sayeng Al power is geuen men in heauen earth ▪ go ye therfore and teach al nacions b● prysyng them in the name of the father and the sonn● and of the holy gost teachinge them to kepe all that I commaunded you And behold I am with you vnto the worldes ende Loo sayth the pope Chryst hath all power in heauen and earth without excepcyon and I am christes vicar wherfore all power is mine and I am aboue all kinges and Emperours in temporall iurisdictyō ād they but my seruauntes to kisse on● my fete only but my N. also if I list not to haue thē stoupe so low Whē christ as I said because he had no temporal kingdom Christes powr is to saue sīners euen so he ment of no tēporall power but of power to saue sinnes which they professe of the text declareth by that he sayth goo ye therfore and teach and baptyse th●t is preach this power to all nacions ād wash of their sīnes thorow fayth in the promisses made in my bloude o● this man●r ●●●lech he with textes Then he cōmeth vnto an other text Hebre vij which is The presthode b●ing trāslated the law must nedes be translated also Now sayth the pope the priesthode is trāslated vnto me wherfore it perteyneth vnto me to make lawes and to bind euery man And the pistle meaneth no such thinge but proueth to euydently that the ceremo●i●s of Moises must cease For the prye●●es of the old testament must nedes haue bene of the tribe of Leui as Aaron was ▪ whose dutye for euer was the offeryng of sacrifices Wherfore when that priesthode ceased the sacrifices and ceremonies ceased also Now that priesthode ceased in Christ which was a priest of the ordre of Melchiscde● ād not of the ordre of Aaron· for thē he must haue bene of the tribe of Iuda
holye church as any Thomas euer was seyng he was as able the newe Thomas Then the newe Thomas as glorious as the old toke the mater in hāde and persuaded the kinges grace And ●hen the kinges grace toke a dyspensatyon for hys othe made vppon the apoyntment of peace betwene him and the French king and promysed to helpe the holy seate where in Pope Peter neuer sate But the Emperour Maximilian myght in no wyse stand still lest the frenchmen shuld money hym get ayde of hym seynge the Almaynes refuse not money whēce soeuer it be profered then quod Thomas wolfse Maximli● Oh and lyke youre grace what an honoure shulde it be vnto youre grace if the emperour were youre sodyare So greate honoure neuer chaunced any kyng christened It shulde be spoken of while the world stode The glory honour shall hyde and darken the coste that it shall neuer be sene though it shulde coste halfe youre realme Dixit factum est it was euen so And thē a parliament and then paye and then vpon the Frenche dogges ▪ with cleane remission of all his sinnes that slew one of them Remision of synnes ▪ or if he be slayn for the pardons ▪ haue no strēgh to saue in thys life but in the lyfe to come only thē to heauen strayght wythout felynge of y● paynes of purgatorye Then cam oure kyne with all hys might by se and by lande and the Emperour wyth a strong army and the Spanyardes and the pope the Uenecyans all at once against king Lewes of fraunce As sone as the pope had that he desyred in Italy then peace immediatlye And frenchmen were chrysten men and pytie yea and great synne also were it to sheade their bloud and the frenchkinge was the most chrysten kyng agayne And thus was peace concluded and oure Inglyshmen or rather shepe came home against winter and lefte theyr fleces behynde them Wherfore no smal number of them whyle they sought them better raymente at home were hanged for theyr laboure ¶ Why the kinges syster was turned vnto fraunce WHen this peace was made oure holye Cardynalles and Bysshoppes as their olde Gyse is to calke and caste .xl ▪ L. yea an hundred yeare before what is lyke to chaunce vnto theyr kingdome considered how the Emperour y● now is was moost like to be chosen Emperour after hys graundfather Maximilian for Maximilian had already obteyned of dyuerie of the ELECTOURS that is shulde so be They cōsidered olso howe mightye he shuld be first Kyng of Spayn with all that perteyneth therto which was wont to be v. vi or .vij. kyngdōs then Duke of Burgoyne Earle of Flaūders of Hollande Zelande and Braband wyth all that parteine therto then Emperour ād hys brother Duke of Austrych and hys sister quene of Hungrye Wherfor thought our prelates if we take not hede betymes oure kyngdome is lyke to be troubled we to be brought vnder the fete For thys mā shal be so myghty that he shall with power take out of the french kynges handes out of the hādes of the Uenetians and frō the Pope also what soeuer parteyneth vnto the empyre ād what soeuer belongeth vnto hys other kyngdōs and dommions therto And then he wyll come to Rome and be crouned there and so shall he ouerlooke our holye father and see what he doth And then shall the olde heretykes ryse vp agayne say that the Pope is Antichryste and styrre vp agayne and bryng to lyght that we haue hyd brogh● a slepe with muche cost payne and bloudeshedyng more then thys hundred yere longe Considred also that hys aunte is quene of England and hys wyfe the king of Englāds sister consydred the old amitie betwene the house of burgom the old kinges of ēglōd so that they coulde neuer do ought ī fraūce with out theyr helpe last of all cōsidered that course of marchaūdise y● īglād hath ī those parties also the naturall hart that ēglishmē bear to frēchmē Wherfore if we shall vse oure old practyse and set the french king agaynst hym Then he shall lyghtelye obtayne the fauour of the king of Ingland by the meanes of hys Aunte and hys wyfe and ayde wyth men and money Wherfore we must take hede betimes and breake thys amytie Whych thinge we maye by thys oure olde craft ●easely bringe to passe Let vs take a dispensation breake thys maryage and turne the kinges sister vnto the French king Yf the frenche Kynge Practyse gette a male of her then we shall lyghtly make our kyngepro tectoure of fraunce and so shall Inglande and Fraunce be coupled together and as for the quene of Inglande we shall trymme her well ynough and occupye the kynge with straunge loue and kepe her that she shall beare no rule And as the godd●s had spoken so it came to passe Our fayre yong doughter was sent vnto the old pocky king of fraunce the yeare before our mortall ēnemye and a myscreaunt worse then a Turke and disobedient vnto oure holy Father and no more obedient yet then he was cōpelled to be against his wyll The cause of the iourney to Calyce IN shorte space thereafter Thomas wolfse now Cardinall and Legate a latere and greatlye desyrous to be Pope also thought it exceading expedient for his many secrete purposes to bring our Kyng and the Kyng of Fraunce that now is together both to make a perpetual peace and amitie betwene them and that whyle the two kynges and their lordes dalyed together the greate cardinalles and Bisshoppes of both parties mighte becraye them both and the Emperour and all Chrysten kinges therto Then he made a iourney of gentelmen arayed all together in sylk so much as th●ir very showes and lynynge of theyr boutes much more lyke their mothers then mē of warre yea I am sure y● many of theyr mothers wolde haue bene ashamed of so ny●● and wanton aray how beit they went not to make war but peace for euer and a daye longer But to speake of the Pompouse apparell of my lorde hym selfe and of hys chaplaynes it passeth the .xij. apostles I dare swere that if Peter and Paule had sene them sodenly ād at a blush they wold haue bene harder in beleue that they or any such shuld be theyr successours then Thomas ●●dimus was to beleue that Chryst was rysen agayne from death When all was concluded betwene the kyng of Fraunce and ours that Thomas wolf●e had deuised and when the prelates of both parties had cast theyr peny worthes agaynst all chaunces and deuysed remedyes for all mischeues· Then the ryght reuerend father in God Thomas cardinall ād Lega●● wolde go se the young Emperoure newlye chosen vnto the roume and haue a certayne secrete communicacion wyth some of his prelates also And gatte him to bridges in Flaunders Prelates where he was receaued with great solempnitie as belongeth vnto so mighty a pyllar of Christes church and was saluted at the
entering into the toune of a mery felow which sayd salue rex regis tui atque regni sui saluta●io● ▪ ● Hayle both kyng of the king and also of his realme And thogh there were neuer so great stryfe betwene the Emperoure and the French kynge yet my lorde Cardynall iugled hym fauour of them both and fynally brought the Emperour to Calays vnto the kinges grace where was great tryumphe and great loue amytie shewed on both parties in so much that certayne men maruelynge at it asked the olde bisshope of Deram How it might be that we were so great with the Emperour so shortlye vppon so stronge and euer lastinge a peace made betwene vs and the frenchmen the Emp●rour and the kyng of Fraunce being so mortall ennemyes My lorde answered that it might be wel inough if he wist al. A certeine secret But there was a certayn secret sayd he wherof all men knew not Yea verely they haue had secretes this .viij hundred yeares which though all the laye mē haue felt thē yet fewe haue spyed them saue a few Iudases whiche for lucre haue bene cōfederate wyth them to betray their owne kinges and all other Then were we indifferent slode still And the Emperoure and the French kyng wrastled together And Ferdinandus the Emperours brother wanne Mylane of y● frenchmen and the Emperour turnay our greate conqueste whiche yet after so greate coste in Buyldynge a Castell Milane Turnay we delyuered vp agayne vnto the frenchmen in ernest ād hope of a mariage betwene the dolphine our princesse ¶ How the Emperour cam thorow Englond AFter that the Emperour wolde into Spayne and cam thorowe Englond where he was receaue with great honour with al that pertayneth to loue and amyte The kings grace lent hym money and promysed hym more And the Emperour shuld tarye a certayne yeares mary our princesse Not that the cardinall intēded that thou mayest be su●e for it was not proffitable for theyr kingdom but his mind was to dallye wyth the Emperour and to kepe him without a wyfe that in so much as he was yong and lusty he might haue bene noselled and entangeled wyth hores which is their nurterīg Nurterīg of kynges of kinges and made so effeminate and that he shuld neuer haue bene able to lift vp his harte to any goodnesse or vertue that cardinalles and bysshopes myght haue administred his dominions in the meane time vnto our holy fathers profyte The king of fraunce hearing the fauour that was shewed vnto the Emp●roure sent immediatlye a diffiaunce vnto oure king not wtout our cardinalles bisshops counsell thou mayst well wyt For frenchmen are not so folish to haue done it so vnaduisedlye and so rashlye seynge they had to many in their toppes already Then oure king spake manye greate wordes that he wold dryue the frenchkyng out of his realme or els the frenchkyng shulde bryue him out of his ▪ But had he added as the legate Pandulph taught kinge Ihon̄ with the popes lycence his wordes had sounded much better For there can no vow stande in effect except the holy father confirme it We sent out our sodiars two sommers agaīst the frenchmē vnto whose chefe captaynes the Cardinall had appoynted how farre they shuld go ād what they shuld do ▪ And therfore the frenchkyng was nothīg afrayed but brought all hys Power agaynst the Emperour in other places And ●o was the Emperour euer betrayed And thus the cardinall was the emperours frend openly and the frenchkinges secretlie For at the m●●●ng wyth the frenchkinge besyd Cal●s he vtterly betrayed the Emperour ▪ yet for no loue that he had to Fraunce but to helpe the Pope yea ād to haue bene Pope happely and to saue theyr kyngdome Whych treason though all the world smelled it yet it brake not out openlie to the eye tyll the sege of Pauye And the Cardynall sent the emperoure muche monye openlye and gaue the Frenchkyng more secretelye He played with both handes to serue their secret ▪ that all mē know not as the bisshop of Deram sayed But what soeuer the frenchmen did they had euer the worse no● withstondyng the secrete workyng of our holy prelates on their syde Fynallye vnto the sege of Pauye came the Frenchkyng parsonallye with .lx. thousand men of warre Pauye of whych .xij thousand were horsemen and wyth money ynough And the Emperours host was vnder .xx. thousand of whych were but .iij. thousand horsemen with no money at all For he trusted vnto the Pope for ayde of men and vnto oure Cardynall for money But the Pope kepte backe hys men tyll that the frēchmē had geuen them a felde and our Cardinall kepte backe hys money for the same purpose And thus was the selye Emperoure betrayed as all hys predecessours haue bene this .viiij. hūdred yeres How be it there be that sa●e how that the Emperours sodiars so thretened Pace Pace● the kynges graces embassadoure that he was fayne to make che●esaunce wyth marchauntes for money in the kinges name to paye the soldyars with all Wherfore the cardinall toke from hym all his promocions and played tormētours wyth him whē he came home because that he presumed to do one Iore more thē was in his commissiō But how so euer it was the emperours mē in tarieng for helpe had spent out all their vitayles Whervpō Burbon the chefe captayne of the Emperoure sayd vnto his vnder captaynes ye se Burbo● helpe cometh not and that our vitales are spent Wherfore there is no remedy but to fight though we be vnequally matched If we wynne we shall fynd meate ynough if we loose we shall loose no more th●n we must lose with hūgre thogh we fyght not And so they cōcluded to set vpō the Frenchmē by night The king of fraunce and his lorde● purposing that the mone wolde soner haue faullen out of the skye then that the Emperoures host durst haue fought wyth them were som what negligent and wēt the same night a mummynge that Burbon sett vppon them The Emperours host therfore with their sodayn comyng vppon thē amased the frenchmen and draue them vpon heapes to gether one on an other so that they neuer coulde com in aray agayne and toke the king and diuerse of his lords slew many and wanne the felde And there came out all the Cardinals preuye treason for in the frenchkinges tent say men were letters founde and besyde that in the Frenchkyngs treasure and in all the host among the sodiars were englysh shippes found innumerable whiche had come saylynge a thousande myles by land But what wonder shippes be made to sayle ouer the sea ād winges to fle into farre contrees to mount to the toppe of hye hylles When the frenchkyng was taken we sang Te deum But for all that singynge we made peace with frenchmen And the Pope Te deum the Uenecians Fraunce and England were knyt to gether lest the Emperours army shuld do any hurte in fraunce Wherby ye may cōiecture of what mind the pope the cardinal were to ward the ēperour ▪ and with what hart our spiritualty with theyr inuisible secretes sang Te deū And frō the time hitherto the emperour ād our cardinall haue bene twayne After that when the king of fraun●● was delyuered home agayne and hys sonnes left in pledge many wayes were sought to bryng home the sonnes also But in vayne except the frenchking wold make good the which he had promysed the Emperour For the bringing home of those Chylderne no Man more busyed his wittes then the Cardinall He wold in any wyse the emperour shuld haue sēt thē home it had bene but for our kynges pleasure for the greate kindenesse that he shewed him ī times past He wold haue maryed the kinges doughter our princesse vnto the Dolphine agayne or as the voyce went among many vnto the seconde Brother and he shulde haue bene prince in Englonde and king in tyme to come so that he sought alwayes to plucke vs from the Emperour and to ioyne vs vnto Fraunce to make fraunce stronge ynough to matche the Emperour and to kepe him downe that the pope myght reygne a GOD alone the marte shuld haue bene at Ca●●●ce and do what pleased him without countrollynge of anye ouerseer And for the same purpose he lefte nothing vnprouided to brynge the marte frō Andwerp● to Cales This be sufficient at this tyme though I coulde saye more and though other haue deserued that I more sayd ye and I could more depely haue ētred into the practise of our cardinall but I spare for diuerse consyderacions and namely for hys sake whiche neuer spared me nor any faythfull frende of his owne nor anye that tolde hym truth nor spareth to persecute the bloud of Christ in as cleare lyght as euer was ād vnder as subtyll colour of ypocrysy as euer was any persecution syns the creation of the world Neyther haue I sayde for hate of any parson or parsons God I take to record but of theyr wickednesse only and to calle them to repentaunce knowledginge that I am a synner also that a greuous How beit it is a deuelysh thyng and a mercylesse to defend wickednes against the open truth and not to haue power to repent And therfore I doubt not if men wyll not be warned hereby but that God wyll vtter more practise by whome he wyll not cease vntyll he haue broken the bande of the wytye hypocrytes which persecute so subtylly And fynally let them remembre that I to preuent all occasyons and all carnall beastes that seke fleshly lybertie sent forth the true obedience of a Chrystē man with yet they condempned but after they had condēpned the newe testament as ryght was whence the obediēce had hys aucthorytie Now thē if whē the lyght is come abroad in which theyr wyckednesse can not be hyd they fynde no such obedience in the people vnto theyr old tyranny whose faute is it This is a sure conclusyon none obedience that is not of loue can longe endure and in your dedes can no man see any cause of loue and the knoledge of Chryst for whose sake onely a mā wold loue you though ye were neuer so euell yea persecute Now then if any disobedience ryse are ye not the cause therof youre selues Saye not but that ye be warned
The Practyse of Prelates Compyled by the faythfull and Godly learned man Wyllyam Tyndale IMPRINTED at London by Anthony Scoloker And Willyam Seres Dwillynge wythout Temple-barre in the Sauoy rentes Anno. 1548. ¶ Cum priuilegio ad Imprimendum solum WHen the old scrybes and pharisees had darkenid the scripture with their tradi●ions false interpretations wicked persuasions of 〈…〉 and shutte vp the kingdome of heauen which is Gods word that the peeple coulde not entre in into the knowledge of the true waye as Chryst complayneth in the Gospell Math xxiii then they sate in the hartes of men with their false doctryne in the steade of God his worde and slewe the soules of the People to deuour theyr bodyes ād to rebuke thē of theyr worldly substaūce But whē chr●st and Iohn the baptyst had restored the scripture agayne vnto the true vnderstandinge● and had vttered their falsshead and improued their tradicions and confounded their false interpretacions wyth the cleare and euident Textes and wyth power of the holy ghoost and had brought all their iugglinge and hipocrisye to lyghtpunc ther they g●tte thē vnto the elders of the People and persuaded them saying this man is surely of the Deuell and his myracles be of the Deuell no doubte And these good workes whych he dothe in healyng the people yea and hys preaching against our couetousnes are but ●cloke to bringe him vnto his purpose that when he hath got●en hī Disciples ynough he maye rise against the emperoure make him selfe Kinge and then shall the romaynes come and take our Lande from ●s and carye awaye oure people and put other nacions in oure realme and so shall we lose al that we haue and the most parte of vs our lyues therto Take heade therfore betimes whyle there is remedye yet he go so farre that ye be not able to resyst hym The elders of the peple which were rich and welthy though before they in a maner fauoured Christ or at the lest way were indifferent not greatly caring whether God or the deuell reygned so they might bide in aucthoritie feared immediatly as Herode did of the losse of his Kingdome when the Wyse menne axed where the newe borne Kinge of Iewes was and conspired with the scribes and pharisees against Christe toke him and brought him vnto Pilate saiyng We haue found this fellow peruertīg the people and forbiddinge to paye trybute vnto Cesar and saying that he is a kynge mouing the people from Galylie vnto this place Thē Pilate though he likewise was before indifferēt but now in feare of the losse of his office thorow such persuasiōs slewe innocent Chryste And in very dede as the scribes and pharyseys were all their lyues before blynde gydes vnto the destruction of their soules euē so wer they at their last ende blinde prophetes vnto the destructiō of their bodies For after that they had slay● Christ diuerse of his apostles ꝑsecuted those poore wretches that beleued on hym God to aduenge the poore innocēt bloud the bare witnesse vnto his truthe poured his wrath amōg thē that they thē selues rose against the Emperour And the Romains came accordinge as they blīdlye prophecied and slewe the moste part of thē and caryed the reste captyue into all nacions and put other nacions in the Realme But whose faute was that insurrectiō agaīst the Emperour mischefe that folowed Christes his apostles whō they falsely accused before hāde No Chryst taught that they shuld gyue Cesar that which perteyned vnto Cesar god that which belōged to God Euē that they shuld geue Cesar their lawful bodely seruice god the harte that they shuld loue gods lawe repēt of theyr euell come receaue mercy let the wrath of God be taken from thē ▪ And the apostles taught y● all soules shuld obey the hyer powers or tēporall rulers But their obstinate malyce y● so hardened their hartes that they coulde not repēt and their rayling vppon the open ād manifest trueth which they coud not improue resysting the holy gost and sleynge of y● preachers of rightuousnes brought the wrath of God vpon them ād was cause of their destruction Euen so our scribes ād phariseys nowe that their hipocrisye is disclosed and theyr falshed so brought to lyght that it can no lēger be hyd get them vnto the elders of the people the lordes gentylmen and tēporall officers and to all that loue this world as they do vnto who soeuer is greate wyth the king ād vnto the kinges grace him selfe and after the same ensample and with the same persuasions cast thē into lyke feare of losing of their worldely dominions ād rore vnto them sayeng ye be neglygent and care nothing at all but haue a good spor●e that the heretikes rayle on vs. But geue them space a whyle tyl they be growē vnto a multitude and then ye shall se them preach as fast against you and moue the peple aginst you ād do there best to thrust you ●●●me also and shall c●y havocke and make all comen O generacion of serpentes how wel declare ye that ye be the right sonnes of the father of all lies for they which ye call heretikes preache nothyng saue that which oure sauioure Iesus Chryste preached and hys Apostles adding nought th●e to nor plucking ought therfro as the scripture commaundeth and teache all men repentaunce to God and hys holye lawe and fayth vnto our sauiour Iesus Chryst and the Promyses of Mercye made in hym and obedyence vnto all that GOD commaūdeth to obey Nether teach we so much as to resyst your most cruell tyranny with bodelye violence saue with Goddes worde onely intendinge nothyng but to dryue you out of the temple of Chryst the hartes consciences soules of men wherin with youre false heade ye syt ād to restore agayn Iesus oure sauioure vnto hys possessyon and inheritaunce bought wyth his bloude whēce ye haue Dryuen hym wyth youre Manyfold wyles and subtylti●s Take hede therfore wicked prelates blinde leaders of the blinde indurat● and obstinate hipocrites take hede For if the pharises for their resisting the holy ghost that is to saye persecutyng the open ād manyfest truth and slaing the preachers therof 〈◊〉 not the wrath and vengeaunce of god how shall ye escape which are farre worse then the pharysees for though the pharisees had shut vp the Scrypture set vp their owne professions yet they kepte theyr owne professions for the moost parte But ye wylbe the chefest in Christs flocke and ye will not kepe one iote of the right way of his doctrine Ye haue therto sett vp wonderfull professions to be more holy therby then ye thinke that Chrystes doctryne is able to make ●ou and yet kepe as lytle therof except it be ▪ with dispensations in so moch that if a mā axe you what your meruelous fasshyoned ▪ playing coates and youre other popystrye meane and what your disfigured Heades ▪ and al
forth a ꝓphecy of the olde testamēt for the sayde partie And ther with the aduersaries gaue ouer their hold and they cōcluded wyth one assent by the auctorytie of the scripture of the holy gost thou the heathen shuld not be circūcised and not by the commaundement of Peter vnder payne of cursing excommunycatyon interdytyng and lyke bogges to make foles and chyldren afrayed wyth all And Actes viij Peter was sent of the other apostles vnto the samaritanes which is an evident token that he had in iurisdiccion ouer them for then they coulde not haue sent hym But rather as the truth is that the congregacion had auctorytie ouer hym and ouer all other pryuate Parsons to admitte them for ministres and send thē forth to preach whether so euer the sprite of god moued them and as they sawe occasyon And in the Epystle vnto the Gallathians thou seist also howe Paule corrected Peter when he walked not the ryght waye after the truth of the Gospell Galla. ij So now thou seyst that in the kingdome of Chryst and in his churche or congregation and in his coūsels Scripture is the chefest of the apostles the ruler is the scripture approued thorowe the myracles of the holy gost and mē be seruaunts onely ▪ and Chryst is the heade and we all bretheren And when we call men oure heades that we do not because they be shorne or shauen or because of theyr names parson vicar bisshoppe pope But onely because of the worde which they preach If they erre frō the worde then may who soeuer God moueth his harte playe pauil ▪ and correct hī If he wyl not obeye the scripture then haue hys brethern aucthoritie by the scripture to put hym downe to sende hī out of Chrystes church amonge the heretikes which preferre their false doctryne aboue the true woorde of Chryst. ¶ How the gospell punissheth trespasers and how by the Gospell we ought to go to lawe with oure aduersaryes THough that they of Chrystes congregacion be all wyl●ing yet because that the moost part is always weake because also that the occasions of the world be euer many and greate in so muche that Chryst which wys●e all thing beforehande sayth Mathew xviij Wo be vnto the world by reason of occasions of Euell and saythe also that it can not be auoyded but that occasyons shall come therfore it can not be chosen but that many shal ouerfaule when a weake Brother hath trespassed by what law shal he be punisshed verely by the law of loue whose properties thou readest in the xiii of the first to the Corinthians If the loue of God which is my professiō be written in myne hart it wyll not let me hate my weake brother when he hath offended me ▪ no more then naturall loue wyll let a Mother hate her chyld when it trespasseth against her My weak brother hath offēded me he is fallē his weaknes hath ouertrowne hī it is not ryght by the lawe of loue that I shuld now faule vpō hī treade hī downe in the myre and destroy him vtterly but it is ryght by the law of loue that I runne to hym helpe him vp agayne ¶ By what ꝓcesse we shuld go to law with our trespacers christ teacheth vs Math. xviij Tell hī hys faute betwene hī the with all mekenesse remēbryng y● thou arte a man mayst fall also Yf ye repet thou loue hī ye shall sone agre thē forgeue hī And whē thou forgeuest thy neyghbour thē thou arte sure that god forgeueth the thy trespaces by his holy promysse Math. vi If he heare y● not thē take a neyghboure or two If he heare thē not thē tell the cōgregaciō wher thou art let the preacher pronoūce gods law agaīst hī let the sad discret mē rebuke hī exhort hī vnto repētaūce if he repēt y● also loue him accordyng to the professyon ye shall sone agre If he heare not the cōgregaciō then let him be taken as an hethē Yf he that is offēded be weake also thē let them that be strong ●o betwene helpe thē And in lyke maner if any sine agaīst the doctrine of Chryst the professiō of a christē mā so that he be a dronkard ā horekeper or whatsoeuer opē sinne he do or if he teach false learnīg then let such be rebuked opēly befor the cōgregaciō by the auctoritie of the scripture And if they repēt not let thē be put out of the cōgregaciō as he thē people if they thē be not a shamed ● we haue no remedye but paciently to abyde what god wil do to pray in the meane time the god wyll opē their hartes giue them repentaunce Other law then this Chrystes gospell knoweth not nor the officers therof It is manifest therfore that the kingdom of christ is a spirituall kingdom which no man cā mynyster well a tēporall kingdō to as it is sufficiently proued because y● no mā whiche putteth his hand to the plow loketh backe is apt for the kingdō of heauē as Chryst answered Luke ix vnto hī y● wold haue folowed hī but wolde first haue take leaue of his housholde If a man put hys hād to y● plow of gods word to preach it loke also vnto worldly busines his plow wyll surely go a wry And therfore sayth Christ vnto ā other y● wold likewise folow hī but desyred first to go ād bury his father Let the dead bury the deade but come thou ād shewe or preach that kingdom of god As who shuld say he y● wyll preache the kingdom of God which is Chrystes gospell truly must haue his harte no where else ¶ What officers y● apostles ordeyned ī christes church what their offices wer to do Wherfore the apostles folow●g obeīg the rule doctrine cōmaūdmēt of our sauiour Iesus Christ their master ordeyned in hys kyngdome ād congregaciō two officers One called after the greke worde byshop in english an ouersear which same was called preast after the greke elder in ēglysh because of his age discreciō sadnes for he was as nygh as coulde be all waye ā elderly man as thou seist both in the new olde testament also how the officers of the Iewes be called the Elders of the People because as thou mayst wel thynke they were ouer old men ▪ as nygh as could be For vnto age do men naturally obeye and vnto age doth god commaunde to geue honoure sayenge Levi. xix Ryse vp before the horehead and reuerence the face of the old mā And also experience of thynges and couldnesse without which it is hard to rule wel is more in age then in youth And thys ouersea● dyd put hys hādes vnto the plow of goddes worde and fed Chrystes flocke and tended them only without lokyng vnto any other busynesse in the worlde An other officer they chose and called hym Deacon after the greke amynystre in
because the prelates of the grekes wold not submitte them selues vnto his godheade as the prelates of these quarters of the world had ●one AFter Pipine raygned his sōne greate Charles whō we cal Charlemayne which knew non other God but the Pope nor any other waye to heauen then to do the Pope pleasure Pipine Charlemayne For the Pope ser●ed him for two purposses One to dispē●● wyth hym for what soeuer mischefe he did an other to be stablished in the Empyre by his helpe for without his fauour he wist it wold not be so greate a God was oure holye father become already in those dayes T is pope steuen in his latter daies fell at variaunce with Desiderius king of Lōbardye aboute the archbisshoppe of Ra●enna AFter Steuen succeded Adriā the firste with whom Desiderius the kīg of Lombardy wold fayne haue made peace but Pope Adrian wolde not Steuen Desiderius king of lombardy And shortly vpon that the brother of this Charlmayn which raygned wyth hym in halfe the dominion of Fraunce dyed whose wife for feare of charles fled with hir .ij sonnes vnto Desiderius king of Lōbardye for succoure Desiderius was gladd● of their comming trusting by the meanes of these two chylderen to obtaine fauour among many of the Frenchmen and so to be able to resyst charles if he wold medle ▪ and to brynge Italy vnto the ryght Em●perour againe and wold haue had that pope Adrian shuld haue annointed them kinges in their fathers roume But Adrian refused that to do for he sawe charles mygh●e and mete for hys purpose and was as wilye as Desyderius and thought to kepe oute the right Emperour be Emperour of Rome him self though he gaue an other the name for a ceason tyll a more cōuenient ●ime came Then Desiderius warred vpon the popes iurisdictiō And Adryan sent to Charles and Charles came with his armye and dra●e out desyderius and his sonne which sonne fled vnto the ryght Emperoure to Constantinople And Charles and the Pope dyuided the kingdome of Lombardy betwene them And Charles came to Rome And the Pope and he were sworne together that who soeuer shulde be ennemy vnto the one shuld be ennemy also vnto the other This Adrian gathered a counsell immediatly of an C. lii● bisshoppes abbottes and relygious parsones gaue vnto Charles and his successours the empyre of Rome and ordeyned that the ryght and powr to chose the pope ▪ shuld be hys ▪ and that no bysshop shuld be consecrate tyll he had obtayned of hym both consent and the ornamentes of a bysshop also whych they now ●ye of the pope vnder payne of cursing to be delyuered vnto black Sathan the deuell and losse of goodes Dist. lxiij And Leo the thyrde which succeded Adrian confyrmed the same crouned Charles Emperour of Rome for like seruice done vnto hym And then there was apointment made betwene the Emperours of cōstantinople and of Rome ād the places assigned how farre the borders of ether empyre shuld reach· And thus of one empyre was made twayne And therfore the empyre of cōstātinople for lacke of help was shortly after subdued of the Turkes The sayd Leo also called Charles the moost chrysten Kynge because of his good seruice which tytle the kynges of Fraūce vse vnto thys daye though many of them be neuer so vnchristened ▪ As the laste Leo called oure kinge the defender of the faith And as this Pope Clemens calleth the duke of Ge●der the eldest sōne of the holy 〈◊〉 of ROME for non other vertue nor propertye y● anye man can knowe saue that he hath b●ne all his lyfe a pickequarell and a cruell and vnryghtuous bloudeshedde●● as his father that sitteth in that holy se is So now aboue seuen hondred yeres to be a Christen kyng ●s to fyght for the Pope and most chr●sten that most fyghteth sl●●eth most men for his pleasure ●he lyfe of Charles This Charles was a great cōquerour that is to saye a great tiraunte and ouercame many nacyons with the swerde and as the Turke compelleth vnto his Fayth so he compelled them with violence vnto the fayth of Christ sayth the stories But alas Christ● fayth whervnto the holyghost only draweth mennes hartes thorowe preaching the worde of truth and holy lyuynge according therto he knew not but vnto the pope he subdued them ād vnto this supersticious ydolatry which we vse clene cōtrary vnto the scripture Practyse Moreouer at the request and great desyre of his mother he maryed the doughter of Desyderius kyng of Lombardy but after one yere vnto the great dyspleasure of his mother he put her a waye againe but not without the false subtiltye of the pope thou mayest be sure nether with out his dispensacion For how could Charles haue made warre for the Popes pleasure with Desiderius hir father and haue thruste him out of his kingdome and banysshed hys Sonne for euer deuydinge his kingdom betwene him and the pope as long as she had bene his wyfe And therfore the pope with his auctorit● of byndynge and lousinge lowsed the bōdes of that matrimony as he hath many other sens and dayly doth for lyke purposses to the intent that he wold with the swerde of the french kyng put the Kyngdome of Lombardye that was somwhat to nye him ● out of the way by the reasō of whose kynges hys fatherhode coulde not raygne alone nor assygne or sel the Bysshoprykes of Italy to whome he lusted ād at his pleasure He kept also .iiij. concubines and laye with two of his owne doughters therto And though he wist howe that it was not vnknowne yet his lustes being greater thē great Charles he wold not wete nor yet refrayne And beyonde all that the sayinge 〈◊〉 y● in hys olde age a whore had so bewitched him with a ryng a pearle in it ād I wote not what ymagerye grauen therin that he went asaute after her as a Dogge after a bytch and the do●ehed was beside hymself and hole out of hys Mynde in somuche that whē the whore was dead he could not departe from the Deade Corps but caused it to be Enbaulmed and to be Caryed wyth hym whether so euer he Wente so that all the worlde wondered at him tyll at the last hys lordes accombred wyth caryenge her from place to place and asshamed that so olde a Man so greate an Emperoure and such a most chrysten kynge on whō whose dedes euery Mannes eyes were sette shuld dote on a dead hore toke coūsel what shuld be the cause And it was concluded that it muste neades be by enchauntement Then they wente vnto the cophyne opened it and sought and founde thys rynge on her finger which one of the lordes toke of and put it on his owne fynger When the ringe was of he commaunded to burye her regarding her no longer Neuertheles he caste a phantasye vnto thys Lorde and beganne to dote as faste on hym so that he might
bysshops of England at their nede cā wryte vnto the bysshops of Ireland scotland denmarke douchland fraunce and spayne promysīg them as good a turne an other tyme puttyng them in remembraunce that they be all one holy churche that the cause of the one is the cause of the other sayenge if our ●ugglyng breake out yours can not be longe hyd And the other shall serue their turne ād bring the game vnto their handes no man shall know how it cometh about As sone as king Richard was gone to Ireland to subdue these rebellyous the bysshope cam in agayn and preuented the kinge and toke vp his power against him and toke him prisoner and put him downe ād to death most cruelly and crouned the earle of darby kīg O mercyfull Christ what bloud hath that coronacion cost England But what care they Their causes muste be auenged He is not worthy to be kynge that wyll not auenge their quarels· For do not the kynges receaue their kyngdome of the beast and sweare to worshyp hym and maynteine hys throne And then when the erle of Darbye whych is kyng Henry the fourth was crouned the prelates toke hys swerde and hys sonnes Henry the fifth after hym as all the kinges swerdes syns and abused them to shed christē bloude at their pleasur And they coupled their cause vnto the kynges cause as now made it treasō to beleue in Christ as the scriptur teacheth to resyst the bisshopes as now and thruste thē in the kynges prysons as now so that it is no new inuēcion that they now do but euen an old practyse though they haue done their busy cure to hyde theyr science that their conueyaunce shuld not be espyed And in kyng henrye the .vj. dayes how raged they as fierce lions agaīst good duke Humfre of Gloceter the kynges vncle and protectour of the realme in the kings youth and childehod Duke Umfre because that for him they myght not slea whom they wold and make what cheuysaunce they lusted Wold not the bysshop of Wynchester haue fallen vppon him and oppressed hym openly with myght and power in the Citie of London had not the cityzens come to hys helpe But at the last they found the meanes to contryue a dryft to bryng their matters to passe and made a parlament farre from the cityzens of London where was slayne the good duke and only welth of the royalme and the myghty shylde that so longe before had kept it from sorow which shortly after his death sell theron by heapes But the cronicles can not tell wherfore he dyed nor by what meanes No meruell verely For he had nede of other eyes then such as the world seeth with all that shud spye out theyr priuye pathes Neuerthelesse the cronycles testifye that he was a vertuous man a godly and good to the comen welth Moreouer the Protectour of Purgatorie sayth in hys Dialoge quod I ād quod he and quod youre frende how that he was a noble man and a great clerke and so wyse that he coulde spye falce myracles and dysclose them and Iudge them from the true whych is an hatefull science vnto our spyrytualtye and moare abhorred them necromancie or wytchcrafte and a thynge wherfore a man by their lawe I dare well saye is worthy to dye and that secretly yf it be possible Now to be good to the comen welth and to se false miracles and thirdely to wit●stande that Fraunce then brought vnder the fete of the Inglyshmen shuld not be set vp agayn by whose power the pope holdeth doune the Emperour reygneth in his stead becauses why he myght dye though by what meanes be not knowen For to be good to the comen wealth is to be hurtefull to the spiritualtye thre causes seing the one is the others pray as the lambe is the wolues Secondaryly if a man be so cleare eyed that he can spye false myracles howe can iugglers gette theyr lyuinge and be in price where such a fellow is Thyrdlye to kepe doune the kīgdō of fraūce is to pul S Peters vicar out of his seate Now if the great baude y● whore of babylon were destroied then wold the bordel and stues of our prelates shortly perish Yf Abadon that destroyer king of the grassehoppers which deuoure all that is greane were destroyed then were the kingdom of our caterpyllers at an ende ¶ By what craft the pope kepeth the Emperour doune Marke an other practise of our most holy prelates When the empyre was translated vnto the germaynes though the emperour was fallen doune and had kyssed the Popes fete and was become his sworne seruaūt yet there was much strife and open warre oftimes betwene the popes and the emperours And the popes haue put doune many good Emperours by helpe of the Bisshopes which euery where secretly persuaded the lordes to forsake the emperou●s to take dispensaciōs of the pope for their othes And cōtrary wyse the emperours haue now and then deposed dyuerse popes at request of the Cardinalles other great prelates by whose helpe onely they were able to do it For els verely though al Kynges christened had sworne to depose one Pope out of his seat if they had not y● fauour of other prelates therto they might haply by the secret practise of them to be put out of their own seates in the meane tyme. The pope therfore to be sure of him self out of the feare daūger of the emperour were he neuer so mighty that the emperour shuld not se his dayly open pastimes made frendship and amytye with the Uenecian● on the one syde of him and let them com in to certayne cyties of the Emperours in Italy and with the French king on the other syde and late him also vp into certayne Cytyes and possessyons of the Emperoures and he himselfe in the middes And shotte out the Emperoure frō cōminge any more to Rome and euer sent him his coronacion home to hym No mā rebuk the pope And then he made a lawe that no man shuld rebuke the Pope for what so euer myschefe he dyd sayeng that the Pope was aboue al and iudge ouer all and none ouer him and therfore forbade in his law Distinctio .xl. Si Papa sayenge though the pope be proued negligent aboute him self ād also the soule helth of his brethern and slacke in his worke and speachlesse as concernynge anye good and drawe with him by his ensample inumerable people to hell to be punished with him with diuerse tormētes euerlastingly yet se that no mortal mā presume once to rebuke his fautes here For he shall iudge all men and no man him O antichryst Is he not ātichrist that wyll not haue his lyfe tryed by Gods worde ●enecians Yf the Uenecians catch any of our holy fathers townes or possessions whether by warre or that they haue bought it or that it be layde to morgage vnto them or that the olde Pope hath geuen it with the
sent him into fraunce When they had sent out the kyng he cōquered more then was theyr will and more then they supposed possible for hym in so shorte space and brought fraunce cleane vnder fete so that oure prelates had much secrete busynes to set it vp agayn but what is impossyble vnto so great Gods In kynge Henryes dayes the .vi. oure holy father of Rome made the bysshop of Wynchester a cardynall Hēry the .vi which went shortly after into fraunce to treate of a truce betwene Ingland fraunce And him mette a legate of Rome a cardinall also after which meating Inglyshmen had euer the worse in fraunce and theyr chefest fryende the duke of Burgayne forsoke them For whē cardinalles bysshops mete together they haue their secrete counsell by them selues wherin they conclude neyther what is good for Inglande nor yet for fraunce but what is best for our holy fathers proffytt to kepe him in hys state When kynge Henry was of age there was a maryage made betwene hym and the earle of Arminackes doughter in Giā with the which shuld haue bene geuen manye castels and townes in Gian and a greate sōme of money therto But the maryage was broken not without the secret workyng of oure prelates and dyspensation of our holye father thou mayest be sure And a mariage was made betwene hym and the kinges doughter of Cecyle for which Ingland gaue vp the whole dukedom of Gyan and Earledom of Mayme wherby we lost all Normandye wherof they were the kaye And besyde y● the cōmunes gaue a xv an half to ●ette her in wyth pompe And then was the good duke of Glocetter traytourously murthered partely because he could iudge false myracles partely because of the delyueraūce of these two contreys For he being a lyue they durst not do it And when kyng Edward had put doune kyng Henry● a mariage was made and cōcluded betwene hym the kynge of spaiue this quenes mother y● nowe is But yer the Ambassadours were come home oure Prelates had be witched kynge Edwarde by theyr apostle Fryer bongay and maried him vnto a wyddowe that was a knyghts wyfe lest yf spayne and Ingland had bene wyned together kynge Edward shuld haue recouured fraunce agayn But what followed after the breakīg of that mariage betwene kynge Edward the earle of warwick ād what came of his chyldren ye ād what came on king Hēry of windsores children also But what care our prelates what v●geaunce or mischefe fa●●e on princes or on theyr royalmes so theyr kyngdome prospere In Kynge Henryes dayes the .vij. the cardinall Murton bysshop ●ox of winchester delyuered vnto the kinges grace the confessions of as many lordes as hys grace lusted Who soeuer was mistrusted it he shroue hym self at the chart●rhouses sy●n Grenewich at sainct Iho●s Cōfession or where soeuer it wa● the confessour was comaunded by the aucthorite of the pope to delyuer his confession wrytē sworne that it was al. And cardinal Murton had a lyc●nce of the pope for fourtyne to study nycromancy● of whych he him selfe was one and other I haue heard named whiche at thys tyme I passe ouer with scilence And how the holy fryers obseruauntes caryed feyned letters to trye who was true I passe ouer with silence also How beit such temptacions and fained profers were ynough to mo●e them that neuer wold haue thought amysse yea and in confession men wyll shryue them s●lues of thoughtes which they neuer went about in the outwarde dead Whē any great mā is put to death how his cōfessour entreateth him what penaunce is enioyned him concerninge what he shall say when he comēth vnto the place of executiō I coud gesse at a practise that might make mens eares glowe And did not the subtil counsell of the sayde two prelates fayne the sege of Bolen to make a pretence to gather in a fiftene whē there was no more warre betwene the king of Fraunce and of Englond then is betwene a mans head that hath lust to slepe his pilow Which sege yet cost many a mā their lyues yea some great men therto which knew not of that faining The kinges grace went ouer with a ten thousād men to cōquere all Fraunce and spent haply an hūdred thousand pound of which he saued the fourth part in the dādyprattes and gathered at home .v. or .vi. hūdred or more And two other such fayned viages could I happly reherse which I passe ouer for diuerse causes where many an Englishe man lost his lyfe But what care they for mens lyues And did not our cardinall with like polycy thīcke ye to gather y● which he thoght wolde not well be payed excepte the commens sawe som● cause brīg a great multitude of scottes vnto the english pale eth●● by some bysshopes of Scotlande or by some great man whom he corrupted with some yerelye pencion agaynst which the po●re northen mē must goo on their owne cos● to kepe them out And generall processyon was commaūded at London thryse in the weke and thorow out all the lande while ● Kynges receauers gathered the taxe of the comen people Which plage and such like after the thretning of god Leui. xxvi Deute xxviij ād .xxix. I am sure wyll faule on all christendome without cease vntyll they ether defye the name of chryst with the turckes or if they wylbe called christen they turne and loke on his doctrine Yea and what fayned the cardinall at the great loue to begyle his owne pryestes to make thē swere what they were wroth and the better wyllyng to paye for the comen priestes be not so obedient vnto theyr ordinaryes that they wyl pay money excepte they know why Now it is not expedyēt that euery rascall shulde know the secretes of the very true cause for many cōsyderacyons And therfore ā other pretence must be made ād an other cause alleaged And therfore the priestes were charged by theyr ordynaryes to appeare before the gentelm●● of the court and t●mporal officers swea●e what euery mā was worth Now the pryestes had ●euer be slayne and dye marters after the ēsample of sainct Thomas of Caūterbur● then to sweare before a laye iudge for they thinke it greater synne then to slea their owne fathers and that then the lyberties of the church were clean lost and they no better then the vyle lay peple And whē they were in that perplexitie that they muste eyther sweare or runne into the kyngs daūger lose theyr goddes I wold say theyr goodes then my lorde cardenall sent downe hys graciouse powr y● they shuld swear● vnto theyr ordinaryes onely And then the pryests for ioye that they were ryd out of y● laye mennes handes were so glad and ioyous that they wyste not what thankes to geue my lorde cardinall and so were obedyent to sweare and to lende or els for all the curses that my lord Cardinall hath and the Pope to they wold neither haue