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A11511 The free schoole of vvarre, or, A treatise, vvhether it be lawfull to beare armes for the seruice of a prince that is of a diuers religion; Quaestio quodlibetica. English Sarpi, Paolo, 1552-1623.; Bedell, William, 1571-1642.; Brent, Nathaniel, Sir, 1573?-1652. 1625 (1625) STC 21758; ESTC S116734 27,201 78

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bee not vnited vnder the obedience of the Church of Rome yet are they Christians and not Idolaters or Infidels And the Maxime which the flaterrers of the Court of Rome doe endeauor to sow the propagate That Heretickes be worse than Idolaters is finely accommodated to the temporall and worldly interests of the Ecclesiastickes but no way conformable to the sacred Scriptures nor to the Doctrine of the antient holy Fathers And my Soule trembleth within mee to thinke that hee should bee held more tollerable and lesse abhominable That calleth Christ a seducer and a false Prophet than he that inuocates him as God and is baptised in his holy name and receiues his Sacraments and confesseth that it is the onely Name vnder Heauen by which mankinde may be saued And if in some antient Writers any passage shall bee found that may seeme to fauour those opinions it was because such Heretickes denied the Diuinitie of Christ and thereby laboured to ouerthrow the very foundation of Christianitie by reason whereof they were rather a Sect of Infidels than Heretickes But it cannot be vnderstood of these who confesse him to bee God and by this confession acknowledge the ground of our saluation yet to take away this cauill too see here examples in the particular of Heretickes and Infidels together Vnder the Romane Empire in the time that the Princes professed the Christian and Catholicke Romane Faith Histories both Ecclesiasticall and others do swell with examples of the greatest and deuoutest Emperours that haue made leagues and held amitie with Infidell Princes and Hereticall also It is most certaine that Constantine who so well deserued of the Catholicke Church did for the defence of the Empire make Conuentions with Tartars and Vandals who were Idolaters with Heretickes hee could not because as then they had no territory and bestowed places on them to dwell in amongst the Prouinces of the Romane Empire And in those times it is well knowne how aboundantly the Church flourished with holy men zealous of the purenesse of Religion and yet you shall not finde that any of them did euer reprehend or teach that it was not lawfull to make such confederacies the which doth inuincibly argue the approbation of all the holy Catholicke Church Afterwards Valentinian was created Emperor who was not only a Catholicke but also an exceeding fauourer of the Church and of the Bishops and Prelates of the same At the same time was his brother Valens Emperor in the Eastern parts who was an Arian hereticke and persecuted Catholicks yet was there euer vnion confidence confederacie betweene these two brethren the one an Hereticke and the other a Catholike for the common defence and offence of the enemies of the Empire The Emperours Theodosius Arcadius Honorius and Valentinian made many Conuentions with Gothes Alans Gepides Vandals and French part of which were Infidels and part Heretickes and yet there was none so hardy to reprehend those leagues as a thing vnlawfull although there then liued those great Fathers and zealous Doctors the Luminaries of the Holy Church who out of their zeale to truth feared not to reprooue euen Emperours to their faces and to tell Empresses of their faults and defects There liued in those dayes Ambrose Ierome Austine Chrysostome Leo and other most renowned Bishops of Rome Patriarckes Archbishops Bishops and Chiefetaines of the holy Church whose workes and writings remaine with vs and it can neuer bee found that they reprehended these Confederations And therefore of necessitie wee must confesse that their silence in this Case when the other errours of the Emperors were exagitated by them with infinite zeale doth demonstrate herein the consent of the whole Catholicke Church After the death of the aboue named Emperours the Kingdome of the Gothes began to take roote in Italy and continued a long time These were Christians but Arians who were the most pernicious Sect of Heretickes that euer infested the Church for they fought against the very person of Christ whose Diuinitie they denied and shooke the Article on which as on a ground-worke Christian Religion is built and that is the Article of the Blessed Trinitie notwithstanding which the Emperours of Constantinople who were Catholickes were for the most part in peace and league with them and the Popes themselues were their subiects and yeelded them obedience Yea one of the Popes was sent in Embassage by them about affaires of State and yet he made no refusall of such imployment and it cannot be proued that any Writers or Holy men of those times did blame those Catholicke Princes for that they held friendship with kings that were hereticall and infected with such monstrous falshoods This labour would be endlesse to particularise in all the examples which might be alleaged in this argument After that the power of a Temporall Prince was in the persons of the Popes of Rome ioyned in Jtaly to the Pontificall Dignitie in which time they haue framed so many Lawes as in the Decretals in the sixt and in the Clementines and Extrauagants are comprehended that there is not a matter of State in which by extension of their authoritie they haue not opinated and decreed yet doe wee not want examples of the like Confederations as may easiely bee seene in the Histories of those times George Podibras was an Hussite Hereticke and so held by the Church of Rome and for that cause he was pursued by Pius the second with Censures This example is obseruable because it will so flatly shew that there were treaties and leagues then handled notwithstanding the matter of Religion Now in the yeare 1463 the Emperour Fredericke the third being inuested with a dangerous siege in Vienna called him to his succour and made conuentions with him of mutuall assistance and these were approoued by the Pope himselfe who hereupon left to prosecute him with Censures And Iulius the second in the yeare 1510 seeing himselfe in danger at Bologna by the vicinitie of the French armie receiued into the citie to his ayde Chiappino Vitellio with sixe hundred light horse a squadron of Turks whom hee much entrusted with his person And in the yeare 1558 Paul the fourth did hire and pay many Protestant Grisons who euen in Rome it selfe performed diuerse actions contrary to the Catholicke Religion and all was told the Pope who auouched openly that they were Angels of God sent for his defence and that to preserue a mans selfe it was lawfull to vse the seruice of all sorts of persons And hee gaue an authenticke document hereof when the third of September in the yeare 1557 hee spake these expresse words to some that quipped him for this It would haue beene lawfull and laudable too to call in Turkes Moores and Jewes for our defence And it is a matter without doubt that hee did indeede actually treate with the Turke To this day the House of Austria hath amitie and league with the Protestant Princes of Saxony and others and giues and takes ayde from them
did inuite them The same is obserued to haue continued all the while that the Iewes did dwell amongst the Gentiles and in the cities of Idolaters as serued best for their ease and purpose And this remained constant and vninterrupted vntill the comming of our Lord into the World in which tim it apapereth by the Scripture of the New Testament That the true Beleeuers which then were the Hebrewes were dispersed and scattered in the Countries of Asia Affricke Europe and dwelt in Rome it selfe And in those dayes there was amongst the Iewes a Sect called in the Gospell The Heresie of the Saduces who denied that there were any spirituall Creatures or Angells or Soules or Resurrection of the dead and yet they dwelt with the rest and they with them neither did any then euer pretend to reprooue this libertie or to prohibit men from going or abiding where they themselues best liked And after the publication of the Holy Gospell the same libertie remained in all ages neither shall you find that euer any did pretend to the contrarie vntill Clement the eight And yet there were in the Church so many Sects Diuisions and Heresies of that power as that they filled whole Cities Countries Kingdomes and Empires Witnesse the Arians in particular who seemed to haue taken possession of the whole Earth in so much as Jerome with great bitternesse sayd of them That the World was amased to finde it selfe turned Arian And these with the Princes of this Sect held the Easterne Empire Affricke and a great part of Italy and yet it will not bee proued that euer it was endeauoured that the libertie of Catholicks should bee taken from them so that they might not trauell abide inhabit or traffike where it should seeme best vnto them And if there appeared danger to any particular man to him in particular did they apply admonitions and persuasions by their friends and ghostly Fathers but neuer durst they forme a generall Command for the people of a whole Nation and of this there can be no example alleadged But you will finde the Apostolicall Doctrine of Saint Paul to the contrarie that if of two ioyned together the one shall be a Beleeuer and the other an Infidell and this shall consent to liue with the Beleeuer let the Beleeuer liue with him and not abandon him And thereupon the Canonists haue framed a Rule with this exception onely That the seperation is commanded then meerely when they cannot Cohabit without iniurie vnto the Creator And this Rule will by reason of this restriction so much the more serue for our purpose The Cannons of seperating a mans selfe from hereticall or excommunicate persons doe likewise make for our Case because it is one thing to abstaine from the conuersation of a particular person that is censured by the Church and another thing not to remaine in a Countrey that is diuerse in Faith from vs for so that which is done against an Hereticke in fauour of Religion might be turned to the disfauour and disaduantage of the libertie of a Beleeuer and a Catholicke concerning whom none will say that he cannot so dwell without an iniury done to the Creator For otherwise all the Catholickes of England Jreland and Scotland and of other Kingdomes too should bee bound to auoid their Countries And therefore to goe to stay to inhabite to trafficke and to serue in war are all ciuile actions and not spirituall And if any could or ought to frame commaundements on them it is an office that belongs to Secular Princes vnto which the Ecclesiastickes can make no pretension vnlesse they will arbitrarily vsurpe vpon others authority without Law or Scripture nay rather against all Law and Scripture But in the meane time all the other countries of Christendome doe enioy this freedome so that neither Pope nor Prelate forbids the Spaniards French Germanes nor Polackes that are Catholicke to goe and abide where they will what reason then is there that onely Jtalians should finde worse Conditions and that this bondage should bee imposed on them alone Either this matter concernes Saluation or no if it doe not why then should the Ecclesiasticks thrust their sickle into other mens corne If it concerne Saluation in this neither the Scriptures nor holy Apostles euer knew distinction of Nations or people Neither would they now giue authoritie vnto any Ecclesiasticke to make decrees in the like matter although in some sort it might bee thought expedient and conducing to saluation For the Canonists themselues who giue power to the Prelate indirectly in temporall things haue not yet dared to passe further except as the power in Temporals concerneth saluation out of necessitie onely and not out of congruitie or for bettering the state of Saluation For otherwise Ecclesiasticks might in all things command absolutely as it may bee they might thinke it profitable for the saluation of many persons that some should build Churches others should giue all they haue vnto the poore that some should not marry that others should bee clad rather after one fashion than another that some should leaue marchandising that a Prince should renounce his Kingdome and turne priuate man that others should lay aside the art which they professe And by this meanes would they become the absolute Masters of all wealth and of all States and which is more of the very thoughts But if the indirect cannot bee meant vnlesse it bee for the necessitie of the Spirituall it will lye on him who pretends to giue such commands to shew how this restraint of the Italian Nation onely is necessary to saluation and not of others too and why Italians alone cannot attaine to their saluation if they dwell in such like Countries and if it really bee an impediment to saluation how may it bee taken away by a peece of paper that containes the Licence which they are to carry with them Besides if Superiors doe send Priests into the Protestant Countries that vnder other shewes they may administer the Sacraments vnto such as albeit they liue vnder Protestant Princes are notwithstanding in Religion Catholicks doe they not thereby conceiue and approue that saluation may there bee had without abandoning those Countries If so then may Italians obtaine the like and that with lesse impediment because they beeing strangers may lawfully make publike profession in the Houses of Embassadors of the exercise of Catholicke Religion so that the Priest cannot hereupon constraine them to depart from thence although hee should iudge it to be more commodious for them to liue in Italy Therefore as it hath beene shewed necessitie only doth grant vnto them indirect authority in Temporals euen by the opinion of the Canonists otherwise if it should bee iudged better for Catholick Religion That the Pope should in Temporals bee inuested with the Kingdomes of France Spaine and Germany they might ordaine that those Countries should by the renunciation of the possident Princes be deliuered vp vnto him And wee see that our Blessed
the pay of the most renowned Republicke of Venice And in all that time there came souldiers from all the Countries of Catholicks and from Italy it selfe to those warres indifferently to what side they pleased and yet the Ecclesiasticke neuer had the boldnesse to oppose Whence we may drawe the common meaning of the whole Church and of all Christendome which conuinceth this noueltie of iniustice of vsurpation and of desire to fauour one faction against another vnder the shew of Religion a matter scandalous of pernicious example and iudged to be tyrannicall And the Reason of State beeing as it is so sacred and lawfull and supreame in humane actions yea in nature diuine and beeing recommended to the Soueraigne onely who sitteth in the seate of Maiestie me thinkes the Ecclesiasticke should totally abandon that vaine and ridiculus pretension That the saftie and defence of Nations ought to be regulated by the decrees of the Cannon Law which is as much below this supreame reason as the humane is inferiour to the diuine and the Positiue to the naturall and let him consider that God hath together with the Maiestie giuen vnto the Soueraigne alone the authority to make peace warre leagues and allyances as hee shall conceiue it necessary and conuenient neither can any but hee know the circumstances of opportunities and needes as nothing can gouerne and actuate the body but that Soule which God and Nature hath giuen it And that the iniquitie of this attempt may the more manifestly appeare letting moderne matters alone we are to know that Sextus Quintus being cleerely satisfied of the ends of the Spaniards That they aspired to oppresse all Potentates vnder colour of making themselues Protectors of the Catholicke Religion against Heretickes did with great efficacie stirre vp the Crowne of France to defend the States of Holland and the same apprehensions had Clement the eight and Paul the fift although it were late ere they came vnto it And that the falsity of this new-stampt Doctrine may the more perspicuously bee discouered which by these indirect wayes striueth to introduce a prescription That it is not lawful for Catholike souldiers to fight for Protestants that so they may by oblique insinuation arriue vnto their designe to make it vnlawfull for Catholicke Princes to make leagues or send succours vnto them excluding vnder the cloake of Religion all fundamentals of good Gouernement of ones owne defence and of the necessitie of mens peculiar preseruation a deduction hereof may be drawne through all times of which any memory in sacred or profane Histories doth remaine But I will alleage some few instances of the choicest and most remarkable places The first example and it will be the more singular because it is set downe in Diuine Writ is that of the great Patriarch who by Saint Paul is stiled the Father of the Faithfull whose actions none dare bee so hardy as to blame or to esteeme them such as are not propounded for examples to bee imitated Of Abraham then the holy Scripture doth declare That when his brother Lot had beene made prisoner by certain Assirian Kings who had waged warre against him Abraham not hauing force sufficient of himselfe made a league with Ascol and Annor Jdolatrous Princes setled the articles of Confederation with them and hauing ioyned his forces with theirs he began the war recouered his brother and got the victory Behold a league made by an holy Patriarke with Princes not onely of a diuerse Religion but also Infidels and Idolaters Next followes another example of a King after Gods owne heart and a Prophet that according to the flesh was one of Christs ancestors Dauid in the persecutions which King Saul raised vp against him fled with all his Company consisting of six hundred souldiers ouer whom hee was chiefe and put himselfe into the pay of King Achis made a league with him receiued from him places to dwell in and it is certaine that hee vndertooke to serue him in the warre against the Faithfull themselues For there being warre proclaimed betweene King Achis an Idolater and Saul that was King of Gods owne people Dauid would faine haue beene at those warres but the King would not permit him because hee and his had his fidelitie in suspition and feared least when they should ioyne battell he might turne his banner and reuolt And hereupon Dauid tooke it heauily that hee was not admitted to this warre as one that held himselfe wronged in honour to be had in diffidence So that it is sure that hee was prepared to haue fought in fauour of Infidels against the worshippers of the true God and professors of true Religion And who so shall consider the person of Dauid so mightie a King so great a Prophet so holy a Saint hee will bee easily conuinced in this point that it hath bin and is lawfull for other Princes to doe that of which in the Sacred Scripture there is found so illustrous an example That a Captaine with all his Companies of Beleeuers did serue an Idolatrous King in the warre against those of his owne Faith that is those of the false against those of the true Religion It is likewise cleere that the same Dauid after he attained to the Crowne entred into league and established a Confederation with Naas King of the Ammonites and with Hiram King of Tyre neither can it bee alleaged that this was done in time of extreame necessity because those leagues with the foresayd Infidels and Idolatrous Princes were stipulated after that Dauid did peaceably enioy the kingdome of Israell And Salomon his sonne and successor in the Kingdom ioyned in league with the King of Egypt with whom also he made allyance and married his daughter And Assa King of Jerusalem of whom the Scripture beareth witnesse That he had his heart vpright towards God like Dauid called in to his succour Benadas the King of Damasco against Baasha King of Israell which was to confederate himselfe with an vnbeleeuing King against one that was of the same Religion with him In the times which were neerer to the birth of our Redeemer wee haue the example of the Maccabees who made a defensiue league with the Romanes and the very Conuentions betweene them are cleerely to bee seene in Holy writ that whensoeuer warre should be made against either of them they should interchangeably send succours one to another of victuals munition ships money and souldiers according to their power and as the condition of the times would permit them And the same Maccabees made a confederacie also with the Spartan Republicke who then swayed all Morea often renewing and from time to time reconfirming the same By which examples of holy Scripture it resteth firme That beleeuing Princes may confederate themselues giue and receiue ayde if their proper preseruation shall require it from Princes that are Infidels And the example will serue this present Case of ours as drawne from the greater vnto the lesse For albeit the States of Holland